#I love them I really do
bereaving · 2 months
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Should I film you?
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khaopybara · 10 months
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❝ I see. Is that so? I'm feeling happy. Even though, he's really not my type. ❞
What Did You Eat Yesterday - Episode 5
[ Part 1 ]
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heavyhandedhex · 2 years
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the duel for the princess’s hand
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nocturnalzhagreus · 6 months
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My last photos together with my homies but make it blakeworther
I miss them
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midoristeashop · 2 years
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Sky dancing
hehe they got me giggling and kicking my feet and smiling widely and
anyway watch me crawl back into my hole in the ground and disappear for a month again ok bye bye
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mettywiththenotes · 14 days
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cecilnightvalepalmer · 6 months
On today's episode of, Harry's system bullshit
I just LOVE trying to sleep in a system as fucking loud as mine is /sar. I cannot sleep when there are people in my head SCREAMING.
Like I've told everyone I know that I'm going to bed, because I intended to about 30 minutes ago, but no, I have to hear shit like-
"Can I go bungee jumping? Would you let me take the body bungee jumping? What about without a bungee cord?"
"If I don't see my husband tomorrow I could just (contents redacted bc I'm not typing that rant)"
"WE GOT A NEW ALTER! (They scream as I am talking to the new alter)"
"*Extremely loud noises of in-system relationships*"
And im sitting here, eye fucking twitching as I toss and turn in bed, and I adore my system during the daytime, the noise keeps me sane, and I love my alters more than anything in this world (besides my partners and friends) but please. Please. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhUT THE FUCK UP.
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doomednarrative · 2 months
It's so much fun to see how far they've come as a team after all this time
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chunkypossum · 11 months
@pippsmcgee what was it I said?
If he ain’t hurtin’ it’s not workin…
Feverishly writing the zero draft of Kerosene and it’s nearly complete. I think I hurt the boys too much. 😬😬
After it’s finished I’ll have to go back through and edit then I can start posting it regularly again!
Y’all are on ch. 19 (?) here’s a tiny line from ch. 25
Come back to me.
He pleaded in his mind as he felt Eris’ body go more pliant under his touch. He leaned into the kiss, rolling his hips up where Eris was straddling him, sucking down the moan from his mate’s lips.
K bye 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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anonymergremlin · 10 months
I can't really talk about LoP with my best buddies like I want to... Since they are not *coughs* like 'that'... *coughs* but at least they don't mind me saying "oh gooooddssss he is so pwetty"...
"yeah we know. You already said it three times"
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prnkill · 8 months
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anyway val is head over heels for vox that's his little pookie bear smoochie poo
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myshredda · 2 years
some fluffybird bits and pieces since you’ve all been so nice about how long it’s taken me to finish this fic! Happy late christmas!
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gcldfanged · 6 months
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours [ACCEPTING] LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
Very high. Unga bunga, girl pretty + She's sassy and spunky and can hold her own in a fight. She manages to keep up with him and even pleasantly surprises him, at times.
Relatively high, but her tendency to react like a 'normal' or 'good' person in response to what is just another Tuesday for him can annoy his sensibilities somewhat. HOW ELSE ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO MOVE BODIES, AERITH, YOU HIDING A PICKUP TRUCK UNDER THAT DRESS?
●●●●○ | INTEREST
Very high. Aerith is magnetic and he is really intrigued by her, especially when she starts becoming privy to what goes on behind the scenes and her apparent knack for being a good little spy for him. Not really from a "oh, she's an ANCIENT" angle because he doesn't even believe that it could be true despite little hints spelling out otherwise (a true cynic).
●○○○○ | LOYALTY
Low, but he's pretty much like that with about 97% of humanity. He's unsure about her longevity is the issue, having a little dangerous foray into the world of crime as a one-off thing is different than someone who's willing to commit to the role and really devote their strengths to his cause. Aerith hasn't really proved her loyalty to HIM, first of all- Unfair and hypocritical? Yes, but that's how it is when you're dealing with a prickly and prideful man such as him (no wedding bells on the horizon anytime soon, sorry nai nais).
●●○○○ | TRUST
He TRUSTS her to be a pain in the ass- Jokes aside, they are very much still learning about each other, so trust is pretty low- Yet also, he does tend to reveal more about what he honestly could just flat out LIE over with her, which is curious... Maybe he sees potential in her, a spark of something he holds in high regard as a trait.
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sexchangedotcom · 2 years
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velvet goldmine pins!!!!!!!
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because-she-goes · 1 year
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prettiest hands in the business
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doomednarrative · 4 months
Working on another Kiriemu gifset cause when arent I
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