#I love Erina Pendleton
beanghostprincess · 2 months
RIP Jonathan Joestar you would've loved Epic the musical
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Round 1 Match 38
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kuttblueberry · 1 year
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Randomized some color palettes and Jjba characters to draw! These are so much fun and a good challenge working with a limited selection of colours.
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siderains · 1 year
theres no way someone can be heterosexual and a jojo fan. maybe you don’t know yet, but you DO wanna kiss the same gender
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ackitscaramel · 3 days
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what’s that one quote about how loving a hero means he will be the world to you but to him you’re only part of the world
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princelylove · 9 months
some sbr (and phantom blood!) thoughts for you in general, your highness, if you'll take the words of this lowly peon-- i've been watching some documentaries on the gilded age recently, and a thought came up on me; how would the blorbos of the sbr and phantom blood era handle the societal expectations of the era? like, they can't really be affectionate or anything in public, so i feel like some of the pda/jealous ones would really struggle. plus, it would be inconvienent for them to talk to darling, especially because an engaged couple or even just two single people weren't really allowed to commune with eachother in private in anything other then social occasions. it's a fascinating dilemma, really, and i'd be fascinated to here about how some yanderes from this time period would handle this stuff. your ever faithful, ever loyal, ever miserable peon-- 🌸 anon
Warning for discussion of gender roles, brief homophobia mention I'm not sure if you can count it really, typical yandere things.
What a good ask, peon. When I think of the old American west, I tend to think of those old cowboy movies focusing on the wild west. What a wild three decades. 
We have to consider where exactly they are in the world, and their social standing. Frilly fan language means absolutely nothing to someone who grew up on the streets- Although Dio has studied aristocratic courting rituals religiously. England and the US are different culturally, and the south is very different from the west and north. 
The Gilded age takes place from 1877-1900-ish, doesn’t it? Steel Ball Run takes place right in the middle of that, starting in 1890 and ending a year later. I tend to think of the Steel Ball Run cast as living in the ‘wild west,’ which takes place generally from 1865 to 1895, so it’s perfectly lined up. Phantom Blood’s main story is in 1888, but considering it’s entirely in England, it would be considered late Victorian era rather than the Gilded age. The entire concept of a débutante is so horrifying in a yandere context. If I’m misremembering and the entire concept of presenting a young lady to society for the purpose of marrying her off is not in the late Victorian era, or any of the other information I just presented is incorrect, ignore the inaccuracy. Débutante is used in a gender neutral way here I pinky swear.
Jonathan takes the entire courting process very seriously. Not that he’s any good at formalities, but there’s an attempt. The concept of marriage being something romantic was very new in the Victorian period- but not a foreign concept to Jonathan in the slightest. He grew up with a loving family, his future spouse should be the love of his life. It was generally important to the male identity to be educated, do a sport, and be a gentleman- Jonathan fits every one of those requirements. By all means, he fits in. The only thing stopping him from never getting a second glance is how eager he is to please his darling. “It’s odd how that boy follows his darling around like a dog all day.” is a common statement from those who recognize him happily trotting down the street to go see you- that’s right. He’ll walk instead of taking a carriage. He doesn’t want the visit to feel so formal, he really just wants to spend time with you, even if you aren’t out in society yet. Jonathan thinks it’s going to help his chances of being formally introduced to you when you really become a débutante- but it is not. Gifts, flowers, attention, it all comes off as too much. He mopes a bit when his efforts are proven to be futile, but that doesn’t mean that he’s discouraged. Well, it doesn’t matter, he can always just propose. Why would your parents turn down a proposal from a Joestar, who can take care of you forever? 
Erina tends to be rather shy. She sincerely prays that she’s caught your eye- and does just about everything she can think of to get it. She’s quite the stalker. Your interests are her interests! She’ll show up at any sport you play just to watch you and show you she’s right there to support you, even if she avoids directly speaking to you for quite some time. It’s improper, and she doesn’t want to come across as needy, or socially inept. She can hope, though. Maybe if she just keeps showing up in places she knows you’ll be. The best day of her life is likely the day you come to a débutante ball, assuming you’re of the same social class. She hovers quite a bit, and takes a moment to beg whatever God is out there to introduce you to her. When her wish is granted, she clings to you for the rest of the night, regardless of what is and is not appropriate. 
Dio is a man obsessed with social standing. When you’re denied something for so long, it’s obvious that you’d become infatuated until you get it. Dio’s temperament is closer to obsession; Even when Dio reached his comfortable spot, he still wanted more. He actually takes courting rather seriously in his youth, he does it the proper way. He waits until you’ve been formally introduced to society, and makes his initial move. Just one dance will do. He doesn’t want to come off as desperate- Despite being at every single ball you’ve ever attended, sans one or two for his reputation’s sake. He’ll only visit your home on the proper days, always brings gorgeous, full bouquets, and leaves within forty-five minutes. He’s not about to take up your entire afternoon, but he’s not about to let another suitor talk your ear off for that long, either. Whatever hobby you’ve taken up is his greatest interest for today’s conversation. When you see him in public he’ll offer a polite smile, but nothing more. Of course, this all goes out the window when he turns, since he can just take you with absolutely no repercussions. 
Johnny is always going to treat the world like it’s Danville, Kentucky. His stay in England didn’t have any effect on him development-wise, he sounds like he’s from Kentucky still, too. All that bullshit about waiting around for the chance to dance with his darling is his own personal nightmare- and it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. He has a bit of a ‘modern’ take on dating, if you could call it that. He’s not as obviously affectionate as someone like Gyro, but it’s not like there’s a lack of it. He’ll hold his darling’s hand while you wait in line, he’ll whine until you sit with him on his horse, he can’t sleep unless you’re right there… Johnny’s pretty forward, regardless of what society deems is fine. He’s a good boy, especially in his prime- there’s no reason for your family to not like him. If your family isn’t accepting of him… he doesn’t really want their blessing, anyway.
Gyro has adapted fairly well to life in America, but not when it comes to the culture shock of not being able to cling to his darling constantly. Whether or not his explanation of how being overly affectionate is the norm back home is true is up for debate. He loves to hang on his darling- putting his head on top of yours while you try to talk to some poor stranger is one of his preferred pastimes. Gyro does plan on returning home eventually, but he has some things to do here before he can- one of those things being finding a way to take you back with him. Gyro’s not really put off by getting told to stop, truly, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to get in the way of him and his darling? Don’t be stupid. Gyro will listen to his darling’s request to not have as much pda if you genuinely compromise with him. No pda, but full access to you in privacy? Cool, cool, we’re never going out again. Gyro gets his fill in little ways, he wants to at least hold hands, or be able to put his hand on your waist. You’re seriously denying him what he needs because it isn’t “socially acceptable”?? You’re being ridiculous. Gyro won’t humor silly courting rules because it’s what you’re used to, he’s right here, you’re right here, if the only thing between you is some traditions, then Gyro has nothing in his way. 
Firstly, Hotpants does not really acknowledge societal norms. She’s taking on the “man’s” role in the relationship anyway, so if her darling is feminine, it could pass as a “typical” relationship, as long as she’s presenting herself in a masculine way. She gets weird looks when she goes to get dinner for the two of you- she catches, you cook. People often try to haggle her when she needs to buy new gear, it’s annoying. It’s actually a giant pain in the ass for her, but it’s worth it if it’s to provide for you. Hotpants isn’t really interested in the whole courting process, she’s very quick to snatch her darling up and lock them somewhere safe, even if you're not sure who she is. You can play housespouse for her while she takes care of what she needs to, you’re being given the easy life, is it really that bad? She’s not even forcing you to be affectionate with her- just stay put and listen to what she tells you to do. You can even write to your family, if you want, just know that she’s going to skim it over to make sure it’s appropriate. You’ll even have some time alone while she goes out for the day- interrupted by the sound of her boots and the sight of her jacket hung up by the door. When you are eventually let out- Likely to transport you somewhere else, I cannot see Hotpants letting her darling back out again- she’s a bit cold, but firm. If you can be trusted to sit still, she’ll let you ride her horse while she guides it. If you cannot, she’ll ride with you, arms around your sides.
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goatpaste · 2 years
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with Stone Ocean finale finally here, this will be the last of my daily Brando bro content with a family gathering + somewhat a wrap up to the silly mista's crush side plot that I said I'd never give an answer to, sike lol. Ungalo for the win due to popular vote also because im a mista would crush on Ungalo truther even tho any of the brothers is still a funny funny awnser <3
cant wait to sit down and see these freaks on tv tomorrow morning, see you then o7
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Thoughts on Jonathan and George's relationship:
Honestly, George always meant the best for Jonathan. Even when he was harsh he was trying to push Jonathan to be better as best he could, and he took a knife for Jonathan in the end- but still, it wasn't great for Jonathan.
But on the other hand, the dude was not equipped to handle this alone I think. With Mary's sudden and unexpected death, especially with my headcannon that the Joestar Family Neurodivergence came from her side, with the total lack of knowledge on that kind of thing in that era, he would have been hard-pressed to do better.
Then add in Dio, and hoo boy. He's not equipped to handle being a good parent with regards to Dio's trauma either, especially when he doesn't even know it exists, but he can't not take in Dio either, given the alternatives are Not Great and his own kind heart.
And Jonathan's feelings are... complicated. There's frustration at never quite seeming good enough, at the favoritism towards Dio, but also, he still loves George, still misses him after he dies. And for a long time, he probably internalizes a lot of it, thinking it was somehow him and not George.
It takes a long time for him to come to terms with the fact that even if George couldn't really have done much better, that doesn't affect the fact that Jonathan still deserved better. And I don't think he really internalizes that until he's raising George II and thinks about what George did with him from that perspective. (Though at the same time, he can see how, if he didn't have the knowledge he does about how his brain works differently from lived experience... he can see why George did what he did, even if it was dead wrong.)
Honestly I think the whole Jonaeriwagon trio might end up sort of reparenting themselves as they raise kids together- Jonathan realizing that he deserved better than what George did, even if George was doing as best he knew how, now Jonathan knows better, and can treat both his kid and his own inner child with that new knowledge and kindness. Speedwagon makes sure the kids have everything they want or need, spoiling them with gifts and love while also confronting how the scarcity he grew up under affected him, and starting to learn to treat himself now that he has the resources. And Erina, more headcannony, but empowering the kids to have more control and agency over their lives than she had, being dragged around continents with her dad, and that inner core of steel starting to become something she's more comfortable showing and working with as she teaches the kids to do the same.
I couldn't have worded it better myself and also I'm losing my mind (/pos) over these beautiful Jonaeriwagon headcanons because Y E S
the way I've always been thinking of George is sort of a "You Tried Your Best But It Was What You Thought Was Best." I don't doubt he loved Jonathan and Dio, but what he saw as helping them ultimately did cause a lot of harm
but also now I'm rotating so many soft things as they raise George II together-
Jonathan indulging George's interests, reading up on them so they have things to talk about, listening to him as much as he can to his son never feels unheard or shoved to the sidelines or like nobody believes him
Speedwagon always making sure George has what he needs but also teaching him how to value and safe guard what he has, giving him tips on the ins and outs of the seedier parts of the world in case he ever gets in a rough spot so he won't be caught off guard
Erina making sure it's absolutely clear that no matter what happens, no matter what embarassing or terrifying thing could be done to him, they will always love and respect him and that he could come to them for help, how he always can say no and fight back if he feels it's approprate
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nami-moittli · 1 month
The urge to make fan kids for a canon couple who already has one
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anongalactic · 2 years
Realistically, any and all Joestar family photos burnt up in the manor. Likely, the only photo that is left of Jonathan is the one from his and Erina's wedding. Maybe there's a picture of the three of them together, an embarrassed Speedwagon sandwiched inbetween them.
But I'm also a fan of the idea that there was one salvaged photo, from when Jonathan was still a kid and the world was still bright, and there's an ensuing fight between Speedwagon and Erina abt whether to cut Dio out of it or not. Speedwagon on the side of cutting him out because he was "never part of the family in the first place and certainly doesn't deserve a spot in it now;" and Erina wanting to keep him in because, while she does hate him for everything he's done, she knows that its what Jonathan would want, as he considered Dio family the whole time.
I think they just set the photo face-down when they're in the room instead.
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biblixsmia · 5 months
thinking about Jolyne’s middle name being Erina….Jolyne Erina Joestar *cries*
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whos-hotter-jjba · 4 months
Second Chance Round - Match 3
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
Hi! Poly Jonaeriwagon enjoyer here and I was wondering if I could request the three of them on a first date? I think it would be so cute. I know a different anon didn’t like the full triad polyamory but I would love to see your take on a relationship where they’re all together because I love love love that set up. Thanks! And I hope you’re having a good day! :)
OF COURSE!!! Thanks for the request anon, I hope you're also having a great day!!
Speedwagon was excited, to say the least. He was going on his first date with his two lovers, who just so happened to be Jonathan Joestar and Erina Pendleton.
He was nervous, as someone would be on their first date, but that was overshadowed by his excitement. They had decided on a picnic, something nice and peaceful.
Speedwagon, not having many fancy clothes, was grateful it wasn't somewhere he wouldn't have to wear something grand. He went for something simple; a white dress-shirt and a light brown sweater-vest over top, along with some darker brown pants and his boots. They were the only pair of shoes he owned.
He took a good few minutes to arrive at the spot at which they had agreed for their picnic to be, and visibly lit up when he saw Jonathan and Erina already sitting on the picnic blanket.
"Jojo! Erina!" He called out with a bright smile, jogging on over. "Am I late? Sorry if I kept you waiting."
Jonathan smiled at this, while Erina giggled.
"You're not late, we've only been here for about five minutes or so," Erina, patting the spot next to her.
Speedwagon smiled and sat down, as Jonathan took an apple out of the basket of fruits that Erina had brought for them to eat.
"You look nice, Robert," Jonathan commented, taking a bite out of his apple.
Speedwagon blushed a bit, as he was still getting used to being called his first name by Jonathan and Erina, instead of simply Speedwagon.
"T-thank you, Jojo! You and Erina are dressed very nicely, too!" He said in response, albeit a little quickly.
"What have you two been up to today?" Erina asked, taking some grapes out of the basket, whilst Speedwagon took a pear.
"You know, just some reading," Jonathan chuckled. "Nothing too much."
"I spent most of the day getting ready," Speedwagon said with a smile. "I wanted to make sure I don't look messy. How about you?"
Erina giggled, popping a grape into her mouth. "Oh, nothing really. I'm just glad that I get to be here with you two."
Both Speedwagon and Jonathan blushed at this, and they both made similar comments afterwards.
The trio ended up staying there until around sunset, as both Speedwagon and Erina leaned on Jonathan as they watched the sun set.
"I love you two," Speedwagon sighed, lifting his head off of his boyfriends arm and looking at his lovers with a dreamy smile.
Erina reciprocated the smile. "I love you too, Speedwagon."
"As do I," Jonathan looked over at him and kissed his forehead in agreement, which caused Speedwagon to turn a bright red.
"Hey, where's my kiss?" Erina asked teasingly, to which Jonathan giggled and kissed her forehead too, which satisfied her.
This was a really cute idea! thanks anon!!!
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llilli64 · 11 months
How come I hadn't seen this before!?!?
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ajol0tita · 2 years
WIP de Jonathan y Erina ✨
Descripción ESP/ENG 💕
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Yo es que les lloro a ellos, no está terminado, me falta el coloreado pero es que se me hizo tan lindo que hasta me dije a mi misma ¿Yo hice eso? Xd soné engreida ¿No? 😫 Y me gusta más como se ve en sketch que como se anda viendo coloreado pero así es la vida embeces 😔👌🏻 igual Jonathan es mi JOJO fav y necesitaba que mi primer fanart fuera algo relacionado con él. Y que mejor que con su amada Erina ✨
I really cry to them, obvs it's not finished, I have to colour them but it's so cute that I told to myself "I did that?" I sound conceited, right? 😫 But I liked more the sketch than the coloured version but life's like this 😔👌🏻 Jonathan is my fave JOJO so I needed to make my first fanart of him and what's better with his beloved Erina? ✨
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 years
you might wanna check out @connor-dioda's Mermay comic with merman Jonathan, fisherman Speedwagon and scuba diver Erina, it's so adorable 😭❤
You mean there's more mer!Jona AUs out there??? 👀
Fr, this is the first time I actually do or consume mer!AUs. Not because I didn't like them, but because I never really considered the idea?? So I'm pretty much a newbie in regards to mer!AUs 😅 I'm also an absolute scatterbrain, but I definitely need to catch up!!
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