#I like that we saw this scene before we got to hear it in Michael's own words
charliedawn · 1 year
How would they react if their child came to them for advice ?
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Freddy was tending to his garden when he heard your familiar footsteps behind him. He turned around with a wide smile—but that smile faltered when he saw the look on your face.
"Hey, champ'. What's going on ?". You sat down next to him and started mindlessly picking out the plants you found there. Freddy would normally protest—but he could see that something was wrong.
"We talked about growing up in school today and it made me think...", you confessed before looking up at him. "What was it like for you ? Was it hard ?"
Freddy was surprised by the question. He could see you were scared of the answer—as you should be. It wasn't easy to grow up. His childhood was...not good. And it didn't get any better growing up. But, he couldn't tell you that. You weren't him. You could still make something of yourself.
So, he wrapped a comforting arm around you and smiled.
"Yup. Hard as Hell. But, you'll be a'right, kid. You know why ?" You shook your head and Freddy removed his hat before putting it on your head. "Because you got me. And I ain't letting anything stand in your way. You're my kid. And since I already went all the wrong ways—I'll make sure you do everything I didn't."
You smiled and felt somehow reassured. It wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear—but it was enough for now. You knew that your father meant well and you remembered how he had hesitated before adopting you. He didn't think himself capable of being a good dad. He thought himself the worst.
But, he did stay. He stayed, and that made him the best father you could have ever asked for. You hugged him and thanked him. He seemed surprised at first, but smiled and returned it.
You hid the piece of paper you had wanted to show him behind your back.
Who do you want to be when you grow up ?
...My dad.
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You were staring at the piece of paper you had been asked to answer at home. It wasn't a big question. Just a complicated one.
Who do you want to be when you grow up ?
It seemed whenever you would be staring at the question and try to answer it, it would stare right back at you. At the end, you let out a loud frustrated groan before crumpling the piece of paper in your hand and threw it across the room.
"Wow. What's gotten into ya, kiddo ?" You turned around to see your father standing there. He had witnessed the whole scene and you sniffed pathetically before answering him.
"Growing up sucks..."
Bo looked between you and the piece of paper before turning back towards you. He picked up the paper and looked at the question. He held back a snort. What kind of question was that ?
He looked back up at you and frowned at your dejected expression. Welp...Seemed like it was time to be a good father figure and give you some wise advice—two things he had no fuckin' clue how to do.
"Ya right. Growing up sucks. Big time. But, ya know what' awesome ? Ya learn. And whoever ya' goin' te be ? Just be you. And be great at it. A'right ?"
He smiled and ruffled you hair playfully until you giggled. Your eyes briefly caught the old scars around his wrists and for a moment, you thought about your dad's past. He had told you about his parents and how they had 'educated' him. And then, you thought of how he had learned from it and even though you sometimes could throw tantrums—he had never once raised a finger on you.
You smiled when you realized that you finally had an answer. You straightened the piece of paper the best you could before writing down.
When I grow up, I want to be my dad.
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Michael was reading a book in his bedroom when he heard a shy knocking at his door. He stood up and opened it to find you—waiting in the corridor with a piece of paper in your hand.
"Hey, dad. Could I...Could I ask you something ?" He took a step back and let you in before closing the door behind you. He sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to him. You smiled and nodded understandingly before indulging his silent request.
"I...have an assignment and I was wondering if you could help me ?"
He scooted closer to you to take a look at the paper in your hands and took out his notebook to write down.
How can I help ?
You thought about it for a moment before explaining your predicament.
"I just...I've been living all my life in the hospital. I don't know anyone that would be a good role model. I barely know anyone that is normal. Am I even normal myself ?"
Michael's jaw twitched as he realized he had never considered that your environment might end up being a problem. It was true. None of the slashers could really be taken as role models. He sighed and started seriously thinking about it before finally writing down.
You frowned and were about to ask what he meant by that when he quickly added.
If no one is up to your standards ? It is because you are the best there is in this place. And who do you want to be ? Yourself. Because you are already the best. And there is no one in this place that could ever measure. You survived all of those years. You were surrounded by slashers all your life, and you survived. I couldn't be prouder.
He hesitated before adding.
You are my role model.
Your eyes filled with tears as you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed. You finally had your answer. And your dad had helped you in more ways than one.
He was wise. Kind. And unlike anyone you had ever met. He had fought against every instinct in his body to keep you and protect you. And that made him the best role model you could ask for.
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You stared at the question for a moment before sighing and leaning back. Unlike your dad who basically wrote more than he breathed...You weren't so lucky.
You had no idea of who to write.
You groaned loudly in annoyance before covering your face with the piece of paper. After a moment, you saw a shadow looming over you through the sheet and soon enough—the piece of paper was removed.
Jack took a look at its content and almost laughed at the stupid question. Who you wanted to be when you grow up ? Heck, he was a grown-up, and even he didn't have the answer to that. He sat down in front of you and threw the paper on your desk.
"...So, a lack of inspiration, huh ?" You groaned again in response and your father chuckled knowingly. The blank page syndrome he knew all too well...
"Is it always gonna be like that ? I feel like school is all a game of pretend. I can't be myself. And I can't say anything because that would make me an even bigger weirdo than I am.", you opened up to your dad who shook his head. He was somehow popular when he was in school—but he knew the struggle. The only way he could truly express himself was through the words he wrote. He never shared them though. Stupid decision. He would have gotten on the path of a writer far sooner if he had.
"Don't sweat it, kid. It's only a phase. When you'll be an adult ? No more 'who's mister/miss popular'. Or, 'who's the loser'. Everyone has their own problems. And guess what ? You'll have forgotten all about school and teenage problems when you'll hit my age."
You smiled and nodded before looking at the paper in your hands. It was hard to find an answer. But, he had kinda helped you be less scared of what will happen and in the process—given you an answer.
"Thanks, dad."
He huffed a laugh before nodding.
"No problem, kiddo."
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Pennywise didn't show up until you had actually finished filling up your assignment. But, he frowned when he found that you had written Penny on the paper. He knew he wouldn't be your role model. He didn't want to be—but Penny ? Really ?
Well, it did make sense when he thought about it.
Penny was good with kids.
"Are you...mad ?", you asked—unsure. And Pennywise shook his head.
He then looked at you and smiled before giving you back your paper.
"No, little one. I am glad that you see him that way, kiddo. Just...remember that your uncle Penny tends to get himself into trouble and I'm here to keep you safe—alright ?"
You smiled and nodded before waiting until your father was out of the room before adding letters to the name. Turns out, Pennywise wasn't such a bad role model.
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Penny did want to help. He just didn't know how. So, he tried to think about an answer that would be satisfactory enough.
"Well, you just have to write someone that you admire. That you look up to. A human you like for example.", Penny told you and you sighed. You had no idea who in your life could fit that description.
"Do you have anyone like that ?", you finally asked and Penny thought about it for a moment before giggling to himself.
"Well...Don't tell anyone but...your uncle Pennywise." You were surprised by his answer and frowned in confusion.
"What ? But, you hate him ! You're always yelling at each other !"
Penny shook his head before smiling at you.
"I don't hate him. We're brothers. Let's just say that...Even your dad can sometimes become jealous."
He winced at that last part. Penny didn't like admitting his defaults.
"Jealous ? But, you're the best !", you protested and Penny laughed at your endearing confidence in him.
"I appreciate it, little one. But, Pennywise always has a solution for everything. He took care of me when I almost died. Twice. And he never left. No matter how many times he wanted to. No matter how many times I begged him to. No matter how many times I deserved it. He's like that piece of cotton candy stuck underneath your shoe that you can't get rid of."
You both laughed at the comparison and finally, you had your answer.
"But, there's no one that makes me laugh as much as you do, dad. And I want to be able to bring a smile to everyone's faces—just like you."
You finally knew what to write down and your father grinned proudly at your answer before picking you up.
"Come on. Let's go find some popcorn."
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Jason was rarely taken aback. You could count the number of times you had seen him surprised on your fingers. So, when Freddy came out with an idea for a prank that would surely make your father react ? You didn't even hesitate.
You wished you had had a camera to record the moment Jason discovered you had written Freddy's name on the assignment. You were pretty sure that if he was really human—he would have died of an heart attack.
"It should be someone you...really admire.", he finally succeeded in telling in sign language and you hid your amused smile from him and tilted your head to the side quizzically.
"And uncle Freddy isn't a good example ?", you asked innocently and Jason seemed to deadpan.
"No." There was no hesitation and—unable to keep a straight face anymore—you burst out laughing. Freddy came out behind you and laughed as well before giving you a high-five.
He had Jason's camera in hand and if looks could kill, Freddy would have been cut into pieces and thrown in a deepless river.
Jason started marching towards him and Freddy ran away. The moment they were out of the room, you shook your head with an amused smile before erasing your answer and writing Jason's name instead.
You had the answer from the beginning—but having your father lose his temper was so tempting—you just couldn't resist.
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Proudest dad ever. He saw you had written his name and beamed at you.
"Me ? Brahms is your role model ?"
You nodded sheepishly and Brahms was really honored—but he then frowned and asked with confusion.
"...Why ?"
Brahms was not self-conscious. Far from it. But he couldn't see a single reason why he would be your role model. H was childish and even though he tried to act a little mature around you—he couldn't hide who he really was. You looked away and shrugged—trying to sound nonchalant as you replied.
"Because you aren't afraid to be yourself, and that's what I want to be. You showed me that I could be a good person by being myself."
He stayed still for a moment before picking you up and kissing your cheek. He was so happy. He had at least done something right. He had been raised with parents who didn't understand him or his will to be different.
He never wanted you to suffer the same fate.
"Thank you, Y/N."
You giggled as his beard started to tickle your face and he then asked if you wanted to go to your favorite restaurant. You went there and Brahms ordered every single item they had on the menu.
What you loved most about you dad was that—despite it all—he had kept his inner child.
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Arthur came back late at night and felt guilty for not having helped you with the assignment. However, as soon as he spotted his name on the piece of paper, he erased it. He didn't deserve it.
He then sat down next to you and softly pet your head. He didn't want you to follow his path—that wasn't the reason he had adopted you.
He shook his head and kissed your forehead.
Whatever it takes, he would NEVER let you be him.
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Norman received a call from your school about your...more than unusual answer to the assignment. As soon as you were back, he extended his hand and you sighed before giving him the filled assignment. Norman's eye twitched as he saw your answer.
You had written "SLASHER" in bold.
He would have expected every single answer out there—but that one.
"What do you mean by this, sweetie ?", he asked you as soon as you were both sitting and you looked away.
"...I want to be a slasher.", you claimed and he shook his head. You couldn't possibly mean it. Being a slasher was a very lonely existence and he wouldn't wish it on his worse enemy. Besides, you couldn't predict who would turn out to be a slasher. Only a few made it. He—himself—had no idea how he had become a slasher.
"Darling, you can't.", he tried to explain—but you wouldn't hear it.
"You said I could be whoever I want.", you insisted and glared up at him. "Or did you lie ?"
The accusation had the effect of a cold shower on Norman's head who hated he couldn't provide you with a positive answer. He wanted to tell you that you could...But, some of the people he knew couldn't be slashers—even though they were ruthless and bloody killers.
"This isn't how it works, darling. You know that." You humphed unhappily and stomped your foot on the ground.
"It's not fair."
He hesitated before cradling you in his arms.
"Ssh...I know, darling. I know."
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
I’m excited for the renewal of GO3 but I’m also kind of a little worried for David because he’s been performing McBeth for 6 six weeks now and rehearsals are also killer and now their set to film GO? Just thinking about this exhausts me so I can’t imagine how he would feel (and Michael also for that matter since he’s been rehearsing for his own show). Also, please please PLEASE don’t let GT and AL be in GO PLEASE
Hear, hear, and three cheers to the renewal of GO 3!
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All I can say is, it's about damn time we finally got this announcement. I am ineffably thrilled as well to know that we will have our boys back together in Scotland to bring us the resolution to Aziraphale and Crowley's story.
In terms of filming, I did see the press release that said GO 3 filming would begin "soon," but I think "soon" is a relative term here. David's run in Macbeth goes until early February, and then Michael is in Nye at the National Theatre from the end of February until May 11th. So "soon" likely means a good six months from now at the earliest (i.e., mid 2024). Hopefully that means both David and Michael will have time to rest up and prepare for the start of filming GO 3, but I would imagine them both feeling a sense of excitement and anxiety at their forthcoming schedules.
What I think Michael and David likely do not feel anxiety about, however, is the prospect of getting to spend more time with each other. And we know they are already seeing each other at least somewhat regularly right now, what with Michael being in London at the moment, so it stands to reason that Michael and David are going to be frequent fixtures in each other's lives and worlds for a very good portion of the next year. Lovely.
In terms of Georgia and Anna possibly being in S3, I will echo what @thereallovebug previously excellently said, which is that it is very tiring to think that we haven't even had the GO 3 announcement for a day, and already people are calling for them to be cast in the show, and it's just...can we not even fully process/absorb this news before jumping to yelling at Neil to cast people? Or maybe just skip the "yelling at Neil to cast people" part completely? I'm just confused as to why there has to be an immediate call to have them in the show when there may not even be a place for them in it.
I also keep thinking of the discussion that took place when the news about GO 2 first came out, which was that having any family member of Michael's or David's would be distracting, and we saw what ended up happening with Peter Davison and Ty. I thought Peter did very well as Job, but Ty just seemed out of place the entire time and it was like you could "see" him acting instead of just...being, and as a result, his performance did not quite gel with the rest of the scene.
The takeaway point here is that the role of Ennon could have gone to any number of aspiring young actors, talented actors looking for a shot at the big time, but who did not get to have that opportunity due to nepotism. It only makes sense, then, that the same would hold true for GT and AL. And to me, it's disrespectful to the show, to Neil, and to Michael and David at this point to act as if GO 3 is somehow "not good enough" unless GT and AL are in it. As if the thousands of other talented actors in the UK aren't good enough simply because they're not Georgia and Anna. I've been accused on multiple occasions of only disliking Georgia and AL because of who their partners are, but the fact that so many people are only fans of theirs for the same reason is apparently not a problem.
(I will not go into detail here about the myriad of reasons why people are fans of Georgia and AL's because of who their partners are, but I suggest reading this post from @artificial-indulgence, who has perfectly enumerated my own thoughts on the subject.)
It is for the reasons that are mentioned in the post I just linked to that I feel many fans are unwilling to see the reality of things, which is that Georgia is a passable actor, but Anna is not, and any halfway decent casting director is not going to overlook that. I'm thinking back to an Ask I answered yesterday about her being edited out of the photo used for the I Talk Telly Awards and (more significantly) that no one actually seemed to notice that she was missing.
Given that, it's highly unlikely that someone whose performances are so unmemorable would be cast in the third installment of a major global TV show--at least purely based on merit. And knowing how important this third season is, how it's meant to resolve Aziraphale and Crowley's story and give us what Neil and Terry envisioned so many years ago, it would be truly unfortunate to see all of that overshadowed by other things.
But yes, today was very much a day filled with good news (and which I wholeheartedly appreciated, given that I am dealing with some difficult personal issues at the moment). More thoughts to come in a follow up post, so stay tuned...
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
🧇 Eggos as a symbol of M*leven: an analysis
El Loves Eggos is a running thing throughout the show and I want to look at where that actually came from.
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does she, Michael?
because here's what it looks like when El tastes an Eggo for the first time. here's the moment of origin!!! drumroll!!!:
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Eggos are first established as a Mike thing. he's absolutely wolfing them down at the breakfast table, to the point where Nancy and Karen are both giving him weird looks. they don't know he's doing that because he's eager to go check on the feral child camping in his basement, and might both just mistake this as a sudden unexplained enthusiasm for Eggos.
I really wanted to see whether the whole family was eating Eggos or just Mike, but the scene is shot so that you can't see what's on Ted's or Karen's plates. Nancy might also have an Eggo, which she's eating with a fork and knife to let us know she's repressed and also in a doomed relationship.
then Mike hurries downstairs to give one to El and we get this non-reaction that launched a thousand toaster levers.
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what part of this reaction should warrant Eggos becoming her whole thing? because if she didn't "!!!!" over her first one, why would she with subsequent ones offscreen?
Mike has no inkling at this point that she likes Eggos, because.. she doesn't. At least she's given no indication that she does.
I don't know if El has ever especially liked the taste of Eggos. I think what she likes about them is Mike. also as far as she knows, they're are a major pillar of a regular people diet. to her, they're a connection to Mike and by extension to the normalcy, safety, and love that she craves.
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Next, El shoplifts the Eggos. out of a whole store of options. doesn't that prove she thinks they're delicious? not necessarily. I think it's just because she latched onto the only familiar thing she saw.
she clearly didn't come in here looking for them specifically, she's just hungry and she can tell this building is where food comes from, but she gets in there and is a bit lost because none of this stuff is recognizable as food to her. between Mike and Benny and the lab, she's probably never seen prepackaged foods and doesn't know what to pick, not to mention she literally doesn't have any preferences anyway. she's wandering rather aimlessly until she sees the picture of Eggos by chance and thinks "hey!! those are the yellow circles I ate before!"
side note: notice just to the left of the Eggos she takes, is an alternate blueberry flavor. El has no reason to choose the default yellow out of familiarity because she's never seen what package they come in at all. she didn't even know they were called Eggos, or that they are a frozen product, she just spotted a picture that looked familiar. the actual Eggos pictured on the boxes don't even really look different. did she just choose the kind with the word "home" on the box? :(
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she eats her stolen Eggos in the woods, probably not understanding why they're not very good, because she doesn't know they need to be toasted. she's not having a good time. these are the first Eggos she's acquired on her own without Mike providing them, but as she sits there eating them, and missing Mike and all that he represents, she hears him calling her in the distance, reinforcing the Mike-Eggo link.
also wait, I see 4 boxes open, at 8 apiece, is this at a minimum her TWENTY FIFTH dry frozen Eggo she's eating right now?? my poor baby's gonna have tummy trouble in the upside down
remember right before this, Mike and Dustin saw the grocery store with the shattered door and the cops out front and realized it must be El's work? most likely after Mike got El home, he would have asked her what had happened there, and maybe she could have been in a rare mood to actually answer a direct question. Mike, not knowing her real reasons, could only have been like "whoa, you must really love Eggos!" and El, not yet knowing how to evaluate her own likes and dislikes, might have thought, "huh, yeah, I must."
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that's what must have happened because the next thing on the Eggo timeline is Mike telling Nancy that El REALLY likes them, despite El never having given any other indication. nobody's even mentioned Eggos for a few episodes as far as I can remember.
Then, when she asks for them, thinking she loves them now, he calls them "not real food". hmm
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this is the first (only?) time El mentions Eggos by name. Mike never told her what they were called - she found out for herself at the grocery store. interestingly, much of this scene is of Mike struggling to put a name on romantic attraction or even distinguish it from platonic or familial relationships.
you know how he just gave her the Eggo without explaining what it was or asking if she wanted it first, and without any frame of reference she kinda just assumed she liked it?
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I don't see any reason why El would already know what a kiss is or what it means. she lacks the life experience to process whether she's really into this or just thinks she is because... well, Mike seems into it, and he's easily the least abusive interpersonal relationship she's had so far, and he represents normalcy and safety and home, and she's always wanted to be loved and this feels like something to do with that, so... smile??
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now believing her to be the world's biggest fan, Mike comforts a distressed El with visions of a future with unlimited Eggos. we know Mike likes feeling needed, in fact he equates it with love itself, so I can see him absolutely eating up the idea of being El's Eggo-provider.
in the same sentence, he re-offers the Snow Ball thing he was talking about earlier when he kissed her. this links Eggos with M*leven, and the idea of him loving her.
then she takes out the demogorgon and disappears to the upside down.
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Hopper, too, must discover her apparent love of Eggos when he responds to the shoplift call and the store manager tells him that's all the bald kid stole. so that's what he leaves for her in the woods.
but to El, Eggos are a Mike thing. she doesn't know anyone else knows that she likes them. so she finds this mysterious box with Eggos in the woods - the woods, where Mike found her originally. the woods, where she sat eating Eggos and heard Mike calling to her, and practically the last thing he ever did was promise her Eggos... what can she think but that Mike left them? that after all this time out here cold and scared and alone, that Mike is still looking for her? that there's still hope for her to have a home and be loved?
she stakes out the box and discovers the Eggo-provider to be Hopper, not Mike. that's disappointing, but she reveals herself anyway because she's been Bear Gryllsing out here for I think at least a few weeks in that Nancy dress and she's pretty over it.
Hopper buys her Eggos as a regular treat when they live in the cabin, not knowing she likes them mainly because they're a reminder of the proto-relationship she's desperate to get back to.
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they're Hopper's go-to bribe when she isn't speaking to him. it's a strong motivator because she's been stuck in this cabin for like a year dying a slow death of isolation and FOMO. even if she's mad at the new provider, she can't bear to miss out on the Eggos because of what they represent.
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it's also what Hopper takes away as punishment, along with the TV, for her sneaking out. these are both indirect ways of taking away Mike (she uses the TV for static to go see him in the void) who she's already upset about having missed out on, because she saw him with Max and thinks she's taken him away, too.
also Hopper's being a dick and threatening to send her back to the lab and stuff, so thinking she has no one left in the world who loves her, she runs away to find her mom and start the life that should've been hers in the first place.
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Hopper checks in eventually to apologize and remind her that Eggos aren't real food. she isn't home to hear it.
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here she is stealing something to eat from the convenience store with Kali's gang. she takes an apple but then spots the Eggos and decides she'd rather have that than fruit, so again, she was not seeking them out. she would've made a beeline for the freezer section if she was.
this time, she gets sidetracked and doesn't actually leave the store with them. they don't seem quite as important as before.
El spends most of season 2 forcibly and unhappily separated from Mike, which yields probably the Eggo-heaviest season as she clings to them as a connection to their relationship.
she then spends most of 3 separated from Mike as well, except this time by her own choice, happily, and wouldn't you know it, the season is a pretty dry spell for Eggo references. she's having the time of her life hanging out with Max and learning about herself, and doesn't miss the relationship.
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she uses this freezer's hum to go void-watching, and oh, what's this? a row of Aunt Jemima brand frozen waffles encroaching on the Eggo display? she's branching out. there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
the party uses and eats and loots anything they wanted from this store, and this is her best ever opportunity to steal some sweet sweet yellow circles. in fact, she's sitting in front of the exact freezer where she grabbed all her little arms could carry in season 1. the coast is totally clear, and there are even more in stock now.
she doesn't even touch one box.
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season 4 starts off with this Mike toaster shot paralleling the one in season 1 for what other reason than to Eggo-bait us?
Mike's outwardly eager to get on with his spring break trip and go see El, but the fact we're prominently shown him toasting two pop tarts instead of Eggos hints at a different goal he may or may not be aware of. I don't mean this to be a byler post, but I know that's what yall are going to say and it could sure work for that, but at a minimum it hints that Mike's true priorities are drifting from his relationship with El. Mike is also allowed to realize there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
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oo look who's learning about other breakfast foods on her own and isn't so concerned with Mike's approval
after the rink-o-mania incident, things are weird between El and Mike and he makes her Eggos as a peace offering. it should be a cute sentimental gesture but also kinda feels a little damning that El Likes Eggos is still basically the only thing he knows about her after how long they've known each other.
the presence of Eggos in the house means that Joyce is keeping them in stock for El, who's been back on her bullshit since ten seconds before she left Hawkins. although to what degree I don't know, it depends how aware she is that she's lying to herself. either she's going through 2 packs a day keeping this relationship alive with lies and desperation, or there's been one box in the freezer awhile growing ice crystals. not sure.
either way, right now she's pissed off and doesn't want them. she never really liked Eggos, but now she's gone too long without getting what they represented, and doesn't even want that anymore.
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also what kind of sociopath pours syrup on someone else's Eggos an undetermined amount of time in advance and lets it get all soggy. you gotta do that yourself so it's fresh and you control your own destiny/syrup distribution. are they sitting in a giant puddle of syrup?? boy, how do you mess up EGGOS. this on its own is a dumpable offense.
Mike's idea of El is still "haha Eggo go in, superhero come out" and he looks at them like he just doesn't understand why it's not working. so he tries again like smoothing out a wrinkly dollar bill and trying it in the vending machine again. he brings her the soggy symbolic Eggos she already didn't want when they were fresh.
she doesn't look at them. it's over.
I really believe their relationship doesn't survive this scene.
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if this scene went on longer it would've been Mike picking up an Eggo and gently smushing it against her mouth with concern while she stares at him like
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also notice Mike isn't having Eggos for breakfast. he and Will are having eggs and toast (real food). he only made Eggos (not real food) for her. he's trying to give El something he doesn't really even want himself.
also what do you wanna bet Will got that syrup out for himself and Mike to put on their eggs and then Mike didn't take any and put it on El's Eggos instead.
Anyway, post fight-or-possible-breakup, El ends up at this diner with Owens. she has to have discovered a second kind of food that she likes by this point in her life, but she peers at a menu on the wall for a moment and recognizes something familiar, a lot like at the grocery store, and orders "waffles, please." she is, after all, in a pretty scary situation here - arrested, dragged off in handcuffs, federally kidnapped in the middle of the desert, and put sorta back in custody of her lifelong abusers. she kinda broke up with Mike, but it's still her habit to look for the comfort of familiarity.
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on the surface it's worth a chuckle because El Loves Eggos and waffles are the closest thing to Eggos you can order at a restaurant. but also it's the first time she's ever gone off-brand, isn't it?
waffles are the real food that Eggos are a junk imitation of. she wants real love, and symbolically, this is her letting go of her notion of Mike being her only option for that.
five seconds later she chooses to immediately embark on her self-discovery journey which she's been clearly warned may result in her never seeing her friends again.
she doesn't stay for the waffles at all. showing that not only has she left Mike behind, but romance, period, is not her priority at this time.
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later at Surfer Boy we see what it looks like, by the way, when El really does like the taste of something. here's the !!! reaction I've been attributing to Eggos that never actually happened.
Mike is there to scowl and insist that pineapple on pizza is both insane and blasphemous. El knows how to like what she likes now, and she (on a good-natured level of course) couldn't give less of a shit whether he approves. in fact she tries to force feed it to him. the growth.
ps, she was about to codify their breakup before they got pizzablocked.
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Mike then lies and says he loves her at emotional gunpoint, killing Max and causing the apocalypse and stuff so the vibes get weird again.
El doesn't talk to him at all after that. and Mike makes no effort to stay near her on the approach to Hopper's cabin, which he should realize is an emotional moment for her.
our final Eggo reference is this old box in the destroyed cabin, looking like a relic of the past. Nancy finds some cleaning supplies and everybody starts sweeping and picking up trash.
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i'm livid that it happens just out of frame but we end the season on El STUFFING THE EGGO BOX IN HER TRASH BAG oHOHOHO CHEF KISS
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~ Fin ~ 🧇🦴
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agaypanic · 1 year
If this request motivates you at all-
Can we get a friends to lovers (?) with Michael Kelso x gn!reader where it’s like that scene where Jackie finds out that Hyde cheated on her, but instead of Jackie it’s reader. Later on Kelso finds reader trying to cry in silence, so he decides to try and cheer them up in his own himbo way.
The Playboy's Comfort (Michael Kelso X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: When you found out that Hyde cheated on you, you were left destroyed. When you need some help, you’re surprised by how comforting Kelso can be.
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you first started dating Steven. You knew about the alcoholic mom, the abandonment issues, all the things he tried to make unknown or seem unimportant by covering it with aloofness and weed.
But it was all so worth it once you got him to open up, past a friend level. He was sweet, in his own rough way. He let you wear his band shirts, saying so people knew you were his. But really, he just loved seeing you in his clothes. Your designated spot in the basement went from the end of the couch to his lap, because according to him, the view of the TV was better. But you knew it was because he liked being close to you. And you always sat in the passenger seat of his El Camino, even if someone else called shotgun. Everything felt perfect, except for one thing.
Steven seemed to have a problem with you and Kelso hanging out. It was fine if the whole gang was around, because then Steven could smack Kelso if he tried anything. You didn’t really understand the jealousy. Even though Kelso was always flirty, you two were just friends. But you just dealt with it. It was a little difficult, considering you and Kelso were close friends before you even started dating Steven, but you just went along with it. You didn’t want to start a fight over Kelso, of all people. 
You were alone in the basement, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. He was working at the hotel during some kind of nurse convention. You both knew he’d be busy with it for the next few days, so he promised he would come home for his lunch break to spend time with you today. You were excited. Even though he made decent money from working in the kitchen, you saw him less than you used to. But today, he was stopping by the Hub, and you two would be enjoying crappy and greasy food soon.
“Oh, thank god you’re here.” A voice wept as someone busted open the door to the basement. It surprised you to see Kelso looking distressed. “You’ll never believe what just happened.”
“Kelso, are you okay?” You set the random comic you were reading down just in time for him to launch himself onto the couch, head in your lap. He curled up, looking scared. “What happened?”
He sighed, building up the courage to tell you what he just experienced. He mumbled something into your thigh.
“Say that again. I didn’t hear you.”
“... Fez had a sexy dream about me.”
You had to stop yourself from laughing. The sentence was so ridiculous, yet so believable.
“Oh?” That was all you could say without breaking down giggling.
“He said I was sponge-bathing him in a nurse’s outfit.” You exhaled through your nose to calm yourself down. But when you looked down, all amusement left. Kelso seemed genuinely traumatized. You sighed, combing a hand through his hair, which seemed to calm him down a bit. “Promise you won’t tell anyone. Especially Hyde. He’d never let me hear the end of it.”
“Kelso, it’s not that bad.”
“Y/n., I’m serious.” You rolled your eyes, but you supposed he had a point. Steven would hold this over Kelso’s head forever.
“Okay, fine. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Especially Hyde.” You continued stroking his hair.
“You’re the best, Y/n.”
It was the next day. You hadn’t seen Steven at all. He missed lunch with you yesterday and you never heard anything about a reschedule. But you knew that he was working today, so you decided to stop by. Maybe work was so hectic that he had forgotten that he was supposed to meet you for lunch. If all the nurses were like Kitty when she got a drink in her hand, you’d understand him missing your little get-together.
You went to the back of the hotel, where the staff parked. You knew he was here because you saw his El Camino in his favorite spot. God, how you loved that car.
You walked to the back door, about to open it, when it almost hit you in the face. You took a quick step back and saw Steven. His chef coat was balled up in his hands, and he was wearing his sunglasses. He looked surprised to see you.
“Hey.” He was uncharacteristically quiet.
“Hey, Steven. You missed our little lunch date and I haven’t really seen you, so I wanted to check on you. Are you on your break?”
“Uh, yeah, I am. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh, okay. Wanna sit in your car?”
“Sure.” The two sat in the El Camino. You could sense something was wrong with Steven, but you couldn’t think of what it could be.
“So…” You dragged the word out. Not getting the hint that you were waiting for him to talk, you got to the point. “What did you wanna talk to me about?”
He took a deep breath and took off his glasses. His eyes were red. But not the kind of red they would get after being in the circle. More glassy-eyed.
“I saw you with Kelso yesterday. And I heard you two talk about keeping a secret.” You thought back to yesterday and went through the conversation you had with Kelso. You suddenly realized that from an outside perspective, especially Steven’s perspective, that conversation could have been about something different.
“Steven, I swear, it’s not what you think.”
“I know.”
“Kelso was really freaked out about something, but he didn’t want me to tell anyone about it because it was really embarrassing for him.”
“I know.”
“But I promise, Steven, nothing is going on between us.”
“Y/n.” Steven’s voice was stern, but still soft. “I know. But…”
“But what?”
“I found out earlier today. But before I did, I was really angry.” He paused, sighing. “There was this nurse.”
You didn’t like where this was going. At all.
“I’m so sorry.”
He didn’t even say it, but you knew exactly what happened.
“How could you, Hyde?”
He was taken aback by the sudden name change.
“Hyde?” Ever since you first started dating, you always called him Steven when you weren’t calling him some silly or sickly sweet nickname. Even when you two were fighting, you didn’t call him by his last name. “Wait, no. Y/n, please.”
“I can’t believe you would do this to me.”
“No, Y/n, it’ll never happen again. I promise.”
“How am I supposed to believe you?” He didn’t have an answer for that. You needed to get out of here. You suddenly hated being in his car. You hated the shirt of his that you were wearing. You hated him. “We’re done, Hyde.”
He reached for you as you opened the door.
“Baby, please.”
“Don’t.” There was finality and pain in your tone. His hand slowly drew back, and he let you leave.
A breakup was always hard. But this was more than that. Hyde was one of your first friends, you knew each other for over ten years. Dating him just deepened your bond. But now that was all shattered.
When you got home, you packed up all the things that Hyde had given you over the past year. You put on a sweater and threw the Led Zeppelin shirt you were wearing into the box, along with other little trinkets. Now all you had to do was give it to him. But you didn’t want to see Hyde. You couldn’t even bring yourself to go to the Forman’s house right now because you knew he’d be there.
So, you called Kelso.
Sure, he was part of the reason that led to you and Hyde breaking up. But he was still one of your closest friends. Plus, you knew everyone else was either busy or didn’t have a car.
“Thanks for helping me with this, Kelso.” You said, handing the box to him. He put it in his van and looked at you, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“It’s the least I could do. I feel really bad about being the reason you two broke up.”
“Oh, no, it’s not your fault.” He gave you a knowing look, which was weird because he wasn’t really aware of anything. “Okay, maybe a little. But he cheated on me because of an assumption.” God, you couldn’t even say Hyde’s name out loud.
“Well, getting rid of his stuff will help you get over him. Really drives home the point that you’re over. If Jackie did that the first time we broke up, we wouldn’t have gotten back together so many times.” You couldn’t help but snort.
“Yeah, that’s why you kept getting back together.” 
“What can I say? People can’t get enough of me.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Feeling tired of standing, you sat on the floor of Kelso’s van. He sat next to you, drumming up a beat on his thighs with his hands. You looked behind you, to the box of Hyde’s things. It used to be yours and Hyde’s. Now it’s just Hyde’s.
Kelso was right. You and Hyde were really over.
“Oh, geez. Come here.” Kelso sighed, putting an arm around your shoulders to hug you. You didn’t even realize you were crying. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“But what if it’s not?” You sniffled. “I’ll still have to see him all the time. We’ve had the same friends since we were like seven. I’ll have to look at his stupid face and keep thinking about what he did.”
“I could beat him up if you want.” You laughed, despite the tears that kept coming.
“Kelso, I don’t think you’d get very far. You’ll come back with a black eye.”
“Yeah, probably. But it’d be worth it.” He rested his head on yours. “I really am sorry, Y/n.”
“I just wanna feel better.” Kelso hummed like he was thinking of something. He suddenly sat up straight, eyes darting to the box behind him before looking at you.
“I have an idea.”
“I don’t know about this Kelso, it’s still his stuff.”
“He cheated on you, Y/n!”
“You cheated on Jackie multiple times. I don’t exactly think you have the moral high ground on this.”
Kelso had taken you to Mount Hump. At first, you were threatening to jump out of the van, because how could he try to take advantage of you while you’re so vulnerable? But then he explained his idea on how to get you past Hyde and the breakup.
Throw everything he gave you off a mountain.
“Come on, Y/n, it’ll make you feel good.” Kelso set the box down on the ground and looked through it. He pulled out a bracelet and handed it to you. 
“Aw.” You fiddled around with the bracelet before looking up at Kelso, who was waiting for you to do something. “I dragged Hyde to the mall one time, and I saw this bracelet in the window at some snooty shop. But I couldn’t afford it. Later that day, he pulled it out and put it on me. Apparently, when I was trying some clothes on, he went back to the store and swiped it for me.” It was one of the sweetest things he had given you, even though he stole it.
You threw it as hard as you could.
“Give me something else.”
“That’s the spirit!” Kelso handed you something else from the box. Not even looking at it, you threw it.
Soon enough, the box was empty, and you and Kelso were looking at the view.
“You know, it’s kinda weird to see something besides a bunch of panties here. But you were right, it did make me feel better.” You turned to Kelso and went up on your toes to hug him. “Thank you, Kelso.”
“No problem.” The squeezing hug he gave you felt so comforting, like he was taking the last of the hurt out of you. You heard him take a deep breath, and then he kissed the side of your head. Confused by the affection, you pulled away slightly. He looked a little startled, like he was scared about what you’d do next.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know.” He answered quickly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He nodded. You didn’t really want to have a rebound this soon, especially with Kelso being that rebound. But you would be lying if you said you didn’t like the affection.
“Um… wanna get something to eat?”
“I’d like that.”
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Hey there @blueberrypancakesworld I got a request for you! It’s about the boys and Michael mainly David and Michael having a fight and being very loud which Lucy overheard this and is 100% done with it so she pulls a shotgun and shoots it to the sky above them, tells Michael and David to come over to her and then grabs their ears and twisted them and in a very calm tone of voice she threatens them to stop fighting and saids that “if I wanted to shoot you two I would have done so!” And walk away from them leaving Paul and Marko hugging each other out of fear, Dwayne being in shock realizing that she was very serious about shooting them and David and Michael agreeing to never fight never again! 
Silent evening
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warning : use of a gun, implied use of weed and alcohol
info : So after months (sorry for the wait) the cute idea is finally finished and Lucy is just a power woman. I hope you like it and have fun reading :)
Loud noises could be heard in the house of the family who not only had to share it as humans but also with the vampires who had taken up residence in the dark attic to be closer to their new friends, family and loved ones.
But it was in this very house that a scene of loud noise was playing out, threatening to jolt Grandfather out of his sleep, which for once had not been led here by Grass and Whsikey.
A fact that reassured his daughter Lucy, who merely placed her hand lightly on her old father's upper body and looked outside with a warning glance.
The sun had already set and she knew that the boys wanted to go out to the beach with Michael without the motorcycles flying, but her son wanted to take the safe route so as not to attract any more attention from outside.
The police already had enough to do with the kids turning up on the beach, so they didn't need another reason. But when she heard the shouting from outside again, the mother of the two boys had had enough.
She told her youngest to go to bed with Star and Laddie, trusting that the two of them would pass the time with him easily. She had taken them both into her heart, a daughter she didn't have and a shy but very loving little boy.
But at some point, she had reached her limits and she stroked her father's head once more before she went to the wall and took the doorbell from the wall to open the door as quietly as possible in contrast to the loud shouting and went into the garden. She saw exactly how Dwayne stood leaning against a tree watching the whole thing.
Marko and Paul held on to each other so as not to fall over with laughter, imitating their two friends over and over again, while David flew around willy-nilly and had one or two bitten cigarettes lying on the floor with rage.
Her son Michael, on the other hand, looked as if he would explode and strike any second. But the screaming and shouting only got louder and Lucy had had enough. Grasping the trigger of the gun, she aimed it over their heads and pulled the trigger.
A shot that was loud, louder than the screaming and a shot that made everyone outside flinch on this early evening. ,,Come here," she said sharply and gave her son and his friend a warning look. Michael almost ran to her while David threw away his cigarette again and landed in front of her.
They both looked like two little boys who had broken a vase again, but they had to. Letting them wait a moment, she grabbed one of their ears and twisted and pulled it, hearing the sounds of pain before pulling them closer.
,,If I wanted to shoot you two I would have done so!" she shouted louder than either of them ever could before leaving her charges in the garden, knowing that she first needed a soothing cup of tea and an even more soothing book with Max on the sofa.
Dwayne had hidden behind the tree, Marko and Paul had stopped laughing as they clung to each other. ,,Shall we… well, just stay here and play a game?" Michael asked the group and he had never heard such a quick ,,Yes" before the group of boys went into the room and spent the night playing Ludo and Uno. A quiet night in which Lucy finally had her rest and Grandpa could sleep peacefully.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Father figure!Trevor Philips x De Santa!Reader
Y/F/N = Your fake name.
Ever since you could remember, you had been living out in Sandy Shores with Trevor Phillips. You didn't much know of your actual parents, but you knew they fought. A lot. Your mother was involved in the stripper business, and your father was a notorious robber. Whatever they were like, one day, while you were out alone in the snow, Trevor found and ran away with you.
And you never saw your family again.
Today, you walked into the trailer you and Trevor shared covered in blood, finding Wade there. After a few seconds silence, you explained, "Oh, uh, don't worry, none of this is mine." Wade replied, "OK...You seen Trevor?" You shook your head, and went to shower. After a quick 10 minutes, you left the trailer with Wade, only to find Trevor walking up to the porch, causing Wade to hide.
"Heya, dad," you said, before looking to Wade, as Trevor said to him, "Get back here...You're not even hidden. Have you got it?" Wade then defeatedly said, "I've been trying, Trevor." Trevor then gestured to him to climb up, only to punch him as he did, causing you to laugh. "Ah, so, uh, I thought you were locating Michael Townley," you asked.
"There's two Michael Townley's living in Los Santos. One is 83 and the other one is in Kindergarten. I asked her to put him on the phone just to be safe...She threatened to call the cops. I ain't no molester, Y/N!" Trevor angrily respon to Wade with, "Shut up before I molest you, alright! Now, is there anything else?" Wade slowly got to his feet and responded, "I-I looked through the photo directory. I did find a Michael De Santa. About the right age, married with two kids."
"What's his wife's name?", asked Trevor.
You and Trevor knew it was Michael.
"It's him. I'll wait in the truck," you said, getting into Trevor's truck. After another few minutes of talking between Trevor, Wade and Ron, all of you except for Ron set off for the trailer park of the Lost MC, set to tie up a loose end. "So, how we doing this?", you asked, causing Trevor to reply, "We're gonna be giving them quite the explosive suprise, my dear son/daughter/child." You were quick to catch the hint.
"Um...that might be nice, but, y'know, I'm starting to get a little wet over here," said Wade, as rain started to pour as Trevor drove. "Hey, so am I, and I ain't complaining," you responded, causing Trevor to laugh. After a few more minutes of driving, you pulled up just outside the Lost MC base. Trevor said, "Wait here, kiddies. Daddy's going to work."
You and Wade were talking when multiple trailers were blown up, catching you both off guard. As you looked to the scene, you spotted Trevor walking back, a smile on his face. As he got into the truck, you noted, "Well, the Lost are gonna be living up to their name." Trevor nodded, and said, "That they are, kid. Now, let's waste no more time. Let's go find my old buddy." And with that, you three set off on the drive to Los Santos.
"This Michael Townley must've pissed you off real bad, if you wanna find him so much," said Wade. "He didn't piss me off. The guys that killed him, the government bureau. They pissed me off," replied Trevor, before he noticed a bit of blood on your knuckles. "The fuck happened?", he asked, causing you to reply, "Oh, uh, some homophobe was preaching. I preached into his face." Trevor smiled.
As the drive continued, you could sense Wade getting bored. Your sense of compassion took over, and you asked, "Hey, Wade, I got a story if you wanna hear it." Wade immediately, joyfully said, "I like stories!" You smiled and said, "Of course you do. This one's about a troll named...Y/F/N."
"Y/F/N was born to two other, shittier trolls named Amy and Michelle. Amy worked at a strip joint before and Michelle robbed people from under his bridge. Now, Y/F/N wasn't happy. Amy and Michelle argued a lot, and Y/F/N's siblings, James and Trishie, weren't any better. One day, when little Y/F/N was five years old, and left alone in the cold, Y/P ran into a boy named...Trisha. He ran way with Y/F/N, away from the snow, away from the police, away from everything."
"And they lived happily ever after?", asked Wade, to which you answered, "In a way. But the details are for another day." As you replied, you spotted it. The big sprawl of fake and greed.
Los Santos.
You drove to a nearby hill. As you pulled up, you and Trevor got out and walked to the edge, and Trevor said, "So, Michael...this is where dead men come back to life, hmm?" You followed up with, "...Nearly 10 years. Oh, but you didn't even bother looking, did ya, father?...You fucking fuck!" Trevor finished with, "I grieved for you! You weren't even fucking dead...you were my best friend. Well, guess who's coming to shit on your doorstep, you fuck!" With that, you both walked back to the truck, and drove off.
"My cousin lives in a condo in Vespucci Beach," said Wade. You nodded, and you were headed there. "So, Y/N, what you gonna have to say to your old pops when you see him again?", asked Trevor. You thought for a second, before saying, "Well, he certainly won't like my words, that's for fucking sure."
And after another drive, you arrived at the condo. Wade got out and quickly made his way to the front door, you and Trevor not too far behind. "Floyd, it's me, Wade!" "Who?" "Me, Wade, your cousin!" "Who?"
Trevor then kicked the door open, knocking over Floyd in the process.
"Your cousin! Fuck! He's come to visit you, you rude fuck." You three made your way inside. You looked around, and told Floyd, "Nice place. Now you got any Sprunk, E-Cola, shit like that?" Floyd gestured to the fridge, in which you found a can of Sprunk, and swigged it down.
You were gonna need the energy for what you and Trevor had planned.
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erikiara80 · 8 months
It's Halloween! Let's talk about Michael Myers
Redditors who think (hope) that Enzo's son, Mikhail, is going to be Will's love interest in S5 will be disappointed. I don't think that name is even just about Mike.
Enzo->italian variant of Heinz (Henry). Real name Dimitri-> follower of Demeter, the goddess whose daughter was taken to the Underworld by Hades. And his son Mikhail calls him papa.
Michael Myers represents Vecna and is connected to Brenner
Eddie's uncle says that Chrissy wasn't killed by Eddie but by pure evil. Then he mentions the killer of the baby sitters with the white mask: Michael Myers. He says this right before Fred hears the clock. Vecna is Michael Myers.
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Victor says that it was an evil that was killing the animals, but the police chief, Hopper's father, blamed the attacks on a wild cat.
When Max sees Vecna's mind lair, there's a headstone with the name Myers.
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In S2, she wears the Michael Myers mask the same night Will has another vision of the Mind Flayer and almost gets possessed. This is also foreshadowing of her being cursed by Vecna in S4.
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Eddie wears the mask too, because people think he is a killer. I have many thoughts about that mask, and the movie The Mask (1961) being mentioned and connected to one of the twelve Ricks (here something about the movie) 1961, the same year of the suicide mentioned by Hopper in S1, when he says for the first time that he feels cursed. Also, Eddie hiding in Rick's house. Rick, the drug dealer-> Richard Brenner, head of the Narcotic Enforcement Division.
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After the first vision, Will says that he felt there was an evil who was looking at him.
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A few minutes before the possession, the word EVIL in the bathroom, where he finds Dart.
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In his room there's a little sticker that looks like a man with a white mask. The evil who is haunting him.
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But there's also something interesting about Victor's memories. When he says that he thought that the demon was taunting him and that he would take him just like he had taken his Virginia, we hear the girl screaming and the Demorgon growling. Only, there wasn't a Demogorgon that night in the house (as far as we know). But that's what Victor hears. And it's a parallel with Hopper, the other cursed father in prison, who clearly hears the Demogorgon.
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In this parallel, Joyce is ready to fight the Demogorgon, in case it shows up again. And Victor wants to protect his family from the evil who has cursed his town, his house and his family. The Demogorgon/ Michael Myers/evil.
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But is that really Henry/Edward Creel?
I'm not sure. Victor hears the Demogorgon, and the Demogorgon is associated with Brenner, who is in The First Shadow and was mentioned by Henry.
At the beginning of S1 we see the Demogorgon in the shed, but at the end of the season, according to the article, the story is different (different timeline, where Brenner's name is Richard) and it's Brenner who took Will to the lab. So in that timeline Brenner is the "Demogorgon" who took Will.
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And here's the connection to Vecna. At Castle Byers the Demogorgon wasn't alone. I think Vecna was there too, and he took Will (here the brief analysis of the scene) And if that's true, then Will's second The Demogorgon. It got me, is actually about Vecna.
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And if the "Demogorgon" that took him is Vecna, and the Demogorgon is associated with Brenner then-> Brenner is Vecna
Well. Not exactly. I think that something similar to what happened to Will in S2 might've happened to Henry/Edward in 1959 during the exorcism. They have so many parallels so... Was the Soteria blocking something (or someone) that was nesting in his mind? Maybe.
It all depends on what happened during the exorcism and what this curse really is. But Brenner is definitely involved.
Other thoughts:
In S4 Hopper says that he already saw and fought a Demogorgon in the past, but that's not true. Maybe he saw it in the photo Jon took, but it was Jon, Steve and Nancy who fought the creature. Hopper only fought the demodogs in S2. So what is he referring to? Maybe it's about Brenner in S1, or about something that happened in 1959.
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In S3 he says that he could kill Mike and cover it up because he's the police chief (the word Watchwear behind him as he says it) I wonder if it's just a joke or a hint at something he actually did in the past. Maybe he actually tried to kill Michael (Myers), the evil, in 1959.
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There's also the mention of Mike's Nana. If Mike is related to Henry, then Nana is a reference to Henry's mother. Another possible hint at the events of 1959.
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bluemoonperegrine · 8 months
Reflections on the WBN showing in D.C.
Seeing people's varying reactions to the color version of Werewolf By Night reminded me in a roundabout way of one of the things that happened at the showing of it in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
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That's Michael Giacchino and Kevin Feige in front of the National Symphony Orchestra in the Kennedy Center.
First, it's a whole different experience watching a movie with several hundred others rather than in your home with a dozen people or less. Second, probably half of the crowd hadn't seen the special before. They were there for the music or Giacchino or the partial horror movie soundtracks the orchestra performed.
Before I forget, let me say I heard A LOT more of the special thanks to the Kennedy Center's excellent sound system. My husband and I aren't audiophiles. We only have the speakers built in to our TV, laptops, etc. If you can, watch WBN somewhere with a good sound setup. You'll hear the characters breathing, subtle sound effects, etc.
One thing that hit hard was hearing werewolf Jack's labored breathing after Verussa had pinned him to the closed metal door with the Bloodstone. He obviously was hurt, but the sounds conveyed his suffering.
Anyway, on to the thing that prompted this post.
The audience reacted to the special as one would expect for the most part. Hearing people gasp and shout from jumps scares and the mildly scary parts* was fun. People laughed at the humor... and one other thing.
A minority of people laughed when Jack sniffed Elsa to commit her scent to memory.
That scene is 95% not funny, at least to me.
Some people find it hot. I do to a degree, I'll admit. It's intimate, but in a boundary-crossing way. Jack's doing it because he's desperate to not kill Elsa.
When I first saw it I was shocked that Elsa allowed it. I'd be like get the fuck off me, creep! I'd fight to get free.
What Elsa says to Jack is a bit amusing. Then the "Once" comment happens and it's an emotional gut-punch. Quite the roller coaster over the span of a minute or two.
I found it slightly disturbing that some people found Jack sniffing Elsa immediately funny. To me it smacks of rape culture. You do not get in another person's space and restrain them. DO NOT. Finding it funny makes it worse. "Ha ha, it's just sniffing. You're fine. No harm done. Stop being so sensitive."
Maybe I'm overthinking it all, but that bit of laughter really got to me. It's two days later and I'm still thinking about it. 🤷‍♀️ * I'm a wuss when it comes to watching horror, so the fact that I wasn't scared says it's not really scary. 😂
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divine-knight-hand · 1 year
“It’s Not Safe Here!”
Chapter 4: Family Values
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Series Masterlist || Michael Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Content Warnings: Angst, discussion of character deaths, walking in on masturbation, p in v, riding, pleasure crying, mention of leaving a hickey, explicit consent, and use of a condom.
Notes: Finally! I did it! I finished chapter four! Be prepared for backstories, more plot, and original characters for Y/N's story. I feel the need to remind everyone of the heavy canon divergence in this series.
Originally, this chapter wasn’t going to involve smut, but I think Michael deserves to feel happy after the torture I put him through. Besides, I know what we're all here for, so let's just get straight to it~
I also totally self-indulged a little because characters being caught jacking off is one of my favorite smut setup tropes (or whatever you wanna call it). Okay, I'm done talking your ears off now. Enjoy! Hehehe!
Word Count: 3,775
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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William Afton was a sadistic douchebag. That much was obvious, especially now. Wherever he went, he only ever brought suffering with him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that he enjoyed the look of pain and torture on others. He was foul, and his latest act of malice took the cake.
It was 6:30 AM the day after my meeting with him when he and Henry gathered me, Michael, and a handful of other employees I could have sworn I’d never seen before into the party room. We sat at a single table, and I dutifully crossed one leg over the other as we observed the two tall tarped items that seemed to tower over all of us.
I smoothed the front of my white dress shirt, which I had neatly tucked into a sleek pair of navy dress pants, waiting for either of my bosses to say something. When silence proceeded to thicken the air, I uncrossed my legs, anxiously tapping the heel of my ankle boot in a trademark anxious knee bounce.
Michael seemed to notice my shaking leg and reached over to hold my hand, which was conveniently left on the table in front of me. I smiled up at him as he squeezed my hand, my leg slowing, but not stopping. Something’s wrong here. I can feel it…
Henry smiled at William, breaking the silence, “Well, since they’re all itching to hear what we’ve got with us, why don’t you show them all what we’ve got, Afton?”
“I’ll let you do the talking, Em.” I could have sworn I saw William cast a sour glance at me.
“Okay!” Henry clapped his hands together with a smile. “While tinkering away in our shared workshop, my business partner here and I have made a revolutionary breakthrough in robotics.”
Excited murmurs began to fill the room as my stomach dropped. Is this where our funds have been going this whole time? Damnit, William!
The murmurs stopped with a wave of Henry’s hands. “Now, after years of hard work, we would like to present to you-” Henry motioned toward William, who dropped the tarps with a sinister grin. “-the first-ever springlock suits in robotics history!”
As applause sounded behind me, my jaw dropped at the two tall figures that towered over us. A yellow bear with a purple top hat and matching purple bow stood beside a yellow rabbit with an identical bow. They both had glassy yellow eyes that made them seem lifeless. The sight sent a shiver down my spine.
“Say hello to Fredbear and Spring Bonnie!” Henry’s warm smile juxtaposed the horrifying scene right behind him. “They’ll be unveiled as new additions to the Fazbear crew tomorrow morning.”
“Cool! New characters!” I heard an employee enthuse from somewhere behind me.
“Not just any new characters.” William stepped beside Henry. “These are state-of-the-art springlock suits.” He smirked as he knocked on Fredbear’s shoulder, seeming satisfied with the resulting metal clanging. “Programmed to walk around when not occupied. But, to put them in costume mode, you twist a little handle inside and all the animatronic parts compress to make space for a human to fit inside.”
More excited murmurs launched from the other employees as I noticed Michael tense up. He gave my hand an anxious squeeze.
“This is dangerous!” The murmurs instantly stopped at my outburst. William scowled at me as I continued. “I mean, what if someone’s trapped in there and the animatronic parts snap back into place? Think of the lawsuits! Not to mention, I don’t think a human being could survive that type of injury.” Another anxious hand squeeze from Michael told me that was a poor choice of words. I mentally kicked myself for being so insensitive.
About four months ago, he let me in on one of his darkest secrets. Something that had been plaguing him with guilt for most of his life. 
He was about 16 years old when William let Michael and his little siblings, Elizabeth and Evan, run wild in an off-site storage unit for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. It was Evan’s tenth birthday, so William thought a storage site with half-finished machinery was a decent party setting. Though the restaurant hadn’t been established yet, he and Henry still wanted a base of operations for the animatronics they were working on.
Since Evan didn’t make friends easily, his mother, Clara, suggested that Michael invite his friends to Evan’s party to keep him company. This proved to be Evan’s worst nightmare, since Michael and his friends used to tease and bully him.
Evan feared one animatronic the most, so Michael and his friends thought it would be a funny prank to hoist him up to eye level with it. Evan squirmed around so much that his head ended up in its mouth. The last thing Michael heard from Evan was his crying before the animatronic’s jaw clamped shut over his head, crushing his skull and killing him.
Michael ran to get William for help, only to be harshly blamed, chastised, and even abused for Evan’s death. Clara later grew furious with William for being so cold to his own son after what was clearly an accident in an already unsafe environment, and the two began to argue, which didn’t help Michael’s situation at all.
To further add to the tragedy, Elizabeth disappeared that very same day after running off to play with another animatronic in the storage unit by herself. This only fueled William’s rage toward Michael. I couldn’t imagine how alone and scared Michael felt after having both of his siblings ripped from him at once, only to grow distant from his parents as well.
I remembered holding Michael as he sobbed after telling that story. My heart broke for him, and it took everything out of me not to cry alongside him. I appreciated that he felt comfortable enough to open up to me about this. We’d come so far together, and I wanted to be there for him in any way I could, even if all I could do was hold him.
So, that’s what I did. I held him as he buried his face in my shoulder, and rubbed his back as it heaved with each breath and sob. I felt almost useless beyond that. I’m not great with words when it comes to making people feel better. In that moment, I wished for some sort of magic spell that I could incant to put him at ease. Though the perfect words never came to me, Michael said that he appreciated my comfort.
I wouldn’t know anything about what coming from a broken family feels like. I was one of the lucky ones, having been raised by parents who treated me well in the big city. New York, to be exact. I was studying finances and entrepreneurship in college, hoping to someday open a business of my own, but I felt I wasn’t getting the hands-on experience that I needed. I felt that I was missing something.
One day, as I was coming home from college, my neighbor, Edith, stopped me and told me that her friend, Adelaide, told her that Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria was looking for a financial advisor. Edith was always a sweet lady. I considered her like a grandma to me. My grandma-like image of her was only further supported by the fact that she baked my family cookies every Friday. It was nice that she looked out for me like that. She always made it clear that she had my best interest at heart, and I appreciated it. Not to mention that she just introduced me to what could have been the opportunity of a lifetime for me. This is it! I thought, This could be what I was missing all this time!
Edith gave me Adelaide’s phone number and I found out that the pizzeria was located all the way in Hurricane, Utah. My heart dropped at how far away it was from home, but Adelaide told me not to lose hope yet and later sent me a newspaper clipping in the mail with additional information about the restaurant. I was instantly enthralled by the bright colors and silly characters in the ad, as well as the promise of experience with managing finances in a real-life business setting. It was a long shot, but I summoned my strength and applied for the position. Before I knew it, I was accepted.
My parents were confused as to why I was suddenly so eager to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere, but I had my mind set on my future. Besides, I had originally planned on moving back to New York once I was ready to launch my own business. I dropped out of college, packed up, and set off across the country to move in with Adelaide. My priorities quickly shifted when I met Michael. Suddenly, I had a lover, and staying in a small town didn’t sound so bad. Though, starting my own business wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility…
Remembering how amused I used to be by the animatronics only made me feel bitter now, considering that each and every one was a walking death trap after hours. Once Michael gave my hand another anxious squeeze, my mind refocused on the worst of it, which stood right in front of the table we sat at.
“I can assure you that the springlock suits are completely safe.” Henry nervously chuckled, wringing his hands.
“Besides, me and my partner over here will be the only ones wearing the suits.” William reassured. “If there was any risk, which there isn’t,” He glared daggers at me. “Henry and I would be the only ones taking it. So, we’re not liable for anyone else’s physical well-being in that aspect.”
“How could you?!” Michael shot out of his chair, my hand left forgotten on the table, as he seemed to finally reach his breaking point. “How could you finish the project that-”
“If you finish that sentence the way I think you’re going to finish it, son, let me remind you who brought about that outcome.” William’s face was red with fury as he wagged his finger at Michael. “That was no fault of mine, boy.” Bastard! I wanted to scream and slap the shit out of William, but I sat still, swallowing bile instead. I almost got fired yesterday for yelling at the man. I didn’t need to risk a criminal assault charge next.
Michael clenched his jaw before he spat, “How could you even look at that face, knowing what it did?” He motioned to Fredbear, and I finally put the pieces together.
Fredbear was the animatronic that killed Evan. Fredbear killed Michael’s little brother, and William finished building it anyway. This was the most insensitive thing I’d ever seen him do. I felt nauseous.
“I believe whatever we’re discussing here can wait until after hours.” Henry stepped between the arguing two. “Right?”
The two glared at each other as if Henry wasn’t even there. The air between them seemed to crackle with tension before Michael broke the silence.
“Yeah.” He slowly backed away from the table, eyes unmoving from William. “Fine.” With that, he stormed out of the party room.
“Michael!” I lept out of my chair and quickly followed him. I heard Henry let out a defeated sigh behind me as I left the room.
As I reached the security office, I found Michael sitting in his chair with his face in his hands.
“Michael?” Though my call was just barely louder than a whisper, his head instantly shot up at the sound of my voice.
“Oh. Hello, love.” Michael’s watery eyes met mine, but his hands didn’t completely leave his face. The parts of his face that were showing through his hands were red and blotchy. I felt my heart sink at the sight of him.
“You shouldn’t listen to William.” I walked over and grabbed his hands, slowly coaxing them from his face. “His area of expertise is limited to creepy robots.” Creepy killer robots, but this didn’t seem like an appropriate time to bring that up. “For what it’s worth, I’m with you. This whole springlock thing is a stupid idea, and you deserve to be heard when trying to speak your mind.”
Michael sadly smiled. “Thank you, darling. That means a lot. It’s just-” He sighed. “What is going through my father’s head?”
“Who knows?” I brought Michael into a loose embrace, and he rested his head on my chest. “Your old man is crazy.”
Michael half-heartedly chuckled at my remark. “When is he not?”
“Hello, Fazbear crew~” The sing-songy voice sounded from one of the security cameras, instantly catching my attention. I recognized the woman’s medium frame and wavy auburn shoulder-length hair as she walked on-screen.
“Hello!” William greeted his wife.
“You forgot your lunch, dear!” She strolled over, handing him a paper bag and kissing him on the cheek.
“How forgetful of me.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you, doll.”
As I watched the exchange, I remembered what I’d witnessed the day before between William and Henry. My stomach twisted with guilt. Maybe I should have told her what I saw. I wished I’d never even caught William cheating on her in the first place. I wished I didn’t bear the burden of knowing what William did at work.
Clara seemed like a kind and gentle woman. I didn’t think she deserved to feel the pain that came with finding out that her husband cheated on her. Then again, I didn’t think she deserved to be cheated on in the first place.
I was torn between whether or not I should tell her. Would it be better for her to find out after everything she’s been through or suffer a silent misdeed in ignorant bliss?
Michael let out a heavy sigh, bringing my attention back to him. “I think I’ll be heading home now.”
I let him stand up before wrapping him in a tighter hug. “Of course. Take care of yourself, okay? I’ll be there after my shift.” I tilted my head to give him a kiss before finally letting him go.
I watched him walk out of the door before turning to check the clock: 7:00 AM. Time for work.
“Hun, I’m home!” I called into the still air of our shared home as I slid my ankle boots off of my feet. Our house was small but cozy. There was only the two of us living here, after all. We didn’t need any extravagant arrangements.
By the time I stepped into the house, I still didn’t get a response, so I tried calling again, “Michael?” I slowly walked over to our bedroom, freezing at the closed door.
I could hear soft sighs and low moans coming from inside. “Mh… Ah- P- please…”
My stomach seized. Was he sick? Was he hurt? How long was he left suffering like this? I steeled my nerves and threw the door open, ready to help him.
Michael lay on our bed, still fully clothed in his work uniform, but his shirt was unbuttoned from top to bottom. His eyes were squeezed shut as he panted, stroking his hand up and down on his exposed cock. He let out a soft whine, breathily moaning my name.
I softly closed the door behind me and silently made my way closer to him. He looked like a painting. His brow was knit in concentration, and the noises he made were like music to my ears. His cheeks were lightly flushed as sweat began to dew his face. He looked perfect, and part of me wanted to reach out and touch him to make sure he was real.
“Missed me?” It took a lot to keep my voice low and even, but the faint pulsing sensation forming between my thighs made it difficult to keep my composure.
His mouth dropped into an ‘o’ shape as his eyes flew open in shock at the sound of my voice. “D- darling! You’re home early.” Though he was surprised, his hand didn’t move from his length.
I softly chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. “I came home at the same time as always, my love. It looks like you might have lost track of time, hm?”
“I… I suppose so.” His eyes fluttered closed at the contact. “I’m sorry, love.” He breathed.
“Please don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for.” I moved my hand to caress his cheek, earning a soft sigh from him. “You’re so pretty when you’re begging for me~”
He opened his eyes to innocently look up at me. “You’re the only one who can truly satisfy me.” I could have sworn my heart melted in my chest.
“Then may I?” I felt the corners of my mouth upturn in a mischievous smirk as Michael wildly nodded.
“Please...” His sigh bordered on a moan as he dropped his painfully hard dick onto his stomach.
I lightly grabbed the collar of his shirt. “All of this has to come off, then.”
He wordlessly nodded in response before stripping. I quickly discarded my own clothes and dug through my dresser drawer until I found the box of condoms I kept inside. I grabbed one and turned around to see Michael sitting in the middle of the bed, looking up at me with those baby-doll eyes I loved so much. I felt a slick sensation forming between my thighs as I looked him over.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, my love.” I crawled into bed next to him and pulled him into a deep kiss.
He moaned into my mouth and pulled me on top of him, laying back as he did so. I pulled away from the kiss, sitting up and straddling his thighs to open the condom I grabbed and roll it onto his cock.
All the while, Michael was softly complimenting me. “You’re so beautiful, love. Absolutely stunning. I want to make you feel good.”
“What a good boy~” I praised him. “Always so willing to please me.” Michael softly whimpered at my compliments as I tossed the wrapper of the condom aside and leaned forward to cup his face in my hands. “But, tonight, I want to make it about you, my love. Let me spoil you.”
He tried to turn away out of embarrassment, but I pulled him into another kiss and I felt his arms wrap around my body as he grew audibly desperate for me. He then began bucking his hips into mine, teasing my cunt without even realizing it.
I felt a pang of desire tear through me before I pulled away from the kiss to ask, “Are you ready, hun?”
“More than anything…” He moaned. “Please, love. I want to be inside you.”
I gave him a quick peck on the tip of his nose before lining his cock up with my entrance. As I slid him inside, we both let out a low moan in unison. I felt my mind clouding with pleasure as I bottomed out, enjoying the full sensation in my core. Michael’s head dropped back onto the bed and he squeezed his eyes shut.
His voice grew whinier and he began incoherently praising me. “Mh… Yes… So tight… Mh…”
I trailed kisses along his jaw until I reached his earlobe to give it a playful nip. “You feel so good inside me, Michael~” I purred as I ground my hips against him.
He let out a whimper at my teasing. “Please…” His eyes fluttered open, growing watery. “Please… Need more…”
That was all I needed to hear. I sat up into a straddling position and set a brutal pace as I began to ride him. Michael was a mess underneath me. He was reduced to broken moans and whines that bordered on sobs. He was clearly waiting for this for a while, and I was loving every moment of seeing the image of perfection sprawled out beneath me. 
Michael relying on me completely to grant him release. Michael begging and pleading for me. Michael absolutely blissed out under my touch, unable to put to words how good I make him feel. Michael~
I bit my lip with concentration as I felt the pressure in my core mounting. I involuntarily clenched around Michael, and he responded by gripping my thighs and bucking his hips with my movements while letting out a string of incoherent begs and pleas.
“Ah- That’s it, Michael.” I praised him through broken moans. “You make me feel so good…”
“Ohhh… I- I’m close…” Tears slowly streamed out of Michael’s eyes. “Please, darling, please… Ohhhh…”
I leaned forward, still thrusting, and whispered, “Cum for me, hun. Show me how good it feels.”
That was enough to send Michael over the edge. His eyes rolled back and his voice cracked as he hit his climax. I helped him ride out his high as his cock twitched and spilled cum into the condom, trailing ravenous kisses along his neck before my own orgasm crashed into me.
I let out a loud moan as the waves of my climax washed over me. The world slowed for a moment, and the only thing keeping me tethered to reality was feeling Michael’s body against mine. For a moment, I wished I could spend the rest of my days in this state of ecstasy. Once we were both finished, we held each other in our arms, panting and satisfied.
I went to lift off of Michael when he softly grabbed my thighs and pulled me back down onto him. “Just a little longer… Please?”
“Okay.” I pecked his cheek. “Just a little longer.” I lazily smiled at him, my eyes trailing down his neck to find the bruise I left when I trailed kisses along it. I knew he would be embarrassed and wear his collar just a little higher to hide it during his next shift, but I would know that I marked him. I was instantly filled with a sense of pride. My pretty boy~
“Thank you.” He breathed, rubbing his hand along my back. “For… everything today. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“Not just me. You deserve the world.” I rested my face in the crook of his neck, embracing him and his body heat. “And I love you so much that I’d do anything to give it to you.”
“I- I don’t know what to say.” Michael wrapped his arms tighter around me before softly sighing. “I love you, too.”
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2af-afterdark · 8 months
Now that all the devils plus Michael and Raphael have been revealed (and bonus Valefor, sorta) you gotta give us ur opinion on them/their kinks!!
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I started answering this ask before I got the second one. Gonna cheat and combine the two~
Uhhh.... I made a list for the ones we already had a while ago. I have no idea where that list is now... It also may be outdated, so I guess I will make myself suffer again and give my (updated) opinions on these men after the game has come out.
First of all, I adore all of these men so far. They are all silly with a touch of dark undertones and dripping sexiness. I am down so bad for these men.
Satan - He's the boy. The man. Our chum. He is sooooo possessive. I love him. I love his design. He's not my top pick, but I could understand him being someone's favorite. His kink is spanking which I am sort of meh about, believe it or not.
Sitri - IF HE CALLS ME SOLOMON ONE MORE TIME!!! He started being a charming look, he's loyal, but I really hate that he won't get it through his head that MC is not Solomon. His and Satan's dynamic is interesting though. I find his kink kind of strange. I think it could be cute in the right situations, but otherwise it is not my thing.
Zagan - I originally didn't think much of him, but after meeting him... HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE!!! His design is still pretty lackluster, but there is a special kind of love for character's who are so shy they have trouble speaking. I'm a couch potato, so I can't understand being aroused by physical activity. Lol
Leraye - I AM SO SORRY BUT HIS DESIGN STILL SUUUUUUCKS EVEN THOUGH I LOVE HIM!!!! He is a puppydog of a man and I love him! I will fight to protect his smile. His kink isn't my thing, but it is relatively harmless. It's not like a squick for me or anything.
Paimon - Not my cup of tea. He's fine, I guess, but I find reading his lines to be frustrating (I know it's the visualization of how he speaks, but reading it bothers me in a way hearing it doesn't). I also just didn't find his personality to be too memorable. He was... there. Not bad, not good. His H scene is the one I actually dislike (mirror? no thank you). A shame, because blood is hot. An amazing kink, honestly.
Belial - I loved him the moment I saw him and meeting him in the game only confirmed that (eyes are my design weakness -- both extra or lack of, so the bangs killed me). He is just amazing. I have adopted him. When he tries to speak even though it is painful, I weep. I would hold him just to feel his warmth and share mine with him. His kink is said to be recorded music, but his H scene was about body writing. I, too, love body writing. I understand him.
Astaroth - I haven't actually met him yet. He is the only member of Gehenna I have yet to met, not even pulling him in the gacha >.> I wish I had more so say, but I simply know nothing about him (other than he is still hot as shit). If he wants to whisper dirty things in my ear though, I am all for it.
Ppyong - Friend shaped sunshine of my life. I would die for this little ball of joy. Please, I need a plush of him immediately.
Jjyu - A funny little motherfucker. I would give him chocolate.
Mammon - I cannot believe how much of him I got right (sort of) personality-wise. He is so fascinating. And his tiddies be huge. I love him. He is loved. His refusal to cover his massive chest is a blessing. As someone blessed with all the ass and no tiddy, I appreciate an ass man. Plus he'll let me grope him back? What a man!
Bimet - What a catty, unpleasant man. I have no desire to interact with him at al- NEVERMIND! SAW HIS H SCENE AND IT REWROTE MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY! I NEED THIS MAN IN MY LIFE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
Eligos - His design makes me weak. I want him to be a josou seme so badly. His desire to be a sugar baby makes me want to throw money at him. I am very normal about him. His kink is... after reading it, I wonder if I have that too, or if I just like the anesthetics.
Valefor - He looks like a knight, but I have yet to meet him. He's hard to place since he was revealed by accident originally. Not a whole lot to say about him, but I am a sucker for the knight and his leige trope. His kink... as long as I get to hold him and hug him, I guess it works? I don't really understand it but it seems fine.
Beelzebub - Uhhhhh..... I just pulled him so I am learning about him now. So far, he's weird. Just a weirdo.
Bael - Someone please get him some therapy. He needs it after the shit Beelzubub puts him through. I want to hold him gentol. I want to make dinner for him while I chain Bell to the desk and make him actually do his own work. Please do not sniff me >.>
Stolas - A little nerd. A dork. I want to pick on him. Not sure how his kink works when he's in hell...
Amon - I know nothing about him. I do not know how his kink works when he's already in hell? idk
Naberius - I read what his favorite food was and my desire to know him vanished. Fan of petplay though. Also, his chest be buxom.
Leviathan - I am fascinated by him. Genuinely. He's stories are so interesting to pick apart. It's also interesting that almost all of them have elements of dubcon. I love that he's prideful and envious. I will choke him <3
Foras - I still need to learn more about him, but I love his design. He's so pretty. Please do not perceive me.
Barbatos - Not my cuppa when it comes to his design, but he's fine otherwise. Don't actually know much about him.
Glasyalabolas - Ignoring his kink... What an interesting man. I need to know more about him.
Asmodeus - Uhhh.... Assuming it's the Love Unholyc one, he looks good. He will suffer from being the first devil ever, so he has the most simple design. Can't wait to see what his kink is. Can't wait to see how they deal with the fact that he once fell in love with a human and has an entire line of descendants.
Dantalian - I don't like his look. I don't like school stuff. BUT FUCK IF HE HASN'T BEEN ONE OF THE UNITS CARRYING MY ASS! Also, I love his mini-comic. He's such a babe, just not the babe for me. Also, his kink is fun to play with.
Phenix - What a little freak (affectionate). I love him as much as I thought I would. Everything he says drips sexual tension and he's just living his best life.
Ronove - I read one fucked up line from him and fell in love. What a gremlin. What a menace. I adore him. His kink is... yeah. I could be convinced to join him for some dubious surgery. I have seen and written worse.
Belphegor - Not revealed.
Bathin - He sure is there. Just hanging out. His kink is life goals but not sexy.
Gusion - Sir.... are you okay? I don't think you're okay. Love the tired businessman vibes though. That is such a mood. Not keen on his personality though. I feel like he'd be the kind of person that annoys me, but is the one I want to work with because he gets shit done. Attraction to smart people... I guess? As a himbo lover, I cannot relate.
Andrealphus - Did you notice he isn't in the game yet? Like, you see him in two loading comics, but he's not in the gacha. It's weird. He also wasn't in the voice announcements. He's just... there but not? Still a great design though.
Paradise Lost
Lucifer - I have seen him twice in other devil's comics and I would die for him. I still think the horn on the back of his head is dumb though. He is such a deadpan character, but has some funny moments. Dacryphilia? It can be hot.
Marbas - I love him. I adore him. I will spoil him rotten. He is my healer and his introduction in chapter 4 is just beautiful and painful (not for him but the way he interacts with others). I would gladly tie him up 👀
Morax - This man... I am worried for him. His desire to be hurt makes me wonder if he and Dantalian don't share the same kink....
Buer - I know nothing about him! His kink is... whatever. I don't get it though.
Gabriel - I am so normal about him. Absolutely normal. He is a terrible person and I am into it. I want to tie him up, brush his bangs aside, and kiss his stupid face.
Michael - AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! I'm in danger. His design is so cool but his kink is.... no.
Raphael - I'm so bored by his design. There's nothing wrong with it, but t's pretty basic yanki vibes. Also, his fetish is kind of... Meh? Being defiled? I can think of a few ways to take that. If he's more into the getting dirty part, I am out.
Minhyeok - A friend. A dude. I feel bad for him just sitting there.... waiting. I am not attracted to him, like, at all. He's a freak surrounded by even freakier freaks. He loses. Sorry, dude. Also, I am insulted that he taught me the scientific name for a panty fetish.
Solomon - I saw him once. I want to see him again. His design is just sooo jfibvbbvwogoiroi! Help!
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Late At Night
Corey Cunningham x fem!reader
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, Corey being sweet and evil, etc
Authors Note: Currently working on a part three to the Corey series, but took a nap and had a dream that inspired me to write this. I write so much for Corey that the little puppy eyed guy now invades my dreams I guess.
It was late in Haddonfield as you were walking home from work. You clutched your coat in an attempt to not freeze to death. Your earbuds were in playing your favorite playlist, though not too loud so you could hear cars and people. It was good to be cautious at night.
A car pulled up next to you full of rowdy teenage boys, and you could hear a couple of them call out to you. You kept walking as if you didn’t hear them. “Hey pretty girl!” one called out, “need a ride home?” You just kept walking. “Bitch! He’s talking to you!” another boy yelled. The first teen got out of the car got out and ran over to you, grabbing your arm. You pulled away, angry now, “fuck off dude.” The boys in the car all “ooh’d” mockingly as the guy in front of you looked pissed. “Look girl, we were just being nice. No problem with that, right?” he asked, slowly moving towards you.
You looked around in fear. Sure they were teenagers and you were a young adult, but you wouldn’t fare well against a group of teenage boys. So you weighed your options, slowly backing away from the guy. The car was slowly moving forward again.
Your weighing of options was forgotten as you noticed a figure by a tree, staring at the scene unfolding. A white mask peered at you from the dark. Michael Myers, you thought. You turned back to the boy, “I’d start running if I were you. Teenage boys shouldn’t be out so late with a killer running around.” The guy laughed, “Michael Myers? You think that old fool is gonna show up and save you? That’s really fucking funny. I bet you-“
His laugh as cut off as the figure appeared behind him, stabbing him repeatedly with a large butcher knife. You backed away in shock as the group of guys got out of the car to see what was happening. Mistake on their part, as the masked figure moved towards them, knife brandished and covered with the guys blood. Said guy was bleeding out on the sidewalk.
One by one, they were all slaughtered by the masked man. You couldn’t tear your eyes from the scene no matter how much you wanted to look away. One was stabbed, the other was beaten into the car until multiple parts of him broke, another was suffocated….it was terrifying. Now dripping in blood, the figure turned to you. You stepped back a bit, a little shaky from fear. But the figure just looked a you for what felt like forever, just….staring. It was completely unnerving.
“Th-thank you,” you whispered quietly, “they were gonna hurt me.” The figure nodded slowly, wiping the blade on his mechanic suit. You just stared at each other, you not knowing what else to say. “Did they…hurt you?” you asked, “if they did I co-could patch it up.” The figure tilted his head for a moment before shaking his head.
And then, he just left. Walked off into the night without even a glance back.
You stood there for a moment, in complete shock. You took one look around and ran off, running home faster than you ever had. You weren’t gonna be caught next to a crime you didn’t commit.
Corey watched you go through the mask he had wrangled from Michael. He hadn’t thought twice when he stepped in to save you, knowing what bullying was like. But it wasn’t even just bullying, it was harassment. You were the small part of Haddonfield that wasn’t corrupt, and he wanted to protect that small part. His fists clenched when he saw how frightened you were, and he knew those teenagers. He had been bullied by them before. They didn’t deserve such a sweet, innocent thing like you.
Corey stepped from behind the tree again and followed the way you went.
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phantompoguefangirl · 7 months
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You don't have to face your fears alone
'Cause whenever you're in trouble
I'll know
Let me be your superhero
There isn't a place I won't go
Whenever you need me by your side
I'll be there, be there
Never be afraid if you fall
I'll carry you away from it all
Let me be your superhero
Let me be your superhero- Superhero by Ross Lynch
And there he prayed
Take the very, breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God please, don't take the girl-Don't Take The Girl by Tim McGraw
A/N: BIG TRIGGER WARNING. INTENSE VIOLENCE/ABUSE SCENES. And this chapter is just very emotional in general. I'm sorry in advance!! Plz don't hate me for this. I already feel so bad for putting them through this but I had to for the story. 🥺
I didn't hear the front door open over the sound of four spazzy boys trying to talk to me on the phone at once. We were discussing our plan for me to finally leave Jesse. 5 Seconds of Summer's management and lawyers had figured out a way to free me from Jesse on the business end. Now we were just figuring out how I would get out this house quickly and safely. I had already secretly packed most everything I owned and I was planning to try and leave before Jesse got home from work. He was supposed to be stuck in meetings till late tonight so now was my chance.
I rolled my eyes and turned to grab more of my clothes out of the clean laundry pile to put in my bag while I listened to three of them bicker about who was driving the getaway car or something and Michael hissing at them to shut the fuck up and let him talk to me.
Suddenly, I was shoved to the ground by the back of my neck and my phone was launched a few feet away. I tried to stand but a fist connected with the side of my head and I yelped in pain as I hit the floor again. I could hear the boys' confused voices coming from my phone as I shakily looked up to see Jesse towering over me, oblivious to them as rage burned in his eyes. He stomped toward me and I scrambled backward to try to get away from him, terrified.
"Jesse wait-" I was cut off by him yanking me to my feet and punching me again.
"You sneaky little bitch," He growled as he hit me again, repeatedly,"Finding a loophole to get you out of your contracts, like that really means anything. I guess I need to remind you who you fucking belong to."
My eyes widened and I tried to fight back, managing to get away from him for a few seconds and running. I grabbed my phone as I booked it through the house.
"Michael!" I cried into my phone as I kept running.
"Mia?! What happened? Are you okay?" Michael shouted over the boys. I could hear their voices close to him and wind rushing like they were in a car.
"He's back! Jesse's ba-" my words turned into a scream when Jesse grabbed me by my hair and yanked me backward. I heard the sound of a car speeding up as Jesse hit me again and knocked the phone out of my hand.
I screamed Michael's name as Jesse grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall, causing photo frames to fall off the wall and shatter around us. I tried to ignore the sting of glass cutting my skin and his hand getting tighter and tighter around my neck so I could keep fighting back, but I was barely able to escape again before he threw me on the floor and kicked me repeatedly. He climbed on top of me to keep beating me then choked me again.
I was starting to feel weak and out of it from the force, pain and lack of oxygen. I felt weight lifted off of me after awhile but I was too far gone to realize what was happening.
I saw a puff of bright colored hair and heard an angel calling my name just before everything went dark.
I pushed Calum out of the way lightly and jumped into my car as soon as I heard the loud thud and Mia's frightened voice saying Jesse's name. I heard the boys clamoring quickly into the car as I started driving, freaking out as they heard all the horrific noises coming from my phone. Ashton was in the passenger seat and he took my phone out of my hand.
"Drive. I'll hold the phone," he instructed, going into leader mode.
Just then Mia yelled my name and the fear in her voice nearly broke me.
"Mia?! What happened? Are you okay?" I  asked, dreading the answer.
"He's back! Jesse's ba-" she cried out in pain and I slammed on the gas pedal, desperate to get to her as fast as I could.
Ashton had Luke call 911 as the sound of glass shattering echoed from the other end of the line.
"MICHAEL!!" Mia's scream ripped right through me like a forest fire, igniting a rage and panic like I had never known before in my life.
I was out of the car before anyone else but Ashton was more fit, since he worked out, so he beat me into the house.
We found Jesse on top of Mia and I saw red as we tore him off of her. I was about to start pummeling him but then I saw her.
"Oh my god, Mia!" I exclaimed as I ran over to her, ignoring Jesse trying to fight off Ashton, Luke and Calum but failing as they easily kicked his ass into submission and held him down so he couldn't move.
Mia was barely moving or breathing and she was covered in blood, cuts and bruises. She looked up at me weakly and then her eyes closed.
"Mia? Hey, stay with me," I cried out frantically, tears streaming down my face as I knelt down next to her. She didn't move or respond. "Mia?! No!!"
Suddenly, police flooded the room and hauled Jesse away as soon as they were able to. I just sat there helplessly as the paramedics ran in and worked on Mia before carrying her out on a stretcher. 
The boys pulled me to my feet so we could give the cops our statements. We also let them know Mia hid cameras in the house today just in case so they got that footage too. As soon as they were done with us, Ashton quickly ushered us out to the car and drove us to the hospital.
The nurse at the desk said she couldn't tell us anything unless we were family, but Mia didn't have any blood family here, so Ashton said he was Mia's brother. They both had hazel eyes with similar face shapes and she was still unconscious, which meant nobody would notice that her and her "brother" had different accents yet, so the nurse believed him. It probably helped that Ashton had good looks on his side and the nurse, who was around our age, was looking at him with goo goo eyes. Calum later told me he didn't think she was a fan because she didn't seem to recognize any of us, so she most likely just thought Ash was hot and was all too happy to give him what he wanted.
"Mia's in surgery for internal bleeding and a punctured lung. She also has broken ribs and a concussion along with several lacerations and bruises all over her body. Some of the cuts had to be stitched up and they're checking for bleeding or injuries in her brain from the blunt force trauma," she explained.
Her words started to fade till I couldn't hear her anymore and I began to feel lightheaded, dizzy and nauseated. I vaguely heard my bandmates calling my name as my vision blurred and my knees buckled under me.
I backed into the wall behind me and slid to the floor as the guys crowded around me. I couldn't focus on them because my heart was racing and my lungs were refusing to accept oxygen. I brought my knees up to my chest and put my head in my hands.
I felt arms around me and Calum's voice in my ear.
"Mikey? Hey I got you, man. Let's go get some air okay?"
I must have nodded because he helped me up and we went outside.
We sat on a bench and Calum rubbed my back in soothing circles while having me point out things I could hear, smell, see, and touch which helped me begin to calm down after a bit. Once I could breathe again, I broke down crying in Calum's arms.
"Hey, it's okay. She'll be alright," he said, still rubbing my back.
"You don't know that for sure, Cal," I retorted, my voice partially muffled by his shirt. "Fuck, this is all my fault. I-"
"No it's not,"Calum cut me off. "This is not your fault, Michael. Jesse did this to her, not you."
"But I told her to go back to that place. I should have convinced her to stay at our house while we went and got her stuff or something. Why did I let her go back there?"
"You didn't do anything wrong," Ashton said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little as I hadn't even realized him and Luke had come outside with us till he spoke. "It was a good plan that you had. You had no way of knowing he was going to come home so early. You were just trying to help her."
"Yeah and look how that turned out," I snapped at him unintentionally before breaking down again. "God, if she doesn't make it..."
Ashton's hand tightened on my shoulder but he quickly masked the pain that shot through his eyes and collected himself before pulling me into his arms and responding. "I know, but you can't think like that, mate. We have to try and be strong for her."
I sighed and nuzzled my face into his chest. The boys kept comforting me for while after that, even though I knew they were just as scared as I was.
When we were ready, we went back inside and settled in to wait.
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alicewonderao3 · 1 year
Confessions and Fictional Boyfriends
Pairing: Dean Winchester and reader
Warnings: No warnings, just a bit of angst and some fluff.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bucky Barnes (Mentioned).
Summary: Another relationship has crashed and burned like all the others before, and feeling tired of chasing real men who just don't seem to appreciate her, she gets lost in her favorite movie, dreaming about the fictional boys who wouldn't ever break her heart, but what happens when in a conversation with Dean, feelings are revealed that change everything.
Authors note: I wrote this for @the-slumberparty's May Challenge. My prompt was: "I'm going to be alone forever. No, you're not. You have me." I was inspired by that song that is making its rounds on Tiktok, "Fictional by Khloe Rose" I don't own any part of it,. I think we can all relate to this, yearning for those fictional boys who love us no matter what, and who wouldn't dare to break our hearts. I don't own anything and all spelling and grammar mistakes are my own. Enjoy!
I'd been working with Sam and Dean for years now. I wasn't a good hunter in the field, so I stayed home and did research. I also kept the bunker clean and cooked for them. I'd been nursing a heavy crush on the older Winchester for a few years now, but I knew how Dean felt about relationships. He often said that this life was too dangerous to form attachments. It was why he often had one-night stands with women.
Sam was different. He didn't date as much as you might figure, but he did have a few girlfriends. I didn't date much either, my crush on Dean always lingering in the back of my mind. I'd been seeing this guy when they left on their latest case, but things had ended badly. Michael was my third boyfriend and now I was single again. I'd spent the last few days wallowing in my heartbreak, losing myself in my favorite books and movies.
I lost myself in my head, thinking about my favorite book 'boyfriends'. I was sitting in the library, my gaze focused on the tv while I watched a Marvel movie. Sebastian Stan's face appeared on the screen as Bucky Barnes and I couldn't help but sigh dreamily as I stared at him. "I wonder what it would be like if you were real," I whispered.
I'd tried hard in my relationship with Micheal. He gave me no real reason for our breakup, except that he was looking for someone prettier, someone better. I was tired of giving more in these relationships than I ever received from them. I'd switched to love stories, alternating between swooning over the male love interest, and then sobbing when I realized that I would never experience that kind of love in real life.
I got so lost in my feelings and the movies, I didn't notice when Dean and Sam returned. Slumped on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, my eyes were full of tears and my lips trembling as I watched another ending scene. The one where they meet halfway in the rain, and he kisses her with passion as the credits roll. I didn't realize they were there until I felt the couch dip on either side of me.
I turned to my left and found myself staring into Dean's eyes. My lips trembled again and I saw him sigh as he said, "Are you crying over another chick flick?" I shook my head, wanting to tell him but too emotional to do. I saw his expression change, his eyes softening as Sam piped up from my other side, "Did Micheal break up with you?"
I nodded, tears sliding down my face unchecked now. Dean didn't say anything, but his eyes said volumes. I could see he was torn between anger at my ex-boyfriend and sadness for me. He held out his arms and I fell forward into his embrace, tucking my head into his chest as I sobbed. The sound of my crying was the only thing you could hear in the library as Dean held me, his hands rubbing soft circles on my back.
I heard him murmur as he rested his head on top of mine, "You were too good for him anyway, kitten." I heard Sam's voice behind me, murmuring in agreement. I held onto him and sobbed, getting all my emotions out. I breathed in Dean's scent, that soft woody scent of cedar and orange that seemed to be his natural scent. As I breathed in his scent, I calmed down, my sobs lessening.
When I pulled away from him, Sam tugged me back into him for a hug. Sam held me tight against his chest, dropping a kiss on my head. "It'll be okay. This will pass." I nodded. I knew it would, but the pain didn't hurt any less from realizing that. Sam left me and Dean alone together to go shower, and I got up, changing the movie. I turned to Dean, "Are you gonna stay?" Dean's eyes stayed locked on mine, his voice was soft. "Do you want me to stay with you?"
I nodded. Dean smiled. "Then I'll stay." He patted the spot next to him, and I walked over as he started the movie, his groan making me giggle as he realized which movie I put on. "Are we watching this because Sebastian Stan is in it?" I nodded, sitting next to him as he tucked me under his arm. I heard him grumble something under his breath as he let me rest my head on his chest.
Dean was silent for most of the movie, except for the moments where he rolled his eyes and scoffed when I seemed to melt when Sebastian looked at the camera. Dean's voice made me look at him, as the movie played on. "What is it that you like about this pretty boy anyway?" He asked, gesturing to the TV. I sighed, my face turning wistful. "He's so pretty, and those eyes just make my heart stop. He's also just so perfect. Perfect as can be." I paused, my voice turning serious as I turned to look at Dean. "He-" I stopped, tears forming in my eyes. "Bucky Barnes wouldn't hurt me, Dean."
Dean was silent, watching me. His expression turned serious and he said, "But he's not real, darlin." I nodded, my voice breaking as I responded, "I know he's not real. I'd rather keep on dreaming of someone I'll never have the chance to meet than give my love to someone who wouldn't even think of choosing me." I couldn't help but start sobbing again, my voice halting as I said, "I'm going to be alone forever, Dean."
I could see he felt for me, and he scooted closer, his voice soft. "You're not alone anymore. You have me. And Sam." He continued to stare at me, his eyes soft. It was as if he was trying to communicate something to me without words. I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, his presence calming me in a way that I couldn't explain. As he continued to look at me, I realized that I had been holding my breath. I let out a shaky exhale and closed my eyes, feeling his warmth and the soft touch of his fingers on my skin.
I opened my eyes to see that Dean was still looking at me, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. His touch was gentle and comforting, and I found myself leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest, feeling safe and protected. As we sat there in silence, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. We had been friends for years, but I had never seen this side of him before. It was as if he was opening up to me in a way that he never had before.
Eventually, Dean spoke, his voice soft and gentle. "I'm here for you," he said. "Whatever you need, I'm here." His words were like a balm to my soul, and I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes once again. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were still soft and gentle, but there was something else there now. Something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was almost as if he was trying to tell me something, but he didn't know how to say it.
I took a deep breath and leaned back slightly, looking up at him. "What is it?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Dean hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't know," he said finally. "There's just something about you, something that draws me to you." He paused for a moment as if searching for the right words. "I care about you, more than I should." I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked at him, wondering if I had heard him correctly. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Dean took a deep breath and looked down at me, his eyes locking with mine. "I mean that I love you," he said simply. "I've loved you for a long time, and I just couldn't keep it hidden anymore." I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes once again as I looked at him, feeling overwhelmed by his words. I had never expected him to say something like this, and I wasn't quite sure how to respond.
For as long as I'd known him, despite my crush on him, I assumed he saw me as a friend. So I buried myself in my books and movies, trying to find the perfect love story with the perfect man. I stared up at him, my voice barely above a whisper. "I love you too." Dean's eyes seemed to light up and he pulled me close to him, his lips touching mine in a soft kiss.
The movie reached its peak on the screen, and he pulled back from me, tucking me back into his arms as we went back to watching the movie, my small hand tucked into his. I realized something. I realized that I didn't have to lose myself in my books anymore. I had found my own love story. One that would be messy and sometimes complicated, but also beautiful and real. As I settled back into Dean's embrace I knew that finding your happily ever after wasn't something that just happened in books and movies. It also happened in real life.
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msfbgraves · 1 year
[Touch is not light or frivolous to him and Daniel being so free with his touches - he mistrusts that a little.] Interesting. I wonder if John ever shares his concerns over Daniel's free-affection with Terry, or if he ever believes that Daniel doesn't love Terry/would cheat on him, since he's so touchy-feely? On a flip note, does Betsy ever wish John were a little more physically affectionate if she sees/knows how Daniel/Terry are?
Betsy might wish for it fleetingly sometimes but they are quite happily married, if you get my drift, and if John would touch her more than he does now that might get more than a little overwhelming for them both.
John doesn't share any suspicions with anyone (though he has hinted about things needing to stay 'decent' at those omega beta afternoons of Daniel's when talking to Betsy. That was btw one of the few times she got honestly annoyed with him, as Tory, Johnny and she herself love them). But John does watch Daniel very intently, and Daniel knows this, and it irritates him, but this is Terry's most trusted friend and most important ally. No good can come from saying anything. There was a little scene that one time when John was coming to the Silver house, and he saw Daniel. With a handsome Italian man. Probably beta. Well dressed. The type a boy like this ought to have been with, if you'd ask him. Standing on a street corner. Talking in low voices. And then the older man pulled him close, ruffled his hair, and kissed his cheek...
So John positioned himself right into his line of sight. There he is, staring them both down, and when Daniel sees him, he isn't even fazed. He lifts his chin, and calls him out: "John! So good to see you." Well, John has called someone's bluff before, so he walks over, and Daniel says: "Michael, you remember our good friend John Kreese?" And that beta looks at him as if he's feckin prey. Daniel gives him the tiniest smirk, and says: "John, you've met my brother, Michael?" And that beta can't even be bothered to tilt his head. Instead he hugs Daniel again, tells him to take care of himself, and then turns the full blast of his gaze on John as he walks away from him. "Buona serra," he says, in a tone of voice that tells John these would have been the last words he'd ever hear if he'd been staring down the barrel of a gun right now. So he straightens his back and nods. "Would you like some eggplant, John, while you wait for Terry? I made it fresh," Daniel says, and he does not want some feckin eggplant, he wants the steak his Betsy's cooking him, and he's got places to be. He keeps looking at the brother though, till he is out of sight, before he gives Daniel Betsy's best and makes his excuses. Daniel brightens at his mate's name, and wants to get them cookies, but they have cookies too, and he'll see Terry at the Stallion tonight. Daniel doesn't listen, walks back anyway so he has to follow him inside where Daniel gives him those cheesy bites Tory likes so much. And it looks so inviting but John can suddenly see traces of the brother in him and he can't help thinking:
We shouldn't have let the LaRussos regroup...
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Just saw the 2023 Annual...and , O.M.F.G. ! It was f##king brilliant!
From the moment I saw the covers, I knew that was some version of Raph from one of the futures...which, yet again, looks totally depressing ...I see a trend here tbh .
Any way. Got 3-4 questions about this issue. The first 3 being the main ones.
1. This Raph was from a difrent world, with similar past events to the one he ends up in or he is from this main time line , but, from a difrent future of it?
2. One of the weapons Old Raph used seem to be the ones that Alopex's use ...Are those her weapons? Like...were those the weapons she had?
And 3....Where was Jeny during this ...and..did she find out what it happened now?
This meeting also has to be part of way Don is soo into that book from future self in the current issues. Right?...
This takes place before the events of issue 140, correct?
Also. The opening scene with the silhouette of Armaggon befor the attack was just pure terror . I loved that soo much.
And, a bit of a Last Ronin vibe tbh.
PS. Interesting that the Foot got him in the middle of the woods ...how did they iven knew of him and where he was ...and, I guess this is not the last time we hear of him .🤨🤔🤔.
I wasn't involved with the Annual, you'd have to ask the writer Michael Walsh! I don't know where Jennika was but her absence seemed weird to me, too, maybe Michael doesn't care for the character, I don't know, again you'd have to ask him. I also don't know when the Annual takes place in the scheme of things, I'm guessing it must be between 139 and 140.
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pof203 · 1 year
Tiger & Bunny Justice Week: NHK Broadcast
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This is Hero TV Live! We are now getting closer to the first annual Justice Week. This week will celebrate the anime, Tiger & Bunny. This was thought up by fans to celebrate. The official is that this week will last from April 1 to 8. But since the day after the 8 is Easter Sunday, for this year, we will have an extra day. I hope you're all excited for what this celebration. I know I am.
First, let's see what the Sterbild Heroes are up to. They could be doing anything, folks. Remember, April 1 is not only the first day, it's also April Fool's Day.
First up, the team of Golden Rose.
>The scene now showed a live feed of Golden Ryan and Blue Rose in the break room.
>Blue Rose opens refrigerator and screams to see a snake in it. But when she gets a closer look, she saw it was only a rubber snake.
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April Fools!
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(sorry if the image is too small, you know the policy) That did get me a bit. I thought it was real.
Golden Ryan: (proudly) Yeah, I'm awesome!
>Golden Ryan sits down and opens a box of cookies that he believed came from a fan. But when he does...
Golden Ryan: (freaking out) AHH! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider!
>But when he looks closer, he saw that the "spiders" were actually spider-shaped cookies with a blue rose with them.
Blue Rose: (laughing) April Fools!
Golden Ryan: (also laughing) That's a good one! I never would have thought of that one.
Mario: Sounds like fun. Now let's check on Origami Bison.
>In the training room, Origami Cyclone and Rock Bison were doing some minute training before going to the celebration. (Pretend their faces are blurred out to protect their identities.) Bison was opening his water bottle when it suddenly sprouted flowers from the opening.
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Happy April Fools Day, Bison.
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(he may not look like it, but he is laughing) Ha! Ha! That's a pretty good one.
>Origami opened his bag to get his shuriken. But when he opened it, he squealed to find a giant cockroach inside. But it turned out to be a plastic one that was playing La Cucaracha.
Rock Bison: (laughing loudly) April Fools!
Origami Cyclone: (breathing heavily) Oh. That gave me a few grey hairs.
Mario: Who could tell? You're hair's already shiny. Now, let's see Sky Emblem.
>In waiting room, Sky High and Fire Emblem were just resting a bit. Fire had just sit down to read a book. But when they opened it, the book was completely blank except for one sentence that was repeating over and over: April Fools.
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April Fools!
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Not a very clever trick, but I'll take it.
Sky High: Glad to hear it.
>Sky High, who had taken off his shoes to rest, put them back on. But when he did, they made a squishing sound. He looks in to find that he shoes were filled with chocolate pudding.
Fire Emblem: (laughing a bit) April Fools.
Sky High: (also laughing) That got me good! I thought John or Jonjon got to my shoes again.
Mario: Now that was pretty sweet! Now, for Dragon Cat.
>Dragon Kid and Magical Cat were hiding behind some dividers at a restaurant when someone walks in.
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Hello? I'm suppose to be meeting my daughter for lunch here.
>A waiter leads the woman to a table that's reserved. The waiter already has a dish out.
Woman: Spegette and meatballs? Well, I guess I could- (shocked) Oh my god!
>The woman jumped back when she saw it was actually worms. But when she takes a closer looks, she saw they were actually gummi worms. Then, Dragon Kid and Magical Cat come out of their hiding place.
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Got you good!
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Happy April Fools, Mama.
Woman: (smiling a bit) I'm not too happy with you both ganging up on me, but it was still a clever trick. Well done.
Magical Cat: Sorry. I'll make it up on you on Mother's Day.
Mario: The Gummi Worm Trick. That takes me back. I wonder what He Is Black are up to.
>He Is Thomas and Mr. Black were hiding in their manager's office under her desk. Thomas was wearing a Friday the 13th mask holding a toy chainsaw while Mr. Black was wearing a Michael Myers mask with a toy machete. Then, their manager, Carlotta Lindell, comes in.
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Of course I would forget my keys. My mother always said I'd forget head if it weren't glued on.
>Carlotta just picked up her keys when Thomas and Mr. Black jump up from behind the desk, brandishing their fake weapons. Carlotta gasped a bit, then they took of their masks.
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Gotcha! Happy April Fools!
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... Ditto.
>Carlotta said nothing... except turned on the lights and swarm of bats dropped down on them.
Mr. Black: (freaking out and activating his powers) Holy shit!
He Is Thomas: (gasping)
>But they saw they were actually rubber bats from office's Halloween party half almost half a year ago.
Carlotta: (smiling a bit) April Fools.
Mr. Black: (chuckling nervously) I.. knew they were fake.
He Is Thomas: (doubtful) Really?
Mario: Guess that one didn't work out. Now, last, but not least, the moment you've all been waiting for... Tiger and Barnaby! ... Wait, what do you mean you can't find a live feed of them? ... Oh well, let's take a look at this car commercial they left us this morning that stars them. Let's take a look.
>At first, it looked like a simply white car driving through the hills... until a man in a zombie costume jumps up screaming.
Mario: (screaming) Oh my god!
>Then, something else appears on screen with a live feed.
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Happy April Fools Day!
Mario: (almost breathless) Wow! That really got me. And I think it got a lot of our viewer as well.
Barnaby: Thanks, Mario. Just thought we'd open Justice Week with a bang.
Kotetsu: You bet. Now... we better run before Agnes comes screaming at of for that video.
Mario: Well, there you have it, folks. This is how the heroes are spending the beginning of Justice Week and there's more to come.
This is Hero TV Live!
NOTE: I'm sorry if this is coming too late and it's not on Twitter, but this is the best that I could do. I hope you all understand.
P.S. I think you know which prank video Kotetsu and Barnaby used. I decided not to actually put a link in this because it scares the shit out of me. (When I first saw it, I got so scared, I was screaming and foaming at the mouth.)
Please don't send me that link.
Let's believe HEORES.
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