#I love juminmcweek so much
edenian-princess · 7 years
Jumin x MC Week
Day Four: Jealousy
This piece is inspired by @myntia. Thank you, Huffy Puff!
MC and Saeyoung spend a lot of time together. In Jumin’s eyes…they spend too much time together.
Word Count: 1403
“I can’t move that fast!”
“Just do your best, Saeyoung!”
“Ah…hah! Like this?!”
“Haha, perfect!”
For some reason, a busy Jumin always meant an available Saeyoung, and that just meant another night of endless conversations or endless dance sessions. There was no in-between with us.
Jumin didn’t mind; in fact, he liked that I had someone to keep me company while he was at work, and with Elizabeth the 3rd wanting her space from time to time, Saeyoung was the perfect companion.
“How long is this song?!” Saeyoung looked over at me, sweat dripping from every part of his body.
“About four minutes!”
“Let’s play it again once it’s finished!!”
“Seven, you need to hydrate!! And not with Doctor Pepper!!”
“Hydration is for the weak!!”
“You’re gonna pass out, you dummy!!
I didn’t even hear Jumin enter the penthouse.
“I’m home, darling.”
“Saeyoung, you can do it!!”
“I’m moving as fast as I can!!”
“…Darling, –”
“Ti cheri, pou jan m wè w ap danse a, fòk mwen w kònsey!!”
Saeyoung and I faced one another and shouted, “MEN BAGAY LA!!”
The music stopped. We turned and saw Jumin, his eyes expressing nothing but pure exhaustion. “I’m home.”
“Ah…welcome home, Jumin!” I gave him a quick side hug. “Sorry, I’m all sweaty.”
“Yo, Ju-Ju!” Saeyoung wiped his sweat off with a towel. “Welcome home!”
“Mm.” Jumin grunted as he set his things down. Saeyoung and I looked at each other; Saeyoung nodded.
“I’m gonna get going.” Saeyoung grabbed his jacket and his towel. “You can return the CD whenever you’re able to, MC.”
“Yeah, thanks Saeyoung. I had fun!”
Saeyoung flashed me a quick smile and left without another word. The door closed, and silence was all that remained.
“How was your day, Jumin?”
“…How did the deal with that overseas company go?”
“That’s great! Great…”
“…I’m gonna go take a shower –”
“How difficult is it for my girlfriend to greet me when I come home from work?” Jumin snapped.
…Here we go.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I wouldn’t be able to hear anyone coming in either if my music was playing that loudly.” He roughly arranged his papers into different folders.
“I said I’m sorry, Jumin. I’ll turn it down next time.”
“Is that okay?”
“It stinks in here.”
“Yeah, Saeyoung and I were dancing around. I’m about to take a shower.” My tone was starting to get snippy as well. “Sorry to ruin the aesthetically pleasing smell.”
I sighed and entered the bathroom, shedding my sweaty clothes from myself and reveling in how cold the tile was beneath my feet. I stepped into the shower, turned the knob, and allowed the water to engulf me completely.
I made mental notes to myself; I had to text Saeyoung and ask him if he drank water. I had to drink water.
I had to leave the shower eventually and face Jumin.
“Mm...” I grunted and shook my head. For now, I was by myself, and I wanted to revel in those moments alone.
I wanted to ignore the storm outside of the bathroom.
I shook off the wet strands from my hair into the towel as I left the bathroom. Jumin was at his desk, pen in hand, papers organized at the corner of his desk.
He didn’t look up at me once.
I steadily made my way towards him. “You seem to be hard at work.”
“I don’t like you spending time with Saeyoung.” He still didn’t look up from his papers. In fact, he kept his calm demeanor, and continued working.
“I spoke clearly. I don’t have to repeat myself.”
“…Jumin, are you kidding me right now?”
He placed his pen down and looked at me. “Does it look like I’m kidding around?”
“…You can’t forbid me from doing anything.”
“Hah…you are so simple minded.”
“Excuse you?”
“I didn’t forbid you from doing anything. I merely voiced my opinion about you and Saeyoung.”
“And your opinion just included insulting me, right?”
“Whatever.” I grabbed my phone.
“Are you texting him?”
“Yes. I am. I need to make sure he’s hydrated.”
“Hmph. Of course.”
“Okay, Jumin.” I sent the text and threw my phone onto his desk. “What’s wrong. Did you have a bad day at work? Did Jaehee not show up? Did the deal fall through? What, what is it?”
He stared at me.
“You need to talk to me. Okay? Because this? What you’re doing? That’s not going to fly with me. So, talk.”
A look of bewilderment flashed before his eyes. He looked down at his desk. “I had a long day.”
“Okay.” I placed my palms on his desk. “What happened at work.”
“Nothing happened at work.”
“…Then…what happened?”
He leaned forward. “I keep thinking about you. You, and Saeyoung.”
My domineering stance immediately faltered.
“It hasn’t been just today, either. It’s been for the past few months.” He stood up. “Listen, MC, I’m happy you have somebody to interact with. I’m happy you aren’t bored all day. I’m happy he’s keeping you company. But, lately, I’ve…” his brows furrowed. “…I’ve been feeling as though he’s been taking you away from me.”
I didn’t realize that my mouth had fallen open.
“I see how you behave around him. It’s completely different from how you behave around me. You smile more. You laugh more. Your eyes are brighter. You have no idea how happy it makes me, to see you smile and laugh. But I want to be the one who makes you smile the brightest and laugh the liveliest.”
I could hear my heart thumping.
“I’m not being rational, I know. I’ve tried to rationalize these feelings for months, but I can’t. I can’t make sense out of them. What I do know, is that I don’t like them. And I thought taking it out on you would somehow make me feel better, but I just feel worse.”
I pushed his chair aside and cupped his cheeks in my hands. I playfully squeezed his cheeks and looked into his eyes. “You’re jealous.”
His own eyes widened, and I giggled. “You look like a shocked hamster. But, I think that’s the problem here, Jumin.”
He placed his hands over mine. His eyes lowered.
“My Jumin,” I kissed the tip of his nose. “do you know how crazy I am about you?”
His eyes met with mine again.
“Saeyoung is my friend. He will always be my friend. But you? You are the air that supports the fire inside of me. You are my haven, my safe space, my absolute favorite person in this world. You’ve captured my full attention, attention that I will not give to anybody else.”
I moved in closer. “You are my love. My only love. And I will love you, through and through, time and time again. When we die, I will bargain with whichever gods are up there, just to make sure we meet again in the next life, and the life after the next life. I will always find you, and fall in love with you over, and over, and over again.”
He gulped slowly as I moved in a bit closer.
“So, you see? There is no need for you to feel jealous. And when you feel those feelings, Jumin, you need to talk to me. You cannot keep all that toxicity inside of you because it will eat you up alive. Okay?”
His slender fingers pulled my hands from his cheeks. He kissed the back of my hands repetitively, and I blushed madly; an irrepressible smile ran across my face and as I tried to pull my hands away out of sheer embarrassment, Jumin pulled them back and lead his kisses from the back of my hands to my forearms, elbows, shoulders, and neck.
“Ju – hoo… Jumin, h-hold on a sec…”
“Thank you.” He whispered against my neck. “Thank you so much. I love you, MC. And I’m so sorry.”
“It…it’s o – ooh…it’s okay…” I could barely stay standing as he sucked at the base of my neck. “Ju…Ju…Juh…”
“I love you so much.” He pressed his lips across my jawline, my cheeks, and he stopped, his lips hovering over mine.
“Don’t stop.” I whispered.
“If I don’t, I won’t be able to hold back.”
I pulled his suit jacket off. “Then so be it.
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nai0101 · 7 years
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It was supposed for JuminMCWeek Domesticity prompt back then but I couldn’t finish it on time then I lost motivation to ever continue it. However after playing Ray route and interacted with Jumin there, I found my motivation back cause he deserves it and I decided to finish it for Valentine Day also because I feel like lacking Jumin’s contents these days. Simply put I love this blessing miracle and he deserves so much love and appreciation
JuminMC Week
Day 6 - Domesticity
Other Submissions Day [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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tekirarara · 7 years
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Day 7: Birthday
Happy birthday my honney bunny <3 Korean sky master Han Jumin  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sorry im late but i love you so much yayyy let’s hug each other through the phone screen (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ pls come home soon
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arielle0808 · 7 years
Jumin MC week. Day 7- Birthday!
I’m sorry this took so long T^T.  I know I said I would update it the other day but I was just too busy and hadn't have time until now T^T. Still, I wanted to finish the prompts, so here it is.
You can also read it on AO3
I really hope you like it.
Thanks once again to @juminmcweek for organising this wonderful event.
Thank you for reading <3
How to surprise Jumin Han? You’ve been all week wondering how to prepare the most perfectest of birthdays for your beloved, but you still have no idea of how to do it. How can you get to surprise or impress the person who can get anything with just a call? So you decide you’re going to do what you do best and gives worst results! You’re going to figure it out as the days goes by!
You decide you’re going to surprise him going to his office to pick him up with a bouquet of roses and chocolates, but you definitely were not expecting what happens. Once you arrive to the C&R building, you have to pass through a bunch of controls where you are made to put the gifts in a metal detector machine. The flowers lose a couple of petals, but the chocolates are still intact, so you don’t give in! You enter his office after greeting Jaehee with a big smile only to find Jumin putting on his coat.
“Just on time, darling,” he greets you, giving you a peck on the lips. “We have exactly one hour and a half to go lunch.”
Stunned, you look at him for some seconds.
“Wait, you knew?” you point dramatically at him.
“Of course. Assistant Kang, put the roses on water and keep the chocolates for later.”
“As you wish, Mr Han.”
You hold back a pout as you give your precious gifts to Jaehee and Jumin takes your hand to take you to the restaurant he himself has booked.
“Father is waiting for us there,” he says. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go on our own, but it’s the only moment I have to celebrate my birthday.”
“Jumin, happy...”
“Driver Kim, take us to...” he interrupts you, telling Driver Kim the name of the restaurant.
You three spend a nice meal together, but you cannot help but feeling somehow disencouraged at your failure surprising him. Then, you realise. You have to do something more eccentric! After leaving Jumin at the office again, you path around, thinking about something original to do. You discard a couple of options, like playing music at the window of his office, for it is at the last floor of a skyscraper and he wouldn’t hear it, or surprising him going out from inside a cake, though you almost go for this one, and decide to ask for help for the RFA members Nevertheless, they come out with even worse ideas than you.
But still, it is his birthday and you want to make it special no matter what, so you decide you’re going to visit him at the office again. You know for sure he’s not leaving it today, so you rush there with your best set of lingerie and a ribbon (to say you’re his present) and enter it. You get startled when you don’t see Jaehee at her usual desk, but that only make things more comfortable to the three of you. With a smirk, you knock the door, expecting to hear your boyfriend’s low voice inviting you in, but you hear... nothing.
“Jumin?” you call him, opening the door and finding his office empty.
Your phone rings, as if he knows what you’re doing, and you take it, pouting.
“MC? Can you hear me properly? I’m calling you just to let you know that I will be out until late. I was unexpectedly asked to go to the neighbouring city to solve some problems with one of our partners. MC?”
“It’s alright,” you whine. “Have a nice journey.”
“Thank you, my love. See you tomorrow.”
“Happy birthday,” you make sure to say, but he has already hung up.
You go home, a pouting and sobbing mess, and let yourself fall on the sofa, Elizabeth 3rd trying to cheer you up with her tiny, elegant paw.
“Elizabeth, what can we do?” you pout, looking at her, and she meows. “You’re right!” you exclaim taken her with a smile of resolution. “We cannot give in.”
 Jumin has had the most tiring day and the only thing he can think about is lying next to you on the bed. He gets home, trying not to be too noisy since it’s late in the night and you must be sleeping, but gets startled at a small noise in the living room and a low light that seems to be coming from there. He enters it and a look of surprise draws in his features when he sees you holding a cake for him and whisper.
“Happy birthday, Jumin.”
You had gone to the nearest supermarket to buy candles and ingredients to make what you thought had turned out as the crappiest cake in the world. It’s shape was terrible, it’s colour... intriguing and the flavour... unique. But you didn’t mind by then and had taken Jumin’s favourite wine and Elizabeth and waited for him on the couch. When you had heard his keys on the door, you had rushed to light the candles, cleaned the line of drool than went down your mouth –you had inevitably fallen asleep on the couch –and presented him the cake, and there you are now, wishing him happy birthday, your heart beating like crazy in your chest, hoping he would at least appreciate the effort you had put in making him this surprise.
How to surprise Jumin Han? You had wondered. Well, Jumin is, indeed, surprised. He clears his throat and speaks up, trying to remain calm.
“Have you stayed up to congratulate me on my birthday?” he asks and you nod. “Have you taken all this trouble just to celebrate it with me?”
“This is nothing,” you say, still embarrassed of your cake. “I just wanted you to have the birthday you deserve. Well, it’s already past twelve in the morning,” you apprehensively say, looking at the clock, but I hope it still counts?” you try to smile.
Jumin takes the cake from your hands, his expression unreadable, and leaves it on the table, making you startle.
“You didn’t li...?”
He interrupts your question taking you into his arms, his face dug on your neck, taking in your scent, which he has missed so much throughout the day. You return the embrace, chuckling lightly at his reaction, glad that he seems to like it.
“This is the best birthday I’ve ever had,” he whispers in your ear, making you tighten your embrace, moved.
“It’s not such a big deal, but I wanted to make it special for you.”
“It is special because of the feelings you put into it. Thank you, MC. You’re the only one who could have made me feel so loved and happy.”
“That’s because I love you a lot. Happy birthday, Jumin,” you hold back a sob.
He moves back to face you and rubs his thumb against your cheek.
“I love you too.”
You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom, to eagerly show him how much you love him, the cake completely forgotten on the table, the day of his birthday passed, but everything feeling just right, on its place. Just full of love.
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elvendara · 7 years
Jumin/MC week Day 2
Day 2 for @juminmcweek Enemies to Lovers, or, something like that! This was written super fast, so, I hope y’all like it.
Jumin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It had never been difficult for him to keep his emotions in check. To make no outward expression of his displeasure or pleasure. However, this woman was constantly testing him. She did nothing but show her emotion, practically shoving it in his face. How had she become so successful?
He ground his teeth silently as he watched her charm another client right from under his nose. How could he compete with cleavage that ample? He glanced at the swell of her olive-skinned breasts then quickly to her eyes. She had taken note of his wavering gaze and he inwardly sighed. He had not been ogling, however, he knew it would be exactly what she would think. He shook his head and turned away, grabbing another glass of wine. Instead of enjoying it slowly, savoring it, the aroma, the color, the taste, he downed most of it in one swallow and grabbed another one. He knew he should slow down, but he was seething and was not used to dealing with these kinds of feelings.
“You should slow down, you wouldn’t want your clients to see you drunk.” MC stated at his elbow. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, trying to slow the rhythm of his heart, before he faced her. He gave her a grave grin, his storm grey eyes seemingly electrified by small thunder clouds.
“Why are you here?” he asked through gritted teeth.
She laughed, the high tinkle grating on his nerves. “C&R functions are a great way to make connections. Of course, you already knew that.”
“You were not invited.” He stated coldly.
“I’m a plus one. I can go find him if you wish, so you can verify if you wish.” She sipped her wine and wrinkled her nose. “Really, you’d think a company as rich as yours could afford the best stuff. Where’d you get this? The Liquor Barn?”
“Don’t drink it if you don’t like it. No one is forcing you to. In fact, why don’t you go find yourself a better bottle of wine. I’m sure you won’t be missed.” Jumin smirked.
MC loved pushing his buttons. The very put together business man did indeed have feelings. He was not the automaton with a cold heart that most people assumed. She grinned at him, staring at those swirling clouds in his eyes, over the rim of her glass. Of course, he could give as good as she did, and she had the emotional scars to prove it. She couldn’t wait to overtake his company, to wipe that smug smile right off his face. One day, some day, she would win.
“Did you get what you wanted from Mr. Kim?” Jumin prodded, sipping his wine slower.
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell Jumin.” She teased. He narrowed his eyes and MC was made aware once more of how much the man did not know about regular people, including common sayings. She rolled her eyes but stayed silent. She was rewarded with a quick pursing of his lips before he regained his composure.
“For your information, it’s Mrs. Kim who makes the decisions, so, get as cozy with him as you wish, kiss all you want, unless you are going through his wife, you’ll get nothing but Mono.” He practically snorted as he walked away from her. She was tempted to through the remaining wine in her glass at him. But that would not look good. She settled for throwing daggers with her eyes at his back. Damn it! Was he right? Had she just wasted two hours on a man who wasn’t even able to make a business decision?
She scanned the room and quickly found Mr. Kim. He was with a woman his own age who was immaculately put together. Their eyes met and MC knew instantly that Jumin had not lied. The woman was clearly not pleased with her. Now it was MC who downed her drink and took another.
The next morning Jumin woke as early as he did when he went to work. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had not slept well, but his body was used to rising early. He made the bed before slipping into the bathroom and taking a hot shower. He let the water wash over him, easing the tension in his body. He shampooed his hair and washed his body methodically. His mind still on work.
He was not used to feeling uneasy about his clients and the companies C&R worked with. Yet, this woman, was somehow pouching some of his clients. He growled, disliking the bitter taste of failure. He ran through the mental portfolio of names in his head and decided to begin to work his charm. He knew his abilities were vast, he had just never needed to work so hard to keep his clients.
He decided to take a walk in his garden after breakfast, it would help him relax and ease his mood. The sun was shining but the day was brisk. He pulled his jacket around him tighter as he meandered through the garden. He was finally feeling much better. So much so that he decided to have lunch at a local café. He enjoyed the cool wind, and a nice hot coffee would hit the right spot.
He was quickly seated and placed his order. He took out his phone and checked his messages. There were quite a few, since he had turned it off during his walk. He began to answer them, leaving others for Assistant Kang, and yet others went unopened because he was not in the right frame of mind to even deal with them.
Someone sat across from him and his head jerked up, ready to excoriate whoever had the temerity to invade his privacy. It was MC. Her dark brown hair was loose, unlike he had ever seen it before. She wore a fleece lavender jacket, the collar of her white blouse peeking above it, just under her chin. Her honey brown eyes challenged him, as if they were trying to bore into his soul. His breath caught at her fresh and clean face, which looked more innocent and young than he had ever seen. Her pink cheeks colored by the crispness of the day. His biting words were stuck in his throat and he merely stared at her and swallowed hard.
She blinked at him slowly, her smile seeming genuine.
“Imagine my surprise. You look semi human Jumin.” Her tone was light and airy.
“I didn’t know you would be dining with a guest Mr. Han. I apologize. May I take your order?” the waitress asked MC. She smiled at the server, her white teeth gleaming in the sunshine. There was a deep dimple on her left cheek, had that always been there?
“I will have exactly what he is having. Thank you.”
“Of course, I will be right back with your coffee.”
MC turned her attention back to Jumin, who had yet to say a word.
“I’ve never seen you so speechless.” She teased.
Jumin peeled his eyes away from the woman, he pulled at the collar of his jacket, away from his neck.
“Feeling the heat?” she smiled at him. Damn it. Why did her eyes twinkle like that? And yes, he was most definitely feeling warm, his mouth running dry.
The waitress returned with their coffee, pouring them each a cup. MC was surprised that Jumin had not already forced her to leave. His eyes were so soft when she had seen him sitting by himself. He looked calm, at ease, comfortable. She had never seen him like that. He was actually kind of cute, handsome, sexy even. She could see why women found him attractive. She had watched him for a bit before deciding to venture over.
She had been prepared to see him revert to Mr., ice runs through his veins, Han. But he hadn’t. She watched his profile, his sharp jaw jutting forward. The flesh of his neck beckoned to her and she shook herself internally. Was she really thinking about Jumin Han this way? Her gaze traveled towards him again and she met his storm grey eyes. They held that gaze silently. The waitress brought them their lunch and asked if they needed anything else. Jumin shook his head and began to dig in.
“Jumin.” She said his name, to know what it tasted like in her mouth. His hands stopped and he once more glanced up at her. He arched an eyebrow questioningly, he had yet to utter a word, yet, his face spoke volumes right now. Had he always been so expressive? Had she been that blind? How could anyone ever have thought this man was a cold, unfeeling, statue. She sat back and immersed herself in her lunch. They ate in silence, MC not wanting to break the spell she seemed to be under.
Once they were finished, the waitress brought them their check and Jumin paid. He stood, gracefully, his body sinewy and elegant. He held out his hand to her and she hesitantly took it as he pulled her to her feet.
“There is a place I want to show you.” He finally stated. He led her towards his private garden, his mind reeling. He had never wanted to share this space with anyone before. It was his own oasis. The place he could go and be alone with his thoughts, to escape the demands on him. The feel of her hand in his was pleasant and he returned the small squeeze she gave him. She leaned towards him, trusting in him.
He marveled at the sudden change in them both, just because of the setting in which they met. Come Monday, they would be at each other’s throat once more, but now, they could explore each other in a different way.
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arielle0808 · 7 years
Jumin MC week. Day 5- Wedding.
Here comes the story of today for the @juminmcweek! You can also read it on AO3 I’m really enjoying this event <3
I think I’m making poor MC suffer quite a lot this week, so maybe tomorrow you’ll get some fluff!!
Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
“So, my bridesmaid has broken her ankle and won’t be able to come to my wedding tomorrow, and I thought: hey! What about MC? That way I could see her again!! What do you think?”
You sigh, listening to your relative’s talk at the other side of the phone.
“Ok, I’ll be your bridesmaid,” you reply, earning a curious look from your boyfriend next to you.
“Thank you so much, MC!” she says at the other side of the phone. “See you later this afternoon to have you try the dress!”
You hang up and look to the ceiling, wondering again why you should do this.
“So...” Jumin encourages you to talk.
“You see? The granddaughter of the cousin of my grandmother...”
“You mean your second cousin twice removed,” Jumin clarifies.
You think for a while and finally agree.
“That’s it, my second cousin twice removed wants me to go to her wedding tomorrow and be her bridesmaid.”
“That’s fortunate,” Jumin caresses your arm. “It’s not every day that you can meet your second cousin twice removed and her family.”
“I don’t see her since we were twelve!” you exclaim, whining.
You two go to your second cousin... your cousin’s home and try on the horrendous dress that seemed to had come out of a horror film. You look at the pink and red mess of fabric and sparkles that fit awkwardly your body with pins and turn to face your boyfriend in despair. He reads your look and takes out his phone to call a designer to get you a new dress.
“But all the bridesmaids should wear the same,” your cousin complains.
“If it’s not much of an inconvenience, call them and I’ll get them new dresses for them as well,” Jumin simply replies and your cousin nods, amazed.
The day of the wedding arrives and you and Jumin get to the ceremony, both of you with your perfect outfits. The day seems to go by smoothly. You aren’t bothered by your relatives, they probably don’t even remember you, and the ceremony is simple but nice, in a small church with not so many guests, the dress of the bride surprisingly pretty and the couple irradiating love and happiness.
You’re glad you came and helped them in their special day and are willing to enjoy the meal afterwards. Nevertheless, things start getting more asphyxiating there. During the toasts, your cousin insists on thanking Jumin for the dresses, which turns everybody’s attention to you, making them realise who you are.
“MC,” an old lady who you don’t really remember approaches you. “You’ve grown so pretty,” she smiles. “I didn’t see you since you were 12! Do you remember your aunt Augusta?”
“Of course!” you exclaim, feeling nervous.
“When do you finish University?” she kindly asks.
“I finished it three years ago,” you reply.
“Oh, darling!” your apparently aunt Augusta laughs. “Time flies!”
You smile awkwardly and look for Jumin with your eyes, but he’s talking to the bride’s brother in law, who has recognised him as the heir of C&R and is trying to make business with him. You excuse yourself and run to Jumin’s side, dragging him away from the other man, and when you thought you would be able to escape, aunt Augusta and her husband see you.
“Do you remember her, Williams?” she asks him a little bit too loud due to his deftness. “She’s MC!”
“Mancy?” he asks.
“No, Williams, M-C,” she repeats your name more slowly.
A little girl who was running around runs into Jumin and almost falls to the floor, but he helps her before she does.
“I’m sorry, sir,” she apologises.
“Are you her dad?” Williams asks Jumin.
“I am not her father, sir,” he turns to point at you, “but her dadd...”
You shove a muffin into Jumin’s mouth before he can continue, laughing loudly.
“Ohohohohoho! My date, he means my date!!” you try to excuse yourself.
You finally get rid of aunt Augusta and her husband right at the moment the waltz starts playing and the groom and bride start dancing. They look so lovely, radiating love and joy, that you cannot help but smile too. At that moment, you feel Jumin’s hand tossing carefully your hair to the side and whispering in your uncovered ear.
“Would you give me the honour to be my dancing partner?”
You chuckle and turn, nodding.
He takes your hand and puts his free one on your waist, leading both of you expertly to the dance floor. You lean on his chest and let him lead your dance, swinging softly at the sound of the music as you usually do at his living room. You feel him kissing your head and look up to meet his soft smile with yours and kiss him softly on the lips.
“I’m glad we came after all,” you say.
“Me too.”
“Everything turns out right when I’m with you,” you smile broadly at him and he squeezes your waist.
“Everything is blissful when I’m with you.”
You bury your face on his chest, flustered, and he lets out a low chuckle. You continue dancing in silence, focusing on the other’s breathing and warmth, the rest of the guests inexistent for both of you, and suddenly Jumin leans and whispers.
“MC, would you give me the honour to be able to spend the rest of my life with you as husband and wife?”
You move back, your eyes widened in surprise and meet his earnest gaze. You open your mouth to answer, but your voice gets caught in your throat, so you kiss him instead, your dance stopping as he returns the kiss, feeling your tears of joy falling down your cheeks. You move back and he puts his forehead against you to look deep into your eyes to hear you reply:
“I do.”
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arielle0808 · 7 years
Jumin MC week. Day 2- Realisations.
I’m sorry this took so long to update T^T Yesterday I was quite busy, but I really wanted to upload the story for day 2 of @juminmcweek, so here it goes! With a little bit of luck, I will be able to upload later today the prompt for day 3, so please look forward to it :)
I chose the prompt realisation and decided to give it a humorous tone. I really hope you like it.
You canalso read it on AO3
Thank you for reading <3
You let out an involuntary sigh. It’s been some time since Jumin and you became closer, but he still doesn’t give a further step with your relationship and you frustratingly still find yourself introducing him as your friend. “He likes you. He just has to realise.” That’s what all of the RFA members say to you, but you don’t know if he’s ever going to. That is, until you hear your phone ringing and take it.
“MC, are you free this afternoon?” you hear Jumin’s voice at the other side of the line, which makes your heart flutter in anticipation.
“I am!” you say, regretting how enthusiastic you actually sound. “I mean, sure, I can make some time for you,” you giggle, regretting how silly you sound. Damn.
“Could you come over, then?” he asks. “I’ve just realised something.”
“I’MONMYWAYJUSTHOLDONFORASECOND,” you reply, caring little about sounding too eager, enthusiastic, or silly.
In less than expected, you arrive to Jumin’s penthouse with the biggest of grins in your face, greeting the security guards friendly, hoping to see them more often now onwards, and make your way up the building to his home. You knock on his door and he opens it, inviting you inside and motioning towards the sofa.
“Thank you for coming here after I asked you to with such a short notice,” he says.
“It’s alright,” you smile, greeting Elizabeth 3rd, who’s rubbing against your legs.
“How are y...?”
Before he even can finish his sentence, you interrupt him.
“What did you want to tell me?” you smile widely and he nods.
“You should take a seat,” he sighs, pointing at the comfortable sofa where you sit, excited. “I’ve just realised...”
“Yes?” you encourage him with a smile.
“I’ve just realised I need to change the sofas.”
You feel as if a bucket of cold water has just fall on your head and stare blankly at him for some seconds.
“Sofas,” you say.
“Exactly,” Jumin nods and sits next to you with a catalogue. “If it’s not much of a nuisance, I would like to request your help finding another model to replace them. I trust your taste.”
How can you possibly say no?
Thus, you end up spending a lovely afternoon with your FRIEND, looking for new sofas.
The next day you feel encouraged again, unwilling to give in, so when Jumin calls you, you pick up the phone with the biggest of grins.
“I’ve just realised something. Would you mind coming over?” he says.
“Yes! I mean, no! I mean, I’m on my way!!” you exclaim, already putting on your trousers.
When you arrive to the penthouse, Jumin opens the door, invites you in and speaks up.
“I’ve just reali...”
“What is it?” you are almost giving small jumps on the (new) sofa.
“If I turn my head 52º to the right, Elizabeth 3rd will jump. Look.”
She jumped.
But you are not giving in!! The next day, you decide to call him.
“How did you know I wanted to call you?” he says and you feel you’re going to faint as you can notice a small grin in his voice. “I’ve just realised something.”
“I’m already on my way!” you exclaim as you storm out of your home.
Jumin greets you as usual when you appear at the other side of his door and you sit on the sofa, but he asks you to stand up and takes you towards the window, where you can see the wonderful view of the city. You smirk. This is a perfect place to confess!
“I’ve just realised I can see your house from here with this telescope I found this morning,” he says, giving it to you to look. Sobbing, you take it, look through it, and see your home. “MC, if you lean so much, you can fall.”
Disencouraged, you take the phone the next day.
“MC, I’ve just realised something.”
“I’m going,” you almost sob, going back to the penthouse where probably Jumin won’t confess to you.
You enter it and see a light blush on Jumin’s cheeks. Could it be? Has he finally realised? You smile and sit on the sofa, expectant, and he looks away from you, clearly shy.
“What have you realised?” you ask him tenderly, ready to open up to him when he does.
“The C&R wants to launch some new models of female lingerie, and I’ve realised you could be helpful choosing a model,” he gives you some papers with designs and you hold back a pout. “MC? You can hurt yourself if you hit your head against the table like that. Is that something commoners do?”
“Jumin Han!” you exclaim, your forehead red. “I’ve just realised something!”
Jumin startles.
“What is...?”
“I realised it a long time ago and I’m going to tell you now!” somehow intimidated, Jumin nods and encourages you to proceed. “I’ve realised I’m in love with you!” you blush, feeling relieved when you finally let it out.
A small smile appears on Jumin’s mouth as he leans closer to you, putting his hand under your chin. You widen your eyes in surprise as he looks into them, a soft expression taking over his features.
“That’s the loveliest thing to realise,” he kisses you softly, making you glad you realised you should just tell him.
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