#I just think it’s neat to give him worried eyes and messy hair
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König - MW II
My sketched version of the unhooded shy Austrian bb
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
kiss it better
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in which spencer notices your bruised knees and tries to make it up to you
18+ (fluff, allusions to past intimacy) warnings/tags: gn!reader i believe, reader has bruised knees lol, guess why, implied intimacy, hurt/comfort, sorta implied d/s dynamics maybe?? spencer is so smart and not very smart, but forever my no. 1 cutie pie a/n: why do i love writing about smut like before and after smut way more than i actually like writing smut LOL anyways here is this cause i haven't been posting very much!!! (also ik I said I don't like babe as a pet name but shhh) and GIF :D
“Hey,” you grunt as you flop on the bed in your pajamas, rumpling the neat covers. “Pay attention to me.”
Spencer holds his Sudoku off to the side and watches, eyebrows raised, as you scoot closer, tossing your leg over him. Soon he’s abandoning the book and pen on the bedside table in favor of hooking his fingers under your knee and stroking your leg, much to your delight. 
“Okay. What kind of attention would you like?”
You allow him to put his other arm around you and settle your cheek on his shoulder. 
“This is pretty good.”
“Oh, good,” he says with only a hint of teasing, leaning down slightly to kiss your lips and then the tip of your nose. 
When he pulls away you can’t help smiling up at him like a lovestruck idiot. Obviously he’s perfect all the time, but in his glasses, with his hair messy, wearing a navy crewneck instead of a button up and tie… he’s just… he’s just so…
He’s just so alarmed?
“Honey, your knee.”
“My knee?” Your own brows furrow and you track his eye line, craning your neck to look down to the blotchy sprawl of purple and red marring your skin. “Oh.”
The pillow is soft under your head where it falls, unconcerned even as Spencer gawps at you, baffled by your nonchalance. 
“What did you do?”
You snort. 
“What did you do, Spencer?”
It’s cute, the way his lips move as he silently repeats the sentence, trying to discern the meaning of your words. 
“What do you mean? I did something?”
The knot between his brows has not loosened any—in fact you’re worried he’s going to give himself a headache. Or at least make himself dizzy, with the way his eyes cycle between your own. You try again, covering his anxious hand on the bend of your leg with your own. 
“When we got back from Penelope’s thing, the other night?”
Slowly the understanding seeps into his expression—soft guilt in his eyes, and a deep red stain in his cheeks. At least his face relaxes. 
God, he’s so cute. He can’t hold eye contact, looking down once the shock of embarrassment has faded and swallowing, a little frown twisting his features once more. You reach up, brushing his cheek with a thumb and adjusting his glasses. 
“What’s wrong?”
The question comes out too smiley, but you can’t help it. 
“I hurt you,” he says, quietly, utterly ashamed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“I kinda think you did,” you tease, and Spencer says your name with a serious edge. You try to quit grinning so much. “Baby, it’s fine. You didn’t hurt me. Don’t you ever get mysterious bruises?”
His eyes are wide and honest on yours when he meets them again. 
“No. My iron levels are optimal.”
“Okay, well, lots of people do. Sometimes I get a bruise and I have no idea what it’s from because it never hurt. These,” you look down, gesturing to your knee, “never hurt. It’s just what happens when your knees hit the floor.”
“Well you shouldn’t have been on the floor,” he scolds, countering with a sweet touch on your cheek. “I’m never letting you touch the floor ever again.”
Your shit-eating grin is back and better than ever. “Oh, so you’re going to carry me everywhere we go?”
“If that’s what it takes. I don’t like seeing you bruised up.”
“It’s okay. I bruised myself doing something I love.”
At this Spencer rolls his eyes and kisses you once more before gently pushing your leg away and getting out of bed. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, all smugness gone and more concerned than you ought to be as he flicks the bathroom light on. For a moment you receive no answer, but then he reappears bearing a white tube. 
“Give me your legs,” he says, sitting next to you on the bed. You swing your legs over his lap and watch on in mild interest as he dispenses lotion from the bottle and tosses it aside, carefully rubbing it into the bruised skin. Every few seconds he glances up to gauge your reaction, and though it’s definitely tender, you avoid wincing. “You don’t have to do that. I can tell it hurts.”
You laugh. 
“Yeah, well, it didn’t until you started trying to fix it.” The ointment is pungent and you make a face. “What are you rubbing all over me?”
“This is vitamin K and Arnica. It will make the bruises go away faster.”
“Aw. You don’t think they’re pretty on me?”
He sets the bottle on the nightstand and retrieves the pen he’d been doing Sudoku with earlier, uncapping it. Your heart swells as he draws tiny sad faces by the bruises on your knees, glasses slipping down his nose as he focuses intently. 
“I always think you’re pretty. I just never want you to be hurt, ever.”
“Are you done taking care of me now?” You ask, reaching out for him. The pen joins the bottle and suddenly he has no concern for your bodily health, practically crushing you with a hug. When he speaks it’s muffled by your shoulder. 
You hum, nose tickled in his hair and forming a dastardly plan. 
“You could kiss them better.”
Spencer laughs and presses his lips briefly to your neck. 
“I might just do that.”
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xan-izme · 2 months
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
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fatuifucker · 2 years
but like imagine going to a hospital and finding out both of em were assigned to help you feel better and they do that by fucking you…
hehehe I follow that artist so I know exactly what you're taking about! there's this one with dottore, this one where he steps on you, and a new one from a different artist
[cw: nurse! scaramouche x sub gn reader x doctor! dottore, medical malpractice, questionable actions, injections, aphrodisiacs, threesome, everything is consensual!]
tags: @midnxght-sweet-time, @barbatosfavouritenun, @edenialucas, @fluffyganyu, @nejibot, @lovediluc, @yumixxn, @teallapril
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Okay sooo I really like the trope of a reader with a weak immune system so imagine that no hospital is able to help you for so long and then you're admitted to this hospital. The doctor you have been assigned to is claimed to be the best doctor in the country. You remember the first time you met him.
You're sick and tired from moving from hospital to hospital. But then you see this man — a crow-like mask covering his eyes and blue hair combed in a neat yet messy way — striding in your room while a petite man in a white and purple nurse's outfit follows him. You recognise that man as that ill-tempered nurse that has been watching over you from afar. You have mixed feelings about being in his care. As the nurse informs the doctor about your condition, the doctor flashes you a toothy smirk before taking your hand in his and kissing the top of it.
"What a poor little thing. Don't worry, from now on, you're in good hands."
Somehow the way he says it is very ominous...
Surprisingly, he rumors were true. With the doctor's specialised treatment, your condition has improved drastically. The doctor — he tells you to call him Dottore — says you can even be discharged in a few months time. It's truly a miracle but somehow...the thought of you leaving this place without seeing your nurse and doctor again arises a little pang in your chest.
Nurse Scaramouche is definitely as ill-tempered as they say. He brings you your meals with a scowl, glares at you from afar and it's like the only reason he sticks by you is to insult you for hours. One time when Dottore was giving you your medicine, you brought up the idea of changing your nurse.
"Is that so? On the contrary, I think he's rather fond of you."
"What makes you say that, Doctor?"
"He never puts this much effort to care for any of his patients. You're the first. I'd say that you...interest him."
That guy? Interested in you? You couldn't possibly picture that. But then slowly, you do realise the subtle details. From the way Nurse Scara would glare at other nurses that touched you or whispered behind your back, to the way he would 'reluctantly' comfort you when you felt miserable for being too weak to do the most menial of tasks, it's through these things that make you grow an appreciation for him.
Soon enough, you realise you're enamoured with both of them, and their feelings are mutual.
It's then when the 'treatment' becomes...promiscuous. It starts off with Dottore putting his palm on your thigh for too long, stroking it up and down way too close to your nether region or even placing his stethoscope on your chest for too long as he roams his palm around your chest for a heartbeat. Then it turns to Scara fingering/stroking you in the middle of the night when you can't sleep while you whimper for more.
This weird predicament feels so odd. Almost wrong. But you're aware they both know you want them. And when they touch you, you crave for more, you need more. It just feels so right.
One night, Dottore and Scara comes into your room with a little reward for putting up with all those exhausting treatments: a syringe filled with bright pink liquid. You recognise it since Scaramouche showed and explained to you various types of medicine to lull you to sleep after a nightmare.
"I'm scared of shots."
Dottore's chest rumbles as he chuckles. "That's fine. Scaramouche has ways of calming you down. Take off your pants and we'll do the rest."
With shaking hands, you remove your pants and sit on Dottore's lap. Immediately, Scaramouche goes to his knees and buries his face in between your legs. His tongue tastes your sex, deftly using the appendage that makes your mind go blank that you're forgetting all about the needle beside you until you feel your body become increasingly hot and you're out of breath. Dottore discards the needle, positioning you on your hands and knees.
"Hush now, we still have one more special treatment for you. A warm, filling medicine from the both of us that will instantly make you feel better."
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heretherebedork · 10 months
The Hanukah Choose Your Own Tropes BL Adventure!
So! @iguessitsjustme is running a fantastic Choose Your Own BL Adventure with multiple romance options and lots of choices... and this is my mini version for Hanukah!
This will last Eight Days and the pairing is already determined but the path they take to get together is up to you! I will be posting each night at some point after sundown (Hanukah!) and I will give you are many choices as i can think of.
Anyway, the first night is about... not exactly how they meet but how the audience seems them meet. Not a meet cute, but a sweet meet for those watching!
But, first, we need an introduction... don't we?
The shot starts on a smiling, chubby young man who's whipping up a batter in a slightly too messy kitchen. His apron has flour, there's a few splotches in his hair and he's laughing about something. This is Jelly! He's a pastry student who's always been popular and well-liked. The youngest in his family by a decade, he was the apple of everyone's eye and is more than a little spoiled by the love and tender care of his three older sisters and his adoring parents. He's always positive, has never had any reason to worry and generally just really likes people. He's not used to being disliked which means that his relationship with our love interest is a bit... interesting.
Because Latke's opening shot is very different. Latke is in the kitchen as well, another culinary student, but he is cutting neat and perfect vegetables for a soup and his face is set stoically as he pours them into a perfectly clear broth. Lakte is the oldest of two in a family that struggled and he has never been popular nor has he ever been spoiled. He is strict, neat and quick to judge people for being popular or particularly positive. Although he is loyal to those that are loyal to him, he does not trust easy kindness and that means he looks at Jelly with constant suspicion.
The hardest part of all of this? Both of them have a crush on their current student mentor, Gelt. And while Jelly laughs it off and tries to turn it into a joke, Latke is not on board with that.
But now we're on the scene and a love story must commence!
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atherix · 10 months
91? :3
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oh my dear autumn anon you jumped feet first into the minefield and landed directly on a mine....
(This short story is unrelated to any current AUs that I will admit to ;) )
Enjoy this Clockers Found Family, and a dribble of cletho, angst :) Also it talks about death so uh be ready for that. Maybe also a little implied Scar/someone else (it's unstated who).
Cleo is too stubborn to die.
It's all he can think about as he sits in that hospital room, watching Scar and BDubs hold their hands. The sickness is setting in, they can all see it; their once healthy tan slowly fading into green, the bite on her shoulder no longer dripping red but oozing... something.
Something that Etho isn't sure he wants to touch.
It's only a matter of time, he knows. The crossbow is leaning against the wall, the arrow already in place, but he can't bring himself to end it early.
Cleo is suffering. He knows this. He sees this in the way she breathes, the ragged gulping breaths- the way she trembles and shakes as the pain of the virus wracks their body, far too late to even try to cure. Yet she's strong- stronger than Etho thinks he would be in their place. They grit their teeth, biting back any cries despite the tears gathering in their eyes.
She takes a deep breath and squeezes their friends' hands. "Gods above and below," they barely whisper, voice scratchy at best. It's like a prayer, or maybe a curse.
How dare you, it sounds like. That's the Cleo Etho knows, and that's exactly why he can't bring himself to raise that crossbow. Not yet.
Not until every vestige of his best friend, one of the loves of his life, is gone.
Not until she's not Cleo anymore.
"Those bloody flowers," Cleo grits out, "they're everywhere..."
Etho lets out a weak chuckle. "Everyone's worried about you," he tells them. "But Doc wouldn't let everyone in, so..."
Cleo laughs a laugh that wracks her body, hollow and breathy- like death, something unimpressed. They laugh because there's nothing else they can do.
"I'm sorry, Cleo," BDubs says, his tears long since dried up. His voice is thick, betraying the grief he feels. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Oh shut up," Cleo says, tugging their hand away and lightly smacking the man. "You couldn't have known. It's fine."
His hands are trembling. "It's not."
Scar lifts his head to look at Cleo, his usually-neat hair pulled back into a messy, haphazard bun. "Cleo, don't go..."
Please save her.
It's a prayer that's been echoing in Etho's mind for days now, since Cleo first ran to pull BDubs out of the grasp of a zombie that was just too quick for either of them.
Please save her.
"I wouldn't if I had a choice," Cleo says, though it sounds almost like a growl. She breathes slowly, turning to face Scar. They squeeze his hand, a little show of comfort- that she's still here. "Wish I could make it to the wedding... I'd love to object."
Scar gives a sharp laugh which quickly turns into sobs, and he lowers his head again, resting his forehead against their clasped hands.
Please save her.
'Etho, do me a favor,' Cleo had said once it became clear that, this time, the infection had taken root. 'If it looks like I'm turning, take that crossbow and shoot me.'
He had agreed, if only because of the way they looked at him. He had agreed, because he knows that a zombie is nothing more than the shell of the person it used to be.
He agreed, because he knew Cleo would want to die with the grace she deserves, rather than callously by the hands of a stranger.
Please save her.
Sitting here, with the crossbow next to him and Cleo lying, weak and dying, in that bed, the final stages of the infection setting in, he wishes she had asked anyone but him.
Because now he's starting to realize that she's already turning, and their consciousness is the last thing to go.
Because she's still Cleo, and she's still Cleo up until the last moment. He knows this.
He can't do anything. They look at him. They look at him with their eyes, full of pain but clear and conscious and they're Cleo, and he loves them, and so much has happened that they haven't had a chance to make amends for.
They're still Cleo.
They're still alive.
Please take her.
(But Cleo is too stubborn to die.)
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justice-maul · 1 year
Can I request NSFW headcanons for Killmonger?
Killmonger NSFW Alphabet | Headcanons
Author Note: They requester didn’t specify the gender so it’s neutral, and I didn’t know what to write for the headcanons so I did the alphabet template which is from @the-coldest-goodbye
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Warning(s)⚠: Sub/Bottom Killmonger (we only do Dom/Top reader on this blog)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man does not like to sleep in a mess so he insists on showering (which may or may most lead to more sex,) and even cleans the sheets before finally laying down to relax and cuddle depending on his mood
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself chest and arms, he loves the scars he’s imprinted on his chest and he’s proud to show them, his arms are his main work out point so this man is clearly buff when it comes to them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He takes a while to cum but once he does it’s a pretty large amount, but he isn’t a big fan of you cumming inside of him he prefers for it to be on him like his thighs or back, and even likes it in his mouth
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s a bit of a masochist, like he’s into impact play, or getting his nipples pinched, or something even a little extreme like getting a cigarette put out on him, I mean we saw what he did to his own body this man is definitely into some freaky shit
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Well experienced but not overly, he was in the military and mainly focused on his goals but as we saw in the movie he’s clearly had his fair share of sex but he hasn’t had the chance to explore most of his kinks yet
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The power grab, it’s basically doggy style but, it’s when the dominating partner keeps their partner on their knees while holding their arms back. This is perfect for choking him or and whispering nasty talk into his ear from behind, it gets him going
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s not that goofy but he might make a few jokes or comments just to be bratty
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I see him as the kind of guy who is both messy and neat I’m his life and while he prefers messy sex, he’s very well groomed down their trimmed nicely and everything
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not the most inmate person in general, and he probably doesn’t like too much intimacy during sex either, but there’s those days where the sex isn’t rough or messy it’s just passionate and slow and the eye contact is prolonged
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Masturbates like any normal person but not really that much, he doesn’t feel the need to if y’all can both satisfy your needs but if your busy or he can’t see you he’ll do it in the shower thinking about the last time you two had fucked
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Impact play,
Knife and Gun play,
And slight exhibition
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I just mentioned, he’s into a little bit of exhibition so alleys, a bus, and bathrooms are good with him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The way he kissed his girl in the movie after a heist? He’s definitely into that adrenaline rush and the thought of getting caught or doing some reckless and dumb is a turn on for him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Either age play or foot stuff, not really something he’s ever been interested in or wants to do
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving, he’s very good at giving head but he does perder receiving, but don’t worry this man is good with both his mouth and his tongue, they can work wonders on anything
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I mentioned before that this man is rough and fast but has his slow and sensual moments, but most of the time he prefers it hard and rough, he wants to fuck until either one of y’all have passed out
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them, they’re conviene when he’s busy so they’re not exactly uncommon in your relationship and you two often sneak away from the crowd
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Most definitely, he loves danger and the high he gets from it so he would be down to be risky as long as no one gets traumatized by accident from y’all
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has amazing stamina, mans could go on for hours on end, but to make it realistic let’s say about 4 to 5 rounds and he lasts for a while
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own many toys, just classic things like ropes and handcuffs that he’s willing to use on you or himself but he’s open to using your toys if you have any
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s such a big tease, he likes to make you jealous as well, I’m his opinion it adds more spice to the sex, and he ain’t wrong, the build up from all the teasing makes the sex all the more lust filled
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not particularly loud but he often just grunts and pants a lot along with some light groaning, and sometimes lets out low moans occasionally, but if your lucky and it’s been a while since you two have done it, he will let out a string of low moans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He likes being restricted and having you take control and use him as some kind of toy, he won’t say it but you can tell because he immediately shuts up those annoying bratty comments of his
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If we’re talking about dick, average length but is girthy, has non prominent veins on the side and his cock is the same color as his ski with the top just a tad but lighter
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His libido isn’t that high but he does often have a craving for it either and can wait for a few weeks but he’ll be real needy and more bratty/clingy which is a sight that is very rare
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After his whole cleaning process he doesn’t sleep immediately, he talks to you for a little about random things or even about the mind blowing sex y’all just had leasing you to most likely fall asleep first and him following you afterwards
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Guy Needs A Nap -- Short Writing
I finished my last class of the morning section with a sigh of relief. The stress was palpable now that exam season was around the corner. I dropped my books onto my desk and loosened the top two buttons of my blouse for some comfort. I had an hour before my next class started, enough time to breathe, feed my familiar, and practice a few spells. I set to filling Robin's bowl with milk from the refectory and left some tuna on a plate for him. Just as I was about to open my textbook, there was a sharp knock at the door. I opened it to see Jasper, Guy's handler, standing there with his brow furrowed.
"Um… hi. What can I do for you, Jasper?" I ask with caution. I've never seen Jasper distressed like this before.
"Would you mind giving me a hand with Master Guy? He is… shall I say restless."
I blinked with surprise. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't that.
"Sure. Just lead the way."
I follow Jasper up to the S-Rank dorms, a familiar route to Guy's room. He opens the door cordially and lets me inside.
"Master Guy is in his room." He gestures to the closed door to my right. I nod before heading over, I can hear footsteps pacing on the other side. I knock gently on the wood.
"Guy?" I call earnestly. The pacing stops and there is a moment of silence when I believe he will simply ignore me. He doesn't. The knob turns and the door opens to reveal Guy standing there in his casual attire. His shirt is half unbuttoned, his hair is jostled, his eyes have dark circles underneath them. He looked so unlike the stern, neat, commanding prince that I had come to love. My face softened.
"Guy… what's wrong?" I ask gently.
"Nothing. Dismiss yourself." He turned away and ran a hand through his hair roughly.
"So, that's how his hair got so messy," I think to myself.
"If I was in the same state, you wouldn't leave," I respond sternly, but not aggressively. He was stubborn, but not close to my level. If stubbornness was a class, I would be S-Rank.
Guy looks at me, but doesn't say anything. He doesn't need to; it's enough of an invitation for me. I close the door behind me as I enter his bedroom. I approach him and examine him with my eyes before reaching up to cup his cheek gently. Much to my surprise, he leans in to my hand.
"Guy, please, tell me what's wrong. When was the last time you've slept? Or eaten?"
"Couple days." He mumbles the response so quietly that I barely heard it. I furrow my brows with worry.
"Why?" I try to understand what's got him in so out of character. He doesn't respond, of course. I will have to pry the answer out of him, or figure it out through investigation.
I accept that our conversation has ended and pull him towards the bed.
"What are you doing?" He doesn't fight me, but he looks displeased.
"You need rest. If you won't do it on your own, then I'll force you," I respond matter-of-factly. He frowns, but doesn't stop me from easing him down onto the bed with me. I propped myself up slightly on some pillows and rested his head against my stomach. I carded my fingers through his slightly tangled, but silky, hair and hummed some tune I remembered from the radio. Guy acted displeased, but his exhaustion won and he began to relax. His eyelids drooped and he fell asleep.
Sure, I missed the rest of my classes that day, but I could think up some excuse.  Magical food poisoning or whatnot. What mattered at the moment was Guy's soft, calm face as he slept with his head in my lap. I've never seen a sweeter sight.
Bonus: Jasper's PoV
I knock lightly on the bedroom door with a tray of food and tea, no red coffee for Master Guy today. Hearing no response, I opened it and let out a small hum of surprise when I found Master Guy and his potential paramour asleep. The prince was lying curled up against her like a cat, his head in her lap. Meanwhile the young lady was comfortably snoozing with her back against the headboard in a half-seated position, her hand settled in Master Guy's hair. I quietly closed the door and set the tray in the sitting room, assuring that I wouldn't disturb their wholesome slumber.
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armpirate · 1 year
The Only One || JJK || Ch. 21
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Pairings: mafia!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, mafia, contract relationship
Warnings: Prostitution, torture, blood, use of drugs and weapons
Summary: You've always wished for a better life. Every single day at work, you were hoping something would change. Although you didn't think that change would come in the form of one mysterious man and a contract.
His controlling and selfish behaviour only wanted to keep you away from any other man that wasn't him, and you only had to wait for him.
Too bad you really thought you'd be smarter than Jeon Jungkook.
Previous || Next
She woke up, instantly remembering what happened the previous night, feeling her body heat rising with the reminisce of every thrust, every touch, and every filthy word that came out of his mouth while he reminded her she was his. She wasn't sure when her fingers slid under her t-shirt to start caressing the permanent mark he made on her, but she moved them away as soon as she was aware, finally sitting on the bed.
It was bright and sunny outside, she was able to tell with the trims of lights that sneaked by the gaps between the frame of the window and the blinds. That got a sigh from her, because it didn't matter the weather outside, she was stuck inside that big house.
She promised herself she'd do her best to be inside that place. Maybe, just maybe, that was the only way to make things easier for her, and it could be it'd give her a chance to negotiate her freedom with him.
Going downstairs with her old pajamas she took from Spain, she paused in the middle of the living room when she was aware that Jihu wasn't the one looking after her that day.
Just in the same situation as her, she saw Jungkook walking out the kitchen, messy hair covering half of his forehead, wearing an oversized t-shirt and some black shorts, while the white slippers on his feet dragged over the floor lazily. It was the first time she saw him like that. Actually, it was the first time she saw him completely relaxed in her presence. Always sitting or standing straight, with his hair perfectly brushed to the sides, wearing a neat suit while making sure his glance could throw daggers at anyone who dared to talk to him first.
Not that day though. Or at least no in front of her. He even seemed younger when his big eyes laid on her, and he threw a sly smirk.
—What are you doing here?
That question made him chuckle, understanding where it came from, but still finding it funny for some reason.
—It's my house —he tilted his head for a brief second—. Am I not allowed to be here now?
Yes, he was. But he always left before she woke up, and always came back when she was almost going to bed. They barely met, but there he was that morning.
—Where's Jihu? —she innocently asked, taking a step in his direction.
Leaving the last few things on the table, he landed his hand on the furniture and looked at her, supporting the weight of his body on his palm and making his body sway subtly.
—It doesn't really matter, does it?
But her worried look made him add more to that annoyed answer. He felt the need to give her something so her mind would be at ease for the rest of the day.
—I gave him something else to do instead —he stuck his hands inside his pockets, looking at her—. He showed he wasn't able to control you, so I gave him another job. Now sit and eat something.
—That's all? —she doubted, walking towards him slowly.
Telling her some of his men were dealing with him accordingly would only make things worse. And that was something he wanted to avoid when she seemed to be so tame -to his surprise.
—Yeah, that's all —he nodded.
Jungkook didn't need to say a word, pointing to her chair with his head was enough to have her taking a seat while looking at the few toasts, the orange juice and the coffee displayed for her.
—Jihu told me this is what you usually eat —he mentioned, coming back from the kitchen again.
—Um yeah, but you didn't have to do it —she assured him, looking at the perfectly settled table.
Y/n looked at him attentively, watching how he stirred the content inside his mid bowl until the content was all mixed together. It took him just a bite to be rejoicing on his own creation, frowning his eyebrows while he kept nodding with his head.
It was the first time in a long while he had cooked for himself, but it was a complete success.
—Curious? —Jungkook asked her, lifting his eyes from his plate to her— Wanna try it? —he suggested, as she kept her eyes on his food while she was holding her toast with jam near her face.
—What is it?
—Rice, tuna, kimchi and a fried egg.
After she hummed while nodding, he picked the food with his spoon, offering it to her. To his surprise, she took a bite, mirroring his reaction almost instantly.
—Is it good?
Y/n nodded fast, letting a glimpse of a tiny smile on her face before she covered it with her hand.
It was weird. Being together that way was strange, but maybe it didn't really have to be after what happened. But somewhere, in the back of her head, and among all the confusing thoughts, she found it... nice. She definitely felt good, something that made her freak out on the spot, because why the hell was she feeling that good?
—When are you leaving?
She needed to shift whatever was going on in her head, sticking back to her place and her own food.
—Are you already kicking me out? —he teased her— I was planning on staying around until five —Jungkook kept his focus on his food—, I have nothing to do until then.
Or more like, after the past night, he felt the need to be around her more than he would before. Maybe he just wanted to enjoy his time with her until she tried to do her thing, and ruin his mood all over again.
—The weather today is great —he mentioned out of nowhere.
It wasn't like she'd enjoy it, so why would she even care about what the weather was like outside? Y/n just shrugged, too focused on her coffee to even bother to sneak a look in his direction. Although she instinctively did, finding him smiling before he took another bite from his food.
—We should do something outside.
She would've choked on her toast if she had had her mouth filled when he said that. So randomly and out of nowhere that she thought he could be pranking her.
—What's all this about? —she questioned, squinting her eyes at him.
After he claimed her, he was aware that any person that would find her doing suspicious things would notice him almost immediately -especially when he had ears and eyes everywhere in Seoul. Also, her constant need to always get out of the house could disappear if he allowed her to breathe some fresh air every once in a while. Maybe then, she'd finally stop trying to do her shenanigans.
—You rather staying here?
A "Yes" subtly floated in her head, really thinking of all of that was some kind of trick or play to get her. Clearly, Y/n didn't trust him. But she couldn't see any bit of malice in everything he was doing that day.
Maybe it was that famous "If you treat me right, I'll treat you even better", or maybe he genuinely meant it when he said he wanted to show her what it meant to belong to him -and maybe he wasn't only speaking about sex when he said those words.
—Get ready when you're done with your breakfast —he took her silence as an answer.
Forty minutes later, she was shocked to feel the air hitting against her skin. Not really about that, but more about the fact that she was actually going out with Jungkook after almost a month of being there. For her own sake, she couldn't lie to herself and say she wasn't excited. She was actually going crazy over the idea, even if he hadn't told her what he was planning exactly.
And it wasn't like it mattered, because fifteen minutes into the road, and a phone call already had him clicking his tongue and throwing his head back in disapproval.
—There might be a change of plans —he sighed, as he hid his phone inside the pocket of his slacks.
A change of plans that'd mean her getting back home after only fifteen minutes outside. Well, at least she was able to see the surroundings of the place he lived in.
She saw him exchanging a few words with the driver, in Korean, before his eyes landed on her again.
—I hope you don't mind if I stop at one of my pubs.
Jungkook kept talking, but Y/n stopped listening when he informed her that he was counting with her presence to those places, instead of simply dropping her off back in his place. It wasn't a day outside, but it still was better than nothing.
She sat in a corner in his office after they arrived at the empty nightclub, remembering how the few people that were inside were busy cleaning the mess of the previous night while looking at their boss with respect. It was impressive how the same man that prepared breakfast for her, was also the man that could kill anyone by just throwing a glance at them, or how he also was the same man that railed her so good he got her doubting every choice she had taken until date.
His eyebrows were slightly frowned as he read the papers, sighing before writing something all over them and finally throwing them to the corner of his desk. Her brain kept replaying how those eyes were on her hungrily last night, and how those same hands traced her body so disrespectfully she thought she would melt. And for one second, she found herself asking how she was able to resist him the way she did.
—Do you need something?
His voice took her out completely, making her aware of the way she was looking at him.
—No —she shook her head.
Seeing her nervous and doubtful was something new for him, and he had to admit how much he liked to see her like that. Jungkook loved the challenge she kept putting him on, but when she acted so innocently it seemed so special that it made him crave for her even more.
—Come here.
And to his surprise, she did. Letting him guide her until her lower back was against the desk, standing next to him. Turning his chair slightly in her direction, he looked at her. It was a new place, he knew it'd take her just a few more minutes until she was comfortable enough around to behave the way she usually did.
—Going out was an excuse to get to know you a bit more —he finally admitted.
—Should I pretend you didn't have people following me and informing you of my every move? —one of her eyebrows raised, in sync with her tone.
It only took her a sigh, and a begging look from him, to be aware that that comment wasn't ill intentioned. He actually meant it.
And while she was right, there were too many things that he wanted to know about her and no one would be able to tell him, except for her. She was his biggest interrogation mark, but she also was his only source for those answers.
—It's okay —she nodded—. But I think it's just fair for me to know about you, too.
—I have no inconvenience with that —he shrugged.
She was impressed by his will to participate, waiting for any question that she could ask.
—Why me?
Jungkook was expecting any question regarding his business, or what happened last night. But instead, she asked the only question he wasn't sure he'd be able to answer. There were several girls in the club, but saying that it could've been either of them in her position would be a big lie. So, why her.
—I don't know —he shrugged—. Maybe it was your stage presence, or the way you seemed so genuine on our first time. Who knows. I just know that I couldn't get enough of you.
—Is it the first time you do something like this?
Being so overly obsessed over a woman he didn't know, to the point of making sure no one else would be able to lay a hand on her? It was crazy and it made no sense, but yes.
—How did you end up in that shitty place?
Y/n scoffed at that question, tilting her head while he thought the best way of answering it without giving out too much.
—Let's just say life is an unfair bitch.
Her comment made him chuckle, because she was certainly right about that. Before ever turning into the head of the Bangtan family, his plans shifted to different things and different parts of the world that had little to zero to do with whatever his dad was into.
—You miss your family?
She was unsure if he had investigated as much to know about her real family, or whether he was asking about her adopted family that always looked after her. But still, she turned her head to him before answering.
—I do —that was probably the most honest she had ever sounded while speaking to him—. It's a long story, they aren't exactly my family, but I do miss them. Every day.
She was confused by his sudden reaction, sneaking his hand inside his pocket to take his phone out, looking over his contacts before he offered his phone to her.
—Call them.
Her eyes shifted between the phone and his eyes, unsure of what he was planning to do with that. But there was no plan at all. He just wanted her to know they were fine. And she wasn't going to hesitate much more, because as soon as she nodded, Jungkook made sure to hide his phone number before clicking on the green button. He wanted to be the first one to show some type of trust, to draw a connecting line between them. He just wanted to show her that doing things properly, she'd gain more than she would by going against him.
Her knees went weak and her heart throbbed hard on her chest when she stepped out of the office to hear Jorge's voice perfectly. She tried to sound as stable as possible, despite her lips constantly trembling and the tears that kept rolling down her cheeks.
—I miss you two so bad —she admitted.
—We do, too —she heard Jorge on the other line—. Also, you don't need to send us money. Just save it all for you.
She knew Jungkook was willing to keep one of the parts of the contract that stated she'd still get paid, but she didn't think that he'd carry it out. And even less that he'd be giving them money without telling her, on her behalf.
Her sweet feelings were mixed the second she saw Sanhyuk walking over to her, just to get inside the office Jungkook was in.
To her surprise, and after she was done with the call, she wasn't allowed back in by one of the bodyguards blocking the door.
Back inside, Jungkook kept having a back and forth with Sanhyuk, knowing damn well he had something to do with Jihu and how Y/n always ended up being around him somehow. He was accusing one of the men his father trusted the most, just to be answered back with something that'd get him making some calls and leaving the office abruptly.
He was too blinded to react to her confused expression, snitching his phone back from her hands, before his fingers gripped on her wrist tightly, dragging her outside of the pub and back inside the car. He didn't even allow her to ask what was going on, he didn't want to hear a single word from her at least until what Sanhyuk said was proved wrong.
Y/n was confused when she saw they were back at his house, and her blood froze when she saw her room upside down. All of her clothes were everywhere, the mattress was placed on the floor, and she saw men still looking for something among all of her stuff. At least, until one of them showed up with the phone she hid in their hands, before handing it over to Jungkook.
He saw the calls, he saw the texts, he saw how she was willing to side with someone like Sanhyuk just to go against him, and his only reaction was to throw the phone against the wall, startling Y/n on his back with the impact.
—I can explain it.
—Save it —he stopped her from talking—. I don't care about what you do, but I don't want to hear a single word from you. You really have no fucking idea of what you've just done.
Taglist: @kaiparkerwifes @sheylamc @amy2006jones
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Ok ok I love the idea of Danny becoming Jazz's couch gremlin after she moves out because homelife is hard and dangerous.. mixed with gotham. And I love platonic shit so here's my idea~ Steph and Cass going to college, sharing an apartment bruce pays for. They wanted to make sure there was one extra room, having to convince Bruce really hard- because they wanted the college experience of having a random roommate. Turns out finding a good roommate was hard. They were either too messy or broke stuff, or was very into drama. Here comes Jazz, she begins college in Gotham on Steph's second year. She notices Steph struggling in the library trying to finish assignment. Jazz sits down and helps her without question. Steph staring at Jazz like THIS ANGEL Q A Q SAVING ME! Jazz then apologizing for just stepping in, she just look like she was having trouble. Steph like NOOO don't apologize.. actually can you help me with this?
And so Jazz and Steph end up bonding because Jazz tutors her. Steph realizing this girl probably has not had much fun in her life, ends up bringing Jazz out with Cass to have some fun, and even Babs for movie night. Jazz hesitant at first but then enjoys herself, because she hadn't had many friends if any in years to do stuff like this. Steph then starts thinking like.. Ok this girl is cool, she's probably a neat freak, a little weird. She'll probably refuse but I'mma ask if she wants to room with us! To her surprise, Jazz immediately says yes very loudly. Then just chuckles nervously starting to explain herself. That she was planning on getting an apartment in gotham anyways, because she doesn't like being in a dorm. It made it harder for her little brother to visit.. yada yada. Steph just getting a good laugh, okaying. Jazz asking if it be fine if her little brother come every now and then. Steph doesn't see the problem though not how she expected. Jazz giving steph a squeezing hug in thank you, making Steph both suspicious but also like aw ok this is cute. Jazz tries to help pay rent when steph like nah its paid for. Trust me, you couldn't pay for it. Having to explain a bit why they got this fancy ass apartment for "free." Jazz like oh.. We still have to pay for our own food though. Jazz smile like ok, I can do that. Determine to be the best roommate so they don't regret it. Plus she does really enjoy hanging out with them. She cant move in til like before the holidays. Steph saying she can move her stuff in before and fix it all up after coming back from home. Jazz saying if its ok for her brother to come up here, she rather stay. Feeling bad that be the first experience with them as roommates. Steph and Cass shrug, though keeping note of it, since they be mostly at the manor anyways. Steph almost dies when she first meets Danny, like ok is this how I get introduce to B's new wards? Not even a text? DAnny confused like..what? No.. uh.. is Jazz here? Oh gawd did I get the wrong address? Steph laughs even harder, then tells Jazz her brother's here. Also stating now both Dick AND Bruce are not allowed to come visit. =w= Just to pick on them really. Red-head Jazz and black hair/blue eye danny. But can see them all getting along. Tim coming over ready to pick them up for some vigilante or hanging out. That's when Cass noticing something's wrong with Danny, getting a look at him now. Danny trying to shake it off, but she insists he's hurt. Can tell that his rib is broken. Jazz then like "DANNY?! Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to worry you! I'm fine!" "Please tell me the rib got removed before you came over." "Yes! I removed the rib, its fine! Just healing." The three of them finding this odd, but assuming Danny recently got out of the hospital and try not to tell Jazz. When really he got his butt kicked, and then flew all the way over. Then over time just little things about Jazz and Danny start piling up, like the way they're jumpy, or keen reflexes. Cass noticing the most. Jazz's medical knowledge, helping Steph or Cass when they have an injury from hero work that's bothering them. Jazz also finding out pretty quick they're vigilantes, just because of how they have a family thing to do at night. Or a night job. Jazz recognizing the signs, and accepting it because she likes them. Though finds it funny how her little brother and her bestfriends are vigilantes. I don't know if I explained this well, just basically a more domestic route to finding out identities and them bonding as friends first. >w< Steph and Cass getting worried when Danny comes by one night, just panicked and looking hurt. Jazz freaking out.. the girls like dont even have to ask ;3.. though they would like to know what happen. Jazz having to vaguely tell them about their parents.
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
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pairing(s): college!peter parker x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!sam wilson x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader
words: 8.1k words
warnings: DARK!FIC, SMUT 18+ (unprotected sex, foursome turned fivesome, gangbang, non-con/dub-con, daddy kink, oral M and F-receiving, spit kink, degredation kink, praise kink, creampie), age-gap (reader is in her early 20s), cheating, angst, there’s like zero fluff
summary: peter should’ve made it back to the tower for date night on time, or maybe just before he found his girlfriend being fucked by three other superheroes.
a/n: eee my first dark fic! im so so happy with the way this turned out, and even though it was a pain in my ass for nearly three months, im so hapy to share it with y’all. this idea was brought up by an anon from @mypoisonedvine’s saturday sleepover a few months back, but i switched up tony and sam bc i didn’t like the tony and peter stuff. hopefully my smut has improved from the first time i wrote it in january, and just a reminder that in no way, shape, or form do i condone rape of any kind. there’s a large difference from the page and the real world. i try to put all tw’s in the tags and warnings, but if there was something i missed please tell me. thank you to my lovely bestie @mermaidxatxheart for beta-reading(i have no fucking clue what i’d do without your help). feel free to leave a comment or two and reblog, but don’t repost anywhere or i will hunt down your ass. thank you again and please please enjoy <3
main masterlist || mcu masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck Y/N as soon as he saw her.
It started with a faint mention, something Tony had thrown around along the lines of, “Parker’s bringing his girl down here tomorrow, don’t be an asshole”. He didn’t give a damn what Tony said or how he acted around Peter’s girl. Years of being thrown between gruesome mind-wiping and being half-dead, asleep in a freezer would do that to a man.
So the next day when Peter brought his girlfriend in, he was scratching his ass like a fucking ape and downing a beer with a messy bun at the nape of his neck, until he actually saw her. Neat hair, even neater laces with a sweet smile but a body that could kill. Didn’t matter that she was bundled under Parker’s hoodie and a pair of jeans- he could always admire a pretty dame, but Bucky could see that she was beyond that. It was as if God had intentionally made the one being, the one ethereal creature beautiful and angelic enough to be a sin away from him, so that he couldn’t touch her. Because she was young, and in her twenties, and that shouldn’t have even been the first two things that popped up in his mind because she was also Peter’s girlfriend.
But then she had the audacity to stick her hand out, a shy grin and twinkle in her eyes as she gave her name. It sounded so pretty rolling off of her tongue, and he wondered what it would sound like while he groaned it into her cunt.
So, yeah, maybe Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck her as soon as he met her, but it was pretty damn close after.
Steve Rogers was one of very few men who said they had the pleasure of banging nearly every woman on the north side of Manhattan. Bucky indulged in the fact that the man who had once been too shy to do so much as meet a gal’s gaze was now “a dollar whore”, but he was more than happy to keep that title if it meant he could continue to get off in the nearest woman’s mouth everyday. 
Every time he walked down the streets of New York with just a simple ball cap and jeans, he could feel stares on his back from what seemed like miles away, girls on every street corner just waiting for him to take her into the nearest public bathroom and fuck them dirty. CEOs, baristas, girls fresh out of getting master’s degrees with stars in their eyes and big dreams, until he shattered them by making them gag on his cock and scream his name into bedsheets. Or tile floors. He didn’t care as long as they were screaming. The girls of this century were just too delectable to turn down. He didn’t discriminate. His dick had been in women of every height, stature, hair color, and he had quite the variety throwing themselves at him as well.
And then Tony ruined it all and sat him down with a simple explanation that the image of Captain America was being tainted with disturbing stories of girls being fucked in the ass and thrown on their knees in dirty bathroom stalls. The blond was beyond pissed when the billionaire told him to stop dicking around, but he couldn’t do anything else if he wanted to keep his title and job. In a new century, even if he’d had a few years to adjust, he was still absolutely oblivious when it came to anything outside of aliens and sex. There was nothing left for him outside of being an Avenger, so reluctantly he agreed to keep his number of conquests to a minimum, and most definitely inside of the tower rather than out on the street.
However, inside of the tower seemed to be no problem at all when Peter brought his girlfriend over, all smiles and straight A’s, and that’s when Steve realized that he’d yet to fuck a bright, little college student. He could see himself stripping her from the innocence in her eyes, loosening up her pussy with his thick cock against the wall in his room.
Surely Tony couldn’t reprimand him for spending a little time trying to bond with Peter’s new girl, right?
Sam Wilson was a simple man. He had a job, a well-paid one at that, somewhere to live, a girlfriend, or a woman to keep him company, that’s for sure- but for once in his life he was seeking out something other than missions, something that would keep him busy when he was feeling bored, something like-
Pleasure, and he knew that he’d finally found what he was looking for the moment Peter brought his girlfriend through the elevator doors on the fifty-sixth level of the Avengers tower. She’d shaken his hand so daintily and spoke so politely that if he were to see her without any backstory, he’d think she was another innocent, dim-witted college student, breaking her bank account every Saturday morning and naively believing that her relationship would last longer than a few months. But by the things Parker had told him, she was much more than that.
Was it shitty of Peter to tell his teammates, the people he worked with, how Y/N was in bed? By the majority’s vote, probably, and by Sam’s strict conduct of his own morals, definitely, but when Peter’s girl looked like that and he was so incredibly bored with his routine? 
Well, fuck, Sam had never been happier that the Spider-kid had told everyone how his girl gave head.
Peter brought his girlfriend in daily after that, and every one of her visits, she grew less shy and more friendly, and the Falcon saw each of his friends gape at her growing comfortability with a wolfish demeanor. It started with the water incident with Steve in the kitchen, where he so clearly spilled water on her already thin, white camisole with intention. Sam couldn’t say he was upset though, after all Steve had offered him and the rest of the Avengers quite a show when he tried to clean up her shirt, taking his sweet, sweet time to fondle her tits as subtly as he could, his eyes staring at her pebbled nipples poking through the material. He could see Bucky hiding his boner under his cereal bowl on the couch that day. 
Then of course, he’d been no better than America’s sweetheart himself when he greeted Y/N with a hug that in hindsight, was a little too enthusiastic. His large hands squeezed into the pockets of her back pocket, and if the college student found anything weird with it, she didn’t say so, but Sam graciously palmed the round globes of her ass in his hands, feeling the muscle clench under his fingers. Oh, how he’d never hugged someone that tight ever before in his life. Maybe he would’ve gotten a bit further than squeezing her ass had it not been for his own girlfriend standing behind him, ready to introduce herself to Y/N.
Bucky, well, Sam could admit that Bucky had the most guts out of all of them. Though the super-soldier was normally well-reserved and polite, the dark glint in his eyes the day he met Y/N let him in on the secret that he had a much dirtier mind than most thought. It had been movie night that time, and he barely even tried to cover up how much he wanted the girl, his hands resting all over her as they watched Inception. Hardly a movie to get so riled up over, yet Bucky’s hand still inched its way up her thigh, his rough fingers gently carressing the flesh until they started to lightly trace the apex of her thighs. 
If she noticed anything then, she didn’t comment on it, doe-like eyes just marvelling at the screen in great intrigue. It was only when Peter’s arms wrapped around her a bit tighter did she scooch away from Bucky’s touch, with a small apology and shy grin. 
That only made his dick harder.
On the other side of Bucky, his super-soldier counterpart tapped his knee gently, forcing their blue eyes to meet each other. No words had to be said between the two, three men when they looked over to Sam, because they all recognized that look they saw in each other's eyes; predatory, dark, nearly voracious in the way they all wanted to be balls deep inside of Y/N.
And they would get there. No matter how long it took, they knew that the ultimate prize of tearing their prey apart would be more than worth the wait.
“Hey, babe, I’m gonna be a little late. Ned and I got stuck back in the lab, so we’re gonna need to stay until eight or nine. Can you make it to the tower by yourself alright?”
Peter’s concerned voice made Y/N smile gently as she trudged along the rainy streets of New York. He always loved to worry about her, especially when it was dark and gloomy out, but she could handle herself pretty okay. By pretty okay, of course meant she could kick ass like no other twenty-something year-old, but she wasn’t one to brag. Y/N readjusted the Kate Spade purse on her shoulder with her right hand, attempting to keep her umbrella over her head with the other. “I’ll be fine, Pete, just go finish up and get back to me. I’m gonna be waiting in your room at the tower before you go off on that mission this weekend.”
A small sigh came through the speaker, “Okay, I’ll try to get back to you soon. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Pete.” 
“Oh,” she could hear the shy but no less mischievous smile that was taking over his face, “I left you a little present on the bed, make sure you open it before I get back.”
Y/N’s face heated at the implication. “Peter Parker, you dirty little-” He ended the call with a laugh, and she huffed out a small chuckle at his childish antics.
The walk to the Avengers tower would have been nice, had it not been for the downfall of rain, making everything mushy, socks being absolutely soaked through her sneakers by the time she arrived. The receptionist at the front desk, Jenny, if Y/N remembered correctly, stared at her a little oddly, probably not expecting to see the young college girl in such a state of disorder, but it didn’t affect her at all. She confidently strutted up to the elevator, pressing in the floor number where all the rooms were located. Y/N scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone while classic rock blared through the elevator with the constant shuffling of people moving in and out. Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds later she was sprinting down the halls with soggy shoes and damp hair, her cold body screaming for warmth.
Peter’s room was the farthest down the hall, and the room was fairly empty. He rarely stayed at his room in the tower, preferring to stay with his Aunt May or keep Y/N company in Brooklyn. When she entered the room, she saw a plain white shirt and a pair of socks strewn upon the carpeted floor, but what really caught her eye was the red box wrapped in a pink bow on the bed. Deciding it would add more suspense if she opened it later, she quickly hopped in the shower, letting the hot water warm her freezing, rigid muscles under the spray. 
Peter didn’t have all the products she’d usually use before she knew they were going to have sex, so she had to make do with the half-used bar of Irish Spring and his small travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, promising the fresh, breezy smell of citrus and mint. It was a quick process; two squeezes of shampoo, shaving with the green soap as best as she could without cutting herself, one squeeze of conditioner. A fuzzy towel sat waiting for Y/N on the rack, with the Spiderman symbol as a prank gift from her to her lovely boyfriend, and without a second to let the heat leave her damp skin, she wrapped herself in it, quickly hopping out to the bedroom again.
The lingerie she set out on the bed was a deep set burgundy color, with lace decorating the delicate corset and the trim of the satin panties. The packaging really did not do it justice. Y/N grinned at the new set, one that she knew would happily be torn from her body later. A shiver ran through her as she let the cold air fall over her skin, carefully slipping the lingerie on. It was a damn shame, really; the set was quite nice, and she reminded herself to buy more of the nicely suiting color for their nights together. 
Y/N’s heart thumped with anticipation as she heard the door open and she took a quick moment to ready herself. Hair in perfect style, legs stretched along the length of the bed to make herself look as seductive as possible, a small smirk thrown on her pouty lips.
But in the darkened room, it wasn’t Peter’s shadow that appeared. Three men, three tall, bulkier men’s shadows appeared at the foot of the bed, and horror washed over her as she realized who they were. “Goddamn, dolly, I’ve imagined what you would’ve looked like under those sweaters, but this is much sweeter than I expected.”
The sinister face of Bucky Barnes came into her view, just a sliver of moonlight lighting up his pale skin. His eyes raked over Y/N’s uncovered skin, and goosebumps appeared as she tried to cover herself up under his predatory gaze.
“W-what are you doing here?” She whispered worriedly. Sam and Steve flanked the bed on either side of her, plastered sickly sweet smiles on their faces, providing her with a false sense of security that made her heart scream in fear. Though she wasn't making any noise, her lungs felt like they were going to give out, her throat closing up like an allergic reaction. 
Her head whipped every which way in robotic movement, her brain seeming to fail her as she scanned the room for an exit. Several moments of shortened breaths, cold air chilling her body, before she came out of her freezing shock to realization.
“Why are you here? Please, get out, just g-get out!”
A calloused hand pushed away Y/N’s left arm that covered her tits, and Steve groaned at the sight of her pebbled nipples. “God, baby, they’re as pretty as I thought they’d be. Been trying to feel them up all week, but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Saturday the week before at lunch when he’d spilled water over chest and tried to clean her up. Sam’s friendly hug that became a bit less friendly when his hands slipped into the back pockets of her jeans. The movie night on Monday when Bucky’s hand caressed her thigh a little too close to her core. All of their touches began to make more sense, and her eyes filled with tears at the realization. 
“Please,” she begged, tears blocking her vision, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, not even Pete, but please just go.”
“You just don’t get it, do you?” Steve asked. He grasped her chin roughly, his face close enough to hers so that she could feel his fiery breath on her lips. “We’re not leaving, sweetheart. You’re gonna let all three of us play with your pretty little body, and you’re gonna make the prettiest sounds for us, alright?”
Y/N shook her head violently, too afraid to make noise, but also bold enough to make one last attempt at freedom. The hand that held her chin quickly moved to slap her cheek, and she hated the way the sting made heat stir in her lower belly. She tried to shy away from their touch again, but Bucky’s face simply held the same smirk as he trailed his vibranium fingers up and down her leg. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N, don’t act all shy now. Peter has been telling us how good you’ve been to him and don’t think he hasn’t told us about your little childhood crush on little ol’ me. Been wanting to fuck you ever since.” Bucky’s hand quickly left her body, instead moving to palm over the bulge in his pants. “Fuck, sweetheart, got me real hard just thinking ‘bout your pussy swallowing my cock. Bet you’re gonna be a sweet, obedient girl for me, right?”
Fire started to course through Y/N’s veins, and with all the power she tried to dampen it down with, it seemed to push through her body that much more dangerously. She despised the fact that she could feel herself growing wet for the three older men, but God, she had never felt the need to be filled up as badly as she did in that moment.
“You’re a bit of a slut, don’t you think?” Sam mocked. He kneeled on her right, his eyes fixated on her panty-clad pussy, a wet patch already forming on the soft satin. It really didn’t help that three of her teen celebrity crushes were eyeing her nearly naked body like a piece of meat. “I mean, look at you, already growing wet and needy for three cocks. Is that what you want, honey? Parker not treating you good enough?”
She hesitated. Goosebumps rose across her skin at the sinister tone of his voice, like he already knew it was true. And it was true and she hated that Sam was right, but as amazing as Peter was a boyfriend, it was clear from the vibrator hiding in his apartment’s bathroom that he was not amazing in the sheets. Every time, she held hope that it would be better, that she would finally get to stop faking an orgasm before he rolled out of the bed with a filled up condom, but she knew deep down inside of her that it wasn’t happening anytime soon. Y/N forced herself to nod weakly at Sam’s questions, and Bucky chuckled. “Oh, you poor dolly, we’re gonna have so much fun with you. Treat you better than that little boy ever could.”
All it took was a whimper, a nearly audible, deadly silent whimper that managed to squeak its way past Y/N’s throat, and the three men took it as permission to ravage her body however they pleased.
Steve made quick work of his pants as Sam lifted her chin to kiss him, his tongue hot and heavy against her mouth, coaxing her lips open. The sound of belt buckles hitting the floor shamefully turned on Y/N even more. Panic coursed through her senses, her mind wanting to scream for them to stop, but her body knew her too well as she felt a wave of slick run down her thighs. Cold metal digits slipped under the waistband of her panties, moving to her wet folds, and she whimpered into Sam’s mouth at the touch. 
“You look so nice, baby, so pretty all laid out for us like this.” Bucky’s hands pulled down her panties as Steve pinched her peaked nipple through the lace, laying lavish, open-mouthed kisses down her torso. The cool air hit her pussy when Bucky’s hands pulled her legs wide open, fully exposed to the three men ready to use her against her will. “Knew you’d be so wet for us, sweetheart, just look at you. Dripping all for your daddies,” Steve murmured against her skin.
Hot breath fanned over her cunt before they rolled her over on her stomach, someone’s hands forcing her up onto her knees with her face smashed into the cotton pillows. She could feel two rough human hands pulling her ass cheeks apart, spreading her ever wider for their view. “Would you look at that, boys, look how fucking hot she is for us.”
Sam’s thick finger ran through her folds, the calloused pad of his finger just teasing her clit before landing a harsh smack to the inside of her thigh. Her moan was muffled through the mattress and she prayed they wouldn’t hear how being treated like whore made her wet like nothing else. 
Hot slick dripped down her thighs, a pool of it staining the pristine sheets by each knee. It was quite a sight, Steve, kneeled by the bed as his face hovered next to her ear, whispering filthy things into her ear as Bucky stroked his hard, leaking cock right next to him. Sam’s lips were making their way up the inside of her right thigh, cracked skin gliding across her sticky flesh. “Oh, baby,” he purred, “you smell so good. Bet you taste even better, don’t you, little girl?”
His tongue reached the apex of her thighs, finally licking a stipe up her center with no warning. Y/N sobbed into the comforter below her, mascara stained tears marking up her face. Two fingers edged their way between the bed and her face, forcing her head upwards and arching her back. Steve’s face was caught in a dirty smirk above hers, lip pulled taut between his teeth, until he saw the tears trailing down her face. “Oh, sweetheart, you look so desperate like this.” His fingers traced her smeared lip gloss around her lips, before opening her lips harshly. “Open up, you dumb baby.”
Y/N forced her jaw open wider, just enough to watch a string of Steve’s saliva drip into her mouth. The thick spit pooled on her tongue and she tried hard not to grimace in front of him, in hopes that he wouldn’t make her- 
“Swallow it, sweetheart.” He saw the hesitation in her eyes, how her lower lip trembled at his words, but he just laughed at her. “Now.”
The warm saliva slid down her tongue and more black tears ran down her face as she obliged his orders, finally gulping it and cringing at the taste. Steve loved the way her face screwed up in displeasure, how she still had the audacity to pretend she hated what they were doing though she was moaning and whimpering with Sam’s tongue attacking her entrance.
“What do you want, sweetheart? We might give it to you as long as you use your words.” Bucky taunted lightly.
Y/N stared up at the brunette, staring menacingly down at her with his cock in hand. “Please,” she whimpered.
The three found it woeful, the way she could barely get a full sentence out as Sam went to town with his skilled tongue, but even with that onslaught, a simple please wasn’t enough for them.
“Please what, honey,” Sam moaned from between her legs, “you gotta use your big words or we’ll never know what you want from us.”
Steve and Bucky nodded in fake-agreement even though they all knew exactly what she wanted and where. 
“I don’t-” her widened eyes glanced into Steve’s, blown-out and teary. “I don’t want anything, not from you.” She lied through her teeth harshly.
Sam removed his head from between her thighs and Y/N immediately whined at the loss of contact almost hilariously. “You don’t want anything, little girl?” 
The air felt static, every hair on her neck rising in the pressured silence. The angel and the devil clawed at her heart, each trying to show her what was right. And she wanted to sin, God knew that she would love nothing more than to let that little greedy part of her take over, but she’d already cheated on Peter and that damn good part of her conscience stole the wheels of her brain.
Slowly and shamefully, she shook her head, though the downright dirty monster inside of her wanted the men to ignore her words and keep assaulting her body. 
“That’s a shame, baby, I thought we were having fun.” Sam sighed. He met Bucky’s gaze on the side, and though they seemed to be in resignation with her wishes, their eyes twinkled devilishly. He positioned his body over Y/N’s kneeled over form, his bare chest glued to her sweating back as his hands ran up the sides of her ribcage and to her front, just barely grazing over her sensitive nipples. “You mean, you don’t want me to touch you here?”
He pinched the darkened buds and she had to use every ounce of self-restraint to not collapse at the sensation. His calloused hands moved back even further, tracing down to the stretch of skin just above her mound, swiping a finger across the skin delicately. “How about here? Or even,” he brought three fingers around her body, over her ass, and into her glistening cunt again, just rubbing along her entrance, not daring to go further in. Y/N couldn’t hold in her reaction to his prodding anymore, his teasing chipping away all of her dignity and pride in a few simple touches. 
“Yes, please, please, use your fingers,” she blurted against her will. Where shame should have washed over her, there was only lust, raging red and coursing through her body so forcefully that she felt braindead. “Put your fingers in me, daddy, please.”
The pet name rolled off of her tongue so easily and she was barely ashamed of how it made her feel. The name especially shocked the three men, who smiled even wider with their cocks harder than before at the little slip up. “That was all you had to say, dolly, gonna have your daddies make you feel real good,” Bucky laughed.
Sam finally plunged his thick fingers knuckle-deep into her cunt as Steve’s mouth captured hers, effectively swallowing her scream with ferocity. The long digits scissored and swirled inside of her, pressing against new unexplored areas that she’d never even gotten to with her own fingers. White dots danced along the front line of her vision as teeth clashed against hers and though it’d been mere minutes she already knew she was close and the men did as well.
“I can feel you clamping around my fingers, honey,” Sam taunted. His lips were moving sinfully around her ass, planting sloppy kisses and drooling all over her skin while he fingered her deep. “Are you gonna come soon, baby?”
“Yes, daddy, I’m so- fuck,” Y/N panted into Steve’s mouth, “m’ so c-close.” The blond bit her tongue hard enough for her to taste blood and she yelped as she heard Sam and Bucky laugh. 
“Watch your language, dolly,” Bucky sneered from the side of the bed. His hand was rapidly moving around his cock, corkscrew motions edging him towards the brink of pleasure. 
“Little girls like you don’t get to use big swear words,” Sam’s face was still buried between her legs, his soaked fingers pulling out of her cunt only to rub at her little pearl of nerves in circles. His tongue still lapped at her dripping entrance and he could feel her tight hole start to pulse as her breathing picked up. “Oh, baby, you’re getting close, aren’t you?”
Y/N was hesitant to answer at first, the sweat on her body seeming to cool immediately in fear of what would happen if she messed up. But after five seconds Steve stopped kissing her, gripping her chin and staring into her eyes deeply. He looked as debauched as she felt, with his rosy lips swollen with spit and cheeks tinged with pink. “Are you gonna answer daddy, sweetheart?”
That knocked her into shape real fast.
“Yes, daddy, I’m so close. P-please let me come,” she whimpered. The whine in her voice pleased the two men, and Steve went back to exploring her mouth before she felt something poking against her asshole.
“Gonna let daddy put his cock in you, little girl?” Sam asked gently. His words had panic coursing through her system, a chilling realization like water being poured on her head and she began to wiggle around, trying to free Sam’s hand from her hip. Her arms weakly pushed at Steve’s chest, trying to push him as far away as he could, but the men only laughed at her flailing limbs. Y/N wanted to scream no to them, and despite her contrasting love-hate relationship with Sam’s fingers inside her cunt she knew it was time to go. It was laughable how much she would continue to say that to herself for the rest of the night. 
But Sam managed to sense her panic, knowing exactly what the issue was before harshly spanking her and effectively stopping her struggle. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t come inside of you. I’m not risking knocking up a whore with my kids, I’ve got more dignity than that.”
He led the leaking tip of his dick down her crack, rubbing it along her slick entrance before pushing in with a groan. “Oh my fucking God, that is so hot.” Bucky admonished from the side. “Gotta get in on that soon.”
Steve chuckled against Y/N’s lips, pulling away with a strand of saliva connecting them. He adjusted himself up so his dick was centimeters from her face, a knee propped up on the bed for balance. “Gotta wait your turn, Buck, we all want a piece of her.” He noticed the way Y/N’s eyes were transfixed on his cock, the red mushroom head smeared with precome along the slit, nearly purplish veins standing out prominently on his shaft. Yeah, he couldn’t even deny that he was big because he already knew how many girls had dropped down on their knees for him. “Go ahead, sweetheart, open up those pretty lips for me.”
Almost too excitedly, she dropped her jaw, allowing him to slide his cock into the silky warmth of her mouth. As his hips started to thrust into her mouth, Sam’s started to do the same into her cunt. Both men moaned in tandem with their movements as Y/N’s worries faded away to the back of her mind as they stuffed her to the brim.
“You can come now, baby,” Sam nearly ordered, “go and cream on daddy’s cock- fuck, I know you’ve been waiting.”
It was a harsh bump of his head against her G-spot that sent her over the edge, walls clamping down with ferocity and milking him for all she was worth. Y/N reeled in the sunlight infested warmth that coursed through her body as she finally let go, whining around Steve’s dick as he continued to abuse her throat with long, deep thrusts. 
Bucky was still holding his orgasm off, fondling with his tight, heavy sac while his dick remained a painfully hard mess, glistening with precome. “I’m so glad I got to see you come, dolly, look so fucking pretty when you do.”
She couldn’t deny the little skip of her heart at the praise, just a few simple words that made her feel like a good little girl. But no, God-fucking no, she wasn’t supposed to let them make her feel this way. Guilt washed away that warmth in her chest just as quickly, knowing that her boyfriend was just waiting to come back to see her, finishing up his studies so that they could live their lives out together after college while she was getting her pussy and mouth absolutely wrecked by his co-workers. 
As soon as Y/N got her brain thinking straight again, Sam started moving inside of her again and she garbled out a strangled cry. “If you thought we were done here, baby,” Sam laughed, “you’ve got a lot left ahead of you.”
“We’re not leaving until all of us have come, brat.” Steve’s palm gripped the back of her skull roughly, pushing her head so far down on his dick that her nose was squished against his abdomen. “Greedy little bitch.”
Both men started to thrust into her again, and just like that she was back to being absolutely lost in desire and lust like the bitch in heat she was until there was a sudden shift in the air. So much that the sweat on her body began to cool her skin, Sam’s hands still gripping her hips so tightly she knew they’d leave marks that she would have to hide when she wore her favorite low-cut shorts. 
Bucky’s eyes seemed to drift from her tits moving with each movement of her hips, checking behind the door as if there were something lurking there, but she was too afraid to see for herself. If she stopped she would get spanked, and they’d probably prolong her second orgasm even further, and her pussy couldn’t handle any more subtle teasing.  
“Hey there, Parker, why don’t come on out here?”
But that, that was what made the hairs on Y/N’s neck rose, dread filling her to the fullest as she realized the implications of Sam’s words.
Peter had seen everything. Peter, her boyfriend, had seen three of his co-workers, three men who she barely knew, fuck her deep into his mattress. Peter, her boyfriend, had watched her get fucked into his mattress, without trying to stop them whatsoever.
She couldn’t tell if it was the guilt of cheating on her boyfriend or the freezing realization that he hadn’t done anything to stop the three men that hurt more. 
Yet Peter still walked from behind the door, dressed in a NYU hoodie and a pair of khakis slung low on his hips, just drawing attention to the sizable bulge that stretched out his zipper. His umber eyes, normally full of so much joy and love, were possessed by the same lust and darkness as the three men, as much as he tried to hide it behind a shyer facade. 
His eyes were trained on the tightness of how Y/N’s pussy was gripping Sam, her lips glossed over with come and spit wrapped around Steve’s dick. The girl stopped in her movements, her eyes no longer full of tears for just being gagged, but as soon as her mouth came to a halt around the base of his cock, the blond slapped her across the face. A sharp crack echoed around the room and though she couldn’t see him, she heard Bucky’s feral growl of pleasure at the whorish treatment she was receiving. 
“Didn’t say you could fucking stop, sweetheart, keep working on daddy’s cock.” No more words needed to be said as Steve gripped her hair once more, forcing himself farther back into her throat to the point where she couldn’t breathe. Sam’s thrusts were quickening, closer and closer to release as the sounds of the girl struggling to breath made his balls tighten. 
“Fucking shit, baby, you feel yourself squeezing my dick? I bet you like teasing daddy like that, don’t you?” One of his hands were brought down on her ass in a quick smack that resonated with Bucky, who was staving off his orgasm for something much sweeter than his hand. She was moaning raucously around the dick stuffed in her mouth, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up every nerve in Steve’s body as he came with the tip of his dick nearly being swallowed by Y/N’s throat. There was barely any time for her to fully down the thick come in her mouth before Sam was threatening to orgasm. “I’m gonna come so soon but you better fucking not, little girl, you hear me? Gotta let your daddy come before you, you ungrateful little bitch- oh.”
It was a really fucking close call, Sam’s dick pulling out of her with one quick movement before spilling pearly ropes of come onto Y/N’s spine. A high whine escaped her mouth, clit throbbing as she was so, so close to coming, and she was too far into her crazed pleasure to realize that she was letting three older men, men who fought to defend the universe from evil, use her as an over-glorified fleshlight. 
She couldn’t really blame them for calling her a cockdrunk whore. 
Bucky sauntered over to the bed, eyes trained on the pool of come centered around the base of her spine before flipping her over onto her back with his large hands and shoving three vibranium fingers back into her hole. She gasped and held onto his forearm as he continued to fingerfuck her to her second orgasm, eyes screwed shut in a delirious haze of contentment for being filled with at least something again. 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, please-” Steve slapped her along the face, correcting her words immediately. “Daddy, daddy, please let me come.”
Bucky chuckled, tweaking one of her nipples with his flesh hand as he hovered over her face. “I don’t know, dolly, you’ve been a little naughty, callin’ me the wrong name, not listening to Stevie’s orders- don’t think you deserve to get what you want.”
A muffled whimper escaped her swollen lips, and he sighed in surrender. “Okay, dollface, go ahead and come on my fingers. Let me see how you wet ‘em up real good.”
Y/N’s hips bucked into his metal digits with finality, come leaking out of her cunt and soaking the sheets below her. Her sweat-glazed skin shone even against the darkening sky, and all Bucky could do was chuckle at how her chest rose quickly as she tried to catch her breath. He thought about teasing her clit again, just circling around the little bud of nerves to get a rise out of her, but he decided against it. Sam probably had better plans for her anyway. 
On the other hand, Y/N’s orgasm was starting to wear off as she noticed the hardened stare from the edge of the room. Her boyfriend.
“Peter, I…” Y/N made eye contact with him, suddenly noticing how mousy he looked in his own bedroom. 
“I nearly forgot you were here, Parker,” Sam smirked darkly. “Why don’t you come over here and fuck your little whore. I’m feeling a little generous today.”
Steve and Bucky nodded with the same infuriating smugness as Sam. The brunette boy opened his mouth to object to the degrading statement, but when he met his girlfriend’s eyes nothing needed to be said. There was no escaping this. Nothing he said mattered to the three older men, because really they had already gotten everything they wanted right in front of their disgusting, perverted eyes. 
He unbuckled his belt, letting the weight of it drop his khakis to the floor. Maybe if he’d known he would be forced into join a fivesome later that night he’d have picked any other boxers but the Ducktales one, but no one seemed to say a word about them, rather focusing on what they were failing to conceal. 
Peter’s cock had always been admirable to Y/N by its length and God, definitely its thickness. Curved upwards towards his abdomen with a vein running along the left side up to the bulbous head, it was definitely more than average. It was really just a shame he didn’t know how to use it well enough.
His shirt was pulled over his head just as quickly, and if Y/N knew any better she would say that he was excited to get to fuck her in front of the three men. He placed himself in between Y/N’s parted legs, standing in the same position as he had so many times before.
But when Y/N cried out in pain and pleasure as he slid into her, Peter knew that this time, it was different. This time three men, men that he used to trust with his life, stood on either side of him and his girlfriend and jerked their hands up and down their cocks as they watched her get fucked relentlessly. It wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t romantic, but he couldn’t really think when his thick cock was stuffed inside of her stimulated pussy, juices and come leaking out of her abused sex. 
“Go faster, Parker,” Steve instructed, his face contorted in pure pleasure. The pace of Peter’s thrusts sped up, and he threw Y/N’s ankles over his shoulders, hitting deeper inside of her, with the sound of her sobs only turning them all on more. “Oh, right there, shit, shit, shit-”
Steve came first, a low groan escaping his lips as streams of come landed on her tits, still bouncing with every movement of Peter’s hips. 
“Open up,” Sam gritted through his teeth, and Y/N obediently opened her mouth to let his bitter come coat the inside of her throat, some of it landing on her face and neck. The string of curses he let out made Peter thrust even faster into her, and he hated, absolutely despised the way it turned him on to see the three men use his girlfriend to their pleasure. But soon enough a hand pushed against his chest away from Y/N and he reluctantly pulled out.
“Move aside, kid,” Bucky instructed, “Wanna come inside of her.”
As he lined his gigantic cock up with her entrance, her eyes widened with fear. “No, please, I didn’t take my pills, I can’t- I won’t, please not inside-”
“Shut the fuck up, you slut.” Bucky’s fingers came to slap her clit harshly, and she cried out in pain. “You’re gonna be quiet and let me come wherever I damn want, right?”
He punctuated his last word as he thrust inside her, filling her up to the hilt with his girth. She was too drunk on the feeling of her cunt being filled up to argue again. It was painful, extremely so, even though two different cocks had been inside her overstimulated pussy already and Bucky stretched her out wide, his cock thicker with veins to hit every pleasure point. With her legs tossed around his tapered torso, he slid out until his very tip was left in her, then slammed back in with a small moan. The head of his cock relentlessly pounded into her cervix in a nearly soundless tempo and all Y/N could hear were her own gasps of pleasure, jaw-dropping moans that made drool slide back down her throat in her laid down position.
She turned her head to the side, and though her vision was bleary through the tears, she could see Sam and Steve watching Bucky fuck her while Peter, her boyfriend, her sweet, sweet boyfriend, was caught up fucking his hand to the sound of Bucky’s balls slapping against her ass. 
“Fuck, ‘m not gonna last much longer, dollface.” Bucky gasped. “You gonna come soon? You’re gonna come for daddy one more time. I think you’ve got a third one in you, you little fucking slut.”
“Shit, shit, daddy, please ‘m almost there,” Y/N wailed absentmindedly. A thumb came down to circle her clit quickly and she felt the coil in her stomach grow tighter and tighter, until she finally let out a high whine, finding her release as Bucky’s cock pulsed inside of her, ready to come just as easily as her. Her pussy clenched around his cock as she rode out her orgasm, fingers grasping at the sheets in order to find some sort of grounding. His come painted her walls white, and Bucky could’ve sworn there was no better feeling than feeling his blood warm in every vein as he finally let go. With stunted groans, his hips slowed its rhythm, lost in watching how his cock disappear into Y/N’s pussy, her slick juices coating his dick each time he pulled out. 
“Ah, fuck, dolly, you did so good for me. Pussy tight as a fuckin’ vice.” Bucky hugged her limp body close to his sweaty chest, letting his dick soften inside of her for a good few moments before pulling out. He tossed Y/N back onto the bed below him, barely even caring to clean the come dripping down her ribcage and out of her cunt before grabbing his boxers from the cabinet next to the bed. 
Steve was already buttoning his jeans up, checking the notifications on his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. The blond seemed to have better things to do so soon after, rushing his way to the door before pausing where Y/N laid to watch come drip out of her pussy. One more time he pushed Bucky’s come inside of her abused entrance, watching as it oozed out from behind his digits. “Look at you, fucking full of of his come. Such a goddamn whore,” he muttered under his breath.
Those were the last words he said to her before patting Bucky on the shoulder and leading him out of the opened door. 
Maybe Sam was a bit more kind, or affectionate at least. He was already dressed but visibly hard again beneath the thick denim of his pants, and he made sure Y/N knew it, taking her left hand and placing it over his dick. “You still got that effect on me, honey, even when you’re all fucked out like this.” He dragged his fingers through the thick ribbons of come that coated her chest, bringing them up to her mouth so she could taste. Even though she was more than exhausted, she wrapped her tongue around the two fingers that were pushed past her swollen lips, sucking them clean with a tired vengeance. Satisfied with her work, he kissed her chin one more time before leaving without so much as another word, slamming the door shut on his way out.
It ended exactly the way it started, the lock jostling into the doorknob just as easily as the high of Y/N’s final orgasm slipped away.
Stifling silence suffocated the room around them. Peter refused to meet her eyes, just as much as hers did his. She laid motionless on the bed with him standing at the foot, his dick soft and if she narrowed her bleary eyes just a bit, she could see how his knees were shaking. Neither of them were able to say anything, losing the ability to converse as soon as the three men left the room.
“Peter,” her voice was throaty after the rough fucking she took, “C-can you please get me a drink?”
The brown-haired boy looked down to meet her face, and she could finally see the reason that he had hid it from her. His eyes were red and bloodshot, snot running from his nose with tears running down his cheeks. She’d been so caught up in the after haze of the sex that she didn’t even notice how his bare chest was heaving so deeply, nearing hyperventalation. 
But still, he grabbed his boxers, pulling them over his weakened legs clumsily. “Y-yeah, what kind do you want, Mr. Stark has a ton-”
“I don’t care.” She cut him off firmly, a sharp tone in her voice as she rolled over on her side. Y/N tucked her knees to her chin, fingers running over the side of her neck which was marked with bruises and scratches. “I don’t fucking care.”
Without another word Peter slipped out of the room quietly, knowing better than to try to talk to her about what they had been forced to participate in. It wasn’t as if there was much to say anyways.
Rain pattered against the window. It was only six o’clock in the evening. Cars honked and beeped and Natasha’s Igor Stavinsky record played for its fiftieth round of the day, and to anyone else in the tower it was a normal night. Normal, just like the ones spent sitting on the couch with Bucky’s hand creeping up her leg or Sam’s hands groping her ass, but this time they’d made a move. 
The silence was far too much to handle, the unspoken truth of what she’d done with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Peter finally hitting her, knocking the air out of her lungs as she suddenly struggled to breathe. Gripping her face, clawing at it like a goddamn wolf, Y/N began to cry. Silently at first, gradually growing into heartbroken sobs, she let her trodden pride carry her voice wherever it wanted to go. 
The men’s whispered words haunted her mere moments after they’d left the room, but most audibly she could hear a faint husk of a voice, Sam’s low moan in her ear looming in the dreadful silence of the room:
Thanks for sharing with us, baby.
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supremeshrimpy · 2 years
with the rain
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Requested by: @Anonymous 
Since your reqs are open, can I get a reader getting flustered at Sebek who has his hair wet from the rain? 👀”
Summary: It's said that rain brings good things. Nobody said that it could bring him to you.
A/N: Feed my love for Sebek why don’t you? 
Character: Sebek Zigvolt
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“No, Grim,” you scold, “I’m not going to walk in the pouring rain to Sam’s shop JUST to buy you premium tuna.” You continue to fold laundry as Grim claws at your pajama pants. The rain provides a calming aura to the Ramshackle dorm. It would be more calming if a certain cat-beast would…
“STOP CLAWING MY PANTS!” You pick Grim up by the collar and open your mouth to scold him before hearing…
Knock knock
“Oh ho ho,” Grim comments, “who did you invite over on such a day, henchman?” You roll your eyes and stride over to the front door. 
“No, Crowley,” you start to say as you open the door, “I’m not going to do some ridiculous task in the pouring rain.” 
“I’m not Crowley, human,” the man in the door says gruffly. Finally looking up, you see a drenched Sebek. His once fluffy, neat hair was stuck to his forehead and his neatly ironed uniform was sopping wet. 
“I got stuck in the rain and the Mirror Room is closed,” he explains, looking like a wet puppy, “and I can’t get to the Diasomnia dorm.” Whatever he says after that doesn’t process as you are too busy staring at his face. Water droplets moving beautifully down his sharp cheekbones to his perfect jawline. Why does my face feel so hot? 
By the Great Seven…
“Human,” Sebek yells, snapping you out of whatever trance you were in. Getting caught made your face go red hot. 
“YES,” you shout, “sorry I- just give me a minute to grab you a towel.” You run off and burst through the laundry room door. Hands clasping onto a white towel, you drop to your knees as the rush of embarrassment hits you. I mean it's not your fault you were starting. His sharp, handsome face contorting into a pout over something as small as his uniform being messy is just too cute. 
Taking a minute to catch your breath and let the heat on your face cool down. You walk unsteady back to Sebek.
“Took me a while to find, hehe….” Sebek takes the towel from you and dries himself slowly. Sebek dries himself the best he can before coming inside. 
“You must be so cold in those clothes,” you staunter to the kitchen, grabbing a mug. 
“I have no need for your worry, human,” Sebek asserts proudly while reaching into his bag, “I always carry a spare set of clothes.” He pulls out a plain white t-shirt and pants. 
“Why don’t you stay the night,” setting down a fresh cut of tea in front of him, “the rain won’t let up any time soon.” Sebek tries to protest and after a bit of back and forth, he finally gives in and says,
“I think I will.”
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quirkless-accident · 3 years
Nomu!Danny aftermath if its okay. Maybe Eraser gains a new son in this chaotic mix of events?
lmao stop giving me reasons to torture my son. Out of the thirty ish asks in my inbox almost half of them are angsty leave him alone lmao
Shouta Aizawa was a simple man. He liked cats. He liked coffee. He liked sleeping. He does not like children (even if Hizashi insists he's lying to himself). He especially does not like children who have been more or less tortured every single day for months.
Or rather, he hates that it happened to them. The actual child in question is pretty okay.
He's skinny-far past the point of healthy-with dark messy hair that's a little too long, and cold blue eyes that track every movement his doctors and nurses make.
And then he surprises him and the Detective in the best way possible.
"I'll tell you everything."
There was no hesitation. No fear hidden behind his eyes. Just a cold determination to get back at the man who did all this too him.
The story makes Shouta want to throw up. The kid had been force fed quirks because he was dead. And that had also been hard to swallow. But Tsukauchi seemed just as flabbergasted, so Shouta could only guess that the kid was telling the truth. That he was forced to be a one-man Nomu.
He didn't keep every quirk All for One forced on him. Sometimes they were taken, and replaced with new ones. Sometimes he was overwhelmed with quirks, just so All for One could watch him writhe in pain on the floor, groveling like a dog at their feet. It was sickening, and if Shouta wasn't used to sickening stories, he probably would have thrown up.
Instead, he had the stomach to save it for the privacy of his own home.
"What are your quirks?" Tsukauchi asked him, and Danny, the kid, could only shrug.
"I don't...I'm not familiar with all of them. I know I have Night Vision and Danger Tingle. There's this really neat one where I can..." He lifted his hand, and with his pointer finger he wrote his name in the air, a bright green trail following every movement. "Air Script? I think that's what I'll call it. I can...I can feel more. But I don't know what they are. He wanted me to-to lose myself, I guess. Like all the other Nomu had."
"Why didn't you?" Shouta can't help but ask.
"I wanted to remember. My parents, my sister. My friends. Are they..." he looks to the two men with pleading eyes, desperate for some good news.
"We're looking into it," Tsukauchi tells him gently. Danny presses his lips together before nodding. Tsukauchi presses him with one last question. "Do you know what the League's end goal is?"
It ultimately amounts to nothing, as they both suspected it would. But Tsukauchi doesn't seem disappointed. He just thanks Danny for his time, and promises to come back when he has more answers about his family, the Fentons.
When Tsukauchi disappears down the hall, Shouta allows himself to sit down in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to Danny's bed before sighing tiredly. He hasn't allowed himself any proper rest. They were busy during the camp, and then villains had attacked. And then he had to go on live TV, essentially blowing himself out of the Underground scene permanently now that everybody knew his name and face and quirk, and then, not even a few hours alter, he's being called to the hospital because of some kid who may or may not have been a part of the League. He's glad to see he isn't, but he's more than a little worried about what kind of mental state the kid is in. Even if he seems fine now, he can pinpoint the signs of struggle in a heartbeat.
"How are you feeling, kid?" He asks. Danny just shrugs as he fiddles with the scratchy blanket that's covering most of the boy's injuries.
Everything kind of hurts. And I'm tired," he admits after a few quiet moments. "I'm...I'm worried. About my family. I'm worried about what will get leaked to the media. Sure, you guys can't exactly tell people I'm a halfa but-but people will probably find out anyway. And that I'm not quirkless anymore. It's just...Stressful, I guess."
It's a lot more than Shouta was expecting to get, and he's more than grateful for it. Danny, at least to them, is willing to open up. That's going to help with his recovery going forward.
"I understand," Shouta says, quiet and gentle in a way he only ever uses for little kids who are on the verge of panicking. "Why don't you try and get some rest. I'll be here."
Icy blue eyes meet his, and they pin him in place. Shouta feels rooted to the spot from the boy's gaze alone. He waits patiently, blinking slowly as Danny searches for answers to the questions he probably isn't going to ask. And after a few minutes, he finally lets his shoulders relax.
"I promise."
The news that Tsukauchi brings about Danny's family isn't good. There was never a missing person's report filed by the family because they themselves were dead. At least, that's what Tsukauchi suspects. There weren't any bodies, but there were three large piles of dust in various spots around the house, and with the League involved, it's not hard to put two and two together.
But if the news isn't great for Shouta, it's absolutely devastating for Danny. Before Tsukauchi is even able to speak, Danny just knows from the look on the man's face. He breaks down, curling in on himself, and doesn't allow anybody to touch him. Still, Aizawa offers his hand just in case. And after a few minutes, Danny grips it like a lifeline with far more strength than he should logically have.
And after a few hours, he finally uncurls his limbs, but does not let go of Shouta's hand. He looks desperately to Shouta, with red rimmed eyes, pleading for any good news he could possibly muster.
"What's-where am I going to go?" He asks. His voice is raspy, and Shouta presses a glass of water into his hands before answering.
"I'll be enacting my emergency foster license. I'll be your legal guardian for as long as you want me to be. However, U.A. is building dorms for the students and staff, so we'll be living on campus instead of a normal apartment. I've already spoken with Nezu, though, and he's created an extra room for you in my dorm, so you don't have to join the other kids if you don't want to."
"U.A? The hero school?" He asks. Shouta nods, and the kid seems satisfied enough with the answer. He leans back into his bed and closes his eyes. And after a few minutes, with a broken voice, he says, "My sister went there. She was in Present Mic's homeroom."
And Shouta doesn't have to guess about who he's talking about. He remembers flashes of bright red hair, of Hizashi absolutely gushing over the girl despite the fact that they're not allowed to play favorites. He remembers her wit and her strength and her intelligence. God, she was so smart. Smart enough for even Nezu to be impressed. And she had been a force to be reckoned with.
She had been Danny's older sister. Obviously not something he was ready to talk about, not yet, but it's obvious from the tone of his voice that he admired her.
"She was amazing," Shouta tells him. Danny just nods, and grips his hand a little tighter.
"She really was."
The day after they move into the dorms is the day Danny gets let go from the hospital. All of his injuries have been taken care of. The only thing they really need to worry about is getting him back to a healthy weight, but with lunch Rush at the school and the fact that the kid eats like a horse, Shouta doesn't think it'll be to big of a problem.
Unlike everybody else's dorms, Danny's is bare. They haven't had the chance to go and get anything he wanted from his home. They need to do it eventually, both for his things and to see what he wants to keep of his family. Shouta promises to be there. It seems to be the only thing keeping the boy from completely breaking down at the thought.
His class is loud and excited when he introduces them to Danny, but after Momo's tactful, gentle greeting the others follow suit. He can't help but feel a little bit of pride at how well they're treating his kid.
Because...Even though it's only been about a week since they officially met, he is Shouta's kid. Shouta's son. It's probably too soon to say any of those complicated emotions out loud, especially in the face of recently finding out his family's demise, but Shouta speaks that truth in his head as often as he can. Because his kid has been through a lot, and he only wants to help him as much as he can. In any way that he can.
So when Danny sleeps in their dorm in the teacher's building he doesn't push him away or tell him to go socialize. He holds him tight as he cries through a nightmare until they both fall back asleep.
Cleaning out the Fenton's home is a larger task than Shouta thought it was going to be.
They have a team to help them. Some grunts Nezu is paying for that help pack and move anything Danny wants to bring to his rooms back at U.A. The other things, he goes through and debates on whether or not he's keeping or tossing them.
Of his sister's possessions, he keeps a couple of scrapbooks, her diary, and an old beat up teddy bear wearing a lab coat. He snoops around a bit longer until he finds a blue headband and ties it around the bear before moving onto his parent's room.
There's even less here that he decides to keep. Like his sister's room, he keeps all the phots he can get his hands on. He also keeps a pair of red goggles, and an old slip of paper that's got a fudge recipe on it. He adds a few journals his parents have written thorough, illegible notes in, and heads downstairs.
Every picture on the wall goes into a box and sent to Danny's room. he's never been one for pictures, but this is all he has left of his family. The only proof that they ever existed. He's holding onto them as tight as he can for the rest of his life.
He doesn't care about the TV or the furniture, or the decorations. In fact, he doesn't even spare it a second glance before leading Shouta down to the basement where his parent's lab is.
Everything is covered in a fine layer of dust, though neither of them point it out. Instead, Danny leads Shouta around the lab, placing odd gadgets and weapons into some sort of safe with a heavy duty lock. He tells the movers that this goes into the most secure storage they've got, and Shouta wants to ask questions, but he knows that now isn't the time.
Throughout this whole process, Danny hasn't hesitated. He's firm in his wants to keep and throw away. But when he reaches the octagon on the back wall of the lab, he hesitates.
Danny stares at it for a long time. Minutes pass. So many that Shouta's knees start to ache from how still they've both been. But eventually, Danny walks over to the panel on the wall, presses a few buttons, and unplugs a cord that's tapes to the baseboards next to the console.
Danny takes it a step further and sends his fist through the whole thing. Sparks fly, and metal creaks, but Danny doesn't even flinch. It took no effort at all to destroy his parent's lifework. He has no idea how he should feel about it outside of the fact that it was necessary.
After that he moves towards the filing cabinet, and instead of looking through it, he completely destroys that, too.
"Ghost shit," is the only explanation Shouta receives. Which probably means it's information sensitive to Danny and other ghosts. Information that could harm them if it came into the wrong hands. So he doesn't question it. It's his house, after all.
The trip back to U.A. is quiet but not uncomfortable. When they get back, Shouta helps him carefully unpack all of his model rockets and helps him place all of his Thirteen and Mirko posters on the walls. And, for lack of anything better to do, he painstakingly helps Danny place glow in the dark star stickers on their ceiling, both in his dorm, and in the one they share. There's so many that Shouta could probably read with all the lights on. He kind of loves it.
And when everything is said and done, Danny gives him a small smile along with his thanks.
It is the first smile that Danny has ever given him.
Shouta thinks, for the first time, that Danny truly is on his way to recovering, in his own way.
He's glad that he's there by his side to help.
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shokobuns · 4 years
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in which you slowly give into your desires.
PAIRING: maid!zenin maki x f!housewife!reader
GENRE: smut, some fluff, some angst, slowburn (ish)
WARNINGS: nsfw, 16+ smut, slowburn ish?, mentioned misogyny, infidelity, unhappy arranged marriage, angsty marriage, overstimulation, fingering, oral (f receiving), kitchen sex, sex in shared bed, face sitting/riding, 69, exhibitionism, squirting, light degradation, praise, pussy slapping, finger sucking, spit kink, consensual panty stealing, masturbation (f), first time for oral, slight corruption, implied dumbification, dom!maki. slight mommy kink, humiliation (kind of)
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“I love you.”
“Love you, too, Honey.”
You peck your husband on the lips goodbye before he’s out the door with a briefcase in hand and his suit as neat as ever. Staring at the leftovers, you sigh before eventually picking up the plates and pilling them in the sink, scrubbing off the sticky mess of maple syrup. Soap suds cover up your gloves as you lather them in bubbly water and plan out the rest of your day. The dishes, the laundry, a few episodes of that one show you barely pay attention to, lunch, more dishes, more laundry, a start on dinner.
You can’t help but wonder — Is this it?
You love your husband, something you remind yourself repeatedly when he’s gobbling down on the rice on his dinner plate and when he’s leaving his dirty clothes all over your bedroom floor. You love him. You want to bear his children, want to raise them, want to do the chores so that he doesn’t. You want to cook, to clean, to do everything for the sake of his pleasure. It’s what your mother insisted, it’s what she did, and it’s what her mother did. You love your husband.
Is this it?
Twenty years old, a husband with a stable living, something that can suffice for the rest of your life. All you need is to do your chores, give him your body, be his prim and proper wife. It sounds fairly easy, another thing that your mother insisted, so what is it?
Why do you crave more? Why do you have to remind yourself that you love him, love this life at all?
Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on your door. When you open it, you’re met with the sight of a tall girl with glasses. She’s in a black maid dress that stops at her knees, complemented by the white apron that flows along with the part of the skirt, ruffling at the end. She has a bag hanging on her shoulder and her expression shows slight amusement at your surprise. Surely, she’s at the wrong house, right?
“Are you (Y/N)?”
“Y-Yes,” you stutter out, not realizing that you were staring, “Uh, w-who are you?”
“I’m Zenin Maki, but you can call me Maki,” she observes your figure, noticing the sly nervousness radiating off of your expression, “Your husband hired me. Said he wanted someone to help you out.”
“May I come in?”
“Of course.” You move to the side, watching the woman scan your house. It’s slightly messy, a result of your husband not cleaning up after lounging in the living room, and she doesn’t waste time to clean it up, rearranging the decorative pillows and helping you carry the leftover dishes to the sink. Just as you’re about to put on your gloves, her hand comes out to grab your wrist and the other takes it out of your hand. “Don’t. I got this.”
You step back, watching Maki put on the gloves herself, lathering the dishes as you did before. You don’t know what to do, standing there awkwardly as she places them in the dishwasher. It’s a given opportunity to observe how her skirt stops right above her knee, flowing out naturally and modestly accentuating her body. Her headband compliments the look, her hair tied back with bangs covering up her forehead, stopping short of her glasses. Warmth creeps up your neck to your cheeks and you sharply look away, focusing your vision on the bowl of apples on the center of the dining table.
“You can rest, Miss. But I’m going to need help putting away the dishes later. Is that okay?” She asks and you turn around to give her a nod. “Is there anything else you need done?”
“Oh, no, it’s okay, you really don’t need to-”
“I was hired to help you out with chores. Please, do not worry about me.”
You sigh in defeat, looking directly at her face, her pretty face. She had a sharp expression, piercing eyes that can bore into your soul, defined cheekbones. A sensation of uneasiness rested in your lower belly and you realize you’re staring when she waves a hand over your face. “Hello? Miss?”
“S-Sorry! I was just thinking about something!”
“Oh. Well, I was just asking if you can help me put some of the dishes away just for today. I don’t know where everything is and I don’t like disorganization.”
“Of course. Of course.”
“You need anything else?”
“Folding the laundry, for now, I think? The clothes should be dry. Everything is upstairs.”
She follows behind you as you bring her out to the terrace where your laundry hangs on a string. Dresses, button ups, and ties of earth toned colors adorn the area and you touch the fabrics. The sun had definitely done its job. Maki is already setting up the ironing board that was previously laying in the corner of your bedroom and gathering your husband’s work attire together. When she’s done flattening the creases on the pieces of clothing, you take them, hanging and folding. With her help, you were finished in half the time it usually took you.
“Thank you, Maki. Really, I appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Miss. Your husband hired me to do my job and I am happy to help.”
As you hang your last dress, you give her a smile.  
“Honey, I’m home!���
Your husband’s voice sounds throughout the house as he’s met with the sight of you and Maki laying out plating foods and placing them on the dinner table. He smiles and you walk towards him to greet him with a hug and a kiss. Maki continues with the task, sparing a glance at the both of you. “You didn’t tell me you hired a maid,” you whisper to your husband, “Though, she has been very helpful.”
“I’m glad, Honey.” He replies, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Kind of curious as to why you hired one in the first place.”
“I’ll tell you later. Let’s have dinner, alright?” He shoots you a grin before looking over to Maki. “Feel free to stay for dinner, Maki!”
“I’m alright. I should get going anyways—”
“Nonsense!” You husband eagerly responds, pulling out an extra chair just for her, “My dear wife here says you’ve been helpful.”
“I have classes.”
“Oh. Well you might as well take some home!” You suggest, walking over to your tupperware cabinet.
Before you go back to your husband, you plate some food for her to take home and make sure she makes it back to her car as she walks out the door. You let out an involuntary sigh, leaning against the doorway and feeling content that you now have an extra hand.
“So, what?”
“Why do we need a maid?”
“Simple,” he grabs your hands from across the table, “I think we’re ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“Ready to have kids, silly woman!” His laughter booms throughout the entire room, “I mean you’ll have to get off birth control and everything, but I think it’s time.”
You laugh nervously as he leans in for a kiss. “Honey, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know about this.”
“What?” He stands up, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, “Why not?”
“I’m just kind of, uh, scared? I don’t know if I’m ready and we just got married a few months ago, you know?”
“Come on, don’t be scared,” he reassures you, kissing your cheek, “I hired Maki to be our maid to lay the stress off of you. I offered her an in-house job, which she’ll be starting next week, just so that you could rest easy while you’re pregnant.”
“In-house? Is she going to live with us?”
“Of course! She’s a college student, so she doesn’t mind getting paid and living in a house,” he explains before going back to the topic, “So please. I want you to have our baby. We can start tonight.” He suggests, wiggling his eyebrows.
The next few days, the cycle continues.
Maki comes in the morning, usually just about right before your husband leaves for work, and she helps you throughout the day. Doing dishes, folding clothes, cleaning the bathroom. Most of the time you help her, usually against her will, but it leads to a calm and comforting silence when you work together. She’s moving in soon, two days to be exact, and you think it’s time to get to know a little bit about her.
One problem; She’s reserved, which intimidates you, and you’re too scared to start a conversation.
Eventually, you’re going to have to break the ice. So you do it as she’s ironing the clothes and you’re putting them away. You think up a few basic questions, mulling them over as to not make her uncomfortable because you want to get to know her.
“My husband tells me you’re in university right now. What’s your major?”
“Sports science.” She replies bluntly, continuing her task.
“Oh, cool cool,” you try to figure out a way to continue, but come up blank. Maybe she doesn’t want to talk.
“What do you do when your husband is not around?” She asks curiously, as if she sensed your desire to hold the conversation.
“Chores, usually,” you frown, “Sometimes I watch TV, but I wish I was able to do other stuff. I really like painting, too. But I haven’t done much of that ever since we got married.”
“Oh. Why not?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to become an artist. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, but my family wanted stability for me so they introduced me to a family friend’s older son,” you smile, memories of your younger self filling up your head before a sense of sadness falls over your expression, “They said this would be good for me. And it is. My husband is a good man, I have a roof over my head and dinner on the table everyday, you know. I’m not complaining,” you pause, reeling out of your own thoughts, “Sorry if I just overshared.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” she reassures you, “Just out of curiosity, how old are you?”
“That’s funny, I’m twenty one.”
“You’re closer to my age than my husband,” you laugh, folding another white button up before placing it in a drawer, “We are in very different positions.”
“Yes, we are,” she chuckles, “A struggling college student and a cool housewife.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say cool—”
“Nonsense!” She grumbles, an attempt to mock your husband.
The both of you laugh and you realize how she seems almost angelic. The look in her eyes that was once piercing and intimidating was soft and heavenly. Her cheeks are flushed red and her smile was alluring. Before you even realize it, a feeling of warmth settles in your lower belly and it gets harder and harder to take your eyes off of her. Her chuckle was music to your ears and you’ve internally decided that it was one of your favorite sounds.
“Goodnight, Honey.”
He plants a kiss on your sweaty forehead before turning his back towards you, opting to hug a pillow on the side instead. Everything is wet, sticky, and gross, but before you can say anything, your husband is already fast asleep, little snores filling the air of the master bedroom. You lay down for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling in the dark until you gather up the last of your willpower to get up and clean the mess between your legs.
It was an okay night.
Sure, you came, but it was just boring. There was nothing to it, only the huffs and groans and praises from your husband as he lived out his fantasy of finally being able to breed you. You’re happy to provide him, as long as it makes him happy, because he loves you and you love him. Even if you have to clean up the mess yourself, even if you don’t finish, even if that rush of loving emotion that everyone seems to describe never hits you.
You’re happy.
That’s what you tell yourself anyways. Yet, your fingers rub furiously on your clit while the other pumps in and out of your dripping cunt. You’re close and you pretend that it’s her fingers You pretend that it’s her fingers that you’re clenching around, her mouth leaving soft kisses from your neck down to your exposed breasts. You pretend that you’re tugging on dark hair, asking for more, but when you come down from your high, the ringing in your ears stops suddenly and the snores overtake your hearing once again.
It’s wrong, disgustingly wrong, but there’s no way to escape her. Not when she’s in your house in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening. She helps with everything, things that you didn’t even consider yourself, talks to you about the things you like. And you know that her favorite color is black, her family would have much rather preferred if she went the same route you did, and she likes junk food a little too much.
You also wonder when you should tell your husband that you definitely have not gone off those pills.
“Yes?” You respond, a grocery bag in your arms filled with different fruits, vegetables, and meat. Although you've made a few additions to your list and you were unsure at first, but as Maki empties it, her eyes light up at the sight of the bright little bag.
“You got chips?”
“Well, yeah. They’re for you. I know you liked them.”
She beams at you and it’s almost blinding. There’s an odd flutter in your stomach and you ignore it, but it only becomes stronger when she rips open the bag and munches on the whole thing in seconds. The small satisfied moan from the first bite has you internally celebrating. She looks at peace. All she’s doing is eating a bag of her favorite chips, yet it fills you with some unexplainable feeling of warmth. You make another mental note to buy even more next time.
“What do you think of him?”
“Who?” She asks, sitting up on the couch as she watches you get lost on the canvas in front of you.
“My husband.”
“Oh,” she pauses, her hand coming from under her chin to think, “He’s pretty cool, I guess. He also pays me which is pretty cool, you know.”
“Come on, I won’t tell him,” you insist, coming close, your hands involuntarily brushing over hers. She doesn’t pull them away, letting you rest them, enjoying the extra warmth.
“I mean, he’s a man, alright.”
“What does that even mean?”
“No offense,” she continues, finding the least rudest way to say it, “He’s kind of basic, you know? Which isn’t bad but he yells at the TV when watching football, has you light his cigarettes, and waits for you to serve him food. Just your typical husband things, I guess.”
“Are you saying my husband is boring?” You ask with a stoic face, watching the fear fill her eyes.
“No, no! That’s not what I—”
“Kidding,” you chuckle as she purses her lips before joining along, “I was just curious.”
“Well, why?”
“I don’t know,” you say, sighing as you think of all the times he did anything romantic for you, “He’s a good man, you know that, right?”
“Well, of course.”
“He brings me flowers, gives me goodnight kisses, tells me he loves me, but—” you pause, afraid to finish the thought. Your heart pounds at the mess of ideas on your mind and you’re ashamed, “I don’t know if I feel that love thing those people always talk about.”
“What do you mean?”
She’s intrigued to say the least. You’re fiddling your thumbs with a nervous smile on your face. All the while, the music you put on fades in the background until it’s only the two of you, hearts beating fast, blood rushing to your cheeks. When you finally look her in the eye, she doesn’t miss how glassy they look and that’s when her suspicions are confirmed without a verbal sentence — you’re unsure.
“He- Well, I don’t know. Forget I said anything about it,” you clasp your hands together before getting back to work in the kitchen, “And please, don’t tell him.”
Uncertainty, you’re most definitely full of it, but Maki is almost sure she’s figured it out before you have and she likes to think that she’s gotten to know you. She’s picked up how you play with your fingers when you’re unsure, how you smooth down your dress when you try to keep your composure, how that your smile loses genuinity while you’re at the dinner table. She decides it’s not her business, she’s only the housemaid and you’re just the housewife she works under.
But she’ll always be there for you with open arms if you need it.
“We gotta make breakfast, Maki.” You poke her side, waking her up from a deep sleep.
You’re already ready for the day, the top half of your hair already tied in a bun and a lilac colored dress adorning your figure. She’s caught off guard when she opens her eyes and you’re sitting up on the side of the bed poking at her hip. Her vision is blurry without her glasses, but she can clearly smell the sweet scent of vanilla perfume. Taking in a deep breath, she sits up, too, reaching for her glasses on the bedside table.
And her sleek, black hair cascades down her shoulders, though it’s slightly messy, you’re tempted to run your fingers through the soft looking strands. You’ve seen Maki in her maid uniform at home, jeans when she goes out to shop, but the sight of her in a satin night dress was different and your breath hitches when the blanket falls off the upper half of her body. It’s a loose fit and she looks absolutely ethereal, almost like an angel.
She turns her head to the side and you fake cough, trying to make up for staring a little too long. “I know your day doesn’t start yet, but I was hoping to get some help on breakfast today. Is that alright with you?”
“Of course, Miss. I’ll go get ready right now.
You walk down to the kitchen, preparing a pie crust for your quiche and reading through the recipe you were given by a friend. By the time you blind bake the crust, Maki joins you in her usual attire. “Need anything, Miss?”
“While the quiche is baking, I just need you to make some cookie dough. Just the usual, my family is coming over later.”
“Of course.”
She gets to work right away, finding the ingredients immediately as you fill up your empty pie crust and dance around the kitchen. Right after the quiche is placed in the oven, your hips sway along with the music that plays in the radio. It’s all soft and slow, Maki smiling at your antics while you jokingly attempt to serenade her. She’s mixing in the chocolate chips into the dough and you walk forward, energetic and lost in the song.
You don’t think much of it when you grab her hip and your faces come closer together. One second, you were playfully dancing around your kitchen and the next, your breaths mingle, the gap between the two of you closing. It’s her who decides to lean forward, soft lips meeting together, your back suddenly meeting the edge of the counter. Her hands rest on the surface, each on either side of you, and her lips taste like cherries. Your hands come up to her cheeks as your mouths meld together until it’s hard to breathe.
You pull away first, remembering that your husband is still sleeping upstairs. “What are we doing?”
“Don’t know,” she replies, her hand starting to trail under the skirt of your dress, “It feels right, though.”
“Should we stop?” You mutter, just barely enough for her to hear.
“Do you want to?”
It gives her the extra rush of courage to get under your dress and push your body until your back is flat on the counter. Luckily, there was nothing underneath except for a pair of plain black panties, a damp spot right in the middle. Her thumb presses on your clothed clit and by the way your body squirms she knows you’re sensitive which only adds to the sadistic fun of pulling down your underwear at an agonizingly slow pace. “Need you,” you breathe out, your legs being positioned on her shoulders, “I need you, please.”
“I got you, Baby. Don’t worry.” She replies with a smile, her breath hitting your wet cunt.
Your breath hitches as her tongue trails up from your hole up to your sensitive pearl and she moans at the sweet taste of your arousal. Her hands keep a firm grip on your thighs, holding them open as you bite your lip to contain your moans. He’s right upstairs, you think, but any thought of caution starts to leave you once her soft lips wrap around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves causing your knuckles to turn white as they grab onto the edge of the counter.
Your husband has never touched you like this. Ever.
The feeling of her mouth is foreign, but welcome. Before you know it, the grip on one of your thighs loosen and two fingers slip into your soaked cunt. She’s gentle at first, the pumps of her digits ever so delicately pressing against your g spot, but once you hike up the skirt of your dress and thread your fingers through her hair, she speeds up, hitting hard and fast. “M-Maki— Shit!”
You squeal when her tongue starts massaging your clit and your walls clench despite being empty, “Such a pretty girl,” she coos, watching in awe at how your slick coats her fingers, “Such a pretty pussy.”
Lewd praises and squelches fill the kitchen air as the coil in your stomach builds and snaps until your cunt is gushing all over her. Your back arches as you reach your high and she leaves a trail of kisses from your thigh to your sopping pussy. Bringing her fingers to your mouth, she gives you one command.
You obey, wrapping your soft lips around her digits, swirling your tongue and she gives a graceful smile, brushing a thumb over your flushed cheeks. A sheen of sweat covers your forehead, but the sound of footsteps brings you out of your thoughts. Maki pockets your underwear, giving you a wink, before washing her hands and taking the nearly forgotten quiche out of the oven.
By the time you hear the footsteps of your husband, you’re decent, minimal signs of physical exertion just barely noticeable. She’s going through her usual routine of plating your food in front of the two of you, doing the dishes, laundry, everything. You want to say something, you really do, and you’re left with your own questions.
At night, you’re left pondering the strong women with silky black hair whilst in the arms of your husband.
Two days.
That’s how long it’s been since you’ve gotten the most mind blowing orgasm of your life. Your panties are still missing, though you don’t mind knowing who has them. And when you think about the things your mother has told you repeatedly about your perfectly structured life, it crumbles with each second. When you look at the face next to you, the indifference in your heart starts to become more and more prominent.
And even though you should feel guilty — well, you do — you also don’t regret it at all.
You still do your chores as expected, make the bed, cook dinner. You still organize the laundry, do the dishes, and tend to your rose garden. You still disinfect, fold, and have sex with your husband who’s indifferent to your pleasure every night. Almost every domestic activity was accompanied by Maki, who often sought to take over or help.
Yet, she wouldn’t even look at you.
She wouldn’t say anything that didn’t pertain to a grocery list or a command and it was infuriating. Still, you were determined to bring it up — how could you not? As you fold blankets on the couch and think, you call out her name. “Maki?”
“Yes, Miss?”
“Are we going to talk about what happened?”
“What do you mean?”
Your heart drops a tiny bit, it was an expected response based on the fact it felt like she was avoiding you, but you still had to swallow the lump in your throat. “Nevermind. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” She asks as you’re looking down on the rug, trying to focus on the pattern instead of the woman in front of you.
“I’m just sorry I brought it up. I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry that we did whatever that was,” you take a deep breath as forming tears blurred your vision, “I’m sorry that I can’t fucking do this, Maki. I don’t love him. I can’t love him.”
She sighs, scooching forward and closer to you then pulling the half folded blanket from your hands. “You shouldn’t be sorry. This was my fault.”
“You don’t understand.”
“Try me.”
“You’re just, I’m just—” you inhale again, trying to find the right words to say, “You’re different. You’re different from him in all the best ways. You listen to what I have to say, you care about how I feel.”
“That’s something that any good friend would do—”
“I don’t want to be your friend.”
She brings her fingers to your chin, nudging your head up until you’re looking her in the eyes for the first time in days. She gazes at you, appreciating every curve and every mark on your skin. You take this as an opportunity to lean in, planting a soft kiss on her lips. She doesn’t stop it, instead indulging in the act, cupping your cheeks.
It soon becomes hungry, her tongue slipping past your lips, you being rolled over onto your back as she slips her hand under your floral dress. She presses a finger against your clothed cunt, causing you to gasp and throw your head back. At the same time she leaves sloppy kisses on the exposed skin of your neck and you struggle to form a coherent sentence.
“M-Maki, stop,” you whimper and she pauses, “Wanna make you feel good.”
“Oh?” She smirks, giving you another breathless kiss, “Wanna put that mouth to use, Baby?”
“Yeah,” you breath out, “Wanna make you feel good, Mommy.”
Her expression is filled with pride as she drags her fingers across your face and into your mouth. You comply with the silent command, wrapping your lips around the digits and sucking softly, swirling your tongue around them. “Good girl.”
You let out a hum while she discards her panties somewhere on the ground and her bare cunt hovers over your face. It’s intimidating, yet the sight of her glistening folds makes you wet. All you wanted to do was taste her, drink up all of her juices, and when you finally do you can’t get enough. Despite the lack of experience, you do what you think would feel good, giving experimental licks, noting when her body twitched and when she would let out a saccharine moan.
“Fuck — you’re doing so well,” she coos, carding her fingers through your hair, admiring the sight of your half lidded eyes and the feel of your tongue, “You sure this is your first time eating pussy?”
You hum in response which sends vibrations throughout her body, causing her to throw her head back. You grip onto her lower back, desperately bringing her wet cunny closer to yourself and she rolls her hips, grinding herself on your mouth. You’re already addicted, lapping at all of the cum she has to offer, watching intently as her mouth forms an o shape and she soaks the lower half of your face.
“Such a good fucking girl, aren’t you?”
She gets off your face and you smile with pride, tugging off the rest of her maid uniform until she’s completely bare in your living room. Every curve of her body fills you with even more lust and you’re sure your panties are soaked just from the sight. Her thighs are defined, muscular even, and you kiss them before going back to her ruined pussy, lapping at all the slick.
“You’re so pretty, Maki,” you utter, your breath hitting her neck as you come back up to her face.
She pushes you backward until you’re flat on your back, pinning your wrists together before ripping off your panties. Maki wastes no time, two fingers entering your hole and curling with every thrust. “You got this wet from eating me out?” She questions cockily, leaving an open mouthed kiss on the shell of your ear along with a nibble, “You’re a cute little thing, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you whimper in between breaths, “Feels s’good.”
“Yeah?” She responds, watching you come undone underneath her.
Your orgasm builds up with every pump, the coil in your stomach tightening. She fastens the pace, every movement being calculated, her fingers knuckles deep in your cunt. Her fingertips manage to brutally hit the spongy spot inside of you, causing your legs to shake. Your back arches when her lips wrap around your clit, the simultaneous stimulation making your body tremble in delight. You’re gushing all over her fingers and she stares in awe as your slick drips down your thighs.
“Can we go to the bedroom?” You request meekly, barely recovering from your last orgasm.
“Of course, Baby,” she beams at you, body gleaming with a sheen of sweat, your heart fluttering in your chest.
Maki picks you up bridal style with almost no effort, pressing kisses all over your face on the way upstairs. When you finally get to the bedroom, she lays you down gently, almost as if you were a delicate piece of glass. But the moment of soft intimacy doesn’t last.
It doesn’t last when her pussy hovers over your face with her head buried in between your legs, licking hot stripes on your folds, sucking on your pearl while her fingers brush on your legs before finding their way back to your ruined cunt. Your tongue presses on her slit and her hips lower until your mouth is full of pussy. Her sweet taste is addicting and concurrent moans only heighten the pleasure, vibrations shooting through both of your bodies. Her thumb circles your clit furiously as she pulls away from your cunt to speak.
“You like this, don’t you? Ain’t this the same bed where you get fucked by your husband?” She questions demandingly, slapping your cunny.
You whine into her cunt, the sudden pain causing your walls to clamp around nothing. She laughs sadistically, pinching your clit, biting at your inner thighs.
“S’good, such a good little slut,” she coos, her nose tickling your clit as her face inches closer, “Bet you like getting fucked by your maid, don’t you?”
You can only respond with a squeal, her hand laying another blow to your aching pussy. “Don’t worry, pretty girl. I got you.” She reassures you, mouth ravaging your cunt, slurping every drop of cum you had to offer. She’s close to her own orgasm, you can tell by the way she rides your face, soaking the lower half until the sweet droplets slide down your neck. You massage her clit with your tongue as she comes down from her high, but after yours, she doesn’t stop.
Instead, she continues to feast on your cunt like a starved woman, the pressure in your stomach building for the nth time that day. Coming again almost hurts, but she ignores the high pitched wails spilling from your lips, the sounds only encouraging her to keep sucking until your body trembles. At this point, you’re light headed, vision gradually becoming blurry. Your walls are pulsating, your mind is unable to process everything at once.
Especially the shocked man who stands in the doorway of your bedroom.
And at that exact moment, you let out a sob as Maki sadistically looks your husband right in the eye, her mouth still devouring your overstimulated cunny with fervor. Your hole leaks milky white, staining your shared sheets and you cry out her name, hopelessly gripping onto the plush of her ass for stability, digging your nails into the flesh. When she pulls away, a string of spit connects from her mouth to your pearl and her pupils are blown, cheeks covered with your arousal, all the while maintaining eye contact with him.
As if there was no one in the room, she readjusts her until her face hovers over yours, her swollen pussy present on your thigh.
You comply readily and she grabs your face with one hand, squishing your wet cheeks so hard that they start to ache.
“Good girl.”
She spews into your mouth, watching the blob as it glides down your tongue and you swallow obediently before she comes down for a sweet kiss. The taste of yourself makes your head dizzy with lust. Let it be known that the horrified figure standing in the doorway could never make you feel as good as the maid.  
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© this is a work of @crybabygumi, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my work on other platforms.
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smelted-applejuice · 4 years
His Weakness.
Paring(s); c!Technoblade x Reader Pronouns; she/her Desc; [YourName] has always and will forever be The Blade’s weakness. Here’s their story.  TW; Voices, Pregnancy, threatening of life/animals 
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Requests are open!!  -
[YourName] and Technoblade met years prior before Techno was known as a bloodthirsty killer, before the voices decided blood was their calm down cure, [YourName] knew the real Techno. The soft-spoken, nerdy, loving Techno. She was beyond lucky to come across him when they both were younger.
Even if it was a complete accident, she had bumped into Techno while looking for some berries for her mother. [YourName] was seven, Technoblade was seven, it was just faith! She was the only child within her village, so finding someone so close in age made her want to befriend them even more! [YourName] abandoned her basket and rushed over to the child.
Techno was currently watching his father fly around, observing the area to build their ‘forever home’. This would be Technoblade’s third ‘forever home’ that Phil had built for them, but each time Phil has gotten on the wrong side of the wrong person and their house would be in flames. He was tired of moving, the itching feeling in his head was getting ever so slightly worse. He wanted it to stop, but it seemed like there was no time in the world for Philza to care for it, for now, he’ll focus on how his new ‘Forever Home’ would look like. Techno heard rustling in the bushes behind him, so he tore his eyes away from the sky and looked over. A little girl with a messy dress, stained with dirt and gravel, and slightly neat hair had popped out of the bush. “Hello!” The girl greeted Techno glanced around, trying to figure out if she was truly speaking to him, “Hallo..” he replied watching the child approach him with no fear. When people see him, they see Piglin, this child must not know what a piglin is quite yet- but he felt happy. “I like your hair, it's pretty! And your ears are so cool!” [YourName] complemented with a bright smile, Techno blushed and shook his head trying to avoid eye contact. “I uh... I like your.. Dress?” Techno replied he didn’t have a lot of social interaction with other children so he didn’t know exactly how to reply to a child. [YourName] smiled, “Thank you! My momma made it. What are you doing out here? Where are your parents?” she asked inching closer so she could stand next to Techno. Techno shrugged, “My father is flying around, he’s trying to see where to build our next home.” he hummed watching the little girl closely. She cooed, “That’s so cool! He can fly?! He’s a hybrid! That’s cool, that means so are you! What are you? A pig?” [YourName] asked wanting more information on the mysterious child. “Oh, no, I’m a piglin... So you’re close” He mumbled, [YourName] nodded humming slightly before remembering something, “Oh! Oh! My name is [YourName].” she introduced with a bright smile. Technoblade blanked out, making sure he remembered the girl’s name, “My father calls me Technoblade, call me Techno though..” he replied. The girl’s bright smile made him chuckle, just giving his name brightened her mood and that was a new fuzzy feeling placed into his chest. Techno and [YourName] began to mess around within the grassy area and soon Phil had landed. Phil looked around with panic, he was a young father and fathering a seven-year-old, and could barely keep up with both his son and the many bad apples he’s managed to come across. Phil smiled softly, sighing out in relief when he realized Techno was simply being a child. “Techno!” Philza called out making his way over to the two children, “Random child, hello.” Phil greeted getting to the children’s level. [YourName] looked over to Techno who nodded, claiming Philza was safe. “Hi!” [YourName] greeted, “I’m [YourName].” she giggled making Philza nod looking over to his son. “She’s a... Friend.” Techno said, smiling at his words making Philza smile himself. “Well then, it’s getting late, and I saw a village close by- you might want to head back home,” Phil suggested making the little girl whine- she didn’t want to leave her friend! Phil shook his head, “No worries, I’ll make sure you see Techno again, now c’mon.” he hummed to the child offering his hands to the children and returning [YourName] to her home. This time, Philza did his best not to cause trouble this time. Techno seemed to settle fast, faster than Phil has ever seen him do so. It was all because of [YourName], the little girl about a twenty-minute walk away, who made Techno feel like a child and gave him a childhood with happy memories of exploring the woods with a friend. [YourName] and Techno were best friends and it amazed him when he saw how hard Philza was fighting to remain at that home, and he made sure to thank his father for that. Years would go by and Philza had found himself taking in two more children, both were normal humans, who would be named Wilbur Soot and Tomathy, Wilbur and Tommy for short. [YourName] was there for each child, and each time [YourName] was there to comfort Techno. She jokingly told Techno that since he was the only hybrid within the children cluster-- he would be Philza’s favorite. She didn’t know how true her words would end up being. By age fifteen, [YourName] and Techno developed feelings. Now, neither one of them was shy around each other, so they didn’t tip-toe around their feelings for long. They were smart, knew each other’s mannerisms, and most importantly the voices creeping inside of Techno’s head were fond of [YourName]. The itch in his head ended up not being an itch but his thoughts gaining voices of their own, and despite that [YourName] remained around and wanted to help out as much as possible. After returning home for a trip with Philza, he washed up and would wait until morning for [YourName] to stop by for breakfast. Even when he wasn’t here, she would come by and check on Wilbur and Tommy hoping to get them to eat breakfast with her. He waited outside for a few hours before [YourName] had come from down the hell a soft chuckle. “Techno!” [YourName] squealed with joy. Techno looked up from his scarred hands and cracked a smirk, “Oh I missed you!” the girl said placing her breakfast basket down and bringing him in for a hug. Techno and [YourName] chuckled, squeezing each other in a hug. They stayed there for longer now, Philza had taken Techno out for longer than usual and it had affected both teenagers. [YourName] sighed in content and pulled away from Techno, but gently moved her hands over to cup his face. “I was worried this time..” [YourName] whispered softly, “You’re always worried,” Techno remarked, making the female simply giggle, “No, I know, but this time I was up late many nights, scared for you..” she explained deeper. Techno closed his eyes, a quiet happy grunt as he enjoyed their closeness. He placed a hand on top of her’s and nodded, “I get it, it’s alright, I’m home now.” he whispered, making [YourName] smile. “Forever?” She asked, “I won’t stay home forever, but I’ll definitely be with you forever.” he remarked in the same tone as prior. [YourName] placed her forehead against his own, kissing his lips finally sealing the deal that they knew was bound to happen. They never bounced around their feelings and even spoke about having a romantic relationship a few weeks prior, Technoblade just didn’t know him leaving would make [YourName] act. It would take a few months for [YourName] and Techno to come clean to both of their families. The first one to hear the news would be Techno’s family, and it was pretty natural. You had ended up staying the weekend, soaking in as much time as you could get with Techno before he would leave again with Philza. Tommy and Wilbur were watching from the kitchen as you two interacted in front of the fry, “Are you two dating?” Tommy asked bluntly, making Wilbur slap his shoulder roughly. “It’s a valid question! But Tommy, you can’t just ask people if they’re dating each other!” Wilbur scolded, Techno and [YourName] shared a look and just nodded, “Well, yeah, we have for a while. And even if we weren’t what makes you think we were?” Techno asked, deadpanning on his brother. [YourName] and Wilbur would sit back and chat while Tommy ran away from Techno for the rest of the afternoon. When your family found out, it was less of a brightly lit scene. It was dull and grey. [YourName] had accidentally let it slip that Techno, whom her parents had never met, was a hybrid one day. “Well, sweetie, what hybrid is he?” Her mother questioned curiously, [YourName] chuckled slightly and shook her head “What? Hybrid? Nah..” she said, panicked slightly. Her father shook his head, “We know how you act, darling, stop lying and go ahead and tell us more about his hybrid.” he said sternly. If they were to find out she was lying, she’d get her ass handed to her hard. “Well... He’s half Piglin..” [YourName] confessed and it seemed like everything dropped and shattered into pieces right there. [YourName] was told she wasn’t allowed to leave the house without one of them and she snapped, “I just turned sixteen! You can’t keep controlling me like this, Techno and I are happy together and we’ve been friends for years now. You’re stuck in your shit thinking, I’m going to go visit him.” she yelled, grabbing her coat and leaving. [YourName] would end up staying with Techno and his family for a few weeks before her parents would come looking for her. Well, they had been looking for her but they never knew where Techno lived. So when she opened the door she closed it only for her father’s foot to stop it from closing, “What do you want?” she asked squinting toward her parents. Her mother and father shared a look before sighing, but before they could speak Techno came down to see who was at the door. Then n’ there [YourName]’s parents and Techno met for the first time, and he was nothing her parents had thought Techno would look like. After a long conversation, [YourName] had forgiven her parents for acting the way they had but explained how she established a living while staying with Techno by taking care of his brothers, so she would remain living with him. A few years later, a few months before Tommy and Wilbur would recruit Techno for Pogtopia, [YourName] and Techno would finally wed. After about five years of being together, four months of being engaged, they decided to tie the knot and finally bind their souls together for life. They knew they were meant to be, they have been through too much together not to end up as soulmates. The only attendees were Philza and [YourName]’s parents, it was a small wedding and right afterward Techno and [YourName] disappeared once more. They would only reappear when Tommy ran into [YourName] at a village trading with someone, “[YourName]?” Tommy asked in shock. [YourName] quickly glanced over and smiled before waving, “Hallo Tommy.” she hummed, Tommy groaned “God you’ve been around Techno for too long!” he complained, “Well, married him for a reason, Tommy.” she remarked back. “MARRIED?! TECHNO MARRIED A WOMAN?!” Tommy asked as if it was overly shocking news, “Tommy, Techno, and I have been together for years, it’s not shocking.” she huffed. She began making her way back to the house she and Techno were occupying, in front were two horses peacefully munching on hay, “Techno! Found a kid!” she yelled through the relatively empty house. Techno came down the steps rubbing sleep from his eyes and that’s when he realized the child [YourName] had found was Tommy and he was about to turn back around. Tommy stopped him and that’s when he asked for help to get L’manberg back. Techno had nothing better to do, so he accepted. [YourName] was more hesitant, but wanted to trust her husband. They shared similar beliefs, their dislike for governments, but often butted heads on the whole orphan thing- but each relationship has its flaws. Months spent helping Wilbur and Tommy out, meeting and trying to make Tubbo less obvious that he was helping the other side of history. When Techno and [YourName] got an invite to the L’manberg festival, Techno was dead set on going but wanted his wife to stay behind; “I believe this is a trap.” Techno said placing the paper down. [YourName] crawled over to him and sat behind Techno on their shared bed, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and sighed, “More reasons for me to go” she whispered. “No, if it’s a trap, I don’t want you there..” Techno said even more seriously than usual, [YourName] hummed and nodded “As you wish, darling..” she whispered, kissing his cheek. Techno was right, it was a trap, he was forced to murder Tubbo in front of a crowd of L’manberg- now known as Manberg- citizens. After killing Tubbo under peer pressure, he fled and wouldn’t be seen for hours. [YourName] was beyond pissed at Tommy for being angry, “It was a canon life, [YourName]!” he defended “And you know how your brother reacts under peer pressure, you shouldn’t have promised Tubbo that Techno wouldn’t pull the fucking trigger!” [YourName] said in an angry tone. When they heard footsteps, they quieted down, fear for who might be roaming around Pogtopia. They relaxed when they noticed it was just a Technoblade covered in blood, while Tommy tensed up and left [YourName] rushed over to examine her husband while he changed clothing. A war would be brought onto Manberg and Pogtopia, which [YourName] participated in next to her husband. She defended his every move, summoning three-headed beasts with him, and causing chaos on the land that was promised to them to become government-free. They didn’t care about the aftermath, L’manberg made a promise to Technoblade and his wife and they didn’t follow through, so now they must suffer the consequences. Between two people who have the same mindset and would be there for each other in a heartbeat versus government-loving mindless children- they knew they had the upper hand. So they caused their chaos and left. Decided to finally settle down, Technoblade wanted to retire- even if it was temporary. So with the help of Philza, [YourName] and Techno moved their belongings to a nice cozy cottage built in a snowy biome. The home was nice and in the end, [YourName] and Technoblade finally felt complete. They had their pets, they had the enderman named Edward, and the bee farm which kept the voices at bay and [YourName] busy. She was the one to calm him down when Techno would become randomly bloodthirsty, just her voice made him sleepy and the way she would hum and run her fingers through his hair really was the icing on top of the cake. A few weeks into setting a schedule, [YourName] began to act weird, craving things, missed period, morning sickness, Techno and [YourName] didn’t need a doctor to tell them that she was pregnant. While she and Techno were processing the news of this event, Tommy was making a nice home underneath the couple who were recovering from the shock. “I- I want you to keep it, [YourName], is that alright?” Techno asked holding her hands slowly interlocking their fingers together, [YourName] smiled softly and nodded tearing up “I would love to, Techno” she said quietly trying to refuse the shake in her voice that became evident anyways. [YourName] and Techno would quietly celebrate [YourName]’s seven-month mark right before the Butcher Army would make an appearance. [YourName] was confused when Philiza had sent the emergency message their way, and the panic she would feel didn’t help Technoblade’s panic. [YourName] was doing her best to scramble around, trying to help her husband relax but all it did was make him more on edge “You need to sit down! N-No! You need to hide, they can’t find you-” he said running around and trying a place to hide his obviously pregnant wife. “I still don’t fully understand what’s happening, Techno!” [YourName] complained about assisting with brewing potions. “Stop! Stop!” Techno said rushing over and trying to force [YourName] up the steps but it would be too late, Ghostbur- who had stopped by moments before- had led the Butcher Army to the house. Techno was gentle but rushed outside and would begin trying to talk it out rather than fighting, he was doing so good with not doing bloodshed, he was retired and prepping for a child. He didn’t want to fail his wife and future baby now. But when worse comes to worst, he did what he had to do. While Tubbo and Ranboo kept Techno busy, Fundy and Quackity ripped through the house and found his pregnant wife. Quackity smirked while Fundy seemed more hesitant, but still dragged her outside. The huffs and whining from her were enough for Techno to look over and he was pissed, “LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!” Techno yelled, finally pushing Tubbo and Ranboo off enough. Everything came crashing onto [YourName] at once and she’d begin to cry and begged for this to be over. Between [YourName] and Techno’s horse begging for his wife to be let go, Quakcity groaned. “FINE! Fine, she’ll be set free, but if she dares make a move to help you.” Quackity said leaning into [YourName]’s ear closely “You’re going to get it too, I don’t care if you’re pregnant.” he said making her flinch. Techno held back from fighting, he was already pushing it by begging for his wife to be let go. He was given a moment with her before he had to go to L’manberg for a trial. Techno placed a hand on top of [YourName]’s stomach, softly kissing her forehead, “I love you, [YourName]. I’ll see you later, I promise.” he whispered nuzzling his nose into her hair. [YourName] nodded, wiping her tears with her sleeve as she watched Techno get forced away and toward L’manberg. When Techno discovered Tommy was living underneath his house, [YourName] was napping and would wake her up. Now, [YourName] was now hitting thirty weeks into her pregnancy and as mentioned before would be showing, so when she came down the steps to her sixteen-year-old brother-in-law and her twenty-one-year-old husband arguing she wasn’t shocked when Tommy hit her with the “WOMAN YOU’RE LOOKING RATHER FAT!”. Techno whacked him across the head while [YourName] held back some laughter, “Tommy, I’m not fat, I’m pregnant.” she explained pinching her husband’s clothing to tell him to relax. “Pregnant? Like Techno’s baby?” Tommy asked calming down, now he had to process the information while Techno went on a tangent of rules and to-do list while Tommy remained under their roof in secrecy. Apparently he was exiled, but [YourName] was too busy trying to focus on herself to realize that- and she felt bad, but she wasn’t going to cry about it for too long. After Tommy was exiled, he spent weeks under the green gremlin’s hold until recently realizing the flaws in Dream’s logic, so Tommy ran from exile and found himself in their basement. Somehow that last part seemed far-fetched but [YourName] was too tired to dwell on it for long. It would be another few weeks before Dream would make a surprise visit to check out the new house. [YourName] was sitting close to Tommy, just in case Tommy wanted to troll around and open the box. Dream looked around and nodded, making conversation with Dream about Tommy’s escape from exile which he acted shocked about. The topic of the conversation shifted when Dream realized [YourName] was housing a child, “Oh, you never mentioned anything about becoming a father.” Dream said walking up the steps. There stood [YourName] with a plate of food trying to cover up Tommy’s eating noises, she flustered, almost nine months pregnant and smiling softly. “Ah no, we just haven’t really told anyone, I don’t think Philza knew until recently..” [YourName] explains lying slightly loudly and harshly placing the plate down on the box Tommy was in to shut him up, “Oh, so a slight secretive thing?” Dream asked “Yes. Please keep it that way.” Techno said. Dream hummed, finishing up his visit and leaving. In the weeks after that meeting, [YourName] would go into labor. So Techno was hesitant, but he left his wife with Tommy while he rushed out to find a doctor. [YourName] was leaning against the wall, trying to breathe and ignore the random pain she’d feel now and then, “What’s wrong now?” Tommy asked hesitantly. “WHAT DO YOU THINK!?” [YourName] snapped but then paused, she whined “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, I’m just in so much pain.” [YourName] explained softly. Tommy was actually truly helpful, without him around [YourName] wouldn’t have been able to get to a bed and lay down for a bit until Techno and a doctor had made it to the home. The doctor would monitor [YourName] for a few hours before active labor would begin and that’s when chaos had started. [YourName] would be pushing and waiting for their child to be welcomed into the world, Technoblade right there next to her for it all. Tommy walked in once, covered his eyes, and never once entered that room until he was welcomed in. [YourName] would finally give birth to a baby girl, healthy as ever, in the early hours of the morning. It was snowing, the room was perfectly lit, and after she was cleaned off and checked on, the doctor held the baby to its mother and father. [YourName] softly smiled through her tears as she let the baby eat, leaning her forehead against Techno’s who placed a hand against the baby’s head. The two, now freshly three, shared a moment as the child ate peacefully. After she ate, Techno was given the chance to do skin-to-skin, and since it was getting brighter out, her features showed more. The little one had Techno’s pink hair and little piglin features, but when she opened her eyes she had her mother's sparkling (EyeColor) eyes. [YourName] softly laughed, easing herself into sleep, as she watched Techno walk around the room and show the sleeping baby wrapped in his cape different photos within the room. She couldn’t help but smile, listening to the quiet conversation he was having with his daughter. “And that’s your grandfather..” Techno whispered leaning his daughter’s head to his lips, “We’re glad you’re here, Aurelia..” he added in the same tone as before kissing his daughter. His weaknesses. 
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kaitopitoo · 2 years
It has been weeks since I almost last heard of Vio, or at least it feels like it’s been that long.
He’s been isolating himself more often than before, hiding away in his room and from what I can tell he doesn’t even bother to light up the place. I understand he would prefer to be in his own little bubble when it comes to his book reading routine, or overall planning for battle or training.
But not like this.
Me, Red and Blue barely hear anything about him or what he’s doing, even Princess Zelda is unaware of what’s been going on with him. She can’t even get a word out of him, aside from a dark mutter or quiet mumbling, followed by him storming past each of us. Barely eats anything each of us cook, and even what the maids prepare for him specifically.
This isn’t like him at all, it just isn’t, and I am horrified.
The rays of the sun set on my face as I walk, occasionally disappearing because of the window frames blocking them. The castle seems to be quite buzzing as knights and maids alike are moving up and down the hallway, giggling to themselves, and chanting back and forth. As I keep walking down the castle hallway, I begin to ponder on minor details of why Vio is behaving like this. Again, it’s unlike him to be so quiet even though we know by nature he is the silent one from the team.
However, I did notice that all of this began when… he disappeared.
And I mean Shadow Link.
It was obvious he and Vio had a thing for one another going on, it’s obvious to me now. I can’t speak for the others, but I have a feeling they know it too. Knew it, saw it, heard it. Every time Vio spoke of the man, his face would light up in glee, in such joy. For a blank slate he truly enjoyed the man’s company. Now I understand one part of the reason why he turned to the dark side that one time. I’m sure it was that, aside from his own personal little plan he should’ve discussed with us. But I think that was smart at the time, actually, not telling us to get genuine reactions out of us…
Suddenly, I look up and I’m nose to nose against a door. It took a bit to realize that this is Vio’s room. I would question why I’m here, when I have to admit I care for the guy. It worries me that he isn’t even talking to me; it worries, yet it scares me.
I gain the courage to knock on the door, but had to do it fiercely since the door is so heavy, I imagined it’s barely audible from the inside. Even then, I truly am not expecting to get a response at all. Not even a glance or a go away sign to leave. Just silence, as he’s being.
Life keeps moving behind me as I feel frozen in place, people still running up and down the hall, talking, gossiping, anything that’s considered lifelike. Here, I feel so cold, so still. But it’s all waiting, hoping for at least a response from Vio. I step back to allow my image to be seen through the peephole, still hoping-
I didn’t even hear the door opening.
“Hey, uh…Vio. I–”
“What is it?”
A shiver runs down my spine at that snarky response. It’s so Vio, but in this state, it’s very much unsettling, “I just… Well, I want to see how my buddy is doing, and… I’d also would like to talk-”
“Please, no.”
I notice the door closing in and I immediately set my foot between the door frame, holding back my wince of pain, “Hey, wait a second! Vio, c’mon, I mean no harm.”
Silence falls upon us, and after such a long while of almost not seeing each other, I got the chance to see his…
Oh, Goddesses, his face.
It looks… horrible.
His usual neat and clean looks berated in a state I can’t properly describe. His hair is all messy and tangled up, some strands are matted to his face. His bright eyes now a dull color, most likely due to the lack of sleep. Considering that, his eyebags have gotten so much worse and make him look like a corpse almost. Even his body language has given up, slumped over at the door, and knees about to give out on him.
This… is an awful sight.
I really didn’t want to pry, but I’ve got to help him in some way. Find the solution to whatever is bothering him. However, if my theory is correct, that is, if it’s all about Shadow Link, then, it simply is something that can’t be helped.
“I’m not in the mood right now, Green. Go spar with Blue, or something…”
“I won’t be in the mood until I know what in the Goddesses name is going on with you.”
“It’s nothing of your concern…”
I furrow my brows, but I'm trying not to, “Well it sort of is, and I’d like to help you get out of it. Please.”
The heavy silence resumes, still weighing on my shoulders. I blink a few times while trying to both keep eye contact with Vio while also trying to look away from his destroyed image. The urge to help him clean himself up is there, the urge to comfort him in some way is also there. I just know he’ll push me away, like he’s been doing so for every one of us.
Vio’s the one that breaks eye contact however, as I hear a quiet sigh escape through his nose. He turns his heel and walks away from the door, definitely given up on resisting me. I hope he doesn’t think I've been harsh about it.
I truly care for him.
“Come in, then.” Vio emptily addresses, “Let me…”
The place dimly lights up as I see him fling the long curtains open, allowing natural light to seep through after the Goddesses knows how long since the last time that happened. A bit of dust comes off the curtains and Vio coughs quietly, swatting away close to his face. I watch him almost limp about from the window to the bed, eyeing me with his daggers for eyes. I could feel them even behind my back, distracted over the small makeover he did with the place.
Sure, he is fine organizing his room, but he should consider himself too.
I look back at him and notice he’s staring off in the distance, looking almost lost in thought and just in sheer emotional pain. I don’t bother to say anything as it feels comfortable enough to just be in silence, even if it feels heavy just as much as I assume it is to him as well. He proceeds to gently place a hand on his bed, patting it down indicating for me to take a seat. I oblige and do so, still keeping a space between us, so he doesn’t feel like I'm prying in his business too much.
More silence.
The few things that would interrupt it is the outside world being loud as ever, and the occasional heavy sighs coming out of Vio himself. From the corner of my eye, I see him breathing steadily, but he almost looks frozen, close to an inanimate object.
I can tell he's exhausted, but he isn't helping himself to it.
I go on to address the situation about the dusty curtains, but instead I wanted to get straight to the point of the real matter, “You shouldn’t be locked in this room if you’re going to keep it dark. That’s unhealthy.”
“But I want to.”
“Vio, why are you doing this to yourself…?”
“To see him.”
Such a blunt response catches me so off guard I flinch, yet my conclusion was right. It is because of Shadow Link.
I went to speak but my judgment knew he wasn’t done yet.
“I admit having been quiet on a lot of things but… This is one of them. I imagined everyone would be against the idea of me being associated with him again but…”
Vio stands up and walks to the window, eyeing the outside world as if he’s contemplating what else to say. I almost got up as well to hold him, but he immediately turns to me, with a dead look on his face.
Goodness, that stings.
"I miss him. That's all I have to say."
And again, silence. We just stare at each other for what feels like ages, but these seconds feel heavier the more they go on, while I'm lost within his cloudy eyes.
He leans against the nightstand by the window, light acting like a halo around his image. Even if I'm staring into his eyes, I can tell he's gripping onto the edges; he looks like he's about to break down on the spot. Not implying that he can't be like this, but usually he's very stern and firm with his character. He would never let anyone see him like this; it's a miracle I'm in here in his quarters.
I stand up from the bed and make my way to him. I'm sure he's had no one to talk to about this so I hope I can get more out of him.
A loud thud interrupts the both of us. I immediately look behind Vio and I see what looks like a book stuck between the nightstand and the wall, I bend to pick it up and Vio’s frantic voice erupts my eardrums.
“Wait, don’t–”
Out of instinct, I pull away at Vio’s poor attempt at snatching away the book.
This… suddenly intrigues me.
I stay quiet, looking at him right in the eye with a serious look. I’ve never seen this horrific yet calm demeanor on Vio before, and it certainly raises red flags. I look down to the book and notice how musky it is, besides it being extremely heavy as well. I open it and hear the leather creaking as it folds, including some pages stuck to one another. This book has definitely seen better days for sure…
As I flip through the pages, and have the many words and connotations sink in, I realize that Vio is doing some serious business behind his door…
“Is this… a book for necromancers, Vio?”
No reply, just again a dead look.
“Vio…” I addressed him again, “Tell me.”
“If that’s what you think, so be it.”
“Vio, do you know how dangerous this can be?"
“I know how to use it, Green. If I didn’t, the castle would have been overrun by now.”
“Vio, I-” I sigh in defeat, I mean, sure. He may be able to use it but I’m not going to let it risk all of our lives, including the people and Princess Zelda herself.
I hold tightly onto the book, being wary of him snapping at me any time to get it off my grasp. I can’t let him keep this any longer; he’s just going to end up risking his life over something that just can’t be helped.
Ganon is gone, Vaati is just the same, and Shadow is too. There’s no safe way to bring him back without giving up something in the process.
I turn my heel and walk past Vio and stop close to the door. However, I can feel Vio’s eyes on me, prying silently.
“Green, please.” I see him turn my direction as well, but refusing to look desperate, “I just… need to see him at least one more time. I owe him an explanation.”
“An explanation for what?” I furrow my brows but intentionally this time, “He sacrificed himself for you, for us. It’s something that cannot be undone.”
“With trying my method, it can be.”
“Give that back.”
Vio lunges at me with aggression but lacks speed unfortunately. I flinch back, dropping the book behind me and grabbing Vio by the arms. It gives me a chance to look a Vio directly in his eyes, and a closer yet detailed look at his face. He squirms under my grasp, showing teeth and growling in his throat. I’m trying my best to not hurt him as I hold him for dear life, but it’s hard to do so against his own strength.
Together, we step back towards the nightstand almost tripping on our feet, still fighting for both balance and preventing ourselves from becoming physical. I can hear him say things under his breath, but it’s all mumbling nonsense to my ears as I can’t make it up clearly. I did pick the detail of him almost whimpering under me. I immediately thought it might be me for gripping his wrists, so I let go a bit, yet still holding on to him.
“Let- Go of me, Green!” His voice begins to crumble, almost cracking, “Just… Leave me be! I can make this work!”
The demanding and desperate tone in his voice plus the squinting painful expression makes me wince in response. I wanted to help him, and I think I made it all worse, but who else was going to address this? Certainly not with the others as he clearly refused entry to them all, but me.
Vio continues to squirm, moving fiercely yet tiredly to get my grasp off him, but it doesn’t work. I stomp my feet on the floor to keep the both of us on flat ground, weary on not stomping on his foot again. I pull him in closer to see if I can put some sense into him. And it seems to have worked…
“Green just… Let me do this…”
“I’m sorry, Vio, but I just can’t let you continue! You’re hurting yourself the more this goes on!”
“I can make it work!” He yells, with an unhinged look on his face.
“Vio, snap out of it!” I begin to shake him, trying to lock his lost eyes with mine, “He’s gone!”
Suddenly, Vio stops squirming and stares distantly back in my eyes.
His pupils have gone pale, as well as his face.
His breathing hitches from the tantrum and what I think is… disbelief.
“...I- Green-”
I hit a nerve.
Tears begin to well up in his sockets, face turning red, and his strength subsiding.
I try my best not to crumble with him, but it’s truly a chore, “I’m sorry Vio, but he’s gone. There’s nothing that can be done about it.”
More tears come out the poor blue eyes. I can feel him shaking under my grasp which I haven’t let go of yet.
His mouth opens a bit, bottom lip shaking from the crying. Then, his eyes slowly close as the sudden weight of his body pulls me down.
“Shit- Vio!” My eyes widen and I immediately lunge to grab him, but he still ends up pulling me to my knees.
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I use my thighs to cushion his fall, quickly moving my hand under his head for support. I use my other hand to pull him closer to my body and see how his eyes are still closed. I begin to shake him gently, brushing hair strands out of his face for a clear view.
He just fainted on me…
“Vio, Vio! You with me?”
I didn’t get any response, but I wasn’t expecting any, yet I need him to at least be able to hear me. I move my arm under his back, the other under his legs, and lift him off the ground with ease. His body limps as I take a few steps to the bed, being cautious about any sudden movements. As I sit him down on the bed, I notice his eyes flutter open occasionally while his mouth still twitches but no words come out. His forehead feels cold to the touch and is sweating profusely. I grab a piece of cloth from the restroom, and set it on Vio’s forehead, letting it soak up all the sweat as I go light up a candle.
The exhaustion has taken over him, finally making him crumble.
I close the curtain, so the natural light isn’t so harsh on him, and set the candle on the nightstand. The candle gives enough light for me to see a chair across the room, so I go ahead and grab it, placing it next to Vio’s bed and taking a seat. I wasn’t intending on leaving him like this after all. And now even less that this just happened.
Seems like conveniently the outside world has quieted down a bit, and it’s starting to get chilly. I grab the cloth and gently wipe his face clean off sweat and the remnants of tears, while occasionally fanning him with a piece of paper that was already on the nightstand giving him some air. I could tell his skin is dry and nearly unclean, and he seems to have lost some weight as well.
I can't believe it has come to this, though.
I never intended for him to grow full to the brim in anger and have this as an outcome. And I didn't even think a situation like this would have hurt him so much. His thinking process has tanked, and it's not helping him think straight.
Ever since that day, a part of Vio has been lost. And he is trying to find it, but I simply can't let him do that. From what I know, Shadow can't simply be brought back to life, can he? His source of life was destroyed a long time ago; there's no way that can be fixed or there's no alternative way to keep him wandering the land of the living just fine. Besides, the light hurt him back when he was alive, so he can't be living with us in general. Even so, if I let this continue, we might as well lose Vio in the process too.
I sigh at the idea, and at the image before me. It still upsets me how it has come to this.
I grab the cloth and rub his face clean one last time before washing it and repeat the process. I wasn't planning on leaving him until he's back in his senses. When I suddenly see the candle fire squirm on the spot, while my ears pick a gentle whisper of air.
I look to the side and shiver, swearing that the window is closed and there's no possible way for wind to go in. The fire still squirms too, looking like it's trying to keep itself lit. I sit back down on the chair, seeing how the shadow from Vio against the wall behind morphs into something strange. A sound similar to a knocking emit from said wall, so I keep my eyes on it.
My eyes grow bigger when the shadow takes shape into something I'm familiar with…
"...Shadow Link?"
AO3 version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40077648
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