#I mean I'm sure the guy's family are grieving and that's unfortunate
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alex51324 · 3 months ago
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Someone who works on CNN's front page did a thing, I bet.
(A little while ago these two headlines were close enough together to get them in the same screenshot, but the second one was moved down before I got around to actually taking the screenshot.)
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messinwitheddie · 1 month ago
Dib, whatever happened with Keef? Are you guys good now?😅
[Dib: Keef and I kept touch when we started college through social media, but we don't get many opportunities to chill in person like we did in middle and high school. He started his grief counseling job about a year ago and I'm always tits deep in lab work, so you know... adulting. It's one time absorbing bastard.
Today will be the first time we've seen each other in person since I moved out of my city apartment. Keef's still a bombarding ray of sunshine. Sweetest dude you'll ever meet. It took me awhile to appreciate that about him. His positivity is refreshing. I guess I'm constantly negative according to my kid, his and Mabel and most of my coworkers, so--
Unfortunately his mom passed away recently. Keef invited me to the wake and burial. Luckily, she's being buried upstate, so I don't have to drive far. Funerals make me really uncomfortable, but Carrie was always real cool to me when I was a kid. I can't flake out on Keef today.
What time is it? Oh shit. Shitshitshit! Please excuse me, I have to comb my hair and throw up...]
Mabel "It's ok to be sad right now. Everyone is sad. Just cry already."
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Dib "I am sad, but I don't need to cry, ok? I need to go outside to smoke several cigarettes then possibly throw up one or two more times so there's enough room to shove the sadness deep into my guts. Then I can compose myself long enough to survive the survices. Later I'll obsessively disstract myself with work and hyperfixations if the sadness resurfaces. That is the Membrane family grieving process, right, Reg?!"
Reg "What--? Uh-- Sure, dad!"
Mabel "Dib... really??"
Dib "The formula works for me. I'm not messing with it."
Mabel "You pay good money for a therapist and......... Ok! Enjoy your stomach ulcer!"
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Dib "Mabel-- enough."
Zim "Hey, DIIIB?!! How many times are you going to play the same 5 crappy songs on repeat?"
Dib "ZIM!!... When the Cranberries are playing, so fucking help me, you WILL let them play."
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Reg "Never knew you were that big into the Cranberries."
Dib "It's not the band. It's the memories attached to the songs. Keef's mom used to sing in a cover band called the Screwdrivers. Keef, Torque and I used to help set up equipment then watch her show back stage."
Reg "What are you guys doing in that one?"
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Dib "Not...what it looks like, don't worry about it... Some of my best childhood memories involved just standing around, bullshitting with Keef and Torque, listening to Carrie sing her heart out to a drunk crowd... Goddamn. This sucks sooo hard..."
Reg "I'm so sorry, dad."
Zim "Keef?... Why does that name sound so familiar... and annoying?"
Dib "Because you used him as a pawn for your bullshit invasion mission, mutilated him and traumatized him for life. Don't act like you don't remember."
Zim "You need to be more specific-- WAIT! THAT Keef? NOOOO!"
Dib "Yeeees!"
Zim "He isn't visiting us, is he? There's too many humans in this house as it is!"
Dib "Yes, he is, Zim!"
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Dib "And he's mourning the loss of his mother, ok?! Keef is a little annoying, but he's a sweet guy and good friend. His mother was mad cool with the voice of an angel and you will show the O'Keef family some basic decency! If you're not on your bestest best behavior today, I WILL. Fucking. Kill. You. I know I've said that a thousand times in the past and I haven't followed through, but this time, I REALLY mean it. If you pull ANY Zim bullshit whatsoever today, I WILL end your wretched Irken life without restraint or remorse. I will beat you into such a fine bloody pulp with my bare hands, disecting your corpse for paranormal research will be impossible. Do you understand, Zim, goddamn you?!"
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*doorbell rings* *Dib drops Zim*
Zim *coughs* "Is the truce on or off? I'm getting a little sick of the hostility around here!"
Reg "The truce is back on. Dad just gets... mad when he's sad."
Mabel "It's a human man thing."
Zim "That's admirable, but why does he keep taking his anger out on me?"
Mabel "Because you're a little asshole."
Reg "And because he's still pissed about the whole selling out earth to Bill Cypher and ripping reality apart again."
Mabel "We're all still kind of pissed about that."
Zim "He would have never known if you had just kept your mouth shut, Rrrrreginald!"
[Keef!! Sorry I went on such a long tangent with this. Sorry I didn't draw more Keef or Keef related flash backs. Soaked up too much time writing dialogue.
Keef is a side character I love to make up fun head canons for. They're not super essential to the plot of the AU, but fun to come up with nonetheless.
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ro275805 · 2 years ago
(Holly crap i still can't believe my favorite tumblr replied to my answer)
I kinda have a lot of headcanons for joker.
Another one i have is that joker has cousins, it felt weird that we never seen any family member besides his parents, so that's where i got it from. They're like besties so when joker was declared missing as a kid of course it's heat shattering to his entire family. Until they're like older (maybe around his age but one of them is adult and have a family?) They started to speculate that joker is jack, their cousin.
Also, i realized i once headcanon that his grandpa has a rough relationship to all his family, especially joker's. Cus he doesn't approve his dad's marriage with his mom.
I still want them to reunite, so maybe captain blue (if you remember that guy) started a conversation with joker and akai (don't ask why i put him there, i don't know either) about his grandpa and stuff
Blue: that's basically about him, how about you? Is he still around?
Joker: i don't know, i didn't get to meet him for years, not even the rest of my... Family.
Blue: ... Meet them now.
So that's basically why he decides to reunite with them... Well not really but uhm.
Hello! If you mean my blog, I'm incredibly flattered, wow... thank you! It's just me posting some drawings and simple thoughts from time to time. I wasn't sure if anyone would really appreciate my KJ scenarios, but I'm very thankful that at least a few people do. My ideas are not for everyone as the things I explore tend to veer more towards dark and offputting premises and exploration of morally grey character psychology (I especially love to explore this in 'good' characters). Still, I have many more things to share, and I hope you might enjoy those scenarios eventually, too. ^^ (My creation process is just extremely slow unfortunately) As for your idea... I've explored Joker potentially having more family, too! This is one of those anime protagonist things that I've otherwise shrugged off, you know how families outside of mother and father don't usually get talked about... one time I explored the idea that Joker had actually been adopted at a very young age, or that there was some kind of secret in the family that Jack would really never know about, maybe in relation to the time-telling goddess, where their family was very secretive and disconnected.
I really, really like the idea that Lupin is Joker's ancestor too, so their entire family is just full of all sorts of secrets. If you're curious about this, I've gone more in-depth here.
I wonder what Joker thinks about all of these secrets and odd little things that he only identifies in retrospect once he gets older? Time naturally fades his memory, but certain things that went right over his head suddenly don't seem as simple as they once were... Did Joker actually ever know his family? If his mom and dad hadn't been taken from him at such a young age, would they have told him more about themselves later on?
I think once he reaches an age where he begins to have these realizations, he would go through a more subtle second wave of grief.
But if Joker found out that he had living family, especially if he finds this out when he's older and already a well established phantom thief... What does he think about in such a circumstance? I think his initial reaction is disbelief, because of how many people there are who would want to deceive him. But beyond this, I feel like his reaction wouldn't be as simple as just him being overjoyed once he's convinced it isn't trickery.
Of course Joker is happy.
...But another part of him, the part who thought that he had 'moved on' from that chapter of his past, is terribly conflicted. He went through the steps already. He grieved and moved on and came out stronger.
But now he has family again?
With family comes emotional obligation and also the stress of protecting that family, of the potential grief of losing that family... of connecting with that family being dangerous with his way of life, where hundreds of people would be incredibly happy to hear that 'Phantom Thief Joker' has something that can be used as blackmail. He puts that family at risk.
It's never as simple as being 'overjoyed'.
Not when you're also a boy who's grown up with complicated feelings on emotional vulnerability, where being too vulnerable or too personal is far too uncomfortable, and being too emotional risks him developing weaknesses that will get him killed on heists. (I've talked about this before but I mention it a lot because of how much I think this impacts so much of Joker's actions and his personality, especially with how thoughtless he can be with people around him).
I think that Joker might find his own conflicted emotions offensive to even himself... where he wonders what's wrong with him to some extent, not being totally happy that he has surviving biological family.
What kind of person would he have to be to think that that's a pain, in any way?
Joker isn't the type to dwell on things but he'd stew in it ever so slightly.
For him, family is a more sensitive topic than any other.
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flameo-firelord-hotman · 4 years ago
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Part 1
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: none
Words: 2.1
Summary: to everyone she knew, [y/n] was a peasant, destined to be a servant just like her parents. To Zuko, however, she was his best friend. After losing his agni kai and being exiled, [y/n] was devastated. She thought she would never see him again. Three years later, she almost wished he never came back.
A/N: it’s finally here! So sorry for putting it off for so long. I felt unmotivated and like this wasn’t very good? But I’m posting it now, so there’s no going back lol. Enjoy! And please give me feedback :)
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Part 1 -> Part 2
Series | Masterlist
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Despite being a lower class citizen, [y/n] was very familiar with the halls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace. Her parents had been working as servants for the royal family since she was a little girl. Her mom was a housemaid. Her dad was a groundskeeper. To be a servant for the royal family was an honor, and [y/n]'s parents instilled this in her. Sometimes they brought her to work to teach her the skills she would need to become one as well.
Yes, her parents fully expected her to become a servant. Doing so was typical for citizens of her status. Specifically, though, her parents expected her to follow in their path and work for the royal family. Perhaps that would change when she met Zuko.
"Hi! My name's Zuko! What's yours?" A bubbly boy asked [y/n] one day. He was eight years old, the same age as [y/n]. His dark hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and he had bright, amber eyes. Back and forth he rocked on his feet, anxiously waiting for her answer.
It was rare for [y/n] to see the royal family, and it was unheard of for one of them to speak to her…until that day.
"M-my name is [y/n]. It's an honor to meet you, Prince Zuko," [y/n] replied bashfully. She bowed carefully to show her respect for the Firelord's grandson, as her parents had taught her to do.
"You don't need to bow to me. You're my friend now!"
[Y/n] quickly straightened up. "But, but--"
"Will you play with me?" Zuko asked eagerly. [Y/n] turned to her mom, who was washing linens. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to.
Her mom quietly said to her, "if the Prince wants you to play with him, then it's okay." [Y/n] turned back to the young boy and nodded.
From that day on, they became best friends. Previously, [y/n] never looked forward to coming to work with her parents. It was boring, and the palace and everyone in it seemed so intimidating. Since meeting Zuko, it became the one thing she looked forward to.
They often played games in the palace gardens, or played hide-and-seek inside the palace with Zuko's mom, Lady Ursa. On occasion, they would play with his sister Azula and her friends Mai and Ty Lee (but only when the princess let her).
Eventually, instead of waiting for [y/n]'s parents to bring her to work, he would invite her over for playdates. Even as they approached their teen years, Zuko continued to invite [y/n] to hang out. As they matured, they grew closer. [Y/n] didn't realize it at first, but gradually she realized: she had feelings for Zuko.
Then one day, the invitations abruptly stopped. [Y/n] could never forget. The last words Zuko spoke to her on that day would echo in her mind: I'll be fine, [y/n]. Don't worry. I've been training for years. I'm sure I can take on this guy!
She didn’t get to watch the agni kai, and she was glad she didn't. She overheard all the palace staff whispering haunting rumors about it afterward. If only she could've been there for him. [Y/n] begged the guards outside of the infirmary to let her see Zuko, but they wouldn't.
Then, the next day, he was gone. And so [y/n] grieved the loss of her best friend and crush, so sure she would never see Zuko again.
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"Momma! Papa! I'm home!" [Y/n] called as she walked into their apartment, returning home from a long day of work.
Three years had passed since that fateful day. During that time, [y/n] slowly adjusted to her new life: one without Zuko, as well as one as a housemaid. At thirteen, she began working for one of the Fire Nation's many rich, noble families. Soon she would gain the experience and expertise to become a servant for the royal family…though she was not fond of the idea of working for the family that Zuko was no longer a part of and in the home that Zuko no longer lived in. The thought of it was dreadful.
"Oh, [y/n]!" Her mom cheered as she jogged up to her. "You will not believe what I heard at the palace today!"
"Momma, please, you need to get a new hobby," [y/n] said.
Her mom was always eavesdropping and gossiping with the other servants about the royal family. [Y/n] couldn't blame her though; it was the only fun thing to do at work.
"Oh, this isn't a rumor, [y/n]. It's real," her dad chimed in as walked into the room.
[Y/n] chuckled. "Well, if dad says so, then I'm curious. What is it?"
Her parents looked at each other and grinned before turning back to [y/n]. "Prince Zuko is coming home!" They exclaimed.
[Y/n]'s jaw dropped. She was speechless. No way. They're not joking, right? They wouldn't. That would be a cruel prank. But still, Zuko was given an impossible task. That can only mean…
"Sweetie? Aren't you excited?" Her mom asked with concern. "Are you okay?"
[Y/n] nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah. I just don't believe it. It's too good to be true, you know?"
Her mom clasped [y/n]'s hands in hers. "Well, sweetie, it is true. Please tell her, honey, so she believes me!" She turned to her husband and laughed.
"We had a large staff meeting about it today," her dad explained. "We were told that he and his sister, Princess Azula will be here in about three days."
"Wow…this is really happening, isn't it?" [Y/n] asked.
"Mhm. Now, your mother and I are going to be working hard to welcome them home for the next few days. Don't be surprised if we return home late, okay?"
"Okay, papa," [y/n] smiled, trying to contain her excitement.
"And don't worry, we'll make sure you get to see him when he comes home." Her mother winked, making [y/n] giggle.
Over the next few days, [y/n] prepared for her reunion with Zuko. First, she made sure to have the day off. Second, she used her savings to buy a nice outfit. Third, she gave her hair a trim. Finally, she rehearsed everything she was going to say to him: that she missed him so much, how sorry she was for not being there for him, that she wished she could've gone with him, and that she was beyond excited to be with him again…perhaps she would confess her feelings for the prince too.
And when he returned, [y/n] was ready. She wore her new outfit: a short, rose colored tunic and sash over a long, maroon skirt. Her [h/c] hair was styled half-up, half-down with a top knot. It was a simple look, but she thought her best friend would like it.
A massive crowd gathered outside of the palace. Just about everyone living in Royal Caldera City was there. [Y/n] and her parents got as close as they could, which was unfortunately quite far away. They could barely see or hear Li and Lo speaking from the balcony…something about Azula invading Ba Sing Se and taking down the Avatar with Zuko.
"Now, the heroes have returned home! Your princess, Azula,"  shouted the two old women. Right on cue, the princess strutted out to the edge of the balcony. [Y/n] squinted her eyes to see her. Everyone around her cheered and clapped.
"And after three long years," they continued, "your prince has returned…"
This was it. This was the moment [y/n] had been waiting for. Her heart pounded in her chest, her jaw tightened, clenching her teeth, and her palms began sweating. The anticipation was killing her.
"Zuko!" Their voices boomed over the crowd.
And there he was: the banished prince, approaching the balcony's edge. [Y/n] stared in amazement. It really was true. Zuko came home! She jumped and cheered and clapped with the rest of the crowd.
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After the public announcement, [y/n]'s parents brought her into the palace "to help with housekeeping." Yes, it was lie, but the palace guards believed it. They were very familiar with [y/n] and her family after all. Quickly, she strode through the halls of the palace, going to the one place she knew she would find him.
The hall opened to a large garden behind the palace. Beautiful flowers and bushes surrounded the area. Stone steps and tōrōs led to a large weeping willow next to a pond. The willow's long branches draped over the edge of the pond, the tips of its leaves tickling the water's surface. Beneath it sat the boy she was looking for. He was feeding small chunks of bread to a family of turtleducks.
It was like a dream. For the first time in three years, [y/n] was looking at Zuko's face. A large, patch of rough, red skin covered the left side…a remnant of his agni kai. It was shocking yet saddening. However, Zuko was still very handsome. His dark hair was pulled back into a top knot and decorated with a regal hairpiece. He had grown taller, his jawline was more defined and he had become more muscular. Zuko was no longer that little boy [y/n] remembered, which begged the question: did he remember her?
As [y/n] approached the prince, Zuko noticed her and made eye contact. His body froze and eyes widened.
"Hi, Zuko," [y/n] greeted him anxiously.
He immediately stood up and dropped all the bread chunks. The turtleducks took advantage and gobbled up every last crumb. "[Y/n]? Is that you?"
"Yeah! You remembered me."
Zuko beamed and opened his arms to [y/n]. They hugged each other tightly. [Y/n] felt three years of stress and tension in her body dissipate as she relaxed into his embrace. Not only was she seeing Zuko again, she was hearing his voice (which had deepened), she was feeling his warmth, and she was remembering what he smelled like.
"Of course I remember you," Zuko said, "how could I forget my best friend?"
"It's silly, I know…but it's been so long," [y/n] replied. They separated and looked at each other. Those amber eyes still shined just as they did when she first met him. [Y/n] felt her cheeks turn rosy.
"You're right. I'm really glad to see you again. I've missed you."
[Y/n] smiled. "I've missed you too. I have the day off if you want to hang out and catch up!"
"I'd love to," Zuko started, "but I can't. I'm going out with Mai today."
[Y/n]'s smile faded. "M-Mai?"
"Yep, he's taking me on a date today," a familiar voice from behind [y/n] said.
[Y/n] turned to see Mai approaching them. She gave Zuko a sweet smile, which Zuko reciprocated. Then, she clasped her hand in his and wrapped her other hand around his bicep. She rested her head on his shoulder and looked at [y/n]. [Y/n] felt her heart drop to her stomach.
Mai was as gorgeous as ever, not to mention she was wealthy and noble. Of course, Zuko would date her. [Y/n] suddenly felt stupid for even considering telling Zuko about her feelings. Why would a prince go out with a commoner? Why would a prince fall for one in the first place? Why did she think she had a chance?
"It's about time, if you ask me," another familiar voice interrupted [y/n]'s thoughts.
Azula, someone else she hadn't seen in years, strutted into the garden with a hand on her hip. As a child she was quite bossy and intimidating. From the rumors [y/n]'s mom told her, she never grew out of that behavior. Even now, she was giving [y/n] a dirty look.
"Oh please, Azula. It's been three years, and I just got here," Zuko scowled at his sister.
The princess scoffed. "Everyone knew Mai had a crush on you. Well, everyone but my idiot brother." Mai blushed and gave Azula a look, while Zuko groaned and rolled his eyes.
[Y/n] felt very out of place and uncomfortable. She wanted to leave. She wanted to run away. She wanted to go home. She wanted to lay in her bed and curse herself for thinking this was a good idea. Sure, [y/n] was beyond happy to see Zuko again, but she was also crushed knowing that his heart belonged to someone else. Moreover, being in the presence of Azula made her feel threatened. [Y/n] knew the princess despised her.
"Well, um, I'll leave you all to it. Have fun today…" [y/n] quietly said, smiling weakly.
"Okay, it was great seeing you again, [y/n]!" He said cheerfully.
"Yeah, it was good to see you too."
No…no, it wasn't.
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quietduckpond · 2 years ago
Idk u guys but I'm really not feeling it tonight.
I'm not sure how many of you know but I named this blog kinda after my ducks. I've since had to give them up because of accommodation issues. And I am fucking grieving, man.
They now live on a lovely farm (an actual, literal farm) with a lovely family who's kids feed and cuddle them everyday (they are pet ducks, not for eating, i have made sure their new owners are responsible). Nonetheless, my heart is fucking broken.
I loved these little dudes, and I still love them, and I am 100% ugly crying, with red eyes and snot bubbles and everything because I'll probably never see them again. I love them so fucking much and it's been 3 days already and it still fucking HURTS. I didn't want to surrender them. They were my boys. I'd like to think they loved me too, at least a little (if they're snuggles were anything to go by).
I know that they're in a place that can house them, and love them, but fuck. That used to be me. They were closer to me than my godamn family. And now because of where I fucking live I had to leave them with a friend of a friend of a fucking friend.
I know to some people this'll seem real stupid, to be crying over ducks, but God. I am in so much fucking pain right now. My heart is shattered. I don't know if I'll be able to go to work tomorrow. I mean, I need money (if I could afford better housing i wouldnt be in this situation), so I will. But shit. This has literally broken me.
Thinking back on it, I don't think I will recover. Not fully, at least. No one deserves to be forced to give up pets after over half a decade for no reason other than bc the bloke who owns your house changed their mind. I am fucking radicalised now. Anyway.
Here is the most recent pic of the youngest of em, who grew up to be a strapping young man of 3 yrs of age. I have no more recent photos of him, unfortunately, because in the rush to get them out in time and to a safe place I totally forgot (don't worry, I am beating myself up for that too). Here you go:
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myfreddyfazbearshinz · 3 years ago
For the pinned post (if you havent done him alreadyyy) could you do Peter Kennedy?
I love him sm we’re like totally married /j (im so sorry if these kind of jokes make you uncomfy i have like 0 filter, i wont do it again /g)
- The William x CC CEO /j
I have (indeed) not done him yet! (btw the whole "Peter is my fiancé" doesn't bother me at all! I actually think it's funny LOL)
Sexuality Headcanon:
I never really thought about it, maybe Bi with a leaning to women?
Gender Headcanon:
tbh due to the time that Dsaf is set in, I can't see him as anything but a cisgender man, but trans Peter does sound interesting! it sounds like a fun concept :D
A ship I have with said character:
now you may call me plain but- Steven/Peter is a HUGE comfort ship for me. I like it for how interesting it is :D!
I mean one of them is technically the cause for the others suffering that probably lasted 10+ years, so how on earth would they deal with that?? would they even try to confront it?? would Steven ever be able to actually face Peter knowing how much pain he put him through??
would Peter hold a grudge against him for you know, ruining his life? (tbh I wouldn't blame him LOL, I would be pretty pissed off too if my boss put through hell to make me "useful") how would their relationship progress? how would their relationship work? would it work out??
I just like it for the angst of it! although I actually like it one-sided more then I like it requited, it just makes the angst hit even harder. don't get me wrong- requited Steven/Peter is definitely interesting! but I like one-sided Steven/Peter more.
another ship I have is: Dave/Peter! mostly for the same reasons as Steven/Peter, they hate each other and are ✨in love✨ (I think you can tell I like messed up ships)
A BROTP I have with said character:
if I had to chose, Roger/Peter, mostly due to their appearance in dial-town (phone guy dating sim). they made me laugh.
A NOTP I have with said character:
I have always been uncomfortable with animal/human ships so Sparky/Peter (although I have never seen content for the ship so I doubt it even exists)
I'm not sure if BlackJack/Peter counts tho (honestly it sounds like a fun ship so I don't really feel uncomfy with it, also Kennedycest is interesting :D I like all incest ships including them)
A random headcanon:
Peter and Jack used to be best friends when they were young but when their parents died Peter was forced into this role of "parent", he became more of a parent to Jack than a brother, he hated it. it felt like their relationship would never be the same again.
there was a HUGE power dynamic that was introduced when Peter became their "parent", and (unfortunately) Jack and Peter didn't know how to work through it, which ultimately led to their friendship slowly falling apart.
General Opinion over said character:
top tier husband material, in all seriousness Peter is such a fun character! there's something that's so sad about the way he acts in canon, he doesn't seem to remember anything about his past.
the only times he does remember it's in small pieces, for example: his whole speech if you choose to go with the route that you kill kids with Dave. he talks about how a family might grieve the death of their child.
or in the ending where you and him intentionally rig Dave's suit to get him killed, he talks about his family and how much they mean to him (although at the end it's reveled that he was actually talking about the "family" Fazbender made him believe was his real family, I still think it means something)
although all these memories are in small pieces, it's possible that he'll never truly remember everything. and that's honestly sad.
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I wasn't tagged but wanted to do this anyways
Used Downfall cause it has the most ideas worked out
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If we're playing with four corners then I got double bingo
Some of them I wasn't sure I understood but I think I did
Explanation cause I wanted to do it:
Everyone has trauma - pretty simple, everything is terrible and Ruere is often the worst(unless you live in the Silver City, Seolfor insures things are good there so his nonstop party for life isn't interrupted)
Mental illness my beloathed - not sure I understand this one, think it just means the characters have mental illnesses. Seolfor deals with histrionic personality disorder, which is part of why he built the life he did, to make it easier on him. And Alius could be said to have antisocial personality disorder, but he's an alien, so I don't think he does
The process of grief - lot of grieving in the books, and the main story only happens because of mistakes made in grief
World building - self explanatory, there's been a lot of world building, that might take too long to fully explain though
Bi4bi - pretty sure that means a bi person in a relationship with a bi person. It's pretty clear Michael and Seolfor used to have a thing going on, and while not dating in the story, seem a little interesting in being together again, before they unfortunately start arguing
Just regular torture - I'm sorry for what happens to your Felix
Oops it's a series now - yeah Downfall quickly become a series instead of a book during the plotting stage
Magic - decently high fantasy with lots of different ways to cast magic, though most aren't very good at it
Assassin's, hitman, and murderers oh my - all the bad guys are murderers, and so is Michael, and Seolfor, and the Witch Thief, and Colpus, and Felix, and Sean, and Cullen
SFF - Sci Fi and fantasy right? That's what that means? Well this is a fantasy so?
Big ass monsters - Michael killed some giants in his time
Queer rep - think that means representation? Which yeah you'd get with Seolfor, Michael, Felix, and Cullen. Actually, kinda funny story. Cullen was originally a character named Athena who was a girl, and she had the love interest of Felix. For some reason, I don't remember why, during my fourth attempt to right the thing, Athena became Cullen and I started having more success (it was probably for unrelated reasons). Despite that change however, I never switched Felix in my notes, so I just decided, why not, Cullen is gay now
Found family - Sean and Cullen with Michael, plus Seolfor and Felix and the Witch Thief and the run away Skel
Writing Trope Bingo
ALRIGHT gonna try and kickstart a new tag game now I guess! I'm gonna go ahead and credit @duskforged for creating this card format and finding the website as well.
Rules: Either download the blank copy or go to BingoBaker and fill out a card with the tropes and elements in your WIPs. Tag as many people as you like and see who can get a bingo!
Mine is:
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I'm gonna go ahead and tag everyone who interacted with the original post and soft tag some of my mutuals as well! @ryns-ramblings @authoralexharvey @jadiealissia @kaylinalexanderbooks @akiwitch @kckramer @hesperos-xi @puttingwingsonwords @digital-chance @rainbowcoloreddays @teafuelledwritng @spookyceph @mikathewriter @riveriafalll @vesper-roux @pandoras-comment-box @alecthewreck @somethingclevermahogony @simonnebethel @star-ch4ser @televisionjester @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @elsie-writes @toragay-writing @jezifster @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @oh-no-another-idea @hallowedfury @asassydork @blind-the-winds and an open tag for anyone I missed!
Blank card will be under the cut!
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