#I love Grover so much u guys
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This is so important to me, because earlier in the season he wasn’t even sure if he should talk to them about these things because he wasn’t sure they’d understand its importance to him. But even if they don’t fully understand it anyway, he’s their best friend and they’re gonna love and support him no matter what anyway! They DO care about the things he cares about, because it’s important to him and he’s important to them. I love their little friendship so much. It means the world to me.
I love how excited Percy and annabeth were for Grover to get his searchers license
He ran up all happy and they were right there with him and were so excited to see him achieve his dream and show off his little flower
Percy offering help for Grover while he’s at sea is such a good way to set up for sea of monsters too !
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cellias · 1 year ago
ok yes the “she met a pinecone’s fate” felt so mean and out of place with the empathetic Percy we see in the book’s narrative BUT !!
when rewatching the scene my attention was brought back to what annabeth says before that— “she fought valiantly and met a hero’s fate.” i remember thinking about how brainwashed (for lack of a better word) annabeth is. she respects the gods immensely at this point in her life, all she wants is for her mother to notice her, because that’s all she knows. her father let the emotional neglect go so far that she ran away at seven years old, and her mother only communicates with her a few times.
her idea of a hero is the willingness to self-sacrifice, and the bearing of tragedy in life, but this idea disregards the fact that had the gods been more attentive and present, thalia wouldn’t have had to do sacrifice her life. her concept of a hero’s fate ignores the unjust fact that thalia was only recognized by her father in death and is hyper-focused on the honor that it is to be given a god’s time of day. we also see annabeth holding the gods to a high esteem later in the episode when she argues with medusa in favor of the story that she’s heard rather than what the person who lived through it has to say. as well as when she tries to stop percy from sending medusa’s head to olympus.
this ties into percy’s “impertinent” behavior toward the gods. we know percy thinks the gods are fucked up, he shows it in the book and the series early on when he learns about them. he’s mad at poseidon and acknowledges that it’s his fault sally is gone, unprotected and seemingly unnoticed, and that percy is kinda left to fend for himself in a new world. in the series he prays to his mom instead of his father despite seeing the tribute the other kids give to their godly parents. he rejects that side of his parentage because he feels his mom is the only one who deserves the credit for his life. he says that the gods had been unfair to thalia in the book when he learns about her. he defends himself against the Zeus’s accusation by saying “‘i’m just a kid!’” i think that line is important, and especially what annabeth says about it later on, because it shows how different their mindsets are.
percy has been protected and loved by his mom his entire life up to this point. she’s tried to give him a good life, and that’s the root of his character. he realizes the incredulity of this entire situation because he has not been fighting to survive without the love and support of a parent since he was young. annabeth left her home at a young age, was left in dangerous conditions, and fought for her life when she was only 7, and she’s been training for war ever since. she’s surrounded by kids who went through the same thing, specifically luke and formerly thalia. in the series, annabeth takes the “I’m just a kid” claim and reveals she finds it naive and ignorant, because he’s a part of something bigger than him and that he needs to accept his fate. (again, she’s been preparing for this her whole life, he’s been thrust into it after losing his mom)
when percy hears this story from grover about three demigods on the run, two of them near his age when they went through it, he is hearing a story about three kids being ignored and left to fend for themselves by their parents. he’s already angry about the gods’ lack of interference and how normal it seems to be at camp. when he hears annabeth regard thalia and her ultimate fate as heroic and respectable, he doesn’t see it as the same. he finds thalia heroic and brave, but her fate not so much. annabeth’s admiration contrasts his questioning toward the gods. percy most likely found Zeus’s decision to finally notice his daughter by turning her into a tree as anything but heroic, more pathetic.
at least that’s how i interpret the “she met a pinecone’s fate” line. I think it adds to his reputation and growing disdain for the gods and their attitude. idk what do u guys think 😫
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Y’all, I love you guys and your request, but please stop sending very vague requests 😭
There’s not much I can do with like less than a sentence and just like “Grover x reader with (vague prompt)” it’s a little, but it’s not a lot to work with. I’m happy to try, it’s just a bit difficult that is!
So please, if you would like a prompt or au or fix, please give me an example or a scenario, or at least not a vague description please. Thank u! <3
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https-evan2 · 1 year ago
grover requests huh? I gotchu! here's two ideas for grover, you dont have to do both, or any. but since you were asking for requests; 1. Grover x Child of Demeter!reader. (next one is more detailed :)) 2. Grover x reader who isn't too fond of nature, scared of it, even. Grover tries telling reader about how lovely it is, and tries to get them... more comfortable in outside environments <3 hope u have a lovely day!! stay nuts and berries!! (the titans curse reference...)
I’m going to go with the second one but might do the first one later because i love ‘em both
no pronouns gor reader + no description of appearance (my fics are for everyone)
warnings: poor grammar and misuse of punctuation. Excuse me if grover is ooc!
requests are OPEN
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You tried to keep your cool every time you went out with Grover but no matter how hard you tried you just could never seem to get over your fear of the wild. It terrified you just the fact that you didn’t know when or if something was going to jump up from bushes or if you’d be stepping on ground wasp nest.
You managed to avoid forests for most of your life still going outdoors just in the more open parts. But now it’s near impossible because you just so happen to be dating the lord of the wild, Grover.
You love him so much but he never realised how someone could fear nature and all its critters.
You tried spending most of your dates in your cabin or around camp but Grover was a bit bored of it.
He loves you so much so he wouldn’t even say anything at first but later when he got selected for the role of lord of the wild he realised just how much time that he couldn’t spend with you because of your fear.
He tried talking to you snd trying yk get over your fear for the entire time of your relationship but now he felt it was extra important.
One evening he tried to show you how beautiful nature could be instead of explaining.
“Grover i don’t like this…” you stammered as you were clinging onto him as if your life depended on it. With every move you jumped closer to him and you couldn’t bear to leave his side as you were shaking in his arms.
“Sweetie it’s fine, everything is completely okay” he reaffirmed as he rubbed your back tracing circles around your skin. He sat down and picked up a pretty big bug.
”look! It’s a praying mantis! This little guy has given everything hes got to the ecosystem without even knowing it! Isn’t that amazing that this small critter can help maintain all this” Grover exclaimed obviously passionate about the wildlife
“P-put it back on the ground please its legs freak me out”
You, still being absolutely terrified tried to not step on the bug he just showed you know it would decrease the chances of marriage by 50% and maybe a break up.
“T-that flower is pretty” you stutter pointing at a wild pansy. You might find nature terrifying but you had to admit thst it could be beautiful.
“And so is everything here you just got to look for it” after Grover made that statement he took your hand and you started walking around just looking for the smaller stuff as Grover pointed out some of them snd facts about them. You loved seeing Grover really get into a subject that he’s passionate about. He could easily be pushed aside at camp but when it was just you and him he felt like he wouldn’t be in the shadow.
“hey Grover, are these safe to eat?” You point at a bush of lingonberries.
“yeah there should be a bunch of edible stuff around here i like to go here when I’m hungry before dinner”
“Grover, you’re always hungry”
With that you both began picking berries and other edible goodies. When you were done you ate them together as you looked for animals around.
Safe to say nature wasn’t as bad as you thought
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little-blurry-stars5 · 1 year ago
editing this as i go--
so started right off at crusty's, and heres the thing- they walked right in and instantly took him down. the thing im a bit disappointed about is that in the books, its percy that thinks quickly on his feet to rescue his friends, and im sad they weren't able to portray that in the show, because too many times hes percived as dumb or slow when in reality hes actully really smart
grovers stress toy 😭 someone give this man (satyr?) a BREAK
ohhhhh i know percy's finna break a pearl and demolish new reader's hopes and dreams
HOLY FRIGGIN HELL THATS A BIG DOG (love that they kept the rottweiler detail tho)
GROVER GROVER R U OK PLEASE BE OKAY OH MY GODS oh wait annabeth has the ball itll b ok
shes. shes petting it
awww hes just a doggy just a very very big doggy oh hello grover thats. thats really gross but atleast ur ok
annabeth HOLD ON GIRL
shoes didnt do the the thing. huh
THERE THEY GO. awww theyre playing with him <3 glad they kept that. grovers in awe i would be too
why is his palace upsidedown...???
oh aw no.... poor sally. she didnt deserve everything that sucks. also poor percy
FUCK THATS CREEPY. oh theres more. wonderful. oh theyre in asphodel. why are they so creepy........... stop
annabeth?? girl whats goin on?? WHY IS SHE TIED UP ohh she regrets thalia doesnt she... how is she going to get out of there oh the pearl.. AIGHT GO GO GET OUTTA THERE i know it must break his heart to leave her but atleast shes safe
OOP THE SHOES. THEYRE THEY GO hes going to fall into that hole in five years oh my gods. and they were red converse too... damn. oh theres the bolt. wait he was supossed to figure it out himself why did it just. appear. what are they going to do... i thought they were supossed to meet hades??? oh there they go. HADES ISNT INVOLVED GUYS... OH HES FINNA GO FOR HIS MOM THATS HOW HADES IS INVOLVED
stop youre breaking my heart. stop stop thiS MADNESS [cries and sobs]
the underworld is weirddd but lowk cool?? its diff from wut i had in mind but still
is that.... hades??? THAT IS HUH.
cilp clack clip clack clip clack clip clack oh i could listen to that all day
WHY IS SHE A STATUE?? true hades... true... he looks way diff than i imagined. love the big speech.. hun... but he doesnt want the bolt
hades just minding his own buisness 😭
HES FIGIURING IT OUT HE FIGURED IT OUT woooooooo there he goessss
hes protecting them omg. hes such a good guy. ok we wiat why does ohhhh hes actully smart?? hes actully practical. hades is js trying to live his life man...
STOPP POISEDION?? he cares he cares so much- is he british?? im crying stop SALLY DESERVES BETTER SHE JS WANTS HER SON TO BE SAFE IM CRYING aww sally and poisiodon <333 hes here for here - at least now. oh wiat thats THATS SO GOOD STOP THIS SHOW IS AMAZING ADKLAJFKLDAJSFKL;SAJFKLAS;
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months ago
i wanted to know if you have any plans for the og campers???? like luke, clarisse, silena, beckendorf, etc etc
this is SO funny bc i was literally JUST talking to @wronghuntress about them like a few hours ago😭😭 BUT to answer your question,,, it's sort of complicated. bc i didn't realize that i was doing it until like a good way into the series, but i've been unintentionally picturing pretty much all of the og campers/people from the main pjo series as part of the acting side of hollywood, whereas i've been leaning more toward, like, toa/side/minor characters for the rest of the main cast! this makes sense to me because like, nico and will get their big moment in toa, and apollo's a huge character too. percy and annabeth are actors obviously, but i did give them some connections to nico - but either way, i guess i just saw all of those characters as not really having any sort of connection to nico & will (even though i'm the hugest fan of will being close with clarisse and silena and beckendorf- he was totally will's bi awakening it's canon u heard it from me)
but anyway im getting off track, i've sort of had like a completely separate plotline for them going on in my head (not really detailed at all, i'd have to think about it more), dealing with more of those og characters, including percy annabeth and grover! i'm not entirely sure if that'll ever be included in the main fic seeing as they don't have much connection to nico's storyline specifically, but who knows... maybe a spinoff fic one day? i definitely won't be able to write some long 100k fic for them but i'd love to dive into that!
the only thing that i DO see happening is - if you remember this, a while ago, i mentioned the possibility of a third fic or some future plans for nico to write a musical to get that egot, namely hadestown. while the idea was being organized in my head, i've been thinking of silena as helping nico write the musical and playing eurydice, and then ofc i'd love having beckendorf play orpheus - i think he gives the vibes?? or is that just me???
and then jenna (wronghuntress) gave me the BEAUTIFUL idea earlier today of this... silena and charlie as actors, specifically broadway/musical theater actors (though im sure they have also been in some other projects), clarisse as silena's bodyguard,,, and im usually so against love triangles but like. there's so much potential there - again, nothing's finalized, i dont even know if i'm gonna write it, i don't really have ANY plans other than potentially making nico contact silena when he wants to work on his musical and having them + beckendorf work together for the demo recording - it's all VERY vague and blurry so we'll see if i come up with anything more to fall down that rabbit hole!
and as for luke, i pretty much have this: he's an actor, at some point he was prob friends with annabeth after working on a show together or smth, and ends up getting cancelled. for what? i'm not entirely sure yet, but it's probably very shitty for the internet to turn against a hot white guy. actually that fact might make him getting cancelled very unrealistic. but like it's my fic so that's what i'm saying happens! unfortunately he prob still gets roles and he's prob still like a millionaire and stuff but in general: bad person. though he probably (and thalia, because she used to be an actress too before running away) were in a movie/show/something with annabeth when she was young and they kinda mentored her/helped her learn the ropes before her big break. they started a club of neglected child actors which eventually turned into just annabeth, but at least she has percy and reyna and jason and piper and magnus on her side now :)
so long story short: i don't have specific plans, but they're all actors and definitely have a lot of lore that one day i would like to try to figure out!! for now i'm still very focused on tgol/the side stories that take place in THAT main timeline (so right now it'd be 2020-2024), whereas all of the main drama/plot in the actors' timeline would be happening BEFORE talk your talk (percy + annabeth + thalia + luke + silena) (around 2008-2015) or AFTER the greatest of luxuries (silena + clarisse + beckendorf + chris(??? i have no idea what's going on with him?? he's prob famous somehow but idk??? or maybe like childhood friend tis the damn season vibe. god there are so many fame tropes i have yet to unlock and so many characters i have yet to mess with) (around 2024-2026)
thank you for the ask!! i hope that one day when i have some more time to make some playlists, properly listen to hadestown, and learn more about musical theater/broadway/acting in general, i'll be able to answer the question more thoroughly!!
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existential-life-crisis · 7 months ago
☆ Get to know me :) (updated)☆
Hi! A bit of info to start with: I'm a minor; a lesbian; and a cis girl (she/her).
Ethnicity and language
I live in England and currently only speak English fluently however I am currently studying both French and German! (German is definitely my favourite of the 2)
Subjects and Interests
My favourite subjects are Maths and Classical Civilisation but I enjoy most subjects. (Lessons can still suck tho bc dam some teachers can be boring)
I enjoy drawing, playing games, reading (books and fics), listening to music and watching youtube.
Video games
I have a few favourite games at the minute:
• Hades
• Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West
• Genshin Impact
Finished games I still love:
• Astro Bot (its a vr game abt a little robot)
• Spiderman PS4
• Spiderman PS5 Miles Morales
• Portal 1 and 2 ♡♡♡
I am also 100% a completionist so if I finish a game I probably have 100% on it.
My fav books are everything Rick Riordan but i plan to read some other stuff as well soon.
My fav characters from the main series are Nico, Leo, Frank and Lester/Apollo but I do love pretty much all of the main cast. I haven't read Magnus Chase or Kane Chronicles since I was a kid so I'm gonna reread those before deciding favourites but I think they were Alex and Carter. Also, in love with all of the side characters even if they are 90% hc.
My fav canon ships/friendships are
• solangelo (Will x Nico)
• percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)
• frazel (Frank x Hazel) (But I do hc that either Frank was younger or Hazel was older bc the age gap was a bit strange in canon, being 13 and 16. Its a bit inconsistent , as all ages are in PJO, but if time works normally Hazel should be 14 and therefore definitely older than Nico too but thats a topic for another time)
• shelper (or shipper as I like to call them) (Shel x Piper)
• Lost trio (platonic)
• PJO trio (platonic) (Grover my baby, why must they always forget you)
• Lester and Meg (I dont think i have to say this but platonic) (please say I don't have to say that. No one ships that right)
• Reyna and Thalia (platonic) (omg let aroace characters exist in peace) (no hate if u ship it but my gods)
Fanon ships/friendships
• Valgrace (Leo x Jason) (but aroace Leo is still amazing)
• Pollen (Apollo x Darren) (Is this entirely about Dear Reader by wrongcaitlyn? Yes. Do I care? Nope. Am I insanly invested in their relationship? Oh absolutely.)
• Nico and Leo (platonic) (This had no reason to not be canon and had every reason to be and I will never forgive Rick for this until he fixes it)
• Frank and Leo (platonic) (I swear every book they would fix their relationship and then as soonas the next one starts they would hate each other again)
• Nico and evey side character ever (platonic) (especially year round campers) (bc hes genuinely just a nice guy)
• Will and Clarrise (platonic) (this is kinda canon but all we really know is that he can calm her down)
Feel free to ask for fic recs if u want them.
My fav music artist is Grandson. (He writes rock/alternative/indie/rap (?) music often about political/social/personal issues.)
But I listen to tons of other kinds of music too from metal to pop to instrumentals by a ton of different artists:
• Måneskin (italian rock band)
• Polyphia (instumental, primarily guitar, math rock)
• Chappell Roan (yk who that is)
• Chase Atlantic (u have probably heard at least 1 of their songs, pop/alternative/indie/r&b)
• Mother Mother (yk who that is right?)
• Eminem (right?)
• MSI (punk/alternative/rock)
• Penelope Scott (indie)
• Rio Romeo (indie)
And a whole lot more
I also play guitar (acoustic and electic).
Loveeee Spiderman: Into and Across the spider verse.
My fav characters are Miles, Hobie, Pavitr, Spidernoir and Gwen but I love all of them.
• Avatar the Last Airbender
• The Legend of Korra
• Batman: the animated series
• Voltron :)
Im an atheist but I support people of all religions. I support Palestine. I am left liberal (again I'm British so keep that in mind, I know nothing abt US politics besides the basic/well known stuff). I believe in equal rights for all groups and am open to other ideas and perspectives.
If you cant respect that then please get of my page. You don't have to agree with me but you do have to respect me and others.
Thats all for now.
Byeee ♡♡♡
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ineedibuprofen · 2 years ago
what are some musicals you suggest?
oh boyyyyyyyy okay okay lol, here goes. please excuse any typos.
- in the heights (the broadway version is better, but there's a movie too)!! this is about a latinx community in NY and it shows individual characters' journey. very fun, very boppy. kinda fast paced rappy hip hop sort of music :) i love love love it and there's some good belters, too. also it's lin manuel miranda, so. u can't go wrong.
- 21 chump street: another lin manuel miranda one bc i Love him. it's only five songs, and the entire soundtrack is the musical (so there's no dialogue outside of it). it's about a police woman posing as a student in a highschool to catch drug crime, except one of the guys ends up falling for her. it's sooo fun.
- west side story (the original, but the movie is good too): dramatic deaths?? an overused romeo and juliet trope?? unrealistic but enrapturing relationships?? yes pls. plus it's steven sondheim and if u thought u couldn't go wrong with lin, u RLLY can't go wrong with steven.
- next to normal: so underrated, it's about a mother who struggles with bipolar disorder and is trying to help her family stay together. there was a tragedy within it earlier in the musical, and it's just long and hard and emotional. there's some tws for this one but the voices are beeeyoutofull.
- HADESTOWN. my favorite musical probably. it's a retelling of orpheus and eurydice and it is tragic and heartbreaking and has so many takes on these familiar characters. and the soundtrack is freaking incredible . persephone was my gay awakening <3
- dear evan hansen: personal vendetta aside, ben platt has this wailing whiny thing going on that kinda nails the part. this is like one of The musicals (along with hamilton), so everyone knows it, but it's popular for a reason. it's about a kid who commits suicide and then another kid gets wrapped up in it and starts lying to his family... it's a whole big thing and evan (protag) is kind of a douche, but he's painted in a good light 👍 there's a movie soundtrack, but i don't like it much except for the newer songs they added.
bonus: the lightning thief musical. i stuck it at the bottom bc it's percy jackson, so it's not it's own thing but like. IT MAKES ME EMOTIONAL. u have to listen to the bonus track version tho. i cannot listen to try without wanting to burst into tears actually. and george salazar plays grover, which is the only information u should need. (see: be more chill)
okay i actually have sooo many more, so if u need any other pls feel free to ask :))
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ignitesthestxrs · 1 year ago
percabeth (ft. luke) + too much trouble
ayyyyy that's good shit let's get cancelled like it's 2017
u know i did an angstier ot3 sort of thing with tyre fire verse years ago and the vibe of this title is definitely more rom-com. so i think the set up is like, percabeth encountered luke in tartarus and Brought Him Back With Them because like. sure there was some complicated villain history there but ultimately a) luke was possessed! and b) luke was right, so they're kind of horrified that he was even in tartarus to begin with.
so luke helps defeat the...big bad (i have forgotten the plot of heroes of olympus) but now they like. have a dead guy in the world when dead guys are really not supposed to be in the world and no one even made and orpheus type deal about it, they just kind of absconded with him. so percabeth now take it upon themselves to keep luke from being discovered as being alive (or at least, dead and present on earth) by the gods.
this involves various shenanigans, including disguises, some love potion'd valentines chocolates (not eaten by either percabeth or luke, but probably eaten by grover to unfortunate effect), an upsettingly raw conversation with thalia, and a bewildered and kind of annoyed luke finally asking why they're going through so much trouble for him when he was such an asshole to them before.
but the fic has been a whole journey of like, Luke Trying :/ he's acerbic and embittered and self-deprecating, and his pride has him trying to reject percabeth's help as often as he accepts that they're going to force him to take it anyway. he is equal parts of the opinion that he can never make up for what he did, and also of the opinion that he shouldn't have to. but he does want to be good, so the fic has these instances of compassion from him towards like, stray demigods, and him quietly doing first aid for percy after percy gets injured doing something dumb to save him, and sob probably metaphorically and/or literally lifting some kind of burden off annabeth at some point as a callback to, u know, the whole atlas thing.
and percabeth at this point understand the value of trying and the trap that is trying to please the gods, and they are wounded and embittered enough themselves that this is a case of jagged edges meeting jagged edges in a way that fits together well instead of cutting each other deeper. i think they just kind of look at each other and shrug, and annabeth says 'life is more interesting with trouble' and then she holds his hand and percy slings an arm over his shoulder and they go yell at the gods until luke is allowed to stay in the mortal world mostly because annabeth bluffs about having built in a destruction mechanism to all of her olympus redesigns and she WILL blow up their house
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sunsburns · 6 months ago
you make me (sick)
pairing: ex!luke castellan x woc!reader
content summary: social media au where you and luke broke up but he's not over you... and you don't think you're over him either...
—or: your ex keeps posting to get your attention
author’s note: just a silly request that made me giggle so here we are. i haven't made anything for luke in a hot minute but fuck it we ball!! (if any of you guys know a social dummy like for insta pls share cause i like make this) also layout creds to @voguesriot
part two: and i make you (sick)
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♫ Von dutch by Charli xcx
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♡ liked by clarisselarue , lukecastellan , and others
yourusername i’m just living that life 🍏
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silenabeauregard and looking hot asf while doing it
yourusername i try my best
clarisselarue ur actually stunning pls spare me
annabethchase you’re so pretty yea okay but what about my photos creds?
yourusername only if you, percy, and grover pay me
annabethchase for what??
yourusername uh gas. that trip to the beach wasn’t free. and those snacks didn’t pay for themselves
annabethchase fair enough 😔
percyjackson BRAT!
yourusername this better be a charli reference 💚
percyjackson sure. if it helps you sleep at night
groverunderwood looking good! water was cold tho
connerstoll why are you getting dragged by children in ur comments
yourusername i babysit percy they’re my children basically
percyjackon you USED to babysit
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
clarisselarue: i don’t know if you’ve noticed but uhh HE liked your post
yourusername: who?
clarisselarue: l*ke
yourusername: oh yeah i saw lol
clarisselarue: and you’re fine with it? cause i literally remember holding a bucket in front of your because you cried so hard over the breakup that you threw up
yourusername: that was months ago
yourusername: plus it was a mutual decision to break up and we decided to stay friends
clarisselarue: you know friends actually talk to each other right?
clarisselarue: like you don’t run out of the room because he walked in
clarisselarue: you also don’t avoid each other for months
clarisselarue: you also don’t act like they don't exist
clarisselarue: you also don’t hang out with his little sister and her friends
yourusername: for your information, i was friends with annie before i was friends with him
yourusername: and it’s almost like you want me to have a bigger reaction
yourusername: i’m trying to be soo nonchalant right now lol
yourusername: but whatever i don’t care
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♫ ALL MINE by Brent Faiyaz
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♡ liked by connerstoll , charlesbeckenoff, and others
lukecastellan new hobby
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percyjackson song choice is ruining ur aura bro
percyjackson -200 aura
lukecastellan why are you always hating bro ffs
percyjackson clearly i’m not hating enough
percyjackson ur posting like this is a tiktok thristtrap 🤢
groverunderwood not too much on him now 😭😭
chrisrodriguez you can beat me up with those gloves anytime
travisstoll AYO?? 😰
connerstoll chrisrodriguez this is crazy even for you 😭😭
chrisrodriguez i didn't realize being a good friend was crazy all of the sudden 😒
clarriselarue new hobby this and that but you still can’t beat me without a sword 🤨
lukecastellan i highly doubt that.
annabethchase i don't doubt it
lukecastellan ur supposed to be on my side??
annabethchase on what rules?
lukecastellan on the “that’t by brother and i love him” rules
annabethchase debatable
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
♫ Sick by Dominic Fike
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♡ liked by annabethchase , yourusername, and others
lukecastellan travel + family
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chrisrodriguez love u man
lukecastellan best brother i could ask for
silenabeauregard proof of luke having a heart? what the flip?
lukecastellan i’ve always had one wdym?
percyjackson this is news to me
annabethchase 💗
connerstoll posting like ur nonchalant 😭 okay man i see you
groverunderwood also SAW him crying to “lover, you should come over” the other day… so, no. definitely not nonchalant
annabethchase why r yall airing out his business rn 😭😭
percyjackson why is my dad posted up w you?? take this down.
clarriselarue two posts in one week? this is getting suspicious
lukecastellan i’m starting to get the hang of instagram
clarriselarue yet you couldn’t tag anyone..?
percyjackson lukecastellan no she’s right you need to take this down, too much of you for one week
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
DIRECT MESSAGES -- the gods’ fav girls + grover ✨
yourusername: that son of a bitch.
groverunderwood: what what happened???
silenabeauregard: good morning to you too
clarisselarue: it’s like 3:30pm
silenabeauregard: oh worm?
groverunderwood: worm?
silenabeauregard: oh word***
yourusername: oh worm?
clarisselarue: LMFAO
annabethchase: what happened?
silenabeauregard: ten bucks it’s about luke’s posts
clarisselarue: i’ll bet it up to 20 if it is
yourusername: it’s not the post...
yourusername: its the song
groverunderwood: what's wrong with the song??
silenabeauregard: which post??? yall hold on it's been like 3
clarisselarue: yeah wtf is his deal? he needs to stop clogging my feed.
yourusername: the sick one. the song with the sick
annabethchase: the dominic fike one?? i thought you loved the song?
yourusername: exactly.
clarisselarue: OHHH CLOCK IT
silenabeauregard: OMG
clarisselarue: he’s soooo trying to get ur attention
groverunderwood: type shit.
silenabeauregard: like why would he post with that song
yourusername: exactly.
annabethchase: knowing it’s ur fav...
yourusername: EXACTLY
silenabeauregard: he’s literally obsessed with you
yourusername: EXACLTYY
clarisselarue: exactly
groverunderwood: are we reaching?
annabethchase: no
silenabeauregard: doubt it
clarisselarue: there’s literally no other explaination
groverunderwood: i think you guys are feeding into the delusion. what if luke is simply just… posting?
yourusername: oh i mean truee…
annabethchase: good point, grover!
clarisselarue: so... what do we think?
groverunderwood: HES TRYNA GET YOU BACK!!!
silenabeauregard: SOO TRUEEE
clarisselarue: YUPPP
annabethchase: CLOCK IT!!
yourusername: he still down bad
annabethchase: so bad
silenabeauregard: he wants ur babies
clarisselarue: for sure for sure
yourusername: i want his too tbh...
annabethchase: AGGH EW??
clarisselarue: CRAZY
groverunderwood: DAMN
silenabeauregard: PLSSSSASFJGS
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
lukecastellan just posted on their story!
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you replied to lukecastellan's story
yourusername: you’re a sick man
lukecastellan: i don’t understand?
yourusername: a slut, perhaps.
lukecastellan: if you think i look good just say so
yourusername: you’d like that wouldn’t you?
lukecastellan: maybe a little
yourusername: maybe a lot
lukecastellan: maybe
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
♫ Dark Red by Steve Lacy
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♡ liked by silenabeauregard , lukecastellan , and others
yourusername me n my bag against the world
view comments
clarisselarue hey sexy ;) i’m free tonight if you wanna hmu
chrisrodriguez it’s date night tho??? clarisselarue
clarisselarue ur just a bae on the side
yourusername chrisrodriguez you got room for one more?
chrisrodriguez i feel like i’m thrid wheeling my own relationship bro
annabethchase: ur so so pretty 😍
yourusername double it and give it back to you
percyjackon you look good and all but if you zoom in on the top left of the first photo you can see a cup on the counter and i want everyone to know that i, a CHILD, was put to LABOUR, and FORCED to get up and pour water into that cup and give it to her cause she was thirsty.
yourusername i said thank you
percyjackon not ENOUGH 💙
groverunderwood ate the plate down 🥴
connerstoll ribbons on a bag?
yourusername for the aesthetic
travisstoll i will never understand
lukecastellan bag looks familiar, where’d you get it?
yourusername got it as a birthday gift a from some guy. he’s kinda weird tho...
clarisselarue this is painful even for me
lukecastellan yourusername how was he werid?
yourusername ft me and i’ll tell you all about it
groverunderwood WOAH SMOOTH OKAY
chrisrodriguez BUDDY SHE HAS MOVES
silenabeauregard i’ve taught her so well 🥲 they grow up so fast
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
you just posted on your story!
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lukecastellan replied to your story
lukecastellan: and you said i was the sick one 🤔
yourusername: i don’t know what ur talking about 🤗
lukecastellan: yeah right
yourusername: ur just sooo attracted to mee ooooh 😵‍💫
lukecastellan: i am
yourusername: it makes you look soo dumb
lukecastellan: it does
yourusername: you want me soo bad
lukecastellan: i do
lukecastellan: i literally don't think we can stay just friends
lukecastellan: it was a fucked idea on my part
yourusername: oh
lukecastellan: please don’t block me
lukecastellan: i actually wanna talk about this and us
yourusername: wanna meet by our spot?
lukecastellan: i’ll be there in five minutes
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bolllywoodhungama · 1 year ago
Dinesh Kartik, a cricketer, gives Shah Rukh Khan a lengthy critique of Jawan, to which the actor responds, "Always need u as a finisher."
Dinesh Kartik, a cricketer, took to X (previously Twitter) to express his feelings regarding Jawan. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is now destroying the box office with Jawan, which has earned Rs. 286.16 crore in just four days since its release. The film is directed by Atlee Kumar and stars Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara, and Deepika Padukone in a cameo role. While SRK is having a ball at the box office, he continues to communicate on X, formerly known as Twitter. He's been praising his supporters, fan clubs, and even celebs who came out to see the film. Cricketers Dinesh Kartik and Rinku Singh were among those who enjoyed the film.
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Dinesh Kartik, a cricketer, took to X (previously Twitter) to express his feelings regarding Jawan. "SCALE and GRANDEUR," he wrote. I'm confident it will become the highest-grossing INDIAN film of all time! What an incredible effort by @Atlee_dir to bring @iamsrk in so many avatars, my favorite being Vikram Rathore, flair and charm unlike anything else seen from SRK!" "I remember when I started with KKR in 2018, and that's when Atlee started talks with SRK, and in fact he came for the CSK vs KKR match in Chennai," he continued. It took 5 long years, so many conversations, so many little screenplay modifications, and so much has happened in this period, and putting everything in perspective and bringing it out so nicely in a proper commercial fashion, and making every frame so much fun, filled with style and pizzazz was worth the wait!" "Kudos to @VenkyMysore sir, I'm soo happy for him," he continued. He has worked persistently in the background, and such a colossal hit is well earned. Congratulations to the entire Jawan team! @VijaySethuOffl and @NayantharaU You guys are pan-India heroes, and it's great to see you holding your own in every situation and demonstrating your abilities. @anirudhofficial Today's rockstar, and with each film, you're reaching new heights, brother. "The BGM was on fire." Shah Rukh Khan was pleased by his enthusiasm for the film and commented, "Wow DK, you are quite the film buff!!" I didn't get to see this side of you during your time at KKR. I'm glad you loved the film, and please send my love to Dipika!!! And if you have time, watch it again in a few weeks.... We'll always need you as a finisher!!" Sunil Grover, Ridhi Dogra, Sanya Malhotra, Mukesh Chhabra, Girija Oak Godbole, Aaliyah Qureishi, Ashlesha Thakur, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, and Lehar Khan also appear in the film.
Jawan is a Red Chillies Entertainment production directed by Atlee and co-produced by Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma. The film will be released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu on September 7, 2023.
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closetnerd62 · 10 months ago
episode 5
- lowkey i forgot that percy had to learn how to breathe underwater and control water u til my series reread
- hug so good i will never be over it
- the way he turns his head towards her when he says surprise (i’m giggling and kicking my feet)
- the way annabeth supports percy in trusting his dad even though her mom just left her out to dry
- bros been thinking about that hug for MILES
- we’re all gonna die … eventually
- i’m gonna say it… edge copeland with long hair looks like the guy who played shaggy in the scooby doo movie and jeff blim at the same time
- twitter fight king
- annabeth is such a bad bitch
- ares is such a good way to explain how the gods view the world and how they suck
- ares is to pjotv what ted spankoffski is to hatchetfield, i love my assholes who i love on screen but would despise in real life
- i really wish this was lit better because it’s so cute when you can see it
- percy was so slick with that movie shit
- the entrance trap scene is so underrated
- walker ate that scene
- maybe he finds the amusing” “that’s not funny annabeth” “ it’s a little funny” i love a queen that copes with comedy
- “i’m 24” he means so much to me
- ww2 buff line is so good
- deep cuts is awesome, love how ares is just a film douche for war
- grover done played him like a fiddle
- “in her husbands park? that’s so wrong” bro cannot comprehend cheating and that’s why he’s the best
- “don’t even try to tell me not to be wierd about this” THEY KNOW THEY KNOWWE
- tunnel of love eats
- what is love eats
- orthodontists office (give us braces percy)
- cinema is alive and jet wilkinson revived it
- my phone corrected “tunnel of love eats” to “tunnel of live rats”
- annabeth can read him like a book and i love that
- the owl i can’t
- “and i (no owl) am not”
- percy, my smart little boy 🩵
- the voice break on “i just dont see it” TEARS IN MY EYES
-i would do despicable things to watch this episode in a theater
- lowkey how do they get out of the ride?
- angry percy 🥰🥰
emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers
i’m doing a pjotv rewatch so follow my updates after every episode
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years ago
You know, I'm looking at this post and I think I'd like to ask you about headcanons 🍪 ^^
But I really can’t decide who exactly, to Teru (because right now I’m obsessed with this guy) or to the Stoll brothers (Like, PJO the fandom as a whole is small in the field of the tk community, let alone these two. ALTHOUGH THESE TWO HAVE SO CHAOTIC POTENTIAL IN TK PLAN)
So I'll leave that choice up to you
I'M THINKING ABOUT BOTH NOW SDFJUJHGF okay u know what. I will make both. If I can't ramble about The Blorbos what even is the point xDD.
I will be posting Teru's in a separated post because I think it will be quite messy if I mix both here. So! Thank you very much for your asky! Writing these were extremely fun and <33 You are so right those bros deserve much more attention and tickles in their lives ajfwffwgvs
Hope the ones with the Stoll Brothers isn't too OOC, it's been a time since I read stuff w them and not gonna lie, I am kind of rusty w writing them
Life is a game, tickle fights are war and they. are. winning. Those two are the KINGS of tickling. They don't have only an ace upon their sleeve they have an entire deck that they stole from your things when you were looking away.
They are MASTERS of antecipation. Not because they can throw subtle hints of how they are going to get you or tease or anything like that, it's actually the exact opposite. Most of the time the ""victim"" (usually a new bean who just got into the camp and is living on the Hermes Cabin for the time being and they want to properly welcome them :3) is literally just chilling until the bean look to the side, see both Travis and Connor Stoll just standing there and their previously innocent faces star opening in a sharky smile and playful, determinated look take over their faces.
It's over. Because everyone knows what that grin means. Everyone had seen at least once Travis doing the same expression before jumping on Connor and squeezing his sides non stop, demanding to know where is the thing ("You know what I am talking about. You know exactly what it is and I know that you hid it. Just tell me and I will let you go, bro ~") or the way Travis will freeze on the Camp meetings (I actually forgot the proper name here but it's those meetings w the leaders of each cabin asdfghgfd) and start shaking on his chair, trying to appear nonchalant while one of his hands cover his wobbly smile and the other try to push his brother's wiggly, skilled and so unfairly nimble fingers from his spine.
That is the grin and it means only one thing: They are going to get their giggles. You don't know where. You don't know when. But they are going to get it.
Usually it doesn't take long before loud laughter and squeaky protests begins to fly across the camp.
Not all their tickles are planned attacks full of scratches, scribbles, squeezes and raspberries, tho. Travis, especially, absolutely *loves* to randomly poke or prod someone who was just stretching in preparation for a fight or just distracted enough to be caught of guard. He likes to say he has a Squeal Collection and Thank You So Much For Adding Yours :). Surprise tickle attacks are everything to him
Percy lost the counts of times he was just chilling sitting on the dock, chatting with Grover or Annabeth, feet submerged and then BOOM his ankles are trapped in a headlock and rip. Main character killed by surprise tickles he will be missed <3 Also it doesn't help that more often than not Annabeth or Grover will help to destroy him instead of saving him so Travis has actually opportunity to escape.
Connor is more on the soft side of the playful fun, tho. Which makes them an incredible powerful team. There is no one able to keep a serious face when he gets those skittering, agile nails next to any unprotected neck or ticklish ribs.
He is the only one who can get Clarisse to lauh (sometimes even giggle but she is going to take that to her grave) btw. Even tho revenge is always merciless ajvwyvsjvw but what is life without some danger yeah?
Talking about revenge, b r u h, those two are tickled at least ONCE PER WEEK because of how much gremlins they are agfwffwggshw they, of course, love the thrill of a chase and will make it difficult af to catch them but the moment you get close to any of their tickle spots? It’s over. They become a mess of limbs, loud, boisterous laughter and babbles or protests.
Tickling them together is always something lovely to see because while Travis will be promising to do anything, anything you want if you have mercy on him mah man Connor can't form a single rational word. He will be babbling a bunch of nonsense, mostly random words or jingles and they are very teased (playfully and by friends ♡) when this happens.
They are quick to recover tho. Crazy to see how they can go from a mess of giggles (and if you drum your fingers riiiight in the center of their armpits just rights or lightly scribble their ankles, squeaks and snorts) to tickle monsters in less than one minute.
Flustering them is not very easy. It needs the right amount of anticipation and surprise. But it's very cute to see so beans from the Hermes cabin will sometimes make bets to see who can do it first
(Clarisse was the one who won by sneaking behind Connor and picking him up by his waist while digging on his absurdly ticklish hips. Rip our gremlin Boi)
Their comforting, soft and more silly giggles are reserved only for each other and their close friends tho. Like some cheering up after a though nightmare or a day when the training got too much heated.
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Hi! I love your writing and I would like to request a percy jackson x male!reader smut. Where the reader is tall and buff and his godly parent is Zeus. So basically the plot is that percy is always rude to reader bc he secretly like him. So reader one day is really tired of percys by so the reader takes him to the Zeus cabin and roughly fucks percy (with consent of course) percy calls reader daddy. Next day reader is cuddling percy then percy confesses to reader and obviously reader likes him back :) u thought it would be funny if you included a scene in that same day where perce is struggling to walk. Maybe he was with the whole friend group(reader is part of it since he is a child of zeus) then reader walks in without his shirt on for whatever reason and they see the scratch marks on his back, the others put 2 and 2 together and figure out what happened and just laugh about it while reader put an embarrassed percy on his lap. ❤
pairing: percy jackson (18+) x male!reader - son of zeus!reader
warnings: smut → rough smut, dom!male reader + sub!percy, fingering, penetrative sex.
word count: 1.1k
a/n: ahh omg thank you so much bby! hope you like this one ✨🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
smut night masterlist
it was a stupid, senseless comment, really. but it was still enough to get under your skin.
"percy, can i talk to you for minute please?" you clench your fists, eyes burning through his soul.
"uh, sure?"
the two of you walked, more like stomped, to Zeus's cabin, your chest heaving in so much anger - anger that had been pent up for the last few months. Percy had always made petty, stupid comments towards you ever since you came to the camp. His immaturity really showed through his demeanour with you. You suppose you could understand why - he's threatened by you. it makes sense, you were another child of the Big Three after all.
without a word, as soon as you both reached the cabin, you shove him up against the door. Percy smirks, knowing that he's finally gotten you to react. Contrary to your belief, he liked you. He wasn't 'threatened' as you had put it, but rather unsure of himself. you made him act so different - certainly not himself, that's for sure.
"what now?" percy arches an eyebrow in amusement. You say nothing, but press your lips against his roughly. He sighs into the kiss, tugging you by your stupid camp shirt closer to his chest.
You grab his shirt, mercilessly dragging him over to your bed before pushing him down on it. He chuckles, propping himself up on his elbows while watching you take your shirt off.
"don't just sit there, ocean boy. Strip."
Percy does as you say, quickly tugging his pants down his legs and his shirt over his head.
"what're you gonna to do, fuck me?" he snickers, a playful and mocking smirk playing on his lips. You lean down, arms on either side of his hips.
"see, that's exactly what i'm going to do." Your voice low in a growl. He gulps, eyes widening in shock, fear, excitement. You pull him to the edge of the bed by his ankles, a quick yelp escaping his lips. Percy's legs spread wide for you, his cock twitching in excitement.
your fingers toy at his entrance, dragging it all over his thighs and back down again. His bottom lip pulls into his teeth, his breathing heavy.
"you know it's funny how you've got such a good mouth, that i can shut it by barely even touching you," you ridicule, wanting to tempt him to say one of his snarky comments. but he doesn't. he just whines and rolls his eyes, impatiently waiting for you to finger him already.
His wish is granted, your finger slowly pushing into him. He gasps, but catches it through bitting his lip again. A smug smile plays on your lips, watching as he struggles not to let out a moan. But he fails as you pump your fingers faster into him, adding another finger to stretch him out nice and good for you.
"daddy," percy whispers, hips grinding against your fingers. The petname took you by surprise. you never pecked him to be a 'daddy' type of person.
regardless, you respond, "yes, ocean boy?"
"f...ah," he's cut of by his own moan. "fuck me, please."
You take your fingers out, and before he got a chance to whine at the loss of touch, you thrust into him roughly. He moans loudly, fingers holding tightly on your arms. Building a steady rhythm, you pound into him, letting out small grunts here and there.
Percy on the other hand, was one loud and whiney son of a bitch. He can't control his moans, feeling too enveloped by the pleasure. His hand reach up and claws at your back as he whines and moans out curses.
"fuck, daddy, harder, please," he can barely talk, body too overwhelmed. You comply with his plea, knowing as he asked so nicely. The bed squeaks from underneath percy, banging into the walls as you pound harder into him. His fingers claw harder - you were sure there was going to be deep red marks all over your back that was going to last at least a few days.
You lean up, holding his hips tightly with one hand while the other works at his cock. Pumping him up and down a few times, percy practically sobs in ecstasy. Your hand words harder and faster, wanting to bring him to close the edge. You felt yourself being driven to the edge at his fucked-out state.
"gonna cum," percy pants out heavily, whining and twisting the sheets in his fists.
"let it all go for me, yeah? you've been such a good boy for me."
"daddy, fuck," he moans, his cum spilling over his lower stomach as well as your hand.
"awh that's it, just like that," you coax him as you ride out his high.
The sun shines through the small gap in the curtain. You eyes flutter open, and softly giggle to yourself as you see a sleepy percy curled up next to you. Your arm stretches around his shoulders, pulling him into your chest. He wakes, yawning tiredly but snuggles further into your bare chest.
"morning," he mumbles, soft lips pressing to your skin.
"you feeling okay?" you ask, thumb caressing over his hip bone. He nods, but winces as he tries to drape his lap over your waste.
"last night was fun," percy looks up at you, his pretty sea green eyes flashing sweetly at you. You smile sheepishly and kiss his nose. "i wondered how long it'll take you to finally fuck me."
"oh fuck off," you roll your eyes as the two of you laugh.
"no but seriously. I like you, [y/n]."
"so that's why you've been an asshole!"
"how else was i supposed to get your attention?!" the two of you laugh at his comment.
you meet the others in Athena's cabin, where the discussion about the next quest abruptly stops.
"well well, where have you been, mister? we've got import business to discuss," annabeth says sassily, only now noticing your stood before them without a shirt.
"was getting breakfast quickly," you shrug, sitting down on the floor next to grover. Percy comes in the room, tea in hand for Leo and Piper.
"nice of you to finally show up," he teases. You arch an eyebrow as you notice the way he's walking. it was if he just got railed the previous night.
"oh my god, no you guys didn't!" annabeth gasps, as she glances at the scratches on your back. Piper takes a look at your back, noticing the deep red lines.
Percy's face flushes a deep shade of red, spreading down to his neck. You look at him and send him a wink, pulling him into your lap just to spite him even more.
"i'm going to kill you," he mutters low enough for only me to hear.
"i'd love to see you try, ocean boy."
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avengers-age-of-fanfics · 4 years ago
just for you, honeybee (1/?)
pairing: bucky barnes x female!reader, steve rogers x reader (platonic!)
word count: 3,172
warnings: a few curse words, bucky being cute, steve being awkward but also a great friend
authors note: hello! this is my first ever post on this account and the first chapter to a new series! im not sure how many chapters this is going to be as i got inspiration to write it a few days ago but im hoping to keep up with it. also, once TFATWS ends, i intend to do a series based on that as well! anywho, i hope you enjoy this and please leave feedback/lmk what i can do to improve! thank u :)
summary: dating back to 1943, you, james barnes, and steve rogers were best friends, including bucky being your boyfriend. when you get a notice that bucky died in the war, you make it your mission to find closure for yourself and protect steve as he is the only remaining piece of bucky you have left. once you are offered the super soldier serum, you and steve must make your way through world war 2 - and the unknown future hardships to come.
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James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes laid across from you on your bed, eyes softly glancing over your features as your hand grazed over his cheek and jawline. You chuckled to yourself, “looking a bit scruffy, Buck.”
He hummed, eyes now fluttering closed at your touch, “thought you liked it, doll.”
With a quick kiss to his lips, you nodded, “oh I do, don’t worry – no reason not to, really.”
Bucky let out a soft laugh before he ran a hand over your cheek, “I gotta get goin’ soon, doll. ‘Uniforms at Becca’s.”
With a sigh, you rolled onto your back and stretched, “she’s a saint, you know, washing and steaming your uniform for you.”
Bucky nodded in agreement with you, “that I do know, honeybee. I’ll meet you at Stevie’s, yeah?”
As you got out of your shared bed, you looked back at Bucky, “of course! Gotta see you off before you go put your life on the line, no big deal.” Bucky quickly dropped the conversation immediately after, understanding how you're feeling.
You weren’t mad at Bucky for joining the army – you couldn’t be, it wasn’t his fault. He was drafted and you knew that if he could stay, he would; and you knew you were being slightly immature about him leaving. You just wanted more time with him. So many people you knew had received letters that their loved ones hadn’t come back, that they had died in battle. It wasn’t fair, but when was life perfectly balanced?
By the time you got changed and got yourself cleaned up, Bucky was straightening out his shirt before he turned towards you, eyes hesitant. You walked to him, buttoning up his final buttons before you ran your hands over his shirt, “I’ll see you soon, Buck, okay?”
Bucky ran his tongue over his lips, “I know, honeybee. Try to keep Steve out of trouble for the time being, okay?”
You laughed, “I’ll certainly try my best – now get outta here!” With a smack to his ass, Bucky gave you one last kiss before he headed out the door to see his sister, Rebecca. You had asked her to iron Bucky’s uniform before he got sent off to war, wanting him to look his best – but you were sure he would look handsome in anything.
Looking in the mirror, you straightened out your favorite belted Peter Pan collar dress, fit with a pair of white heels; only the best for your Buck. You had begged him multiple times to let you register to become a nurse, in the slight chance of being close to him, but he always responded with the same answer: “I want to make sure I have someone to come home to, doll.”
You’d never tell him, but your heart warmed every time he said that.
Doing one more look-over, you smiled to yourself, grabbing your purse as you headed out the door. Steve’s apartment was only a few blocks away from your own, and honestly, you wanted to spend more time with him before Bucky left. The two were inseparable, and you knew Steve was going to struggle with Bucky being gone – that, and the unknowing if he’ll come back.
With sharp and prideful steps, you made your way across the street, saying hello to familiar faces and grabbing a newspaper from Grover, a vendor along the streets of Brooklyn. He stopped you before you headed off, “heard your boy’s goin’ off to war, y/n. How ya doin’?”
With a soft chuckle, you glanced down at the newspapers in your hands – one for you, Steve, and Bucky while he was on the train. You looked back at Grover, “I could be better, if I’m being honest. But I know he’s doing a good thing, so my silly feelings shouldn’t hold him back, Grove.”
Grover grumbled with a roll of his eyes, “you and your selflessness, just like ya ma. I’m telling yous, y/n, that boy loves you to the moon and back. Ain’t nothing he wouldn’t do for ya; if you asked him to stay, he’d go and fake his death to make sure you two go runnin’ off into the sunset together.”
With a laugh, you pushed the tears back, “and I love him too, Grove – but I can’t ask him to just not go. That just isn’t how it is, you know?”
Grover nodded, “yeah, kid, I know. . .Now get lost, I got customers to deliver these too.”
You glanced down at the stack of newspapers, “I’m headed over to Steve’s, anyone near his you gotta drop them off to?”
The vendor let out a hum and rested his head in his palm, “hmm, I think just Richie and Betty Davis right next to Rogers’ place. They get two, you good carryin’ an extra bundle?”
You gave Grover a look as he held up his hands, “just as fierce as ya mama, too – and being Barnes’ girl, probably the wrong question to ask.”
With a laugh, you held out your stack of papers, “pile them on, Gro. I’ll see you later, alright?” The vendor nodded and shoo’ed you away as you continued your journey to Steve’s apartment. Once you arrived, you left two newspapers on his neighbor’s doorstep, knocking once as you crossed back over to Steve’s.
As the Davis’ door opened, you knocked on Steve’s, already hearing rustling inside. Betty was at her door, “y/n? That you, sweetheart?”
With a turn, you greeted Mrs. Davis with a smile, “hi Mrs. Davis, how are you? How are the kids?”
The woman smiled back, “’mm, they’re good – always askin’ when the next batch of those delicious brownies are coming!”
You laughed and noticed Steve had opened the door, small statute waiting until you were done talking with Betty, “I’ll drop them by the next time I get to bakin’, Mrs. Davis. I’ll see you!” You waved to her, as did Steve, as he stepped aside to let you in.
Steve looked at the newspapers, then back at you, “you look great, y/n. . . Looks like I’ll be tellin’ Buck to shut his mouth when he sees you.”
You chuckled, “’cus he’ll catch flies or the obscenities he’ll be sayin’?”
Steve let out a laugh, “both, definitely both.”
Now that you both were in the safehouse of his apartment, you finally got a good look at your little army-hopper. He spotted a new black eye and a small cut on his cheek, yet he still looked as if he could go again if he wanted to. You nodded towards him, “where’d you get into a scuffle at this time?”
He shifted his feet until he let out a sigh, “behind a theatre. They were showin’ commercials for the army and some guy just started saying stuff.”
With a bite of your cheek, you sat down on one of his chairs, “so you had to fight him?”
“Just gotta be one of the good guys in the neighborhood, y/n.”
“I know, Stevie.”
An hour had passed and, in the meantime, you and Steve enjoyed some tea and tried to complete your own crossword puzzles. A small conversation had taken place between the two of you, talking about plans once Bucky was off fighting the war. You had talked about Steve moving in with you, but he was always so stubborn, wanting to prove that he could live on his own. You never thought that he couldn’t, but it could be a money saver.
One more glance at the clock, you figured it would be almost time for Bucky to show up. And, just like that, a knock was heard from the door and you smiled, getting up to answer it as Steve stayed back, grumbling at the pieces of paper in his hands. Opening the door, you saw your James Buchanan Barnes standing tall and proud in his new uniform.
Bucky whistled, glancing over your outfit as you did the same to him, “you look gorgeous, honeybee – even though I told you to not dress up.”
He stepped inside the apartment as you crossed your arms, “I mean, Steve agrees that this is kind of a big deal, so I think a nice dress will suffice.”
Steve and Bucky clasped hands and Bucky nudged his shoulder, “thought you were supposed to be a good influence on my girl, Steve.”
The smaller man shrugged, “kind of is a big deal.”
Bucky shuffled his feet, “yeah, well, I don’t want it to be. Let’s just go to the future and then see me off, alright?” The three of you stood in silence, light tension hanging in the air. With a sigh, you grabbed your purse, “well, off we go! C’mon now, boys.”
Bucky, you, and Steve headed to New York World’s Fair, hooked arms leading towards Howard Stark’s Expo. With bright lights, fireworks, and amazing technology surrounding you, your eyes failed to see Bucky staring at you with so much adoration. He never wanted to leave you – he’d stay if he could – but he had been drafted. All he wanted to do was stay in Brooklyn with you and Steve, and just never leave your arms. Hell, really, wherever you went, he went.
But that wasn’t the case in this scenario.
With a hand on your waist, Bucky looked up at Stark’s presentation of his repulsor technology with a flying car, head shaking in disbelief. While his car may have only hovered for a few seconds, the idea of not even needing to touch the ground to drive absolutely boggled your mind. During the presentation, Steve glanced up at you two and silently snuck off, hoping you didn’t notice his absence for too long. But he knew you and how observant and protective you were.
However, once you glanced around after a few minutes and found Steve in front of an army poster within the United States Armed Services Recruitment center. Squeezing Bucky’s hand, you slightly pulled him towards where Steve was, trying his best to fit his head within the frame.
With a slight push of his shoulder, Bucky nodded his head towards the Expo, “come on, we’re goin’ dancing – and hopefully find yourself a girl.”
Steve shook his head, “you – uh – you go ahead, I’ll catch up later.” He looked around, trying to divert the conversation between him and his best friend.
“Steve,” you started, “please? Just this one night?”
Bucky held your hand as he looked back at Steve, “you’re really gonna do this again?”
“I just – guys, it’s a fair, I’ll try my luck,” he started, looking between you both.
Beside you, you felt Bucky grow agitated, “that’s who, Steve from Ohio?”
“Bucky,” you said, squeezing his hand once more, “let him try one more, okay? We can go dancing and Steve will catch up later. If he doesn’t, I’ll hang his head on my wall like a prize.”
The boys let out a chuckle as Steve continued, “one last time, alright? I promise I’ll come later on – Mac’s, right?”
You nodded your head as Bucky sighed beside you, “don’t think you got to prove anything, Steve.” A small pause came over the three of you as Bucky continued, “don’t do anything stupid until I get back.”
You started to walk back with Bucky, letting go of his hand as he continued his conversation with Steve as he let out a small laugh, “how can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” You held up a finger at Steve, “you better mean that about himself, Rogers.”
Steve held up his hands, “yes ma’am! And Bucky –“
Bucky turned around once more to his best friend, “don’t win the war until I get there.” With a mock salute, Bucky dragged you back towards the Expo as you waved back at Steve, making sure he’d meet you at the bar before your boyfriend was shipped off.
With a sigh, Bucky wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as he kissed your head, “that punk is gonna get himself in all loads of trouble, honeybee.”
You held his hand that was around your shoulder, “I’ll keep Stevie in his place. Seriously, Buck, try not to worry about him.”
“I just,” Bucky gripped your hand, “I don’t wanna come back to nothing, you know? Steve’s my best friend and if he somehow gets himself killed here or in the war, I don’t know what I’d do.”
You pulled Bucky to a stop, putting your hands on his cheeks, “James, look at me, please.” With soft eyes, Bucky looked into yours, “I promise you, Steve is going to be okay – he won’t do anything stupid, at least without me. We’re going to be okay, and you will, too. . .’cus if you aren’t, I may go and kill Hitler myself.”
Bucky chuckled, “I don’t doubt that for a minute, sweetheart. I love you, you know that, right?”
You leaned up, kissing Bucky softly before pulling back, hands tight on your waist, “I love you too. Now C’mon, I wanna go to Mac’s and celebrate my newfound freedom.”
Bucky groaned and pulled you even closer, “maybe I should tell Steve to keep an eye on you.”
With a mock salute of your own, you giggled at your boyfriend, “aye, sir, my new mission is to protect Steven Grant Rogers from being an idiot!”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, “toughest job in this whole war, honeybee.”
As the night continued on, Steve actually showed up to Mac’s and had a new look in his eyes.
‘Hmm,’ you thought to yourself, ‘looks like I gotta ask him about something later.’
Steve, you, and Bucky didn’t drink, but instead enjoyed each other’s company before Buck was shipped off; this really only included Bucky and Steve making fun of each other and you keeping the boys in line. Laughs and a few smacks on the head filled the atmosphere, but you knew it wouldn't last long.
By the time it was nearing close to Bucky’s train departure, the three of you took to the streets and headed to the train station, silence enveloping you. Bucky’s hand was wrapped tightly around yours as you dreaded this goodbye, even if you had high hopes he’d return to you and Steve.
At the sight of the train and fellow troops heading into their cabins, Bucky turned to Steve, “you take care of yourself, alright punk? I don’t want any letters from my girl telling me that you’ve been actin’ out.”
Steve shoved his shoulder, “you’re acting like I’m 12 years old again. I’ll be fine, Buck.”
Bucky nodded, but looked to his best friend, “and Steve?”
Steve held his breath but let go, “yeah, Bucky?”
“Please take care of her.”
Steve glanced back at where you stood, picking your nails as your anxiety was pricking at your skin. He nodded, “I will.”
Bucky let out a sigh of relief, “thank you, pal. I love her, so make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid either, okay?” Steve nodded in response.
Bucky then headed over to where you were standing, his eyes raking over your beautiful dress, your heels, and most importantly, your face. He did not want to forget a single thing about you or your features – he wanted them committed to memory. With a gentle hand, Bucky tilted your chin up towards him, “you alright, honeybee?”
You nodded, too afraid to use your voice as tears flooded your eyes. Trying to dry them up anyway, you nodded once more, unable to look at Bucky. He sighed, “c’mere, sweet girl, I got you.”
With no hesitation, you fell into Bucky’s arms, tears threatening to fall as you felt his hands rest upon your back and your head. You sniffled, “I’m going – I’m going to miss you so much, Jamie – so, so much.”
Bucky kissed your head, “I’m gonna miss you too, sweetheart. Don’t you dare think that I won’t for a second. You’ll be the first thing on my mind every second of the day.”
You breathed, “can living through this war be the first thing on your mind? And maybe completing a crossword puzzle?"
Bucky let out a small laugh but held you tighter, “just for you, honeybee.” Pulling back, he wiped away stray tears that threatened to fall from your eyes, a soft smile on his face. “You’re gonna be alright, and I’ll be comin’ home to you in no time.”
You nodded, a few tears slipping free from your eyes as you looked up at Bucky, thumbs rubbing over his cheeks and light stubble. You slowly traced over his lips, his nose, and his eyebrows, committing everything about him to memory. With a small smile, you leaned up, catching him in a kiss once more, “stay safe, you hear me? And take this damn thing with you - maybe you'll complete it." With gentle hands, you handed him the newspaper you had gotten today.
He carefully took the newspaper from you, already hoping the crossword puzzle would be easy this time around. Then, Bucky pecked your lips before he headed towards the train, “gotta come back for my best girl. I love you!”
As he stepped onto the train and hung out the window of a cabin, he continued yelling, “I love you, y/n l/n! I love you!”
You cried, a bright smile on his face, “I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes!” Blowing kisses towards him, both you and Steve watched as the train slowly started to pull away, seeing him mindlessly hand his ticket to the worker, not bothering to tear his eyes away from you or his best friend.
“I love you!” he shouted once more, all before his train sped up, leaving you and Steve behind on the platform.
Wiping your eyes and your nose with a cloth, you cleared your throat and turned to Steve, “gah, sorry. Let’s uhm – do you want to head back to my place?”
Steve nodded towards you, “yeah, yeah that sounds good. You alright?” He hooked your arm with his as you headed out of the station, continuing to wipe your eyes. “Yeah,” you started, “I’m okay. I knew this was coming. . . I guess I just hated the whole ‘saying goodbye,’ you know?”
Your best friend rubbed the back of his neck, “I get it, y/n, but he’ll come back – he has a reason to, and that’s you.”
Your heart fluttered, and tears welled up in your eyes once more. With a quick sniffle, you reached into your purse and grabbed your key, unlocking your door to your apartment. Once inside, you quickly got to making tea for you and Steve, something to get your minds off of your missing puzzle piece.
Once tea was made and you both were sitting in your living room, you turned to him, “tell me, Stevie. Please.”
Steve looked at you, a confused look etched upon his face, “tell you what?”
You leaned back into your chair, picking at your nails once more, “what happened at the recruitment office? I’ve known you long enough to see that there’s something you’re not telling me, there’s something in your eyes, Stevie, so please, just tell me.”
Steve seemed shocked that you were able to read him like that, but was defeated. With a sigh, he turned and reached into his handbag, pulling out a file, “there was this Doctor there, Doctor Erskine, who uh – he approved me for the army, y/n. But it’s for an experiment, something they call a super-soldier experiment, I’m not sure. But, I’m going – I leave in a couple days.”
How is your world falling apart this quickly?
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saraville · 4 years ago
oh my gods u guys
i just finished tower of nero like a week or two weeks ago. i had felt many emotions.
first off nico di angelo. sweet baby boy. my heart is breaking just thinking about him. HE WAS A WRECK U GUYS IM SOBBINg. and will 'supportive boyfriend' solace. where can i get me one of those? their love is amazing. istg i will start crying. nico keeps losing people wtf. i'm so glad he has will to help him get through his stuff. will probably has som problems that aren't just nico's problems that wasn't mentioned in the books and i'd bet all the money in my wallet (which isnt much but yeah) that nico would also be there for will. the loyalty of that kid. they will put their life on the line for each other. they are the perfect couple.
apollo. the character arc. it's as good as zuko's character arc™. i hope he never forgets his experiences in toa. his relationship with meg is one that i stan so much. i think he doesn't really get that sibling relationship with artemis where they have to take care of each other. with them being gods and all. with meg, he really learned how to care for people close to his heart. and the people they encounter, he is exposed to the give and take value that kind people have. like em and jo. leo and calypso. grover and the dryads. camp half blood. camp jupiter. he is exposed to the oppression from those with power. istg rick's books really do be enlightening and contemporary.
meg is such as awesome character and i love how her arc expands the topic of abusive households and manipulative guardians. sometimes i wonder if she was modelled after me but all plants i touch die. anyway, it's really hard to see the truths of a situation that you're experiencing and i'm glad that meg had people to love, support and help her get through that toxic relationship.
the ending. oh my goodness the ending. the trio is back! percy-annabeth-grover road trip. we got it, guys! we're still not over jason's death, but i'm glad the characters are healing <3. piper got a girlfriend. too bad it's not me but good for her. my heart just aches for this characters. i'm so happy for them.
i have to reread to really get everything but i'll do that after exams kjshdkssjdhf.
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