#I know it was surely SNS people who began the violent protesting
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dekulakization · 5 months ago
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Roseblood Chapter 6
Rhaina was still asleep when the others had finished dinner. Dwayne had put her box in one of the cupboards for her to find when she woke up feeling hungry. The atmosphere in the cave was tense, to say the least. They had all ignored Rhaina's protest when they'd been ordered to change Michael, but now that they'd met the boy and seen what he was actually like, they began to understood where she'd come from. On the surface, he seemed okay, but he also didn't know when to let someone be. Still, they had little choice in the matter. Max wanted it, so they just had to do it.
Michael had been offered the bottle, and after being tricked into eating maggots, he eyed it warily. Still, when David took a sip before reaching it out, Michael couldn't help but feel obliged to take it. He brought the bottle to his lips when Star spoke up.
“You don’t have to do this, Michael.” Star stood behind him, giving David a disapproving look. She had wanted him. She had never wanted to introduce him to this life, never wanted to make her his in such a violent way. She just wanted a normal friend. So she interrupted, doing the one thing she could think to stop him from drinking. “It’s blood.”
“Blood?” Michael chuckled. The idea that this was blood was absurd. “Yeah, right.”
When he finally drank, the boys cheered. The liquid was thick and sweet. It had a slight metallic taste to it, and Michael found himself yearning for more. He drank, sn danced, and drank some more. The more he drank, the clearer things became. The more everything seemed to be real. He felt more alive.
Star watched the scene unfold with a worried glance, wondering if Michael would still be interested in her once he knew what she had caused. For now, he was a half vampire, ready to be tested by the group. Star sighed, not bothering to say anything as she saw the five boys leave.
She and Laddie both sat on the couch, neither of them speaking. Star had had a lot to think about lately, one of the things being how she had kind of missed Rhaina. Sure she was back now, but things were different.
The boy looked up.
“What’s exactly going on with Rhaina? Do you know what happened to her?” she sounded curious, causing the young boy to frown. Star had started to dislike Rhaina the second she had been turned into a half vampire, so why was she interested in the girl now?
“What do you mean?”
Of course Laddie knew what she meant, he had just promised Dwayne and David not to talk about it. Rhaina was having a hard time dealing with it already, and she didn’t need to remember those memories so often. That would only make it worse, or at least, that’s what they told him. All he knew was that Rhaina had been hurt by some really bad people. Laddie wasnt stupid, he knew Michael was causing Rhaina to have bad memories, but he didn't know why that was. If he had been there, Michael wouldn't have been allowed to come here, he thought to himself.
“She’s acting even worse than before.” she said, wanting to know what Laddie knew.
Laddie shrugged. “So?” It wasn't that big of a deal, was it? He took could be quiet, and sometimes being sikent was just really nice.
Star shook her head, sighing as she realised tthat she wouldn't get the answer she was looking for, and stood up from the couch. “I’m going to sleep. Don’t leave the cave, okay?”
Laddie nodded.
“What is it?”
“I- I had another dream. About them.”
“About who?” Star sat across from him.
“I’m certain it was them! He worked in the garden, doing some woodworking. The garden was big with lots of trees, and so many flowers!” Laddie smiled enthusiastically. “There was no ocean, and no boardwalk. She gave him something to drink, and had red hair. I was there too. Together with a dog. I ran, and the dog followed me. They looked at us and laughed. I laughed…”
Star was quiet for a moment. Then she looked at Laddie with a big smile.
“You remember! You remember your home!”
“Star, it was a dream. Nothing else.” He sounded so reasonable here that Star was almost incluned to believe it. Still, she knew better.
“No, Laddie. It was a memory!”
She gave Laddie a hug, and lifted him onto his bed. "If you want we can find your parents again."
“I like it here," Laddie yawned, "and you like Michael.”
“I like Michael.”
“Don’t do it to much. The others won’t like it,” Laddie leaned against Star.  “Rhaina especially.”
He’d fallen asleep when Rhaina woke up, slight confusion written on her face. “What me especially?” She asked quietly, sounding tired and confused.
“Do you think Michael is a good join?” Star asked.
“What? Why?" She frowned slightly, "As if it’s my choice anyway." She got up and grabbed her box with food, eating as Star continued.
“That’s not what I’m asking, and you know that. You don't like him."
“No,” Rhaina looked at Star. “He tries too hard to be like us. He doesn’t belong here.” She didn't mention how he frightened her, reminding her of them. Star wouldn't understand.
“And you do?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Ever since Dwayne broke up with you,  everything is different. The boys are all over you, and they forget me completely.”
“So that’s the problem? That's why you suddenly decide to hate me? A lack of attention?”
“My problem is that you ruin everything! Finally I’m surrounded by people who care, a family, and you’re over there  acting like a victim of I don’t know what.” Star stood up. Her voice raised, “You’re the reason everything goes wrong here, Rhaina!”
“Cause I broke up with Dwayne?”
Star nodded. Rhaina took a couple of steps backwards as she looked at Star. She placed the carton with food down, looking at the girl.
“As if,” Rhaina hissed. “And if you really need to know, I broke up because I needed the fucking space. He got that. It was to protect both of us! So I don’t know what you think, but my relationship or lack thereof hasn’t got anything to do with the atmosphere around here.” Rhaina spat out, ignoring the bitter after taste of the lie. The truth is, she had needed him. She had needed him so badly - but if she was to keep him safe, safe from the threats she'd heard, she would have to keep him at distance. So that's what she did or tried to do. God, it was hard.
“You always blame others for things you’ve done!” Star yelled.
“Selfish bitch. Why is everything always about you? Hate what you are for all I care don't blame me!”
Star and Rhaina stared at each other, both angry.
“I’m not a selfish bitch!” Star slapped Rhaina. Hard. The girl flew through the air, landing painfully against the fountain. She gasped in pain, looking at a mortified Star. The half vampire stared at her hand, and then at the girl she'd just hit.
"Rhaina, I'm- i don't know what happened, I'm not - sorry, i don't-"
“Please dont,” Rhaina said quietly, curling up in herself. She looked so fragile, so delicate that Star finally felt that she got a glance at what had happened to her former friend.
In the meantime, the guys had arrived at the tracks. It was time to see whether or not Michael had what it took to be one of them. They parked their bikes, walking down the tracks to the middle of the bridge. Beneath them, the water was roaring wildly, and in the very far distance, the vampires could hear a train coming.
“What’s going on?” Michael asked,  confused.
David smirked. “Marko, what’s going on?”
“I dunno. What’s going on Paul?”
“Wait, who wants to know?”
“Michael wants to know.”
They burst out in laughter, and Michael was about to rethink his life choices, when they stopped walking. They were at the middle of the bridge, and David looked at him.
“See ya, Michael.” Marko grinned, before jumping off.
Michael looked shocked. “What the hell…”
“Bottoms up, man.” Paul jumped as well, followed by Dwayne shortly after.
“You’re one of us now Michael. Don’t be scared.”
David jumped.
Michael was frozen for a few seconds before he ran to the edge, not knowing what to expect. Had he just seen those four guys commit suicide? Was he becoming a part of a cult? But before his thoughts could derail any further, he heard laughter beneath him. He saw the four of them hanging on on some bars.
“Come on down, Michael!”
He doubted. Would he do it? Could he? And if so, why?
“Michael Emerson!”
Michael looked up, the train in the distance getting closer. He didn’t have much time. He wasn't afraid of the height or the fall. And secretly, he really wanted to impress the boys, hoping it would make their attitude towards him a little less intense.
He climbed down, hanging on the bars as well.
“Hold on!” David called, over the sound of  the nearing train.
The whole bridge started shaking, and Michael had a hard time holding on. It seemed like hours passed, the train long and fast as it crossed the bridge. Michaek had a hard time holding on, looking horrified when Paul gained his attention. Paul waved, having a semi shocked expression on his face when he was suddenly falling. Michael screamed.
“Let go, Michael, you’re one of us!” Marko let go now, disappearing in the fog beneath them.
Dwayne grinned before letting go, too. Michael couldn't believe what he was seeing. This was dangerous, deadly so. And they just did this for fun? Michael looked at David, not certain what to do.
“You heard them. You’re one of us Michael. Let go.”
David disappeared in the mist beneath them. Michael panicked. Why did they all let go? What was wrong with them? He wasn't strong enough to pull himself up, but letting go like that? He shook his head. That was not possible. He couldn't.
“David!” He yelled.
It was harder to keep himself hanging, and he felt his hand slipping. Beneath him he could hear voices. “Michael, Michael…”
As if they were cheering him on. He tried holding on, but his hand slipped. His arms were tired, he lost grip.
With a loud scream, he fell down.
The boys dropped Michael off at home and got back to the cave. Laddie and Star were asleep, while Rhaina was still reading. She was paler than usual and had dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she'd been crying. Marko was the first to enter and the first to notice.
“Are you okay?” Marko looked at her. She jumped up but calmed down when she saw it  was them. She smiled a little, wincing as she moved.
“Eh, yeah. I’m just tired,” she said, shrugging. "And-" she shook her head, "nevermind. "
"What?" Dwayne asked. Rhaina looked at him, unable to lie.
"Star was mad. She - she hit me while we were having an argument."
"Do you need any wounds cleaned?" Marko asked, being met with a shake of her head.
“Come,” David looked at her, realizing she probably refused to sleep without them being at home, “We'll deal with her tomorrow. We’re going to sleep now, too.”
She laid her book on the couch and followed them to the back of the cave, limping slightly. Behind their ‘room’ was a room where Rhaina often slept. She yawned while walking there.
Paul had laid an arm over her shoulder.
“Maybe you should take some sleeping pills?” He suggested.
“I want to sleep, not end up in a coma,” she snapped coldly. She looked startled, realizing what she had said. “Sorry- I didn’t- I didn’t mean that to come out so harshly.”
Paul nodded, giving her a hug. It was quiet. They all noticed how nervous she was. As if they would hurt  her if she wasn’t polite enough. They knew this was a thing ever since she had disappeared, but they all just wished they knew what had happened so they could help her understand that she was safe here.
After wishing the others a good night, she walked to her own bed. Dwayne followed her, and stopped in the doorway.
“Try to get some more sleep, okay? We’re here if you need us.”
She nodded, a small smile on her lips. “Thanks.”
She was about to step into her bed when she looked at him. "Could - could you maybe stay?" She asked quietly. He nodded, taking his boots and jacket off before laying down next to her. She laid against him, enveloped in his arms, and soon she had fallen asleep.
Hours passed, and the sun was high on the horizon when Rhaina began to tremble and talk in her sleep. Quietly, she begged, begged for them to not hurt her, beg for them to let her go, and then - she cried out, as if she was in horrible pain.
Dwayne woke up, startled, as he quickly shook her awake. "Rae? Rhaina, you're safe, love. I got you," he said quietly, brushing his hand through her hair. The girl, slowly waking up and calming down, looked at him.
"What happened?" She asked quietly, confused about his worried expression.
“A nightmare,” he said softly.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, looking at him. "I know this is hard on you too."
Dwayne kissed her softly on the top of her head.
“We’ll get through this love. Okay?”
She nodded. “Pinky Promise?”
Dwayne rolled his eyes teasingly before hooking his pink around hers. She smiled lightly before dozing off.
Dwayne missed this. He knew she needed the freedom and the feeling of control. He knew she was terrified of them, knowing that they knew he was hers. He knew this was her way to protect him, as best as she could. He would do the same thing for her. He would do anything to keep her safe. Knowing that, doesn’t mean it made it any easier. He missed her. She was his mate, and he - well, they - they needed each other. He knew she still loved him. A lot. But he missed moments like this.
Dwayne played with her hair, absentmindedly. Soon, he, too, was about to fall asleep, keeping a protective arm around his girl.
“I love you.”
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