#I love how she says Vaggie has no anatomy and I’m like…yeah because you didn’t give her any LOL
showtoonzfan · 2 years
Okay this video is about 6 minutes, (all of it is for good reason) but I need to say that every time I look at Viv’s art from today and how she clearly hasn’t improved, I just think back to how she responded to a fan mentioning anatomy in a late 2018 livestream back when she was working on the Hazbin poster:
She goes on to explain how she knows her art has flaws and that she’s not an expert at anatomy, but that she does know basic anatomy and only doesn’t use it because it’s an “aesthetic” style and thinks using it makes her character poses and all look boring so it drives her crazy when people bring it up. I show this because the problem with Viv is not that she’s not an expert at anatomy or wants her characters to look more appealing, but because you just clearly tell from 2018 to now, she clearly hasn’t changed or put in any effort to improve her art. Just because you want your art to not look stiff and boring, doesn’t mean you can’t experiment and actually do research to try to work to be better, which is something she hasn’t done. It’s funny because she’s said that characters like Vaggie’s anatomy is unrealistic but that’s literally ALL her characters because they’re all fucking sticks. Also apparently she doesn’t know that your art can still look good and have pushed expressions and movements WHILE also being consistent right??? The thing that just bugs me is that she acknowledges she knows her art is unrealistic and not perfect but it’s as if she uses that as an excuse to not improve upon it. When it comes to me personally, I’m not asking Viv to be god and have 100% realistic shapes and everything because no one is perfect, but I am asking her to actually branch out her character shapes as well as doing research to TRY to improve because her art has done nothing but downgrade. I feel the reason why her art looks the way it does today is probably because she still has this refusal to listen mindset I’m sorry, but that’s just me.
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