#I just thought the idea was neat that that a cute sister gem was in order
cat-noises · 6 years
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I really like this post that @snailyman​ made about Moon-People-made Synthetic Moon Gems!
So here’s my take on Tranquillityite! :>
Tranquillityite, or Ran, is a very soothing and serene gem who is very very young by gem standards (possibly just a year old, maybe even months?). Even with her youth, she and most others see her as the “older sister” to Pyrox. Ran loves to talk with her and playing with her “little sibling’s” hair, along with helping them sort out their thoughts. Ran is very suggestible, being very lazy, and would much rather enjoy Lunarian company than train/fight, even to the point that she has declared herself a pacifistic. However, she is very wary of Aechmea, and is nervous around him. She was specifically built to appear as close to Human as possible. Ran also innately gives off a soothing aura. She is unaware that their are other Gems like her on Earth yet. Her eyes are always closed due to that her new eyes are not ready yet (otherwise they’re black and sparkly [I was too tired to draw them ;;]).
Overall, Tranquillityite is a very passive and relaxed gem who loves her Lunarian family and being pampered than doing any actual work, and adores her Gem sibling(s).
I hope you like them! Enjoy!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
When Dana Terrace did her AMA on Reddit, a fan asked what we could expect for the new season. To which she replied by listing five things:
Parental conflict
A lot of emotions
Island exploration
New characters
...There's a fifth thing in there. You just got to look closely.
Now, when Dana mentioned parental conflict, dozens of fans assumed she was talking about Alador and Odalia, which, I mean...valid. They were the only two parental figures who presented any real conflict, and the idea of Camila being involved seemed implausible due to Luz being cut off from the human world. But no matter how you perceived that line, one thing’s for sure: No one expected Eda and Lilith's mother to be a source of conflict!
Yup. Today we met the woman who created two of the (former) greatest witches in all of the Isles. Was her introduction welcomed? Or did she give the Blights a run for their money for the "Worst Parent(s) of the Year" award? Only spoilers can answer those questions, so keep that in mind as we go in-depth with "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances."
Let's review, shall we!
The Flashback: Already, this episode comes out swinging by giving us so much information! We get an explanation of what Eda goes through when cursed (which is horrifying), the reasoning behind her gem, the revelation that Eda ran away from home, and the reveal of how she got the portal door. The best part is, none of it feels rushed or forced. Eda's curse and the portal are integral threads to this story, both in this episode and in future ones. Tying them together sets up Gwendolyn's determination to cure her daughter while showing Eda's determination to escape her mother by skipping town into another dimension. There's also a sense of mystery in how and why the portal was in their backyard. And judging by how we got all of this incredible information in episode FOUR of the new season, something tells me we'll get answers to those questions sooner than we might think. This was such a strong opening to the episode. Despite giving so much information, it makes fans like me want even more. Which is an A+ in my book.
Gwendolyn: Yeah, might as well step out the gate in saying that I like Gwen...but I can already see how others won't. Immediately, she sets herself up as a mother who would do anything and everything to cure her daughter. That aspect of her character is perfect, and it quickly won points from me in terms of liking her. It's just that Gwendolyn's disregard of what Eda wants and the complete dismissal of Lilith are aspects of Gwen that are certainly going to rub some people the wrong way. Especially if those kids come from households where their parents are a lot like Gwendolyn. I was in the same boat of hating her too for a while, but thankfully, the last act saved her.
First, there's that scene where Gwendolyn threatened the lives of the demons for not only screwing her over but making things worse for Eda. It's one of those "Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned" moments that I always love to see.
Then there's the fact that Gwendolyn learns her lesson and, more importantly, apologizes. Not many actual abusive mothers would do that (Looking at you, Odalia), so it's nice to see that she makes an effort to make amends. Oh, and by the way, since I mentioned it, don't go around calling Gwendolyn abusive. She isn't. Or, at least, not to my eyes. If anything, she's a lot like Sara Fitzgerald from My Sister's Keeper (The book. Not the movie. The movie sucked).
In that story, Sara makes controversial choices that result in her youngest daughter Anna getting the short end of the stick due to putting all attention towards her eldest Kate. But here's the thing: KATE HAS CANCER! So while Sara's choices are beyond questionable, you can understand her point. And if you don't, well, I'd see how you would react when in her shoes. Trust me when I say that situations like this aren't always cut and dry. It's the same with Gwendolyn. She's far from "Mom of the year," but you understand where she's coming from. She wants to do what she can to help Eda, even if her methods could have been better. But that's just how I feel, and I can't speak for everyone who dealt with mothers far worse than her. If you refuse to forgive her, I'll understand. But to me, I consider Gwendolyn a worthy addition to the series.
(Plus, she just radiates Grandma energy when interacting with Luz. It's cute, and therefore I must love it!)
Luz: This season is on FIRE when presenting Luz!
I adore that the first thing we see her doing in this episode is sleeping after, most likely, another all-nighter to find a new portal. It proves that she has a determination made of iron and an intense dedication to getting back to Camila. In fact, it's that dedication that works as a perfect way to build a connection between Luz and Gwendolyn. They both want to reconnect with their families and are willing to do whatever it takes to do so.
Regardless, despite so desperately wanting to see Camila again, I'm glad that Luz still has common sense when it comes to helping Eda. She quickly sees that Gwen's cures are doing more harm than good, and it's great that Luz is the one to call malarky on the whole thing. No one had to spell things out for her because she's smart enough to notice that everything Professor Warlop is marketing feels a lot more like the fake medicine real people sell in the human world. It's a testament that despite having a big heart and the best intentions, Luz still has the intelligence to know when something is up and put a stop to it. And, again, let's hope that more people pick up on that.
Lilith: ...who would have expected Lilith of all characters to have most of the emotional moments in this episode?! I sure didn't!
But...Yeah. Lilith is the best thing in "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances." On top of her seeking Gwendolyn's approval being relatable for some viewers, it's also really heartbreaking. I mean, listen to the shocked and hurt tone in her voice after finding out Gwen visited Eda regularly. That alone should give away how much Gwendolyn is important to Lilith and says so much about how strained their relationship became after the curse. Then there's that scene where she just breaks down, feeling both scared and torn apart by the fact that she experienced the curse in its full form and could do nothing to stop herself. It...stung. That's the best way to describe it. It stung seeing a character who is (mostly) cool and collective to become so vulnerable and broken. And, you know what? It's because of this that Lilith has won me over. I still don't think she should have been as forgiven as quickly as she was, but after learning what Lilith went through and what she's currently going through, I'm more than willing to be ok with her. And--I can't believe I'm saying this--I'm going to miss her being a part of the Owl House. She earned her place, in my opinion, creating entertaining dynamics with everyone. Sure, she'll make appearances every now and again, but I wouldn't mind a few more episodes with her being with the main group. But I'm positive the writers will have plans for her in the future and seeing how well she was written in this, I can't wait to see what they do next.
King Hoping to see his Dad Again: This was just a cute tidbit that ties nicely into last week's episode. Bonus points for that scene where King and Lilith get drunk off of Night Market ice cream. It got a good chuckle out of me, especially when Hooty was the one who ended up being the voice of reason.
Cursed Lilith: ...How does she look worse and more terrifying than Eda?
How Beast Keeping Magic Works: Not much I can say about this. It's neat to be given a visual explanation of how Beast Keeping magic works and how it's more than just controlling animals. Judging by the roof shingles, it can also be making objects more animal-like. It's pretty cool, and I hope to see more of how the rest of the magic from the prominent covens work.
Luz wasn’t the only human: To tell you the truth, this doesn't surprise me. Eda did say that every myth humans have is a bit of the Boiling Isles leaking into the human world, so why can't the opposite be true? However, the reveal of there being a famous human around many years ago presents many more questions, and possible theories, that deserve to be discussed in a future post. For now, I'll just say that it's awesome how this reveal perfectly transitions us to next week's episode, "Through the Looking Glass Ruins." We already know Luz is going to the library. But, seeing how Gus is going to be a prominent character in that episode as well, he probably wanted to tag along with Luz to study about the first human in the Boiling Isles. Only to then get sidetracked by some cool kids from Glandis. It's in the realm of possibility, thus proving how more serialized this season compared to Season One while still being somewhat episodic. Because even if "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" presents a lot for the overall story, it's still its own tale about family relationships and knowing how to truly be there for the people you love. Resulting in a necessary and cute episode that ends on a wholesome note without any major surprises like--
Creepy Clone Luz: ...
...Alright, now that I got my overreaction out of the way, this was an amazingly well-written surprise!
Tricking fans into thinking that Camila is crying over the realization that Luz is gone, only to then reveal this...thing, is the best shock to the system that this series has done so far. Even better, it results in all the right questions:
Who is it?
What is it?
Where did it come from?
When did it get there?
How did it get there?
How does it know about Camila?
And why? Just, why?
To me, a series that presents all of these questions, and makes me excited for whatever answers are given, is a series that's doing something right. Because if I'm still reeling over something that lasts for a second, despite seeing the episode hours ago, that is a testament to how good a surprise really is.
Trust me, I want to give this episode the A+ just for that ending alone. But, there are some issues I have that are worth discussing.
Eda’s Outfit Change: I know. It's the nitpickiest of all nitpicks I could present. Particularly because Eda doesn't even look bad (although that's no surprise). The issue is that it feels weird that Eda's having this permanent outfit change in the fourth episode of Season Two. Or, to me it is, at least. Because I think that if you're going to give a small yet constant change to the look of a character, it should be done right away. Like, in the first episode of a new season. I highly doubt fans would question why Eda is wearing different clothes by then, so it wouldn't be too bad if the first time we see her, she’s sporting a new outfit. Again, this is just me, and I have no problems with the outfit itself. It just seems odd they would do this later rather than sooner.
Screwing with Eda: I...did not like this. At all. It was funny at first to see Luz and Gwendolyn lure Eda with Apple Blood like how Wile E. Coyote would bait the Road Runner with birdseed, but it quickly took a turn. Because I don't want to see Eda meet inconvenience after inconvenience from her mother and surrogate daughter. I like Eda, and seeing her happy makes me happy. If I wanted to laugh at a character's suffering, I would have picked Boscha, Mattholomule, Alador, and/or Odalia. This? This was just unnecessary cruelness to a character who doesn't deserve it. And it takes up a good chunk of this episode, making me question whether or not this would be the stinker I was fearing. Fortunately, the ending increased my enjoyment by several notches, but that doesn't change how this was the low point of "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances."
Despite the road being rocky in the middle, I still consider "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" to be another solid A episode. The first and last few minutes have some quality writing that adds more to the characters, ongoing plot, and mystery that the series is building up. It's one of those important episodes you can't skip when watching a series, but given how it's keeping the new season's impeccable track record, I fail to see how that's a problem.
(Although, I am scared. We haven't gotten a stinker yet, and I really don't want it to be next week's episode. It's a Gus episode with sweet Lumity content on the side! That cannot fail!)
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter:
Unorganised thoughts on the first game are here
No longer spoiler-free, sorry
So tl;dr I loved this game and I love these characters and this world and I’m so excited to play through the whole rest of the series. What an underrated gem
I liked that everyone’s status portraits were updated, FC’s were a little rough. Except Olivier’s - his original art is miles better, good lord. The updated one is so generic :(
Speaking of updates, here’s some on how I feel about the major characters:
Estelle: Estelle deserves the world. I love her and her development, she’s just so great. What I especially love is that I cannot think of any other JRPG hero I’ve seen who reacts to the villain’s grand monologue like she does. Most of the time it’s like, huge declarations of justice, and how evil will never win, but Estelle’s reaction to Weissmann ranting about the inherent evil of man was just, like, ‘nah, actually that’s stupid, I love my friends and we’re all nice people. You just suck dude’. And that works so well, and it was really refreshing, honestly. I just...  love her. I really love her.
Joshua: This poor traumatised boy who also deserves the world, my god. His backstory was so much darker than I was expecting (if I understood right, there were some implications that sexual assaults occurred in the Hamel massacre!? And that it nearly happened to his sister!? Which made me have to sit back for a moment because I did not think this game was gonna go there and it threw me for a loop). I like how his whole arc is about learning to not define himself by his trauma, I haven’t really seen that in a game before. I also love him.
I think Estelle and Joshua cute together and I support their romance, but if the game could stop reminding me post-get together that they used to be pseudo-siblings that would be great thank you
Agate: I did the Agate route mostly because I prefer using him in combat, and goddamn if I thought I liked him before. I think his arc is one of the best in the game, and I love him, and are you seeing a pattern? His friendship with Tita is also so sweet. I want to be friends with Agate
Schera: Might have had more to say if I’d done her route. I appreciated getting her backstory, and I thought her relationship with Luciola was well done, if not incredibly fascinating. As it stands, I like her just fine, even if I’m not as passionate about her as I am some of the others
Olivier: I still love this guy. I had his twist spoiled, but let’s face, it wasn’t the hardest to guess anyway. His rivalry with Bleublanc was funny, as are most of his interactions with other characters. He’s good comic relief in general, and I love using him in combat - on that note, though, I’m very angry with him for leaving in chapter 8, because he was the character I had invested the most into arts-wise, so I had to go fix up Schera just for that chapter (and then swapped to Zin as we lost ZFGs, for obvious reasons). I will say that he seems to have become a little more... creepy feels like a strong word, but I don’t think he was so forwardly suggestive in FC. It felt to me like he sort of went from Yusuke Kitagawa to Yosuke Hanamura, in a sense. But all the same, I still like him
He should have stayed in his prince look at the end though, it suits him better
Side note, I really love Mueller, and I love his and Olivier’s interactions, and I want more Mueller, why does he have to be a minor character :(
Kloe: So I wasn’t super into Kloe in FC, but I actually really loved her this time around - I thought her arc about deciding whether or not to accept the crown was well done, and the little conversation she and Estelle can have on the stage at the academy is one of my favourite scenes in both games. Also GOOD LORD do I love her outfit change at the end, she’s so pretty I want to cry
Tita: Most of what I like about Tita is her friendship with Agate, and also how smart she is. I’d probably have more to say about her if I ever used her beyond when the plot forces me to (I don’t like using glass cannon characters in games), as the unfortunate nature of SC is that you don’t get much dialogue if you’re benched. But yeah, I still like her as a character
Zin: I don’t dislike Zin, but I still find him kind of dull compared to the others. He’s fine, he’s there, he’s got a backstory with Walter and Kilika and that’s neat. Honestly the main thing I remember about all that is Zin revealing that their master had terminal cancer because I kind of just... didn’t think cancer existed in this universe, I guess. It threw me
Kevin: Firstly, I find it really, really funny that such an important and mysterious character who looks the way he does is named ‘Kevin’. But yeah, I like Kevin, I’m excited to learn more about him in 3rd. I liked his relationship with Estelle (It’s nice to see a guy who’s capable of backing off without being an ass about it. Shame there’s such a low bar). I am, though, honestly very creeped out by the mere concept of the Gralsritters, ngl  
Bleublanc and Campanella were easily my favourite Enforcers. Bleublanc especially gets points for keeping himself relevant for the entire game
Renne is a character who I think I’m probably meant to feel more  sympathy for than I actually do, to be honest. You can’t make me like someone just by making them a cute little girl, Falcom, I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll feel differently after playing 3rd, I know she’s in it
I thought Loewe was well handled and I love that scene where he and Joshua hug at the end
I love the Ravens. I love that they got actual art. They’re amazing. I would play an entire spin-off game about the Ravens
And the Capuas! Can they all team up? Please?
Especially Josette, I came to really like her
A thing I’ve kind of realised about this game and its characters is that it’s a really good example of how tropes and cliches are not inherently bad - everyone in this game is based on some kind of mostly-unsubverted cliche, but they are incredibly well-executed cliches. You can have the most original characters in the world, but if they’re not written well, then what’s the point? I think a lot of writers conflate ‘unique’ and ‘surprising’ and (ugh) ‘subverting expectations’ with ‘good’. This game doesn’t make that mistake, and I appreciate that
Don’t get me wrong, unique and surprising and expectation subverting is also not inherently bad - just that it’s all in the execution
I like that Richard came back! And reformed! To be honest, though, (maybe this is controversial? idk), I thought he was a better antagonist than anyone in Ouroboros. His motivations made a lot more sense than those of most of the Enforcers 
Honestly (excluding Renne and Campanella because those haven’t been fully revealed to me yet) Bleublanc was really the only one with a motivation I liked - I can respect a villain who does crimes just for the sake of being an asshole
Oh yeah, there’s also Anelace and her team - they’re all great. I would like to know more about Grant, he doesn’t get to do much
The side quest in chapter 8 at the academy where we get Kurt and Anelace is one of the best quests in the game
Oh, and that reminds me, Gilbert! I love Gilbert, he’s so lame. Fighting him is hilarious
I was very happy to see minor NPC Clive on the Arseille at the end. It’s what he deserves
I love that this game got me invested in the lives of the random NPCs 
Screw that Abyss Worm bounty hunt, and also that fight with Renne on Ambryl Tower
I don’t know whose idea it was to fill this game, in this setting, with GIANT ROBOTS but it grew on me and I kind of love it now
I’ve decided Ruan is my favourite region, but Rolent is my favourite city
The Liber Ark is such a cool setting, I’m sad we only saw a tiny part of it for one chapter
I knew they weren’t going to kill off Joshua and Estelle, but I still cannot describe the rush of relief I felt when the dragon saved them at the end. I care about these kids, damnit!
There’s that one section in Grancel where everyone’s talking about Crossbell and then it never comes up again - set up the next arc of games a little less subtly, why don’t you?
(And then Cassius being like ‘the adventures will continue! But with other people!”) 
I read all of The Doll Knight and I genuinely enjoyed it
This game has maybe the best end credits I’ve ever seen
...think that’s all my thoughts expunged! Now to play 3rd :D
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lubeny · 4 years
Electro rock
'' Every trolls is the reflection of the music they listen to '' That phrase echoed in the head of that rock queen, the meaning of it was obvious. The POP trolls were cheerful and brightly colored, the funk trolls conveyed a good vibe no matter what, the classical music trolls were refined and neat, the country trolls had the face of being serious and proud but at the same time pleasant, their race, rock trolls were crazy and somewhat violent, that was their nature, and finally, techno trolls, that race where the person he loves most belonged. I know it's strange or even wrong, but the rock queen only sighed when she saw the Trollex king, everything about him seemed perfect, his face, his smile, that beautiful body, his colors, by God that hair and of course that cute personality that made her turn redder than her hair, she was not a sweetheart and much less romantic, these feelings were very confusing at the time, no one imagined that after Trollstopia was founded, the queen of rock and the king techno began to come out, many did not see it in the best way, but heck they were royalty, do you think that the whining of some trolls would prevent the happiness of both monarchs? If you answered yes, you are an asshole '' to Sometimes the love of your life can come after the mistake of your life '' that queen thought. What started with helping to rebuild techno reef turned into a beautiful friendship, which turned into laughter, fights, reconciliations and many beautiful moments, after all that, he formed a courtship, many were excited, others disapproved and many gave him Likewise, they had already been dating for 4 years, they were planning to marry at 25, they were both 24 years old at the time and as their last wedding anniversary, before joining their lives forever, Barb wanted to do something special for trollex. In recent years Barb has given several things, headphones, necklaces, nights of passion, and much more, she wanted this year to be unforgettable, she tried for hours to write her a song in the type of music that her boyfriend loved almost at the same level that she, EYE almost, Barb knew that trollex loved her more than her music, "Damn," Barb cursed, trying to put lyrics to music that she was 99% sure had no instrument was difficult. -Barb what's up? -His little brother Riff entered his room, that prince was attracted by the curses of his superior "Why is Riff difficult?" Barb asked his brother somewhat tiredly. "Why is it difficult to put lyrics to some beep and bup?" -Bip and bup? - The prince was somewhat confused, he did not know what his sister was referring to, but, looking at Barb, he could see the photo of the king of the trolls ceiling next to him, his neurons already started to work- Ohhh you talk about music ceiling "Of course I'm talking about techno music!" Barb said looking at the mess of papers next to her. -What exactly do you want to do? - -I want to write a song to trollex for our anniversary- Barb took one of the papers where she had written a song trying to imitate or at least get closer to techno -but everything I write is terrible- said that, the queen of rock made a ball paper and I throw it
-Have you tried writing him one in rock? -
-Many, I have hundreds, but I want this to be special - Barb said disappointed in herself
"You can go to Bliss Marin's house, she's a good DJ, she can give you some advice," her brother suggested. The focus of that queen lit up. (...) -Okey, okey, okey- The techno trolls read the notes of that girl with maroon hair Barb went to visit Bliss Marina as her brother had suggested, that mermaid was very happy for the queen's visit, but Barb got to the point and wanted her to help him write a song. -Barb I'll be very honest ... this is all rubbish- Marina threw all the barb notes in the trash "ARG KNEW IT !!!" Barb was upset and frustrated, her king deserved the best. -These losses girl, your anniversary is tomorrow and it is already 5 in the afternoon, I cannot teach you to be a Techno music in an afternoon, this is an art that you have been practicing for years, - affirmed Marina -Then you can't help me? - Barb asked, she was a little desperate -If you want I can write him a song and make a rhythm- Marina suggested -Of course not, this has to come from me, I will feel very bad if what I am singing for the love of my life comes from another person- reveals barb -Well, I can't do much- Both girls were thinking for a while, Marina was thinking about how to help barb and meanwhile the Queen of Rock just sat staring at nothing, she was disappointed and frustrated for not being able to give a song to her king. -I know! - Marina turned on the spotlight- you could look for the neon pearl -Neon pearl? -Barb didn't know what she meant -It is a pearl that is said to make anyone a techno expert just by having it- says Marina -That's a ... good idea? - Barb didn't know what to call it -Perfect, just go to the field of black algae and in the brightest clam you will find the neon pearl- Marina pushed Barb outside her house to start her journey. -I never leave home without my guitar- Barb took the guitar from her and said goodbye to Marina to start her journey. (...) -Where is he, where is he? - It had been about 5 hours, Barb was already in the black kelp forest, a place both beautiful and mysterious, The algae lit up since the sun set the sun, but the rocker did not know it or did not care, it was too focused on finding the neon pearl to dedicate a song worthy of the king to her beloved. She was searching the forest for that gem that would help him show her love for the techno leader. Of course, in her hair were several rock songs that she wrote with her lover in mind, but no, the song had to be techno. Barb kept looking all over the place, she wouldn't give up until she found something to help her play the same music as Trollex. Without paying attention to anything other than finding a clam, Barb did not realize that, in the distance, a moray eel was stalking her, the large fish saw her as a potential prey, Maybe Bliss Marina I didn't know that eels can eat rock trolls, but it was obvious that barb would be in danger. (...) -Hey Marina, do you know where Barb is? - The one who spoke was Trollex, the Trollex king of techno trolls, that young king was looking for her beloved, he hadn't seen her in hours and he started to worry. -Riff told me she was with me and that you were helping her with something- -She's ...- Bliss Marina tried to make up an excuse, she didn't want Barb's surprise- she's in the library -Library? - the trollex king did not believe him at all - You are right- -Marina tell the truth you are bad at lying- said trollex -well ... she is, in the Black algae forest- reveals the mermaid "WHAT?" The words of her subordinate worried the king "IN THE BLACK ALGAE FOREST?" Trollex felt that he would give her a fit. -Yes, why so worried? -THIS PLACE IS INFESTED OF PREDATORS !!! - said trollex altered -Predators? but you didn't expel them- says Bliss -I THOUGHT THAT, BUT THEY CAME BACK FOR THE REPRODUCTION SEASON- he said excitedly Bliss Marina thought for a moment and analyzed what she was thinking. -Oh shit...- (...) While all that was happening ... What was the matter with Queen Barb? -AHHHH- The poor queen of rock was fleeing from a ferocious eel, that fish only opened and closed her jaw trying to get those trolls to enter and devour her. Barb swam for her life, she was scared and with good reason, these eels have taken their lives many techno trolls, Barb did not want to be next, they not only had to look for a pearl to write a song for her lover, of course, if this I came out of this alive. -cu-cute little fish- Barb was cornered in a coral, she tried to distract the beast, calm it and thus be able to flee. The beast only growled getting closer and closer, it opened its mouth showing its sticky, blood-filled mouth, ready to eat. Barb was waiting for him but and she got into the fetal position, there was nothing else to do, she couldn't run away; until, she could feel something next to her, it was her guitar. Then she Barb remembered when she invaded Techno Reef, she remembered what her guitar did and she knew what to do ... (...) -Barb! - -Barbara!- -Her majesty of her! - All those voices were those of Trollex and the other leaders, they were looking for Barb, it was almost midnight and there was no sign of Barb. -Barb, Barbara, My QUEEN !!! - Trollex took a breath and shouted with all his might, he was worried about her girlfriend, that place was very dangerous and he feared the worst, he did not want to lose her like that, in half an hour of her anniversary. -Any new advance? -Asked the essence queen to her son D - nothing mom- answered D -We must find it, we have 1 hours looking for it and I think Trollex's heart won't take it anymore- said delta pointing to Trollex The poor man was very ill, you could see the despair and anxiety on his face, the simple fact of thinking that the love of his life, the trolls that was the cause of his smiles and his sighs, is hurt or even worse ... He was not able to say those words, he asked his ancestors not to be today the day when he says: "Barb" and "dead" in the same sentence. While the hands of the clock advanced the hopes were lost. -I found something !!! - Ramón yelled and everyone heard them. Trollex swam quickly to where Ramón was, when he arrived he desperately began to look for Barb. -Where, where is she? -Asked Trollex altered -Quiet friend- Ramón took out a handful of clothes -What is that? -It's Barb's clothes, I only found that with a little blood on a coral, - revealed Ramón- sorry Bro Trollex just took the clothes and smelled them, they still had their scent, these clothes, it may mean that their queen is gone, all those beautiful moments that they planned for the future were fading, Trollex's smile was fading, some tears were coming out From his eyes, he couldn't believe it was true, his beloved had been eaten. The other leaders lowered their heads sadly and approached Trollex -My boy- the queen stroked the head of the techno king trying to comfort him. Trollex clung to them needed maternal care. -Why-why sniff ahhhhh- the young king cried in the essence chest, he felt a lot of pain at that moment, his beautiful queen, his girlfriend and future
His wife had left his side, everything hurt, he could no longer see his beloved again, her smiles, laughter, her music, all that only lived in her memory. Her body started to go pale, her colors were fading. Everyone was sad and in mourning, until suddenly she could hear a very loud sound, a roar that made all the algae tremble and some animals came out swimming quickly. They all looked confused, but as the noise got closer to them they started to panic and raised their guard. They heard a roar even louder than all the previous ones, also a great blow, when the paraton noises were all confused. A great cloud of dust covered the gar, many coughed and others closed their eyes. Poppy opened her eyes and saw a figure. -Ba-Barb? - Saying that, everyone opened their eyes and smiled, she was the queen of rock. Barb was still alive, tired and with a guitar in her hands. -BARB! - The trollex king separated himself from his essence and swam out to embrace his beloved. -TROLLEX- -BARB- -TROLLEX- Both lovers hugged each other tightly and began to cry on the shoulders of others, the tears danced with each other, they were happy and very happy, barb was fine, Trollex had recovered his beloved, her colors began to shine, everything was fine. . The others covered their eyes, there is something that trollex did not realize. -Barb my love is it okay? -Trollex took his cheek, he was very worried -I'm fine and you? you look awful-answered Barb -I'm fine but you- -Who cares? -Asked barb -I care- said trollex hugging her Barb just laughs and trollex smiles at her, the king of techno picks up her girlfriend and starts kissing her whole face with a warm smile. -what happened?- -I'll just say that ... I tried to find something to help me play techno, I found an eel and ... I killed it to the point of rock- barb looked at the distance, trollex also looked, and could see a large eel with the exploded and bleeding ears. -HAHAHAHA- trollex laughed a little, he was happy to have her in his arms again. The clock struck 12, it was a new day, it was the anniversary of trollex and barb. -Happy anniversary my queen- Trollex kiss barb on the lips -Thank you my king ... I'm sorry I don't have a song for you-Barb said a little disappointed- I wanted to write you a song in the kind of song that you love, I wanted to show you how much I love you, the music that you love, that reminds me of you, I wanted you to know how much you mean to me
-Barb you don't need anything like that, I'm happy just to see you, you didn't have to risk your life for me, my music is not what I love the most, that's you, my music would no longer be music if you are, since you arrived my music improved, before my music was only music, it was something normal, and before it meant something to me, but, looking at the past, I realize that now, with you, that music compared to the me of the past is not music, now it's magic, that's how I feel about you- the techmo king tells his girlfriend Barb just kissed her boyfriend, they both closed their eyes letting themselves be carried away by the moment, both were happy, her love was strong, it was perfect. -Hey guys- The moment didn't last long, Poppy spoke up and interrupted them. They parted ways and Barb gave Poppy a bad look. -I just wanted to tell you that ... you can cover yourself Barb- the queen of pop pointed to Barb and she was completely naked. -AHHH- the queen screamed and hid behind trollex -Ya heart - trollex charge her to take her home (...) I was hanging out with you and then I realized I didn't think it was true I was surprised When I found out that I have fallen in love with you If I told you how I feel But i can't help it I'm falling in love with you And i can't quit Because i'm trapped in you And it could be pathetic and you could be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me boy Can you give me a hint? Or it happens because I just want to be with you I am scared To tell you how i feel Maybe it's better if I try to hide the truth For me and for you But I'm still caught up in you, ooh, ooh I, I'm still falling in love with you For you Barb finished singing while she caressed the cheek of her lover, it was 4 in the morning of her anniversary, the trollex king was only sleeping peacefully in the bed of his girlfriend. Barb smiled at every move her partner made while she dreamed, seeing him, she imagined a thousand things, things would come true, a future together and the day that officially Rock and Techno would unite and form: electro rock . END -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Hahaha well this is the first one-shot of the couple, I honestly think I look bad, I would like to know your opinion, do you like it? Give ideas for more one.shot Thank you for reading. Sorry if the translation is bad, English is not my mother tongue
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Happer Part 12
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Summary: After another fight with his girlfriend of five years, Sebastian needs to make a tough decision. But after the breakup, things get even messier
Chapter Warnings: Forgiveness and the future. 
Warnings: None
           The next day, Sebastian was spending time by the pool behind the family’s home. He was enjoying the relaxation and the sun. Tegan and Gemma had gone out to spend some time together. They went shopping in nearby Sydney, hoping to talk and bond again.
           Late in the afternoon, Sebastian had gotten up to walk around the pool and stretch after lazing around on the patio all day. He stood near the edge of the pool, just soaking in the sun.
           He didn’t hear the sliding door close and someone walking up to him. Completely caught off guard, Sebastian felt a heavy push and he fell into the pool.
           Getting over the shock, he resurfaced and looked to see who the culprit was.
           Gemma stood at the edge of the pool, with her hands on her hips, and a firm look on her face. “You’re forgiven, for now, Stan.” She informed him. “But if you hurt my sister again, you’re done.”
           Sebastian smiled slightly. “Alright. Fair enough. Thanks, Gem.” He replied gently.
           “Mhm…” She sighed and turned to go back inside. She passed Tegan who came out in a bathing suit. The two-piece showed off her abdomen making Sebastian weak in the knees. She truly was the epitome of a perfect, healthy, mother-to-be. She wore the look so well.
           “So, the push into the pool was my retribution?” He pulled off his now soaking wet t-shirt and tossed it onto the patio. He slipped off his sunglasses too.
           “You didn’t have your phone in your pocket did you?” She winced. “I told her not to.”
           “Nah, it’s on the chair.” He shook his head. “It’s fine, I’ll accept the punishment.” He chuckled. “Needed to cool off anyway.”
           Tegan laughed softly and went around to use the steps on the side of the pool instead of jumping.
           Sebastian swam over to the shallow end to meet her.
           She sighed contently as she stepped into the refreshing water. She paused to tie up her hair and submerged the rest of her body. “Just what I needed.”
           “You look gorgeous.” He murmured and held his arms out to her.
           She wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. “You look handsome. I love when you’re tanned like this.” Her fingers left a wet trail down his cheek and neck.
           “Can’t get this in the middle of a New York winter.” He agreed and slowly spun back and forth around in the water. His hands went to rest on her hips, his long fingers extended over the side of her baby bump. “Did you know babies are actually really good swimmers?”
           She tilted her head to the side. “Really?”
           “Yeah, I guess it’s some natural instinct.” He shrugged. “Pretty neat.”
           “You don’t think you’d be nervous?” Her long nails trailed lightly up and down his upper back.
           “Oh, trust me, I’m going to be super nervous about everything.” He admitted. “I’m fucking terrified.”
           “You and me both.” She rested her cheek on his shoulder. “My mom tried to say it was all natural and I’d figure it out in no time but I don’t know.” She mumbled. “I don’t know if I’ll be a good mother.”
           “Tegan, that’s nonsense, of course, you will.” He assured her. “I know you’ll be the best mother.”
           “You don’t know that for sure.” She argued and closed her eyes. “You can’t know that for sure.”
           Sebastian waded through the shallow end to go sit on the steps with her in his lap. “I know that you’re a caring and sensitive woman who loves very deeply. Parenthood can’t be easy. I mean it’s a living thing you need to nurture and take care of. I’m petrified that I’m going to do something wrong but I feel like if you care enough, that’s the best you can do. We can figure this out together.”
           Tegan chewed on the inside of her cheek and reached up to knot her fingers in his dark locks. The sunshine brought out the lovely, chocolate color hidden in his hair. “I’m scared about giving birth too.” She admitted quietly. “I don’t know if I’ll be strong enough. What if something goes wrong?” Her worried eyes met his.
           “We can’t worry about ‘what-ifs’.” He murmured. “If we do then it’ll only make us feel worse. I guess the most we can do is prepare for everything and make sure we’re ready. Breathing and other tips, right?” He tucked away a piece of stray hair that had escaped her top bun.
           “It’ll be okay, Tee. Everything’s going well, you’re healthy and so is our son. Our little Charlie.” He kissed her forehead. “Let’s look forward to all the things we’ll get to do with him.”
           She smiled shakily, her eyes shining. “He’s going to say mama first.”
           “Oh, not if I have anything to say about that.” He teased. “It’s going to be dada.”
           “Hm…it’s cute how wrong you are sometimes.” She replied coyly.
           “Alright, well just wait and see, Cross.”
           “Okay, Stan.”
           For a brief moment, Sebastian thought about their different last names. It didn’t sound right to him. Tegan Stan. That sounded better.
           While Tegan napped before dinner, Sebastian was spending time with her sisters. They sat outside on the patio as the sunset and the air began to cool down.
           “So uh…does Tegan have like a kind of ring she wears?” He brought up casually. “I know she has that sort of pinkish one.”
           Kirsty gasped. “Ohmigod, you’re going to propose!”
           “Whoa, hey, hey, hey, that’s not what I said.” But a small smile played across his face.
           “She likes round cut diamonds,” Gemma replied. “She was looking in the jeweler’s window at engagement rings today.” She reported helpfully. Although the young woman was still a little frosty towards Sebastian, she was being nicer than the night before.
           “She was?” Sebastian perked up. Maybe Tegan was in the same mindset as he was. Maybe things were ready to move to the next step even though it did seem a little sudden. “Did she point out any ones she really liked?”
           “Yeah, a few.” Her sister nodded.
           “Maybe we can go look tomorrow?” Phoebe asked hopefully. The idea of going with her sister’s boyfriend to pick out engagement rings sounded exciting.
           “It’s a little soon.” He shrugged. “I just…maybe it’ll be good to be engaged before the baby is born.”
           “Maybe you can get a ring and sit with it for a bit?” Kirsty suggested. “See how it feels and maybe if you get to a moment…it’ll feel right and you’ll ask.”
           “Okay…” He nodded and liked the sound of that. “D’you think she’d say yes?” He wondered.
           “You two need to be in the right space. But you do want to marry her, don’t you? Even if it’s later on?” Kirsty asked.
           “Yeah, of course. I want the baby to be raised in a family. And of course, I want to be with her for the rest of my life.”
           Phoebe and Kirsty cooed while Gemma made a gagging sound. “Oh, brother.”
           He chuckled. “I’m counting on you, Gem, will you help me?”
           “Yeah, I guess.”
           The next day, the girls and Sebastian made an excuse to Tegan and Shannon to go out.
           Gemma brought them to the jeweler where Tegan had been looking at the window displays. She pointed at the glass. “She liked that one, the one with the little diamonds around the bigger one. She said the circle cut was her favorite.”
           “Let’s go see it.” Sebastian opened the door for the three sisters and followed them inside. The air conditioning hit him, making his arms speckle with goosebumps. Although the excitement and apprehension attributed to it too.
           Someone from behind the glass cases came to help them. The older woman showed them a few rings that Tegan had expressed interest in. The sisters argued and bickered over which one was the best. Eventually, Sebastian made the final decision. Tegan wasn’t an especially flashy dresser and appreciated the little things in life. But Sebastian wanted people to know she was his. He wanted to put a ring on her finger that meant he was committed to her for the rest of their lives. It meant more than the size or look of the diamond. But he also wanted to spoil the mother of his child. So he chose a ring, had it placed in a black velvet box, and slipped it into his pocket.
           “Not a word to Tegan, right?” He asked the girls as they headed back to Kirsty’s car.
           “Of course.” Phoebe mimicked zipping her lips.
           “We want it to be a surprise.” Gemma agreed, softening up as she saw the care and thought he put into Tegan even if it was just a ring.
           Sebastian smiled. “Alright, let’s head back.”
Permanent Tags: @what-the-buckybarnes @captainmarmel
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fanaticfangirl001 · 7 years
Sits Like a Whore But Wears Pearls
Author’s note: This is for the Kate’s Card Against Humanity Challenge My prompt was: clothes off, penis in vagina. (it’s bolded) This may also be my longest fic. Warning: Swearing, the use of the word whore, but it’s used making fun of the way Tom sits. Mention of sex
“Tom I’ve been thinking.” Holly puts down the cup of tea, acrylic nails tapping the sides of the cup.
“That’s a dangerous hobby of yours, considering the last time that happened I was picking out glitter from my stubble not ever really a beard.” Tom put aside the phone he was tapping away on answering emails.
“You made a lovely fashion statement with a teal glitter beard. It went nicely with your eyes. Your beautiful eyes aside I’ve been thinking about you telling everyone about us.”
“Second thoughts?” He asks.
Holly shakes her head. The two of them have been together for almost a year and are living together, if she has a problem with the relationship she would have told him by now. The sneaking around in her mind was getting a little tedious.
“No, it’s just let me see your hands.” Tom obliges and she takes his hands, surveying them. From a nail tech perspective, his nails weren’t in the worst shape she’s ever seen but they were close.
“Yup that’s what I thought.” Holly drops his hands.
“What? Are my nails going to fall off?” Tom looks at his own nails.
“Your cuticles look like a small woodland creature gnawed on them.” Holly bluntly replies going back to her tea.
“And that matters to you…” He arches a brow confused. Tom’s nails aren’t a part of his body that he knows people like to see.
“Tom, if people see you with bad nails, they may think I’m a bad nail artist.” Holly explains simply.
Tom starts laughing from behind his hand then says, “That’s adorable and so innocent that you think during an interview people are looking at my hands.”
Holly smirks “They might if you not sit like a whore.”
“There’s the Holly I know and love.” Tom moves his legs so he’s sitting beside her in his whore-like fashion.
“So, what are you going to say exactly.” Holly asks biting her lip in an effort not to laugh at him.
“How’s this, I like to keep my private life to myself but I will say that I have an incredible girlfriend named Holly. She’s an amazing nail artist who also gave me a manicure before the interview so my nails don’t look busted. Wiggle nails around.” Tom says laying it on thick.
“Pretty good, I mean you probably don’t want talk about us intimately.” Holly sips her tea.
“That’s right.” Tom hooks a leg around her.
“No juicy details? “Holly asks” No mention of clothes off, penis in vagina sex.”
“Nope, amongst other things I won’t talk about.” Tom smirks trying not to turn pink.
“Like me falling while trying to strip on your birthday.” Holly shakes her head at the memory.
               After that came the utterly embarrassing trip to A&E. She left with a small splint on her broken toe, and matching cast on her badly sprained ankle.
“Exactly, even though I’m not quite sure how one trips over their own pants.” He smirks.
“Laugh at me all you want, just wait here. I’ll get my nail stuff.” Holly gets up unhooking his leg.
“This won’t hurt, will it?” Tom yells after her.
“No, and when have I ever hurt you?” Holly yells her answer.
“You sprayed hair spray in my eyes and then there was the stud incident or the time…” Tom goes on about the many fails.
“Okay I get it. You are the victim of many fashion based experiments, but I promise this won’t hurt one bit.” Holly reenters the room with a large box and a small dryer.
“You know my sister are very excited to meet you.” Tom watches as she opens the box, all the colors differ slightly of a grey beige to a pink nude. This must be one of the boxes she has devoted to nudes.
“They want me to do their nails, right.”  Holly quirks her eyebrow up.
“Yep.” Tom pops the p.
“And your mom?” She asks mentally penciling them in to her schedule of clients.
“I might have told her about your side job as a hairstylist, with your specialty in coloring.” He watches again as she pulls out a long box with many openings containing different gemstones. These might be useful.
“What does she want?” Holly asks.
“Uh.” Tom tries to remember.” She said hot fudge highlights.”
“Caramel highlights.” Holly guesses.
“Yeah, that. Afterwards I really wanted ice-cream.” Tom watches closely as he sees her get the out the nail tools, all he could describe them as is torture devices, there’s the sharp stick, a pair of scissors, two types of plier looking things, and a silicone thing on a stick that looks like a tiny baking spatula.
“Did you go to the place by the bakery that I love without me?” She asks.
“No, I would never, how dare…yeah I did.” Tom dramatically answers with a small grin.
Holly used to his theatrics asks the real question. “What did you get?”
“Pistachio, and caramel sauce.” He watches her wipe down the tools with an antiseptic wipe.
“I will never not judge you for your ice cream preferences.” Holly opens another box and chooses two small bottles, the label worn of years ago.
“Do you judge all your clients flavor preferences?” He asks getting comfortable.
“Nope you’re just special.” Holly winks getting out a large tube of something that Tom has no idea what it is.
“Are you going to paint on a color, some piece of art, a charm or just clear?” He asks, if they were going to do this, he might as well have something memorable.
“Do you want that?” She asks eyebrow quirking again.
“Might as well go all out.” Tom answers coolly.
“Don’t worry, you’re going to an interview. I’ll make sure it’s classy.” Holly gets out the glass files with a red tip to it.
“What do you do first?” Tom begins asking questions.
“Shape your nails.” Holly starts with filing switching between two files.
“And then.”
“Get rid of your cuticles.” She uses the mysterious squeeze bottle and puts some of the liquid on his nails. Holly rubs it all around the bottom of his nail.  
“Buff.” She picks out a large pink block of what feels like sandpaper to buff the nails.
“Now the strengthening base.” Holly takes a small bottle out of base coat for your nails. The only thing Tom can read on the bottle is rose oil.
“With rose oil. What does the rose oil do?” He asks.
“Prevents hang nails and damage of the nail. The oil is also good for your hair and face, but your hair is too late for that.” Holly ruffles his hair.
“I really don’t need another forty-five-minuet lecture on dying my hair too much for roles.” Tom replies as she rolls the nail polish bottle in between her hands.
“All I ask is that you use a replenishing hair mask for when the role is finished.” She begins painting on the rose oil base.
“Let’s focus on the nails, then I’ll think about asking you for help with my hair.” Tom replies not wanting another hair dye incident or worse glitter.
“It’s a deal.” She puts Tom’s hand under a dryer for a few minutes.
“Oh, that’s actually like a nude color.” He notices the nude color she’s about to paint on his nails.
“Yep, but that’s not all don’t worry. You will get nail art just stay still.”  She starts painting the nude color on.
“What kind.” He asks wanting to get to the fun part.
“Classy with a hint of sexy.” She puts his left hand in the dryer while starting on his other hand.
“So lace.” He guesses.
“And dots.” She checks on the left hand.
“Boring.” He mutters.
“Okay then let’s break out some pearls, then. Two accent nails not just one. How about that?” She pauses the painting and pours out some pearls from the gem container.
“Much better, I think.” He answers as she begins doing the lattice work in white on his nails.
“It’ll look good, don’t worry. You can wear this manicure with everything.” Holly answers the one thing question Tom wasn’t wondering.
“How many nails like this do you do?” He asks since she painted his thumb very quickly.
“Depends on when the local school has their prom?” She answers starting on another nail.
“I’m getting prom nails.” Tom laughs imaging himself in a roomful of girls getting ready for a school prom.
“Yeah or wedding, really any big classy event.” She starts adding the dots below the lattice pieces.
“You’re cute when you’re concentrating.” He smiles still watching her nose scrunch up like a rabbit.
“Then I must look gorgeous.” She says not looking up from the nails, letting one hand dry while working on the other.
“Always do.”
“That’s super cheesy and I can’t swat at you without messing this up so just know I’m mentally smacking you.” Holly rolls her eyes gently placing the pearls on the accent nails in neat little rows. “Noted.”
“I think I’m done but we have to move them to the dryer carefully.” She takes both of his hands gently and place them in the dryer careful to not move any of the pearls.
“Alright, so now we wait.” Holly flicks on the television to a tennis match for him. It wasn’t her sport of choice but she doesn’t hate it.
“Yep, and I’m going to take a picture.” Holly says as Tom’s eyes are glued to the tennis match.
“For?” He asks not looking away.
“My portfolio, I show it to clients and take it with me for the art shows.” Holly finishes her tea and cuddles up to him, if he could move his hands he’d have his arms around her.
“Where are these nail art shows?” His attention briefly caught.
“All over the world, I only just started going to a few in London.” Holly smiles. This means more traveling and hopefully more time spent traveling with Tom.
“What kind of nails can you do?” He asks as Holly pulls his out of the dryer to check them.
“All kinds, the simple ones like on my hands, 3d ones like yours, I also do long acrylics, some gel.” Holly says putting the nails back in the dryer. She wiggles her own acrylics painted red.
“Could you make Loki nails?” Tom asks as though he’s planning something.
“Do you want me to do your nails for the premiere?” Holly guesses the plan then pulls out his nails from the dryer. “These are done.”
“Depends on how people like these.” Tom wiggles his fingers.
“Of course, if Chris and Mark want to, I could do their nails as well.” Holly smiles thinking of what would happen if she had the three of them in the same nail shop.
“Nope, they have to find their own. Not sharing you.” Tom kisses her forehead now that he’s free.
“Baby, you sound like the snobby housewives whose nails I paint. They’ve all laid a claim on me. When they all book times close together it’s better than watching the Ladies of London.” Holly rolls her eyes.
“They have a reason to, you’re good.” Tom relaxes into the couch, spreading his legs placing his hands in between. 
“Sits like a whore but wears pearls.” Holly mutters cleaning up her makeshift nail station.
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sxissorsbeatspaper · 7 years
Small fic of Yoko in her childhood
Summery: Yoko wants to play dress up, and reaches a turning point.
Saturday. Yoko flopped into a new position in her theater chair, and kept looking at the cartoons on the screen. Boring. This episode wasn’t very good and she didn’t feel like finishing it. Getting up, she clicked the projector off, and turned off the theater screen shortly after. All her friends were busy, the few friends she managed to keep despite her studying. She still desperately wanted to impress her father, even though he seemed to grow more and more cold each time she showed him an her grades. She’d even become one of the top students in her class and still he didn’t acknowledge her.
“Hm…” She began wandering the hallways, looking from room to room. Nothing seemed to catch her interest, not her game console, not her toys, not even the idea of getting her driver to take her to ride her pony. She groaned, small feet hitting the polished wood floor and she wandered through the second dining hall. Eventually she headed back to her room, or tried to. She stopped at her father’s room. Huh…she hadn’t played dress up in a while…
She grinned.
Yoko went to the closet, and found a foot rest to help her reach some of the suits and dress shirts. Oh! A purple one! She tugged off her alpaca wool sweater, and began buttoning up the shirt onto herself. It reached her knees, and she had to keep pulling the sleeves so she could get her fingers out. She walked over to look at the shoes, giggling when she caught sight of herself in the full length mirror.
“Yoko! You need to get out of the office,” She tried her best to have a deep voice so she could mimic her father. Her small fingers pointed accusingly at her reflection. “Yoko! You need to sit like a lady, crossing you legs is inappropriate. Yoko! You need to stop talking, you’re not to talk unless I talk to you first,” She lost the deepness of her voice and just kept giggling. It never occurred to her that she couldn’t think of him saying anything nice to her.
“Hm…Oh! Why does Papa have girl clothes?” She wandered over to a cracked door, leading to a second closet she hadn’t known about.  A beautiful vanity set was covered in a small layer of dust, and the carpet was less worn down than her father’s area. The crystal chandelier was also neglected and boasted a few cobwebs. Inside were women’s suits, dresses, shirts, and pants. All of the fabrics were neat and pressed, except for a worn sweater that was thrown over a bench. She wrinkled her nose, it smelled like the window in the back hadn’t been opened in a long time, and the air was stale.
She wandered in, running her fingers over the clothing carefully. Some were silk, some had pretty gems or sparkles sewn into them…She stopped. There was a modest jewelry box. Just like the vanity set, it was covered in dust. Yoko thought for a moment, and felt like she was suddenly invading something she shouldn’t. But this was her house right? Her home? She lived here, she could do what she wanted! With a new found determination, she opened a few drawers of the jewelry box.
Inside were diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, and diamond rings. The next drawer had pearls. Eventually Yoko had to go back to her father’s closet to draw a footstool so she could reach the taller drawers and compartments. Drawer by drawer, she looked at the sparkly, expensive, jewelry inside. When she reached the top, she flipped open the top lid.
“Oh…” She held onto a picture. It was one of her father, younger, and actually smiling. Beside him was a woman, with long black hair that was just a bit wavy, and that shared his smile. The woman wore heels, but still was a few inches shorter than her father. Her lips were painted red and on her neck she boasted one of the pearl necklaces she earlier. She knew this woman. Yoko frowned, and put back the picture of her parents. It did give her an idea though…
“I’ll surprise Papa!” She threw off his dress shirt and pulled on the dress she had seen in the picture. It was simple, white, with a scoop neck and fine stitching. Yoko tried to look for the shoes to match, but didn’t find them. She wished she had, because being eight and already small, she kept tripping in the abundance of fabric. At least she found the pearls. Now all she had to do was show her father! He’d be impressed she was sure, she and Mama could have been twins! Maybe he’d think she was cute and take her out to dinner! Maybe he’d spend time with her, like he did with mama in the picture!
It took her a while to reach his office, where he was toiling away on his computer. Despite herself, she got excited to see him.
“Papa!” She waved her arm widely, trying to catch his attention. He looked over, and went pale. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well. “We could be twins, right? Don’t I look pretty like ma-,” She squeaked. With her father’s long legs it had only taken a minute for him to reach her. His hand wrapped around her small arm, and he was squeezing so tight it made her eyes water.
“Take that shit off,” He said a bad word. Yoko didn’t know how to respond. She couldn’t respond. “And you’re not to wear these,” He grabbed the necklace, and broke it off her neck, and the pearls hit the rug without a sound. Her stomach twisted.
“I swear to fucking God, if I ever see you wearing this shit again, no…no, no second chances! How many times have I told you not to go in my room? I’ve given you everything you could ever want and you break the one fucking rule I gave you,” He yanked on her, physically dragging her from his office. She began crying and tried to pry his hand off. It didn’t work.
“Pack your fucking bags because you’re not staying in this god damned house anymore,” She hadn’t realized how quickly they’d reached her room. Where was she going? Were they moving? Whatw as he talking about? She didn’t understand why he was so mad!
“Pa-a,” His eyes shut her up. She’d never seen him so angry. She hadn’t done anything wrong! She just wanted to be pretty like mama. Yoko opened her mouth to apologize but no words came out.
“Don’t you ever talk about her. You’re not like her, you’ll never be like her,” He all but threw her in her room. “Take that off, and don’t you ever go in my office or my room again,” He was so cold, so angry. Yoko was more afraid than she’d ever been, even when she and her friends watched that scary movie they snagged from her friend’s older sister.
He slammed the door, and Yoko kept crying. What did she do? She tried to do everything he could want her to. She got good grades, she cleaned her room…Why then? Why didn’t her Papa love her like her friends Papa’s loved them? Why wasn’t she good enough? What did she do wrong that made her Papa hate her? She kept crying, and took off the stupid dress that wasn’t even that pretty and crawled into her bed.
Yoko’s grades fell after that. Her father took more and more business trips so he wasn’t around to see or care. She began getting into fights at school. She bit one girl and punched another. If being a good girl wasn’t going to make her father love her, then she’d do what she pleased because she had no one to impress anymore. All she had was herself, herself and an empty mansion.
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abutterflyobsession · 8 years
Doctor Who AU: Part 14
“You see, humans are boring.”
The primrose pendant was a bright spot of rosy color in the sterile white of the circular room. It dangled from Roland's hand, looking even gaudier than usual when compared to his crisp neatness, straight lines of his clothing and carefully calculated curl of his hair.
“Fascinating,” Bog tried to wiggle his feet and hands, but he was caught fast and the wall had no give. The wall had swallowed him up to the waist and held his hands trapped above his head. Somewhere to Bog's left the Doctor was similarly trapped and muttering under her breath.
“Humans are boring, dull little creatures and almost entirely useless.”
“You're hurting my feelings.”
“What I need to unlock this,” Roland bounced the pendant up and down, “is more Cheem.”
“Sorry I couldn't have been more help.”
“No, you don't grasp what I'm saying. Not surprising. Your little trinket keeps you and your like mostly human, covering up anything non-human with a perception filter built into your genetic code. Without this you'd go full potted plant over the course of several years.”
“My family does tend to have a problem with dry skin when we get older.”
“Now, you managed to access the information contained in this, but you've failed to activate any of its other abilities. It's not just a passive receptacle of data, you know.”
The Doctor's muttering got louder and more annoyed.
The seed had been a battery, of sorts, Bog understood. It collected power from the sun and stored it so it could be used for any number of things. To manipulate the growth of the forest, to make ships, even to make the Cheem look human.
At least, it had been. Until something happened, four centuries ago, that ended with the primrose seed in pieces, its abilities crippled, patched together and held in place by the yellow gem in the center.
Roland dropped the pendant into a box.
“This is rather like what you were using earlier, to block the signal of the pendent,” Roland snapped the box shut and the lid fused to the box, the seam disappearing completely, “But far less makeshift and created specifically for the purpose of isolating the gems.”
“Obviously you don't want me setting the cloud of death on you.”
“Obviously. But it also serves the purpose of keeping the pendant from maintaining your human form. The gems have to send out a constant signal that fortify your genetic scaffolding, keep it from slipping into old habits. Like growing leaves instead of hair and bark instead of toenails.”
“Yeah, okay, so in like ten years I'll be a bit green around the gills. You've got my knees knocking, for sure. Is this wall going to ruin my jacket? Leather is hard to keep in condition, you know, and it's already got its share of rips and scuffs.”
“I'm so glad,” Roland tapped the box, a smug little smile on his face, “So glad you're taking this situation with the seriousness it commands. Darlin', would you like to explain to your pet philodendron what's going on?”
The Doctor's muttering cut off and she craned her head around to look at Bog, “He's going to expose you to the time vortex to try and speed up your personal time.”
“Ten years will be like ten minutes and you'll be completely Cheem. At least, the remaining human DNA will be negligible.”
“What you're saying is that I'm going to lose my good looks.”
Roland shuddered at the idea of Bog and 'good looks' mentioned in the same sentence.
The Doctor's lips quirked up slightly.
“I need Cheem DNA to use as a basis to break the security on the pendant,” Roland continued, trying to refocus their attention back on him.
“Aren’t you even going to try, I don’t know, torture me or something? What if I just gave you access?”
“What would be the fun of that?”
Roland waved a had and the wall shifted, moving in a wave of cubes, setting Bog further back in the wall, blocking his view of the Doctor.
“Bog,” she called, straining to catch his eye before he was out of sight, “Bog, you're going to be fine. I'm going to get you out, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Bog replied, watching the Doctor's ruffled head disappear, panic rising up in his chest. He had only a rudimentary idea of what Roland was planning, but considering it was Roland . . . it was going to be bad.
“I swear, I'll get you out. I swear. I promise. You'll be walking out of here with that necklace in your hand and you can go back to grouching around and fiddling with your guitar like a moody teenager.”
“That's rich,” Bog couldn't help but laugh a little, “coming from the oldest moody teenager in all of time and space. That's a promise, huh? Tell you what, you've got to come to one of my gigs after we get out of this, to make up for it. And not the street corner weekend stuff, one of my actual paying gigs, with an audience and everything. I'll show you who 'plays decently'.”
“It's a date.”
“Buttercup,” Roland sauntered toward her, “you and I know exactly how much your promises are worth.”
Roland snapped his fingers, the wall closing over in front of Bog, sealing him in a small rectangle of space. Just before the last crack of light was blocked out he caught a glimpse of Roland's face twisted into a look of anger, contorted and ugly.
“Not even the breath you waste on them.”
Then there was only darkness.
“Okay, so we got a little lost!”
“Dawn, we just spent a week in the 1960s!”
“We had a good time, didn't we?”
“Okay, yeah. Encounters with blatant racism aside, it was kind of awesome. I mean, we met the Beatles! And Ray Charles! But when you said that this botax manipulator--”
“Vortex manipulator.”
“--lost power and needed a little time to recharge you failed to mention that 'a little time' actually means 'three days, possibly a week'.”
“Sorry, the manipulator is synced to the TARDIS and bounced us back to the last time we'd visited. I've turned off the connection and we should be able to make half a dozen jumps now that it isn't burning up energy searching for the TARDIS's signal.”
“Good. Great. Next time remember to turn it on airplane mode before we take off.”
“Noted. We're back within the same hour we left in, I just need to trace Roland's TARDIS and set the new coordinates.”
Sunny was suffering from whatever the time travel equivalent of jet lag was. But at the same time he was still exhilarated from actually traveling in time. And from spending a whole week running around 1960s American with Dawn.
The power to time travel may have bugged out but the vortex manipulator still acted as a handy teleporter and they had spent the week hopping from event to event, falling asleep in the backs of buses after concerts, holding hands in front of guys who started to make trouble about a white woman hanging around with a black man, then running around a corner and teleporting away.
Also there had been a small problem with an invasion of lizard aliens trying to broadcast a signal on radio waves, encoded into a recording of I Heard it Through the Grapevine, meant to mentally enslave everyone who heard it to the will of the lizard queen. That had been solved fairly quickly once Dawn convinced the FBI that she worked for them and got their help to alter the broadcast.
Sunny felt like he was just being dragged along for the ride.
He didn't even mind.
He was having the time of his life.
It was hard to pull his thoughts back to the present and remember that Dawn's sister and Bog had only just been abducted and probably needed help immediately.
It was especially hard to remember anything when after Dawn finished calculating the coordinates she kissed him.
“Okay, I need you to take this phone and stand in an open area. It will act as a homing beacon so I can find my way back. I may or may not be bringing Roland's TARDIS with me so find a nice big space. If the phone rings, answer it and that will activate the signal and let me lock on. I don't want to broadcasting indefinitely in case somebody else picks up the signal and decides to drop by for a quick afternoon invasion. Are you okay?”
“Uh, you handed me a phone and then everything went blank.”
“It was the kiss, wasn't it?”
“Mm, might have been.”
“Because I am a hugger and a kisser and I forget about boundaries so I might have done that without thinking because you're an extraordinarily lovely person and very cute. Can I do it again?”
“Kiss you.”
“Yes! I mean, yeah. If you want to--”
Dawn wanted to.
An interlude of uncertain length passed before either of them remembered what they were supposed to be doing.
“Yes, phone!” Dawn made sure he was holding it, “Open space, answer when I call! I'll see you soon.”
She hit a button on the vortex manipulator and vanished.
Sunny was just dazedly making his way out of the TARDIS and heading in the general direction of some empty lots when Dawn reappeared, her hair slightly singed.
She laughed nervously, “I may have dropped a one in my calculations. I've fixed it now. Okay, bye!”
She bent down and kissed him quickly on the lips before vanishing again.
Sunny lingered where he was for about half a minute, but started walking again when it became clear she was not popping back again.
“Let's see how things are coming along!”
There was light again and Bog hurt.
A new pain stabbed in his arm and he cracked open his gritty eyes to see Roland sticking him with a needle. Roland drew some blood and held up the syringe to examine the color.
“Hardly even starting,” Roland frowned, tossing the syringe over his shoulder. It shattered somewhere behind him, “You haven't even begun to cook yet, tree man.”
It was dark again.
Bog's skin crawled.
Tingled like he'd stuck his finger in a light socket.
He could feel his skin pulling tight and starting to crack.
Another needle stabbed into his arm.
“Really, you have to stop dawdling, there's really only so much small talk you can make when the other person isn't talking to you. Isn't that right, sweetheart?”
Faintly, Bog heard the Doctor telling Roland to “drop dead” along with some other things he couldn't make out, but sounded colorful.
“What a way for a lady to talk!” Roland huffed, indignant, before closing Bog back into the dark.
Bog felt his bones twisting.
That what he thought it was, at least.
Anyway, it hurt.
There was a blur of light, needles stabbed in his arm, then dark again.
Bog counted it a mercy when he felt consciousness slip away
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knittinganarchist · 7 years
the flower questions?? yeah bud do all of em go hard or go home
Ageratum: Are you friendly or wary of strangers?
I’m terrified of strangers but treat them unfailingly politely. It’s kinda the way your supposed to treat the fey; don’t trust them, but be very nice to them.
American Marigold: Is there anything you will not/cannot eat?
Keep your raw tomatos away from me pls. I don’t want their soggy soggy juices wetting my sandwiches/burgers/salads thank you.
Black-Eyed Susan: Have you ever given/received a black eye? Why?
I’ve never gotten or recieved a black eye because confrontation scares me and i avoid it At All Costs. 
Bleeding-heart: Do you open up freely with their emotions, or do you bottle it up until you burst? If you do hold it in, what is usually your breaking point?
I’m a big bottle of repressed emotional issues and worry 100%. My bursting point is usually after i’ve been too stressed for a couple of days and get over-tired, bc then i just start crying over something stupid, spill my guts to someone via text, and regret it absolutely the next day.
Butterfly-Weed: What is one thing that always makes you stop and admire, no matter what you were doing prior?
As someone who is both constatly distracted and looking for art ideas that a lot of things! Usually its either the outfits of people in town, or the sunset when im on the bus home of the evening. 
Common Yarrow: Do you easily blend in with the crowd, or do you wear/act so that you are noticeable and stand out?
Thats kinda tricky because i love wearing quirky opshopped clothed and ridiculous shirts, but i also kinda wear them in the hope that people wont bother me too much? I want to look cool, but not Too Cool.
Cornflower: Is there a color you don’t particularly care to wear? Is it because it clashes with your style, appearance, or any other reason outside of simple dislike for said color?
I don’t think theres a colour that i wouldnt wear? I dont wear a lot of green but thats more because i tend to gravitate to either warmer colours or crazy prints.
Creeping Zinnia: Do you listen into other people’s conversations, either idly or purposely? Has there been anything you learned from it? Have you gotten into trouble?
I absolutely do not. I feel so so terrible when i listen in and im so scared that they’ll say something very personal i should never hear. I wear headphones a lot of the time though so its not a huge problem.
Daylily: Do you have any daily routines/habits? Are they ingrained into you as a child or have they been recent additions?
I’m too scatterbrained to have too many daily habits, but the one that has carried over from my childhood is packing my bag the day before. For someone who worries a lot knowing im all ready for uni the next day, and having a vague idea of what i want to wear, is very helpful in helping me calm down before bed. 
Field Pansy: Have you ever gone and flown a kite before? Do you wish to do so if you haven’t?
Yes! There’s a big spare block up on a hill not far from my house, so when i was about 11 maybe(?) me and my neighborhood friends would make kites out of balloon sticks and rubbish bags, then ride our bikes up to the spare block.
Flowering Cabbage: Name one thing you keep, despite it being pointless or purposeless other than sentimental value or you simply cannot throw it away, and state the reason why you hang onto it.
Ummmm? Everything? I’m hopelessly sentimental. I’ve got clothes, books, letters, and dried flowers collected up simply because they remind me of happy times or people i care about.
Garden Impatiens: What causes you to lose patience? How do you react when you lose it?
Generally i have endless patience for others, but for myself? I’m constantly frustrated by my inability to concentrate for a long time, and when i’m trying to draw and it just Wont Work, usually that just leads to me just stewing in my annoyance for a few hours. 
Gooseneck Loosestrife: Is there anything strange or unusual you can do, or have noticed happening around you without an identifiable cause?
There’s nothing unsual that i can can do, although sometimes i wish that were true. Although i must say that art school has a ton of weird things i wish i could explain; like when you hear voices in a computer lab but you go in and its empty. Or the people who i swear i’ve never met before who stand outside the classrooms until you use your swipcard to let them in. 
Hosta: Do you enjoy the time out in the sun, or do you relax in the shade whenever you get the chance to do so?
I love the sun in every season except for summer, my pale pale skin cannot handle it at all so i stick to the shadows like a vampire. 
Ivy Geranium: Do you have any pets? If so, how are they doing?
I have a dog called Scruffy, who is cute but constantly a mess, and seven chickens all named after Doctor Who characters!
Japanese Bloodgrass: When was the last time you drew blood, either from yourself or from another? What was the reason?
I might have sliced my ankle shaving the other week because i was bopping along to the music i had playing and slipped...
Lady’s Mantle: What is one outfit you remember your mother/guardian wearing when you were a child?
My mum used to wear these striped tshirt dresses around the house all through summer, i actually got a few of these handed down to me!
Lambs Ears: Do you remember how old you were when the last time someone tried to censor their speech around you?
About 20mins ago... My mum was about to swear and just gave me a look before rephrasing hahah
Lavender: Is there a particular scent you are fond of? Do you smell this scent often or rarely?
I love lavender and rosemary in summer because it reminds me of the veggie patch that i planted near my back door a few years ago, but in winte hot chocolate and cinnamon are the best for feeling cozy.
Million Gold: How much money do you make, if any? How much money do you have currently?
I’m currently unemployed while i move out of home and settle in, but at the moment i’m housesitting so i think i get about $200 for the month, and then i dogsit again for someone else next month. Other than that my only income is from commissions..
Moss Phlox: Have there been any new friends you have made? What do you want to know about them the most?
Last saturday was my friend Katie’s birthday picnic and i met some lovely people there who i really hope i can stay in contact with.
Nasturium: Have you ever been the one to be told a secret? Did you keep it or did you share it with someone else? Was the secret worth being kept?
It’s not often people tell me secrets, but if they do tell me one i always keep it. I know how gross it feels to have someone betray your trust and i wouldnt do that deliberately to anyone. 
Ornamental Purslane: Do you wear any jewelry? Which ones are your favorites? Do you favor certain metals/gems/styles?
I don’t usually wear a lot of jewlery because i forget to change my earrings, and bracelets get in the way when im drawings, i used to wear a necklace all the time though. It was a teardrop shaped blue-goldstone on a silver chain, but my sister pulled it off when she was mad and it snapped. 
Rose Campion: If you had to fight, which one person would you chose to fight at your side? Would you pick them based on skill, on trust, or both?
I don’t know anyone personally who’d be any good in a fight so im going to have to say uhhhhhhh... either The Rock lmao bc he’d just punch danger in the face, or Ship ( @glumshoe ) because i just think he’d be prepared for even the weirdest stuff we could encounter.
Salvia-May-Night: What your habits/rituals you do when preparing for bed? How long do you usually sleep for?
The classic shower, facewash, text people who make me happy, and reluctantly set an alarm so i’ll get to class on time. I usually sleep fine all night no matter how early/late i go to bed, but i always wake up at 8am and have to check my phone to see if im late for anything.
Snapdragon: What sort of things would you hoard, if given the chance? Would you?
So so many things, its a good thing i dont have the chance. Books? Art supplies? Cool dresses? Pot plants? 
Snow-In-Summer: Would you rather have winter or summer? What are the benefits or reason to your preferred season over the other?
Autumn all the way. I love the coloured leaves and windy days, and its the perfect inbetween weather thats not too hot or cold.
Sunflower: Name one thing that will always make you smile.
Finding the perfect ugly/cool dress in the back of an opshop
Thread-leaf Tickseed: Are you an insect-magnet when you go outside, or do you insects generally leave you alone?
If im at home? for sure, i get a lot of beetles bothering me. But if im in the park at uni not so much for some reason.
Variegated Solomon’s Seal: What is one thing you wished you could seal away and never see/feel/use/etc again? Why?
99% of highschool to be honest, just a lot of Not Fun stuff.
Wheat Cockscomb: Name one thing you could do that you wished you could do, but cant?
Speak literally any language, i feel like it would open a lot of travel option up for me
Yellow Cosmos: What is your favorite constellation? Why? 
Cassiopeia! I just thought it was a neat myth, and also i used that as a name for a character in a grade 8 story story lmao.
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