#I literally just broke down sobbing watching her with the car I believe it was
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httpsdana · 1 year
71 prompt for oscar piastri or joão félix? ty!
Stay~João Félix
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
still can't believe João actually joined barca...His dream came true I was in literal tears when I found out and now he's doing so good omg. anyways...enjoy <3
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
71-"stay with me tonight."
best friends to lovers trope!
"he broke up with me João" y/n sobbed into the phone with her best friend
"y/n...why did he do that?" João asked in a soft voice, already putting his shoes on to drive himself to her house
"he said that he's not ready to be this committed to our relationship. he said that I'm going too fast. we have literally been dating for 3 years what does he mean" her sadness now turned into anger and she was starting to show her frustration
"I'm on my way y/n. don't leave the house please. I'll be there in a few minutes" she hung up without saying anything, making him more worried now
He drove to y/n's house immediately, parking his car outside and rushing to the door. He knocked on the door harshly, only for the door to be yanked open, and a raging y/n standing there
"hey sweetheart...how are you holding up?" he asked carefully, stepping inside the house, the door behind him slamming harshly
"I should've just strangled him to death. who the fuck does he think he is? he thinks that he can just break up with me without an actualy excuse and just leave?" she said in anger, flopping down on the couch, João sitting down next to her and rubbing her back
"I'm just so frustrated right now I'm not even sad just so angry" she said with gritting teeth. Then João got an idea
"go change your clothes. I'll take you somewhere that can help" he nudged her to get up.
She groaned and got up, changing out of her shorts and hoodie, putting on a tank top and some jeans instead
João started driving to his unknown destination, making sure to let y/n play whatever music she wants from her phone
"we're here. come on" he got out of the car, only to leave y/n confused why they were outside an abandoned house
She followed him to the house nonetheless, small and slow steps behind him.
"come on sweetheart don't be scared" he put his hand out, waiting for her to hold his hand.
"João. is it like okay to be here?" she asked, as he pulled her inside the house with him
"yes don't worry. I bought this house" he shrugged his shoulders, leaving y/n to wonder why he did that
He pulled her to the kitchen of the house. All dusty and old, but it still had all the cupboards and had its counter and everything
"I thought I'd buy a house for my parents. and not just any house. they like to choose everything. They chose the color of their kitchen and the living room and everything. All we gotta do now is actually start getting rid of the old things. and me and you will do that" He grabbed a big hammer (I have no idea what its called) and a pair of protective glasses
y/n was still confused but took what João gave her and put the glasses on.
João put his pair on too and got his hammer. In a matter of seconds, he had his hammer in one of the cupboards, making y/n jump back.
"come on. its your turn" he nodded towards the cupboard
y/n lifted her hammer, and smashed it against the cupboard too.
She felt her anger starting to fade away just a little bit
"how did that feel?" he smiled, watching her smile too
"that was good" she nodded
"come on. another time. and think of what angers you the most. imagine your ex on this cupboard and let all your frustration out" anger started to bubble up inside her at the mention of her ex
She smashed the hammer against the cupboard with all her power. But she didn't stop until the cupboard was on the ground and in millions of pieces.
After a few more smashes, many laughs and jokes, and some ice cream afterwards, João was parked in front of y/n's house to drop her of.
"stay with me tonight" she mumbled, making João look up at her with surprise.
It wasn't the first time he would be staying over, but this time was different. they both felt that this night would be different, but they didn't say anything about it.
"with pleasure sweetheart"
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xisadorapurlowx · 1 year
Jai's Story: Chapter 3
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The group arrived back in London in the early morning. 
Titan got into the room and broke down into sobs.
Goldie’s cheeks were tearstained from silent tears falling down his cheeks. 
“That poor kid.” Tim said. He was completely stunned, his eyes wide with shock.
Lithop blinked and her tears finally fell, “So Antonio did kill her.” 
“And it sounds like his son knows what he did.” Jai said. He grits his teeth as Titan wobbled, “He saw Goldie and I and jumped in front of us to protect us from that man when we hid under his desk!” She covered her face, “He knew that man would have killed us!” 
Jai thought he was going to be sick. Ignoring their job, the boy that they saw was being abused. Should they say something? Report it to the police? The boy would be a legal adult by the time the police arrived and even if they did, who’s to say that Antonio would assume his son had done it? The boy would be in bigger trouble than he already was.
“And what the hell was that about the ‘illegal shit’ his son said?” Lithop voiced as the group fell silent. 
“That wasn’t in the report that Jai gave us.” The group all turned their attention onto him, “did you know about any of this?” Goldie asked him.
Jai blinked at them before Tim sighed. “Isaac.” He said, “I did some googling when I got in the car.” 
“I’m the one who’s in charge of doing the research, why would I lie to you guys?” Jai tried to come up with a decent excuse.
“Antonio Angelico - Suspected Crime Boss and top suspect in the murder of Eliza Smith. We are capable of doing our own research Jai. Even if you didn’t see this when you go digging through the bowels of the internet, it takes one google search.” A scowl emerged on Tim’s face, “And with all of what happened at the house a few hours ago, I think it’s safe to say that it’s no longer ‘suspected’. The guy is a crime lord.”
Silence fell over them. Jai’s heart began to thunder in his ears again.
“How could you…” Titan hissed. Fresh tears began to roll down her cheeks, “You knew. You knew and you willingly put us all in danger!” 
“Like what we do isn’t dangerous already!” Jai snapped, indignantly. “I literally break into the security systems for jobs and then make sure that you guys don’t get caught! All I do is sit at home and watch as you guys have all the fun!” 
Lithops’ eyes widened, “Are you saying the reason why you didn’t tell us is because you wanted an adrenaline rush?!” 
“We could have died!” Goldie shouted.
“Somebody already died thanks to him!” Jai snapped back at them. “He killed someone, you heard it all yourselves!”
“But that’s no reason to lie to us!” Tim spat, “Did you want us to end up like her then?”
Jai flinched at the words, “No of course not!” 
“Then why didn’t you mention it?” Lithop glowered at him.
Was that what he really wanted? He wanted the adrenaline?
He thought back to all the times everyone came back with a glorious amount of loot from their escapades and how he just had to sit and watch. Him, with his massive brain, sat alone in the basement while he had to deal with their talking about how much fun they had while they were on missions. The inside jokes between Goldie and Tim, the way Lithop and Titan would whisper to each other. All while he was locked out of those jokes, never to be included. Even when he did ask to come along, they told him he was too precious of an asset to risk getting caught or hurt and maybe that made him slightly bitter. 
Subconsciously, maybe, he wanted them to get hurt.
“Because somebody had to do something!” Jai exasperated, finally.
“Oh and it had to be us? If you want to risk someone's life, risk your own, not others!” Goldie snarled.
“I can’t believe you Jai.” Tim shook his head, disappointed. 
Lithop copied Tim and then spoke, “You need to leave. Now.”
Jai glowered at the rest of the group. He stood, grabbed his coat and stormed out.
Jai waited hours out in the cold streets of London. He ended up in a park near his old university he dropped out of. He lowered his head as he sat on a park bench. 
They just didn’t understand it. 
Millions of people who are better off, don’t do anything to help others in need. Millionaires refuse to give to the poor, instead fighting online over whether or not certain words are slurs, whether or not an app is too similar to their own rather than making an effort to actually help people.
With Jai’s mind, he can do that. He can steal and take from those people who refuse to help others. They stole that Goblet that was taken to the British History Museum to send back to Rome.
Jai was only in the group to help the disenfranchised. In Jai’s mind, looking into the mob boss and not telling the group was all part of his mission to make the world a better place.
But now… But now he might not be able to do that with UND3RGR0UND.
He wondered what the others were talking about now. He imagined it was probably to throw him out of the group. Maybe they were thinking about reporting him to the police.
No, no they couldn’t. They’d get into trouble too because of their own professions. 
What could Jai do next?
He thought about going back home to America and seeing his sister and parents again.
His visa was due to run out anyway and he was already on borrowed time with that as it was, since he tampered with his visa online when he joined UND3RG0UND. But what job would he get? He was only ever good at computers and if he had to go and work in a techstore he might end up dying of boredom. Things wouldn’t be any different than they are now. He sighed, frustrated with his current situation.
Jai called the members of UND3RGR0UND his friends, but really, they never were. Just colleagues of his who did the same thing he did: Operate in a legal grey area.
His phone rang at around four am.
“It’s Titan. We need you back at HQ now.” And with that, she hung up.
Jai sighed again, stood up and made his way back to the basement. He was fully prepared for the tongue-lashing he was about to receive. While he couldn’t blame them for how they reacted, there was no excuse to leave him out of all the action. 
But deep down, no matter how hard he tried to justify it with his own philosophy, he couldn’t ignore that what he did was childish and unprofessional. He knew that. And it made him angry with himself, with the group and most of all, those who made him have that stupid moral code in the first place.
When he arrived, all the other members were sitting in the bedroom, all on their respective cots. His cot, in the back right corner of the room, was untidy compared to everyone else's. Littered with papers, pictures of his family and funny mug shots he got of the other members of the group on a Poloroid camera.
“We’ve decided that we will finish this mission.” Goldie announced, “And that you’re going to be coming along with us.” 
Jai’s eyebrows shot up in shock. This was certainly not what he was expecting, he thought they would curse him out the minute he got back and tell him to pack his things and get out. It’s what he would have done.
“But, this will be your final assignment with UND3RGR0UND.” Tim narrowed his eyes at Jai, “This is only because we want to save that kid and get the information the client wanted. Maybe he knows something that could get his father convicted.” 
Jai nodded. “I understand.” He looked down at his feet, “I know that this won’t fix what I did, but I want you guys to know that I know what I did was wrong, and I’m sorry.” 
The room was silent for a moment.
“You can prove you’re sorry by doing a good job on those invites and helping us on your final mission.” Tim said, coldly. “This won’t change our decision either.” 
“I know, but…” Jai sighed, “I just wanted you guys to know.” 
“Down to business,”  Titan said, ignoring Jai’s words. “Tim was able to snatch an invite from Leo’s room, which means that we can all get in if we copy the invite.” 
“That’ll be your job.” Tim takes the invite out of his back pocket and tosses it in Jai’s direction. 
Jai catches the letter and then examines it. The car is gold with a red border, the words: ‘You are invited to attend Leonard Angelico’s 18th Birthday’ emblazoned on it in red ink. 
“No doubt the invite was done by his father.” Goldie commented. 
“Can you copy them, Jai?” Lithop asked. 
“No problem.” Jai responded as he looked over the cards back.
“Since it’s a costume party, we all need disguises.” Titan leaned against her hands, “The party is in a day, so we need something quick.”
Lithop raised her hand, “I can deal with that, does anyone have any specific requests?” 
Jai left the room and got to work on his task. This is his last hurrah; he’s lucky he’s even getting one after that stupidly petty stunt he pulled.
He won’t let the group down again.
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bee-58415 · 1 year
Line Without A Hook: Chapter 5 (Warphy)
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“Murphy?” Warren was like a statue, Murphy didn't look like the Murphy that left that day, not even in behavior. His hair was messy and similar to when she first met him, his skin was the same red color but was full of scars and one rather large scar on his face, he wore a black ripped shirt and just as ripped jeans but no shoes, he was crouched on the floor and had his head ducked as if trying to hide his face.
Warren felt her heart drop to her stomach ¿Who did this to him? Was it these people? She stretched her arms towards Murphy, trying to get him to come close, Murphy stood up from the floor and stood up straight next to Sameer, with Sameer being 1 or 2 inches shorter and Murphy grazing the roof of the room. Murphy slowly walked towards Warren and crouched down to look her in the face. Warren felt overwhelmed by seeing him like that, anger, frustration, relief, and exhaustion erupted from her and she just couldn't hold it in anymore. “YOU FUCKING IDIOT, I TOLD YOU TO TAKE CARE OF THEM, TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! AND THEN YOU MAKE ME FUCKING LOOK FOR YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE FILLED WITH BODIES AND I FIND YOU LOOKING LIKE FRANKENSTEIN’S MONSTER COVERED IN SCARS!” Warren yelled grabbing her shoe and hitting Murphy on the head, she didn’t even notice how tears went down her face as she continued shouting at him and hitting him.
Until she stopped, and actually saw Murphy. He wasn’t fighting like he did when they fought in Murphytown or whining like he normally would, he just accepted the beatings and said nothing. Literally nothing. “Murphy, why don’t you say anything!?” She yelled at him, but this time in a calmer voice. Murphy didn’t say anything; he just looked at Warren, his eyes filled with fear but also with something she didn’t know what to call, but she ignored it, instead looking toward Sameer. “He doesn’t talk, at least not that we’ve heard. Since we got him out of that lab he hasn’t said a word, Kunal says he found him with these electro-shock things on his head when they found him” Sameer explained, painting towards Murphy’s head, “And what does that mean?” Warren asked again, trying to understand what that had to do with Murphy’s non-verbalness. “Kunal thinks that the electroshock made him forget how to talk, he recognized you certainly and watched over you like a hawk over the past 3 days, but he forgot how to talk” Sameer added.
Warren couldn’t even speak at the moment, she felt like when she found him bound in Cooper’s car trunk, her throat with a knot in it and tears in her eyes. “Murphy, you know who I am right?” she said with a broken voice. Murphy slowly nodded and opened his mouth “W̴̺̘̙͗́̇̑-̸͉̖̳̰̉W̷̺̆̃r̸̬̆̈̚g̴͉͎̉͂ḩ̴̨̧̛̒̆e̴̙̓̔k̵͈̭͖̎n̸̂̈́ͅ” was the only sound that came out, it was distorted and you could only understand the W sound, the rest was garbled groans like a Zombie’s or a Baby’s. That was it. Warren felt her heart crack at the sound. What did they do to Murphy? Her Murphy, not this Murphy that was so broken that he couldn’t look in the eyes and talk “Goddamn it Murphy…” Warren finally broke a sob as she pulled Murphy into a hug.
Murphy flinched at the contact as if she was going to hurt him, but quickly eased after Warren buried her head into his neck, he got onto his knees to not make her lift her weight. The other people in the room didn’t dare bother them, as Warren kept hugging Murphy while crying, and Murphy didn’t move a single inch.
“So how long have you had him?” Warren asked Kunal, she had calmed down and Murphy needed to eat after a while. Kunal seemed to do a few calculations in his head and answered “About 2 months, we had to go from Huston Texas to Florida for about a month just to hide him, Sam said that what if they tried to track him.” Warren couldn’t believe that these absolute strangers would help Murphy. But, then again they had someone like Murphy, Dion, a half-Zombie boy that was 9 years old. Dion was bitten by a mutated Z 3 years ago when his and Andy’s group was attacked, but he turned into something similar to Murphy. Dion’s dark skin turned dark blue and his eyes turned light blue and without any black in them, his hair was in a high top with freeform dreads and he was covered in small scars and bite marks like Murphy's, and was very tall for his age (5’3” ft). He didn’t crave humans or anything, he just liked hunting and eating animals that were around him, Cooked or not and Zombified or not, it didn’t matter it didn’t affect him anyway.
“So Zona is still trying to get Murphy’s ass. And this time they tortured him” Warren thought to herself, “It took us a while to get him to even sleep or eat without getting a panic attack, getting him to wash himself is still a struggle” Kunal added. Warren was worried by that cause she knew that Murphy was oddly clean normally, and him rejecting a bath is like *getting drowned in a bin* levels of fucked up.
Warren looked over to where Murphy, Dion and Sameer were eating some Craft Macaroni and Cheese. They were eating on a foldable table outside of the Bus House (she later found out it’s name is “Pyaar”, Hindi for Love) and Kunal, Andy and her were sitting on foldable beach chairs whilst the other 3 finished eating, everything was illuminated by the light coming from the Bus House and fairy lights that they had hung on the trees, it was a oddly peaceful night to say the least. Warren forgot she was injured and tried to stand up but quickly fell down because of her injured leg. “Shit!” she yelled the moment she hit the floor, the sharp pain in her leg reminding her that she was injured. She didn’t even noticed Murphy running to catch her until she realized that she hadn’t hit the grass floor, but instead fell on something else, or more like someone else. “___” Murphy grumbled under her, he had slid under her so that she didn’t hurt herself and ended up with her sitting on top of him, but he wasn’t complaining about it, he was scolding her for trying to walk.
“What the hell did you do that for?!” She yelled at him when she saw him under her, Murphy didn’t answer but instead tried to stand up, quickly realizing he wouldn’t be able to sense Warren was on top of him. Warren didn’t even know what that man was thinking to do, because Murphy suddenly picked her up bridal style and got off the floor.
“Murphy, what are you doin’?!” She shouted when she felt herself lifted in the air, Andy answered giggling instead “You can’t walk, so he wants to carry you! It looks fun. I want to be carried too!” And her wishes were granted as soon as Dion jumped from his seat (completely forgetting his Mac n cheese) and picked her up off her chair, “How the fuck is that kid so strong?!” Wondered Sameer with a mouthful of macaroni, Kunjal smirked from his chair and teased the taller man “I bet he’s stronger than you!”, Sameer spat out his food in offense “Oh, don’t test me Kunu!” He shot back as he stood up. Warren didn’t know what was happening but Murphy seemed to, cause he quickly started to run around with her in arms, “What’s going on?!” She asked Andy and she and Dion passed by, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Was the only thing the girl answered. But Warren quickly understood.
Sameer ran after Kunal as Kunal ran from his chair to keep from getting caught but was too late as Sameer grabbed him by the waist and flung him over his shoulder, “You’re already short like one, why do you have to run like a girl, Huh Princess?” Sameer joked as he slapped Kunal’s ass and started running with him still over his shoulder, “Watch it Sam, I’m the only reason you haven’t died of food poisoning!” Kunal warned but was completely ignored as he was moved to be carried bridal style just like Warren. Warren didn’t know what it was, but something made her feel safe, like she wasn’t in a post apocalyptic world filled with things (or people) trying to kill her.
Andy and Dion giggling, Sam and Kunal joking around and calling each other names, Murphy spinning around or almost falling while making her laugh as they ran around the others. 
It was like the world had stopped, at least for that night
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vanderlustwords · 3 years
What if Steve leaves and she finds out she’s pregnant? I really love your alternate ending where he leaves for Peggy and wondering if you could write more about it. Doesn’t have to be him leaving a child behind that was just a question that popped into my head
Pairing: (past) Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Continuation of: This Dress is Karma || Alternate Ending
Warnings: unbeta'd. Angst ending for Steeb.
Note: I don't know how you roped me into writing a 2.3k continuation but here I am LOL
Count: ~2.3k
You shut the door with a soft click, waiting until you hear the quiet footsteps fade away. The lump in your throat gets harder to swallow as you turn around, leaning back against the door and let out a shaky sigh.
You can't help but think those were some brave words you said to Steve. You desperately wanted them to be true. You did want to be so happy that it would physically pain Steve if he were to ever witness it.
You wanted it to be true that you were never going to see him again because he had hurt you so much, and he needed to stay away from you.
But when you lift your trembling hand to your stomach, you wonder if everything you said had been nothing more than a brave front.
"You alright?"
You immediately look up and see Bucky stepping out of the guest room, fully dressed with towel-dried hair.
You swallow and force a smile as you drop your hand.
"Yeah, you ready to head out?" You ask him as you stand up straight.
Bucky nods with a grumble before he grabs a strand of his hair. "I need a haircut first, though. Do you think we could find a barber first?"
"Sure," you say, turning around and opening the door with Bucky following you behind.
"You sure everything is okay?" Bucky asks you again.
The way your throat feels raw, the hysterical words that want to escape your mouth make you feel dizzy. You want to put your hand against your stomach again as if to see if you could suddenly feel a bump.
But you refrain because Bucky would get suspicious. Well, he'd probably think you had a stomachache first, but if you didn't stop acting strange, he would pry.
"Everything's fine," you mumble.
As the weeks pass, more and more things begin to slip from you.
There is a layer of never-ending panic that sits right beneath your skin, crawling and setting your nerves on fire.
When you began to get morning sickness and threw up into the toilet, you began to shake.
The reality of your situation began to hit you.
You were pregnant.
With Steve's child.
Steve, who had abandoned you and was grey and old and probably would pass away soon.
The notion of it all had you throwing up in the toilet again.
You were alone, and you were scared.
What were you going to do? You couldn't rely on Steve anymore.
You looked down at your relatively flat stomach still, placing your hand against it.
There was a life growing inside you. What were you going to do?
It was harder to hide when Bucky came over almost every other day, even though he didn't live with you. He had stayed for a week after the confrontation with Steve but quickly found his own place.
Initially, that had made you feel more alone, like everyone couldn't wait to escape from you. But it had worked out when you needed alone time.
Bucky was currently in your kitchen, cooking up steaks for lunch for the two of you.
The smell of it made you deathly pale.
"What's going on with you?" Bucky asked with a frown as he set the steaks aside to rest.
You had to swallow hard before you could answer. "Nothing," you said weakly. "I'm—I'm sorry. I know you came all the way here to cook but I'm not really hungry."
"You've been saying that for days now, doll," Bucky pursed his lip. "I feel like I haven't seen you eat a proper meal lately. What's going on? I know things have been...hard. Especially since you last saw Steve, but this isn't okay. I need you to eat something in front of me that isn't pretzels, bananas, or bread."
The idea of sliding a piece of steak basted in butter had your stomach knot itself painfully.
You shook your head, but when Bucky insisted, slicing the steak and you watched the juices run, you couldn't hold it in anymore.
You took off to the bathroom in haste.
"Hey—" Bucky called out and took off after you, but you were quick to shut the door before you fell to your knees over the toilet and hurled.
"What's wrong?" Bucky yelled through the door, trying to jiggle it open but found you had locked it. "Open the door, doll. I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine," you said shakily as you grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your mouth, eyes hot with tears. "I just—I just haven't been feeling well."
The silence on the other side of the door only lingered for a moment before Bucky used his metal arm to turn the doorknob so hard, it broke open.
He found you sitting on the floor, over the toilets, eyes rimmed red and your face pale.
Bucky carefully walks in and kneels slowly before you.
He thinks back the couple of weeks and how you've been going to the bathroom a lot more, and how you don't like going to restaurants to eat. You've been eating at home and the strangest things and wearing more flowy shirts.
He looks at your face, and the way you're trying to hold back your tears makes Bucky feel dread.
"Doll..." he calls you softly. "Are you—Are you pregnant?"
You let out a choked sob in response, face dropping as you close your eyes.
Bucky's quick to hold you in his arms as he strokes your back, his heart dropping.
There was only one person who could've gotten you pregnant.
There had been some dumb shit Steve's done the entire time Bucky's known him. Always getting into scraps he couldn't finish, always prideful when Bucky wanted to help him.
But it had been the first time Bucky's ever been so fucking pissed at Steve. It was the first time Bucky couldn't defend or make an excuse for his friend.
"Bucky, what am I going to do?" You trembled in his arms. "I can't—Steve isn't—I want to keep it but I'm alone."
Bucky swallowed so hard it was painful.
There was no fucking way he was ready to be a dad or step up in any kind of way—that is, if you even let him.
Fuck, you two didn't even have feelings for each other or anything. There was something, maybe, Bucky thought for the future. But now?
"You're not alone," Bucky reassured, keeping his voice still for your sake. "I'm here. I'm here all the way and I'm not gonna leave you, doll. Ever."
You manage to keep the fact that you're pregnant under the wraps easily. It helps that since saving the world, no one really meets up anymore. A part of you worries because you can't find Wanda anywhere, but you know she can find you if she wanted to.
Sam might be the only other person who knows, and Bucky was begrudging when accepting his help.
Months pass, and you're surprised how dedicated Bucky is. You're pretty sure you're on the verge of a mental breakdown constantly. A part of you worries Steve will show up, but Bucky reassures you that there's nothing Steve could do even if he did show up.
"Fuck..." you swore as Bucky was in the middle of figuring out how to build the crib the two of you got from Ikea. He looks up at you alarmingly. "I think my water just broke."
"Oh, shit, okay, okay!" Bucky jumps up right away and starts running around to grab the prepared bag as he helps you out into the car. "Don't panic!"
"Bucky, I'm literally about to push a baby out of my body. I'm going to fucking panic if I want to," you snap, and Bucky bites his lip to refrain from speaking as he zips through traffic.
"Oh, god," you say under your breath. You were having a baby. You were actually going to have a baby.
"Bucky, you can't just carry her everywhere," you grumbled as you pushed the stroller through the park. "You're spoiling her."
"Yes, I can. She wants me to carry her and whatever my princess wants, she gets." Bucky declared indignantly at you while sticking his tongue out.
You sighed with a smile.
You couldn't believe a year has passed. Despite the time passing, you never really felt fully prepared as a mother. You were scared you were fucking it up all the time if you're honest.
Bucky holds your hand, and you give him a shy smile. That was new too. Slow and steady, as Bucky has always been, and you think you were falling for him because of that.
When you look up, your heart stops.
"Oh," Steve blinked.
Another year has passed, but you find Steve doesn't look too different. A little more tired perhaps, but still...Steve.
You feel panic creep up in your chest that threatens to become a panic attack before Bucky squeezes your hand.
"Breathe, doll," he whispers encouragingly to you, but it's loud enough for Steve to catch.
You do as he says, taking a few calming breaths. You want to keep walking, but it seems Steve can't stop staring at the child in Bucky's arms.
"Why don't you take Hazel to the pond? She really likes looking at the ducks," you tell Bucky, and he nods, warily looking at you and Steve. He sends Steve a curt nod before he takes the stroller with him and walks off.
Steve's eyes trail after Bucky.
You know then that he knows. It's not hard after all. Hazel looks like a spitting image of Steve, something that had been hard for you to deal with at first. Her blonde hair and blue eyes—the blue eyes were easier since Bucky's eyes were blue too, even if a darker shade.
But Hazel was so lovely; you loved her so easily.
"When did you know?" Steve asked.
You shrugged. "The day before we all saved the world."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve's voice was pained and betrayed, and you cocked your brow at him.
"Why? So you would stay?"
"Yes, I would have!" Steve insisted.
The sheer stupidity of the situation had you give a humourless laugh.
"The last thing I want is for you to stay because of a baby, Steve. You wanted to leave, despite everything, you chose to leave. We would only hate each other in the long run."
"That's not true," Steve denied. "When I made that choice, it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore."
"No, you just didn't love me enough."
The words rang clear, almost throwing Steve off-kilter.
The silence fell, and the two of you could hear Hazel laughing with Bucky in the distance as she shrieked.
"Don't you think I deserved to know about her?" Steve asked with his lips pursed.
"No," you answered honestly. "What do you, a 90 something-year-old man, have to offer her? You certainly can't step up and be her father. Your time keeps running out and the last thing I need is for Hazel to have instability. Did you want to be her grandfather? She's already met mine, so do you want to pretend to be Bucky's?"
"So, you're just gonna lie to her and let her think Bucky is her dad?"
Your eyes flash angrily.
"Bucky is her dad. He's the only dad that counts in every way. Do you know how hard it was for me? I was scared shitless, Steve. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but you're unreliable. I couldn't come to you for help," you snap at him. "Do you know who was there every time I was puking my guts out, crying or screaming, or wanted pickles with peanut butter at 2AM? Who do you think was there for every appointment. Who bought fifty parenting and baby books to study religiously? It was Bucky. Even though I knew he was scared too, he was there. So, don't fucking try to make me and Bucky look like the bad guy. You have NOTHING to offer to Hazel."
Steve stood there wide-eyed, guilt crowding over his eyes. Steve doesn't want to say he regrets going back because that would mean a lifetime of regrets he can't get back.
"You're right," Steve said slowly, trying to appease your anger. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. It's not my place to say anything."
Even though Steve says it, he looks over to the little girl squealing in Bucky's arms. He looks at her blonde hair that she clearly got from him and your nose.
He and Peggy had children—children he loved more than anything.
But...the idea of his child with you...that was another reality he missed.
It seems to be that way always for him, Steve thought somberly. He was always missing something. Maybe you had been right about him.
Steve listens as you take a deep breath in and exhale.
"Do you want to meet her?" You offer, and Steve can tell it's difficult for you to say those words.
"If you're okay with it," Steve said slowly.
You nod stiffly. "It's fine as long as you respect my wishes and refrain from telling her you're her bio dad. I want to save that conversation for when she's older and able to understand it more."
You don't say it, but Steve is already thinking how he'll most likely be gone by then.
The two of you begin to walk towards Bucky and Hazel.
"What will you tell her?" Steve asked.
"The truth," you shrug. "That you were the world's greatest hero and you loved her and would've loved to get to know her if you stayed, but you didn't and it wasn't her fault."
"Right, it was mine," Steve felt a sting in the back of his throat.
"I don't think it was anyone's fault," you tell him. "It's just karma, Steve. I wasn't enough for you and now you're not enough for Hazel."
Right, Steve thought somberly as he looked at you in your summer dress. It was different from the sexy red one that used to drive him insane.
It was a calm peace, a show of your motherhood and graceful maturity.
This dress is karma, too.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
I Promise to Never Let You Go
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings!: kissing, crying(happy tears), fluff, wedding, Jack being the cutest best man, but literally all fluff. In the flashbacks though. There are mentions of kidnapping, arguing, kissing, but mostly fluff in those too
Description: Yours and Aaron's wedding :)
A/n: I was in the mood to write something fluffy, so I figured why not go with a wedding. I absolutely love writing soft Hotch.
*italics are flashbacks*
Your heart beat out of your chest. 
Your gown fluttered around your feet as you moved forward to wait for him.
You stood hesitantly before the door, you knew he would look amazing. You knew he would be standing there wearing that soft smile.
You pushed open the door and walked to him. He heard you coming and when you reached him you tapped his shoulder. He began turning slowly, and his breath hitched when he looked at you.
A tear filled his eye as he stared at awe at your floor length dress that fit you perfectly. He looked from the soft fabric of your viel to the uncomfortable heels he knew you would ditch the first chance you got.
He looked at your engagement ring, holding your hand in his. His eyes shifted to your lips, the sparkling pink gloss that adorned them. And then finally he looked deep into your eyes.
"You, you are breathtaking." He breathed. His voice was softer than you had ever heard it before. You smiled at him.
"And you, Mr. Hotchner, are so wonderfully handsome." He blushed at your words, he always did when you complimented him. He leaned towards you, pressing his forehead against your own.
"Are you ready for this?" He asked, as he cupped your face, rubbing his thumb soothingly against your cheek. You placed your hand on his, and smiled. You were more than ready.
"So ready." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose.
"See you out there." He whispered, pulling away.
First kiss
"Thanks for the ride, Hotch." He looked over at you, smiling softly.
"Of course Y/l/n. Anytime." The car filled with awkward silence as you two sat there. But your eye contact never broke. It didn't even waver. You felt yourself leaning in slightly, but he turned away.
"Goodnight Y/l/n." His voice was hoarse and full of emotion. 
"Um, goodnight Hotch." You unbunckled your seat belt and slid out of the car, shutting the door behind you. 
Why were you filled with such a sense of disappointment? What were you expecting?
He watched you as you walked through your door, and he waited until you turned out the lights.
He should have kissed you. 
But he didn't know how you felt.
He couldn't see you peeking out your window, thinking the same thoughts.
He should have kissed you.
He turned off the car, ran through the yard, stepped on your front porch.
Before he could knock, you turned on the light, and opened the front door.
And he kissed you.
And now that he kissed you, he never wanted to stop.
The guests were waiting, and Aaron stood at the end of the aisle. His son stood next to him, and he glanced up at his dad. 
"Daddy?" Aaron bent down so he could be eye level with his son.
"What's up buddy?" He asked. Smiling at the boys crooked tie in his mini suit.
"Can, can I call Miss Y/n mama now? Cause you guys will be married?" The innocence of his son made Hotch's heart swell.
"Are you sure bud?" He nodded quickly.
"Yeah, mommy will always be mommy. But now I can have a mama too!" He was practically jumping up and down with excitement. 
"Of course Jack. If that's what you want." Hotch smiled before standing back up.
"Thanks daddy!" He wrapped his little arms around Hotch's legs, before standing back in his spot.
Meeting Jack
"Are you sure he will like me?" You asked, nervousness filling your voice. You were meeting Jack for the first time and you were terrified.
"Absolutely. He will love you, I promise." He squeezed your hand as he pulled into his driveway. "Are you ready?"
"I guess." Your voice shook as you stepped out of the car, and walked to Hotch's front door. He unlocked it and walked inside. 
"Hey Jess." He greeted the woman in the kitchen before going off to find his son.
"You must be Y/n!" Jess walks over and introduces herself.
"Yeah, that's me. It's so nice to meet you!" You went to shake her hand, but she quickly brought you into a hug.
"Jack is so excited to meet you." She says, which calms you immensely. 
"Really?" She nodded, and smiled softly at you. You were both quiet for a few moments before she spoke up again. "Thank you." You look at her confused. 
"What for?" You weren't expecting her next words.
"I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. So just, thank you." You smiled and looked down. Before you could say anything else, a little boy, the spitting image of Hotch, stood in the doorway. You looked over and walked towards the boy.
"Hi Jack. I'm Y/n." He squinted at you and looked you up and down. You began to grow nervous as your boyfriend walked up behind his son.
"Jack?" He asked, worried his son was upset.
"Spiderman or Batman?" He asked, still squinting. You held back a smile and a serious look adorned your face.
"Spiderman obviously." You say and Jack is quick to smile.
"Me too! I love Spiderman." Jack walked forward and grabbed your hand, going on and on about all his Spiderman toys as he led you to his toy room. Hotch smiled as he watched you, and his heart was overfilled with joy.
"Don't let her go Aaron." Jess whispers once Jack drags you out of earshot.
He just smiled and shook his head.
"I don't plan on it." And he walks back the hall to join you two.
The music starts and the people grow quiet. 
The doors open slowly, and the flower girl, one of your nieces, begins making her way down the aisle. Behind her is Henry, carrying the rings.
Hotch takes a deep breath before the bridesmaids begin emerging.
Each one wearing a different dress in the same color. Emily, and then Penelope, and then Jj.
The music changes and Hotch's heart stops.
He may have already seen you, but you look even more beautiful as you walk down the aisle. Your father holds on to your arm, whispering how happy for you he is the whole way.
But you can't take your eyes off of Aaron.
This was it.
You reach the end of the aisle, and your dad kisses your cheek gently.
He turned to Aaron.
"If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." He threatened, an edge of humor in his voice.
"Yes sir. But I promise you, I won't ever hurt her." Was Aaron's response and you fell a little more in love with him.
You turned towards him, and he mouthed an i love you before the priest began speaking.
"We are gathered here today…"
First 'I love you'
His heart was bursting from his chest as he looked at the fear in your eyes. He wanted to look away. Because the fear scared him beyond believe, but he couldn't. Because if he looked away, he would see the gun pointed at your head, and the arm wrapped around your throat.
"Please." You begged. It had been 3 days since your disappearance. 3 long, insufferable days. 
They had finally found you, but this unsub was not giving in that easily.
"Shut up." He growled in your ear and you whimpered as his hold on your throat tightened.
"Just let her go." Aaron tried talking him down. "We don't want to hurt you, we just need you to let her go." He thought he was convincing, he thought he had you in his grasp.
But the unsub surprised everyone by turning his gun on Hotch. He waited a minute and then shot him. He fell back and hit the ground hard.
"No!" Your broken scream ripped through the air as the unsub released you. Derek shot him and you scrambled over to Aaron.
"Aaron, Aaron are you okay? Where is it?" You searched desperately for the wound, but didn't find one. You finally found the point of impact and it was just on his vest. You sighed in relief and your body sagged.
"It hit my vest. It just, knocked the wind out of me." He muttered, breathing heavily on the ground. He slowly stood up and you did as well. Before you could say anything else, he brought you into a bone crushing hug.
"I love you." Your voice wavered as you began sobbing into his chest. Neither of you had said those words yet, but you supposed it was time. He pulled you closer, if that was possible, and stroked your hair soothingly.
"I love you too sweetheart." He murmured. 
"About time!" Morgan yells across the room, and everyone chuckles.
You giggle softly and stare up at the love of your life.
"Well, I guess the secrets out." He says, his voice void of any sternness and a soft smile resting on his face. 
"Yeah." You muttered softly before lifting on your toes and kissing him desperately. 
"I have been told that the couple have prepared their own vows." The priest's voice booms from beside you. 
"Aaron?" Aaron pulls out his paper from his pocket, and stares deep into your eyes. He takes a deep breath before beginning. 
"Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, I love you. It took me a long time to realize and an even longer time to say it. But I do, I really love you. More than I have loved in my life. I remember the first time I had realized. We were on the plane and I was exhausted, refusing to sleep though. You stood up, only being on the team for about 4 months, and you walked to the kitchen. You came back with a cup of tea and you stole my file." People chuckled and you smiled at the memory.
"You told me, 'Hotch, if you don't sleep, I will throw you off this plane.' I thought you were kidding, but you had that look in your eyes, that little sparkle that I have come to love. And I just, I couldn't deny you anything. So I fell asleep and I woke up to all of my files being done.
I got home in time to tuck my son in that night. And, and I have never been more grateful for a person in my life Y/n. That was the moment I fell for you.
I fell faster than I have ever fallen in my life. You complete me. You are the missing piece that I have been looking for. And in this dark dark world we live in, you are the light that leads me through the days. I don't know where I would be, had I not met you.
I hope you know how much I love you. And how much my son loves you."
"I love you more than spiderman!" Jack yells from beside his dad and you let out a watery chuckle at his little outburst.
"More than Spiderman? Wow." Hotch responds as he continues, tears appearing in his eyes.
"You are incredible Y/n. And I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You're it for me. I love you, forever. And I promise to never let you go. For as long as I may live." His voice was so full of emotion by the end of his speech that he had to take a moment to calm down before slipping your ring onto your finger.
"Y/n?" The priest asks you next.
You reach behind you and JJ hands you your vows. You open the paper and try to calm your breathing before you start.
"Aaron Christopher Hotchner, I love you. I feel like I haven't said those words enough. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the most incredible person that I know. You do so much for me and for Jack, and you make me complete.
It took me so long to finally break down those walls of yours, but I am so glad that I did. Because now, now I have the most amazing man in the world. Now I get to spend the rest of my life telling you how much I love you.
I still remember the first time we said those words. I don't think I could forget. You scared me so much and I was so worried I would never get this moment with you. 
But we're here, we made it through everything life has thrown at us. And I have no doubt that we will survive everything that life throws at us in the future. I will always be here, I will be here to fill your coffee, to hold you when you need to be held. To put a smile on your face if you need a light. I love you Aaron Hotchner." You stopped and bent down so you were eye level with Jack.
"And Jack, I love you little man. I always will, I promise." He leans forward and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too mama." Your heart just about stops as you stand back up, tears filling your eyes. You look at Aaron and he is no better.
"I love you Aaron, and I promise to never let you go. For as long as I may live." You finish your vows and hold back a sob. You're just so damn happy with this man in front of you.
You slip his ring on his finger, and his hands grip your own as the priest continues. 
First Fight and Moving in Together
"Okay, what about a blue color?" You asked as you scanned the different paint shades. This was more difficult than you both had anticipated.
"What about grey?" He asked.
"Grey? That's too.. gloomy." You giggled at his furrowed brow.
"Gloomy?" His voice grew softer at your giggling. "Alright fine, how about a soft green." He suggested.
"Okay, now we're talking" you reached over and grabbed a grayish green and held it up for him to see. 
"I like it. It will look great with my couch." He says.
"Your couch? I thought we were keeping my couch?" You two really needed to sort out all the details. He had recently asked you to move in with him, and you were trying to pick out a paint color for the living room. 
"No, we are keeping your side table, not your couch." He muttered. 
"Fine, fine. But we are keeping my shelf right?" He looks bewildered for a moment.
"Where would we put it?" He asks. Honestly this was getting kind of frustrating. 
"I don't know. Okay, what about my chair?" He sighed tiredly. 
"Y/n, there isn't any space for it." You shook your head.
"Aaron, you can't expect me to just get rid of all my stuff." You stated. He heard the frustration in your voice, but continued anyway.
"Why not? The stuff in my place is fine." This probably wasn't the best place to have this conversation.
"Because Aaron, then we would just be living with your stuff. It wouldn't be our place, it would still be your place. Besides, my stuff is important to me. I cannot believe you think I should just get rid of all of it" You were beyond frustrated with the man in front of you.
"Sweetheart-" but you cut him off.
"You know what, it's been a long day, let's just head home." Maybe you were being dramatic, but he can't just expect you to get rid of everything.
The car ride was silent the entire way back to his house. Only when you pulled into the driveway did you realize it wasn't his house at all, it was yours.
"What are we doing here?" You asked.
"Lets go pick out some stuff for the house okay? For our house. I'm sure we can compromise on a few things. Your couch can even go into my office." He was trying really hard and you felt bad for being so stupid and dramatic. 
"I'm sorry. Thank you Aaron." You leaned over the console and kissed him. 
"I'm sorry too sweetheart. I love you." He whispered against your mouth. You pulled back to admire him.
"I love you too."
"Do you, Aaron Hotchner, take Y/n Y/l/n, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?" Aaron squeezed your hands and looked deep into your eyes.
"I do." He spoke softly.
"And do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Aaron Hotchner to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you both shall live?" 
"I do." A tear slipped down your cheek as your face began to ache from smiling so much.
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Aaron cupped your cheeks before bringing you in for the best kiss you had ever shared.
He moved his hands down to your waist before picking you up and spinning you. You giggled as he went to set you down but instead slipped his arm under your legs and carried you out of the reception. You laughed as you guests cheered.
"That was a bit of a dramatic exit Mr. Hotchner." You say, teasing him.
"Only the most dramatic for you, Mrs. Hotchner." You smiled at the name.
"I love you." You murmured.
"I love you too sweetheart." And his lips found yours once again.
"Seriously Aaron, where are we going?" You giggled as he dragged you further down the path. He had been increasingly suspicious the last few days. You weren't entirely sure what was going on, but the goofy smile he was wearing right now distracted you from your thoughts.
"My god woman, you are so impatient." He laughed and walked a little further past an opening in the branches. "We're here." He shoved you forward slightly and you gasped at the bueaty of the scene.
The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. But to add to it all, the white ros petals spread across the ground made it that much more beautiful.
"Aaron what is all this?" You asked, spinning around to see him. Your voice caught in your throat and you gasped once again.
He was down on one knee, as he pulled a small box from his pocket.
"Aaron…" your voice was quiet as you stepped towards him. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with silver swirls surrounding it. 
"Y/n, I love more than words can express. You make me unbelievably happy, and I can't imagine my life without you." You couldn't contain your tears as he continued, taking your hand in his own. "Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and marry me?" His voice was so full of emotion and you nodded.
"Yes, yes of course I will." He stood in front of you and slipped the ring on your finger before bringing you into a desperate kiss.
"I love you so much Aaron." You said once he pulled away. He gently moved a piece of your hair behind your ear before softly kissing you again.
"I love you too. So damn much." He murmured back against your lips.
"It's time for the official first dance of Mr. And Mrs. Hotchner." Rossi announced as everyone cleared the dance floor. You both made your way over and you smiled up at your husband. 
The soft melody of Amazed plays over the speakers as he takes your hand. 
He spins you and brings you close, before settling his hand on your waist and the other holding your hand tightly in his own.
He begins to spin you around the dance floor as he sings the words softly to you.
"I'm so in love with you." You smile at the man in front of you. "I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, forever and ever." He sings the words in your ear and you rock back and forth. He pulls you impossibly closer and pulls his head back only to lean in and kiss you. 
"Baby. I'm amazed by you." He whispers as the song dies out. Everyone begins clapping as you admire his beautiful face.
"You, you are amazing, my love." Your voice breaks slightly at the emotional situation. 
He smiles one of those breathtaking smiles.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and Jack. A family." He murmurs into your hair as he pulls you close again.
"Me too." You pause, unsure if this is the right time to tell him. "But, we may have to add someone to that list." You say. He looks confused for a moment before the realization crosses his face. 
"You're…?" He trails off and you nodded, another smile making its way to your face. 
"Honey, thats, thats…" he can't even finish the sentence, he just pulls you in for another kiss.
"God, I'm so in love with you." He says.
"I love you too Aaron." And you continued your dance, even happier than before.
<3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all liked it. Also I am starting a tag list. If you would like to be included, just message me and I will add you! Also just let me know who you want to be tagged for.
Hope you all enjoyed!
*Images from Google and ssahotchnerxx, but mood board is mine*
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oliver-dash · 2 years
Prey || Oliver+Laya
The night that Z had been attacked in the bathroom of that horrible nightclub, the one that Oliver had never wanted to go to in the first place, had changed the trajectory of all their lives forever.
Finding the girl on the bathroom floor, ashen and limp, bleeding and bruised, Oliver had panicked, scooping her into his arms and running for his car. But not even half way to the emergency room, she had popped up in the backseat, scaring the piss out of poor Jaime, and looked just fine. They couldn’t make sense of it, of what the hell had happened, but she was fine. So they took her home.
Over the next week or so, Z began to fall ill. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, didn’t want to leave the house, open her blinds anything.
Oliver had stayed with her, scared for his friend and trying to make sense of everything - he’d been back from Afghanistan for a few months now, could use his prosthetic just fine, was excelling in physical therapy. It made him happy to focus his attention on someone else.
But then he had cut his finger - not a huge cut, just enough to make him hiss sharply, enough that the blood was immediately dripping onto the granite counter top.
The fight that had followed had terrified him more than he cared to admit.
Z had sprinted at him with a speed he’d never seen a human possess, had literally thrown Jocelyn out of her way, and tackled Oliver into the counter hard enough to knock the breath from him.
She’d been snarling like a wild animal, her eyes wide, pupils blow. She was strong, way too damn strong.
Jaime had rushed forth, trying to grab her and pull her off of him, Oliver managing to grab her by her hair and jerk her off, all the while, a chorus of, “What the fuck?!“ leaving his lips, unsure what else to say.
The three managed to pin her down, the dark-skinned girl screeching and fighting like her lift depended on it.
Oliver saw the fangs. He felt cold when he saw them, sick, like time had slowed to a stop. Because this wasn’t real, right?
But then she was desperately licking his blood off the tile floor, begging for more.
Oliver, to the others absolute shock, walked over to where the small prep bowls lied, grabbing the shark knife, and cut his finger once again, letting the blood stream into the bowl.
Jaime and Jocelyn had both been screaming at him, demanding to know what was happening, what he was doing. But Z had stopped, watching him with wide eyes, salivating.
He’d brought her the bowl, wrapping the cut in a dish rag, and watched as she drank from the bowl, licking out every last drop.
“More.” She had pleaded, looking up at him with a desperation he had seen before, though it normally came from a needle.
“I can’t right now.” He had said it so softly, so sadly, his mind spinning, thinking this had to be some fucked up nightmare. “I will again soon. I promise.”
With that in her system, she seemed to collect herself and broke down into sobs, wailing and telling him again and again how sorry she was.
Z had told him the truth then - the men in the bathroom at the club, how they’d grabbed her and she thought they were trying to sexually assault her. But then one had opened his mouth, she’d watched as fangs slid from his gums, and then they were buried deep into her neck.
“I think they thought I was dead.”
Itd been a lot, too much, and Oliver still wasn’t sure he believed all of it to be true. Because… fucking vampires?
But no. It was there. Internet searches turning up about bodies - mostly women - found exsanguinated with no explanation. There were animals. Children.
Oliver had felt a rage inside of him then and had gone back to that nightclub every night for two weeks, weapons stored away, waiting to find the men who had attacked Z.
He’d found them eventually, hearing a woman crying out for help.
The resulting fight had fucked him up a good bit, but it turned out that these men went down like most others - a sharp blade to the carotid and they were down.
It became a mission after that, tracking leads with Jamie, finding these creatures, killing them before they could hurt others. Oliver got damn good at it too, he found the best methods were fire and decapitation. He built his arsenal and found a purpose.
All the while, Jamie was stealing blood from the hospital for Z and, when those supplies ran low, they took turns making small cuts and allowing her to feed from them.
Luckily, vampires were just as dumb and horny as their human counterparts. A catfish account of a pretty brunette with ample cleavage and Jamie managed to find a website for these monsters where they talked about the easiest ways of getting their meals.
Oliver’s efforts really amped up then. But the bodies weren’t being reported - either no one missed them or autopsies proved something wasn’t quite right. Either way, Oliver was in the clear.
Wrapping bandages around the newest cut in his calf, the blonde covered in thin, pale scars, Oliver looked over Jamie’s shoulder as he worked.
“You find another one?”
“Yes.” He said, scribbling down notes. “A woman. She claims she meets willing participants.”
“Fat chance.” Oliver grumbled. “Who agrees to that shit?”
“I mean…” Jaime motioned toward his wrapped leg.
“This is different.” He grumbled, beginning to pack up his items. “Where is she?”
“Oliver. Just…” Jamie sighed, wanting to tell him yet again that he needed to stop, that he was going to get himself killed. He stopped himself then, reading off the location. “Just investigate. Ask questions first, you know?”
“We’ll see.”
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futurebicon · 3 years
Maybe one where Sirius gets really anxious and calls Dumo to help him?
I had written this and completely forgot about it
Inspired by me losing my necklace that has my grandpas fingerprint on it and having a 30 minute panic attack until my dad found it in the garbage because it had fallen into my trash can.
CW- panic/anxiety attack, overreacting, crying, mention of arguments, let me know if I missed any
“I overreact a lot, right?” Sirius said as soon as Dumo answered the phone. “Like, I’m overreacting right now, right?”
Dumo would have made a joke about how he always overreacts but the tone of his sons voice told him it was not a time for jokes.
“Well it depends on what happened.”
“Yeah but, this isn’t a big deal so I’m overreacting.”
“Well can you tell me what happened?” He was already putting on his shoes.
“It’s not a big deal at all. I shouldn’t be this upset about it. It’s so stupid, I’m stupid for acting like this.” He started to ramble.
“Hey, take a breath, mon fils. Respirez profondément et dites-moi ce qui s'est passé,” he started the car.
“Okay um,” Sirius took a breath, “I was watching Harry and he grabbed the necklace Re got me and I didn’t notice and he pulled it and it broke and now I’m overreacting about it, right? I’m overreacting.”
Dumo knew there was more to the story. If it was just a broken necklace he would of been upset but not panicked like he was right now. “Is that all that happened?”
“I mean, me and Remus have been arguing a lot recently, not a lot, just more than normal but we don’t fight a lot anyways it’s just these past few weeks we have been and they’re all stupid fights and I-“
“Sirius,” Dumo cut him off.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Ne vous excusez pas. Is Remus there?” He turned down Sirius’s street.
“No he’s out with Thomas. I don’t want to bother him with this.”
Dumo stopped himself from saying that he wouldn’t be bothering his boyfriend, knowing Sirius wouldn’t believe him anyways.
“Well I’m here so can you let me in and we’ll figure it out. Maybe we can fix the necklace.”
The line went dead and the door opened a few seconds later.
“Hey,” Dumo smiled.
“You didn’t have to come over.” Sirius closed the door behind Dumo.
Dumo shrugged. “I wanted to. Can I see the necklace?”
Sirius reached out his hand, dropping the broken chain into Dumo’s.
It took one look to know that it wasn’t going to be fixable.
The clasp was broken and the chain was ripped in half, the ‘12’ was split diagonally and the bottom part of the the ‘2’ was gone.
“I can’t find the bottom part so I vacuumed the floor cause I didn’t want Harry to put it in his mouth.” He told him and fell down onto the couch with his head in his hands, his leg bouncing.
“Parle-moi” Dumo sat beside him.
Sirius leaned back, opening his mouth to talk but closing it, shutting his eyes and shaking his head as he tried to calm himself down before his panic attack resumed. “I don’t know why this is making me feel like this. It’s just a piece of jewelry.”
“I think I know why.” Dumo pulled him into his chest and rubbed his back. “I think that you attach yourself to objects as if they are the person that gave you it. Like Adele’s teddy bear that she gave you to try and cheer you up after a call with your parents, which you still have in your room upstairs. And the bracelet Jules made you,” he touched the woven thread on Sirius’s wrist.
“You attach them so much to the people who gave it to you that they become one and the same. That teddy bear has become like your lifeline to Adele and the feeling surrounding it, you hold it when you miss her or get upset by your parents because that’s what the teddy bear represents.”
Tears fell down Sirius’s face as Dumo went on.
“The bracelet that you and Jules have is like your connection to them. You fidget with it when you talk about them and you always make sure it’s showing in interviews or pictures because you know Jules gets excited when they see you wearing it.”
Sirius played with the bracelet without realizing he was doing it.
“And as for the necklace, you’ve turned it into one of the most, if not the most, important thing to you.”
Sirius let out a sob.
“You fidget with it when you’re anxious, you kiss it when you miss Remus or when you catch him looking at you. You panic when you think you forgot to put it back on after a shower. You’ve grown so attached to it that you’ve unknowingly connected the necklace to Remus’s love for you. You’ve convinced your mind that the necklace is Remus’s love. And now it’s broken, which would have made you upset anyways but adding in that you and Remus have been fighting a lot, you panicked. I know how easily you fall back into the mindset of ‘I don’t deserve to be loved’, which is absolutely not true at all,” he said quickly.
“When you and Remus fight, you fall back into it fast. But now the necklace, which is his love for you, is broken and you’ve tricked your mind into thinking that his real love for you is broken too. Which it is not. Every relationship has its rough patches and you’ll get through this one. You can get a new necklace, I know it won’t be the same but it’s still the necklace.”
Sirius was shaking at this point.
“Am I right?”
He nodded, hand flying to his neck but remembering that the golden chain wasn’t there, and sobbed.
“Baby, I’m h- what’s going on what happened?” Remus hurried over to his boyfriend. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry,” Sirius pushed off of Dumo and into his boyfriends arms.
“What are you sorry for, love?” He asked him softly, laying down on the couch with Sirius laying on top of him.
Dumo opened his hand to show him the broken necklace.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Remus breathed out.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize Harry had grabbed it. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to break it.” He sobbed.
“Love it’s okay,” Remus told him. “We can get a new necklace, it’s okay.”
“I know. I know,” Sirius sat up, taking a hiccuped breath to calm his sobs. “I’m sorry,”
“Stop apologizing,” Remus chuckled.
“Sor-“ Sirius turned red and buried his face into Remus’s neck.
“You got him?” Dumo asked, as he stood up.
“Yeah, I got him. Thank you.” Remus nodded.
Dumo smiled as he looked into the living room, more grateful than ever that his son had found someone to love him unconditionally.
As always characters belong to the ever amazing @lumosinlove
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meow-sic · 3 years
they call you annoying
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𓆝 includes : joe , langa , reki x !gn reader !
𓆟 genre : angst to fluff !
𓆞 authors note : back to writing! :)
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joe / kojiro
you followed behind kojiro with cherry. today was supposed to be a nice day, if joe didn’t have to flirt with every girl he saw.
you and cherry talked about mindless things until you and kojiro got to the car. you hugged cherry goodbye and he told you to text him later.
you got in the car, kojiro didn’t even notice your off behavior. he put a hand on your thigh in the car and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“today was fun, yeah?” he turned on the car and began to back out of cherry’s driveway to go home.
“mhm,” you mumbled back, looking out the window. he was confused, but he brushed it off maybe thinking you were tired from the day.
“so…when do you think we should do that again? maybe we can invite langa and reki next time?” he tried to lighten the air.
but you kept shutting it down, only replying with a: “yeah” or “mhm” or sometimes, just a nod of your head.
once you got home you instantly went to your shared bedroom with a slam of the door. he huffed and threw his arms up in the air in confusion.
he mumbled a few curses under his breath in frustration, but he walked up to your room and knocked.
“hey, you okay?” he asked as he opened the door and walked in. you were sitting on the bed.
you knew you couldn’t stay mad at him forever, not when he’s wrapping his arm around your shoulder sympathetically.
you wiped the few tears that threatened to fall. “i just- i don’t like it when girls are constantly around you,” you expected endless apologies and affirmations.
but instead, he unwrapped his arm from your shoulder and scoffed. “what? i cant help that girls are around me all the time.”
your mouth dropped agape and your eyebrows furrowed. “e-excuse me? i’m trying to tell you how i feel and you’re literally dismissing it! what, because you want-what? female attention!”
“just because you’re insecure that doesn’t mean i can’t hangout with other people,” he scoffed. “you’re being so annoying right now.”
he didn’t look back at you until he heard sniffles. “wait i’m- i-“
“i’m going to go since, you know, i’m annoying,” you got up and walked out the room. joe sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
after a while, once he talked to cherry about it, he goes to talk to you to apologize for the way he was acting.
you sat on the couch, arms crossed with your cheeks puffed as you watch tv. he smiles, he thinks you look adorable.
he comes up behind you and hugs you. “m sorry. you’re not annoying, and you weren’t being insecure. i’d be the same way seeing guys drool over ya.”
you simply sighed, not quite ready to forgive him yet. “you’re forgetting something.”
he made his way around the couch and layed his head on your chest. “and i love you.”
you ran your fingers through his hair, “mhm. i love you too.”
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langa hasegawa
he’s usually so calm with you, patient, always waiting and willing to listen to your view of the story to make sure you’re most comfortable with him at all times.
but when he started to practice more, then he started to invite reki everywhere.
you adored reki, but you wanted some time with you and your boyfriend to yourself. you barely have any time anymore to yourselves.
you met him at his apartment, his mom was gone at work and you studied while you waited.
when he came back, it was pretty late. you turned towards him and gave a soft smile. “hey hon.”
“hey, you’re here late,” he hung up his work shirt on a hanger and changed into what he usually would wear to S.
“wa-wait are you leaving?” you asked, standing up. he furrowed his eyebrows. he usually leaves once work is done.
“i just thought we could spend some time together,” you said quietly. he paused, “but we spend time together already.”
your heart paused for a moment. it was clear already he wasn’t going to see your point. you hesitated to reply, “yes.. but when we do, reki is always along. i thought we could have time to ourselves, maybe to watch a movie and something?”
“i fail to see your point.” he shot your statement down right away. “we hang out everyday, with reki or not we’re still together.”
you swallowed the thick lump in your throat. “langa, you don’t understand-“
“look, i really don’t have time right now and you’re being quite annoying about this topic. i promised i would meet reki and miya five minutes ago. you’re being quite a handful right now.”
and with that, he left. you rubbed your face in frustration and decided to leave. you didn’t even bother to leave a note or shoot him a text.
you were really upset that he excused his feelings. but, to avoid further argument of you being a ‘handful’ you decided to give him some space.
langa wasn’t that affectionate in public to begin with. a small hand hold, or head kiss was fine enough. but now, it seemed like you would want someone in between you two when walking.
one day, he asks you to come over. you were scared, you didn’t want to break up, and you figured that’s what he wanted to talk about. you just wanted to give him space.
so when you made your way into his room and sat next to him, you just broke down. the whole week of avoiding him was hell enough, but too add to it your mom was mad at you, you had too much homework, and you were overwhelmed with work.
he wrapped his arm around you and comforted you. “hey, hey what’s wrong? why have you been avoiding me all week?”
“because—“ when you went to explain yourself you realized how stupid you felt. you put your face in your hands. “i feel dumb saying why.”
he shushed you and rubbed the side of your arm. “it’s not dumb if it made you avoid me for a week. you can tell me, promise.”
“last week you called me annoying and a handful. i just didn’t want to be annoying to you so i thought giving you space would help. i was scared to tell you how i felt since when i did you just went off to skate with reki after i told you i was upset about that.”
he pause for a second to take your words in, then he sighed. “i was being a jerk, and i didn’t mean any of it. i’m sorry for dismissing your feelings, how you feel is totally valid and i’ll try working on it. you aren’t annoying, okay?” he pushed your hair away from your face to cup it so he could kiss your nose.
“how about we watch the movie you wanted to last week, yeah?”
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reki kyan
reki was back into his seasonal depression episode. it usually happens towards the winter, where school gets stressful, skating also gets stressful where he wants to do nothing but lay around.
langa and miya have told you about his seasonal depression, but you didn’t think it would be as bad as it is.
his mother stood in the doorway, “oh, good, you’re here! reki is in his room, he’s going through a tough time right now.”
you nodded and walked past her. you creeped open the door and knocked on it with your knuckle.
he didn’t look good. his hair was a mess, his clothes were dirty, and it looks like he had just woke up.
at 12:10pm.
“reki..” you sighed and walked over to him. you sat by his legs and brushed his hair with your fingers. “honey i know it’s tough, but why don’t you take a shower?”
he groaned. “no. cant.”
you weren’t sure how to comfort him. you wanted to give him what he wanted, and leave him be, but you knew he would never get better then.
before you could even say anything he spoke up. “why are you guy even here?”
“langa told me that you were having a tough time..” you trailed, still playing with his hair.
something in him must have snapped, because he wacked your hand away and sat up abruptly. “i am, so i think you should leave.”
you scoffed slightly. “reki, i know you’re going through a tough time but you can’t speak to me like that, i just want to help.”
“we’ll clearly you’re not helping so leave,” his eyes stared you down. your entire happy mood of trying to help him and being excited to be with your boyfriend was ruined.
“bottling up how you feel won’t help reki!”
he groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. “fine! you want me to tell you how i feel?” he yelled.
you flinched slightly at him yelled and swallowed the lump in your throat. you just looked down at your lap while he stood up in front of you.
“how i feel is that you’re annoying and clingy! i cant ever have a moment to myself, you always try to act like you need me! you don’t need me and i don’t need you!” his breath was heavy and his voice cracked as he yelled at you.
you sobbed. you didn’t-couldn’t say anything. you just got up and left. he sighed, irritated and ran his fingers through his hair again. he felt the warm spot in the back of his head, the spot where you were petting, trying to comfort him.
he knew he screwed up. so the week after that, he gave you flowers, apologies, kisses, and affirmations to make you feel how you did before.
but it could never heal what he did say to you, those words stuck with you. so now you always try to give him space. you try not to be annoying, and clingy like he said. the week of sweet things he did for you wasn’t enough to fix the wounds he’s caused.
“you’ve been really spacious recently. is everything alright?” he asked one night while you two were cuddling in his room. you were actually quite far away from him.
he was feeling pretty touch starved, and craved your touch. but all you replied with was a “mhm, i’m fine.”
“are you sure? you can always talk to me.”
all the emotions you tried to keep from him finally let out. you covered your face, embarrassed, as you cried.
he quickly hugged you, “hey you can tell me what’s wrong.”
“do you really think i’m annoying and clingy?” you asked.
he remembered that night, making him upset you believed his words that he didn’t even mean. “no! oh, God, of course no! honey, you’re not annoying or clingy.”
“you sure..?”
“yes! i’d never mean it, ever in a million years,” he kissed your head. he continued to hold you until you relaxed into his arms, and eventually fell asleep.
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angsty-omi · 4 years
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was she just a friend?
hajime iwaizumi x Reader
tw: very slight domestic abuse, insecurity, no happy ending, swearing, suggestive themes, and no editing prior.
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when you first started dating hajime, you had accepted the fact that he had a really close girl friend. how could you not? before you guys made it official he made sure his concerns were met with. this should’ve been the first red flag, however, you were blinded by love.
at first, it was subtle. she’d tag along with you guys on your walk home, which you didn’t mind at all. most of the trips, she’d make fun of iwaizumi and reminisce when they were kids. which, in turn, made you laugh. a lot. and usually after she got home, you and iwaizumi could spend the sunset together. his large calloused hand would wrap around yours, and he’d bring your hand up to peck it. your heart grew bigger by the minute.
then, one day after she left, both of his hands gripped your jaw, and soft lips were pressed against yours. you smiled into the kiss and added more pressure. as he pulled away, you instinctively moved forward for more. that made him chuckle, and grabbed your chin once more. however, this kiss was more passionate. you could never forget that night. it was purely blissful.
for the next six months, life felt like paradise. there was a consistency of “i love you-s,” cuddles, and even sex. but, as they say, happiness is only temporary. on your sixth month anniversary, you and hajime had planned a fancy dinner date on the bay. you showed up early, with excitement written on your face. you were currently wearing a satin maroon dress with a black trench coat on top. as you sat at your table, you pulled out a box out of your pocket. it was a promise ring. you rubbed the circumference of it, trying to ease your nerves. was this moving too fast? you were certain that you couldn’t love another the way you love hajime.
as the hour strikes, he still hadn’t showed up. you repeatedly checked your watch, and even asked other people’s in case your time was wrong. you texted hajime multiple times with no response. anxiety started bubbling in your stomach. what if hajime’s hurt? what if he got into a car accident? what if a UFO came down and kidnapped him? you prayed to yourself that none of those things were true.
before you even realized it, another hour went by. and at this point the waiters were passively suggesting you to leave, due to their full house. at first, you were weary, what if hajime shows up? you thought. although, you complied with the waiters and left. you called him so many times with no pick up. before jumping to conclusions, you decided to text her.
y/n: hey, have you talked to hajime recently?
her: nope! but i can text him if you’d like!
y/n: sure
you rolled your eyes at her message, she acted like he’d answer her and not you. you were his girlfriend for god sakes. obviously if he could text someone it’d be you... atleast that’s what you thought before you got a notification.
her: oh he just said he’s at home, was there something you needed?
that text broke your heart. he’s at home? worst of all he texted her back and not you? you just left her on read and headed home.
as you slammed your phone on the bed, you got ready to sleep. slipping into one of hajime’s shirts and a pair of underwear you tuck yourself in. while drifting, you inhaled his shirt and it smelled like him. his cologne had a wood musk scent to it which you adored. and before you realized it, you were crying. crying yourself to sleep.
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the next morning during school, you did everything in your power to ignore hajime. you skipped the lockers, lunch, and even prevented going to bathroom in case he was there. who could blame you? you were still upset after being stood up.
“miss y/n, could you grab these papers and send it to the office please?” your teacher asked.
you picked up the hefty amount of sheets and went on your merry way. with your guard down roaming the hallways, you failed to notice her and hajime at the end of it. as you both looked up from a long distance with eye contact, you simply turned around and took a detour. you could hear sneakers quickly catching up to you. it was hajime.
“hey baby i haven’t seen you all day,” he wrapped his arm around you.
you ignored him and continued looking straight ahead.
“hey are you okay?”
“y/n if you’re going to act like this and not tell me what’s going on, i’m going to go.” hajime said with a stern voice. you bit your lip, trying to hold tears back. you nudged yourself off of him and replied “fine.”
how could he be mad at you? and why’s he acting like nothing happened?
at the end of the school day, hajime was waiting at the gates for you. you caught sight of him and sighed. you couldn’t hold it off any longer. as you approached him, you saw her peeking out next to him. of course. with annoyance, you started walking home, with them behind you. the walk home was silent, excluding the loud footsteps trailing behind you. as soon as she turned for her house and a couple more steps, hajime grabbed your wrists and gently pinned you on the wall.
“tell me what’s wrong.”
immediately, tears start falling down your face.
“how could you forget about our sixth months?”
at this point, iwaizumi’s face turned pale. paler than a sheet of printer paper. he quickly kissed your tears, and rambled apologies.
“i can explain, that day hachi had some major family issues. her dad had just left the house to get drunk, and her mom was out of town. she needed me to come over, so i rushed.”
“so then, why didn’t you text me back?”
“you heard me”
“i gave my phone to hachi because her dad broke hers.”
you gave a confused look. her phone wasn’t broken, she literally texted you and to think about it you never said her name aloud or in your thoughts.
“what? i literally texted her the night of and she said you texted her back saying you were home”
“hachi wouldn’t do that.”
did he just assume that you would lie? what reason would you even have to lie? you pulled up your phone and showed him the messages.
“this was probably a misunderstanding, are you sure your connection was good? some of them probably didn’t send so it looks bad” he casually said.
you were just in so much shock when he said that. how could he? why did he? your head started to feel stressed so you just walked away. not wanting to hear his idiotic excuses anymore. he trailed behind you and wrapped his arms around you.
“please don’t leave us on bad terms, i’m sorry i won’t do it again” you felt tears on the back of your school uniform.
“i guess it wouldn’t hurt to forget this one instance” you thought to yourself. so what did you do? you forgave him.
poor little naive girl.
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after you guys made up, he decided to have a make up anniversary. you guys cuddled up on your bed and watched many sappy romance movies while ordering your favorite place. this was way better than an expensive dinner. you were just glad he was in your arms again and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
you got up from the bed with his arms dragging behind to go into your dresser, where you hid the box. as you were about to turn around and suprise him, his phone rang. who could be calling at this hour? you know who. hachi.
“don’t pick it up” you frowned.
“please babe just give me one second?” he pouted.
you nod in a agony. as he answered it, you could hear dramatic tears on the other end with a concerned hajime on the line.
“are you okay?! he did what?! i’m coming right now”
as he ended the call, he buckled his pants back on.
“you’re kidding right?”
you hid the tiny box behind your back.
“what are you talking about y/n?” he frustrated, clearly stressed out.
“this is our anniversary and you’re going over to see another girl?”
“y/n, she’s my best friend and you know that. plus she’s home alone and her dad just broke a window.”
“then can i come with you?”
he shook his head, “i don’t think she wants anyone to see her in that state right now”
“except for you, hm makes sense okay”
“can you please not be insecure for like one day?” his fingers ran through his hair.
your eyes widened, “are you fucking serious? you’re the one that made me insecure! first i dropped the whole dinner phone text thing even though there was obvious evidence hachi was trying to sabotage us, why can’t you see it?!”
“y/n, at the beginning of our relationship you acknowledged that i had a close girl friend. and with that, the dinner thing was just a misunderstanding. stop bringing that up or else.” he aggressed.
“are you seriously threatening me right now?”
“if you leave right now.. t-then we’re over!” the words just slipped out of your mouth. both of you guys were in shock. you were just so relentlessly depleted from this argument that you decided this was your solution.
he furiously opened the door, “hajime wai-” you were cut off by the door slamming shut. tears were flowing like a waterfall at this point. you gave yourself some time to breathe and reevaluate. you couldn’t lose hajime, he was your person. your light. your yellow. you put on your sneakers and ran to hachi’s house, knowing he’d be there. you grabbed the promise ring alongside so you could beg for forgiveness.
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your breath was ragged, damn were you out of shape. but at the end, you got to your destination. as you analyzed the house, there seem to be no windows broken, but the front door was opened slightly. you knew she was lying from the start about her dad smashing things. you slowly walked in as quiet as possible and could hear sobs in the other room. as you pressed your ear to the door, it was hajime’s sobs. your heart felt so much guilt, sayings like “i love her so much” and “how could she just say that?” were the only phrases you could comprehend. then there was silence. as you opened the door, prepared to make up, you couldn’t believe your eyes. hachi and hajime’s face were about a half an inch away from each other. they both looked up at you.
“nice intact windows, take this stupid fucking ring, you’re dead to me iwaizumi” you chucked the box at him. as he looked at the box, it had been embroidered ‘promise’ on it and he knew what that meant. you quickly made your exit through the door with hajime closely behind you.
you stopped in your tracks, “please just leave me alone” your voice now dainty.
“y/n, plea-”
“please what? please forget about what i saw? i knew it i fucking knew it. you know what, this whole time you made me like the bad guy when it was YOU. you made me like this, and the worst part is I STILL LOVE YOU.” you punched jabs into his chest. obviously it didn’t hurt him physically, but emotionally it felt like a million swords were stabbing him repeatedly.
“please stop this, is there anyway you can forgive me? please?” he sobbed.
“i’ll do anything”
“would you leave hachi for me?” you asked sharply.
his hesitation was all you needed. in his head he answered yes, but it was like his vocal chords stopped working. deep in his heart, he knew you deserved better. so he stayed quiet.
“go to hell, go fuck hachi or something see if i care.” but you did care. you just wished that he fought just a little bit for you. but he never did and you had to accept it like a champ.
before this all happened, you had dreamed about iwaizumi hajime and yours’s future. but now it’s all ruined.
you’re left heartbroken and lost $350 on a ring that had no meaning.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
broken (part 2).
san x reader
word count: 12k
angst, fluff (tw: mentions of domestic abuse and rape)
(part 1)
no matter how many times you tried to change your thinking patterns, you still classified your life into two parts: before the abuse and after.
you thought, after watching your ex-boyfriend being escorted out of the courtroom with a one-year prison sentence, that you wouldn’t be scared of him anymore.
you thought that moving out of the house and living in your new apartment would make day to day life easier, not needing to see the floor you were beaten on or counter you were forced to have sex on every day.
you thought that having san would make you feel happy and loved and enough. that having a whole new family unit consisting of seven other crazy boys and a crotchety old lady would be enough.
but as you sit curled up on the bathroom floor with tears in your eyes, you’re seeing you severely underestimated everything. 
underestimated just how much trauma you still had to sort through and how badly that asshole really did mess you up.
six months ago:
“so we have the surveillance footage and witness testimony from your neighbors,” your lawyer explains gently, an older woman with kind eyes and soft-spoken voice that quickly transforms in the courtroom. 
“but a personal statement, if you feel comfortable, would probably guarantee the harshest sentence.”
the harshest sentence being one year, a measly 365 days compared to the 1,825 he subjected you to every kind of abuse: sexual, emotional, mental, physical. 
hitting and grabbing and slapping until your skin was littered with bruises and cuts. 
talking so harshly to you that you believed dying was the best option, stripping you from any sort of confidence or self-esteem you once had. 
making you feel completely inept and useless, solely viewing you as a piece of property he could boss around and use at his disposal. 
you had left the office with shaking hands and a pounding heart, barely being able to dial san’s number before he answered after one ring. 
this was the first appointment you’ve went to without him, insisting he can’t and won’t miss his midterm for this. 
“hi, love. everything go okay?” he asks softly, with the sweet gentle voice that has quite literally kept you alive these past few months. 
you don’t know what you did in another life to deserve san but you know that without him, you probably wouldn’t have made it this far. without his constant support and sweet reassurances, you wouldn’t have believed you could ever do this. 
willingly tell police officers and lawyers about what happened to you, break down and expose yourself in such a way that always made you feel weak and pathetic. 
admit aloud that, yes, you’ve been a victim of abuse and no, those bruises and scars on your body aren’t from clumsy falls into the wall or cabinet. 
without him, accompanying you to the police station or lawyer’s office, where you knew jungkook was lingering, you would’ve never felt safe. 
you would’ve broke down and took it all back, told them that you made it all up and to release him because he didn’t do anything wrong.
but he did so much wrong and you and san know that. the police and lawyers and judges know it too, several outbursts from the man in court and at the station proving that. 
it’s what makes the thought of a personal statement so hard, having to look your ex-boyfriend in the face and watch him stare you down with not an ounce of remorse or sorrow.
san must know it too, if your silence through the phone tells him anything, and you can already hear shuffling in the background as he prepares to leave his class and head to your apartment.   
“are you done with your test?” you ask first, voice sweet but mousy in a way that makes san’s stomach sink
he knew today was gonna be rough for you, he knew he should’ve asked his professor to retake the midterm next week. 
“yes,” the boy answers immediately, knowing he’s about to run back into the classroom, circle c for the last three answers and haul ass to his car. 
“san, are you-”
“i was done, it’s fine, y/n,” he confirms gently, feet moving and body desperate to rush toward your apartment. 
because he knows after all of this time, you’ve learned to hold back your pain and suffering. years of practice and keeping tears at bay that he’s noticed have made these months difficult for you two. 
and he hates knowing that you still wait till you’re alone to cry. 
that even though every time you do, he wipes away every tear and holds you to his chest until you fall asleep, you still feel most comfortable being sad alone.
that you’re probably already home now, about to bury your face in a pillow and sob until you hear his car and wipe your cheeks clean like nothing is wrong. 
but there’s a lot wrong. 
a lot wrong with how you’ve been treated and how hard it is to move past it. 
a lot wrong with the legal system that makes this painful journey even more exhausting, forcing you to recount memory after memory and answer question after question about the worst ordeals of your life. 
that’s why san can’t help but turn in his test and rush out the door to his car, speeding off campus and onto the highway in hot pursuit of your apartment above the bakery.
it had seemed like perfect little place to get you back on your feet, the smell of freshly baked bread and pleasant bustle of regulars greeting you in the early morning hours. 
there was no commute for you, just a walk down the stairs and through the yellow door of the bakery, where simple work waited for you. 
“you just need to ring up the customers and maybe clean a table or two. most people take their things to go,” your boss had told you, a divorced mother of three who spent most of her life baking before she was finally able to open up a place of her own. 
it was simple work but it was more than you’d done in years, something as little as small talk with regulars successfully draining you. filling you with a nervousness and fear that you’re still feeling even without your ex’s presence. 
but it’s in the way a man yells on the phone about a business deal going sour while waiting for his morning coffee. 
a woman chastising her kids saying that they won’t get to eat the cookies she’s buying after dinner. 
the slam of the door when a harsh gust of wind howls from outside and rattles the small bakery with light blue walls and pictures of bread and desserts.
you don’t know how many coffees you’ve spilt or plates you’ve broken from jumping at the harsh sounds, realizing little by little how hard this transition was gonna be. 
even with san and his friends and your boss and the crazy old lady who secured this new life for you in the first place, it’s still hard. 
you can’t even imagine doing all of these new things alone, just living in such a simple way that the average person takes for granted. 
but you suppose it’s not all simple yet, going back and forth between meetings with your lawyer and the police for the court date that’s rapidly approaching. 
you can feel that the closer it comes, the harder it is to breathe. 
the mere thought of seeing the man who hurt you for the longest five years of your life, sitting in front of you with not an ounce of remorse on his face. making  this process even harder because how are you supposed to talk in front of him? 
see clear as day that you’re not safe and you never will be. 
that he’s gonna get out in a year, because that’s the harshest sentence possible without you being hospitalized or dead, and hurt you again. he’s never gonna stop hurting you because he always said you were his and he wouldn’t ever hesitate to-
you don’t even hear the jingle of san’s keys opening the front door or his softly spoken call of your name. 
you’re only aware of his presence when you feel his warm, small hands cup your face, his thumbs rubbing over your wet, salty skin as he mutters your name lowly.
“hey, i’m here, i’m here,” he mumbles sweetly, tone soft and gentle the way it always is no matter what the circumstances are.
he plops down on the couch before pulling you into his lap, his hand rubbing up and down your back gently. you hear the quiet but firm “sh, sh, sh,” against your head, the sharp calming hums always in threes as an attempt to ground you.
you try to focus on his calming sounds and even breaths, the hand on your back so warm and gentle as he lulls your panicked body into a calmer state. 
you bury your face in his chest and breathe in his scent, cologne and detergent mixed with his natural scent that lingers on your pillow every morning. 
“i-i’m sorry.”
the words make his stomach plummet, tears burning his eyes because you never have anything to be sorry for. you never have anything to be sorry for and you say it all the time. 
when you bump into him in the kitchen while making food together.
when you sit on the remote and change the channel by accident.
when you burnt the cookies one night and made the fire alarm go off. 
he remembers that being one of the worse nights, the loud noises making you jump while also flinching away when he lifted his arm up to fan away the smoke. and then you immediately apologized again, cookies long forgotten before he grabbed your hand and led you into the living room. 
he just held your hand as you both watched tv, his thumb rubbing over your skin before you spoke words so quietly, he almost missed them. 
“i wish...i would stop doing that.”
he cranes his neck over to look at you, eyebrow raised and eyes soft as he looks  at you questioningly. 
he wants to tease and say that you’ve never burnt the cookies before but anytime you feel comfortable enough to talk to him like this, he never wants to say the wrong thing.
“i...i know you would never hurt me,“ you continue after a few moments. “and i know i’m just...scared easily, i guess. but it makes me feel bad,” you admit quietly, heart pulling in your chest as you look at the man beside you. 
he has gotten you through the hardest times of your life, has been by your side every step of the way with no questions or complaints, and you haven’t been able to repay him. 
not even with a plate of fucking cookies. 
“you don’t have to feel bad, y/n,” san says gently, his hand reaching out slowly to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. 
your eyes close at his feather light touch and the way it makes your heart jump, his fingers lingering on you in a way that makes you feel so safe and content. 
“and i know it’s hard to believe still but you have nothing to be scared of either. i’m not gonna let anyone hurt you again and i mean that.”
“but i feel like i’m hurting you,” you mumble softly, pulling your knees up as you rest your head on the couch cushion. his brows pull together as his eyes roam your face, a pout on his lips the more he looks at you in silence.
“you’ve helped me so much and i just...” tears fill your eyes as you struggle to find the words and breathe. you’ve only been living in your new house for two months now and almost every day, san has been here. 
bringing you food, helping you clean and decorate, spending late nights with you watching movies, helping you through an inevitable fit of panic when your memories and life become too much. 
he makes it easier to breathe and you’re scared that without him, you’re gonna stop one day.
“i just keep... taking from you. you get nothing out of helping me but you still do it anyway and i...you shouldn’t even bother, san. i-i’m not worth this time and i just want you to-”
he tries to keep the anger out of his voice knowing that all of this is what you’ve been told. you’ve been told your whole life that you weren’t enough, were only deemed worthy by a piece of shit who did nothing but hurt and berate you. 
but it doesn’t make it any less hard to hear. to hear in your voice and see in your eyes that you truly believe you’re not worth the time he wants to put into you. 
“you’re worth the time to me,” he says, voice gentle but firm in a way that makes a lump form in your throat. his finger reaches out to trace small circles on your hand, your eyes following it so he doesn’t see the tears building up. 
“i like seeing you happy, y/n. and i wanna help you.”
your teary eyes meet his and you swallow the growing lump in your throat when you see the look on his face, soft and sweet in a way you still can’t believe is directed toward you. 
“i feel like i need a lot of help,” you mutter, voice barely above a whisper as you think back to how day to day life is so challenging and draining. 
the loud voices and the screaming kids and banging door that sends you into a panic. the broken dishes and tear stains on your pillow that are there more often than not after san leaves every night. 
but san’s hearing each and every word right now, his heart panging in his chest at how vulnerable you are right now. how you let him see this side of you and continue to despite how hard he knows everything’s been. 
“that’s okay,” he smiles softly, stopping the circles on your hand to intertwine your fingers. “i’m gonna be here as long as you need me, okay?”
you look up to meet his gaze and feel a tear slip down your cheek, a cry bubbling in your throat that you so desperately wanna let out. 
but you also don’t wanna make san any more sad tonight, biting down on your lip as you nod your head before leaning on his shoulder. 
you don’t see the smile that crosses his face or hear the content sigh that leaves him, his hand in yours and presence enough to lull you into a dreamless sleep. 
“you have nothing to be sorry for,” he assures you quietly, looking over your face as he wipes at your cheeks. you meet his gaze and your eyes stay locked on one another, his thumb gentle and soft across your skin.
“did you do good on your test?” you squeak out after a few moments of silence, a smile breaking out across his face. 
“of course i did, we studied all night, didn’t we?” he teases, referring to just last night when you helped him with index cards and read them all to him twice before promptly passing out on his chest. 
a blush crosses your face as you look down in embarrassment, a sweet high pitched laugh bubbling out of him. 
“it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. your drool only ruined a few of them.”
“i don’t drool,” you mutter, a small smile on san’s face as he tightens his hold on you in his lap. 
“did you eat yet?” 
you shake your head as indistinguishable mumble leaves your mouth, curling yourself into his chest more as his warmth and comforting scent envelop you. 
his lips brush against your hair in a small smile, quietly asking what you wanna eat even though he knows you’re gonna say you don’t care. 
“whatever you want,” you mutter against him, the exhaustion of waking up at 5 am and the draining meeting with your lawyer catching up to you. 
and san knows on days like these that chinese food and watching reruns of old cartoons is usually the thing you need to feel a little bit better. 
pretend that just for a few hours, everything is okay and there’s nothing more pressing than spending the night together in what always turns into having a sleepover. 
because just as you found it difficult to live in that house you once shared with jungkook, san finds it difficult to go back to that block every night. 
stay just a few houses away from where he’s reminded of how you were treated while he was just a few feet away.
watching as the backyard once full of flowers becomes dull and colorless and every window reminds him of what was truly going on behind the walls of that house.
it’s one of the reasons why staying with you just makes sense. that and the fact that leaving you always proves to be the hardest part of the night together. 
you with a pout and sad eyes quietly whining for him to stay and him being completely powerless as he throws himself down next to you and wraps his arms around your waist. 
he’s not surprised when the same thing happens tonight, your eyes drooping and body slacking against him before he quietly asks if he should get going. you look up at him tiredly, eyebrows pulled together and one cheek red from you leaning on his chest in a way that makes him hold back a smirk.
“no,” you say quietly, your eyes roaming his face before you quickly realize he might want to leave you. the thought rips a pang of hurt through your chest but you can’t help but feel that might be the case. 
you ripped him away from his test and cried on him all night. why would he wanna stay with you? 
“unless you want to. i-i don’t wanna force you to stay here if you don’t-”
“of course i want to,” san responds, taking your face in his hands gently and allowing his thumb to run along your soft skin. “i was just checking.” 
because he also never wants to overstep. make you feel too overwhelmed or smothered since if it were up to him, he’d never leave your side again. 
his words and touch send relief through you, the panic and fear that attempted to break through quickly dying it. everything about him makes it so easy to be calm and comforted, a smile making it’s way on your face as you nod. 
you place your head back on his chest, sighing contently when you feel his arm wrap around your shoulder a few moments later. you stare at the tv blankly, not sure how long you’re lost in thought about the conversation at the lawyer’s office. 
“but a personal statement, if you feel comfortable, would probably guarantee the harshest sentence.”
could you really do that though? strip yourself to the most vulnerable degree and proclaim to a courtroom full of people how weak and defenseless you were for five years? how the man who’s gonna be seated just a few feet away over you had that much power over you? 
would you feel better looking jungkook in the face and telling him that you’re gonna be strong and come out okay? that he won’t be able to hurt you anymore and will rot behind a cell for what he’s done?
or would you it make you feel worse? seeing him again and the blankness behind his eyes. the pity and sorrowful looks on the judge and court officers when your voice shakes and eyes brim with tears as you recall your old life.
you’re not even sure if san is awake at this point, his arm heavy around you and breaths even under your head but you can’t seem to stop your tired self from speaking.
“my lawyer suggested i make a personal statement.”
san doesn’t stutter under you, the only sign of him being awake when he hums lowly and gently pulls away from you. the bed dips next to you when he lays on his side, your eyes meeting just as he reaches out to smooth out a messy strand of hair.
“yeah?” he mumbles lowly, his soft eyes roaming your face. “how do you feel about that?” 
the question, despite the serious tension in leaves in the air, makes you smile softly, remembering when your lawyer recommended counseling, you thought back to san waiting in the car and felt as if you already had all the support you needed. 
he has the most patience and kindness of anyone you’ve ever met before and you can’t imagine trusting someone as much as trust him. have someone else hear you this vulnerable and genuine, see you cry and feel all the emotions that come with rebuilding your life after being a victim of domestic violence. 
“i don’t know if i can do it.”
the words make san frown, holding himself up on his elbow as he looks over your face with concern. he can tell you’re tired, eyes hazy and drooping but he also can tell your mind’s been preoccupied. 
more so than usual. 
“i...i don’t know if i could do it with him there.”
“he’s not gonna hurt you anymore,” san reminds you gently, his hand creeping down in between your bodies to take ahold of yours. it’s soft and small and warm and everything about it makes you feel safe. 
“i-i know. but...just him being there. watching me and hearing me say what he’s done when i know he has no remorse. and then telling more people how i let it go on for so long and-”
“you didn’t let anything go on for too long. it wasn’t your fault. y/n.”
tears burn your eyes as a lump forms in your throat, hearing those words from almost everyone in your life but still not having the ability to grasp it. 
it feels like your fault, it feels like you’ve allowed yourself to be treated in a way you knew was wrong for far too long. 
because now look at you. trying to rebuild your life but being panicked when the wind howls just a little too loudly outside. 
you take a few deep calming breaks and swallow as you look at him, eyes hazy and glossy and threatening to close shut; you’re so tired but it’s like your brain never stops going these days. 
“she said...it’d guarantee the harshest sentence. but shouldn’t the evidence be enough? the tapes and the witnesses? why- why do i have to keep going through this?” you whisper, voice shaky and tears building as you look at him. the sight alone makes san stomach sink, rolling his tongue between his lips anxiously. 
“i just want it to be over. i don’t wanna keep recounting what happened over and over and over again. i... it’s so hard, san. it’s so hard and i feel like i can’t do it anym-” 
your words break off as a quiet whimper leaves your mouth, crumbling against san’s body when he pulls you forward and wraps his arms around you. your head falls in the crook of his neck as his hand rests on the back of your head, breathing slowly and evenly as quiet hums leave his mouth. 
“I know, baby,” san mumbles, his lips against your head as he presses a kiss to your hair. “you don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do, okay? no one can make you do anything.”
"you're hurting me, jungkook," your broken voice tells him, the cracks and pain behind it familiar to even your own ears.
you don't know how many times you've heard yourself like this. so desperate and defeated.
"i wish i didn't have to, babydoll," he says lowly, "but you never listen. you make me do this."
and you don’t even think about if you’re gonna regret it at the time. not use your own voice and speak up in front of the courtroom about what the man on trial did. 
you can only think about his eyes watching you, your friends hearing your voice quiver and shake, the judge maybe not taking your words into account. it all seems too much right now, the crushing weight of anxiety and fear that’s making you feel too weak to do that. 
“you made it this far. and it’s almost all over, okay?” san reassures, his hand stroking your hair as he tries to calm your cries. “if you wanna do it, i’ll be right there next to you. we’ll all be there for you and you’ll be safe the whole time. but if you don’t, that’s okay too. you don’t have to and everything will still be okay.”
and because it’s like the blonde just knows everything when it comes to you, everything is okay - or as okay as things can be under these circumstances. 
your lawyer didn’t bat an eye when you told her you weren’t sure if you could do a personal statement, her hand on your shoulder as she gently tells you that it’s okay. that the harshest sentence would probably still be given, considering the unusual amount of evidence in a case like this. 
you watched jungkook get taken out of court with a one year sentence, thrashing in handcuffs and cursing at you while you gripped san’s hand tightly. 
you had foolishly thought watching that was gonna somehow heal you immediately. 
no longer make you afraid or flinch at the smallest of sounds or movements, make you feel like now you can take san’s words to heart and feel worthy of the love he showered you with. 
but it was with that love, you started to grow too dependent. let it consume you in a whole new way that made you feel like without san, you couldn’t breathe. 
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at first, he didn’t know what had triggered the episodes that followed three months after the trial. 
it had seemed as if you were making a lot of progress over the past few months, truly happy and smiley without an ounce of fear in your eyes that had always seemed to linger. 
you were working hard at the bakery, becoming closer with the regulars and even finding it easier to talk with them. they found you comforting and sweet, always greeting them with a warm smile and remembering how many sugars they got with their morning coffee. 
the same warm smile you gave san when he told you he was visiting his parents for his mom’s birthday one weekend, sending him off with a loaf of bread and an array of cookies. 
“don’t eat them all,” you teased lightly, side-eyeing mingi who was one of your many regulars and could also take your advice as he shovels rainbow cookies in his mouth. 
“i won’t,” san smiles gently, looking in mingi’s direction and holding back a laugh upon seeing the boy. 
he was probably the next closest person you came to trust since you all got to know each other, a soft spot for him ever since the moment he deemed sunflowers ‘sunnies’ during the darker times. 
mingi was the happiness and innocence you think you must have had once. finding the good in everything and being happy just because the sun was out and dessert was on the table. 
“and neither should you,” san chastises the younger boy, smacking him in the back of the head lightly. you smile softly at the exchange, holding back a snort as you clean off the table next to the bickering boys. 
the arm around your waist a few moments later would’ve startled you had you not smelt san’s cologne, leaning into him and feeling grateful you’re the only three in the store right now. 
you look over your shoulder and smile softly at him, heart stuttering at the look on his face. eyes full of such concern, you should know he’s about to ask you if you’re-
“are you gonna be okay tonight?” 
he wasn’t ignorant of the fact, the same way you weren’t, that this is gonna be one the first nights you’ve spent alone in months. 
not falling asleep to the gentle lull of his breathing or his arms around your waist. no one to be there if you wake up from a nightmare, where memories torment your body as you hear the shouts of your ex and feel as if your body is still being bruised.
san not being there to wake you with a gentle peck on the cheek before dragging you back to the warm bed when you try to get up for work. 
but you have to be okay, right? you’ve been doing so good these past few weeks. and you’re an adult the same way he’s an adult, it’s ridiculous to think you guys would have to spend every night together. 
“of course, silly” you poke him gently, smiling when his dimples poke out of his cheeks. “have fun with your parents. don’t worry about me.”
“i always worry about you,” he mumbles lowly, his lips ghosting over your hair as you push his chest lightly. he bites back a smile when he sees the blush on your cheeks, pulling away from him immediately so you can stick your tongue out at him. 
and that night, it actually feels as if you’re okay. 
you busy yourself by cleaning and cooking before passing out to the vampire diaries. your sleep is dreamless and calm, waking up to a good morning message from san consisting of a bare-faced, messy-haired selfie. 
but a few days after his return is when he began to notice the little changes. 
behaviors he thinks you weren’t even aware of that made his heart sink into his stomach; it reminded him so much of the first few weeks you were away from jungkook. 
how despite the fear in your eyes, you clung to him because you knew he’d never hurt you. felt safe in his presence and sought him out when you were feeling uncomfortable or upset. 
and he sees you’re back to the place right now, so obviously uneasy and upset despite the major progress you’ve been making. 
it was like the second he came through the door, you had to be by his side. leaning your head on his shoulder as you watched your shows or grabbing his hand when he got up to go to the bathroom. 
at first, he thought it was cute - your clinginess and obvious affection toward him. he thought it was sweet and it made him so happy, smiling softly and kissing the top of your head as he told you he’d be back in a minute.
but the more the weeks went on, the worse it was seeming to get. 
you asking him after only a few hours of him at school when he was gonna be back. nightmares and bad memories haunting you when you’d fall asleep for naps in between your shift ending and his last class. 
“baby... are you sure you’re okay these days?” 
the words cause you to stop stirring the pasta in the pot, craning your neck to where san is sitting on the countertop. 
he meets your gaze with a soft smile and extends his hand out to you, leaning down to press a kiss to your nose before pulling you up.
you squeal at the sensation, giggling quietly because there you two are just perched on the counter like two cats and no regard for the boiling pot of food beside you. 
you giggle again when he places a kiss to your neck, tightening his hold around your waist.
he relishes in the sound of your laugh because it also seems like these days, he’s hasn’t heard it that much. 
“i feel like i haven’t heard that in a while,” he mumbles against your neck, his lips lingering on your skin. he never wants to say the wrong thing with you or make you feel like you’re not doing good enough. 
you pull back and look at him with a small pout, your fingers toying at the end of his shirt nervously. 
“i...i’m okay though,” you tell him quietly, thinking it’s the truth even though you have felt off these days. 
you didn’t know what it was though honestly. it’s felt like ever since san came back from his parents, you’ve needed him extra. clingy and needy and annoying in the sense that the poor man can’t even go away without you needing him. 
and now he seems to know it, too. 
maybe he doesn’t wanna do this anymore. maybe he didn’t sign up for months of you going back and forth, feeling great and confident one week and then back to being clingy and scared the next. 
because you know it’s only a matter of time before two things happens: he gets sick of you and leaves or starts resenting you. doesn’t wanna waste his time with a battered woman when he could be wth fun and carefree college girls. 
“have i been annoying?” 
your blurted out question throws him off as much as it breaks his heart, immediately shaking his head as he cups your cheeks. 
his lips fall into a pout and your eyes immediately fall to them, about to comment on it before he places a sweet, short peck on yours.
you two, despite your close and intimate relationship full of skin-ship, don’t kiss a lot. you can only count of one hand how many times san has kissed you on the lips, most of the time going for your cheek or head.
but you certainly don’t mind. 
you think it’s good to take it slow, since everything else about your relationship is so intense. that’s why the times he does kiss you, you get filled with such a happy warm feeling that usually makes you feel better no matter what. 
that’s how you know you’re not right. that suddenly, for some reason, you’re not okay again despite being so incredibly lucky that the people in you life now care about you. 
they’re trying so hard to help you and it feels like you can’t repay them in any way.
“no, no, baby, not at all,” san says when he pulls back, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek. “i’m just concerned.”
the lump in your throat makes it feel like you can’t breathe, biting your lip harshly as you look up at the blonde. 
“i love that you want me around,” he continues softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he looks down at you. “but i’m just...i also wanna make sure you’re okay.”
you nod your head as you take in his words, slightly calmed by them despite the way your mind is trying to tell you otherwise. 
he loves that you want him around, he just said so. and he wouldn’t put up with you if he didn’t want to, right?
“i’m okay,” you assure sweetly, leaning into his touch just a little bit more. “i guess i just missed you.”
your cheeks flush at the soft, almost touched look that crosses san’s face, his lips falling into a pout as he tightens his hold on you.
“i missed you too.”
boiling liquid splashing onto the stove causes you both to look away, a squeal leaving your mouth as the foamy water overflows the pot. 
“shit!” you squeal, jumping down from the counter to rush over and lower the heat. san watches from his spot with a small smile, chuckling lightly when you throw him a look.
“sorry,” he says sheepishly, a playful roll of your eyes causing him to jump down and hug you from behind.
he presses small kisses and laughs into the crook of your neck as you finish making the pasta, feeding him pieces from the pot to see if it’s cooked enough. 
you eat on the couch and spend the rest of the night watching tv, a relatively calm and relaxed night that makes you feel much better than the past few days. 
you think you just got so used to his presence, the comfort and warmth and light he provides by just being in your apartment and smiling at you. 
you were scared by how attached you’d grown to him, depending on him in a way you think a person who has gone through what you’ve gone through shouldn’t.
but he’s so good and makes you feel loved. it’s such a different feeling than one you’ve ever experienced, after your family and friends and ex-boyfriend let you down time and time again. 
you’ve never had someone like this before but you’ve also never tried to rebuild your life before. never had the chance to be your own person and make your own decisions - it’s something you’re still learning and that’s evident to everyone in your life. 
but the next morning, a pleasant surprise in the form of mrs. kim comes bursting through the door and immediately lights your face with a smile; apart from san and mingi, she’s another person you’ve grown extremely close and fond of. 
she’s the one who made everything possible, rebuilding your life with a new home and workplace. it’s why she always tries to push you further out of your comfort zone and into the real world with gentle prodding and much needed assurance. 
she’s at the bakery for almost two hours before she pulls up a chair behind the register and gets that look in her eye you know all too well. it’s the look she gave you the day you accepted the apartment, insisting you take it and make it your own and to not even think about how to pay her back. 
the look she gave you before the trial as she gave you strength, told you that you were strong and you were gonna get through this, with or without your personal statement. 
and apparently it’s the look she gives you when she broaches the topic of you enrolling back in school. 
“so what do you think?” she asks, tone carefree and excited like she’d been thinking about this for weeks. “is that something you’d wanna do?” 
your immediate thought is yes. yes, yes, yes shout it from the rooftops yes. you miss school and learning and all the experiences that come with getting an education. 
you once loved school and had so many aspirations but then your life apart. the prospect of an education or getting a job was dangled in your face as some sort of manipulation tactic.
that when jungkook went too far and left you especially bloody and bruised, he’d mentioned school like it was the answer to all of your problems as a couple. like that was his penance and would win him boyfriend of the year.
and mrs. kim must see the haunted look in your eye, replaying flashbacks and memories from how choices like that weren’t under your control for the longest time. 
“listen to me, stop staying in there,” she says, flicking at your head and making you wince. “is that something you wanna do? yes or no?” 
“yes but i-”
“but nothing,” the old lady says, wiping out an ipad the boys had been teaching her how to use for the past few weeks; the font is the biggest size you’ve ever seen and has a cat case on that almost makes you burst out laughing upon seeing.
“i was looking at the local school, it’s close and cheap but you could always get some financial aid, scholarships or even a loan,” she begins to tell you, eyes squinted and a wrinkle between her browns as she taps on the screen. “this shit is so hard, i’m still trying to learn. oh, great here it is, okay. look, they even have this major.”
you had mentioned once that you thought about a career in journalism to her, one night when you and her were making cookies in her house as the boys tended to her garden (because they were gardeners now, official, professional gardeners who only know how to plant sunflowers). 
tears almost immediately fill in your eyes as you follow her pruny finger, licking over your lips so you don’t start sobbing. 
she looks up at you after a few moments of silence and it’s promptly followed by her smacking your arm, a scoff leaving her mouth that makes you giggle. 
“what are you crying about?” 
the emotion clogged in your throat makes it hard to speak, attempting to talk through the strange contrast of tears and laughter bubbling in your throat. 
“i just... i can’t believe you remember i told you that. it was so long ago.”
“what? you think because i’m old i don’t remember shit? i’m not a senile, y/n, jesus.” 
a wet giggle leaves your mouth as you listen to her talk about the research she’s done, about how to pay and when you can start and her son’s experience at the local college. 
it all makes you feel very hopeful, excited even, as you think about what once seemed impossible. 
getting out in the world and pursuing a passion you as an individual had. making connections and just conversing with different people and seeing relationships form. 
but all of those doubts and fears instilled in you don’t just go away.
you remember months back when you told san you were writing again, he was the one who recommended going back to school. 
was so happy about it that his eyes were shining and dimples were out and you’d never seen someone more handsome.
but now that you guys are...kind of together, would his mind change? does he not want you talking to other people either now? will he think it’s silly or pointless, since you already have you job at the bakery? 
you know deep down that that’s not the kind of person san is. you knew from the moment you met him and risked talking and smiling and laughing with him that he was good.
but that part of you still scared and broken from what you went through, the prospect of school and freedom dangled in your face as some sort of reward or apology, is scared he won’t approve.
and whether it’s unhealthy or not, all you want is san’s approval. 
“c-can i ask you something?” you ask him later that night, both of you cuddled up on the couch.
a blanket’s thrown over your lap with san’s arm around your shoulder, your head now off his chest as you look up at him questioningly. 
he immediately looks down at you with a soft, curious expression, running his hand through your hair as a small smile makes it’s way on his face. 
“anything,” he hums lowly, already making your nervous body feel slightly more calm. 
you have to try and always remember this is the boy who’s been by your side for months, with no complaints. who saved you from your life before this and only wants you to be safe and happy. 
“i was talking to miss kim earlier today...” you begin, his interest already peeked because he thinks he might know where this is going; he was suspicious ever since the older woman asked him how to make the font larger on her ipad. 
he sees the slight apprehension and fear in your eyes so he takes your hand in his, running his thumb over your skin gently and giving you a small, encouraging nod. 
you take a deep breath and try to shake the worry off, opening and closing your mouth before deciding to spit it out. 
“we...were talking about me going back to school. and i...kind of thought that would be something good for me to do. i used to love school and learning and mrs kim. said there’s a lot of things i could do to pay for it and stuff, if i needed to...” 
his chest hurts slightly watching you stammer over your words nervously, your eyes moving from him to the wall as you start to unconsciously hold his hand tighter. 
“but if you don’t want me to or think it’s a stupid idea, i won’t. i just...wanted to make sure it was okay with you.” 
you don’t see the way san sits there in contemplation as you’re too nervous and toying with the edge of the blanket, his face sympathetic but also a little surprised. 
there’s a lot of things that san is still getting used to, the way you’re so vulnerable and attached to him (in a way he doesn’t mind at all). 
but it’s like right now he’s seeing the severity of it, watching as a grown woman asks for his permission for something she absolutely doesn’t.
it makes tears burn the back of his eyes but he quickly pushes the sensation and desire away, his hand lifting your chin so you made his gaze head-on. 
“y/n...you don’t need my permission to do anything. you... you know that, right?”
your eyebrows pull together almost in confusion that he didn’t immediately respond with a yes or no, head cocked to that side as you lick over your lips nervously. 
he can’t help but think if this was a fault on his part. did he make you feel like you have to ask his permission or approval for things? did he maybe at any point make you feel scared or judged when he’s been doing his best to avoid that?
your harsh grip on his hand brings him back to the conclusion that, right now, this isn’t about him. 
whether he did that or not, he has to make sure right now that you know you’re your own person and don’t need to run decisions by him or anyone else. 
“baby, i think it’s great you wanna do that and will support whatever you wanna do. but you don’t have to ask for...my permission to do anything,” san tells you softly, his hand cupping your face as he presses a kiss to your head; the words ‘his permission’ even feel gross on his tongue.
“i’m happy if you’re happy. and if going to school will make you happy, i’m gonna be supportive 100%. you got it, love?” 
you don’t even know why you’re surprised by san’s reaction but it still brings tears to your eyes, only being able to nod before you bury your face in his chest. 
he bites back a smile at the feel of you against him, running his hand up your back to gently rest in your hair. 
“you still wanna study journalism?” he mumbles against your hair and again, you can only nod so you don’t let out the whimper threatening to leave you mouth.
because it still shocks you day after day that everyone in your life now truly seems to care. 
they remember things about you and want to see you smile, always remind you that you can do whatever you want and are slowly making you see that, maybe, you will be okay in the end. 
it may not seem like a lot to someone who’s been lucky enough to have these things but, for you, it’s something you haven’t ever had before.
the ability to giggle and smile and spend your night with someone who you can see really, truly loves you. who wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and always has your best interests in mind.
that’s exactly why when you fall asleep, san can’t help but turn to look at your sleeping form. he runs his hand through your messy hair, moving a strand from your face and feeling his heart lurch at how peaceful and innocent you look. 
he still can’t get the thoughts out of his heads from earlier, wondering if, maybe, this whole time, he hasn’t been doing the right thing. 
maybe these past few months, you should’ve been rebuilding your life on your own. he shouldn’t have been here every, single step of the way to sooth and coddle and protect you. 
it was something hongjoong said just a few weeks after you moved in and he nearly attacked the boy, asking how he could let you cry alone every night and feel lonely and scared in a new place?
but he also knows that hongjoong is more logical than him. he’s always let his emotions get to him, empathetic and caring almost to a fault. 
and with you, he was always even more clouded. 
now, though, he’s seeing that maybe hongjoong has a point. he’s seen it in the way you’ve become more clingy and dependent on him, something he loves and makes him feel warm but also knows, for you, is a part of feeling safe. 
and as hard as it is for him to admit, he knows you need to feel safe without him. slowly rebuild your own sense of self and security without him always being there to wipe your tears or kiss your face. 
but how is supposed to do that? he thinks, watching your sleeping face with a pained chest and burning eyes.
he’s about to get up to get a glass of water before he hears you whine, both his feet not even on the floor before even in your unconscious you can sense his departure. 
“going to get water, love, i’ll be right back,” he mumbles in your ear, kissing the side of your head when you still and roll back over. 
he gulps down the cool liquid before resting his head on the cold fridge, letting out a sigh as he realizes he may need to have another discussion with hongjoong.
even more so when he goes back into the room and sees your face, the slightest hint of discomfort in your pinched eyebrows and frowning lips. 
you turn back over when he crawls in the bed again, your head on his chest and arm wrapping around his stomach. 
he smiles upon hearing your sleepy voice call his name, dazed eyes staring up at him as he kisses the tip of your nose. 
“hi, baby. i’m back.” 
“i love you.”
the confession make his eyes widen and heart speed up, shocked into silence at those three, sudden words. 
because while it’s obvious that’s how you both feel for each other, your sweet touches and words exchanged since the moment you met one another, you two haven’t ever uttered that sentence. 
never put it out in the open and really discussed your feelings for one another. 
but your eyes are shut and breaths turn even before you can even hear his softly spoken, “i love you,” in return. 
and it’s because he loves you that he tells hongjoong about the thoughts he’s been having, wondering if he’s been doing the wrong thing the whole time and just making this transition harder for you. 
“i think you’re trying to make it easier because you love her and don’t wanna see her hurt anymore.” 
san’s eyes meet hongjoong’s across the dining room table at their house, a house san hasn’t slept or eaten at basically since you moved out; everyone knew where he was and they understood it completely but they also missed their friend’s presence. 
“but...she does need to learn to be on her own, san. she’s never done that before and she’s always been dependent on someone. luckily you’re just...so fucking good that it wouldn’t be a problem. but even with her asking you if she could go to school...she’s not okay, yet, san. she needs to sort her shit out.”
“i don’t want her to be alone,” the blonde admits, voice tight and eyes threatening to water. “i don’t want her to think i’m leaving her.”
“you’re not leaving her alone. you’re just not gonna be attached at the hip 24/7. it’s normal for couples to be apart. you still live and pay rent here, you know. everyone misses you.”
the sound of bickering and plates crashing promptly comes from the kitchen, mingi’s harsh yelp of wooyoung’s name causing a commotion of bickering to break out. 
hongjoong looks at san with a half pained, half amused expression, knowing that the dimpled boy  will have to readjust to how loud and chaotic the house is all the time. 
“you don’t have to do right now,” hongjoong says, wanting to finish the discussion before the boys notice san is here and lost their shit. “ease her into it. talk to her about it. see if she feels the same way. but let her know you just wanna help her, because i know you do, right?” 
san’s nod is immediate and hongjoong mirrors him, his eyes quickly widening as he looks over the blonde’s broad shoulder. 
he doesn’t even get to turn around before a slew of bodies bump into him, nearly knocking him onto the floor as six large, excited boys are jumping and squealing around him.
“san! you’re finally home!”
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you’re nearly two months into your first semester of college by the time you’ve fully adjusted to your new schedule and pace of life.
classes monday, tuesday and thursdays mornings followed by your shift at the cafe during the afternoons. you miss your early morning regulars dearly and don’t know what to do with the 10+ memorized coffee orders still in your brain but you already love school so much. 
you love learning and talking with your professors and meeting the many different people on campus. you’ve even found a small group of friends, two girls who sat next to you and immediately started up a conversation with you.
you were terffied and shy at first but eventually opened up, giggling and sharing your thoughts with them before class started - you even always made sure to be 10 minutes early so you could get in your chats with them. 
unsurprisingly, san had been nothing but happy and supportive for the entire journey. helping you apply and become familiar with the campus while also assuring you everything was gonna work out. 
your days were busy and packed with work and you truly loved it but night was still your favorite. when san would walk through the door with take out or you’d be greeted with the sight of him waiting for you on the couch. 
it really felt as if your life was finally coming together, happy and at peace in a way you never felt before. it was like you finally had some sort of control over what happened to you, long gone the feeling of knots in your stomach or an uncontrollable shake in your hands. 
but when you notice san is a little more quiet than usual today, you feel that foreign feeling make it’s way back into your body. 
“is...everything okay?” you finally grow the confidence to ask, his hand absentmindley rubbing your leg that’s sprawled out on his lap. 
you can tell the question throws him off by the way he snaps his head up to look at you, brows pulled together and his head cocked cutely to the side as his eyes roam your face. 
“’course love, why do you ask?”
“i don’t know,” you hum softly, leaning the side of your head on the couch as you look at him. “i feel like you’re quiet today.”
“just thinking baby,” he tells you, tightening his hold on your leg before looking your way. “how were classes today?”
“good, i have to start my essay soon,” you tell him, something uneasy still pulling at your stomach; you’re not used to san being quiet or so lost in thought, usually the only time he’s silent is during a new episode of your shows.
“you’ll do great on it,” he says encouragingly, the hand on your leg gently calmingly rubbing your skin up and down. “you’re doing really good, you know that?” 
happiness fills you at the thought of making san proud, a small smile on your face that causes one his own to cross his face. his dimples poke out and it reminds you so much of your first meeting, when the sun reflected off of him and you just knew there was something too pure and good about this man.
“thank you,” you smile softly, a faint blush on your cheeks that has san’s heart breaking in his chest even more.
he doesn’t wanna have this conversation tonight but he thinks it would be the best time. bring up maybe not staying over every night to create some more space for you while also allowing you to be more independent. learning how to fill your time with things other than him.
but you’re so happy tonight. 
you’ve been so happy these past few months and he doesn’t wanna be the person to ruin that; it seems, though, you can see something behind his eyes and in his demeanor already, your body wiggling closer to him as your gaze shifts nervously. 
“are you sure you’re okay?” 
he lets out a sigh and you can’t help the way your stomach drops, watching carefully as his face turns contemplative and torn. like he wants to say something but isn’t sure if you’re gonna be able to handle it. 
and that alone is scaring the shit out of you. 
the silence is probably only fifteen seconds but it feels like hours, your eyes staring wide and heart starting to race as you look at him; you don’t know what you did but you had to have done something, right? he wouldn’t just act like this out of nowhere. 
“did i...do something wrong?” you ask meekly, that feeling of fear and panic you haven’t felt in almost a year creeping back. you almost forgot how debilitating this feeling is, fully consuming your body until you feel like you’re about to completely breakdown and crumble. 
the fear and concern on your face immediately makes him frown, shaking his head adamantly as he pulls you closer to him. 
“no, no, no, y/n, of course not,” he assures softly, his lips brushing against your head. 
you feel his calming breaths in your hair, like he already knows from the slight waver in your voice and look on your face that you’re getting worked up and anxious. 
the few moments of silence should make you more anxious but you can only focus on his breathing and the warmth from his body against you, trying to stay calm as you remember that this is san and he would never do or say anything to hurt you. 
“i’ve just been thinking about some things and i wanna talk to you about it,” san says, breaking the silence and immediately making your stomach flip nervously. “it’s nothing bad, baby, i just... you know i always have your best interest in mind, right?”
you swallow the lump growing in your throat as you turn to look at him, the soft look in his eye making you happy as much as it makes you sad. 
because while you love seeing it, how sweet and thoughtful and truly kind he is, you know it’s also there because he thinks you’re about to lose your shit. and you haven’t lost your shit in quite some time. 
“i-i know...” 
he takes your face in his hands when your eyes start to wander, the quiet hum leaving his mouth making you look up at him again. the look in his eyes truly stirs something in you, tears burning your eyes even though you’re not even sure why yet. 
“and you know i’ll never, ever hurt you?”
you nod again, feeling panic deep within your chest at where this conversation seems to be going.
“so what i’m about to suggest, i need you to hear me out, okay?”
he waits until you nod, his stomach sinking at the glossed over look in your eyes before he daringly opens his mouth again. 
tells you that he thinks you living on your own while you start a new chapter of your life will be a good thing for you both. that learning to be independent and on your own will help you immensely in this new part of your life. 
“you’ve been doing so good, y/n, and i’m so proud of you. you’ve started school and you work full time and you’re doing all the things you want to do. but we’re together all the time, baby, and i...i don’t know if that’s healthy, for either of us, you know?”
and you think to the average person, who hasn’t been abused and neglected and spent the last five years in normal, healthy circumstances, they would hear this and understand immediately. 
that being alone and learning how to be on your own is a good, healthy thing that everyone needs to experience. 
but all your brain can hear is he doesn’t wanna be with you anymore. 
he’s tired of your brokenness and tired of looking after you all the time and needs some space from you; and while, you suppose, you can’t blame him, it doesn’t hurt you any less. 
it doesn’t terrify you or upset you any less, even though you know his intentions are good; you can only feel unwanted and unworthy and like your time with someone so much better than you is up. 
“is it...i just...do you not like it here? with me?”
did you not keep it clean enough? did you not cook enough, were the meals too frequently takeout and leftovers? you remember jungkook hated that, demanding the house be spotless and dinner be ready and homemade. 
san would laugh at the question if this weren’t the current situation, a serious talk he’s been dreading having because he knows how you’re gonna take it at first. 
but he loves being here and that’s the problem. 
he would coddle you and love you and protect you for as long as you let him if it were up to him. but he knows that’s not what you need anymore, that you’re both not helping anyone if you continue to live your life in what became too comfortable and safe. 
you deserve comfortable and safe but you also deserve to live happily and freely by yourself. and maybe that’s not his decision to make, he often thinks, but he certainly doesn’t think he’s helping you by enabling you to depend on him. 
“baby, i love it here and i love you and i’ll never leave you until you tell me to,” san says, pressing a kiss to each cheek he prays tears don’t fall on in the next few minutes. “but i want you to be okay, love. i don’t want you to need me every night to sleep or think you need to ask my permission for things that are your choice.”
“is that- is that what this is about? that i asked you if i could go to school?” you ask meekly, the idea of talking back foreign but something you can’t control right now. “or is it because i’m in school?”
because maybe you’ve been too busy. maybe he feels like you neglected him. maybe he just wanted an out and this is it. 
“of course it’s not because you’re in school,” san says, slight outrage in his voice as you even suggest that; he always tries to control his responses to you, knowing you’re dealing with years worth of manipulative behavior and maltreatment, but sometimes it does also get to him. 
he was always supportive of your career and education, even when you were just friends and he admired you from afar.
“how could you think that?”
“because this is so random,” you squeak out, tears breaking through as the knot in your throat grows bigger. “i...i didn’t even know you were feeling this way and now you wanna stop seeing me.”
“i don’t wanna stop seeing you, y/n, when did i say that?” san asks, cocking his head to the side as he looks at you contemplatively. 
“you said you don’t want to be together all the time...” you mutter out, feeling stupid and childish but not yet truly understanding what he means. you guys don’t fight at all and you’re always smiling and laughing together - isn’t it okay to be together all the time if good things like that are happening?
“y/n, i love you, of course i wanna still see you. but i just mean...living together the way we have these past months. you’ve never been alone. you’ve always depended on someone, right?” 
you think back to your dysfunctional childhood, depending on alcoholic parents who never taught you how to fend for yourself until you fell into the arms of yet another abuser who you depended on even further.
restricted company and meals and communication, even restricted in what you could do outside the walls of your house. 
“yes,” you nod, sniffling as you wipe at a stray tear on your cheek. “but they’ve only ever hurt me. you never do.”
that fact makes san’s chest pang with hurt, his own eyes burning with tears now as he thinks about how much pain you’ve endured. 
“i know, baby, and i never will. but i think this’ll be good for us. good for you, mostly, that’s always my mian concern.” 
but you start to wonder how this could possibly be good the second the front door closes a few hours later, leaving you alone in your apartment that now feels far too cold and far too dark and far too empty. 
his lack of presence is noticable immediately and it doesn’t take long for panic and sadness and all that existential dread you once felt so deeply start to come on.
he doesn’t want you, nobody wants you, and the only people who did want you hurt you. 
it’s a mantra you repeat in your head as you cry silently, splashing your face with cold water after your puffy eyes can’t take it anymore. and when you get a good look at yourself in the mirror, tear-stained and blotchy and a big fucking mess, you can’t help but see that same girl who was trapped in that house with jungkook.
weak and afraid and horribly incapable of doing anything right. so similiar to the current state you’re in now, sinking down on the bathroom floor and crying into your hands again. 
this could be about san leaving, you know it has something to do with it, but you’re also crying because you now see just how badly you’re still effected by everything. 
you could be distracted by school and work and san but there’s still so much under the surface that you haven’t come to terms with. 
so much so to the point that even san had to step in and do something about it, him still seeing signs that you’re not okay despite how much everyone in your life is trying with you.
and it makes you feel bad that you have so many supportive, lovely people in your life but still can’t find it in you to feel okay. to not depend on one singlar blonde man to make you feel happy or act as if without him, you’re gonna break.
because you can see he’s tired of it. if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have-
his voice coupled with his fist hitting the door causes you to jump, at first thinking it’s a bittersweet trick your deluded little mind is playing on you. but then he knocks again, his sweet murmur of “y/n, please open the door,” causing you to cry out again.
hongjoong told him not to go, that he’d barely been home for an hour before he was already itching to rush back to you. 
but he felt uneasy leaving the way he did in the first place, and then even more so when you didn’t answer his three messages and two facetime calls; he hated thinking that you were crying alone or feeling upset. 
and it’s heartbreakingly evident when you reach up to open the door, curled up on the floor in tears, that that’s exactly how you feel. 
“baby, no,” san hums lowly, immediately dropping to the floor so he can gather you in his lap.
it’s so much like the scene when you ran there after the final incident with jungkook, when you collapsed on the floor and finally told somebody about what you’d been going through. 
what happened?" he asks desperately, voice strained and wavering.
but you can only shake your head and cry. cry for how long you've been dealing with this alone and how you feel trapped and how if you don't tell someone tonight.
"he's gonna kill me," you sob out as you shake your head frantically now, "i-i he's gonna kill me," is all you can repeat through ragged breaths.
san can only act on instinct, sitting down cross-legged and holding his arms out slightly before you crash into him. he shakily inhales when your head rests on his shoulder, sobs muffled by his shirt as he feels tears promptly soak through the material.
but he can only sit there, hand on the back of your head as he rocks you soothingly in his lap back and forth.
he listens to your sobs with a broken heart, tears stinging his own eyes because he had suspected something was going on for months and just sat here and did nothing. and now here you are, broken and bruised and in fear for your life.
"i can't go back there," you cry out, "i-he's gonna-"
"no one is gonna hurt you, anymore," he mumbles lowly in your ear, "i'm not gonna let that happen."
“you’re- you’re gonna leave me,” you whimper into his shirt, the only sound in your bathroom for the past few minuets your crying and his soothing hums. “you’re not gonna wanna deal with me anymore and leave and then i’ll really be alone and i’m so-”
“i’m not going anywhere. i’m not gonna let that happen,” he mumbles in your ear, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he presses his lips to your head. he rocks you back and forth so similarly to that night, his hand running up and down your back as he tries to get you to calm down.
“we’re gonna get you help. real help. and we’ll all be here for you whenever you need us. you’re gonna be okay, my love.”
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one year later:
you look back at the breakdown in your bathroom and are always surprised that you don’t feel embarrassed.
you think that was the moment when you finally realized how much you’d gone through and how much you really had to sort through. that you could distract yourself all you want and depend on san as much as you felt you needed but you still had things to work through. 
it took you about four therapist consultations to find the right one, eventually finding a sweet older woman who reminded you so much of your boss at the cafe. she listened to you and encouraged you and helped you find so much strength within yourself, you regret not taking your lawyer’s advice sooner about seeing a professional.
you still had bad days, of course, but now you’ve learned how to properly cope with them. cope with the stressors of everyday life, like the shouting of voices and the slamming of doors and san not being by your side 24/7. 
and san, little to your surprise, had done the right thing in saying you needed to learn to be independent.
it scared you at first, living alone and being alone with your thoughts and memories that tried to haunt you every chance they got. but now your life is so full of happy ones that it makes everything a little bit easier; you now love the freedom of living alone and have come to enjoy the peaceful silences of your apartment.
you now have so many things to laugh and feel happy about, like mingi and seonghwa’s obsession with gardening (even though they’ve moved on to vegetables now and have yet to combat the battle with squirrels eating their tomatoes). 
you have school and classes and friends that you made, making straight a’s while also balancing time with your study group, the boys and mrs. kim and your official boyfriend san. 
there are still some days when you wake up and feel a sinking feeling in your stomach that you think might be there forever, a certain smell or certain pain richoetting through your body that will remind you of what you went through and survived. 
but you know that you’ll be able to get through it, not only because you’re strong enough now but because you still have san to lean on - the boy in question currently with his arms wrapped tight around your waist and snoring down your neck. 
you can’t help the small smile on your face as you turn in his hold, your finger reaching out to trace the contours of his face. 
the warm, overwhelming feeling in your chest should scare you but it makes you feel even more happy and content with life, shutting your eyes immediately when his brown eyes meet yours. 
his loud chuckle fills the room before he lips attack your neck, quiet giggles leaving your mouth that only spur the blonde on more. 
“i saw that,” he mumbles playfully, smiling against your skin as your giggles get louder. “good morning, baby.” 
you pull back and smile at the boy staring down at you lovingly, the late-morning sun beaming through your window reminding you so much of the first time you saw him. 
heard his sweet, friendly voice that you immediately trusted and probably fell in love with right there.
"those are coming out really nice!" you hear a voice say from the yard next door. 
you shoot your head to the side to see a young man standing there, probably about your age, eyes kind and dimples poking out of his cheeks as he holds an overflowing white garbage bag.
your lips quirk up ever so slightly, probably being mistaken for your mouth twitching before you give him a tiny bow.
"thank you."
tag list: @mochibabycakes​ @atinyarmyx1​ @middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich​ @minbinwhore​ @chrryhwa​ @chogiout​ @marksflvr​ @bunbaebae​ @markleeyeosang​ @inkigayeo​ @nlost21​ @toffee-hwa​
826 notes · View notes
petersasteria · 3 years
good 4 u || harry holland
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sour masterlist || harry || sour taglist
1,589 words sorry for the shit ending ?? bc i didnt know how to end it lmao italics are flashbacks
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“Babe, you didn’t have to spoil me.” You chuckled.
“You deserve it, love. You deserve the world.” Harry looked at you lovingly before pressing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I really want to be a professional photographer and filmmaker, you know?” Harry told you one day. Both of you were lying wide awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Both of you couldn’t sleep, so you talked about random things.
“I believe in you, Harry. I believe in you more than anyone or anything. You can do just that. I support you.” You smiled as you turned your head to face him. He looked at you and grinned, “So, you think I’m really going to be those things?”
“Yeah. Why not? You’re an amazing photographer and filmmaker. Believe in yourself, Harry. My faith in you will be nothing if you don’t believe in yourself. Trust me.” You told him.
“That’s true. You’re right.” Harry said before yawning.
“I’m always right.” You curled up against him and rested your head on his chest. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
“Harry, where are you? I’ve been waiting out here for an hour now.” You said through the phone. Harry said he’d pick you up from your university, but he wasn’t there yet. Then it began to rain heavily, causing you to run to the nearest shade. You were cold, wet, and impatient.
“I’ll be there in a while. See you later!” Harry hung up.
After thirty minutes, Harry finally arrived. You quickly got in and sighed in relief when you realized the whole car was warm.
“What took you so long?” You asked him.
“My car’s acting up. I hate this old piece of shit.” Harry grumbled as he tried to start the car. After five tries, it finally worked.
“You need a new car.” You laughed.
“Yeah, I do.” He chuckled.
“I hope I’m not interrupting your sleepover or whatever.” Harry said quietly through the phone. You were at your friend, Elouise’s slumber party because it was her birthday.
“No, you’re not. We’re just watching a movie and I’ve seen this movie a bunch of times.” You assured him. You walked out of the living room and went to the kitchen. You sat on the bar stool and asked, “What’s up?”
“Mum and dad are just being mean, that’s all.” Harry sighed.
“I know you’re about to cry, so just let it out. Talk to me.” You said softly. Harry started sobbing and telling you about his fight with his parents.
“Y/N/N, I got offered an apprenticeship in Dublin. That’s the biggest opportunity I’ve ever received and they’re stopping me. It’s like they don’t want me to succeed, but when Tom wants something done, they let him. It’s so fucking tiring. I never asked them for anything and the one time I do, they say shit. It’s unfair.” He sobbed and your heart broke for him.
“I feel you. I legit feel the same way, but we just have to prove them wrong, yeah? You’ll make it big and what they say won’t matter as much anymore. They love you and they just want what’s best for you, but sometimes they don’t exactly know what’s best for you. It’s weird, I swear. Just prove them wrong. You’ll get another opportunity again and when you get that, it’ll be bigger than that apprenticeship in Dublin.” You told him with a small smile on your face.
“You get me so well.” Harry smiled as he wiped his tears. “I’ll just go to sleep now. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. Harry’s face seemed to be everywhere you went, haunting you. After being together for two and a half years, Harry broke up with you because of reasons only he seemed to know. After he broke up with you, you spent the whole week just crying. You didn’t understand, but life was really cruel.
Three weeks later, word got out that Harry was dating some model and that surprised you. It surprised you because he moved on really quick and he looked really happy and healthy. He looked better compared to when he was dating you. You were proud of him, but it made you wonder why Harry chose to make himself better for this girl and not for you when you were together. It seemed unfair.
Unfortunately, you were still friends with Sam. You were Sam’s favorite and he actually preferred you instead of Harry’s new girlfriend. Wanting to hang out with you, You and Sam met up at the mall and just shop or walk around. You couldn’t really hang out at Sam’s house because of Harry and his girlfriend.
“She’s nice, but I’m on your side.” Sam said as he ate his ice cream. You laughed and shook your head. Sam looked at you and said, “I’m serious! She’s trying to make me her best friend or something. Like, she’s trying really hard.”
“Then try to be her friend. Maybe you guys might click and then you’ll replace me like how Harry replaced me.” You said. You were aware it was petty and pathetic, but you couldn’t help it. This time, it was Sam who laughed.
“You know, I overheard him the other day. He told her that she’s the only person who gets him and I’m just sitting there all confused because he said the same thing to you. In fact, it’s like he forgot all about you.” Sam said as he animatedly spoke with his hands. He seemed really annoyed.
“Okay, then.” You chuckled. “You seem annoyed.”
“Yeah because I thought both of you were it for each other.” He said with a sad smile. You returned it, but didn’t say anything.
At the end of the day, it was time for both of you to go home. Sam groaned in frustration as he texted while walking. “What?” You asked, turning your head to look at him.
Both of you stopped walking when you reached the mall’s exit. Sam was typing furiously as you looked at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
He looked at you and sighed, “Tom can’t pick me up.”
“I thought you drove here?” You asked and he shook his head. “What happened to your car?”
“My parents borrowed it because their car is in the shop, getting fixed. Tom can’t pick me up because he has to use his car to go to an event that he forgot about. I’d call for an Uber or something, but I literally have zero money on me. So, I have no choice but to ask Harry.” Sam said, biting his lip.
“Well, shit.” Was all you said as Sam looked at you with guilt all over his face. He quickly sent a text to Harry and he smiled a bit when he immediately got a reply.
“He’s coming soon.” Sam told you. You snorted. You vividly remember Harry’s slow and beat up car. Sam was talking to you, but you weren’t really paying attention. Your mind went to all those times you spent in Harry’s old car and all the places you’ve been. Those were moments you’ll never forget.
“Y/N, my ride’s here.”
You were pulled from your thoughts as soon as Harry said that. You looked at the direction that Sam was looking at and you were surprised to see a beautiful, new car. It was charcoal grey and the windows were so clean, you could see the inside. Harry was driving and his new girlfriend was sitting on the passenger seat.
“Oh shit. I didn’t know she was coming.” Sam turned to you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N. If I had known he was taking her, I wouldn’t-”
“It’s okay. I’m mature and civil. I can handle it. Besides, I can’t avoid them forever. It was bound to happen.” You gave him a small smile.
Harry stopped in front of you both and he rolled his window down. His sunglasses were resting on top of his head and he looked really fresh.
“Are you getting in or not?” He asked Sam, completely ignoring you.
“Hello to you too.” Sam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he took a few steps to the door of his backseat. “Y/N, do you need a ride?”
You shook your head, “No, thanks. I’ll call an Uber.” You turned to face Harry, who was already looking at you. “Your photography is improving.” You said.
“Nice car, too. I’m glad you replaced the busted ol’ thing.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“Yeah, I figured I should buy myself a new car. The old one wasn’t doing it for me. I need to upgrade, y’know?”
You held back a snappy reply because it wouldn’t do you any good. Plus, you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself. You wanted to ask him if he broke up with you because he needed a girlfriend upgrade, but you kept it to yourself.
“Yeah, that’s nice. Good for you, though… and congrats, I guess.” You gave him a tight-lipped smile and he returned it. Sam got in the car and rolled his window down. “I’ll text you, okay?” Sam said and you just nodded. Harry drove away and you stood there, watching.
You wished you could not care like Harry and you wished you could move on just as quick, but you couldn’t. No matter how hard you tried, you were still stuck on him. It sucked.
* * * *
𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @celestialholland @alinastarkrovs @piscesparker @prancerrparkerr @spideyspeaches @givebuckyhisplumsnow @blueleatherbag @theonly1outof-a-billion @hollandbroz-n-haz @starlight-starks @webmeupspiderdaddy @studiesinspanish
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farfromtommy · 4 years
seb being a stepdad to chris' kids or vice versa!
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not my gif
a/n: okay this is literally one of the best ideas ever and im so in love with this fic. i think this takes the cake for my favorite fic i’ve written!! this is mildly edited so pls be kind. im so proud of it and hope you guys love it <3
please reblog if you enjoyed reading and and feel free to leave any comments!!
warnings: drinking, mentions of sex, brief mention of medical procedure(s), there might be some language i dont remember
word count: 4,400
social media au masterlist
Chris has been your best friend since elementary school and all through middle and high school. Everyone knew how close you were to him and how deeply you loved each other. It was never in a romantic sort of way, though. Nobody really understood the relationship you had with him, they just shrugged their shoulders and minded their business.
When Chris told you he wanted to move to New York to follow his dream of being an actor, he asked you to go with him. You shared his love for theatre and the arts and always wanted to see if you could make it as a big-time Hollywood actress. You packed all your things into your tiny car and made your way to New York with your best friend.
You spent your 28th birthday sitting on Chris’s couch with a bottle of tequila and a broken heart. Your boyfriend of 3 years broke up with you on the grounds of you being “such a drag” and “not someone he wants to settle down with any more”. You had planned a life with him. He talked about marrying you and having kids with you just weeks prior. And he had just thrown it all away.
Having gone through almost half of the bottle of tequila already, Chris took the bottle from you and just looked at you with sad eyes. He ran his hand through your hair as you buried your face in your pillow and just cried. You pulled yourself together after a while and willed yourself to sit up and look Chris in the eyes.
“I know I’m kinda drunk right now but Chris, listen to me. Can we make a pact? When we’re both 30 and if we’re both still single and loveless. Let’s have a baby. We don’t have to like… y’know… do it or anything. We can do it through insemination or in a petri dish or however they do it. I’m just- I want to settle down and have kids but I don’t think I’ll ever trust anyone else.” You rambled, gesturing wildly with your hands. Chris suppressed a laugh and looked at you like you were crazy. You just looked at him questioningly until he realized this was not the alcohol talking.
“Are you serious? Like, me and you? Having a baby? Seriously?” He pulled himself off the floor and sat on the coffee table in front of you.
“I’m so serious. You can say no, Chris. This is me asking you what you think. I always said that if I don’t have a husband or have been with someone long enough to have a child with them, that I would go to a sperm bank and do it like that. You know how badly I want kids, and I know you want them too.” You moved to the edge of the couch to move closer to him. He stood up and grabbed your hand to help you up. He dragged you towards the kitchen and sat you down at the table, telling you to wait there while he grabbed something. He came back a few moments later with a notebook and a pen.
“Alright, let’s figure this out. We’re going to ask each other questions about this and write down the answers. Any conditions we have we’ll write down, if we can’t agree on them we don’t do it. I know you’re not super sober right now so we can do this now and talk about it again tomorrow.” He wrote ‘Y/L/N - Evans Baby’ along the top. You smiled a bit to yourself and waited for him to talk.  
“I don’t want to be just the sperm donor, I want to be involved in everything. From the ultrasound appointments to picking preschools. I also want to be in the room when you’re in labor.” He wrote it down as he was talking and looked up at you. You nodded with a big smile on your face.
“I would want you as involved as possible. We would be co-parenting this hypothetical child. My turn. To keep this from getting messy, we should do it through a clinic. Me in stirrups and your swimmers in a turkey baster. Sex can make things complicated and weird, I don’t want to risk something going wrong between us and then there be a child involved. Insemination isn’t as effective but we can always keep trying if it doesn’t work.” You pulled the notebook towards you and wrote down your condition.
That went on for the rest of the night. You and Chris take turns asking questions about your hypothetical baby. You had filled up pages and pages of notes about what you both want, from how you would decide to tell your families to living arrangements to if you’d circumcise or not if it was a boy.
A little more than 2 years later you and Chris found yourselves at the dining room table of his Boston home again. The notebook you had filled just a few years back right in front of you, along with 5 pregnancy tests. They were face down on the table as you anxiously waited for the timer to go off.
“Alright, Chris. This is it. It’s been 5 minutes, we can flip them over.” You released a shaky breath and stared at the tests right in front of you. Chris grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together. You looked at each other before reaching out to flip over the individual tests. Seeing all 5 of the tests with 2 solid pink lines knocked all the air out of your lungs.
“Oh my god. They’re all positive! Oh my god, Chris!! We’re going to have a baby!” You both jumped out of your seats and jumped around the kitchen before hugging each other and crying. He kept thanking you and kissing the top of your head while you sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt. There were lots of tears over the next few weeks from you both after confirming your pregnancy with your midwife.
8 or so months later Penelope Elizabeth Evans-Y/L/N made her way into the world and the arms of her parents. The world seemed to stop when you heard the cries of your daughter for the first time. You could’ve sworn Chris stopped breathing the second he laid eyes on her when she was placed on your bare chest. He didn’t even care that she was covered in blood and other bodily fluids, he swore that she was the most beautiful human being to ever exist.
He took a lot of time off from filming and working to take care of you both. Once you found out you were pregnant, you stopped acting for the most part. You knew that you wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, at least until she was old enough to go to school, and maybe then you’d go back to smaller roles that kept you close to home.
Chris had a hard time leaving you and Penny once it was time to go back to work. He held her close to his chest and cried at the thought of leaving her when she’s still so little. Seeing the extreme separation anxiety he was already having, you offered to go with him to set and find an apartment or house to rent for the duration of the shoot. This ended up being the greatest thing you could have come up with. Every single project that took him away from Boston, you and Penny were right there next to him. You and Penny followed him to what seemed like every corner of the Earth.
The weeks leading up to shooting The Winter Soldier were the most exciting for Chris. He had been training for months to get into shape and was really excited to have you and Penny on set with him. He had also been talking nonstop about working with Sebastian and Anthony again.
One night Chris came home with Sebastian and Anthony trailing behind him. Penny had gone down for the night and you were nursing a glass of wine on the recliner, watching whatever you could find on TV.
“Hey, Y/N. I should've called ahead, I’m sorry. We’re just going to have some beers while we watch the game.” He walked in and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. You moved the blankets off your lap and stood up to greet Anthony and Sebastian.
“I don’t think you ever got a chance to meet these guys before. Y/N this is Anthony and Sebastian, guys this is Y/N.” Chris introduced you and you moved forward to give them both hugs.
“Sorry for barging in on you unannounced, we would’ve made sure this idiot called you before to make sure it was all good,” Anthony said, taking the beer Chris handed him.
“Oh please, don’t worry about it. He used to do it all the time when we lived in New York. Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess. Didn’t get a chance to clean today, I’ve had my hands full, especially with this one” You gestured a thumb to Chris and he sent you a playful glare in return.
You offered to put together some snacks for the game, knowing very well Chris couldn’t handle his alcohol without some sort of food in his system. Anthony and Sebastian offered to help while Chris snuck off to go see Penny.
“How long have you and Chris been together?” Sebastian made some small talk while looking for serving bowls in your kitchen. Anthony leaned against the counter and continued to sip on his beer.
“Oh, we’re not together. We’ve been friends since we were kids and we actually are just uh...” You chuckled nervously, not knowing what to say to his friends. Chris walked into the kitchen with Penny in his arms at that moment. Her head tucked into his neck, hands gripping at the fabric of his shirt and his arms under her butt.
“We’re raising our daughter together. They go with me wherever I go so I don’t miss anything and so Y/N doesn’t raise Penelope by herself. We’re co-parenting in the same house.” He said, looking at the tired toddler in his arms. Sebastian and Anthony both sputtered on their beers at the same time, not believing what they were seeing.
There was no denying that she was a product of you and Chris. Even with her sleepy eyes, they could see the bright blue color that matched the man carrying her. They saw the swoop of your nose and the color of your hair. They stood there just taking it all in.
“I had a bit of a crisis when I turned 28 after my long term boyfriend dumped me out of nowhere. It was one of those ‘if we’re 30 and aren’t married’ sort of things. We turned 30 and were both still single, so we had a baby.” You shrugged, looking over at your girl.
“And it works, being parents without being together but still living together?” Anthony asked, gesturing towards the two of you.
“We had everything figured out before she got pregnant. We had conditions that we both had to agree on before we even got serious about it. We were both very adamant about not doing it the old fashioned way so things didn’t get messy. It took some time to figure out the… terms and conditions I guess.” Chris laughed a little bit. Anthony and Seb nodded in understanding and kept looking at Penny.
“I’m happy for you, man. Seems like you both are really happy. How old is she?” Anthony walked into her line of sight and waved his fingers a bit, trying to get her attention.
“She turned one a couple of months ago.” You said and watched Penny pick her head up and look at Seb and Anthony, inspecting them a bit. Her big blue eyes landed on Sebastian and she stared him down before he gave her a small smile and waved at her. She was a little shy around new people and would usually bury her face in the neck of whoever was holding her.
To your surprise, she leaned away from Chris and moved her hands out to Sebastian. Everyone’s eyes widened as she whined a little bit when he didn’t reach out to grab her. Chris moved closer and told him it was okay and let Penny make herself comfortable in his arms. She buried herself into his neck much like she does with you and Chris, her tiny fists clutching his shirt. Her eyes shut immediately and let herself fall asleep in his arms.
The next few months went on more pleasantly than expected. Chris often had late-night shoots and training, leaving you with Penny most of the day. Anytime he knew he would be home late, he’d send Seb over with dinner or just an extra set of hands to help you with Penny. She knew you were her mama and Chris was her dada, then one day she had her Seba. Anytime you opened the door to let him in with her on your hip, she immediately squealed and started to chant ‘Seba! Seba!’ and didn’t stop until he was holding her.
Sebastian had brought up the idea of taking you to dinner one night to Chris. Even though you were a single adult who could make decisions on your own, he didn’t want to disrespect Chris at all. Chris never saw you as anything more than his best friend, it had always been like that. He was ecstatic when Sebastian brought up the idea of asking you out.
“I’m so serious, Seb. I think it’s a great idea. She talks about you a lot and really loves being around you. She’s going to say yes, I promise. Y/N hasn’t dated since we had Penny, mostly because she’s scared of what someone would think about her living with her childhood best friend who happens to be the father of her child.” Chris told him honestly. You weren’t interested in dating at all since having Penny. Mostly because being a mom was your first and only priority.
Sebastian let out the breath he was holding and ran his fingers through his hair, all of a sudden nervous about asking you to dinner. Chris clapped a hand around his shoulder and gave him a quick pep talk before sending him on his way.
The 2 years between wrapping Winter Soldier and starting Civil War had been interesting, to say the least. Everything Chris did kept him in the states for the most part. You and Penny were still trailing along with him, always loving the things you got to experience as a family.
Sebastian had found his place right in your crazy life. You had been unofficially together after wrapping Winter Soldier. He went off to do his next project and you and Chris spent some time in Boston with your families. You texted him most of the day, and he called at night to talk for a few hours before you went to sleep. He always said goodnight to Penny and she blew her Seba kisses through the phone.
He flew to Boston a bunch of times to see you, even if it was only for a few hours. You flew to wherever he was for a few days at a time, most of the time with Penny. Chris somehow managed to get you on the plane by yourself a few times and promised he would FaceTime every single night and would have hourly pictures sent.
On one of your first weekend trips out to see him, he refused to let you leave without making it official with you. He had you in tears at the end of his ‘I can’t spend another second without calling you my girlfriend’ speech. When he proposed to you he had said that the only thing better than the girlfriend speech was the one he was about to give. His ‘I can’t spend another second without calling you my wife’ speech knocked that one out of the water.
Neither of you wanted to make a big fuss about a wedding. You weren’t interested in the big white dress and the stressful bridesmaids and the whole cliche wedding things. Sebastian suggested getting eloped somewhere quiet with a handful of the most important people in your life. Chris’s mom, Lisa, had offered to hold the ceremony in her backyard. Knowing very well how spacious and beautiful it was, you and Seb graciously accepted her offer.
You kept your dress simple yet elegant, a beautiful white lace dress that ended mid-thigh, and complimented your body so perfectly. Seb kept it classy with a dark blue suit and light blue button-up that brought out his eyes, no tie, because who needs one?
Right at the end of the ceremony right as the officiant was about to have you say ‘i do’, you heard whines coming from Penny, who was sitting right up front on her daddy’s lap. You looked over to see her squirming in his lap and whining out ‘mama’ and reaching out for you. Chris made eye contact with you and mouthed ‘i’m sorry’. You shook your head and let go of one of Sebastian’s hands to motion to let her go so she could walk over to you.
Everyone aww’d as she walked over to you as quickly as her legs could take her. You bent down and scooped her up, resting her on your hip and wrapping your arm around her waist to keep her up. Sebastian made faces at her to make her laugh and keep her happy for a few more minutes. Your photographer had taken advantage of the incredibly sweet moment and had made sure to get as many shots of Penny at the altar with you.
When the officiant pronounced you husband and wife, you were going to set Penny down but Sebastian was quick to pull you both close to him and go in for your first kiss as a married couple with your daughter right there. Everyone cheered and Penny was mimicking the claps of everyone around her. Before he pulled away from you two he pressed two sloppy kisses on Penny’s cheeks as she giggled, which pulled some tears out of you.
No more than 15 people were attending the ceremony. You wanted to keep it quiet with just family and a few close friends. The reception, however, was anyone and everyone you could fit into the ballroom you had rented at one of the best hotels in Boston. All your guests had filled the room before you and Seb arrived. You nervously held his hand as you heard the cheers from everyone inside after hearing the DJ announce “Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary friends … let’s give it up for the couple of the hour, Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Stan!!”
No one understood how you, Chris, and Seb managed to make your situation seem so easy and flawless. He knew that living in Boston was a must, so he bought the house that sits right behind the one you shared with Chris for so many years. He never wanted to get in the way of the system you and Chris had created over the years. Somehow, he managed to make things easier for everyone.
Penny’s first day of school was emotional for all 3 of you. You were all at your front door taking pictures of Penny in her school uniform that she looks so ridiculously cute in and the backpack that was way too big for her. She insisted on getting the Avengers backpack that “has my daddy on it!”
“Okay my love, it’s time for us to go to school! Are you ready?” Chris grabbed her tiny hand and led her to the car.
“Yeah daddy, I’m ready!” Penny said as he lifted her into the car and her car seat.
“Daddy? Mama and Sebbie coming too?” She asked him when he clicked the last buckle together. Right on cue Sebastian opened up the door to the free seat in the back and climbed in right next to her. She squealed in excitement at the sight of Sebastian buckling himself in the car.
Chris laughed at her genuine excitement and made sure all her fingers and toes were inside the car before shutting the door. He saw you lock the front door and make your way to the front seat. He noticed you put a few packs of tissues in your bag before setting it on the ground and buckling your seatbelt.
“Planning on crying today, Y/N?” Chris asked in a teasing tone. You swatted his arm lightly and scoffed at his question.
“Our baby is going to her first day of school, of course, I’m going to cry! I cried last night after I tucked her in, I cried in the shower this morning, I cried doing her hair.” You heard Seb talking enthusiastically to Penny, telling her about all the fun things she’ll get to do in kindergarten.
“It’s okay, I cried in the bathroom while she ate her waffles this morning.” You snorted at Chris’s confession and looked back at your baby girl, who was not a baby anymore. She was waving her hands around telling Seb about how excited she was to see her teacher again.
Chris and Sebastian watched from the car as you walked through the front doors of the school with Penny’s hand in yours. They had agreed that it might not have been a good idea to go in with her since they might get recognized and to avoid causing a ruckus. They both waved at her as she turned around and waved one more time before the door shut.
“Did you and Y/N ever think about having more kids together? If I hadn’t started dating her, do you think you would've had more?” Sebastian asked Chris.
“We never explicitly talked about it. She brought up wanting Penny to have lots of siblings not long after you started seeing each other. She felt guilty and thought that I was going to be upset about you and her maybe having kids one day, which meant I probably wouldn’t have anymore. I told her that this was honestly the best thing that could’ve happened because I don’t think I want any more of my own. Penny is all I ever wished and hoped for, and I got it. But since you’re together, she’ll get all the siblings she could ever want, and I won’t have to change a single diaper.” Chris nudged Seb’s shoulder with his. “You guys thinking about having one?”
“Yeah... Yeah, we are.” Sebastian lowered his head and smiled a bit. “With Penny in school and everything, it makes sense. She’s ready, I’m ready.” Seb sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He looked up and saw you walking back towards them with a tissue in your hand.
“I had the morning crying shift, it’s your turn.” Seb looked at Chris.
Just as Penny wrapped up her very first year in school, you and Sebastian welcomed Beverly Olivia Stan-Y/L/N into your family. Penelope had been so excited to hear that her mama finally had the baby she had been waiting so long for. You had gone into labor in the late afternoon and Beverly made her debut in the middle of the night.
Sebastian had called Chris an hour or so after to let him know that both you and the baby were doing phenomenally and that you were asking for Penny and wanted to see her as soon as you could. Chris chuckled at the demands you were making, knowing very well how the epidural and pain meds messed with you.
Early the next morning Penny had crawled into bed with Chris, crying for you and wanting to know when she was going to see you. It was still too early for them to go to the hospital, so he called Seb in hopes that he was already going to be awake.
A very exhausted Sebastian lit up the screen and Chris heard the soft cries of the new baby in the background. Penny’s cries turned into hiccups as soon as she saw Seb’s face because she knew she would be able to see her mama, too.
“Sebbie can I see mama, please?” Penny’s little voice spoke up. Sebastian immediately handed the phone to you and whispered that Penny was on the phone.
“Hi, baby.” You spoke softly to not disturb the baby.
“Mama when you come home? I miss you.” Penny wiped her eyes with her fists to get rid of the tears stuck in her eyelashes.
“It’s going to be a few days until I get to go home, baby. But you and daddy will be able to come to see me, Sebbie, and the new baby in a few hours. You need to go back to sleep and be a good girl for your daddy. I’m sure he’ll let you have some cuddles in his bed with him and Dodger until it’s time to wake up again.” Penny hiccuped and looked at Chris with eyes that mirrored his. He nodded his head and she buried herself closer to him.
“Okay, I go back to sleep with daddy and Dodger. I love you, mama. I love Sebbie, too.” She yawned out, her eyes blinking with sleep.
“Me and Sebbie love you so much, Penny. We’ll see you so soon, I promise” You blew a kiss to her through the screen and waited for her to throw one back. She giggled when you caught it through the camera and put it over your heart.
You, Sebastian, and Chris all watched with tears in your eyes as Penny held her baby sister for the first time. Penny had jumped right up in the bed next to you the second she walked into the room and told you about all the fun she had with Chris. Seeing your girls together melted your heart into a puddle. Chris couldn’t believe his little girl was so grown up and was a big sister. Seb thought about the night he first met you and Penny and would’ve never imagined that he’d be right here at this very moment.
Everything was so perfect and you never wanted to imagine your life being any different.
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batarella · 4 years
3 birds 1 stone - chapter 12
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‘Dick, Jason, and Tim. Supposed brothers 'till the end, until all three fall in love with you. Who wins your heart?
The man who earned it, the man who stole it, or the man who always had it?’
A/N: We continue the three perspectives!!! AND we got special appearances from a few characters today eeeeee we’re so close to the finale. Hope you guys enjoy this one!
WORDS: 12,068  WARNINGS: violence, arm dislocation, muscle injuries, alcoholism, mentions of coffee addiction and insomnia
That day, this all ends.
Telling himself he got into this mess because he hadn’t a choice, that he hadn’t already stopped because it was all just too riveting and captivating and not at all within his control, was nothing short of a lie.
He had every say in it.
But not even his fucking conscience could convince him to stop. He wanted this mess. Dove right into the lava. He knew every bit of the heartbreak he’d have to endure and he willingly brought it to himself. To get lost into the deep dark woods, with nothing more than an oil lamp, to be pricked by the many thorns and suffocated by the leaves and trees that crowd about much like a bush. To get lost in her, and never want to climb out of any of it. He knew how slippery the road ahead of him was and still he kept going, kept driving, sped up a little even when he thought he’d actually get to where the stars pointed him to.
But so profoundly was his loss of himself, without much effort at all to escape from those grasps even when he told himself he did; going to another woman, wanting the same arrest of his heart to hopefully take him away, but without halting those thoughts of Y/N and how her smile that he’d seen earlier that day would last until dark, maybe even beyond that. Those flares of her face and her voice and how he let them speak to her every night, change them into burning whispers against his ear when he’s memorized her voice too much to make her say anything he wanted her to, even when they only last in his head.
Dick never tried to stop her from taking her heart like that, even when he had to watch her be with another.
Tonight, it all ends. Every bit of this torture that he brought only to himself, it all comes to this sorry halt.
Dick, standing atop a roof of an office building in Dresher, knew that at that moment, he had to sit this one down. He had to be alone and in the darkness to make this as painful as it possibly could, hoping that if all that pain were to be felt now, compress them into this little tub of static blackness, then perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad the next day, and the day after that. Even when he knew this would backfire, he had to.
No one, especially not Y/N, would want him to end up with her. Tim deserved her. Hell, even Jason’s done a lot more for her sake than he had. He can't hope anymore. He can't let this go on.
All this would have gone better if he’d known this sooner.
So with him on that rooftop, sitting on the ledge fifty stories above as if not at all was he a push away from death, Dick let his finger scroll across his phone’s screen moist from his sweat. The battery was going to run out soon. He’d been there for hours, staring at that same picture of her from the day in the nursery, when the sun had been kind to her, touching the surface of her skin so perfectly, it showed more of the little details that he’d already memorized. Those exact images would be thrown out by the end of tonight. Pack their bags. Scram them out the door.
It had, as expected, proven to be difficult.
The thirty-seven pictures he took that day, he’d already heartly remembered by the end of it. Countless of times, he pulled them out of his pocket just to take a second to look, even at the worst. Another month had passed and nothing had happened much since, nothing out the ordinary, which meant their friendship was back to how it used to be. They were friends.
And that was why it ends tonight. Because if he doesn’t fight these thoughts, if he doesn’t fight her, he loses her. He loses this friendship.
Are you sure you want to delete this photo?
Thirty-six times, he let his finger do the talking. Not his heart. Not even his brain.
At the last one, the screen was too distorted by a fallen tear that had seeped out of his domino mask for him to go on. It was the only hindrance he needed to give up and stop. At least for a second.
But he couldn’t even dwell on it too much, or let himself cry, let it burn his skin off enough so it wouldn’t hurt any more afterwards. He couldn’t even let himself have that luxury when he heard the thudding noise of his brother’s boot-cladded feet, a Bo staff that hit the ground, and a black cape that enforced a gust of wind to blow against the back of his head.
Dick just closed his eyes, and just after that, Tim walked over to stand right behind him.
Greatest Detective in the World. But even an idiot would know what he was up to, sitting in the darkness crying while his feet dangle off a rooftop’s ledge, eyes to his phone like he was reading the saddest sob story in the whole world or that he’d just received a text that one of his loved ones’ lives had been taken away from cancer.
The way Tim was silent, he knew.
And Dick just let him believe it, without even a word to explain himself, he did. He let Tim’s mind do the figuring out and the explaining because not even his own words would be half that truth.
Tim’s voice that night wasn’t the kind he heard often.
“You think this is the right time for that, Dick?”
A crack on his knuckles, his throat sounding rough and beaten, Dick didn’t know what to even say.
“We called you fifteen times over at the bridge. We needed you-“
“And it turns out you’ve been at your phone the whole time-“
“You handled it without me.”
“That isn’t the fucking point.”
A month of silence, since that deathly night after they took Y/N home. Several minutes, together in one car, had proven to be one of the most insufferable moments of his life. And not surprisingly, it went on for even more days after that.
Dick turned off his phone, but Tim snatched it away from his hands and walked away so Dick couldn’t grab it.
He stood from the ledge. “Come on, Tim. Not cool.”
“Hmm. Cute,” Tim faked a smile and swiped around the screen, at the last picture of Y/N he had. “Could have sent it to me. And Jason.”
“But it’s cool,” Tim said. He threw the phone back at Dick and he caught it just before it hit the ground. “All good. Finally, you have something of her all to yourself, right?”
Tim was Tim. Not this. Not someone so angry and grievous and someone who was looking at him that way with so much disgust when he used to be that young boy of fourteen who looked at his older brother like a god. How long, he thought, must he have kept all this frustration bundled up inside, where not even he could reach into. Someone who’s so calm, so in control of what he says, had finally given in and let his annoyance flourish about. He wondered, as anyone would, at what point Tim had finally had enough of all of this.
“Tim, please-“
“You,” Tim pointed his gloved finger right at Dick’s face.
“You were supposed to be my brother.”
Of course, he’s had enough.
He’s had enough of all this a lot longer than anyone else, even he, would have thought.
It might have been since that day Y/N was crying over an argument they once had, over something he can't even remember, that almost pried them apart, only for Dick to come along and console her without telling Tim where he was, and he only knew because Y/N told him what happened. If she hadn’t, Tim wouldn’t have known.
He wouldn’t have known Dick had long been pining over the love of his life, never mind how she was in his arms and kissing his lips and calling for his name.
Dick, who could have literally anyone he could possibly wish for, just had to want her.
“What do you want me to say?” The asshole started after a moment’s silence, of nothing but a helicopter’s whirl from far above, the lack of light from everywhere around them, and their footsteps against the empty cement.
He couldn’t even look at his brother in the eye with his mask on, but he knew enough to know what he felt. It didn’t matter if he was sincere. It didn’t even matter that he cried.
“Nothing,” Tim said. “You’ve done your damage.”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Enlighten me.”
Tim scoffed and faked yet another laugh. It annoyed himself at that point.
“You are unbelievable-“
“I’m not trying to do anything with her anymo-“
“Don’t even start with that, asshole.”
Tim’s hands were shaking, and subconsciously he tried to repress those tremors, hoping they’d go away if he clenched them enough, but they only got worse.
“She was mine,” he cried. “And you just couldn’t handle that-“
“I never tried anything with her when you were together.” Dick tried to step closer to him but he just backed away.
“So you weren’t just waiting for us to break up so you’d swoop in and be the hero?” he scoffed. “I asked you to make sure she was okay, not take advantage of her hurting just so you’d have your chance.”
“And why did you break up, Tim?” He had the audacity to ask. “You didn’t love her anymore-“
“You knew I still did-“
“Then why hurt her?!”
“Because I was hurting her anyway!”
Never. He’s never been this angry. Not that he could recall.
“I was 17. Everything about me changed. Wayne Enterprises. Red Robin. Fucking Bruce dying and coming back to life. She was there but I was about to lose my fucking mind. I thought she didn’t have a place in all that mess anymore so I broke it off.”
Finally, he stepped close enough to Dick, almost to leveling with his height. His brother had his lips hidden, hands falling to his sides.
He looked terrified.
“Two seconds after that, I never regret anything more my whole fucking life. I thought talking to you would make her feel better, but you just couldn’t help but bat your pretty little eyes at her when she was vulnerable. I wanted to go back but I couldn’t ‘cuz you were already there!”
He was snarling, and a growl escaped his throat by the time he backed away. Tim didn’t even get to hear himself until he saw his own reflection in the white of Dick’s mask.
But Dick. He didn’t even take it as a hint to just shut up and take his rambling.
“I never meant to keep her away from you-“
“I went to you, Dick.” Tim wiped his lips with the back of his gloves, watched over to the next building to avoid his brother’s face. “I always went to you for help. With her. You know how long I’ve wanted her. And I went to you because I thought you were my brother and you’d help me.”
“I did help you!”
“You were helping yourself!”
His hands slammed against Dick’s chest, and it was a good thing he didn’t fight back. He would have just taken that as an excuse to keep hitting.
“Tim,” Dick held his hands up. Tim backed away. “Just go to her-“
Hands shoving his chest once again. This time, Dick had caught them, held them by his wrists enough so Tim couldn’t pull them away.
It was from a whip of strength not even he had known prior, but it hurt when he finally could take his hands off of Dick’s grip, and with that, he backed further away, though his eyes couldn’t stray from looking straight into his brother’s.
“No,” Tim’s knees hit the railing and so close did he fall, but he kept himself up, rubbed the bottom of his chin with his gloved hand. “You're not sorry…”
Dick’s silence. Even more so did he want to just lunge at him and strangle his vocal chords. No matter how far-fetched, Dick was supposed to tell him all the things he wanted him to say. So far, he’s said none of that.
Dick just watched when Tim turned around to rest his weight onto his palms, looking out into the open seeking for just about any kind of help there was that he could call out from the wind, but there was nothing.
“You're right,” Dick said, and Tim felt the cement crack from beneath his palms. “I’m not sorry.”
“Fucking bold of you-”
“What would have happened to her if I hadn’t stepped in?” He heard Dick’s voice louder and clearer, which meant he was walking closer towards him.
“I would have come back. I always wanted to come back, but by then she was all over you. I couldn’t-“
Tim looked at his own hands. “I had it coming. I can't blame her.”
Another whiff of air, and it blew the strands of his black locks right onto his eyelids. They stung, but he didn’t push them away. He just kept his eyes locked onto the blankness of the gray, the dark that went all the way into his spirit.
“But I do blame you-“
“Tim, you hurt her-”
Dick caught his Bo staff, which Tim had thrown right at him as swiftly as he turned around. His mouth was as dry as his palms were sweating. His teeth were close to breaking. And his eyes dangerously drifting off into some unknown nowhere just so he wouldn’t have to look at such betrayal.
Tim was shaking, or at least his hands were, when he gave into his impulses and moved so fast, grabbing Dick by the collar and standing him down.
“You stand there blaming me for all that hurt when here you are-“
“What the hell do you want me to say to you?!”
He was strong, stronger than any one of them would have thought. Dick couldn’t even move, much less out of shock than it was out of his hold on him too overwhelming to counter.
“Tim, this isn’t like you-“
“You have no idea what I’ll do,” Tim growled. “Why do you think I became Red Robin?”
To separate himself from the likes of what it used to be. To not be Robin anymore. To stray away from his ideals, ideals and morals no longer his.
Because he was, in his truest capacity, capable of much darker things than people seem to know. Even his own brother.
“I hate you-“
Dick, who took that second to take advantage of weakness, grabbed him by the wrists and pushed him off with the soles of his feet, not enough to send him to the ground but enough to almost topple him. And when he looked up, immediately, Tim’s fist headed for his brother’s head, but again it was caught by Dick’s palm.
A much deeper, louder voice, the third one to be heard that night. It was that, and two strong arms that grabbed Tim by the shoulder and Dick by his suit’s back. Even when it wasn’t even to much effect, they stopped.
At least, for a second they did, before Tim started for Dick’s neck and he had to be held back with a strong hand right against his chest. “Let me go!”
“What the hell is going on with you two!?”
“Stay out of this Jason!”
It was easier for Jason to stand right in between, just to stop either of them from going after their skin. Dick had stopped. Tim, on the other hand, had to be held back by the shoulders. “Tim, calm down!”
“I said stay out of this!”
“One of you pinheads tell me what’s going on!”
“Are you really gonna let Jason fight your battles, Dick?!”
Tim tried to push Jason out of the way. He was lucky, in fact, that none of them could see the irate look on his face hidden behind the safety of a red helmet. Otherwise they might have started for him too, just at how disgusted he looked at them both. And he had every right to be. He knew exactly why they were fighting. It was the devil in him who felt like asking.
Jason held him back with his cape. “Hey, KNOCK IT OFF-“
“Let go of me!”
“You don’t think I wanna bash this asshole’s brains out everyday, Tim?!” Jason hauled him to the floor. “Trust me. You can hold back.”
“Oh, fuck you, Todd.”
“You shut up.” Jason pointed at Dick. “If this is about Y/N I know exactly why Tim wants you dead.”
“And why am I the one you two’re ganging up on?!”
“If I was, Dick, I’d just let this one have at it with you. Thank me later.” Jason said, nodding over at Tim. Tim shrugged off his brother’s hold on him and frowned.
“You were never the one to trust, Dick,” Tim gulped. And Jason knew Dick would have thought the same. His flaring eyes, the burn that was almost never there from someone so usually calm. It was unnerving seeing Tim this way. “Look at everyone you’ve hurt. Y/N. Kori. When are you going to stop?”
“Don’t you fucking start with me, you little-“
“Hey! Knock it off!” Jason pushed Dick again with a shove of his hand. Dick stepped back.
“Jason, just get out of here -“
“I don’t know, man; Feels like I have to be the responsible one. For once.”
Tim grabbed Jason’s hand and hauled him to the side so he could step closer to where Dick was standing. “You don’t want to be a part of this.”
Jason, if not at all wanting that to be true in the slightest sense, didn’t fight back and took Tim’s shoving. But, as he’d thought, Dick was the one who looked at him so slyly he wanted to grab his lips and use them to haul him over the building.
Suddenly, every part of his skin wanted to burst, blood beating through every inch of vessel and flesh so much it burned him. His mouth sewed shut, ears hurting at the redness. Again, if not for the helmet, it would have been a dead giveaway.
But Dick wasn’t having it.
“Trust me, Tim. He already is.”
“What the hell do you mean-“
“I said, enough. You two settle this at home.”
Jason tried for Dick’s shoulder just to push him to back away, but he threw his hand off.
“Don’t fucking act like the good guy between the three of us,” Dick said. “What are you gonna say next? That this isn’t what Y/N would want?”
“You think it is?!”
Dick chortled and he turned away. Tim still wouldn’t let his glare away from his brother and if Jason would let him, he’d have mauled him to death.
“You always did think you knew what was best for her, didn’t you?”
“Jason, what the hell is he talking about?”
He never told him. The bastard never told Tim when he was so sure he would, when he basically told him that night outside Y/N’s doorstep that by the end of the hour, Tim would know what he’d done and he’d have found Jason by the next, even when he tries too hard to disappear, which he had tried to do for four months, hiding from his brother, and not long after he’ll never be welcomed into the manor as so much as a guest. It did surprise him, after many months, that Tim hadn’t so much as acknowledged it. Part of him wanted to believe Tim didn’t care, or had already forgiven Y/N and in turn forgiven him.
But, of course, Dick hadn’t told him. The asshole wanted this to drag out as painfully long as he possibly could. Make him carry that burden himself just because he thought it was right, as Tim’s brother, even when he wanted no part of those niceties.
“You wanna tell him?” The blue leotard wearing ass said. “Or should I?”
“Don’t fucking bring me into this shitshow-“
“Brother, you walked right into it yourself.”
“I will kill you,” Jason growled. “One of these days.”
“Tell me what?”
Tim’s voice, the softest it had been since the start of that night.
He shouldn’t.
His little brother, one whose relationship had proven far too difficult to build, if there was ever a chance at a good relationship at all. His brother. An established brotherhood he once despised so much, took too many years just for it to be something tolerable. His little brother.
He never had a little brother like Tim. Perhaps even now, he wouldn’t. Not once he knows.
“Tim, I-“
“Jason, tell me what’s going on.”
Dick no longer even had that smirk on him. He just looked sad for the both of them, as he should be. As anyone should be.
“Just tell him.”
So much did his fist want to just fly and land straight at Grayson’s perfectly chiseled cheekbones, break his face so much he wouldn’t live to stand a day.
But Jason had grown too silent, too guilty.
He couldn’t even take off his helmet and look at either of them in the eye.
Tim stepped right in front of him and on his face kind of worry that often lingered prior to it being the worst rage to ever engulf into.
Was there a way out of this? To counter the impact? Make it so it didn’t hurt so much?
If Grayson had just told him, it wouldn’t have to be this way.
He looked up, and through the slits of his visor, he knew Tim wanted to look at him in the eye, to find something out of this truth.
His throat, it hurt to even breath. And when this happened, he usually takes the helmet off. This time, however, he couldn’t do that. Not when he had so much to say despite him not wanting to.
“I slept with her…”
It was a shame Dick didn’t look too much like an ass right then. If he did, he’d have a reason for himself to just jump at him with a knife. But all he could even see, all he could bring himself to watch, was his feet.
Nothing else. Not when Tim was looking at him that way.
“I slept with her-“
Was it even Tim anymore? The boy in front of him? Who never looked at him with so much betrayal?
“A few months ago…” he said. “Lasted about a month.”
Then, it wouldn’t even have mattered if it were him who broke the news, the asshole that Dick was, or the Gotham Times.
No longer his little brother. Never will be again.
Right for the neck. That’s where Tim pounced a second less than he was smart enough to move away.
That asshole deserved it.
But if anyone deserved it more than Jason did, it was Dick.
Was it to divert Tim’s attention from himself? Give him a breather and a while for Tim’s anger to mellow down taking it out on Jason so he doesn’t take it out on him so much? Possibly.
But the moment Tim’s hands squeezed the living daylights out of Jason’s neck, he knew he shouldn’t have brought it up. It was wrong. This was all wrong.
He started for Tim’s arms, grabbing them both just to at least give Jason enough time to breath, but this newfound strength certainly wasn’t one he’d expected. When he did manage to pull them off, Tim swung his fist right at Dick’s face.
Then, he went back for Jason, who then took that short time to grab both his fists and stop them for hurling him over the roof.
This was his fault. This was his doing.
And all the more did he want this to end when Jason held Tim strong enough to make him scream, and with that, he threw another punch right for his helmet, shattering the visor beneath his bruised knuckles. Jason tried to kick him away with his knee, but Tim was pushing him.
Jason, who should have been a lot stronger, was not doing much to fight Tim. And instead, he tried talking him out of it.
“Tim!” he coughed. Tim still holding both fists went on to push him. “Tim, stop!”
Head slam against his helmet, and it broke, enough for a part of it to be chipped off and expose his forehead.
Jason finally hurled Tim over to the ground just so he could wipe the blood stain off from seeping down his eyes, but that wasn’t much of a good idea. Not when Tim took that as a chance to jump for his brother, grabbing him by the shoulders, and with the forces of their own bodies flying across the wind, the railing wasn’t enough to stop their fall.
Tim and Jason fell over the building, down fifty stories with one’s hands wrapped around the others throat, and Tim went on to strangle him even as they fell.
Dick, without even thinking much, dove into that same abyss. Did he have a plan? No. Was this going to work anyway? Probably not. But he had to try.
At least, it was all he had to do. When Dick leapt, head soaring straight down for a car so miniscule that wouldn’t be so small the more he wastes time, his brothers thrashing bodies that broke the speed of their fall worked to his sorry advantage and Dick managed to catch up.
He grabbed Tim off, thankfully with the fall lessening his grip but not at all did it change the murderous look on his face. This wasn’t his brother. This can't be him. This was someone who had all his frustrations bottled up in the form of coffee addiction, insomnia, and workaholic tendencies, someone who hadn’t vented out his hurt and anger at him, who he apparently had been hating for a while.
When he had him in his grasps, Dick grappled up to the next building. “Jason, hold on!”
It was, in actuality, the worst idea he’s ever come up with. Other than the fact that Tim weighed a good 170 pounds, Jason was no lighter. Not even in the slightest. And carrying both of them? He might as well be hauling up a whole tank.
That one single grappling hook showed them no appreciation despite it holding on the best it could. And it was to no help that the hook landed on a building too far.
They were just yards up the ground when the rope tightened, and the impact on Dick’s arm he was sure had the bone dislocated. A scream was all he could muster at the shooting pains that went all the way up his neck, but still, he held on, and even when it lasted no more than a few seconds, it was all too agonizing not to feel like it lasted hours.
All it took was to at least break the fall, but that was all he could handle. Dick let go of the grapple gun and they were falling across the whole block, across the street over to an abandoned lot with junkyard cars and probably some broken glass scattered across the ground.
Tim landed on top of one of the cars, breaking the windshield under his weight. Jason wasn’t so lucky, rolling across the cold cement with it hitting his helmet, enough to expose his face.
And Dick, with it not helping his arm at all, landed right against the fenced border and fell to the ground. Some wire sticking out might have impaled his skin.
He was breathing. Was he still breathing? There was throbbing. Redness. Blood that went to his eyes, most probably. He could hear his heart and basically the rest of his senses going haywire.
When he looked up, already Tim could stand, right on top of the cars.
Now lacking his Bo staff, Tim smashed the broken metal beneath his feet and pulled out a slab hard enough to break bones.
If Dick were smart, he should have let him die.
This was always how he was, how this was all going to boil down to. His so many ways of dealing with loss, heartbreak, and stress, it was never going to hold him back enough if he hadn’t an outlet. And this, tonight, this was all part of the inevitable. He did what he promised Y/N. He kept off the coffee and had eight hours of sleep every day. But did it mean it warded off his thoughts on her? On his brothers? On their betrayal and how much he’d been holding that all off for months? Not even close. In fact, they grew worse.
Who does he start with?
Dick was all the way over at the fence. Wounded. Dislocated arm. He pulled himself up and went for a wall he could smash his shoulder against just to pull back the bone.
And Jason.
Should have went for him first.
Two glocks in his hands. This man wasn’t afraid in the slightest.
“Jason, don’t!” Dick cried. Too late. He already shot one of the cars.
Tim spun about just to dodge at least the shattered glass. He was aiming for his legs, at all the parts of his body that wouldn’t be so lethal. How kind of him.
Which meant, that if it were the vital parts of him exposed, Jason wouldn’t shoot.
So he didn’t even try to hide himself, his chest especially, when he hurled himself over the many car hoods and roofs. Jason kept going, and this time he went to shooting the glass on purpose. Probably to hit him with the shards.
Tim reached the wall and pushed his feet so he’d roll on the ground. Cape up, he looked through the many places to hide, but he didn’t want to hide. What he wanted was to grab one of them, any of them, by the shoulders, pin them to the ground, and have his fist have at it with their stupid faces.
He ran up to Jason, cape protecting his legs and arms, and just as he did Dick had crept up behind him, grabbing Jason by a headlock. Elbow to Dick’s chest, he took that as a chance to grab his guns and throw them over to the side. So close did he miss one of the bullets, if grazing his shoulder was ever a miss. But he ignored that hiss and landed a hit on Jason’s stomach.
But not even that could last long, with Jason practically subdued. Dick set Jason aside to block Tim’s fist from landing anywhere near either of them. He kept hitting, swinging, it was all a blur after the third time he felt his shoulders hurt. And Grayson’s was no better. So he aimed for it.
What was he doing?
Foot landing on Dick’s pelvis. It was enough for his body to skid across the ground. He looked up at his brother, teeth gritting so much that it hurt, Tim didn’t move fast enough before he could move away from Dick’s fist, which landed a good one right to his teeth.
This was the most ridiculous fight he’s ever been on. No different from a fucking pellet gun war over at the gardens that one time they were drunk and stupid. This was a game, one he really didn’t want to play. He should have known, and what he thought that time was that somehow, she was worth going through all this chaos for. That moment of bliss, that month of beauty and serenity and peace, was it worth this? With his own brothers?
It wouldn’t have been if it was just a month of beauty and serenity and peace. But it wasn’t just about that anymore, was it?
So this had to be worth it. In every way. With Dick and Tim over a few yards away, Dick holding his shoulder and trying so hard to avoid being hit there and Tim so unruly and angry and being so taken over with his rage, not at all was he anything like this before tonight.
He had the choice. To grab the gun that had skidded over to his side, shoot them both in the shoulder to put everything to a stop, or join in on their rumble to drag this out as long as inhumanely possible. Three different men who knew exactly what the others’ moves will be, this wasn’t going to last very long if it were to be a good way.
But, if this were to be dealt with bullets, he can say goodbye to either of them of ever being his brother again, to never be a part of this family so hard to love but love nevertheless.
He stopped his hand from reaching for the gun, and with that, he started for the two.
Jason grabbed Tim’s ankle just before it would have landed on Dick’s chin, threw him to the side so he’d land on the floor.
Dick’s fist, which would have hit Tim, instead hit Jason right at the nape of his neck. He almost toppled over to the ground, and with that flash of rage, he struck back at Dick right at his bad shoulder. Might have been too far. But he didn’t care.
Tim hit his back, right up against his sharp knee. He cried out at the unnerving bellows that went straight to his head, picked himself up just before he hit the ground.
Another hit for his head, but Dick had stopped it with his own hand, twisted Tim’s ankle so he’d once again lose his balance and fall.
Three different men.
Three different fights.
Three men who knew each other far too well to be beaten so easily.
They jostled and rolled about, around the junkyard over so many of the cars and the broken glass and even the fence that had long blown over. This wasn’t at all supposed to be what they’d spend the night on, but with the slabs of metal being thrown, the cars almost hurled up with their peak human strength, their limbs flailing, some barely missing a nerve on their head and some wrecking a whole tooth out of their mouth, it was not, to even some capacity, ever going to end as well as any of them hoped.
And with them at the middle of the barren empty grounds, Jason dodging Dick’s fist only to meet Tim’s knee, Dick being absolutely smothered by Tim’s head smashing against his, and Tim being pinned to the ground by either of his brothers larger than him that he hated so much.
It all would have ended in death, after the kind of blur that clouded so much of their moral thought and any kind of sense at all to remind them of what they were doing, if not for something far too strong for them to easily swerve from.
Or, better yet, three things too strong for them to swerve from.
At a whiff so quick for any of them to have possibly even sensed, a flash of purple was the first to wave off that blur from their eyes. And it went for Tim.
Stephanie was first to subdue him, holding Tim down with her knee landing right at the small of his back. He cried out both at the shock he hadn’t expected and the pulsing pain that probably went all the way up his spine, but he was done. Steph had grabbed Tim’s head and pinned him down right against the floor.
The next one was Dick, and before any of them could even turn, something so brightly blinding, a figure of yellow, fell from one of the cars’ hood and grabbed Dick by the neck. Duke was smaller, but not at all was that some disadvantage. His huge armored arms, locking Dick enough for him to just flail his hands about, it was enough to make him stop.
And, just as he expected, the next thing he saw after that flash of a second he was spared, was a blur of black so silently creeping up on him, Jason couldn’t move even when he knew it was coming. No one could have seen it. Not even him. By the next second, he was bent over one of the cars, hands to his back, and Cassandra had a taser stuck to his hip.
Barely enough to fry him unconscious, but enough to fucking electrocute his skin off so his muscles could barely move.
This should all have ended sooner than it even happened.
And the shame crept in, not even when he stopped struggling against Duke’s hold on him, but when Barbara, the last to come into the scene, flew in from the window right across.
She looked like she wanted to murder all three of them by a rope around their necks. One single rope. Having three just wouldn’t be worth it.
She took off her cowl and let her red hair fall to her back, so they’d easily see just how disgusted she looked at them all, at the look on her eyes, at the look on all their eyes.
“Duke, let me go-“
“I’m sorry, Dick.”
“If we could, Nightwing,” Babs swallowed. “I’ll have you tied to that streetlamp for the rest of the night.”
Jason tried to reach for something in the car just to kick Cass away, but she tased him again. Some smoke flew up from his flesh.
“Cass, that’s enough,” Babs said.
Cass glared at them all, then settled to just holding Jason down with his arms.
“Is anyone going to tell me what the hell is going on with you three?”
“Maybe if you get your foot out of my head, Steph, I’d actually get my brain back and answer her question,” Tim said.
“You lost your brain when you fell down that building.”
“You saw that?”
Steph snorted. “You’re lucky I didn’t jump in until I had all of us on call.”
Steph twisted Tim’s arm and his cries could be heard over to the next block.
Jason tried, again, to break free from Cass’s hold, but her fist wasn’t one to welcome when it landed much like a bat would’ve right up against Jason’s head.
And Tim, who almost pried Steph’s knee from against his back, was just pinned down again not even a second after breaking free.
They were too tired to go up against any of them.
So Dick, knowing there was no other, prettier way out of this, let go of his hands from gripping too hard on Duke’s arm. He didn’t let go, but it had loosened, enough for him to properly talk. Babs went over to him. That dagger-infested glower stuck through, but at least there was some appreciation for his lack of resistance.
“It was a misunderstanding-“
“Was it?!”
Babs clenched her jaw.
“This is about her, isn’t it-“
Tim’s voice echoed. “No!”
He growled and shoved Steph’s hand away, but they kept on his arms, pushing them down against his spine. She was strong enough to subdue him, stronger now that he was exhausted and his muscles were all strained, but that didn’t mean he was, in any way, going to back down from this fight. This wasn’t over.
He could crane his head up enough to look at Babs.
“This is about these two traitors who lied to my face for months!”
Steph was having too much trouble keeping him down. “Tim!”
“Are you really going to take their side?!”
“No one is taking anyone’s side here.”
Babs eyed Cass at least to make her loosen her grip on Jason’s twisted arms. Cass rolled her eyes, sighed, and still without a word, she grabbed Jason by the back of his collar to make him stand. But it wasn’t without her taser stuck up to his side.
“Cass, I’m not gonna fucking fight you-“
“Just shut up, Jay,” Dick said, and with that, Duke tightened his arm.
“They wanna know,” Tim panted. “Tell them all why we’re in this mess.”
His voice, all broken and rageful and so unlike what anyone would have thought. It turned the heads of everyone around. Steph loosened her hand around Tim’s neck much out of her own disbelief.
“Stabbing me in the back the way you did…”
“Tim, you don’t have to-“ Babs went on, but Tim’s screams were too much.
“Tell them! Say why you’re all a bunch of ass-“
“You’re the one who wanted this to be some shitshow!” Jason’s teeth shouldn’t last long with how much he was gritting them when he hissed and snarled at Cass, who poked the taser just beneath his hip.
“Cass, enough with the taser.”
“Yeah, Cass,” Jason said. “Where the hell did you even get that?”
“Some douchey police officer over at Chinatown,” Duke said to him while still keeping his hands on Dick.
Something so foreign, so unruly and aggressive, it was taking too much control over him. Tim’s eyes were burning, and there weren’t even any tears. His blood pulsed through every vein, strong enough for it to hurt, and loud enough for him to hear it through his bloodied ears.
Tim pushed Steph away and for a moment, he was free. He wasn’t even thinking anymore. He just wanted his hands squeezing the voice out of Jason’s neck.
Babs grabbed him by the cape just as Steph caught up, and again he was on the floor. Still, he screamed, thrashed about because everything within him just yelled for him to finally let it out. He was done being the nice guy, done being the brother they both pushed around, took advantage of, lied to, and picked on because they knew he’d never fight back.
“Tim…” Babs helped Steph holding him down. She looked up at Dick. “What the hell did you do to him?”
“Nothing we can't sort out!”
“Jesus, Dick,” Jason snorted. “You haven’t said one smart thing all day.”
“Like you're any better, you asswipe.”
Babs stood right between them, otherwise they’d have lunged for each other even if they had a missile launcher aimed for their heads.
“Let me go. Duke,” Dick said. “I’m not gonna fight any of you-“
“Yeah, three seconds ago you were close to running Jason’s head through a windshield.”
“Just let me go and we’ll all calmly-“
“Calmly?” Duke laughed. “I saw you fall down that building from where I stood. None of you know what calm is.”
Duke’s voice was stern and not at all did he sound like he’d trust him enough for that, no different than Steph’s or even just the look in Cass’s eyes. Because, if anything, other than the utter disgust, disdain, and disappointment, everything before them was something not to easily believe.
Not long after, before anything even happened, before Tim heard that first trace of a large black cape and the heavy soles that would have broken the cement floor underneath if he hadn’t purposely landed so swiftly, with the shadow that wasn’t in fact a shadow, but a suit so terrifying, dark, and so close to invisible, it was the night in a physicality no two people could similarly describe.
Tim knew he’d get here first, before anyone else even turned their heads. Because he stopped with his cries and faced his untimely doom. Face to the ground, quiet and unmoving. Everyone else followed but that was after he’d already appeared.
Not even anyone from the likes of the worst villains had seen the look on Bruce’s face as close to the one he had right then.
If he were alone, he’d just have snorted. The look on Grayson and Drake’s face. Couldn’t be drawn.
He’s seen that same frown on Bruce every time he shoots a damn gun, which was every night. He could paint it by memory and he wouldn’t miss a detail. The squinted white of his eyeholes, his lips forlorn and flat. His hands, clenched enough for it to hurt, hidden beneath his cape. Oh, Dad. Did I do that?
These guys just needed some getting used to.
And he shouldn’t be amused at the fact that at least, for once, he wasn’t the only one in trouble this time. Tim looked ashamed. Dick looked like he’d seen a ghost. Dick should have known this, at least. He’s steered up a few times of trouble himself. Nothing like what he’s done, that’s for sure. But he shouldn’t be so stricken. Still, he was, which made it all the more inappropriate if he were to smirk right then.
Damian was right beside him. He wasn’t entertained, or intrigued, what he usually was watching his father tell off his brothers. In fact, he looked bothered. Like they’d just taken so much of his time away from what he’d rather be doing, which apparently was more interesting than this.
Ah. Of course. An out-of-town mission. Just Batman and Robin. They left Babs in charge. Probably why she looked just as horrified as Dick, hands to her side and keeping the slight shake of her palms hidden. It seems she prepared for anything to happen on patrol that night, anything Bruce prepared her for being the boss. What they hadn’t prepared for, apparently, was them.
“Batman, I-“ Babs swallowed. “We have this under control. You can go back to-“
“Let them go.”
Chills down everyone’s wobbly spines at his growling voice proved more terrifying under the filter near his neck. Everyone except Jason, of course. But he can't be so relaxed. Cass was getting suspicious. He just felt her hands tighten even more around his wrists.
But perhaps, he should be afraid. He’s gotten into mounds of trouble, but it was never anything like this.
He snorted again. They hadn’t hurt anybody. It was just them three and their lack of brain. They’ll be fine.
He hoped.
“Bruce, they’re trying to kill each other-“
“They can try.”
Babs, right then, might be the one to kill them right after. Maybe with her bare hands. Maybe with a truck. With a deathly, silent scowl at all of them, she nodded.
Duke was first to let go of Dick, and with that a pat on the back. Dick rubbed the back of his neck, stayed put and didn’t even step away. He was relaxed. Ashamed, but relaxed. He just stretched out his limbs and already everyone was satisfied.
Next, it was Jason. With a reluctant Cass finally letting him go, and the taser, Jason tumbled over to the nearest car hood just to keep himself up. That fucking taser robbed him of his knees. How many volts was that thing?
Finally, Steph swung her legs over from holding down Tim’s body and helped him up. She dusted off his back, apologized under her breath. He probably had a lot to say if it weren’t for the seven other pairs of eyes on him, watching him from letting out so much as a twitch.
Tim didn’t shove her away so he could go back to poking Jason’s eyeballs out. He just stood there and stared at him like Jason and Dick were lucky everyone else was around. Which, he probably was. He wasn’t going to deny that.
The last people to be so afraid of Bruce were the three of them, the perpetrators, the reason for this little reunion. So instead of letting out something so cocky and unapologetic, something so at the borders of causing Bruce to have an aneurysm, not one mouth resisted from being kept shut. It was the kind of silence that wasn’t often expected from such an unusual family.
And Bruce looked at the three of them not with anger, or dismay, or even annoyance.
He looked disappointed.
Which, arguably, makes it a whole lot worse. Hell, even for him. He’s been yelled at since the day he came back and all of a sudden a little fight with his brothers is what brings him to shame.
Bruce was unmoving, so his voice startled and shook.
“All this…” he said. “For her…”
No one spoke. Not even a cricket. Even with the horns and sirens from afar, the bustle they couldn’t care less the only noise there was, it was deafening.
“Don’t you think you’ve disappointed her enough?”
Jason ignored the shattered edges of his helmet that poked on his cheek, ignored the blood it drew or the strain on his arms. Everyone did, perhaps.
“Go back to patrol.”
Batman left, as quickly as he’d come. Robin followed right behind him.
Batgirl turned around, nodded at her team, which was all there was out of her, out of anybody. They could see her fists clench, her eyes down and avoiding the others. The Signal flew out of the scene, Spoiler grappled up to the next rooftop, and Orphan disappeared out of thin air, without a word or even a grunt.
Nightwing, Red Robin, and Red Hood left that junkyard lot, and as the brothers they were, and dreadfully still are, they kept out of each other’s ways for the rest of that quiet night.
What was so different about that night, and the many more nights that followed, was how they no longer had each other to turn to, even more now that it seemed they needed their brothers the most. Jason was, in the worst sense, used to the kind of isolation he was forced into after the matter. Dick had to learn to be alone, but it always had been better to have another’s shoulder to lean on and talk to. Tim, not so much. Not when he almost always turned to Y/N. And if not her, Dick. His older brother. One he once looked up to like a being unreachable, now a traitor he’d scoff at if he dared to show up.
So what they did, and what they were forced to do for several nights, was to deal with the cosmos and the whirlwind of thoughts all by their sorry selves. Dick usually could be found in training, spinning about in the uneven bars set up for him at the manor, have the sweat and the strain in his muscles force out whatever it was that bothered him into some physical outlet, how it often had been for many years as he appreciated himself for the care it brought. For the others, however, it wasn’t so much the same. Tim would spend all hours in the office and wouldn’t so much as nap even when his whole body tortured him to at least stop his back from being crouched so much. And Jason, well, had already drowned himself in booze, even more now that the reasons had faded clearer.
Alone in his apartment, over at the nook by the window where he usually spent the day with a book, now his mess of a hair would be plastered against the cold glass and the many bottles that surround him would block the surfaces of the cushion. It never actually got out of hand. He only ever drank to get rid of that noise blaring into his ear the way it was now, the way it was for all three of them.
And Tim couldn’t turn to that same comfort, or whatever it was that caffeine, stinging eyelids, and an unhealthy staring into a computer screen with an all nighter at the office would bring him. That night after the fight, he couldn’t sleep, even when he tried to. Which led to no one’s knowing, a cup of coffee when the day had risen and he was forced to go on with that said day like nothing happened. That cup would turn to two. Three. Eventually it dawned on him that he’d slept what he should have in a single day in a span of three.
Dick’s training, as it turned out, wasn’t so healthy at all. The strain in his wrists began a little over two hours ago. He’d been at the grounds for quadruple that time. For that day alone. Would it kill him if he didn’t stop? Probably not. Would it almost kill him? Probably. But he went on. Kept his hands busy. Forced himself to feel that exhaustion that should be taking his mind out of everything and not amplify it.
But this was only the beginning of what eventually would be that highway to descent, to some slope with no ladder to climb back up to, no guide for them to reverse and no light at the end that would eventually bring some alternative to the truth. They only had the truth to hold on.
Their brotherhood. One so strained. So complicated. One that took far too much time to build and rebuild. They couldn’t, not even if they wanted to, be apart from this family, deny that they were a part of it. They couldn’t escape each other’s presence no matter how many times they’d change their numbers or block out their trackers or find another city to live in. They couldn’t lose something that had grown too strong for them to fight against. That night, they tried. Or rather, the forces tried. The forces run by their bitter rivalry or the want for the same woman.
It was the fifth night after that fight, when Dick let go of the bars, finally giving his hands that rest too many hours overdue. He wiped his sweat, drank from his bottle, and pulled out his phone. That night, he thought it was enough, that this silence and bitterness and sheer negligence over their bond would eventually break for permanence. He knew that this coping was only just the beginning, and that it will, for everything he was certain about, would it become so much more, something so dark, that it would pull the whole family apart. He didn’t want that. For any of them. So that night, he sent a text to Tim and Jason.
Tim’s first account wasn’t on his brothers, though it had crossed his mind many more times than he would have hoped. His first thought, if anything, was how Y/N would have thought if he let himself fall. It’d be in his rule this time, that he wouldn’t let the caffeine get to him or reach to such extremes he’d never otherwise control. But Y/N wasn’t going to believe that, as nobody should. Hell, he probably shouldn’t place that much faith onto himself at all. Even if he does so much as lose an hour of sleep, one for every night until there wasn’t any hours left, if he allows himself one more cup when he had one just half an hour before, he knew it’d be just the beginning.
So, when he got that text from Dick, he realized it wasn’t worth much the risk.
He hated them both like he’s hated no one else, wanted them to realize just how much of a wreck their doings have imprinted on him and Y/N, how the consequences that followed weren’t nearly what they deserved at all. But if he doesn’t fight that hate, if he doesn’t find peace, it’ll be that darkness for him, that same life he hadn’t learned to control, one where he once lost himself to. and in turn, made him lose Y/N. And he’ll lose her again if he won't listen to that conscience. He texted Dick back and told him to meet him at Pauli’s.
Jason, on the other hand, acted as was expected of him. When he saw that text the first thing his lack of conscience told him was to get another phone and forget it all happened, disappear for another few months, show up when it was convenient, and hope that this all blows over before his escapism backfires.
But he never did get to bring himself to throw out his phone and get a new one, much less delete the text before he’s even seen it. A few days after, he let that daft little voice in him to open the text, allow himself a few seconds just to witness its premise. But he’d read through everything in that split second he allowed himself to. Dick didn’t really have much to say. And what else was to come next other than the few days of tussling and fighting and the many more bottles of booze that were not at all helping with those same voices that just wouldn’t shut up.
Was this all worth it? Was anything worth this at all?
Because those few years it took just to have any sort of a conversation with Dick, much more with Tim, certainly wasn’t a few years of a bond rebuilt that he wanted to go through again.
He loved them. In his own, twisted little way. He loved his brothers and actually would go out his way to save them from whatever horrors he’d been forced to face. That love didn’t have to be from occasionally hanging out in the holidays or spent an hour or two in a bar.
At least, in his conscience, if he were to die one day like he’d realize would happen again, knowing life wasn’t exactly his alone to spend and control, he’d know he did whatever was best for the people he loved.
So, despite Dick and Tim not at all expecting so much as a text back, they still had it in them to wait a few hours. In that dimly lit corner of Pauli’s, the aroma of freshly backed pancakes distracting them from their otherwise bland pickup from the rest of their senses. They waited, not hoping for the best.
Jason went into the diner and saw them, ordered a cup, then took a seat across Tim, with Dick in between.
That silence, the same for everyday for the past five, it was haunting and eerie, disturbing, uncomforting, one they knew they’d all have to settle if they wanted to move on and actually bring some light into whatever it was they’ve caused.
Jason didn’t take off his hoodie. Tim warmed his hands with his cup of hot chocolate. And Dick, knowing he’d have to start, cleared his throat and looked up.
Seeing Tim walk through that door was a surprise enough, much more Jason coming along and not even was he three hours late. Fuck. Fuck. What does he even say? Where does he ever start? Should he even start?
Giving in to his impulses certainly was bad an idea. This was, in every way, what he should have expected when he picked up his phone and thought to call his brothers hoping it was the right thing to do. And, perhaps, it was the right thing.
But was he the right person to start it? Lead this conversation to the direction he wanted so they’d get to a better place? The one that pushed his impulses in the first place?
They were all too awfully silent. Tim’s had his second round of hot chocolate. He doesn’t even like hot chocolate that much. And Jason looks like he’s hiding himself from the cops with his hood down and neck craned to the table’s surface. He’s never been in anything more awkward and uncomfortable in his years. This was just humiliating.
But, he was sure, humiliation should be the first thing they’d have to go through. Setting their prides aside, talk with the other’s stories in mind and hope that by the end of this, it’ll at least be a bit better.
So he started, in the most bland, uneventful way, he tells them both.
“Thanks for coming,” Dick said.
Tim momentarily bit onto his lip, and Jason stayed motionless without so much as a nod. At least Tim glanced over at him, even when it was just a second.
“How are you, Tim?”
Tim’s finger traced over the brim of his cup. He’s finished it. Didn’t seem like he wanted to order another one.
“Alright. I guess.”
“Good. Jason?”
God, this was awful. He doesn’t even ask how their broken bones are healing after a life-threatening encounter in patrol. Hopefully this greyness wasn’t too weird, not when it should be the start of something even more difficult to overcome.
Jason’s order of coffee came into the table and it made Tim shift in his seat, leaning to the back to stay further away from its aroma. Jason took a sip. “Fine.”
As quiet as they possibly could. Dick wished he had something to order, even when it was just a piece of pie they’d displayed over at the counter. But he didn’t want to get up or even call a waitress.
He was, in the most obvious sense, ashamed. Ashamed that he wasn’t either of them, which he wished nothing more to be. He wished he was them so he wouldn’t have to be the man who’d hurt Y/N the most, when he was supposed to be who she’d turn for comfort, because they weren’t the man who’d been in love with her for so long, never thinking he’d have a chance. And when he did finally have her, even for a just a moment, when he finally got to kiss her that one time he’d been waiting for so many years, it all broke down and nearly diminished what he took years to build. Their friendship. Something so great yet so fragile, when their love never could be so easily set aside to make way for a friendly bond.
“I’m sorry,” Tim said, and his voice had gone softer. “I’m sorry I started a fight. And for being so angry. That was uncalled for.”
He did want all this to be right with them. Both of them. Two of his brothers he’s learned to love. And with that love comes many sacrifices.
“You don’t have to be sorry for being angry.”
“Would you like more hot cocoa?” The waitress came in with a pitcher. Tim declined, and she left.
He stared at the empty cup and rolled his lips.
“Yeah, I… I kinda do.”
Further into the day, the less people there were in the diner. And with that came more silence. There were half the people in there than when they’d first arrived. Soon enough, they’ll be the only ones left.
“I’m sorry, too.”
Then, without even a word, Dick and Tim turned over to Jason.
They didn’t expect him to apologize, or even say anything for that matter, possibly for the rest of the night.
But Jason shrugged, looked up at both of them in the eye, and he nodded. It was enough for them both to know what he meant.
Get this over with. As quick as they possibly could. But he should know by now that this was going to take time. With how difficult it was. This wasn’t going to end any better than when they’d started if they rush through.
Jason took a sip out of his coffee and leaned his arms over on the table. Still, he didn’t take off his hoodie, as if he was going to take off not long from then.
“I don’t exactly know where to start,” Dick said. “But I think we should put this out there now.”
Neither of them looked him in the eye. He and Tim both stared at their cups as if it were any interesting.
“I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong. I’m just saying what I think is best.”
“It’s okay,” Tim said. “Just go on.”
This was harder than when they had to help out the League face Brainiac. And that certainly was something.
“I love Y/N.”
Okay. Wasn’t what he thought Dick would say. But okay.
“Tim loves her, too.”
Shit. Alright. So that’s what this motherfucker thinks he’s doing.
“And I for sure as hell know, that you love her as well, Jason-“
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jason’s voice was deep, controlled, and as monotonous as he forced it to be. Without a flick of a lie or a speck of truth, as they both would have easily picked up if they listened to him hard enough. That is, if it worked. Which it probably hadn’t.
“We don’t know who she wants…” Dick said. “And frankly, I don’t think she does, too. At least for now.”
“It could be any of us.” Tim didn’t take his sight away from the blankness of the white table’s surface.
He can't take this. No. He never should have opened that text. This was a bad idea.
Y/N will choose one of them. Not him. Not when he was the one who fell in love with her far too late, realized just how perfectly imperfect and how she managed to be this little bundle of happiness for him that he never could find in another. Someone whose presence he yearned for on the days when he thought nothing could be okay. He realized all that when too late, when his brothers already cemented their places and have already gone out of their way to win her love. And, on top of all that, he was the one he didn’t have a close friendship as a ground for something to lean onto. They weren’t close. Not like she was with Tim. Not even with Dick.
“This is ridiculous,” Jason stood up from his seat with his cup half finished. “I’m leaving.”
“Dick, I want no part of this-“
“You can deny it all you want, but what if she chooses you?”
“She won't choose me. That’s the point-“
“Everyone knows that’s just as much of a possibility than everything else. It didn’t even take much time, and already you’ve wooed her. You think we didn’t notice that?”
Jason stopped and faced the counter, away from his brothers.
“Just sit down.”
“I know this hurts but what if she actually does choose you-“
“I don’t love her.”
“You do. And she might love you back.”
No. Don’t bring his hopes up like this. This fucking-
“And if she does, are you really going to turn her down?”
Jason closed his eyes. He had nothing to say.
“No matter what Tim and I do, if it’s you she wants, then it’s you who’ll make her happy. Do you honestly think I believe you won't at least take that chance?”
Nothing. No voices whispering into his conscience to fuck everything and leave. Nothing that told him what to do, much less what to say.
He just knew that whatever he was, it wasn’t nearly as strong as that one pull that forced him back on his seat.
This shitshow already hurts as it is. What’s a little more?
There’s a chance for all of them.
That’s what has always been so hard for him to understand. Never would he have thought it to be true, but it was.
They were both good men, good people, and if he were honest, he’d admit to Y/N being lucky if she were ever to choose one of his brothers in the end. He never, ever wanted to admit that. Not even now.
But for so long, he’s ignored the fact that those choices might be for her happiness, for what she deserves, and that might not always be about Tim. That whatever it was he wouldn’t admit to himself didn’t mean it wasn’t true. Y/N smiles like no other with Dick and no one else understood her like Jason. Even if Tim were her best friend, even if they had together from the very beginning, even if he probably loved her the most. It won't be about that.
So he has to accept all this.
And if it meant her happiness, then that hurt will be a lot easier to deal with.
“He’s right,” he said, and his two older brothers looked up at him.
“I’ve always thought you two… Well, I wish I was in your place. Not always. But, right now I do.”
They were confused to say the least. They didn’t look like they understood. Tim was the one who got to be with her, had years of calling her his love, had her love in return and have her actually show it the same way he did.
But that was just that. He had her. And now he didn’t. Because of him. Because he had her and was stupid enough to let her go, something neither of his brothers would have done if they were him.
And he wanted to laugh at the looks of both their faces. They didn’t have to say anything at all, but he understood. They envied each other in so many other ways, too complicated to map out. Because they’ve all done their own grievances, done so much that they regret.
Which is why this had to happen. Because no one knew what was going to happen next.
“I know it’s hard for all of us…” Dick said. Tim stared out at the window to see the start of the cold evening. “But we’re brothers. I don’t know about you both, but I don’t want this to tear us all apart.”
It already did, he wanted to say.
But it might not be true. It might not be too late. This brotherhood could still be salvaged. And in a way, it might be worth all that hurt.
“The last few weeks have been hard… for all of us… taken its toll on the rest of the family. And we’ve worked too hard on each other. I don’t…” Dick swallowed. “I don’t want to lose Y/N, but I don’t want to lose both of you either.”
It was easier for him to shut his eyes closed.
Neither do I, Tim thought.
“But… Y/N deserves to be happy… We’ve put her through too much.
“And if it means being with the one she loves, one of us, then so be it. We’re done making her decisions. We don’t decide between the three of us. If she wants to choose, then she gets to choose. And we won't have a say in any of it. She decides if it’s one or none of us at all. She deserves this.”
Jason finished his coffee. He no longer sat so stiff.
Tim sat back on his chair and stared out the window.
“And whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. As brothers. We’ll have each other. It’ll be okay. We’ll make it okay.”
That cold night of late November had the first snowdrop of the year. It was light, subtle, and one would have missed it if they weren’t looking out for too long. But they saw it, and never had something so gentle calm what used to be this rageful storm, not since Y/N.
They hadn’t spoken another word in that diner. But for many hours, they stayed.
They continued to wait for many months. They were patient.
October. November. December. January passed.
And on that day of the second week of February, a day Y/N once loved and hated at different times, they put an end to that waiting.
 A/N: I honestly can’t wait for the finale. AHHHH
@idkmanicantenglish​​, @wunderstell​​, @birdy-bat-writes​​, @multifandomgirl-us​​, @icequeen208​​, @offendedfishnoises​​, @arkhamtoddler​​, @elsenthal​​, @lucy-roo​​,  @loxbbg​​, @reclusive-chicken-nugget​​, @l-inkage​​, @http-cherries​​, @river9noble​​, @zphilophobiaz​​, @annoylinglyaries​​, @knightfall05x​​, @hyp-oh-critical​​, @satan-s-ass​​, @1-800-starmora​​, @flowersgirl02​, @nahcho​​, @thatonecroc​​​, @trixie-bb​​​, @daddyissuesmademe​​​, jasonsbitch, @shadowsndaisies​​ @jaybirdbooty​​​ @writing2sirvive​​​
@spaceservicestation​​, @thedeadlythoughts​​​, @vanessafabricius​​, @pinkforest05​
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If I Stay Part Two (Final) // Luke Patterson
Summary: Life as you knew it shattered and now you’re left picking up the pieces with memories of a boy with hazel eyes in your dreams. A handsome guitarist who easily becomes your unseen number one supporter. If only you could see him again.
Warning: Swearing, mention of injuries, mention of car accident and talk of death.
Words: 2.5k (excluding the song lyrics of “I Won’t Let Go” by Rascal Flatts)
A/N: Second and last part to If I Stay! I really enjoyed this story because I adored Charlie St. Cloud and I really enjoyed If I Stay. The second part to Lost Time will be up soon when I feel confident in the storyline of it.
If I Stay Part One
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In a split second for the first time, you felt yourself, poof, away to a sterile white room staring down at the person in the bed. Covered in cuts and bruises of all colours, was you. A broken version of you that made you sick to your stomach. You desperately yearned to go back to being unaware.
“I’m…a ghost?” You breathed looking at your blemish-free hands, a juxtaposition to the arm in a cast. Then in a nauseating thought, the grief faded for fear on your family. Had they survived? You ran out of the room straight to a nurse, “Where are my parents! Where’s my cousin Lou?”
Of course, the nurse was unaware of an upset, emotional teenage girl, a victim of a car crash and in a battle for her life. Realizing no one would answer you spent hours running around the hospital searching for your parents or Lou.
“Lou!” You shouted through the halls unfazed as you ran literally through gurneys and medical equipment even the odd doctor.
At the very last room, you found Lou sitting up in a bed staring silently at the white wall with an official man seated by the side of her bed. He held a clipboard in his hand.
“Lou, how are you feeling?” The man spoke, his white coat embroidered with his profession and labelling him a psychiatrist.
“You’ve suffered a trau-“
“I’m aware. I was there. I saw a paramedic violently hitting my cousin’s chest, I saw so much blood. I didn’t know there could be that much blood!” Lou snapped glaring the man down, “I saw the brains of the idiot that caused the accident! You don’t know shit! Oh, your little degree magically has you able to understand what I’m going through?!”
“You wanted me to talk! So, let me talk!” Lou screamed at the man startling you with the anger, “My cousin! My best friend, my SISTER is up in a bed in a coma! A coma because I wanted to go to a stupid resort to ski! It’s my fault! And no one will tell me anything about my aunt and uncle!”
You stumbled back at the pain Lou displayed, it broke your heart, and you couldn’t listen to it anymore.
“Lou, let’s talk about survivor’s gu-“
You fell through the closed door before you could hear anything more from the psychiatrist. You ambled around the floor aimlessly feeling the worst you ever had and to think for two weeks you hadn’t been aware of anything.
“Did you hear?” A nurse spoke from just outside your hospital room. You jogged over reading her name tag of Melissa.
“Heard what?”
“The father of the mountain accident he flatlined in surgery. Doctors got him back, but they’re concerned about brain damage.” Nurse Melissa told her fellow nurse with concern pinching her expression.
“That’s the father of the Y/L/N patient, right?” Nurse Lucy spoke glancing at your hospital door, “I hope they’ll be alright.”
“That poor girl has quite the decision to make. To live or to die. It’s all on her now.” Nurse Melissa replied, “Her mother died-“
“Little unprofessional to gossip about patients in earshot of everyone. Did you know that coma patients can often hear things while unconscious? Or my favourite tip…did you learn about HIPAA?” The doctor on duty asked, staring the two nurses down with a glared. Each nurse shifted on their feet, “Stop gossiping and do your job. I’m sure you can change bedpans or give sponge baths.”
The nurses scattered, leaving you standing in shock at the information given to you. Your mother was dead, your father could be brain dead, and Lou wasn’t coping well. Leaving you in a state of wondering what to do. Should you stay in a world without your parents or let go to join them in heaven. The thought had you collapsing into screams on the floor as everyone went about their work; walking through the hysterical teenager.
A warm hand slid into your own with a comforting squeeze, but all you wanted was to feel your father wrap you in a bear hug. To listen to your mother’s laugh, move in the air with that beautiful musical sound. You want Lou to be okay.
Luke was quiet as he sat the floor, squeezing your hand every once in a while. You slumped into his arms, staring unfeeling at the door that separated your ghostly form from your physical one. Luke poofed you to the Molina garage right on the couch where he held you tight for god knows how long.
“She’s dead.” Your voice cracked tears rolling down your cheeks once more, “My mom is dead.”
“Sh.” Luke cooed pressing his lips against your temple as you curled further into his body. His heart broke for you as the gravity of the situation became crystal clear.
“Hi.” Luke’s eyes met the concerned ones of Julie Molina, a girl that would undoubtedly know how you felt. The thing that connected you being the loss of a mother figure, “I’m Julie.”
Your blank expression lifted to see a girl you had often seen in the halls of Los Feliz High School and vaguely remembered her. She had been performing during the Spirit Rally months ago.
“I’m a friend of Luke, Reggie and Alex. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but you are more than welcome to stay here. You can be in my room or here if you’re more comfortable.” Julie offered knowing exactly how you felt when a year ago, she had been grieving the loss of her mom.
“Thank you.” You replied hoarsely. Exhaustion from sobbing closed your eyes, something that was different to Luke as a ghost was your ability to sleep. 
Alex theorized that you could sleep because your body was still alive, whereas the boys had no physical body. They were just ghosts. He and Reggie were in the studio sadly watching as you slipped in a deep unsettled sleep. Luke’s broken eyes met his best friends before he had Alex come over.
“Please stay with her.” Luke whispered, leaving the tall blonde to switch places. Luke disappeared without another word.
“Where’s-“Julie began, but Reggie interrupted her with a sad smile.
“Remember when we took you to Luke’s house? He’ll do the same but with her.” Reggie supplied coming to sit on the floor in front of the couch; his hand grabbing yours in support.
In a medium-sized house with a backyard kept tidy by the neighbours, Luke found his way to your room. His grabbed a few items of clothing and sneakers into a discarded bag before he dropped the bag off in Julie’s bedroom. His next stop was your hospital room. Luke settled himself in the chair beside you watching your chest go up and down from the breathing tube.
“Hi. I don’t know you in this form, but I know your spirit. I’m not good with my words, but I’m going to try. Two weeks ago I met you in a record store, and I fell in love faster than I can tune my guitar and believe me I have the record in the band. I never believed in love at first sight, but I also didn’t believe in ghosts, but here we are!” Luke chortled leaning to place his hand on yours, but it slipped through.
His smile saddened, “As much as I love holding you and kissing your head… I’d much prefer feeling that aching and yearning feel in my gut. If I felt that then it meant you would be alive and well. I’d rather be sad that I can’t feel you than have you die so young.”
Luke saw your eyelids flicker and he hoped it was because you could hear him.
“You have so much to live for. It’s gonna be hard. I can’t deny that, but I need you to stay. Stay alive and fight for me. For Lou.” Luke choked, squeezing his eyes shut grateful when a hand rested on his shoulder. He knew it was Alex.
“Whatever you’re saying. Continue.” Alex whispered, “It’s working, her body is slowly becoming transparent.”
Alex’s words were further proven as Nurse Melissa jogged in surprised as she took vitals, “Well I’ll be damned. You decided to fight.”
Alex and Luke shared a relieved expression as you got even more strong. Together they returned to the garage. Luke was able to press one kiss to your forehead before you flickered once, twice, thrice before you dissipated.
In that hospital room, a beautiful thing occurred. Your eyes opened. Luke swore the birds sang better at the moment.
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Recovery was hard. Relearning the little things, you took for granted was frustrating. Lou would hover as if you would disappear and you thought you were going insane. If you were waking up screaming by nightmares of the crash than it was waking confused on dreams that felt like memories.
The small victories helped like when you walked the entire hospital or when you were able to use the toilet and not the bedpan. The best win was being discharged to Lou’s parents and only needing outpatient physical therapy. Six months later, your father was awake and getting better; the loss of your mother still burnt hot and red.
It was on the sixth month anniversary when you walked down an oddly familiar street. Merritt happily trotting on his afternoon walk; Merritt had been an immense help. In your first month of recovery post coma, you met Merritt who would become your service dog.
A sense of déjà vu nudged you as you took in a vintage styled record store you swore you knew before. Continuing on you stop again at a toy story with a dollhouse.
 “My cousin had one…for her unborn niece.” The sentence floated in your mind, but you couldn’t put a conversation.
 “Caspar?” A male voice recalled in a distant memory of a dream a few days ago. You couldn’t think of anyone who had that voice, and absolutely no way had you ever seen that dollhouse before.
“Just coincidence.” You mumbled scratching Merritt’s head as his wet nose nudged your head before you could worry more. You watched people roaming thankful that you could do that, that you survived.
It was the building on the very end that confused you the most. Your eyes scanned the name proudly announcing itself as a tattoo parlour. A gasp left your lips as a vivid memory popped into your head with a boy that matched that voice you had thought of earlier.
“Luke. My name is Luke. Hey! I know this shop!” Luke beamed, stepping back to take in the storefront. In the twenty-five years since he last saw it, the blue faded into a teal, but the door was still the same as it always was.
“You have a tattoo?” You asked, scanning his arms bare in the cut off shirt he wore.You couldn’t see any ink on his skin. Luke couldn’t help the smirk on his faceat the blatant heated gaze.
“No.It was 1994. We just played our biggest gig at the time, and Bobby decided we should get tattoos.” Luke’s mouth twisted at the mention of his former friend, “Of course we were sixteen and Alex just about fainted in the shop. The guy took one look at Reggie and laughed at our fake IDs. Told us to come back in a few years.”
“So, you’re a ’90s kid.” You raised an eyebrow coming to a stop on the edge of the street, pressing the button to cross.
“Technically a ’70s kid. We died in ’95 a few hours before a life-changing gig.” The mood turned sombre as Luke thought back on that one night that life decided to raise both middle fingers at his dreams, “Death by a hot dog.”
You were so thankful for Merritt as he nestled up into a dog version of a hug as you felt the crippling anxiety. He was always there and knew about to help, support dogs don’t get enough credit.
When your eyes opened, it is like a dam broke and suddenly you remembered walking this street with three guys. The conversations and even the garage where one had held you in an incredibly vulnerable moment. Three ghosts that helped you when you needed it but didn’t know.
“Luke.” You breathed seeing a form shimmer in the sun as it flickered into a hazy form. Similar to how you did in the garage before going back to your body, he flashed three times. He solidified on the fourth with a great big grin.
“You can see me.” Luke cried, walking closer as he felt on top of the world when your eyes focused on him. He finally felt that yearning to meet your gaze fade away, “I missed you.”
You followed him to the Molina garage.
“I thought we’d never be able to talk again.” Luke sighed, reaching over, and he physically grabbed your hand, “I don’t know if I can touch you because of your former state or because of Julie.”
“Hm?” You questioned sitting cross legged on the bed.
“When I wasn’t watching over you, I was with Julie and the guys.” Luke went into detail about Caleb and the jolts, “We didn’t cross over because it’s not our unfinished business, but the stamps were destroyed when Julie hugged us. We’re sure that just like our instruments are connected to our souls that Julie did as well.”
Your hand brushed Luke’s cheek taking in the silky feeling of his skin, “I thought I was going crazy. I had these dreams of things I didn’t do in reality. My mind just wasn’t ready to remember the beauty of our connection.”
“This is an interesting little relationship you and I have.” Luke chuckled, thinking on how lucky he was to even know you, “You’re so beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You whispered gratefully to intertwine your fingers with Luke’s hand as well. It was like they were made for each regardless of the circumstances that brought you together, “I’m not ready for anything more than friendship, but I do strong feelings for you.”
“Being dead has an advantage. I can wait for eternity, and for you, I would. Just so you know, I have strong feelings for you as well.” Luke beamed scanning your face, taking in the blemishes from the crash. In the time you hadn’t been aware of him following coming out of the coma, he had become acquainted with your injuries.
When those little victories of weight-bearing, walking one step then two and finally that entire hallway Luke had been there unseen cheering you on. When you ‘graduated’ from the inpatient therapy Alex, Reggie and Luke had been there in silent support.
“Do what you need to do, and I’ll be right here for you.” Luke smiled gently, removing his guitar from the case, “Can I play something?”
You nodded in response as started strumming to a new song he had created in the last handful of months.
“It’s like a storm
 That cuts a path
 It’s breaks your will
 It feels like that
You think you’re lost
 But your not lost on your own
 You’re not alone
I will stand by you
 I will help you through
 When you’ve done all you can do
 If you can’t cope
 I will dry your eyes
 I will fight your fight
 I will hold you tight
 And I won’t let go
It hurts my heart
 To see you cry
 I know it’s dark
 This part of life
 Oh it finds us all (finds us all)
 And we’re too small
 To stop the rain
 Oh but when it rains
The song touched you so intimately as he sang the last few lines softly keeping eye contact with you.
“…Oh I’m gonna hold you
 And I won’t let go
 Won’t let you go
 No I won’t”
You pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek that flushed at the feel of your lips against his skin. His heart fluttered and knew that you were his soulmate and he truly hoped Julie could find someone that could love her like she deserves. Luke’s heart belonged to yours and yours alone and vice versa for you as well.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
I hope the Danvers sisters are reunited in Chapter 3 of the Missing for A Decade fic. I just finished the 2nd chapter and it was good. I also hope that her sisters give her kidnapper hell.
A/N: Nope, they are not reunited yet. But maybe in the fourth Chapter! ;) --- By the time Maggie pulled up to the street, she saw the two patrol cars and the police tape that kept the onlookers and news people distanced from the house. Inwardly she cursed incessantly; how did they know more quickly than she did? Who or what had told them that they had found the girl who had been missing for several years? She was beside herself with her anger, but quickly evaporated through the lump in her throat and the pounding of her racing heart.
The brown-haired detective got out of her car with shaky legs and, with the request for space, squeezed through the crowd that turned into a thick wall around the house.
She knew she had to hide you as best she could from everyone else so that the press wouldn't have anything to popularize. She wanted to keep it a secret, especially since she didn't know what condition you were in and didn't want Kara and Alex to find out through the screen that you were still alive.
She wanted to tell them herself, she owed them that.
She waved her badge to the two police officers and the young brown-haired rookie pulled the tape up so she crawled underneath and thanked him.
The door was wide open when she came to a standstill in front of it to take another breath. All the years in which you disappeared where pure hell for her too, she lost almost everything.
She lost you and her relationship with Alex broke, through the psychological and physical strain of finding you, she almost broke under the pressure and got fired if she wouldn't have pulled herself together. She had lost herself in alcohol after blaming herself for not finding a single hot trail in the first 48 hours that has since been colder than Antarctica, but she caught herself every moment she thought of you and about that you could never forgive her if she got drunk instead of looking for you.
She pushed her thoughts away and took a step over the threshold. The stench of unventilated space and fermented wood stung her nostrils, but she didn't care, she finally just wanted to be able to hold you in her arms again.
She walked down the long hallway which had old, stale wallpaper that was already hanging down and looked scratched off. On the way, following the voices, she also passed the kitchen and a storage room that contained a mattress and a thin wool blanket.
Images settled in her head and the thought of you lying there, trapped in a less than three square meter room and slowly losing hope that you would ever come out alive again gnawed at her inside and made her eyes water.
Finally she arrived in the living room and stopped at the sight.
A starved body stood with the back to her in the middle of the room, holding a little girl. The clothes were dirty and full of holes, parts of the arms and legs that she could see were covered with bruises, scratches and old scars. Your hair was disheveled like a bird's nest and your skin was paler than she remembered it.
"Y/N.." Maggie whispered, hardly believing that she would ever see you again.
Turned around, you stared at her. While your brain told you to run to her immediately and don't let her go again, your body literally defended itself against it like a protective mechanism, that you actually no longer needed. "Maggie."
Your trembling and slightly scratched voice made her stomach upset and sick. 10 years in which she slowly forgot how you sounded and now she believed that she was completely in a dream because she not only heard your voice again, but you stood in front of her.
As if you had grown into the ground, you didn't move an inch. You couldn't, your body simply didn't respond to anything anymore.
Maggie too, was in a rigidity from which she could only find her way out with great difficulty. She ran up to you and hugged you as tightly as she could without hurting the little brown-haired girl in your arms. "It's you. It's really you!"
Tears formed in your eyes and you digged your fingernails tighter into her sweater with your free hand while you buried your face into her chest.
An insane burden fell from her and she too could no longer keep her emotions under control. You both stood there in the middle of the room and took in this moment to the fullest, as if you could both beathe again and drop a load off your shoulders.
Paramedics and forensics, who were notified before they even entered, stood around you both and applauded. It was not often that a missing person, especially a teenager, could be found after years, at least alive.
"Mommy, who is that?" the little one interrupted this moment and Maggie let you go involuntarily.
Her hand found it's place on one of your shoulder blades, the brunettes confused look always alternating between you and the little girl in your arms while she slowly understood and again tears welled up in her eyes. "Mommy?"
You nodded in confirmation.
"This is my daughter, Grace." you smiled at her before you lowered your head to the little one and smiled at her too. "Grace, this is Maggie. She is the wife of one of your aunts."
"One of the good guys you told about?" she asked while she played with a strand of your hair and stared at Maggie with big, hazelnut brown eyes.
"More than that, my darling." you sobbed. "Family."
The little childs fearful look turned into shining eyes and a big grin as it conjured one on Maggies lips as well. She still couldn't believe what was going on in front of her. You had a daughter that no one knew about. You had no one to help you raise her. Kara and Alex had no idea about their niece, hell, they didn't even know that you were still alive.
Her thoughts drove her from grief to total anger at the bastard who did this to you and tore you out of your environment and your life. Inwardly she vowed to bring him to the grave by hand.
"Detective Sawyer?" she was torn from her thoughts. "We will bring them both through the back door into the ambulance and then to the NC hospital where they will be checked and treated."
"I come with you. I won't let them out of my sight again." she spoke coldly and shortly before the paramedic nodded and went on with a few other police officers to the back.
She felt a pull on her sides and watched the little girl clasping her tiny little hands at her black leather jacket. She smiled again when she noticed that Grace spread her arms and wanted to being held by her. "C'mere little Y/N."
Despite the fact that she probably had to watch bad things and was also trapped, she was still trusting. Probably because you told her too much good about the world, your family and about strong fighters that the bad couldn't be outweigh.
The brunette took your daughter tightly in her arms and clasped her before you leaned in her side. She out a protective arm around you and accompanied you to the ambulance with the help of a paramedic.
You were a fighter.
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