#I looooove having ideas for creative things. it feels good for my brain
cr0wc0rpse · 1 year
Hm well I’m having a thought now. I’ve missed the past like …… 3 or 4 days of my mood stabilizer. Because I ran out unexpectedly. So that means I missed 6 or 8 doses. So . There is the possibility that the “having multiple ideas for various creative (small) projects” thing is coming from mania. Hm.
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rmwb-fanfics · 1 year
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party - what type of fanfiction do you write/currently write? You mentioned an RU fic?
Morning/evening/afternoon anon! Thank you for asking, hope you’re well.
Well, I write a lot of fanfiction, (Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park/World) but the only stuff I post is for Harry Potter.
I have two fics posted, both in a WIP state. There’s one other that I haven’t posted and I’m waiting to be finished before uploading, here is the list.
Regretfully Uncaring (RU)
My long fic. My baby. I looooove it with all my heart. Currently rewriting/editing the vast majority of it because this was really my first proper toe into creative writing, and as it’s gone on my skill set has improved considerably and, as I say in the summary on AO3, I want the story to be as accessible and enjoyable as it can be to the most amount of people.
It’s a werewolf fic, but it’s also a lot more than that. As the name implies it’s about regret. The name actually comes from something an addict I know told me, where when you’re hooked on something you regret your actions but you can’t get yourself to care. It’s about learning how to love again. It’s about acceptance, revolution. But really it’s about addiction. I say all that from the perspective of the author. It’s a ton of other things and my readers get different stuff out of it I’m sure.
It’s an ensemble cast story, so the perspective shifts quite a few times per chapter. I think there’s something like 20 characters that each lead a role at some point. Plenty of pairings, but the focuses are Harry/Ginny and Ron/Daphne. There’s time travel, there’s world building, the entire plot is essentially original and that’s why it’s my Bebe.
Because Regretfully Uncaring is a test run. Once the tournament concludes in chapter 28/29, it’s basically just a Harry Potter version of my original work that I poke away at. I want to make movies someday, and maybe Hollywood and general audiences as a whole will be more up to some original stories and less remakes/sequels because fuck I have so many ideas and this really is one of them.
Big thanks to @curse-04 and @muib92 who I can’t tag for some reason. Their genuine interest in what I’ve written has kept me going through so much, more than just writing. Even if you’re the same person with an alt account, I appreciate it.
A Short Life Full of Long Years (ASLFOLY)
Yeah so I don’t have as much to say about this one. Only reason it isn’t a one-shot is because my brain can’t just let things end so here we are. It’s a post-war soul bond fic, again: Harry and Ginny are the focus here. Together they go travelling in search of Andromeda and Teddy, who have gone into hiding in the muggle world somewhere in Europe. They have a vague map without any marked destinations, oh, and a vengeful Death is after Harry since his survival in the forest. I really wanted to explore what a soul bond post HBP/DH would look like, and I’ve enjoyed myself so far. Eventually, if I feel like it, they might become a secret agent duo. At the moment I have very little plan for this story, i just like writing it as it goes. People have loved it so far, so there’s that.
Biggest thanks to @fizzyginfizz for leaving the best review I’ve ever received on any story, let alone ASLFOLY. I still think about it.
So yeah that’s what’s uploaded, that’s what I tend to talk about. The stuff I won’t post is pretty simple.
My PotC fic is a follow up to the fifth film that explains Davy Jones and Jack’s actions in the Sea of Thieves portion of the story line. It’s pretty good and I’m thinking I might eventually post but there’s only like 20k words at the moment.
My Jurassic Park/World fic is just a rewrite of the latest film. Call me stupid or whatever but I was hella invested in the Jurassic story and I was looking forward to the conclusion/follow up after Fallen Kingdom. But *NO* they had to FUCK IT UP. Anyway it’s pretty damn good as a story but I will never ever post this one because no one is learning about my obsession for Jurassic Park that intimately.
Thank you for asking anon and sorry for rambling. Going to grammar edit this now, have a wonderful day.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
The Making of: Obscene
For something that is only 1,864 words, Obscene was hell to write.
2022 Kinkuary. Day 23: A/B/O.
After my great accomplishment during 2021 Kinktober (7 works in one month, not bad!!) I was determined to write for Kinkuary. (Spoiler: I only managed 2 works that month.) (Still not too shabby, tbf.)
I had a handful of ideas, all jotted down in a notebook. Of them all, the 2 I completed were my top priorities. The first was The Alchymist II....which is a story in of itself. But that work was a rewrite and repost of a previously deleted fic.
Obscene was new. And while I retain complicated feelings towards The Alchymist series, Obscene is...special.
For one, I really love a/b/o stories, and I'd been wanting to write one. I was also, oddly, scared to write one.
There is a lot of great commentary on the potential of a/b/o stories, with a lot of worldbuilding and as a statement of real life issues. It's valid commentary, and I do love a good a/b/o story that delves into all of that juicy potential.
But I'm not gonna lie to you. I really love the smut.
I love the animalistic urges. I love the dubcon (if not outright noncon) vibe of it. I love the weird biology. I love the built in excuse for mpreg.
And I'm really, really, really into...well...bodily fluids.
I looooove me some bodily fluids in stories. I love the grossness. I love a good mess. I was drooling at the thought of just fully leaning into all the fun bits of a/b/o, or what I really enjoy in them. But let me not get too explicit here. You can read the fic itself for that.
But that drive is what really drove the whole story. And it really gave me my opening:
Never has Severus been so wet outside of heat. 
It’s humiliating; obscene.
There were a few pressures at play. For one, never really having written a/b/o and feeling that people would have expectations of it. How many times I reminded myself it's a fictional construct in a fictional story and I could do whatever the heck I wanted! Secondly, the worry of writing "yet another a/b/o porn." Again: reminder to self, you can write whatever you want. If people want an in-depth exploration of society and biology and blah blah they can do it themselves. Three: the "deadline."
For reference, daily prompt events don't usually have a hard rule about posting on the prompt day. That is primarily my OCD brain being ultra particular and restrictive. I did, in fact, miss the prompt day. Day 23 was a/b/o day. This fic went up on Day 28. But since Day 28 was "free day", I didn't beat myself up too hard over it!
Lastly...I decided to gift this fic to LilaDiurne.
Which presented a whole host of other concerns. Gifting fics can be so scary! Especially when you're gifting works to such a gifted writer. Even more so because Lila has a fabulous a/b/o of her own, Brighter Than Bright. I know Lila enjoys a/b/o, and I knew she wouldn't mind some good a/b/o smut, but...well. I was still daunted.
There were aspects of the story I worried wouldn't be to her liking. I worried the end product wouldn't be good enough. Endless worries and second guessing. But it mattered to me to write this story. And it mattered to me to gift it to a friend.
Every word was hard won. Stress, I find, is very detrimental to my creative process.
And...well...I can admit one last issue. Aside from the stress, when I'm personally...well...into smut, it becomes a challenge to write. Normally because I'm overheated and panting at the screen. How embarrassing!
So...stress + breaks to be horny. A winning combination for the Struggle Bus.
Eventually I completed the dang thing. And edited it to death. And posted it and crossed my fingers that Lila wouldn't hate me or judge me for it. (Silly of me, really. I'm sure she'd have appreciated it even if she hadn't liked the story.)
That Lila did like it was a huge relief to me!
That so many other people liked it, well...that was a shock. A very happy one!
Any fic doing well is great, but especially one you've pulled hair out over! Makes the whole ordeal feel like it was worth it all, in the end.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her. I'm in the Harry Potter, marvel and stranger things fandoms!
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy mysteries, poetry and Russian literature!I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I'm a taurus and a ravenclaw
Thank you very much!! Congrats on the milestone, here's to so many more followers ❤️
Thank you so much :((( <333
I do apologize though if this is bad, as i have never done this before. I love seeing those posts witg like people requesting ships with themselves and other characters and i thought it was cool so i wanted to try and im rambling but you get the point
From the MCU, i ship you with:
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker/Spiderman
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𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 would definately have you read to him on a lazy morning/midday! Loki would love hearing about any random thoughts/daydreams you have. Would 100 percent help you decide on outfits and collaborate with you every once in awhile. When you and Loki inevitably find yourselves in Avenger's tower, you both would definately pull a couple pranks ( loki would probably take the fall for you lol ). Any drawing or sketch you gift Loki would be kept in a special spot and would never be crinkled, lost, or torn. I feel like you and loki would probably banter quite a bit ( nothing harmful! ) just to hear your smart remarks- Loki loves what your brain can come up with in the heat of the moment!!
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 would fanboy over the way you dress since he isnt one to dress up unless theres a really good reason and overall you just look good🤷. If its tom holland spidey you like, peter would tell you about his spiderman thang when you started dating or whatvs idk. WORSHIPS the advice you give him- and probably says some 'damn thats pretty smart why didn't i think about that?' when you put in your two cents about his issues. OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY I HAVE AN IDEA THAT I MIGHT WRITE A BLIRB OR SMTH ABOUT: when you paint realistic portraits and you need like a change of scenery or just something natural to take inspiration from, peter would have you pack up some water bottles, cups, snacks, your canvases, and paints in a drawstring and swing to a relatively natural environemnt ( i.e: a minimal amount of buildings, yada yada yada) and talk to you or listen to music while you painted
From the Stranger Things universe I ship you with...
Steve Harrington
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i <3 my babyboy
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 ( season 2+ ) would looooove taking it slow and letting you warm up to him- trust is important. His rich ass would probably buy you blazers/suit jackets/ basically anything you want. Would probably ask you to draw random things he thinks about during the day. Such a worrywart tbh- especially when you drive to that one diner in town without telling anyone so you could get a shake and basket-o-fries and brush up on your Russian readings. Super protective as well. If you were with him and Robin during their little Scoops Troops thing: expect him to hold on to you while hugging just a little longer.
From Marauders era Harry potter universei ship you with
Remus Lupin
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loml tbh
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 is lowkey a quiet guy with people he doesn't know. Understands social cues ( specifically yours ) and can easily calm you down if you have anxiety about something. Would probably tell you about Moony on accident, but would be happy that you knew so he didn't have to keep lying to you. Would rant and vent about all the dumb shit James n Sirius do and how Remus gets frustrated thaf Peter just follows them instead of saying what he needs to say. Compliments your dressing style and admires from afar. Would watch over your shoulder as you sketch/draw, loving watching the way your hand moves in a way that could create such a pretty thing. Please climb a tree and hang out with him
Golden trio era:
George Weasley
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silly billy georgey porgey
𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 would be a big fan of pulling pranks with you, even if you don't want to do take the blame for it. Could sit and watch you make art for hours <3. Sorry not sorry would call you his little arm rest. Absentmindedly braids your hair when he's bored ( he knows how to braid because Ginny went through a phase when she was a kid when she wanted her hair braided 25/8). Loves hearing you talk about your ambitions and goals, and helping you when you're indescisive. You'd get a sweater from Molly and thats when you knew you were part if the family
𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧 𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 <33
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millenniumringg · 2 years
Hi same anon as before. Would you ever want to talk a little bit about fanfiction and yugioh or whatever? Maybe give me some advice on how to start writing again when you’re stuck hehe. I’ve been stuck for nearly a whole year
YES ABSOLUTELY I WOULD!! I looooove talking about writing and yugioh :] two of my favorite things!
Also, as for some advice, here's what I can try to offer you:
When I get stuck, I move on to something else. If it's writing, I usually like to scroll through my old docs and find something that inspires me! Like an old idea I forgot about or a scene I forgot I wrote... Something that sparks my interest in that moment! And what I do is just... write? Writing for yourself I think is the most important step in getting back into things. You have to try to remind yourself why you started doing it in the first place and the only way to do that is to WANT to write whatever it is you're writing! So, if you're stuck on a project that you've been wanting to finish, the best thing to do is set it aside and write literally whatever the hell you want. Something that is exciting and fun and makes your brain feel alive again :]
After you get yourself back into it, finding a friend or two to share your work with is helpful :) So, instead of writing for, say, an AO3 audience, you have a smaller audience of supportive friends to read it over and tell you what they think :D I've been sharing docs (stories I will probably never post) with a couple of people this past year and I take great delight in just... sharing :) It's good to forget all about publishing and posting and sharing with a wider audience when you're stuck. You don't need to add that extra pressure on to yourself! Just HAVE FUN!!!
I think all of the above is good advice for when you're stuck on a specific project, but if you're stuck on writing as a whole and just can't seem to get back into it then I suggest two things:
One: Don't worry about it!! Get out and do something fun for yourself. Don't hunt too hard for inspiration. Instead, let it come to you! Write down thoughts you have throughout the day in a notebook or your phone (I actually do this with drawing in my sketchbook hehe its helpful!) that you can look at later. It can, and should, be literally anything:
"Saw an orange cat"; "The sky is purple looking"; "My shoelace is fucked up"
Then maybe challenge yourself to make something out of them? Or don't! It's just for exercising the idea making in your brain little by little :]
Two: **Read works you love! Read books, fics, poems, short stories, plays... whatever it is that you like and love to consume :] These are things that are sure to inspire you subconsciously! Maybe you could even analyze these works and ask yourself why you like these things. What makes the story unique? What draws you to it? Then you could take those things and try to mold it into something of your own :]
For example, what inspired me to write Cornered was The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. It had been, like, 3 years since I read that book for high school, but one day I thought about the way Faulkner utilized stream of consciousness and point of view and I just was like "hey... what if I tried doing something a little like that..." And that was literally it. I had no plot ideas. I just put that thought on the back-burner and when the story finally did come to me, I put the two ideas together. Because I thought it would be epic. And because I love creative writing and I love investigators and I love yugioh and I love to make Ryou suffer :]
**I feel like I should add not to OVER analyze works you love. It's easy to feel discouraged when you start comparing yourself to others. Don't do that, like, ever! Use things you love for inspiration, never for comparison. If you find yourself feeling discouraged because "oh, I could never write like that" STOP IMMEDIATELY and do something else! Because you CAN!!! No one will ever write the way you do :] You are unique with your own thoughts and ideas! If you find yourself saying things like this, try finding inspiration outside of writing. Just so you don't fall into that hole!
Ah.... I think that's all I have, haha. I'm by no means a professional. I just really like writing fanfiction LOL Most of this advice is coming from my experience as an animation major and dealing with burnout and stuff like that. Everyone is different, though, so finding what works for you is going to be a bit of a challenge, but hopefully these are some tips that can help you get started on facing your writing rut head on!
As always, thank you for supporting my work anon <3 I wish you tremendous luck on your writing journey! And I'm flattered you have come to me for advice, hehe :]
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
Thank you so much for your very kind words and for letting me share my incoherent brain vomit. English is not my native language either, most of the time I have to rely on grammar software for fic writing. Ah don't worry, when I write a series I always make sure it's a happy ending (won't promise the same thing for one-shots though 👀). It's cruel to write more than two chapters just to have a bad ending. I completely agree with you on the whole trying to make it work with each character, my goal is all about allowing the readers to immerse themselves in the story, so the characters need to be consistent. I don't often write mythological/fairy tale stories, this is just a one time thing. I came up with the idea solely because he is a ♐. I started that one back when I was writing the original Perks of Being Good because I want something soft and sweet to balance out the roughness in the other story (of course, I ended up abandoning both projects 😭). It's so nice to read your ideas for Davis and Tommy, Davis especially because I feel like this is a very underated character within the fandom, he and the film need more love. I can't wait for you to watch Ambulance, it's going to be a wild ride (literally, for Danny).
i wrote you like 5 novels in one, if anyone did brain vomit it's meeeee but i love talking with writers and seeing how they come up with ideas and how their creativity works so i had the best time reading and answering last night! i can recover from a not happy ending in a one shot (who am i kidding, i can't), but yeah for a series it's just straight up big meanie behaviour to not give the characters some silver lining or hope or light at the end of the tunnel! i'm so excited for both of your stories! and if it can be of any help, take your time and go with the creative flow and i know it will be sooooo amazing in the end!!!! i just know these series will be awesome!!! also i was serious, if you're comfortable tagging me i would looooove to be tagged when you post them! 💖💖 just the clip of danny and will singing sailing made me want to cry, not in a good cry way necessarily? i mean, sweet brotherly moment but like? guys there's a little something going on called you're being chased by literally everybody? the dudes saying they're a nut job was me, except i just stared in confusion. imagine if they listened to it on spotify but danny doesn't have premium since he's too busy spending money on this weird place he keeps all the weapons in and then BOOM ADS in the middle of them trying to getaway 😔 anyway i love you danny i dont know who you are yet but i love you buddy you do you boo xox
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