#I love him and would love to hear him ramble about dish soap
samrut · 1 year
Tolys is the type of man that gets excited when a new scent of dish soap drops.
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kivino · 10 months
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Word Counter – 1.9k
Tags/Warnings – Some friendly banter, can be read as both platonic and romantic, fluff!
Summary – Your roommate Johnny comes back after his deployment and his hair looks like it needs a little trimming.
A/n – I AM ON MY ROOMMATE!SOAP AGENDA AND I WILL SPREAD IT FAR AND WIDE. let me know if you guys would like to see more roommate!Soap things on my blog, i'm very interested in different opinions!!!
ao3 link!!
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Soap couldn’t wait until he was finally back home – several months had passed since his last leave and he was getting restless and antsy without the very much-needed rest. And, well, your company, which he missed more and more each day. You’d constantly be on his mind, plaguing his every thought with your presence, from a rather simple, passing “Oh, they’d like this joke” inside his head to talking the ears off of anyone who’d listen to him ramble about his lovely roommate, who he affectionately called “my dumbass back home”. Slowly, but surely, the number of people willing to lend an ear to restless Johnny became less and less, with each day of him staying on the base. So really, it was more of a favor extended to all the resident soldiers there.
Soap could almost feel the buzz of excitement itching under his skin, the commute back to your shared apartment was really long and tiring; the huge duffel bag filled to the brim with dirty laundry and a variety of clothes he shoved inside in a hurry didn’t help with the soreness in his body either. Soap, thankfully, didn’t forget to tell you earlier this week that his leave got approved, which you didn’t seem too excited about over the text, but he knew that you were screaming and jumping from joy. Maybe.
The last time he forgot to do that ahead of time he came back to an absolute disaster inside the apartment, with you trying to cook dinner while doing laundry, vacuuming, and cussing him out for not telling you earlier. Truth be told, Johnny didn’t mind if the apartment was messy, with undone dishes and whatnot, he’d help you do everything, but you were fixed on the fact that you should do it yourself and it’s absolutely crucial that everything has to be perfect by the time he’s back. Ghost joked that you had some military spouse mentality when Soap mentioned it to him (among countless other times he’d tell the big guy about you). Maybe there was some truth to this joke. Just maybe.
Regardless, Johnny could feel the bounce in his step and the same lightness in his chest when he was finally within a short walking distance of the apartment, and he just simply couldn’t wait to see you, even if you were a bit tired after all the cleaning you’d have to do in the apartment to keep up this image of a “perfect roommate”, despite being to him much more than just that. Seconds drag out unbearably long when he’s going up the steep stairs in the building that have certainly seen better times than the 21st century, and Soap thinks he could combust when he has to rummage through his pockets for the keys he hasn’t used in months. Johnny could hear the vacuum moaning from exertion from his place outside the door and an unintentional smile grazes his lips when he hears you cursing something out in your native language. Johnny finally fishes the key out of his pocket, hurriedly unlocks the door, and goes inside, as quietly as he can, which you can still hear even over the sound of a working vacuum.
“Johnny, you ass, you’re finally back.” You’re immediately distracted from the home appliance, as you turn it off and focus your attention solely on Soap, running up to him across the room and helping him with the giant duffel bag. “Thought you died out there with long they held up your leave.” You mumble with a chuckle that turns into a rough shriek, courtesy of Johnny squeezing the life out of you with a tight and warm embrace.
“Aye, there we go, bonnie, let’s hug it out!” If you could hear over his loud booming voice you were sure you’d hear your bones snapping from how tight his arms wrapped around your torso. You’d probably hug him back if you could free your arms out of Johnny’s hug too, but that didn’t seem to be an option at the moment.
“Johnny, for fuck’s sake, you stink!” You only hear a hearty laugh in response to your dramatic delivery. You tried to seem annoyed with Soap, which was a bit harder than you initially thought. You kind of missed him, the apartment felt cold and empty without his chatter.
“And that’s how you treat me after we haven’t seen each other for months? You wound me so deep.” The man says in a mock-sad tone. Deep inside of him, he felt that – you’re not being serious and just messing with him. So, he only continued squeezing you in his arms, without much thought. “When did you shower last time anyway?” you ask with a light groan. “Not in the past 24 hours, I’ll tell ya that.” Johnny’s chest rumbles with a low laugh and you can feel those vibrations going right through you, from how close you were.
“Oh, fuck off. And what’s with the hair? Decided to take some fashion advice from those edgy lads down the road?” You finally look up at Soap and he looks…Interesting to say the least. It’s obvious that someone probably helped him trim down the sides, since they didn’t appear much longer than they were several months ago when he left last. The longer part of the mohawk, however, made him look like he decided to go full mullet, with parts of his hair cut in certain places, like there was an attempt to make it shorter. It wasn’t bad-looking by any stretch of the imagination (in fact, you were sure, that Johnny can make look good just about anything if he managed to pull off the fucking mohawk in the first place), but you had to take the piss at him while you had the chance.
“Everyone’s a critic. Help me cut it then, will ya?” The man asks, slightly loosening his iron grip on you to look you in the eyes with an infectious smile.
“Only after you wash.”
And that’s how you find yourself in the cramped, tight bathroom of your apartment, Johnny sitting in front of the mirror on a stool, back hunched over the sink and you standing right behind him, with a pair of scissors and a clear goal in mind – sort out whatever mess was on his head. If it was up to you, you’d find a person who decided to make Johnny the next victim of their questionable fashion choices and cut off their fingers so they can never hold anything that can cut hair in their hands again. But for now, you just have to figure out what to do with Soap.
“You look like a feral rat on steroids, Johnny,” You say, as your fingers slowly drift through the longer, very grown-out parts of his mohawk. You look at his reflection in the mirror and your eyes meet, despite the weird angle his head was positioned at, just to rest on your stomach. Soap gives you a lopsided smile and closes his eyes with a relaxed sigh. That bath must’ve been good, you scrubbed the shit out of the bathroom yesterday.
“Well, somebody’s gotta be the pretty one outta the pair of us.” If you were meaner than you already are you’d yank his hair to teach his ass a lesson. But you don’t. And he knows you wouldn’t do that, which is why you can see one barely open blue eye staring back at you from the mirror. He’s such a pain in the ass, but you love him. The world will collapse the day you actually acknowledge that though.
“You’re butt-ugly.” You mumble instead, playing with the damp strands of hair that refused to stand up the way they did before his deployment. You didn’t know much about the military dress code but you’d be surprised if he wasn’t violating any regulations with how his hair looked.
“Yer mum would disagree.” Johnny gave another hearty laugh and leaned more into you with his back. It really felt great to be back home. He could’ve still lived with his parents and sisters back on that farm, but as much as he loved them, relatives were too much sometimes. Maybe he should visit them soon with you. That’d be great. Johnny just has to explain beforehand that you’re only roommates, so it doesn’t turn into a big mess, that he’d hate to sort out.
“You don’t even know my mum, you wanker.” You slap Johnny on the shoulder lightly and he doesn’t even flinch. “Come on, straighten up.” He reluctantly obeys and gets up from his unusual resting position, you hear no verbal protests from him. With a light, gentle motion your hand ruffles his hair in approval.
“I’m sure she’s a woman of refined taste.” This earns Soap another slap to the shoulder, to which he laughs like a damn schoolboy. Your eyes are glued to his hair, studying it carefully. You didn’t have much experience even trimming it on somebody else, so this was a bit nerve-wracking – you didn’t want to mess up and make Johnny look worse. Although not a lot of things could look genuinely bad on the man, you were willing to admit that. You finally take the scissors that have been sitting on the edge of the sink for the past half hour and pinch the longer stand that fell over Johnny's eyes between your index and middle fingers. “Well, what are you waiting for? Cut it.” He tries to hurry you, and you can’t even see the way he observes your expression - brows tied together in a thoughtful frown, Johnny thought it looked quite cute.
“Shut up, I’m thinking.” Your eyes rise to the mirror again and he playfully rolls his eyes. He doesn’t say anything though, letting you take your time, as you put down the scissors. You start ruffling Johnny’s hair again and you see the way he closes his eyes in the reflection, a warm smile stretching his lips. Your hand rests on the side of his face for a moment and not even a second passes, before you feel Soap’s palm rest over it in a gentle motion. But it doesn’t end on it, when he rubs his cheek over your skin, his stubble scratching you slightly. You let him have this moment though.
You look at his hair, as you ruffle and play with it using your free hand, and your realization makes you want to bash your head on the wall. You like it better like this. This is stupid and you feel like an idiot. At least you had an idea on how you can tell Johnny that you changed your mind about cutting his hair. Your fingers dive into his hair again, scratching the scalp lightly with the nails as you give your final verdict, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
“I don’t think I can make it any worse than it already is, to be honest. Somebody fucked you over real good with that one.” You lie right to his face. Johnny opens his eyes and gives you a mischievous smile when he hears that.
“So, what I hear is you’re chickening out?’ He asks with a light, airy laugh that makes even the cold bathroom feel warmer.
“Johnny, get out of here before I shave you bald”
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yandere-kokeshi · 8 months
How would Yandere Price and Soap and König react to their darling being a cannibal. Like, the boys find out, and the darling is like, “it’s okay! I only eat bad guys, tho! So don’t be worried 😋😋”
— Yandere Price, Soap, and König with a cannibal gn darling
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about eating humans and slight violence. 
A/N: This is the most chaotic ask I’ve gotten, and I’m here for it. Enjoy!
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Johnny “Soap” MacTavish:
The most dominant side-eye. He’s skeptical, a bit uncomfortable… However, if it satisfies your needs, then why not? Plus, you said you weren’t eating innocents, and you’re doing a favor for the world by getting rid of bad guys, no?
His first question is how do you get the meat. And if he hears you’re getting it from the black-market, or you go out killing on the register, it makes him feel odd. Regardless of the answer, he fits in that he’ll gladly kill for you. It’s all laughter, until he comes inside the house the next day, dragging a black-bag shaped like a body…
Of course, he worries about you. He understands the human body, and how much iron and fat is in the body, which in many cases, causes you to get sick. 
Johnny won’t join your diet, but will happily help you cook. He’s fine with helping out, adding seasoning and such with a big smile as the two of you take time with each other. 
Honestly interested in what made you decide on cannibalism. Did you grow up that way? Did someone or something initiate it? Or was it a day when you woke up, and randomly decided on? Johnny is all up to hearing about it, regardless of the time it takes, and finds it fascinating whilst listening to you. 
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John “Captain” Price:
Just blinks at you, hand scratching at his beard with a small ‘huh’ grunting out. 
He’s definitely weirded out by it. It’s something he wasn’t expecting to find out, or hearing those words come out from you. He tries to talk to you, asking why or when you started doing it; gently suggesting to you that you should stop and the reasons as to it. But, sooner or later, he accepts it, shrugging his shoulders and going on along with it. 
Another one that will not be joining your diet. He gags at the glazed image, and it makes him uncomfortable. However, he’s open to helping you cook, but will be eating the ‘other’ meat you’re not so fond of. 
While John isn’t a fan of you eating humans, he’s also one to recommend if you want him to find someone for dinner. He enjoys pampering you, and if he hears a yes, a friend that openly flirts with you is gone — and so are many others that Price sees as a threat.  
Definitely learns to be more open about it, and sometimes forgets you openly eat it, until the time comes when he’s butchering.  
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As long as you don’t jokingly say you’ll eat him, he’s weirdly fine with it. He just nods, rambling in Denglish, before asking questions to ensure he understands you correctly. 
König is fascinated by the human body, which means he understands that certain organs can easily poison you with how many substances it holds. This said, he worries over what you eat — coming into the kitchen to ask if he can cook the meals for you. Within 30+ minutes, König shows that he can make dishes like a tier-5-restaurant rating. 
He loves seeing your reaction to his cooking, smiling at himself with your humming, and always makes a bigger gourmet for a second plate. 
In a way, this giant enjoys knowing this secret. It’s to you and him only, and he loves preparing lunch or dinner with the specific meat. He’s also open to trying the meat you so like, and if he does? Well, that makes two of you a team, doesn’t it? 
Will gladly kill anyone for you. Open to killing the bad, the in-between, and the good if you so ask. However, König tends to go for people who deeply annoy him. 
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© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
Lemon Drop
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pairing; kwon soonyoung (hoshi) x reader
genre; fluff, suggestive
warnings; arguing over something petty very briefly, reader has breasts, kissing breasts, use to pet names, and mention of food
w/c; 850 and some change
requested; no
a/n; i saw a tiktok about a woman stopping an petty argument with her husband by flashing him, and it led me here. thank you to @duhnova, @junkissed-replies, and @wonwussy for beta reading. special thanks for my supernova for the title!
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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Soonyoung furrows his brows looking at the container that had once held two different cookies. He had bought them earlier in the day and then made his way outside to do chores while you worked on things inside the house. Now he was staring down at a single cookie. 
Yes, he had bought one for himself and one for you, but the point that was upsetting him was that the molten lava cookie was gone. In the place of the chocolate filled cookie was the lemonade one he had thought you would enjoy the most. 
Glancing around the kitchen, a pouty frown on his face, Soonyoung finds you with your hands in the sink. You were humming some song stuck in your head as you washed dishes. Normally he would find it adorable but the only thing on his mind at that moment was that you were a cookie thief. 
“Y/N, baby…love of my life?” 
Furrowing your brows, you use the back of your wrist to turn on the water to rinse the soap off your hands before glancing over to Soonyoung who was still standing over the cookie box. His words weren’t necessarily out of the ordinary but you could still tell he had something on his mind. 
“Soonyoung, darling, what is it?” 
The man lets out a huff as you mock him. Hadn’t you done that by choosing the wrong cookie? You watch him point down to the box and he watches your brow lift in confusion. 
“The cookie? What about it babe?” 
Soonyoung takes a step in place, much like a child who couldn’t get his point across without words. You watch him sigh, his hands moving under the small box to lift it and show you the single lemon flavored cookie inside. 
“This was yours. I mean, come on baby, when have I ever chosen the fruit cookie?” 
Your mouth falls open slightly in disbelief and slight amusement as you take a few steps towards your boyfriend and the offensive cookie. 
“You didn’t tell me you wanted the other cookie. Am I a mind reader, Soonie?” 
Pouting outwardly now, Soonyoung drops the box back on to the counter with a huff. His eyes fall to it before lifting towards you once again when you shake your head and start to walk away from him now. 
“Well no, but Y/N! You should have known which one, you know me. I really wanted to eat that one. I was outside in the sun, working so hard on the yard. I kept thinking about that cookie and now… it’s just…” 
He was rambling. Soonyoung had started to ramble about the loss of a cookie. Leaning your head back you let out an annoyed sigh knowing how childish he could get when things didn’t go his way. Turning to walk backwards you just nod along with Soonyoung’s words making him feel more frustrated until his eyes fall to your hands. 
“Oh my god, just what?” 
With an annoyed sigh you then prompt him to keep speaking as your fingers work your shirt up over your chest along with your bra, the man can only stare. Your breasts look soft and inviting to Soonyoung but he can only shake his head when he hears you hum at him trying to get him to speak up. 
“Tell me about your cookie, Soonyoung.” 
Nodding, Soonyoung gestures towards you and then at the box on the counter. You can’t help but to smile as he stutters over his words trying to form full comprehensible sentences while he eats you with his eyes. 
“It was going to be really good. It was chocolate. Fuck, Y/N…I just want a snack. I–God you are pretty. I was trying to have a serious conversation, but I can’t…when you have those out.” 
Taking a step towards you, Soonyoung finds himself having to chase you in a way as you take another step backwards from him. 
“The cookie was good, and why can’t you talk to me like this?” 
Pulling your shirt over your head you toss it at Soonyoung who barely catches it in time to watch you drop your bra on the floor. 
“I don’t think this is fair. I was trying to be mad about something.” 
Nodding, you purse your lips in amusement. Soonyoung’s fingers clutch around your shirt in his fist but his eyes move from your breasts to your face causing you to smirk. 
“Do you want to be mad or do you want your snack? It’s your choice.” 
You watch as Soonyoung’s face changes, a smile pulling at his lips. Your shirt falls from his fingers and he walks towards you with more purpose. 
“I want my snack. I’m not mad anymore. I’ll just go by another fucking cookie this week.” 
Laughing, you run your fingers through Soonyoung’s hair once he is close enough. The man groans quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your right breast before shaking his head. He knew you had won this one, but he wasn’t sure he cared if he had lost when you were his prize. 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed. 
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kichiyosh1 · 10 months
Finally free from lots of work and chore aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(Just for the heads up, I'm really sorry for the rant I instead doing than ramble ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄)
The next part of deceitfully your mak3 me scream, lord I need a man like cross dress scaramouche. He's creepy but I love him.
Also a thought about cross dress scara.
Imagine him getting popular among girls and them keep asking for him to hang out with the girl, he was annoyed consider whenever he ask for you to also join, the other girls were somehow surprise and down. (just imagine the popular mean girl group ask him to join but he also include you)
Imagine scara who realize not many people like you because you didn't share the same opinion about boys, some say your just asking for attention by pretending to be scared. Oh how he wish he can just beat all of those word back to their mouth, how dare they?!? Saying stuff like that about you! Only he can do that! is what he thought when he hear the nasty rumor.
Cross dress scara who keep asking the teacher if he can be place near you always, need a group? Oh can you be so kind to place me with [name]?, have some project? Oh [name] be my project partner. Ect Ect.
Also the though of cross dress scara who make 2 lunch when he realize you keep buying the cafeteria food. He says he accidentally made more for him and his sister, while in reality he go so much as far to ask you about your favorite food (how much you like your egg done is, how much rice you would like, how much seasoning and so on with the detail) while you didn't notice too much about the topic when the two of you were going home from school. Him who make an 'extra turbo maximum pro efforts' with your lunch and he has a decent effort lunch while his sister has the leftover of all the ingredient he just use (you= a cute bear/cat/character you like with many side dish like meat and vegetable, him= a decent mean any other human eats normally, his sister= anything scrap, but still presentable. Half an egg roll? Sure why not put it in a place where it look like it's full. (she can't complain to her mother because none of them can't cooked))
Cross dress scaramouche who keep getting popular and popular the more day he going to the school. Who always have girls looking up at him while he deceitfully fool all of them. He who have visit your house and meet the sole reason why you have a very close minded to men. Him who butter up your mom to make her thrust him enough that he will protect you from other men harms. Him who now remeber your emergency house key placement after your mother thrust him enough to protect you. Him who keep suggesting you had a sleep over with him in your house while you play it like a normal thing to do.
Cross dress scara who definitely hug you form behind while you were asleep when he sleep over, making sure the door was close and he got a recorder to record you while you sleep. Who brought camera to take your sleeping face (like his wall is not full enough with your picture now), he who take a peek at your bathroom and noted the many different products like sampo and soap you use so he can also use the same one.
My head is SOO full of cross dress scara to the point I wish he was real OMG I need him he's creepy and kinda gross but I need him.
➡(link for au)
Rei you legit just wrote the most jaw dropping scenarios for this au and I'm loving it!
note: He is viewed as a 'girl' from other's point of view
When the other girls try to invite him over to their table he'll try to politely decline at first, saying he has somewhere else he has to be yet they're always so persistent to the point he has to clench the fabric of his skirt in order to ground himself. Besides, why would he want to hangout with a herd of stuck up girls when he can be—
as if on cue, you walk through the doors of the cafeteria
"come on, we really don't mind if you sit here and-" he was already walking away, his focus solely on you as you gave him a small wave when you noticed him approaching you. "[y/n], perfect timing. Luckily for you I was able to snag us a table before all the seats were taken." he says taking ahold of your hand and leading you to the table he's previously been at. The girls tried to hide their shocked expression when Scara brought you to their table, both from how he so nonchalantly ignored them just now and because out of all the people he decided to befriend it just had to be you.
Scara was aware that some of the girls in the school disliked you for disliking boys, often hearing how they whispered about how weird you were for being the way that you are, and it takes every fiber in his body just to hold back and to not shove the student's binder notebook down their throat and tell them to shut up and mind their own damn business.
The quick switch from his crescent-eyed smile directed at you to his disinterested gaze looking back to them made a shiver crawl down their spine. One of the girls fakes a cough, trying to get your guys' attention.
"You sure are lucky we saved you a seat, huh Scara?" his eyes twitched wanting to scrape his name off of the girl's tongue. "Yes, though it would seem there aren't anymore seats left for you guys." The look of confusion passed around the table left even you slightly baffled by what Scara said. A loud thud resounded around the space when his hand collided on top of the table as he gave them a smile, the corners of his mouth twitching.
"Get lost."
It's also common for him to find excuses in order to just be in the same group and or partnership with you for projects. Fr the type to pull out a whole ass presentation about "100 and more in counting reasons why me and [y/n] were made for each other should be group partners." at this point the teacher doesn't even bother stopping him from suddenly declaring himself a part of your group or him transfering you to the group he's already in. cheeky little thing.
I'd like to think he's terrible at cooking, but he gave it a shot and got better and better the more he realized you liked his cooking. The little goofy smile on his face whenever you complimented the meal he made for you. He does disregard your questions as to what he was going to eat for
I don't mind the rant one bit, so please don't apologize!
I promised myself I wouldn't write anything and just react to what you sent but i couldn't help myself
The more I read and read the more my imagination started to flourish with your amazing headcannons. He just wants to love and be loved by you that his actions go from cute to overly obsessive without him even realizing it (he doesn't even think watching you sleep is crazy!).
Overall he does have good intentions but his methods of expressing them are definitely interesting.
I might write a few more headcannons for this ask so thank you for sending it in rei :)
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loadedberetta · 2 years
Impulse Part 1 - (1/2) Ghost x fReader x Soap
rating: E/18+ minors DNI
summary: A little confession goes a long way.
warnings: *deep breath* Porn With Plot; Threesome F/M/M; Reader with female anatomy & pronouns; open relationship; unprotected PiV sex (wrap ya tools); creampie; oral f/m receiving; SoapGhost; IUD/contraceptive talk; light biting scratching marking; light sub/dom dynamics; breathplay; praise; holistic imagery here and there; hints of voyeurism; being called "sir" in bed; size kink is you squint your eyes
word count: 5.7k
[EDIT: the work continues on ao3]
find me on ao3 // MASTERLIST
Interact only if you're over 18. Proceed beyond this point with caution. Every work of mine has a general warning.
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gif by me using ezgif
a/n: SoapGhost with a Reader insert I'm not responsible for her. homoerotic af these two are the dream couple. Ghost is a service dom, Johnny is a switch and reader you're a bottom aren't you. MINORS GTFO :)) let the smut commence
You were standing at the door for an uncomfortably long time now, the porcelain dish getting heavier by the second in your hands. Not talking about the Tupperware balanced on top of it full of your nan's biscuits.
Finally, you heard some shuffling from inside the house, just as you tried elbowing the doorbell again with "MacTavish" written above it.
Keys turned, and your neighbour Johnny looked out the door he opened just slightly before recognizing you and fully swinging it open.
- Hello, love! - he called you with the pet name he had used countless times for you. You didn't mind, hell, you enjoyed the attention you received from the Scot next door. You had been in his sights for quite some time now.
The sudden realization that you indeed had a big, sloppy crush on him drew interesting lines on your face, making your cheeks burn. You spoke too quickly to seem uninterested.
- My nan dumped all this food on me, and I obviously can't eat it all before it goes bad. I heard you arrive yesterday night and I- - you rambled on.
He let you talk, and his tired and light blue eyes lingered on you. You basked at the moment for just a second too long, and it turned awkward.
- C'me on in and, uh... let's get this sorted out - Johnny flashed a small, tired smile at you that still would have knocked most women off their feet.
Come in? You were wearing your large tracksuit bottoms you still had from back at your alma mater down in Cornwall and a huge jumper you only dared to wear at home it had so many oil stains and other unidentified marks on it. But most of all, what bothered you above all else was the fact that you were scarcely wearing any underwear. Yes, there was a vest under all that but that was all. And a pair of socks, it was only spring after all.
You've never been inside Johnny's apartment before. You figured it was the same layout as yours, just mirrored. Remembering where the walls stood before you had your side remodeled, you pieced the layout together quickly.
Johnny had already disappeared into the small kitchen, and you could hear the almost cartoonish sounds of pots and pans clanging.
You took a quick look around as you were insanely curious about what he could own inside the tiny home. You noticed some coats hanging from the wall, mounted on a retrofitted coat rack. There were some jackets you recognized, a navy blue and a grey one for sure. You were so preoccupied with taking in the sights, you didn't notice Johnny poking his head out the kitchen door. He rested his vision on the lines of your shoulders for a moment before addressing you. Hearing your name surely scared you. You've maybe heard him say it once or twice before, and you remembered your thighs clamping together with wanton washed over by embarrassment each time. 
He chuckled. - Come in, I dinnae... bite - he finished as if he couldn't figure out what he meant by that himself. 
To punctuate the sentence, he took the box of biscuits off you, as if to coax you into the kitchen. His movements were quick and to the point. He didn't move a muscle that didn't need to be moved. Taking a few steps forward, you crossed the threshold of the small, but neat kitchen. He turned over to his fridge and opened it. 
You wished you could take a picture of the moment. It almost looked domestic. 
His voice was a little muffled as he spoke: - I s'pose you don't want leftover kebab from yesterday. Coffee machine's gubbed too - he pointed behind himself at a half-disassembled coffee maker.
You snickered. - It's fine, Johnny. You don't have to give me something back every time - you teased him for when he went to Tesco to just get you a slice of cake last autumn when you lent him a spanner from your toolbox, the exact measurement that he was missing from his kit. 
You let him keep it after. He didn't know, but red velvet cake was your absolute favourite dessert.
He dumped the cookies out into one of his own containers and exhanged the empty one with the heavy porcelain still resting in your arms. You sighed with relief. Relief... and yearning, and much more. But he didn't need to know that. 
You shuffled around awkwardly. - It's cottage pie. - A realization struck. - You eat meat, right?
You've made this mistake before, bringing prosciutto canapés to a vegan friend's housewarming party. Your face flared up. Again. 
Seeing Johnny lean back against his counter, easy morning light bouncing off his massive shoulders eased your mood a little, however, it did little for the warmth spreading across your face. - I wouldnae last a day out in the field - he said plainly.
Oh, yes... He was in the military. You didn't know which branch. You didn't recognize brass, like ever. You didn't dare look it up either, as if he could see your search history just by looking at you for some reason.
- How was deployment? Bearable? - you asked uncomfortably, now that a general silence had set in between the two of you. Still, neither of you dared (or wanted?) to move.
Dust particles played in the streaks of morning light. 
- I didnae get shot this time - he replied nonchalantly, probably to ease the tension. He was comfortable talking about stuff like this.
This time. The comment forced a small amount of air out of your lungs. 
- I'm just a wall over if you ever... need help. - you tried wording your offer. 
Johnny smiled and traced a hand through his mohawk. The hair choice fit him perfectly. He let it grow out a little a while ago, and you practically chewed your lips bloody every time you saw him. - Thanks. 
You caught yourself looking at his hair. You looked away in embarrassment as his hand stopped mid-air. He had to have seen it. You immediately bit your lip and tried focusing your stare elsewhere. 
You heard him suppress a small laugh.
- What? - he asked as you sucked your lips in. 
- I just... - you tried burying your face into your collarbone, - it's, okay... 
You huffed a breath and gathered every ounce of courage in your body. It felt unreal, as you asked him; - I was wondering-- I've been meaning to ask you- if you-- Would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime?
There. You said it, there was no going back from there anymore. 
You blinked up at him, the morning sun illuminating his features painted him to be an angel. A deathly handsome, and quite cute angel at that. You couldn't have seen if he blushed or not. You hoped he did. 
His hands dug into his hair again. This time you didn't look away, awaiting his answer, and allowing yourself a look now that your intentions were clear.
- I'd-I'd love to. 
Oh no. Here it goes. 
- I'd love to, - he repeated himself as your heart thrummed with anticipation at an incredible pace - ...but I'm kind of seeing someone at the moment. 
Fuck. You pressed your lips into a thin line and looked down at the tiled floor. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- ...is that a problem for you? - you heard Johnny ask from seemingly below the water, as his words were barely audible behind the blood rushing in your ears. 
You looked dumbfounded at him; - For me?
Is he asking--
- Yes, for you. It's uh... an open relationship - he pulled you from your thoughts gently. 
Relief and excitement washed over you. It was more than okay. 
- So... so that's a yes? - you asked unsurely.
- If you're in, I am too - he smiled at you. The rays of the sun behind him were accentuating his already broad shoulders and shone through his freshly ruffled hair. 
- What didya have in mind? - he crossed his arms in front of himself, gently pushing his pecs upward. You could tell he consciously eased his accent for your sake.
You laughed a little in nervousness. - Nothing really, I didn't have this thought out, sorry - you palmed your arm with your crossed hands. Intrusive thoughts. 
He moved. Grabbing the cottage pie, he squat down and put it in the fridge. 
- If you didnae 'ave an idea, I might do - he muttered from behind the fridge door.
- You... do? - you asked still in disbelief, waiting to wake up from a dream in your bed, sweaty and turned on, already reaching for your bedside drawer. 
- But that involves skipping first base - he rose from behind the door, eyes trained on you. 
No, this had to be a dream. 
Your confidence seemed to have vanished from earlier. Fucking gone, that's what you were reduced to. Suddenly, you were very aware that you had no panties or a bra on, the fact totally evading your mind when your mouth was bigger than you could have handled.
Johnny must have noticed you became startled, as he raised his hands slightly, unhooking them from in front of himself. 
- Dinnae fash yersel',  sweetheart. All in due time - he spoke in a honeyed voice that somehow made his suddenly sharp accent sound mellow and welcoming. 
- I didn't mean-- I- - you fumbled with words as you still struggled to comprehend the fact that not only has he agreed to go out with you but that he already broke the first-date-kind-of ice between the two of you in just under a minute. 
- You dinnae mean what? - he pushed himself away from the counter and rose to his full height. He almost looked divine in the increasingly warm lighting of the raising sun. 
You seem to have forgotten all the English, or frankly any language you might have known.
- I mean I'm free whenever... - you managed to pull a coherent sentence together relatively fast, surprising yourself. You tried looking anywhere but at Johnny out of fear of combusting on the spot if you did. 
He adjusted his white cotton shirt before he opened his mouth to speak. One sly motherfucker. 
- So, even now? - he asked as he flattened the shirt on his abdomen. He knew what he was doing. 
Reality has been defied so many times that day, you might as well have said yes. And you did; - Yeah, I mean---
You could barely finish your sentence, as Johnny crashed into you, knocking you off-balance and into the kitchen wall behind you. It was all so sudden, cathartic and electric, that your instincts kicked in before anything else could have connected in your brain. You found each other's hungry lips effortlessly and melted into a sloppy and erratic succession of deep kisses. Devouring eachother, your body jolted with electricity, as did his. His hands never stopped, rumpling your jumper upwards, and dipping his fingers just past the waistband of your joggers experimentally. For a good while, the kitchen was filled with nothing else but rustles and moans growing in volume. 
Staccato whimpering broke from his mouth moving on from yours to nip at your neck, as you dipped your nails into his back through his shirt, earning a particularly strong bite to your jugular accompanied by an open-mouthed groan. The rush of adrenaline that was already brimming your floodgates threatened to burst even heavier afterward. 
- Hey, hey-- - you breathed at him, your one hand moving up to his neck and head to catch his attention. 
Johnny immediately rose from lapping your collarbone with his tongue, letting your shirt go, the neckline of which was irreparably loosened and torn.
- Hm? - he hummed attentively, raising his own hand to your cheek and gently cupping it. - Too much?
- Yes- I mean no,... - you tried, looking off to the side. Your mouth was red and burning from the five o'clock shadow Johnny sported, breath spent and clothes tousled, you didn't need less. You needed...
- ...slower? - he asked, head cocked to the side like a giant puppy to try and catch your gaze. He slid his broad hands down to rest them on your waist, and a strand of hair fell into his face, enhancing his most captivating feature yet. He finished your sentence, and you just nodded with warmth spreading in your body, feeling comfortable, yet still turned on by his presence. 
There wasn't another word exchanged between the two of you, as your lips melted again, this time with less rush and fever, but not a hair less passionate. This time, Johnny took his time to explore you, to take in every curve, nook and cranny that your body had on display. At one point, he picked you up, and set you down on the small dining table, slotting his heavy body between your thighs, spreading them at a heavenly angle that let you grind against the fabric of the tablecloth. Your pleasure ramped up again as Johnny's palms settled on the apex of your thighs, foreshadowing what he had in store for you later. 
You've almost lost touch with this world, as you were so enveloped in his. His small, shallow breaths matched yours, and he utilized his size advantage on you efficiently. He smelled of body wash and linen sheets with a hint of gunpowder and sweat that matched his energy perfectly. It felt as if his touch was everywhere, his eyes saw your purest and his lips tasted your innermost core. You've lost track of time and forgot where you were, or who you were frankly. 
- Morning to you too Johnny... - the grumbling voice almost made you choke. 
You jumped, and your thighs clamped together, trying to hide the obvious. Recoiling from Johnny's face in front of yours, you looked in the direction of the kitchen door where the voice came from. 
A large, looming figure stood in the doorway, barely fitting into the comfortably sized opening. He was dressed in soft jammies, but every item on him was black. The white of his skin that invited your gaze was barely visible in the large eye-slit of the balaclava he donned, as the proximity of his eyes was painted with something resembling a grayish-black eyeshadow. It would have been an understatement to call him frightening. With the mandible and jawbone painted on his mask, his eyes lidded and exhausted, he looked like the Devil incarnate. 
- Haw, it isna good wae to introduce yerself to a guest! - Johnny's accent thickened as he spoke incredibly fast. While talking, he hugged you closer to him as you froze in his embrace. - Hen's hidin' awae, look - he referred to you huddled close to his chest, your hands tucked between you and him, face disappearing into his shirt. You tried to disappear, to sink into the ground, or vanish into thin air, but you remained in the tight embrace of Johnny, locked in that warm spot you secretly never wanted to get out of. 
A moment later, his embrace eased just the slightest, and a hand touched your chin, tilting it upwards against Johnny's pecs. You leaned into the gentle guidance and lifted your head for your eyes to see over Johnny's shoulders. 
- And why's she hidin' away? - the voice asked, now from behind Johnny. Your eyes met his, as he stared down at you with Johnny between the two of you. The sun shone through the wisps of his mask and painted a silvery halo around his head, his dark eyes being the only counterweight to the angelic look he suddenly donned. Those deep, searching eyes were of a sinner, who had given up on repentance and embraced the devilish chaos life has chosen for him. 
- Ah dinnie ken... - you heard Johnny's teasing voice rumble through his broad chest, as he slightly moved and trembled. - Ghost-- - Johnny's voice choked as you felt him shudder around you. 
The apparition must have been called Ghost. He spoke:
- An' why don't we give her a good time? - he cooed into Johnny's shoulder in the most affectionate form of Mancunian you've ever heard. Your full attention focused at that point on the light scratches Ghost painted on Johnny's neck with his covered mouth that made the man under him shudder and whimper swearwords into the thick air. Ghost's hand snaked down Johnny's side and rested on your thigh. His hands were even broader than Johnny's, resting more firmly on your plump flesh, squeezing it very light almost as if he was introducing himself to you. 
You felt Ghost's sly other hand slot between you and Johnny, and find the hem of his jammies, slightly touching your thighs with the back of his hand. - 'can feel you're already mad for it, Johnny... - he purred into his ear as his hand on your thigh shifted to your bum to nudge you closer to the two of them. Your cunt clenched and electricity crackled up your spine as your inner thigh met Ghost's strong hand massaging the stiffie Johnny sported. You and Johnny shared a moan and Ghost's rasped chuckle echoed in the wake of the sounds the two of you made.
You canted your hips down to catch some friction on the table, but your attempts were quickly shut down by Johnny, who'd come back down to Earth to swiftly swoop you up with a growl to carry you deeper into the dark flat. Over his shoulders, you saw Ghost give him an appreciative smack on the arse before following him, eyes trained on you like a dark guardian. Images swirled in your head of fallen angels you'd learned about from your friends when trading urban legends at sleepovers, long ago. Ghost seemed like every single one of those spawns in one terrifying amalgam, yet he was his unique figure in a sinful and wicked vessel that was his battered body. 
Johnny in the meantime, muttered small praises into your ears as if he was confessing. The journey wasn't long to the dim bedroom, but his praise was indeed efficient and resulted in you soaking your grey joggers even more. You rested and bobbed against his soft body and raging erection constantly, which was also a big positive. 
Instead of throwing you down onto the bed, as you expected, he sat down on the hard mattress and let you straddle him. His hands were quickly at work, kneading your cheeks with deadly accuracy as you heard the faint creaking of a floorboard behind you. That was all the warning you got before Ghost's hands appeared on the edge of your vision and settled on Johnny's shoulders. 
- Sweetheart, - you heard his voice call to you... or to Johnny? - do you want this?
Realizing it was you he addressed - having not been told your name -, you answered him a breathy 'yes', as Johnny continued to lap circles around the spots he already nibbed on your neck. Ghost's hands slipped onto your shoulders, gently massaging them with keen precision.
- We got tested before last deployment... - Johnny stopped for a moment, resting his hands on the sweet spot of bunched-up flesh at your hips. 
The two pairs of hands on you felt... comforting. You were in safe hands. Safe, big, and strong hands at that, their owners ready to make you have the best time of your life. You trusted Johnny, and he trusted Ghost, which meant you did too. 
- 'mclean too... - you swallowed some air into your thirsty and deprived lungs. - Got an IUD, so don't worry about---
- Oh I won't... - Ghost's hand slipped under your jaw and tilted your head up forcefully with a trained, fluid movement. Your neck became exposed, allowing Johnny to return to his ministrations. - Do you want to get filled up, sweetheart? - Ghost purred from above you, as he forced your gaze to catch his. 
- Yes - you strained to talk or even to breathe, and Johnny's renewed attempts to shower you with affection didn't make it easier either. 
- You... you call me sir, understood? - he tightened his grip on your jaw as you felt your quickening heartbeat in your throat, your skin bruising under his fingers. 
- Yes... sir - you breathed out, as he let you go. 
Falling onto Johnny's shoulder, you breathed in deeply a few times. He came to stroke your back a couple of times comfortingly before letting his hand fall onto the small of your back, pushing you onto his tenting erection. You shuddered a moan and bucked your hips into his lap, earning yourself a playful smack on your bum. 
The two of them were so different, yet the extensions of the other. Johnny was playful, reckless, and intuitive, while Ghost seemed to be more meticulous and sober with a hint of sinful wickedness, the two of their personalities slotting together like puzzle pieces. You didn't feel like an intruder to them somehow. They made you feel honoured, worshipped, and as if you were in the right hands. Not one movement was misplaced, not one word misheard. 
- You listen to me and Ghost, yes? - Johnny breathed into your ear as he pushed you down on himself. - Bonnie? - he asked you again when you failed to respond as you bit down on your lips hard in order to stifle a feral grunt, a hint to your embarrassingly growing pleasure just by dry-humping Johnny. 
- I-- yes. - you forced out, and a staggered cry followed after. 
- Sweetheart, turn around. - you heard Ghost order from behind you. Johnny helped to flip you towards Ghost, your back now facing his abdomen, his sheathed cock slotted between your bruised cheeks. 
Your jaw hung slack as you took the sight of him in, finally from close-up in the screened darkness of the bedroom. You realized how tall he was really, from the angle from below. The light snaking in below the drawn blinds hinted at his strong face and did justice in lighting his broad shoulders and sides, supported by two long treestumps of legs. You only hoped he'd be this well-equipped everywhere, and it soon looked like you'd get a taste of the masked revenant. 
- Good girl... - he praised as he raised his hand to stroke your face, and slotted his thumb in your welcoming mouth. - Show me how pretty you can suck it dry.
Your cunt clenched empty in agony as Johnny's hands dipped under your waistband from behind, and started kneading your thighs, inching his way slowly toward your aching centre. You shivered, as Ghost tested the waters on how unleashed he can be with you by dipping his finger deeper into your mouth and swirling it around. 
- Sir... - you were surprised for a moment as you heard Johnny from behind you call out to Ghost with aching need. 
- Can he? - Ghost found your teary eyes and cocked his head with question.
You gave him a dazed nod and an appreciative 'mhm' with his thumb still in your mouth.
- Go ahead, Johnny - he reassured him in almost a sweet voice. He didn't move until he received the command.
Finally, Johnny's hands brushed against your mound and struck your centre gently for the first time. Ghost deftly removed his finger from your mouth as you let your head fall back onto Johnny's shoulder. His hands were strategic, precise, and deadly, just like on the battlefield,  and the thought terrified and turned you on at the same time. They could have used their strength to kill you with ease, but rather took pleasure in working you up to the high heavens. 
Your eyes squeezed shut and your hands flew back to grip Johnny's neck behind you, and pulled him closer, urging him to work up his speed. Hips involuntarily shuddering above him, he let out a few satisfied growls himself. You noticed a grip around one wrist and Ghost drew your hand to himself. His legs moved closer and spread yours - as well as Johnny's - further apart, opening you fully to the hand already working you. 
Already coated in your leaking slick, Johnny's fingers slid between your lips with wispy ease just as your hand disappeared under Ghost's when he pressed it against his own clothed, half-hard cock. 
- You feel what you're doing to me and him, do you? - he asked you but expected no response.
You really couldn't answer, as for when Johnny's two fingers slipped inside of you a moment later, you only had a sharp moan to spare. Your walls clenched around the digits entering you, and they filled you well enough for now. The stretch wasn't uncomfortable, but you knew you had so much more coming. He moved, friction practically none as your wetness made everything sloppy and velvety. To make up for the missed sensation, Johnny's thumb worked your needy clit, flicking it seemingly aimlessly. You knew, hell, you felt how precise his movements were, however, how trained he must have been. 
In the meantime, Ghost didn't let your wrist escape, instead used your hand as a toy to catch some friction and ease his painful ache. You were stuck in the most beautiful scene of all; two men eager to touch you as well as eachother, with you following suit. You would have never thought this is how your day would go when you left your apartment a door over that morning with a faint voice in the back of your head telling you to ask Johnny out for a coffee. This was so much more honest and guttural, the true reflection of your feelings towards him. And Ghost added into the mix, not a notch less arousing or attractive than Johnny, you had your plate full, and you wanted seconds. 
- Trousers, off - Ghost commanded and pulled your soaking wet joggers down in one movement, the fabric digging into your skin violently. Your legs shut slightly for him to remove the piece of fabric from you, but opened immediately after, as Johnny had worked you up to the edge already. 
- Come on, no- don't stop-- - you whimpered into the thick air while flexing your leg muscles to heighten the sensation of the impending finish you neared. 
- Needy little cunt you have... - Ghost purred from above you. - Come on, Johnny, give it to her. - he ordered, and he delivered. 
Drawing an intense and prolonged cry from you, he carried you through your high. You knew Ghost was watching, probably already touching himself, but instead of feeling embarrassed, a wanton feeling washed over you and carried your trembling body into overstimulation. 
Panting, you realized how tightly you held onto Johnny's nape with both hands, escaping Ghost's grip sometime in the past few hazy minutes. You knew this was a brief stop instead of a final destination, so you looked through your teary lashes up to Ghost, only to see him lowering himself onto his knees in front of the bed you and Johnny were perched on.  
- Bonnie, I- - Johnny's hand gave your oversensitive mound a last love tap before taking his opportunity to look over your shoulders at your unclothed thighs with Ghost's head settling between them. 
- Need you in me, Johnny-- - you panted at him, heart racing from what had just transpired and in anticipation for what might be coming next. 
Johnny made quick work of his jammies and in a moment, his weeping cock waited at your entrance, nudging you ever so slightly with each breath he took. In one swift movement, he was in you. Filling you halfway for a moment, you breathed into the stretching sensation and squeezed your eyes shut still overstimulated. He pushed further, the fiery sensation transforming into something otherwordly, and taking residence deep in the pit of your stomach. He didn't move at first, not until you did, drawing a shaky moan deep from his lungs. Finally, you opened your eyes, searching for Ghost. 
He was there, watching. Unwavering, he was kneeling by the edge of the bed. One of his hands appeared from underneath, and with ungodly slyness settled low on your stomach. He looked over your shoulder, locking eyes with Johnny. 
- You've been good Johnny. You've earned your reward - he mouthed his words barely louder than a whisper. 
Johnny's breath hitched, and he flinched. You felt his head fall on your shoulder, and he grit his teeth together. - Move. - Ghost drilled into your eyes with his stare, but you knew the command wasn't meant for you. Mostly because as soon as the words left Ghost's mouth, Johnny started pounding into you with careless, shallow thrusts.
- Lean back, MacTavish - Ghost ordered. As you've accustomed to it happening, Johnny did, leaving your back exposed but his hands free. Your sex still exposed towards Ghost, his hand slid lower on your stomach, his thumb eventually reaching your clit, millimetres away from Johnny's cock fucking the living soul out of you. Most of this, you only felt, as your eyes slammed shut the moment Johnny started moving in you, filling you to the brim with the delicious stretch you so craved. Added to the mix were Ghost's deft fingers playing with your clit, and the dangerous composite of almost volatile sensations threatened to go off with a devastating explosion. You didn't see, rather felt that his other hand was at work too. Johnny writhed under you, palming every surface of your body with desperation, hinting at the fact that Ghost was working on him along with you. 
Ghost's hands played carelessly with his balls, making Johnny see stars. 
- Fill her up for me, would ya, Johnny? - Ghost purred as it was your turn again to climb the ladder up into heaven in search of another orgasm to be ripped from you by Ghost and Johnny. 
Unable to answer, Johnny only let out a shaky moan from underneath you, that hurled you towards the finish line. You weren't shy with your own noises, but soon determined you couldn't have been if you wanted to. Ghost was somehow even more light and fiendish with his moves as if reciting adoration with his hands, flicking through pages, or tapping the keys of an organ all in the name of worship. It was you, it was Johnny who he worshipped with endless adoration and devotion. 
In a spur-of-the-moment decision, he unhooked his plush mask from his jaw and pushed it above his lips onto his nose. You saw this as you opened your eyes when you felt his hands disappear from you, leaving you breathless on the way to another orgasm. Johnny kept his shattering pace, although his thrusts became shallower, letting you rely on Ghost's touch more. 
Catching a glance at his unmasked jaw made you notice how pale he really was. The moment didn't last long, as he bestially licked his lips only to extend the flat of his pink tongue while moving towards the spot you and Johnny were conjoined. You bit your lips maybe a little too hard, but the pain only spurred you on more. 
- Fucking-- - Johnny gave meaning to the breath forced out of his lungs underneath you as Ghost's tongue pressed against the underside of his cock, his hands still pawing at his extremely oversensitive balls. His hands squeezed your hip, and nails dug into your side, making you hiss in pain, but none of you cared. 
Soon, Ghost's tongue teased your clit, and it was your turn to crumble. Palpitating sobs left your mouth, and a tear rolled down your cheek that got caught on the edge of your mouth, salty taste melting into your saliva. 
- Good girl, sweetheart. Good. - Ghost praised in the moments his mouth wasn't smothered on you, but you barely heard it over the ringing in your ears as your pleasure erratically built in you.
You didn't need long as you clung onto dear life not to take you out with the force of your second orgasm. It wasn't as long as the first one, but it took you with equal force, pulling the strength out of you from even deeper. Your whole body became electric as you clamped down on Johnny, and a stray cry left your mouth travelling all the way to the high heavens. 
White flashes barely faded from the edge of your vision as Johnny sat up and embraced you, locking you into place as he came with erratic and sloppy thrusts. Ghost sang with praise the whole way, which staggered you. 
- Take it, Johnny. Good boy. You deserve this. 
You couldn't have imagined how a gruff man like him could be so devoted and ready to give. Yes, he took what he wanted, but his acts showed how deeply he cared about Johnny and apparently... you.
Pounding the last of his seed deep into you, Johnny fell back on the bed with a thud but remained sheathed in you. Ghost got up and opened a drawer nearby, pawing in it for a fresh towel. When he found one, he locked eyes with you and you understood him. You slipped off of Johnny and shakily got up, reaching for the towel. Instead of giving it to you, Ghost squat down and cleaned you up, holding your shaky waist with one hand for leverage as his other roamed around your body draped in the scratchy towel. 
You instinctively rested your hand on his shoulder for the same leverage. When he was done, and you were clean, he nodded his head towards the bed. Johnny was laying propped up on his elbows, watching the two of you share an erotic yet domestic moment. His heart fluttered, but only he could feel it. 
Ghost threw the rag at Johnny as you climbed back into bed but you were faster than him, and snatched it off his belly, where it landed. You cleaned him off diligently as Ghost rounded the bed and without a word, sat on - presumably - his side. His mask was back on his whole face, but the white paint glistened here and there, making you remember how precise and--
Ghost's purr pulled out of your thoughts. He looked like a crow or a puddle of what used to be a crow as Johnny's figure loomed into your vision, appearing on Ghost's side, laying a still trembling hand on his abdomen. Both their eyes were still full of lust and want, and so were yours.
- Fun's not over yet, sweetheart. - Ghost smiled under his mask as Johnny grabbed you by the ankles and pulled you closer to them, planting soft kisses up your leg as you skidded closer.
part 1 (2/2) coming tomorrow
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
TF 141 + friends during Christmas headcanons (with s/o included) (Pt.1)
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Warnings: slight mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of trauma, a few naughty jokes
A/N: I got so carried away it's a miracle I even finished these
John "Soap" MacTavish
• Absolutely loves the holidays and he would never end a year without celebrating Christmas
• The cold isn't his favourite, but he's used to it since Scotland gets chilly more often than not
• Expect a lot of childlike happiness in general around this time of the year from him. He has so many fond memories of his childhood about Christmas and he gets reminded of something by the smallest things. It's adorable when he starts rambling about a memory while you two are doing something like shopping or watching TV
• He's down for playing in the snow with you, but don't expect him to hold back in snowball fights. He's careful to never truly hurt you, but you still get some snow thrown in your face and tackled to the ground now and then
• If you challenge him to build a snowman or make a snow angel, you can bet he's going to do them as if his life was on the line. He's a competitive guy
• You should let him win every time, because he gets even more cheerful when you feed his ego and his wide grin is worth seeing every second
• He's a pro at building snowmans though, so you probably couldn't win against him even if you really wanted (where he gets coal and carrots every time is a mystery)
• He's really bad at ice skating, but will still try if you want to go with him
• He loves cuddling up and getting cozy under warm blankets inside. Be it watching a movie, resting next to the fireplace or watching the snow with hot cocoas in your hands, he lives for these calm moments where you are all bundled up together
• Likes those really bad Christmas movies and forces you to watch them for the 10th time every year (it's worth hearing his laugh or dumb impressions though)
• He loves how the cold weather gives him a reason (not that he needs one) to see you in his oversized clothes. Some of his favourite moments are when he can get his cold hands under your (his) sweatshirts and make you jump and screech. Partly because it's funny, but also becasuse you two always end up warming up in each other's embrace locked in a hug
• Matching ugly sweaters? Naturally. Somehow he always find the most ridiculous ones
• Finds adorable how rosy your cheeks get out in the cold and how red your nose turns
• Will call you Deer (which sounds the same as Dear tbh, especially from his mouth)
• He constantly sings Christmas songs, please someone stop him
• He's going to use so many pick up lines. Ones like "Shouldn’t you be on top of the tree, Angel?" or "Let’s pretend to be presents and get laid under the tree"
• Let's be honest, he looks really cute in puffy coats and scarves around his neck, shielding him from the harsh weather. Although, he's the type of guy to run around in a thin jacket over a single sweatshirt, so you're going to have to make him wear warmer clothes. We don't want him getting sick, because he turns into a big baby
• He finds gift giving a great way to show his love and appreciation and even when he's gifting something as a joke, you know it's coming from his heart and he doesn't mean anything bad by it
• He loves the traditional dishes and can and will devour everything that gets put in front of him
• Will drink all the eggnog and similar holiday drinks
• He also likes to try out the festive drinks around the popular places
• Always spends the holiday with his family when his job let's him, but would love to have you with them if you are comfortable with the idea (and vice versa ofc)
• He loves decorating your Christmas tree, especially if he gets to put the star on the top when you are done. Somehow he's also really good at the whole thing, putting the ornaments just the right places
• Even if they rarely have a celebration around the base, he's still there to bring the holiday spirit
• He isn't afraid to decorate around the base and wear dumb Christmas sweaters, and his cheerful behaviour is contagious. Soon enough everyone is ready to celebrate, even the usually grumpy ones (Ghost wanted to punch him when he put a Santa hat on his head somehow, but in the end didn't)
• Maybe not everyone is into the idea, but he always gets something small for his friends. A book here, a scarf there, sometimes personal items (perfume, handmade mask), but he never forgets about anyone
• He cried once because Price sat down with a bottle of his favourite whiskey to just talk when neither of them were able to get home in time for Christmas. It meant so much to him, having his mentor by his side, just casually listening to anything he was saying and spending time with him because he actually wanted to
+ he teases Rodolfo constantly with Rudolf jokes this time around and gets slapped on a regular basis by Ghost who can't deal with his overflowing energy
--- ☃ ---
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
• Munches on candy canes 24/7, it's a wonder how his teeth are still intact
• You can bet he buys the most ridiculous looking Christmas sweaters and makes countless of photos of you wearing them
• He's the one putting mistletoes over every doorframe at base, looking out for possible victims (sometimes Soap helps too, but they both end up getting slapped on the head by Ghost for being so dumb)
• Your home is going to get decorated to the brim. If you don't want him putting stuff somewhere you gotta warn him, otherwise ornaments, garlands and similar will be everywhere
• He loves Christmas lights and you're going to have at least two in the house (on the windows, tree, rails by the stairs etc.)
• He always catches a cold during winter somehow, but it doesn't last longer than a few days luckily
• Loves baking gingerbread and never forgets about it. He makes them in all kinds of shapes and you two decorate them together. Somehow he always ends up eating most of them in the next few days unintentionally. He just loves them is all
• Prone to randomly play Christmas songs and dance around the living room/kitchen with you
• He loves to sing Baby It's Cold Outside with you, especially in the og duet way
• When his nose and ears get all red after being out long in the cold, he looks younger than he actually is
• He wears one specific scarf every year: you gave him a handmade one a few years back and he loves to have a reminder of you with him at all times
• Snowball fights are in order, even snow man making is on the list
• He always gives the snow men dumb names like Carrot or Mr. Snow
• He's the one with Soap who bring the holiday spirit to the base every year, but he's been influencing Laswell and Price more too
• He usually spends the holidays with his family and he's more than happy if you want to join him/ invite him to your family gathering
• Most of the times if they have a little celebration with the team it's just them, but he can sweet talk and beg his way into taking you with him if you want him to
• Somehow he always drinks too much alcohol during the night and he doesn't even like most of the liquors. It's fine though, he never gets too out of it because he has enough brains to pay attention and know you will be pissed
• He makes every present special somehow, be it by taking you out to your favourite place then giving you something, sneaking something into your stuff when you're not looking or simply putting it under the tree and waiting for you to notice
• His gifts range from silly to really heartwarming and he never fails to surprise you
• Often writes really heartfelt notes inside of funny Christmas cards and gifts it to everyone he knows
• He's likely to tear up if you give him something really thoughtful/that means a lot to him
• He likes wrapping presents and he has a talent for making them look good too
• Likes Christmas shopping, but the crowds quickly make him regret going (especially the slow walkers and elderly)
• He's a romantic by heart, but somehow just can't handle Christmas hallmark movies
--- ☃ ---
Simon "Ghost" Riley
• Not a fan of the holidays thanks to his family situation. Christmas always brings grim and bittersweet memories back, so he gets more closed off than usual
• For you, he's going to try though
• He hates the smell of cinnamon for some reason
• Also dislikes anything ginger flavoured, but eats/drinks it nevertheless when you chastise him "It makes you healthier and more resistant Simon"
• He's going to scarf down anything else you make him though, especially if it's traditional dishes
• He's also going to try cooking himself, but will only succeed making a few specific dishes. Those are going to taste heavenly though
• Will only wear Santa hats and ugly sweaters for you and he's not going to let anyone else see him in them
• Likes candy canes and different kinds of special holiday chocolates and sweets
• He often comes home from work grumbling about Soap's idiotic pranks and his everlasting holiday spirit, but he's never truly mad at him. Sometimes they make him giddy too and bring some warmth into his heart about Christmas
• He's never sure about gift giving and for the most part he feels like it's unnecessary. But he will always make an exception for you by giving you something that means much to you. He still likes giving more than getting though, because he doesn't feel like he deserves any of them
• Will only let you play slow and less known Christmas songs, No Mariah Carey or anything similar. You can often catch him humming songs under his breath though, maybe even the most mainstream ones he claims to hate
• He loves the pretty lights all over the city and will help you put some up too. He's good at that and somehow always knows how and why they often get ruined (catch him stare up at the lights with big eyes like a cat, lost in thought)
• The cold and the snow is just another thing that he can put into the back of his mind and mostly ignore, but if you love them, some of the enthusiasm might spread to him too
• It would be a big step for him, but he'd like to visit your family with you. It would take a while for him to warm up to the idea, but eventually he'd agree. He might get a few breakdowns and very emotional moments during the whole visit, but he would be deeply grateful for showing him how lovely it is to have a loving family, especially during the holidays
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John Price
• The dad™ who either gets angry because he can't untangle the Christmas lights, or falls down the ladder while putting them up
• Looks really good in a Santa hat tbh
• He might secretly take up Santa gigs for some extra money
• Sit on Santa's lap jokes 😭
• He wouldn't admit it out loud, but it brings him comfort seeing the team so happy during the holidays
• That's the sole reason he lets them have their fun, decorating the base and all the such. Otherwise he wouldn't care too tuch, holidays don't really excite him
• He likes that it gives him more off time though, especially if he can spend it with you
• He often grumbles about snow getting on his clothes, and you have to scold him to take his boots off before making his way into your house. The man just brings all the snow in and you have to clean the water up
• It's funny but also kind of adorable when little snow crystals land on his beard
• The type to absolutely devour Christmas dinner, then drink 3 bears and end up sleeping on the couch, snoring loudly
• That doesn't happen too often, but when it does it's just a sign he feels comfortable enough in your presence to do that
• He sneaks cookies off the plates all the time, and candy canes off the tree. You have to hit his hand like grandmothers do, otherwise he will just do it again
• Can't cook for shit, but he loves watching you make dishes and listen to you explain them
• Gives small gifts to his men, always making sure it's something they're going to like. He pays attention all year for birthdays and holidays
• He's a bit old-fashioned, so his gifts are mostly just spending quality time together and giving you something small but meaningful
• He appreciates anything you give to him, but he always tells you your company is enough to make him happy
• No family celebrations towards his end, but he's more than happy to accompany you
• He gets little presents for your younger siblings too if you have any
• He celebrates with Laswell though, usually just going out for drinks just the two of them, or visiting her and her wife. He gives her wife gifts too and he always gets some in return
• Always hums the worst Christmas songs, if you hate them it's purely out of teasing too
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Kate Laswell
• The mom™ who gets present for all her children every year
• She makes amazing cookies and usually lets Gaz help when making them
• Her and her wife always watch every horrible movie in the TV, it's basically a tradition
• When the others want to watch sports at base (Soap and Price), she's going to switch to Christmas movies. Nobody is brave enough to truly argue with her
• She loves the holidays, but she's not as hyped about it as the others. She loves that it gives her more off time with her wife and the overall vibes, but the soft and calm ones
• She's more likely to listen to calming songs and ones without singing in them than the mainstream ones
• She lets the others off the hook more easily during the holidays
• Loves making Christmas wreaths and Price gets a new one gifted to him every year
• She's really supportive and always makes sure the others know they can spend Christmas with her if they don't have anywhere else to go. Her wife is always more than happy to see them, and they can always just cook for one or two more people
--- ☃ ---
If you don't like the holidays (personal reasons or otherwise) or don't have anyone to spend them with, all of these guys are more than willing to be by your side. They are happy to take you to their family gatherings or to their teams, and they would never force you to celebrate something you wouldn't want to. They will always make sure you are comfortable with their ideas and their top priority will be your happiness :)
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Ok ok here me out-
How about Last Legacy reverse au? Mc is originally from Astraea and is accidentally summoned to earth by Felix
Felix being his goth emo self messing around with forbidden items he bought from dark web (or toys r us your choice) he wanted to summon a demon or something but because he didn't read the instructions (as always) the spell went wrong and now mc is now on earth
He calls both Anisa and Sage and after a lot of explanation they decide that one of them has to take care of mc
Imagine Mc. This badass, cool, confident person who's an expert on both magic and fights acting like a child in a candy store and being in awe of everything on earth. And even with the tragic events they experienced because of the shadow bastard they're still able to find happiness in small things. They have an absolute heart made of gold and want to give the world to their Lis
Also MC's race change depending on their Lis (human with Felix, half Ilephta with Anisa, a full Ilephta "cat person" with sage)
Also imagine sage going into an existential crisis because mc got him questioning himself if he's a furry or not 😂😂
Fun fact no one asked for!! I have an au kinda like this for my OCs. Basically Felix wants to be a ghost hunter and convinces Sage and Anisa to explore an abandoned church with him. They unseal an ancient curse and end up freeing three demons. Also call it my Dragon Maid AU lol.
Reverse AU
In my headcanon, M3+MC all share an apartment/house together, with MC sleeping in their LI's room. Why? Because that's how I did it in my AU and I still think it's a cute idea
Felix (Human!MC)
Yes he got them from Toys R Us
Actually no, he got them from a deep web store but the sellers got them from Toys R Us and Anisa and Sage point this out but Felix refuses to listen
He asks you to teach him magic!! You'll start rambling about an old spell that went wrong or whatever and he's just furiously scribbling notes trying to follow along
Confident and suave MC goes into a big ol library and is just zipping around trying to read everything while Felix starts checking shit out with his library cards
Felix! Takes you to a movie!!! Obviously a tragic romance and he's just holding your hand and sobbing while you're concerned because Felix How'd They Get All Those People On The Screen???
Feels really bad about stealing you from your world but at least he can teach you shit while you're here!
Takes you to crystal stores! Occult stores! Book stores!
Homemade silly little science projects! Like the kits you get at Toys R Us or Barnes and Nobles or whatever does the 'dish soap and pepper' trick and you're losing it
You try to court him like you would on Astraea and he's like 'what tf are you doing darling??' because Astraea prob has some weird rituals
He gets sparklers (fireworks) and you guys pretend they're magic wands and have battles
Probably followed a lot of fan theories and fanfics but didn't actually play the game
Anisa Anka (Half-ilephta!MC)
You have elected to be looked after by Anisa! She loves taking you out to get lunch. One of her big love languages.
So one of the streets near my house used to do a Wednesday Food Night thing during the summers. Food trucks lined the street for like,, a mile and all night people would walk up and down and try everything. Anyways I feel like Anisa would love taking you to do that!!!
Porhaps I'm projecting here but I feel like Anisa would be into learning about other cultures. If there's ever any cultural events nearby (like specials shows at museums or public festival gatherings or whatever) I think she'd definitely wanna take you along. I,, am thinking,,,, Oktoberfest specifically,,,,,, but I'm just drawing that from my own experiences
Takes you to the park,, exercises with you,,, likes when you see a squirrel and your pupils narrow as you suppress the urge to chase it,,,,
Likes hearing your stories about anything you wanna talk about it!! Fascinated by all of that.
Tries to help you cook Astraean stuff!! Snaccs!!!! She's really bad at it but if you direct her she could probably not set it on fire!!
Does take you to candy stores!! She likes candy and she likes the aesthetic.
If/when you have anxiety attacks or flashbacks or night terrors or whatever, she's the best at calming you down.
Feel like,, she uses YouTube to learn yoga and she makes you do it with her. Impressed by your flexibility.
Is probably the one who actually played the game.
Sage Lesath (Ilephta!MC)
He spends like,,, a month questioning if he's a furry. Eventually asks Tulsi. Tulsi says that according to anime rules it doesn't count, but in her opinion, it depends on whether or not he finds the animal attributes cute or hot. So basically he still has no idea if it counts or not. Depending on what type of ilephta you are he may get you a collar cause he's a perv
(initially) Takes you to parties! House parties, hookah lounges, karaoke bars, concerts, possibly a rave or two.
I think once he gets more comfortable and starts emotionally opening up a little more, I think he takes you to quieter places. Obviously Tulsi's job/apartment but also lookout points, maybe hiking, malls, the beach, etc. I think the more he loves you the more domestic the trips become.
Yes I'm stealing a scene from my own au because shut up So Imagine that,, you two have been getting closer and that admittedly scares him a little bit,,, he's just not used to it y'know,,,, so he goes out to the bar with the idea of distracting himself. But it doesn't really work because he can't stop thinking about you (maybe the bartender, who is used to seeing you come along, innocently asked about you and makes Sage realize just how much he's integrated you into his life but he never noticed it before because it just feels so natural),,,,, and then he gets home at like 4 in the morning and he's exhausted and he hears this familiar little purring-snore sound that instantly calms him down a little bit,,,, he comes over and gently wakes you up to ask you why you're sleeping on the couch and you kinda,, yawn and lean your head against his hand and he starts scratching behind your ears,, and you say that he normally gets home at a certain time and when he didn't this time you were a little worried,,,, you fall back asleep as he's still petting you and he's just internally screaming
This man 1000% gets a crate of various cat toys to fuck with you. Likes pointing the laser pointer at Anisa and Felix so you tackle them. 1000% tries giving you catnip to see what happens.
Once he finds out about all the battles you've been through, definitely tries to take care of you and pamper you a bit. Someone tries to shit talk you and even though you're more than capable of dealing with it he still jumps to your defense.
Didn't play the game but looked at a lot of fanart. (Solid chance he had r34 of you on his phone but after meeting you he felt like it was weird and deleted all of it)
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Heloo could I get slashers with an S/O that talks to themselves alot? Maybe they whisper to themselves about how their day was and what they're going to eat for dinner etc.
Ofc anon! I hope u enjoy!!!
(only doing a select few slashers, hope that's ok!!!)
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Slashers with an s/o who talks to themselves
format: headcanons
warnings: not proofread as per usual! I choose violence and illiteracy!
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Hoyt probably notices it before Thomas does. Then it's luda noticing it because Hoyt bitched about it and she was more aware of it when it happened around her
"Dammit hoyt, they're just talking to themselves!! Lord, YOU'RE the nuisance around here!"
why would you even need to talk to yourself in a house as loud as this one? lol
Thomas notices it when he walks into the kitchen and finds you cleaning the dishes, muttering to yourself about the mess and the soap.
you've probably done it around him before this point, but this is the first time he's really... noticed? it isn't like it's earth shattering or anything
Even Thomas grumbles to himself when something goes wrong, or when he's given more shit than usual by hoyt
Not bothered in the slightest, but worries it's because he's not spending enough time with you :( pls tell him he's wrong, or his heart will explode
"I've don't this for a while, Tommy. I don't even realize I'm doing it sometimes"
He likes hearing your little conversations with yourself,, he just likes- no, LOVES- everything about you. This included!
There's been a good few times he's been able to sit silently and listen to your whispered ramblings. He's loves every second! it really is a nice way to wind down :)
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Since he's been watching you for a while, he already knows.
he doesn't see anything wrong with it! Why would he? he mumbles to himself sometimes too.
He isn't anywhere near as muttery as Billy Lenz is, let's be clear-
but seeing you chat with yourself just makes Brahms subconsciously start doing it more.
If you make a little time for yourself while making food or doing your chores, it'll get stuck in his head and he'll be humming it as you're asleep and he's raiding the pantry.
So he's like 1000% alright with it when he shows himself and y'all start an actual relationship.
He'll even interrupt your one on one conversation with yourself to reply for you
[whispering] "aw, did you mess it up? didn't you read the instructions? it's literally just pancake mix-"
It's a harmless habit. He even thinks it's adorable and funny!
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I use she/he/they for bubba!
A darling angel. I love bubba. no one look at me I am SOBBING-
bubba notices it pretty fast, but again it's not something that really sticks out? especially not in a house like this one... I'm pretty sure everyone talks to themselves in this house
bubba included!
bubba tends to rant to themselves when she's stressed and has no one to ramble to. That kinda changed when you came along and started dating bubba. You listen to him so they haven't had to turn back to that habit!
Is at first concerned you're doing those angry self rants, but then she hears you cursing at your bowl of soup and decides: yeah, it's very much not that. Everything's okay!
I can see choptop and nubbins teasing you, or asking if you're crazy like the rest of them. Drayton surprisingly only gives you a look when he catches you doing it
Bubba will simply kiss the top of your head when he walks in on you talking to your food or the dishes. Does it every time. you start to expect it now!
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Billy Lnz.
Asks you about it when he calls and you pick up. Asks what you talk to yourself about since he can't quite hear it from his spot in the attic- but he can tell when you're heated! c'mon! attic man wants some gossip!
Perfect relationship tbh. Y'all talk to yourselves and neither of you interrupt the other when they're busy having a chat with themselves.
Well, that's a lie. Billy will most definitely interrupt for some attention, and complain you spend more time with yourself than him-
that's ridiculous. he knows it. and you know it.
His conversations aren't even really conversations. He only really goes into full rambles to himself when he's having a bad day and he's more of a mess than usual-
which means he requires a hug and some kisses. or some alone time, it really depends on how bad it is. you'll know though.
Billy also picks up on when your usual whisperings to yourself about your food is something more and if you're upset. He might ask, or he might just come up behind you and hold you
Yes. Billy's hugs fix everything. No I will not elaborate.
Billy also finds any non emotionally charged self chats of yours to be very entertaining
"You will be the best microwaved pizza ever. Get in there."
There is never a boring day in y'all's house, I tell you that.
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Lester S.
"....You okay, darlin'?"
yeah that's his reaction to walking in on you talking to yourself.
"Oh, yeah, im fine! just talking to myself!"
"Oh. what you talking about?"
Thinks it's really funny AND cute! He doesn't know why it's so entertaining, but they always make him laugh
he even picks the habit up a bit himself. He'll be driving and muttering to himself about the roads or the roadkill
only to himself though, he hasn't done it while you were in the truck with him. Yet, anyways.
Bo gives you both shit for it. Tells Lester "your partner is goin crazy" and says he finds it annoying
Bo ily but who tf cares. no one.
Lester comments on what you're whispering about here and there.
"You stupid soup- why are you still cold!? your bowl is hot as hell!"
"Damn darlin, does that soup not like you? Want me to talk to it?"
He makes things 10000x more dorky and wonderful omfg
Vincent is worried but will not say anything
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 years
Home This Christmas.
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PAIRING: Dani [oc] x Michael B Jordan.
SUMMARY: Dani is weary that her fiancé won’t be home in time for Christmas but he makes sure that he’s there.
WARNING: 18+ fluff, sexual content, hormonal pregnant woman.
NOTE: micheal is not famous. this is not a request but a personal christmas present for my best friend @beautifullmelodyxx i love you so much!
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“No, no, no. baby you promised me that you’d be on your way back and that you’d be in town by now!” Dani exclaimed as she slammed her fist against the steering wheel. Frustration quickly began to take over her body as she pondered on the words of her fiancé.
“I know babe and I’m really sorry but work has gone into overtime and I can’t stop it.”
“Michael Bakari Jordan, you are the CEO and owner of your company. You can delegate your power to your other admin and be on the first plane home.”
“Damn, not the full name.” He mumbled.
“I’m irritated Michael! You promised me that’d you’d be here tonight and I wouldn’t spend christmas eve alone and you’re about to break it.”
“It’s not like I’m doing this on purpose. The client is being a pain to sign the contract and it’s causing everyone especially me. But you know I’m doing my best to speed up the process and come home to you.”
Dani screamed through her closed mouth. Yes, she was throwing a tantrum but it was all within good reason. Michael had not been home for a week and she was missing him terribly. Her pregnancy also made it extremely hard for her to control her hormones thus making her more needy than usual. She wanted Michael by her side and he wasn’t here which effectively added to the bad mood she was already experiencing from having to deal with entitled customers all day.
“You know what, I don’t want to call me unless you’re telling me you’ve landed and you’re coming home. Bye.” Dani did not give him time to respond before she ended the call and tightened grip around the leather of the wheel as tears pinched behind her eyes. She groaned before taking a deep breath and trying to calm her nerves as she pulled into the road that led to her home.
The black iron gates opened to her command after she pressed the fob on her keys. She parked her car and then got out, grabbing her office bags with her. As she stood up straight, the small rounded bottom of her belly was more prominent. At sixteen weeks, it was getting harder to hide her pregnancy as her emotions and cravings would often threaten to tell her secret. Dani and Michael had planned on revealing the news to their family during the swapping of gifts at Christmas tomorrow. However with the news that Michael dropped on her, it was looking like that plan was going to be pushed to the back burner.
Dani opened the front door with a heavy sigh as her shoulders slumped and leaned against the closed door before taking off her shoes and placed them onto the shoe rack by the door. She stalked further into their spacious home and placed her bags onto the couch before continuing her journey into the kitchen. Dani opened cupboards, grabbing her favourite snacks before jogging up the stairs.
She was stuffing her face with chips when she entered the master bedroom with an absent mind.
“Surprise!” A voice broke through the silent air which startled Dani so much, she screamed and dropped everything that was in her arms. With a hand on her chest, she focused on Michael’s figure that was standing in the middle of the bedroom dressed in jeans and a Christmas sweater.
“Fucking hell Michael!” She yelled at him and she rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes as she tried to control the anger that was already festering within her. His muffled laughter rang in her ears as he approached closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly against his chest as he rocked from side to side. He placed kisses on her cheeks and the side of her forehead.
“Hi baby.” He greeted Dani, his voice soft and mellow but she was not having it.
“You’re not funny.” She pushed him away and headed towards the bathroom but she could hear his footsteps behind her. “Don’t follow me, I’m mad at you right now.”
She entered the bathroom and began to run the water in the tub. After she dropped some bath salts and bubble bath soap, Dani stripped out of her clothes and put her locs into her bun on top of her head. She lathered her face in a mask and then finally sunk into the hot water. A soft hum came out of her as the warmth engulfed her.
Her eyes were still closed as she caught onto the scent of her fiancé before hearing the dragging of a stool towards the tub. Dani turned her head to the side and opened her eyes and welcomed the softness of Michael’s eyes.
“When did you get here?” She softly asked.
“A little after lunch. I initially thought about coming to your office and surprising you there but this seemed like a better idea. But now I’m starting to regret it.”
“You should. I was about to cry in the car. I really missed you.” Dani pouted which caused him to smile, showing his dimple.
“I missed you too.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. She softly moaned as she held onto his cheek as she deepened the kiss but for a moment before pulling away. “Tantrums and all.” She tried to hide her smile as she rolled her eyes and moved back into her relaxed position.
“Whatever. I’m a pregnant hormonal woman and you’re not doing a very good job of making sure that I’m not stressed.”
His hand was in the water as he caressed her leg.
“What can I do to make you feel better?” The look in his eyes was full of temptation. He was trying to seduce his way out of trouble and Dani felt every fibre of her being wanting to give in but she wanted to make him sweat a little.
“You can start by cooking me something nice and quick.”
“Anything else?”
“I want the fireplace lit with a little set up in front of it.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“If you do all of that, I might forgive you.”
Michael chuckled before capturing her lips once again.
“I‘ll do what I can.” Dani bit onto her lip as he watched him walk away. Her eyes narrowed on his ass and she moaned getting flashbacks of the day before he left for his trip. She remembered digging her manicured nails into the firm, muscled flesh of his ass. Now, her arousal began to rise which caused her to groan softly and close her eyes as the thoughts filled her mind.
She did not stay in the tub for more time than needed and took a quick shower before leaving the bathroom. Dani moisturised her skin and then got dressed in an old large shirt of Michael’s and a pair of red thongs and some warm, fluffy christmas socks. She neatly wrapped her hair and applied her night creams.
When she got downstairs, the scent of the food became stronger. Michael was standing by the counter as he dished the food. He made a quick meal of creamy ham and mushroom linguine with a side of wild green salad.
Dani’s mouth watered at the sight.
“This looks so good baby.” She commented as she sat at a stool by the counter. Michael pushed a plate towards her and poured her a cup of strawberry lemonade.
“Thank you.” He replied with another shared kiss before the couple indulged in their food. They shared stories of their work days — Dani’s being far more interesting as her career as an event planner led her to cross paths with peculiar people.
As it was Christmas, her and her team were organising annual Christmas parties for companies. Dani and her assistant were planning a party for a successful local law firm and they were having a problem with the firm’s representative and it took all of Dani’s customer service training to not blow off her top and refuse to work with her. However Dani’s company had an incredibly clean record with an impeccable reputation. Nothing, especially snotty, little entitled fund babies.
Michael laughed at all of her retelling and watched her with an awestruck look in his eyes. Together for four years and nothing about the way that he felt about her had changed, only intensified. Eating dinner with her before moving to the fireplace as the Grinch played lowly in the background made him appreciate the little things. These were moments that he never wanted to miss and he promised to himself that he never will.
He was leaning against the couch with Dani in between his legs. His hands were around her torso, hands on her belly as he listened to her ramblings about past christmases. As much as he was trying to listen to what she was saying, he couldn’t help but feel drawn to her womb. His seed was growing in there. Their baby was within her and she was bringing life into their world and extending their family.
How could he not be in love with her? Dani trusted him so much that she was willing to give birth and be with him in matrimony. Michael had never experienced a love like this and he was never going to give it up.
“Are you even listening to me?” Dani asked as she shifted her head slightly to look at him.
“No.” She rolled her eyes. “I was thinking about how in love I am with you.”
“Awe baby.” She cooed as she turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.” Multiple kisses were placed on his jawline, tickling his skin causing him to laugh before turning his head and capturing her lips into a passionate kiss. Her hands went to tug onto his small afro as the kiss intensified. He laid her down onto the blanket that was beneath them and made sure that he wasn’t applying too much pressure onto her lower abdomen.
His hands were on either side of her head as her legs shifted to being around his waist. He brought his weight down and pressed himself against her flimsily covered core. Dani whimpered into his mouth as her hands moved down his torso and pulled on his sweater. He stood on his knees and pulled it off his body before hovering above her and attaching his lips to her once more.
Her hips bucked upwards so as to build on the friction but Michael held her down by her arms before trailing his lips down her neck, the soft prickles of his beard rubbing against her skin caused her buried arousal to begin to arise once more. As he worked his way down her body, he pushed the shirt further up her body and took one of her nippled into his mouth.
“Fuck.” Dani gasped as she felt his tongue flick her sensitive nipple before sucking on it. Her pregnancy made everything much more sensitive which intensified every little thing. As she took off her shirt and dropped it onto the floor as Michael pushed her thighs apart and chuckled at the festive colour of her damp thongs.
“Did you put these on for me?” He mumbled against her thigh and bit into it as he pulled them down her legs before settling close to her pussy once again.
“I thought that they matched the festive spirit.” Dani replied, giggling as she felt his breath brush against her drenched core. She bit onto her lip as she leaned up onto her elbows and looked down at her fiance. The yellow lights of the Christmas tree illuminated onto his face before he used his tongue to lick clean her weeping nectar.
That’s when he lost himself in between her thighs. Using his skilful tongue, he would lick around her clit, flick it repeatedly before trailing down to her entrance and pushing his tongue in. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as he paid more attention to her clit and began fucking her with his fingers which caused her moan to turn into screams.
She pulled on the blanket s beneath her as her orgasm began to rise.
“Oh baby, I’m going to cum.” Dani gasped as her thighs began to quake. Her orgasm gripped her body as she arched off the floor. He thrusted his fingers faster and faster into her, prolonging her climax for as long as her could before she finally pushed him away.
“Can’t take it baby?” He licked his lips as he took his trousers off and laid down on the floor and pulled her on top of him. Dani positioned herself properly and went in between her leg and wrapped her hands around his cock and stroked him softly. She watched as his chest raised up and down as he throbbed in her hand.
“You get too overzealous, my pussy is too tender for that.” She replied as she raised up and
began to sink down onto his thickness. Dani let out a sweet moan as he stretched her walls. She leaned forward and placed her hands onto his chest as she took deep breaths as Michael pushed deeper into her. He watched as she bit on her lip and her eyes fluttered close as she took all of him.
He groaned as he gripped onto her thighs as she snuggly fit around him. “But you’re not complaining when I’m deep inside of you.”
“Daddy.” Dani gasped as he lifted her hips and brought her back down onto him. The best thing was watching the faces she made as she used him for her pleasure. With every roll of her hips and each breathy moan that left her parted lips, Michael could feel the tug at the bottom of his stomach. When she was so consumed within the throes, Dani never called him by his given name, just Daddy. He loved hearing her call him.
His hand travelled to her breast and pulled on her nipple as he moved his hips to her pace.
“Fuck!” She groaned as she rolled her hips faster and faster, tightening her core around his cock causing him to growl beneath her. Dani opened her eyes and leaned down and took his bottom lip into her mouth as she began to bounce on him.
“You feeling good baby?” He mumbled against her lips as she looked into his eyes as his arms wrapped around her and he planted his feet onto the floor and thrusted harder into her causing her moans to turn into the screams. Her head was slightly above his as she pulled on the blankets. Their bodies moved in sync with each other as they chased their climax. Michael sat up and held onto the back of her neck as he branded her lips with his.
Embracing each other tightly, Dani continued moving her hips as their tongues passionately entangled as their moans blended together.
“Fuck baby, I’m going to cum.” He whispered against her lips.
“Cum in me Daddy, fill me up. Please, please, please.” Dani moaned as her walls clenched around him, eliciting a deep moan as Michael squeezed onto her ass as he held onto her body as he buried his seed deep inside of her. Dani whimpered as she let go of her inhibitions and trembled in his arms.
They held each other as they focused on calming themselves down. Michael laid back down with her still on top of him. Her eyes were closed as she listened to his beating heart. When her eyes opened, she caught sight of the erected Christmas tree.
“Oh god.” Dani groaned with a scoff. “We fucked in front of the Christmas tree like some cliche hallmark movie.”
“It’d be r rated just from your moans alone.” Michael replied as he ran his fingers up and down her back. Dani laughed as she playfully slapped his chest.
“Shut up.” She mumbled before cuddling into his body and closing her eyes as she felt her body relax. Christmas was looking up already...
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In the Palm of Your Hand (pt 1)
Based on This Prompt from the lovely @major-trouble
no trigger warnings necessary (1.4k words)
In the aftermath of the Great Shrinking Spell Incident, Geralt is endlessly glad that Jaskier was there to keep him safe. 
In the moment when both sorceresses scream a loud spell and launch their magic into the air with no consideration for the Witcher standing between them, however, Geralt wishes that Jaskier were standing in nearly any other room on the Continent. As the two opposing walls of chaos close around him and slam together, Geralt watches the world go wrong and wavy and odd around him. Everything inside him feels like it’s being compressed beneath two fully-grown wyverns. He’s being crushed. He’s being compacted. He’s being squished in on himself.
In the pain and confusion of two fully formed spells taking hold, Geralt’s body blesses him with sweet unconsciousness.
When he wakes up things feel...wrong. 
His body is pillowed against something soft and warm and he’s covered from shoulder-to-toe with a huge, heavy blanket. When he sits up, his head spins and he groans, clutching at it with both hands and blocking out the light with the heels of his palms. “Jaskier?”
The thing he’s laying on shifts and suddenly Jaskier’s scent is overwhelming. He drops back against the pillow (because that has to be what he’s resting on top of) and cries out in real, legitimate fear. His best friend and traveling companion is towering over him, looking nervous. “Fuck! Jaskier, what the fuck!?” 
“Don’t panic,” the bard soothes. His own lip is being bitten to shit between his front teeth and he holds up his hands as if surrendering. “I think it was those two crazy witches. After they did, uhm, this to you, they told me how to break both spells. It shouldn’t be too hard; we’ll just have to find our way to Yen sooner rather than later. We’ll get you back to your dangerous Witchering in no time.”
“Why do we need to see Yennefer?” Geralt asked, raising an eyebrow. Jaskier hated Yen. The two of them couldn’t be in a room together for more than five minutes before they started tearing each other apart either physically, verbally, or both at once. Then Geralt remembered that he was sitting down on the pillow as if it were a great bed. “Oh...right. She can probably undo it with some kind of counter-spell or something.”
“Not exactly,” Jaskier shrugs. “But close enough. The spells got kind of...twisted together, apparently. You’re stuck being pixie-sized until your true love can get her lilac and gooseberry lips on you.”
“Mhm. I’m just glad your clothes shrunk with you. I’ve already started sewing up another suitable change for however long you’re in your current form. These need to be cleaned soon, anyway. I hope to be finished with your sleep-shirt by nightfall,” Jaskier rambles nervously. “But clothes aren’t that important now, are they? You see, my plan is to deliver you safely into Yennefer’s loving arms at that magically hidden manor house of hers and head to Oxenfurt for the remainder of the season. I figured that you two might want to have some nice alone time before winter arrives and chases you off to Kaer Morhen.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
The Witcher is thankful that his small size hasn’t seemed to change the pitch of his voice. If he had become a squeaky, pixie-like creature in all regards he would have died of shame long before getting to…
Well why had Jaskier assumed that Yennefer’s kiss would break the spell?
“Why do you think Yen can break the spell?”
“It’s True Love’s Kiss, Geralt. Try to keep up,” Jaskier’s voice is high and teasing but there’s an undercurrent of resigned sadness that the Witcher doesn’t understand. He breathes in deeply again, trying to find a clue, and notices that his companion’s usually bright and sunny scent has changed. Rather than the bard’s signature whirling notes of rose and lavender, the bard is surrounded by a cloud of bitter, acrid disappointment. Jaskier suddenly squares his shoulders and shoots Geralt a grin that doesn’t reach his eyes at all. The bitterness hasn’t disappeared from the air, either. “Surely nobody else will be able to break the spell, dear Witcher. You’ve been chasing after our good Lady Yennefere for nearly a decade, now, at least.”
“Eloquent as ever, Thumbelina.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Geralt huffs. He crosses his arms over his chest in an attempt to look menacing but he surmises that he must look rather adorable like this because Jaskier doesn’t look properly chastised at all. In fact, he looks about two seconds away from picking the minuscule Witcher up and nuzzling him like a kitten. Jaskier had referred to his behavior around small animals and children once as cute aggression. 
“I just can’t help but pet these puppies so ferociously, Geralt, they’re just too sweet and little!”
“Have you never heard the tale of Thumbelina and her handsome Prince? Or in this case, sorceress?”
Geralt crosses his legs underneath him and pats the pillow invitingly. Jaskier lays down and turns to face the Witcher, who’s reclining back against the bedding once again. The bard tells his tiny friend the story of Thumbelina and the Prince who gives her wings, adding in some extra cute bits that he knows Geralt will sigh about later when he’s alone.
By the time he’s finished telling his Witcher a bedtime story, Geralt is dozing lightly. Jaskier pulls a few of the nicest scraps of velvet leftover from re-trimming Sexy’s case a few weeks ago and layers them atop his tiny Witcher. He runs the tip of his finger up and down his companion’s tiny, delicate spine with the utmost care and focus. 
As Geralt slips into a relaxed and heavy sleep he thinks: I’m not sure Yen will be able to break the curse after all, Jaskier; but how do I tell you how I feel without losing you completely? 
Jaskier appears back in the room the next morning at dawn, having already gone and gathered up a large silver punch bowl and some other odds-and-ends. Mostly sewing supplies, it looks like. He pours a pitcherful of steaming hot water into the silver dish and gives his companion a sincere apology, “Sorry, Geralt, but this was the closest I could find to a fairy-sized bathtub. Here’s a sliver of my almond soap. I hope it doesn't smell too strongly. Uhm...yeah. I’ll leave you to it, then.”
Geralt looks between Jaskier and the ‘tub’ he’s been offered. “I won’t be able to get out by myself.”
“I can climb up just fine but don’t think I’ll be able to get out of this thing without some assistance,” the Witcher clarifies. Jaskier blushes furiously Geralt cannot fathom why. They’ve seen each other (and other people, he imagines) in their bare skin plenty of times. Usually the bard went about his usual business but now he looked like a deer caught in the light of a hunter’s disorienting lantern. 
“Do you need my help?”
“...Yes. If you don’t mind, of course. I’m afraid I might slip and fall headfirst off the table. Otherwise, if you don’t mind dampening a cloth, I’ll just wipe myself down in my smalls and consider it done with.”
“Oh no,” Jaskier insists. “I didn’t make up the world’s weirdest lie about moonlight druid rituals to borrow this ornate punch bowl bathtub for you, my little Witcher.”
“Fine. But turn away while I undress.”
Jaskier does, but wonders why. Geralt has never asked him to look away before. Has he offended the Witcher somehow? He hears a quiet, contented sigh and turns back to see that Geralt has managed to clamber his way into the punch bowl just fine. “Would you like me to wash your hair?”
“You’re likely to squish me.”
“You’re probably right,” Jaskier sighs. He moves across the room and lays back down on the bed, curled in around himself with his back to Geralt. “Call when you’re ready to be lifted out. Don’t want you slipping and dying doing something silly.”
“Hmm. Thank you again, Jaskier.
“Of course, dear heart. Anything for you.”
When Geralt has been dried and dressed in the new, somewhat clumsy nightshirt Jaskier sewed for him, the bard lays him back down on the pillow. 
“Goodnight, little Witcher.”
Jaskier smirks and covers Geralt up with his many layers of soft velvet. 
“Goodnight, Geralt.”
“Goodnight, Jaskier.”
And if Geralt feels truly and unarguably safe for the first time in years, tucked in tightly and wrapped with scraps of material that smell so sweetly of his bard, then that’s nobody’s business but his. 
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
As Long as You Love me-Part 3
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: A new chapter for Rudy and Y/N begins, will they be able to overcome the hardships with a wedding, and a baby on the way?(sequel to SOMH)
Note: Heart breaking cliff hanger ahead...also I know this doesn’t go with the timeline like at all but leave me alone this is a made up story ok(:
Also I’m still going through TT asks so don’t fret ya nasties, jkjk I love y’all and hope you enjoy!
Part 2 Part 4
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“BABY!” Rudy shouted, sprinting through the house to find me.
“What?” I asked, a spoon that previously had my favorite ice cream hanging from my mouth.
“Season 2 was approved,” he yelled, jumping around like a kid on Christmas.
“Oh my god that’s amazing!” I beamed, giggling when Rudy spun me around.
“I need you to help me film the announcement.” he said, rushing me up the stairs.
“You’re gonna have to shave,” I pouted, reaching a hand out to feel his facial hair. 
“Say goodbye,” he chuckled, laughing when I kissed all over his face, and I made sure to rub my cheeks against his. 
“Even the baby said he doesn’t want his daddy to shave.” I whined dramatically.
“Awww I’m sorry bubba, daddy will grow it back.” he cooed, both of us laughing at our goofiness. 
“Why aren’t you packing?” Rudy asked, squinting as I laid stretched out on our bed.
“I’m not going,” I sighed, rubbing my belly.
“WHAT?!” he boomed, whipping around quickly.
“Rudy who knows when you’ll be done filming, the baby could come by then, and I don’t want to have a newborn down there.” I explained, turning my head to look at his distraught expression.
“I don’t like the thought of you being here on your own, you need to come with me.” he argued, throwing the clothes he had in hand down in his suitcase. 
“What am I supposed to do? Sit around all day? I won’t have a car and I’m not Ubering by myself.” I scoffed.
“I’m sure you could come with us, baby please just think about it.” Rudy said, leaning his head down by mine. 
“I don’t have a doctor down there for my regular appointments.” I pointed out. 
“There’s doctors in Charleston babe.” Rudy rolled his eyes, moving his head to lay it on my belly. 
“There’s also the fact that I can’t just up and leave my job for however many months.” I said, sifting my hands through his hair. 
“Take a leave of absence,” he shrugged, moving his hands around on my baby bump to listen to the baby move. 
“Sweetheart I’ll be fine here, I know you worry about us, but I have responsibilities here.” I spoke softly.
“You can’t be here all alone, just come with me. Please?” he begged, crawling on top of me to lay his head on my chest.
“I can’t Ru,” I giggled, leaning down to kiss his pouting lips.
“I seriously don’t want you here alone, it’d be different if we lived in Alaska or even back at your apartment because there’s people we know around you. All the people we know here will be gone, you’re not staying here.” Rudy rambled, anger rising in his tone.
“Rudy! I don’t want to be bored and lonely for however long you’re going to be down there.” I huffed.
Rudy stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, hoisting myself up to waddle after him. I understood where he was coming from, but I didn’t want to leave my home. I’m a homebody, I always have been. I didn’t like to leave my house unless I absolutely had to. I found him in the kitchen, furiously washing dishes.
“Ru,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his middle. 
“I’m afraid...I’m afraid something is going to happen to you or the baby, and I won’t be here.” he confessed, sighing deeply as he turned in my hold. 
“I know baby, but I will be ok. The baby isn’t due for another five months.” I said as I got to my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. 
“Anything could happen in those five moths my love.” he mumbled, caressing my cheek as he stared into my eyes. 
“I know, but I will be extra careful. I promise.” I smiled, puckering my lips so he would give me a kiss. He obliged of course, but didn’t just stop at one.
Rudy was more determined to prove that I needed him around, which I knew was 75% true, but I would never tell him that. I was going to prove that I was fine on my own, even if deep down I didn’t want to be without him. This led me to now as I stood in our kitchen, struggling to reach a cup on one of the higher shelves in the cabinet.
“Dammit,” I hissed, standing on my tiptoes.
“Need some help my love?” Rudy asked, smirking as I struggled.
“No,” I grunted, walking over to drag a chair to the counter. Rudy gasped when I climbed on top of it, rushing over to me.
“Baby!” he shouted, holding my hips as I reached for the cup.
“Got it,” I smiled, laughing at his angry expression. 
“You are just trying to give me a heart attack,” he grumbled, slapping my ass which made me laugh harder.
Another instance I was in the shower, happily minding my own business when my bottle of soap fell off the shelf and landed right on my foot.
“Son of a bitch!” I gritted out.
“What the hell happened?” Rudy questioned, opening the shower door.
“I’m fine, just broke my fucking toe.” I hissed, going to pick it up.
“Let me get it,” he rushed, hopping in the shower with me.
“You’re getting your clothes all wet babe!” I laughed.
“Guess I should take them off then hmmm?” he smirked, slowly stripping himself.
“You only came in here to get some, not even to help your pregnant fiance.” I tutted, shaking my head in mock disappointment. 
“My pregnant fiance dropped that soap on purpose to get me in here to give her some.” he grinned, walking me back against the cold tile. 
“That’s an awful accusation Mr. Pankow,” I murmured, staring down at his lips.
“I think you need to be punished for that future Mrs. Pankow,” Rudy smiled, wrapping his hand around my throat to pull me to his lips.
“You’re sure you’ll be okay?” Rudy asked for the tenth time in five minutes.
“Yes honey, we will be just fine. If anything changes, I will let you know.” I chuckled as we stood at the front of the security check.
Rudy brought me into his arms, rocking us back and forth. I took in his scent, ingraining it into my memory. I didn’t know when we would be able to see each other again, but I hoped it wasn’t too long because we both didn’t want to miss any milestones of my pregnancy together. He pulled away slightly, bending down to kiss my belly.
“Alright little guy, I need you to be good to momma ok? I love both of you so much.” he spoke softly, my heart fluttering in my chest when he kissed my belly.
 Rudy came back up to his full height, taking my face in his hands to smash his lips to mine. I threw my arms around his neck, taking one hand to pull his hair lightly. His hands traveled further to give my ass a playful squeeze, my hands immediately grabbing his to pull them away. We laughed into each other’s lips, leaving sweet kisses on random patches of skin. 
“Don’t have too much fun without me.” I mumbled.
“I love you,” he smiled, caressing my cheek.
“I love you more Ru,” I whispered.
A week later, I was sent a post from a fan account. Nothing new, I was sent stuff all the time, but this one caught my attention. I hadn’t checked anything on Instagram today, so I clicked on the link to JD’s dad’s post. There was a picture of Rudy, JD, and fucking Elaine in a living room. The caption read ‘roommates’, and I saw red.
Hell. Fucking. No.
I called Maddie B, seething as I paced around my house.
“Hey girlie,” she greeted.
“Was no one going to tell me that Elaine is staying in the establishment as Rudy?” I griped.
“What? I didn’t even know that.” she gasped.
“Someone sent me JD’s dad’s post with all of them looking cozy in their apartment.” I growled, rifling through my closet for my suitcase.
“What are you doing? I can hear you shuffling shit.” she asked.
“I’m buying the next ticket over there Madison. She is not about to make a move on my baby daddy and not suffer the consequences.” I spoke angrily, shoving clothes in the bag. 
“Ok, ok calm down. Let’s think about this.” Maddie B soothed.
“Already thought it over, I’ll be there in the next 24 hours.” I hissed, hanging up the phone. I called Rudy immediately after, holding the phone to my ear. 
“Hi honey, everything ok?” he asked, worry taking over his tone.
“Yeah I’m good, but I changed my mind. I want to stay with you while you film, I don’t like being by myself, and you were right if something does happen I won’t have anyone with me.” I said, no way I was going to tell him the real reason I was flying over.
“That’s fine my love, I’ll talk to them about getting us our own apartment. I’ve been sharing one with JD and his dad. It’s been great, but I miss holding you and feeling the baby.” he confessed, a small smile gracing my lips.
“Awww baby, I miss you, but I’ll be there within the next 24 hours. I’m booking the plane ticket now, I love you.” I spoke softly, imagining his blushing cheeks and his eyes lighting up the times we had been apart only to meet again. 
“Love you baby,” he murmured, both of us hanging up at the same time.
 I didn’t expect to be crying when I arrived, my heart torn into a million pieces. I had Rudy’s post notifications on, so when I saw he had posted something on his story, of course I clicked to see. I was horrified to see a picture of Elaine, then in the next one, a video of them shooting some kind of nerf gun to see who could make the shot. I almost dropped my phone, anger and sadness surging through me. 
Rudy was filming today, so he had sent someone to pick me up. I sat and mulled over my thoughts, wondering why...why he would post something with her when he hardly posts stuff of me. I looked down at my slightly protruding belly, mindlessly feeling around it. I knew Rudy loved me, I knew he did, but if he was going to constantly forgive Elaine and want her in our life...I wasn’t sure if I could go through with this. 
I went to the apartment Rudy had got for us, not bothering to unpack since I didn’t think I’d be staying here tonight. I sat on the couch and cried, wondering what was so wrong with me that Rudy was constantly going back to her. I wondered if he wished she was having his child instead of me. Rudy walked in a few hours later, smiling at my bags sitting by the door before his eyes came to me.
“Baby, what’s wrong?!” he asked, rushing over to me. 
“Do you not care at all about our relationship Rudy...our ENGAGEMENT?!” I exclaimed, his face furrowed up in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” Rudy questioned, but then something clicked as his face softened with realization.
“Yeah, I saw your story. You know what she’s capable of Rudy, time and time again she has tried to come between us. Did you not think how this would make me feel?” I hissed, standing up from the couch to pace the living room. 
“We’re all just good friends, you’re overthinking this way too much.” he sighed, rubbing his face.
“No I’m not Rudy, you hardly ever post shit with me, so what makes her so special?” I growled.
“Honey it was just-” he started.
“No Rudy, if she was really your friend, then she wouldn’t constantly go out of her way to break us apart.” I shouted, making my way towards the door. 
“That’s not what’s going on, I love you!” Rudy exasperated, following after me. 
“If you wanna be with her so bad, give her this for me.” I seethed, yanking my engagement ring off and throwing it at him. His eyes went wide as he somehow caught it with both hands. 
“My love, your hormones are out of whack, let’s just calm down-” he spoke softly. 
“I want her nowhere near me, I didn’t want her near you, and she’s not to come even close to my baby.” I raged, gripping the door handle.
“Our baby,” he muttered.
“You wanna be with her so bad, he’s my baby.” I laughed humorlessly, yanking open the door. I left Rudy standing there with the most heartbreaking expression I had ever seen.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Catboy (Reader, catboy! Yuta and Taeyong)
warning : catboy! Taeyong and Yuta , fluff :D
"Hey, want to grab lunch?" Baekhyun's joyful invitation got you tearing away your eyes from the screen. You smile and hit the save button, quickly nodding and picking up your wallet, phone, and ID.
"Slow down, I will wait." Baekhyun leans over the wall. There's no one else in the room, everyone has gone out once the bell rings, but something is wrong with you being the last person sitting down.
"Okay, I am ready where do we go for lunch?" You grab your coat and Baekhyun follows your steps to take the elevator.
"There's a new Subway restaurant by the end of the junction and they serve sandwiches. Quite fast and filling for lunch right?" Baekhyun presses the elevator button down and off you go to the basement.
"What makes you stay back huh, did you not hear the bell?" Baekhyun let out the one question he found really bothering his mind.
You chuckled, "Ah! that, I have to finish my work today. I don't want to take extra hours, because you know," you paused and try to find the right words.
"What? Just tell me, we've been friends since forever. I basically know everything about you." Baekhyun opened the door for you to step in.
You thanked him and both of you queue behind the line.
"You know Taeyong and Yuta are somewhat in a cold war. I don't know what's wrong."
"Oh the boys? Maybe they fight when you're not home. Have you tried talking to them one by one?" Baekhyun suggested a solution.
"Yeah I haven't gotten the chance. It's from this morning. I hope they're okay once I am back. What about Chanyeol? How is he?" You divert the attention elsewhere.
Baekhyun pats your shoulder, telling you to order since the cashier is waiting already.
You quickly made your order and Baekhyun's then with the tray you both take a sit on the corner of the room.
The two of you start eating, while having the light conversation going on.
"Chanyeol? He's a good boy. He even knows how to cook! I come home to a table full of foods." Baekhyun pops up a thumbs up.
Your eyes widen, "Oh yeah? Taeyong is also good in cooking. Not to mention Yuta always help with washing the mess."
Baekhyun rolls his eyes, "That' unfair. Yeol doesn't really like cleaning, so I have to clean up the dishes, but I got a good dinner and he made a nice friend, so yeah no big deal."
"You should get a partner." you teased your friend here. Baekhyun taunted at you, "Said the girl who also lives alone without a partner but two catboys."
"Well you also live with a puppy-hybrid. Chanyeol is a nice breed though, he sounds like he can do anything. I wonder why he was in the shelter."
Yes, you and Baekhyun adopted some hybrid from the shelter. The visit was some kind of joke and you were not even planning to own hybrid. 
Not until the two of you walked passed by a shelter and saw how their eyes glimmer with hopes when you peeked from the window. Baekhyun decided to check it out and once you stepped in, your heart ached from seeing two cat-boys curled on the corner, sharing warmth with each other. When you walked closer to the, they squirmed and woke up. Only to shot you a pitiful look, and when the owner explained where he found those two cats, you decided you need to give them new home.
So, Baekhhyun went home with a new tall, sweet smile, energetic puppy hybrid and you brought home two cat-boys. One was a bit tamer than the other one, but both were sweet.
You named them Taeyong and Yuta, the first one was the softie, while the later was the guardian.
Lunch break was over and you walked back to the office to continue your shift. Your salary is enough to have you raise two cat boys, they don't demand much. They can entertain themselves when you're away with the things you have in the house.
Nine to five work was over and you silently bid good bye to the other workers who have to stay behind; Baek is one of them.
You walked calmly home, pondering if you need to buy dinner or not and you believed Taeyong would have prepared something already.
Your beeping alerted the two cats in the house. Yuta's ears twitched when your footstep echoing in the living room.
When Taeyong took a break to shower and pamper himself, you and Yuta are in the kitchen, washing the dishes and storing the left over foods.
"Hey Yuta," you give him your greeting, patting his head and ruffling his hair. He leans into your hand, wanting more. You chuckle and stay for a while, just to move to the other cat boy busy preparing foods.
"Taeyongie," you hug him, and he yelped from the surprise.
"I'm here now. Let's have dinner!" You happily wash your hands and take a seat on the table full of foods. Yuta and Taeyong are already seated on their chair and both of them looked fine. You guessed their fight from the morning was over. Maybe they just accidentally stepped on each other's tail and thus having a small war when you left home earlier.
Other than that, things were fine and you happily dive into dinner with two of your new best friends.
“How’s work?” Yuta asks the regular question he always propose to you.
You nod your head, “It was fine, how are you and Taeyong? I kind of see you two fighting in the morning, mind to share why?”
Yuta smiles when he remembers and realizes how stupid they were.
“I accidentally stepped on Taeyong’s tail and he was a bit cranky this morning. He kind of doesn’t want you to go work. I mean yeah the last week end you’re pampering us with lots of love and attention and when Taeyong remembers today is Monday, he was kind of sad. Then I did not see his tail and I stepped on it. He was mad and he scratched me.” Yuta tuck his shirt up and you can see a sliver of the nice scar on his abdomen.
“Oh no, I will take care of the wound after this.” You look into the red mark with sadness.
“Don’t scold Taeyong, I get it he’s a bit emotional this morning. That’s why I asked sorry, but he did not say a word.”
“It’s so nice of you, but I need to talk and tell Yongie it is not good to ignore an apology.” You bring your hand to touch Yuta’s chin and he purrs when you lightly scratch it.
“Thank you for being understanding Yuta, you really understand Taeyong.” You open your hands and he takes the code to hug you. He is taller than you, but he can always manage to fit into your smaller body whenever you engulf him in a hug.
“Have you resolved it with him?” you whisper
Yuta nods, “Yes, I mean in the afternoon he got bored keeping quiet and playing by himself. So, he slowly approached me and I knew he was not so good in saying his feelings out loud, so I use the chance to say sorry again.”
Your eyes water from the sweet action Yuta made. “He accepted my apology and asked me sorry too for acting that bad.”
The toilet door twisted open and you quickly separate yourself from Yuta. Taeyong is a jealous type of cat, and he smiles when he just finish his good shower.
“Enjoyed your shower Tae?” You walk to him and his fresh soap scent brings a grin to your face.
“Yeah, I need that shower after a long day.” He chuckles and sits on the sofa.
Yuta goes into the shower now, so you have a time alone with him.
“How is your tail?” You open the conversation while looking into his tail. It looks fine and he forces a sad smile.
“I messed up this morning and scratched Yuta.” He admits.
You sigh in relief; he did the confession and this will be easier for you.
“It’s okay, I know you both have talked and solved it. I just want to remind you what you did was not so good. Don’t do that again okay? You are lucky Yuta loves you so much, he did not want me to scold you.”
His soft eyes go teary, you quickly bring Taeyong into a hug and he buries himself into your embrace. “I am sorry too…”
You smile and kiss his forehead, he emits the softest purr and you run your hand lovingly on his back.
“I’ll shower and can you please check Yuta’s scar? Give him the ointment and later we will jump to bed and watch film.”
Taeyong nods like the good boy he always is, “I’ll take care of Yuta, you go shower. Oh and can we cuddle? Please?” his cat eyes show up. “Pretty please with a cherry on top.” He blinks and you lost your control.
“Yes Taeyong! Of course!” You dishevel his hair and go to the shower when Yuta left.
“Yuta, Taeyong will check your scar. I’ll see later if there’s anything else we must do.” You disappear behind the door and Yuta calmly walks to Taeyong.
He opens his shirt and Taeyong sadly looks at the big scar he made this morning.
Taeyong traces his finger over the scar to apply a salph and Yuta winces at the pain.
“Sorry Yuta, I won’t repeat this.” Taeyong rambles as he medicates his brother’s nasty scar.
Yuta only smile and kiss Taeyong’s head, “I get it, it’s okay Taeyong. Stop blaming yourself, this wound is nothing okay. Now stop over thinking and take a good sleep, you need it.”
Taeyong throws Yuta back his tee shirt and the boy quickly wears it back. The two of them are already cuddling under your blanket when you return from the fresh steam.
“What should we watch today?” You jump into the bed and the two cat boys quickly find their way to lean into you.
You giggle and hug the two of them, “Boys, I love you equally okay. Don’t fight over silly things like that again.”
The two cats look into you with adoration and love in their eyes, they’re lucky you decided to bring them home that day, and they’re lucky you still love them with all your heart until today.
Well, this isn’t what I had in mind when I say i want to make a catboy domestic one shot... but here is the result, might make another one someday. 
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chancelloramidala · 3 years
Staring at the Sun ➤ Evan Buckley
Chapter Three: Why Heart? Why?
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Karen was in the kitchen doing the dishes when Hen came in grabbing a bottle of wine from the case and two glasses. “Hey, baby, who’s here?”
Hen shot her wife an exasperated look. “My co-worker, Marceline.” then she eyed the case of alcohol they had and debated if they would need something stronger.
“Oh, the brooder?” Karen raised a brow as she finally turned the water off after cleaning to soap suds off of the plates, recalling how her wife had gone on long tangents multiple times about the mysterious Marceline Pierce who held everyone at arm’s length.
“Yeah,” Hen chuckled before picking up a bottle of whiskey. Might as well go all in. “She ran here, I didn’t even know she knew where we lived.”
Karen shrugged with a small amused smile on her lips. “Maybe she just needs a friend right now. You go on now, I’ll put Denny to bed.” 
Hen smiled at Karen’s generosity. “Thanks, babe,” she walked over and gave her wife a quick peck on the lips before heading off towards the living room.
Marceline sat in one of the comfy chairs and hugged one of the throw pillows to her chest. She took in the living room she was in, focusing mainly on the pictures that littering the walls of Hen and her wife, Karen, and their son Denny. They looked like a happy family in her own opinion as a thought popped into her head, You’re disturbing their family time together, Marceline. Her head shot up when she heard Hen come in, carrying two bottles of alcohol and some glasses.
“Hey, um, sorry for intruding on you like this… I know you’re probably busy and shit,” Marceline fiddled with the frills on one side of the pillow she was hugging, feeling selfish for coming here in the first place.
“Pfft,” Hen shook her head as she walked over, laying the bottle of red wine and whiskey onto the coffee table before finally taking a seat across from her on the couch. “It’s fine, we already finished dinner and just cleaning up. It was just a little surprising but, I don’t mind, Marceline, really.” she gave the other woman a small smile that softened into a grin. “Plus, I didn’t really know what to expect so I brought both red and whiskey, take your pick.”
Marceline eyed Hen for a moment before slowly reaching for the whiskey and pouring herself a nice, long glass of amber liquid. Hen’s eyes widened at that, knowing very well that whiskey was strong as hell, and once she took a long sip, deciding that Marceline was spending the night here.
“Okay, so,” Marceline made a face after downing a whole glass of whiskey, the liquid burning her throat before staring at Hen. “I’m just going to put it all out there, um,” her eyes darted away from Hen’s nervously as she picked at her nails. “You were right earlier… about how I had an opinion on Buck and Abby… ‘cos like… I have a lot of opinions about them. Not necessarily… good ones… and um, the reason for my negative opinions is because, um,” she took in a deep breath before pressing her eyes shut. “I’m kind of... in love with Buck.”
So… that was not at all what Hen was expecting Marceline to tell her. Honestly, she was expecting some dark and mysterious from the other woman’s past that would explain her closed-off nature but… this was more than enough to suffice. 
But another unexpected thing just happened before Hen’s eyes: Marceline silently crying into a pillow she was hugging.
“Oh, honey,” Hen said softly and reached for a box of tissues nearby. “It’s okay, I’m glad you told me. Thank you for trusting me with that, I’m… honored.”
Marceline took a few tissues from the box Hen inched towards her and blew her nose. “I just,” she hiccuped for a moment and swallowed more of her pride. “I’m angry with myself for loving him because he’s taken now and I waited too long to tell him and it took me getting shot to realize that.” she huffed out as she let go of the pillow and started to dig her fingernails into her palm to prevent her from lashing out. “And I’m angry that he’s happy with Abby because I’m so fucking jealous of her.
“I want to be the one with Buck but I’m not. I’m just his emotionally distant co-worker who took two bullets for him. And I already told Nic this, all of it. She’s heard it from the start and I feel like I’m annoying her with my shit, especially my shit about Buck because she has her own shit to deal with and Gemma who is an absolute angel and now I’m probably annoying you with my shit because you have a wife and a kid and--”
“Alright, I’m going to have to stop you there, Marceline,” Hen put her hands up to try and stop her from rambling as she got up from her spot on the couch to sit on the chair next to her. But upon doing so, she saw Marceline wince back and held her hands up to cover to face… oh dear. She quickly lowered her hands onto her lap. “You’re not annoying me with your shit. I’m glad you want to talk to me about your shit, I really am. And I highly doubt Nic is annoyed about hearing you talk too. You just want to be heard, and I’m willing to listen to you.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered out like a child who was being scolded.
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for,” the older woman gently admonished before slowly reaching forward to put her hand over Marceline’s. 
She gave Hen a tiny smile as she squeezed her hand. “Thanks,”
Hen smiled softly. “Of course, but let’s start opening this wine, hm? Then we can talk about our boy Buck and how stupid he is. How about that?”
Marceline let a small laugh escape her lips. “Sure, that sounds fun. It’s better than moping alone. And hey, Karen can join us if she’d want and we can just shit on men because Buck lumps into the men category.”
Hen’s smile only grew at this and clapped her hands together. “Yes, this what we need. Okay, I’ll go get Karen who’s probably listening in from the kitchen if I’m going, to be honest, I’m sorry, she’s a little noisy,”
“I am not!” a voice indigently yelled from the kitchen.
“I rest my case.” Hen gestured to the kitchen doors before laughing softly. “Baby, come out here. Oh- wait! Bring some ice cream. We’re going full-on girl’s night right now.”
Karen then appeared with a few pints of ice cream and yet another bottle of wine and a big smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Karen, Hen’s wife. Sorry for eavesdropping earlier, but nothing ever interesting happens at our house at this time.”
Marceline grinned and waved a hand at Karen. “It’s okay, my emotional turmoil can be very entertaining. Nic would agree with you. And hello Karen, I’m Marceline, a co-worker of Hen’s, very nice to meet you.”
“Alright, enough with formalities.” Hen waved her hands around as she took a pint of rocky road ice cream and a spoon. “Let’s start shitting on men,”
“Okay, bet,” Marceline grinned as she got her own spoon and leaned forward to get a scoop of the rocky road ice cream from Hen’s pint. “Doesn’t it bother you when men…”
In comparison to how Marceline has been feeling for the last couple of weeks, her mood has been significantly lighter for the past couple of days. Finally telling someone other than Nic about her feelings was good, and Hen was a great listener and advice giver. Plus, Karen seemed to take a quick liking to her and invited her over to dinner on Friday so that was great.
And today? Well, it’s going well so far. Marceline ran around the block early in the morning before taking Nic and Gemma to work and school. But no, not on her motorcycle as she’d prefer, but in Nic’s car since she had the day off. Before she had to pick up Gemma from school, she cleaned up around the apartment because yikes, it was a bit of a mess. Mostly due to Marceline, she’s a slob, which annoys the hell out of Nicolette, but yanno, doesn’t former girlfriend’s turned roommates and kind of co-parents have some things they don’t like about the other person?
So Marceline did the laundry, which included actually folding it, took the garbage out, and cleaned the bathroom just in time to pick up Gemma from school. Sadly, Nic had a late shift that would run till one a.m. and she said she would just take an Uber home.
And that meant that it was going to be a Marceline and Gemma day, which, in the six-year-old words were one of the best days ever. This was probably because Marceline was a bit more relaxed when it came to doing homework once they got home, but made sure to get it done before six, and allowed the young girl to eat ice cream as a snack.
She parked the car in one of the parking spots, before getting out and shutting the door. Marceline wore her red bomber jacket and blue-washed jeans, along with some black converses. She walked towards the back of the school, recalling how the pick-up was usually near the playground, and carefully weaved past other parents and children walking by.
“Auntie Marcel!” a high-pitched voice squeaked from the swings as Marceline walked closer to the playground.
The first responder grinned widely and jogged towards the swings. “There’s my little Gem!”
Gemma gave Marceline a big, toothy smile before jumping off the swings and running towards her. “Today was so cool, Marcel, I’m telling you. Science class was awesome, we made elephant toothpaste and I made mine purple!” she spat out facts about her day with so much enthusiasm that it was contagious.
“Whoa, really? That sounds pretty cool, Gem.” Marceline swiftly took the little girl’s sparkly pink backpack and put it over her shoulder as they walked towards Nic’s car. “Y’know, all I did was clean the apartment, nothing nearly as interesting as that.” she opened the backdoor for the six-year-old to get into and then placed her backpack on the floor.
Gemma giggled as she shook her head, getting into her booster seat and putting her seatbelt on all by herself. “That’s okay Auntie, we can have fun together. Maybe with… some ice cream?” she asked in her overtly sweet voice.
Marceline sighed and playfully rolled her two different colored eyes as she shut the backdoor and then sliding into her own seat. “I don’t know kiddo… your mom is kind of worried about your sugar intake lately.” she turned the key into the ignition as the car turned on and rumbled.
Gemma pouted, aghast at her Aunt’s reasoning. “But Mars! It’s our special ice cream trip, you always let me get ice cream right after school when you pick me up. It’s like-- tradition! Like how at Christmas we get a tree and put the decorations up together. You wouldn’t want Christmas without a tree, would you, Mars?”
She turned around in her seat and squinted at the six-year-old sitting behind her. “I feel like I’m being tricked. Did your mom put you up to this? Is she testing my boundaries as a guardian?”
“No! I just want my strawberry cheesecake ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and for us to sit under the tree while you drink your cookies and cream milkshake.” Gemma said in her matter-of-fact adult voice before continuing, “And then you help me climb the tree, sometimes you climb it with me, or wait at the bottom.”
Marceline was touched by how Gemma seemed to enjoy her time with Marceline, even if the time they spent together was limited at best. Not that she didn’t want to spend time with the little pipsqueak, but she tended to keep herself busy when she had days off. She’d leave the apartment, go to the bar, make out with someone at the bar and maybe go home with them. She’s already spent so much time bothering the Bishop girls for the past seven years with her existence and didn’t want to keep doing it on her days off.
“Fine, we’ll go, but--!”
“--Ha, butt,”
“We will go get ice cream, but you gotta super duper pinky promise me that you won’t tell your mom about it.” Marceline wagged her finger at the young girl before putting out her pinky finger. “We got a deal, munchkin?”
Gemma quickly nodded as she giggled softly. “Okay, Mars. We got a deal.” then she raised her little pinky finger and leaned forward in her seat before wrapping it around Marceline’s finger.
And then they were off to the ice cream shop jamming out to One Direction (along with some of the bandmate’s separate singles), a current favorite of the six-year-olds. After belting to Kiwi, they finally arrived at their destination. Gemma was so excited that she practically jumped out of the car before Marceline could even park.
When they walked up to the counter, Marceline sent the familiar teenage boy at the cash register a small smile. “Hey, Jerome,”
Jerome smiled back at her and leaned over the counter, displaying his freshly painted manicure that contrasted against his dark complexion. “Marcel! It’s so good to see you and this little gremlin,” he shot Gemma a playful grin as she stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed at the kid and started typing into the register, “You’re getting your usual, right? A medium strawberry shortcake in a dish with a cone on the side and rainbow sprinkles on top, and cookies and cream milkshake with whipped cream?” he shot off in his usual cheery voice.
“You know us too well, Jer,” Marceline grinned and nodded as she took out her wallet and handing him her card. After he took her card and swiped it, she took a good look at the teen in front of her while Gemma went off towards their usual picnic table under the big orange tree with Marceline’s phone to play some games while the adults talked, “So, how’s school going? Still thinking about going to NYU?”
He let out a loud groan and rolled his eyes dramatically, “Girl, I don’t know what I want to do with my life anymore, let me tell you.” But before he could continue, he shot of the order to his co-worker, Samantha who got to work on them and turned back around. “School is a pain in my behind as of late. I’m stressed out over this huge math test because I’m actually shit at math... and I still have to bust my ass at this job to save up for a place because I can’t keep staying at Alex’s house even though her parents say it’s fine.”
Marceline nodded carefully, hearing the clear annoyance and stress coming off of the eighteen-year-old. He had recently come out as transgender to his family, which immediately got him kicked out with nothing but the clothes on his back. Marceline had known Jerome before he came out through working at the ice cream shop throughout his high school years and became fast friends to the point where Marceline had gifted Jerome his first proper binder.
“Damn, I’m sorry to hear that, Jer.”
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”
“I know, but are you sure I can’t do anything to help? You know Nic is more than willing to let you stay on our couch for a bit. She loves you too.”
All Marceline wanted to do was wrap Jerome in bubble wrap and keep him safe from the world, but knew that realistically, she can’t.
Jerome shrugged his shoulders before handing their order to them. “It’s alright, I’ll figure something out.” 
She raised a skeptical brow at him. “Okay, but you have my number. Call me if you need anything, seriously.” She slowly took the tray from him.
“Will do, Marcel,” Jerome smiled lightly before blowing a kiss to her.
Marceline pretended to catch the kiss and chuckled softly as she turned around to walk over to Gemma. The six-year-old instantly put her phone down when Marceline slid next to her and gave her a big toothy smile. “Yay, ice cream time!” 
Gemma proceeded to inhale her entire ice cream while Marceline sat close by, idly sipping her milkshake and scrolling mindlessly on her phone. Gemma then launched into a long story about how her adventures at recess and how Lucas Mullens got gum stuck in his hair. Marceline, ever-so enthralled by an enchanting tale told by a child, nodded carefully as she diligently listened along and saved her questions till the end (by Gemma’s request of course).
Then it was Marceline’s turn to share a story, but this time from work. She decided on a lighter tale to tell the six-year-old when her team was on a call about a lady who had a snake wrapped around her throat. Gemma was instantly hooked, staring at her co-parent with big brown eyes filled with wonder. But she was saddened when she was told that the snake died by decapitation due to an impulsive Buck, deeming her co-worker “a menace” to all snakes.
Marceline tried to keep a straight face.
“What do you mean Buck cut the snake’s head off? It’s still a living thing, it didn’t need to die,” Gemma pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m telling you, Auntie Mars, he’s a menace. I learned that in school today.”
“Oh you did, did you?” she grinned and nudged the little girl with her elbow.
“Mars?” an all-too-familiar voice said behind her.
Marceline whipped her head around for the source of the voice, praying that her ears had betrayed her. But when her brown and green eyes landed on him, she wanted to turn to dust on the spot. “Buck, hey,” she plastered a fake smile, raising her hand to wave at him as her eyes also caught the redhead standing beside him. 
Buck walked towards them, causing Marceline to stand up and quickly run a hand through her hair because there was no way in hell she was prepared for this. 
“Didn’t expect to see you guys here,” she said, nodding her head amicably in Abby’s direction.
“Ah, well, I’m taking Buck out for the afternoon,” Abby said with a soft smile as she looked at the man beside her.
“And I was craving ice cream,” Buck added as he looped an arm around his girlfriend’s waist.
Marceline did her very best to make sure her eyes wouldn’t twitch. “That’s great, I’d recommend the milkshakes,”
Then there was a tug on her elbow, causing Marceline to look away from the lovesick couple before her and the little girl next to her. “Who are they?” Gemma whispered a little too loud, causing both Buck and Abby to grin. But before Marceline could properly respond, Gemma gasped and pointed at Buck, “Mars, he’s like a giraffe!”
If she was looking at a mirror, Marceline knew that her face would be bright red with utter embarrassment. “Gemma- oh my god,” she facepalmed and sighed, not even daring to look in their direction because what the fuck. “This is my co-worker Buck, the giraffe, and Abby, the giraffe’s girlfriend. Buck, Abby, this is Gemma, Nic’s daughter, and a public menace.”
“Hi,” Buck and Abby waved at Gemma with gleaming smiles.
Gemma gave Marceline an odd look. “What? Buck’s tall, like a giraffe. That’s why I called him a giraffe- wait,” the six-year-old halted before turning to look directly at Buck with her eyes turning to slits. “You’re the one who cut that snake’s head off in the story my Auntie was telling me!”
Abby stifled her laughter as Marceline wished that the ground beneath her would swallow her whole.
Buck, to his credit, laughed and nodded his head, “Yeah, uh, that wasn’t my finest moment at the LAFD, but I do regret that.”
Clearly, he was alluding to what happened right after that call and how he slept with the caller and got caught by Bobby. That was a mess.
Gemma eyed Buck. “You’re lucky you’re a giraffe,” and sad that in the most serious tone Marceline has ever heard a six-year-old use.
Again, laughter erupted. And, again, Marceline wanted to disappear at the sight of Buck and Abby being so happy together.
God, feelings fucking suck.
@skyslowalking​ & @beelarson​ once again, this is for you
20 notes · View notes
Rating: T
Summary: Ladybug shows up to return his lucky charm. Adrien should've put on something other than a towel. (Ladrien identity reveal fic)
Word Count: 2600
“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, pleeeeeease, oh baaaaaaaaaby, don’t go!”  he sang over the spray of the shower.  The acoustics in his bathroom made his voice bearable.  He knew his singing wasn’t the greatest, but there was nothing like being able to let lose and caterwaul in the comfort of a warm bubblebath.
“Simple and clean is the waaaaay that you’re making me feeeeeeeeel tonight, it’s hard to let it go—” 
“Hey, kid—don’t scream, it’s just me—”
Adrien swallowed his shout as he dove under the bathwater.  Soap went up his nose, and he coughed it back out.
“Plagg!  What did I tell you about barging in while I’m in the shower?”  He hugged his knees and scowled.
The kwami lounged on top of a bubble, his paws crossed behind his head.
“Relax, I’m thousands of years old.  I’ve seen plenty of naked Chat Noirs before.  And keep your voice down.”
“What?  Is there an akuma?  Plagg, claws—!”
Plagg flew up to his face, pressing a tiny paw to his lips.  “Shhh!  You’d be better off with her seeing you naked than suited up!”
Wait.  Her?
“Why didn’t you tell me someone was here?”  he hissed.
Plagg rolled his eyes.  “I was trying to.  Someone was too busy screaming and hiding in a pile of bubbles to listen.”
“Who is it?”
“Oh, no one important.  Just your little lovebug.”  He grinned.
Oops.  He probably shouldn’t have shouted that.
“Oh, uh—I’m sorry!”  Her unmistakable voice filtered through the door.  “I can come back later if this is a bad time!”
“N-no!  It’s never a bad time to see you!”  Even if he did want to just sink into the bathwater and drown at the thought of her hearing his wailing earlier.  “Just give me a second!”
Plagg cackled as Adrien turned off the shower and hastily wrapped a black towel around his waist.
“Oh no,” he groaned, scanning the empty counter.  “I didn’t bring my pajamas in.”  From now on he’d always keep a change of clothes on him, just in case Ladybug ever decided to drop in.  
“Eh, it’s not like she’ll complain at seeing you in a towel.”  Plagg shrugged.
Adrien flushed from head to toe.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t like he had much of a choice.  If Ladybug was here, it had to be for something important.
Making sure his towel was tied securely, he cracked open the door.
“A-Adrien!”  She leaped back from his bed.  Had she been… sniffing his pillow?  Ugh, Plagg must have left his Camembert to ferment under there again.  She probably thought he was a disgusting slob.  He could only hope she’d catch a whiff of his freshly-showered scent and change her mind.
“Do you mind passing me my clothes?”  he asked with a nervous grin.
“Oh, er—yes, of course!  Clothes!  That’s what people wear after showering…”
Was she okay?  He couldn’t remember ever seeing her so flustered.
Before he could tell her where his pajamas were, she was rummaging in his dresser...  and then she was pulling out his red-and-black-spotted underwear. 
Was drowning in the bathtub still an option?
“Nevermind!”  He stepped out from behind the door.  “I’ll just, uh, wear this towel.  It’s more comfortable anyway.”
She dropped his underwear back in the drawer.  “Er, if you insist!”  She grinned widely.
For a moment they just stood there, staring at each other, while Adrien slowly died inside.  Then he noticed her eyes flicker to something on his shoulder.
“Huh?”  He tried to turn his neck at angle to see whatever it was.  He’d just showered; what could be stuck to him?
“Let me,” Ladybug said, rushing forward to brush off his shoulder.  A red rose petal drifted to the ground.
“Oh, haha, where did that come from?”  He ruffled his wet hair.  There was no way he’d admit that he enjoyed bathing in rosewater.  She’d think he was just a snobby rich boy for sure.
(Even if at least half the reason was so that he could smell nice for her.)
He cleared his throat loudly.  “So, um, what can I do for you?”
“Right!”  She smacked her face, and then she flipped open her yo-yo. “I just noticed that you left this behind at your photoshoot when the akuma attacked today…”
She pulled out a red string of pink, blue, and green beads.
“My lucky charm!”  He nearly dropped his towel in his rush to take the charm.  “Thank you so much, my—Ladybug.  I don’t know how I lost it.  This charm is so special to me.”
He cradled it to his chest in relief.  Though at least part of it was probably silly superstition, he always felt better with the charm on him.  
“R-really?”  Her face reddened.  “Why’s that?”
“A really good friend of mine gave it to me.  I always take it to my photoshoots for a bit of extra luck.”  He rubbed the beads between his fingers.  He didn’t have any pockets to put the charm in, so he tied it around his wrist.  “But… how did you know it was mine?”
“Oh!  I must have… ah… seen it fall out of your pocket?”  She ruffled the back of her hair, disheveling her pigtails.
He leaned in closer.  Why did her nervous face look familiar?  His Lady usually seemed so composed.
“Are you lying?”  He grinned, a bit of his Chat slipping out.  
“What?  Psh, no.  It’s not like I know you in real life or anything—that would be crazy!  I’m just—I’m a fan of fashion, so I might have been watching your totoshoot glosely before that akuma attacked—”
“Totoshoot?”  His brow furrowed.
“Exactly, the grotoshoot.  So—you’re charming, I mean—you’ve got your charm back, so I should put a shirt on—I mean—YOU should put a shirt on, and pants, and underwater—underwear!  Which I’m not going to touch again, so.  So I’ll—BYE!”
Adrien should’ve cut off her ramble sooner.  But each garbled word out of her mouth felt so familiar. He couldn’t help trying to place it.
“Wait, Marinette!”  He grabbed her wrist before she could unhook her yo-yo.
“What?  Is something else wrong?  Or did I just sound like such an idiot you don’t trust me to protect Paris anymore—”
His heart sped up as he enfolded her spazzing hands in his.  Marinette.  That’s who her frantic stammering had reminded him of.  And she’d responded to his slip without missing a beat.
“Of course not, my—Marinette.  I’ll always trust you.”
Her eyes blew wide beneath her mask.
“Wha… what did you just call me…?” 
“Marinette,” he repeated, the name sweet in his mouth.  “You’re Marinette.”
“N-no, of course I’m not!  Marinette’s waaaay too clumsy to be a superhero, psh.”
“You gave her the mouse miraculous.  You obviously didn’t think so.”  He smirked and crossed his arms.  The beads on his charm clinked together in her stunned silence.
“You—what—nobody knows about that!  Nobody except—Chat?”
Oh.  Crap.
“Hehe.  Oops?”
She smacked her forehead again.
“Careful, bugaboo, I wouldn’t want you to hurt your mewtiful face.”  He grinned against the rising panic.  Why did he say that?  Why was his gut instinct to pun in times of emotional crisis?  Ladybug knew his identity!  And from the blue-screening look on her face, she wasn’t thrilled about it.
“Oh yeah, you’re Chat Noir alright.”  She groaned and pressed the heels of her palms to her forehead.  “I can’t believe I’ve been staring at Chat Noir’s chest!”
“You—you were?”  He giggled hysterically.  “Like, staring because it’s a nice chest?  Or because it’s just kind of there and I should really put a shirt on because this is weird, isn’t it—?”
“Adrien, your chest is more than nice.  But it might be a good idea for you to put on a shirt before I drool all over your floor.”
They both locked eyes, equally shocked that she’d said that.
“I—you wouldn’t happen to have a bathtub I could drown in, would you?”  she croaked out.
He laughed.  “Not a chance, bugaboo.”   
“Maybe he could kill you with his singing instead,” Plagg said from where he was hovering by the bathroom door.
Adrien and Ladybug both jumped.  Of course Plagg had overheard all of that.  Adrien found himself turning the same color as his Lady’s suit.
“Excuse you, Adrien has a wonderful singing voice,” she said with a pout.
“I—I do?”  He blinked.  “You’re sure you actually heard me?” 
Chloé had always made fun of his voice.  His father wouldn’t let him audition for voice acting positions with singing roles.  Even Plagg, who had an… interesting voice himself, could hardly stand Adrien’s singing.
“Of course I did!  I mean, um… what’s the answer that makes me sound the least weird?”
He laughed, shaking so hard the towel almost fell off.  Again.  He tucked the corner of it more securely against his waist.  He should really go ahead and get dressed, but he was afraid Ladybug—Marinette!—would disappear the second he took his eyes off of her.
“I’m the one standing here in a towel, and you think you’re weird?”
At that, she laughed back.  “I’m the one who didn’t let you get dressed!”
“I’m the one who didn’t let you get my clothes because I was too embarrassed about you seeing my Ladybug underwear!”
She collapsed back in his computer chair cackling.  Both of them were redder than her suit by that point.
“Yeah, yeah, you guys are both disgustingly in love.  Unless you’re going to smooch my kid while he’s practically naked, you should let him get dressed.”
“In—love?”  Adrien squeaked out.  “Ladybug?  In love—me?”
“Can dish it but can’t take it, huh?”  She stood and smirked while leaning into his space. 
He licked his dry lips.  If Marinette wanted to play that game, he wasn’t going to back down now.
“I can take it,” he said quietly, his lips centimeters from hers.  “As long as it’s you doing the dishing.”
“The only dish I want is a nice dish of camembert,” Plagg complained.  But for now, Adrien ignored him.
“Hmm.  Let’s see about that.”  Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, leaving tingling trails where her suit brushed bare skin.  He was going to pay for procrastinating getting dressed.  If he was unraveling already, there was no way he could handle whatever else she planned to throw at him.
Her lips brushed his.  It was just the faintest touch, but it set his heart pounding.
“Is this okay?”  She asked quietly, her voice suddenly turning shy.  “I know we always joke together, but if this is too weird, or—”
“Marinette.”  It came out as a rasp.  “If you don’t kiss me right now, I might actually die.”
Her laugh fanned out across his collarbone.  “Well, we can’t have that.”
She kissed him.  Really kissed him, her lips interlocking with his, hands roaming down his bare back, and oh man he was wrong.  He might have died if she didn’t kiss him, but he was definitely going to die now that she did.
He held her tighter, tilting his head to allow her better access.
To think that just minutes ago, he hadn’t known his Lady was Marinette, or that she was in love with him.  And now this.
He finally pulled back, needing to breathe before he melted into a vaguely Adrien-colored puddle.  Another jolt of ecstasy shot through him when Marinette continued to chase his lips.  She pouted when he laughed.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who might die without kisses,” he teased.
“If you’re trying to embarrass me, you’re going to have to work a lot harder than that,” she said even though her face was still bright red.  “You already heard me say totoshoot.  And you saw me sniff your pillow!”
“That’s just today.  Don’t forget the time you kissed me while I was pretending to be a statue.”
Her eyes widened, and she pushed him back.  His chest felt cold where she was no longer pressed to him.
“Too soon?”  He asked, though he couldn’t help grinning.  He should’ve known she was in love with him.  Why else would she have acted like that?
“It will always be too soon.  I vote we pretend that never happened.”
“But Marinette, don’t you want to be molded together in the plaster of destiny?”  He batted his eyes innocently.
She dropped her head into her hands, hiding the adorable blush there.  “That’s it.  I’m leaving.”
“But I thought we were going to be entwined for eternity!”
She looked torn between laughing and punching him.  He would’ve welcomed either.
“It sounds like someone doesn’t want any more kisses.”  She crossed her arms instead, turning her back to him.
“Nooooo, Marinette!  Anything but that!”  He draped himself over her back, arms dangling over her shoulders.  “I hope I didn’t upset you.  I just think hindsight made it hilarious, but I’ll shut up if you really want me to.”
“I don’t think you could shut up if you tried.  But that’s okay.  I love you just the way you are.”  She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Warmth spread through him from head to toe.  “Really?”
“Yes, really.  You think I’d make out with just any shirtless guy?”
“Hmmm.  I guess you have a point.”  His hands played with the string of her yo-yo around her waist.  “But I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to prove it again.”
She took hold of one of his hands, spinning him so they were face to face again.  “Go put on some clothes so I don’t have to worry about knocking your towel off, and then we’ll see.”
He blushed again.  He’d better get used to that though.  If he got any more kisses from Marinette, the color of her suit would rub off on him permanently.
“I can live with that.”
He dug out his pajamas—including his Ladybug underwear—and darted into the bathroom.  
“Are you happy now?”  Plagg asked.  It took a second for Adrien to spot him, snuggled up in one of Adrien’s black hand towels next to the sink. “I sure heard a lot of gross smooching noises back there.  You think I can use this to plug my ears?”
The kwami held up a q-tip and snapped it in half.
Adrien cast a glance back at the door, where he heard Marinette giggling on the other side.
“Could you keep your voice down?”  He hissed.  “And no, don’t do that.  You’ll hurt yourself.”  He took the broken q-tip and tossed it in the trash.
“You better get me some real earplugs if you’re gonna keep this up, then.”
“Done,” Adrien said while pulling his shirt on over his head.  “I’ll do that and get you that special sprucewood cheese if you leave us alone for the next hour.”
“Deal!  Good luck, loverboy!”  Plagg waved.  “I think you’re forgetting something, though.”
“Huh?”  Adrien’s hand was already on the doorknob, but he turned around and saw his pants still lying on the counter.  That would’ve been awkward.  “Thanks, Plagg.  I’m kind of surprised you didn’t let me just embarrass myself though.”
“Nah.  You can do that plenty well on your own.”  The kwami grinned.  “I still think she’s lying about your singing voice.  You could scare off akumas with that.”
Adrien stuck out his tongue.  It didn’t matter what Plagg thought.
On the other side of the door, Marinette was waiting.  And no matter how embarrassing he was, she still loved him.
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sheirukitriesfandom · 4 years
I wrote a little otp ficlet thing centered around Rashkan, Savos, and their bed... Maybe because I often write at night idk. There are 26 letter based ficlets under the cut. I'll probably post them to AO3 after polishing them a bit. Two of them contain some mildly referenced nsfw, but I'd say they're overall safe for work/teens (unless they're really sheltered)
I should be asleep, Rashkan scolded himself, yet there he sat, tucked into the covers, having just reached chapter three. At this pace, Savos was going to hear all about "The Anvil Ambassador's Amorous Adventures" in the morning.
Not this time. Rashkan rolled around, holding on tight to the cosy covers. No, this time, Rashkan was not going to yield. This time, the blanket belonged to him.
If there was one thing Rashkan looked forward to the most every night, it was the comfort of gentle ashen arms around him. And the whispered "I love you'' when Savos thought him asleep.
Dreams were a strange thing. One night, Rashkan dreamed he and Savos settled down in a house by a lake. The next, he woke up with a desperate craving for sweet honey pudding - dreams, either way.
For the longest time, Rashkan had thought of beds as little more than the place where people went to sleep or make love. The scattered dice and board game pieces proved otherwise.
Rashkan smiled as he approached the bed, quiet as a mouse. He could not wait to see Savos' face; what better than being woken by the delicious smell of tea and freshly baked bread?
If Rashkan had learned one thing about Winterhold, it was that life there was pretty boring. So, when the Dragonborn was rumoured to be among the new students, Rashkan could not stop himself from turning pillow talk into gossip.
Sometimes, late at night, Rashkan was scared of himself. Hunger was a chained beast, but all too often, beasts chafed at their leash. In those moments, it was best for Savos to sleep alone.
Rashkan did not dare stir. Legs entangled with his beloved, he lay silent, relishing the warmth of Savos' bare skin against his own. He closed his eyes. Just five more minutes.
Rashkan stared at the purple fingerprints. For all his alchemy skill, Savos could be remarkably sloppy. Rashkan sighed. How did one remove Netch Jelly stains?
Sleep did not come easy to Rashkan; vampirism was a better stimulant than any potion, and while Savos' goodnight kisses did not work miracles, they were the cause for many a sweet dream.
Savos always smelled of lavender. It was a mystery Rashkan had long hoped to unravel, for neither his soap nor his potions matched the smell, and what little lavender grew in the garden was not enough to so potently cling to the archmage. Only when he first let his head rest on Savos' pillows did Rashkan finally find out.
Undeath did not mean immunity to pain; Rashkan learned that a long time ago. Yet, he seemed to forget whenever he was writing. Exhausted, his back hurting like that of an old man, he collapsed onto the bed. Soon, Savos' skilled hands would knead the pain away.
Ever since they started sharing a bed, Savos' nightmares had gotten better. Maybe that was the reason why the noises he made still caught Rashkan off guard. Usually, it was just incoherent rambling, but that particular night, Rashkan thought he could make out a word - although he did not know what a "Morokei" was.
"Get out," Savos ordered, glaring daggers at the mer occupying his bed. The entire bed. Rashkan shook his head and pointed at a stack of official-looking letters collecting dust on the archmage's desk.
"Letters first."
What was it about nighttime bringing out one's inner philosopher? Rashkan was sure that, even if all the sages and wise men in the world got together and pondered the question, they would not be able to solve the riddle. Perhaps it was for the best; Rashkan enjoyed those nights he and Savos spent debating the uncomfortable implications of bound armour and weaponry.
The college was always a quiet place -save for the occasional explosion-, but at night, the silence was almost maddening. Gently humming Ragnar the Red, Rashkan turned the page.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold", or so the saying went. Smirking, Rashkan turned to the softly snoring hoard of stolen blankets and shoved his icy feet under the covers.
Rashkan had seen many strange things. Undead, Daedra, onions as big as his head, and yet, he had never been as perplexed as when he found the archmage hanging halfway off the bed, his hair brushing across the floor with every loud snore.
Everything was perfect: the candles lit, the petals scattered, Rashkan stark naked and perfectly poised for a night of passion. Now, all he needed was for Savos to arrive.
Rashkan did not pay any mind to appearances - or so he thought. If the tension falling off him when his head hit the pillows was any indication, he had a lot to come clean about.
People said vampires did not need sleep. They also said vampires could be scared off with garlic. If any of them saw Rashkan snuggled into the sheets, they would believe the most efficient weapon against vampires was an alarm bell.
Winterhold's name was perhaps the most descriptive in all of Skyrim, for Winter had an inescapable hold on the small town - and the archmage's quarters. Despite three blankets in total, Savos was shivering. Rashkan knew he was not much help - his body was lukewarm at best. Nevertheless, he pulled Savos closer. Better lukewarm than cold.
Whenever the topic of his and Savos' relationship came up, a multitude of uncomfortable questions hung in the air. By all definitions, vampires were undead; some were even rumoured to be little more than reanimated corpses. If anyone were to ask, Rashkan doubted he could give a clear answer.
For Savos' sake, he hoped nobody ever could.
There was a certain amount of tranquillity to the sleeping archmage; his aged features snuggled into the soft sheets resembled a painting by some unknown great master - until he opened his mouth to let out a loud, hearty yawn.
Savos could not hide his astonishment: instead of the good old green, his bed now sported a lively lemon colour complete with embroidered leaves.
"What have you done?" Savos asked, still unable to close his mouth.
Rashkan shrugged.
"I added some zest to this bleak old place."
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