#I know he has John there but absolutely no way thats enough
mothy-graves · 7 hours
finished episodes 22-28 of Malevolent today (which I think concludes season 3? Im not confident in that tho) and when I tell you I was and never am prepared for how much this podcast is actually going to hurt me
I thought episode 20 was bad. then so much throughout episodes 21-28 just gutted me so much more and I wasn’t READY
Not sure how far Ill get tomorrow but boy oh boy am I terrified!
Im also never prepared for whatever horrific noises/things Im gonna be faced with each episode but those are less important
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methoughtsphantom · 29 days
halfas are the found family trope foster child
they all adopt each other. it’s the reason Vlad wanted so badly to have Danny as his son and the reason Danny immediately went with sure you’re my cousin now with Dani. it’s a survival mechanism from being so very few of their species. Sooo, halfa!Jason except he sorta isn’t yet cause Jason’s core is extremely ruptured from the lack of ectoplasm involved in his forceful resurrection. So when Danny finds Jason in his catatonic state he can’t quite tell the dude’s been dead and remains some, just that the guy for some reason seems very friend-shaped. Danny doesn’t mind his friend is braindead, and is also a john doe, he gives familiar vibes and that’s apparently enough for Danny to constantly find himself in the hospital doing his engineering homework on the room with the guy, and talking for hours about the updates on the absolute clusterfuck of the city and how he was from a freaking ghost town and he can almost even draw comparisons. he blabbers about how he’s not homesick enough times to even corner himself to talk about a ghost lore many times and how he’s just finding himself a little more prone to violence and in constant pain since none of the people he has adopted as his family are here with him and he can’t consider a place a lair if there’s isn’t someone of his in it.
But Danny could never drag someone with him just because of some it, after all it was Danny’s choice to come to Gotham to collage and not stay where at least his parents (good parents Jack and Maddie) were in Amity.
Ironically, Danny essentially can’t feel that his core has been spoon feeding ectoplasm to Jason. As months go on, the little ball of energy builds in anticipation practically vibrating in the waiting pulse of something (Danny doesn’t know but more often than not has he found himself laughing in happy confusion. it weirds him out in a good way) It’s really that he’s feeling the slow healing process of his friend (brother brother brother) ‘s core.Imagine it’s just about to properly, correctly heal when canon strikes back and Jason gets snatched by League assassins. Danny is left feeling like his core got torned out. His core had spend months helping another’s only to feel the other’s imprint and to not be able to protect it in return is— forget it being an obsession; thats like having your newborn baby being ripped out of your arms. An all assuaging feeling of helplessness that is devastating. Danny just beginning to feel like home lair when out of nowhere the rug is swept under him. Danny suddenly struggling to not flunk all his classes and beat every single liminal that he can feel crossing paths with him to the ground. Danny suddenly having his chronic pain (that hadn’t been so bad lately) dialed up to the point that there are just bearable and bad days.
The worse thing is he doesn’t know why.
Jason had only been a guy.
It’s only a three weeks before Jazz tells him she accepted a job offer in Gotham.
(and the guilt only makes him feel worse when he can feel himself feel better because of it)
whimsical time skip ✨
Danny is now on his feet again and friends with a Wayne of your choice (or maybe they were friends a little before Jay dissapeared and it was badTM cause Waynes? liminal 🥲) Danny definitely didn’t enjoy snapping off to his friend like that. anyways it’s been a year since that and he and his friend are having a grand time playing civvies, uhh let’s say dick because I want them to meet while ice skating, Also Dick because he definitely turns a blind eye when Danny goes airborne for a second there yep. He’s just having too much fun.
anyways as alwaysTM Danny doesn’t clock celebrities and like why would he, Dick is just the random guy who’s was fast to turn Danny’s slow day in the ice ring into a competition one day and brighten when Danny matched up his puns. So he totally doesn’t get why the guy’s so gloomy one day, anyways as you can figure, it’s Jason’s deathday and Dick is a deprecating bean, Danny tries to cheer him up by having him remember his brother instead and Dick attempts to, but even skipping through some photos in his phone make his eyes burn.
It is because of that that he doesn’t notice Danny absolutely freeze up at the photo of his friend Jay (Jay because he’s a John Doe, but that’s just too impersonal and so the first letter is J *wink wink*)
Danny absolutely doesn’t know what to do with this information, barely catches himself from asking Dick how did his brother die. Most importantly when because Danny just saw Jay—Jason less than a year ago, and this somehow doesn’t feel too recent.
Annd that how we find Danny digging into the Wayne second son tragedy. Staring at the date of death while the knowledge that they met almost six months after burns his forefront of his mind. Danny spends a day going over all the questions running through his mind over how the fuck he couldn’t sense Jay was a ghost—err was… in past tense?? what the fuck?? Danny would really like a refund on his ghost sense.
Anyways Danny goes check out the grave (now that he knows there is one) and boom although intangible he somehow triggers those shitty ass sensors/alarms that somehow didn’t go off when jason was literally digging himself out.
Obviously the bats get in the case immediately. And boy are they absolutely enraged that someone would steal Jason’s body.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Little things, they do 2 (Price, Ghost, Gaz) (headcannons)
Part 1 (Alex, Soap, König) here
Little things, they do, that get you every time. Silly, warm, heart-melting, wholesome things.
Captain John Price
Knuckle kisses. That's it.
Praises you not only when you succeed, but also when you fail. “I know, you tried so hard, love. This doesn't make you lesser. You don't have to prove anything to me. I'm proud of you. You're enough.”
Compliments you at the most random times. You've just woken up with an absolute mess on your head, or you walk around the house in old faded sweatpants and a dirty T-shirt because the rest of the clothes are being washed? John takes your hand, brings it to his lips and whispers "You are incredibly beautiful." or “How did an old git like me ended up with the most gorgeous, hottest  human being out there?”
He has this habit of going behind your back and leaning close to your very ear while telling you something. Maybe he just likes to feel you close and uses it as an excuse, maybe he wants to “envelop” you in a way, hide you from the whole world, sharing his knowledge, feeling, how interested you are in a topic.
One of those people to actually use paper and envelopes, that some hotel still provide their rooms with. You get these long 3-5 page letters from different corners of earth every now and then. They can be absolutely platonic - he can literally describe, what he's seen or overheard on the streets lately or rant about how he wants to hear seabirds voices, but they are interrupted by the unceasing roar of engines and roadworks here… But you see it: every line screams “I love you. I freaking love you so much, it's almost 4 am here, and I'm still wide awake, because I need to write to you, to communicate in any way that will be safe for you.” 
Simon Ghost Riley
He is no stranger to triggered stress or panic. So if you have any phobia, and he finds out about it - he starts protecting you from its triggers. Let's say, you're scared of spiders and scorpions. Even a picture of one can absolutely freak you out. Simon goes above and beyond to shield you from any type of appearance of these creatures in your life. In summer, he'll escort and even tiniest spider out of your apartment, before you see it.
He even shares a googledoc with trigger warning time codes for every piece of media, you wanted to see. Even if it's a long series - he just checks every episode of it on a fast rewind and writes you, if it's fully safe to watch or not. 
Ghost has a wealth of experience in dealing with insomnia and is willing to help you, if you come across this issue. Just don't hesitate to ask - he is ready to spend all the night helping you out. Will definitely start with pressing your back to his chest and guiding you through a breathing exercise.
If you had a bad day and dropped him a message - he`d surely call you as soon as he can to talk you through everything that happened and soothe you. 
“I`m always there for you, you know?” “I know, Simon…” “No, thats not the way, we do that.” “...” “Come on. Say it.” “I remember, ok?” “Say. it. I need you say it out loud.” “You are always there for me, no matter what.” “And?” “... and I can call or text you any time and you'll reach back asap.” “Good job. I'll call you again before you go to sleep.”
Despite his ascetic way of life, he likes nice things and gradually accustoms you to the same preferences. 
It all starts with tea. One day, you go grocery shopping together. You walk between the rows of shelves while Simon stays by your cart. Returning to the cart, you find him skeptically examining the box of tea you dropped into the cart earlier. "What is this?" "It's tea, Simon, stop pretending you can't read." Ghosts gaze eloquently demonstrates his attitude towards this product. "It's trash." He pulls out a simple but elegant box from the top shelf. "This is tea." You try to convince him that with the money spent on that "good" box, you could drink tea all year, but he is relentless. Simon ends up buying the tea himself and brewing it at your place. When you first try it and roll your eyes in pleasure - he smiles contentedly. “Told you.”
Kyle Gaz Garrick
“Babe this is delicious, wanna try it?” - say yes and firstly he will kiss you. You absolutely need to try that ice cream, his tongue is just a nice bonus. Ofc shares his food with you afterward.
One of the most supportive human beings out there. Encourages every your hobby, hella proud of you and not shy to demonstrate it. “Have you heard her singing? RNs got a voice of a songbird!” “Kyle, please, I just went to a few vocal lessons and learned like… 2 songs.” “Those are my favorite ones from now on, love.”
If you work from home, he'll walk into your room randomly (but only when he is 100% sure, you're not on the call), sit beside you and just stare silently at you. Ask him, what's up, and he'll give you a quick kiss on the forehead and walk away grinning. 
Slow dances with you on streets, when you two pass by street musicians. Doesn't care if everybody looking, even if someone pulls out a phone and starts filming this wholesome scene. It's only you in Kyles hands, that matter right now to him. 
If you have a pet - he definitely becomes its new dad. When Kyle is around - your four-legged friend absolutely forgets about your existence, because Gaz is an expert in best scratches!
By the way, your pets birthday is now Kyles official holiday!
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darkniters · 1 year
omg i loved the girl dad schlatt short you wrote,
could you do more, maybe of them two and reader, appearing on stream?
Thank you, it’s ok if you don’t want to!
jschlatt whos a girl dad
“boys, we got a crazy stream lined up for you all today.” schlatt grinned at the camera, leaning back in his chair as he looks towards his right.
off of the side of the camera, is you! sitting with your young daughter in your lap. she’s old enough to be speaking, but in this situation that isnt really the best thing.
she can run her mind a lot, yappin about whatever comes into head and just saying anything and everything all at once. i mean, its a GREAT sign, your kids healthy, but johns bright idea of bringing her on stream to play city skylines with him isn’t something that is sitting right with you.
“may i introduce you all, to the specialist guests of all time…” he reaches his arms over, and she jumps into them. he then lifts her up and over, and onto his lap with great ease. “you boys remember small men dont you?”
a codename came up by schlatt to keep her identity fully concealed. she’s also sporting a pair of sunglasses and a mask, which he ripped directly from ranboo with absolutely no shame.
“SMALL MEN?” she whips her head around to stare at her father, shes so much smaller than him that he’s had to lower the camera, the top of his head cut off. “i thought i was UTKA?” she sounds offended.
schlatt stares down at her, his hand holding her back in place as the other rests on the table, as he lets out a hearty chuckle, “these losers wont be calling you utka, sweetheart. thats what we call you!” he explains. you can see through the side of the sunglasses that her eyes are shining up at her dad.
“speaking of ‘we’ as the collective,” he looks over at you, a giddy smile again finds it way on his face. you roll your eyes, before rolling your chair into frame as well.
you make an explosion noise from your mouth, making small men giggle loudly. schlatt pulls your chair as close as possible, before he rests his hand on your arm rest, making sure you dont move out of frame.
“family reunion, baby! like a big ram family right infront of ya.” he cheers, small men starts frantically waving at the screen.
“small men wave up at the camera up there, they cant see you when you wave to the screen!” you tell her, her heads moving around as if its a chickens, quickly jutting around in every direction like she’s never been in the room before.
she finds the camera and leans forward, waving frantically and crazily, and schlatt starts waving too, copying her to the best of his ability. you let out a much more relaxed wave, just lifting your hand and moving your fingers.
“alright, small men. you ready to make a city?” schlatt gently grabs her hand and brings it to the mouse. she grabs ahold of it, her hand looking pathetic compared to the size of it.
“daddy im gonna make… the BEST city. in the whole. ENTIRE world.” she beams, excitement taking over her to become a character.
he has chat and view number invisible, meaning whatever chat is saying, none of you will see. overall being a good thing for your anxieties, you dont want to know what everyone is saying.
after an entire explosion and the new monument “BIG MAONTIN” in the city “the hOuse,” you leave the room briefly.
you notice how quiet the house is outside the room, it feels almost alien to have a house so quiet. but you know that your daughter, and your lover are going to have a memory to cherish forever. and that means so much more to you than anything else you could be doing right now.
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cycle-hit · 5 months
wait why is lucky believed to be her victim /gen
this post by ryuseiired is very good! please go read it
kotokos t2 music video, notably, is also the only one who extends past her t1 mv "murder" (with mikoto as an exception- because i genuinely have no idea what to make of his t2 mv in terms of murder) to a curious amount- with an interesting focus on lucky. all of the other prisoner's t2 mvs are focused on what happened before/what caused the murder- if lucky was her victim, then this would make kotokos t2 mv align with the rest of the prisoners' t2 mvs.
kotoko, fascinatingly, is also the only prisoner thats been to court for her "murder"- at least that we know of. if milgrams purpose is to judge criminals outside the judicial court of law- is that not redundant? why have none of the other prisoners already been to court? why would kotoko be an outlier to this? unless, of course, kotoko isnt, and her actual "murder" is lucky, who she hasn't been to court for.
kotoko also just parallels or mirrors a lot of the prisoners who have "child murder" on their hands. haruka. shidou. fuuta kajiyama. mikoto in a way not because of his victim but because "john" has the motifs of someone who's been "newly born"- and soon he will "disappear". this argument has less substance though because kotoko literally parallels or mirrors every single prisoner in milgram in some way or another. you could even argue she mirrors yuno- both yuno and kotoko have come to hate a different "side" of themselves. and yuno. uhhhh. well. she doesnt have that baby anymore. heart <3
theres also the new anniversary art!
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if kotokos victim was the man she killed- why is she holding the bouquet, which is meant to represent the prisoners victims in some way or another- hidden by her side? should it not be closer to how amanes is to show complete MALICE disrespect? should it not be on the ground beneath her feet if its the criminal she murdered whom she so despises? kotoko is still holding it carelessly, its petals are still going to shed or the flowers will fall- but shes still holding it. she still cares for the bouquet in some capacity. just not as properly as she should. its also worth noting that while haruka's and amane's bouquets have shed, kotoko's still hasnt despite her holding it like that. knives ( @tmasckotoko) also pointed out the absolutely devastating concept of lucky and kotoko "holding hands" bc it slightly looks like thats what she could be doing with the bouquet symbolism. maybe kotoko doesnt even notice shes holding the bouquet dangerously- to mirror her inattentiveness to what leaving lucky behind would do in the end.
youll see people arguing that kotoko DIRECTLY murdered lucky too- which i just completely disagree with. not only does it get rid of one of the main supporting arguments of kotokos murder being "indirect", but kotoko just. wouldnt? do that? her entire thing in harrow is saving children or avenging their deaths. why would she directly kill lucky. in milgram kotoko isnt even capable of hurting a child despite how much she insists she is- she fails to beat up amane post trial 1, and now she's made a deal with haruka to hurt neither him nor muu. (funnily enough though, haruka possibly IS going to indirectly die bc of her encouragement of his plan. MUCH LIKE SOMEONE ELSE YOU KNEW, KOTOKO, WHO WAS DEFINED AS "WEAK" AND ALSO WAS STILL A MINOR?). you can argue that she tried to punch es back in mikotos t1 vd i guess, but she did that with the prior knowledge that itd likely be stopped before it would ever reach them. she also warned es, albeit not very um. succinctly. i just. cant see kotoko hurting lucky directly in any capacity.
oh yeah! theres also the story of jacques roulet- which is the clothing brand that kotoko wears. jacques roulet was a werewolf who was sent to a "madhouse" for eating a child. 👍
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omgwhatchloe · 3 months
@ercticisms i made a ramble about lenny
thinking abt lenny getting heat exhaustion/stroke in clemens point…
so how does HE get it but no one else?? well it starts when he gets too many compliments on how well hes doing, which fuels him to do all the chores around camp, to maximise compliments (???) and when it starts to work he just keeps going. and he doesnt actually touch the shade long enough for it to be considered time in the shade, despite sweating all day from the constant southern swampy heat. this repeats for about 2 days before he starts sweating harder.
and he wakes up with an awful headache, which he doesnt comment on. but it BOTHERS him, like it actually makes him mad as he attempts to do chores. he is also extremely dizzy when he lifts a sack up, like his vision is almost black and he doesnt know if hes still standing at one point until he manoeuvres himself onto the floor. and he sits there. he is so nauseous he could cry, so frustrated from the heat he could scream, so dizzy and sweaty with a head that feels like its been shot, its overwhelming. to the point he doesn’t even get up, just buries his face in his knees.
when he is found by arthur, who yells for hosea, he is well and truly blacked out. not to mention his poor arms are very sunburnt and will be torturous when he wakes up. thankfully without the camp noticing too much, they walk him to johns tent, as hes extremely hazy but able to put one foot in front of the other, even if he doesnt know his own name or where hes going. within an hour, he has a fever that has overtaken his body.
hes drifting in and out of the most uncomfortable and inconsistent sleep of his life, his body pouring with sweat as it burns up. he truly has no idea where he is, only that he is so hot and in pain. sean has taken his clothes off him, only leaving his drawers, and laid a thin blanket over him, which immediately sticks to his skin. all lenny knows is that he doesnt like where he is because its too hot and it hurts. so as soon as mr macguire goes to get a cloth for his head, lenny is GONE.
thank god he still remembers its not socially acceptable to just wander around in your drawers, and wraps himself in the blanket as he stumbles to his feet, his head POUNDING. hes almost numb, the pain and heat is so bad. slowly shuffling, he leaves the tent and starts to walk barefoot through camp. of course, about 85% of people in camp have no idea whats wrong with him, so they kind of…stare in confusion and dont stop him as he shuffles out of camp in nothing but a blanket.
lenny doesnt know where hes going, he doesnt even know hes supposed to think of a destination as he starts to walk, the sun absolutely going feral on his body, throwing all its heat at the poor boy who is so out of it he doesnt realise thats why hes so uncomfortable. its an extremely unique sight, especially since its lenny summers going through this.
sean goes back into the tent with the cloth, and sees a lenny-shaped spot on the bed…but no lenny.
his heart DROPS. like literally drops. he runs out of the tent and looks around camp to see lenny is NOT THERE. and it goes a bit like this.
“he-he went out-“
“why would-“
*shaky point*
thank god lennys shaky legs didnt get him that far and sean found him just about as soon as he left camp on ennis. like literally left the trees then turned his head.
of course lenny doesnt even know hes meant to respond when people call for him, so sean rides over. its surprisingly easy to get him onto ennis as lenny entire reaction is “oh we’re doing this now? ok!”
anyways it takes him a few days to recover with sean doting on him and hosea and miss grimshaw being the ones who actually know how to help💔
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konigsblog · 1 year
Hello! Absolutely love your writing!
Could I please request Soap/Price NSFW alphabet? x
aw thank you!! of course, price's will be out later today or early tomorrow
soap mactavish NSFW alphabet
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warnings: nsfw obviously, cum, spanking and ass slapping, mentions of blowjobs, sir kink, breeding kink, degrading, teasing, power kink, mirror sex, mainly m recieving masturbation, wax play, doggy style, matting press, knife kink,
a- aftercare, whats their aftercare like?
johns aftercare is gentle and loving, placing little kisses aa he cleans you up with a towel before running a shower for you both. you clean eachother up and wash eachothers hair.
b- body part, do they have a favourite body part?
your ass, its a cushion. big or small, his head will rest this. he digs his fingers into it, occasionally slapping it when he sees you. he can't help it! you just look too good.
c- cum, anything to do with cum
he likes cumming on your face after you suck his dick. seeing it drip down onto your tits drives him wild.
d- dirty secret, do they have secrets?
whilst on deployment, he takes either; a bra, your lace panties or a nude in polaroid form. he thinks you don't know but when you see him unpack you see a tent in his pants staring at whatever he's taken.
e- experience, how many times?
he's scottish (just like me) so you can expect experience, what can i say? everyone wants that scottish dick...
f- favourite position, any positions they prefer?
doggy style, matting press... mainly he prefers anything where he can see your ass jiggle as he slams his hips against it. both of you moaning in unison.
g-goofy, are they sarcastic or serious?
i see him being more serious, but then again i see all task force members being serious. i don't see any to make jokes, maybe they'd mock you, but jokes are off the table when in the bedroom.
h- hair, are they well trimmed? does thr carpet match the drapes?
he usually cuts it while he's with you, trimming it down enough thats comfy for both if you. yet, when he's on deployment he lets it grow. it's a waste of time that he could use training.
i- intimacy, how romantic are they?
mainly degrading you, he isn't the lovey-dovey type until after the sex. he'd call you a brat or mock your moans at the slightest of touch and actions.
j- jack off, how often do they get off?
fairy regular, a normal amount i'd say. he doesn't really jerk off while on leave because he has you. deployment is fairy often but not too much.
k- kinks, any kinks?
degrading kink, power kink, he likes fucking you infront of a mirror, seeing the look on your face and forcing you to watch. knife kink and wax.
l-location, do they like public or privacy?
i mean, he'd prefer private but if you both can't wait you'll find the nearest bathroom and fuck eachother stupid.
m- motivation
teasing, he's such a tease. slowly going up and down your thigh, stopping when you make noise. "quiet for me, lass."
n- no, what wouldn't they do?
anything that would seriously harm you, he likes to use a knife but only grazing. never enough for you to actually bleed of cry from pain.
o- oral, receiving or giving?
preferably recieving. doesn't mean he wouldn't eat you out. but he likes the way your lips wrapped around his dick, slowly sucking him. giving little licks to the tip to tease him back.
p- pace, how fast are they willing to go?
starting off slow, gradually getting faster. he only starts slow to build you up, then rips you apart as he speeds up. his dick hitting that sweet spot.
q- quickies, what do they think about quickies?
he'd rather take his time, if your at a party and suddenly horny he doesn't mind taking you in the bathroom... but then he can't tease you, and you know how unfair he likes to be.
r- risk, are they a risk taker?
regarding the fact he'd do it in public, i guess. but, he'd never take you if you weren't in birth control and weren't ready for a baby. thats not happening at the moment.
t- toys, do they experiment with toys?
sure, some toys here and there. just like when hes on deployment, he understands that you might want to get yourself off. he'll get a dildo that looks similar to his own cock so you can imagine him every time.
u- unfair, how much do they tease you.
read above, he's a tease for sure. edging you until you're in tears and whining from touch. only whining will make him stop though, being more and more unfair.
v- volume, how loud are they?
occasional grunts and moans, not as much as you but still enough to show that he's enjoying himself.
w- wild card, your own headcanon?
i think he wants you pregnant, a breeding kink maybe. or a sir kink, he knows its not the time and prefers not to say anything about the sir kink because you know he gets called, "sir" at his work.
x- xray, whats going on under those clothes?
5.3 inches flacid, 6.1 inches hard. a thick vein across his shaft and uncircumcised.
y- yearning?
definitely more horny, he initiates most of the time. other times you do. him being horny gets you horny.
z- zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep?
not until your cleaned, had a shower, in a comfy shirt and massaged will he fall asleep. your needs matter more than his, he thinks.
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 6 months
I need more feral possessive Gale who is holding so tight to Bucky, the greatest light of his life. begging him to stay. It's truly my #1 headcanon now
You know anon I sat on this ask and was thinking how can I reply in the most significant way possible then I gave up and just - Yes. Yes to this.
I dont see him as the verbally begging type, but I do see him as the quietly begging sort. It's all in his actions - the way gives Bucky attention and his time, the way he let's Bucky into his space. The way he fights back in the camp, against Bucky himself, because he won't lose Bucky not even to own mind.
Over time, the possessiveness is less a selfish want and became a necessity for him to live and not just exist. So what that means is that maybe after the war, he tells himself that its enough for him to know that Bucky is out there alive. He has compromised with the universe - You let my John live, and I'll make due with soaking up his presence on this earth even if he's nowhere near me. You let my John live, and I'll be content with my lot in life.
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pfhwrittes · 9 months
dealing drugs and feelings hcs (expanded) john price's headcanon is here.
next up, simon "ghost" riley.
TW: mentions of alcoholism, drug usage, mentions of domestic violence, overdose, death (because we're absolutely borrowing from '09 ghost's canon backstory here and holy shit it is dark).
drabble; 500ish words
-- ghost absolutely grew up in a shitty council estate in the greater manchester area (i'm thinking salford prior to any of the regenerative efforts that have gone into it), in a shitty two up-two down house, with his shitty violent drunk of a father, his battered mother and his brother tommy. i can just see how simon's life prior to joining the armed forces was marked by his father's rage and violence, his mother's fear and his brother's resentment at being trapped.
simon's dad is constantly in and out of prison during his childhood which makes things better and worse at once. better because there's a modicum of peace that allows the bruises to heal on simon's ribs and face, allows tommy to start smiling through the resentment that's festering under his skin, allows his mum a chance to call in the council to replace the doors to the kitchen and living room that have been ripped off their hinges. but it's simultaneously worse because while his dad's inside his mum has to make do with only one set of job seeker's allowance and housing benefit. it means going hungry more often then not, it means knowing that he's not getting new joggers now that he's shot up a few inches at 14 and even wearing his younger brother's cast offs isn't an option for him.
and thats when he picks up dealing. nothing hard. just a bit of weed (never coke or gear or pills), just a little bit so he's got enough cash to get new clothes from charity shops for him and tommy. just enough cash that he can pop money on the gas and electric keys. just enough cash that he can pick up pot noodles for tea. it comes crashing down when his old man is released again when he's 16 and suddenly his cash is being used on crates of stella to pacify him. it's spent on a second hand tv and playstation to keep tommy up in their shared room and away from angry words and angrier fists. it's spent on a shitbox nissan micra that he doesn't have a licence for. it's spent on kingsized rolling papers and pouches of cheap baccy until he can roll a perfect joint in under a minute before sitting in the back seat of his shitty car under some shitty streetlight and smoking until the fear in his lungs has been replaced by sweet and sour smoke and a craving for a rustlers chicken burger.
all of this just to say that simon "ghost" riley keeps dealing even as he joins the armed forces. the cash gets tucked away into a post office account he knows his mum and brother can access, an apology for abandoning them and a way of showing he still cares. he keeps dealing even after his brother is dead due to an overdose and his mum's in the wind after having escaped tommy's death and his dad's abusive fucking clutches. he keeps dealing even when simon is declared legally dead and he becomes ghost.
after all, you can't have a ghost on payroll can you?
taglist: @kaadaaan
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
That things to incorporate in smut post got me thinking. In a roundabout way that’s prob only indirectly smutty. Ok, say Jim had managed to acquire a younger girlfriend (which he totally thinks gives bragging rights because let’s be real, he’d be forever going on about it), pre-chow time. Post…well, look at how obviously different he moves. Not just the limp, but the caution. He’s more AWARE now that he’s an old guy *coughwithmoobsbutilovethatforhimcough* Very mortal. Very missing half his parts. GF still has more than half her life left, barring any unfortunate circumstances.
I think he’d be an absolutely tragic nightmare combo of clingy/flirty/tell him still think he’s hot/you can be the sexy nurse, but then when the phantom pains get bad enough to make him really THINK about it, he’s all cranky from wounded ego. No, he DOESN’T want a massage (because that’s a thing you can do for phantom limbs, apparently). He’s not taking his pants off for THAT, thanks. Maybe tries to spin it into something dirty, like “but if you’re asking for more fun reasons…” Before he just gives up and goes back to sulking. Says just hand him the booze and go away, he’s got things to drink about for awhile.
OMG YES- AND PROSTHETICS TOO! If I make smut for Jim, or Long John Silver, or Captain Hook- will absolutely be putting detail in about that. Thank you for the reminder!
And, yes!! He is a lot more cautious and grounded in the second movie! Obviously- because of trauma (I mean- look at my last post.). And I like how you're suggesting that only getting mauled by a croc made him realise he's old. Like, the general aging process did not do it for him (Which honestly makes sense, considering how he watches the coach get attacked in Final Chapter- he's watching like he's invincible. That would n e v e r happen to him right?? Sure, to his father and his mother and his aunt- but not him. Nooo.); he had to lose his limbs to get humbled. (Crazy person.)
Once again- yes! XD I totally agree on how he'd be after that with his S/O 😅 She can play sexy nurse, fine, but as soon as the concern gets real she's got a grumpy old man on her hands. He doesn't need anyone worrying over him, he's a grown ass man and (At least this is my HC) he's been on his own for a l o n g time (I mean he's a sleazy alcoholic low-life illegal poacher- I doubt he's got a whole lotta trustworthy friends.); he can take care of himself. He'd be stubborn as fuck, very very used to doing shit on his own; Gritting and bearing it; D r i n k i n g his problems away. Accepting help? Pff, nah.
I couldn't help it- I had to write a little something for this XD
Jim Bickerman x YoungerGirlfriend!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: A typical night trying to make Jim take care of himself causes a couple revelations for you both. Mostly for you, because he's too damn stubborn to believe you.
Warnings: Very evident age-difference relationship (Its a major theme this time). Insecurities regarding aging and prosthetics. Unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter
Its a stand-still. You imagine a tumbleweed blowing by in the untidy above-bar apartment; between the ratty old couch and the beer-damp coffee table, and across old jack bottles and a loose-strand mat thats seen far better days. But your focus is stead-fast on Jim across the room by the window. You're half concerned he's going to try and climb out of it to get away from you.
Well- not concerned-concerned, not in a way where you're worried he's going to hurt himself (Thats his prerogative), but more because then he'll escape. And you wont be able to get his damn leg off.
"Jim." You start, a very firm frustrated tone moulding itself to the sound of your voice; not taking your eyes off of the old cowboy so he knows you mean business. "The doctors said you need to take it off at night so the wound can b r e a t h e. If you don't, it can suffocate and get worse. You could lose more of your leg."
"Yeah, well, then it'll get worse! I'll lose more, wont I?" He exclaims, giving a shrug and you throw your arms up in frustration at this quick responce. This man!!- "Its my leg and I'll decide when I take it off."
"Just let me help you, you old coot!"
He waives his hand and the new hook around and shrugs. "I'm fine! Don't need aany help, thank you very- hey." The sudden dark tone that enters his voice creep in as soon as you move to approach and makes you halt immediately in your tracks as he sets you with a very stern look. Jim points his hook prosthetic threateningly at you. "You stay right there."
Well, it would have been threatening if you didn't know him so well. He was not going to hurt you, so you take another step. "Or what?" You ask, shrugging.
"Don't be cute." He warns, a growl in his voice and a snarl on his face.
"Whatever do you mean?- Oh, come on, Jim!" Mid-sentence, Jim had turned around and opened the window. "Its dark, its raining, and its slippery. how do you suppose you're gonna climb down??"
"I already left a ladder out there, assuming you were gonna start this shit again t'night." Of course he did. "Just gotta slide to it. Hm... " The way he's peering out the window suggests that he kind of forgot, though, the exact location of the ladder on the other end of the porch cover below the window sill. Would that stop him, though? No-
Ughh. You groan, and drop your face into your hands out of exasperation.
You managed to compromise- he gets to keep his leg on but you convinced him to take off the hook, so long as you handled opening his beers for him. Now you sit side by side under the window (The cool air from the rain is nice after the heat of the stand-off and negotiations). Carefully, you pull the tab on a can of gross beer and pass it across to him. "... so. Same time tomorrow night?" You ask, a worn-out smile on your face.
He chuckles darkly beside you, taking a sip of his drink. "Probably. 'nless you plan on leavin' me alone?"
"No." Nice try on that wishful thinking.
"Then yeah. Same time, same place then."
"... you know you have to give in eventually," You pipe up again, turning your head to look at him, leaning your temple on the wall. When he looks back, you flash him a sleazy smirk (You learnt from the best). "I have better stamina then you do."
That unlocks a real chuckle from him, his shoulders jumping and a smile flickering across his face in a way that makes your smile turn genuine. "Yeah, well, you might be right about that princes but I'm a lot older then you- I know things a lotta you don't, right?" He looks away from you. "And I don't anticipate you stickin' around here forever, so eventually I'll be home-safe." Your heart falls, and the smile slowly disappears from your face listening to him- but he doesn't seem to make any note of it as he flashes you a dirty look of his own. "No matter how good your stamina is."
"... what, on earth, do you mean?"
Jim gives a shrug. "Well sweetheart, just- you're a sweet young little thing. I'm uh- well," Chuckling, his eyes move away from yours again. "I'm a little past my prime, hm? Pretty sure I know how this story plays out. Eh?" There isn't a self deprecating vibe about what he's saying, he just sounds certain. And that baffles you all the more.
You straighten up. "No?? Well, you'd be wrong. Because, I- I- "
"Aw, sweetheart, you don't needta reassure an old man. I'm fine with all this is. Sure, I like ya, but I know what I am, hm? A little bump in the road, right? I'll be fine when you go off an- "
Oh you have never wanted to smack someone so bad. "Jim!" You exclaim in exasperation and a lick anger, cutting through the absolute bullshit. "First of all- " You take the beer out of his hands, set it clearly out of his reach, and then sit down very firmly in front of him; hands on his shoulders. Holding his attention. He looks bemused, and you wish he'd wipe that little grin off his damn face. "Second of all, listen up. I'm serious, here. I'm not going anywhere, not as far as I'm concerned right now. You're a pain in the butt sometimes but I really don't know where this idea that our relationship has an expiration date is coming from. When we met you were in this- what changed??"
"Well," He chuckles, sounding like he thinks whatever he's thinking is just obvious before he looks meaningfully down at himself. "Uh, I'm not exactly g.i. joe fresh outta the box, am I sweetcheeks? Don't even got all my pieces anymore."
Your jaw drops, and for a moment you don't know what on earth to say. You feel like you cant even breathe. Is that what this is about?? Oh- for gods sake. Setting your face in a frustrated frown, you get up- only momentarily- and climb on into Jim's lap; wrapping your arms around his neck and getting comfortable with a sigh.
"Listen," After taking a deep breath, you force your voice to be low and soft, and start again. "You're hot. How can you not know that?? I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were out of your mind."
A slow, mirthless grin spreads across his haggard face. "... uhuh. Now I think you're just trynna get in my pants, hm?" Oh, he's deflecting. You refrain from the urge to roll your eyes, but come on man. How transparent.
"Maybe I am. Know why?"
"... " he sighs and rolls his remaining eye.
"Cuz you're hot!" You insist blatantly, putting your hands on either side of his face now so the tips of your fingers disappear in his short grey hair. "Please believe me, I'm nuts about you."
"Sure... "
"Everything about you is perfect. I like you; how you are and how you look." You say gently, tilting your head to the side. "... which is why, no matter how difficult you are or what you do to yourself, I'm not going anywhere. You can refuse help all you like, be as stubborn as you can old man, but I'm in this for long haul. So unless you don't want me, anymore, in which case I'll leave and thats fine, I- "
He had let you speak and do whatever you wanted this whole time, only interrupting when you paused, but when you move to get up and off him now Jim uses his one good hand to catch you and keep you where you are, with a finger in one of your belt loops. "Hmmm, now why would I want that?... "
Happily, you settle back down, wrap your arms back around his neck and lean your forehead against his. "... do you believe me?"
"... Not really." He says bluntly with a cheeky grin, making you groan in defeat. Stubborn. Old. Goa- "But I believe you believe all that crap right now- so I'll just enjoy the ride, huh? Long as it plays out."
Closing your eyes, you give a drawn-out sigh. "... you'll see."
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so I have a headcanon for how John might look to someone actually able to see him and I, of course, had to decide on the headcanon that would make it damn near impossible to draw him (at least to draw him consistently) but I like the idea too much to let it go
I probably SHOULD put this under a read more since it got kinda long but uuuhhh... don't wanna lol
SO I feel like when John first attached to Arthur, back when he was still just "the entity", his appearance was very... malleable. At first he looks like how a lot of people depict him, a vaguely human shapped black shadow with yellow eyes pearing over Arthur's left shoulder, but as soon as they got out into the world he started seeing ✨️fashion✨️ in the wild that changed. Even though he didn't remember it, he's a piece of the King In Yellow, and I'm willing to bet that the ol banana monarch has a passion for adornment and a tendency towards vanity thats usually associated with royalty that John would unknowingly inherit (I mean, we already know this, he bitches about Arthur's clothes getting ruined often enough now that they got that nice new suit)
I think at first he sees some men wearing nice hats when him and Arthur step outside into the city for the first time and something in him just goes "ooohhh" and one just kind of appears on him, probably with a gold band or little adornments like feathers and shiny dangly bits hanging from the brim. I don't even think he'd be able to choose just one style, shifting from one to another every so often as he sees more around or mixing and morphing styles into looks he likes more (I think he'd be partial to structured hats, fedoras, homburgs, maybe even a skimmer hat but with the rim stretched out to be more of a structured sun hat for extra flare)
But of course his newfound sense of style doesn't end with men's fashion cuz he doesn't know what a gender is and I highly doubt thay anyone that can see him would care enough to try and impose gender roles on him
He sees women passing by on the street wearing makeup and suddenly he has gold lipstick and shimmering yellow eyeshadow over shining gold lashes long and full enough to make any Hollywood starlet absolutely sick with envy
He sees someone more eccentric who's absolutely decked out in gaudy costume jewelry and he can't just NOT have all that wonderful clinking, shiny treasure for himself so he's now draped in gold chains, necklaces and bracelets of huge chunks of polished stones in both simple and elaborate designs, amber, tiger's eye, citrine, anything he wants really but it will always turns some shade of yellow or gold no matter how much he would want it to be another color (I think the best he could do in way of colorful variety is turquoise with veins of gold running through it)
And the funniest thing?
He can't see any of it.
He sees through Arthur's eyes and even if he has a bit of an extra sense for being able to see supernatural shit he's still not visible to himself. All of the changes are subconscious decisions he doesn't even realize he's making, his metaphysical body altering to suit the person he's growing into. None of the other rare entities and people they've met who can see John commented on it, seeing how there's usually more pressing matters involved. Plus I highly doubt the Trader would be one to make observations on someone's fashion sense unless they were offering one of their accessories in trade, and only then if it actually had any value to him.
Tbh it would be funny if the King In Yellow, during his first in person meeting with the Jarthur unit, had stopped mid introduction just "You insolent fucking worm, you need to return what's mi- what... what the hell are you wearing??? No, I'm not talking to you, you fucking worthless mortal, silence- yes, YOU, whats- whats all... THAT??? I mean, it's not BAD but it's a bit... inelegant, don't you think?" and both John and Arthur are like "what the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT???" while the Dancers are humming and nodding their agreement while they also quietly judging John's intangible outfit
Kayne would ABSOLUTELY comment on it though but only to either taunt John while confusing the shit out of him OR to toss him the odd (equally confusing) compliment about his fashion sense and how he's branched out from the Kings personal flare. BUT he's also a Stinky Bitch (affectionate) so maybe he just wouldn't let John know that he can see him at all because he thinks it's funny that he doesn't know what he looks like
I dont think it would remain unstable as it was when he was fresh out the book, though.
After Arthur's coma, the period where John was given (and accepted) his name and the foundation of his humanity, I feel like he'd settle in his appearance as his sense of self does. He'd change to fit his different moods but it wouldn't be as much of a chaotic kaleidoscope of fashions shifting and melding with each other as he was at first. Before it was very fluid, changing as he sees different styles or as he felt different from one second to another, so unsure of exactly who and what he was.
I think he'd stick with the hat, wide brimmed and still with little golden baubles hanging around the edge and a golden band, but I think the top would remain hazy and undefined because I dont think he'd be able to decide on which style he likes best. He'd definitely keep the chains and jewelry, maybe a shodowy imitation of the shape of a suit jacket or the plunge of a low v-necklined dress, depending on the day.
I think when he gets especially angry (usually at Arthur, because he's the only one who can really get him absolutely blistering pissed without even trying) the hat billows like its caught in a fierce wind, not like fabric, but like heavy smoke. The stones of his yellow jewelry glows like miniature sun's with the force of his emotions, chains tarnishing, and even his makeup turning bright neon, toxic yellow against the void of his intangible "skin" like the warning of a poisonous animal if he's mad enough
When he's scared, him and Arthur trying to hide from whatever horror or adversary they've encountered this time, the brim of his hat melts back several inches, the baubles blinking out of existence entirely like its trying to clear his line of sight, makeup and jewelry fading in their color and shine as his borrowed animal instincts scream at him to be small, be unnoticeable, hide hide hide
And in those moments (ones that happen entirely too often for John's comfort or sanity) when the worst has come again, Arthur's hurt, worse than usual, and it seems like he's fading fast from his injuries, the things that John's draped himself with as he's learned who he is start to fade away too. As John realizes he might be losing the only person he's ever had (again) he feels like he's losing himself, the person he's become in his time with Arthur. The panic sets in and he goes through the stages he always does, shouting at Arthur to keep moving, not to give up, begs him to stay with him, not to leave him alone, to stop fucking saying goodbye and keep fighting, his cobbled together sense of identity melts off of him like dust as his world crumbles.
But there are moments, few and far between though they may be, where he and Arthur get little bit of real joy. When Arthur's finally, fucking finally freshly washed, shaved, and fed a hot meal and John can actually feel him relax into a real bed. When they've bought a nice new suit and handkerchief (that Arthur let John pick out himself) and John can tell Arthur that he looks handsome in this cut and color. When John spots something he thinks is odd and describes it to Arthur in a way that gets a real, full belly laugh out of his human, even if he doesn't understand what exactly it was he said that was so funny. The yellows of his apparel and makeup shine and swirl together, the stones of his jewelry seem to dance around each other in their configurations while the colors swim inside them like a lava lamp or glitter inside a bottle of opaque liquid. The baubles along the brim of his hat rapidly change in shape and size, the brim itself seeming to bloom, stretching out even further like a cat luxuriating in a sunbeam.
Anyway, tl;dr John's an eldritch entity and I just think he deserves to have a shifting appearance that he builds around himself over time like one of those bugs that sticks shit to its body to build a shell but in, like, a cunty way
And also I think John should be allowed to be incredibly expressive but in a metaphysical way that ties to his appearance itself
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
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Cobra Kai Dad!Silver
So when Terry Silver realizes he will have a legacy by blood the excitement in the Silver household will be immeasurable  
The mother of the child will be checked up daily and given the best foods and things available to keep the pregnancy running as smooth as possible and both health of mother and baby equally well
The fixation Terry has with his legacy will most definitely be a contributing factor for an intense child - parent relationship
There are upsides to it
Such as Terry spoiling his child mercilessly
It deserves only the best of the best available as a true silver
Will invest a lot of time in his child unlike other business people who often struggle coping with family and work Terry will always insure to have enough time for his kid
That also means that the child would be brought up with karate and probably will be trained as early as it can walk on its own and make a proper fist
The young Terry might have been more agressive with childcare but I feel that Terry in Cobra Kai has mellowed out in that sense as he genuinely craves for something to see himself reflected in something alive and growing and he does in some point genuinely believe in bettering his students by giving them strength (so that they can transit from Twig to Terry)
Therefore I believe that with his own child Terry would be way more patient
He enjoys them partake in other activities as well
This is one of the downsides though
Terry demandes respect and absolute focus
That not only entails his person but putting effort into everything, perfecting where possible and if not at least striving for it
There always has to be a goal beyond the goal
Ambition, as I said in a post before Terry is the perfect Slytherin
That means if his child would tend to just look into the pathway of Anthony for a second there will be punishment
Other interests aside it is never ok to miss out on training or classes. Thats why Terry let's his assistant Margaret make timetables and orders of tasks to be completed
If child behaves there will be rewards to keep up the good work
The most important thing for Terry is probably to bond with his child deeply. In that sense they have to be somewhat like him. If they aren't, he will simply mold them into himself. After all a life can be shaped on multiple occasions as he knows just to well
If they for some unknown reason turn out not to be blessed with his cunning witt or interlect oh god
He will try to make them into a better, loyal and submissive version of John then ?!
I honestly don't want to entertain the thought
Might be conscious about his age, will also look after himself even more if that is possible to ensure he will not die before his child is a "fully trained" and self existent Silver.
But let's say his child is exactly like him in this scenario
He is someone that would take their child (as a teen) to wine tastings yum
Talking. Deeply. Hours at a time
Going out for dinner or culture trips to do so
Terry wants to know everything that is on his childs mind and life, what they are interested in, what moves them,what company they keep
He will possibly even make charts of behaviour and (dis-)likes
His child will have the privilege of being multi cultured as Terry will hire teachers and language tutors from all over the world to ensure that his child will receive the best prospects of education available and will be able to walk through any door they wish
Teaching to appreciate the luxury but to work for it too
Sure Terry has a lot of money and will spoil his child in the ways he deems fit but that does not mean that his child may take it for granted. After all only a strong leader can take over his companies and Cobra Kai after him. A strong leader is only made through pain and work. After all he was too.
Will tell other parents indirectly how stuiped/ugly/annoying/misbehaved their children are in comparison to his angel
In Terrys eyes his child is his world. It's a part of him so obviously its the most beautiful thing there is
If Terry is with a partner he will be intrigued of seeing them reflected in this mini me of theirs
Eventhough Terry can be steelen his heart will always melt when his little/big one comes for company, hugging him, wanting to spend time with him exchanging ideas
Quite literally if they are on the same interlectual level Terrys child is the most important and precious thing that he owns
I can absolutely see him and his child sitting in the opera with spectacles and making some remarks about other people
Deep interlectual exchanges No 2222222 Terry will teach them everything he knows. They might even philosophy about things, even if the conclusions are kinda dubious
Cheating ? Pah So what. The kid learns that one fast
See it as a saving of resources. Only something worthy of full investment and soul is left out of that equation
Oh yeah speaking of which
Terry will absolutely flaunt his kid around especially in front of Johnny who is about to become a dad
If Terry would receive the news of the pregnancy during the same time you can bet your ass this is going t escalate into a competitive sport.
Ofc Terry wins Terry always wins in the end.
Terry will be the one watching his kid enter a karaoke standoff, play in a theatre piece, or make their own first Sand castle with the same pride as he will watch them beat their opponent on the mat - every good competition they take part in no matter how small is important and they are ofc winning because that's what Silvers do
Please don't ask me how Terry would react to his kid in their teens asking about the "Daddy" kink
He will probably have that smirk face of s5 ep.2 (when keeps on looking at chozen bro Silzen it's reaaalll)
Quote on quote "Let's just say it worked out with your mum/dad"
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raptorladylover6969 · 7 months
Again back to my last EOA post, and a comment I saw on a repost of it, I am 1000000% on board with the idea of the whole plot of Elena of Avalor, and some of the things in it, being a whole metaphor for Elena trying to keep herself from being driven to insanity aka becoming an evil dictator. Based on the personal research I’ve done, and connecting the dots to Elena’s character, I’ve noticed some key things in the show that sort of represent many “symptoms” of what a “clinically insane” person goes through.
Elena witnessed her own parents death right in front of her eyes. This alone should be traumatizing enough, but not even like 5 minutes later, Shuriki blasts her, but the amulet pulled her inside of it to save her. (Or at least, I like to think she did die, but her soul was sucked into the amulet, thus her possessing it, Five Nights At Freddy’s style). Elena is now sitting in the amulet, in what I think was a sort of state like Locked In Syndrome? Because when she did get out the amulet in Secret Of Avalor, she looked like she was sleeping, AND she forgot how to walk, hell even move around. So I think since she was in there for so long, she started “fusing” with the amulet, thus falling into a sort of coma, but still highly aware of whats going on around her + outside the amulet, but thats besides my point. She spends 40+ years, isolated from the world, with no one to talk to, no source of brain stimulation, no form of movement, just NOTHING. Shes trapped in a void. (*Void by Melanie Martinez starts playing*). Now looking at irl facts, there is no absolute way Elena didnt go insane in the amulet.
Looking at neuroscience, and the world of EOA, we can see the way Elena interacts with the world, and apply those statistics to Elena herself. In an article from The Royal Society Publishing, The Article titled “Perceived Social Isolation, Evolutionary Fitness and Health Outcomes: a LifeSpan Approach.” Written by Louise C. Hawkley, and John P. Capitanio states: “A sampling of recent studies shows that socially isolated housing of various social animal species at various stages of life and for various durations results in altered behaviour (e.g. anxious, depression-like, aggressive, passive, cognition/memory), physiology (e.g. changes in basal or stress–reactive corticosterone, blood pressure, inflammation, immune responses, hippocampal function) and mortality (e.g. post-stroke outcomes)” In the show, we can see Elena suffer through majority of these affects. Especially when it comes to her cognitive ability and critical thinking skills. We see her struggle hard in the show to solve problems, regarding the kingdom, and when communicating with other people.
I will also talk about the fact Elena can see ghosts, and Spirit Guides. I know, she has this power because “The amulet gave it to her.” But think of it this way: The amulet; her trauma, and Elena had to face “the trauma” for a LOOOOONG period of time. Another key factor when it comes to isolation, hallucinations. An Israeli adventurer/author Yossi Ghinsberg spent 3 weeks stranded in the Amazon rainforest (they actually made a movie about him‼️) Ghinsberg stated, due to him being isolated from society without any social contact/interaction, he experienced hallucinations. So what if metaphorically, Elena seeing the Spirit Guides, and ghosts, are her having hallucinations from spending 41 years away from society?
Elena’s dress. That goddamn dress. Its mentioned earlier that isolation can affect the brain’s cognitive abilities, and emotional health. So you basically would have trouble regulating your emotions, and your emotions would be all over the place. RING ANY BELLSSSSS⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ Her magic dress is a metaphor for her decline in her cognitive skills.
I now conclude my essay on how crazy I am about this damn kids show. I love Elena sm shes such a complicated character and I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
what are your thomas england thoughts? like what do u think thomas was like b4 they died
ok so thomas england is DEFINITELY one of the players who i imagine as part of the Prehistory Fridays Gang. so first he was around for everything in prehistory (along with fletcher berger, sebastian diaz and his partner, erickson hendricks, rhonda elliott, our lady of perpetual friday, fenry marlow and their dog homer, fitzgerald massey, jessi wise, and mrs silk who was then miss silk. and then also baby york and his dad parker, who was dating miss silk. obv not all of these people were necessarily fridays players at the time though maybe they worked behind the scenes). so THAT was a whole thing.
honestly part of the problem of being LITERALLY retconned out of the game is nobody remembers you anymore. thomas england was only around long enough to get joke lore, we were only really just starting to flesh out relationships between the players when he got incinerated, and he didnt get any of that. and what adds to this problem is, well in the fridays style of lore, we dont necessarily think about what a player does outside of blaseball, or at least we DEFINITELY didnt early on (and didnt get ANY new entirely unlored players until relatively late af in the game — so like, after sixpack on s4d86 our next two were fenry and yass statter jr in the s13 and s19 elections respectively). so as a result there isnt any kind of a precedent to fall back on for what i think about what he did?
but here's what i DO know;
i disagree with the wiki on this one: neither of his parents are from the UK (there is no way). i like to think like, at least one of his parents is native, and hes lived there his entire life
his legal name is thomas england + thats whats on all his blaseball stuff, but typically with other islanders he'd use pelekane (which is what some of the last few members of the hawaiian royal family called england in ʻolelo hawaiʻi). so its like, his career name is thomas england
hes transmasc B) also ADHD
he played first base
he loves doctor who, and not just because its from the UK. like, hes seen the TV movie and at least one of the peter cushing movies and most of classic who, listened to a whole bunch of audios, reads the comics and the novels and like every EDA, has a subscription to dwmag, his bar for media quality is on the fucking GROUND so its literally all good he just loves dr who so much. he also probably has a cosplay of literally every doctor (including the shalka doctor and like the curse of fatal death ones too)
despite this he DOES. NOT. know ANYTHING about UK culture. he is constantly having amelia bedelia type misunderstandings of what things are. (ex: beans on toast = toast, peanut butter, jelly beans / "the tube" = "big pneumatic tube like the one for salmon, except people sized" / thinks john lennon's name was actually "john lemon")
he cant tell a single british accent apart he just identifies all of it as "british accent". fitz massey is from australia and is completely unaware that he thinks they are british. it is extremely lucky that he has never met anyone from ireland because they would probably strangle him. (weirdly though: despite him identifying approximately 50% of kiwis as british seemingly completely at random (absolutely no common criteria has been found at all. not looks not age not location nothing), he identifies 100% of scottish accents as "aotearoan")
he plays ʻukulele! maybe he worked at a ʻukulele store for a time at some point, even if it was like a summer job during high school... i like to think he's what got heat into playing :')
obsessed with choose your own adventure stories. he loves them.
(fridays angst train incoming) so york grew up with the whole Prehistory Fridays Gang as his family, and when york was really really little he couldnt say "thomas" (or england or pelekane, for that matter) but would ask him if they could play "docka who" all the time, so eventually what stuck for thomas england was he became york's "uncle who"
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hey can i hear your thoughts on john? :)
agghhhhhhhhh. thank you!
where do i start. his story is one i know a hundred variations of, abusive fathers, absent or neglectful mothers, siblings who got out, runing away from home into the big city, finding a [fuked up]family in the punk and alternative communitys, and trying to live.
i should say that i am very biased and unrelabal about him. while i have read hellblazer im due a reread and its always overshadowed by teh real people i knows experiences? idk in my head hes just another person id meet at the pub when i visit my dads old city. a guy you her about through the grapevine doing stupid shit and getting into trouble.
another warning of how not to live a life in a long parade. the fuked up sudo- uncle who's to old to change his ways and stop his bad habits.
which is a long way to say i have a personal stake in his story. im not john but i am gemma, im the second generation, growing up to see all the cracks in the so called freedom the previous generation fled to.
guilt. so much of it. the dead and the living. those you left behind. drowning in guilt, the only solution drowning yourself in apathy. then drowning un guilt all over again in atonement. self harm and self sabotage are his bywords. hurt someone cause thats all you can do then hate yourself for it.
john absolutely plays the 'my life is shittyer' game. and he hates being proven wrong. he has to be one of the worst off. because if there are people who have it worse then hes just a crybaby isnt he? lifes tough, get over it. man up. dont cry, you have it good compared to some people.
he hates it. like a lot of city white punks, he has a complicated relationship when it comes to people who suffer more than him. he will fight for them but he wont be nice about it. he gets petty about it
hes got the basics down: but its the basics, the surface level shit. he probably has more racist and sexist preconceptions than he'd like to admit. hes flawed. whats theory or any of that? he learns politics through music, and its not exactly well balanced. hes a white queer punk in the 80s. hes still better than alot of them.
it sums up to: he aint unlearned the shit. he knows its bad, but he hasnt fully unlearned it. [again. white punk in england in the 80s.]
violence. this man is good at picking fights with a look. eventually people learn to steer clear, but theres always enough wankers who are up for a fight.
his father beat him, and so have many others, so if he wins a fight, it makes him feel 'more like a man' or as he'd say it, tough. remember what i said about knowing shits bad but not unlearning it. yea. if he loses: he gets the punishment he feels he deserves, and the fodder for his self hatred about being weak.
double standards a-plenty. a cycle of ego and beatings and guilt and self sabotage.
hes bitter and hes stubborn and hes nasty.
alcoholic to [not that he'd say], and a smoker. grew out of drugs but messed around with them plenty in the past. now he dont like feeling out of control in that way.
he'll still get wasted though [not an alcoholic mind. probrably only phycologicaly addicted]
old dog who cant learn knew tricks. brittle metal, its bent some, but it cant anymore or it will shatter.
hes better than his father. but hes not good
hes self-aware enough to not want kids, not delusional enough to think hes managed to unlearn the shit his father gave him. better that his bloodline dies with him. better that he doesn't get the chance to fuck up.
end it, or sabotage it before he can be shown to be who he is. fuck up everything good because you might as well have control over when it falls apart. cause it will anyway. you hurt whoever you touch.
your cursed john.
a cursed bloodline. whats another way of saying generational trauma?
he hates his stister for leaving, he hates himself for keeping her there, he hates himself for hating her for leaving.
cause everyone leaves him, dont they?
hates gemma for her curiosity. hates her for her interest in his fuked up life. hates her for not hating him[yet]. hates himself hor hating how much better her home is than his was.
hates is sisters husband. hates that his sister wont leave him[hates that hes glad. if she started kicking out of her life the people bad for her. well hed be fuked]
hate. guilt. hate. self sabotage.
hes a messed up guy :)
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tristan-v-saxophone · 2 years
The music that keeps me going
Charles Mingus, need I say more?
Actually, maybe a little more context is necessary.
The thing is, I wasn't always an avid listener of jazz. In fact, in the first 5 or so years of playing music, I was only interested in wind band music. I had wanted to become a conductor, and only listened to the music of Mackey, Maslanka, Grainger, and the like. In fact, I actively avoided listening to all other genres, including jazz, believing them to lack the depth that wind band music could have. But it wasn't until one fateful day that, while surfing YouTube to find wind ensemble music with bass clarinet solos, that I discovered what jazz was and could be. I stumbled across a video, 8 minutes and 47 seconds long, with an album cover of a man playing a bass clarinet, titled "Eric Dolphy 1963 - God Bless the Child."
Eric Dolphy is possibly one of the greatest musicians of all time. This solo is proof. From the very first note, I was hooked. What was this unique sound I was hearing? His notes were erratic, his sound was thick and squawky, and his pacing was random... By all means, this was music I should have hated; but it just drew me in. Eric Dolphy took me on an 8 minute and 47 second journey, almost an out of body experience. His playing was so... melodic? It was like everything he was feeling was spilling out through his playing. I needed to know who he was and what he was playing.
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Thats when I did some research, and learned that he was a woodwind player from the mid 1900s who played Jazz, and was at the forefront of the birth of the Avant Garde Jazz Tradition, alongside John Coltrane, and, more relevant here; Charles Mingus.
Mingus and Dolphy were close friends and closer musicians. Much of their careers were shared, with Dolphy being one of the most consistent members of the Mingus Sextet. After Dolphy's death in 1964, Mingus said
"Usually, when a man dies, you remember—or you say you remember—only the good things about him. With Eric, that's all you could remember. I don't remember any drags he did to anybody. The man was absolutely without a need to hurt."
It was only natural that I would divert my research and listening to the man who had such kind words to say about this musician who'd planted the seed that would change my life. Thats how I discovered Jazz's Angriest Man.
My journey with Mingus began the same as many others. I searched Charles Mingus on YouTube before anything else, and pressed the first tune that popped up: Moanin'.
Now, at this time, I had began to dip my toes into the water that is the baritone saxophone, after listening to a gorgeous rendition of Czardas, played by Yasuto Tanaka. But I wasn't prepared for what I was about to hear. I was almost knocked off my feet by the sound of a cadenza played by the quite possibly the baddest cat of all time, Ronnie Cuber. You know the one...
The absolutely nasty line in the Baritone, the pedals in the bass bone, the group improvisation, this composition is has EVERYTHING. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, then the unison line hit, chaos broke out, and through it, rose Ronnie Cuber, ripping some of the tastiest lines that will ever occur. What's not to love? Following this, the trombone solo? Perfect! The recap? Perfect! The ending? WITH A SLIDE WHISTLE? PERFECT!
Now, while probably the most impactful piece to my playing to date, Moanin' is only the surface of what Mingus had to offer. Infact, it was written as a response to all the "bitchin' and moanin'" from the critics about his tune, Haitian Fight Song, which was slandered for "Not Swinging hard enough". Now Listen to it, and tell me that it doesn't swing...
Haitian fight song slaps. There is no other way to describe it. The opening bass solo is just bluesy in a way only a bassist could capture. The song form is simple, its just an 8 bar cannon with a sexy bassline under it, where the melody is interlayed so that both halves are being played at the same time. Not very interesting on paper, but by godd does it work well. True to the Mingus way, the heavy use of group improvisation makes this simple concept into a thick arrangement of sound that builds and builds, until the explosion of Alex Foster on the soprano with just the slickest solo, one filled with blues and language topped with the sweetest soprano tone, bridging the warmth of the old cats and the power of the new cats. The pacing of this recording is also just perfect, building to new heights of sound and chaos, before dropping to just the bass line alone and rebuilding. And it does this Twice! No other group could do the same idea twice and have it be fully unexpected both time.
Now I could talk for days about Haitian Fight Song, but it's time to move to something with a bit more substance...
Black Saint and the Sinner Lady takes everything great about all 3 of the above tunes, the openness of God Bless the Child, the timbre of Moanin, the intensity of Haitian fight song. Add in several phenomenal cadenzas by the Pianist, drummer, and lead trombone, and you have a perfect storm for what could be the best piece Mingus had ever written. Thats BEFORE referencing about the deep historical and personal context of this piece, its abstract commentary on ethnicity and religion through the cultural referencing to Latin and Spanish sections, the heavily gospel inspired moments through the frequent 12/8 feel over slow form blues, the portrayal of the pain of racial injustice through a section I can only really describe as the "Whomp" section, with the dirtiest baritone saxophone line I have ever heard supporting the bluesiest trombone solo to ever have been recorded. This piece is, in my opinion, the peak of what music can be. A four movement, over 40 minute piece that encapsulates Mingus's life so vividly without a single word being spoken.
Children's Hour of Dream. What can I say about this?
This piece leaves me speechless every time I hear it. An orchestral piece for a Big Band, with some of the darkest harmony, most powerful lines, inspired by the great Charlie Parker playing over Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. The depth of a piece like this, portraying pain like no other. Dark, Brooding, Heavy? Can any of those words actually be enough to be used to talk about this piece?
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