#I know I lost quite a few of my black socks back when someone stole my jacket and some of my underwear (💀) out of the washer
bitchapalooza · 5 months
Why the fuck does the color of my socks matter, like at least I’m not coming in barefoot 💀
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daddysfangirls-anime · 3 years
Drunk confessions
Pairing: Levi x reader
Warning: language, fluff, drunk
Summary: Playing a game the impossible happens Levi gets drunk and confessions to many things including to loving (y/n). Now he’s got to deal with his confession in the morning
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How could this possible happen, he tolerance was suppose to be extra fucking high, it was extra fucking high. How did this happen? It all started with a drinking game, never have I ever.
It started out fun and everyone was there the questions were silly and everyone was drunk. Hanji had suggested the game.
“Come on it will be fun it’s a game” Hanji said as she held up a bottle of alcohol
“ how do you play” Jean asked as he held out his glass letting Hanji poor some of the burning liquid in everyone else did the same.
“Never have I ever. This is how you play you say ‘never have I ever’ and continue on if someone has done it they’ll drink if they haven’t they don’t. For example never have I ever kissed a girl. If you’ve kissed a girl drink” All the boys drank.
“oh I get it. My turn” Sasha raised her hand “never have I ever kissed a boy” all the girls, except Christa and Sasha, drank. Levi also drank but he was so far of in the corner that no one noticed. No one but (y/n) she raised her eyebrow as Levi shrugged and brought the cup to his lips.
The game continued on the questions were silly but most of everybody was getting drunk. Mikasa  was the first one passed out after her three drink  Armin was still up but his words were now so slurred no one knew what he was saying Eren the soberest between three helped the other two to bed. Sasha was giggling her ass off at absolutely nothing just giggling just because Connie was a clinging drunk and held on to Sasha or Reiner. Reiner seemed to be a quiet drink only talking a little bit mostly lost in his own head Bertholdt was lucky enough to drag all three of them to bed. Ymir was an angry drunk and was dragged of to bed by Christa right after Mikasa. Jean passed out on the floor Hanji had volunteer to drag him to bed.
Now only Levi and (y/n) were left as much as the two drank they only seemed to be tipsy, Levi more tipsy than (y/n).Moving the two now both sat silently in front of each other.
“ never have I ever 
. met my mother” (y/n) said Levi drank.
“what happen?”
“died during birth lived with my old man and my aunt. Turns out he was screwing her during my moms pregnancy”
“Never have I ever meet my father” (y/n) drank “he was one of my mom ‘Clients’ never meet him don’t even know who he is” Truth be told Levi did actually look and ask question when he was younger but after a while he gave up. He was a prostitutes baby he had no father.
“Never have I ever had planned to be in the survey crop”  neither drank
‘Erwin found me in the under ground brought me. I became a soldier against my will.”
“My father and  aunt were both soldier they forced me to join then died by the time I graduated.” It was true both her father and her aunt were high ranging soldiers in the military she was suppose to be just like them and join the military branch and she was going to until Trost fell. That day she witnessed her cowardly father run away from battle and her aunt beg forgiven in the jaws of a titan (Y/N) felt no emotions.
“Never have I ever 
 killed anybody” neither of them drank
“I use to be a thug in the underground I killed a few people. I almost killed Erwin.” He was a thug he ran the underground of course a few bodies dropped dead around him. Thought he did valued human life he had no problem taking it.
“I was out late in a place I shouldn’t have been I was 11 years old” She had gone to far from home and the sun was down before she could make it back. In the dark a group of three men came out she listened as they followed her and spoke of selling her off on the black market. With a pocket knife she stole from her father she killed two and injured one she was 11 years old.
“never have I ever blacked out drunk” Levi drank (y/n) smiled
“never have I ever
.played and instrument”  (y/n) drank Levi smirked.
The game picked up again and they were in a lighter mood now. Levi was drinking more and more (y/n) had a cup or two but it didn’t really get her drunk. But then again seeing as her drinks were watered down she wouldn’t really get drunk. Also she had read his file and knew what questions to ask to get him drinking.
A little after mid-night and Levi was wasted (y/n) had stopped drinking a long time ago and was just enjoying the show now. For the past few hours she had been asking questions she would get really interesting answers  some funny some sad and die serious. She had learned a lot from drunk Levi.
When he first arrived he had a crush on Hanji but later grew out of it and they became bestfriends. How Petra had a crush on him and he was well aware of it but choose to ignore it and now after her death regretted his actions. He even, briefly, spoke of his bother who he loved very much. But now he was on a new topic of someone he was sure he was 100% in love with.
It broke (y/n) heart to hear this she had been loving him from a far. As brave as she was on the field and against Titans she could not find that same courage to confess her feeling to Levi. Even though it wasn’t her she wanted to know who was this girl that got a spot in her Captain’s heart and make sure she was good enough for him. Even though  it hurt she was going to make sure this girl was good for him and then help him get her.
“Who is this girl” it pained her to asked as she clenched her chest
“she’s so beautiful I actually begged Erwin to put her on my team.”
He begged for her.
“she’s smart to even though she doesn’t talk much she is very smart. Sometimes I have her do my paperwork her hand writing is pretty”
“ what’s her name?”
“she hangs with those brats Eren and his friends all the time. I hate seeing that brat all over her”
“what does she look like” (y/n) voice cracked Levi didn’t noticed
“she beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, I can’t find the right word but she’s one of a kind”
she was beautiful.
“ I
 I love her”
Oh god he loved her.
“I love her I love (y/n)”
oh no he loved (y/n)
 wait I’m (y/n).
“you love me”
“but don’t tell her I’m not ready to tell her yet. I don’t think she loves me” (y/n) smiled and laughed as she continued to listen to tell her not to tell her that he loved her. It was very confusing if you forgot he was drunk. After spending another 30 minutes of listening to him talk about how much he loved her she decided it was time for him to go to bed.
“ This way Captain” (y/n) said as she lead Levi to his room he was all over the place rambling on about nonsense and someone named Kenny. (y/n) tried her best to keep him quite and get him to his room without an incident. “here we are” (y/n) said as she opened Levi’s door and he fell in “oops” he said as he started falling a sleep on the floor. “Nope bed’s this way” (y/n) dragged him to bed removing his straps, jacket, shirt, shoes, and socks she tucked Levi into bed.
“goodnight” hesitated at first she placed a kiss on him,  thought to be sleeping, forehead then tried to leave. “wait
. please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me again.” Levi gripped her wrist preventing her from leaving (y/n) eyes wide in shock but she spoke “I would never captain”.
She removed her shoes and coat climbing into bed with Levi. She’d probably get in trouble when he woke up in the morning but that would okay at least she got to spend the night with him. Levi spooned her as they slept his breath giving her comfort as it fans on the back of her neck. His arms giving her warmth. She’d loose this in the morning and have stall duty for a month maybe two. But right now she was going to savor this moment and sleep in his arms.
The next morning (y/n) woke up in a shock she was in Levi’s bed, Why was she in Levi’s bed? Everything for the night before rushed back to her. “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit “ she mumbled as she picked up her coat and shoes. While pulling on her jacket the bathroom door opened out stepped a cleaned and showered Levi.
“what..” he sighed “ what did we do last? you’re dressed so no sex but you’re in my bed so I’ve got to ask.” Levi had a low hanging towel around his waist. (y/n) was very distracted by his god like body it was dripping wet.
.you got drunk
. asked me to stay
 so I did. But I’ll leave now I won’t say anything.” (y/n) gather her coat and shoes and tried to leave but Levi stopped her again.
“ did I say anything” he asked hesitantly
“ yes”
“what did I say”
“You told me things
.. you said you 
..you loved me. But you were drunk so it’s okay if you didn’t mean it” (y/n) began to leave again.
“What if I did, mean it I mean. what if I meant it “ (y/n) was half way out the door as she heard Levi.
Turning around she said “ well since you’re sober now I would say
 I love you too” and with that she shut the door leaving Levi with a shocked expression and a raging hangover.
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drivingsideways · 4 years
For the character building meme, 1, 27, 39, Kang Hyeon-min (Tell Me The Truth 'verse) OR Kang Sin-jae, Stars 'verse.
For the meme 
1. Do they have any daily rituals?
 Kang Sin Jae, Stars 'verse:
 1) Do not *speak * to him before his 6.30 am black coffee with three spoons of sugar, ok?
 2) A few months after he tells his mom the truth about her son, he arranges for a memorial in a funeral home. There are no remains, but his mom unearths a baby mobile that used to hang over his crib- 4 small wooden magpies, the blue paint on their tails already faded with age. Sin Jae repaints it, carefully, and that's what they use at the memorial. His mom and him visit every month at least once. He goes alone too, on a bad day, and more and more often, on good days, just to tell him how it's going with the life that he stole. It's not a debt he can ever repay, but he's trying, he swears, and he won't stop, no matter how bad it gets. That's the least he can do.
 27.Turn ons? Turn offs? (sexual or not)
 Kang Hyeon Min, Tell me The Truth 'verse.
 Kang Hyeon-min would have sworn up and down the street that he was very heterosexual, like, women, am I right? What's there not to like about them? They're so cool, and smart, and have soft skin, and as a bonus usually don't smell like the inside of an unwashed sock, and also the way the dip of her waist seems made for your palm, and like, has he mentioned they're smart?
Women know things, they see the world as it is, it's some genetic thing (it's not, he's been schooled on that, thanks a lot, Koo sisters + eomma).
Anyways, forget giving them orgasms- though that's a big plus, the way her body will go boneless under your mouth, and she'll make these sweet, ridiculous sounds,and pet your hair lazily after, it's all lovely, but like, if you make a smart woman smile- a real smile, like the real orgasms- boy, you done good.
 And he continues being totally heterosexual right until he meets his roommate at the CNPU.
Jung Jae-hyuk is six foot one of lean muscle, laughing dark eyes, and a devil-may-care attitude. He can keep up an incessant stream of conversation with everyone from seventy something janitor-ahjumma to the cook's five year old daughter and even Superintendent Kim's permanent scowl seems to be incapable of withstanding Jae-hyuk's charm (and more likely the way Jae-hyuk can effortlessly do a twenty mile run and THEN remain steady handed for target-practice).
Jae-hyuk flirts with every male-looking person in a twenty mile radius, but never with Hyeon-min. And listen, Hyeon-min's always been perfectly friendly, a good roommate, has never, to his knowledge, done anything that might offend Jae-hyuk, and fine, it's not like Hyeon-min wants Jae-hyuk to flirt with him, he just wants to know why he won't, like what, is his nose not on straight or is it that Hyeon-min's taste in music is boring, or does he fart in his sleep and not know it? WHAT?
Go have your sexuality crisis elsewhere, Jae-hyuk says, flatly, after Hyeon-min brings it up, 7 sojus full of courage and something he doesn't quite want to admit as desperation. "I have three years more here and I don't intend to spend the rest of it trying to avoid my roommate when he decides that no, he's a real man who's not into dick and doesn't want to see the evidence that says otherwise." And listen, Hyeon-min has noticed how Jae-hyuk can talk nineteen to the dozen and never say anything that means anything, it's all amusingly flighty anecdotes and blindingly awful printed shirts, and he never talks about his family, does he even have one, for all anybody knows, Jae-hyuk emerged a fully formed 19 year old with delicate wrists and a wicked left hook, and an encyclopaedic knowledge of Indian films songs circa 1940-1960 and nothing after. So, like, this is a bit of a shock,  and Hyeon-min gasps, outraged, I would never,  and Jae-hyuk mutters, that's what they all say mr.nice guy, but there's something vulnerable about the way his spine has straightened against the cheap plastic chair, something that says, he's waiting for Hyeon-min to deck him, maybe, or say something like well, you've lost a friend anyway, so Hyeon-min shrugs and says, too bad your taste in men runs to assholes, I'll have you know that I give *great * head, and Jae-hyuk scoffs, and says, by heterosexual standards, and Hyeon-min says, dude, don't even, making a woman come is an art, guys just don't--- and well, anyways, they settle the argument with Hyeon-min on his knees in the fucking bathroom stall, and later, squeezed together in Jae-hyuk's bed, Hyeon-min realizes that yes, he's maybe having a crisis, but it's not about sex so much as the other thing, the thing where someone's occupied a space in his heart that he hadn't quite realized was there. "Stop thinking so loudly," Jae-hyuk mutters, "It's annoying." Ok, yeah, busted,  and maybe Hyeon-min will have to postpone this crisis till next week when Ryeong gets back from her uni trip to Lake Chon. For now, he's just going to enjoy running his fingers down the length of his lover's (relaxed) spine, and the scratchy feel of his cheek tucked under Hyeon-min's chin, and his hair roughened legs tangled with Hyeon-min's, the weight of him anchoring the rocking boat of Hyeon-min's thoughts, and perhaps, perhaps, it's ok, Hyeon-min isn't going to drown, after all.
  39. What is a gift that they have received that was especially touching or significant?
Kang Sin Jae, Stars 'Verse:
All the birthday cards that Eun-bi and Kka-bi make for him over the years, every single one of them, even the one where 14 year old Eun-bi's written, ps. If you're wondering what to get me for my birthday, see enclosed list.
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dangersgood · 5 years
A/N: This story is really just a plethora of fluff and cute moments. Chenry and a little bit of Jenry. (Fair warning, it’s kinda long.) Thanks for reading!
"Just let me finish-"
"It's MY straightener—"
It was Jasper's panic-stricken voice that made Henry and Charlotte finally stop screaming at one another. They stood there in their awkward poses for a few seconds—Henry's long arm stretching over his head as he held up the hair straightener so Charlotte couldn't reach it, Charlotte's knee propped on the bathroom counter as she was about to climb onto it to gain some height and rip her straightener out of her annoying best friend's hand, her arms outstretched and awkwardly tangled between Henry's other arm and the leg he'd held up to keep some distance between them, his entire body leaning away from her until he looked like the letter 'r'. "Yes?" They asked him calmly.
"I was using it first!" He yelled, pointing toward his head. Half his hair was curly and half was straight. He'd been in the middle of doing his hair when Henry ran in to tell him he needed to use the straightener to fix the ends of his hair real quick, but when Charlotte had walked in in hopes of finding her diamond earrings, she'd snatched the thing out of Henry's hand and stared at it in awe. She hadn't seen her straightener since last October! When had she taken it to Henry's house?!
"All I needed to do was straighten my tips—"
"All you need to do is give me back MY straightener!" Charlotte huffed. As Henry relaxed his body, she snatched it out of his hand and shoved it in Jasper's direction, causing him to shriek and jump back. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You finish up while Henry and I look for my earrings." She ordered.
"But I don't want to look for your earrings." Henry pouted. She sent him a dirty look and yanked him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. "You check under your bed, I'll check in your closet."
"Why would they be under my bed?" He questioned, sending her a puzzled look. She rolled her eyes. "They could've been kicked under there if I dropped them while I was carrying all my stuff in."
He nodded in agreement. That made much more sense than what he'd originally thought. He just assumed that she'd been hiding under his bed without him knowing for some reason.
He grunted as he slid to the floor, his body disagreeing completely with his movements. He was sore and stiff from the fight he'd had with some crazy ass villain last night. What was his name? Barge? That guy was massive.
He was already exhausted and prom wasn't for another hour and a half.
"Those stupid earrings are the only earrings that I brought, and I can't show up to prom earring less! That's just not right! And they go perfectly with my shoes, they literally tie the outfit together. And they were expensive! If I can't find them my mom is gonna kill me! But more importantly, if I can't find them then that means I can't go to prom. My look relies on those stupid ear accessories! They match the little diamonds in my dress, the diamonds in my hair, the diamonds on my shoes—what's my mom gonna say about me losing her fancy earrings when I promised I'd be responsible and—"
Henry had found the earrings almost as soon as he'd laid down to look for them, but Charlotte rarely lost her cool like this and he found it a little amusing that she was going crazy over a pair of earrings that she was sure she'd never see again despite the fact that he was holding them in the palm of his hand as she spoke. Plus, now that he was looking under his bed, he noticed that a lot of the stuff he'd been looking for for months was right under him the whole time. The other halves of quite a few pairs of his socks, the remote control he'd had to replace because he was sure he'd thrown it away accidentally, about six pairs of headphones, even a jar of Nutella that had probably been under there since a few years ago when he thought he was fired from being kid danger...He wondered if there was any way it was still some good.
"—My mom told me that my great aunt went to her prom without earrings once and she was never the same again. She wasn't crowned prom queen which sent her life spiraling. It was all downhill from there, and long story short, she's on death row now...Of course, my mom didn't exactly say that all that was because of her lack of earrings, but I'm smart enough to be able to draw my own conclusions. I mean, why else would she shank that man that had in the earrings that looked vaguely like the ones she'd planned to wear to prom?" Charlotte paused her frantic movements—she'd been throwing all of Henry's things around the whole time she'd been talking—and stared off into space for a moment. She shivered after a second and got back to throwing things around. "I really don't wanna have to shank someone because of earrings."
Henry knew he'd probably be on the receiving end of whatever abuse Charlotte was gonna be giving out over her earrings, so he decided now was the time to announce that he'd found them. He stood up with a loud groan and popped his back before turning toward her. "I found your lobe rings." He announced before looking at the mess she made. "Charlotte, what are you doing?! You're destroying my closet!"
"You found them?! You found the rings for my lobes?!" She screamed happily, running toward him. He shoved the earrings in her general direction and away from him in fear of getting tackled. Once she'd snatched them out of his hands, he walked toward his messy closet. It wasn't that bad to be honest, and maybe it even looked better than before because he wasn't too keen on keeping it clean, but he knew an opportunity when he saw one. "You're gonna have to reorganize my entire closet, you know?"
Charlotte wasn't stupid even when she was distracted by the beauty of her dazzling earrings, but she agreed, only because she'd been wanting to do something about his ridiculously messy closet for a long time now.
Everyone looked stunning. Jasper had on a white suit and tie with a gold undershirt and gold shoes. It was a bold choice, but both Henry and Charlotte were shocked at how nice he actually looked. He'd even done his makeup, despite the fact that he refused to admit that to them even though they told him there was nothing wrong with a dude wanting to dress his face up. He'd made sure to do his eyebrows perfectly and added a subtle pink lipstick to his lips.
Henry was wearing a black suit with golden flowers all over it. He'd promised Jasper that they'd match in some way or another, and he really liked this suit anyway so why not?
Charlotte, as Henry had said many times in the last three minutes, looked like some sort of goddess. She had somehow managed to put little diamonds throughout her curly hair—something that both Jasper and Henry thought was majestic as hell. They couldn't understand how she could've possibly managed to make them stay in there. They thought it must've been witchcraft—and her dress was bright red, clung to every curve, and went all the way down to her feet. There was a slit in the left thigh that allowed her to show off her fishnet stockings which also had diamonds in them. Her shoes really did match her earrings, they were completely diamond too. Her necklace and bracelet tied the outfit together perfectly, along with her beautiful makeup. Red lipstick and gold eyeshadow with the perfect highlighter.
Henry was in awe. She looked magical. She looked like a literal, actual princess. Sure, she always looked good, but he'd never seen her looking this good. "We look good." He grinned after he was finally able to pull his eyes away from Charlotte.
"We better get going before we're too late to be fashionable!" Jasper exclaimed as he looked at the time on his phone. They were supposed to be thirty minutes late, not forty! And if they didn't get moving soon, they would be! Charlotte rolled her eyes at him and let out a small laugh which drew Henry's attention right back to her.
When had his best friend started looking so...good?
"You should probably go see how Piper is coming along." Charlotte blushed as she noticed him staring again. Henry nodded, but he didn't move.
Jasper watched as his two best friends had a short staring contest, both of them letting out awkward laughs every now and then but never attempting to move or break eye contact. It was as if they were both in a trance that was only broken when Jasper waved his hand between their faces. "Henry?" He questioned.
"Right, Piper!" He cleared his throat and stumbled away from them and toward the stairs. He needed to go to Piper's room and see what was taking her so long. She had been the first of them to start getting ready, she should've definitely been done by now.
It was only when he was at the very top of the stairs and turning the corner that he stopped looking at Charlotte. Cause she was no longer in sight and he literally couldn't.
He speed walked down the hallway and knocked impatiently on Piper's door, now suddenly in a hurry to get back downstairs. Charlotte was probably doing something cute right this second and he was missing it because he had to talk to his sister!
"Come in!" She screamed. He opened the door quickly and practically ran in, only to see her taking off her jewelry. He scrunched up his face, confused, and held out his hands, silently asking her what the hell she was doing.
"I'm not going to prom."
Well, if she'd said that a few years ago it would've made more sense and it would've actually been true. Piper wasn't even old enough to go to their school dance, yet she'd been going to it since she was in fourth grade. Her school didn't have dances and she needed an excuse to wear fancy dresses at least once a year! So, she'd been insisting on going since she was younger and since the principal was practically scared of her, he allowed her and a few of her friends to come as long as they all agreed not to drink the punch.
"What do—what do—what do you mean you're not going to prom?" He exclaimed in confusion. She rolled her eyes and kicked her shoes off. "I'm still gonna drop you guys off, I'm just not going in myself."
"Why not? You love prom. You've been talking about it for months. 'Oh I can't wait to dance with Jack!' 'Oh Jack is gonna love my dress!' 'Jack is gonna look so great!' 'Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack!' What happened to that?" Henry questioned dumbly. She shrugged her shoulders and let out a small sigh. "There is no more Jack. He decided he didn't want to go to prom anymore. I mean—with me. He's going with Jana—"
"Don't you dare say Tetrazini!"
She nodded. "Jana Tetrazini."
"Ough!" He shook his head and punched the air in frustration. "That little jizzbag! Why's he going with her?"
"Because she asked him?" Piper looked at Henry as if he was dumb and then plopped onto her bed "He was excited to go with me all the way up until two hours ago when Jana apparently called him and told him that her date, Bobby Butouski, got sent to the hospital because of an allergic reaction to mint flavored gum and wouldn't be able to make it to prom. So, she asked Jack to take her and he agreed."
"Why would he do that when he knew he already had plans to go with you?"
"Because Jana's better than me." Piper rolled her eyes and grabbed a large pillow to hug as she slid toward the wall her bed was up against. "Whatever she wants, she gets, and she wanted my man." She grabbed the remote that controlled her stereo, pressed a few buttons, and within a few moments 'Mr. Lonely' by Bobby Vinson was blasting throughout the room. "Leave me." She whispered dramatically before leaning over to grab some shades and the Icarly toy remote she'd purchased a few years back. She pressed the 'boo' button over and over until Henry walked over and snatched it out of her hand. He pulled her shades off, turned the music off, and snatched the pillow away from her, much to her dismay, and then sat next to her.
"Piper, look, what Jack did was wrong. He's a real asshole if you ask me—" she sent him a look. She'd cursed a few times before and he'd scolded her for it, yet he was allowed to say whatever he wanted? "—but that doesn't mean your whole night has to be ruined. You invited half your grade to our prom," he rolled his eyes. "You're telling me you wouldn't be able to find another guy to hang out with?"
"I don't want to," she shook her head. "I don't wanna show up. Do you know how humiliating it's gonna be having to watch Jack and Jana together along with the rest of my grade, who all know that me and him are supposed to be each other's dates? Everyone's gonna laugh at me and I can't threaten everyone."
"You won't have to! Charlotte, Jasper and I will watch out for you."
"You don't wanna spend your whole prom night dealing with me and my drama."
No, he certainly didn't, but he was almost sure that it wouldn't be as bad as Piper thought it'd be. She'd get there and be shy for a few minutes and then she'd started talking to her friends and she'd see that they weren't judging her and everything would be fine. Probably.
"It'll be fine." He assured her. "You put your jewelry back on and meet me downstairs in five minutes. You're going to prom, and you're gonna enjoy it!"
With one last sigh, Piper finally nodded and got up. Henry grinned and walked out of her room, closing the door behind him and then nearly ran down the stairs.
"She'll be out in a few. She's having boy troubles."
"Boy troubles?" Charlotte raised a perfectly arched brow and Henry sent her a goofy smile. Boy, she sure was attractive. "Yeah, Jack is now the date of Jana-"
"Don't you dare say Tetrazini!" Jasper warned Henry. Henry nodded. "Tetrazini."
"Ugh!" Charlotte and Jasper groaned at the same time. "That girl is such a witch!" Charlotte shook her head.
"She came into junk n stuff once and spit her lollipop pieces in my favorite bucket!" Jasper exclaimed. Henry and Charlotte both side eyed him but said nothing.
"I'm ready!" Piper came down the stairs with no pep in her step. She looked great, though! Her dress was a white two-piece with lots of lace on it, the skirt long and dragging behind her. Her hair was in a curly updo. Her makeup was simple and subtle but really brought out her features, and she too was wearing a couple pieces of diamond jewelry.
"Wow, you look great!" Charlotte encouraged.
"You clean up nice, pipes."
"You look good, baby sis."
"Thanks," Piper sent them all a small smile. "Let's get this show on the road!"
They showed up to prom thirty-five minutes late and Jasper figured he could deal with that. The first thing he did when they stepped into the building was head toward the food table, and Charlotte followed close behind. At first, it was with intentions of keeping him from spilling anything on his white suit, but the moment she saw the nachos that was canceled. She didn't have time to care about Jasper or his suit when there were cheesy nachos with various toppings staring her right in the face. She quickly slapped away the hand of some guy who'd been trying to grab a nacho from the big bowl. "Wait your turn!"
Henry walked Piper toward the area where her friends were, his hand resting on her shoulder and guiding her along despite the fact that she didn't wanna face them. "Now listen, if anyone gives you any trouble, just text me and I'll come find you. I don't think you have much to worry about, though, because it's not like—"
Before he could finish talking, Piper was falling forward. Someone had bumped into her nearly hard enough to knock her down. Henry quickly caught her and made sure she was okay, and by the time he'd done that, Jana was standing in front of them with one hand on her hip and the other hand holding Jack's. "Sorry, didn't see you there, you kinda blend in with the room." She giggled. "The walls and floor are white, but they aren't human shaped so you're lying!" Henry exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at her. Jana giggled and Piper squeezed her eyes shut before patting her brother on the shoulder. "Thanks, Hen." She sighed.
"You're welcome." He nodded, feeling accomplished.
"So ugh...Where's your date?" Jana questioned. By now, a small crowd had formed around them, so Piper didn't wanna say that Jana had stolen her date out loud so that anyone who didn't already know could. Besides, Jana already knew that. Piper glanced at Jack who looked apologetic as he stared back at her, but that look was quickly replaced with a large smile when Jana tugged on his hand and made him look at her.
"You stole him you...you date thief!" Henry announced. Piper growled in frustration and threw her hands up in the air. Earlier when he'd talked to her he'd actually succeeded in making her feel better, and he even made her think that things would be okay and that he'd help, but now she regretted showing up and believing that her brother could make anything about this situation any better.
Luckily, Charlotte and Jasper had grabbed all the food they wanted and came to stand by Henry and Piper.
"Oh, so you couldn't find another one?" Jana questioned, tilting her head in mock confusement. "Gee Piper, if I'd known that nobody besides Jack actually wanted to be your date, I wouldn't have taken him from you." She smirked.
Piper narrowed her eyes at her and then turned to look at Jack again. He was still too busy drooling at Jana to actually say anything.
"Piper doesn't need a date to have fun." Charlotte jumped in as soon as she'd chewed her nachos up. "She's happy enough with herself to be able to function properly when she's alone. She doesn't need a guy to be by her side just to have a good time, and that's a great quality to have, because guess what? When no guy wants to be around you anymore, you're gonna wish you were able to live with yourself, singular, not plural!" Charlotte stepped closer and closer until she was towering over Jana by the time she was finished. Jana took a few steps back, looking uncomfortable and maybe even a little scared. Henry took a few steps back too, only because he was shocked. His face scrunched up as he looked all around, trying to see if anyone else had just witnessed what he had. Charlotte had never been sexier to him. When had she gotten so badass? Seriously!
"Charlotte's right! Piper doesn't need a guy to have fun!" That was Jasper's only contribution to the conversation before he was digging back into his own nachos and shoving another finger sandwich in his mouth.
"Gee, Piper, are you just gonna stand there and let everyone talk for you the whole night? Must've lost your voice at the same time as you lost your man." Jana and a few other girls giggled and Piper rolled her eyes.
"There's no hard feelings, Jana." She shook her head.
"There's not?"
"I have a few hard feelings, myself."
"I wouldn't say that."
Piper glared at Henry and his friends and they got quiet again. She turned back to face Jana again and smiled at her. "I think it's really nice of you to put everything Jack said about you behind you so you guys could come and enjoy prom together tonight."
"What are you talking about?" Jana questioned, eyeing Jack. Jack shook his head at Piper as discreetly as he could, but Piper kept talking. "Yeah, I mean, if someone had talked to all their friends about my weird stench I would not have taken them to prom." She laughed. "And, oh my gosh! The fact that you forgave him for being the reason you lost more than thirty of your followers on TwitFlash—" "WHAT?"
"Yeah! He's so funny—he literally got the whole dance team to unfollow you because he told them that you'd been talking about how their routines were terrible and you could do better in your sleep!"
"Oh yeah...I forgot all about that." One of the girls who'd been laughing with Jana earlier turned to glare at her.
"Plus, remember that video of you falling into the Swellview Well that was going around online? He begged his friend to send that to him and then posted it!"
Jana had almost forgotten about falling into that stupid well, and so had everyone else, but now that Piper had mentioned it they were all laughing at her expense once again. Jana's cheeks turned red as she snatched her hand away from Jack and stomped her foot.
"Gee Jana," Piper mocked, laughing as she watched Jana pout,"Yeah, there's no hard feelings! I just think it's really nice that you can be so forgiving! Enjoy your night."
Piper quietly thanked her brother and his friends and told them she'd be alright by herself and then walked toward a large group of her friends who immediately began talking about Jana's nasty fall again. Jana stomped off in the opposite direction with Jack chasing after her and frantically apologizing.
"Glad I was able to help her fix that." Henry grinned. Charlotte rolled her eyes and Jasper groaned as he ate his last bit of food. "The nights only getting started and it's already awesome!"
Henry was beginning to sweat because of all the dancing he'd been doing. The DJ was playing random music. It went from 'Imagine' by Ariana Grande to 'Almost Love' by Sabrina Carpenter to an older song called 'Moonshine' by Bruno Mars. He changed dance partners every song, mingling with some of his fellow classmates that he didn't talk to all that much. He was having a great time, but he kept scanning the large crowd for Charlotte and he was disappointed every time he failed to locate her. He didn't see her anywhere and he was beginning to get worried. He hadn't seen her in at least thirty minutes, and it wasn't like it was the largest building in the world. She wasn't by the food table, she wasn't on the dance floor, and she wasn't sitting down. He'd looked plenty of times and he was sure she was nowhere to be found. The only thing that made him feel a little better was the fact that Jasper was missing too. That meant they were probably together, so at least she wasn't anywhere by herself.
That made him feel better for a short amount of time and then he felt sick. Why were they alone together on prom night?
They'd been best friends for a long time now and Henry was fairly sure that they didn't have any feelings for each other, especially because he was also fairly sure that Jasper wasn't as into girls as he wanted everyone to believe, if at all, but still you never know.
Henry was so unsettled with the thought of his friends potentially getting together, though, that he left the dance floor mid-song and decided to look around for the two of them again. This time he found Jasper in no time. He was sitting by himself at a large table, not easy to miss. A bright light was shining right on him and he stuck out like a sore thumb at that table all by himself while the ones around him were full of people.
Henry was relieved that he and Charlotte weren't together after all, then he was upset again because now Charlotte was by herself somewhere and he didn't like that. He walked up to Jasper quickly, taking a seat next to him. His intention was to figure out what Jasper knew about Charlotte's whereabouts and then speed off to find her, but once he noticed how upset Jasper looked he temporarily changed his plans.
"What's wrong, what happened?" He questioned immediately. Last time he'd seen Jasper, he'd been drinking an excessive amount of punch and talking to some guy who was wearing the weirdest yet coolest suit Henry had ever seen.
"I asked someone to dance and they said no," Jasper mumbled. "Well, actually, I asked a lot of people to dance and they said no, but I expected that." Henry's face softened at that. "I didn't mind that, though. It's just that the last person I asked...I wasn't expecting it. I thought they'd say yes for sure."
"I'm sure you'll find someone else to dance with, Jasp."
"I don't want to find anyone else to dance with! I wanted to dance with that particular gu—girl because...she...has been acting like...she...is into me for a while now. We've even become pretty good friends and I just—"
"Jasper, I think it's great that you like guys, and I wish you'd told me that instead of me having to figure it out for myself." Henry grinned as he punched Jasper's shoulder. "Of course, I'm not in any position to judge. I kept a huge secret from you for a long time too." He chuckled. His chuckle turned into a laugh as soon as he noticed Jasper's dumbfounded expression. "Figured it out ages ago, and I've just been waiting for you to tell me, but you never did..."
"I—I just thought that maybe it'd be weird or—"
"You're a really weird guy, Jasper. But your sexuality is not."
"That means a lot to me, Hen. Thank you." Jasper grinned and went for a handshake but Henry pulled him in for a hug. "It's no problem, dude. So why won't he dance with you if he likes you?"
"I asked him that and he said he did want to dance but he's too...ashamed." Jasper sighed. "He doesn't want people to see us dancing together because then they'll know that we're...you know."
"Do you feel that way too? Like you don't want people to know?"
"No. Now you know, and Charlotte definitely knows if you know because she's good at figuring stuff out, and that's all I care about. I don't care how or if other people find out."
"Well...what do you say we find where your guy is and dance? He'll see us dancing together and get jealous, or at the very least realize that no one's gonna say anything."
"I don't know, Henry, I know you came over to ask me where Charlotte is."
Henry had forgotten all about that now that they'd gotten into this conversation. "I'll find her after. We can dance for five or ten minutes and then I'll find her. She's probably not in any real danger."
"I don't know..."
"No seriously man, come dance with me."
"You're not just gonna sit here and look sad all night as long as I'm here, alright, so come on."
Jasper nodded and smiled at his friend. Henry grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him onto the dance floor. It took them a few minutes to find where Jasper's crush was, but once they did and they were sure he could see them, they began to dance to the pop song currently blaring through the speakers.
Henry and Jasper ended up dancing for twenty minutes, mostly acting goofy and trying to outdo each other. Henry did the backpack kid's dance and twirled around like a ballerina and Jasper...well Henry wasn't sure what Jasper was doing. He was just flinging his body around wildly and people made sure to stay out of his way so they wouldn't get hit.
When a slow song finally came on, Jasper stopped dancing and blinked at Henry. He didn't want his friend to feel awkward, but as Henry shrugged, smiled, and held his hands out playfully, those worries were washed away. Jasper was happy he had such an amazing best friend.
"I'm gonna blow your mind." Henry lifted his chin proudly as he enunciated his words. After the summer he went to flower camp, he ended up going to a courtesy camp. His etiquette and his slow dance skills were impeccable.
Unfortunately, he wasn't able to show them off to his best buddy because almost as soon as the song had started, Henry felt a tap on his shoulder. "Mind if I steal him?" It was Jasper's crush who had asked, but Henry had forgotten about that already and he was beyond ready to show off two months worth of ballroom dance lessons. "Yeah, see, I went to courtesy camp, alright? And I learned some really amazing moves that I'd like to show Jasp, so if you could just move it along—"
Henry was cut off by Jasper practically shoving him out of the way and yelling that yes, he would love to dance with the oddly dressed boy.
Jasper yelled a quick 'thank you' to Henry as Henry walked off the dance floor and bumped right into Charlotte.
"Char! I was gonna come looking for you a while ago, but then I got distracted with Jasper and—"
"Ohh I saw." She smirked. "You two are both terrible dancers you know?"
"Where were you?" He asked, ignoring her (false) statement. "You were gone for a while."
"Yeah, I had to find Piper and get her to give me her keys so I could go back to the car and grab my spare diamonds cause I felt like I really needed a few more in my hair. Then I got distracted cause when we came back in, Jana was having a dance off with some girl and ended up falling down again. Right through the floor."
"What? Are you serious?" Henry laughed. Charlotte nodded. "I told you it was gonna happen to somebody one day. They really need to get this place fixed up...Why were you looking for me? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah! Yeah, everything's great I was just ugh—Just worried about you." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he stared down at her big brown eyes.
"That's sweet, Henry." Charlotte smiled. The wheels began turning in her head as she stared at her friend. He'd been giving her heart eyes all night, excessively complimenting her and keeping close tabs on her. And actually—it hadn't just been tonight. It'd been every single time they were even remotely close to each other for the past month and a half. Charlotte was too smart to play dumb. She knew he liked her, though she had been questioning herself for thinking like that. At first, she thought maybe she was just overanalyzing things, but there was really no denying it now.
Charlotte probably should've been weirded out by the fact that her best friend seemingly had feelings for her, but she wasn't. Henry, while sometimes difficult and sometimes prone to making stupid decisions, was a pretty amazing guy. He was funny, understanding, pretty caring, and not to mention great looking.
Usually, she'd take the time to think about all the possible consequences that could come with her being anything more than friends with her best friend, but it was prom night and she didn't want to think sensibly. She wanted to let loose and have fun. She'd been doing a pretty good job of that all night and she wasn't about to stop now.
"I need a huge favor." She broke their silence and Henry nodded quickly. "Yeah, anything, Char."
"I need you to dance with me! The one thing I haven't done tonight is the main thing I came to do. Dance with a cute boy."
Henry grinned like a Cheshire Cat and practically yanked Charlotte onto the dance floor. The songs had sped up, but Henry didn't care. He was gonna show off his slow dancing skills no matter what.
"I went to Courtesy camp." He told the guy closest to him.
*** A/N: I've literally never been to a prom before because I just never wanted to go, so I hope this is kinda accurate (you know, foodwise and stuff.)
I'm so proud of this! I think it's really cute and I wrote this long ass thing because I really wanted some Henry Danger fluff. I needed a story with great Henry x Charlotte X Jasper friendship, supportive big brother Henry + supportive friends for Piper, supportive Henry of gay Jasper, Chenry ofc, and even a lil bit of (Henry and Jasper)
I think I covered all that pretty nicely! Only thing missing is ray. :(
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eene-fangirl · 5 years
Titanic: Never Let Me Ed Chapter 17
Well, here it is. The final chapter to @nintendogal55 and I’s crossover of Ed, Edd n Eddy, and Titanic. It feels so bizarre that we started writing this in January and now it is finished. It’s bittersweet to see it end. 
Thank you all for reading our story! However, there are a few snippets of in-between sequences I have written so be on the lookout! And @nintendogal55 and I have been talking about another story collab on the epic disaster film, Twister so stay tuned! 
For now, enjoy the final chapter of Titanic: Never Let me Ed.
And if you would like to read the whole story, here is the masterpost.
“Let me see you, Double D!” Eddy beckoned amongst their tight embrace.
Edd felt overwhelmed, squeezing his dear lover tightly. “Please, don’t let go? I’m afraid you’ll disappear!”
Eddy shook his head. “Ain’t no way am I ever doin’ that to you again! ‘Sides I got a surprise for ya!”
Slowly releasing Eddy, Edd looked into the man’s baby blue eyes seeing himself in the reflection. Eddy had awful black wrinkles surrounding his eyes, indicating his lack of sleep. Other than that Eddy looked his usual self. But wait, did he look ready to cry again?
Reaching into his back pocket, Eddy pulled out a familiar black sock-like hat.
“My hat!” Edd exclaimed gleefully like a child. He thought he was never going to see it again. Taking it, Edd gently placed it over his head. Now he felt like himself. Then again, now he felt a sense of pride that he never felt before. This was the longest amount of time he spent without wearing his hat. And yet the scar didn’t matter. No, the scar was not a symbol that marked him as a monster as his parents made him out to be. Now he was brave. Strong. He could do anything. 
“How did you find it? No, what am I saying? How did you and Ed get yourselves to safety?” Edd asked both of them, out of breath from all the excitement. His heart was still racing.
“We got on a lifeboat that was upside down!” Ed explained. “Eddy and I were separated from you so we were calling out your name in the water but we got no answer!”
“I was calling out your names, too,” Edd declared sadly. He couldn’t bear that horrible loneliness out in the ocean. Edd had a feeling that Eddy was guilty that they didn’t stay together from the way he appeared quiet and uncomfortable. The man wouldn’t even meet his gaze. It was quite a contrast from his animated and loud personality that he never got tired of.
“And then we found Kevin who helped us on to the capsized lifeboat with a bunch of other men,” Ed went on. “Boy, was it freezing! Eddy and I had to snuggle together just to keep warm!”
“I wish I had someone to snuggle with,” Edd chimed in.
Sighing, Eddy tried to change the subject, folding his hands into his pockets. “So, how did you survive?”
Edd relayed his time on the broken door. How at first he called out to them, and then was almost drowned by some man. He explained how he balanced on the door, shivering, trying to stay hopeful. And then he went on to hallucinating Ed and Eddy being there with him when the lifeboat came to his rescue.
“... And after that, most of it is a blur. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital wing here on the Carpathia with a horrible case of hypothermia. Oh dear, I didn’t mean to worry you two! It’s my fault that we were separated!”
“No, it’s not!” Eddy gritted, his voice on-edge and raspy. “It could’a happened to me or Ed!”
Edd rested a hand on the man's tense shoulder. “Eddy, are you alright?”
“Yeah, never been better!” Eddy’s voice cracked. Finally, Eddy looked at Edd, his mouth trembling. That’s when it all came pouring out. Eddy sobbed, his body shaking. Edd wrapped his arms around Eddy, granting the man to cry into his shoulder. He circled his hand around his back in slow even motions, letting him cry.
It was sad, but it was very reminiscent of all the Titanic survivors mingling around trying to decide what they should do now. At least this was a happy reunion of sorts. 
Ed wrapped his arm around both of his friends, crushing them in a hug. It felt nice. Edd felt that warm sense of comradery. His face hurt from smiling so much. He couldn’t help it. Although this journey was a total loss for all aboard, even those who survived, Edd was free.
“The moment we saw your hat wash up near the boat, Eddy jumped in to rescue it! He cried for so long that the tears froze to his face!” Ed went on to explain.
Edd stared at Eddy, his heart breaking at such a painful image. Touching the man’s face, Edd wiped away the remaining tears. Trying to regain his composure, it was tough. Eddy was a natural at keeping his feelings bottled up. That was because he had nobody, or someone taunting him in his past. 
Edd kissed his forehead, making his eyes light up. Caressing Eddy’s hands, Edd whispered, “I am so happy you were able to get those miserable cuffs off.”
“Yeah, we were up all night trying to break them off,” Eddy laughed, clearing his ragged throat.
“We thought we were going to have to break off Eddy’s hands!” Ed joined in, wrapping his arms over both Edd and Eddy’s shoulders.
Even though he laughed along with his friends, Edd felt the humongous ache of guilt return to his heart. Eddy almost died because of his own naivety. No, it was Victoria. But, still, Edd conquered his fear and anxiety to save him. There were so many moments where they could have all died, but they didn’t. Because they trusted each other, ignoring the difference in class. That didn’t matter. In fact, it didn’t matter anymore. 
Grasping the hands of his love tighter, Edd pulled he and Eddy’s foreheads together. He could feel his warm breath against his face. “Oh Eddy, we can finally be together.”
Just then, Eddy smiled sadly, a mixture of pain and happiness lingering in his eyes. “Double D, you know you’d be better off without the two of us.”
Edd was shocked to hear Eddy say that. Ed was too. “Eddy, what on earth are you talking about? That is untrue!”
“Ed and I have nothin’, Double D! We’re just gonna hold you back!”
Folding his fists together, without any fear, Edd stood tall and mighty. “Eddy, if I learned anything it’s that I can be so much more. And I would never have learned that without you. And now, I have nothing. I lost everything. I have nowhere to go. And as far as my parents are concerned, they believe me to be dead and that is perfectly fine by me! I want to experience the world with you and Ed! Even if it means that the three of us are confined to the streets anything is better than returning to the chains that once held me down! We are the Eds after all.”
“That’s right, Double D!” an excited Ed agreed. He looked at Eddy to encourage him.
Eddy was still quiet, smiling at Edd with this expression that Edd adored. It was nothing like how Victoria used to look at him with a careless look of disdain.
“I actually have somethin’ for yah, Double D,” Eddy announced.
Reaching again into his back pocket, Eddy opened his hand to reveal the blue diamond engagement ring.
Edd’s whole body stiffened, recoiling from the object, feeling as if legs were going to give way and somehow he’d back into Victoria like this was all a dream. He remembered when Victoria slid it around his finger when he was so close to leaving in a lifeboat. It felt like it burned. Even in his hands when he was forced to sit on one knee and proposed to Victoria.
Maybe it will finally set you straight. Those were the exact words of his parents.
“Eddy, how did you...” he still couldn’t find the words to speak. Even’s Ed’s eyes marveled at such a sight. 
“It’s fell out ol’ Vicki’s pocket during the fight,” Eddy explained. “So, I picked it up.”
“You stole it,” Edd remarked, feeling his throat tightening. He tried not to look disappointed with Eddy but he couldn’t help it. Eddy was framed because of this ring. And now he actually stole it.
“You said it was worth a lot, so what if we pawned it and...”
All of sudden, Edd ripped the object out of Eddy’s hand and he threw it. He threw the ring with all his strength into the ocean. Grasping the railings, Edd watched it hit the water to make sure that it got its rightful demise. It made a plop noise with it hit the water. And then the ring sunk to the bottom of the ocean until it was out of sight. No more. 
“Double D!” Eddy shouted running over to the bars, catching sight of where the ring hit the water. Ed even joined him, still not sure of what to think about the situation. 
“What the hell did you do that for?” Eddy screamed.
“We don’t need that!” Edd retorted, still shocked with Eddy. 
“What do you mean we don’t need it? We could have found a home, food, or we could’a gotten your money back after Vicki paid for that thing behind your back, right?!”
Edd rested his hand on Eddy’s shoulder. Even with how boiling angry Eddy was with him he didn’t back away from Edd’s touch. There was no way he’d ever abandon Edd again. Not after the night they went through. 
“Eddy, don’t you see? We don’t need the ring! The three of us made it off the Titanic alive, didn’t we? No matter what our situations have been we’ve always managed to find a solution. Whether we’re sleeping under bridges or not we can get by. As you said, it’s fun waking up not knowing what is going to happen next. We need to make our lives count and live every day as if it is our last.”
Ed beamed, proudly nodding his head.
As for Eddy, he had calmed down some, staring into Edd’s green eyes. Bringing him closer, wrapping his arms around Edd’s slim frame, they hugged. It was comforting, especially after all the treacherous turmoil. 
And then, Eddy parted, straightening Edd’s hat. “Edd, I don’t know what to say to a guy who’s about to jump off the Titanic when it’s not sinking but jumps back on when it is.” They all took a moment to laugh at that remark. “But you are the craziest guy I have ever met!”
“You’re not one to talk!” Edd cooed.
“I thought I was the craziest!” Ed laughed.
Eddy bumped Ed in his arm. “Yeah, you get that award, Ed!”
“I’ve never met anyone with your unique personality, Ed. You are a kind man,” Edd complimented his new friend. He was also looking forward to all the adventures with Ed. They couldn’t leave him out of anything after all. He had a hand in rescuing them and keeping his friends together. 
Getting Edd’s attention, Edd rested his hand on Edd’s shoulder. “But if you're willing to stick with us, then what are you waiting for?”
Tears filled Edd’s eyes. Never had he ever felt more relieved to cry. Together the Eds placed their hands on the other's shoulder.
“You jump, I jump,” they all repeated.
“Hey, Ed!” It was May. Ed’s eyes lit up the instant he saw her. Taking two steps, Ed stopped looking back at his friends. Eddy motioned for him to go. And Edd smiled. As soon as Ed was given the okay, he was off like lightning, flying May through the air, and kissed her.
Edd and Eddy looked on at the scene in amusement. Seeing Ed happy made Edd feel all warm inside. Ed found love on the Titanic. As did he.
Gently taking his love’s hand, Eddy squeezed back. There was no lie that they were going to receive harsh criticism for their relationship. A relationship between the same gender didn’t meet the eyes of approval. Then again, Edd had broken so many rules and gone against his parents and Victoria. And now, He’d never have to worry about them ever again. 
Edd never felt happier and excited for the future ahead. Of course, he and Eddy would have their hardships but now he was going to live out the rest of his life with the friends he came to know.
“It’s a shame that Victoria ripped up that magnificent drawing of yours,” Edd said to Eddy. 
Eddy smirked, listing his eyebrow slyly. “I got a feeling there will be more of those.”
Again, their foreheads touched. Although it was a different setting, the moment still felt reminiscent of when they shared their first kiss on the bow of the Titanic.
“You’re sure I ain’t gonna hold you back?” Eddy asked with a teasing smile.
Edd kissed his nose. “Not a chance.”
Smiling so big, Eddy held him closer. “I love you, Edd.”
A tear fell down his cheek. “I love you, Eddy.”
Kissing never felt so right. As the Carpathia sailed away from the nightmare the Ed's look into the future.
The rest of the journey to New York City, unfortunately, didn’t ease any of the Titanic survivor's nerves. A bout of heavy thunderstorms rocked the ship. The horrible noises of thunderbolts frightened the survivors, especially Edd, thinking that they struck yet another iceberg forcing them to go through a second nightmare. 
Since the Carpathia was much smaller in size compared to the Titanic, it didn’t have the proper accommodations to fit everyone. The Eds shared a cramped room with other third-class passengers. Due to the lack of beds they had to sleep on the floor. Edd didn’t mind. He had all the comfort he needed with Eddy spooning against him.
It was late, dark, when the Carpathia arrived in New York City on April 18, three days after the Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean.
Standing out on the deck as it rained, the Eds basked over the Statue of Liberty as they passed by the grand sight.
“There it is, Eddy! The Statue of Liberty! I told you we’d be there before you know it!” Ed basked, hopping up and down like a child.
“The lady of liberty stands so tall! I respect the landmark!” Rolf, the foreign man who Ed and Eddy shared a room with on Titanic, basked.
“Look, Plank, just like you said! We made it!” Jonny marveled, holding up his piece of wood with a smile drawn on it.
Never had the Statue of Liberty ever looked so conquering. Edd and Eddy were holding hands, basking in the glory. There was no need for words. They made it.
“Hey, May, come on! Ma should be waiting for us!” Lee called out to her sister.
Again, Ed and May didn’t want to part. Only this time the situation was nothing like the impending doom that separated them.
“Do you think we’ll see each other again?” May asked, wrapping her arms around the tall man.
Smiling confidently, Ed nodded. “I know we will, bunny. We’re both staying in New York after all.”
They kissed each other until their hands slowly parted, and Ed waved to her until she disappeared with her sisters through the crowd. 
Again, Eddy and even Edd squeezed Ed’s shoulder supported his friend no matter what. “You’ll see her again, Ed.”
Walking towards the bow, the Eds leaned against the rails. The city was gigantic, glowing in all its lights. There were so many people at the dockside. It was sad knowing that most of these people weren’t going to have a happy reunion. Reporters were present as well, hoping to get all the information out of the survivors about the events.
“Excuse me?” An officer, with an umbrella in hand, asked. Taking one look at the three his nose turned up at their disheveled clothes. Still, a look of pity resorted in his eyes. “Can I have your names, please?” “Ed Hillis,” Ed responded first.
“I’m Eddy. Eddy McGee.”
Once the officer finished writing, he turned to Edd. Proudly, Edd took Eddy’s hand. “McGee. Eddward McGee. With two d’s.”
The officer wasn't sure how to respond but he moved on with his duties. 
Eddy flashed Edd a grin, feeling his heart light up, containing his excitement. “Has a nice ring to it, sockhead.”
“It always has, my turtledove.”
And the Carpathia docked. All the passengers filed off the ship. Finally, they were back on solid ground, in the big city of New York.
“Don’t know about you but I ain't goin’ on another ship for some time,” Eddy joked.
“We still have that letter to write to White Star Line,” Ed reminded him.
Edd smiled, enjoyed Ed and Eddy’s banter. No more frowns.
And now it was the Eds turn to leave the Carpathia. Walking down the gangplank with only the clothes they had on their backs, the Eds didn’t dare look back. Looking ahead, they walked into the future. With no idea where they were heading what mattered was that they were together and would never forget.
Make it count.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 6 years
a foray in a sleepless night .... 
a/n: how I spend my early morning in the camper trying not to suffocate the humidity of southern Texas while three fans blow on me :)
The train whistle woke her but the footsteps kept her from falling back to sleep. He was pacing again.
A lot.
With an inner groan and an outer fist clench, she turned over, sandwiched her head between two pillows and prayed he’d go to sleep before the sun came up.
Nothing she wanted less than a tired Mulder and his grammar Nazi ways meeting her head on at 7:05am with a plastered on fake happy attitude and a swiftly declining pessimistic view of the world. It would make for a very, very ugly Saturday.
And she didn’t want an ugly Saturday.
She wanted a quiet Saturday of driving and tottering-pile vehicle paperwork.
Inner ear infection forced them into the car as opposed to flying, driving towards  Denver at less than breakneck speeds. Why did her ear have to act up now? It couldn’t have waited four days before screwing with her, making her dizzy, drops and antibiotics on the table.
This damn suspect better get life for the trouble she was going to to get to his trial with Mulder’s testimony and her science. He’d better be found guilty and possibly rot in a quiet little hole in the corner of the universe she would never think about again.
Now she wanted to pace.
Sitting up too quick, she waited until the world steadied and her ear popped open before venturing to the connecting door. Not thinking to knock, she walked in, took stock of Mulder’s wanderings, calculated proper intercept and began silently moving beside him, matching shuffle, Mulder shortening his slightly, hers lengthening a fraction, meeting in the middle to bounce from door to wall to bathroom to wall to door in a flat loop of speeding mind and tightened heart.
Three passes it took for him to reach over, find her hand, catch her fingers and pull her to a stop, “are you going to pace with me all night?”
“If I have to.”
“You don’t have to though.”
Brief squeeze to his thumb, she kept her hold on it, “I guess it’s more like a ‘you’re awake, I’m awake, might as well be tired as hell tomorrow together’ kind of thing.” Looking up at him, wondering how long it would take for that crease between his eyebrows to become a permanent thing, “will you sit down for me?”
“I’m pacing for a reason, Scully, ‘cause I can’t sit down.”
“How about you try for me and give what I’m going to do a chance?”
Sitting as ordered, “are you going to do some voodoo on me, get my shit in order so I can take a nap and not annoy the hell out of you in 5 hours?”
Brief loss of contact as she shut the bright lights of the room off, dropping the darkness around them in shadowy sheets, she was careful not to poke his eyes as she reached for his face, fingers against temple hairline, thumbs on his eyebrows, “close your eyes.”
“This is gonna get weird, I can feel it.”
“Shut up, Mulder.” Her voice whispered, however, her tone gently as she pushed lightly against the circled bones around his eyes, rubbing, moving from one end of his brow to the other, “I’m going to see if I can get you to relax a little.” Scooting her knees between his, she moved closer, invading territories kept well-guarded except under cover of dark, “you need to take a deep breath and let one thing go for me. The worry your testimony won’t carry the weight it should, your anger at Dennison, your wonder about what I’ll do if I ever discover another of those videos of yours. Whatever you want. Just something.”
His mouth twitched to a smile briefly at the video comment, “I don’t even have those videos anymore.”
Thumbs moving to the crease above his nose, she smoothed the wrinkle back, shaping skin to even contour, “did you wear them out? Can’t afford new ones on a G-man’s salary?”
“Got better things to do with my time now.” His head dropped forward slightly, pressure against the pads of her fingers increasing, “you should do this all the time.”
“What? Get an ear infection and force us to drive halfway across the country? I think not, Agent Mulder.” Her fingers were moving now, too, joining in tandem, ten spots of tactile heaven to a malleable Mulder, drifting away on sensory overload, happy sounds vibrating deep in his throat. With her own smile, she asked him quietly, “enjoying?”
Hhhmm’ing his response, she ramped it up just slightly, shifting fingers behind ears, thumbs now at junction of jaw, able to feel contracting muscles as he smiled again, “I’d pay good money for you to do this every night.”
Yeah, she blushed a little but it was dark and she would not be judged.
“You know I’d do it for tacos and brownies.”
Drifting down his neck, her fingers continued ministration miracles, thumbs now to the sides of his throat, feeling bobbing Adam’s apple and neck tendons she forgot the names of the moment she touched him, “I think we passed a Taco Bell a mile or two back.”
Walking hands to the back of his neck, she rubbed out tense tendons and sent a shiver she could feel down his spine when she slid her fingers into his hair, massaging his skull with practiced movement, “maybe later. Right now, I think you should forget everything else as well and focus just on my hands.”
His head fell forward of its own volition, forehead connecting with her stomach and not giving one good God-damn about whatever else happened in the world because he could feel her warmth through her shirt and the pull of Jersey cotton down over her breasts. If she did this much longer, he was pretty sure he’d probably forget how to breath but 
. Well 
Amused by his head against her, she continued, whisper dropping to his ears as her hands drifted down and out across his shoulder blades, pushing, kneading, working knots, “now, I’d like you to remember that time we skipped work and you took me to sit beside the Potomac, brought us hot dogs from that guy and got him to throw in extra pickles. You got all fancy with your napkin bringing and your water bottle condensation cleaning and we sat there for hours and talked about string theory and mummification and you tried to convince me that pie wasn’t the devil and we took a nap under that tree and then the squirrels came and stole our leftovers and you dropped your shoe in the water and had to go back to work in your sock.”
He would not remove his head, regardless but he did open his eyes for a moment, staring down the barrel of threadbare shirt and flannel covered thighs towards a floor he couldn’t see given her proximity, “we never did that.”
Working now down his spine, back muscles hard to loose under her hands, “we should. I think it would be a good for us to break a rule or two now and again.”
“With steet vendor hot dogs and lost shoes?”
To reach lower, she had to lean in more, press him further into her belly, “sounds pretty perfect to me.”
His smile turned first the right side of his mouth up, then his left, spreading slowly but surely, “I think we can manage that then.”
She reached down as far as she could, the dip in his lower back teasingly just out of reach, then returning north again, she pushed deeper, arms trembling with angle and force.
Hitting a good spot, Mulder’s hands moved, first to her waist to steady her, then, hands splayed, began kneading her ass in sync. He didn’t realize it until almost a minute later, when he felt her hands still on his neck once again, fingers tickling spine, thumbs below ears.
He stopped as well.
But didn’t move his hands.
“I’ve forgotten all those things you told me to forget.”
“So have I.”
Slowly, slowly, slowly, he let his hands fall away, clasping his knees instead of her, keeping them to himself in a wretchingly difficult gesture of partnerly nonsense, “are you tired?”
Sometimes, just sometimes, all the time, she wished things were different, “sort of.”
Having enjoyed her hands a little too much, “I should probably let you get some sleep then, shouldn’t I? We’ve got some driving to do tomorrow if we’re going to make it by Sunday night.
Memories of his touch smoldered on her waist, her ass, her belly, “or you could turn around and I can get at a few muscles I couldn’t reach.”
“T-Rex arms strike again?”
“Always, Mulder.”
He didn’t object, twisting on the bed sheets so her back was to him, “okay?”
“Dino arms can reach you now, thank you.”
Both knew his touching her had been an involuntary thing. He never would have done it had he been awake, aware, attentive to more than just her hands but he felt the guilt creeping up and with it, “hey, why did you just tense up all of a sudden?”
Stupid hesitation was his death knell, “the case.”
As she dug into his lower back, pushing against him with fists and knuckles, “liar.”
Quiet held session between them until his voice carried to her quietly, “I’m sorry I touched you like that. I didn’t mean to. I just 
 I didn’t mean to.”
Her hands disappeared for a minute then he felt them snake over his shoulders, hugging his tightly from behind, “I know you didn’t. It’s that fine line we have, Mulder. Sometimes someone falls over the edge of it for a minute but then they scramble back, regardless of how difficult and irritating it is to have that line in the first place.”
“It’s difficult and irritating for you, too?”
Chuckling in his ear, she squeezed him closer, breath tickling, “you have no idea sometimes.” Interjecting, as much as she hated to, the humor necessary to pry them apart and get them to sleep in their own beds, “especially when you wear those black socks with your basketball shorts and you have sweaty pit stains on your threadbare tanktop and I can smell you five feet away. You are quite the irresistible specimen right then.”
He hated she was giving them their out but knowing she was right, “kinda like when you have on your autopsy cap on, I mean, I can barely keep my hands off you 
 especially when you throw in those squeaky white granny tennis shoes.”
Turning her head enough to kiss his cheek, “g’night, Mulder. Try to get some sleep.”
Hugging her arms, he leaned into her lips for a moment, “you, too.”
She left the room, closing the door behind her, pulling the sheets on the bed straight, fluffing the squashy hotel pillow then, without consent from her brain, she turned and opened the adjoining door again. Seeing him pacing, she calculated the intercept for the second time in less than an hour and began walking beside him, holding his thumb and cruising the room in 38 step fashion.
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starkbarnes-lovechild · 7 years
I Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You
Steve takes a deep, fortifying breath as he looks at himself at the full-body mirror. He fiddles with his cufflinks, turns to one side then another, checking if anything’s amiss. He smooths his hands down his torso, straightening the already polished shirt.
Today’s the day.
He’s buzzing with energy, with anticipation, with nerves. Everything’s going to be perfect. It has to be.
 Steve was sleep-deprived, like he always was whenever he got into a painting binge, as Sam and Bucky liked to call it. He has been awake for probably three days now. He knew he looked like a zombie, but there was no coffee at his apartment. Food was missing, too, but at the moment, coffee was more important.
He walked absentmindedly to his favorite coffee shop a few blocks away. He didn’t bother to change his paint-smeared clothes; the baristas were used to it by now.
He didn’t know how he managed to order and pay for his coffee, but the next thing he knew, he was staring dumbly at his spilled coffee on the floor and a muffin he may or may not have bought sitting sadly on top of the mess. His chest felt wet and warm, probably the coffee but he just kept on blinking owlishly down at his poor, poor coffee and that pitiful muffin.
buy you a new shirt, too
” someone’s frantic voice finally snapped him out of his stupor. He looked up and saw big brown eyes framed by long, thick curly lashes.
“Are you okay?” the same voiced asked, worry tinting his slightly high-pitched voice and focused on the face. Gosh, he’s pretty was his only thought.
The other man looked young, probably in his late teens or (hopefully) in his early twenties. He was clean shaven and his face was still slightly rounded with some baby fat. His lips were full and pink and looked like they would taste good.
“Sorry.” Steve muttered as rubbed his eyes. “No sleep since Wednesday.” He tried to suppress a whine, but he didn’t seem to be successful, as he stared sadly at his fallen coffee, because he heard an amused snort.
“I’m Tony.” The other man reached out a hand, which Steve took with a mumble of his name in response. “Let me buy you lunch and a new shirt for the trouble.” The other man—Tony—added with a shy smile.
Steve knew he was a goner by then.
 Steve flips the sheet of paper once more as he paces around his hotel room. He has memorized every word but rereading it is somewhat calming.
 Tony, from the moment I met you, I knew I’d love you for the rest of my life. Your smile captivated me, still does, to be honest. Your laugh, a soft melody which never fails to enchant me, a siren luring its prey. Your eyes twinkle bright, stars in the night sky lighting up the dark.
 “If I kill Obie, would you help me escape jail?” Steve was startled out of his sketching by the sound of Tony’s voice as the younger man plopped down by the seat across from him.
(Tony was, thankfully, twenty-seven when they met, making him only five years younger than Steve. That was two years ago.)
“Oh. Hi, Tony. Yep, I’m fine, how ‘bout you? Oh, I’m currently working on a new project for another show in a few months.” Steve replied dryly with a smile, closing his sketchbook and putting his art materials away, as Tony gave him an annoyed huff and an eye roll, nibbling on the burger that has been waiting for him for almost an hour now.
“So.” Tony started once more, prompting Steve to raise an eyebrow at him. “Will you help me escape? I’m too pretty to be in jail.”
Steve scrunched his brows lightly, humming as he pretended to think about it. “I don’t know, Tones. If you’re in jail, it means there’ll be less days when I’ll have to tolerate you.” He teased, making Tony squawk indignantly.
The younger man pointed a piece of fries at him, eyes narrowed as he said, “Stop kidding yourself, Rogers. You love me and you know it.”
Steve simply smirked and started eating his own food as Tony whined, “No love! Absolutely no love for me around here!”
He ducked his head and let his smile soften, knowing Tony’s aware how much he loves him.
 Steve leans back by the window, the light from outside illuminating his words more. He rubs his thumb gently back and forth on the paper, the words lightly faded from how often he’s done it before. He smiles softly, tilts his head back and lets it rest on the windowsill, his eyes closing.
 I will remain as the ear you need for all your woes, the friendly face you yearn for when your lost and will never abandon you, even when the world is against you—against us.
 The first time Steve saw Tony in women’s clothing was only a month after they met. He was surprised, yes, but only because he almost didn’t connect the beautiful raven-haired woman in front of him with Tony.
(Tony was wearing a black see-through cropped-poncho over a black crop top with some writing on it. His skirt, which was probably six inches above his knees, was a dark red at the top with a flannel-like pattern which then fades to black at the bottom, flaring out over his slim thighs. He was wearing long, black socks, roughly five inches below his knees, with large stripes at the top and black combat-like boots.)
Steve was in a club with Bucky, Sam and Clint when he saw Tony, sitting on a barstool as he talked to an African American man.
At first, it was just an odd feeling, as if he was compelled to look at the beautiful woman by the bar. Then their eyes met. The realization hit him hard as he saw the panic as the woman—as Tony—scrambled off the stool, leaving the man he was talking to.
Steve didn’t think, he shot up and ran after Tony. In the back of his mind, he vaguely registered Bucky calling out to him. Tony was more important, though.
When he finally caught up with the younger man, Tony looked like he was about to cry, but he could still see the determination and fire in those brown depths.
Tony was wearing light makeup, all neutrals as eyeshadow, hazed on the outside, giving his eyes a sultry look. The bottom rims of his eyes were lined with kohl while both his top and bottom lashes were coated with quite a thick layer of mascara. His lips were a blood red—dark and sharp, making his lips appear plumper while his black hair (probably a wig) which fell down to the bottom of his exposed collarbones, curled softly, framing his face well.
Steve has never seen a more beautiful sight.
“Are you disgusted?” Tony’s voice was rough, defensive, snapping Steve out of his musings.
“What?! No! Why would I be?” Steve exclaimed, shocked Tony would think so little of him.
“Because I dress like a girl and I wear makeup.” The younger man responded, as if quoting the words from someone else.
(That was when he discovered how protective Howard and Maria Stark were as parents. He found out they sued a group of rich students who stole all of Tony’s makeup and his feminine clothing, then burned then right in front of Tony and a crowd of other MIT students. Obviously, the Starks won the case.)
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Steve growled, startling both himself and Tony. He’s had this conversation with Sam a thousand times before and hated people who bullied his friends, people who made them feel like they were less than other people, simply because they were different. “My friend’s genderfluid. Sometimes we call her Samantha.”
Tony stared at him for quite a while, which started to make him feel awkward. “Do you, uh,” he started, trying to break the silence, “do I call you something else, or
” Steve trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
“Natasha.” Tony suddenly blurted out, startling Steve.
“Natasha Antonette. I—I’m Natasha Antonette. That’s. My mom said she liked that name.” Tony—Natasha—looked up at him shyly, his lashes fluttering, most like unconsciously. Even with the three-inch heels, Steve was still taller than her. “But you can still call me Tony (i), but with an ‘i’.”
“Okay.” Steve simply smiled and led her back to the bar.
 I will cherish you for all time, love you unconditionally and accept you for who you are—for who you want to become.
 A knock on the door snaps Steve out of his daydream. The door clicks and Sam pokes his head inside. “Hey, man. It’s time.”
He carefully folds the paper once more and puts it inside his jackets breast pocket. He follows the other man out the door and to the garden where they decided to hold the wedding.
Its winter and there’s still snow on the ground, giving the place a serene atmosphere. All the guests are on their seats as he walks down the aisle with Bucky, Clint and Sam towards the makeshift altar. He sees Tony’s mom right in front with a big smile on her face while his dad simply looks content, waiting for his only child at the back to walk Tony down the aisle.
(Steve knows, no matter how intimidating Howard Stark may look, Tony is one of the most precious beings in his life.)
Tony is Toni today, so Steve knows she’ll be in a wedding dress instead of a three-piece suit. Nobody but Toni and Maria knows what her wedding attire looks like today.
He stands by the altar with his friends as they wait for Toni to make her entrance and walk down the aisle.
When Toni finally appears, Steve’s jaws drop, his breath catches. Just when he thinks Toni can’t get any more beautiful, he’s always proven wrong.
Toni’s shoulder length hair falls with soft curls, a braid on one side pinned by a clip with a white rose design on top. Her dress is a ball gown which tapers nicely on her waist. The upper part of her chest has a flower pattern of sots which goes up to her neck, giving her an elegant look. The sleeves were cut directly in level where the pattern begins. She has white, translucent gloves up to her wrist while she holds a small bouquet of white roses.
She looks like an angel is the only thought running through Steve’s head.
Toni practically glides down the aisle, her arm loops around her father’s. She’s smiling so widely it looks like it will split her face. Her makeup is natural and soft, giving her a more ethereal glow.
When she reaches him, she pauses, lets go of her father and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug, her bouquet resting at the back of his neck as she whispers, “Thank you.” He returns the hug tightly, never wanting to let her go.
When they pull apart, her eyes are glistening with unshed tears and he knows he isn’t much better. He takes her bouquet and grasps her hands in his as she loops her arm through her father’s once more. Together, they lead her to Bucky’s waiting arms.
He looks at Bucky as he puts her hand in his, saying without words, take care of her and, since they have been best friends since they were kids, he receives a determined nod in return, with all my heart
 I will never leave your side, I will strive to make you happy, even if it’s not with me.
The man who will love you for eternity,
Can also be found on AO3.
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nattsocscorner · 7 years
[ meet the muse. ] - Asselin. *eyebrow wiglging*
[edit: Sedgemarch AU went under such a change all infos about it in this answer should be discarded!]
Thankyouuu! °3°
SoI have this character in many universes and AUs. There’s littlevariation to him, as he has a very strong personality, so theseanswers are by default, unless specified. Now, let’s meet thathandsome rogue!
➄ Whatis your character’s full name?:
AngeloMaria Adam Asselin Traversini.As he absolutely hates his firstand middle names, he goes with his first last name: Asselin. If askedby important enough people, he’ll give his two last names, pretendingthe first one is simply his first name.
➄When were they born?:
21stof june. The date depends of the universes (but in the majority of the universes, he’s in his early fourties).
➄What are their parent’s names?:
Marcello Vitu Asselin-Traversini for the father and Serena Maria di Salvo for themother.
➄Do they have any brothers or sisters?:
In all AUs but Sedge: Heprobably does, but he doesn’t know any of them. His parents wouldn’teven let him get to know them, as he’s dead to their eyes.In Sedge: he’s to have a baby sibling and has been raised with several kids the same age as he did, that he considered siblings by bond. His parents didn’t feel it necessary to have other children as they were around the other children and also considered them extended family. Both his parents adore him and the feeling is mutual in this universe.
➄What kind of eyes do they have?:
Hehas brown, hazelnut-coloured eyes. They are of normal, proportionateseize with his face. There’s that gleam of mischievousness into them.
➄What kind of hair do they have?:
Hehas short brown hair, with greying temples and a few strands of greyhair among the thick mass of hair. He doesn’t brush them often. Theperk of having short hair. He just needs to brush his fingers throughit and voilà!
➄What is their complexion like?:
He’s white, with a really easy tendency to tan. He’s part of these peoplewho won’t burn easily in exposure of the sun (in reasonable amounts of time of course)but will quickly develop a stronger tan.
➄What body type are they?:
Althoughit’s not always noticeable because he likes being in comfortable,larger clothes, he’s quite buff.
➄What is listening to their voice like?:
Intriguing.He has this rather low, slightly raspy voice and more often than not,he finds it amusing to play it “dark and mysterious”. Also, don’task him to sing. Ever. He’s a terrible singer. He knows it though andwill probably refuse to do it anyway.
➄What do they hate most about themselves?:
Thefact that he has to eat quite often. He’s one of these person whoburn energy fast and will need more food to compensate. If hedoesn’t get his food for any reason, his stomach will remind him in aloud way. Also (in all AUs but Sedge), may it be due to lack of energy resources or poorupbringing, he’ll feel grumpy if he spends a few days without eatinga bit of meat.
➄Do they have a favorite quote?:
He’dgo with Achard’s favourite: “I find the best cure for guilt,is to never get caught in the first place.”
➄What sort of music do they enjoy?:
Heenjoy melodic music. Not fond of ballads and sappy/sad romanticstuff, but he enjoys folkloric songs about old legends andbattles.In the modern AU, he enjoys hard/rock and country/blues.
➄Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?:
No.Asselin may show himself as flirty, he does have a strong sense ofhonour and even stronger feelings for Achard. Although they do havetheir agreements and show themselves to be polyamorous, he will nevertouch anyone before telling Achard
 and possibly inviting him tojoin the fun.
➄Have they been cheated on by a partner?:
No.Before he met Achard, he had fleeting relationships but nothing“serious”. His partners could do whatever they wanted and so didhe. As he found himself falling in love with Achard and having astrong, long-term relationship with him, he also got to know theother man would never cheat on him.
➄Have they ever lost someone close to them?:
Luckily,no. He did loose a few companions when he was part of a gang, but hedidn’t care that much for them.
➄What is their favorite sound?:
Thesound of the rain smashing against a roof or windows when he himselfis inside, preferably in bed, under a dozen of blankets, a good firein the fireplace and his Achard cuddled up against him.
➄Are they judgmental of others?:
More often than not with the exception of rich people andnobles, in all universes but Sedge’s. Due to his upbringing in the lower class, his parents workingendlessly in their farm, noblety putting up heavy taxes and more orless abusing of their power towards poorer people got him to harboura certain bitterness towards them.
➄Have they ever been drunk?:
Yes.Many times. The next morning having him swearing he wouldn’t abuse ofsuch drinks anymore, only to get drunk again for some occasion. Heisn’t a regular drinker, thankfully, but if there’s a party orsomething to celebrate? He’ll be there to raise his glass!
➄What are they like when they stay up all night?:
Itdepends what for. If it’s due to something he likes or obtaining goodresults after helping Achard, coming back from a successful mission, etc. he’ll be tired but happy andsatisfied. If it is for a task he doesn’t like but has to do anyway,he’ll be grumpy and pissy until he gets to sleep.
➄Have they ever been arrested?:
Hedid, more than once
 But he’s slippery as an eel and managed to gethimself out of most situations. Most. There may have been a couple oftimes where he had to use the help of a few contacts, or have Achardbail him out. He isn’t proud of the latter.
➄What evokes strong memories for them?:
In all AUs but Sedge: thesmell of curry spices. Not only these are linked to, of course,Achard’s cooking, it evokes the smell of cooking of one of his aunts,who took care of him after he ran away from his parent’s house.
In Sedge: the smell of orange flower after his first holidays in Corsica, as he might have added it a tad too much every time he was to eat fresh goat cheese.
➄What do they do on rainy days?:
Whenhe is not out for a mission, he enjoys taking it easy. Do small housetasks if needed, rest and enjoy a good meal. And of course, spend agood time snuggling and relaxing with Achard.
➄What religion are they?:
In all AUS but modern & Sedge: Ifhe didn’t know there were some serious Elder Gods bullshit going on,he’d define himself as an atheist (But then, he thinks it’s maybe atad exaggerated to call these creatures “gods” just because theywant to enslave or destroy people.). He simply couldn’t care lessabout religion, it’s not his thing at all and overly religious peopletend to piss him off. He tends to be fine with it as long as peopledon’t shove it into his face though.
In the modern AU, completely and utterly atheist.
In Sedge: he’s pretty much agnostic, going by the motto: “Religion is like a penis, it’s cool if you have it but don’t shove it in my face.”
➄What word do they overuse the most?:
“Fuck.”And its derivatives.
➄What do they wear to bed?:
Ifit’s cold outside, he wears a long shirt and maybe socks he’d tossoff in the night. If it’s not, he’s fine wearing just underwear or nothing at all. He’d alwayshave Achard to warm him up anyway.
➄Do they have any tattoos or piercings?:
No,except in the modern universe, where both his forearms are tattooedwith geometrical patterns. In the other universes, he’s consideringit
 Consider an enchanted tattoo as a lucky charm. He isn’t one forpiercings onto himself, although he enjoys the aesthetics of it.
➄What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?:
Overall,he enjoys clothes that are a tad large and comfortable. A simpleshirt and trousers is the base. If going to a mission, he adds awaistcoat where he can slide his weapons onto (along with belts that have satchels and sheaths attached to) and a long coat (thefabric it’s made of depends of the season).In the modernuniverse, he does enjoy the classy shirt/waistcoat combo but his personalfavourite is wearing tshirts with bad puns/jokes and jeans or your classic, black trousers. Leather jackets are the cherry on top.
➄What is their most disliked food?:
in All AUs but Sedge: Hecan eat a bit of everything but he doesn’t like celery or radish and simply hates unsalted soup with toomuch water and too little vegetables into it.Maybe he got too many of these when he was a kid.
In Sedge: just celery or radish.
➄Do they have any enemies?:
In all AUs but Sedge: Mostdefinitely. Whether it is people he crossed while hunting for anitem, noble people he stole specific items from or people he gave abeating to while they were bothering a weaker person, a friend orAchard. And if Achard has enemies? Then these are his enemies aswell!
In sedge: Anyone that goes against Juliette Richards & his family is automatically his enemy.
➄What does their writing look like?:
Asidein the modern universe & Sedge, where his writing is a bit messy, Asselindoesn’t know how to write. He didn’t go to school, as he was destinedto be like his parents, an illiterate farmer. Achard is teaching himhow to write and read and (although he finds it a tad boring) he’sreally thankful to get the chance to become educated on that point.Reading and writing would help greatly in deciphering maps andfinding secrets!
➄What disgusts them?:
People(especially the upper class/rich/noble/powerful ones) taking advantage of weakerpeople. He has a rooted despise against abusive people and if hewitnesses a situation he finds unfair (and sees he has a chance toget out of it without being killed), he’ll intervene in the instant.
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