#I may have changed my stile a little haha
[Here's a little silly fact!]
Macy used to have a completely different design 3 years ago!
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In her beta design (As her definitive one remained fairly consistant over time) she used to be a Mosscreep with a leaf cloak!
Her attitude was very different as well!
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Or at least that was until Mun found out about Mossflies, she made her pretty early in her playtrough you see.
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bebbie-bilinski · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any adhd/asd stiles headcanons? They're always so fun to read!
ohmygosh hello!! boy do i have plenty of headcanons pertaining to autism ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(apologies in advance this is going to be incredibly self indulgent as a lot of these are based on ways autism shows up for me. i'll put a little "*" next to those!)
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Autisic Stiles Stilinski Headcanons
it was incredibly obvious that he was on the spectrum when he was growing up - he didnt always respond to his name when called, no eye contact with anyone aside from his mom and dad, had the same outfit in multiples because thats the only thing he felt comfortable wearing, stuff like that! since then he's expanded who he allows himself to make eye contact with like anyone from the pack but its pretty sporadic eye contact and not consistent
was in special education for a portion of elementary school until it was deemed he didnt quite need that anymore *
selective mutism - as a kid he rarely spoke more than a couple sentences throughout the span of a week and because of this he was taught ASL and still uses it when he experiences speech loss (the pack has taken it upon themselves to learn at least the basics to understand stiles when he switches over to that) also sidenote to any autistic people who may be reading this i highly recommend learning whatever version you have of sign language in your country its been such a positive change in my life its so worth learning!
hes a sensory seeker and sensory avoider but his most favorite textures are: rocks, sherpa, faux fur (only the soft and very short kind, water, bamboo fabric, sorta-wet dirt, door frames, beards (if any of the guys in the pack grow out their facial hair get ready for lots of pats from stiles), and the feeling of running his hands over his freshly-buzzed hair *
stims - his stims consist of popping his lips, shaking his head side to side, sucking in air, rolling his tongue, hand flapping, knee bouncing, swaying, spinning, humming, grunting, pacing, touching the textures he likes, having a particular song on repeat, pursing his lips, and laughing! the ones pertaining to age regression are: rattles, having a pacifier in his mouth, and the sound blocks make like getting tumbled over *
safe foods - he is an incredibly picky eater but has safe foods he either has had everyday for years now or some for special occasions: oatmeal, toast, curly fries, lemonade, grilled cheese, mac n cheese (are we seeing a theme here haha), ramen, any sort of veggie-meats, soup, any sort of snack that crunches like cheese itz goldfish veggie straws etc.
his bed - he likes his bed in a very particular way i'll even throw in a pic of the bed frame he has!
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he lines all the edges with stuffed animals and/or pillows and does not like having his bed made neat, he likes to keep it looking like a nest and hes very serious about that Noah knows better than to make his bed if he's ever tidying up around the house! he only sleeps with a jersey comforter and a 25lb weighted blanket and does not like laying his head on his pillow but rather hugging it so most nights he sleeps flat against the mattress *
outings - any sort of long outings is going to require a bag of sorts and stiles will often forget to bring such bag, his dad always brings it and makes sure to tell anyone he might be with (like Derek, Lydia, Scott etx) to bring The Bag ™ it consists of: noise canceling headphones, a couple of fidget toys, at least one small stuffed animal, his backup anxiety medication, sunglasses, and a change of the most sensory friendly clothes *
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blessednereid · 4 years
First Line Tryouts
Series Masterlist
Mentions/Warnings: Implied Smut, making out, cursing, eating/food mentions, mentions dead bodies, slasher film mention, dementia mention, slight domesticality(?)
Word Count: <4,200
A/N: This took so long im so sorry, tried to sum up the events of ep 1, while adding some isaac moments! Enjoy! LMK If I need to add anymore tw’s or cw’s.
Taglist: @rogershoe Dm me to be added to the taglist. 
There was a week left until your second semester began. Isaac was determined to thank you for everything you had done for him since he told you about his dad. 
He enlisted Stiles and a reluctant Lydia to help him with the planning. Isaac was going to make a picnic basket with your favorite foods. After that, Stiles would drive him to Lookout Point, and Lydia would take you there right after he gave her the go-ahead to let her know it was ok to leave. 
Lydia would take you to the mall so that Isaac could prepare the picnic basket. He had bought assorted fruits, a platter of ham and cheese pinwheels, passion-fruit fruit champagne, your favorite desserts, and your favorite chips. He packed a picnic blanket as well as two smaller ones so that you both could lay under the stars and watch them dance. 
After everything was packed, Stiles drove him to the point in the woods, and two miles away from his destination, he called Lydia and gave her the signal. 
When he reached the peak, before he could do anything, Stiles scolded him.
"Hey scarf," he barked. Isaac turned his head.
"Don't try anything with my sister tonight, alright? You may not be in the house, but I will still be watching everything?"
Isaac paused. "Aren't you going back to Scott's house?" 
"I have eyes everywhere, Lahey," he stated simply before waltzing away.
When you arrived, Isaac had everything set up, the picnic cloth was laid down on a flat chunk, the colorful plastic champagne glasses he had bought were carefully placed down on top of the plates, 
When you arrived, Isaac had already laid everything out. The picnic blanket was spread out on a flat chunk of land, and the ceramic plates sat on top of it. There was a bundle of spoons and forks, knives, and colorful plastic champagne glasses for the both of you. 
"I-saac, haha," you chuckled.
He bowed. "Good evening, madame. How can I serve you today?" He walked over to you and led you to the setting. 
"Isaac, you didn't have to do all this, you know?" 
"I know, but you've done so much for me recently, and I wanted to thank you."
You looked at him fondly, and he stared back at you before breaking away to grab the fruit. He fed you a strawberry, and after that, you both took turns tossing berries into the air and trying to catch them. 
After you both were done eating, Isaac packed all the remaining food (which was a lot) into the basket and tossed you a cover. He pulled you closer to him once you were wrapped in the blanket and laid down to watch the stars with his favorite person in the world. 
"That's Orion's belt, right there," you thought out loud. 
"That's the big dipper then," 
"How do you know so many constellations?" Isaac questioned, and you frowned. 
"I- uh…" 
"What's wrong?" He looked at you with worry.
"It was something me and my mom did before she died. She would go out to the woods with me—" you paused."—and she would show me where all the stars were. Stiles was never interested. My obsession with finding the stars became so big she decided to get me a telescope and a big book of all the constellations." 
"Oh, so I'm guessing it's a touchy subject?" 
You laughed. "It's a subject that brings up memories. To be honest, I haven't tried stargazing since my mom's death. This was nice." 
"You never told me much about your mom…" 
"And you never told me about yours," you hit back. 
You went first. "Before everything, my mom was…in all aspects… perfect. Every day when we came home from school, she would have lunch ready, even if we already ate, just some chips and cookies on the table for Stiles and me." 
You smiled. "Mom would take us outside to the backyard and play soccer with us, us two against her. I think she would go easy on us." 
"When she got diagnosed, she started becoming less… tolerant of us. She would yell for the tiniest things,  and they didn't hurt me as much because Dad would always remind us that she didn't mean it, but I guess it always hurt Stiles more—"
"How do you mean?" Isaac asked.
"He was always a mommy's boy. One night we went to visit her at the hospital, I went to the vending machine to get snacks for Stiles and me, and he was gone. When he came back, he was crying nonstop. I kept trying to get him to tell me what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me.  The next day it was like he just forgot about it." 
You both sat there in silence for a while longer. 
"My mom…. My mom was always working. She had her own business making soaps and perfumes and stuff like that." 
"She would always ask—" he gulped. "—she would ask my brother and me to help her with her orders. We would always make a mess, so after we were done, she made bubble baths for us." He giggled at the memory. "When she died, I guess we all changed a bit." 
"I got a little shier, Camden got more impulsive, Dad just lost his filter. He put more effort into making sure we were disciplined." He saw your eyes squint. "He didn't hit us back then. He just had stricter rules." 
You pulled him closer to your chest, and you guys just stayed there, looking at the stars, and feeling, even more, closer to each other than before.
You broke the silence.
"Yes, Y/N?"
"I love you…" 
He leaned down to your face and pecked your lips.
"I love you too," he smiled.
"Y/n!" Isaac was trying to wake you up. You had fallen asleep watching Nightmare on Elm Street. You had been desensitized to all the blood and gore because you and stiles would always stay up late and watch slasher films. This was when your dad worked extra shifts at the Sheriff's station, and your mom was at the hospital.
"N/n, Wake up!" 
He grabbed your ringing phone and pulled it up to your ear, despite knowing he would face your wrath for doing that later on. Stiles had just called you for the 4th time that night, and you weren't waking up.
When you still wouldn't wake up, he did the only thing he could think of, as illogical as it was. He laid down flat on his back and rolled over, pushing you off the bed. You woke with a start. 
"Stiles has called you 4 times in 5 minutes, and you told me to wake you up whenever someone calls you…" He fake-pouted. 
Your expression softened because you couldn't resist his cobalt eyes, but you were still angry. You answered the phone and shouted at Stiles to release your frustration. 
"Stiles, what the hell, you're across the hall. Did you really have to call?"
"Hurry up and get ready, Dad just went out, and we need to go get Scott."
"Why do we have to follow dad? It's his job."
"Someone found a dead body, but half of it is missing,"
"Ok, I'm coming," You said while putting on your jeans. 
"Oh, and leave the golden retriever."
"His name is Isaac, not 'golden retriever,' Stiles!" you scolded. 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, hurry up!"
You finished putting on Isaac's hoodie and turned to face him. 
"I gotta go, love."
He pouted. "Why can't I go with you?"
You went to give him a hug. "We should go with the least amount of people possible., so we don't get caught…" you lied. 
"Is Scott going?" He was always able to tell when you were lying. He knew all your tells and your poker face before you were even dating. 
"Fine, It's Stiles."
"So, I realized. Do I really look like a golden retriever?"
You shrugged and said in a pitchy voice, "An adorable golden retriever?" 
He sighed. 
"Be safe, and come back before midnight, please? I don't wanna go to sleep without you…"
"Nervous for tomorrow?"
"It's the start of first-line tryouts. I really wanna make it this year,"
"I'm sure that you'll make it Isaac, you are one of the most hand-eye coordinated people I know, and at every game, I will be there to cheer you guys on!"
 He smiled at your statement and kissed you. 
"Be sa—"
"Y/N, Hurry up!" Stiles shouted from downstairs. 
You stayed in the car while Stiles was getting Scott, silently cursing him for not allowing Isaac to come but going to get Scott. 
Scott and Stiles got out of the house and piled into the car. 
"Next time you wanna leave the 'golden retriever,' Stiles, we're also leaving the poodle," you angrily intoned.
Scott took up an offended expression. "Poodle?"
"Would you rather chihuahua?"
"No, we're not leaving Scott. He's my best friend," Stiles said defensively.
"Oh yeah? Isaac is my boyfriend, yet he couldn't come!" 
"My car, my choice of guests."
"Fuck off, Miechyvslaw!"
"We're seriously doing this?"
"Obviously," you stated simply.
He started driving the car, and they headed to the woods where the search party for the body and the other half of it would be located. 
"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles said.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow."
"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles sassed.
"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making the first line."
"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."
You interrupted their bickering. "Just out of curiosity, do either of you know what half of the body we're even looking for?"
"Uhhh-" Stiles stuttered.
"And uh- what if whoever killed the body is still out there," Scott questioned.
"Also, something I did not think about."
"It's comforting to know that you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott stated. 
Stiles and Scott continued bickering, but soon, you saw a flashlight.
"Shit! Hide!" you warned, but Stiles kept going. You leaped forward, trying to grab his shirt and pull him back, but your dad caught you.
"Hang on. Hang on. These two delinquents belong to me."
Stiles sighed. 
"I told you to hide, you brat!" you whispered to him.
"Daaaaad!" He enunciated. "How are you doing?"
"So, do you, uh, listen into all my phone calls?"
"Not the boring ones," Stiles said. 
"So, where's your usual partner in crime?"
"Wh-who Scott? Scott's home, he said before continuing to ramble.
Your dad had called out for Scott, and when he didn't respond, dragged you and Stiles back to the Jeep. 
You went back to your room once you got to the house and found Isaac asleep on the bed.
"Izzie!" You grabbed a plush pillow from beside him and whacked him softly with it. 
You went home that night, not knowing where Scott was or what had happened to him while worrying about what Melissa would do to you if Scott got bitten by a coyote and she found out you lured him out there.
He stirred but didn't wake. You groaned and moved beside him.
"Isaac?" you shrilled. "Isaac, you were supposed to wait for me to come back!!"
You shook his body left and right until he woke up groggily.
He fully opened his eyes and groaned at the comfort that it was you.
"You scared me!" he complained.
You began shuffling towards him and running your hands down his covered pectorals. "Aww… what can I do to make you feel better?"
"Anything?" he said before sucking in a breath.
"Anything, baby," You nodded. 
He pulled you onto his lap and started kissing you passionately, your lips meshing together. He trailed his lips from yours to your cheekbones, then to your jawline, nibbling slightly. You moved your hips forcefully against his, and he brought one hand down to your waist.
"Hey, is this ok?"
You nodded vehemently. 
He pushed your hips back and forth along his while leaving dark red marks towards the base of your neck and your collarbone. He sucked a hickey onto a pulse point, making you let out a moan, which you tried muffling by pressing your lips together. 
He brought his hands to the hem of your shirt and tugged slightly before looking up at you. You replaced his hands and pulled your shirt off of your torso. 
He placed open-mouthed kisses onto the tops of your breasts, causing you to throw your head back in delight. He brought his hand back to the small of your back and shuffled you forwards on his lap. 
He turned you over onto your back and continued to kiss from your chest up. He stood on his knees in front of you and pulled his shirt off of his body. He placed one more brief kiss on your lips before gripping your thighs and lowering down your body.
Stiles drove you, Isaac, and Scott to school the next day. When you got out of the car, Scott and Stiles were talking about a bite that Scott had gotten when he went to the woods, but he assured you that you wouldn't face Melissa's wrath. 
When you saw Lydia amongst the crowd, you dragged Isaac all the way to her. Lydia had never liked Isaac, feeling like her best friend could do much better than someone who wouldn't even talk to her(you) for extensive periods of time. 
"Hey Lyds!" you said with Isaac's face buried in your neck. He was not fond of Lydia either, not that she had done anything, but he had picked up on her apathy towards him and just decided he would do the same. 
"Hey Y/N! Isaac." You all walked into the building and headed for your respective classes. 
You had English first, and the teacher was rambling about the dead body found in the woods. 
A familiar faced walked into the room, and you almost squealed. It was your godsister, Allison Argent. You knew that her family was moving to  Beacon Hills, but you hadn't known when they would be arriving. 
Chris Argent, Allison's dad, was your mother's best friend in high school. When she gave birth to you and Stiles, she made Chris your godfather.
You quietly clapped your hands at her appearance. She smiled at you before taking the seat diagonally across from you and right behind Scott. You noticed how when he turned around to give her a pencil, he looked highly flustered. 
Before you could point this out and tease him about it, your teacher began to talk about the novel you were reading as a class.
When you got out of class, you decided to introduce Lydia to Allison. 
When you both approached Allison, she squealed and ran to give you a hug, almost causing you to stumble. You hugged her back for a good five seconds before letting her go. 
"That jacket is absolutely killer! Where'd you get it?" Lydia asked the brunette.
"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco."
"And, you are my new best friend!" Lydia said before greeting her boyfriend, Jackson, who had come up behind her. 
"Hey? What about me? Already replacing me with my godsister?" you asked before you felt two slender arms wrap around your waist.
"Never!" Lydia smiled. "We can all be friends." 
You could hear a girl talking about Lydia or Allison or both, and you decided you would defend your friends. 
You walked over to where she was talking to Stiles and Scott.
"Hey, what's going on over here?"
"Oh, Audrey here was asking what Allison did to already be hanging out with your exclusive clique."
"Uh, nothing? She's just Allison." You said, looking at Scott and Stiles but directing it towards Aubrey. You then turned on your heels and walked away.
You had found that your friends had told Allison about the upcoming party and were just about to head to the lacrosse practice for the day.
You gave Isaac a good luck kiss before he went out to the field, and Lydia looked at you weirdly.
"What is it?" you asked, rolling your eyes.
"Nothing, Nothing."
"Why do you have such a problem with my boyfriend?"
She turned to look at you. "I don't know, maybe it's because you caught feelings when he hadn't said a single word to you for a week and didn't for another week after you first kissed him"
"It could be that when you asked him out and actually confessed your feelings, he waited a week to give you a response and made you think that he was rejecting you, which made you cry?"  
You rubbed your temples. "Lydia, I explained all this to you. He's a shy guy. He just doesn't talk much to people, and he thought I was playing a joke on him."
She shook her head. "Mark my words, Y/N, he's going to end up breaking your heart, and when he does, I'll be left to pick up the pieces."
You groaned. "Allison, does Isaac look like someone who would hurt me?"
"No? He looks like… He looks like a golden retriever!"
The three of you burst out laughing, and Lydia promised to try and be tolerant of Isaac.
Suddenly, it was Scott's turn to try guarding the goal. He allowed the first shot through before finding his footing and blocking the rest of the throws. 
"Who is that?" Your godsister asked. 
"Hmm… I'm not sure who he is," Lydia said questioningly.
You scoffed. "That is Scott McCall. Stiles' best friend. Why?"
"He's in our English class. He seems like he's pretty good," she said sagely.
She changed the subject. "Speaking of Stiles, how is he? I haven't talked to him since I got back."
"He's-" you tried answering but stopped short. "Wooh! Go, Isaac!"
He smiled at you before going to shoot lacrosse balls at the goalie.
On the final day of tryouts, you and Isaac had done stretches, though he didn't know why, and they had run laps around the field before practice had started.
The coach started talking to the players, and you, Lydia, and Allison sat in the stands. By the time practice was over, Scott had made the first line, but Stiles and Isaac didn't. To cheer them up, you had taken them to their favorite to-go restaurant and bought dessert for them.
It was a Friday night. You were particularly sad, not only because Isaac couldn't go with you, but because Isaac had his weekly dinner with his dad today. So, he wouldn't even be there when you fell asleep. 
Scott and Stiles had gotten into a fight earlier, so he wasn't going to the party. This left Jackson to drive you, who was taking Lydia to the party. This didn't make you too happy, seeing as how Jackson was a self-entitled bastard who got his status from his family and isn't grateful for any of it. 
You didn't understand how Lydia had decided it would be a good idea to date him. But, you knew that the same way she couldn't change your mind about Isaac, she wouldn't change your mind about Jackson. 
You wore a pink satin body-con dress that reached your mid-thigh. Isaac had picked it out for you when he realized he wouldn't have been able to attend the party. He was ok with it being as short because he knew all the guys there would remember what happened to Garrett Ferrero after he started hitting on you at a party. He had to get nose surgery because Isaac had broken it, and his nose swelled up so large, he didn't come to school until it shrunk.
You paired it with opaque tights with fishnets on top and a pair of red, 3-inch, cut-out heels. As for makeup, you had outlined your lips with a black lip liner and smeared a cherry red lipstick over it. You applied minimal foundation and went for a nude eyeshadow look. 
When you stepped out of the bathroom in your outfit, Isaac nearly went feral. He lightly kissed the expanse of your neck, knowing you would kill him if he messed up your makeup, and he ended up backing you both into a wall. 
You had to swat him away after a few seconds of this affair because you had to leave soon, and so did he, albeit reluctantly. You put a black jean jacket on top of your outfit before heading downstairs. 
He left your house a few minutes before you did, but just before you left, Stiles pulled you aside.
"Hey, Y/N, just watch out for Scott today, and especially Allison." Stiles was overprotective of both of you. Before Allison and her family began moving around, she was like a sister to both of you. You three did almost everything together. 
"Stiles, what's going on?"
He sighed. "Ok, this is going to be hard to explain, but you have to go. So I'm going to give you the brief version right now and explain later."
You nodded, beckoning him to continue. 
"The night Scott got bit by that 'coyote'... it wasn't a coyote. It was a wolf, and wolf hairs were reported on the autopsy of the dead body. Scott has been experiencing heightened senses, and he's been stronger. Y/N, he hasn't needed his inhaler all week."
Your eyes widened. You didn't know what to say.
"So… you think he's a werewolf."
"Better to be safe and absurd than sorry and sad. Tonight's a full moon, and he just wouldn't cancel that date. Just look out for them, you know?"
You bobbed your head up and down vigorously. 
You left the house, and outside were Jackson and Lydia, in the front seat of his Porsche. It was a nice ride but a bit overly embellished for someone who only just got his license.
Later at the party, you had last seen Allison and Scott as they were dancing. You were dancing with your friend, Marya Cullen. She was a freshman, so she didn't really know most of your other friends. You had met her through your job at Forever 21, and you instantly clicked. 
She was really drunk, so you called another one of her friends and asked them to take her home. Marya had given her friends a list of the people allowed to drive her home if this happened. 
It was just as you were putting Marya in the backseat, you saw Scott walking away from her, dazed. While that happened, a mysterious guy who looked much older than you were approaching Allison. 
"Hey, I'm her friend. I got it, thanks!" 
You walked with Allison back to her house after grabbing all your belongings and immersed in conversation, mostly about how weird Stiles was being. Stiles was driving in his Jeep when he saw you coming from Allison's house. You got into the Jeep, and you both went home. 
When you got there, you changed into your pajamas and laid down onto the surface of a cold bed. You grabbed your thickest pillow and pulled it into your arms, trying to create some semblance of a feeling of Isaac laying down with you.
You awoke to bright sunlight and a buzzing phone by your head. Isaac had been calling you to ask you to let him in the house. You realized it was high time that he gets a key to the front door. 
You went downstairs to greet your boyfriend, and you noticed that he had brought Starbucks. You almost caused him to fall to the floor had he not caught you in time. He set you on the floor and kissed your lips before heading to the kitchen.
He had gotten your regular order, as well as your favorite drink, and he had gotten his order as well. 
You guys say down to just eat and relax.
He took a sip of his iced coffee before saying anything.
"My dad wants me to work at the graveyard," he said, pensive.
You choked on your food. "What?" 
"Well, he said he's cutting off my allowance." 
"So he said I can either earn it by working at the graveyard or stay broke." 
"That's fine, darling?" 
"I know, but I still want to get a job to save so once I turn 18, I can move out. And, he is willing to let me choose my own hours, or really just give me hours that don't interfere with lacrosse practice."
You gave him a solemn look and whined. "But that means we won't have as much cuddle time?" 
"He shouldn't even be in your room," your dad said, approaching you from behind.
"Hi, dad."
"Good morning, Mr. Stilinsk—"
"Isaac," your dad interjected. "It's fine. You can call me Noah." 
Isaac smiled. 
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stilestilikeslydia · 4 years
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Part Two
so I’m almost never on tumblr anymore, but in case any of you remember my old fics, I wanted to come back to let you know that I FINALLY finished the second part to this fic that I wrote for the Stydia Big Bang almost four years ago haha
there’s also some excellent art for it that @wellsjahasghost and @sydrianssage made for it way back in 2017 that you can check out here and here if you would like :)
(Rated M)
“I can't believe I've been a ghost for ten years, and nobody thought to tell me about the new Star Wars trilogy until today. ”
“Stiles, nobody even knew you existed until last month.”
Kira slapped Malia’s knee—lightly, because Kira was still incapable of giving an actual reprimand. “Well, we’ve told you about it now,” she said, offering him her brightest smile. “What did you think?”
“I think… I miss my blissful ignorance from eight hours ago, when I didn’t know that George Lucas greenlit this absolute garbage fire,” Stiles whined. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, The Force Awakens started out with a lot of potential, and the cast is full of extremely hot and talented people, but what the fuck?! My only regret is that my death tree wasn’t transformed into a desk in the writers’ room for these movies, or I could have haunted those dipshits until they figured out how to write a plot that actually made sense.”
“Your only regret, huh?” Lydia asked, keeping her tone dry and incredulous.
“No, you're right,” Stiles said, his expression instantly transforming into the biggest shit-eating grin Lydia had seen since before he'd died. “I also regret not inventing ectoplasmic grocery stores before my death. It’s unfair that I cook for all of you and don't get to eat any of it.”
“Not our fault you actually enjoy cooking,” Malia pointed out. “And depleting Lydia's bank account.”
“I am going to strangle you,” Lydia said. “Werecoyote strength or not.”
“But then who’s going to sit next to you in bars and make fun of everybody we see?”
“Yeah, you need her for that,” Kira added. “I’m terrible at judging people, and so is Scott.”
Scott toasted her with a grin, looking relaxed and comfortable against the armrest of the oversized couch he was currently sharing with a ghost and a realtor. Stiles took one look at him and snorted.
“Scott’s a terrible judge of many things,” he agreed. “People… the distance between a car bumper and the curb… movies…”
“Yes, Scott!” Stiles crowed, now fully recovered from his initial disappointment. “This trilogy may have been a mess, but in order to watch it, you must have seen the other two trilogies too, and that means you have to know how great they are! Admit it, Star Wars is amazing, you were wrong, and I was right! Not watching it with me earlier was the biggest mistake of your life!”
“Maybe not the biggest,” Scott said, the grin on his face slipping a little. Lydia’s fingers tightened around the stem of her wine glass. “Anyway, I already knew the Star Wars movies were good. I watched them junior year.”
“Junior year?! ” Stiles squawked, so surprised that he started sinking into the couch. “And you never told me?! What the hell, man, all those times you pretended not to get my references and you—”
“Of college,” Scott clarified, and the room went silent.
Lydia set her wine glass down on the coffee table with trembling fingers. The tapping of glass on wood sounded like a gunshot, a bullet to the lungs. There was a crescent moon outside. For one heart-shattering moment, Lydia swore she could smell wolfsbane.
“I’m going to go get a glass of water,” she said, voice too harsh to her own ears, bouncing off the walls and clanging in her skull. Another bullet to the lungs.
The next thing she became aware of was the press of a cabinet knob against her back, the solidity of a hardwood floor underneath her body. She was leaning against the kitchen island, eyes level with the cabinet that Stiles had poked open over and over again to entertain Brooke all those weeks ago. Tonight, though, when she opened it herself, there was nothing inside.
Lydia clung to the knob anyway and tried not to cry.
It wasn’t Stiles who came to check on her after a few minutes, or Scott, or even Kira. Instead, Malia was the one who tugged the cabinet door out of Lydia’s hand and dropped to the floor, flinging her legs out to one side and meeting Lydia’s eyes without flinching.
“Kira started talking about BB-8 again,” she said. “Scott looked like he wanted to change the subject.”
Lydia pressed her lips together, looked away, and settled her hands on her knees with careful precision. “That was nice of her. I’m sure he did.”
“He told me, you know,” Malia continued without missing a beat. “About what you told him. About Stiles wanting you to sell the house.”
Lydia’s fingers clenched around the hem of her dress. “Yes.”
Malia narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to?”
“I have to,” Lydia said, “or Yvenne will just find another realtor.”
“Okay, maybe,” Malia said. “But who are you going to sell it to ?”
Lydia froze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, come on,” she said. “I know you’ve been considering it. You’ve been eyeing the curtains in the living room like you can’t wait to change them all night.”
“Maybe I just can’t believe Yvenne expects me to find a buyer for this house when it’s been decorated so poorly.”
Malia rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to lie to me. I’m more observant than you think, and I’m not Scott or Stiles. I’m not going to try and stop you.”
Slowly, precisely, Lydia tilted her head and met Malia’s piercing gaze. “You know what you’re saying, right? Scott and Stiles would try to stop me.”
“Yeah,” Malia said. “And that matters, because Lydia Martin always does what people tell her to do. And I had a normal childhood. And math was my favorite subject in high school.”
After a long moment, Lydia stood. Malia mimicked the movement. “I just think we’ve already lost enough people,” Lydia admitted. “I don’t want to lose him twice.”
“Like I said. I’m not going to try and stop you.”
For a while, Lydia told herself that she hadn’t made up her mind. She let Stiles cook her every meal and listened to him relive memories from high school and the two years of college he’d gotten to enjoy, doing his best to help her appreciate the times they’d shared together without losing herself in them. She fell asleep on the couch with him while they watched movies together and pretended that she didn’t know he’d been playing with her hair when she woke up. She allowed him to teach her how to cook and change the oil in her car, life skills that she’d always expected him to handle in their relationship, life skills he wanted her to master before he moved onto wherever he expected to go once he stopped being a ghost, but—
But then, on a Thursday afternoon a week before Yvenne’s deadline, Lydia’s phone rang.
They were in the middle of making stir fry, but Stiles nudged her with the spatula he was using—one loophole he’d found for their inability to make physical contact—and told her to answer it “just in case.” “It could be important, Lyds.”
That was precisely why she didn’t want to answer it, but with a long-suffering sigh and a pointed glare, Lydia wiped her hands off on a paper towel and picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hello, Lydia Martin? This is Shea O’Malley.”
Predictably and irksomely, Lydia’s heart rate increased. “What can I do for you, Shea?” she asked, smoothing on her realtor’s smile even though Shea couldn’t see. Between the way Stiles’s eyebrows were raised and the way his head was tilted so he could hear Shea’s half of the conversation, Lydia needed the extra armor.
“Well, Ben and Piper and I have been shopping around the neighborhoods near that lovely red house you showed us, but we simply haven’t found a place that compares. After a long discussion, Ben and I have decided that there’s no use searching any longer. We would like to place an offer on that red house.”
Lydia’s head was all white noise and bloodstains and terror. She tried to picture saying goodbye to Stiles and watching him dissolve into whatever dimension the rest of their dead loved ones had ended up in. She tried to imagine handing the keys over to the O’Malleys and leaving the red house for good. She tried to convince herself that it was possible for her to move on.
But like the O’Malleys, Lydia discovered that it was no use.
Once upon a time, it might have been possible for her to move on. But now Lydia’s heart was inextricably entwined with this red house.
The only difference was that Lydia had the ability to hold onto it.
“I’m sorry,” she said, the white noise fading to a treacherous whisper. (So, basically nothing. Treacherous whispers were old friends in Lydia’s mind.) “You’re too late. The red house has already been sold.”
Stiles froze. Lydia froze, judging his reaction. Over the phone line, Lydia heard Shea’s breath catch, and then she sighed. “Are you certain there’s no chance of the buyer changing their mind? I mean, if we could place a counteroffer—”
“I’m afraid that there’s no amount of money you could offer that this particular buyer wouldn’t match,” Lydia said with as much gentleness as she could muster. The O’Malleys really were a nice family. “They’re quite dedicated, have a substantial savings account, and are at least as attached to the house as you are.”
Shea’s second sigh was only slightly less audible than the first. “Well, that’s it, then,” she said tiredly. “Thank you for all of your help, Lydia. We all thoroughly enjoyed meeting you the other day.”
“If you still haven’t found a different house in the next few weeks, let me know and I’ll help you keep looking. Free of charge,” Lydia blurted, because she was going to keep the house and Stiles and therefore she could afford to offer a little kindness to the family whose dream home she had just poached.
“Why, that’s very kind of you,” Shea said, oblivious to Lydia’s silent betrayal. “We may just take you up on that offer. Thank you again.”
And after the exchange of a few more pleasantries, she hung up.
“What the fuck?” Stiles said into the resulting silence. “A buyer made an offer on this house, and you didn’t tell me about it?”
Lydia set her phone on the counter. “You don’t really want me to leave.”
Stiles dropped his spatula. “What?”
“Come on, Stiles,” Lydia said. “Who do you think you’re talking to? If you really wanted me to move on, you never would have opened your mouth. I would have walked into this house on that first day, sold it, and walked right back out without ever knowing that you were here.”
“I—” Stiles spluttered. “I was surprised, and I just—”
“Maybe,” Lydia replied. “But that could have been it. I told you not to make it difficult for me to sell this house, and instead you scared off buyer after buyer until I figured out who you were. You say you want me to move on, but you’re here, Stiles. You’re standing right in front of me, and I’m never going to move on when I could have this instead!”
“What do you want me to say?” Stiles demanded. “Do you want an apology? Because I know you deserve one. I—I—I’m sorry for talking to you, I’m sorry for cooking you dinner, I’m sorry for being here! I didn’t mean to make this harder for you, and I’m sorry that I did! Is that what you wanted to hear?”
It wasn’t a banshee scream, but it left Lydia hoarse and aching all the same.
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” she whispered. “I just want you to want me to stay.”
“Well, I am sorry, Lyds. And I can’t give that to you.”
“Pick up the phone, Lydia. Call the O’Malleys. Tell them the buyer changed their mind.”
Lydia took a deep breath and looked at the man who was the love of both her life and whatever came after that. “No.”
“No, Stiles! I’m not going to do that! These last few weeks have been the happiest weeks of the past ten years. You can’t honestly stand there and expect me to give that up.”
“That’s the thing, though,” he said. “I’m not actually standing here.”
“That doesn’t matter to me.”
“But it should.” Stiles reached out, brushed his fingers through a loose strand of her hair, and then stepped away. “I might not be able to stop you from buying this house, but that doesn’t mean I have to give you a reason to live here.”
There was a whoosh, as if he was opening up that interdimensional doorway again, and then he disappeared.
On the stove, the stir fry began to burn.
(read the rest on ao3)
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
Hello, me again haha, for the blurb event could you please write one where the reader and Harrison are trying to do the famous lift from dirty dancing, but they keep failing and laughing about it?
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A/N: your requests are just adorably cute to write, aaaaaah 🥺🥺🥺 and this one? oof, my heart is meltiiiing also bc I love that movie 😌👀💞 thank you so much again, darling and stay safe 💖
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event
“Come on! I’m so pumped up right now!”
Harrison bounces up and down like a kid in the middle of Tom’s yard, waiting for you to join him. Meanwhile you stand on the patio, thinking about the pros and cons of what you’re about to do or just stopping anything before it even starts.
“I don’t even know why you’re so excited about it” you sigh then can’t help but giggle at your boyfriend’s energy.
“I know I’m a lost cause at dancing, so at least I can try to lift my baby!” cheekily answers Harrison, while cracking his neck and shoulders.
By now, it is too late to make this boy change his mind. So you agree anyway and stretch your arms and back, now walking shoeless on the grass. There are at least fifteen feet between you both.
“Don’t need the music?” asks Harrison, now facing you from afar. “Or if you prefer, I can sing-”
“Please don’t” you interrupt him trying not to laugh at the simple thought of it, and at future neighbours’ complains if he does sing.
Harrison smirks as he likes teasing you at any occasion, typically on a daily basis. When both of you finally calm down a bit, silence now surrounding the garden apart from a few birds afar, Harrison arranges his hair and styles it with his fingers, his forehead now clear from any strand that could bother him.
“Come on, baby.”
At your boyfriend’s (cheesy) signal, you slowly breath in and take a run-up towards him at a mid speed. Harrison gets into position, legs slightly bend and arms wide open ready to catch you. When you sense being at good distance, you take an impetus and jump, your arms outstretched as far as you can.
You then feel your boyfriend grab your hips and ready to follow your “takeoff”. Surprisingly you find yourself on a plank position on top of Harrison’s head, a smile soon forming on both your face as you finally made it after a week of endless tries.
But the victory is quickly cut off. You may have gathered too much momentum because your body continues its course, now passing behind Harrison. And Harrison couldn’t just let you go so he accompanies you in your fall.
Bless Tom for forcing you guys to put an old big gym mat behind you, almost throwing it into your face as he didn’t want you both to kill yourself. At least, your fall has been cushioned.
“Dammit! I thought we had it this time!” Harrison grumbles, quickly siting up and checking on you to see if you are alright.
You stay on the mat, laying on your back while looking at the sky and soon look at your boyfriend.
“... Why did we start doing that, anyway?” you mumble, frowning a little.
“Because you love ‘Dirty Dancing’...”
“Oh right... oops” you reply and then start laughing at the situation.
Harrison follows you into your laughing, joining you back on the mat to lay next to you.
“Tomorrow we’ll make it baby, I tell ya!”
“Sure, pretty boy.”
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Full Circle
A/N: This just hit me. I hope you like it. 2,486 words. Feels good to write again. I had to get it out.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
I am sleep deprived. I hope I make sense. Haha!
Warnings: Some language. Mostly just fluff, though.
Anon said: Hey, I love your writing so much. I was wondering if I could get a Reader X Derek Hale, where the reader is the older sister of Stiles and she has returned from somewhere (up to you where) and meets Derek accidentally in the woods or something and he realises she is his mate, only to meet her again when Stiles brings her to a pack meeting. Stiles could make lots of jokes (or something) about how Alpha Derek is trying to act to impress his sister? You don’t have to write it if you’re too busy xx
“Stiles, I’m gonna kill you!” A feminine voice lilted through the air before the mashing of a phone screen sounded, clearly ending a call, and frankly surprising Derek that he didn’t hear the glass of the screen start to shatter under what felt like a large amount of pressure due to the seething rage in her voice.
Approaching the sound for some unknown reason, he smiled at the groan of frustration that left her lips next, feeling a connection with the sound on an intimate level. There was a type of exasperation only Stiles could induce, and it was part of what bonded him to you. He was invaluable to the pack, and a great friend to have at your back, but sometimes you just couldn’t deal with his sarcasm.
Shaking his head, Derek cleared all thoughts related to Stiles and stopped just short on the edge of the clearing that contained your voice. He stared. A pull deep in his gut made him want to run to you, stick his nose in your hair and take a deep breath, and never let go.
The word ‘mate’ floated around in his head, a guttural growl slipping past his lips before he could stop it, and he almost literally reached for it desperately once it had slipped out, staring at the ground before him forlornly only to have his face go blank when he lifted his eyes to meet yours, their bright yellow glowing due to the small sound just out of your line of sight.
Being an omega had never been easy, deciding to leave home shortly after your mother died and just before Stiles started high school, you thought it was for the best, keeping your family a safe distance from all the supernatural crap that had infiltrated your life.
The boy you had been pining over from afar hadn’t seemed to notice you yet, anyway, and at the time had become involved with a beautiful girl who played the cello, so when the only instrument you could think of to compete for his affections was the simple triangle, you gave up, and after graduation, left town. It was just after leaving that word drifted back to you that the girl had died tragically followed shortly by a large chunk of his family in a house fire, and you nearly went to him, but you weren’t even sure he knew your name, and being another face in a line of ‘sorry’s just wasn’t what you wanted to be. Not only had she died tragically, it was one of the infamous ‘animal attack’s that had plagued Beacon Hills lately, and admitting to him, even eventually, what you were, you were nearly certain he would only see you as a monster.
Running through the woods to come to your brothers aid was the last place you expected to see that face again, even through the years, the beard, and the massive amount of muscle now cloaking the boy you loved in high school, his bright eyes still shown with the light that drew you to him in the first place, an unknown feeling cinching your gut, and seemingly pulling you towards him, though you fought it. Because though those eyes still shone so brightly with that vibrant spirit of his, the bright red that accompanied it knocked the breath out of you, and despite the instinct to come closer, your nature was telling you to run.
So willing your feet to obey the opposite of what they were being told by half of your brain, you turned and bolted, running even faster with a smile when you heard the primal roar he let out behind you before heavy footsteps gave chase, and everything just felt right. When the footsteps stopped and you felt the distance growing, you slowed and turned, taking a few steps backward before stilling as the hairs on your neck stood on end, every bone in your body vibrating at the sound, as the most forlorn and sorrow filled howl met your ears.
Turning and jogging back home, you hesitated before you knocked, knowing once you took the final step back into your previous life, into your childhood home, things would change forever. Letting a shiver run over you as it creeped up your spine, you tried to shake off the feeling of needing to be back in the woods and answer the call with a resounding howl of your own. But instead you just steeled yourself against your very nature, and took the final step forward, back into your old life, your old house, your old room, where you stared at the ceiling all night long, wide awake, not daring to look at your alarm clock as it blinked the night away, the red glow of the numbers reminding you too closely of the eyes that haunted you when your eyelids were closed.
Scott was the Alpha in town. Odds were you wouldn’t see those eyes from the woods for a very long time, if ever again. You could only hope. But if it was hope you would or hope you wouldn’t, you couldn’t tell, and the inability to tell only added to the sleepless night.
That same lurch in your stomach appeared when the door to the loft slid open. You felt like you were walking into your destiny, but at the same time, along to your doom. Whichever came first.
Locking eyes with a set that flashed bright red but did not belong to Scott McCall across the room did nothing to set you at ease, in fact it only worked to set your feet into place and your mind to running a million miles a minute.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, the name floated through your head, the talk of your class years ago, and the talk of your little brother day in and day out, usually the butt of a joke, or used as a comparison to how much something new they were dealing with terrified him. Also, whenever someone glared at Stiles, as they tended to do, he would mumble something about being a sourwolf, and in that moment, as the person you recognized to be Derek Hale rolled his eyes and glared at your little brother, you knew what Stiles had meant, and you couldn’t help your little grin.
Chancing a glance back at broody face, he was staring at you with a small grin of his own, and for a minute the two of you stood there, stuck in the moment, looking like love struck fools, no doubt, but an abrupt and loud comment from Stiles broke the stare off and caused you both to turn your best sourwolf glare on the teen. And he only smiled back.
Fate had a cruel sense of humor, setting you across the table plotting strategies and plans with the person you had simply wanted to know what it felt like to kiss only years ago. To hold his hand. To simply be on the receiving end of his hello.
At the moment they were plotting some invasive breakin to a vault that was holding some pack members these last few months. Stiles gave you a sideways look with a just as crooked grin, before wiping his face void of all emotion and trying to convince Derek there was no way he could punch through that wall.
“Come on, make a fist. Big ole’ fist. Let’s see it. There ya go.” This wasn’t going to end well. “Now that gives you about three inches between you and the wall-” he wiggled his hand briefly to indicate it was playing the wall, but the wiggling soon turned to flying as Stiles was launched across the room as Derek landed a punch to his palm.
The sounds Stiles made sounded like a dying pterodactyl, and you couldn’t help the small laugh that came out, smiling widely when you saw Derek shooting you a grin of his own.
Scott looked between the two of you and shook his head before looking back down to the map, ignoring the moaning of his friend somewhere in the back of the loft.
Jogging over to your brother who had more of a wounded ego than anything else, he pulled his bruised hand away from you as you tried to inspect it.
“Don’t touch me!” He cried, like a petulant child, using his other hand to wave you away like a bad smell.
Standing still for just a moment, using your speed to your advantage, you grabbed the undamaged hand and pulled him in, twisting him and rubbing his hair into a haphazard mess, ignoring his cries of protest, and half hearted threats.
“Just because there is sexual tension between you two doesn’t mean my hair should have to suffer.”
Stilling, you pondered his words before launching him forward onto the nearest couch. “Sit.” He went to stand up but a small nudge from you and he complied, looking up to you in bored interest. “Explain.”
“Come on, Y/N! I may have only been however old, but I knew you liked Derek forever ago. Why do you think I called you? We have been handling things pretty well so far-”
Scott’s scoff could be heard across the loft and it received daggers of a glare from Stiles before he continued.
“But Mr. Alpha Derek over there,” he pointed that direction lamely, and Derek stood up straight before turning around to see what conversation he was missing out on that involved him. “Well, he is just going out of his way to impress you. Cleaned his loft,” you looked around and noticed the sparse furniture, so there wasn’t much cleaning to be done, “made sure he had clothes that were unbloodied,” the rise of Derek’s eyebrow skeptically as he looked at his own shirt made you bite your lip to keep from laughing, “decorated,” at this point, both Scott and Peter had joined you and Derek at peering over at Stiles with knit eyebrows at the odd conversation, “invited you into his home and showed his strength by flinging mighty ole’ me across the room, no small feat, mind you,” you just pursed your lips and nodded to appease him on this, earning a small laugh from Scott before he turned back to the maps, “all to look good for ‘the one that got away’.”
You stared at your brother, arms crossed before calling, “Bull shit.”
“Only slightly,” Peter chimed in from the staircase. “Derek wouldn’t shut up about you in high school. These last few weeks have been like reliving it.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Everything else he just said is complete and utter bull shit.”
“It takes a bull shitter to know one!” Stiles didn’t even look at Peter as he yelled the insult, his eyes only slightly directed in his general direction.
“Which is why you know I speak the truth.”
Stiles opened his mouth to refute the older werewolf, but realized he had backed himself into a corner, and snapped his mouth shut, earning laughs from all in the loft. “It’s not his fault he leads a simple life.” His voice was soft, and he reached for one of your hands, which you offered. “His life has been very complicated, and if he wants to live in a sparse, dank, cavernous loft, so be it. He deserves it.” You smiled. “You have my blessing.”
“Not that I needed it, but okay,” you said on a laugh. “Thank you, Stiles.”
He grinned until he saw Derek approaching where he sat and his features turned aloof. “What do you need, Hale?”
“I don’t need it, and it doesn’t really matter, because I will do what I want, anyway, but,” Stiles huffed, “I was going to ask for your blessing as well, or at least if hers extends to me.”
“Why?” Stiles looked extremely suspicious, his eyes narrowed to slits.
“Because I realized the other day when I bumped into your sister in the woods that she is my mate, and you really don’t have a choice in the matter, Stiles, but I’m offering you one.”
Stiles blinked a few times and you found yourself taking in a small audible gasp, wondering why you hadn’t put the pieces together sooner.
“I have read enough werewolf stuff to know that this concept makes me uncomfortable, because now I know the two of you will be hormonal halfwits in every dark corner you can find, so I want to say no because she is my sister and ew.” He sighed. “But who am I to stand in destiny's way?” You leveled a look on your brother. He only grinned. “Fine. Go frolick, or whatever the hell you guys actually do that all the books got wrong, just wait until I am out of earshot.”
“Then why don’t you just leave?” Derek asked in a completely innocent way.
“Rude.” Stiles shout back.
“Hello! Planning to save lives over here! On a time table!” Scott sounded overly annoyed as he tapped his wrist like he were wearing a watch.
You looked at Derek, smiling as he took your hand in his. “Go save the world. I’ll stay here and keep mini Stilinski and big Hale in check. I’ll be right here when you get back.” He gave the most breathtaking smile you had ever seen, giving your hand a squeeze. “Just get back. Okay?”
“Bank vault walls couldn’t keep me away.”
The whole loft groaned at the pun, but it melted into laughter as you turned to Stiles and asked innocently, “Care to give me another demonstration?”
Glaring at you, trying to hide his smile, Stiles mumbled, “I hate you. Already I hate this situation. The two people in this world who can be my best friend and my worst enemy at the same time merging into one power. We are all going to die. A slow and sarcastic death, with lots of glares, and longing looks, and finding the two of you in broom closets and scorching our corneas-”
You grabbed him by the ear and hauled him gently over to the table. “Help. Plot. Go be a hero, Stiles.”
“Go be a- But I’m staying here with you and Peter to be babysat!”
You shooed him away. “Fine. Then go help. Plot. Scheme. Do your thing.” You grabbed Derek’s hand where it rested on the table near the maps, “Just leave my thing alone.”
“Ew,” all three males voiced, making you and Derek laugh.
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Stiles mumbled.
“Now why couldn’t you have shown up sooner?” Derek asked you quietly. “I’ve been trying to get them to leave me alone for years.”
You laughed.
“Believe me. I’ve been here the whole time. Sometimes we just have to come full circle to see what was really there from the start.”
Tags: @evyiione @thats-music-to-my-ears @palaiasaurus64 @shydinosaurcandy @lucyqueenofthestars @c-breanne1999 @l4life What’s this?
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Hello! Hello! Hope everyone is having a glorious weekend thus far.  With enthusiasm, we are finally introducing you to another spectacular creator, pettigrace. The author of buy and sell gravity, its sequel free fallin’ in the jungle lights, and other fantastic works across 5 fandoms! Why don’t we just dive in?
Omg, Yas! Hi. It took us a while to get here, but we finally made it haha. Why don’t you start by telling us about yourself? The twist, the word count has to be either equal to or less than the number of letters in your two favorite Teen Wolf episode names.
Motel California and The Divine Move are the only episodes I remember by name, so I guess they must be my favourites. (15 + 13 = 28)
My name is Yas, I am an aroace being from Germany and I absolutely fucking hate time travel. I work as a journalist sometimes and I love writing.
Oh wow, a journalist! I love meeting people who’ve made a living out of their writing! What’s a typical day like as a journalist?
Mind you, I am not your typical journalist. I may look like Clark Kent most of the time, but I don’t do the stuff he does (that extends also to the superheroing, sadly) - I work for the youth page of my local newspaper, which means I get to write a few articles about/aimed at children a few times a month. I usually go for reviews of media (as in books and tv shows most of the time but movies, games and all that jazz, too!) but every once in a while I get to do something bigger as well. That means (typically) interviewing people in sports clubs, writing about my personal experience about a topic or doing surveys about things. It’s not much, but my name is in the paper pretty much every week.
I’m trying not to be super impressed and failing, but that’s honestly phenomenal! Obviously, you’re a huge fan or movies, books, and tv shows. Did that influence your name, pettigrace?
It refers to Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter! (But Yas, you go, isn’t that the guy who doomed James and Lily Potter? To which I say: He also killed Cedric Diggory! And faked his own death! And gave Voldemort back his body!) No, hear me out. I don’t love the guy. Hell, I hate Peter Pettigrew as much as we all do. But he’s an important character in the world of HP and doesn’t get the recognition for it. He’s the unsung villain of the story. Is he a good villain? Heck no, he’s probably one of the worst. He doesn’t even have his own agenda! Still, he symbolizes something that’s important to me when I look at characters: The way they develop. How they used to be in certain situations. General character development. We don’t talk enough about the secret talents and thoughts of him.
Also, ace. Because like many characters, I headcanon Peter Pettigrew as asexual. Thank you.
And, how did you find your way to the Thiam fandom?
Here’s the funny thing: I think that I only started shipping them as much as I do now while I already wrote fic for them. I don’t know, I saw the appeal because I love those ships with awful banter and the enemies-to-lovers trope, so the arguments Theo and Liam kept having right from the beginning practically screamed at me to ship them – even if it didn’t fully hit me yet and I hated Theo during season 5 (which is to say, I loved him as a villain. He has always been a great character, just not a good person.). I’ve read a couple of fics for them at the end of last year and then decided to write my own and both of those actions made me realize how well they fit together and helped me learn to appreciate them both in their own ways.
Gasp, How can anyone hate Theo?! Though, I might be a tad bias lol. I think a lot of people would agree with you about how well they fit together. Since you’ve only had time to grow in your appreciation for their relationship, why don’t we try a little game?
Let’s pretend this was a Stranger Than Fiction situation and you could predict any aspect of their lives with your writing. How would you set up the follow scenarios:
a. Their first postseason 6 interaction:
Okay, I’m a sucker for canon so let’s stay with that. I think that after the hospital scene, after Theo’s taken Gabe’s pain and the battle is won, it would not be Liam who approaches Theo to talk about. In my head, it would be Mason – he’s the one who realizes the significance of this, he’s the one who told him he doesn’t care enough to take someone’s pain (I think Liam doesn’t know about that in canon? If I remember wrong, let’s just pretend he doesn’t know.).
So I don’t know, maybe Theo leaves the hospital while everyone’s celebrating, completely overwhelmed and also feeling wrong there – he’s not part of this friend group and now that the battle is over, they don’t have any use for him any more, right? So he slips out; only to be followed by Mason. And we know Mason.
He’s clever and determined and he doesn’t back down from confronting someone. He doesn’t like Theo, he’s said as much, but now he’s seeing progress in him. He knows what an aide Theo has been for Liam, both in the fights and with his anger. He addresses all of this and Theo reacts like we all expect that he would: dismissive and sarcastic. Mason doesn’t buy into it for a single second, but he doesn’t try to make Theo stay when he says he needs to leave. I feel like it would actually be good for him to leave for a while because boy, does he need a time-out. Let’s be real. It’s clear that Theo isn’t as much of Liam’s responsibility any more. Liam doesn’t keep him close and he can leave and Liam wouldn’t feel like he needs to watch him. Theo’s come back from hell and then he’s had to fight battle after battle. He’s not friends with any of them and there’s no reason for him to stay around. So, he leaves, and Mason lets him leave, both because he gets it and he doesn’t really care if Theo is around or not.
Now Liam. I feel like even at that point in canon, Liam doesn’t really see Theo as a person. He knows him as a villain and as an ally but never just as Theo, and even with the almost-kiss between them (because that’s what the elevator scene has been, goddammit. There’s an attraction between them and it’s only been increased by the adrenaline, but especially Liam doesn’t really realize that he cares about Theo), he doesn’t even notice at first that Theo is gone. He’s too full of ecstasy and when he’s reunited with the rest of the pack, that only becomes more. It takes him a few days, maybe even weeks until he truly notices that Theo is gone. It’s not that he just forgets about him – Theo’s been present enough in the past few months, especially to him – so the remainder of him helping clings to Liam’s mind. He doesn’t ask anyone about Theo, though. It’s not like anyone really cares, he thinks. And he knows Mason’s dislike for the chimera, so bringing it up to him wouldn’t be fruitful either.
Of course, Theo comes back. Beacon Hills is his home and he just feels this draw back to it and (that much he can admit to himself) to Liam. He’s also the only one whose phone number he has so after much thinking – and Theo’s logical, so he doesn’t try to convince himself to ignore it – he calls Liam. It’s awkward because Theo had just disappeared like that (which Liam would call him out for) and maybe that leads to a fight between them; one that ends with Liam admitting he’s needed Theo around because he’s felt so restless and he’s not stupid, he knows that’s what it feels like to lose your anchor. Theo grows silent at that, not sure what to answer, and Liam almost hangs up because he’s too embarrassed by that confession and hell, they’re not even friends. He practically admitted to be in love with him, which is not even the case. They’re not in love yet, that’s for sure. But then, suddenly, Theo just says, “I’m coming home,” and that’s a promise.
The call would end shortly after that, with awkwardness hanging in the air, but Liam’s excited and content at the prospect of Theo coming back. And Theo, completely beside himself, sets off towards Beacon at once.
I have the image in mind (and heck if I knew if that works time zone-wise but maybe Theo’s still in the same) that the next day when Liam comes out of school, he finds Theo chilling in the parking lot, leaning against his truck like that’s his usual spot. Liam, not sure whether it’s appropriate to hug him or whatever but shit, is he happy to see him, jogs up to him and beams, saying, “You came.” And Theo, the little shit that he is, just rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue and goes, “Yeah. You’re paying lunch.” And then they climb into the car and ride off into the sunset.
(God I can’t believe this became almost two pages of basically just relationship study, I’m so sorry!!)
Never apologize for passion! What about a Thiam Double Date with any other ship from the show?
Well, Morey is obviously a given. Seriously, once Thiam started dating, Liam would definitely make the two of them see how much Theo has changed – I have no doubt it would become somewhat awkward, with Mason outright having stated that he despises Theo and Theo having worked with the people who killed Corey… Still, I think they’d go out for a movie or something or maybe just happen to be all at the Geyers’ home at the same time and maybe they would bond over video games or something.
I could also see that after some time, Theo would make up with Melissa. If he stays in Beacon Hills, he might end up being the one who brings her lunch – a weak attempt at making up for all the things he did to her and her family, but it’s the best they can do. After a while, Melissa would probably inquire him about what has happened and try to make him deal with the guilt; at the same time, she could see he’s different now, so then she insists that Scott and Stiles see it, too. So, she’s the one who’d set them all up. Probably a giant dinner or something at her house where she invites Thiam, Scalia and Stydia. And maybe she has Papa Argent over, too. It would be awfully tense, especially with Stiles’ and Malia’s hatred for Theo and maybe it ends in a disaster, who knows? But maybe Melissa mentions a fun story from when they were kids and Lydia, though she isn’t completely at ease either, would remember something she saw the guys do in elementary school (remember, she was there, too, even if they weren’t friends) – and then they would forget themselves and explain how they came up with the idea of stealing a toilet seat or something. They’d just chat about how things have been and then suddenly there’s a silent where they all swallow and remember that it can’t be like that anymore, can it? But there’s a promise: If they all can remember and laugh about it, and if Theo’s truly changed, then maybe there’s hope.
Finally, one conflict they’d have as an official couple:
Liam’s anger, without a doubt. I don’t think Theo can be as patient as fics make him out to be. He probably doesn’t know how to actually react to one of Liam’s outbursts and the way he talked to him during 6B wouldn’t always help. If Liam lashed out at him, Theo would probably let him – that’s another topic between them, the way Theo will accept anything as a sort of punishment for what he’s done. Liam would be overwhelmed by guilt and Theo would try to talk him out of it, say it’s okay and it’s not like he didn’t deserve it. And then Liam would tell him that no, he doesn’t. Theo’s already paid for his sins and he’s learnt to do better and anyway Liam isn’t his judge. It’s a vicious cycle because they’d argue and then Liam would get angry again and maybe then he’d just walk away and punch a tree, but the problem stands. I just made myself sad :(
If you could magically write any Thiam story with your mind, what story would you craft?
I have a few stories in mind that I want to write, especially for Thiam, but there’s one I keep putting off because it would require me to rewatch some of season 5 and basically all of season 6. I just don’t have the time or spoons for that at this point. If I had, though… Oh dear, hold on to your seats.
It’s told from Mason’s point of view, believe it or not. Either while or after he’s been possessed by the Beast, he’s developed powers of his own: He can suddenly see some kind of aura around people. It’s kind of a count for karma, with bad people having really dark colours while good ones have bright colours – later, though, he finds out that was aren’t general ratings but how the people view themselves. So, the last glimpse Mason gets of Theo is before he goes to hell. 
His aura is really bright except for a few specks here and there. When he comes back from hell, it’s the darkest Mason’s ever seen. 
Basically, the story would be about character growth and the way people see themselves. For example, both Stiles and Liam have darker auras than you’d expect them to have, because they’re good people, right? It wouldn’t surprise you after the nogitsune and Donovan that Stiles doesn’t think that of himself but Liam? It gives both the reader and Mason new insights into the characters of Teen Wolf.
The fic stays close to canon as it plays out, only that with Mason being the narrator, you get to see more of the puppy pack, of course. The way both Liam’s and Theo’s auras change as they interact with each other and Theo truly betters himself until in the end… Well, that’s it, right? Does the end stay lie in canon, too? Would Mason do something about the way his best friend feels better about himself when he’s around Theo? Who knows, definitely not me yet.
I’m excited to jump into your writing! First, if you could describe your creative process as a living entity, what would it look like? Wear? Listen? How does it handle conflict?
Hm, they‘re always around, though usually pretty chill in the background. Like, you turn around and they’re there but it’s not like they’re really annoyingly present, if that makes sense? I’m always working on something in the back of my head, and a lot of time it becomes more pregnant, so from time to time this person would be more active. And maybe they would be annoying from time to time, like when an idea doesn’t let me sleep or occupies my thoughts at all times, though that’s become a rarer happenstance lately. They’d be dressed pretty casually, maybe just a hoodie and sweatpants or something – my writing isn’t anything extravagant, and neither is the process of it for me. Actually, I don’t think they’d be a person, to be honest. I literally just described my cat.
ALOL, well, looks like we’ve discovered one of your writing influences haha! Do you and your cat have any Writing Kryptonites?
Oh, probably action. Which is especially sad in regard to Teen Wolf because you can come up with such amazing fight scenes in this fandom! But I’m struggling with writing motion, actually. No idea if it’s just that my vocabulary is limited in that area, being non-native to English and all, or if I generally suck at it, but it always feels so wrong to me. I write from a single person’s perspective, usually, so I’m limited to what they see and how they move and even then, it doesn’t feel swift enough. I’m working on that, though – there was a time when my writing basically only consisted of dialogue, and that became much better during the past years.
That’s amazing! What are some ways that you try to better your writing? Besides, well...writing haha. Have you done any type of skill building that you thought worked for you?
Most of it has definitely come just from continuing writing, to be honest. I’ve only once told myself to actively focus on something (it was really early in the beginning of my writing where I tried to get more skilled in describing people - the way they look and move, stuff like that). Otherwise, it’s basically just that. In writing class ,there were a few things you could try out, such as focussing on different emotions while writing or something.
Things that do the trick for me, usually, are PoV switches (meaning one chapter from A’s perspective, the next from B’s, stuff like that) and waiting to write something specific until I’m in the same mood as well. So if a character’s particularly sad in one scene, I’ll leave that for a time where I am sad as well. It works well for me because I don’t write chronologically anyways.
And is there one trope or scene that always ends up in whatever you’re writing? 
Well, I barely write anything that doesn’t include an asexual character. Also, there’s always some meta-ish reference to canon in AUs and, weirdly enough, I always have characters either watch or talk about Star Wars. That even happened before I watched the movies myself!
In case of Teen Wolf, there’s always the act of redemption for Theo. I feel that it’s an essential part of both him and Thiam as a relationship – the way Theo grows as a person and becomes better. I’m a sucker for parallels to canon, so that’s always a topic in one way or another. Of course, Theo doesn’t kill someone in every AU, but he deals with something that holds him back, makes him kind of a bad person, every time.
And then, I always come back to his friendship with Scott and Stiles, especially the latter. I’d have loved to see more of that in canon, maybe in stories or flashbacks or something. You’ve always had Scott and Stiles as practically one entity up to season 5 and suddenly Theo comes along, and you’re supposed to believe they used to be three? And nothing was ever mentioned? Of course, the writers only came up with that plotline for season 5, it makes sense they didn’t have anyone discuss Theo before. Still, it feels like something is missing there to make you truly believe it and I love to reflect on that, play with it. Stiles’ stance towards Theo draws me in a lot – how come he doesn’t trust him right away? Was something happening between them? How would it have been if Theo never left? I love to dig into that.
Mental illness is also a big thing for me. We have canon evidence for mental illness, even if they’re never named. They all must have PTSD. Stiles shows extreme signs of ADHD. Lydia is practically a survivor of sexual abuse. Multiple characters have attempted suicide. Liam is canonically diagnosed with IED. It would be ignorant not to refer to any of that while writing. Lots of fics I’ve read mention the struggles, depict them greatly, but only a few talked about handling them, about recovery. It’s about time we make progress in that department.
Hmm very true. And not a thought, as a perpetual fluff writer, that I’ve considered until now. You deal with quite a bit of mental issues within your main story, Buy and Sell Gravity. Before we chat about it in depth, can you give us a quick synopsis?
Buy and sell gravity starts with one of Liam’s outbursts of anger. In his social studies class, Monroe has talks badly about adoptive/step-parents and Liam started arguing with her until said he sent him out. So, then he goes and slashes her tires in classic Liam-style. Theo, who has only moved back to Beacon Hills recently and is surrounded by awful rumours, but nothing specified, catches him and decides to take care of it. He saves Liam’s ass and in return he demands that Liam pays for his food during lunch. But then they actually become friends and Liam learns more and more about Theo.
And did anything inspire you to create the premise?
The idea just came me at random – I just had that image in mind of Thiam making a deal. It’s classic romcom stuff, right? And I had thought it would just turn into a lengthy oneshot at most but now it’s the longest thing I have ever written. It’s crazy.
The story is told from Liam’s perspective. Do you think the story would unfold differently had we’d experienced it from Theo’s POV?
I’m actually writing a sequel at the moment, which is from Theo’s perspective. There’s references to buy and sell gravity, of course, so you actually do get part from Theo’s point of view! In general, though, had you seen it all from his point of view, the slow burn would have felt even longer, I imagine. The sound of the fic would have been darker, because that’s Theo’s mindset for the most of it, and there wouldn’t have been so many questions. Theo doesn’t really wonder about anything in this fic, he reflects and draws his own (mostly correct) assumptions. I feel like it would have sounded pretty monotone – it made sense to only pick up his PoV in the sequel and if you’ve read buy and sell gravity, you might be able to tell why. He’s opening up more towards the ending and a more pleasant person to be around to.
I’ve noticed most of your stories turn into longer fics. Have any tricks for keeping yourself motivated to write those longer plots? (Clearly, this is purely self-indulgent here haha. It’s a near miracle if I stick through a long, complex plot!)
I usually only start posting multichaptered fics once they’re already finished. This way you can motivate yourself by going “Well, if you don’t finish it then you won’t post it, nobody will see it and you worked for nothing.” That method works well for me because I love recognition for my works, even if a lot of them are for obscure pairings.
In case of buy and sell gravity, I’ve already started posting while working on it, however. I’ve felt stuck because it’s been my first fic for Teen Wolf, so I was very unsure about whether I hit the characters correctly, if it felt believable; stuff like that. I needed feedback from more than one person and since I’ve never really been in the fandom, going ahead and posting it was my only option. I wanted to know whether it was worth continuing working on it. the feedback was amazing and the fact that a few people came back for every new chapter was a wonderful motivator. Oh, and it certainly doesn’t harm when you have someone literally show up on your doorstep and demand you write a new chapter.
Your first Teen Wolf fit?! Impressive!! Is Teen Wolf now your ultimate favorite fandom to write? (*Wink Wink*) Or, do you have another favorite fandom/ship to write for?
The Arrowverse is generally my favourite fandom. I love all the shows and the way it consists of multiple worlds give you so many things to take away from! You can write any AU, you can write for abandoned timelines or worlds, crossover between the shows and ship practically anything. You can go all out, have doppelgängers appear (like one evil and one good version of the same person, stuff like that). There are no limits. Writing for it is fun because you can draw from so many shows and even include the original comics, if you want. Right now I’m (and have been for the past one and a half years) working on a Groupchat AU set in the Arrowverse where everyone is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and even that doesn’t seem too out of character.
As to a ship, I probably enjoy Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago from Shadowhunters the most. Writing for them is almost easy because I can relate to both so much. Depending on which mood you’re in, you can write Simon’s optimistic and reference-heavy rambling or maybe you write the angst that constantly underlines Raphael’s thoughts. I can always find a way to write for them because they’re so different and yet fit together so well.
Yoooo, we could honestly strike up a whole subconvo dedicated to Simon x Raphael lmao. Since we’re supposed to be all about Thiam around here, I’ll restrain myself and simply agree about your opinions on Saphael. (I’ll miss them, sad face)
Being a writer of many fandoms then, what’s your ultimate Teen Wolf crossover with any other show or movie universe? What character would you see interact?
God! I’m a sucker for crossovers with DC! There’s a few I read where Stiles is always the person in question (whether he’s a member of the Batfamily or the brother of The Flash, I’ve read both of those cases, haha). I love the connection of the Teen Wolf world with DC Comics. I wrote a retelling of a Flash episode with Thiam in the focus and someone else wrote a Under the Red Hood AU which still keeps me in awe. (And also, it’s too funny how much the casts overlap, the double identities practically overlap – suddenly Liam is Superboy, Derek is Superman, Allison is a mafia daughter, Jackson as Red Arrow… It’s great.)
Otherwise, what I haven’t seen yet: Twilight. I’ve (re-)discovered my love for it last year and honestly? Let those mix up! Washington and California are both on the West Coast!! I have no idea about how far exactly but let them meet! Let Emmett Cullen beat up Peter Hale! Have Edward and Derek suffer together through their depression and Scott and Jasper try to comfort everyone. Lydia and Alice? Nobody’s dying on their watch. Let Rosalie and Malia kick ass together and Melissa and Carlisle swap hospital stories! Stiles and Bella hanging out together, being sarcastic little shits and also way too much into all this stuff. Hell, I’m gonna write this myself if I have to! (Otherwise I accept fic recs. Thank you.)
Before we wind down, what’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Any advice you feel compelled to share? 
I used to be really bad at discussing plot ideas with people – I dunno if it was an irrational fear of them running off with what I thought of, but it’s been there. I’ve been in a creative writing class about two years ago and there I was basically forced to do it. It helped somewhat with the progress of my story and being around people who like to do the same thing as you is always a great motivator.
I don’t listen to those conventional writing tips, like what atmosphere you’re supposed to have around you and how to depicts things. Writing is a personal experience and you can do it in a way you seem fit. Not everyone feels at ease in the same environment, so just write when you feel like it. Forcing yourself to do it doesn’t help anyone – except you can only work under stress, of course! See? There’s that individuality again, ruining my own writing tips.
Ahahaha, advice giving is a definite catch-22. Thank you for hanging out with us!! What’s next for you in the world? Both creatively and lively?
I’ve started an apprenticeship to become a bookseller this month! It’s a huge change compared with the life of a student that I had before, but after finishing my Bachelor‘s degree last December, it’s what I needed. Sadly it means that I don’t have as much time to write as I’d like, but I’m doing my best to squeeze in some of that. For Teen Wolf I‘m meaning to wrap up free fallin‘ in the jungle lights finally - otherwise, there’s a few WIPs in the Arrowverse and (uncharacteristic for me) MCU lurking on the back of my brain.
Anything else you’d like to share, in general. The floor is all yours!
I’m not really in the Thiam fandom, I think (really, the number of people I actually chatted with outside of ao3 comments can be counted on one hand), but here’s a massive shoutout to everyone! To the people who write, the people who read, the people who leave long comments, the artists, the meta-people, the ones with the headcanons. The people here from the officialthiamlibrary! You make writing a better experience and your opinions and reflections upon the show and characters help me become better at understanding them. Thank you all for being so lovely and just… into it. You’re all amazing!
And Behind the Screens presents Yasmin to you! Naturally, the conversation doesn’t have to stop here. Meet them at these places:
Main Tumblr: @joanthangroff
Inbox/Ask: joanthangroff ask
AO3: Pettigrace
Thank you for letting us get to know more about you! And thank you all for reading and requesting her. As always, if you have a Thiam Creator that you fan over, send us their names. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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sunjaesol · 6 years
This is about season 2 of Anne with an E, I personally thought the the beginning was alright the middle went more downhill and the the ending was done very well. The whole season felt very off to me and it felt riddled with plot holes in my opinion with Anne being more obnoxious than unintentionally being rude, Gilbert being less like Gilbert?? I’m not sure how to describe that but any way the “a skirt isn’t an invitation” line. And especially the lgbt storyline cole being lgbt would be (1/2)
[these also belong to the same anon] + Realistic but I felt that they were simply doing it more to say we support and include LGBT than to actually write a character as LGBT. Once you figure out that Aunt Jo (1)and Gertrude(2) were together starts the confusing mess of that storyline. In the first season I got the impression that they were just like Anne and Diana best friends who grew old together but I feel this season through it in your face without much context in that one ep. and then Cole(3) openly comes out and next (2/4)Why his sexuality seemed to randomly change and just make him seem to angery bc he was frustrated from being closeted?? Idk and then the billy situation, I felt Cole threw a hint that, that’s why billy is rude and frustrated bc he was not dealing with his sexuality. I’m not sure it just seemed poorly done and unrealistic. It’s 1908 and the lgbt community was shamed and treated unkindly (unrightfully) but still it doesn’t make sense to me that there would be 4 possibly 5 lgbt characters during(4/5)sorry it’s long but yes it didn’t make sense to me for so many openly lgbt characters not only bc the time period but also bc it was only explored for 2 episodes and then was almost forgotten. I felt the characters just understood too quickly. I believe Anne would be understanding and kind but also question it even for a moment bc she is always thinking and this was pretty unheard of. I feel bad analyzing it so much it just didn’t click to me so I was wondering you’re thoughts. Thank you sm:))
Hi anon, thanks for the long post!Okay, so in my opinion, season 1 was better than season 2, simply because I enjoyed the stylistic format more in s1 than s2. Saying that, I understand why you found s2 a bit weird at times. Some parts were weirdly placed and not perfectly finished, but overall it was great and I forgave the flaws. I hope you can enjoy it more after perhaps a second viewing?
I’ve explained this before, but Gilbert was still Gilbert, at his core, yet he has changed due to being at sea for so long and for losing his father. We simply cannot expect him to act the same like he did before. If you’ve seen Teen Wolf, just think about how much broodier Stiles became after season 3 due to all the mental fuckery he went through. Anne was indeed quite obnoxious at times, and I do wish (like I’ve said before) they’ve made her socially more mature and kept the childish innocence in her imagination. That said, she has grown from season 1 and shows a lot more consideration and empathy. If we get more seasons, we’ll probably see an even more adjusted Anne. Do realise that because of the trauma she’s been through, she’ll do some shit like HAVING to be liked as an effect of being neglected and yearning that love and attention.
Now, “a skirt is not an invitation”, I didn’t like that line either simply because they didn’t delve into it further even though it was a very bold statement. I’m not going in depth about this because I’ve answered this in another ask fully.
It was actually implied that Jo and Gertrude were lovers? N'importe quoi. I do understand your confusion around the whole topic of LGBT in this season. But, it’s not unlikely so many people were like that in that time era, despite it being oppressed. It’s from all ages. What was odd is how it was represented. Although inclusivity is important, they showed it in an odd way as if being different means having a different exterior. (also explained further in different asks) I’m not sure if anyone is officially “out” though, aside from Cole. Jo and Gertrude played it off as best friends living together, and I think the other people at the party are just living the marginalised artist lifestyle, secretly having intimate same sex connections.
Everyone perceives things differently, but I actually didn’t think it was implied Billy was gay? I think it was Cole simply dropping a truth and saying that Billy’s perceptions of life may be distorted due to shitty values and beliefs made by his conservative family. It adds up, since he doesn’t kill the fox in the end, indicating on personal growth. (Definitely excited to see THAT happen in a hopefully season 3!)
I don’t actually think they understand it (the concept of homosexuality) all yet. You don’t have to understand to accept/tolerate. Especially, on Diana’s part. She loves her aunt, whether she understands homosexuality or not.
I think you meant Cole’s personality and not sexuality? I don’t think he was angry at being “closeted”, more so at the world in general. He lives in poverty, has “unmanly” hobbies and gets unrightfully bullied. To his classmates, he never even shows signs of being homosexual. (Unless the depiction of a guy braiding a girl’s hair is seen as gay, but I digress) He’s just the poor outcast, who gets harassed for doing the right thing and the things he loves doing. Him being homosexual had little to do with his outrage.
Anyway, I hope the Charles Dickens long answer was what you were hoping for haha.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 years
haha prompt for anon. Sorry I’m a dumbass and forgot what an abominable snowman actually is lol actual AS!Stiles is coming next
Okay, so Stiles might possibly love winter than most people. So, sue him, he's Californian and gets to see snow, like, twice a year. So maybe he gets… a little… into it.
And maybe, y'know, by 'into it'… he means into it.
Really, snow days were like Halloween for him. The words "I'm telling you this because no one will ever believe you," come to mind when Stiles goes outside to roll in the snow, feeling himself become apart of it, the water in his body turning to millions of frozen fractals.
By himself, he's kind of a terrifying sight, actually. A mess of bloody snow, a body liquified and frozen into the vague shape of the human he once was, glistening and looking like something out of a horror movie, which is why he only shifts forms on snow days. Because when it snows, it hides what he really looks like, turning him into a powder white, occasionally muddy, friendly snowman. That can move. Very fast.
He does during snow days what teenagers do during Halloween: chase children around town, cackling and scary.
Chris heard about it completely by accident, listening to two moms talking about their children's stories about being chased by a snowman while in line at the grocery store. Then again while he was getting gas. The third time someone mentioned it, he finally gave in and called Peter, because is this really a thing? Peter laughed him off the phone. Chris almost blocked his number, and was glad he didn't when Peter called him two hours later, smug when Peter said he saw something that might have been what Chris was hearing about. No, he'd never heard of a damned weresnowman. No, he didn't know how to kill one, but a flamethrower would be involved, and he sure as hell didn't know how to find it, because the damn thing just smelled like water.
They needed to call in reinforcements. Which is why, forty-five minutes later, they were rendezvousing at Stiles' house, the teen answering with a look of confusion. The two older men glanced at each other, Chris grimacing and Peter looking like he still wanted to laugh. Chris sighed, and said,
"We need your help."
"Um, okay? Come in I guess." They went to sit in the living-room, seeing as Stiles' dad was out at work and so they didn't have to hide what they were doing. "Soooo…?"
"We have… a small concern about something, and we don't know how to find it."
"Chris thinks he saw a weresnowman," Peter said, smirking. Chris half thought Peter hadn't seen anything at all, and was only here for the entertainment. Chris certainly wouldn't put it past him, the bastard.
Except… except Stiles, with his lovely ivory skin, had paled even more, until he was the color of snow.
"Uh… yeah. Guys. It's super great that you're, you know, trying to help and all that, but it's super not necessary. It's probably like, some kind of winter spirit or something, because there's no way weresnowmen exist, and besides, it's not doing anything right?"
"It's terrorizing children, apparently. One said it looked like it had murdered someone, because it was covered in blood."
Stiles leaned forward where he was sitting on the couch, burying his face in his hands. "Oh my god," he groaned, voice muffled.
"Look, the concern is awesome, but seriously. There's nothing to worry about. I've got this totally under control. Children-terrorizing aside."
"Stiles, what do you know?" Chris asked, going from reluctant involvement to full on interrogation mode right away. Peter was looking at him with that calculating stare, like he was looking into Stiles' soul.
"You look cold, Stiles," Peter said, regardless of the fact that he couldn't actually tell that. Stiles and Chris both frowned at him; Stiles thinking "what the hell" and Chris' look clearly saying the same thing.
"No, not particularly?" Stiles said, and Chris seemed to understand what he was getting at. It had to have been forty degrees in the house, with no heater running. Peter was a werewolf and thus ran hot, not needing much more than the cashmere sweater he wore, but Chris was human and still wearing his heavy jacket. Stiles, however, was barefoot and wearing a t-shirt, and looked like it may as well be in the 70s.
"Are you sure? Maybe you should turn the heat on, it's got to be almost cold enough for snow in here."
"… I can explain."
"We would love it if you did, pet."
"Sooo I kindasortaturnintoasnowman?" he said, too fast to catch.
"What." Chris said.
"I mean. It's, like, a thing in Poland? Apparently? And, y'know, me, Polish? So, yeah. I'm made out of snow. It's this whole thing, parents sculpt a child out of snow, say some words, snow turns to baby, baby later turns into snow? And here I am. Tada," he said with weak jazz hands.
"Show us," Peter said, amused.
"Ugh, I hate you." But even still, he got up and walked outside to the back yard, Chris and Peter following curiously. They watched Stiles change right in front of them, his body crystalizing, shifting, until there he was, the most terrifying snowman in existence.
"No wonder those poor children were crying; they'll have nightmares for years."
"Hey! I'll have you know I don't look that bad," Stiles said. Chris could confidently say that getting glared at with the eyeless indentations in the snow was the strangest experience in his life.
"And besides, it's not like I go out like this." Just like that, the snow was moving, gravitating to Stiles, covering the frozen flesh until he was as innocent-looking as Frosty the snowman. It always made him feel like Sandman. "I only looked gross earlier because the snow was starting to melt."
Stiles shifted back and looked down at the pile of sopping wet clothes at his feet, then covered his crotch and glared at the men in front of him. "One of you better hand over a coat."
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fandomtrash9983 · 6 years
New Kid (ScottXfemale!reader)
Warnings: Language
Request: You're a new student at beacon hills and you kick ass at your first lacrosse practice, catching the eye of the gang. Scott feels intimidated and talks to you, and you guys develop a hate/love relationship until one day he catches you off guard by joking then either asking you out or kissing you. Requested by @baconlover001 ~~🐺~~ You walk to your locker at your new school in your new town. It's your first day in Beacon Hills. You lived in a city before but in all honesty, small towns were your preferred place to be; you hated the rush of the city. It was the end of your first day here. You heard Beacon Hills had a highly respected Lacrosse team. No one but your family and close friends knew this, but lacrosse was your shit back where you used to live. You'd play with your cousins and older brother Josh, Hell. He taught you everything you know. One day the student surpassed the teacher. You decided to bring your talent to Beacon Hills, show them what you're made of.... you walk out to the field where tryouts were being held, clutching the lacrosse stick you give yourself a little pep talk.
"[Y/N]. You can do this. Come on. Josh would be so proud that you're actually trying out. When he gets back from training you'll tell him all about it...." Your brother joined the Marines after he graduated. You tie your hair up in a bun and walk on to the field. Noticing that there aren't any other girls around. You see two boys over by the bleachers. They're both wearing jerseys that say "Beacon Hills Lacrosse Team" the one with spiked hair was sporting the number 24 with the last name Stilinski. Interesting name...He was cute. He had a boyish charm and demeanor that made you want to giggle by watching his facial expressions. The boy next to him, number 11 MaCall. He's cute too. He had a demeanor that seemed calm and observant. He caught your interest immediately. Something about him seemed compelling. Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud yelling through a megaphone.
"Alright!! Get in line!! I'm Coach Finstock. Show me what you got!" Coach walks in front of you. He doesn't use his megaphone, he speaks. "A female. If you make it you'll be the second girl ever to make the team. Don't disappoint..." You look him dead in the eye.
"I wasn't raised to be a disappointment, sir." You say with utter confidence. You see 24 out of the corner of your eye give you a thumbs up and a 'you go!' Smirk. Number 11 just smiles shyly and shakes his head at 24.
"I'm holding you to your word. What's your name?" Coach asks.
"[Y/N] [Y/L/N]."
"Show me what you got. Balinksi! MaCall!! On the field!" You look over to 24 and 11.
"It's STILINSKI!" 24 yells angrily as 11 laughs at him. We get into starting positions You start with 11. He flashes you a smile.
"Don't worry. I'll be nice." 11 says.
"Who said you have to?" You hear Coach blow the whistle and you take the ball and bolt. You pass it flawlessly to 24. Who passes back when you get a little closer to the goal. You swing back and fling it to the goal making it straight in between the goalie's legs. You smirk proudly at 11 who is in some sort of shock or something cause he hasn't moved. 24 walks over and gives you a high five.
"[Y/N]!! You're on the team!" Coach yells through his megaphone. You do a little happy dance and walk towards your bag. 11 and 24 follow.
"11. 24." You nod. "You got names? Or do you wanna be numbered?" You smile.
"I'm Scott. This is Stiles." 11 says holding out his hand, which you gladly shake.
"[Y/N]. So, shocked are we?" You say smirking at Scott who still seemed pretty shook.
"A little. You didn't seem so sporty....not that you didn't look sporty..." you knit your eyebrows. Intrigued by his efforts in speaking. "I mean you look fine. I mean not fine but..." Stiles cut him off.
"Scott. Shut up before you hurt yourself. What my friend is saying, is that not many chicks come around here. You new?"
"Yeah actually. Just moved here." You say with a small chuckle.
"BILINSKY!" Coach yells.
"Stilinski......" Stiles mutters. "He's known me since 8th grade and he still can't get my name right. I'll be back." He runs off and you turn to Scott.
"So... play lacrosse long?" Scott asks.
"Yeah. Since I was 5. You?"
"Not that long...." He looks down with a shy smile. He's cute you think to yourself. Something about him makes you want to get to know everything about him. "I've seen you in some of my classes. You seem pretty cool. And open-minded." He chuckles nervously.
"Yeah. Well. I have to be open-minded with my brother. He's a trip." You giggle. "My brother would try weird stunts because back in the city nothing really exciting ever happened. Maybe that'll change here."
"Well if you hang around us I can guarantee something at least semi-exciting will happen." He chuckles and closes his eyes briefly like he's thinking of something.
"Oh? Is that a promise or a threat?" You smirk.
"Both." He smiles a big warm smile. "[Y/N]..... I don't wanna seem like I'm coming off strong....um first. I'm gonna say your skills are a bit intimidating. Not gonna lie." He chuckles nervously again.
"Well. That's my main goal, my dude. And trust me. You ain't getting off easy. Practices are gonna be fun." You smirk.
 ~~🐺~~ Days went by. Practice got more intense. Your friendship with Stiles grew. You and he were becoming best friends. He introduced you to Lydia and Liam. Pretty soon you and Lydia were best friends too. You'd gossip and laugh. Scott was a different case. You'd pick on each other over EVERYTHING. He'd mess up your hair in the hall, if you were in a ponytail or braid he'd lightly tug on them and you return the favor by doing little things like rigging his locker so it made confetti fly at him. He'd call you names like newbie or short stack. Sometimes sweetheart or princess and the occasional 12, which was your lacrosse number. You would only call him 11 cause it drove him insane because you'd never call Liam 9 or Stiles 24.
It was a Friday, after a game. You've been here for two months. Boy did you feel at home here. Scott walks up to you as you pack your things. You smirk.
"Hey 11. Good game." You say knowing it makes him get his panties in a twist.
"Haha. Princess you know I was pulling the weight out there." He says as he gives you a nudge.
"Ha! Yeah right! If anything I did the work! Oh and call me princess one more time and I'll personally remove you from existence." You laugh. As does he.
"You wouldn't." You look at him.
"Try me."
"You know. You may be intimidating sometimes PRINCESS...but I'm still stronger..." He says emphasizing princess. You glare at him.
"I will beat you 11...." You smirk with confidence.
"No, you won't." He retorts. Without notice, you feel his lips attach to yours. You're shocked but you ease into it. When the kiss breaks you look at him. Still shocked. "Sorry... sometimes I act on instinct...." he looks down. Blushing and nervous.
"Don't apologize. Just next time take me out on a date first." You giggle. Blushing as well. "Although...I didn't think you had that in ya 11..." you smirk and kiss him. Draping your arms over his shoulders. His hands made their way around your waist.
"About fucking time you kissed her!!!!" You hear Stiles yell in the distance. You break the kiss and you and Scott both laugh.
~~🐺~~ A/N: Sorry it's so short guys. Hoped you liked it though!! I'll take requests if you'd like. DM with some, please! ~KH
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Summer Fling (Chapter 6) - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “John F. Kennedy International Airport”
Relationship: Dylan O’Brien x Reader/OFC
Author’s Note: Welp, it’s 4:47am, and this will post at 10, my dedication to you people borders on lunacy. I hope you like it. I’m sorry if it’s not my best, I am tired. 
Summary: Dylan picks Y/n up from the airport after her trip to visit family for the Fourth of July and deepens their connection and trust.
Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven
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Dylan O'Brien:  You come home tomorrow morning..... :)
You:  omg... i do?!
Dylan O'Brien: haha shut up.
Dylan O'Brien : Um, did you have plans for tomorrow when you get home?
You:  i land at 6pm and i was just going to take the airtran from JFK to Jamaica and I was going to take the subway from there, why?
Dylan O'Brien: Do you have any interest in seeing Spiderman?
You:  tomorrow?
Dylan O'Brien:  Yeah, if I came out and picked you up from the airport, would you be in the mood to see the movie with me that night?
You:  you're gonna drive all the way out from the Montauk to Brooklyn to get me from the airport to then see a two hour movie and then drive three hours back to the Hamptons and not fall asleep and crash and die....
Dylan O'Brien: Well when you put it that way... Yeah, I still want to see you.
Dylan O'Brien: And I want to see Spiderman :)
You: :)
You:  well, i want to see you, so if you really want to do all of that, then yea. I'll see Spiderman with you tomorrow night.
Dylan O'Brien: i'll see you at JFK at 6. text me when you land and send me your flight info?
You:  okay. goodnight, Dyl.
Dylan O'Brien: Sweet dreams, Y/n. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Dylan sat in Julia's car, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and jiggling his leg, idling in the cellphone lot, staring at his phone, mentally trying to will it to light up. You had landed ten minutes before and said you would be quick once you got off the plane since you knew JFK so well. Dylan couldn't take the anticipation anymore. He had too many thoughts running through his head. Do I kiss her? Do I get out and help her with her bags? Of course you get out and help her with her bags. Don't be a dick. Then maybe you kiss her. Jesus fucking christ I want to kiss her again.Oh my god, I want a cigarette so badly right now. He got out of the car and paced next to it, until his phone vibrated in his hand.
Y/n Y/L/N:  just walked past baggage claim. i'll meet you in the center pick up lane towards the end. there are always less people towards the end.
Dylan jumped back into the car and took off, going a little faster than he should through the winding airport roads. He saw you standing exactly where you said you would and he pulled the car up. Your face lit up with a smile as you saw the now familiar vehicle, and Dylan walk out and towards the back to meet you.
"Hi. How was your flight?" Dylan asked, pulling your duffel bag off your shoulder and tossing it into the trunk, as you did the same with your backpack.
"Good. Short. How was the drive out here?"
Dylan closed the trunk and stared down at you, smiling and laughing nervously. "Good... Long... But worth it."
You thought for a second that he might lean down and try to kiss you again but the entire moment was ruined by the sound of the guy trying to get his minivan out from behind Julia's car laying on his horn. You whipped your head around as the deafening honking continued and your inner New Yorker came out. "WE GET IT, ASSHOLE! Enough!"
Dylan laughed and stared at the guy in the car gesticulating unkind things with his hands at you. "Okay, maybe we should just go."
"So chicken soup dumplings, huh? Am I going to hate this?" Dylan stared at the menu in front of him and then glanced up at you.
You smirked, reached across the table, pulled the menu out of his hands, placed it on top of yours and handed it to the waiter with a kind smile. "You're going to love it. We're going to do one chicken, one pork, and one Singapore mei fun with no shrimp... and extra chicken?" You glanced at Dylan and smiled. The waiter nodded, and walked away. "So I may have watched something that you were in on the plane home." You admitted, returning your full attention to Dylan.
"Oh fuck, don't tell me this. I've been living in blissful denial thinking that you hadn't seen any of my stuff. What'd you watch...?" Dylan squinted at you, half-faking physical pain over the conversation.
"Deepwater Horizon... but if it makes you feel any better, I didn't watch it for you."
Dylan started to snicker and furrowed his brow. "What do you mean? Who'd you watch it for?"
"Gina Rodriguez, obviously." You grinned, and Dylan laughed loudly.
"Oh! Obviously!" He mocked you, still laughing, holding his hand against his stomach as his giggles filled the small restaurant.
"I don't understand why you're laughing. She is the fucking greatest. Jane The Virgin is the best show on TV." You teased him.
Dylan threw his hands up in the air. "Okay, Teen Wolf and I will just go fuck ourselves." He joked, leaning his elbows against the table, and smiling at you.
"But really, does she just like, smell incredible and also just exude Latina goddess vibes all the time or just some of the time?" You smirked, leaning forward towards him.
Dylan shook his head and laughed. "Oh shut up."
You let him off the hook finally. "Okay, okay. In actuality, I mean, I do love Gina Rodriguez, but you were pretty spectacular in it, and the movie was really well done. I sort of cried a little at the end when you were with your family again at the hotel, and then Mark Wahlberg's character just collapses on the floor of his room with his family and they all cry. The whole thing was just a tragedy, but you all did it justice, I think.." You explained your feelings on the movie.
Dylan stared down at the food on the table in front of the two of you, and watched you smile at the waiter, silently thanking him. He was feeling bashful. It didn't matter how many movies or shows he'd make, he assumed that he would never really get comfortable receiving praise, especially from people who he knew well. "Well, thanks. That's a good review. You know, the coolest thing about that shoot was that I got to learn about this whole industry that I just knew nothing about previously. Those guys have incredibly difficult and dangerous and physically exhausting jobs, and they taught us a lot of the stuff that they do, and it was really humbling to spend time with those guys; the real guys, I mean." You wanted to respond to Dylan but you had stuffed a soup dumpling in your mouth and you couldn't chew fast enough. Dylan took a bite of one of the chicken ones, and then took the opportunity to change the subject. "Okay, you were right, these are amazing. Holy shit." He stuffed the rest in his mouth.
You covered your mouth as you laughed, trying to make sure no food shot out across the table at him. "I told you I wouldn't steer you wrong."
"So I have a confession to make too." Dylan said, after swallowing his food and taking a sip of his root beer.
"Oh?" You smirked at him. He was so handsome. He nodded, and pushed up the sleeves of his deep red plaid shirt, then moved his hands to readjust his baseball cap on his head. He always wore one in public because he didn't want to be recognized, but you always thought it was funny that he did it in Queens since literally no one ever really bothers celebrities when they see them out in Manhattan, let alone in Flushing.
"I may have bought HBO and watched two episodes of the second season of Game of Thrones while you were in Kansas." Dylan sheepishly smiled, and then broke out into full on laughter as your face devolved from shock into fake anger.
"How could you?" You brought your hand up to your chest, and pretended to be disgusted with him.
"Listen, it rained one of the days you were gone and I was so bored and I also really wanted to know what happened to Arya once Ned died, but I literally couldn't watch more than two because I felt so guilty watching without you!" He admitted.
You laughed. "It's okay, it's okay. I'll let it slide this one time." You smiled up from behind your chopsticks.
"Um.." Dylan rubbed the scruff on his chin, and struggled with getting his sentence out. "Were you planning on coming back out East this weekend?" He asked, quickly placing another soup dumpling in his mouth out of nervousness.
You grinned and nodded. "I was thinking about it but the weather is supposed to be kind of shitty, so that stinks."
"Well, if you came, and it rained, maybe we could finish the second season together...?" He proposed, and you nodded with a smirk.
"Just admit it, O'Brien. I got you hooked, and now I'm going to be stuck watching Game of Thrones with you for the rest of the summer." You pointed your chopsticks at him in a playful manner, as you teased him; going out on a limb by implying that he might want to spend the rest of the summer hanging out with you.
"Oh, as if you have anything better to do than watch Game of Thrones with me this summer." Dylan poked fun right back, but didn't dispute your comment about spending the summer with him. He reached down and shoved another chicken-stuffed soup dumpling in his mouth, his cheeks puffing out as he chewed.
You stabbed around the pork dumpling on your plate and thought about how to approach a topic that you had been wanting to talk to him about. "What are your plans for this summer?" You asked somewhat trepidatiously.
"What do you mean?" Dylan mumbled in between bites.
"I don't mean to pry, I know we've only hung out a few times, but why are you here for so long? Don't you have jobs or, like, auditions or movies you want to make or something?"
"You mean, why am I not in LA with all of my friends, instead of hiding out at my sister's beachhouse with her college friends?" Dylan rubbed his fingers through his scruff, scratching for an itch that did not exist. You had made him uncomfortable; that much you had figured out. You had picked up on his social cues pretty quickly, and the face touching meant nervous or uneasy. "Honestly?" Dylan looked up at you, and contorted his lips to the side. "Did Julia tell you anything about why I'm here?"
You nodded slowly. "At Boardy Barn, the first day I met you, she told me you had just gone through a break up." You thought you knew the details: him and Britt Robertson had dated for six years, on and off, and you assumed it just wasn't working out anymore.
Dylan laughed uncomfortably, and pushed his fingers from his beard, up into his hair, slowly dropping his hand back to massage the back of his neck. He stared down at his plate, as his elbow was still connected to the edge of the table. He glanced up at you from under his long, thick brown eyelashes. "Of course she told you. She is the worst with secrets."
"She didn't tell me anymore than that, and you don't have to either.. if you don't want." You leaned back against your chair, and folded your hands in your lap, resting them on the top of your napkin. You felt both bad for making him talk about this, and also hopeful that he would, as you were incredibly curious about what his status was. You were extra curious tonight since you still weren't positive whether or not this particular dinner and a movie was a date or not.
"No, no, it's okay. Honestly, Jules told me a little about your boyfriend from BC, so I think you'll probably get what I went throu-"
"She cheated on you?" You interrupted Dylan, suddenly leaning forward, your heart racing over the thought.
Dylan nodded slowly. "Do you know who KJ Apa is?" You shook your head. "Have you heard of that new show, Riverdale?"
"Oh yea, it's like the new craze. Is he in it?" You asked.
Dylan nodded. "He plays Archie."
The image of who he was talking about suddenly became very clear in your mind. You could see his fire-cone orange, poorly dyed hair on the promo shots you had seen in the subway, in your head. "I know who you're talking about."
Dylan sighed and went back to rubbing the stubble on his face, staring down at your hands, one rested against your chin, and the other in the crease of your arm. He liked your hands ever since he got to hold them and feel them against his skin. Just the sight of them was something nice to distract him from the distressing topic. "Well Britt, my ex, and KJ did a movie called A Dog's Purpose together in August of 2015, and they played a couple and I guess they hooked up on set a few times, but nothing came of it. I was filming season five of Teen Wolf at the time, and yea.. I don't know. So then they spent all of this time together again promoting the film before it came out, and they started a relationship. A friend of mine accidentally found out, and uh, Britt was sort of forced to tell me or have me find out from my friend, so she told me, and we broke up."
"When did you find out?" You asked, trying to ignore the sickly feeling in your stomach, as Dylan's story brought back painful memories for you as well.
"February." He replied.
You wondered if four months was enough time for him to start to get over someone that he dated for years. You doubted it, and the pit in your stomach grew larger and more uneasy. "I'm sorry. I do get what you went through, and it's horrible. It's one thing to be broken up with and hurt, it's a whole other thing to be betrayed." You shook your head and stared at the small candle flickering in the middle of the table. "Wait, isn't Riverdale based on Archie's Comics, meaning, that they will probably be at ComicCon?"
Dylan nodded slowly, a serious look resting on his normally jovial face. "Yep. I am not going to be sticking around there much that day. I just don't need that kind of bullshit in my life, you know?"
"Fuck. I don't blame you. I am so sorry, that is all just fucking awful."
Dylan pursed his lips together, and readjusted his hat back over his head. He glanced up and noticed that you were staring down at the table in between the two of you. He could tell that he had bummed you out. "It's okay. The first month sucked, but then I flew out to South Africa in March to finish filming for the last Maze Runner movie, and being around my friends and being somewhere new. It was all really helpful, so when filming was wrapping up at the end of May, I decided I didn't want to go back to Los Angeles, and Jules said I could stay with her in Montauk. That was starting to get a little boring and I was thinking about heading back to L.A., even if I did run the risk of running into one of them, but then I decided to stay." Dylan said, glancing at you from under his eyelashes, the slightest hint of a smile resting on his pink lips.
"Why's that?" You asked, oblivious that he was flirting with you.
Dylan laughed softly, that smile that shot you right through the heart every time you saw it, came back to his face finally. "Well, my sister introduced me to her friend from college, and that girl has turned out to be really smart and funny and sweet and she keeps sending me new music to listen to and new shows to watch and keeps trying to drag my ass out into the ocean to go surfing with her, and basically, in two weeks time, she has made this a fantastic summer and I've been the happiest I've been in a really long time." Dylan leaned forward on the table and lightly pressed his fingers against the back of your arm, and your heart began to race.
You rolled your lips back into your mouth, wetting them against your tongue, as you tried not to grin too hard. Your gaze went from Dylan's hand, softly caressing your skin, up to his caramel colored eyes. "Well, she sounds pretty fucking great to me, and definitely someone you should go surfing with."
Dylan laughed, and shook his head. "I have a feeling that she'll wear me down and get me back on a surfboard before the end of the summer."
"A girl can dream, right?" You smirked.
"I love the recliners. This has made my movie going experience so much more expensive and I don't even care because I love it so much. It's the ultimate in laziness." You slowly moved your hands away from each other, in front of you, as you uttered the word 'laziness'. You snickered, grinned and turned to look at Dylan as you finished speaking.
Dylan laughed and shook his head at you. "Next they're going to put full on beds in theaters and then you can pay fourteen dollars just to fall asleep halfway through the movie outside of your own home."
You laughed at Dylan's joke and adjusted in your seat to face him more. "That would be amazing, don't even joke... But in actuality though, you know what kind of sucks about these kinds of seats?" Dylan raised his eyes eyebrows and watched you look around at the seats. "You know when we were teenagers and like you brought the person you liked to the movies and, in the fancy ones at least, the armrest went up and the guy could do like the 'yawn and stretch'? Like, teenagers can't do that crap with these sorts of seats because the armrests don't go up."
"What are you talking about?" Dylan chuckled and shook his head at you.
"OH COME ON! You said a little loudly over the commercials playing on the screen before the trailers started. "You know what I'm talking about... The 'yawn and stretch'... the thing where the guy pretends to yawn and stretch and he actually puts hi-"
"Oh..." A mischievous smile broke out across Dylan's scruffy face, as he suddenly yanked at the armrest divider in between their seats, pulling it up and moving it out of the way. "...you mean this yawn..." Dylan faked a huge and obnoxiously adorable yawn, his fist pressed up against his precious turned up nose. "and stretch move?" He finished his sentence as he stretched out his arms above his head and brought his right arm down on the back of your shoulders.
You blushed furiously, but cozied up closer to him before looking up at him and cracking one final joke. "Ew. Gross.. You have cooties." You said in your best silly adolescent-mocking tone, a smirk resting on your mouth.
Dylan laughed and adjusted his baseball cap with his left hand. You could tell he was nervous. You sat in an awkward silence for a few short moments before Dylan finally spoke up again. "I'm really glad I came all the way out here for this... to hang out with you... and give you my cooties."
You threw your head back against his arm and laughed loudly. He made you feel better about your lame joke, and about your intimate pose. You rotated onto your side more and bent your knees so that they were touching his right leg and Dylan reached his left hand down, and pulled your left hand off of your lap. You watched his eyes watching his hand intertwine its fingers with yours and finally rest on his stomach. His thumb gently rubbed the back of your thumb and you rolled your lips into your mouth in an effort to not attack him with a kiss.
You finally built up the courage to speak again, feeling like hours had passed by but you had barely gotten through the Pepsi commercial that was playing on the screen, so really it had been a total of fourteen seconds or so. Your smile softened and you slowly met his gaze. "I'm really glad you came out to hang out with me too.. and that the 'yawn and stretch' still works out pretty well.."
Dylan squeezed your hand a little and you nuzzled into his side more comfortably. He pressed his tongue between his lips gently and gulped softly. "Is it cheesy if I ask if I can I kiss you again?"
Your heart practically leapt out of your chest and your soft smile widened into a full on, blinding beam of pearly white teeth. That was all you wanted to hear from him. Those kisses from the night of Julia's party were all you could think ever since they happened. You slowly nodded and watched as Dylan turned his head to the side, vigilant to not bump you in the head with the bill of his hat, and connected his lips with yours. It was a soft and sweet kiss at first. One that ended with the feeling of Dylan's smile pressed against your mouth. You reached your right hand back towards your shoulder and connected it with his right hand. You quietly breathed each other in for a few seconds.
Dylan straightened himself out and pressed his lips against yours again. Your bottom lip was tenderly pulled between his lips and you broke your left hand away from his and pulled it up to grip around the back of his neck as the kisses grew in passion and intensity. Dylan's newly free left hand snaked across his body and hooked behind the bend of your leg, pulling you slightly on top of him.
"Welcome to Regal Entertainment.... Refreshments are available in the lobby..." A booming voice startled the both of you out of your embrace, as you realized that the lights had dimmed, the advertisement for the company that owned the theater began to play, and the trailers were about to start.
Dylan watched as you pressed your slightly swollen lips together, the corners curved up into a smirk, and you dropped your hands back to your lap. He smiled back at you and leaned forward to leave a quick kiss on your cheek. You giggled just loud enough for him to hear and he swore he felt butterflies fill his chest. He kneaded his large thumb into the side of your knee and you snaked your hands over his left arm, gently brushing the thick brown hair on his arms with your fingers. You relaxed your head against his shoulder and chest and he relaxed his head on top of yours. This was bliss.
"Are you a talker during movies?" Dylan whispered down to you.
You leaned off of his body, looked up at him and contorted your face in a wishy-washy manner. "Sort of? Sometimes? It depends. Small commenter, maybe."
Dylan grinned. "Good. Me too. Now get back over here, you small commenter. I wanna see what movie I'm going to take you to see next." With that comment, and the trailer for Dunkirk beginning to play, you leaned up and pecked him on the lips.
"This one." You pointed at the screen blatantly. 
"Hell yes. I love Harry Styles." Dylan joked and you laughed and shook your head against his shoulder.
Dylan's smile spread from ear to ear and caused his eyes to slightly shut as his high and prominent cheekbones involuntarily shut his bottom lids up towards his top lids. He couldn't help but smile that big. You were holding his hand, dragging him through the crowds exiting the theater, and excitedly chattering about Spiderman. It was the cutest thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
"SUIT LADY! How fucking funny was the suit lady bit? When she was like 'activating instant kill mode' and Peter was like 'hold up, suit lady say whaaaaat?' and oh my god the scene where he's like swinging through the rooftops and he sees the guys at the halal cart and the guy on the ground is like 'do a flip, Spiderman!' and he's like, 'dope, totally.' and does it. Oh god. I loved like every second of that movie, and oh my god Michael Keaton was amazing! How insane is it that you got to work with him. Like, holy shit." She turned back to look at him as they walked back to the subway, still hand-in-hand, and realized that she had been incessantly chattering for at least five minutes without hearing him say a word. She had annoyed him into a walking coma. "Sorry... I kind of..."
"You liked it?" Dylan asked with a smirk, as you both descended the steps into the subway.
You furrowed your brows into a fake-pained smile and laughed. "YES! Oh god. I'm the worst. I really did love it. I am such a nerd. You weren't supposed to find that out yet, and I have just been rambling, and okay. I'm stopping. Shutting up now. What did YOU think?" You leaned against one of the steel support beams on the platform as you waited for the train to get to the station, and you watched as Dylan smiled and leaned forward towards you.
Suddenly, his hands were dipping underneath your y/h/c hair, his thumbs pressing against your jawline, and his lips were crashing into yours again. You brought your hands up to wrap around his muscular wrists and you leaned into the kiss. He finally broke away, but left his hands where they had been. He sighed.
"I think I was worried that you were going to think I was a huge comic book and Spiderman geek, but your 'small comments' were like, 'I wonder if Donald Glover is supposed to be Miles Morales' uncle' and 'I love how Peter has his own Jarvis' and it suddenly became one of the best times I've ever had watching a Marvel movie with someone else. You really are a huge nerd." Dylan grinned down at you and you blushed.
You leaned up, standing on your tip-toes, and pulling at his wrists, and pecked him on the lips. You heard the train come screeching to a halt and the two of you sat down on the periwinkle blue seats, your hands still connected. "Okay, so you liked my comments, but did you actually like the movie?" You asked him again.
Dylan nodded enthusiastically. "I fucking loved it. I was so glad that they didn't do another origin story again and that the cast was so young and diverse and Mike was so badass as Vulture." Dylan shifted in place, catching your attention. "You know, my biggest dream, besides become a Met, was to play Peter Parker. Like, I was Peter growing up, you know? I was this kid from New York City, who lived in an apartment and didn't come from a lot of money and was socially awkward and loved the Mets and.. also just wanted to be Spiderman.. He was my hero growing up." Dylan laughed to himself and shook his head. "And part of me was really upset that I missed out on this role, but also, like, Tom was perfect. He was such a great Peter, and honestly, he's the right age and I can't do all of those backflips and stuff - I'd break my neck or something. So, I was worried that I would be a little jealous, honestly.." Dylan made eye contact with you, and his voice got a little high when he said 'honestly', but it returned to his normal pitch immediately after. "... but I actually just fucking loved it from start to finish. I can't wait to tell Michael what I thought when I see him after comic con."
You and Dylan emerged from underground and he walked you back to your apartment building. You lived on the fourth floor in a two bedroom with your older sister and her fiancé, in a nicer part of Kew Gardens, Queens. Dylan leaned against the passenger side door of Julia's car, his hands wrapped around your waist, smiling down at you. The warm early July breeze whipped a few stray strands of your hair in front of your face, and you brought your hand up to push them aside. You then reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. It was midnight.
"Dylan, wait, I.. I can’t let you go back to Montauk tonight. You probably won't get home until at least four, and I don't want you to f... I would feel awful if you came all the way out here to pick me up from the airport, just for you to drive home and like, die in a firey car crash because you fell asleep on the Long Island Expressway at three in the morning."
"I'll be fine. I'm not even that tired." Dylan said, regardless of the fact that he had been yawning on the subway.
You shook your head, smiled and pulled on his arms. "Nope. I cannot have your fans coming after me when you die because I let you drive home this late. You're staying here tonight."
Dylan stifled a yawn. He was tired. "You don't have to, Y/n."
"Come on." You jiggled around in your pocket for your keys, one hand on the cold and jagged metal, the other placed in his behind you. You weren't hearing protests from him, but you were still a little nervous because of his silence. You paused and looked behind you. "Only if you want to, of course."
"I am kind of tired..." Dylan smiled softly, and you had to actively think about keeping your knees from buckling at the sight.
"Is that really what you sleep in though?" You asked as you walked back into your bedroom in a tank top and polkadot pajama shorts. Dylan was sitting with his back against your wooden frame headboard, in his white t-shirt and jeans, he had only taken off his plaid shirt, hat and shoes. "You would sleep in jeans? Really?" You smirked, as you milled about your room, picking the clothes off the floor, wishing you had straightened up earlier in the week like you had planned to but never got around to.
Dylan glanced down at his denim pants and raised his eyebrows. "Okay, no, of course not, but..."
"Don't worry about. Just, get comfortable." You turned around to put clothes in your drawers, and out of the corner of your eye, in the reflection of your mirror, you saw Dylan get up, pull his socks and jeans off and get under the sheets on your queen sized bed.
You turned around after a few more seconds, and smiled at him, then turned off the light. "You have HBO here?" He asked, and you grinned and nodded. "Wanna watch an episode?"
You laughed, and handed him the remote from your bedside table, then got under the covers next to him. "Sure. Just hit that colorful button in the middle.. yea.. there." You directed him on how to get HBO to work on your Samsung SmartTV.
The theme music to Thrones began playing softly in the background and you yawned, causing your nose to crinkle and Dylan to smile at the cute new habit he noticed. "Um, you could come over here if you wanted.." He offered, laying his arm against the headboard, on top of the pillow in between the two of you.
You smiled up at him, scooted your body across the mattress and waited for him to lay down a little further on the bed and extend his arm for your to snuggle against. You rested your head against the soft fabric on his chest and your left hand gently kneaded his right shoulder. He rubbed his right hand up and down the peach fuzz on your left forearm, and wrapped his left hand around your back and side. This was not how he was expecting his night to end, but at that point in time, Dylan didn't want any of the rest of his summer to end any other way anymore. He was developing feelings and trust and a natural comfortability with you that he wasn't sure he'd feel again after Britt. He had been especially certain that he wouldn't feel that again so soon, but there it was, butterflies, happiness, and a permanent smile because he really liked you.
Dylan leaned over and whispered in your ear. "Thank you for letting me stay tonight. I really didn't want this night to end, and I'm glad it hasn't yet." He was met with silence. Dylan pursed his lips, and leaned his head down towards the right side of his chest to peek at you. You were fast asleep, breathing softly against his chest. Dylan snickered quietly to himself. "So fucking cute."
He decided to finish the episode without you, with only twenty minutes left, and then go to sleep himself. He gently pulled you against him a little tighter, taking advantage of the fact that he didn't have to feel self-conscious about whether or not you still wanted to snuggle with him, because you were asleep. He brought his right hand up, and began very softly running his long fingers through your hair. You barely stirred; you were a very sound sleeper. Dylan yawned and felt his eyes becoming heavy. He did his best to reach down by his leg to get the remote to turn the TV off, without waking you, and suddenly the room went dark. He couldn't see you anymore but he did like that he could still feel your warm breath against his shirt and he could still smell the soft scent of your vanilla-scented shampoo and conditioner. He fell asleep with a content smile on his face and his crush in his arms.
Dylan rubbed at his eyes, and then looked around the room. It was gray and cloudy, but still bright enough out for him to see that you were no where to be found. He glanced around and noticed your phone was gone from your night stand too. "The fuck..?" He contorted his mouth, as he swung his legs around the side of the mattress. "This is a reversal. They don't usually sneak out of their own house. Aren't I supposed to be the one who sneaks out? Damnit."
"Were you trying to sneak out?"
Dylan turned around to face the bedroom door and saw a very drenched you, standing in the doorway in jeans and a soaking wet sweatshirt, with coffee and a white paper bag in your hands. He smiled, and then stood up next to the bed. "No, but I kind of thought you had for a second."
"I did sneak out, technically, but just to get us breakfast and not wake you up." You smiled and lifted the items in your hands, before approaching the bed and placed them at the foot. "I didn't know what you liked so I got a plain bagel with cream cheese, a plain bagel with cream cheese toasted, a bacon egg and cheese on a plain bagel and a sausage, egg and cheese, but that's mine."
Dylan grabbed the bagel with the bacon, eggs and cheese out of the bag, and a coffee from the cardboard carrier and smiled at you. "Thank you..." He placed a peck on your cheek, and his nose brushed your wet hair. "Okay, you need to change into something dry and get back under the covers with me so I can warm you back up."
You grinned and pressed your hand against his taut stomach. "Well, I'm not going to argue with that offer. I'll be right back." You pressed a soft and short kiss against his lips, turned to grab some clean clothes and ran to the bathroom to change. When you walked back in, Dylan was lying under your sheets again, with the food and drinks resting on his bedside table. "Do you want to watch an episode or two of Thrones and then head out east?" You proposed.
"Can we watch more at my house until I have to pick Jules up from the train station?" Dylan asked, remembering it was Friday and Julia was coming out from the city that night. You agreed happily and the two of you dug into your breakfasts.
"God, I fucking, like I know everything that happens, and I still HATE Joffrey. He's such a little psycho." You mumbled, while watching the fourth episode of the second season of Game of Thrones, and snuggling back up to Dylan's chest; much more awake than the night before.
Dylan chuckled and continued watching his thumb rubbing the back of your hand, instead of what Joffrey was doing to Sansa on the screen in front of him. "Would it be weird, or like too soon, if I told you that I really like you?" Dylan blurted out, no longer able to keep his feelings inside.
You shot your head up from the TV screen, to look at him, completely shocked by his question. Your smile went from stunned to huge and happy. You shook your head, and broke your hand from his to massage your fingers into his scruffy beard. "Not too soon because I really like you too." You admitted.
"Okay, well that is good because then I can do more of this and not worry about whether you're just being nice to me or not." Dylan reached his free hand up to your chin and pressed his supple lips against yours.
You spent the rest of the episode kissing innocently, your limbs rapped up together, until the end theme played.
Let me know what you think, but do not come at me with complaints about Britt. I just, it was only for the fic. I don’t, just, okay?
@fuckwhateverfuck @l4life @ninja-stiles @lightbreaksthrough @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @iknowisoundcrazy @leilaelizabeth @itsannastasiabruh @5secsxofamnesia @awkwarddly @completebandgeek @chivesoup @ivette29 @sunshineystilinski @twentyone-souls @obrosey-af @anonimereader06 @yaehl @theneverendingracetrack @fillthevoid-stilinski @teenwolf2424 @redstringlovers @jademorris @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @mieczzyslaw @im-very-odd33 @amethystmerm4id @anonimereader06 @itsamberh @eccentricxem @mayahart02 @susybird @sp00der-m00n @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @kittykayrose @ellie-bee242 @nocturnalzeal @alexhmak @sumcp @girlwiththerubyslippers
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bishkebab · 7 years
Dream-generated Fanfiction
I just had a dream about reading a Sterek fanfic and in the dream I spaced out part way through reading it and asked @blizgori “is this a real fic I’m thinking about?” And then halfway through describing it stopped and went “oh yeah of course it’s [name of fic] my silly brain just tried to make me think I dreamed it” so thanks subconscious for trying to call me out
Notable features of the dream-generated fanfic:
• It hugely featured “Derek’s sister” who, rather than being any of his actual sisters, was the writer’s OFC that I was a little suspicious of because she was basically a viewpoint character, but she narrowly escaped being a Mary-Sue
• In the dream I’d already read the fic and was rereading the end and remembering how much I’d liked it so went back to the beginning to start over for real
• Therefore, all I know about the story is the beginning and the end:
• It starts with Derek’s family moving into town:
• His sister, for some inexplicable reason, is obsessed with ugly 1970s architecture and so is ecstatic that they’re looking at a particular area of town full of these houses and she wrote some little thinkpiece for the local magazine that included the phrase “if you’re in the area you can expect to hear two things: the air whistling between my brother’s knobby knees, and me screaming in unadulterated joy”
• This statement is more accurate than it may seem because in this fic Derek is played by Tyler Hoechlin in his baseball days only with a little more of his current beauty [Did I mention it was a Generic-High-School AU?]
• Derek is super insulted by this article his sister wrote but his parents think it’s hilarious and they’re super proud of it
• I have no idea what happens in the middle of the fic, I had skipped to the end where suddenly:
• Derek and Stiles are in the Stilinski family living room
• Obviously some kind of wild hijinks have just ensued because they both look rain-soaked and underdressed
• They’re both sulking because they’ve been fake-dating and a misunderstanding of comical proportions is looming: there had been a quote in the school journal involving “a 2 hopelessly pining after a 10” and they had both seen it and essentially gone “ouch haha too real” at the same time and
• Each thought the other was identifying with the 10 in this situation and sympathetically chuckling at him, the 2, with pity for his hopeless crush
• “Um,” says Derek, suddenly realizing the state of his undress, not looking Stiles in the eye because how could he, a lowly 2, make eye contact with this 10 who is secretly mocking him for his ridiculous feelings, “I should change, I’m only wearing shorts and a jacket,”
• Right as Stiles, flushing in humiliation as he realizes that he, a pathetic 2, is inappropriately dressed in front of the universally-acknowledged 10 who has deigned to laugh at his pitiful crush, and also in front of his dad, and says “Oh man, I just realized I’m only wearing this hoody and one stocking” [why Stiles is wearing one thigh high striped sock with briefs and a hoodie is the mystery of the ages]
• After a comical beat they each scramble to offer each other their clothes which includes Derek starting to take off his own shorts in the middle of the Stilinski family living room and Stiles physically forcing his hoodie over Derek’s head [this scene is very comical]
• As each one of them says something along the lines of “I know my clothes are probably disgusting to you because I’m only a 2 but-“
• “you think YOU’RE-“ “but you’re so-“ “I’M the-“ “that’s ridiculous!”
• Now they’re making out and Stiles’s dad laughs at them and goes off to make them burgers
• The End
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brien-odylan · 6 years
Thanks, Carole ( @padfootagain ) for tagging me!!
You’ve been tagged in the Star Wars Creator meme! Pick 1 - 10 works you’ve created (fic, art, gifsets, aesthetics, videos, playlists, etc) & tell us why you’re proud of them! Then tag your friends!
Since I haven’t written anything for Star Wars, I’ll do with all the things |I have written this far.
1. First Bad Habit Series
While this may seem new to Tumblr, it’s the first Harry Potter fanfiction I’ve ever written. You can find it complete in portuguese, but I wouldn’t advise you to read it, cause it’s not only the first Harry Potter piece I wrote, but my ver first fanfiction. It’s awesome to see how I changed a lot over the years and that’s what gave me motivation to re-write it all and also translate it to English.
2. To Build a Home Series
This is my very first Blackinnon Series! Because, as Carole had said, there aren’t enough AUs and I just had to do it. The idea was in my head for years and I just wanted to give life to it, seeing how Sirius would cope being a single father after so catastrophically losing Marlene. How it would affect everyone and all that. Also, everyone deserved a better ending than the ones they had in the books, so you can see Jily being all adorable and Remadora cause why not?
3. Oblivous
This is my first drabble written to anything out of the Harry Potter fandom and to have it done to one of the shows I love the most, with the character I loved the most had me going crazy! This was a challenge to Ally’s ( @itsbilescallmebiles ) 100-word drabble thingy and I remember being all worried if I could do it and all that. I was too nervous to post it, because a) how can you write so little, b) there was a lot of quality works there and c) I had never written to Stiles yet. Turns out I really loved how it went.
4. Cheater
I feel like I’m only using my first works, but I just can’t help myself. This is my very first smut, my very first Dylan O’Brien fanfiction. It was nerve-wrecking. It took me about 2 weeks to write and I swear to God the worst part was the smut. I knew everything I wanted to write, I just couldn’t do it! In the end, I opted for something a little bit cuter than what I intended to do. I really loved how everything else turned out and I just wish you could read it because honestly, I need to know what you think about it and if you’d want a part two haha.
5. Brown Eyes
To finalize the series of first works, here’s the very first drabble I wrote and of course it had to be a Blackinnon one! Way before this turned into a Blackinnon blog, Lys ( @b-blackinnon ) was already established into it and showed it to me (our friendship goes waaaay back). She was having a hard time with this prompt and asked me if I wanted to do it. I said yeah, cause why not? So, that’s how I turned into this grl who loves writing for Blackinnon and although I’m not nearly as good as her, Lys was the one who got me into it (not shipping them, cause I got her into shipping Blackinnon tbh haha). It’s amazing to see how I started and how far I’ve come.
6. Why Did She Have To Go
Because what’s more Blackinnon than angst? There’s nothing more about them than it, to be honest. And how could someone not write about how Sirius was after he lost her? There’s no way this can’t be done and I just loved it. I remember seeing one of my friends reblogging it and I was like “why did you do that?” and she said “it is so amazing! Did you read it? How Sirius is so devastated and all?” and then it hit me. She didn’t know I was the one who had writen it and that made me realize, for the first time, that people might actually like what I write.
7. Karaoke Night
I had fun writing this, because I had the inspiration as I looked at the pictures of a concert I had been to (hello 5SOS) and seeing Luke so close to the edge of the stage gave me feelings about Sirius doing it on a karaoke night. If you think he can’t sing, you’re mistaken.
8. Drunk at Post-Quidditch Party
Ok... I don’t even know where the inspiration came from, but I just think this one is so good, like... One of the best things I have ever written! It’s just so amazing, so full of teasing and gawking and a little bit of angst. Really.... It’s just so Blackinnon I can’t take it.
9. First Place Together
Because Blackinnon AUs are the stuff I live for!!!! How can you not picture them being all cute, despite of all the angst and teasing? They can be cute, they just don’t want others to know they’re capable of it!
10. Full Moon Night
As said before, they can be cute af when they want to! And what better moment to show it if not after a full night of being up waiting for Sirius, who had a hard time keeping company to his werewolf best friend?
11. Down By The Lake
Because I loved this one so much. It’s a part 2 to Drunk at Post-Quidditch Party and seriously, it’s so different, a lot more cute and whatnot. You should read and love it.
But, you know, you should tell me which one is your favorite, because why not? It would be cute and I’d love you forever!
I tag: @disbestiles, @blacklilyqueen, @marlmckitten, @itsbilescallmebiles, @honeymoonmuke, @golddaggers
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iammultifandomaf · 4 years
Chapter 2 - Lydia’s encounter
Lydia woke up earlier than Stiles, so she decided to make coffee for them before she headed to work. Lydia worked in a small coffee shop named Smelly Cat. It was just a few blocks away from the apartment, therefore she could've slept until eight a.m. Even though, she wasn't earning big money, she grew to like the warm atmosphere of that place and felt just fine with working there. In her spare time, Lydia was teaching mathemathics to children because she felt a little guilty that Stiles worked harder for their comfortable way of life.
Lydia carried Stiles his favorite cup to bed where he had been still asleep, covered in blankets. She sat at the edge of the bed and laid her palm onto his shoulder. His eyes immediately shot up open as if they awaited some kind of danger. Stiles' gaze softened when he noticed Lydia by his side. He could have recognized the slight confusion in Lydia's gaze which followed with a simple question: "What's wrong?"
Stiles sat up and noticed his cup in her fingers, beginning to salivate over the hot coffee she held. Lydia handed him the cup, her questioning eyes never leaving his, though. He had a sip and swallowed the warm liquid down the throat.
"Nothing's wrong. Why?"
"Your eyes are swollen up. Like from crying," she said with a worried voice, touching his red-ish skin under the right eye. Stiles squeezed her hand and said with a chuckle: I must have sleep-cried when my body felt you had left the bed."
"Haha, funny."
Later that day in work, Lydia had a short break with her colleague and also her best friend, Allison. They sat down behind the coffee shop and Allison withdrew her package of cigarettes from her pocket. She handed one to Lydia who accepted it with a smile.
"So," Allison began, letting a cloud of smoke out of her mouth, "how's your fairytail relationship going?"
"It's alright. Well, you know Stiles... A sweetheart, really, but still protective about his past. I almost feel like I'm in a cheesy fantasy novel for teenagers. But yeah, I suppose it's nothing serious."
"You may have an own Edward at home and you just let it go?"
"I didn't say I let it go... I'm just giving him time."
"Lyds," Allison said, looking straight into her friend's eyes, "it's been two years."
"Shut up, Al. Look, we are planning a trip to Italy. A nice hotel in Ega Eggen. And I think that I'll find out something there..."
"Oh, really? How nice," Allison said mockingly with a sarcastic smile.
"Shut up, would you?"
"Whatever, hon." Allison rolled her eyes at the redhead but kept a smile on her face.
"What about you?" Lydia asked, changing the topic.
"Eh, not much. It's like guys don't notice me at all. I was thinking to try the gay thing or something."
"You can't just 'try to be gay', Allison."
"What do you know? I might have been gay all time along."
"Yeah, sure," Lydia scoffed and threw the cigarette on the ground, stepping on it with her shoe. "I'm going inside, what about you?"
"Yeah, me, too. Gimme a sec."
They went inside and began working again. It was a quiet day and there haven't been many customers, which meant ending earlier for Lydia.
"Hey, Lyds. Do that guy sitting at number four and then head home. I'll close up," Allison said, nodding to table four.
"Are you sure?" Lydia asked, feeling bad leaving her friend with all the work behind.
"Yeah, don't worry." She send a reassuring smile to the redhead and walked away to another customer. Lydia shrugged and approached the man who was reading a book whilst drinking his espresso. Her eyes fell on the red cover of the book. She couldn't read the title, though. The man must have noticed her standing by him for oddly too long because he lovered the red book and looked up at her with his dark eyes. A smile appeared on his lips when he saw Lydia's embarrassed gaze, realizing that she had been staring.
"I'm sorry," she laughed awkwardly, "I was just wondering what book you have here... Might have stared a bit, though."
"Oh, that's alright," he chuckled and ran his hand down his growing beard, "it is a novel by Henri Barbusse. Under fire. Must say that it isn't exactly a nice story to read but I find it rather interesting."
"Haven't heard of that, should I give it a try?" Lydia asked politely, her eyes scanning the table for any dirty dishes to bus.
"Well, you're pretty young, you better enjoy joyful literature," he said kindly, finishing his coffee," the coffee was quite exquisite. I'll be sure returning to this cozy place."
Lydia grinned at him politely and took away his empty cup. "We are looking forward to your next visit, sir."
Lydia returned to the bar where Allison was peeking at table four behind the coffee machine. She stopped the redhead and nodded to the man: "He's a candy for the eye, don't you think?"
"I guess, but I prefer clean shaven," Lydia said, remembering her boyfriend's face, covered in little cute moles. That was actually the first thing she noticed at him. The moles. But don't mistake it for a romantic fairytail. Lydia had met Stiles in a dancing club which was filled with people that night. Lydia had already a few drinks and she felt her barriers had fallen down. Her friends dragged her out on the dancing floor, although Lydia would had rather stayed at the bar for a few more drinks. But that didn't matter much, she danced anyways. Suddenly, somebody bumped into her and Lydia, not having quite a clear head, she grabbed the one's arm and began dancing with that person. That person ended up being Stiles and she had made out with him several times during that night.
Lydia shrugged at the memory and went to grab her coat to finally leave. She said a quick bye to her colleague and chose the back exit. It was already dark outside, even though it was just around five p.m. The redhead withdrew her phone from her small brown purse and began writing a short text to Stiles. Her attention was directed mainly to the small screen in her palm, therefore it was quite a surprise when she hit something in front of her. Lydia swiftly looked up from her phone to let her eyes meet with the gentlemans dark irises.
"Well, hello, again," he said with a soothing grin.
Stolos had been forcefully dragged out of his home, leaving the dead body of his father on the floor. The Romans weren't too kind to the children they gathered in the village, and Stolos found himself in a wooden cage within several minutes. He wasn't alone in the cage. There were two other boys who seemed undoubtedly suffering as Stolos did.
Both boys Stolos knew, but they didn't speak to each other anyways. They were in shock. Disbelief and maybe even denial. Not Stolos, though. The hatred against those men just grew inside Stolos and he knew that he will avenge his father one day. He would make them all go through agony and pain.
And that crucial decision influenced Stolos' whole life, but at that time, the young boy had no idea what his rage will do one day. So, he sat silently with the other children, watching the nature passing along while they traveled to the big city of Rome where they were supposed to be re-educated. They were to be Roman soldiers.
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stilinskiimagines · 7 years
Mythical Creature//Scott McCall - Part 5
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar, Isaac Lahey, Mason Hewitt, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Reader.
You sat on the bed with your legs crossed. You tried with all your might to look distressed. You heard banging downstairs, a lot of growling too. It didn’t bother you much, you were used to it.
The hardest part of trying to get into Scott’s pack was playing a teenager. You felt like it was beneath you. You loved being a teenager, it was the best years of your life. The only problem with it was that no one appreciates class in teenagers. You were practically royalty in some parts of the world, so naturally, you had a hard time trying to blend in.
“Y/N.” Scott breathed out, the bedroom door standing wide open.
“Scott, are you okay? What the hell happened?” You jump off the bed.
“Let me explain.” He sighs, “Come with me.”
He leads you downstairs were everyone but Lydia was sitting.
You sit down, everyone looking at your expectantly.
“So…this is going to sound strange. You have to trust us, okay?” Scott looks into your eyes.
You tried as hard as you could to not roll yours. Yeah, yeah. You’re a werewolf, get on with it already.
“Okay?” You bite your lip.
“I’m a werewolf.” He states.
“Haha. Very funny. Is this why you brought me out here? Some kind of hazing?” You roll your eyes.
“No..I’m serious. Isaac and Liam are too.”
“Wait, you’re serious?”
He nods and you let your jaw hang. “So, this is like a thing? Werewolves exist?” You look to Isaac, somehow the look on his face makes you feel like you should tell the truth too.
“What is everyone else then?”
“Well, I’m a werecoyote.” Malia says.
A werecoyote. That’s why you picked up on something different.
“Same concept, she just is a coyote instead of a wolf.” Stiles shrugs.
“Well what are you?” You ask him.
“I was possessed for awhile. I’m fine now.”
“So, you’re human?” You ask. He nods and you sigh. “At least someone is.”
“To be fair, I am too.” Mason raises an eyebrow.
“Nice to know I’m not alone then…what’s Lydia?”
“A banshee.” Scott mutters. You’d love to have a banshee on your side. They’re some of the most powerful supernatural beings yet.
“A what?” You cross your arms.
“Banshee. You know, screams are her weapon, she can sense death.” Stiles adds.
“Oh, fantastic. And I was freaked out because you thought I murdered my ex-boyfriend.” You sigh and bury your head in your hands.
“Sorry for that, by the way.” Stiles says.
“Looks like there’s bigger things to worry about.” You shrug. You stay quiet for a moment. “Werewolves?” Everyone nods.
“I think I’m going to go to bed…y'know, process this.”
“Fair enough.” Liam says.
You go upstairs and shut the door behind you. You decide to play a little, knowing Isaac would respectfully keep his distance. You strip down to your underwear, deciding to sleep in just that.
You wake up the next morning, Isaac lying next to you on his phone.
“Hey.” You smile at him as you roll out of bed. You feel his eyes burning into your backside.
“Hey. How are you feeling about everything?”
You turn to face him, his eyes too focused above your chest. “Oh, better. I guess it’s just a lot to take in.” You shrug.
“I get it. I was bit and didn’t really have a lot of time to process it.”
“Is Scott, like, in charge?“You slip into the attached bathroom.
"Yeah, he’s the alpha.”
“The alpha, huh? This is so strange.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
You come out of the bathroom dressed. “I’ll meet you downstairs?” He nods and you head out.
“Hey,” Scott stands as you enter the room.
“Hey,” You give him a small smile.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just going to take me a bit.”
Lydia appears next to you, “So you found out. I told Stiles it wouldn’t take long.”
“How are you not in bed with a bottle of aspirin? You drank a ton.” You ask.
“I recover well. I’ve never had a hangover.”
“That’s amazing.” You laugh as you sit down at the counter.
“You know what’s amazing? You are always in heels.” Lydia looks at your feet.
“Oh, I just like heels.” You shrug. You were wearing nude stilettos, your usual.
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“It comes from your mom being a freak about being a lady.” You shrug as you grab a banana.
“Huh.” Lydia smiles as she looks at you, an expression you can’t pick up on plastered on her face. Weird.
You decide that evening to go to one of the clubs around. You dressed to the nines, the slinky black dress you’d packed came in handy. You put big curls in your hair and perfected you makeup. You loved when you dressed up, it made you feel empowered. You strapped your tall red peep-toes on and sauntered downstairs. You felt amazing
"You said they don’t card, right?”
“You look hot.” She grins. “And no, never.”
“Thanks.” You smile, grabbing your bag off the counter. Your phone buzzed and you hurriedly picked it up. It was Adelia, the second in command in your coven. You slipped into the bathroom, turning the water on so none of the wolves could here you.
“What is it? I told you not to contact me, I’d call you.”
“I know, Y/N. There’s a problem.”
“What now?”
“I killed Brandon, that’s impossible.”
“No, not Brandon. Brandon’s sister, Jaclyn.”
You sigh, “Adelia, Brandon killed Jaclyn a long time ago. We did it together, in fact. Quite romantic.”
“Well, you may want to think back on that because I’m looking right at her.”
“Hello, Y/N.” You heard Jaclyn say, the nasally voice making you cringe.
“I thought your brother got rid of you for good. Looks like when you rid yourself of one, the other comes right back. You really are a quite a nuisance, you know?” You’re terrified, you couldn’t let her know.
“Sweetie, I’d watch your back. It’d be a shame if someone swooped your coven up while you were away. Adelia here tells me they feel quite neglected.”
“Is that right? I may have to find myself a new coven.”
“This is just a warning, Y/N. I’ll be in touch.” The line goes dead and your left in shock. You have to go out and pretend you’re fine.
You look in the mirror and stare at yourself for a moment before composing yourself. You leave the room, joining everyone in the living room.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Malia says. “You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. Thanks for asking.” You smile. You glance at Scott as he gives you a once over. He raises an eyebrow and smiles at you.
Once at the club, you notice Stiles and Scott split up from the group. Perfect.
“Isaac, come dance with me.” You grab his hand. He smiles and follows you onto the dance floor. Both him and Scott looked hot tonight. You felt drawn to Scott, Isaac merely a pawn in your game.
The two of you dance, your back pressed to his front as you move to the beat of the loud music pumping.
“You look incredibly sexy tonight.” He whispers in your ear.
You smirk, pressing up against him even more before turning to face him. “I could say the same to you.”
“Yeah?” He raises an eyebrow as he slides his hands down to your waist.
“Yeah.” You bite your lip, looking into his eyes before pressing your lips to his. You wrap your arms around his neck, leaning into him. He bites your bottom lip, tugging on it ever so slightly.
“Isaac.” You whisper, pulling away.
“Y/N.” The crooked smile on his mouth looks even hotter when your lipstick is smeared across it.
“Come with me.” You lead him to a wall behind the bar, hidden but in plain sight.
He picks you up and pushes you against the wall, resuming the heated kiss you just shared. You bury your fingers in his hair, tugging on his curly locks as he slips his tongue into your mouth.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Scott says. Isaac quickly puts you down and you see the rage flowing through Scott’s veins.
“Isaac, did I not already tell you not to do this?”
“Scott, I’m sorry…I just cou-”
“Shut up!” You see his eyes turn red, his transformation slowly happening. He throw Isaac against the wall, making you gasp.
“I told you, Isaac. You know what this means to me.”
“You’ve known her a week!”
“That’s all it takes, Jesus Isaac.” He pushes him into the wall even harder.
You rush over, trying to pull Scott off of Isaac. “Scott, please. It was my fault.”
“No it wasn’t.”
“Scott.” You say, your voice dropping an octave. He turned to look at you, quickly changing back to human. He let go of Isaac as he turned to face you.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
You loved that you could control everyone. You were basically, the alpha to the alpha’s. You could control every supernatural creature with the sound of your voice. It’s one of the perks of being your kind.
“Scott, I kissed him. I’m sorry, Isaac.” You glance at Isaac, who’s still lying on the floor.
He throws his hand up, “It’s fine.”
“Scott, why are you so angry?” You look up into his eyes.
“I care about you, Y/N. I’m just trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting. I know I’m just a human, but I’m strong, okay? I don’t need the big bad alpha to take care of me.”
He nods, taking your hand. “I’m sorry.”
And that was how you got Scott McCall to trust you. You learned it years ago. The way to get a werewolf to trust you, was to make them weak, angry. Then you fixed them. You calm them down, say things to stroke their ego and you’re in. It’s as simple as that.
The next thing on your agenda was to take care of Jaclyn Black; and to do it quickly.
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fanaticfandomfan · 7 years
History Repeats Itself-Chapter Two// Liam Dunbar x 0C
“Stiles, for the love of god this is the third time this morning I’m banging on your door. It is time to get up.” Grace couldn’t help but chuckle as she stepped out of the bathroom. Pulling her red hair up into a ponytail she made her way down the hall towards the sheriff noting the look of defeat on his face. Over the last month and a half she had been staying with the Stilinskis she had come to learn this was a daily ritual in the house hold. She knew Stiles had been up well into the night doing last minute research and planning for the groups (sans Grace) rescue trip to Mexico. They had been working on narrowing down exactly where the Calaveras headquarters were. Once that was done it would just be getting there (without any suspicion from the Sheriff and Melissa).
After Allison’s death, her Uncle and Isaac had decided on leaving Beacon Hills for a while. Not only to find a permeant place for the Oni to be sealed away but in a way to heal. Paris had always been a favorite of Allison’s. Growing up the two had visited many times with Chris and Victoria, Allison always expressing her desire to live there permanently one day. That was one of the reasons why Grace had opted to stay behind. It would hurt to much being in a city that held so many memories of Allison. She had lied to her uncle, saying she did not want to miss any time from school. She had a feeling he knew the real reason but had not pushed the subject. He had gone to the elder Stilinski and had asked if she could stay with them for a while until he returned.
“Want me to grab the bucket?” Grace questioned, leaning against the wall. John nodded, smirking as he turned to the 15-year-old.
“Add a bit more ice this time if you don’t mind.” Smiling, Grace rushed down the stairs where she retrieved the mop bucket before filling it up to the brim with water and ice. Gripping the handle, she trudged up the stairs and towards Stiles bedroom. Trying to hide her smile, she quickly pushed the door open, her grip on the heavy bucket tight.
A shrill scream tore through the house as Stiles sat up in bed, his body drenched in cold water. “OH MY GOD REALLY?! THAT’S THE FOURTH TIME THIS WEEK!” He yelled, his eyes darting to Grace who stood by the door way, doubled over with laughter.
“Guess third times the charm than. Get your ass up or will both be late for school.” She said before quickly closing the door, avoiding the sopping pillow that had been thrown in her direction. Grace grabbed her backpack and coat, heading down the stairs where she joined John at the table.
“You know you could always stay here and live with us permanently. I mean who else is going to help when I have to drag his scrawny ass from bed?” The sheriff questioned, smiling behind his cup of coffee. Grace smiled as she dug into her bowl of cereal.
“Don’t worry sheriff. Put me on speed dial and I’ll come over with the bucket any time.” The two fell into a comfortable silence as they continued their breakfast, the silence broken as a pair of feet skidded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Stiles glared, looking over at his father and Grace, both sporting shit eating grins at his entrance.
“Morning Stiles. You better grab something quick or your going to be late for school.” John said, standing to his feet as he discarded his empty bowl and mug into the sink.
“You two are evil you know that. And extra ice dad really? I could have gotten hypothermia and it would have been all your fault.” Stiles exaggerated, pouring a bowl as he quickly dug into his breakfast.
“If it got you up and out to school I think I could live with myself. I’m working a double tonight so Grace I’m leaving you some cash for takeout tonight.” John said as he dug through his wallet, handing the money to Grace who pocketed it in her wallet.
“Have a good day Sheriff.” She called as he made his way out the door. Turning, she smirked at Stiles, who continued to shovel his cereal into his mouth. “Hey Stiles your hairs looking a bit drenched?”
“Shut up Argent or your ass is walking to school.”
“I’m just saying I was the one who determined the bullets were from the Calaveras. And I’ve improved on my archery and I’m getting better at shooting. I don’t understand why I can’t go with you guys to Mexico?” Slamming the Jeep door shut, Stiles glared at her.
“Hey watch the Jeep ok, she’s fragile and for the millionth time you aren’t going because A: your too young and B: your dad would introduce me to the many different firearms he owns. I’d really like to not die if I can help it.” Stiles explained as the two headed towards the entrance of the school.
“Technically your only two years older than me.” She grumbled. She knew she was the youngest in the pack but it didn’t mean she was useless. She had picked up quite a bit over her time. Her aim with a bow had gotten increasingly better as had her aim with a gun due to both Alison and Chris’s training.
“End of discussion Grace. Plus, we need you on this side deflecting. If my dad asks you, show him the premade photos we took at the campsite, make him believe were out camping all that shit. You know keep his suspicions down. That’s important.” Stiles pointed out. When he noticed Grace still look unconvinced he took another approach. “Grace just because your younger than us doesn’t make you any less important to the pack. We all have are roles and skills. Right now, yours is here on this side of the boarder. And I promise any other missions will include you I promise.”
“Fine but I’m holding you to that Stilinski.” Grace smiled, nudging his side as they made there way in and down the hall towards Scott.
“Morning Scotty.” Grace said, the alpha giving her a smile as he ruffled her hair.
“Morning little red. Hey Stiles….ice bucket again huh?” He asked, trying not to laugh as he took in his friends still damp hair.
“Ok stop taking so much enjoyment out of this your worse than my dad.” Stiles said as he opened his locker to grab his books. “You’re not the one living with Satan’s spawn over here.”
Gasping dramatically, Scott held his chest. “What? Grace is nothing more than an innocent angel. How could you say such things Stiles?” Grace rolled her eyes, punching the alphas shoulder as he broke out laughing.
“Haha funny McCall real funny. Remind me again why I hang out with you dorks?” Grace laughed as she was suddenly pulled into a squishing hug from Scott.
“Because were your best friends and we love you kid.” Was his answer before releasing her from his hold. Saying her goodbyes, Grace headed down the hall towards her own locker.
Turning the corner, she felt her body collide with something solid, sending her books scattering on the floor. Looking up to see what she had ran into, she realized it was a he rather than a what. The first thing she noticed were his eyes. They were almost cobalt blue in appearance that almost shimmered in the light. Her eyes moved down his face as she continued to take in his appearance. A strong jawline, high cheekbones and plump lips greeted her. His brown hair was short, spiked up in random places before her eyes traveled a bit lower. She now realized why she had thought she ran into a wall in the first place. His body was built, not in the traditional football player way. His frame was solid, his body built almost like a lacrosse player. She may have taken note of the lacrosse stick hanging out of his bag to come to that conclusion.
“I am so sorry I wasn’t paying attention at all.” Rambling, she knelt down, starting to collect her fallen items. Hearing a small laugh, she noticed the mystery boy kneel a s well, helping her.
“No problem. I won’t complain when a pretty girl runs into me.” He said, shooting her a smile as they both stood up. Taking her books from him she smiled, feeling her cheeks redden a bit at the compliment.
“Well then I guess I’ll just have to run into you some more?” she teased as they stood in the hallway. “I haven’t seen you around before are you new?”
Nodding, he hitched his bag higher onto his shoulder. “Yeah I just transferred here from Devenford Prep.” Mystery guy answered before they were joined by a third party.
“Dude you left your schedule in the locker room-oh hey Grace I see you’ve met Liam.” Mason introduced, handing the bright yellow paper to his friend.
“Hey Mason. Yeah I sort of ran into him.” Smiling, she glanced back over to myst-Liam.
“What class do you have first?” The three freshmen headed down the hall as Grace dug into her bag, pulling her own crumpled schedule out. Handing it over to Mason, she watched as he scanned the list, noting Liams gaze also moving over it. “Awesome looks like we have a lot of the same classes this semester but why Econ in the morning? I don’t think I can handle Finstock this early.” Mason groaned causing the two other teens to laugh.
“Don’t worry Mase, I think you’ll survive. I mean it’s not like your Greenberg” Grace insisted as the three headed into the classroom taking their seats. Grace found her seat directly behind Liam, her eyes glancing over him a bit more as he dug through his bag.
“So Liam what made you transfer to are little slice of public education? I heard Devenford was a pretty good school.” She noticed the tensed glances that the two boys sent to each other before Liam turned to her, shrugging a bit.
“Change of scenery never hurt. Plus heard you guys could use some good lacrosse players this year.” He stated confidently.
“Well you seem pretty sure of yourself.” Grace smiled, finding Liam’s own almost infectious.
“Well if you need me to prove it maybe I…” A shrill whistle broke through, interrupting Liam as the students jumped to attention.
“ARGENT! If you were not aware the bell has already rung and you will not use my classroom to flirt with the new kid. That goes for the rest of you miscreants. Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves ” Grace blushed, sinking down in her seat as Coach Finstock turned to address the rest of the class.
“Told you, way to early to deal with this lunatic.” Was all she heard from Mason as he turned to the front.
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