#I knew that fish lady reminded me of someone!
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misstitched-doll · 11 months ago
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husky-studies · 4 months ago
Not sure if you have done this yet, or currently working on something similar. May I request Boothill and F!child reader. Like he found her on a planet where he was hunting someone. And decided to take her with him because she reminded him of his daughter. For plot reasons you can make reader an orphan. Thank you
Concept: Boothill with a F!child reader (theres Robin at the end)
Warning(s): relationship between the characters and the reader is STRICTLY platonic, mentions of reader being an orphan and bounty hunting but nothing gruesome
Who'd knew hunting for a bounty target could lead you to finding a child? Thats what Boothill thought when he saw you. Hours he spent finding his target on the damned planet and ended up finding a child once he finishes. You on the other hand, were lost. You don't know where your parents went off to and now you're just walking aimlessly.
"Hey kid, what're ya doin' here alone? Where are yer parents?" He asked, sense of familiarity washed over him when he looks at you. You looked exactly like his deceased daughter. "I...don't know Mr. All I know is that I'm alone here until I saw you!" You said enthusiastically at the end.
"Whats your name Mr?" He felt a pang in his cyborg heart, frowning a bit when you said you didnt knew before he smiled again. "The name's Boothill kid, didn't yer parents teach ya not to talk to strangers?" He smiled, showing off his shark-like tooth. "My name is [your name]. You seemed friendly enough to talk to Mr Boothill, thats why I talked to you!" You said. Well ain't that sweet of you, he thought.
"Well, that's good to know kid! Say, will you be alright all by yourself after this?" He asked. Your smile drops as you realized he was leaving, you looked like a kicked puppy... He realized what he said meant to you but before he could correct himself, you spoke first. "I don't want Mr Boothill to go! Mr Boothill is nice and friendly!" You practically shouted at him as you gripped his legs and shook it with your small arms.
He practically looked like a fish out of the water as he holds your little hands so you'd let go of his leg. "No, uh kid. I just wanted to ask if yer alright with me taking ya in. A kid like you shouldn' be alone like this." He said. A small "and you reminded me a lot of her..." was muttered after. After his said that, he swore your eyes just increased in size as you looked at him. "REALLY MR BOOTHILL??? I WANNA COME WITH YOU!" You screamed at him, as you jumped in front of him in glee.
All Boothill could let out was a boisterous laugh as he lets out a "LET'S FUDGIN GO!" while hoisting you up. You paused for a moment and Boothill thought he did something wrong before you asked "Whats fudge?" "...well-"
Boothill was back in Penacony apparently with a kid, now his child. "I didn't think you'd be the type to take in a child Boothill, she's really adorable!" Robin said as she patted your head. "Well, she's a real nice kid so why not?" He said. You know thats a complete lie but decided to ignore it as you clung onto Robin's leg now. "Pretty lady!" You said as you looked at Robin. "Aw thank you! She really is a sweet girl, Boothill." Robin said. You stared at her again as you suddenly blurted out "Ms Robin, whats fudge?" Both of them went silent as Boothill and Robin looked at you.
Mention(s): -
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godhandler · 2 months ago
Rent A BF!
#3.5 | young toji fushiguro x reader | fluff, mentions of prostitution, aged and sometimes offensive terminology | 780 words
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2nd  February, 1996
Toji peered over the bottles of makeup strewn over the dingy floor. The client had demanded that he cover all his tattoos and scars, so here he was, sitting amongst all the street-hookers and getting his face painted over. He made sure that he grumbled enough. 
Whether or not either side would accept it, the street-hookers and Toji were friends. Everyone in Minami-Senju was, to some degree. It was a rough place in a rough city in a rough time; the bullies and the bullied were the one and the same. They stole each other’s watches and fed each other’s children all the same. 
There was no greater demonstration of this unhinged sense of community than their shared pool of makeup. Every evening, anyone who wanted some blush or mascara ventured down to Morufi Auntie’s garage (one of the very few to have one). Morufi Auntie would sit her aching back down on a stool and personally mix-and-match foundations till everyone got the shade they came for. 
Right now it was Toji who kneeled down to her level, allowing her to test her match on his cheek. She usually gets the colour right on the first try, but once she realised that she was matching the layer of grime on Toji’s face rather than his skin, she screamed for someone to get his nasty ass off her before she brought her slipper out. 
“Hag bitch,” Toji swore. 
“Gutter orphan,” Morufi Auntie swore right back.
It was the benevolent fish-seller lady who took Toji aside and taught him to rub sweet almond oil (borrowed) to get the blackheads out his nose-tip and wash the dirt off his cheeks with a foaming face-wash (borrowed). “Good for your oily skin,” she said, “like all the young ones of your age.” 
She then poured some milky rice-water essence (borrowed too) into his palms. “Pat it into your face, and now dab this–” she squeezed out a teeny tiny dot out of an already-wrung tube, “–neem gel I got from the Chamars. Put a little on your pimples, works like magic.”
“I just came to get my scar painted over.” He pouted. This was severely tanking his big bad guy persona, but at least none of the guys who’d care about it were here. In here, in the Morufi Auntie’s Makeup Garage, people called each other shit like ‘glowing’ or ‘radiant’ or ‘OMG I love your eyebrows’, disparaging guy-talk was strictly prohibited. Toji couldn’t help but feel calmer here too. 
The fish-seller lady just shook her head. “My boy was just like you at this age, never put on sunscreen even though I’d get on his ass. That reminds me– sunscreen! But before that a light moisturiser (also borrowed)– there, aren’t you looking so decent? Now, sugar, go run along to Auntie.” 
Toji didn’t like the way she baby-talked him, but he could not deny that his face felt cleaner and fresher than he ever remembered. 
Morufi Auntie kept true to her fame, churning out his colour match in one go. It didn’t take a lot of (borrowed) foundation, Toji was pretty fair, true to his noble Zenin blood, it was only the sun-tan that darkened patches of his cheeks and forehead. 
Auntie knew not to touch his scar. Toji caked the concealer on himself, and then, following her instructions, patted the colour in with a setting powder. “Blend it out, down to your chin and neck, always. Follow the shadow of your cheekbones and blend, blend, blend it in,” she’d repeat to everyone who came to her. 
He stared into the hand-mirror a street-hooker lent him. The scar crossing his lip was completely gone, almost like… 
“Like it was never there,” he breathed out. A version of him that grew up without the events that led to him getting that scar. A happier alternate universe. “Not bad.”
“It’s art, alright. No one leaves here unhappy.” Morufi Auntie leant back to admire the young boy. The garage was full of people, mostly women, patting, tapping, glossing, shining, yelling, laughing. Shared mirrors, shared makeup, shared tin-wall garage. “We’re artists here.”
“Just like geishas!” Shiki shouted from the other corner of the room. He didn’t want to miss watching his friend getting dolled up and throwing a fit and causing a huge commotion, but it went disappointingly okay. At least he won’t get on my ass about how makeup is cheating now. Shiki shrugged. Win’s a win.
“I’m not a fucking geisha,” Toji bit back, his masculinity pinched. 
“You look pretty as one, or maybe an idol singer?” Shiki stuck his tongue out. “What, I’m saying positive things!” 
Poor Shiki couldn’t duck Morufi Auntie’s slipper in time.
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a/n: the last chapter would've raised the question, "how did toji learn that you need to blend your foundation?" he lives and he learns, lol.
morufi is a bantu name from botswana. after ww2, japan offered scholarships to african students for postgraduate studies, many of whom ended up living here. chamar is a low-caste hindu surname from india. compared to an upper caste indian immigrant who often migrate abroad with a strong financial and educational safety net, one might wonder how and why the chamars came to japan.
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pigfacedbitch · 2 years ago
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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georgeharrisonlover · 28 days ago
If I Fell | Part 3
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Summary: Getting to know more about George, you get to know about the others. George invites you to the studio, where they are recording "Please Please Me"
Liverpool 63'
Quick Fluff
Words: 939
George Harrison x Reader
It's been a few weeks, and George and I have been going out for a while. I met his parents, his mother is such a sweet lady. I have gotten to know more of the boys, specifically the “Beatles”.
I found out that John had a wife, and they were expecting a baby soon. The thought that came to my mind was how Cynthia deals with him, I know I couldn't. 
Paul had a girlfriend, but I think that was over. He now seemed to be talking to this girl, named Jane Asher. And well with Ringo, he was talking to Maureen. I knew her a little from going to the cavern more to support George. All the ladies were wonderful.
 It's now February 11, 1963. The day the Beatles were planning to record their first album “Please Please Me”. George had invited me to come and see them record with the rest of the girls. I couldn't wait to see Maureen and Cynthia. I wasn't sure if Paul was gonna bring anyone.
Arriving at the EMI studios, I spotted both Maureen and Cynthia there waiting for me. I tried to run with the heels, but I was too scared to trip and fall.
 “Hey Y/n,” said both the girls as they waved their hands.
“Hey girls, Where are the boys?” I questioned. 
“Well they are inside preparing to record. We decided to wait for you,” said Cynthia. Cynthia reminded me as an older sister and Maureen as the youngest.
“Well what are we waiting for, let's get in, It's getting colder,” I said, giving fake shivers. Both of them chuckled as we were entering the studio. 
 As I was removing my coat, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head to see George. 
“Hey George!” I say giving a little kiss on his cheek. 
”Hello Lovely, how was your day?” said George.
“It was great and it's getting better right now.” you said smiling.
He let go of me to drop all of my things and gave him the biggest hug. As I do, I feel someone take a quick snap of me and George being massively in love. It was Ringo. 
Me and George didn't mind it. We hoped that they would give us the picture whenever they could. I finally released George from our hug. 
“Well you better get going,” I said
 “Yeah, I guess,” he said, a little saddened. 
I gather myself up and meet up with the girls. We were sitting in the corner of the room and told not to make a little peak, which none of us did. 
A few hours in, we ladies were tired, and couldn't believe the boys weren't. Since Cynthia was pregnant she left a little early, which John did not mind. She was already in her third trimester. Me and Maureen helped her go home and went to my apartment.
The boys seemed hungry, and the rest there were too, so I and Maureen decided to cook something simple and take it to them. Fish and Chips. It took a while but we made enough for everyone.
Finally, we arrived at the studio and entered the doors. George saw me and ran. Trying to help me and Maureen with the food. 
“Thank you, Sweetheart!” I said. 
“No problem Darling!’ said George.
Finally, George places the food on the table, I pass the food around to everyone. Everyone appreciated the homemade food. Maureen and I grabbed the leftovers and shared it. It took a while for everyone to finish, but after they continued wrapping up the album. 
I decided to pack extra so it could distract me. I brought my knitting supply. I was planning to make a blanket for the upcoming baby boy to the Beatles.
 A while passed and finally they finished the album. Me and Maureen were getting tired of being here. We wanted to support the boys but man it was just so long.
I was grabbing everything of mine, finally putting my coat on, I felt George helping me. He was so busy today that I knew he wanted to go home and sleep.
I quickly went to everyone and said goodbye. I wanted to save the best for last, Maureen and John. 
“It was a wonderful day with you Maureen, thank you for helping me!” I said to her,
 “It was very much Y/N, There is no need for a thank you!” she said. We hugged and I went to John. 
“Hey John, when you get home, tell Cynthia, I'll call her tomorrow morning for our baby shopping spree!” I said to John.
“Okay I will, be safe,” he said.
 “I will, you too!” hugging him and leaving.
Me and George left the studio and into my car. We headed back home to my apartment. George moved in a week ago. He's a very calm person to live with. He's very Clean for a man like him. 
Walking to the apartment, George had his head on your shoulder, It expressed the exhaustion of the day he had. Finally opening the door, I dropped everything in my arms gently, and went to my room to quickly change your PJ and so did George. Then we lay under the sheets, George was holding me in his arms, and we both felt the warmth and love there. We didn't need to exchange words as much. We understood each other's silence.
 “Goodnight Love, sweet dream,” said George.
 “Goodnight sweetheart, I love you,” I said 
“I Love you too,” he said.
 Those were the last words I heard before I slept.
This is possibly my last part for the "If I fell" series, even though it was three freaking parts. Hope you guys enjoyed it!! Have a goodnight or good morning!! :)
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year ago
Chucho’s Magic Pickles
A Pickled Peña Fic
Javier Peña x Luna (plus size OFC)
Fanfiction 18+
Javier Pena Masterlist / Main Masterlist / A03 link
Word Count: approx 3.2k
Warnings: Chucho is his own warning (we kinda see where Javi gets it from), food (besides the pickles - this is me people), father/son time, overuse of pickles, angst, cursing, fluff
Summary: Javier Peña had something that he wanted to discuss with Luna. His father’s been mentioning it every chance he gets. Chucho sings of the wonders he has found with his jar of gherkins.
Notes: I actually had a difficult time coming up with an idea for this fic because I haven’t written much for Javi P. I enjoyed giving him a bit of comedy because my other fics with him were angsty. Hopefully I can write some more fics for him this year. 😎 I dabbled in Canva for the graphic and the banner. 💚
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Luna knew several things:
Her coworker Anna needed to come back to work to pick up her part of this project.
Her boyfriend’s father was the cutest old man who seemed to call every woman at the clinic he went to “Bonita (pretty)” and reserved “Hermosa (gorgeous)” for the older receptionist, Maria, who she may or may not have seen at his house when she dropped off food to him on occasion.
She wasn’t sure if she should tell her boyfriend about this, but she did encourage Chucho to talk to his son about it.
She’s been with her boyfriend for two years and she’s very happy with that. She doesn’t want anything to change. It’s the happiest she’s been in years.
Chucho sat on the couch, patting his thigh. He’d just come in from brushing the horses when he heard a truck pull up. It belonged to his only child Javier. He was happy to see him, they agreed to have lunch twice a week now he was home from Columbia and retired from the DEA. There were many things said about his son, some of which he’d heard from a few of his lady friends. They said that he was a coward for running away from his then fiance at the time, all the way to Columbia. They also said that his son had quite a way with women, not unlike Chucho did back before he met his dear late wife. He took all these with a grain of salt, especially when he finally returned to the United States.
He worried for his son, who he thought may remain unmoored while back in Loredo. It turns out, it was for naught as Javier worked with the sheriff’s department. He had responded to a sighting of a fugitive which didn’t pan out, it was an overeager young cop who thought they saw someone on the most wanted list but it was really old man Loggins who hadn’t been by the barbershop in two months due to a fishing trip and not wanting to leave his house.
As Javier walked up the steps to his father’s porch, he carried some lasagna that he was handed in town to deliver to his father from one of Chucho’s lady friends Ms. Lucia. It reminded him of when he met Luna, his girlfriend, she had been eating the same meal that day.
Two years prior…
It was a blistering hot day in Loredo, temperatures were over one-hundred degrees in the direct sun and even in the shade, they hovered around ninety-five degrees. Despite Javier forgoing his tan jacket to match the tan pants and shirt that went with his uniform, he still had large wet spots under his arms and around his neck. He stopped in Ms. Lucia’s restaurant hoping she’d take pity on him and not charge him for some iced tea. He wouldn’t be getting any whiskey until after he was off duty. His drinking had significantly cut down due to his hours, but his smoking not so much. Thankfully, Ms. Lucia gave him the water and iced tea in exchange for saying hello to his father for her. His father was popular with the older women despite spending most of his time on his range with the animals. The restaurant was fairly full for the lunchtime crowd and there weren’t really any open seats, Ms. Lucia walked Peña over to a table and sat him down across from a woman in a baby blue sundress.
He saw a woman who had a sheen to her skin from the heat despite the air conditioning. It was likely from the number of people in the restaurant, talking, eating, laughing and the like. She had a head full of hair and a mouth full of pasta when she looked up after hearing something across the table he assumed and covered her mouth as she was confronted with a grinning Javier sipping some cold ice water, feeling a few drops dribble down his chin and chest. It felt refreshing in this sweltering heat. The woman swallowed her food, her wide eyes trying to figure out who he was. He didn’t recognize her so she might be a transplant, just moved back or someone who came after he left. She cleared her throat and sipped some of her own water that some of the ice had melted clearly.
“Sorry about that. I didn't expect Ms. Lucia would sit someone at my table. I thought she’d give me a warning at least.” She smiled softly, clearly a little embarrassed but he found it endearing that and the small splotch of tomato sauce that was on the corner of her mouth. Peña grabbed a paper napkin from the dispenser in the middle of the table and tapped her cheek, wiping inward toward where the sauce was. He surprised himself by the action, he’d meant to hand it to her and point it out, but his hand moved on its own. What surprised him more is that she didn’t move, she just let him wipe her cheek, closing her eyes for a moment until he pulled back.
“Did you get it all?”
“Yes I did. Are you typically a messy eater?”
A soft chuckle rolled from Javier as he sat back, setting the napkin on the table. The woman folded her hands and sat a bit straighter, exposing that her sundress was form fitting on the top, hugging her chest, while it looked like the bottom flowed out from under her bust, it had short sleeves that stopped short of her elbows and were similarly stained as his shirt was.
“I can be at times. The lasagna here is delicious. Thanks for wiping that for me.” He saw her move a non-existent piece of hair behind her ear, probably a nervous habit. “I haven’t seen you here before? Do you know Ms. Lucia?” She asked, drawing him back from watching her movements.
“Yes, I knew her from when I was little and she’s aquanitted with my father.” A sentence Javier never imagined saying, he’d found that he’s said it a times about several women his father knew. He found himself wondering if this is how people thought of him, in Columbia and when he was last in Loredo. Her brows furrowed, did she know his father too? Normally Chucho went for age appropriate women, this would be a first that his father had a lady friend in his age group.
“Is your father Mr. Chucho? I see him sometimes at the market a few times a month. I remember him because he always had his large white hat on and a big smile. You guys have the same mustache.” A loud giggle made her body bounce. Javier shook his head and smiled, but was still unsure if he liked being compared to his father or not.
He nodded adding, “I don’t know about the mustache though. Mine still has color.” Pena flashed a toothy smile as he watched her face soften after her laugh. “What’s your name cariño (dear)?” Javier took a few more swallows of his water before setting the empty glass down, licking the last of the water off his lips. He watched as she tilted her head, grinning.
“You haven’t told me yours yet you know, but because I’m nice and you did see me with a mouthful of pasta, I will answer. My name’s Luna, Luna Stevens. Given who your father is, I assume your last name is Peña?” She quipped and his eyebrow raised, she was a smart one, he liked that. He reached across the table again and held her hand.
“My name is Javier Peña. You come here often, Mrs. Stevens?” He asked, eliciting another laugh with his cheesy joke. She squeezed his hand when she answered.
“I do and it’s Ms. Stevens. Never been married, no children. You?”
“Almost was once, but never did. No children either.”
After establishing some very basic facts about each other, it took about an hour before Peña’s partner came looking for him and said they had to head back to the office. Javier frowned but duty called. He stood and so did Luna, she walked him to the door, stating that she also had to get back to work, she’d been gone for too long. Thankfully, it wasn’t so busy today so she’d be able to catch up. Before Peña could ask, she told him that it could be made up to her with a date and handed him her phone number and name on a napkin. She told him to keep it safe and Javier did. He stuck it in his front chest pocket so no sweat would get on it and called the number that night. They ended up talking for a few more hours and set up a date later that week.
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Back on Chucho’s porch…
“Hey old man! I’m here. You alright in there?” Javier walked into his father’s home, heading to the kitchen first to put the dish in the fridge and then went to the living room. He watched as his father had his hand in a jar of pickles, removing one and gave it a loud crunch.
“Hey hijo (son)! In here!” Chucho waved with his free hand and continued to chew the pickle before swallowing it and washing it down with some whiskey.
“You can’t be drinking that. It’s the middle of the day and didn’t the doctor tell you to back off a bit?” Javier chides him and takes the glass, downing the remainder of it. Chucho frowns.
“I’m an old man. Leave me be. It cleans out the pipes. Plus the pickles will wash it out too. Want one?” He offered and Javier declined, going back into the kitchen and pouring two glasses of water. He set one next to his father and sat in the chair across from him.
“This is your lunch, these pickles? I bought lasagna from Ms. Lucia, now you’re not gonna eat it.”
“I’ll still have room for the food. Don’t worry hijo. Plus I need to eat just a few more just to be ready for tonight. You should consider some of these. Maybe then I’ll see you married with children before I meet your mother again.” Chucho finished his current pickle and started another one pointing it at his son, “I know you’ll tell me no. But don’t tell me you haven’t thought about moving Luna into your house and making an honest woman out of her. Neither of you are spring chickens and these pickles have been better than those little blue pills they show on TV. Now I have two things I want from you hijo for the upcoming year: the first is to at least ask Luna to move in with you and second, is to Maria on a small road trip.”
Javier slumps back in the chair and covers his face, he is not having this conversation with father and he cannot take this seriously while he is eating pickles.
“Pop, I’m gonna go. You enjoy your pickles and I’ll be back later this week when you don’t have your hand in that jar, okay?” He stood up and left, sitting in his truck for a bit before driving back home. Luna was supposed to be stopping by tonight for dinner and a movie so he was going to straighten up the house and make some tamales and rice.
He would like to talk about what they’re future was going to look like. Had he still been in Columbia he’d be fine with having a life separate from the woman he was seeing. That was actually necessary both there and when dealing with the Cali cartel. Now he’s at peace, sort of, he was out of the DEA and now just keeping track of weird shit that happened with cows, horses and highways. It was boring, but a good boring that he welcomed along with something he never thought he’d have, a steady girlfriend and at this point, he felt she was a partner. Not in the same way Steve had been but someone who he could rely on, like when he got sick with whatever flu that was, she took a few days off to stay with him and take care of him. Maybe he pouted a little extra and got her to feed him a bit but he was sick and not feeling well and why can’t he be babied a little? Point is, Luna did it with only minimal teasing and even gave him a back massage too.
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Luna arrived at Javier's house at seven on the dot. He promised her dinner, a movie and knowing her Javi, they may make it to the bedroom or not. She brought some wine and chocolate cake that she had made the day before when she’d gotten home earlier. Javier wasn’t really one for sweets, but she could convince him of some red wine and cake after dinner. She knocked on the door and heard him yell that he was coming. Javier wore a light blue polo shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans. He didn’t have any socks on and she frowned, he’d just gotten over a cold not too long ago.
“Javier, where are your socks?” Luna asked as he took both bags that she had been carrying, while she held onto her purse. She was wearing a purple sundress that had a deep V in the front and was complemented by her red lipstick and black ballet flats. Luna reached in her purse and pulled out a small bag when she had a small pair of slippers. She made a point to put them on in the foyer so Javier would see.
“Bebita (baby girl) relax. I’ll go put something on my feet in a few. Let me take the wine and dessert out, then I’ll go set your overnight bag in the room.” He gave her a small kiss on her cheek, followed by one on her neck, purposely rubbing his mustache against her skin. That earned him a giggle from her and removed her frown. She entered the kitchen and removed the cake, wine and a gift she had gotten from Chucho earlier in the week. The elder had told her that his son loves them so she figured she would bring them over and Javi would eat them later. They don’t quite go with the tamales they were going to eat tonight.
Javier returned to the kitchen and saw an abomination of his counter, Luna was dishing up their plates and turned to her boyfriend confused by the look of anger on his face. “Javi? Javier? What’s wrong? I normally dish up the plates.” Shaking his head, he stomped over and picked up the jar, shaking it.
“This! These damn things! Why are they here? Did you bring them?” Peña screamed and Luna was taken aback, never in their two years together had this happened. Sure she’s seen him pissed but never yelling. Setting down the plates, she crossed her arms and tilted her head.
“Javier Peña. Why are you yelling at me right now? Are you really yelling at me about pickles?” She questioned, confused as to why pickles of all things would set him off.
For the last few weeks, Chucho has been preaching to Javier about the merits and blessing of pickles both for health and in the bedroom. He needed no help in either place he assured him, but then he would talk about marriage and for Javi not be scared of it. It’s a good thing, obviously Luna is not Lorraine. She’s not trying to trick you into anything. Hell, he’d never heard the woman say the words marriage, bride, wedding or engagement. On the same token, because it’s never been talked about, it also felt like he could never bring it up.
“I just need these out of my house Luna. I can’t look at them.” He set the jar down as they both looked at it. “Lo siento mi amor (I’m sorry my love). My father keeps talking about what his magical pickles can do for him and mar-marinating them.” Javier embraced Luna and she wrapped her arms around his back, she took a step back to look at him.
“Your father only marriantes meat Javier. What else does Chucho speak to you about? What aren’t you telling me Javi?” She asked, knowing him well enough that when he sucks on his bottom lip like that, he’s holding back something. Javier sighed and released her, starting to pace with his hands behind his head.
“You stand there and accuse me, but where were you at the time?” He fired back.
“That makes no sense, you have lunch with your father twice a week, while I’m at work. How would I be-”
“I mean after work, before work and on weekends. You’re not here. You’re at your apartment and he might not keep bugging me about marriage and kids if you were here with me in my house. We’re going to go into another year without talking about it.” Javier has let it all out, though angrily instead of calm and over dinner like he planned. Fucking pickles. He snuck a glance at them before looking back at a bewildered Luna.
“So, your father, bugging you about getting married and having children, is my fault because I haven’t moved in with you? Javier, I am a woman in her late thirties living in Texas! You don’t think I hear that weekly and sometimes daily, especially this time of year!” Luna yelled back, Javier took a few steps to the left, placing the kitchen island between him and his girlfriend. She pressed her palms into the island and exhaled. “What do you want Javi? Do you want to marry me? Do you even want children? We’ve never talked about this. I’d been nervous to bring it up because I don’t really care either way.” Luna’s voice softened, “I’m just happy to be with you Javier. Do we need to do all those other things?”
Peña cleared his throat and walked over to Luna, kissing her forehead and took her hands in his, “Mi amor, I’m so sorry. I love you too and I don’t need anything else. Never really thought about having them to be honest. I do know I would like to wake up to you without seeing that damn overnight bag in the corner of the bedroom.” The pair raised their hands together and laughed again, making their way back over to the food, dishing it up and sitting down at the table. After finishing dinner, they popped open the wine and cut up a few slices of cake. Luna brought over the jar of pickles to watch ‘The Last Seduction’ Javier squinted his eyes at the jar as she set it on the coffee table.
“I figured since it made us have a serious conversation, sort of. The pickles could join. Maybe there’s something to what Chucho says.” Luna chuckled as she curls up in Javi’s arms and he leans his head back on the couch.
“You, my father and these damn pickles. As soon as you doze off during this movie, I’m tossing them. Don’t accept any more pickles from Pop. he needs to keep them over on his ranch.” Taking a sip of the wine, Javier started the move and kissed Luna’s shoulder.
He cut his eyes at the pickles again - fucking magic pickles. Javier would never tell his father that the old man may have been onto something.
Admirers of Javier’s pouty lips 👄 :
@fhatbhabie @morallyinept @pedritapascal @pascalsanctuary @nissaimmortal @grogusmum @tinytinymenace @beefrobeefcal @goodwithcheese @megamindsecretlair @movievillainess721 @pedrodascal @theywhowriteandknowthings @trulybetty @perotovar @joelslegalwhre @josephquinnswhore @mandoisapunk @secretelephanttattoo @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @sin-djarin @maggiemayhemnj @seratuyo @sp00kymulderr @intoanotherworld23 @linzels-blog @joelmillers-whore @guelyury @laurfilijames @missladym1981 @pamasaur @alltheglitterandtheroar @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @rhoorl @yorksgirl @maggiemayhemnj @saturn-rings-writes @gwendibleywrites @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @undercoverpena @musings-of-a-rose @soft-persephone @katw474 @javierpena-inatacvest @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @magpiepills @handspunyarns @i-own-loki @papipascaaaal
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mybiasisexo · 5 months ago
For the drabble game can I request 13 + 34 with Chanyeol?
And yes I am using this to hold me over until the next chapter of Entangled drops cuz I love the way you write that man🥴🥴
Comfort 🏡
Genre: Slice of Life (?) | nonidol!au | Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader Length: 1k Warnings: Sexual Themes
a/n: You wanted this drabble to hold you for entangled and yet I took just as long to post it 😔 im so sorry 😔
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The last month of your life has been the most difficult you’ve ever experienced.  
Your childhood pet passing away was the first domino to fall. Then you got fired from your job, and the final nail in the coffin was discovering your boyfriend of two years was cheating on you. With all that terrible news weighing you down, you decided to take a long vacation to properly heal or else you’d go insane.
For two weeks, you were going to isolate yourself in the most calming place you knew: a fancy beach house your best friend, Park Chanyeol’s family owned. You’d spent many summers there, so it rang nostalgic.
You should’ve known Chanyeol would pop up eventually.
You made his mother promise not to tell him, but that lady could never keep a secret.
You were crying on the couch when the door unlocked and your best friend came tumbling in. You both froze at the sight of the other.
Blinking away your tears, you checked your phone for the time. “What are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night.”
“Come on,” he said, dropping his overstuffed bag onto the ground with a heavy thud before joining you on the couch. “There’s no way I’m letting you enjoy the beautiful scenery alone.”
You understood what he really meant. He wasn’t going to let you suffer by yourself. You gave him a weak smile, touched, and immediately broke down again. Chanyeol wasted no time wrapping you into his arms, comforting you the best he could.
The next few days, Chanyeol kept you busy. He forced you out into the water, made you fish and surf until you were exhausted. He’d cook for you, and on days that he felt you could handle it, would take you into town to eat. Nights were rough. Everytime he’d check on you, he’d find you crying. By the fifth night, he simply went to bed with you and held you tightly, as if the pressure could squeeze out your grief.
It was his affection that drove you into his arms in a different way. You just wanted someone to care for you, and he was exactly what you needed at that moment. On the ninth day, you hooked up. It happened suddenly. One moment he was cutting fruit, retelling random memories you both shared within the home you currently sat in, the next he had you pinned against the counter, kissing you like he’d longed to do it for years.
The two of you created a small little world where only you both existed. There were no rules, no consequences. That safety lowered your inhibitions, erased all pretenses and allowed you to love each other in a way you’d never had before without shame.
But you had to go back to the real world eventually.
That fact dawned on you on the last night at the beach house. The two of you spent it the same way you’d spent the last few days: playing in the water, having sex in the shower, eating lunch while half dressed, sleeping together again on the couch. You’d pretty much christened the whole house by that point. A part of you felt bad for his parents.
Dinner was when it grew awkward. Neither of you really knew how to bring up what happened next. To be honest, you weren’t sure what you wanted once you left here.
But as you watched Chanyeol play with his food, you realized that it was him. He was what you wanted. But you weren’t sure how much of this was real to him, and how much of it was him selflessly giving whatever he could to make you feel better. If it was the latter, you felt guilty knowing that he cared so much for you he’d give himself away like that.
“We leave tomorrow,” he finally broke the silence to say.
Your heart plummeted at the reminder. “Yeah.”
You could feel him watching you, but you were too much of a coward to meet his stare. 
“Do you feel any better?” He asked.
“I do,” you said, and you meant it. His presence healed you more than you think he’d ever know. You needed this trip, needed him. Finally, you met his gaze. “Thank you. For everything.”
He nodded his acceptance. “I’m glad to be of service.”
He threw you a small grin that didn’t reach his eyes. You didn’t like that. Didn’t like the pain he attempted to hide from reducing himself to that.
“Look,” you started. “What happened between us–”
“Don’t worry about it,” he brushed off. You frowned. “You were craving comfort. I get it. We can pretend it never happened. Go back to being just friends.”
“I don’t want to go back to how we used to be,” you confessed. His head jerked back in surprise. “I want more. I want you.”
“You do?” He asked hesitantly.
You nodded. “I do. I want to be with you, Chanyeol.”
He swallowed thickly and looked away from you. You swore he started blinking back tears.
“Is that okay?” You asked.
He coughed a laugh. “That’s more than okay. I…I want this too. I just didn’t want to push you when you were in a vulnerable spot.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his explanation. “That’s exactly why I love you.”
His head snapped back at that. “L–love me?”
You chuckled, embarrassment painting your face red. “Ah….”
“I love you too,” he said in a rush. A pleased yet teasing smile splitting his face. “God, I’ve wanted to tell you that for a long time.”
You laughed again, giddy from his confession. You stood up and walked over to him. He pushed his chair back, sinking into it and spreading his legs for you to stand between.
You cupped his face in your hands and searched his expression. He did the same to you, both finding the love you never thought you’d ever outwardly express to the other.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “For being here for me. For taking care of me. For…for loving me. Thank you, Park Chanyeol.”
He smiled gently and reached up to wipe a few stray tears that fell without your knowledge. “Any time.”
His hand went to the back of your neck, bringing you down to kiss you. This kiss was different from the others. It was slow. A promise. The start of a new beginning.
You knew coming to this house was a good idea, because by the end of your trip, you were properly healed.
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theshittymarimo · 10 months ago
New Kings
Chapter Two: Black Leg Sanji Fandom: One Piece Summary: Moments of endings, and victory. And the beginnings of legends. Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Sanji had always imagined that if he was going to die, it would be for a lady – probably a pretty one. Preferably for a noble cause, perhaps shielding her from a villain’s attack, and fading away with a last kiss on his lips from the weeping damsel…
Instead, there was a little snotty boy, hardly older than the time when Sanji had escaped from his own family all those years ago.
Only a couple of hours earlier, Sanji had been busy preparing food for the restaurant’s next day of service. His boat restaurant was floating around All Blue, miles away from any land, so he hadn’t expected to hear anyone. Yet, suddenly, he heard a coughing sound from outside.
Frowning, Sanji emerged to find a child lying face down on the deck in a thin pool of ocean water. He blinked in surprise as the redhaired boy coughed up half a lung, looking like he had swum there, but Sanji knew that it was impossible. Worried that he would have a dead child on his hands, Sanji crouched and grabbed the boy’s neck to lift him up from the floor.
“Put me down!! You fucker, let me go!” the boy suddenly shouted, furiously kicking around him and at Sanji everywhere he could reach.
“Well, you’re going to survive”, Sanji remarked dryly, raising an eyebrow before letting the boy go. The boy immediately collapsed onto the floor, glaring up at him. Sanji smirked, he was suddenly reminded of several people he had met earlier in the past, himself not excluded.
Panting the boy continued to glare but quickly looked around.
“Where am I?” he asked suspiciously.
“At my restaurant”, Sanji answered simply, lighting a cigarette. “Your turn, where did you come from?”
“… A boat”, the boy answered, shooting him a glare. Sanji couldn’t help but grin; the brat was sharp.
However, a loud gurgling noise erupted from the boy’s stomach. Flustered, he shot Sanji a glare but said nothing.
“I’ve got some food”, Sanji offered. When the boy glared even harder at him, he continued, “I was about to give it to the fish around here, but they can fend for themselves.”
“You feed the fish?” the boy asked, confused.
Sanji grinned as he explained to the boy that it made fishing easier when he needed it when they knew to expect food from his boat as he went into the restaurant and the boy cautiously followed. Before the boy knew it, Sanji had placed a large portion of food in front of him at the counter. It was actually supposed to be Sanji’s lunch, but the boy hardly needed to know that.
At first suspicious still, the boy tasted the food doubtfully, but his eyes widened at the taste, and soon he was eating enthusiastically. He still kept a furious eye on Sanji, but the cook decided to resume his work while the boy ate. He was curious about how a little boy like him had arrived there but decided that it could wait.
However, Sanji got the answer quicker than expected. Soon, he heard voices from outside, loud and furious voices talking about their search for something – or someone, Sanji thought and glanced at the boy, who paled. The boy was shaking as he glanced back at Sanji, the fear in his eyes made Sanji react before he had time to think.
Quickly, he ushered the boy behind the counter to hide him and gave him a look to stay quiet. The boy seemed to understand and nodded, despite that Sanji could see that he was terrified of the voices outside.
The owners of the voices soon walked into the restaurant and looked around while they talked loudly. Sanji looked over them and recognized them as a brutal group of pirates who had been looting and kidnapping those travelling to see the mysterious All Blue. Sanji didn’t like them.
The captain of the group smirked, clearly taking him for a simple lone cook, before he attempting to sound smooth as he explained that he was looking for a boy. When he described the boy hiding next to Sanji’s feet, Sanji knew he wouldn’t let this go.
It was simply bad luck that Sanji was alone that day; he had given the staff the day off. And there was someone with a poison devil fruit on the pirate crew.
The pirates soon realized exactly whom they had encountered, but despite this, they refused to give up. At least Sanji made sure that the pirates wouldn’t continue to terrorize All Blue, or return to harm the boy.
The boy who now showed up above him as he was lying on the floor in a growing pool of blood, surrounded by the bodies of the pirate group. The growing horror in the boy’s eyes sparked a flare of fury.
“Why did you do that?!”
Sanji would’ve laughed if he could. How nostalgic.
“Listen”, Sanji told him, struggling to speak as he could feel the poison spread in his body. “In the kitchen, there’s a snail … You can use it … call the number on the freezer… They will help you.”
There was no pretty damsel. Just a furious boy shedding tears. However, Sanji couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t so bad either.
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alavestineneas · 2 years ago
Nothing we can do
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pairing: Finnick Odair x fem!reader
summary: Finnick Odair hates everything about the Capitol and has every right to do so. But what if there was someone who made it a little more complicated?
warnings: mentions of rape, typical hunger games violence
chapter 1 -> chapter 2 -> chapter 3
''Mister Odair, what a pleasure seeing you in such a cheerful spirit! I hope I don't ruin it with my presence, will I?''
Finnick wanted nothing more than to agree with a man, but instead, he politely smiled. ''Never, President Snow.''
''That's good news. I've noticed you made friends with Miss Y/N.'' A white-haired man lifted a glass from a tray, studying a weirdly coloured liquid inside. ''Such a remarkable young lady. Very bright, and might I as well add, very favoured amongst the suitors.''
Finnick did not understand where Snow was going with this, but it promised nothing good for him or Y/N. He wasn't that naive to even hope they could keep this a secret, but it wasn't that evident. Besides, Snow still got his money. Then what was it?
''You see, Mister Odair, Miss Y/N managed to catch the eye of our new military commander - such a sweet couple they are. Now, Mister Odair, we don't want anybody getting in the lovers' way, do we?''
''No, President Snow.'' Finnick felt the air leaving his chest. This punishment was clever, he must admit. Still keeping both of them around but reminded of their place. It was cruel. In the best traditions of the Capitol.
''Good. You are a smart man, Finnick. I trust you to make the right decision.'' The President implied their short exchange was over.
The solution was quite simple - Y/N is marrying the man, and Finnick keeps himself as far as possible. It should be easy. They are not even lovers, just acquaintances. If that is true, however, Finnick's hands wouldn't tremble as much as they do now. He was in love with a dumb lonely girl from the Capitol, and now he had to let her go.
He was invited to the wedding, of course. It might have been Y/N's idea or the President's order - either way he was stuck drinking cocktails and chatting with a bunch of assholes while they all waited for the lover birds to appear.
A tremendous garden was filled with live music and laughter. The wedding was lavish: fountains of chocolate, crates of fresh fruits, names of which Finnick could not pronounce, expensive meat and fish, literal pools of champagne and wine. It isn't something she would have chosen, he thinks. But then, does he really know?
The first notes of a famous melody hit the guests' ears - they hurriedly took their seats, aligned in neat rows. The first to walk down the decorated aisle was the groom. A man in his thirties in a functional but high-class suit walked quickly. He was everything you expect from a soldier - serious and cold eyes, lean figure and short hair. The man looked nothing like people here, so Finnick assumed he wasn't from around here, probably from District 2.  
Then, she appeared. Beautiful white wedding gown, with red gemstones covering her shoulders and descending onto the neckline. From afar, Finnick assumed it was made to resemble fire. But when she moved closer, he realised. The gemstones were droplets of blood. People caught that too, judging from a few gasps in the crowd. Y/N smiled at them, a knowing look in her eyes. The goodbye look.
It hurt, Finnick noted with slight amazement. Watching her kiss a stranger instead of him. What hurt more were her tears, which many falsely assumed were happy. Finnick did not miss how her now husband grabbed her forearm in anger or how her mother tried to cover her sobs in Mr.'s Y/L/N shoulder.
''We have two minutes. He promised me he'll kill me if I ever spoke to you again. And I believe him.''
''No, Derek. They say he turned his ex-wife into the avox. Can you believe that?'' Y/N chuckled, but Finnick knew better. She was scared.
''Snow also made it very clear that we can't speak again.''
Y/N nodded. ''I guess it is for the best.''
He wanted to say more: to comfort her, to say that it'll be alright, to say that he loves her. But it would make no difference, only give them something they can never afford to have - hope.
Y/N seemed to understand that too. ''Try to stay alive, Finnick. It suits you.''
The month changed quickly after that. Quite frankly, Finnick lost count of them a long time ago. Nothing new. Same faces, same duties, the same fake smiles and a small voice in his head.
The voice that slowly poisoned his mind. The voice that woke him up at night and haunted him in the daytime. Telling him that he is a coward, that there was a choice, he was just not brave enough to make it.
When the Quarter Quell was announced Finnick thought he might be going insane. He had not slept all night, preferring to stare into the relentless ocean. It has calmed him before, but not this time. Finnick was sure that he isn't seeing this water again - Snow will have him in that damn arena, and the chances of getting out were even smaller than before.
It was like a fever dream - reaping, interviews, countless photoshoots. It felt bitter but, at the same time, very familiar. He did not have to bother to attract sponsors or build a good image for the Capitol - years of work before came in handy. Finnick was left with a week of existence before his death. Very generous.
A few visits to his most generous sponsors. An hour or two. A pretty smile here and a moan there. Nothing of the unusual kind. Some cried, and some assured they will be doing everything possible to get him back. If Finnick could, he would laugh right in their atrociously painted faces.
The last client for today. A huge hotel with hundreds of rooms, very acquainted to Finnick. Golden doors, luxurious lobby. Room 23, the door to the right. He knocked and opened it without bothering to wait.
''Missed me, fisher boy?'' Y/N and her luminous dress. Finnick quickly shortened the distance between them, embracing the woman in a hug. She smelled sweet, with a hint of sourness - probably the healing cream.
''You have no idea.''
She chuckled in his chest. Finnick thought that this is how he would like to go - in her arms. He quickly lost the idea when she started speaking.
''We have an hour, then he'll find out. I am so sorry about the Games, but I won't be able to help you. Derek can't stand even your face in the magazine. Such an insecure asshole he is.''
Y/N looked up at him, a storm of feelings in her eyes taking Finnick's breath away.  And then he did something he never thought he would - he kissed her.
It was thorough and shamelessly hearty, nothing like the usual kissing he has done. Hell, she was not even his client - she was the woman he loved, the woman that he so desperately wanted to be his. Finnick felt her tilting her head to the right, pulling away.
''Don't,'' he mumbled, bringing her closer.
''You know you don't have to do it, right? You owe me nothing, Finnick.''
''But I want to. I want you. If you'll have me.''
Finnick felt Y/N's hands on his neck, pulling him in for another, much rougher, almost bruising kiss. They have an hour.
Salty waves touched his feet, bringing a burning sensation to the cuts and blisters - they will heal faster that way. The hot daytime sun was finally setting, allowing a few moments of peace in the blood-soaked arena.
Mags was already dead - it was absurd to think she had a chance to survive, as much as Finnick wanted to believe that. He will mourn her if he ever gets out of here.
The one thing occupying his mind was the birds, jabberjays. Finnick couldn't allow himself to believe another lie - Y/N was probably dead or on the verge of dying. He hoped she had gone quickly and without much pain, although judging from her cries, it was far from that.
Even if she was still alive, the first thing when the rebellion breaks out will be her torture. Finnick had sacrificed her for the revolution, for the future. And still, the thought of her eyes haunted him at night. Y/N will be dead now or later; for supporting the rebellion or being on the other side of it, and he sentenced her.
Finnick hopes she forgives him. He wishes they had met in another life - Finnick can almost hear Y/N's cheerful laugh and her soft hands holding his face. ''I love you,'' she says, and for once, it sounds happy, not bitter.
He will do his task - Finnick will get the lovebirds out alive. But then, he will make her a nice grave. They will be together. Y/N wanted to see District 4, his home. It will be her home too.
The plan worked. Katniss was on the hovercraft. The rebellion has started. Finnick tried to focus on what Haymitch was telling although in vain. It felt real now, the deaths of people he loved. The Capitol took the ones left - Finnick wished he could call them dead.
The door to the room opened, and Plutarch spoke.
''Took you long enough. We were almost getting bored, you know?''
Finnick glanced at the man in irritation. How could he say that? The fire girl lost more in that arena than Heavensbee could imagine.
''Plutarch, I suppose being away from the Snow's grasp helped you lose your manners? I can still have your tongue, so don't get too comfortable."
Finnick's head shot up at the sound of a familiar voice. It couldn't be.
But, there she stood. Y/N. Without her extravagant clothes and vibrant makeup, in a simple grey jumpsuit, she looked much younger.
''Finnick, this is Y/N Y/L/N, although I believe you have met before.''
He did not listen. Finnick embraced the woman, feeling Y/N's hands gripping his torso. She was here. Alive. Breathing and muttering something in his ear. He did not detect it at first, so caught up in his emotions.
''Finn, I love you, but I can't breathe.''
Y/N let out a burst of shaky laughter as Finnick instantly let her go, feeling a slow smile growing on his face.
They made it.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years ago
Another great update! 🫶🏻 Joan and Harold were absolutely hysterical. Do they meet Kate and Anthony again on another flight? I bet Joan would be elated to learn that they are together. Actually, Anthony should thank her because Joan told him first to tell Kate about his feelings. Even though, at that time, he hadn't thought he had any feelings towards Kate.
That’s one of the reasons I wanted to introduce Joan and Harold, apart from the fact that if this was happening on my flight I’d be obsessed with it. I love hearing the flight attendants gossip amongst themselves. Don’t know anyone that they’re talking aboutI just want to know 389% of everything going on.
But imagine Anthony seeing Joan file onto the flight, Harold in tow and Anthony sees his chance. He picks up the phone, calling the cockpit and snatching Edwina’s wrist as she passes to hold her in place.
“Everything alright babe?”
Anthony ignored the flutter in his chest at the endearment, “This could have been anyone, Captain Sharma, I’m appalled.”
“If you’re holding me here while you flirt with my sister, I’ll knee you in the balls.” Edwina hissed, “The love of my life is marrying someone else!”
Anthony waved her off as Kate chuckled, “Literally no one else ever calls me before we even take off. Do you want me to whisper in your ear Mr Bridgerton?”
“I just wondered if you wanted to have some fun this flight?”
Kate chuckled, “Quick reminder, honey, that Sophie can hear you asking me to meet you in the first class bathroom.”
“Not like that.” Anthony rolled his eyes, “Your sister’s trying to knee me in the balls.”
“He’s torturing me!”
“Just… make up something to be angry at me about in your announcement and I’ll do the rest.” Anthony rolled his eyes, jerking his head in the direction of 4D where Joan had seated herself. Edwina’s eyes lit up and she sighed.
“Finally something good happening.”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something.” Kate chuckled. “Okay, I have to fly this thing, the tower’s yelling in Sophie’s ear. Love you.”
“Yeah, me too.” Anthony hung up the phone, turning to Edwina, “Go for your life.”
Edwina slammed shut one of the drawers. “Anthony, honestly! You can’t just play with people’s lives like this! She really cares about you!”
“Oh my god, Harold! It’s them!”
Anthony bit back a grin and sighed, “It’s really complicated, Edwina!”
“It’s not! Sort yourself out!” And she strode off down the aisle clutching a blanket.
anthony watched Joan’s eyes following him intently as he strapped himself in for take off and he almost saw her jump out of her seat with excitement when Kate’s voice crackled over the PA
“Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman this is Captain Kate Sharma from the flight deck. Sitting to my right I have the lovely, if not slightly in denial First Officer Sophie Beckett and We’ll be taking you through to Singapore today. In the cabin today we’ve got an excellent crew, my sister Edwina who’s looking for a rebound, any eligible ladies please present yourself to Cabin manager, Anthony Bridgerton. Anthony who has refused to go to my Mother’s birthday party this weekend, even though he knew how hurtful that would be. And he never picks up his underpants!
Anthony hid his smile as he prepared the drinks trolley and Joan let out a loud gasp. “Ugh She wants more from the relationship! Harold!”
“Why are you so invested in this?!”
Mary’s birthday had been last week actually, he’d arrived with his arm around Kate’s shoulders and sat side by side with her Poppy all night.
“She’s a good girl, Anthony. I promised her Appa I’d look out for her when he passed away. But I don’t need to protect her from you, do I?”
“No Mr Sharma, Absolutely not.”
As the flight wore on Joan watched him more and more closely as Edwina nudged him viciously down the aisle with her cart.
“You’re laying it on a little thick.” Anthony hissed
“Chicken or Fish?” Edwina smiled at Joan who was watching them carefully. She turned back to Anthony, “Anthony here will get you a drink! Careful though, he likes promising people exactly what they want and then not following through!”
“Edwina, I told you before: It’s not that I don’t want to meet your Mum!”
“You won’t even admit that her son is yours!”
A collective gasp went through the passengers closest and Joan took a shuddering breath. “Oh there’s a child involved.”
There’s a corgi puppy involved, Anthony sighed internally, Who keeps chewing my shoes.
“That’s very complicated, Edwina!”
It was clear that Joan was hanging around again, at the end of the flight, watching them closely as they packed away the meal services and went about the rest of the flight and finally, Anthony felt it was time for the big moment.
He snatched up the phone and cleared his throat as the PA crackled on.
“Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen! This is a message for Captain Kate Sharma.”
He could see Joan throw her headphones off, leaning forward in her seat.
“Kate, I love you! I love you, and I know that Newton’s my son, I don’t care what your Auntie says, I’m not too short for you! I love you!”
The cockpit door swung open dramatically and Kate appeared, her eyes dancing with delight as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
“Very dramatic.” Kate whispered against his lips as Joan erupted into applause. “Guess you’re stuck with me now.”
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black-grulla · 1 year ago
this is going to be an incredibly long post, so prepare your fine asses.
Éste va a ser un post increíblemente largo, así que preparen sus buenos ortos.
This post is going to reflect my first(? Impression about the Donquixote Family. But mostly is going to be them reminding me of other people/characters. // Éste post va a reflejar mi primera (? Impresion acerca de la Familia Donquixote. Pero más que nada va a ser ellos haciéndome recordar a otras personas/personajes.
Donquixote Doflamingo (the Joker).
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Yup, that's it. Mostly because i knew Doffy like, a long time ago (2 years) and sincerely this is a popular neuron connection that i agree with.
2. Donquixote Rocinante/ Cora-san (Corazón)
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Yup, BRO LITERALLY THEY PUT A COMPILATION OF CORAZÓN'S FALLS, and of course has to remind me of Condorito.
3. Diamante
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4. Pica.
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The same as with the man from above; Taurus Aldebaran is in the same fucking pose. I actually was surprised, because i was kinda doubtful with this; then i'm watching and yup. I also laughed as a singer i am when Zoro called him "idiot with soprano voice"
5. Trebol.
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Nothing to say, just, disgusting. Bring me someone who likes this man.
6. Giolla
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Matilda's mom and Giolla has the same vibe, like, look at them; almost the same pallette.
7. Viola/Violet.
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La Rosalia
8. Sugar
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Honestly i couldn't find anyone that reminded me of Sugar, but @callmekui cooperated and told me that she reminds him of Qiqi. I don't know why tho.
9. Lao G
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Seriously, that woman has a lot of strength.
10. Machvise
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When i saw his tail i immediately thought in Mario with his leaf power up costume. Then the whole thing is a mexican fighter.
11. Señor Pink
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Oda has a lot of mafia characters, there's even an episode of the straw hats being an italian mafia look a like. I was sure i saw another mafia guy who looked like Señor Pink..
12. The bitch- i mean Dellinger.
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I saw another picture of a fish with lady legs, but Darwing fits perfectly. Kokichi was a character that @callmekui compared with. Is a mixture.
13. Buffalo.
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Look at me in my eyes. I know what you are. ( Latins are going to laugh so hard at this.)
14. Baby 5.
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Again, look at me in my eyes, and tell me they're not the same.
15. Gladius.
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Bro. After this motherfucker appeared, i was happy with two Shinzos. The only difference is that this one has not telekinetic power (i think, I'm not sure anymore) and that's when Bakugou appears.
16. Monet.
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Sorry, i didn't like her so much. I wanted to punch her in the face.
17. Vergo (first Corazon, wow)
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Okay this is a funny one. The man is Bad Bunny, a Reggaeton singer. And it's mostly a Spanish joke; his name. Vergo, if we put the a in the end is verga, and verga in Spanish means cock. There you go english people. AND YOUNGER VERGO LOOKED LIKE A REGGAETONERO WITH THAT FUNGUS CUT LIKE, LOOK AT THIS;
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theodoraflowerday · 5 months ago
heartstopper s3e3 live episode reaction
omg the beginning of this episode with nick like the first episode of the past two seasons w charlie
bro it makes me *so* happy that imogen is now hanging out with the girls too like yeah babygirl get yourself a nice group of friends
she's so right I want them to be engaged by breaktime let them get married please
my lil baby boys who LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!!! THEY SAID ILY!!!!!!!!
oh they're just. full on making out then. huh.
i love how you can see the progression of their relationship, physicality wise. like that's two people who will be going at it raw and nasty in a few episodes
they're holding hands under the desk I want them to die
oh nick's following the whole plan he made with auntie diane I'm gonna sob
god charlie's making me so anxious idk how I'm gonna do it next episode
LNDLSKFLSFJSLFJ we get it elleargentupdates
but also "you two need to get a life" same isaac
oh yeah the rules. the ocd. that's also massively important. oh lord
oh nick's not gonna gossip is he
ok, trying to mentally prepare for this
oh okay that wasn't bad thank god
oh he fell asleep :(
"I love you" "aw I love you too" I'm gonna rip my tits off perhaps
AW I WISH I HAD A BOYFRIEND HSKFJSKFJDKFJ ME TOO JAMES not the boyfriend part, the general feeling of loneliness part
JAMES NO LMAOOOOOOOO someone save isaac from all these allos
ARE YOU AROMANTIC oh my god james I could KISS YOU
im not used to hearing the word "aromantic" so many times it's really starting to feel overwhelming
oh is the wrapping a compulsion? I see it
also friendly reminder that I would kill a man for victoria spring
tori's older sister magic working overtime huh
bro if one (1) nicktori scene has me in *shambles* idk how I'm gonna cope during this winter
time to reunite the meddling gays? please? for me?
I LIVE for established relationship narlie please god let us keep this energy
darcy questioning being called a "lady" oh I am getting fed from EVERY angle this season
tao no
lmao not [imogen humming nonchalantly] jskgjdkgjdkgj me
I love that imogen can just be like "oh yeah I used to be into nick" with her whole friend group that includes nick and the love of nick's life
sahar we GET IT you don't wanna hear about imogen's boyfriends we get it
elle calling tao out on his bullshit is so good we love elle
god. will gao is a national treasure
oh my god nick should grow up and be a therapist honestly
"I don't think we're talking about fish anymore" yeah honestly darcy we kinda got that
oh he's tired, baby boy :(
god tao I love you but you come on SO STRONG sometimes oh my god
"cause he can barely talk to ME about it" bro 😭😭😭😭😭
those casual I love yous are going to destroy me
oh that was absurdly precious
"oh wow it's wrapped very neatly" haha yeah..... about That........
I KNEW the sneak peek cut right before nick said "I love you" I KNEW IT oh my god
bro if they say ily one more time I might genuinely end it all
yeah, speaking about ending it all
god if they don't shower them with awards after this I'm gonna petrol bomb every academy
Oh he's gonna read it
oh well
that was a thousand times worse than I anticipated
like, a MILLION times worse than I anticipated
oh my god
and it's only gonna get worse I can't deal with this
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reccyls · 1 year ago
Sengoku Cat Cafe (3rd party characters edition)
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This is a translation of the bonus cat POV (!!!) stories that are from the castle gacha I got the above image from. There are 3 stories:
3rd party (starring Funiko ≽^•⩊•^≼, a cute little black kitten)
Kasugayama (starring Joururi /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ, a classy calico lady)
Azuchi (starring Kabutomaru /ᐠ ˃ ⤙ ˂ マ Ⳋ, a tough and proud tuxedo boy)
3rd party faction story
(This is a tea shop near Sakai port. Funiko's new home.) (The grandpa who owns this shop just adopted me.) (I'm this shop's maneki-neko, I guess? Anyway, it's time to work today!)
Kicho: I knew it. So this was the store Mai was talking about.
(Ah, it's Mr. Merchant!) (Funiko remembers him from last time, when he came with one of his subordinates.)
Funiko: Meow.
Kicho: ...You look like you're doing well.
(Now that I look closer, he looks like a kind person...)
Motonari: ! What are you doing here... Don't tell me you were taking her seriously...
Kicho: ...Isn't that what you're doing here yourself?
(Hmmm? 'Her'? Who do they mean? What are they talking about?)
Kennyo: This is the place she was talking about... Ah.
Motonari: You too, huh.
Kicho: We're bothering the other guests. Let's head inside first.
Kennyo: It does seem quite crowded, true.
Motonari: There's only one empty table back there.
Kicho: We've got no choice, then. We'll sit together.
Motonari: A "cat cafe", huh. The hell's so good about a place like this anyway...
(Eep, this person is a little scary, maybe...)
Kicho: Motonari, you're scaring the kitten. Don't be too forceful. You have to pet her gently.
Motonari: Hah? Don't tell me what to do.
Kennyo: Come here... There, there, that's a good girl.
Funiko: Mew...
(Ah, there, that spot on my neck, ahhh... He knows all of the best scratching spots...)
Owner: It's just about time for her to eat, so would you like to try feeding her?
(Yay, it's fish time! Funiko loves fish time!)
Motonari: She sure got a dopey look on her face all of a sudden. Reminds me of a certain someone...
(Ahh... He can smile like that too, huh. I wonder who he's talking about?)
Kicho: Pay no mind to Motonari. Come, eat.
Motonari: Heh, smart kid. 'Course she's running to the person holding the spoon.
Funiko: Mya, myaaa!
Kicho: Take it easy. If you eat that fast, you're going to choke.
Kicho: Good girl.
(Phew... now that I'm full, I'm getting sleepy...) (...That looks soft...)
Funiko: Meow, meow...
Motonari: What's she doing, stepping all over my cape?
Kicho: It's called kneading. I've heard that cats engage in such behavior when they feel at ease.
Motonari: ...Wasn't she scared of me a minute ago?
(Ahh, this kimono feels really nice.)
Kennyo: Cats are cautious creatures by nature... but this little one is still a baby. Kennyo: Perhaps she has perceived your true nature, and feels that she can trust you?
Motonari: ...The hell are you implying?
Kennyo: You like small animals, don't you?
Motonari: ...Who knows. Not like I love them.
(Small animals? So, like cats?) (Hmmmm.... sleepy........)
Kicho: ...She's asleep.
Motonari: Oi, don't sleep on that.
Kennyo: Motonari, leave her be.
Kicho: She'll wake up on her own eventually.
(I'm not scared anymore, good night...)
And so, curled up in a soft cape, Funiko had a very good nap.
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importantgalaxyrunaway · 2 years ago
The ring 💍 (finnick odair x y/n part 2)
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part one is called nightmares and is on my account
AUTHORS NOTE 📝: I’m so sorry I tried to make it longer I really did. I’m sick again but I really like this story. It’s short but I plan to put many chapters of it. Let me know what you think and please like I worked hard
CONTENTS: so much fluff 🍊
me and finnick were devastated when we heard the news. That one or both of us would have to go into the arena. I had more of a chance of being reaped than him. There are more male victors than female victors. But finnick tells me of his place and plan in the rebellion as we are walking on the beach. On the beach surely they are not listening.
releaf floods my face. I’m so happy I could cry. Yes, we still have to survive first but there is a chance that both of us could make it out of the arena. I breathe in the ocean breeze as I feel the wet sand under my feet. I still dreaded the possibility of going into that arena.
“y/n I want to ask you something” he says stops walking and turns to me. He gets down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket. It is beautiful and with a blue gem in the middle and diamonds on the side. He must have gotten it from someone in the capital. We all knew what a blue engagement ring means. Devotion and loyalty. That’s what we’ve been to each other. What we’re have always been to each other. Ever since we won our games. We have cared for each other. We alone know the horrors of the arena. At first we were just friends but then we became lovers. We have been together for almost 5 years now. But why would we be public about it? We have his reputation in the capital to uphold. But now, all bets are off.
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“If we get out of the games will you marry me? And if I die I want this ring to be a reminder of my love”
“yes! Yes!” I couldn’t believe it. I feel so happy I could burst. Finnick picks me up as spins me around happily smiling. When he stops I give him a long kiss. It’s soft and sweet yet full of compassion. He then puts the ring on my finger.
“I love you, I just want you to know that incase….” But I stop his thoughts with a kiss instead
“but promise me one thing. We are not keeping our relationship a secret anymore. Aren’t I as brave as katniss?”
He smiles like that was more he ever could have hoped for “your braver than katniss darling” he reaches up and caresses my cheek
“I’ll never take it off” I say as I intertwine my hands with him and we walk down the beach. I wish we could stay like this preminatly happy in each other’s company. But we both know that tomorrow is the reaping. I suppose that why he decided to propose now. In case it was to late later.
“Ladies first” I hear in a capital accent from our district escort. She fishes around the bowl and catches a slip of paper. “Y/n l/n” she reads aloud. I walk stiffly towards the microphone. Feeling the eyes of the whole district on me. She then reads out the slip of paper for the the male tribute
“Finnick odair”
that’s it. No going back, this rebellion plan better work or were both dead. But one thing was for sure, our love is true and we are not going to hide it anymore. Why couldn’t we be as brave as katniss and peeta? I wasn’t going to take this ring off. I would wear it into the arena as my token. From now on I am his and he is mine.
“Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor”
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severussnapedamagedlove · 7 months ago
Chapt 22: The Wrong Place
[feyd rautha harkonnen x OC] [Dune]
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These two gifs are the general vibe ❤❤
Here's a glance at the chapter⏬
Feyd ordered breakfast a second time in my chambers. The spread presented to me as my meal was equally disappointing as the first. I stared at a pair of bulged eyes atop a long scaly fish, pickled eggs, mushed bean paste, and a Harkonnen favorite, pickled eyes.
My stomach soured to the point of pain as I observed each selection.
“What is this that you have served me?” I scowled.
If he was still trying to amend the fracture in our relationship, this was not aiding him.
“Your staff used to serve you some of these things. To ensure you were healthy. Now that we know for sure, you should feed your body what it needs before it withers away. You are so small.”
“My staff did not feed me eggs or eyes, Feyd.”
“We had to be subtle then.”
My hands dropped the teacup to the table. “You have plotted with my staff.”
He shrugged. “It was more of a hint that you would be with child soon and to take extra care.”
Yet another reminder of his betrayal.
I begrudgingly ate the beans and eggs - though it was a struggle to swallow the egg once its chewy texture touched my tongue. The fish and eyes were pushed to him. My nose could not bear the smell. The idea of eating them was…unbearable.
“Just how long did you intend to hide this from me?” I questioned between swallows of cooked oats and grains. His eyes followed the motions of my utensils, which tempted my urge to yell.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re angry,” he marveled like a smitten puppy.
I frowned. “I do not feel beautiful when I feel like this. It’s disgusting and the only thing I want to do is make it disappear.”
“Good, isn’t it?”
Both of my hands slammed down.
“No. It’s not good, Feyd.” I shook my head. “How can you adore this emotion? I’m so sick and tired and feel slimey. Is this how you want to feel forever?”
He read my face for a moment, and the awe was promptly tucked away.
He propped a palm against the tabletop as he spoke. “Explain it to me.”
“If you don’t understand it-.”
“I don’t,” he interjected. “But I want to. I see it vexes you. That is not what I want to make you feel. I’m a man of pleasures.”
I rolled my eyes. Leave it to him to bring it back to that topic.
“I don’t need reminding,” I sighed.
“Your pleasures.” He smirked. “My lady is the only one I pleasure. Now tell me, why pain is not good? How does it feel to you? It is an agony to endure, but there is no sudden relief when it’s done that excites you?”
It was the only language he spoke.
But, that was pain he survived. Pain, he endured.
That high, I could understand. It was not for me.
But, with how little true connection he had to people, what did it matter if people were in pain? In fact, their pain meant only good things for him. He was rewarded, praised. As I considered it now, I saw how he associated killing someone as a task done to receive a reward.
Eventually, the rewards ran dry. The wants diminished, and the void still demanded feeding.
I knew that reality all too well.
A breath slipped through my pursed lips. Floods of fear - now loose from the containment I’d kept them locked away in for so long - injected into my blood. I felt its hot ice all throughout me. The desire to run, to scream, to close my eyes and pretend it all away.
Feyd deserved to learn it from someone. Even if it was too late to feel.
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irismfrost · 7 months ago
August 10 - Success?
Things may be turning around. I went to a specialized doctor this morning and told them I did not have insurance and they were okay with that. I think that they just charged me way more than they would if I didn't have insurance. Or maybe because they are probably a private practice. It was a strange and new experience, but Google Translate did me right. When I did the intake paperwork, I could not really understand much, but I tried to write some characters to help them understand what I was saying. The doctor spoke a little bit of English, but only medical words. I definitely still have a few questions, but at least now I have a plan of action, and some hope.
I was only gone for a little bit, so the very nice cleaning lady was still in my room so while I am waiting for her to finish, I decided to try for someone lunch. When I was going to the doctors office, I came across this little strip with lots of food, shops, and different things. I decided to go the other direction to explore and walked into this place with cool food pictures. As I am only one person, I got seated very quickly. I was not sure exactly what to expect because all I knew about this place was from the pictures, but I was pleasantly surprised. They serve something called "yaki" which is sort of a mix between a pancake, omelet, and scallion pancake. I got the cuttlefish version. They mix all of the ingredients right in front of you and then put it on the grill that's at the table. It reminded me a bit of hot pot in Taiwan; cuddle fish is also popular in Taiwan so I think it might be a regional thing. The guy poured the mix on my stove and told me to wait then came back and flipped it and told me to wait again. He eventually came back and put what I think was Japanese BBQ sauce and a yellowish mystery sauce on top. He of course asked me if I wanted them first; I just said yes because I'm trying to get the authentic experience. I ended up adding more mystery sauce at the end because it sort of disappeared towards the end after it was sitting in the grill for a while. It took me about an hour to eat it. I was satisfied at about halfway, I was full at about 2/3 of the way, and by the time I got to the end, I was so stuffed that eating more was a challenge. But, after my recent experience at the Buddhist temple, I have decided to try to eat all of the food in front of me. I try to do this at home too. My mom always scrapes her plate, like her plate looks clean. Almost like you took a plate out of the dishwasher but it didn't get cleaned all the way and there's still some grease on it type of clean. So, I am trying to get back to my roots. I also noticed about halfway through that everyone had these paper bibs on and realized I also got one and was just using it as a napkin. I'm honestly not sure why they have them out in the first place because it is not a messy meal, but I totally outed myself as a confused foreigner (as if I don't already look like one). It is a little strange to get so many stares. Even the waiters were watching me. They probably don't get a lot of young girls with light hair and blue eyes eating lunch by themselves. It's also a little uncomfortable to be in a big city by myself; I am always on my toes and a little paranoid. Japan is supposed to be one of the safest places, definitely safer than the US, but I am still skeptical and don't want to take any chances.
On my way back to the hotel, I accidentally went the wrong way and came across this cute little park place. It was all decorated in hearts and had little archway tunnel things. There were some statues and fountains. I think it may have some sort of religious significance because when I left, these two people in front of me turned around and bowed at the exit, so I also turned around and did a little head nod when I left too. That's when I realized I was going the wrong way so I turned around there.
I think the medication made me a little delirious and drowsy so I needed to take some time at the hotel before doing anything else. I won't be able to drink or eat certain foods on the medication so that sorta sucks, but at least I'll be fixed.
When I was revived, it was getting late so I decided to find a park. Even though I was relying heavily on Google Maps, everything was on one level and mostly straight lines. The walk itself was nice. It was about 30 minutes and I walked over 2 rivers (Dojima and Tosabori - they are the same river but just split where the bridge is) and the architecture was great. I saw a guy riding a bike with one hand and his roller suitcase and back in the other: skillzz. This walk made up for my negative experiences with city life yesterday. The park itself was nice too and I was proud of myself for making it there (and back) without too many mistakes. The park was big and there was a lot going on, but my favorite spot was the main area that I sat and overlooked. It was very peaceful. I wrote a short story about it when I was there (see below). And my new rule about finishing my food went out the window so I've decided to make an edit. It only applies to food that is good. I got some 7/11 food that I had planned to eat at the park and got this nasty egg and sesame rice triangle. I ate as much as I could but it was so gross I could not finish that.
Next, I got dinner. I went down that same strip that I found the yaki at. This time I got sushi. It was more expensive than I thought it would be. I got the tuna sashimi mix: lean (1), medium (2), fatty (1). I also got the medium tuna role (4 pieces) and a mini miso soup. I also asked for tea and it was really just hot water with matcha powder - not my favorite. The sashimi wasn't as cold as I wished it was, but the tuna itself was good. I don't think I've had fatty tuna like that before - it really melts in your mouth. The roll was huge and I'm not sure how other people eat it. Are you supposed to cut it in half and if so, how? I was trying to eat it whole because I didn't want to spill everything by ripping it in two pieces, but that was tough and I don't think that's how you're supposed to eat it. I was surprised that it didn't come with ginger and wasabi, but there was wasabi already in the rolls and sashimi.
I got back to my hotel and did some journaling and got ready for bed. I have been putting on the Olympics for background sound and they only have 10 channels here so I've been watching breakdancing. I think it's the first year that it's a part of the Olympics but I never really thought of it as a sport until I saw these people do it.
Being alone here is very eye opening. I can't talk to anyone; I've probably said 10 words out loud today, with the exception of me talking to myself (sometimes I voice type parts of these blogs in the moment). So instead of talking to other people, I've had to just think with myself. This is a thought that came across my mind today: It's only in silence that we're able to listen to our hearts and evaluate what matters to us. Hopefully I can find what matters most to me while I'm spending all this time alone with only my thoughts.
Utsubo Park excerpt:
As I walk forward, the greenery begins to unfold before me. I sit at the highest point, overlooking the park. I can feel the slight breeze dancing across my skin. I can smell the freshness of the plants and even though most of the flowers aren't in bloom, I can still smell a sweetness in the air. I can hear the sounds of the wind, of the cicadas, couples laughing, athletes running, children playing, people walking, dogs panting, bikers biking. The variety here is something I've never seen. Not only are there people of all ages, doing all different things, but there are smooth rocks, short grass and tall plants, flowers and greenery, walkways made of stone, concrete, and gravel. There is no direction - every path seems random but I lime to think of is as spontaneous. Some paths have archways, some are lined with stones. The tall lights along certain pathways look like little fireflies from where I sit. I overlook as a silent observer, watching these people live their private lives together.
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