#I let him in no matter the doppelganger omg
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albaricomics · 1 year ago
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Okay hear me out
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froggibus · 2 years ago
omg what abt valorant sova/chamber watching their s/o get killed by their mirror counterparts 🤭🤭
The Wrong Reflection - ft Cypher, Chamber, Sova & Phoenix
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Includes: Cypher, Chamber, Sova and Phoenix
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: you encounter your boyfriend's mirror counterpart and realize all too late what's about to happen, and all he can do is watch
CW: violence, major character death, stabbing, shooting, degrading?, lots of angst, major injuries, near death experience, resurrection, hurt/comfort, some fluff at the end?, fainting
so this isn't *quite* what you asked for but i really loved this idea and wanted to make it a little less angsty so here we are lol...also this is my first time writing about Sova, Chamber & Phoenix so if they're a little OOC or there's timeline issues thats why
Though everyone at Valorant had been warned about the evil doppelgangers that seemed to look and sound exactly like your closest comrades, hearing about it just wasn’t the same as seeing it. No matter how many times the other agents testified to you that it was the truth and swore up and down that there were “two Phoenix’s”, you just couldn’t wrap your head around it.
Until now, of course. Sent on a mission with Cypher and Jett, separated when a grenade went off and forced to hide in an alleyway until the smoke cleared, you didn’t think the day could get much worse. Then you saw your boyfriend’s hat through the smoke and went to pursue him, only for him to spin around and shove a dagger just below your ribs.
You flinch and lurch forward, just barely able to catch yourself before going toppling over. He yanks the dagger from your side, and just as you’re about to ask ‘why’, blood bubbles over your lips. You blink a few times, head spinning from both the pain and blood loss. 
Why would he…
And then you remember. You remember the warnings from Brimstone and the stories from Phoenix. This wasn’t your boyfriend at all. This must have been the mirror counterpart they told you about. 
Worst yet, your real boyfriend was nowhere to be found and you’re losing blood fast. It’ll be a miracle if you can even crawl, let alone fight. 
Somehow, you manage to get to your knees and pull out the small pistol you had tucked into your waistband. You brandish the weapon threateningly, swinging it around in a warning. The doppelganger doesn’t seem to care, though. 
You squeeze the trigger.
Cypher is frantic. He’s tearing through the streets, desperately searching for you. He didn’t want to be separated, but there was no other choice. The camera he had placed where you had first been was shrouded in smoke, smoke that was clearing way too slowly for his taste.
How long has it been since your comms went dead? Five minutes? Ten? He shakes his head. He can’t worry about that now. You have to be okay. You can’t die on him now.
He checks his camera one more time, leaning his back on a brick wall in a futile attempt to catch his breath. When the familiar screen loads, he’s relieved to see the smoke finally cleared enough to grant him sights on the streets below. 
The relief lasts only a second.
You’re on your knees, blood pooling down your side and forming a dark puddle on the scorched pavement. And standing in front of you is him. His heart sinks. He doesn’t need audio to know what must have happened. You must have mistaken the counterpart for him, and paid the cost.
Not you, he thinks. Anyone but you. Before he knows it, he’s tearing away from the wall, sprinting as fast as his legs can carry him back to where you were. He’s only seconds away, but he doesn’t even know if he’ll make it in time. He turns the corner just in time to hear the gunshot.
He flinches, heels skidding to a halt. You collapse to the ground face first in a pool of your own blood. His doppelganger is nowhere to be seen. His heart is racing so fast it's painful. Everything seems surreal. This can’t be happening, not to him, not again. 
His only solace is the slight twitch of your body, a miniscule sign of life.
He rushes forwards, dropping onto the pavement and sliding to you. He ignores the burning in his knees, the strain on his lungs. All he cares about is your collapsed form on the ground.
He flips you over, examining every inch of your body. He squints. There’s no bullet wounds, no signs of being shot. There’s only a gash just below your ribs, and that's clearly the source of the blood.
But hadn’t he heard a gunshot?
He looks at the small pistol laying on the ground next to you, the barrel still warm. There’s a bullet hole in the wall in front of you, and he almost sobs in relief. You didn’t get shot. You shot back.
He squeezes your body to his, so happy he almost forgets you’re bleeding out. It’s only when he feels your warm blood staining his clothes and hands that he remembers. 
“I’ve got you, little one,” he murmurs, scooping you up into his arms. “I promise.”
You’re not going to die on him today, he thinks. You’re coming back to him, no matter what.
You wake up in your own bed. It takes you a while to realize where you are, your eyes barely able to focus and your head pounding. You inch your way towards sitting up, your side burning the whole time.
What happened? You blink, trying to force yourself into remembering. You had been on a mission, right? With Amir.
Oh, you realize, memories coming back. He was there, but so was his mirror counterpart. And he had stabbed you. That’s why your side hurts. 
Still, it doesn’t explain how you got back, or how you’re even alive.
The door bursts open, and Cypher is standing there panting. “Y-you’re awake!” 
You’re beyond asking how he knows, assuming he put a camera in your room the minute you got back. You just nod, taking in his disheveled state.
“I was so worried,” he closes the door softly, coming down to sit in front of you. “You were…you almost—” he sighs “—are you sore? Can I hold you?”
“Yeah,” you say, your voice so hoarse you barely recognize it.
He wastes no time in wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his head into your shoulder. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he mumbles into your neck, hot breath fanning over your shoulder, “please. I can’t lose you.”
Chamber had never once been worried about his counterpart. After all, they shared a common goal, and he assumed his counterpart had the same soft spot for you that he did.
He assumed wrong.
It was a month ago when you went on a mission together. A month since you followed the wrong Vincent, and a month since he almost killed you. Had your real boyfriend not been there, you would be toast by now. 
That incident was almost enough to make him reconsider his partnership with his mirror self. Almost. Still, he swore if he ended up in that situation again, he would protect you. That wannabe wouldn’t lay his damn hands on you again.
Now, stepping off the jet with him, you’re not worried. You know better now, and you and Chamber had also come up with a codeword only he would know to distinguish the two.
“Just stay by my side, okay?” He cautions, overprotective as always, “if we stick together, he won’t get the chance.”
You nod, letting him lead you across the abandoned pier. You duck behind storage boxes and abandoned machinery, Vincent trying to find the place where they’re going to plant the bomb. 
There’s a slight clicking behind you, ever so slight, like the scraping of footsteps on gravel. You turn your head for a second, see nothing, and turn back to see your boyfriend staring at you.
“What is it?” You ask, “did you find it?”
He shakes his head, “we already passed it. We have to go back a ways.” You nod in agreement, letting him lead the way. He leads you back the way you came, around a corner and to a deserted place in the docks. The surface is incredibly damp and uneven. You can’t see how they could ever plant a bomb here.
“Are you sure? It looks—”
You’re cut off by him pulling out his pistol and shooting you through the shoulder. The force of the shot is enough to knock you onto your ass, the pressure from the bullet making you scream in pain.
No, you think. This can’t be. You took your eyes off of him for one second, not even. How had he replaced your Chamber? How did your Chamber not notice you missing or—had he done something to him? “How?” You wheeze, applying pressure to your shoulder.
A smirk finds its way to his face.
Chamber expects you to be behind him when he runs from the storage box you’re currently behind to another. He’s so sure you’re going to follow him that he doesn’t even turn around. He’s so focused on finding where they’re going to plant that he doesn’t even realize your body heat isn’t behind him. 
To him, nothing seems wrong until he hears the sound of a gun go off. Not just any gun, his pistol. He whips around, expecting you to be there. His heart drops when you’re not. 
How had he tricked you? Did you run off? He shakes his head. You weren’t stupid, he was just too smart for his own good. But if he’s hurt you or worse, Chamber can only imagine the ways he’ll torture his mirror self.
He sprints back to where you were before, desperately looking for any evidence of you or where you could have gone. He tries to think like himself, tries to think of what he would do if he was trying to lure you to an early grave.
But he can’t. He would never hurt you, he would never think to even try. Time is running out, he knows it. If you’re not already dead, you will be in seconds. He slams his fist against the steel of the crate, the pounding echoing throughout the pier. 
He freezes. An echo. That’s right, for the sound to carry where he was, it had to have echoed off the boxes. So, he just has to follow them and find you, right?
He takes off quick as lightning, climbing the crate and leaping across the tops for a better vantage point.  Come on, y/n, he sighs. You can’t die on him like this. You can’t die because of him. 
He’s done a lot of bad things in his life, but he can’t possibly see what he’s done to deserve this. He can’t possibly see what higher power is cruel enough to take you from him.
He’s going fast, faster than he’s gone in his entire life. All he needs is to reach you, to save you, to do his job as your damn boyfriend and protect you. 
He hears a whimper and skids to a halt. There, just below him. You’re laying on the ground, blood pooling around your head. His other self is crouched above you laughing, dragging his pistol across your body.
He’s taunting you, he realizes.
That’s fine. If he wants to play, Chamber will play. His mirror self doesn’t see him coming, doesn’t see his sniper rifle being pulled out. Chamber takes a deep breath, steadying the scope like he’s done a million other times in his life. 
Just as he takes the shot, so does his doppelganger. The bullet rips through your chest, your body seizing once before going limp. The other bullet tears through the skull of his doppelganger and sends him toppling to the ground. 
Chamber hops down, rushing to your side. The blood is pouring out now, and though he’s seen countless people die, it's different when it's the love of his life. Your face and hair are coated in your blood. He hates the way it gets on his hands and covers his sleeves when he tries to apply pressure to the wound.
Your heart is beating, just barely. His mirror self must have missed but…he shakes the thought away. He needs to focus on you now. You can’t die on him, not now. Still, his own hopes don’t change the way your heart rate is slowing down more and more by the second.
He’s out of time.
You wake up in a flash of blue light. You have to blink a few times to focus, but the energy coursing through your veins is so intense it's like your senses have been dialed up to 11. Sage is standing in front of you, looking at you in concern. Her eyes are slightly puffy.
Next to her, his head hanging low, is Chamber. Your eyes shoot wide as you remember what happened, and start to register what's going on. He had killed you. Well, not him, but his other self. You died and—and Sage resurrected you.
The energy starts to leave and your strength wanes. You pitch forwards, expecting to hit the floor, but Chamber catches you before that can happen. He’s holding you gently but securely, strong arms unrelenting. 
“Mon chérie,” he sighs into your hair. “I can’t bear to part with you again.”
It’s white as far as you can see across the horizon, snow blotting out everything in your path. You’re already nervous—this is a big mission, after all—but the snow just makes you feel even more uneasy. 
Your boyfriend grabs your shoulder reassuringly. “We get in, we get out.” 
You nod at him but your nerves are still on fire. Brim got wind of someone planning on bombing a safe house, and sent you and Sova to go investigate. 
It made sense why your boyfriend would be sent—he practically breathed cold air—but you? You despised the cold. Yet, they were unrelenting in their decision and no matter how many times your boyfriend assured you that you would be fine, you weren’t convinced. 
“Cover your footsteps,” you remind him. “They’re easier to track in the snow.”
He sighs, “angel, there’s nothing out there to hurt you. I’ll protect you.”
It warms your chest slightly to hear him say those words. Only for a second, though, until you make a wrong step into a snowbank and you’re sent tumbling away from him.
You roll to your feet, covered in snow and glaring. You look up to where you were, but your boyfriend is nowhere in sight. 
“Sova?” You call. 
No answer. 
You turn around. Could he have gone a different way? Or did you fall so far that he’s out of sight?
You hear a noise behind you and whip around, drawing your weapon. There’s nothing there. “Sasha, please! I—“
“I’m here.”
You turn around, coming face to face with him. He has his head tilted at you curiously, using one hand to push your weapon down. 
You frown. Something seems off. How did he get down here so fast? And if he was here, why wasn’t he answering your calls? 
“Why didn’t you answer me? I was calling you.”
“Sorry,” he shrugs. “I came as fast as I could.”
“Right…let’s get back up, okay, we need to monitor the situation.”
You start hiking through the knee-deep snow, trying to get back to where you were. You pause about halfway up, though, when you realize you don’t hear footsteps behind you. 
You turn around, about to ask why he isn’t coming up with you. You face him, and just as you do, you hear another voice behind you, Sova’s voice, yell: “y/n look out!” 
It’s too late, though. 
The Sova you’re facing let’s an arrow fly loose and you have no time to dodge. It embeds itself into your chest with a seeing pain, and you fall backwards into the snow. Despite the cold, your whole body feels like it’s on fire now. 
Your breaths are shallow and ragged, your chest barely rising and falling with each one. 
Sova stares horrified, looking between you and his doppelgänger. 
As soon as he saw you fall through the snowbank, he was coming up with a plan to come and save you. To get a better look at his surroundings, he uses his Recon bolt. 
That’s when he sees two figures at the bottom of the snowbank. His blood runs cold (or colder than usual), and he’s sprinting towards you. Just when he can see the top of your head, you turn around. 
He gets closer and that’s when he sees someone that looks exactly like him. He tries to warn you, yelling your name, but all he succeeds in doing is distracting you. 
That’s when the other Sova lets an arrow fly at you. You have no time to move before it’s planting itself in your chest. 
Sova nocks an arrow and lets it fly, but all it does is wound his other self. The other Sova gives a half-hearted salute, and runs away. 
Sova runs to your body, the snow beneath you stained red. He checks your pulse, but there’s nothing there. He’s frantic, desperately pressing his head to your chest to hear your heart beating. 
Maybe it’s the cold. 
Hoping is all he can do. Hoping against all odds that the cold has slowed your pulse down enough to save your life, that that’s the reason you’re not breathing. 
He breaks the arrow, hands shaking when he realizes it’s one of his. He tosses the arrowhead to one side and the shaft to another, before lifting you as gently as he can. 
You come to in an infirmary bed. Starch white sheets pulled up over your chest. Your eyes adjust to the light and you see that you’re in the Valorant infirmary. 
You try to sit up but your chest burns and you’re left laying down in the bed. You turn your head to the side, just to see Sova laying there. 
His hair dangles in his face, tickling his nose. You smile softly and push it out of the way. He’s frowning in his sleep and dark circles sit under his eyes. 
You wonder how long it’s been since he slept. It was only in his nature to blame himself for something like this. You could only hope it wouldn’t change anything between the two of you. 
You stroke his head gently, flinching when a hand grabs yours. Sova is half awake now, looking at you through tired eyes. His hand is in yours, thumb rubbing circles over the back of your hand. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” you say softly. 
“No, no. I’m just—I’m glad you’re alright.”
“How long has it been?” You ask. 
He grabs your other hand in his, his need for contact practically insatiable. “A few days,” he admits. “I was worried you would never wake up…”
“Hey, I’m here,” you give a weak smile, “and I’m alright. But you, you look like hell.”
You slide over in bed as much as you can and pat the spot next to you. “Come rest with me.”
He reluctantly climbs in bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you carefully. He nuzzled his head into your shoulder and kisses it softly. 
The two of you stay like that until he falls asleep. 
Phoenix was the first to see his doppelgänger—and he would not shut up about it. Night in and night out, he would talk non stop about it. 
“He’s just as cool and as sexy as me—it’s like me, but evil!”
And you would roll your eyes at your boyfriend. “Sure he is, Jamie.”
You never pictured you would come face to face with him, so you never cared too much about your boyfriend’s words. 
Now, on a mission chasing your boyfriend's doppelgänger, you wish you had paid more attention. He really was identical to your Phoenix, and it only made it harder on you. 
You’re pushing yourself hard, harder than ever before, trying your best to catch him. He was faster than you and stronger, and way more agile. It made you wonder just how much he had been holding back on you in training. 
Your Phoenix is nowhere to be seen, too. You split up at the start of the mission and now he wasn’t answering his radio and you had no possible clue where he had gone. 
The Phoenix ahead of you disappears into a building, and despite your unease, you duck through the doorway and follow him. You follow him up the stairs and into a tiny, half-finished room. 
He smirks at you, eyes flickering with flames. “Wow, you really are almost as pretty as my y/n.” 
“It sucks you’re not nearly as hot as my Phoenix.” 
He rolls his eyes at that. You wonder what he’s doing, why he hasn’t attacked yet. Is he waiting for something? You can’t tell. 
You had no time to react when he raises his hands and the whole room erupts into flames. They’re scorching and they take the wood easily. The mirror Phoenix only gives you a half-hearted salute before leaving you to burn. 
You rip off your shirt, using it to cover your face from the smoke. You can’t possibly escape—the windows are barred and the door is blocked by the flames. You’re going to burn to death, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. 
Phoenix only realizes something is wrong when he sees a building up in flames. His comms broke as soon as he left and he had been searching for you ever since. 
When he sees the building, he just knows what must be going on. It only takes a matter of seconds to get inside the building and tear his way up the stairs to where the flames are beginning to spread. 
He sees you, limp in the corner with a shirt pressed over your face. He runs through the flames, the heat barely tickling his skin, and scoops you up into his arms. You’re alive—barely—but he knows running through the flames with you in his arms might do more damage than good. 
He can’t lose you, and staying here he’ll lose you for sure. He has to take the risk, but for the first time in his life, he hesitates. He would rather burn here with you than lose you. 
You start to come to while Phoenix carries you, coughing up blood and wheezing more than breathing. He rubs your back and tries to reassure you that everything will be okay, but he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. 
You’re awake, and that’s a good sign, but you need more medical attention than he can possibly give you in the field. He already called HQ but he has no idea when they’ll be here. 
He settles down on the ground near where the jet will pick you guys up, holding you firmly on his lap. He kisses your forehead, rubs your back and tries to keep you as calm as possible. 
You slump into him, arms lazily wrapped around his shoulders. His touch is reassuring but your skin still feels like it’s on fire and your lungs still ache from the smoke. 
You silently hope you make it through this because you know if you don’t, it’ll tear him apart. 
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luciferloser · 5 years ago
Brothers reacting to a parent MC
as always the reader is GN
When you first arrived in the Devildom with a small child resting on your hip, Lucifer was one of, if not, the most composed out of the brothers. Paying no mind to the toddler that was burying their face into your neck, he began his speech about you being selected for Diavolo’s programme and your upcoming year in the Devildom.
When you moved into the House of Lamentation, you discovered that everything the miniature version of you needed had already been provided. “If anything is missing, please, do not hesitate to ask for it. While your child may not technically be a student here, they are still going to be provided for during your stay here.” Lucifer declared, standing tall in the doorway.
“Ah, no I think everything I need is here, thank you Lucifer...” you trailed off as you noticed your child had made their way over to said demon, and was using his leg as a climbing frame.
Glancing down at the toddler, he looked to you as went to pick them up, silently asking for your permission. When he received the nod of approval, he picked up your child and rested them against his hip. “Let’s hope you’re a lot less problematic than the last child in this house was.” he mused, already spotting the similarities between you and your child.
Glancing at the strange men in front of you, your baby nuzzled their head even further into your neck than they already were. Leaping up from his seat, Mammon shouted “Oi! I thought we already had a human student, so why’s there two over there?” 
After Diavolo introduced himself and all the other formalities were out of the way, Mammon soon realised the baby in your arms was nowhere near old enough to be a student at RAD and was a mini version of you that had to be even more protected than you were.
“So, what can the lil one do, anyways?” Mammon asked, as he sat down on the edge of your bed, eyeing the baby in the cot warily.
“Honestly? Not much because they’re only a few months old, although they’re getting pretty good at rolling onto their back!” you chuckled, looking fondly at your child. 
“Huh, doesn’t sound that impressive to me. When Satan was a few days old, he was already shattering windows with his scream. But either way, can we make money from it?” taking one look at your alarmed face, he scrambled to add “Aha I’m just kidding! The Great Mammon wouldn’t dream of putting the little tyke in danger!” 
There was certainly never going to be a dull moment with Mammon around...
It wasn’t until you had moved into the House of Lamentation that Levi even realised you had a child. During your induction, he was too busy playing a newly released game on his DDD to even notice the small human clutching at your clothes. When you first received the text from the otaku; telling you to come to his room, you asked if it was okay for you to bring your child along while you got used to your new home. 
Now, when you said child, Leviathan assumed you had a pet or something, because that’s what normies call their pets, right? So imagine the poor boy’s surprise when you had a two-foot-tall lookalike standing beside you. 
“OMG this is just like that anime I watched ‘My new housemate has a tiny doppelganger and they’re both from a different realm!’” He exclaimed in delight, tugging the both of you into his room. “But anyways, that’s not what’s important right now, I called you here for a specific reason, so come in before people start to think I like being associated with not just one, but TWO normies!”
Maybe this otaku has a soft spot for normies after all. 
Taking in the sight of you with a child clinging onto you like a koala, Satan on the outside didn’t show much of a reaction. However, internally, he was rather excited. All of his brothers had a hand in raising him, but he didn’t have anybody to return the favour for. He has also read a few parenting books so he’d like to think he’ll be able to provide some assistance. 
“Oh sweetie please stop crying, there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing’s going to get you in the night, not while I’m here.” You were currently in the process of trying to put your child to bed in your new home, however, your child had other ideas. 
Hearing a knock at the door, you winced when you saw Satan stood their with ruffled hair, in his nightwear. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from the Avatar of Wrath, the string of apologies died in your throat when Satan breezed past you to kneel beside your child, where they had flopped in their bed in their tantrum. 
“Hey kiddo, having trouble sleeping?” He muttered to you child, smiling gently when they nodded, rubbing their eyes. “Well, how about a bedtime story, unless of course you’re too old for them?” chuckling lightly at their sudden change in demeanor, Satan sat down on the floor by their head. “Well then, buckle up because this one used to knock me out like a light when I was a kid.” With that, the blonde began his story about a powerful angel and his 5 brothers’ fall from the Celestial realm. Your child wasn’t the only one who thought the bed time story was immensely interesting. 
After the light faded away and the demons took in the sight before them, Asmo was the first to react. Squealing in delight at the small child resting in your arms, the Avatar of Lust was awestruck. “Oh my Diavolo they’re almost as cute as me!” 
Clutching your child imperceptibly closer to you at the strange man’s outburst, you questioned where you were and who each of the men in front of you were. After recovering from the initial shock of the situation you now found yourself in, you were still quite hesitant to hand your child over to the man who introduced himself as Asmodeus. 
It took nearly a month before you trusted the Lust demon enough to let your toddler spend time alone with him unsupervised. However, after your child came back from their first shopping trip together, you couldn’t deny that your baby had never looked so happy before. Smiling down at your beaming child, you cooed “Okay, what did Asmodeus treat you to?” 
At that question, your toddler and Asmo wasted no time in tugging you into his room to show you all the amazing outfits the pair had bought. You had no doubts that your child was going to be the best dressed child the Devildom had ever seen.
Because his dinner had been cut short for this council meeting, Beelzebub had food on his mind even more so than usual. As a result, he couldn’t help it when he blurted out “ooh snack time” when he spotted the baby in your arms that was swaddled up in their favourite blanket. Gasping at the tall demon in fright, you quickly hid your baby against your chest. No matter how big he was, he certainly wasn’t going to make a snack out of your child.
Unsurprisingly, Beelzebub wasn’t your first choice when it came to a babysitter for a while. However, after your bedroom wall was destroyed and you and your baby had to stay with Beelzebub while it was being repaired, you realised just how family-oriented the redheaded demon truly is. 
Your baby was now at the age where their lungs have the capability of waking the dead, or in your case, a rather large demon. Before you could even finish wiping the sleep from your eyes, Beel was already up and beside the cot where your baby lay. Fearing the worst, your parental instincts went into overdrive. Yet, just as you were about to leap to your child’s rescue, you paused at the sound of Beel’s soft murmuring.
“Hey there, you really are tiny aren’t you? But for someone so small you sure can produce a lot of noise huh? As much as your screams don’t bother me, I’m sure the person who spent all day looking after you would like some rest now, okay? Tell you what, if we both go back to sleep now, we might wake up early enough to have a pre-breakfast snack! How’s that sound?” 
It was at that moment, you realised that if a demon that large can pacify your child with his words alone, he must have a pretty big heart.
Belphegor didn’t meet your child when the rest of his brothers did. Because of that, he tried to avoid you and the toddler that was never too far behind you. That wasn’t the only reason Belpie kept his distance from you, he felt guilty for what he did to you. Even though you had already told him you had forgiven him, he was afraid the same thing would happen to your child not that he would ever do so deliberately.
The first time he was left alone with the miniature version of you, he was taking a nap in the lounge. He opened his eyes to see two large doe eyes looking straight at him. Jumping slightly, he sat up and mumbled “where’s MC?” 
“Gone shopping with Uncle Luci.” the toddler stated, raising their arms at him “Can I nap with you? Your brother’s told me you like to nap.” 
“Uncle Luci, huh. I thought kids hated nap time?” Belpegor quizzed, tilting his head slightly.
“I dunno. I’m tired and you always are.” your child shrugged stepping closer to the tired demon. 
“I mean, you’re not wrong, kid. Come on then, let’s take a nap.” Belphie smiled pulling the tiny human on top of him and tugging the blanket over the top of them both.
You came home about an hour later, to find the two curled up on the sofa together. Who says sleep doesn’t help people to bond?
will post a second part soon for the undateables because my mind is already simping over Barbatos with a child 🥴🖤
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
Hey so loved your black magic series! I read your post about using REE/Rafael. I’ll read anything you write but this idea to me is RPF and kind of squicks. ☹️ Maybe if you use another character he played? Nevada?! Someone sees “Barba” doing something super bad and they’re all “omg omg” and think it’s Barba? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hear you, I do. HOWEVER, I made a "Version" of Raul Esparza in this story that is 5 years younger, and...I hate to say it, "more" famous?
IDK I wrote a 'prototype' chapter last night, so I'm gonna put this to you. I assume/hope you're an avid reader and I can gauge the public consensus, but also I want ALL my readers to be happy!!
So here, read this and then tell me if you still find the idea "Squicky".
That goes for anyone else! Maybe I should put my tag list in here....
The way I wrote him though anon, I truly feel in my heart that it's not RPF, because like I said RPF freaks me out as well.
Before you already go in skeptical, let me set up the plot I had planned. {As told to @madamsnape921 in an IM:
the thing was gonna start that someone sees Rafael proposing to the reader, and tells a tabloid that Raul Esparza is engaged to some rando. Because they think that it was him. And then Rafa, the reader and Chloe start to discuss on how either it's a multiverse thing, or a doppelganger thing because it turns out that Rafael and Raúl are very similar, like personality traits and the Broadway dream, except that Raul's childhood was basically the opposite of Rafael's so Chloe THINKS that Raul is Rafael from a "multiverse".
Right and then Raul goes to Rafael's office to confront him and then the reader and Chloe are there to take Rafael out to lunch and they're like holy shit!
And Rafael is super uncomfortable with the idea of the reader EVER being in a show with Raul because obviously they're like the same person and Raul probably has more in common with her
Oh and also Raul is five years younger, and thinner. So then Raul's like you shouldn't listen to him, I could really help you with your career.
Annnnd that's all I have so far.
Okay so read this really and tell me you honest opinion.
Screw it putting the tag list:
Tag List
You were walking towards the exit of Central Park hand in hand with your now fiancee, when all of a sudden two giggling girls came running up to you.
“Oh my god!!!!! Raul we didn’t know you had a girlfriend!” One of them started squealing.
“Fiancee,” He corrected. “Wait I’m sorry, what? Did you just call me Raul?”
“Uh...yeah, duh,” One of the girls made a face. “Raul Esparza?”
“What?” You bursted out laughing. “I’m sorry, you think he’s Raul Esparza?”
“Um, we know he is,” The other one crossed her arms.
“Um, no he isn’t!” You wrapped your arm around Rafael protectively, as if the two girls were going to kidnap him or something.
“I can promise you ladies, I am not-- whoever you just said,” Rafael assured them.
“Why are you doing this? Are you trying not to embarrass your lady friend here?” One of the girls made a weird face at you.
“Wha? No--” Rafael tried to defend himself but the girls were already clearly ticked off.
“Wow, I have heard of actors trying to get away from fans but completely pretending to be another person, that’s pretty low Raul,” One of them glared at Rafael.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t have taken you much effort to just take a selfie with us,” The other one added with a scowl.
“I...um--” He looked to you for help, but you just shrugged. You had no idea how to handle such a weird situation.
“I guess we can take one--” He offered.
“Oh no, forget it now,” One girl scoffed.
“Yeah, jerk!” The other one stomped her foot and they both sauntered away angrily.
“...What the hell was that?” Rafael looked at you in utter confusion and disbelief, you just gave him a “wtf” smile.
“I have no idea baby--”
“Oh my god, are you guys ok?” Chloe suddenly came running up behind you. “What the hell did those teeny boppers want? To rob you with water guns or something?”
“No they-- they wanted a selfie?” Rafael was still confused, trying to figure out what just happened.
“A selfie? With you?” Chloe snorted.
“No-- With Raul Esparza,” You looked at her with a confused smile. It was pretty entertaining to think that your fiance looked like a Broadway star.
“I don’t get it, you said that I didn’t even look like him!” Rafael looked at you.
“I mean I said I didn’t see it, and that you were more handsome,”
“....Yeah well you might wanna rethink that answer babe,” Chloe’s eyes were wide as she handed you her phone. She had googled RAUL ESPARZA, and the images that popped up were-- Rafael’s face.
“Oh my God…” You whispered, showing Rafael the phone. He quickly pulled out his own and started searching for himself. You handed Chloe back her phone and did the same. Pages and pages of articles about Raul Esparza’s shows, and accelaides, and all with Rafael's face plastered all over them.
“He’s….me,” Rafael whispered in horror.
“He looks more like you than you do!” You teased, he looked at you with a very serious face. Clearly he was not ready to joke about this yet.
“Holy shit. This is some multiverse shit,” Chloe muttered as she went through her Google search.
“Excuse me?” You asked her.
“You know, the multiverse theory? There’s an infinite amount of universes in every decision anyone ever makes.”
“Meaning…?” Rafael asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Raul could be Rafael, if he hadn’t given up on his Broadway dream,”
“Oh my god,” Rafael started laughing. “Chloe, did you get loaded in the park or something?”
“Oh okay, so you have a better idea, big brain lawyer?” She crossed her arms.
“He might not, but I do,” You piped up, showing her your phone.
“Doppelgangers?” Chloe read with a face.
“Yes, it’s a fact that there are 5 people in the world with the EXACT same face,” You continued reading.
“And he just happens to live in New York, where Rafael lives? AND is on Broadway, the one thing Rafael gave up?”
“Look sure it’s a million to one shot that those events would line up, but what’s more plausible: Doppelganger or ‘Multiverse’?” You looked at Chloe, who looked at Rafael, so you turned to Rafael as well.
“...Wha--are you asking me?” He asked.
“I mean it is your face,” You shrugged. “What do you think, baby?”
“I’m leaning towards a doppelganger, sorry Chloe,” He shrugged as well.
“Yeah well, you’re probably right,” Chloe nodded as she read her own phone, still on Raul Esparza info. “Most likely because he’s five years YOUNGER than you,”
“WHAT?!” Rafael grabbed her phone; as he read it, his face fell. “Oh God, no…”
“Wha--What does it matter how old he is, Rafa?” You furrowed your brows.
“Or the fact that he’s clearly thinner and more attractive,” Chloe added with a smirk.
“CHLOE,” You scolded her. “What the ever loving fuck?”
“Well, I’m just saying-- Look at them side by side,” Chloe had a photo of Rafael from some mayor’s ball next to Raul Esparza at the Tonys, both in tuxedo’s. You wouldn’t admit to Rafael but Raul was definitely thinner, and...he looked a lot younger. It was probably Botox or something you were sure, but still….
“Okay but again WHY does it matter--?” You wanted to change the subject.
“Are you kidding me? Y/N-- This is what you want to do!” He gestured to Chloe’s phone.
“....I don’t want Raul--” You started.
“No, you want to be on Broadway though!! And, and what if someday, God forbid, you end up in a show with this guy? He clearly already has a leg up on me compatibility wise, and as Chloe so kindly pointed out, a leg up on me age and attractiveness wise, and--” Rafael started ranting and rambling, talking lightening fast, as he did when he got upset or excited.
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa, back up there counselor,” You put up a hand to his face. “Are you actually insinuating that if I worked with Raul Esparza, that I would magically fall in love with him?”
“Don’t say it like that,” Rafael was triggered by the mention of magic and love.
“Okay but I’m not even saying ‘magic’ magic, I’m just saying-- What do you think because he’s an actor, and younger than you I’m just going to think I’m better off with him? Just because he has your face?” You gave him a small “oh honey” smile as you placed your hands on either of his face.
“No, but if you have to play his love interest, and you spend every day with him, it might blur the lines--” He started grumbling.
“Rafael, baby--” You shook his head in your hands. “I am still in SCHOOL. I am nowhere NEAR being in a Broadway show as a freaking techie, let alone a love interest starring opposite Raul Esparza,”
“Yeah, I mean this guy is huge-- 3 Tonys, 2 Emmys, an Oscar--” Chloe rattled off, but stopped when she realized you were glaring at her. “What? I’m helping!”
“...See? He’s far too famous for me,” You pressed your forehead to Rafael’s.
“Right, and I’m just the lowly ADA,” He muttered.
“Lowly my ass, Rafa,” You hit him playfully. “You are the most respected ADA in all of New York,”
“I’m the only ADA of New York,” He made a face.
“Not true! Just the city,” You beamed, proud of yourself you did some research once you had gotten together.
“My point is Rafael,” You now put your hands on his collar and pulled yourself into him. “You are all the acclaim I need,” You kissed him softly. “You’re my everything, I mean for fuck’s sake you just held a one man flash mob to propose to me! Let’s Raul Esparza do THAT,” You laughed, hoping to make him feel better. As his scowl melted into a smile, you knew you had succeeded.
“That was pretty romantic wasn’t it?” He beamed, proud of himself.
“It was EPIC,” Chloe chimed in, for good this time.
“Your voice is beautiful by the way,” You had forgotten in the midst of all of the romantic hubbub to compliment him. “I’m really sorry you had to give up Broadway,”
“Yeah, well-- apparently some part of me didn’t,” He gestured to his phone.
“Well he doesn’t have me,” You pointed out.
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Rafael grinned as he pulled you into a deep kiss.
“Now can we please just forget about--” You hesitated, deciding not to mention his name again. “Anything else, and just focus on our engagement night?”
“Well, I suppose--” He nodded as he put an arm around you, and the three of you continued to walk through the park.
Across town in a swanky New York Penthouse, an alert went off on Raul Esparza’s phone. He had it set to notify him any time his name appeared in a headline on the internet. He glanced over and picked it up, reading the notification. As he read it, his eyes widened and his face grew red. He stood up and yelled to no one in particular,
“Who the FUCK is trying to impersonate me?!”
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merinnan · 5 years ago
DMBJ Episode 10
Episode 10, the final episode for season 1! 
 We begin Episode 10 with the Xiaoge Rescue Count at 10 for Wu Xie, 14 for the protagonists, 15 for everyone 
 And the Wu Xie Swoon Count at 5
- We open back up on a slight recap of Wu Xie being a little shit, and it's delightful 
- I love how when Wu Xie sits in the other chair, the lead boduguard dude is like surprised Pikachu face, Huo Xiuxiu is shocked, and Xie Yuchen is like, hmmm, interesting
- And Granny just closes her eyes with a brief sigh 
- For she has triggered stubborn little shit Wu Xie 
- And I think she knows it 
- She's like, enough of this shit, and Pangzi is like, nope, my turn to stir it up
- Some subtle threats, a brief scuffle, and now what are you up to, Pangzi? 
- Oh, they settled down a bit once he left, being the troublemaker. Or at least the over troublemaker 
- And now Xie Yuchen playing a bit of a peacemaker 
- Hmm, I wonder who the 'friend' in question is?
- Just stay sitting in the seat until half past four 
- Simple tasks like that are never simple 
- So now I'm super curious what's going to happen between now and 4:30 
- Wu Xie is suspicious. Because he's smart like that. 
- Oh, another fishy with sneks!
- And god, the auctioneer lady's wig is AWFUL 
- Oooh, there's something important or weird about the left side seats in the upper floors. 
- Let's see what happens here 
- lol, the attendant's face when she came in and saw Wu Xie sitting in that chair
- There is apparently Some History with these chairs 
- Xiaogeeeeee   
 - God, Chengcheng, food, and money. Can't she just like shut up about it for once? 
- I feel like I'm missing something with this lantern here. I don't get why everyone is staring at it.
- Or why everyone is applauding once it's put up 
- Yes, Xiaoge is definitely dressed like a staff member. And staring up where Wu Xie is.
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- Pangzi's back, and evidently now knows about the seat 
- Oh, so apparently the lantern is tied to Wu Xie sitting in the seat 
- It's creating quite a stir 
- Oh, Wu Xie now seems to realise what this is, I think?
- Huh, I thought it was just me thinking that using bells for bidding was odd, but no, Pangzi has confirmed that the auctioneer girl is pretty good to be able to tell which bell is which 
- Her hearing used as a detection tool. Why am I now thinking of Liu Sang?
- Oh shit. That's what that means. 
- And that's why Granny is so fucking smug about it. 
- Ouch. 
- It's okay, it's the last episode, so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. 
- WOW her hearing is good to pick that up 
- God damn it Pangzi 
- Why do you always have to start shit like this?
- I think Xiaoge realises his Wu Xie is about to be in trouble
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- I like these little hints we're seeing of early Xiao Sanye
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- Lol, Pangzi pulls out a hidden baton, all the grey suits pull out batons, and he looks so shocked that he's not the only one with one 
 - Go, Pangzi, go! 
- Oh, ouch 
- Ahahah, thank you, Wu Xie. This is the Wu Xie I like to see. 
- Oh, kicking a girl like that, tsk tsk
- Them trying to drag Wu Xie out his chair, and him clinging on for dear life 
 - He's so stubborn. I love him. 
- Granny casually drinking tea while there's this huge fight going on around her 
- Xiaoge keeping an eye on things
- Pangzi to the rescue, keeping the chair propped up! 
- But like 
- And now Wu Xie enters the fray 
- Hahaha, good girl, Chengcheng. Like, I still don't like or trust you, but sometimes you do good.
- Granny was NOT expecting the silly little girl to take out her guy like that 
- I like Yuchen's reactions here. Everyone else seems either surprised, or angry, or smug, and he's just like "...this is interesting." 
- I know Xiaoge's gonna turn up any second now, and I can't wait
- But for now, I'm enjoying Pangzi being a badass, kicking people down stairs 
- Yuchen to the rescue! Nice 
- And Wu Xie thinks he looks familiar, so now I'm wondering where they know each other from
- XIAOGE! YES! Just casually walking out from the side with his hands in his pockets. Shit is about to get real
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- Xiaoge Rescue Count is now 10 for Wu Xie, 15 for the protagonists, 16 for everyone
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- It seems Granny has sent her guys after them 
- Wu Xie's expression is like "you have to be fucking kidding me" 
- Pangzi is like, yes, time for a fight! 
- I can't entirely blame her, because Wu Xie is still baby and has not yet developed the reputation that he'll have later on
- But I certainly see where his reputation is starting 
- This ep is confirming that Pangzi is a much better character outside the Lu tomb. It's as if Pangzi in the tomb was a doppelganger with a different personality that's similar enough to fool people into thinking it's real
- Pangzi beating up Granny's guys while Wu Xie and High Shao...just stand and watch? 
- Oh, now they're finally trying to run 
- Pangzi continuing to single-handedly keep the Huo guys at bay 
- A narrow alleyway seems like a bad place to run into, guys
- Grey suited guys have obviously never learned that you should never split the party 
- No, I'm not sure you're safe just yet, guys. Maybe hide a bit longer. 
- Your shoes aren't exactly quiet, since they're dress shoes 
- Wu Xie still proving that he's the smart one
- Chengcheng, they already know who you are. Forget the dumb phone. 
- Unless you have some ~~secrets~~ on there. Like who you really work for? 
- Wu Xie, baby, no, don't do that - You're too nice sometimes 
- You're a good boy, too, High Shao
- I'm wondering why it took her so long to make her move 
- Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Wu Xie, you still don't get it, do you?
- Chengcheng, why are you surprised at his naivete? You've been pretending to be his friend for how long now? Haven't you realised yet that that's just who he is? 
- I'm impressed Wu Xie managed to stand up with his ankles tied like that
- She's not wrong, they were all fucking idiots when it came to just trusting her like that 
- No, Wu Xie, she's not your friend 
- I'm confused. If she wanted the fishy, why didn't she just take it once she knew Wu Xie had it? Or did she know there were 2 & she wants both of them?
- I'm pretty sure he didn't give his away anywhere, and he told Granny he had it, so his can't be the one at the auction. 
- Wu Xie, Wu Xie, Wu Xie. She doesn't care. It's sweet that you're trying, and you wouldn't be Wu Xie if you didn't, but it's not going to work.
- No, sweetie, A-Ning is so much better than you are. She's at least honest about who she is, and has some kind of ethics. 
- Oooh, who's come with a motorbike. I can think of three possibilities. Now we'll see which one it is. 
- Oh, and it was one I didn't think of
- I'll give her credit for being a good actress, though. Or, at least, she's good at pretending to be a silly, flighty girl. I'm not sure if she knows how to put on a different act than that.
- How did she miss that she dragged them next to a broken bottle? Like, even being in a hurry I feel that that's something she should have noticed. It's not like it's hidden, it's just right there under the window where she put them.
- Oh, she's a pretty good fighter, too. 
- Zipties? Oh, honey. Wu Xie, you need to learn how to break zipties without needing something sharp to cut them. 
- I'm sure Ershu can have Heiye teach you, if Xiaoge doesn't teach you first 
- A pink car. OMG. That is such a cliche.
- And hey, it's Huo Xiuxiu. For a sec I thought it was going to be Chengcheng, and if it was, I was gonna be so mad that she'd somehow got a custom pink car just waiting for her in Beijing 
- But I can accept Huo Xiuxiu having a pink car
- And they're back home already? Just like that, with no other explanations? 
- Yes, Sanshu, you were rather careless 
- Hang on, how did they know the guy's name was Qiu Dekao? I mean, I get that Sanshu might have, but why was the name familiar to the boys?
- Poor Sanshu, so cut up about Wenjin's niece turning out to be a fake 
- And now, mysterious photograph of mystery that High Shao has found online 
- Aaah, 20 year old photo of Sanshu and Xiaoge (and others) 
- I know what's coming up next, then!
- Well, not in the like 5 mins left of the season 
- But maybe in season 2 
- Why are they now talking about some box that hasn't been mentioned at all so far? 
- Sanshu's at-home outfit is pretty smart, though. That subtly patterned white shirt with black slacks and black vest
- It seems a lot of convenient fires conveniently burn important documents in DMBJ shows 
- Yes, Sanshu, how can they look so alike 
- I wonder what it is that you've just realised, that's so important you just abruptly threw Wu Xie & High Shao out and locked the door behind them
- Did they send the photo to Pangzi as well? Since he began talking about Xiaoge being a mummy as soon as they called him 
- Ah, there are two fishys. I didn't miss something there. 
- Hm. Messy shoes in the entryway. That's not a good sign. 
- Ofc Sanshu has gone & run off on them
- Probably doesn't want to drag them into a mess again 
- After how the last one went 
- And especially with that gang after the same kind of stuff 
- It's okay, Wu Xie, Xiaoge might have left without saying goodbye but he was still watching out for you when it mattered
And with that little narrated epilogue, both episode 10 and season 1 come to an end! 
Season 1 Xiaoge Rescue Count was 10 for Wu Xie, 15 for the protagonists, 16 for everyone 
Season 1 Wu Xie Swoon Count was 6 
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weareladyknight · 6 years ago
Lady Knight's Drow Arcane Archer Is Taking Some Paladin Levels!
Thought you guys would be interested and excited to hear this! It got long so everything is under the cut. Also, playing in 5e so following those rules.
So we’re playing in the Forgotten Realms. My character, Aryana, isn’t aimless but she’s not super emotionally invested in the story rn. She has A Quest and she doesn’t want Acererak (very powerful undead wizard) to destroy Faerun for the very Peter Quill reason that she’s one of the assholes that lives there. And so does her entire Drow House and her whole thing is that she will do anything for the benefit of her House to the detriment of herself and people not in her House (she is def Lawful Evil). But you know, she could go off on her own and do those things. 
So Aryana walks into the Yawning Portal Tavern with the party while investigating the disappearance of the uncle of the party’s Druid (the uncle is a former PC btw). This human woman glares at Aryana. And she’s like “what? I’ve never seen you in my life” and the woman’s companion is like “oh, she just hates you because you’re a drow.” And Ayrana finds bigotry hilarious (it’s just been a few assholes weaker than her being mean so she can laugh at it). She starts antagonizing the human woman like “come on, let’s fight, you got beef, let’s take this outside, come on, I wanna fight you, let’s do this.” And this makes the human real mad. She stands up and her form changes... 
It’s Ayrana’s commanding officer, her mentor and she’s pointing an automatic crossbow at Ayrana’s heart and yelling “YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!!! YOU DESTROYED OUR HOUSE!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE RIGHT NOW RIGHT HERE!!!” 
And Aryana is just like “What the fucccckkkkkk?!?” She doesn’t have gaps in her memory and she hasn’t been back home for ten years or so. But this is her CO, her captain, so she’s open to the fact that she might have. Fight breaks out. The captain’s companion teleports out. Ayrana runs outside because she def does not want to be on Durnan the Bartender’s bad side and this really can be settled outdoors. One of the spellcasters knocks the captain out (bad saving throw on her part). 
The Druid wants to take her to the party base for further interrogation because the captain is a Drow and there was drow poison found in her uncle’s house. Ayrana wants to take her captain to the guards because while she is evil, she is lawful and she wants this done properly. But practically speaking, she wants her captain under watch so she can do other shit. 
A five minute argument ensues because out-of-character I was having connection issues and didn’t know about the Druid’s Uncle (we were playing over Discord) and in-character Aryana is so worked up she forgot why they were at the Yawning Portal in the first place. She’s not really... Emotionally invested in her party members and their problems. But that may change as things go on. She eventually decides that going along with what the other party member wants is best. 
They go back to their base, which is in a cliffside cave outside of Waterdeep. And fucking Acererak is there and he wants to talk. But he wants to see how this will go down first and even though the party is pretty eager to know why he’s here, they don’t want to fight him atm so they’re all just like “whatever.” 
They tie up Aryana’s captain, cast zone of truth (she fails the saving throw, Aryana chooses to pass). Aryana kneels in front of her captain and says “I don’t know what I did, but please tell me. If I did do what you say, I will fling myself off this cliff, I swear.”
 And so much shit is revealed. 
1. The captain claims that “Aryana” came back home, asked for some help with her quest and she got a squad of 400 soldiers. As they’re making their march “Aryana” leads them into an ambush. Seventy-five of Ayrana’s comrades die including her best friend. The captain loses an eye in the fight. The only reason they’re not all slaughtered is that their Drow Mother is able to intervene. 
2. Aryana’s like “I do not remember any of that. Also, we live in Faerun, that was probably a doppelganger, or I was mind controlled or any other thing.” Her captain is not hearing it though and they keep arguing and the druid is really eager to get back to the matter of her uncle. 
Tired of this, Acererak is like “omg, fine, it was me. I disguised myself as Aryana and tricked the soldiers into the ambush.” (The lowest INT character in the party guessed this btw BUT the player is in med school and a real smart cookie). Aryana stands up, gets in the lich’s face and is like “I will destroy your phylactery, and then I will kill you. I will not rest until you are gone from this universe.” He’s not impressed. 
3. Anyways, the druid is still pretty keyed up about her uncle and Aryana’s captain admits that it was her and her partner (the guy who peaced out at the Yawning Portal) who kidnapped the Druid’s uncle for the Red Wizards ( some more seriously bad dudes working for Acererack) and he’s probably in Thay (the city the Red Wizard’s control) right now. I s2g if our princess is in another motherfucking castle...  
4. Acererack “threatens” to leave and the party is like “whatever, we don’t actually want to talk to you or for you to be here.” But before he teleports out, Aryana puts down her weapons and unties her captain and starts beating the shit out of her screaming, “You thought it was me!!! You fucking thought it was me!!! How could you!! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” and Acererack’s like “WORLDSTAR!!!” 
5. When Aryana is done (she stops before her captain is killed or even permanently injured). Acerack finally says what he wants. He wants to trade his phylactery (the thing he keeps his soul in) for The Black Opel Crown, an artifact that’s key in a ritual to destroy the world. And the party for so many reasons says “no way in hell, fuck off!” And before they can fight him and take the probably-fake phylactery just in case (the guy we’re talking to is definitely a clone not the real deal and the party is level 14 so they can probably take him) he teleports out, counterspells the warlock’s counterspell so he’s gone. Bummer. 
I don’t think that’s the order it went down in but i’m trying to make it easy to follow here so. 
So the druid and another PC who also has a missing relative that was in the past campaign’s party are fucking chomping at the bit to go to Thay. But Ayrana’s like “no, we are not going in unprepared this time. We’ve done that too many times and our luck is running out. We need to go... To The Library.” 
More miscommunication ensues. 
Once that clears up, the party hits up our most powerful available contact, Syndra Silvane. She gives us a contract for us to sign basically giving us the authority to do whatever it takes to bring down Acererack. Being trigger happy, vengeance fueled adventurers who really like living in Faerun, we sign it. Don’t worry, there are lines we probably won’t cross. Like torture. Doesn’t work anyways. And if we do commit war crimes, I trust the DM to have it bite us in the ass. 
The warlock tells us everything he knows about Thay (he used to live there but since he was only in the poor/merchant districts and he biffs his History check... we don’t learn much). THEN we go to the library to learn everything we can about Thay and the Red Wizards. We realize that we need to fucking go, so Silvane hooks us up with one of her guys that we know and trust to stay behind and do research and send reports to us. 
Then the DM looks at the clock and is just like “this is going to go on forever, we’re gonna stop here and you guys can think about your next move and start planning properly next week.” I am very sad but very excited. 
So yeah, before she heads out to Thay, Aryana is going to go down into a cave (preferably with running water for the Sheer Purpose of Drama) and swear an oath to Lolth that she will take down Acererack and avenge her House and get the two PCs with kidnapped relatives to witness her promise and bind her to it. Then when the time comes, paladin levels. 
Ngl I was a little hesitant to actually multiclass bc Aryana’s an archer and divine smite is melee-only. But she has sickles (stated as short swords) and the idea of the last thing Acererack sees before he dies is Aryana’s hate filled eyes while she’s smiting the shit out of him with the Divine Wrath of Lolth is too good to pass up. 
So, so much credit to the Dungeon Master @blackbeanswithdice for making a great session. I am thrilled about what’s coming next! 
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elejah-verse · 6 years ago
Don’t You Remember You Said You Loved Me/4
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Part 4
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
A TVD/TO alternative universe story
a/n: thank so much for reading. It is so appreciated. 
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever
Elijah now embraced Elena dearly.
"My darling, my dearest darling-"- he breathed in deep as he caressed her head now-"I love you like I never loved anyone. But what are we going to do?"
Elena, who now was facing him again said-"I don't know, but I - don't want to go back to Mystic Falls."
Elijah now smiled reassuringly at the brunette, looking at her lovingly-
"I will deal with this. Everything. I promise."
Elena smiled back at the Original, nodding with hope in her heart, now leaning to him, kissing him sweetly.
Pulling a little out of the kiss, Elena whispered now, her eyes gleaming- "Love me"
It was incentive enough for the Original to lift her up into his arms,  speeding them to his bedroom. 
Undoing his tie, and her removing his suit jacked off of the Original, Elijah leant in and placed a slow, soft kiss on her mouth, taking his time to show her that this was about everything he felt for her. Shedding one part of the clothing after another, his lips moved down to her neck, leaving a trail of burning kisses on her collarbone, making her shiver slightly at every impact.
Lips hovering over hers  a second later, made Elena swallow hard, her whole body shuddering with what was to come. Elijah brushed his lips now over hers, teasing them slightly with the tip of his tongue, as he beamed his eyes at her, meeting the quivering desire. She now pulled him into a long drawn passionate kiss.
Their tongues tangled gently, both taking time to enjoy the taste of one another. Leaving her lips, breathing heavily as his lips danced on her silky skin, he moved down the line of her chest to her stomach.
His hands were everywhere, his fingers trailing everso lightly  across her skin with tantalizingly small kisses. He kissed the innermost part of her now painfully slow until her entire body quaked with delight.
His lips were on hers once again, searing into her. His hands swept over her body, his fingertips burning her skin, sending Elena into an even higher pleasurable frenzy.
Coming back together, bare skin against bare skin, Elena's fingers tangled into his hair, sliding them down across his back, feeling his muscles flexing beneath her fingertips as he finally pushed into her. She held onto him tighter, fighting the clenching of her muscles as he thrusted deeper. Breaths, moans mingled, hearts fluttered up in the chest as they fell apart delectably, lost in one another. 
New Orleans
Sophie Deveraux walked in the St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. She stood in front of her ancestors tomb, now calling for her grandmother to appear. Using dark magic was always very exhausting for a white witch, and her grandmother now warned her of the consequences.
"Please, help me, Grams.”                 
"Celeste Dubois has left me the Grimoire and I tried to understand what was going on. The last entry holds a clue. She talked about a baby - two babies maybe."
"Yes."- Kate Leroy- Deveraux said-"there are two babies conceived. A baby of the Moon and a baby of the Sun. The Bennett witch meddled, but, it was to save the babies."
"Ok. One is the Mikaelson hybrid baby, and the other?"- Sophie asked.
"It's also a Mikaelson baby. You must protect them both. The dark witches cannot have them." - Kate said-"I have got to go. I feel someone's presence close by. Be safe, my child."
The Deveraux ancestry witch now disappeared and Sophie shook her head, her mind going wild. Two Mikaelson babies?! The witch the cleaned the blood from her face and walked away from the tomb. 
In the French Quarter
Around the dawn
Klaus knocked at the door of Caroline Forbes' house.
The blonde had sensed his presence and now, standing at the door, not opening it said-
"Go away!"
"Come on, open. I want to talk to you."
"You're drunk. Go away." - Caroline said.
"Please, open. I need - to talk to you!"
Caroline never heard Klaus say please to anyone before, and she gulped. Thinking if she should open or not.
"Please" - she heard the hybrid say.
Reluctantly, she opened the door, meeting his Cheshire-cat smirk.                    
"Hello, luv"-Klaus slipped.
"What is so important that you have to tell me?"
"May I come in?" - Klaus said politely.
Caroline sighed, and though it was not a clever thing to do, she nodded as a yes, shooting at him at the same time-
"Shouldn't you be with your wife?"
"She is not really my wife. You know that it is a supernatural kind of a joining of two. I helped her and she helped me."
"You are disgusting."- Caroline blasted at the hybrid.
"Don't you know how it works already in the supernatural world- we make deals."
"OMG! Out!"- Caroline said furious-"I really don't know what I saw in you? I must have been blind! Yeah, definitely. Elijah was always defending you, saying you got a good, warm heart- it's just that you are lost, because you didn't know what love was_ because you were treated so cruelly as a kid- but - no- you are a real asshole!"
"Well, it's true that I have done a thousand things I am not proud of. And I am - as you put it so bluntly - an asshole. But - this asshole loves you!" 
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                       "You what?" - Caroline said in total disbelief.
"This is what I came to tell you. You are the only one that is - all-"
"Get out! I hate you! Don't you ever come looking for me again! " - Caroline now pushed the hybrid, though he didn't budge an inch back.
Klaus looked at her seriously now. Too seriously. His eyes darkening.                 
"I know that you have been with him."- Klaus now said-"But he is with her. He only cares about her."
"What are you talking about?"
"Elijah." - Klaus now said.
Caroline now felt like someone cut her in half. She looked at the hybrid completely gobsmacked.
"How do you-?" - she gasped a little.
"I have spies everywhere."- Klaus now said.
Caroline now gulped, but then said-"Yes, I was with him. And it was good. It's all about sex with you Mikaelsons. As I know you don't believe in love, so all your talk about love - you don't know a first thing about it. Get out now."
The hybrid left, and as he went, Caroline slammed the door behind him, now bursting out in tears.                        
Klaus felt his heart burning with pain. 
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He could always hide his emotions underneath the façade of the cruellest of all the monsters, but his heart burnt heavily. He now cursed his fate, and all that it had put him through over the centuries.
At the Plantation
Elijah woke up with a zillion thoughts swarming in his head. He looked at Elena, sleeping serenely beside him. He had never been so happy, and yet so anxious in his entire life. 
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                       Gently he tickled her on the neck, sliding his fingers lightly down her back.
Elena moved a bit letting a small sleepy muffling sound out.
"Morning lovely" - he said as she turned around to him.
"Morning" - Elena said with a smile, now leaning into a kiss.                        
"Love you" - she then said.
"Love you, too" - Elijah said taking her hand now, kissing it. 
New Orleans
Nine months after
Elena walked to the window of her and Elijah's apartment in Algiers Point, gazing out to the Mississippi. She wiped her tears off. Her mind now shimmered back to the most perfect day she had with the love of her life on the Plantation after they declared their love for one another 9 months ago.
"Ok, I will do breakfast." - Elena said as she now broke away from the sweetest gaze -"You just sit and do nothing for a change."
"All right" - Elijah said.
Putting the radio on, Elena now started doing a bit of a more elaborate breakfast.
Elijah watched the way she went around the kitchen area, shining and smiling. Elena in love was a person, absolutely full of life, chirpy, sweet and creative.
A bit later, she had a stack of pancakes ready with plum sauce, toasted bread coated with sugar and cinnamon, and some with heart shaped eggs. 
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"You are well aware that I - nevermind-this looks delicious-" - Elijah said, who now tucked in.
"Yeah, I know- food doesn't do anything much for you - I just - got carried away"
"I can eat it anyway."- Elijah said-"it's the company that matters, not the food - sometimes."
Elena smiled putting her hand on his, caressing it dearly.
"But as a human, you must have loved something - I guess you had no pancakes?!"
"Of course not, or heart-shaped sunny-side up eggs. Everything was very simple then. We ate a lot of meat, fish, but also vegetables, cereals and milk. We had sweet food, but only in the form of berries, fruit and honey. We also drank a lot of mead." - Elijah explained.
"Porridge" - Elijah replied-"I would put a lot of berries and apples in it to make it more scrumptious. Rebekah would put 4 or five big spoons of honey."
Elena could see the way the Original's eyes sparkled that he loved talking about the time he had been human.
Elena now wanted to know more, and not just about him. 
The doppelganger now closed her eyes and tears dropped out of them. 
“Here”- Kol’s voice made her turn around now -”she is fed and I changed her nappy and I think she wants her mummy now.”
Elena wiped her tears off and smiled taking the baby from her uncle.
“Thank you so much”- Elena said to the Original vampire.
“Hey, no probs. You know that you two are the most important people to me and I promised Elijah I would look after you. Oh, you’ve been crying again.”
“I just miss him - I will miss him forever.”
“Me, too. He was the best of us.”- Kol said and now placed a kiss on little baby Elianna’s head, and then a small kiss on Elena’s temple.
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popopretty · 7 years ago
XYZ Tour Final (March 30-31, 2018)
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I realized that I have never really written about XYZ, even though I actually went to five of them xD
Yesterday and today were the final performances of the whole tour. What I can say is it has been a great tour, with all the good looking guys, nice singing voices, great DJ music, and FULL OF FAN SERVICES lol
Piko in XYZ is really fun, cheerful and energetic. It’s kinda different from his regular shy and clumsy image. It’s not a bad thing though because he always looks like he’s having a lot of fun in XYZ. His positive energy makes me smile every time :)
The setlists in XYZ are almost the same in all the performances but depends on the members it might change a little bit.
Here is a list of what Piko sang in the final lives:
1.       Teo: In the first part of the tour, he used to sing Liar Dance but since February it has always been Teo. I really love this song and he sang it perfectly every time I couldn’t even complain.
2.       Dancing Samurai: He sang this with Naruse and Araki. It was really funny because when Naruse and Araki just finished singing the previous song, they talked about going to training gym and then asked the audience to call out for “Kopi tenchou”, then Piko showed up bringing 3 Japanese swords and said they were going to do some exercises on stage. So they started singing Dancing Samurai and during the chorus, they were shaking their body up and down like a nevalyashka doll (I’m sorry for the lack of words to describe it XD). But it was very cute, and Piko jumping around swinging the sword like a samurai was just too precious…
3.       Ghost Rule (with Araki)
4.       Ame to Petra (with un:c)
5.       Dear Doppelganger: I have talked about this like how many times I don’t remember but it was so unbelievable how he could sing it that well. For a super hard song like that, he didn’t miss any notes. Everyone was like headbanging really hard because the tension got really high during the song. And in the last line of the song, he dropped the mic and sang it with his own voice, which was so cool!!
6.       Gigantic O.T.N: This song is super fun lol. Piko sang it with un:c, Silvana, naruse, and mi-chan. They were running around the stage doing crazy stuff xDD And in the part before the last chorus, all of them just raise their pinkies as if they are loading their guns and then shoot their handguns at the audience. In the live I went in January there were only 3 of them and at that part Piko was in the middle and he shot at the audiences by both of his hands and it was so fucking cool I was like omg just please shoot me a hundred times more XDDD
7.       Isshin furan: This one was crazy! I mean, yesterday was the first time I saw it live, but I have read live reports before that and I knew they kind of kissed, but seeing it live really surprised me lol. After the first verse, Piko and Luz switched places (like, moving to the other side of the stage), and when they walked past each other, they touched their hands. And then, the craziest part is the bridge, where Luz just walked behind Piko when he was singing, wrapped his hand around Piko’s neck from behind and kinda pulled Piko’s head back, pulling his face closer to Luz’s. And in the part where they are supposed to sing the last line of the bridge, Luz just kissed Piko on his cheek. In some other lives, it was Piko who initiated the kiss lol but whoever it is that scene is really insane. I know it’s pure fan service but I just couldn’t help screaming.
8.       Secret Answer (with the whole group): Piko was not a member in the original recording, so they just let him sing Sekihan’s part lol and I refuse to believe that it’s by accident XD His “Your affection kills me” at the beginning was so manly and powerful.
9.       Deliheru yondara kimi ga kita (with the whole group): If you haven’t listened to this song, please do. It was really funny and Piko’s moaning in the middle of the song is a cant-miss. He did it in the live version too. So at that part when he said “Iyada~~”, the music stopped and the whole venue was quiet for a second before everyone burst into screaming. Then he blew a kiss to the audiences and continued with the song XD. In the chorus after that, Piko and Naruse sat down and was like moving their heads left and right to the music, and luz just stood behind and patted both of them :3
10.   Cocktail (with the whole group): There was no mafu so Piko took up his part, which made me so happy because I could hear him more, and his voice sound especially soothing in the high notes. It was the last song of the live so it gives out a very nice feeling :)
He actually also sang Shikioriori ni Tayutotte with Araki once on January 20 in Tokyo, Dappo Rock with Gero on March 25 in Osaka, and Kono piano blah blah (I can never remember the name of that song) with Meichan in another live but I didn’t have the chance to listen to the last one)
XYZ live is almost non-stop. They only have a short MC at the end of the live, where everyone would introduce themselves and does some funny stuff. Normally whenever it’s Piko’s turn, everyone will go like “Kawaiiiii” and he would be like “I knew that already”. And then, with his okama voice, he would go like “And you (the audiences) are all sweaty, your hair is a mess (after all the headbanging), your foundation fell off, your eye makeup are gone~ You ugly girlsssss~~~”. The Japanese slang for ugly girl is like “Busu” so he just keeps saying “Busubusubusubusu” and everyone actually loves that very much XD
Sometimes he would add one or two things, like “But… your heart is beautiful”, or something like that. In the final live, he actually asked the audiences to say Busu to him instead XD
In the final live, there is also a pretty funny part between Piko and Silvana. Like Piko was telling Silvana to do some kind of dirty jokes but Silvana didn’t know it at all. So Piko was like telling the rest of the group, with a disappointed face, like “Omg this guy doesn’t know anything I can’t believe it”. And luz was like “Silvana, just leave it to Piko”. And then Piko was like let me teach you, and asked Silvana to come in front of him. Then he hugged and kissed Silvana on his cheek lol. Silvana was freaked out and was holding his cheek looking super scared. His face was like “Omg you stole my first kiss” or something like that and that was really cute xDD
In the end, I ended up writing too much again! But XYZ tour was a nice tour to go to. I think Piko is really having fun with what he’s doing and that’s all that matters to me :)
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fatesinthenight · 8 years ago
Silver's Suit (part 5)
Silver walks out from where he was with you putting on his mask. He slowly tries to make his way to the table with everyone. They all look at him already knowing how it went. Silver doesn't say anything and just stands there his shoulders hunched.
"Silver do you want t go home?" Ed puts his hand on Silver's shoulder.
"I do... please." Silver whispers.
"Ok lets go." Ed leads the way and looks back at everyone else. "Are you guys going to stay here or are you coming?"
"Ummm you two go on ahead first. We will catch up later." Willford said. With that Ed had his arm around Silver's shoulders and they make their way through the crowd. Once they are gone Willford looks at the others. "Ok where are they." He pulls out his gun.
"Will put that back! Are you crazy! I mean of course you are but seriously!!" Dr.Iplier makes Will put the gun back. "I thought I told you to check him for all weapons before we got here." Doc looks at Google.
"I did a thorough scan of him. You know he always finds a way to still get one." Google sighs.
"Come on I am very justified in this! They hurt Silver so we need to teach them a lesson." Willford grumbled.
"Willford will remember that this is a matter only between Silver and (Y/N). As must as it hurts us all to see Silver in pain we need to respect (Y/N) decision." Host saids softly.
"I know that. It's just I don't like seeing him so upset again." Willford leans on the table.
"I know how having a broken heat feels like. He just needs some time." Bim tries to be comforting.
"Bim what if he doesn't?" Willford sighs. "What if this was his chance and he lost it. You got lucky with your Flower. Ed has his Honey. Hell even Dark of all people has his Darling. Which still baffles me but damnit they make a good pancake when they sleep over."
"We can not be sure that this was his only chance Will." Dr.Iplier tries to be positive. "He can find someone that will love him for him."
"But he was sure this was the one." Willford looks down.
"For now we can just be there for him guys." Mark speaks up. "Give him his space for now and when he is ready then support him."
"ok then lets go." Willford gets up.
You get out from there you were with Silver and look around frantically. You want to see Silver and tell him that you didn't want him to go. You wanted to tell him that even if he hid this from you and that you believed he has bad thoughts about you in the beginning you wanted to work it out. He left before you could say anything and you felt bad knowing you didn't tell him that. As you look around you find Mark's table and run over there fast.
"I'm sorry to just barge in here but please tell me you have seen Silver!" You look at Mark pleading.
"He just left. I don't understand why are you looking for him when you rejected him just now." Mark crosses his arms. "Look I get that you are upset that he lied to you and I even thought that is not how it should have been done but he wanted to be careful. Silver is very shy if you didn't know. He may be a confident hero but personally he is nervous and shy about other things. His ego was blown after his last relationship and it really hurt him. He clings on to his mask for comfort and it is hard for him to open up to someone and take it off. Even with us sometimes he still feels he needs to keep it on constantly. Silver is a great guy and he has a big heart and will fight for someone in a heartbeat because that's how he is, not just because he was made to be a hero. He is my ego and I want him to be happy so if you are only going to keep hurting him fan or not I will ask you to leave because I care about him and his happiness."
 You are taken back by Marks words. You have never seen him look this serious than when he did that video about respect. "No im not trying to hurt him. I never meant to hurt him. I just need to talk to him please. I need to tell him I really do like him and I do want to go out with him. He left before I could tell him anything. I'm so stupid... He was right there and I couldn't say anything until he was already gone. He must hate me..." You look down sadly.
"So you really like him don't you?" Mark is softer this time.
"I really do. He is the first person I could be myself with. I don't want to lose him when we haven't gotten a chance to be together." You look at Mark. Looking at him you can tell the differences between him and Silver. They may share the same face but there are things that are different. Silver stands more upright always ready for a pose. Silver's eyes look more like they sparkle more, like if they have stars in them if he were to get excited. His hair was also longer having Mark's old hairstyle but even so it looked more flat since it is usually under his mask.
"Then why didn't you say so!!" Willford jumps up.
You look at him confused. "Um I'm sorry... do I know you?"
Will takes off his mask. "How can you not know this handsome face? Also wasn't the voice enough for you." Willford winks.
"O now you suddenly want to help them after you just threatened them only moments ago. " Dr.Iplier shakes his head. You feel dump realizing you could have noticed Doc more because he has no mask on.
"What I can't change my mind?" Willford shrugs.
"Wait you threatened my life?" You look nervous.
"Don't worry he does that to everyone." Bim chimes in. "You get used to it."
"I think we are forgetting out prime objective here." Google speaks up. He took off his helmet feeling warm.
"Ed and Silver make their way to the entrance. They walk out and are heading toward the parking space. We need to get to them now." Host said.
"Ok! EGOS ASEMBLE!!" Willford puts on his mask again and runs off into the crowd. You look back at the others who just sigh follow but more civil.
"So is it always like this?" Thomas looks at Mark.
"You have no idea." Mark sits beside Thomas. "Trust me this is only a small fraction."
Outside Ed and Silver are still making their way to the parking lot. There is still a good number of people around and it is hard to move. "How the hell does old Mark do this at cons? I cant get anywhere there are too many people." Ed complains.
"Mark doesn't mind as long as the fans are happy." Silver sighs clearly still upset.
"Come on boy you will get through this one. I know it. Lets just get to the car first shall we." Ed pats Silver's back.
 As they keep going Silver feels something on his head. He hears a buzzing sound and starts to freak out. "Bee!" He tried to get away from it but it has landed on his head and would not budge. As he tries to push it off he does it to hard and his mask slips off. He doesn't realize it until he looks up and some people are staring at him.
"Omg is that Mark!" People begin talking to each other and Silver goes red.
"No way I just saw him in the building how can he be here?" Someone asks.
"A doppelganger?" Someone questions.
"Wait is he actually the Ego Silver!" Someone get it.
"Wow he must be. He really does look like Mark! Hey you should keep the mask off more you look cute." Someone else saids.
Silver feels all eyes on him. He looks around for Ed but he lost him when he was running around from the bee. He feels like he cant breathe and is panicking. Silver wants his mask but he cant find it on the ground. The people are looking at him and its making him feel uncomfortable. He feels like curling up in a ball and hiding. His mask was his security blanket and he lost it. With it gone he feel venerable. He feels like his legs are giving in then closes his eyes hoping the feeling will go away. Then he feels something slide on his face.
"He is a cosplayer. He really took it to the next level and really did his stuff to look like Mark. Cool right?" You look at the people.
Silver opens his eyes as sees you standing infront of him. You found his mask and slipped it back on him. He looks up to see people accepting your words and leaving you be.
You look up at him and smile. "I like you this way more.
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ellen-reincarnated1967 · 8 years ago
I Could’ve Sworn (An Imagine turned One Shot)
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A/N: anything in CAPS is the reader thinking to herself. that is all.  take this as the french mistake i’ve always wanted to write but don’t really have the time to fully delve into.
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Cas
Pairings: None as of now
if you like this, let me know to continue. if not, it’s being scrapped.  and by ‘letting me know’ leave me feedback please. 
I fell asleep watching Dean standing over his brother Sam’s anguished face, as he turned the tables and swung the scythe straight into Death’s chest.  That was the last thing on my mind as I dreamt a dreamless sleep.
The static on my TV faded as I jolted awake, reaching for the remote, that was no longer on my four post bed. In fact, the four post bed was a simple double, in a dreary ecru painted room, with one dresser, end table, and lamp.
What the fuck, I mumbled to myself, as I made my way to the wooden numbered door. Why was this all to familiar, yet alien at the same time?
“YN, coffee’s warm, pancakes are fluffy, and there’s pie, just ‘cause.”
That voice. A bit gruff, but silky, a bit of a tease in his cadence, and why would there be pie for breakfast?
I opened the door walking towards the aroma of coffee and entered a dank hallway.
I was in the bunker. THE BUNKER.
This couldn’t be happening. THIS WAS HAPPENING.
I was dreaming, I began to pinch myself until I bruised my forearm. FUCK.
I turned the corner and ran smack into a broad chest, craned my neck, until I was staring into the hazel eyes of Sam freaking Winchester.
“You’re Sam,” I wanted to smack myself, how stupid did I sound?
“And you’re late, Dean’s on his second helping of pancakes, YN.”
“So…are you just goin’ to stare or join us, YNN?” Dean asked with cockiness.
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You sat down at the kitchen table, running your hands over the coffee mug that Dean offered you, and cautiously brought the tepid liquid to your  lips.
How was this even happening?
“How’s what happening, Sweetheart?” SHIT.  You said that aloud?  
“Umm, you know me, right?” you asked timidly and Dean and his brother both looked at you as if you  had three heads.
“YNN, what’s going on?” Sam sat down next to you, his knees bumping the undercarriage of the table.  
“You’re not goin’ to believe me.” FUCK. I DON’T EVEN BELIEVE THIS.
“Whatever it is, we’ll help you, you know that,” Dean reassured you.
“This, place, you, him,” you shot a finger into Sam’s chest. YUP. REAL.
“You’re characters on a television show, I just watched you kill Death, Dean, and now, I’m here in the bunker, and you’re both acting like it’s just any other day.” DAMN DID YOU JUST BLAST THEM? YUP.
The brothers shared one of those silent know it all stares where their eyes held an all knowing conversation.
Dean yelled, “Cas, get your stupid trenchcoat wearing ass down here!” OMG. THE ANGEL?
“Hello, Dean,” you both said simultaneously.  The brothers looked at you with curiosity.
“Sorry, it’s just, I’ve always wanted to say that, like he does, in that deep, sultry, voice.”
“Okay, enough,” Dean stood up, his knee jerked the table, the dishes clattered, “what in the hell is goin’ on with you, YN?”
“YN?” Castiel looked at you and then back at the brothers, “this is not your YN.”
“See, I told you,” you said matter of factly, even though you were screaming on the inside.
“What do you mean, not our YN?” Sam inquired.
Castiel put two fingers to your forehead and instructed both brothers to place a hand on his shoulders, “Take a trip inside her mind, see for yourself.”
“Hold the phone,” you jerked back, “I may have always wanted a Winchester inside of me, but both, mind frakkin’ me, I’m out.”
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Sam just stood there, mouth agape, in shock, at your confession while Dean kinda straightened his shoulders, smirked, and puffed out his chest,
“Which one of us, not YNN?”
“Uh, Dean, I don’t think that’s relevant right now,” Sam interjected, “she’s not our YN.”
“On the contrary,” Castiel spoke up, “in her realm you two exist, but as actors,” he used air quotes for the word actors.  “She is defintiely YN, just not of this universe.”
“How is that even possible?” you asked, and silently your eyes grew wild.
“Doppleganger,” Castiel looked at you sideways, as if he could still read your mind.
“I am not an infant nor am I staring,” he cleared his throat, “I was just curious.”
“Yeah, well, buddy, curiosity killed the cat, ya know.”
“Yes, YN, of the other world, I heard you.”
“But, but,” you whimpered and stomped your foot, “how are you doing that?”
“I do not know yet, but what I do know, is that a doppelganger is a conduit to evil.”
“Whatever or whomever sent you here, may be soon on their way.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean growled, while you and Sam stood stunned.
“Dean,” Sam drew out his name, “you think you know what’s behind this?”
“I’ll give you two guesses, Sammy,” Dean curled his lip in disgust, cueing both you and Sam to shout,
“But where I’m from, he’s Mark Sheppard, father of Isabella, sweetest man on Earth.”
“Yeah, well here, he’s far from sweet, Princess, he’s the…,” you interjected,
“King o’ bloody Hell, yeah, watch the show remember?”
“Okay, our YN or not, you’re cocky as hell, Sweetheart and it’s turning me on.”
Castiel could sense your flush and semi arousal and interjected on your behalf, thinking he was doing you a favor,
“Dean, while she is flattered and aroused, here is neither the time nor the place.”
“CAS!”  you didn’t need to internalize this time.  The Angel was going to be the death of you, one way or another.
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Reaction to tvd S8 episode 5 to 10
So i am catching up on tvd and i have to let this out so i am just gonna make it one post instead of tweeting and annoying everyone on twitter and spoil it to others and shit P.s i will not spell or gramar check this just my reactions with no filters Episode 5 I CANT BELIVE THAT TYLER IS DEAD HE IS NOT DEAD HE WILL BE BACK AND I AM NOT TAKING MO FOR AN ANSWER Caroline in her Ex’s funeral with her boyfriend her, ex boyfriend who is the dead ex best friend, and her ex boyfriend who is the father of her children. Episode 6 Me every time caroline faces a problem “ well if you were with klaus this wouldn’t have happened ” 😂😂 i am so salty about klaroline i love it Rick needs to understand that thid will always happen to the girls and that caroline was not the reason behinds this they are witches and not ordinary ones as well so no matter what he does or where he goes this will always happen Bonenzo is so cute but i am still not over tyler’s death YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT RICK TAKING THEM.AWAY FROM YOU WILL NOT DO ANY GOOD ALSO BTW FOR MORE THAN 7 YEARS NOW YOU HAVE BEEN SSYING UNTILL THIS IS ALL OVER ARE YOU DUMB??? THIS WILL NEVER BE OVER YOUR KIDS ARE SYPHEN WITCHES YOUR BEST FRIEND IS WITCH THE OTHER ONE IS DOPPELGANGER A VAMPIRE AND IN SOME SORT OF MAGICAL COMA YOUR BF IS A DOPPELGANGER AND VAMPIRE YOYR DEAR (I DONT BELIVE HE IS DEAD THO) EX/BEST FRIEND WAS A WEREWOLF AND YOUR TRUE LOVE IS AN ORIGINAL VAMPIRE Not as much as you love klaus tho I hate watching rick when he hates damon THEY ARE BROTP FFS Episode 7 steroline is so annoying tbf 😂 OMFG STEGAN WITH A BEARD I AM FUCKING ALIVE Again sterolin UGHH Those kids sre too cute and caroline as a mum OD CUTNESS rick reaction is priceless 😂😂😂 Damon and that thing is annoying i hate her BONENZOOOOOOOOOO 😍😍😍😍😍😍 This is hell the living room 😂😂😂😂 stefan is me Damon is alive Bonne and emzo are late Aaand stefan is dead merry Christmas i have got gifts 😂😂😂 The only person that can help ricl and carolines’s children is fraya she will help them.just like she is helping hope i dont know why there is problem.here STEFAN WITH A BEARD ASDFGHJKL Cade “all because ypu just had to know her” Me “ i knwo the risk but i have to know her” REBEKAH’S NECKLACE THE ONE STEFAN GAVE TO ELENA THEN SHE LOST IT AND DAMON GAVE IT BACK TO HER AWWWW CAROLINE GAVE IT TO HIM AWWWWWW ELENAAAAAAAAA DELENAAAAAAAA YOU DESERVED THAT BITCH THAT NECKLACE AND DAMONS HEART ARE ELENA’S MAT deserves better than that shitty excuse of a father in Jeremy’s words he iS A DICK Btw where is jeremy??? DAMONS CAAAAAR * In kalus’s accent * The ripeah Episode 8 Wtf anger issues 😂😂😂😂 WOW WHO IS THAT AND WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE ELENA BORING BROTHERS 😂😂😂😂 PARENTS DEAD CAR ACCIDENT? ?? WOW “ i work for the devil i dont have to play fare” Wtf is with that fucking wekery Bridge EVERYTHING HAPPENS ON IT Stefan is such a dick i love it 😂 He better get that necklace back Matty blues eyes 😢 Sevel is a bitch Episode 9 Wich woman is in his head 😉 BONNIE IS THINKING ABOUT BECOMING A VAMBIRE YAAAAAAAAAS BONENZO where is enzo i love that we are back in mystic falls again The grill the forbes house the slavator house Miss mystic falls = klaus reading carolines admission thingy STEFAN AND DAMON 😍😍😍😍 THAT BITCH DONT MISS WITH DELENA ENZOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYY WGAT IF YOU CAN AND THEN YOU AND ELENA WILL STAY FRIENDS FOREVER THE IRONY caroline in the mystic falls party i telling damon that his love for elena is real flashback couple years she was yelling at elena for the same love telling her it was not reall AWWWWWWW elena gilbert never goes away They better get that necklace back BONENZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT BITCH NOOO DAMON YES WTF IS WRONG WITH STEFAN I KNEW IT HE WANTS TO GET READ OF ELENA AWWWWW enzo 😭😭😭 Caroline sees herself in that girl 😍😍 I watch steroline and imagine the day caroline goes back to klaus Enzo saying 70 years with the right person can be forever reminded me of hazel But if he takes the cure time will catch up to him right? NO NO NO Episode 10 IS BAMON BACK? He is crying 😭😭😭 I HATE HER SO MUCH VICKYYYYYYYYYYY OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG LIZ AWWWW
HE IS IMAGINING A WORLD WITHOUT HIM Guess he is not GRAAAAAAAAAAAMS TYLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER HELLO BROTHER noooo maaaaaaat noooooooooooo Just forgive him mat J LITTERLY JUST LOS 5P YEARS OF MY LIFE AWWWWW SHERIF DONEVEN IS BACK BAMON BAMON BAMON BAMON He read the letter He read the letter He read the letter He read THE FUCKING LETTER oh shit they are burning alive
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