#I know that in that one season Stefan and Elena kept having those weird dreams bc technically they were soulmates
agents-are-dicks · 3 years
Thinkin about how Elena in TVD went on to become a doctor and how Tom Avery (Stefan’s doppelgänger) was a paramedic in Atlanta which means if Stefan/Damon never came into her life, Elena could’ve moved from mystic falls to Atlanta, GA to intern at a hospital where she’d eventually meet and fall in love with Tom Avery instead of all the fucked up shit that ended up happening.
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firelxdykatara · 6 years
This is dedicated to @itspileofgoodthings - it’s an expansion on an idea I had that I wrote a bit of immediately after the season 6 finale, and while I lost the original post completely in the nuke (thanks tumblr) this has been kicking around my head recently, largely thanks to all Maria’s awesome meta. Also consider this an internet hug cause I know you’ve been having a rough time of it lately. <333
Anyway, this is basically how I envisioned Elena waking up from the coma, all those years ago when I was still angry and raw over tvd’s treatment of my girl but just wanted her to be happy in any way I could manage it.
This isn’t edited or anything so just. Bear that in mind. It’s four am so the quality probably suffered greatly as a result. >.> Anyway, enjoy.
It could have been minutes, or years—time had very little meaning, in this place. She supposed, on some level—and when she could suppose things at all—it made sense. A magical coma didn’t have a whole lot of precedent to follow, but when one was cursed to sleep for what could easily be decades, the ability to mark the passage of time was kind of immaterial.
Actually, it would probably have served as an even more brutal form of torture. Elena wondered why Kai hadn’t thought of that.
Then again, she’d never really had a whole lot of experience with the business end of magic. That had always been Bonnie’s department, and now, thanks to Kai, she would never be able to see her best friend alive again. The moments of clarity were thrown into sharper relief against the backdrop of the formless cloud of an existence she drifted through, her body and mind perfectly preserved by the curse—kept in a limbo of semi-reality. Perhaps that was the point, if anything Kai did ever really had one. (He was a psychopath with no real plan except power and how to gain more of it. It wasn’t all that surprising, in hindsight.)
Those moments when things did solidify, Elena never could quite tell what caused them. Sometimes, she almost thought she could hear Damon’s voice, whispering her name—a prayer, almost, or an oath. A promise. There was a giggle she thought could be Caroline, or her brother’s crooked smile, flashing like lightning across her mind’s eye.
Sometimes she saw Aunt Jenna, and her parents.
“It’s not time yet, sweetheart,” Miranda Gilbert said once, smiling sadly from the other end of Wickery Bridge, the petals of calla lilies cascading around her like rain.
Elena wanted to protest. To run across the bridge and hug her mother—but she stood rooted to the spot, and the scene shifted and vanished, and she was alone again.
When the loneliness became too much, the realization that she was completely alone in this place that tasted bitter on her tongue and cut like a knife, sometimes a memory would surface. Her first date with Matt, long before her parents died and Elena began her journey that started with the gloomy graveyard girl and ended in a coffin for who knew how long—and, really, how was that for irony?—or the first night she stayed up with Damon, curled up together and just… talking until the sun came up and Elena had the first real taste of forever.
A stray thought might make her wonder if she was reliving firsts because she was worried about all the lasts she was missing. But she tried not to think about that, and it was easy—thoughts ran like water, and slipped through her fingers just as quickly.
So, she had no idea how much time had passed, when something happened that hadn’t since right after she’d gone to sleep.
Someone else was here with her.
Her surroundings took form—familiar, achingly beautiful in its simplicity, and far more real than anything her own mind had been able to conjure up. And when she saw her visitor, she knew just what it meant.
“Oh, Bonnie. No.”
Tears welled up, part sadness, part sharp relief at suddenly being, part agony over that relief—because it could only mean one thing.
Bonnie Bennet looked as if she hadn’t aged a day, but when she was spoke it was with the voice of age and wisdom. “Elena.” It almost sounded as if she could hardly believe it, herself. “I’ve missed you.”
The tears fell as Elena ran forward, enveloping her friend in a hug. “Please tell me this isn’t happening,” she whispered, her voice thick as she pushed it out past the lump in her throat. “You found some other way. Right?”
Bonnie pulled back, saying nothing, but tracing Elena’s face with her eyes. She reached out with one hand, brushing the tears from her friend’s cheeks, shaking her head slowly. “It’s my time, Elena. It was going to happen some day—you know that. I just wanted to see you one last time before I died.”
“But you’re not… I mean, you’re still so-”
“Young?” Bonnie interrupted with a laugh. “This is a dream, Elena. I can look however I want.” Slowly, though, her appearance changed—wrinkles appeared, laugh lines and crow’s feet and hair shot through with grey and white. “Though I do look damn good for a hundred and twenty,” she added, and the look on her face was so unmistakably Bonnie that Elena couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“You’re ok with this?” Elena asked, her eyes earnestly searching Bonnie’s face. “Was your life everything you wanted?”
A smile spread across Bonnie’s wizened face, and the years melted away again. “You look out for my grandkids, and they can tell you all about my life.”
Bonnie’s eyes sparkled when she laughed. “I fell in love. I lived my life, and raised a family, and got to see the world. I was happy. I promise,” she added, pulling Elena back into a hug.
It felt more like a goodbye.
“Now it’s your turn, Elena Gilbert,” she whispered, and then everything went dark.
  For the first time in a century, Elena’s eyes opened.
She gasped at the sudden onslaught of sensation—there was sunlight streaming between the blinds, and everything felt fresh.
There had been a certain stale stillness to everything in the dream world after a while, but this, she knew with sudden and painful clarity, was real.
And the pain was because she hadn’t moved in a hundred years.
It felt as if a million hot little knives were poking at her feet and her hands and sending fire through her veins as every major muscle group screamed in protest. One hand was gripped in Bonnie’s—it was then Elena noticed her friend’s body, the aged version she’d seen briefly in her dream, lying next to her on the bed. She could so easily have been sleeping, and tears stung at the corners of Elena’s eyes. She pressed a gentle kiss to her friend’s cooling cheek, and swung her legs over the side of the bed.
She only stumbled a step, a pained whimper escaping from her throat, before the door to the room burst open and in a rush of displaced air, he was at her side, catching her before she fell.
Damon. Damon Salvatore. And the sun seemed that much brighter.
“Damon?” she whispered, voice rough with disuse, as she looked up into his eyes—those startlingly green eyes that made her toes curl.
“You’re awake,” was all he said, sounding for all the world like a drowning man who’d finally remembered how to breathe.
Or, perhaps, remembered why he wanted to.
It all fell into place, after that. Stefan and Caroline were in the living room waiting, and one of Bonnie’s granddaughters, all of whom filled her in on the passage of time, everything that had happened while she was asleep.
The first thing she did was visit the family plot. “I’m sorry, Jer,” she whispered, kneeling in the grass in front of his tombstone. “I missed everything, didn’t I? My niece’s grandson is older than me!” She laughed, while tears rolled down her cheeks. “But you missed some things too.” She brushed the tears from her face. “Damon’s human, now. He took the cure from me after I woke up. I guess he spent the past century making sure the whole world thought the cure was destroyed—last thing we need are vampires coming around when we can’t defend ourselves, right? And Bonnie’s gone, but I hope you guys have plenty of company on the other side, now. Or whatever it is that happens after we die. It’s kind of nice not to know, actually. Feels weird, not having some immortal out for my blood anymore, knock on wood. But I wish I could’ve gotten to see you grow up. Better be saving a spot at the table for me, you hear?” She shook her head, running her fingers across the etchings in the stone that marked her brother’s name. “Wish you were still here, Jer. But I’ll be ok. I promise.”
  Later, Caroline was only too happy to help Elena settle into a new identity and get her back into medical school. This time, she managed to actually attend most of her classes. Damon had that bar he’d gotten for himself while still a vampire, and, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Damon is actually happy as a human,” Caroline said, months later.
Elena gasped in mock outrage, and her friend raised her hands placatingly. “I’m not saying it’s a surprise he’s happy with you—just, I always thought he’d feel some… regret, for giving it all up.”
“Damon’s forever was always Elena,” Stefan spoke up as he entered the kitchen.
“You know, it’s super not fair that you both still have superhuman eaves-dropping skills,” Elena remarked, then laughed, throwing a few more things into the chilli. “But… you’re not wrong. I was surprised, too. But I’m glad he is. I never wanted him to have to sit by and watch me wither away.”
“Now you can wither together,” Stefan quipped. Elena threw a celery stalk at him.
It was… perfect. An almost idyllic life. Of course, there were issues. There always would be—that was life, and perfect as it may have seemed, it was still real. But Elena and Damon had always been that. Real. Messy and imperfect, and they had their arguments, but somehow, a normal human life was so much more survivable without immortals trying to kill them.
Really, it wasn’t the end of their story—just the beginning. The beginning of another story, too, as Elena discovered not long after.
“What is it, baby?” Damon asked, in that way of his, the slight hitch in his voice when he thought Elena was in trouble or hurt and needed to be able to fix it. The way his eyes focused on hers, as compelling as ever, even human as he was. “What’s wrong?”
Nothing. Oh, god, for once, nothing at all, she wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t come. Tears were filling her eyes, but they weren’t from sadness, nor anger. And, finally, she found her voice.
“I’m pregnant.” And the only word for the light in her eyes was joy.
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evrthefanatic · 4 years
soulmark part 3 | Elijah Mikaelson x OC
PPairings: past Tyler x Oc, past Matt x Elena
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Word Count: 4,968
Read on AO3, FF.net, Qoutev, Wattpad
Oh, Brother.
Aly sighed, feeling slightly betrayed that the new AP History teacher still hasn’t arrived at Mystic Falls. She half-listened to Mr.Tanner ramble on before her thoughts quickly wandered to the dream she had the night before. She let out a low strangled groan, running her hands through her hair. 
It was just a dream, just as Jeremy had said. Logically, she knew that she had nothing to worry about. But she couldn’t ignore the likeness the dream invoked in her from the one she had when her parents died. She couldn’t ignore the  what-if . She shook her head, feeling surprised at herself for entertaining the thought.
Perhaps Aly was simply going crazy, and she needed someone to vent about her life.
“Ms. Gilbert?” came Mr.Tanner’s voice. “Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significant historical events?” Aly snapped out of her daze, cursing inwardly. She had no idea what he was talking about- let alone the question. 
“Not as good as you can?” 
Mr. Tanner tsked, shaking his head in disapproval. Obviously unimpressed with her comment. “I expect this kind of behavior from your sister, Alyssandra. Actually, I did get this earlier today.” Aly almost scowled, sinking into her seat. She didn’t like his patronizing tone. “You should pay more attention.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” she gave him a polite smile. “Can you please repeat the question?”
He let out an exaggerated sigh. “There aren’t any real second chances in life.” Aly controlled the urge to roll her eyes. “Anyone? No one?” his eyes roamed around the class, they all wore the same bored look she had. They also shared the same relieved look when the bell rang, signaling the end of class. “Quiz tomorrow!” he barked out, much to their dismay. “Mystic Falls: A Century in Making, no one be late.”
Aly hurriedly went out of the classroom, heading straight to the lockers in the gym. She couldn’t contain her grin upon getting ready for the first Volleyball meeting they had for the season. Aly had reluctantly skipped out on both cheer and volleyball training over the summer after some talking with Aunt Jenna. Although she wasn’t as close to the girls in both teams as she was with her childhood friends, she was still glad to finally see them again. 
“Maggie! Hey!” 
Margaret Honkins, their new captain, and also their oldest member was the most supportive person Aly knew. She was also an inspiration, being that year's highest marking student. She was one of those people that simply had it all together and liked it when other people had it together too. The two hugged. 
“Hey yourself, Aly.” she grinned. “It’s been so long! How are you doing now?”
“All good,” she assured her. She didn’t really want to go in the details. “You? How was summer training? Do we have anyone new? I’m sorry I haven’t kept in touch.”
“It’s fine.” Mags waved it off. “We do actually, come on. Lila! There’s someone I want you to meet!” 
If there was anything Aly wanted to do at that moment, it was to get drunk right out of her mind.  Months, she thought. It’s been months-  and she wasn’t jealous. Just surprised. It wasn’t like he was the one that ‘broke up’ with her either. No, Alyssandra liked to be the one calling the shots. She chugged down the bottle of alcohol, angry at her own behavior. She rationalized that she just missed having sex and her guy best friend.
But Vicki fucking Donovan? Crackhead with no ambitions? After her? 
“Easy there.” Bonnie clicked her drink with hers. “You’re gonna blow a hole down the floor with your glaring.” 
Aly huffed. “I need a boyfriend.” 
“And now you sound like Caroline.”
“Okay, maybe not a boyfriend.” she conceded. “But - just - you know, a buddy. A mutually respectful relationship with no strings attached. You would understand Bonnie-bear, after your first taste of-”
“Do not finish that sentence,” Bonnie warned. “I can’t believe you just said that. You want another drink?”
Aly sighed dramatically, handing the now empty bottle to her. “Thanks, mom.”
Bonnie froze, her hand grazing against hers, a faraway look entered her eyes. Aly frowned. “Hey,” she rushedly grabbed her by the arm. “Are you okay?”
Bonnie shook her head, blinking rapidly. “Yeah-” she choked out. “That was- that was really weird.” she met Alyssandra’s eyes “When I touched you I saw a man running to you.”
Alyssandra’s mouth goes dry almost immediately, her mind flashing back to her dream the night before. She sobered out quickly, hyper-focusing on her friend. “Was it a handsome man?” she joked, laughing. “I’d like that. It’s rather fitting, I think.” 
“No,” she denied. “It wasn’t like that. It’s so weird, I had the same thing happen with Elena.”
“There was this crow,” Bonnie frowned, looking confused as ever. “And it was following her. I-” she shook her head again. “You know what? I think I had too much to drink already. I think I should go home. It’s getting late anyway.”
Aly doesn’t let go of her. “Are you sure, Bonnie?” she asked, concerned. “I brought Jenna's car with, I can drive you if you’d like. Your house isn’t that far off from mine.”
“It’s fine.” Bonnie pried off her hand. “Thanks, Aly.” she smiled. “You probably should lay off already too.” she motioned to the bottle she was holding. Aly grimaced, nodding along. 
“Yeah.” Aly watched as Bonnie hurriedly went out to her car. That was weird. In fact, that was more than weird. She shuddered, thinking of once again the dream she had the other night. Aly quickly banished it away from her mind. As far as she was concerned, it was only a dream. Maybe Bonnie just had too much to drink, as she’d said. 
Aly dejectedly thought that she should probably stop drinking too, she still needed to drive after the party was over. 
There were still people arriving, and a glance at her wrist told her that it wasn’t that late at all. No texts from Jenna to head home too. Bored, Aly decided to go search up for Elena. It didn’t take long to find her, she couldn’t help but release an unimpressed scoff upon seeing Matt once again trying to get back to her sister. 
“When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone.” Matt didn’t look happy at all. “You don't look so alone to me.”
“Matt you don’t understand, it’s-” 
“That’s okay, Elena.” Aly made a quick runabout, wondering where Stefan had suddenly gone. He was insistent on hanging out with Elena earlier.  “You do what you have to do. I just want to let you know that…” he makes a move to grab her hand, but Elena lightly moves it away. “I still believe in us. And I'm not giving up on that.”
Thinking that the guy has done enough, Aly finally interjected.“Matt, stop bothering my sister. Elena’s no longer interested.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Aly was both surprised and taken back at his cold tone. “I’ll see you around Elena.”
Elena actually sends her a look after she just had saved her life. “That wasn’t very nice.” she scolded. “He had a point.”
Alyssandra made a face. “Oh- right, Stefan.” 
“Don’t start.”
“I wasn’t going to,” she rolled her eyes. “I know why you really broke it off with Matt,” Elena pursed her lips “-don’t look at me like that, you weren’t ready then and you’re definitely not ready now- with Matt” she adds, “not in  relationships- in well, commitment.”
Elena sighed. “what makes you think that?” 
Alyssandra shrugged, “I don’t know, Elena.” It was obvious in her voice that she was being sarcastic “I live with you. But I’m glad that that Stefan guy has you smiling.” 
It was true, it’s only been a few days and yet Stefan seemed to have gotten under her sister’s skin. A week ago Elena would have refused to hang out at the Grill, and yet yesterday she had arrived with Stefan and a smile on her face. She had also laughed. It was nowhere near like the old playful Elena that they had, but it was a welcome change from the past few months.  
“I don’t know.” 
“If he makes you happy then it's good.” she said firmly. “There’s nothing wrong with opening up a little, Elena.” 
Her sister sent her another look. “Right. You’re telling me that?” 
“Where’s Romeo, anyway?” 
Elena points to the side, Aly snickered upon seeing Caroline round-up Stefan. She giggled. “Poor guy.” 
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” Elena declared. “It’s gonna go well, and I’ll be happy.”
Aly grinned. “Sounds like a plan!” Her sister took a shot, shaking her hands. She watched the two converse, taking note of Caroline’s pouty sulk in a corner, not at all surprised over her best friend’s behavior. It was amusing. Sadly, Mystic Falls was a rather small town, and Aly too knew the feeling of not getting any. 
For a while, Aly entertained the thought of getting out of Mystic Falls. Not because of boys, but to just get away in general. She had lived there along with her siblings her entire life, and although their family used to take trips out of town, it would be nice if she had a change of scenery. She felt her heart painfully tug at the thought of her parents and she almost grabbed another drink. 
Deciding to clear her thoughts, she made her way to the forest, liking its ambiance. The party faded off as she walked away. Growing up, she had always been the more adventurous sort. She had always liked the feel of the wind's breeze against her. 
Once more, Aly entertained the thought of moving away. She certainly could take college outside of Mystic Falls, maybe even out of state. Maybe that could bring excitement back into her life, making her feel better. 
A startled scream brought her out of her thoughts. Aly’s head quickly snapped to the source of the sound. That’s when she felt it, a creeping behind her back. She turned to check if there was someone behind her, her heart suddenly pounding. There was no one there. 
She broke into a run when she heard Jeremy’s panicked voice. 
“What-” she gasped. Jeremy held a bloodied Vicki Donovan in his arms, rushing out words as he tried to stop the bleeding. Aly quickly pressed her hand against the wound on her neck-  there was so much blood - she took off her headband, using it as a makeshift bandage. “We need to get her out of here,” she said, putting the girl’s weight against her own as she stood. 
She suddenly felt extremely guilty from her thoughts earlier that evening. 
“Vicki- Vicki stay awake!” Jeremy panicked. Aly’s stomach churned. 
“Get a grip and hold her tight!” she snapped as they rushed out. “Somebody call 911!”
It was no surprise to see the Grill almost empty at this hour. Alyssandra drank her lemonade cocktail, lost in thought. Caroline sat across her, sniffling. Her friend was nursing her hangover. Aly felt the beginnings of a headache herself. The picture of Vicki’s semi-dead, bloodied, and unconscious body was still in her mind. Briefly, she thought that she should have come with Jeremy and Matt to the hospital. It didn’t feel right, however, she barely knew the girl. 
“Are you sober yet?” she asked. Caroline mumbled a no. Aly sighed.   
“Why didn’t he go for me?” she whined. “How come guys I want never want me? I just- ugh! How can you stand it? Elena’s just so perfect.” she huffed, Aly winced. “Always saying the right thing! She doesn’t even have to try for a guy to pick her!” 
Aly still had bloodstains on her clothes, and she didn’t dare to take back her neckerchief from Vicki’s neck when the ambulance arrived. She blinked. “I don’t know, Care.”
“He had Aly and Elena and he went for her!” she cries out. Alyssandra had to admit, the sound of her voice did not help her headache. “Aren’t you sick of always getting chosen out of your sister?” 
Aly winced again, trying to piece a response to her distraught friend. There was truth in her words. Elena was kinder, softer. Although there were moments where she was the same, Elena had always been the easier one to get along with. She did feel sad whenever Elena got more attention- but she made up for it by simply having more things to do than her sister. Speaking of, Aly was supposed to attend a talk in Whitemore that weekend.  
“It’s not always.” was all she replied.
“I just wanna be picked first.” Caroline huffs. 
Aly sighed once more, she’s been doing it a lot these days. “Caroline,” she held her hand so that the blonde would look at her, “You’re different and special in so many other ways that it doesn’t matter who picks Elena or why. You’re amazing. Nothing’s gonna change that. You don’t need to bend your will just for some new emo guy. Someday you’re gonna meet someone and he won’t spare a glance to anyone else and that’ll be because he’s looking at you.”
That didn’t seem to work at all. If anything, it aggravated her further. Caroline glared at her, scoffing. “You sound just like her!” with that, she storms away. Probably to the restroom. 
She’s your best friend. Aly told herself. The bestest ever. She’s just drunk right now. You don’t have to leave her alone in the Grill.
“You alright there?” The voice caused her to jump. Her lemonade juice slugged around her cup. 
It was a dark-haired man, probably in his mid to late 20s. He had the lightest blue eyes Alyssandra has ever seen. His leather jacket was crisp, and she could smell his cologne despite being a few feet away. He was hot. He was hella hot. There was an air of boyish charm around him that Aly wasn’t sure she liked or not. 
Aly shrugged in response, taking another sip from her drink. He took Caroline’s seat, smirking. Aly thought that he’d make a very cute boy toy. “What do you want?”
There was a look of surprise that flashed through the man’s face, as though he did not expect her answer. “You seem like you had a fight with your friend there.” 
Aly thought that if she took him, Caroline would get way more pissed. She lets out an uncommitted humm. “Who are you?”
“Damon Salvatore.” There was that same smirk again as he reached out his hand. She raised an eyebrow. 
“Aly Gilbert.” she shook his hand. “Any relation to Stefan Salvatore?” 
“He’s my brother.” he waved a hand, almost as if being related to Stefan was a fleeting thought. “Isn’t it a little late to be drinking?” 
“It’s barely a shot.” she scoffed, eyeing him. She wondered if Stefan really was his brother. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
Damon grinned. He was definitely boyish. “We’re both new in town,” he explained. “Living up with our Uncle Zach. I thought it’ll be nice to introduce myself to the locals.” Aly knew Zach Salvatore, she’d sometimes go to him whenever she needed reference materials. She had also stayed in their library more often than not.
The place was spooky though.
“Isn’t it a little late for introduction?” she mocked. Damon grinned, suddenly leaning in. He looked directly at her eyes. Aly felt a shiver go through her spine.
“You want to get out of here.”
She couldn’t help but give him a coy smile at his abrasiveness. Perhaps she was drunk, she thought as she leaned in as well. She hoped that he was actually a Salvatore and not some kind of serial killer. “I barely know you,” she whispered. Leaning back, she took another sip from her drink. “You can ask your brother for my number if you’d like,” she said, standing up. 
She missed the shocked look in his face. 
Aly made a move to follow Caroline in the bathroom when he was suddenly right in front of her. Aly looked from his seat then back to him. “I can ask you now,” he said, he had a calculating look in his eye. 
Damn. She barely knew him! He stood extremely close to her, and an alarm bell rang inside her mind. It exhilarated her. She was baited. “Where’s the fun in that?” she asked, leaning away from him. Making sure to give him an unimpressed look. She sidestepped him, making sure that she actually reached Caroline this time.
Alyssandra really, really,  really , hoped that Stefan was actually his brother.
  “Enjoying the fields?”
She turns around, carrying her skirt as she did. Another dream? Her mind wondered. She grinned at the man, feeling pleasantly surprised and confused. “Damon,” she greeted. “What brings you out?”
“I followed you, of course,” he said, grinning. Aly couldn’t help but see the difference between this smile from the one in the Grill. It was softer, more adoring. It also lacked the intense glint he had shown earlier. Aly turned, moving in a sprint.
“Then catch me, Damon!” she yelled out, running away from the man. “Catch me if you can!” 
 Jeremy Gilbert sent you a message
Can u do me a favor and stay away from 
Tyler Lockwood? 
- babebro 
Why? Did he do something to you?
- alysis 
- alysis 
Tyler and I are friends.
- alysis
What did Tyler do? Tell me before I text him. 
- alysis 
Nvm. I’ll see u later. 
- babebro  
 Irritated, Aly jammed her phone to her back pocket. It turns out, Jeremy’s little fling with Vicki wasn’t just a fling. Her brother had fallen hard. It explained why he was with her in the woods a couple of nights before. Alyssandra had no idea what to do to help him. Jenna had told her that he had skipped school since it started (which was odd, because she still saw him around campus) and that his drug usage was now off the charts. 
She didn’t want to have him sent away into rehab, it didn’t feel right. They just needed to talk, and her brother just needed to listen. He’s still hurting over their parents' deaths. 
“Are you alright?” Elena asked.
Aly hummed, handing another flyer to the townspeople. Caroline had set them up to help for the festival later that day. “Thinking about Jer.”
Elena’s face fell. 
“He’ll get over it.” Bonnie insisted. “I mean, Vicki seems fine, right? Maybe this is a good thing.” 
“Did your witchy powers tell you that?” Aly asked, feeling tired. 
��Well-” Bonnie grimaced, backtracking. “Do you know what my witchy powers tell me? Stefan.” Aly glanced at her twin, confused. Elena gave her a sheepish look. “I just don’t trust him!” Bonnie continued, “There’s just something off.”
“He’s a little weird.” Aly agreed, thinking back to their last meeting. Then again, she had only seen him twice. 
“Totally! There’s just something off with him, you know?”
“I don’t know,” Elena said, exasperated. “I have an idea. How about dinner? At our house. Aly can make food while we ruin the living room.”
“I actually met his brother, Damon’s his name, I think.” 
Elena looked at her, surprised. “You did? When?”
Bonnie snickered. “Oh yeah, I remember Caroline mentioning that. She said he’s hot.” 
“He looks like a bad boy wannabe.” Aly rolled her eyes. “Dresses too young- smells like expensive cologne. But yeah sure, hot.”
“I saw him at the Salvatore Boarding House,” Elena explained. Bonnie suddenly laughed. 
“You guys can have one of each.”
When the sun was just about to set, the trio went back to find Caroline- Bonnie was quickly explaining to Care what her grams thought of the comet. To Aly’s complete surprise, a lot of tourists had come to their town. They had set up a food park as well, and a lot of chatter went around as the night sky became brighter and brighter.
Caroline had linked their arms together as they walked, probably a sign of apology for what happened the other night. Alyssandra smiled. 
“So, there’s an upcoming game coming soon,” Caroline started, “-and I hear that you got yourself in a band.” 
“I’m not in their band, Caroline. I just hung out with Jenny and her friends.” 
Caroline hummed, disbelief evident in her tone. Alyssandra rolled her eyes at her friend, but it quickly turned into a  look  when she realized where exactly she had led her. Jamie Conningham stood in front of her, candle in hand and with a sweet smile on his face.  “I’ll leave you two alone,” said Caroline, ignoring the playful glare that Alyssandra sent her. 
“I’m surprised you’re here,” she told him, taking a step closer. He hands her a lit candle.
“You don’t seem like the type” she admitted. She had imagined him hanging out somewhere in the dark instead, where loud music blared in a room filled with smoke. “I kind of imagined you more like a typical band boy.” 
Jamie laughed. “And how’s a typical band boy supposed to act?.” He takes another candle from one of the baskets, letting Alyssandra light it up. 
“I don’t know.” she answered, “All emotional? More loud noises, less holding candles as a comet goes by?” 
“This is completely emotional material.” He said seriously, “You see that comet?” he points up to the night sky, to a crescent moon and a pretty rock. “That is completely brooding material.”
“Oh definitely,” he nodded, smiling softly.  “Tell me, Aly, doesn’t that inspire you to write something.” 
She stared up, letting the breeze take her away for a moment. She had to admit, it did look beautiful. They were lucky they had a clear night sky to see it. “A friend of mine told me that thing’s a harbinger of evil.”
Perhaps in another universe, a bunch of witches have gathered around to use it to open some kind of portal. That’s what Sheila Bennett seemed to believe, anyway.
He laughed again, it was soft and sounded more like a chuckle. “You should write that down. Come on,” he grabbed her hand. “Why won’t you sing something in Mystic Grill?”
Aly snorted. “No thanks,” she said. “I’d rather stay out here.”
“Come on,” he playfully nudged her by the shoulder. “For a day like this? I think the world would love to hear your voice.”
“Nu-uh?” she laughed, pushing him away. “I’m not really in the mood.”
“You heard the lady.”
Both Jamie and Aly turned around. She couldn’t help but be surprised upon seeing Damon Salvatore holding up a candle on his own. “Though I didn’t really know you could sing.” 
“It’s not a big deal.” she denied, eyeing him. With a sober head, Aly could say that yes, Damon was attractive. He had a strong jawline, and he knew how to dress his lithe frame. Clad in black, it seemed to make his light blue eyes pop out more. His picture portrayed a dark aura surrounding him. Definitely a boy toy. 
“Not a big deal?” Jamie echoed. “It’s a huge deal! She’s joining our band. We’re gonna end up selling out everywhere.”
Aly blushed, laughing. “You’re getting ahead of yourself.” It’s been a while since she had last sang in front of a large audience. It was only until recently she had finally allowed herself to start it up once more. And even then it was only for small groups, Jenny’s band was good, but they were more into the recording part than performing. 
Aly quite liked that. 
Damon hummed, stepping closer. “I’d love to hear it!” he clipped. “But I actually want to talk to Aly here.” Damon grabbed Jamie by the arm, looking directly into his eyes. Aly frowned. “You’re gonna leave us alone.”
Jamie blinked. “I gotta go.” he gave her a wave. “See you around Aly.” 
“You’re not actually gonna listen to-”
He was gone. 
Aly looked back to Damon, who was smirking. “Okay?” she said, confused. She shook her head. “Do you wanna talk about something?”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
Aly raised an eyebrow, giving him a once over. “I don’t date. So, how’s Mystic Falls fairing you?”
“Oh it’s not my first time around here. Candle?” Aly walked closer to him, lighting his candle. “Stef and I actually spent some years here.” he said, “Though we only did just get back.”
“Are you telling me you actually choose to go back to Mystic Falls?” 
Damon smirked, “What? Mystic Falls not enough for you?”
Aly shrugged, taking a good look around the Towns Square. “I’m just too used to it.” she admits, “I think a change of scenery would be nice.”  
“Al says that all the time.” Elena came up behind them. “But I think she forgets that when we were kids, she cried everytime we left town.”
Alyssandra sent her sister a look, her mind flashing back to much simpler times. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Mystic Falls is my home,” said Elena, grinning. “I’m meeting my forever here.” 
Aly groaned, putting her hands to her face. “Shut up!” she whined. “God, ‘lena. That’s not- no.”
“That sounds adorable.” Damon cooed. “Do you still do that?” 
She sent them both a glare as they laughed. “No, I don’t.” she snapped.
“That does sound cute. Damon, what are you doing here? Last I heard you’re not really one for social gatherings.” Aly almost gave Stefan a look, what was up with people today and suddenly butting in people’s conversations? 
“Last time I heard you can’t do social gatherings at all.”
Aly didn’t miss the glare the younger Salvatore brother gave to Damon, she also didn’t miss the pinched expression his face wore. Elena and Alyssandra shared a look. Siblings. Figures. 
Stefan gave them a smile. “Elena, Aly, Damon and I are just gonna have a little chat, if that’s alright?”
Aly shrugged, grabbing her sister’s arm. There was definitely some history going on there. Judging by Elena’s face, she was well aware of what was going on. “Alright, spill.” she said after they got a good few meters away. 
“Some old ex issue.” Elena grimaced, they both discarded their candles as they went in the Mystic Grill. “They were talking about the same thing back in their house yesterday.” she sighed. 
Aly ooo’d. “What do you think that’s about?” she asked, interest piqued. She let out an exaggerated gasp. “Did they date the same girl?”
Elena snorted. “No.” she said, but then she frowned. “No, I don’t- I don’t think so. I hope not.” Elena sighed once more. “Her name was Katherine.”
“Well that explains Stefan’s broodiness.”
“He’s not that broody.” Elena denied. “But it’s fine, we talked and it was nice but now it’s over.” she pursed her lips, dejected. 
Aly groaned. “Stop.” she said, “Lighten up, ‘lena. Just give it some time. School’s barely started. You have no idea what the future holds.”
It wasn’t hard to find the rest of their friends in the Grill. They were already huddled together at a table. For a moment, Aly and Tyler’s eyes meet. They both looked away. Elena still looked sore over Stefan and Damon’s conversation. Briefly, Aly wondered if Stefan was still hung up over the girl. Maybe she should give him a talk. 
They were just about to start their first round of drinks when Jeremy had come up to them, demanding where Vicki was. They immediately formed a search party in the hopes to find her. 
“Jeremy!” Aly called, running up to her brother. “Jer!”
“What?” he snapped. Aly couldn’t help but wince as she sped up next to him. Jeremy smelled a lot like smoke and alcohol. Elena followed them in tow, throwing their brother an angry glare. 
“You are not going anywhere. You’re coming with me. So is that your game now, dealing?” 
Aly winced once more, Elena had her ‘I’m your older sister, holier-than-thou’ voice on. Jeremy clearly didn’t like it either. 
“I’m not dealing.” he denied. 
“Look,” Elena started, “I’m sick of the tough love speech, Jer. It clearly has no impact.” 
“We’re just worried about you, Jeremy.” Aly quickly rushed. Damage Control. “You don’t have to keep on doing this.” Jeremy scoffed, she backtracked. “Vicki? Let’s go find Vicki.”
“Don’t even bother, Alyssandra.” Elena scowled, pulling her back. “Jeremy clearly doesn’t want or need our help.” 
“What the hell is your problem?” 
“We can stop if you want,” said Elena harshly, her grip on Aly’s arm tightened. “Send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it or to rehab where you'll sit in a group and tell some stranger how you let your life fall apart. Or you could talk to me.”  
Jeremy sent Aly a look, she wasn’t sure if it was pleading or angry. They stared at each other for a moment, but before she could say anything Jeremy angrily snapped. “I vote for none of the above.”
He stalked off, back hunched. Aly couldn’t help but feel lost. Jeremy used to be such a calm-headed boy. He would spend most of his time making art and playing games. Now he was out all the time getting high and skipping school. 
“Let’s go home,” said Elena sadly. 
Aly shook her head. “You go ahead.” she tells her, “I’m joining the search party.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Aly looked back to the form of their brother, nodding. “Yeah.” she said.
It was the least that she could do.   
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