#I live in the ghetto
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nakedphany20 · 2 years ago
no a f sound of a gunshot at my neighborhood at this hour 😎
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avkamfher · 2 months ago
The sounds I thought were a limb hitting my car port was in fact not that sound.
But the bark of a gun.
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dreams-your-smp · 2 months ago
also yk while im on my soap box we also need to stop this demonization of poor neighborhoods bc like ok if u wanna call shit u dont like hood and ghetto dont be doing it from ur fucking 5 story mansion because like i thought we left this general disdain for poor people and areas in like. 1930 bro.
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voparwave69 · 8 months ago
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"BoarDed uP wInDoWs. uGH, I dOn'T knOw wHat tO SaY aBouT tHosE sHiTty wIndOWs. tHeY'rE just sO aNnOyInG, wIth tHeiR wAcK-aSs fOrEsHadoWing anD ShiT. wHy dO PeoPle bOarD uP wInDowS, aNywaY? jUst gIVe uP on tHe hOUsE, yOU dUmB fUckS." -- Gamzee Makara, Act 4
Gamzee Makara✔
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libido · 17 days ago
i want hashbrowns so bad but i have none at home, it’s 6am and maybe ill order some
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oxytoxic-skeletonin · 22 days ago
Bro how are seagulls fucking real? I'm in a damn parking lot, in freaking TENNESSEE, and I'm watching a bunch of seagulls go apeshit on a pizza someone dropped on the pavement.
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black-rose-writings · 2 months ago
Arguing about social policy with your parents becomes ten times funnier once you actually have a grown up job and pay taxes.
Like, no, mom, I am still infinitely more pissed about billionaires abusing the system to get more money that they absolutely don't need and couldn't spend in multiple lifetimes, and corproations abusing government subsidies so they can have record profits while they pay dogshit to their employees, than I am about Johny Cash over in the ghetto getting the same amount of money as my salary for doing jack shit except fucking his wife to make a dozen babies. Personally, I think if he's happy, good for him.
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etakeh · 3 months ago
Hey, who wants to drive out to Blue Ridge Drive, outside of Astoria.
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I vaguely remember having lived here as a kid, and that it was trash. According to a 2024 street view, it looks like they've torn down my childhood single wide and replaced it with goats. Massive improvement.
The last time I went, maybe 20 years ago, there were still some singlewides - presumably abandoned, with chicken wire over the windows and boarded up doors.
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frobby · 1 year ago
why are anime characters always from or going to California it's not even that cool over here
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freackthejester · 7 months ago
Had a new neighbor that I have not exchanged words with yet start by asking me if I was going to the park tomorrow (because that is where our local Pride™ event is happening)
All i could say was "How could you tell?"
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cass1x1 · 10 months ago
spoon. for sender’s muse to pull receiver’s muse flush against them, spooning them. | ashton/noah. sleepy ashton ahoy
When Noel deposited Ashton in his room, he was fairly certain the worst of it was over. The party itself had been bad: Ben had showed up, of all people, and then Ashton got involved in some sort of game that resulted in him getting plastered. Then the cops showed up to break it up or whatever bullshit they got up to, and that was worse. They had to leave in a hurry, but since they'd gone right from the library, it was a very long walk home.
A long walk for Noah, who'd had a couple beers but was fine, but altogether too long for Ashton, who seemed like he could barely walk. He'd wrapped himself around Noah almost immediately, whining that he couldn't balance and still bitter over losing his game. And, like fucking always lately, the moment he'd draped his arm around Noah, that feeling began pulling inside Noah's chest, making him feel like he couldn't breathe. Not a convenient way to have to carry your roommate's drunken ass home, for sure.
But they'd made it home, and Noah deposited Ashton back in his room, and it was over. Or so Noah had thought, until he heard banging on the wall. "Noah," Ashton whined, loud enough that there was a chance he'd wake the neighbors. "Noah, c'mere."
There was no way this was going to end well, but neither would getting kicked out over noise complaints. So, reluctantly, Noah threw off his covers, took a moment to brace himself against the chill of the apartment, and trudged into Ashton's room. He found Ashton curled up in bed, still dressed, under a heap of blankets. Their landlord was a cheap-ass, and even though it couldn't be more than 50 inside, the heat was still off. Noah had been nestled very much the same way until someone had demanded his presence. "What now?" His tone held very little patience for Ashton, though the other man didn't seem to notice in the slightest.
"'m cold. C'mere."
"I'm cold," Ashton repeated, articulating like maybe the problem was that Noah had misunderstood. "Come here and warm me up." Noah sighed like the entire world was against him, which kinda felt true in that moment, and wheeled around to return to his own bed and his own heap of blankets. It had to be after 3am. He was done. "I'm cold," Ashton repeated, stretching the last word like a child. "We'll be warmer if you stay."
This, unfortunately, was a fair point. Noah looked up, like he was asking for divine advice, weighing his options. If he went back to his room, his bed would be colder, because he'd be alone. And Ashton, drunk as shit, would keep whining. But if he stayed... His chest tightened again. Then again, if that was the worst of it, it was survivable. With another world-weary sigh, he turned back around and made his way to the bed. He peeled back the covers, and an invitingly warm spot appeared as Ashton scooted over.
"You're such a dick," Noah muttered as he settled into the spot. He and Ashton hadn't exactly been distant from one another but ever since he'd been having that feeling about him, Noah had been trying to keep a little bit of space between them.
Ashton, evidently, hadn't noticed and had no such qualms. He reached around, pulling Noah's back flush against him, pressing his face in between Noah's shoulder blades and letting out a contented sigh. "Thanks," he whispered back, before seemingly instantly falling asleep.
Noah froze. His heart was beating so hard now that he felt like it must be enough to wake him. And that feeling inside had seized up the rest of his organs into some ridiculous twist that was somewhere between nauseous and exhilarated. This was a mistake. A horrible mistake.
Moving in what he hoped was slow motion, Noah slid his arm onto Ashton's, hoping to pry it off. The moment he touched it, though, Ashton's tightened, pulling him somehow even closer to his chest, where he could feel Ashton's slow, steady heartbeat. Ashton snored, and Noah could feel it against his skin, through his shirt, like the weirdest and least effective back massager.
Eventually, even as his mind continued to race, Noah's breath fell in sync with Ashton's. His eyes drooped shut, and although his stomach never seemed to untie itself from knots, he did somehow drift into a strangely peaceful sleep. His last thought was that even if he might regret the hell out of this in the morning, it wasn't actually the worst way the night could end.
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leatherdyketerror · 11 months ago
legitimately hate how leftists in here are like wow the racism in america am i right? until you ask them about their opinions on romani people
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thehoneybus · 1 year ago
I worked so hard on my old rich people's favorite young person persona, I cannot go back anymore...
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lago-morpha · 2 years ago
my grandma is a white woman living in a black neighborhood and by god she will not stop fucking reminding me omg
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seventhscorpio · 1 year ago
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This is the picture of the Warsaw Ghetto this video heavily reminded me of. I just can't shake the similarities
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leahcee · 3 days ago
I hate my cousin!
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