#I love her but shes not the brightest crayon in the box
hahskeleton · 7 months
I was just drawing and my cat came along and sat right on top of my screen
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sourlove · 5 months
Kingpin ~ Part III of 'Street Rat' YANDERE BAKUGO KATSUKI
(Female reader) (Mild NSFW)
Bakugo Katsuki was a force of nature. When Eijiro met him, Katsuki was an angry scrap of a boy who everyone thought was going to get himself killed with his attitude. But he didn't.
Despite having a rough start in life, he managed to join a small time gang on the outskirts of the city and fought his way, literally and figuratively, to the top. Eijiro was proud to stand next to Katsuki as his best friend and right hand man. He thought he knew everything about the man, from what made him angry (everything) to how he liked his coffee (black, boiling hot). Eijiro did know everything about Katsuki.
Everything, except you.
You were a wildcard nobody expected. When Katsuki ordered an attack on a wedding of all things, nobody questioned him. When he forcefully silenced all the guests in attendance with blackmail, everyone dismissed it as standard procedure. But when he brutally slaughtered the groom and showed up with the bride in his arms, it definitely raised some eyebrows.
From the moment you woke up at their base, you had done nothing but cause trouble. You would throw tantrums, destroy furniture and torment everybody who was unfortunate enough to approach. You were beautiful, sure, but clearly batshit insane and everybody tried to steer clear of you as much as they possibly could.
That's why it was so It was off-putting how nice Katsuki was to you. Eijiro had watched his boss rip out a man's tongue and feed it to his dogs because the man had called him called him weak. Now, you could hurl every insult under the sun at him and Katsuki would pat your head with an indulgent smile. You spoke like everyone was beneath you, sometimes barking out orders to the men who would stop and stare in confusion. Until Katsuki showed up.
"The fuck are you dipshits looking at? Did she fucking stutter?"
It was pretty clear that Katsuki worshipped the ground you walked on. And Eijiro supported that, he really did! Being so unashamedly in love, especially in their line of business, was pretty manly. He only had a real problem with how you treated Katsuki like trash. Even as a rookie on the streets, he was never one to take orders from anyone. But he jumped through flaming hoops to spoil you, just for his gifts to be thrown back in his face.
Literally. That was your favorite form of attack and your favorite victim seemed to be the man who would kill someone for you. Sure there was that little issue of Katsuki actually killing your very new husband, but couldn't you see that he was doing his best to make up for it?
Now, Eijiro wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but even he knew that the relationship between the two of you might not be the healthiest. So as the best bro he had to ask Katsuki, preferably when you weren't there. Though that proved to be very difficult (why did you go everywhere with the man if you couldn't stand him?!), Eijiro managed to slip into Katsuki's office when you went to bed and Katsuki wanted to get some work done.
"Hey Boss! Long time, no see, huh?"
The ashy blonde eyed him suspiciously. "I saw you an hour ago, Shitty Hair. You on drugs?" He turned back to his paperwork with a huff.
Eijiro laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I mean, sure I always see you, but...you're always with her."
It was only years of being in close proximity with the Kingpin himself, that alerted Eijiro to the fact that he had just acquired a shovel and was about to start digging his own grave. Katsuki calmly dropped his pen and steepled his fingers over the papers he was working on. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"
The redhead gulped. "Nothing! There's absolutely nothing wrong with your relationship. Okay, good talk! Bye!" He stood up to escape.
"Sit down."
Eijiro sat down. Katsuki sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. "You know, she's the only reason I'm where I am today."
"Look, Y/N, she-she was the prettiest girl I ever set my eyes on." He reclined into his seat, looking off thoughtfully into the distance. "Everyone wanted her but no one deserved her, not even me." Katsuki chuckled ruefully. "I always thought I had no chance, until she gave me one. And I'm obviously not a fucking idiot so I took it."
Eijiro frowned. "What do you mean by that?"
"Look around, Shitty Hair," he gestured to his office. "Do you think I give a fuck about all this fancy shit? It's all for her. Everything I have, everything I am, is all for Y/N."
"Bro, that's like, romantic but also a bit concerning. Everything you have? That's like...everything!"
Katsuki scowled at him. "Yeah no shit, dumbass. I'm gonna marry that girl."
"Woah, bro," Eijiro sniffled. "You're so manly! I totally respect your decision now, even though everyone said you were as crazy as her!"
"What the fuck did you just say?! Oi, Shitty Hair! Get back here, fucking coward!"
Katsuki growled as the annoying idiot who called himself a friend scurried away. He glanced outside and noted the dark sky, before packing up his remaining paperwork and hurrying out of his office. The few goons that saw Katsuki only received a grunt in return of their greetings before the boss flew off, leaving them wondering where he was rushing to.
Or who he was rushing to. When Katsuki carefully opened the door, you were stretched across the bed, fast asleep. He smiled and quickly took of his clothes, before slipping into bed next to you. While Katsuki enjoyed Y/N at any time, he especially enjoyed you when you was sleeping. Then, he could admire as much as he wanted without any disturbance.
He stroked a finger down your cheek and bit his lip. Once a distant dream, you were so soft and warm laying beside him. Now, he could also touch you as much as he wanted. And this time, you let him.
You woke up to the feeling of Katsuki's stubble scratching you as he mouthed hungrily at your neck. Rough, calloused hands tugged at your nightgown and squeezed your soft flesh.
"Noo, get off" you whined, half-asleep. "Still sore..."
He chuckled lowly. "My bad, baby. I'll be gentle this time."
You pouted as he nipped at your collarbone. "Liar. You're always so mean-ah!" His hands ripped your nightgown down the middle, finally growing impatient, and Katsuki grinned wickedly.
"Hmm, you say that now," he cooed. "But you love it, don'tcha? So be a good girl and spread your legs for me, sweets~"
A/N: This has been requested a lot and shown so much love! Its insane how I only started posting a couple of days ago and I already have so much support. Leave an ask if you want to see some side stories or headcanons!
Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed. Go ahead and give yourself a kiss on the cheek for being so amazing xxx
@darious @ssplague @justabratsworld @pinkrose1422 @slayfics
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jhilsara · 6 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
It's over! I can't say thank you enough for joining me and my adventures with Hobie and Mariana. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. I really grew attached to MJ and Hobie as their story just blossomed before me. While this is the end of the main story, I'll probably have a couple of one shots here and there for them. I just love them so much. Anyway~ once again thank you so much for reading this silly little fic and if you made it this far, I truly appreciate you for reading :)
please leave a kudo on ao3 or a comment <3
~Several Months Later~
MJ is trying to push her way through a rampaging crowd. She’s fighting against the current, but she could care less. The adrenaline pumping through her as she tries to look above the sea of people.
The screaming in her ears is starting to get irritating though. She elbows past a much larger man and finally gets somewhere off to the side where she can get a good visual.
Through the settling dust she sees Spider-Man knocking around the Vulture in the air. She brings her camera up and tries to take a few quick shots before she starts filming. She was getting tired of trying to frame the best front-page photo’s for Spider-Man slander at the Daily Bugle… but none of her other coworkers were willing to get that close to any of the action. She did get hazard pay from it and she was going to milk the cow dry as long as they were paying her.
They didn’t need to know that she’s got a small advantage since her boyfriends the vigilante… at least she feels somewhat safe getting up close to his fights. Even if the so-called vigilante in question does scold her every single time.
She was starting to kind of like it, it was just proof that he cares, not that she’d ever tell Hobie that.
Once she get’s a good enough photo, well, better than what her other coworkers have made in the past. She brings out her phone to film.
This wasn’t for the Daily Bugle, it was for her own personal blogging website. If she was forced by the corporate overloads to make money by slandering her boyfriends name, she could at least run a little side gig that tells the truth.
If she got more website hits on her blog than then Daily Bugle’s she didn’t brag, but god did it boost her ego. Especially since Mr. Jameson was too dull to figure out she was running the blog on the side anyway.
He wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box.
She’s scanning her phone to zoom in on Spider-Man and the cocky bastard has the gal to look over to her and shoot a peace sign at the camera. She rolls her eyes.
“As you can see our vigilante isn’t taking this fight very seriously since he’s flirting with the camera… It’ll make a nice fan cam later though.” She says sarcastically as she follows the fight.
Hobie’s high above, fighting the Vulture in the air. That was the nice thing about the Vulture, nothing was close to her on the ground.
Not like the Lizard a few weeks ago who literally flooded the whole street. Her shoes were permanently damaged. Not to mention her sliding down the road like a poor excuse of a slip and slide. She did get some stellar photos and videos from that. Even if she almost fell down into the sewer.
Hobie had finally conceded to the fact she was going to be near his fights. By her volition or by her new job. He couldn’t escape it. So, he did the next best thing, he started to make her gear that she could at least use to help herself.
The first being a web shooter. It wasn’t set up exactly like his. It was discrete enough to look like a watch. It was mostly to stop her from falling, which is how she saved herself from falling into the sewer.
The month it took for her to figure it out and feel comfortable enough to use it was not fun. Hobie was trying to teach her how to swing her weight, but he was a stick in comparison to her. She’s seen what his webs can do, she knows they can hold her easily. It was trusting herself to not screw up the momentum that was scary. That and the fact she didn’t like swinging to begin with. Even if it was Hobie’s favorite, it certainly wasn’t hers. The actions gave her whiplash and made her nauseous.
She only used the web shooter when she absolutely had to. She was more than happy that today Hobie was flying through the sky. She could safely keep her feet on the ground.
The Vulture shots his metal feathers as an attack toward the swinging vigilante. Hobie swings too close toward her and it has MJ running from the projectiles hitting the ground.
She keeps her camera steady as she readjusts to follow the fight again, “The Vulture should really start learning how to aim if he’s going to resort to his feathers.” She comments as she keeps filming. “I mean, how often have they really hit Spider-Man?”
There’s no one really around her but a few reporters on the sides of the streets. Most of them keeping their distance far away. MJ was the only one willing to get this close to the action. Which is why her online blog was skyrocketing in popularity. She didn’t even think about making one until one day Mr. Jameson pissed her off. He was ranting and raving about how the Daily Bugle was the only news source worth listening too because of how good their images were of Spider-Man.
Or as he said, “That no good Spiderpunk running around and destroying our city!”
If she had to bullshit some article calling Hobie Spiderpunk one more time she was going to vomit in Mr. Jameson’s waste basket. It was such a playground taunt. He couldn’t even be more creative!
It also made her eye twitch that her boss was using her perfectly good photos to slander her boyfriend. Hobie didn’t care. In fact, he never looked at a single news source, the most he did was hijack the police scanners to aid him. Didn’t stop the fire burning under her though. If MJ was anything, she was loyal to a fault. So, what if it meant she got a little petty? It was all in good faith. She made her blog that night, as a counter protest to her boss. She never expected her ramblings and bad videos to explode overnight.
It was an added bonus that her boss had also caught wind of her blog and couldn’t do anything about it. He had demanded MJ pay closer attention when she was out, to try and figure out who ran the blog. The man clearly couldn’t put it together that it was her. Who else would get that close to Spider-Man’s fights? She didn’t even disguise her voice, but she made sure to never show her face.
Hobie just found it amusing if anything else. She had a decent following online and made sure her content was always free. If she was going to report on what was happening she wasn’t going to profit off of it. Unlike the Daily Bugle who hid their slanderous newspaper articles behind a paywall. She loved what she did, uncovering stories and being near the action. It gave her a rush like no other. Even if Hobie would wish she wouldn’t get so close.  
This was one of those moments she wished she wasn’t so close.
“Shit, shit, shit!” She’s running from falling building debris. The vulture had taken a large chunk off the old brick building to her left. She could hear the car alarms going off as the falling pieces were crushing the cars underneath. 
She feels arms wrap around her tightly and she stops struggling almost immediately. Looking up to see Hobie’s mask staring down at her. A heavy sigh leaving his mouth.
“You were doing so good this time. Outta way and everythin’.” He teases half-heartedly.
She rolls her eyes before shrugging, “To be fair, I didn’t expect the bird to throw such a hissy fit he’d take out the corner of the building.” She replies.
Hobie sighs and nods. He sets her down a good distance away. “He’s really bloody upset over somethin’… I couldn’t tell ya for the life of me. I tuned him out ages ago.” He turns to dash off and take care of the giant bird man.
“I’m wastin’ my breath, but don’t follow alright.” He tries to tell her. She just hums in acknowledgement and she rushing off right behind him.
She was almost like a shadow with her new job at the Daily Bugle. Always behind him. It still frightened him. Had the rage simmering underneath his the second she was too close to danger. That dread would probably never fully go away. It was just a matter of trusting each other. He’d come running to her if she needed him, and vice versa. The least her could do was arm her so she could defend herself. Not that she needed too much defending. She did explode the Goblin with their own bombs. He knew the dangers that came with being Spider-Man and she had taken them with so much grace and shouldered them with him. It was more than he could ask of anyone.
Yet there she was, next to him, like she was always meant to be.
She grabs a few more photos and is able to catch the end of the fight. Hobie having the Vulture wrapped up in his webs.
“Once again, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man can be found protecting us! He’s a little cross with me right now so I won’t bug him. I am expecting some fan cams from this footage so don’t let me down!” She signs off her video and shuffles her belongings into her bag.
Hobie turns to see her and she waves in small acknowledgement before jogging off back to her office. He shakes his head but goes to handle the Vulture, knowing he’ll see her later anyway.
Mariana’s curled up on the couch, nursing a half cold tea, when the door gently opens and she hears him kicking off his combat boots.
“Long day?” she calls out to him sitting up to look over at him.
He gives a dry chuckle before walking over to kiss her forehead. “It was more than just the birdman today,” he sighs.
She frowns looking up at him, “Go take a hot shower, I’ll make you something.” She whispers holding his face.
He nods his head and presses another soft kiss to her cheek before walking to the bathroom.
She shakes her head and gets up with a full body stretch. She goes to grab the leftovers from the dinner she cooked earlier. She goes to warm it back up for him, it wasn’t too cold but definitely not as hot as when she originally cooked earlier. It won’t take very long so she starts on a drink too. She goes over to the kettle and starts making him a cup of tea, while also making herself a second cup. Pouring her lukewarm tea down the sink. She leans against the counter and waits for it to heat up.
She doesn’t hear Hobbie come behind her as he wraps his arms around her waist. Pressing his half naked body against hers. She leans her head back to look up at him.
“Ya know, this would be lovelier if you weren’t still slightly wet.” She teases him.
He groans and shoves his face into the crook of her neck. “Don’t care.” He murmurs placing a soft kiss to her shoulder.
She smiles softly and moves her hand to pat his cheek. She doesn’t stop her task of making them tea but it becomes a slightly more difficult task with one hand.
Hobie slowly starts swaying their bodies to an unheard tune in his head. She easily moves with him as she makes their mugs. The silence isn’t stifling, it’s more relaxing than anything. His weight on her is comforting and he places more soft kisses against her skin, moving from her shoulder up her neck, to her cheek, and finally to the corner of her lips.
She turns her head to follow him, chasing his lips with hers. She hums contently against him.
“I have to pour our tea Hobbie.” She whispers against his lips.
He presses another kiss, this one deeper and longer. “Can wait,” He grips her hips to make her turn fully to him. He presses his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.
Her hands snake up his arms and down his bare chest, touch feather light. He makes a deep groan in his throat. It has her chuckling softly.
One of his hands goes to grab both her hands, capturing them easily. His other hand moves from her waist to grip the counter behind her. His mouth moving down to her ear, “Watch it…” he whispers, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” He presses a kiss under her ear.
She starts to squirm a bit, “Oh piss off!” She giggles her face heating up, “I’m not the one who walked in here half naked.”
He leans back and sighs dramatically. “I haven’t done the laundry in a minute luv.”
She rolls her eyes, “What you need is to just move in already.” She tries to say nonchalantly avoiding looking up at him.
He hums in thought, “Is that you officially asking me or joking?” He teases trying to make her look at him.
Her face grows redder, as she tries to wiggle away from him. He other hand releases hers and he blocks her in against the counter.  Leaning dangerously closer to her.
“I… I want you to move in, I mean you come here every night anyway, I just think it would be easier if-” she’s starting to ramble running over her words.
Hobie cuts her off with his mouth, kissing her once more. Pulling back to smile lazily at her furiously blushing face.
“I’m just teasin’. Course I’ll move in.” he tells him softly.
“Okay, perfect, cool…” she says quietly, eyes avoiding his.
“I’m keepin’ the house boat though. Don’t want to leave all my spider stuff here.” He says seriously.
She laughs with her chest, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. “I’m okay with that.”
He moves to grab her thighs, lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist. She makes a small noise before holding onto him tighter.
“Hobie! What about the tea, and your food!” She tries to scold him, but her laughter gives her away.
“It can wait, just want you right now.” He says walking them to her bedroom.
She leans forward, her small laughter being swallowed by his lips. They fall onto her bed together and her hands move to hold his jaw, deepening the kiss.
If someone told Mariana a year ago she’d be in a relationship with her cities vigilante she’d call them crazy. She’d also find it impossible that her path would have crossed with his to begin with.
She wouldn’t believe anything that’s happened to her this past year of knowing Hobie. She’s felt herself change for the better, becoming braver than ever. He’s everything she could ask for. Parts of her have healed in ways she never thought they could. The scares are still there, but they can fade with time. She doesn’t feel like a dog who’s been kicked one too many times anymore. She’s found her home in his heart. She knows he’ll protect it, like she protects his. It’s precious that she’s found this love and all she wants to do is nurture and grow it.
She loves him and she thinks she could forever.
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Tag List: @missshelleyduvall
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ambeauty · 1 month
He realizes she hadn’t come back before disappearing. Fuck. He lets his body drop on their couch and squeezes his phone so hard between his palms like a stress ball. How’d he come to fuck ip his life so bad he had no idea. He had never been the brightest crayon in the box when it came to shit like love, Claire was so easy and he had to do almost nothing to get her. Sydney fucked him up so bad he felt losing her in the center of his chest. His breath began shortening and his eyes started to water as the panic set in. What had he done? Moments of his entire life with Claire and the expectations from everyone around him smothered him. It felt like bricks sitting on his chest and the only time he felt alive was with the little chef from Chicago. He gripped Sydney’s blanket that she left on the couch between his fingers. Bringing the soft fabric to his chest as uneven breaths released from his lungs. He inhaled slowly. Allowing her unmistakable scent of cocoa, vanilla, and lavender fill his senses until his breath evened. His mind cleared as he hugged the blanket tight to his chest. His choice was made. He picked up his phone and searched for the earliest flight to Chicago. 
Hi cousins!! We're in the endgame now! Enjoy Part 1 of 2 of the finale! Part 2 is already written so the wait won't be long for the actual conclusion!
tagging my cousins for showing me hella love during the wait: @sydneys-adamu @falllpoutboy @thehouseofevangelista @turbulenthandholding @anxietycroissant @devisrina
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Housen Headcanons
-when fishing with Todoroki he names each fish a totally weird name and speaks with the fish occasionally
-hates ro run with all his heart
-when he doesn´t get eight hours of beauty sleep he´s grumpy
-swings both ways.violently.with a pipe.come get some!also bisexual obviously
-in love with Todoroki since the fight against Oya
-listens to girly pop music
-loves tea
-loves knitting
-artsy,likes to doodle
-petty as fuck and holds a grudge for years,then it´s on sight
-constantly cold,loves to shove his freezing cold hands at his friends neck or something similarily unexpected
-sleeps in a shit ton of pillows and blankets
-literally always says whatever comes into his head.What will Odajima say next?Great question.He doesn´t know it either,we gonna find out together
-collects offensive t-shirts he normally sleeps in here some examples: „Am I cancelled yet?“,“Fuck you you fucking fuck“,i sell crystal for the authoreties“,
„Orgasm donor“;Im not gay but 20 dollars are 20 dollars“or „im not a dick,just kidding,go fuck yourself“
-uses playboy parfum on a regular base
-momma´s boy she nicknamed him Kenny
-not the brightest crayon in the box
-has a tattoo don´t tell his mom tho,not gonna lie probably a lame one
-anger issues
-total BL junkie his favorite´s KinnPorsche
-romantic/sexual interest only when the other person is totally crazy (*cough*Yasushi*cough*)
-hair routine longer then the whole High and Low franchise
-lovingly insults people,would totally call his friends lovingly a whore
-lives on his own which is canon but i guess but its a total bachlor pad broke edition
-adrenalin junkie
-can totally break dance
-hella protective,nearing the posessive area with that one
-coffee?black but also loves hot choclate lover so sweet you get diabetes.marshmallows and everything
-dramatic as fuck but won´t show it
-great at gambling
-loves to draw mangas
-when his sister was younger he played dolls and dress up with her
-phenominal cook
-loves k-pop
-knows sign language
-when Yui and Sawamura first where alone in her room,Sachio took the door out of it´s hinges and put the door in his own room
-teached his sister how to throw a punch
-insomiac.Sleep?what´s that?can you eat that?
-volunteers in his free time
-total mom friend
-fluent in sarcasm
-never complains carriying Odajima cause he thinks it´s adorable
-protective over Sabakan
-insisted Sabakan learns to fight after their attack landed them in the hospital -laughs during horror movies and when he´s very uncomfortable in general
-darkest humor out of all of them
-fast food junkie
-cries during movies but that´s a secret he just sweats out of his eyes
-has fishes named after the aquarium of nemo
-so romantic others are at risk of vomiting
-loves mangas
-likes flowers
-shy as fuck
-great at learning new languages
-always miserably fails at cooking to the point where sudden fires break out and he always has a fire extinguisher in the kitchen when he cooks
-loves to tease his friends
-skincare beauty routines with Yui
-lowkey scared of Sachio since dating his sister
-Rock Lee enthusiast.Let´s not gonna lie here,it´s the hair.
-tea spilling sessions with Jamou on a regular base
-definition of noodle arms,would need help open a pickle jar
-also has no patience so he would just smash the pickle jar
-crime enthusiast
-loves to read
-sassy as fuck can roast the shit out of anyone
-can read everyone like they´re a book written for very dumb children
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missdcalls · 9 months
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Charlotte Burton was many things, but one thing she wasn't was a fool. More often than not people mistook her as one, but she was much wiser than she looked. While her parents weren't the brightest crayons in the box (she would describe them as lovable, more than anything else), they had raised two kids who had grown up to be as sharp as tacks. Jacob had spent years in the military, building his rank, while she had gotten into one of the more prestigious medical schools in the country. Two successful children, trying to make their parents proud.
Partly due to her profession, Lola paid attention to some of the finer details. The ones that went unnoticed by most of society, as they were far too busy worrying about other things. Love. Wealth. Health. They didn't care to get to know those around them, unless it benefited them in some way.
So it was safe to say that she knew they had been lying to her. For weeks now, things had been different. Each lie got more sloppy, and less detailed. When she would ask questions, she would simply be shrugged off, told that there was nothing to worry about.
They are getting ready to leave for the evening when she stops them. Grabs their hand, pulls them back. "I know you're not working this late. When you leave, you do not take your boots, which last time I checked were necessary for your line of work." At least, what they had told her that they did. For all she knew, that was a lie, too.
Lola's standing face to face with them, partially on her tippy toes to reach their height (not that it helped much.) "There's something off about you. I don't think - you're not human, are you?" It was pretty far fetched, to accuse someone of belonging to the supernatural world, but she really didn't have any other explanation for how they acted. "What - what are you?" // @someotherdog
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admrlthundrbolt · 1 year
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Okuyasu x Chubby Reader)
Okuyasu meets Josuke's neighbor and can't believe his eyes.
Hi guys. I'm here with another fluffy piece. I'm not sure what might inspire me next. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
“What are we waiting for Josuke? If I’m late and my pops finds out he'll be pissed!” Okuyasu complained.
Josuke rolled his eyes at how dramatic he was being. “Relax man. She’ll be here soon. “ If he was going to act this way, he would have told him to go ahead.
“Her! Have you had a secret girlfriend?” He exclaimed.
“ What, no way. She's more like a sister to me. “ Josuke couldn't believe they had only met a week ago, it felt more like a year.
Okuyasu pouted at the statement. “Well if she's that important, why hasn't she been walking with us until now?” Curiosity had gotten the better of him. Just who was this mystery girl? What made her so important?
Hearing a door shut they both turned. “There she is now.” Josuke glanced at his watch. “ and with plenty of time to spare too. “
“Hey, sorry it took a bit. I couldn't find my English book.” You let out a huff and tucked some hair behind your ear. Coming closer you noticed someone standing beside Josuke. “Oh, who is this? You’re not replacing me are you?” You punched his arm at the tease, then stuck out your hand. “I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
Okuyasu just stared. How could Josuke keep something like this from him! You were the softest goddess that he had ever laid eyes on. He had never felt more blessed in his entire life.
You have him a confused smile. Then faced Josuke. “Um, is he okay ?”
He could feel his eye twitch in irritation. He always hated when a talk had to be had with random guys. Now he had to add his new friend to the list of your admirers. “Yeah, he's just not the brightest crayon in the box.” Then he turn and slapped Okuyasu on the back. “ She’s introducing herself idiot. “
He finally shook himself free of the enchanted thoughts. “Sorry you're just…wow.”
Confusion morphed to bewilderment on your face. Then you laughed loudly and gave a wide grin. “ Well, thank you. I don’t think i’ve ever had this sort of reaction. Do you think I could have my new fan’s name? “
“It's Okuyasu!” This time he extended his hand and you finally shook.
As you all walked to school Okuyasu decided to ask as many questions as he could manage. Much to his friend's annoyance.
How long has you known Josuke? All of his life.
Why hadn’t you already been walking with them? You had some honor student duties.
If you were that smart could you tutor him? Of course, you were happy to help.
What was your favorite food? It depended on the region, but ramen was amazing.
Where you in a relationship?
Josuke then wrapped his arm around his shoulders and dragged him away. “Ok buddy, give them some space.” Then he turned towards you and waved. “See you later, we have to get to class. “
As the bell chimed, Okuyasu stretched in his chair. Then he hopped up with a large grin on his face and exclaimed. “Let’s go grab (Y/N) and get some grub!” As he headed towards the door, he glanced back and noticed Josuke wasn’t following him. “ Uh, are you coming? “
Josuke, still seated, let out a heavy sigh. “Actually, I think we need to have a chat before we see her again.” He then nodded to seat in front of him.
With a shrug he headed over and sat. “Ok, what about.”
Josuke almost wanted to strangle him for just how oblivious he could be. Instead he crossed his arms and said. “About how your drooling all over yourself over (Y/N). You just met her. Why are you already acting as if you're in love with her? “
Okuyasu had a concentrated look cross his face. “To be honest, I don’t know.”
He slammed his hands on the desk between them. “What do you mean! One second you’re angry at a person you’ve never met, then the next you’re following them like a lost puppy. “
“That's just it. I know we haven't know each other for long, but this is something new for me. I mean, sure i’ve had a crush on a cute girl. But that was just skin deep. The more I learn about (Y/N), the deeper I fall for her.” Okuyasu became increasingly passionate as his monologue went .
It was like he was between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand Okuyasu seemed genuine, but in the other Josuke had to protect those who were precious to him. “Ok, I get it. You have these feeling, but let’s get one thing straight. If you hurt her, we’re going to have a serious problem. You understand?”
With multiple nods and Josuke apparent blessing. He was out of his seat and jogging to the door. “Come on, at this rate she could be anywhere.”
Within a week of meeting Okuyasu was already getting tutoring from you. He was excited to have help to ensure he would graduate, he wanted to make his father and Keicho's spirit proud.
It also helped that his tutor was an angel in disguise. After only a couple of lessons he had already seen an improvement in his test scores. It didn't hurt that you were in a grade above him. Not to mention how your encouragement and smiles for him to try harder. At this rate he may stay in the above average bracket consistently.
Now he just needed to find a way into your heart.
Sitting together at Okuyasu's kitchen table had become a regular occurrence. He had originally been hesitant about you coming to his house, because of how you may react to his dad. But you were as perfect as ever. Just smiled and introduced yourself, even shake his hand without hesitation. You were honestly more than he could ever ask for. So he put a plan in place.
“Let me cook you something this weekend.” The words hadn’t come out like he had practice, but at least they came out.
You gave him a sweet smile. “Okuyasu, you already do to much for me. Between the compliments and carrying my things for me, you already make me feel like a princess.”
“ I’m only doing what you deserve. “ Ok that came out smoothly, maybe he could pull this off. “Come on, just you and me. I’ll make sure it’s perfect!”
“ Ok, but knowing you it would have been perfect either way. “ You always knew just what to say to make his heart jackhammer.
So Okuyasu set out to make the perfect dinner, that would lead to an even more perfect confession.
Step one was finding out your favorite food, which he went to Josuke about.
“So if you had to make a guess, what is (Y/N)’s favorite food?” He said as casually as he could manage.
It didn't work. Josuke was immediately suspicious and voice it. “Why exactly do you need to know?”
With a heavy sigh he laid his cards on the table, hoping Josuke would take it well. “Want to impress her with a special dinner and let her know how I feel.”
With a groan he tossed his head back. “Finally, i’m so tired of all your pinning that I could be sick.”
That definitely wasn't the reaction that he expected. After that whole speech he gave him on first meeting you he though there would be some resistance from Josuke. But with this development, Okuyasu didn’t think he could be more relieved. “So you’ll help me out?”
“ Yeah, I think I can manage that. “ He had accepted that Okuyasu didn't have a passing crush on you. Not to mention you seemed to have some positive reciprocating feelings, but if they were romantic, he wasn't 100 percent sure. Either way, he wasn't going to get in the way of the two of your happiness.
So Josuke let him know that he and you had went to Tonio's recently. Where you fell in love with pizza.
With step one completed Okuyasu was prepared to move into step two.
Occupying his father. He loves his dad, but he didn't want to have anything ruin the big moment. But it was an easy solve. He moved the tv set into his father's room and explained the situation.
“Ok dad, you remember (Y/N), right? “
His father nodded vigorously.
“Well, I want to have some alone time with them. Ya know, to tell them how I feel. “ Okuyasu was annoyed at how nervous he was telling his father about his feelings.
But with a firm pat on his shoulder, he could tell his dad approved.
Step three came on Friday, he gathered the supplies for pizza. Which Tonio himself was gracious enough to provide.
“Ah, I remember my first love, she was wonderful. I will admit if you pull it off you'll be very lucky, amico. Although i’ve only recently made senora (Y/N)’s acquaintance, she seems to be manifico.” Tonio was happy to help young love blossom. So letting Okuyasu in on the Italian art of pizza was a pleasure.
“She really is amazing. I just want this to go perfect. That way she’ll have no doubt how much I care about her.” Okuyasu was sure that his smile couldn't get any wider. His friends really did care and their help really made him believe that this would be easy.
This was a disaster.
He had spent way to long on the crust, because he couldn't remember everything Tonio had told him. How was he supposed to though, all he could focus on was the reaction you would have when presenting them. So he may have only recalled like half of the instructions. But he did know that Tonio said that the crust was the most important part. Now he was panicking and cleaning. Thus causing the pizza to burn.
He was scrambling to make anything with his leftover ingredients. When there was a knock at the door. His panic spiralled into dread. No, she couldn't be here yet! He swept away as much of the chaos as possible with The Hand and rushed to the door. Opening it just as she had swung her hand forward, causing her to knock on his chest.
With a surprised laugh she said. “Sorry, didn’t mean to assault you Okuyasu.” She gave him a once over and raise her eyebrows in concern. “Are you ok, you seem upset? “
With a shaky sigh, he released a few frustrated tears. “Not really. I ruined everything.”
She immediately took his hand and guided him inside. “Hey now, everything is ok. Why don’t we have a seat and you can tell me what happened.”
And so they did. He explained talking to Josuke and Tonio's help. But he of course screwed it all up. It was just like Keicho always said, Okuyasu the idiot.
“I just wanted it to be perfect, like you deserve.” His tears had dried, but his tone had taken on a depressed manner.
“ Okuyasu, that you even went out of your way to do this was already special. You went above and beyond. “ She put her hand on top of his and have a reassuring squeeze. “So what if it went sideways. Don’t you know, it's the thought that counts. It seems like a plenty of thought went into this.”
“ Yeah, it did” He perked up a bit. Turning his hand over holding her's. “Honestly, confessing to you had been in my thoughts since we met. “ His eyes widened at his slip up.
“Do you really feel that way?” She implored.
He spoke quickly. “Of course I do. The only reason I messed up this badly, is ‘cause I couldn't wait to see your reaction.”
She smiled widely and kissed his cheek. “How about we have some instant ramen and watch a movie with your dad to celebrate.”
He was almost in to much of a daze to understand her. Putting a hand on his cheek and looking at her with a love stuck face he agreed. “Sounds good to me, but what are we celebrating?”
“ Us being together. Unless you have a problem with that? “
“No! Um , I mean yeah. That would be great.”
It couldn't have gone any better.
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someone-elsa · 1 year
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(part 1 of 4)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Previous chapter • Next part ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
The whole chapter (with bigger pictures!) can be found on Blogger already ;) Check the Blogger post for a short recap too.
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It was the first warm spring day; warm enough for one to change into a bathing suit and hang out at a pool. And not just any pool, Heath had a membership to a luxurious rooftop club. He had invited his family to enjoy the view and warm water with him and Paige.   Paige had hoped they would've gone together, just the two of them but she was accustomed to having his family around. And spending time with both of her parents made Gracie happy, and Paige didn't mind Gracie being happy.
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Paige had asked River to tag along but she had been busy. It had happened a lot lately. River didn't seem busy, though, it almost felt like she was avoiding to come along as often as usual. Sometimes she agreed to come but cancelled at the last minute. When Paige had asked if everything was alright, River had made jokes and assured there was nothing to worry about. Paige wasn't completely convinced but she didn't want to be nosy.
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Her luck with Alex hadn't been any better. Unsurprisingly, he had come up with some obvious excuse to avoid spending time with so many people.   "You'd benefit from a little break!" she had said.   "I have my books for that," he had said and shrugged.   She had made him promise to join her next time.
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Paige had thought of bringing her work laptop along and doing some research for Autumn products and ad campaigns but Heath had convinced her to focus on relaxing. He couldn't convince himself, though. He had done work-related calls for two hours and there seemed to be no end.
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She had time to catch up on celebrity gossip. Judith Ward shared her thoughts on her career and her five marriages and whether she would get married again.   I love how unapolectic she is, Paige thought. People can be so nasty about her personal life and she doesn't give a damn.
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Venessa Jeong had been arguing with Judith's daughter Catalina (who was an aspiring DJ and influencer™) because they were after the same man. Their feud had been going on for some time and gossip hungry public loved it. And so did the magazines.   C*ntalina should keep her eyes off of my man! There's plenty of single men for her to flirt with, Venessa answered to the magazine.   When asked for a response, Catalina had just laughed childlishly and said they were living in a free country. Eventually he'll come to his senses and realise who's the funniest to be around...
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All that money and fame and still they have such mundane problems. But it's nice to see that their life isn't perfect either...
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Heath's ex Martina had been busy after their divorce. And during the marriage, if Paige had understood correctly. During the time Paige had known her, Martina had introduced several more or less serious partners.   The current one was young model Andy who wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but had a heart of gold. Even though they had known for only a short while, Martina and Andy's relationship seemed more stable than the others. It had potential for a long-term relationship while it didn't feel shared mortgage level serious.
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Paige wondered where her and Heath's relationship was heading. She wanted something serious eventually, get married, maybe a kid or two… She just wasn't a hundred percent sure if Heath was the one. He was a good partner and all but he was… experienced. He had almost completed his family life cycle and Paige hadn't even started. His daughter was almost an adult already, would he want to start over with a baby anymore? And even if he wanted, wouldn't it be weird?   They hadn't deeply discussed their future plans yet but Paige knew it was something they should discuss. She just felt very uneasy about it.
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Notes: I'm thinking of sharing that magazine pose accessory I made for this chapter. But it only has that one swatch! Anyone interested in making some more?
This time I post the chapter in larger chunks. Easier for me but is it better or worse for you? Or indifferent? Should I hide part of the post under the cut? Let me know what you think :)
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yoke9494 · 1 year
The bad pick-up line. That actually worked? (Draken)
*Disney timeline. (Everyone's alive and well)
*Emma is happily taken by some mystery guy!
*Y/n isn't the brightest crayon in the box. ❤️
*cute embarrassing crack... 🤪
Draken shook his head. "I want her to date me. Not run the other way."
Kazutora shrugged. "I'd date you if you said that to me? My panties would drop so fast! I wouldn't care who was watching.."
Baji nodded. "Y/n isn't as uptight as she looks. She laughs at fart jokes for crying out loud."
Emma sighed. "You're all setting him up to fail-- oh! There she goes! Y/N!!"
Draken froze-- the same way Hakkai does when he's around any female besides his own sister..
You waved "hello" to them but Emma was waving you over. You said something to Angry and Sanzu before happily walking their way.
Oh you were in a good mood today. Draken could tell by your smile... Now he didn't want to say it, what if he ruined your day?! He'll just go home and ask the girls how to do this type of thing---
Too late..
As soon as you were in front of them both Baji and Kazutora pushed Draken into you.
You nearly hit the ground but Draken was quick. He caught you by your waist, real K-Drama like.. He kept his cool, or so he thought. His ears were a bright red.
"Oh shit. Thanks Draken!" You wiggled out of his grasp. "I almost ate ass there."
He didn't care if you had a mouth on you... He loves you.. but how does he say it?
Emma snorted. "Hey Y/n? Help me out with these losers here?"
You shrugged. "Alright? What's wrong?"
Baji smirked. "Well it's more like you need to help Draken."
You looked up at the big blonde. "What do you need help with? Is Mikey throwing another fit? I just unwrapped his snack like 5 minutes ago.."
He shook his head but before he could say anything Kazutora butt in this time.
"Draken has a crush on someone! He wants to know if his pick up line is smooth enough."
You raised a brow. Draken was getting soft on someone?  Who was the bitch-- er.. You mean. Who was the lucky girl? "Uh, okay? Let me hear it?"
He mumbled something under his breath...
You scrunched up your nose. He LOVES! when you do that, like an angry possum.. "Why are you getting all shy now? Speak up Kenny, I can't hear you."
Draken sighed-- his heart was ready to run out of his ass. "I SAID!--- Do you want to play Barbie? I'll be Ken and you can be the box I CUM in."
Emma let out the loudest snort! She ran the other way to tell Mikey that Draken actually said it!!
Baji and Kazutora were trying to support their boy. Cheeks puffed out and red from holding in their laugh..
Your mouth hung open for a second.... "Oh my..."
This lucky bitch, once you find out who she is... You'd have Hanma help you knock her out with a baseball bat..
Draken winced and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's bad huh! Sorry-- forget I ever said it!"
You shook your head. "Are you kidding?! I think I just got a little wet spot on my panties right now!"
You what?....
Draken pretended not to hear that. Instead he gave you his usual deadpanned look. "Really...You actually liked that?"
You nodded. "If you weren't hung up on whoever..." You rolled your eyes. "My panties would have hit the floor so fast-- I'd be violating you in front of Baji and Tora right now.."
Kazutora hit Drakens arm. "See."
Baji nodded twords the back. "Okay Draken. You got your answer. Take her to the bathrooms over there. Don't forget to pull out too, I don't think Mikey's ready for a younger sibling." He nudged you. "You're on birth control right?"
Your eyes widened. "Huh?!"
You looked at Draken who had his eyes closed. Head down in shame, cheeks red from embarrassment...
"Oh.... Oh! Ew! You like me?!"
Draken's eyes shot open. "What the fucks that supposed to mean?! Why did you say ew?!"
Why were you both yelling?
You shrugged. "I don't know! But I like you too!"
"Okay then! Date?"
You nodded. "Okay! Text it to me later!"
He watched you turn around and walk away-- you poor flustered dumbass... You almost tripped over your own feet..
Baji chuckled and shook his head. "Well, that went better than I expected. I didn't think she'd catch on so fast.."
Kazutora sighed, he and Baji began to walk away. Leaving Draken to internally freak out about planning a date. You weren't too girly-- Movie? The arcade? Do you like flowers?--- shit! What was your favorite flower?!
(Tora) "Damn, I was hoping that one wouldn't work. I still have the one about a hot dog stand.."
(Baji) "lay it on me? If it's good I'll use it on Chifuyu. I like to make him red."
(Tora) "Damn girl, you should sell hot dogs, because you definitely know how to make a weiner stand."
(Baji) "HA!"
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hiiii!!! Hoshi!! Can I be your friend? Also can I get headcanons of Tsukasa and Mitsuba (yanderish?) with a s/o who is like Mikan from danganropa? Especially when people look at them and seek them taking to the ghost boys and don’t see anybody but seeing their happy face ❤️Please and thank you!!!(if you need her personality she’s shy has trust issues and apologizes a lot and offers to take her clothes off due to abuse and you don’t have to add that)
Happy to be with you
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Yugi Tsukasa, Mitsuba Sousuke
TW : Bullying, Murder, Kidnapping, Abuse, Foul language
A/N : AWWWW OFC!! Love making new friends LMAO and thank you for including her personality! I've already watched gameplays or some parts of the anime so I kind of forgotten how she acted HAHA
But one thing I remember, is that she always gets picked on and says sorry alot but your information helps 💗
I hope you enjoy 💗
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Don't worry Love! We just had a discussion~
You were never the brightest color in the crayon box
Yet you'd often get picked on
Why though?
Is it because you're an easy target? Or is it because of your shy nature, You don't speak much maybe it's cause they took your shyness as an advantage?
Maybe it is that..
It was one of those days again
Where this 3 girls would pick on you everyday
This time, they did it INFRONT of your lover
You think Tsukasa will let that slide? Nope!
The three girls infront of you started laughing hisy "What we're you smiling about earlier freak? Awww did your imaginary friend say something funny?" One girl cackled as she left and the other followed
He saw it all unfold, Right infront of his eyes, what went from a very lovely conversation with his S/O turned into a wreck after you left, You already had enough bruises as it is yet those girls had no mercy and made sure to pepper your whole entirebody with bruises
When he followed you to hive you a bunch more kisses the scene unfolded, he wanted to do something, but for the first time he froze in his spot as he watched you get beaten up, You stood up and wiped your tears "I-i'm sorry.." Everytime you wipe your tears, new ones just kept coming
This broke Tsukasa's heart as he immediately ran to you and held you in his arms "Hey.. hey.. shhh.. It's okay, I'm here now.." Tsukasa ordered his Tseushiros to bring them to the broadcasting room, As black smoke surrounded the two of you, both of you were now in the safe zone of the broadcasting room
He held your arm to look at your bruises as you whimpered in pain, He didn't like seeing you like this. So he was gonna take matters into his own hands.
He bandaged you up and comforted you with hugs and kisses until you've finally calmed down and fell into a slumber, He laid you down in a comfortable position as he wiped the rest of your tears away, He hates seeing you like this, It breaks his heart to see you like this, He doesn't want not one scratch on your perfect skin
Tsukasa kissed your forehead as moved away strays of hair off your face "Don't worry love, I'll do something to make them stop." He ordered one of his Tseushiros to watch over you and he dissappeared somewhere.
The next day, You heard rumors that the three girls that always picked on you got injured, One went missing, the other was found dead, and the other was hospitalized.
"Its crazy... they were just doing fine yesterday"
"Who cares, they won't bother us anymore.."
You heard the rumor and the murmuring of the students, You went straight to the broadcasting room and opened the door to have Tsukasa jump on you "[F/N]!!! My lovely and dearest of S/O~" He wrapped his legs and arms around you like a koala and snuggled on you "Hi Tsu" You ruffled his hair
You two sat down, seems like Sakura and Natsuhiko weren't here yet "Where's Natsuhiko and Sakura-senpai?" You asked Tsukasa "MMMMM probably on a date~ HEY we should go on one too!!" He excitedly suggested, you didn't wanna decline him so you accepted
He was opening up the boundary when you heard muffling you turned around and saw nothing "Are you okay?" Tsukasa asked
"Mhm, I just heard something"
"Probably A rat! Come on let's go~ We have the whole day to ourselves" You held onto his hand as the two of you dissappeared to the location
The source of the sound earlier?
It was one of the girls who kept giving you the worst bruises of all. Tied up to a pole as her mouth was duct taped and blindfolded
But of course, Tsukasa didn't want you his lovely S/O to know about that right?
He doesn't.
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Oh, well why do you care they went missing?
Mitsuba was your boyfriend when he was alive
He helped you escape out of your abusive household, Scare away the people that were bullying you even though he was scared himself
Or is he?
It shattered you whole when you heard he got into and accident and passed away on the arrival
You couldn't move on
Without his protection or his guidance to escape from your house
Everything just got worse
But, after 2 years
You found him again, as a ghost..
You were overjoyed and the two of you continued where you left off
You still loved him, and he still loved you even after death
But the thing that you didn't know was, you were the only one who could see hik and not other students
In their perspective, you were laughing and talking to air
"Look.. aren't they weird.. they have been talking to herself everyday.." A guy said passing by
"better clear way, we might get infected" The two of them laughed as you lowered your head
You heard what they said, but you were used to it
But not Mitsuba
"What the fuck are their problem? Can't keep your nose out of something?" He hissed
You were already having a hard time at home and yet the students here also give you a hard time, Can't they give you a break? does seeing you this vulnerable make them happy?
Mitsubas blood boiled in anger, he has witnessed EVERYTHING everytime the two of you talk in a more quiet and isolated area. Yet students just can't stop snooping around can't they?
"Mitsuba.. It's alright.."
"No. it's not." He looked at you as he held your hand "come.. I'll bring you to my boundary hm?" He said in a calm voice, he didn't wanna trigger any bad memories you had
He took you to his boundary and that's where the two of you continued your conversation
As you were doing your own thing, He excused himself and said he'll be back shortly.
When he finally came back, he had a blood stain on his cheek "A-ah! Mitsuba what happened?! did you.. Did you get hurt?.."
"No no.. I was.. Making you a uhmm.. Strawberry.. Cake!! See?" He held out a box as your eyes sparkled
This is the type of reaction he wants to see from you, The happy go lucky and free attitude you have always shown.. Yet those people took it for granted.
He wants to see you stay positive all the time while he watches over you
So he took out the negativity out of your life
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I feel like I didn't portray Mikans personality right so pls educate me HAHA
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dracox-serdriel · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2
The one thing I really loved about Good Omens season 2 is that Crowley and Aziraphale are clever when compared to other angels and demons, but they really aren't the brightest crayons in the box when it comes to humans and navigating their new paradigm.
While we don't know how long Shax has been on Earth, we do know she kicked Crowley out of his flat. Does Crowley get a new flat? Miracle himself a cushy job (or perhaps miracling himself his own plant nursery because comeon what else would Crowley sell?) so he could get hid own flat with Hell's finance department footing the bill? No. Does he ask Aziraphale for a place to crash - or a place to keep his house plants? No. Maybe at first it was about being able to tell Shax that he wasn't working wiht Aziraphale anymore... but come on, all the visiting clearly made that a moot point.
But Crowley just... living in his car? With his houseplants? Seems totally Crowley to me.
Aziraphale is like, "Oh, we need to hide this archangel. How about INSIDE THE BOOKSHOP? Surely nobody would ever suspect me of being involved and therefore would have any real reason to check here!"
Like, he could've easily set up "Jim" in the record shop with Maggie. who owes him 8 moths rent. Hell, he could've asked Maggie to help hide Gabriel. The man was a harmelss amnesiac, and she could've put him up in her flat for a few day as a way to pay him back for all that missed rent. But he'd already forgiven the debt, and I doubted he even considered hiding Gabriel anyone other than the book shop - you know the one place both Heaven and Hell were sure to look.
Seems totally Aziraphale to me.
I'm just saying, this angel and demon share 1 brain cell and only one of them can use it at as a time.
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Messages from the stars✨✨✨
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(Click at the image for a better image)
Out of all the Transformers human characters Carly seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to appearances as a witwicky love interest. I feel like she has so much potential when it comes too her character as we seen in G1 that’s she’s a pretty smart girl and is more interesting than Spike.
My version of her is that She’s a sweet, happy go lucky girl who’s insanity smart for her age, as she’s incredibly talented in Astronomy and chemistry, but at times not the brightest crayon in the box.
She’s 15 years old and is one of the main characters of my personal TF canon Transformers: Urban Legends
Spike or any witwicky character does not exist in my canon sorry-
Honestly in this take of her I wanted to feel like she’s young a tad silly. A curious girl who wants to learn what the world and beyond has to offer. She’s also have a passion with astrology and Chemistry indulging herself with neat hobbies. She finds the good in people (and bots) and will find ways to be your friend, a supportive silly girl with silly and passion in her heart who’s smart for her own good.
But also being oblivious of the dangers that surrounds as she wants to know about the “Yellow fiend” that she’s been hearing about from the other townsfolk in are talking about. As she tries to investigate with two other people who got dragged along for the ride to find it’s last known location before discovering something important before all hell is loose.
It’s tied into my insecticon!Bee idea it’s going based of my personal continuity where I fuck around with a lot of TF canon that is Called Urban Legends
Urban Legends and Requiemverse are not connected. So don’t worry I won’t abandon Requiemverse I just want to experiment with other stuff to see how it goes.
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ladyshadowsblog · 2 years
A bit of my MCD stuff as to not mess with the current lore of it to much. Headconons!!! Uhhhh here we go!
The main ones for My MCD stuff:
• Travis's Father and is mainly hiding in his house reading instead of bothering the humans.
• Short Warden boi who hides in his little cabin reading
• Bi, and Ally
Shadow Lord/Shadows father=Red
• Not the brightest crayon in the box, he is very antisocial and literally hates dealing with anyone who is from the otherside.
• He is Ghast, He is not friendly do not try and be his friend
• Not all into the LGBT and doesn't support all to much but does his best
End Lord/Shadows Mother=Purple
• Understanding, a bit protective but for the most part if you don't look into her eye's you should be good.
• She is an Enderman, do not look into he eyes it's a death trap. Literally
• Bi, and ally
• Not all to talkative hints why she normally just hides in a cabin with Enki reading or writing in a corner next to the fireplace
• She is both ender and ghast hints her parents but mainly shows more signs of an Enderman.
• Trans, Poly, and Pan. Normally tries to not mention the trans or poly thing around people she doesn't know
• Very quite when it comes to talk about the nether and Shadow knight stuff, Shadow gave him one of her spear journal's so he can express those feeling's in written form
• Shadow Knight, but born human along with his sister Cadenza
• Gay, Literally just not out of the closet. Reasonable don't really blame him
• Very much Laurence's older sister and she loves dress making. Even if it a super hard dress to make.
• Human, Some kind of "Special" relic a few Shadow Knights want. Idk it's confusing
• Ally, Knows a lot about people and doesn't tell anyone which scares some people such as Aaron
I will post something probably later about Shadow, basically being a flash back and what it's like being a child to the nether lord '>'
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void-the-bear · 2 years
Are we able to ask for one shots involving your ocs
Yeah, I guess. I mainly implied it for it to be cookie run but I can do some with my OCs. Here's a list of my OCs, normally it's just a separate tab on my blog but mobile doesn't like it so :b
Note: This is far from all my OCs, but these are ones I’d like to share more about. Some of my other OCs have an ask blog. Sorry these don’t go into much detail, I wanna keep them as transparent as possible in case I ever wanna change one, but these ones will likely not be undergoing major changes though
Phantasma, a ghost
Nameless, a conglomeration of multiple animals(I have art for him that @maskoni-five made for me, just ask if you wanna see it-)
Catrine, a cat that can turn into a neko. She sells scarves in a snowy tundra
Luna, the Werewolf Queen(personally one of my favorite characters I’ve made)
Expo, a sphinx cat that’s half-void and has unnatural abilities because of that
Blacky, a void “demon” and Expo’s best friend.(Blacky already had a love interest and it started The Great Void War because of it)
Sky the Cloud Dragon, an aging warrior who’s best known for his time in the sky wars
Vinnie the Velociraptor, he came from Sky’s dream realm and helps others who are having bad dreams break away from them. He’s also not the brightest crayon in the box
Snatggbu(Snatg for short), a tyrant that killed a lotta people and destroyed multiple worlds. His power was in his horn, but since his horn was snapped off by his own creation, he’s dead.
Plobbetba(Plob for short), said creation. Was originally just a 2 year old dragon living with her family till Snatg killed them all. Snatg brought Plob back by making her a cyborg who can melt anything but herself, for the purpose of melting planets. She keeps Snatg’s horn close to her at all times, knowing how dangerous it can be in the wrong hands
Fiqunzur, it’s not just an OC, it’s a species. Here’s a picture of one I drew myself. They take whatever they find interesting with their tail-hand and take it back to their dens. They’re really soft, have 6 eyes so they can see all around them(their only blind spot is directly behind them), and are infamous for being able to change color and shape, thus able to get through just about any cage.
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Qwarkon “The Blood Moon’s Ghost”, a weather elemental(which makes him looks ghostly) who can only use his powers when under moonlight, when getting power from the moon the moon appears to be a blood red for those nearby.
Ellipse the alien, her kind was cursed with immortality by “green fire”, and her planet was destroyed by a pink entity who called themselves “The Leader”. However, she can still feel pain, so whenever somebody threatens her, she says “Better make it hurt. Better make me scream in pain.” She’s a lizard-looking creature with feathers that change color based on what she eats, and she’s a super fast learner, learning English within a few hours. While I was in a roleplay server, I had her attempt to flirt with SCP 682(who was run by somebody else).
(this one is FNaF OC, the rest aren't for any fandom :b) Puzzles the Chameleon Animatronic(More colors will be added, though IDK how often I’m gonna update him. If you draw him, just keep one of the pieces on his head color code 842593) A Chameleon Animatronic that was loved by kids because they were able to color in puzzle pieces of him. When he was eventually sold to Fazbear Entertainment™️, he had a very unique touch-screen-suit on him, and he purposefully recolored each color on him exactly where it used to be, even though the pieces on him got smaller so more can fit onto him. He’s always friendly, and is really good with special needs kids. During hugs his screen usually changes to a chameleon pattern so it won’t mess up the pieces on him. He remembers fondly of the first color ever put on him, being Purple Color Code 842593((don’t get why? Read the color code backwards)) on his forehead. He’s usually very calm, though eager to make new friends. He lets the children approach him over him approaching the children, unless said child is having a meltdown or sensory overload, in which he’ll calmly usher them into a quiet place and play a music box which has different options, the default being Somewhere Out There from An American Tail(a real movie that came out in 1986). He’s also resistant of anything that makes him aggressive, and the only thing he’ll become aggressive to is the person or thing that tried to make him aggressive. He will always help whoever the other animatronics are trying to hurt for little reason. His default voice is calming, not too deep, not too high, and he can change his voice in a range. While he doesn’t have a chest cavity like Glamrock Freddy, he helps kids who’re trapped by mimicking their clothes pattern which is a diversion to the other animatronics, or if he’s helping a Nightguard, he changes colors like the animatronic that’s the nearest to the guard. He’s also had plenty of memory upgrades, voice range upgrades, upgrades to make him have more puzzle pieces, and music box upgrades so he can play anything he considers calming music, and kids can make requests to play certain songs or just to not play anything. Though his music box upgrades also allows him to learn new things from the internet as a whole, he always checks multiple sources before adding something to his memory from the internet. His room is a designated quiet room, though he usually spends his time outside of it so loud kids don’t rush in to disturb the kids or even adults that need a quiet place to calm down.
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mountttmase · 1 year
I'm excited for that chapterrr
You knew Mason could tell something was up with you as soon as he got home from training. You smile didn’t quite reach your eyes and as you stood cooking dinner for the pair of you, you didn’t ask him anything about his day or let him know how yours was. You were distracted, the only thing on your mind being what you’d discovered earlier. OHHH🥺🥺🥺 WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND LOVE?
He knew you’d come to him when you were ready so he didn’t push. You didn’t come across as upset to him, more unsure and curious about something so he let you mull things over knowing that when you went to bed you’d hopefully spill. I LOVE THAT MAN
‘Hey baby? You don’t have to tell me but whatever’s troubling you, you can always speak to me about it. I know I’m not the brightest crayon in the box all the time but you know I’ll always try for you’ he murmured into your hair and you laughed at his attempt at comfort. OH, I'M SO SOFT NOWWW
‘It’s my dad’ you said quietly, waiting to see if he’d react in anyway but he remained the same, wanting to let you continue and you took a breath before carrying on. ‘He sent me a message last night. I saw it this morning’ I KNEW ITTTT
‘Would you read it for me?’ You asked him quietly, feeling him nod his head on top of yours but you felt sick to your stomach about what it might say. I LOVE HOW MUCH SHE TRUSTS HIM
GIRL FOR NOW MY THEORY IS RIGHT, I'M PROUD OF MY SELF🤭 (and actually I suggested thatttt on anon months agoo🤭)
‘You okay?’ He whispered, fingers now tracing your lower back in an attempt to comfort you and you nodded to let him know you were fine even if you felt anything but. ‘We can talk when you’re ready, yeah?’ He told you, tears finally stinging the backs of your eyes and you let them fall freely hoping he wouldn’t notice. HOW CAN I LOVE ONE PERSON THAT MUCH??? YOU WRITE HIM PERFECTLY
Why now? What’s changed? Did he need something? Was he sick? Was he homeless? HAHAHHAHA, I HOPE HE IS HOMELESS 🤭🤭🤭 HE DESERVES THAT
‘Well it’ll be rude if I don’t and he’s been waiting for a reply’ OH LOVE IT'S NOT RUDE, HE CAN'T PRETEND ANYTHING FROM YOU🩷
‘Well no, just forget about him for a second. What do you want to do. This isn’t about him at all it’s about you and your feelings’ he told you, your body tingling at how much he cared. ‘Also when we first met you’d ignore me for days so don’t start with that shit’ he teased, ticking your side playfully in an attempt to get you to smile and even though you tried not to you couldn’t deny him, letting a small chuckle pass your lips. ‘Have you ever thought about seeing him again?’ GOOD JOB BABY BOY🤭
‘That makes sense’ he breathed ‘but he said he’ll wait for you. You’ve got time to think’ I LOVE HOW HE IS JUST TRYING TO CONVINCE HER TO PUT HERSELF FIRST
‘That sounds like a good idea. And if you still don’t know we can have a nice day tomorrow with my family and forget about everything until you’re ready’ CAN I COME TOO?
‘We can cancel tomorrow if you want, you know if it’s too much?’ MY MAN
‘No Mase, I want to go’ you reassured him before he dipped his head to kiss you softly. You didn’t realise how much you needed his kisses right now so you reached up to hold him there until you needed to pull away so you could catch your breath. ‘Let’s go to sleep yeah? We need to be up early tomorrow’ you told him and with a final kiss you settled down. THE CARE HE HAS FOR HER KILLS ME EVERYTIME
Once you were at his parents, Tony requested to come and help him with the bbq as you’d be a better hand than Mason but when Tony went inside to grab a glass of water you completely zoned out, not even realising Tony was back and trying to talk to you as you were so caught up with what to do about your dad. I WANT TO SQUEEZE HERRR🫂🫂🫂
‘Sorry Tony, I’m fine’ you smiled, brushing everything off but a little voice in the back of your head told you to keep talking. ‘Actually, can I talk to you about something?’ OH MY GOD, I WAS NOT EXPECTING THATTTTTT, I'M HAPPYYYYY, AAAAA
‘He said you weren’t close but not much more than that. Don’t think he wanted to over step’ MY LITTLE MASON🤗🤗🤗
‘What would it take to make you pack up and leave your children? And just never speak to them again?’ You asked and you could tell he was shocked and a little bit stumped. ‘You’re a father and I’m just trying to get into his mindset. Like how he could do that to me?’ OH, SHE'S GOING TO HATE THE ANSWER
‘No family is perfect y/n, our family should be proof of that. Things don’t always work out but I wouldn’t change what I have now for the world. Having said that, there’s nothing that would keep me away from my kids’ he told you honestly and you could feel your heart breaking a little bit even though you’d asked for it. Before you knew what was happening he placed his arm around your shoulders and patted your arm in a loving manner which you appreciated. ‘I’m not him though, so maybe it’s best you ask him’ HE COULDN'T GIVE BETTER ANSWER, OMG🥺🥺🥺
‘Not at all. He’s let you down before and I bet the thought of a second chance is terrifying but if you want my opinion, I’d say go for it. Then you won’t have to live your life wondering what if’ CAN I HAVE A TONY IN MY LIFE???
‘Of course. And whatever happens you’ll still have us, still have me’ he smiled causing you to smile back at him even brighter. WELL, I JUST STARTED CRYING
‘Well I appreciate you and the way you look after my son. I know he’s a handful sometimes’ BYE🥹🥹🥹🥹
‘You two done yapping, I’m hungry’ Mason joked, his hands resting on your waist and you playfully elbowed him in the ribs which caused him to laugh. ‘Sam’s here now he said he can come and take over’ he told you, and after a quick hello with everyone you joined Mason near the table with his sister and mum. You went to take a seat next to him but he grabbed your wrist, patting his thighs as he pulled you onto his lap and you giggled and you wrapped your arms around each other. His lips pressing little kisses on your shoulder before leaning his cheek on your arm. HERE HE ISSS OUR LOVELY SILLY BOYYYY
You knew he just wanted to be close to you but you could feel him underneath you, your eyes widening ever so slightly as you looked at him slyly but the wink he sent you let you know he knew exactly what he was doing. MASON MOUNT 🫣🫣🫣
‘Y/n? Would you mind helping me bring the salad out?’ Debbie suddenly asked but as soon you lifted your hips from his lap he was pulling you back down. AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA DEBBIEEEEE
‘Don’t you dare’ he growled in your ear, feeling his bulge press into you even further as you giggled at the situation. ‘Jaz can you go? I need to ask y/n something’ he asked and thankfully she agreed with no issues. ‘You’re trouble’ he breathed, kissing up your arm softly as he touched you gently. ‘You wait till we get home’ HE'S SAFEEEE, YEEEE
‘Story auntie y/n!’ You suddenly heard Summer yell from beside you, Jaz rolling her eyes with a smile at her behaviour before making her say please but there was no way you could say no to her. For Christmas you’d bought her a collection of your favourite books from when you were a kid and every time she saw you she made you read her one so you knew this was coming and thankfully she’d waited until after everyone had eaten. OH MY GOOODD I SUGGESTED THE SUMMER AND AUNTIE MOMENTS TOOOO, AND I NEEDED THAT SOOOO BAD
‘Summer, when you’re done I’ve got Ice cream for you’ you heard Jaz shout and that was all it took for her to jump up and and leave you. You didn’t mind though, thankful for a few minutes on your own, resting your head back and shutting your eyes to you could gather yourself. It was exhausting trying to pretend everything was okay when it to you it felt like things were crumbling around you. I HONESTLY WOULD HAVE RUN WITH SUMMER, NOTHING BEATS ICE-CREAM
‘Mind if I come and join you?’ You suddenly heard, looking to you left to see Mason approaching you with his hands stuffed into his pockets and you shuffled over before patting the space next to you so he could sit down. The chair was just about big enough for you and Summer so getting you and Mason on it was a struggle, both giggling as the pair of you tried to get comfortable in such a small space. Eventually draping your legs over Masons lap as he turned to you slightly so he could wrap his arms around you. Your head made home on his chest as he rested his cheek on top before stroking up and down your arms gently. ‘You alright over here?’ THEY ARE TWO BABIES, MY TWO BABIES 🥹
‘Why don’t you have a little nap’ HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THAT PROPOSAL???
‘They won’t care. They’re still tidying up and sorting some things out, just shut your eyes for five minutes baby. I’ll wake you up when they’re done’ he promised and even though you didn’t want to, the gentle feel of his fingertips on your arm and his lips pressing sporadic against your hairline relaxed you instantly. You were close to drifting off off a few minutes later and the feeling of his fingers interlocking in yours sent you to sleep. CAN I HAVE A MASON THAT PUTS ME TO SLEEP?
‘I’m just worried mum’ he said carefully, clearly trying not to wake you but you were way passed that. ‘You should of seen her last night, it’s completely thrown her and I had no idea what to say. I felt useless’ OH MY LOVE, YOU'RE NOT USELESS
‘I hope so. Whatever she wants I’ll be there for her but I swear to god if he hurts her again I’ll flip‘ AHHAHAHAHH, I'M SO SURE HE WOULD, HE WOULD DO EVERYTHING TO PROTECT HIS WOMAN
‘I’m serious, mum. I know what it’s taken her to get where she is now and he he ruins all her hard work then I’ll make his life not worth living’ he told her seriously and your heart fluttered at how protective he was being over you. ‘I haven’t said this cause I want her to make her own mind up, but I do want her to give him a chance. If he can turn everything around then I think having him in her life would be good for her’ I LOVE THIS MAN PT.293873929
‘You alright there sleepy face’ he whispered gently and you looked up at him with a smile as you nodded before your eyes averted to Debbie. DEADDDD OF SWEETNESSS
‘Don’t be silly, it can’t be helped sometimes’ she laughed as she patted your knee. ‘Now I’m gonna go get the desserts ready so I’d be quick or Tony will eat all the good ones’ she winked before going back inside, leaving the pair of you alone again. IN THE MEANWHILE IM WITH TONY EATING THE DESSERT 🫣🤣
‘I’ve made my mind up though’ you told him quietly, fear rising in your chest but you wanted to talk to him and let him know your thoughts as soon as you could hoping to settle his mind as well as your own. ‘I’m gonna message him back and see what happens. I think it would be good to meet and clear the air a bit’ GOOD JOB LOVE
‘That’s my girl’ he laughed quietly, pulling you closer and kissing your head affectionately making you nestle down into his chest more as you blushed. You loved being called his girl and the fact you knew he was happy with your decision made it even better. HOW CAN I LIVE WITHOUT THESE TWOOO WEEKLY???
‘Oh’ you said quietly and Masons head whipped round, concern written all over his face as he thought the worst but you sent him a smile to reassure him. ‘No it’s fine, he wants to see me but he can only do Thursday’ HE CAN DO ONLY....MMMM...LISTEN YOU...MY GIRL MAKES THE RULES HERE, NOT YOU
‘Okay, thats great. What’s the problem?’ he asked but was talking again before you could answer. ‘Can he only do the morning? Training should be done by two so if we can push him to the afternoon then I’ll get home as quick as I can so we can go’ THE FACT THAT HE JUST KNEW SHE NEEDED HIM TO GO....🥹🥹🥹🥹
‘Do you honestly think I wouldn’t drop what I was doing? I wanna be there for you and it’s just golf baby, Woody will understand. You’re way more important than all that’ OMG, I'M CRYING AGAINNNNN
‘Of course. Your problems are my my problems. When you’re happy, I’m happy. When you hurt, I hurt’ he explained, reaching for your hand so he could kiss your knuckles. ‘I’m coming so tell him Thursday is fine’ he assured you but you wanted to reach over and kiss him so bad. You knew he could tell from the way he was smiling at you so you returned it before you replied to your dad before could talk yourself out of it. MY MAN 🥹🥹🥹🥹🩷
‘You’re alright, baby. You’ve got nothing to worry about’ he reassured you as he placed a drink down in front of you before kissing the tip of your nose. ‘He’s the one that’s got the making up to do’ GOOD JOB
‘Let’s take your mind off of it for five minutes then’ he smiled. You began chatting lightly about some anniversary plans he was making for the pair of you even though you told him you wanted to keep things low key. He was looking through a bunch a restaurants when a voice you never thought you’d hear again interrupted you. WE'RE GETTING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS????
‘I thought so’ he smiled warmly as you felt Mason stand up next to you. Your dad took a double take, clearly knowing who Mason was and you watched the way his eyes widened as he took him in. ‘Sorry, are you Mason Mount?’ YEAS IT'S HIM IN PERSONNNNNN🫣🫣🫣🫣
‘That’s me’ Mason laughed, reaching his hand forward so he could shake his hand as your dad introduced himself to him. ‘I’ll leave you guys to it’ he smiled, looking back down at you with a soft smile. ‘I’ll be inside yeah, just text me’ he whispered before leaving a quick kiss on your cheek and disappearing inside. I LOVE THIS MAN
‘No, we haven’t spoken in a few years’ you told him honestly and he looked at you with a bewildered expression. ‘When you left, I’m not sure if she blamed me or if I’m too much like you but our relationship suffered and we haven’t spoken since I moved out when I was 17 and that was it really’ MY BABY GIRL🫂🫂🫂🫂
‘I’m so sorry’ he breathed, looking down almost as if he was ashamed of himself but you were too numb to feel any sympathy towards him right now. ‘I want you to know of was never you. I was selfish and ashamed of myself for what I’d done by just leaving so I kept away. I know it was wrong and I’ve wanted to speak to your for years but I was scared of being shut out’ I'M LIKING THAT, MAYBE SHE CAN INVITE YOU TO HER WEDDING🫣🤣
‘You’ve got nothing to be sorry for’ he reassured you. ‘That fact you’re even here today proves to me what type of person you are and I’m so sorry I missed out on watching you grow up. I need you to know that a day hasn’t gone by where I haven’t thought about you and if you’ll let me, I want to explain and hopefully make amends’ LOZ, I LITERALLY CRYIED DURING ALL THE CHAPTERRRRR
‘Your mum cheated on me when you were ten’ he sighed and you felt your whole body go numb. He went onto explain that as much as he tried to forgive her he couldn’t and that she’d begged him to stay for your sake so he did but in the end it was too much and he left. WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT AT ALL, SO THE MUM WAS THE PROBLEM....I HATE HER EVEN MORE
‘I um, I’m just gonna pop to the loo’ you told him, quickly running off inside as you tried to keep your tears in. All you wanted right now was Masons comfort and thankfully he wasn’t that hard to find, sat with a group of random guys that had recognised him but he was up and coming over to you in a flash. OHHHHHHH, I CAN'T 🥹🥹🥹
‘No’ you sighed, rubbing your eyes before holding onto his wrists. ‘He’s just told me some stuff I didn’t know and I’m a bit shocked. And he hasn’t stopped talking about his new kids and it’s making me feel like shit a bit’ you laughed but Masons face looked anything but amused by this. ‘I’ll be fine I just need five minutes. I’m gonna pop to the loo and I’ll head back out’ OH BABY GIRL🥺🥺
‘I don’t think you understand how special she is. What a privilege it is to be in her life and you’re blowing it. You can’t just drop bombshells and then parade your new perfect family in front of her. She’s in tears in there’ LOZ....OH MY GOD, I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM EVEN MORE, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE
‘Well when she’s back just reign it in a bit. She won’t admit it but she’s sensitive and she wants you to like her. She’s spent half of her life thinking you’d replaced her so you need to make her feel wanted’ OMG, I DON'T THINK I CAN MAKE IT AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER
‘Ah, there you are’ your dad smiled as Mason jumped, looking at you like he knew he’d been caught but you placed you hand on his shoulder so he would stay in his seat before holding his hand in your lap. SHE WANTS HER MAN HERE
‘Of course not. I feel like you two come as a bit of a package deal so I’d love to get to know the both of you’ he nodded and felt Mason squeeze your hand. ‘So how did you meet?’ THEY ARE A PACKAGE, DEFINITELY
We’re things perfect? No. Not but a long shot. But you were on the road to heal and with Mason sat by your side you knew whatever happened now you’d always have him. YES LOVE, YOU'LL GET THERE, I KNOW THAT
‘Am I allowed to give you hug?’ He asked, as you stood up, fiddling with his fingers as he was nervous but you opened your arms for him immediately. ‘I really am so sorry, y/n. I hope you know that’ he spoke into your hair but you were so overcome with emotion all you could do was nod. ‘I know I’ve failed you, both your mum and I have really but I’m ready to do anything it takes to be in your life again. And I want you to be a part of mine, yeah?’ THE FACT THAT SHE PLOPENED HER ARMS TO HIM....WHAT HAS MR. MOUNT DONE TO OUR ICY GIRL???🥹🥹🥹
‘You don’t have to say it back or anything, I know it’s a lot, but I love you kid. I’m glad we get to start again’ OMG🥹🥹🥹
‘Thank you for coming today, I don’t think I could of done it without you’ HE IS HER ROCK
‘I love you so much’ you whispered, not letting him answer before you were kissing him again. WELL
sorry for making you cry bestie but it was an emotional one that’s for sure
And that’s okay I love it when you see your ideas 🥺
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Frederick Frederickson IV is based on Fred from Big Hero 6. He is a 30 year old human, store owner, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Fred is portrayed by Alex Saxon and he is taken.
Money couldn’t buy happiness. This was something Fred knew all too well. Born into wealth, one would think little Fred had everything he could ask for, and he did --- aside from attention. His parents were almost always travelling, leaving him in the hands of their mansion staff as soon as he was old enough to walk. It wasn’t a bad childhood, but it was lonely with a butler the only one willing to play his silly games. He made friends, but he had trouble keeping them; he was generous with his allowance, and he started to realize the other kids seemed to like his money a lot more than they liked him. When he stopped buying them gifts all the time, they were suddenly nowhere to be found. After graduating high school, he stayed at home for awhile, just killing time with his video games and comic books. He wasn’t sure what to do with his life. Once the boredom finally became too much to bare, he applied to tech school on a whim and... somehow got in. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he was eager to learn. Fred wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but when it came to things he cared about, his knowledge was extensive. Throughout college he finally made real friends. For years, they were unaware of the money his family had, but they loved him anyway. Life was good... until it wasn’t. Losing Tadashi was something he’d never seen coming, and it was something he wasn’t prepared to deal with. Deep in denial, he tried to be the shoulder for everyone else, never really coming to accept that this wasn’t like the movies he watched and his friend wasn’t coming back. Shortly after the tragedy was when he woke up in Evermore, no longer with access to his father’s bank account. He signed up to rent a building on Main Street with what he had left in his pocket, and turned it into a comic book store. His new one bedroom apartment was nothing like he was used to, but he welcomed the change. For the first time, Fred could figure out what life was like without endless funds to fall back on, and maybe who he was, too.
❀ Barley Lightfoot: He comes by the store often, and Fred is always thrilled to see him... but it’s also a problem. He tends to get carried away when they’re talking and ignore every other customer that has questions or is waiting to check out. ❀ Vidia Şahin: She’s not very nice, but Fred is determined to get her to like him. It isn’t a matter of caring about what people think of him, he just feels like they could be good friends if she’d stop turning her nose up and give him a chance. ❀ Tanis Mehmi: Another regular, Tanis is much quieter than Barley, and harder to hold a conversation with. He likes her, though, and hopes she’ll feel comfortable enough to nerd out with him soon.
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