#I mean destroyer
vnearthly · 1 year
touchstarved devs holding my Kuras genshin hangout hostage oh please let me see my angel
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lady-murderess · 1 year
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My Guardians of the Galaxy...
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skadream · 4 months
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finally cropped and cut the sleeves off this lol
shirt by @grlofswords ofc ^_^
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piromina · 6 hours
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we open up like this. pretty ominous words ... and you wonder which one is the demon and which is the god. burning spice and golden cheese seem to be very similar, possibly the most parallels that one could draw from the ancients and their respective beasts.
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And then we get this shot. Obviously it's showing the soul jam, but there are also some things behind it. One resembles a snake ... APOPHIS ANYONE? this has THE most Egyptian mythology symbolism ever. if golden cheese represents ra, which makes one hundred percent sense considering her kingdom and wealth and radiance and all that, and the fact that she resembles a falcon, then the snake on this wall HAS to represent apophis. it can't not. heck, in some versions of the story apophis was A FORMER SUN GOD. like crk def knows what they're doing.
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there's also this tiger character ... nutmeg tiger I'm pretty sure? something like that. they seem to be under the influence of burning spice, as well as all the creatures around them. they seem to be at a higher "position" than all these other guys, though. maybe a willing host?
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and there is this. this is really interesting. the fact that Golden Cheese is the one to say this is very intriguing. as far as we knew, the ancients had no knowledge that the beasts even existed until pure vanilla's trip. he wrote the letter to dark cacao, and it was all "you won't believe this - but the place called BEAST-yeast has BEASTS in it!!!" and dark cacao was equally surprised. they didn't know. they thought they were the first ever wielders of the soul jam. but golden cheese ... seems to know a bit more than she lets on to the rest of the group. and a bit more than us. what the heck is the spice swarm?
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also, the return (and release) of smoked cheese!! man I missed this guy. he seems to be working with golden cheese in this shot, but then what was his little deal at the end of the first teaser about? it does make sense, though, that he would try to at least be against burning spice - his entire goal is to get the soul jam because he thinks the current wielders aren't worthy - but to me it seems like he might have his own third side in this battle. he'll probably convince both sides he's working with them, knowing this dude. he wants the power of abundance and destruction, a second half he knew nothing about, the ability to make a change in the kingdoms and the lives of everyone in them.
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and these two images are probably the most interesting of them all. they seem to be part of some sort of ancient papyrus or prophecy or something like that. golden cheese is yelling about the "great destroyer." could it be possible he was some sort of legend in their kingdom, a prophecy just waiting to unfold? could golden cheese have known about this threat since the beginning? could the beasts' corruption have been inevitable from the start, written in the stars ... and could the witches have known about it?
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afterartist · 1 year
Somehow my animation making skills are getting worse
The quality sucks for this one cause CapCut decided I should have to pay to use it so instead I re-enacted the ‘would you steal a car ad’ but the answer is yes and the car is screen recording the animation
As always, here are a few of the frames from the animation
Feel free to use them however u want btw, I keep getting people asking me that, go for it (as long as u don’t claim it as yours I don’t care lol)
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Anyway, I’m going back to disappearing for half a year
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harbingersecho · 9 months
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Marrassurma, God of Death (and Dreams) from The Abyssal
bonus Sol bc the hand kiss scene is cute
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paingoes · 7 days
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gagged….. i love this paris read. when u walk into the “being a total cunt” competition and u see ur opponent is paris of thales.
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Showing my favourite variants of Bradenny/Kennadley because no I’m not fucking normal about them
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Tbh, I kinda didn’t expected to like a rairpair that much ngl
I just decided to show only the ones that I like the most😇
(Don’t ask me why I putted Mysterry crunch and Princess crunch two times-)
So that are the only ones that I love sooooo much… I might do a part two of it bcs oh god I love this ship too much
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uwo-kun · 13 days
every time someone tags my kabu stuff as kuni/kunikuzushi i shrivel up a little
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mayasaura · 2 years
I don't have the book at hand to quote, but what struck me when I was reading it was John going desperately from how he had to make them his hands and fingers!! to keep them!! he IMMEDIATELY segues into how he's so sad he had to feed the revenant beasts his fingers to keep them away :( it was so awful that they made him do that :( like he makes them possessions then having objectified them he justifies having to destroy his Things to keep himself safe. which I think is where he and Harrow are going to diverge. (noting that they've already taken very different tactics as far as the order of what gets kept safe)
It's the very next line! This quote picks up exactly where the last one left off:
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That's definitely a legit way to read this passage, though it's not the way I prefer to. I mean. Hypocrisy found in God, fork found in kitchen. Come on. But yeah, that's an undeniably fucked up trajectory.
More seriously, I see John's chapters of Nona the Ninth as a confession, rather than as a justification. It's not meant to be coherent or consistant, just emotionally honest. He's expressing how he felt in the moments he made his decisions and asking to be understood, but he's not asking to be affirmed, or forgiven. "Just as there can be no forgiveness for me," and all.
The way in which his story does make sense—the way he's choosing to frame it—is fascinating for what it shows about John and what he's so deeply afraid of, in his heart of hearts. He loved them, and he sacrificed them, and then he sacrificed them again, but at least they didn't leave him.
And yet even in his confession there are still levels on which he seems to sincerely not understand what he's done wrong—mostly surrounding the autonomy and personhood of other people. Like you said, he objectifies people. He loves them as extensions of himself, because that is the only thing he understands as being real. He has no peers, as he is God. His closest friends are his fists and gestures, the fingers on his hand. As necessary to him as a limb, and losing them cripples him, but he doesn't understand them as people in their own right at all. And that lack of respect and understanding leads to him treating them horrifically.
It's kind of sad, in a way. Not to jump tracks completely, but the way John loves reminds me of this quote from episode 55 of Welcome to Night Vale:
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It's presented in the context of a romantic couple, but it works more broadly. lt seems like the only way John knows how to love is by subsuming what he loves into himself, becoming one. Leaving him once again alone.
What's interesting is that he appears to know this about himself. Right in this quote, he directly compares himself to the Resurrection Beasts. Revenants that crack open worlds to eat their souls for sustenance, then pack the dead shells onto their exteriors to become part of themselves. As he sees it, the difference is that the Resurrection Beasts will eventually be satisfied. He won't be.
As for the parallels between John and Harrow, I don't think we need to look for where they're going to diverge. I think we can point to where they already have. And it's a fair comparison, to a time before John was God.
Look at John's reaction to his cult schisming, here:
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He loves his friends, but he doesn't trust them. Deep down, he believes their love is conditional. If he fucks up, if he's caught slipping, if he admits he's wrong, he'll lose them. He's terrified of anyone finding out he's flawed, of the ugly parts of him being known, because he's certain anyone who sees that part of him will leave. He's gone ten thousand years like that, compounding lies to make them stay.
Harrow has a similarly harsh expectation of herself, but she's already taken her leap of faith, and let the mask drop. She's told the people she loves exactly who and what she is, with the full expectation they would punish or abandon her for it. With the full expectation Gideon would kill her for it, in the pool scene. And Gideon embraced her. She confronted Ortus with her failings in the River, and Ortus comforted her, and still chose to stay and risk his life to save her.
The people who loved John would have done the same for him. Did do the same for him. They stayed through his breakdown, they stayed by his side until it killed them, but John could never let his guard down enough to trust that they would have done it just for him. He couldn't submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
This is all, of course, working with the basic premise that the way John treats people is horrific, and he did have all the opportunites in the world to stop. He could have taken that plunge any time in the ten thousand and thirty-something years he's been alive, if he'd been strong enough to accept the consequences or believed in the rewards. It was all so fucking avoidable, but here we are. My favorite kind of tragedy.
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exaltior-a · 11 months
I understand to a certain extent why you'd give Hal the mind aspect, like, yeah. But Hal is Dirk. He is also the prince of heart, always had been. I know it's easy to separate the two because Hal goes by a different name, but it's not like he ever stopped being Dirk, he just has a different name and slightly altered perception of himself to fit his circumstances.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 8 days
I think wight paranoid issues would of been the worst at the beginning, constantly thinking the others were gonna possibly stab him in the back besides maybe Kota (so mainly virion and ashe)
actually i have a lot of thoughts abt wight and his paranoia s im using this ask to talk about it
wight is, like you said, very paranoid that he is going to be betrayed. he doesnt trust easy and instantly see the worst in a person. yes, there are thins that are useful about them, but what if they turn that on you? virion is useful because he'll go off and stab someone without a second thought, and he'll follow wight because he's helping him, but what if he gets bored? what if he decides he'd be better off without wight? then that whole "stab first ask questions later" comes back to bite him in the ass.
he needs people to need him. virion wont betray him becaus he has no where else to go. so wight cant let him have anywhere else to go. he has to show virion, however subtly, that him and kota are the safest, most logical option to choose if virion wants to stay alive and free here.
he was the same with ashe and kota at first, needing to guarantee there was no way they could turn on him and leave him stranded and alone. he trusts kota the most because he has seen kotas blind loyalty to him, and has know him so long that he knows kota would never choose to hurt him.
hes also, once he trusts the others enough to not be worried about hem betraying him,paranoid of being caught. of being found. he will relish in the chaos and then dip at the first sightings of a hero. hes meticulous about making sure that there is no way to trace anything to the winters house, or even to william wisp.
he has his image carefully curated. he is meticulous, calculated, always in control, he knows whats going on. any form of betrayal or being caught would mean he wasnt always a step ahead, and he cant have that.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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hold on, let me consult the Encyclopedia Britannica about what it means when Dalek emerges from the Thames....
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blinkbones · 4 months
white whale update
first mate here. so um, we lost the captain. yeah, they jumped on the whale and we lost them. they wanted to play with the harpoons maybe. we were losing them due to the storm but they yelled "this metaphor is getting unwieldy! i get my results in a few weeks!" so we all gon have to wait.
anyway y'all i haven't rested in years or interacted with civil society so im gonna, like, go be a corpse for a few days and reconnect with sunlight & lifeblood
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years
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We had to make a Bane Burrito to give him his critical care
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He uh. He still protested
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itsbrucey · 10 months
Hihiii! I have appeared with an invisible microphone up to you (you seem very talk to me idk why- could be your banner on your profile hmm) Jonah and Lorraine? What’s their deal? (/nf ask ofc :]])
People like commenting on my banners and I just realized both my main and side have fucked up Markipliers. Hm.
Also. Cracks knuckles. Ok this will probably be NONSENSE I am very tired but here's a fucking run down ( maybe I'll add tomorrow/later idk)
Jonah and Lorraine are two of my OCS that are in this circle of my Darling Wonderful OCS aka the ones I actively think about and make content for. They're in the same realm as Dulcie and Eli and Marley and Vio. Which is to say My Main Ocs.
They're also the select few that have a story/narrative of some kind! Of which I'd like to one day actually write or make comics for.
The basics of Jonah is that she's essentially a super soldier experiment, not being "finished" but the newest model that's being worked on. All lab grown, not a "real person" and therefore is not treated as such. She's made as an organic war machine and is extremely strong and durable; tear tanks and armies apart with her bare hands strong and durable. But she's also INSANELY dehumanized and abused within her facility to the point where she's just kind of. Completely apathetic and numb and permanently in a Fight state of being as a defensive mechanism.
She ends up turning on the facility during a regular trial run of her progress and she SLAUGHTERS most of the lab and facility workers. She escapes the facility and doesn't really have anywhere to go so she just Picks Somewhere. She ends up escaping to a city and climbing through a random window post-carnage and meeting Zach. A random fucking English major who can't really do anything about this massive murder woman who is now in his place.
Her entire thing is that she's learning what it means to be human while dealing with A: trauma and PTSD from Everything and B: a government desperate trying to get her back. Big Woman enjoyers who want someone severely emotionally stunted and permanently stressed out but trying her best may like her. Also she's bisexual and her blood is BRIGHT pink.
Lorraine is a chieftess of a sky island that floats over The Abyss, governing it with her two brothers. She basically oversees the safety of the villages and makes sure people are fed and tended to. Things have been getting hard though, as the island keeps crumbling little by little, and the island seems to have been falling apart faster after Lorraine's father died and she took over. She ends up getting betrayed by one of her brother's and challenges to a duel because he blames her for things sucking really bad + he's jealouuuuussss.
Lorraine loses the duel and gets stabbed through the gut with the family spear ( which has lightning magic fun fact ) and physically KICKED over the side of the island by her brother. She falls and falls and falls, spear STILL INSIDE HER, and she falls into The Abyss, which is like. An infinitely stretching void way below the island. If you fall over the edge, you aren't coming back.
But Lorraine falls into The Abyss. And wakes up. In a fucked up new world that is mangled and twisted and decaying. She gets attacked by some [creatures I haven't named yet ValleyStalkers idk] and manages to fight them off with her spear, but just barely. She faints bc of blood loss + exhaustion + lightning magic. But THEN. PLOT TWIST BITCH SHE JUST DRAGGED INTO A LITTLE ROCK SHELTER BY A LITTLE GIRL. PEOPLE CAN LIVE DOWN HERE.
Lorraine gets nursed back to health by this young girl and Lorraine is hellbent on clawing her way back up to the island and slaughtering her brother for his betrayal. And she adopts the girl and sets off on a journey to leave The Abyss. Also she's like in her 40's-50's and is a cool trans woman with a wife. For my woman enjoyers who like a stern and commanding lady who is also very sweet and sacrificial. Also who has a kickass lightning spear passed through her family's lineage.
Lorraine's lore document is collecting dust as we speak but I'd like to finalize some lore of the worldbuilding + Abyss, as well as OTHER CHARACTERS WHO AREN'T MENTIONED BC THE STORY NEEDS DEVELOPED. Jonah doesn't have a lore document yet bc I'm. Lazy.
Thumbs up!! This is like. The general overview of them. My beautiful amazing battle women.
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