#I know some people think bkdk talked already and that there’s a possibility of a flashback but… even if they did SOMETHING WAS STILL UNSAID
chandralia · 2 years
no I think it’s good when bkdks come together to literally question what’s going on with bkdk because sometimes we get wrapped up in everything we forget to take a step back so WHY did Deku lie to Bakugo about what caused black whip, why are Deku’s words/thoughts about it always unfinished, WHY have we not had access to what Deku’s thinking in so long, WHY did Deku severely suppress his emotions and cover his MOUTH with black whip before going into this final battle with ShigAFO?????
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 years
Just wanted to say I absolutely love all your meta on bkdk! I wanted your opinion on chp 348. As much as i love the fact we didn't get the izuocha confession, tsuyu's dialogue made it seem like it'll be just be happening later. And also the fact that the chapter was titled unrequited and hence we didn't get it has been nagging me with the addition of katsuki's narration. Does it mean his will also be unrequited? I know that they had other opportunities but maybe hori wanted uraraka to first have some development as a character individually rather than just reducing her to the romantic interest. As much as i wish bkdk to be canon, it's a slim possibility. No hate but I'd rather have a open ending than izuocha getting together (even if there's development implied with timeskip)
Thank you!
Tsuyu basically saying she doesn’t want people speaking about a secret her friend holds dear is. I mean yeah it doesn't look promising. Tsuyu strikes me as the discreet bff character who Ochako has probably confided in about how she feels. But just because her statement more or less confirms Ochako’s crush, that doesn’t mean Ochako’s going to confess her feelings. She never once mentions wishing she could be with Izuku or wishing he knew how she felt. So I think there’s a good change she decided she didn’t want to pursue her crush, maybe because it distracted her from her career goals. She may have told Tsuyu this as well. Based on how she’s been acting since Katsuki’s apology, it even feels to me like at this point she’s not only “pushing her feelings down,” but gotten over them entirely. She witnessed Izuku’s flaws and no longer idolizes his heroic qualities. She heard Katsuki talking about deeply personal parts of Izuku’s past and probably realized she doesn’t know Izuku as well as she thought she did. Both of those revelations are a major mood killer for romantic feelings. 
To address the rest of what you said, ya know I’ve contemplated the angle of like, is all this Horikoshi simply teasing izuocha for an even later moment? People who actually think the ship is gonna sail must be interpreting it that way. It’s like one of those optical illusions where you can see one of two images—like faces in profile vs. a vase, or a young vs. old woman. Izuocha looks canon and non-canon at the same time. Every moment we may think of as denouncing the ship, others may see as adding suspense. The classic will they/won’t they storyline is kinda odd in that it’s built on this suspense, but in a way it also relies on the audience being in on it to some extent. There’s an unspoken understanding that the couple will get together in the end. The audience is asking “how will this work out?” and not “will this work out?”
But listen, I write on this blog partly because I’ve decided it’s important to me to help ease the type of pessimism you’re describing. I want y’all to feel more confident, knowledgeable, and at ease about interpreting the story. Never mind just 348 though, I’ve already pretty much gone over it in depth. These days I’ve been looking back at the bigger picture with some hindsight and I think I’ve found the root of why this seemingly predictable ship is not what it seems. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to get into that instead. 
We can assume the ship is built on this premise: Ochako is someone who wants to help others and make them smile, and Izuku is foremost represented in this goal. Thus you can track the progression of their relationship by the moments when Ochako has helped Izuku out and by the development of Ochako’s motivations. Here is a basic timeline:
1. Ochako and Izuku meet. She saves him from falling twice with her quirk. Later she also intervenes to get him points in the entrance exam and ultimately an acceptance letter into UA.
2. They become friends, and Ochako is seen to be a general source of positivity
3. She helps him on a number of other occasions, including during the sports festival cavalry battle and joint training.
4. Independently, Ochako is impacted by the loss of Nighteye and by witnessing trauma and diminishing morale among other heroes. She applies these experiences to Izuku, seeing him for his frailties as a human being.
5. In the mission to bring Izuku back from self destruction, Ochako fully expresses this perspective. This is the climax of their subplot which is based on Ochako helping Izuku. It’s even symbolized in these panels flashing back their first meeting:
This is the entirety of their personal connection which can serve as a foundation for a romance. This is what they have. This is where all the preparation is. As the author of a story like this you’s think, okay, here is the theme, which I will establish and develop in stages. Once it has all come together, emotions between these characters are ripe for the picking. In the wake of a highly emotional full circle moment like Ochako’s speech, you take all of that stored energy and propel the relationship into a brand new stage. The climax of a story is followed quickly by a resolution because you don’t want to lose all of that momentum. Once the energy level is down, it’s down. It won’t come back up without starting over on the long trudge up the plot mountain. For izuocha’s plotline which revolved around how Ochako helped Izuku, the resolution happened at the cliff scene. And Horikoshi just. Let it all go. Nothing of substance to change the state of their relationship happened there. Izuku thanked Ochako for helping him. She dismissed it. I’ve had that panel stuck in my head ever since:
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There’s awkward (translation?) phrasing here, but basically she’s saying “you always make a big deal out of nothing.” That what she did for him wasn’t anything super personal. Pay no mind. It really sticks out to me. It feels like it’s making a point. That single dialogue sums up the whole izuocha romantic plotline and tosses it in the trash. Literally, with this Horikoshi has thrown away what little build-up and opportunity he had to work with. The ship is back at square one. What else do they have to look back on now, to say, “hey, maybe we got something going here?” Nothing! When else is Izuku ever gonna develop a not-so-platonic appreciation for what she’s done for him? When else is Ochako gonna fess up and explain why she cares so much about him?
If you ask me, 348 was the last possible opportunity to squeeze that in, so now that Izuku has left the scene of Ochako’s fight, it’s clear the two are now on totally separate trajectories. Ochako’s fight might contain mentions of Izuku, but it will not involve him directly. With the context of izuocha being anticlimactic, 348 doesn’t look like a suspenseful tease, it looks like Hori making fun of people’s expectations—ya know, for making a big deal out of nothing.
Arguments in favor of izuocha happening have always been pretty thin. There just isn’t much to work with. But now more than ever I see a complete abandonment of canon in favor of the old, “this is just how shounen manga works. MC has to get with the girl.” It’s like, they literally have nothing else to back them up anymore. It’s probably gonna get even more common as they start to act more and more like indignant whining toddlers who aren’t getting their way. I’m gonna hunker down and wait it out, and hopefully at the other end of it the fandom will be a bit tamer.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Ok so I read the latest chapter and there is this one line that keeps confusing me because it could honestly be taken either way? Or at least I read it that way.
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Do you think it’s saying that the closest person Bakugou has is Deku or is it saying that the closest person Deku has is Bakugou? Like I don’t think it matters in the long run but it has been something that has been living in my head. What do you think?
I think we’re gonna get follow up on this line in this week’s chapter—or if not tomorrow in the leaks, then soon.
This line is telling me one of two things:
ShigAFO (because as I discussed earlier, signs point to this being the merged identity talking) is saying this because he plans to use/capture/bait Bakugo as a way to get closer to Midoriya—to destabilize him and make him vulnerable and take OFA.
It’s some other intention that still has the same motive behind it, just a different method. But the end result is the same—get closer to Midoriya to get OFA.
Personally, I’m not a fan of the damsel in distress scenario, as we’ve already explored that in two different ways with Bakugo and Midoriya and it gives us absolutely zero development on anything and shows us nothing new. I know BKDK people would scream about it but honestly, it’d be better story-wise if it was something else. I’d be happier if it was development for Shigaraki/Midoriya instead. I think it’s possible it will be, but we will see.
To answer your question specifically:
I think ShigAFO is just stating the obvious—these two are close. Not in a “tell each other every deep dark secret” way. Close as in, if something happened to one of them, the other one would be effected greatly. It’s just a fact. Bakugo up until now has put a lot of effort into fixing his half of their relationship and neither of them have really gotten to see the pay off of it yet. And if one of them were to die, it’d be devastating to leave things so close to finishing, but not quite. I don’t think it’s so simple as “the closest Baku has is Deku” or vice versa. Their relationship is too complicated to split down the middle that way imo.
And given that Shigaraki has had an eye on these two for a while—since they met at the beginning of the story—and he and AFO both are capable of putting two and two together, I think it’s just ShigAFO’s way of saying “If I tamper with this relationship somehow, I’ll get an outcome I want.”
Honestly I’m super eager for follow up on this line specifically—because it has the potential to be Shigaraki/Deku/Bakugo development and I’d rather it THAT than the stupid “omg save Princess Bakugo” scenario. Sigh, I can only hope. Lol.
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hehebread · 3 years
[BKDK] Izuku keeps mentioning a Kacchan to reporters and they think that's his gf
this was a request on twt that i had way too much fun writing. warning for suggestive language!
“And is there…. a special person….or a group of people you would like to thank on air today? Anyone who inspired you? Anyone you would attribute your success to? An image of victory per say?”
Izuku’s eyes glimmer as the bright lights of the studio reflect on his irises. “Oh!” He jumps in his seat, his perfectly- coiffed curls bouncing as he nods frantically to the show’s host. “Yes! Yes!” Leaning forward with his hands on his leg, the camera zooms in on his face where the blush is painting his cheeks. “I wouldn’t be the hero I am today if it wasn’t for Kacchan!”
And it’s as if an earthquake alert dropped on the talk show. The host grows this devious grin on his face as he turns to the camera team and says, “Well, well, well, behind every great man is a woman after all.”
Izuku isn’t quite sure why the host is bringing his mother into this since the interview is reaching its end and he has already discussed her influence in detail very early on, but he doesn’t get a chance to ponder.
The host, Yamaguchi-san, leans into Izuku’s space with renowned interest and an interesting glint in his eyes. Izuku feels himself sweating in his oversized maroon-striped suit.
“So, Midoriya-san, Hero Deku, Rising Symbol of Equity and Hope, can you tell us more about … Kacchan?” His voice goes higher at the last syllable, almost sing songs, and Izuku is not sure if he should be worried or not, but he won’t pass an opportunity to gush about Kacchan!
“Ah, Kacchan is very … confident, hardworking, strong, and smart. Kacchan is a hero who knows how to lead a team and perform under pressure, an inspiration to both myself and our entire graduating class, and a”—Izuku can feel the heat rise in his face as he tries to hide in his colour— “a shining star who was closer to me than All Might!”
The host makes a loud ‘AWWW’ noise at the same time as the small audience in the studio. “My, my! Sounds like Kacchan is very important to Hero Deku! Don’t be shy! Tell us more! Is there a physical description to go with your precious person?”
“Ahm!” Izuku fiddles with his fingers as he avoids the gazes on him. There a long beat of silence before he manages to say, “Muscles….Blonde…..Sharp eyes….” With a vague gesture to his middle section, he mumbles, barely audible, “Big, ugh…..” Heart.
“OOOOOOOOOH!” The host goes wild and so does the audience. “So are we talking Hiromi Oshima type big or maybe Rio Natsume, or aaaah Aki Hoshino even ….?”
Izuku feels his ears ring in humiliation as he tries to process what they’re talking about. Something Kacchan has in common with all these beautiful women is his big successful career so Izuku nods. “Yes!” Then, a thought occurs and he rises in his chair. “Even bigger!”
After all, Kacchan’s net worth is higher than these ladies.
“The biggest!”
“Oh my god!” The host is losing his mind now! “And is it … natural? Or did Kacchan get a little help from professionals?”
“No, no, no! Kacchan was a natural ever since we were in school together!” Izuku’s eyes shine with a fire to defend his childhood best friend, no longer trying to hide in his big suit. “No one helped Kacchan get this big!”
“That’s … amazing!” The host shakes his head in both awe and disbelief. “Now we want to see Kacchan in action! When the hero works around the city, defeating villains, does the size get in the way?”
Does Kacchan’s fame get in the way of his work? “Sometimes,” Izuku muses, “But Kacchan never lets the restless and perky nuisances stop him, y’know. With a little shake from his hands, and a few colourful words of wisdoms, nothing gets in the way!” Izuku laughs as he remembers Kacchan’s way of dismissing fans and reporters alike.
“Of course, there are times where Kacchan’s big firm moulds become springy and hard to control, but I have yet to see an instance where that has been a major issue. ”
Kacchan is still having some adjustment problems with his new hero costume, particularly his grenade mould, but that’s as far as distractions go.
“Does Kacchan not use support?”
“Uhm, only when it’s a dire situation! Sometimes I’m even allowed to provide assistance!”
“You must be very lucky…”
“I am! It feels … exciting and … very special! Kacchan doesn’t trust just anyone, y’know! I can never quite get used to the trust we built together. We are one unit working together.”
“Do you use your hands…. Or something else?”
“Oh, hands! Yes! But anything works really! Whatever Kacchan is comfortable with and needs at the time. Black Whip, combo moves, an iron grip...”
The host furrow his brows and seems to be considering Izuku’s answer before he opens his mouth again. “Uhm, never mind.” He then turns to the camera, smile back on. “Our time is almost running out! Thank you, hero Deku for your time! We look forward to seeing you again in the big screen!”
The next day, Izuku wakes up to the headline: Hero Deku And His Mysterious Busty New Girlfriend: The Beautiful and Spunky Kacchan!
He’s doomed
He sees Kacchan early the next day.
Having spent the morning talking to tabloids and the host show agents about the misunderstanding and whether or not it was possible to take down the episode at least, Izuku slumps his head on his desk in defeat.
Oh, this is very bad.
He starts thumping his forehead on the wood in sync with the bleeps noises in the phone, already planning his funeral in his head.
Okay, so it seems the suspense around this girlfriend is raking up his popularity, but god, at what cost.
“Nerd, we need to talk.”
Izuku’s soul near flies to the roof at the sound of the door to his office slamming close. Fuckfuckfuck.
Kacchan stands before him with his hand on his hip, teeth snarled and looking ready to tear his flesh open. Oh, this is going to be fun!
After flashing a haughty glare at the glass door to scare away the nosy friends hanging about, Kacchan continues, “About the interview.”
Of course! Yes! His final hour is approaching. “Haahahaha, what about it?” Izuku feels his undershirt cling to his torso, sweat collecting on his face. He directs a shaky hand to a nearby chair. “Feel free to take a seat, Kacchan! You want me to get you anything? Water, tissues, uhm, a knife, a body sized bag, or uhhh, a shovel? I think I have some spare sheets of paper if you’d like to give me a chance to—“
“So…” Kacchan starts.
“…this Kacchan, huh?” Having completely ignored every single word Izuku just said, Kacchan crosses his arms and scowls. “Is she strong? How come I never heard about her before? Since when did you start dating this gravure idol and pro hero, huh?”
“So, you just go around giving everyone pretty nicknames now?” Kacchan snorts and his expression darkens before he slams his hands on Izuku’s desk. He looks at Izuku from under his chin, and Izuku swear he can see flames behind his eyes. He growls, “What’s her actual name?”
An alarm bell rings in Izuku’s ears and he stutters, “Ka— Ka— Kat— Katsuko! Bakugan Katsuko…….”
Kacchan’s expression doesn’t change and Izuku feels his heart leap to his throat. God, Kacchan is gonna call his bluff at any minute now. He’s going to reject him then he’s going to break his heart and his bones.
“What’s she like?”
Kacchan shifts forward slightly and Izuku is just know noticing the ample cleavage in clear view. Right there. In front of Izuku’s face. “Uhm. Ah, she’s very, ugh, im- pec— impeccable!! And strong! Muscl— mature!! Breasty too – I mean, pretty! PRETTY!” Izuku bites his tongue then swallows thickly. “Beautiful, actually!” Lifting his gaze to meet Kacchan, he whispers, “Gorgeous. Just the most amazing person in my life.”
Kacchan is staring intently with his sharp red eyes, and Izuku feels his chest swell with confidence he never had before. “Kacchan is my inspiration, and I just … love … Kacchan so much. I wish I had the courage to tell him— um, her that.”
“Are you two serious?” Kacchan asks, impassive but there is silent rage hiding behind his words.
Something flashes quickly through Kacchan’s eyes before he narrows them. It takes Izuku a second to recognise that it’s /hurt/ and then he realise what he has just done.
“No, no, no!” Izuku backtracks immediately. “I don’t even know her that well! In fact, she kinda smells and definitely has sweating problem.” Izuku needs to do damage control and come clean NOW. “You know what? I will call her and break up with her right now. Ha ha ha.”
What the hell is he saying? Who is he going to call?
Kacchan stands up while Izuku fumbles with his phone. “Don’t be a dick,” he says, before he heads to the door.
Izuku jumps from his chair and is ready to chase after him when Kacchan stops him. “How big?”
“You said Bakugan was big.”
Ah, yes, he did. Tragically.
“Um, y’know just…” Izuku motions with his hands like he’s moulding two doughballs, palms up and fingers wiggling because he’s lost control of his life once he accepted his funeral date, but that’s not even happening anymore so what is he doing really.
He then makes am hourglass shape in the air and belatedly realises that he’s just outlining Kacchan’s shape in front of him. Izuku retreats his hands and puts them behind his back in shame.
Kacchan is looking at him funny. Like he’s trying to figure something out.
“Does she shoot aerial bomb or something? Is that a combat-style quirk?”
Izuku blinks.
Kacchan just sneers and turns around.
“Whatever. I’m doing a photoshoot this afternoon. The Sekushī clothing line is dropping a new summer set and they asked me to model.”
“Se- Sekushi?? You mean, like—” Izuku feels his face go impossibly red. “You’re saying that, you’re going to wear, like…..” his voice goes down to a whisper when he says “…..a b-b-b-b-b-bikini?”
“Swimwear,” Kacchan turns to say over his shoulder, “Among other things.”
The sexy smirk he sends Izuku’s way is doing very, very weird things to Izuku’s body and imagination, things too inappropriate to describe in a work setting.
Kacchan leaves but not without offering the most dangerous challenge to Izuku’s mental wellbeing. “Feel free to drop in.”
Oh, he absolutely will.
“Bring Bakugon.”
Oh, he absolutely will not.
Maybe, he will.
Kacchan is going to ruin Izuku
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lovespelt · 4 years
Katsuki cupped Izuku's cheeks, looking at him with a soft, fond, awe-loving stare that Izuku wasn't familiar with— and whispered. "You are still as beautiful as the day that I've lost you.."
He was 13 when he was taken, Katsuki and Izuku would still be friends while growing up bcz they don't have quirks here, even tho Izuku is weak, Katsuki still tries to protect him, Katsuki is still friends with Izuku bcz he didn't get much praise from his peers like the canon.
But it really messed up his head when Izuku got taken and that was the start of his hot headedness.
Eri was born with a horn shaped lump on her head after Katsuki became Chief (he's like,, 22 now)
But she wasn't his biological child, she was actually at another island, her father—chisaki, didn't like her appearance and he tried dropping her on a cliff.
But at this time, Izuku finally bulked up a bit and is living and familiar with dragons after 9 years and he learned everything about them and learned how to fly with them too and when he saw this man dropping a child from a cliff, he swooped in and saved Eri from the fall, the bottom was foggy so Chisaki couldn't see but he thought Eri was already dead so he walked off, not realizing there was a big ass dragon opening it's mouth to shoot fire into his whole body lmao
After that, Izuku tried raising Eri for a year with the dragons and realized that this isn't a suitable place to raise a child well and he was heartbroken by this realization and decided to maybe, give her near a village.
Perfect timing that Katsuki was out hunting in a nearby woods when Izuku was flying his dragon to go to the nearest village but then he saw this tall strong blond male hunting, he seemed to target a big deer but then he stopped when he saw two baby calves nearby and cursed out loud, making the deers run away.
And Izuku thought he was a perfect parent and all that without realizing that it was Katsuki.
So he left Eri (he hugged her tight one last time— his little snow) within Katsuki's sight and looked behind a tree. Ofc Katsuki saw the child and was like "it's parent's must've left it here to die bcz of the strange looking bump on it's forhead." And angrily took her back to his village, Izuku sighed in relief, knowing that the person that took her was a nice morale one.
And he left.
And Katsuki is all like, I'm just keeping you around till I find you a good enough family and one day Eri is all like Papa to Katsuki and Katsuki is all like Fuck shit looks like I'm a father now. And adopts Eri officially. And Katsuki mellows out again.
Eri didn't know why she had a fascination for dragons and wanting to learn about them and decided to use a journal and Katsuki was anxious (scared—) bcz his little girl acted just like Izuku, he still had Izuku's journals somewhere safe bcz he's a secret sentimental bastard and all that.
People loved Eri and shit but they were worried that there was gonna be another Izuku incident bcz of it and yada yada yada.
Gobber is Kirishima.
Tuffnut and Tuffnut as Katsuma and Mahoro.
Fishlegs as one of Tsu's little brother.
And Snotlout as that spoiled kid from the "I wanna see your cute face. Ft. Todoroki and bakugou" Episode.
Kouta is definitely Astrid.
And Eri kissed his cheeks Instead and bla bla bla.
So after most of the movie plot and Katsuki just accepted that Kouta is gonna be part of their weekend dinners from now on and the dragons when his daughter had almost died bcz of him.
They met Izuku again.
Eri learned how to do the flaming sword, she's like, 16 now. (And Izuku is like, 39 at this point but let's just make him look like he's in his mid twenties)
And Izuku revealed his face to her and was all like, "Eri..?" And Eri was all like "How did you know my name???" (And Izuku low-key blushed coz that was the name he wanted for his child to have when kacchan asked. He still didn't know that it WAS Katsuki is her dad tho.) He slowly removed his mask and kneeled to cup Eri's face and was all like "I could never forget you my little snow."
And it all clicked from there. Where she got her fondness for dragons, her little drawings of green bunnies (bcz of Izuku's mask HAHA) , her crybabyness, and her Notebooks.
She kind of adapted his traits shen she was 2 and she kind of connected some dots after she remembered her dad saying that she acted like her first love alot.
And she asked him. "...Are you Deku?"
Ofc this surprised Izuku and he was like "how did you know that name??" And she was all like "My dad talks about his first love to me because the way I acted reminded him, my dad is Chief Bakugou Katsuki from birth." And Izuku's eyes widen and he was all like "Kacchan is the Chief now?!"
Ofc they reunited at last after Katsuki tracked down where her daughter was and tried attacking Izuku coz he was wearing a mask and he did not recognize him until he was pinned to the ground (damn this guy is strong wtf?!) And Eri is like NO! STOP DEKU! THAT'S MY DAD.
And Katsuki froze and the person above him whispered "Kacchan..?"
And that ladies and gentlemen, was the third time in his 40 years of living, crying.
(first when Izuku was taken and second when he thought Eri died)
So yeah, (first Love's) Childhood friend reunion!!!
They talked alot and it was the first time Eri saw his dad smiling and laughing alot with someone that isn't her. And she just casually mentioned about how Izuku is her dad's first love and all and both became a blushing mess and stutters.
(wow never in a million years did she thought her dad would act like this,)
So they went back to Berk on their dragons (Eri did not loose a leg, and her Dragon is a Light fury instead!!!)
And Watch everyone doing a reunion for Izuku and bla bla bla and all that (we aren't gonna make the whole Stoick dying part, no fricken way,)
And both now reunited childhood friends tried to flirt with each other and being oblivious to both of their antics and the whole village find this amusing and just kept quiet while Eri thinks Kouta would have a permanent hand shape mark on his face for facepalming too many times because of both of her parental figures that act like fucking teenagers hahahaha.
Like that's their whole plot lmao, hope you enjoy!!????
(this is unedited and rushed coz it's really late where I live and I'm sorry for any possible spelling errors, it just struck me in the middle of the night and I'm too tired to reread and edit it lmao, I'm sorry,thx for reading!!)
this is rly rly cuteeeeeee. i’ve never actually seen httyd 2 or 3, but i loved this- the bits w eri and jouta were adorable too 🥺🥺🥺 i would so totally read this fic!
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honkshooomimimi-art · 3 years
BNHA Ideas I Need To Get Outta My Head
BKDK soulmates/soul bond au
As kids bkg and dk run into some trouble with a person with a soul bond quirk bgk being a lil shit angered the man with the quirk and Deku being himself jumped in to stop kachan. The man finding them both annoying bonded their souls together in hopes of forcing them to leave him alone (or something)
They get bonded as kids Ella enchanted style. (If you haven’t seen the movie/read the book, essentially this fairy character came by and granted the main character the gift of obedience, because the fairy thought it was the greatest gift she could give, but in reality it was horrible and messed up the main characters life. The fairy was a family friend and incredibly narcissistic) (also watch ella enchanted, its a great movie and one if my all-time favorites from my childhood)
As children, a person with a soul binding quirk saw the two of them together and thought they were just the cutest and decided they needed to be soulmates (its up to you if they knew their parents or not.) Izuku wakes up in the middle of the night with fever and stomach pains. Inko being a pediatrician tries to help him thinking it’s just a stomach bug or something. Then about 20 minutes later she gets a call from mistuki freaking out because katsuki as been with fever, pain, and throwing up for the past hour. Mistuki apologizes a bunch thinking she had woken inko up (inko was katsukis pediatrician) and she explained that no, it’s alright she was already up and that izuku had the same symptoms. Thinking they may have gotten food poisoning at school or something inko coaches mitsuki on what to do as she does the same with izuku. They eventually call it a night when the boys finally get to sleep. They didn’t get better. Two more days went by and they were only getting worse, so on the early morning of day three the three of them take the boys to the emergency where they stay for a couple of hours. It’s then when theyre told about the soul bond, and how it works. They explain that they have had an influx of couples coming in with the same symptoms and the the police and hero’s have been looking for the person who has been bonding people without their consent.
The jist of they got their souls bonded together when they were young. They can be apart from each other for a full 48 hours before they start feeling symptoms. It starts with little things like small headaches or slight muscle aches, then with each passing day gets worse and worse. They learned the hard way in middle school that they absolutely can not go more than a full month apart. (Bkg tried his damn hardest to break the bond, refusing to talk, look at, or even be near dk. It ended up in them both becoming insanely sick, which forced their parents to step in and get them to stop being stupid and coax them into being friends again)
(Because of the the bond their sons have, the parents become close friends, so when bkg started to treat dk badly after they found out abt their quirks, mitsuki shut that \down right away)
or alternatively, bkg tried to stay away from dk because of his shift reasons (see below) but then they both got super sick, and it was at the hospital they they were told their souls were bonded together. With that news their parents tried to keep them together as much as possible, and so they were forced essentially into being friends again. Bkgs parents sat him down and explained to him that the way he treated dk was unacceptable and dks mom sat dk down and told home that he shouldn’t take things like that from anybody no matter who they are. Bkg apologized (they’re like 8 or 9 maybe) and they went back to being best friends) They are at there absolute best when they’re closest both physically and emotionally and at their worst when the opposite happens.
(The shift in bkgs attitude didn’t happen when he got his quirk, but when he realized that dk wouldn’t get one at all. Being a kid he didn’t know how to express the feeling of “you’re being a moron and you’re gonna get yourself killed if you try to go out there without a quirk and the idea of seeing you hurt without a way to defend yourself hurts in a way I can’t even begin to process” and so that manifested into anger, and bkg trying his absolute hardest to stay away from dk, since dk wouldn’t listen to him)
They don’t necessarily have to be in direct contact all the time (though physical contact does bring them a whole lot of comfort/relief/general good feelings), being physically near each other is enough to satisfy the bond. They can go months without touching each other at all before any sort of symptoms kick in. They do need to meet a sort of quota of physical touch every once in a while (which they do when they spar)
The more time they spend physically touching the longer they can spend apart (so if they cuddle the whole night they could easily spend months apart)
They didn’t know about the bond, they just thought their parents were good friends form college or something. They aren’t told about it untill around middle school, with the upcoming separation they would have had if izuku hadn’t go to to U.A. Their parents didn’t want to tell them, but they assumed (because izuku was quirkless) that he wouldn’t apply to u.a., but Katsuki would (in this world ua always had a dorm system) and since they can’t really live apart for that long, they needed to find a way to make things work. (At this point, dk had already met all might and was training with him, but he never told anybody he’d be applying to ua, not even his mom.) After they’re told about their bond, deku announces he’d be applying to ua.
Sorry this ones all over the place i had like three (3) different versions of this au in mind
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tillyblogs · 4 years
You can see the art here in my ART BLOG! Also my Twitter! ❤️ 💚
Here and here and HERE too! 
 Thread of Hogwarts AU headcanons cause I’m super into this (I’m a pottehead so it makes sense) Mostly BKDK (I Edited a bit from my twt thread tho
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Kacchan’s a pureblood (child prodigy) and Deku is a muggleborn (he was always teased by him for it) They both grew up in the same neighborhood, but weren’t exactly friends. Katsuki always knew he was going to go to Hogwarts, his family is well known in the Wizarding World.
They were from different worlds but Izuku always admired Katsuki’s ambition, he knew Kacchan had something no one he knew had and Izuku shared his secret of being a wizard, he wanted to be one so badly but he didn’t come from a family of wizards so he lost hope. 
When Izuku learned he was a wizard, Izuku was thrilled then but Katsuki was confused??... he’s known him his whole life, plus he’s a mudblood... :(
Izuku was confused by this... he didn’t mind being a muggleborn, he was just happy to be a wizard, yet Kacchan teased Izuku for it. Kacchan knew he was being shitty with that, after all purebloods are no longer considered the huge thing they once were, but something about Izuku intrigued him a great deal... he was always following him... 
When they were 11 they god the letter. They both were gonna got to Hogwarts and Izuku was the happiest he’s been!
Once Deku got into Gryffindor, Katsuki was furious... Katsuki getting into Slytherin himself... he was going to show him how better he was to those pesty Gryffindors... 
It reminded Kacchan of that one time when they were kids... when Izuku saved him when he fell in the river... he scoffed. He was still greater than him and he was going to prove it....
Other Sortings (Class A*) 
Todoroki (Slytherin) 
Ochako (Gryffindor)
Tenya (Hufflepuff) 
Tsuyu (Ravenclaw)
Momo (Ravevnclaw) 
Kirishima (Hufflepuff) 
Kaminari (Hufflepuff)
Mina (Gryffindor) 
Jirou (Slytherin)
Tokoyami (Ravenclaw) etc
Sortings (Class B)+Shinsou (cause I want him to be in Class B bye)
 Monoma (Slytherin)
 Tetsutetsu (Gryffindor)
 Kendo (Gryffindor)
 Shinsou (Slytherin) 
Awase (Gryffindor maybe Hufflepuff) 
Ibara (Hufflepuff) 
Kuroiro (Slytherin) 
Juzo (Hufflepuff) 
Komori (Hufflepuff) 
Tsuburaba (Hufflepuff)
Anyways bkdk... 
Katsuki ADORES Quidditch and wants to become #1, he’s so good at it! but Deku loved it too... So they both made it to tryouts and always try to one up each other. They are so competitive. Katsuki had the Firebolt from the get go but Deku still was so good at flying with his petty broom. 
Katsuki wasn’t too keen of pets but he was quite fond of his Great Horned Owl; it was the biggest in the classroom he was pretty proud of him. For some REALLY STRANGE reason, two shitty Hufflepuffs? of all things mustard and ketchup hair decided they wanted to follow him... He evaded them like the plague but they kept coming... they’re okay he guesses. Students from all houses start to notice him too... 
Katsuki’s fave subject apart from Quidditch is Defense Against the Dark Arts cause he just wants to show everyone how good he is at kicking ass (he’s good at every subject tho). Katsuki’s the golden child among other Slytherins but as soon as he hears how well Todoroki and Deku are doing in class he always tries even harder. Of course he beats them.
Deku’s fave subjects are Charms, Transfiguration and Alchemy, tho he’s soft for CMC, but nothing gets better than flying. The first time he saw Katsuki fly, he knew he wanted to do the same and compete and to know how good it feels to be #1. Deku made great friends in Hogwarts but he’s always attentive of Katsuki. There’s something about that Slytherin, the way he’s so driven to succeed and his ambition and cunning mind. 
When Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup in first year, Kacchan swore he was going to pay... Deku however was growing more a more admired by everyone and he was so kind and smart and his smile shined so brightly. The blonde Slytherin couldn’t STAND his little group and how DARE Deku befriend that Todoroki bastard... he too was a Slytherin... 
Katsuki is starting to lose it... that little Gryffindor... how COULD he save him?! That time the Hippogriff almost tears his arm off... he just got distracted ok?! he was doing fine! Deku was brave but lacked self preservation... that pissed Katsuki off
He thought he could do anything but Katsuki proved him wrong and yes... He still smiles at him... Or that one time they crossed paths that winter in Hogsmeade... Kacchan was walking alone towards The Three Broomsticks when he almost feel into Izuku, he was carrying something he couldn’t see and got curious cause Izuku tried to hide it as soon as possible. He followed him for weeks, that little nerd... what WAS he hiding? He finally confronted him one day near the lake when he found out Deku has been sneaking a cat to his dorms OHOHO it was time to pay! But Deku begged him to keep the secret... Katsuki said that if he wins in their next match he will keep the secret, of course Deku wins... Kacchan reluctantly let’s it go... doesn’t care about some cat anyway... Deku is so excited! God that smile was too bright... He still thought he was a loser. Slytherin won the House cup though, Deku swore he will win next time with a determined look on his face.
They were fine he guesses... Until the Triwizard Tournament... Deku got CHOSEN? WHY? Over him?? When he worked SO HARD for it??? And Deku still participated. Katsuki saw red... HE wanted to be the one to be chosen, he’s way better than him! They didn’t talk for half the year. Deku tried to make the most of it... he was even failing in Quidditch since he was only concentrated in the tournament. Bald Head and that illusion chick from those other schools also showed up but he didn’t care... he didn’t care about these games anyway...
Katsuki didn’t even bother going to the Yule Ball even though everyone wanted to be his date (after all he was the golden boy) and it totally didn’t have anything to do with the fact that Deku already had a date and it was Cheeks for some reason, he still didn’t understand... Kirishima tried to cheer him up to no avail.
Slytherin won the House cup but it didn’t feel like a victory... After Deku won the cup, he apologized to Katsuki for not focusing on Quidditch enough and that he will try harder next year... 
Deku and Round Face were a thing he thinks, he’s totally NOT well informed.  Deku's focus on the House Cup was 10 times bigger than ever before, that drove Katsuki up the wall. It was perhaps the most invested he’s been in years. Their rivalry was at its highest and Katsuki’s sole purpose was to crush that little Gryffindor... 
Months passed and ok what was HAPPENING... 
Katsuki definitely was NOT distracted by the fact that Deku’s concentration on Defense Against the Dark Arts for their paired up assignment was very alluring. Deku’s focus on classes was making Katsuki feel drawn. Also fact that his hair was shaggier and that his own owl liked him? And that time those green eyes were greener than usual one day and made him almost explode the whole room for mixing the wrong ingredients in Potions... Izuku was realized he really liked being paired up with Kacchan in DADA, something he can’t explain yet. Like learning from him made it want to be closer to him.
After a few months, Deku and Round Face break up... Gryffindor won the House Cup that year... and for some reason Katsuki DEFINITELY didn’t know about... he felt accomplished. 
Things were definitely not okay? Somehow studying Charms with Deku was becoming more fun than spending time in his dorm alone. Deku’s smile shined more brightly by the day. Their teamwork was becoming well known... they actually worked good together on their assignments. Quidditch was no longer becoming a competition but a refreshing stimulation where Katuski was allowed to let loose and really feel the adrenaline of competing with Deku and seeing his satisfied look on his face when he lost. He discovered he liked the look on Deku’s eyes every time Katsuki scored a point... The way Deku smirked at him... The way his lips tasted after he caught him in the dressing room-WAIT
Yep, he ran... they didn’t talk for a week. The world hated him and they were assigned again for Herbology... things did NOT go on well. Kacchan didn’t do feelings and for DEKU? since when? No. no. Deku looked confused and hurt but he brushed it off. 
On Christmas he received a strange present from Honeydukes. Green Acid Pops... his favorite. Only Deku knew that... The rest of the year they didn’t talk. Assignments where weird and people started noticing. They were supposed to be a team. Not to mention the fact that Izuku also turned down any date invitation he had.
Slytherin won that year’s House cup and he was NOT happy. 
Yeah no he couldn’t stand not talking to him... he missed his voice. God that sounded corny. He’s more pissed than anything. He will NOT talk to him. 
In one very messy and rainy game where he fell of his broom and Deku caught him, they were both in the infirmary how convenient... He should be pissed Deku saved him... Again. they were not friends... right?
He didn’t look at him in the eye while he was patched up by the nurse. When she finally left  them alone. Katsuki didn’t know what to do with himself, he was about to tell Deku off, he didn’t need his pity, he didn’t need him saving him. Not after everything. He was self-sufficient. 
Deku kissed him. wait. When did he get close? Good thing too cause he as immobilized and wanted to punch him. But didn’t. In fact he kissed harder, he still wanted to be the best at it. The biggest weight was lifted. Who knew kissing Deku would be as thrilling as flying. He realized then. He had a new goal and it was to keep feeling like this for as long as he could. Izuku smiled when he saw Katsuki’s satisfied face. Yep. He thought of the same.
Things went pretty smoothly after: dressing rooms started to have more use to them than the actual Quidditch court, he NEVER sneaked out of the dorms until this year... he should be ashamed, he was the golden boy after all. And the grounds near the lake were perfect make out zone. Damn him for falling for a Gryffindor...
Hogsmeade trips were more fun than they ever were; little dates with Izuku meant seeing him smile more often and blushing. On winter he kept him warm when he visited the Slytherin dorms, he was quite welcome sine he was also friends with Half’n’Half. Gryffindors weren’t as bad as he thought after all... Everyone knew of course. They both didn’t bother hiding it. Even Cheeks was happy for them, it’s almost like she knew all along and Katsuki was the reason for their break up... He should feel bad but Izuku and Ochako were very good friends. 
Hufflepuff won the House cup that year. They both graduated with honors so who cares right? 
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I wasn’t initially planning on saying anything about this scene, but since it’s generated a decent amount of discourse, I’d like to add my two cents, because it is about Bakugou after all.
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So, do I think Bakugou shouldn’t have been used for comic relief here? No, I think it's fitting because Bakugou is often used for comic relief, and I feel like this scene is supposed to come off mixed to us. We're supposed to find it funny, but since we also are the only ones privy to the full extent of Bakugou's feelings right now, we're also supposed to feel a little bad for him, because we know he's frustrated and worried about Deku and wants to check up on him, but he’s been stopped short from seeing him right now (though nobody else is allowed to come in either, so everybody loses). I also think it makes perfect sense for them to physically restrain Bakugou to stop him from moving. It's partly for his own good so he won’t reopen his wounds, and it's evident that by how desperate Bakugou is, he won’t listen to any kind of reasoning, so they have no choice but to resort to this. The students also don’t want Bakugou to disturb the rest of the patients in the hospital, hence that one lady going “At last, some relief!” I also think it's clear that his classmates are relieved to see that Bakugou is not so gravely injured that he still can't move around and yell. They're glad to see that he's awake at the very least. On the other hand, Bakugou does claim to Best Jeanist that he's not actually as okay as they think he is: whether he means emotionally or physically is uncertain. How seriously we’re supposed to take Bakugou’s confession of not being alright is also unclear. Whatever's truly the case, let's just assume that Bakugou is indeed, physically well enough right now to be out of the woods.
This leaves my only real gripe(?) with this scene: nobody acknowledges why Bakugou’s acting so emotional and out of control to begin with. Granted, I don't think anything anyone can say will stop Bakugou anyway, but an attempt at acknowledging his feelings would be nice. I mean, in 298, we already had Sato & Mineta warning Bakugou that if he kept moving around like that, he might die. So yeah, they did acknowledge Bakugou's physical state, but what about his emotional state? Why couldn't anyone say something like, "Bakugou, I know you're worried about Deku right now, but you need to slow down?" or "Man, Bakugou's really that determined to see Deku, huh?" or idk, just any kind of recognition of why he's acting that way?
Which leads me to the 2 ways I interpret their reactions in this scene: a) the class 1-A students & others there aren’t supposed to really understand Bakugou's behavior here because they don't know the full extent of what happened between Bakugou & Deku, or how Bakugou truly feels about him. One hint of this gap in understanding could be from the flashback sequence in 284, when Uraraka mistakenly thought that it was Bakugou's decision to use explosions against Deku for Black Whip training. The inclusion of that detail is very deliberate in showing a disparity between how people used to view Bakugou vs. how he actually is right now, particularly in regards to Deku. Hell, even I thought it was Bakugou's idea until Bakugou claimed otherwise. 
And/or maybe it’s like b) when Bakugou got tied up at the Sports Festival: people rarely try to understand why Bakugou acts the way he does in the first place. It's easier & more convenient to just to scold him or put a muzzle on him. And the thing is, everyone did get that Bakugou was mad there because he felt like he won an unfair fight, but nobody tried to sympathize with why he'd feel that way (except Aizawa later, when he stood up for Bakugou at the press conference). It's not that I expect anyone to be particularly successful in talking down Bakugou, but an attempt at acknowledging why he's acting that way is enough to feel like the other characters have some respect for his personal feelings & desires.
And it's not like I'm asking them to psychoanalyze every single time Bakugou blows up: obviously it's not going to be that deep every time. But this is an extreme case here, and even then, Uraraka only made a surface observation of Bakugou being louder than ever (which is odd: Uraraka’s ability to understand Bakugou/his relationship with Deku has always been somewhat inconsistent).
Anyway, I don’t like how the opposition to any critique of this scene has devolved into "those stupid Bakugou stans overreacting and woobifying their uwu poor bby Bakugou" or even claiming that this is just “bkdk shippers being mad.” While I do think some people are blowing this scene a little out of proportion, I don't think it's unreasonable at all to interpret this scene as another instance of people not truly understanding Bakugou, particularly because there's been multiple precedents for this kind of situation before. Also, there's no need to bash or condescend people who have strong negative reactions to this scene: they're entitled to expressing their feelings. Saying that people are reading this wrong and need to shut up is just an attempt at shutting down any kind of conversation that you disagree with. You don’t get to dictate what’s reasonable to analyze or criticize and what’s not.
Everybody wants their favs’ struggles to be taken seriously, trust me: this isn’t just a Bakugou stan thing. Earlier in the series, nobody really cared about Bakugou being used as the butt of the joke because a lot of people didn’t like him, so it was framed as “heartless bully gets his just desserts.” But now that we know Bakugou a lot better as a person, and that we know that yes, he is indeed a human being with feelings like anyone else, it makes sense why a lot of us would feel more sympathetic toward him. 
Personally, I’d just like it if other characters pointed out Bakugou’s true feelings more often, because I feel like Bakugou’s a lot more reasonable than they give him credit for, so the things he does often fly over their heads. Even some fans reading the series still have trouble grasping Bakugou’s true intentions, which is why it can be helpful to have other characters spell them out for us (i.e., All Might recognizing that Bakugou is worried for Deku). I mean, I’m genuinely surprised that they are people who are completely caught up with the manga and still don’t realize that “there being a dissonance between Bakugou’s true intentions and how he appears on the surface” is a big part of his character. But when the characters in-universe even act like this, I guess I can see why (but it would also be helpful to note that it is… indeed possible for characters to have more than one feeling or motivation for something…). Though I will admit that people can take this to the other extreme too and make him seem softer or more persecuted than he actually is.
In conclusion, this scene didn't bother me too much, but I also couldn't help but feel somewhat off-put by how all the reactions to Bakugou were missing the whole picture, but I feel like that’s kind of the point.
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bratzs12345 · 4 years
So, I’ve been working on this VERY long bkdk fanfiction, and I’ve been losing some creative spirit, so I’ve decided to post one of the chapters to brew up some more condidence.
BTW, for context, Izuku is walking around in a world he already knows and interacting with people he has already seen, he ust can’t remeber it. ;) The song is Black Sheep from the movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
The bar seemed to be overly swarmed for a Thursday night. Dancing bodies take up the middle of the room, and conversing couples and groups stand on the outskirts. Both of which make it almost impossible for Izuku to make his way to the bar. However, he does manage to grab a seat and takes a look at the possible drink options in his hand. An empty glass slams into his field of vision. 
Izuku blinks and looks up to see a frowning middle-aged man glaring at him. His eyes are tired and irritated, and his mouth seemed to be set in a permanent frown. “I said, ‘What’s your poison, kid’? The bartender reiterates. 
His face flushes, and he lowers his head in embarrassment. “Sorry, I must have not heard from you. Tequila?” With that, the bartender walks away leaving Izuku to give a sigh of relief. He looks around dazedly at the distracted masses. None of them seemed to be the person he was looking for. 
“One shot of Tequila. The bartender says tiredly. His tone of voice triggers something inside of Izuku, and he tilts his head in confusion. The bartender raises his eyebrows in response, “Can I get you anything else?” 
 “No…Aizawa?” He says. The name almost feels familiar coming out of his mouth. Almost like he had said them before or seen them. 
 Aizawa does not share his sense of confusion because he rolls his eyes and says patronizingly, “Yes, that is what my how you read my nametag.” Izuku looks down at the nametag on his chest to see that the kanji for his name is indeed printed the same way. He flushes in embarrassment once more as Aizawa walks away mumbling something about not getting enough pay. 
Izuku sighs into his drink and throws it back. The only thing worse than crowds is interacting with them. Though he can’t seem to pick out any faces, he does have to admit the various people are realistically detailed and unique. It really does feel like he’s in a real bar. 
 “Alright! Who is ready to party?” The host shouts from the center stage. The crowd answers back enthusiastically. Izuku turns around intrigued. 
“We’ve got some fan favorites here ready to grace the stage today. Everybody, give it up for the Ground Zero!” The cheering gets louder at the name of the band, and the host quickly makes his way off the stage to give them some room.  
The cheering only gets louder as the members become visible under the building’s soft lights. In the back-center, a sandy blond man takes his place behind the drums. He smirks at the audience as he picks up the sticks, and Izuku can feel his chest tighten at the familiar face. A pink-haired woman in a purple zebra pink dress takes the mic. “What’s up, Tokyo! I’m Mina, and behind me are my associates, Kirishima, Jirou, and *******. As you probably already know, we’re Ground Zero.”  
Kirishima, a man with spiky red hair and sharp-toothed grin, and Jirou, a woman with a short cut bob and bored expression, come from behind Mina to stand at her side with guitars in both of their hands. They continue waving to the audience until the unnamed drummer rolls his eyes at the introduction and yells something at Mina that Izuku can’t hear from where he stands. Whatever he yells makes Mina laugh and she gives her bandmates a signal for the song to begin. 
Izuku couldn’t help but shake in excitement. Not only did they sound amazing, but they were playing one of his favorite songs. 
             Black sheep come home, black sheep come home               Black sheep come home, black sheep come home 
Jirou works off the crowd’s energy and provides beginning background vocals and harmonies for the chorus. Her guitar’s bass shakes the walls of the bar, and her harmonies reverberate throughout the walls of the bar. The energy she gave off undercut her seemingly uninterested demeanor. As the established frontman, she led the group throughout every melody and note change with ease, just as a prodigy should. 
                   Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when 
                  Our common goal was waiting for the world to end 
 Mina’s voice is soft but airy enough to give the rock ballad a seductive sound. She sings the words while bouncing on around the stage with the beat. She seems to be the one having the most fun under the attention striking flirty poses along with some of the more risque lyrics. Looking to her left, she kept in time with Jirou and Kaminari while occasionally looking back to the obscured drummer. 
                                   Send you my love on a wire 
               Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh 
                                                 From you 
Kirishima keeps up in step and strumming in time to Jirou’s notes. He hypes the crowd in between chords and keeps them moving throughout the track. He looks to the crowd shouting out some of the lyrics while occasionally losing himself in a few of his own dance moves. His position on stage allows him to keep his strumming on beat with the drummer while hearing any switch ups from Jirou, so that the group stays in sync. 
Though he’s in the back, the audience seems to automatically be drawn to Bakugou. His low vocals work with Jriou’s higher voice to create the perfect harmonies on the chorus while keeping time with the beats of his drum. From the looks of the signs, many of the crowd seems to be carrying, it seems as though he’s a fan favorite. 
                             It's a mechanical bull, the number one 
                                   You'll take a ride from anyone 
                      Everyone wants a ride, pulls away, ooh, from you 
Izuku can say the same. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of him. The way his hair moves as he bangs his head up and down in time, the way he closes his eyes and seems to be lost in the music and his aura seems to scream for attention over the already loud room. Izuku can safely say that he is hooked. 
The song ends with roaring applause, and Mina wishes the crowd a good night as they take their leave. Izuku’s eyes widen at the retreating figures, and he knows he has to act fast. Without thinking, he begins to push his way through the tightly knit crowd, almost getting crushed for his efforts. Without looking back at the people he nudged a little too hard, he made his way to the back of the stage. The backstage entrance isn’t hard to find as much as it’s hard to get to, but the green-haired man manages to make his way. The guards at the door were already having a rough time calming down a horde of fans who had the same idea he did. 
One burly man was speaking with a blond woman in front of all the others, and he overhears their conversation as he approaches. 
“Please…Please! Why can’t I see Kirishima-Kun?” The blonde pleads with the apathetic security guard, and his frown deepens. She was one of the audience members carrying a sign, although hers seemed to be dedicated to the guitarist. 
“No one is getting in, by direct orders. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the manager.” He says dryly. The blonde continues her pestering to the increasingly annoyed man who looks to be about three seconds away from giving her the boot. 
 Izuku slowly approaches the two and clears his throat. The squabbling pair look back at him. The blonde’s face is curious, and the guard seems to be annoyed. “Is there any way to ask permission to get backstage?” 
“Take it up with Aizawa. All of you.” He waves them off. “Now, get out of my face before I call the police.” 
 Aizawa? He quickly turns to head back toward the bar, barreling his way through the dance floor this time. He reaches the seat he was previously in and looks around. While the patrons seem to be good and drunk, there was no bartender in sight. Izuku sighed in disappointment. The groupies at the door seem to be ready to call it a day and walk off from the guards with scowls and curses. Izuku himself sighs while taking a seat in the exact same place he was in before the show. He wishes this wasn’t so difficult. He just needed to- 
“What’s your poison, kid?” Aizawa appears in front of him suddenly as if answering a prayer. Izuku can hardly believe it. 
“Can you help me? I mean- I need to get backstage,” he says hurriedly. His heart is pounding out of his chest, and his breath comes out in short pants. 
Aizawa looks back at him as if he had grown a third head. “Calm down, Izuku.” 
But Izuku is way past the point of calming down. He runs his fingers through his hair and grits his teeth. “I’m sorry. It’s just really important that I get backstage and talk to Kacchan before he leaves tonight.” 
“I mean…” Izuku stutters with a flush. He takes a deep breath and plops down in the seat. “What am I talking about? There’s no way I can talk to him. Everything about him screams confidence and I- I just… You know how you meet someone for the first time and instantly feel a connection. I know it sounds crazy to say but I just felt like if I talked to him for a second, then maybe I could tell him-I dunno. Forget it, just bring me another tequila.” He lowers his head in embarrassment. 
For a long minute, there’s nothing but silence between them. Izuku keeps his head down expecting the bartender to walk away. Soon enough, he does, and Izuku lets go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Another group had taken the stage, and while most had left after Ground Zero’s performance, a good number of them were around to cheer while the next singer performed. Izuku sighed, knowing that the band was pretty popular. It was pretty stupid of him to think- 
A calloused hand slammed down a twenty-dollar bill beside him. “Hey, nerd,” Izuku turns around to see Ground Zero’s drummer standing behind him. 
He stares at him with an indiscernible look in his eyes and makes sure he got into his space. Before Izuku could say anything, the blonde pulls him forward and presses his lips against his. Izuku’s mind goes blank as he registers lips moving against his, and by the time he pulls away, his mind is sufficiently fried. A smirk comes back to his face as he sees the look in his eyes, and he leans forward once more to huskily whisper in his ear, 
                                       “What’s my name, Deku?”
Please be nice  It’s just a first draft.
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