#I love giant eyes in water it’s the best horror
Current delightful thoughts!:
Rn I’m imagining an au where Naruto’s seal breaks pretty early on as a genin but he doesn’t tell anyone (mixture of reasons, but with the way they treat him for being a container, being a “broken” container in their eyes? much more terrifying) but through the sheer force of being such a bright sunshine of a kid he convinces Kurama not to go on a rampage, so instead the fox just hangs out inside the seal but can leave and go as he pleases
This is just the setup for the scenario I’m imagining which is:
One of team 7 or all of them minus Naruto getting captured and the village that captures them considers killing them so Naruto comes up with a great plan!
He’s gonna pretend to be a water god(dess)!
He’s got the whole thing planned out, clones disguised as servants, his toad summons announcing his arrival, he’s gonna pop out of the water in disguise, and he has Kurama hiding in the water making waves and making it seem like Naruto has dominion over water
(Kurama hates hiding in the water but as a fox he can’t resist a scheme)
So Naruto pops out of the water, his toad summons start saying how they’ve upset the little sea god(dess) on their birthday with their cruel and unnecessary violence and they should let team 7 go as appeasement and it works!
Too well!
Because his team doesn’t know about Kurama being able to leave his seal, and they can clearly see what looks like a giant fucking sea creature?? with terrifyingly huge eyes in the water behind the disguised Naruto and have no fucking answer for what that could be
Panic all around! Kurama and the toads are loving this, Naruto’s so happy to be helping
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Steve and Robin have been working at the plant nursery for months. It was the only job that would hire them both, and it's honestly been the best job they've had.
Steve loves taking care of the plants, loves the way the outdoor plants wave at him in the wind and sparkle in the sunlight after he's watered them. No one gives him weird looks when he talks to the plants because everyone that comes in understands, they're all plant people too, they know talking to plants is hard to resist. Steve loves that they are very good listeners, especially the ferns in the back corner of the nursery. They brush their long arms against Steve's cheek and make him feel so much better after he's finished dumping all his problems on the poor plant.
And then they get a new employee, a guy with long curly hair and too many tattoos and piercings for Steve to count. His name is Eddie. And he does not have a green thumb. Not at all.
Steve can't understand why the nursery hired this guy! He's hopeless!
Steve watches in horror from behind his beloved ferns as Eddie accidentally chops the head off one of the gorgeous rose blooms while pruning and then tries to hide the evidence. He walks away from the rose bush with the poor chopped off bloom clenched tightly in his fist and then he dumps it in the compost bin.
Steve spends the rest of the afternoon glaring at the new guy while talking to the poor rose bush. Eddie flushes a shade of red similar to the rose he murdered any time Steve looks at him, and Steve hates how pretty he looks, hates that it causes a small smile to pull at his lips.
And then Eddie drops a watering can on a peace lily, a peace lily that Steve spent weeks nurturing back to life and the spell Eddie put on him with his flushed cheeks and big, brown eyes is broken.
Robin pities the poor new guy, she can see he's struggling, so she just makes him do all the heavy lifting with her. She doesn't want him anywhere near Steve's precious plants. She saw Steve reach for his giant pruning shears a few days ago when Eddie went near his ferns.
"You know he's terrified of you." Robin says to Steve on their joint lunch break. They're sitting on a stack of soil bags watching Eddie potter around and show people the plants they're looking for. Steve will give him that, he's good with people. Really good.
"Why? I'm nice." Steve takes a bite of his sandwich and avoids Robin's stare. He knows she's giving him the 'don't bullshit me' stare and if he looks, he'll crumble and do something ridiculous like admit he has been kinda mean to the new guy and that he should have just helped him out from the start instead of threatening to chop his fingers off every time he touched Steve's plants.
Steve sighs. "OK, fine. I've been a dick." Robin nods and steals the last bite of Steve's sandwich.
"Now, make it right and play nice with the pretty boy."
"He's not pretty."
"That's not what you said to your precious ferns yesterday. I think you said –" Steve walks off before she can finish and ignores her laughter as he stalks over to where Eddie is crouched in front of the baby succulents.
Steve clears his throat to get his attention and the poor guy jumps in fright and nearly smacks a succulent off the stand. "Steve! Hi! I was just talking to them. I promise."
Steve stifles a laugh and sits down on the floor in front of the low plant stand. He gently pulls a dead leaf off one plant before offering Eddie a smile, a truce. "That's good. They like it when you talk to them. I actually sing to them when I'm here alone." His sudden gentleness must spook Eddie because he just blinks at Steve, his mouth open slightly as he stares in disbelief that Steve actually just spoke to him.
"You can sing?" Eddie sits down next to him and mirrors Steve's actions; gently pulling dead leaves off and checking the soil.
"No, I can't." He laughs. "But the plants don't seem to mind."
They sit in silence for a minute before Steve gathers up his small pile of dead leaves and stands up, Eddie follows suit. "I'm sorry I've been such a dick." Steve rushes out before he loses the courage to admit it. "It's just... you're awful with plants."
Eddie laughs, the sound catches Steve off guard and echoes around the nursery, and Steve realises in that moment that he's never heard Eddie laugh before. It's loud and beautiful and Steve wants to hear it again. Every day.
"I know. I don't have a green thumb at all, but this is the only job that would take me. I think the plants want me to quit."
Steve wanted him to quit. He'd grumbled to Robin about it nearly every day. Eddie knew that and he still stayed. He smiles at Steve in a way that says he doesn't mind, he's just teasing.
But Steve still feels like a total asshole.
"I could teach you how to look after them properly." Steve offers. "I should have offered to help weeks ago." He adds on quietly as they walk through the rows and rows of plants. Steve touches all of them gently, he grazes his fingers along their leaves in a friendly greeting.
"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." Eddie says with a smile so bright it could rival the sun and cause all of the flowers to bloom.
They spend nearly every day at work together after that. Steve helps Eddie learn all the plants' names, their technical names and the secret names Steve's given them all. Steve shows him how to prune and shape the baby hedges and tries not to blush when their fingers touch while passing over the shears. Eddie is a fast learner. He absorbs everything Steve says and then executes it perfectly. He looks over at Steve and smiles excitedly after he successfully prunes the rose bush without chopping a single bloom off.
The more time they spend together, the more Steve becomes aware of the feeling blooming in his chest. It tickles his ribs and causes him to blush and bump shoulders with Eddie more often, causes him to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Eddie's ear and brush his hand along Eddie’s back whenever he passes him.
The new bloom in his heart causes him to kiss Eddie in the back corner of the nursery behind the ferns.
Turns out Eddie has a green thumb after all because there is something so beautiful blooming between them, and so far only the ferns know about it.
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
You Know Where to Find Me
Summary: Miguel is from another planet, fascinated by the stars and nothing else. On Earth, he learns the water might be interesting. A/N: this is so niche i can't find any alien miguel fanart Alien!Miguel x Mermaid!Reader, Fluff, No Warnings
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Humanity loved space, so much so they spent trillions just to find other living sentient creatures just like them. After generations and some centuries, Humanity had managed contact with aliens!
Quickly, and by the grace of the universe, humans and aliens had begun to coexist. It was often that humans would visit the aliens home and aliens to visit Earth. 
Miguel wanted to visit Earth. He loved space as well. A little alien mind that adored the stars and always felt that he was meant for greater things. It’s not that he didn’t love his home planet, but he couldn’t wait to learn and even live with other aliens!
So when he arrived, he did everything he could to learn about Earths space program. Another highlight was that his planets astronomy was still a few centuries behind, so going to Earth was the best choice—and the only one. 
Miguel had gotten along with everyone—his bright mind and leadership skills made everyone admire him! His curiosity knew no bounds! In fact, he grew fond of teaching others about space. So in his spare time, he’d work at a planetarium in Nueva York—one of the only cities in the world that held the largest building that was dedicated to the study of space. 
Despite his unusual appearance, small antennas on the crown of his head and no pupils—his eyes shaded a soft red— his people looked “human enough” for them to be integrated into human society without any problems. He supposed he got lucky—he didn’t like to think of how humanity might’ve reacted to something stranger. Luckily his sharp ears could be hidden behind his curls and his little lisp from his fangs was deemed cute to others—which he’s on the fence about.
He had heard of a new exhibit opening up after a certain discovery humans found within the Earths ocean. Miguel had basically tuned out whatever his colleagues chatted about, especially if it had nothing to do with whatever he was interested in.
However, to his horror, when he passed by the new exhibit during its construction he had found a human body in the tank of water. He hurried out to find security or to call an ambulance—something—to help the poor soul that had fallen underwater. If he knew anything about humans, it’s that they couldn’t breath underwater!
A colleague had seen Miguel’s frantic behavior while shaking a security officer to call for help. The sight was amusing since Miguel was taller than the average human man.
His vacant red eyes found hers. “Jess!” Jessica walked up to them with worry. 
“What’s going on?” 
Miguel breathed in deeply. “There’s—there’s a human! In—in the—they fell!”
“Fell where?” She asked, her tone becoming serious. 
“By the new exhibit! I don’t know how they got there but they fell—I think—and they had their eyes closed!”
Jess became more alert. Civilians weren’t allowed in that section yet and the construction guys weren’t stupid enough to not be able to swim out of a tank.
“Show me.”
Jessica had a bit of a hard time keeping up with Miguel, his long legs taking giant strides while his antennas curled and his ears turned downwards.
Miguel shows her the tank. “Here!”
Inside was definitely what seemed like a human woman passed out in the water. But Jess instead sighed in relief. She places her hand on her chest and laughs which makes Miguel’s antennas curl even more, making it look like a rams horns and his skin turns pinkish. 
Jess giggles after calming down. She taps the glass with her knuckle and falls out your name.
The ‘human’ inside was actually you. Your eyes opened and you give Jess a pointed look. You swam up to the top of the tank which gives Miguel a better look at the tail that was hidden behind a giant sheet of cloth. 
You popped up at the top and leaned on the railing with a glare at Jessica. “I told you not to tap the glass!”
Jessica gives you a grin. “Sorry. One of us thought you were a human drowning so I just wanted to show him that was not that case and to pay attention more to our meetings.”
Miguel’s skin turns a darker shade of red, his antennas uncurling and flops in front of his forehead. Your eyes meet his and he feels the embarrassment running through him.
Not only had he embarrassed himself during his job—but in front of something pretty like you. He glanced between your eyes and your tail, gulping down his nerves and placing his hands behind his back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled out.
“Miguel, this is our first volunteer for our new exhibition. Since the discovery of mermaids and mermen, this gal,” She places a hand on the glass with a mention of your name. “…is now a part of introducing humanity to the wonders of the sea.”
“I’m a party animal.” You tell Miguel, resting your cheek on your arm with a smile. 
“She’s joking.” Jessica says but he can only stare at you, engraving your smile in his memory. 
“Now that we know a human isn’t drowning, can you go back to work?” Jessica pats his shoulder as he makes her exit. Miguel turns to see her leave and looks back to see you still staring at him.
“You’re not human.” You observe. 
“I’m not.” Miguel clears his throat and approaches your tank slowly. “I’m from Retha. A neighboring planet a couple light years away.”
You him in thought, pretending to know what light years are.
“Didn’t expect to see another alien here.” You splash your tail, a few droplets hitting the ground. 
Miguel tilts his head, one antenna following him. “Alien? But aren’t you from Earth? Just…in the sea?”
You shrug, hanging your arm out. “I’m in a tank, aren’t I? I’ll never be considered like the humans.”
Miguel watches your dive back in the water to rehydrate yourself before popping back up. 
“Miguel. My name is Miguel.” He says, placing a hand on the tank and looking up at you. You smile and dive back in the tank so you can be face to face. You place your hand on the tank where his hand was at. He knows your name, you don’t need to repeat it.
You watch as he turns his head, a soft muffle of talking and you assume he’s heading back to work. He gives you another glance and you puff out a small bubble of air to make a heart in the water and waving him goodbye. His cheeks flush red and he nods, turning away and leaving.
He feels interested in learning about the water this time around. His curiosity knows no bounds.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
headcanons or a one-shot of astarion x gn!tav baking cookies and/or doing other wintery things? thank you for the bonus prompt! i love domestic wintertime vibes 💙❄️
Hi! I fucked up with your last prompt, so here is your bonus one! And Merry Christmas!
Prompt ✶New Beginnings✶ for BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge
The pieces of the book Tav is reading are taken from Forgotten Realms Wiki.
Got inspired by this amazing piece of art by @demiesop
The Sea of Moving Ice
Synopsis: Astarion returns too early with a confession.
Tags: fluff, comfort
Read on AO3
Nestled by the fireplace, you find solace amidst the raging blizzard outside. The crackling flames cast a comforting glow, kissing your face and enveloping your arms in their gentle warmth. You slowly turn pages.
The Sea of Moving Ice is located west of Icewind Dale and northwest of the Cold Run. Almost completely uncharted, the ice masses set wide enough apart for a ship to pass.
You shiver. Well, as it wasn't cold enough. Now you can't stop thinking about the freezing hell stretching far to the north.
The domain of ice dragon and unimaginable horrors!
You wrap yourself in a fur blanket. You never had a chance to learn how to read and Astarion always teased you about that. Whenever you wanted him to read for you, he would try to sit you down and teach but you knew the dance. You would make puppy eyes and praise Astarion's voice and the vampire would give up and read any book you want.
But the end of autumn met you far in the north, in the town of Firesheer. You got sick and, by the time you fully recovered, it was already too cold and dangerous to keep travelling.
So you decided to wait until the beginning of spring. In the meantime, Astarion finally made you learn to read.
Along with seals, walruses and polar bears, the Sea of Moving Ice is also home to other dangers. Lairs of ice trolls can be found in errant shipwrecks, and white dragons often make home within larger icebergs.
White dragons! For some reason, the idea of seeing those creatures fascinates you. You turn pages further trying to find a chapter about them.
Adult white dragons have several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they can climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and are exceptional swimmers.
The door to the room opens and you see Astarion.
"I thought you wanted to walk around till sunrise?" you ask. 
He doesn't say anything and sits behind you wrapping his hands around your chest and pressing his face against the crook of your neck. 
"Astarion, is everything all right?"
He doesn't move as if frozen. You suppress a desire to stand up to hug him, to make him tell you everything. Maybe, a year ago you would have done it, but now you know better. Sometimes it's best not to pay attention.
You caress his knuckles. 
"I've read a few chapters already. Well, of course, you would have finished the whole book, but I am trying my best."
Another page. The picture of a fortress captures your attention. It looks like a giant skull adorned with a crown.
No matter how much Far North scares you, your innate desire for adventure craves to see all these places.
Astarion is silent and motionless. He wraps you tightly not allowing you to move. Maybe something triggered him? Reminded him of his recent past? Or is he just overwhelmed? He almost never spends nights inside, even if there is a snowstorm like that.
"Thank you for having patience with me", you say. "You were right. Being able to read feels so nice."
Silence. You listen up. Astarion has a very unsettling skill of being able to cry without making almost any sound.
"I love you."
The words return you to reality. Astarion holds you tightly and presses his lips against the nape of your neck. You feel as if you were submerged in warm waters. 
"I love you too, Astarion" You smile.
Expressing his feelings doesn't come easy for him. While he's become adept at discussing negative emotions, fears, and traumas with you, simple confessions are still quite rare.
"No, you don't understand," he muffles. "I love you. If I were alive, my heart would skip a beat every time I see you. You are so warm and kind, I can't believe you are real. Your sole presence is enough to wash away the nightmares from my mind. I feel new with you. I feel innocent. I feel … redeemed."
You finally set yourself free and turn to him. Tears prickle in the corners of his eyes but he smiles with this sincere goofy smile you saw on the graveyard for the first time. 
The real him.
You cup his face and kiss his forehead. Then you proceed kissing his cheeks and lips, making sure no part of his face is left untouched. 
"So, you’ve returned earlier to tell me all that?"
"Yes. You always tell me good things. How much you love me; how much you care. You bath me with affection and I just wanted to reciprocate."
You shake your head. "My love, we agreed on that. You don't need to reciprocate. You don't owe me anything…"
He sighs. No his face looks serious. "Isn't love always about a fair exchange? One-sided affection sounds awful. I owe you and you owe me. That’s the deal, isn't it?"
You reluctantly agree. Yes, if Astarion never returned any love, you would probably have lost any interest in this relationship months ago.
But, gods, he loves you!
There is so much love and care in him! Somehow, Astarion managed to conceal them deep within his undead heart that he forgot about their existence.
But yet he found access to them as if finally obtaining the key from an intricate locked box.
Ability to love.
Ability to care.
Ability to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest. 
When you wake up, the first thing you see is his eyes. He watches you sleeping with such adoration it makes your heart skip a beat. He cares about you so much; you can fully give yourself to him and not worry about anything. 
Astarion, your beloved. 
"You know... I lied"
"About what?"
"That nothing bothered me when I came back"
"Oh? What happened?"
He turns away collecting his thoughts. "You know... I've never really thought about the nature of our relationships. The very idea someone could love me the way I am seemed ridiculous. When I confessed to you, I expected you to break up with me. I couldn't understand what you are to me. My love? My partner? My significant other? I didn’t know. To this day."
The conversation takes an unexpected turn and you wait. 
"I walked around the town and bumped into a woman - she was closing her jewerly store. She started bothering me with all these stupid questions. Where we are from, where we are heading. Who you are. Who I am. Who we are to each other. And, well… I ended up buying something."
"Buying? Not stealing?"
"We are going to spend here at least two months. Wouldn’t be smart to steal from locals. Close your eyes."
You oblige and in a second you feel something cold on your palm.
Two rings.
"W-what is this, Astarion?"
"She was trying to find out if you are single. Or if I am single. She probably couldn't decide which of us she liked more. I just… threw her money saying "We are going to marry so fuck off."
"Listen... if you don’t like this idea... I..."
"I do."
You take his left hand and without hesitation put the ring on his finger. Then you kiss the knuckles and it seals the deal.
Astarion's hand is trembling as he puts on the second ring on you. "I want to see the world with you, Tav. I want to see all these weird and scary places. I want to be with you. I want to be with you in every possible form."
You lean for a kiss. "And we are going to see the Sea of Moving Ice !"
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selnyam · 26 days
FFXIV Write 2024: Horizon
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The late afternoon sun beat down over the Silver Bazaar.  The residents busied about, chatting and doing their daily chores.  A faint growing rumble caused heads to turn, as a ceruleum engine motorcycle pulled into the area.  Sitting atop the bike was a muscular pink haired Viera.  The woman waved, shaking her head and reaching up to adjust the long floppy ears on her head as she freed them from a helmet.  Kikipu, a Lalafell women with Purple hair beamed and called out.
“Well look who it is!  Flidais!  It’s been sometime!  How are you doing, gorgeous?”  The Lala set down the basket she was carrying and walked over.  The tall Viera waved, then shifted the large axe on her back.  Gently she placed it next to the parked bike, then knelt down to hug her friend tightly
“OOF!  I swear, you get stronger every time you stop by.  Keep it up and ye’ll crush me!”  Kikipu covered her mouth as she laughed aloud.  Flidais Oakclamber simply smiled and tapped her fist over her chest three times.  She stood, and reached into the pack of her motorcycle producing a wrapped bundle.  With a wink and sly tilt of her head she handed the package over.  Once freed her hands moved to speak in sign language, the primary way the Viera spoke since losing her voice to a Garlean blade.
[Dark Pretzels for everyone!  I’ll be in my spot.  Lovely to see you]  The Lalafell woman gasped and slapped Flidais on her thigh.
“It’s been far too long!  Everyone will love to have some of your special Dark Pretzels again luv.  I’ll keep everyone busy and occupied for a couple o’ bells,  go get your alone time beautiful.  Just make sure to come tell us all of your travels later!”  Opening the package and pulling one of the baked treats from within, Kikipu took a big bite and wandered off to distribute to the citizens of the Bazaar.  Grinning from ear to ear, Flidais walked past the bazaar.  Waving nodding back to any who greeted her, the Viera woman made her way to the cliff edge and with a sigh she sat down.
So much was happening, and so often.  She just needed a moment to sit and rest.  To think about everything.   Her gaze carried out over the water, to the distant islands, to the Castrum to the far right.   How had it only been a few years since she’d joined the team storming that Castrum?  To when she’d avenged her first love, the first time her Voidtouched traits had manifested?  Her wings and horns bursting forth as she’d fought, throwing spell after spell to stop sas Junius.  Her actions and rage had led to rumors and horror stories about a primal or demon the Grand Companies had summoned to stop the Garleans.  A being of Chaos with giant wings and claws.  She sighed and turned her gaze back to the bazaar.
Three Summers, Nearly 4 had occurred since she first woke up just north of here.  Where she opened her eyes in the dirt, in tattered robes.  Lost and with no memories she’d sat there until a passing merchant had called out to her.  He’d made sure she was okay then offered to take her to Ul’dah.  She’d agreed of course.  A city was the best place to find people, to learn who she was.  It was there she’d joined the Adventurer’s Guild, and trained as a Thaumaterge.  The beginning of her entire life.  
The Viera let her eyes continue to follow the horizon line.  For only being around for the time she had, she felt like she’d lived a lifetime accommodating her century and a half of age.  If only she had the memories of most of that time.  Her mind wandered from the stressful times to the joy, as it often did.  To her wife, her partners.  Thoughts of the Scions and her found family.  All her loved ones and friends and comrades she’d met.  A tear ran down her cheek, one of happiness and a satisfied life.  Her short fuzzy tail wiggled in joy, and she pulled a violin from her neary pack.  With a deep breath, she began to play.
The residents of the bazaar smiled, and some began to hum or sing along.  This was an uncommon occurrence, but one they looked forward too.  Flidais would come, bring them food and stories of her adventures, or sit by the cliff and play.  She was a quiet woman, but the kind you couldn’t help but to smile around.  Her grin and positive attitude were infectious.  Kikipu wondered what new places the Veira had seen,  What new horizons and sights she could tell them about.  It was shaping up to be a fine evening indeed.
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whispersinthedawn · 2 years
Lie to me
Where Poseidon's plans to get Percy to accept immortality succeed in the worst of ways. (Currently still WIP)
“Do you think this wedding will go through?” Poseidon asked portentously, eyes fixed on Percy and Apollo in the garden below.
Amphitrite couldn’t help it. She laughed. "Why? Do you oppose this marriage now?”
“I’ve always opposed it,” he snapped.
Amphitrite stared at him, a terrible realisation sinking in. “You were their chief support,” she said. Poseidon had threatened Hera and Aphrodite for them.
“I didn’t think it would get this far,” Poseidon uttered in defeat. “It was a trick. A trick meant to be revealed before devastation could sweep across our lives.”
“You wanted her to accept immortality,” Amphitrite spoke, cold.
“There were too many mortals she loved but not nearly enough immortals,” Poseidon tried to justify. “If the love of a parent and a friend was not enough, romantic was the only option left. And say what you will about him, but my nephew has always been good at making people love him.”
Amphitrite swallowed, the desire to support her husband warring with the nebulous affection that had crept in for her step-daughter. Immortality wasn’t a curse provided you had your family with you, which Percy Jackson would. Nothing in Poseidon’s plans meant tragedy for her.
She couldn’t stop herself from categorizing this plot as a betrayal.
“He was supposed to stop once she turned immortal?” Amphitrite clarified.
Poseidon ran a hand through his hair. “He said it would be too much if he were to abandon her the moment she ascended, that she depended on him too much. That it might not be love, but she was still a friend.”
A spear of water flung itself at the wall and drilled a hole into the antechamber.
“I believed him,” Poseidon cursed. “Except he’s violating her trust and her life right now!”
“Maybe he’s really in love,” Amphitrite tried to suggest, searching for any possible explanation that didn’t involve shattering Percy into pieces.
The despair on Poseidon’s face dashed her hopes.
“Haven’t you seen the way the younger gods regard this marriage?” he whispered. “They saw my brother nearly sacrifice one of their own as if he were nothing but a mortal. They watched him constantly make the wrong decisions during both the great wars and try to avoid any responsibility by shoving blame on others.”
Poseidon shook his head. “This isn’t a marriage but a hostage situation.”
“You’re taking about a coup,” Amphitrite whispered in horror.
“A hostile takeover with the force of the sea and the underworld at their back,” Poseidon sighed in exhaustion. “And my daughter – she’s the hero of Camp Half-Blood. She is a Praetor of Camp Jupiter and friends with the current ones. She’s Titan Killer, Giant Killer, and Survivor of Tartarus. How much more would it take to add God killer to her resume?”
Unable to help herself, Amphitrite rushed to the window again, watching the silent image of Apollo peppering Percy’s upturned face with kisses.
“You’re not afraid he’ll betray her,” Amphitrite understood. “You’re afraid he’ll be the best husband anyone can ever desire. The most loving, the most devoted, the most loyal. And in return …”
“I’ll support him against my brother,” Poseidon intoned.
A daughter’s happiness against a brother’s throne.
A demigod’s immortality versus a god’s mortality.
Amphitrite hesitated to even ask what decision Poseidon would arrive at.
Below them, Percy laughed happily, safely ensconced in the arms of the god she loved.         
And in the end, they're all liars. I wanted to write a fic where Poseidon tries to have Percy accept immortality, only to regret it in the end. Because the god he was trying to use used him instead.
Inspired by this wonderful work by anxious_tofu.
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stesierra · 1 year
I'm writing a new book about angels and demons and the humans who have to deal with them because I want to and nobody can stop me. Here's the first chapter, which is pretty short. I have written this just now on my phone so live with any typos. There's no WIP intro. I haven't added to my Writeblr intro. I do what I want.
Let me know if I should write the rest of the book.
The Giant's Gamble
Chapter 1
Kirjath slipped through the ajar side door, contorting like a reed in a hurricane to clear the splintered doorframe. The nightclub music throbbed ahead of him, so loud he felt the vibration in his breastbone. To angelic ears, it was about as melodic as a jackhammer accompanying an angry toddler. But that didn’t matter. He wasn’t here to enjoy himself. Did he ever enjoy himself, really?
In the gloomy light, lovely young humans sauntered out of his way, half of them making cow eyes at him. The other half, mostly young men, did their best to puff themselves up, like offended cats. But the tallest of them didn't reach his shoulder.
He brushed past them all with a weary smile and pushed deeper into the club. Not towards the bar, which lay under a web of pipes that crawled across the unfinished ceiling like tentacles of some cosmic horror. Not towards the dance floor, where people who had, from his perspective, been born yesterday gyrated and swayed. No, his destination was at the back, through a door marked employees only. Locked, of course. As if it mattered.
With a twist of the wrist, he broke the doorknob off. It took only a second to dismantle the whole lock apparatus and squish himself through the too-small space. Nobody noticed, not with the music thumping overtime.
A dank narrow hallway greeted him on the other side, lit only by a bare bulb hanging from a frayed wire. It stank of black mold and piss. But at least he didn't have to look at the humans anymore. Kirjath hated places where humans tried to substitute alcohol for actual courage. And the music hurt his ears.
Down at the end of the hall, he found a crumbling stairwell leading down. Old leaks had scarred the cement with rusty water stains, as ugly as tear-stained mascara. No one had inspected this part of the building for decades. No doubt Camriel had ensured it. Well, he wouldn't be able to, after tonight.
He found his brother in the depth of his lair, sitting on a couch that had half-collapsed under his giant frame. Camriel wasn't actually his brother, for neither of them had ever been born. But the relationship was an appropriate shorthand.
The other grigori was staring up at a ceiling he'd plastered with pinups of anorexic teen girls. He looked almost skeletal himself, with legs so long the hems of his pants fell mid-knee. He stank of wine and too much cologne, the kind that claimed to be full of irresistible pheromones. His eyes were closed, but Kirjath couldn't tell if he was visiting the Intangible or just drunk.
“Camriel,” he said and drew his sword from thin air, which is where he kept it. People looked at you funny if you wore as sword these days. Especially one long enough for a giant.
The other angel opened bloodshot eyes and stared up at him. “Kirjath? Have you come to kill me?”
He nodded. Obviously so.
Camriel sat up, and the couch collapsed the rest of the way with a whump. “Why this time?”
This was obvious, too, but Kirjath answered, because he knew Camriel loved to live in denial. “You've been siring children. Triplets, all so big they had to be cut from their mother's belly. All unnaturally beautiful and strong.”
Camriel scoffed and scrambled to his feet from the ruins of the couch. “C-sections are routine now. Doesn't even kill the mother. What does it matter?”
“Nephilim are never routine,” Kirjath said. “Even if the mother survives.”
“Oh, like the modern world can't use a few more men of renown? They can get basketball scholarships. Life will be a cinch. Really, they should thank me.”
“Who should? The children you abandoned?” His grip tightened on his sword.
Camriel tossed his long hair over his shoulder. If he'd ever tried to comb it, the comb was probably still lost somewhere in there. “Heaven should thank me, for improving the gene pool.”
Kirjath nodded and offered his brother his most disappointed look. And then he stepped forward and rammed his sword through his brother's stomach.
“Ow! Fuck!” Camriel said, curling around the steel that had split his intestines. “What the fuck is your problem?”
Kirjath kicked his feet out from under him and ripped the blade loose, spraying the mildewed carpet with gore. He stood over his dying brother and said, “We were exiled. Because you couldn't stop breeding. Because you couldn't leave the humans alone.”
“It wasn't just me,” Camriel said, his tone utterly offended.
“The grigori,” Kirjath snarled. “Because they wouldn't stop. Because none of you would. And now look what’s become of us. I'm not going to let you keep breaking the law. Not that one. The only one that matters.”
“What are you, heaven’s watchdog?” Camriel spat. “They threw you out too, Kirjath! They threw us all out! So what if I broke their laws? Who the fuck cares?”
“I care,” Kirjath said. He lifted his sword.
Blood ran down Camriel’s lips and pooled in the hollow of his throat. “You think you're better than me?” he gurgled. “Better than the rest of us? Because you never knocked up some girl? You're not. Because you--”
Kirjath swung. And his brother's head rolled away, lips silenced, as the irony stink of blood overwhelmed the little room where his brother had spent his sad little life.
He'd be back, but not right away. And by the time he made his way back to the Tangible, perhaps he would have learned his lesson.
He turned his back on the headless body, dismissing his sword back to nowhere from whence it had come. And came face to face with a young woman. She stood in the doorway with a delighted look on her face, and she wore the sigil of Lilith at her throat.
“You killed him,” she said. “How wonderful.”
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habit-poxly · 2 years
father neptune (pt.4)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
sea-monster hunter au!
description: After months of mulling over his confession to you in his head, Ghost finally is able to slip into your cottage and unravel his feelings. Lots of fluff
warnings: strong horror elements, early 1800′s dating, 
word count: 3.5k
masterlist | Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
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It was rare for Ghost to become flustered, it was something he had managed to restrain as his youth slipped away. As he grew older- and as the allure of beautiful women wore off- he resided to himself in solitude, fully accepting the reality of men of his profession. Men of the sea were notorious for being scum to the women whose beds they crawled into. That widespread belief rendered his options for partners increasingly limited- regardless of if marriage was something he was keen on. 
He was sure at some point in history a sailor of his stature would have been a charm to the women in London, but not now. No, men like him weren't the sort women would resign themselves to marry; a woman wouldn't be satisfied with waiting on the shores for the likes of him- that he was sure. He could provide little outside of hoarded wealth, affection or love didn't come naturally to Simon. He had long passed the ability to feel shame for how beautiful he found her and was rather relieved when she found his incessant staring cute, not horrifically unsettling.
It had long since grown dark, she had allowed him to sit on her couch where they spoke for hours; he had told tales of some of the best battles of his youth, watching her eyes crinkle at the corners when she laughed. In return, she recounted times from her childhood of monster carcasses washing ashore, or her swinging on giant, bleached bones that were sticking out of the sand and rock. The topic of conversation seemed to avoid her actions on the beach altogether, neither of the pair wanting to spoil the comfortable atmosphere that had grown. 
"Did yah grow up on the island?" He leaned back into the couch, trying his best to keep his eyes from falling over your form in less than respectful ways. You seemed like a modest woman, one dressed properly with hair drawn back neatly, even if in an outdated style from what he was used to seeing of women back home. You wore a plain blue dress, no ribbons or ruffles, with a white collar that sat strung around your neck. 
He watches you mull over the question. You flatten the dress fabric in your lap before shaking your head and mouthing a silent 'no'. 
"If I'm being honest, I don't remember much of anything at all. I have bits and pieces, things I can't make sense of as to why I remember them..." There was a pause before she began again, clearly trying her best to mull over the fragments and piece them together. 
"I can't tell you if my father was tall or short, or what the colour of my mother's hair was- but I remember being in the streets of Dublin when a newsboy announced George Washinton had died. I remember a British soldier pushing me over when I was only four or so- I remember living in lots of different places but I only remember ever living here. In this house." 
Simon nodded, his lips growing into a tight frown under his mask. 
"How long have yah been here alone, love?" The nickname seemed natural in this setting, pet names had always been something he had to force out of himself- not for her, the way her eyes would light up made it worth it. 
"A while." She shrugs, once again she flattens her dress, fingers fighting with the soft fabric. 
"Bet yah don't even have a bathroom inside all the way out here." Simon hums,  a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was undoubtedly a luxury, one new and rather expensive. It was something that could only be experienced on the mainland, and he silently added it to the growing number of reasons why she would be far better off there with him. 
She giggles and shakes her head. "I have a barrel that I put boiled water in, that's my indoor plumbing." 
"Horrific. Can't imagine livin' in these conditions" Simon replies, allowing a soft chuckle of his own to slip out. 
"Oh!- I'm sure boat life is just so much better. I certainly envy the months out in the open ocean covered in your own sweat and surrounded by rats." She leaned closer to him, a large smirk growing across her face. 
"S' not as bad as you'd think. You should smell her' when somethings been rotting in her' hull for a week. None of the boys come close." Simon shrugs and stretches his arm across the back of the couch, a now large grin settling over him as he watches your face contort into disgust.
"That's shocking!" She softly pushed his chest and laughed, moving just a little bit closer to him. The action was small, something she most likely hadn't even put thought into- yet it sent his body haywire. 
Admittedly Simon had always been the best at this part, the enisle flirting was something he had mastered in his 20's, anything past that point, though, was almost entirely new. He had been in relationships, sure, yet none that he was particularly invested in, he had never been the pursuer of commitment- yet now he had to be. It wasn't uncommon for men in this day and age- especially of his age- to propose at least a relationship rather quickly after meeting a woman they liked. He had strong doubts any other man on the island was interested in a betrothal with her- yet the urgency remained. 
Marriage culture in London was something he had avoided like the plague, it being a dance of image and reputation that he had no interest in. Men and women were to marry young, have children young, and die young, yet the pair of them sat childless, single, old and alive. You looked to be older than 25,- yet certainly not older than 30-  and for a woman as stunning as he had found you, it was beyond a surprise that no man had ever proposed to you at all. 
Simon had accepted the reality of him begin marriageless as the rest of his crew had, yet that had never meant he wasn't lonely. For years he's laid alone in his cold cot in Manchester, thinking intently about what he could have done differently, how he could have prevented being alone. He had craved the company of a woman for far too long, he had pushed it down so far it had become insistently painful- unignorable. 
Something about you had rattled something inside him loose; you had breathed the ability to love and be loved into him. 
He was rather alluring himself, especially to a woman who had been on her own for quite some time. His dusty blond hair had been cut short along the sides, leaving long bits up top that stuck out messily. His features were sharp, strikingly so, having thick eyebrows with a deep scar slashed through one and piercing blue eyes. The bit of fabric covering the bottom half of his face was most certainly hiding a stubble-covered jaw.
"What happened here?" You pointed politely to your own eyebrow, eyes soft with concern that makes his heart flutter. 
Simon's hand instinctively moves to the scar. He had gained so many over the years that he had stopped taking stock of where they were- or what they were from for that matter. 
"Ah- got it when I was 18." He grumbled, the memory still causing a hot pain to strike across his face.
"Was on my first real hunting ship- most of the other lads were young too, one of em' did something stupid and let a rope snap while we were hauling something in. Whipped me right across the face. 'Suprised I didn't get a scar 'long the whole left side." He watches her eyes flicker with empathy, somehow becoming even warmer as the story ends. 
"I'm sorry." She mutters, for a moment Simon stills, unsure of how to respond. 
"You don't have to apologize to me, love. You didn't do it." He shakes his head, moving his arm slightly to tug you closer to his side.
"Why do you cover your face?" You ask, another question with only pure intention, yet it still tugged at Simon uncomfortably. 
"'Prefer it this way, it stays on, love." 
"Are you hiding something?" Your head tilts to the side. 
"Just my face." He shrugs.
"Are you ugly?" 
The question had been asked so many times his response was nearly automated at this point. 
"Quite the opposite." 
A large smile crosses her face, it was something she clearly already knew. 
Desperately did he want you to lead him upstairs, to offer him to lay in your bed while he sleeps against your chest, or for you to run your fingers along his scalp and down his sore back. Everything about you was sweet, the way you did your hair, your soft tone, and your cries in the night, all grew overwhelmingly endearing with little effort on your part. 
Simon Riley had never been 'whipped' in his life, no woman had ever reduced him to that level, but sitting in front of you, he was whipped. He had accepted that truth during the endless nights he spent tossing and turning, dreaming of you. He had wondered if maybe you had dreamt of him as well, perhaps he haunted your dreams, perhaps that was the reason for the heavy bags under your eyes, your endless crying at night. 
"Why do you haunt the beach?" Regardless of him now knowing for certain she was a human woman, he still considered her a ghost, one like him, one whose private haunt he was encroaching on. 
She sucks a breath in sharply, the sudden question catching her off guard.
"Why?" She repeats. The question lingers over you as you try to come up with an answer. There had never been a particular reason as to why, you had simply just done it, allowing your grief to wash away into the ocean. 
"It feels good." You shrugged, the answer seemingly embarrassing you. 
"It feels good to scream out to the ocean, she listens to me... Just listens. Not many will do that- listen to the sorrow-filled wailings of a woman running up and down the shoreline like a banshee." 
"I listened." Simon could help but let it slip out. He had listened, he had listened intently, he tried to place her pain, and in his dreams, he would bet to take it from her- for her to give all of her sufferings to him, he would handle it all for her. Too many nights he clung to her in his dreams, too many nights he spent clinging to her, desperate to keep his head above water; no longer for himself, but to see her. 
Your face grew a deep shade of red and your lips tightened into a deep frown. "You listened and then followed and then I shoved over your friend- stole your things!" You exclaimed. "I have no idea why you would have any interest in listening to my hysterics." 
"Hysterics? You believe your feeling this way is all hysterics?" The disappointment in his voice was evident, something he was always unable to mask. 
"Well..." You averted your eyes from him, moving them instead down into your lap as you straightened your posture away from him. 
Suddenly he takes your hands in his, an action clearly neither had expected from him. He softly squeezes them before speaking.
"I'll listen. I'll listen if you'd let me- if you'd let me I'd take all of this from you, all your grief would be mine if it meant you'd be alright." He managed to force the words out, it was imperfect and certainly not the confession he had rehearsed on the way over. Her eyes dart back up to his face, her eyes widen as she studies him intently. After a moment of painful silence, she speaks, her voice small and unsure. 
"You don't know me- you know nothing of me at all." 
Pain tinges his heart at the comment, it was fair and he knew it. Sure, perhaps he knew her better than she knew him, surly her dreams weren't of the pair of them speaking for hours, living domestic lives together like his were; yet the comment still caused discomfort- distress even. 
"I do know you, my love." His voice grows uneven, the desperation he's managed to keep at bay beginning to slip out as her eyes lock with his. 
"I dream of you every night- When I look at the glow of the moon I think 'there, that was made for her.' Whenever I see the tide roll in I swear I think only of you. I'll see happy couples walking down the streets and wish desperately for it to be us- I've loved you in every life I've lived, surely that must be true with the amount of love I feel burning for you." Simon's voice shakes, each word said with full, honest intent yet still tinged with the self-restraint he's so accustomed to exercising.
"I know you." He asserts, squeezing your hands between his. 
His pale face had long faded into a shade of bright red, his eyes flick frantically between studying your face for a negative reaction and anywhere else in the room. 
"You're mad." You mutter as a rather dopy smile plasters your flushed face. 
"Mad?" Simon exclaims confusion painting his voice. After the hardest confession of his life, after possibly one of the hardest things he's ever done, she's called him mad. 
It took only a second more before your arms had wrapped around his neck and you pulled yourself into him. It takes an awkward moment for you to find his lips overtop the fabric mask instead of roughly kissing his jaw or cheek. Regardless of the fabric barrier, Simon moves his lips against yours, wishing desperately that the room were dark enough for him to rip it off. 
His hands move down to your waist, he softly pulls your hips into his and settles your weight on top of him. His arms snake fully around you, locking you to him as you had done in the reverse. You pull away to take a breath, softly pushing against him to give yourself leverage over his hulking body. He brings his finger up to your face to softly brush away a strand of hair.
The novelty of kissing with the mask had worn off quickly, it becoming far more of a nuisance than a form of comfort for him at the moment. It was rather obvious that you felt the same, finding it rather annoying that he wouldn't move it. Not yet, but as the moments with you dragged on Simon began to reconsider.
"This is mad." You mutter, staring down at his covered face; even with the mask, you could see crimson sneaking up his cheekbones. His eyes were blown- wide and entirely focused on tracking your face- and his hair had somehow managed to grow more out of place than before. Simon doesn't respond, it crosses your mind he may be entirely focused on you- and he hadn't even heard what you had said at all.  
He watches you in return, he watches your face fall from a satisfied smile down to one of guilt. 
"And rather.. informal." You cover your mouth with your hand, silently wishing you yourself were wearing a mask to hide your embarrassment. 
While you don't remember quite where you picked up your ideas around courting but you did know that you were taught that there was a proper and improper way of courting a man. It was quite different in England, many of their women only get married when they fall pregnant- however, there were things that had to be done before your and Simon's relationship could go any further. 
"We aren't courting and I've kissed you! I'm so sorry, Simon. I-" As you begin to move off of him his hands move to grip your waist more firmly before rolling fully onto his back, allowing you to straddle him comfortably. 
"Enough." He says firmly, your mouth snaps shut immediately at the command. He had certainly had some experience in barking orders. 
"Courting? That's what you want, yeah? Does that mean I can't touch yah yet?- You don't want me to?" He struggles to form a sentence that feels comfortable, every word feeling clunky to him. Intimacy and affection on a deeper level were something Simon doubts he's ever expressed. Sure, he had tender moments with his mother- but those were few and far in between thanks to his father. Above all else, he wanted you to be comfortable, to love him back, so he would take extra care in every action.
Normally in courtships, those involved don't kiss, nor do they straddle one another- but this felt natural, not undignified or shameful like you had imagined breaking these sorts of social customs would feel. 
"Well... I'm not too sure about that. I do want you to." You muttered, you understand courting, or dating for that matter was a custom in place to prevent people from marrying too quickly- yet intimacy can only happen within it so people tend to rush.
Simon's eyes crinkle from his grin, he moves his eyes down your form and adjusts your dress fabric to drape over him more neatly. 
"You want me to what, sweetheart?" The teasing tone in his voice sends shivers up your spine. 
"Oh stop!" A wide, flustered grin grows on your face as Simon chuckles deeply; he glides his hands gently up and down your waist and thighs. 
"I'll come back 'round again in the mornin', have the kettle on for me." He hums, this accent seemingly getting thicker the quieter he speaks. "We'll start courting, hm?" 
You smile, your stomach fluttering at the notion before the rest of his sentence settles in. 
"You're leaving?" 
He nods reluctantly, as if you even asking had made him reconsider. "Gotta get back before the lads come lookin' for a corpse." 
"They still think I'm a monster?" You can't help but allow a soft giggle to slip past your lips.
"Gaz wouldn't even leave the boat- poor lad." Simon lets out a hardy chuckle, clearly feeling far less bad for Gaz than he was letting on.
"You must have a thing for monsters then- I'm sure of it. No sane man would see a woman crying hysterically on the beach and think 'ah yes, that one'." Your grin doesn't let up, and neither does his. 
"Again with the hysterics." He shakes his head.
"Obviously I'm the most stable woman out there- couldn't find one who copes with minor inconveniences better." You say sarcastically. Simon huffs out a chuckle and nods, he's perfectly away of how odd his attraction appears, but he's always had an affinity for the uncanny or unwanted. Not that you were either of those things, he didn't find you unsettling in the slightest, perhaps that was part of the problem.
Reluctantly you two begin to pry away from each other's warmth, both moving to stand. 
"So stable you use a harpoon as a mantle decoration?" Simon's eyes finally lock on the pointed metal rod- he would have missed it entirely if his eyes hadn't caught the ship's name carved into the grip. Quickly you go to grab it down to hand to him but Simon stops you and shakes his head. 
"You can have it, darling. Soap isn't going to miss it."
"That's the one with the... with the hair?" You gesture out his haircut as best you can, you had seen many sailors with many odd style choices, but that one you had only seen on him. 
Simon nods, "How'd you know his name?" 
"Everyone on the island knows all of your names." 
"Word gets 'round about us?" You could nearly hear the smirk in his voice. 
"You guys all yell a lot." You grin widely as Simon rolls his eyes and scoffs.
You and Simon begin to exit the living room, you watch him dunk under the short doorframe before settling in the front room. He goes to grab for his coat but is stopped by you ducking under his arm and pressing your back against the door. 
"Let me." You grab the heavy black coat off the door rack and hold it open for him, it takes a second for Simon to understand what you're doing but he turns around and places his arms into the jacket. It was a small action, something typical for women to help men with, but it felt different coming from her. You two switch places as you open the front door, and a rush of cold, salty evening air burst into the small room. 
"It's an awfully dark walk to the dock... take my lamp, dear." You lean your frame out the door and point to a small table, atop it sat your good lantern. Picking it up he could tell it would have more than enough oil for the evening, he imagines you were planning on taking a walk tonight, one he had probably prevented you from taking. 
"Thank you. For the tea- and this evening." Simon says and nods to you politely. 
"Thank you for visiting me- and for asking me to court you." You can't help but shutter under his intense gaze, how desperately the pair of you wished he didn't have to go- but he did. 
"Goodnight, Simon." 
 "Goodnight, love." He flicks on the lantern and turns from you.
You watched Simon walk all the way down to your garden gate before closing the door, then moving to watch him from the window. You watch him stop and turn back once, then again after taking a few more steps forward, then again, before he disappears fully over a small hill.
You imagine he'll be here painfully early in the morning. 
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taglist: @blueoorchid @@hoe4myers @yjhariani @lexi-zsy09 @galaxieshearme @tumblinginoz @icepancakes @iluvweasleys @crunchlite
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OS: Was it worth it?
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Idea by: me
Requested: No
Pairing: Namor x Plus!Size reader
Warning(s): physical violence
Images/gifs found on google/pinterest
A/N: let me know if y'all want a part 2❤️
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"Hush your mouth..." you hissed in anger, trying your best to calm down your raging nerves but the betrayal pumping through your blood making very hard to do so.
You swam over to your bed and sat down at the edge, clenching your fists tightly. The room fell silent, the silent waves of the water being the only sounds bubbling through your underwater castle.
"My Queen, I did not betrayal you", Namor whispered softly, a big lump forming in his throat as as he knew that it wasn't the whole truth.
"You know I can sense your increasing heartbeat right?" You snapped again. Your king let out a defeated sigh as he knew you had caught him lying to you. He couldn’t deny the fact that his heart was about to burst out of his chest. The mutant-hybrid had never felt so hopeless and scared.
He was on the bridge of either gaining a new life experience and losing everything he had build for himself and his people. It was only a matter of time before you'd find out the truth, a part of him hoped that he'd still have you by his side. Your love, loyalty and support always having given him the strength to run his underwater kingdom and have it thrive for centuries. You were his Queen. His Queen.
Namor used his wings to swim over to where you sat before getting on his knees and putting his head in your lap, silently praying that you didn't hate him.
"How long...?" is all you whispered while staring ahead at the giant metal door, imagining leaving your royal bedroom, swimming away to an unknown place somewhere so deep in the ocean where he wouldn't be able to find you...
"Six weeks..." your husband whispered ashamed, shaking his head. You closed your eyes as you felt a painful tug at your heart.
"The water. She has a private lake she often visits to think...I-It was never meant for this to happen...." your king spoken again. Sensing the tiny waves of his steady heartbeat let you know that he was telling the truth.
Tears brimmed your closed eyes as you shook your head again, not wanting to believe what you we're being told.
"You need to tell me this. I need to hear it from you" you hissed again as you roughly pushed him off your lap and swam towards the door, stopping in front of it and facing your husband again.
You watched him straighten his posture before looking at you, his heart breaking as he watched you try to be tough. "I've been seeing Shuri, The Black Panther and Princess of Wakanda for six Weeks. My plan was to get her alliance for our upcoming war....A-And instead I fell in love with her..."
That was the sentence that killed you and your existence.
Thousands of years, washed away due to a princess.
Thousands of years being raised into being the perfect queen. Endless blood sweat and tears shedded into submitting and devoting your life to your betrothed king. Reigning over Talokan, birthing dozens of heirs and watching your people become stronger and more powerful.
"And now-" a pained cry left your lips as they quivered, "Y-You need to tell me what you want because you have both K'uk'ulkan". Saying his name left a bitter taste in your mouth as it was once said in a state of love, respect, courage, pride and need. Now, it felt like you were cursing at an enemy. Your very first enemy.
Namor gasped in horror once he heard his real name tumble off your delicate lips. You had never called him by his name as it was a illegal, not wanting people to remind him of the life he used to live filled with love and laughter with his mother by his side. It was unbearable for him to hear his birth name after his mother's death and he had made it illegal to call him by that name, instead opted to Namor so that his history of creating Talokan with you could never be forgotten.
"I want you, my Queen" your husband whispered.
Your eyes squinted as you glared at him, using your powers to listen to his heartbeat again. It was steady.
"LIAR!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, charging towards Namor and punching him across the face. The punch struck him hard while your desperate sobs echoed through the bedroom. You had never raised your hand to him, neither did he towards you.
The taste of blood filled your king's mouth as he stared wide eyed at you, shocked to the core as his heart broke into pieces. He had lied to you, again.
"You...will never see me again" you weakly cried, holding onto your stomach as you felt the little one toss and turn in your womb. He was a few weeks old but nonetheless felt your intense distress and sent you a rush of comfort and love through your body.
Namor was speechless and watched you leave the room in a rush and swim away, the sounds of your youngest ones calling after their mother filling the hallway while he collapsed on the floor, his wings suddenly being unable to carry him and the energy slowly leaving his body....
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
This is my carefully curated playlist based on Tumblr's favorite Mafia movie, Goncharov! It is arranged into story order but you can enjoy it on shuffle as well! Normally I color code which songs are about who, but this time around I wanted to leave it up to interpretation, although I think you might be able to tell who my favorite character is lol!
Winter In Naples
“You Need The Fear of God Put Back Into You Goncharov”
Taikatalvi by Nightwish from Imaginaerum • Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall from Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum • Birds With Broken Wings by Ben Caplan from Birds With Broken Wings • Istanbul by They Might Be Giants from Flood • The Cat Came Back by The Laurie Berkner Band from Laurie Berkner’s Favorite Kid Songs • Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz from Gorillaz • Champagne Taste by Eartha Kitt from Totally Crazy • Amar y Vivir by Carlos Rivera from Mexicano • Crazy = Genius by Panic! At The Disco from Death of a Bachelor • Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil from The Horror and the Wild • Time is Running Out by Muse from Absolution • Aha! by Imogen Heap from Ellipse • Modern Day Cain by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME from Modern Day Cain
The Ball
“Your Husband Is As Tasteless As His Counterfeit ‘Boots’, Dear Sister”
Vampire by People In Planes from Beyond the Horizon • Don’t Mess With Me by temposhark from The Invisible Line • There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought of It Yet by Panic! At The Disco from A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out • Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps by Daniel Boaventura & Carlos Rivera from Your Song • Careless Whisper by George Michael from Ladies & Gentlemen The Best of George Michael • Real Men by Mitski from Lush • As The World Falls Down by David Bowie from Labyrinth • I’m A Funny Dame by Eartha Kitt from The Essential Eartha Kitt • Sin un Amor by Carlos Rivera from Mexicano • Bad Romance by Lady Gaga from The Fame Monster • Señor Amante by Kika Edgar from Señor Amante • Take Me To Church by Hozier from Hozier • Disarm by The Civil Wars from The Civil Wars • Femme Fatale by Coyote Kid from The Skeleton Man • Monkeys Uptown by Iron & Wine from Kiss Each Other Clean
Two Cigarettes, One Flame
“A Perfect Pearl Need Only Circumstance, No?”
Pretty Little Head by Eliza Rickman from O, You Sinners • Runs In The Family by Amanda Palmer from Who Killed Amanda Palmer? • 551 by Dessa from Castor the Twin • Wife by Mitski from Lush • The Bed Song by Amanda Palmer from Piano Is Evil • The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives from Coyote Stories • Evening On the Ground (Lilith’s Song) by Iron & Wine from Woman King • Better Love by Hozier from Better Love • Arms of A Thief by Iron & Wine from Around the Well • Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family, Terry & Susan Jacks from A Good Thing Lost: 1968-1973 • Eric by Mitski from Lush • Angie by Bert Jansch from Bert Jansch • I Want To Be Evil by Eartha Kitt from That Bad Eartha • Don’t Get My Hopes Up by S.J. Tucker from Mischief • You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart by Sinéad O’Connor from So Far: The Best of Sinéad O’Conner • Dulce Mal by The Chamanas from Dulce Mal • Don’t You Dare Forget the Sun by Get Scared from Built For Blame, Laced With Shame
The Clock
“How Can Time Be Still, And Still Running Out?”
Blindness by Metric from Fantasies • Come Away To The Water by Maroon 5 & Rozzi from The Hunger Games: Songs of District 12 And Beyond • Era Escuro by Faun from Luna • Fly Me to The Moon by Melodicka Bros. from Fly Me to the Moon (Space Rock) • Glass Heart Hymn by Paper Route from The Peace of Wild Things • Where Butterflies Never Die by Broken Iris from The Eyes of Tomorrow • I Hope Your World Is Kind by Auri from Auri • Ballad of Jeremiah Peacekeeper by Poets of the Fall from Temple Of Thought • Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons from Babel • Dirt And Roses by Rise Against from Avengers Assemble • Marked Man by Mieka Pauley from The Science of Making Choices • If I Had A Heart by Fever Ray from Fever Ray • I Think I Smell A Rat by The White Stripes from White Blood Cells • Paranoid Android by Radiohead from OK Computer • Cool by Ansel Elgort & Mike Faist from West Side Story • That’s My Boy by Vast from Turquoise & Crimson
Ambrosia, The Blood of The Gods
“I’m Gonna Kill That Mario!”
Familia by Nicki Minaj, Angel AA & Bantu from Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse • Onward & Upward by Tommee Profitt & Fleurie from Gloria Regali • The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil from The Horror and the Wild • Breaking the Law by Judas Priest from British Steel • I’m Always Walking as Somebody Else from American Murder Song from Murder Ballads of 1816: The Year Without A Summer • The House Of The Dead by NADA5150 & Mr.Kitty from The House Of The Dead • Adore Me by StarKid Productions from Black Friday • Kill My Friends by gP. from Kill My Friends • 7 Rings by ChuggaBoom from 7 Rings • Heavy Rain by Youth Man from New Moons Vol.1 • Loki by The Mechanisms from The Bifrost Incident • Warflower by The Mayan Factor from In Lake Ch’ • Dead Butterflies by Architects from Meteor • Man or a Monster by Sam Tinnesz & Zayde Wolf from Man or a Monster • The Weeping Song by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds from The Good Son
The Bridge
“If We Really Were In Love You Wouldn’t Have Missed”
What Love Can Heartbreak Allow by Ben Caplan from Old Stock • The Wolf by PHILDEL from The Disappearance of the Girl • Animal Impulses by IAMX from The Unified Field • Don’t Make Me by MALINDA from Don’t Make Me • Shout by Tears for Fears from Songs From The Big Chair • Don’t Call Me Angel by Ariana Grander, Miley Cyrus & Lana Del Rey from Charlie’s Angels • Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless from Going to Hell • Castle by Halsey from BADLANDS • Mineshaft 2 by Dessa from Castor, the Twin • Die Anywhere Else by Julia Henderson & Lorenzo de Sequera from Dusk • A Death by an Unkindness from 4 Songs • Despedida by Antonio Pinto & Shakira from Love In The Time of Cholera • Daughter of the Sea by Sharm & Alison M. Sparrow from Daughter of The Sea • Jane Doe by Hail The Sun from Wake • Bag of Bones by Mitski from Lush • Girl Into Devil (I Belong to Me) by S.J. Tucker from Stolen Season
The Train
“We Could Burn It All Down”
Panacea For The Poison by Flobots from Survivor Story • Here Come the Ravens by Aviators from Dystopian Fiction • All Night Long by Peter Murphy from Love Hysteria • A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers from The Trick To Life • The Deep by PHILDEL from Wave Your Flags • Irish Hour by Saint Sister from Where I Should End • There Is Still Time by Lorn from The Maze to Nowhere • Happy by Mitski from Puberty 2 • Burned Out by dodie from Human • Where To Begin by Adam Watts from When a Heart Wakes Up • Hungry Like the Wolf by Hidden Citizens & Tim Halperin from Reawakenings • Dark Matter by Les Friction from Dark Matter • I Found by Amber Run from 5AM • The Hearse (Stripped) by Matt Maeson from Bank On The Funeral • The Wolf in Your Darkest Room by Matthew Mayfield from Recoil • The Devil Wears A Suit by Kate Miller-Heidke from Nightflight • Sinking Ship by CAKE from Sinking Ship • Lessons by SOHN from Tremors • Black Sun by Death Cab for Cutie from Black Sun • Die Today by The Txlips Band & Guitar Gabby from Queens of A New Age • Blood Moon by Saint Sister from Madrid • Cinder and Smoke by Iron & Wine from Our Endless Numbered Days • Girl With One Eye by Florence + The Machine from Lungs
The Apple
“Tell Them I’m Sorry, For I Have No Sorrow Left to Give”
The Wanting Comes In Waves/Repaid by The Decemberists from Hazards of Love • Conversations at the End of the World by Kishi Bashi from String Quartet Live • My Way by Chase Holfelder from Major to Minor Vol.2 • We Are Your Nightmares by Cast of Nevermore from Nevermore: The Imaginary Life & Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe • Oh Death by Noah Gunderson from Saints & Liars • The Coldest Goodbye by Mary Kate Wiles from Spies Are Forever • Cathedrals by Jump. Little Children from Magazine • Carry Me Out by Mitski from Bury Me At Makeout Creek • Ghosts With Heartbeats by Plastic Patina from Ghosts With Heartbeats • Blood by My Chemical Romance from The Black Parade
“The film is gone, the only proof thereof Upon a boot, a tag mark’d Goncharov...”
Quotes from the movie Goncharov (1973) provided through art by: @theshitpostcalligrapher @when-sanpape-arts @inthefallofasparrow @not-the-blue @cloudmancy
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sugarcryztal · 1 month
Hello! I would love to have a romantic mha matchup if that’s ok! With some nsfw headcanons if you have any ideas!!
I’m 22 years old, woman, I’m portuguese but fluent in english and my pronouns are she/her, I’m bi (with a preference for men). I have long black hair and green eyes (I wear glasses but I also go for contact lenses pretty often). I’m 5’2” and usually my style is black clothes tight shirts with a good amount of cleavage and either heels or platform shoes (mostly boots, military and more “put together”). I also am almost always with eyeliner on. I use a lot of jewellery, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, everything, especially hoop earrings and gold necklaces.
I am a very extroverted, friendly and outgoing, I usually get along with people really well when I first meet them. I’m very talkative and love to spend hours just hanging out and chatting with my friends. I am a giant flirt (I cannot stress this enough, seriously I do NOT shut up), I hit on everyone all the time and I tend to carry the bit as far as it goes. But I am also a very hardworking person, I’m super stubborn, competitive and ambitious and when I set my mind to something go absolutely nothing can stop me. Since I’m so outgoing I also tend to be very outspoken, I’m very assertive when need be and I don’t take shit from anyone. I can be very confrontational and when I’m stressed or upset (I’m a very stressed person, I’m always doing everything at once and more) I get pretty snappy and a bit mean (working on it don’t worry). But one thing I am is a ride or die once I’m close to someone I am the first to defend them no matter what and at all costs (me and my friends joke I’m a bitch but it’s just because I’m the most outspoken and loud person in the room I swear I’m only an asshole when pushed 💀)
I LOVE horror movies, video games, reading and just walking around. My favorite colors are red and black and they are kind of my signature at this point. I am also known for really liking cats (my own cat especially <3) and the stars. My favorite thing to do is just hanging out with my friends tho, preferably with some drinks involved, I love hosting parties and gathering people together for everyone to spend time with each other. My love language is definitely gift giving (I cannot control myself I will shower my partner in presents, it doesn’t have to be a special occasion I will pass by a store, see something they might like and oh look at that now it’s bought in a pretty bag with a giant red bow), and acts of service (I will grab you anything you need, water? Done, a tissue? On it darling). But when I’m hitting on someone pre-relationship I think I just go for all bases not gonna lie, I’m very attentive and not only do I actively flirt with them I also tend to use a lot of physical contact, LOTS of nicknames (I use no ones name, nuh-huh, at best a nickname but no one is safe for my “darling, babe, love, angel”, especially not a partner)
With all this in the bedroom I’m a lot more submissive (honestly it’s just all bark and no bite, I put a bit of a fight but I also like to do a good job, they just have to earn it first :)). I’m open to most things but I really like to be close during sex.
I hope this was good and I’m sorry if this was a bit of a mess, I’m not used to matchups but I figured better safe than sorry right? Hahahaha anyways thank you so much in advance! <333
i’m so sorry in advance i got a little silly writing this cause i haven’t slept in 2 days
warning: nsfw later on, reader discretion is advised.
Your match is . . .
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Fatgum !
⟡ Silly guy and the hot girl he pulled by being autistic /j
⟡ You guys are ray of sunshine x ray of sunshine.
⟡ You guys probably met at one of your parties and he instantly fell in love. How could he not when you’re so gorgeous?!
⟡ When he started crushing at first, he was actually a little insecure you wouldn’t like him because of his appearance. Cause he was built like a bowling ball fr… Jk he’s confident he’s lovable because it’s you! And you calling him all those sweet nicknames helps a lot.
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⟡ Okay I’m sorry that was mean of me to say, but I WAS SO SURPRISED AT HIS ACTUAL APPEARANCE?
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⟡ When you flirt with him his brain short circuits. You, a gorgeous wonderful woman, flirting with him? This had to be a dream right?
⟡ And if it was a dream he never wanted to wake up from it.
⟡ After a while of flirting, he gains confidence and starts to flirt back! Which might’ve accidentally caused some playful flirting war between you guys?
⟡ Might actually get a little possessive even if you guys aren’t dating. Like if you’re flirting with someone at a party he’ll quickly swoop in from behind, wrap his arms around your waist, and say something alone the lines of “What’cha doing there, Sweetheart?”
⟡ His voice during those moments unintentionally goes low and gravelly so give him a bit to switch back.
⟡ If you’re the type to host 7 minutes of heaven at your parties, that’s how he confesses to you.
⟡ To his surprise, he was lucky enough to get stuck with you in a closet in the first place!
⟡ When you guys were stuck in the closet, he was a little nervous at first because he thought it was such a childish way to confess, but he might as well get it over with! What’s the point of beating around the bush?
⟡ He just blurted it out, straight up was just like “I like you.”
⟡ A few moments of awkward silence go by and you admit you like him too <3!
⟡ Mission success! You guys are making out now and need more than 7 minutes.
⟡ When you guys start dating, expect to go on a lot of dinner dates. Because he’s a big foodie. Don’t worry about paying, it’s on him!
⟡ He would also love stargazing dates though. Just getting away from the busy city and laying next to you on a blanket underneath the stars.
⟡ Any date with you is a perfect date for him. The destination doesn’t matter to him as long as it’s with you.
⟡ He’s also very physically affectionate, his kisses are really soft and he treats you like you’re the most precious person in the world! And that’s because to him you are!
⟡ I don’t know if your cats are friendly or not, but he meets them eventually. It’s up to you how to envision that going!
⟡ You both are gift givers, he tends to see a lot of stuff and get reminded of you! He doesn’t really worry about money that much so you shouldn’t either.
⟡ Will also always accept your gifts! You could gift him a dead rat and he would take it to display on his shelf in his room!
⟡ For pet names I feel like he would use any of them on you, but his favorite is probably “babe”.
You and Fatgum quietly walked into the closet together, you were a little bit excited considering Fatgum was your crush.
However it was turning out more awkward than you expected… You tried to talk to him and make more conversation, but he was avoiding eye contact and giving one worded responses! Did he not like you? Was something wrong?
Before you could speak up. Fatgum said, “I like you.”
You sat there and for once had nothing to say besides a quiet, “What?”
“I like you.” Fatgum repeated again. “I’m in love with you. I love the way you talk to others so easily and make them feel so comfortable, the way you adore each and every one of your friends, and I want to be your favorite boy.” It was silent again for a moment.
Fatgum was getting nervous and he was about to take it back until you said, “I like you too.”
He blushed at those words. Now was the time you both had realized how close your faces were together. Before you could comment on it, you felt lips pressed against yours.
Tonight was a beautiful night.
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⟡ Holds you close while fucking you.
⟡ He actually also doesn’t really talk while doing it either? If you ask him why it’s because he’s lost in your warmth.
⟡ His favorite position is missionary and I know that’s basic, but he feels closest to you like that!
⟡ Also makes out with you a lot during it, he just wants to be impossibly closer to you!
⟡ Uhhhh he MIGHT be whipped for you!
⟡ Like seriously I think he lowkey worships you.
⟡ Also if you’re into it, he’s a certified eater. Eats it like it’s a fine dining three course meal! <3
⟡ Loves how you get all submissive because now he knows how to get you to settle down after a long night of partying!
⟡ Also, quickies if you’re into that. He gets all whiny and desperate for you, saying stuff like “Just the tip please!” and it never ends up because yours just so amazing!
“Just the tip honey, please?” is what your boyfriend was begging you just a couple hours ago. How long had it been? You didn’t know. How many times had you came? You had not a clue. But he was still going!
You were pressed against the bed, your legs wrapped around his waist to keep him close as he fucked you into the sheets. “Thank you so much baby, feels so good… Thank you!” He shamelessly moaned into your ear.
He felt your hands scratching at his back and he moaned, he buried his face in the crook of your neck, littering kisses and bites. Your skin was so delicious. Better than any dish he had from any Michelin star restaurant.
You were no better, whining for him to continue. Which only egged him on to continue plowing into you until you couldn’t walk the next day! 😵‍💫
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Finally, a more important character in the AU. I just randomly come up with ideas as I go, there's no rhyme or reason to which character I decide to focus on. Now here's the one that insists on being Greg's "dad", folks. By the way:
TW: bugs, body horror
His disguise often wears his missionary outfit and he frequently has his “leather”-bound Book of Mormon in his hands as his prop. ‘Utah’’s eyes are black, soulless, and have an almost fuzzy quality like compound eyes rather than normal human irises. He tends to keep a little easygoing smile on his face. To Greg, it looks anything but warm.
The book actually does have text in it, but it’s a summary of its contents compared to the real thing. The edges of the pages are a bit uneven and ratty, as if termites had taken nibbles out of it.
‘Utah’ has never shown his true form to Greg. In fact, he seems to try and keep his image as “human” as possible around him. However, ‘Utah’’s true form can be simply described as a “giant living hive.”
Instead of direct action, ‘Utah’ houses a countless number of various eusocial insects within his body that, through their hivemind, will do whatever he needs.
These insects include his version of ants, bees, wasps, and other insects found in order Hymenoptera and specifically suborder Apocrita. Termites can also show up, even though they aren’t part of the order.
Instead of being distinctly different species, they look more like different castes of one species. They also have a sophisticated division of labor similar to real eusocial insects.
The faint and muffled sound of buzzing will always be present when you put an ear up to him.
If he gets injured in some way that would usually expose flesh, that is instead replaced with honeycomb, various tunnels, and is packed to the brim with bugs. ‘Utah’ doesn’t bleed. As for why something like honey doesn’t leak out, that’s because honey isn’t what they eat.
‘Utah’ rarely ever shifts fully back into his true form, opting instead to partially transform by opening a myriad of holes on his disguise to let his insects exit his body. 
His true self will set off entomophobic and trypophobic people, obviously.
As said previously, ‘Utah’ is likely trying to become a father figure for Greg to show how caring and fatherly his character is. ‘Utah’ has also shown many motherly traits from being a “single dad.” He’s been slowly phasing out Illithiya and his six kids as character traits and focusing on showing instead of telling.
Before each “recording session”, even if ‘Utah’ won’t be there, he’ll still brush Greg’s hair and straighten up his clothes to make sure he looks his best.
He’ll shave Greg’s facial hair and trim his hair for him, despite Greg being twenty-one and fully capable of doing that himself. 
When Greg goes through another traumatic experience, ‘Utah’ will be the first to comfort him if he’s present. He won’t allow anyone else to even come close and do the same.
‘Utah’ gives Almond Water to Greg only as a last resort, as it seems like he wants to comfort and calm Greg down through the virtue of his own fatherly love rather than using the easy way out.
He infantilizes Greg and very much has a “Father knows best” attitude that his new son doesn’t have the stomach to disobey.
Greg didn’t ask for any of this. ‘Utah’ just sort of asserted himself into the role and assumed that the human would start to love him like a parent. Of course, ‘Utah’ is not his dad, and ‘Utah’ will never be his dad.
Whenever ‘Utah’ tries to give him a gift, Greg can usually immediately tell if it’s a body-made creation due to smelling the honey-scented pheromone that the object is drenched in.
Contrary to a lot of fanon depictions of Greg, he actually has a loving mom and dad in this AU. No settling down with a nice new found family here, Greg still has something to go back to (if he ever does).
One could only imagine what would happen if ‘Utah’ somehow wormed his way into reality and found Greg’s real parents.
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itsbenedict · 2 years
The Bird's-Eye View
Tuesday, 3 Greening, PB 273
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MURDER IN PARADISE! Corolos Vampire Conspiracy Unveiled
by Verda Glye
Arrivals from the Bay of Uneasy Repose were delayed by over twelve hours yesterday, sending the whole harbor district into an uproar. Families were terrified that their loved ones had fallen prey to some beast from the deep- but all expected arrivals made it to harbor safe and sound later that evening. The cause of the delay was no monster- at least, no monster from deep below the waves.
The shipping delays were caused by a blockade on the part of Corolos's local ecumenical enforcers- no ships were allowed to leave the harbor for most of the day. The intent of the blockade was to prevent the escape of a murderer while Andra representatives investigated. And what did they find…?
An army of vampires had infiltrated the island paradise! Multiple vampires were brought in for questioning, some of whom- including, shockingly, the face of popular tequila brand Cabana Jim's Island Time- were killed while resisting arrest. The perpetrator who'd committed the murder was brought to justice, but sources who attended the trial confirm that dozens of other vampires exposed during the investigation are still at large, and authorities have yet to bring them all in.
"The Corolos authorities are incompetent," local merchant Eugot Dolmir stated in an interview. "My cargo was held up for hours while donut-munching acolytes tried and failed to contain […] a vampire plague." When asked whether he felt the situation would be handled, Dolmir replied "[…] I don't feel safe at all."
Ileron Lowbough, proprietor of the Sky Hotel, had this to say: "This just goes to show that the best vacation spots are close to home. There are plenty of upscale resort destinations right here in Thunderbrush with world-class amenities- which aren't secretly controlled by blood-sucking monsters. You can't rely on foreign authorities to keep you safe- but that doesn't mean you need to give up on luxury."
Travel to Corolos isn't recommended for the time being, but luckily, there's a ray of hope: medical magic has advanced in leaps and bounds, and a cure for vampirism has recently been discovered by a student at TMU under the sponsorship of the Lady Noeru de la Surplus, elven defense attorney. Lady de la Surplus told the View: "The process is replicable in vampires and thralls alike, and excises vampiric bloodthirst and its related compulsions entirely. To call it a medical marvel is no exaggeration whatsoever."
These advances aren't limited to vampirism- all sorts of curses and dark magic may soon be treatable with these advances. Those interested in learning more can ask for the Lady de la Surplus or LuSleeve at TMU.
Maybe someday, the resorts of Corolos will be safe to visit again. In the meantime, keep an eye on your neck!
SECRETS OF THE DEEP: Bishop Seko Unveils New Immersible Carriage
DIGGING TOO GREEDILY: Nightmares Unleashed By Welcoming Trails
A FOREGONE CONCLUSION: Blacksky Iron Hounds To Be Crushed By Darts In Semifinals
SECRETS OF THE DEEP: Bishop Seko Unveils New Immersible Carriage
by Essa Squall
The local Temple of Andra has long been interested in piercing the depths of the ocean and mapping the ocean floor, where horrors like Krakalackie lurk. Until now, even trained innskin divers have been unable to sink below the Asymptote, but the local bishop believes that he's finally devised a solution.
Currently on display in the temple is the Ocean's Needle, a machine meant to carry divers beyond the point where water pressure becomes too great for any normal swimmer to surpass. Resembling a giant silver carrot, the machine is hollow, and multiple people can fit inside on their hands and knees.
Get ready for a toasty voyage, though- a cutting-edge thermomantic furnace is attached to the back, which provides wind without a sail by boiling water to turn a propeller. You may have seen similar devices on armored steam-ships- but now the same process can work entirely underwater!
"The real breakthrough is the runework," Bishop Seko told the View. "Our understanding of hydrodynamics tells us that the Asymptote […] shouldn't […] occur as high as it does, and that it ought to vary with the weight of the sinking object. We're now […] positive […] that the Asymptote is of divine origin, and that it should respond to motumancy. The runework on the hull contains the most effective motumantic disruption arrays yet discovered. If anything yet made by mortal hands can pierce the Asymptote, this is it."
Bishop Seko is soliciting volunteers for the voyage. If you're confident you can do groundbreaking scientific work in the depths of the bay, and feel like having the Ecumene of Understanding indebted to you… now might be your chance!
DIGGING TOO GREEDILY: Nightmares Unleashed By Welcoming Trails
by Perigee Down
Carsh Dolmir and her clan are at it again! The dubiously-legal mining operation scarring our city has once again dug too deep, unleashing monsters from the bowels of the earth. Following a cave-in that sources say was most likely caused by hasty and unethical mining practices, horrors once sealed away have been unleashed upon the surface by the negligence of our city's subterranean parasites.
The incident occurred just prior to 7:20pm last night, when a group of miners- or should we say whiners- came scrambling up the unsightly emergency netting from the deeper reaches of the mines, followed by pulsating masses of shifting goo bent on devouring everything in sight. Onlookers report the goo transforming into hideous shapes spotted in their nightmares, just before being dispatched by clerics from the local Temple of Ccorde.
Harmony Field Inspector Sunbie Goodharvest had this to say: "The creatures discovered in the mines pose a […] threat to the safety of local residents. Our specialists had […] trouble handling the incursion, and we […] come to the conclusion that panic is warranted. We will continue doing our best to maintain natural equilibrium in this city."
Tonnera Mighty, despite her stated opposition to Carsh Dolmir's disruptive mining activities, refuses to take action against the perpetrators. Despite the smoke and fumes that rise from the pit and cause the children of canopy to cough and coke, despite the unholy monsters that use the wound in the Jewel to escape and rampage through her city, and despite the ongoing damage the miners do to her root system every day… Tonnera Mighty still sits idly while Carsh Dolmir cuts deeper and deeper into her foundation and ours.
A public protest is scheduled for tomorrow at 5pm. All concerned citizens are encouraged to attend and make their voices heard by the Mighty.
A FOREGONE CONCLUSION: Blacksky Iron Hounds To Be Crushed By Darts In Semifinals
by Thunder Vanderhuge
The Global Warball League semifinals are almost upon us! And you know what that means: once again, our proud athletes from Thunderbrush Metropolitan University are going to pound the competition into the ground! With an undefeated record in the qualifiers and a bracket victory against the Rimehold Flareblooms, the Darts are unstoppable this season! Their next opponent, the Blacksky Iron Hounds, only won two of their qualifying matches, and their only bracket victory was against those pansies from the Kanzendaigaku Senshi.
We asked Darts coach Chunk Redscratch what he thought of the upcoming matchup:
"The Iron Hounds are toast, my friend! We've got a killer lineup this year- and what's more, the Blooms rolled over and died so quick we never had to field our reserve player! He's gonna be a nasty surprise for the Iron Hounds- if they even get the chance to see him take the field. And how's that gonna happen, with [Darts sniper Bolt Vanderhuge] pickin' em all off before they even get close? There's no way any team can survive what we're throwin' at 'em, plain and simple."
We reached out to team captain Dart Inocencio for his input. "We will win," he said with complete confidence. Inocencio declined further comment.
What we know about Blacksky's previous performance doesn't give us much cause to worry. Their match against the Senshi forced them to field their reserve player, and frankly, we're not impressed. Their "Alpha Doomhound" is your standard bruiser- clearly packs a punch, but we punch harder- and spectators agree that a monster like that isn't going to be able to fill in for any of the support roles, giving Punt and Bolt some obvious priority targets. What's more, rumors are swirling that the Alpha Doomhound is out of commission following the accident that rendered the Blacksky warball field unusable- meaning the Iron Hounds might not even be able to field a reserve player!
Once the Iron Hounds get stomped into the dirt, we'll be up against whichever of the Saberward Kings and the Divine Arcology Radiants wins their grudge match in Serene Peace- both teams have a reputation for fighting dirty, so the outcome there is hard to call. Either way, though, the Darts are undefeatable this year- we're not worried.
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layanalaya · 2 months
Anime List
I might be wrong regarding the demographic/category, but I tried my best. I didn't put an appreciation on everything. Please do your own research too before watching something.
Blue Eye Samurai
Castlevania (racism ?)
The Wicther
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes (It was funny with a lot of childhood references)
Blades of the Gardians
Heaven Official’s Blessing (✅)
Mignon (🌶️ 18+😏✅)
Japanese anime
Black Comedy
Akiba Maid War (I still don't what to thing about this one, but it was kinda funny ? 🩸🔪🤔)
Buddy Daddies ☺️✅
Dark Fantasy
Garo : The Animation
Angel Beats!
Child of The Kamiari Month (✅)
Inu-Oh (Idk what to say about this one)
Ookami Kodomo no Ame Yuki (✅✅😭)
Touken Ranbu : Hanamaru 
Touken Ranbu : Hanamaru 2
Violet Evergarden (✅)
Violet Evergarden : The Movie (✅🥹)
Blood-C : The Last Dark (✅)
Corpse Party
Hellsing (✅)
Kangoku Jikken
Satsuriku no Tenshi
Given (✅)
Given the Movie (✅)
Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom (✅)
Hakuoki : Wild dance of Tokyo
Kamigami no Asobi
Kids on the Slope (✅)
Josee, the tiger and the Fish (✅)
Orenchi no Furo Jijo
Paradise Kiss (✅)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague (✅)
Uta no Prince-sama (I used to LOVE watching it. I upgrew it but the 1000% LOVE song is still a hit idc.)
Music / Idol
Uta no Prince-Sama S1&S2 (There is more seasons but I didn't watch everything)
Rascal Does Not Dream About Bunny Senpai (I liked it but I didn't LOVE it. The ending song is fire though)
When Marnie Was There (✅)
Zankyou no Terror
B : The Beginning (✅)
Cyberpunk : Edgerunners (✅)
Darker Than Black (✅)
Frankenstein Family
Psycho-Pass (✅)
Psycho-Pass : Sinner of the System (✅)
Psycho-Pass : The Movie (✅)
Time of Eve
Beautiful Bones - Sakurako’s Investigation (✅)
Blue Giant
Blue Period (✅)
Bungou Stray Dogs S1-S4 (✅)
Bungou Stray Dogs : Dead Apple (✅)
City Hunter
Death Parade (✅)
Devil’s Line
Elfen Lied (✅)
Gangsta (✅✅)
Grand Blue Dreaming (❌ Didn't finish it, I had a hard time watching it)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures : Rohan Kishibe
Magica Somera-chan
Monster (✅✅)
My Dress-Up Darling (✅ Marin is the love of my life. I love this girl so much)
No Game no Life (😕I find the brother-sister dynamic fantasy annoying)
Oshi No Ko
Sirius the Jaeger
Thermae Romae
Tokyo Ghoul
Vinland Saga S1-S2 (✅ Loved S1 but S2 wasn't really what I expected, I wanted to see more about Thorfinn as a youngster)
After the Rain (😕 the age gap really made me uncomfortable but it's not bad at all !!)
Akagami no Shirayukihime (✅)
Ao Haru Ride (✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ I LOVE THIS ONE WITH ALL MY HEART. CHILDHOOD LOVE ??? LOVE IT. THE TENSION AND THE DRAMA ??? DELICIOUS. THE OSTS ???? It's the first I watched so it has a special place in my heart.)
Bubbles (✅)
Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru (☺️ very cute)
Clannad (❌... I really didn't like this one and I know some people might be hate but it BORED the sh*t out of me and I don't plan on trying to give it a try EVER again)
Diabolik Lovers (Not my favorite one but I used to secretly love it even though I never wanted to admit it 😳)
From Up on Poppy Hill
Fruit Basket S1, S2, S3 et prelude (☺️ I never thought I would like it but Kyo and Tohru made me so soft 🥹)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
HAL (🥹)
Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light (🥹)
Kaichou Wa Maid-same (✅✅✅✅✅ Like Ao Haru Ride, it was one of the first shoujo have watched so it had a special place in my heart. DOUKA PLEASE CAN YOU MY SECURET ??? *start dancing*)
Kamisama Hajimemashita (✅✅✅ TOMOE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THAT B!TCH)
Kimi no Na Wa (✅ Do I need to say more?)
Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai / I want to eat your pancreas (🥹)
Lovely Complex
My Happy Mariage (✅ not the husband being the cutest green flag and standing up for his wife)
My Love Story with Yamada-kun (✅✅✅✅✅ THERE ARE SO CUTE and I swear to God idk why but Yamada feels like Shu Yamino to me)
My New Boss Is Goofy
Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ouji (😶 I don't need to add more)
Orange (🥹)
Ore Monogatari!! (☺️)
Ouran High School Club (Fujioka our Queen)
Suki tte Ii na yo (I would recommend it but idk... It's not my favourite but the couple is very cute !)
The Apothecary Diaries (✅✅ I LOVE THEM AND THE 1st OP IS MY MANTRA)
The Garden of Words (😕 again age gap and teacher-student relationships are not my favourite tropes)
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion
A Silent Voice (✅🥹)
Akame ga KILL!
Assasination Classroom (✅ When everyone started to sing together ? 🥹)
Attack on Titan S1&S3
Baki (I didn't manage to finish it but I tried)
Ballroom e Youkosu (✅)
Black Lagoon (Revy 😳)
Blue Exorcist
Blue Lock (✅)
Boku no Hero Academia S1-S6 (✅)
Chainsaw Man
Cowboy Bepop
Death Note (✅✅✅)
Dororo (✅)
Great Pretenders
Haikyuu S1 - S3 (✅✅)
Hells’s Paradise (✅)
Hunter X Hunter 2011 (✅✅✅)
Jujutsu Kaisen (✅✅✅)
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (✅✅🥹)
Kabaneri of The Iron Forteress
Kakegurui S1&S2 (✅)
Kimetsu no Yaiba S1 -S3
Kuroshitsuji (✅✅✅✅ Sebastian)
Kuroshitsuji : Book of Circus (Sebastian 😳)
Kuroshitsuji : Book of Murder
Kuroshitsuji : Book of the Atlantic (✅✅✅✅✅ Undertaker)
Masamune-kun no Revenge 
Mirai Nikki
Noblesse (✅ The anime adaptation is awesome but read the webtoon too)
Noragami (✅✅)
Noragami Aragoto
O Maidens in Your Savage Season (😶)
One Piece (✅✅✅✅✅✅)
One Piece Gold
One Piece Stampede
One Piece Strong World
One Piece Z
One Punch Man
Owari no Seraph
Sankarea (❌😶)
Shinning Hearts (😂 I call this anime 'The Guy who Loves Making Bread)
Spy x Family S1 & S2 (✅ Waku Waku !)
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten
The Case Study of Vanitas S1 & S2 (✅🧛😏)
Tokyo Revengers S1-S2 (✅)
Ultramarine Magmel
Your Lie in April (I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. But I know a lot of people who genuinely loved it, so try it !!!)
Yuukoku no Moriarty S1 & S2 (✅)
No.6 (✅)
Psychic Force
Free! : Dive to The Future
Free! : Eternal Summer
Free! : Iwatobi Swim
Banana Fish (✅✅✅😭)
Doukyuusei (✅☺️😳)
Dramatical Murder (😳🌶️)
Hitorijime My Hero
Junjo Romantica (😶😳🌶️)
Love Stage!! (✅😳🌶️)
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (😶😳🌶️)
Super Lovers (😶😶😶 I was the same age as Ren when I watched it so I didn't really see the problem... Now that I'm an adult 😬)
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highladderbed · 7 months
Here's another story that I loved dearly. The title is in the tags. Already made a couple of posts around this.
Was he dead, he hoped not. He was still breathing even though his organs and limbs were sliced in some places. His soul was still inside him, that’s a good sign. No, no wait he left. Sigh. Where is he? If they were still here that means he should be here as well.
Maybe he reincarnated into a different person, maybe he ascended into a higher plane, maybe-
Hmph mph Mph! The muffled sound was coming from the water thermos he keeps in his bag.
“Or he was hiding in a bottle like a genie.” He thought.
Now this wasn’t his first time opening a bottle with one hand. Easily his disembodied left arm twisted open making the voice inside clearer to hear.
“W-w-who are you?” he slurred
Trying his best to make the situation sound normal, he replied confidently “This may be confusing but we’re the same person in multiple places. In the meantime, I want to be called Mundie.” His voice, the voice the bottle is hearing from the body, sounded so much younger compared to how it was this morning as if he was in his 20s. Whilst his voice sounded just as it was currently.
“H-how can that be? H-h-how are we both alive at once?” The bottle vibrates in his hand with each word. Unable to bend to the horrors it’s confronted with.
“I!…. Unfortunately. Don't know either. .” He giggled in nervousness. Even by being awake for much longer, it wasn’t enough time for Mundie to be able to answer a question like that yet.
Somehow the bottle was able to look to the otherside of the small room to see a monster or ghoul sitting on one of the chairs. They looked to be a giant vine coiled up like a snake with each inch covered in marbled eyes masquerading as flowers with his right hand on the end using his phone. Not paying attention to either one of them.
“Mundie, do you know who’s that?” the bottle began panicking feeling like his non-existent heart was beating way too fast.
The none subtle yelling made the creature leave from the chair and move towards them like a snail. They removed the hand it was using, revealing spiky dark green claws underneath. Grabbing the already fearful consciousness and shaking it around in skepticism. They then put it back in Mundie’s left hand, talking to Mundie in high pitched, repetitive “Kee-kees.” Mundie was able to understand it all. Replying to him perfectly, clearly about the new member. After their talk Mundie introduced the bottle to Bud. Another “guy” who woke up here like the two of them.
Thinking this could be a good distraction to their scenario. Since he couldn’t understand Bud, he asked Mundie if Bud told him whose ghost he was.
Mundie's face turned sour again. He turned his head to where he could hear the voice and told him that Bud claims to be Esmond as well.
If the bottle had any doubts Mundie explained to him that while he was not here. He and Bud had a great talk and knew all the things he knew. Which means they’re telling the truth.
Once done they went silent to hear what the bottle had to say who did the same thing. Bud tapped it a couple of times asking Mundie if he was okay? Mundie reassures them that he’s sure he is.
Suddenly his hand was met with sudden retaliation through fast pace shaking. That made his hand let go and the bottle slam through the wall. Then like a bazooka something explodes out of it. Leaving a huge crack on the ceiling. Making Bud and Mundie jump in place as loud groans escaped its container.
The 3rd entity with no name as of yet. Took this time to examine what he looks like. He was so caught up in the confusion. He didn’t even notice how taller he was or was he flying? Wait he couldn’t tell whether he was sitting or standing. He held the reflective bottle firmly to see the thing on the chair but not himself. He didn’t have the intention to let it go but it ended up dropping to the smooth wooden floor.
“What’s wrong?” the disembodied head asked.
“I-I-i h-ha-ha-ha have nobody.”
“Like you're invisible?”
“NO, I HAVE NO BODY!” he said, panicking.
“Wait for real! What the heck are we gonna do?
Despite no tangible form. He was still able to feel a hand rubbing his head to lower the pain. Maybe because he still has a strong memory of having one. Bud made an attempt to calm his brother down by rubbing shoulders. But can’t come in contact with any surface.
Nonetheless, whatever Bud was trying to comfort noticed his effort and hugged him tightly. Lifting him up the ground, startling Bud to emitting loud screams. Just as quickly the invisible force put him down and apologized.
After some time to cool down. As well as, the bottle agreeing to name himself Flask.
Bud sitting on the bed, asked Mundie why he was only thinking about them being stuck in unalterable forms now? He explained he was hoping that one of them could take a perfect form of Esmond but knows otherwise. With him and Bud not having any shape shifting abilities and the bottle while showing signs of size shifting can’t come up with anything visible. Bud jokingly tells him that this means that none of them can take the original identity then. Which in his eyes is a good thing.
Beyond the bed, you nor he can’t see it but Flask was imagining himself pacing left to right in a contemplating gesture. “How do we explain this to Omar?”
“About what?” Bud chimed in.
“About me being 3 different kinds of freaks, people have a hard time just being one.” The head snapped back.
Bud typed something on his phone and made a gesture to Flask take it.
With his non-existent hand, he complied and read aloud the text. “Let’s just leave.”
“No Bud, we’re not like Kyle. We can’t just ghost him.”
This made Bud stand back but not out of intimidation. He held Mundie's shoulders to tell him some words to translate. When he was done listening, his almost human counterpart sincerely asked “Alright, Flask while I side with him. Bud thinks what you’re doing is very noble especially since you’re a being who can just leave here undetected. But will you be ready to see his reaction?”
“It’s the right thing to do.” He tapped the screen and no reaction happened. Then realized he can’t control the phone without fingerprints so he asked Bud to call him. When he pressed accept he gave the phone back to him
“Hi Esmy are you coming home soon?” Omar began. Esmond groaned a bit trying to be natural. “Um yeah about that I accidentally injured myself in the last room I was cleaning.”
“Oh dear, how bad is it?”
“Really bad, like a broken ankle I can’t stand at all. Could you come to room 41 and help me go downstairs?”
“Okay I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Beep. In silence Esmond dropped the phone but Bud catched it. “This is the first time I’m so angry, we work near home.” his body said.
10 minutes later as promised. Omar entered the room to Esmond in one piece. Waiting patiently on the bed and brightening up when he heard him come in. He looked to see how bad his ankle was. He raised his feet to see one of them was red and swollen. “Oof! That looks really bad, we should go home to apply painkillers.”
“I agree, let’s go now?”
“Um Esmond.”
“Yes Darling.”
“Why do you have your hat under your eyes?”
“Why are you worried about that?”
“Because you’ll bump into things if you can’t see anything.”
Esmond put up no fight when his hat was taken off. Revealing his pupiless eyes.
Omar gasped in worry as he put his hands upon his cheeks to examine them better. “Why are they white? Did you accidentally hit something hard?”
“No it’s nothing serious, I just got blind.”
“Esmond, that is serious! Did you accidentally hit something hard?”
“I was just- I was just- I- I” Esmond began to stutter as he wasn’t used to the new pressure yet. Pop! His head went revealing Bud inside, holding him together like a puppet. If Omar hadn’t held his head firmly he would’ve been knocked out by it. Instead he got to see 8 eyes look in different directions then straight at him. In pure instinct he pushed his head down like a Jack in the box leaving only a huge scar. Once reseted Esmond just breathed deeply holding Omar’s arm, upset that the act was already up. His ankle stopped swelling and turned back to light peach.
“Sorry we didn’t plan on revealing it now,” he murmured. His eyes looked dead set in his “Why aren’t you leaving in fear?” Omar was terrified but asked “What will happen to you if I do?” He didn’t respond, his face just stayed dead cold. “How long have you been like this?” He said in a calm yet sad tone. “As far as I know 3 hours.”
“Do you know how this happened?”
Esmond tried to think back through the day but couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary “No, just got a headache, blacked out and fainted on this bed.” In defeat he let his head sink into his hands and hung his on Omar’s forearms.
It was like that for a few minutes. He was terrified of what’s gonna happen next. Then to his surprise he felt a kiss upon his lips. “If you think that extra eyes would stop me from loving you then you’re sadly mistaken.”
The man was confused and had so many things that couldn’t get through. He just blurted out “Why! This isn’t normal at all! I could’ve bitten off your head!”
Omar just told him “Esmy, if you weren’t you, you could’ve bitten off my head the moment I laid into this room.”
He continued “If you didn’t wait for me here and just eloped like that. I would’ve tried my best to move on. Finding someone new would take awhile for me to do so but whether that'll happen I’ll try to find ways to heal. But now I don’t know how I’ll recover knowing that you’re out there forever in hiding because I rejected what could be still a relationship built on many years of love. You’re too good of a husband to run away from and I want to help with whatever it is you’re dealing with.”
Sniff Esmond released his head from his grasp and held them tightly instead kissing them softly upon his lips. He could hear Bud inside of him resisting the urge to cry. “Amor, I feel so lucky to have you as a husband as well. I honestly wanted to leave because I didn’t want you to be repulsed by my new condition. But you accepted it just like that, no need to think it over. Which is nice to hear because there’s one more thing you need to know.”
He gave him the bottle he was hiding behind him. It felt heavy, the content inside didn’t sound like liquid and the cap was sealed tight. He’s still accepting his new situation but that ain’t gonna stop him from being cautious. Slowly he opened it and hoped for the best. He looked inside to see it was empty. “Phew no organs.” he thought. “Then how does it weigh this much then?”
“Hi Sulit.” He heard a voice said shyly. Without hesitation he screamed and threw it at Esmond. “Woah be careful.” The bottle bounced a bit before he was able to get a good hold of it.
“Sorry I didn’t know how strange this was gonna get.”
“No worries like I said, none of this is normal. Just tell him when you’re ready.”
Handing him the bottle again. Omar tried this time to be calmer “Hey Esmond.”
They waited for a response.
Again they waited.
It didn’t answer, just became lighter.
“Did…Did he just leave?” Omar asked, clearly distraught. “Did I just push him away?”
Bud confirmed to Esmond that it was written all over his face.
“No it’s not you. I’m sure he just can’t think of anything right now. He’ll come back in no time” he promised. He took the bottle and put it back in his bag.
They both agreed that the next best thing to do was go home already. All of this was too confusing to resolve in a public space. They thought that just knowing the tropes would make this easier to understand but they were wrong.
It wasn’t hard to sneak out of the building without being detected. It was small and had few visitors. The only person they had to look out for was the one in charge of customer service who was busy on their phone. They got into the car and drove back home. 15 minutes later. They were sitting side by side at the coach with the bottle on the coffee table in front of them. Esmond was able to explain everything more clearly now that they were in a safe space.
“So if both you and Bud are both sentient, does it feel uncomfortable when he’s inside you?”
“No it’s like wearing clothes, you can certainly feel when you put them on, but over time you forget they’re there. Until Bud starts talking to me or when I look in the mirror because he’s the only thing I could see.”
“Why does he look like that?” Omar asked, worrying if it came off as malicious.
Mundie just shrugged it off as a symbolic thing with Bud making a gesture that he agrees.
Falling apart again without someone to hold him together he just lay still on the coach before him. While Bud just does whatever he does. He even made Iced Cocoa. Which tasted good. But Esmond couldn’t have one or it’ll spill. Seeing him like this, he asked
“Are you upset that you’re stuck inside the body?”
“Under his cap he murmured “No, why would I be? On the contrary, I like to think I’m a winner in some sort of game. One of the advantages of being an optimist.”
“Well, you can’t really do anything by yourself.”
“True but someone has to steer this thing, otherwise you wouldn’t know I was okay. I mean imagine walking up to a corpse moving like a puppet. I would’ve slammed myself with the nearest thing at the 1st glance.”
“In your situation, it’s technically not a hypothetical.”
They did all they could to entertain themselves but both men became overcome with a strong sense of fatigue. Staying up in late hours was supposed to come easy. Esmond was the 1st one to give in. Before Omar followed along, he made Bud promise to wake him up when he arrived so he could apologize. Bud responded with an appropriate Kee- Kee. He raised the blanket to their necks and witnessed him succumb to the dark. He took his spot on one of the chairs as before. Deciding to read a book to entertain himself. He was intending to keep that promise, he really was. Until someone arrived to give him the bad news.
A sound of a man taking a huge breath of air after being underwater for so long echoed inside the bottle. It swerved and shaked, crashing to the ground with a huge bang. Whatever was inside was crawling like a snake. Towards the bed, it disregarded the man with his face and levitated Omar into his “arms.” His back was hurting because he was too big for the room. But that didn’t matter to him. He just wanted someone to embrace “Sorry I left so suddenly, it all happened so fast. I-I was so many things then I became bigger than the galaxy. It was painful trying to shrink. But now I’m back… Omar? Omar!” The man in his hands hasn’t responded since he returned. He felt this was some form of karma. He shook him around but it didn’t change his lifeless expression. He nudged the other guy sleeping in hopes he can explain what’s wrong. Mundie sat up, not looking at him.
“I’m afraid neither of them can hear us now.”
He lifted his head off like a mask revealing it was Bud talking in his place.
“Bud? How can I understand what you’re saying”
“I’m stringing Mundie’s vocals like a guitar to make clear sentences.” Bud replied with such a blank expression, focusing on their lifeless companion.
While impressed, he asked “Do you know why they aren’t waking up?”
That was when Bud looked at him sorrowfully.
“Because it’s time to decide how you want to die.”
“What! I just came back! I don’t even know how this happened in the first place.”
“Alcohol poisoning, a friend gave you a foreign brand called Everclear and dared you to drink it in seconds. You won 3000 pesos but blacked out and died in your sleep. That is when Death came. They informed me, we begged Death itself so persistently that it was willing to bring us back but for the price of your choice. They were just so annoyed by the many years of begging that they took it out on us.
Flask couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted for not remembering all of that. The drink must have done such a number on him. “Fine. What are they?”
Bud leaned on the headboard.
“The 1st choice is that you continue to live like this and since we’re both just made to be vessels. We won’t have a purpose and cease to exist. The 2nd choice is you come along with me so we can continue to live our life normally as intended. It doesn’t equal fixing our curse but at least we’ll still have moments to just be one person. I personally go with the 1st one.”
“You just said that you’d stop existing! Why would you want me to do that?”
“I’m thinking of what will benefit you, not me. If you choose to live your normal life then our 2nd death can’t be bargained with. Would it even be a usual one or one specifically made for us? But right now you’re just a thought. A thought that can become something greater. While we will crumble into nothing. You have a chance to become more powerful than you are. Even a new form, free from the thermos. Vital information, that’ll be cruel of me to hide from you. Along with going to places we could never go to because we don’t have the money. I think it’s a good deal.”
“I can’t lie, it does sound that way. But that doesn’t answer why you’re so calm about it.”
“I’m not actually, I'm just trying to numb myself in case you do choose that. I really want to continue existing even if it’s not in this form.” he admitted nervously.
It was a huge decision; they both know that. But it didn’t take long for him to answer.
“No matter what I choose neither of you can stop me right?”
“That’s correct.”
“Then I’m going with you.”
“Are you willing to face the regrets afterwards?”
“The powers are amazing but it’s really hard being someone who can’t predict what they will become. I want to face this hardship with the only two who can understand me and Omar who’ll try to understand us.”
“Very well.” Bud grabbed the bottle, he left a gift behind and closed the gap. Their last words respectively were “Thank you.” and “Don’t mention it.”
2 hours later. The alarm rang. Omar woke up to the dull light peeping through the curtains. He opened one of them to brighten the room a bit. He looked at his husband to see how he was. He only heard faint noises last night, not knowing what went down. He examined his neck to see that his scar was not as red as yesterday. The other scars were there too but his limbs didn’t detach. Failing to take his head off and no sign of the bottle, worried him. On his bedside table was Bud’s hand, in reality was a fingertrap. Impulsively he checked his eyes by opening the lids to see movement. Esmond instantly retaliated by screaming and holding his wrist. He looked at him with fully colored pupils again. Omar was rejoiced by this revelation. However he noticed his eyes trying to squint very hard to get a good view. He asked him “Can you only see black?”
“No, I can still see light and color but it’s all blurry.”
“Here try these on.”
He took off his thick glasses and placed them on him. Now he was the one who couldn’t see anything but he could tell that Esmond was overjoyed. He felt his face being grabbed on and closed in for a kiss.
0 notes
cottoncandyruby · 2 years
LtD.5 excerpt...
A teeny tiny excerpt from chapter 5 of LtD for those of y’all patiently waiting for the chapter to arrive in full - I promise, it will be up tomorrow, and thank you again for sticking with it 💚
I got derailed by mental health block, writers block and then (and this is only slightly hyperbolic), I was literally one bad decision away from being murdered last Sunday 🥲 I love horror movies but boy, I do not want to be in one, good gosh!
Anyways, semi-spoilery excerpt under the cut
“Okay, we need to get your jeans off.” He told Link, breathing hard. It was just gone eleven and Rhett was feeling tired now.
 Link grimaced, the water beating off of his chest was starting to sober him up and the discomfort was settling in.
"Do you want me to –“
Rhett sighed, “- I need to pull ‘em off. I think you’re gonna have to get on the bed, I need the leverage.” That wasn’t the word he was looking for, but his tiredness was rapidly escalating into exhaustion.
 “I’m still wet!” Link all but yelled, astonished by the suggestion.
 “I know that Link. We’ll put the towel down, get your jeans off and then you can shower properly.”
 “Okay.” Link had no energy to argue.
 Rhett turned off the shower and opened the door, dripping across the bathroom as he pulled the towelling gown off of the glass.
 He placed it onto the bed and Link hesitantly tiptoed out of the shower avoiding their soggy shirts. Rhett stood impatiently by the bed as Link wandered towards him.
 “Go on, lay down and I’ll pull.”  Rhett nodded towards the bed.
 Link sat down onto the towelling gown and slowly lowered himself till he was flat on his back. He’d forgotten about the ceiling mirror and closed his eyes immediately, not wanting to see the absolute mess he must’ve been.
Rhett stood at Link’s feet and removed his loafers. He glanced at Link whose eyes were firmly shut and puffed out another sigh. Link hadn’t even unzipped his jeans. Presumably, he expected Rhett to and was remarkably unbothered by the suggestiveness of the action.
Rhett wasn’t about to climb on top of Link to removes his jeans, so he took a hold of Link’s ankles and pulled him in one quick move so that his knees were at the edge of the bed.
Link yelped as he was manhandled and his eyes flew open, if it was Seb doing the manhandling, he might’ve called it hot, but it was Rhett so instead he griped at him, “Hey, go easy man.”
 “You didn’t even try to take ‘em off.”
 “Well, I didn’t do so well with ma buttons!” He retorted, raising his head up to glare at Rhett but he faltered when Rhett moved his legs apart with his knees to lean against the bed. Link flung his head back quickly to avoid looking at the giant looming over him as Rhett undid the top button of his jeans.
 Link’s eyes were about to squeeze shut when he caught sight of himself in the ceiling mirror and more importantly the back of Rhett’s body as he unzipped his jeans. If he squinted his eyes a little so he couldn’t see as well, then undressing him right now was a large, shirtless, slightly wet, long-haired man that could’ve been anyone other than his best friend who was currently very close to his nether regions. Was he getting hard?
 “Hey, I need you to hold onto your drawers, I don’t wanna pull them down too.” Rhett said, his hands hovering by Link’s hips.
 “What?” Link asked, sounding as if he was rising out of some kind of stupor.  
 Rhett simply raised his eyebrows at him, a weary expression on his face.
 “Oh, right.” Link lifted his hips and held onto the waistband of his boxers as Rhett shucked his jeans down his thighs. He was starting to feel cold now, he wished Rhett would hurry up.
 Rhett dad-grunted his way through relieving Link of his wet jeans, panting as he pulled the gathered fabric off of Link’s feet. “There! Now, get in that shower.”
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