#I love the outfits of both Romanas very much
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intodarknes · 2 years ago
Adding some great Romana II outfits from the EU:
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Not her best choice, but it's the highest fahion on Gallifrey.
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Same with this one.
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No idea what's going on here, but I love it!
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Also adding this picture of her Shada outfit. Just because I think that it looks like this is where she belongs!
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Her wearing four outfit and then wearing her own version of it was just <3
Romana is the Companion with the Best Fashion Sense!
Okay, but which one?
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bambiesque · 1 year ago
New thread for CBaker!Doctor.
Serial: The Twin Dilemma - Well. That was a thing. Poor Peri has been grabbed, shaken, strangled. Why does she stay? CBaker!Doctor is not impressing me so far.
Serial: Attack of the Cybermen - CBaker!Doctor is a lot more likeable in this one. Peri is flourescent. The Cybermen are actually pretty creepy.
Serial: Vengeance on Varos - This is very grim. I don't like it. Sil is repulsive.
Serial: The Mark of the Rani - Peri is in a lovely outfit today. Oh, the scarecrow is moving. No thank you. Yay, the Master is back! Yay, the Rani! So much bickering - I love it. The three of them are ridiculous.
Serial: The Two Doctors - Jacqueline Pearce <3 How have they managed to make the Sontarans look worse? I'm actually mad about it.
Serial: Timelash - And now Paul Darrrow, yay. I am enjoying CBaker!Doctor and Peri's relationship. They're like an old married couple. I wish people would stop grabbing her though.
Serial: Revelation of the Daleks - "Shut the fool up" made me laugh but possibly for the wrong reasons. This is the most disappointing Dalek story there's ever been. So far. Eleanor Bron is the best thing about it.
Serial: Trial of a Timelord - The Mysterious Planet: What is this music? Lynda Bellingham is excellent. Peri looks like a grownup. Joan Sims!!! I quite like the framing device of the trial.
Serial: Trial of a Timelord - Mindwarp: So much neon. Ugh, Sil's back. Brian Blessed being Brian Blessed. Nooooooo. Peri. That was very strange.
Serial: Trial of a Timelord - Terror of the Vervoids: Honor Blackman! So Mel's just there, huh. Doing lots of exercise. It's so jarring. Parts 1 and 2 both ended with her screaming too - why?
Serial: Trial of a Timelord - The Ultimate Foe: The Master - Thank God! Love that he's like, "You tell them, babe!" And these echoing childrens voices are creepy af. I'm glad Peri is not dead, even if it was half-hearted.
CBaker!Doctor Era Round-up
Favourite Companion: Peri Brown.
Least favourite Companion: None
Favourite Serial: The Mark of the Rani
Least Favourite Serial: The Twin Dilemma
I feel really bad for Colin Baker, because he's not a bad Doctor - i like him more than Hartnell and Troughton. There's a lot of good stuff there and the problems aren't really of his making. You can feel the poor production now - and the fact Michael Grade wanted it gone - and it's disappointing.
Current Doctor standings
Current Top 10 Companions (no change - Peri goes in at number 11)
Jo Grant
Tegan Jovanka
Barbara Wright
Vislor Turlough
Sarah Jane Smith
Nyssa of Traken
Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart
Romana II
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umbrellasareforever · 3 years ago
18. Best Doctor monologue?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
31. Favourite episode ever?
45. Favourite series opening?
46. Favourite series finale?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do?
Okay some of these get looong so I'm gonna put them under a read more haha
18. Best Doctor monologue?
I answered every other question before this one because I honest to God cannot think of one! I mean I can remember plenty of monologues but there's never really been one that stands out to me to the point of being a favorite! I know this isn't the most interesting answer, but it's the truth at least? haha
24. Best TARDIS Team?
This is such an insanely tough questions because there are so so so many good TARDIS teams like come on! I mean 7 and Ace are just absolutely phenomenal, I adore them so much, 4 and Romana II were one of my first Classic Who TARDIS teams so I gotta show them some love, and I mean outside the TV show even you've got 6 and Evelyn or Warner!Doctor and Benny, they're all just so good! But, the TARDIS team I always think about, and never shut up about, is 12, Bill, Nardole, and Missy.
I just freaking love those three so much. They're energies work so well together and they just make me so happy and I would've watched so much more of them. I don't want to blabber for too long, but they really were just such a wonderful concoction of characters and varying dynamics.
31. Favourite episode ever?
AGAIN A VERY DIFFICULT QUESTION BECAUSE MY ANSWER CHANGES SO OFTEN okay I'm not going to take forever on this one and go with Shada. I love Douglas Adams, I love 4 and Romana II, I adore Professor Chronotis and his Type 12 TARDIS, the villain's outfits are hilarious, and the concept of Shada as a prison is so wonderful and it's such a shame that it hasn't been properly used in New Who (yes I know it was in Revolution of the Daleks but that was just a name drop it could've been any prison).
45. Favourite series opening?
Season 25 with Remembrance of the Daleks. What an episode! I know it's not a unique opinion but I absolutely love this episode and, while it's a shame it's not considered the official 25th anniversary episode, it does mean I get to say it's my favorite series opener because damn what a way to open the series! Apart from being an absolutely incredible story with some wonderful visuals, I think it also sets the tone for what 7's era really could be very well. Not to mention, the Imperial Daleks in Remembrance are my all-time favorite design. If you haven't, really look at the lights on the top of their domes in that one. They're so cool!! So unique!! Also, who doesn't love Ace beating the crap out of a Dalek?
46. Favourite series finale?
I mean New Who it has to be Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways. The way it culminates so many different bits of Series One from Satellite Five to the heart of the TARDIS, it's all just really wonderful and you can tell that they took the time to make sure it all felt important and connected as a whole. On top of that, the performances are phenomenal all around, I mean obviously Eccleston, but Billie Piper and Camille Coduri knock it out of the freaking park in this one. The two scenes that will always give me chills are when Rose tells Jackie she was the blonde woman who held Pete when he died and Rose's freakout in the chip shop.
And, now that I'm really thinking about it, both episodes have some really funny jokes too?? I mean who can forget "did you hear a new pizza place just opened up?" "oh that's nice, what're they selling?" "Pizza." I MEAN COME ON! IT WASN'T EVEN THE FOCUS OF THAT MOMENT! THAT'S FUNNY!
51. Favourite monster/villain?
I feel like this is a super basic answer, and they've really not gotten a lot of great episodes for a while now, but I really do love the Cybermen. The concept of them just chills me to the bone and when they're done right they are REALLY done right. Just the idea that they don't believe they're evil and are, in fact, the next step in evolution, is so interesting and really sets them apart from races like the Daleks or the Sontarans. Not to mention the older voices from the 70s and 80s are very pleasing to me. I just love hearing them talk or do that scream they do when they're hit.
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
That's a really tough question!! From a writer's perspective, I think an important factor in making a monster/villain for Doctor Who is making them genuinely connected to the story. So many times, a villain/monster just feels like they're there because the writer's were told or felt like they needed to have a physical antagonist present and they just end up feeling bland.
Sure, there are some exceptions to this, but overall I feel like the best monsters/villains are ones that feel deeply engrained in the story and make an impact beyond just being a monster/villain for the Doctor to fight.
Apologies if that didn't make sense I'm kind of rambling and I just woke up about an hour ago.
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do?
... I have written so many Doctor Who episodes I could make at least one full series at this point. Not a 10-episode series either, a full 13 episodes. I even wrote one as my final project for a spec script class my senior year of college. Got an A, so that was a pretty solid confidence boost!
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magicofthepen · 4 years ago
For the character thingy, romana and leela?? ❤
ROMANA - I’m going to answer for Romana I, since I already did Romana II!
favorite thing about them: so I fell in love with Romana I instantly when I watched The Ribos Operation. I was like “wait no one told me that Romana’s basically a recent graduate who always thrived in school but has now suddenly been thrust into the Real World and is a bit of a mess” and oh my god why is she so relatable, also I love that about her. I love that she doesn’t quite know what she’s doing, and her academic brilliance doesn’t necessarily help in the situations she’s finding herself in, but she keeps trying and learning, so by the end of season 16 she’s much more confident and capable on her own than she was when she started. I just absolutely adore the premise of her character and how she develops during the key to time quest. also her banter skills are so excellent. (….this wasn’t one thing whoops. 😄)
least favorite thing about them: I feel like it’s something about how she’s portrayed in the Gallifrey audios, but I can’t quite articulate what? but I feel like somehow, some of the things I really liked about her on TV (her witty fun banter, her determination even when she’s out of her depth) aren’t represented as much when we get glimpses of Actual Romana I (not Pandora or an alternate universe version). idk if this is even fully true, it’s just….she doesn’t quite have the same vibe as the character I remember from the TV show (but this is also tricky because the Lies scene, the Matrix projection in Lies (which *isn’t* really her technically) and the remains of her consciousness in the body that Pandora’s using are the only times we get Actual Romana I - which isn’t that much time to express all the nuances of her character.)
(continuing to skip the favorite line question because it’s too hard)
brOTP: her and the Doctor!! (like I said in the Romana II ask, I used to ship them more, but lately I’ve been more into a platonic interpretation.) I just as instantly fell for their dynamic in the Ribos Operation - two people with very different personalities who don’t get along but are forced to work together and gradually become friends?? this is exactly the kind of relationship arc that I adore. Their banter and snark is So Good (I was so entertained by their interactions in Ribos Operation that my brain refused to pay attention to anything but their scenes, and I ended up having issues following the plot later oops). And I love their growing respect and care for each other - how they go from being mutually dismissive of each other to valuing each other and being a solid Team and just really genuinely liking each other! their friendship is just Very Good (…..and now I really want to rewatch season 16….I’ve only seen it like one and a half times but I loved it very much….)
OTP: I don’t think I have any ships with Romana I that I would consider an ‘otp’? (the closest would be her and the Doctor since I have sometimes shipped them and I adore their relationship in general)
nOTP: Brax/Romana again….and tbh with Romana I it’s more of an actual nOTP (rather than ‘kinda nOTP, kinda ‘it’s complicated’’) because this is the time frame when she’s actually his student and so my discomfort with student/teacher relationships really rears its head (although there’s still one fic out there that I just think is so well-written.....but it does show the relationship as very unhealthy). 
random headcanon: .....so sorry to continue Sartia posting, but oops the first thing that popped into my head is my new maybe-unrealistic headcanon that Sartia was Romana’s first kiss. in a teenage “I’m curious and want to try this thing and you’re the only person I hang out with, but it doesn’t mean anything....or does it??” way. (.....this is so self-indulgent in such a terrible way rip.)
unpopular opinion: Armageddon Factor is my favorite Key to Time story! (I gather this is an unpopular opinion in Doctor Who Fandom At Large, it doesn’t seem to be liked as much as some of the earlier stories in the season.) technically I’ve only seen it once and it was a couple years ago, but I remember loving it as a Romana story, there were a lot of really interesting character bits for her!
song i associate with them: hmm I don’t really have one? my Romana playlist is specifically for Romana II in Big Finish so....yeah.
favorite picture of them: anything with her Ribos Operation outfit (with the full cloak), it’s iconic and beautiful! on a similar note, I love this Romana I art by @volucris-liga, it’s the first Romana fanart I ever reblogged and it’s so pretty!
more under the cut!
favorite thing about them: her resilience and her kindness. Leela goes through so much grief and pain, she has her world upended again and again, she never really finds a place where she belongs. and yet she still keeps choosing to love, choosing to keep fighting for what she believes in, choosing to rebuild again and again. and sometimes it’s really hard and she doesn’t want to go on….but she does, and she finds moments of happiness again. and that strength is really powerful. and no matter how cruel the universe (and other people) are to her, she is still relentlessly kind - she listens, she protects, she wants to help, she cares. 
least favorite thing about them: I mean, the “savage” stereotype that her character references is a racist/anti-indigenous trope (especially the whole dynamic of the Doctor trying to “civilize” her ugh). and I hate that characters keep calling her “savage” (even when they’re the Bad Guys, it’s still bringing up this trope again and again, and it’s even worse when it’s the Good Guys). why are they still doing this.
brOTP: see all characters listed under otp, every relationship that I ship is also an incredibly important friendship in Leela’s life and I love all of them <33 as far as relationships that I see as entirely non-romantic….I really love the version of Leela and Ace’s relationship that exists in my head (and in fandom) - they didn’t get to interact enough in the audios, but I absolutely think they were really close, because of their shared experiences and the ways their personalities mesh. (I feel like I should also say the Doctor here, but tbh I don’t remember her TV stories that well, so I don’t really have a solid memory of what their relationship was like.) and of course, Leela’s parental relationship with Rayo is very important to me!
OTP: once again, ot3 my beloved <33 and Leela/Romana first and foremost (I already rambled about them here, so I’m just going to second everything I said earlier). 
and I also ship Leela/Narvin, although I’m not quite as invested in that pairing? (due to a combination of ‘Romana is my favorite character and so I’m just more interested in her relationships with other characters,’ ‘I joined the fandom when things were pretty much all Leela/Narvin all the time (I say with great respect and affection for the artists and writers putting out amazing content for that ship) so I was motivated to write fic primarily for R/L and N/R to balance out the ot3 content,’ ‘apparently I have a contrary streak with Gallifrey and the more the writers push a romantic interpretation of a relationship, the less interested I am in actually shipping it,’ and ‘I’m not really into Leela/Narvin as a pairing on its own - although I do love a lot of fic that portrays them that way bc it’s just very well-written.’) But just. how they form a grudging alliance for Romana’s sake and then develop genuine respect for each other and then build this really solid foundation of teamwork and fondness and care and really relax and feel comfortable around each other….the way they become ride-or-die for each other and just trust and love each other so much….it’s Very Good!! (And I did love writing scenes with the two of them in Call It Home - I might not focus on them, but I do genuinely love their relationship.) 
And of course Leela/Veega <33….I debated if they even interacted enough in the actual audios for me to consider it an otp, but I love the idea of their relationship and the story of them in my head so much?? going to link to this post because it really captures my feelings about them - they’ve both been through so much grief and pain by the time they meet, they’ve both lost people they love before, so the idea of them choosing to love each other and build something together against the odds is just. very powerful. plus I have a whole playlist for the family they’ve built together, which is a strong indication that I really love this ship. 😊
nOTP: Leela/Andred. last time I answered an ask meme about Leela, I had this complicated response about how I hated Leela/Andred when I watched Invasion of Time (bc it’s so abrupt and arbitrary), and then Louise Jameson’s voice acting Convinced Me To Care because oh she really did love him....alas i am a Leela/Andred detractor at heart, and I have been nudged back to my default state by re-listening….I simply hate how he treats Leela in Gallifrey.
random headcanon: I really like the idea of Leela being more politically involved in her own right after they all return from the Axis. She’s just spent a lot of time leading a group of people who don’t have a voice in the government, fighting for their rights against the established injustices of Gallifreyan society. I don’t think she’d easily slip back into only being Romana’s bodyguard after experiencing more political autonomy on the other Gallifrey. What exactly this looks like in practice I’m not sure about - in my one fic ‘verse, I wrote about her being more directly involved with the Academy as a political liaison and guest tutor, and also advocating to Romana for policies that would benefit those who live outside the city on their home Gallifrey. but there’s probably a lot of options to explore here!
unpopular opinion: hmm I don’t think this is necessarily unpopular but idk and I want to talk about it: even though Leela identifies so strongly as a warrior, a “happy ending” for her would, I think, need to involve getting away from fighting. too often she throws herself into a fight to try to avoid thinking about how much she’s hurting, and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t stop the pain. and in the Time War, she’s tied her identity so strongly to war (it’s inevitable, inescapable, and she will Fight and Defend because that’s all she has left). there’s a difference between “I am a warrior” and “all I am is a warrior,” and Leela’s slid too far into the second one, and she needs to untangle her own identity from war to heal. 
song i associate with them: Freedom by Karmina (it’s a song about going on defiantly in the face of heartbreak -  “Tearing my room apart, I’m starting over” / “Take my pride I can still survive I’ve got my freedom” / “Hunt me down you’ll never find me now that I’ve got my freedom”)
favorite picture of them: the first one that came to mind is this gorgeous art by @laurelhach (which I didn’t realize was based on a picture until I stumbled across the original picture and was like oh my god!! it looks exactly like the art!!)
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serpercival · 2 years ago
Ooh, my answers under the break!
I remember my mom getting really excited at the Master showing up in Utopia. I would have been... four? Five maybe? But it had been on before that.
I'm sure I was in the room when Rose was on for the first time, but I was two, so, you know. I remember most of Series 5 (starting with The Eleventh Hour) though.
Three! I love the James Bond stuff and the backing of UNIT produces a very different dynamic than almost anything else in the show.
Raw characterization, core Doctors only, ignoring the writing quality, it's one between Seven, Eleven, and Thirteen. They're all kind of scheme-y. Generally someone has to get hurt for their plans to go correctly.
Lots! The big one is that the Master should have been the Timeless Child imo.
The Movie :( - in all seriousness I don't think I can choose. NuWho is what I grew up on but I'm very into old, low-grade tv and movies, so I can't resist the charm.
This is such a weird dichotomy to me. Try writing these Doctors and tell me they don't talk in exactly the same way ("Wellll....")(also they both hang out with Sarah Jane). I like Four's outfit better.
The Hawaiian vest from The Two Doctors. I've genuinely restructured my wardrobe around this monstrosity of an outfit and it makes my silly little brain so happy.
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9. Ten's brown suit. You can tell from my taste leaning towards Six's outfits that I like the more colorful ones. The brown suit and Ten's coat are even the same color :(
10. Tossup between Donna and Jo! I think Donna and the Master would have much the same relationship as Jo and the Master, and I think 70s/80s Jo would have much the same relationship with Ten that Donna has.
11. Susan? I'm not sure. I'm not huge on Yaz either, but it feels unfair to judge her based on Chibnall's writing.
12. Whatever the fuck was going on at UNIT in seasons 7 and 8 (the polycule and the Master......)
13. Amy and Rory <3
14. I just watched The Sun Makers and fell in love, but Thin Ice and Human Nature/Family of Blood (in that order) have special places in my heart.
15. This one of Romana's:
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16. Leela and Four have a fantastic dynamic. Next down is probably Jo and Three.
17. Design-wise, that bastard from Time Heist. I'm not putting a picture because they genuinely bother me. I like Leela's people content-wise.
18. Fuck, uh, all the ones I can think of are quarries. I really enjoy the horrible, dystopian cityscape Pluto in The Sun Makers.
19. Cybermen! There is a horror innate in the concept of a Cyberman that I don't get with the space nazis.
20. Oh boy. I'll offer my top plot-wise) Give the Doctor a new set of regenerations during the War, push that problem off for a bit; and vibe-wise) More concern about how Time Lords are, you know, aliens. Stop just off-handedly mentioning respiratory bypass I want more bits like the poisoning in Unicorn and the Wasp or how aspirin is like cyanide to them or how ginger ale gets them fucking wasted.
what was the first episode you watched/remember ?
what was the first entire series you watched/remember ?
who is your favorite doctor ? why ?
who is your least favorite doctor ? why ?
any complaints about the show ?
nuwho or classic who ? why ?
the tenth doctor or the fourth doctor ? why ?
favorite outfit of the doctor's ? why ?
least favorite outfit of the doctor's ? why ?
favorite companion ?
least favorite companion ?
favorite romance involving a doctor ?
what is your favorite romance involving a companion ?
what is your favorite serial/special ?
what is your favorite companion outfit ? why ?
who is your favorite doctor/companion duo ?
what is your favorite alien species ?
what is your favorite alien planet ?
cybermen or daleks ?
if you could change anything about the show, what would it be ?
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calimera62 · 5 years ago
Figures Historiques: Auguste/Octave et Lucrétia Borgia
I’ll answer you about Augustus/Octavian, as I don’t know much about Lucrecia Borgia yet ^^;
✰ What made you fall in love with them?
I won’t say I adore him, but Octavian is a very interesting character! First of all, he was the first emperor of Rome and has contributed to the greatness of Rome or, as he said, “he found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble”. He was also the grand nephew of Julius Freaking Caesar who made him his heir and, like his great uncle, formed a triumvirat (with Mark Antony and Lepidus).
✰ Favorite anecdote involving them?
One of my favourite is the following anecdote:
He had a habit of being ill when he was supposed to fight. He once fled from a battlefield and hid in a swamp for three days. Ironically, when soldiers would run away in battle, he had them killed. When Octavian/Augustus did fight, his political rivals miraculously ended up dead during the battle.
✰ Your favorite thing about them?
He’s Caesar’s heir. Most of all, he was Rome’s first emperor, and is known as one of the most effective leaders in Ancient Rome. He reformed the Roman system, enlarged the Empire and initiated an era of relative peace (Paw Romana).
✰ Your least favorite thing about them?
He was responsive for Caesarion’s murder, as he declared one Caesar was enough, and it was because of him both Mark Antony and Cleopatra died.
✰ Best books about them?
I don’t know a lot of books about him but I can recommand Augustus: The Life of Rome’s First Emperor, by Anthony Everitt.
✰ Favorite place associated with them?
Rome (yes, very surprising).
✰ Who do you ship them with?
I don’t really have a ship with him, so I’ll say his wife ^^;
✰ Favorite friendship?
His friendship with Marcus Agrippa is well known. He was his lieutenant as well as a close friend and worked alongside him to make Rome "a city of marble".
✰ Favorite outfit?
I don’t have one.
✰ Favorite event they were involved with?
The beginning of the Roman Empire of course!
✰ Favorite portrayal in film, television, etc? If there isn’t one, who could play them?
Hum... I liked him in HBO Rome, though I didn’t see all episodes, and in the 1999 mini-serie about Cleopatra where he was played by the same actor who played Lestrade in BBC Sherlock!
✰ Favorite quote about them?
“Julius Caesar learned that Alexander the Great, having completed nearly all his conquests by the time he was thirty-two years old, was at an utter loss to know what he should do during the rest of his life, whereat Augustus expressed his surprise that Alexander did not regard it as a greater task to set in order the empire which he had won than to win it.” by Plutarch.
✰ Favorite quote by them?
“Make haste slowly”
✰ Three random facts about them?
1) He fought to strengthen good old family values. Adultery became a public crime, he made marriage compulsory for every Roman, even for widows. Ironically, he was more lenient regarding his own sex life. He slept around a lot, but merely did it to get secret political informations from his enemies (said his friends)
2)  Like his great-uncle, he was extremely frugal in his diet and drank very little alcohol
3) Caesar once gave him the managment of the theatrical program of triumphal celebrations. Willing to show his commitment to the job, Octavian stayed to the end of every performances, even on the hottest days which caused him to fall seriously ill (it didn’t help he already had a delicate health). Caesar was so worried about him he once ran barefooted to Octavian’s house when the latter suffered a serious relapse, and Caesar sat down by his beside.
✰ Favorite picture/painting of them?
This one.
✰ Would they like you if they met you?
Who knows what to expect with Romans xD Like a very wise Gaul once said “Ils sont fous ces Romains !”
✰ Would you hit it? 👀
Nope xD
✰ Would you attend a party with them?
I wouldn’t even attend a party on my own, so no though it can be quite dangerous not to go to a party with the emperor himself ^^;
✰ What do you think they would give you as a gift?
Maybe books?
✰ Describe them aesthetically.
I can’t say much, except I always picture him with curly hair ^^;
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swimyghost · 5 years ago
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I love you @self-insert-nonsense and your OCS!
I have a couple of OCs that aren’t bound to any fandoms (though I occasionally plop them into certain universes when I want). Here are some of them, plus my Invader Zim OCs:
(Also, heads up, I have the drawing ability of an armless baby so no pictures, sadly) (UNEDITED)
Crow Romana:
Crow one of the oldest OCs in my catalog. As a 443-year-old vampire (43 in regular human years), he’s seen his fair share of the horrors the world holds and the suffering it brings.
The most common reason he gives when discussing why he has a semi-nihilistic world view is the fact he had to raise his daughter, Starling, alone due to his wife’s death.
When Crow was a young vampire studying to become a politician in the Vampiric government, The Blood Rose Court, he stumbled across a higher noble above his social ranking. Her name was Raven Corax and she too was to become apart of the Court, just in a very different way.
Raven was to marry Vladislav Montague, a noble in a popular and regal family who already had a high seat in the Court’s inner circle, and with Raven’s Blood Magic (an ability that all vampires have, but some are much better at it than others), the two would make one of the most dominant couples in Vampiric Society
However, Raven had no real attachment to the narcissistic and womanizing Vlad and found comfort in a quiet, yet thoughtful Crow. 
The two’s relationship blossomed into a careful dance to not expose their love affair. When the day of Raven’s wedding and Crow’s interview with the Court arrived, Crow couldn’t take it anymore.
With a heart full of both love and bravado, the young vampire sunk into the Montague estate where the wedding was to be held and discovered his long ebony-haired love trying to jump out a window with a suitcase in hand.
The two ended up eloping that night after sneaking out of the estate with the Montagues none the wiser. The new couple took up residence in Crow’s old family manor that had been abandoned for over two centuries. Instead of succumbing to their misery at their ghoulish new home, they were overjoyed to have a project to work on together... As a family. Soon, after the renovation, Raven became pregnant and, nine months later, gave birth to their daughter, Starling Romana.
Life couldn’t be more perfect for the Romana trio. But, as they say, all good things come to an end.
Only two weeks after celebrating Starling’s first birthday, Montague and his gang of loyal followers stormed the Romana household with the intent to kill everyone inside. Crow tried to defend his wife, but Raven, realizing that Montague was only here because he was snubbed on their supposed wedding day and wanted revenge.
Using the last amount of her magic, Raven cast a spell that blocked her husband and child from the invaders while she dealt with Montague. Crow was able to escape with a terrified Starling, not before watching Montague brutally stab his wife in the back and demanded his followers to light the house ablaze.
Now, 167 years later, Crow lives with the guilt and shame of not being able to save his family from Montague’s attack and forcing his daughter to live such a loner lifestyle.
Starling Romana:
Unlike her seemingly joyless father, Starling loves life and everyone in it. 
Due to her lack of knowledge on her mother and not really remembering her, Starling grew up a spoiled daddy’s girl who doted on her every need, even if the need was more of a want. 
Like her mother, Starling is a fantastic user of Blood Magic, which comes in handy when she and her father have to hunt the vampire’s mortal enemy: ghouls (vampires who turned into cannibalistic and light fearing creatures who prey on anything that moves). However, her skills are lacking since there isn’t really anyone who can teach her due to her family’s damaged reputation.
But a little bad press never stopped Starling from having fun. Despite the sun being one of the vampires most lethal weaknesses, Starling looks forward to being out on a warm summer day or just being in light in general (in this universe, the sun works like a flame boiling the vampire’s blood from the inside out, which kills them slowly). She also loves to flirt and tease anyone she deems worthy enough to become her friend (leading to many awkward situations revolving her father and new love interest).
Because of her age (168 years old), Starling is considered a teenager both by human and vampire standards, meaning the young girl often tries to foolishly get the adults to respect her by doing wild and crazy stunts.
While Crow, Raven, and Starling aren’t Invader Zim OCs, I sometimes put them in the universe just because I find the idea of Dib not believing Starling is a vampire because “she just... loves the sun. Vampires don’t love the sun!” Plus, Professor Membrane would totally make Crow his new vessel for dumbing all his science info onto.
Obi and Ren
My Invader Zim OCs! (Obi’s name is pronounced Oh-Bee)
Obi is an Irken invader that is really obsessed with the Tallest, claiming to be their “#1 Fan!”.
Because she wanted to prove her loyalty and devotion to the Tallest, Obi decided to steal an Invader ship and a defective SIR unit and travel to Earth to defeat the Tallest’s greatest enemy: Zim.
After a six month period of nothing but singing, napping, and fixing her SIR unit, Obi landed on Earth with the newly functioning SIR unit she swiftly named Ren after seeing the name on a poser with large-eyed humans covering it. Posers similar to the one Obi got Ren’s name from were also the inspiration for her human disguise.
In her Irken form, she has light reddish-pink eyes were curled antennas; in her human form, Obi looks like a young Japanese-American preteen (around Dib and Gaz’s age) with short light brown hair in two small pigtails. She wears a standard Invader-Outfit in her Irken form while in her human form, she wears a sparkly pink skirt with white leggings and burgundy sneakers, plus a white T-shirt with an angry cartoon bunny head on the front with a soft light pink highschool jacket.
Obi, after landing on Earth and claiming to be Zim’s worst enemy, doesn’t really try to take over Earth. She doesn’t see a need and, plus, she really likes Earth!
She loves the almost indefinite amount of pink things she can buy, the way trees change color, zoos, cotton candy, movies, cute animals... Practically everything is new and exciting for her. Plus, she really likes anime (especially the magical girl kind) and video games (though she isn’t good at it) and visual novels.
Unlike Obi, Ren is very interested in ending Zim and conquering Earth; however, since he was a defective SIR unit, he has some trouble accomplishing this goal.
For starters, Ren has a very obvious stutter that gets more pronounced the more he becomes enraged. His head has to be bolted to his neck in order to keep it from falling (Frankenstein’s Monster style) and he is quite shorter than most SIR units. His shortened height actually does help him when he is disguised as a black mitt colored ferret with bright amber eyes. 
Ren is also very neat and tidy dissimilar to Obi, who frequently leaves trash and her games scattered all over the place. Although he attempts to keep their house clean, it always ends up a mess either due to Obi or Ren accidentally setting himself on fire (a more common occurrence then you’d think).
In the end, Ren does care for Obi and thanks her constantly for saving his life, even though he wishes she’d just clean up for once in her life.
I ship Obi with Gaz because I like to think that Gaz would totally try to help her “git gud” at video games after watching her fail at Mario Kart eight times in a row. Obi would try to help Gaz become more tolerable to people and Gaz would help Obi toughen up since the Irken Invader, surprisingly, isn’t good at defending herself. Gaz would try to hide her feelings while Obi would just be completely obvious. The only one who can tell Gaz likes Obi is Ren since Dib would believe Gaz is under some type of Irken mind control and Zim would think that Obi is trying to steal his spot as ruler of Earth.
I can add some more later, but for now, I’m really tired :/
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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@absynthe--minded tagged me to talk about my formative crushes! This was harder than I expected for some reason but here we go.
1. Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
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Lady Eboshi was one of the first anime women I encountered because Princess Mononoke was one of the first things I watched when I was making an active effort to get into anime in high school so as to have things to talk about with a classmate I was interested in. (She’s also one of my formative crushes but I’m not going to put real people on blast in this post.) I actually tend to side against Lady Eboshi in the central conflict of the movie—nothing against her or what she represents, I just find the forest gods more compelling within the story concept—but she fascinated and still fascinates me and I’d love to fall into a portal to the movie’s version of medieval Japan and have long conversations with her about gods, monsters, men, women, life, love, and law. Especially if she’s the English dub version scripted by Neil Gaiman and voiced by Minnie Driver.
2. Mariel, Mariel of Redwall
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I know, I know what you’re thinking. “She’s a literal mouse, monstrousgourmandizingcats.” “Are you a furry, monstrousgourmandizingcats?” “Your URL is taking on a sinister new meaning, monstrousgourmandizingcats.” The answer is no, I’m not a furry, and yes, I know she’s a mouse; that’s not part of the appeal for me, and at the time that I first read Mariel of Redwall my crushes weren’t really sexual yet anyway. I just thought she was really cool, and it was a kind of cool that made me really interested in her relationship with Dandin, her male best friend/maybe more, for reasons I couldn’t really explain at the time. It’s been a long time since I read the Redwall books so I can’t quite remember all the ins and outs of what Mariel actually does in them, but if/when I do reread them, Mariel is one of the ones I’ll crack open first.
3. Éowyn, The Lord of the Rings
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Galadriel is someone I’m at least as interested in now but at the time that I first read/watched LotR she was too motherly for me to properly crush on. I thought Éowyn was badass and she instilled a lifelong taste for both somewhat grave and businesslike women and women who have swords and will travel. Among the actresses in the movies I’m actually most attracted to Liv Tyler, but I read the books before The Two Towers came out and I built up this really cool, awesome, beautiful mental image of Éowyn that actually made me crush on Miranda Otto more because she had played her. I recently tried to watch Chilling Adventures of Sabrina specifically for hot evil middle-aged Miranda Otto before giving up because the quality of the plot didn’t make up for the fact that there are points at which the show seems to present Satanism in a positive light.
4. Romana I, Doctor Who
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Yes, specifically Romana I; Romana II is great too but Lalla Ward’s appearance and acting style weren’t as interesting to thirteen-year-old me and the fact that she went on to marry Richard Dawkins is a real turn-off even though it’s obviously not her character’s fault (it is sort of Douglas Adams’s fault since he introduced them). Romana I was conceived of as a “Grace Kelly”-type character and given the way Mary Tamm (RIP) played her that translates into mild aggression (more intellectual than physical), haughtiness and self-importance, and some fantastic outfits, excepting the occasional costuming misstep like the weird purple-and-green hullabaloo in “The Androids of Tara”. Tamm felt that she had done all that she could do with the character after one season and that’s a real shame, but considering the sexism involved in the way seventies Doctor Who tended to be written, I can’t say I blame her. She also played Selina Redwood in an adaptation of The Girls of Slender Means, which seems like must-see TV for that reason alone.
5. Hayley Williams from Paramore
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Me and every other late-Millennial Christian ex-suburbanite. I actually didn’t become aware of what Hayley Williams looked like until bizarrely recently but I always felt like she Got It and I was very interested to find out when I was in high school that she’s not that much older than me. Paramore is one of those bands that’s grown up with its fans (I heard a young priest gravely read out an entire verse from an early Paramore song in a sermon last weekend) and I actually still have a crush on Hayley Williams now, in different ways and for different reasons. The picture I’m using is a recent one of her for that reason.
Tagging @thequeenofnationalcity, @buddhistmamaduck, @connanro, and whoever else wants to do it!
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irving-braxiatel · 7 years ago
Quotes from today’s DW:AITAS session
"The big database of dead people that still needs a name" "Oh that sounds facinating. A kind of... matrix of knowledge" "Oh I like that, I'll have to bring it up at the next meeting. Mind if I take credit for it?" - "I'm Prydonian” "We all have our faults” - "She's selling fake goods!” "She's selling fake goods 5 million years ago” "They're still fake!"” - "You're not socialists are you?” "No we're Prydonians. A different kind of red terror.” "Speak for yourself. I'm an anarchist” - "He's doing the gallifreyan equivalent of 'send nudes' " "Send ungloved photos” - "He was a bit strange “ "Ospek one day we are going to have to teach you how the world works” "I am how the world works“ "Let's hope not” - "That is a very Romana move though. Do what I say or fight me.” - ”All of them have such stylish outfits. Maybe that’s why we’re collecting meeting with them.” "I have a stylish outfit too, you're not collecting meetings with me "Wearing what you're told isn't a fashion sense” "why did you think I joined the chancellery guards” *with distaste* "Andred's tight trousers got to you too, didn't they?"
- "I've got my raindbow D6s in case queerness needs to happen" - "I was more thinking of it as a 'you quote a soliloquy and automatically get made president "So that's how Romana did it "Flavia was doing her thing and Romana turned up like 'to be or not to be'" - "The book where they have they have good interactions, not the one where they die horribly." - "If you wan't recite the principle's of space travel from memory what is even the point” - "Loomlings these days. to be honest I'm not sold on this written language, I mean, what's wrong with telepathy?" "Loomlings these days, ruining the telepathy industry" - "Plumed lives matters" - "You are not stealing a cat Vahta" "Oh no I'm not" *Mouthed to Tre* "I definitely am" "Oh yes" - "I can't stop to talk I'm creating time travel" "Well if you're creating time travel surely you will have time to be polite" - "how much (blood) for this" "a pint" "a cup" "a cup and a half" "a cup and a quarter" "deal" *gets the blood*  "There. Don't operate heavy machienry for an hour. bye." - How many plants have you seen today?" - "Let's go to the cerulean chapter next "Must we?" "For Gallifrey" - "A florist/inn called Bud and Breakfast" - "Has anyone done a version of the beginning of My Immortal for Brax?" - "Romana-cat wrote a very long monologue while I was gone" "Please post it" "0222222222211\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111126-33333333333333333333333333333333333" - "[Andred] is an idiot, but he's not a coward" - "Havent you learned not to drink tea with strange children yet?" "You didn't even drink that!" "I don't think it can poison you when it is imaginary" - "I know a pair of brothers. And one of them found his brother so annoying he ran away across the whole universe" "which one did that?" "I suppose they both did. But they do love each other." - "I plan to outfit all of the Panopticon with head wear. I want a house of my own some day. I've even picket out a name and everything" "Oh, and what's that?" "Jurisprudence" "And I was just starting to like you." - "They had a bonding moment" "Eh, Vahta doesn't hate Tre anymore!" "And Ospek has a new feather in their hat!" - "Here's some [loomlings] I made earlier!" *in a tone that sounds more like they're talking about baking cookies, not making children* - "Is it horrible cloak guy?" "I like the implication that horrible cloak guys is some actually immortal being, not just a very long lived one, who has lived here on Gallifrey this entire time, just doing his thing" “It possessed him" - "We can get to the hat drama next time" "Only on Gallifrey"
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egyptroyal · 6 years ago
alternative doctor going in depth
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This version of the Tenth Doctor inhabited what will be later labeled by Rose’s vortex manipulator as Universe 208426499992/3 or “Tyler’s World” by this Doctor when meeting other alternate versions of himself. 
He is known to be heavily vain, being the Tenth incarnation for as long as he possibly can and lived out most of the Eleventh, Twelfth, and Half of Thirteen’s tenures with this face alone as a result. He doesn’t plan on changing anytime soon (cocky bastard).
Is very determined when it comes to finding people, knowing to follow an vision of his Rose for almost six victorian streets going by the smell of her shampoo without fail of breath despite the situation he was in at the moment.
Increasingly blunt when it comes to other people developing feelings towards him, knowing to “shutting it down” as a result, becoming unapologetic as a result. Still flirty though.
usually if reminded by his first wife does he actually fall for them and many didn’t fall in this category. The few that has in a while since Sarah Jane, Romana(s) and Jo Grant/Iris Wildthyme: RMT was a first in a while, DoctorDonna!Donna was a close second, Dalek clara echo was a close third. Fashion-wise came to River and The Moment.
Is seen not only just wearing the blue pinstripes/brown pinstripes/bowtie tux but wears varied outfits/suits when running about as well as a lack of “sandshoes” (converses), wearing a variety of shoes. Even wearing ripped jeans at one point, dressing surprisingly human. For his initial suits with RMT, they were a red suit with thin blue strips and blue converses and light blue suit with thin brown stripes and creamy pink converses. So, she knows what her Doctor wears.
Different hairstyles and not afraid of hair dye? this guy.
Kisses still happen. So many kisses and unafraid to do it for undercover or other reasons. Will not go beyond that.
Fought the Devil and Abbadon alongside Torchwood. It was the TARDIS and Jack that killed it. Gwen and him swapped “Jack Watch”, she would watch and then he would watch. When she gave up, he saw Jack’s stomach expand upward and Gwen heard the gasp. Left afterward when Jack got his strength up.
Also called “RMT Doctor”, has the tag c: sir shake opposite of c: dame shiver
Got to lick and taste down to a science, one time landing on Midnight with his Rose that seemed to be able to stay for a small while when she landed in the same module as him and she ended up getting possessed by the entity after being compassionate to the Skye Silvestry-possed creature. He was able to find out exactly what the entity was when he licked the back of her neck as she was in this frozen state. Drawing quickly of what it was and showing it to a talking Skye-Midnight-Creature to confirm its actual appearance. Only when Skye-Midnight creature was sacrifice to the deadly outdoors with a swift kick and a shoe heel breaking, freeing Rose did Rose ended up being ripped away when they got back safely. She punched him in the arm for doing that before fading off again. Still never learned the Hostess name.
Most of it from Rose to Doomsday (and then later Journey’s End) is the same with key differences. (a time line of sorts; with visual links)
Within in this one, this version of the Doctor traveled with Rose before getting separated by her in their universe’s version of Doomsday, landing her in Universe 3/299994624802 (alternative universe to Pete’s World). 
This alternative version of the time lord attempted to have a child with Rose initially when they traveled together to no avail during her universe’s version of this. Also, unintentionally unlocked a bit of the Bad Wolf entity, now being able to age extremely slow much to the horror of both. Now Rose has “nightmarish” dreams where she becomes the entity whenever they end up having sex when there is a lack of mental connection between her and him.
This version actually said “I love you” at the same time Rose ends up blurting it out because she couldn’t find the words to say goodbye. This version is where she becomes a heiress and as a result, a celebrity for the new Vitrex Industries.
Journey’s End is when Rose chose the Doctor instead of the Meta Crisis, giving him her status in her earth alternatives’s Torchwood. This is also where Donna, instead of getting her memory wiped, ends up wearing the Chameleon Arch to rewrite her human DNA to that of a Gallifreyan’s own. She still passes out and ends up back home with a piece of the Tardis of her own.
Ends up getting separated from Rose again, which is the current situation.
When he was supposed to die saving Wilfred Mott, instead he set up a meeting an earlier version of the crew of Teselecta, granting the ship they were now known for as he used their last ship to save Wilfred instead of himself as foretold. It also saved the crew a lot of money if they were to deliver the scrap ship for repairs, abandoning it entirely.
While looking for Rose, this version of Tenth Doctor also landed in Amy’s backyard when she was a child, traveling with an adult Amy, Rory, and River as a result. Meets @girl-in-the-tardis​ Kira, a general the same time he meet River at the Angel Planet (i’ll go back later and change this when i remember the name of it). 
Meets Clara as a Dalek and for once, actually traveled with a Dalek!Clara. Gave her a Dalek Puppet body for this work, in her image. Eventually, she left when she wanted to work with UNIT in building armor for military and technological defense systems after Amy and Rory’s deaths.  He ends up losing them the same way that happened with the Eleventh Doctor in canon. Sees a vision of his Rose. Marries River and Kira off, horrible plan of The Wedding of River Song, except General Kira ducks when it comes to the kiss, leaving ten to get kissed by River and setting the world back to when the Teselecta is killed by River. Gives the crew another ship as a result.
Meets a young Victoria that was born near the Rift, ends up being a young Victoria. Only watched from afar by this Tenth Doctor.
Later meets Governess!Clara and played out the same way it happened with Eleventh Doctor. When facing Dr. Simeon, he commented on the fact that he looked like his Ninth self when he fell into the Rift without a TARDIS that one time. Sees a vision of Rose dressed in Victorian wear, ends up losing her after chasing her for almost five blocks straight. Extra TARDIS grows for the clone that is to come.
Meets the real Clara later. Avoids his death by unintentionally cutting off his opposite hand when fighting wooden Cybermen and poured his regenerative energy in that hand. The other hand grows into the Eleventh incarnation instead of being a twin. Both Travel together before given a the fully grown TARDIS. With a new set of regenerations, he was more than ever set on finding Rose with Clara. The clone regenerates into Twelve. Clara meets Danny Pink and falls for him. Pink still acts the same towards him but, Ten doesn’t act the same as Twelfth incarnation. Ends up losing both the same way in canon. Also meets the Master (Simm) since Missy was the most constant regeneration in his universe vaguely turning into the canonical faces of past Masters but, never met the Simm!goatee version, getting kissed by him and recovers quickly by it. Even more so when finding out about the other’s identity. Meets River for one last time. Clone ends up getting memories of these adventures and ends up meeting Bill. This Tenth Doctor traveled with Bill’s Mother and Twelfth Doctor (clone).
Travels with Bill and Nardole. Ends up avoiding death again with the crew of Teselecta, a new crew this time. The clone regenerates into 13.
Travels still, now with Grace. Grace dies. Now, it’s Yaz, Ryan, 13 and Graham. Also new TARDIS desktop and exterior color. At this point, he’s considered stubborn for not changing face by the clone. Tenth Doctor ends up traveling alone and it is the clone that ends up traveling with Yaz, Graham, and Ryan (experiencing canon adventures).
Rose comes back permanently finally meeting a now bearded Tenth Doctor. When Rose eventually came back permanently, they traveled back to her alternate universe to meet up with her mum and dad and brother, living domestic since the clone version of him was handling herself well (the Meta-Crisis version of him ended up getting married to that universe’s Jack and Ianto due to the Donna side of him winning out).
Cue the onslaught of interviews and press of the daughter returning with a man around her arm and a married ring around her finger and the constant question of her having a baby or not. Because of this, this alternate Doctor and Rose, tried again within the TARDIS, the “human way” and it was successful with a daughter. Still, all of them travel together and he works at UNIT while Rose works with Torchwood alongside her techincal-brother-in-law.
[legit reactions when told that their pete was the one who leaked them being pregnant despite being able to keep that a secret for almost a full month with large dresses and actual excuses to hide that from the public]
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“im sorry, he blabbed before jackie??” vs. “he said what?”
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Chapter 7
AN: Happy update day!! Thank you for the messages and notes, I really do love having feedback.  Outfit for this chapter. Enjoy!
Harry's POV
I check my watch: five minutes.  She has five minutes until I'll have someone check on her.  I pull on the cuffs of my dark suit jacket. This damnable heat is going to make me sweat through it but I've been lectured to make sure it doesn’t wrinkle. I roll my neck, at least I didn’t have to wear a tie.  And I put my foot down about keeping the top buttons undone.
''She's late.'' Ed remarks, also checking his watch.
My small entourage is waiting under an overhang in one of the many loading areas of the resort.  I've become accustomed to places like this my entire life.  The back entrances that make it easier for someone like me to get around with as little trouble as possible.  These dingy back door entrances are as much as part of royal life as a palace is.  I smirk, most people would probably never guess.
The SUVs are waiting, three identical black ones and a police car to serve as an escort.  Black, non-descript vehicles, police cars they're both big parts of my life as well. I glance down at the itinerary in my hands, double checking our departure time.
''Not yet.''
''Fine. She's almost late.'' Ed sighs.  There’s nothing he hates more than tardiness. “Did you have a chance to look over those articles I sent you?”
“I skimmed.” He’s mentioning the online outlets that had pictures from the dinner last night. It’s the same shit magazines have been publishing about me and women for years. The grainy photographs, leading article titles and completely wrong conclusions. “Besides, Will texted me a link before you did.”
“Yes. He was all too happy to inform me that I was in the press again.” I shrug. “But that’s what brothers are for, right?”
“To take the piss out of you for being an international headline?” Ed whistles.  “Can’t say my brother ever did that.”
I roll my eyes. “Amazing that your girlfriend can survive without your outstanding wit.”
“I would say she’s surviving quite well, considering we broke up last week.” He says matter-of-fact.
“Shite. Ed, I had no idea.”
“You have been busy.”
I shake my head, “It’s no excuse.  When we get back to London, I’m taking you out to a pub.”
He just nods briskly then proceeds to check his watch again.
I lean against the dark SUV, wondering how the First Lady will react to the traveling arrangements…oh I can guess, she’s going to be angry, very angry. But I can’t avoid this opportunity for a little fun. And hell, it is fun teasing Miss Randolph.
I only have to be wary that I don’t sacrifice my work for the Games while teasing her.
There's commotion at the service entrance and I turn as well as Ed and my RPO.  The First Lady has graced us with her presence, long blonde hair flowing, and long legs gliding.  The white dress she's wearing has a vibrant floral print on it.  But I'm more concerned with the little v in the neckline, tempting me. Hell, it's tempting everyone.
And I suddenly remember that I’m a damn good multi-tasker.
She's frowning, eyes looking down at some piece of paper as a woman walks next to her.  Her clear voice carries over the now quiet utility entrance. ''God, let's just get this thing over with and then we can-''
She glances up, sees us and falters.  Her foot, encased in an impossibly high pink heel slips on the rough concrete.  I'm moving before I realize it, catching her shoulders as she stumbles.  
''God dammit,'' she exclaims as she trips. And she looks up. Her bright aquamarine eyes narrow when she focuses on me.  Her pert pink lips blurt out. ''What are you doing here?''
I make sure she's stable and then release her shoulders. I flash her my most charming, ''I'm your ride.''
''We're riding together.'' I gesture to the SUV behind me. ''Figured it would be pretty silly for both of us to drive when we could just go together.''
She continues to stare at me. I'm wondering just what's going through her mind.  She's probably filtering through what she really wants to say and what she's actually allowed to say.  I keep smiling, willing the First Lady to let her guard down.
And just when I think she's going to crack she smiles, ''That was so thoughtful of you!''
''That's me, thoughtful.''
She slides her aviator's over her eyes and saunters towards the car, mumbling.  ''Just so damn thoughtful.''
I shake my head with a smile.  Here we go.
I slide into the SUV with Ed after Margaret and the other woman accompanying her get in. The door shuts with a finality.  
Ed is seated in the front, looking out the window, no doubt pretending to ignore any conversation he might hear between the First Lady and I.  Margaret and I are seated in the middle, with plenty of space between the two of us. I relax though, letting my legs rest comfortably to minimize that space ever so slightly.  Out of the corner of my eye I see her glance down and then subtly shift farther away.
The woman who accompanied Margaret is seated in the back. It strikes me that I don't even know her name.
''I'm so sorry, I should have asked earlier.'' I begin and then glance towards the back. ''I don't believe we've met.  I'm Harry.''
The woman looks surprised, but smiles.  She shakes my hand, and I appreciate her strong grip. I shouldn’t be surprised that Margaret surrounds herself with confident women.  ''Anna Perez, the First Lady's Chief of Staff.  An honor to meet you, your royal highness.''
So she's Margaret's right-hand man, or woman I suppose. The two must be close.  I know how close Ed and I are.  I wonder if Anna could be an avenue to bring out the real side of the First Lady. That might be a perfect job for Ed.
''Please, call me Harry.''
She nods, ''As you wish.''
I turn forward again and the car descends into silence again.
I start to tap my foot, disliking the silence.  It shouldn’t be this difficult to facilitate conversation with a car full of people. Glancing up to the rearview mirror I catch Ed's eyes.  I roll my eyes and he smirks, knowing I hate the situation.  He doesn’t help though, he merely shrugs.  Lot of good he's doing me.
Clearing my throat I turn back to Anna, ''How long have you worked for Margaret?''
She glances up from her notes, ''I've had the pleasure of working for Miss Randolph since the President was elected, virtually from the beginning.'' I notice her pointed use of ‘Miss Randolph.’
I nod, ''I'm sure you have some interesting stories…''
Her eyes narrow, and I wonder exactly why.  Is she wary of someone delving into her boss’s privacy or is there distrust between boss and employee?
''From what we've discussed Harry, it doesn’t seem like you would find stories about me 'interesting'.'' Margaret coolly inserts herself into the conversation staring out the window.
Hopefully I hide my smirk as I turn to face her, ''I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.''
She shrugs, ''You probably wouldn’t believe the hype.''
So, she's still upset over last night's dinner, interesting. I can't help but wonder just how much thoughts of me have occupied her consciousness.  Ed sends me an admonishing look.  I ignore him. Most of the fun in my life is carefully monitored. It seems to me that teasing the First Lady might be one of the first things that’ won't be so closely watched.
Sure, the press will be paying attention, but they'll only focus on what happens in public.  Whatever happens between Miss Randolph and I behind closed doors will remain private, simply because I know she doesn’t want her personal life in the press any more than I want mine.
It’s exhilarating, this promise of privacy.
''Regardless.'' I finally reply. ''The four of us should have lunch this week.''
''What?'' Margaret blurts out at the same time that Ed turns around to watch me with raised brows.
I shrug, and hold Margaret's gaze.  ''What could it hurt?''
Her eyes, stormy with unvoiced anger I'm sure, shift to Anna. I keep my eyes trained on hers and when her gaze returns to mine I can see resignation in them.  She knows that she can't turn down this invitation just like she couldn’t turn down my invitation for dinner last night.
Today though, I see something else glittering in those dark brown depths.  I can only describe it as challenge.  There's something in her eyes that tells me this lunch, if it even happens, won't be smooth sailing.
I don't even bother to hide my smile.
Sooner than I would like the SUV pulls up to Disney's World of Sports, the venue for the Invictus Games.  Luckily it is early enough that there isn’t a large crowd gathered outside so our entourage slips in with little notice.
As I walk through the corridors with Ed by my side I feel a familiar knot in my stomach.  I'm nervous. I'm excited as well of course but as I see the logo plastered everywhere I realize that this event is truly and only mine.  Whether it's a success or a failure will land on my shoulders. I swallow deeply, trying to hold back the nerves.
Behind me, I can hear the telltale sound of Margaret's heels. It's an odd sound to me.  I'm not used to hearing heels clicking behind me. Usually, I'm surrounded by men or by women who wear more sensible shoes than the First Lady, not that I'm complaining of course.
I shake my head.  I don’t have time to dwell on how beautiful the Margaret looked this morning. No, now is the time to do work. I know there will be plenty of time to tease her later.
We turn a corner and we immediately step into a television set. Sure, it's set up to look like a lockerrom but this is first and foremost a stage; the bright lights would be the first giveaway followed by the rather large camera crew scattered around.
''Your Royal Highness!'' I turn, flashing a smile.  I recognize that voice.  It's Romana Robinson; she's conducting the interview this morning. We've met on a few other occasions and she's actually interviewed me before.  I like Ms. Robinson.  She seems like she truly cares about who she's interviewing or what she's interviewing about.  When we were discussing possible interviews, I immediately thought of her.  
''Ms. Robinson!'' I step forward and kiss her quickly on the cheek.
''Now, I thought I told you please call me Ramona.''
''Only if you call me Harry.'' I retort.
She pauses as if thinking it over, but then she smiles. ''Fair enough.''
''Good, I'm glad that's sorted.''
She turns now to face Margaret, ''Miss Randolph, always good to see you.''
Margaret smiles and the two women quickly kiss on the cheek, ''Ramona, how are you?''
''Doing well thank you." The newsanchor squeezes Margaret's hands. "I am honored to have you doing this interview. I almost couldn’t believe it when we heard.”
Margaret, if she’s annoyed by the fuss over her involvement doesn’t show it. She just smiles warmly, “Yes, I know it’s a bit unusual. But, this is an important cause.”
“So this particular cause or maybe the people involved is bringing about this change.” Ramona says, in full reporter mode. It’s a sneaky way of asking if Margaret is doing the extra press because of me.
Intently, I watch Margaret to see how she reacts.
Margaret smiles, unperturbed by the statement. “I always make time for important causes.”
“Perhaps it will start a trend?” Ramona asks hopefully.
“Who knows what the future holds?” She says mysteriously.
Ramona walks away, apparently satisfied.
“You handled that well.” I remark.
“Be a little more patronizing?” She asks, with a terse smile. “I know how to do this. Just because I haven’t done it in a while doesn’t mean I need to hold your hand.”
“I was just trying to be ‘professional’.”  I hold my hands in surrender, “And you can hold my hand any time you like.”
She rolls her eyes and I can’t help but laugh quietly. It really is too easy to get under her skin.
Margaret walks away from me over to Anna.  The chief of staff leans in and Margaret says something in a rush. I watch intrigued as the tense conversation transpires. The two are quiet so I can't hear what's being said but it doesn’t seem like anything good.
Ed appears next to me. I lower my voice, ''Any idea what that's about?''
''I'm not sure. I haven’t heard of any pressing news, at least nothing that would affect the First Lady.''
I nod. "Browse a few of the news sites. See if you can find anything.  I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this."
"It would seem that the First Lady and her Chief of Staff do as well.''
I look back at the pair.
They've taken a more relaxed stance now.  Margaret is flipping through some papers, no doubt an agenda of some sort, while Anna is scrolling through her phone. Eventually Margaret pulls at her phone as well, frantically typing. Yes, whatever is going on is really not good.  Unfortunately, I don't think Miss Randolph has any idea what the issue is.
''What do you think of her Chief of Staff?''
Ed looks up from his phone. ''Anna Perez. 33 years old. Law school graduate from UCLA, was working for a senator before accepting her post with the First Lady."
"Yes, yes. All good. But what do you think of her? I'm wondering how loyal she really is.  There are a lot of ambitious people in Washington D.C."
Ed looks back over and gives the taller woman a once-over. His eyes scrutinize her a moment before looking back at me. "The two seem close. They might even be friends. I'm sure she's a very loyal employee.''
I nod. Maybe Anna isn’t the path to the First Lady.
''Harry, stop that. Formidable women stick together." He pauses. "Promise me, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking.''
I smirk at him.  He really does know me to well. "Just keep an eye and ear on everything, okay.''
"That wasn’t an answer."
I pat him on the back still smirking, “She is pretty isn’t she, Miss Perez that is.  In a very serious sort of way.”
“She is a beautiful woman.” Ed agrees. “Well they both are. Light and dark. The two of them complement one another.”
I glance at Ed, surprised at his words. He seems to be as well. Avoiding my gaze he clears his throat, “Anything else you need sir?”
I shake my head, smirking slightly. “No, I don’t think so. I have an interview to go do."
“Good luck sir.”
Minutes later the Margaret and I were seated across from Ramona ready to do the interview.  Amazingly, Margaret was sitting relaxed, any sign of tension or stress completely gone from her face. She catches me watching and smiles.  I'm lost in the radiance of it for a moment before I realize it's all for show. She's acting for the cameras.  I shake myself. I need to do that as well.
The Producer steps forward, ''Alright, roll cameras.  And Ramona, take it away.''
''…What do you want people to come away with thinking about these brave young men and women?'' She asks the first question.
I gesture over Margaret first, who smiles softly
I have to admit that I'm interested to see just what she's going to say. "I think first and foremost to be inspired by their bravery from their time in the service but also to be inspired by their resiliency and hope.  Some of the competitors have struggled with things that can and do break the human spirit and yet here they are living, and thriving and competing. It's astounding.''
It's a truly heartfelt answer. I'm even moved by it for a moment.  She turns to look at me, waiting for my answer no doubt. I can almost see the challenge in her eyes.
''I have to agree with Margaret.  Their resiliency, their strength it's not something that exists everywhere in the world. And yes, the viewers will get to see great sport but also just this triumph of will as well.''
As the interview goes on Margaret and I settle into a sort of pattern. She'll answer a question first, pretty much flawlessly then I'll do everything I can to answer the next one better. In addition, I use her first name any chance I can get. I might be imagining it but I swear every time I do she winces slightly.
Ramona takes a pause and smiles before the next question. There's a worrisome glint in her eyes.  My stomach churns, a bad feeling growing. ''Ever since the first time you two met the world really has been captivated by your…let's say chemistry.''
I immediately feel my face redden. I peek over at Margaret who is just shaking her head smiling. If I only I could read her mind.
Ramona continues, ''Now I don't want to get too personal-'' Margaret and I laugh obligingly. ''But what's been the best part about working with the First Lady and vice versa of course.''
I exhale, ''The best part?'' I look over at Margaret and I can tell she’s nervous. She's willing me to say nothing to incendiary. "I don't have to tell anyone just how beautiful or talented Margaret is.  I think her work as the First Lady has shown that, and I expected that. No, the best part has been really discovering and getting to know the creative, kind and-'' I pause looking at Margaret. ''-passionate woman she is.''
My word choice is borderline inappropriate. I know that it will be picked up by the news outlets and I suppose I should feel bad. But I really don't.  Margaret's mouth parts slightly before settling into a thin line. A slight flush rushes across her cheeks.
She looks at Ramona, shaking her head. ''He really is a flatterer, isn’t he?''
''A real Prince Charming?'' Ramona supplies.
Now Margaret laughs, "I wouldn’t go that far!'' She chuckles then pats me on the arm, a little roughly if I'm honest. I have to keep from wincing. ''The best part about working with Prince Harry has been hearing his drive and commitment to this organization. You know, we can all hear about how someone cares about something but it's not until you see it up close how deeply engrained it really is.  Harry cares about this organization, the people involved and it's mission. That's been astounding to see.''
I sit back, a little surprised. ''Thank you for saying that Margaret.''
She inclines her head then looks back at Ramona.
The anchor is smiling like she's won the lottery. In all reality she really has. This has been a good interview, an entertaining one. And now she could possibly spin a romance angle. Mentally, I shrug. As long as it gets Invictus media coverage.
"Thank you both for your time. I for one am looking forward to the games.  From what I've seen so far, Harry everything looks amazing.''
''Thank you."
''And Margaret, of course, thank you for taking the time out of your father's re-election campaign to be here with us in Florida.''
Re-election campaign?
I glance over at Margaret, just in time to watch her wipe the shock away from her face. Christ, I don't think she knew. In an amazing display of restraint, Margaret smiles fully at Ramona. "Yes, absolutely.  I'm looking forward to another four years of serving the American people."
"We'll all be watching." Ramona turns to the camera. "the opening ceremony for the 2016 Invictus Games are tonight, on ESPN2 and streaming live.  Keep an eye out for the rest of the tv listings. I'm Ramona Robinson, reporting from Orlando, Florida and the 2016 Invictus Games. Have a great day!"
"And we've cut." The producer claps. "Thank you everybody!"
Ramona gets out of her chair and quickly shakes my hand and Margaret, thanking us one last time.
Margaret looks a little out of sorts. She's not really focusing on anything as the assistants remove the chairs and microphones. I'm about to step forward to help when Anna appears out of thin air it seems.
She places a hand on the First Lady's shoulder, "Miss Randolph, are you alright?"
Margaret looks up and blinks, "They didn’t tell me." Her gaze is still faraway.
"Kennedy?" Anna asks nervously. Kennedy?
Ed appears next to me, water bottle in hand. "Harry, what's going on?"
I grab the water bottle and hold it out to Margaret. "Margaret, here, have some water." She's still looking off. "Margaret, take the water."
At the shortened name she glances at me, brows furrowed. "What?" She blurts out.
"Have some water." I repeat. "And maybe sit down."
She pause as if considering it then immediately turns away. "Anna, get me Jenkins on the phone now. Push back my 11 o'clock solo meet-and-greet by an hour. And then we'll work through lunch. Everything else can stay."
Anna immediately dials a number on her phone.  Margaret smooths out her skirt for a moment. ''And give me my cell phone."
With steady hands Anna passes the small device. Margaret begins to scroll through it shaking her head and muttering.
Ed looks at me in concern.
''So, I guess we're not getting lunch?"
She looks at me in disbelief as if I'd just asked her to return to the thirteen colonies to my grandmother.
And then she rolls her eyes and just walks away. “I’ll see you at the Opening Ceremony.”
"Well, that was nice while it lasted."
''What was sir?"
"Margaret and I were civil to each other for about twenty minutes." I smirk. "I thought I might have worn her down."
"I think it had to do more with the cameras than you, sir."
"That was a cheap shot." I start walking towards the exit. Once I'm sure it's just Ed and I and my security officers I ask. "Do you really think she didn’t know?"
"That her father was announcing his re-election campaign?" I nod. "I would hope not, but it seemed that way didn’t it?"
"Did it leak? Or was this an official announcement?"
"From what I'm seeing it was an official announcement. Press conference, the whole works."
I shake my head, "Those bastards."
"I'm sure she knew." Ed says.
"Let's hope so." Regardless, even if she knew she was still shipped down here instead.
Chapter 6                                                                                             Chapter 8
The back-and-forth between names (Margaret/Kennedy) is not a typo and will be explained sooner rather than later...promise!
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