#I just wanted to say this incase anyone would be uncomfortable with the whole thing and it'd suck going in blind in that case.
iamnotmereally · 1 year
Because i post about orv sometimes and there are slight chances that someone might start reading orv, i just wanted to give a warning that there's a canonically trans character in orv and due to some mistranslation she gets misgendered till the translator switches. I am not quite sure about what's in the raw version (because i unfortunately can't read Korean, would be glad if someone could tell me anytime) but it does get fixed eventually.
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mashiraostail · 3 months
Plleeassee 'you can sit on my lap' with Halsin PLEASEEE
ur wish is my command I did SFW bc it felt right but lemme no if u want different :3
It was always the same, which was sort of what annoyed you. It's not that your day to day fights had been particularly hard it was just the constant bumps and scrapes and bruises that weighed you down. Never enough damage to justify wasting healing magic, but just enough that you were uncomfortable in your day to day. You left some wounds to heal even once you're back at camp, preferring to let the others get fixed up before you. Today you could feel the itchy irritation of a cut healing over, right across the bridge of your nose. It was a constant bother, like a bug flying around your face, a tickle that would not subside no matter which way you scrunched your nose up.
"This city air isn't doing anything for me either." You feel Halsin's hand come down on your shoulder, heavy and warm. For a moment you were confused, you'd not complained at all since setting off for the day, then you realized your discomfort may be less subtle than you thought.
"Oh..." You wave, "who am I to complain?" You did enjoy Halsin, well perhaps more than enjoy.... given your late night trysts. Though he was still unfamiliar to you in some ways, and lacking a formal name for what the two of you shared often left you uncertain in your day to day with him.
"Please, I think this city would benefit from some complaining." He looks down at you, "I thought I was the only one."
"No..no.." You resist the urge to peel the scab over the bridge of your nose away, you were certain you'd start gushing blood all over, which given your current location made no sense at all. It had actually been a rather tame day so far, and it was already almost over.
"I think even the most dedicated Baldurians have it in them to complain about the smell from time to time." You give in, and start to chip away at the corner of the scab closest to your tear duct.
Halsin just laughs, "I see, well I suppose it's good to know I'm not alone..." He removes his hand from your shoulder and looks around a bit as you walk, though he stays close to you.
You can't help but hiss at the feeling of your skin peeling back, beyond the first wound, you supposed that was karma for picking it.
"Are you alright?" Halsin turns over his shoulder at you, "I heard you-" He looks down at your hand by your nose, "leave that alone." He bats your hand away, "you should have let me clean it up days ago, see now? You've made it worse."
"It's itchy." You rub the bridge of your nose for emphasis, "and I can't help it. I've always picked at my scabs, where do you think all these cool scars came from?"
"I can't say I doubt that. But still, this city is dirty, it's best to not bare an open wound to this kind of air." He procures a small cloth and dabs at the blood as it appears, "it's good you didn't peel open this whole thing, and it's a wonder you've not complained till now."
You can't help but flush at the attention, if anyone with you notices they spare you, "I'm alright, I've dealt with much worse."
"I'm sure you have, but there's no need with me around.... To tell you the truth," He dabs the small cloth with his tongue and wipes the dirt and grime away from the edges of the newly opened flesh, "I enjoy doting on you."
You look down at your boots to avoid looking at him, you can feel your ears burning.
"It's hard to see the damage out here, do you think you can hold out till we set up camp for the day?"
"Of course-" You swallow your embarrassment, "I'm okay like this, I'll live."
"Oh I hope so." Halsin is smiling at you, "who knows what I would do otherwise." He hands you the cloth, "keep this, incase it bleeds anymore."
"Thank you." You look up at him, "you've been a big help."
"Don't thank me, just.." He guides your hand holding the cloth up to your nose, and uses it to cover the wound, "keep it clean until we settle in for the night." You can only nod up at him.
True to your word you do keep your wound covered in the cloth for the rest of your journey that day. It was a long one, boring too. As much as the little battles left you irate, a boring day of gathering information and talking to every no name on the street was equally irksome.
When you get back to camp Halsin seems busy with Gale, who despite his best efforts is always the most banged up by the end of the day. You almost feel bad for him, until you see him bright and pristine every morning. So you sit by the fire, content on sharpening a stick into some sort of miniature spear, humming to yourself.
When Halsin finds you all of the dark bark has been scraped off the stick leaving it white and brittle looking.
"You hide in plain sight you know?" He offers you a hand and you take it, allowing him to hoist you up to your feet.
"It's one of my many talents." You toss the sharpened stick down, "how's Gale?"
"He's fine, I apologize, I should have come to you first."
"No," You laugh, "I'm sure he needed it more than me. You're here now."
"I am." He smiles at that, wider than you'd ever previously given yourself credit for, "come, let me see." He waves you closer and leans down toward you.
Once you've closed most of the gap you feel his eyes wander beyond the gash over your nose, down to your neck and collarbones, all to way to your wrists.
"Now that we're close like this...when was the last time you've been healed? Has Jaheria been taking up the job in my stead?" He seems almost offended at the thought.
"No-" You shake your head, "No, I've been mostly alright."
"Alright? You're practically covered in cuts and bruises- let's go someplace more private, you should have a once over." He guides you with a hand sprawled out between your shoulder blades, not leaving room for protest.
"You should have come to me sooner." He breaks the silence once you're away from camp, surrounded by trees and brush.
"You're always helping the others, I'm used to this, I'd rather they get what they need." You insist, gesturing vaguely to yourself.
"You can all have what you need." Halsin seems perplexed, "there's more than enough healing magic to go around, you don't have to worry about that."
"well it must be exhausting, constantly casting spells, you're always taking care of the others, what about you?"
"What about me?" Halsin tilts his head at you quizzically, "I'm alright too."
"Well who takes care of you?"
"When you live as long as I have," He starts tending to some of the smaller cuts on your arms, "you learn to take care of yourself. It comes with time."
"That's not fair." You frown, "everyone relies on you. It must be a heavy weight, especially with no one to lean on, or to rely on to care for you."
"You." Halsin sits on an old stump, "I have you. We care for each other....unless I'm mistaken."
"You're not." You allow him to turn you around, inspect you every which way for any major damage left untended.
"Good. Come here." He waves you into him but you stand, flushed and confused before him.
"Here." He gestures again, "you can sit in my lap."
Nervously you do, slotting yourself against him. It hadn't been many times but you'd sought his company before, and the feeling of his large hand cupped around you thigh was welcome, almost calming. It doesn't take very much magic at all to get you right again, and you're glad to accept it, at this point the constant discomfort was bordering on pain.
"You must be exhausted, they were small injuries but they were plenty, it must have worn on you." His hand spreads over the small of your back, "I meant what I said before." On his lap it's much easier for him to rest his head against your chest, you feel his hair tickling the side of your neck as he does.
"I enjoy caring for you, perhaps it's self serving, but please allow me the pleasure of it more often."
"I wasn't sure-" You flush at the sudden tenderness, it wasn't brand new, nor was it unwelcome, but it was still fresh, still took getting used to. "I didn't want to burden you."
"Be sure now." He picks his head up, "you're more than asset to hinder or help me me.... and certainly more than a friend." He spares a glance down to your hand, where it has wrapped around his bicep. "Don't be modest, when you ask for me, I'm happy to go to you. If I can bring you any comfort on the road ahead, then I'd be honored to."
"Thank you, Halsin." You rest your hand on the side of his neck and he hums at the feeling, glancing between your bodies then back to your face.
"You don't need to thank me," His hand slides along the divot of your spine, a soft touch made firm by the rough skin of his palms, "just come to me, whenever you need, even when you don't need to, but only want to. I do miss you after our nights together. I'd take comfort in knowing you feel the same."
"I do.." You nod, "I just hate to steal you away when the others-"
"Steal me away all you like," He laughs, "Gods, that sounds heavenly. I'm sure the others can manage a few hours." He kisses you for the first time that day. Which wasn't unusual, often he waited for more private moments to voice and show his affections, it was welcome and warm and you were glad to be on the receiving end of his affections.
"And knowing you feel the same is all the better." He wraps his arms around you in a bear hug perfectly fitting of the man giving it.
"I'm grateful to have spent this time enjoying you." He takes a deep breath, like he's trying to get as much of your scent as possible.
"Can we stay for a bit? Like this?" You pull back and pin away a stray strand of his hair, his chest huffs with a light airy chuckle as he nods.
"Of course, but you'll have to tear me away when you're done. I fear I won't want to go anywhere once I've settled down with you on me like this."
He resumes his bear hugging and despite the tightness of the hug, and the closeness of your bodies you don't feel cramped at all.
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Johnny Cade X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: Your first time with Johnny Cade
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The feeling of Johnny's touch always lingered on your skin, his burning touch sent sensations that ran through your veins in such a way. It left goosebumps on your skin, the kind of goosebumps that only Johnny could give you.
  The sensation was almost like nothing you had ever felt before, his touch only ever made your skin burn with anticipation in the best way possible. It made your heart race ten times the normal speed.
  Your pupils would dilate times ten, so much so that your eyes would cloud up with love and lust only towards Johnny. Your cheeks would brighten from the inside effect he could cause. Your chest would tighten from anticipation and excitement. Every part of you felt like it was on fire just by Johnny lightly caressing your skin.
  You didn't know this, but your touch did the exact same for Johnny Cade. His moans and drawn out whimpers would let anyone know how desperate he was for your touch. The same tingling sensation would run through his veins causing him to let out a strain of moans from the contact of just your finger tips or your lips in contact with the sensitive skin on his neck.
You and Johnny had never had sex before, the farthest you both had went were intimate make outs. You hadn't even seen each other naked yet, for Johnny the farthest he's ever went was sliding his hands under your shirt and resting them on yours hips; not wanting to go any further incase you go uncomfortable.
  For you the farthest you went with Johnny was grinding against him, Johnny was to shy to ask for anything and he was to shy to do something about it. He didn't want to go over boundaries, and sometimes he was too afraid to ask so you both would just end the make out with slow pecks and hand movements.
  Neither you or Johnny were experienced, so when it finally did happen it would be both of your firsts. The Curtis's were having a family dinner with the whole gang, and being apart of the gang with Johnny they insisted you both came and stayed for their annual family dinner.
  Johnny agreed but only if you were going, you agreed as well wanting to spend time with your second family. Well technically they would be more like your first since you barley seen your real family, they were always gone on job trips or vacation. You were happy that they didn't drag you alone to say the least, that meant you got to spend extra time with Johnny.
  The times your parents weren't home which would usually be all the time; as of now your parents were home but resting for a trip they had planned the next day ahead. During these times when your parents weren't home you would take Johnny in and let him stay with you, you'd feed him, let him take showers, wash his clothes, and let him sleep in your room with you with the price of cuddles of course.
Both you and Johnny entered the Curtis's cozy home, everyone greeted you both with warm welcoming smiles and greetings. As always Darry came out of the kitchen wearing an old apron, drying his wet hands on the apron that rested around his waist as he let out a warm smile "make yourselves' at home" He tilts his head to the unoccupied couch.
You grabbed Johnny's hand with a warm smile and walked over to the couch, after greeting everyone yourselves you and Johnny take a seat close by. The room was always a bit tight considering there was only two rocking chairs, a love seat that could hold four people and a coffee table.
You sat closer to the arm of the couch, Johnny sitting so close to you your arms and legs were touching. Not that you minded, but his touch always just seemed to make your body light up in flames. A small blush covers your cheeks as the small sounds of Mickey Mouse playing ignited the room.
Two-bit sat on the floor as always, with a whole chocolate cake also not surprisingly; he always spoiled his dinner first as Darry would like to call it. You interlocked you and Johnny's hand together, resting both your intwined hands on the middle of your leg but still super close to your thigh.
Your exposed legs and his touch only made your skin burn more with anticipation, you decided it would be a good day to wear your flowered skirt that went just past your mid thigh. Since it was a hot and sunny day out, you also matched it with a black tank top that had a string tied in the middle way of your chest, with your worn out white converses.
Now you were starting to rethink the whole skirt idea, but maybe it would come in handy later on. Soon Dallas entered the house and all of a sudden the once small, quite house was now full of laughter and small talk.
Soon dinner was ready and Darry was calling everybody in the kitchen, Pony boy was setting the plates and silverware. Steve grabbed a few extra chairs for everyone and made room at the table, Darry had made his famous mash potatoes, steak, and vegetables; everyone's favorite.
Everyone over flooded their plates seeing as Darry made enough for three and a half families. You were seated next to Johnny on your left and Pony boy on your right. Everyone said grace before digging in and stuffing their faces with delight.
"This is really somethin' Darr" Dallas complimented with his face full, as everyone followed behind with praises and thank you's of the food.
Darry responded with a simple 'Thank you' in return before stuffing his face. Soon everyone was stuffed from the nice meal, though once Two-bit finished swallowing his last bite he sighed stuffed before standing up from his seat "I got the chocolate cake" he sates before rushing to the counter and grabbing the cake causing everyone to let out a little chuckle.
Everyone was able to eat a thin slice of chocolate cake while Two-bit on the other hand was back at his mission of sitting on the floor watching Mickey and eating the rest of the cake using his hands.
Darry collected all the empty plates and silverware before placing them in the sink, starting to wash the dishes. You kissed Johnny on the cheek and let him know you were going to help Darry with the dishes. He responded with a gentle nod before pecking your lips and taking a seat on the couch beside Dallas, Dallas immediately grabbed Johnny in a head lock and ruffled up his hair.
"Hey Darr, need some help" You offer, walking over to the sink.
"Sure Y/n, that'd be nice" He smiles moving over to let you stand by the strainer, while he washed and rinsed the dishes you dried them off with the kitchen towel given to you.
In a matter of five minutes you both had managed to finish up the dishes faster than just one person would've. Walking into the living room you take an open seat beside Johnny, resting your head on his shoulder to which Johnny lays his head against yours and snuggles into your side.
Soon the laughter and fun times ended once the sun went down and it started getting dark, you and Johnny said your goodbyes but before you could leave the porch Dallas came running over to Johnny. He tugged him away for a second before slipping something in Johnny's hands, it reflected off of the moonlight and you could tell it was a packet of some sort.
Once Johnny took a look at whatever it was he quickly shoved it in his Jean jackets pocket with an embarrassed blush covering his features "good luck" Dallas grinned, with a cheeky wink as he walked back into the house.
Johnny walked back up to you and slipped one of his hands in yours while his other rested in his pocket. It was quite chilly out, causing Johnny's small frame to shake from the cool air. You only shook once but that was enough for Johnny to pull off his jacket and drape it over your shoulders, your head snapped up to Johnny's.
"Johnny m' fine really, here" You tried to give it back to him but he refused to take it back, his small frame still shaking.
"Nah' Y/n I'm good really" He tries, but you clearly see behind his shaking features.
Grabbing Johnny's arm you lift up the jacket letting his arm slide through the collar but also draped around your shoulders, as you drape your shoulder around his letting the jacket cover his freezing frame.
You look up at Johnny, catching his loving gaze as he stares back at you. No one had ever really put him first like you have, even if he protested against something like this you always found a positive way to help the situation.
You smiled up at him shyly as you both continue to walk down the road, "wanna' come to my house?" You question.
He shakes his head "your parents' are there I wouldn't want to intrude" He says.
"You wouldn't, you never do... but how about' we go to the lot then?" You question curiously.
Johnny looks up at you "yeah, that'd be nice" He smiles small.
A couple more minutes of walking and you both arrived at the lot, the moon reflecting on the old seat car seat that you and Johnny have cuddled on many times. Johnny removes his arms from the jacket to grab his lighter and lighting a couple of dead leaves placing them on top of the wood, causing the sticks and limbs to ignite a warm fire.
  You rest your hands in Johnny's jacket pockets before feeling a sharp paper like object touch your finger pads, while Johnny was busy rearranging the limbs to keep the fire going you slipped out the golden packet from the pocket that read 'durex: one latex condom'.
  You soon heard the steering of leaves and branches come to a halt causing you to move your gaze to Johnny. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were slightly bulged open as well. There was a loud silence, the only thing that could be heard was the burning of the fire.
  You walked over to Johnny and sat down on the seat next to him, Johnny's gaze followed you as his expression never changed. "So this is what Dal' slipped you eh?" You giggle slightly, something you only found yourself doing with Johnny.
  A bright red blush covers Johnny's features as he looks down embarrassed but slowly nods, confirming it was in fact what Dal had slipped him.
  You lift his head up with your pointer finger, your eyes meeting once against you raise one of your legs and place it on the other side of Johnny now fully straddling his waist.
  Johnny gulps nervously as your body's continue to touch each other's, you gently caress Johnny's arm with the pads of your fingers causing goosebumps to ride down his spine. He continues to watch your every move, studying your features like none before.
  "Johnny I'm ready" You mumble softly, looking into his soft brown orbs.
  "Wait. Are you sure?" He mumbles resting his hands just above your hips.
  "Yes, are you ready?" You question softly.
  "I am" He gives consent, a small blush forming across his cheeks due to this conversation.
  He was terrified, what if's kept running through his mind 'what if you don't like it?' 'What if I'm bad?' 'What if she leaves me?'. He hadn't ever been in this position before and this meant a lot to him, because it was a sign of love for your partner and he didn't want to dis-satisfy and disappoint.
  You place your hands gently on his cheeks and bring him into a loving kiss, fireworks go off, your lips tingle against one another, slowly but surely the kiss started to heat up along with the speed.
  You were now both hungry for each other, you pulled away for air but immediately placed your lips against the sensitive skin around his neck, Johnny lowly whimpers in response as his head tilts back. You were starting to get greedy, your kisses became more desperate as did your grinding on his crotch.
  Though you kept that at bay not wanting to frighten him. Your breathing started picking up as you nipped and kissed his soft spots on his neck. Johnny felt as if he was floating with the immense pleasure and you haven't even started yet.
  You lifted your face from his neck and went back to his lips, closing the gap. You slowed down the kiss, gently you bend your head down a little and take his bottom lip in between your two lips, kissing slowly before moving to his top lip and showing all your attention there. Soon your place your lips on his, he runs his tongue under your bottom lip asking for entrance to which you allow.
  His tongue slipping into your mouth, interwinding and fighting for dominance with yours. You pull away slightly for more air, you get a good look at Johnny's eyes and see that they have darkened and lust clouds his eyes as he looks at you lovingly.
  You grind your hips against his hardening cock causing him to gasp in shock and in pleasure as he grips your hips and follows your rhythm. You close your eyes and let out a light moan from the stimulation. You never would've pictured Johnny like this, his eyes were practically begging you; speaking words he was to embarrassed to speak himself.
"Johnny..." You whisper, going back to your current position of kissing and nipping at his neck, making sure not to add noticeable loves bites.
"Y/n.. Can-can I touch you" He practically begs out.
"Yes..." You breath out, trying to maintain your breathing.
Gently he grips your hips and turns you over so he's hovering over you, his eyes pierce through your soul. You almost spill out all your dirty thoughts you've had about Johnny right then and there.
It felt like hours as Johnny's brown orbs stare into yours, when in reality it had only been a couple seconds. Everything seems to play in slo-motion as Johnny straddles your waist, knees on either side of your waist. Kneeling down so his forearms are resting beside each side of your head laying on the old seat.
Johnny peppers small kisses around your neck and under your jaw, slowly he makes it down the valley of your breast; not going any further than that he starts sucking on the sensitive skin leaving little loves bites in places that wouldn't show to much.
You run your fingers through his greasy hair, not caring that in return your hand was starting to get greasy from the intense amount of hair grease placed in his hair.
  Johnny slips his Jean jacket off your shoulders placing it on the ground next to you, he places gentle kisses all over your exposed shoulders. His hands began to shake from nervousness, this action causes you to lift Johnny's head up with your finger.
  "Johnny... are you sure you're ready?" You caress his cheek lovingly.
  He nods his head "I'm sure, are you?" He makes sure.
  "I am" You confirm, bringing him down to press a loving kiss to his chapped lips.
  He fumbles with the string of your top nervously, trying to untie it; his shaking hands not allowing him to do so. Eventually he manages to untie the bow, following with unbuttoning the rest of the buttons with a nervous struggle.
  He slips the piece of clothing off your shoulder, exposing your black bra that held a little diamond bow in the middle. You blush as Johnny stares at your chest lovingly, "Y-you're beautiful..." He gasps out.
  He doesn't give you to to thank him before placing little kisses above your breasts, gently sucking and creating little love bites causing you to let out a little moan. You tug at the hem of Johnny's black t-shirt, signaling that you wanted it off.
  Johnny stops what he's doing to lift up his shirt off of his body now showing of his tan skin. A couple scars rest on his chest and torso, you gently rub your finger pads over some of the old scars. Lifting up your body you rest on your elbows maintaining eye contact as you press a few kisses to his scars and chest causing Johnny to melt in his position.
  Johnny blushes as you lean back a little to get the whole view of your Johnny Cade, still resting on your elbows you look up at him with excited eyes. You run a finger down his chest to his stomach, stoping at the hem of his pants that held a very noticeable bulge.
  You lift yourself up, wrapping your arms around Johnny neck before bringing you both back down and pulling him into a lust filed kiss. Letting your hands wander you end up being back to the hem of his loose jeans, you let your fingers rest there for a bit as you and Johnny continue to make out.
  Soon you start to fumble with the button, then you start unzipping his jeans. You leave it at that before breaking the kiss for air. Johnny lowers his his butterfly kisses to your stomach, soon being face to face with your skirt.
  Looking you in the eyes he slips his hands in your skirt, rubbing your thighs as he does so. He grabs the edges of your underwear and tugs them down, licking his lips hungrily as he does so.
  Placing them on top of his jean jacket so they don't get dirty he spreads your legs not quite seeing your exposed core yet. "Can I taste you Y/n?" He asks innocently, his breathing picking up as he looks up at you his once light brown eyes now fully black and clouded with lust.
  You nod your head furiously your stomach tightening from excitement, lifting your skirt above your thighs your core now being exposed to Johnny. You were so into it you didn't feel embarrassed about showing him your body at all.
  He places kisses on your thighs, slowly leaning closer to the place you needed him the most. Looking up at you he wraps his lips around your clit, the feeling of his tongue causing you to gasp at the stimulation.
  He continues to swirl his tongue around your clit, flicking faster as your breathing picks up. Johnny gets more confident in his movements as he hears you moan, he speeds things up and slowly starts to add one finger into your now dripping core.
  Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he lets you adjust to one finger before slipping in two. You let out a strained whimper as his tongue continues to work on your clit and his two fingers stretching you out, getting you ready for him.
  Since this was your first time being eaten out and first time period, your climax comes closer than you would've expected. Your eyes roll back as your hips push farther into Johnny's hold, "I'm gonna cum, Johnny!" You whimper out as your high soon rolls over, causing your hips to stutter and Johnny to moan at the satisfying taste.
  He lets you ride out your high before coming back up to you, a panting mess as you try to calm yourself. Johnny's lips glisten in the moonlight as he's covered in your cum. He licks his lips and sucks off his fingers hungrily as his eyes continue to stare into yours.
  "You taste amazin'" He moans out as he presses a kiss to your lips before getting up and sitting on the other side of the seat and tugging off his jeans.
  Sitting up you wrap your legs around his waist, grinding yourself on his clothed bulge. You run your fingers down his stomach until you get to his boxers "can I?" You blush.
  Johnny nods shyly as a blush covers his features, you tug down his boxers revealing his cock that springs out and hits his stomach. You lick your lips as you place the piece of clothing on top of the pile of clothes. You run your finger pad over the tip of his cock smearing the pre cum that rested there.
  Johnny's breathing picks up as his head falls back, his mouth falls open and his eyes screw shut; having being touched for the first time. Getting more confident you grab his length and start to stoke his cock in up and down motions, slowly since he was sensitive.
  Small moans fall out of Johnny's pink lips, your mouth falls open as you look up at Johnny, his moans turning you on even more. "Oh my..." you mumble lowly, as you continue to stoke his length.
  Grabbing the condom that sat beside you, you slow down your motions before stopping causing Johnny to look back up at you. You gently open the packet to the condom, sliding out the lubricated latex. Flipping it to the right side you place the condom on the tip of Johnny's cock before sliding it down correctly.
  Johnny watches in amazement as you adjust the condom on his length, you press a loving kiss to his jaw before gazing into his brown orbs "are you ready?" You question, caressing his redden cheek.
Johnny nods furiously as he places his hands above your hips, shakily. Lining up his cock with your entrance, you start to slide down his cock. Your tight walls closing on around Johnny's length, it didn't really hurt as he slipped in your walls but more so stung a bit. It was a very tight fit as you continue to slide down further on his harden cock.
Johnny's eyes slam shut at the tight fit around his length, his breathing picked up as his cheeks reddened along with the tip of his nose. His stomach heaved up and down from your walls closing in on him, his hips stuttered from him being so sensitive but he maintained them as best as he could until you were ready to speed up.
  Soon your walls started to get used to Johnny's cock allowing you to speed up your actions, your head rolls back as your chest arches from the stimulation. Just now realizing you weren't completely naked since your bra was still connected to your body, you continue riding Johnny at a medium speed whilst reaching your hands behind your bra strap and unclipping it.
  Throwing your bra to the other side finally freeing your breasts, Johnny's eyes widen at the skin burning sight. He looks up with his doe brown eyes, asking to touch you. You nod as you continue to ride Johnny, your boobs bouncing as you do so. Johnny's eyes fall back on your perky breasts before letting his hand trail up from your waist and stomach to your boobs, lightly twisting your harden nipple causing you to moan and roll your hips.
  "Oh Y/n~" He all but whimpers as his hands continue to rest on your chest, Johnny throws his head back, mouth gape open, eyes shut as you feel his cock reach your sweet spot.  
  "Oh my, Johnny" You moan out, skin slapping together as you ignore the burning sensation in your thighs.
  Johnny lifts up and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your heated body closer to his as your motions speed up. Your hands fall to his neck, playing with the little hairs that rested there. His head rests on your chest, his breathing constantly heaving as he feels the burning sensation in his abdomen.
  He lets out a muffled whimper against your skin as his cock continues to reach a point past your sweet spot and your walls clench around him greedily. You swirl your hips around his causing Johnny to gasp, "do t-that again' p-please" he begs out, squeezing his eyes closed.
  You continue to swirl your hips around his length feeling that same burning sensation in your abdomen. You speed up your actions, ready to reach that point. Johnny places his lips against yours for support as he feels his body shaking from anticipation and also chasing his high.
  His hips stutter upwards causing his cock to be buried deeper inside your walls. You moan out into the silent night as your motions only increase, "y/n... I'm gonna' cum" Johnny warns as his breath catches in his throat, you nod your head in agreement.
  With one final thrust Johnny cum's in the condom, you're able to feel the warm cum inside you from the thin latex that was preventing him from spilling inside you, that set off your orgasm as you start to cum around his cock. Your hips stutter along with Johnny's creating more friction against your sensitive core.
  Once both your highs decrease you slow your movements, not quite quitting as you press a loving kiss to Johnny's lips. He accepts the kiss, only becoming more needy as you run your hands through his hair.
  You pull away gently before gazing into Johnny's loving orbs, "that was amazin' Y/n..." he gasps out as you agree, slowing sliding off his cock slowly causing you both to whimper as Johnny's hips stutter in the air.
   Before Johnny could slip the condom off you take action and began slowly slipping it off for him and tying it before discarding of the latex in the trash can beside the seat.
  You slip on your tank top, not bothering to put your uncomfortable bra on as you hand Johnny his boxer and jeans. Johnny slips on his clothes the same time you do.
  Johnny looks at you lovingly as you finish up the buttons on your tank top, half your chest still exposed until you finish buttoning the last button.
  You glance at Johnny to see him staring at you, "what?" You smile bashfully.
  "You're just'... beautiful" He admires you as you crawl over to him and cuddle into his side, taking his Jean jacket and covering you both up with it.
  "That was really breath takin' Johnny" You giggle slightly as you shyly look into his puppy eyes.
  Johnny smiles as a blush covers his features "i love you Y/n" Johnny admits as he cuddles into your side.
"I love you Johnny" You smile as you both stare at the burning fire, soon your breathing lured Johnny into a restful and deep sleep, you soon following behind moments latter.
Requested from Wattpad!!!
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petersnya · 3 years
sight for sore eyes|| peter b. parker ||
[part. 00; jealousy]
summary:: “I watch your eyes as she walks by…” you pause, tears forming as you remember the way peter looked at her- the way you wanted him to look at you, “what a sight for sore eyes…” || when the realization hits you about peter, it’s too late. but sometimes late is just the right timing… sometimes.
word count:: 1.5k
warnings(for the whole series):: friends>enemies>lovers, mature themes/smut, cursing, slight violence, lots of angst, fluff, clueless peter
warning(for this chapter):: cursing, angst, fluff
paring:: peter parker x fem!reader
[a/n]:: wattup! peter parker (and any other teens mentioned) have been aged up to 17 and turning 18 as the story goes on! i hope you enjoy this and make sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in the parts<3 also! endgame and infinity war did not happen for the sake mine and your happiness though out this ‘book’
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“Your going down Parker.”
“Nah man, Im gonna—“
Peter was cut off but the vibration of his controller as you killed his video game character. Taking off your head set and setting down your controller with a calm, soft smirk spread across your face as your side of the TV had ‘winner’ written across.
“No-no! That’s not fair dude! You cheated,” Peter yelled towards you as you walked into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. Reaching into the fridge to get a soda, you felt your back being pressed against Peter’s toned chest as he grabbed the soda you had in your hand.
Opening it and taking a sip he chuckle at the look on your face as you turned around to face him. All he did was walk away, back towards the couch, falling back on to it as he picked up his head set.
The look that made the curly headed boy laugh was still on your face as you watched him. To him, you looked annoyed yet humored by him; but really, you couldn’t help this feeling you felt when you felt him against you. Redness began to creep up your neck but quickly faded as you shook the feeling he gave you.
He’s you best friend idiot. You can feel this way for him if all people.
“You coming?” Peter question, starting a new game. You rolled your eyes to make it seem as if you weren’t flustered but the boy a few feet away from you.
“Yea man. Ready to get your ass kicked agin?” You joked as you sat next to him.
“Haha- not funny.” He said with a straight face and a fake laugh that made you giggle as you shoved his shoulder with yours.
The whole night as you a peter played video games back to back, you couldn’t help but think about the feeling of his muscular chest against you. Around 1:20 AM, you and Peter had started to get tired. The boy next to you turned off the gaming console, slowly turning towards you.
“I got the couch, you got the bed.” He said, sleep lacing his voice. You wanted to protest, saying that you could both have the bed; but something stopped you and you just nodded your head, telling him good night as you walked to his bed room. His aunt, May, wasn’t home but made it very clear that she had an eye on both of you so you knew that Peter didn’t want to his aunt May to see you to in the bed together. Even if the two of you were just sleeping.
Laying in bed, Peter’s bed, you stared at the sealing not being able to fall asleep.
The smell of room sent your mind spiraling. Rolling over onto your side, you pushed your arm underneath his pillow as you inhaled his the sent. Peter was the only thing on your mind. The way he smiled, his chocolate hair and honey brown eyes, the light freckles across his nose that you could only see if you were up close to his face. His laugh made your heart skip beats.
“3:57 AM,” you read the clock sign with a sigh. You knew you should go to sleep; so you rolled once again, getting into a more comfortable position. Your eyes getting heavy as you drifted into sleep.
A warm arm draped around your waist, fingers slowly sliding up and down your bare stomach from the shirt that lifted in your sleep.
You smiled softly at the contact, not thinking to check who it was. But the feeling a bare, muscular chest on your back made your eyes fling open.
Slowly, you turned your head to see who was behind you, even though you knew it was—
“Mhmm,” he hummed back in response, not opening his eyes. You couldn’t shack the feeling of the chill that ran up your spine, and the goosebumps that formed on your body.
“Wha- uh.. what are you doing?” You questioned in a hushed voice.
“Hhmm? Oh sorry. The couch got uncomfortable. I didn’t think you’d mind though.” He said while opening his sleepy looking eyes.
“Oh no-I don’t mind.”
Peter removed his arm, turning with his back turned towards you. You almost whimpered at the feeling of his arm not being around your waist anymore.
Stop it [y/n]. This is Peter we’re talking about here. But why would he put his arm around me and not expect me to feel some way about it?
The thoughts ran through your head fast, the last on lingering for a while.
You and Peter were the best of friends. If he needed someone, you were there and vise versa. But you weren’t really that girly. So Peter didn’t think of you in ‘that type of way’. You didn’t think of him that way either. The two of you always called each other ‘bro’, ‘dude’, or ‘man’; but you still had that feeling of tingles and warmth—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, tired groan from Peter. The sound going straight to your core. Quickly, you got up and went into his bathroom— making sure to not make a lot of noise as you went, Incase May was home.
Looking in the bathroom mirror you stared at your self in question. You were a tom-boy. You were wearing a pair of rolled up basket ball shorts of Peter’s and one of his very large white Tee’s. You shrugged at your reflection,
“If I wanted to look all girly and ‘pretty’ I could be the hottest girl he would know.”
“Who’s he?”
You jumped at the sound of Peter’s raspy voice behind you. He only had on sweats and no shirt. All you could think was
“No one, just.. speaking hypothetically.”
“Your wired,” he chuckled as you grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet, mumbling something along the lines of, ‘I’m just gonna go shower in Mays bathroom’. You just nodded, going to take a shower of your own in his bathroom.
After your shower, you went into the kitchen where May stood, making coffee for the three of you. Peter sat on the couch flipping through channels.
“Hey honey!”
“Morning May,” you said as you say in one of the chairs at the dining table.
“Are you going to Florida with Peter, Ned and Mj?” She questioned, you nodded in response. The three of you had been planning this for a while now so you were beyond excited to spend time with you best friends.
You stood for the set you just took, walking over to Peter. He was wearing his usual jeans and flannel but this time had a baseball cap on. As you slumped beside you grabbed the hat and put it on you backwards. Peter chuckled at your childish act, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
The three of you sat in silence till May was done with the coffee. She brought it over to you and Peter, handing you the mugs. You thanked her as she walked away.
Peter’s and your phone got a text notification— the two of you checking it at the same time. It was a group chat with you, Peter, MJ, and Ned for the trip to Universal Studios.
Ned: heyyyy.. so Liz and Flash are also coming to Disney with us.
You and Peter looked at each other at the sight of what Ned texted. You watched as Peter texted back— his cheeks a blushed red color. You have known Peter long enough to know when he’s turning red from anger. This wasn’t anger. He was… blushing?
Peter: Liz is coming?!
You face fell at the text. Looking down at your phone, you glanced up at young guy next to you; but quickly looked away before he saw you.
Mj: yea Ned! Wtf are they coming for???
Ned: well I was talking about it to Betty and they over heard and kinda invited their selves… srry:(
Y/n: I’m just gonna ignore those bitches and go to Hogwarts like I planned.
Peter looked at, “[y/n], you don’t like Liz?” He questioned.
You shocked your head no, not caring enough to look him in the face.
“How dude? She’s so hot,” he said with a smirk. Your heart sank at the words.
What the hell are you acting like this for [y/n]?
Peter continued to text in the group chat. You silenced your phone— not wanted to deal with this right now.
You had never became jealous of anyone. Confusion over took you as you scrambled your mind for why you were jealous of Peter and Liz. You didn’t like Peter at all. Did you?
Did you like Peter Parker? The thought lingered for a while.
No. No I can’t like him and I won’t. It’s just wrong.
Those words that you promised yourself you would keep was the biggest lie you had told yourself. Peter Parker was like a drug—
How could you not get addicted?
I hope you enjoyed this ‘chapter’ !! Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!! :)
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qingxintea · 3 years
heartbreak avenue (3) || albedo x reader
heartbreak avenue (1) heartbreak avenue (2) -- tell me how, do you do this thing called living? when theres nothing more to gain. gn reader -- ignore the link below idk how tf to hyperlink on mobile but that’s ur part 4 ig
damn. imagine missing mond so much that you visit just for the vibes and accidentally become a one time vigilante for dominating over a couple abyss mages
how oddly specific!
you moment.
TO BE FAIR, you didn't mean to and also ur just strong with that 245% crit damage ugh yeah yeah get it ig
it was night time, like, idk 1am and you were in this cloak because idk look swaggy and comfortable
abyss mage went ŏ̸̡̡̹̘͉̫̬̬̭̘̙̝͐͒̆̈́̒̿̄́͠͝ǒ̸̧̺͕̣̬̝̱͈̭̭̻̮̈̏̔͆̑̀̍ǫ̵̡̜̲̭̠̤̰̹͍̣͎̤̈́̓̍͠ḩ̴̡͍̣̹̯̭̩̮̣̩̭́̔̀̍͊̂͒́̆͘͜͝͝ȃ̷̧̡̢̡̨̛̪͓̤̜͕̳̦̼͊̏̃͆̓̈́̈́̽̈́͌͐̋̚ͅh̸̡̩͍̟͕̥͚̰̰̟̮̖̪̉̈́͛͂̍̾a̸̧̢͕̙̞̳̩͈̲͉͕̒̆̎̐̎̍̀͊͘̚͝h̸̡̼͓̝͕̫̤̰̱̬̣̗͚̙̀͜ and you were like "lmao shut up"
and like it did! because you made it shut up and also mans diluc was watching in his dark knight hero thingy
of course you noticed his presence from the beginning, you just wanted to piss him off and act like he wasn't there at all
you walked. straight past him like he was actually on the bridge in the middle and you just w al ked .
i mean ofc he gonna say something. and he did. dude said "who r u"
stared at him directly in the eye and said "the embryo made of chewed bubblegum."
he stared. sh o ck ed . what were you even saying
"jk im a resident of mondstadt, visiting from my liyue trip."
"and how do i know you arent lying?"
you sighed and grabbed your dendro vision, letting him look at the frame. "its incased in a mondstadt styled frame." after a few seconds, you put it back. "if that is all, i'll be going."
"literally fuck off" you responded and walked inside.
sometimes you forget how rude mondstadt people are lmao loser.
ok so like this donna girl really went up to you like "JFKLSJFLKSDJFL NUMBER ??? HELLO ?? UMM THE WAY YOU SAVED MONDSTADT RLKDFFC" and you resisted every urge to flip her off on the spot.
you just stayed and let her talk, smiling through all of it. your hood was still on but it was quite windy s ooo
its been ten minutes. girl please let us go. you were literally begging for anyone to cut in because ur too nice (or unbothered) to tell her to shut up even though you totally went off on diluc aadahahhshdf
and someone did! not the one you expected though.
"good evening donna, and... oh? who would you be?"
ALBEDO LMAO GET STICKBUGGED? ? ? ?? AH a hjfkahfjah . im so funny .
guys i meant that ironically please
you got even more uncomfortable lmao and you just looked at him and smiled. what do you respond? "no one of importance."
he heard your voice, saw your eyes and it registered. it was you...
or was that what he wanted to believe?
cause this whole time hes been waiting for you, only using experiments as a thing to pass time. it got... a little more lonelier, because nothing could replace you.
he decided to not believe it. because 1) you knew well they welcomed you with open arms, so there would be no need to hide yourself
(which is also proof of how much the whole situation fucked up your thinking)
a second of silence before he continues on the conversation with normal evening meeting stuff things idk
then ur like "ahhshaaajk i must be taking my leave now for matters i will not disclose ahaha skidoosh"
so you go to the big venti statue next to the cathedral and just stand. stare. yikes
no ones out right now and theres nothing to do. but you remember this place because its where the both of yall would eat together whenever he had free time (which wasnt that often, but he still made the effort)
you look up to the sky, counting all the stars like you used to.
no ones gonna know that you're here, you decided on that. you only visited because you simply missed it, but after this, you were going back to liyue.
no ones gonna know. because no one needs to know. no one needs to know that you were here. that would only cause more trouble to the situation you tried to avoid
albedo ends up catching up to you later, still having some spark of hope left that it really was you
i mean lowkey there isnt really anything saying it wasnt. he wanted to believe that he was just overthinking when he thought it really wasnt you
like you look the same. sound the same. its just the reasoning of you coming here, but he can push that aside
you flinch but didnt react with anything else. he doesnt need to know that its you.
you turn around to meet his eyes as he was approaching you. slightly distancing yourself another inch away as you were not used to the proximity, you responded, "i'm afraid i'm not the one you're looking for."
albedo stops for a moment, and was about to apologize,, but then
yknow that wind i mentioned earlier? like right after donna started bothering you
yeah that same wind blew ur hood off! lmao L
okay time to get serious !
you stay composed and sighed, your breath visible in the cold air.
so your features are exposed, and its so obviously you, like theres literally no way it cannot be you
"it really is you..." he doesnt understand why youre not admitting to it. "(y/n), please.."
you shake your head and walk away but mans grabs your wrist gently
"(y/n), whats wr-" he starts, but youre quick to respond
"im not (y/n)." you flat out said it and looked right into his eyes. and you swear there were small tears even if he was deemed nonchalant.
he doesnt understand, its your physical features, and your same energy, there is no other person that completely matches it.
he pulls you closer to examine this black smudge on your hand, a small yelp of surprise coming from you.
"this is... ink," he studied the properties of the substance. "you responded to my letter a day ago. (y/n)... i know by now. there's no reason to hide it."
you step away, freeing your hand from his grasp. your voice broke, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "i'm not... i'm not (y/n). i never will be. i'll never be so vulnerable again, i'll never be so naive again, i'll never be so lonely again, i will never ever be anything like they were again."
your vision blurred, but you werent oblivious to the tears streaming down his face as well. reaching to brush them away, you paused and let it drop to his shoulder instead.
"albedo. i... the (y/n) you knew... they're gone now. and if i could revert back to them any time, i would, i swear, but... i'm al-... they..." you buried your head in your hands. "i'm broken. to the point that i refuse to identify as the (y/n) you know me by."
doesnt know what to say, so he almost pulls you into a hug before you move out of the way. something you never did.
"don't... please. it never works out in the end." you shake your head, facing the other way. "for me at least."
"..we could work together, no?" he tried, still oblivious about your feelings towards him.
"only if you're willing to cross your moral boundaries," you looked back and tilted your head. taking a deep breath, you continued, "but you know that neither of us are willing to do that."
he couldn't say anything, because as much as he hated to admit something for once, you were right about that. at this point, he would've thought that literally any extent would've been fine to reach to bring you back.
yet in multiple situations where he's doubted himself before, theres always a line he will never cross.
"...i wish you the best. treat her well because i worked hard." you walked away without him stopping you this time. i worked hard. not we worked hard.
even if you had honestly felt that way, there was no chance the old you wouldve actually voiced that.
and so he watched you slip from his grasp again, only this time, he stopped himself from holding you back from his own will.
yet he swears- the next time he meets you again, he will bring you back.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
Jealous!Reader with AOT characters pt.2 (Porco, Bertholdt, Pieck, Zeke)
A/N: y’all really liked the first one I made here, so here’s a pt.2 with different characters
TW: none really apply, sort of suggestive for Zeke, Modern AU, GN!reader
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I am a firm believer that in a modern AU, Porco and Reiner would be the type of people to go to sport restaurants like Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings, or Twin Peaks. They give me that macho man type of vibe. Of course though, Porco would make you tag along with him almost every time he went. He feels that it’s a very nice way for the two of you to bond. Which honestly it is.
You have a deep sense of security within yourself and enough trust in Porco to not be bothered by the waitresses there, as you should, knowing that it’s only their job to be enticing like that. Hell, you even enjoy it when the waitresses would flirt with you sometimes or you’d get the really pretty ones who look like they’re straight off of a magazine. Not to mention that you visit places like this often, so most of them know you and know that you and Porco are in a relationship together.
They all respect your boundaries and don’t try to push at them at all.....until this one waitress comes around. You can quite obviously tell that her flirting is different from the “trained” flirting that the other girls often do. She lingers at your table a little longer than she should be trying to talk to Porco to the point where other waitresses have to tell her to go check on other tables and she’s disregarding you completely, asking Porco questions that should be aimed at you and being very rude in general.
Porco is hardly paying her any mind, too focused on the game to really pay attention to what’s going on, but any piece of attention he gives to her she latches on too it. But still, you remain cordial and calm on the inside. Not wanting to come off as one of those significant others and cause a scene that doesn’t need to be caused. If someone looked at you for too long they might notice an eye twitch or two coming from you.
Really it’s Porco’s hand holding underneath the table that’s keeping you sane and reminding you of how secure your position in your relationship is. You almost calm down entirely, but of course the waitress has to come back and try desperately to get his attention again. At one point he zones out into the game and to try and get his attention she attempts to tap him on his shoulder.
Strong on the attempt because you grabbed her wrist before she could even brush her fingers against his shirt and gave her a stern “Aht! Aht! That is not going to be happening tonight and definitely not in front of me.”
And Porco, this menace to society, finally speaks up like, “I was wondering when you were finally going to say something. I was getting afraid that I didn’t mean anything to you anymore.” He would’ve eventually intervened himself though if she was actually successful in touching him.
The waitress gets the hint for the rest of the night, but just incase she doesn’t he holds you close to his side with his arm draped over your shoulders.
Despite his soft spoken nature and personality that sometimes falls on the shy part of the spectrum, Bertholdt is actually an easy person to come up to and start a conversation with. Of course, you have to be the one to start the conversation, but after that it’s like he can’t shut up, likes he’s compelled to answer back to everything and keep a conversation going.
It’s a trait of his that you’ve come to love, but also come to hate on days when you’re out in public with him and can just see the twinkle in a girl’s eyes when she’s getting ready to come over to him to flirt. It’s usually in awkward situations too like when you’re out shopping and he’s standing off to the side because he has no business looking at what you’re shopping for, so the fact that he’s kind of alienated from you and doesn’t know how to respond to flirting all that well in the first place really has him in an awkward chokehold.
He’ll get asked for his number and instead of saying flat out no, because he doesn’t want to be harsh, he struggles to let words out at all as he tries to think of what to say. And people really prey on his shyness and don’t even give him the chance to respond before they’re forcing themselves on him more, handing their phone out to him just waiting to input a number.
Imagine the shock and anger on your face when you turn around from your shopping happy ready to show Bertholdt what you got and instead you see a girl trying to get his number! You’re over there in an instant, legs carrying you as fast as they can and a scold on your face as you go over there and the first thing you do is push that phone as far away from him as you can.
“I know my BOYFRIEND and something tells me that he is not interested in the direction this conversation is going with you whatsoever, so I suggest you leave him alone before I make you 😤” The girl leaves like immediately after that.
Bert is just behind you the whole time with a ☺️ look on his face like “Yes, that is indeed my significant other!” Which is so funny because he’s like 6’3 and towering over you, but you’re the feisty one!
He does feel kinda guilty for not cutting off the interaction before it got that far, so he wraps his arms around you and nuzzle his face into your neck all like, “I’m sorry baby 🥺🥺 you know I don’t like anyone else but you 🥺🥺 I was trying to tell them no thank you but it wouldn’t come out 🥺🥺”
You couldn’t stay mad at him even if you wanted to, that’s all it takes for you to forget about it altogether.
It’s almost impossible to see someone as fine looking as Pieck and not shoot your shot. If I saw Pieck out in public the first thing I would do is shoot my shot.
It happens allll the time whenever you two go out. Out at the mall shopping for clothes? Someone’s going to come up to you two and try to hit on Pieck. At the club minding each other’s business and trying to have a good time? Some guy is going to come over and try to ruin that for you too.
At first it was like a bragging rights thing for you. Everyone noticed your hot girlfriend was hot but you were the one who went home to her everyday and not them, but at some point it switched from a bragging right to down right annoying. It’s like you can’t leave her alone for more than a couple of seconds because here comes someone breathing down her neck being a weirdo!
Poor Pieck doesn’t even know what’s going on half of the time because she be baked out of her mind, thinking about nothing but how some ruffles and ice cream can really hit right now. So she’s just going along with the conversation like “mhm, yeah ☺️” every ten seconds hoping that they’d get the hint that she’s not thinking about them at all and to leave her alone. But, of course, they don’t.
Her body language becomes stressed out and agitated, not knowing what to do because you’re in the gas station buying snacks for the two of you while she’s far away at the gas pumps doing her best to get an ending with this weirdo where they don’t kidnap her.
Luckily, just on time you exit out the gas station and even before you get any closer to Pieck you’re already pissed off at the fact that someone is probably hitting on her, but after you see her do that awkward little shuffle with her feet signifying that she’s uncomfortable? You’re over there in a heartbeat.
See, maybe you would’ve been a bit nicer if her body language didn’t tell you that they had been pestering her for a while despite how everything about her screamed ‘not interested.’
So what do you do? You take the bottle of sprite you bought and bop them on the head with it. Head empty no thoughts just ‘protect my stoner girlfriend.’
Pieck is so messy too, she’s in the background like “Ohhhhh shit *giggle* fight! Fight! Fight!” You were ready to rumble too, but if you were so ready to hit them in the head with a sprite bottle the other person definitely didn’t want to know what else you were confident with doing. So they recuperated from their sprite bottle hit and went running to their car.
This was a proud girlfriend moment for Pieck the whole drive home. She could not stop talking about how much of a badass you were and how she loved that you would do anything for her.
I wrote soft Zeke already, so now it’s time for me to give y’all the menace Zeke y’all have been waiting for.
Zeke is the type of significant other who’s big on teasing and messing with his partner is general. There’s something about seeing them all flustered after he does something to embarrass them, like fake propose to them in public or something, that really cracks him up. That being said, he’s not opposed to flirting with someone in front of you to get you riled up and see your reaction.
Let’s set the scene; He drags you to Sam Ash with him, because we’ve all just collectively decided that modern day Zeke is a music pretentious asshole, to go get something for his guitar or at least that’s what you assume he was complaining about. You weren’t even listening, just excited to go and mess with the drums and guitars there. It’s the first thing you do once you get there and Zeke sees this as his opportunity to finally mess with you.
He goes over to the drum set display you’re playing on and calls over and employee with “inquiries” about the set you’re playing on. He pretends to ask a few genuine questions at first but eventually he’s able to get the conversation to shift to something a little more personal. Which isn’t terrible, but once he starts throwing out lines like “Oh you like (said band)? I’ve always found myself gravitating towards people who like them. They’re always the most attractive people, I’ve found 😏.” Is when you start getting agitated.
You’re just trying to play We Will Rock You on the drums and here he goes killing your vibe immensely. And it’s hard to ignore when they’re standing right on the side of you. Not to mention how the employee is eating all of this up, blushing and all. It’s at the first mention of numbers being exchanged that you’ve decided you’ve had enough. Without a word to Zeke you get up and storm out of the store.
Was this a dick move on his end? Absolutely, but you’re a couple who’s relationship is filled with debating and bickering, bickering especially, so part of him thought you would play along with his little game and be like “Whatever. I don’t care.” But instead, you were genuinely upset. You didn’t even know where you were going but you were going somewhere. And that somewhere was the outside of the Sam Ash store because you realized you really didn’t have a choice.
Sorry guys, but I have to switch over to soft Zeke now.
He comes running after you, “y/n! Y/n it was a joke!” But that just makes you even more mad and oops, a year drops down your face and he feels terrible.
Kisses all over your face, words of assurance spilling out his lips, and a tight ass beat hug.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m such a dick I know. I didn’t mean to make you this upset though.” He would get down on his knees if he had to!
I guess you can forgive him just this once, but only on the terms that you get Sub!Zeke tonight and get to act as a pillow princess/prince cause he has a lot of making up to do.
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equizona · 4 years
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Shielding Embrace
Fandom: Obey Me!
Characters: Mammon
Format: Drabble
Warning(s): Mentions of abuse(?) Angst(with a happy ending), crying, swearing, calling Lucifer a stuck up little bitch, OOC.
Summary: MC is tired of hearing Mammon get picked on so often, by his own brothers no less. As the second-born demon has always protected them, they think it's their turn to protect him.
Note: I wrote this a while ago, since I'm tIRED of Mammon getting bullied all the time. He deserves better-
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"Diavolo, stop being such a scumbag Mammon-"
It wasn't uncommon that the brothers would call the second-born mean words. Scumbag was their favorite, along with dumb or stupid. You agreed that he didn't always make the best choices, but they were always so cruel about it. It never gave off the vibes that they were only joking either. It was like they meant every word.
You hated it with your whole being. Mammon had been the nicest to you, and he had been the one who had been there with you since the start, ever since Lucifer made him your 'guardian' in a way. He wasn't the best at showing his emotions, but you could tell he cared. Sometimes, it felt like he was the only one who cared.
You wanted to shout, or scream at them, for all the cruel things they would say to him. He deserved better than that. He was their brother, so why were they always so mean to him?
"MC? Are you okay?" You were forced out of your mind by Satan's annoyingly Loud question that brought the attention of everyone at the table to the two of you.
You remember when he tried to kill you. You remember when all of them tried to kill you. You remembered when Belphie actually killed you.
All those times never quite left your mind, and you could still feel the fear you felt in each of those situations. Mammon was the only one of them you felt completely comfortable with anymore, as he was the only one who never seemed to lose control and attempt to harm you.
You decided you wanted to stand up for him like he stood up for you all the time.
"Actually, no, I'm not. What's wrong with you guys?"
Satan's eye twitched, and it was oddly satisfying. You could see all of the brothers about to speak up about what you'd said, though you didn't give them that chance.
"I don't understand why all of you keep calling Mammon a scumbag. Is it because he's greedy? 'Cause if that is the case, then I want to remind you that greed is his sin. He's the avatar of greed. And I mean, why get mad about him for that? As far as I remember, all of you don't ever try to deny your sins."
You didn't feel satisfied just yet, so you decided to continue. You wanted to make them feel just as horrible as you assumed Mammon felt each time they threw those words at him.
"I mean, Lucifer is a stuck-up little bitch with too much pride and he can't ever seem to apologize or see that it's his fault no matter how obvious it is. Leviathan is constantly envious of everything to the point it can be fucking unbearable. Satan has extreme anger issues, and gets angry at the smallest things and Asmo is constantly flirting with people and usually not stopping until he's in their pants. And please, don't even get me started on Beel. Then of course, Belphie just seems to never bother lifting a finger to help anyone. But I never see anyone complaining about all of that, do I? It's not like any of you do anything to deny the sin you are assigned to, so why do you expect Mammon to do it, hmm?"
You raised your eyebrow in a judgemental way, just to add that extra spite. You could clearly see Mammon's shocked expression.
You preferred watching the reactions of the others more though. Beel looked guilty to some degree, Asmo looked offended, Levi and Belphie looked annoyed at the whole thing while Satan and Lucifer looked downright pissed.
You could see that Mammon was about to say something, probably about how he was okay and you should calm down, and Satan looked ready to snap and attack you, again. Though neither of them had the chance to react before Lucifer stood up while slamming his hands down on the table, glaring at you.
"Excuse me? Run that by me again, won't you?"
You'd normally apologize and leave the room to do something else, but you were tired with their bullshit and this just seemed like yet another way you could call them out on it.
So, you gathered up all of your courage and looked Lucifer straight in the eye, glaring at him as well, despite the fact you knew it would have little to no use.
"Or what? Are you going to try and kill me again? Because let me remind you that all of you have attacked me before, except Mammon. Oh, and of course, one of you actually managed to kill me. Remember that, Belphie?" You shot him a mean look, and at least he seemed to have some guilt over the situation.
"And you know, Lucifer probably would have killed me before as well, hadn't it been for Lord Diavolo. Oh, but you never quite did apologize for that, did you? You never apologized to Luke for attacking him either, did you? And it's because you have so much pride. Because you're so high and mighty and you can never do anything wrong, can you? Ah, but nobody ever tells you that, do they? Because they know it's the sin you represent and they know it's a part of who you are."
Lucifer blinked at you, shocked, and nobody else seemed like they were going to say anything either.
"Actually, in my opinion, I think Mammon is the least 'scummy' and 'lowlife' person in this room. And he somehow managed to be the one with the most control. Seriously, at this point I'm certain that you all only ever say those things to him because you all know you're the real lowlives and you're just too pathetic to admit it."
You didn't want to stay there anymore, and since they all seemed to shocked to say or do anything, you stood up and quickly made your way to your room, though it wasn't long until someone was knocking on your door.
"Uh, human..?"
Mammon's voice.
You almost wanted to cry. He didn't usually knock, he preferred to just barge in with his stupidly cheerful attitude that never failed to make you smile.
"You can come in."
You voiced it quietly, a small part of you hoping that he wouldn't hear you and just leave instead, but seconds after he opened the door and let himself in.
He didn't say anything as he sat down next to you on your bed though, most likely trying to figure out what he should say in a situation like this.
What you weren't expecting was to hear the sounds of sobbing.
Worriedly, you say up and moved next to him, concern filling your entire body as you gently put your arms around his shoulders and made him lean on your chest.
"Hey, hey, shh, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"
You tried to make your voice as gentle as possible. You weren't entirely sure what to do, but you never liked it when he was sad. His negative expressions and tears always layed heavy on your heart, so much that it was almost unbearable.
"Did- did you mea-mean it-?"
He stuttered out after a few minutes of you running your hand through his hair in an attempt to calm him down. You frowned, not entirely sure which part he was asking about.
"Which part are we talking about specifically?" You questioned him, though you made sure that your voice was soft.
"All of it." As soon as he answered your question, he got out of your embrace only to put his hands around your neck for a hug. You grinned, hugging him back.
"Of course I was. You're the one that's been there for me since I came here, and while I can agree that you don't always make the best decisions, they don't always make the best decisions either. They are your brothers, and they should never be saying things like that to you. Actually, from now on, each and every time they say something mean towards you, I want you to come to me so I can smother you in my love and affection."
Oh shit, fuck, did you just-
"Wait- like- uh- no- uhm- like in a-a, uh-"
He moved away from you, and you wondered if he regretted that considering how red his face was. You'd probably burn your hand if you touched his face at this point.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to say that again."
You gave him a patient smile, wanting him to feel comfortable. You were almost certain that he liked you back, since he wasn't exactly very good at hiding it, but you hadn't wanted to act on it before now incase you made him uncomfortable or that you were wrong.
Though his reaction only made you more certain.
He took a few moments to collect himself, before trying to speak up again, though he didn't seem able to look you in the eyes.
"Do, uh- do you mean like- like in a, uh, a rom-uhm.."
You inquired softly, and to your delight he nodded, still not looking at you.
This wasn't exactly a side of him you saw often, since he would usually try and deny anything, but you were happy about it.
You moved to hold his face in your hands, though he still refused to look you in the eyes.
"If you want to. I'm not sure how you feel, since nobody but you can be certain about that, but I know I like you, and wouldn't mind smothering your face in kisses each day."
Your tone was playful, be genuine. You felt his face heat up even more, if that was even possible. He changed the direction of his gaze to look directly into your eyes, and you felt like you would get lost in the ocean his eyes had.
He leaned forward for another hug, and you grinned, barely taking a single second to process it before you were moving your hands to hug him back.
"I like ya too."
You grinned even brighter, squeezing him tighter. You didn't ever want to leave his embrace, and while you knew that you would have to face both his brothers and the world later, it would be a lot easier with him by your side.
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shotofire · 4 years
Attractive Girl, Uncomfortable Stares
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Tobio Kageyama x F!Reader
Overview: in which the team finds out a girl does in fact fancy Kageyama
Warnings: cursing, small mentions of anxiety and some self doubt (nothing major)
Season: not specified, but i imagine it in the season 1-2 range
Practice had run over time for Kageyama, which happens pretty often. Hinata would beg him for a few more sets and he’d comply. Each boy was hungry for improvement so it wouldn’t take much convincing. He’d always be sure to text you and let you know, but today he let it slip his mind.
It could only be assumed that he was caught up with his team but you still needed to make sure of his whereabouts, incase he was still planning on walking you home.
You texted and called a few times but to no avail. Kageyama had told you to never come to the gym, saying his team would eyeball you like the last women on Earth. Plus he wasn’t into the idea of them even knowing he has a girlfriend, it’d arise too many questions.
He’d already seen the way guys would check you out in the hallways, the last thing he needed was the boys he sees everyday to mention how hot his girlfriend is. But he’d never prepared you for if he didn’t answer, or didn’t let you know what was going on. So today you had to ignore his requests and make your way to the gym.
Of course you knew where it was but you’d never been inside. Swim club had been your go to since middle school, so the gym was foreign to you. The sound of yelling and balls slamming to the floor could be heard from outside the door. It seemed a bit dramatic to classify yourself as nervous but that’s exactly how you felt.
You’d never spoke to any of the members besides Kageyama, obviously, and Tsukishima. The only reason you’d conversated with him was because he was in one of your classes and asked for a pencil, but you still think it was just an excuse to talk to you.
Talking wasn’t your strong suit. You always struggled to come up with things to say to others you weren’t so comfortable with. Kageyama knew the guys would babble until you’d stare at them with a blank mind. Tanaka was a nice guy but would probably chatter too much for your liking, and would stare at you as well.
The debate to go in was still racing through your mind. Kageyama wouldn’t be upset with you if you explained your reasoning, that’s not what worried you. It was more of the fact that there were tall boys with all sorts of personalities waiting for you on the other side. Also Kiyoko’s beauty was extremely intimidating, but you had no idea that many found you as equal as her. If you knew you’d most likely finally notice all the people who stare at you as you walk by.
The grey doors infront of you flew open, and there the goddess herself stood. She nearly slammed into you not expecting anyone on the other side. “Oh i’m sorry,” she says with a soft smile, “I’ll get out of your way.” Her back is against the door now, holding it open for you. “I-um, thank you.” You stumble over your words, there was no choice now.
Smells of sweat immediately hit you in the face once you step in. The door closes behind you rather loudly, echoing through out the gym. Boys were spread out in groups of two.
You quickly spotted Kageyama by the net with his back turned to you, with a red head that you could only assume was Hinata. You’d memorized some names from your boyfriends stories.
Across the gym Nishinoya is starring at you, not that you have noticed, with his mouth ajar. Asahi hits the ball with his forearms, like they’d been doing for an hour, and the ball finds its way onto Nishinoya’s face. Panic sets over the sweet giant as his friend cries out in pain. “I’m sorry!”
Tanaka has already spotted you and made your presence know to Daichi, “Why is there a really pretty girl in our gym?” His eyes are practically lit up and he observes your figure. He takes note that the school uniform is very flattering on you. “Woah she is pretty,” Daichi says with a blush and his hand anxiously scratching the back of his head.
It had gone a bit silent, only adding to your anxiety. Your face felt hot and you just knew that the redness on your cheeks are increasing by the second.
“Uh, Kageyama?” You manage to squeak out. His head is spinning and his body follows.
Oh shit, he thinks. They’re all looking at you like they haven’t ate in a million years. He can feel his chest tighten when Tanaka is practically drooling over you. This moment shouldn’t be happening, he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable under their gazes. They were all sweet guys, just didn’t know how to behave their hormones sometimes.
For a second he gets a little frustrated with you. He’d made it clear coming wasn’t a good idea, he was never going to hear the end of it from his team. But then he knows you’d never go against his wishes unless something were to happen, and that’s when he realizes... the dummy had forgotten to text you.
You feel yourself loosen once his expression isn’t so intimidating, the last thing you wanted to do was upset him.
“Kageyama?” Nishinoya has a sour look on his face, and his voice is laced with annoyed confusion. Why was a girl like you in here for him? There was no way in the shorties mind that grumpy Kageyama could win over someone like you. The rest of the boys are confused as well, you’d never been brought up by him. Then again, why would he? Girlfriends had never really come up in conversation, it was all about volleyball.
He rolls his eyes at Nishinoya’s words and ignores him. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbles to Hinata. Soon your boyfriend is infront of you with an apologetic smile, obviously realizing he’d done this to himself. “Sorry (y/n), I got too caught up.”
This was the first time he’d slacked in the communication department your entire relationship, so you could let it slide. “It’s okay, I just didn’t want to accidentally leave without you.” He nods in understanding.
“I’ll talk to you later, text me when you make it home, I love you.” You’re about to just say a simple I love you and go on about your day, but Kageyama surprises you. His lips press to your forehead and your eyes widen, not expecting him to do that at all. His team was being rather nosey watching the whole thing go down.
A dramatic gasp from Tanaka could be heard, of course the guy was making a big deal out of this. A blush is fast to creep onto your face, “I love you,” you say while trying to hold back the huge smile trying to pry its way through. Part of you thought he’d brush you off as a friend to all of them just to avoid the confrontation. You knew he didn’t want any of them to ask weird questions about you, which happenes more often in the girl department than you’d think.
Instead he leaned down to give you a sweet peck on your, hot from nervousness, forehead. Once he jogs back to his position from before you take that as your cue to leave. The gym already felt like it was closing in on you so withdrawing from the situation was definitely what you needed. Their eyes are just too much to bare, you hate not knowing what they’re thinking.
“Did you just kiss her?!” Hinata yells while jumping up and down. The rest of his team was already crowding around him, eyes sparkling with interest. This is exactly what he didn’t want to happen, of course they just wanted to know everything. He gets it, you’re pretty but he’s not an asshole boyfriend who spills all of your guys’ personal business.
“Yeah I kissed her, she’s my girlfriend.”
He swears his head starts ringing when gasps and shouts echo around the gymnasium. A few were even running in circles as if it’s the craziest thing they’ve ever heard in their lives. Was it really that hard to believe the guy could get a girl? It kinda hurt his feelings, but he definitely didn’t let it show.
“How the hell do you have a girlfriend and I don’t?” Tanaka, out of all people, really just asked that question. Kageyama’s face falls in annoyance as if the answer to that is obvious, which it kinda is. “Maybe cause girls see the way you drool over Kiyoko and get scared. Or maybe it’s the buzz cut.” Baldy is fuming now, but holds him self back.
“If any of you ask me a weird question i’ll serve a ball to your face.”
They leave the boy alone after that, but your face is unquestionably still racing through their minds.
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thewildomega · 3 years
Broken but not Shattered Ch7
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Grabbing his money, he decided against his jumper and since it was warm out he even left off his tie but still brought his cloak just incase Y/n got cold. After locking his trunk he made his way up to the Great Hall where he told Y/n he would meet her. Getting there however he didn't see her and furrowed his brows. He was sure he had told her to meet him here at four sharp and it was just that time. Perhaps she was running a bit late or...
Stopping he turned to his left at the sound of her voice and when his eyes met her he felt his breath catch in his throat. She was in a dress... an actual dress. If he was correct it was called a sundress style with thin straps on her shoulders. The black cotton was flowy, ending a little above her knees. Walking closer to her he swallowed hard at the amount of skin the dress allowed him to see.
He was just starring at you, silently. You knew it wasn't what other girls would consider a date worthy dress but your mother had made it for you and it was the best you had. You had hesitated putting it on while getting ready, never thinking you could pull off dresses and as he stood there staring at you, you were becoming even more self conscious. Licking your lips you bit your lip and looked down. "I..is this okay?"
"It is ah.... you are wearing a dress..."
Tilting your head you furrowed your brows a bit... "Well... y..yes you said we were going on a date so I... I thought..." When it all became to much you closed your eyes and turned on heel, "I'm going to go change..."
Hearing this snapped him out of his trance. Quickly grabbing her wrist he pulled her back to him. "No." Licking his lips he looked down at her and watched her look up to him. "I like it... You look beautiful."
Blushing deeply you saw him give you a small smile before he stepped back some and held out his arm for you to take. Returning his smile you felt him lead you out of the school and towards the village. The two of you spent the walk there talking about the upcoming exams, Severus asking you what things you thought you needed to study the most for and promising to practice with you on those things.
Seeing her smiling at him so softly he knit his brows, "What?" When she shook her head he pushed again, "Tell me."
"You are still treating me the same, you are still pushing me to succeed, even knowing what I am."
"Did you think I would not?" he asked with a raised brow.
Shrugging you looked down to the path. "Omegas are thought to be unintelligent. Most don't even think we are capable of having an education."
"Like who?"
Tilting your head you took a deep breath. "Well my grandfather for one. There isn't many people who know about me Sev, other than my parents and brother the only other people in my family that know are my mom's parents, not even my mom's siblings or my cousins know."
"And your grandfather does not approve of your education?"
"No, not really. He's never said it to me per say but I heard him talking about me when me and Flint were eavesdropping." Looking back up and over the land you felt a small clenching in your chest at the memories.  "He's old fashioned anyway, he doesn't think women should work, he hates that my mom helps my dad out at the bar but as for me... an omega... He thinks that I should have been kept at home, that I shouldn't have been allowed to go to school. I think he was partially worried about people finding out and the danger it would put me in and after Ilvermorny it just got worse but..."
"Wait, what happened to you at Ilvermorny?" She had told him before that she had had a problem with one of her teachers but that had been the end of it.
"I couldn't tell you the whole truth before, you understand that right?" Seeing him nod you gave a small grin before your free hand moved to your amulet. "There was a teacher, my Charms professor, Mr. Lyre.... I never really liked him all that much, no one did, he always made people feel uncomfortable..." Scrunching up your nose you shook your head. "Well last year I didn't have this Amulet to help me, I had to take this potion, this horrible, horrible potion."
"What potion?"
"I don't even think it has a name, all I know is that is was made to help repress all of the signs and traits of omegas. It's really old too. It isn't like this though, because this doesn't hurt, this doesn't make me feel like that made me feel." Knowing what he was about to ask you held on tighter to his arm. "Imagine if every time you felt excited or.. or  had a thought or feeling that was just one of your instincts you would instantly have it ripped away. Then you would be left with this emptiness this completely off feeling that made you feel nauseous." Shaking your head you looked away, "I don't even want to think about it, point is it just sucks. There is absolutely nothing good about it other than the fact that no one knows what I am.... not even sure I knew what I was half the time because it made me so delusional. I never took it during summer break or when I was home but when I went to school I had too."
He didn't like knowing his love was subjected to that. "So what happened?"
"In a nut shell he gave me detention because he thought I was faking when the potion was making me feel sick, an it did, all the time. I tried telling him that I needed to go to the medical wing but he wouldn't let me.... I knew it was the potion wearing off, I always got light headed when I needed to take another dose. I can't remember everything, I know I was sitting in his classroom, it was late and he was close, too close. I think I passed out at one point because the next thing I know I was....I was in his private chambers and then... then I was somewhere I didn't even know.. I found out later it was his home."
He felt his whole body turn tense at that, felt a growl rumble in his chest and his teeth clench together.
"I was crying, terrified. He knew what I was and he... he was an alpha. To him I was no longer his student I was an unclaimed omega.... When he went to... I screamed for my dad and I don't know how but he heard me... sensed that I needed him. He showed up and ripped Mr. Lyre off of me. I have never seen my dad like that, he was so enraged. They started fighting and I wanted to help but my dad told me to stay away...."
When she had to stop to take a break he said nothing, only continued holding her arm and watching her face.
"He was going to kill him, Mr. Lyre. He had threw this dust at my dad, right in his eyes and he couldn't see... I heard him begin to use that curse and I panicked."
Seeing her eyes looking down he frowned. There was a clenching in his heart again and he knew she was getting upset, that this was becoming hard. "Y/n..."
You wanted him to know, he was your alpha, the boy you loved, he deserved to know. Glancing around you saw no one  but still pulled him off of the path and over behind some trees. "You remember the other day at breakfast when you saw me light that letter on fire without using my wand, without even speaking?"
"Yes. You used wandless magic... it was amazing..."
Grinning you looked up to him. "Well it's a little more complex than that. Omegas are naturally frailer than both the other classes. Smaller, weaker but not defenseless. You see nature always has a way to try and level the playing field so Omegas have a better connection to certain elements... mine is fire." Holding up your hand you gave one last look around to make sure the both of you were truly alone before creating a ball of fire in your palm.
Looking at the flames in her hand he felt both his eyes go wide. Watching as she closed her hand to disperse the flame he looked up to her and saw her looking sad and guilt riven. Understanding now he opened and closed his mouth, "You... burnt him?" Seeing her nod but keep her eyes down he blinked. "How bad?"
"I was afraid and in pain... Scared. Before I knew what I was doing I had set the whole room on fire. My dad got me out of there and went back to Get Mr. Lyre but it was too late."
She had killed him... She had burnt him alive. Just staring at her he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say at first.
"I..I didn't mean to.. I never intended for him to die, I just wanted to save my dad...."
Hear how shaky and soft her voice was along with feeling that clenching in his chest and seeing her shoulders curling up he quickly snapped into action. Wrapping his arm around her he pulled her to him and pet the back of her head as she laid her head on his chest. "Shhh. I understand, I know you would never hurt anyone on purpose." Feeling her nuzzle his chest he kissed the top of her head. The knowledge that that man had almost claimed her, that she had almost belonged to another made the alpha in him feel even more territorial.
Kissing her head again he took a deep breath before pulling away, placing his hand on the small of her back. Walking back onto the path he felt her lace her fingers with his and lean into his arm. Glancing down to her he felt the corner of his mouth tug upwards some, that warm feeling in his chest making him sigh softly. Nothing else was said as they made their way to Hogsmeade. She had seemed rather surprised to find out he was taking her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea shop. He himself had never been in the place but he had heard others talking about it being a ideal date spot.
Surprised by his choice you let him lead you to the grey stone building with the pink painted trim. Trying to see inside you saw the windows were all fogged up. Grinning up at him when he opened the door for you both to enter you felt your eyes go a bit wide at the inside of the place. It was so.... pink... frilly.
"Hello dears, pick any table you like."
Looking to the woman you gave a small grin and a nod before looking back up to Severus.
Inwardly groaning at how crowded it was he looked down to his female and sighed. Leading her over to the back table he heard as some of the other students whispered about the two of them both paid them no mind. They had been dealing with it for months now and while at first he was worried it would drive Y/n away from him, now that she was his claimed mate he no longer felt threatened.
Sitting in the chair when he pulled it out for you, you giggle lightly when his cheeks turned a bit pink at your comment of him being 'ever the gentleman'. Once he was sat in front of you noticed his shoulders still stiff looking and gave a smirk. "Wouldn't this style just look so cute all over a home?" Watching his eyes snap up from the menu to look at you, you managed to keep it together for a few seconds, the look of pure terror and disgust on his face too funny to pass up.
When she started laughing, her hand moving to cover her mouth in an attempt to not interrupt others he knew it had all been a jest and felt himself relax. "Our home will look absolutely nothing like this." he spoke as he looked back to the menu. When she remained quiet he glance back up to see her smiling softly at him before she looked down to her own menu.
'Our home.' The thought made you feel warm inside.
"Do you know what you would like?"
Quickly looking back up when Madam Puddifoot came over to take your order you glanced to Sev and then to her, "Um green tea please."
"And for you dear?"
She had ordered one of the cheapest teas. Licking his lips he looked down to the menu, calculating prices in his head. "Black tea and a slice of lemon cake."  
"Alright luvs it will be right up."
Once they were left alone he reached across to take her hand in his, stroking the back of her hand with this thumb. "You never told me what your parents said... about us."
Tilting your head you grinned softly. "They weren't mad or anything... just kinda shocked... worried I guess."
"So they are okay with... with me?" he asked nervously.
"Well my mom said she is happy you are a Slytherin." you giggled and saw him grin some.
"And your father?" Noticing her biting her lip he felt doubt settling in.
"He.. ah... he had a few choice words that I will not repeat." Noticing him look down you gave his hand a squeeze. "He wants to meet you. They both do."
Snapping his eyes up he saw her serious. "They do?"
Nodding you smiled. "Yea, they invited you to come stay a week this summer.... if you want to that is."
Stunned he just blinked and then smiled. "Yes, that sounds great... so long as your father is not just getting me closer so he can kill me."
Laughing you saw him smile. "I'll be working at the bar of course but you can keep me company... maybe you can make Canyon leave me alone." you said with a roll of your eyes.
"Who is Canyon?"
"My brother's best friend. His little sister, Catalina, or Cat as we call her, is my brother's girlfriend. Don't get me wrong he's not a bad guy, he'd do anything for anyone he's just ahhh.. well you'll see."
Going to question more he snapped his mouth close when their order was being placed before them. Thanking the woman and paying he pushed small plate with the cake on it that she had placed before him across the table to his mate. Seeing her look up to him in confusion he only gave her a small grin and looked down to add cream to his tea, missing the way the Madam Puddifoot smiled at them.
Blinking you looked down to the cake and then up to him. Standing up you saw his eyes snap up and his brows dip. Scooting your chair over so that the two of you could sit beside each other you sat back down. Moving your tea in front of you while the cake plate was moved between you both so you could share you saw him look to you and gave him a small smile that he returned.
When a flash of light went off he stiffened. Seeing the beta woman standing there with a camera he went to question her when she was placing the picture she had taken on the table. With a simple wink she was walking away. Looking back to the picture as it finished developing he saw the both of them, the moving picture showing him looking up to her before the both of them were smiling at each other. Grinning he kissed the top of her head as she laid it on his shoulder. Cutting a piece of the cake with the fork he held it to her mouth.
Running as fast as you could you heard one of the prefects yell for you to stop running but you paid him no mind. The clenching in your chest too strong for you to care about the rules. He needed you, your alpha needed you, you coudl feel it. Hurrying out of the halls and into the courtyard you made your way out into the grounds. Coming up on James and the others you saw them laughing and narrowed your eyes.
"Oh L/n you missed the show I am afraid, Could have saved you the disappointment." James laughed.
"What did you do? What did you do to him?" you growled.
"Well we just wanted to see what it was you saw in Snivellus that's all." Sirius chuckled..
Snapping your head to the right when another group of students started talking you heard them laughing about what James had done and when it finally clicked you felt that fire fill your veins. Without another thought you marched over to James and swung your fist through the air, landing a hard hit to his nose. Instantly your felt something in your hand crack but only bit down on your tongue, refusing to show them any weakness.
"AWHA!" Covering his nose with his hand he landed back on his ass in the grass.
Feeling something wet cover his palm and leak from between his fingers he growled and glared up at the female from his cracked glasses. Pushing himself up to stand he hurried towards her.
"NO! NO! Put me down you asshole!" Thrashing in his hold you kicked your feet and tried wiggling out of his hold as he carried you somewhere.
Seeing his friend walking towards the lake he froze and furrowed his brows. "James... hey wait a minute." Sirius spoke.
"We tried to make you see, tried to give you the easy way out but you just continue to choose that pathetic worm. Well I'm done giving you a chance." The male spoke.
Understanding what he was going to do he felt his body clench up. "James no! Don't!"
Letting out a scream as you were thrown through the air you felt the shock as you landed in the cold water, your hip hitting one of the rocks hard. Shooting up you coughed up what little water had filled your airways and tried to swim towards shore. Grabbing hold of some of the rocks you felt your hand shoot with pain.
Looking down at the female he huffed out. "Go ahead, go to the future death eater but when he turns on you just like he did Evans don't expect us to take you in."  
"W..why the hell would I ever want anything to do with bullies like you. All of you, you call Severus pathetic but you are all the ones that seek out others to put down to make yourselves feel powerful. In my book that makes you the pathetic ones and none of you will ever amount to anything." Watching him raise his wand you braced yourself but nothing ever happened.
"James that's enough. Leave her alone." Sirius told his best friend in a voice that held no waver. Seeing James look to him he kept his stare until finally the male lowered his wand.
"Let her go." James scoffed in a low voice.
"I could say the same thing to you." Sirius countered. Seeing him roll his eyes but walk away he gave the small female in the water one last look, his chest clenching before he turned and walked back to the castle with his friends.
Standing up you tried to wring out your clothes and hair as much as possible Pulling out your wand you found it broken and closed your eyes, "Daddy's gonna kill me." Shoving it back in your pocket you started walking in search of the boy you loved. You wondered what James meant by Severus turning on you like he did Lily?
Finally finding him out by the tree the both of you always sat under you stopped when you heard soft crying coming from him. Rounding the tree you saw him curled up on it's roots, his knees pulled up to his chest with his face buried in his arms. Seeing his shoulders shaking you felt a clenching in your heart and slowly moved closer to him. "Sev?"
Swallowing hard when he heard the soft voice of his mate he kept his face hid away in his arms, not wanting her to see him like this. Pathetic loser. "Go away." When he felt her place a hand on his back he tensed. "I said go away Y/n."
Sitting on your knees in front of him you moved to hug him, trying to keep from getting him wet with your clothes.
"Are you deaf I said go away. I don't want you here."
Stifling your trembling lip at his hurtful words you stayed where you were, refusing to let his words send you away. He didn't mean it, you knew he didn't. He was hurting. They had done this, embarrassed him beyond belief. Made him feel so alone. But he wasn't and you wouldn't allow him to feel that way. No he would always have you and you would show him as much.
When she continued hugging him he felt more sobs break out, his whole body shaking. "Why will you not just leave me alone?"
"Because I love you and I won't ever leave you." Feeling him cry more but not tell you to leave again you kissed his head. Laying your head on his shoulder you just sat there, continuing to hold him, reassure him that you weren't going anywhere. You didn't know how long had passed, your knees were sore but you ignored it.
Sniffling he wiped his eyes before lifting his head some. Peeking up from his arms he saw her own eyes open some to look at him, those alluring blue eyes that he could stare into forever. Swallowing hard he blinked and then closed his eyes when she reached out to brush back his hair. She never seemed bothered by his 'greasy' locks, always touching it whenever she got the chance. "You are wet."
Kissing his temple you hummed.
"Why are you wet?"
"Doesn't matter." you told him with a shake of your head.
Sitting up he noticed she was indeed completely wet, soaked even. "Tell me..."
"I ah... went for a swim."
Growling he saw her shoulders curl up some and took hold of her hand but instantly released it when she let out a pained whimper. Knitting his brows he gently grabbed her hand and brought it in front of her so he coudl see and when he did he frowned. The left side of her right hand was colored in a bruise and the pinky finger knuckle was sitting oddly. It was broken for sure. "What happened?"
Looking away you tried to pull your hand away but he held your wrist in a strong grip.
"I fell..."
"Do. Not. Lie. To. Me." he grit out. "You are wet and your hand is broken, what happened?"
Letting out a deep breath you closed your eyes. "I punched James then he threw me into the lake." you mumbled.
Growling deeply he went to stand but felt her pull him back down.
Quickly nuzzling his neck you held him tightly. You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him and as much as it frightened you, as much as the omega in you wanted to curl up and submit you wouldn't. You didn't want him to get in trouble because of you. "Don't bother with the likes of him. Don't drop to his level." you told your mate in a soft whisper.
Licking his lips he tried to push back these strong feelings inside of him. That Potter had humiliated him, made him so angry he had snapped at his best friend but what was even worse is that he had hurt his Y/n, he had hurt his omega. "I can not just let him get away with harming you."
Kissing his neck you breathed in his scent. "Yes you can because tomorrow it won't matter, tomorrow we are leaving and then it will be just us for a bit. And then in two more years we will be done with him and his heard of jackasses forever. Then it will be just us. Right?"
Taking a deep breath he pet her head. Brushing her wet hair back over her shoulder so he coudl stare at the proof that she was his forever. "Yes. Just us."
Grinning at the sad memory to the end of your fifth year you shivered a bit as the cold invaded your bones. Remembering that week of summer the both of you had had together though made the freezing of your limbs float to the back of your mind. He had been so worried, so nervous when you had taken him to your home. All which was for nothing as he was instantly accepted. Oh so many fond memories of that summer, A summer in which you wished you coudl go back to...
"And your parents know that Severus is coming do they not Y/n?" Dumbledore asked with a raised brow and saw the omega nod with a smile.
"Yes sir."
"Very well then." Leading the two teenagers to the open area he gave them both a smile. "A good summer to you both, we will see you both again soon." Going to turn away he remembered something and stopped. "Ah yes before I forget." Pulling it out of his robes he held the book out, "Here you are Severus. I will see what I else I can find over summer."
Taking the book he gave the headmaster a bow of his head. "Thank you Professor."
"Have a good summer as well sir." you told him. Walking towards the area where Dumbledore had led you both to you looked out to see the portkey there and smiled. Looking back to Severus you saw him looking to the thing with a raised brow. "What?"
"I know they can be anything but I was not expecting a rake."
Shrugging you gave him a grin. "Only thing Daddy had on hand at the time." Making sure your bag was tied tightly you looked to him and smiled, "Ready?"
"I have never traveled by portkey before."
Groaning you took his hand. "It's ah.... well let's just say I will be happy when I can Apparate. Now don't let go of my hand or the rake until we land okay?"  Seeing him nod you reached out to take the rake and saw him do the same thing before the both of you were off.
It felt like there was a hook in his stomach yanking him all around. Feeling his hand on Y/n being tugged as well he tightened his hold. All too soon though they were slamming into the ground and he heard her groan. "That was terrible."
"Agreed." you grumbled. Letting out a heavy sigh you felt Severus pulling you up to stand. Dropping the rake for now you looked around and smiled. You were home.
Looking all around them he saw green hills and mountains in the distance. There were tons of trees and he even noticed what looked to be some sort of water in the distance. Seeing a home a little ways away in a clearing of trees he grinned. Overall he thought it was a beautiful sight, refreshing. "This is your home?"
Nodding you smiled. "Yep, this is it." Pointing to the cabin through the trees you saw him look that way, "That was my dad's parents home and then a little ways down the drive there is where Cat and Canyon's home is."
"Everything is so.... open and fresh feeling." he said and saw her smile. When she offered her hand he took it and walked with her towards her home. The closer he got the more detail he was able to take in. It looked to be of the cabin style with walls made of wood and stone. It wasn't a mansion per say but it was of nice size with a barn in the back along with a small farm from what he could see. "You have animals?"
"Oh yea, chickens and ducks, goats, and pigs... a turkey maybe, if my dad hasn't killed the hateful thing that is. I'll show you around later. Oh wait a..."
Hearing her give a loud whistle he stood beside her and watched as large cat jumped onto the porch railing, the thing had grey colored fur with patches of black and white. "A kneazle. You have a kneazle."
"Mmmhmm. This is Skitz." You told him as your pet quickly moved over beside you to start rubbing up against your hand, asking to be petted. "I've had him since I was five."
Holding his hand out to the cat he heard a low growl come from it and quickly pulled his hand back.
"Um he doesn't really like men all too much, don't take it personally he doesn't even like my dad and he's the one who buys his food."
Hearing a loud banging he snapped his eyes over to the large garden and saw a gnome running around.
"You are supposed to be taking care of that you know?"
Seeing her looking down at the kneazle who only looked to her with a bored expression he chuckled when it finally hopped down to go chase after the pest. Looking at the porch he noticed a swing that had cushions on it. There were painted handprints by the door, one large one at the top that he knew had to be her father's. below that was another big one but smaller than the first, the next two little ones made him smile softly, the thought of a little y/n making it. Watching her open the door he saw her look back to him and hold out her hand. Taking it he walked with her into the home.
The cabin look carried on into the home with wood floors and beams along the ceiling. The outer walls showed the same material from outside, stone and wood logs, while the inner walls looked to be made of plaster and painted a cream color that went well with the other colors of the wood and stone. Seeing as the door entered into the living room he saw a large couch along with a recliner and two end tables that didn't match the coffee table. There was a rug under the furniture and many books lined the shelves along the back wall beside pictures and such.
"Come on I'll give you the tour and then show you where you will be staying."
Nodding he followed her, he found the rest of the home to be just as cozy as the living room. Once he had seen the kitchen, dining room and glanced down the hall to where her parents room was he followed her up the stairs that were built in around the fireplace. Getting to the second floor he saw her point to one room, telling him that was her brother's room.
"This is the second floor bathroom." you told him, pointing to the open door. "You will be staying in here. Sorry it's not that big...."
Walking into the room he found it about the same size as his bedroom back at Spinner's End but more homey looking. The bed looked to be a full size with navy blue bedding. There was a dresser in the corner and a window that looked out over the land. Seeing a door he guessed it went to the closet and grinned as he looked back to her. "It is wonderful. Your entire home is." Seeing her smile he thought of something and knit his brows some. "Where is your room though?"
"Oh it's the next one down after the hall closet." Seeing him raise his brow and turn to walk out into the hall you felt your face heat up. "Wait.... no... Sev you don't need to see my room."
Walking down to the last door on the floor he grabbed the knob and went to open it but was stopped by his female. "I thought you were giving me the tour, does that not include your room dearest?"
"And why is that? Are you hiding something from me?"
"No I just ah... well maybe.... no Severus..."
Wrapping his arm around her he opened the door with his free hand and moved inside the room. Stepping into the room he saw the inner walls painted black with white dots on them, noticing some of them he smiled, constellations. There was a round rug on the floor with a crescent moon on it. The vanity on the right wall he noticed was also painted black with the same starry design on it. Books were stacks here and there on shelves and on the nightstand laid sketch books and a set of charcoals. The bed however was not your normal bed. It was pushed into the back corner of the room and there appeared to be purple and blue sheets of fabric hung up around it to block it off from the rest of the room. There was something else about it as well...
Watching him walk closer to your 'bed' you bit your lip and rubbed your arm, embarrassment and nervousness filling you. Looking down you slowly followed him.
Tilting his head he looked inside the little cave to see many pillows and other blankets lining the outer perimeter of the bed with the center holding a soft silver blanket that looked kind of like fur and a black silk blanket. When he breathed in he was hit with a light scent of what he knew was his omega.
Seeing his brows slightly knit together as he took it all in you breathed in deeply. When he reached inside you felt your body tense. "Sev wait."
There was clear desperation in her voice, not like the embarrassed, playful one before. This time she was serious and he froze. Looking back to her he saw her curled up some, her lip bitten harshly between her teeth. Feeling that off sensation he pulled his hand back and straightened up. "Y/n... what is it?"
Looking back to your sanctuary and then to his chest you took a deep breath. "M...my nest."
"Your... nest?" he questioned and saw her nod but still not look up to him. "I.. I do not unders...." he started but the sound of a door opening made him snap his mouth shut.
".... I told you it wasn't going to work!.... Whatever let's just..."
"Hey is Y/n/n already here?"
"Good question. Y/n?!"
Hearing the deep voice of a male he knew that had to be her father and felt his throat go dry.
Seeing Severus's body tense up you held back your giggle and took his hand. "Coming daddy!" Pulling him towards the door you got up on your tip toes to kiss his cheek, "Relax they are going to love you."
Nodding because he didn't trust his voice he swallowed hard as they started making their way down the stairs.
Tag List: @once-upon-an-imagine​ @dope-shit-bro
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prongsprincessworld · 2 years
Just Like Your Father
“Bradley (rooster) Bradshaw” x Lucy (Diamond) Mitchell”
warnings: bad writing, probably grammatical errors, (i honestly don’t know how a lot of the navy stuff works, but she slays anyways), i’m a growing writer, take it easy on me yall
She was just like her father, plain and simple. The same cocky attitude that came with the same amazing flying skills.
Though she loved her father she hated that they shared the same last name. Maverick’s last name had affected his daughter more than he would ever know.
The name Mitchell had come with more cons than pros that one would think. Admirals would deny requests of Diamond to fly certain missions because they thought she would be just as reckless as her father. And it had always been that way. Her first day at training had just been filled with comments from her fellow pilots and basically anyone who had the balls to mention anything distasteful about her last name. And it didn’t help that she chose the male dominated career path, but she was going to change that.
But little did Maverick know his choices and actions from his TopGun career that were only meant to get him to the top of the food chain, would let his daughter fall the whole way down. And become prey, for anyone who could get their hands on her.
But she would take Mitchell over her birthing giver’s last name Blackwood any day.
“Pilots, today we will working on our team work up in the sky. I’ll explain further once you’re all geared up” everyone proceeded to stand up from their seats, Diamond included.
“Except for you Diamond, you will be grounded just incase anything were to happen” her current instructor says nonchalantly.
She stops in her tracks and scoffs lightly as the corners of her mouth slowly turn into a small smirk. She turns around to look at him “And why is that sir?”
Her instructor looks down at her as his mouth twists into a mocking smirk. “I think you know why Diamond” he taunts
She puts her hands behind her back politely “No I don’t really think I do sir” she smirks back at him.
The classic Mitchell smirk, it never gets old.
“Well-“ he started.
“Lieutenant Commander Mitchell?” her smirk grows as she holds eye contact with her instructor. Her rank rings in her ears as if the angels up above were singing it, it will never get old.
Her instructors smirk falls, she won. She looks away to see her admirals secretary “Yeah Dottie?”
Diamonds gives her a sweet smile “Lovely, I’ll be there in 5”, Dottie nods with a soft smile as she walks out.
Diamond looks back to her instructor and nods with satisfied smile “Sir”. She doesn’t let him say anything before she walks away and makes her way to her admirals office.
Walking through the hallway hearing her boots hit the floor, people talking, doing their jobs. But all she could think about was why would her admiral want to see her?
She has gotten in trouble for lots of things, like, having her small acrylic nails that had fun designs, her hair being in a braid when it should be in that uncomfortable tight bun that made her look like an egg, having more than one earring in both ears, wearing two necklaces. All little things that her instructor would catch and purposely get in her in trouble, just because he didn’t like her.
Which was fine, a lot of people didn’t like her, but whatever.
So she knocks on the door, “Diamond?” she opens it and closes it behind her.
She nods “Sir” and puts her hands behind her back.
“Diamond, I have some news for you” that made her worry slightly.
She nods “You’re leaving.” Her eyebrows scrunch together. “You’ve been selected to to got to TopGun”.
She smiles, “You’re fuc-“ she clears her throat. “I meant, when do I leave?” He doesn’t look up from his desk so she’s praying he didn’t notice.
“In about an hour” she nods, “Go pack and good luck Diamond” she smiled a little, “Sir” she reply’s before walking out of his office and closing the door behind her.
She does her happy dance which is honestly quite ridiculous, and whisper screams in joy. She hears someone clear their throat and sees one of the engineers walk by her, shaking his head. She stands up straight and smoothes her flight suit. She starts walking to go pack and can’t help but silently laugh at herself as she walks down the hallway.
Diamond had gotten packed and changed, and was now sitting in the plane that was going from her beloved Corpus Christie, the place she has called home since college, to San Diego, the place where all the memories will flood back.
She didn’t have to go to Texas for training, but she just needed a change, a change from San Diego, where she was born and raised. A change from the place that held so many memories. Some that she would like to leave in the past. But she wasn’t mad that she had moved to Texas, she had grown. Mentally, physically and emotionally. And she picked up a southern accent, which she adored.
But for the most part she moved to Texas to get away from someone.
That someone being Bradley Bradshaw, her childhood best friend, her brother even. But he had wanted her gone and far away from him, she he would never see her again, he said so himself.
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Jack sparrow, Barbossa and James Norrington holding their s/o in their arms after they got shot but they survive it they’re in a lot of pain
I love potc + angst
(I do not own Pirates Of The Caribbean or it’s characters/ gif not mine)
Jack Sparrow
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He was there when it happened and by god he was scared out of his mind he’s never cared about anyone the way he cares about you and it served as a reminder that death especially as a pirate was right around the corner
Jack drops everything and brings you into his arms and when he does his grip is tight and needy he won’t lose you, hell he can’t lose you, he’s so scared if he holds you to loosely you’ll vanish and he’ll never see you again
Jack has dealt with similar experiences before but never this personal, he can only manage to say “C’mon Love” and a string of curses. His voice is panicked and the usual spark in his eyes is dimmed to the point of almost tears, he is living his worst fear
Watching you in such immense pain and shifting in discomfort hit something deep down and by all the power in the world he would not leave you or loosen his hold on you Jack did his best to keep you awake he’d shake you vigorously and talk to you
To anyone watching most likely the crew this would be the only situation they’d see their captain in such pain he may not cry but Jack is almost never uncertain, scared or upset in this case he’s all three
Each time you whimper in pain or shift around Jack holds you tighter and gently kisses your forehead saying “Helps coming love, I promise.”
When help finally does come he doesn’t let you go he’s still scared but knowing you’ve got help puts him at ease a little and he puts on a brave face for the crew but no one can forget the fear on his face. Jack holds you throughout everything in fact he holds you for days seeing as you’re still healing and far to hurt to do anything
He waits on you hand and foot mostly doing things you didn’t even ask of him helping you change clothes, redressing the wound, fetching food and water but he doesn’t let you out of his sight even as time goes by he won’t let you leave his sight and for a little while he pondered if you’d be safer if he dropped you off at port to live the rest of your life
You love cuddling with Jack so denying him almost never happens but please for his sake let him hold you and kiss you what happened didn’t only shake you but it shook him to his core he wants to hold you to know you’re really there he almost lost you
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He fights next to you or near you all the time so he would be one of if not the first at the scene and he is livid if he doesn’t kill whoever shot you right away he’d order someone to bring them on deck so he could do it later
Like Jack he drops everything and takes you in his arms, the last thing he wants to do it to let you go but he knows if he has any chance of saving you he needs to get you away from the fight and back on the ship
Barbossa calls off the fight and retreats but every inch of his mind is focused on you his fear morphs to anger which is directed at anyone aside from you
He is so gentle with you naturally he’s way softer around you but this time he’s so scared that any sudden or rough movement would break you and he’d be planning your funeral
Barbossa doesn’t cry he screams in anger for a while but the way he holds you close tucked protectively into his chest is enough to show to the world he cares so much about you
He holds your hand when you’re getting healed and whenever you hiss in pain it makes him wince and if you put on a brave face it’ll make him feel just as bad if you didn’t he can see right through you
Barbossa carries you back to his cabin he himself is still processing what happened. He doesn’t fall asleep that night or the night after in fact it wouldn’t be until you pester and do your best at ordering him to sleep that he actually gives in he was watching you all night incase you took a turn for the worst or shifted onto the wound
He locks you in his cabin when there’s a fight much against your will but after the 3rd or 4th time you crawl out and join in and that scared him almost as bad as when you actually got shot
Eventually he let you fight with him and the crew on one condition he was right at your side the entire time, no straying away from one another and even if you found yourself separating he’d grab you and pull you back he also used himself to shield you
James Norrington
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He’s an absolute wreck he’s full on sobbing within minutes and he genuinely believes you’re going to die, Norrington is secretly an emotional man and this broke his heart
James holds you so tight in his lap his grip slackens a little when he goes to stroke your hair he can’t help but think of all the horrible consequences and that this could be the last time he gets to hold you ever again
He cries so hard this man absolutely adores every inch of you and loves you with all his heart, you make him feel safe and you’re the one person he can allow to hug him, he can be emotional around you without judgement
Whenever James talks to you his voice breaks even when he says “I love you” his voice breaks right in two and instead he kisses you wherever he can to convey that
The look on his face when you close your eyes is heartbreaking if the fight was over his men couldn’t even look at him it was that painful, he screams and shakes you until you wake up again even if you’re just tired James won’t let you fall asleep he’s so scared you’ll never wake up
When help arrives he is so torn between letting you go so they can heal you and just holding you it takes some reassurance from Groves to let you go and afterwards he sits by himself in pure shock and agony
When you’re all healed and he’s told you’ll be okay he can’t quite process what anyone’s saying instead he asks to have time alone with you and tucks himself at your side
He holds you for so long only letting go to fetch something for you or help you do something but he is so protective of you he only lets close friends or family near you for a long time and it took James a few weeks to feel better himself
James was never the same after that he was far more cautious and protective over you when he cuddled you he wrapped his whole body around you and held you as tight as possible but not enough to feel uncomfortable and his hugs and kisses were lingering and passionate. Please never scare him like that again
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Imagine coming out to your boyfriend Bolin as asexual and him being completely understanding and supportive
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Being rich kids both Prince Wu and Asami loved throwing big parties as an excuse to get the gang together again and this time it was Asami’s turn. Her house (if you could call it a house) was decorated extravagantly and filled with all the friends you’d made over the years. The cute part was the gang would always gravitate together no matter how big the party was and tonight was no exception...well apart from Bolin, he’d been cornered by the Biefongs but you knew they’d release him eventually. Meanwhile you all chatted and caught up on what you’d missed in the months you’d been apart. “How are you and Korra?” you asked Asami and she smiled blushing “we’re prefect, she’s perfect, i’m so happy”. Asami blushed as Korra beside her smirked and you grinned as Asami pushed her. Korra smiled adoringly at Asami before turning the question to you “What about you and Bolin, how are you two?” she asked and you smiled “we’re great! I know it’s only been 4 months but it’s been perfect so far!”. Asami and Korra both smiled “that’s great y/n! You two really deserve each other, you’re both so kind and adorable”. You blushed and went to thank her when Wu spoke. “Not to mention what a hot couple you make! I don’t know how you get anything done when you’re alone together”. You paused confused “what?”. Wu smiled “I was just making a joke y/n about you and Bolin being a physically attractive couple...I was just being crude” he clarified but you were still confused. “He was talking about your sex life with my little brother” Mako said angrily and Wu looked away from the fire bender’s glare. You immediately felt uncomfortable, your throat went dry and your heart raced. You’d been fine until that comment and now you felt like you were hiding something. You smiled along with the others and waited a few minutes until you could excuse yourself without looking suspicious. “Sorry I’m not feeling great I need some air” you said rushing away. You walked outside Asami’s house and breathed in the night air. Everyone just assumed you’d been physical together but you hadn’t. That didn’t bother you in the slightest, you loved Bolin so much, you just didn’t express yourself physically and Bolin hadn’t pushed you to, so it had been fine. But when other people made comments or had expectations about your relationship it worried you and made you realise just how much your sexuality differed from the norm and made you question your relationship. If others were making assumptions about your sex life surely Bolin was too and wondering why you hadn’t ever initiated anything with him. You should’ve told Bolin before you started dating you were asexual you supposed, but you hadn’t been sure before and honestly hadn’t even noticed the lack of sex in your relationship until Wu made his comment. To you your relationship was full but maybe Bolin didn’t see it that way and that worried you. It wasn’t like you’d lied to Bolin, you’d both been happy so you felt no need to discuss the intricate details of your relationship and considering Bolin seemed content you’d been happy to leave it but now you knew you couldn’t do that much longer. Bolin might be unhappy with how your relationship was and because you hadn’t asked you didn’t know. Given how much Bolin didn’t like to upset people that could be a real possability. You knew he was too sweet to pressure you by asking but that didn’t mean you should just ignore him and leave him in the dark. You should tell him and as much as that terrified you it had to be done.
You found Bolin with the Beifong twins and managed to catch his attention right away. “Y/n” he smiled “are you okay? Mako said you seemed pale earlier”. “Kind of but can we talk? There’s something I need to tell you”. Bolin nodded “of course” and took your hand leading you into a side room which was empty. He shut the door and turned to you. He could tell you were nervous so didn’t push you and just waited. “I’m asexual” you said simply and Bolin frowned “you’re what?”. You coughed the explanation all prepared in your head “I’m asexual, that means I do not experience sexual attraction to other people, I can feel romantic attraction and can function sexually from a biological perspective but I do not desire or feel the need for sexual intimacy with others”. You finished your definition and Bolin nodded along “okay so...what does that mean for us, do you, still like me?”. You nodded your head “of course! I still experience romantic desire and attraction and I am attracted to you romantically just not sexually”. Bolin nodded his head still processing it all “So you like me, you’re interested in me and you’re happy for this relationship to progress just not sexually?”. You nodded your head hating the awkwardness and were aprehensive of Bolin’s reaction. “I don’t experience sexual feelings so for me sex is not necessarily enjoyable or needed in a relationship but I wanted to tell you incase sex is something you need in a relationship and if it is, that’s okay! It just means we’re not compatible”. Bolin could see your body language and how nervous you looked and cautiously, giving you time to move away if you wanted to, put his hand over yours. “Y/n I don’t need to be physical with you to know I love you, I know sex is a way some people show their love but that doesn’t have to be us, I love you and I am happy not pushing our physical activites further”. Your eyes shot to Bolin’s and you searched his face to see if he was being honest “are you sure because Bolin this won’t work if you’re not. This isn’t some phase I’ll grow out of and if sex is something you need then we shouldn’t be together for the sake of it”. Bolin shook his head “I’m not lying y/n and i understand this is who you are and I love it about you too. This isn’t something i’m giving up for you, I’m not losing anything because I have you! Having you is the best thing in my life and I don’t need anything more from you than you’ve already given me”. You smiled and didn’t even realise you were crying until Bolin wiped your tears away “y/n did I say something wrong?”. “No” you smiled “you did the opposite”. Bolin grinned and hugged you. You wrapped yourself in the hug feeling so safe and loved in Bolin’s arms. You felt whole and secure, you felt validated. You pulled away and smiled at Bolin “thank you” you sighed. Bolin shook his head “you don’t need to thank me, i’m not doing anything nobel or worthy of appreciation, i love you and we have decided this works for us, that is all, no gratitude required” Bolin said simply and you nodded taking his hand again. “Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me” Bolin said soflty “I’m pleased you felt like you could confide in me about this”. You nodded “well I love you i wanted you to know”. Bolin always physically brightenned when you told him you loved him and now was no different. Bolin grinned happily and kissed your hand. “I love you too y/n, so much”. You smiled and nodded resting your head against his “I know and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world”. “Well we should put on the lottery becase I feel like the luckiest boy in the world” Bolin retorted and you laughed outloud. Bolin grinned seeing you smile and looked at you carefully “are you ready to go back to the party or do you want more time?”. “No” you said wiping your face “I’m okay, i feel a lot better even though i’m sure my makeups run, do I look okay?”. Bolin looked at you and grinned “you look beautiful”. You blushed and took Bolin’s hand stepping back into the party.
My first asexual fanfiction!!! I was so happy to write something from an asexual pov and chose Bolin because I think he’s one of the most open minded characters on the show (and he is my dream man but anyway...). 
Side note  - this is not to say this is how every asexual relationship/person dating an asexual individual has to act or feel! I am asexual and this is something from expereince I know works for me but that doesn’t mean I speak for the whole community so please don’t pidgeon hole anyone whose asexual as having to be this way. I just thought it would be nice to see some ace reperesentation and to portray asexual relationships in a positive happy light and to show asexuals can be in loving romantic relationships!!!
Also I hope this isn’t necessary but no asexual hate is welcome or will be tolerated here. Being asexual is beautiful and valid and we deserve treating as such! :)
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ms-rampage · 4 years
You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You
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Lucifer x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Angst, PURE ANGST!!!!. Dean being somewhat of a dick.
Based off of the Lacuna Coil song "You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You"
Note: I feel like this one isn't as good, but I have hopes.
The purple highlights are lyrics from the song but they're not in the correct order.
You've been living with your cousins Sam and Dean for about 3 in a half months now, and you've been helping them on their hunts.
Decapitated a vampire here, stabbed a demon there, the fun stuff. Thats when you met him.
No not Castiel but another feathery entity, Lucifer, he recently started to tag along on your guys hunts. Sometimes he'll just randomly show up at your guys hunts. Sam and Dean thought this was weird because he's never shown up to help them unless he wanted to which was never, or if he was forced to.
You joked to yourself that he was in love with you, because he showed up whenever you were with them but you didn't take it seriously. You couldn't love him because he's the Devil, and from what Sam and Dean have said about him, it made you keep your distance from him, but it seemed that he was trying to get closer to you. You'll admit he's vessel is very attractive, if only he wasn't Satan.
*This is the first time, you've had your first encounter with him.*
Sam, Dean, Castiel and you were about to leave the bunker to track down a pack of vampires who were kidnapping locals a few towns over. Then something hits you, it has never felt so uncomfortable, like a presence has entered and the room gets is so cold. Like the temperature dropped 30 degrees.
You look behind you, and see a blonde man attractive man that you have never seen before.
"Lucifer?!?" Sam mutters.
Him, Dean and Cas stand in front of you just incase anything happens.
"What are you doing here?" Dean asks. Lucifer looks over at you, his gaze is slowing your breath down, as if he wanted that to be your reaction. The tension becomes so tangible. So unbearable.
"No reason" he says, shrugging "Maybe to bother you!?. Who knows!. Hell gets boring after a while, and plus I wanted to check in on my true vessel" he looks over at Sam who looks unnerved.
You don't know why but you felt a little something for him. You just know him as Lucifer and from that name you know he's the Devil, Satan.
Unconvinced, Dean rolls his eyes, and says "Yeah well we're about to leave on a hunt. So buh bye" and with that being said, the 4 of you leave the bunker.
When you go up the stairs, you look back, and see that Lucifer is gone.
To love is harder than you think. You couldn't help but feel certain feelings for the Archangel but you just ignore them like you always do.
You guys drive a few towns over. Upon arrival Sam and Dean speak with local law enforcement, while you and Cas look around and speak with the family of victims who were kidnapped.
"So did your son have any enemies? Anyone who wanted to do him harm?" you ask the distraught mother of one of the kidnapping victims.
"No, no, not that I know of" she says, you nod your head before asking your next question.
"One last question. Did you son seem distant? Like would he come home late? Stay in his room for the whole day? Like he wasn't opening up to you or to anyone?"
"He did come home pass curfew 5-6 times in the last few weeks, but other than that he would lock himself in his room, and not come out unless it was for the bathroom" she continues speaking, you look behind her and you see Lucifer slightly wave at you with a smile.
There's no running away. "Is he gonna follow me at every hunt?" you think to yourself.
"But he was talking and hanging out with some sketchy people before he went missing" she finishes.
You pretend to write down the last things she said, "Okay thank you for your time. We'll do everything we can to find your son" you hand her a business card with your fake FBI name and phone number.
"Thank you Agent" she says tearfully.
You walk towards the Impala, waiting for Sam, Dean and Cas to finish talking to the families of the victims and the police.
You lean against the car, looking through your phone.
"Hello!" Lucifer says, enthusiastically, making you jump.
You look over at him, and can't help but smile.
"Did I scare ya?" he says, with a huge smile on his face.
Obsessed with you and me maybe? But you'll admit he's pretty cute, he seems harmless maybe? He can't possibly be the Lucifer every religious person has said to you.
You smile again, "A little bit" you reply, before looking towards where Sam and Dean were.
From your peripheral vision, you see Lucifer staring at you. You look over at him, and give him a smile.
"I didn't catch your name" he says, now standing in front of you.
"Y/n" you say.
"Y/n?. That's a nice name" he says, and for some reason that surpises you.
"Thank you" you say, with a smile.
"Yep he's definitely not like they say he is. He's actually nice and friendly" you think to yourself.
"They don't want you to know about that side of me" he says to you.
You look at him confused "How did you?".
Then he points to his head, and says "Mind reading".
You both smile at each other, he was about to say something else but gets cut off by Dean.
"What are you doing here?!?" he asks, with his arms out.
"I'm just here to meet Y/n" he says, "And I didn't even ask but I knew s/he is related to you two" he adds pointing to Sam and Dean.
Lucifer wanted to get to know you but of course he couldn't with Sam, Dean and his little brother Castiel being around. So he suggested a secret relationship. You were both very fond of each other so you wanted to give it a try.
After 7 in half months you and Lucifer have been secretly seeing each other. You both love each other. He was one hell of a lover in bed.
He would appear in your room before you went to sleep, or when you're in the shower just to watch you, maybe join you. Whenever Sam, Dean and Castiel weren't around.
That's when one day, Dean came into your room, and saw you straddling Lucifer's lap in bed.
"Y/n??!?!!!" he yells, making you jump off your bed in panic.
"Dean?!!?! It's not what it looks like" you explain.
"It's not what it looks like?!?!?. You were making out with Lucifer" he yells again.
The tape on your mouth, is slowing your breath down, the rope is still tight. That's what this whole situation felt like, you were in full panic mode, you didn't know what to say. You felt tension in your chest.
You tried to explain to him but he's not having it.
"Dean, please, please let me explain I'm sorry if I crossed the line, I know I've lost it but I just can't see Lucifer the way you, Sam and Cas do"
"You are not to see him!!" he tells you, with anger and disappointment in his voice, pointing at Lucifer.
"Dean please I-" you get cut off.
"Anymore!!" he raises his voice, closing your bedroom door.
You turn around, and see Lucifer leaning against your bookshelf, looking completely unbothered by what just happened.
"He'll get over it" he says.
He leans off the shelf and approaches you, he cups your face and says "Even if you're afraid of what will happen between us, I'll make you mine even if I have to wait until the end. Just know that, you're the only human to make me feel this way. I love you".
You knew he meant every single word he said.
You pull away from his hands, tears streaming down your face, "I can't do this anymore, I feel the exact same way with you, but I can't do that to Sam and Dean they're my family. The only family I have left. There's no running away, there's no guilt and no shame, I know I've crossed the line with this. Just know that I love you too but I can't be with you. Is this the end?".
"No, no its not" he says, voice choking up.
You break down crying, even though he's Lucifer, one of the most evil entities in the world. Hated by many, feared by many, loved by very few, and you were one that loved him.
He start to cry just by watching you cry.
"You love me 'cause I hate you" you stumble on your words.
He shakes his head, tears streaming down his face. "You don't mean that".
"I was obsessed with you and me. Everything I felt about you was real".
He knows you don't mean that, he knows you love him because of how broken you are, but he understands your choice. He won't do harm to Sam and Dean because that'll really make you hate him.
You look away from him, and when you look back at him he's gone. You leave your room, and enter the library.
All 3 of them are sitting at the table.
"Y/n?" Sam mutters. Dean stands up the second he sees you and says.
"Y/n, I'm sorry if that I raise my voice, I never meant to hurt you but I had no choice. I'm just looking out for you but please don't ever lie to me, or to Sam or Cas".
You nod your head, "Yeah, I know. He's gone" you tell them, with a faint smile but you're still broken inside.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Dear Divine, May I request something of interesting taste? You can decline my dear divine. Werewolf Germany x Reader. Do whatever you wish my divine. For I am a humble simp that has to much time on my hand. Sincerely, A.Burr.
Dear requester,
I intend to fufill your request wholeheartedly and with the fever of 10 thousand men.
Sincerely your obedient servant,
This is going to be like an imprint/mate sort of scenario.
The woods always provided you comfort. The air was fresher and gave you a chance to clear your head from city ick. You would live out here if it was possible.
The soft crunch of crisp leaves beneath your feet gave you copious amounts of serotonin. Birds would chirp loudly overhead, having their own little conversations. The only thing that happened to dampen your mood was a small rock somewhere in your boot. You even enjoyed the weight of your backpack on your shoulder as it signified an adventure.
You had only seen 2 people on the trail so far. It looked like a couple who had come out here to make out in the forest. You cringed childishly at the thought. You supposed it was better than someone making out in a restaurant.
You suddenly came to a fork in the path. The left path looked clear and didn’t have any twigs on the trail. All the trees were full and bushy and the sun filtered through the trees.
The right path was almost the complete opposite. You almost brought out your phone to take a picture. Twigs and leaves covered most of the path. The trees were still full but lacked a vibrant green color. It was almost completely cloudy.
The curious part of you made you turn towards the right path. While the logical, slightly scaredy-cat version of you ached to turn around and go down the left path. Taking a deep breath you stepped towards the right path and as soon as you did the wind slammed against you and the dark trees. You tensed and planted your feet hard against the soil so you didn’t tumble over. You looked behind you to see if anyone else witnessed it.
No one was there. Deciding to not let it deter you from your self made adventure you took a few more cautious steps. When nothing happened you took a few more, then a few more. You were at your normal walking speed, as you looked around the glim forest. The farther you went the more fog you encountered. A deer crossed your path, scaring the living hell out of you.
You blushed deeply as your scream echoed through the forest. “Relax.” You scolded to yourself. The fog started to get heavier and heavier and if you were in your right mind you would turned around, but you felt like you had something to prove. How cool would it be to tell your grand kids about the time you almost died in the forest?
You may have cursed yourself when you thought of death because a loud howl sounded off in the distance. You didn’t know there were wolves here. Well if there was prey there must be predator. “I should probably turn around.” You muttered to yourself. You stopped in your tracks and took a deep breath enjoying the musty air. Turning around your heart fell into your stomach. Sweat immediately covered your body, and your hands reached around to your backpack hoping for some form of weapon.
5 wolves descended out of the fog. The more you looked around you realized the fog seemed to clear around you, making it easy for them to spot you. Their determined brown eyes bore into your body. You tried to remember everything you had heard or seen about wolves. You knew that if you needed to scare a bear away being really loud and overwhelming their senses may help with that. You quickly screamed as loud as you could and kicked some leaves and soil at the large canines. As you flung your leg back and forth you kicked a large heavy stick hitting one of the wolves directly in the snout.
You had to stop the instant reflex to apologize. The wolves shrinked back at the loud noises and assaults. Your throat ached and you were surprised you were able to hold sound for that long. “Get back!” You shrieked. You took a few steps back wondering if it was a good idea to run. You bet they would just chase you and you knew you wouldn’t be able to outrun them. They were made to hunt.
One of the wolves in the middle who was bigger than the rest of them took a few warning steps forward. You moved forward as well as kicking more leaves and dirt into his face. The large wolf sneezed and shook out his head to get rid of the dirt. The wolf glared at you with a new determination which made you gulp.
You opened your mouth to scream again. The harsh sound scraped your throat as it exited your mouth filling the forest. A deep, powerful growl overlapped with your scream making you cut yourself off. You looked down at the wolves and watched as they stared at you with scared eyes and quickly scurried away. You would have laughed if it wasn’t for the fact that you felt eyes watching you.
You quickly spun around and your knees completely gave out. Another wolf. Except this one was different. If you stood up it’s back would almost reach the top of your head. It’s hair was a light tan color- almost blonde except for a large black spot on its chest. It had a few light scars around its legs and a deeper one on its chest.
What caught your attention the most was it’s eyes. Those eyes were nothing like the previous wolves you saw. They were a light blue and the stared at you with such deep emotion you wondered for a moment if this was actually an animal. It felt like it was staring through your sole. The animals brow was furrowed and as time went on its eyes became softer and softer, and even held in some tears that threatened to fall. The animal kept eye contact with you and you couldn’t break it even if you wanted to. You didn’t know what was going on in the animals mind but you weren’t scared.
You watched it with careful eyes as it took a few small steps towards you. It got low to the ground, causing it stomach to scrap against the forest floor. It would shuffle towards you and then stop. You realized it was trying not to scare you.
“I’m not afraid of you.” You gasped, more to yourself than the wolf. The wolf’s ears piped up and it quickly closed the gap between the two of you. It laid down directly in front of you, it’s face so close you could feel it’s gentle breaths. Even when you were sitting down the wolf was an inch or two taller than you as it laid there. “This is the weirdest day of my life.” You mumbled. The wolf jolted softly and it seemed like a wolf version of a chuckle. The wolf’s front legs were resting on either side of you, encasing you closer to its body.
“Can I pet you?” You asked. Your fingers itched to rake themselves through the thick fur. You should have been more surprised when the wolf seemed to understand you. It gently raised its head to the sky giving you full access to its neck and chest. Your hand immediately darted out and sunk into the heavenly fur. An immediate purr/groan left the wolf as it pressed itself closer against you.
A soothing shock wave fell over you making a small gasp leave your throat. Warmth flooded your body, causing your hands to leave its fur. The warmth immediately left your body. You pressed your hands against the wolf again and felt the warmth instantly flood your body. You continued this action a few time, causing the wolf to huff softly in annoyance. “Sorry.” You apologized. The wolf lowered its head and nuzzled the side of its head against you. Its head was so big it took up most of your upper half. Your body seems to melt and you rested your body against the side of its head. Your fingers scratched right behind its ear, giggling when the wolf’s back leg kicked at its stomach.
“Why aren’t I scared? And why haven’t you eaten me?” You pondered. Your fingers danced in his fur and he cut off his purrs. Its icy eye opened and it backed away from you so it could look you in the eye. You looked at the wolf curiously. The wolf leaned forward and pressed its forehead against yours. You would have questioned it but you were too deep into a blissful warmth.
‘Because this was meant to happen.’ You yelped and scrambled away from the wolf. Your eyes darted around the forest looking for the owner of that honey voice. The wolf whimpered and took a step forward but you held your hand out causing him to stop.
“Who said that?!” You stood up for the first time in about an hour and backed away from the wolf. “This has to be a dream.” The wolf shook its head, looking at you with worry. Your legs worked on their own and you stumbled backwards and the wolf walked forward ready to catch you incase you fell. Panic rose in your throat and your eyes the trees suspiciously. The oddity of the whole situation finally started to catch up to you.
A huge wolf. A euphoric warmth every time you touched. This was a wild animal. Those small wolves from before could tear you to shreds, but this wolf could eat you alive. You felt light headed, and your knees buckled from the invisible weight on your shoulders. You gripped your backpack straps and suddenly took of in a sprint.
The wolf grunted from behind you and you could barley make it anywhere when it bit your backpack causing you to fall to the ground. You flailed desperately underneath the large beast. You somehow ended on your back, the backpack making the ground even more uncomfortable. The wolf leaned forward and you knew for sure you were a goner.
Instead of taking off Your head the wolf pressed its forehead against yours once again.
‘Please calm down.’ A deep voice entered your mind. It sounded like a thought. Like when you talk to yourself in your mind. Except it wasn’t you and you can’t control what the voice says. ‘You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep freaking out.’
“Is that you?” You asked aloud, opening your eyes to look at the wolf. You quickly rolled your eyes. Wolves can’t talk.
‘We can.’ You jumped.
“Can you read my thought?” You asked. Your hands gripped at the leaves and soil under you like you could dig yourself a hole to hide in.
‘Yes and you don’t have to talk out loud.’ The wolf hummed. It’s voice had the same effect as its touch. Warm and calming.
‘How are you doing that?’ You didn’t open your mouth this time to ask that.
‘I’m going to say this and I don’t want you to freak out.’ You nodded your head in a silent agreement that you wouldn’t freak out.
‘What do you know about werewolves?” The deep voice questioned.
‘Is this a trick?’ You thought.
‘No, now answer the questioned.’ The wolf demanded. You gasped when he reminded you he could read you thoughts.
‘I watched twilight and read a few fan fictions.’ You responded. The voice chuckled and it almost lulled you to sleep. The soft vibrations of it seemed to surround your brain.
‘Well remember that baby Jacob imprints on?’ The wolfs question snapped you awake. You nodded your head to relaxed to really answer. ‘Well that’s what happened to me. I heard you screaming in while I was on a hunt and felt something inside me. I needed to help you. Then when we made eye contact, I knew it was you.’ His voice was soft and caring. He was trying not to freak you out. ‘You’re my mate or soulmate, whatever you want to call it.’ He continued. The wolf disconnected his forehead from yours so he could watch your face.
His presence left your head making your head ache slightly. It felt very empty and your body felt cold again. You leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his again, sighing in bliss when you were warm again. You couldn’t see it but that little action made him very happy and his tail wagged to prove it.
‘But that’s impossible werewolves don’t exist.’ You assured him. He huffed causing a small giggle to escape you.
‘Then how do you explain everything that has happened? I can read your thoughts and your going to tell me werewolves aren’t real. Whatever ideas you have of what exists and doesn’t let go of them. They don’t apply.’ He reasoned. He nuzzled his head against yours waiting for a response.
Your mind was lagging severely. Between being on clouds nine and having to process all this information you could barely keep up. You tried to start a sentence multiple times but just couldn’t. The wolf above you sense what was going on.
‘You aren’t use to this feeling. Let yourself sleep. I’ll take care of you.’ The wolf didn’t move even after he finished his sentence. Knowing that if he moved you would wake up and feel cold and alone. Having you sedated was easier than having to chase you down. Even if it was easy to catch you. ‘I’ve got you mein kleiner wolf.’
💕I went overboard with this but do not regret it💕
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aackermqn · 4 years
Can I have a match up? I’m a straight woman with reddish brown hair, brown eyes, and light medium skin. My type of guy is someone reliable and clever, not necessarily (although it would be good too) “textbook smart” but someone who knows their way in life and gets by responsibly, you know? As for myself, I am simple. I graduated very early (skipped some because I’m academically inclined). I may be textbook smart, but I am so not “street smart” lol. Maybe this is why I want a guy who’s more like that. I am organised and sanitary, I keep a planner and a journal that I routinely write on daily. I’m a little bit standoffish and tend to get misunderstood as unfriendly/snobbish, but it’s just how I seem on the outside. I’m not warm. I’m private and it’s hard to get me to open up, but once I do, I form deep connections. It’s funny because my closest friends are my opposites! They’re loud, friendly, approachable and energetic, unlike me. I only have a few friends but I trust and love them dearly. I’m in my 20s and have only fallen in love once; I take these things seriously and I don’t like the idea of fooling around with people and feelings. I love hard so I am afraid of getting hurt tbfh. My hobbies are: writing, reading, cooking, puzzles, baking, singing, playing instruments and listening to music. Thank you!
of course you can have a match up, this actually the first time i’ve ever done a match up for someone so seeing this in my inbox made me so excited!
congratulations, i match you with...
Erwin Smith!
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although you have many similarities with levi, i think that your similar tendencies would clash! this isn’t to say that he would dislike you, it’s just to say that i personally think that a romantic match up is unlikely to happen because of that potential clash. when two reserved people meet, i think it’s likely that it’ll be hard for a connection to flow easily.
just wanted to clarify that incase anyone wondered why i didn’t match you up with levi!
this also kind of goes along with why i matched you up with erwin, out of everyone i feel like he understood levi the best and would understand you very well
but yes, i match you up with the one and only: erwin smith !!
i personally think erwin is both “textbook smart” AND “street smart”. although his street smart may not be as best as others, he needed both to survive in the aot universe so i think your wish for someone “street smart” could definitely be satisfied by him (he’s such a 2-in-1 type of man huh)
erwin would see through your “unfriendly/snobbish” stereotype and understand that it’s most likely just a misunderstanding for how private you are as a person
because of this, he would seek out to get to know you more and would put in a lot of effort to become closer to you!
the great thing about erwin is how he has the ability to connect with everyone so not only will he be able to connect with someone as private as you, but he’ll be able to connect with your friends who are the opposite as you!
like he has such a gift of being able to socialize with almost everyone
erwin is a gentleman and therefore would do everything to prove to you that he is equally as serious about becoming romantically involved as well
since he understands your fear of getting hurt, he would take things slow with you and would never cross a boundary that you are uncomfortable with
the man would NEVER do anything to hurt you in any way or form
he just wants to ultimately show you that he’s serious about you
he definitely would write and read with you! i can picture him letting you rest between his legs on the bed, and just holding a book for you both to read
erwin is such a puzzle guy, like he would totally be whipped to sit down for hours as you guys try to finish a whole 500 piece puzzle
erwin isn’t so much of a singer but i can see him listening to music with you and doing small dances along w it to make you smile
in conclusion, erwin smith would be such a gentleman towards you to prove that you’re an important figure in his life
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flickityfics · 4 years
Ch.10 A Day Without Zuko
a/n:Warning: smut
Hi, Gaang! The construction is going to take another six months but it's coming along nicely. I've met a lot of people and they're all use to me being around, they've helped me as well so it's been great knowing everyone and being a regular here. I learned things down here doing laundry, cooking and I'm always doing my training of course, gotta stay sharp you know! Katara, I'll never underestimate women ever again. I've seen first hand how hard it is for girls to be taken seriously or respected, its brutal and outrageous. Let me know how you  guys are doing by the way, its taking a long time to see you guys again and I wish I could be over there helping you but as long as I know you guys are okay, I don't mind staying longer to help out over here so just take care of yourselves .
Suki its so hard being a girl. So many creepy guys hit on you or don't think you can do a job on your own, its annoying. Then they're the girls who starts fight with each other or looking at you with disgust and pure hate, you just can't win with anyone when I'm just trying to mind my own business here. Anyways I'm working different jobs here, still searching on how to turn back when I can, mostly stuck at the library with no answers and just crossing things off that don't make sense with my situation. I'll probably have to look into some spirits like you mentioned before. Oh and what could really help me is if you can tell me different parts of my body and what it does? Maybe even draw me a diagram as a reference please and thank you, so sorry for this uncomfortable favor. I'll keep my head up and keep trying to work this out. Hope you're doing fine on your side, write me whenever you have the time, take care.
Sokka mailed off the letters deciding to use his free time before work to put up the posters he made earlier of Appa around Ba Sing Se. He just wanted to do his part in helping out the gaang however he could. It took about twenty-five minutes to get all the posters everywhere before taking a snack break. After a small meal he headed to his new job.
Sokka came into the Jasmine Dragon exhausted and ready to vent at Zuko but caught Iroh instead by himself in the kitchens.
"Hey uncle, where's Lee?" he asked curiously looking for the scarred teen.
"Ah, my nephew went on an errand getting new tea sets and tea." Iroh expertly lied.
Sokka couldn't help being suspicious since it was late to be getting stuff at this hour but he also didn't know how businesses do there whole delivery system so he'd just question Zuko later and see if their story matches up.
"Guess I'll just have to settle with talking your ear off old man." He grinned to the elder.
Iroh grinned back, "Well you know this old man is a big talker so go right ahead." He waited curiously knowing the young girls story will be interesting from the conversations he's overheard from her and his nephew.
"I just can't seem to find a job that I enjoy or liked to stick with. This is already my seventh job and I want a new one already but I'm limited to jobs because of stupid men not thinking I'm capable or not deeming the workplace fit for women. On the other hand I can't be too picky either because I have living expenses and don't want to come off as unreliable from switching jobs so much, I'd like to find my calling and enjoy a job I'm passionate about. I have skills but they can't be utilized because dumb men don't want to hear opinions from women. I know how to fish, somewhat fight, I'm good at planning, being a strategist, fast learner, strong, learning how to take charge and great with organizing and planning. I've just got all these good ideas and things to invent but no one wants to hear me out or to take me seriously." Sokka was frustrated with these types of problems, he realizes what a complete jerk he's been himself towards his sister and other girls but he's definitely gonna try being a better person seeing all the efforts they put in but don't get the same efforts back.
"What do you think uncle? Am I asking for too much?" He asked.
Iroh stroked his beard, "Let me get us some tea." He then left the young girls side to prepare the tea he had in mind.
Sokka could only lift his brow at the old man, watching impatiently as he took his sweet old time with the tea.
"Now it's not bad trying out different things to find what you're good or passionate about but I do see where it'll be difficult since most people are set in their ways and not wanting change. You are young and strong-willed, I believe you have the courage and strength within to make these changes possible no matter how slow the progress may be so long as you do not give up." Iroh really believed in his words about Miyuki, she was quite stubborn and willing to tell people off for any injustice she felt towards herself or others. It's why he's liked her so much near his nephew.
Sokka really thought about the uncle's wise words, it seemed so simple hearing it out like that. All it takes is small steps and he knew he wasn't one to give up....well, maybe only when things are really looking bad. In all honesty Sokka was sure he could keep up and handle being a girl a bit longer even though he'd really like his body back but he's gotta do what he can to live comfortably as is for now. It may not to be as freely as when he was a boy but he could handle putting some rude men and or women in there places if need be.
"Thanks for the pep talk geezer, that actually helps clear my mind, guess I just needed someone's perspective on stuff." He was happy talking with Zuko's uncle, it really helped him get things off his chest and feel heard. Normally these would be talks with Zuko but the jerk bender just had to be off on an errand.
"I'm gonna take off now, can you let Lee know I stopped by?" He asked.
"I'll let him know. I'm glad you drag him along places, thank you." Iroh was really grateful towards Miyuki always taking his nephew out, she brings more life into him he noticed.
Sokka waved off the old man as he left the tea shop. The sun was down and already the streets were lit. It was a nice, calming walk with the light buzz of late night activities. He really did enjoy the weather here in Ba Sing Se instead of being in layers, he had loose pants with a dark green tunic. As he kept walking he noticed off to the side a wanted poster that caught his eye, he walked over seeing a vaguely familiar mask but not really remembering, scanning the words he mumbled to himself, "Blue Spirit wanted blah blah may be a ghost? uh..Kidnapped Avatar, hmmm... feels like something I should know." The poster piqued his interest for a short while before he shrugged it off as no importance to him and went his merry way towards the inn.
Back at the inn Sokka felt like a nice hot bath would be perfect to relax at the end of the day. He went straight for the bathroom as he got back in his room, did some cleaning around the room as he waited for the tub to fill. He still felt awkward with his body but today he felt sure to do some more exploring.
The warmth of the water relaxed him to the bones, it felt like such bliss to feel the nice heat incase his whole body. He splashed around a bit making ripples in the water. This was the first time he took a bath with his eyes opened, he tried to avoid washing for two to three days and when he did it was only a quick rub down and rinse with eyes closed the entire time. But now? Now he watched himself as he slowly moved his hands on his new girlish thighs, he could feel hairs along the way, they were actually quite long, he knew Katara and Suki kept they're legs smooth but not how and now there's another embarrassing question to ask Suki later.
He tried again groping his chest just going for it, squeezing and moving them in all directions, it didn't really feel much to him still. He just kinda bounced them but couldn't feel anything sexual, he was sure if he had a girl in front of him and not his own body that it would be more exciting. Going a bit more down, he played with his soft little plump of a stomach, he definitely missed his flat stomach that he was working so hard on for nice abs. Eyes scanning further, he thought his feet were kinda cute not to say he checked out feet but he totally lucked out in cute feet as a girl.
                  --Warning: smut--
Now for the part he was anxious to explore more thoroughly. With a deep breath he ran his hand down feeling the dark course hairs covering his newly made vagina. He split the wet hairs just twirling them and rubbing between his fingers just curious at how they felt and looked. They felt much the same as his so no difference there...well besides the obvious missing usual protrusion. It was kind of fun playing with it and sorta felt good to. Closing his eyes he slipped a finger in his folds noticing it wasn't as wet as the other times he felt awkwardly aroused as Suki embarrassingly explained through letters. Sokka rubbed at the nub he felt and added pressure realizing the pleasure it caused, he pressed down harder rubbing slow circles. As he rubbed himself he could feel his wetness making the pleasure easier. After feeling the fun sensation for a bit he then lowered his fingers again feeling a dip into a small hole, it felt tight but once he tried to dip his finger in he flinched from the dry pain he felt. "Okay, that definitely didn't feel nice." It was actually quite scary he thought, he waited til his body relaxed once again before foregoing that area and sticking with the pleasure he got from the small bud up top. He didn't think of much besides building the pressure towards this nice pleasure he felt, it was like a nice slow yet intense build up to an amazing uncontained burst. He couldn't stop himself from speeding up his fingers and thrusting his hips slightly to catch that release, his fingers were aching with the pleasure that was sure to come. It felt completely different from his own body but totally awesome still. His hand was cramping, he could hear the splashes in the water but all he cared about was that sweet peak and nothing else, he was so close, so close.
"Ah, ah right there. " Sokka let out his moans as he felt his hips shake and hand move faster finally falling into an amazing orgasm. He had to catch his breath and remove his hand gently now feeling the unpleasant cramping. "Oh that was different but so so amazing." He tilted his head back enjoying how relaxed he felt and finishing up in the bath. He emptied the tub and rinsed once more getting out on slightly shaky legs.
                       --End smut--
He was back in his room relaxed and feeling good. He did feel kinda weird about the whole self pleasure with the new body of his but it was great once trying it. Before heading to bed, he did some light combinations of kicks and arm movements along with some breathing techniques he's learned form Zuko. He started doing them every night and morning as Zuko suggested, 'dang, that violent jerk is actually giving him good habits to learn from.' he realized. Everytime he tried to repeat how dangerous and horrible Zuko is it just gets overruled  by the Zuko he's been getting to know now. And that's how the tanned teen slept, with thoughts overflowing with prince Zuko.
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