#I made this goof because it's a very special day for a very special game
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wiredalienvampire · 1 year ago
feliz cumpleanos Ramen Oranges ^_^ 🎂🎉🥳🎊🫧
(warning this is quite loud)
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bluebeads-art · 3 months ago
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2024 November 21st
My part of a retroactive art trade with @anxiousapplepie ! "Retroactive" because I was already drawing this before we agreed to make it part of a trade, heheh. December 2nd edit: BEHOLD!... THEIR HALF OF THE TRADE... Eleven whole pages of trade!! Go read it go read it go read it
I read this post about their Role!Swap AU, and, like, multiverse shenanigans? Check. Characters goofing off and having fun? Check. Several opportunities for slapstick humor? Check. Conclusion: I really wanted to draw it. Physical comedy is my specialty. :p
This thing is kinda all over the place composition wise (looking at you, relative sizes of speech bubbles) because there is Too Much going on in these panels and I Did Not plan ahead of time, lmao. This was supposed to be doodlier than it ended up being, so as a growing pain it's a funny jumble of consistency. One of these days I'll be able to doodle without getting carried away. 😂
More rambling and close-ups under the cut
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This interaction in particular is what nudged me over the edge to draw this whole thing. I don't know what Fighter Mirabelle's malfunction is when it comes to the Siffrins, but it lets me make Sif the butt of a joke again, so yeehaw! His hat being catapulted out of frame made me laugh when I was thinking of what to do with the composition-complicating hat in question.
Also my personal take is Siffrin is 100% having the time of their life here. Making new(?) friends? Being involved in a fun group activity? Well worth inhaling some puddle water and having to go jump in The Lake to wash the mud off later.
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Bonnie being so furious they changed art styles wasn't in my original plan, but I'm so glad I thought of it on a whim because it made me laugh Every Time I looked at their face. 😂
Time taken on this whole thing was 42 hours and 50 minutes. AND. I KNOW THAT SOUNDS BAD. IF YOU KNOW I'M TRYING TO SPEED UP MY ART PROCESS. But this project gets a special pass. This was the farthest out of my art comfort zone I've been in a while! 13 (mostly) full-body characters at various complicated angles, 2 backgrounds, learning to use CSP's perspective rulers, effects I'm not used to like water splashes, etc etc. I made progress on speeding up sketching & line art as well! Some of the lines you see are just extremely cleaned up sketch. I was able to let myself fudge things more too. For example, Mira's dress is a very "dude just trust me" simplification because I don't know how the clothes folds would work at that angle. ^^;;
So while there's still a handful of things I'm not happy with, it's worth it for the learning experience and perfectionism-busting progress! Also for the sake of drawing silliness, of course.
Oh, lastly; the KO sprite is the one from in-game, so it was made by insertdisc5 and not me.
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locatislunaticolupin · 1 year ago
Day Four: Don't Look Now
Written for day four of @remadoramicrofics. 528 words. Also available on Ao3.
“Don’t look now,” Edda said, “but your parents are snogging”.
Teddy, being five, said “No, they aren’t”, because there’s nothing worse than your old, gross parents being loving in public, and proceeded to make sure to loudly express his distaste when he swung around and saw them, in fact, snogging. That, at least, made them laugh, which meant they were no longer snogging.
“Why do you two gotta be gross?!” he loudly proclaimed again when Dora caught him from behind, swinging him and kissing him in that noisy, obnoxious way she saved only for embarrassing him in front of his friends.
“Edda doesn’t think it’s gross, do you, Edda?”
Edda, being seven, said, “It’s very gross, Miss Lupin”.
Dora brought a hand to her chest and gasped loudly enough that a few adults in Edda’s mom’s garden party turned their heads.
“How very dare you. Are you telling me you wouldn’t kiss your husband and son if they were as handsome and sweet as mine?” she declared very dramatically. Edda stifled her giggles when Teddy, still in his mama’s arms, groaned as loud as he could, as if he could hide Dora’s voice behind his. He almost got her to drop him when he went dead weight.
“No, I don’t think I would, miss Lupin. I don’t find them particularly handsome nor particularly sweet, after all”.
Dora gasped again from where she was now almost bent in half holding Teddy’s weight, but then seemed to think it over, finger tapping her cheek.
“I am too good for these goofs, aren’t I?”
A second later, her husband tickled her neck and Dora shrieked. Teddy shrieked when his mom almost dropped him (which she didn’t, she hugged him tighter while twisting away and he screamed again because too tight, mama). Edda, who’d seen Remus coming and who’d also seen the finger he’d raised to his lips, guffawed.
After the party, after leftovers were shoved into their hands and promises of seeing each other soon, isn’t that football game soon?, were made, the Lupins walked home. And they would have spent that time together anyway, but there was something special about the long dirt road, the pink and yellow and orange and purple sky, the chirp of the crickets, the starlings’ and chaffinches’ last flights home, the smell of a summer day gone by. They were quiet, this time, letting time well-spent settle in their bones.
Dora and Remus leaned on each other, swaying, hands weaved together and steps out of sync. Teddy was their little satellite, running ahead or behind his parents and exploring the flowers and bees on the ditches’ banks, the funny rocks on the road. He scared flocks of birds, mooed back at the cows, and swung a long branch around. Sometimes, he looked back at his parents, looked at their hands (knew there was something there warm and safe, something calloused and gentle and strong) and he ran to them, and they caught him (because they always, always did), and they walked home together, their three long shadows stretching to the horizon, melting into one, until Teddy ran off again, being five and happy and careless.
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ppgppzaustory · 2 days ago
PPZ - Buttercup's profile
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First name: Buttercup Nickname(s): Bc, Butter, Greeny Last name: Utonium Gender: Female Nationality: American Birth Date: November 18, 2000 Age: 10 Birth place: Townsville Star Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Super Heroine Education: 5th Grade Hobby(ies): Soccer/Football, any kind of sports she can try. Religious Beliefs: Christian Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero Family: Professor Utonium, Ms Keane, Bliss, Blossom, Bubbles, Bunny, Rhythm, Beatrix, Britney and Bones. Best Friend: Beatrix
Special Powers: (She does have a special power!!) Buttercup is physically the strongest of the three girls. She's also able to fly the fastest out of all of her sisters. She can create Hurricanes that can be very destructive. So much so that it can wipe out the entirety of the Country the Girls live in. But she can also make small one's that are a hassle to villains and safe for the town! Weakness: Her anger issues. Phobia(s): Arachnophobia, Fear of Spiders(From the episode Paranoia).
Allergies: None Sexuality: Heterosexual Pronoun(s): She
Likes: Buttercup likes Having fun, Money, Winning and getting things right, Fighting with everyone, Her green blanket, "Blankie", Using her powers, Goofing off, Night parties, The color black, blue, green, Fighting, Kicking some butt, Martial arts, Dodgeball, Comedies, Water Guns, Her sisters Blossom and Bubbles, Butch(Though she would never admit it out loud), Scaring her sisters (just for kicks), Being sarcastic, Sports (both playing and watching them), Hardcore Rock/Metalcore/Party/Punk Rock Music, The Professor, Spicy food, Garlic, The Dark, Movies, Brute force, Being tomboyish and Apologizing.
Dislikes: Buttercup dislikes Crime, Villains, Baths(she prefers Showers), Monsters, Not being able to do certain things that her sisters can do (For example: blowing ice), Cleaning, Classical/Pop/Hip-hop Music, Liver and Onions, Losing and not getting things right, Girly stuff (Sometimes), School subjects (feels overwhelmed because of how difficult they seem to her), Animal Abuse (as do her sisters), Her sisters being harmed, Blossom's dogmatic leadership, Her own attitude when she realizes that something has to be done about it, Shrimp and Losing Money.
General I.Q.: Average Values: Family, Friendship, Love, Peace, Life, Sports and Summer times.
Personality: Buttercup is the group's tough member and is easily enraged. Sometimes this, and her aggression, get the better of her, making her a little reckless and stubborn. However, she has enough control so as to not go "overboard" on innocent civilians like Bubbles did once, no matter how trivial the offense. She also showed a greedy side sometimes, to which she knocked out teeth for the sole purpose of obtaining money. She has a softer side too. For example, she has a soft green blanket that she was obsessed with when she was 6 that she would hug so it could give her the confidence to be a better fighter, and she is quite protective over her sisters. She has a tremendous disdain for flirting or romantic gesture, she possesses a violent and a mean streak not displayed by her sisters. She is also shown to bully some of her fellow classmates, though she became less mean as the years goes by. She never worries about injuries at all, except when it's her sister's injuries.
Bio: Buttercup was created 6 years after her sister Bliss, along with her sisters Blossom and Bubbles. After about a week or two, Professor Utonium signed all three of them up for their first day of School at Pokey Oaks Kindergartens. Their first day went great, until they learned how to play tag for the first time. Their game resulted in the destruction of Townsville, which made the entire City turn against them, making them exile themselves to some debris in the stratosphere. This gave the evil monkey, Mojo Jojo, an opening to take over the City with him as the King. Unfortunately for him, the girls could not stand the screams and agony of the people, and especially not their father, as they returned to the City, defeated Mojo and became the protectors of Townsville. Since then, they have always defeated any evil monsters who threaten to irradicate the population of Townsville(Their story is way too long so this is a summary). But their story is not over yet!
Ingredient(s):Spice, everything nice, sugar and Chemical X. Ingredient Trait: Buttercup is a fun-loving tomboy. With her trait, it represents her aggressive and violent nature. Just like some spices can get.
Flying Trail: Lime Green
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transparencyboo · 2 years ago
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Brave Fencer Musashi (1998) was never released here in Europe, but somehow a pirated copy found its way to me as a kid. My dad had at some point gotten my PS1 modded with some kind of multi-X chip and sometimes brought home curiosities burnt onto discs. We didn't have a lot of them, but I remember some very fondly because of how elusive these copies felt without a box or even official cover art to speak of. Only the distinct allure of titles in black sharpie graced the discs, making them feel strangely mystical in a way. One of these games was Brave Fencer Musashi.
I was the only kid that knew about this game. Of course I didn't know that it was never released here at the time, but it sure felt like a special game that only I was privy to. I suppose this was partly why I went back to it over and over again, despite not knowing much English at all. I did not even understand how to save. I basically replayed the opening several times and just basked in everything that snippet of the game had to give me. It was fantastic, amazing even. It had such an impact on me that to this day I still remember the opening cutscenes and set pieces more vividly than most other games I played at the time. I hum the music of the first level sometimes. Lines of dialogue burned into my mind, even though my Swedish kid brain didn't grasp most of it.
Over 20 years later, I finally finished it.
It's interesting to go back to a game that was made almost mythical in my mind as a kid, one that has stuck with me even though I never really played through it. There was a risk that experiencing it for real would somehow taint that perfect imagination of it, but I think it was worth it in the end. Brave Fencer Musashi might not be as fantastical to me as a grown adult with understanding of English and a vast knowledge of video games, but I still appreciate it for what it ended up being. It's a simple platforming action game with light RPG mechanics, stunning graphics and some silly humour sprinkled in. It's certainly not ground breaking by any means, but I'd say it still sticks out as a solid little gem on the platform despite that. I was most definitely entertained throughout my 16 hours of playing, enough so that I collected all the splangos as well as all the bobbins – and that's more than I can say for most games. I even maxed out my stats, and it didn't even take that long. That's the mark of a pretty good game right there.
I really like the environments, the simple platforming combat, the toys of all the characters that you can collect and the goofs and gags that the rather conventional story presented to me. I liked that all the characters are named after food and drinks, and I think it's brilliant that one of them is inexplicably just called Jon and has a dog named Leno. It has tons of secrets to find and collect and pretty much everything feels rewarding and fun to do. It's good is what I am saying.
I will say though that the shogi puzzle could've used another pass through the localization (if you know you know), and the fact that they put a memorization rhythm game right at the very end almost made me quit playing. The only reason I got through that segment was because Kiki helped me with her extremely powerful short term memory. I am good at 3D platforming and actions shenanigans, but memorizing long strings of patterns that are also sensitive to rhythm just makes my brain shut off. I am glad that that character got danced to death by the end of that segment, because she certainly deserved it – Mickey Mouse looking shit.
Anyway, Brave Fencer Musashi is a pretty good platforming action game that reminds me quite a bit about Monster World IV, which might coincidently be the best game ever made, so that's a big A+ in my book. My childhood memories have finally been redeemed and can now rest in peace.
Next up from the pirated Playstation collection that stuck in the depths of my kid brain - Team Losi RC Racer
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lewdcookies · 21 days ago
Kings of the Wyld "review"
Or, I ramble about a book.
So earlier this week I finished reading Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames. Grabbed it as a christmas present to myself, alongside a pair of others, like I usually do.
The best way I can describe it, and I should say it's wholly my interpretation of it, is that it feels very much like an TTRPG campaign being played from start to finish. I can already sense some of you rolling your eyes as I said that. I know it's a horrendously worn out comparison to make, especially in this day and age of there been more than enough novels that are just that. But bare with me here.
The point I'm trying to make here is that while the book intentionally leans on a lot of music band themes, something which the author pretty much says in an interview at the end. But the thing that stuck out to me the most is how the world develops as the story progresses. Like a Game Master adding various ideas to a campaign they're running. I'll try to explain why I meant as best as I can.
So my first impression of the setting was that it was incredibly generic. The book comes with a map, like any good fantasy novel should do obviously, that feels very much like your average fantasy campaign map. There's a sprinkling of human fantasy kingdoms and maybe something special to give it a modicum of flavour. Then there's some mentions of monsters living in the wild, and so on. Throw in an ancient civilization of some sorts that fell that left ruins and other stuff behind. You know, the usual stuff.
The book keeps this going for a while, with the mercenary groups that work like music bands with bookers arranging gigs as the first major thing of interest, but otherwise there isn't that much flavour to it.
The first hints of the GM is starting to expand the setting is the mentions of the cultures outside the core so to speak, like a matriarchal sultanate and not-vikings, not-huns and so on. In reality, it's not much, but at the same it's not just more generic fantasy kingdoms. So it adds a little flavour.
But it's also this point where the GM mentions that the fallen empire of old was ran by a fae race that looks like elves with rabbit ears. Which is was unexpected and cool.
Roughly a quarter through it, where the book, or campaign I suppose, really finds its own legs, and the flavour of the setting starts to shine through. Because suddenly there's intelligent monsters like gorgons, spider people and daevas suddenly show up. Also airships. A whole bunch of them.
Then there's a bunch of other campaign tropes showing up here and there. Like the antagonistic NPC that shows up that gets amnesia, does their inevitable betrayal bit but in the end comes through for the party.
I think the first bit that really made me think about the whole campaign thing was when the party runs into a cannibal named Jeremy. I would like to imagine the following conversation happening at the table at that scene:
Player: "So what's the cannibals name?" GM: "Uuuuh... Let's go with... Jeremy."
Like it's that perfect moment of the GM blanking on a name for some random, doesn't really matter at all, NPC and then just goes for the first one they can think of.
Then there's the GM asspull moment where a character has managed to lose a limb and the GM come up with a way for them to regain that lost limb in some fashion. Having had that happen to a character of mine in a past campaign I couldn't help but to chuckle a little when it happened.
The ending also feels oddly RPG campaign fitting, as it ends with what feels like a sequel campaign hook. But then the next book in the series focuses on a completely different set of characters.
The way the characters banter with each other also feels very tabletop campaign like, there's that faint undercurrent of people goofing off a little with how they make remarks about things. At one point the words "What the fuck is brunch?" are uttered by one of the characters as an offhand comment.
And I feel the need to reiterate, this is my reading of it. There's really nothing, from what I've found from the supplemental interview at the back of the book that supports any of this. Just how I read it in my head, probably because as much I enjoy music I never really tend to care much about the bands that make them so all of those parallels kind of fall off for me.
But I should also make it perfectly clear that I absolutely loved this book. Especially after the ball really got rolling and the setting started to feel less generic.
There's probably a bunch of other bits I could've talked about, like the characters and how they are written. The banter between them and so on. But the campaign angle kind of got stuck in the back of my mind as I kept on reading it.
The biggest complaint I would level at the book, at least early on, is that the female representation isn't the greatest. It changes later on but early on the first couple of female characters is the main character's wife and child and then a queen who sleeps around a lot behind the kings back. The real highlight though is the female bandit that I honestly didn't expect would become a recurring side character. Strong case of "A random NPC that the players ended up liking" thing.
But I very much enjoyed reading this, and definitely looking forward to grabbing the sequel next time around. At which point I hope the third book might even be out as well.
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years ago
Yuuji with a bookish and more introverted bf or crush? sounds like a fun and cute dynamic. bf gets hijm to be more serious when needed and Yuuji helps him relax/goof off and have fun.
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Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Character: Terushima Yuuji
Warnings: wholesome. im also brain dead so its not great or proofread
Notes: woohoo a request!! thank you <3 i enjoyed writing this
male reader!
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If there’s one thing teru needs
It’s someone polar opposite of him
Bc if it was someone with the same energy i think the world would burn /j
There cannot be two
So, introverted boyfriend? Great
You’re the best person to go to when he’s having a bleh day because you can let him talk forever, and just spend some time with him. Just the two of you. He loves it, honestly
Quality time with him is HUGE bc he’s. He’s not really the jealous type, but he does like having you to himself
So on meh days he likes to lay his head in your lap and play with your fingers and talk about nothing
He’s very good at talking about nothing
Can and will talk about nonsense for as long as possible
On good days, though?
Expect him to be insanely hype (like usual)
He loves running up behind you and hugging you in the hallway before running off w a grin
He somehow talks more but this time its about practice or this test he had or a book he has to read for class or—
He just gets this grin when he talks about something he’s passionate about
He catches you staring a lot
And to this he has one of two reactions
His smile just grows and he winks at you and continues on
OR he’ll pause whatever story he’s telling and start teasing you
“Oh? Whatcha lookin at?” “just you” “like what ya see?”
Tries SO HARD to fluster you but honestly cannot take what he dishes out
So if you flirt back he dies internally
Like soul has left his body
Its cute
He’s very chatty and VERY touchy
Expect him to be walking to lunch with you with his hand in yours, or his arm around your shoulder/waist
Loves linking pinkies
Can and will randomly lean over and kiss you at any given time
He just likes seeing your shocked face when you pull away and just mumble “what was that for”
And likes when you smile when he says “just because i love you”
And he also likes your laugh when his teammates start shoving him around or make fake gagging noises or tell you to get a room
Theyre very supportive by the way <3
Team loves you 100%
They might like you than yuuji tbh (not really tho but they do like you)
Especially the 1st years they all look up to you
Let’s just say homophobic comments are not tolerated bc there’s a whole team of 15-17 year old feral teenagers ready to defend you at any given moment
Pspsps i also think you guys are the reason some of the first years were comfortable to come out to the team <333
There are some times you’ve gotta reel the guy in
Honestly he’s a jokester, yknow
He’s always pranking someone and has a very hard time being serious about anything
Which drives misaki nuts
And there are many times you hang out at practice and she loves having you there bc one glare from you that screams “no kisses for the rest of the day” has yuuji calming the hell down
However he knows how to get you to loosen up a little
Loves bringing you to parties w the team
Theyre not big parties so its not too loud or too many people
But its a lot of board games and everyone hanging out and vibing
And he likes beginning you because it’s the team and his family and he likes that you’re party of this family they made somehow
But also because he likes it when you step outside your comfort zone a little for him
Not too much to make you insanely uncomfortable
But just enough that you’re doing something new for him
Makes him feel special <3
guys find yourself a yuuji. Love this guy
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@mysterystarz @y-infen @kodzukoi @duckymcdoorknob @animated-moon
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years ago
Could I please request the brothers reaction to a normally fiesty and strong female MC flinching at the sight of an emotionally abusive Ex. She remains strong and tries to play it off, but its clear shes not okay.
Brothers When MC Changes When Seeing An Emotionally Abusive Ex 
Warning (Mention of Emotional Abuse)
I didn’t actually mention what the ex did and I made this GN because anyone can experience any type of abuse, sadly.
You were always so spunky, sassy, that’s what had drawn his attention to you in the first place. This little vacation that he had set up in the human world was something that he had planned a while ago, and now that the two of you finally had some free time, he was able to enjoy some time with you while you showed him around your hometown. He found it cute how excited you would get when you passed small stores, pointing to them and telling him how you always went there when you were younger but never actually going in. You would just pull him along behind you, almost as if you were scared that time would run out before you got to show him everything, although he would have been able to bring you back up at any time. The change was so noticeable, it was almost like hitting a brick wall. You had stopped running, your voice dropping so low he could barely even hear you anymore. Had he done something wrong? Not act excited enough? “What is it, Darling?” He tilted your head up to look at you, he saw the sadness in your eyes before you shook your head. “It’s nothing, let’s just go the other way…” He saw your eyes dart up, looking at the person who was walking down the sidewalk, heading towards the two of you. “Really. It's nothing. I’m just getting hungry.” You tried to sound unbothered as you turned around, but he knew otherwise. He let you pull him in the other direction, and once you got somewhere where you could both talk in private he asked why you reacted that way and you reluctantly explained everything. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, offering you a soft smile and sweet words that would help keep your mind off your ex for the rest of the evening. Once you’re asleep he will go out and find your ex and teach him a lesson, scare the hell out of him, and tell him that he’ll be waiting in hell for him when his time comes. No one dies, but it was really hard for Lucifer to keep it that way. 
Your feistiness was so attractive to him, he thought it was both hot and cute at the same time. You didn’t put up with anyones shit, and you had that attitude as soon as you entered the house. He thought it was amazing that you stood up to a bunch of demons, especially Lucifer, even he was too nervous to do that so he thought you were like, super badass. When you told him that you had managed to convince Lucifer to let the two of you up to the human world for a little trip, he was beyond excited. You were taking him on a sightseeing tour throughout the city, showing him your favorite hangout spots and where you’d go when you just needed to get away for a bit. The places wouldn’t have seemed very special if he had come across them by himself, but now that he knew they were your spots he thought they were amazing. As you walked down the street, window shopping and just goofing off, he noticed your body tense up and your head dropping to look at your feet. “Oi, you alright, babe?” He looked around, seeing if someone had maybe passed by and touched you because that would be unacceptable and he would handle that real quick. When you only nodded your head he realized that it was something more than that. If it was the latter you would have handled that person yourself, so whatever was wrong with you now, it must have been really bad. “Yeah. I just think it’s time we go now, don’t you?” You said to him, your eyes quickly glancing over at the person who was staring straight at the two of you. He nodded quickly, taking you back to that spot you had told him about, hoping that you’d tell him what was going on. When he found out that it was your ex and that they emotionally abused you?!?! Oh he didn’t like that, and it took every ounce of control for him not to go and find your ex right now to teach them a lesson. He waited to get back to the hotel, watching you get comfy in your bed before excusing himself under the guise of wanting to run out and get something. He’d yell at your ex, and not only that, he’d change into his demon form just to scare him a little more. Of course, his voice kind of broke because he got choked up when he thought of anyone hurting you… but he did what he had to do, and he’d do it again. No one messes with The Great Mammon’s human! 
The fact that you were so strong and so feisty actually made him weary, but once he figured out how fun you were to actually be around that weariness faded almost completely. Not only were you fun to be around, but you also stood up for him a lot when he was too awkward and anxious to do so himself. When you told him about a trip up to the human world he was slightly put off by it, but then you told him about this arcade that you used to go to and his thoughts immediately changed. An arcade?! That’s so cool! He’s always wanted to go to an arcade up in the human world, but Lucifer told him that it was unnecessary to open the portal just so he could play some video games. Now he could actually do that, and also hang out with you at the same time! It was awesome! He sat on the little chair in front of the Pac-Man machine as you stood right next to him, cheering him on as his score climbed higher and higher. Then you stopped and your hand gripped onto his shoulder tightly, and at first he thought that maybe you just got worried that he was about to lose, until he looked up at you and saw your jaw clenched and your eyes looking around the room as if you were looking for someone. “Everything okay, Y/N?” He asked, and you quickly loosened up, smiling down at him and nodding. “Yeah, it’s just getting late. We should head back.” That wasn’t like you at all, and he could tell that your smile was forced. He nodded, slowly getting up from the chair and leading you out of the arcade, noticing your body tense up as you walked past one of the employees. He knew it wasn’t a good sign, but he didn’t want to force you to talk about it. No matter what, whether you told him or not, he would stay by your side and cuddle with you until all your worries melted away. You were always so strong for him, it was his turn to be strong for you. 
The two of you together were like an unstoppable force not to be reckoned with. His personality mixed with yours, it was like the perfect cocktail. If anyone even attempted to talk down to you, he would sass them and put them in their rightful place. If anyone said anything about him you would shut them down in the blink of an eye. Everyone knew not to mess with the two of you, whether you were together or apart, it would never end well. When you invited him to go shopping in the human world with you, he was more than happy to go with you. You were trying on an outfit, ready to step out and show it off when you saw your ex walk into the store, quickly shutting the curtain again. “What’s the matter, Y/N?! I thought that outfit looked cute!” You chuckled from behind the curtain, stepping out and trying to act like nothing was wrong, but, being so close to Asmo had its flaws. He could read you so well, and he quickly looked around the store. “Is someone messing with you here? Do I need to speak to someone?” You knew he would too, so you quickly shook your head, grabbing yours and his pile of clothes and heading to the front counter. You didn’t have to say anything, he was looking around the store and he immediately picked out your ex, noticing that they were staring at you a little too much for his liking. Do not try to hold him back because he is going to completely berate everything about your ex in front of everyone so they’re humiliated and they’ll never look at you again. Then he’ll take you to the spa because you deserve it and you’re perfect and he just wants you to relax.
Barnes and Nobles was having a book sale, you got an email about it and of course you wanted to go. You went to Satan first, obviously, and he quickly agreed to go. A bookstore with the only person he could stand to be around for long periods of times, other than Belphie. Sounds great, what are you waiting for? He really did enjoy your presence. You were feisty and you weren’t afraid to straighten him out when he was acting out of sorts. You were strong willed, and you didn’t let anyone step on you. You were nobody's floor mat, and he respected that about you.  Barnes and Nobles was packed, and he was shocked to see that so many humans actually still enjoyed reading because most of the humans he had met were idiots who seemed like they hadn’t picked up a book in their life. Maybe he was just being judgy, but, that doesn’t matter, he was in a store filled with books and you were right there next to him, it was the perfect day. While browsing through the sections you had somehow tripped over seemingly nothing, fumbling back into the bookshelf and he quickly caught you, looking around to see if someone had pushed you or something. “What happened? Are you alright?” He wasn’t letting on that he was worried, at least he thought he wasn’t, but your entire demeanor changed and that confused him. Your shoulders were tense and your pupils were dilated as if you had just seen a ghost or something. “Tell me.” He wasn’t going to let it go, so it would probably be best to take him somewhere private where no one else was around because as soon as you let him figure out what was wrong he’s gonna flip out. He’ll try to keep his cool because now that he knows, he doesn’t want to upset you, but he is mentally plotting your ex’s soon to be suspicious death. You’re so strong, and he doesn’t want anyone to break you, not the way your ex did. Never again. 
Your feistiness was adorable to him, and you were always so strong, it was just precious. To him, you were like a little tiger cub, your rawr was small compared to his, but still just as mighty. He absolutely adored you and he would protect you at all costs. When you told him that you were going back up to the human world to visit some family he quickly offered to go with you. Not just because he really wanted to go with you, but also because the mere thought of food from the human world had his stomach growling. Of course you let him go with you, you loved having him around and you wanted to show him to some of your favorite restaurants and fast food joints that helped keep your stomach full during late nights spent up. Your hand was in his, swinging back and forth as you walked down the busy sidewalk, talking about random things that weren’t really important to you, but he found highly interesting and promised to remember either way. He felt someone bump into your shoulder, the bump pushing you into him lightly. Usually you would tell the person to watch where they’re going, or just laugh it off, joking about how clumsy and careless people were. This time though, you froze up, and even if it were just for a split second, he felt it. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did the bump hurt you?” You quickly looked up at him, laughing softly and tsking your tongue. “What? Pfft, no! Come on, we’re almost at the restaurant.” He didn’t believe a word you said, but the mention of food had him pushing that thought back, at least long enough to fill his stomach. He never brought it back up to you, he didn’t like the way you tensed up, it wasn’t normal for you. The person's face was etched into his brain, and as soon as the two of you got back to the Devildom and you fell asleep, he went right back up to the Human Realm. He didn’t need to get physically violent, his appearance alone was enough to frighten your ex, but he didn’t think that was enough, so he changed into his demon form. You had already been hurt, and he couldn’t do anything but promise to never hurt you like that, but he would make sure that your ex did that to no one else in the future. 
Your personality traits were nothing short of entertaining to him, especially when that feistiness came out during conversations with Lucifer. It was his favorite thing, and he’d talk about it for days, especially if Lucifer would look shocked or insulted afterwards, it was hilarious. The trip to the human world wasn’t something that he wanted to do at all, but you had promised to lay in bed with him all day if he went with you and that was one offer he couldn’t refuse. You walked with him through the mall which was packed with people and he was visibly annoyed by the fact that you dragged him out on a Saturday, but that promise you made kept him from forcing you to go back and pick a different day to go out. You started pulling him toward one of your favorite stores, only to stop dead in your tracks and turn around which confused him to say the least. “What?” He was already on edge the entire time, being around so many humans, it wasn’t fun for him and he just wanted to go home and take a nap. When you acted that way, it only made him feel worse, his eyes scanning the entire mall. “Oh I just, I smelled the pretzel place and I really want a pretzel.” His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t have the patience to question it, and he honestly just wanted to get out of there so he let you lead him in the complete opposite direction. “You’re just like Beel sometimes.” He made the joke just to lighten his own mood, but now his eyes were scanning the entire mall. He had memorized every face of every person that had been standing in front of the both of you when you turned around, and now he was scanning the mall for any of those faces, seeing if any of them stopped and looked at you a little too long. He didn’t mention it to you, but a small smile crept onto his face as he made new plans for the night. Somehow your ex’s body was found in a river the next day. How strange. But don’t worry about it, just take a nap with him, you promised, remember?
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tulsa-trash · 4 years ago
Book Swap
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Request: could you do a modern!pony x reader imagine where you're both in 9th grade and meet at the library, and one day you finally have the guts to ask for his number, so you guys start texting and then you start crushing on him and then you have to figure out how to tell him, so u ask two-bit and johnny for advice
You sighed deeply as you began to reread the same sentence in your book for what felt like the twentieth time. It seemed as though you were reading but not even comprehending the words. To be fair, it was impossible to get lost in a book when a familiar cute boy was sitting a table over from you.
Ponyboy Curtis. How does one even begin to describe the amazing human you had the honor of being within five feet of? Unlike most guys in high school, Pony was something special. He was kind and very smart, you knew this because you have English with him. You've never seen someone so into a class before, he also appeared to have an interest in literature, like you. The both of you were nothing but mere acquaintances, and you secretly wished you could change that.
It didn't help that you found him absolutely dreamy. His brown hair was always a little messy, but it still managed to make him even cuter. You always feel your heart skip a beat whenever your eyes would meet his sparkling green ones in the hallways. You'd smile whenever you'd see him laughing with his friends, it showed off his dimples that sunk into his cheeks. Ponyboy Curtis was the boy of your dreams, and the young man was completely oblivious.
Your phone vibrated on the desk you were sitting at. Glancing up from your book, you seen that it was a text from one of your friends. After placing your bookmark in between the pages you unlocked your phone.
Evie: So? Did you talk to him yet?
You rolled your eyes after reading the message, your fingers quickly tapped at the screen as you typed your response.
Y/N: No obviously not. Now leave me alone.
Kathy: Girl go for it! He's a nice kid you said so yourself.
Y/N: Uh nope. Much rather stare at him from afar and not make a fool of myself attempting to talk to him.
Kathy: Well if you don't not only will I embarrass you in front of lover boy, everyone in this library will see me screaming at you and we'll both probably get kicked out.
Y/N: Wait what? How do you know I'm at the library?? Are you here right now???
Kathy: Look over at the fantasy section you nerd. You being you I obviously knew where YOU would be on a Saturday afternoon.
You looked up, eyes widening in shock as you saw your friend hiding behind a bookshelf watching you with a sly grin.
Kathy: Make a move now or I'm coming over there.
With already shaking hands you put your phone in your pocket and grabbed your book. You sent Kathy a pleading look, but all she did was shake her head and point towards Ponyboy violently. Taking in a deep breath, you got up. The chair scraped against the floor, creating a loud noise which made at least five people look up at you... including him.
"Oh god." You mumbled under your breath.
In your peripheral vision you could see Ponyboy's gaze return to his book, taking that as your cue to move you slowly crept to his table. You had made it to the chair directly across from him, he was so caught up in his book he didn't even notice your presence. You smiled softly, his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration while his eyes scanned the pages back and forth. You awkwardly cleared your throat, not too loud to disturb others but just enough for him to tear his attention from his book to notice you.
"Oh, hey." Ponyboy said, "Can I help you with somethin'?"
"Um..." Jesus this was going to be way harder than you thought. "W-Would you mind if I sat with ya?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." He sent you a friendly smile as he gestured to the chair you were at.
His smile. Your legs already feel like jello, you could've sworn you were going to collapse right then in there.
"Y/N, right?" He asked as you sat down.
"That's me. And you're Ponyboy."
"Yep, couldn't forget a name like that if you tried." He joked.
You giggled as you opened your book, Ponyboy returned to his. Curiosity got the better of you when you looked back up to see what he was reading.
"Gone With the Wind." You read aloud.
"Have you read it before?" He asked.
You shook your head, "I haven't, but I've heard only good things about it. I saw the movie about a year ago and thought it was great."
"The book is amazing!" He gushed, only to be shushed by the librarian walking by. "This is my fifth time reading it." He told you in a more hushed tone.
You snickered, "Must be really great."
"What ya got there?"
You lifted up your book from the table to reveal the cover to him, his bright eyes scanned the cover.
"The Boy in Striped Pajamas?"
"I know the title seems a bit odd, but trust me this is a good read." You told him, "This being my third time reading it."
"Well what's it about?" He asked.
You went on to tell him about your book, and he went on to tell you all about his. The both of you began to talk about anything and everything, you were beyond happy that things were going well. You were having so much fun you completely forgot about Kathy spying on you, before either of you could realize it two hours had gone by.
You peaked at your phone and cursed under your breath, the lock screen had a reminder that your shift at work was starting in less than thirty minutes.
"I really hate to end this... but I gotta go." You said.
"That sucks." He said disappointedly.
You couldn't help feeling a little giddy inside to see that he was upset you were leaving. While you got up and gathered your things, you remembered that you wanted to get his phone number badly. You just had to figure out a way to get it without making things awkward.
"Hey, Pone?"
He hummed in response.
"What do ya say we swap books... and numbers? Thats only if you want to. I just figured since we read them already and it was cool talk--"
"I'd like that." He stopped your rambling, only to send you a warm smile while doing so.
You blushed as the both of you swapped phones to put in each others information along with handing each other your books. With a final wave goodbye you left the library, your best friend of course followed after you. She interrogated you with thousands of questions and the both of you walked to work, you gladly answered them all in an almost dazed state. You felt as if you were walking on air for the rest of the day, and you couldn't wait to text him later on.
Two weeks had gone by, and let's just say those two weeks have been the best ones of your life. You and Ponyboy had been texting every single day. At first you just talked about each other's books, but then your conversations started evolve to anything and everything. You knew you had liked him before, but your feelings for him have grown drastically. It was beginning to get unbearable holding in how you truly felt, and you weren't sure if you wanted to tell him.
The fear of rejection was one of the main reasons why you've been thinking of just repressing your feelings. Sure, he seemed to like you, but it felt as though he only liked you simply as a friend. Another reason being you were afraid that it would ruin things between the both of you. You had finally become good friends, the last thing you wanted was for everything to end up being awkward all because of you and your silly crush.
After a lot of thinking you decided you needed some advice, and by advice you mean advice thats not only from Kathy. She keeps telling you to go for it, but she doesn't really know Ponyboy well. That's why you got the idea to ask one of his buddies on their opinion. Luckily Pony invited you to watch him and his friends play football. You ceased the opportunity, not only would you be able to watch the boy of your dreams get all sweaty and tuff looking, you could also get one of his friends alone to talk about how you felt.
It was a warm, Sunday morning in Tulsa. The sun was high in the sky and beat down harshly on the group of boys tackling each other in the giant field. You sat under a tree with a notebook in your lap, a cool breeze would rush by every now and then, cooling you off the slightest. You doodled randomness on the blank pages, sketching pictures and honing your writing skills. Every now and then you would glance up and watch the game for a few, sometimes cheering the boys on or laughing when they began to goof off and wrestle each other on the ground.
There was a particular drawing you found yourself enthralled in, as the pencil in your hand smoothly ran across the paper you found yourself sketching a picture of Ponyboy's face. You were so focused you didn't even notice someone come over and take a seat right beside you.
"Nice drawin' you got there." A quiet voice spoke.
You quickly slammed the notebook closed and snapped you head to the right, it was Ponyboy's best friend, Johnny. A tiny smirk was tugging at his lips as he looked at you with one eyebrow raised.
"T-Thanks." You stuttered nervously.
"You like him, huh?" He asked you.
You stood silent as you played with the grass below you, pulling it from the Earth and rubbing it between your fingers. Your gaze was straight ahead watching the game, you were afraid to meet Johnny's gaze that was burning holes into the side of your head.
"Yes..." You hesitated a bit, "I do."
"Does he know?"
"No!" You said hopelessly, "And I'm not sure if I even want him to know."
"Why not?"
"Because he probably doesn't feel the same..." You trailed off.
"Hey now, ya never know." Johnny said.
"What are you two kiddies doin' over here?" A loud voice bellowed.
It was none other than Two-Bit, he staggered over to the both of you before plopping down to your left. He was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead and trickling down his neck.
"You tryin' to make moves on Pony's girl or somethin', John?" Two asked playfully.
Your heart fluttered, 'Pony's girl.'
"No way, man. Trust me." Johnny chuckled.
"Pony's girl?" You repeated to him questioningly.
"Oh yeah! I see the way y'all look at each other I ain't blind."
You let Two's words sink in, was it that obvious that you liked him? He even said that Pony looks at you a certain way as well. Maybe there was a chance he shared your feelings after all.
"You think he likes me or somethin'?" You asked casually.
"Oh I don't think, I know."
You smiled softly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. In the back of your mind you worried that you were getting your hopes up a little too high, but you couldn't help it.
"I like him too." You admitted.
Two-Bit scoffed, "Tell me somethin' I don't know."
"Well... what should I do?"
"Tell him." Two replied.
"I agree." Johnny piped up.
Both nerves and excitement began to bubble up inside you as you got up and gathered your things.
"Where are you off to?" Johnny asked as you began to jog away from them.
"Gotta head home. Tell Ponyboy I'm sorry I had to leave but I'll text him later!"
"See ya later lover girl!" Two-Bit hollered after you while preceding to make kissing noises.
You laughed to yourself and shook your head, "Idiot."
Y/N: Whats up Pone-bone?
Ponyboy: Nothing much lil lady, and yourself?
Y/N: Same. Btw sorry for leaving so soon today, had some things to do.
Ponyboy: It's alright.
Hey what were you, Johnny and Two talking about? They didn't try to tease you or nothin right?
Y/N: Nooo ofc not they were just chattin
But thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about...
Ponyboy: Well... Go on then
Y/N: Okay I'm just gonna say it
I like you
like a lot
Ponyboy: As a friend or?
Y/N: No silly, like more than friends...
Ponyboy: Wait actually?
Y/N: Yes Pony
Ponyboy: Seriously??
... im sorry if it weirds you out
Ponyboy: NO! NO IT DOESN'T.
... Just wanted to make sure this isn't a prank or whatever.
But in all seriousness yes, I like you a whole lot.
Y/N: Are you sure?
Ponyboy: Positive doll
Do you wanna grab some milkshakes at the Dingo next weekend?
Y/N: Are you asking me out onna date Curtis?
Ponyboy: Yes, I am ;)
Y/N: Well I would love to :)
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non-bean-ary · 4 years ago
Banana Fish HC's no one asked for: Professor Callenreese Edition
Post-canon, Ash becomes a professor (Prof. Aslan J. Callenreese)
- Expects his students to work hard but will spend hours in office hours helping them understand the material if they ask for help
- At the start of each semester, his students are a little intimidated to go to office hours because Ash is very serious. Students who have had him for classes before tell them they have to go and slowly word gets around that Ash's office hours are incredibly helpful and he is the most interesting professor they have
- Gives the best feedback on papers (one of those professors that you can trust when they say something is good)
- Has a comfy reading chair in his office 
- He brings Buddy to work sometimes and the students lose their mind over him (Buddy is a registered service animal so he can do whatever he wants)
- He sees everything and won't hesitate to call someone out for goofing off and not paying attention
- Very little is known about Professor Callenreese but if it is relevant to a lesson, he'll share a small story. It's always vague and presented as "someone I knew" 
- The class sometimes tries to divert a lesson to get a story not because he isn't an interesting teacher but because his stories are interesting
- He's a great storyteller 
- He has photos all over the walls of his office of his family, friends, and of Eiji's work
- There are only 3 framed right on his desk: one of ash and Eiji when they first brought buddy home, one of shorter and him from a calm summer at Chang Dai smiling together, and the photo of him and Griffin together at the baseball game
- A few students over the years got to hear the stories of the people on his desk but they never share it. It's such a special privilege getting to hear his stories of his family and Ash only shares them with those he know need to hear it and will respect his privacy (there's been maybe 2 or 3 students over his many years of teaching)
- He forms a little book club group. It starts as a few students that he recommends a book to and then those students start sharing his book recommendations with each other and before he knows it a whole group is showing up to talk about the books. Ash goes home and tells Eiji all about his book club
- One day, ash is at the front of the lecture hall will a big basket of beautiful individually wrapped baggies of baked good and he's being his usual serious self. He doesn't bring it up until someone asks, to which he says "oh yeah my husband made you all cookies. Here pass them around". The class is like :o bc that means Ash talks about them enough for his husband to think to bake for them and Ash is married to the sweetest man on the planet
- Eiji makes him bento boxes for lunch
- Eiji's schedule is more flexible as a photographer so sometimes he'll show up and take ash to lunch as a surprise. The first time Eiji shows up announced, it is the only time the class almost see Ash cry
- Ash 100% call out the shitty professors but he won't be fired because he's absolutely right and everyone knows it
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skzfairies · 4 years ago
sooyoung’s relationship with nct dream!
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✿ mark
he was actually the first one to introduce himself to her in the dreamies
he was really sweet towards her but wasn’t like, over the top, he was kinda chill yk
and that just made her feel so comfortable because she had so many worries about joining nct dream as a girl, she knew monique would also be there, but they weren’t in the same unit so it was very nerve racking for sooyoung
and this girl was like, 15 and she was being thrown into debut suddenly with a bunch of boys, and it was very overwhelming
but mark assured her that it was all okay, and that everyone wanted her there, and that she deserved to be here
if she was ever having any problems with anything, he would always try his best to help her out, or direct her to someone he knew would help her
and now they are the bestest friends, sooyoung admitted that out of the members he feels like an older brother the most to her :D
their always goofing off or messing around, but not like bouncing off the walls together, they just make jokes to each other and burst out laughing
they have so so many inside jokes omg
and whenever they randomly make eye contact, they would always burst out laughing, they literally can NOT be serious around each other ....
mark is basically the reason she knows so much english 😭 she literally just repeats whatever he says and then studies it later....that’s basically how she learned lmaooooo
✿ renjun
renjun ALWAYS clowns her, like she could just be breathing and he would make fun of her (all jokes ok he loves her)
and she’s just like .... did i ask
but she always gets him back :D
she doesn’t roast him, but rather she EMBARRASSES him
if renjun teased her a lot in a video that was uploaded fhat day, she would go on vlive and tell a VERY embarrassing story of renjun and go in COMPLETE detail and then she’s done she’s like “how are you guyssss?”
once renjun saw that she was doing that and he went to where ever she was and complained about it and she just laughed at him while he was begging her to stop 😭
they love each other i promise
they also play fight a lot, like they could just randomly be hanging out in the living room and they would just randomly start fighting each other until they called a truce
sooyoung always wins ☺️, you gotta learn a few tricks if you spend the majority of your time with seven boys
also, when sooyoung got confindent and comfortable with speaking some mandarin, she randomly started speaking it renjun
and he was SO touched like 🤞 he was in shock he was like “when did you- how- what?” and she was just like “ i wanted to learn some so i can talk to you and chenle, i don’t know much but it’s a start!”
and renjun just hugged her, he didn’t know what to say and he was like I LOVE THIS GIRL SO MUCH
no bcuz sooyoung literally deserves the world okay shes so sweet
and renjun would teach her and help her practice when he saw her studying and they just have little conversations with each other in mandarin, and it’s so cute hehe
oh yeah stargazing is a thing for them heeh, when neither of them can sleep because their stressed or it’s just not happening, they both go outside and attempt to watch the stars, even if you can barely see them since their in the city :/
✿ jeno
they stay up so late playing games whenever they are off and always regret it in the mornings 😭
when she first started playing games w him she was rlly bad and jeno would always beat her and he was SO SMUG ABOUT IT and he was like “haha loser💪”
and sooyoung being the hard worker she is, she practiced her gaming skills for a few months and watched a ton of vids and jeno would ask her to game and she was like “no, not yet.” “i’m kidding your not a loser!” “i’m not playing w u until i can beat ur ass!”
and then a few months later she finally asked him to play
and jeno was like YAY ☺️☺️
and he kept on hyping himself up,,, and then sooyoung beat him
she ended up beating him 4/6 times they played 🤞
and sooyoung was just like :))) it’s okay jeno, maybe next time!” and she skipped out of his room happily while jeno was still like :0
he sat there in shock for awhile...
song writing besties 🤞
he actually helped her a lot when she was first learning, and when she completed her lyrics she had him check them over
same for him, she would always read over his lyrics he written, and sometimes she recorded a guide for him !
they always bounce ideas off of each other whenever their stuck, and then their like “damn we rlly are big brain 🤞”
she fell in love with them, and his cats were instantly drawn to her
jeno has like 100 pictures of her w his cats he’s like :)) my childern
after meeting them sooyoung wont stop asking for asking for pictures of them or asking if their okay 😭
jenos like “do you love my cats more than me?“ and shes like “YUP:D”
✿ haechan
oh my gosh someone seperate them
these two are so chaotic omg
they are always coming at everyone’s throats omg
they roast the shit out of everyone 😭😭
whenever they are together there’s always loud laughing, BECAUSE HAECHAN IS JUST SO FUNNY OK
completly random but they look so cute and pretty sitting next to each other :D
haechan does tease her, but it’s not as much as the other members and she’s like :) “i’m special”
he’s always hugging on her and she either has two reactions:
if she’s sleepy and haechan throws himself on her she’s like ??? who tf is on me ??? and she looks so confused while haechan is moving around on her to get comfy and hes lowkey screaming and shes like 😳 i just woke up, and then she just goes back to sleep
if she’s wide awake she will scream and laugh and jokingly push haechan off of her until she gives up and just hugs back onto him, and she pats his head and goes “haechannie, your so cute :) i love you!“
its kinda a suprise that he’s older than her because he acts SO CUTE AROUND HER
and normally sooyoung would judge tf iut of u if you acted cute around her but wirh haechan she gets SO SOFT
like internally screams with haechan looks at her with a soft expression on his face because HE IS JUST SO CUTE AWH
another gaming duo <3
although it’s harder to beat haechan for her 😭😭
she’s only beat him like 5 times of the 6 years she’s known him 🤞
they also stay up late together, like they’ll be facetiming and they will litwrally just talk about ANYTHING and laugh their asses off
he lets her ramble about the random facts that she knows or the show she has been watching and jes just like :D your so cute, even if she repeated the same thing 2828 times or is not making any sense at all
haechan and sooyoung are so soft for each other 🤞
but they also arent afraid to roast tf out of each other 💪
✿ jaemin
these two are the sweetest omg
like they are SO CLOSE
and they are always together omg
like they always hang out in either one of their rooms and chill, it’s mostly her room tho because she complains about jaemins bed 😳
jisung feels like jaemin is his roomie too because he’s in there so much :0
dw sooyoung and jaemin are considerate 🤞
if jisung is sleeping and they wanna have a deep ass talk then jaemin will drags her to his room, because lets say jeno is a heavy sleeper (idk if he is but lets just say he is ☺️)
they are ALWAYS cuddling, like whenever she walked infront of his and he is sitting down, he’ll pull her to either sit next to him or his lap, it depends if cameras are around 🤞 and then once she’s sitting he’ll wrap his arms around her and just cuddle until they get uncomfortable lmao 😭
sooyoung will not fall asleep on any other member but jaemin, it’s just a thing idk, not that she’s not comfortable with the other members she just prefers to cuddle w jaemin since they cuddle so much hehehehe
whenever they are out walking in the streets and she’s tired she’ll grab onto jaemin’s shirt and he just down at her like :0 oh my god your so cute i just wanna protect ☺️, and he just puts his arm around her shoulder while she holds onto him :( i love them their relationship is so soft
ohhhhh jaemin made her go bike riding w him one day and she felt like she was going to DIE, her legs were so sore afterwards but jaemin was semi fine, and she was just like 😡i hate you.
she always asks jaemin to edit her photos for her, cuz she doesn’t know how hmph, and jaemin offered to teach her so she was like ☺️ okay so she sat in a chair next to him, and she ended up falling asleep.... whoops
jaemin was like “so you just do this to remove any- sooyoung?” and he looked down and sooyoung had her head against her knees, and she was OUT, like jaemin tried everything to wake her, so he ended up having to pick her up and put her on his bed while he finished editing her pictures 🤞
best boy jaemin YUP
i could write for AGES about them because i just love their relationship so so so much but all you guys need to know in summary is that they are such a soft friendship, they can always be seen cuddling together, they talk about almost everything, and their just besties :D
✿ chenle
01 liner babe’s yup !
they were close before debuting because they were close in age, and when they found out they were debuting they were like YESSS I KNOW YOU 😟😟
they call themselves twins hehe, even if they aren’t even born in the same month 😭
if they say they are twins, they are twins.
sooyoung also has a higher pitched laughed, so whenever they laugh, it’s VERY high pitched
also they love to randomly harmonize?
like they could just be sitting in the waiting room and then they would just sing in harmony and then go back to whatever they were doing :0
ohhhh and they LOVE doing tik toks together
they will do covers of dances together or those silly duo ones and it’s so FUNNY because they are both so chaotic and it’s so cute
they really killing everyone w their cuteness 😭😭😭
he was also so shocked when she spoke mandarin to him, even if it was just a little bit and kinda awkward because she had just been studying to for a few months (she started studying it in january 2021!) and he was like 😟😄😄
he also gave her a big hug but he was way more entergetic than renjun, he shook her back and forth and yelled in her ear, NOT ON OURPOSE
he was just excited 🤞🤞
ohhhh they also post lil duets together :D and it’s so CUTE
like their both bare faced in a dim lit vocal room and one of them is playing the piano, and they just sing, and it’s so raw and beautiful, OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM
vocal icons
✿ jisung
at first he was kinda shy around her, since hes normally shy around new people
and sooyoung was like, i understand, but shes an extrovert so she tried her hardest to be friends with everyone and talk to everyone, and jisung was like ???? how are you so talkative ???
the first thing he ever said to her was “your shirt’s cool, i like shinee subaenim too!” and it was really quiet and sooyoung was like “thanks ☺️”.
she was wearing a shinee tshirt btw, she’s a big shawol 🤭
they eventually got close though, i mean your bound to be when your with them all day yk
but sooyoung was so soft and gentle w him and reassuring him that it’s okay that hes a lil shy and he just felt comfortable around her, even if it was kinda hard to have conversations
now their inseparable!
she always laughs whenever he breaks something, but she always grabs it and sees if she can fix it for him, while laughing
for the first few years of their debut jisung was like her lil bro, she would always tease him or fool around him
and now its the reverse 😭
jisung always roast her or teases her, and it’s so subtle she would just laugh whenever he said something and then after awhile she realizes what he just said so she’s like ... ☺️😟😳😕
jisung always pats her head when she has her mouth open after he teases her, and is like “hehe, love u”
“sure you do jisung, sure you do.”
she gets him back by blasting twice or shinee and dancing on her bed until jisung gets out of bed and turns it off 😭
she never does that when he’s sleeping because she doesn’t actually wanna make him mad 😭
they have never fought and she’s not willing to loose that streak
jisung compared their hand size once and it litteraly made sooyoungs hands look like a baby hand and she was like ... i hate it here
now he always asks for a high five and then he laughs because of the size difference
and she gets SO MAD
“stop falling for it 🤷‍♂️”
jaemin actually had to hold her back from running after him after he teased her
not that she would hurt jisung....she would just hit him a few times
jaemin scolds her for fighting the members he’s like “we do not condone violence in this household!”
then she goes “condone violence my ass! just let me flick him.”
jaemin doesn’t let her flick him 😭😭
she does it before jisung goes to sleep tho 💪
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forthehpfanboys · 5 years ago
Unexpected But Accepted
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Pair: George Weasley x Reader x Fred Weasley: he/him.
Summary: Fred and George have been driving you bonkers. You try to get away for five minutes but find out they’re arguing over you. You snap when you see it happen right in front of you and punish Fred for sass. Basically, you fuck George, then suck off Fred.
Warnings: SMUT (MDI), poly, dirty talk, bondage, probably took this too far, oops, swears, way too long and probably not good.
Notes: Requested! Hope you enjoy!
Your back pressed against the wall, your chest heaving with quick breaths leaving your lips. The small room was quiet and dark, allowing you to hear the pair of rushing footsteps that’d been chasing you for the past 10 minutes come down the hall. You covered your mouth, trying to hide your panting breaths into the skin as the steps came closer and closed your eyes in hopes of not being found in the small broom closet. Suddenly, one of your chasers spoke up, causing you to go rigid against the wall.
“Do you see him?” One spoke up while a sigh was released from the other.
“No. How did he disappear?”
You tried to sink deeper into the darkness without making a peep. Godric, if they found you, you’d never hear the end of it. You just wanted some peace and quiet.
“I don’t understand! Is there a hidden room we haven’t discovered?”
“I highly doubt it, Georgie. Let’s be real.”
“So should we split up?”
“Probably best if we just head to class.” Heavy footsteps trailed down the hallway, voices fading more with each step.
“Since when do you care about grades?”
“I don’t. Come on. We might bump into him on the way.”
You didn’t step out of the broom closet until you were 10,000 percent sure they’d left, allowing you to let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Shutting the door behind you, you leaned against it, wincing to yourself when your head smacked against the wood alittle harder than you intended. You didn’t like hiding from them, but you didn’t have much choice. 
The two redheads had been acting differently lately and it’s been taking a toll on your mental health lately. You couldn’t have five minutes alone without them almost tearing eachother apart for your attention and, honestly, you just needed a break. Or maybe food. You haven't been able to eat in peace because of the twins antics. Hermione and Harry would bring you food while Ron, the forever charming redhead, laughed at your demise.
You’ve tried talking to them about what’s going on, but they always brush you off and ask if you wanna go do something somewhere and drag you away anyway. It wasn’t that they were being creepy or anything, it was just overwhelming you and you needed some serious (Y/n) Time.
It almost felt like they knew something you didn’t and it was frustrating beyond comprehension. Sure, you and the twins were close but fuck, it was almost like they made a bet to torture or something along those lines. Maybe it was a prank?
What you didn’t know is that you were kinda right. A couple days before this specific one, the twins made a bet after learning two truths that changed a few things within their brotherly bond. Truth one was how George's feelings for you changed from friend to lover. The second truth was how Fred's feelings  for you changed in the exact same manner.  The bet resolved over you, of course, and how they’d win you. More specifically, whichever twin managed to win your feelings, won the bet and you were the prize.
You looked both ways, checking the hallway to make sure it was empty before abandoning the hiding spot with a feverous sprint. Your footsteps echoed down the empty halls, your robes flapping behind you. You proceeded to multitask. You ran down the intertwining halls while debating on going to class or hiding away in your dorm. In the end, your feet decided for you. Before you knew it, you were sprinting up the moving staircase up to the Fat Lady.
“Cherry top.” You spoke quickly before she even had the chance to open her mouth. You ignored her grumble on how kids used to care about her singing and focused on walking through the empty room. You plopped yourself down on the couch facing gently crackling fire. A quiet sigh left your lips, hands going through your hair. “What changed?” you whispered to yourself.
“You really have no clue?”
The voice made you jump and turn around seeing.. No one? You felt the couch sink further closer to the ground and you were met with another redhead, allowing you to relax back against the plush cushions.
“Godric, Gin, you scared me.” You let out a meek chuckle and ran a hand over your eyes. “What’re you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be with The Golden Trio or something?” 
“Or something.” She cast a smile in your direction. “I heard what’s going on between you and the two idiots. Figured you could use some help sorting them out.” The youngest Weasley tucked her feet in and turned toward you fully, the smile turned into a grin.
“I’d adore help.”
“I thought so.” She let out a chuckle. “Rumor has it they have a bet going. Lee overheard them arguing over it and who was winning.” Ginny’s grin turned into the classic Weasley Side Smirk. The words rolled around in your head, your nose scrunching in confusion. Arguing? They never argue. You tried to come up with a time where they actually fought and only mock up arguments made themselves clear. “People are saying it’s over a specific absolutely oblivious Gryffindor Quidditch player, others say it’s over who can burn the school down first-” Ginny laughed, shaking her head a little as she spoke.
“Quidditch player? Oh- Angelina, right? Yea, it’s pretty obvious they’ve been pining after her for a while. “ You forced out with a very small and very fake smile across your lips. You knew how the two pranksters looked at her. It only made sense they’d be after her, she was smart, great at the game and a looker. You swallowed hard. You were just the Keeper for Gryffindor, not a chaser or a seeker, just kept to the goals. It didn’t feel as special as the others. “But I don’t see how this involves me.” You could’ve sworn you heard her mumble ‘oblivious’ again, but she spoke up before you could even question it.
“So, you really don’t know?” 
“Don’t know what?”
“Oh my Godric, you really don’t know?” 
“Know what, Gin?”
“I thought they would’ve told you!” She looked down at her fingers, playing with her nail. Her long hair fell around her face like a curtain, no doubt hiding the grin. She was ignoring you on purpose.
“Gin, so help me, I will shatter your knee caps. Tell. Me.” You threatened, giving her a strong glare. Your glares could kill. Students and teachers alike knew your temper was not something to trifle with and made up for 99 percent of your detentions. You’re not one to throw fists first, but you definitely don’t hold your tongue. While the castle got nervous around you and you ralmost famous temper, the Weasleys did not give one flying fuck. They’d tease you until you die because they all knew you had a sweet spot for them.
“I mean, you're their best friend and you don’t know. Damn, that’s so.. Bad, yet just like them, wow.” She moved the hair away from her eyes. “Ok. Listen, the twins don’t fancy Angie, (Y/n). I think you need to consider both sides of the spectrum.” She paused, giving you an expecting look before sighing and going on. “They’re bisexual. Came out last year.” 
“Oh, haha. Really funny.” You stood up, moving away from the couch to one of the towering glass windows. Pressing your weight against the brick wall, you gazed out, watching students rush to classes and others just goofing off. Ginny knew of your crush on the two red-heads, but she didn’t have to joke about it like this. “Now isn’t the time for jokes, Gin. “
“I’m serious, (Y/n). Think about it. They’ve been all over you, everyone has noticed.” Ginny walked over to you, resting a hand on your shoulder. She could tell you were gonna be on the fence no matter what the words, so she just sighed and retracted her hand. “I’d never joke about this. It could very well be you the identical idiots are drooling over.”
“They're really bi?” You turned to her, your eyes sparkling with hope.
“Honestly, (Y/n). Would I lie to you?” She snickered patting your back before heading over to the portrait hole. “Really, think about it. It'll make sense with time, i'm sure.” With that, she popped through the hole in the wall. With a final creak of the portrait shutting, you were left alone in silence, rolling her words in your head. 
Ok, maybe it did make a small, tiny, miniscule bit of sense, but why didn’t Fred and George tell you? You sighed, your hot breath fogging up the glass. Maybe they didn’t want you to know. Maybe they thought you’d call them freaks or weirdos, but you’d never. You remember when you came out to them as (s/p) and they didn’t judge you at all.
You wanted to scream when you heard the creak of the entrance opening again. For fucks fucking fuck, even without the twins there you couldn’t get alone time. You needed to think, especially with the new info Ginny told you.
“There ya are, (Y/n)! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
Your eyes focused on the reflection in the glass pain, a groan leaving your lips at the sight. Of course. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Hey.” Your voice was stiff, revealing how you felt deep down. Frustration and irritation. You noted how the redheads both stepped closer to you. One gently pulling you by the hand to sit down in a chair not too far from the window while the other taking the seat across you, shooting you a soft smile.
“Ok. What’s wrong?” Fred spoke, his back slouching in the chair, his arms crossing over his chest. George was standing next to you with a cocked eyebrow, a soft smile on his face. 
“Yeah, we know you (N/n). What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” George ran his hand through your hair before squatting next to your seated form. You could vaguely smell his cologne. You turned to George, missing the glare from Fred. 
“I.. Just stressed, is all. Exams coming and not getting enough sleep.” It wasn’t fully a lie, so.
“Are you sure you’re not sick or something?” Fred stood up and walked over, the back of his hand reaching out to press against your forehead. It was halted when a matching pale hand grabbed his wrist. 
“Fred, I think if he was sick, he would’ve said something along those lines. It’s just stress.” George’s voice held a barely noticeable amount of venom as his grip tightened ever so slightly on his older brothers wrist. The death glares they exchanged as Fred whipped his hand away from his younger twins grip had you raising an eyebrow in question.
“So you're a doctor now?”
“Can you stop with the attitude? I’m so sick of it!”
“You’re sick of it? I’m sick of you! I was just gonna check if he had a fever.” 
“Don’t touch him, Fred.”
“I was just checking if he was ok!”
“Well, you don-!”
“Ok and I’m putting an end to this.” You stood up and shoved your way between them, pushing them away as you stepped forward. “What the hell has been going on with you two? This is- Godric- you guys are driving me nuts.” Before they knew what was happening you were ranting. “Seriously! I can’t even shower without you guys trying to be there! Like just- What is going on? This week feels like a year and I’m drowning in Wealsey cologne and fancy candy from Honeydukes-” Your hands were running through your hair sporadically, which the twins both thought was adorable, but knew now wasn’t the time.
Fred and George looked at each other as you went on.
“Please. Just- It hurts so much to see you too fight and it makes me want to punch something- literally anything- because you guys are my everything! Just fucking talk to me! Please.” Your chest was heaving when you finally finished, your entire body getting warm.
“Everything?” They turned to you, everything matching up insync.
“..What?” You felt even hotter than before. Wait, did you actually call them your everything?
“Aw, don’t playdumb now, (N/n)! You said we’re your everything.”
“You’re hearing things, Fred.”
“Hmm, no. I don’t think we are.” They stepped closer.
“Ah, well, I.. never said that, Georgie. Very simple.”
“Do we have to go back to fighting over you?” Fred joked as they separated and began to advance toward you. The twins trapped you between them, one on both sides. George rested his arm on your shoulder while Fred shot him a teasing smirk, his nose scrunching up. “Cause we’ll do it, princey, don’t tempt us.”
You don’t know what came over you, maybe it was your built up tension or your anger issues, but you grabbed them by the ties of their uniform and yanked them over to the staircase leading up to the dorms. You pressed them against the wall just before the stair cases and trapped them there with your body. 
“Do it and fucking see what happens, Weasley.” One hand tangled their ties together, your other hand coming to press against the wall by George’s head. The boys’ faces erupted into a blush, causing you to smirk. “You two have been driving me absolutely nuts these past few days. I dare you to push one more button.” You tried not to act surprised by how your voice dropped. Fred’s tongue swiped across his suddenly dry lips and George turned even redder.
“Oh yea, (L/n)? What are you gonna do? Give us a stern talking too?” Fred smirked, his eyes trailing down your figure, then back up to your eyes. He was challenging you. You got closer to his face, your voice dripping even lower.
“I could tie you to the bed and fuck your brother right infront of you, make you watch him get what you oh so desperately crave.” Your head was cocked to the side, your eyes dark with something Fred had never seen before.
“Well, that was unexpected-” George all but whispered before he swallowed thickly, his hand coming up to cover his face. 
“But damn, so accepted. Who knew he was so dirty?” Fred groaned out. His hand wrapped around the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss. You released the ties and favored running your fingers through his hair, grabbing onto a few locks and giving it a tug.
“Should we confess or should you guys just keep kissing?” George spoke up from the sidelines, fidgeting with his hands. Fred separated from you and got him the classic Weasley Side Smirk. 
“I think he knows now, Georgie, come on!” Fred yanked his tie free and slipped free from you and proceeded to run up the steps, skipping 2 at a time. You took this time to appreciate his mile long legs. “Hope your good at keepin’ your promises, (L/n)!” He called from the top of the steps. With a laugh, you gave George a short kiss, grabbed his wrist and led the blushing redhead up the stairs. 
By the time you and George came up the stairs, Fred was already trying to disrobe. I say trying because he’d given up on unbuttoning his white polo and is trying to pull the still buttoned collar over his head. Watching the older twin thrash around in the stuck shirt made George and you erupt in giggles.
“Should we help him?” George asked his laughs.
“Nah, he can figure it out himself. Besides, I wanna kiss you.” You cornered George against one of the bedposts, not caring whose bed was whose and immediately pressed your lips against his. He let out a needy moan and pulled you closer, his arms around your neck. Your hands landed on his waist as your teeth nibbled on his bottom lip. You pulled from the kiss when a second pair of arms wrapped around your waist, which you prompt slapped away. “What did I say? Get on the bed, Freddie.” 
The groan that left the older twins lips was lewd, causing you to chuckle and shove him away from your back. He reluctantly laid on the bed, sprawled out like a starfish, his bulge prominent against his dark uniform. Damn, he must really want you. The idea of one of the twins drooling over you had you hardening in your pants.
“Not like that, Fred. Back against the headboard.” You spoke, gently leading George to the bed and pushing him to side down on the edge. You untied the younger twins tie and with a kiss to his nose moved to his counterpart, climbing onto the plush mattress one he obeyed. You smirked down at the redhead as you plopped yourself on his lap, causing him to groan. 
“Having fun, doll?” Fred spoke as his hands instinctively moved to your hips, pulling you closer. You pulled his hands away from your waist, kissed each wrist before tying them to the headboard with his brother's tie. 
“You know it, babe.” You casted him a wink. Climbing off his lap and prompt ignoring his whine, you brought your attention back to the younger twin and dragged him into a kiss.  “And how are you feeling, Georgie?” 
“Perfect.” His voice was soft and airy, causing you to giggle.
“Oi. Stop being cute without me.” Fred spoke up, nudging you in the side with his foot.
“Shut it. This is why you're tied up.” You smacked his foot away and pulled George onto your lap. You kissed along his neck, your fingers trailing through his hair. His hands slid from your shoulders, down your flat chest to your belt, promptly undoing it and pulling it free from the loopholes.
“Oh, please. You love my teasing.”
“I wish you gagged him with his tie.” George snickered out. He'd thrown the belt to the side and was now unbuttoning your white button up shirt.
“I’m debating on it, actually.” You laughed out. You sucked a mark on the side of George’s neck and shrugged off your shirt once it was fully undone and threw it to the side. Your hands came up to undo George's shirt, but ended up just ripping a few of the buttons free. “Fuck it, I’ll buy you new ones.” You pressed your lips to his again, your hands sliding across the bare skin. Fuck. His skin was so soft, but you could feel the muscles under it rippling with a soft moan.
“You know we have magic, right? You could’ve just spelled his clothes away.” 
You let out a groan and pulled away from George's lips and glared at the older redhead. You shook your head in disapproval and tsked at him.
“You gag him, Georgie. I’m gonna finish stripping.” You stated, giving the tall redhead a slap on the bum before standing up. You watched Georgie snicker and slide Fred’s tie free.
“Wait, no. We can talk this through-” Fred was interrupted by the tie being shoved into his mouth. “I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry, Freddie. Should’ve shut your mouth. Had the chance.” Geogie patted his shoulder and scooted back. When he turned to you, he blushed a brighter red than his hair. You were lazily stroking yourself, your boxers hanging around your thighs. “Blimey-” George choked out, licking his lips.
“Like what you see?” You chuckled, stepping closer to him. He eagerly nodded his head. The boy was holding back the biggest urge to drop to his knees and suck the soul out of you. You flashed him a smirk. “Come on, then. Strip, baby,” 
He rolled onto his back, lifted his legs and all but ripped himself free from his constricting jeans. The enthusiasm made you giggle. Your eyes followed along the pale skin and you wanted, oh so desperately to count the freckles sprinkled across his skin. God, he was so absolutely beautiful and it was safe to say Fred was just as beautiful.
“Merlin’s fucking beard. You’re so beautiful.” You stepped over, running your hands along his toned legs. “Godric, I should use your legs as earmuffs some time.” Your confidence grew when Fred and George both let out a whine. “Ok. Here’s what I want.” You sat him back up and leaned into his ear, your hands slowly sliding up his thighs. You licked your lips when you heard the younger redheads breath hitch. “I want Freddie to have a nice view, ok?” You whispered, your hands hiking higher up his thighs before you dragged your nails down the skin gently. “Go to the foot of the bed, spread your legs and lean over to put your hands on the mattress.” 
George slipped out from beneath you and went to the foot of the bed. He was half bent over, legs spread and staring down at his hands on the mattress. Following him around the posts, you stood behind him and ran your hands down his toned back. 
“Oh, fuck, you’re freckles go down your back-” Your voice came out breathy and light. Your eyes looked between Fred, who was whining against the tie and the twin slowly turning red.
“Is that good?” George asked, his ears tinting a bright red. 
“Of course. You’re so beautiful. Does Freddie have the same patterns?” Your thumb ran over a patch of freckles.
“Yeah. He’s got these little patches of freckles everywhere.” George turned his head to look at you, a smile on his face. You couldn’t help but giggle, your hands rubbing over his globes.
“Godric, I can’t wait to see.” Your dark eyes turned to lock with Fred’s, as a dirty smirk came across your mouth. He let out a little whine, his legs shifting on the bed, trying to get some form of simulation.
“Don’t get your hopes up.” George laughed, pressing his forehead to the bed. You gave his asss a slap, causing him to whine.
“Be nice to him.” You snickered, leaning over to kiss the back of his neck whine your hand trailed down his abdomen. Your hand wrapped around his wood, his hips bucked in response. “You’re so hard.” 
“Do I need to tie you up, too?”
“Oh, no sir.” His voice dripped sarcasm. 
“Georgie.” You warned while pulling your hand away. You sucked on your pointer finger and brought it to his entrance, gently pushing it in. He was chewing on his bottom lip, trying to stay loose and relaxed. “Be nice.” You leaned off his back, standing up fully. Your other hand grabbed his cheek and spread it while your finger pulled back some. After spitting on your fingers,you gently slipped in a second finger. Godric, his moans were so perfect. 
George was shivering. Sure, he’d played around in the shower, but damn was it better with a person, especially when that person was your crush. You prepped the bottom for what felt like hours and he was just about drooling into the sheets. 
“Merlin, you really wanna be safe, don’t you.” George moaned out when you pressed your fingers against his prostate. 
“Well, yeah. I don’t wanna hurt you.” 
“My god, you two are so gooey it hurts.” You both turned to Fred. He had a smirk on his face. Fucker had literally pushed the tie out of his mouth. “Get to it, (L/n).”
“For fucks sake, Fred.” You chuckled out, pulling your fingers away from his entrance. You held your own dick by the base before pushing the head in gently. George pressed his cheek against the bed, a whine leaving his lips. His freckle covered hands grabbed the sheets. His knees pressed together once you pushed all the way in him. “You ok?” 
Your hands hopped from his hips to wrap around his midsection once he nodded. You let out a sigh of relief and placed a few kisses on the freckles scattered across his broad shoulders. 
“I wish I was getting some of that action.” Fred’s head hit the headboard. This felt like he was having a wet dream and seeing it from 3rd person. 
“If you kept your mouth shut, you could’ve joined us.”
Your hips pulled back slowly, your chin resting on George’s shoulder. The gasp that left his lips when you pushed back in had you shivering. You kept up a steady pace, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. Groans, whimpers, moans, gasps- every noise echoed in the nearly empty room. George’s hand had found his dick between his legs and was shamelessly jerking it to match your hips.
“Godric, Georgie,” your voice so close to his ear had him moaning your name, “you're so tight, baby.” 
Watching you fuck into his brother had Fred licking his lips. The older redhead desperately wanted to be in George's position and he was gonna throw something if he didn’t get some attention soon. He bounced his legs in dismay. His dick was painfully hard and throbbing in his boxers. 
“I’m still here-” Fred did jazz hands against the headboard.
“And I'm busy, shut it.” You spat out as you rocked into George faster, who only grew louder beneath you. Your hands gripped his hips, your nails digging into his skin as you moved. George’s hand moved faster between his legs, which were shaking harder than an earthquake.
With a gasp, George came into his fist without a warning. A cry left lips, his hips bucking between your actions and his fist as he pressed his forehead into the bed. You kept the pace up, your own orgasm just around the corner.
“Almost there, Georgie. You’re so perfect.” You cooed in his ear, your teeth gently biting the tip of the cartilage. You moaned against his neck when you finally reached your own orgasm inside him. You stayed against him for a good while, just holding his sweaty form against his body.
You slowly pulled out and chuckled as George just kinda plopped onto the bed and climbed on the plush mattress with him. You ran your fingers through his sweaty hair and kissed his head. 
“You did good. Are.. Are you falling asleep?” You laughed gently, watching the man's eyelids flutter. “Adorable. Love you, Georgie.” You shook your head when he mumbled out a quick ‘love you yoo’ and almost immediately began snoring. Fred cleared his throat, getting your attention. 
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” You crawled over to him, undoing his tie. “Did you learn your lesson?” Your hand grazed over his bulge, your noses practically touching.
“You know I didn’t, baby boy.” Fred cupped your face, his calloused thumbs ran over your cheeks. 
You let out a mock sigh of frustration before shaking your head back and forth. You watched his pale hands go to his belt and rip it off. He threw it off to the side before undoing his pants and simply pulling his dick out over the boxers.
“Wanna take care of this for me? I did sit and wait patiently.” 
“You didn’t have much of a choice.” 
“Just suck my dick, won’t you?” 
The bluntness made you snort but you dropped your head down anyway.
“I guess you deserve it.” You held the base of his dick and licked across the head, looking up at him with false innocent eyes. Fred ran his hands through your hair.
“Oh, yeah. You’re amazing.”
“I haven’t done anything yet.” You said between laughs.
“So get to it, dove!” 
You rolled your eyes and took the tip into your mouth, your hand moving up and down on the base. The fingers in your hair slowly tightened, grabbing as much as he could. A moan fell from his lips as his head fell back against the wooden headboard with a thud. You licked along the underside of the head. It was clear he wasn’t going to last long. 
You took him down to the base, gagging on the head hitting the back of your throat and began to pull back. About half way up, Fred pushed you back down, a needy whine leaving his lips. He used the hand in your hair to control your head going up and down.
“Amazing, dolly. Absolutely perfect.” He was just mumbling under his breath while he listened to you gag and whine around his length. He licked his lips as his hand somehow tightened on your locks. “Gonna cum. Swallow it, oh please swallow it.” 
Your eyes were watering by the time he came down your throat, leaving you sputtering and choking. He gently pulled you off. He reached for the closest piece of fabric, which ended up being George’s shirt, and gently wiped himself down.
“I knew there was a reason I loved you.” Fred teased as he threw the cloth and pecked your swollen lips.
“Wow. Only here for my bj skills?” You raised an eyebrow. “And here I thought we had something.” You planted a soft kiss on his lips. He suddenly reached up, holding your face as he stared into your eyes. His entire demeanor shifted to serious as he spoke. “(Y/n). I can tell you right now, me and my brother-”
“My brother and I-”
“Shut it. My brother and I,” his voice was filled with sass again, “have never, ever, ever, eevveerr felt this way about another person. We both love you, we have for a while. Granted this whole thing is super unorthodox, but we care about you.”
“It’s true.” mumbled a half asleep George as his arms snaked around your waist. You couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your lips. “I know, Ginny was right.”
“She’s always right.” They said in unison. 
“Now come on, let’s snuggle.” With that, George tugged you down next to him and Fred joined you. The three of you got cozy under a blanket and slowly drifted off, enjoying the body heat of each other.
The next morning, Ginny said ‘I told you so’ more times than you could count, but that was expected, even if you didn’t want to accept it.
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hourglassstationacademy · 3 years ago
Evolnation Chapter 6
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Before classes Rouge woke you up with a loud sound as you barely opened your eyes as the book floated before you. 
"Wake Up fool… let's for now focus on the task at Hand. Given we work for these contests I wanted to look through what these Idols think of each other so we can see if something like in the last dorm might happen. I can't see who would be the most likely though. Spark always seems happy and ignores any negativity towards her but how long does it take for her to break? Echo was the number 1 before as I heard from other students and now stands in the shadow of Spark, no wonder she was disappointed yesterday as she heard they would Go as a duo again. And I don't know what to make of this Pulse dude… He literally only goofs around when we see him but stays strong in their place. And then there is this Mysterious Shade we hear about but never see… I barely could dig up anything about her…. For now let's continue to accompany them and hope this so-called Overblot won't happen again." You nodded to Rouge and went out of your dormitory, However as you came to the lobby you saw a small red haired Girl among the group… She looked very similar to someone you know.  
"Hey Bethany, you shouldn't be here today." 
She pouted as Aosuke called her out.
"My room is boriiiing…. You guys at least have games here. And even so… Mom is busy, I will be fine. " 
Akabei jumped up excited.
"So you are part of the Plan today? We tried to snuck into the Cafeteria today." 
"Awwww yeah!" 
Rouge gave a small noise. 
"Doesn't she look like…" 
As they wanted to say something, Shadman came in again, making some odd head movements. 
"Oh no it's [little demon] Bethany… you are not supposed to be here." 
She looked annoyed. 
"Can't you make an exception today, Janitor… It's my birthday…" 
Shadman shrieked up lightly. 
"I haven't seen anything I [made deals] do my job." 
Bethany smiled and then walked out the dorm with the 5 other ghost kids. 
Meanwhile on your way to class you saw Gregory talk to Rubina.
"Ru-Ru… you don't hafta worry about me… I check my Gem with Tiam and Taron each day…" 
"I know it's just… I have seen someone exhaust their limits with this gem and… I just don't want it to happen again…" 
He placed his tall hand on her head. 
"I know ya don't wanna talk about it but we both are after the same person to get our revenge… so I trust ya to take care of me. I will not end up like that person you saw." 
"J-just don't get Into trouble and be more careful alright." 
"Is It that ya worry too much about it because ya like me?" Greg chuckled while Rubina with a red face punched him lightly. 
"You are an idiot…"
"Right you are eyeing that Brandy guy from the other class, or Is It that Christo dude from RSA… man Ruby you really fall quick for people…" 
Although he laughed wholeheartedly Rubina clenched her fist at him.
"Jeez I am joking. Anyways Ru-Ru… you keep my Secrets I keep yours, got it." 
You quickly withdrew not to get seen.
Today's class was the first time you joined a Combat class..  mainly under the special condition of a makeshift weapon and Rouge as your magic catalyst assisting you. 
Valeria Diavello was, as a teacher, more strict with the other students. However, given you weren't experienced in the d.first place she slowly took the time to show you some tricks with some weapons while with Rouge they practiced some targeting. 
However as you looked to the side you noticed Emma sparring with a Blonde haired boy. It was like boxing was a natural thing for her. She also smiled much more than she usually does when it comes to her career. 
After the lesson Emma approached you. 
"Well then… let's make our way to the concert. Peko is already waiting at the scene, she had classes done earlier."
And so you two made your way to the harbor.
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mention of Brandy by @forestwispocs​ and Christo by @rookvonhunt​
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writing-gifts · 4 years ago
both sides of the viewfinder chp. 4
adult film star!bruno x afab!reader  (they are also gn)
18+ content!!
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3 || chapter 4
A/N: i was not quicker with the next update lol, but im tired of reading over it so gonna just throw it out there now since im mostly happy with it!
anyways, resort time babeyyy 😎
You try not to show it but you're filled with excitement. You've never been to a resort and Bruno had offered to pay for your expenses. Of course you were only willing to let him pay half (which was the lowest you could get him to go).
The two of you had been playing a game of sorts ever since your little session in the dressing room. Even though the both of you wanted to finish what you started, you had wordlessly decided to see how long the other would last before giving in. You couldn't really call it romantic but you did know there was lust involved--a lot.
The game had honestly made you quite bold and taught you some patience. Of course you still had some close calls though, and filming Bruno at work had made it that much harder for you. It wasn't fair and you made sure to let the man know this, but he just coyly smiled and told you he was ready to go whenever you were.
You drop your luggage in front of the bed you and Bruno would be sharing for the next week. At first, you assumed you would both be in separate rooms since you weren't an actual item, but Bruno wasn't having any of it which you were glad for. You wanted to get as much alone time as you could with him during this vacation.
You get closer to the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony. The location was perfect and you had a nice view of the beach from here. You had never seen such blue water or white sand. And you could already feel yourself sprawled out on a towel next to a shirtless Bruno.
"Like the view?" Bruno asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
You nod. "This is great! Thank you again for inviting me."
"Of course. I didn't want to go a whole week without seeing you."
You try to force down the smile that appears on your face in response but it's obvious and you know Bruno already saw it.
He smiles, reaches out and places a gentle hand on your cheek. However, you close your eyes to avoid his very intense and persuading gaze.
"Gonna have to try harder than that," you say under breath as you turn back to the balcony.
"...I didn't expect you to last this long. You've definitely proved me wrong."
"And I'm going to win too." You stick out your tongue.
Bruno smirks but says nothing more before going to unpack his luggage. You eventually pull yourself away from the view to do the same.
You lay on your back, sunglasses on your face as you let the sun warm you. You were still pretty full from brunch and any moment now you expected to fall asleep. 'Til then, you watch Irene, Eli and Jocelyn goofing off in the water and sand.
The group decided to start the day together off at the beach. Which was perfect because today was going to be about relaxation, at least for you anyways. You all had time to get rowdy later if you wanted to anyways.
You turn your head to look at Bruno who currently lays on his front. His sun hat sits on the back of his head to keep that part of him shaded.
"If you don't mind, can you put sunscreen on me? It's been awhile since I last did."
"Sure," you say. You should probably put some on too when you're done.
You walk on your knees to grab the bottle out of Bruno's bag and then crawl your way over to him.
You couldn't help but take a moment to admire his tanned back. The muscles along it were a lovely sight and of course being the horny bastard that you are, your eyes drift down towards his ass. He had a cute butt that you had seen many times but still weren't tired of.
You suddenly remember a scene where Bruno was getting railed and need to take a moment to calm down.
Maybe one day…
"Hello?" Bruno pulls you from your inappropriate imaginings.
"Right, right--sunscreen."
You scooch up next to him and move to place your knees on either side of his hips so you can sit on his upper thighs.
Bruno looks over his shoulder at you with a raised brow, causing his hat to fall off, but you smile innocently.
"Relax," you say.
He squints but lays his head back on his arms.
Once you squeeze and rub the cool, sweet smelling cream on your hands you bring them to his shoulders. You spread the cream following the lines of his muscles on his upper back before sliding lower.
You spend a little more time on his lower back then you should, and the dimples that rest above his ass get special attention.
The man's hips shift oh so slightly and you look up and see that his eye is closed and his brow furrowed.
You scoot up and lean forward. "I could do your front too," you whisper in his ear.
"We are in public."
You jolt at the gruff voice a small distance away. Sitting up, you see Abbacchio scowling at the two of you from the giant parasol he's sitting under.
You sigh but move off Bruno before the goth kills you with his glare.
"You're right. Sorry," Bruno says.
You weren't sorry but nod anyways. It's not like you two were doing anything that obvious. Just some teasing. And there was barely anyone outside your friend group out here!
"Just keep it out of my sight." Abbacchio taps the airpods in his ear before returning his attention to the ocean.
After you all get your fill of the beach, which goes well into the evening, it's time to get ready for dinner.
Since it was the first official day of your vacation you all want something more casual but still on the expensive side. So you all eventually decide on Korean BBQ.
"I'm just glad you two didn't try to fuck each other on the beach," Irene says. "Even if it would have been fun to watch…"
Okay so maybe you weren't as discrete as you thought. Abbacchio throws an unimpressed look directly at you and Bruno, but you choose to ignore it.
"I was just putting sunscreen on him I swear…"
Eli smirks at you. "This picture says otherwise."
Your brows raise when they show you and Bruno the image on their phone.
Your cheeks go hot and you look down at your plate. "Why did you even take a picture of that?"
Jocelyn barks out a laugh. "You have a weird taste in memories cause that's the last thing I'd want to remember!"
You roll your eyes but you know it was in good fun. Bruno seems mildly amused anyways.
Not willing to entertain the topic any further, you pick up a piece of grilled pork from your plate. As you bring it to your mouth, you feel Bruno's leg brush against yours.
You peak over at him but he seems to be completely invested in a conversation with Abbacchio.
You assume it's an accident until you feel him do it again along with resting his hand on your upper leg. His fingers gently squeeze your inner thigh before rubbing the area with his thumb.
You continue eating your food as if it has no affect on you. It takes a lot of will power though as he continues his caresses throughout the whole dinner.
Afterwards, the group splits off. Jocelyn and Irene head to a club, Eli to the casino (Jocelyn made sure to put a limit on the money they could blow) and Abbacchio to the bar. You and Bruno decide to head to your room, obviously not in the mood to go anywhere else tonight.
When you reach your room, you both get ready for bed acting as if you don't want to fuck each other.
You crawl next to Bruno on the bed once you're done with the bathroom.
"I'm not tired yet…" you say
"Me neither."
"I guess we could watch a movie or show. There has to be something we both like on Netflix."
You pick up the remote for the TV and make your way to Netflix and start scrolling through the options on the front page.
"What type of stuff do you like to watch anyways?" you ask.
"Romance works."
"You probably watch the explicit type of romance," you joke.
Bruno's eyes widen slightly and you surmise that you guessed right. Either that or he was weirded out by your statement and that seemed very unlikely.
You smile amused. "Well I guess we could watch something like that then!"
Once you both finally settle on something, you get comfortable and lean against Bruno.
The movie wasn't really that great and every sex scene that happened made you cringe but it was at least kind of entertaining. Still, you were starting to get bored and were still horny from all the nonsense you and Bruno had been up to the last several days.
So in a moment of weakness you place your hand on Bruno's thigh. He looks at you expectantly but you do nothing more.
You want to look at him properly to see his expression but you need 100% focus or you would break. So you keep your eyes on the TV as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. If you were lucky this would somehow bring your game to a close and the two of you could do something more exciting.
Bruno says your name under his breath, but you simply hum. Enduring that dinner was proof of your will and you believe you could keep this up all night if needed. (But that was the last thing you were hoping for.)
Suddenly, you feel a warm hand on top of yours.
Bruno guides your hand further up his thigh. "Please…"
"Huh?" You fake the confusion in your voice.
"Let's end this game."
"Oh...so that means I win?"
"Yes you win, just please touch me."
You smirk and move to kneel a small distance in front of him. "That was so easy!" You were thoroughly going to enjoy this.
When he sees you're not getting closer it prompts him to scooch forward on the bed, but before he can touch you, you push him down on his back and crawl on top. There's a slightly stunned look on his face but it quickly changes to one of anticipation.
You line your chest with Bruno's and lean down for a kiss which he returns enthusiastically.
"I never thought I'd enjoy losing this much...." he murmurs against your lips.
You smirk and continue your kisses down his cheek. Your hands find their way under his shirt and slowly explore the span of his abdomen and chest. He softly sighs when you begin sucking at the skin between his neck and shoulder and your hands squeeze him in response.
When you hear Bruno's breathing become slightly heavier you sit up and remove his shirt. You'd seen his body many times in all sorts of positions but you still take a second to appreciate his toned torso.
You press kisses to his chest and let your hands run down his sides enjoying how he just barely reacts under your fingertips. You stop at his hips, and your thumbs trace back and forth along his hip bones. Your tongue brushes against Bruno's nipple, and you feel him tense under your hands.
You move back to sit on his pelvis and immediately feel his cock through his pants. Bruno gently rocks his hips against your ass, and you entertain the motion by pressing down yourself.
His hands grab your hips, but before he can get too carried away you pull your ass off him. He ends up humping the air and lets out a sigh of frustration. His tune changes quickly though when he sees you move down between his legs.
"I'm not really feeling like I lost anything…"
You gently rub at his hard bulge through his pajama pants. "Well guess I'm just that generous. But at the same time I feel like I'm going too easy on you now."
"Please don't make me wait any longer ____."
You look up and the man's cheeks are flushed and he seems a little dazed, but he doesn't take his eyes off you. Seeing the usually controlled actor look at you this way has your stomach flipping.
"I didn't expect you to be so impatient," you say.
"I suppose you just have this effect on me..."
Smiling to yourself, you pull his pants down and are surprised by a pair of fancy panties.
You raise a brow at him. "...You already knew how tonight was going to end, huh?"
You carefully pull the satin fabric down before licking a slow stripe up his cock. The smug look on Bruno's face is immediately wiped away.
You wrap your hand around his twitching member and press your lips against the tip. He lets out a low hum, and your tongue licks against the slit before your mouth wraps around his sensitive head.
Whenever Bruno tries to move his hips you force them down and continue with your teasing touches along his cock. But eventually you decide to stop messing with him and fully take him into your mouth.
His eyes flutter shut. "Hmm, that feels amazing amore."
Even though he was finally in your mouth you move achingly slow and you can tell he wants you to go faster. And he makes it quite clear.
You let up a bit but mostly keep at driving him crazy. Your hand starts to knead at his balls and you immediately feel him twitching in your mouth.
"____. You're--"
You pull off.
Once Bruno realizes what just happened he deadpans at you. You laugh at his expression and he sits up with a sigh.
"Okay you had your fun, time to lay back."
You raise a brow at him.
Bruno begins stripping himself completely of his clothes. "You're the winner, right? Let me treat you."
Perhaps he had a point, and you didn't really have a problem with letting him takeover. This time.
Before you can think of taking your own clothes off, Bruno's doing it for you. His thumbs hook in the band of your pants and pull them down for you.
"...No underwear?" he asks.
You shrug and remove your shirt in an attempt to prevent yourself from laughing. "Guess you weren't the only one planning on ending this tonight."
Once you're done, you lay down and Bruno settles next to you. He places his hand on your lower stomach and brings his face close to yours. You immediately get caught in his blue eyes. It's not fair that he gets to be so handsome.
His finger easily pushes past your wet entrance while his thumb rubs gentle circles against your clit. Another finger is soon added and he begins to thrust his fingers slowly into you. When he crooks them against your walls you have a hard time holding back the noises you want to make.
"A-Are you gonna get me back for teasing you?" you ask. It would be deserved, but you hope he didn't. You hadn't realized how worked up you were until Bruno started touching you.
"Another time. I don't want to wait any longer."
He removes his fingers and gets himself situated on top of you. Once his hips are comfortably between your legs, you drag a finger along his cock before grabbing and lining it with your entrance. Finally after all the games you could both get some relief.
The moment Bruno feels himself against your entrance he presses in letting you take him slowly, inch by inch. When he's fully in, you sigh and slightly wiggle your hips. One of your legs hook around his waist and you place your arms around his neck. He keeps his eyes on yours as he pulls back before pressing in again and starting a nice and comfortable rhythm.
Your hand plays at the soft hairs at the nape of his neck before properly tangling into his locks. You pull and his lips part, a perfect moan falling from them. His hips thrust against you particularly hard forcing a groan out of you.
You smirk a bit. "Never get tired of that…"
Your fingers massage his scalp before you guide his face close to yours. Your lips join and he quickly presses his tongue into your mouth.
Just as you're really enjoying the kiss, he ends it. But before you can pout he pulls you close against him. His thrusts begin to speed up and his moans are muffled by the side of your face.
You always loved Bruno's moans when you were filming him but something about his current ones were different--so desperate and wanting. They had you clenching on his cock.
His hand snakes down between you two and your eyes fall shut as he rubs your clit. Your breath hitches when you feel him nip your ear.
Bruno hums. "You feel amazing...I feel like I could do this for hours."
You mumble something unintelligible under your breath in reply, not even sure what it you said until you start moaning out Bruno's name. Your back arches and your legs tighten around his waist to keep his hips in place as you come.
Bruno nuzzles against your neck and once your legs relax he continues thrusting.
"You came on my cock so well...ah, just a little more--"
His hips begin to stutter and he calls out your name. You press your lips to his temple and move your hips to help him along. His body tenses before he pulls out and comes onto your stomach.
Bruno's hips rock against you as he comes down and soon his body relaxes against yours. He doesn't seem to mind the mess he's making. His nose brushes against your cheek before you feel a kiss.
After some silence you yawn."...We should do this more often."
He stops peppering kisses on your neck and places an arm over your torso. "Agreed. In fact, we can start again in 5 minutes after I clean us off."
You gawk a bit at him. "Don't you get tired?"
"I do, that's why I said 5 minutes."
You scoff but end up grinning instead. "Well...it's not like we're going anywhere for awhile."
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zettaiunmeis · 4 years ago
details under the cut because this got Long
jules is part of the either the same class the ~infamous~ black sheep
and they don’t? really like each other? like julia is still kinda Serious and she doesnt really appreciate the vile squad goofing around and tossing water balloons or whatever and black sheep finds julia a little too uptight even if she’s interested in a lot of the same things (history, etc.)
black sheep’s speciality is Being SLick, as we know, but julia’s is patterns (and also historical artifacts)
ok but the important part of this is that bc julia’s is patterns, she ends up being like a scout or smth along those lines bc she can analyse patterns and report back to help plan the caper
and that basically means that when she graduates, she ends up in far more long cons than any of the others
anyway, after black sheep gets in trouble for the water balloon thing, the faculty decide she’s far too mischievous, and so, they assign her a partner — julia
(side note: its kind of the same thing that ends up happening to jean-luc and antonio a bit later on, but thats more because they work well together, and less bc either one of them needed a grounding influence)
anyway black sheep and jules again. do not like each other. but that doesnt mean they dont work well together — julia’s got an eye for patterns, and black sheep has every thieving trick in the book ready and waiting up her sleeves (alongside an instinct for thievery)
slowly, as they are forced to work together more and more, they kind of reach a less tense partnership and then one day black sheep makes a history joke and thats how they become friends
like julia is still very pointedly Not friends with the rest of the vile squad bc they’re still very reckless and immature, etc
but shes sort of seen black sheep when she’s been more grounded and less hyper/feral and she?? kind of doesnt mind??
bc grounded black sheep isnt constantly trying to prove that she’s The Best and grounded black sheep isnt trying to prove that she’s more than just the teacher’s pet — she’s kind of just having fun with julia and julia’s been so serious about her training that she hasnt really made any other friends and…. its nice
its nice to have black sheep loudly slip into the seat next to her and and tease julia about whatever recent historical discovery she’s researching and pull her out of her own head once in a while
and its nice to have black sheep glance over in the middle of class when sheena — sorry tigress — whines about something or the other and roll her eyes in the same way julia feels like doing, even if something strange sticks in her throat when carmen does the same with gray
she can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but at some point, she starts thinking of black sheep as her friend and it’s an exciting enough thought that she’s got a little smile on her face next time black sheep slips into the seat next to her in professor maelstrom’s class
and at some point julia stops being just julia to black sheep, and starts being jules because we’re in a school for thieves, but we’ve already got plenty of ~jules~ right here and thats sincerely the worst joke i’ve ever heard and oh really ~jules~? bet i could find an even worse one
and like all the usual stuff is still happening in the background — shadowsan-black sheep rivalry, gray and the Squad being black sheep’s friends, the phone and player, etc.
its just that now, black sheep has a bit of a calming influence and that does help!
and they work well enough that most people assume that julia and black sheep will be partners after graduation 
even crackle acknowledges it — despite the jealousy he feels at the knowledge
so things continue and all this happens, but then comes finals.
things go the same. black sheep gets perfect scores in all of her exams, except stealth 101
julia — now the historian — can’t help but check for whether black sheep graduated too and just as she does, she hears crackle say it: she didn’t pass
and she wants to go to black sheep and ask if she’s okay because everyone knows how much black sheep’s wanted this, how much she’s been working for it, but by the time gray’s been dragged off by tigress, black sheep has disappeared and julia has no idea where she’s gone
so she waits for a bit in the cafeteria and in the dorms and anywhere else she thinks that black sheep would be and she sees… nothing
and about twelve hours after the results, the faculty pulls her for her first mission (for context, this is before the whole,,, hear the true name of vile thing) which is basically being a plant for the morocco mission, by pretending to be an archaeology phd student from oxford who’s come to study the findings in the excavation
and she’s busy enough with that that she barely gets to think about black sheep or graduation or anything other than the near-overwhelming anxiety that comes with the horrifying ordeal of potentially being Known but she just manages to figure out like,,, guard rotations, as well as the exact objects that are at the site for the vile squad to steal
and then she’s out before they even get there — julia’s pattern recognition and historical knowledge made her pretty useful when it comes to planning capers so it meant that she’s always travelling around the world ahead of each caper, but would also make her a pretty invaluable asset to vile, so they can’t afford to get her caught
julia doesnt hear about black sheep nearly messing up morocco until much later, and even then, she doesn’t have all the info
all she can do is wonder why the hell the faculty would fail someone who somehow managed to sneak out of vile island without anyone realising until much later
and yes, maybe a part of her misses her old partner, but she knows that it wouldn’t matter anyway — she was the mole, and she’d barely get to work directly with carmen so.
but then cut to a year later, when a vile counterfeit operation in boston is suddenly sabotaged
cut to the moment when, julia, despite not having seen her in a year, is still able to somehow recognise black sheep’s work
its Slick. its the Slickness that tips her off, and part of her is reluctant to tell the faculty who it is, but her allegiance demands it and she tells the faculty and she hates herself for it when she sees the murderous rage on each of their faces
and somehow, that — her ability to recognise this carmen sandiego — gets her in a new position, as a mole in interpol, passing on the information they get as they try to track the scarlet super thief as well
and then one day, in poitiers, julia sees her
its black sheep. it’s undeniably black sheep under that red trench coat and julia wants to go and talk to her capture her and bring her in to vile but her new partner ~chase devineaux~ is everything that once made her turn away from her interest in law enforcement and he orders her to call for backup while he tries to stroke his own ego
she does, of course, but maybe she delays it a bit, if only because she’d rather let carmen sandiego get away than have devineaux’s ego get any bigger
and the rest of the season goes much the same except after julia ends up in acme, she reports to vile about everything that’s going on, and they no longer suspect devineaux of helping carmen etc etc
and she can’t help but somewhat sympathise with what carmen’s doing — she’s returning invaluable historical artefacts and julia’s always loved history and- it’s just… altruistic. and that’s admirable. and that’s the only reason i feel so torn about helping vile. that’s it, that’s the only reason.
and then comes the chasing paper caper
what was originally the first real conversation between julia and carmen goes completely differently
(note that most vile operative outside of jules’ graduating class do not know of her existence bc she barely interacts with most of them since she’s more a spy/mole who’s out of the picture by the time anyone else gets on the scene)
carmen still needs to be able to spy on paper star without anyone noticing, so she still goes for the seat right in front of the cute short-haired girl sitting alo- and oh my god jules?
and its the first time julia has heard that nickname in over a year and oh God they were just friends this should Not hit this hard what the Heck
and carmen still sits down and just quietly grills her as to what the hell is going on bc she Knows that jules is a always a mole and never an active part of a caper and she doesn’t?? understand??
and jules is kind of in a daze, but she’s been Trained so she feeds carmen her cover story:
she defected from vile when she saw how they were treating historical artefacts — melting down gold, selling priceless works of art to the highest bidder, etc. etc. — and that since then she’s been silently helping interpol with taking down vile ops, etc.
and it takes a bit but carmen kind of starts to believe it — she knows julia loves history with all her heart, and she’s… well, she’s never been the kind of recruit that carmen’s expected to see in vile anyway, so. it’s not out of the realm of possibility, is it, for julia to be a defector working against vile? after all, isn’t she the same?
so she starts looking around, while waiting for paper star to make a move, and she ends up noticing the briefcase in the seat next to her, and for some reason, those initials — clearly chase devineaux — make her want to scowl
“new partner?” “oh… its… well, work. work... partner” “oh.”
uhhh anyway i might actually. write this? idk don’t count on anything lmaooo.
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vcg73 · 4 years ago
FIC: Kurt Birthday Drabbles
Earlier this week @elledelajoie left a comment on something I wrote all the way back in 2014.  I had genuinely forgotten I ever started it, but the original idea was to write 21 Kurt Hummel birthday drabbles. I had written just 7 of them, but after we chatted about it, I decided to go ahead and finish.  
If you’re not familiar, a drabble is a scene of exactly 100 words, not counting title headers. Since Chris Colfer and Kurt Hummel’s co-birthday (May 27) is coming up this Thursday, here they are. This goes definite AU at Birthday #19. Because you know I would never sentence my beloved Kurt to a life of being a doormat to people who did not appreciate and value him.
Never underestimate the power of feedback!
Birthday #1
Kurt’s blue eyes went wide as a frosted cupcake was set upon his high-chair tray, a single candle ablaze on its surface.  
When Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Andy, Grandpa Curtis and Grandma Eileen started singing to him, he smiled and clapped both hands hard around the tempting pile of frosting.
Kurt laughed when the sugary topping went flying and a big splatter of white abruptly decorated Daddy’s surprised face.
Everyone else started laughed too, including the startled father, who retaliated by giving his birthday boy a sticky peck on the cheek and then helped him to blow out a new candle.
Birthday #2
Kurt looked between his presents, confused.
Mommy had given him the pretty dolly he had begged for at the store. Daddy had given him a truck, not big enough to ride but too big to live with the little cars Daddy gave him at Christmas.
His parents seemed to be mad at each other.
Kurt looked at the doll, then at the truck. He smiled and placed Dolly inside the truck and began to drive her around the carpet.
Mommy and Daddy seemed surprised by his actions, but then they laughed, and Kurt knew he had figured out the puzzle.
 Birthday #3
His shoes were black and shiny, buckles on the sides and 1-inch heels on the base. He clomped over the hardwood floors, listening to the click-tap-click-tap in delight. They went perfectly with his dove gray coveralls with “Kurt” sewn on the pocket in black sequins. Mommy had made the outfit for him.
Spotting Daddy watching him, Kurt threw himself into waiting arms. Daddy’s smile looked like he had an owie but was trying to be a big boy and not cry.
Kurt hugged him. “It’s okay, Daddy.”
Burt looked surprised but hugged him back. “Yeah, buddy. I think it is.”
 Birthday #4
Ballet girls were nice. When they heard it was his birthday today, they threw him a party. Kurt puffed up with pleasure when presented with cookies, a sparkly wand and a tiara that read ‘Happy Birthday’ in shiny letters. He was not as fond of the kisses they gave, but four was very grown up, so he screwed up his face and allowed it. The teacher even let him wear the special puffy pink tutu over his little black leotard! 
 He saw Mommy and Daddy up in the gallery taking pictures, so he waved.
Kurt hoped today would last forever.
  Birthday #5
“Can I have cupcakes?”
Kurt’s mother looked up from her book. “I don’t think we have any, sweetheart.”
“Can we have some Thursday?  My birthday is the last day of preschool.”
“It is?” she said, looking surprised. “Is it your birthday already?”
He nodded seriously. “Don’t you remember, Mommy? You were there.”
She laughed. “Well, you have me there.  What kind of cupcakes would you like, sweetie? And don’t say cheesecake. Those are two completely different kinds of dessert.”
Kurt’s hopeful expression fell. “Oh,” he said, clearly disappointed. Then his face brightened again. “Chocolate?”
She nodded. “That we can do.”
   Birthday #6
Burt sat up just in time to catch the little body that launched at him. “What’s wrong, slugger?”
“It’s my birthday!”
Grinning despite the way his heart was hammering at the abrupt awakening, Burt asked, “Yeah? I like birthdays. Do I get a present?”
“No,” the boy scoffed. “I get presents!”
 Burt squinted at the clock. 3:15am. “Not until morning, you don’t.”
Kurt pouted and tried, “It’s almost morning.”
“Not close enough, kid. C’mere,” Burt pulled him into the warm bed between himself and his wife.
Kurt snuggled down and went right back to sleep.  
Burt was less lucky.
 Birthday #7
Kids had started treating him funny this year. He was too fancy, too girly, holding hands was weird.
Nobody was coming.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.”
“Am I too late?”
They jumped as a little black girl with pom-pom hair popped out of nowhere.
“I’m Mercedes,” she greeted. “We just moved here. Mom said you would have invited me if you’d known.”
“I’m Kurt.” He smiled. “Do you like tea parties?”
“Is there cake?”
Mrs. Hummel beamed. “Cake, ice cream, and Kool-Aid.”
Kurt shrugged. “Nobody else came.”
She grabbed his hand like she’d known him forever. “More for us!  Happy Birthday, Kurt.”
 Birthday #8
Kurt took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and carefully blew out the candles. All but the extra one that his parents always put on his cake.
“Aren’t you gonna finish, bud?”
He looked from Daddy over to his mother, home again, but so frail he was sometimes afraid to hug her, worried she might pop like a fragile soap bubble. He offered her the candle. “Here, Mommy. Blow it out. Maybe you’ll get another year to grow on.”
The eyes of the two adults met, then Mommy nodded. The three of them blew out the final candle together.
 Birthday #9
Barely daring to hope, Kurt came down the stairs.  Birthday cakes and presents had been Mommy’s specialty.  Daddy had forgotten his own birthday and had nearly forgotten Christmas.
Kurt gasped when he saw it, waiting, shining and spectacular against the front door.
“A bike!”
Bright green, sissy bars with foil streamers, and a banana seat. Perfect!
Burt smiled. He had scoffed a such a “girly” bike when Kurt spotted it at the toy store. But now, looking at the all-too-rare joy in his son’s eyes and feeling the approving smile his wife would have given, he nodded. It was perfect.
 Birthday #10
Buying gifts was tough when your kid always clammed up on you. A dad had to be observant.
Ten years old. A landmark like that needed something special, but the only thing Kurt seemed into was clothes. He had enough of those for ten kids.  
He’d probably like a Barbie he could change in and out of different outfits, but Burt cringed at the thought.
He did doodle pretty good though. Sure, it was mostly pictures of clothes, but that was a start.
A fancy sketchpad with a case and a hundred different colored pencils. Yeah, that was the ticket.
 Birthday #11
“Dad, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Kurt sighed with exaggerated impatience. He had come home from school to find Dad waiting at the truck, ordering him to get in, then not saying another word. The suspense was killing him.
They had pulled up in front of a nondescript brick building. “Columbus Culinary Arts?”
“You like to cook right?  Well, we’re gonna fix your birthday dinner this year with the help of a real chef. Lessons are once a week for the next couple months.”
Gourmet cooking lessons!
“Oh wow. Dad, this is amazing!”
Burt grinned. “Happy Birthday, kid.”
 Birthday #12
Last year’s surprise had gone so well that Burt had decided on a repeat. But when he saw the excitement on Kurt’s face at finding a pair of tickets inside his birthday card turn to disappointment and horror, quickly masked with a fake smile, he knew he’d goofed.
“I know baseball isn’t your thing,” he said, almost pleading. “But you’ve never seen a live game before. It’s a whole different experience. It’s a home game. We can yell and scream, and cheer our team on with thousands of other fans.”
The stiff not-smile never wavered. “Sounds . . . fun.”
 Birthday #13
Dad had bought out one of the partners at the garage this spring and now owned a majority share of the renamed “Hummel Tires & Lube”. Kurt wanted to snicker at that name, but he was proud too.
His birthday this year coincided with Friday Night Dinner. Dad had invited all the mechanics over for a potluck. They’d had Mary’s special fried chicken, Cassius’s homemade cornbread, and Davy’s mac’n’cheese. Now Dad brought out the cake.
Kurt laughed. A sheet-cake with a tow-truck and two little plastic mechanics for decoration.
“You and me kid. Partners.”
The mechanics cheered and everybody dug in.
  Birthday #14
Kurt froze when he saw tickets peeping out of his card. Not again. Noise, sunburn, unhealthy food, tacky uniforms, and Dad trying so hard to make a boring sport seem like fun.
He sighed and pasted on a smile, which quickly transformed into shock.
“Wicked?” he squeaked, staring hard at the little papers as if the printing might change if he dared to look away.
“Embassy Theater is giving regional business owners a discount this year,” Burt said apologetically. “It’s just a traveling production, not real Broadway, but I …”
His apology was cut off by a joyful teenaged hug.
 Birthday #15
“Don’t worry, son, you got this.  Just remember everything I taught you.  You got a whole year to get ready for the practical test.”
“I know.”
“And it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. Not everybody does.”
“I’m fine, Dad.”
“I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re through.”
“I know that, Dad. I’ll be okay, really.”
At that moment, Kurt’s name was called and he sprang from his hard green plastic chair. His dad’s repeated reassurances were making him jumpy.
Twenty minutes later, a brightly grinning Kurt was waving his freshly minted driver’s permit.
 Birthday #16
Burt patted the giant blue bow the dealership had provided over the hood of the shining black Lincoln Navigator.  
Kurt was gonna flip! He’d passed his DMV test with flying colors and was no doubt showing off his shiny new license to all his friends at school.  
He paused. Did Kurt have any friends to share this accomplishment with? He always seemed so alone.
Maybe that’s why he had decided to spoil his son with a huge birthday gift.
It wasn’t right for such a good kid to be all alone. Maybe having his own ride would help change that.
  Birthday #17
A dozen teens gathered in Kurt’s basement to celebrate the end-of-school, non-disbanding of Glee, and Kurt’s birthday, all in one.
“Not like ten years ago,” Mercedes said to Kurt, as they watched Mike and Brittany dance.
“Ten years?”
“Your seventh? It was just you, me, your mom, and lots of chocolate cake.”
Kurt was astounded. “That was you?”
“You forgot?”
“I remember a little girl who showed up and invited herself to my party.”
“And I remember a little boy who needed a friend as much as I did.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thanks for coming.”
She squeezed back. “Always.”
 Birthday #18
Kurt stared at his birthday cake, unable to think of anything to wish for.
He was 18-years-old today, a legal adult. He had new family in Carole and Finn, his dad was on the mend, he would be back at McKinley for senior year, he had made his first visit to New York City, and he had a boyfriend! One who had just told Kurt that he loved him for the very first time.
‘I wish for next year to be as good as this,” he thought, taking a deep breath and blowing.
The flames flickered out, all except one.
 Birthday #19
Senior year had been a disaster, and now he had not gotten into NYADA, despite his well-praised audition.
“Blaine wants me to spend another year here,” he whispered. “I just can’t.”
Burt’s callused hand squeezed his neck. “Then don’t. You’re 19 now, a man. You got talents galore, work experience from the garage, enough drive for ten kids, and your mom’s life insurance money to give you a start.”
“No buts,” Burt said firmly. “You go on to New York and grab life by the balls.”
Kurt felt his optimism rise. “Help me look for apartments?”
“You got it.”
 Birthday #20
What a difference a year made.
He’d dumped Blaine after being cheated on less than a month after leaving Lima.  He was enrolled at FIT and sharing a shoebox apartment with a fellow design student and a Broadway hopeful, but both were young gay men from small towns, and they had a lot in common.
“Happy Birthday!” Elliott shouted, tossing a handful of glittery sequins at him.
Adam came in playing the birthday song on a kazoo he had gotten from who-knows-where. “Ready for Callbacks? $20 on who gets the first hot guy’s number!”
“I already have yours. I win!”
 Birthday #21
“I have the honor of presenting your first official grown-up drink,” Adam said, smiling lovingly at his grinning boyfriend of nearly a year. He set down a martini glass with a cherry floating on top. “A Manhattan seemed appropriate.”
Kurt beamed and gave him a kiss, then took an experimental sip. “I’ve had alcohol before,” he admitted. “Mostly wine, though.  Mm, this is good!”
“I thought you’d like it. Happy Birthday, my love.  May the future bring every good thing you wish for, and never more heartache than you can handle.”
Kurt could not have asked for a better sentiment.
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