#I love these hooligans so much
laurfilijames · 9 months
So, it's GSE secret Santa.
🎄 🎁 🎄 🎁 🎄 🎁
You can't choose Pete.
Which member of the GSE are you choosing as your secret Santa and what are getting them?
🎁 🎄 🎁 🎄 🎁 🎄 🎁 🎄 🎁
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I am certain that you choose the most difficult questions to ask me on purpose 🤣
This was such a good one though and imagining the GSE lads being in the festive spirit and celebrating together has me all 🥰🥰
Okay. I'm narrowing it down to Ned. It was between him and Swill and god was it ever hard to choose.
I'm keeping it simple, as I think he's a simple lad who is the sweetest soul and would appreciate little heartfelt gifts as opposed to anything big and extravagant. I'm also totally copying something from Friends that has always stuck with me and I love so so much.
There's a scene where Phoebe gets Ross housewarming gifts and... anyway... here we go.
📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/v/ZejELKYCZC6NrBiM/?mibextid=KsPBc6
I headcanon that Ned loves to cook (something I included in my fic Like My Dreams) so the first items are spice jars ("so your life always has flavour")
The second is a gift certificate to the local butcher so he can get himself a nice steak or prime rib to do up one day for all the boys. ("so you never go hungry")
Because I can't help myself, (I'm a dental nerd it can't be helped 🦷) I also toss in a new toothbrush and toothpaste so that smile of his that we all love to see is always bright.
The final touch is a new West Ham scarf to keep him warm on cold days when he's out on his deliveries and to help feel like a hug when he needs it most.
I'm so sappy for Ned it's RIDICULOUS! 🥰
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(I didn't dare crop out your Dave 💗)
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ironinkpen · 1 year
The interpretation of Rise Raph as a 'perfect responsible soft boy uwu' is so BORING I'm sorry, Raph is a rowdy adrenaline junkie with anxiety and I won't take this slander any longer
Raph secretly kept an enemy soldier in their actual literal house as a sparring partner. Raph glued his brothers together and dragged them out to fight crime. Raph once asked Leo to punch him in the face to prove he 'takes damage like a boss.' Raph tried to lift a school bus, twice. Raph offered to help his favorite wrestler beat his little brother up. When Leo suggests evacuating Bullhop, Raph says no bc the best defense is a good offense babey. Raph's idea of a 'friendly chat' with April's upstairs neighbor is to put on a black ski mask and go stand menacingly at their door. It takes Raph 10 episodes to conclude that they should MAYBE start training. Raph's plan to get a potentially priceless (and potentially FRAGILE) museum artifact is to punch a car in the middle of a busy street and also cut it in half with his brother still inside.
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Raph's never met a problem he wouldn't try to punch in the face and does not know the meaning of the words 'excessive force.' He roughhouses with his bros and drags them out to fight villains and thinks any plan that doesn't involve an all-out brawl is boring and lame. He'll do anything to protect his family from harm and be a hero, but also he eats wet salami off the floor and once single-handedly destroyed a library.
I just adore how, at his core, Rise Raph is such a classic Raph—impulsive and stubborn and caring and passionate. He is a very sweet, strong, honorable guy who has a very powerful sense of personal responsibility... and he is also the exact kind of jock who throws you in the pool at a party without checking if you have your phone in your pocket first.
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lunastars21 · 8 months
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I just wish fang to be happy!
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sometimes-online · 1 year
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More BURNT TOAST AU! ( @neonscented ‘s au!!!  ) 
I got my keychain today!!I Love the stickers!!! so I wanted to doodle them again! 
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randomomoripolls · 1 year
just because i'm curious
and nobody is submitting any polls
*excluding Aubrey since she's in the main gang
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cyberfunsupporter · 30 days
people want aubrey to be this soulless gang leader so bad sometimes tbh and i can tell. like the mean friend. instead of caring and fun. yes she went through some serious shit and (outwardly, at least) detested her original friend group — but she didn’t like. lose her emotions in the process? or at least like u know the empathy. the kindness. that’s actually kind of the point. she pretends like she did and she doesn’t care because she’s protecting herself. everyone always says she’s so angry and like. ur so close to the point actually. she IS angry. cause she feels things and she’s hurt. and she also still feels like she wants to be kind. and she wants to be friends with them again. and she wants to have friends in general. just cause she’s mad at the way everybody handled mari’s death and can’t stand them cause of that during the course of the game doesn’t mean that she isn’t capable of like. having friends and being kind and being a good friend to others. it’s actually kinda funny to assume everything w the hooligans is just mean cause like. aubrey’s 16 lol. those people are all like 14-17. her and her friends are regular people, and they’re all FRIENDS. they don’t just follow aubrey cause she’s like badass and angry or something. they’re all close + look up to her or whatever because she’s their friend. angel always wants to show aubrey his new dance moves . that’s because she always wants to see them! she cares about what angel likes even when kel and sunny and everybody else thinks he’s a loser. the maverick freaks out when she won’t leave her house because he cares about her and he wants her to be happy… because she’s his friend and she cares about HIM. and vance is concerned because kim’s upset, kim likes aubrey, and vance likes what kim likes. he’s gotten pretty close with aubrey too because he cares. aubrey cares too. she cares about kim a lot (she has a photo of her by her bedside table!) and so she cares about vance a lot too because kim and vance are really close as siblings so of course they’re all close!!! and charlie’s so concerned she even speaks because she cares for aubrey. aubrey cares for charlie. the kind of concern the hooligans were feeling when aubrey wasn’t okay just proves how much she really brings to the friend group and how much she really matters to them. they care for her BC SHE CARES FOR THEM and she’s a GOOD FRIEND!!! she is a kind person and a good friend! you don’t really see much of it because the game’s all about sunny and kel ends up being sunny’s best friend in the rw (and because of this, headspace as well) cause everything’s so fucked up with everybody. and kel’s just so irritated because he can’t understand aubrey, so i guess it’s easy to see her as just this mean person if you don’t really look past all of that, but she’s not. she’s really not. she misses everybody. she’s kind to others. she wants peace. and she’s genuinely trying to be better she just can’t figure out HOW because nobody’s giving her the grace of listening or even attempting to understand because she doesn’t fit what they deem “normal” or like, the easy version of depressed like sunny or hero where they just rotted. no, she’s complex and her emotions are all over the place because she also had and has other shit going on that nobody cared to learn about. and yet she’s still trying! that’s what she does the whole game! that’s what she did for 4 years when nobody cared to look! even longer than that too, hanging out w the faraway gang when her dad left and her mom was an alcoholic and neglectful. just cause she doesn’t handle things the way everybody else does (she has abandonment issues and anger problems and complicated emotions cough cough bpd what who said that) doesn’t mean she like. ever stops being kind. or ever stops possessing the ability to be a good friend. you just have to look honestly.
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77ngiez-archive · 1 year
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laurfilijames · 11 months
What is your favorite Pete Dunham moment and why? Also, please could you rank your GSE member favorites in order.
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Look at you just strutting into my ask box with the two most difficult questions!!
As you're well aware, every Pete Dunham moment is my favourite moment...
But if I HAVE to choose, it has to be at the beginning when he shows up to Steve and Shannon's and meets Matt for the first time. He's drunk, cocky, and being a total prick but in a loving way, and it makes me smile every damn time.
"Jesus, Shannon, you look rough...."
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Then singing to his nephew Ben 🥹 and when he explains how he's meant to be going to the match but lost his wallet and his keys...
And then of course the "Fineeee thanksss" in his mocking American accent that makes me grin so hard my cheeks hurt.
I really like how this scene set you up to think that he is a complete irresponsible hooligan, only to realize later that's not at all the case. Fooled me the first time I watched it!
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Ugh. Everything about him makes me lose my mind.
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I already told you this was like picking a favourite kid and I feel a bit guilty for it, but here we go.
Swill just like Pete, if I have a shit day, the minute I see this lunatic beating the piss out of someone with a rubbish bin and screaming c*nt- I'm fixed. He is just too funny. He also cares so much about his mates (see: him checking on Ike when he gets that bad cut on his head) and also was incredibly welcoming to Matt. He's clearly passionate about anything he's involved in from fighting to discussions about the people portrayed in films getting rightfully credited 🤣 and I don't think there would ever be a dull moment being around him.
Ned I don't know what it is about this one, but he makes me go 🥰🥰🥰🥰 he's hilariously cocky and has a bit of that "I'm small but tough" personality, and when he realizes that Matt never mentioned him in his journal he is GUTTED 💔 it's okay, Ned, I'll give you a hug.
Dave Ahh the Pilot. Forever responsible and caring, and has the warmest aura about him. To me, he feels like the "Big Brother" of the group. He always buys the rounds, and ALWAYS has Pete's back even when some of the others begin to falter. The fact that he will get into a scrap and then go fly a commercial jet with bruises on his face and vice versa with landing his plane and getting his pilots uniform all bloody is BDE, and I'm sure you'll be happy to tell me more about that 😉
Ike He seems to me as a very ordinary lad. Not one to stand out. Kind of hangs in the middle of the group. He's neutral, Switzerland. I see some of myself in that. Not interested in confrontation, and is always there for his mates to share pints or take down the next firm. I like that he's married, but I gotta admit he needs a new hair do.
Bovver Ohhhh Bov. I have complicated feelings about this one. He majorly fucked up. His jealously toward Matt was not at all warranted, and despite Pete trying to ease his ill-will toward him, he chose not to trust his best mate which inevitably lead to The Thing™️ we do not talk about. I do think that despite that mistake, Bov is loyal (to a fault) and would do anything for his mates (see: the end before the part we do not talk about when he shows up to help Pete and saves Shannon) I like to think that he would quickly redeem himself and would easily be forgiven by his mates, which is what I have chosen to go with in my fic where The Thing™️ does not happen and they all realize that life is too short for such pettiness.
Keith I feel bad putting him last on the list but, we really don't have much to go on with Keith other than his dodgy hair cut (do him and Ike have the same deranged barber??) Just like some of the other ones though, I like that we got a glimpse of him in a normal working environment that contrasts to the insanity of the hobby they participate in their free time. He never had many lines in the film, but I do love his "so he's a Yank and an undercover journo... looks like we'll have to give the boy two funerals." when him, Ned and Bov are being all gangster in his car to confront the situation.
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In conclusion, I love them all dearly, and want to hug them and give them a forehead smooch.
Also, I think it's a given that Pete is my number one forever and always which is why I didn't include him in the ranking...
Thank you for sending me this when I've been poorly and needing something to make me smile and for giving me another excuse to go on about them more than I already do 💗💗
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
tell me- and i do need you to be honest here- if a lady with the deepest cleavage you’ve ever seen with poisonous flowers in her hair came up to you saying that she her speciality as a professor is, quote: “fire”, would you hire her for a teaching position? because i know that i sure as hell would. think about how much fun it would be! it’s basically like inviting a telenovela to your university and who would ever turn that down. goddamn. professor calloway is back at it again
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livestosteal · 6 days
The temptation to write up headcanons about Arthur is...high. Maybe his views on Cinder. But then I gotta write about his background and mental health...hm.
Honestly, toss me asks while I'm at work so I can get my butt to do drafts and not just work on the Google site lol.
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lunastars21 · 1 year
I'm insane
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300+ images
Of just fang
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jinwoosbabyboo · 5 days
So, you did a post of the boys being jealous, but I was wondering how would you rank each guy from most jealous to least jealous/possessive? Also, what kind of jealous are they.
P.S. Xavier's "It's nothing personal" still cracks me up. You're hilarious.
Most to Least Jealous
Who's the most to least jealous among the four of them? Here's what I think.
A/N: had to do a little switcher-roo w/ Zayne & Sylus because Zayne definitely gets more jealous than Sylus & it’s adorable
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Xavier without a doubt is taking first place here. This man was jealous when Jeremiah had his arm around MCs shoulder. He gets upset anytime MC compliments Lumiere. Xavier PLEASE Lumiere IS YOU.
Don't get me wrong I understand the notion of "He wants MC to love him for him not his Lumiere alter-ego" I get that. It's sweet that he's "Xavier .... Just Xavier" with MC.
Aside from him being jealous of himself though even in his myth he gets jealous when Jeremiah touches her or she speaks about Jeremiah he even blew in her eye because she "had a hooligan in her eye" referring to Jeremiah. He wants to be the only person in her eyes, mind, and heart.
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Rafayel is jealous, but he's more clingy/needy than jealous (and I love that) He doesn't like being ignored by MC and gets antsy and dramatic when she takes too long to respond.
He wants all of MCs attention at all hours of the day. He wants to have her attention 24/7, but realistically he knows that can't happen so he just wants as much as possible.
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Zayne does indeed get jealous he’s not as jealous as Xav or as dramatic and pouty as Raf but he gets jealous. He isn’t as expressive with his jealousy but he still has a childlike jealousy vibe. He’s so smitten with MC he just wants all her affection he’s touch starved for heavens sake. He's secure within himself, but he finds the world itself boring and MCs vivacity makes his life interesting. So of course he gets jealous when something else is stealing his girls attention.
Also I imagine him being a little possessive when it comes to doing something for you because that’s how he shows his love. His actions are louder than his words.
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Sylus is extremely secure in himself he doesn't get jealous. At least that's probably what he tells himself. This man isn't "im gonna pout" jealous he's more of flash/zing of jealousy before setting himself straight like "Wait a minute ... she's mine ... I'm the whole loaf the rest of you are the breadcrumbs" and he's back to his confident self-assured sexy self.
If you want to see him get jealous change his pet name for you and when he asks "Am I the only one to call you that?" if you choose the "You should be" answer he's like "Who else is there? that doesn't matter you have me now" or something like that.
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v3lary0ns · 14 days
When the Light Shines Down
Modern Jacaerys Targaryen x fem!reader
(small snippet? football = soccer fo us american out there)
summary — With a recently broken heart, Jace has convinced himself that loving again is a death sentence. Then his mother hires a new babysitter for his little brothers and, bit by but, the light begins to shine for them.
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Jacaerys felt like the world sat on his shoulders—both literally and figuratively—as he jammed his key into the lock of his home and made his way inside. His football bag was heavy as he dumped it in the parlor and kicked off his shoes. His mind was a mess as he shuffled into the house with aching muscles and a possibly bruised rib. He tried to wipe the caked-on grime from his hair as he replayed all the ways today went wrong.
He had tried to keep things from blowing up in his face today by keeping his head down and shutting up. He hardly spoke to anyone—completely abnormal, he was a chatterbox on the best of days—and worked to keep his distance from Sara and her band of hooligans. He had just wanted one day where his breakup hadn’t been brought up. One fucking day, but she had searched him out while he was walking to practice and gotten to him like she always did.
He had a weakness for women who had shitty circumstances. She was his best friend's sister, a child of an affair, and he had found himself in a I can fix her mindset before the month was over. He spent almost two years gripping onto a relationship that was built on foundations of sand. She was jealous, controlling, and so good at crying when she wanted people to feel bad for her. He hated that it took him so long to realize their relationship was unhealthy. He hated that he had fallen in love with her before he realized.
Now he was stuck with the aftermath. An ex who was now desperate to get back together with him, bombarding him when he really didn’t need to be thinking about her words. He was upset with himself for thinking so intently about Sara and her desperation to get back together that he had screwed up in practice. His mind had been so consumed with the way she had gripped onto his shirt and kissed him like the world was ending, and the way he had let her, that he had missed a pass and tripped into the stands. Effectively fucking his ribs up. What sort of captain does that?
Gods, he had groaned, why does this have to be so hard?
Cregan had answered in his brusque bass voice with, Because you fell in love and now she misses someone loving her.
Now he was facing the consequences of thinking too hard during practice with the dull pain in his lung everytime he breathed. He turned as a door in the house opened somewhere, the giggling of his little brother catching his ears as he ran around. “Hey!” came a woman’s laugh, and his brow furrowed, it didn’t sound like his mom. “Come back here silly! You forgot your shirt!”
He made his way into the living room to see Joffrey jumping on the couch in his sleep pants, a wicked grin on his chubby cheeks. “You can’t catch me!” He laughs, bouncing from cushion to cushion. His curls were wet and messy and they dropped water on the cushions—he assumed the other two were asleep based on the fact they weren’t chasing Joff around—as he bounced with each giggle. “You can’t catch me miss!”
“You wanna bet, pipsqueak?” The voice was gentle, yet full of happiness and laughter, mirth covered by the boy's giggles. He couldn’t get a glimpse of you before you jump across the living room and almost tackle the little boy into the couch. Joff nearly screams as he laughs, and Jace watches as you begin to mercilessly tickle his brother. “What were you saying? I can't hear you!”
It was a struggle getting the boy into his fire themed sleep shirt but somehow, he watches as you manage to wrangle the most unruly of his brothers. Giggles and laughter chasing you the entire way as you finally lift him off the couch— seemingly much stronger than you look—and spin him in a circle. Eventually setting the boy down from your whirlwind.
Once Joff regains his balance he finally catches sight of his eldest brother. “Jay!” he yells, moving to dart into the older boy's arms. “I missed you!”
Jace hisses in pain for a moment as Joffrey rams his head straight into the rib he had busted. He slaps a smile onto his face instead and bends down to his brother's height. “Hey Joff, having fun?” There was just a small strain of pain in his voice; his brother was too excited to pick up on it.
“Mhm! We played dragons and had a yummy loaded potato soup for dinner, she had us play a cleaning game and gave us yummy food when we did good, and then she let me help her read Aegon and Viserys to sleep!” He grins, pointing over to you with a happy smile on his face. “She’s the coolest babysitter ever!”
With a grin he messed with Joffrey’s hair before looking up at you. He had expected someone… less? Someone who didn’t have pretty eyes and a gentle smile, hair perfectly framing your pretty face while it was disheveled and messy from hours of playing. Somehow, you wore an average shirt and busted up pants so well that he forgot they probably cost less than his shoes. There was no arrogant set to your face that most people around him seemed to have. Just eyes that gave way to a thousand stars and lips pressed with rose petals.
“Hi… you must be Jace.” You speak softly, and even your voice is gentle as a lover's caress. His throat seemed to close and his mouth dried as he looked up at you. Fucking hell, he thinks. His mind flips at the way your words were lilted and breathy, the way you said his name.
Your name came to his mind easily— he had seen you in the halls on campus, but never so close. He regretted never approaching you when he had the chance, now he was seeing you for the first time. While his heart laid amongst the barren wasteland locked up in his chest. The battlefield of his previous attempt at love left scarred across the insides of his ribs, like a beast clawing its way out. Fuck my life, he groans in his mind. “Yeah,” he chokes in a whisper. “That’s me.”
Your answering smile was radiant, blinding him and his gloomy thoughts for a moment. He was like a meteorite caught in your orbit all too quickly. The lonely expanse of space is suddenly lost on him as you sweep him up with your eyes and warm him with your smile. “Captain of the football team.” You say, the fact rolling off your tongue easily. Your eyes trail down to his side, the exact spot he had hurt himself and Joffrey rammed his head into. It was licking flames of pain up his side. “Poli-sci major?”
His lips lift into a small smile. “Are you stalking me?”
You scoff and roll your eyes, crossing your arms and shaking your head with a smile. “You wish, Targaryen. You’re just hard to miss.”
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ohposhers · 9 months
i love how you draw Floyd, I'm an enabler, here to tell you to keep being deranged/positive
THANK YOU SO MUCH RAAA just for you here are some scrapped sketches of OOC High on ring pops Floyd I had originally drawn up for a previous comic I ended up not using cause I didn't like them + too OOC w/e w/e
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the whole bit was floyd just gets really high and acts like a hooligan cause i think he deserves that
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dotster001 · 1 year
What kind of parents are they?
Requested by @stygianoir
A/N: as per usual with these long ones, staff and non NRC will be a separate post that I someday make
CW:raising kids, but gn. No talk of whether birthed or adopted
3k follower masterlist
Riddle Rosehearts
1 kid
Riddle is a learn as you go kind of parent. Breaking the chain is hard. It takes generations. He knows that, so was always hesitant to ever raise kids. But with you he thinks he can speed up the process. He is a little strict, you can't win every battle, but he's much more understanding. And that's the difference between him and his mother. If he makes a mistake, or upsets your child, he takes the time to understand and grow from it.
Trey Clover
3-8 kids
He's a jovial father. He's calm but everyone can see he's just so happy to have this life. He's the kind who will quietly sit with the kids to help them with homework, boop their noses with chocolate frosting, tell the worst dad jokes ever that make them laugh so hard they pee, and tucks them in snuggly so "the monsters can't reach them". A soft man, who when he passes, the kids will always remember dad as someone who had a smile for everyone.
Cater Diamond
0-2 kids
Honestly, Cay Cay is one of the ones who if you wanted to have kids, you'd have to try hard to convince him. But for the sake of these HC's, we'll ignore the 0. In all honestly, he starts out incredibly scared and tense. He's worry he'll break the kids. But he slowly gets over it, and becomes the cool dad. The dilf at pta meetings His holiday cards are always the best, he sets up a haunted house for the neighborhood during Halloween, puts on a light show during the winter, dresses the kids in modern fashion…a lot of parents are so jealous. They wouldn't be so jealous if they knew the literal blood sweat and tears he puts into it all though. You need to tell him to calm down from time to time.
Ace Trappolla
2-5 kids
Hybrid of cool dad, and concerning dad. He'll let the kids do pretty much whatever they want, as long as they don't disrespect you. Sure you and your friends can go snowboarding, but your room better be fucking spotless, or you'll be praying to the seven for your soul. Yeah you're friends can- what the fuck do you just say about Y/N? No more friends. You're grounded. You'll have to try your darndest to get him to watch his language. Spoiler alert, he never will.
Deuce Spade
3 kids
Deuce is the kind of dad where, when people asks if he wants to raise a boy or a girl, he says boy. Not because he doesn't want a girl, he's just scared he'll fuck her up on accident with some of his behavioral tendencies. But in the end…he's a girl dad. He raises three girls, whether by birth or adoption, that's just how his luck turns out. And he's the best goddamn girl dad ever. By kid three, he only wants girls, cause how the fuck do you boy dad? Even as the girls get older, he isn't scared of some of the things that come with women. He always carries pads and pain killers. Anytime they need advice on relationships, and societal problems, they know they can go to dad.
Leona Kingscholar
1 kid
The one is a struggle for him. He doesn't want to have a second born who will go through what he did. So only one kid. That's it. He…to his surprise…turns out to be exactly the way Mufasa raises Simba. Stern when necessary, but totally down to rough house and play. He never even thought he had the energy for a kid…turns out he does. He loves his little rat more than life itself, and will do anything to prep him for life so that he can have the things Leona never did.
Ruggie Bucchi
5-8 kids
Teaches his kids early on to be light fingered. Imagine a bunch of hooligans running through the street, and when they're gone, you realize you're wallet is gone too. That's your kids. But only when you're not looking. He's raised them to understand not to snitch on dad. 😒 Otherwise no one can have fun. Other than that, he's a really soft dad. Playing with the kids, good for hugs, cooking meals that get them all their nutrients, but also provide comfort. The moment he can afford it, Ruggie is becoming your perfect little househusband.
Jack Howl
5 kids
He's the kind of dad that outsiders worry is a little cold and distant. But that's not the case. They just don't know how to read him. He has his own language that his kids perfectly understand. Left eyebrow quirked=what do you think you're doing? Right side of mouth quirked up=I'm so proud of you. Left side quirked down=that's not funny. Etc etc. The kids can always count in dad for snuggles if they are sad or have a bad dream. Even if he doesn't always remember to verbalize it, they always know they are loved.
Azul Ashengrotto
He's the one who has every step of his parenting and finances planned, to flawless perfection. And then immediately panics when he realizes you can't plan for everything, children are unpredictable. The first kid that breaks a bone, he's just wanting to go back to his octopus pot. Not to mention if your kids are birthed, he's not prepared for half octomer, half human, kids. He's unprepared, and very scared, but he's a loving dad…even if he seems too tense sometimes.
Jade Leech
He's the Gomez Adams, raising little Wednesdays. Female and male Wednesdays, but Wednesdays nonetheless. So excited, big smile, happy to be alive with you, and with your kids! Meanwhile the kids are all dark and brooding. It always looks so professional when you all walk up in business attire, Jade smiling, as the kids, also in business attire, have the darkest expressions on their faces. 
Floyd Leech
Rough housing dad. He raises a bunch of chaotic rascals. They're all sweet kids, but damn some of them have so much energy it scares the neighbor parents. Then they'll look over and see eel merman wrestling three of them and laughing like a mad man. He'll bandage them up, and give them kisses on their boo boos, but he won't calm down. Not that he needs to, they don't want him to calm down. Dad's fun!
Kalim al Asim
8-whenever you say to stop 😁
Party dad! He's a, "we rather you tried it at home than with strangers" kinda guy. By the time he is parenting, he's a little better at self control though, so he's willing to be that buffer, and help kid's stop before their limits. Also, he's the kind that pouts if his kids don't say, "I love you" when he drops them somewhere.
Jamil Viper
Strict dad. Old habits die hard. Or don't at all. You'll have to be self aware if he's too hard on the kids. The thing is, he has only had his freedom for so long, and his kids. The reason he's like this is because he's scared. His kids have a freedom that previous generations of Vipers never had. He doesn't want them to throw it away. He's terrified one misstep and they'll lose everything. You'll have to calm him down sometimes. But the kids, especially the older they get, will understand that this is how dad protects them. He also gives out expensive gifts if he thinks he's taken things a step too far… the kids love that.
Vil Schoenheit
There's no way this man doesn't raise a high achieving, future ex gifted child. So at first, he'll beam with pride as his child produces the best results, grades, magic, appearances, etc. It'll be a bit of a learning curve when the crash hits, and won't understand right away. But once he does, he becomes the biggest advocate for mental health services,and getting kids the care and enrichment they need. He does speeches, runs rallies, becomes the face of any movement that has to do with his kid. 
Rook Hunt
Teaches his kids to hunt like wild animals. He's the kind of dad that says, "I'm gonna take the kids out!" And later you find them in the middle of the woods, hiding in the bushes, waiting to jump you in a tickle pile that is inescapable. He's raising wild animals. And yet…somehow…the kids seem normal as they age? At least that's what you see…
Epel Felmier
Another one who raises hooligans. You have a bunch of freckled, sunburned kids, all who live outdoors and climb trees. But the kids are never alone when they are hooligans. Dad is always in the tree with them.
Idia Shroud
Scared shitless. He's a gentle parent, but, God, is he terrified. Everyone knows it. Anytime the kids get sick, or hurt, or sad, he's always worried it's cause he fucked up in some way. But once he calms down, he's always good at calming them down. He's gentle and understanding…once he gets out of his own head.
Malleus Draconia
He has to raise the future heir. So on the one hand, he has to be strict. But he makes it clear early on, that there's separation from work and home. Aka, sometimes he is father, king of darkness, and sometimes he is dad, server of applesauce. The kids are smart enough to know the difference, and figure out which Malleus they are talking to.
Lilia Vanrouge
When you and Lilia discuss raising a family together, you aren't expecting Silver to come to you with stories of how he was left in the middle of the woods for training…and if you don't say anything, you're destined to be raising kids with Lilia Vanrouge, delightful scamp, and general to Malleus Draconia's armies. If you have that conversation, you'll be raising kids with Lilia Vanerouge, delightful scamp, and nothing else. Usually. Make sure if he's giggling, and you can't find the kids anywhere, you know exactly where they are.
Quiet dad. A lot like Trey. He's soft and gentle, and the kids can count on him for snuggles, whether he's awake or not. A man of few words, but perfect for a lullaby, deep life advice, and snuggles.
Sebek Zigvolt
Soccer dad. Angrily yelling at his kids when they are subpar, and angrily yelling at other kids when they come for his kids. Fiercely loyal to the end, and to a fault, he will protect his family at all costs, even if he does grump and groan about it the whole time.
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naffeclipse · 10 days
Charm Brought It Back
Reader x Witches!Sun, Moon, & Eclipse
Commission Info
I am so excited to present this Hocus Pocus inspired AU requested by the lovely @jackofallrabbits! The boys star as the witchy brothers who return once a fated reader lights the starry candle. They simply must show their gratitude! And what better day to post such a spooky and fun fic than on Friday the 13th?!
Content Warning: Suggestive themes, heavy kissing, and heavy touching.
You turn the key and cut the engine of your car. With a flick, you turn off the headlights. The beginning of a sunset swoops down onto your ill-adjusted vision. The horizon is drenched in purples and oranges as shadows begin to crawl off of trees and their yellowed leaves. It will take a minute or two for your sight to adapt, but you have tilted and revolved the structure waiting just at the edge of the forest within your mind’s eyes for days now. It’s beyond the dirt road you’ve pulled onto the shoulder of.
Blinking slowly, you find the house’s dark silhouette through the boughs of clustered trees, and you sigh at the beauty of its preserved history.
The building is an artifact dating back roughly to the 1630s. A post-medieval English-style home, it contains two stories with an overhanging jetty and stunning clapboard siding that has survived a little under four centuries of existence. Your eyes catch on the windows and your heart sings at the sight. Diamond-paned casement. And there, decorative pendants of celestial bodies, including iron-casted suns, moons, and overlapping symbols of the two. The steeply pitched roof is common for the era and is more renowned in its descendant the saltbox form, but this style boosts its spooky aura.
The Puritan colonists were the ones responsible for importing the style to America as they landed here on the eastern coast. 
It’s no stretch of the imagination to think of witches and execution trials while gazing over the beautiful home. You’re particularly intrigued by the history of the Salem witch trials, and as a historian, you couldn’t deny yourself the chance to enter the building and feed the gnawing need to stand within a piece of history.
Stepping out of your car, a gust of wind carrying the bitter edge of autumn cuts through your brown sweater. You shiver and shut the door as quietly as you can manage. This is hallowed ground. This will supply your ever inquisitive mind which is always looking to the past with a curiosity most insatiable.
You face the home. A footpath lightly serpentines between the trees. Hooligans with destructive tendencies and teenagers on dares will venture here for a spooky, fun time, but are usually caught by the police because the building sits on private property. You asked for permission from the owner of the hundreds of acres of forest land that includes the so-called “Witch House” if you might enter the premises. Given your credentials, you were certain the owner would trust you with exploring the home.
Much to your relief, the owner agreed. 
You look up, arms clutching your knitted sleeves to fight the chill of an October breeze, in awe and reverence. 
From your pocket, you slip out a wrought-iron key with the symbol of the moon overlapping the sun to form a black eclipse and marvel again at the intricacy of ancient beauty. Your fingertips grow chilled in the late hour. The sun shifts from orange to dark, bleeding red like blood from a heart spilled across the horizon. You walk towards the home. 
Perhaps you should have arrived sooner. You were caught in another historical journal depicting the specific timeframe of when this home would have been occupied by its original inhabitants. 
The rumors even now speak of curses and cursed artifacts within the building. Some of it is true—you have confirmed with your own scholarly sources. The original owners were a trio of brothers. They were accused of witchcraft and hanged for the crimes. That much is historically documented and verified. 
What is fantasy is the tale of the brothers casting a curse with their dying breaths, declaring they would one day return if a virgin lit a starry candle on the anniversary of their executions.
Superstition. Most likely, the fear of the townspeople transcended to their children, and their children, down and down until it became a tale to spin on Halloween night around these parts. 
The door is black as you approach it. A stray branch catches on your sweater, pulling on a thread, and you yank yourself free and silently mourn the roughen fabric before returning your attention to what really matters. You must be careful. This entire place is iconic and in need of preservation. 
You slip the key into the lock hole and turn it with a thick, heavy click before the black wood door groans and slides inwards as if inviting you into its sphere. You take a breath. Your boots cross the threshold and you enter the home. 
As is typical of some homes built in the early seventeenth century, an open hall greets you. In the far back is the fireplace with a cauldron still sitting upon an ashy bed. An original wood-carve table and chairs are set to one side as a staircase climbs up into the darkness of the second level. What little red light leaks inside is narrowed and cut up into diamonds by the panes. To one wall, shelves contain dusty and forgotten cooking utensils, once glimmery copper pots, and dinner dishes with designs considered much too gawky in the Puritan era but it causes you to softly gasp.
Your hand covers your mouth as you gaze around you, overwhelmed with the beautiful intricacies of metallic chandeliers holding half-burned tallow candles, and to the other wall lies a bookshelf covered in cobwebs as if the spiders refuse to let anyone examine such precious reads. Your fingers already itch to gently pry out one manuscript and gaze at the original script of whoever wrote it.
But the light—it’s far too dark now. The red has given way to blue and pale indigo. You squint. You reach into your other pocket for a lighter and flick it on. The tiny flame spouts a delicate light. Never would you dare admit this out loud to a living soul, but you so desperately wish to see the home in its authentic state, lit only by the technology the brothers had at the time: fire.
There are thick, yellowed candles lying on the table and clustered together on the narrow window sills. You have no hope of reaching the metal chandeliers but you do spy a candelabra positioned near the bookshelf on a small end table. You light it first with a careful touch of your lighter flame. The wick catches, even after all of these years. You smile softly, your heart warm within your chest as you bask in the essence of this beautiful place.
A few more candles should suffice. 
You slip to the table to light the thick and tall candles. The flames bloom and warm the space in rich light, casting thick shadows from support beams. You almost set your lighter away when you spy one last candle set upon a golden candle holder. The fashioned metal twists and twines with elaborate engravings of shooting stars and slices of sun rays were placed in the corner of the room almost out of sight. The curiosity within you urges you to take a step, then another, and another. You stand in front of the almost forgotten candle.
The tallow is black as midnight. Strange. How did they color this? Embedded within the darkness are speckles of white, splattering the candle like an array of stars. Your eyes stray in search of constellations before shaking your head.
It’s true. There is a starry candle. Perhaps the brothers did dabble in the occult, playing with cards and fortune telling, and being punished with death for their interest in unholy magic. 
The wick is dark and untouched as if it were never lit before. You bring the lighter flame closer. Superstition might worry another, but you concern yourself with logic and reason—explanations of humanity rather than inexplicable forces beyond comprehension. 
Something stirs from a nearby corner shelf. Two long ears twitch. You catch a glimpse of a rabbit with creamy white fur just before it leaps off of the shelf and directly onto your arm. You yelp. Nearly dropping the lighter, you scramble back as the rabbit hits the floor, collects itself, and sits on its haunches.
Green eyes glare up at you. The rabbit, small and bunny-like, stays firmly between you and the starry candle.
You stand with your chest heaving and your lungs scraping out air, almost burning your thumb on the lighter flame before turning around yourself. Where did the woodland creature come from? Did it crawl its way inside like a rat and become trapped within the colonial home? The shot of adrenaline still flowing through your veins leaves your hands shaking.
The rabbit is still watching you with uncanny eyes. Prey animals so rarely stare back at bigger, larger threats. Perhaps it’s a pet. A runaway pet that somehow ended up here, of all places.
You slowly offer out your hand, keeping the lighter away in your other, as you take a step towards it.
It thumps a foot once, as if in warning, then bounds away. You watch it disappear into the house, still reeling from the fright it gave you. 
If Michael was here, he would have laughed and told you to leave with him, now. He never wanted you to go here, especially alone, but you shake such ominous warnings away. He said curiosity killed the cat. You disagreed. This house is a part of history, not a curse. Witches are mere stories, conjured out of historical unrest and the longing to blame bad luck and tragedies upon an individual or three. 
There’s always an explanation for fear superstition or mistrust. It’s far more sad than it is spooky.
You shake your head, smooth out the creases in your sweater, and face the starry candle again. The lighter flame flickers softly as you draw near it.
It is the anniversary of the brothers’ executions. You remember now as the shadows from other candles drape over you like a veil. You are also a virgin.
You laugh to yourself, covering your mouth as you do so. Look at you! You’re getting so worked up because a rabbit jumped at you.
It’s only hocus-pocus.
You tilt the lighter until it engulfs the wick. The flame catches, and you at last snap the lighter shut and return it to your pocket. Your eyes squint slightly at the candle. The wick snaps and bursts into sparks. The flame is not yellow or orange or even blue—it’s pure white like a comet streaking across the sky.
A crack of thunder splits the night sky with a bellow so monstrous, you feel like a child again, fearing a storm. You drop low to the ground, shielding your head as if the very world was going to fall upon you. A spark cracks in the fireplace, conjured out of ash underneath the cauldron before it burns hot and bright. The cauldron immediately begins roiling and bubbling with water. Laughter, great and terrible, and filled with the most jester-like joy sweeps over the room.
The pulse in your ears drowns at any sense but the need to hide. You scramble into the corner, tucking yourself behind the stand of the starry candle and hunker down. Holding your breath, you grab a fistful of your sweater while clutching your chest, and watch the door to the almost 400-year-old house fly open.
Three figures stride inside, looking about the place with wide eyes and disk-like heads framed in jutting adornments not unlike sun rays or shrouded in a heavy, dark blue hood.
“Brothers! We’re home!” The first one, tall and dark with deep red hues to his form, accent in sharp orange sun rays and an eclipse upon his face, turns to face his brother with bright, cat-like yellow eyes. “Isn’t it glorious?”
Another figure steps forward, yellow and off-white. Pale eyes beam. His head is crowned in bright sun rays as well. His spindly fingers twindle together in exuberant energy while he glances about the room eagerly. “Oh, yes, yes! More than anything! It’s as if we weren’t gone for more than a day—though the dust and cobwebs beg to differ.”
He draws a claw—you suck in a sharp breath—along the table’s edge and rubs his taloned fingertips together in disappointment. 
“We must get to cleaning at once.”
“No,” the last figure fixes his hood with silvery digits. Golden jewels hang down the back of his unusual skull, the last and most prominent adornment a thick, golden star pendant. His eyes cast around the room, scarlet, and searching. “We must thank the little mouse who lit the candle.”
He flashes sharp teeth within his wide mouth, shaping it into a hungry grin. You gulp.
“Where are our manners?” The red and dark one twists back to the room with a flourish of his arms. His yellow gaze sweeps over the shelves and floors with a blade-like glint. “Of course, we must thank one so lovely.”
A dark cape drapes about his person. Underneath, a white flowing shirt hangs loosely to his lithe and slender figure, causing you to balk upon staring at such an exposed chest. The other two are no different, wearing similar shirts and dark trousers, but the hooded one bears a thick, longer cape while the sunny figure shares a cape similar to the first.
The yellow one lifts his wrists and frowns at the red ribbons tied around them. Golden bells jingle softly in an ominous chord. 
“How terrible a reminder of our current impermanence,” he growls low in his throat, all cheerfulness lost and causing you to squeeze your ribs in fear.
“Patience, Sun,” the red one speaks, though he too casts a narrowed glance to the black ribbons and golden bells adorning his wrists. “We will affix ourselves back to this world in due time.”
“Eclipse, what a delicious creature I smell.” The hooded figure steps deeper into the home. Blue claws scratch at equally blue ribbons knotted to his hand bones but his attention is terrifyingly fixed on the candle stand just above your hiding spot. 
You shrink further into the corner.
“Yes, Moon? And how lovely?” Eclipse, you assume, asks. His yellow eyes flash.
“As lovely as the stars,” Moon answers.
You watch claws curl around the wooden side of the candle stand, scratching deeply into the wood before a half-moon face emerges from behind, teeth set like a predator’s upon the sight of a wounded animal. Your heart flutters like a bird with a broken wing.
“Hello, little mouse. Won’t you come and play with us?” 
You scream as he leaps behind the candle stand, takes you by the arms, and pulls you to your feet. You struggle to free yourself, crying out as he grabs hold of your wrists and fixes you firmly in place. 
“My, how sweet,” he purrs in a dangerously low voice that rolls in the back of his throat. “You are the darling virgin who lit the candle, no?”
“Let me go!” You thrash but Moon grins in delight, as if you’re simply too precious. 
“You deserve proper thanks,” He lowers one hand, forcing you to submit with slightly bent knees. “Here is my gratitude, little mouse.”
You freeze as he brings your hand towards his mouth, and a hundred, horrifying visions of him biting your fingers off or sinking his teeth in your palm send your blood into a frozen sludge of fear.
The witch, however, presses a kiss to the center of your palm. The softness catches the gears in your mind and jerks them to a halt.
“Thank you for allowing us to return once more,” he rasps. His scarlet eyes find yours between the space of your thumb and forefinger, and a strange stirring takes hold of your middle.
“This isn’t real,” you breathe. Dizziness begins to take hold.
This must be a dream, a thought gone wild, or inhaled bacteria triggering hallucinations.
Moon’s grin widens. He lowers your hand, loosening his hold for one precious moment. You rip your hands free of his grasp. A low growl escapes him but you’ve already slipped away, your eyes upon the door and spilling with the need to rush out into the night, away from the impossibilities standing before you—
Arms snatch your waist and lift your feet from the ground. You gasp. 
Held in the air, you squirm before a hot breath dusts the shoulder of your sweater. You fall still, your throat bobbing as a mouth presses into the corner of your neck and lays a kiss on the sensitive spot. Gooseflesh prickles up and down your body.
“I assure you, I’m very real, little mouse,” Moon purrs. His hands squeeze your hips once. “And as nice as this… attire is, I would dress you in blues and silvers. You would look proper and powerful, like my brothers and I.”
A squeak escapes you. You shrink against him, caught in his embrace.
“Brothers?” The word rattles out of your throat. 
“This is our home,” Moon whispers. “And you are our most honored guest.”
You manage to pry off his hands from your waist. With a sinister chuckle, the blue and silver hands release you. Without looking back, you run, ignoring the twinge in your stomach that whispers it was too easy to get away.
You hardly get a few steps before the sunny one—Sun—steps into your path. He catches you in his arms and spins you in a waltz at breakneck speed, your feet never touching the ground, before stopping without warning as he dips you low. He looms above you, his smile filled with sharp teeth.
“Let me get an eyeful. Oh, yes, you look good enough to eat,” he simpers. His hand splays along the small of your back and you gawk up at him, still trying to regain your balance after the sickness-inducing whirl. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you.”
“I just want to leave,” you whimper. “Please, don’t hurt me.”
“Hurt you? Sunshine,” he laughs, and it echoes with all of his heart—do once-hanged witches have a heart? There is no historical journey to give context to this very moment, you fear.
He lowers his sultry gaze to you. “I wish to only thank you. And I intend to.”
He pulls you back to your feet. You’re still clasped in his embrace like lovers on a ballroom floor. His hand hooks tight to your hip, and his other catches the side of your face. Heat spreads through the marrow of your bones.
On the tabletop beside you, something white moves across the plane of its surface, hunkering behind the thick stack of candles still burning.
His head lowers to your neck. You stiffen as he tilts your head away, opening you to his parting teeth. A tongue, dark and sinuous, flicks out of his maw. A gasp slips from your lips at the wet lick up the column of your throat. Eyelids fluttering, you start to sag as weakness fills your knees. He drags his tongue higher to taste your jawline and finishes at your cheek with a swipe for good measure. 
Your hands find him and clutch tightly to his slender arms. He presses his lips to your ear and with a misty warmth, whispers.
“Thank you for—Gah!”
The white rabbit leaps up from the table, squirming directly between you and his chest, breaking you apart. Instinctively, you jump away just as Sun snarls. The heart-wrenching sound shakes your entire frame as he snatches the rabbit by the scruff before it can scramble back from his wretched claws.
“I’ll boil you alive!” he thunders. He steps towards the cauldron, back where Moon leans against the wall, watching the spectacle with an amusing twitch of his grinning maw. Behind you, Eclipse stands at the door like a sentinel, his eyes still hungry and even furious as he follows his brother’s movement to the cauldron. 
Sun dangles the rabbit, now struggling and kicking but unable to find purchase against the witch’s hold, above the boiling water of the caldron.
“No!” you cry.
Sun’s eyes widen. He turns back to you just as you close the distance and scoop the rabbit in your arms. His claws, pale-boned and wickedly curved, clench around emptiness. Without thought, you turn and run again though there is little hope as you come to the door. Your boots stamp against the wooden floorboards.
The rabbit in your embrace turns its face up to you and mutters in a woman’s voice, “You have no idea what you’ve just done.”
You gawk, stunned before hands catch you by the shoulders. You’re brought to a dead halt. The rabbit leaps from your arms, drops to the floor, and races away into a shadowy corner of the room with only one glimpse of its fluffy tail before you’re left alone.
You twist and face the eldest witch’s attention. Eclipse. His yellow eyes go up and down your body, and you watch in muted shock as two additional arms emerge from the shadows of his cap. He forces you backward, one step after the other until your back is pinned against a dusty wall.
You stare into his eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly. Your pulse pounds in your eardrums.
“I don’t believe this is happening,” you utter.
The witch tilts his head with a wicked grin.
“We’ll make you a believer yet.” He promises, and his deep cords vibrate through your form. “My dear, we simply must thank you for all that you’ve done for us.”
His claws slip over your collarbones. Your breath quickens, a stirring you cannot name unfolding deep within your middle. His extra set of hands fall to your hips and begin caressing the bones. Daintily, carefully, his warm fingertips slip just underneath the hem of your sweater, touching your bare flesh. A shiver runs down your entire body, leaving you to squirm.
“Be a good little comet,” he says softly, “Let me pour my gratitude all over you.”
“I didn’t—I didn’t know it was true,” you stare into his face, marked with a red crescent over a dark shadow, and his eyes pierce into the very nature of your being. “You’re back.”
“Because of you,” he rumbles softly in his chest. His grin pulls higher at the corners.
His claws slip over the nap of your neck and card gently into the small, sensitive hairs at the bottom of your skull. You breathe in. His eyes brighten in pleasure before he slips his sharp but controlled talons over the shells of your ears and follows the arch of your cheekbone. His gaze drops to your lips. Your heart thumps and thumps against your sternum so powerfully, you fear he may hear it.
His lips pull over his razor-sharp teeth and you stop breathing.
His other set of hands begins working up the sides of your torso. He rubs slowly and gently, but you squirm despite this. He touches you far too intimately when you have never experienced such affections before. A mewl escapes your lips. You wriggle as he refuses to relent. 
In answer, his upper hands lower and capture your hands together in one, and pin them above your head to hold you in place. He coos, chastising. A great roil starts in your stomach and expands upwards until your face becomes pink and flushed.
“Hold still, little comet,” he chuckles, and you whimper. “I’m not finished with showering you in all my adoration.”
“Eclipse,” your breath is harsh and hot.
“It is good to hear my name upon such lovely lips,” his voice lowers, husky and scorching. “I knew a virgin would light the candle. I swore it to my brothers as they set us on the gallows and draped nooses around our necks. You are our light, our savior. How could I ever thank you?”
In his words, his burning stare that singes with sincerity, it clicks into place. All at once, you believe what you are seeing with your own two eyes. 
It’s true. He’s back. He and his brothers have returned with magic.
“I have questions,” you say hesitantly in your demureness, “I want answers.”
“Of course,” Eclipse agrees easily. “But first…”
A dark claw brushes your hair back from your face. The flutter in your heart can’t seem to hold still. Eclipse’s grin widens and his eyes soften.
“You have freckles like constellations,” he murmurs in the manner of one gazing at the night sky or one studying an ornate painting.  
Before you can shape words to reply, to say anything that might free you from his grasp, his mouth is upon yours. A sound softly catches in the back of your throat. You fall still under his caressing hands still moving below your sweater. He traces the row of your ribs. You have just enough mind to wonder if he feels your skin prickle in your sensitivity. His other hand clasps your wrists tighter. You gasp against his teeth. 
He pulls gently, hungrily, taking you as if a bite of honeycomb. You become melted honey, easily malleable between his teeth and then molded by his mouth. His tongue invades you. You moan softly at the claim he lays upon you until you become weak in the knees and almost fall. His kiss seals your fate.
He releases you from his maw. You sink slightly, and his arms fall out from under your sweater to properly catch you. He lowers your wrists, returns your hands, and brushes your hair once more from your face.
A chuckle emits from his lips, and you burn.
“You’ll stay with us, won’t you?” he asks, but he waits for no answer as he scoops you into his arms. Feet dangling, you have no choice but to cling to his shoulders and endure his brothers’ attention as he twists around and faces them.
The rabbit’s right. You are in trouble. Michael warned you. He said curiosity killed the cat.
But charm brought it back.
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