#I just want my za again
Tw s*ucide self h*rm all that jazz
I feel like shit I wanna die th is is just me rambling into the abyss because I feel like shit and pissed someone else and it turned out worse than I imagined and I freaking out of course because I'm fucking stupid and just loooove overreacting about accidentally pissing people off. It was so embarrasing too, I don't wanna get into the details but holy shit I felt like the dumbest and grossest piece of shit in the world and I keep telling myself I will never deserve happiness again or ever be sorry enough and the amount of shame that is overcoming me feels like a fucking demon making me twitch and shake. BTW I have borderline personality disorder tee hee. Please shoot me but don't because I too scared to die but too ashamed to live :'(((((
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kimbureh · 2 years
In the light of the recent developments at ZA/UM, I can’t help but see the almost infamous Jamais Vu update in a different Light.
It was published at the end of December 2021, exactly when the three lead writers/artists were let go. Of course it was already in the making when they were still employed, but given the controversy with which the fan-servicey parts of the update were recieved by the players, I wonder if the update itself was already an expression of growing internal creative tension (or perhaps, tension between the money men and the talents?).
You know who just *loves* fan-service? Adores it because it sells? Corporations.
Perhaps little surprise then the content side of the update turned out as it did, giving the fans what they asked for-- not quite compatible with one of Disco Elysium’s famous core themes: “Because the thing about desire is that it’s stronger when it’s not totally satisfied “ *
However, all this is of course just speculation, and there’s no point in mulling it over, just needed to dump this idea outside my brain so it leaves me alone.
* which, interestingly enoug, is a quote by Justin Keenan, the new lead writer at za/um
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lorebird · 2 years
hi lore hi hi hi you said hisui headcanon lore???? 👀👀👀 hisui hc lore please 👀 ty
HIIIII I was gonna draw some stuff for this but. Alas it is 6 am and god has seen fit to punish me for my hubris (cramps) so I’m just gonna distract myself writing this while I wait for the ibuprofen to kick in
So this is like. Completely out there bc it’s just me cherry-picking the series’ worldbuilding that I enjoy (and also completely changing it) for the sake of self indulgence <3
The Celestica people lived in ancient Hisui and were part of a trade network with the other regions. 3000 years ago, there was a war between Galar and Kalos that resulted in the darkest day and the ultimate weapon, and the news spread all over. A few centuries later, a traveller from Hisui came across the decimated weapon and its story. Idk who this character’s gonna be, probably a new OC bc I can't think of a canon character to throw this backstory onto
A bit of hc lore regarding how the ultimate weapon works: it's powered by infinity energy, the life force of pokemon, which is canon. I elaborate on that by having all infinity energy sourced from Arceus. Every pokemon is tied to it through the infinity energy necessary to live and exist (oh my god I just thought of the implications of this for manmade pokemon holy shit that's so cool I gotta think about this more), but some have more power than others. Legendaries (and maybe some mythicals?? I can't remember them all rn), which have power over nature/reality, have some of Arceus' own creation power tied into their infinity energy. All those mons are some of Arceus' thousand arms. This power can be harnessed by the ultimate weapon, which is how Lysandre intends to make the player immortal by powering it with Xerneas (so if someone powered an ultimate weapon with Kyogre, it could manipulate the oceans; if someone powered it with necrozma, it could manipulate light; etc etc)
So anyways -- the Hisuian came back and began building a new weapon, this time with the intent to create an entirely new world, just like Cyrus and Volo. Instead of a singular body like in Kalos, the three "petals" were placed around the region, equidistant from the temple of Sinnoh in the center. Each third was powered by one of the creation trio's orbs.
But tracking down those orbs was tough work -- the weapon-builder, who I'm just gonna call ZA for ease, reached out to historians and merchants to try and locate them (no one knew what they were up to at this point and what the orbs were intended for). Once all 3 had been found, the finders were told to bring them to a certain location at a specific time. At this point, ZA was at the temple of Sinnoh in the center of a region-wide weapon, and they fired.
Each third of the weapon created a crater, the three lakes. I made this shitty little representation like 3 weeks ago DHFJDKFK it's based off my vague memories of the nationwide transmutation circle from watching fma like 6 years ago
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The weapon tore open a massive rift that kinda threw everything to shit, like having a spacetime distortion covering all of Hisui. This is the threat that the ancient hero mentioned in-game solved (I like the theory that the hero is Alder <3 so he was dragged in by the distortion like Ingo was, just. A couple thousand years earlier)
As for the people who delivered the orbs and were caught up in the blast -- idk who the lustrous globe holder was tbh, maybe I'll make them another oc if I don't find a character to chuck that lore onto. The one who had the griseous core was Volo; Cogita had the adamant crystal. Like AZ, they gained immortality from proximity to the weapon, but also inherited other elements of their respective pokemon's infinity energy. Cogita can see the past and future; Volo can access the distortion world. The theoretical third character could warp space or teleport.
The weapon firing and ensuing chaos killed off a lot of the Celestica people, and the remaining few had no stability in Hisui and so left for other regions. A few centuries before pla, the diamond and pearl clans' ancestors arrived, taking up the title of Celestica and upkeep of the temple of Sinnoh. I'd like to think that Cogita had passed on some of the ancient stories to them, which is how they know about the rift and hero from the past, as well as Dialga and Palkia (even though things got. A little misconstrued there)
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cottoncandylesbo · 2 years
used to think fallout new vegas was my favorite game of all time- it's certainly a fantastic game, still do I love every ounce of that thing. but man does disco elysium blow it out of the water. just in terms of writing and atmosphere I want to drink disco elysium like a soup
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whateverisbeautiful · 14 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#51: The Mr. & Mrs. Grimes (1.05)
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
The utter perfection of this scene continues as Rick's beautiful words are met with a beautiful response from Mrs. Grimes. 🥲
I adore that after both staying so loyally in love with each other, Michonne and Rick get to now look into each other's eyes and express that all these years, it was always only you 🥹...
One of the many reasons that Richonne resonates with me so much is because this TWD world could easily have been strictly bleak, dark, and dreary, and yet Richonne’s love bursts in with this bright light that refuses to dim no matter the state of their broken world.
Richonne is this inspiring reminder that love prevails even in the hardest circumstances. And Richonne's enduring love shines so brightly in this proposal scene.
So yeah, the happy dancing will never be out of my system over every second of this moment. 😇💍 Because one thing that always comes with the territory of being a Richonne fan...
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As Rick holds up a ring while on one knee looking up at the love of his life, Michonne has such a precious heartfelt reaction to this. 🥰
I paused it for a sec and my extra self literally just had to stop and marvel for a moment that I’m really looking at a scene of Michonne smiling down at Rick as he holds up a ring. 🫠
After years of saying one of my biggest wants was for Richonne to exchange rings (because I really felt it was something those two characters would do), it just feels so rewarding to see that we finally made it here. When I tell you I was elated for them like it was my close family member getting proposed to lol. This joyous scene makes me so happy. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
Michonne smiles at Rick, again with so much love in her expression. You can just see that she’s so happy to have her Rick back. All those years without him and now here he is alive, at his finest, and wanting to show her that he’s with her for the rest of his life. 😊
Michonne says, “I could have never imagined this.” And then she smiles and so sweetly says, “But it could only ever have been you.” Once again, PERFECTION. 🙌🏽🥲
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gif cred: @nat111love
I'm loving the use of ‘only’ in this scene. Michonne and Rick both know they are the only one for each other. And it’s just so beyond heartwarming to hear Michonne know Rick is it for her. The only man she’d ever want to be her husband.
Pre-ZA, Michonne might have never been able to imagine that her soulmate would take form in Rick Grimes. Even when their paths first joined in season 3 she might have never expected that this man who constantly eyes her down would be the man she calls husband and the father of her children one day. But now there’s no denying that in any world Rick is the one for her. The ultimate soulmates. 🥰
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gif cred: @nat111love
And Michonne has known this for so long. She's long been aware that she only ever wanted it to be Rick for her. I think about that beautiful 7.08 scene between Richonne in the cell where Michonne pours her heart out to Rick. There, she let him know he was the only one that she wanted by her side to take on everything in life with. And it's stayed that way for her all these years later. 🥲
I like to think that when Michonne expresses that it could only ever have been Rick who has her heart, she thinks back on their journey and reflects on the way Rick took her in at the prison instead of just taking the formula.
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The way he entrusted her with his son time and time again, even very early in their relationship. The way she and Rick bonded over having similarities that most others wouldn’t understand.
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The way she saw over and over that Rick will do anything for his family.
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And that Rick will do anything for her.
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The way Rick is a fighter who never gives up and also a lover who never holds back.
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The way he resiliently overcame the battles in his life, both external and internal. The way he genuinely saw and valued both Michonne's heroism and her humanness. And as she’s said before - the way Rick makes her feel loved, respected, and safe like no other.
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It could only ever have been this excellent one-of-a-kind man for her. Another scientific fact. 💯
So then, y'all, you already know what's next - Michonne does the most heartfelt thing ever. She smiles, takes Rick's hand, and then gets down on her knees so that they are on the same level. 😭
Then she puts Rick's hand to her heart and so sincerely tells him, “I’m Yours.” 🥹
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gif cred: @nat111love
And go ahead and take me out to pasture because my heart has officially ascended from this solid gold scene. 🫠 I love it so much. 😭😭😭
I don't know whether to burst into tears or to happy dance right now, so imma just do both...
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First; just the visual of the two on their knees is so perfectly symbolic to Richonne and the way they are equals in every way. They always meet each other where they’re at and match each other's love, energy, and fidelity.
I love that the moment with Rick on his knees gets its time to breathe and just depict the way he reveres her, and then Michonne gets to also show how much she loves and respects him when she joins him on her knees and lets Rick know that just like he’s hers, she’s his.
I adore the reciprocity of Richonne's love and loyalty. They’re so wholly devoted themselves and they finally get to experience someone being wholly devoted back.
And on top of elating me to no end, hearing them both say, “I’m Yours” also just affirmed to me why I think Richonne is such an excellent portrayal of a healthy couple. Because I think a lot of couples tend to have more of a “You’re mine” mentality that can be a bit more possessive and concerned with the other belonging to them.
But Rick and Michonne both put so much more emphasis on an “I’m Yours” mentality, actively being loyal, thoughtful, and dedicated to each other. They don't demand ‘You belong to me’ but rather happily demonstrate ‘I belong to you’ with every loving action and word they express. And that manifests as this equal outpouring of the deepest love. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
And my favorite part about Rick and Michonne telling each other ‘I’m yours’ is how much they have already truly lived out those words.
Like this isn’t just flowery talk. Both when they were together in TWD and then when they were apart for over eight years, they genuinely lived out every day of their life like they were fully each others.
I remember that was one of the things I most noted about Michonne in the post-Rick era of TWD, she was still so actively in love with Rick. Like truly no other man could have come along because her love for Rick was still so alive.
I mean even when Ezekiel kissed her, all she wanted to do after was tearfully reminisce on the man she was still in love with and recount the exact amount of years it'd been since Rick last kissed her.
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gif cred: @michonnegrimes
Michonne knew Rick Grimes still had her heart and even with all the years that passed and having every reason to think she’d never see him again, she lived life like she was still his.
So when Michonne tells Rick 'I’m yours,' she’s already lived that out and proven it ten times over.
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
And when taken, Rick fought as hard as he could and put his mind and body through the unimaginable to get back to her and he never once moved on from Michonne, even when he chose to die.
He routinely dreamt of falling in love with her, continuously poured his heart out to her in letters, and commissioned several drawings of her. Then when he decided to 'die' because he refused to live without her, the dead version of him still made every choice out of his everlasting love for Michonne.
So when Rick tells Michonne Grimes, 'Til my last breath, I'm yours,' he’s already more than proven it in every way too.
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They now know what it is to be without the other for an extended period and they still conducted themselves like 'I am 100% yours always.' 🥹 The greatest love.
Also, I love that this proposal moment takes place in the middle of the woods. So much of Richonne’s roots were established in settings like this. They’ve had a lot of notable woods moments, especially when traveling with Carl, and so this just feels like them taking it back to where it all started for this milestone moment.
One of the woods moments that comes to mind for me right now is in season 3 when Michonne is aiming her sword at Merle and Rick is constantly staring her down and keeping his attention almost solely on her despite so much commotion going on from everyone.
Imo, Rick stares at Michonne a little too much and a little too long for it to just be written off as casual or merely trying to diffuse the situation.
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(Side note: I love that Danai and Andy said this is one of the earliest moments that they knew they had a special chemistry as actors. They really did make a scene surrounded by other characters feel like it was just the two of them. ☺️)
To me, it seriously feels like each time Rick looks at Michonne in this scene (and in many season 3 scenes really) he feels something he’s ‘not supposed to’ feel and sees something he wasn’t expecting to see - because, without being cognizant of it yet, he sees his future. He sees himself. He sees someone his heart wants and desires in this intriguing, intoxicating, and soul-filling way.
And so it’s almost like in those early days Rick kept staring at this captivating woman partly confused because he’s supposed to just look at her and see a suspicious stranger, but instead somewhere deep within him what he really sees is his other half, someone he’s meant for and whose meant for him, someone capable of getting him to get down on one knee in the woods and profess his undying love for one day. 🥲
Like he's trying to look intimidating in this s3 scene with Michonne but then Rick always has this shift in his expression like he’s more genuinely dazed from the fact that looking at Michonne for some reason is like looking in a mirror. Looking at her, little did he know he was seeing his universe all in one person.🥹
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And as for Michonne, I adore that she has known for so long that she's with Rick no matter what. From "I'm still with you" pre-canon to "I'm yours" post-canon. It's always him for her. 🥹
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Also, I just have to note the way Rick looks at her when Michonne makes her way down to her knees is always so swoon-worthy to me. 😊 It's been such a great journey watching Richonne's stares soften over each season to the point that now they look into each other's eyes so utterly in love.
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gif cred: @nat111love
So after Michonne says she's his, they share another ten out of ten kiss and it’s just the perfect way to close out the scene. 👏🏽😭
I love how Michonne is smiling through the first kiss, and the way Rick's holding her, and the fact that of course the passion only continues to ramp up between them as they wrap their arms around each other.
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gif cred: @nat111love
I think about how in TOWL ep 3, Rick and Michonne were on their knees in CRM uniforms kissing in the woods but not yet on the same page.
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And now they’re back to their more usual attire and on their knees kissing but fully in sync again and ready to both handle the CRM and go home. Mr. & Mrs. Grimes are 100% back. 😌
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gif cred: @nat111love
And I love how it's the masterpiece Episode 4 that got Richonne from point A in ep 3, on their knees in the woods unsure of how to escape with much to reconcile, to point B in ep 5, on their knees in the woods, reaffirming 'I’m yours,' and fully on one accord again.
So then, after this solid gold scene, they cut to Father Gabriel waiting on a log but Jadis isn’t going to be showing up this time around. What Father G doesn't know is Jadis was attempting to threaten Richonne and ASZ and so after just a day of aiming to kill them, Rick and Michonne had to go ahead and send her to the underworld same-day delivery. 📦👌🏽
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But Rick and Michonne also have very good hearts and so it seems they left a burial site for her, marked with an 'A' stone.
That 'A' has some layers to it because one; it’s like Rick and Michonne are allowing her to die as Anne the Artist rather than Jadis the Snake, with Anne seeming to have been her better and more human persona.
And two; seeing the 'A' to me always feels reminiscent of how Jadis would spray paint As on the holding containers in the trash heap. It was very kind of Richonne to give her a burial and to put an ‘A’ for Anne instead of an “S” for Snake/Serpent/Scam Artist. 
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gif cred: @perryabbott
A helicopter flies above the burial site and, even tho we don't get to see Richonne inside, I love we get to at least know that Michonne got to see her man fly a helicopter.
If Michonne and I are really on the same wavelength like I think we are, I know she thought Rick piloting the helicopter was sexy. 😊 Probably sitting in that helicopter and watching him like...
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And as their helicopter flies off into the sky, that concludes episode 5, with Richonne and us now soaring into the TOWL finale. 👌🏽
Honestly, on rewatch I do like episode 5 better than I thought. It’s still not as high as 1-4 but the Richonne content is just so great in this ep that I still very much enjoy it. 😌 And that's how you know your ship is an abundance of riches when even the lower-rated ep still has some solid gold scenes and a top 10 all-time scene. 👑
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gif cred: @lousolversons
Before I even wrote a single word of this breakdown, I knew this specific scene's revelings would be a long two-parter - because I mean, for longtime Richonne fans this proposal scene is just better than a dream. So I had to do my best to go as all out as I could when gushing over every detail. 😋
I adore that after years of Rick dreaming of having this proposal with Michonne, the two of them finally got to share this moment. And it was as beautiful as can be.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Rick and Michonne both are just so aware that they’ve found a true treasure in finding each other, and I love that this scene so perfectly captured their stunning love and their commitment to belong to each other forever and always.
It was a joy to see Richonne so clearly establish that they are Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, until the end of time. 🥳💍🙌🏽🎉🥂🎊
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pinecipitation · 3 months
Hiii could you possibly do like..smiling friends with a reader that’s on their period headcanons?
SMILING FRIENDS X GN!READER (with fem aligned anatomy, if you bleed then this you shall read‼️
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word count: around 500
content warning: nothing I think
credit to @kryloxen for the what size joke in charlies bc they’re the funniest bitch I know
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PIM: prioritizes treats and food
- he’s got sisters, he knows a thing or two because he’s seen a thing or two
- will be very understanding and empathetic, out of anyone he’d be the nicest
- would probably know ur week is coming before YOU know, and is prepared as usual
- I’m a huge candidate of baker pim, I believe he’d bake sweets and remake your favorite desserts just so you always have a sweet treat around
- he has enough knowledge on products to be able to pick up stuff in stores for you, but if he has to talk to an employee he’d stutter and blush a little, but my god he’s getting u ur damn tampons
- again, super into sweets and treats, will come back from the store with bags of anything you want and crave, he’s a very sweet boy
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CHARLIE: prioritizes comfort and warmth
- “ayo i’m at the pad aisle what size pussy you wear?” hurry up he’s getting weird stares
- you’re always more than welcome to wear his oversized clothes and hoodies, he actually subliminally encourages you to but seeing you lounge around in his stuff makes him feel like he’s helping
- heated blankets, multiple blankets and pillows, hoodies, HIM even, everything about charlie’s home and charlie himself is warm, cuddly, and comfortable
- will ask a thousand times a day if you’re cold, if you’re hot, if you’re lying about not being hot, and is often on standby with either a warm drink or a cold glass
- always overuses the same “wings? wtf is it gonna take off” joke on pads
- jokes around too much to a point where it almost aggravates you, but at the end of the day, if he sees you start to get annoyed he will always offer himself as a cuddle buddy and offer couch time and a movie
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ALAN: prioritizes peace and meds
- medicine cabinet stock full of any pain or sleep pills always, you’ve never had to make him go to the store at 11pm for anything
- like pim, will also know your week is coming sooner than you do
- always has meals and hydration prepared for you, is extremely into making sure you get every vitamin and protein your body needs in these trying times. like seriously he has a full water bottle that he needs you to finish daily
- is not afraid to yell at his upstairs neighbors to shut up, or a kid on the street to stop screaming. he values you and would rather die than overstimulate you even indirectly
- will always draw nice baths and include your favorite scents, again I see him as a huge hygiene person so trust he’s got that bath and body works set of whatever smell u smelled once and liked
- loves quiet time where you both are near each other but just sit on your phones respectively or watch a show on low volume in the background of something else. it’s like allowing yourself to do what you want, but still be near the other person
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GLEP: prioritizes za
- would say ew and then offer you weed
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lif3lessb0dy · 2 months
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₊˚⊹ ೀ lads boys; xavier & zayne
╰┈➤ headcanon/scenario; they saw how reader is struggling with her mental health
cw; self-harming(recovering), scars, depression in xavier's part, feeling not enough because of scars in zayne's part, cursing
a/n; if any of this topics is triggering you do not read! I kinda based some of this on my personal experience from the past so I did everything I could to make this accurate, if you feel like reading this will be harmful to your journey in any way feel free to skip it
i saw @chryssikyu 's post and decided that I can write something about it since I haven't found anything like that here.
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you were a team so he could watch how your behavior is changing
he was really worried, he wanted to ask if everything is fine
he was headed straight to your apartment, prepared the questions in his head, he was afraid that it would seem awkward, you were just work partners after all
he knocked at your door
you opened but after you realized that it was xavier you just wanted to start crying again, you looked like a total mess, you didn't want to make him worry about you but it was too late
„can i... can i come in?” he asked quietly
„yeah, of course” you wiped your wet cheeks with your sleeve once again.
you were nervous asf
after some minutes of normal talk he wanted to just ask about his suspicions
you started crying and opened up about your recovery and depression episodes that lately hit you badly, you told him how you were feeling about your job, friends and life in general
he saw your old scars on thighs but didn't say anything, he waited to see if you would like to talk about it, he didn't want to force you to do this, especially now
you had such a bad mental breakdown that you have told him everything.
„(y/n) if you ever have such a bad time again that you want to return to self-harm, come to me. we don't even have to talk if you don't want to, if you ever feel like that again just come to me. or I will come to you, I don't want you to suffer in silence, it's not a shame to ask for help or support.” he looked at you „you are so much more than what you think, i don't want you to sit in the dark of your room crying and thinking you're useless, because you're not. I know you probably think my words are a joke, but I really... I really like you so I want you to be happy, I would do anything to make sure you don't experience these bad moments alone”
you didn't expect this. you expected disgust or laugh. why was he so nice and caring? in your eyes you were just a burden to him on a missions but he still cared about you.
„I also understand that you will need your alone moments, I just want you to know that you can count on me.” he gently grabbed your hand. „we're more than just a team, I care about you and wish you the best”
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╰┈➤ ZAYNE!
it was your first date with him, you still couldn't believe that it was really happening
you wanted to dress nicely but after you saw yourself in the mirror you just started crying. no matter what dress or skirt you were wearing you still felt ugly. you felt like the scars on your body make you worse.
you called zayne and came up with some excuse just to stay at home. you really felt terrible, you just wanted to lay in bed all day and cry. you recently started therapy again because you knew that you were feeling worse and worse every day.
zayne knew that something was off. you were so excited, but suddenly you were sick and couldn't go? he knew that you were 100% healthy because he was your doctor after all, he didn't notice any signs of illness at yesterday's routine checkup
he decided to go to your apartment to see what was going on. he gently knocked and waited for an answer, after a while you opened the door.
„za-zayne?” he caught you off guard, you quickly pretended that you were coughing. „what are you doing here?”
„I wanted to examine you since you're not feeling well”
you felt guilty that you made him worry about you. you sighed and knew that you needed to tell him the truth.
„zayne... listen, i-i'm...” you started whispering.
„not sick?” he raised an eyebrow. „can I come in?”
you nodded twice. you felt embarrassed because of your lie.
„what's wrong, (y/n)? did something happen? or you just... didn't want to go? yo-you could tell me if you didn't want this date” he said calmly, almost like he thought that it's all because of pity towards him, well, he was the one who asked you out, he was worried that you agreed because you didn't want to make him feel bad
„no! i wanted it, but... it's really complicated” you avoided his gaze, not sure how to say what you were thinking. „since you're my doctor you know that...” you paused, your psychologist helped you learn how to talk about your feelings, but you were still afraid.
„know what?” he came closer and grabbed your hand. „don't be afraid, (y/n), you can tell me everything and I will not judge you” zayne said sincerely.
„do you think i'm worse than others because of my scars? do they make me ugly?” you looked straight into his eyes
„what?” he was completely shocked. „I have never thought like that and I never will. these scars are a sign of how much you've been through, that's the past, we can't change it, but we can do anything so you don't have to make new ones.” there was no insincerity in his gaze, only pure love. „I don't only care about how your body looks like, I see you as a wonderful, brave person who has a good heart. you're so pretty for me, some scars won't change it” he lifted your hand and gently pressed his lips against it.
„I wouldn't want people to start talking bad about you because of my...” he didn't let you finish, he cupped your face and ran his thumb over your lips.
„do you think I care about what they think when I have you by my side? you're a wonderful person, everyone admires how nice and helpful you are, often after you visit me in the hospital, people would talk about how beautiful you are, (y/n), let me show you how I see you, don't look at yourself like you're the worst piece of shit. i know it's not that easy, i'm glad you're continuing with therapy, and if there's anything i can do to show you how much i care about you – i will do it.”
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startagainaprologue · 6 months
...................... who gets grabbed at the end of the kingquest (bonnie looping au)
there isnt exaactly a kingquest here (no way in HELL is bonnie gonna trust the king)... but..
(The King. Tightens his hand around you.)
(You just wanted to help.)
(You just wanted to help!)
(You- You should've been strong enough now! To take him out even when everyone else is downed!)
(You aren't even sure you made a dent in his armor.)
(You hear the others scream below you. They're all too hurt to do anything.)
(You want to cry.)
(The King lifts you up a little.)
"Child... 'Bonnie'. You... hm."
(He pauses. You feel like you're going to throw up.)
"That smell... I see. Ooooh. Oooooooh.. I see."
(His grip tightens.)
"Hahahaha.. I see now. I understand. This.. this isn't how it should be. Isn't it, young one."
"I saw it, how you looked at me when you came in. Your companions all flinched when they heard my voice. But not you."
"I understand now... that sweet smell. Ooooooh. Yes..."
"It's wishcraft. Isn't it?"
(You feel sick.)
(You just want to go home.)
"Wh.. What is he talking about..?"
(You can hear 'Za cough as he tries to speak.)
"But... ah.. A quick death would be far to easy for you, wouldn't it, young one?"
"You would just come back, and try again, wouldn't you."
"Ooooooooh... Besides... someone. Someone must've taught you how.."
"I just need to make sure that.. today."
(The King reaches out his hand below.)
(Nonono no no nono no-)
(You're going to throw up no no no no.)
"Young one. Bonnie. Look at me."
"You need to learn to not cross me again."
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papil0nglegs · 4 months
Pics/gifs that remind me of them
(Fnf x reader)
Warnings: zaza, I hate this word but tsundere, insults but you guys are big girls/boys/things you can handle it
A/n: I’m gonna post shorter hcs for a bit cuz I’m working on this one req that has a lot of stuff, anyways ik this is cringey wattpad shit but who cares. Enjoy <33
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This is before you two were dating btw
All he wanted to do was doodle a bit 😔
“Oo whatcha got in there?”
“None of your goddamn business..”
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“Why are you hiding these they’re so c..”
This man was practically glowing mauve
It’s okay, you were blushing too
“…I won’t tell anyone if you let me keep it.”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Really? Cuz this says otherwise”
No but actually, you stared at them almost everyday
It got to the point where you memorized them page by page
After you guys started dating, it became an inside joke that he was always embarrassed of
“Draw me like your French girls Darnell..”
“Oh my fucking-just-don’t remind me”
Once you tried drawing him and it def wasn’t up to his level of mastery, but he still loved it
He cut it out and hung it up on his wall next to his bed
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You guys swap every now and then but she likes it more when you do it
“Y/n do me first plsplspls”
“Okay okay just as long as you take out your knives, I don’t want them to cut me again”
“That was one time 🙄”
“No nene, it was two times.”
Sometimes you’ll choose themes, like ocean or just a general color
You guys would get into funny arguments about the shades
“Nene this not purple that’s pink”
“It’s a mix of both!”
“The theme was purple so just do purple! It shouldn’t be a mix of anything 😒”
No wonder she always loses in dress to impress..
She would sometimes awkwardly zone out just staring at your eyes
(And if you have brown eyes and your eye does that one thing during golden hour, she’s immediately gone)
“The makeup.”
“Oh fuck, sorry”
You guys love face masks too
When she gets back from Ulta or Sephora she always brings something back for you
“Y/n guess what I got you!!”
“Lemme guess, another face mask”
“No! Sol de Janeiro scent 40!!”
“ gasp MARRY ME”
“OKAYY ^^”
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(Big ass picture omg)
Guys, the makeout sessions.
Pico is an okay kisser when sober, but for some reason his tongue just gets ✨✨ when puffing that za
He loves going to his house, playing “doin’ time” by sublime in the background while making out with you on his bed
You guys have been doing it since your teen years
“Mom I need to go to my friends house to study”
“Okay hun just be back before 8:30”
Best studying session of your life
Sometimes you guys don’t even kiss, just 🍃 + cartoons
Or random convos, like really random convos
He’s not a fan tho
“You think the wind is ever trying to tell us something we don’t understand yet?”
“…I want you to stop saying odd shit.”
One time, he grabbed your belt to pull you closer and did his tango with the tongue
The butterflies you felt when he did that.
“Jesus fuck Pico..”
“What? Did you not like it? I’m sorry I just-“
“Do it again or I’ll kill you”
You guys were such horny teens
And it hasn’t settled down ever since
But since consent is sexy, you two never BOOMBAYAH’D while 🍃
“P-Pico I bet can kiss every freckle on that beautiful fffucking face of yours”
“You wanna bet? Giggle I’ll put 20$ on this table right now”
“Hell yeah, bring it on Ed Sheeran head ass”
Eventually your lips got tired
“Pico my lips are so tired now”
“Nuh uh, keep going”
“Hey you can’t tell me what to do, respect women!”
“Idc I’m sexiest now”
“I think it’s sexist”
“No, it’s sextile”
I don’t think he was with us at that moment
Bitch was seeing stars
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livesworthlivingau · 2 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 24
Spoilers for ISAT/Two Hats below the break as always. CW: Some slight mental spiraling but hey that's to be expected at this point.
{You walk along with Bonnie sitting on your shoulders, gently but securely holding their legs to keep them from falling. Mirabelle and Odile joining you through the market as well. You smiled so brightly as Bon went on and on about their journey with the other saviors, listening intently to every word, so happy to have them back and know they were so well taken care of while you were frozen.}
{After a while, Isabeau finally returns, catching up to you all with a big smile.}
"Woah! When did you get so tall Bonnie?!"
"Hah! I'm taller than Za now! I'm unstoppable!!" {Bon proclaims with their fists confidently raised into the air. You can't help but chuckle heavily at that.}
"Thank y'all so much for taking such good care of Bonnie for me..." {You can't hold it in anymore, you're so grateful for everything they did, all the stories you've heard. Isabeau gives a bit of a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his head.}
"Thanks but... Sif's really the one you should be thanking the most." {You perk up at that, glancing at the others curiously. Mirabelle looks away with a shameful look. Odile has her arms crossed and doesn't want to meet your gaze either. You peek up at Bon, who's got a sad, pouting look on their face.}
"Did something happen Bon?..." {They look away as well, not wanting to talk about it, clearly.}
"There was this sadness once..." {Isabeau begins to explain.}
"None of us were close enough, and before we knew it it was about to get Bonnie... Sif's the fastest out of all of us, and suddenly he was there, in between them... He took the hit for them, lost his eye in the process..." {You're shocked at first, looking back up at Bon again, they still don't want to make eye contact. You pat their leg lightly to try and comfort them.}
"Well... I'll just have to thank them with the biggest hug I can manage when I meet them then~!" {You cheer, trying to lighten the mood for everyone. You're used to being an emotional rock for your sibling, it's almost comforting to get the chance again.}
"Y-Yeah! J-just be sure not to sneak up on him!" {Mirabelle chimes in, happy that that didn't ruin the good time you were all enjoying.}
"Heh... Don't want him to suplex you either Nille." {Bon teased with a grin. You roll your eyes a bit with a playful pout.}
"That was one time Bon!... Okay twice but still!" {You two have a little pouting stand off before you both break out into heavy laughter.}
"HAH! Not used to touch either then?"
"Not exactly, more just, easily spooked. Don't like things sneaking up on me, liable to get a hammer to the face that way."
"I'll do my best to stomp around as loud as possible." {Isabeau says with a grin. Bon giggling heavily at that.}
"That's what I had to do!! She even got me in a headlock once when I tried to surprise hug her!!"
"You knew not to sneak up on me Bon! I can't help what my body does when it gets surprised like that!"
"Perhaps it may be best to keep that hammer of yours by the door when we're in a safe place." {Odile chimes in with a light smirk, you're glad to hear she has a sense of humor, chuckling back a bit before responding.}
"Yeah that's usually the rule at home too." {Odile smiles at that, before her face turns more serious... studious maybe?}
"I apologize for the sudden shift in topic but, could we discuss your 'traveling companion'?"
"Hmm? Vale? Oh yeah, uhhh.. Y'all knew them as someone else I guess?" {You noticed they all called them Loop earlier, you don't want to expose too much since you aren't sure what they know versus what Vale told you.}
"Yeah, with a star for a head and everything, they were with Sif during the-" {Isabeau quickly claps a hand over their mouth.}
"Oh, Vale told me about the loops already actually, if that's what you mean."
"Oh!... Uhh... That makes things easier I guess?" {Isabeau looked relieved bit also pretty thrown off by that.}
"Including the new ones?" {Odile chimes in.}
"New ones?"
"I'll take that as a no then. What did Vale tell you about exactly?"
"Well... They kinda got really personal about a lot of stuff, I don't know what I'm allowed to talk about or not, y'know?"
"Yeah, we shouldn't be prying too much behind their back. How about your travels together then? You said they saved you from a sadness?" {Isabeau starts to shift the conversation.}
"Yeah! They must have been walking for a week straight or something, they passed out right after."
"Did they look like they do now, or?..."
"Oh, no, they were the star head you mentioned. My 'knight in shining face' as I called them." {Isabeau lets out a heavy belly laugh at that, you follow it up with a proud little chuckle. Bon even gives a little giggle at that.}
"We stuck around after that since they mentioned knowing y'all. We did some random busy work for coin, and they blew it all on some 'fancy outfits'." {You explain with a little smirk, it was difficult to even pretend to be angry about that, remembering the look on their face after trying on their first one. Isabeau watches your face curiously, smiling a little himself.}
"Heh, sounds like you two got real close already, huh?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I guess, just uhh... had a lot of bonding time together! Went through a lot in these past weeks." {You start to explain, a light blush across your face. Isabeau just gives you a knowing grin. Why does he keep looking at you like that?}
"O-Oh?! I hope your journey wasn't too difficult! What did you go through?" {Mirabelle chimes in nervously.}
"Oh! No no not like that kind of... Again, it was mostly personal stuff, I can't really talk about it much, but I've been helping them deal with some things."
"You mean like... Feelings buddies?!" {Her eyes beam brightly with excitement, you let out another laugh.}
"Yeah! Feelings buddies! That's a good way to put it." {Bon makes a gagging sound above you playfully. You lightly slap their leg before they giggle again.}
{You all continue sharing stories about your separate journeys, catching up while they gather supplies, doing your best to avoid any information that Vale might want to hold close to the chest.}
"So, have you told them anything?" [You ask, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence you both sat in.]
"Huh?" [Stardust perks up, confused by your sudden question.]
"About this go around, about the new loops... about me?"
"N-No! Nothing about you! I promise!" [They shoot up in a panic.]
"This isn't an interrogation, Stardust... I'm just curious where they're all at." [He settles back into his chair after a moment.]
"... I told them it's been 30 years, and some stuff related to that... I think that's it." [He ponders for a moment, trying to remember everything.]
"What have you told Nille?" [Your gaze drifts to the side, letting out a heavy sigh and taking a moment to speak.]
"Damn near everything..."
"... She knows I was you, and what I went through, and in turn what you went through. Sorry for telling your secret, it's not exactly easy to only tell my own."
"Th-That's okay!... Wow..." [They look absolutely dumbfounded by this bombshell.]
"I'm just as surprised as you are, I didn't expect to be spilling my guts about that ever, let alone to someone I've only known for such a short time."
"She really is special like that, huh?" [They ask with a bright smile.]
"She really is..."
[There's a knock at the door before it starts to peek open.]
"Hey! Sif, Vale, we're back!" [The Fighter calls in cautiously, taking a moment to open the door as to not interrupt so suddenly. You visibly tense up as they arrive, taking a deep breath or two to try and still your nerves.]
"Ack-Hey!" [He shouts as the Kid squirrels their way between him and the door, rushing up to Stardust.]
"FRIN FRIN FRIN! WE FOUND NILLE! NILLE'S HEEEEEERE! THE STAR WOOORKED!" [They yell at the top of their lungs in excitement, practically jumping on him and trying to tug him towards the door.]
"I heard! Hold on Bonbon!" [They protested in vain while the Kid kept pulling them towards the entrance. The rest of the party spilling inside, along with Nille.]
[Stardust finally gives in, letting themself be dragged along, giving a little wave hello to Nille before she suddenly envelops him in a massive, tight, warm hug... You look away as you feel your face heat up a tad. Please tell me that didn't make us jealous...]
"Thank you so much for what you did for Bonnie!"
"Agh! C-Can't... Breathe!" [You peek back over as she loosens her grip, still holding them close.]
"Sorry! Sorry. Just... Truly, thank you... thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to them."
"Yeah, of course..." [The look on their face says it all, they'd do it again a thousand times, without any hesitation. But no one wants to say that around the Kid.]
"What was that star anyhow?"
"You can thank our well dressed friend here for that!" [Nille proclaims, gesturing to you. You force a light smile.]
"I made a little wish, a gift from the universe… It seems it's not quite out to get us all the time after all." [The researcher continues to examine you curiously, it's incredibly unnerving. Stardust seems to take notice.]
"Odile, please let Vale relax at least before you interrogate them with your piercing stares." [They comment with a playful chuckle.]
"Ah, my apologies. You have me curious about a great many things, Vale, but that can wait til later." [Why did that feel like a threat? You do your best to shake that off, letting it be a problem for later.]
"Yes, well, I'm sure it's been a long day for all of us. Why don't I go figure out where I'll be staying for the evening and you all can get acquainted properly!"
"You're not staying with us?" [The Housemaiden chimes in.]
"Oh no, I couldn't possible impose!"
"But we've got plenty of room here! As long as someone doesn't mind taking the couch!" [She continues her insufferable insistence.]
"P-Please, I really couldn't interrupt just a lovely reunion like tha-"
"Vay, you're staying and that's final~." [Nille says plainly, as if it were a simply fact of the universe. You think for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh.]
"Fine… But I'll be taking the couch, I won't let anyone else suffer it for my benefit."
"Deal!" [The Housemaiden finally agrees, why must they all be so insufferably kind… You glance back over at Stardust. He has a bright smile plastered on his face, so glad you'll be staying. You let out another sigh, still so unsure about all of this. At this point, you've made your bed, somewhat literally, and now you must sleep in it.]
[You lie on the couch, blanket over you, forearm resting over your head, the other over your chest. You stare blankly at the ceiling while sleep eludes you, not that you expected it to come easy this night. With everything going on it would simply be a miracle to get a wink of sleep that night.]
[You perk up as you hear a door open, a stifled cry, and footsteps down the hall. You peek over the couch to find Nille leaving the hallway, wiping the tears from her eyes and heading over to you quickly.]
"Nille?! What's wrong, why are y-" [You begin to ask before you're suddenly enveloped in an incredibly tight hug. You blink in confusion, but slowly bring your arms up to wrap around her as well.]
"Sorry, sorry, just got emotional thinking about Bon and... Thank you so crabbing much for protecting them..."
"What? But... that was Stardust, not me."
"You mean the one who used to be?" [She asked like the point wasn't even worth refuting, slowly bringing a hand up to move the hair out of your face and behind your ear. She then rests it on your cheek, looking into your eyes. Her rough, calloused hands still managing to hold your face so gently.]
"I always wanted to ask about your eyes being different colors... I noticed you were blind in one a while ago but didn't want to bring it up... You lost it for Bonnie, didn't you?"
"... That... That was Stardust, I can't take credit for it..."
"Vale... That happened before your wishes, right? And your eye is still affected. That means it happened, and you saved them. So thank you. Thank you for making sure me and Bon got to see each other again..."
[You look away, you still don't feel deserving of the thanks. Even if it was technically you back then, that's not you anymore. Would we even make the same choice?... Would we be strong enough to do so?]
"Well, I just had to get that out of my system." [She explains, sniffling and wiping her eyes again, trying to get a hold of herself.]
"I better get back before Bon wakes up... Thanks Vay, for everything, and for sticking around." [She says, her touch slowly leaving your form, in spite of your desperate, internal wish that it would stay... No... no we can't trap her, we can't trap anyone ever again... She heads back to her room, closing the door and leaving you to yourself once more. You simply stare at the ceiling again until the sun begins to beam through the window.]
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Eddie Munson x Reader (18+)
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Summary: (reader smokes weed with her crush Eddie, lowered inhibitions lead to shared secrets, smut ensues)
Word Count: 5.8k
Content: she/her pronouns, drugs (don’t do drugs, kids), some cursing, sexual content, p in v sex, unprotected sex, praise during sex, pet names (princess, baby, sweet thing), loss of virginity (reader’s)
Minors DNI pls !!!
Part 2
All she could focus on was the ticking of the clock, digging deeper into her psyche and driving her absolutely crazy that class was not over yet. She wasn’t a bad student, in fact, she did very well in her English class, but right now all she could think about was meeting Eddie out by the abandoned wooden table in the woods, just far enough from the school so nobody would bother them. She was downright jonesing for some of that za.
It didn’t hurt that she had had a crush on the school freak for a while. They shared the senior Calculus class, and if it wasn’t for her letting him brazenly cheat off of all of her work, he wouldn’t even be passing. In the period before her English—the Calculus class—she had slid a note to Eddie that read, Woods after last period? He answered with a subtle nod, and that was that. They had plans to make a sweet deal.
The bell rang, and she scooped up her bag and almost ran out of the classroom, jump-scaring a few peers as she zoomed past them still in their seats. She slipped through the halls towards the exit, darting past all of the high school trope groups and the group-less people who were getting excited for the weekend.
It was a sunny day outside with small fluffy clouds, but still a briskness to the air, making her realize she had left her sweater in her English class in her rush. Well, she thought, I guess it’ll be in the lost and found on Monday.
She snuck past the track field, managing to stay unnoticed by all of the students leaving the school at the same time. Trudging through the forest, she made a game of it to make as little sound as she could, staring at her feet and avoiding twigs and leaves that looked particularly crunchy. She almost won the game in her head, just about to make it to the wooden table...
She hit something sturdy, immediately bouncing backwards and landing hard on her ass. “Ow,” she reacted, then looking up to meet the eyes of the man, the myth, the legend. Eddie Munson.
“Sorry, was I in your way?” he joked, extending out an arm to help her up off of the ground. She accepted it, taking his hand and feeling him yank her up with such ease that it gave her a small headrush coming up so fast.
“Sorry, I was looking at the ground,” she mumbled, following him to join him at the table.
“Yeah, I noticed you do that,” he said. Even when he didn’t mean to, everything he said sounded like flirting, and it only made her more nervous around him. He sat across from her, opening his box and keeping its contents out of view of her. “So... same as usual?”
“Mmm, I think I want more this time. How much can I get for thirty-five?” she asked, pulling a crumpled wad of cash out of her jeans pocket.
“Woah, that’s a lot. You trying to stave off our little visits?” he jokingly asked, although the fastest little glint of sadness shone in his big brown eyes.
“Oh, no, you know these are the highlights of my week,” she mused back, flashing a cheeky grin that had him smiling back immediately. He pulled a bag of bud out of his box, and it was a lot; her eyes were glued to the hefty amount of weed in the plastic bag. She could feel his stare burning her skin as she struggled to meet eyes again. “How much would I have to pay you to roll for me? I’m just not as good at it as you are.”
“Princess, you know flattery is the way to my heart,” he openly flirted, “For you? I’d roll your whole bag for free. Only price is that you’d have to pick up your goods from me later at my place, it’s gonna take some time to roll all of this up.”
The pet name caused her cheeks to burn, and he must have noticed the effect that that had on her because his grin turned deviously large. She managed to stutter out, “Y-yeah, that’d be c-cool.”
“C-cool?” he mocked, eating up her nervousness and having it boost his confidence. “Don’t tell me you're clamming up on me, sweetheart.”
She rolled her eyes, releasing her tension with a breathy chuckle. “Don’t play dumb with me, Munson, you know you’re hot,” she joked, hoping he would drop the subject of her anxiety if she called out the reason for it.
“You think I’m hot?” he asked. His tone had changed from his usual flirtatiousness to actual intrigue. She dropped the cash on the table in front of him, hoping to escape the mess she had created.
“So, where do you live? And when do you want me to meet you there?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, giving her a look that said, So, we’re just gonna skip over what you just admitted? Her unmoving stare answered his question and he moved on, taking her money off of the table and answering her with, “The trailer park. I’m the big silver one. Van outside. You’ll know it when you see it. And... how about nine?”
“Nine’s good,” she uttered, swiftly turning away from the table and taking off in a blushing rush, tucking her hair behind her ears as she power-walked away from the table as fast as she could.
“Alright, see you at nine, princess!” she heard Eddie call from behind.
Nine p.m. had finally rolled around, and she managed to find his trailer in the trailer park. She recognized his van, sweeping her fingers along the side of it as she made her way to his front door. Or, the only door of his trailer.
Admittedly, she had gotten a little dolled up. She didn’t change her outfit, for that would have been way too obvious, but she did add a touch of makeup, just enough to make her eyes pop in the way she likes and make her lip look extra kissable.
Taking in a deep breath, she knocked softly on the door three times. The third knock was cut off by the door swinging open and Eddie’s tall figure stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey there, sweet thing, you come here often?” he flirted, tilting his head to the side and looking her up and down obnoxiously. The exaggeration of his attempt at flirting drew a giggle out of her, rewarding Eddie with a sense of satisfaction at making her laugh.
“Got the goods?” she asked, taking a step towards the door, and he moved out of her way to let her in. She scanned over the piles of cassettes and VHS tapes, noting his abundance of horror movies and metal music, which she had expected. The smell of cigarettes and dust lingered in the air, which she didn’t mind at all. She’d never admit it because of all the medical propaganda her family dumped on her, but she thought it was cool that he smoked cigarettes. She had seen him lighting up a few times before in his van while leaving school, and she just couldn’t deny what seeing that little stick hanging from his lips did to her.
“Yeah, uh, sorry about the mess,” he said, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. She had never seen him be bashful before, and heart did a little leap as she had found it endearing.
“It’s fine, Eddie. I can promise my bedroom is much worse,” she joked, still looking around his trailer. She hadn’t realized it, but he noticed that that was the first time she had ever referred to him as Eddie. To everyone but his club, he was always Munson, always the freak. His heart did a leap too in that moment.
“Oh! I got your goods in here,” he said, dipping away to fetch the baggie of joints he had pre-rolled for her. Damn, he was right. That was a lot of joints. She stared at the bag in awe.
Being in his home must have given her a small sense of confidence, because she proceeded to nervously ask him, “Um... if it’s not too much to ask, would you like to smoke one with me...?”
He stared at her with an indecipherable expression. She couldn’t tell if he was deciding for or against smoking with her, and she broke eye contact and looked down as a nervous habit. She started to backtrack, “Y-you don’t have to, I just—”
“Fuck, yeah. I’d love to.” He dropped a big dimply grin, infecting her with the giggles.
He opened the bag and pulled one of the neatly rolled joints out before zipping it closed and passing it back to her. She put the baggie of joints in her bag quickly, pulling out her own small bright blue handheld lighter. She gave the lighter to Eddie before mentioning, “Don’t forget to give that back, it’s my only lighter.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, princess,” he answered smugly before extending an arm in a silent invitation to sit on the couch, and she obliged. She sank down on the old couch, and it felt more comfortable than her own couch at home. He plopped down next to her hard, rocking her and the couch, before holding the joint out for her to take. “You go first,” he said, tilting his head down to look at her with a devilish grin.
“Gladly,” she said, leaning forward and catching the end of the joint on her lips, taking it from him without using her hands. “Light me up?” she asked through the joint on her lips.
“Gladly,” he returned, using her wording against her. He held the little blue lighter to the end of the joint, flicking the gear and igniting it. She hovered over the flame for a moment before pulling back to breathe it in, puffing on the joint heavily before Eddie swiftly grabbed it from her lips. 
The burn in her lungs felt like a warm tingle spreading through the inside of her chest, but it was the burn in her throat that made her cough. She coughed an embarrassing amount, her face and eyes turning red from it. “Hey, it’s supposed to be puff puff pass,” she whined in a manner that conveyed she wasn’t serious, but her mangled voice was what made Eddie laugh.
He gave a dark chuckle before saying, “Like you’d say no to me, sweetheart.” He held her gaze intensely as he hit the joint, taking in a deep puff before letting out a billowing cloud of smoke, blowing the smoke into her face teasingly. She laughed at his gesture, waving away the cloud.
After they had gone back and forth, taking turns of the joint until it was just a roach, she put the roach down on the ashtray on his coffee table. Eddie had some of his music playing as they were both leaning back against the couch, heads staring at the ceiling as they felt the weed kick in.
She began to feel fuzzy, her body feeling so heavy like it was sinking further into the couch. She let out a light stoner laugh as she felt the tingles spread down to her fingertips and toes, feeling her brain swirl around like the room was spinning. The voice of her consciousness sounded out loud, and her speaking voice sounded too quiet like it was in her head. But her absolute favorite part of getting high was the sense that she truly had no other care in the world, just bliss and fuzziness and oversaturated colors. It felt like peace.
“This shit fucks so hard, Eddie,” she said, her brain confused to if she even said those words aloud.
She lazily tilted her head towards him, watching with heavy eyes as he stared at the ceiling. She couldn’t help but stare. It was definitely the weed heightening this thought, but she couldn’t help but notice how pretty he was. His big brown eyes with the long eyelashes, his dimples that suited his cheeks so well, his sharp jaw and strong chin, and oh, those plump, kissable lips.
“Eddie...?” she whispered, pulling his gaze from the ceiling to her.
“Yeah, princess?”
His eyes were so red. She would have laughed if she wasn’t about to say, “Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?”
He laughed slower than usual, so she could tell he was deep in his high like she was. Their conversation felt like it was happening underwater, and his voice tickled her ears as he replied, “Damn it, babe, I was supposed to call you pretty first.”
She felt the laughter bubble in her chest first, slowly erupting from her mouth, her brain feeling disconnected from the process. “Beat you to it. Sucks to suck, Munson.”
His eyes drooped, and he glanced at her lips before looking back into her eyes. “You are, y’know. Pretty.”
She looked away out of habit before giving a huff. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious,” he said, turning his body so he was facing her. “I was surprised you even wanted to smoke with me. Hell, I’m surprised you even wanted to buy from me. The cute girl in my Calculus class wanted to buy from me? How did I get so lucky?”
She turned her body so she was facing him, leaning her swirling head against the couch. Her eyeballs felt fuzzy as she looked up at him with doe eyes. “You think I’m the cute girl in class? You dummy, I think you’re the cute boy in class. Why do you think I let you cheat off of my work?”
His eyes stared deeply into hers, and he glanced at her lips briefly again. This time, she returned the favor by glancing at his. She felt her heart racing in her chest, every thump echoed through her body until her extremities felt numb. He placed his large hand on the side of her face, and the coolness of the rings were like a shock to her as he swiped over her lips with his thumb. His touch felt electrifying, as if every nerve cell in her body was magnetized to his skin. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, in the softest tone she had ever heard from his lips.
“You fucking better,” she joked and was immediately pulled in. When their lips met, it felt like fireworks were going off inside of her. Tingles shot up the back of her neck and crept up the base of her skull, capturing her in pure bliss as Eddie’s lips melted into her own. She could taste the weed and hint of cigarettes in his mouth, and she could hear the heavy breathing from his nose against her face. It was all she ever dreamed of, plus some. She had never enjoyed kissing other boys, mushing mouths always felt so awkward and unnatural. But with Eddie, now, all she wanted was to feel the soft fleshy wet mess of tongue against tongue. Her heightened sensations from the weed mixed with her established crush on Eddie had her already giving out soft moans into his mouth, and she could just feel him smile against her mouth in return. She felt his big warm hands place themselves on her waist, and she leaned in further, pressing her chest against his.
She didn’t even feel when her hands had moved to grip his Hellfire Club shirt until he pulled back. “Damn, why have we never done this before?” he said in a deep husky voice.
“Because I get nervous,” she said, feeling the words spill out before she had time to think of a proper response. She looked down and fiddled with the neckline of his shirt before saying, “And because this weed’s got me feeling brave, Eddie.”
“Just how brave are we talking?” he asked, thinking she wouldn’t notice his quick glance down at her body. She did notice. In that moment, her body felt hot to the touch, and then the weed did something it had never done before. Maybe she had just never been horny and high at the same time, but the way the pot in her system sent her body into maximum overdrive at the way Eddie eyed her body had her throbbing hard in her jeans. Her nerves were ablaze everywhere, especially there, and she could just feel her underwear becoming increasingly more damp the longer she stared at him.
“Really brave,” she muttered, unable to speak above a whisper due to the intense craving her body was feeling. He flashed that dimply grin like he knew she couldn’t resist it and moved his hands to cup her face. She let her neck go lax, melting into his touch and letting him hold the weight of her head. His hands felt so hot against her face, and then he leaned in so close that his lips brushed against hers as he spoke.
“You ever fucked a future rockstar?” he inquired, his eyes looking darker and deeper than ever.
A chill ran down her spine at his words, and a let out a shaky exhale before admitting, “I’ve haven’t ever fucked.”
He immediately dropped his charismatic persona, pulling back with a look of concern in his eyes. “I’d offer, but I don’t think it would be right to... deflower you... in such a state...” He began to trail off, but she put a finger to his lips.
“Eddie, right now, I’ve never wanted anything else so god damn bad,” she said, unable to take her eyes off of his perfect plump lips. “Only reason I never have is because I’ve never liked anyone else this much.”
She watched as his lips morphed from a concerned flat line back into that devilish smile she liked to see so much. It infected her, making her smile wide as well, and the tip of her finger felt like it was buzzing as she traced along his smiling lips with her finger. The underwater feeling returned as she leaned up to bring his lips back into a kiss, laying back on the couch and pulling him down with her so that he was laying on top of her and kissing her.
“Damn, you really do get brave when you smoke,” he chuckled, and the deep chuckle rumbled in her ears as she caught his lips again, opening her mouth to invite him into hers. His tongue slid across hers, feeling hot and slimy, and she loved it, returning the gesture. She felt him slowly drop all of his body weight onto hers, and the pressure against her lower abdomen caused her to let out a small gasp into his mouth. He felt her gasp, taking a sense of pride in being the one to make her feel this way and pressed himself against her again, feeling his own excitement start to build.
She spread her knees apart, allowing him to lay between her legs, and he willingly obliged to taking the position, sliding his denim-clad crotch against hers. The friction of him pressing the seam of her jeans into her elicited the smallest moan from her, and Eddie repeated this against but harder, fulling grinding into her as their mouths danced and his clothed erection rubbed against her. Her fingers found their way into his long hair, her nails accidentally scratching against his scalp, making him groan into her mouth. The sounds and feelings that he was giving her welded together in a fuzzy entanglement, making her already spinning head feel like she was on air. She felt his warm hands snake down from her face down to the hem of her shirt, dipping his fingers underneath the fabric to brush against her hot skin. The sudden coldness of the rings made her slightly jump, and he pulled back, worry apparent on his face. His eyes nonverbally asked, Is this too much?
“Sorry, your rings are just cold,” she giggled, before taking the initiative to lift her own shirt over her head, revealing the black bra underneath. Truth be told, after school she had switched into her fancier undergarments in the hopes that something would happen between them. And she was appreciative to her past self for making that decision. He stared in awe at her chest, all pushed together by the tight black bra and looking extra plump in the dim trailer lighting. He took the chance to bury his face in her cleavage, sucking and smacking on the soft flesh, leaving little reddish purple spots in his wake, causing her to moan and lightly buck her hips up. She was already turned on, but now she just felt like an animal in heat, all wet and needy for him. He pulled a nipple out of its bra cup and took it into his mouth, swirling his tongue softly on the hardened bud, and she felt waves of tingles flow through her body, half from the high and half from the pleasure he was bringing her just from sucking on her naked skin. When she had gripped his hair so hard she was worried she’d accidentally yank it out, he grinned against her soft skin, just knowing how he was affecting her untouched body.
“That feel good, princess?” he whispered, releasing her nipple from his mouth, pulling back to look in her eyes. He had never seen her, or anyone, look so desperate and needy. Hell, she would have begged if he told her to. She looked up at him with pleading doe eyes, and he just melted at the sight. “C’mon, baby, use your words.” His deep voice dripped like honey into her ears, and she felt the shift in her core that made her need some friction down there.
She whispered back, “Please keep touching me.”
He chuckled and with a teasing voice said, “Oh, baby, you think that is me touching you? You don’t even know.”
He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, pulling them down her thighs until she lifted her legs above his head so that he could pull them off of her calves. He threw the jeans on the floor next to her shirt, keeping her legs up with his hands. She didn’t realize she was panting as he slid his hands down her legs, letting them drop on either side of him while he gazed tenderly at her damp panties.
“Already so wet for me, baby? That’s so sweet of you,” he teased, hooking his finger under the wet patch and pulling her underwear to the side. She gawked at him unabashedly as he swiped his fingers up her wet slit, his fingers feeling cold against her heat. She whimpered at the cold sensation, accidentally bucking her hips. The high had left her brain and traveled south, making her body feel abuzz as he rubbed up and down her slit a couple of times, barely grazing the sensitive nub at the top.
“God, you’re so hot,” she heard him say, but her eyes screwed shut at the sensation of her throbbing cunt being touched so gently. When she felt a finger prod her hole, she gasped, letting him know she was very ready to be entered. A thick finger entered her, and she moaned loudly as he pushed his finger all the way in, his thumb still rubbing up and down. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in his finger, choosing to add a second one. The second finger made her feel the slight stretch, and she moaned louder at the sensation. He started pumping his fingers in and out of her, starting a new building sensation in her core. The faster he pumped, the more he bumped that sensitive nub with his thumb, and that feeling inside of her felt like something deep was about to explode. She unashamedly rutted her hips against his hand, letting out more whimpers and moans than she ever had before in her life.  And just as she teetered the edge of that sinfully delicious explosion, he stopped completely, pulling his fingers out of her and leaving her a panting, soaking mess.
Her throat hitched, releasing an audible whine, making Eddie laugh. He leaned over her, his painfully hard but fully covered erection hovering over her sopping heat, and said, “Now see, baby, that was me touching you.”
She was speechless and desperate, needing any sort of attention back on her tingling loins. “Will you please fuck me?” she timidly asked, relinquishing any morsel of control she had and completely throwing the ball in his court.
“Of course, princess,” he said with a wink. He paused to sit up and look around the small living room of the trailer before declaring, “But not here.”
“Not here?” she breathed out.
“C’mere, we’re going to my room,” he said, lifting himself quickly off of the couch before turning around to swoop down and suddenly lift her off of the cozy furniture, bridal-style. She reveled in the romance of it all, feeling most definitely like a princess with her handsome knight in shining armor, freely laughing as he carried her to his little room.
Eddie’s bedroom smelled a lot more like weed than his living room, and she could guess where he smoked most of the time. Metal and rock posters lined the walls, and towers of cassettes, books, and VHS tapes littered the floor.
He ducked down to lay her down gently on the bed before yanking his Hellfire club shirt over his head quickly and tossing it on a pile of discarded clothes on the floor. She stared at his bare torso, admiring his tattoos, and he just ate it up. He smiled before dropping himself down on the bed over her. “You ready for more, sweetheart?”
"Yes,” she blurted out with zero hesitation, eagerly nodding and eyeing the tent in his jeans hungrily. He followed her line of sight, smirking to himself when he realized she was staring straight at his boner. He leaned back, looking down to undo his jeans before he shimmied them off, letting the tent in his boxers swing free, before throwing his jeans onto the pile of clothes to join his shirt. He then resumed his place, crawling over her as she laid back on his bed, his clothed erection grazing her legs and then her abdomen as he climbed up her body. Using his forearms to hover over her, she dug her fingers into his hair and pulled him into a steamy kiss. As their mouths meshed together again, he steadily lowered himself so that their half-naked bodies were flush against each other, and she could feel his stiffness nestle right into the crotch of her panties, making her let out a shaky breath.
He slithered his large hands down her body before reaching her underwear, hooking his fingers into the sides before pulling from the kiss to ask, “Can I take these off?”
“Only if you say please,” she joked, mentally slapping herself for choosing this moment to toss in a joke. But, like the good sport he was, Eddie was quick to respond.
“Please, oh please, may I take thy panties off?” he mused back, but looked confounded when he saw her flinch. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re very hot, Eddie, but please don’t use the word panties. It just feels so weird when guys say it.”
“Eddie, I’m serious. It feels icky.”
“Panties!” he yelled, waving his hands in her face and laughing hard at the cringing expression on her face. She couldn’t help but join in his laugh, being able to look at their conversation in a different light, and seeing how ridiculous they sounded.
She sighed, shaking her head in an endeared manner as she said, “Fine. Thou may remove mine panties,” returning the joke of Old English speak.
He gave an exaggerated groan and said, “God, you’d do so well in DnD. That’s so hot.”
“Ist thou removing mine panties, or what?” she asked flatly, hoping to get back on track to their sexual shenanigans.
“Oh! Right, yes,” he said before theatrically yanking down her underwear and tossing them over his shoulder. All of the laughing and giggling stopped when he laid eyes on her sopping cunt. She could just see his erection strain against the thin fabric of his boxers. He pulled them down, letting his boner spring free, and his length slapped against her thigh. She hadn’t expected it, but the boy was hung. She gawked at his long extremity, and he let her, taking pride in her jaw dropping. She looked back up into his eyes and smiled when he asked, “You ready?”
“Mhm,” she mumbled before wrapping her hand around his member, but he put his hand over hers to stop her, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Woah, wait, do we need a condom?” he asked, gingerly stroking his thumb over her hand.
She shook her head, “I’m on the pill, Eddie.”
He grinned in response, before taking the reins to line the tip up to her still-soaking entrance. When he started to push in, she felt the swirling feeling coming back to her head, and she couldn’t tell if she was still so high or if this was a new feeling, being already cock-drunk on Eddie. The stretch of him felt sharp for a moment, but she felt too blissful to react to it, pulling his head down to attach her lips to his once more. Their mouths hung open against each other’s as he fully sheathed himself in her, and this time she did let a small whimper of pain escape. Her pain immediately dissolved into pleasure as she adjusted to his size.
When he began to move inside of her, starting slow as he pulled out and pushed back in ever so gently, she was still a moaning mess, moaning against his open mouth.
“That feel good, baby?” he asked, and his words had never felt so sugary sweet. All she could do was moan in response, her moan raising in pitch as it caught in her throat. He broke their kiss to watch her face, her expression conveying euphoria as he slid in and out of her. Her tight walls felt so good on his cock; he would have finished then and there if he wasn’t so focused on her. He snuck a hand down between their bodies, searching for her sensitive little nub, and once he found it and began drawing small circles around it with his finger, she could feel that building sensation return. And he could tell from her moans getting progressively louder. He wanted her first time to be everything she could have wished for, so he started to pick up his pace and thrusted harder and faster into her, keeping his finger steady on her clit.
Sparks were shooting through her body, centered around her lower abdomen, and she wrapped her legs around Eddie to keep him closer, even though she knew he wasn’t going anywhere. The steady circling around her clit became sloppy as he let himself pound into her hard, and she felt his member reach impossible depths inside of her. The faster and harder pace of his cock sliding in and out of her, stretching her from the inside out, had her digging her nails hard into Eddie’s shoulder blades as she felt her hips begin to chase that tension building in her. She let herself get lost in the pleasure of it all, the tingles in her brain all the way down to her fingers and toes mixed with the waves of pleasure coming from her abdomen had her toes curling and her eyes squeezed shut. She felt her walls begin to squeeze tighter as the tension inside of her began to reach its peak, like a string about to snap.
She suddenly felt her face being grabbed by a strong hand, her jaw entirely encapsulated. “Look at me,” his voice demanded, and she opened her eyes pitifully, giving him the eye contact he wanted. Eddie had always been so silly, such a tease. It was shocking yet so deeply arousing to hear such sternness in his voice. “I wanna see it in your face when I make you come.”
“Eddie,” she whimpered, “I think I’m gonna—”
“I know, baby, I can feel it. Be a good girl and come for me.”
And with his words, that string inside of her snapped, and she let out a squealing moan as she experienced her orgasm in waves, feeling her walls pulsate and stretch over his cock while her body went completely lax. He continued to pound through it all, letting out aggressive grunts as he thrusted through the clenching of her walls, giving her continuous echoes of her orgasm until his pace stuttered. He released a gentle moan with his own release, prolonging it with extra pushes into her until he felt his own hot liquid seep out of her tight hole that was clenched around his member. He pulled out slowly, and she whined at the sudden emptiness inside of her.
“God damn,” he huffed with a tired smile before dropping his body onto hers, burying his face in her naked chest. She giggled at this, playing with his hair and scratching her nails over his scalp.
They stayed like that for a good long moment, basking in their post-coital bliss, until she noticed the clock next his bed. She read the time with a gasp. “Oh my god, it’s like three in the morning! Shit, I gotta get home.”
They climbed out of Eddie’s bed reluctantly, gathering their clothes from his bedroom floor and from the living room floor. They hadn’t spoken a word yet, both too nervous to wreck the good thing they had going, until Eddie couldn’t take the tension anymore. “Okay, so... I guess I’ll see you on Monday?” he asked, not sure of what to say but wanting to desperately to beg to spend more time with her.
“Yeah,” she shrugged, before pausing a long moment to suggest, “or we could hang out like tomorrow, or technically later today... Uh, if you’re not busy...”
He absolutely beamed at her words. She did want to spend more time with him. He felt excitement blossom in his chest as their little situation felt like the beginning of something special. “Tomorrow—er, later today—would be awesome.”
She let out a nervous, breathy chuckle. “Cool.”
“Cool,” he repeated back to her. They fell into silence again, but it was comfortable silence this time.
“I, uh,” she began, gesturing to the door.
“Oh! Yes, of course,” he said, stepping out of her way and opening the door for her. When he opened the door, the cold night air hit her like a ton of bricks and she shivered, regretting leaving her sweater in class earlier that day.
He witnessed her slight shiver, instantly saying, “Wait right here,” before dipping away to grab something from his bedroom. He came back with his iconic denim and leather jacket, offering it to her. “It’s really cold out tonight,” he shrugged, like giving her his jacket was no big deal.
“I can’t take your jacket,” she said, attempting to politely decline.
He hung it on her shoulders and said, “Well, you can give it back later,” both as a way to make her more comfortable but also as a way to express that he hopes she sticks to their plans.
“Okay,” she breathed, “and you’ll have to give back my lighter.”
And with that, she was on her way home with plans to see Eddie tomorrow.
A/N: my first Eddie fic !!! Part of me wants to do a part 2 so bad, but pls let me know how u feel about it omg <3 lov u guys
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jokeroutsubs · 23 days
📝ENG Translation: Proofread Demoni lyrics with English translation by JokerOutSubs
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For the purpose of the second anniversary of Demoni album, we've put together a proofread version of the lyrics, along with English translations made by the JokerOutSubs team!
We've also updated our Lyricstranslate with all English versions from Demoni, you can find them here. (Some linebreaks, punctuations and capitalizations differ on there because we used Demoni album booklet as reference for our transcripts!)
Translations below the cut!
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Katrina (SLO)
Iščejo roke pot do njenega sveta. A ne razumejo, da tam ni prostora za oba. Le njeni glasovi, ko plešem z volkovi, ugašajo nemir. Pozabi me, kakor da me sploh ni tu. Izrabi me, ko strah prevlada v snu. Le njeni glasovi, ko plešem z volkovi, ugašajo nemir.
Povej mi, Katrina, me sploh rada imaš? Nazaj se ti vračam, da me spet izigraš.
Čaka me poraz, neizbežen v bitki tej. Večer bo dokaz, prav to me vleče k njej. Le njeni nasmehi, na poti k utehi, ugašajo nemir.
Kličejo me solze na pomoč. Nočejo za njo razlit se vsako noč. Ne sprejmejo mojega opravičila, da se bo zame spremenila.
Povej mi, Katrina, me sploh rada imaš? Nazaj se ti vračam, da me spet izigraš. Šibko točko udari, le ti jo poznaš.
Povej mi, Katrina, me sploh rada imaš? Nazaj se ti vračam, da me spet izigraš. Vse bolj gorim, hrepenim za vsakim strelom, ki ga zadaš.
Katrina (ENG)
Hands search a path to her world, but they don't understand that there's no room for both. Only the sounds she makes, when I dance with the wolves, chase off the restlessness Forget me like I am not even here. Use me when fear wins in your slumber. Only the sounds she makes, when I dance with the wolves, chase off the restlessness
Tell me, Katrina, do you even love me? I come back to you, for you to double cross me again.
I'm waiting for defeat, inevitable in this battle, the evening will be the proof, just this pulls me towards her. Only her smiles on the path to comfort chase off the restlessness.
My tears are calling out for help They don't want to spill for her every night. They don't accept my apology, that she will change for me.
Tell me, Katrina, do you even love me? I come back to you, for you to double cross me again. Hit my weak spot, only you know it.
Tell me, Katrina, do you even love me? I come back to you, for you to double cross me again. I'm burning and yearning after every shot, that you inflict.
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Ne bi smel (SLO)
Oprosti, da spet kličem te, čeprav je pozno in sovražiš me. Rad bi vedel, kaj lahko naredim, da mikrokozmos tvoj nazaj dobim.
Ni besed pravilnih, celo noč sem jih iskal. Razen, da iskreno rečem, da neskončno mi je žal. Žal mi je, da te bolim, boljše ni v pesmi tej. Žal mi je, da sem bil slep in tega nisem videl prej.
Čez resnico sem potresel svoj pepel. Večno kriv, nikoli cel.
Vem, da ne bi smel, a drugače nisem znal ugasniti tišine, bežati od bližine. Žal, drugače nisem znal. Izdal te za trenutek lažne sreče, zdaj pa spet me k tebi vleče.
Oprosti, da ti kradem čas. Hotel sem ti vse povedat in slišati tvoj glas. Rane puščam si odprte, da jih objame sol, če ne vrneš se domov.
Čez resnico sem potresel svoj pepel. Večno kriv, nikoli cel.
Vem, da ne bi smel, a drugače nisem znal ugasniti tišine, bežati od bližine. Žal, drugače nisem znal. Izdal te za trenutek lažne sreče, zdaj pa spet me k tebi vleče. Spet me k tebi vleče.
A žal, drugače nisem znal.
I Shouldn't Have (ENG)
I'm sorry for calling you again Even though it's late and you hate me I want to know what can I do To get your microcosmos back
There are no right words, I was searching for them all night long Unless I tell you the truth that I'm infinitely sorry
I'm sorry that I've hurt you, there is nothing better in this song I'm sorry That I've been blind and haven't noticed it before
Poured my ashes over the truth Always guilty, never whole
I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't know how else to Turn off the silence, run away from intimacy But unfortunately I didn't know any other way Betrayed you for a moment of fake happiness But now I want to go back to you
Sorry for wasting your time I wanted to tell you everything and hear your voice I'll leave my wounds open, To let in the salt, if you don't come back home
Poured my ashes over the truth Always guilty, never whole
I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't know how else to Turn off the silence, run away from intimacy But unfortunately I didn't know any other way Betrayed you for a moment of fake happiness But now I want to go back to you I want to go back to you
But unfortunately I didn't know any other way
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Plastika (SLO)
Nisem si všeč, čas je za modifikacijo. Trenutek je popoln za operacijo.
Filter mi ne dela, ko se gledam v ogledalu. Koža ni več sveža in sivijo mi lasje, pa triindvajset jih imam šele.
Plastika, znanstvena fantastika. Plastika, znanstvena fantastika. Jaz pa ti, ti pa jaz, vsi imamo en obraz. Juhuhu, hahaha, originalna kopija. Plastika, znanstvena fantastika.
Nova sem oseba, ko zbudim se iz narkoze. Lica pod pritiskom mi zapirajo oči. Malo težje govorim, ampak dobre so prognoze, eno leto bo tako in potem več ne boli.
Ko vrne se zavest, eno fotkico objavim. Ne morem se odločit, a se jočem ali smejim. Srčkajo na polno in letijo komentarji, sanjsko dobro izgledam in od sreče kar žarim.
Jaz bom za vedno lep, drugo nič mi ni pomembno. Razkrajal se bom tisoč let. Kaj me briga, če ni dedno. Jaz bom za vedno lep, najlepši na tem svetu. Najlepši na planetu.
2x Plastika, znanstvena fantastika. Plastika, znanstvena fantastika. Jaz pa ti, ti pa jaz, vsi imamo en obraz. Juhuhu, hahaha, originalna kopija. Plastika, znanstvena fantastika.
Plastic (ENG)
Unhappy with my looks, it's time for a makeover The time is right for some surgical adjustments.
The mirror doesn't have a face filter for reflection. My skin looks dull and my hair is turning gray When I'm only twenty-three.
Plastic, science fiction. Plastic, science fiction. You and me, me and you, our faces are identical. Woohoohoo, hahaha, original replica. Plastic, science fiction.
Feeling brand new when I wake up from sedation. My puffy cheeks are blocking my sight. Talking might be tough, but there's a positive prognosis. In a year's time, there will be no trace of pain.
When I come around, I post a single selfie. I can't tell whether I should be crying or laughing. Heart emojis flood in, comments keep pouring. My looks are dreamy and I'm positively glowing.
My beauty is timeless, nothing else matters to me. It'll take a thousand years for me to decay. I don't care if it isn't genetic. My beauty is timeless ,the most beautiful in the world. The most beautiful on the planet.
2x Plastic, science fiction. Plastic, science fiction. You and me, me and you, our faces are identical. Woohoohoo, hahaha, original replica. Plastic, science fiction.
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Demoni (SRB)
Prozivam mesec da se nikad ne skloni, noćas me niko ne voli, sa mnom su moji demoni.
Prozivam mesec da se nikad ne skloni, noćas me niko ne voli.
Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom su moji demoni, kad nemam tebe. Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom se igraju oni, kad nemam tebe.
Mnogo mi se noćas nebo dopada. Samoća se ocrtava u mraku. Dok naše carstvo neumorno propada, zapisuju si zvezde grešku svaku.
Prozivam mesec da se nikad ne skloni, noćas me niko ne voli, sa mnom su moji demoni.
Prozivam mesec da se nikad ne skloni, noćas me niko ne voli.
Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom su moji demoni, kad nemam tebe. Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom se igraju oni, kad nemam tebe.
Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom su moji demoni, kad nemam tebe. Kad nemam tebe, sa mnom se igraju oni, ne znam za sebe.
Demons (ENG)
I'm calling on the moon to never hide No one loves me tonight, my demons are with me
I'm calling on the moon to never hide No one loves me tonight
When I don't have you, my demons are with me When I don't have you When I don't have you, they play with me When I don't have you
I really like the sky tonight Loneliness gets outlined in the dark While our empire tirelessly falls apart The stars write down their every mistake
I'm calling on the moon to never hide No one loves me tonight, my demons are with me
I'm calling on the moon to never hide No one loves me tonight
When I don't have you, my demons are with me When I don't have you When I don't have you, they play with me When I don't have you
When I don't have you, my demons are with me When I don't have you When I don't have you, they play with me I don't feel like myself
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Padam (SLO)
Pazi nase, so mi rekli tisto noč. Mesto polno je duhov, ki več te ne spustijo proč. V ognjen obroč zaprejo te, ki sprva še pogreje te, počakajo, da tiho izzveniš.
Nisem jim verjel in večeru se predal, naj kar skuša me skušnjava, jaz ne bom se ji prodal. A ko prvi je metek poletel, me naravnost med oči zadel, sem izgubil svoja tla.
Zdaj padam in padam, a me bo kdo ujel? Z odprtimi rokami, z obrazom nasmejanim. Zdaj padam in padam, a bo kdo razumel? Če mi nič ne uspe, če izgubil bom vse, kar sem si želel.
Nisem jim verjel in večeru se predal. Izpijal sem mladost, z luno bolje se spoznal. A ko prvi je metek poletel, me naravnost med oči zadel, sem izgubil svoja tla.
In preden se nova noč zavrti, okrog mene nikogar več ni. Kje ste vsi? Takrat, ko najbolj boli.
Zdaj padam in padam, a me bo kdo ujel? Z odprtimi rokami, z obrazom nasmejanim. Zdaj padam in padam, a bo kdo razumel? Če mi nič ne uspe, če izgubil bom vse, kar sem si želel.
A me bo kdo ujel? A me bo kdo ujel? A me bo kdo objel? Zdaj padam in padam.
I'm Falling (ENG)
"Keep an eye out", I was told that night. Spirits are lurking in the city, they won't let you get away. They'll lock you in a flaming cage, which even warms you up at first, until in the end they'll let you fade away.
Brushing off the voices, I surrendered to the night. Resisting the temptation, determined not to give in. The first gunshot fired hit me right between the eyes and pushed me over the edge.
I'm falling and falling, will anyone catch me? Extending arms wide open, wearing a smile. I'm falling and falling, will anyone understand if I fail, if I lose all I ever wanted?
Brushing off the voices, I surrendered to the night. Geting high on life, familiarising with the moon. The first gunshot fired hit me right between the eyes and pushed me over the edge.
Before another night came, everyone vanished. Where did you all go, when I was hurting the most?
I'm falling and falling, will anyone catch me? Extending arms wide open, wearing a smile I'm falling and falling, will anyone understand if I fail, if I lose all I ever wanted
Will anyone catch me? Will anyone catch me? Will anyone hug me? I'm falling and falling
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Vse kar vem (SLO)
Slišal sem, da čas nam ne prizanaša. In da se enkrat vse lepo konča. Slišal sem, da hočeš it do konca sveta in da me več ne rabiš za sopotnika.
Vse, kar vem in kar znam, je, da ne boli, ko me tvoj objem zakriva. Kaj je prav, me ne bremeni.
Vem, da si bila enkrat že v peklu in da nazaj več ne bi rada šla. Slišal sem, da hočeš it do konca sveta in da me več ne rabiš za sopotnika.
Vse, kar vem in kar znam, je, da ne boli, ko me tvoj objem zakriva. Kaj je prav, me ne bremeni, ker s tabo svet ne izpodriva me.
All I know (ENG)
I heard that time doesn't spare us And everything nice eventually ends. I heard you want to go to the end of the world and don't need me as a companion anymore.
But all I know and I'm aware of is that it doesn't hurt, when your embrace covers me I'm not burdened by what is right.
I know you were once in hell already and don't want to go back. I heard you want to go to the end of the world and don't need me as a companion anymore.
But all I know and I'm aware of is that it doesn't hurt, when your embrace covers me I'm not not burdened by what is right, because with you, the world is not displacing me.
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Ona (SRP)
Hodam opet njenom ulicom. Brutalno se vuče otkad nisam više s njom. Stanem ispod njenog prozora, jedna njena senka da me spasi očaja.
Nisam ni zaslužio da završimo uživo. Jedna poruka i via more. Snegovi u avgustu sad po meni padaju, dok tebe sunce greje, mi amore.
Znaj, bebo, znaj, celu noć sam plakao zbog tebe. Taj osećaj, da za mene živo ti se jebe, ubija me.
Kažu, vreme leči rane sve. Ali ne kažu koliko da se odviknem od nje. Godina je prošla, još vraća se u san. Vrti kao film sećanje na onaj dan.
Nisam ni zaslužio da završimo uživo. Jedna poruka i via more. Snegovi u avgustu još po meni padaju, dok te neko drugi greje, mi amore.
Znaj, bebo, znaj, celu noć sam plakao zbog tebe. Taj osećaj, da za mene živo ti se jebe.
Znaj, bebo, znaj, celu noć sam plakao zbog tebe. Taj osećaj, da za mene živo ti se jebe, ubija me, ubija me.
(Celu noć si plakao zbog mene) (Celu noć si plakao zbog mene)
She (ENG)
I'm walking down her street again Time has been dragging on brutally since we broke up I stop under her window One of her shadows to save me from despair
I didn't even deserve to break-up in person One message and off to the sea Now snow falls on me in August While the sun warms you, my love
Know, baby, know That I cried the whole night because of you The feeling That you don't give a flying fuck about me is killing me
They say time heals all wounds But they don't say how long till I wean myself off her A year has gone by, she still returns to my dreams Spins the memory of that day like a movie
I didn't even deserve to break-up in person One message and off to the sea Now snow falls on me in August While somebody else warms you, my love
Know, baby, know That I cried the whole night because of you The feeling That you don't give a flying fuck about me
Know, baby, know That I cried the whole night because of you The feeling That you don't give a flying fuck about me Is killing me, is killing me
(You cried the whole night because of me) (You cried the whole night because of me)
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Tokio (SLO)
Tvoji koraki se mešajo z oblaki, ki nad tabo plešejo. Mene koraki spotaknejo, vsakič, ko se nate spomnijo.
Pisal ti bom pisma, a ne bom jih poslal. Bolje, da ostaneva spomin. Si prislikava nazaj tisti roza češnjev raj, vsak na svoj način.
Z lahkimi prsti, "Anata ga suki", si čez hrbet napisala mi. Ti tudi meni, "Watashi mo", so po tebi risale dlani.
Pisal ti bom pisma, a ne bom jih poslal. Bolje, da ostaneva spomin. Si prislikava nazaj tisti roza češnjev raj, vsak na svoj način.
Verjetno se nikoli več ne bova srečala. Le bleda slika iz polaroida ve, da sva zaplesala po ulicah Tokia.
Verjetno se nikoli več ne bova srečala. Le bleda slika iz polaroida ve, da sva zaplesala po ulicah Tokia.
Tokyo (ENG)
Your footsteps blend With the clouds dancing above you I trip over my own feet Whenever you cross my mind
I will write you letters I will never send Let's keep the memories untouched Immersing ourselves in the pink cherry blossom paradise Each in our own unique way
With feather-light fingers, "Anata ga suki" You inscribed on my back The same, "Watashi mo" My hands traced letters on your skin
I will write you letters I will never send Let's keep the memories untouched Immersing ourselves in the pink cherry blossom paradise Each in our own unique way
We may never cross paths again Only a faint polaroid picture holds the evidence Of our dance through the streets of Tokyo
We may never meet again Only a faint polaroid picture holds the evidence Of our dance through the streets of Tokyo
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NGVOT - Ne govoriva več o tem (SLO)
Končno te vidim spet, hitro mine čas. Spremenil sem pogled na svet, ti pa barvo las.
Kaj te nese v Ljubljano, zdaj ko vse cveti? Nazadnje si sedela z mano, ko bil sem brez moči.
Ne govoriva več o tem. Ne govoriva več o tem. Me le odrivaš stran, ko s tabo sem iskren. Ne govoriva več o tem. Ne govoriva več o tem. A ne vidiš, da razpadam, ker ne vem?
Lepo, da še pomisliš name, včasih se mi zdi, da si me zakopala v jame pozabljenih noči.
Ignoranca ti pristaja, lajša ti skrbi. Tvoj pogled me še zavaja in fasada še stoji.
Ne govoriva več o tem. Ne govoriva več o tem. Me le odrivaš stran, ko s tabo sem iskren. Ne govoriva več o tem. Ne govoriva več o tem. A ne vidiš, da razpadam, ker ne vem?
WDTAIA - We Don’t Talk About It Anymore (ENG)
I'm finally seeing you again, time passes fast. I changed my view of the world, you changed your hair colour.
What brings you to Ljubljana, now that everything is blooming? Last time you sat with me when I was powerless.
We don't talk about it anymore. We don't talk about it anymore. You're only pushing me away when I'm being honest with you. We don't talk about it anymore. We don't talk about it anymore. Don't you see I'm falling apart because I don't know?
I'm glad you still think about me, sometimes I feel like you buried me in the caves of forgotten nights.
Ignorance suits you, it eases your worries. Your look still deceives me and the façade is still up
We don't talk about it anymore. We don't talk about it anymore. You're only pushing me away while I'm being honest with you. We don't talk about it anymore. We don't talk about it anymore. Don't you see I'm falling apart because I don't know?
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Novi val (SLO)
Kam od tu naprej, če že zdaj zažigamo obzorje? Kako od tu nazaj, če je papir več vreden, kot smo mi? Tiho prepustim, naj me nosi nemirno morje. Mogoče me prav danes še zadnjič ohladi.
Radio predvaja le še strele in udarce. V časopisu piše, da smo zašli s poti. Danes bomo peli in dvigali kozarce. Včeraj smo rojeni in že vsega krivi mi.
Vabljeni vsi na karneval, da se odrinemo od tal. Generacija ljubezni, upanja. Novi val.
Letajo po zraku sledovi optimizma. Vajeti v mraku, prevzem protagonizma. Zbrali smo pogum za upor, da nekaj spremenimo. Bolje, da smo danes nori, kot da jutri se bojimo.
Vabljeni vsi na karneval, da se odrinemo od tal. Generacija ljubezni, upanja. Novi val.
Delajmo napake, čisto iz vsake izpira se zlato, izpira se zlato.
Vabljeni vsi na karneval, da se odrinemo od tal. Generacija ljubezni, upanja. Novi val.
Delajmo napake, čisto iz vsake izpira se zlato. Vabljeni vsi na karneval.
New Wave (ENG)
Where shall we go from here If we are already setting the horizon ablaze? How do we go back from here If paper holds more weight than us? In silence, I let the restless sea carry me. Maybe today it'll cool me down for the last time.
The radio only plays thunders and strikes. The newspaper says we've lost our way. Today we'll sing and raise our glasses. We were born yesterday and have already been blamed for everything.
Everyone's invited to the carnival To break free from the ground. The generation of love and hope, The new wave.
Traces of optimism are flying in the air. Taking hold of the reins in the dusk, We've gathered the courage to rebel And make a change. We are better off losing our minds today Than being afraid tomorrow.
Everyone's invited to the carnival To break free from the ground. The generation of love and hope, The new wave.
Let's make mistakes, from each and every one Gold is pouring out, gold is pouring out
Everyone's invited to the carnival To break free from the ground. The generation of love and hope, The new wave.
Let's make mistakes From each and every one Gold is pouring out. Everyone's invited to the carnival.
Please credit JokerOutSubs if you're going to use our translation.
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technobrain · 20 days
My Zero Day Au!
this AU started out as a list of headcanons but eventually I got carried away and it evolved into an AU!
A quick warning, this list includes NSFW, some violent mentions, and Caldre! be careful!!
Cal is taller than Andre
keep in mind these are made up as I go, so they're a tad bit sloppy! Please excuse any minor typos!! English also isn't my first language 😭🩷
ftm Cal
subdre. no comment.
Cal has dissociation problems, he never feels like he's centered and mentally *there* when he's around people, but when he's alone or with Andre he's able to ground himself and actually think
if they were to have the option to escape after zero day and live their lives afterwards as a different identity, Andre would take it, Cal wouldn't.
Andre has a HUGE soft spot for animals. Cal is indifferent. Cal doesn't view animals as sentient, living beings. He's not heartless, though. He still had love for animals, especially Mel, he just has a hard time comprehending that they're conscious.
Andre has chronic pain, it centers in his waist down and eventually gets a service dog for mobility and emotional regulation. He had to quit all sports he was in because of it. He still has a hard time coping with it.
Andre is embarrassed of his sd, often telling it to lay down and then walking away. He eventually realizes why he has it, and goes back to get it. He never goes far in the first place, mostly just meanders around the room, area, or house for a bit before going back.
Andre has anger issues, consistently has outbursts in class and storms out.
When Andre walks out, his adrenaline makes him more mobile, so he often forgets to get his sd. his sd trails behind him, poking him with it's nose and pawing him, trying to calm him down. Andre walks for a while before getting to a private area, sitting down, and only then letting his sd help him.
Cal walks absurdly fast, Andre hates him for it.
Cal cuts his shirts at the neck, and then never wears the shirt again because he hates how it makes him more feminine. Andre beats him up over it, saying how if he just didn't want the shirt, he could've gave it to him. Cal says something about how he wants the shirt still, it's a good shirt that he likes, he just doesn't like how it's cut at the neck now. Wording it like it's a design choice. Andre drops the conversation before he has an outburst.
Andre fell for Cal first, Cal fell for Andre around 3 months later.
They never really established a relationship, their friendship just slided from being platonic, to being slightly more than that, to "Hey are we, like, dating?"
Cal likes pda, Andre doesn't. Cal is also into exhibitionism, Andre isn't. Cal never acts on it, just highly praises it. Andre doesn't even entertain the idea.
Cal got Andre started on za, Cal admits he's got a *small* problem, while Andre mostly just doesn't care either way.
Cal is more of a smoker, Andre is more of a drinker.
Cal is on 7 million medications, always switching them up. Even his doctors can't keep up on what he's on, what dosage, etc.
Andre, on the contrary, is on maybe 2 medications, one of which being Advil. he just counts it as a medication because he wants to relate to Cal, failing miserably.
Cal listens to Lana Del Rey. Guilty pleasure.
Cal texts with about 10 million emojis, Andre uses proper grammar. Capitalization, punctuation, the whole nine yards.
Cal has a pet tarantula named Spike after the my little pony character.
Andres sd is named Sascha, and she's a girl. Despite Sascha Konietzko being a boy.
Cal and Rachel are cousins. Rachel often playfully threatens Cal with "IM TELLING YOUR MOTHER" if she doesn't get her way. Cal takes her a bit too seriously and gets genuinely mad at her over this, yelling at her.
Cal has bpd and adhd.
Andre has flat foot, scoliosis, and chronic pain. nomatter how many tests they do, they can't find out where the chronic pain comes from.
Andre is a germaphobe. Cal is the opposite. Cal will touch a bathroom door handle and lick his hand. Andre goes through two bottles of bath and body works hand sanitizer per month.
Andre has HFA (high functioning autism). this often causes him to not understand social queues, making it even harder for him to make friends. Another reason why he has Sascha.
Both Andre and Cal have paranoia, always scared someone's listening in, reading their minds, planting hearing devices on things they own, etc. They feed off eachother, making eachother even more paranoid.
Andre has mild visual hallucinations, Cal has mild auditory hallucinations.
Cal has vocal stims. he likes repeating things. he'll repeat something Andre said a million times., he meows randomly, he clicks his tongue, hums, etc.
Andre and Cal play in the rain together all the time, i stole this from someone sorry, only difference is Andre HATES wet dog smell, so he'll leave Sascha on whoevers porch has an overhang so she doesn't get wet. She sits and watches them play, watching Andre very closely. When he starts doing something she knows will hurt him, she'll start barking at them and pawing at the air. Andre coos at her and gives her a treat.
Cal HATES Sascha. With a passion. He says she's big, dumb, gets in the way, and is a collateral for audio trackers. Andre gets extremely mad at Cal over this and has yelled at him multiple times for dissing her.
Sascha and Mel get along really well and often cuddle with eachother!!
Sascha is a Golden Shepherd, all black, with a couple gold spots on her hips. Cal calls them her cutie marks.
Rachel loves Sascha, having to hold back from petting her every time she's around Andre.
Andre is known as "the guy with the dog" in school, he hates it. He can't wait for Zero Day so he's not known as that anymore.
Sascha hates guns. When the boys would take Sascha to their shooting spot, Sascha would circle Andre and growl at Chris, or anyone really, when they were holding guns. When Andre would get his hands on one, she would go back to normal, but continue snarling at other people with them.
Cal's younger siblings love Sascha, cuddling with her and holding her all the time when she's off-duty
Andre was a party animal, Cal was a home body. Andre fucking *loved* parties, always dragging Cal along to them, before the Zero Day plan really fell into play. after that he kinda died down and muted his interests, becoming more dull and flat as the day got closer. In the end, Andre was a pure ball of anger and frustration. Cal never changed.
Cal enjoyed living in the moment, Journaling, listening to more whimsical music, sitting by the creek and watching the water.
Cal got dysphoric really easily. He'd end up in tears over how his shirts fitted him, if they showed too much chest. Andre bought him a binder after his parents were skeptical, always scared of the side effects.
Cal was actually really popular, he was just really odd and peculiar and when he started to get close to people, he started to freak people out with stims. He was more of a drifter friend that way.
Cal LOVES roller-coasters. especially small fair ones. He loves the danger. Andre loves roller-coasters but in a safe way.
Andre likes romcoms. Cal found out and never leaves him alone about it.
☆Andre falls for internet bait WAYYY too easily.
Both of them secretly sleep with teddy bears and can't sleep without them or without eachother. They never told eachother.
The Gabriel's made sure to bury Cal with his teddy in-between his hands. The Kriegman's were actually very civil with the Gabriel's and agreed to have them buried next to eachother, but refused to have them share a headstone. (in death Andre and Cal were fucking FUMING over this.) Andre's mom snuck Andre's teddy into his coffin.
Andre and Cal swapped dog tags before Zero Day. Andre wanted to trade with Sascha's, but Cal said "it's not the army of three it's the army of two"
Andre would always joke about Sascha being included in the army of two and often had to correct himself from saying the army of three instead of the army of two.
Andre never turned down a dare. He did it, nomatter how outlandish and dangerous it was. He got hurt multiple times.
Andre and Cal are both blanket hogs and often wake up to them fighting over the blanket.
Cal can do really cool flips on a trampoline. Like, it's absurd.
Andre didn't know how to bond with Cal's siblings at further so he just showed them a bunch of magic tricks and then acted like he'd known them forever.
☆ - inspired / stolen from Caldrea
Cal and Andre would talk so much shit about people it was like a middle school girls sleepover.
♧ Cal is also a huge metal head. Been to every metal concert in the area, even if he didn't know the band. He used to drag Andre around to them, but when Andre got Sascha he had to stop going.
Cal has a doodling problem, will doodle anywhere and everywhere. He's amazing at graffiti. Andre will often spend hours at the sink washing off Cal's doodles. not before he got a video of them though. Cal stick n poke's so many tattoos into his body that he couldnt wear shorts anymore.
♧ inspired / stolen from bottledkriegman
♤ Andre would play the knife game in the back of class when he was in middle school.
Andre was actually very popular in middle/elementary school, he only got picked on by the older kids.
Cal heavily procrastinates his school work, and ALWAYS copies off of Andre. Andre doesn't really mind, and even takes notes specifically for things he knows Cal would need.
♤ 4792beretta inspired / stolen ones lol
Andre would stomp up to his room but close the door really quietly. Cal would do the same thing but he'd just slam the door.
Andre always closes doors by turning the handle, closing the door, then twisting the handle back. Andre got mad at Cal all the time for "slamming doors". Really, Cal was just closing them normally.
Andre is a fucking whiney bitch. he'll bitch and moan and complain about something FOREVER. He also holds grudges.
Before Andre got Sascha, he was HUGE into sports. He loved track, he loved swimming, he loved soccer. Him and Cal actually met while playing soccer.
Andre and Cal are in an established relationship, but they don't act like it. They think it's 'cringe'.
Anyway, Cal is a horrible kisser. He ends up giggling or kissing with his teeth or something and Andre gets extremely mad at him over it, but never expresses it.
Cal is surprisingly good at giving head though, in contrary to his kissing skills. Andre asks him how the fuck he can give better head than he can kiss.
Andre is so awkward in bed. It often doesn't work out because Andre makes it so awkward it's a turn-off. He'll just start talking and eventually they're just sitting there naked on the bed having a chat about spaghetti or something.
Sascha gets anxious when Andre kicks her out of the room to have sex with Cal. She'll scratch at the doors, whimper, and eventually just lay there with her back to the door all sad.
Sascha doesn't go off-duty necessarily. She's always by Andre. She alerts him on or off duty, and refuses to leave his side unless commanded to.
Cal is hypersexual, Andre is demisexual. Cal will often initiate but Andre will just tweak the fuck out and shut down for a bit. Cal is always guilty about it. Andre will also never initiate anything, so Cal HAS to initiate it. Andre has told him to initiate it. It's really just a 50/50 if Andre will reciprocate or tweak the fuck out.
Neither Andre or Cal put labels to their sexualities, but Andre is a cis man and Cal, as labeled before, is a trans man.
When Cal and Andre met, Cal wasn't out yet. They met playing soccer in elementary. They only got close after Cal came out in middle school.
Andre didn't know Cal was trans until they first had sex. Andre, being oblivious, just thought Cal was really feminine when he was younger. Andre was VERY shocked. Cal was very confused on how Andre didn't know beforehand. Andre had to take a break and contemplate for a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed holding his face in his hands. Cal thought he wasn't going to accept him, but after a minute or two Andre just turned to face Cal, and acted like nothing fucking happened and still took him to pound town lmfao
Cal has suggested the idea of having sex while high or drunk, Andre refuses because he deems it to be rape, doesn't matter if their in a relationship or not. "Intoxicated people cannot consent."
Andre is the definition of the ☹️ emoji sometimes.
Andre and Cal fake role play. Cal will just say some shit like "eats your toe." and Andre will reply with "DUDE WHAT THE FREAK!! THAT WAS LITERALLY MY hashtag TOE!!!!!"
Cal will FaceTime Andre crying because he dropped a bagel on the floor and is sad about it.
Cal will also FaceTime Andre when he doesn't know how to do something.
for example; He'll call him and Andre will pick up on the most peculiar predicament. Cal will look into the camera, tears streaming down his face, flip the camera onto whatever is his grievance now, and Andre will sigh and explain it to him. Cal will then fumble with the phone for a second before flipping the camera again, millennial pausing, and giving him a thumbs up with a toothy grin, tears still streaming down his face.
Cal used to pick his nose and eat it as a kid.
Andre either loves or hates being touched. Cal is a big toucher. Drake levels of touching coming from Cal and occasionally Andre. when Andre doesn't like being touched but Cal wants to cuddle, him and Cal will lay side by side as a form of bonding that'll still put them in close proximity, and keep both of them in their comfort zones.
Cal does this thing where during class activities that involve whiting things on white boards, he puts the edgiest thing ever on it and waits for the classes reaction. Nobody knows it's him that does it.
These were written before I decided Zero Day hasn't happened yet.
Andre took Sascha with him to Zero Day. She followed him around during the shooting, jumping occasionally at the loud noises. Cal goes to shoot her on multiple occasions, but changes his mind before the trigger was pulled on her because, a, what if Andre needs her, and b, Cal is still an animal lover in the end.Sascha almost stopped Andre from shooting himself at the end of Zero Day. he had to send her to a bookshelf and lay her down in order to get her out of the way. Cal asked him, "can I shoot her now?" and Andre replied "Abso-fucking-lutely not. Don't even try."After Zero Day, Sascha unlearned all her training from the ptsd, retired, and is now the Gabriel family dog, along with Mel. the Kriegman's didn't want her or Mel after the shooting. Sascha is mostly deaf, but if she does hear a loud noise she'll run to Cal's room and curl up under the bed for hours.Mel, after police came to investigate Andre's room and Andre nor Sascha came back, stopped leaving Andre's room. Not even to go to the bathroom or eat. The Kriegman's had to gut Andre's room afterwards. Not like they wanted to keep anything anyway. Nobody got to inherit anything from his room. No reporters were allowed to see his room, only police.When police got into the library, they found Sascha beside Andre, cuddled up to him between him and Cal. they thought she was dead until she lifted her head to look at them and snarl at them. when Paramedics came in, one handled her and brought her out of the school. She had unlearned her training at that point, the only hassle with her was getting her away from Andre's body.Sascha was planned to be put down before the Gabriel's came to collect her. the Kriegman's wanted nothing to do with her. "wasted money."Cal's death was taken with a lot more emotion from his family than Andre's was with the Kriegman's. Cal's parents were on site in the span of 30 minutes. the Gabriel's mourned with all the other families before it got out that Cal was one of the shooters. After that, some of the other families turned on them and started to isolate them. Others continued to mourn with them, encouraging the others to do the same. They all lost children that day. the Kriegman's didn't even show up. They knew it was Andre the second they found out there was a shooting. His mother was more emotional than his dad in the grieving process.
this is getting wayyyy too long so I'm gonna stop here and make a part 2 later!!
Thank you for reading!
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Finally free to post this! I wanted to share this commission by @ofteasandherbs for @swartists4palestine 🍉❤️
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So the context here is that I know many in the tbb fandom collectively headcanon that Hunter used to suffer a lot from sensory overload episodes as a cadet from his enhanced senses. So in the second picture, I accepted the headcanon (Not sure who came up with it first 😭) that Hunter got his face tattoo as a way of putting himself through an immense sensory episode as a way to control his senses, so that not everything has a severe impact on him again. Ofc the poor guy did get a sensory overload in the finale though 😭 But that was Hemlock deliberately torturing him!
Anyways I wanted give another shoutout to @ofteasandherbs for this awesome commission & I recommend checking out their blog for more of their amazing art ❤️ I also wanted to thank @swartists4palestine for organizing this smart effort & highly recommend you check out the causes you can donate to on the blog to help the Pal-stn-ians in Ga/za now as they enter the 9th month of this highly documented Gen-0-cide 💔 Pal-stn-ians have been living through 76 years of occupation & ethnic cle@nsing even before Oct and if you haven’t read the history, I urge you to do so to get more context esp if you are new to all of this!
(Apologies for my weird typing, I just did that to avoid having this post sh@d0w b@nned so I could spread more awareness)
Anyways please checkout @swartists4palestine who will do both Star Wars art and writing commissions after you donate ✌🏽😊
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auncyen · 2 months
say what you mean
this post finally got written out. except halfway through the comedic potential turned into angst? oops? it's vaguely related to my no loops au but with a happier outcome.
'Za's the first to tell you he's going to take you home to Bambouche so you can see your sister. He finds you in the middle of the party, when you're hanging out to the side with the Drawing Kid because they don't coo and aww at you like the adults do or ask "what was the House like? what was the King like?!" the way the other kids do. The Drawing Kid just draws all the happy people, the Housemaidens and the villagers and your friends, and they're happy when you tell them they draw good, so you're happy to grab food for both of you and hang out by them. 'Za happens to spot you when you're getting eclairs and waves, getting you to stop so he can catch up. "Bonbon! Hey! Oooo, tasty--"
"They're for me and the Drawing Kid," you tell him. "Get your own!" The boulangere made a bunch, so 'Za can definitely have some. You just don't want to have to go back and forth again.
'Za laughs. "Will do! But listen, Bonbon, I've been thinking, uh. We're all going to be going our own way soon. Mira's staying here, M'dame's going back to Ka Bue, and Sif's..." 'Za frowns.
Frin's a crab who wouldn't tell you what he's going to do now. He just made dumb jokes about going to space instead. And you don't like thinking about how everyone's splitting up. Of course you want to see your sister again, but... "So what?" you ask.
Za's still frowning, but he keeps going. "Well, I just thought, why don't I bring you to Bambouche? Everyone else is going a different direction."
"...Isn't Jouvente a different direction, too?" You've never been there yourself, but. Bambouche is along the coast. Dormont's further inland, but you can still see the coast from the top of the House. Jouvente's near the south border. You've heard people say you can't see any ocean from ANYWHERE in there. No wonder Za's weird, growing up somewhere like that.
He keeps being weird by waving your logic away with his hand. "Oh, well! I've never been to the coast, and I'd like to see it! Plus..." He smiles down at you. "It'd be nice to see your hometown, and spend a little more time with you before you go home. But if you don't want me to take you home--"
"No!" you say quickly. Way too quickly, because 'Za's smile gets just a little wider and the Drawing Kid giggles quietly where they're lying in the grass with their paper pad. You fold your arms and look away, annoyed to feel the shade in your cheeks. "I mean. Sure. You can come with me to Bambouche. I'll tell you all about the ocean! I'm a cert-ived expert." You think that's the word 'Dile used.
"I'm looking forward to it!" Za says. "Just, um, can I ask a favor? I know you're probably really eager to see your sister, and there won't be any side trips once we're on the road! But...can we wait to leave until M'dame and Sif leave Dormont? I'd like to see them both off."
...You do want to see Nille right away. But... "Yeah. I can wait." You want to spend a little more time with 'Dile. And Frin, even if he's being dumb.
(You...don't know if Frin wants to spend more time with you. Frin always acts like losing his eye was no big deal, but you know that can't be true, and he hasn't called you 'Bonbon' since.)
"Great!" 'Za says. "I'll see you later. Time for some yummy eclairs~"
He wanders off toward the tables with all the food the villagers put together for the ultimate party. You see Frin near there, looking a little overwhelmed, swarmed by a gaggle of Housemaidens--they've all been curious about Frin, first because they dress funny and then because Belle and 'Za mentioned how they guided everyone through the House with a wish granted by the Favor Tree. Za starts to change course toward them, but before he gets there the really tall and pretty Head Housemaiden comes up to the group. She says something, and the group of Housemaidens opens up even before Frin turns toward her. She walks away, and they follow, and you wonder what the Head Housemaiden wants with Frin before you notice the Drawing Kid is drawing 'Za waaaaaay too cool. That's just. Wrong. 'Za's not cool, and you make sure to tell the Drawing Kid that. They seem skep-ti-cal, but they laugh when you tell them about the times Za's freaked out at bugs.
'Dile comes up while you're looking at a cool new drawing the Drawing Kid's done (they know how to draw the BEST spiders. they're amazing) and clears her throat to get your attention. "Boniface."
You look up. "Yeah?"
"I've been thinking, with Mirabelle's quest complete and our journey done... you'll need someone to make sure you get safely back to your sister in Bambouche."
"Yeah." You're about to tell her that Za's already got you covered, but then she looks to the side, and you've never seen 'Dile look...is she embarrassed? Shy? 'Dile??? You're distracted trying to figure out what that face means.
"I was thinking we'd find someone in Dormont who might be headed that way, but...well, all things considered, I think it best if I take you myself."
"Don't you gotta go to Ka Bue? And it's, like. On the other side of the world?"
The Drawing Kid stops drawing to look up at 'Dile at this. The weird shy expression drops from her face and she smiles. Or 'smirks', you've heard the others describe 'Dile's kind of smile that way, when it looks like she's holding back a laugh.
"It is, but I'm on my own timetable and not beholden to anyone. There's a chance your sister might be upset that we took you along, and if she is, it's probably best one of us explains."
"You don't gotta explain to her. I came with," you say, folding your arms, and that gets you a small 'Dile chuckle from behind the smirk.
"That you did. Practically strong-armed us into taking you along. Nevertheless, your sister might appreciate an explanation from one of us....and, well." Her eyes dart away again just briefly before she smiles at you instead of smirking. "I never thought I'd teach someone as young as you, but you're the most enjoyable student I've ever had. We can see if there's anything more for me to teach you on the way there."
"Yeah! I bet there's loads more you can teach me, 'Dile! You're super smart!" And you like learning from her. It makes you feel really warm that she enjoys teaching you.
It's not often that 'Dile smiles like this, not for so long. "Just one thing, Boniface. It...will likely be the last time I see you all, so I plan to wait until Isabeau and Siffrin have left. I hope that's not a problem."
"Oh, 'Za--" You shut your mouth, and both 'Dile and the Drawing Kid look at you with confusion. You shake your head. "It's fine!!"
"Alright then. Enjoy the festivities, Boniface. Try not to go too wild on the desserts." With that, she leaves you and the Drawing Kid in the grass, though she stays at the edge of the crowds herself, letting any curious villagers come to her to ask questions rather than wandering into the thick of things.
The Drawing Kid looks at her, then at you. You can feel the question. "...I want both her and 'Za to come with me to Bambouche, but what if they're just volunteering because they don't think anyone else is gonna?" you explain. "If it's only gonna be one of them, then..."
...Then you're not sure.
If 'Za were here, you'd tell him 'Dile's wa-a-ay cooler and you're going with her. Because. Well, because 'Dile is cooler, and teasing 'Za is fun. But you like traveling with 'Za too! Sometimes he gives you piggyback rides, and he's really calm. 'Dile's calm too, but it's a different kind of calm. Like...if you had a big problem, you'd go to 'Dile because she's smart and can solve it. But if you needed a good laugh, you'd go to Za. And maybe he's not as cool as 'Dile, but that's not his fault. No one's as cool as 'Dile.
You want both of them to go to Bambouche with you.
At least the Drawing Kid doesn't pressure you to answer. They just give you a little nudge before handing you a dark gray crayon and some paper so you can draw too. You doodle the Head Housemaiden for a bit after you spot her back in the party (which isn't hard with how tall she is!) You look lower, but you don't see Frin. They must be done talking about whatever she wanted to talk about.
Maybe you can give Belle a drawing as a goodbye present? It'd last longer than food, anyway. ...You don't know what to draw, though. And she's still surrounded by so many people, all the villagers and Housemaidens wanting to congratulate her or thank her or catch up with her. You leave your big hat with the Drawing Kid so it won't get knocked off and thread your way through the crowd to see her.
"Oh! Bonnie!" Belle looks a bit tired when you first see her face, but she smiles fondly at you and reaches for your hand. "Bonnie, there's something we need to talk about! Just a minute, everyone...!"
The crowd parts as soon as Belle says that, people recognizing that she wants a break. ...By how quickly Belle pulls you to the side of the party, you think she must have been wanting a break for a while now. Good thing you went to check on her! "Are you thirsty?" you ask her. "Hungry?" You know the adults kind of made up the job to keep you busy, but. You liked being Snack Master. And you think Belle might need a snack.
"...Some mint water would be nice," she admits.
You get her mint water. She smiles and thanks you when you hand her the glass, and after three long sips she sets the glass down on a nearby barrel and claps her hands, refreshed.
"So, Bonnie! I wanted to talk to you about how you're getting back home."
...? You've heard this before.
"I was thinking I could take you back, if you don't mind? I'm sure Isabeau's family and friends are worried about him back in Jouvente, and Madame Odile and Siffrin have their own homes to get back to--and you have yours!"
You've. Kind of heard this before, too. Not exactly, because it's Belle and not 'Za, but. Hey, wait, 'Za thought-- "You're not staying in Dormont?" you ask.
Belle shrugs, looking unsure before she smiles. "You know Housemaidens go on pilgrimages, right? It might finally be time for mine!"
Wasn't she just on a pilgrimage. Aren't pilgrimages just long journeys??? Is there something you're missing?? But also why'd Za say she's staying in Dormont if she's not???
"Plus, everyone here knows I'm fine and not to worry about me. I don't want to keep your sister waiting--th, though! I also don't want to rush our goodbyes with the others!" Belle rushes to add, watching you nervously for your reaction. "T, that is, if you can wait just a little while, until the others are ready to leave..."
You have heard this before, and now you're super questioning the adults who've been taking care of you the last couple of months. Because you're really happy that everyone wants to go with you to Bambouche! ...It also sounds like everyone doesn't want to leave the others yet? But? They haven't talked about it? At all??
Your teachers tell you you should speak up and all this time you thought Frin was just the weird adult who didn't but it turns out all of them are like this????
...Does. Does Frin--
He probably doesn't want to take you to Bambouche.
But. They'd probably like hanging out with Belle and 'Za and 'Dile for longer. And even if they're frustrating (because they won't speak up, because they'll always pretend it's fine you got them half-blind)--
Belle's face falls. "I'm sorry, is that selfish of me? Or would you like someone else to take you? I, I--"
"No!" you say quickly. "I want you to come to Bambouche!" Belle and 'Za and 'Dile! But also-- "I just--I gotta find Frin! Have you seen them?"
"O, oh!" Belle's pendants jangle and chime as she spins about, looking. "No, I can't say I've seen them recently, but maybe Isabeau has?" She points him out by the tables, and you run to him--not full speed, but fast enough you've got his full attention.
"Bonbon? Something the matter?"
"No, but I need to find Frin!"
Za scans the party, a frown slowly growing on his face. "Where is he...? Maybe M'dame knows. Hey, M'dame!" He waves and starts making his way to 'Dile. You jog past him to her, because you want to find Frin so you can talk about everyone going to Bambouche together!
"'Dile! Have you seen Frin?"
She frowns. "Not in quite a while. Maybe the celebration was too much for them? They could be resting..."
"Excuse me," the Head Housemaiden says from behind you, except you don't realize it was her talking until you look behind and see her looming, because. She sounds nervous. You haven't heard her sound like that yet. "Your Traveler, Siffrin--is he not with any of you?"
"No," 'Dile says, with a good long look at the Head Housemaiden. She thinks that tone is weird too. "Do you need something with them?"
"She was talking to them earlier," you tell 'Dile, and she stares at the Head Housemaiden even harder at that.
"Euphrasie...?" Belle asks uncertainly.
The Head Housemaiden claps her hands twice, firm and loud enough to get the attention of most of the party. "Sorry to interrupt the fun!" she says with a broad smile. "But has anyone seen Siffrin? Our bright Savior, with a cloak and pointed hat."
"I saw them! They jumped across the river!" a kid calls. "At the broken bridge."
...He forgot about the unbroken bridge, didn't he.
"Thank you, Evrard," Euphrasie says, her voice bright and sunny until she turns back to them. Then, hushed and low: "Please check on him. He was quite upset when we parted ways. I thought they were going to talk with one of you, but if none of you have seen them..."
"What did you say to him?" Odile asks, and you flinch at her voice.
The Head Housemaiden doesn't. She just looks sad. "Their Wish Craft--I knew where it came from. I thought...they knew too. Please, go talk to them."
'Za doesn't need to hear any more than that, and as soon as he starts moving, so do you. 'Za's usually good about keeping pace with you, but right now he's worried about Frin and books it, past the field and then around, to the bridge that still works. You just follow as fast as you can, your shoes clomping across the wood planks. You hear Belle right behind, and even 'Dile's hurrying, and then--
And then you see Frin, and your heart wobbles because they're trying to smile at 'Za hovering over them, even from here you can faintly hear him insisting he's fine! He's fine! But his shoulders are trembling and he's got a hand pressed against his good eye, he can't see at all like that, why...you figure out why just as 'Za points out as gently as possible that people usually don't cry when they're fine. Belle gasps when she realizes too, jogging up to the two of them. "Siffrin!"
"Sorry," Frin says, like a dummy, because it's not like they made anyone else cry. "Sorry. I'm being--selfish--I should be smiling--everyone's going home--that's great! That's--" He tries to force a smile again, but it immediately twists and breaks just like the other bridge, and he pulls back from 'Za, grabbing at his head. "It's fine! It's fine! I always knew we were going to say goodbye! So--"
"We're not saying goodbye yet!" you shout, running up to him. "Frin! FRIN! We're going to Bambouche!"
They stare at you, their eye wide as they breathe in and out. "...Huh?"
"Everyone else said they're going to take me to Bambouche, but they also said we had to wait until everyone else left," you explain, looking over your shoulder at the others. "And that's 'cause no one wants to say goodbye yet, right?!"
"Well, yeah, but..." Za looks at Belle and 'Dile, embarrassed. "Uhm. I know I said that. But it sounds like..."
"...It sounds like we also said that, because we did, didn't we?" 'Dile says. "Mirabelle? I assume you're included in 'everyone else'?"
Belle makes a very embarrassed noise as she covers her face. "I didn't want to assume anything! I didn't want... to be selfish and force you on another journey..."
"And you couldn't ask?" 'Dile says, but then she sighs. "I suppose I'm in no position to talk."
"Uh HUH," you say, turning back to Frin. "You don't have to say goodbye to them yet! Come with us to Bambouche!"
"...Do you. Do you actually want me to come with?" Frin asks, which is silly. Of course you do--you're telling them to come with, aren't you!
"Frin, if you don't come with us I will be super duper mad. ...Unless you have a good reason. Like. ...People missing you at home, I guess." That would be a good reason. That would be a reason for him to say goodbye, even when the thought of goodbye makes him cry. Because you would be sad to leave the others too, but if it was the only way to see Nille again, you'd do it.
Even though it's a good reason, Frin bursts into a laugh. Their eye also wells up with tears again, and 'Za looks so worried. "Sif, buddy, can you--do you want to try breathing? Like you usually do?"
"Hah, ha-ah, huh?" Frin gasps, and it's only when 'Za does a slow breath in and out that Frin seems to remember the thing they do to calm down. They breathe in. They breathe out. In, and out. They set the bag slung over their shoulder down on the ground. ...Why do they have a bag?
"Were you planning to leave tonight?" 'Dile asks incredulously. Frin hunches in on himself.
"I didn't--I didn't want to ruin the celebration--"
"We're only able to celebrate because you helped us, Siffrin! You really think we'd want to party with you upset like this?" Belle shakes her head. Her hands are twisting each other, one picking at a nail on the other without her realizing. "What did Euphrasie even say to you?"
Frin pulls his hat brim down against his face. "She--she didn't say anything mean. She just told me the truth."
"The truth? About what?"
When Frin shrinks back even more, 'Za steps in. "Hey, hey. We all want to go to Bambouche together, right?" You nod, and Belle and 'Dile agree, and then 'Za leans over to get where Frin can see him. "Sif?"
"Yeah. If...Bonnie wants me, then...of course I want to go."
Of course I want to go. Is it really that simple? Even when Frin's upset, they don't hesitate to stay with you?
"Okay. Then...why don't we sleep in the clocktower one more night? I'll run back over real quick, tell them we're tuckered out from everything today and they can keep partying without us. And then...maybe we should have a little feelings talk in the morning," 'Za says, and the way he's looking at Belle is pleading for help because. Yeah. Whatever got Frin this upset is bad. "But we can start heading for Bambouche tomorrow."
"You can meet Nille!" you tell Frin. "And I can show you the cool places in town!"
Frin takes another deep breath in and out. He still looks shaky, but he's got a small smile. "That sounds great, Bonbon."
as for what euphrasie said, it goes back to this, just with a nicer ending (in terms of Euphrasie realizes OH SNAP sooner and someone finds Sif in time to keep him from leaving).
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salmonskinrolltf · 5 months
hey there these video tapes sound pretty far out. The thing is, I’m this awkward, average looking gay dude who is slowly approaching a mid life crisis. I work as a math teacher at a local community college. And my days are filled with teaching students and my nights are spent wondering what I did with my life. Anyways, I really wanted to watch the Neighbors movie with Zac Efron. I’ve had the biggest crush on his obnoxious frat boy character! I mean that body is insane!
You eagerly tear open your Be Kind Rewind package and pull out the Neighbors VHS, barely noticing the die that falls into your hand. Nor do you notice your subconscious decision to toss it onto the floor, rolling a 3 in the process. As you place the tape in the VCR (has that always been there?), you hit rewind so it can play from the beginning.
You can’t wait to vicariously live the frat boy life you missed out on, even if it’s filtered through the perspectives of Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne as annoyed adults in their mid-30s, which hits much closer to home than you want it to. Excitement swells in your chest to the point that you feel almost giddy. You need to calm down a bit, so you take a swig of the beer you don’t remember putting on the table in front of you. Not on a coaster, even. That’s so unlike you…
As soon as the frothy beverage passes your lips, you feel a sense of calm dullness washing over you. You run a hand through your hair, which seems straighter and less tangled than usual.
As you take another sip, your phone pings with an email from a student asking about a particularly tough problem you presented during your lecture that day. You look up and see that the movie is still rewinding, so you suppose you have time to answer. But as soon as you open the email to explain the answer, the numbers start swimming in front of your eyes. The 3 should go… where again? And why the hell are there so many letters in there? This is math. Math is numbers, right?
Fuck, this is too frustrating. You toss your phone to the other end of the couch and chug the rest of your beer. You suddenly need to piss like a racehorse, so you head to the bathroom. Once you’re done, the dull buzzing in your head prevents you from even considering washing your hands, but you do stop by the sink when you see your reflection in the mirror.
Holy shit. Your face is, like, morphing or something. Your eyebrows thicken, your nose elongates, your jaw cracks and broadens. You feel a squirming feeling under your shirt and you tear it off, watching as muscle blossoms from beneath your skin. Any excess weight sloughing off, just like every last bit of body hair, leaving you with a taut and smooth torso. A brief flash of pain accompanies a tattoo that appears on your newly built pec.
You try to summon a feeling of shock, but you just… can’t. That dull buzzing is even stronger now. And you look too good, dude! You admire yourself in the mirror, not noticing as the bathroom furnishings change behind you.
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You step out of the bathroom into the foyer of a house you no longer recognize. Well, you almost recognize it, but it’s definitely not YOUR house. You might have been able to put your finger on where you are, but something distracts you. A shirtless Zac Efron is standing in front of you with his shirt unbuttoned and a finger to his lips.
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Is this… Are your fantasies coming to life? But in your fantasies, he’d be kissing you by now. He wouldn’t be giving you the shooing motion he’s currently doing. Za- Wait, what was his name? Zaccy? Zaddy? Teddy. Yeah, Teddy. Teddy whispers to you. “Get out of the way man, I’m pranking the new pledge.” You comply, your thoughts still hazy.
Your thoughts remain that way for the rest of the night. And for the rest of the week. And the rest of the month. But despite the constant dull roar, you put a few things together. You’re Pete Regazolli, proud vice-president of Delta Psi Beta. If you weren’t always this way, you don’t care to think about it. You’re still got a massive crush on Teddy, of course. You’re gay after all, and the whole frat knows it. But even if he isn’t into guys that way, at least you still get to spend all your time with him, staring at him when he’s not looking, touching him whenever you get the chance… A chance like the one you have right now, when you’re about to pull off a huge prank on this new pledge who has no idea what’s coming… Bro, it’s gonna be so lit!
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