#I just think danse is neat
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"Shaun, please! My visual acuity is being reduced to an unacceptable level!"
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ainthatakickinthehead · 6 months
paladin danse 🥰🥰
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typosandtea · 5 months
Power armour!!
New details and stuff about the T60 / power armor in general that I’ve noticed in the show!
Minor spoilers below for the tv show as some things relate to certain scenes.
They absolutely nailed the power armour in the show! I’m so glad they used practical effects for a lot of it, looks great and has some weight to it which I think cgi can lack! Sure it looks a tiny bit goofy but it always was going to, adding a lot to your height and forearm length while still being able to move properly will do that I think. I think they did a great job :)
The faceplate is hinged to open upwards.
You can jump extra far / power jumping
The grip strength is very high (enough to crush a guy’s skull one handed)
The throwing strength is very far (vending machine like 50m?)
These T60s have the jet packs included as a part of the forearms, which is neat I think.
The helmet has its own little hood for comms as a part of the helmet, on top of the operator wearing the silly danse hat, which seems to be an actual hood that’s part of the power armour jumpsuit / knight uniform.
The HUD is in the lower part of the helmet, which seems obvious but the games have no helmet and you still have a HUD so .?? Sole is connected to the armour telepathically, and Danse just Knows. /joking
The back of the helmet opens, you can see the back of the head and there’s also a drinking water fill port.
Possible retcon but voice modulators are strong enough to make people unrecognisable by voice (or that’s just what this BOS chapter does for scary points)
head-cannon but: the strength of the voice modulators also may partially explain why Danse talks like that, no tone or facial expressions mean you’ve got to talk in exact details! (I still think he ate a thesaurus :) )
Fusion cores are keyed!
And the removing said core with the key puts the armour into standby mode, disabling the armours internal manual open overide (new fear)
Some of the important wiring and or control components are on the outside of the helmet in knife range (???)
The handles on the front are for personnel transport during drops lol
The shoulder pieces are also for dropping you from a vertibird, and for maintenance at a power armour station.
You can in fact sit down!!! Assuming the thing you’re sitting on can hold the armours weight
Armor is actually bullet proof again (I understand that it’s only not included in the modern games for gameplay reasons but still)
The actual armour pieces can be popped off the sealed frame easily.
The armour does have storage scattered through it, as Maximus mentions having some radaway stashed.
Grenade in the chest plate front will blow the head and helmet off
Machine gun point blank will kill through the helmet
There is a flaw in the chest plate just below the welding that an armour piercing? round can break for the kill.
Things that aren’t directly shown but I think are a reasonable leap in logic:
If the armour has a hydration system I think it likely has other life support systems like those mentioned in fallout 2 (water recycling of some sort)
Another gameplay discrepancy but, Fusion cores in the show must last a really long time as it powers an entire vault for prolonged periods of time and Maximus only has the one core, either that or power armour is such a energy guzzler that it can use an entire communities long term worth of power in a short time.
I’m sure that there is probably more that I’ve missed!
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Hey can you do Sole asking her companions if she can name her baby after them i think it would be cute
Cait - “I... I don’t know what to say... Are you sure? Cait’s really an ugly name for something so beautiful. But if it’s something you’re sure you want...”
Piper - “Blue... I did not aim on crying today, but here we are. Gosh... It’s such an honor... I can’t believe you’d seriously want to name your baby after me.”
Curie - “Oh, Madame, my eyes are leaking! These feelings! My goodness, it would be an absolute honor for you to name your baby after Curie!”
MacCready - “Really? You... Seriously? I... I think I need a minute...”
Deacon - “Wow... Little Deacon... That’s honestly pretty neat, boss. It’ll be like a you but like in Deacon font.”
Codsworth - “Goodness, Mum! If I had the ability, I would be crying tears of joy! While Codsworth would not be a conventional name by any means, who am I to argue with my mistress? Ha, ha!”
Hancock - “Wow... You gonna name him John or Hancock? If it’s a girl, maybe little Joan? But seriously, this means a whole lot to me, sister. You’re really all about trying to make grown men cry, aren’t you?”
Danse - “You would actually want to name your human child after me? That’s... unexpected. Are you truly sure?”
Preston - “General... F!Sole... This means everything to me. Thank you.”
Valentine - “Wow, kid. That’s the last thing I would’ve expected. Name a baby after an old synth like me? I mean, that... That’s just a real honor.”
X6-88 - “Despite the fact that this is meant to be some sort of honor, I do not see the logic in it. Naming your child a series of numbers and letters is absolutely insane.”
Dogmeat - Does not understand, but whatever she’s asking him in such a sweet way has to be something good, so Dogmeat’s one hundred percent on board for this!
Strong - “Tiny human want to name baby human Strong? Strong is Strong! No one else is Strong!!!”
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Companions and what superheros from mcu I think they’d like:
(Must there be an explanation)
Cait: Giving me either Scarlet Witch or Wolverine vibes.
Curie: Really likes Doctor strange but secretly likes ant man..but she doesn’t think he’s funny or anything, just likes the science behind it.
Danse: Definitely a huge Captain America nerd but could certainly get down with Iron Man’s machinery. Mad respect.
Deacon: Oh my god, he is a morph person all the way.
Gage: Doesn’t have much of an opinion but I could see him liking Rocket the Raccoon for the wit.
Hancock: freaking adores Deadpool.
Macready: come on, this man canonically likes Grognak..He’s a Thor simp through and through.
Maxson: would never ever admit it but his favorite superhero is Jean Grey, the freaking phoenix.
Nick: Specifically spider noir for very obvious reas- nah, he thinks cyclops is neat.
Piper: Electra, may also be a fantasy crush of her’s.
Preston: He could need out any day over Cyclops.
X6-88: Thanos.
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fuzzydreamin · 7 months
More Fallout 4 MTG Spoilers!
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We got Des and Maxson! Now we just need Father Shaun and maybe Ronnie Shaw to round out the faction leaders. Also Kellogg! Awesome!
Maxson having 'Blind Betrayal' as his ability😭both good and painful. Also, we're still yet to see Danse! I hope this isn't the only reference we get to him.
Preston and Cait show up again, and we get a Strong card - though like the Ada card it doesn't name him (the quote is his though, if you're unsure it's him by appearance alone). Still, I'll take it over nothing. Here's hoping we continue to see more companions, even just as art.
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Drummer Boy and Ingram in art!
(Heroic Reinforcements having a Desdemona quote is a little odd to me, since the vertibirds and soldiers don't appear to be Railroad... Also IIRC the Railroad only steals 1 or 2 vertibirds, to take down the Brotherhood. The Railroad also aren't known for making friends outside themselves either. I think it would have been more fitting to have a quote on this card that attributed it to the Brotherhood, Enclave, or even the Gunners. But, oh well.)
The Kellogg, Strong, and Sheltered Thicket cards are also the first to show a male Sole Survivor, rather than Nora. Also really neat to see just how big Thicket Excavations could be in real scale, over the small hole it is in the game. And maybe I'm one of very few, but I love seeing the Sanctuary Hills sign appear in some art. I love Sanctuary.
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saintzenni · 8 months
Hey have been asking enterprise writers these questions from the fanfic asks going around, feel free to answer or not! (I just like hearing how people write). 🖖
What’s your favourite line you’ve written in a fic? 
What is your ideal writing set up? 
What is your favourite fic you’ve written and why?
Any advice for writers working through writers block or burnout? 
oooo first ask!!! this is so exciting hehehe
what is your favourite line you've written in a fic?
that is a very good question. i think probably this one:
“Captain Reed was sombre, never speaking more than he needed to, and he carried himself with a martial erectness that made his eyes alert and watchful, as if he was concerned that one of the women in their satins and leg-of-mutton sleeves would suddenly draw a bayonet on him; his collar was crisp and unwieldy on his neck and the pin on his cravat was simple, just a tear-drop pearl.”
from “Danse Macabre” or this one:
“Garak doesn’t answer, instead watching the slow march of the stars like arachnids across the windowpane.”
from “Cobwebs on the Windowpane,” but it’s really hard to choose!! i have a few others i constantly re-use lol, which i guess are kind of my favourites in a different way? for example, i say “clavicle” an ungodly amount, lol.
what is your ideal writing setup?
i’m pretty low-maintenance when it comes to my writing setup. usually i like to write sitting in my bed (because it’s warm and comfy). i always prefer to have a big glass of water with me and a snack nearby so i don’t have to get up while i’m in the zone lol. i tend to slouch real bad over my laptop oops
i use word on my laptop almost exclusively (times new roman, 12pt font, 8pt spacing between indented paragraphs. i am begging ao3 to let us indent our paragraphs PLEASE). i barely ever write on my phone except to record small notes for ideas that come to me during the day.
what is your favourite fic you've written and why?
this is really tough because i go through phases with almost all of my stories where i intermittently think they’re the best thing i’ve ever written and then i hate them. i think right now i love rereading “Sing Me Lullabies in Form of Your Catcalls” probably the most out of any of my stories. i'm really like “Daydreams (Are a Mild Form of Dissociation)” because it’s the longest thing i’ve written in years and i’m really proud of myself for sticking with it even when i felt like giving up. i think “Danse Macabre” is also up there for me because it’s so out of my comfort zone but i don’t think it can be at the top yet because i’ve only written one chapter of the story, haha. and of course i loved collaborating with @glitter-and-metal on “You and Me”! it was really neat seeing how other people work :)
any advice for writers working through writer's block or burnout?
when i’m having a period of writer’s block, i tend to try to do other things that don’t involve writing. i go out with friends, focus on schoolwork, and try to enjoy myself. sometimes, in the process of living my life, ideas will come to me and i’m inspired to write them down! also i find taking a long ass shower and just thinking helps. watching the show i’m writing for inspires me when i’m stuck on stuff like dialogue or characterization. but sometimes, all i can do is sit down and pound something out, sod how good it is. that works best i find when i’m really in a funk, because at least then when i come back to it, i’ll have something to work off of.
thanks so much for asking me!! it’s really nice of you <33 i hope i answered your questions well enough and i wasn’t too verbose lmfao
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little snippet that i don't think is really going anywhere anytime soon (it's just Nate thinking about his prosthetic and being briefly kinda gay for Danse):
The Brotherhood had made him a cybernetic hand. It wasn’t better or worse than the first one he had gotten, over two centuries ago now, after the initial loss. Just different. But still not good enough; nothing could ever be good enough.
The best way he could explain it was that there was a delay. Imperceptible to anyone watching, for sure, but that tiny fraction of a second was enough to make every movement with the hand miserable. So he usually went without.
The other issue is proprioception. And god, isn’t that an old world word now – and he doesn’t even remember where he learned it. In the doctor’s office, maybe, in those long hours where they outlined his recovery and fitted him for a new hand. He can’t feel the prosthetic the way he can feel his other limbs, even if he can make it move with a thought. It’s just dead weight hanging from his elbow.
It does make some activities more difficult, even if he’s mostly learned to adapt by now. He’s not as good with rifles, his attempts at sewing usually end in him cursing at the fabric, and he can’t do the fine manipulation he used to be able to when working on mechanical projects. That’s generally the only time he puts the arm on, anymore, when he has a vision he needs to make real and absolutely needs all ten fingers to pull it off. Otherwise, he asks for help.
He used to be bad at that. Used to go for days running on fumes because his stepfather and brothers and every other goddamn person had drilled it into his mind that asking for help was a weakness. He had gotten better because of Nora. Because she was bad at asking for help, too. It had taken a lot of nights going mad with worry over her before he realized that she likely did the same over him, and they came to a mutual agreement to just reach out to each other if they needed anything. That, more than anything, served as the foundation of their marriage. What was love, if not helping one another?
He missed her all the time. This skip into the future had been messy and confusing, a chaotic scramble to keep the people he cared about alive. Nora was often away on her own missions trying to eke out an existence in the wasteland, while he played nice with the Brotherhood or investigated the safer mysteries available to him. He spent his days playing twenty questions with Piper, teaching Dogmeat new tricks, cleaning up settlements with Preston and Codsworth. He knew he was being useful. He just...still missed Nora.
He scrubbed a hand over his beard and groaned. He had preferred to keep it trimmed neat, before getting flash-frozen, but that was less of an option now. He rooted around in his pack until he found his straight razor, idly flicking it open. It was a bit of a bitch to pull off, but he had managed to shave like this before. It was just a bit of a process, and he’d probably nick himself a couple times.
“Problem, soldier?” came Danse’s voice suddenly, and Nate barely refrained from flinching. The man was rarely stealthy, but Nate had been lost in thought.
“I just need to shave,” he said, tapping the flat of the blade on his thigh. Danse frowned – or rather, frowned deeper. There was usually a mild scowl on his face. Nate tried not to take it personally.
“Do you want me to fetch your-” Nate waved him off before he could even finish his sentence.
“No need, really. I can handle it. Thank you, paladin,” Nate didn’t mean to bring out the title, but he had a habit of doing such things when he got annoyed with people. Danse never seemed to notice. Sometimes, the man’s obliviousness was endearing. Other times...less so.
“But wouldn’t it be easier?” Danse pressed, moving so he was more directly in Nate’s line of sight. Nate grumbled something wordless, before flipping the razor around and offering Danse the handle.
“If you’re so worried about me, why don’t you do it yourself?” he asked. He meant it mostly as a joke, but watching the way Danse flushed and looked away, he was immediately swept up in the possibility. Danse’s hands on his face, careful and precise. He was sure Danse would take to it with the same brisk efficiency the soldier approached most tasks. And he wouldn’t dare let the blade slip.
Okay, let’s dial it back a little, Nate thought to himself.
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thornfield13713 · 2 months
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Neat! Rivet City!
I mean, it's going to get into some trouble in about a decade's time, because I can't imagine they just handed over what the Brotherhood wanted tamely, not when it's their main source of power, and reports from the Capital Wasteland seem to suggest that the Brotherhood are pretty comfortable with just marching over people to get what they want by then. Okay, it could be that the lingering goodwill from their role in this game smoothed things over, but after a decade, I'm not willing to bet on it.
Ooh, I wonder if Danse is still here, or whether he joined the Brotherhood already. I mean, I doubt we can meet him, he probably hasn't been devised yet, but it's fun to think of him being somewhere around here.
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watchyourdigits · 11 months
Falloutober Day Four
I'm taking a break from Frankie and Danse to write a little bit for Evelyn. This is her first time properly meeting Hancock and the two of them end up striking a deal that's of a rather bizarre nature. This deviates slightly from the way I portrayed their meeting in Eve's main fic, with a little added flirting because why not? Also, something about ripping the opening of Pride and Prejudice just felt right. Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: smoking, chem use
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in possession of good fortune must be in want of chems.
However little known the feelings or views of such a woman may be on her first entering Goodneighbor, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the residents, that she is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their dealers.
Hancock wasn't having it.
She'd visited three weeks prior, which was when he and a few others had taken bets on whether or not she'd make it in the Commonwealth. They'd all bet against her.
When Hancock had his fill of Jet, he liked to consider himself an optimist and, as such, he was the only one of the group to take a chance on her.
No matter his state, however, he wasn't above rigging the game. A little interference in such matters wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, it was one of his mayoral duties to ensure the safety of both locals and travelers alike.
Hancock had spotted the glow of her Pip Boy from his balcony and took it upon himself to swoop in, plucking her off the streets before she had a chance to even consider opening her purse.
"They'll con you out of a few hundred caps faster than you can say 'Jack Robinson'."
She was wary of him, he could tell, as he ushered her into the State House and out of the crisp autumn air.
"You visited a few weeks back, right?" he asked, trying to make small talk as he guided her up the staircase.
She looked different than before when he'd spotted her only in passing. MacCready had been the only one to really interact with her during her first visit to the city. He'd described her as being 'weepy and under-prepared' and had been amongst those to bet against her.
Now, she had a neat little pistol on her hip and a rather large knife strapped to her thigh.
Oh, how Hancock longed to see the look on the merc's face as he handed over his caps.
"I don't recall."
"I do. I don't think I could ever forget a face as beautiful as yours," he said coyly, testing the waters just for the hell of it.
Bad move.
She narrowed her eyes at him, fingers twitching at her side as if she longed to grab her knife and skin his leathery hide.
Hancock put his hands up in defense. She relaxed a little.
"What do you want from me?" she asked, watching him closely for any signs of ill-intent.
"I know what you're here for. Like I said, you'll lose more than you gain on the streets."
"Yeah, conned 'faster than I can say Jackie Robinson'. I got that part."
"Jack Robinson," Hancock corrected casually. "Not familiar with a 'Jackie'."
"Oh. He was a baseball player," she explained. "The first-"
She stopped herself, her expression shuttering, as if she'd said too much. About what, he wasn't sure.
Hancock raised what would have been an eyebrow. She noticed the look and waved a hand.
She was odd, that was for sure. Then again, most people were at least a little odd these days.
"Anyway, I figured a gal like you might appreciate this, so I'll shoot straight… I have money on you. That is to say, I've done some betting and now have a vested interest in ensuring your safety."
"Betting? On… me?" she parroted.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Now in his office, Hancock gestured to one of the couches with a flourish.
"Have a seat and I'll explain everything."
He began fixing them each up with a drink, glancing over his shoulder as he prepared the alcohol.
"House special?"
"Sure," she said noncommittally.
He watched her for a moment longer as her gaze moved around the room, taking everything in. He turned back to the drinks and popped one of the drawers open, pulling out a syringe.
"Full disclosure, it's whiskey and a little bit of Daddy-O."
"You can drink that stuff?" she asked skeptically.
"You'd be surprised what you find out when you've got time to kill."
He added about a quarter of the syringe to her drink and the rest to his own. He stirred hers as he brought it over to her, handing it off and going back for his.
Hancock sat on the couch across from her and took a sip. She watched him swallow before taking a rather large swig of her own.
"So, this bet you have…"
"Right, like I was saying… Some of my guys noticed you and didn't think you had it in you to survive, started putting caps down on it."
She huffed and leaned back in her chair. He watched as she stretched out her legs, making herself comfortable.
"Did anyone else bet against the odds?"
"Not a damn one," he replied, pursing his lips and shaking his head solemnly.
She hummed appreciatively and took a sip of her drink, slower this time, as she mulled over the information. Hancock didn't allow the silence to stand for long.
"I don't believe I caught your name."
"Evelyn. Friends call me Eve."
"Evelyn… I like that," he complimented, pausing to pull out his cigarettes.
He lit one and offered it to her. She didn't hesitate in taking it from him. Her warm fingers brushed his as she did so. She didn't recoil at the touch.
Hancock lit one up for himself. He took a long drag before speaking again.
"Back to business. Is there anything I can do to guarantee I win this thing?"
Something flashed in her eyes that sent a shiver down Hancock's spine. What it was, he wasn't sure until he saw it in the way the corners of her mouth turned to form the ghost of a smirk; she was a woman haunted by something he had yet to learn the nature of.
He'd met plenty of folks like her before, always running from something no one else could see. Hell, he'd been that person for a while.
Perhaps he still was, for what it was worth.
"Not unless you plan on splitting the profits with me."
She leveled him with the offer as if she was bartering at Bunker Hill, not suggesting she'd see to her own demise should he not agree to her terms.
The implication that she had that little to lose weighed heavy. Something told him that wasn't the case, but he called her bluff anyway.
"You're one crazy broad, aren't you?"
"You don't know the half of it."
"And if I wanted to?"
Her pupils were blown wide, the chems working their way through her system. She leaned forward and licked her lips. It wasn't seductive in any way, but instead spoke of a hunger that lingered just below the surface.
Hancock couldn't help mimicking the movement, leaning in toward the table that separated them.
She was calm and observant, with an edge of crazy that cut like a knife. There was a dangerous tension about her that was damn near palpable, as if she'd pounce at any moment. He wouldn't be surprised if she did. He wasn't sure he'd mind much, either.
"I guess you'll just have to come along for the ride," she purred, giving him a once-over as she did so.
Now, that was seductive.
It was also an invitation, one that would allow him into her world if he played his cards right.
He thought he'd had her, but he realized he had it backward when he found himself wanting her, wanting to know more.
"You aren't told 'no' often, are you?"
She grinned. Two identical rows of perfectly white teeth shone in the dim light.
"Not very."
Hancock considered her, leaning back and taking another sip of his drink.
"I'm not usually one to go with the crowd, but I think I can make an exception... I'm in."
She laughed at that and the sound rippled through him like the best chems money could buy, and just as addictive.
"I like the way you play, Mister Mayor."
"Call me Hancock," he crooned, tipping his hat.
She polished off her whiskey and made a sound of disappointment before placing the glass down on the table.
"Got any more of that 'house special', Hancock?"
"For you, Eve? Anything."
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
If you like listening to music or podcasts, what have you been listening to lately? Any recs?
Honestly I haven't been listening to podcasts much lately. I used to listen to MBMBAM with fierce regularity but I got into the habit of letting episodes build up so that when I'm doing a project or go on a long car trip I have plenty of episodes to listen to (also there have been a few show-based podcasts for the terror and chernobyl that I've been meaning to listen to. but I'm reserving those for when I'm out from school) ... however that being said, in a similar vein, I watch a stupid amount of youtube stuff daily. which is kinda similar but different I guess lmao. My favorites right now are Tasting History with Max Miller (which scratches a great historical terror stuff itch because he's done a bunch of videos on stuff like hard tack (aka ships biscuits) and what kinds of stews sailors and overland explorers would make with them seriously his channel is so fantastic. he also ate leather for fun just to see how it'd be like. I really love that man a lot), The Game Grumps (forever a mainstay for me because they genuinely never fail to kill me with laughter all the fucking time no matter what in the hell they're playing or doing. Also they have helped me through my worst insomnia episodes I've ever had and I owe them my life), and Strange Aeons (who is on tumblr!!!) and she does a lot of REALLY COOL internet culture investigative journalism that I think is both really informative and neat but also has inspired me a lot in terms of ideas of what to do with a youtube channel of my own, should that ever come to pass. I also watch stuff like Bernadette Banner and John Oliver (and ofc anything put out by watcher entertainment but that's kindof a given) Also keep up with Julien Solomita sometimes.
AS FOR MUSIC!!! I've actually been on a huge classical music bender lately because someone in my Edgar Allan Poe class did a presentation on his thematic influence on classical music and brought up Saint-Saens (Danse Macabre) as an example. and it actually made me make This Playlist (among several other more lady terror-focused playlists) that are pieces that would have existed around the time period that the terror happened, or songs that reminded me of the terror vibe in some way. It's a good time (my favorite is Chopin's Nocturne in C Sharp Minor no. 20. it gives so much lady terror- especially her backstory, her childhood, the broken family she came from, the hard things she had to overcome to get to where she is, the hope she was given for her life by other people. it's very near and dear to me. but also others like Serenade by Schubert and David Garret's version of paganini's La Campanella? absolute divinity. so many more also in there that I love but those have been the ones I've had on loop a lot lately. Today Rondo Alla Turca has been giving me good vibes for some reason)
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stardial · 2 years
What’s your #12 Spotify song. Also I followed you bc wizard 🧙‍♂️
you actually managed to pick the ONE song in my top like 20 that isn’t metal. i just think danse macabre is neat and this version of it fucking slaps <3
also yeah. 🧙‍♂️ i’m glad we’re wizard mutuals <3 you’re the only fucker here worthy enough to be my successor as #1 wizardposter
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ihateclaws · 2 years
This is a story about my Fallout 4 OC Eiden! In this AU Deacon is a shapeshifter. You could find out more in the ficlets or send me asks. Note that Deacon slaughtered Eiden’s whole family before this point.
Should cover all the backstory of Eiden now!
tw: mentioned minor characters death
There were still times when Deacon saw a kid and felt guilty towards Eiden, and lately, he had been around a certain ten-year-old a lot.
“You know full well my father was cheating, had been cheating, and would have continued to cheat if he’s not dead, D. I had been avoiding talking to him for two years by then. It wasn’t the best thing I could do but hey, at the age of I saw the world more black-and-white-ly than the current me, and I still don’t like him,” Eiden half grinned, and the older man could tell it was of the amused sort. “My mom, though.” The grin faded.
“I—” Deacon tried.
“I used to wear this little sweater she bought,” the younger man cut him off, “it was a nice sweater, soft and warm. Loved it. It was a baby blue colour with some floral patterns. Always thought it was cute. But other boys said it was a girl’s sweater, and thereby call me things. She never let me join UP Deathclaw, wasn’t planning to. My mom.”
Deacon waited for a beat, then said: “I’m sorry.”
“What for? We murdered your wife.”
“You didn’t do anything. You were eleven.”
“You were twenty-six, and I’m alive,” Eiden knocked their shoulder together, and the tension broke.
Eiden offered to look at Shaun’s programming and inner structure, because several agents, including the tech himself, could swear to whatever’s still up there that the kid has grown. The technician would be the first to admit Railroad couldn’t possibly understand all the Institute technologies in the foreseeable future, but he and Tinker Tom combined together should be able to work something out of the prototype. They needed the kid’s consent, though, and it was a hard issue to address with Shaun. Then Eiden suggested that he could do it.
It wasn’t like Deacon didn’t know where he was coming from, but there was just not a single way to discuss this with Sole without basically recounting his whole life story to them, so that was a hard pass. Eiden gave up without too much fuss.
“But someone has to talk to him,” he said defiantly.
“We’ll talk to Sole,” Deacon promised, “let Nick do it. Let X6 do it. Hell, let Danse do it.”
“Alright, alright, I get the idea,” the boy began to smile.
“We can make dinner for the kid after Danse properly scares him and they both start to cry. Maybe even take him to a toy shop.”
“That’s a bit mean,” and they both started laughing.
It was probably a bit too mean for Eiden’s good conscience, because he went to Sanctuary Hill the next time Danse came around, brought Shaun lots of little mechanisms and spare parts, and cooked Deathclaw egg omelette and Brahmin steaks for everyone. Danse eyed the food suspiciously while Sole dig in.
“How did you obtain the eggs?” He asked.
“Plasma mines and a stick of dynamite. The rifle wasn’t even much involved,” Eiden shrugged.
“Mmm, it’s good,” said Sole, “so what’s the occasion?”
“I — was bloodthirsty the other day and am in the mood of cooking today?”
“Try again,” Sole suggested.
Okay, judging by Deacon’s knowledge of how good Eiden could lie, this was planned. Cunning little bastard. Good to have him on his side.
Danse looked sick, and Sole was reassuring him they were going to do it really nicely and gently, also definitely on another day and Danse didn’t even have to do it.
“No actually, I think you could do it,” Eiden said calmly, “Shaun likes you, Danse.”
“I’m not — it’s not — I’m not dealing with my newly revealed identity very well,” said Danse.
“Who is, though.” Some silence. Deacon glanced at the tech. “Seriously, you’re a good person. You’re more than capable to handle yourself. You help people. Who cares about the rest around here? Don’t put yourself into those neat labelled boxes; no one should, with you or to Shaun.”
“What he said,” Deacon added helpfully. Don’t be a hypocrite, he thought very loudly, and thank you.
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xenoriginal · 6 years
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does anyone remember this guy??
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returnn-of-the-mac · 3 years
Idk if you’re accepting asks or still doing this, or if you’ve done something similar but if you are. Could you possibly do the companions reacting to like in game glitches (ex: bodies going flying, enemies randomly just standing there not attacking, objects randomly rotating in the air, bodies going through the floor, etc, etc)
I couldn’t decide on which glitches I wanted to do, so I attached some gifs. If y’all want a part 2 I will gladly make it because I had a lot of fun with this one. Enjoy! (Dislclaimer: I don’t own any of these gifs)
FO4 Companions React: In-Game Glitches
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Preston: Um…bodies aren’t supposed go flying like that.
Deacon: I believe I can fly~ ♪
MacCready: Team Rocket’s blasting off again!
Piper: Holy shit! What just happened!?
Hancock: Home run!
Codsworth: I don’t think the Brotherhood soldiers will be amused, [sir/mum]…
Cait: Bastard deserved it.
X6-88: [confused] Something is awry in the matrix.
Nick: [annoyed] Now you’ve done it. [looking around] We best get off this aircraft ASAP. I don’t fancy being beaten to a pile of scrap metal.
Longfellow: Does this guy have hollow bones or what?
Strong: Strong impressed!
Gage: *wheeze-laughs uncontrollably*
Curie: I am not quite underztanding ze physics. Zis makes no zense!
Danse: [horrified, running to the railing] ELDER! [looking back at Sole, fuming] WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!?
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Nick: Ever heard of Michael Jackson? I found an old holotape with some of his music videos on it. I thought it was neat, so I’ve been practicing. What do you think?
Preston: Jesus Christ, Valentine!
Piper: [concerned] Nick, you’re gonna blow out your knees…or joints…or screws…or whatever keeps you together!
X6-88: Ah yes, Smooth Criminal. A true masterpiece.
Curie: Ahhh zat can’t be good for ze joints…
Codsworth: [concerned] Should you be doing that, Nick?
Danse: [jealous] Figures the synth can effortlessly lean like that…
Cait: Good stuff!
MacCready: Nick are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Nick?
Deacon: *starts moonwalking behind Nick*
Longfellow: I ain’t much of a dancer.
Strong: That hurt robot bones!?
Gage: [attempts to lean] [takes a tumble] FUCK!
Hancock: Hee hee!
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Preston: All of the settlements…they all need our help…settlements…settlements…I’m so overwhelmed!!
Piper: Calm down, Preston! It’ll be alright!
Longfellow: It’s not like you’re the one going out there to help them.
Codsworth: Sturges! [hovering around] Sturges! We have a situation!
Danse: Deep breath, Preston. We can tackle this together. One settlement at a time.
MacCready: Preston, buddy! You’re not gonna get too far if you’re *clears throat* bed ridden! Haha!…no?
Nick: You have got to calm down, my friend. You can’t get anything done in this state. First, let’s get you out of this mattress.
Curie: Monsieur Preston is unwell…
Strong: Human defective?
X6-88: I heard there’s a ghoul problem in the Slog. We can exterminate them.
Deacon: [joking] Are you a ghost!? How are you doing that? [comforting] It’ll be alright, buddy.
Gage: Too bad, so sad. We’re gonna conquer the settlements while you’re stuck.
Cait: Yer makin me dizzy spinnin around like that.
Hancock: [drops chems on mattress] Homie, you need some Jet.
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Okay so I was looking for a rule list/master list but I couldn't find one so idk if I'm crossing any writing boundaries or smth or if you already did this, but can you do headcannons for fo4 companions x Bird like sole? Like sole picks up their phrases and says them or sole like shiny objects and brings them to said companion?
I found this super cute! Here’s a part one because I’m a little tired! I should have part two up tomorrow (hopefully 💀)
•At first she’s a bit insulted. I know- sounds bad but when she hears you mimic her phrases or the way her voice fluctuates..it’s not exactly the most welcome thing considering she’s likely been picked on it before because of how unique it is in the ‘wealth.
•won’t admit it but she thinks your collection of shiny objects is..dare she say…cute. Yes, cute. Wanna give her a neat looking rock? She may scoff but on the inside she knows she’s gonna treasure that damn rock.
•Peculiar turn of events- Curie herself has a couple “bird-like” traits.
•The two of you go together just fine. She’ll show you neat specimens that she deems her treasures and you show her your’s- both of you appreciating the other’s oddities with just as much fascination as your own.
•Will be a little confused with the mimicry but will eventually just chalk it up to a normal behavior…..and then proceeds to start doing it. Keep her away from the tin can unless you want “Outstanding” to be perpetuated.
•If you happen to share a house or camp, she’ll think it’s absolutely intriguing if you “nest” by specifically arranging your belongings and so on.
•You are definitely a subject of her attention quite often.
•Similar to Cait in the idea that the first few times you copy a phrase that he’s aware of himself saying, he’s not going to take it too well. He’ll automatically assume you’re mocking him.
•Never fear, eventually Danse realizes what’s going on and loosens up a bit. If nothing else, you were listening to him and he loved that. Maybe he might start taking note of phrases you use and do a bit of mimicry back.
•Might gripe and say you need to quit hoarding garbage but truthfully? Call him Paladin hypocrite because he’s just as bad, if not worse about picking up random items.
•Give him one of your special items though…oh atom have mercy. He’s moved.
•actually really digs your more obscure way of being. You’re interesting to him.
•Will definitely crack a couple quick quips like “hey, that’s my job” whenever you mimic his phrases and so on but he means it all in a lighthearted kind of way.
•Is more amused than anything by your quirks and not afraid to admit it.
•Might start suggesting you have your code named changed to better reflect your unique characteristics.
•Doenst really seem to pick up on your actions-or not care for that matter- up until you bring him an item like the shiny objects you create.
•Now, this raider is by no means a sentimental sap but something seemed so strangely sweet about the action that he had no choice but be touched.
•truthfully, he had noticed your behaviors from the moment the two of you began your “overboss conquest”. He originally thought it was quite strange but as time passed, the raider grew fond.
•He won’t ever outright say anything but he loves it.
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