#I mean Peat?
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bird-inacage · 7 months ago
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Love Sea Episode 10 BTS | Filming The Beach Reunion
Gosh, this broke my heart. I really appreciate watching how actors get into the frame of mind for heavy, difficult or emotionally challenging scenes. It's a reminder of how mentally taxing and utterly exhausting it must be.
Poor Peat looked totally distraught. You can't afford to come out of that headspace either until the scene is done, so he just looks so helpless in between takes, like he's going to break down into pieces. It's harder still if your co-star also has to stay in the zone, so neither of you can really break out of it or disturb each other's equilibriums.
You can tell how drained he was afterwards, very visibly in a daze. He appeared to feel really under pressure that he wasn't quite getting where he needed to be, as MAME had to do a bit of coaxing to get them there. Fort is such a considerate Nong, he was continually reaching out to comfort and reassure Peat that he did a good job. Even though he was also having a rough time crying his eyes out.
Thank you boys for putting your all into your performances.
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secriden · 5 months ago
ok i'm sorry i'm watching an old interview with fortpeat and... this is. just. so fucking funny!!!
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the detail of peat texting fort at FOUR AM IN THE MORNING about restaurants he wants to try
the resigned exasperation in fort's face. (fort: do you SEE what i have to PUT UP WITH?!)
the unrepentant glee in peat's as he cackles.
and then they have the auDACITY to blindside me with cute:
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and then the BEST response possible:
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(bestie i love you @ interviewer) XD
peat's face! *cackles* he goes through the most hilarious series of expressions and eyebrow wiggles i'm dying
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like pls go watch it (starts at 11:51 in the video) screenshots cannot fully capture how hilarious peat's whole entire face is. its !! SO! FUNNY!!!
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peat @ mc: i trusted you. || fort, smug as hell: well, she's not wrong...
*whispers @wuxian-vs-wangji* hey remember what you were saying about seduction methods that also work on peat? 👀👀👀👀
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slamrink · 18 days ago
The Sisyphean Allegory Plays Basketball Tomorrow! 🔥
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#and the day after that and forever until the end of time#i mean oh my God#make the playoffs in ur rookie season and get bounced by the dynasty spurs#make the playoffs again in ur sophmore yr and get bounced in 1st round by the lob city clippers#win the chip and go 73-9 the following season and lead a historic and highly improbable record setting 3-1 comeback against the team that#took out those same spurs only to have the same fate befall you at the hands the same team you had beaten in the finals the year before#get within 3 games of the elusive three-peat only to lose your mvp#and then be sacrificed yourself#and then lose your point guard. your north star#and then lose your other leg#make it out of the tunnel and to the top of the mountain only to lose in your eponymous 'game 6' the next year#in your birthplace#to That Guy. Again.#stay barely above water for another barely tolerable year only to face a win or go home duel against the team you singlehandedly demolished#with 37 points in 9 and a half minutes nearly a decade ago#opt for a fresh start with a young hopeful western title defending team and an opportunity to get back to the top of that mountain#only to be thrown into a pit of snakes and watch your teammates (once again) fall down one after the other like dominoes#but nevertheless keep your faith in them and believe things will get better#even if you have absolutely not an inkling of a reason to do so. in fact especially then.#the end.#nba#klay thompson#dallas mavericks#nik's rambles#sorry guys
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nigeluvzbl · 4 months ago
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you asked for it peat😂😂💗
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hertl · 2 months ago
if i was a bills fan i’d be on a watchlist bc what the fuck do you mean that was a catch after it hit the turf
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rcglasses · 9 months ago
How does the saying go? Fort must have saved an entire country in a past life??? Because he seems to be winning with Peat in his life.
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bentnotbroken1fanfiction · 7 months ago
Love Sea episode 10 killed me. I am deceased.
I legit cried multiple times. Fort can act, man. I felt my heart being crushed in my fucking chest.
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lunasilvis · 1 year ago
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Hey it's me, losing my stuff over moss + mud + funghi
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fortpeatdata · 2 years ago
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[230401] FortPeat on Breeze weibo
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years ago
one’s an incident…
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Two’s a coincidence…
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…there’s a pattern?
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bird-inacage · 2 years ago
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LITA DVD Behind the Scenes | SAVE. PEAT. (from a Kiss-and-Run?)
You heard the boy. Someone rescue him from Fort's chronic compulsion to kiss him as soon as any opportunity presents itself.
Fortpeat Fandom: *Hears plea, does nothing.*
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secriden · 6 months ago
love sea episode 2 rewatch thoughts:
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in hindsight, this opening should've clued us in that this episode was going to be horny as fuck.
ok so if episode 1 was about establishing mahasamut, i think the purpose of episode 2 is really to give us a much more nuanced introduction to tongrak. what's fascinating is that the show chooses to impart this insight to us through a rather unusual medium: sex (and, specifically, tongrak's attitude about sex).
we open with kinky kinky beach sex and it tells us that tongrak is impulsive, hedonistic, and tends to give into the emotions of the moment (something that, as the series develops, he does with increasingly self-sabotaging results; eg. when he lashes out at mahasamut after the 1st run in with prin or when he runs off to appease jak when he gets fearful in episode 9).
it also tells us that tongrak is very comfortable with his physical wants and needs. sure, mahasamut kinda flusters him because he awakens desires that are more intense than he's is used to, but tongrak's still grounded enough in his sense of self that he can roll with it pretty quickly and becomes an active, willing, even enthusiastic participant. (it's not going to be his physical desire that drives a wedge between them; its going to be the emotional connection that ends up being terrifying to tongrak.)
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this episode also lays a ton of groundwork to set up why and how intensely mahasamut and tongrak are drawn to each other.
a lot of it, early on, is purely physical.
mahasamut and tongrak clock that they're compatible in their (D/s) kink immediately and they embrace this with gleeful abandonment. other people have made this point a lot more clearly than i could ever hope to (see @williamrikers excellent analysis of mutrak's kink dynamic), so i won't belabour the point, but i would like to point out how thoroughly the show wants the audience to know that these two are a perfect match physically and sexually (specifically with their particular kinks) and that they are incredibly comfortable with that.
(an aside: one thing i adore about peat's portrayal of tongrak's submissiveness in the beach scene is the way he starts out being the initiator in the kiss - in the gif above, it's tongrak that grabs mahasamut and yanks him into the kiss at first - but once its clear that mahasamut is on board, tongrak is almost constantly angled up, head tipped back, responding to mahasamut's cues but making no attempt to direct whats happening. there's so much surrender in the pliant way peat holds himself as they kiss and the way he goes from pulling mahasamut into the kiss to just clinging to his torso as he lets mahasamut take control. even when he reaches for mahasamut's dick, the second mahasamut pins him down and gives him an instruction, tongrak makes no attempt to redirect and just goes with what mahasamut wants. there's just such great detail in this portrayal of surrender.)
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but what makes this encounter different (from the many, many other ones they've both had) is going to be how neither of them were able to keep this connection as purely physical for very long. (this is what episode 3 is for, though, so lets put a pin in that thought.)
back to insights into tongrak's character: we also get an escalation/confirmation about how tongrak views sex (and relationships) as purely transactional. tongrak's entire backstory is grounded in the idea that 'everybody has a price' because that's what his parents showed him. to tongrak, every human interaction is about finding the right things to give (usually money in his case) to get what he wants and this has allowed him to rationalise that feelings and emotions (both his own/the other person's) don't matter.
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tongrak firmly believes that as long as he's offering something of sufficient (monetary) value, he's perfectly within rights to demand what he wants without consulting mahasamut's feelings, wants, or thoughts about the matter. in fact, he thinks of mahasamut as kind of an object for his sexual gratification and/or convenience. this is why he feels no remorse about kicking mahasamut out after they have sex even though mahasamut clearly wants to cuddle/come down from the physical high together. the next morning, it never pings to him that he should be guilty about how he treated mahasamut.
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(look at his face. he's such an entitled diva. i love him so much.)
not only is this attitude - in reality - a very inaccurate way to view human beings (because as a species we are creatures very much led by our emotions), but it is the source of tongrak's own dissatisfaction and unhappiness. he never acknowledges any of his own emotional needs and so cannot manage or address them in a meaningful or healthy way.
so to summarise tongrak understands and is comfortable with his physical desires but does not know how to even acknowledge his emotional ones whilst impulsively being led by them in the heat of the moment: already we can see that this is a recipe for disaster and tells an unspoken story of pain and trauma.
(i also want to mention how well mahasamut continues to respond to tongrak's specific brand of caustic entitlement. he doesn't bother making a big deal about tongrak throwing money at him, but he also never names a price for his 'services' either. he blatantly refers to tongrak as his "owner" but also makes it clear that it's not tongrak's money that's keeping him around, but rather mahasamut's own desire for tongrak. it's like he'll act in tongrak's play but he won't quite stick to the script either. its so, so effective because he doesn't trigger tongrak's fight or flight response but he's still undermining and proving tongrak's assumptions wrong at every turn. this is what allows mahasamut to worm his way behind tongrak's walls whilst simultaneously chipping away at them.)
one last little bit of (this time non-sex-adjacent) insight into tongrak: he has a great capacity for compassion. (which will, eventually, turn into love.)
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mahasamut, at this point, is mostly just an incredible lay to tongrak. but already he shows care and concern for mahasamut that's separate from what he can offer tongrak. he's concerned at a (relatively minor) hint that mahasamut has been mistreated in the past and then again concerned that mahasamut will suffer the repercussions of any hit to his reputation. [note: this is informed by a backstory regarding homophobia on the island that's from Khom/Connor's story in Love Sand, but even without that insight we can see tongrak's concern is for mahasamut.] (again, this is something the show is setting up to callback to later when tongrak gets offended on mahasamut's behalf when he thinks the waiter made fun of mahasamut.)
these little glimpses give us such a contrasting perspective on tongrak compared to episode 1, where he was mostly just a rich, entitled, and fairly unlikable character. we're being shown that what we've seen so far is really a mask as tongrak's true character slowly starts bleeding through as he has more interactions with mahasamut.
and then the episode closes on heartbreak: You're aware aren't you? Love is just a figment of our imagination.
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tongrak's expression right before he says this is filled with resignation and disappointment. he hates that he has to say it but he feels its his duty to burst mahasamut's bubble. he genuinely believes this and so to him he's just doing mahasamut a favour by telling him a Truth about life. for us, this is the final crack in the mask and we see just how lost and fragile and hurt tongrak truly is.
(and the way peat sells this part - the cold almost clinical look in his eyes when he says the line. the tiny pout of his lips like tongrak can't help but feel sad about it, even though he accepts it as reality. the cold, flat tone peat uses to deliver the line when tongrak's usually quite expressive and uses lots of inflections and intonations in his speech. ugh <3)
but this is also really important because this is why we, the audience, start to care about tongrak. mame takes us on this journey, sets us up to wonder why tongrak's the main character when he starts out kinda of awful and then shifts the ground out from under us by showing us his soft, wounded underbelly. we can't help but want him to be loved, now, and this is why we become invested in 'tongrak mahasamut'.
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tencrimes · 1 year ago
I've seen people criticize Peat’s acting in this scene because we don't see tears on his face, but what I think many people didn't seem to realize is that Sky could not actually cry in front of Prapai until the end when the dam finally broke. He was incapable of doing so until then, when the worst had happened and everything had come out, and Prapai remained there to make him safe and bear some of the burden he'd been carrying all that time.
Peat did an incredible job of conveying this outpouring of anguish and shame while making it clear that Sky's trauma is still trapping him. You can see that pain in every line of his face, the tension in his body, and my favorite mannerism that Peat brought to Sky: his clenching hands, where we often see Sky's anxiety manifest.
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Sky’s heart belongs to me now. That’s why I know he loves me so much. 
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akuasucc · 3 months ago
this stings so bad ijbol.
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dandelionsresilience · 29 days ago
Dandelion News - February 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my Dandelion Doodles!
1. Solar farms managed for nature boost bird abundance and diversity, new study finds
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“There were more than twice as many farmland birds in the well-managed solar farms compared with the intensively farmed land, and nearly 16 times as many woodland birds. […] Overall, diversity was 2.5 times higher, while woodland birds were nine times more diverse.”
2. Washington judge blocks Trump’s gender-affirming care ban, says it's unconstitutional in multiple ways
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“This marks the second time in a week that a judge has stood in the way of Trump’s attacks on trans kids. [… The ruling grants] a temporary restraining order that halts enforcement of provisions in Trump’s directive that would cut off federal funding to medical institutions that provide gender-affirming care to minors.”
3. Fog harvesting could provide water for arid cities
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“17,000 sq m of mesh could produce enough water to meet the weekly water demand of [… the] urban slums. 110 sq m could meet the annual demand for the irrigation of the city's green spaces. Fog water could be used for soil-free (hydroponic) agriculture, with yields of 33 to 44lb (15 to 20kg) of green vegetables in a month.”
4. Audubon Applauds Bipartisan Federal Effort to Protect Delaware River Basin with Critical Reauthorization Bill
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“The bill would […] ensure long-term conservation and restoration efforts, expand the official definition of the basin to include Maryland, and prioritize projects that serve small, rural, and disadvantaged communities. […] The watershed provides important year-round habitats and critical migratory stopovers for approximately 400 bird species[….]”
5. mRNA vaccines show promise in pancreatic cancer in early trial
“Half of the people in the study — eight of the participants — responded to the vaccine, producing T cells that targeted their tumors. […] Just two of the patients who had a response to the vaccine had their cancer return during the three-year follow- up, compared to seven of the eight who did not respond to the vaccine treatments.”
6. Minn. Lt. Gov. Flanagan Makes It Official; She's running for U.S. Senate
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“[Flanagan has] “championed kitchen-table issues like raising the minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, and free school meals.” If elected, Flanagan, a tribal citizen of the White Earth Nation, would become the first Native American female U.S. senator in history.”
7. Federal Funding Restored for Low-Income Alabama Utility Assistance After Outcry
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“A program meant to help low-income Alabamians pay their utility bills has resumed two weeks after it was canceled due to an executive order from President Donald Trump. […] “We can confirm the funds are reaching those affected by the previous pause[….]””
8. Modeling study suggests Amazon rainforest is more resilient than assumed
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“[Previous] studies were either conducted with global climate models that used a simplified representation of convection [or were on a regional scale….] According to the computations, mean annual precipitation in the Amazon does not change significantly even after complete deforestation.“
9. States are moving forward with Buy Clean policies despite Trump reversal
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““Buy Clean is a great example of how states and other nonfederal actors can continue to press forward on climate action, regardless of what the federal government does,” said Casey Katims, executive director of the U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of two dozen governors.”
10. The rewilded golf courses teeming with life
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“A wildflower meadow, ponds, scrub habitat, coastline and even an area of peat bog can be found on this little 60-acre (24-hectare) plot, which boasts roe deer, otters, lizards, eels and a huge array of insects and birds.”
February 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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akawifeyy · 1 month ago
so american | smau (OP81)
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description: you might not be australian, but oscar piastri loves you just the same.
tropes: yapper x listener, he falls first and harder, celebrity actress!fem!reader (you’re the daughter of matt damon, please tell me you all know who he is)
face claim: addison rae
trigger warnings: suggestive content, swearing
| note: sorry for the long wait between posts, i'm not feeling the best right now and i've also had a jam-packed schedule. but anyways! here you go! this is based on ♪ so american / olivia rodrigo, which is one of my fave songs of all time :)
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@ f1gossip: The daughter of Matt Damon, Y/N, is reportedly dating McLaren's F1 driver, Oscar Piastri. Thoughts?
tagged: @ f1, @ f1yaps, @ f1talk
comments (5862):
@ user1: she's so pretty omg 😭
-> @ user2: First thought was, "She's everything, and he's just Ken." Y/N is absolutely gorgeous.
@ user3: even though i've been an oscar girlie since day 1, i support this. if this is real, i wish them the best of luck <3
@ f1yaps: Has a hot new WAG entered the paddock? Only time will tell
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@ yourusername: howdy, cota 🤠 had a great time
tagged: @ f1, @ mattdamon, @ yourbffusername
@ user4: prettiest cowgirl there is 🤎
@ oscarpiastri: It was nice meeting you!
-> @ yourusername: ditto! hoping to buy tickets for las vegas :)
@ user5: Why is Oscar lowkey lurking in the comments... 🤨
-> @ user6: read @ f1gossip's most recent post
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@ yn.updates: during an interview for her upcoming movie, "riptide", y/n was asked about the gossip concerning her and mclaren f1 driver oscar piastri. with a big smile, she replied, "he seems like a great guy, but let's be for real. i've met him one time. let's not get too far ahead, please!"
tagged: @ yourusername, @ oscarpiastri, @ f1, & 2 more
comments (1257):
@ user7: That dress is stunning 😩
@ user8: they'd be cute together as a couple ngl. i'd love to see more of them
-> @ user8: but, they deserve their privacy
@ user9: ynoscar is adorable ❤️❤️
Text messages between Oscar and Y/N (2025):
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@ yourusername: las vegas was a hit! congrats to the papaya boys, p2 and p3
tagged: @ f1, @ mclaren, @ oscarpiastri, @ landonorris
comments (9374):
@ yourbffusername: super cool! miss you xoxo
-> @ yourusername: miss you too, i'll be back home soon 💗
@ user10: Twinklaren tagged!!
@ oscarpiastri: Thanks for coming!
-> @ yourusername: of course, i wouldn't miss it for the world 😁
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comments (539):
@ user5: Have any of you seen Oscar's most recent Insta story?
-> @ user11: the way i ran to check and SCREAMED 😳
-> @ user5: IK, they are so evil for soft-launching, they're torturing us. *Sobs*
Oscar's Instagram Story:
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comments (7521):
@ yourusername: might not be good at legos but it was still fun being with you!
@ user12: ADORABLE 🥰
@ user8: how does it feel to live my dream 😞
Press Conference Interview Excerpt with Oscar (2025):
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Interviewer: Congratulations on your podium in Qatar, Oscar! We noticed a special someone was missing, would you like to tell us more about them?
Oscar (smiling): If the special someone is Y/N Damon, you wouldn't be wrong. She means a lot to me, and I'm very lucky to be with her. Anyways, she sadly wasn't able to make it because she is back in America for the time being. She's about to have her red carpet debut for her movie, "Riptide"! I saw a few clips from it and she does a flawless job.
Interviewer: Is this an acknowledgement of the relationship between the two of you?
Oscar: Yeah.
Interviewer: How long have the two of you been together?
Oscar: A few weeks after COTA.
Interviewer: Well, best of luck to the new couple!
Text messages between Oscar and Y/N (2025):
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@ oscarpiastri: What a way to end 2025! See you all next year
tagged: @ landonorris, @ f1, @ mclaren, @ yourusername
comments (4898):
@ user13: ahhh omg y/n mention!! 🥹
-> @ user14: They're so cute
-> @ user9: best couple in a long time
@ landonorris: Always glad to be with you, mate
-> @ oscarpiastri: 2026 three-peat is on its way!
@ yourusername: so so proud of you 🥳
-> @ oscarpiastri: Thank you, I'm proud of you too. Can't wait to be with you again 😘
─── ୨୧ ─── THE END ─── ୨୧ ───
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