#I know it’s December but my mind’s eye wanted beaches
iz-does-art · 9 months
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Something a little more sketchy, but fun nonetheless! I’ve had beach shenanigans on my mind for the past few days, so here’s my Muriel-centric doodle page for it! I feel like they’d love the beach and find so many joyous things about it. (I may or may not also possibly write a little bit for this idea)
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hoe4sports · 4 months
“Take my heart, dont break it”
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Alexia Putellas x reader
A/N: You voted and picked Alexia. This is a series based on Myles Smith song called stargazing. No triggers. P2 here.
The fresh Barcelonian air was flowing into your hotelroom as you found yourself sat in the frame of the window m next to one of your teammates, Alexia Putellas. You were both sitting together in silence with your eyes closed soaking up the morning bliss. The sun was slowly waking up as the gentle rays felt like a warm cup of cocoa in December by the fireplace with a book and a blanket. Not too warm, not too cold. You were taking in all the fresh salty air you could possibly fit into your lungs before exhaling through your mouth. It felt blissful, peaceful; like a morning mindfulness class. You could smell the gentle strawberry scent from the tea Alexia had made you when you got up in time for sunrise. You and Alexia had known each other forever. You grew up with her and Alba next door and you had religiously played football with Alexia for your whole life. You did it all together: High school, college, Barcelona and the national team. You sat together on buses and flights. Even though she was entitled to her own hotel room as captain; she still wanted to partner up with you.
“Can I interrupt your peace?” Alexia asked as you opened up your eye to see her still in the same relaxed position with her eyes closed. “If you must” you said as you giggled. Alexia sighted. “No, no, go ahead big al” you corrected as you looked out on the beach below the hotel.
“I’ve been having some issue with Olga; she seems spaced out. She’s there, but she isn’t really there. It’s strange, I don’t really understand and she keeps insisting that everything is all good. I dont honestly know what to do.”
You could sense the tension in the room as the Catalan poured her heart out to you. It was like thunder from a crystal blue sky. They seemingly had the picture perfect relationship. Amazing vacations. Nice cars. Fancy dinners.
“It’s just, I know it’s selfish but I can’t stop my mind from wondering if she is cheating on me. She’s always on her phone, and she deleted her location off of the life360 app.”
You spent a second figuring out what words Alexia wanted to hear and what she needed to hear. It was clear as day that you needed to knock some common sense into her. Who would cheat on one of the hottest women in the world of football? Nobody could ever be able to commit to adultery without anyone taking notice of their famous girlfriend.
“Ai, Ale. Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear or what you need to hear? Pick your poison capitana.”
You looked over at her. She was still sitting in the sun in the window while taking on the fresh air. Her chest rhythmically rising. Her brown eyes were still closed and her blonde hair was up in the messiest Lucy Bronze style bun you could imagine making the sight of her almost wanting you to giggle.
“Hm, buena pregunta…Tell me what I need to hear.” Alexia said softly as she opened up her eyes to look at you showing off her worried grin. Her body language changed. Like she was getting ready for a fight.
“Estúpida, Olga loves you! She adores you. She practically worships the ground you walk on. You need to talk to your girlfriend, and you need to tell her what you told me.” You finished as you looked at her with an attitude.
Later that day at practice, you were doing drills with Claudia. It was evidently warmer now, and you had popped off your shirt to avoid getting overly warm. You kept passing the ball at the right time in the right height to help Claudia with her first touches. It was always fun working with Claudia. Her humor was incredible and if her humor didn’t do the job; her infections laugh would. As you passed the last ball to Claudia, she ended up whacking the ball senseless and the ball went flying into the open field. It caused you to laugh hysterically as Claudia flopped down on the grass. Claudia was a vibe; you got along so well and she’d been like your little sister.
The next practice begun at the gym, and it was individual programs. You, Alexia, Claudia and Ingrid has the same program for the day meaning that you partnered up together. You noticed that Alexia seemed distracted. At first, she had placed the weights in the bench press without securing them causing them to go flying off the pole. The next situation was when she tried filling her waterbottle from the water cooler and she overfilled in for a good 10 seconds before she caught the little spill. The last situation was when Claudia was doing squats and Alexia was supposed to be spotting her right side as you spotted the left. The weights were a little heavier than what Claudia normally lifted so you expected her to need assistance. After four lifts, Claudia went for the fifth and it caused her to fail. You grabbed the pole from the left side as the younger girls hands were wobbly violently to hold up the other side of the pole. Alexia didn’t caught on. “Alexia” No answer. “Alexia for fucks sake, help!” You yelled causing Ingrid to shove her away to help you with the spotting.
In the warderobe that afternoon after everyone left, you decided to stay behind and talk to Alexia again. Alexia liked taking her time in the shower so it wasn’t uncommon for her to be the last woman standing. You approached her as she stepped out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around her lower half leaving her chest open.
“Ale, you have been distant. You could’ve caused an injury. What’s going on?” You crossed your arms as you stood in front of her with a stern look on your face. The feeling you had wasn’t something you could shook away easily. You just couldn’t act in situations that maybe had happened. That wouldn’t be fair to Olga or Alexia.
“Ai, Y/N, it’s just hard. I’m in my head and Olga is too busy to talk. I cannot shook the feeling I’m having in my gut. But I need to trust Olga, right?”
You nodded. Olga hadn’t done anything that wouldn’t give her chance to explain herself. For all Alexia knew, this was all just a big misunderstanding.
Olga was amazing, you knew her from before her and Alexia started dating, and they were perfect for each other. Olga was always so perfect, almost to the point where it annoyed you. Olga was picture perfect and rarely looked out of line or did Alexia wrong. Alexia’s observations were however not unlikely. A few weeks ago you went to a new restaurant with Claudia, and you could’ve sworn you saw Olga with another woman. You couldn’t be sure though because you had excused yourself to the bathroom to get a better look, but when you got out of the bathroom; The mystery woman was out of sight. Quite frankly, she had also been out of mind.
That was until now however, but it couldn’t have been Olga. Olga was sweet, genuine and had a heart of gold. You couldn’t wrap your mind around what Alexia had said, but you could also not tell her that you might saw Olga. You were having an internalised conflict of trying to decided whenever to tell her or not. You didn’t want to seem pushy and like you didn’t like Olga, but you didn’t want Alexia’s heart to break either.
At least, that was the lie you continued to tell yourself.
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allwaswell16 · 1 month
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Happy Fan Fic Writer Appreciation Day 2024!
The first lines of some amazing fics by some of my favorite 1D writers! Since I've done this post for so many years, this year I limited it to fics that were published in the last year or so. Please check out the past years' lists here where you'll find even more incredible writers! Thank you to every writer in our fandom for your gifts of fic to us all!
Louis hung up his keys and coat as his cottage door closed to protect himself from the drizzle.
He’d only given in because he was lonely.
The sun sat low in the sky, bathing the expanse of beach in warm, golden light. 
Louis looked around the room, waiting for the others to laugh and let him know that the last ten minutes had all been an elaborate joke and of course they weren’t serious. 
Harry’s thighs burn.
Harry Styles was a star.
Harry Styles has standards. 
The man in the video was annoyingly chipper in the face of what seemed to Louis to be imminent disaster. 
The first time it happens isn’t even intentional.
Louis Tomlinson strived for perfection in everything he did.
Liam Payne doesn’t know how he got here. 
Standing in front of the second-hand mirror hanging on his closet door, Harry looks himself over. 
If she was being honest, the last thing Harry wanted to do at the moment was get ready to go out.
It had been a good idea when he’d agreed to it.
Louis tilted his head up and took in a deep breath.
Bosworth Academy for the Well-Bred Omega sits upon a hill overlooking the quaint town of Kinsey in county Durwin.
Stumbling through the door, Liam dragged the sweat soaked vest over Zayn's head, pushing him back against the wall.
It’s December first.
He gets sent home.
Life wasn’t supposed to be like this.
All Louis’ life, he’s known he’s been different.
Liam is in the middle of fucking nowhere, the two-lane highway stretching ahead and behind him, as far as the eye can see. 
When Harry first tells him, Zayn isn’t sure what to think.
Spending his Saturday night with an older man who was not his father was never what Harry Styles pictured his mid-twenties to look like.
Louis rolls over on his back, sighing in frustration as he fumbles for his phone on the nightstand.
“Wait! Please don’t go!” 
Waking up from rut is a bleary, confusing experience. 
He knew scrolling through his phone so soon would only end in disaster, and yet he opened Instagram anyway.
There’s music echoing throughout the rink, an instrumental Disney song.
The telly is on when Louis comes home, keys jangling in the lock as he swings the door open and kicks off his shoes into the haphazard pile by the mat. 
“So, what did you have in mind?”
Two essential tips for anyone planning to take a nighttime stroll: don't forget to bring a heavier jacket, and make sure your phone is fully charged.
The large fluorescent lights groan awake high on the ceiling overhead as Harry flips on the light switch.
“You heading home, mate?” Liam asked as the movie ended.
Louis curls his hands around the balcony railing, tilting his head up to let the slanted rays of the evening sun catch on his face.
When Harry opened Niall's door, a combination of warm air and cologne greeted him.
“Harry? Are you home, love?”
It was the first day back after Winter Break, and Louis did not want to be here.
Louis has been single for 369 days, and the last place he wants to be is at a wedding.
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
Even before Louis presented as an omega, he’d dreamed of one day finding his soulmate.
Authors in order of first lines:
@nouies @jaerie @disgruntledkittenface @2tiedships2 @haztobegood
@lululawrence @daggerandrose @homosociallyyours @alwaysxlarrie @thelavendrhaze
@fallinglikethis @kingsofeverything @becomeawendybird @reminiscingintherain @louandhazaf
@thedevilinmybrain @laynefaire @londonfoginacup @ladyaj-13 @jacaranda-bloom
@voulezloux @phdmama @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @parmahamlarrie @crinkle-eyed-boo
@uhoh-but-yeah-alright @absoloutenonsense @all-these-larrythings @beelou @justanothershadeofblue
@galacticlarry @persephoneflouwers @letthemusicmoveyou28 @enchantedlandcoffee @shimmeringevil
@imogenleewriter @lunarheslwt @red-pandaaa @loveislarryislove @hellolovers13
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icarustypicalfall · 10 months
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Alejandro Vargas x reader
masterpost • Ao3
Summary: And only when you feel like there is nothing left, you'll find me waiting for you, I'll make it feel like home.
Where Alejandro comes home, because home is you.
Warnings: SFW, bath scene, sweet fluff <3
Note: I die for the unsexual ways of showing intimacy. I tried a new style, not really sure of it, but i just love this trope; where A washes B's hair and takes care of them in a non sexual way, and they are both comfortable and happy :( <3
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“Be still my foolish heart
Don't ruin this on me”
The journey from the base to home was long, uncomfortable, and, above all, tiring. Alejandro shifted, letting out a deep sigh as he rubbed his eyes, careful not to touch the still numb cut on his forehead.
The medics had urged him to get his wounds stitched up, or at the very least, checked. But he dismissed it as pointless, with only one thing on his mind: coming home to you.
As soon as the debriefing ended, he hopped into the nearest car, beckoning Rudy and some other vaqueros to join him. A younger member, barely awake, asked, "Where are we going, colonel?" Alejandro gazed at the purple sky with a knowing smile and replied, "Home."
Alejandro was the colonel, but that didn't mean he didn't care. If anything, he was the exact opposite. He checked on every member, praising some and ordering others to go straight to their family houses to rest. Los Vaqueros were his family, he celebrated their joy and grieved their sorrow as his own.
Even in his most exhausted moments, Alejandro never forgot about his long-time friend and second in command, Rudy. He made sure Rudy reached his family, sain et sauf after every mission, as he had done for the past twenty years.
Alejandro sighed, stopping at the side of the road to check his phone after the last vaquero had left. The background was a selfie of you and him, licking ice cream under the moonlit sky.
You never understood why he liked this picture so deerly, he's been gazing at it for the last two years, whenever he was away from you. As if your sweet smile comforted him and buried his dark thoughts somewhere only you knew.
If anything, it was a sweet picture, tongues out, wide grins, your hair sticking to your foreheads, a proof of the swimming session you two had beforehand.
He remembered it perfectly—the day you got married. Instead of going home, he insisted on going to the beach to have your own celebration. It was surprisingly warm and deserted. Time didn't matter to you—three in the morning. You danced, swirled, and swam in the dark water with your dress on.
To hell with makeup and his suit.
All you wanted was a laugh and a kiss under the moonlit sky. And you never found it lacking, not once, after meeting him.
You were both madly in love. Two fools swimming in an ocean of sanity and adoration. You completed each other. You longed for each other.
Alejandro reached home after the long journey. His muddy boots left traces on the doorstep as he fumbled for his keys, trying to be discreet. It was almost midnight, and he didn't want to wake you—or any of the neighbors.
Before the key even grazed the hole, the door slowly unlocked.
You gazed at Alejandro with a calm smile on your face and uttered, "Welcome home, colonel."
You were silent, still. Gazing at the astonished man. You promised, never quitting this habit of waiting for him.
He complained, nonsense about how you should rest and let him surprise you and bla-bla-bla.
You didn't give in his pleas, not even once.
You were always waiting at the doorstep, every ounce in your body craved a glimpse of your beloved husband.
Alejandro grinned, stepping inside and letting his bag fall to his side. His arms found their way to your sides, sweeping you off your feet and crashing you into his chest as he murmured, feeling a sense of peace wash over him, “Mi mondo… mi todo...”
The embrace was a burning fire, melting both of you into one. Alejandro closed the door with a kick of his heel, slowly stepping into the warm flat.
You cupped his cheek, running your thumb over the cut on his temple. He winced slightly, his eyes shutting before he uttered, "It's nothing...mi amor."
You shook your head, knowing his stubbornness was just a cover to hide his pain. Not because he was afraid of being vulnerable to you, he simply didn't want you to worry. He wished for you to live your ultimest youth, without a single cloud of onus to disturb your shining sun and skies.
You were a Phoenix to him, healing every scar and cut with your gentle touch and soft whispers.
"Come with me."
You guided him upstairs to the bathroom.
The room was hot, steamy with fog clouds floating around you. The black marbelic walls were covered with small beads of water vapor, slowly racing down to the ground.
Alejandro leaned against the door, resting his against the hard material with a long and tired sigh.
You checked the water temperature, motioning for him to climb in the tub. He steeped closer, gazing at the surface of the colorless liquid. His face emerged, and he couldn't help but chuckle. He cupped your cheeks, smiling wearily. "Mi amor, you didn't have to..."
"I wanted to..."
You ran him a warm bath, filled with devotion to the brim.
Just the way he liked it, with oils and conditioner that he enjoyed smelling on you. Alejandro adored every detail about you. Somehow, you had captured his mind and soul within your hands. Your little gestures only served to deepen his affection.
You helped him take off his dirty, blood-soaked clothes—thankfully not his own. The military uniform fell to the floor, followed by his torn shirt. He sighed deeply, shivering slightly as your hands trailed over his scarred skin, the cold sensation leaving goosebumps in its wake.
He remembered when he brought you to the beach, embarrassed about his battle scars, thinking you'd be disgusted by the cuts on his skin. But instead, you cradled his flesh with merciful tenderness, Washing away his worries through kisses scattered on his back. He held back his tears, letting you heal his skin and carve a lasting memory in his mind.
Back to reality, Alejandro smiled at you, his eyebrows furrowing in question at your grinning face. He was wearing cat-printed shorts, and you couldn't help but laugh as he blushed slightly.
There was no tension, no other thoughts, not at this moment at the very least. This precious moment was too good, too perfect to be tainted and corrupted by any sin, even if it wasn't a wrongdoing anyway. He saw it no other way, and neither did you. You helped him wash away the weariness of duty, making him feel at home. Could he ask for more?
Alejandro slowly submerged himself under the water, his head lazily resting on the edge of the tub. He gazed at you, silently observing your every movement. He missed this, missed you deeply. No words could express how desperately he longed for your presence.
You held the shampoo bottle, scooping some product into your hands before lathering it into his now wet hair. He shivered, letting out a contented sigh. You massaged his shoulders, washing away the aches of war and leaving nothing but love that cascaded down his shoulders like honey.
Silence filled the house, the only sounds audible were the hushed breaths he took and the occasional dripping of water from the sink. Finally, wrapped in a large towel and smelling of fresh grass and vanilla, Alejandro sat on the edge of the tub as you searched for band-aids in the small box. He chuckled wearily as you placed a green plaster on his temple.
Standing between his legs, you cupped his face, examining his very being before whispering silently, "I love you, thank you for coming back."
Taken aback, he kissed you, your lips intertwining in a gentle embrace of madness before he uttered, "Thank you for waiting, mi todo."
It was around 2 am, as you lay in bed. The scent of warm chumpurados filled the room, igniting in his soul and heart a longing for home. But, would he complain? He was indeed at home, for his heart and mind resided with you.
Alejandro placed his mug on the nightstand before resting his head on your thigh. You ran your fingers through his dark locks, gently caressing his hair.
Alejandro leaned in, murmuring nonsensical words against your limb. His gratitude was beyond imagination. Without you, he would be lost, despondent. He found his missing piece with you, you little thief, stealing his heart and claiming it as your own. He didn't mind in the slightest, willing to sacrifice his very essence for your sake.
Silently, you asked, "Is something on your mind, mi amor?"
He whispered instantly, his fingers intertwining with your form in a tenderness that would make the clouds shy away. "You... mi cielo."
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you broke the silence once more. "I know, mi amor. I meant, is there anything bothering you?"
"No. Nothing at all.. when I am with you, I am so much happier…”
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goldengleams · 7 months
a fic with clingy trevor?
vacay vibes | t. zegras
My spring break plans failed to make it out of the gc so here's this while I wish I was on a beach😭🏖️
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With the All-Star break about to start, you were excited for the extra time you would have with your boyfriend, Trevor. It wasn't his fault that he was always busy, and you were fairly busy with college as well, but you both knew that you could use some rest and relaxation for a few days, just the two of you. Trevor had planned a little trip for you two back in December and had surprised you with it for Christmas. A trip to Hawaii was a perfect gift that you both needed more than ever.
Now, you stood at the door of your beachfront rental that Trevor had booked and watched as he walked up the sand with his surfboard.
"Catch any waves, Zegras?"
Trevor looked up when he heard you, eyes wild as always. "You saw that big one? It was crazy!" Trevor planted his board in the sand and jogged over to where you were lounging in a beach chair.
"You wanna come surfing tomorrow? Then we can do it together," Trevor said excitedly. He plopped down in the chair next to you and shook his wet hair out.
"Trevor!" You squealed. He paid you no mind, even trying to pull you over to sit on his chair with him.
"No, absolutely not, T! You are wet and smelly and need to get that wetsuit off," you protested. Trevor pouted in response. Oh how you had missed that face.
"Shower with me," he said, not missing a beat. He started pulling down the zipper on his wetsuit to expose his chest.
"Trevor, I already showered this morning."
"So? It's 80 degrees, we could both use a shower!" Trevor successfully pulled you over to his beach chair at this point, and you sat on his lap.
You pushed up your sunglasses to give Trevor your best deadpan. His hazel eyes took in every part of your face, unable to concentrate on just one aspect.
"You're clingy," you mused. You and Trevor were always touchy with each other, that wasn't the surprise. You just hadn't been used to his urgency in quite a while due to the start of the semester.
"Maybe," Trevor said quietly. His hands danced across your skin, relishing in the fact that your daily attire had become a bikini on this vacation. "Just missed you. Missed having you at the games and giving us our good luck charm."
You chuckled. "I don't know if I'm the good luck charm, Z. The Ducks aren't doing as bad as last year, at least."
"I don't even wanna talk about hockey. We need a whole new team," Trevor groaned. You knew he constantly beat himself up over the losses his team racked up and the last thing you wanted to do was to stress him out on his vacation.
"Okay, no hockey in Hawaii," you laughed. "And I missed you, too, T. I'm glad my classes won't be taking up too much time anymore" you smiled. You pulled him into a soft kiss, which quickly turned passionate. Trevor's hands found the sides of your bikini way too quickly and you slapped him.
"Okay, if you want to be clingy then you have to go shower, get this wet suit off, and then make lunch with me. Deal?" You asked, raising your eyebrows in question. Trevor nodded enthusiastically.
"Whatever you say, baby!"
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poisonous-honey · 8 months
Soul Crushing Guilt
(This is a re-upload: Originally posted to UniverseUchu on December 2nd, 2022)
You've treated them all like toys. In your defence this was just another video game to you a couple of weeks ago, but they're actually real with thoughts and feelings of their own. You don't know how to feel.
Who’s Here! Venti
Contains: isekai reader, Self Aware Genshin (not the Cult SAGAU), Insecurities (reader), Hurt/Comfort I guess it’s called
Note: I will say this takes place in the middle of a story, but it works on its own and I really liked how this turned out. I do have more written, but it's incomprehensible (even after a whole year it's still incomprehensible lmao)
Sitting on the cliffside of Starsnatch is not where you intended to be at this time, but your guilt and insecurities have led you here. You needed to be away from all the positivity from everyone in Mondstadt. Their kindness was only worsening your mood. Staring over the edge, lost deep inside your head, you almost miss the way the wind whirls around you before you hear the one person you wanted to avoid the most right now.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Why’d you leave without saying anything? Everyone back at Mond is worried, you know.”
You don’t say anything in response and let Venti walk up and sit next to you. You both stay silent and watch the waves crash onto the beach. Venti occasionally takes glances in your direction, but for the most part his eyes are on the scenery. After a few minutes, he tries asking you again.
“I know you told us that we aren’t overwhelming you, but please, if we actually are-”
“That’s not the reason I left Venti.”
“Then what is it?”
Silence is all that greets him. “Please, we just want you to be comfortable with us. We can’t help if we don’t know.”
Hearing him say that only makes you feel more guilty. They’re all so nice to you, and for what? The pressure and the guilt keeps building and building the more you stay here. Everyone’s been so understanding and kind, but all you’ve done before is use them any which way. You’ve judged them for superficial reasons and have even gotten them killed on numerous occasions. Venti showing up and putting the blame on himself and the others like they’re the reason you left just adds onto your shame as tears start to escape your eyes.
Upon seeing your eyes water, Venti slightly panics. “W-Wait, why are you crying!? I’m sorry for whatever-”
“Venti please stop.”
You turn to look Venti in the eyes, and see the panic and worry etched onto his face. It only makes you feel worse.
“Venti… Why are you here? Why do you keep following me?’ You look away from him, trying to keep from balling on the spot. ‘Why are you so nice to me?”
Hearing this, Venti’s face slowly scrunches in confusion. “What do you mean? Of course, I’m going to be nice to you. Where is this coming from?”
“You were conscious the entire time I was playing. I used you all like you were dolls for my amusement. After I got you, didn’t you feel like I was holding you captive or-or like some sort of toy forced to do my bidding? I don’t understand why no one hates me! I feel so guilty of everything I’ve said and done, but everyone’s apologizing to me like they’re in the wrong, and I don’t get it! Especially you! As the God of Freedom, don’t you hate me for taking away your own freedom from you? I just don’t understand… So why…” Unable to continue, you look away as you try to wipe your eyes and wait for Venti to finally tell you he hates you. That he’s going to stop pretending and get up and leave you alone. In your mind you know he would never, that's not who he is, but fear and anxiety is irrational.
Your breath hitches as you feel his hands land on your cheeks and turn your head to look at him. Instead of the disgust or apathy your heart was expecting, Venti’s face is filled with sorrow.
“I can’t believe you would think so low of me.’ He looks downwards and wipes away a few tears with his thumbs before looking back at you with nothing but care. ‘I guess from your point of view that’s a reasonable assumption to make, but you seem to be forgetting one key detail.”
You stare at him as he proceeds to give you the smuggest look you’ve ever seen on him. “I came home extremely early on my banner, didn’t I?”
What he’s saying doesn’t make any sense to you. He’s already treating you extremely differently than you anticipated, and now his question is putting your already malfunctioning brain into overdrive. What did his banner have to do with anything?
“What? Venti I-I don’t understand. What are you trying to…’ Finally, it all starts to click into place as your eyes widen, and his stupid grin gets larger. ‘You… Did you influence the banner wishes???”
Venti laughs joyously as he lets go of your face. His eyes sparkle like he’s recounting the best moment of his life.
“Why yes, I did! I actually got in a lot of trouble for that! It's part of the reason you lost the next 50/50, but I couldn’t miss the chance to join your team. I refused to wait another second.”
“But why? I still don’t under-”
“I have the freedom to make my own choices, do I not? I wanted to join your team, so I did.”
His expression changes from smug to such a soft look. You have a hard time believing it is being directed at you.
“Why, yes, I may be the God of Freedom, but I’m also simply one of the many characters this game has to offer. I’m one of your many characters in particular. And out of such a colourful cast of individuals, I was your favourite. To be the reason someone even downloaded our game in the first place sends me over the moon. For everyone else, you still give their lives a purpose and have earned everyone’s respect. Sure, you might be a bit crass, but even when you were rude or made a mistake, you still treated everyone with more care than necessary. I especially could feel and hear the level of adoration you had for me through the screen. To me, there’s nothing I want more than to travel by your side for as long as you’ll have me.”
Such a heartwarming and earnest speech from Venti has your eyes start to water again. Not all of your insecurities and guilt have been lifted, you don’t think that kind of guilt will be something you can get rid of, but with Venti here…
“You’re allowed to stay for as long as you want.”
He cups your cheeks again while looking straight into your eyes.
“Then till death do we part, my dear player.”
You break down and cry as Venti pulls you in for a hug. With Venti by your side, you know he’ll help you through your guilt with as much care and love as you’ve given him.
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redheadspark · 10 months
Druig with "Shh, it's just a nightmare. You're safe" and "You are so fucking powerful" for December prompt? 🤗
A/N - Ahh! This is lovely! I do like this request, thanks dear friend!
Summary - Druig is haunted, but you bring him back to the living.
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Warnings - Just a mix of Angst and Fluff
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“Druig….Druig wake up!”
Druig woke up gasping for air, eyes wide and his breath short in his throat as the dimmed room on the Domo was all he was seeing.  Yet in the back of his mind, tucked away in the most vulnerable part he would rarely tap into himself, was the moment he was thrown to the ground by Ikaris and almost killed within seconds.  It felt so real to him, from feeling the wind whip around him as he was launched, to the rocks digging along his skin and armor as he was being pummeled deeper and deeper into the ground.  It was too much for him, no matter that it was in the past and he was safe away from Earth.  He was living it all over again.
But there were hands on his face, framing his cheeks and rubbing his clammy skin soothingly.  The sensation of body warmth next to him under the satin sheets, and a soothing scent that he knew for centuries was now flooding his nostril as a silhouette was seen perched over him.  He knew that face, it was the very face that he fell in love with.  No matter that it was dark in the room, he knew the dip of the nose and the round cheeks along with the long hair draped over the shoulder.
You, his wife of almost 2,000 years.
“Shh,” you cooed as you stroked his brown hair from his eyes that were still wide.  One of his hands reached up to grab your wrist, almost using it as his own anchor as the nightmare was slipping away from him like the water on the shore, “Shh, it’s just a nightmare.  You’re safe.”
Druig gulped, nodding his head as he felt his heartbeat go down again from rushing so quickly.  You sighed in relief, leaning over to kiss his head a few times to bring him a bit more peace, “You scared me good, Druig,”
“Sorry,” he mumbled his voice feeling raw and thick as you tutted.
“Nothing to be sorry about, my love.” You reassured him.  Druig looked away from you at the window, seeing the galaxy and the scattering of stars right outside the Domo, reminding him yet again that you both were away from Earth.  Thena and Makkari were asleep in their own rooms, your ship on its own solo journey to look for other Eternals out in the cosmos.  
“It was Ikaris again, wasn’t it?” You asked him tentatively, Druig’s head going back to see you give him a look of concern.  He said nothing, but you knew fully well that it was about Ikaris.  Taking in a long pause, you looked down for a brief moment to control your own fleet of anger that was festering out.  
“He can’t hurt me anymore, luv,” Druig said in a calm tone, his hand on your wrist tightened sightly to get your attention, “He can’t hurt us.  He’s gone,”
“Good,” You replied shortly, Druig sitting up in the bed as he was keeping his eyes on you, “And I’m glad I got a few good hits in on him from what he did,”
“Hey,” Druig said to you, seeing your eyes slowly drift back to him as he gave you a reassuring look, “I’m fine and alive thanks to you.”  
Maybe it was enough that you needed to hear since the cold demeanor you had in your eyes was now melting away.  Druig knew that you had beaten Ikaris down to a pulp after Druig was taken out of the picture to stop Tiamut. He saw the evident look of fatigue on your face and in your body language when you two reunited on the beach, his heart was breaking from seeing how worn down you were and still reeling with rage and anger towards Ikaris.  This was not what he wanted for you, knowing how good and deep your soul was and how filled with happiness and love you have been for centuries.  But he also knew how protective you two were of each other, considering each other as equals when it came to living a life together on earth.  
Ever since you both left the beach, Druig had nightmares almost every night.  He was never one to get nightmares to begin it since it was rare for all the time he’d been on Earth.  But Ikaris’s assault was vivid in his mind, almost engrained in his psyche, and Druig hated that he was reliving it over and over again.
However, you were always there to wake him up and bring him back to reality.  It always helped when he saw your face, when he heard your voice or simply felt your presence as his nightmare melted away.  You were a source of peace for him, even in the more troubled times in the past when he felt hopeless in stopping the humans from harming each other, you reminded him of his worth and all the good he has done on the planet.  
“Come here,” Druig urged you as you both fell back into bed together, Druig letting you rest your head on his chest while his arms were rubbing your arms up and down in a soothing motion.  You held him close, breathing him in as the soft hum of the Domo and its energy was floating in the room. Druig loved holding you like this, for as long as you two were together as a couple he would hold you in his arms as you two slept or simply embraced each other.  Being powerful beings, it seemed silly to be in such a vulnerable position together.  Neither one of you cared though, being open with one another was the purest form of love you two had for each other and there was no resistance for it.  
Now more than ever, after stopping the world from ending and almost losing one another, you both were never far from one another’s touch.  
“I’m beyond thankful for you,” Druig reassured you as your arms were still wrapped around him and you were listening to his heartbeat through his thin shirt, “You’ve saved me from being lost so many times in the past, even when I didn’t feel powerful enough to change what I wanted in the world—“
“You are so fucking powerful,” You said in a determined tone, Druig going quiet as you were staring out into the window to see the stars floating by at a slow pace, “You’re powerful enough to know what’s right and what needs to be done, Druig.  I love that about you, and I’ll willing to protect you and that part of your heart because of it, okay?”
Druig smiled for the first time that night, leaning down to kiss the top of your head as you two were embracing in silence again.  Druig loved that passion that you had, being the more abrasive one out of the pair of you.  He spoke his mind about plenty of things, but you were a pinch bolder with your own opinion and was never afraid to hold back. 
You would remind him every day how powerful he was, and you would pull him out of the darkness every time too. 
The End
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Hurt/ Comfort Prompt Session
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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There are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. We’re entering a new year feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing fics we got in 2023, and excited for the many we’ll get in 2024! Happy reading!
1) Say Yes To Heaven | Mature | 2818 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Ethan Hawke.
 Later when he’s back at the apartment with Oli, as Louis is somewhat dreamily waxing poetic about Ethan, Oli interrupts.- “Does he quote Shakespeare when you fuck?” he asks, poking at the sizzling eggs on the stove. Louis’ cheeks turn suspiciously pink. Oli peers at his face. “Oh my god, he DOES. I KNEW IT.” He triumphantly brandishes his spatula in the air.
2) Shut Your Mouth, Baby | Explicit | 3028 words
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
3) Bank Holiday Weekend | Mature | 4135 words
Louis Tomlinson is a twenty-two year old omega who doesn’t give a shit. The omega knows his heat is coming up but still decides to attend Reading and Leeds Festival with his nineteen year old alpha co-worker Harry Styles.
4) Walk In Your Rainbow Paradise | Mature | 4151 words
Louis feels emotional after he watched Harry told the interviewer about the fish in his latest music video, leading up to him thinking about their 'secret' relationship throughout the years. Harry comes home to his husband who's feeling pissed off and needy of his comfort and warmth.
5) One | Explicit | 4188 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Tommy Shelby.
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
6) Dreaming of a Green Christmas | Explicit | 4226 words
Harry opens the wrong package by mistake and finds the sex toy Louis ordered for himself. That's not an opportunity Harry can pass up on.
7) Never Felt More At Home (Then When I'm In Your Arms) | Not Rated | 5361 words
Louis and Harry are on tour with the band when Louis is struck with an unexpected heat. He's always known in the back of his mind there was something between him and his best mate, and when opportunity strikes... well, it hits hard.
8) Cat Got Your Tongue? | Explicit | 5523 words
“Who the fuck are you?” Harry screeches and jumps back in surprise. The man drops the popcorn bowl on the carpet and stands up, raising his hands in surrender, “Hey, it's me.” Harry frowns. He has never seen this man in his life. He stares at the wide blue eyes and… holy shit. There's no way. Harry rephrases his question, “what are you?"
9) I’m So Drunk On You (Baby, You’re All That I Want) | Explicit | 5875 words
A lucid celebration yet of nothing in particular, and it was that he found alluring, begged to make himself a part of. "Come on, H live a little." Louis pleaded without care for the sigh that slipped his lips, for the smile that they both formed were proof enough he'd given in. So giddy within skips toward the centre where they gathered, the smaller carried Harry close behind to join the chaos.
10) Snow At The Beach | Mature | 7885 words
The little Matthew Styles had been throwing objects into his cute omega neighbor's yard only for the adorable blue-eyed boy to come to his house to return them and talk to his father. "I'm starting to believe that he does it on purpose just so he can hug you" Harry appeared behind them and Louis smiled at him. "I wouldn't complain if it were like that"
11) Don’t Let The Fire Die | Explicit | 8850 words
Harry makes a long trip to take back what is his.
12) The Box | Explicit | 8895 words
When the signal comes, Harry dips and slides into the box, settling himself on his back with his knees bent.  Louis lifts the side of the box to close it, and as he does so Harry goes to pull his jacket from behind his back a little. The last sight that Louis is presented with before Harry is gone from view is the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen arching his back, with his head thrown upwards, mouth slightly open. And fuck. 
13) Touch Me (Like Nobody Else Does) | Mature | 11459 words
The alpha’s grin returned tenfold, deep dimples popping into his cheeks. Holy shit, he has dimples. “No, I don’t mind at all. I know where to find you when I need it back,” he said with a chuckle before leaning back into his seat. Louis let out a small giggle before nodding. “I’ll be sure it gets returned to you…?” He trailed off, one eyebrow raised at the other man. “Harry,” he replied, amusement still shining in his eyes. “And you are?” “Louis,” the omega responded before leaning back into his seat averting his eyes once again. “Thank you, really, for the charger. You’re a lifesaver. I’m not sure how I would’ve made it through without my Netflix.”
14) Cause I’m Really Not Fine At All | Mature | 13679 words
Louis Tomlinson, one of the famous members of One Direction, is involved in a car accident that caused him to have amnesia, wiping all the last five years of his life from the memory. The interesting part is he may not remember that he has a girlfriend now, yet his mind seems to think that he has been in a relationship with one of the members, Harry Styles. Harry is baffled and shocked at the situation that's thrown in his face. He finds himself learning how to be a good boyfriend for Louis. It has to be easy.. 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
15) Roommates | Mature | 18604 words
Louis and Harry are roommates. Harry had put up an ad for a roommate, and Louis moved in. Harry notices that Louis only survives on takeout out, and when he leaves for his shift, he cooks an extra plate of food for Louis with a note.
16) Play By The Rules | Explicit | 21835 words
“Okay,” Harry clears his throat. “Sit on the bed, um, slut.” A beat of silence passes between them as Louis raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “You want to try saying that like you mean it?” Harry pouts, jutting out his lower lip. “But I don’t mean it, Lou. I feel like I’m being mean.”
17) You Bring Blue Lights To Dreams | Explicit | 30177 words
A body slid up behind him and he tensed until he realized it was Jailen, “So… Louis’ pretty cool huh?” He whispered so Louis wouldn't hear from the other side of the barn. “I mean yeah,” Harry responded, brows furrowing together before he realized what Jailen was really saying, “Jailen no that’s not- no. Nothing’s going to happen so don’t meddle, I’m serious.” “I’m not doing anything my dear Harold, I cannot control what happens naturally. Come on Harry, I know you’ve been getting restless with the whole finding your soulmate thing, it might be time to just try and put yourself out there for a while.”
18) He's Driving Me Crazy... But... I'm Into It | Explicit | 56219 words
The boys are organising a holiday in France for Louis, and Harry is able to make the trip at the last minute thanks to Niall. While things seem to be off to a bad start between them, it seems that some of the behaviour is just pretend. And of course, Louis is annoying, and Harry is his usual calm self... But the others don't seem to understand Louis' feelings, and that's not something Harry will let pass. If they gain more than friendship, that's just a bonus.
19) Your Eyes Are Tired But Keep Them Open Cause You Wouldn’t Wanna Miss A Thing | Explicit | 137451 words
Louis is an omega in an abusive relationship everyone forced him into; he’s miserable until he meets his favorite student’s uncle, Harry, a gentle alpha with a big heart.
20) Sewn Into You | Explicit | 167485 words
Harry Styles thinks soulmates are a fairytale, or in other words-a lie. He has no interest in entertaining anything that has anything to do with the very name that had been etched along his collarbone since his eighteenth birthday. Louis Tomlinson won't be answering to another alpha for the rest of his life if he can help it. Fuck happy endings, his soul mate can choke on it. Problem is, Harry needs a personal assistant to save his family's business, Louis needs the cash to officially move off of his childhood best-friend's couch. They can manage. Surely, nothing will go wrong.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Almost In Love
Leah Williamson x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I was in a mood 🤟 Happy December everyone!
Lover Of Mine (Part Two)
[WOSO Masterlist]
Leah’s in LA.
When you wake up this morning, you go about your business like normal. You go for your morning jog. You facetime your parents. You join a yoga session on the beach with Christen. 
When you get the text from Tobin, you forget how to breathe. 
The last time you saw Leah was years ago. 
You could have fallen in love with her. 
Scratch that. You did fall in love with her. 
Leah just didn’t want to make it a thing. 
It was never supposed to be serious. Leah made that clear.
The first night you fell into bed together she knocked those words into your head between each mind-blowing orgasm traded between you.
You couldn’t help but fall in love with her anyways.
It’s easy to fall in love with Leah. She’s funny, sweet, caring. Every touch lingers on your skin, every word warms your soul to the core. You find yourselves spending more and more time together off the field.
What starts as hot and heavy secret nights together grows into early morning coffee dates, late evening strolls. Things become softer and softer between the two of you. You catch Leah staring at you more than enough times.
You practice the words in your head. “I really like you,” “Would you like to go out on a date?” “I know we said we wouldn’t, but I’m falling for you and I think you are too.”
The night before you confess your feelings, everything falls apart.
You’re at a bar with the rest of the girls. You can’t help but keep checking your watch. Leah’s late. She’s never late.
It all makes sense when Leah walks in hand-in-hand with Jordan. 
“Woah, when did this happen?”
Leah blushes when Caitlin hoots at the two of them. “We just thought we’d give it a go again.”
Jordan tells them about how they’ve been slowly rebuilding their relationship. Long nights talking things out. Mornings watching the sunrise together. “Our feelings never faded. So we wanted to try again.”
Bile rises to your throat with every word.
You spend the night avoiding Leah. She spends the night glued to Jordan’s side. You pretend it doesn’t hurt when she doesn’t seek you out.
It’s only when you’re ready to call it a night that Leah tries to approach you. 
You extract yourself from her hands with ease. “I’m happy for you.” The words taste bitter in your mouth. “Hope you and Jords make it.”
Something flashes in her eyes. 
Pity? Regret? Guilt? 
You don’t keep eye contact long enough to figure it out. 
You’re out the door before Leah can stop you again.
[We’re thinking about getting drinks after the game. You wanna join?]
You leave Tobin on read. 
You know Christen knows something is up when you don’t entertain her quiet musings on your drive to the BANC. 
You’re stuck in your head during warm-ups. You miss one too many shots. Freya pulls you aside, asks if everything is okay. The way you lie through your teeth must be enough because she lets you go with a gentle warning to pick it up once the game starts.
You can’t help but think of blonde hair in red and white when your teams line up. You can’t help but think of accented words and a warm touch when Ali pats your back before you’re led out.
When the refs start marching, you do your best to clear your mind. 
When the team finds out you’re leaving, they throw you a going away party. 
You take shots with Beth. You sing karaoke with Katie. You pretend you don’t see the way Leah keeps watching you.
It’s easy to pretend you don’t care. It’s easy when you spot the way Jordan has a hand on Leah’s waist at all times. It’s easy when you can see the way Leah lights up every time Jordan whispers something into her ear. It’s easy in the same way your nerves are lit aflame and you have to fight the urge to scream.
Leah tracks you down after the night has died down. 
“I thought you were extending your contract.”
You purposefully avoid her eyes. “I have to head home for our friendlies soon anyways. The Spirit has been bugging my agent about bringing me home for the 2021 season so it just makes sense to stay after the national team games are done.”
“And there’s nothing that can convince you to stay?”
“Leah,” you sigh out. “We both knew my loan was going to come to an end eventually.”
A part of you wants her to fight for you to stay. To convince you that what happened between the two of you wasn’t only in your head.
You make a move to leave. Leah moves to block you again.
When you turn towards the defender she looks nervous. You can’t help but feel a flutter of hope in your chest.
Tell me you want me and I’ll stay. Tell me you’ve made a mistake and I’m yours.
“We should keep in touch.”
You want to say no. You want to tell Leah to go fuck herself. 
You bite your tongue. “Of course.”
You return to the states.
The two of you very much do not keep in touch.
Leah comes to the game. Because of course she does. 
You’re not sure why you thought she wouldn’t. 
You spot her, Keira, Lucy, and some of the other English girls with ease. They’re not doing much to keep a low profile. You would’ve thought they would’ve gone up to the suite with Tobin. Instead you see all the English players sitting near the field. 
The whistle sounds and you push all non-soccer thoughts out of your head.
You think you’re doing pretty good. All of your passes connect, all of your shots are on target. You think you’re doing pretty good until you get nailed by the soccer ball right in the face. 
You drop like a sack of rocks.
Christen’s instantly by your side, concern etched on her face. 
“I’m fine,” you groan out, raising two shaky hands to your forehead.
The glare she gives you is enough for you to fall silent and follow all of the trainers’ instructions without a fuss when they run you through the concussion test.
You stick your tongue out at her when you pass with flying colors. It earns you a couple chuckles from your teammates.
When Christen forces the own goal minutes later, you’re sure to throw yourself onto the dogpile without care. 
Christen ushers you up to the suite the second you’re both showered and done changing after the game. A feeling of dread starts to sink in. It’s easy to forget about Leah when you’re on the field. It’s harder knowing who exactly is waiting for you upstairs.
You nearly sigh in relief when Tobin is the first to greet you.
“How’s the head?”
You shrug. “Fine. A little sore but feels alright.” 
Tobin looks like she wants to say something else. She doesn’t get the chance to.
“You played great.”
You give Leah a curt nod. You’re well aware of the way Tobin’s eying the two of you with interest.
Tobin joined Arsenal not long after you had left. She was never there to witness the way you tore yourself apart for Leah. A part of you is glad she didn’t have to see it. You’re not sure how your best friend’s partner would react if she was placed in a position like that. 
That’s a lie. You know she would’ve torn the younger player apart for hurting you the way she did.
You play nice to save Leah the trouble of having to explain anything to Tobin. That doesn’t mean you don’t do your best to always have at least one buffer between the two of you though.
Keira greets you as if you’re two old friends. You feel awkward, knowing her closeness with the lioness who broke your heart.
You’re even more confused when she tries to talk you up to Leah in the rare occurrence you find yourself stuck between the pair when you’ve gone out for drinks. Leah blushes at something Keira says. You do your best not to read into it.
You count the minutes until you can politely excuse yourself. When the clock strikes 11, you make your excuses, claiming to be exhausted from the game. There’s a chorus of whines but you just wave them away.
Christen presses a kiss against your forehead, telling you to text her when you get home. You’re headed for the door right after you promise.
You’re not expecting it when Leah follows close behind you.
“Do you think we could’ve been something?”
You freeze, back still turned towards the English defender.
“If I hadn’t chosen Jordan and if you hadn’t left. Do you think we could’ve fallen in love?”
The air hangs heavy between the two of you. 
The question’s one you’ve asked yourself every day since you left. If you had tried harder, would Leah have picked you? If you had stuck around, would everything have changed for the better?
Slowly, you turn around. You raise your eyes to meet Leah’s. 
You’re not sure what you see there. Maybe a little bit of regret. A little bit of hope.
You’re not sure what you want to see there.
“I guess we’ll never know.”
This time when you leave, Leah lets you go without a fight.
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kitsuga · 2 days
For What I'm Worth. {Alex x Reader/Farmer}
A fic in which Alex realizes just how much love can change a person. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Tags: fluff, reminder that ive played sdv with mods for so long i am spoiled yet tainted with possible ooc LOL, reader referred to as "Farmer"!, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, stardew valley/sdv x reader/farmer, alex x reader/farmer, stardew valley/sdv, alex
Word Count: 1,677
A/N: Written on: December 2, 2022 
I went into the game thinking, oh, I won’t like alex very much. I was wrong. Ohhhh I was so wrong  
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The night had grown cold, yet the space between Alex and the Farmer was lovingly warm. 
Alex partially sat up in their bed, leaning on an elbow and letting his head rest on the palm of his hand. His eyes danced around their face, taking in every inch of how beautiful their face looked underneath the slimmer of moonlight that graced their presence through their window. He smiled to himself. 
Their date replayed through his mind; private dinner at the saloon, a nice, slow walk along the beach, a little stargazing, and a lot of good talks all around. To round out the night, they cuddled together in bed and took turns telling each other the silliest story they could think of—he could still hear their voice speaking slow as they gently drifted off to sleep—such a lovely sound.  
He was lucky, he thought. He was lucky to have them—foolish of him to ever turn a blind eye to them when they first moved to Pelican Town—but lucky they had knocked some sense into him and his ego. He could admit, he was less than welcoming—no depth to conversations and talking only about himself—but once he finally looked past his love for gridball, he quickly found other meaning in his life. 
It was sort of scary, he thought. To suddenly care so deeply about someone else and have your whole life flipped upside down. He couldn’t help himself, however, and smiled even more lovingly at his sleeping partner beside him as he softly whispered in the night.  
“It really is scary,” he started, finishing out his thoughts. “How quickly my life changed when you came around. How was I supposed to keep up?”  
Alex carefully brushed stray strands of hair away from the Farmer’s face, keeping the physical contact going by gently running the back of his finger against their cheek before moving to let his fingers dance up and down their arm. Something about the silence in the dead of night makes a man much braver to speak his mind, Alex thought, and quietly cleared his throat to speak again. 
“I’ve been lucky to have you,” the whispers cut the silence again. “I’ve been lucky to have you because you make me a better... me.”  
He thought about the time he spent thinking; about his life, about the Farmer, about his mother. He tried for so long not to think about his past, and tried to escape with something he didn’t need to use his brain for; if he kept his head down and focused on the gridball, there would be no time for him to think about things he had been running from. What Alex hadn’t realized, however, was that it ruined him; he became dull, a jock, thick headed with not much bouncing around in there. When did he become so... uninteresting? So focused? So... scared? 
“Thanks to you, I’ve been working on myself.” He chuckled a bit to himself, pausing when they stirred a bit in their sleep. “I’ve been reading a lot more—books my mom left behind, mostly. I’ve been trying my hand at some handy work too, to make myself a bit more useful to you. You’ve helped me start to learn new things and branch out... I’m going to be better, not just for me, but for you, too.” 
He leaned down and placed a kiss at their temple, nudging them softly before sitting back up to smile down at them once again. 
“I want to give you the world, you know. I want to be great so that your life turns out great.” Alex rubbed their arm a bit to warm them up, and to keep up his morale and keep his speech going. “I want to give you a life that you can love. A loving family. A partner that you wake up next to every morning without a doubt in your mind that I...” 
He paused, his ears growing red as he bit the inside of his cheek. He knew what words came next, but his heart was pounding in his ears and the butterflies in his stomach fluttered up through his chest like flames. He avoided them for now. 
“I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you feel so loved. That our family feels loved. I’ll never be like my father was—never.” 
He moved to hold himself up above them and places another soft kiss to their temple. He let the silence dawn on them once again for a few minutes, trying to work up the courage to say what was sitting heavy on his heart. He was scared—what if saying it ruined everything? What if three little words could cause his world to come crashing down? There was no doubt in his mind that this was how he felt about them—none at all. He took a long look at their face again, thinking about just how ethereal they were, here, with him. Alex swallowed hard and whispered, barely audible. 
“I love you.” 
Alex wasn’t expecting an answer, he really wasn’t. When he noticed the Farmer’s hand start to move, he was confused more than anything. His face started to grow warm and he smiled a bit embarrassed as they gently held his face in their hands. They pulled themselves up a bit and he, though embarrassed, happily leaned down to meet them the rest of the way for a soft, loving, lazy kiss. When they parted after some time, he melted into their hands and kept his eyes closed.  
“Just how long were you awake?” 
“Oh, the whole time.” The Farmer teased, not a hint of sleepiness in their voice. “You might want to get a bit better at telling when someone’s actually asleep.”  
He melted a bit more, this time in more embarrassment; his whole speech he was trusting to the night had never been secret at all. He quickly recovered, however, and opened his eyes wide when the Farmer spoke next. 
“I love you, Alex.” 
All he could do was stare at them in bewilderment—eyes wide and glossy, he took in everything he could about them. The way the corners of their lips turned up, how softly those words fell onto their lips, how much love he could actually see in their eyes. He continued staring at them as they continued their own speech. 
“I love you, and I want to make sure you know exactly what that feels like—day after day. I promise, I won’t let you wander alone anymore.”  
Silence fell on the both of them, but it felt like a warm, comforting blanket. Alex tried to process their words; they played over and over again in his head like a broken record—one that had been so beloved that it developed a skip that caused it to repeat, but it was his favourite so he couldn’t bear to get rid of it. Their words struck deep into his heart, forcing their way through the flames to call it their home. Every inch of his body had grown numb from being so warm and comfortable, and tears started to fall from his wide-open eyes before he could even realize it. 
Their voice sounded so quiet and concerned, he couldn’t help but snap back to reality. He broke out into a bright, large smile; the apples of his cheeks quickly started to hurt and tears pooled in the crinkled corners of his eyes. He shook his head slightly, moving to hold himself up on one arm again so that he could hold their hand to his cheek. 
“They’re happy tears, it’s okay.” He turned to kiss the palm of their hand. “I just... don’t know what to say. I don’t think I have the words. I’ll have to learn some.” 
The Farmer lightheartedly laughed a bit, stroking his cheek with their thumb as he continued to place kisses along their palm. Once he finished their palm, he moved down to their wrist, softly moving up their arm before they took it away to wrap it around his neck. They pulled themselves up to him which he took as his cue to fall to his side and wrap his own arms around them and bring them close. 
They nuzzled their face into his neck, leaving small, fleeting kisses up and down the crook until they slowly died down and Alex could hear the soft sounds of their breathing, showing that they actually, truly fell asleep this time. 
“Babe?” He whispered, double checking himself this time.  
He smiled, kissing wherever he could reach until he started to feel his own eyelids grow heavy. He gently rubbed their back until he began falling asleep himself; not before replaying the entire scene in his mind time and time again. As the moonlight finally started to wrap him in his slumber, he closed his eyes and whispered to his love once more. 
“Thank you for saving me from me.”  
With one last, long, chaste kiss to their forehead, Alex fell asleep with his limbs entangled with his new life, his new reality, and had no doubts about accepting it and loving them for all that he was worth. He’d make sure of it. 
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astroluvr · 2 years
Our Evergreen
summary: it's jack's first christmas with you as your fiance, and now he must put up with all of your christmas traditions
a/n: hi, it's literally been over a month (???) since i've posted, and like, just as long since i've even written, so pls go easy on me as you're reading this- i'm still finding my groove!! i am, however, very excited about it being the holiday season, so here's this. hope u enjoy :)
"Baby," Jack laughed, when you groaned upon seeing him still in nothing but his jeans and a wifebeater. "The trees aren't going anywhere."
"Okay, but the trees we want will go somewhere if you don't get dressed."
"I can't take you seriously when you look this cute." he pouted at you.
"I'm leaving you here." you threatened, tossing him the hoodie he picked out.
"Fine." he shrugged.
"Jack, do you even want to marry me?"
"Okay, baby, you're being a little dramatic." he scoffed, gesturing at the ring he slid onto your finger on the quiet coast of a tropical beach three months before. "Duh."
"How can you say you do if you don't even want to pick out Christmas trees with me- Jack!" you were cut short by a squeal when he stood up quickly and pulled you into his chest and kissed all over your face.
"Course I want to marry you, and of course I'll go pick out trees with you if you stop talkin' crazy." he mumbled against your ear and you couldn't help but smirk at how easy it was to make him get his act together.
"Then get dressed." you told him quietly, and he left a firm pat on your behind before grabbing the hoodie.
You squealed in excitement when Jack finally got a parking spot outside of the tree farm. He laughed when you threw your car door open and exhaled happily at the sight. In all five years that he'd been with you, he had never seen you so in the Christmas spirit. At Thanksgiving, you were hardly even done with your food before you were playing Christmas music.
He knew that you enjoyed the holiday, but he had never seen it in this capacity, and although it was a lot of work to keep up with, nothing made him happier than watching you fill your carts with Christmas decorations. You both had moved into your first house together and he was more than obliged to funding every single ornament and Christmas lights that he was procrastinating hanging up.
"Baby, I've never seen you with a real Christmas tree before. Where's all this energy coming from?"
"It's December! We have to get cracking, J." you explained, cuddling into his side as he threw his arm around you and kissed the top of your head.
"No," he laughed as you two walked into the farm, surrounded by massive trees that Jack cringed at the idea of putting on top of the Jeep. "I mean, I know you like Christmas, but usually it's... you know, minimal."
"I don't know, I'm just extra in the spirit this year." you shrugged, stopping short to look up at Jack. "Extra in love, too."
"These trees must be expensive." he smirked, and you rolled your eyes at him. "Love you, too, baby."
After you both made your way in, you ordered cups of hot chocolate and started to browse the tree farm.
"I haven't had a real tree in years." Jack said out loud, brushing a hand against a tree that still had snow packed on the inside as you took a sip of your drink.
"That's because you never bother to buy one." you raised an eyebrow, and Jack shook his head.
"I mean, yeah, but my parents gave up on it when me and Clay got older. Then we started buying those box trees." he said, standing in memory before laughing and grabbing your attention. "I remember one of the first years we came out to one, my cousin came along and they had Santa here, and he was scared as hell of him. We all got on his lap and he ran away and ended up running right into a tree."
"Jack!" you smacked his chest when he laughed loudly before joining him.
"I have to ask Clay if he remembers that. It was... damn, it was funny."
You both started on the paths, hardly looking at the trees or minding the other people there that side eyed your raucous laughter that was much louder than the speakers playing Christmas music.
"See, we never really had real trees. I don't know, maybe a couple of years, but I remember every year, putting up the star. I want to keep that tradition."
"What, putting up the star?" he grabbed your hand, taking in the scent of fresh pine mixed with your perfume.
"I want our babies to put it up." you said softly, and Jack squeezed your hand involuntarily.
It was almost impossible for the subject of kids to come up after you two had been so in love for so long, but you had never really discussed the ins and outs. You had giggled about what your baby might look like, about whether they'd be Jack's height or extra short, you had pointed out onesies, you had even shared your baby names, but the idea of having a baby to carry so many memories crowded your chests and created a fuzzy feeling.
"I-I mean, you know, that's still a while away, but-" you stammered, worried about creating too much of a shift in energy when you noticed Jack swallow hard.
"Is it?" he whispered, stopping in front of a short tree that didn't even look like it was meant to be there.
"Maybe not." you chuckled in realization, and Jack kissed your forehead.
"What else do you want? For our Christmases?"
"Well, I want us to come tree shopping every year, and hang stockings. And matching pajamas on Christmas."
"Yeah?" he raised his eyebrows and grinned at you, earning a smile back.
"Mmhmm." you nodded, growing excited at the pure image.
"And what about when they're all teenagers and just want money for Christmas?"
"Then I'll drag you out of bed and make you come tree shopping."
"Fuck them kids, huh?" he laughed out, and you giggled in return, nudging him out of your way before he pulled you into a hug.
You found solace in Jack's hoodie, loving the way he warmed you more than the hot chocolate was.
Your smile became more solemn when you looked up at Jack whose blue eyes lit up when they looked over your features. You shook your head as your heart swelled.
"What about you?"
"I don't know, I want them to love Christmas and being a family. I want them to, just, have all these beautiful memories. I don't care what kind of tree or it is or what we're wearing, but I want them to feel like this. I want them to feel like this kind of happiness." he whispered, trailing a thumb across your cheek.
"I can't believe I get to marry you." you laughed, pushing your face into his chest and shaking your head.
"Yeah, imagine how I feel. I can't believe I even get to know you."
When you looked back at him, he was ducking his head to kiss you. There was only a nip in the air, but it felt like it might've been a blizzard surrounding you when you felt that sharp warmth take over your body. You clutched your cup, and wrapped your free hand against the back of his curly hair, and sighed happily. He pulled away for a moment to take a breath and to murmur his admiration before going back in.
This time the kiss was a little less chaste, and earned a squeal from you when he worked his tongue into your mouth, bending over your body slightly as if he couldn't get enough of you. You wouldn't have even gotten a chance to stop him had it not been for high pitched giggled from behind you.
You both pulled away quickly, remaining intertwined as you looked around, expecting to see a little boy and girl, until you found an elderly couple in matching flannels with pink cheeks as they looked upon you. You gasped and tried to pull away before you could further your embarrassment.
"Can't keep my hands off her." Jack swallowed, and you pursed your lips in embarrassment. "Sorry about that."
"It's alright, I know how it is. It gets a little harder once you're fifty years in, don't it, honey?" the man winked at his wife, who only laughed.
You smiled at the interaction before shuffling closer to Jack who seemed absolutely entertained.
"I promise we aren't a couple of freaks," the woman began, before smiling. "We just noticed you two, and had to ask if this is your first Christmas together?"
"Well, not really." you spoke, a smile breaking across your face. "We've been together for five years, but we just got engaged, so it's our first Christmas doing everything together."
"Wow. You both should hold on to each other. You're a beautiful couple."
"I lucked out." Jack curled his arm around your waist.
"So did I." you smiled and looked upon the couple, their wrinkled eyes showing a lifetime of unconditional love.
"Well, it was nice to meet you both. We wish you all the best." the elderly man, rubbed his wife's arm before nodding towards you and Jack, earning a response from you.
"It was nice meeting you, too. Thank you."
Before you could continue walking, Jack kissed you once more and stopped you short. "We can't keep making out."
"That's not what I'm talking about." he rolled his eyes at you, and you pursed your lips. "I'm talking about this tree. We should take it home and plant it. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think it's a good sign."
You stood next to Jack, and looked at it. It was small, but obviously evergreen, dwarfed by trees that had been fertilized by years and ready to be picked and loaded onto the back of trucks and the tops of minivans. It was the kind of tree that nobody would pick because it wasn't as big and green as the others, but still it stayed on its own, and would grow just as big as bright as the others.
"I think it's a great sign." you smiled, picking it up and laughing at how light it was.
"Do you want to get a bigger one?" Jack asked, taking the long forgotten hot chocolate from your hand as you cradled the pot.
"This one is good for this year, I think."
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unique-high · 1 year
Somebody's Problem | Dean Winchester x Blk Fem Reader
Summary: Dean couldn't help but think how you were somebody's problem.
No warnings.
A/N: This is a songfic loosely based on Morgan Wallen's song Somebody's Problem lyrics are written into the ff. Short read.
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Parties were the best place to get laid. Especially college parties. Dean wasn't a college student, but where there was booze and chicks, he was there. He's got a red solo cup in his hand filled to the brim with warm beer. He's smiling at girls who send him flirtatious winks, but none of them are good enough to pull him their way. He keeps moving through the party. Bodies everywhere, weed lingers in the air and Eric Church played from somewhere. Dean sipped his beer moving through the party until he was out front with a couple who were almost out of their clothes on the front lawn. At least someone would be getting some ass.
A gray-matted BMW pulled up to the party. Windows rolled down, music blasting. Dean sees the 30-A sticker on the back windshield. Two-tone tank top slipping off your shoulder kinda girl when you step out. Dean lowers his red solo cup. For a second, the world stands still.
Ooh, I know where this is going. I already know it. Dean thought.
He watches as you walk past. Throws a look his way. A little smile from gloss cherry-tinted lips. Dean knew the type of girl you were. Likes shopping with Daddy's black American Express, and long vacations in exotic places.
It's like in those few split seconds Dean saw everything as you slowly moved by. He wanted to know your name. Know your favorite color and your favorite song. Shit. This wasn't like him to want to go that deep (that was deep for him). You were just a girl. But Dean's mind saw you as something more than that.
How you were somebody's problem. Somebody's goodbye.
You being the last number that they can't find.
You were somebody's best day. Somebody's worst night.
You were the reason somebody left the porch light on.
Then here was Dean, thinking of your beautiful complexion. You're a shade darker from being out on the beaches of Cancun.
Damn. He's thinking now how he loved to drown in them heartbreaker brown eyes of yours.
Oh, she's about to be my problem.
So Dean gets close to you. You're dancing in a way that Dean imagined was the way a Goddess could dance. And Dean he sips his drink watching you. You pulled him by his shirt, body pressed against his. He liked this. You smell of Jasmine blossom and lilacs, and Dean is crazy about the smell. He wanted to lean into you, to smell more of you, to kiss you, to wrap his arms around your waist and keep you forever.
You're the kinda girl once somebody had you, they couldn't stand to lose you. Kinda girl where your friends tell you “Don't F it up.”
You're the kinda girl that guys try to get your number to sliding through the summer to talking about love.
Dean wanted to be that summer love you'll think about in mid-hot September to harsh winters In December. He wants to be the thoughts that keep you warm in the middle of those cold nights. Dean doesn't think twice when he leans forward a bit and kisses your lips. He tastes of beer. You hold his face between your hands. For Dean, he thought he'd be a face you'd forget somewhere between the tequila shots by the end of the night if the two of you didn't end up upstairs in a bedroom naked between a stranger's bedsheets.
Wherever it led, Dean didn't care.
Dean loses himself in you. Oh, he wanted to try all the problems you were for somebody else.
He thinks he's crazy for wanting that, but maybe he was.
A/N: If you want to request Dean x blk reader my request are always open. :) Thanks for reading!
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surftrips · 1 year
word count: 1158
summary: after y/n's flight is delayed, she ends up stranded in a cafe in kildare, rescued by a golden-haired boy.
a/n: my first time writing for john b. and i had so much fun! it's been so hot where i am so i am yearning for winter and cozy vibes in case you can't tell haha
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Y/N’s flight to Boston had been delayed at the Kildare Airport, out of all places. And out of all the reasons, it was because of an impending snow storm. Who even knew that it snowed in North Carolina? She couldn’t believe her luck, she was supposed to be going home to visit her family for winter break and now she was stuck in the middle of nowhere. 
She supposed the Outer Banks would’ve been beautiful any other time of the year, but it was December and there was no one left but her and the locals. With an indefinite layover, she decided to leave the airport and head into town. Y/N was in desperate need of caffeine. 
After hailing a taxi and asking to be taken to the nearest cafe, she lugged her carry-on and suitcase into the store before realizing that she had no place to stay. She knew no one in the area and she was sure all the hotel rooms for the night would have been booked by now. 
Groaning, she ordered a hot caramel latte and slumped into a seat by the window. Y/N shot her mom a quick text about her flight being delayed, not in the mood to call her and explain the whole situation. Next, she pulled open her laptop and started looking into a cheap AirBnb or motel nearby. 
In the middle of doing so, she was interrupted by a voice behind her.
“Hey, you’re not from around here,” he said. 
She turned around to see who it was. Her initial guardedness went away when she saw that the boy was around her age. “Is that a question or a statement?” she replied.
Smiling, he said, “I’m pretty confident it’s a fact. I’ve never seen you around here before.” 
“Don’t you get a lot of tourists?” 
“Not many as pretty as you are.” 
Y/N found herself blushing despite how ridiculous this situation was. “I’m just passing by,” she muttered out, unsure of how to respond to his straightforwardness. 
“Really? You didn’t plan on vacationing in the Outer Banks in the dead of winter?” 
She laughed, the ice having been broken, and decided that it was probably safe to introduce herself to this (admittedly) cute stranger. 
“Haha, no, not really. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“My friends call me John B. Y/N, what’s your story?”
“Well, my flight here was awful, thanks for asking. Then I found out my connection to Boston was delayed because of a New England storm or something and now I’m stuck here indefinitely,” she sighed.
“Shit, sorry to hear that. You must be really unlucky because it never snows around here.” 
“You’re really helping me feel better John B.” 
“Sorry,” he scratched his head. “How can I help?” 
“Seriously? You want to help me?”
“Yeah, sure. Got nothing better to do.” 
“Well, unless you have a place where I can crash I don’t think you can help me very much.” 
With that, the boy’s eyes lit up. “Actually, I do happen to have a place for you to stay.” 
“Oh, I-I was sorta joking you really don’t have to do that.” 
“It’s no big deal, my friends crash there all the time. My dad’s not home that much and even if he was, he wouldn’t mind.” 
Y/N was starting to wonder what the catch was, sure the boy looked nice and like he meant well, but at the end of the day, this was a stranger. He could be luring her back to his house and she would never be seen again. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” he started again. 
“You can trust me. Look, it’s a small town, everyone knows me. I’ll even invite all my friends over so you can feel safe. Two of them are girls.” 
Y/N really wanted to say yes. She had been silently begging all day for a miracle and this was the closest thing to it at the moment. 
Sighing, she gave in. “Okay, fine. How far away do you live?” 
“Like ten minutes that way,” he pointed east from the store. “We can get there in the Twinkie.” 
“The what?” 
He led her outside where he had parked his van, infamously named the Twinkie. John B. carried her suitcase into the back while she held onto her carry-on. 
“And this thing is safe?”
“Yes, she is safe to ride in. My friends and I have been through a lot worse than a minor storm with her.” 
“Whatever you say,” she said, still not convinced. “Hey, what time do you think it’s going to snow anyway?” 
“Who knows if it even will? My buddy Pope said it probably won’t get cold enough.” 
What was supposed to be a short ride back to his house ended up becoming a very elaborate tour of the town. It started with John B. pointing out a few of his friend’s houses, then the The Wreck where his friend Kiara worked, the high school they all went to, and finally, they ended up at the beach. 
Y/N had to admit, it was a nice beach. Even in the dead of December, the sand looked clean and the sparkling ocean had not yet frozen over. As John B. admired the landscape, she used this time to get a good look at him. His golden brunette hair, the blue bandana around his neck, the slight hint of a smile on his face as he looked out into the water. She couldn’t decide what was more beautiful to her at that moment, the boy or the sea. 
“Oh my god,” his voice snapped her out of her thoughts. 
“What? What?” 
Wordlessly, he fumbled open his side of the door and raced outside. 
“John B? Where are you going?” she called out after him. 
“I can’t believe it,” he said, in awe.
“Can’t believe what—” Y/N stopped in her tracks. There, in front of them, and above and behind, were small white flecks. They could’ve been lights, or fireflies, but she knew they weren’t. He knew it too, even though he had only seen it a few times in his life. 
“It’s snowing,” he said, incredulously. 
“Oh my god, it is!” Y/N had grown up with the seasons, had felt the wrath of a New England blizzard ten times over, but this, this was something magical. 
“Is this what it feels like? It’s like a scene from a movie,” he was smiling like a little kid now, reaching to grab a pocketful before the flakes melted in his hand. 
“This is so weird.” 
“But beautiful,” he looked over at her then, taking in the moment. Her smile was like she just won a contest, and she found no need to hide it anymore. 
John B. pulled his arms around Y/N, wrapping her in his embrace. They stayed like that watching the snow come down, silently.
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dallonwrites · 10 months
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matthew lejune / @dallonwrites / ocean vuong / mary ruefle
He knows that his headache is quietly growing vicious and he should take off his headphones, but now they’re singing about Heaven and Las Vegas – two places he has never been – and he knows that at some point, still unknown to him, his father died, and maybe that means he’s now stuck in Heaven or Las Vegas or somewhere in between. Or maybe that means he’ll just be everywhere, in the rain on Felix’s face and the ache behind his eyelids, and that’s how it’ll stay.
Genre: Adult Literary Fiction, novella (please god stay a novella)
Setting: San Francisco/New York, December 1990/January 1991
Vibe: shoegaze & dream pop, warm lighting, ginger flavor, a city skyline at night, going to church for the first time in years, feeling too old and also like you were born yesterday, disposable camera photos, the passing of time, stuff rabbit toy from your childhood, the hallway at a family gathering, planetariums, cold air on your face, retro christmas decor, realising you were once a child and that child deserved so much better
Deals With: parental grief when your parent was a piece of shit, Christian trauma, queerness in relationships, adulthood as you progress through your 20s, healing + building your own life after a traumatic childhood and what happens when that is disrupted
Soundtrack Essentials: The Cure - Plainsong / Mazzy Star - Be My Angel / Cocteau Twins - Cherry-Coloured Funk / Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas / Beach House - The Hours / Jeff Buckley - Dream Brother / Tamino - Cinnamon
Synopsis: When Felix's father dies suddenly it's a week before Christmas, he and Beau had just begun experimenting with an open relationship, and he refuses to interrupt his life to mourn a man who doesn't deserve it. But when he can't stop his body from grieving, and his sister is growing obsessive over the morbid details, and at work he's teaching children that remind him of himself, an opportunity to impulsively leave sees Felix spend an insomniatic month in New York: diners at 3am, trips at the club, a birthday spent in a planetarium, one night stands to tell his boyfriend about in the morning, and a dangerously intense relationship with an enigmatic man who wants to know everything about his father.
This is another piece in my personal project/emotional support series and follows Revelations, Revelations and Lover Boy. If you know me you know Dorothy and Felix are my annoying children who I love so dearly and this novella is paired with a future novella that follows Dorothy during the same time. Fun fact! I only returned to writing because I wanted to explore Felix more and now I have an entire world that dominates my brain and it's all his fault! So this novella is kind of like a love letter to him. I also literally only created this so I could have a project that was soundtracked by historic Cocteau Twins' album Heaven or Las Vegas. Currently drafting because it won't leave my mind
The answering machine beeps awake -- and then, Beau's mother, reminding them that they're in charge of dessert tomorrow --and then, Beau's coworker wishing them both a Happy Holidays, a Stacy who Felix has never met -- and then his sister, sarcastic but loving, This is me calling so you know I made it home alive, just like you asked -- and then surprisingly, Goldie, Hi Felix, even though school broke up weeks ago, So I know it's Christmas, but I wanted to let you know that I talked with Joey's father and it sounds like he's doing much better at home already. He's even excited to come back to your class! And his father sounds super proud and optimistic about his progress and by the end of the last message he’s on the floor, back to fridge and elbows on his knees, face in his hands. And he lets out a shaky, snivelled breath that makes him push his palms harder against his eyes, against the wetness because he can’t cry, not over this, not when there’s still Christmas presents to wrap and last minute laundry so stop crying, get up, put on your new Mazzy Star record and get on with it. He straightens his back, holds his head up, takes a few deep breaths that feel more like gasping for air and also like pulling barbed wire out of his throat, gazes at the slants of streetlight on his living room wall. He can’t cry, not over this and not here, not in the home he’s worked so hard to make so warm. So he sits with himself, wipes his own eyes and holds himself in his own arms; when he feels calm enough, or trusts himself to be, he leans forward so he can open the fridge and reach in for the last ginger ale, cold in his hand and warm down his throat. Just him and the hum of an empty apartment.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 10 months
Do-Over-December 4th. Mayor Buckman X AFAB! Reader.
Here we are! The second entry into Do-Over-Decemeber, an event I am doing where I re-work and jazz up my Kinky December fics from back in 2020. This is actually the first and only Mayor Buckman fic I’ve ever written, I should come back to him sometime, revisiting him here was so nice. I hope you all enjoy this fic, it’s deff of the softer variety and I hope it hits.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 1.4k (Old Length 1.2K.) Warnings. Soft. Sweet. Intimate. 1, Count Em, (One) Unintentional Holes Reference. Pet Names. Vaginal Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Cream Pie. 
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It was terribly, painfully cliché’, something out of a tawdry couple dollar paperback, the kinda that you find abandoned on a sandy beach left behind by some bored housewife who couldn’t be bothered to stuff it back in her bag in between wrangling her kids. 
But how cliché’ was it exactly? 
Let's set the scene and you can judge. 
You were out with Buckman, or as you sometimes affectionately referred to him, Bucky, taking a walk after dinner. 
You were hand in hand, talking casually, a leisurely stroll and so needed. He was always very busy, being mayor of course did come with a lot of responsibility. He took his job very seriously as well, so whenever you did get time just the two of you, uninterrupted, it was lovely.
Or it was until mother nature herself decided to piss on your good time. 
The heavy rain wasn’t anticipated and had surprised you both, the downpour sent you running back to your shared home, still holding each other’s hands, laughing along the way. Once safely inside you weren’t laughing as much anymore, your clothes had soaked through, the sun was down, the chill was setting in leaving you shivering, dripping wet and desperate to warm up.
He closed the front door and was coming forward as he said, “Awe, darlin’ you’re shakin’ like a leaf.”
You nod once, hands rubbing together for warmth as you say, “S’ so cold.”
He was very close to you now, and he reached out, his hands cradled your face, thumbs stroking over your cheeks as he said, “I can fix that.”
And that is how it went. He undressed you so carefully and with a particular reverence that was impossible to ignore, he was not dragging it out necessarily, you were freezing and uncomfortable after all, but he certainly wasn’t rushing either. Peeling pieces of soaked fabric from your shaking form, and you feel yourself wanting to shy away, why was this getting to you so badly? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you like this before, he had, and furthermore in far worse positions than this, but there was something so startlingly intimate about this tonight. 
Maybe the location had something to do with it too? Out in the living room, but again he had you in here before, and in the kitchen and the stables and-well it wasn’t important, but again you had done all manner of filth in all manner of places, why tonight?
Why now?
It flustered you even worse to be in front of him in just your underwear, and you had no idea why, you just felt extremely vulnerable. He took notice, hands on your waist, pausing stripping you as he looked into your eyes, a slight chuckle before asking, “Awfully shy tonight, what’s the matter?”
You laughed a little yourself, hands covering his as you responded, not really sure how to answer, but you force out, "I-uh I don’t know to be honest.”
You decided to try and get over your sudden nerves, you were being ridiculous, you force through and leaned up, kissing him, it starts easy, slow, a soft brush of your lips against his, and he returned it easily. His hands moved, and yours fell away as you allowed them as he pulled the last of your damp clothing from you. He moved away first, seemingly reluctantly, and before you knew it you were wrapped in a soft blanket you weren’t sure how he had gotten, but it felt so nice against your skin that you didn’t think to question it.
You mused that this was so nice that you really didn’t mind getting caught out in the rain. He had gotten the fire in the living room fireplace burning and took care of his own wet clothing, and you were both sitting by the fire to warm up. Large blanket around the two of you, enjoying the comfortable silence and leaning on each other, it felt so right being here with him.
Who initiated it didn’t matter.
A gentle kiss that quickly grew hotter, needier and much more hungry, the intent behind it is obvious. Hands on each other quickly make their own points of contact, your hand on his shoulder to start, and it slid down to his chest and one of his hands at the same time is going down your back to the curve of your ass and on it goes. Both of you are reaching out for more, both desperate for each other, wanting to touch more and more, greedy, and the thought passes through your mind that this might be the best way to warm up. 
That blanket was pulled from around you and laid down, and you fell onto your back, legs and arms open, and soon he was on top of you, his mouth on your neck, kisses littered over your exposed throat and down over your collarbones and shoulders, and you luxuriated in his ample affection along with the satisfied hums he let out.
His hands were on your hips and his mouth had found the space between your breasts and once his fingers had dipped between your thighs you let out a quiet gasp and vocalized your current thought, “You planned this the whole time didn’t you?”
Your breathing had picked up as he touched you, slowly but with even pressure and his mouth paused, looking up at you with that damn smile of his that you are pretty sure made you fall in love with him in the first place as he said, “So what if I did? Ain’tcha warmer now sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes, it’s affectionate, the smile breaks out wider on your face, unable to help it, until his fingers pushed inside of you and that pulled a moan from you. The sharp rise in pleasure made your smile falter, and in turn made his brighter. Again he didn’t rush per se, but he was far too good at getting you riled up, and soon you were practically begging for it and being such an obliging southern gentleman as he was, of course he gave you what you wanted.
You are underneath him, thighs on either side of his hips, your hands on his shoulders as he slid inside of you. 
An arch of your back and a shared moan, you are overtaken with it and God that first moment he is inside was always something special, wasn’t it? It took your breath away for a second before he really started.
It started so quietly, just heavy breathing, light skin on skin, crackling of the fire, but when you adjusted your hips just so to get more friction on your clit, you couldn’t stop yourself from getting louder. Gripping him harder, panting and chanting his name like a prayer, encouraging him and begging that he didn’t stop, and why would he?
This is what he loved, you like this, just totally sweet and needy, all for him.
You looked perfect, sprawled out below him on the blanket, soft light and heat of the fire, moaning and shivering, your walls hugging him deliciously. The sheer sight of you was almost too much, he couldn’t keep looking at you and hold his composure, so he pulled closer, one hand on your waist and the other gripping the blanket by your head. His face was buried in the crook of your neck and fuck, you were so close, and he wasn’t being quiet himself either at this point. He sounded too good, strained and feeling just as good as you were and right in your ear you heard from him, “So beautiful, c’mon I want to feel it-”
And you needed no more encouragement than that as you clung to him, reaching your end with another cry of his name. Dear God what bliss, you felt like absolute perfection wrapped around him and as you were still coming down, aftershocks of your orgasm running through you that you realized he was almost there too. You begged again, still holding so close as you pleaded, “Please-Buck, please!”
Once more obliging as ever he finished as well, he never did anything other than cum inside of you, it was the only option, you never wanted it anywhere else.
It was still for a moment before he pulled out, excess evidence of his pleasure spilling out with him leaving you. It takes time, untangling yourselves to get into a more comfortable position until he laid down beside you. The fire was pretty but after all of that you almost felt too hot, slick with sweat but content, guess his plan might have worked a little too well, but again it all felt so good and right you simply didn’t mind.
You placed a kiss to his cheek and curled up closer despite how hot you felt, you could get up in a minute.
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Snow on the beach
Taylor said SOTB is about falling in love in a "cataclysmic, faded moment" at the same time and asking if it is really happening. SOTB is rare love song on Midnights that references an ex and 1989. it’s I Wish you would set later with Harry.
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Lyric video
The lyric video recreates the 1989 Rolling Stone shoot, which she previously did in part of the End Game music video that also references Harry. In End Game this refers to "I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be) / Drinkin' on a beach with (you all over me)".
All for you like Janet
An 80's icon (a la 1989), Janet was going through a divorce from a low-profile/secret marriage when she wrote All for You. All for you is about sexual liberation of being newly single. Taylor and Joe's long low-profile relationship was ending when SOTB was released, we hadn’t seen Joe much for a year, they walked in NY on release day and never again. The split was announced 5 months later.
Literal Snow on a beach
On 29 December 2011 Taylor posted a photo on a beach with light snow behind her. The shadows on her hair show the sun was either setting or rising inland. It's most likely in the afternoon on a western coast. It snows on the beach in NJ, but that would be very early in the morning and hadn't snowed that year. It did snow on the beach in Liverpool that year, 50 minutes from Harry Styles family house where he was that day. Taylor hadn't been seen for 2 weeks before this photo. See more in 2011 timeline.
[Verse 1: Taylor Swift] One night, a few moons ago I saw flecks of what could've been lights But it might just have been you Passing by unbeknownst to me Life is emotionally abusive And time can't stop me quite like you did And my flight was awful, thanks for asking I'm unglued, thanks to you
The opening verse we have lights passing her unbeknownst to her, reminding us of him driving past her house in wish you would at night, and Style/HYGTG when he picked her up at night. She’s wishing for him.
‘Life is emotionally abusive and time can’t stop me quite like you did’ “you did”, we’re talking about an ex driving by. Time is no match for her feelings for the muse, it’s been years and she’s still dreaming of him. 'Life is emotionally abusive' because she’s not moved on despite her efforts to have a new life.
Finally, the flight tells us she and the muse are apart, UK/US or with tours, but she doesn't mind she is unglued at the thought of being with her 'cataclysmic' muse (...her calamitous love. ;))
[Chorus: Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift & Lana Del Rey] And it's like snow at the beach Weird, but fuckin' beautiful Flying in a dream Stars by the pocketful You wanting me Tonight feels impossible But it's comin' down No sound, it's all around Like snow on the beach x3
'Weird, but beautiful and dreamlike' depict the joyous feeling of your desire being reciprocated. She's longed for this person so much she's unglued at the idea that it could actually happen after all the time that passed in verse 1.
'No sound' is also similar to 'you can hear it in the silence' from 'You are in love' which is a beautiful moment. In 'You are in love' she sang that you could tell it was love without words, as here. However, we know the absence of those words haunts them, here's hoping for a good post-beach-fireworks chat.
Harry’s leaked Trouble also refers to snow in an unexpected, beachy place “It never snows in Hollywood / But when we sang it showed us that it could”
[Verse 2: Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift & Lana Del Rey] This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen I searched "aurora borealis green" I've never seen someone lit from within Blurring out my periphery My smile is like I won a contest And to hide that would be so dishonest And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'Til you do, 'til it's true
I searched "aurora borealis green" and lit from within and blurring out her periphery are references to Harry's green eyes and the magnetic presence she has sung about in other songs.
In the later released 1989 Vault track Suburban Legends his phone caught her peripheral vision. In Snow on the Beach she's so blissful to be back together she's putting past insecurities aside.
She goes on to resolve to let herself be in this blissful moment, get out of her own way and let her feelings be known. She ends with faking it till you make it. I read that as her seeing and setting aside her insecurities until she is confident and feels secure.
I (I) can't (can't) speak afraid to jinx it I (I) don't (don't) even dare to wish it But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet Now I'm all for you like Janet Can this be a real thing? Can it?
Taylor cannot believe that this person she has desired for so long feels the same, she can't dare to dream about it. Finally, she is all for him like Janet - aka feeling sexually liberated after getting out of a long secret/low profile relationship.
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