#I made this spontaneously and spent 5 hours in time blindness hell to make it
ashencreations · 2 years
Anthro leg tutorial or whatever
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imagine-loki · 5 years
End Game Spoilers
Imagine you’re on the team that travels back in time to Thor: The Dark World. You lose Thor to his anxiety attack early on but manage to get the Aether with Rocket pretty quick with plenty of time to spare. Suddenly, a desire to see Loki alive one last time overcomes your rationality even though you know you shouldn’t meddle with the events of this timeline. When Rocket isn’t looking, you slip out of Jane’s room unnoticed and make your way to the dungeons. Poor Rocket can’t believe he’s been ditched by both Asgardians on this mission - you and Thor were supposed to be the experts on this time and place. 
Down in the dungeons you make it into Loki’s cell (your sorceress skills helped you out here).  The books Frigga had you pick out from the library lie in the corner, mostly untouched. You see Loki lying down on his day bed, eyes closed, flinging and catching the same object you had seen when you first arrived, sneaking by with Thor and Rocket. By now he was catching it purely from muscle memory— he must have been doing this for hours. You can’t help but think how beautiful he looks and more importantly how alive. You think to yourself that you need to get out of there ASAP before you screw up this timeline but your feet are stuck in place. You let out a sigh, some sort of mix between relief that you get to see him one more time and frustration that there’s nothing you can do to change the course of history. That sigh has major repercussions: he opens his eyes. Before you have a chance to turn yourself invisible or apparate the hell out of there you hear him get up and say “Y/N?”
You try and play it cool, squeaking an unnaturally high-pitched “Hi”.
Your real self from this timeline would not have seen Loki since before he fell off the Bifrost and before he broke up with you for literally no reason (you later found out he did it to protect you). You would have been pissed at him for the shit he pulled off on Earth and Asgard before that — yet here you stand not angry at all, just sad and a total mess. You consider getting the hell out of there now - you’ve already done one history-altering mistake, you really can’t afford to do another one. Maybe you could trick him into thinking he’s hallucinating —but who were you kidding? Tricking a trickster? There was no turning back. That’s when you blurt out: “I know about Thanos. ” Dammit - second time-altering mistake. 
Loki’s lips press into a thin line, his eyes become dark. “Did he hurt you?” he asks. You frown. “No,” you say as your eyes start to burn. The voice is your head continues ‘he does worse’ but you refrain from actually saying it.
He almost looks relieved. He spent the last couple of years fearing that Thanos would use you or his family against him; torture you, kill you to get his way with him. You became a secret that Loki wanted to hide from Thanos at all costs. That’s why he had to appear so ruthless and incapable of love, why he didn’t try to defend himself during his trial and why he never confided in you despite years of him living in the same realm as you under the guise of Odin. He knew the whole of Asgard would try to go after Thanos with a blind eye. He just wanted to protect you, protect everyone. 
Due to your strange behaviour, coupled with the fact that you’re wearing weird earthling clothes acquired in New Asgard, it doesn’t take Loki very long to guess you’re a Y/N from the future (like Frigga does with Thor), even if you deny it at first. 
You reach for his hands, something he’s more than willing to give. He’s missed you too, or at least some version of ‘you’. You just need to feel him one more time, know he’s real. You contemplate telling him that you love him but somewhere deep inside you know this isn’t your Loki and you decide against it. This Loki belongs to the other you, the you from this timeline and the thought of their fate completely tears you apart. You let the tears flow free from your eyes. You want so bad to spare the Y/N of this timeline the sorrow and heartbreak you’ve been feeling for the past five years. But what should you say? What can you say? You were running out of time. You think of maybe telling him not to pose as Odin. Or not to bring the Tesseract on the ship. But what if all that doesn’t mean anything anymore? You’ve already changed history just by being there. There’s no guarantee that those specific events will happen. You had to think: what is inevitable?
“…He will kill you.” Your words hang heavily in the air, words that hold the weight of the universe. 
You dread his reaction. Is he going to ask questions? How would you answer them? Is he going to live the rest of his life in constant, resurgent fear? You start to regret telling him already. 
His actual reaction, however, catches you by surprise: he’s laughing. You’re so confused that you’ve stopped crying. 
“Darling, do you really believe that?”
At first you think this is ‘overconfident Loki’ talking. Or maybe you look so pitiful right now that he feels sorry for you, enough so that he’s willing to lie to your face about everything being alright. 
But then he starts relating to you a story of how he’s been planning on deceiving Thanos into thinking he’s dead so he can break free from the horrible pact he made with him while under his influence. He planned to fake his death, wait around 5-10 years until he was sure Thanos had forgotten about him or was killed. You try and process these words, staring at an imaginary spot on the floor. Your heart begins to race when he starts naming all the ways he’s planned on faking his death. 
“Which one was it, Y/N? Falling off a cliff? Drowning? Spontaneous combustion?…”
You keep staring at the floor, your heart beating ever faster as he continues to name a shockingly long list of ways to die so nonchalantly. 
“…Asphyxiation?” he continues and your eyes shoot right up to look at him. “Ahh,” he says, smiling, “interesting.”
You hate how handsome he looks in this moment, smiling so mischievously. It’s completely preventing you from forming any kind of coherent sentence in your head. Luckily for you, he keeps talking. 
“You know, I’ve even thought of these dramatic monologues to recite in case there are any witnesses. It’s really too funny, listen to this one:  “Oh mighty Thanos, spare me for I hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity.” Do you get it?” He laughs again while you stare at him dumbfounded. Those words were not too dissimilar to those Thor had told you when he shared the story of their last few moments on the wrecked half of the Asgardian refugee ship. 
All of a sudden, it hits you like a ton of bricks: holy shit, your Loki is alive. He faked his death. Again. Your heart continues to beat like crazy, you break out in a cold sweat. You think you’re going to be sick. You want to ask him so badly ‘What happens after? Where do you go? Where can I find you?’ but nothing comes out. Just then, the time-space GPS starts beeping. You’re out of time.
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kirstieam92 · 7 years
A lot can change in a year
Merry Christmas @aussieokie I’m your secret Santa and I’ve written a keenler fic for you! I hope you have an amazing Christmas. P.s all mistakes are my own. Hopefully it makes sense and you enjoy - it’s been a while since I’ve written anything.
A lot can change in a year.
If you had asked Donald Ressler a year ago, what his life would look like now, he definitely wouldn’t have guessed this, not even in his wildest dreams. Hell, even if you had asked him that question six months ago, he definitely wouldn’t have guessed this.
Life in general had changed dramatically for Ressler, in just over two months. Not only did he love his job (still), but also he was now building a life with Elizabeth Keen and her baby girl, Agnes. Whilst they weren’t advertising their new found relationship, both Ressler and Liz knew that there really no turning back for them. This realization for the both of them had to led to many conversations about their living arrangements in the past few weeks – they truly just wanted to spend as much time as possible together. Especially with Liz having Agnes to consider, it was difficult for Liz to spontaneously decide to spend the night with Ressler, and it wasn’t exactly ideal for Ressler to leave his apartment empty for days on end. They were really doing this, after all of these years of knowing each other, of other relationships and throughout Liz’s pregnancy with Agnes, they were despite it all, going to be together.
As Ressler lay in bed awake, he glanced to his beside clock: 5:30am. He sighed; he still had an hour before he needed to get up for work. Ressler turned his attention to his girl; he smiled as he watched her sleep. Liz looked so peaceful and happy cuddled up to him. Pulling Liz closer to him, Ressler kissed her forehead lightly, as remained in bed listening to the sounds that surround him; the ticking of clock, the birds chirping and the early morning traffic.
The early morning peacefulness was interrupted by the sound of Ressler’s phone starting to ring. Ressler made a blind grab for his phone, and silenced it, before noticing the caller ID listed as “Aram.” Slowly, Ressler made out of the bed, trying not to disrupt Liz too much.
“Aram, what is it?” Ressler asked quietly, as he slowly crept out of the bedroom.
“Ressler, sorry to ring you so early, but the Task Force has been asked to help out with a job. Not Reddington or Blacklist related.”
 “When?” Ressler whispered quietly as he made his way to the kitchen, mindful of keeping the noise down for both Liz and Agnes. 
“Why are you whispering?” Aram asked.
“Aram, when are we needed?” Ressler replied, avoiding the question.
 “Now? 9am by the latest. Sorry. Cooper has asked for Liz to come in as well. I know it’s her day off, and I know that with Agnes and finding a babysitter on short notice, it’ll be hard, if not impossible, given it’s Christmas Eve, so I’ve suggested that she bring Agnes in with her. “
“Yeah, yeah. Agnes will have to be kept company in one of the break rooms or something. Are you calling Liz?”
“Samar is calling her now.”
“Thanks, Aram. See you soon,” Ressler replied, before quickly hanging up the phone.
Ressler sighed, and wiped his hand over his face, before making his way back into the bedroom. As he approached, he could hear Liz’s mumble something before a loud sigh erupted from her, as she hung up the phone. 
“Morning,” Ressler murmured as he made his way into the bedroom and lay down on the bed next to Liz.
“We’ve got to go to the post office. On Christmas Eve,” Liz mumbled as she snuggled back into Ressler’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
Ressler sighed, “I know.”
 Neither, Liz or Ressler moved, instead they snuggled up in bed together, enjoying the quiet. They both knew that they really couldn’t enjoy the quiet time, until their duty to serve and protect the community was done for another day. The life of a FBI agent was never dull or boring, and often meant spending as much time as possible with loved ones when you could.
Five minutes had past and Liz decided that it was time to get up. As she glanced at Ressler, she couldn’t help but smile. His eyes were closed, but he too had a smile on his face; content with having her in his arms. Liz’s smile only grew as she attempted to pull away from Ressler, only to have him tighten his grip on her, “Don…”
“I know…” Ressler murmured quietly as he let her go, allowing her to squirm out of his arms. Quickly turning her attention back to Ressler, she leant over and kissed him lightly on the lips, “Morning.”
“Morning Liz,” Ressler spoke softly in between light kisses.
“Come on, time to get up!” Liz exclaimed as she pulled away from Ressler again, and made her way out of the bedroom to check on Agnes.
“Alright, alright. I’m up!” Ressler exclaimed, as he made his way into the bathroom.
“Alright, baby, are you ready to see Cooper, Aram and Samar?” Liz asked quietly as she slowly helped Agnes out of the SVU.
Agnes giggled happily, “Yes, Mommy,” as she quickly ran towards the elevator, whilst Ressler and Liz trailed behind her.
“At least she’s happy to be here, right?” Liz asked.
“Yeah, she’ll be fine. Aram will probably make silly faces with her again, and she’ll love every minute of it.”
“I know. I just don’t like making it a habit of bringing her to the post office.”
“She’s fine, Liz and it wouldn’t have been suggested if it wasn’t OK, by Cooper,” Ressler replied as they stepped into the elevator. Ressler quickly pressed the button to go down
 “I know, I know,” Liz mumbled, before quickly pecking Ressler on the lips, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being you.”
Ressler smiled, and before he could respond, the elevator dinged loudly, signaling that they had made it to their floor.
“SURPRISE! MERRY CHRISTMAS!” The entire task force yelled as Ressler, Liz and Agnes all stepped out of the elevator. Liz stopped dead in her tracks, whilst Agnes kept making her way into the post office, with Ressler following closely behind her.
Agnes squealed loudly, and yelled “Dada Donnie! Christmas!”
Ressler looked up, and saw all of their surprised faces and smiled as he picked up Agnes, “Yes, baby. Christmas.”
 Liz smiled and slowly made her way towards her family and friends. Ressler turned his head slightly and his eyes caught Liz’s. He smiled, and rearranged Agnes on his hip, before letting his free hand entangle with Liz’s, and squeezing it tightly.
“What? When? How?” Aram mumbled loudly, suddenly finding his voice.
“A while. Does it matter? It’s Christmas,” Ressler responded.
“CHRISTMAS!” Agnes exclaimed loudly, still safely in Ressler’s arms. 
Cooper smiled at Agnes, Ressler and Liz, “I guess not.”
They all spent the day together at the Post Office enjoying their Christmas Eve as one big family. And to think, last Christmas, Donald Ressler was sitting at home alone drinking beer.
 A lot can definitely change in a year.
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