#I just wanted to draw a pretty Terzo
tinytinyrat · 2 years
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kissingghouls · 2 months
Can we have #4 playing with each others fingers with Terzo, pretty please? 🥺
You sure can Anon. Thank you for the prompt!
Very much inspired by the comics @anamelessfool shared with me about Terzo and Mormor (Secondo’s cat). Thank you for those! 💜 & divider by @gothdaddyissues thank you!💜
First Aid - Terzo x gn!Reader Drabble
TW for slightly injured Terzo. (nothing is described in detail).
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“And how did this happen?”
“Erm.” Terzo squinted in the bright light, screwing his face up as he searched for answer. He bit his lip and focused on the ceiling tiles instead of directing his excuse toward you. “Paper cut?”
You studied the mangled skin of his finger. There was no way this wound was caused by a simple slip of paper. Unless…
“Terzo,” you prodded gently. “Did you get your glove caught in Copia’s paper shredder?”
“No!” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I am not that clumsy—”
“Ok, fine. It was Secondo’s stupid cat again!” he admitted haughtily. “She nearly took my hand clean off.”
“Oh, Terzo. Again? Why don’t you just…I don’t know, leave her alone?”
“I want her to like me.” He sighed, shoulders slumping as he leveled his eyes with yours. “One day that cat will love me, tesoro. You’ll see.” He flexed his hand and winced. “Am I dying? Does it need stitches?”
You smiled warmly at the man who had fought so hard to win a grumpy old cat’s affection—and lost. Repeatedly. “No stitches,” you assured him. “However, your glove…”
“Easily replaced, my love.”
“Maybe, but you are not.”
With a soft touch, you cleaned the scrapes and scratches while gently blowing on the wounds to ease the burn of the antiseptic. Terzo was a little dramatic on his best days, but he was especially bad at handling pain. Today however he stayed silent as he watched you finish dressing his wound.
You pressed a kiss against the thick into bandage and smiled. “All done.”
“What would I do without you?” he asked, turning his hand to examine your work.
“Hmm, probably get tetanus.”
“That…does not sound sexy.”
“Because it’s not,” you replied with a laugh. “When are you going to learn to keep your hands to yourself?”
He reached out with his uninjured hand, delicately tracing each pad of your fingers. His touch was soft and loving, still warm through the material of his gloves. He followed the lines to the other side, drawing over each knuckle with a thoughtful look on his face. “I will keep my hands away from the cat…”
“But I could never keep my hands off you, tesoro.”
(trying to learn how to be comfortable with writing/posting smaller pieces so it's not just radio silence between my big projects?)
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kidstemplatte · 11 months
daisy chains
pairing: terzo/fem! reader | word count: 8.6k
summary: the story of how you and your childhood best friend, terzo, repaired a broken bond.
warnings: very very very vague and brief description of sex.
playlist if you're interested! message at the end as usual <3
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Terzo Emeritus: Your best friend, first lover, and soon, worst enemy.
You and Terzo were both raised in the Clergy and as you frequently spent time together, you couldn’t help but be drawn to his personality. It was hard to ignore the goofy faces he’d flash at you during service, the outlandishly hilarious questions he had no hesitation to ask Papa Nihil no matter how many people were watching, the crumpled pieces of paper he’d toss at you with amateurish comments about the subject matter being preached at you, to which you’d add unflattering doodles of his father blabbering and toss it right back.
One day after mass, as you exited the large chamber, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Reacting to the sudden touch, you stopped in your tracks and turned around. There he stood, the funny boy who made your days a little more lively. He had messy jet-black hair, glowing olive skin, a cheeky smile, and most notably, a piercing left eye, its pitch-black center contrasting beautifully against his soft white pupils as well as his other green eye.
 “I’m Terzo.” He greeted you, a thick Italian accent adorning his voice as he held out his hand.
“I like your name.” You replied.
“I like yours too! Eh, what is it?” He asked.
You giggled, shaking his hand. “Y/N.”
“Y/N! Bellisima!” He beamed, blowing a kiss into the air. “I like your drawings, Y/N.”
“Thanks. I like your eyes.” You replied.
“Grazie! Hey, Y/N?”
“Can I show you something cool?” he asked, eagerly.
“Sure!” you chirped.
The boy bolted past the door and began sprinting down the hallway in the opposite direction of the crowd’s movement.
“Hey- wait for me!” You cried out, chasing after him, but struggling to keep up. As you ran further away from the clamor of the crowd, the sound of your rapid panting and footsteps echoed through the corridor. Finally reaching the end of the hallway, you continued following Terzo, who had just bolted out a pair of glass double doors.
“Terzo! Wait up-”
You had never been out here before. It was breathtaking.
In front of you was a decadent garden. Rows of perfectly trimmed hedges and beautiful flowerbeds sprawled across the terrain, with ivy-covered arches overlooking them. The pathway carved into the ground was similar to that of an enchanted labyrinth, except exuding a sense of safety rather than fear. There was no getting lost in this garden, no matter how winding, the path always led you right back to where you started.
“This is Primo’s garden. Pretty, si?” flaunted Terzo. “Secondo says flowers are for girls. I don’t think that’s true.”
“I don’t think so either.” You agreed. “Who’s Secondo?”
“Mio fratello.”
“Your brother? Frowny-face?” You inquired, molding your facial expression into a bitter scowl.
“Ha! Si, Frowny-face.” He imitated your expression and then grinned. “Seguimi!” He gestured to you, waving his hand for you to follow him under the grand arch and into the garden.
“Your brother did all this?” You asked, astonished by the utopia in front of you.
“Oh, look at the roses!” you exclaimed, pointing at the bed of beautiful red flowers.
“Oh? You want?” He asked, stopping in his tracks and looking towards the roses.
“Is that allowed?” You cautioned.
“Eh, he doesn’t have to know…” He suggested impishly, tiptoeing towards the bed of roses.
Suddenly, like magic, the oldest Emeritus son appeared beside you.
“No no no no no no no, get out at once, mess with le margherite, not my fiore prezioso! Shoo!” he scolded, waving his hands so you would scatter.
You two dejectedly abided, following the perfectly paved path out of the garden. Pacing through the soft grass, you headed towards a patch of grass with an assemblage of daisies sprouting from it.
Primo was always complaining about those things; the daisies that never seemed to go away. He didn’t plant them there, they just appeared seemingly out of the blue. If he cut them down, they grew once more, with ten times the amount.  They would never die.
Terzo let out a “huff” as he plopped himself on the ground beside the flowers, muttering to himself what you presumed to be violent threats in Italian.
With care, you plucked one of the many flowers off the ground , holding it up and examining it closely. It was beautiful, the vibrant yellow center contrasting beautifully against the soft white petals as well as the soft green of the grass. You began collecting more from the ground, threading the stems together, to create a daisy chain. Some of the daisies were a little withered, missing a few petals. But you didn’t mind. It was a daisy chain, nonetheless.
Your daisy chain had soon become a daisy crown, as you pieced your first and last flower together.
“Pretty!” you announced, placing the crown atop his raven hair. 
“Me?” He asked.
“Yeah! Boys can like flowers and be pretty.”
“I guess that’s true.” He reckoned. “Can you teach me?”
“Yeah!”  You both sat in the grass, chatting and making daisy chains for what felt like hours until the sky turned a hazy orange and you were being called back inside by Primo.
“Terzo! Margherita! Cosa fai? È tardi! Come inside, I make brasato al barolo.” His voice bellowed through the air.
“Brasato al barolo?! Arrivo, Primo!” Terzo shouted in response.
“Bruhza- brasato?” You awkwardly pronounced.
“You’ve never had Brasato al Barolo?!” He gasped, mouth agape as if you had just revealed the world’s most profound secret.
“No.” You confessed.
“You’re eating with us tonight, Margherita!” Terzo declared, grabbing you by the hand and taking off towards the building.
Soon enough, you two had a tradition: sneaking off to make daisy chains in the outskirts of the garden. Those were simpler times you would soon yearn for. You two grew up with the daisies, sharing secrets, laughter, and precious memories, including your first kiss.
One day, you sat by the daisy patch, waiting for Terzo’s arrival. You sat in solitude, twirling the strands of grass in your fingers, wondering what was taking him so long. Your contemplation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of screaming and quick footsteps growing closer and closer. Terzo was sprinting towards you at full speed, then collapsed into the grass, breathing heavily.
“Y/N!” He shouted, despite being right next to you,
“What happened?! Are you okay?” You fretted, crouching on the ground beside him.
“I saw something disgusting!” He said, sitting up and now facing you.
“I saw Secondo kissing a girl!” He said, pointing to his mouth and letting out an exaggerated vomiting noise. “Bleaugh!”
“Ewww!” You shuddered. “Gross!”
 “I have an idea.” Terzo prompted, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“What is it?” You responded.
 “Let’s try it,” he suggested, grinning wickedly.
“Yeah! We’re nine now! Basically grown-ups.” Terzo reasoned.
“I thought it was gross?” You questioned, tilting your head to the side.
 “It’s gross because it’s Secondo. Wanna do it?”
“Sure.” you agreed.
“Okay.” You agreed, squealing and shaking your hands to let all your nervous energy out.
“Three…” He started.
“Two…” You continued.
“One.” You chorused.
Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you two leaned in and pressed your lips together for about a millisecond.
You two erupted into a storm of laughter, flailing about and rolling in the grass.  “Ew!!! Ew!!! Ew!!! Ew!!!” The both of you shrieked repeatedly through exuberant giggles, tears rolling down your cheeks. Recovering from your fit of laughter, you two opened your eyes and were faced with none other than Terzo’s brother, Secondo, hovering above you, his scowl as frightening as ever. He loomed over you, carrying a sense of impending doom with him, akin to the Grim Reaper.
“Terzo. Partire.” he commanded his brother. Ah, Secondo. Bearer of bad news, as always.
“Why?” Terzo retaliated, propping himself up so he was now sitting up straight.
“Hai il cotillion.” Secondo replied.
“Non mi interessa.” 
“Io dirò Papa.” He threatened.
Terzo threw himself back on the grass, shut his eyes, and let out a cartoonish snoring noise. You stifled a giggle.
“Io dirò Primo.” 
Terzo sighed, reluctantly standing up from his spot on the grass as you also stood up beside him. Secondo’s gaze shifted from his brother to you, eyeing you for a moment before snickering.
“Ha. Looks like she’s taller than you now. Good luck getting a girlfriend, fratellino.” He snorted.
Really, Secondo? He had to say that in English?
“I am?” You asked, looking to your side and finding out you were indeed taller than your best friend, the top of his head barely under your eye level. You initially wanted to jump for joy, tease, “Take that, Terzo!” But seeing the hurt look on his face immediately eliminated that desire.
“Secondo, that’s mean.” You scolded him.
“The truth hurts.” He quipped, turning around and storming off back towards the church.
“It’s okay Terzo, girls just mature faster than guys. Soon you’ll be the tallest one in the whole Clergy.” You reassured him.
“Whatever…  I have to go. See you, Margherita.” He waved, making a kissy face at you before letting out a hearty laugh.
You stuck your tongue out in return, then laughed as you waved goodbye to Terzo trampling through the grass, off to another boring cotillion lesson. The thought of someone as wild as Terzo participating in such formal activities humored you greatly. Doesn’t matter how old he got, he would never grow up.
From then on out, the two of you spent your time with the daisies. You grew with them.
You got older and watched each other change as the years flew by. Terzo got taller. Maybe not as tall as he’d like to be, but still, taller. And very handsome. Everyone practically clawed at him, debilitatingly envious of the attention you received from him, although it was strictly platonic. One may think that all the mornings you were spotted leaving his room were due to some frisky activity the night before, but that was far from the truth. Unless frisky activity was watching horror movies, painting each other’s nails, and gossiping until you could hear the birds chirping, indicating it was probably time to go to bed.
The bond you two had was sacred. Your deepest darkest secrets were kept safe with each other, the things you wouldn’t dare to utter to anybody else. Together, you were wild and free, sneaking out into the latest hours of the night, coming back home drunken and dizzy, and soon having to hold each other’s hair back. You liked Terzo’s hair a little long, but you wouldn’t tell him that. You two fought each other’s battles, took each other’s stabs, cleaned each other’s wounds. You were a shoulder to cry on when Terzo displayed rare moments of vulnerability, and in return, he offered the same security to you, holding you while you cried over some stupid boy, or something much more serious. Nobody dared to mess with you, because that meant they were messing with Terzo. And that was a death wish.
You were best friends, and that’s all. From adolescence to adulthood.
The morning of your 18th birthday, you woke up to a firm knock on your door and a voice echoing through the hallway.
“Margherita!” You heard Terzo sing joyously.
“One- One second.” You grumbled, voice cracking as you awakened from your slumber. You groaned as you forced the soft duvet off your body, crawling out of the warm embrace of your bed. Not wanting Terzo to see you looking rusty, even though he had countless times before, you barely opened the door, peeking outside. He was already gone. What a weird boy. As you stepped aside, your foot brushed something on the floor.  Looking down, you caught sight of a piece of paper that was slipped under your door, one that was haphazardly torn out of a journal probably supposed to be used for taking notes. You chuckled to yourself.
Forgive me, I have some duties to attend to today. I’ll be back here at 7:00 to come pick you up for your birthday celebration. See you soon, Margherita.
Birthday celebration? You smiled, pondering what he would do for you. Terzo was many things, but predictable was not one of them.
You decided to get a little dressed up. It was your special day, after all. Rummaging through your closet, you settled on a nice floral sundress with a lace trim, as well as your favorite pair of shoes, which happened to match quite nicely. You spruced up your hair, tying a bow in the back with a pastel ribbon you were lucky enough to have found sitting in your drawer.
The day was pleasant. Your friends and siblings of sin showered you with love and attention, some even presenting you with gifts that made your heart beam with graciousness.
Just before Terzo was scheduled to arrive, you touched yourself up a bit, fixing your makeup and hair. You gave yourself a final look in the mirror before hearing a knock on the door at promptly 7:00 p.m.
Terzo looked very handsome, you must say. His raven hair was slicked back, a few strands falling out in just the right places. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, sleeves rolled up to reveal his forearms, which were placed behind his back.
“Wow, bellisima!” He beamed, pulling out a red rose from behind his back.
“Aw, thanks, Terzo.” You smiled, taking the rose and holding it to your chest.
“My beautiful best friend all dolled up. Give me a twirl!” He exclaimed, taking you by the hand and spinning you around before you even had the chance to agree.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” He said, just as he caught you at the end of your twirl.
“Thanks, Terzo.” You replied, a soft blush spreading across your cheeks. “You look nice too.”
“Grazie! Shall we go?” He asked, holding out his hand.
“Where?” You questioned while taking his hand in yours.
“You’ll find out!” announced Terzo, before taking off.
You two embarked on your typical route to your daisy bush. But after passing through the glass doors, to your surprise, he turned in the opposite direction of the daisies. He dragged you towards the garden you were still forbidden from entering after all these years, Primo still wary of his brother’s antics.
“Wait- are we allowed to be in here?” you asked. “Si. We aren’t kids anymore. I was granted permission. Look how mature I am now!”
 “Sure.” You laughed.
 It was just as beautiful as you remembered, maybe even more beautiful. Not quite as big, but that’s what happens when you grow up, you presumed.
He led you to an area beside a large oak tree, its leaves providing the perfect amount of shade. A large blanket was spread across the grass, and placed in the middle was a basket containing some desserts, drinks, and a few small gifts.
“Aw, Terzo, this is so sweet.” You expressed, placing a hand over your heart at his thoughtful gesture.
“It’s what you deserve.” He replied. “A beautiful setup for a beautiful girl, no?”
“Stop it.” You blushed.
You two took a seat on the quilt, taking a moment of silence to soak in the scenery.
“It’s so weird finally being back in here.” You said fondly. You know, I’m still a little bit upset Primo banned me from coming inside too. I didn’t even take anything!”
“Si, but Primo had a hunch.”
“That wherever you go I would follow.”
“Did he really say that?”
“Si.” He nodded.
As the night grew darker, a soft breeze began to pick up, and goosebumps began to graze the surface of your skin.
Terzo noticed you tucking your legs up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them to warm yourself up.
“Are you cold?” asked Terzo, a concerned tone in his voice.
“Kind of, but I’m fine.” You reassured him, although your body language screamed otherwise. In response, Terzo wrapped his arms around you as you rested your head against him, snuggling into his warmth. You loved this. You loved his scent, his touch, his presence; it kept you grounded, kept you human.
“Terzo?” You uttered, your head still leaning against him.
“You’re my favorite person in the world.”
“And you are mine.”
You don’t know how it happened. Terzo pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, something he had done before. Looking up from where you had nestled your head, you two met eyes, but it was different this time; your heartbeat came to a sudden halt. The twinkle in his white eye was brighter than it ever had been, and you longed to get closer to it. Closer to him. You were completely engulfed in your entrancement with your best friend. The spark in his eyes had become a newly born flame, and you felt your heart’s wings flutter like a moth fleeting towards light.
“Pretty.” he uttered, voice barely audible.
“You. You are pretty.” He reiterated, not breaking eye contact.
Nothing was to be heard except the soft hum of the cicadas and the stream rustling in the distance.
“I don’t know,” you responded, looking away shyly.
“I do.” He said, placing his hand on the side of your face, as he began grazing his thumb across your cheek.
His gaze moved from your eyes to your lips, and back up once again. The arm that was still wrapped around you was drawing you in closer, as an unspoken heat began to arise between the two of you.
Terzo placed his lips on yours in a gentle kiss, lingering for a moment before pulling away.
This felt right. This felt good.
You looked Terzo in the eyes, face flushed, before you eagerly dove back in, lips crashing against each other as you explored each other’s mouths, establishing a steady rhythm. Your hands traveled around his body, pulling him closer as you two kissed in the moonlight, giving you an ethereal glow.
One thing led to another, and things became more heated; hands tugging at hair, teeth nipping at necks, bodies melting into each other’s touch.
“I want you.” Terzo whispered against your neck in between kisses and bites.
“I want you too.” You mouthed. “Please.”
He showed you everything that night, feelings you didn’t even know were possible, and explored parts of you that nobody else had before.
You remember the rhythm of him so vividly you could make music out of it, each breath, moan, whisper, and word that escaped his mouth. He made you feel beautiful for the first time in your entire life, even when you were in your most vulnerable state, lying exposed under him.
“You’re beautiful.” He reassured you when you felt the urge to hide yourself from him. “So beautiful.”
Fear became arousal, any minimal pain becoming pleasure, as a friendship became something more. You fit together perfectly. You were made for each other. And after you two both reached the heights of pleasure, Terzo collapsed beside you, rolling over so you were face-to-face.
“I love you, Terzo,” You panted, hazy in your state of afterglow.
“I love you too.” He replied, pulling you into his chest and pressing a kiss on your forehead. “La mia Margherita.”
You woke up in your own bed the next morning, eyes darting around the room after noticing Terzo’s absence. It wasn’t too odd for him to have left bed before you, he typically had to leave your sleepovers early in the morning to fulfill his tasks. You decided after getting ready to check if he was in the office he was newly granted. Yesterday was a big night, after all.
You knocked on his office door before inviting yourself inside.
“Terzo!” you grabbed his attention, shutting the large door behind you. What’s wrong?” you asked, stepping towards his desk.
He looked upset, his posture tense as he sat in his desk chair, hand resting on his forehead as his brow furrowed deeply.
“Hi, Y/N. Take a seat.” He addressed you, gesturing to the seat on the other side of the ornate desk.
“Are we in a meeting?” You asked, laughing as you took a seat in the chair.
“Y/N.” he started, his voice cold as he looked up at you.
“Yes?” you replied, anxious regarding his suddenly harsh tone.
“I apologize about last night.”
“How come?”
 “I let my impulses take over.”
“No, Terzo, it was good! You didn’t hurt me at all! It’s okay.” You sweetly reassured him.
“It’s not that. It’s just… I shouldn’t have given in.”
You recoiled at his statement. Why was he speaking of you as if you were a sin? What were you, some temptation? Had he forgotten what church we were in?
“Given in?” You questioned, voice weakening. “What does that mean?” 
“It was unprofessional.”
 “Unprofessional? I’m not your colleague, Terzo, what are you talking about?’
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I need some distance moving forward.
“Distance? What do you mean? Why aren’t you answering my questions?”
 “Y/N, I said, it is just… not a good time.”
“We have all the time in the world. We can make time, Terzo! Please!” You pathetically pleaded, a familiar ache welling up in your throat and chest. “Did… did last night mean nothing to you?” Tears began pouring down your face. “Have the last 11 years meant nothing too?”
“I never said that.”
 “So what you’re telling me is that you were just horny and thought it would be hot to 'rid me of my innocence’ or some shit like that? Whatever perverted fantasy guys like you have? Well, congrats, Terzo. You did it. You’re a real savior.”
“I just, I cannot have you as my lover.” He stated.
“Why not? We did something… I did something I was so afraid of because I trusted you. Do you know how hard that was for me? Do you want me, or do you not?” You cried, voice breaking.
“It is not a good idea for me to have a lover.” repeated Terzo, his voice monotonous, like he was programmed to say so.
“What are you even saying? Was I not… good?” You cried out in desperation, cringing at your own words.
“I have a role to fulfill. I need to focus on my future.” 
“Am I not a part of your future, Terzo?” You wept.
Terzo did not reply. He looked away from you, his expression cold and empty. Like a moth to a flame, he burned you. Plucked the petals off of you and watched them float into a roaring, relentless fire, the smooth white edges withering into a lifeless dust.
“What the fuck happened to you?” You cried, desperate for some sort of reaction from him, good or bad.
Stabbed by his betrayal and sudden distance, you stood up and slammed the chair into the desk, resulting in a shrill creaking noise and a rough slam that made your ears hurt.
“Fuck you. Fuck you, Terzo. Fuck you. I hope you fail just like Nihil told you you would. I can’t wait to see it happen. Fuck you.” 
You stormed out of the room, shutting the door with such force that you could hear the contents of the room rattle as you sped down the hall.
Slamming the door to your room, you threw yourself onto your bed, putting your face into your pillow as a gut-wrenching wail left your throat. For hours, you bawled, letting out broken sobs so deep from within your body someone nearby might think you were dying. Your face was drenched in your snot and tears, the pillow stifling your breathing, making your gasps heavier and more painful. You clenched your hands into fists so tight they trembled, punching the mattress over and over again, wishing it was a person who could cry back, who could feel even a glimpse of the pain you were experiencing. You were furious. Filled with pure, seething rage. Not only with Terzo, but yourself. How could you give up your body to someone like that? So foolishly? How idiotic could you be to think a playboy like Terzo would view you any differently than anyone else? You would never get your body back. It was Terzo’s now. His last memories of you were ones you wish you could erase from his mind, ones of you writhing in pleasure, and ones of you bursting with anger. You wanted to break everything in sight. You wanted revenge, and you would get it. You knew just how.
The process of becoming a preacher in the clergy was notorious for being tedious and lengthy, even for an Emeritus son. A series of tests as well as several essays, presentations, and duties were required. The final obligation to achieve promotion was to present a journal assembled over time, documenting the studies and embarkments accomplished over the past few years.
His examination day was tomorrow.
It was a good thing you knew where Terzo kept his things.
You remember walking past Nihil’s office the next day, stopping in your tracks when you were bombarded by the sound of furious yelling so loud it might shatter glass.
“You are worthless. Worthless. Is this what you have to bring to the Emeritus name? Nothing? How foolish I was to think you would ever live up to the task. To any task. You are an embarrassment.”    
Oh, no.
You wanted to take it back. Dive into the lake where you had thrown the locked leather journal and give it back. Maybe drown in the process.
You placed your trembling hand over your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes as you began to comprehend what you had just done to your best friend, who no doubt knew you were behind its disappearance.
Soon, the door swung open, startling you nearly as much as your presence startled Terzo.
“Terzo, I… I’m sorry-“
He paid no mind to your apology, striding right past you, your shoulders brushing as he flew by.
He had ruined your chances at love, and you, his chances of success. Now, both of your chances at friendship were ruined as well.
How could he forgive you?
The daisies were far overgrown.
It had been 5 years. 5 years since his betrayal and yours. 5 years of watching him prance around the abbey with people he probably didn’t even know the names of, with wit and character not even measuring up to half of yours. He had changed since your separation; sure, he had always had flings, but now he was just a full-on fuckboy.
Nobody in the Clergy dared to mention your falling out, surely it had to be a sensitive topic; you two were practically glued to each other’s sides, and suddenly couldn’t stand to be in the same room as each other.
Whispers spread about the church like wildfire, rumors which concocted possible explanations for your separation:
“I heard she cheated on him.”
“Apparently she was bad in bed.”
“I heard she was a psycho bitch.”
“He deserves better.”
Each time you ran into each other led to a sense of unpleasantness in the air and painfully awkward, sometimes heated exchanges; a notable example being when he dared to show up to your 21st birthday party.
The lights were dimmed, casting everyone in a shadowy glow, your intoxication causing the figures in the room to blur together. However, through the disorientation, you could still make out Terzo’s face in the crowd.
The alcohol had ignited a newfound courage inside of you, as you pushed your way through the swarm of people and stood face to face with him.
“Why are you here?” you growled.
“I was minding my own business.”
“Minding your own business at my party? If you’re here to be a whore, do it some other night. I know it’s all you’re good for, so it may be a little difficult, but fuck off, please.” You fumed.
“Whore?” He scoffed. “Should I repeat the things you were saying to me exactly three years ago on this very day?”
“Wow, Terzo, I’m impressed. I didn’t know someone as stupid as you would be able to do the math.” You snarked bitterly.
“Stupid? I taught you everything, Y/N. So some other poor man wouldn’t have to struggle to get it up while he did all the work.” He quipped.
“You sure didn’t struggle.” You retorted, the grip on your glass tightening.
“Then again, when have you ever had any respect for people’s work?” His stare suddenly darkened, sending a shiver down your spine, even in the heat of the crowd. “Oh, it’s okay, dolcezza. One day someone will give you the fairytale you desire, you’ll be a sad little housewife who will never lift a finger unless it’s for her own pleasure since her husband can’t get the job done.”
It was like someone took over your body. You were a puppet, your intoxicated rage pulling you by the strings, launching your arm forward, and drenching the man in front of you in red wine.
He didn’t even flinch. Not even did he blink. Instead, he stared down at you with a wicked smirk, licking the splattered wine off of his lips, before flashing his teeth in a smug grin. That evil, sexy bastard.
Now you were the crazy one. You were the one who attacked first, while Terzo stood as comfortably as ever. You wished he fought back, taking the empty glass in your hand and smashing it against your head, drenching yourself in the same dark red he was tainted with. You didn’t even bother to say goodbye to anyone, wiping tears from your eyes as you left the masses of the party to celebrate your existence without you.
Nearly a year had passed after your confrontation with Terzo, and you two had not spoken since then.
It was a typical Saturday sermon, you and your siblings sitting in neat rows, awaiting the arrival of Papa Nihil. As time passed by, chatter began to arise; where was Papa?   
The noise came to a sudden halt whenever the chamber doors swung open as Papa Nihil entered, followed by his third son. Stepping behind the pulpit, Papa cleared his throat.
“Today is a blessed day.” He began, capturing the attention of the room. “Today is a blessed day because it is proof that our devotion to the Dark Lord can overcome any obstacles. That his darkness can push us to new heights that far surpass the heavens.” His voice echoed through the silence of the room. “I am pleased to announce that today’s sermon will be delivered by our newest preacher, my son, Terzo.” the man announced.
He did it. 
He started all over again, from scratch, and managed to get it done. You were shocked, even though you shouldn’t have been- you knew he had it in him. He was going to be Papa one day, you knew, so why was his sudden shift in power hurting you so much? Why were you still angry over something that happened four years ago? It felt like he had won a game you didn’t even know you were playing. You had been tearing yourself apart from the inside out over what you had done, spoiling his first chance at success, telling yourself you wanted him to succeed even without you, but deep down, you were still bitter. Bitter seeing him so high and mighty after what he did to you.
Or was it because as he elevated higher and higher, he was still drifting further from you?
Terzo stood before the pulpit, head held high as he recited a prayer. “Ad impiam Dominum, Salvatorem nostrum, oro, tenebrae tuae valeant tangere corda eorum qui in hoc conclavi hoc serviunt. Ut nos ad studium libertatis, cognitionis ac voluptatis, dirigas. Nema.”
“Nema.” You whispered as the rest of the clergy echoed his prayer.
“I will leave this to you. I trust the Clergy is in good hands.” Nihil stated, exiting the room at a senile pace.
“Ciao, my Siblings of Sin. I figured today I would start with something fresh, something a little more… youthful.” He began, evoking laughter from his audience. Already off to a good start. “Today I would like to- actually- love to examine something found in every one of you … lust. Now in this church, we are no strangers to sin of any kind, but this one… We relish it. We are not ashamed of it. It is the reason we are all here, to begin with. What creates life. But what if I told you that lust is not only what brings us into this world… but what keeps us here as well? It is not only heated nights and bodies intertwined, it is something… greater.”
You couldn’t listen to this. You couldn’t. It was too much, even after all these years. As you slowly felt yourself begin to disconnect from reality in a state of dissociation, a ringing began to build in your ears, like your body was trying to protect you from whatever he was saying. You mindlessly stared at the floor as he continued preaching, and in the blink of an eye, an hour had passed, as Terzo made his final statement.
“It is lust that keeps us alive. Thank you, siblings.”
The church burst into applause, clearly moved by his words. But it made you angry. This wasn’t a performance act, this was service, but he had the Clergy wrapped around his finger with his captivating presence. But, at the same time, could you be mad at him for a job well done? You were the bitter one, holding onto your past as you desperately pumped air into its cold, dead lungs, trying to bring it back to life and rekindle a flame that was long gone.
As you were about to exit the room with your siblings of sin, you had the urge to say something on your way out. You reached the front of the room, Terzo standing just feet away at the pedestal, your mind rapidly firing through things you could say to him.  Say sorry. Tell him he did well. Flip him off. Grab him by the hair and throw him into the wall. Or… grab him by the hair, pull him in close, and- Ugh. And just as you passed him, you built up the courage to give him one brief message.
“Congratulations.” You quietly uttered, not even making eye contact, before following your siblings of sin out of the room.
Terzo continued to exhibit talent and passion through his sermons over the next year. He was a gifted speaker; he had no trouble capturing the attention of the crowd. You actively fought against his charm, attempting to train yourself to tune out Terzo’s preaching. It was hard to pay attention to the subject matter at hand whenever his voice brought back memories of the laughter, whispers, and conversations you shared throughout your childhood. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelmingly positive reactions he received from the siblings, he was preaching quite a lot, every Saturday at that. You stayed in the shadows during group discussions, your voice silent, your passion for the Dark Lord not alive as it once was. Eventually, you started skipping sermons on Saturdays altogether. Missing your own God hurt less than missing your best friend.
You knew you should be over it, it was foolish and immature to hold onto your past conflicts, which happened years ago at this point. But you hated him. Or, at least, you hated seeing him. The power had gotten to his head, there was no doubt. His ego had never been higher.  You couldn’t stand seeing him stride around the Abbey looking so satisfied with himself, arm wrapped around the nearest person as he ushered them to his bedroom.
And no matter how hard you tried to drown it out, his words still echoed in your mind.
“It is lust that keeps us alive.”
One Saturday, when you had planned to study in the library, word spread that everyone was to attend service that day. You would rather do anything but go, but you couldn’t disobey the direct orders given to you. You took a seat in the back of the room as usual, bracing yourself to hear Terzo’s voice. As the siblings waited for the arrival of their speaker, you fidgeted with your habit, staring at the ground as you anxiously pondered what message was so important for everybody to be summoned. You heard footsteps pacing towards the pulpit, a sigh, and then a voice addressing the Clergy. But to your surprise, it was not Terzo’s voice, rather than that belonging to his brother, Primo. Primo stood at the head of the room, his facial expression solemn, and cleared his throat.
“Siblings of Sin,” He began. Something was wrong.
“We are a family here. We have come together as a group of outcasts, free thinkers, and rebellious souls. We have found comfort and safety in each other, and will continue to do so throughout all phases of life.” He stated, his grim tone leaving the siblings on the edge of their seats.
“And death.”
Your heart dropped. No, there was no way.
If you’re here to be a whore, do it some other night. I know it’s all you’re good for-
Someone as stupid as you-
Fuck you. Fuck you, Terzo. Fuck you. I hope you fail just like Nihil told you you would. I can’t wait to see it happen. Fuck you.
Every hateful thing you had ever said to Terzo began replaying in your mind at a debilitating pace. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way. You sat in the back of the chamber, trying not to hyperventilate as the world caved in around you. It felt as if your heart had sunken into the ground beneath you, and you wished you would sink with it. That it was you instead of Terzo. You began to spiral so deeply you swore the room began to as well, your surroundings blurring together as the walls began to spin, and-
“We will never forget Papa Nihil and his impact.”
The spinning stopped. You could finally breathe. The tears streaming down your face became tears of joy as you experienced a relief so enlightening you felt like you could float. It was horrible, that the news of someone’s death brought you relief, but you were infinitely grateful that the someone wasn’t Terzo. But why wasn’t Terzo here?
It didn’t matter. He was somewhere. And you had to find him.
You stood up, excusing yourself from the service as you burst out the door and sprinted down the hallway. The adrenaline you faced was still coursing through your veins and fueled your every step. Your body, driven by autopilot, knew where it was taking you before your mind even did. You ran down the hall and out of the two glass doors, nearly tripping down the staircase as you entered the large field. A patch of daisies stood in the distance, and beside it, a figure hunched over, sitting on the ground. Terzo.
You ran faster than you ever had in your entire life, nearly crashing into the grass as you knelt beside him.
“Terzo!” you panted. He did not respond, focusing on something in his hands. You looked down and noticed a few daisies were set before him, two in his hands as he tied them together. “I’m not here to start a fight, Terzo.” His silence combined with your shrill voice made you feel like the preacher here. “Terzo, please just talk to me, I- I thought you died, Terzo.” you expressed, voice cracking.
“What?” He responded, his head snapping up.
“I thought you died.” You hysterically repeated. “I thought you were gone. When they, they told us about Nihil—before they said who it was- I- I thought it was you.” You wept. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around him so tightly he might burst, his body initially stiffening up, but soon melting into your embrace. You had seen him and heard him throughout the past five years, but you hadn’t felt him in far too long. How you missed him. His scent, his warm body pressed against yours. The soft rise and fall of his chest. You pulled away, soaking in the eye contact you had craved for so long. “I was so scared. I was so scared. It was like… The world stopped. And I just… I regretted everything. I felt what it was like to lose you. Again. For those few seconds. I wanted nothing else more than to have you back. And I do. I want you back. I’m… Why am I always the one crying? I just, I want you back.” You wept violently. “I miss you, I miss you so bad. I want my best friend back. I know you’ve moved on but it hurts to hold this in. I miss you so bad, I masked it behind hate, but I want you back so badly.”
“… I miss you too, Y/N.” replied Terzo, quietly.
“Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t even share my condolences- I’m sorry about Nihil. Is that why you skipped service today?” you asked, momentarily hesitating before resting a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s fine. He’ll come back to haunt me, if not literally, figuratively. And no, I am not the one skipping service. I haven’t had my Saturday spot in months now, I switched to the late-night sessions on Fridays.”
“Why did they move you?”
“They didn’t. I chose it. I thought maybe you would come to that one.” He confessed.
“You… you  noticed I was gone?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then… why didn’t you just come talk to me?” you asked.
“I thought, why would you want to talk to me after what I did to you?”
“If you know it was so wrong, then why did you do it, Terzo?” you snapped.
Terzo did not respond, and instead, stared at the flowers in his hands.
“Don’t go silent on me again. Please. I remember exactly what you said five years ago, Terzo. You told me, ‘It is not a good idea for me to have a lover.’ And then you go off to fuck however many siblings of sin, and won’t even look me in the eyes? I don’t care how long ago it was, Terzo, it still hurts just as bad as it did the day you told me to take a seat across from you. Every time I think of what happened in the garden, I… It hurts. I felt disgusting, Terzo. I felt so guilty. I still do. I wanted to scrub my body clean of you after you left me, I wanted you out of my body and mind.  But you never left. I wanted so badly not to want you after what happened. But I still did. You broke my trust, Terzo. You broke my heart. And seeing you walk around the Abbey all high and mighty, so happy, at your peak, without me, it’s destroying me. ”
“Y/N. I haven’t had a single lover since the day I left you. All those quick fucks- they weren’t lovers. Those people were the impulses I let take over. Not you. You were more than that. I am far from my peak. I am at my lowest. The only thing that kept me alive was you, Y/N. Lust was the second-best thing. I’m sorry, Y/N. I am so sorry.” He apologized, looking up at you, his eyes full of remorse.
“Then why did you ghost me? Why, Terzo, if it was so hard, why did you-”
“It wasn’t my choice, Y/N,” He interjected.
“What do you mean, it wasn’t your choice?” You sniffled, rubbing tears from your eyes.
“It was my father, Y/N. My father- Nihil told me I couldn’t be around you anymore. He knew we were more than a stupid fling, that’s why he stopped it. He considered a relationship that was as committed as ours, platonic or romantic,  more of a distraction from my duties than worthless hookups would be. And then, after I had nothing to present to him, he thought it proved his point. That you weren’t good for me, you distracted me from my goals. It only worsened his disapproval. I should’ve stood up to him. I should have explained otherwise. But I was afraid.”
“Terzo, I… It did prove his point. I ruined your chance. I’m the reason you had to wait to become a preacher.” You lamented, guilt riddling your heart.
“It is true, you took the journal. It hurt. That you intended to do such a thing, soil my progress. But you didn’t ruin anything for me. I ruined it for myself.  I wasn’t ready for that responsibility at all. There was nothing in the journal to begin with, Y/N.” He revealed.
“I did nothing. I had nothing to present.”
“You’re lying.”
“No, Y/N. There was nothing.” he restated.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew I hurt you so deeply. I didn’t want to hurt you again.I thought you wouldn’t want to be around me ever again. I was afraid of my father’s reaction. And now, I don’t have to be afraid.”
Both of you were so blinded by your stubbornness, unwillingness to communicate, and fear of rekindling a flame you thought was long gone, that you did not realize you both longed for the same thing: each other.
“I can’t pretend this is just a friendship, Terzo. Or that it ever was. I know it was one night, but I… it’s not just that.”
“It was never just one night,” he responded.  
“Could we… would you ever want to try again, Terzo?” you asked, fearfully preparing yourself for rejection.
“I want that more than anything.” Silence spread through the air once again. But this one was a comfortable silence, one that allowed you to bathe in each other’s presence. One that allowed you to be grateful for the each other and nothing else. You looked down at the flowers placed in front of him.
“Sometimes when I am stressed, I do what you taught me. Make daisy chains.” He explained. “It feels like you’re with me.”
Your heart melted at the sentiment of the action, as he tied the final two flowers together.
“Well, I’m with you now. And I’m not going anywhere.” you professed.
Terzo tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and placed the crown on top of your head.
“And neither am I.” He said, kissing the top of your head before pulling you into another hug, one less frantic than the one before, but still just as needed. The feeling of his heart beating against yours breathed new air into your lungs, brought you back to life, his arms wrapped around you providing you a familiar sense of safety you had been deprived of for years now.
“My best friend. My soulmate. La mia Margherita.”
As you rolled over in bed, you found yourself face to face with your lover, his appearance still blissfully remnant of his slumber; heavy eyes and perfectly messy hair.
“Happy birthday, Margherita.” he rasped, a soft smile grazing his lips.
You two began getting ready for the day, side-by-side in the bathroom mirror, as you always did.
“Shit. I’m out of paint.” He cursed, after opening the container and seeing the contents were empty.
You rummaged through your makeup bag and handed him a tube of eyeliner, saving the day.
“Ah, grazie. What would I do without you?” He asked, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“I’m not sure.” You teased. For a moment, you just stared at him in the mirror, admiring his features as he applied his eye makeup. “Hard to believe you’re a Cardinal.” You broke the silence.
“You thought I couldn’t do it?” He played with you, gently jabbing you in the side with his elbow.
“Oh, no, it's just- it feels like yesterday you were giving your first sermon as a preacher.” You recalled. “It is lust that keeps us alive.”
“You still remember?” He asked, smiling fondly.
“Of course I do.”
“I won’t let you forget, my lust may continue into my afterlife as well.”
“You’re gonna be a horny ghost?” You laughed.
“Si.” He confirmed, evoking more laughter out of you. “Merda. I have a meeting at 12. What time is it?” He asked, frantically looking around for a clock.
“You’re a mess. Good thing that’s why I love you.” You chuckled, entering your bedroom to check the time. “It’s 11:55.”
“Merda! Okay, I have to go now. I’ll be back here at around 12. Have fun with your sisters.”
“See you, Terzo.” You said, kissing him on the cheek before he bolted out of the room.
Later that day, after a nice brunch with your sisters, you and Terzo sat on a stone bench in the garden, admiring the surrounding scenery. You discovered something new about it each time you visited- Primo’s attention to detail never ceased to impress you.
“So, about what I said earlier…” He began.
“About being a horny ghost? Terzo, we aren’t doing anything in here.” You bantered.
“You’re right. It is too bright outside. Unless you suggest otherwise. Ah, I joke. But what I was going to say is…” He took a deep breath in. “How much of my first sermon do you remember?”
“Um, honestly, not a lot… My head wasn’t in the right place,” you admitted.
“I assumed. But there is something I said that day that I would like to tell you now if that’s okay.”
You nodded.
“I have learned a lot about lust. And, while a lot of it is, well, a hands-on experience, I could say- the most important thing I have learned about it is something I learned in contemplation, by myself.”
“What is it?”
“That lust is not only heated nights and bodies intertwined, it is something… greater. But what I did not say was that- that something greater is you, Y/N. We are taught lust is longing, a desire so deep that we cannot live without it… Something innate inside of us… You are the only thing that ignites that inside of me. The only thing that has ever been innate to me, ever. There is nothing else I long for more than you.” confessed Terzo, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. Your jaw dropped when he opened it, revealing a dazzling gold ring that glimmered in the sunlight, the band embedded with gems, and in the center, a sparkling diamond surrounded by engravements resembling petals.
A daisy ring.
“Y/N… Will you marry me?”
The winding path had led you right back to where you began, a love so pure and treasured it could never fade.
 Terzo Emeritus, your best friend, former enemy, your first and last lover.
 The tears forming in your eyes made them glimmer as brightly as the ring itself, as you replied,
Terzo slipped the ring onto your finger, pulling you in for a passionate kiss before wrapping you in his embrace. And as you were mid-embrace with your fiancée, you opened your eyes, and in the distance, spotted a few daisies daring to sprout beside the garden gates.
Primo was right. Those things would never die.
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
o m g.
please forgive me, i always get all sappy at the end of my posts even though it's stupid haha. this is the longest i've ever consistently worked on a fic, and the longest one i've written. this was a wild wild ride let me tell you. i actually had to shut my laptop at one point cause i started tearing up, i know the story is nothing revolutionary, but i’m emotional haha. also… i HIGHLY recommend the playlist. i’m biased but i am in love with this playlist haha. there are a lot of hidden details and concepts in this fic i kind of geek out over. if you’re interested in an analysis post, lmk! or if you’re not, well i might make one anyway haha i’m annoying lmao
thank you endlessly for reading, as always.
/) /) ( . . ) ♡i love you! ( づ🌷
📎 check out my masterlist!
✉️ requests are always open!
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profanepurity · 2 years
Wait what was that about Terzo and Copia pretending to be catholic priests again. Its sounds so entertaining I need to hear that entire story (and also what were the rumors about the ex-nun were about, is the nun sister Natalia)
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There was an abrupt, urgent knocking at the doors one night, a young, Catholic nun stood before Cardinal Copia, the one who answered, stunned by the glittering tears in her eyes and the moonlight touching her wet cheeks. Bewitching. She mistook the church to be another sister monastery in her desperation and distress for help. A great evil had fallen upon her blessed little community. And much worse, her dear friend, Sister Velena, has been possessed by something evil, and is being held in the levels below their monastery. None of their priests seem to be able to exercise the demon, yet refuse to seek outside aid. Hearing the desperation in her sweet voice, seeing the way Natalia looked at him with so much earnest, coming to him in fear and with nothing but good intentions, how could he refuse her? 
But this was not a holy place, and the Cardinal was no priest.
"... I might be able to help you, Sorella."
When you pull up to a Pizza Hut and try to order a Big Mac.
I am so sorry, this has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute! I cannot wait to show you guys what goes down with this little scenario, but it's honestly such a big plot point that it needs to be in multiple parts. So, here's the first page for now 🖤
I hope you guys are liking the mix between writing and drawing. I feel like that's the only way I am able to really show emotion and gravity at max level with this. Let me know!
And to answer your question, yes, the ex-Catholic nun is Sister Natalia! This little story is going to show how she converted to the church, as well as introduce how some other characters, canon and oc, came into this au.
I'll hopefully have this updated weekly (I say that lightly), I don't want this to be TOO many parts. We're going to aim for like three parts lol, but this is just the intro- think of this as part 0.
Feat. Fettuccini on Copia's shoulder begging her daddy to say yes to the pretty lady at the door so she can have a mom.
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puuuders · 11 days
Aaaaah q&a stuff
1. What's your favorite TerzOmega dynamic? (ofthemorningstars)
I love ressurected Terzo, so definitely the relationship after that. I have an entire story in my pea sized brain for that. I imagine copia ressurects all of his brothers after sister imperator dies. Omega loses his mind for a little bit and avoids terzo, but then he gives it a chance and becomes ultra possessive, protective and paranoid. They end up moving out and living together and live happily ever after :3 
2. Do you prefer writing or making art? (Ofthemorningstars) 
I guess it depends. My art is very basic, I do not put a lot of time into my art. I do put a lot of time into writing, but I am not a great writer. I love both, but for big projects I prefer to write, and smaller I prefer to draw. 
3. How does it feel to find love on tumblr? (Ofthemorningstars) 
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Couldn't ask for anything better
4. What has been making you distracted? 🤨 (evereverest2) 
mmmmmh see photo above babygirl (you)
5. What inspires you most to create? (evereverest2) 
 You probably noticed that 90% of my drawings are based on other people's work. I really like making fanart, as I am actually not a creative person. So definitely other people's amazing projects inspires me the most :3 
6. What is your favorite thing to draw? (Evereverest2) 
Semi-realistic portraits. I don't share those much bc idk if you would like that kind of stuff but here's some from my ghost shrine:
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7. Do you have any plans for Pursuit of Something Better? How long will it be, etc. (Evereverest2) 
I have lots of plans for it. Im not sure how long it will be, but I know it will end abruptly. Also there will be a very big terzomega theme to it teehee I can't resist writing about my pookie bears. It will be mostly angst, maybe some smut but I don't know for sure yet. I know y'all hornballs would like that huh? (Me too) 
8. What got you into ghost? (Sp1ll3d1nk) 
Back in my youth (when I was in 9th grade like 2020), I was a brainrot ifunny user. I abandoned ifunny bc it got too political lol. But I was scrolling on ifunny and I came across a video and it had year zero playing in the background. I liked it so I checked the comments and someone said “is that a mother fucking ghost reference?” So I looked it up. This may hurt some of yalls feelings… but I thought ghost sucked at first bc I listened to a song that I shant name to avoid offending y'all lmao. I just didn't like it so I abandoned it. Then, I came across Square Hammer a few months later. Boner alert. Addiction started. So I got into ghost bc of ifunny lmao
9. Idk why but you seem like you were a band kid is that true? (Sp1ll3d1nk) 
LMAO that's a great headcanon. I really wanted to be in band because I really like playing piano, and my school had a few pianos. But for some reason students weren't able to play them in band, and like all of the other instruments were wind instruments and I didn't wanna play a wind instrument
10. What other things do you do besides art? (Anon 1) 
Other than rotting in my room drawing a gay couple, I really like physical activities. I regularly go to playgrounds and trampoline parks lol. I also love rollerskating and fishing
11. Are you and everest actually a couple- I REALLY CAN'T TELL I'M SORRY (anon 2) 
I think this person is anonymous bc they're jealous /j
No, we aren't actually dating... Yet. Teehee
12. What other music do you like besides Ghost (anon 3) 
Ahh I don't mean to sound like a poser /j, but Ghost is really the only metal band I like. I really like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, mostly rock. I suppose Ghost does fall into the rock category too. A pretty obscure band I recently talked about with someone is Steam Powered Giraffe, they are very interesting individuals. 
Anyways that's all thank you pookies mwah time to work on Wounded
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Mayhaps I request Sodo finding out u constantly sketch n draw him for fun n subconsciously n when he confronts u about it u say it’s bc he’s pretty and u love him n he’s confused bc he looks just like the other ghouls but he doesn’t know he’s the first ghoul u ever saw and liked in every kinda way
I stg I actually had this premise jotted down in my notes for Copia. Sodo works a lot better for it tho <333
He had always seen you with a sketchbook in hand, often scribbling down whatever was in front of you. He had seen Swiss post for you several times, in those cliché poses one would see in life study sketches. He thinks he’s seen Aether volunteer a few times, though he always seemed stiff whenever he stood in front of you. Rain’s anxious smell had made him dizzy the one and only time he actually posed for you, and Mountain had stayed still long enough as he lazed on the couch for you to do a quick sketch of him. Even the ghoulettes had giggled as you snapped a quick picture of them to use later.
In the beginning you had asked him a few times to be your model, and he had complied. For a price, of course. Just a little of your blood. It was like a treat. And though he would never admit it, he was flattered whenever you asked, melting against your hands whenever you would help him into the position you wanted for the sketch.
But lately, you hadn’t approached him. Sure, he still saw you here and there, your pencil scratching against the paper as you drew. You had even sat in during their practices a few times, and Papa had been so flustered when you asked him to strike a pose among the others. He wondered just what your sketchbook looked like and how everything was pieced together.
He got his wish when you had left it behind during mass. He knew it was yours by the personalized cover – an old gift from Terzo if he remembered correctly. He picks the little book up, flipping through the pages. He remembers these poses he struck for you. A smile tugs at his lips as he sees the sketch you did when he gave you Baphomet’s signature pose. You had inked it, adding little details in red. He thought it was cute.
As he continues through the pages, he decides to sit down on the pew. There’s no surprise when he sees multiple poses of Swiss and a few of Mountain speckled in here and there. There’s also Aether and he loves how you added on the ghoul’s rings and bracelets. He even sees Copia and Terzo on a couple pages.
But then he gets a little surprise. The next several pages are all of… him? Casually sitting at the tables during lunch, him tuning his guitar, even a really quick one of when he had flipped off Aether during practice. Had you… had you been sketching him all this time without him knowing?
“Oh! Hey, Sodo.” He picks his head up, staring at your face. “I see you found my sketchbook.”
“I didn’t know you drew me.” It comes tumbling from his lips as he gestures to the book. “Like… a lot, too. I thought you just had people pose for you?”
“Catching everyone in their uh… natural habitat makes for better sketches.”
“But… me?”
“Well, yeah.” You give him a smile. “I love drawing you. You’re also pretty, so like… bonus points.”
“I’m not special,” he huffs out. “I’m just a ghoul like the others.”
You walk over to him, taking the sketchbook from his hands and setting it aside. “Aether has a nose ring. You don’t.” Your fingers thread through his long hair and he finds himself leaning into your touch just that little bit. “None of the ghouls have long, soft hair like this.” Your hand moves to his cheek, cupping his face. “No one else has your facial structure or those soft eyes.” His face heats up as you kiss his forehead. “And no one else will ever be my favorite model.”
“I…” His tail flicks wildly behind him. He was actually your favorite? A smile appears on his face again. “And here I was, thinking that Swiss was your favorite.”
“He gives me good poses,” you tell him. “but no one is… natural like you are. You always keep me guessing and you always do something new. You’re different.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
“And I can see that it’s working.”
“Shut up!” Still, you two are smiling at each other. His arm is laying across the back of the pew, his head dipping down to lay on top of it as he lets out a soft, thoughtful hum. “So, you think I’m pretty, huh?”
“Very.” He moves a little closer to you, a smile on his face.
“Well, maybe I could show you how pretty I am in other places.”
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rattleroze · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9 -- Voyeurism
Terzo goes for a walk and stumbles into something he never anticipated. But he also can't say he's complaining.
I wasn't planning to write for Kinktober this year but here we are I guess. Thanks to @kroas-adtam for compiling the prompts.
Words: 1500 Read on Ao3 or below the cut
Terzo was no stranger to late night walks through the Abbey. Every so often he’d fall victim to bouts of insomnia, a handful of days in a row where he found it impossible to sleep– so instead he’d wander around the grounds, through the dimly-lit halls of the building or around the gardens, taking in the moonlight. There were few people up and about in the wee hours, although that number was never zero, so he’d simply learned to avoid those small hotspots of activity. Time spent alone in the silence, away from obligation, was good for him, he thought.
The chapel was usually a safe bet for these outings– apart from the weekly midnight mass, it was pretty reliably empty after dark. It was always beautiful on clear nights like this, too. Bright moonlight shone through the stained glass and cast a rich blanket of color over the altar and the foremost rows of pews. He strolled around, taking in the architecture and the artful light, basking in the pristine quiet and thinking about very little. Just allowing himself a long moment to relax.
However, as he passed through the aisle once again, he was struck by the distinct sense that he wasn’t alone. He caught sight of a figure sitting alone in one of the front pews out of the corner of his eye and slipped behind one of the large pillars on the other side of the nave, hoping silently that he hadn’t been noticed. After a few moments, he peered around the column until he could see the figure again, and found that it was a shadowy shape that he recognized– it was Omega. His head was tipped back, one arm resting casually on the back of the pew, the other moving in a subtle but unmistakable rhythm in his lap. Terzo sucked in a shocked breath, holding it until he was relatively certain the sound of it hadn’t given him away. Omega seemed remarkably unbothered.
What was he supposed to do? He didn’t want to intrude on what was clearly a private moment– although, indulging in the front of a cathedral seemed like asking for trouble, in his mind. But then again, the idea of leaving seemed like admitting guilt in itself. He seriously doubted his ability to slip away completely undetected, and even if he did, the idea of looking Omega in the eye after catching him rubbing one out in the chapel seemed impossible.
And as the soft sounds of Omega’s pleasure finally reached his ears across the echoey chamber between them, Terzo found there to be a burning in his gut that further held him in place. In fact, it pulled him closer without him even realizing at first. He drifted slowly from the cover of one column to the next, to a position where he could more clearly observe Omega’s movements, and the sight that greeted him had him clamping a hand over his mouth to muffle a low groan.
Omega’s legs were spread wide, pants unbuttoned and shifted just enough to allow his cock to stand out. He pulled at himself slowly, luxuriously, Terzo’s eyes glued to the motion of his hand as he stroked from base to tip. If he focused enough, he could even see a drop well up from his tip every few moments, the pad of his thumb swiping over it to add to the easy slide. Omega sighed in his pleasure, drawing it out into a deep, full-throated groan as he tightened his grip.
Terzo’s mouth hung open as he watched, feeling warmth further bloom between his legs with every passing moment. The panicked voice in his mind that was shouting at him to leave, to not intrude, was only distantly heard. It was a gorgeous sight, the way Omega arched and twitched into his own grip, murmuring softly to himself with words Terzo couldn’t make out at this distance. He suddenly wished he could, that he could be close enough to hear the filth Omega muttered in his most private moments. Close enough to lean in, to whisper some choice words of his own as he watched the flushed tip of Omega’s cock disappear into and reappear from his fist. To hear the slick sounds it made as he dripped more and more, the soft whines and desperate little noises the ghoul made as he brought himself closer and closer to the edge, the hitching of his breath as it came up to meet him—
Terzo was palming at himself before he even knew it. Pressing over the fabric of his pants, rubbing back and forth over the obvious heat of the wetness in his underwear, over the hard nub of his clit as it ached for attention. He was soon forced to bite back pleasured sounds of his own, lost in his own fantasy as he watched Omega work.
“You don’t have to hide, you know. You can join me if you’d like.”
Terzo gasped at the evidence that he’d been found out, the immediate flash of shame shooting through him like ice water dumped over his head. He froze in place, eyes locked on the form of Omega once more, on the slight tip of his head toward him. The subtle glint of the eyes watching him through the darkness.
“I’m sorry,” Terzo said after a long pause, the volume of his own voice surprising him. He stepped out from behind the pillar slightly, to further reveal himself in his depravity. “I didn’t mean to intrude. I’m not–”
“Shh. Come here, Papa.” Omega interrupted. Terzo could barely see his mouth moving, but he could imagine the way his fangs would shine in the moonlight, and the image did not help.
The conflict between his fear and shame at being caught and the insistent arousal in his gut was difficult to parse. His mind was cloudy, and it was difficult to think. “No, I really shouldn’t… I mean–”
“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” Omega said flatly, and the tone of it made Terzo shut his mouth so abruptly his teeth clacked together. “I said come over here.”
Terzo shuffled his way out of the shadows and into the brilliant light projecting down from the windows once again, following the order almost numbly as the sludge where his brain used to be struggled to keep up. Omega watched him approach carefully, one hand still pulling at himself, although much slower, more gentle than before. He smiled softly once Terzo was standing before him, but the look in his eyes was unreadable beyond how deeply predatory it was. Terzo swallowed tightly.
“On your knees, lamb,” The ghoul prompted, punctuating the order with a short nod. Terzo’s knees hit the flagstones, instinctively assuming the same posture he routinely took for prayer in this same space. Omega stood from the pew, towering above him, and Terzo gazed up in nothing short of worship, his bicolored eyes wide and glassy. The hand working over Omega’s cock tightened and sped up again, stroking with renewed fervor.
“Such an obedient little thing you are,” Omega mused, voice thick with arousal. Precum dripped from his cock onto the floor between them, and it was all Terzo could do to stop himself from bending down to lap it up. “So pious. A perfect disciple.” Omega continued, his free hand venturing down to cup his balls indulgently. Terzo licked his lips, desperately wishing he could caress them with his tongue instead.
“Open your mouth.” Omega growled. Terzo’s attention was pulled back up to the ghoul’s face, and his mouth dropped wide open, tongue lolling out into the warm air between them.
“That’s it,” The ghoul praised, voice audibly tightening as his climax rapidly approached.
“Are you ready to receive your sacrament?”
Terzo’s eyes snapped open with a gasp, and he stared up at the ceiling above him for a few moments as he tried to catch his breath. Eventually his senses returned to him, and he took stock of his surroundings– the dimly-lit lounge, the rumble of the road beneath it. He was on the tour bus, trundling along through the night to their next destination.
He sighed heavily, head dropping back onto the pillow beneath it. A small shift of his body revealed the state he found himself in– a warm dampness coating the inside of his thighs, soaking through his underwear completely. He was achingly wet.
“Fucking hell,” He swore softly, turning onto his side as he slipped a hand past his waistband, petting through his folds before slick fingertips circled his clit with a moan into the couch cushions. He let his eyes fall shut again, trying his best to reconjure the image of Omega standing above him, cock flushed and heavy in his hand as he teetered on the edge of ecstasy, scant moments away from showing Terzo just how pleasurable devotion could really be.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
grahhh now i rlly am tempted to know which papa you would match me up with!!
im a femme leaning non-binary person who goes by they/he, i just identify as queer. physical appearance wise: im 5'6, curvy n chubby (which im definitely insecure about unfortunately). i definitely look like like i listen to metal and rock exclusively, i have a wolf cut with neon green face framing highlights, (basically just think bright green 'e girl' hair) while the rest of my hair is dark brown. i usually wear glasses as i am as blind as a bat!
i dress mostly grunge, aka band shirts, baggy jeans, leather jackets and whatever cute tops i can scrounge up at thrift stores; ive been told that i look intimidating to talk to lmao. my makeup i wear is, of course, also dark and heavy. i just realized as im writing this that i basically entirely based my style off of Nancy from The Craft LMAOOO, yeah just imagine her but a bit more curve + strips of green hair.
im 19 and currently studying biomedical sciences at uni, in my free time i love drawing and playing video games like elden ring, i also love a good horror or sci-fi flick!! if this wasnt obvious already, i love metal and rock, ghost (duh), type o negative and nine inch nails are my fav bands ever. im generally pretty extroverted but i can definitely enjoy some alone-time if i get overwhelmed, as i am on the spectrum and can go non-verbal at times. i love talking to people, my friends all basically use me as their shield whenever we're in crowded social situations where human interaction is immanent, as im pretty much the tallest and most intimidating looking given how i dress and carry myself.
id consider myself pretty funny and gentle, id literally die for my friends; if youre close to me, i basically treat you as family. given that i am a ghost and metal fan i of course, have daddy issues. womp womp. despite all that id consider myself an extremely positive person and im the mom of the group, always there if you need someone to talk to or if you need a problem resolved. wow this is a lot, thanks if you even read it!!
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Your match is Primo
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He's really good at building your confidence. He'll always tell you how beautiful and amazing you are.
While he puts his paints on in the morning you often join him to put your makeup on.
You help each other out, he's an expert at applying black paint or eyeliner incredibly neatly. He struggles more now he's older but still its impressive.
He's very interested in your degree, although it's not his area of expertise he finds it fascinating.
He loves it when you draw outside and keep him company while he gardens. He'll sometimes grow plants into fun shapes or beautiful patterns for you to draw.
He's happy to read while you play video games, content in your company.
He'll sometimes join in and he's much better than you'd expect. After all he used to play with Terzo and Secondo when they were younger.
He apprecaites greatly the fact he can talk to you if he needs.
He's also there for you, you can talk to him anytime whenever about whatever, he's a very good listener.
He can tell when you are getting overwhelmed and he makes sure to take you somewhere calmer. If you want to be alone he'll leave you be, he'll normally just go in the next room so he's around if you need.
Or he's out in the garden and you know exactly where to find him. He'll have a fresh pot of tea brewed like he knew you'd be ready to come out at that exact time.
Written by Nyx.
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echho · 9 months
1., 11., 30., 38. and 40. for the ask please.
And bonus one if you don't mind, what's up with the wheelchair ghoul art?
goodness gracious that's an Amount!! thank you ŋ you never disappoint
1. How long have you been a fan of Ghost?
oof. starting off strong. umm
actually no idea because i think i knew some of their songs and about the aesthetic and everything before but i actually became interested in the lore and started listening to their music less casually during the moac boom. so like. idk. two years? one and something? no idea. sorry :c
11. What is the most underrated song?
HA i'd say zenith solely because it was pretty unknown but now that it's available on spotify and stuff... la mantra mori? i know some people don't like it for how repetitive it is but. it's literally a mantra. and idk it reminds me of copia SO MUCH because like. you share not the blood of ours?? thus we focus on your death??? yeah. slaps
30. How long did it take you to fully understand the lore/names/history of Ghost?
again, idk how to count it but like. a couple of weeks MAX after i first became truly interested during the moac boom. i was severely hyperfocused on that shit hahshd
38. What's your favorite theory?
terzo is still alive/will be resurrected because i fucking miss that fucking sexbomb uh
40. How did you discover Ghost?
half-answered earlier but before the moac boom i knew ghost because of my ✨ music hunting sessions ✨ (where i used to open youtube and just click on random songs until i found a whole new playlist of music)
also we don't speak about the long forgotten wips, ok? ok.
(jk. the thing is,, i tried drawing it on paper but couldn't get the proportions right, so i tried digitally but it's so much harder because i'm not that proficient in digital art and just. cannot get it to look like i want it to look. so brain said nope and now it's sitting unfinished between other projects on my pc and i just cannot see myself actually sitting down and getting the work done in the near future. because you know. brain evil because brain want perfection. but i thought about drawing more crutches rain and/or fiNALLY FINISHING THE GHOUL FIC!!!!!!!)
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pointyshoesmf · 10 months
Hey I just saw your artwork and wanted to say that it’s phenomenal 👏 😭 I love it sm.
I actually have 2 questions for you if that’s Alr.
My first one is: do you still continue to draw the Ghost band characters? Like are you still drawing ghost or are you pretty much done with that?
And my second one is (it’s a follow up to the first): ik you drew a lot of Omega + Terzo ones, but have you ever considered another paring? Like other than Terzo and his ghouls? I’m talking like, Copia + Aether? Lol it’s mainly bc I’m into them rn But if not then that’s fine lol I’m just curious 😭
Anyway, just wanted to say that I love your art sm, specifically the ghost ones, and I love how every time I saw something, you manage to break my heart and fix it all over again😭 kudos to you!!💜
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it :))
As for the questions
1: all of my hyper fixations rotate in this weird cycle. They just kinda come and go. So Ghost most definitely gonna come around some day. Im never really done with any fandom once I enter it :))
2: it wasn't overly shippy but I actually drew Copia and Aether one time. I don't really have ships I'm against , I love all the flavors. Terzomega just happened to be the one I'm most into
Thank you again. It makes me happy seeing that someone is interested in what I do :)))
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goorehound · 2 years
Mary Goore x Papa III
Prompt 17. finally having an explanation for the butterflies in their stomach
Please and thank you! 🖤
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17. finally having an explanation for the butterflies in their stomach
yes. yes 100% yes. this is one of my favourite ships of all times. absolutely yes.
Sfw, Mary Goore x Terzo Emeritus
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When it came to romance, one of these men far outweighed the other in experience. Mary’s naïveté of believing the only feelings he could have someone were either platonic, indifference, hatred or I wanna shove my dick in them. He was a very black and white sort of man who hadn’t quite gotten over himself enough to explore romantic feelings.
So when it had come to meeting Terzo Emeritus, he’d immediately assumed he must be ill. He’d thought yes, putting my dick in him would be pretty rad but it was not followed by the usual simmering arousal. Instead his stomach dipped and curved and twisted when the man addressed him, and he’d been so downright terrified he’d lose his lunch all over this charming anti-pope when he was flashed a smile. All thoughts of attraction had left his mind when he’d been so startled by his body’s sudden onset of sickness.
It did not get better.
When Terzo made an appearance at one of his shitty little shows in a dingy little underground bar, he’d gotten so nervous he’d hidden in the bathroom for long enough to draw concern. But that was what it must be, right? Nerves. A more successful musician was hearing his music and a bit of anxiety was to be expected.
The swirling didn’t fade even after he’d finished playing. Taking to the back alley for a cigarette sounded like a heaven sent (haha) cure to all his problems, so why not let Terzo tag along? They were in the midst of a conversation after all. It would be rude to leave him hanging.
Mary soon discovered that being alone with the man seemed to cause the worst of it. Now his palms were clammy, he kept getting his words stuck in his throat and having to laugh it off, he hadn’t even taken a single drag of his cigarettes in the five minutes they’d been out there. It was burning itself to a butt between his fingers.
And then Terzo was suddenly so very close, and Mary was struck by the dichotomy of the warm body inches from his own and the cold bricks pressing into his back. The musty smell of urine and tobacco hanging in the stagnant air of the alley, and Terzo’s rich and intoxicating cologne.
It all happened far too fast for the younger man to really get a grip on himself. A doting kiss was placed on his lips that left his mind blank, a coaxing voice purring something along the lines of dinner and just us two, no? and I want to see you again.
To say Mary was sold hook line and sinker would be a fucking understatement, and the clarity of it all slammed into him with all the force and brutality of a semi truck. He was barely able to get his fuck, yes out of his mouth before his forgotten cigarette was fizzling out on the damp concrete below. Bony arms dragging the anti-pope back against his body.
He’d finally found the cure for those dizzying butterflies and he did not intend to let the moment escape him.
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tache-noire · 2 years
Arts And Crafts Headcanons
i’ve been doing a lot of crocheting lately, and thinking about what kind of crafts the papas might enjoy :)
Used to be very good at sewing!
In the early days of the band, he did a lot of work modifying and tailoring clothes for everyone.
A lot of repairs too. Replacing shit is expensive.
He mostly added fur trims, embellishments, and even embroidered grucifixes by hand.
He was too early for diy punk/goth fashion, but he would have been into that, I think.
He’s got arthritis  in his hands now, so he really can’t sew anymore.
BUT... he’ll put up with the pain to teach you some basics if you want. It makes him happy that you asked him instead of The Google. :)
He’s not mean about it, but he WILL tell you when something you made looks bad. He’ll give you tips for how to fix it or do it better next time.
This is the guy who crochets. 100%.
Exclusively uses wool and cotton yarns. He doesn’t like the feel of acrylic.
He can crank out a hat in 2 hours, the man is QUICK.
Damn near every Sibling who’s been in the abbey more than a month or so has a hat, or a scarf, or a pair of socks crocheted by Primo.
He has some mysterious way of knowing everyone’s favorite colors.
For very special gifts, he will go out of his way and even spin the yarn himself.
If you receive a gift that looks like no other... That’s a sign.
He’s ALWAYS happy to teach anyone who wants to learn! He’s very patient and supportive.
If you mess up, he’ll encourage you to continue anyway and keep the mistakes. It gives the piece character, he says. And if you don’t want to look at it anymore when you’re done, he’ll happy take it. He has a collection of Siblings’ first projects.
Drawing and painting.
Watercolors are his preferred painting medium, and colored pencils for drawing.
He took classes in his youth, and ended up sticking with realism
He mostly likes to draw and paint people, just in candid everyday poses. He’s got a photographic memory for anything that catches his eye.
If anyone asks him to draw them, that’s pretty much a lifetime ban. He doesn’t take requests.
He’s the type that enjoys the process, not the product. If he ends up drawing or painting you, he’ll offer the finished piece to you, but if you don’t want it, it’s going right in the trash.
Very rarely does he ask anyone to actually model for him. That’s your clue that you’re special to him.
Doesn’t like teaching people. He’s brutally honest and WILL roast your horrible foreshortening.
He’s a surprisingly good baker!
Actually, he’s a great cook in general, but baking is his favorite.
The kitchen is a warzone anytime a new season of GBBO comes out.
He has a terrible hobby of “playing along” with the competition each week, in the same time constraints. He and Secondo get in a fight over it EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
He likes to experiment with flavors, but doesn’t have much intuition for what could reasonably work together. He insisted on trying white chocolate and salmon croissants before admitting that it was a terrible idea.
There’s always something sweet in the kitchen, and he makes a cake for every Sibling’s birthday.
Food is 100% his love language, and he will go out of his way to cook every single meal for his Special Someone if they let him. Hell, he’ll feed it to you.
Anyone who walks into the kitchen while he’s cooking is getting a lesson. Get this man a Food Network show. He talks to himself and narrates even if nobody’s there.
Very much a “jack of all trades, master of none”.
Please take Pinterest away from this man, for fuck’s sake.
He spends so much money on viral craft trends, only to get bored and abandon them.
He ALSO enjoys the process far more than the finished product, but mostly because he’s constantly doing things for the first time, and they don’t turn out how he hoped.
HOWEVER, he is very good at improvisation and multi-media projects. He’ll often come back to old “failures” and add something else to them.
He pays close attention to what everyone else is doing. He’s always happy to give away unused craft supplies and tools.
His “special gift” is to spend time with you and just work on projects together!
He’s not skilled enough in any given medium to really teach anything, but he has a lot of weird, unconventional tips for just about everything.
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Would it be alright to request some Papa IV x f!Reader? Like the reader is a very kind and sweet person and she has always supported Copia kind of thing? Maybe they’re having a whole day to themselves to celebrate?
Yes! Let’s get some more sweet Copia 😊 
They made fun of him and called him The Rat.
Terzo made him the butt of all his pranks.
Nihil undermined him at every turn.
Imperator pushed him to the point of breaking.
What you saw a man trying to do his best with his only flaw being an outsider within the Abbey walls, and in a place where actual hellbeasts were basically demon cats, were rats such an odd choice of pet?
You were fairly certain Copia knew the “Squeak if u like cheze” sign was taped to his back, but he just walked down the corridors anyway and let the Siblings and Ghouls chitter at him. You’d seen this man save one of the Abbey mice from a glue trap, and your heart just couldn’t let it continue.
So, you’d approached him and offered to remove the offending paper.
Copia, however, had just smiled at you.
“It is good of you to say, Sister. But let them have their fun, eh?”
He’d given you a slight bow and had gone on his merry way.
After that, however, Copia had warmed to you, often seeking you out so he could sit with you in the mess hall at mealtimes or chat theology with you on lazy Saturday afternoons.
When some of Terzo’s faction had started stuttering to make fun of Copia’s shyness with public speaking, you’d tried to shut them down. Not everyone was good in front of a crowd—especially when that crowd was hostile. All that did, however, was get them to double down and start calling you, "rat lover."
“Doesn’t it bother you, Cardinal?" you'd asked during one of your food dates. "It’s so…petty.”
But he’d just given you a fond look.
“It is of no consequence, dear Sister. Let them be thinking what they will.”
You’d learned all of his rats’ names and started smuggling them contraband from the kitchens.
Copia had you transferred from Imperator’s admin pool to work as his assistant.
“All this new paperwork!” He’s swept his arm across the stacks of his desk. “I thought I could be using a little help from a friend, yes?”
You’d inherently understood you weren’t there to file paperwork—you were there to tell him when to take a break, to replace his cold coffee, and to be a sounding board.
And you didn’t miss the way Copia’s mismatched eyes would look on you with adoration.
Well, you thought he was pretty neat, too.
When he’d been away on his first tour, you’d done your best to keep up with him. You had your other duties and your friends, but you tried to send him a supportive word before, during, and after each performance.
His missives back had grown fewer as the tour had dragged on, but each one had been effusive—if riddled with typos.
After the first tour, things had been different. Copia had come back from the road a glowing success…and in a tight suit that showed off his assets instead of his smothering cassock.
The tide turned, and while there were still his many detractors, gone were the days of “kick me” signs and farces.
You’d noticed a significant pay increase and an extra day off.
“But Cardinal! You need me here!” you’d protested.
He’d simply grabbed your hands and kissed each one.
“I do. And that is why you must be well-rested. Lots to get done. Now, shoo!”
And truth be told, the two of you had worked harder. Copia had spent less and less time in his study and more time attending meetings or at band practice or at weekend symposiums. You’d done your best on keeping his mountain of paperwork down to a molehill, but sometimes the two of you needed to work late into the night to meet seemingly arbitrary deadlines while you put your foot down and told the kitchen Ghoul that making some rigatoni past hours wasn’t going to kill them.
Of course, then you needed to put your foot down about Copia stopping long enough to eat the carbonara. Sometimes he’d growl at you, and you’d have to snap your fingers at him and tell him being hangry wasn’t a good excuse to be snippy with you; he was predictably contrite after he’d consumed a good portion, and you took his apologies as your due.
All of which is to say: you had Copia’s back from the get-go, and he knew you were always in his corner.
When he comes back from Mexico newly ascended, there are dozens of Siblings who want a piece of him. Some—like you—have been in his fan club since day 1; others jumped on the bandwagon during the final tour; while a few just see the razzle dazzle and want to shine too.
You’re in his study because you want to make sure everything is caught up before he comes back to work. You imagine that he’s going to spend a few days reaping the rewards of his promotion, and—while a part of you feels a little let down about not being a part of that particular party—you are genuinely invested in Copia succeeding.
So when the door bangs open, you’re startled to find Copia…er…Papa Emeritus the 4th striding into the room.
“Oh! Your Dark Excellency! I was just making sure—”
“How did I be knowing I would find you here, eh? Today is not a day to be working!”
“But you—”
He makes a shushing noise and reaches his hands out. They linger in the air between the both of you until he makes a “come here” motion with his fingers.
Tentatively, you curl your fingers into his gloved ones.
“We are taking the day off, yes?”
Copia raises an eyebrow at you. “Sí. With who else should I be celebrating?”
You blush, pleased that he seems genuinely baffled.
The March air is living up to its reputation, so Copia leads you to one of the sunniest rooms in the Abbey. There, you find a picnic blanket set up with a picturesque spread of food, and Rain helping Mountain to position a bevy of potted plants around the area.
Copia clucks at them good-naturedly to leave. Rain gives you the thumbs up and Mountain just pats you on the head as they leave. (As Copia’s Girl Friday, you’ve had to backmanage his ghoulies as much as you’ve had to organize his report piles.)
When he gestures for you to sit, you arrange yourself comfortably in a big square of sun that’s streaming in from the windows. As you take in the meats, cheeses, sandwiches, and fruits that populate the corner of the blanket, Copia putters around with a bottle of Champagne and two glasses.
The whole thing is a little unexpected, but not unwelcome, and you watch him with fondness as he utters a Whoopsie when the cork goes flying at the ceiling and as he obsesses over making each glass level.
You two clink glasses with a Salute, both taking a modest sip.
“This is lovely, Cop—uh, Papa.” He’s all smiles. “But why me?”
His eyebrows draw together, and he tilts his head at you.
“Mia cara…who else would it be?”
You blush and shrug your shoulders, looking down at your platter. When he takes your hand in his warm, leathered one, you look up and get lost in his earnest, mismatched gaze.
“You are the most important person in my life.”
His thumb strokes over your knuckles.
“You are too sweet, mia cara. Helping an old man—”
“You’re not old—”
He tsks at you.
“Helping a person I am being. At my side even when you are in the knowing.” He taps his nose and winks. “Our little conspiracy of silence, yes?”
That Copia is not quite exactly the bumbling, nutty-professor he leads the rest of the Clergy to believe he is? Yeah, obviously.
He nods.
“And yet, you are by my side. Keeping my head on straight. Because you are wanting to.”
Because you saw the way he treated his rats, his Ghouls, and even Sister Imperator. He may have a dangerous ambition, but he’s not a dangerous man.
“I believe in you Papa.”
He gives you that fond look again.
“Well. I believe in you too, Sister.”
Copia lets your hand go and claps.
“Now! Let us enjoy this feast! Next up is a movie marathon where we enjoy our food comas, yes?”
You pop a grape into your mouth.
“Of course, Papa.” You give him a devilish smile. “How ‘bout you give the schedule so I can make sure we’re on track, hm?”
He blinks at you for a moment before giving you his little rat laugh.
“Ah, eh heh heh! There is my little taskmaster.”
“What would you do without me?”
He tosses a gape and just barely catches it in his mouth.
“I wouldn’t, cara. I wouldn’t.”
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
(gonna subscript it so it hopefully isn't as long as the color of the sky)
Buckleup chucklefucks (affectionate) I am looking for a husband (matchup event please <3) Papas if that's okay, because I'm not super familiar with all the ghouls. Even though I'm pretty sure Jez is going to say Papa Nihil - Crusty Edition just to spite me lmao
Some starter information about me: I'm an INFP MBTI and a Scorpio. I'm "introverted, idealistic, creative, and driven by high values" and motivated by helping others and understanding the world. I'm passionate person, in everything I do, really, but especially with romantic relationships. I am a hopeless romantic. (also, Scorpio is supposedly the most sexual zodiac haha) I can be slow to warm up to people, but once I do, I am ride-or-die and loyal to a fault. I'm ambitious in the sense that I want to learn the world's secrets and help others live their best lives. I'm a very philosophical and dedicated to my academic studies, primarily interested in psychology, society, and culture. Otherwise I'm a creative person and a storyteller. I draw political art and write poetry to channel thoughts of depression and isolation. I tend to take up random projects I fixate on, like building a guitar or making jewelry. I sing in a choir setting and casually play electric and acoustic guitar, as well as electric bass. Physically, I am transmasc and embrace the "feminine in a boy way" vibe. I'm short and have a lanky build, but have been cursed with curvy legs and ass like Copia because I walk so much on campus RIP. I've got dark curly hair (kinda the Damiano David vibe before the buzz cut), extremely light brown/amber eyes and long lashes that stab me in the eyeball on a daily basis, and tan complexion. In the face, I've got the van dyke goatee going on, and a strong jawline and cheekbones. I swear, I'm not this vain, I'm just putting my best foot forward when in all reality I could write a novel using all my insecurities lol
Congrats on the follower milestone and thank y'all so much! I love the emeritus-fuckers team and all that you do! I know all 3 of you are super busy, so absolutely no rush! :)
Your match is… Terzo
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It took a while for you both to get to know each other properly, to open up. But when you did, you both fell completely head over heels. He is very passionate. You are both hopeless romantics so it works well!
So, you are the most sexual zodiac sign, it’s a good thing Terzo can, err, keep up with you, should we say.
He loves that you want to help others. It’s part of what initially drew him to you. As well as your wonder about the world and your creative spirit!
He is very content watching you throw yourself into your studies. That happy concentrated smile you have on your face, it just makes him fall for you more.
He adores your storytelling! He’ll listen hooked on your every word.
On a summers evening, you often lie next to each other, by a campfire, looking at the stares, swapping stories (he is also good at telling a tale).
And if you get cold he’ll wrap you up in his arms and lay little kisses all over you.
As for your projects, he’ll throw himself in with equal enthusiasm no matter how random it is!
If you ever feel depressed or isolated, he’s there for you. He’ll hold you close to him and reassure you. He’ll then sit and write songs while you channel your feelings into poetry or art.
He loves listening to you sing in the choir. He’s always enjoyed choral music anyway but to hear you sing it is even better. If you do concerts he’s at every single one.
He loves how you look. He’s a bit of a perv in the way he shows it, but he’d never do anything that would make you uncomfortable (he would ask what your boundaries are.).
He would say this to you “It’s not vain, you err should be putting your best foot forward! Papa is very proud of you.”
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aidarsblogs · 4 years
What is an ultimate supercar? I have quite an unpopular opinion about this question, it may change from time to time, of course, depending on the mood, but there is something deep hidden within my perception of certain supercars, that keeps my heart jumping faster and keeps me excited no matter the day. I'm talking about track cars, of course. More specifically - track Lambos. Yes, the track Ferraris and, let's say a track Zonda R are also "absolutely sublime", but they are a different breed. Because what I want to talk about today is.. drama.
Hexagons and pentagons all over the car, a menacing look, and the all shades of green addiction
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The absense of headlights above the bonnet.. Done for saving the weight of course, but is also that tiny little bit of extra drama, like the front headlights on Pininfarina Fittipaldi or the wings behind the doors on the FXX 599. It simply makes things more interesting, and Lamborghini designers, that beloved team of truly amazing designers, are very well aware of this.
Just like the shape of the car, that did not have to be dramatic, and a slight deviatiton from perfection of the lines on Sesto Elemento, is done with that deviatiton in mind, to keep it again.. interesting. Lamborghini are aware of how beautiful shapes are designed, and beautiful cars are put together, but SCV 12 is all about drama, and isn't really about visual perfection, like La Ferrari. That shape, designed for the greater aerodynamics, that deviatiton from perfection - that brings so much interest and drama, and draws so much attention and curiosity towards getting to know the visuals of the car - that's what later Lamborghini are all about. They would sumberge you in their well recognised awesome vibes of a villain angular design, with stripes, red and green accents and alcantara, with the whole world nodding in agreement this is the ultimate design language of the goosebumps giving philosophy of a menacing alter ego supercar.
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I am truly grateful to the team at Squadron Corsa, because I simply agree. I simply say yes. Yes, that's how it should look like, yes, you should go further than the expected elegant lines, yes, you should keep the philosophy you have started with the Reventon, yet give the philosophy a new chapter. I am simply grateful. For the Veneno, Sesto Elemento, Terzo Millenio.
You would think that good taste rarely wins, but this one continues to conquer the world, and conquer the hearts. That's what it is, it is something you agree with, in your own heart, you nod and you smile, and say "I knew you wouldn't let down", where others let down, no matter how it sounds.
Designed to be an ultimate track weapon, the car is focused around performance the most, delivered through the aforementioned philosophy. The car is an idea, it's a message, even when it is a track supercar. This way of prioritising things is how it should be done.
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Let's talk about the back of the car - following the drama approach it's more interesting, than if it was simply pretty, like the back of a Ferrari would. Well designed, unusual, and unexplainably attractive. Of all the latest Lamborghinis, production or the concepts, to me, it's this car that has the best developed taste. Lamborghini would always capture your eyes with the back of the car, but this is better. Oh, there is such a statement going on.
You can feel the new atmosphere in the automotive world, following the rise of McLaren, and cars such as Regera, with the rear ending in sort of a narrow quadrangle with very subtle square lights. Huracan has got it, but not to the extent the SCV 12 went for. SCV 12 has gone more angular, less sublte, more dramatic, the raging wild beast.
Lamborghini designers always remind you of this. They try to capture a wild beast in motion, and interpret this feel into a car. It's stunning, and beautiful, yet it's unpredictable, raw, dangerous, and you should never forget - predators don't always stand for harmony. With the Lamborghini, you are always reminded - this is a raging beast, it's powerful, egoistic and dangerous. And this message in design is persistent throughout the latest Lamborghini lineup. Every Lamborghini is like a warning to you.
The agressive lines, that curve above the back of the car, like the tense muscle before the leap - with this car there are so many hints and messages, the admiration is endless. A monumemtal work between the designing team and Squadron Corsa. I am simply thankful that the good taste lives and continues, this model will go down in history as one of the most well thought through designs by the Lamborghini, but right now, I can't have enough of looking at it
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atricksterproblem · 4 years
Dear Terzo,
My love, I wish I could tell you everything. 
I see how it is for you. Everyone wants something from you; everyone has someone they want you to be. 
Sometimes it’s a matter of power, or wealth. They want to use you for their own ambitions, or to take advantage of the privileges of your birth. 
Sometimes they just want to make you into a figure of fun. They denigrate your intelligence, they portray you as some kind of airhead. 
And sometimes, perhaps most often of all, it’s just for sex--and it happens even if they hold you in contempt, even if they see you as some kind of clown, even if they’re willing to talk you down to other people. To me, it’s a kind of violence. I can’t understand it. I can’t understand how they still want to use you this way when that’s how little they think of you.
My fallen angel, you’re so much more than they know.
I think you’re beautiful, you’re all that is desirable; but you’re not just a pretty face. Lust fades quickly if it’s only a surface attraction, at least for me. 
What draws me in, and keeps me here, is you. Who you really are, after all the demands on you and the masks you hide behind are cleared away. 
I see the intelligence others would deny you. I see the spark of humor that others would turn into a sign of idiocy. I see your kindness, your mischief, your creativity. I see your cleverness and wit, so often ignored. I see the dark places you hide behind your confidence, the scars you carry, and I only love you more for them.
I love everything about you. All I want is to keep you safe, safe enough to be yourself, in whatever way your mercurial nature might demand of you. All I want is to be able to be by your side, so that you never have to doubt that you are truly seen and truly loved again.
I don’t know if it would be enough to make a difference. You are wanted by so very many people; I can’t be the only one who sees the truth of it. Likely I’d still be beneath your notice. You’d never even know I was there.
Whoever you choose, I only hope it’s someone who does see you, and wants you for yourself. Don’t let yourself be used. Be valued for your whole self, mind, heart, body and soul. Even if it isn’t me. At least I’d know you’re loved.
Yours only and always,
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