#I kind of herp derped around
cadybear420 · 2 years
My Top 3 Worst Choices LIs (this list is subject to later change or expansion)
🏅Honorable Mentions:
Nick from HFTH: He got on my nerves for the first part of the book, but at least he became more tolerable later.
Everett/Yvette from SB: Copy-paste emotionally closed off LI with copy-paste backstory of being betrayed by a shitty ex. But I didn't completely hate them or find them terrible.
Julian/Julia from SB: I liked them but they clearly just existed to be a "backup" for just in case we don't like Everett/Yvette. You could have removed them from the story and nothing would change.
Will from TCATF: I liked him as a character, but him being into Dom was completely out of nowhere and they clearly only added it in to have a token mlm romance in the trilogy.
Rory from HSS:CA: I liked them well enough, but they felt very lackluster as a character compared to Ajay and Skye, and to OG HSS's LIs. The other LIs in these trilogies all have some form of personal growth arc, but Rory just seemed to fall short of that. There was also really no need for the entirety of Book 1's conflict to revolve around MC's forced crush on Rory.
Logan from ROD: Of all the LIs they could have made the "main LI", why him? Why not Colt? Cause I remember a hell of a lot more about Colt's relevance to the Mercy Park Crew than I do that of Logan's. But to be fair it has been a long time since I last played.
🥉Third Place:
Reagan from Surrender.
Reagan acting predatory to MC, texting her a photo of a riding crop and "Have you been a good girl or do I need to punish you" within 10 minutes after first meeting her sours the story and the character.
That plus the fact that MC suddenly wanting to be a sub is completely out of nowhere (and also hypocritical on behalf of the writers who claim it wouldn't make sense for MC to want to dom right away), making a scene that can be read as Reagan coercing MC into BDSM and being a sub. Which just goes against the whole point of MC's story revolving around escaping a toxic spouse.
🥈Second Place:
Kit from Untameable.
I'm in the unpopular opinion in that I don't find most customizable LIs to be completely devoid of personality. But Kit is the literal textbook definition of "personality devoid customizable LI". The childhood backstory for MC, Kit, and Austin is incredibly weak and I have no idea why MC would be so into Kit.
And the story does a terrible job of trying to convince me that Kit is a player too. There are like two scenes ever where Kit gets swarmed by gals/guys but from what I can tell, Kit doesn't really care much about hooking up with any of them. People call the story wlm-coded but honestly the "high stakes" and "forbidden romance" is just so forced, it doesn't even matter how gender-coded the story is cause it will be nonsensical even if you play as wlm.
🥇First Place:
Bastien from Wolf Bride.
It's not so much for possessiveness and kidnapper behavior and him being all "herp derp MC and I are magically bonded we must do breeding". I mean, don't get me wrong, I fucking hate seeing these kinds of LIs pushed on us so much, but it's kinda what I expected from this kind of book (I mean, look at that cover). So I could just give it an eyeroll and a "Ugh this is such a cliche Twilight/romance YA novel trope", and not dwell on it so much.
But what really made me hate him was accusing Morgan of betraying the pack to help Sayre, despite being witness to Morgan calling out Sayre's abuse of her. And they try to excuse it with "Oh this is just how wolves get when they're both fighting over the same mate" ok sure, Bastien's still an asshole tho. And sure Morgan did shitty stuff too but at least it was addressed and she got a redemption/atonement.
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callioope · 4 years
For what it’s worth, Cassian says to Jyn, “you’re not the only one who’s lost everything.” It’s an interpretation, to be sure, but I always sensed that he was including people close to him in this statement. That Cassian’s life is unfortunately filled with heavy loss. 
I think Cassian is a person who cares deeply for others, and clearly we see he’s capable of forming enough of a bond with people to convince them to go to Scarif. Many of them wouldn’t have joined that mission if someone else had asked them to go, right? Didn’t it make a difference that it was Cassian who had asked them? Hadn’t he recruited some of them? 
That’s kind of the thing about recruiters, though. He meets so many people, and many of them, he loses. Time after time. I think -- and of course we’re all talking headcanons here -- that Cassian had to have had close bonds with people, but the constant losses... in that situation, it’s likely that a person has to close themselves off to protect themselves. By the time he meets Jyn, that’s the person we see, but that doesn’t mean he was always like that. He cares so much, he intentionally distances himself, but he’s not cold. He does what he has to. And it is breaking him apart. 
I see his interactions with Jyn as a catalyst, but catalysts expedite change. I think it just expedited a trajectory Cassian was already heading towards. We see him grappling with his situation in his first scene, with Tivik. And at any rate, Cassian affects Jyn, too. I don’t want to say they “change” each other but they definitely both impact each other and that is the point. 
I’ve been intentionally vague about “relationships” so far to mean all varieties, but I do want to mention that personally I’m a fan when characters have relationships before they meet whoever I’m shipping them with. I think prior relationships can sometimes actually strengthen a ship. A past relationship fails for some reason (and hopefully not because someone died; see below), and when that happens, it can show how well the ship I support actually works. And that’s not to diminish the importance and meaning behind those past relationships. 
Every person I dated before I married my spouse -- those relationships failed for a reason and helped me to be a better partner and helped me to understand enough about myself to know the kind of person I liked most to be around, if that makes sense. And just because I did not end up marrying any of those people doesn’t mean I should never have dated them, that I did not deeply care for them at the time, and that I don’t still, to some extent, care for them. 
Take Jyn’s relationship with Hadder. Setting aside conflicting opinions of Rebel Rising, I actually really liked Hadder and her relationship with him. That relationship was important and meaningful to Jyn. But also, there was something fundamentally not right with it because Jyn was not capable of sharing her true self with Hadder, and she had justifiable reasons for not doing so. That wouldn’t have been sustainable. I don’t like that he died, and would have preferred they drifted apart, but I do like that she had him in her life.
I’d like Cassian to have a chance for that experience, too. I find it difficult to imagine he wouldn’t have. (I mean... not the part about dying, the part about being loved and supported.)
I guess the question for me though, is how did that/those relationship(s) go?
Some people have already mentioned they’re concerned over “casual” relationships. And I agree with that because I don’t see Cassian as some Bond-esque constantly taking a lover type of person. Those generally aren’t meaningful relationships and don’t feel right for Cassian.
I do tend to think, though, that Cassian’s commitment to the cause could cause conflict in a relationship. I see the cause as his main priority, and having any kind of “typical/standard” relationship might suffer in that situation. I can see him caring deeply about a person, but it doesn’t work out because they don’t understand him, or perhaps separation or duties just get in the way and they drift apart, or perhaps the other person is just as committed to the cause and they take comfort in each other’s presence when with each other, but the idea of “committing” to the “label” of a relationship is challenging for them. We sort of see this kind of tension with Hera and Kanan in Rebels. None of these circumstances mean that either party doesn’t care. It just means that war is war and can create obstacles in a relationship. “Not committing/not being able to commit” to a relationship is very different from “incapable of having connections.” 
The reason I’d rather see these relationships has little to do with Jyn; I just don’t want to see someone fridged. Admittedly that contradicts what I stated above because it’s highly likely that if Cassian lost someone ... they died. So like, if that does happen I suppose I won’t be surprised. But yeah, fridging sucks. There’s probably a careful way to write that story though so that the Significant Other’s death is less to hurt Cassian and something that makes more sense within that character’s own arc. But yeah, I worry about these things because SW doesn’t have the best track record with how it’s handled some character arcs.  
I also don’t want to see Cassian paired up with “the woman right next to him” just because “let’s add romance herp derp!” But that really comes down to I’m worried about the writing and not Cassian being in a relationship in and of itself.
Do I worry about the Andor series? Yeah, I’ve been disappointed by Star Wars franchises before. I’m going to be worried. And I just tend to be the type that worries. But the new SW media I have enjoyed most has all been the “television” content, so maybe things will be okay. I do think if Diego Luna gets much of a say, it’ll probably be good. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. Do you believe in angels? Yes.
2. Have you ever had a dream about Christmas present, past, and future? Hmm. I don’t think so, actually. 
3. Have you ever tried Figgie pudding or fruitcake before? How about a yule log cake or pizzelles? Nope to all of those. I don’t even really know what figgie pudding, I’ve just heard it in the song. I also don’t know what pizzelles are. Also, there’s just something about fruitcake that doesn’t look or sound appealing to me at all so I’ve just never had any desire to try it.
4. Do you prefer silver bells or jingle bells? I like both. 5. Do you deck your halls with boughs of holly? I do not.
6. Do you put bows or ribbons on your presents? The easy bows that you peel the back off the sticky part and then stick ‘em on haha.
7. Have you ever forgotten to sign a Christmas card at the bottom or write out a present tag for someone before? I’m sure I’ve forgotten to put a name on a present tag before.
8. When was the last time that you felt jolly, and why? I don’t know. :/ I’ve been saying that I’ve haven’t felt very holly jolly. 
9. Do you believe in the Christmas story? Why or why not? Yes.
10. What would have happened if Mary and Joseph hadn’t followed the Star of Bethlehem and found the manger?   Everything happened as it was supposed to.
11. Have you seen the Nutcracker ballet? I think I may have in elementary school. I kind of have this vague memory of taking a field trip to see it.
12. Do you go out Black Friday shopping, the day after Thanksgiving? Or do you participate in Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) at all? I don’t go out, but I shop around online and get in on some of the deals.
13. What is something that you would hope to find in Santa’s sack? An iPhone 12, ha. My phone has just been really acting up and I could use an upgrade. 
14. What is your favorite religious holiday hymn? Silent Night, O Holy Night, Hark! The Harold Angel Sing.
15. It would be hilarious if instead of “Ho, Ho, Ho!”, Santa said “_______” instead. (Fill in the blank) “Tee Hee Hee!” Lmfao...I don’t know... <<< Hahah omg. That’s a good one. Ummm. “Herp derp derp”? lol.
16. What three gifts would you bring to the baby Jesus?   Blanket, food, toys.
17. Do you know about the legend of the candy cane? What about the legend of Old Befana? Uhhh, nope doesn’t ring a bell.
18. What would you like your true love to bring to you on one of the twelve days of Christmas? Hmm. I don’t know.
19. What creature would you hope not to find stirring in your house? I don’t want a mouse stirring around that’s for sure.
20. How many people do you usually see on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day? The last few years it’s just been my parents, brother, and I.
(made by: tickle-my-pickle)
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ladytemeraire · 5 years
Snapshot Sunday 8/4/19
Wow it’s been a hot minute huh? Sorry about that, the last few months got away from me a bit. Reading recs first, everything else under the cut. (ETA: Corrected the name of one of the books because I got my wires crossed, herp de derp.)
Reading: I’m not going to list everything I’ve read since my last post, cuz there’s been, uh, a lot. Most recently I’ve read the two most recent Wayward Children books (Beneath the Sugar Sky and In An Absent Dream), which I utterly love; the first and second book of the Louisiana Longshot series, which I enjoyed with caveats; and re-read Thrawn (2017) and started on Thrawn: Alliances. Hopefully I’ll be able to start Thrawn: Treason this week and then dive into more of my TBR pile; I don’t mind re-reads but it stresses me out to feel like I’m not “making progress”, especially when books I’ve preordered start arriving. (Which was the impetus for the re-reads in the first place; Treason just came out, but it’s been a while since I read the other two.) At some point I need to start getting reviews into Goodreads, but that’s pretty far down the priority list.
Knitting: Started on the dark green socks after four bloody attempts to find a pattern that would work. I’m currently using the Intermingle pattern from knitty.com, which is a nice balance between cables and stockinette for stretch. Fingers crossed this one does the trick. I’m also chipping away at the hexipuffs and 10-stitch blanket, two of my longest-running WIPs.
Spinning: HEY I FINALLY FINISHED THE MERINO/DOG FUR. Pictures sometime later this week. I also started giving my Greensleeves Teacup a test drive to see how fine I can spin on it with some merino roving I had socked away; the answer, apparently, is “pretty dang fine”. I also may have picked up a few more Turks. And have a couple of tahklis on the way. Oops. Cataloging and updating my fiber stash is at the top of my to-do list this month, because my Ravelry stash page is mostly useless and that’s just not acceptable.
Writing: I... think I noodled around on a fic earlier this week? Otherwise, um, I really fell off the wagon here, and it’s kind of driving me bonkers. Gonna work on that this month.
Exercise: ...see above, sigh. Gotta work on that. Goal for this week: use my mini stepper every morning.
Adulting: My apartment is in REALLY good condition now, I’m not gonna lie, and I’m pleased as punch. I’ve got almost all my art up on the walls, and I’m finally getting some shelves up too to get my tchotchkes more spread out rather than crowded on part of a bookshelf. I purged the hell out of my pantry, got some Command hooks up for my kitchen utensils, and got a rolling three-shelf cart from Michaels for my laundry closet. (It’s TARDIS blue, I love it.)
Related, my family FINALLY came to visit me (after 5.5 years but who’s counting), and I got to show them my apartment, and they loved how I have the place set up, and I’m very, very happy. I know I don’t need their approval, but I’m proud of how I have things organized and decorated and the furniture and other pieces I have that have a lot of character, so it makes me happy to get compliments on it.
Next on the life list is... probably getting caught up on medical appointments. Ugh. I know it’s necessary, I know my anxiety about it is more than a little ridiculous and it won’t be that bad and I need to just suck it up, but uuuuuugh, we hates it precious. *whiiiiiine*
How has your week been? What did you get accomplished? What do you want to do next week? Let me know in the comments or a reblog!
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anamelessknight · 5 years
Another four hours.
Two actual big plot battles which require spoilers and a random battle with some actual interesting things.
-I have no idea what the > is anymore since Edelgard/Byleth C+ (as the game calls it) occurred in free time.  Oh hey that;s--OH JEEZ that can’t be uncommented on to spoilers you go!
-Ferdinand is just a hard working guy all around.  He’s probably turned into my most powerful unit by now since he can double with Javelins wow.
-Byleth’s speed has gotten hilariously bad.  Worse than everyone but Linhardt now.  Then after I complain to myself he gets two near-perfect levels.  Go figure.
-Caspar has switched from wanting to be a warrior to a brawler to a warmaster the kook.  He’s become an offensive powerhouse and gauntlets are real damn good on his high strength.
-I actually got a “best” answer with Petra’s class lesson question due to seeing the Linhardt/Petra support.
-I will never not be bad at Tea but my recent failure has brought about a dreading awfulness which I’ll call MERP.  I hope I am wrong.  MERP annoys me so much.
-I keep forgetting to mention it but I hope the movement range gambit monks becomes a meme.  I really do.
-The game is so pretty on the things it wants to be.  Which is good!
-The phase emblems are circled by the crests herp-a-derp me.
-The Empire Knight’s Gambit just being a wagon of bombs is hilariously offputting.
-I have Byleth/Edelgard B ready to whenever plot lock falls off it.
Now to the spoilers.
Plot Battle 1 in the Tower was just a slow plod until SUDDENLY PLOT!  Y’know, I was wondering what the hell Demonic Beasts were in Byleth/Ferdinand C so there’s my explanation.  Sorta. 
Actual boss in Fire Emblem?!  It’s more likely than you think!  Gilbert just barely avoided death and it was wide enough to surround and smash without incident.  On the way up I was complaining how much needless movement this required.
The random had another big bad beastie who actually went after the generic bandits (and cost me the bullion).  Surprised the hell out of me.
Jeritza was so suspicious it almost comes as a surprise he is working with the Flame Emperor.  Well, despite the game claiming he’s Death Knight he probably is the Emperor.  Also it’s hilariously awful to just let Flayn rot away for a month underground and really weird that the game sort of acts like you just did all the investigating then tracked down in one day.
I was powerful enough that I might have actually been able to take the Death Knight, but alas.  I also wasn’t able to swipe a second Dark Seal and had no interest in redoing the whole fight for it.
Flayn/Seteth might not be related.  Rhea’s sister maybe instead?  Least I get a full roster naturally now.  Maybe can use adjutants.
Also finally noticed Sothis’s hair ornaments are the same as Rhea’s.  I am the most observant.
I want to add something of a bigger spacing for Byleth/Edelgard C+ so do some scrolling ye interested.
OK, enough, I think.  Wow.  So, going in I thought the Crest hate would be hypocritical what with the whole Feudalism still ongoing and whatnot.  But no, Edelgard was literally tortured and experimented on and lost so much because of it.  And she got the Crest of Flames too?  That’s kind of a huge holy shit moment.  Do the other heads of House have them too?  Hot damn.
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verdandir · 6 years
My FAVORITE thing about the MSQ? NO ONE escapes judgement. NO ONE. Everyone gets hammered and it’s FANTASTIC. Each and every person at that table gets slapped and it’s GREAT. I mean, Varis acts all high and mighty but dude’s got a plank in his own eye (HI GRANDPA) along with his herp-de-derp idea of how to fix things. But I just LOVE that they brutally drag EVERYONE’S skeletons out of the closet and just parade them out like ‘nope, y’all might be the so-called “good guys” but y’all are NOT PURE hahaha’ and I am LIVING for it. Because that’s how it GOES. It’s TRUE. Aaaah politics and war and all the gross messy.... MESS that goes along with it. It’s not neat. It’s not tidy. It’s not all black and white ‘good v evil’ cut and dry and it’s WONDERFUL that they’re doing this.
AAAAAAAAAH thank you so much for this. *rolls around in the MSQ*
Okay, I also haven’t slept in like... 36+ hours so take that into consideration with this post. >_> But I’m still so pleased with how this is going because they’re giving me some real messy stuff with the story and I’m HAPPY. And Varis is back to being a great big giant wanker and it pleases me. No one who wears that kind of armour and hat deserves to have my sympathy for as long as he did. (I wanted more Solus. But thank you so so so much for the Gaius we got.)
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hex-perks · 7 years
A collection of songs I felt fit the ship. Give it a listen! Song links are also below!
Feel It Still: “I’m a rebel just for kicks, now.” Think I’ll “Your love is an abyss for my heart to eclipse, now”
Immortals: “I’ll be the guard dog of all your favorite dreams” “I try to picture me without you but I can’t”
My Demons: “They wanna break me and wash away my colors” “Oh you make everything okay”
Best Song Ever: “Maybe it’s the way she walked Straight into my heart and stole it Through the doors and past the guards Just like she already owned it” “I said, “Can you give it back to me?” She said, “Never in your wildest dreams”
This is gospel: “The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds But they haven’t seen the best of us yet” “If you love me let me go”
Angel With A Shotgun: “They say before you start a war You better know what you’re fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need A soldier I will be” “I’ll throw away my faith, babe Just to keep you safe Don’t you know you’re everything I have”
The Other Side: “In the beginning I never thought it would be you” “And I know we ain’t friends anymore If we walk down this road We’ll be lovers for sure”
Hero’s: “Everyday people do everyday things but I Can’t be one of them I know you hear me now, we are a different kind We can do anything” “All we’re looking for is love and a little light”
Geronimo: “Can you feel my love?” “So it’s here I stand, As a broken man, But I’ve found my friend, At the curtains of the waterfall.”
All Of Me: “What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in and you kicking me out You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down” “Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections” “You’re my downfall, you’re my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues”
Just The Way You Are: “Yeah, I know, I know When I compliment her she won’t believe me And it’s so, it’s so Sad to think that she don’t see what I see” “I’d never ask you to change If perfect’s what you’re searching for Then just stay the same”
Hey, Soul Sister: “I’m so glad you have a one-track mind like me” “You see I can be myself now finally In fact there’s nothing I can’t be I want the world to see you’ll be With me”
Let Me Love You: “Much as you blame yourself, you can’t be blamed for the way that you feel” “I can see the pain behind your eyes It’s been there for quite a while I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile I would like to show you what true love can really do”
Stay: “Make it on your own, but we don’t have to grow up We can stay forever young” “Won’t admit what I already know I’ve never been the best at letting go”
Like I’m Gonna Lose You: “Wherever we’re standing, I won’t take you for granted Cause we’ll never know when When we’ll run out of time” “So let’s take our time to say what we want Use what we got before it’s all gone No, we’re not promised tomorrow”
Nothing On You: “Beautiful girls, all over the world I could be chasin but my time would be wasted They got nothin on you, baby” “Hands down, there will never be another one I been around and I never seen another one ”
Crazy In Love: “When you leave I’m begging you not to go Call your name two or three times in a row Such a funny thing for me to try to explain How I’m feeling and my pride is the one to blame” “It’s the way that you know what I thought I knew It’s the beat that my heart skips when I’m with you”
Give Your Heart Break: “Don’t wanna break your heart I wanna give your heart a break I know you’re scared it’s wrong Like you might make a mistake” “The world is ours if we want it We can take it, if you just take my hand”
Sledgehammer: “every minute That I’m with you I feel the fever and I won’t lie I break a sweat My body’s telling All the secrets I ain’t told you yet” “And my fire’s waitin’ for your spark”
I Really Like You: “I don’t know how to act Or if I should be leaving I’m running out of time Going out of my mind” “I feel like I could fly with the boy on the moon”
Love Me Like You Do: “Let me take you past the satellites You can see the world you brought to life, to life” “Only you can set my heart on fire”
Glad you came: “You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me And I decided you look well on me, well on me” “Can you spend a little time Time is slipping away Away from us so stay Stay with me I can make Make you glad you came”
One Call Away: “I’m only one call away I’ll be there to save the day Superman, got nothing on me” “Come along with me and don’t be scared I just wanna set you free”
Herp De Derp: “I’m not this awkward all the time Only when love is on the line” “I may just be a crazy dreamer But you can make a dreamer’s wildest dreams come true”
Still Into You: “It’s not a walk in the park To love each other But when our fingers interlock Can’t deny, can’t deny you’re worth it” “Some things just, some things just make sense And one of those is you and I”
Boom Clap: “Sunbathing under the moon Stars shining as your bones illuminate” “You take me over, you’re the magic in my veins This must be love”
Shut Up And Dance: “A backless dress and some beat up sneaks My discotheque Juliet, teenage dream” “I felt it in my chest since she looked at me I knew we were bound to be together Bound to be together”
In The Name Of Love: “When there’s madness, when there’s poison in your head When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed I will hold you in the depths of your despair And it’s all in the name of love” “If I told you this was only gonna hurt If I warned you that the fire’s gonna burn Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first?”
Don’t Let Me Down: “It’s in my head, darling I hope That you’ll be here, when I need you the most” “Right now I need a miracle Hurry up now, I need a miracle”
Perfect Duet: “Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowin’ what it was I will not give you up this time” “I found a love To carry more than just my secrets To carry love”
I’m Yours: “I cannot wait, I’m yours" “And it’s our godforsaken right to be loved"
Screen love: “Oh I never thought that I would want to spend my time staring at my phone and waiting for you to reply” “You light be up like a beam when I see you through my screen”
Ultimately: “I try to do the best I can, I know you try to do the same. We’re  just so bound to make mistakes, call it a disposition.” “I think I’m better when I’m with you, But I worry when you’re gone.”
Cliché: “I just stared,and you just grinned and it felt like one big whirlwind. One big emotional whirlwind.” “I looked up at your face, and those eyes drew me in.”
How To Say Sorry: “If I could make you believe again I would.” “I thought I had to make you see things from my side.”
Not My Type: “You make me feel like I’m right where I belong.” “You say you’re not my type but I don’t  think that’s true.”
You’re The Reason: “And I was I sure that you were nothing short of ignorant Failure always imminent The kind of girl who stumbles through her life, a village idiot But oh I was wrong” “The wrinkles on your sweater, or the way your clothes lack synergy A scuff you never buffed away, nothing’s what it seems to be We’ve both been missing something since I lost the gift of empathy”
Paint Me: “White, when I didn’t have you I was white like a canvas I was lonely but my days were peaceful, they were always” “I’m being painted one by one, like watercolors I am being carved here and there, like a tattoo Everywhere you touched me There’s a different color of Memories that are coated over It’s becoming darker and darker Like a black night”
Wherever You Are: “Wherever you are, I always make you smile Wherever you are, I’m always by your side Whatever you say, you’re always on my mind” “Someone I can love from my heart. Someone I love from my heart. In the center of my love, you, my heart, are there.”
“I’ve been hearin' symphonies Before, all I heard was silence A rhapsody for you and me And every melody is timeless”
“ And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete So, if you want the truth... “
This Is Home:
“Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place Has too many colours enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet “
“Get a load of this trainwreck His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet But little do we know, the stars Welcome him with open arms”
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acradaunt · 7 years
Wanted to gab about Monster Hunter World for a while. It's probably going to be really rambly and sound overly negative, but hey. I tend to be like that. Super negative. It's easier to pinpoint and hammer on a weakness than a strong point.
I guess let's start at the very, very beginning. While it doesn't bother me even slightly, the concept of Capcom pouring all this money and focus onto Monster Hunter, but then not even remotely trying any sort of lip-syncing for the very first cutscene was... jarring. I don't really get complaints about it being too hand-holdy, though. You're fighting Jagras by the third quest and maybe an hour and ten minutes, compared to like three for Jaggi/Jaggi/Maccao in the previous games. Yeah, that first hour is like 105% cutscenes and scripted as heck, but that's them trying to be 'cinematic'. It's not great, but it's better than kicking you back and forth between town and the plains level for ten missions of gather honey/bones/ore/Aptonoth. NPCs tend to feel kind of like completely worthless human beings, but that's just a global videogame issue. Of course nobody else could actually show up and fight something. I guess not showing up at all is better than the Huntsman/Field Leader/Ace Cadet getting bodied time and again.
While yeah, no loading zones are nice, and most of maps are absolutely stellar (though Forest has that confounding middle floors region and Coral Highlands has waaay too many huge pointless regions), I think weapon and quality of life changes are what matters the most. While I think I prefer Gen's (Guild style for both) SnS (World's feels a touch too spammy, and the backleap suuuucks now; Gen's SnS required some finesse) and Greatsword (in spite of the fact that MHWorld's GS is designed around my 'stay in there' playstyle and not running away like everyone else does), almost every other weapon feels at its best. I've found love for Dual Blades, Gunlance, Bowguns, the Bow itself, and even slightly the Katana in this one. Still hate Insect Glaive, but at least they fixed the bugs. I like the LBG and Dual Blades enough to break them into regular usage. Hammer is just so pure and powerful that it kinda makes the Greatsword's damage feel woefully inept. Lance is amazing with guard being worth a damn and being more mobile than ever. Switch Axe makes actual use of both switching and axing. All shields are good. Blocking Nergigante's dive with a SnS shield like it's no huge deal is glorious and refreshing, because that would NEVER have flown before.
Seeing the weapon tree is great, even if what's on the tree is a bit barren. Like, really, I'm not even gonna whine about the boring weapon designs; why are old designs like the Rathian Switch Axe and Dual Blades missing? Poor things don't even GET poison without Awakening. Lots of weapons have huge holes without Awakening. The clear winner is armour skills. It's just so simple and intuitive, it's honestly baffling they didn't do this ages ago. My only quibbles are that you might possibly get TOO many skills now. You're packing more goods than an endgame G-Rank character in 4U. Also, sometimes some Alpha pieces feel exceptionally dumb. Like, is anyone ever going to take the version with, like, freaking Entomologist on it over a free socket? I do think I'd have preferred seeing more Set Skills to scale things down slightly so you had to get a few subpar pieces to get a better, prominent skill, but hey. Set Skills only needing typically 3 makes them a lot more palatable to me.
I might be in the minority here, but I like the switching of decorations and charms. Getting that one good charm completely changed your armour sets, and the 5000 others you got until then were wholly worthless. With decorations, you can equip multiple at a time, sometimes nearly a dozen. You can actually get lots of use out of 'okay' ones. The weekly gold tickets for free gems is really fair. And kinda necessary for upgrading charms. A couple skills really stand out, which I guess isn't anything new. Health Boost went from wholly worthless to the single best skill, allowing for 200 HP, Fire Res stops fire's constant burn damage and near global usage (especially with Bazel and Rathalos' interruptions), and Stun Res is more useful than ever, with Stun taking thrice as long to recover from. I'm sure the 'metagame' is still herp derp handicraft and crit boost or whatever, but I prefer not dying. Ever. I can run all that stuff handily and still get a pricier skill like Elemental Crit or some serious Guard points and not look like complete clownshoes, so that's always a huge plus. Oh, however. Female armour design is at its all-time low. One of the plusses of switching primary genders every game is that I dodged that bullet. Course, in Gen, I knew going in that I wanted Tigrex for Hearing and Eating, so I could use the name Amber quite fittingly. Two armour styles helps sometimes, but. Just. Stop. Making. Everything. Be metal thighhighs and have random-ass patches of bare skin.
A lot of the new monsters are mostly just rehashes. Which is... reasonable, really. There's only so many moves and so many ways to do stuff. Legiana is a less threatening ice Rathalos. Anjanath is a more aggressive, less burly Deviljho. Even Paolumu is Kecha Wacha with a few low-grade Kush attacks. Bazelgeuse  certainly stands out among the crowd, because his moves are wholly unique, and he's actually a threatening party-crasher, unlike Deviljho. The fact he's mostly about area of effect makes him incredibly dangerous (and/or helpful) when you're preoccupied, but when the focus is on him, he crumples surprisingly easily. I think most people have a love/hate relationship with him and the 3-monsters in the field. It does spice things up, but it also sometimes turns into an absolute fustercluck.
What's less thrilling is the near universal amount presence of fire. It's one thing that ALL the old guys are fire (minus Diablos, Kushala, and Kirin), but the fact that several of the new monsters (Anjanath, Bazelgeuse, Xeno'jiiva) are fire too is just pouring gasoline on the, well, fire. Kirin, Paolumu, and Vaal Hazak are the only three weak to it, I think, while each weapon gets two-four trees for fire. The free DLC doesn't change matters, with both Lunastra and maybe Alatreon doing fire too. I don't actually remember if Alatreon can light you up. For the other elements, Thunder and Ice get two (plus Oroshi, later). Water has just Jyuratodus and nobody even does Dragonblight. This means if you want elemental weapons, you'll be killing a shitton of Jyuratodus, Tobi-Kodachi, and Legiana. It also makes Fire Res probably the second best general-purpose skill, but I've already been there.
One thing I really did like is how HR just opened up pretty completely. It was fun seeing if you could immediately tackle Rathain or whoever to get some solid HR armour right away. The only shortcoming was the sad, sad excuse at 'oh no, monsters are invading other envir-- Anjie and Pukei are the in desert. That's it. It would've been a nice change of pace to see different guys different places, not to mention it could better use certain otherwise barren rooms and cause 'party chambers' to sometimes be more or less dangerous. Because I've never once fought Dodogama without in the main crystal room without it being a four-way. Lavasioth won't go there, but the three others are mighty fond of the room, too. On this thought, why the hell doesn't Nergigante show in the desert? They had his AI working there for the beta, and you first find traces of him in the swamp. :|
Investigations, Expeditions, and Bounties are all nice enough ideas, but I really think it would've worked better if they reworked how they functioned. Expeditions are kinda... pointless? Other than stupid gather-y bullshit like the ultra-rare endemic life and tempered tracks only show up there. Bounties are an alright way to guide your hand to specific quests, but it's flow breaking early on, and once you don't need armour spheres, you can just forget all about it. Investigations giving bonus rewards with stricter demands is genuinely nice, although there's always the issue of running a quest dry before you have enough Jyuratodus Fins or whatever. I'd more prefer these be like sliders that you can play with to set it to be as hard and rewarding as you can handle, but hey. I'll take it any day over 4U's Guild Quests.
It's kinda a half-baked idea, but I could sort of see a revision of these ideas into one bigger thing. Like, you'd choose a set of three or so investigations at once (like bounties), and when you go to a viable locale, those goals slot themselves in. If it's 30 minutes for Rathian and 50 for Barroth, she'll leave at 30 minutes and Barroth will stay for 50. Or once room opens and Diablos shows, Diablos' timer starts. I'm not sure how death would work. Take ten minutes away? It's not perfect, but it would flow a lot better than having to reload the same map twice every ten minutes when something dies.
Tempereds are just the stupidest attempt at harder monsters yet. Frenzy wasn't great either, as they gave nothing better compared to their normal counterpart, but at least there was a mechanic beyond 'hits harder'. And I seriously think half the G-Rank monsters don't have non-frenzied quests, so it's not much of an option. Hyper was never explained at all, but its heads above the other two. Specific stronger attacks with weaker weak points. Further, with Hypers, you still needed to fight the appropriate monster to get their parts (with some more variety for semi-generic parts like Hyper Horns). With Tempereds, your goal isn't to get parts, but horrifically rare drops, so there's no reason to do anybody but the easiest guy of that tier. You gain nothing more from fighting Radobaan versus Jagras. While I can live with never getting those amazing decorations, streamstones and augmenting are just awful to be linked to luck. Yeah, it's post-postgame, but that junk alone makes me feel I'd rather see a new game that refines World's new ideas rather than it get a G-Rank expansion. Generations was content to have the end be the end, not involving any roulette crap. ...Double Cross might've done some wacky random-luck bullshit. I don't know, come to think of it.
I feel like I had other, nicer, things to say, but this is already waay too damn long and sounds bit too bitter, so I think I'll just stop. Oh yeah, and needing a subscription to play online sucks, so I haven't even attempted to enter or use an SOS out of curiosity. But from what I hear about it only having two scales, one for one player, and one for four, is really stupid. It reeaallly favours single player, which, hey, is working for me, but might've missed the point of the series. See? I can't even end this without sounding negative. :|
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27hands · 8 years
When I pretended.
Black coffee; spin it gentle, cue cream heaven algorithm, skinny dipping dollar store manicure, brewing tight curls, hubble in a cup. My little double shot whirl-pool, where's my double hot whirl-pool? I hate this, I want to die. Bossy with the world cuz I'm a bad bitch. Broke my heel, he stained my world, they stained my world, I stain peoples worlds everyday, what does this mean? I don't know. Does it matter? Always and forever, yeah, I'll add in beeper codes, it'll be cryptic and 90. Not 90's, or the 1990's, or Portland, or MC Hammer. I'll buy my neighborhood. I'll buy the houses and I'll buy the dogs and cats. Army of dogs and cats complete with barracks and oppressed natives. Heed my words, crumbs of potato chips at the bottom of the bag, the sticky in the cup holder of the Corolla, hair creatures plugging up my brain. I want warm apple pie and french vanilla ice cream. I want vanilla pie and warm apple cream. "I want nothing" is a zero. To "want" is something. I changed my mind. Warm Vanilla cream, slowly focusing eyes, Tibetan prose sublimation event; words transcend to light. $67.36 for a plastic bag, the morning after pill, and a coke. He bought me a scratch off to cheer a girl up. Black coffee, a girls only friend. Smoke it like you're french god damn, "god damn" he said. Sleep me away Romeo. Buy me a small dog and pay my car insurance. You're ok, you're kind of old, kind of Indian, and I'm terrified of what might lie behind the thickness of your beard. You buy me drinks honey... I love you. What does Tabitha want to be when she grows up? I'm a bank robber. Your house is burning. The house, it's on fire, there's still time, go, go! Bubble baths, fresh Clementines, I smell of fire, the radio is personal and the antenna speaks italian. It feels like 22 years of falling asleep. Nightmares. Electric ab stimulators for fat hearts and big eyes. Through squinted eyes, television three after midnight. Silk slip. Glass of white, free box, basic. Magic lamp, three wishes, cute drunk boy, bag of Andy Capp's hot fries, and something numb, a housewife special, I'll never be, so it's obvious what I need. "No Ammonia." in bad english say's Penelope; Revlon. "I'll put you to bed early!" my response to him saying that he's been going to bed progressively earlier since we started dating. It's only been two months, I think. Do not disturb, I am writing! Do not disturb the bee hive, I am the soul eater. Killer Queen Bee. "Plato, just some old white guy." "Well he's dead now." "Ding dong the bitch is dead.". Hmm, I sometimes wonder...Is the gas station clerk an alien, like a real alien, with purple skin. Tiny alien inside giant Arabic model mechanical human giving me change for cigarettes. Or is it possible that Oprah Winfrey is over six hundred years old? Why does the thought of washing other peoples hands bring me closer to my soul? Tiger print booty shorts and Margaritas in plastic cups! I sculpt Alabaster stone with my eyes. Get what you want before somebody else eats it all up. Jelly donuts haunting me. My fingers smell like cigarettes. I woke up mean and aiming a hand gun at the piano. HE woke up, taunted the cats, something about the yawning claw cat club, stole a book on Tibet from my roommate, rambled about how he needed to "escape" for coffee and sustenance, I would have struck him dead if it wasn't for his dashing good looks. I pointed my gun at his piano playing while he gathered free drugs on the porch and danced around like an asshole. Floating raft of kerosene and red pumps. Flaming arrow by Chanel plucked from Paris. Rose petals are contagious. It's no coincidence that the dark chocolate's, like the dark arts, across the aisle from lipstick and glitter nail polish. I reek of fire. I reek of fire. I reek of fire. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and see that one movie for the first time in that one theatre that one time when I was somewhere around the age of you know... eleven. I need a big bow on my head that reads "NO". Maybe I can get Herpes and join one of those dating sites where everyone has Herpes. Live in a circus tent with a clown named Bongo sipping Mai thais under the flaming hoop, slap a tiger in the face, let'em keep his clown shoes on when we... start a nice little Herpa-A-Derp Partridge family. Tiffany lamps, Empty one-gallon gas cans, Full one-gallon ice cream cans, handful of stamps, rested writing hand, corded telephones stretching from room to room. The Operator is a spider. You'll trip your sister with the web you weave. Woopie, Wazooooo, I'm goin' to Vegas. Bank robber turned show girl, tonights news at eight. It's 4:14 AM the sun won't come up today. If dissatisfaction manifested physically, it would fill the air with grey and blinding ambient poison. If I had the power to manifest my emotions physically be warned for ye shall suffer one thousand years of blood shed and plague. I am Sludge, I have no remorse. A kitten today at Willard and Reynolds pet emporium lost 3 of it's 9 lives. Scientists believe that the clock is actually an ancient life form in a state of willful hibernation. If Sandra believes that I'll actually let her crash on my couch for "a little bit until I get my head straight"... "Mmmm yesss can I help you?" Black leather and red lanolin. Dead Cow, dead whale, inspirational. Dead bitch, white bitch, move bitch I'm next! I want this, I want that, I want THAT now! Trash, leave. Brief pause... I'm a dreamy whimsical sober and a Terminator II level drunk. Let's rock. Patience otherwise known as long suffering. I'm the girl in the corner playing madlib in my head with the cable TV trying to blend in. Surrounded by numb & weakened moths worshipping the dim & easy to reach lights. Getting weirder by the second. Can I come to your party and not have to talk? I'll smoke your cigarettes. Purple lightning Jeggings and Winnie the Pooh socks from the Party store bring happiness. Gas station chicken tenders and apple pies while the water soaks in. My elegant black gloves have never touched a steering wheel nor dare they dream of such sorted affair! Dare they dream! I dare them to dream. See where they'll end up? With the rats. Gold dipped Cheetos. Never-ending Po' boy. World wide oceanic light rail. Elevator to heaven for glass floor tours of earth. Oh I love my ugly boys. Two woman stand gossiping in the coffee room of Webber Electronics. One woman notices an itch near her wedding ring. Suddenly the woman, the room, the building, the streets and the piss, the hotdog hot air rising up from the sewers, the monarch butterfly in the dogs mouth, the America's funniest home videos over broccoli & cheese with the pork chops and the family they belong to, Poof. Cotton Candy. Big pink plumes firing like geysers from apocalyptic sink holes. Sky turns blood pink. Cotton candy fungus swallowing people alive. Everybody dead. I mean, nobodies really dead but these people looked really dead. Like really really really dead. Like "Fuck I'm dead." dead. I am a pit-bull terrier and you're fucking with the ultimate.  
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viralhottopics · 8 years
29 People Describe What Sex With A Trans Person Feels Like
Found on AskReddit.
1. It’s basically like being with a cis dude with a very small dick.
My ex is a pre-bottom surgery trans man.
As the top commenter said, it’s basically like being with a cis dude with a very small dick. He has been on hormones for 8 years so his growth down there was pretty developed. We were able to have penetrative sex (I’m a woman, btw). Also he was pretty skilled in the whole sexual department, and I put that down to him being a woman before so he knew how to work female genitalia in a way that a cis man couldn’t.
Apart from the physical side, the emotional side can be pretty intense. A lot of pre-surgery trans people have issues around dysphoria during sex, and this stopped sex dead in its tracks a few times for us. He did not like being penetrated at all, which I didn’t realize at first because he was too shy to tell me. That was a bit awkward, and it made me feel like shit afterward.
Overall, even though he had female genitals, it was pretty much just like being with a cis guy physically. 10/10, would sleep with a trans dude again.
2. It is different because of different hardware, but still quite enjoyable.
I am in a relationship with a pre-op MtF girl. It is different because of different hardware, but still quite enjoyable. She cums from anal quite a bit, and I enjoy it as well. Mechanically, it would be very much like regular anal, but the emotional component and feelings behind it all is like any other relationship.
3. She was incredibly tight and we needed a lot of lube. But it was pretty great.
I was FWB with a woman who I actually started hooking up with pre-trans I guess? She had a penis when we met and we did everything anally for a few months. She finally got herself fixed and she was the happiest I’ve ever seen someone be in my whole life, it was a pretty nice experience. She took a few months (maybe close to a year) to recover. When we went to hook up again, she just had a vagina. It looked pretty normal, pretty cute. She was incredibly tight and we needed a lot of lube. But it was pretty great.
Honestly, it felt nice to look HR in the eyes while we fucked, not being able to do that totally removed a lot of the connection for me.
4. I have never been with a woman with such vaginal strength.
I’ve been seeing a guy (FTM) for over a year now. I am a bi guy(CIS).
He very much looks and smells like a guy. Very muscular as well.
So sex-wise for me, everything has been better. I have never been with a woman with such vaginal strength. Would be scary if it wasn’t such an awesome feeling. His natural lube does seem to be different. The same, but with a little more stickiness, then the few women I’ve had un-condomed sex with. Not that I’ve had enough to know how they all are.
I like to think the sex has been great because we are clicking well, not because of our genders. Kissing has been the biggest deal. I just love holding him and kissing him.
5. The lack of penis didn’t bother me, but the presence of a vagina was a bit startling.
It threw me off a bit, the lack of penis didn’t bother me, but the presence of a vagina was a bit startling. It was hard to get the sheer presence of it out of my mind for some reason. Super-hot and nice guy though. I definitely enjoyed myself, it was just a bit disarming, but not much was actually different (we mostly did anal, but I herp derped up in his snatch for a bit and it felt pretty good, but I was unaccustomed to the angles of view that vaginal sex leads to, it was novel and a bit strange).
6. The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina.
Yes, I am a bi guy. I hooked up with a MtF, I just liked her style. She had had a lot of surgery, including a neo vagina. I wanted to try it. I’ll call her Molly, cuz that’s what she liked to do. I met her at a fetish club. She was hot, and she didn’t pass. There’s something that turns me on about non-passing MtF’s, it’s hard to explain. But the point is: I didnt expect her to pass, and she wasn’t trying to fool me. The neo-vagina didn’t pass either, but it sure did feel good. I would be down to do it again, if Molly hadn’t been so into drug culture, I would have. The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina. Thick, coarse ones. I asked her about it, and it has something to do with the neo-vagina being constructed from testicle skin. There are pictures of this online. Anyway, I could feel the hair through the condom even, and I was worried about these vaginal pubic hairs causing condom breakage. And diseases, Molly was a lolly but she got around.
7. It was tight, it was soft, it was warm, it was very wet (because we used lube!), and it was sex with someone I was already mentally in love with.
I had a year+ relationship with a MtF post-op. We went from chatting at a bar, to playing (at a BDSM club), to fucking, in about a month and a half. Not entirely out of the norm I’d guess.
She said she’d started on hormones pretty late but also had a very delayed puberty so that sort of evened out, and then went to Thailand at 29. We met about 4 years after she had surgery. All that to say that she had slim hips, a slim bone structure, pretty much nothing pointed to born male appears female. Her vagina looked like a vagina. There’s enough variety in the world that I didn’t inspect it vigorously to determine how it came about. She had some small breasts that weren’t implants. Basically, I didn’t know.
Sex was great. We needed lube, but the only uncommon thing about that for me in many cases is that we needed it right at the start instead of first sometime in the middle. It was tight, it was soft, it was warm, it was very wet (because we used lube!), and it was sex with someone I was already mentally in love with. Also breasts. And my hand around her throat. A good time.
She told me she was trans, in a public place, a little while later. She was worried about what sort of reaction I might have to learning that. The whole you tricked me into fucking a dude now I’m going to kill you thing. But I just didn’t care. This is actually something I’ve thought about a lot since, and I wish she had told me ahead of time. I understand why she didn’t but it’s still something she kept me from having informed consent about. Since I didn’t care to begin with I haven’t stayed too worried about it.
Our relationship went really strongly for a bit over a year and we ended up breaking up over personality meshing issues. A regular old breakup. But even by the end the sex was still great.
8. The surgical scar from the vulva up was a distraction, as was the unusual hip-to-waist ratio.
The first minute was good, after that it was uncomfortable.
I’m a guy. This was at a sex club. I walked in on her (male-to-female) sitting on a bed with a younger guy who clearly couldn’t perform for whatever reason. So she was horny, I was horny, and we got it on immediately.
The room was dark, and she had kind of a strong chin, but I didn’t really think about it. She was on top, and held my arms down. I thought, Man, she’s strong. And not merely strong for a woman (of her size.)
But the vagina felt great. Naturally lubricated, better than those of some natural women I’ve been inside. However, the surgical scar from the vulva up was a distraction, as was the unusual hip-to-waist ratio.
My experience is probably unusual in that I had sex with her while getting acquainted. I don’t know whether the onus was on her to tell me she used to be a dude, or on me to notice it before plunging in. Either way, it wasn’t awful. I might repeat if I knew what to expect going in.
9. His fluids taste like cum and his parts all have a man’s smell and they’re all covered in hair.
My partner and I are both trans. I’m MtF and he’s FtM.
Most of it is about as different as sex is with any other partner. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, and you kind of fumble your way around to figuring out what works, and then do some more of that. He’s obsessed with my breasts and mauls them at every opportunity, when he nuzzles my neck or kisses me his beard scratches me up. He smells like a man, I smell like a woman. My skin is soft and his is hairy.
There’s lots of kissing and groping and laughing and talking and dreaming, and then our pants come off.
His dick is about the size of a pinky finger from the second knuckle. I can give him head just like any other guy, and he love it. His fluids taste like cum and his parts all have a man’s smell and they’re all covered in hair.
I still have a functioning strapless that gets joyfully ignored. It no longer produces emissions and I have multiple orgasms. I particularly enjoy having things put in my inguinal canal. It’s called muffing, and it feels really nice. It hits all of the important nerves and has enough space to fit a thumb. If you have testicles and aren’t on HRT, your testicles might get in the way.
Remember my guy’s size? Yup. It fits. Perfectly.
So yeah, it’s pretty normal, just a little different, and the pillow talk is way more interesting.
10. We both went from being horny and wanting something inside of us to wanting to grind on things instead.
My partner and I are both trans, and both Female to Male. Neither of us have bottom surgery-but that is more due to the lack of good surgeons/surgeries in my area than a lack of desire for it.
Hormones still do a lot to the clitoris. I think the thing that surprised us both was how quickly our clits grew. My partner’s does not stay tucked up in the skin anymore, and it freely hangs down a bit. I can actually give them head-like giving a blowjob to a very tiny penis.
Other than that, body smells are now a thing. Even after having a shower just that day, the body smells a lot different now than it did before. And everything is very hairy.
We’re both about 8 months into hormones right now, so I’m sure we still have a long way to go as far as changes go.
In comparison to a cis dudethe dick is just much smaller. Also, we both went from being horny and wanting something inside of us to wanting to grind on things instead. Humping makes so much more sense now, and it’s become so much more fun to just grind. Sometimes we prefer that to trying to even bother with penetration.
11. Having sex with a mtf transsexual was like having the best of both worlds: the looks and touch of a female but with a little surprise down below.
I (male) have had sex with a mtf escort. I was in Australia and had always been interested so I decided why not. Besides the fact that she was an escort it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience. Besides having a deeper voice and being a little taller than most females, she did not look any different than any other cis female. As for the sex, besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female. It was actually a great experience because I was allowed to experiment with a few fantasies while still being turned on by her appearances. I don’t consider myself gay and would probably never have sex with a male but having sex with a mtf transsexual was like having the best of both worlds: the looks and touch of a female but with a little surprise down below
12. She has small A-cups and smells like a girl.
Im currently dating a trans woman. Its great. She hasn’t had bottom surgery because from what the doctors have told her there is only a 60% chance she will be able to achieve orgasm if she does. Her testes have withdrawn back up into her body and her penis has gotten smaller. She doesnt ejaculate. So basically she has a large clit and no vagina. There are the usual issues with anal penetration but being bisexual myself I know how to navigate these issues.
She has small A-cups and smells like a girl. She acts like the woman that she is. I really enjoy spending time with her, even out of the bedroom.
13. Her vagina was very much like any other woman’s though the labia were a bit smaller, in her case, and she had a less depth.
My (ex) girlfriend had transitioned six years before I met her, and completed her sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) two years prior. Before surgery the effects of estrogen combined with androgen (male hormone) blockers had transformed her breasts, hips, skin and hair and greatly affected her sex life, as well. Most MtF women eventually lose the function of their penis due to hormone treatments, and for many this is not a problem. Receiving penetrative anal sex became much more pleasurable after hormones for my gf, and she could orgasm that way alone. I am told this is a common side effect, though not every woman experiences hormone treatments the same way.
After SRS, my gf had an extended period of recovery where she slowly regained sexual feeling and the ability to enjoy vaginal sex. She told me it was like a training period where her body reconnected with her new vagina both physically and mentally. From my perspective having sex with her two year after the surgery, her vagina was very much like any other woman’s though the labia were a bit smaller, in her case, and she had a less depth. Genetic women can accommodate babies, after all, and their vaginas are remarkably stretchy.
Her vagina did not lubricate naturally and required plenty of lube for sex, but I am told that new SRS procedures can now use the body’s own secretion-producing tissue to simulate vaginal lubricant during arousal. All in all, she was very pleased and fulfilled that her body was now fully female in form and function and that translated into hot sex. When we were dating, she was coming very close (pun intended) to achieving orgasm from vaginal sex and I was of course eager to help her on that journey.
14. Honestly it was pretty hot.
A friend of mine is FTM and we sort of hooked up at a party. Honestly it was pretty hot. I’m male myself but I’ve never really cared about my partners gender or at least it doesn’t play much into whether or not I’m sexually interested in them. He preferred that I didn’t penetrate him so we just sort of grinded, made out, and rubbed each other off. I’d do it again.
15. Sex seems to work best as a tender, sensual affair with lots of nipple stimulation.
MTF here, plus I have a MTF partner. Neither of us have had surgery, though both of us experience significant dysphoria about our genitals. Money is the most significant hurdle to getting an orchiectomy or vaginoplasty.
Sex is difficult. We both are extra sensitive to each other’s needs; we have sex drives and enjoy the pleasure of the penis being stimulated while simultaneously getting sort of grossed out with our own body. Recently she was stimulating me, and I started crying, so sex stopped and she comforted me in my dysphoria. We talk a LOT about the dysphoria and any frustration we have. Sex seems to work best as a tender, sensual affair with lots of nipple stimulation. My own issues are exacerbated by a lot of guilt over sexuality that comes from growing up as a fundamental Christian.
16. I’m a whore, so the penis didn’t stop me from initiating sex after the first date.
Some background info: I am a cis woman, married to a mtf woman. I had never dated a trans person prior to her. I was a gold star lesbian. When we started dating, I knew she was trans because she stated so in her dating profile. We actually met in the real world but I had seen her profile and remembered her from it. The night we met, after it was obvious we hit it off, she disclosed her pre-op status. As I already knew, I was able to avoid any look of surprise, no matter how momentary. This, I found out, really put her at ease. Much respect to anyone that has something like this to disclose during early dating. It must be terrifying. Anyway, I’m a whore, so the penis didn’t stop me from initiating sex after the first date. I did have to admit I had no idea how to work with a penis, but we are both very open sexually, so we were able to talk through it (and our kinks) in a fluid manner. The sex was great. Standard p in v stuff, oral (both ways), some choking. You know, normal. Though she needed a lot of stimulation to orgasm, and it didn’t always happen. I remember being extremely impressed that first time that she was so accepting of her current situation (no bottom or top surgery, and small breasts from hormones). She ended up getting her SRS (Satterwhite) about two years into our relationship, after we got engaged. The results look good, and she is fully orgasmic. She’s had issues with healing, though, which are mostly from her not doing what she is supposed to do for upkeep. It’s killed our sex life, and has led to a lot of resentment on her end. Some is mental issues I’m battling with, some is my not wanting to deal (during sex) with the occasional blood and malodorous discharge that comes from her not healing a surgical site properly. It’s just not arousing at all. She’s working right now with her OB to properly heal the neo-vagina, so I’m hopeful.
17. Couldn’t tell a difference.
I did in July or so from a OKCupid date/hookup. Four times in about a 24-hour period. I actually didn’t know til after though but I did think it was strange when she asked for lube like right away. I’ve had girls ask for lube before but usually its ones that are older or farther into relationship.
Anyways couldn’t tell a difference. A friend of mine went to high school with her when she still had a dick. She only went part of Freshman year then was home schooled. I thought my friend was bullshitting me but scanned the year book pic and told me to search her name on Topix and people talk about her having the surgery done. She also had very small boobs. Usually the voice is a red flag in videos but hers sounded feminine. She was only 20 so must have had it done early or started hormones early.
I didn’t see her again; she was a bit of a nutcase and clingy. Sex was good though. I already had decided not to meet up with her anymore before I found out about the sex change. I probably would have still hooked up with her if she told me but feel not telling me was uncool so just reaffirmed not talking to her anymore.
18. We have mostly vaginal sex, but it feels more like sleeping with a guy, like with a good bro.
Background: Im a Bi cis-gender male, my partner is a trans man (ftm). I met him over summer this year and he disclosed from the beginning that he was trans. The majority of my sexual experiences have been with female partners. I came out as bi to my family because of him.
We talked through text and phone calls before we met in person and he had told me about himself including sexuality and gender (gay trans man for reference.) The way he described himself I would have guessed his feminine features might be more apparent, and that he may have trouble with being misgendered. To my surprise upon first meeting him, besides the lack of beard, that made him look a little younger than his age, he seemed like any other gay guy. We hit it off after meeting and started dating.
As for sex, since the options for bottom surgery arent that great, he isnt planning on it and has come to terms with that. Before we started dating, I thought I had a high sex drive, but since we started living together I just cant keep up. Weve talked about it a lot and I understand his needs (for the most part) and he understands my libido isnt quite is high as his.
So, with that said, I feel like our sex is far closer to gay sex and is fundamentally different in practice than the sex with all of my previous female partners. Oral sex is easier due to his clit being closer to a small penis, sensations like sucking, nibbling, more and harder pressure tend to be much more pleasurable. Even during vaginal intercourse, it feels much more like topping a guy, hair/stubble rub against me, his low moans are in a stark contrast to the female tone. We have mostly vaginal sex, but it feels more like sleeping with a guy, like with a good bro. There are only subtleties of his previous identity. I dont plan on sharing those because I would rather be the only one who knows. Otherwise he is rather masculine, slightly timid face, normal proportions for his shorter stature, most of the time he wears briefs and binds. So, looking at him on a typical day at school/work most people easily see a male. He has a normal male odor and uses masculine deodorant and wash. He began shaving his genitals at my request, but hes hairy in the rest of the normal places for a guy.
As our relationship is young, we havent ventured into too many unknowns, but plans for the future include pegging because, well, I cant have all the fun. Thats one of the perks of a relationship with a trans person, because conversations about sexuality tend to come up early and more often. Kinks and sexual play feel more comfortable to discuss. This level of communication in my experience has been difficult to work towards in my prior relationships where sexuality wasnt brought up due to the status quo.
19. The clits engorge considerably, and are a ton of fun to play with, closer to a blowjob than cunnilingus.
Bisexual man here, I’ve dated/had sex with two pre-op transmen on T, one who started hormones while we were dating.
The clits engorge considerably, and are a ton of fun to play with, closer to a blowjob than cunnilingus.
Testosterone seems to interfere with vaginal wetness, so lube is important if he’s interested in that, and seemed to make him interested in sex more frequently but for a shorter session.
20. Such a great and unexpected experience, a whole different kind of sexy!
I had an awesome experience with a MtF girl, who had been on hormones for a while but still pre-op. Already had bigger boobs than me but still rather well-endowed downstairs. I am bisexual so am very much into both guys and girls anyway, but it was such a great and unexpected experience, a whole different kind of sexy!
21. If I’m horny she just plays with my dick and if she’s horny I just play with her breasts and her rather bubbly butt.
I have dated a (mtf) girl for about 3 years now. She told me early so I knew ahead of time it would probably end up being different but I went for it. It actually was a lot better than I thought! With the help of lube she was particularly wet and I was able to go in and get my business done. We don’t really even have sex that often. If I’m horny she just plays with my dick and if she’s horny I just play with her breasts and her rather bubbly butt. And yes, she looks like a perfectly normal female.
22. Super tight and small.
Super tight and small. Her size makes deep penetration hard and feels like a vise on my dick. She got it done by one of the best, paid all cash and went with the largest size available. I have had sex with women who are smaller, but over time their body seems to accommodate. Also the limits on the vagina seem to be a hard stop in my partner.
Overall the sex is amazing, even the intercourse, intercourse is a small part of great sex.
I love her and am so glad she is part of my life.
23. The parts down below felt totally normal.
Felt fine. The scar around his chest was interesting, where he had had his breasts reformed, but the parts down below felt totally normal.
24. It was mainly like masturbating but with two people involved.
Trans myself and bisexual, so far had sex with: a cis guy, a trans guy who had not transitioned at all yet, and a post-transition trans guy.
Sex with a pre-everything trans guy meant I was bottoming almost all the time and he didn’t like to be touched much. Not much to say aside from that, in general I quite liked it as we had similar sexual interests and that seems to be the main factor in whether I enjoy sex with someone, aside from emotional connection.
Sex with a post-transition trans guy is quite different, as firstly I can actually touch him and even occasionally top, and secondly his body is quite different. Even if the genitals are the same at the start, hormones significantly change how they work and look.
I could not have sex with a cis woman in the same way even simply for logistic reasons, a woman’s vagina does not exactly look and work like a post-transition trans man’s genitals. Without going into details, there are things that would just be downright impossible.
Sex with a cis guy is something I was very curious about and had expectations for, but ended up being very disappointing. I would guess mainly because there wasn’t much of an emotional build-up so it was mainly like masturbating but with two people involved and more awkward, and we weren’t very compatible sexually. Curiosity towards cis dick is a poor substitute for sexual chemistry.
25. It was about the same experience as being the top in your average gay sex.
Context: I am a cisgendered bisexual mid-20s male. I have been in sexual relationships with both cis men and cis women and feel perfectly comfortable with either. I have several transgender friends and have all the respect in the world for transgender people.
I was in a short-term casual relationship with a trans man (that is female-to-male) about two years ago that lasted only a month or so. We met on a dating site with the intention of drinking beer together and possibly having sex. I don’t remember who instigated the exchange but he ended up coming to my place. He had been on hormone replacement therapy for several years and had had top surgery. He was completely passing, i.e., you would not be able to tell he was transgender unless you were told, or saw him without clothes on.
Physically, the sex was pretty unremarkable. Being that I am bisexual and have had experience with both men and women I was not exposed to anything I was uncomfortable or unfamiliar with. I would say that oral sex was the same as going down on a woman (albeit quite a bit hairier than most cis women like to keep it) and otherwise it was about the same experience as being the top in your average gay sex. The strangest part about the whole thing for me was how I was maybe… overly sensitive about him being trans at first. Not wanting to ask any questions or offend, letting him take the lead, etc. He was quite comfortable with being trans, though, and after the first time we had sex, each time after that was the same as any other gay casual relationship. We would have continued seeing each other but he had plans to move across the country and we started seeing each other with the knowledge that it would be a short-lived fling.
I’ll answer any questions.
tl;dr-same as regular old gay sex once I stopped being overly sensitive about his trans status.
26. I’ve had anal and oral with both cis and trans women and it feels identical.
She didn’t dilate a lot so it was too tight to function in. I know it hurts girls, but it’s for your health, not just for sex.
Otherwise I’ve had anal and oral with both cis and trans women and it feels identical in that regard, and it wasn’t a problem.
My standards for women are nearly as high as my standards for myself, but what she was born with (hair color, metabolism, ethnicity, genitals, social class, etc.) don’t really factor into it. In that regard I’m extremely not picky. So I’ve had at this point almost equal share of sex with trans and cis women, and about 20% of my relationships were with trans women.
Men don’t do it for me though. Just not attracted.
27. He’d had top surgery and looked just like a guy, had body hair and a dripping wet pussy.
I hooked up with a FtM trans guy once, he wanted to wank me while I played with his clit. He’d had top surgery and looked just like a guy, had body hair and a dripping wet pussy. It was pretty cool, I’d definitely do it again.
28. My cock wouldn’t fit inside.
I tried sleeping with a trans lady once, my cock wouldn’t fit inside, apparently it was too soon after her op, so it compared pretty poorly.
29. It felt pretty okay.
I had a Male to Female. I’m a male. It felt pretty okay, the only problem I encountered was that it was noticeably wider and felt worse than the average vagina I encountered. And another problem was that we had to use lube, otherwise it was just almost impossible.
Read more: http://tcat.tc/2jffaiO
from 29 People Describe What Sex With A Trans Person Feels Like
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alex-guerin · 6 years
I’m pretty sure I’ve written about this one bitch I work with, Corie. She...I don’t really have words for her. She thinks she can get away with everything because 1) her girlfriend is a manager; 2) she’s buddy-buddy with anyone with even the smallest bit of authority. But that’s not the point of this right now. 
Last week was so nice and relaxing at work...she was on vacation. Yeah, okay, J and I ran around like chickens with their heads cut off cuz it was literally just me and him doing EVERYTHING last week, but it was still nice, y’know? J didn’t seem to get overly stressed out much, he never once got pissed off to a point that he threatened to take points and go home because he was sick of the bullshit. It was fun again to be back there. 
Then she came back from vacation today. And it all went back to hell. And to make matters worse, I’m recovering from having a cold sore this past weekend. Woke up Friday with the start of one and just kept putting my ointment on it throughout the weekend. It’s starting to clear up, but there’s this ugly scabby thing on my bottom lip right now that I’m overly self-conscious about and kept trying to hide from people. I came out from doing stuff in the back, started to walk past Corie shortly after she got in this morning, and she looked at me and went, “What the fuck did you do to your lip, bish?” I told her my lips had gotten overly chapped last week (truth, they did) and that it had blistered (uh...kind of truth? I guess? It did, but not because they were chapped). I had to fucking lie to her about it cuz last time I got a fucking cold sore, she became a fucking child and was all, “Ewwwwwwwwww! Herpes! Herpes-derp! Don’t drink my coffee! I don’t wanna get your herpes-derp!” 
*heavy sigh* Yes. Thank you, Corie. I get embarrassed and self-conscious enough about the fucking cold sores, thank you for reminding me they’re a strain of fucking Herpes. I mean, I know they’re pretty damn common, and that even little kids get them, but still. I hate getting them, and I hate even more when people acknowledge them -- especially when it’s someone like Corie. 
I hate working with her. I really do. 
And I hate this fucking cold sore...
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amolovesgames · 6 years
I’ve been playing KH3 on stream MWF for ... a few weeks now and yesterday afternoon I finally “beat” it. I beat the last boss on standard mode. I’m going to be as spoiler-free as I possibly can (I don’t really delve into the plot but I will talk about some of the different worlds that stuck out to me) but I will keep the rest under the cut so please do your best to scroll faster if you’re on mobile :P
To start with let me tell you how much I know of the plot of KH3 based on how I prepared to play KH3. I’ve only played KH1 from start to almost finish (I forgot if years ago when I first played it if I beat it or not but I got up to the stupid dragon at the end of KH1 again recently in prep for this game), and watched a few videos on the plot because of course KH3 is notorious for “confusing plot”. I watched both the Square Enix chapter things they put out + a very well done fan-guide that was about 19 minutes long itself. I felt like, “Okay, I know enough to at least sort of know what’s going on presently in KH3 a bit.” so with that pseudo-knowledge I dove right in.
Next let me just forewarn that plot wise I was basically OK through to the end except for a few spotty things and I also knew who most of the important characters were based on the aforementioned videos and games I had under my belt at the time. I can’t really say anything re: the plot as GOOD or BAD because I feel I don’t have enough information so me sitting here going HERP DERP I AM CONFUZED cannot be blamed ever on this game. No one would expect to watch the last season of a show and be like “WOW I know everything that’s going on right now!! This is so cool and intense!”
On my streams I do carry on a bit of “riffing” type humor but it’s all meant to be good-natured. I do think Sora’s a dumbass and everyone around him -- even goofy and donald -- actually have some semblance of urgency for what is apparently happening around them. But you could also chock most of that up to my ineptitude re: the series plot as a whole. Not sure there. But It was fun seeing what dumbassery Sora and I could diddle with while Spoiler and Spoiler did actual plot-important things.
The only parts I truly did not like cutscene wise were all the sappy disney endings. But Disney movies haven’t been made “for me” since the Little Mermaid era so what are ya gonna do ~ 
The worst part of the game was the Skrillex theme song. I love Utada Hikaru to death but the skrillex part of the song was like nails on a chalkboard
Mechanic~UI~UX~whatevs wise I really did not like a few things here I will list them and why:
1. The pirates of the caribbean “race” In general I really do not like being thrown a brand new thing to do in a game and then IMMEDIATELY expected to be a pro at it. I lost the race the first time because I was so concerned with the enemy ships firing at me (which took off MY health not a ship-health thing) and the Boss’s ship. I also got stuck in some rocks my second time which was frustrating.
2. Frozen’s go-down-a-mountain-but-the-camera-is-backwards-lol-oh-and-dragons-attack-u thing. Wow. It’s one thing to have to ski down a mountain while being chased by dragons or a big snowball or something but when it says “there’ll be health items” and there WEREN’T any health items during the parts where you actually take damage because a dragon laser will go from one side of the screen to the other, BUT OH DONT MOVE BECAUSE ONE DRAGON IS PUSHING FASTER THAN YOU AND WILL HEADBUTT YOU!!! -- just made for a poor experience. I’m sure if I went back it would be an OK challenge but I literally lost a kupo coin on that mountain.
3. COOKING. Yet another thing with new mechanics that they throw you in and you have to be immediately good at otherwise.. you waste your ingredients! Yikes! I ate 1 food the entire game because I refused to go back there.
4. The triangle-swoop thing towards the end of the game. I did that thing once before on Frozen world which was.... at that point about 3 weeks ago. I’m sure if I did that and then immediately cut to this part I would have been OK but even as it stands it would have been HOURS ago and WORLDS ago that I even “had” to think about doing a mechanic like that, so being murdered by some doors flying at me was not fun.
COMBAT. Combat. COMBAT. DID I SAY COMBAT? That was hecka fun. I didn’t play KH2 and I guess the attraction thing was a .. thing there? But it was new for me and I really REALLY enjoyed that. Being a big carousel or pirate ship and takin out lots of guys was so cool :D
I didn’t understand the riskybusiness part, but it seemed that when i got to low HP occasionally it would flip me into like a shadow-sora, and it was pretty sweet.
The targeting and movement were 198490328490324% better than in KH1 and for that I am glad.
Being able to retry fights and such, along with kupo coins, was pretty nice. Just that small forgiving nature really helped >.>;;
Favorite world: If I had to pick, it would have to be Corona. I’m a sucker for forests :P
Favorite Keyblade: Frozen CLAWWWWSSSSS
Least Favorite World: San Fransokyo. I did not like the majority of the movie it comes from and there was a plot hole that kind of ruined it for me.
Least Favorite Keyblade: The star one?? the one with the gun special. The other keyblades were just so much better control-wise than that in my opinion.
Recommended Price: any. Seriously, this game is really good!
* I only recommend that before you buy the game either play KH1 and KH2 (at least) =or= watch a few recap videos so you know who a lot of the people are.
Full playthrough playlist is available on my youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxh0Z276lKHjg5R646lqO7YavKJmFeETd
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adambstingus · 6 years
29 People Describe What Sex With A Trans Person Feels Like
Found on AskReddit.
1. It’s basically like being with a cis dude with a very small dick.
My ex is a pre-bottom surgery trans man.
As the top commenter said, it’s basically like being with a cis dude with a very small dick. He has been on hormones for 8 years so his growth down there was pretty developed. We were able to have penetrative sex (I’m a woman, btw). Also he was pretty skilled in the whole sexual department, and I put that down to him being a woman before so he knew how to work female genitalia in a way that a cis man couldn’t.
Apart from the physical side, the emotional side can be pretty intense. A lot of pre-surgery trans people have issues around dysphoria during sex, and this stopped sex dead in its tracks a few times for us. He did not like being penetrated at all, which I didn’t realize at first because he was too shy to tell me. That was a bit awkward, and it made me feel like shit afterward.
Overall, even though he had female genitals, it was pretty much just like being with a cis guy physically. 10/10, would sleep with a trans dude again.
2. It is different because of different hardware, but still quite enjoyable.
I am in a relationship with a pre-op MtF girl. It is different because of different hardware, but still quite enjoyable. She cums from anal quite a bit, and I enjoy it as well. Mechanically, it would be very much like regular anal, but the emotional component and feelings behind it all is like any other relationship.
3. She was incredibly tight and we needed a lot of lube. But it was pretty great.
I was FWB with a woman who I actually started hooking up with pre-trans I guess? She had a penis when we met and we did everything anally for a few months. She finally got herself fixed and she was the happiest I’ve ever seen someone be in my whole life, it was a pretty nice experience. She took a few months (maybe close to a year) to recover. When we went to hook up again, she just had a vagina. It looked pretty normal, pretty cute. She was incredibly tight and we needed a lot of lube. But it was pretty great.
Honestly, it felt nice to look HR in the eyes while we fucked, not being able to do that totally removed a lot of the connection for me.
4. I have never been with a woman with such vaginal strength.
I’ve been seeing a guy (FTM) for over a year now. I am a bi guy(CIS).
He very much looks and smells like a guy. Very muscular as well.
So sex-wise for me, everything has been better. I have never been with a woman with such vaginal strength. Would be scary if it wasn’t such an awesome feeling. His natural lube does seem to be different. The same, but with a little more stickiness, then the few women I’ve had un-condomed sex with. Not that I’ve had enough to know how they all are.
I like to think the sex has been great because we are clicking well, not because of our genders. Kissing has been the biggest deal. I just love holding him and kissing him.
5. The lack of penis didn’t bother me, but the presence of a vagina was a bit startling.
It threw me off a bit, the lack of penis didn’t bother me, but the presence of a vagina was a bit startling. It was hard to get the sheer presence of it out of my mind for some reason. Super-hot and nice guy though. I definitely enjoyed myself, it was just a bit disarming, but not much was actually different (we mostly did anal, but I herp derped up in his snatch for a bit and it felt pretty good, but I was unaccustomed to the angles of view that vaginal sex leads to, it was novel and a bit strange).
6. The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina.
Yes, I am a bi guy. I hooked up with a MtF, I just liked her style. She had had a lot of surgery, including a neo vagina. I wanted to try it. I’ll call her Molly, cuz that’s what she liked to do. I met her at a fetish club. She was hot, and she didn’t pass. There’s something that turns me on about non-passing MtF’s, it’s hard to explain. But the point is: I didnt expect her to pass, and she wasn’t trying to fool me. The neo-vagina didn’t pass either, but it sure did feel good. I would be down to do it again, if Molly hadn’t been so into drug culture, I would have. The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina. Thick, coarse ones. I asked her about it, and it has something to do with the neo-vagina being constructed from testicle skin. There are pictures of this online. Anyway, I could feel the hair through the condom even, and I was worried about these vaginal pubic hairs causing condom breakage. And diseases, Molly was a lolly but she got around.
7. It was tight, it was soft, it was warm, it was very wet (because we used lube!), and it was sex with someone I was already mentally in love with.
I had a year+ relationship with a MtF post-op. We went from chatting at a bar, to playing (at a BDSM club), to fucking, in about a month and a half. Not entirely out of the norm I’d guess.
She said she’d started on hormones pretty late but also had a very delayed puberty so that sort of evened out, and then went to Thailand at 29. We met about 4 years after she had surgery. All that to say that she had slim hips, a slim bone structure, pretty much nothing pointed to born male appears female. Her vagina looked like a vagina. There’s enough variety in the world that I didn’t inspect it vigorously to determine how it came about. She had some small breasts that weren’t implants. Basically, I didn’t know.
Sex was great. We needed lube, but the only uncommon thing about that for me in many cases is that we needed it right at the start instead of first sometime in the middle. It was tight, it was soft, it was warm, it was very wet (because we used lube!), and it was sex with someone I was already mentally in love with. Also breasts. And my hand around her throat. A good time.
She told me she was trans, in a public place, a little while later. She was worried about what sort of reaction I might have to learning that. The whole you tricked me into fucking a dude now I’m going to kill you thing. But I just didn’t care. This is actually something I’ve thought about a lot since, and I wish she had told me ahead of time. I understand why she didn’t but it’s still something she kept me from having informed consent about. Since I didn’t care to begin with I haven’t stayed too worried about it.
Our relationship went really strongly for a bit over a year and we ended up breaking up over personality meshing issues. A regular old breakup. But even by the end the sex was still great.
8. The surgical scar from the vulva up was a distraction, as was the unusual hip-to-waist ratio.
The first minute was good, after that it was uncomfortable.
I’m a guy. This was at a sex club. I walked in on her (male-to-female) sitting on a bed with a younger guy who clearly couldn’t perform for whatever reason. So she was horny, I was horny, and we got it on immediately.
The room was dark, and she had kind of a strong chin, but I didn’t really think about it. She was on top, and held my arms down. I thought, Man, she’s strong. And not merely strong for a woman (of her size.)
But the vagina felt great. Naturally lubricated, better than those of some natural women I’ve been inside. However, the surgical scar from the vulva up was a distraction, as was the unusual hip-to-waist ratio.
My experience is probably unusual in that I had sex with her while getting acquainted. I don’t know whether the onus was on her to tell me she used to be a dude, or on me to notice it before plunging in. Either way, it wasn’t awful. I might repeat if I knew what to expect going in.
9. His fluids taste like cum and his parts all have a man’s smell and they’re all covered in hair.
My partner and I are both trans. I’m MtF and he’s FtM.
Most of it is about as different as sex is with any other partner. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, and you kind of fumble your way around to figuring out what works, and then do some more of that. He’s obsessed with my breasts and mauls them at every opportunity, when he nuzzles my neck or kisses me his beard scratches me up. He smells like a man, I smell like a woman. My skin is soft and his is hairy.
There’s lots of kissing and groping and laughing and talking and dreaming, and then our pants come off.
His dick is about the size of a pinky finger from the second knuckle. I can give him head just like any other guy, and he love it. His fluids taste like cum and his parts all have a man’s smell and they’re all covered in hair.
I still have a functioning strapless that gets joyfully ignored. It no longer produces emissions and I have multiple orgasms. I particularly enjoy having things put in my inguinal canal. It’s called muffing, and it feels really nice. It hits all of the important nerves and has enough space to fit a thumb. If you have testicles and aren’t on HRT, your testicles might get in the way.
Remember my guy’s size? Yup. It fits. Perfectly.
So yeah, it’s pretty normal, just a little different, and the pillow talk is way more interesting.
10. We both went from being horny and wanting something inside of us to wanting to grind on things instead.
My partner and I are both trans, and both Female to Male. Neither of us have bottom surgery-but that is more due to the lack of good surgeons/surgeries in my area than a lack of desire for it.
Hormones still do a lot to the clitoris. I think the thing that surprised us both was how quickly our clits grew. My partner’s does not stay tucked up in the skin anymore, and it freely hangs down a bit. I can actually give them head-like giving a blowjob to a very tiny penis.
Other than that, body smells are now a thing. Even after having a shower just that day, the body smells a lot different now than it did before. And everything is very hairy.
We’re both about 8 months into hormones right now, so I’m sure we still have a long way to go as far as changes go.
In comparison to a cis dudethe dick is just much smaller. Also, we both went from being horny and wanting something inside of us to wanting to grind on things instead. Humping makes so much more sense now, and it’s become so much more fun to just grind. Sometimes we prefer that to trying to even bother with penetration.
11. Having sex with a mtf transsexual was like having the best of both worlds: the looks and touch of a female but with a little surprise down below.
I (male) have had sex with a mtf escort. I was in Australia and had always been interested so I decided why not. Besides the fact that she was an escort it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience. Besides having a deeper voice and being a little taller than most females, she did not look any different than any other cis female. As for the sex, besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female. It was actually a great experience because I was allowed to experiment with a few fantasies while still being turned on by her appearances. I don’t consider myself gay and would probably never have sex with a male but having sex with a mtf transsexual was like having the best of both worlds: the looks and touch of a female but with a little surprise down below
12. She has small A-cups and smells like a girl.
Im currently dating a trans woman. Its great. She hasn’t had bottom surgery because from what the doctors have told her there is only a 60% chance she will be able to achieve orgasm if she does. Her testes have withdrawn back up into her body and her penis has gotten smaller. She doesnt ejaculate. So basically she has a large clit and no vagina. There are the usual issues with anal penetration but being bisexual myself I know how to navigate these issues.
She has small A-cups and smells like a girl. She acts like the woman that she is. I really enjoy spending time with her, even out of the bedroom.
13. Her vagina was very much like any other woman’s though the labia were a bit smaller, in her case, and she had a less depth.
My (ex) girlfriend had transitioned six years before I met her, and completed her sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) two years prior. Before surgery the effects of estrogen combined with androgen (male hormone) blockers had transformed her breasts, hips, skin and hair and greatly affected her sex life, as well. Most MtF women eventually lose the function of their penis due to hormone treatments, and for many this is not a problem. Receiving penetrative anal sex became much more pleasurable after hormones for my gf, and she could orgasm that way alone. I am told this is a common side effect, though not every woman experiences hormone treatments the same way.
After SRS, my gf had an extended period of recovery where she slowly regained sexual feeling and the ability to enjoy vaginal sex. She told me it was like a training period where her body reconnected with her new vagina both physically and mentally. From my perspective having sex with her two year after the surgery, her vagina was very much like any other woman’s though the labia were a bit smaller, in her case, and she had a less depth. Genetic women can accommodate babies, after all, and their vaginas are remarkably stretchy.
Her vagina did not lubricate naturally and required plenty of lube for sex, but I am told that new SRS procedures can now use the body’s own secretion-producing tissue to simulate vaginal lubricant during arousal. All in all, she was very pleased and fulfilled that her body was now fully female in form and function and that translated into hot sex. When we were dating, she was coming very close (pun intended) to achieving orgasm from vaginal sex and I was of course eager to help her on that journey.
14. Honestly it was pretty hot.
A friend of mine is FTM and we sort of hooked up at a party. Honestly it was pretty hot. I’m male myself but I’ve never really cared about my partners gender or at least it doesn’t play much into whether or not I’m sexually interested in them. He preferred that I didn’t penetrate him so we just sort of grinded, made out, and rubbed each other off. I’d do it again.
15. Sex seems to work best as a tender, sensual affair with lots of nipple stimulation.
MTF here, plus I have a MTF partner. Neither of us have had surgery, though both of us experience significant dysphoria about our genitals. Money is the most significant hurdle to getting an orchiectomy or vaginoplasty.
Sex is difficult. We both are extra sensitive to each other’s needs; we have sex drives and enjoy the pleasure of the penis being stimulated while simultaneously getting sort of grossed out with our own body. Recently she was stimulating me, and I started crying, so sex stopped and she comforted me in my dysphoria. We talk a LOT about the dysphoria and any frustration we have. Sex seems to work best as a tender, sensual affair with lots of nipple stimulation. My own issues are exacerbated by a lot of guilt over sexuality that comes from growing up as a fundamental Christian.
16. I’m a whore, so the penis didn’t stop me from initiating sex after the first date.
Some background info: I am a cis woman, married to a mtf woman. I had never dated a trans person prior to her. I was a gold star lesbian. When we started dating, I knew she was trans because she stated so in her dating profile. We actually met in the real world but I had seen her profile and remembered her from it. The night we met, after it was obvious we hit it off, she disclosed her pre-op status. As I already knew, I was able to avoid any look of surprise, no matter how momentary. This, I found out, really put her at ease. Much respect to anyone that has something like this to disclose during early dating. It must be terrifying. Anyway, I’m a whore, so the penis didn’t stop me from initiating sex after the first date. I did have to admit I had no idea how to work with a penis, but we are both very open sexually, so we were able to talk through it (and our kinks) in a fluid manner. The sex was great. Standard p in v stuff, oral (both ways), some choking. You know, normal. Though she needed a lot of stimulation to orgasm, and it didn’t always happen. I remember being extremely impressed that first time that she was so accepting of her current situation (no bottom or top surgery, and small breasts from hormones). She ended up getting her SRS (Satterwhite) about two years into our relationship, after we got engaged. The results look good, and she is fully orgasmic. She’s had issues with healing, though, which are mostly from her not doing what she is supposed to do for upkeep. It’s killed our sex life, and has led to a lot of resentment on her end. Some is mental issues I’m battling with, some is my not wanting to deal (during sex) with the occasional blood and malodorous discharge that comes from her not healing a surgical site properly. It’s just not arousing at all. She’s working right now with her OB to properly heal the neo-vagina, so I’m hopeful.
17. Couldn’t tell a difference.
I did in July or so from a OKCupid date/hookup. Four times in about a 24-hour period. I actually didn’t know til after though but I did think it was strange when she asked for lube like right away. I’ve had girls ask for lube before but usually its ones that are older or farther into relationship.
Anyways couldn’t tell a difference. A friend of mine went to high school with her when she still had a dick. She only went part of Freshman year then was home schooled. I thought my friend was bullshitting me but scanned the year book pic and told me to search her name on Topix and people talk about her having the surgery done. She also had very small boobs. Usually the voice is a red flag in videos but hers sounded feminine. She was only 20 so must have had it done early or started hormones early.
I didn’t see her again; she was a bit of a nutcase and clingy. Sex was good though. I already had decided not to meet up with her anymore before I found out about the sex change. I probably would have still hooked up with her if she told me but feel not telling me was uncool so just reaffirmed not talking to her anymore.
18. We have mostly vaginal sex, but it feels more like sleeping with a guy, like with a good bro.
Background: Im a Bi cis-gender male, my partner is a trans man (ftm). I met him over summer this year and he disclosed from the beginning that he was trans. The majority of my sexual experiences have been with female partners. I came out as bi to my family because of him.
We talked through text and phone calls before we met in person and he had told me about himself including sexuality and gender (gay trans man for reference.) The way he described himself I would have guessed his feminine features might be more apparent, and that he may have trouble with being misgendered. To my surprise upon first meeting him, besides the lack of beard, that made him look a little younger than his age, he seemed like any other gay guy. We hit it off after meeting and started dating.
As for sex, since the options for bottom surgery arent that great, he isnt planning on it and has come to terms with that. Before we started dating, I thought I had a high sex drive, but since we started living together I just cant keep up. Weve talked about it a lot and I understand his needs (for the most part) and he understands my libido isnt quite is high as his.
So, with that said, I feel like our sex is far closer to gay sex and is fundamentally different in practice than the sex with all of my previous female partners. Oral sex is easier due to his clit being closer to a small penis, sensations like sucking, nibbling, more and harder pressure tend to be much more pleasurable. Even during vaginal intercourse, it feels much more like topping a guy, hair/stubble rub against me, his low moans are in a stark contrast to the female tone. We have mostly vaginal sex, but it feels more like sleeping with a guy, like with a good bro. There are only subtleties of his previous identity. I dont plan on sharing those because I would rather be the only one who knows. Otherwise he is rather masculine, slightly timid face, normal proportions for his shorter stature, most of the time he wears briefs and binds. So, looking at him on a typical day at school/work most people easily see a male. He has a normal male odor and uses masculine deodorant and wash. He began shaving his genitals at my request, but hes hairy in the rest of the normal places for a guy.
As our relationship is young, we havent ventured into too many unknowns, but plans for the future include pegging because, well, I cant have all the fun. Thats one of the perks of a relationship with a trans person, because conversations about sexuality tend to come up early and more often. Kinks and sexual play feel more comfortable to discuss. This level of communication in my experience has been difficult to work towards in my prior relationships where sexuality wasnt brought up due to the status quo.
19. The clits engorge considerably, and are a ton of fun to play with, closer to a blowjob than cunnilingus.
Bisexual man here, I’ve dated/had sex with two pre-op transmen on T, one who started hormones while we were dating.
The clits engorge considerably, and are a ton of fun to play with, closer to a blowjob than cunnilingus.
Testosterone seems to interfere with vaginal wetness, so lube is important if he’s interested in that, and seemed to make him interested in sex more frequently but for a shorter session.
20. Such a great and unexpected experience, a whole different kind of sexy!
I had an awesome experience with a MtF girl, who had been on hormones for a while but still pre-op. Already had bigger boobs than me but still rather well-endowed downstairs. I am bisexual so am very much into both guys and girls anyway, but it was such a great and unexpected experience, a whole different kind of sexy!
21. If I’m horny she just plays with my dick and if she’s horny I just play with her breasts and her rather bubbly butt.
I have dated a (mtf) girl for about 3 years now. She told me early so I knew ahead of time it would probably end up being different but I went for it. It actually was a lot better than I thought! With the help of lube she was particularly wet and I was able to go in and get my business done. We don’t really even have sex that often. If I’m horny she just plays with my dick and if she’s horny I just play with her breasts and her rather bubbly butt. And yes, she looks like a perfectly normal female.
22. Super tight and small.
Super tight and small. Her size makes deep penetration hard and feels like a vise on my dick. She got it done by one of the best, paid all cash and went with the largest size available. I have had sex with women who are smaller, but over time their body seems to accommodate. Also the limits on the vagina seem to be a hard stop in my partner.
Overall the sex is amazing, even the intercourse, intercourse is a small part of great sex.
I love her and am so glad she is part of my life.
23. The parts down below felt totally normal.
Felt fine. The scar around his chest was interesting, where he had had his breasts reformed, but the parts down below felt totally normal.
24. It was mainly like masturbating but with two people involved.
Trans myself and bisexual, so far had sex with: a cis guy, a trans guy who had not transitioned at all yet, and a post-transition trans guy.
Sex with a pre-everything trans guy meant I was bottoming almost all the time and he didn’t like to be touched much. Not much to say aside from that, in general I quite liked it as we had similar sexual interests and that seems to be the main factor in whether I enjoy sex with someone, aside from emotional connection.
Sex with a post-transition trans guy is quite different, as firstly I can actually touch him and even occasionally top, and secondly his body is quite different. Even if the genitals are the same at the start, hormones significantly change how they work and look.
I could not have sex with a cis woman in the same way even simply for logistic reasons, a woman’s vagina does not exactly look and work like a post-transition trans man’s genitals. Without going into details, there are things that would just be downright impossible.
Sex with a cis guy is something I was very curious about and had expectations for, but ended up being very disappointing. I would guess mainly because there wasn’t much of an emotional build-up so it was mainly like masturbating but with two people involved and more awkward, and we weren’t very compatible sexually. Curiosity towards cis dick is a poor substitute for sexual chemistry.
25. It was about the same experience as being the top in your average gay sex.
Context: I am a cisgendered bisexual mid-20s male. I have been in sexual relationships with both cis men and cis women and feel perfectly comfortable with either. I have several transgender friends and have all the respect in the world for transgender people.
I was in a short-term casual relationship with a trans man (that is female-to-male) about two years ago that lasted only a month or so. We met on a dating site with the intention of drinking beer together and possibly having sex. I don’t remember who instigated the exchange but he ended up coming to my place. He had been on hormone replacement therapy for several years and had had top surgery. He was completely passing, i.e., you would not be able to tell he was transgender unless you were told, or saw him without clothes on.
Physically, the sex was pretty unremarkable. Being that I am bisexual and have had experience with both men and women I was not exposed to anything I was uncomfortable or unfamiliar with. I would say that oral sex was the same as going down on a woman (albeit quite a bit hairier than most cis women like to keep it) and otherwise it was about the same experience as being the top in your average gay sex. The strangest part about the whole thing for me was how I was maybe… overly sensitive about him being trans at first. Not wanting to ask any questions or offend, letting him take the lead, etc. He was quite comfortable with being trans, though, and after the first time we had sex, each time after that was the same as any other gay casual relationship. We would have continued seeing each other but he had plans to move across the country and we started seeing each other with the knowledge that it would be a short-lived fling.
I’ll answer any questions.
tl;dr-same as regular old gay sex once I stopped being overly sensitive about his trans status.
26. I’ve had anal and oral with both cis and trans women and it feels identical.
She didn’t dilate a lot so it was too tight to function in. I know it hurts girls, but it’s for your health, not just for sex.
Otherwise I’ve had anal and oral with both cis and trans women and it feels identical in that regard, and it wasn’t a problem.
My standards for women are nearly as high as my standards for myself, but what she was born with (hair color, metabolism, ethnicity, genitals, social class, etc.) don’t really factor into it. In that regard I’m extremely not picky. So I’ve had at this point almost equal share of sex with trans and cis women, and about 20% of my relationships were with trans women.
Men don’t do it for me though. Just not attracted.
27. He’d had top surgery and looked just like a guy, had body hair and a dripping wet pussy.
I hooked up with a FtM trans guy once, he wanted to wank me while I played with his clit. He’d had top surgery and looked just like a guy, had body hair and a dripping wet pussy. It was pretty cool, I’d definitely do it again.
28. My cock wouldn’t fit inside.
I tried sleeping with a trans lady once, my cock wouldn’t fit inside, apparently it was too soon after her op, so it compared pretty poorly.
29. It felt pretty okay.
I had a Male to Female. I’m a male. It felt pretty okay, the only problem I encountered was that it was noticeably wider and felt worse than the average vagina I encountered. And another problem was that we had to use lube, otherwise it was just almost impossible.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/29-people-describe-what-sex-with-a-trans-person-feels-like/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/177223503667
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mintgreenglasses · 7 years
Writing prompts 2
97) When was the last time you took a good look in the mirror?
98) Tell me something I don't know.
99) Well I'm not as loosey goosey with my emotions as you are.
100) Now I know the reason "family" ends with a why.
101) Good things come in threes
102) Don't inhale the flames, they'll go right into your lungs. That's not fun.
103) No, you listen to me! You're playing with fire and you're going to get burned!
104) A "This seat is warm."
B "You're welcome."
105) I'm gray I'm grokay I'm okay
106) Aren't you glad you didn't step on that?
107) Sure thing Sketchy McSketchurson.
108) I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a cold shower and a hot breakfast.
109) Burning in water, drowning in flame
110) "Sweet heckin' Christ."
"Would you prefer sweet heckin' heckity heck?"
"I'm going to make sweet heckin' heckity heck to you."
"You're going to make sweet Christ to me?"
111) With a herp derp here and a herp derp there, here a herp, there a derp, everywhere a herp derp.
112) I'm sorry that you'd rather live in darkness than learn to live with my light.
113) I'm a person, not a product.
114) Everyone aboard the tragedy train, woot-woot!
115) That sounded juicy.
116) A "What do you want for dinner?"
B "Who cares? We're gonna die anyway."
117) I promise it's not as gay as it looks.
118) Yeah right, and the Easter Bunny made out with Santa Claus at the Tooth Fairy's birthday party. -ThatKourtniChick
119) They're an awful shot, but great at tucking and rolling.
120) I haven't been in that situation before, I just fed you some carefully chosen clichés.
121) Why am I like this? Well, there's a story behind that.
122) It's like going from a parent to a grandparent. –Lin-Manuel Miranda
123) Yes! Break those Asian ankles!
124) Si a ti te quiero (If I love you, according to google translate)
125) A "Are you always like this?"
B "Nope! Only when you're around."
126) Well, you know what they say. Everyone wants to be wanted.
127) Dysphemism
128) Why do I always walk in on the weird sh*t? -consulting-cannibal via Tumblr
129) "Why must you insist upon the [p]ancakes being evil?" -Dan Howell
130) "I died?" Xe said this as though asking if there was any milk in the fridge.
131) "I took the week off, so get used to my company."
132) Some unspoken thing
133) "Why do you smell like [laundry detergent]?"
134) Just because I'm a liar doesn't mean I lie.
135) I'm doing this for you because it's easier to lose. -HappyFunBallXD "Gonna Hide My Wings Tonight"
136) They're in the wrong place trying to make it right. -HappyFunBallXD "Gonna Hide My Wings Tonight"
137) "I tend to laugh right before someone else says 'too soon'."
138) A "I don't know whether to punch you in the face or say congratulations."
B "Perhaps you should do both?"
139) C "What's going on here?"
A "I had a bad dream and couldn't sleep."
B "I don't need sleep."
A "So here we are, not sleeping together. Problem?"
C "No…"
140) Careful, the potatoes are deceptively hot.
141) "You're angry when you're beautiful." -M*A*S*H
142) You do not know what pain is yet, but you will learn.
143) Okay, that train of thought is pulling into the station and never leaving again.
144) It appears you make me vulnerable. -Lucifer Morningstar
145) I can't explain myself because I'm not myself.
146) A "What would you do if I died today?"
B "I'd die tomorrow."
147) Little facts become uncertain, until everything you know is turned on its head and seems like a lie.
148) I'm just trying to remember what self-respect feels like. -Miisha Collins
149) There's no "I didn't know", "I did what I had to", or "It's so-and-so's fault", just… "I'm sorry."
150) Xe's a badass, but xe doesn't have a bad ass.
151) Helpless or murderous?
152) *sarcastic* "Shall we review xir greatest hits?"
153) Esse est percepi. (To be is to be perceived.)
154) Xe has a deep, dark secret: xe's freakishly ticklish
155) Person A sees Person B eating Cheetos w/ chopsticks
156) I was kind of expecting this, but I can't say that I was hoping for it.
157) Corre por tu vida (run for your life)
158) Would you want to talk to yourself ten years from now in the future or ten years from now in the past?
159) Red parade
160) My train of thought derailed
161) A "Where do you think you're going?"
B "Crazy. Wanna come?"
162) "It's a dysphemism, not a nickname. Never take anything I say as a compliment."
164) Blanket fort
165) "Write a book."
166) Pics or it didn't happen
167) A "No you can't have my [insert food]"
B *puppy dog eyes*
A "Ugh fine we'll split it"
168) "I'm trying to purr like a cat."
169) "Honestly, I'm tired of people saying 'just breathe' like it's so easy."
170) "I think my eye just twitched."
171) "Something's wrong. It won't stop."
172) *sarcastic* "By all means, surround me with your dulcet tones."
173) For better or for worse, I think about you way too much
174) "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"
175) "What's so great about food anyway?"
176) Xe pinched the bridge of her nose and closed xir eyes, a smile erupting across xir face. "I hate you." The phrase was quiet, drowning in suppressed laughter.
177) "Loading f*cks to give… sorry, none found. Try again."
1 note · View note
twiranux · 12 years
The Tale of Philbuscus [Short Story]
There once were two YouTubers that lived nowhere near each other.
They barely even knew each other, as a matter of fact.
Until one day...
"Phil, are you sure you'll be fine? I mean-"
"I'll be fine, Dan, stop worrying. I mean, I'll only be in California for a few weeks."
Dan frowns, and sighs.
"Fine. But if I hear that any earthquakes, fires, or Hollywood terrorist attacks killed you, I'm not going to attend your funeral," Dan responds.
"Take that back, or I'll haunt you forever," Phil says.
"You'll haunt me either way because you care, so ha!"
Phil looks at Dan, and frowns. Dan sneers, and Phil replies: "You're right."
"Well, good luck over there. Bring back some cool stuff, please? "
Phil nods, as he zips up all of his luggage.
At the airport....
"Well, this is goodbye," Phil tells Dan.
"I know. Well, we'll keep in touch, yes? You have everything you need? " Dan asks.
"Yep! I'm all set! ...I'll miss you, Dan."
"I'll miss you too. But don't worry about me. Have fun over there in California."
Dan then drives off, and Phil find his was to his gate.
In a half hour, Phil is already in the air.
'I wonder if I know anyone in this plane...' Phil thinks. 'Oh well. There's pretty much nothing to do for the next 24 hours but sleep and play Pokemon or something.'
Phil yawns, and decides to sleep.
Phil later wakes up, 15 hours later, and jumped back 5 hours, time-wise.
He decides to look outside the window.
'Ooh! I'm in America! Well, now what? I slept for how long?'
So Phil played Pokemon.
'Why can't planes fly any faster? I should have taken that lava lamp llama instead of this...' Phil thinks. 'This experience would be funner and faster if Dan was here...'
Once the plane landed, Phil rushed out of the plane, and made his way to the main area of the airport.
'Okay...well, now what?'
"Hey!" a voice yells.
Phil turns around, to see a familiar figure.
"I've seen you around YouTube before. What are you doing here?" he asks.
"Well, I was sent here... To work on a video," Phil answers. "And you are...?"
"Toby Turner." He then gestures for a hand shake.
"Phil Lester." Phil and Toby go through a regular handshake.
"A video, huh? Oh, yes! You're working with me for something. So nice to meet you! Now...- hahaha~!"
Toby randomly starts laughing.
'Um...okay? What's going on?' Phil thinks.
"Okay...Okay, okay! I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just that... I didn't really expect you to actually travel to here, from the UK," Toby says.
"Well, the things I do sometimes to help friends out," Phil replies.
Toby smiles, and responds: "I'm glad one of your friends told you about me. Come on, let's get you settled to your hotel..."
Toby then takes a hold of Phil's hand, and they walk to wherever the hotel was.
'This is weird, why is he holding my hand? I mean, sure, it's soft, but...' Phil thinks.
'I should probably stop creeping Phil out. Toby, take it slow, man. Not everyone understands "love at first sight". Plus, I didn't even fully introduce myself! I'm jumping far too ahead,' Toby thinks to himself.
Toby stops walking, lets go of Phil's hand, and continues walking.
'This is weird...I like it...What am I saying?' Phil thinks.
Phil follows Toby, as Toby starts to slowly question himself.
'Why this quick? I knew him for years! And only now love is hitting me! Doesn't he have Dan? I mean...what about the Audience? And their fans? WHY AM I RUSHING THROUGH ALL OF THIS?! GAH THE POSSIBILITIES. WHY AM I FEELING LIKE THIS?' Toby questions.
Soon, the two enter the hotel and Phil checks in. The two enter the hotel room, and Phil starts to unpack.
Toby decides to awkwardly sit on one of the chairs.
Phil glances at Toby, noticing the sad look on his face. 
"What's wrong?" Phil asks. "My...feelings..." Toby murmurs. "Oh. Well, I can try to help...What seems to be the problem?" Phil then gestures to Toby to sit next to him on the bed. Toby sits down next to Phil, and sighs. "Have you ever experienced...love at first sight?" Toby wonders. "I think so... To be quite honest, I think I experienced it three times... But one of them didn't work out, and the other time, he didn't realise it as quickly as I thought," Phil explains. "...And the third time?" Toby asks. Phil gazes into Toby's eyes, and in an instant, Toby understands. "Um...Yeah..." Phil then starts to blush. "Well...If...Would Dan be okay with it?" Toby murmurs. "He probably would. I mean, he's the bestest friend I could have, and he's find with whatever I do," Phil replies. '...My...This is just...I lost my ability to just describe what I'm feeling...' Toby thinks. Phil lays down on the bed, and says: "I'm going to bed, since I didn't get enough sleep on the plane. I can unpack the rest later." Toby lays down next to Phil. "I'm so glad you traveled here, Phil. I...-" "No, no need to thank me. I should thank you for giving me a room in a hotel. And thanks for understanding the concept of "Love at first sight". This day can't get any better." Toby slowly pulls Phil closer for a hug. "You're welcome... Can it get better? I'm pretty satisfied with today, unless you can prove me wrong otherwise," Toby suggests. Phil then kisses Toby on the forehead. "There. It's not much, but...I want to go to bed now," Phil points out. "Okay, okay. Sweet dreams, Phil," Toby says. "Sweet dreams, Toby. Oh, and one last thing. I think I know about you as much as you know about me. From what I know about you and from what happened today, we'll have a great time. Thanks again for being brave and ask me to go here..." "Yeah, whatever." Toby and Phil's fingers intertwine as the two fall into a deep sleep.
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