#I like old man tired reaper tbh
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sunnymainecoonx · 2 years ago
Afterdeath but they're an old married couple
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candyhoiic · 1 year ago
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Here’s my contribution to sinner! Adam because I just think he’s neat 👉👈
Anyways as one of my favorite characters of course I made his design with suffering in mind uwu /hj /lh
The reason why his collar and bracelets/cuffs are on even without his clothes is because he literally can't take them off, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'accessories' are actually fused with his skin. It's a part of his divine punishment as a physical means of constantly reminding him of how much he's a slave to his own desires and anger. It can also be interpreted as a physical manifestation of him being a prisoner to hell now tehehe
Actually, now that I think about it, the spikes we can see on his collar and cuffs most definitely go out both ways, so he has spikes piercing into his skin at all times.
His "hood" is actually apart of him too basically like a cobra's hood ^^ I did this since I like the idea of a sinner's appearance being somewhat determined by how they died, and while Lucifer didn't deliver the final blow, he definitely played a major role in getting him there. So, that's why I gave Adam some snake-like attributes (i.e the hood, split tongue, and scales) the very creature associated with the devil himself!
Plus, with the hood, he kind gives off grim reaper vibes, which is fitting since he was technically hell's very own grim reaper along with the rest of his exorcist.
He also has some goat attributes ie the horns, hooves, ears, tail (not that I actually drew it lmao sorry), and sideway pupils for his hood eyes because of their connection with the devil and well that's the first creature that comes to my mind that has horns tbh.
His face and horns are meant to mock his exterminator mask because I'm a sucker for that trope. Just imagine how pissed off he was to find out he couldn't take off his 'mask'
I gave him piercings bc their hot /hj I mean they are but let's be honest canon Adam should have definitely had piercings because they fit his vibe so well.
He also has a nicked eyebrow because he so would. He's just that type of cringe /j
As for the rest of his outfit? I don't really know what to say I just wanted to give him rock n' roll vibes while also capturing that fact that he is in fact an old man no matter how young he might look.
Also, for anyone wondering the belt was absolutely necessary. There was no way I wasn't going to add it when the thought first came to me. It just says something about his ego.
I did my best to make Adam somewhat out of shape, but I don't have really any experience with different body types so some of it might look off, but I did my best.
The headshot in the corner was a very quick drawing of what his full demon form may look like. If I ever actually give it a full design don't be surprised if it changes significantly because I definitely have some thoughts about it but I'm just too tired to actually pour the energy into drawing it rn oops
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However, I did have enough energy to draw what I imagine his wings to be like. And of course, I could pass up on another chance to give him a mocking reminder of how far he's fallen. He kept his wings technically but there next to useless as he can't actually fly with them. And honestly, they're not actually all that durable as one can imagine since well their just bone.
So, it's a big weak spot for him but luckily, he can detract them into his skin. Although the process is painful, and he has to let them out every now and then or it'll feel like his back is on fire. They also glow making it hard to hide them when they're out.
The marking/tattoo/brand on his back is a cross with his A over it. I like to think it symbolizes how he put himself before God which is a big no, no. It can also be interpreted as a nod to how he was basically acting like he was God himself by passing on divine judgement and punishment onto others for things he himself was guilty of.
Anyways the red glowing exes over the symbol are simply to show off the killing blows Nifty delivered to him.
Last but not least, I made him caked up and I won't apologize for that either.
Anyways byeee! Thanks for reading my rambles about my sinner! Adam design. Hope you enjoyed!~
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artistic-dead-dreams · 6 months ago
All aboard I'm fucking seething
Blizzard you stupid whinny piece of fossilized mammoth shit. Another anime Collab? Another Collab in general??? Overwatch used to be a game with obvious flaws but those flaws had heart to them (usually.) now fucking...MHA Collab?? Oh let me guess the characters! Should be interesting considering Reinhardt, kiriko, mercy, Pharah, genji, reaper, tracer have been the ONLY FUCKING CHARACTER'S TO GET ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE SHOP SKINS NOW
So fucking tired like yeah they are great cosmetics I reallllly like these skins! Surprised. They aren't bad. Its just sad seeing how the only thing that the richies in charge of the company think..."yes...yes...get more...COLLABS" like u just had one with yourselves.
I'm seeing alot of people say ramattra should have been all might and I agree ( however I knew that if they did this Collab Rien would be the ultimate choice for all might..)
But my god...I could go on and on about how I personally feel that kiriko is a big ass mistake of a character. Now don't frown ☹️ because I main her I get to hate her and I do hate her but I have a bit of love for her. But SHE IS NOT THE POSTER CHILD I AND I WILL SHOVE THIS DOWN PEOPLES THROATS. She will NEVER be the poster child. There are already two. Winton and tracer. Never kiriko or Juno or whatever fucking new character comes out. Although I wouldn't mind Sojourn or junker queen as new poster children, they have my endorsement.
Now I know this aint serious at all but it is to me. As a ten year old I'd plead with my poor poor family to buy overwatch for years because I was obsessed (heavily fixated) with overwatch. It was a whole new world for me to dive in and tracer is the reason I pretend to be British! So I must give my hand to her.
So many people have brought up amazinggggg ideas for lore cosmetics/animations/sprays/voice lines etc, but no all we get is dull overused franchises. We could have Lifeweaver in his science fit, ...more sojourn skins...., THERE ARE IDEAS I'm blanking tbh
Clenches fists white froth coming out of my mouth
veins popping up upon my forehead and arms
I could make overwatch overwatch again...
But no one knows that....
I main D.va by the way like she's my most played and I'm bronze cause why would I actually try to rank up? I play to win bitch not to brag
Although D.va to me is a very neutral Aroace she/her transmasc socially tired kinda guy. No one gets her like I Do. She probably drinks diet soda for the taste like i do, totally
Yeah NGL I dont be shipping D.va, Hanzo, illari, Juno with anyone...it makes me gag and ya know I obviously don't ship the omnics or animals
However u can ship omnics with humans (I personally might start a Sombra x zen just for the hell of it ) I say that because In certain maps there are posters with human omnic romances, and yeah I'm one of those ram and zen r brothers brothers people. If u ship ram and zen keep it to urself I'm very hostile when it comes to shipping...it's a job not a fun hobby for this man. Aka me I'm the man ♂️😂
Okay I won't out right bully you for shipping but I'm also not gonna be very considerate in the way I talk about said ships..
Like I can't STAND dead by daylight ships...my word so bad...HOW DO U GET JAKE PARK AND MICHAEL CUCKING MYERS AS... BOYFRIENDS?? i have been bamboozled for 6 years with that one. Or GHOSTFACE AND MICHEAL?? GUYS MICHAEL DOES NOT WANNA BE KISSING THESE MEN. Wait hold on. Let me make another post about ships I hate I'm passionate now
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sortasirius · 4 years ago
“Unity” and the Broken Boys
This is....one of the best episodes in the show.  Yeah, in all 325 of them, this is hands down one of the best.
First of all, stan Amara for clear skin.
That silent treatment babey, right out the gate with the Angst.  Tbh Dean deserves it.
“Like I said, killing Amara, Jack dying...that’s the only way.���
“The only way.  Our one shot.  Our Last chance.  You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?”
“We don’t have to like it, alright?  But you and me, we gotta get it done.”
Amara is such a welcome energy in this whole episode.  She’s warm and understanding, whip-smart and probably more powerful than Chuck.  I love her.
Sam is a wonderful, understanding, loving dad.  I love him eternally.  He loves Jack so much, he’s trying so desperately to do what’s right for Jack but also what’s right for the world.  Jack made this choice, but he can’t live with it.  How do you support your child when their life is at stake?
“Come on man.  Blindly following orders, lying to Amara, sending her to her death. Does any of this feel right to you??”
“It doesn’t matter how we feel!  You know what?  Stay.  Stay.  Someone has to be the grown up here.”
“Yeah well someone has to keep fighting for Jack!”
“He knows what he signed up for!”
“Last I checked, we don’t give up on family.”
“Jack’s not family.”
Y’all should have heard the noise I made.  What a fucking line.
“I know how you feel about the kid, I care for him too, I do, but he’s not like you.  He’s not like Cas.  He’s just not.”
“I’m- I’m ready.”
You can see the regret, the heartbreak in Dean’s eyes.  You can see how he wants to take those words back the moment he said them, and for Jack to hear them?  It’s unthinkable.
Sam and Cas I’m just so fucking emo dude.
“Sam, you stayed behind to find another way huh?  I woulda done the same.”
First of all, LOVE this structure.
Amara and Chuck have such a fascinating dynamic.  Rob and Emily do a great job (as they have all along) by clearly being siblings but...heightened.  You can just tell they both exude power, and the other is the only one they consider an equal.
“You and Dean had that whole weird...thing.”
“That wasn’t you writing?”
“Ugh, not that part.  Gross.”
What I took away from this is what I’ve suspected all along.  They HAVE free will, just not total free will.  Dean and Amara’s connection wasn’t Chuck, there are parts of the story he didn’t write.  Obviously, this comes into play later. 
I also have a hunch that Chuck doesn’t write romance.  I also think that in particular will come into play.
“Balance.  Something we’ve never tried before.  Creation and destruction, light and dark, brother and sister united again, but on behalf of one world, this world.  True balance.  The way it was always meant to be.  But you can’t.  You only care about your pleasure, your story.  Well, I guess that makes you the villain.”
“Villains get all the best lines.”
We see again and again this season, Chuck is irredeemable.  He doesn’t care about the angels, he doesn’t care about the world, he doesn’t care about anything.  He is a petulant toddler who has broken his toys. And when he realizes he’s trapped, he gets angry, he shouts and screams, completely at odds with Amara’s peace.
“You can’t hold me here forever.”
“I can hold you long enough.”
Pain is the name of the game in this section homies.  Because not only are we dealing with Dean’s pain, we’re also dealing with Jack’s.  Jack says he understands why Cas and Sam mean more to Dean, but Dean clearly doesn’t, he, once again, wants to say more, but is stopped, still stopped by his fear: his fear of not beating Chuck.
Alright guys, gals, and non-binary pals.  Let’s talk about Adam and Seraphina.
Adam.  The first man.  And Seraphina.  The angel.
“My old lady.  She’s the only one who could put up with me all these years.”
Yeah okay.  Volume at 100 I get it lmao.
But also: Adam wants God dead not because he and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, but because he went after their sons.  The theme of protecting the children strikes again.
“Killing God is your plan?”
“Yeah, Billie’s been giving us a hand but Sera and me, this is our baby.”
This juxtaposed directly with Dean’s own pain at what he has to do to kill Chuck, to gain his free will: the cost of his child.
Adam’s rib.
And who else might get his ribs hurt, only to be likely healed by an angel?
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It’s fine, that’s fine.  I’m fine with that.
“Jack, I don’t know how to explain it but, when I found out about Chuck, it’s like I wasn’t alive.  Not really.  You know like my whole life I’ve never been free, but like really free.  But now?  Now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life, without all this crap on our backs.  And that’s, that’s because of you.  So, I want to say, I need to say...thank you, Jack.  Thank you.”
I’m gonna have to do a separate post about just Dean in this episode, because there is so fucking much to talk about, but there are a couple of things that I think are important:  Dean realizes how wrong he was, to say what he said.  He knows that it’s not true, this is the way he’s always coped with loss, by pushing the person to be lost away, but for Jack to hear it?  He can’t stand for that.
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Dean has finally pushed through the barrier.  He won’t be quiet in the face of his doubts anymore.  This is a breakthrough for him, and, of course, there are more to come.
Sam and Cas, my chaos duo.
The box, the inscription, the door.
Death’s library, filled with dead reapers.
And there it is.  The Empty.
It tells Sam the plan, the plan for Billie to take God’s place.  For everything to go back to the way it’s “supposed to be.”
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This has always been the game, since season 13.  This is the longest of long games.
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Sam fuckin Winchester, lying his way out of a confrontation with the Empty like the legend that he is.
He comes back with a new purpose: to stop Billie’s plan, and here’s where we get to the heart of the episode and maybe the heart of the season.
“You hear that?  Dean, brought to the edge of doubt.  His sense of duty, his rage winning out in the end.  And poor Sam, always gotta know everything.  Can’t leave well enough alone.  This is my ending, my real ending.”
The gun comes out, pointed at Sam.
Hmm...what did I say during 15x05?  Oh yeah, this.
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Dean would never survive killing Sam, but he’s willing to do anything, anything to earn his freedom.  His ending, where one brother kills the other and then kill himself.
Why, you might ask, did Sam not mention that the angels would be sent back to Heaven, why does he not mention Cas?  I’ll tell you why, or rather, Becky will.
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Plus, Dean looks back at Cas IMMEDIATELY when Sam says that, when he mentions Eileen, and THAT’S the first time he hesitates.  He can’t lose Cas.  But at the same time, he’s willing to do anything to have his freedom.
“Sam we don’t have a choice, Jack’s about to blow!”
“We always have a choice!”
You know me, just sitting here thinking about choice, the ability to choose, and how that translates to their free will.
And Sam...I don’t think there will ever be characters I love as much as these.
“I don’t care if Billie gets what she wants!  I don’t man, I’d trade it all, I’d trade em all for Chuck.  In a heartbeat!”
“What about me?”
“You’d trade me?”
“Chuck has to die.  He has to!  Otherwise he’ll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can’t live like that man, I can’t live like that, I won’t!”
“I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do, but you gotta trust me.  My entire life, you’ve protected me.  From Dad, from Lucifer, from everything.  I didn’t always like it, you know?  But it’s the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on.  It’s the only thing I’ve ever known that was true.  So please, put the gun away.  Just put it away.  We’ll figure it out, Dean, we’ll find another way, you and me.  We always do.”
Okay I feel like this is going to be one of those scenes that I cry watching for years to come.  Because fuck.  After fifteen years they finally admit that not only did Dean protect Sam from Lucifer, but he protected him from John.  John.  On a par with Lucifer.
Dean and Sam have, for so many years, sacrificed themselves for the other.  Dean’s demon deal, Sam and the trials, every season they have fought to see who can die the quickest for the other.  But this?  This is them fighting to stop the violence, to stop from killing the big bad.  This is them growing, in our eyes, in real time.  Sam has always been able to get through to Dean when no one else had a prayer, but for Dean to listen, for Dean to take his words to heart, to stop the hunt for Sam, for their family, that’s how you know they do have free will.
(Btw Chuck’s eye effect when he dusted Amara was sick as fuck but I’m emo for my boys so.)
Chuck knows it’s a loss, he knows that his story has, once again, been thwarted by the boys making their own choices.  And he’s pissed, but in his anger, we get a bomb dropped on us.
“Spare me your contempt Castiel, the self-hating angel of Thursday.  You know what every other version of you did after “gripping him tight and raising him from perdition”?  They did what they were told.  But not you.  Not the one off the line with a crack in his chassis.”
Are you fucking kidding me?
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Also, just worth bringing up this one as well:
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Every Castiel pulled Dean out of Hell.  Every one told him the same thing.  And yet, immediately, with this Cas and this Dean, something was different.  Because what has everyone seen about Cas, from the moment he met Dean?
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And there’s our endgame people.  Laid out on the line.
But we ain’t done yet, fam.
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We’ve talked about the handprint, but you know:
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So there you have it, our prep into the “monumental” 15x18.  I have spec on that, of course, but I think a novel is long enough for this.
What to take away: Dean’s rage was always Chuck’s plan, they do have free will, their love for each other, for their family, is what will stop Chuck’s control, Death is about to come back with a vengeance, Cas’ deal is at play, and, most importantly, Castiel and Dean Winchester are a blind spot for Chuck, something he has never, not once, controlled.
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How old is Elijah bc Lydia’s 18
Since when are Maggie and Lydia friends??
Aww Lydia’s leaving. I wonder if she’ll like the CW.
That’s not good.
Lydia with a stick.🥰
Who is this guy?
Did the commonwealth give them gas?
Every time Hershel calls Maggie “mom” I die of happiness
Question: Has Lydia even been in a car before?
Commie Maggie we stan
“Getting by is something I’ve had to do my whole life” me too baby, me too
“I want things to be the same everyday” 👀
Okay but is Aaron even religious?
Gabriel could heal my religious trauma I think
“Religious group” did y’all learn nothing from the Reapers?
Who the hell is this Carlson guy
Why does every man in the CW suck
Yeah maybe you should leave them alone
“part of your costume” EXCUSE ME???
Okay so: I know if a groups survived this long they have to be able to fight, but why haven’t we seen a group that’s like…fundie. Women do housework and wear modest dresses, men fight, major sexism, discrimination, etc.
I love this bitch omg step on me queen
That’s not good
Y’all are about to die probably
Lowkey getting tired of the religion subplot tbh
Okay??? Yeah they prob do what’s your point dude
Also you have women dressing like hot topic ads
Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain
Umm actually they do
*Gabe having Terminus flashbacks*
Let Lance drink dammit
Of course he’s a CIA guy, that makes so much sense
Aaron and Gabe rn: 👁👄👁
Negan stop bullying children
Is the hot black woman with Negan Annie?
Yep it is
If they’re setting Negan up to against the CE then I quit.
“That cannot stand” Negan rn: “that’s my fucking line”
Who the fuck are these people
Why is Negan with religious people? He’s not even religious?
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dream-girls-evil · 6 years ago
Episode 6 Reaction
Hey kiddos! Sorry I didn’t post anything last night; that extra-long episode made me tired! I’m an old lady. Anyways! What did you all think?? I...really, really wanted to like it, for Sarah, but I just didn’t. And it’s not her fault, she worked with the script she was given; the script was just so disappointing. Let’s break it down, shall we? 
Warning: I gotta rant, so this will be LONG.
Madison Montgomery
Wow I could watch a full episode just of Madison and Behold being stuck on that drive to the Murder House together. They’re fucking hilarious. I was absolutely LIVING for Billy Porter’s expressions.
I also cackled when she just casually tossed aside Hayden’s skull. I would have paid to see them interact.
I’m glad that they’re at least trying to give Madison some character development, but she was really all over the place with this episode
It made me laugh out loud when she said Tate wasn’t that hot
And then cringe when she called Ben a DILF
And what in the world was that line “if my baby wasn’t cool or good-looking, I wouldn’t love it”? Like, WHAT? Even if that’s true, it was just such a weird and unnecessary thing to say.
And then then just randomly deciding to bring up a super personal memory with a guy you barely know and who might be your enemy.
There’s been no pacing or sense of progression, just awkwardly blurting out information at inappropriate times. Maybe they’re going for Madison trying way too hard to be a different person, and how it’s really not working? I hope whatever it is, they can settle on a tone for her soon.
I will admit, though, that I loved her saying “Cordelia will know what to do.” Tbh, of all the girls, she’s always had the most mother-daughter relationship with Cordelia, even if neither of them would EVER admit it. I do think she really looks up to her Supreme.
It’s also looking like the last name is probably a coincidence, by what Billie Dean said.
Speaking of Billie Dean...
Murder House Characters
The actual FUCK was going on here???
Billie Dean Howard--I was SO excited when she showed up
And SO glad they got her a better wig than she had in Murder House. That was awful.
If “I’ve known a few Montgomery’s in my day” is as close as we’re gonna get to Hotgomery then I am taking it. It’s canon now, fight me.
But man, I wanted her and Constance to interact more! They had such a fun dynamic in the first season!
And then she...disappeared? I know Sarah had to actually direct, but they couldn’t have even had her say “well, I’ve gotta head out, we’re leaving to film at (wherever)” or something?
They could have shortened this episode by 30 minutes if she had just told the witches that Michael was the Antichrist from the get go
Constance Langdon
A queen, as always, but also confusing. I don’t understand any of her story.
First of all, she KNEW Billie’s prophecy about the Antichrist. They both KNEW what Michael would be from the moment they found out he was conceived. And even if Constance didn’t believe it then, you’d think she would have realized something was up when he aged 10 years overnight.
And after being totally cool and actually seeming a little proud when he killed his first nanny, and all that talk about him being destined for greatness, did anyone else expect her to be totally psyched that her grandson was the future ruler of the world? Cuz I did.
And her fourth child finally appears! Man, first Cordelia, now this? Jessica’s tv daughters really can’t catch a break in the eye department.
Aaaaand she’s still a bitch to Moira. You’d think Violet would have taught her about slut shaming or something by now.
She finally gets to be with her mother and I’m sobbing.
But, we’ve pretty much known it was going to happen for months.
It still wasn’t totally satisfying, though. She didn’t say goodbye to the Harmons, who she was really close with the last time we saw her. She was Jeffrey’s godmother!
And speaking of the Harmons, where tf was Vivien to defend her from Constance’s torture??? I loved Vivien and Moira’s dynamic in the first season!
The Harmons
Man, I was so proud of Vivien for not talking to Ben for like five seconds and then they ruined it.
Ben is still a shit therapist and all-around douchebag.
Words cannot express my anger that literally the ONLY reason Violet showed up was to redeem Tate.
No. Nope. Rejected. I will never accept that their toxic relationship is okay because “the house made him do it.” Tate is manipulative, sociopathic trash.
Michael Langdon
Okay, metal six-year-old Michael was actually kinda cute, sadly it couldn’t last.
And it’s literally Tate’s fault again cuz why not, he started this whole thing after all.
Aaaaaand more dead lesbians. HE BURNED THEIR FUCKING SOULS UP. What the fuck Murphy. This is not how you do representation.
The whole thing with the “signs” of his rise to power was neat, and his followers were satisfyingly creepy. Loved seeing Naomi Grossman again.
Though I can’t help but wonder how the actual Church of Satan is feeling about its presentation in the show.
I died when they played “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” This season has such great music.
The relationship between Mead and Michael is still a mystery. Like, now we know how they met--she was one of his loyal followers. But he literally almost killed Constance for telling him what to do. So how did Mead get from worshipping the Antichrist to parenting him?
Final Thoughts/Next Week
All in all, the only actual things that needed to happen in that episode were the coven finding out Michael was the Antichrist and us finding out how Constance died.
I was very disappointed with how the ghosts showed up. There was hardly any interaction--they all just made their appearances one-by-one, gave a dramatic speech, and then went off to some sort of happy ending.
Also, very sad Madison didn’t even make one jab about Cordelia being too busy fawning over Misty to investigate this herself.
More background next week with a little bit of time back at Hawthorne. Looks like we’ll be introduced to Joan Collins’ new character, figure out how Dinah got involved with the witches, possibly find out how Myrtle got resurrected (I’m hoping), and see PAPA LEGBA!!! I was SO hoping he’d show up in this season, and I will be SO mad if he doesn’t make at least one comment about getting annoyed with all the times Cordelia called him up trying to bargain for Misty’s soul. Because we all know she did.
Speaking of Misty, if we’re going back to Hawthorne, we’ll find out for sure whether she’s still there or has gone somewhere else (like with Stevie), but they’d better actually tell us where she went, not just ignore the fact that she’s absent.
This episode also means that they DID know who Michael was and what he was going to do in 2018, before the Apocalypse. So they must have had a plan to stop him--what happens with it? If my parallel timelines theory holds out, we won’t know if it works until the very end.
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blackwatchbastard · 7 years ago
Aw ye I'm tired of all the talk about what kind of things Jack must be dealing with in terms of PTSD & whatnot but I never see anyone giving the same kind of consideration for Gabriel? He's gotta have stuff going on as well from everything he's been through, especially since the man's dead.
Honestly, one of the biggest flaws I see with veteran AUs and tbh how the whole ptsd thing is addressed with this ship in general is that people so often forget Gabriel. Like, Jack’s almost always the vet with ptsd while Gabriel’s got no military history (even though canon implies he was Career Military committed). Or the focus is Jack’s ptsd and never addresses how Gabriel went through the exact same shit and also DIED and is canonically suffering as Reaper.Add to that the fact that I personally hc that Gabriel’s method of coping is to throw himself into the issues of others and how Jack is probably the only person who is able to read what his ‘I’m fine’ really means and like… I live for them taking care of each other equally. Both helping each other shoulder their issues and work through them. Gimme that love and support and healthy communication!! Gimme them learning to cope together.All my stuff is going to inevitably address how BOTH of them deal with mental illness because they both got that good old fashioned Hell Brain and they’re going to be there and support each other for it.
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slapaholicrex · 7 years ago
Ay man I know it's not looking the best for you with people making fun of your gothic cheap black robe style with that old ass blade you got but I'm not here to be like everyone else. Living is to have material possessions that death such as yourself couldn't possibly need. Don't cry. You'll get your old dusty skull tears on my gucci belt. And I'll dead ass use your head as a dash ornament. Cheer up and stop looking so grim. No, no, no - you can't kill yourself, dummy, remember? Jesus man remember the days when people were afraid of you? You're the Grim fucking Reaper, dawg. And honestly, I think you're in a good position. I'm gonna suggest you get creative and take control. I want you to start smoking and get a bike. Not a bmx, what are you, 13? No, get a fuckin Harley. Fake this persona of a really dark character. Don't show up to people, they will show up to you. And when they do, regardless of your confidence, I want you to get mean. If they tell you to bug off, I want you to grab them in a headlock, take the cigarette, put it out in their eye, drag them to your bike, put their face under your back tire, and I want you to pull the throttle as far as you can back. You see that old couple walking this way? They're well into their 130s and they should have died 40 years ago max. Don't take shit from these old people. I want you to try this 'scary death' technique. Take the man out first. The old woman is much too frail to jump in and try to save him. Tbh if the cigarette in the eye doesn't scare them, the reving of your engine should make them completely compliant. If not, you know what to do.
It's no problem man every now and then everyone needs a pep talk. I just want you to be scary like you were when I was growing up. I promise if you're good at your job people will show you respect. Go get'em tiger.
Humanity has found a way to live forever: Death is actually super insecure and every time he shows up to take a life they bully him for his fashion sense and tell him that nobody likes him. Now Death has lost his confidence and has completely stopped doing his job. The world is getting overpopulated and it’s a serious problem. You have been chosen to give Death a pep talk and help him in regaining his confidence so the world can be in balance once more.
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