#I know this response is long but consider: I love Seiji
hyephyep · 1 year
thinking about how much of natsume yuujinchou is about inheritance. good and bad.
the young man that hid into a painting to ecsape the burden of his familial responsibilities. the miharu leader who wept as he imagined being free of his clan. the yokai that tried so hard to help both men find life beyond their duties.
the miharu clan dying out, and the deal they left unfinished tumbling down the chain to land on seiji's shoulders. seiji wondering how the matoba head that led during miharu's fall felt about a clan the matobas are responsible for dying out. seiji taking up that responsibility, knowing he has to leave it unfinished for a clan head coming after him.
natori cutting himself off from critisizing the miharu's deal that left behind such a burden, and natsume wondering which of the three people in the room (natori, seiji, or natsume himself) natori thought it would hit too close to home for.
(i wrote this post over a year ago, and drafted it here bc i wanted to reread natsuyuu to better inform it. got too busy to finish the reread, never got back to the post. im giving up on the reread thing post is happening now)
re: natori thoughts on my dash today he is. holding uo an inheritance like matoba and natsume are but the feelings around it ARE so different. No one really considered Reiko's legacy an inheritance until Natsume made the decision to make it one, with love and care and dedication. Matoba's clan expected him to continue a long, respected inheritance, and he dedicated himself to that expectation wholesale. Natori's family tried to get rid of it. Make it a thing of the past. He made a choice like Natsume did, but in such a different way, picking up this abandoned thing and saying, "I don't care what you want me to do with it, I'm going to carry it."
Taki and Tanuma... lil different. Particularly Tanuma Taki and her grandfather ARE reviving family traditions and knowledge, for all that those traditions don't weigh heavily the same way the Natsume/Natori/Matoba circle is dealing with. It's still a labor of love.
But I can't recall any time Tanuma or his dad really talked about whether he wants to follow his dad's footsteps? They're a great family of two, his dad clearly cares a lot, but it doesn't manifest the same way. And maybe that'll be explored more later, Tanuma's feelings about his dad's professtion. Or maybe he fits into the themes in his own way: a reminder that picking up the torch isn't the only way to love family, and choosing to go a different path isn't betrayal. We'll see I guess.
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter Thoughts — Chapter 381: Dark
A short one this week. But more pictures than usual!
O  Shishikura, my lad, what in hell are you on about?  This first page is so completely bugfuck I almost can’t comprehend it.  Protect?  Protect??  This guy??
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Human? Hardly. More like a disaster on legs... Or a wild beast. Just like the rest of the animals we've got locked up here. (...) They might walk and talk like people, but these disgusting beings only managed to mingle with society as long as they did because quirks have warped our standards for humanity.
Okay, yeah, we don’t know for sure if this guy was Shishikura’s father or not.  But we do know Shishikura’s father was a warden at Tartarus, which naturally leads to an expectation that, when we get scenes in Tartarus, we will eventually see someone with a family resemblance to Seiji.  And this guy had similar hair, and he sure as hell had a similar attitude.  Like, even the anime made his hair lavender, so they clearly saw the inference, too!
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Even if he wasn’t, though, the response from Less Openly Fascist Guard to the above diatribe was to shush him for fear of recordings of his dehumanizing bullshit being leaked to the public, not to shush him because he was saying dehumanizing shit. It’s not some huge shock that the above was a widely accepted attitude around Tartarus.  Notice, certainly, that once it was decided that Kurogiri was going to get help, he was moved to a hospital: help is not a thing that Tartarus was built to facilitate.
I suppose the intent here is that Shishi-papa was “protecting” the country from its most dangerous criminals, but like—he did that while being very much hateful and full of spite.  You don’t complain about not being able to use missiles against human beings if you don’t have a huge measure of spite.  So what kind of mantle is Shishikura proposing to take up, exactly?  Tartarus was destroyed and it very much deserved to be.  Will Shishikura’s mantle fare any better?
O  I'd love to know if there's any kosher explanation for Shishikura being present here at all. Like, he failed the first stage of the license exam, meaning he wasn't eligible for the remedial training that would have let him take a second crack at it, so he shouldn't even have a provisional hero license. The exams are held twice a year, but the one the UA kids took was in September; not enough time has passed in the story for there to have been another. That being the case, either Shishikura is here with no license or the HPSC pulled some strings to haul in more warm bodies to bolster their ranks prior to the war, including students who wouldn't normally have been considered up to par. A bad look either way.
O  I talked about this plenty last week, so I won’t harp on it too much, but—Tsukauchi says that Shiketsu was already on the move before HQ contacted them with the aid request, right?  But how long ago, in-story, did Skeptic start mucking with the refugee transport?  How long did it take Shiketsu to get here?  I realize the travel times in the series are Basically Magic at this point, but it really does not look they made an effort to investigate the refugees’ safety (which, again, they were specifically designated as responsible for) at all.
O  Sigh.
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Is that so, AFO? Is it really?
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(Note, in the top picture, how far away the scaly dude in the hoodie and the long-necked gal are in particular from the truck AFO is clearing in a single swift, graceful leap.)
O  Inasa talking about learning modern history mostly reminds me how annoying it is that we never see the UA kids learning this kind of thing.  I know UA teaches normal subjects?—Present Mic is an English teacher, for example—but we see so little of anything that would inform the world beyond the commercial.  We get the commercial stuff: attack names and identities and agency team-ups and so on.  But history?  Legal issues?  Sociology?  Hardly anything, and it really contributes to the feeling of heroes as shiny walking billboards that don’t really think about how they fit into their own broader society.
O  TOKOYAMI’S REAL COOL, Y’ALL.  That disdainful sneer as he and Dark Shadow blot out the sky around AFO is aces, and I love that, as a fellow fan of darkness, he’s got stuff to say about AFO’s style of dark. Here’s hoping this is at least slightly more effective than Suneater’s Plasma Cannon. (Big maybe.)
O  I wish the story would make up its mind on whether Hawks is a bright-eyed hope-having hero capable of bringing light to people like Nagant, or a man with blood-stained wings who murdered someone he believed to be a good person.  Also, it’s a little hard to entirely buy Hawks thinking about passing things forward to Tokoyami when he’s mostly been doing backflips to avoid Tokoyami with the sole exception of Tokoyami’s internship.  Like, Tokoyami is putting all the effort into this relationship, you know?
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shishiikura · 6 years
How would Shishikura react if he accidentally and/or was tricked into eating meat.(assuming that he's a vegetarian)
Seiji is totally a vegetarian, I subscribe to that headcanon 100%. I think he’s a vegetarian because the thought of eating meat completely grosses him out, not because he thinks it’s wrong. I mean… he can manipulate flesh at will and I’m sure just the thought of eating it is awful to him. As with anyone who’s accidentally eaten something they don’t want to, he certainly wouldn’t be happy about it.  He’s pretty dramatic so I think he’d react strongly and outwardly and he’d be fairly upset and maybe even feel a little sick. If it was truly an accident though I’m sure he’d understand that (not that he’d feel better right away). 
Now if he was tricked that does change things a little bit, as least for me. I don’t find it funny to trick someone with dietary restrictions (self-imposed or due to allergy) into eating a food they don’t want to, so yeah Seiji would be mad and he’d be fully justified in that. Idk why anyone would even do that though, not just because it’s a super dick move but also why mess with someone with a power that scary? Anyone who did that would deserve whatever anger he’d direct their way. 
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addictedtojmanga · 3 years
Best male characters in shoujo & josei manga - in my opinion, ofc
!!! Might contain spoilers about Love so Life, Faster than a Kiss, Last Game, Love Phantom, Special A, ReRe Hello, Kainushi wa Akuma, Sabaku no Harem, Max Lovely and Kimi ni Todoke. 
So, my criteria for this was:
1. is he toxic?
2. can he communicate properly with the female lead?
3. could I stand to talk with him for more than an hour?
That’s basically it. I used to love a bunch of male characters without realizing how douchey they actually were. Do I still love them? Yeah, but mostly because of nostalgia, I don’t actually consider them good men. 
I’m not saying the men in this list are perfect, cause c’mon we all know how manga characters - and people - are, but I think these are pretty great.  
Without further ado, here’s my - non ranked - fave MLs:
1. Matsunaga Seiji, Love so Life. 
This man is adorable, the best thing ever, I want him to myself. We don’t actually see a lot of romance in Love so Life, HOWEVER, Seiji is a responsible, caring, sweet guy. Once he gets his shit together he talks openly with the female lead about how he feels and how - because of their age difference - he’s willing to wait for her and that she doesn’t have to answer him right then and there or feel guilty if she doesn’t want to be with him in the future. 
Honestly, I really love him. He’s not a creepy older guy preying on a young girl, he respects her age and wants her to live her youth before settling down. Does he rely a bit too much on a 16yo? Yes, but I overlook it ‘cause I love him.
2. Ojiro Kazuma, Faster than a Kiss. 
Again, not a teacher/older man preying on a young girl. He’s her teacher and their relationship starts out with him wanting to protect/help his student out. If I’m not mistaken, he doesn’t even kiss her until she graduates, HOWEVER, he does make her wear sexy costumes, which is problematic. 
Overall, he’s sweet, helps her a lot, really loves her and wants to protect her (and her cute litlle brother). 
3. Yanagi Naoto, Last Game.
Yanagi starts out as a douchey rich kid who thinks he’s superior to everyone else until he’s beaten by the female lead and wants to defeat her. Overtime, he realizes he’s actually in love with her. He’s shy when it comes to her, and very patient. 
Did he follow her to middle school, high school and college? Yes. Would I find that creepy in real life? Absolutely. Can I excuse it because it’s a shoujo manga? Yes again. 
I think he’s a solid male lead for a shoujo manga, and I personally like him, but I definitely see issues with his behavior. 
4. Hase Kei, Love Phantom.
I want him. He’s older than the FL, so he often teases her, but I find it pretty adorable, especially when he’s the one feeling shy. Excluding chapter 01, I can’t remember any obvious flaws in his behavior. To sum up, I love him. 
5. Takishima Kei, Special A. 
Here is an OG male lead that I wouldn’t punch or kick.
Kei is handsome, rich, super smart and he doesn’t give a fuck about anything except the FL. She’s extremely competitive and he always goes along with her whims. He’s protective of her and a tad possessive, but it doesn’t really bother me. He’s pretty solid. 
6. Suou Minato, ReRe Hello.
Minato has his flaws as a person, but as a man/boyfriend, I really love him. I feel like he really cherishes the FL and usually respects her independence. If you haven’t read this manga, I definitely recommend you do!
7. Albrecht Ebel, Kainushi wa Akuma.
He’s super hot and sassy, I love it. Does he sort of sexually harass the FL? Yes, frequently. Does it bother me? Not really, to be honest. And I absolutely despise when male characters are forceful or rapey. I don’t know how to explain it, but at the same time that he teases her, he’s extremely sweet. I know this intro sounds bad, but I want to be upfront about it. Major spoilers ahead: in one of the final chapters, he’s feeling possessive and tries to have sex with her (she didn’t contest it), and when he comes to, she’s trembling and he stops, apologizes, says that there’s no meaning to it if she doesn’t want to and stays distant from her until she approaches him after realizing they love each other.
He is super sweet and she does love him, of course (it’s still a shoujo manga after all). I think everyone should give it a read (and you can delve into the wonderful world of flirting that is Kaji Eiri’s mangas). 
(Real quick, part of the reason I love her work so much is that the main couple flirts consistently throughout the manga, and one thing that bothers me a lot in shoujo manga is when the protagonists only get together in the last chapter.)
8. Sahara Taki, Max Lovely. 
Honestly, I just really love their relationship. This is a 20 year old manga but it’s really solid. I’ve re-read this a bunch of times and I absolutely love it. It’s not romance exclusively, there’s a pretty dark background story, but I really enjoy it. And Taki is a pretty baby, super sweet with the FL and usually very honesy with her.
9. Prince Kallum, Sabaku no Harem.
Would I be one of many wifes to a handsome and rich prince? No. Do I treat manga as reality? God, no. 
He’s very amusing, loves to tease the FL and is pretty sweet. I really enjoyed reading this, I think it’s a solid shoujo with a great male lead, and should definitely be on your list if you haven’t read it yet. 
10. Kazehaya Shouta, Kimi ni Todoke.
Is he my favorite male character? No. To be perfectly honest, he’s not even on my top 10. But is he a good man/boyfriend? Yes, and that’s why he’s on this list.
Like I said in the beginning of the post, there are toxic male characters that I still love despite them being shitty. 
Kazehaya is a popular type but he’s super nice and charismatic. He treats the FL which is usually dismissed by everyone with a lot of respect and care. I think he’s a bit too shy and indirect, which can sometimes jeopardize his relationship with her, but other than that, he’s a great guy. 
BONUS 01: not actually a boyfriend but I love him
Tsuruga Ren, Skip Beat. 
Now, is Ren perfect? No, he has a lot of flaws. A LOT. But I absolutely love him and I think he’s maturing. 
BONUS 02: I don’t personally love this type of character for myself, but I really like him 
Suoh Tamaki, Ouran High School Host Club. 
Like I said, he’s not my type, but I think he’s pretty cute and adorable and totally deserves to be on the list, so I made this spot just for him. 
BONUS 03: douchey guys I was blindly in love with as a teenager
1. Usui Takumi, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. 
Do I hate Usui? No, not at all. I actually really like him. 
But he’s possessive, secretive, dismissive and forceful.
2. Irie Naoki, Itazura na Kiss. 
Naoki has always been - in my opinion - a dick. He pissed me of quite a bit even back then. But, since I always make sure to wear my shoujo anime/manga glasses to ignore problematic behavior when I’m reading manga, I don’t hate him.
! Please don’t get me wrong, even with my shoujo anime/manga glasses there are certain things that I can’t ignore and that really drive me crazy (ex. rape, racism, fat shaming, etc) 
It’s simply that I can understand that there’s a huge gap between manga and reality, and as long as I can recognize the problematic behaviors, I feel like I can enjoy them and respect the poetic license behind it. 
 Ok, that’s it, sorry for the long-ass post. 
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applesandbannas747 · 3 years
Apologies in advance for the very broad question, but what are your ~thoughts~ on Seiji's depiction in Disarmed (or either novel tbh)? I was super excited when I realized in SD that we'd be getting chapters from his perspective, since it being hard-to-know-what's-going-on-in-that-head is such a huge part of his character otherwise. But then everyone was so ooc in SD it felt irrelevant. I feel like Disarmed was.. better? But I'd love to hear someone else's thoughts
apologies in advance for the long answer XD and obligatory warning to anyone reading this: my thoughts are of the negative variety
I would agree that Disarmed is generally better than Striking Distance, but speaking on Seiji specifically, I would say the only improvement is he’s a little more autonomous than he was in the first book. Other than that, his depiction stayed so out of character that I couldn’t even reconcile the beautiful chapter header Johanna The Mad drew of him with the boy whose head we were in during those chapters.
There’s a lot of disagreement about Seiji, and I fully recognize that a lot of people think I’m an asshole for labeling Seiji as an asshole—but listen. He is. Some of the insults he spews are too specifically crafted to be anything other than intentional barbs. Some of the other things he says are definitely just him being painfully blunt, thinking just because something is true, you get to say it. And then there’s a lot of things that are somewhere between the two, and this is where his most hurtful insights come in—this is him telling Nick that he’ll be kicked out of school soon because his scholarship will run out when he doesn’t make the team (a fact which Seiji sees as beneficial), this is him asking why Nick isn’t used to losing when Nick’s upset about a loss, this is him seeing people as so far beneath him that he doesn’t need to bother trying to understand social niceties to interact with them (demonstrated by him sneering at Nick’s handshake in the first issue and proclaiming he’ll beat Nick 15-0). It is a mix of bluntness, perhaps born of an inability to understand social cues or interaction, and a snide—sometimes malicious—belief that he gets to talk that way to people. Maybe because he’s a prodigy. Maybe because Nick’s a nobody. My point is, you do not just get to write off his behavior as okay or excusable by arguing that he didn’t know what he was doing—he did, in a lot of places he had to know exactly what he was doing and in other places he must have seen how upset he made people by telling the truth and he didn’t care, or, on occasion, he wielded that truth like a weapon too, with the intention of upsetting. And even if he didn’t know what he was doing, he’s still an asshole. You have to take accountability for your actions and Seiji doesn’t have an interest in accounting for or adjusting all the hurt he deals out—he sees it as the other person’s responsibility to deal with.
I know that was a lot of analysis about the comic when we’re talking about the books, but I think a summary of the character I saw in the comics is needed for context for my opinions of the books. But let’s get into them now!
Seiji is built up in the books on two moments in the comics. First, the page in issue 10 where Nick declares him and Seiji friends and tows Seiji off to watch a match with him. Sarah Rees Brennan has cited this page as an important informant on her writing of Seiji. There are subtle differences in her read of this moment from mine that are to be excepted—everyone has their own interpretations, but I think that she conflated what she saw in this moment (Seiji, being surprised and happy at being considered a friend) with the entire comic in a way that doesn’t make sense. Just because Seiji didn’t snap at Nick that they aren’t friends here, doesn’t mean that every other showing of his superior assholery is suddenly invalid. But she really decided that this proves that Seiji is soft and sweet and misunderstood. Second moment: issue 11, Seiji and Nick not understanding what Eugene was getting at when he said Aiden and Jay were ‘you know’. This was a funny joke in the comic, but it was exaggerated and overused so much in the books that it’s just cringe-worthy instead of funny, and it makes no sense. Not understanding ‘you know’ is funny because, yeah, most teens would have been able to get that Eugene’s saying they banged. But it’s still ambiguous enough and out of context enough that you can believe these two dorks wouldn't pick up on it. But not getting that Aiden isn’t having parties in his room and is, instead, having sex in it? Or not understanding what hickeys are? Or being as oblivious as they both are to and about relationships in general? Doesn’t make sense. Yeah, showing teenagers without all the emotional maturity of an adult is fine, but I genuinely know 4th graders with more emotional intelligence than them. Like, this isn’t an honest representation of teenagers, it’s a depiction of 9-year-olds. And I’m not even kidding or exaggerating when I say that.
The thesis statement given to us in the books is that Seiji never meant to hurt anyone, and therefore it doesn’t count when he does. And there seems to be a deeper reasoning for his behavior that is pushed in the books, one that a lot of people picked up on. I think Seiji was intentionally coded as autistic or something like it in the novels. I wish so badly that the mention of autistic Seiji didn’t make me recoil now because of his depiction in the book and the very base and stereotypical autistic caricature he was turned into. I never read Seiji as neurotypical in the comics, but I swear it’s like Sarah Rees Brennan said ‘here is what I think an autistic person is’ and then labeled that pre-conceived notion as Seiji Katayama in her novels. Representation is a tricky matter always. Something that is helpful and meaningful and validating to one person is always going to be hurtful and invalidating to another. So I know there are plenty of people—plenty of neurodivergent people—who take comfort in Seiji’s coding. I’m not one of them. Seiji perpetuates a lot of stereotypes about autism and vague neurodivergent ‘representation’ that we see all over the place. I’ve seen lots of people comment on this, but Seiji reflects characters like Sheldon Cooper. There is a danger in the Single Story—the portrayal of a minority or group as a single thing and only that single thing. We have a Single Story about autism, and it is this idea that autistic people speak in uncomfortably robotic cadences, that they miss obvious social cues all the time, that they are emotionally stunted and often treated like children because of it. This portrayal may not be strictly untrue, but it is certainly not the full truth. It leaves out all the other ways to be autistic, it creates a stereotype and shoves all autistic people into it. It is not true representation to tout that same Single Story. It’s really just building onto the stereotype at this point. And that’s why I take issue with it. Seiji was shoved into that ‘Autistic’ box rather than having autism (or some other form of neurodivergence) fit to him and the character he was in the comics. When you have to change a character entirely to show some facet of their identity, maybe that’s a sign that your implicit biases need to be examined.
Remember how Seiji is an asshole in the comics? Remember how he hurt people and legitimately couldn’t care less? Remember how I said that behavior isn’t excusable just because you claim he didn’t know any better? Yeah. You don’t get to excuse him for being neurodivergent or autistic either. That’s actually such a shitty and enabling attitude to take towards neurodivergent people; it’s never okay to treat other people shit, so let’s not perpetuate the idea that neurodivergent people get a free pass on being dicks—which can often escalate into being abusers. Neurodivergence can explain behavior, but it shouldn’t excuse it, and Seiji’s behaviors all seem to be swept under the rug with the excuse of ‘he is just a smol bean who didn’t know any better.’ Which, inaccurate. Also, please stop infantilizing neurodivergent people. And lastly, it’s weirdly irrelevant anyway in the books because Seiji isn’t the same brutally honest and cutting boy that he was in the comics.
And this is the interesting thing—the evidence we are shown does not match the thesis. Those two ideas about Seiji that I mentioned—that he’s just clueless and wants a friend and that he is entirely inept when it comes to any sort of relationship—are taken and built up to give us the absolute marshmallow child we’re shown in the books. And I hate him. Personal taste here, but fucking hell is he boring. Especially after I was promised a sharp—both in intellect and personality—boy in the comics. He has no bite, no intensity. He wanders around like a lost duckling and imprints on Nick. He never shows the careless cruelty that he possessed in the comics, never even thinks a truly mean thought. And every time he says something that could be misconstrued as hurtful, he apologizes right away. I don’t think he’s apologized over a single fucking thing in the comic because he’s a bad bitch that says what he wants and it’s everyone else’s problem if they’re too thin skinned to handle the truth. Seiji gets no layers or depth in the books; he was robbed of every interesting thing about him.
Another thing that absolutely makes my skin crawl is Seiji’s relationship with his wealth in comparison with Nick’s lack of it. I don’t know how this book got through editing without anyone saying ‘hey, maybe this is really demeaning to people without a lot of money.’ But if someone treated me the way Seiji treats Nick, I’d bite them. And not in a sexy way. Like. holy shit. I am blown away by how it frames itself as progressive and accepting and as a deep and meaningful examination of poverty when it is literally one of the most offensive depictions of it I’ve ever read. Nick is a whole thing. His character was shoved into the ‘Poor Kid’ box in much the same way Seiji’s was shoved into the ‘Autistic’ box. But we’re talking about Seiji, so let’s take a look at the way Seiji views and treats Nick based on the difference in their socio-economic statuses. I always found it ironic in a ‘isn’t that fucked up?’ way that Striking Distance featured the discrimination Nick faces for his scholarship/poor kid status being fixed by Seiji’s (daddy’s) money. Like the commentary there is a little…..ehhhhh. Just, weird in my opinion to solve the issues of a poor person with the money of a rich person. It’s like saying that all problems can be solved if you throw money at them, which casts the implication that value can be measured in wealth. Instead of fixing any of Nick’s problems through his own ingenuity, we see Seiji again and again coming in with his wealth to save poor ickle Nicholas who is poor and pathetic uwu. It gives seiji, who has the talent and the resources and the status and the money, even more power, while directly taking it from Nick. It robs Nick of his autonomy and his own merits outside of wealth when every problem he is faced with is fixed by Seiji and his money. It creates an unsettling power imbalance that never seemed to be there in the comics because Nick was impressive in his own right, possessing a resourcefulness and grit that comes from a tough life. In the comic, they balance each other. In the books, I am turned off by their relationship because it is so much Seiji deciding it is his duty to take care of and fix Nick, while thinking that he’s a champion of the poor for doing so.
I understand that both Sarah Rees Brennan and Seiji are coming from good, well-meaning places in their treatment of Nick. But you know what they say about good intentions… Do you know the concept of a ‘white savior’? I feel like this is a lot like that, but with a focus on class divide rather than a racial one. It’s a well-intentioned person with privilege swooping in to ‘save’ and ‘fix’ some poor, disadvantaged person and thinking they are some hero for doing so. It’s very self-gratifying and icky in my opinion, more about Seiji showing himself to be a Good Rich Person than actually caring about Nick at all.
Seiji’s depiction in the novels makes me uncomfortable in so many ways and I think, overall, I may have even found him more unsettling in Disarmed, if only for his ideas about Nick based on his poverty. I have to believe that he is an entirely different character than Seiji in the comics, because this version of him is not one I like at all.
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komori--shoma · 3 years
Shoma Umi Komori.
(I'm sorry if my english is shitty-)
❛A sad soul can kill faster than bacteria.❜
—𝐽𝑜𝒉𝑛 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑘
⟅☙⟆ Universe ⟅☙⟆
Diabolik Lovers. I plan, however, to take her out of the universe and make her a character of her own. Or maybe I'll just drop it and do both. Who knows?
⟅☙⟆ Full Name ⟅☙⟆
Shoma Umi Komori.
"Shoma" is a Japanese name that means "Woman who seeks the truth, who is not conformist at all."  Her second name, "Umi", is also a Japanese name that means "ocean".
⟅☙⟆ Kanji ⟅☙⟆
シ ョ マ
⟅☙⟆ Nickname ⟅☙⟆
Despite being initially confused by these, as she was not used to it, she was given the nickname "Engel" (which means "Angel" in German) by a family quite close to her.  The nickname was given by the mother and head of the family, since in the eyes of that woman, Shoma is an angel.
Seiji, who was the adoptive father of the girl, called the young woman "Astertea", which is quite a "peculiar" name in the bible.
Yui, with whom she is no longer in contact with Shoma, used to call her "Sho" or "Shomi" affectionately.
⟅☙⟆ Age ⟅☙⟆
She is eighteen years old, although she looks a bit younger.
⟅☙⟆ Gender ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Sexual Orientation ⟅☙⟆
She doesn't know yet. Doesn't really bothers her to know.
⟅☙⟆ Height ⟅☙⟆
160 cm.
⟅☙⟆ Weight ⟅☙⟆
She used to weigh 35 kg., But now she is a proud 64.5 kg.
⟅☙⟆ Blood type ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Status ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Race ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Birthday ⟅☙⟆
June 20th.
⟅☙⟆ Sign ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Favorite Color ⟅☙⟆
Light blue and night blue.
⟅☙⟆ Appearance ⟅☙⟆
There is a great before and after in her appearance, and even though she is not shown in her story (at the end of the card), there was the occasional change in her future.
The girl has oculocutaneous albinism, so her skin and hair are snow-white.  Her hair, due to a small "situation", was long, straight and lifeless.  Her hair almost touched her waist, and she basically managed to cover her view.  She is now a cute short hairstyle down to the nape of hers, wavy and neat.
Her skin is very pale and fragile, although now she is somewhat better, before she was simply rough and damaged.  She has several deep burns and scars on this one as well.
The young woman, despite not having very good eyesight, has beautiful eyes of a light blue color, somewhat grayish.
She has a mark on her right leg in the shape of a fox with several stars on it.  It's a pretty special symbol, but she keeps it covered most of the time.
She usually did not wear clothes other than bandages to cover herself, although she still finds old clothes to wear, even though she was a little too big.  Now, she got used to wearing light clothes that cover most of her body;  like jeans, leggings, or long dresses with something underneath.  She doesn't really like to wear short or see-through clothes.
⟅☙⟆ Personality ⟅☙⟆
Many think that she simply doesn't have any kind of emotion. Shoma never shows any kind of expression in public, she is shown with her face up and with a look so cold that she makes it true to her appearance. The young woman is too serious, and depending on the person, it is very difficult to get her out of her typical attitude.
Sho is an elegant little girl, and full of grace despite all her troubles. She will never be friendly enough in front of someone (again, it depends on the person), but she will also not feel uncomfortable or unwelcome unless that is the goal of the little one. Shoma knows that she is able to erase someone from the earth fas if she wishes, but she doesn't abuse that thought, you just have to be careful not to make her angry or touch her too much.  It could be a big mistake.
Still, well ...
She is always alert, so it is very easy for her to get nervous or anxious most of the time.
She can also happen that she cannot do something right (she finds it very difficult to concentrate / think on several occasions, as well as sometimes she finds it difficult to understand what happens around her, etc).  Still, it is something that doesn't happen as much as before, after leaving the aforementioned situation in which she found herself.
She is easily frustrated, and this happens when she recognizes that she has trouble thinking.  It's very easy for her to cry or tear up in frustration (she doesn't do it in public, she refuses to do it, but that only makes it worse).  Also, her coping strategy is simply not talking about her emotions and keeping a straight face all the time.
Still, and even though she very reluctantly accepted help, Sho is willing to change and improve (even if she has to go through hell first).  She has shown to be too cunning for her age and to behave as if she were an adult, and even though she is slowly trying to behave according to her age, she is very difficult for her as well.
Anyway, Shoma can also be a girl who listens to others and is willing to do it regardless of the situation, and she is always there to be a shoulder on which one can cry.  She also tends to have fun when she feels calm around her, being one of the few moments when she feels and acts like a young little girl.
⟅☙⟆ Relatives ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Seiji Komori: Adoptive father.  Currently dead.
⟣ Yui Komori: Adoptive sister.  Currently alive.
⟅☙⟆ Favorite Food ⟅☙⟆
She doesn't have a single specific favorite food, but she definitely likes sweet and simple foods, like grated applesauce and banana, or a fruit salad.
⟅☙⟆ Hoobies ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Shoma likes to make paintings with her hands.  She serves to entertain him and clear her mind.
⟣ She also likes to make crowns with different types of flowers, even some bracelets and necklaces.
⟣ She has a certain fascination for mathematics and literature, so it is normal to see her do either of the two when she is bored.  The problem is when she has a hard time doing a difficult exercise.
⟣ She Likes to play decorating and decision-making video games. She likes to decorate and combine, so it is normal for her as a hobby to do the odd combination in video games, or in a room.
⟣ It may not count as a hobby, but Shoma loves to watch an episode of a series that she likes or a movie many times to imitate the lines, as if it were some kind of dubbing attempt.
⟅☙⟆ Occupation ⟅☙⟆
None, she doesn't consider herself a student, even if she studies at home.
⟅☙⟆ Relationships ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Seiji Komori, adoptive father.
She did not have a good relationship with him no matter how hard she tried at the time.  It was too obvious the favoritism that he had with Yui, and how she always stayed in the shadow of the blonde.  Despite trying to be like Yui, he could never have any kind of acceptance with her father.
⟣ Yui Komori, adoptive sister.
He adored her with her soul. Yui was Shoma's heroine, and she always tried to follow her example despite her unruly attitude as a child.  The elder Komori was Shoma's world, and he simply wanted to be with her all the time.
Things have changed now. She can't even look at her. The disgust and hatred that he has for that now young woman is simply immense. And believe it when I say she tries; she tries too hard to forget so many things that caused this feeling, but she just can't.
⟣ Yvonne Beauchene, the right hand.
Shoma's only trusted person alongside her family.  Yvonne was Shoma's guardian from the day he arrived at the church, although she had some problems because of it, and that is the reason why she had to leave, but surely nothing bad could happen, right?
⟅☙⟆ Likes ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Despite not having tasted it in recent years, she liked (and still remembers the taste of it, so she still likes) Yvonne's orange tarts a lot.  She used to do them when Seiji was not at home for her, Yui and Shoma.
⟣ She loves music, especially the one that doesn't have any type of letter and is only a beautiful and hypnotizing melody. Her favorite, and also Yvonne's, is "The Vampire Masquerade", which is the melody which Yvonne met her husband.
⟣ Regarding the above, she usually daydreams many times with music in the background and she likes that (because the real world sucks and it is her only way out of the stress and anxiety that she feels most of the time). She sometimes even draws or paints those scenarios that are formed in her head.
⟣ As said before, she likes to play decorating and decision-making video games.  Also, despite having the face of wanting some horror games (these make her heart race and sometimes she has panic attacks), she prefers Animal Crossing by a lot.
⟣ Loves snakes (which are not poisonous), cats and dogs.  Snakes are very good company, and cats and dogs are responsible for keeping her calm.
⟅☙⟆ Dislikes ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Despite having been seen surviving based on it, she does not like meat very much.  Of course, she can bear it, she even likes some (very few) meat dishes !, but there are certain types of meat that remind him too much of ... well, her own meat.
⟣ Obviously, she can't stand going to churches or things related to religion.  She gets too anxious and nervous.
⟣ Her body and mind literally rejects any kind of physical affection if she doesn't know the person very well or doesn't trust them. It's no surprise, considering her personality.  Very few people are lucky enough to even put a hand on her shoulder and not get hurt (Shoma doesn't do it on purpose).
⟅☙⟆ Fears and Phobias ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Somniphobia: fear of sleeping.
Oneirophobia, somniphobia, clinophobia or hypnophobia is an irrational and excessive fear of the act of sleeping.  People who suffer from it enter a state of panic caused by the fear that while they are sleeping something terrible will happen to them, such as the possibility of stopping breathing or that they will never wake up, even knowing that there is no threat, but  they stay awake, presenting insomnia.  Some people who have this phobia associate going to bed with death.
In some cases, panic is unleashed by the belief that the dreams that will be had when sleeping are actually delusions and these will favor falling into a state of permanent madness.  This type of phobia generates a great deal of stress and significant physical and mental deterioration, so it is not uncommon for many people to end up suffering from hallucinations, a fact that further aggravates this type of phobia: fear of sleeping.
Shoma cannot sleep because various things used to happen during these.  She remembers well once a nun (then she disappeared without a trace) entered her room and hanged her, almost killing her if it weren't for Yui screaming for help.
⟣ Theophobia: fear of religion.
Theophobia is the fear or aversion to religion or the gods, and being more common among people who are raised in an environment of iron religiosity.  Theophobia can express itself as fear, aversion, anger, or other negative emotion towards religious practices.  In some cases, the theophobic representation can categorize the deity as an arbitrary totalitarian dictator or, conversely, as unworthy of worship.
It is common among people who suffer from theophobia to avoid religious texts, houses of worship (churches, mosques, synagogues ...) and even the parishioners of a religion.
The young woman lived in a church for years and was not treated as "a daughter of God", but as "an aberration of satan" by her father and certain nuns.  She causes him so much fear that, if there really is a god, she has abandoned her for "not being worthy".  Many things together caused this irrational fear of religion in general.
⟣ Hafephobia: fear of being touched.
Hafephobia is a specific phobic disorder (unlike agoraphobia or social phobia) that causes great suffering in the person who suffers from it.
It is an irrational fear of great intensity that manifests itself when the individual suffering from the phobia comes into physical contact with other people and is touched.  It produces a series of cognitive, physiological or behavioral responses, among which extreme anxiety and the attempt to avoid the feared stimulus to reduce the unpleasant sensation stand out.
Shoma, of course, is working on this and for now she's doing very well, but if she's some stranger, she isn't going to allow herself to be touched or touched by another individual. She is so afraid that every touch will turn into a blow or something to harm her.
⟣ Atazagoraphobia: fear of forgetting.
Atazagoraphobia is the excessive fear of forgetting, which includes both the fear of forgetting and the fear of being forgotten or replaced by others.  Despite the fact that it is a common sensation, atazagoraphobia has been little described in scientific language.  In fact, it has been more pointed out by philosophers and writers who speak of atazagoraphobia as the fear of eternal anonymity.
Shoma was literally forgotten or ignored from a young age, and she doesn't want to go through it again. She doesn't want to feel so cold again that she can't breathe properly or move. She can't, she doesn't want to...
⟅☙⟆ Headcannon Voice ⟅☙⟆
Mia Rodríguez.
⟅☙⟆ Skills ⟅☙⟆
⟣ She is impressively good with knives and razors.  She usually uses them for cooking.
⟣ Literally she can imitate many voices, even male ones.  She uses it to make jokes or for some plan (to get some dessert) that she has in mind.
⟣ She is becoming more and more independent, and that is why she is getting very good at cooking.  She even manages to focus on that rather than other things.
⟅☙⟆ Extra ⟅☙⟆
⟣ She has undiagnosed “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”.
⟣ She tends to bite her arm or bite her nails if she is very anxious.
⟣ It is difficult for her to accept some changes in her life, but she manages to adapt step by step.
⟣ She likes to play with Yvonne's family, August, her husband, being Shoma's favorite.
⟣ She is considerably innocent of the world around her, but at the same time, she isn't.  She is aware that the world revolves around that filthy green paper, and she is very clever with it.  She knows that her "condition" and her situation may be a weak point, but it is for that reason that she is also careful who she hangs out with.
⟅☙⟆ History ⟅☙⟆
Shoma arrived at the doors of the Komori family church on May 22, 2001, with only a note that said "My name is Shoma, Mom and Dad can no longer take care of me," just three weeks after I was born. She was greeted by one of the local sisters, a favorite of the owner and leader of that church, Seiji Komori. The latter named was not on that cold night, with the snow falling slowly in that beautiful place, so the same sister took care of the girl in his absence.
A girl with blond hair and pink eyes like the petals of a cherry tree approached said sister, curious by the cries that began to be heard.  Seeing her up close, and seeing that beautiful celestial gaze, the seven-year-old girl took the girl in her arms (with the permission of her sister), and did not leave her during that night until the next day. It was no surprise to the sister that her crying stopped as soon as the young Komori began to gently cradle her in her arms.
Still, from the moment Seiji arrived, he knew that something was wrong with the girl, that she was "not human", and that he probably knew whose "gift" it was.  Shoma was unwelcome, and he couldn't show her that in public, not with Yui close to her. Also, the plan deviated. No, he isn't supposed to have two daughters, and she is supposed to be just one more orphan, but the young blonde girl already called her "Shoma Umi Komori", and that could be ... Something dangerous for him.  Obviously, the orders for Shoma to come to his office were not long in coming as soon as he was two years old.
What Shoma saw in her supposed father's room was sealed in her mind, and nothing else. Every time Shoma was called to her father's office, her heart raced because she knew something bad was going to happen.  Every time that happened it was because she Shoma found out more and more that she was going to happen to every sixteen, maybe seventeen-year-old on certain dates. It was because Shoma knew too much about her, and if he couldn't make her forget everything she had seen, then she would silence her to her grave.  Every time Shoma gained courage and told Yui, she was scolded for inventing such things, and she would see her father again for "breaking her promise" to him.
The only one who managed to believe her is the same sister who received her the day Shoma arrived there, although that same sister would get a serious face everytime Sho told her that, she never had to see her father when she told Yvonne.
But, one day, Seiji went a bit far with the punishments, and let the fury just blind him, even if he didn't even regret it afterwards.  Seeing Shoma talk to someone... Important, once this man left the church it just infuriated him. That man's smile when he stopped talking to her and saw him in the eye was not good news at all.  That night, everyone heard the screams of a three-year-old girl resound throughout the establishment, and she was found in the middle of the hall with a desperate Seiji, saying that she had been playing with a poker and that she tripped, with it smacking part of her face.
Shoma began to startle every time someone moved near her, every time someone placed her hand on some part of her body, or when they called her, or when they approached her. She didn't separate from Yui or the sister she trusted so much, and even though it started to be annoying for Yui as she grew older, there were very few times when she was really rude to Shoma due to the fatigue of having her on her back every day three seconds, but they just didn't help Shoma with her fear of being alone, either with Seiji, or with certain nuns. The sister who had her trust steadfastly refused to leave her alone if she wasn't with Yui, although it was only because she slipped out of sight once.
Things escalated to the worse on December 12, 2006, at exactly a quarter past two in the morning.  It was precisely an exhausting day for the girl, because the nun who was taking care of her and her sister had to leave due to family problems, or so they told her.
The albino-haired girl couldn't sleep due to some nightmares, even though she had become very habitual.  The young woman began to hear murmurs and footsteps outside the room that she shared with Yui, and she could make out her father's voice.  She could make out her desperate tone from her ... And, strangely, anger.
Carefully, she got out of her bed without making any noise, but following a little voice in her head, she took the camera that belonged to the blonde that was a gift from her only trusted caregiver, and opened  slowly the door.  Her father had locked himself in her office, and she could hear someone else's voice.  On tiptoe, he approached the door ajar, and looked behind it.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the body of one of the older girls on the ground, tied up and with blood pouring from her head.  That memory is somewhat blurry, but it remembers very well various parts of the conversation between her father and a man with long hair.  She took photos, and to her surprise, they did not have flash, and the photos came out perfectly ... That woman had many strange objects.
Once she finished, she turned, intending to leave, but one of the nuns spotted her, yelling to warn Seiji. Shoma wasted no time running and closing in on her sister's room, which she was awakened by her scream. Shoma told her everything quickly, leaving the photos to hide them, and the little girl didn't hesitate long to jump out the window (it was not the first time that she did that out of boredom), and she ran away from there.  Still, the nun had gone ahead, and it wasn't long to be just a few steps away from her with her father's poker, part of them burning. 
She remembers her sister with hatred seeing it all in horror and just standing there with the camera in her hands, shaking, to simply turn and turn her back on him.
In the blink of an eye, she was dragged by her hair by her "father" and other nuns, and before she had a chance to run away, the girl was thrown into the basement, away from other people, away from Yui, away from  everyone.  She tried to get out, scream, but no one ever came.
Nobody, nobody at all...
And here ends her story.  The young woman, thanks to her curiosity, sealed her fate.  She was destined to die in that place, even if she didn't want that, alone and starving, not knowing if Yui or someone would remember her...
But they say that there is always someone who takes care of us somewhere, right?  Even if she has no hope... Maybe there really is someone, even without her knowing it.
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lordsister · 6 years
Romeo and Juliet (Shishikura Seiji x Reader)
It took me awhile to write since I kept on coming up with new lines I wanted to add and was writing it in actual notebook, but I think it turned out okay. If someone had told Seiji a couple months ago that he would fall in love with a U.A. girl he probably would have scoffed, told them they were insane, and dismissed it from memory. Him, a proud student of Shiketsu High School, with a U.A. girl? What nonsense...
Or was it?
"Seiji." Your voice came breathy, ruffling the hair atop his head as his lips moved against the sensitive skin of your neck. His hands tightened their grip on your waist, making you gasp. Every sound you made, every shift of your body against his, was its own kind of music unique to you alone and he would give anything to hear more of it, but alas. Your time together was short and there wasn't a moment to lose.
Burying his face into the crook of your neck, Seiji breathed in your scent, committing it to memory until he could see you again. His arms wound around you, pulling you as close as possible without hurting you. You returned his embrace, your smaller arms winding around his larger figure. Resting your face against his shoulder, you relished his warmth, allowing your body to relax in the security of his arms.
He loved you so much, it wasn't fair.
What had he ever done to deserve such horrible, wonderful torment? From the moment he had first seen you during the license exam he'd been head over heels in love, though it took longer for him to overcome his denial and admit it.
It felt like a two-way betrayal. On one hand it was as if he was betraying his pride in his school and everything that encompassed for falling for a U.A. girl, while on the other hand it was a betrayal of his own feelings for denying his affection for you in the first place. He grew weaker by the day, losing sleep over his inner turmoil. It wasn't long before people started to notice, dark circles appearing under his eyes and his usual scowl deepening as his mood worsened. No one dared to actually ask him what was the matter, but he could feel their concerned stares and worried glances. Even so, he held out, pushing thoughts of you away as he tried to go on with his life.
And he made a noble effort, but it was all for naught.
Seiji reached his tipping point about a month into his resistance. He was exhausted, his eyes sore and bloodshot, and there was a knot in his neck that made him wince whenever he turned his head. Lost in his thoughts on the way to lunch, he heard a single word- a name- that made him stop in his tracks, his head snapping up in recognition and his eyes widening.
"Isn't she a U.A. student?"
"Yeah, so?" Yoarashi Inasa and a few other students were talking a little ways away, their backs to him. "She's so cool and powerful! We'd be a power couple, don't you think?" the brown-haired male asked, turning so Seiji could see his profile and the stupid, excited smile painted across it.
"Mmm, that's not really the point. I don't know if the rivalry between U.A. and Shiketsu would allow it," another student answered uncertainly, echoing what Seiji had been telling himself.
One of the greatest reasons why a relationship between a U.A. student and a Shiketsu student wouldn't work was because of the tense competition between the two schools, Shiketsu constantly aiming to topple U.A. from it's place as the number one hero school. Many, many times, Seiji had reminded himself of that, taking careful measures to distance himself from you as much as possible, even going so far as to ignore your messages when you tried to reach out to him.
Inasa scoffed. "It'll be fine. You think I care about that when it comes to (y/n)? She's too special to give up."
Seiji's heartbeat filled his ears, accompanied by the rushing sound of blood. He distantly acknowledged Inasa continuing, saying something about asking you out in a couple of weeks or so, but he barely heard it over the roaring in his head. The purple-haired teen felt as if he had been knocked off his feet and sent sprawling, his vision blurring and his breath leaving his lungs. It took all his effort to move out of sight around a corner before the strength left his legs, sending him sliding down the wall to the floor in a dazed heap.
He'd never felt such a tidal wave of emotion before. Fear and horror dominated his mind, but there was something more there as well, a feeling very much akin to relief brought on by realization. Forming a center to the swirling whirlpool of his consciousness were those words, "She's too special to give up." They resounded to the deepest parts of his being, filling him with clarity and certainty. A weight lifted from his shoulders. Inasa was right, you were too special to give up.
For so long, Seiji had dismissed his feelings for you, believing that a relationship with you would never work or that what he felt would fade over time, when in all honesty he knew neither were true. Being with you wouldn't be without its difficulties, but what relationship wasn't? Seiji wasn't the kind of person to give up without a fight, especially when it came to you. He feelings for you hadn't faded in the slightest since day one. If anything, they had only grown, fed by his subconscious longing for you.
Seiji loved you and that wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
He sought you out that weekend, before Inasa could, shooting you what was probably the most nerve-wracking text he had ever sent, apologizing for his distant responses to your earlier texts and asking you if you wanted to meet up at a cafe. The time it took you to respond was more daunting and stressful than any battle or exam he'd ever faced and he cursed himself for being so weak. His heart nearly jumped into his throat when his phone buzzed with your response, the piece of technology shaking in his hands as he read over your message again and again and again.
You accepted.
From there the rest is history.
He confessed to you, unable to keep silent about his feelings for you any longer, and explained everything he'd put himself through in his denial. After he finished he realized how embarrassing and silly it all sounded, but you only smiled, accepting him with a gentle hand in his own.
Seiji had to admit he was a little smug when Inasa came to school one day depressed after being turned down by you, but he didn't say anything. The two of you decided to keep your relationship a secret. Both you and he were unsure about how your classmates, and in extension your schools, would handle the news. Maybe it would be fine and maybe it wouldn't, but neither of you were particularly willing to take that chance at the moment considering relations between the two schools were still tense after the licensing exam. Besides, it was his and your relationship. What business was it of anyone else?
Now, with his face buried and your arms around him, Inasa's words echoed in his mind once more.
"She's too special to give up."
Nothing in his life was more true, so he would continue to love you from afar and in brief, stolen moments. The Romeo to your Juliet.
A/N: I’m pleasantly surprised with how this turned out.  It took me awhile to write since I kept on coming up with new lines I wanted to add and was writing it in actual notebook, but I think it turned out okay. I do not own My Hero Academia or any of its characters. I do own the plot of this fanfic however. Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day!
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Client report: Seiji Goto
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“This is a first for me,” Miho mused thoughtfully, a wistful smile on her lips.
“Which part?” Goto enquired, studying her face carefully for any signs of displeasure.
He found none.
“Well, usually at this stage in proceedings the client chooses a more private venue,” she explained, looking around the sun-drenched park, across sprawling green and all the way down to a children’s playground where kids of various ages were playing happily. “Nothing in your file suggested exhibitionist to me,” she added a little cheekily, narrowing her eyes on his. “Naughty secret perhaps?”
This caused Goto to very nearly spit out the grape he’d just popped into his mouth, and colour flashed in his cheeks.
“That, is entirely adorable,” Miho laughed, then stretched a little in her semi reclined position on the picnic rug.
The setup was picture perfect, from the weather, the carefully selected food, to the lop-sided, slight upturn of his polo shirt’s collar.
“So if it’s not exhibitionism, Mr. Goto,” she began again, reaching slowly over the picnic basket that separated them, to carefully tweak his collar to its correct position, “why the park, may I ask?”
“You’re not enjoying the great outdoors?” he questioned, now smiling a little.
“Oh no, I enjoy a roll in the verdant green as much as the next girl,” she chuckled, reaching for a strawberry, only to find her hand colliding with his.
“Sorry,” he apologised, and Miho emitted a small sigh.
“If you are uncomfortable…”
“No, no it’s not that,” he interrupted, black bangs swiping a slightly creased forehead as he shook his head and picked up a piece of fruit. “Peace, and dates are few and far between.”
“All the more reason to get in some practice while you can,” Miho pointed out, taking his wrist before he could eat the strawberry in his hold. “I don’t bite you know,” she told him gently, lifting his hand toward her own mouth, “unless you ask me nicely.”
He looked surprised, but when she released his wrist he completed the mission she’d given him.
The pointed tip of the strawberry pressed lightly against her lower lip, before sliding gently into the warm moist of her mouth. She held his gaze as she bit down, suggestively sucking on the remaining nub before allowing him to lower his hand.
“Mm,” she smiled as she chewed, then swallowed. “Still,” she continued, slowly running her tongue over her lips, “I know you agreed on the complete package, and you’ll be billed accordingly, but you’re perfectly within your rights to decide my profile is comprehensive enough without proceeding further.”
Goto seemed to consider this, staring into the fruit dish.
“That seems like a bit of a waste,” he assessed, seemingly to himself as he took up a grape and then rose it of his own volition, to Miho’s mouth.
“That’s the spirit,” she grinned, drawing the grape and the tip of his thumb and index finger between her lips, suckling gently before releasing all three. “Tell me,” she went on, purposefully lying herself back to obscure her face from him. “What’s holding you back? According to your own responses to our profiling questions, I’m aesthetically very much your type.”
Though she could not see, Goto frowned a little, peering at the picnic basket handle before picking up the item that blocked her and placing it on the other side of him.
Miho just turned her head and smiled up at him like she didn’t have a care in the world: expecting an answer, but not troubled by how long it took him to articulate it.
“You’re right,” he said finally, fishing out a raspberry next, deep red juices staining his skin, before leaning himself on one elbow beside her and making his offering. “You are very attractive, and I would be lying if I said…”
But he stopped there.
“If you said..?” she prompted, just before the slightly tart berry disappeared.
Again he paused before answering, his fingertips brushing across her lips slowly, tracing, and Miho had to fight the urge to lick at them playfully.
“If I didn’t want all of what I’ve paid for. But…” he filled in, his eyes conflicted, and in them Miho discerned his quandary.
“But, here you are seeking the services of MJS with the purpose of finding the perfect wife,” she determined with gentle wryness, “which includes payment for sex.”
At this his eyes widened a little, and he rushed to offer further explanation.
“That isn’t what I’m saying – you’re not a…”
“Prostitute?” Miho offered, and Goto’s distress deepened, until she took his hand and held it above her face.
She inspected it, the lines and creases, her thumb working against the slight coarseness of his palm as she spoke.
“I know you don’t think that,” she declared. “And I certainly do not consider myself to be one – the truth is, what MJS provides is a number of diagnostic tools, and sex is merely one of them.”
“That clinical huh?” he murmured.
There was no resistance, Goto gazing at her honestly even as she placed his hand against the far side of her rib cage.
“No,” she replied, shaking her head as his fingers twitched, but remained where they were, “that is the last thing you need.”
His root of his uncertainty was admirable, Miho would concede that, but at the same time somewhat maddening. Everything so far had been utterly delightful; Goto was a true gentleman with an eye for detail and true consideration for his company’s contentment, but Miho found his struggle against her infuriating. Now, the light pressure of his broad hand offered her something tangible; she wanted to feel that sweet pressure all over, and yet its denial was also some terrible form of twisted pleasure in itself.
And he was completely unaware of it.
Suppressing her sigh this time, biting her lip, she wriggled a lovely piece of bling from her right hand, and offered it to him.
“Here,” she encouraged, making eye contact with him again. “Take it.”
Expecting further instruction, Goto did as she asked, then looked to the left hand she held out to him.
“For today, take me as your wife,” she directed, and though her tone was soft and even, she was sure to convey to him through her gaze, this was an intentional challenge. “Then, do with me as you would your wife. No more doubt, no more uncertainty, just the woman you love and who loves you.”
“This is a first for me,” he smiled, echoing Miho’s earlier statement clearly despite the evidence of warmth in his cheeks once more. “I’ve never been proposed to before.”
Miho laughed, then shifted slightly against the increased weight of his touch at her waist.
“Well, I can honestly say it’s the first time I’ve proposed,” she grinned up at him. “So what do you say, Mr. Goto?”
“I say,” he began, walking his hand up her side until he could brush her cheek with the back of it, “my wife would call me Seiji.”
Good answer.
The ring slipped onto her left hand ring finger, before Goto lightly kissed it. Miho let out a satisfied breath, eyes closing just slightly as his fingers threaded tenderly through her hair, drawing it over her shoulder and smoothing it around the curve of her left breast.
But her eyes opened when he sat up, the much anticipated reward she had expected never eventuating.
Hmm, who knew he was such a tease?
“Don’t look so disappointed,” Goto laughed, and in the first real sign of proactivity, he took hold of her elbows and eased her up into a sitting position.
“Well if I am, it’s entirely your fault, Seiji,” she responded seriously, but didn’t pout – he didn’t seem like the type for pouting.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he nodded slowly, touching her hair lightly once more, and Miho shivered. “If you’re finished eating, let’s get out of here.”
“Oh, my appetite is now hankering for something else entirely,” she smirked. “And to think, all I had to do to get you to touch me, was temporarily give up my sad, solitary life.”
“You don’t seem all that sad to me,” he pointed out as he began to put things back into the basket. “And solitary, that surprises me.”
“I will not lie about what I do; I will own every word I speak and every action I undertake, every choice,” she responded with shrug. “And so, what man in his right mind would want to dedicate himself to a woman who does what I do?”
“Mm, you have a point,” he agreed, and Miho looked away to the sound of a child calling for his mother.
And that allowed her the additional chance to hide just how deeply his agreement cut, even though it had been her point in the first place.
“You know, you probably shouldn’t just shove all those dirty plates in there,” she declared as she returned her focus to Goto, cheerful once more, and she stood, snatching the picnic basket away from him. “Let me rinse them in the washroom first.”
“That isn’t necessary,” he argued, scowling, but she just smiled back at him with perfect confidence.
“Whether something is necessary or not, isn’t a determining factor in whether one should do or not do it, in a marriage,” she philosophised; and she had been married once, a long time ago it seemed. “I won’t be long.”
With that, she shouldered her handbag, and took the picnic basket in the direction of the public washroom.
When she was out of sight, her shoulders slumped a little despite herself.
“Marry me for today? What the fuck, Miho?” she muttered harshly, stomping into the ridiculously clean ladies’ bathroom and all but tossing the bowls and plates into the nearest sink.
Shaking her head, she glared at herself in the mirror as she turned on the taps.
“Jazz and Selina will have your ass, again,” she told herself bitterly, then smirked. “Okay, maybe not Jazz since the Aikawa job.”
This was her last session with Goto before he finalised her report; the exhaustive and thorough procedures of MJS did allow the girls to come to know their clients exceptionally well in a very short space of time.
There was very little she didn’t know about him.
On the flip side, all he really knew about her was her job, and the bits and pieces she’d revealed to encourage him to open up more.
“Just do your god damned job, Miho,” she grunted, stacking the plates and placing them carefully back into the picnic basket. “Do your damned job, and do him,” she added, trying to shrug off her irritation.
But when she exited the washroom and looked down the slope to where the blanket had been spread out, there was nothing.
No blanket.
No Goto.
Frowning she peered around, searching as she headed back in that direction.
Surely he hasn’t made a run for it?
Then she was jerked suddenly sideways into some bushes and shoved against the rough bark of a tree, a large hand covering her mouth, the other wrapping quickly round her.
In fright she dropped the basket that made a significant noise until it settled in the undergrowth. With wide eyes and a gasp trapped in her throat, she stared at the cheek of her attacker’s turned face, unconsciously digging her fingernails into the arm she had managed to grasp.
“Sorry,” Goto apologised, a whisper in her hair as he glanced at her, such was their proximity. “Could you just bear with me for a moment?”
Blinking slowly, and trying to quieten the thunderous pounding of her heart, Miho nodded, though her bewildered expression told him he had certainly rattled her. His entire body, however, pressed her firmly against the tree trunk – his chest crushed against her breasts, one of his legs just slightly between hers.
Slowly his hand fell away, and he finally looked properly into her face.
“I’m sorry,” he told her again softly, his fingers lingering against her lips for a few seconds longer until they made actual eye contact.
In those dark grey meres, she found a keenness that hadn’t been there before, an alertness shining brightly with confidence. The flirty one liner that rolled so naturally to the tip of her tongue was swallowed down – this wasn’t an act of spontaneous romance, no, suddenly Miho saw him in full uniform. So she said nothing.
“If he gets any closer, I’m going to have to kiss you,” he asserted, looking between her and someone beyond the bushes she could not see. “I’ll explain later,” he promised, gaze almost painfully honest. “Do you trust me?”
A whole new wooooooorld?
“Yes,” she exhaled, and while he glanced away once more, his fingers ghosted up her jawline before his thumb settled against her cheekbone.
“Good, because he’s coming this way,” he reported, and this time when he re-established eye contact it seemed locked there. “Looks like you get to be my work wife too,” he added with a candid, sincere smile, that had Miho’s grip on him tightening even before his lips made soft contact.
It was careful, each slight tip of his chin as he kissed her not a tease, but sweetly coaxing her to engage with him more deeply.
Allowing the knowledge their embrace had been born from some undisclosed necessity, Miho allowed herself to be consumed by the sensation of his hand sliding to her hip, wrapped up in the faint scent of cologne, and the heated, increasing pressure of his taut muscles tensing against her.
There was no hesitation to the probe of his tongue, but the tentative dance he invited her to partake of, was a far cry from the almost angry and dominant demand of her previous client.
No, Goto's every move against her was considerate of any misgivings she may have haboured about their physical communion, despite the fact it was all a part of her job.
Which idiot said never mix business with pleasure?
As their fervour grew, Goto leaned in, the thigh between her legs offering the maddening promise of more purposeful friction that drove Miho’s palm to the front of his pants; she felt him flinch and opened her eyes to find him peering at her intensely.
“Should I not?” she asked him breathily, though as she spoke, hushed, she caressed the forming swell burning beneath black fabric.
His eyes wavered, the desire to close and indulge in the practiced ministrations of her touch fighting with time, place, and circumstance. She read the script of that battle there, and sobered perhaps by the level of his commitment to his work, her hand fell away.
“No,” he breathed to her lips, grazing them with the most fleeting flutter of butterfly wings, and his hand left her hip to take her wrist and place it against him once more. “Truthfully, I have wanted this all day… I just…”
“Seiji,” she smiled, his name a word she’d been holding tightly within, a word gleefully released. “Just…”
But he didn’t really need to hear it. He felt her statement in the long stroke of her fingertips outlining the truth, what he really wanted; and his acceptance of this truth was conveyed to her, by the more passionate meeting of their lips, and the slow upward gather of her skirt.
The reason for concealment long since disappeared, it was now clear to Miho that Goto had resigned himself to their risky liaison. Though more determined in his exploration, tracing his own warmth against her thigh, then across the round of her bared ass cheek, there was no savagery, no frantic grab or claw.
Slow burn.
Miho sighed his name as he kissed behind her ear first, and then meandered an amorous path down her throat. Even with eyes closed and head resting back, even coiled in the growing anticipation of his fingers inching closer to the moistness of her velvet glove, she bypassed the button at the waist of his pants and lowered the zipper.
And she couldn’t help but grin as she felt him shudder as she drew the length of his penis from concealment.
“I can’t believe you hid this for so long,” she muttered, really gripping him now, working him base to tip, where her thumb swirled through a small amount of pre-cum.
Vividly her mind flashed with the image of her wrapping her lips around it, curling her sinuous tongue around the ridge of his foreskin, and tasting the salt of his desire for her.
Goto straightened, giving Miho the chance to see the relaxed, almost dreamy expression he wore.
“Me either,” he smiled wryly, the colour of his cheeks growing almost bashfully.
“Cute,” she grinned, her free hand brushing against his blush.
“Mhmm,” he murmured, again fighting the close of his eyes as she cupped his balls and squeezed gently. “Cute isn’t exactly masculine.”
“There are many types of men in this world,” she told him, before nibbling his lower lip.
When she released it, clearly poised to continue speaking, she very nearly choked on her breath, when Goto’s hand finally found its way beneath the elastic band of her panties and fingered all the way down her slit.
“God you’re beautiful,” he marvelled reverently.
Miho tried to continue watching him watching her, but as the frequency of his fondling inflamed her clit, it became more and more difficult. Reflexively her hips rolled forward to meet the circling of his middle finger around her entrance, and finally she emitted a quiet moan Goto devoured, when he found his way inside her.
And she let him know exactly how much she appreciated the calculated curl of his fingers, and their unhurried, solid and rhythmic drill.
“Yesss… mhm,” she shuddered out, barely audible amid sharp inhales.
Whether she was conscious of the fact or not, Goto’s romantic date scenario, and the way he’d fought with himself over the decision to embark upon MJS’ final phase of research, had had her bubbling away with expectation. The reality of him breathing shakily into her ear and delving deeply inside her now, pushed her so swiftly to the precipice she almost panicked.
“Ah… Seiji wait - stop, stop,” she hissed suddenly, gritting her teeth against the approach of euphoria and fighting it down.
The effect was immediate.
Goto withdrew, though his hand remained resting against her mound, and he scowled, very nearly horrified, searching her face.
“Did I hurt you?” he rushed, and she could see an earnest apology would be his next statement.
Complete, unquestioning compliance – genuine concern.
“No,” she breathed, shaking her head and smiling at him fondly. “No, I actually, truly believe, you’re incapable of that.”
“Then…” he began, but his voice trailed away until she pecked him lightly.
“I, am a tightly wound coil, wrapped around your little finger,” she asserted, licking the outline of his lips. “But what I want, is to be tightly wrapped around something much larger.”
The tap of her thumb against his cock drew his attention there.
“When did you?” he blinked, taking a moment to consider his condom sheathed shaft in her now slack hold.
“I suppose even elite detectives have momentary lapses in concentration,” she smirked impishly, taking his instant of surprise as a chance to shimmy out of her panties. “So, husband, how about you refocus here?”
Daintily she pinched the hem of her dress and lifted it up over her hips. The dappled light filtering through the branches above, caused the wet of her inner thighs to glint an irresistible welcome; Goto did not immediately dive in, however, staring for a few seconds with almost boyish wonder.
“As you wish,” he responded in a raspy whisper, and with the slight incline of his head, he nudged Miho back against the tree.
Stooping for a second, he took Miho’s left leg at the knee and carefully lifted it – eyes always on hers, attentive for any signs of discomfort. Miho basked in his thoughtfulness, wrapping her arms around his neck and teasing the short hairs at the nape.
“Oooh… hmm,” she hummed against his shoulder as he tested the tension of her opening, then broke slowly through, easing his way to her very limit.
And Miho clenched her eyes shut tightly against the involuntary tremor of her muscles; she had been so close to orgasm before she’d stopped him, she thought he might tip her over with just that single, calculated motion.
“You’re a dark horse, I think,” she purred, as he moved again, slow, like he knew just how worked up she was and wanted to draw it out. “You feel me, you know exactly… mmhm…”
She wanted to tell him to fuck her, slam her so hard the bark of the tree behind her shattered and the leaves fell from the boughs that shaded them; but at the same time, he was cultivating such a deliciously painful yearning, deliberately spreading through every fibre of her flesh – she didn’t want it to end.
Wanted so badly to cum.
Wanted to remain on the cusp forever.
“I just want,” he uttered breathily, holding her steady as he dipped down before driving upwards, pausing ever so briefly between each thrust to savour the closest they could possibly be, “you to…”
“I’m going to,” she broke in, tightening her hold on his neck, fingernails digging half-moon impressions, teeth threatening the skin of his throat. “Seiji,” she panted, preparing to bite down, but Goto leaned her back.
As she inhaled a huge anticipatory breath and trapped it in her lungs, eyes bleary and rolling upward, Goto filled her mouth with lustful approval; and she cried into him as he thrust harder with single-minded tenacity, lifting her each time to the very tips of her toes, until he had to support her entire weight.
Quivering, a roaring explosion - the release of pent up sexual frustration - flushed her body, contracting muscles unconsciously. Well and truly beyond her control, she squeezed the throbbing mass that had driven her to such a whimpering height, and Goto groaned his satisfaction
He held the arching of her back tightly, the grind and thrust of his body increasing though Miho’s moans seemed to beg him to let her quietly recoup.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised, breaths shortening, the speed of his penetration rising still. “I waited far… too long to touch you.”
“I’m going to cum again,” she gasped, lolling her head back and wrapping the leg he held around his waist so he could grip both her hips.
She wanted him deeper than her body allowed, wanted the sensation of his cock, pulsing with need for her, to bury so deep the pleasure never subsided.
In their rapture, separated from the public eye by flimsy foliage, both knew they had to keep their voices down, but when the raggedness of his respiration filled Miho’s ear, heralding his imminent orgasm, she was thrown into her second and could not contain her voice.
“My… God damnit!” she shrieked before Goto could suffocate her vocalisation with his lips once more.
The growl of him cumming may have been lost to Miho’s ears, drowned in her own bliss, but she could not be oblivious to the several significantly more spirited thrusts that lifted her clear off the ground, and ended with Goto nuzzling breathless into the crook of her neck.
“Twenty out of ten,” she murmured, remaining half curled around him, fingertips playing through slightly moist strands of his hair. “Clearly… I need to join Public Safety.”
A cold emptiness rushed to greet her when he pulled out, a disappointment that began to build desire in her all over again.
“Miho,” he swallowed, thumbs clearing smudged mascara from beneath her eyes, “that was… incredible.”
“Likewise,” she grinned, lightly pecking his lips as she worked the condom carefully free, then sank low.
“What are you…” he blinked, and she had to chuckle at how often she seemed to catch him off guard.
“Clean up,” she told him, looking up from her squat and taking the diminishing length of his cum-slick cock between her fingers once more.
“Wait… should you really do that?” he protested, flustered perhaps it might be breaking some term of their agreement.
“I make my own rules,” she smiled, the very tip of her tongue flicking his head, “and I want to taste you.”
Goto’s face twitched as she engulfed him, sliding him between her lips into the hollow of her cheeks and caressing him in ways he thought a tongue should not be able to; and Miho, who almost never engaged in oral sex with her clients, suckled and lapped at him until he called for her to cease.
“Miho please,” he groaned, putting a hand lightly on the top of her head. “If you don’t stop… we might not…”
“I may just be all right with that,” she smirked up at him greedily, which didn’t help him at all.
“No,” he said in a sterner tone, and reached down to pulled her to her feet. “We’re done here.”
A statement that stung just a little too much for Miho’s liking, until he added something.
“We have somewhere else to be.”
“Somewhere else?” she repeated with a mild frown, snatching up her underwear and stepping into it.
“It’s not like I planned this part of our date,” he admitted sheepishly.
How has he not melted the heart of every woman he’s met with that look?
“Please,” he said again, with a little more vehemence.
“No need to beg,” she told him, then grinned impishly, “unless you want me to?”
“No,” he chuckled, a deep, warm sound that made Miho want to wrap her arms around him and lay her head on his shoulder, just to feel those vibrations.
Full marks: no doubt.
 Once they had retrieved the picnic basket and slunk through the park to Goto’s car, he drove them to Shinjuku, and into the valet parking area of the Granbell Hotel.
“You guys make a pretty good living,” she mused, half way out of her seat before Goto could open the door for her, and it was her turn to look a little sheepish. “Sorry. I’m a bit too used to doing things for myself.”
“You’re making it difficult to act like a gentleman,” he pointed out, handing their overnight bags to the porter before offering Miho his arm.
“Maybe,” she agreed, “but you’re doing an excellent job anyway, and I love this hotel.”
“Come here often?” he asked, then frowned, but the creases smoothed out almost as soon as they’d appeared.
Still, they didn’t escape Miho’s notice – and she wondered if he regretted asking that question, the implication she had come to like the hotel through visiting frequently with other clients.
Giving his arm a squeeze she smiled up at him as they walked together into the foyer.
“Not all MJSs clients are as thoughtful as you,” she said, half way between honest and complimentary.
When they reached the check in counter, the porter had apparently already informed the clerk who they were.
“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Goto,” she smiled, tapping away at her computer, while Miho cast a sideways glance at Goto.
“Assumption,” he muttered under his breath, giving her arm a squeeze.
Okay, maybe she’d pay him that considering how they’d been linked since getting out of the car, and she was certain he’d had no time to call ahead after their ‘business marriage’ arrangement when she wasn’t looking.
“Here are your keycards,” the receptionist beamed, handing two cards to Goto. “Your dinner reservation is confirmed for 7pm,” she added. “Please also enjoy the complimentary champagne in your suite, and your stay with us today.”
“Hmm,” Miho exhaled. “Bubbles are definitely in order. Thank you.”
Goto bowed his head to the woman, before leading Miho to the elevator.
Mmm, elevator – now that’s a pleasant memory.
“What’s that look mean?” he enquired, sliding his hand to the small of her back when the doors opened.
“I’m just…” she began, then caught herself before she could lie. “Elevators,” she said, correcting the path of her sentence. “You’d be surprised how many clients enjoy them.”
She could have told him she was impressed with the care he’d taken in organising everything, and she was, but she didn’t want to be dishonest, not when he asked so innocently.
“And you?” he questioned, not quite so innocently, hand sliding down and resting against her right ass cheek.
“That’s mighty brazen of you, Mr. Goto,” she laughed lightly. “Perhaps our little adventure in the park has emboldened you.”
“If I loved a woman so much I married her,” he replied, his thumb stroking gently back and forth, “I probably couldn’t keep my hands off her either; you didn’t answer my question.”
Observant and resistant to misdirection.
“My answer depends,” she grinned, stepped from his side, to in front of him so she could smooth both hands down his chest. “How many floors left before ours?”
Like the perfect killjoy, a happy chime rang out and the elevator doors opened. Miho stepped backward a few paces with a flirty pout, at which Goto shook his head, chuckling quietly as he followed.
“If I’d known I’d be in competition with other clients just by booking this hotel, I’d have gone with the penthouse suite,” he muttered, a little too loudly for it to have been meant only for himself.
“It’s not the size of the room that matters,” she declared, serious in expression while she waited by the door for him, “it’s what you do while you’re in there.”
“Then I had better make this memorable,” he noted, then unceremoniously scooped her up into an effortless princess carry.
“What the hell?” she exclaimed, instinctively wrapping her arms around his neck, though his hold indicated there was no chance he’d drop her.
“What kind of a husband would I be if I didn’t carry my wife over the threshold?” he queried, somehow holding her steady with one arm while he swiped the keycard and nudged the door open with his foot.
A traditional romantic.
Goto didn’t place Miho back on her feet until he’d tapped closed the door behind them, and entered the suite proper, but even then he continued to hold her close.
“Penny for your thoughts?” she asked, fighting the seep of his body heat through her clothing.
“Remind me of the statistical average wait time between final evaluation and official announcement of nuptial engagement between your clients?” he responded, and Miho leaned back a little.
That hadn’t been what she was expecting.
“Ahh, statistically speaking, between three and six months,” she offered, though she knew she’d told him this before, and he wasn’t the kind of man to forget details. “There are of course anomalies,” she went on, pushing away from him slowly, seeming to consider the rest of the suite, “sometimes the spark is just there from the get-go and no one wants to wait around, others decide to be more cautious, take their time, even live together first – very scandalous.”
“Hm,” he grunted quietly, somewhere behind her. “Do you want to shower before we head to dinner?” he then asked, and Miho turned around, glancing at her watch as she did. “Oh, we’ll have plenty of time,” he added. “I just thought given… before… you might be more comfortable relaxing after…”
Completely unshakable sometimes, then totally awkward.
“You’re right,” she nodded, moving to where her bag had been placed at the foot of the bed and digging around for her toiletries.
She’d done this enough times to read if a man was asking if she wanted a shower, or if she wanted to shower with him – and this was the former.
“I’ll hunt down that champagne while you’re in there,” he informed her, heading for the small kitchen area. “Take your time.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, then closed herself in the bathroom. “Phew,” she exhaled, some of the flames receding finally.
Some jobs were more difficult than others, though fate had been pretty kind to MJS as far as clients went, but many different factors made one client more taxing than another.
“12am,” she told herself, her habit of talking to her reflection persisting. “12am and your final report: you’re done.”
But Jazz’s face appeared suddenly, the expression she’d worn as she asked Miho to take over Aikawa Kunihiko’s final conference. 100% too close to be objective.
“That’s Jazz, not you,” she snapped at herself. “Losing her panties all over the place. Jesus.”
Beneath the warm water she avoided thoughts of work entirely, allowing distraction to re-centre her. By the time she got out, she felt much more herself, and exited the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe, only to stop dead in her tracks.
Their lunch in the park had been a late one, and after their shenanigans in the bushes somewhat extended their stay, it had been well into the afternoon when they’d arrived at the hotel. Twilight was creeping, and with the sunset on the other side of the building the suite might actually have been deep in shadow – but it wasn’t.
Miho didn’t count them, there were too many; tea-light candles in little glass cups caused both light and shadow to dance around the space, an instant kind of magic erasing all talk of statistics.
“Mr. Goto?” she called finally, not seeing nor hearing him. “Seiji?”
Eventually she spied a sheet of paper on the bed, and picking it up she discovered it was meant for her.
 Just ducked out for a minute. Champagne should be chilled so start without me and I’ll be back in no time.
 “Ducked out?” she frowned, then exhaled a slightly exasperated breath, taking in the room again.
She imagined him scurrying about in a rush, but setting each cup in its place carefully before lighting each candle – and she couldn’t help but smile.
Not traditional romantic, hopeless romantic.
True to his word, Miho found the champagne satisfactorily chilled in an ice bucket, and following instructions she poured herself a glass.
“Bit on the lonely side though,” she muttered, taking a sip and pushing open the balcony doors, stepping out to inhale a lungful of early evening air.
Though the day’s warmth was ebbing away, and with it the sun’s illumination, Tokyo never slept. Little stars lit up every building, every street far below, and though not for the first time, Miho allowed herself to get swept up in the unique beauty of the city as she enjoyed her drink.
“How’s the champagne?” Goto enquired, his hands gently falling on her shoulders.
Miho flinched out of her reverie and spun around, though the voice had already registered as his.
He was still casually dressed, though one could certainly not call him a slouch, but his clothes were not those he’d been wearing before.
“Did you,” she began, reaching up to touch his hair that was still a little damp at his temples, “go somewhere else and shower?”
“Mhm,” he affirmed, placing his hand over hers, holding it there for several seconds before releasing it. “Enjoying the view?”
“Tokyo has a life of its own,” she replied, turning back to the railing to gaze out once more, and Goto’s hands returned to her shoulders. “When I first arrived here, jeez, ages ago, I used to just stare for hours.”
“Looking for something?” he prompted, fingers pressing with careful firmness into her shoulder muscles, rewarded with a contented sigh.
“Yeah,” she answered honestly, but did not get specific about what it was she’d been looking for.
“And did you find it?” he persisted, strong thumbs seeking out any tension in her neck and easing it away with conscientious circles.
“Mm, yes, and no,” she answered quietly, eyes closed, champagne flute completely forgotten. But, I found enough to keep me here.”
“You’re not going to tell me what it was, are you?” he concluded, and shuffled forward to wrap his arms around her, settling them across her chest and holding her to him.
“That isn’t why we’re here,” she pointed out quietly, finally remembering her glass and taking another sip. “And in actuality, you know perfectly well MJS’s policy regarding the date simulation portion of our package – technically, you already had your run, in the park; I shouldn’t even be here.”
“Technically,” he agreed, lips brushing her ear. “But, if I’m not mistaken, you make your own rules.”
A rather explosive laugh erupted from Miho and she relaxed, lolling her head back against his shoulder.
“Trust a detective to use my own words against me,” she chuckled.
“An elite detective prone to lapses in concentration,” he smirked, sliding one hand up her throat and turning her head to his face.
“You going to use quotes against me all night?” she huffed, but did not resist when he softly kissed her, his other arm tightening reflexively.
“Am I going to need to, to keep you here?” he enquired solemnly, eyes dark pools in the low light that she felt herself pitching into.
“No,” she smiled in defeat, surrendering herself to the overwhelming sweetness of his embrace.
As they united in kiss again, Goto’s hand wandered in beneath the robe’s soft edging, and travelled across the round of her breast. Deft fingers traced light circles around her nipple, just grazing the edges with his nails, testing sensitivity; and Miho murmured appreciative utterances around his tongue, gasping when he finally pinched firmly.
“First the park, now out on the open balcony?” she exhaled, when his other hand followed the first, causing her to shiver as he brushed over her stomach then through the neat hairs of her bush. “This wasn’t in my profile.”
“You can add it later,” he whispered, sucking her earlobe between his lips before gently biting down.
The night breeze cooled the trail of Goto’s tongue down her throat, but Miho was already far too hot to be wearing that bathrobe. Grinding her hips back, she was gratified to feel him pressing against her longingly; after going to so much trouble with the setup, he must have been thinking about this all day, despite their unexpected activities.
Now, he enacted the date scenario as he had originally planned it, and Miho certainly couldn’t complain.
She twitched again when he pressed down on her clit, rubbing it slowly from side to side, following it from its exposed place just under its hood, to further up where it was hidden and largely went untouched by anyone but herself.
Clever boy.
“Goto,” she swallowed, her mouth dry as her breaths cycled more quickly.
“Seiji,” he corrected, in between transient bites across her shoulder, and he drove his fingers further down her slit, rimming the dripping ingress he so ached to feel constricting around him again.
“Seiji,” she moaned, squirming against the erection digging more firmly against her ass, and the knead of her breast in his large hand.
“Are you going to let me make you cum this time?” he hissed, long, steady strokes dipping just the tip of one finger inside her with each pass.
“If I can still stand when you do,” she breathed irregularly, whimpering between every other word, “I’m giving this whole scenario a 0.”
“If you black out,” he said, now more purposefully teasing with the presence of his cock still out of reach, “I’ll take care of you.”
“Do it,” she begged, already a little light headed.
She echoed his every touch over and over in her mind, as if there were four of him: eight hands pawing her flesh, twenty fingers finding purchase –twisting, tweaking, burrowing - four tongues savouring the sweat on her skin.
“Fuck,” she dropped, the trembling word escaping despite her desire to keep such vulgarities out of the mix this time. “You can… ugh… I won’t break, just… harder.”
Spurred by her imperative, Goto swept her forward off her feet, and just as she was crying out for the sudden break in contact, he delicately laid her down on a cushioned, wicker sun-lounge. The belt of the robe remained, but the front gaped open and the skirt was spread out from her hips; and he stood there at her feet for several seconds, just peering down at her looking up at him with potent want in her eyes, eyes that wandered from his face, to the pronounced strain of his erection against his trousers.
“Seiji?” she prompted with a slight frown, licking her lips.
“I just want to burn this into my memory,” he admitted solemnly, before crouching and gently pulling her knees apart.
There was no embarrassment for Miho. Hungrily, she watched him lower his head between her legs, quivering as her slippery inner thigh was graced by the attentive ply of fingers she was already imagining curled up into her g-spot. But it was just his breath that touched her inner warmth, a long, directed exhale of cool air directly against her aggravated, pulsating clit.
“You monster,” she growled, shifting up a little, but with both hands suddenly on her hips, Goto pulled her back down and pressed his mouth over her. “I might fail you anyway, just for that,” she admonished through her teeth.
But her head was already pressing back against the cushion as his tongue pushed inside her, quickly followed by lashings against her throbbing pink pearl. Unconsciously, she clutched her breasts, rolling each nipple between her fingers to the point of pain, pain that melted away to the intensity of Goto’s insistent, two-fingered insertions. The relentlessness of his penetration, the vigorous breach that sank him within her all the way to his knuckles, curled her spine to the point where he had to loop his free arm around her thigh and press firmly down on her abdomen.
She uttered no intelligible words as she came, though her mouth had fallen open and her breaths stuttered out as strangled sobs; and though she squirmed uncontrollably in the throes of the pleasure he wrought upon her, he held her down, his face pressed into the clamp of her legs, his fingers ceasing their plunging motion only when her body relaxed a little.
Oxygen evaded her though Miho chased it, desperately trying to fill her lungs that seemed, like the rest of her body, to still be far too overwhelmed by the power of her orgasm it had forgotten how to properly function. Her fingers twitched, her toes quivered, as Goto ran his tongue over the drench of her thighs, not sitting back until her breathing evened out.
“Come on,” he urged, leaning over her after wiping his chin, and gathering her into his arms, “you’ll catch cold out here.”
With the endorphin induced, lethargic fog of bliss tingling throughout, Miho nuzzled her cheek against Goto’s chest as he carried her inside and laid her carefully on the candle wreathed bed.
“Okay, you pass,” she smiled up at him, taking his hand when he sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, and putting his fingers into her mouth where the taste of herself was still fresh upon them.
“Just a pass?” he questioned, gently tugging at the belt of her robe, even as her hand slithered into his lap and began to rub against him purposefully.
Just the very tips of his fingers brushed across her chest and down her stomach, stopping just shy of her belly-button.
“Mmm your profile suggests you won’t turn down a chance for extra credit,” she grinned, sitting up to shrug the robe away from her shoulder. “Perfectionist,” she continued, taking up the hem of his polo shirt and gathering it upward. “Martyr type personality,” she went on, sitting up on her knees to lift the shirt over Goto’s head and toss it to the floor.
Almost as he had done moments before, Miho simply stared at him, her hand against his still concealed manhood falling still. The light played over the well-defined shape of each muscle – deltoids, pectorals, abs, obliques – scars here and there marring his otherwise sculpted perfection.
“God you’re beautiful,” she sighed, continuing their newly established tradition of parroting each other.
“Another manly description,” he chuckled, scooping his hands under her ass and lifting her up before laying her back once more.
With a clunk his belt hit the floor next to his shirt, then socks, then his pants – and as the wavering illumination of countless candles cast wild slashes across his body, Miho bit her lip as she watched him shed his underwear, and roll a condom securely into place.
The full weight of him over her alone was enough to coax another desirous sigh from her barely recovered lungs. Readily she accepted him – the crush of his chest, the strength of his arms, one beneath her, hand to the back of her head and tangled in her hair, the other on her thigh, and the temptation of his swollen member stroking slowly, tantalising between her folds. But it was those eyes, that suddenly seemed so open, that trapped her completely.
“You know more about me than anyone else in the whole world,” he told her plainly, becoming completely still. “More than my family, than my colleagues.”
“That…” she began, the end of her sentence clinging to her tongue, desperate to remain unspoken, but she forced it out. “… is my job.”
“And do you look at all your clients like that?” he asked her, and for a second Miho frowned.
What look?
Steadying her thoughts, Miho dug her fingernails in under Goto’s shoulder blades and pulled him against her lips.
“Is now,” she purred, kissing him lightly, “really the moment you want to bring up other men?”
“No, you’re right,” he conceded, bending her leg up and positioning himself at the opening of her canal. “Right now, I just want to make love to my gorgeous wife.”
“Good answer,” she smiled, but something within her felt suddenly twisted.
Flat on her back was a completely different sensation to the fill of his unyielding shaft while she stood in the park. His was not the largest, but it had a girth to it that stretched her delightfully, a testing friction against her opening and a satiating sense of all hollowness annulled.
Jazz might have called Miho boring, but sex like that, with her partner bearing down on her, his whole body, every straining muscle beneath skin ablaze contacting with, engulfing her, was heaven. As Goto dug deeply with his hips, gathering momentum, building the heart pounding tightness that led toward break, he kissed her with a fierceness not in keeping with his normally calm demeanour. There was an abandon to the zealous push of his tongue against hers, a needy forcefulness to how he held her – perhaps because he’d gone relatively untouched while he’d brought just her to climax, the lust for that same pleasure creating great urgency. His fingers dug into her ass cheek, lifting her leg outward a little more to burrow deeper into the desire soaked, craving of her core.
The growling, groaning escalation of his stimulation tied firm constraints around each breath he allowed her to gasp; she swallowed those vibrations and allowed them to swirl into the heavy beat of his cock, and the recurring grind against her clit, until she was dragging her nails into the small of his back and hissing stuttering encouragement into his shoulder.
“Just a little more,” she managed, dizzy as the words consumed more air than she truly had to give.
Goto gritted his teeth, smoothing both hands into the small of her back and lifting her pelvis from the mattress. With her legs spread widely apart, he plunged his pulsing rod further still, supporting her with one hand, while the thumb of the other rubbed vigorously against the already oversensitive nerves of her angry red bud.
Pure reflex clamped her legs suddenly around him, the broken howl she screamed not the only indicator he’d been successful for a second time. All her inner muscles constricted, squeezing him with such intensity it took little to draw him to that place where control was lost and the body operated simply on instinct.
“Mi… ho…!” he grated, thrusting with such enthusiasm the bed’s headboard slammed loudly against the wall, dislodging something from behind the picture hanging on the wall above.
But even as a pair of lacy panties – not Miho’s – fell onto the pillow beside her, neither noticed or cared.
The warm, rushing ecstasy of orgasm slammed into Goto hard, and through mere slits Miho observed his completely unguarded face as he filled the condom inside her.
That face.
Panting, he remained with his hips jutted forward, until the most potent sensation passed into a hazy euphoria.
“I probably shouldn’t say this,” Miho whispered, her voice still clouded, a little weak as Goto fell against her, propped up either side of her on his elbows, “but… when you’re happily married, I hope some part of you remembers this.”
“I’ll remember,” he promised, kissing her with the tender kindness she’d written so much about in her report already.
 Lazily, still locked in each other’s embrace, they dozed, but Miho could not allow herself to become too comfortable, no matter how much she might have liked to succumb.
Her fingertips smoothed back the hair that fell across his forehead, even though it simply returned to its default position the moment her touch retreated. The strain of her muscles begged for her to remain folded over him, their legs entwined, her head against his shoulder peering up at his apparently sleeping face.
I want to forget this.
Her thoughts stung, striking a wry pang of irony against the silent reprimand she’d given Jazz for falling for Kuni – and that is what it was, her friend and colleague, breaking their cardinal rule, one not ever used for convenience.
I need to forget this.
As if confirming this notion, her phone’s alarm called out from across the room, a tone she used only to ever indicate the hour of midnight.
I’ll forget this.
Gathering her determination and defying the urge to submit to the call of slumber, Miho slowly folded Goto’s arm away from her waist and swung her feet to the floor.
“You’d make a terrible ninja,” he told her clearly, nothing drowsy about his voice at all, like he’d been awake and alert the whole time she’d been thinking.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” she responded, grabbing the underswear that had fallen near her earlier, before pulling herself up and away from the bed.
And she thought he might.
“You mean, you were going to sneak out without saying anything?” he queried, his tone even and yet still somehow… edged.
“That wouldn’t be very professional,” she pointed out, crossing the room to her overnight bag, from which she pulled a clean pair of underwear.
“Miho,” he dropped, authority in his voice she felt against her back, felt against her resolve. “Stay.”
Not responding, she slipped into her panties and fastened her bra back into place.
“Miho,” he said again, and drawing in a deep breath that filled her body, Miho turned back to look at where he now sat up in the bed, almost glaring at her insistently.
Deliberately, she took her left hand, and pulled away from her finger the ring she had allowed him to place there, before resettling it back on her right index finger where it truly belonged.
“I can’t do that,” she told him bluntly, words that rattled harshly in her own ears. “Some rules, exist for a reason.”
He simply gazed at her, perhaps expecting some other form of explanation she had no intention of giving.
“It’ll take me a few days to write up my final report,” she declared, tugging her dress down over her shoulders then hips, before hunting down her shoes. “Selina Matsumoto from my office will be in contact to arrange your final conference.”
“With you?” he asked, tone conveying he really did wonder if it would be her.
“Of course,” she nodded, though she was fixing her hair, using her faint reflection in the glass of a framed print on the wall: yellow camellias and forget-me-nots.
Yellow camellias and forget-me-nots.
“You’ll receive my bill between now and then,” she added, moving more quickly as Goto rose from the bad and turned on the light, exposing them both to harsh, white luminosity.
But she was now fully dressed, and he was completely naked.
“Mr. Goto,” she then pronounced, annunciating clearly. “I have to apologise for what I said earlier.”
“Which part?” he frowned, only now looking a little irritated.
“Evaluation is the only purpose of the date scenario,” she told him, lifting her bag to her shoulder. “There is no need for you to remember any of it, in fact, my best advice is to forget it completely.”
Stunned, or accepting, Goto simply stood there as she headed for the door to the suite, where she paused and forced herself to look back.
“You… are going to make someone very happy one day,” she smiled, a bright, reassuring, fake smile. “I know you will. Good night.”
The next morning, Miho arrived at MJS headquarters and tossed a scrunched up ball of material across Jazz’s office at her colleague.
“These look familiar?” Miho asked as Jazz caught the object, that when unfolded turned out to be a pair of lacy, purple underwear.
Jazz looked through the weave at Miho.
“Where the hell did you find these?”
“I nearly choked on them when they fell from behind a painting in a Granbell suite,” Miho smirked, clearly embellishing the tale. “They are yours, right?”
“Hmph,” Jazz sniffed, placing the underwear on her desk and shooting Miho a flat look. “Honestly, Miho. These aren’t mine. They’re not even my size.”
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right,” Miho murmured thoughtfully, then a shit-eating grin split her face. “Your ass would never fit into those.”
“Bitch!” Jazz barked, pitching the perfectly good, and probably only once-used pair of panties across the room, but Miho dodged. “You know perfectly well my clients are particularly fond of my ass.”
“Speaking of Mr. Aikawa,” Miho chuckled. “He’ll be in at ten for his final conference; you sure you want me to handle him… I mean it… I mean him?”
Jazz’s face betrayed nothing – her eyes, however, told Miho plenty.
“Never mind, I’ll deal with it,” she nodded decisively, picking up what were certainly Jazz’s undies and placing them on top of the filing cabinet. “One less expense for Selina to give you shit for.”
She left the office and headed for her own… and had to wonder if her eyes looked anything like that.
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Hisoka's Black Tale: Prologue
Mun!Yuki: At last. :) It has been done. The prologue is finally done. I do apologize if some things become confusing to understand, that is because the answers will be revealed as the story progresses. Now, without further adieu, I present to you: the Prologue of Hisoka’s Black Tale! 💙Please enjoy!
“Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes-”
“Hisoka-sama, We will be arriving to our destination shortly.”
A short-haired brunette, sitting at the backseat of a white Lincoln Town Car with a book placed on her lap, looked up from the book, to the female chauffeur in the front. “Understood, thank you.” She said, before placing a bookmark into the book, titled “Romeo & Juliet”, and closing it, turning her head to the window beside her. She wore a short, black leather jacket over a white, sleeveless top with a black cross on it, a pair of black, leather pants, and a pair of black, leather shoes with chains attached.
As she continued to look out the window, there was only one thing on her mind. What lead her to be driven to the destination. What made her even be willing to go there.
It all started a few days ago.
~ Flashback ~
Outside a building that looks abandoned, the familiar brunette pressed a button of what looked to be a broken doorbell. “This is ‘Juliet’.” She said, as if talking to herself, “I’ve returned from my mission in the northeast side of Tokyo; Open the door, if you will.” Almost immediately after the command was made, the doors slowly open. ‘Juliet’ watched, rather unamused, and once the door finally opened completely, the brunette entered without a single word. As she entered the building, ‘Juliet’ heard the doors behind her close, The brunette continued to walk forward to reach her destination, She looks around with disinterest, continuing to remain stoic. Unlike from what it looked like from the outside, inside the building was bright with working lights, people were present, and we’re working. And it was indeed noisy. Some glanced over to the brunette’s direction, before returning back to their own businesses, completely ignoring the girl and her presence. Not that the brunette girl cared. It has always been like this, so this was normal for her.
“Hisoka!” A familiar voice called out, making the brunette stop and turn to where the voice from. Standing by the wall on her right, was a young man that looked as if he could be around the age of 19, with black, straight, neck-length hair with bangs moved to the side, and had lilac, narrowed eyes. He wore a black, sleeveless, shoulder-less turtleneck, a pair of black, leather pants, a black tattoo mark that resembled a wolf’s head on his left shoulder, and as well as a belt around his pants with a sword case attached to it. The brunette, Hisoka, then walked over to the young man and greeted, “Yuuichi, it’s been a while.”
“It has.” Yuuichi crossed his arms as he nodded his head beside him, which was door that lead to a break room. “Want to have some coffee?” Despite that question sounding nothing out of the ordinary, Hisoka knew what that meant. ‘We need to talk, in private.’ She nods and answered, “Yeah, That would sound nice; After the long ride, I would actually love some right now.”
After the two entered the break room, Hisoka looked around. It’s been awhile, she had almost forgotten what the break room looked like. A Counter that held onto the coffee machine, a small kitchen area, a white loveseat sofa in front of a glass coffee table, a black refrigerator, and a white leather seat. “Any kind of coffee you’d like?” Yuuichi asked. “Cappuccino, please. It’s been awhile since I’ve last had that.” The brunette said, sitting down on the loveseat sofa. “Understood.” Yuuichi replied, as he went into the small kitchen area and put on a black plain apron.
As the black-haired young man went to work, Hisoka continued to sit and wait as she watched him.
Kuroi Yuuichi, Age 19. Codename: Tybalt Half Japanese, and half Chinese. An excellent swordsman and a black belt in Karate, but is also known for his impulsive attitude and hot-temper; Thus, fellow hunters are often wary of him. He is the cousin of Kuroi Hisoka and grandson of their boss, the leader. Because it has been rumored that his mother disappeared due to having a forbidden affair with a vampire and was turned into a vampire herself, Yuuichi killed his own mother at a young age, and since his mother’s disappearance, He has no memory of his father or his whereabouts; Believing him to be dead already from the hands of the vampire that was rumored to be Yuuichi’s mother’s secret lover. All of this has been said to develop the boy’s strong, burning hatred for Vampires. Because of the experience, Yuuichi had been considered to be a very experienced Hunter.
After what felt to have been a while, Yuuichi returned with the cappuccino and carefully handed it to the brunette, who mumbled her thanks before blowing the steam from her cappuccino before drinking it carefully. “You always know how to make my coffees exactly how I like them, Yuuichi.” Hisoka commented. “I swear, drinking coffee is your new addiction; I guess that’s better than that smoking and drinking addiction you had.” Yuuichi sighed. “I was fourteen and saw them as stress relievers; Plus, You were able to get me to finally quit after a year so see that as an accomplishment and I’ve been drinking coffee for years now, I can’t really live without it.” Hisoka took another sip of her cappuccino. They stayed silent for a moment, as Hisoka waited for her cousin to talk.
Finally the raven-haired man spoke first, “Did you just come back from your mission?” Hisoka nodded. “Yeah, the leeches are already taken cared of .” She reported, “As suspected, the bloodsuckers were involved with the disappearance of children; They have been luring and tricking the children by gaining their trust to drain them dry, as it seems the blood of children was more desirable to them; However, it took a little longer than expected because they were stubborn and some miscalculations were made in the mission.”
Yuuichi nodded his head as he understood, before clenching his teeth and tightened his grip to his arms, “Those damn bloodsuckers.. They really are monsters in disguise…” He growled as Hisoka watched with her stoic expression. “That’s why we kill them, Yuuichi;” The brunette said slowly, as she points out the obvious, “That’s literally our job as hunters; We kill them in order to protect innocent humans, because there are still idiotic fools that work in the church have given up their pride by calling truce with Vampires and even creating that disgusting “system”; It’s our job to keep the legacy of keeping peace for humans going and to protect them from learning the horrific truth that leeches really do exist and aren’t the sparkly creatures some idiots would imagined them to be..“
Yuuichi looked away slightly, “Tch… those disgusting leeches deserve to be killed… If only Grandmother would just let me, I would slice every one of those filthy bastards to fucking shreds the moment I see one….” This made Hisoka now roll her eyes in annoyance. For as long as the brunette remembered during her time in the organization, She recalled the raven-haired male saying that many times, even when it was obvious that there would be no way that would ever even be possible. “Yuuichi, one of these days your temper, your pride, and your cocky attitude will be the death of you; How many times have I told you?” She questioned. “Hmph!” was the only response given to her. Hisoka sighed in annoyance as she finished her cappuccino and placed the cup down on the coffee table.
“Well I’ve already wasted enough time; I thought you had something important you wanted to tell me but I thought wrong;” Hisoka said, as she got up from the loveseat, “No matter, I’ll be going to go see Grandmother to give my report before I go over to the church to visit Yui. It’s Sunday, right? I lost track of time because the mission took a little longer than expected.” Hisoka was about to take her leave as she was about to touch the doorknob until she noticed something different. At the mention of “Yui”, her cousin’s body tensed up. “What?” She questioned, stopping and turned back to him with a look of confusion.
“… You don’t know?”
Hisoka grew more concerned and a little irritated by this question, “"I don’t know” what? What are you talking about?“ She question, lowly an darkly. Did something happen to her beloved Yui? Yuuichi went silent for a moment before he finally answered. As his mouth moved as he answered her question, Hisoka’s heart dropped and her blue eyes grew slowly wide in shock as time began to slow down. It felt as if a second became an eternity, until the brunette quickly opened the door and ran off to her destination without a second thought before slamming it shut behind her, while her mind echoes the answer she was given by her raven-haired cousin.
“She was sent as a Sacrificial Bride to the Sakamaki household by the Church.”
It wasn’t long for Hisoka to get to where she had to go to get a confirmation if what she had heard was true or false: It was none other than the office of her Grandmother’s Office.
The doors flung open, as the brunette entered and carelessly slammed them behind her. “Tsurara-sama!” Hisoka called, “Is what I heard about the daughter of Komori Seiji true?!”
The room inside was mostly dark, with only dimmed light coming from the thick curtains behind the elderly woman in the luxurious-looking office chair. The elderly woman wore her light gray hair in a bun, and had light ocean blue, narrowed eyes, cold as absolute zero. She wore a black and white suit with a black tie, as well as a pair of black high-heels. The elderly woman’s expression was as cold as her eyes, stoic, as she looked straight into Hisoka’s eyes, making a shiver run down the brunette huntress’s spine. “Hisoka, Calm yourself.” The woman commanded, “Now.”
Hisoka immediately did as she was told, now looking stoic, “Yes, Tsurara-sama…” She bowed her head apologetically, “Please forgive me for my rudeness and intrusion.” The elderly woman smiled coldly in response. “You are forgiven; Now proceed.” She commanded, as Hisoka raised her head.
“Yes ma’am.” Hisoka walked forward slowly, but still keeping her distance. “After I returned from my mission involving the disappearance of children from the city west from the capital, which was a success despite the delay, I was informed that the daughter of Komori Seiji was sent by the church to the Sakamaki household as a Sacrificial Bride; Is that true?” The question itself made the young huntress’ blood run cold. She didn’t want to believe it. She prayed to God, that it wasn’t true; However, Reality was cruel enough to let the elderly woman’s cold smile widen, making the brunette’s blood run colder within her veins.
“Yes, that is true,” Tsurara said, “Komori Seiji has actually left overseas and his daughter was sent to the Sakamaki’s to live there as the Sacrificial bride.” Slowly but carefully, Hisoka took deep breaths to calm down. She needed to calm down. She had to calm down. For her. “… Does she even know? Who she’s going to be living with? Those disgusting leeches disguised in human skin..?” She felt the burning hatred in her heart rise up, before she immediately used all of her willpower to stay composed. “She does not. Poor thing, even she isn’t aware of the truth about the things she will be living with. Not even a single clue.” Tsurara chuckled coldly.
The more she heard, the more Hisoka’s rage fueled and the more the huntress felt her blood get colder. Inside, Hisoka was truly shaking. ‘No… I made a promise to her… I already promised to protect her…! I already promised to be there for her and protect her no matter what!’ An image of her blond friend, smiling that beautiful smile the huntress has always adored from the bottom of her heart, flashed in her mind.
Her beloved Cinderella…
“… Tsurara-sama,” Hisoka silently gulped as she brought herself to look into the cold eyes of her grandmother with determination, “I.. have a request…” Tsurara looked rather amused by this. “Oh? A request? Do speak, Child.” Tsurara’s cold smile widen more. “I…” Hisoka looked down to the floor, closed her eyes shut as she clenched her teeth together. ‘For her… For my beloved… For my Yui..’ Those thoughts replayed in the young huntress’s mind like a broken record player. Finally, She did the unthinkable.
Hisoka went down on her hands and knees, bowing her head down as she swallowed up her pride.
All for her.
“Please let me go to where she is! Please let me be there to protect her and bring her back here! She will die from those bloodsuckers!” She begged. Tsurara, on the other hand, continued to watch, looking amused. “Oh? So that is your request?” She questioned. “Tsurara-sama, I will do anything! I will even go on any mission you assign me to! Any mission! Just please take me to wherever she is now! Let me rescue her!” Hisoka continued to beg. She understood what she was doing. Pleading and Begging. Two of the things the huntress would never do, due to her own pride; However, if it involved Yui, then it will always be an exception.
‘Only for her.’
“Then how about a little deal? If you are willing to go this far for her.”
Hisoka looked up at Tsurara, who stopped smiling in amusement and looked at her coldly. “Consider this as a test; A test to see how much you’ve improved as a huntress, and see if you are worthy of your title as the heiress of the family,” Tsurara began, “I shall allow you to go and help you find access to where the Komori child is and rescue her; However, if you succeed, She will stay in the main household under my protection, and you will be ranked up to a Rank S Huntress.”
Hisoka’s blue eyes widen from this deal, even more so at the reward.
‘A Rank S Huntress…’
Rank S Hunters are well-known to fellow hunters as the ‘Elite Hunters’. The only hunters that have the right to kill even then pureblood vampires without any kind of special permission given by even the Head of the VH Organzation, and are allowed to go on any missions of any difficulty as they please. To become a Rank S Hunter was every hunters’ dream. Even the brunette’s.
“Tsurara-sama, pardon me when I ask this; But, you would really rank me up to a Rank S huntress? Is that a real offer?” Hisoka questioned, fighting the urge to look as surprised as she really was. “Of course; You are my dearest granddaughter, and the family’s rightful heiress.” The elderly woman said, “You are even allowed to kill anyone that gets in your way. It is only a matter of principle, isn’t that right?”
Almost in a robotic manner, Hisoka nodded, “Yes Tsurara-sama.” She said, again speaking in a stoic tone. Although in her mind, the brunette didn’t understand. She was beyond confused with so many questions in her head that will be left unanswered. For example: Why, and how, the hell was Yui caught up in something she wasn’t suppose to get involved in? Was it the brunette’s fault? Did Komori Seiji even know what was going on? What the fucking hell were the people from that damn church planning? And why are they making her Cinderella get involved?
“Good; Now that you understand, everything shall be arranged. You shall be going in undercover as a Sacrificial Bride yourself, and you will do whatever is necessary to complete your mission as usual; However, these vampires you will come across are like none other; They are not like the ones you’ve killed, so do not act recklessly. They are actually smart.” Tsurara warned, with a serious look; Instead of asking any questions, Hisoka could only nod and continue looking stoic.
Rule 7: Do not speak unless allowed to.
“As arrangements are in process, You yourself must be prepared as well. As I said, This shall be unlike any mission you have completed prior. Do watch your step.” Tsurara reminded, “Understood?” Hisoka nodded again, “Understood.”
“Good girl,” Tsurara gave Hisoka her cold, trademark smile, “You are excused for now but later today, I do expect to be given a more proper report on your mission.” The young brunette bowed her head, “Yes Ma’am; Thank you Tsurara-sama.” Almost immediately, Hisoka walked to the door; However, as Hisoka was about to touch the doorknob and leave her grandmother’s dark office, She narrows her eyes and quickly moved her head to the left slightly out of instinct once the brunette felt that something wasn’t right. Her suspicions were confirmed correct;
As once Hisoka moved her head, two sharp knives hit the door, only managing to get a few strands of the brunette’s hair. The young huntress, however, continued to hold her cold, stoic expression; Without even turning around, Hisoka spoke in a calm and collected tone, “Tsurara-sama, I’ve survived the special training that you assigned for me, the one that had been passed down the Kuroi family for generations. A surprise attack such as that is merely like Child’s play. You know that perfectly well; Something like that will not kill me.”
Right… Child’s play.. Merely…
After a moment of silence, Hisoka heard her grandmother let out a very dark and humorless chuckle behind her, “Of course I know that; However, something like that will very likely kill the daughter of Komori Seiji.” Hisoka froze as she listened to her grandmother speak darkly and coldly. “Makes me wonder if She is even still alive at this very moment… After all, They are nothing like the ones you or Yuuichi have killed. If they are able discover who you really are and kill you, then who will be there to save the poor girl?” As she saw her granddaughter already sweating from just thinking about it, Tsurara decided to put the cherry on top to top it all off.
“After all… She is living under the same roof with SIX ravish beasts…”
As the numbers continued to ring in her head, eyes widen, Hisoka quickly left the room and closed the door shut completely before bolting off.
‘Yuuichi..! I need to find Yuuichi!!!’ The brunette isn’t able to drive yet. The only person she could count on to drive her there to her destination was her cousin, the only one she could trust in the organization. Knowing he would be waiting for her in the break room, Hisoka ran back there with the hope that it was all just a lie or some kind of sick, twisted nightmare.
However, after the girl left, Tsurara, now alone again in her office, began to smirk and chuckle darkly; Oh how she couldn’t wait for her dear granddaughter to reach her destination and let the cold, dark truth slap the young huntress across the face, with a reminder that this was indeed reality.
Cruel, Cruel Reality…
After convincing and even begging Yuuichi to take her to the church, which made the ride feel like an eternity to her, The cousins have arrived at long last. Hisoka was the first to leave the car. Knowing he can’t really do anything for his younger cousin, Yuuichi remained in the car and chose to wait.
Running to the church where she begged for the holy father above to let her beloved wait right behind those front doors, Safe and sound; Smiling that beautiful, angelic smile that have always made the huntress’s heart skip a beat without fail.
By the time she got there and opened the door,
She remembered how cruel reality was.. Remembering this has slapped the brunette across the face.
In the church, No one was present. Not even the blonde-haired beauty she was looking for.
‘It was.. all true..?’ Hisoka thought to herself, as she took steady steps inside the church, ‘Did I.. Did I just lose her..?’ Consumed by the feeling of emptiness that made her heart tighten, the brunette’s knees slowly became weak and fall onto the floor.
‘No… that can’t be real…’
‘This.. this had to be a dream! A nightmare!! A SICK JOKE!!!’
That’s right.. She spent all this time to prevent her dearest friend from finding out the truth about the existence of Vampires; To make sure she was safe from harm, away from them.
‘Why Yui? Why her, of all people? Why the hell was the church empty on a FUCKING Sunday?! It was like as if they knew she was coming! Were they all somewhere else in the church?! The pope had to be here still, right?! What the HELL was this?! A FUCKING TV DRAMA?!!!’
‘Hisoka continued to fill her mind with these kinds of questions; However, no matter how many questions she had, they will remained unanswered.
She didn’t understand, She didn’t even want to believe it.
With the many unanswered questions filling up in her mind, Hisoka felt her head starting to pound; Making the Huntress hold her head with both of her hands and she clenched her teeth in pain; With the consideration of ripping out her own hair and scream bloody murder.
“My, My~ Even with the proof, you still choose to remain in denial~? How pitiful~”
Hisoka gasped and quickly got up, before looking around for the source of voice as she held her guard up; However, there was nobody else. Even though the voice sounded awfully familiar…
“Who is there?!” Hisoka questioned, although it sounded more of a demand.
“Oh I see~! You can hear me loud and clear~! That means it is slowly dropping~ fufufufufu~” The voice responded; This time, Hisoka could tell why the voice sounded familiar.
It was.. her own..?
The brunette’s body shook. What was this? Why was she hearing her own voice? How was this even possible?! Was this even possible?!
“Oh it is possible~ Just close your eyes, and let yourself go to the darkness in the back of your mind~” The voice instructed. As much as Hisoka wanted to demand what was going on and have her questions answered, the Huntress ended up doing exactly as the voice told her to do.
And once she did, it was like looking at a mirror. When Hisoka closed her eyes, she only expected to see just the pitch black darkness; However, once her eyes open her eyes as she entered the back of her mind, the Huntress was only greeted by what was an exact replica of herself, giving Hisoka a cold smile that sent shivers to run down the huntress’s spine. “At last we finally meet~ Why, you have such an unpleasant look upon your face~ Well, that is quite understandable~ You never knew this about yourself~” The replica giggled as ‘it’ pointed out Hisoka’s shocked expression.
Hisoka didn’t know what to feel. Livid? Depressed? Confused? There was literally a replica of herself. Right in front of her. She has always been an only child too, so she couldn’t have had any siblings she didn’t know about; Let alone a fucking twin. That would be a fucking plot twist. For now, the Huntress remained shocked. It only took a while for her to ask another question, “W-Who.. who are you..?”
Once again, the replica giggled and Hisoka shuddered again from how it sounded so cold. “Me~? Oh dear, you don’t know yet~?” That moment, the replica’s cold smile turned into a smirk. Within a split second, the replica vanished once Hisoka blinked. “Wait!!” The Huntress looked around at her surroundings, trying to look for that replica. It still hasn’t answered her question yet.
“I will only answer this once~ So please do remember this well~”
Hisoka froze. She heard the replica - with her voice - spoke from behind her. The brunette girl tried move herself to face the replica; However, she wasn’t able to. The voice.. it was definitely her voice.. but it sounded just as icy as her grandmother’s… Is the reason why she isn’t able to move because of fear..?
“I am you, yet I am not you..”
Hisoka now heard footsteps slowly come from behind her, as she heard the voice come closer.
“You are the Naïve Juliet, yet I am the Tragic Juliet..”
As the replica and their footsteps came closer, Hisoka’s mind went blank and her heart started racing. Juliet? Naïve? Tragic?
“You are the prototype, yet I am the finalization..”
‘Prototype…? Finalization…?’ With these many questions running through her mind, Hisoka’s confusion grew greater than before. She is sure as hell she wasn’t a fucking robot! What was this imposter talking about?!
“While it is still just the prologue of Act I.. I shall ask..”
Hisoka slightly jumped as she felt an arm wrapping around her waist, and a hand grabbing hold of her chin. The huntress felt a lump in her throat, as she felt the replica lean to her ear and whisper lowly,
“Do you understand who I am yet, Juliet?”
From just that, Hisoka’s blood ran cold and her ocean blue eyes closed shut; Thus, she finally screamed.
She felt the darkness itself grab hold of her from the shoulders, creeping up to her neck. The Huntress then started to struggle and continued to scream. as she felt herself being strangled.
That was until she felt a sting of pain from her left cheek and heard another voice other than her own, “Hey! Hisoka! Snap out of it!”
The brunette shot her eyes open. She was no longer within the darkness; She has come back to reality, back in the church. She looked in front of her to see Yuuichi, with an expression mixed with confusion, anger, and worry, and his left hand on her right shoulder. “Yuuichi…?” Hisoka blinked in confusion. “I heard you screaming inside the church, so I ran inside because I thought you were being attacked;” Yuuichi started to explain, “But when I entered the church, you looked as if you were being possessed.”
“Possessed?” Hisoka repeated. “You were thrashing around; I tried grabbing your shoulders and shake you, but you started thrashing even more, so I..” For a moment, Yuuichi trailed off as he looked down to his right hand with a look of guilt.
From this, Hisoka almost immediately understood the reason why there was a sting of pain from her cheek; Yuuichi slapped her in order to bring her back to reality.
“It’s fine; As long as I was given a reality check, I wouldn’t even care if you had to resort to punching me.” Hisoka grabbed Yuuichi’s left hand and placed it down as she went back to looking composed, “Besides, We’re hunters; Unlike normal humans, Our healing process is quicker. It will be nothing.” Yuuichi looked up to his brunette cousin and retorted, “Hisoka, even if you say that, Your healing process isn’t as fast as mine or the others-” The raven-haired hunter stopped once his blue eyes met with his cousin’s icy glare.
The huntress’s icy glare pierced through her cousin’s eyes as she growled, “Don’t ever.. remind me again…”
Pissed as she may appear, Hisoka was more upset if anything. She may not care about what others say or thought of her; However, She already knew how different she was in comparison to other hunters and it was already annoying enough being reminded of one of those differences between her and them. Hisoka honestly hated it.
And Yuuichi knew that better than anybody else.
“Alright, I’m sorry..” Yuuichi apologized. Before Hisoka could say anything as a reply, The raven-haired hunter took her hand. “Hey, Let’s just go; There is no point being here anymore since not even the pope is here, right?” Silently without much thought, Hisoka nodded.
“Come on… We can go back train, have proper coffee time, and I’ll help you get ready for your mission.” Yuuichi told her, “But first, you need to give Grandmother a proper report on your mission from the northeast, okay?” Without anything to say in response, the brunette huntress just silently nodded again, leading Yuuichi to lightly tug Hisoka’s hand to exit the church.
With her heart feeling cold and numb, the brunette’s only thought was: ‘Once again.. I’ve failed to protect someone important to me..’
~ Flashback End~
“Hisoka-sama, We’ve arrived.”
Snapped back to reality, Hisoka looked outside the window to observe the view of the elegant mansion in front of her. ‘So this is it..’ She sighed as she removed her seatbelt before opening the door to exit. “Hisoka-sama, would you like me to take your luggage for you?” Asked the chauffeur. “No, it’s fine, but would you please open the trunk for me so I may get it myself?” Hisoka asked after grabbing her book with her right hand and getting out of the car. “As you wish.” The Huntress heard a click and headed to the trunk, when the trunk itself opened automatically. After it was fully opened, Hisoka grabbed a black luggage from within the trunk and took them out carefully, before the trunk automatically closed.
Carrying the luggage with her left hand, The brunette moved up to the driver’s window, and waited for it to roll down. Once the chauffeur took notice of this and rolled down, Hisoka shoved her right hand into her right pant pocket and dug inside, fishing out a ¥10,000 yen note before handing it to the chauffeur between her finger and middle finger, who looked at the note before back at Hisoka, rather astonished. “Hisoka-sama, I can’t take this! Your grandmother has ordered me not to accept-” Before the chauffeur could finish, Hisoka simply cut her off with a small smile. “‘One Good Deed a Day’, as the saying goes; Please do take it as a token of my appreciation.” The Huntress said. The Chauffeur looked at yen note before looking back at Hisoka, and with a little bit of hesitation, She took the note and gave Hisoka a bright smile, “Thank you so much, Hisoka-sama; Please do be careful..” She said. The brunette nodded, “Thank you; And you too.” Hisoka turned and began to walk to the entrance while she heard the car slowly drive away. She then revert back to being stoic, the moment she felt… eyes..
‘They know I’m here now..’ Hisoka noted. As the Huntress made it in front of the door and was about to knock, the door opened on its own; However, Hisoka was not at the very least fazed by this. This only confirms her suspicions. She remembered exactly what her grandmother told her about the mission.
“These vampires are somewhat different from the ones Komori Yui is currently staying with; However, they hold a connection so gaining access to get to her is not an issue. There are four of them, adopted by the Vampire King, Karlheinz; I’m sure you are familiar with him and his alias as the politician ‘Sakamaki Tougo’. Portray yourself as a normal, naive girl from the church. Despite the difference, they are not naive so keep your guard up, especially around the eldest. He is quite the analyst. Observe everything in order to have them work to your advantage. If you succeed to get Komori Yui and if they are in the way of your escape, you may kill them with everything you have.”
The brunette entered after muttering, “Pardon the intrusion.”, and closed the door with the heel of her right boot. “Hello?” She called, “Is this the Mukami residence? Is anyone here?” Although acting confused, Hisoka already knew. They were here. How disgusting.
Without any response given, Hisoka’s patience was running thin; Thus, She raised her voice louder and called again, “Hey! Is anyone here?!”
“Oi! Shut up already!!”
Hearing an unfamiliar, masculine voice booming, Hisoka quickly turned to her left and saw from the staircase was a tall young man with messy brown hair tied up in a bun and brown eyes. He wore a white, long-sleeves V-neck shirt under a black sweater, and a pair of brown pants, along with black shoes. Not only that, He also wore a necklace and a bracelet around his left wrist.
Hisoka gritted her teeth as she smelled a familiar scent coming from the young man. Vampire..
“Oh I’m sorry, but if someone would’ve replied when I first called, then maybe I would’ve just left it at that!” Hisoka snapped at the brown-haired vampire. “Hah?! What the hell was that, Inoshishi?!” He yelled, making the brunette become taken aback slightly from this. ‘Inoshishi’?! Did he just call her a Boar?! “Wha-?!”
“Now, now Yuma-kun, remember what Ruki-kun said~? Koneko-chan here plays a very important role!” Hisoka turned to her right to see a blond young man with blue eyes. His hair was curly, but the brunette took note that his bangs were covering the top right side of his face. He wore a pink, short-sleeved jacket over a long-sleeved black shirt with small circles on it and black boarding the top and bottom, and a pair of blue pants, with, what she believe to be, white boots. Barely noticing it, Hisoka noted that this one wore earrings on both ears, a necklace, and bracelets around his left wrist. The one thing she finds rather off about this one was his eyes. She couldn’t figure it out, but for some reason she finds them.. unsettling.
“‘Koneko-chan’?” Hisoka glared. So, now she’s “Kitten”? Was this guy fucking serious? Then the brunette’s expression started to show confusion. ‘Wait.. what did he just say…? Important role..?’ Before she could ask, Hisoka felt a presence behind her, making her turn around quickly to come face-to-face with a young man with black hair with light gray tips and gray eyes, whom she almost backhanded before barely stopping herself. His bangs were rather long as they go past his eyes and parted with a piece in the middle. To keep it short and safe to say it, his hair looked messy and curly, with the back of his hair was cut straight. He wore a white sweater with the sleeves around his upper arms, with diamond patterns on both the left and right sides and what seems to look like belts on the bottom parts of the sleeves and underneath was a blue, long-sleeved shirt with dark blue bordering the top, as well as wearing, what Hisoka guessed were, baggy black sweatpants and a pair of brown boots. However, what interested the Huntress the most was the scars; Such as the scar on the bridge of this one’s nose, the scars on his lower bottom of both his cheeks, and the bandages he has around his arms and his neck.
Hisoka noticed a sparkle within his eyes when she was about to slap him, but the sparkle went away and his eyes showed disappointment once the brunette lowered down her hand. “Ne.. you were.. about to hit me.. why.. did you stop?” This question caught the Huntress off guard. ‘Is this one a masochist?!’ This was certainly new. And creepy. “Oi Azusa, is now really the time to be askin’ that?” The tall, brown-haired male questioned
Remembering the question she was about to ask, the brunette turns to the blonde. “Hey, you said something about me playing a ‘very important role’.” Her blue eyes then narrowed, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You are quite nosy for a dog.”
Finally Hisoka turned around to see a young man with black, short ruffled hair with white tips. He had blue-gray eyes and three black piercings on his right ear. Unlike the blonde with his own earrings, this one’s piercings were noticeable. It also seems that around his neck, he wore black chokers that resembled a web. He wore a gray jacket over a black, long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of black pants with a brown belt, as well as a pair of black, leather shoes. Hisoka can already tell this one was the eldest, as she felt this one’s intimidating aura. ‘This one is the one grandmother told me to watch out for, right?’
“Who are you calling a ‘Dog’..?!” Hisoka growled as she looked up to the black-haired man’s eyes. Although it made the brunette herself feel intimidated. “So you’re Kuroi Hisoka, the daughter and heiress of the family corporation, “Heavenly Velleity”; We have been informed about a Sacrificial Bride coming here; However, you lack manners.” The eldest said. Within the mind of the Huntress, there was only one thought that came once “Sacrificial Bride” was said: It’s showtime.
“Whoa, hold on, a BRIDE?! No one told me about an arranged marriage?! This has to be a mistake somewhere!” Hisoka panicked, once she got into character. Portray as a normal, naive girl.. Say as if you speak nothing but truth… “No.. I’m going back! First you guys said something about me playing an “Important role”, called me stupid nicknames, and now saying something about a bride! Obviously this has to be a mistake, and I shall be going no-!” Before she could turn and walk past the boy with scars, Hisoka gasped when the tall vampire stood in front of her path. “You’re not going anywhere, Inoshishi.” He said.
“Watch me.” Hisoka tried to walk past him until she was stopped by an irritated voice. “So irritating..” Surprised, Hisoka turned to the blond vampire, who glared at her. “You’re here for a reason; It’s useless to escape here so don’t bother trying.” Another note added to Hisoka’s mind as she acted surprise. Initially she thought he meant about her leaving, but.. Why did it feel he was talking about something else..? ‘This one is two-faced, Not surprised really; Seems sharp.. I need to watch out for him too..’
“What do you mean ‘useless to escape’? The door is literally right there! How about answering my questions first?” Hisoka turned to the eldest, “So how about it?” She glared. But The brunette stopped the moment he glared at her. ‘Damn, he’s too intimidating…’
“Very well then.. However, You must comply and behave.” The eldest said, as he turned and walked. Hisoka felt her feet move on her own, and as much as she hated to admit it, She understood why. The feeling of intimidation.. It was very much like the intimidation she felt when it came to her grandmother. It was very suffocating…
Once she walked, the others followed. They all went to the living room, and Hisoka sat with her suitcase beside her and her book still within her hand. Everyone else sat down as well, but she sat in a single chair, feeling cautious. No one spoke, which was running Hisoka’s patience thin.
“Okay.. first things first, What is this whole thing about a Bride? My grandmother told me nothing about a suitor or an arranged marriage.” Hisoka said as she looked to the eldest. Although He started to explain it, Hisoka mentally rolled her eyes as she pretend to listen to him explain carefully when she knew exactly what a Sacrificial Bride was. It was that church’s damn system. Providing poor virgin girls as sacrificial brides for leeches, as food supply. As far as the Huntress knew, Sacrificial Bride has never survived to the point of awakening. The Church is nothing but fucking suck-ups…
After he was done explaining it, Hisoka was mentally relieved that he had finished but faked a chuckle, “So let me get this straight.. A Sacrificial Bride is virgin female who is used to be good for Vampires, by supplied by the church?” Hisoka chuckled, “Okay how stupid do you think I am, guys? Vampires don’t exist, they are only creatures that only exist in stories like “Dracula” and “The Vampyre”.” She waited for about a moment to stop chuckling and acknowledge everyone’s serious looks.
“Uhhh..?” Hisoka looked at everyone, acting confused. Everything was according to plan until she felt a slight of pain on her index finger from her right hand that held the book. Hisoka lifted it up to see blood was oozing out. “Fuck..!” She cussed aloud. After feeling eyes, Hisoka stopped once she slowly looked up at the looks on everyone’s faces, as well as their fangs. The brunette’s body started to tremble as her eyes showed shock, “Wait, so.. it’s true…?” The Huntress’s voice cracked. This was suppose to be an act, but she wasn’t suppose to bled. This wasn’t according to plan. Was that why she felt scared?
“I-I’m going to…” The brunette got off the chair and tried to run until she felt a hand grabbing her wrist, turning face-to-face with the eldest, whose cold eyes made her freeze in fear. That, again, was not planned. Now Hisoka truly understood why her grandmother warned her about this one. “Sit. Now.” He ordered.
Mindlessly, Hisoka slightly nodded and returned back to her seat, staying silent for a moment to recover from the fear she felt. Hisoka cursed in her mind. This was the first time she felt intimidation like this from somebody else other than Tsurara. And it was a vampire too…
“Okay.. I-I suppose it really is true…” Hisoka looked up at the eldest, still trembling a bit. Now it was time to get answers for her real question. “The blonde one.. he said something about me playing an important part… What did he mean by that?” Did this have any connection to Yui? To the family she was living with? What was it..?
“We know you have connections with Eve.” The eldest said. Hisoka, for the first time since she got here, was now genuinely confused, “‘Eve’..?” She questioned. “Eve is the one living with the Sakamaki’s; The one we need for our plan.” He answered. ‘God, the more he answers, the more questions I have..! He’s pissing me off! What did they want with Yui?!’ Hisoka mentally ranted as she remained confused. “What plan? And no, I don’t. Please do explain.” She questioned again. “God, you ask so many questions!” The tall vampire yelled. Hisoka glared at him, before looking to the eldest, who answered her question. “You don’t need to know about the plan; However, you are familiar with a girl by the name of Komori Yui, correct?”
Hisoka gasped. ‘So these leeches really are after her… now it makes sense why Grandmother said they had a connection..!’ She thought. “How do you know Yui?! That can’t be possible! She should’ve been with her father overseas..” Hisoka pretended to be deep into thought, “Wait a minute.. was that why when I called the church about her, they just..”
Inside her mind, Hisoka growled at herself, ‘No shit they did! Nobody was even fucking there when I checked! Damn cowards!’ “But wait, what are you guys planning to do with Yui..? ” She questioned again. “What we plan to do with her is none of your business; All that we need from her is her blood: Eve’s blood.”
Hisoka gritted her teeth as the eldest dismissed her question, but she continued to bite her tongue, “Alright then.. one last question…” She then asked her final question, “Why am I.. playing this so-called ‘Important Role’? What role is it?”
“It’s simple really~” The blonde decided to cut in, “You’ll be her Watchdog!” This made Hisoka genuinely more confused than ever. “A.. Watchdog…?” She repeated. “Correct.” The eldest confirmed, “We heard a little bit about your relationship with Eve.” Hisoka nearly sweatdropped. ‘How much do they know?’ That was the bigger question. “Like..?”
“Suspended for.. a month..” Hisoka gasped again when she turned to the male with scars, as he said that, “For beating up.. a bully that was.. bullying Eve..”
‘How did he know that?!’ Hisoka thought. “Met her at the church twelve years ago, after your parents were killed.” The blonde added, gaining the brunette’s attention. ‘Okay, how did they..?!’
“Became close friends since, threaten’ anyone that was givin’ her trouble.” The tall one added. The more they added, the more confusion Hisoka continued to feel. Who told them?!
“With this information given to us and once we get Eve, You’re given the role to be our watchdog and watch over her; Making sure she is nowhere near the Sakamaki’s.” The eldest informed the brunette. “I don’t understand; I’m only human,” Hisoka looked over to him, “I thought you, as vampires, would have more powerful enough to protect her from them!”
Hisoka deserved answers! She needed them! She has spent too damn long not knowing! She has to know! However, the only answer the eldest gave her was: “It was orders given from ‘that man’.”
‘’That man’..? Was it someone that knew she was a Huntress..?’ As much as Hisoka wanted to yell and scream for more answers, she knew better; Thus, she bite her tongue until the time has finally come.
“Fine then..” Hisoka looked around to everyone, “Then What are your names? I’ve heard them, but a proper introduction would be nice if I’m going to be living with you guys.” She sighed as she stood up from her seat, “Might as well start off with myself anyways, even though you all know already; I’m Hisoka, Kuroi Hisoka.”
Hisoka stared at the eldest, “I’m Mukami Ruki.” He introduced himself. “I’m Mukami Kou~! Nice to meet ya, Koneko-chan~!” The blonde introduced himself, before the tall vampire introduced himself. “Yuma.” And finally, it was the masochist’s turn, “My name.. is Azusa..” ‘That clears it up then.’
“So what do I do? I’m both a Sacrificial Bride and a watchdog, but how can you be so sure to trust me?” Hisoka questioned. However the answer given to her was horrifying, Ruki himself was the one that answered.
“Which is why you are given a choice to pick which one of us will be your partner.”
“…. what?” Hisoka was speechless. Shocked. Well, horrified is a better word for it. “We never said anything about trusting you; So to prevent you from getting in the way of the plan, we will be keeping an eye on you; However, under orders given to us by that man, you are to choose one of us that will keep you, a disobedient dog, at a very tight leash.” Ruki explained, “So, which one of us will you choose?”
The brunette bit her bottom lip. ‘Shit..! So I have to choose one of these leeches..? Disgusting..’ She sighed as she made up her mind. Hisoka had to do it for Yui. She went this far to do so after all… And even though it disgusted her to even say it to a point she wanted to puke, Hisoka knew exactly who to choose. “Alright then, I’ve made my choice..”
The one that is in charge of this whole operation.. The one who seems to give her an advantage… The one that the Huntress knew would lead her to Yui faster..
“Mukami Ruki, I am in your hands; So, please take proper care of me.”
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kenyauslander · 8 years
Character sheet for Seiji
Character Chart Character’s full name: Seiji Lilac Yokomane  Reason or meaning of name: Their name means Celadon.   Character’s nickname: None  Reason for nickname: None Birth date: 3/3/03  Physical appearance Age: 13 How old does he/she appear: 14  Weight: 132 lbs Height: 5′8″ Body build: In the middle Shape of face: Round Eye color: Blue   Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone: Light Distinguishing marks: None  Predominant features: None  Hair color: Black  Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Pixie cut Voice: In between a soprano and tenor   Overall attractiveness: 9/10 Physical disabilities: Autistic   Usual fashion of dress: A black dress Favorite outfit: Their black dress  Jewelry or accessories: A bow.  Personality Good personality traits: Caring.  Bad personality traits: Loud.  Mood character is most often in: A good mood  Sense of humor: Being silly.  Character’s greatest joy in life: Being a scythe meister.   Character’s greatest fear:  Trypophobia Why?: They don’t like the texture.  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: If the world ended.  Character is most at ease when: Playing The Last Guardian.  Most ill at ease when: Doing something like making a painting  Enraged when: Someone is mean to their siblings Depressed or sad when: Anyone ignores them Priorities: Becoming a good artist  Life philosophy: Life is a big fancy bowl of black cherries.   If granted one wish, it would be: To be a storyboard artist Why?: They like drawing.  Character’s soft spot: Dogs.   Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yup.  Greatest strength: Seiji is very good at math and reading.  Greatest vulnerability or weakness: They can’t sing very well.  Biggest regret: Joining the school’s musical  Minor regret: Messing up their lines for said school musical.  Biggest accomplishment: Being loved and supported by their class.  Minor accomplishment: Meeting everyone in her class.  Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Seiji is very self-conscious.  Why?: They don’t like going out very much.  Character’s darkest secret: Seiji has magic powers.  Does anyone else know?: Nope.  Goals Drives and motivations: None. Immediate goals: Being a scythe master.   Long term goals: Being a good artist.  How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Practice. How other characters will be affected: Tegami will paint with Seiji, while Ikuma and Akuma practice with Seiji on their scything abilities.  Past Hometown: Chiba, Japan  Type of childhood: Good.   Pets: None.  First memory: None.  Most important childhood memory: Meeting her best friend, Vanilla Ryuu.  Why: Vanilla’s just like Seiji.  Childhood hero: Temple Grandin.  Dream job: Child advocate.  Education: Good Religion: Shinto . Finances: Wealthy.  Present Current location: Chiba, Japan. Currently living with: Their mom and dad. Pets: None  Religion: Shinto Occupation: Advocate  Finances: Wealthy  Family Mother: Akira Relationship with her: Good.   Father: Akio Relationship with him: Fine  Siblings:  Akyura ,  Ichipan ,  Matsuto ,  Budo ,  Sylvia ,  Rikiru ,  Nikita ,  Ikuma ,  Akuma ,  Tegami ,  Suzuki ,  Haruhi ,  Anita ,  Ibiko .  Relationship with them: Cool.   Spouse: None Relationship with him/her: None Children: None Relationship with them: None Other important family members: None Favorites Color: Black Least favorite color: White Music: Gackt,  GHOST, Skrillex, Aerosmith.  
Food: Anything but sushi. 
Literature: Lemony Snicket books
Form of entertainment: Kabuki Expressions: None.  Mode of transportation: A broom  Most prized possession: A biography of Satoshi Tajiri.  Habits Hobbies: Broom making.  Plays a musical instrument?: Flute  Plays a sport?: Swimming.   How he/she would spend a rainy day: Indoors. Spending habits: Good.   Smokes: No Drinks: No Other drugs: No What does he/she do too much of?: Read What does he/she do too little of? : Watch any shows.  Extremely skilled at: Broom making.  Extremely unskilled at: Writing Nervous tics: None.   Usual body posture: Straight Mannerisms: Like her mom.   Peculiarities: Makes many weird faces Traits Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert Daredevil or cautious? : Cautious Logical or emotional?: Logical Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat.  Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Unsure Animal lover?: Yup. Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: Weird One word the character would use to describe self: Messy One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I am very weird. Funny maybe, maybe annoying. Hilarious to a degree. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Funny What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Loving What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Their eyes.  What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: Their ears How does the character think others perceive him/her: Awesome What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Eye color.  Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Loves everyone.  Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Nope.  Person character most hates: Jolene   Best friend(s): Rose, Ivan, Matsuda, Pearl, Destiny, Liz, Akyura, Athena, Vanilla. Love interest(s): Vanilla.  Person character goes to for advice: Liz Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Everyone.  Person character feels shy or awkward around: Destiny and Rose.  Person character openly admires: Vanilla.  Person character secretly admires: Ivan.  Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Vanilla.  After story starts: Vanilla. 
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