#I know this is nothing compared to what fat people have to go through
lesenbyan · 4 months
you know, I might be Stepping In It, but I really hate people's tendency to "you're lucky" when finding out someone's naturally skinny really piss me off.
I'm not saying there's not privilege to being skinny, there absolutely is in this fatphobic world. But as someone who has spent literally over half my life wishing I could gain any fucking weight ever it makes me so fucking mad. I've tried working out, I've had physically demanding jobs, I've tried, back when i could afford it, eating as much as I could handle. I have literal dysphoria about being skinny.
and then when I Go Off at a coworker for being the second person in a week to tell me I'm lucky- while wearing braces digging into my joints bc I am physically too small to wear them right but they don't get smaller- I'm told "oh but you have to realize we never considered the other side" sure! but I'm still allowed to get pissed! you would be too!
#personal;#i get it i GET IT we're not allowed to talk about skinny shaming.#I know this is nothing compared to what fat people have to go through#I know. I get it. I know.#but it's also so fucking invalidating to have to caveat my every complaint with 'other people have it worse'#like fuck maybe no one should be shamed for their bodies#maybe no one should be making off hand comments and assumptions about weight high OR low#like yeah the movement's not about me and i hate when ableds point out how accessibility can help THEM TOO so like#i get what I sound like#but I'm SO tired. I'm 29 and I've been trying to gain weight since i was like 13-15#I've never even managed to hit 130#I got close and then all my disabilities kept getting worse so then i couldn't work as much#and thus I can't afford food#so what i had built has been burnt#and I'm back to 120 and clinging with both hands to the hope I don't end up back at /115/ (I am 5'7". you can see my ribs)#like. I am NOT lucky. I can't sit or lay on a hard surface bc it hurts my bones#I can't cuddle well when I DO want to bc i'm just sharp bits#my proportions are so fucked that it's hard to find clothes that actually fit#like#I get it#I get what you're trying to say#but it hits trauma (ignored (JOKED ABOUT) eating disorder bc I'm skinny so it's Fine; repeated skinny shaming; etc)#and it's so exhausting not being allowed to be mad about it#If i had three wishes with no downsides the first would be to gain 50-100lbs and i've been saying that for over a decade#I'll probably regret posting this#ask to tag;
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foodfightnovelization · 5 months
ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight
Holy chips! It's an exciting time to be a Foodfight! fan, because ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight is finally out! This really is THE definitive documentary on the insanity behind the movie, and it finally answers the question of just what was going on behind the scenes during production. Since I helped out with research (and I even get a short line of dialogue at 45:19) I've already seen everything that was shown off, but had to keep quiet until all the interviews were conducted and the documentary was finished. But now it's out and everything has been made public, the cat's out of the bag (the Fat Cat Burglar?) and I can talk about all the production material that's been shared.
Before I get into any of that though, I'd highly recommend you watch the documentary for yourself. It's insanely well researched and put together, and having worked together with Ziggy Cashmere (the documentary's creator) I know how hard he dedicated himself towards making this all possible. If it weren't for him, the most interesting Foodfight! discovery would've been finding the novelization, and we would have never gotten any real insight into how this movie came to be. It's also a documentary that really speaks for itself- I don't want to say too much about what it reveals since it's all expressed far better through its narrative and the interviews with people who actually worked on the project. My favorite is the interview with texture artist Mona Weiss- she tells such horrifying stories about how she was treated by Larry and other crewmembers, yet does it all with a sense of humor that makes it clear she's enjoying getting to talk about her crazy experiences. It's clear Foodfight! was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish, and there's nobody to blame for that but Larry Kasanoff himself. The movie was rotten from the top down and despite the countless talented animators and artists working on it, nothing could fix the fact that it was fundamentally mismanaged in the worst way possible. I think the quote from producer George Johnsen summarizes it best: "Foodfight! was a good idea that unfortunately lost its way during production. The technology, the art, and the direction were not in sync. Many very talented people gave their all to make the picture, but more understanding of process from the top was needed for it to succeed."
But if you saw the documentary, you already know all that, right? So instead, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes material that's finally been shared! You can find everything I'll talking about HERE on archive.org-
It's worth following the link and checking it out for yourself- there's so much it'd impossible to discuss everything. Artwork, storyboards, bloopers, models, a nude render of Lady X, an interview with Larry Kasanoff, the list goes on and it's still being updated! Despite the documentary already being out, people who worked on the movie are continuing to share new material! It's pretty incredible- for the past year I've ran this blog all I've really had to discuss are two tie-in books, and now there's so much Foodfight! material I can't even keep up with it.
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I mean LOOK at all this, isn't it fantastic? The character art by Jim George showing off just how much better these designs originally were, the countless environments showing off just how stunning Marketropolis could've looked as well as the strength of the core idea "what if a supermarket came to life at night", and insanely detailed storyboards for a 7-minute pitch reel that was used to sell the movie to investors. Normally, I'd be ALL OVER this because it's all just incredible, but there's something far, FAR more fascinating than any of it.
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There are even multiple drafts of the script (one from 2005 and one from 2007 respectively) and normally I'd be insanely fascinated by those too, making extremely detailed posts explaining the differences between the drafts and how they compare to the novelization, but there's something else that was found that blows ALL of this out of the water and is easily one of the most monumental lost media discoveries of ALL TIME.
That's right, a rough cut of the ENTIRE movie from 2005 has been found, containing nearly ALL the completed animation from earlier on in production. I mean, that's mindblowing right? We first got sent this around a month ago, a little while before the documentary came out, and I literally stopped everything I was doing at work to just sit and watch this. This is the closest we're ever going to get to the "original" version of Foodfight! after all- only 7 minutes of footage was ever actually made before they switched to mocap, made solely for the aforementioned pitch reel, and this workprint contains practically all of it! On top of that there are some great storyboards in here, as well as some truly hilarious ones cobbled together from 3D renders, and the plot is far better than what we ended up with, a lot of the more inappropriate jokes being absent. This rough cut is actually pretty similar to the novelization in that regard, and it also contains scenes that we'd previously only read about in there.
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For example, in the novelization there's a snowmobile chase through the mountains, with Brand X soldiers on snowmobiles and a heavy avalanche close behind. This scene was completely left out of the movie itself, but in this workprint it's here! ALL the previously novelization-exclusive scenes are included, and this rough cut is seemingly based on an even earlier draft of the script than that- here Brand X are still defeated by a flood, whereas by the time of the novelization it'd been changed to a lightning storm. There are SO many exciting differences in this workprint, the snippets of original animation we get to see are SO good, and it's SO much better than the movie itself that I think it by far deserves the crown as the DEFINITIVE version of Foodfight! There's so much in it I want to discuss, that there's no way I can fit it all into this one post...so stay tuned, because in the next few days I'll be doing a FULL analysis of the 2005 workprint, pointing out all the extra brand mascots not in the finished film, and generally just gushing about how amazing it is.
I mean, this is it. Just take it all in for a second- the original footage was considered lost media for over a decade, and now it's practically been found in its entirety, embedded in an early cut of the whole movie...isn't that just phenomenal? All the mysteries have been unraveled, all the questions have been answered, and now we can relax, take a deep breath, and watch Foodfight!...the REAL Foodfight! Make sure to enjoy it, and join me next time for my analysis!
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(NSFW) Perfect Match - Tighnari x Fem!Tighnarian!Reader
A/N: Here's the third fem reader post for the few that happen to be on this blog. It's been some time since I last wrote a fic like this, but it's always nice to have a switch of perspective. As usual, and especially with this one as fem reader is not my forte, I'd really appreciate any thoughts and feedback you might have. Enjoy! CW: Tighnari is a little feral, reader and Tighnari go into heat, the usual smut.
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Tighnari is such a contrast. Daily, he's quiet, patient and gentle (unless the circumstances demand something more than words), but when the heat grows, he turns just a little bit feral with you. 
The reason? Simple - he loves you. Oh, yeah, and the hormones also play a part in melting his needy brain. 
You've been together for some time now and Tighnari's instincts gave you the tag of his mate and he acted accordingly long before really acknowledging this. And, speaking honestly, he doesn't mind acting a little instinctual as long as you're fine with it. 
Keeping you close and protecting you is what he is meant to do with you as his female. Tighnari frequently takes the initiative in simple, everyday matters. Need to get out of a crowd? He's already holding your hand and guiding you safely through the people to a quieter place. When cuddling in bed, he always shifts to be the big spoon, security your smaller, warm body in his hold, close - just as you should be. If there is any imminent danger, you'll quickly find yourself gently pushed back behind him by his arm.  
He'll get possessive at times too. When he notices any other male forest rangers eyeing you with the curiosity you've got accustomed too - ears and a tail as beautiful as yours draw attention, obviously - his hand will make its way to your hip and stay there. When it's the heat season, Tighnari will also get quite defensive with you. If anybody is as little as unkind to you, he will step in to get them off your back. With all this comes a little bit of obvious suspicion, but simple communication is always enough to ease his worries about any of the other men you’re colleagues or friends with. 
Does it all bother you? Oh, not at all! How could it when every inch of him just radiates this unexplainable male allure you can't get enough of? 
There's something fascinating about the way he carries himself that you can't quite explain. It's how decisive he is, it's in the unique tone of his voice, it's in his subtly dominant nature. Your eyes pick up seemingly trivial things that you can't help but marvel at. You love how strong he is, be that due to his Vision or just how he is - nothing makes you more excited than being picked up (and pinned down too!). He does this with such ease too…
Being a young hybrid, Tighnari has his needs that, if not satiated, make him grumpy and quite irritated. If you're not feeling like it, he'll understand - as any good partner should. Which doesn't mean he won't be disappointed, mind you. A horny Tighnari significantly increases your chances of stumbling upon him furiously stroking himself or hearing his needy moans in the night as he blows another unsatisfying load. 
Even though his hand was enough to keep his lust at bay, it was hardly satisfying. Luckily, the days of jerking the edge off are gone now. Why cum into a tissue when he can empty his balls inside you? Compared to his hand your fertile, warm and wet pussy feels like absolute heaven…
… And his fat, pulsating cock is the ideal extinguisher for the fire in your womb. Your hybrid nature leaves you just as prone to bursts of irresistible arousal as him. Your heat might be a single month at the start of the year, but living alongside a fellow tighnarian makes your brain buzz with hormones. 
Between the two of you, there's a simple rule - when you're horny, you fuck. He knows well that when his thoughts wander, there's no way of fighting them off. That's when he'll signal his needs to you. Looking at you with those smug bedroom eyes, for example, is a clear sign that Tighnari would like to see you on the bed head-down-ass-up in the immediate future. 
Usually, it's your smell that catches his attention. His sensitive nose can pick it up flawlessly each time. Your scent is gentle, with only the slightest hint of musk included in the mix. You'll find Tighnari cuddling especially tightly in the mornings or after physical activity when your pheromones are at their strongest. It won't take much time for his hands to wander and his cock to harden. 
His scent is the perfect moisturizer for your pussy, yes, but it's also a little bothersome. Because. It. Is. Everywhere. On the pillows, on the couch, on the chairs, inside every room from the bedroom down to even the closet. In the first two months of the year it's just straight up impossible to ignore it or distract yourself from your husband's pheromones. Sometimes you're wondering if your ancestors were idiotic enough to not breed by themselves,  forcing evolution into giving them this neuron activation upon catching a whiff of dick or pussy. 
For example, doing laundry is tricky to do without getting flustered or horny. Tighnari’s musk is, obviously, the strongest on his clothes. So whenever you pick up one of his shirts or boxers and your sensitive nose finds just how strong his smell is, you suddenly become flustered and very interested in what's under the pair he is wearing right now. 
Luckily for you, Tighnari is a good husband and will fuck his cute little wife senseless when she needs it, and you’re more than glad to return the favour when he is in need. It's a simple instinct. You're his mate, and he is yours. Your scents are impossible to ignore, sending the more primal parts of your brains a simple message - you're both young, beautiful, healthy and ready to breed. Around him, your pussy clenches at nothing, your womb longing to be filled with baby-making cum, and around you his balls ache from all the creamy, virile seed he is making for you. 
This awareness, awareness of you being ripe for the picking, makes you irresistible for him. 
Although Tighnari's cock might be average in size, what he lacks in length he makes up for in sex drive and pure ferocity. He can fuck fast and he can fuck hard. He won't be stopping himself from manhandling you - you'll surely be surprised by just how strong a male like him can be. Whatever playful resistance efforts you may make and regardless of how much force you put into them, Tighnari will just growl and pin you down every single time. 
Primal play always gets him hot and bothered. In bed, he's the natural lead. He's the hungry predator, and you're his cute little prey. Struggle all you can, but at the end there's no escape from a thorough breeding. His hybrid stamina lets him cum again and again with barely any downtime between powerful orgasms that fill your insides with warm cum. 
His go to position is prone bone. Having your smaller, feminine body pinned under his weight, your hands locked under his and your pretty mouth desperately biting the sheets as he forces his swollen knot in and out of you drives him positively feral. Doggy style is also quite fun. Grabbing your tail and pulling it away to reveal your tight little asshole and drenched pussy lips is extremely satisfying. Sometimes he grabs your head and pulls it back, thoroughly enjoying the sight of your long ears folding in submission. 
While he isn't too much into receiving oral, he won't ever pass up the opportunity to feast on your pussy. If you give him the chance to, you'll find Tighnari greedily lapping at your folds, drinking up your scent and arousal like a parched man. When you sit on his face, you'll have a nice view of his cock, swollen, twitchy and overflowing with precum, just waiting to nestle in between your warm lower lips. How can this sight make you anything but absolutely crazy for his dick? You'll often find yourself locked in a sixty-nine with both of you furiously licking each other with your rough tongues. If he couples it with a passionate fuck afterwards, you'll be lucky to have your pretty legs work in the morning. 
But it is in January and February when your lust really makes an appearance. These two months are usually taken out of the calendar for you two - being apart from each other during your heat after having tasted what having a mate feels like is torture. Not even the best toys can replace him - they won't ever mimic his warmth, his desperate and frustrated groans, his arms locking your body in place or his ears, trembling and folding from the pleasure as he breeds you. 
His instincts tell him to pump a litter or two into your womb, and he'll announce his needs to you, whether you decide to go through with it or not. A condom or a pill is an absolute must if you want to be safe - it's usually very difficult to keep yourself from letting the lust take full control. It's absolutely not because your pussy milks him and throbs so much, desperate to suck him in just that millimeter deeper and get absolutely pumped with his baby making milk and end up leg locking him. 
Mornings with Tighnari are always fun, regardless of the season. You'll sometimes wake up to the sensation of him rubbing his length along your ass, moaning your name softly into your ear and asking, begging to be let in. You usually let him - it's not like you're not guilty of blowing him awake either. Whoever is the “waker-up”, they can certainly expect a wonderful, lazy morning breeding.
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Thanks for reading!
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I am so so so so so TIRED to see people fatshaming two perfectly healthy girls because they have round faces. It’s disgusting.
The actresses of Mai and Azula are on point for their roles. Hell, if they were chosen there must be a reason, it’s not like there’s no Asian actresses out there they could choose from.
People can’t accept that Azula can have a characterization beyond “crazy and sadist sicko”. She’s a perfectionist. She’s an asset to her father. She’s jealous of Zuko’s birthright and of how it might take what she has away. Those are things that OG Azula too had. The only difference is that we actually see it in season one and have a background on her, rather than writing it in a rant. And what has been added only makes her a more complex character, given the change in the family dynamic as well.
And Mai? The actress is talented, she delivers a good Mai, and does justice to the character. She’s 17 and at the beginning of her career, of course it won’t be perfect. She gets to grow. Thing is, you guys won’t let her, because a square jaw scares you so flipping bad that you feel the need to shame her for it.
Everyone is a body positivity advocate until a girl with a rounder face shape is cast as a character in a live action you are NOT forced to watch? Seriously?
I’ve seen so many people on the internet calling them all sort of names, fatshaming them, insulting their work without even focusing on the acting. And I’m like, what’s to fatshame there? Let me tell you: nothing.
If I have to put it through your thick head like this, so be it. Even though I hate talking about and comparing bodies.
This below is a picture of Azula’s actress.
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She has the face card, she has the jawline, and she has a fit, enviable body. And you still have the audacity to “fat-shame” her?
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These two pictures are in costume. Again, face card and an enviable body. She even has the expression for Azula. You see a girl with a rounder shape of face and will automatically go “no she’s too cute to be Azula!!” Dude. No. When she will actually deliver as the crazy girl we know, she will devour. She will, and you all will switch back because that’s what you are, slimy switchers.
And now, onto Mai’s actress, a very beautiful girl with talent and looks. She is literally so pretty, and you dare hate on her? You dare shame her for how she looks? From what I’ve heard she’s a minor, too, so this makes you 100000% more slimy and undeserving of any sympathy in my book.
This is her, this is the girl.
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She’s literally so pretty. Maybe she hasn’t got the same facial structure of Mai, but she delivered all her lines she had in the little screen time and with the discutibile scenes she was given. She was good. But you see a square jaw, a rounder shape of face, and are immediately triggered.
And you can’t even use the stupid argument of “she’s fat”, because this is literally her.
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A very normal, very healthy young woman. Not as skinny as OG Mai? So what? She’s still a fricking thin girl. Nowhere as “fat” as you haters make her to be.
I shouldn’t have to explain common sense and basic decency to grown adults, and yet here we are.
This is honestly so frustrating. In the year of 2024 you can’t possibly justify insulting girls like this, with no shame. It’s absolutely idiotic and shows very a big lack of brain cells. I see you, haters, behind your device, with your insecurities and shame for yourself, laughing at two girls who made it farther than you ever will. You can critique the acting once you’ve seen it in full potential. Until then, shut your tramp up. This is very small dick energy of you.
I don’t see why I should treat you with kindness when you are so eager to make this kind of jokes about pretty and in shape girls you are very obviously jealous of. Go touch some grass, incels.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Hey honey bun sugar plummmm!! Could I get a baki characters with a s/o who has a fat ass (me)
Why of course, thine blessed thiccness will be appreciated!
He's more of a tits guy (mommy issues, we all know this) but he absolutely doesn't complain about a bit more cake either. Be it a bubble butt or just genuine cake, he does not mind in the slightest.
That is his ass, thank you very much, so catching others staring or trying to cop a feel will very much wind up in him dishing out swift justice. He's chill about most things, and he doesn't mind others appreciating you as a whole, you're stunning, he knows it, but when they're being gross and pushy about it, that's when he'll step in.
He's got a habit of grabbing people's hips when he walks passed them, he may or may not cop a slight feel with you though. He doesn't mean it to be creepy or pervy, but he can't help but admire the curves you graced him with.
He's got his own cake as well, don't forget that, so the two of you walking side by side out in public earns a lot of stares for many reasons, but the fact that the two of you combined are an entire bakery might also have something to do with it.
Girl is flustered. Literally everyone around Baki that she ever met was cheeked up, and she knows how to appreciate a good behind, but she's a lot more shy about it than, say, Chiharu or Katsumi.
Worried about wardrobe malfunctions? Not while she's around, she is on it. Doing it to be considerate? Absolutely, of course. But was she also watching your ass before the wardrobe failure? Maybe. Perhaps. Perchance, even.
She's the kind of person to look through clothes online and show her friends when she finds things that she thinks would suit them or that they would like, so if you mention wanting something to accentuate your butt a bit, she'll pull out an entire folder.
Lord help her if she catches you in swimsuits, she won't know what to do with herself. Does she admire openly? Does she touch? Please help her lmao.
Firm ass admirer, but in private. Only he is allowed to admire your ass, that's final. You don't get to stand while he's sitting down, he'll pull you straight into his lap and keep those big meaty hands on your waist, trapping you in place. You don't get up until he lets you.
He won't spank you, but he will give you light taps every once in a while. Just know: he absolutely wants to wind up and slap the soul out of you, but he won't because he doesn't want to hurt you.
You wanna wear clothes that accentuate your butt? It had better only be for his eyes, he's not going to tolerate other people looking at your buns, those are his to admire.
There will be times where he just lays down with you, acts super sweet and everything, and then just grabs your ass. For no reason. It's like watching a cat stare at something on the edge of a table before they knock it off.
Admires your ass while clothed, and while naked. You aren't safe from him, even if you're sitting down, because no matter how strong or heavy you might think you are, you are nothing compared to his strength.
A menace. He will walk up to you and smack your ass so gotdamn hard that you just won't know what to do beyond pass away on the spot. He sees nothing wrong with it, and he will continue to do this. There's no rhyme or reason either.
Are you getting nasty with him? Don't let him near your ass, because he will bite you, it will hurt, and you can't even get mad at him because he does it out of sheer love.
Steal his pants. I'm serious, steal them. Just walk out with them on, he'll practically break his own neck doing a double-take. They look great on you, and they're incredibly comfortable. It's a win-win!
Feel free to torment him by returning the favour by the way, he knows he can be a bit much, but he can take what he dishes out and more.
Problem child. He'll use any excuse he can to get at you in general, he's very touchy. That being said, we have seen how efficient this man is at slapping things. He slaps you once and it's over. He slaps your butt and you're going to need ice.
He's also the kinda guy to bite your butt, for no reason. Fresh out the shower? Chomp. Trying to relax in shorts? Chomp. He doesn't even try to explain or justify it, he just does it.
Much like Chiharu, you can return the favour. Unlike Chiharu, he's going to play up every little bit of his response. Did you slap him back? Oh he's going to moan and whine, and by the time you get him to shut up, you're both laughing so hard neither of you can breathe.
He will try and get you into a karate uniform from the Dojo. Is it for personal reasons? Mayhaps. He thinks that it'll look good on you either way, either way he'll get a nice look at his precious in a karate uniform.
I don't want to say that he doesn't care, but he just doesn't make a big deal about it. He thinks you're stunning and perfect just the way you are. Does he appreciate a bit more to hold onto? Sure thing! Is he going to start grabbing at you randomly? Not really, no.
Does he occasionally admire? Oh absolutely, he managed to bag you, he's going to admire you every chance he gets. He's a bit dense, but he's not blind.
That being said, if you dress up all nice for him, all of what I've previously said goes straight out the window. He is LOOKING (respectfully) and he is going to be touching, mentally prepare for that fact, because once he starts he's not going to stop for a while.
Lord help anyone that dares to even think of copping a feel or admiring while he's around. He may be pretty, but this man is a solid 8ft tall and has a natural glare that could kill an army.
Also doesn't make a big deal out of it, but you know that he loves ass just by looking at him. He'll admire, he'll touch, and if you're laying on your stomach, he'll use the booty as a pillow in a rare moment of relaxation.
If you really want to drive him wild (re: insane) then wear some tights around the house. He's going to behave himself, he swears, but if you bend over one more time he cannot be held responsible for what he's about to do.
Which is to say that he'll slap the soul out of you and then drag you back to the bedroom. Will you emerge alive? Who knows! He doesn't, and you probably won't either.
He cares, but he's a bitch, so he'll make it seem like he doesn't. That being said, he's so incredibly obvious about his stares and his little hand twitches while he definitely doesn't fantasize about grabbing a hand full that it's almost comedic.
He lowkey (re: highkey) worries about your back, so sometimes he'll just walk up, grab your waist and start rubbing little circles into the base of your spine under the pretense of being bored and wanting to see what you're doing.
He will buy you clothes and expects you to wear them, because he likes they way they look on you. Even if you only wear them around the house for him, he'll be pleased.
Why yes, he is jealous, how did you know? If he catches anyone even so much as glancing at your butt, he's going to glare them into another dimension.
Virgin monk is a virgin, and he was raised not to stare because that's rude. That being said, he can't help it, he thinks your butt is beautiful and he'll outright tell you that whatever you're wearing looks flattering. Has he said this while you were naked? Yes. Yes he has.
Once he gets more comfortable, he's all about grabbing and squeezing at your hips, thighs and butt, though it's all in good fun, he means well by it, and he absolutely appreciates you letting him do this.
He has such comfy pants, much like Chiharu, so you should absolutely steal them from time to time. You know those things are flattering, you've seen them on him after all.
If you ever want someone to watch your form while you're doing squats or lunges, he's your guy, because unlike the others, who would absolutely take this seriously and not just use it as an excuse to stare at your butt the entire time.
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cocogum · 4 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 7 Review
Warning(s): unhinged behavior, fat shaming, unnecessary use of foul language, osamodas slander
This chapter made the stupid decision to edge me.
We come back to Yugo having an episode from the poison he just drank and he is going through it hard.
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My guy is coughing up blood, eyes are turning red, body is shaking like a mad man, screaming in agony, and his wakfu antlers are even going crazy…
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To top it all off, he’s now having a series of igniting explosions because of the dofus residing in him. Like you can’t make this shit up, my guy is literally creating explosions from the inside out. Look at the damages.
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(damn, amalia is carrying this whole banquet. look at her saving these ppl what a queen ✨)
Which clown decided it was a good idea to poison a demigod in charge of six dofus and expect nothing abnormal or deadly to happen?????
Oh yeah, the blue-skinned cows.
I don’t care what anyone says. The osamodas family was in charge of the poison attempt, I don’t care if it was that Sadida woman’s idea since it’s obvious she’d know more about poisoning. The osamodas are at fault, the osamodas king told Aurora that they should wait and let them enjoy this last happy occasion. He also told Aurora that they knew about the marriage but weren’t invited?? Come on, they’re clearly at fault here!! They’re the ones who told the Sadida servant to do something about it and she improvised! But what these two bozos didn’t know, was how it would backfire on them. This is stupid to think about because they KNEW Yugo wasn’t a normal person. Poisoning Yugo is like trying to poison a deadly cobra. Or in this case, A FUCKING DEMIGOD. Either way, you’re gonna get jumped.
Like, OF COURSE Yugo’s gonna have a freakout and fuck shit up when his body had been messed with a deadly substance.
OF COURSE, he’s gonna hurt a lot of people around him if he’s around anyone.
OF COURSE, he won’t fucking die cuz of his divinity status.
OF COURSE, he’ll start ruining the kingdom these two fucking dumbasses want for no reason.
You can’t make this shit up.
These two are so bad at being villains, they don’t even know what the fuck they’re doing to people they don’t bother knowing more about. They don’t even know who their target is.
After understanding what kind of poison Yugo drank, which was the belladone, we now know why Amalia knew what was in the cup. She probably recognized the smell of it.
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Amalia: “Adamaï…The belladone is the worst of poisons…”
According to how she describes it, this poison is so deadly that it kills the person or animal who drinks it in under ten seconds. The victim first drinks it and then foams at the mouth before collapsing and dying.
We’ve seen the same thing happen in another era of the World of Twelve and that was back in the Cire Momore backstory which was an event around the Dofus era.
The daughter of a queen tried poisoning her for all the suffering she’s endured and had the help of a painter to do it.
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Gustave (painter): “I found the berries at the exact place you indicated.”
Princess: “Perfect. Do not forget to carefully wash your hands. The belladone is highly toxic.”
Based on this passage alone, we’ve learned that the belladone are purple berries that are so toxic, that they can even damage you if you don’t properly wash your hands after you pick them.
After that, during the banquet, the princess secretly poured the poison into her mother’s wine. But just before she could drink it, her dog suddenly jumped at her, causing her to drop the wine, which made the pet drink it from the ground instead.
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The results were exactly what you expected to happen.
Once the dog drank it, he foamed at the mouth and collapsed, immediately dying from the drink.
So when we compare this instance to what happened to Yugo, we can see a huge difference.
Unlike what happened to the dog (or any mortal), Yugo is still standing but is terribly shaking, coughing blood, and having an episode. His body is trying to get the poison out of his system by coughing but his body is still alive.
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The only thing Yugo can say while in this situation is “It hurts”. My guy is in severe pain but he’s still breathing, I don’t think anyone in the history of the krosmoz has ever taken the poison like this, let alone a divinity of all people.
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Yugo: “Sor…ry. The…pain.”
Bro even has the time to say sorry while kneeling on the ground and holding his stomach. He’s literally at death’s door, grasping for life, his body trying and struggling to reject the poison, and he still finds the time to apologize for something that wasn’t even his fault.
What a chad.
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Amalia: “Yugo…He should already be…”
Adamaï: “My brother isn’t like everyone! He possesses the six primordial eliatrope dofus, if he manages to take hold of himself, then he can take it…”
Even Amalia is shocked that Yugo is still breathing. But Adamaï over here is telling her that he WILL survive this if he can perfectly control it with the eliatrope dofus.
And we all know how that ended up for him the last time he used them…
So Adamaï flies in and takes Yugo away from the banquet before he actually hurts somebody.
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Adamaï: “Yugo, you have to focus. Or else you’ll destroy your kingdom or end up killing someone!”
But bro is not listening cuz the second Adamaï pulls him up, dude just overcharged himself before exploding AGAIN.
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JUST LOOK AT THE DAMAGE!! THAT LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE A CRATER!! You can even see how perfect the circle looks from this shot.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.
Nah cuz this scene was what we needed! THIS was the moment we wanted to see ever since that blue-skinned woman started breathing in front of our screens!!
As soon as Yugo caused another explosion, this was it for the stupid clown ‘royal’ family. They signed their death sentences and Amalia is fed up with their bullshit.
Cuz trying to make her marry one of their relatives, being disrespected by them while her brother did nothing, getting told to leave her home and kingdom, being told that she should be replaced, sure she could manage all that.
She can take it. But seeing her husband being poisoned like that on the same day that a wedding was supposed to happen AND having the osamodas randomly being there to witness it, was the last straw before she finally fucking snaps.
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She had just lost her whole family in a short period, she wasn’t going to lose her husband to some clowns.
(Also what the fuck were they thinking of poisoning her husband when she had already lost so much?? Did they really think this whole thing wasn’t going to backfire on them??? What a bunch of amateurs.)
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And look at them just standing there looking 😮😱😱😱😧😮 LIKE OF COURSE SHE WAS GONNA KILL Y’ALL, YOU BOTH LOOK LIKE THE ODD ONES OUT HERE ‼️‼️
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They even looked caught off guard when they saw Yugo causing explosions.
You got Aurora over here with her dumb ugly bat pet looking all shocked, covering her mouth as if she was surprised to find out her dad’s shenanigans wouldn’t work. And then you got animal king over here realizing he fucked up.
And right when they get confronted for their repetitive bullshit, they see literal death looking back at them with the most bloodthirsty eyes they had ever seen before.
Amalia’s so pretty in this shot ready to rip them apart 🥰🥰
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Like yes queen, cut them to pieces, we’re about to have a barbecue 🤤🤤
As soon as they get caught red-handed, that’s when they suddenly turn soft and act like victims.
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Fatty: “Stay back my daughter, this girl has lost her mind.”
“StAy bAcK mY DAUghTEr, ThIs gIrL hAs-“
Shut yo dumbass up little boy you knew something like this would’ve happened stop playing with me.
He’s over here acting like a random passerby when a second ago he told Aurora that they should wait a little more for something to happen.
So when he gets cornered by the very same girl who he had disrespected and ignored in Season 4 and wanted to be replaced so his useless trophy daughter can take the throne, now she’s suddenly “lost her mind”???
Fuck you.
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Fatty: “I don’t know what you’re imagining, girl, but…”
She has EVERY RIGHT and he’s over here HEARING HER say that she was ready to give him the kingdom but this fatso is too high up his own ass to hear her cuz he’s still delusional and telling her he didn’t do shit. Even when she was this close to giving it to him, this guy was not budging from the victim card.
If I could spit at anyone in my life, it’d be him. What a sad excuse of a man. I bet my own kidney Chibi can take him in a fight.
This is literally my favourite panel of this WHOLE volume so far.
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Amalia: “You poisoned my husband.”
I love it so much ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
DO IT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I just love how the more Amalia becomes enraged, the more her speech bubbles tremble and shake, implying that she’s slowly but surely becoming more unhinged and losing it.
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Fatty: “Crazy girl…”
Takes one to know one, bitch.
This chapter genuinely edged me, I WANNA SEE SOME BLOOD ALREADY‼️‼️
I PRAY that these poor excuses of antagonists DO NOT appear in volume 2. The chapter cover of the tenth chapter only features the Sadida servant who poisoned Yugo and she looks completely calm, almost like Yugo’s explosions and Amalia and Aurora’s fight have calmed down.
Seasons 3, and 4, and the great wave’s first volume are already enough. So cut it out. Let me have a day where I don’t get a migraine just thinking about what kind of dumbassery these fake osamodas will do in the next chapter.
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writtenfangirl · 1 year
More of secrets and good luck charm. Pls.
Secrets and Good Luck Charms pt. 2
Someone asked for a part 2 so here it is! I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this.
I've always loved reading people's comments about the things I write and the wonderful support my writing gets is honestly my biggest motivator.
Part 1
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“I can’t believe this!” Charles thundered as he paced across his apartment. “How can they say these things about you?!”
“Hmm,” Y/N hummed, only half listening to her boyfriend’s rant.
She’d heard a variation of his rant before, his fury at the terrible things people were saying about her whenever Charles posts a picture of her or they’re spotted out and about by the paparazzi. She’d heard him say these things almost as often as she’d heard the horrible comments people say about her. 
Their barbed words never really bothered Y/N. She was never the kind to let the opinions of strangers get under her skin, especially since she’d heard far worse before. Unfortunately, her boyfriend wasn’t immune to the shortcomings of his so-called fans.
“This is despicable, cherie!” He cried out as Y/N mindlessly scrolled through her phone, “how can you not be bothered by this?”
Y/N looked up from her phone, stopping Charles from his pacing. “Cha, please stop pacing. You’ll make a hole through the floor.”
“Cherie, if you could only read—“
“I’ve read them. They post those comments on my profile too,” Y/N said, waving him away as she went back to her phone. 
“And you weren’t hurt?”
“I’ve read and heard worse.” And she truly had heard worse, sometimes from the people that mattered most to her. As someone who had always been a big girl, it always seemed like everyone in the world thought she wasn’t aware of what she looked like. She’d heard all the fat jokes, heard all the jibes and the little backhanded compliments that people thought would somehow make her lose weight but only served to do the opposite. The things people were saying in her and Charles’s comments section was tame in comparison to what she’d heard growing up. At this point in her life, she doubted these people could say something to her she hadn’t already heard before.
But Charles wasn’t used to the same things she was and though he took his own criticisms to stride, he couldn’t take the negativity directed at the love of his life in stride. His mouth flew open, his face gobsmacked. “Cherie.”
Y/N glanced back up again, her expression impassive. “Charles, I swear. Don’t worry about it. I’ve heard all of these comments before and I’ve heard even worse. The things they’re saying about me is nothing compared to what my family has said about me in the past. Look, I was prepared for this when we started dating. I am not some maiden in need of defending.”
Somehow, Y/N’s words didn’t soothe Charles. If anything, he looked even more horrified. “Y/N! You can’t be serious. What do you mean worse?”
“Oh, you know, worse. I promise, the things they’re saying are nothing compared to what I’ve been through growing up. I don’t mind it. Promise.”
“You can’t think I’d be okay with that, Y/N.”
“There’s nothing to be done about, Charles. It is what it is.”
“Still,” he frowned, “I’m sorry you have to go through this, Y/N. It’s not fair.”
“It really isn’t,” she said with a sigh of resignation.
“Well, I need to say something otherwise I’m no better than them.” He huffed before he took a seat beside Y/N on the couch. 
“You are so much better than them, Cha,” Y/N said as she abandoned her phone and pulled him into her embrace, his head nuzzling against her neck. He could feel her steady pulse, the smell of her heady perfume momentarily washing away his worries. “I’m serious. Don’t worry about it.”
“I should publish a statement,” he muttered against her, “I should say something.”
“You don’t think it might make things worse?”
“Do you?” He pulled away, peering at her from his lashes. “Do you think it will make things worse?”
“It might,” she shrugged. Charles wasn’t entirely sure how or why, but Y/N’s lack of a response, her impassivity and utter disregard for the situation, had his heart breaking. Was she so use to being treated this way that she’s grown immune to the heinous things people were saying about her? 
“Why aren’t you more concerned about this, cherie?” He frowned. 
Y/N smiled, a small reassuring thing that did nothing to quell Charles’ frustrations. “Charles, do you think I’m beautiful?”
“Don’t try to change the subject.”
“Humor me, babe, and answer the question. Do you think I’m beautiful?”
“Inside and out,” he declared without hesitation. 
“Does your family love me?”
“You know they do. Maman thinks you’re the daughter she never had and my brothers adore you.”
“What about your friends? Have they ever said anything bad about me to you?”
“No. They think you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me and that if I ever break your heart, I should get ready for a fight,” he grinned despite himself. 
“Then that’s all that matters to me,” Y/N said softly, her fingers curling around his dark hair before trailing down his neck, softly caressing him as if her touch could somehow dispel the demons plaguing him. “You’re the ones who matter, Charles. Not them. You and your family and your friends. I couldn’t care less about strangers on the internet calling me names.”
“But, Y/N, I can’t take it,” he frowned, relishing the feeling of her touch. His own hands found themselves on her waist, at the small space devoid of any clothing, his thumbs rubbing circles on her soft skin. “I love you and I don’t understand how people who are meant to support me can say such terrible things about you, the woman I love and who I fully intend to spend forever with. You don’t deserve this.”
She wasn’t entirely sure how she could reassure her boyfriend that she really didn’t care about the things people were saying about her. When she agreed to a relationship with Charles, she went in it with both eyes open. She understood what she had to give up to be with the man she loved and she was more than willing to give up her privacy and even her peace of mind if she could be with Charles. 
Truthfully, she hadn’t even thought about all the negativity. All she thought about was the anxiety that came with the territory of loving an athlete who competed in one of the most dangerous sports in the world. She hadn’t thought about what people would think about her. And, when the hate comments came pouring in, she really couldn’t bring herself to care. She didn’t have any space in her left to absorb the negativity, not when there were better things to worry about. 
But Charles had been so guilty. Y/N had only asked him to introduce her to his loved ones but it had been his choice to reveal their relationship to the world. He thought about the horrible things people were saying about her and struggled to take it. He saw Y/N as the beautiful, kind and fantastic person that she really was and he took any hate towards her personally. 
“It is what it is, babe,” Y/N said, trying her best not to sound flippant. 
“I wish I can do something. I’m really sorry, cherie. You don’t deserve this,” he sighed sorrowfully.
“Don’t apologize. You aren’t the one saying these things about me.”
“But I’m the reason why they say them!” Charles exclaimed. “If you were with someone else, they wouldn’t be saying these things. If I hadn’t told them about us then none of this would be happening!”
“Charles, stop,” Y/N said firmly, “don’t do this to yourself. Don’t torture yourself like this. I love you and I will never blame you for the actions of other people, do you understand?”
He took a deep breath. “I just wish there was something I could do. I got you in this mess. I should do what I can to get you out.”
One of the things she loved about her boyfriend was his tenacity and his single minded determination to accomplish something he wanted. He wasn’t going to let this go, not unless Y/N said something. She knew that if she told him she wasn’t comfortable with him releasing a statement, he’d drop it. But it’s not like the situation can get any worse and if Charles can feel better by doing this, then she might as well let him. “If you really want to say something, I won’t stop you. I love you and I support you in everything you do, including this.”
He peered at her from his lashes, his face turning hopeful. “You’re sure?”
“Do you want to read what I’ll say after or not?”
She paused. Did her opinion really matter to him so much? “I can read it if you want me to.”
“Of course I want you to. Your opinion matters to me very much.”
Despite herself, she smiled. Charles’ compassion and consideration for her had her heart soaring higher than a kite. There was a time when she’d doubted his affection for her, when she thought Charles’s feelings for her to be disingenuous. Now, she wonders how she ever thought the worst of him. Charles, despite how perfect he may appear with his Disney-prince like good looks, amazing sense of humor and superior personality, was just as human as she was. He was as prone to his insecurities and self-doubt as Y/N was but that was likely why she loved him so much.
It’s easy to love someone for their perfections. It’s a lot harder to love someone’s flaws. Luckily for Y/N, she loved all of Charles with her whole tender heart and she rather suspected, with the way Charles was looking at her as if she hung the moon and the stars herself, that he loved all of her with his whole tender heart too.
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jedi-enthusiast · 8 months
Similar Stories, Different Treatments: Anakin Skywalker and Abijah Fowler
Ok, so recently I've been re-watching 'Blue Eye Samauri' on Netflix and last night it dawned on me that, generally speaking, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker have very similar stories and actions...and yet their respective fandoms react to the two of them very differently.
So, here's my long ass post analyzing the two of them and why people react to them so differently.
First, comparing the two characters...
So, assuming that y'all know me for my Star Wars content, you probably know Anakin's story but, for the sake of this post, I'll explain it briefly.
Anakin was born into slavery and lived as a slave for 9 years. Then one day he and his mother met two Jedi and a handmaiden, and his mother asked the Jedi to take Anakin and train him---which they agreed to do, so Anakin had to leave his mother. At 19 he had nightmares about and then witnessed his mother's death when he went back to Tatooine before being promptly drafted into war along with the rest of the Jedi by the Senate. After a harrowing 3 years of war and having his worst behaviors enabled/encouraged by the villain and his wife, Anakin begins to have nightmares about his pregnant wife dying. He then tries to prevent her dying, even though she's in perfect health.
We know a little less about Abijah Fowler's past, but we do know an integral part of it from this monologue:
"My country's history is one of manufactured suffering. I was a boy when the Tudors burned any food the rebels under O'Neill might think to eat. We starved. Everyone starved. Mouths on the dead stained green from chewing nettles---you get resourceful in a famine. My parents died early, left me and my sister catching rats. The rats ran out quick. Fed my sister on my blood, it kept her alive an extra two weeks. I didn't sleep for three days to protect her body from the starving 'til the ground thawed. I cut out her kidneys and buried her, fat cap on them like a pea. I haven't eaten a single meal since my mind didn't go to that bite. It was the last thing I ever did because I had to. I control my life now, every bite."
From my point of view, Anakin and Abijah are very similar in their motivations.
Both of them started out as, assumedly, sweet and kind and caring young boys. You don't harm yourself to feed your sister and then cause more harm to yourself to protect her after she's already dead, if you're not. Similarly, you don't bring three complete strangers into your home because you're worried about them and then risk your life to help them, if you're not.
Both of them then went through great tragedies and likely felt completely powerless because of these tragedies and the circumstances they found themselves in.
For Abijah it was growing up during a famine, witnessing the horrors of famine and what people had to do during it, witnessing the deaths of his parents, being unable to stop the death of his sister, and being forced into cannibalism---of his sister and likely parents, no less---to prevent himself from starving. For Anakin it was growing up as a slave, having to leave his mother at a young age, witnessing his mother's death, and then being thrust into a war and witnessing the horrors of that.
Because of that powerlessness, both Anakin and Abijah hate the idea of them being powerless and their actions are made from a mix of anger at whoever they blame for what has happened---whether they're actually to blame, or whether they've done nothing---and refusal to ever be powerless again, or at least accept that they're powerless.
These motivations led them both to commit- (Anakin) -or attempt to commit- (Abijah) -mass murder, *genocide, **cultural genocide, and murder of their female main character counterpart.
*Abijah wasn't necessarily setting out to commit physical genocide, but he was willing to do so if the people of Japan weren't willing to go along with his plans.
**I do consider Abijah's plans as including cultural genocide, since he has a whole monologue about the people of Japan being "godless" and how he'd force them into Christianity- (Catholicism?) -if he succeeded in killing the Shogunate.
Now, comparing fandom's reaction to the two...
For Anakin, he succeeds in causing Padme's death, destroying the Republic aka the only democracy in the galaxy, committing cultural and physical genocide against the Jedi, murdering an entire village of Tuskens including the children, and going on to oppress and enslave the rest of the galaxy for decades...
...in contrast, Abijah only succeeds in committing mass murder and fails in all of his other plans---and his success in committing mass murder is partially due to the Shogun's sons and wife locking people inside the burning palace.
But, despite all of this, if you look into how their respective fandoms treat them, you'd assume that it was the opposite.
Anakin is lifted up as this good person who had no agency in any of his actions or, if he did, then the people he murdered "deserved it"---he's loved by most of the fandom and everywhere you look you see think pieces about how Anakin was really a victim, how his actions were justified, how he's not to blame for anything.
Meanwhile Abijah is hated and his actions are labeled by the fandom as bad. He's a terrible person and he's seen as such. I've never seen a single post justifying his actions or trying to say he isn't to blame for his actions.
Now, this is not me saying that the Blue Eye Samauri fandom is wrong to view Abijah this way---on the contrary, I agree that his actions are heinous and he's a terrible person, there's nothing there that I don't agree with.
However, I do think it's interesting how differently both characters are treated when one of them is, unequivocally, worse than the other.
Why is this?
Now, I'm going to preface this section with the disclaimer that part of it is because Anakin is the main character of his media and Abijah is not---however, I believe that this has a very small effect on how fandom treats them since, as we've seen with other characters, screentime doesn't really matter that much when it comes to whether fandom likes a character or not.
Moving on-
I think a lot of it is just that Anakin is conventionally attractive and Abijah isn't.
Anakin and Abijah are both selfish, misogynistic, racist, have violent responses to most things, and have committed atrocities in the name of personal gain. The only difference between them---besides the obvious differences that come with the medias they're in---is that Anakin is pretty to look at and Abijah isn't.
It'd be even worse if Abijah was a POC or a woman, even if he was conventionally attractive---as proven by other Star Wars characters.
Mace Windu? Fandom hates him and makes him out to be a villain.
Saw Gerrera? Same thing.
Rey Skywalker? People hate her and say she's "unrealistic" or "too OP."
Reva Sevander? People fucking CRUCIFIED her!
None of these people even come near Anakin's level of "I'm a terrible person and I do heinous things because why not!" Mace and Rey never did anything wrong, and Saw and Reva did the things they did because of trauma/revenge and/or working to take down a greater evil---and even then, neither of them do anything near as bad as Anakin!
Yet they're hated and held to a higher standard and crucified in a way that Anakin isn't.
Another reason is that people can project onto Anakin in a way they can't project onto Abijah.
With Anakin, they can twist the Jedi's actions to fit whatever trauma they personally relate to, they can shove characters like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Mace, Yoda, etc. into whatever archetype they want to fit their story, they can excuse away every atrocity Anakin commits because he's doing it out of attachment and they think attachment means love, etc.
Meanwhile it's hard for people to project onto Abijah because everything and everyone around him is harder to change to fit his narrative.
There's no one really around him that you can say manipulated, abused, or otherwise forced him into doing the things he did. The other characters don't really interact with him, so people can't say the characters "deserved" what he did to them. And he openly admits that he's doing things out of greed, whereas Anakin says he's doing things out of love when he's really not.
In conclusion, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker are both people that experienced tragedy and became terrible people that did heinous things because of it---but people only justify one of their actions because they think he's pretty and project onto him.
They're the same person in different medias 🤷‍♀️
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
Shigaraki dies, and goes back in time. To the day OFA was transferred to Deku…
[part 1]
rough idea/summary [part 2]
It's the day of the UA entrance exam - late afternoon. Testing is over. Results, of course, haven't even begun to be calculated yet; they will be announced by mail next week. Nothing left but to go home.
And so Deku walks out the gates, dejected. He's going over the whole day in his head: all the questions he read and answers he's given in the written portions, every move he made during the practical. By his own calculations, he just barely passed the written exam... which is nothing compared to the big fat zero he's definitely getting from the practical.
So caught up in his bleak thoughts, Deku walks straight into someone. Embarrassed, Deku apologizes, even though he's the one who's been knocked to the ground. The other guy seems perfectly fine. Well, he's older and is dressed in all black and looks like a ghoul and is staring creepily at Deku, but he seems fine.
When the guy calls out his name - Midoriya Izuku - though...
D-Do I know you?
The guy gives a strange answer: I guess not. But let's talk.
The guy asks Deku if he just took the UA exam to be a Hero, and Deku answers in the affirmative. (Almost starts to ramble about, well, he took the exam, because he wants to be a Hero, yeah, but it didn't go so well... but stops himself in time. No need to tell a stranger all that.)
Why? The guy asks. Why does he want to be a Hero? 
That's a simple and easy question. Deku says, to help people. To save them. He wants to be like All Might, saving people with a smile. Deku gives his own smile here, because who wouldn't know of All Might and All Might's smile.
The guy has no reaction to that. He only asks again, Why? Why does he want to save people? 
This makes Deku think a little, but not too much. The answer is simple - because they need saving. When someone is in trouble, it's just natural to want to help, right? 
Is it?
Well—yeah. Deku finds that it's hard to explain his answer, which is clearly what this guys wants him to do. (Is this a secret UA exam? Judging his character? Determining if he's worthy???) Seeing someone having trouble, being in pain or going through something hard and difficult, it's only right to give them a hand. They should be helped, because... they need it.
So it's pity.
No! Not exactly. It's not judging them, it... shouldn't be that? - it's just... easing their burden. And the burden you'd feel as well. It's hard to see someone suffering, isn't it? Helping them feels better, for everyone.
So it's about your ego.
No!!! (Oh, Deku's so failing this part of the exam too.) He just wants to save people! Isn't that enough?
This time, the guy asks: What if they don't deserve it? What if they're done terrible things, things that are unforgivable? And they'll continue to do them, no matter what. Would you help those people, Midoriya Izuku, if they're in trouble?
It's a moral question that feels a little more complex than any entrance exam would require (so is this guy just... some random weirdo?) but Deku realizes he has the answer. He talks about - who else? - Bakugou, a friend, a bully, and someone who's probably never going to change. But one day last year, his friend needed help. He looked scared. He was in pain. At that moment, he needed saving. Deku wasn't really thinking about any of the stuff Bakugou did, or what he will do, in the future. All Deku thought was... that someone should be there for him. 
I don't know about forgiveness, or anything like that, and maybe it really is just a shallow answer, but... if someone looks like they need help, then I'll help them.
The guy is quiet for a long while. Not looking at Deku, just staring off into the distance. Deku wonders and rehearses how he'll make a polite excuse to leave, when the guy finally gives a huff. Says, Nothing has changed, huh?
Deku is very, very confused, but the guy only says nevermind, and turns to leave the same way he entered Deku's day - suddenly and bizarrely.
But when moving, the guy winces; there's a stiffness to him, to his arm; and Deku has to ask, Are you okay? Is it your arm? Do you need help? 
The guy says he's fine, and tries to dodge around Deku, but that only makes his wrist visible - with blood. Which alarms Deku, who tries to gently herd the guy toward UA. There's a doctor inside the school - a Hero, actually, with a healing quirk, it's really cool - she can help, she actually just helped me—
Their tiny commotion thankfully gets some of the staff - and All Might!? - to the scene, and just one word from Deku about the guy being hurt immediately has All Might carrying him off to Recovery Girl.
At the medical bay, the guy is utterly ungrateful. He says to All Might, You're as annoying as ever; but All Might takes it in stride, keeping his signature smile, even though Deku can see that he's confused and a little hurt.
Recovery Girl heals the guy. Then also brings attention to everything else wrong about the guy. You have multiple puncture wounds... And I see lots of blood, too much to be healthy, but it's all not yours, is it?
(Black is a good color to hide dried blood.)
Surprisingly, the guy answers bluntly and honestly. No.
At this, Deku can feel the atmosphere gets heavier, a little. All Might immediately gets more serious, asking if something had happen, if the young man - because in better lighting, he looked only to be a couple of years older than Deku - was in danger. Was it a Villain? Are they still in the area?
The guy refuses answering and tries to leave, but All Might blocks his path - with a showy flourish - and persists in trying to help. It's okay to tell him - All Might is here! There's no need to be afraid. He'll keep him safe. Evil will be caught and punished. Things will be okay. (Meanwhile, Deku watches Recovery Girl call the police.)
Unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Guy is a quick dodger and won't stop trying to leave, while All Might won't quit trying to get the guy to stay and talk.
Let's get your name! Can you tell us your name?
Fine, you want my name? The guy snaps. The family name is Shimura.
All Might freezes, and Deku sees something he thought was impossible - (Hero form) All Might's smile fading.
Shimura continues. But I don't want anything to do with you. So don't follow me.
Deku can just hear something shattering inside All Might. As he rushes over to All Might to see if he's okay, Shimura walks past them and leaves... but not before pausing at the door and saying something that breaks All Might again.
All For One is dead. I just killed him.
(A clattering sound. Recovery Girl's dropped her cane. Deku wants to grab it and give it back to her, but he doesn't want to leave All Might in his catatonic state either.)
Shimura says, I don't know if it'll stick, but if he does come back, I'll deal with it. You don't have to worry about him anymore.
Deku has so many questions. All Might, what's going on? Do you know Shimura-san? Who's All For One? Who just died? Are you okay?
Shimura gives a laugh at this. Says to Deku, so no one told you anything either. Says to All Might, better tell your successor everything, so he's prepared.
Prepared? All Might finally breaks out of his daze. But you just said...
It's me you'll need to worry about, from now on. Shimura says. You are Heroes. And I'm still a Villain.
Shimura walks out the door. And somehow, in the second between that and Deku running out to chase after him, Shimura has disappeared.
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allwormdiet · 13 days
Agitation 3.11
The problems involving this motherfucking bank are no longer limited to the exterior of said motherfucking bank
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It has to be fucking alarming for your power to stop working for you when you're so used to it as a part of yourself. Can't even imagine.
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God the tension here is good. Amy's not much of a fighter, sure, not even compared to Taylor, but Taylor's making her feel like she's dying rn
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Do people really paint Amy as some kind of suffering angel? Like I get that she's suffered, sure, she's a parahuman and the least-favorite child of New Wave and yadda yadda, but she's fucking mean. And honestly between her and her sister I get the impression that New Wave is uhh, not too big on treating criminals like they have human rights? Which isn't at all concerning when one of them is a lawyer.
...Man how do I get worse vibes off of New Wave than the Protectorate, I'm basically never on the side of government superheroes
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You can't fool me Victoria Dallon, I know you practiced that landing
Also Jesus that's a lot of damage, couldn't you have just gone through one of the windows that broke already? Kid Win made that hole for nothing.
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I know Amy doesn't do this (yet) but the fact that this is the first thing she threatens to do to a villain with a knife to her throat is fucking insane
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Are the Dallons actually trained in hostage negotiation and conflict de-escalation? I hope they're not because otherwise I'd have a lot of really pressing and mean questions for their trainers
Also fucked up that Amy's threats involve destroying Taylor's sense of taste, giving her fatal diseases, or *checks notes* making her really really fat, what the hell girl
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Hey Tattletale, love you Tattletale, please for the love of god be careful Tattletale
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So people have written Tattletale and Glory Girl punching each other with their lips, right? If I'm picking up on some kismesis vibes there's no way other people haven't picked up kismesis vibes
(Sit. Stay. Good girl. Oh my god.)
Interesting that Tattletale seems willing to call Amy's bluff here, though I'm not sure how safe that is
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Tattletale: you should know better than to make me monologue about something that'll help you
Glory Girl: yeah I know
Tattletale: but I'm gonna answer your question anyhow
Glory Girl:
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Victoria continues to be a huge fucking nerd
Tattletale continues to be outrageously smug and also, tbh, isn't entirely wrong about the expectations of superpowers. She's lying like a rug of course but how should they know that?
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Clever! And fucked up. And remarkably powerful on Amy's part, like holy shit. As if the cancer threat wasn't bad enough.
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And all the while Tattletale is fucking up Panacea's play with nothing but a laser pointer, with GG too distracted by proving her wrong to realize it
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Victoria what the fuck
I'm gonna try to be generous and chalk this up to being written in 2011, but hollllly shit this doesn't reflect well on the character or author
Current Thoughts
Okay so I'm not gonna dwell on the slur, much as I'd love to, let's just leave that one on the side
I find it fascinating that GG considers New Wave immune to the threat of dirty secrets, especially the part about "full transparency." We just saw her nearly kill a suspect on accident and then guilt trip Panacea into healing her to prevent a black mark on the team's record. Like maybe she theoretically believes that stuff as long as she doesn't think too hard about it, but this is absolutely hypocrisy on her part
Victoria and Amy both are just. Really showing their best selves in this arc. I'm not going to act like they're both monsters, they're not. As previously mentioned, they're teenagers in an extremely high-stress situation. Amy's got a knife to her throat and Victoria is extremely protective of her sister and they're facing down two relatively unknown villains on their own
...which I think just points more to the fact that they shouldn't be in this situation to begin with. Amy obviously didn't have much say about whether she'd be a hostage but she definitely didn't have to pick a fight with the villains who had lethally venomous spiders on all the hostages. Victoria, on the other hand, absolutely did not think about what she was doing before doing it, and punched a hole in the roof of what's probably an expensive-ass building in the doing. Is she gonna pay for that? Her millionaire boyfriend?
Next time: Tattletale proves she's the most dangerous Undersider, and nobody regrets this at all
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luvmyoui · 1 year
four - why?
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, cursing, infidelity, sexism, pregnancy, teacher x student thing (v brief), mentions of sex, tell me if there's anything else!
word count: 2,313
a/n: PLEASE tell me m if this is going too fast, i feel like it is but i need an opinion frm someone reading it, bcz i have a faint idea but i think im going too fast yk?
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before mina’s birth, due to the ultrasound pictures, mina was thought to be a boy. unlike most intersex girls, there was nothing unusual about her anatomy. when mina was born, she was recognized as a male and grew up being treated as one. mina wasn't always as bad as she grew up to be, in fact it wasn't until she started spending more time with her grandparents that her view on others changed. 
mina’s grandparents were very old fashioned, they had strong beliefs and they tried their best to instill them in mina. due to the time spent with her grandparents mina eventually started acting the way they did and started to believe the same things as them. they believed that women were meant to stay home and take care of the children while her husband provided for her. their beliefs were passed down to mina who was the sole heir of the family, having had no cousins or siblings. 
7th grade, that's around the time where most hit puberty. the same was for mina, when she turned 12 she finally hit puberty, but it didn't go exactly as expected. 
“dad, my chest keeps getting fatter but i'm not fat, it’s like i'm growing boobs!” mina exclaimed to her father, she had never been more confused. what was going on?
the thought of mina being intersex had never crossed her fathers mind before the day this happened. It also could have been just the hormones from mina hitting puberty which was causing her to grow breast tissue. due to the fact that there could be 2 explanations to this mina’s father saw it best to have her tested. It may have just been her hormones, but just to be safe he decided to get her tested. 
when the results came back it was uncovered that mina indeed was intersex. this information came as a shock to everyone in the myoui family, especially mina. 
“does that mean my dick will fall off?! am i gonna become a girl?!” was what mina first said when she was told that she was indeed intersex and she was growing breasts. 
“listen kiddo, your penis isnt gonna fall off. and technically you are a girl, but that won't change anything. you're still you.” mina’s father replied, trying to comfort her. 
due to how many changes mina was going through because of her gender identity her parents decided to move to a new city to allow mina a fresh start. in mina’s new school she presented herself as a female saying that she didn't want to be trans and she would stick to the gender she looked like. 
mina had never experienced something like changing schools, she didn't know anyone there.  people had tried to bully her, tried to insult her. but it had always backfired, mina would never allow any disrespect towards her. especially from someone below her. mina often got into trouble, but her parents always bought their way out of it. 
mina always seemed to be stirring up trouble at school, her parents figured it was because she didn't have anything else to do. due to this thought they put her in boxing, she seemed to like starting fights so maybe boxing would work as an outlet for her anger instead of her classmates. when proposing the idea, mina was ecstatic, she could now learn new ways to beat up the kids in her school.
despite her hard and mean demeanor, mina fairly quickly rose to be the most popular in her school. It had always been like that, mina being the most popular and sought out student by others. being the most popular girl in her school and the prettiest, she had many admirers, majority of them being males. her many male suitors quickly diminished though, when she was caught in the boys locker room comparing sizes with the quarterback. 
ever since that day it was made known to everyone that mina had a dick, and a big one at that. 
mina’s popularity wasn't just among her peers, mina was also quite popular among the teachers. she always turned her work in on time and was constantly participating during class. not only was she an exceptional student, but the money her teachers were gifted during teacher appreciation week made them like her all the more. for this reason whenever mina would get into trouble with other students the teachers would often turn a blind eye or take mina’s side. along with being arguably the most favored student, there were many rumors that she was favored in other ways too. 
“hey mina, you know the new teacher, the hot one?” shawn asked, the quarterback of the football team and mina's best friend. 
“yeah, i have her for history, why?” 
“you’re always talking about how you can pull any girl in the school, so i dare you to fuck her and record it.” shawn said to mina and her eyes widened in shock, this was only their sophomore year. how early did he want her kicked out? 
“fuck, okay. by next month ill get you a video of that bitch sucking my dick.” mina responded, she would never turn down a dare, especially one that included fucking someone. 
and true to her word by the next month she had sent a video into the group chat with all her friends of the said teacher on her knees sucking minas cock. It made sense to them that the teacher would sleep with mina but to let her record it? everyone was baffled at how she did it. In response mina just said that the teacher obviously didn't know she was being recorded. the video for obvious reasons didn't make it out of the group chat but it did cause many unconfirmed rumors amongst the students. 
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although mina was known for fucking around, and never taking anyone seriously, that all changed when she met y/n. y/n was different, her beauty was on another level. The moment mina laid eyes on y/n she knew she was done for. that was the moment her reputation changed from fuckboy to lovergirl. she pursued y/n for months before she was given a chance but even while pursuing y/n there was nothing more that mina would want to do. y/n was it for her, she knew she wanted forever with y/n. 
mina had never acted this way, she would skip out on parties to spend time chasing after y/n. she refused all advances from other girls saying she was taken, it might not have been official but the moment mina saw y/n she was taken. It wasn't like you were a nobody either, everyone knew the y/n l/n you were only second to mina in popularity. mina for some reason had never noticed you, too focused on her own life; she never knew of your existence until she saw you laughing with your friends at a party. 
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dating someone like mina wasn't always the easiest thing, mina had this huge superiority complex. your relationship with her was always you compromising on things. she acted as if she owned you, you weren't allowed to have any male friends, but she was allowed to be friends with anyone. 
mina would never tell you, but she liked the power trip she got whenever she was with you. you were the perfect girlfriend, you never complained, and you always did what she said. mina never wanted to lose you, no matter how it seemed or how she treated you she knew that she’d never find someone like you. 
when you had first told her you were pregnant mina couldn't believe it, it was like a dream. she had always wanted kids, especially with you. You were her girl and you were gonna have her baby. she honestly had no bad intentions, she always loved kids, having a son was always something she wanted.
the day she was told you were pregnant she called her grandparents, they were in japan so she couldn't personally meet them but she wanted their advice. the one person mina respected the most was her grandfather, and now that she was going to have a kid she wanted his advice. her grandfather told her that she should treat her girlfriend exceptionally because she was carrying the next generation. he told her that having a son was the best gift she could be blessed with. 
with her new found advice and information mina tried her hardest to be an amazing girlfriend to y/n. she obviously wouldn’t lie and say she enjoyed staying up at night while y/n cried and vomited but she still loved y/n and her child on the way. sometimes she would question herself and why she was even doing all this, why she was missing out on sleep for this stupid reason. y/n could do this herself, why did she always insist on mina staying up with her. mina never voiced these thoughts but they stayed on her mind.
mina felt so accomplished when she found out that she had in fact gotten y/n pregnant, and not only that, y/n was also going to keep the baby. all of her friends were surprised when she told them and didn't believe that mina had in fact knocked up the y/n l/n. y/n was known for her reputation of being a virgin and never getting intimate with anyone, much less getting pregnant. 
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when the baby was born and the gender was seen to be a girl, mina was incredibly disappointed. she knew that y/n could have another baby but mina knew y/n would never agree to it. she resented y/n, it wasn't the child's fault for being born the way she was, it was y/n’s fault. deep down mina knew that no one was to blame but she could help but need someone to blame. 
maybe that's what led her to seek comfort in the arms of another, y/n’s body wasn't as desirable as it used to be. you had gained weight due to the pregnancy and mina hated that, she would often make comments on your body and weight in hopes that you would change it. the change was taking too long and mina was getting tired of waiting. she had needs and if you couldn't fulfill them she would have to find others to. 
mina tried to tell herself that it was you who made her do this, it was you who forced her into doing this. she left the home when you were sleeping and left to go to a party, ‘this is y/n’s fault, it’s on y/n’ is what she’d repeat to herself. she found someone pretty in no time, and she dragged them up to one of the rooms not letting her lips leave their skin. 
as she fucked the other girl all she could think of was you, the way your eyes squinted as you laughed, the smell of you, the way you said her name. she couldn't do this. mina didn't realize it, but the tears were pouring out of her eyes and onto the back of the girl under her. she never hated herself more, she wanted to throw up. She hadn’t drank anything, but she felt sick to her stomach. she pulled out and pulled up her pants, the other girl was confused and as she went to ask mina what happened mina left. 
she went back to her shared apartment with you and showered, she needed to wash it off, she felt disgusted with herself. how could she have done this, she sat in under the shower crying to herself. she hated herself for what she had done, she never thought of herself as cruel but there was no other word to use for her actions other than cruel. 
her skin was all pruned up by the time she exited the shower, she laid behind you in bed crying quietly into your shoulder. feeling the wetness on your shoulder you slowly stirred awake and turned around to see mina crying. she refused to tell you what upset her but she kept repeating ‘i love you’ and ‘i'm sorry’. you had no idea why she was saying this but you just wrapped your hands around her as she buried her face in your neck. 
after that day mina changed, it was a confusing change, and it led you to believe that mina was now cheating on you. after that day mina started acting more distant. you didn't know what happened but you could smell perfume that wasn't yours on her clothes when you washed them. mina was confused, maybe if mina was a different person she would've found herself wrong and changed. but in the end mina was still mina and she kept the thought that you made her do it in her head. the cheating stopped, but the way she treated you stayed the same. 
the thought that mina was mistreating you never crossed her mind once, you were made to take care of children, to cook, and to clean. her telling you to do this was the bare minimum, in mina’s eyes she treated you amazingly. 
mina never treated you badly, she loved you so much and she would never mistreat a loved one. her wanting to become an idol shouldn't have been a surprise for you and you should have supported her. she was the victim in this situation. maybe she wasn't as present in her child's life as she should've been, but if that really bothered you then it was your fault for not saying anything. 
If mina really hadn't done anything wrong then why did she feel so empty as she boarded the plane to korea only accompanied by your words. 
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a/n: lets ignore that mina never had a boy name and all the other things that don't make sense🤗🤗 also im sorry if this is bad i didn't know what to write😭😭
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp send an ask if you wanna be added to the taglist!
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ikanasocking · 9 months
A s(h)ockin change
Live was slow for Aron. He had not much to do, besides going to work every day. Working in a cloth store, for sportswear. It was boring since a bigger store opened up just down the street. Few people came to the place and so Aron was sitting there from day to day, waiting for something to do, besides checking all the inventory. Weeks went by and nothing really changed. When one day this guy came through the door.
A big muscular guy with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was a lot taller than Aron.
“Hey, may I ask you something?”, the guy asked and looked at Aron.
Within an instant their eyes locked, Aron began to blush.
“Sure”, he stammered and the guy came closer.
“Looking for some new clothes.”
“Guess you can find something here”, Aron replied and the guy laughed.
“I was hoping to. Can you tell me, where I can find shorts and underwear?”
“Sure, I will bring you there.”
“Don’t trouble yourself”, the guy said.
“No trouble at all. Since this place is packed as hell, I guess I can show you around”, Aron replied and began walking.
Aron felt small and weak compared to the guy behind him. He was always a little bit pudgy, but next to this guy he felt fat. He took him to the isles the guy was looking for.
“Here you go. If you find something that you like but it is not in your size, then just tell me. I am sure we have some bigger clothes left in the backroom.”
“Thanks man. Will do.”
With that the guy began browsing through all the clothes he saw before him.  Aron returned to the front desk and watched the guy browsing.
“We got a hot one on our hands here”, Aron’s boss said and came from the backroom.
“What do you mean, sir?”
“The new guy. I can sense some sensation in your lower half. You got good taste, Aron.”
“You know sir, I am not into man.”
“But there is always the one, where we look at it and say. For him I would become gay. So is this guy the special one?”
“No, sir. He is just a costumer, like everyone else.”
“Well if you say so”, Aron’s boss say and went back into the storage of the store.
Aron kept looking at the costumer, who was still browsing through different items. He could not help but wonder why he was still looking at him. Sure he was a big guy, but Aron was into women. Sure women who were more on the masculine site, but still women.
“Sorry, buddy, I need your assistance again”, the guy said looking at Aron.
“Sure. How may I help you?” Aron asked and walked over.
“These are all nice and interesting. But I need them a little bit bigger, then this”, he said and Aron looked at the size of the clothes.
Yeah M or L would not fit this guy. He swore he had put up some bigger sizes. But apparently, he did not.
“Just a moment. Which of these would you like in bigger size?”
The guy pulled a pair of black and white shorts out and handed them to Aron. He took them, went back into the storage and browsed through the products. He found nothing that was a bigger size. How come they only had size M or L or even smaller left? Aron’s boss came by and looked at him.
“Something the matter, boy?”, he asked.
“You see, sir. I am sure I put up these shorts in different sizes. But on display are only M and L sizes. And even here we seem to have nothing more left than these sizes.”
“Strange. I am sure I ordered the right sizes. They must have delivered it wrong. But still. Your hunky costumer wants these bigger?”
“Yes, sir. I am sure he will need XXL or even bigger.”
Aron’s boss scratched his head.
“Give me a moment. I will figure something out.”
With that the guy took the shorts and went deeper into the storage. Aron went back to the costumer to inform him of what was going on.
“Found something?” he asked when he saw Aron.
“My boss is browsing through the storage and I am sure he will find something. In the meantime, do you need anything else?
“Oh, okay. Well I guess I could use some”, the guy said and grabbed a pair of black socks.
They looked pretty comfy and fluffy. The big cat on them showed who made them.
“Okay. Is this your size?”, Aron asked and the guy looked at it.
“Ah shit. This is only size 39-42. I have 47-49” he said and Aron took a look at the guys feet.
Holy cow he was right. His feet looked gigantic. The shoes he was wearing seem to have problems to keep these monsters contained.
“I will look for the right size, right away. Just wait a moment please”, Aron said and went back into the storage.
But much like the shorts, he could not find any other sizes. Then he heard his boss talking to the costumer. Curios he peaked out of the storage. His boss handed the guy the shorts, he was looking for in bigger size. Then he came back to the storage and found Aron peaking the corner.
“Surprised?” he asked.
“Not really. At least you found something sit.”
“Yeah. Let me guess. The socks are too small as well?”
“Sadly, yes.”
“No problem. Come with me.”
Bot guys went over to the costumer, who was in a cabin trying on the shorts.
“Sir, I am here to bring you the socks in the right size, you seeking.
“Aw great”, the guy said and opened the curtain.
He was wearing the new shorts and looked pretty well, Aron had to admit.
“But these are the same size, the guy left with.”
Aron looked at his boss and saw him smiling.
“This will not be a problem, trust me. Just try them.”
With this the costumer just shrugged, took the socks and put them on. They looked riddiculsly small on his feet. Not even really fitting over his heel. He looked at Aron’s boss and wanted to say something, when suddenly Aron felt the urge to drop to his knees. He did and before anyone could react, he was at the costumer’s feet. His fingers touching the feet of the costumer and a strange sensation rushed through Aron’s body. His fingers just melting away into the fabric, becoming on with it. More and more of his body melted away until Aron was the socks of the costumer. His body began to stretch more and now the socks were the right size, for this guy. Aron was confused and could still not understand what had happened to him. The only thing he was aware of right now was the strong smell of sweat from his new owner. Aron felt like he should be freaked out by what just happened. But the smell was too good and he was only a pair of socks, so he could not even freak out.
The costumers blinked a few times, before looking at the store chef.
“These are some good socks. I take them. The shorts are not really as I imagined them. But the socks, damn those are comfy.”
“Sure, sir. I will put the shorts back, after you changed. Just leave them here. I will wait at the register for payment.”
The costumer nodded and closed the curtain. He changed back and went to the front desk. He put Aron on the counter and the former human’s boss sold them.
So Aron’s new life as a pair of socks began. He was used for sports mainly. But from time to time, his owner decided it was better to use him for something more fun. Soaking the fabric his body in his cum.
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pr33tylul · 1 year
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Request: y/n starts to feel self conscious around Harry and other people.
This request was suggested by @Fr3nch1e
House: gryffindor
Year: 6th year
(Ps No voldy moldy cheese so bambi and lily are alive in this but won't talk or come up 🤭)
(Another thing... STAN JAMES POTTER)
I'll shut up now.
Y/n stood there in her gryffindor dorm room that she had shared with her best friend Hermione granger. She couldn't help but to compare herself to her. She looked in the mirror looking at the reflection, she let a few tears fall. Just standing there in her undergarments sucking in her stomach. She looked away disgusted at her reflection . She put on her robes and looked in the mirror again. "Why couldn't I be pretty like Hermione?" She thought to herself. Hermione was perfect in every way. Why couldn't she have the body like most girls around hogwarts?
She had walked out of the portrait door as the bell to the first class had rang. She'd missed breakfast.
"Y/n where we're you? You weren't at breakfast Harry was looking everywhere for you?" Hermione whispered to her friend as they had worked on brewing a potion.
Y/n didn't look up at all as she could feel the chosen ones eyes dig into the back of her skull. "Overslept, sorry" she let out a nervous laugh.
Y/n knew Harry had notice a change in her behaviour, she knew Hermione did to. It wasn't like y/n to 'oversleep.'
"Is everything okay with you? You've been acting a bit different?" Y/n was quick to answer "different? Different how?" She let out another nervous smile. "Y/n I'm your bestfriend if you need to speak to someone you know I'm always here right?" "I know Hermione and everything is fine" she lied.
Y/n had sat at the gryffindor table uncomfortable. Ron was stuffing his face like normal, Hermione having her nose stuffed in a book and then Harry just holding her while eating. Y/n looked down at her plate as she started to put on some fruit and some bread. It didn't take her long.
"Is that all you're eating baby?" Harry looked down at her. "Yeah not hungry really. Guess that's what you get for oversleeping"
"So you're not gonna have a slice of butterscotch tart? Your favourite?" Ron had piped up into the conversation. Y/n shook her head as Ron raised his eyebrows. "Weird." He put a spoonful of jelly in his mouth. "Y/n you've been oversleeping all week. What do you do at night?"
She didn't answer Hermione's question. Y/n had carefully moved Harry's hand from around her waist and stood up. "I'll see you after class" she pecked Harry's lips then walked off.
"God Hermione what have you done to the poor girl. Class don't start for another 20 minutes." Ron had laughed while Hermione had rolled her eyes. Harry on the other hand had gotten up and followed her.
Y/n had walked into the common room. Y/n made her way to her dorm to the very same mirror she was looking in this morning.
She lifted up her top to see if she'd looked any bigger. Thoughts ran through her head. Did Harry think she looked overweight? "What was he thinking when he was holding me" she thought. Again tears sliped down her cheeks.
She turned to see her lover.
"Harry, shouldn't you Be at lunch?" She wiped the tears and tucked in her shirt. "What's going on? Why are you crying." He moved foward to hold her but she stepped back. "Why do you keep pushing me away?" His voice raised a little.
"Do I look overweight to you?" The question had slipped out. Harry's face had dropped when she said it. "No why would you think that?"
That was it. The tears just kept coming and coming.
"Out of all girls you picked me? Why? There's nothing pretty about me? You could of had Ginny she's perfect for you. Perfect body. She's bloody gorgeous unlike me." She took a breath "I hate myslef Harry. Look at me I'm a disaster!" She shouted. "I'm so fucking ugly, so fat and just disgusting" she cried.
"Y/n you have no idea how wrong you are. Love your perfect. In every way shape or form. Your not fat or ugly. Your beautiful. That cute little laugh you have, that smile" he walked closer to her. Wrapping her arms around her. "No one's perfect" she looked away from him. "But your perfect to me" He forced her to look at him. "I fell in love with you because of how nice and caring you are. How beautiful you are. I love every little thing about you and that includes your body."
Y/n had let out a little smile as Harry wiped her tears away.
"I love you, so much" y/n said pulling him into a kiss. "I love you too, always."
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brasteryakintosh · 1 year
So I recently played a decent chunk of Snoot Game because of how many people I saw who claimed it's the best VN ever and the fact it was made by 4channers to spite Goodbye Volcano High for having fair working conditions and queer representation totally doesn't taint it at all. I can confirm that those caveats definitely taint the game A LOT more than those fans make it sound. It's a good game if you're a teenager who thinks Family Guy is funny and has never played a VN that wasn't a boring slice of life dating sim where the goal is to click the right dialogue to get the sexy CGs with the hottest waifu. However, if you have any criteria for tastes higher than that bar, you probably won't enjoy it.
The entire game exists purely to be able to say it's possible to make a good VN in one and a half years without doing a bunch of delays, but Snoot Game is a straightforward VN made in the easy to use Ren'Py engine while GVH is being developed in the much more complicated Unity engine as a pseudo-VN/rhythm/adventure game with a large branching storyline. It's really not comparable. Even so, it's just a weak point to criticize a game for taking a long time to come out. Delays are frustrating in the moment, but once a game is released, it usually ceases to be relevant. On top of that, the point is kinda negated by the mere fact Snoot Game is bad. The early parts are downright repulsive and it only starts to become tolerable around the point most decent players just adapt to its shittiness.
On top of that, even from what we know about GVH, it's clear its story is more ambitious overall. GVH is about a group of high school students going to school while knowing a meteor is coming that will kill them all. Adults are making them go along like nothing is wrong while the central cast use the opportunity to grow up in the ways they wouldn't really get the chance to if they had any futures to think about. It's a really great premise with a lot of promise.
But Snoot Game? A human goes to a high school of dinosaurs and falls in love with a classmate. The twist? The human is a 4channer and his love interest is a non-binary "girl" who he tries to convince to detransition for him and if they don't, they become a homeless drug addict or a school shooter. And in case you are wondering, you can donate to the development team using Crypto. Oh and the meteor from GVH just doesn't factor into the story. Granted I haven't played through all of it, but even if it does factor in, the fact it doesn't come up at all for as long as I was playing is a seriously bad indictment of the game that it thinks its most promising narrative device should be taking a backseat to the teacher who looks like that fat dude from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (did I mention this game is extremely unfunny?)
And even for a Ren'Py VN, there's just a lot of better games to play, especially furry VNs. There's Adastra, Echo, Arches, Remember the Flowers, Burrows, the Smoke Room, and Where the Demon Lurks to only name those I've played. I legitimately do not see a single reason why one would enjoy Snoot Game unless they are queerphobic, hate the idea of game developers having good working conditions (because GVH is made by a workers' co-op), or have their sense of humor completely ruined by 4chan, especially for enjoying Snoot Game over the many other far better furry VNs out there. If you're a veteran of furry VNs and want to know how bad Snoot Game is, it's like every single pet peeve about furry VNs stuffed into one game with all of the most obnoxious bigoted jokes and outdated pop culture references caked into it that doesn't even have any furry hunks to thirst over, unless you're really into scrawny scaly dudes drawn in MS Paint
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anamenooneowns · 7 months
A Creepy Fanfic: The Big Dick.
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A/n: This is a fanfic to indulge my inner pre-teens creepypasta phase (which was never really a phase🥀⛓️🖤🤘🏽😔) also, the woman above is not a face claim and you're a spirit entity thing. i'm obviously making up shit bc it sounds cool in my head. so yeah. enjoy.
warnings: Cursing. Death/dead people. Gore? sorta. Horrible jokes bc i think i'm hilarious. No use of y/n. Use of religion to bully another. Bullying. Sex (use condoms pls). Spanking. Name-calling (bitch and cunt). Rough sex. I think thats all... if I missed something lemme know🙂
pairing: ticci toby x you
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Water was still when it was untouched. The water in Lake Black has been still since the death of that poor girl–it was so sudden, so awful–awful how everyone in that bumfuck town pretended they had nothing to do with her death. (♱) didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t her fault that her mother was sick, that her mind was broken since the terrible death of her husband, (♱)’s father. 
The witches of Black Falls is what they called her and her mother. Rolling their eyes back and pretending to spasm whenever she passed them in school hallways and in public, reciting prayers in their Religion class to ‘ward’ her away, refusing her food in line at the church when she and her mother had been hungry–starving.
But no longer. A dead girl didn’t need to eat after all, right?
Wrong. Because (♱) was hungry. Starved. Ravenous with a need to sink her teeth into the rotting meat that was this town. A stain is what it was. All heretics.
A head split the still waters of Lake Black. Jet-black hair plastered to brown skin, droplets of water clung to her hairline before rolling down, connecting and parting over and again as she continued to rise. The fog that had settled over the water billowed around her body, rising with her slowly, the currents below swirling angrily and bubbled with the white-hot, scalding, burning anger of a woman scorned. 
Eyes, white–having lost their iris and pupil–were all sclera and thin, red veins. When her pale blue lips kissed fresh air after having been lost to the bottom of Hell for so long a hiss escaped them. The water relinquished its hold on her as she continued to rise into the embrace of the moon on this beautiful night. The only companion she’s ever had her entire life.
The woman in the moon. Her daddy would make up stories about it. How she had been cast away into the stars for bringing darkness…darkness associated with anything bad. Yet, she was so warm right now. Anything would be considered warm compared to (♱)’s cold body. Undead.
She was going to eat this fucking town. And everyone in it, alive. 
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Drenched, scuffed sneakers dragged along the asphalt of the street. (♱)’s only goal was to reach the only person here who mattered: her mommy. Each step she took in line with a house on the block set it ablaze, screaming long having made its symphony in the night as they all burned alive. Skin shrinking and fat rendering–it was all so delicious. Her body absorbed it like she was eating, the wounds of her body fading as she gained more… ‘life’ into her.
And when she reached that house, the door opening for her before she could touch it, the sight ran flashbacks through her mind when she was still alive. Out of the mudroom, the stairs to your left in the hallway, up the stairs, the first door to your right was her mother’s room. The door creaked open and there her mommy lay. (♱) neared her and laid on the bed, wrapping her wet, slimy arms around her before weeping softly. 
Because her mother was dead. A pill bottle in her hands, and her body cold, but smiling. To think she was ready to leave this place and be with her husband and daughter again, but (♱)’s soul knew where it belonged, and after tonight–it was destined to one place only.
“You shouldn’t be alive.”
“I… know,” (♱) croaked. “But I am.”
“So you are,” they affirmed. “You’re gonna stir a lot of shit, but, you don’t know the rules yet so The Operator is letting you off the hook, but you need to come with me. Come with us, and learn.”
“If-if I don’t?”
Something cold pressed against her throat. It was sharp. “You die here, and your soul is sent straight to Hell where it belongs.”
(♱) didn’t care that the blade has sliced into her neck a bit. “I don’t believe in Hell. I don’t think I ever did.”
“All the more reason to come with us then. None of us believe in it much either,” they moved the sharp blade. 
She sat up slowly and looked at them. It was a man. He had shaggy brown hair, light brown eyes, and skin as pale as the moon. Looking back at her mother, she leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before standing. “Okay,” she agreed.
A black tar-like substance webbed across the ceiling of the room before lighting up, fire licking away at the interior of the once warm home. It was the end of her old life, and the start of another.
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“Y’know, I hate when you do this shit,” Toby grumbled. “It ain’t playin’ fair.”
“Playing fair? That’s for losers, baby,” (♱)’s voice echoed like a purr in his mind, the exact way she’d voice her words if she was in fucking front of him and not hiding.
“Callin’ me a loser, little girl?” he huffed, cutting down the greenery blocking his way.
His eyes flitted around the clearing as he looked for (♱). Ever since she joined them and fell into step quickly with the whole undead thing and learning the extent of her abilities-and them falling in love yada, yada, ya-she was the prettiest damn nuisance he’s ever experienced in his life.
Her laughter echoed from the crows above on the gnarled trees. He growled and huffed out a deep breath from his nose-
“Are you?” A boline knife shaved a bit of his five o’clock shadow. (♱) tilted her head at Toby and smiled, black lips parting to reveal pearly whites at her man. “Loser,” she whispered.
Toby chuckled and pulled his goggles up to rest on his head, brown eyes slicing over to her from the corner of his eye. “Alright, mama… you got me. Training over.”
He turned to her and pulled down his mask, revealing his own smile. A vicious scar ran jaggedly from the left corner of his mouth into a permanent sneer. A half-glasgow as (♱) would tease, a running joke after she had said it to hurt him during a particularly nasty argument. The skin there was taut and deformed, the flesh puckered and a whitish-pink, healed but forever marred. With his skin ripped and pulled back, teeth–which were slightly yellower on this side but just as straight as the rest of the teeth in his mouth–were on permanent display.
(♱) leaned up on the balls of her feet and pecked his lips. “What’s my reward?”
Toby raised an eyebrow and snorted. “You’re jokin’, right? This is part of the job description, sweetness.”
“So? Don’t I deserve a.. I dunno, a fuckin’ blowjob or something?” (♱) huffed. 
Toby’s eyes widened. “Babe, what the fuck are you-”
“Look, after how I just fucked you in the ass with that win, I’d say I have a pretty-” (♱) squealed as Toby picked her up and threw her over his broad shoulder-“big dick!”
“Big dick, huh? I’m gonna show you a big dick, little girl, always runnin’ that fuckin’ mouth,” he smacked her ass sharply and then her thigh.
Toby walked toward their cabin, passing Tim and Jeff–Jeff whistling at the sliver of the bottom of (♱)’s ass on display from her ridden-up shorts because, of course–cursing a “Fuck!” when Toby cracked him on the back of the head with the stick of his axe. “You may not be able to close your eyes you lidless fuck, but watch it unless you want me to pluck them out for (♱) to use in her witchy shit.”
(♱)  giggled, kicking her legs lazily and waving at the two other men. “Bye, Tim! Fuck you, Jeff.”
In their cabin, which was in a more secluded section of The Operator’s woods, Toby kicked the door open and shut it behind them. “So fuckin’ cocky and thinkin’ you can talk to me however, babe-” he dumped her onto the bed and (♱) giggled, biting her lip as she rolled onto her belly, Toby grabbing her throat and lifting her head to force her into an arch. His eyes looked into her own, seemingly sightless without an iris or pupil, but he knew she could see.
“Then what’re you gonna do about it?” she hissed.
His permanent sneer stretched.
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(♱) bobbed her head with a voracious need for the mouth-ripping burn of swallowing down Toby’s dick, a thick oozing string of saliva filled with bubbles and mixed with pre-cum drooling onto her chest and the bed. (♱) was still on her belly on their bed while he stood up above her, a big and pale tatted hand clamped around her neck, rough fingertips digging into the joint connecting her skull and jaw to force her mouth open. Her clothes were sliced off with her own weapon, courtesy of her boyfriend, the bastard.
Those gorgeous white eyes, not as soulless as one would think, looked up at him.
And then there was the rough scrape of enamel against flesh. “Fucking- oh, you litte cunt,” he hooked his fingers over her bottom teeth and pulled her jaw down as far as he could before pistoning his hips forward. A wet gurgle came from her throat as (♱)’s gag reflex was triggered, her nose buried into his pubic hair where the pungent smell of sweat from training had become stale. (♱) gagged and choked, tears rolling down her brown cheeks as her nose burned, strings of saliva connecting her lips to his shaft with each thrust of his strong hips.
And she loved it. God, hearts would be fucking floating around in her pupils if she had any.
“God- you’re fucking disgusting,” Toby laughed dryly. “Bet that pretty pussy is all wet just from suckin’ cock, right, mama?”
(♱) moaned around his length and he finally pulled out of her mouth, smirking as she panted-and also because she let his cock rest against the fold between her cheekbone and nose. “Huh? What was that?” he asked.
“I said… I-I alr..already told you I have a big dick,” (♱) panted with the most impish fucking smile.
Toby let his head fall, shoulders rising and falling in short intervals. He was laughing. “Alright, bitch-” he grabbed a handful of thick curls and (♱) whimpered as he pulled her up to her knees and then used both hands, tucking them between the back of her thighs and calves to pull her forward, making her bounce onto her back. With the wind knocked out of her, Toby was already pushing his turgid cock into her, the pierced head of his length breaching her first, cold and shocking.
(♱)’s hands pressed against his lower abdomen and he snatched her wrists together in one hand and held them in front of him as he fucked her, smirking as the sight of her back arching away from the bed and her hips canting forward, making a bridge. “T-Toby, oh my… fuck!” she whined, breathily. “Sho… big,” she slurred.
“Nah, that doesn’t sound like what I was just hearin’ sweetness. Fuckin’ say it. Who has a big dick again?”
He leaned down to her face, head turned so his warm breaths were spread over her ear and neck. “I can’t. Fucking. Hear you,” he snarled.
“You, baby- on…only you!” (♱) wailed.
“Good girl,” Toby licked up the side of her neck, her sweat making his salivary glands sting. He let go of her wrists and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, whining and pursing her lips which he responded to. His lips pressed against hers, tongues sliding against each other as they kissed, suckling and smacking. He pulled away the ripped side of his mouth making divots where the puckered flesh connected to normal skin, he was smiling. “Yeah, there we go… can’t even get a word out.”
(♱)’s eyes were lidded, the muscles of her neck loose as her head fell back onto the mattress. Just babbling quietly, legs crooked at the knee and splayed open, cradling his body between them. Her cunt gripped him tightly, small spurts of cream coating his cock in a thin sheen as he buried himself inside of her warmth over and again. “T-Toby,” she whined.
“Shh, I know, mama–m’gonna take you there,” he panted. His thumb strummed over her clit, his hips stuttering every time she clenched too tight around him, jaw falling open so his ragged breaths could fall from his lips. His free hand wrapped around her throat and she bit her lip and he could tell she was looking at him, straight into his eyes.
It felt like electricity crackling through her nervous system, each shock waking her up but the lack of proper oxygen flow making her dizzy and hazy.
Toby’s balls, heavy and tight–churning with cum–pulled upward, the seam of his sac making the separation of each ball prominent. (♱) sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth that developed into a groan as she was right there. Right… there!
White-hot heat coiled and burst in (♱)’s belly, lava overflowing and extending through her body as her toes curled and her muscles contracted and trembled. Toby pressed her thighs against her chest, her pussy squeezing around him so tight that it forced him out of her, her squirt sluicing over him while he humped himself to completion between the chubby folds of her sweet cunt. His cockhead dipped between her pressed together thighs until it was jumping and twitching, thick ribbons of cum streaming over her plump lips, dripping down her brown skin.
He sighed, grabbing his shaft and running it up and down the seam of her pussy until she whined. “Alright, alright, m’done,” he chuckled.
“R-remind… remind me to p-piss you off-” she lifted her head and smirked at him- “more often.” Toby leaned down on the bed, the muscles of his back shifting and rippling. “Sweetness, you can piss me off as much as you want as long as you remember one thing at the end of the day: I’m the one with the big dick in this relationship.”
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menelaiad · 1 year
Agamemnon is explicitly stated to be hot/muscular. It's in the source material. Books 2 and 3 in particular. I highly doubt being compared to the Gods meant being "chubby" or super old. The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.
And Achilles was saying things in anger in Book 1. Everyone forgets how in Book 23, Achilles pretty much retracts everything he said and claims Agamemnon is the best natural warrior which he was.
tldr; im a petty bitch
'ripped' isn't in their vocabulary?? but 'hot' and 'muscular' are? really?
that's y'alls prejudice about larger people coming through. this stupid belief that the ancient world represented 'the peak masculine alpha ideal' no????? this whole 'if man strong and can stab and have sex with woman then man must be muscley and ripped cause that make man sexy' like shut up.
it's baffling to me that you're all so heated on this. the mere thought of a human man having a tummy is sending you all west. you can't cope. a human man who consumed copious amounts of alcohol (because ancient greeks just did???) and probably had a very rich diet. having tummy??? NO. ILLEGAL.
im sorry but im cracking up over here. i couldnt care less whether people think aga has a 16-pack, that he's skinny as a twig, that he's fat, that he's not, that he's somewhere in between - idc. but your adamancy against 'slight tummy' aga. is just ..... fatphobic. and i never thought i'd type that word out being a fucking classics blog lmaooo.
i have shared so many DUMB opinions on this blog. from menelaus' teeth to odyssues' hairy feet and yet the thing that gets the most reaction from people - is agamemnon's weight.
that's what's pissing me off. everything else? whatever have your own opinion, you weird menelaus girl. but the sECOND i say why i think i character might be a lil chubby OOF ouTRAGE. IM A FOOL.
also your point is just so incredible. my issue isn't with you thinking aga was a ripped sex god crafted by aphrodite herself. it's your use of the word 'explicitly' cause aga's size (in regards to his weight) is NEVER explicitly stated ANYWHERE. so we're both just having our own opinions. but mine has got you so pressed????
i own a couple translations of the iliad. lets look at some. and see the descriptions of aga, shall we? cause i know exactly which sections you mean in book 2 and 3. contrary to your apparent belief, i have read the iliad.
we'll do book 2 first to make it all easier to follow:
“among them the lord Agamemnōn, in eyes and head like Zeus who delights in the thunderbolt, like Arēs in girth, and with the chest of Poseidōn. As one steer in a herd of cattle stands out, far above them all— the bull, distinguished among the cows assembled round it— such a one on that day Zeus rendered Atreus’s son, preeminent among many, of heroes the foremost.”
... again. nothing really? girthy??? eyes like zeus (nice)??? tall??? nothing about weight here babes.
there to go into combat, and with them was lord Agamemnon— his eyes and head like Zeus who hurls the thunderbolt, his girth like Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As when an ox stands out from all others in the herd, a bull who is preeminent among the gathered cattle, so did Zeus on that day render the son of Atreus conspicuous amid the multitude, outstanding among warriors.
pretty much the same?? gets called an 'ox' here though. ooooh
and there in the midst strode powerful Agamemnon, eyes and head like Zeus who loves the lightning, great in the girth like Ares, god of battles, broad through the chest like sea Lord Poseidon. Like a bull rising head and shoulders over the herds, a royal bull rearing over his flocks of driven cattle — so imposing was Atreus' son, so Zeus made him that day, towering over fighters, looming over armies.
just more girth stuff. that can mean his shoulders?? his chest?? his ass? bro we don't know. was aga just THICC. his cheeks always alerting the trojans???
Agamemnon's lordly mien was like the mien of Zeus whose joy is lightning; oalken-waisted as Ares, god of war, he seemed, and deep-chested as Lord Poseidon, and as a great bull in his majesty towers supreme amid a grazing herd, so on that dav Zeus made the son of Atreus tower over his host, supreme among them.
i like this one tbf. this one has got more meat on it. 'oaken waisted'. nice nice. again. i don't see oak trees are particullarly 'narrow' but hey. interpretation is what makes this field so great.
“powerful Agamemnon, with eyes and head like Zeus who delights in thunder, like Ares for girth, and with the chest of Poseidon; like some ox of the herd pre-eminent among the others, a bull, who stands conspicuous in the huddling cattle; such was the son of Atreus as Zeus made him that day, conspicuous among men, and foremost among the fighters.”
To enter battle, and Lord Agamemnon Moved among them like Zeus himself, The look in his eyes, the carriage of his head, With a torso like Ares', or like Poseidon's. Picture a bull that stands out from the herd Head and horns above the milling cattle— Zeus on that day made the son of Atreus A man who stood out from the crowd of heroes.
SEE this one we're not even talking about his LITERAL appearance but how he's holding himself. how he acts. his CONFIDENCE. cool take, stan. i like it.
“and among them was Agamemnon, his splendid eyes and head like almighty Zeus’s, his thighs like the thighs of Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As a bull stands out in a herd above all the others, sovereign among the cows as they graze in a field: just so, on that day, did Lord Zeus make Agamemnon supreme over all the warriors massed before Troy.”
LOVE the thigh mention Mitchell. nice nice.
'The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.'
bro all i'm getting is the word 'girthy'?? if you want me to be a bitch about it, that's not a word i'd put with someone who is 'ripped'. if anything, they're implying he got junk in his trunk. i truly hand on heart. cannot see anything in the book 2 translations that imply or indicate to me that he does not have a tummy. that he is rocking a six pack. WHICH IS FINE. we can play with it and form our own opinions. but you're THIS IMPLIES .... is wrong??? it doesn't imply anything dude????
all we can infer from any of the book two stuff is that he's a man who is larger than the other men around him - literally? metaphorically? we dont know. (which is all horseshit anyway cause priam later goes on to say he's a short arse which is helpful). and that he shares qualities with the gods. again, literally? metaphorically? bit of both? we. don't. know.
TIME FOR BOOK 3. the priam and helen thirst.
“and to put a name for me to that huge warrior down there, that Achaian leader, of such stature and so strong: others there may be taller still by a head, and yet so fine a man have I never set eyes on, nor one so majestic in bearing—he looks to be of royal blood.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
tell me the name of this gigantic man, who is this Achaean man, good and great? To be sure there are other men even greater in height, but I have never beheld with my eyes a man so handsome, nor so majestic; for he seems a kingly man. helen later calls him a 'powerful spear-warrior'
“ tell me the name of that tremendous fighter. Look, who's that Achaean there, so stark and grand? Many others afield are much taller, true, but I have never yet set eyes on one so regal, so majestic . . . That man must be a king!” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
Come, tell me who the big man is out there, who is that powerful figure? Other men are taller, but I never saw a soldier clean-cut as he, as royal in his bearing: he seems a kingly man. helen later calls his a 'formidable warrior'
“You could tell me the name of this man who is so tremendous; who is this Achaian man of power and stature? Though in truth there are others taller by a head than he is, yet these eyes have never yet looked on a man so splendid nor so lordly as this: such a man might well be royal.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearfighter'
Now tell me, who is that enormous man Towering over the Greek troops, handsome, Well-built? I've never laid eyes on such A fine figure of a man. He looks like a king. helen later calls him a 'strong warrior'
“Tell me now, what is the name of that splendid man who is standing down there, so powerful and so tall. To be sure, there are other men who are even taller, but never before have I seen a man so majestic, so splendid in form and bearing. He must be a king.” helen later calls him a 'mighty soldier'
again. in all of these - nothing. all that's consistent is that he's not the tallest man at troy. which means ..... very little ASDFGHJK. there is Nothing concrete here. nothing that points us more one way than it does the other.
ultimately, dude, what we've got is.... nothing. nothing concrete. nothing definitive. i can't say you're wrong and you can't say i'm wrong.
i saw the phrase 'wine sack' and interpreted it my way and you saw it and interpreted it differently. but books 2 and 3 certainly don't back either of us up more definitively.
and in regards to his age. same thing. you can't say i'm wrong and i can't say you're wrong. but i've explained my reasonings for aga's age using sources HERE
idk man. if you're looking for an EXPLICITLY YOUNG CHISELED ABS LEGEND MALE CHARACTER. look elsewhere.
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