#I love Sara she’s so clueless
sillystringedrat · 1 year
Episode 30 hit me like a TRUCK
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ruiniel · 10 months
Hey ho! Love you blog and writing so much!!! I wish I could write as well as you. They way you write Alucard is just magic ✨
I saw that you had asks open for Alucard and if it’s not too late I had a suggestion, maybe there’s one you might like?
Lisa never dies AU Alucard x Fem Human who’s come to study under Lisa. She’s already betrothed and there’s a lot of moral conflict on Adrian’s side as to whether he should confess to her. Reader is clueless but suffering as she feels her love for Alucard is unrequited. Could be smutty if you feel like it?
You're kind, we all have our interpretations, glad you enjoy mine enough to send an ask! Tried to incorporate most of what you wrote. Will be a longer one, here's what I have for Part I. Next part will have an Alucard POV.
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Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x fem!reader
Rating: T
Count: 2k
Tags & Warnings: Mutual pining, Romantic angst, Unresolved emotional tension, Second Person POV, Two people running from their feelings like their lives depend on it, for Reasons
I. Status quo
“Not yet. Wait five minutes longer.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you stammer, placing the beaker back in its place. The laboratory is silent today, with only you and Lisa and the clink of glass and hiss of flame. You’re working together, aiding the head physician of Belmont in an experiment she sustains will bring forth a new type of medicine that might revolutionize the treatment of infection. 
Lisa smiles, always patient, and you feel all the more clumsy, and in all honesty rather useless.
Your mind’s just not in it today, and the reasons? Well.
There is no reason, there shouldn’t be. You’re content. You have someone by your side, to spend a life together. Your fleeting life, the thought beckons.
You bury down the thought of his voice, the patience he poured into teaching you the basics before his mother took you under her wing. It matters little now. You’ll pass this apprenticeship and you’ll always find work, in any place, away from the agony that takes hold whenever you meet his eyes lately.  
“Are you all right?” your tutor asks, and you shake your head, annoyed at yourself. 
“Yes, I...”
“Drifted away, I know what that’s like all too well,” Lisa adds with a smile, her attention back to her working table. “After all, we’re only human, aren’t we?”
“Yes...” Only human. 
How stupid is it to think he would ever look at you that way? Your friendship at least endures, and he does not know. 
You bite the inside of your cheek at the voice, listening to the footsteps drawing near, the tread you’d recognize anywhere. 
“My dear?” Lisa asks.
Adrian pauses somewhere between your working stations. “I need a gauze and disinfectant. Sara fell during one of their usual games by the river and now sports a gash the size of Belmont’s ego.”
“Of course,” she turns to you. “Darling please will you show Adrian where we moved the supplies?”
You freeze, still with your back turned, wanting to appear busy. The dome is silent again, and the faraway laughter of children can be heard through the open windows.
He doesn’t say your name, merely waits as you face him, slowly. You’ve seen less and less of him in the past month, and you yearn to look. I have someone. Someone worthy. This would never work, him and I, even if he did... “This way,” you say, your manner betraying nothing as you disappear among the many stacked shelves of the laboratory storage area. You’ve had plenty of practice in that respect, after all.
You find the section hosting the necessary items and reach for the sliding stairs nearby while Adrian busies himself momentarily with an open tome lying on one of the tables.
“What are you doing?” comes the softly spoken question.
“I’m... retrieving what you asked for?” If there’s irritation in your tone, you can’t be bothered to hide it.
“That wasn’t necessary. After all, I could get them myself, without the use of—”
“Yes, I know, but now I’m already up here,” you say while struggling to reach for a roll of bandages.
“Careful!” Adrian warns, but your boot’s already slipped on the well-worn wood and for a second you feel the relentless pull of gravity, and your fall.
Next you know—
You’re held none-too-gently against Adrian, the grasp of his hold crushing your ribcage as you try to breathe. Without realizing you’re clutching at the folds of his loose cotton shirt, knuckles pressed into the bare skin below his collarbone. 
You dare not meet his eyes, struggling even as he places you on your feet, your heart a mess.
“I told you I can get them myself,” he says with due exasperation. His back is already turned, and he pushes the stairs aside, rising to the intended spot. 
You open your mouth to speak but can think of nothing to say that would be in any way useful. You should thank him, but decide against lingering. He seems to be in a strange mood today—better to retreat and so you do, finding your way back to the other side where his mother is still noting down proportions. Stiffly you walk, fingers curling against the imprint of familiar warmth at their tips. 
You wish it could be like before, between the two of you. Why does it feel like treason each time you meet his eyes, choking on your emotions like rags being forced down your throat? 
I shouldn’t be wasting time on this. 
And so you try to follow suit, heeding that sensible thought and smiling at Lisa as you reach her.
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Two weeks prior
Your legs dangle in the air as you sit on the stony battlement with your gaze cast towards the forest beyond, sunken in thought. This is a time of celebration, but the reminder only makes you quirk your mouth tiredly and with some amount of distaste. It is a chilly night, made colder by the harsh winds reaching from the West. You’d forgotten to take your cloak, and now hug yourself to warm your prickling skin. Below, the townsfolk are steeped in song, drink, and merriment. 
You sigh. At least there is peace to be had up here. You’d left needing solitude, and so disappeared from the eyesight of any who might wonder. As luck has it, your friends, trapped in their own wiles and enjoyment, had scarcely noticed your departure. Things were already animated in the groves surrounding the village, and voices raised in joyous song dimly reach you from afar. Even Adrian had been indulging in the fragrant honey wine offered for the occasion, despite his otherwise restrained manner.
You frown. Yes, Adrian. Your friend, your dearest friend, with his sunset gaze aglow from the bonfires, cast on you like melting gold, and burning just as much. 
You wonder at these rather trying new thoughts, and why in recent years such things come to your notice as they had not in the past. He always held to himself and seems utterly disinterested in matters of the heart. Tonight, however, he’d been no less than gallant and, from what you could tell, eagerly inclined towards conversation. 
You bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, lost in the shy moon rays peeking from torn clouds streaking the sky. You don’t know how much time had passed, and late realize someone approaches. You don’t turn to see who it is, not until you hear a shift of material, and breathe the scent you know too well. 
Adrian fluidly sits down by your side, leaning back with his palms propped against the stone.
Your heartbeat is ruthless, but still you do not turn. He’s so near you feel a few gilded strands touch your cheek as the winds blow them in this direction and that.
He follows the sight of that same moon, now layering a silvery grin over castle and forest. “I’ve never known one to flee a festivity so early.”
You snort. “Some of us tire faster.” Odd, you’d been joyful indeed and eager as the day began, and now a ragged mood confuses you more than anything. 
When you should be happy.
You feel warmth, and realize Adrian’s undone his coat, placing it around your shoulders, over your hunched form. 
You don’t move, do nothing to fasten the material around yourself, either. It has something of him warming you from head to toe. What you fail to place is the sweet ache as you drink in his scent, nearly sighing aloud. “What are you doing here?” 
Adrian looks your way, an eyebrow raised. “You disappeared. I wanted to see that you were well.”
“But how did you know it was me?” You don’t usually come here, and had deliberately avoided any of the places he knows you frequent. 
Adrian stares long at the moonlit sky. “I would know you anywhere.” His voice holds that same unflinching honesty, a simple truth for him.
Rather dizzy, your words still come bitten at the edges. “I’m fine. Of course. Now I believe your curiosity is satisfied?” 
A gentle hand is placed on your arm, but immediately withdrawn. Somehow, the gesture angers you. It shouldn’t. 
“...what’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” you stare away, into the black horizon. “Why would anything be wrong?”
Adrian says nothing, and a part of you hopes he’d leave you to your misery. The other hopes he doesn’t. 
“You’ve always been a terrible liar,” he tilts his head to look at you. 
You grumble something unintelligible. 
“That is good to know,” he teases, while reaching inside his tunic to retrieve an object. “This, also, was part of the reason I was searching for you.”
Now you truly wish he would go, but you cannot see your days without him for a while now, and worry over what Adrian would think if he knew.
“Will you sulk or look?”
Annoyed, you set your gaze on his palm; your eyes go wide. “What... is this?”
Adrian holds the pendant up for you to see better. “A gift, for the sulky one. Did you think I’d forgotten today was your birthday?”
You stare at the piece, shining with a light of its own. The chain is so slight one could barely tell it was there, and a small, round pendant of iridescent moonstone glows against his pale hand.
“You mean, for...” Words fail as your eyes meet his. His smile is small and sweet, and you wonder what it would taste like before hot tingles creep up your neck, reaching all the way to your cheeks. “Thank you, this is... this is kind. You know I don’t…”
“May I?” 
You catch his meaning and so turn with your back to him, his coat falling from your shoulders, looking down to see the stone nestled in the hollow of your neck. You bite on the inside of your lip when his fingers touch your skin to fasten the pendant and when you turn to face him again, a smile beyond your will pulls at your lips. “I… it’s beautiful. Thank… you.”
His hands are curled in his lap as Adrian breaks your gaze. He shakes his head. “Listen, I—”
No. You can’t, you can’t hear whatever other pleasantries he has to say. What is this? Why is he doing this now, kindly gestures like crumbs to feed the thing within you that suddenly is ravening, yearning for something that frightens you, that you’ve finally set to rest?
He looks at you then, and you stare at each other for so long you don’t even know when you’d begun to shiver with the cold again.
“As of next week, I am betrothed. To Matei.”
He is still watching you, not a line changing on his face. “That is wonderful. Matei, is it?” A pondering smile. “I’ve seen the two of you together often, but did not want to presume.” Silence falls between you. The smile is frozen on his face. “Where is he, though?”
There used to be a time when there were no secrets, no strangeness. You look down, touching the gem at the base of your neck. “Still not returned from Brașov.” A change of topic is in order, though you know Adrian has never been one to pry, and so would not ask more. 
Yes, Matei is a good man. He’s kind and honorable, and has a knack for making one forget their woes. It’s a good decision. It has to be. “It feels right,” you murmur anyway. Then why does this hurt? 
“Are you happy?” Adrian asks, rising and leaning on the stone edge with his elbows. The question is soft, but his voice lacks the warmth from earlier—maybe it’s your imagination. 
A stray cloud mists over the moon, and the night grows darker around you. “It feels right,” you repeat stupidly, suddenly needing to be away as you rise from your place. “I should go inside, it’s gotten so much colder…” You drop his coat. “Again, I thank you for your gift.”
Adrian does not move from his place, his loose hair shielding his expression. “It was gladly given. And—congratulations.”
You nod in thanks though he does not see it, wait for a moment longer. He sketches nothing, having fallen into a reverie it seems, and everyone has the right to solitude. “Good night, Adrian,” you turn on your heel and walk briskly to reach the door, not looking back. 
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Part II
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putnamcapital · 6 months
S2/E2 notes
how have i never noticed before the ABSENCE of Simon’s backpack in S2E2??? he gives Sara her new breeches from a black hold all with two handles. we see the yellow backpack later, when he’s in his room, it’s on his bed - and he takes Wille’s orange sweater out of it — i.e. trying to un-burden himself of Wille, and of the backpack entirely.
Wille is wearing green through most of this episode - for jealous, for feeling bad, for feeling ill
Just fantastic blocking of that scene where everyone is crowding around Wille’s room while Malin is trying to deport him - and then Simon arrives late, and he gets just pushed around like he’s in a pinball machine. he’s both in the way and totally ignored. it’s the same vibe as when he is about to go for training and everyone ignores him and he does his penguin arms and Wille goes running to catch up with him in only one (1) sock. big contrast to how integrated he is during gym / floor hockey scene.
Wille on the phone with the Queen, cos-playing as his mother. This isn’t the first time they’ve bargained hard like this. he gives up on her being his mother and just goes toe to toe with her.
But Wille is not clueless. he apologizes to Simon, during their locker room fight, about how he presumed he “didn’t care” - he just says “sorry” and it costs him nothing - like, he’s not cut up about admitting he is wrong.
aside from hating every minute of the scene with Simon and Marcus, it is exquisite. the dissociation in Simon’s eyes. The way Omar delivers entire pages of emotional content with just his expression. It makes me insane. and fair play to Marcus for being clear about what he wants and what intimacy he is okay with.
The expression of Malte and Frida right after she just jumps him and kisses him and then gets up to leave “I think … I think I want to have sex with you.” Those expressions!!!!! they are just so spot on and they make me laugh out loud every time.
This is the first time i noticed how Boris smiles so kindly to Wille when he stares at the ceiling. it might be the first time WIlle has been allowed just to feel what he feels and do what he needs.
The babygirl desperate eyes when Wille is trying to figure out some way to ‘stay with Simon at all costs’ on this ridiculous cross-country race ordeal. he is just so stupid and gone and i love him for it.
August and his expression at the utter horror of receiving a voicemail. he didn’t even know it was Jan Olof. i was just A VOICEMAIL. Peak Gen-Z.
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
I noticed your NSFW headcannon for the kiryuu twins and I would just like to add: Ichiru has a mommy kink, and Zero has a Daddy kink. (Ichiru would definitely call his partner mommy and Zero would go feral when his partner calls him daddy) anyways cheers to the Kiryuu twin supremacy (the fandom easily dismissed Ichiru and fail to see him as an actual intresting character even though he was apart of the best arcs in the Manga/anime)
I can see them having such kinks. But absolutely, Ichiru was such an interesting character and I hate how we were robbed. Just that one bonus page where Ichiru crossdresses to make fun of Zero alone makes me angry about his death and even angrier at his 2nd death as a clone in Memories. It showcases how much Zero still loves Ichiru deep down, just like when he doesn't shakes him off in that other bonus scene where they both enter the room in the same pose but mirrored. He wants Ichiru to stay a part of his life but doesn't knows how to say it, which again makes me furious at his 2nd death because WHY?! Why introduce him and kill him off in one chapter?! IDC about cloning Yuki so Yume can be endgame in Memories- screw that ship, I want to see Ichiru's clone. How can Zero be not completely traumatized after killing Ichiru once more?! HOW?! Ichiru's character himself also had so much things to offer, he showed a different side to Zero with their dynamic, he was one of the few characters with braincells like when he pointed out to Yuki how stupid she was and how Zero must always be constantly worried about her because of it. Most of the other characters might say it behind her back, but few have the guts to confront her about her stupidity. He has a lot of nerve in general and I like that! God I wanted to see Ichiru embarass his big brother some more. Just like Shizuka's playful side, this dude has a mischievous side and I kind of hate how the playful characters either are killed by the time Yuki becomes a pureblood or they change to be more serious like Yuki herself. The politics really suck some of the series humor away when there could easily have been a scene of Takuma goofing off with Senri when he's under Sara's influence. Like Takuma joking about their favorite rakugo performances as Senri tries to control himself after he consumned Sara's tablets and he's trying to distract Senri from growing wacky under its influence. Anyways, Ichiru and Maria are such relatable characters to me having been born chronically sick myself. The over-exerting yourself because you want to have fun with everyone else, for one, is something I definitely understand. Sometimes it feels like it eats away at your ability to be young and just be a kid because you're already worried about such grown up topics like your health at a tender age. The tiny ways that reality just stabs you like the time I overheard two girls wondering where the local hospital is because one had an appointment there. I was 20, they were in their mid-teens. At the time I only lived in my current city for 6 years, yet I already had multiple appointments at the hospital and could easily find it on my own, and these girls who didn't look like sisters couldn't possibly both have been living in the town for less years then I had yet they were clueless about its location. Or that time were I figurated in a production teaser, and I was chatting with two other girls who were figurants and they were only like two years younger then me. One girl talked about food multiple times and I'd make the occasional remark. When she praised bounty bars and said they were healthy to me and the other girl, I nodded in agreement saying, "Yeah the coconut is really good for your digestion system." And she looked at me saying, "You really know a lot about food don't you?" It wasn't asked in a rude way at all or something, just a statement she was impressed but I felt so awkward on the inside because I know all these things due to having GERD and now also having developped IBS as a result of living over 20 years with a stomach condition. There's just something so alienating about being born chronically sick, even more so then being neurodivergent because at least I could attend special needs school and be amongst other neurodivergent kids.
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causethisismyblog · 2 years
Have some of my random thoughts from my 4th/5th rewatch of the second season....
Apparently I have too many thoughts/comments so these are gonna have to be a post per episode. Please feel free to reblog/comment and answer my questions!
When Wille goes to Erik's room and his mom calls out to him. He pauses and waits until she gets there to close the door in her face. Why? If he has been ignoring her and pushing her away. Why not close the door as soon as he entered Erik's room?
Was August back from winter break early or did he spend his whole winter break at hillerska? His friends mention that he missed out on their vacation. Is that something they planned before or something they typically do?
Simon hadn't added Marcus on insta like he had suggested until he had no other option but to ask him for a ride. I think he likely had no intention of doing so had this situation not come about.
Also Simon getting in the back of Marcus' car like its a taxi 😂😂? Is he trying to distance himself from Marcus unintentionally? Or what?
When Nils&Vincent laughs when Wille tells August to only refer to him by his official title of Crowned Prince. Do they think its a joke? Also the panic in August's eyes when he realizes that Wille is going to make him pay for what he did and he cannot say a word.
Are August's friends clueless? How did they not figure out that Wille had something over him? The way Wille talked to him and called him out over and over again. Wille walk all over August right in front of his friends let alone everyone else. Wille's attitude toward August took a complete 180 from season 1.
Wille sitting in the opening assembly looking around for Simon. Like shit this choir is really boring. Where the fuck is my boy? He would make this so much better.
If Simon is late for school that day. Are Rosh and Ayub also late for their school that day? Or does their school start a different time?
The fact that Ayub says Wille is toxic and encourages Simon to go out with Marcus just grates me.
Did the girls really have Sara pay for all their coffee and snacks? They do know she is poor, right?
Sara getting so turned on just talking to August and putting her hand on his stomach. It that realistic? Does this kind of reaction really happen to people? (Forgive me I am asexual and this shit just baffles me.)
The look Malin gives Simon as he enters the library. Like yes please talk to this boy. He has been so sad. Make it better, you're the only one who can.
Wille's phone lock screen is a purple flower on a black background? Why? What does it mean?
Marcus singing at the karaoke bar when they first walk in actually sounds like a cat dying. Idk how someone as musically inclined as Simon can be near him singing without cringing so hard.
Simon being surprised that Marcus wanted him to sing at karaoke night. Like seriously? He invited you out after hearing you sing. Do you really think you were gonna get away with not singing? You have the voice of an angel bby don't be so nervous. Although the song choice could not have been worse.....further points against Marcus...
How is everyone in this universe so freaking lucky to be able to get their actual name as their username on Insta. Ffs.
The queen clearly seeing a call from Wilhelm, after him not speaking to her all break, and expecting it to be a calm and happy conversation. Really? How did you not see this coming? He has had two significantly traumatizing events happen and no one has helped him try to process this. His brother died and not only did he have a sex tape leaked but it was done by somebody he thought he could trust, someone his brother told him he could trust. He has been on the verge of a breakdown for far too long now. It is way too late for take 3 deep breaths. My boy need some love and understanding, he needs his mom, not the queen.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Twitter reacts to Stacey Dash’s apology
“The door is closed, my love,” one person tweeted.
“The door is closed, my love,” one person tweeted.
Stacey Dash apologized for her past controversial moments and dissociated herself with Former President Donald Trump in a new Daily Mailinterview. In the Wednesday (March 10) feature, the 54-year-old actress said she “lived [her] life being angry” and apologized for being “arrogant and prideful.”
“I was the angry, conservative, Black woman… I realized in 2016 that anger is unsustainable and it will destroy you,” she said. “I made a lot of mistakes because of that anger.”
Dash claimed she’s since stepped away from politics, stopped supporting Trump after the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and now lives her life with “compassion” and “empathy.” However, the public apology has drawn mostly critical responses from those who haven’t forgotten the former Fox News reporter’s past comments. 
In 2015, a year into her career with Fox, Dash said then-President Barack Obama didn’t “give a shit” about terrorism. In 2017, she also sided with Trumpafter he said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. 
The Clueless star also drew ire for calling for an end to Black History Month, the NAACP Image Awards and BET. In response to her apology, one Twitter user brought up a 2016 Huffington Post interview with Janet Hubert, where she spoke about the controversy. 
“Somebody needs to slap the little bit of Black she got on her off of her, okay?” Hubert said at the time. “Because girlfriend has worked on BET more than most actresses have. I think she’s just saying this kind of bull because she wants sensationalism.”
“She’s working for Fox and she needs a job… She’s making a check and she’s bringing controversy to herself,” she added. “Stacey is a bit of a media ho.”
Other Twitter users pointed to Dash’s past transphobic remarks, the time Vivica A. Fox dragged her for her Mitt Romney endorsement and more.
“Not Stacey Dash trying to cupid hustle her way back into our good graces,” one person wrote. “The door is closed, my love.”
See Twitter reactions to Dash’s apology below. 
Breaking! Stacey Dash is apologizing. Maybe Omarosa can give her tips on where to go on the apology tour. They always wanna come back home, dont they?  This part, “I was the angry, conservative, Black woman. I made alot of mistakes cuz of that anger.” 😐 https://t.co/qCBgD67J9Fpic.twitter.com/XFa4aKFpOu — Clay ‘Didn’t Hold My Vote Hostage’ Cane (@claycane) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash when Trump was president vs Stacey Dash now pic.twitter.com/4s77F4r7vg — Josiah Johnson (@KingJosiah54) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash: I want back in.  Us:  pic.twitter.com/sy1zEmTPoc — Double L must Rock The Bells (@LoveThePuck) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash: I apologize  Black Twitter: pic.twitter.com/iFw6Rw4hoY — DavaStarr (@DavaStarr) March 11, 2021
I’m just here to remind y’all that Stacey Dash said transgender people should “pee in the bushes” if they “can’t make up their mind”and that wasn’t an error in judgment on her part.  She’s just cruel. Don’t fall for her new grift. — Kelly Wickham Hurst (@mochamomma) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash is trending so let me remind y’all of when Vivica A Fox dragged her gracefully. pic.twitter.com/0TGt8ChcJ8 — Antravis Bisou (@revivemilestone) March 11, 2021
Who’s that? Who is Stacey Dash??? 🤷🏾‍♂️ pic.twitter.com/xK74r4PmrB — JCizle (@JCizle) March 11, 2021
Oh Stacey Dash wants to come back? pic.twitter.com/OhgMEh47de — Wave-Li® (@WaveyMort) March 11, 2021
Not Stacey Dash trying to cupid shuffle her way back into our good graces 💀. The door is closed my love. — Sara Bellum. 🧠 (@_savethebeez) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash is broke now and apologizing to the black community who only recognizes one Stacey- Stacey Abrams. pic.twitter.com/rvEmcKe6Tw — kind2know1💙 (@conscious_sis) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash is now sorry she associated herself with Trump, says she’s struggling in Hollywood now. Us: pic.twitter.com/vPNwrzXN1Z — Veronica McDonald🗣 (@Purify_toast17) March 11, 2021
Stacey Dash: Being a supporter of Trump has put me in a box that I do not belong in 😭  Black Twitter:  pic.twitter.com/GcGRx3VxKr — John Paul (@JohnSLPaul) March 11, 2021
Janet Hubert was fed up with Stacey Dash pic.twitter.com/gMBBETdSuY — CHRIS FOXX (@FoxxFiles) March 11, 2021
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sarcasticslothy · 2 years
The following will be a young royals post season two ramble.
It contains ALL of the spoilers. I have put it under tags AND under a cut.
I repeat do not read this if you are going to watch season two of young royals and don't want to be spoiled.
First of all, I loved the season. It was oh so different to season one for many reasons but it's really a kick on the gut kinda season. There's a LOT of pain - by so many characters but particularly Wilhelm who seems to have a shadow of hell following him. The acting was brilliant by all - and I really loved that we got to see some characters that we only got minor parts from in the first season.
For Wilmon fans it'll feel a lot more light on in the more romantic/cute scenes but I the absolute symbolism behind Wille closing the curtains and then us getting to see nothing else after it was actually kind of perfect? Their love was just for them now.
Yes, they both try the moving on thing. Simon with Marcus and Wille with... Felice (I screamed when it happened!) I never felt myself hating Marcus as a characters even though he was in the middle of my favourite couple. He was a 'perfect' kinda guy for Simon but there was just no way he could compete with the history they have.
Just quietly, when Simon told him the fish don't have names? That line actually made me gasp. Bravo.
Now to August who is SUCH a confusing character to me. He switches from someone trying their hardest to be good to absolute dickhead so quickly it gives me whiplash but the way that he can gloss over the feelings of other people can't be ignored. Obviously, number one enemy in regards to doing the video and in the first two episodes we see him kind of accept himself as being Wille's punching bag. And then there are moments where he gets his little smirk on and you know evil is coming and you backtrack every thought you had about him trying to be good. The scene when he gets Alexander to cover for him is just SO widely true to that bad side of him that Sara said it best "you really are clueless"
Sara, Sara, Sara what are you doing giiiiirl?! The whole time she was falling for him, you could see it was the clouded eyes of first love guiding her every decision. I just couldn't believe that it was allowing her to glaze over the fact this guy released a SEX tape of your BROTHER! I hope she gets her revenge and is able to help Simon make something right - next season 🙏
Feline was SUCH a good friend to Wille and the whole female group as a whole were very entertaining and good for a laugh although I feel like she kinda of got forgotten about as a character? We had her quitting riding and the whole storyline of her selling the horse but there was no explanation further, no talking about what she wanted to do and no real solution to why she was quitting riding besides she didn't like it? Was that even it?!
But really, it all comes together in episode 6. SO much happens so quickly. That scene at the gun range?! Wille!! That boy can really fly off the handle. I sometimes struggled to understand Wille's very emotional reactions. His outburst in an early episode (1 or 2?!) Over the phone was definitely something! But I kind of felt him rise to the moment that allowed him to pick up that gun.
But the pièce de résistance of this season and indeed the ending moment is Wille's speech. How satisfying to see him finally choose his OWN way forward. Not Simon's. Not the royal family. Not his mother's. Not August's. You couod say his decision may not totally solve his problems but the absolute satisfaction on his face as he admits it was him and turns to Simon. Aaahhhhhhh. The dual smiles. I just felt so happy for them. So relieved.
Other thoughts:
- Malin, how could you?! How dare you break the snow globe by physically pulling Wille? You just disappeared off every fanfic in the future as the tough, but lovable security guard 😅
- Sara being so damn upfront with August in his room after just kissing him. That's definitely a whole other level of confident
- the whole little grouping of scenes with Wille looking at Simon on his phone, going to the fence with the sunset and water behind him was beautiful.
- I thought I'd find myself hating the queen more for putting her son in this obviously horrible position but I think I found there was a part of her that was clearly upset that she had no way to fix things for her son. No way to give him what he wanted without breaking away from tradition and a royal history that she is clearly responsible for keeping going
- Simon/Ayub/Rosh friendship ruling the damn show. The way they supported Simon and were a sounding board for him at every turn was so lovely! That little scene at the end with Ayub on the phone and them saying goodnight was so freaking sweet.
- "Did he just say he'd renounce the throne for you?!' That whole scene was SCREAM worthy
- The Hug! The I love you! The way that it bookended last season's final scene when Wille said it and reversed it. Yes yes yes! Gos they do closeness so well. The quiet moment of hands touching and skimming their faces against each other. And just breathing like they finally felt at home. Ahhh perfection
- oh Rousseau, I felt devastated when they took you away. Especially with that dickhead dad. Though now, you are owned by August so I don't know which is worse?!
- the school project! Talking to the teacher with the book in mind but the way they spoke about their situation to each other. The way they explained so much of their decisions, the way they felt. Ahhhh. Sara's 'she committed suicide' after was a little bit oh! Well. Right.
- this school is a little bit nuts to me. Don't get me wrong, obviously we are talking crazy money here but my god the events they have and the way they do meals and classes sometimes has me cracking up. Every time they stood when a teacher entered I just thought back to my school days when we barely looked in their direction 😅🤣
- every single fighting Wilmon scene broke my heart. The one in the locker room where Simon admits he might not be able to handle Wille and his position? Euuurrgghh hit me good, angst.
- August on the phone with jan-Olof (lemme hear you say old annoying guy!) When he asks August if he did anything thst wouod cause issue and August did nearly every single one 🤣🤣
Okay, this post is already ridiculous but I needed to express my feelings. I will abuse that repeat button on so many episodes. I really adored 6 - it was so drama full. But 4 was also a really great episode. Please, please give us season 3! Wilmon endgame is coming. I think there is still a crazy good story still there to unroll. I mean Wille's speech and Sara's decision alone require some resolution! Gimme gimme!
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primowishes · 4 months
//Some thoughts post-event:
-Kokomi always thinking about ways to benefit Watatsumi Island 😭Also Gorou not knowing that Ms. Hina is his persona for his advice column, Kokomi absolutely knowing but keeping it to herself. Yae Miko sending along the cutout to Itto for the music festival and requesting a prominent display spot. She really is always out for that teasing.
-Sara actually passed the music festival invitation along to Ei. I love it.
-Itto knowing Yae Miko only as his ramen buddy. It's so funny. I love when really important figures get treated by a clueless character as just some mundane person, just another guy.
-Ik most people don't like Paimon, but I thought she was just so charming through the event. I really enjoy the childish antics between her and Itto. They really do bring out the child in each other.
-Ei will never know why she received demands to "hand over the dog".
-The English localization doesn't really do anything with given names/surnames/honorifics and all that, but still, Ei referring to Yae Miko by first name makes me soft, even if it doesn't have any significance in English. I'm feeling the EiMiko in the club tonight. Also just so many times when they interact and Miko teases Ei and it just bounces off of her, so little reaction to the teasing. Want more of that.
-Also just Ei and Miko's conversation in general... Foreshadowing is a literary device where--.
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Gavin Creel is 47 today!
It’s my yearly tradition to bring back this old post of ranked performances to celebrate the birthday of this wonderful performer, so here we go! Updated this year with Into the Woods!
Gavin Creel, 16 performances, ranked!
16. Nick Piazza in Fame
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This show has some merits, although it’s definitely not one of my favorites. It’s Gavin’s professional debut, and I can forgive him some naïveté in an otherwise competent, beautifully sung performance. His rendition of “I wanna make magic” is lovely.
15. Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities
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Ok, so this was a concert performance, so it’s not really fair to compare it to the others, but I’ll just throw it in here. Mainly because it’s such an unusual show for Gavin. It’s something that tries very hard to be on the level of Les Miserables, without much success, and Gavin is not a huge fan of that kind of show. That said, it’s a nicely sung performance of a classic romantic hero role. Nice, nothing more.
14. Jean-Michel in La Cage Aux Folles
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Great show, poor but still competent production. The role is easily the most boring in the whole play, but he gets to sing the cute “With Anne on my arm” and he nails it.
13. Troy in American Horror Stories
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Oh this was a fun one, Gavin playing outside his comfort zone, far removed from his preferred genre and into an over-the-top, sexy role that is rather unique in his career. I wish the material he had to work with was better, but his scenes with Aaron Tveit were superb.
12. Hollis Bessemer in Bounce
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Sadly a lesser show by Sondheim, I still love some aspects of it, and Gavin’s wide-eyed artistically-inclined dreamer is one of them. His big solo “Talent” is the best song of the show and touches me on a very personal level.
11. Matthews in Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
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Gavin voicing a Disney villain! A Disney villain with a secret! A Disney villain with a French accent! Talk about playing against type. There’s something of Kodaly here, and of Lumiere and of Pepé Le Pew. You can tell he had a blast recording this role, and the design is exquisite.
10. Cinderella’s Prince / The Wolf in Into the Woods
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This is Gavin at his hammiest, and I’m here fot it. He obviously has loads of fun with the Wolf, oozing sleaziness from every pore, and as the Prince he’s perfectly balanced between superficial, phony and clueless, you can really believe that this candy-colors clothed fool was “raised to be charming, not sincere.”
9. Bill in Eloise at the Plaza / Eloise at Christmastime
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Effortlessly hilarious on screen as he is on stage, he goes full-on old-time Hollywood star in the Christmas-themed sequel and I love it. A mix of Dick Powell and Fred Astaire.
8. Dr. Pomatter in Waitress
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Sara Bareilles’ little gem of a musical often finds its strength in the absolute realness of its characters, flawed human beings looking for a little sparkle of happiness. Drew Gehling’s Dr. Pomatter was awkward and fun and sad-eyed, but I think Gavin wins infusing the character with tenderness and truly lived-in melancholy. A few weeks in a well-worn musical could be seen as a footnote in a great career, but it’s such a lovely performance, enhanced by the incredible chemistry he has with Bareilles.
7. Bert in Mary Poppins
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My introduction to Gavin and since then I’ve come to appreciate him as heir to impossibly gangly male leads like Dick Van Dyke, so this feels like such a natural fit. I find the show a little bloated, but watch him defying gravity in that “walking on air” scene: it’s irresistible.
6. Ugly in Honk!
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Having him play the ugly duckling ALSO feels like a natural fit. Gavin’s at his best when he plays lost and confused dreamers, and the fairy tale touch with the surreal setting makes for a wonderful variation on that theme.
5. Steven Kodaly in She Loves Me
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Easily the odd man out of the list. The evil, scheming, suave and self-centered Kodaly is a delightful departure from all the romantic leads and clueless buffoons of Gavin’s career. The showstopper “Ilona” brings out all the manipulative nature of the character, a snake that always finds a way out and always gets what he wants. A remarkable performance that makes me want to see him branch out into even more strange territories.
4. Jimmy Smith in Thoroughly Modern Millie
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Again with the old-time charm and humor. Millie is a show dominated by women, and Gavin’s male romantic lead manages not to be swallowed whole by them by being so wonderfully easy-going, hilariously aloof and occasionally sassy. It does also help that in “What do I need with love” he has one of the catchiest numbers of the show.
3. Cornelius Hackl in Hello, Dolly!
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PUDDING. That alone deserved the Tony. It’s an overwhelmingly funny turn that makes the best of the original, almost vaudevillian nature of the show. So full of tricks and ticks and winks to the audience, deliciously aware of its own absurdity, it’s the kind of scene-stealing performance that not every actor can pull off. And oh my god, has anyone ever sung Jerry Herman’s beautiful tunes so gorgeously? You almost wish he could have sung “Put on your Sunday clothes” in its entirety.
2. Elder Price in The Book of Mormon
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Somewhere between the rubber-faced humor of Jim Carrey, the earnest straight man hilarity of Jack Lemmon and the physicality of Dick Van Dyke. A perfect combination that captures the sarcastic, yet disarmingly sweet nature of the show, with its hints of meanness and self-devouring doubt.
1. Claude Hooper Bukowski in Hair
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Unquestionably the masterpiece of Gavin’s career. A towering performance that starts with the iconicity of the role and the visuals associated with it and finds the core of Claude’s humanity: a scared, earnest, sometimes self-centered, mostly clueless young man that has to face something so much bigger than himself, something that is so far from the made-up world of fake accents and films in space that he has created for himself and that will eventually consume him. Moments like “Where do I go” and “The Flesh Failures” are moving and brutally honest.
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leofrith · 2 years
Run/Walk, Glimpse, and Hands for the ask game!
WALK - from an ac odyssey kassidas wip that i hope to finish someday:
"You'll die," she said, pleading, hoping it would convince him. She should have known better. He exhaled sharply, exhausted. "If the gods will it so." Then he turned on his heel and walked back to the camp, back to his men, away from her. Alone again.
GLIMPSE - from my post-s2 mando fic:
The ride to the surface is silent, save for the hum of the speeder’s engine and the passing of traffic as they rise from the city’s depths. Soon, Din can see the vague glow of daylight, his first glimpse of the sun since arriving on Coruscant so many weeks before.
HANDS - this one i had to go digging for. from an unfinished kanera piece that was originally supposed to be a secret santa gift from like... two years ago. sara, if you see this, i love you and i'm sorry 🤡:
The trooper looked deeply uncomfortable but thankfully, not even remotely suspicious. Hera had always been better at lying under pressure than he was. “You can’t be here,” the trooper said again, louder this time but clearly trying to sound more commanding than he could muster through the trembling in his voice. “This area is restricted. You need to return downstairs.” The kid wasn’t faring much better than himself, Kanan could tell, his face flushed and his hands fidgeting at his sides. He was young, and probably fresh out of the academy if he had to guess—and easier to deceive. Small miracles. Kanan cleared his throat. “Our apologies,” he said, doing his best to sound clueless—not that he had to try awfully hard when he could still feel Hera’s breath on his neck and the heat of her palm on the side of his jaw.
send a word in my ask box, if it's anywhere in my wip docs i'll post the sentence (or paragraph) that it's from!
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fishcemetery · 1 year
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♫ Missis Sara, sail me seas ♫
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below that apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
(i'm going to amend the rules and italicize the tags as well, because i can never for the love of god tell which words have been bolded on mobile, unless i squint really hard.)
Tagged by @bunnybananasims! Although Camille is a formidable herald of damnation and game errors, Sara is still THE queen and icon, so the choice was kinda obvious. I admit, it's my fault so few people even know about her, but I'm going to fix it soon. I promise. There are A LOT of screenshots.
A couple things to note: first, with the way my storytelling goes, Saramesses Coppuroplise is basically a Sims version of an original character of mine, and for the most part her personality and backstory stem from there.
That's kinda necessary, because second, she's been randomly acquired in the course of gameplay and has no actual in-game backstory... except that when my starter sim and I found her, she had been meticulously hacked into several pieces and scattered all over the planet, and we had to put her back together with love, care, black magic and some industrial-grade glue.
In other words, she's my mummy. Or at least used to be.
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other - on the job (haven't bothered with installing University yet, but as the town's resident Mad Scientist, she's at least qualified enough to blow up the lab every week and still keep the job)
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes (?) / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (they wouldn't have massacred my 3000-year-old girl like that for nothing, so someone must've done something)
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◒ Children: has a child or children / has no children and doesn’t want any children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
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♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured /in between/ unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
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★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
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❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female/ agender / other / none / all
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☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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☕︎ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
。˚ ✧ I tag... random followers who don't seem to have done it yet. Here. Pick anyone, and have at it. Have an extra burden on your shoulders. Or don't – who am I to tell you?
@simsanctuary, @tsims, @ares-in-a-jar, @blossom-sims, @nikkeisimmer
And if you really really wanna do it, but no one's tagged you yet – just tell everyone I did, and go forth, champion! I'm rooting for you and your pixel people.
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smol-blue-bird · 2 years
the public (me) would like to hear about your impressions of the Victorian Theodora Novel 🎤🎶
Oh my god, I have so many opinions about the Victorian Theodora Novel, I don't even know where to begin
First of all, I read the entire thing over the course of several late night study sessions in between trying to memorize every aspect of the complement system, SO my memory is probably a little fuzzy. But oh my god was this book weird
I mean, obviously there were a lot of plot points that were just absurd and unhinged on their own (Theodora's dad and John the Cappadocian being a members of a secret society called "the Brotherhood of the Rising Sun???" I literally looked this up because I was wondering where the author got this from and I couldn't find anything except for one Masonic lodge in Saratoga Springs, so maybe I'm just clueless, but the entire thing read as totally insane to me. I cannot imagine what the author was inspired by) but the main thing that got me was the sheer Victorian-ness of it all. Like, there were so many classic Victorian Tropes that it almost read like a parody of Victorian literature at points. Acacius dying of Brain Fever like Sara Crewe's dad in A Little Princess cracked me up right from the start and it just got less coherent from there. And Anastasia!! That entire plotline was bonkers. You could kind of tell that the author was desperate to have the requisite "Beautiful Saintly Ingenue Who Dies Tragically Of The Consumption To Motivate The Less Perfect People" character in his book, and Anastasia came the closest to fitting that role, but it obviously wouldn't work if she was a prostitute because then she wouldn't fit Victorian standards of innocence and perfection. So he just got around it by having Juliana Anicia adopt her? I mean, granted, it's more like Juliana volunteering to take her in as a handmaiden, but she's clearly loved and raised well and there's no real difference in the end. So Anastasia becomes a quasi-noblewoman who can safely catch romanticized tuberculosis and die for Theodora's character development without challenging Victorian ideas about purity along the way, and it's all well and good except for the fact that it makes no sense. And she's so saintly and holy that she even gets to astral-project to Theodora in Africa to encourage her to come home. Truly astonishing, 10/10 stuff.
Theodora and Justinian's romance was also amazing, for different reasons. Justinian comes across as such a useless asshole for like 80% of his pagetime. I'm obsessed with the fact that he decided that the appropriate way to greet her upon her return from Africa was to randomly show up as she's crying at her sister's grave, kiss her on the mouth, and then run away? And then they get married the next chapter! I know a lot of the weirdness of their interactions can be attributed to Victorian ideas about romance and affection, but still, God.
There were just so many weird bits, though. I don't know how I could possibly list them. The Brotherhood of the Rising Sun. Everything about Anastasia. Everything about the central romance. The narrator describing Theodora's eyes as "orbs" like it's a bad Harry Potter fanfic from 2007. That scene where Antonina is, like, sitting at her father's knee as he's in the chariot, and it would be cute if she was a child but she's a grown woman about to get married. Theodora having a dead older brother who was eaten by a lion. The evil stepmother. The bit when Theodora leaves Hecebolus in Africa and the fishermen on the boat are lecherous creeps and one of them touches her and she straight up decks him even though she was too weak to walk just paragraphs prior (and then one of the sailors tries to drag her away and she's like God help me! and God does!) Just a truly questionable novel all around, seeped in Victorian-era moralizing and deeply questionable ideas about women. Incredible, I loved and hated it at the same time. Thank you so much for making me aware that this exists
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starstruckkittensweets · 10 months
what do you think mia would be like during the finale episode? i’m dying to know i was thinking about her story the whole time watching the episode 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Anon I'm so very sorry I'm so late with answering this ask! It's been stewing in my brain ever since I got it, I've been thinking and thinking about it, and I think I finally have an answer for you! (As organized as I can make it, because I'm still very emotional that AoT is finally over) 😭
I have an entire outline of the 4 year timeskip between seasons 3 and 4, it's all part of the third volume of AWWW (the second one is outlined to cover seasons 1-3). Maybe someday I'll compile all my notes into one big doc and share it on here, haha! But for now I'll share a few points that lead up to the final battle and epilogue. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible under a cut, so both AoT and AWWW spoilers ahead!
(Also as a disclaimer, some points may be changed once I finish writing the story, so don't count on everything mentioned below being 100% canon to AWWW)
Mia and Levi are married in the late summer/early fall of 851, during the expeditions to rebuild Shiganshina (Hanji insists on giving them time away from the Scouts to have a proper honeymoon, because priorities haha); Mia learns she's pregnant in May of 852, and their son Alexander is born (named after Mia's father)
They're able to live in peace until 854, after Eren leaves to infiltrate Marley on his own; in order to keep Alex safe from the inevitable war, they leave him in the care of Leyna's old friend Sara (who's also a volunteer at the farm Historia has for the orphans from the Underground City)
Skip to Levi having to babysit Zeke in the forest; he heads out on the mission while Mia stays behind with Hanji; he leaves her his original cravat (which she ties around her right wrist as a memento) and takes the one she sewed for him in AWWW (Ch. 46); (so that when Hanji finds him and patches up his injuries, she notices the words "for my captain" written on the edge - so even when they're apart, Levi always has a piece of Mia with him)
Mia is PISSED when she sees the Beast Titan in action in Shiganshina, even more so when she reunites with Hanji and she explains Levi's injured state. If she didn't want to kill Zeke before, she's out for blood now, nearly going off on her own just to slice his head off herself (but the kids hold her back, with Armin talking some sense into her) yeah and look where that plan got you Armin lol
Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the finale:
Mia is 1000% supportive of Levi, no matter what. If he wants to fight, she'll let him fight. It's the same with Levi, as much as he wishes Mia was safe and sound back home on Paradis. They love each other too much to abandon the other, they both know damn well that their son won't have any chance at a normal life if they don't try to stop Eren. Even if it means putting their lives on the line. They're soldiers after all.
Oof, but Hanji's death? Absolutely devastating for Mia; Levi actually has to hold her back to stop her from going after her. Even when she knows it's what Hanji wants, she's still her best friend in the entire world. It's always been the two of them, since their days as clueless cadets. Mia barely has time to grieve during the battle, so the majority of it is saved for the aftermath. It takes her a long time to come to terms with it, though.
Levi/Mia/Mikasa team up at the very end. Mia and Levi buying Mikasa time in order to break through and finally kill Eren; also similar to the Eren/Armin conversation (as far as I know he had a similar convo with each and every one of the Scouts involved), Mia sees a sequence of her own; she sees her dream future: living peacefully with Levi and their children, far away from the hardships of war; she's unbelievably angry with Eren for putting them all in this position in the first place, but remarks that he's damn lucky for having a pair of friends like Mikasa and Armin to keep him grounded (and to stay by his side even when he's in the wrong)
As for the epilogue? I can see Levi and Mia staying in Marley afterwards (after making a secret trip back to Paradis to pick up Alex and to say their goodbyes to Sara and the others). They're seen as traitors to Paradis now, and I think apart from Mikasa (who's either living there in secret or under the protection of Historia) none of them would be welcomed back to Paradis any time soon. So it'll just be the three of them for a while, living in one of the newly rebuilt towns by the edge of the sea.
(As a side note, I can see Mia feeling obliged to join the alliance to fix things between Paradis and the rest of the world, but Armin’s the one to convince her to step down and enjoy the rest of her life in peace with Levi. He’s seen how hard they’ve fought over the years, how they’ve protected them through thick and thin, and he tells her it’s okay to rest. That he’s got it from here—and the rest of the Scouts do, too. And that’s when she realizes how much he’s grown, and she thanks him for understanding and begins to start a new life in Marley with Levi at her side.)
It's a struggle at first, dealing with all the memories of the last few years, Levi's new injuries from the battle, and raising Alex. A couple years later there are two new additions to the family: twin girls Izzy and Zoe (named after Isabel and Hanji, both born on September 5th). And slowly, they begin to build a new life for themselves. Eventually they split their time between caring for the orphaned children of the town and setting up their own little teashop. It’s simple and quiet, and honestly Levi and Mia wouldn’t have it any other way.
In the end, these are just my rough thoughts on the ending and Mia's role in it. I haven't fleshed everything out yet, and things are still subject to change at this point, but at this point in time this is the outline I have written down. I don't wanna give too much away because everything's still up in the air, and I may have a few things I want to add in later on.
Either way I hope you enjoyed this anon, and again I'm so sorry it took me so long to type this all out! I know I’m kinda late to the party but what did you think of the ending? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! ❤️❤️❤️
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cynicalfairytale4 · 1 year
"And loving is hard. It don't always work. You just try your best not to get hurt. I used to be mad but now I know, sometimes it's better to let someone go." -Older by Sasha Alex Sloan.
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"These images they sell, Maybe none of it is real and I could love the way I feel." -Pretty's on the inside by Chloe Adams.
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"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not really happy, but you don't wanna die. Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive. That's gotta survive." -Numb little bug by Em Beihold.
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"Nothing's forever. Nothing's as good as it seems." -Hope ur ok by Olivia Rodrigo.
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"All the numbers in my mind are set out to ruin my life, I don't wanna let them win but they just might. And I know this is a problem that I'm improperly solving." -Math by Sara Kays.
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"I guess I could say I've learned to live this way. But it's still hard to find- reasons to stay alive. Accepting I'm pointless isn't the hardest when it's so completely obvious. My questions are countless looking for answers , so far I'm clueless. Go back to sleep. I reach for me but I'm not there. It's so lonely but who cares? It's fine it's okay. I'll die anyway." -I'll die anyway by girl in red.
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" Kids are still depressed when you dress them up. " -Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez.
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" Now she's terrified of growing older losing what's left of her youth. She'd reminisce about the sound of bliss before she knew the truth." - Ms. Protagonist by J. Maya.
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" If I'm pretty, will you like me? They say beauty makes boys happy. I've been starving myself , carving skin until my bones are showing. Teach me how to be okay. I don't wanna downplay my emotions. They say beauty is vain, you'll only be happy if you look a certain way. " -Prom Queen by Beach Bunny.
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"The prom queen looks real pretty but inside she hates her life. And the boy that starts on Varsity's dad doesn't treat him right. The quite girl that's in the corner has so much more to say, if only their minds weren't so damn opaque. She's the life of every party but she sits alone at lunch. Her reflection shows her ribcage but she thinks she weights too much.And they call each other best friends when it's a forbidden crush, one that their parents would never approve of. Isn't it sad the way it works that we think we're the only ones who hurt? So just breathe for a second. I know you're feeling so damn helpless. But before you do something reckless REMEMBER- magazines have editors and makeup does the devil's work. Don't cry cuz you're not her. She's staying up all night scars to cover.And everything seems fine when it's not yours but darling magazine have editors and everyone's a little hurt. " -Devil's Work by Andi.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Hellaur, I recently just found your blog and it's so good. Like honestly I'm going through you masterlists over and over hehe. Anyways, will there be a part 2 to the teapot hcs? It's just so cool 😭💙. Well, in any case, please take this as my shameless ask for a part 2 😭🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Serenitea Pot Club (Electro, Cryo)
synopsis: AU where vision holders can enter shared teapots of their respective element.
note: yes!! i brainrot about this a lot in my mind 😭 im just a big fan of found family and people from different nations meeting each other- HEIFHJEJXS may or may not make drabble fics out of these
Geo, Pyro, Hydro version here
Electro Teapot (Ei, Yae, Sara, Beidou, Keqing, Fischl, Lisa, Razor)
Honestly such a calm and poised group.
The first few meetings in the teapot were enjoyed with afternoon tea or coffee, a good stack of light novels or academia books.
It's like a women's book club
Somehow, Razor stumbled into the little teapot late (he didn't really know how to get in the thing and frankly, it scared him)
He was only able to figure it out when Lisa wondered why he never visited.
Honestly, mentor Lisa is such a mom; she already scouted the teapot for areas Razor would like to nap in, and even brought basic education books he could read to practice on his words
I headcanon that everyone just loves Razor
He's like this little wolf pup that appears in their book club, gets crowded on and they coo at him
Razor may or may not be scared of Yae though. He thinks she smells weird, like a fox but also a youkai, and that scares him
It's mostly curiosity though! So when he discovers that Yae isn't a threat, he warms up to her quite fast
Yae is much like Lisa, teaching him how to read by bringing books from her own publishing house.
In an amusing twist, Razor reminds Miko of Ei a lot. They're both kind of ditzy and clueless to human culture, it's just adorable!
Fischl treats Razor the same, since they're already good friends! They tell Bennett all about their teapot experiences (to which the pyro user whines, also wanting to share the same teapot with them but he's surrounded by a handful of chaotic girls and a child terrorist)
Fischl and Sara bonds over birds and arrows. I like to think Sara can keep up with Fischl's imagination, just because Sara plays a somewhat fantasy role in an authoritarian rule!
Beidou is the cool aunt to the motherly-ness towards Razor. She brings in alcohol from time to time, which everyone lowkey likes to enjoy overlooking the view at night.
Keqing tries bringing in her work, to which Lisa and Yae would make a strict rule of no paperwork in the teapot.
Overall, Razor usually feels overwhelmed in the teapot, but he can't really complain when Lisa tells him this is what having family feels like!
Cryo Teapot (Kaeya, Rosaria, Eula, Ganyu, Shenhe, Chongyun, Ayaka, Qiqi, Diona)
Please, if Razor feels overwhelmed in the electro teapot, then Chongyun just feels really awkward in his.
It took him a while to decide to enter, Xingqiu had to encourage him by using the cryo teapot as a good place to cool himself.
In the end, he probably jumps in after knowing his own aunt joined the teapot. If an antisocial person like Shenhe can do it, then so can he!
Probably brings Qiqi along with him just to show her around as well (Qiqi doesn't really mind or care where she goes, so it isn't exactly kidnapping?)
Kaeya and Rosaria have already settled in their own little bar area, enjoying the drinks and mixes.
Kaeya is also probably responsible for bringing Eula in. She wasn't so sure how to react with meeting other people, but she quickly takes regular visits when she finds out the others don't exactly know or care about her last name!
Ganyu probably brought Shenhe in too, she was a little shy to invite the other but it worked! After all, the teapot is an adepti relic. They both want to enjoy these as much as possible!
I feel like Ayaka would make great friends with everyone, and in an odd twist, she fits in well with Kaeya and Rosaria! (Ayato and Thoma get a little worried when she relays to them about her new nun friend that drinks and a man with open chest fashion though...)
Diona finds Qiqi odd at first. She peeks at the little zombie and just narrows her eyes curiously.
Qiqi makes the first move to befriend Diona (not intentionally, Qiqi just introduces herself but Diona somehow decided she likes her then and there! Qiqi doesn't drink, after all, unlike the two disgusting cryo allogenes by the bar)
Qiqi brings Diona herbs to add to her weird mixes, which Diona in turn gives to Rosaria and Kaeya
Hear this but... Drinking nights.
They're supposed to be dinner nights but when you have your own amazing cat bartender, why not drink!
It's even more fun when they encourage the others to take sips (no one's forced, of course, but the mood is just so lively they'd want to go along!)
Qiqi just stares at finches with a small smile, she likes to hear everyone laugh
Diona tries to get everyone to hate her drinks
Ayaka takes a few sips, probably gets cheered on after a particularly hard shot (later, Ayato's worries would increase)
Chongyun actually enjoys his cold mix, tries his best not to drink too much. He doesn't want to embarrass himself!
Shenhe can hold her liquor incredibly well.
Eula is, of course, an adorable type of drunk
Ganyu can't really get drunk as an adeptus so she does her best to watch over everyone!
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I was reading that story in Eleutherophobia where the Berenson extended family all gather and I'm wondering, do you have any thoughts/headcanons about the Berenson brothers' relationship? No, not Tom and Jake, but the generation before them: Steve, Dan, and George.
I do.  So much.
We don't know a ton about George (Saddler's dad) but the contrast between Dan (Rachel's dad) and Steve (Jake's dad) has always been striking to me.
Steve seems like this incredibly balanced guy: "Always nice. Always gentle. Joking with the kids and reassuring the moms and dads. Staying calm while the littler kids screamed bloody murder and vibrated the very walls" (#31). And it's not just sick kids he's that nice toward; when there's some guy screaming in his face and threatening to hit him over a parking spot, Steve remains level-headed and even comforts the dude when he gets upset over getting attacked by a cockroach (AKA Jake). Sure, Steve can be a clueless at times, tolerating some Weird Shit from Tom especially without showing any sign of worry that his kids are acting so erratic, but he's this responsible and steady dude.
Dan, on the other hand, is... flaky. Rachel says "My dad does these little outings where we all get together every second weekend. Sometimes it's just me and my dad... I don't get to see him as much as I wish I could" because "he cancels sometimes” (#7). We also find out that he talks openly about Rachel being his favorite child, which suggests the reason he doesn't always bring Jordan and Sara on his twice-a-month visits. Dan will buy Rachel room service (#12), but when she calls to say she's "not doing good", Dan responds "Have you talked to your mom? She's pretty good with this kind of stuff" (#32). He'll take her to the circus, but he expects her to cater to his emotional needs ("No, it wasn't pity or guilt... my dad was feeling lonely") without considering hers (#7). He puts the hard conversations on Naomi, letting her be the one to tell their kids about the divorce (#2), give them The Talk (#32), and announce that he's moving away (#7). Frankly, no wonder Naomi dumped him.
Also, look at their jobs. Steve's in a career that requires 12+ years of post-secondary education, and highly active in the lives of his own kids. Dan apparently spent years pursuing a gymnastics career that went nowhere ("almost made the Olympic team," #7) before pivoting to become a "hotshot" reporter, and still can only carve out two afternoons a month for his girls. Reporters are heckin useful to society, but it's also not a career that requires the same selfless consistency of effort as being a pediatrician.
Anyway, my headcanon to explain all that: their parents have traditional ideas about traditional roles. I'm thinking these are upper-class Yugoslavians who immigrated as teens, then were caught up in the assimilationist zeitgeist once in the U.S. The ‘rents emphasize the traditional role for the oldest child, AKA Steve. He's to provide for them in their old age, and therefore they need him to go the doctor-or-lawyer route. Steve is (like Jake) a rule-follower and a people-leader, never rebellious unless he has a good cause. Steve's also a nurturer who loves kids, so he goes along with his parents' plans... until it comes time to choose a specialization, at which point he quietly shunts from surgery into pediatrics. He fails to mention this fact to his parents until it's already been a done deal for a few years and there's nothing they can do about it.
Dan, meanwhile, has Steve and George sheltering him from the slings and arrows of his parents' good intentions. The first two sons turned out okay (I headcanon George being a marketing manager) and so the parental units will let their baby indulge his dreams in a non-lucrative sport for a while. And then pay for him to get a degree in media studies. And then still approve of him, since he brought them grandchildren, even if he supports them less than Steve.
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