#I made her look so sad I’m sorry Adaine
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ewwww-what · 1 year ago
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You are not a coward. You have a goddamn medical condition, alright?
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angeloncewas · 1 year ago
HEY so i just finished episode 5!! they’re about to go into combat at the pit!! this is SO awesome i’m literally so engaged and excited about this story in a way that i haven’t been about a piece of media for a long time, it’s great. i think part of it is definitely that brennan is such an amazinggg dm and the players are so good at roleplay too, it all ends up being very engaging and compelling - and the randomness of the rolls keeps me on my toes because i can’t really figure out where the stories gonna go!!! it’s just so awesome :333
i think right now my favorites are riz (from a character standpoint he’s just sooo fascinating, i made a post about it), fig for her absolute hilarity in every moment, and gorgug in a like more lowkey way because he’s just so freaking sweet. i like fabian and kristin a lot too because i think they’re both gonna get REALLY interesting in a bit with the way their characters are. adaine is also dear to me with how honest she is - even with her nervousness and sadness she’s such a good friend and she’s so brave when it comes to standing up for them. i’m really excited to keep watching them :)
and yes the combat is just sooo fun and cool and the more roleplay heavy episodes are also GREAT and equally engaging and it’s just!! they made this so well!!! i’m so glad i get to enjoy it!!! deffo my favorite parts have been the high speed chase with johnny spells and his teifling gang and getting ice cream after, that was such a fun episode…
but yeah i LOVE this show and i love d&d now and i’ve been making my own character (aasimar warlock :3) and falling more in love with the game and everything and just!!!! it’s so nice to find something like this, where i didn’t expect to love it this much and i do :) i see why you like it and i’m rlly excited for sophomore year too bc you mentioned that one was really impactful for you!!
ps if you have any fic reccs… especially character/relationship studies….. :3<3
Sorry I took so long to respond !!! I read this and was like :O and then immediately fell into a weird hole. But I'm here now
I'm so so so glad you like it. I remember when I first discovered fantasy high I was watching it between every break like I really could not put it down in a way i'd rarely experienced
I need to go looking for your Riz post because i LOVE Riz so much he is so me vibes (also not at all, but really kind of) --- but really altogether they make such a well-rounded group to me and you really highlighted what makes each of them special. Jonny Spells is so funny and that chase is sooo good --- really opened my eyes to what D&D could be way back when.
Very interested in your character too ! You're always so creative in that way I never make ocs Fic recs (that you may have already seen but that I stand by dearly):
take my heart, pull it apart; Fig character study; "It's a great day. Until her horns grow in."
Strongtower Luxury Apartments, Units 304 & 306; Kristen living with Fig and Gilear (sulfuric is such a good writer)
arm yourself for adventure; very AU start; "The adventure began in a tavern, which, as far as Riz knew, was pretty standard."
six hours to breathe again; very different sci-fi AU but super fascinating; "This is all for Adaine, they're going to get her back, finally, once and for fucking all, and then Riz is going to put a bullet in Biz Glitterdew's greasy fucking forehead." (knightserrand also has a great back catalog)
interchange; role swap role swap role swap !!!; "a pirate cleric, a goblin bard, a Helioic fighter, an elven barbarian, a tiefling rogue, and a half-orc wizard."
I have more that are sophomore year related too :)
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nerdybirdy6602 · 4 years ago
for the angsty prompts, could you do “Hey, it’s me. You’re safe.” with adaine and any of the bad kids?
Hey Anon! I really liked this prompt, since I don't think I've ever written an Adaine-centric fic! This one's a little short, but I think it's the right amount of sad and sweet. Now, on with number 6 for Adaine!
Old habits die hard, and Adaine knew that. The rational side of her knew that she couldn’t expect Aelwyn to change entirely in a month after a lifetime of trauma and suffering. Change was gradual, and she knew that. Of course she knew that.
Still, that knowledge did nothing to assuage the sting of her sister’s barbs, something she thought they had both gotten past. It didn’t stop Adaine from retreating inward as Aelwyn insulted her as if they’d been through nothing at all, as if they were back in the Abernant home and not Mordred Manor. It didn’t stop her from asking herself the very same question the older, Nightmare Forest version of herself once asked her.
“Why am I so easy to discard?”
She didn’t realize that the words were said aloud, or that Aelwyn had finally stopped berating her. Adaine didn’t notice her sister run out of the room, mumbling worried apologies as she went to find one of her friends. It was hard to notice much of anything through the haze of a panic attack. The feeling crashed over her like a wave, something so horrifyingly familiar and yet distant. How long had it been since she had a panic attack? The Nightmare Forest?
She felt a familiar hand on her forearm, and when she looked up blearily, she realized it belonged to Fig. Vaguely, she noticed Ayda off in a distant part of the room, probably trying to give her space. She made a note to thank her later. Adaine’s eyes also rested on Aelwyn’s face, and realized that she looked more remorseful than she’d ever seen her.
“Hey, it’s me,” Fig whispered, forcing Adaine’s attention back to her. “You’re safe. I’m right here, Adaine.”
It was a simple assurance, but perhaps the only one she truly needed. Within seconds, Adaine found herself weeping into Fig’s leather jacket, clinging on to her best friend like she was a lifeline. For Fig’s credit, she didn’t wince or react at all to her desperation. She simply held her tight, and whispered kind words of assurance.
“I thought you were still out with Ayda,” were the first words Adaine was able to say, muffled by Fig’s jacket.
“Just got back,” she explained. “Aelwyn couldn’t find Jawbone, so she grabbed me. Hope that’s okay.”
“It’s perfect,” the young wizard replied, glancing behind Fig to get a glimpse at Aelwyn. Their eyes met for just a moment before Aelwyn looked away.
Ayda must have seen the wordless exchange, because she asked, “My friend, do you wish for me to escort your sister out?”
“No,” she answered, almost too quickly. She watched Aelwyn raise her head, and noticed the tears that came to her blue eyes. “She’s okay here. She didn’t mean it.”
Are you sure?
The Message cantrip came from Fig, who made no motion to show that the cantrip was cast at all. Adaine appreciated the discretion, but she answered aloud, “I’m sure, Fig. Thanks.”
“I’m sorry,” Aelwyn whispered, so soft that Adaine wasn’t sure anyone else could hear it. “Sister…”
“I know,” she answered in kind, a soft smile on her lips. “I know.”
Nothing was perfect. They worked at things with baby steps, working through their trauma at a slow and steady pace. Hiccups would happen, but they would be overcome like all other things. As Adaine looked at her sister and then at her friends, she knew that she’d have an incredible support system to help her every step of the way. She’d never be alone, or discarded, again.
You can find more prompts from the list here!
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grasslandgirl · 4 years ago
For the ask game F G H R T please!
tysm anna 🥺🥺💖💖
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ahhhhhh this is SO hard, you’re getting top three sorry not sorry
in no particular order:
1) from I’ve waited and watered my heart ‘til it grew (the magnus archives, jon and martin):
“Georgie told me once- before the Unknowing, before… before we really understood the gravity of everything- that I needed people around me, to anchor me, as it were. To talk to- to all of you, but I think she also meant you, Martin, specifically. You were always there to anchor me, to listen to me, even when you were neck-deep in Lukas’s business. Even- even when I didn’t think I deserved it.”
Martin looked down at Jon, met his inscrutable and unwavering gaze. “You always deserved it, Jon,” he said, with all the conviction he had.
[i just ahhhh i think i really nailed jon’s voice through all of this fic but martin’s line here specifically. that’s it. that’s the crux of all of it i think.]
2) from my unfinished juno steel amnesia fic (the penumbra podcast, juno and rita):
“Amnesia?” Juno mumbled, looking at Rita for confirmation. “I lost… two years?”
“I mean, yeah, Mister Steel, if the last thing you remember was the Robertson case that was two years ago. And that means you don’t remember anything about Mister Ex-Mayor Takano-Flaherty or the THEIA’s or Mister Ransom or- OH!! This reminds me of that one stream we watched, Boss, with the guy who had his brain sucked out by aliens only they weren’t aliens they were actually a super secret government agency taking away people’s memories; but oh, no, I guess you can’t remember that either, because we watched that one after the case where that lady’s cat exploded after you lost your eye and you were still all sad about Mister Glass again- we should watch that stream, Boss! Especially now that you don’t remember anything either, even though-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up, Rita,” Juno said, waving his hand vaguely, “what was- any of that, if I’m being honest. Ransom and the mayor? We blew up somebody’s cat?”
“I mean technically, the cat blew itself up, Boss.”
[did i mention that i LOVE rita penumbrapodcast? cause i LOVE her and i love to write her she’s so fun and her dynamic with juno is So fun to write, she just talks and i get to run away on my keyboard and let her say whatever her salmon-crunchie flavored heart desires <3]
3) from my bad kids fantasy au unposted wip (dimension twenty, fabian and adaine and gorgug):
Fabian frowned at Gorgug, considering. “Gorgug, we need to duel more often. If I’m going to be Captain, I need to know all my competition- even if they’re my best friend.”
“Aww,” Gorgug smiled down at Fabian, “I’m your best friend?”
“What?” Fabian blinked in confusion, before noticing Gorgug’s widening smile. “You dick-” he punched Gorgug in the shoulder- “you nearly got me! Of course we’re best friends, Thistlespring-”
“What about me?” Adaine asked, watching her boys’ friendly scuffle.
“You’re my best friend, too,” Gorgug said eagerly, “I can have more than one best friend.”
“Well I have dozens of best friends,” Fabian said, never one to be out done. “But, uh, I suppose you two are the- the top of the list. Of my many friends.”
[i simply think.... they!! their dynamic is SO choice if i do say so myself, i just think that old childhood best friends is one of the Best dynamics out there and is sorely underutilized and i am taking it upon myself to solve that problem. you’re welcome, world]
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
i HAVE to write my fics in chronological order, from start to finish bc there are always scenes that i really Want to write and if i write those first then i have No drive or focus to write the Rest of the fic or the context that goes with it, so i make myself write chronologically and use the scenes that im really excited to write as a goal and a driving force to get myself through the other, equally important scenes, that i’m less excited about, otherwise the fic sits half-finished and abandoned in my wip folder, never to see the light of day......
H: How would you describe your style?
truly i Could Not Tell You. ive been told i write how i talk which. yeah. but idk how true that is for my fic/fiction writing? i truly don’t know tell me about my writing style im begging you i don’t know what my style is i just write its just there
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
there aren’t any specific writers that i draw regular, constant inspo from, really? i’m lucky to know and be friends with multiple incredibly talented authors (you, anna grace, chief among them of course) and sometimes when i read a really good fic or story ill get inspired by the author’s style or tone and work off of that; but those beats of inspiration aren’t super common and tend to just lead to short little spurts of writing, most of my longer ideas and wips are products of plot and character inspiration, drawing from my life or the original media itself and less from fic or other writing (shoutout to @nojoyinmudville and @cauldronoflove both for writing SO good that it made me write fanfiction for THEIR fanfiction sfjvnksjfbd)
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
uhhhhhh not off the top of my head? im a sucker for coffeeshop and bakery aus but they always sort of infuriate me bc you can always tell when theyre written by people who have Never Worked In Food Service nor have they KNOWN anyone who’s worked in food service bc they’re always “im the owner of a very popular, well-trafficked bakery and i’m the owner and also the ONLY EMPLOYEE. I BAKE ALL THE BREAD AND PASTRY MYSELF. AND I RUN THE REGISTER AND THE COUNTER. AND I CLEAN THE WHOLE KITCHEN. AND I DO ALL THE FINANCES AND ORDER FORMS AND LEGAL TAPE. I ALSO HAVE TIME FOR A FUFILLING SOCIAL AND ROMANTIC LIFE. SOMEHOW, I SLEEP SOMETIMES.” plese. im begging u people. use your critical thinking skills. or, if all else fails. GOOGLE HOW WORKING IN A COFFEESHOP WORKS. YOU DON’T WORK 6AM- 8PM SHIFTS SIX DAYS A WEEK WITH ONE COWORKER. YOU HAVE SHIFTS. MORE PEOPLE IN THE RUSH HOURS. YOU HAVE DAYS OFF. ahem. anyway. yeah.
this got. so long sorryyyyyy ksjbskjf but thank you a million anna grace ilyyy 💖💖🤧🤧
send me a fanfic ask!! (my ao3 acc is @/grasslandgirl and is linked in my bio!)
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dimension20fanfiction · 6 years ago
Fantasy College
Written by AO3 Author outofthedormroom
I love Dimension 20 so much. I wasn't done with the characters and wanted to write some fic. So this is the bad kids headed to college.
Chapter 1: Is it lunch time yet?
Chapter Text
Adaine clicked the locks on her suitcase into place. She looked around the small apartment she’d called home for the past two years. Since moving out of Jawbones’ place after her 16th birthday she’d made the apartment above the deli her home. Adaine was excited to go to Aguefort University of Violence; the university was only a year old. At the start of her senior year Professor Aguefort announced that since he had died, came back to life, and took back control of the Adventuring Academy he was bored and wanted to be a dean of a fancy university. Since none would take him he started his own university. Only 6 people died during the first school year so it felt like a safe choice. As Adaine finished taking her last look around Zadye floated into the room.
“God dammit Zadye, just because it is my last day here doesn’t mean you can break the not announce yourself rule.” Adaine said annoyed.
“Now that you’re leaving I need to prep this place for one hell of a haunting.” Zadye said very pleased. “What is scarier this…” The room became icey cold and sets of eyes seemed to fill every shadow “or this?” Blood starts to drip down the wall and the smell of death takes over the room.
“Still not over being kicked out of the theatre department?”
“It was a bullshit call from Ms. Jones!” Zadye took a pause. “Hey Adaine, this shithole will be my main haunt but would it be cool with you if I haunted your dorm room from time to time?”
“If you can follow the announcing yourself rule then yes. If my roommate is terrible then you only need to follow that rule if I’m home.” Adaine offered. She was going to miss Zadye not his mellow drama goth kid stuff but the person, while ghost, under that front.
“I will scare that bitch to death if she doesn’t meet your cleaning standards.” and puff Zadye was vanished.
“Zayde, just because you don’t want to confront your feelings doesn’t mean you leave the conversation.” Adaine yelled and a bloody middle finger appeared on the door. She rolled her eyes and left the first place that ever felt like her home.
As she closed the door a text came in from Fig.
“Fig, you haven’t packed anything! We have to move you in tomorrow!” Sandra Lynn yelled from stairs to the attic.
“Ugh Mom get off my case!” Fig yelled continuing to play her bass behind a closed door.
“Now Fig, I know I’m not your parent and it’s not my place to tell you how to live your life but it is my job to help get you college ready. And as a guidance counselor I can tell you, you have to pack your stuff before moving into your dorm room.” Jawbone offered. Fig could tell that he was standing by her mom.
“I have until 8am. I’m working on a sick song called I’m in College for a Great Time.” Little did her mom know that she wasn’t technically in college. Arthur was just letting her move into a dorm in exchange for her playing at the on campus coffee shop.
“I’m calling your father!” Fig hit a cord.
“Which one?” Sandra-Lynn didn’t answer but Fig could hear her calling someone. The crystal ran when a voicemail picked up. It was muffled but Fig’s keen ears could make it out.
“Hello you have reached Principal Gilear Faeth, I can’t come to the phone right now but….Ragh stop it! I’m not the lunch lad anymore, no need for the BBQ sauce. BEEP” Gilear had had that voicemail for nearly a year and he couldn’t figure out how to change it.
“One down, one to go! Either way, I’m not starting for a while.” Fig called out. She knew she pushed her mom too far when one of her arrows hit the door lock breaking it. Her mom pushed the door open with Jawbone behind her.
“Fig, it is 6pm the day before you start at AUV. Get it together. You don’t want to forget anything. You need to get started, I don’t know what you need.” Sandra Lynn looked ready to start a mom rant.
“Ugh, I have a plan!” Fig put her bass down and picked up her crystal. She send Adaine a text asking her to cast unseen servant to pack her bags. “I just texted Adaine to help!” A moment later Fig’s items start sort, fold, and pack themselves.
“Well you’re not always going to have a wizard around to help.” Sandra Lynn said, rolling her eyes. After they left, Jawbone and Sandra Lynn shared a laugh.
“I am Fabian Seacaster, Son of Hallariel Seacaster, and I am here to get my room assignment.” Fabian declared at what looked to be the weakling incharge of check in.
“Does Seacaster start with a C or an S?” The man asked. Fabian narrowed his eyes.
“Are you mocking me?” He flipped over the table and lifted the man in the air. “I can tell you right now you do not want too…” The man vanished from his hands. “Where the hell?”
“I found it by your first name, you’re the only Fabian of your class. You are living in The Hall of Our Fathers’ floor 2. And lucky you; a single!” The man had blinked a few feet away.
“Fabian, try not to kill the RAs.” Hallariel said coming up from behind. “Now my baby needs your finest suite.”
“Well, we have dorms not suite. Fabian has been asided our average-ist single.” The RA said. “I am Swaine Smyth and I will be you RA. Now I’m not going to write you up for grabbing me cause I’m cool like that but consider this an informal warning.”
“While Swaine consider yourself warn!” Fabian whipped around, paused for a moment and turned back. “Now how do I get to my dorm?” Swaine gave him direction. Fabian and his mother headed off for the dorms followed by pirates carrying all of his things.
Once they reached room D20 they were surprised to see Gilear. Hallariel greet him with a kiss. Fabian considered killing for the millionth time.
“Fig’s fake father what are you doing here?” Fabian said as he opened the door.
“Oh...well Fig and Gorthalax are running late. I think they went to hell to get some decoration for her dorm. I thought I’d said hello to you, your mother, and our future child.” Gilear said touching his mother’s stomach.
“I cannot believe you will be the father to my future awesome brother. He will have so much to overcome being half you.”
“Hurtful...well I will go see if I can find Fig. I believe she is in room D6.” Gilear left. As he turn Fabian noticed a single bean on the backside of his pants.
“Thank you so much for helping me move in. My parents are at a church fundraising and won’t be coming till later.” Kristen said to Tracker as she hopped onto her freshly made bed.
“No problem,” Tracker said joining Kristen on the bed “I can’t believe you got a single.”
“Perks of knowing the dean and founding a new region that is extremely popular among young people so I can afford a little upgrade.” Kristen said looking at her pride flag with YES! Printed over it.
“Hey, makes it easier to come and visit.” Tracker said as she snuggled closer. “Plus it makes it nice that you won’t freak out any roommate trying to convert them.”
“YES! Doesn’t want me to convert per say just ask people to care more.” A knock at the door or room D4. “Here come my folks, let’s be extra gay.” Kristen said getting up to greet her parents Mac and Donna as well as her brothers Bricker, Buckey, and Cork.
“Kristen; you missed a great corn cake breakfast. We raised 400 gold pieces for Sole!” Donna said excitedly.
“Mom, we both know that Sole doesn’t need money. He runs the most profitably chain of self tanning places ever. It’s the Fantasy McDonalds of sun tanning. The best thing that ever happened to him was falling from the heavens.”
“Kristen, don’t be like that Sole needs to to make sure Helio’s beer pong x-sports league gets off the ground...I see she is here.” Mac said looking at Tracker.
“Yes Dad, my girlfriend of 3 years is here to help me move in since you were raising money for beer pong sports.” Her brothers had gathered around Tracker.
“Tracker! Do the trick for us!” Cork begged. “Please!” Added Buckey.
“Okay but you guys need to make me mad.” Tracker said. The three boys started make funny faces. In response, Tracker turned her face into that of her wolf form. “Howl, howl, howl” chanted the boys. Tracker started making wolf noises to entertain them.
“I don’t love the boys playing with people like...while you know.” Her dad trailed off carefully watching Tracker.
“Gay people? Like me? I don’t know why I invited you. We can either go and have a nice meal at the family move in lunch or you can leave and keep being a homophobe.”
“Don’t call us that, we love all people but we don’t trust all people” Her mom shot back.
“Homophobes it is; hey guys” Kristen turns to her brothers who were still being entertained by Tracker. “Because mom and dad are bigots you have to leave and stop playing with Tracker.”
“Mom and Dad being bigots ruin everything!” Bickery declared as Kristen family left.
Riz hung up his PI license on the wall of room D8. It was truly the most beautiful thing he’d ever see.
“Ok Riz, you are unpacked. Sorry I can’t stay long but my case is taking up so much time. Here is a Baston Market gift card in case you get hungry. Gorthalax and Fig are stuck in hellish traffic but they should be here by lunch and he can help you with anything. Is there anything else I can do before I had back to HQ.” Sklonda asked.
“I get it mom. In four years I will have the same problem.” Riz said. “Plus I can text the other bad kids and see if they are free to do things on the green and other such college student fun.”
“I’m so proud of you sweetie and I know your dad would be too.”
“Thanks mom.”
Gorgug drove the car as his parents cried in the back seat.
“Gorgug, buddy we are so so gd proud of you! It seems like yesterday you died for the first time and now you are starting college. Before you know it Wilma” his dad started crying harder. “Wilma we will be grandparents.”
“Now Gorgug, while we are sad you are leaving the tree we are mainly proud of you for going to college and being an all around great kid.” Wilma said choking back tears.
“I know, you’ve been proudly crying all day. We missed check in.”
“Oh gosh darn it did we keep you from having an important college experience.” Digby added. His parents cried harder. Gorgug stepped on the gas. They were going to get to campus just in time for the move in family lunch.
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