#I just spended 2 minutes trying to spell possibly
m00nsick3r · 5 months
I haven't posted on this for like months bruhh 💀💀🙏🙏
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flemingsfreckles · 6 months
Physio’s Daughter pt 3
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Read part 1, and part 2
Warnings: some arguing, some cursing
WC: 3.2k
A/N: hi, I think this is going to have 1 more part, maybe 2 if I end up with enough writing for it.
“Am I really that bad of a flirt that you thought all those conversations we had were strictly professional?”
“What?” Sounding like a stuck record you repeat yourself. You couldn’t believe the sentence you had just heard come from Jessie’s mouth.
“Do your other coworkers offer you their jacket? And stay late to talk with you?” She’s staring at you like you’re an idiot, like you should have known she had a crush on you. She’s acting as if she was walking around with a sign with it spelled out for you and you were in the wrong for not knowing.
You’re skeptical, there was no way she was actually interested in you. Your Mom was right, you didn’t have a career yet, you were so much younger than her, you were her physio, she was a professional athlete with her whole life sorted out. Maybe this was a test, maybe your Mom had sent her in here to see what you would do. Maybe she was joking with you, maybe she knew you had a crush and she was teasing you. Seeing if she could make a fool of you. You’re so lost in your own thoughts you lose track of time.
“I’m going to go. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, pretend I didn’t.” Jessie’s soft voice breaks your mental spiral. She pushes her chair back starting to stand up.
“No, wait.” You put out a hand to stop her. “Sorry, I just, it's a lot to process.” You’re not sure what to say next, she sits back down and you both sit there looking at each other.
“Why didn’t you just say something before?” The question comes out of your mouth as nearly a whisper.
“Because like you, I've also been told it’s unprofessional to date a teammate, let alone a staff member, my whole life.” She adds a small sigh, her breath moving some of the hairs that had fallen in front of her face out of the way. “Plus I couldn’t tell if you were feeling the same. You spent a lot of time with me but I couldn’t tell if you were just doing your job or if you were too nervous to tell me to shut my mouth and leave you alone.”
“I was, I do feel the same, it’s just, it’s complicated.” You sigh, you know you’re about to open yourself to the complexity of having mutual feelings, when you both know you shouldn’t. “It’s just, this is my job and you’re Jessie Fleming.” Your hands gesture up and down her body. You notice a small blush come across her face. “Plus, like you I figured this is your job, you were forced to spend time with me, how was I supposed to know it was by choice? I’m just a student trainer, so I thought why would you have any interest in me when you can have anyone.”
“Because, in the best way possible, you treat me like I’m not Jessie Fleming.” She puts air quotes up when she says her own name. “You just treat me like a regular person. You ask about my family, you ask about my aspirations, you ask about my favorite places to visit and where I want to go. Most people ask me about soccer and sure it’s nice but what’s even nicer is not feeling like I have to be a professional athlete all the time for someone to be interested in me.”
Not sure what to say, you stand up to throw out your coffee cup that you had essentially chugged in the past few minutes using sips of the drink to calm your nerves. Instead of returning to your seat you take a place leaning against the wall, off to the side of Jessie, looking down at her as she remains in her seat. You were too restless to sit back down.
You let out a sigh as you let your back hit the wall. Conflicted between the two sides of the situation. You could tell her you can’t see her, tell her it’s unprofessional, inappropriate. Or you could tell her you want to try this. You let your head fall back gently against the wall, you shut your eyes trying to get a clear thought through your head. Your hands are balled into tight fists at your side, both out of nerves and frustration, unsure of what to do.
When you lower your head back down and open your eyes you come face to face with Jessie. While your brain was screaming between your choices she had abandoned her chair to stand in front of you. You jump a bit, startled by her presence.
“Hi.” Her smile is infectious, she says hello as if she’s just greeting you, as if she hadn’t just confessed to having feelings for you.
“Hi.” It’s a breathless response to her but you’re at a loss for any other words. You do exactly what you know you shouldn’t, you subtly ask her to kiss you, breaking your eye contact to look down at her lips, your own tongue coming out to wet your lips. By the time you go to make eye contact with her again she’s already moving in toward you.
Her lips are on yours, your brain is short circuiting, her body is gently pressed to yours, your back against the wall of your office. The kiss was gentle, her lips softly melting into yours, it couldn't have been more perfect. You could taste her coffee on her lips, as she could likely taste yours. She smelled sweet, her hair, not pulled back like usual, softly brushed against your cheek as if bounced from her forward movement. Your hands found themselves placed on her hips where you could feel her shirt was tucked into her joggers. You couldn’t tell if the kiss lasted 2 seconds or 20 minutes, your concept of time completely thrown by her actions.
“Hey we need you upstairs-” the door opens, the voice of your Mom coming through as she comes to grab you for an impromptu meeting. She was expecting to see you at your desk finishing paperwork, or just on your phone. Not expecting to see the team captain pinning her daughter to the wall of the office.
Jessie pulls away out of surprise, turning toward the door, taking a couple of steps back from you so your bodies are no longer up against each other. You do the same, only you’re against the wall and unable to back up from her, you stumble slightly as you try to move, cursing yourself for not previously locking the door. If she hadn’t already seen the two of you, from the way you scattered from each other it was obvious what you both had previously been doing.
“Are you kidding me?” Your Mom shouts. She’s only looking at you, not acknowledging Jessie’s presence. You knew she wasn’t going to yell at Jessie, but you knew you were about to wish you had called in sick today.
“I’m going to go.” Jessie mutters under her breath before awkwardly rushing to grab her coffee off your desk and passing around your Mom to leave, she doesn’t look back as she turns the corner.
You can’t bring yourself to look anywhere but your feet. You can feel the anger radiating off of your Mom.
“Sit down.” She instructs you, she’s talking through her teeth, pointing at your desk chair. You obey, keeping your head pointed at the floor. She stands across from you. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
You don’t know what to say or what to do besides sit unresponsive to her. Blinking rapidly you try to comprehend that Jessie had just kissed you, and also that your Mom had walked in seeing her kissing you.
“Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you.” Slowly lifting your eyes, your Mom is standing glaring, arms crossed, face red. “What the fuck are you doing? I just told you, you can’t be messing with her and you said there was nothing going on! Now I walk into her practically defiling you against the wall? So what, did you fucking lie to me before? You know how I feel about lying.”
“I didn’t lie before.” Lying was the one thing your Mom hated the most, you learned that as a kid. You didn’t lie to her, you didn’t lie to anyone, you were often honest to a fault. In this case it was the truth, or at least your truth, before it hadn’t crossed a completely unprofessional line, when your Mom had questioned you in the car, nothing had been going on. Now it had, you had kissed, that crossed the line into unprofessional.
“It’s one thing to have a little crush, you cannot be having sex in your work office.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” You couldn’t believe you had to be having this conversation with your Mom, you had hardly been able to wrap your brain around the fact that Jessie had feelings for you and that she had just kissed you. “It was just a kiss.”
“She had you against the wall. So help me god, if you fuck up this opportunity, I will be so pissed.” Her hands come down hard on your desk. You know that if Jessie or any other player was in the training room they’re hearing every word that she was screaming at you. “I’ve worked my ass off to get to where I am, and I was able to get you this job, if you mess up, it’ll come back on me!”
“I’m not going to fuck up this opportunity. You are so fixated on Jessie and I that you ignore all the good work I do! You don’t acknowledge that I’ve been helpful, that I was able to get Jessie back to playing, I help out the team, but you’re so fucking focused on my personal life you don’t see it! Mark sees it! He likes my work, he acknowledges me. He actually appreciates me, you don’t!” Now you’re yelling back, adding to your list of unprofessional actions today. You know you shouldn’t be yelling at her, she was looking out for you.
“I see the work you do but I’m not going to congratulate you when you clean up, that’s your job. But yes I’m focused on your inappropriate work relationship. I don’t want to see you ruin your life because you want to kiss a pretty girl.”
“She’s not going to ruin my life Mom.”
“She can. She’s the captain of this team. You realize that's a huge deal right? Do you know what it’ll look like if it came out that she was sleeping with the student on the training staff? That’ll ruin your future and tarnish her reputation.”
“I’m a student but I’m an adult mom, it’s not like I’m a 17 year old student. I’m an adult! I can make my own decisions.”
“Yes you’re an adult but this is work! You don’t get to make any choice you want, there are rules and paperwork and protocols you have to go through to do what you’re doing. It’s not as easy as the two of you deciding to make out. There are rules to protect you and to protect her, you two need to respect that. I have half a brain to drag her back in here and give her the same talk, but I won’t. You’re lucky I’m not up in Mark's office telling him to reconsider the offer you’ll be getting to take you to Paris with the team. You cannot be seeing her while you work on this team.”
“Okay.” Agreeing to your Mom’s statement but also not wanting to. You didn’t want to have to ignore Jessie again. You wanted to sit by her, talk with her, share smiles across the room, and you definitely were interested in kissing her more. But you also knew she was right, it was unprofessional, at least while you were still working for the team as a temporary student, regardless of age. There were policies, it was only right that you, and Jessie both follow them and odds are the Captain of the team isn’t about to go marching into the HR office to declare that she just made out with you in your office.
“Just so you know, I didn’t lie before. I promise, that was the first time.” Hoping it’ll ease your Mom’s anger a bit you try and explain the situation.
“Now, we’re both going to be late, thanks for that. We have a quick meeting upstairs.” She ignores your statement, and turns to leave. You follow her out of the room, thankful to see no one was in the training room and hopefully no one else had heard your screaming match.
When you walk into the conference room it’s both a mix of team and staff. You can feel Jessie’s eyes on you and your Mom as you both walk in. Even though no one knew what had just happened in your office, you couldn’t help but feel like somehow everyone knew. You could feel your cheeks turning red, taking a quick glance in Jessie’s direction she gives you a sympathetic smile.
You’re not even sure what the meeting was all about, talks of Paris, talks of getting enough sleep, talks of staying in communication with each other, all go in one ear out the other. It’s like a fog has covered your head, you’re unable to grasp anything being said by the coaching staff, by the training staff, by the players. After a couple of hours the meeting is dismissed. Everyone begins to clear out of the room. You stay sitting, drawing circles onto your notepad, not a single note from the meeting written down. A couple of the players say goodbye to you on their way out of the room, you give them a quick acknowledgment and well wishes, Jessie leaves without saying anything to you.
Mark makes his way over to you, placing his hand on the top of your pen, stopping your mindless scribbling.
“Do you have a minute?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to help finish packing up but yes, I have a second.”
“I want you to come with the team to Paris. Is that something you’d be interested in? I understand it’s a large commitment, about two months of your time.”
“That would be incredible, I’d love the opportunity.” You’d get to travel, just like Jessie had said.
“That’s great, there’s some paperwork that’ll come with that, I’ll have the administration send it over for you to look at and sign. Since youlll be staying with us, I’d like you to continue your check-ins with Fleming. Keeping her up to date with the girls statuses as they have a few weeks away from camp. Is that something you can do?”
It takes everything in you to not immediately say yes, of course you wanted the excuse to talk to the girl but you shouldn’t, you know you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t be given the chance to have private conversations with her anymore.
“I can, I think it would maybe be beneficial to have someone more senior on the team involved though, just since I’ve never seen how things operate not in the camp setting.” Making the mature choice, you try to incorporate someone else into your chats to make them professional.
“That’s fine with me, I’ll check with some of the team and see who can help you out getting comfortable with that. We really appreciated your help at this camp, it was nice having you, a lot of the girls were appreciative of you too.”
“Thank you, Mark. I learned a lot. I’m looking forward to Paris.” You stand up and shake his hand before he heads out of the room. You grab your note pad tearing off the top page with scribbling across it and you toss it into the trash as you walk out of the conference room.
“Hey.” You hear and feel her as Jessie grabs your wrist. She had been waiting against the wall outside the door. Looking around nervously at who might see you two you shake your wrist from her grip.
She doesn’t even begin to talk before you start, “Jessie we can’t, what happened in my office cannot happen again.” You try and keep your voice low, not wanting to alert anyone around you.
“I know. I crossed a line, it won’t happen again. I’m sorry. I’m also really sorry your Mom saw and I’m really sorry for whatever happened after I walked out.”
“Just a lot of yelling.” You kick your left shoe with your right, feeling uncomfortable at the mix of tension and guilt sitting in the air between the two of you. “She was mad, especially after I told you what she had told me already.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, it’s on me. I’m the older person here, I’ve been around this team longer, I should know better. I can tell your Mom that, if that’ll help. I can tell her it was all me.”
“I’d maybe avoid her, if you can help it. She thinks you were trying to ‘defile’ me against the office wall. And naturally she isn’t too happy about walking in on that.” A small laugh escapes as you quote your Mom’s words back to Jessie. Now that the initial fear of your Mom’s wrath is gone you found slight humor in the situation.
“Oh no.” Jessie’s hand comes to cover her mouth and the blush on her cheeks spreads.
“Yeah. At least you’ll be able to avoid her for a couple weeks until preparation for Paris starts.” Trying to make light of the situation. You can see Jessie is still a little uneasy about it.
“I guess.”
A silence falls between the two of you. Both standing in the hallway looking at each other. Knowing you both wanted each other but also both knowing you couldn’t have each other.
“I should go, have some packing up to do.” You point in the direction of the stairs that lead to the training room.
“Okay, so are we friends?” She asks you. The question is so innocent but it tugs at your heartstrings. You want to be able to tell her you’re friends but you can’t.
“I mean, maybe just coworkers for now? We can figure out if friendship is an option later. Once this all settles.”
“Right, that’s smart. So I’ll see you at the next camp then?” You can tell she looks a bit upset at your answer, but she accepts it.
“See you then Jessie.” You turn from her, it felt sad leaving her, knowing it would be weeks before you saw her in person again.
“Bye.” You hear her shout after you as you turn to go down the staircase. Hearing her call after you makes a smile break across your face. You knew you’d see her soon but you knew it wouldn’t feel nearly soon enough.
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simp4konig · 1 year
"Can I sit here?" König x Gender-neutral Reader (Part 2)
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Word count: ~2700
König finally asks you out on a date!
*Slow burn
*Friends (to Lovers?)
*FINALLT a Part 2 to 👉👉this fic rught here!! Tysm to those for being so patient in regards to part 2 kf this fic!!!😽 i hope u guys think this js good enoigh to be the sequel 😢😢😢 😢 Lots of fluff!!! 🥺🥺SOME suggestive themes but only if u squint 🧐
*Author STILL doesn't speak German!! 🇩🇪🙅🏼(im so sorru to any German-speakers thst xan see thru my Google Translate and whince in pain 😬Not mucj i can do abt it 🤷🏼‍♀️otber than spend 3 yrs learning the language and i do NOT ❌have time for thst‼️sorry😿)
Life on the barracks was still as mundane as ever for König.
With no new information on any recent targets or any gang syndicates appearing on their radar, he had to ease in to this rather boring lifestyle, his only source of entertainment being at target practice. Never really paying much thought to what he could get up to when he had free time — the truth was, he had never had any — he essentially was left twiddling his thumbs, this being the worst part about his job.
With no hobbies, König chose to kill time by going to the gym more often, working out with high intensity. On particularly slow days he'd enter the gym for a second time, going in when he knew no one else would be around so he would have the equipment all to himself.
He still wasn't a fan of the monotony, yet he grew more appreciative as a new factor entered his schedule, the recent recruit that had made his life more interesting: you.
Ever since that day when you chose to sit at his table, you always walked to the corner of the cafeteria where he was sitting with something new to tell, and König would listen attentively, not looking away from you once. Having you chat in front of him every morning and afternoon gave him something to look forward to during the otherwise uneventful mornings and afternoons, and he over time became more pleasant to be with and less and less awkward.
He'd wait eagerly at his usual table, looking forward to seeing your face. You made it your due diligence to prepare him something the day before, which would usually be the same that you would have, and the two of you would eat in a comfortable silence, König always being complimentary about the food no matter how simple it was to prepare.
"Mein Gott! Delicious, this is, maus! You really are talented," he'd proclaim, the sound muffled by a mouthful of food.
Maus. You had noticed König begin dropping in words like that when addressing you instead of your call-sign, yet you, being an ignorant Westerner, couldn't even Google their meanings as you had no clue how attempt to spell them. Maus, on the other hand, was self-explanatory; your height difference made you look like a "mouse" to him. You weren't sure whether to take it as a compliment or not, but you didn't question it further.
Shaking your head with a smile, you'd wave a dismissive hand at his remarks. "Eh, those are just simple pancakes. It would be hard for someone to not make them delicious, in all honesty."
"Nein, I mean it!" He'd reply in earnest, not breaking eye contact. "No one could replicate the... the flavour! The—" König struggled for words, his vocabulary limited enough as it was, yet with you in front of him he'd be unable to recall nothing that he had been taught in his English lessons.
Still, he'd persevere. "Das köstliche aroma! It's— so good. Very good."
A bashful laugh. "Okay, okay, König! I get it." You placed a hand on your chest, trying to downplay the rising blush on your cheeks. "Really, I'm flattered. Thank you."
To which König's eyes would crinkle, a sure sign of a thick smile under that hood of his. He was glad you couldn't see it, though, as he was sure he looked like an idiot.
When you'd be late by a few minutes, König could feel himself start to panic, his mind racing with possibilities at what could have happened to you. His anxiety was irrational yet his alarm was nothing short from genuine, only having good intentions; to keep you from harm's way.
He wanted to protect you, but he didn't know your schedule yet, thus hated not knowing where you were at all times. Tense shoulders visibly relaxed seeing you hurry through the double doors, and he'd let out a sigh of relief, trying to remember what he had planned to say, last minute rehearsals gone over in his head.
All of that careful planning went of out of the window, though, as the two of you would talk about everything and nothing, sometimes about something deep and philosophical; other times, your favourite type of cheese, and each rave about them respectively for five minutes flat.
You were a breath of fresh air for König, which was why he was now training with such vigour.
When working out, König made minimal noise, his movements quick and controlled. This time, however, he was grunting with effort, working until maximum exhaustion and completely drenched in sweat.
Before, he had never bothered with his appearance, only carrying the basic neccesities and wearing tactical gear that was comfortable enough and wasn't too tight. With his height, it was difficult enough to find form-fitting clothes to begin with, and damn near impossible when his bulk was considered, so any clothing that somewhat fit was good enough to König to wear on a day-to-day basis.
Yet, on numerous occasions, he found himself staring at his barren closet, contemplating over what outfit would look best with the few options he had.
Thinking of you made him want to look better for you, to make him worth your time, and he busied himself with searching on the internet and comparing reviews for the best cologne, for the best aftershave, even finding the best shirts from a niche private retailer that nearly catered to his needs to a tee, and he'd specifically select t-shirts that revealed his bulging biceps whenever he crossed his arms and would show off his body to you. A physique he maintained and would improve with you in mind, not necessarily for the sake of being the ideal soldier.
He would practice conversation in the mirror, thinking up of the funniest jokes to say, the most interesting topics to bring up. Suddenly, the English textbooks that were long forgotten about under his bed and the dust-covered German-English dictionary became of use, and he'd study the words, the idioms, the grammar, committing it all to memory. A pencil in hand and a lamp shining down on the notebook in front of him, he'd write late into the night, improving his sentence structure and mastering the expressions he had highlighted earlier, not knowing their definitions.
You were worth the effort, and he vowed to do this right. He wanted to impress you, and didn't want you to ditch him or think of him as less for the way he presented himself.
He'd shower and comb the hair back that you wouldn't see (yet he felt it a necessary thing to do, just in case), and generously sprayed himself with scented deodorant, before going to his usual spot at the cafeteria with his chest puffed out, hoping he looked immaculate.
And he did. His colleagues and lower-downs noticed this shift in his charisma and his growing confidence, actively taking advantage of his status rather than watching passively in the back of the room. They could sense his presence as he was walking down the corridors, yet rather than immediately looking down at the ground, instead saluted him with a respectful: "Good afternoon, Colonel Sir."
Really, he was elated. He had never felt this happy in years, and he was loving this feeling, walking around base now with a self-assured swagger to his step.
Waiting, though, was the worst part about your encounters. Minutes felt like hours as König held a hand over his bouncing knee to keep it in place, his stomach fluttering with butterflies as he waited in anticipation.
Truth was, you'd always be worn out after training after your instructor pushed you to your limits, and sometimes took longer in getting ready and making yourself look presentable than other times because your joints were aching and your clothes stuck to you from how sweaty you were.
Now, quickly combing your hair and rolling some deodorant under your armpits, you had a goofy grin on your face, excited to see König again.
König, the 6'10 giant who was really just a sweet Austrian man to you.
His dead enemies, however, would be rolling in their graves and yelling in protest at the thought of you calling the brutal murderer that snapped their necks like they were twigs "sweet".
Really, you were ignorant to people's stances on him, and would defend his honour on his behalf with innocent stubbornness, with naive certainty that you were right. After all, he was a gentle giant!
Even if his total 180 shift was true, you doubted the full extent of his brutality. So what if he got a little aggressive? Adrenaline could do a lot to a man!
Still yet to see the side of him that König was trying desperately to keep hidden from you, he intended to keep it that way for as long as he could.
Counting down the seconds on his watch, König was sure you'd come in any moment now. A minute passing and he imagined that you'd come rushing in though the doors, frantically apologising for taking so long before sitting down and giving all of your attention to him, giving him the attention that he had never received from anyone so attractive before.
This meeting, however, was going to be different. He had revised all that he had wanted to say and exactly how he wanted to say it, until the words were permanently engraved in his brain.
At last, the double doors opened and there you were, a lopsided smile on your face as you speed-walked towards his table, already apologising sincerely and explaining why you were late by a few minutes before you had even sat down yet.
Honestly, your kindness towards König was too much for him to bear, and his heart was near the point of exploding from joy from having you so concerned over punctuality, when he considered it a blessing that the engel in front of him would even spare him any time of their day.
Eyes crinkling in a smile, König shook his head. "Nein, schatz. There is not a thing to be sorry for."
"But there is! I always keep you waiting and It's my bad," you said, rubbing your arm. "Sorry."
He shook his head again, this time reassuringly. "Don't be."
Then, added. "You're worth the wait."
Not knowing what to make of this, you sat down, trying to hide the fact that his remark flustered you.
Coughing as you deliberately tried to change topics. "How was your day, König? Beat up any bad guys at all?"
A chuckle. "Das ist lustig," he admitted. "Funny, but I wish. Only been at the gym today. But I also have been devoting some of my time to studying English."
Raised eyebrows in admiration as you nodded your head. "Your English has certainly improved, König," you observed, noticing how König would commit fewer and fewer grammar mistakes when speaking, until he was confident enough to even use some colloquial idioms of his own. Of course, some of the German ones didn't translate so well, yet you couldn't deny that there was improvement.
Not having told König anything about it, you yourself had actually begun learning some German on your own to surprise him with it one day, yet with how you were progressing at the moment you thought that this would be better left unsaid for the time being. Your knowledge of the language only went as far as "Guten morgen" and "Mein Name ist King". So, nothing extraordinary.
You smiled, your eyes reflecting the cafeteria lights. "I'm sure by the end of this year you'll be the most well-spoken on base! You'll probably become more fluent than me soon."
König was lost in your sparkling eyes, his sight taking in all of your features. You were so beautiful, so perfect.
"Danke, schön, but I still have a long way to go." Momentarily glancing at your lips for a split of a second, before he quickly cleared his throat. "I had... I had actually something to ask you, maus."
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed. "Really? What is it?"
The expectant expression on your face made König's voice hitch in his throat, suddenly forgetting all that he had carefully rehearsed and had revised for consecutive afternoons. "Y-you see—"
A thoughtful pause as he considered his next words, weighing the pros and cons of risking it all. "—From the day you sat down at my table, I— I've never felt this happiness in all my years on this world," he began steadily.
"My childhood... was... not the best—" He winced, and did not elaborate further. You didn't push him to, and waited patiently for him to finish. "—But... you make all those times I was unhappy forgettable when I make new memories with you. I couldn't be happier when you're with me. And—"
König took in a deep breath. "...Will you— will you do me the honour... of going on a date with me?"
Shock. This was not what you had expected. At all.
Your eyes were wide and throat dry as you licked your lips. No one had ever asked you on a date before. You hadn't dated a single person in all your years of living, or even went as far as having your first kiss, which was embarassing to admit. Too afraid to put yourself out there and keeping reserved in fear that you wouldn't be good enough, those same doubts entered your mind as you imagined König with someone better, someone more intelligent and more attractive, someone that always knew what to say in moments like these.
Not you, this moron that couldn't even learn some basic German for him, and the family's disappointing child which enlisted in the military as a last resort, with no qualifications good enough to secure you another job.
As you looked at the floor, König regretted ever bringing this up.
Oh Gods, did he cross a boundary? What if you didn't like him the way he liked you? What if— what if you were already in a relationship?! What if you were too nice to turn him down and tell him the truth?
It suddenly occured to you that you had not replied to König's proposal for a whole minute, and you pulled yourself together, reaching despairingly for his hand with a trembling one of your own, fearing that you blew everything.
"Oh my God, König— yes. Yes! I'd love to go on a date with you!"
König let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding. "—Really? You— want to go on a date... with me?"
You nodded emphatically, compensating for your lack of response. "Yes! Fuck, I'm so sorry for not saying anything, I just—"
Quiet laughter. "I know, you're late to things," he teased, your face red. "Schatz, I think... I think we can make this work. Is— is it okay if I pick you up at 6 on Friday?"
"It's more than okay! It's perfect, König!" A goofy grin as you couldn't contain your child-like excitement. Then, a sheepish rub of the neck. "And... I pinky promise that I will be ready on time. I wouldn't miss our date for the world."
Later on, as he was rounding the corner and knew no one could see him, he punched at the air enthusiastically, feeling like he had just won the lottery; only, the grand prize was you.
Locking his bedroom door and immediately crossing off the date on his calendar, his body dropped on a chair.
With his head on his palm, he smiled.
He couldn't wait to see you again.
Note: I fed u guys with a fluffy fic in preparation for my upcoming one as imGONNA BREAK UR HEARTS INTO A MILLION PIECES WITH THE NEXT ONE U READ👺👺my next fic is angst Angst ANGST and u habe to be mentslly prepared for it... 💔
If u are sad throighout it and feel empty inside dont say that i djdnt warn you beacuse its gonna be some REAL shit rjbht there and abojt to get HELLA Depressing🗿🗿
Thankfully it is going to have SOME sort of happy conclusion to rub less salt in ur wounds🥲 and on top of that I posted this first so u dont get a doible whammy of angst<33
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The Meet Cute - Ace's Story - 1
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Source for the pic
Firestarter 1
Word Count: 3056
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader, slight NSFW (It's mature, not explicit), slightly sugestive behaviour, flirting, jealousy, frenemies, sexual tension, miscommunication, unresolved tension, slight angst, slow-burn, romantic comedy vibes, alternate universe modern setting, swearing, drinking, fluff, feelings realisation, denial of feelings.
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Special Warning 2 : Below the summary is the masterlist. I advise reading the introductory chapters first, as they give a sense of the story, introduce characters and locations and, this chapter starts off immediately after the Sanji chapter.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You intended to have some alone time, to reflect and heal, but your childhood friend's older brother, Ace, seems to be there just to upset that fragile peace you're striving for. He's a flirt and a womaniser. But why does he also have to be so handsome and perfect? And how long can you resist his charms?
Notes: Here's the first chapter of Ace's story. I've been having a blast writing this, I do hope you enjoy it as well. If you want to be tagged when I post a new chapter, let me know! Also, don't be shy, I'd love to read about your thoughts! Thank you! ❤️
Masterlist for previous introductory chapters.
Next Chapter
After lunch you take another quick stroll through town and ask around for some part-time jobs, but nothing’s available so you return to your car, ready to go home and hoping Nami and Robin can help you find that job, like they promise they would. 
But the car doesn't start. 
You try to do what your father said, as silly and idiotic as it may seem. You pet the dash of the car and the steering wheel and coo at them in a soothing voice. 
“Hi, sweetheart. You're going to work for me now, aren't you? You're a pretty little girl, aren't you?” 
Rolling your eyes and inhaling deeply, you turn the key again and the engine sputters and chokes almost catching but it doesn't and you grunt. 
You spend the next fifteen minutes alternating between spewing pretty words at the car and shouting ugly insults, but the car is dead. Finally you give up and call your dad. 
“Dad, the stupid car won't start!” you whine like a teenager, not caring because you're annoyed and upset. 
“Have you tried-...”
“Yes!” You interrupt. “I've tried everything! I've tried being nice and petting it, and I've tried being mean and hitting it. None of it is working!”
You hear Ace's loud guffaws in the background and instantly blush. “One of those options usually gets me started!” He shouts and you ignore him. You hadn't realised you were on speaker. Shanks starts to go into detail about what you should do but you just sigh in exasperation. 
“Can you come help me, dad? Please?” You add another little whine to your voice because that might do the trick. He sighs on the other end and concedes so you tell him exactly where you are parked. 
You still try to get the car to work while you wait, but it only makes you more and more frustrated. On your last attempt, you make the engine overheat and smoke billows everywhere, so you get out of the car, open the hood and wave your hands around to disperse the smoke. 
The smell of burnt oil and smoke is overpowering, and you are soon assaulted by a coughing fit before the cloud dissipates and you manage to take a look inside. Supporting  your weight on your hands, you lean inside, certain that you can find whatever is wrong with it despite having zero knowledge of mechanics. You have absolutely no idea what you are looking for. 
“Princess, you wanna kill me?” Ace's voice is deeper than you've ever heard it, and he manages to surprise you enough to elicit a small gasp. 
He's leaning against the hood of his jeep, legs crossed, a hand on his chest and a smirk on his lips as his eyes drink you in. At least he has a shirt on for once, which is a first since your reencounter. “You can't lean like that while wearing a tiny dress.” He emphasises with hand gestures so you get his point. “Someone might see more than you intended.” His smirk grows. 
Your eyes pierce his without any hint of amusement. “Are you saying that you saw my butt, Mr. Someone?”
His laugh bubbles up in a sweet sound as his freckles dance along with the vibrations and you have to force yourself not to get dragged along into laughter as well. 
“I'm not saying that. I just don't want someone else to see it.” You can't control the small blush that fills your cheeks with embarrassment. The way Ace manages to make you flustered is almost infuriating. 
“Where's my dad?” You ask, deadpan. 
“Couldn't make it.”
“Meaning?” You are proudly becoming Ace-fluent and understanding that everything he says has a double meaning. 
“I volunteered.”
“That's what I thought.” You sigh and he laughs. “Can you actually help?”
He moves away from his jeep and approaches you, supporting one hand on the hood and the other on his hip while casually glancing over the engine. “That's totally fried.” He points at the engine and shakes his head. “You'll need to come with me.” With another languid smirk he points at his jeep. 
“You're bullshitting.”
“I resent that.” His hurt-boy act almost convinces you. 
“No you don't!” 
“I don't. I just like to see you mad at me.” 
You huff and place both hands on your hips while glaring at him. “Be serious, Ace!”
He sighs and this time actually leans properly into the hood, starting to mess with some parts. You have no idea if he's just touching things for the sake of it or if he actually knows what he's doing. 
“I know what I'm doing.” Is he a mind reader? “I help Franky at the firehouse all the time. He's the mechanic, but I know a few basics.”
“Yeah, I'm a firefighter!” He exclaims as if it's something you should've known by now. 
“I didn’t know that.”
“Luffy works with me there as well. It’s hardly a job when we have as much fun as we do.” He chuckles softly. “I guess we’re lucky firefighters since there are barely any accidents where people get hurt. It’s mostly forest fires or small car accidents.”
You nod. “The perks of a small town.” You mumble as you lean closer to see what he’s doing and your shoulders bump and brush together. He’s warm and taut but you focus your eyes on his hands, paying no mind to your closeness. You notice that he’s screwing some oily nuts. He uses just the tip of his middle finger to turn the nuts, and the precision with which he does so is insane.
And he smells nice. How can he smell so good if he’s been working with your father all morning? He smells like…  nature! Some sort of sandalwood or cedarwood with a fresh hint of pine. It’s intoxicating and you try to breathe as little as possible near him.  
“Yeah, and that’s why I have time to help your dad and learn new stuff. Franky’s the genius mechanic, but I’ve got a few tricks.” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice, but you don’t look at him.
You're still distracted by the nuts and the amount of oil making his fingers glisten as he twirls them. You’re not usually a very carnal girl, but Ace does things to you and your body. Uncontrollable things. Inadvertently, you wet your lower lip and let it catch between your teeth, humming at his answer, or at his actions, you can't quite tell, except that hum sounded quite close to a low grunt. “That's… interesting.” 
Wow. Awesome brain power. You almost kick yourself for that but he immediately catches on and stops his motions, his eyes looking at you hungrily as they pause on your lips and the way you're biting them. Then travel up to your eyes and it’s almost as if he leans into you, like magnets being pulled close together. So close. 
“You alright there, princess?” He exhales sultrily as his warm breath tingles near your face, and you gasp, coming out of your bliss and scratching your head with nervousness. 
“Yes, yes. I'm fine.” You train your eyes back on the car’s insides. “So, is it overheating?”
“Damn right it is.” He mumbles making you look up once more and his eyes never leave your lips. Your breath catches as you pull away from the hood to gain some distance from him. 
But as you do, you take a step back towards the open road, just as a car is going by. 
“Watch it!” He yelps as his oily hand grasps your forearm with a strong grip, that’s sure to bruise, and he pulls you towards him making you collide with his chest with a sound oomph. “That was freaking close!”
Your heart is banging against your chest in an insane rhythm, the adrenaline of almost being hit by a car making you tremble and gasp for air. Ace’s hand is still gripping your forearm tightly and it’s starting to hurt but you can’t seem to find your voice. 
“Drive slower, asshole! You’re in the city” He screams at the car, his other hand wrapping protectively around you and settling on your head, pulling you flush against him. It’s a weird dichotomy, this feeling. One hand holds you tightly with a deathly vice while the other protects and soothes you with a soft caress.
You take a deep breath, inhaling his scent - that strong wooden scent - trying to ground yourself and will your heart to calm down. 
“Are you alright?” He mutters your name softly, trying to shake you out of your slight shock. 
Nodding fervently you pull back, away from his warmth and his intoxicating scent. You find your voice and force it out with a shaky breath. “You’re hurting me, Ace.”
He eyes you quizzically for a moment before realising he’s still holding your arm as if you’re about to be taken away from him. His grip relaxes instantly and he raises his hands releasing a string of apologies. 
“Ah, crap, sorry. I didn’t realise I was still holding you that tightly.”
Your arm hurts and will definitely bruise, but you don’t want him to feel bad about saving you, so you give it a quick massage and dismiss the subject with a smile. “Thank you, Ace. That was quick thinking.”
His face seems deadly serious and you had yet to witness this side of him. “It shouldn’t have to be necessary. The asshole was driving way out of limits. I should’ve gotten his plate number to give to Zoro.” He sighs as his eyes leave the road and finally settle back on you. “You sure you’re alright?”
The slight edge of his voice makes you realise he was also scared, despite not showing it, and you are deeply grateful. “I really am.”
“Oh, shit. I smeared oil all over your arm, hang on.” You look at the arm he was gripping and it is, indeed, covered in greasy oil that transferred from his hand, but you’re fine with it, you’re about to go home, anyway. Yet Ace doesn’t relent, he seems to be looking for a rag or something to wipe your arm with.
“I think I have some wipes in-... no, Ace! That’s not necessary!” But you’re too late. Off with the shirt he goes and now you start to think that he might be allergic to any kind of shirt since he’s always so keen on having his torso bare. 
“I’ll clean you up in a second.” He uses his shirt to wipe your arm and you sigh, knowing full well that this is a useless fight and you can’t win, so you just let him do his thing. 
A string of giggles and high-pitched squeals makes you turn your head to the sidewalk. Sure enough there are two girls giggling in each other’s arms, ogling Ace’s form and you frown.
“Hiiiiii, Ace!” They say in unison, their voices hitting a note that would’ve been able to shatter the finest of crystal glasses. 
Ace’s job is thorough, though, and he only turns when there’s no trace of oil on your arm. But when he does turn, it’s with a cheeky smirk and a tip of his hat. “Hello, ladies!” He leans his hand back into the hood of the car so he can give his full attention to them.
They giggle some more and you roll your eyes to the back of your head. “Pathetic.” Mumbling curses between your teeth, you close the hood with vigour, making Ace yelp because you almost caught his hand in the process. “Sorry.” You scorn, not sorry at all. 
Then you reach inside and take out your purse and car keys, locking it in the process, and walk towards Ace’s jeep.
“Let’s just go.” You state coldly.
Why are you acting so jealous? It’s not like Ace is anything to you. You’re not special, you’re nothing to him. 
And you don’t want to be anything to him. So maybe get a grip and stop acting bitchy?
The girls wave goodbye at Ace and one of them tells him to call her because she misses him. You’re not quite sure how your eyes don’t fall out of their sockets from the force with which you roll them. 
Acting bitchy it is, then, you decide as you settle into the passenger seat.
He finally climbs into his jeep and you’re about to ask if he’s seriously going to drive without a shirt on, when he reaches into the backseat - leaning towards your side and making you turn to the window so you don't have to face his naked chest right up your nose - and retrieves another crumpled shirt, putting it on in a swift movement. 
Your eyes follow his earlier movement, to see if there’s an infinite pile of shirts back there, and you release a light snort through your nose at the sight you discover. There’s a folded duvet and a pillow, and thinking about the size of the bed of his jeep, your head instantly makes the assumption on why he keeps that in his car. 
You don’t want to do it, you don’t want to think about it, it just happens. Your mind is stronger than your will and, in a split second, pictures of you and Ace in the back of that jeep course through your head.
The open night sky above you, shining with stars, little dots that act as sole witnesses to your acts of passion;
Languid kisses that trail from your neck, to your chest and end in your lower belly, promising more;
Feather like touches that start on your entwined hands, where he places them above your head. His fingers trace the inside of your raised forearm, tickle your armpit, and follow along your side to your ribs, settling on the bone of your hip, stealing your breath away;
His body slotted above yours, his knee between your legs, keeping them open for him as his chest lowers above you and his lips claim yours;
You shake your head vigorously, mentally chastising yourself for what your mind conjured. He’s a player! You don’t need another fuckboy in your life. Hell, you don’t need another man in your life, period!
“Do you want me to call Kid? He owns the mechanic shop and he can tow your car.”
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of it later. Just take me home, Ace.” You realise how cold you sound and you’re pretty sure he realises that too because he keeps looking at you with his eyebrow raised.
“What happened to your mood, princess? I’m sure Kid can fix your car in a heartbeat.”
He’s seriously that clueless? Figures.
Setting your sight on the open window and the view outside as he starts the jeep, you shake your head.
“Sure. Don’t call me princess.”
Ace settles an arm behind your headrest and turns his body to look back as he reverses the jeep and you force your head to stay still and your eyes to stay glued on the post office signpost across the street.
Fuckboy, player, womaniser. Fuckboy, player, womaniser.
You keep repeating that mantra without fail until he finally faces forward and drives the car. There are few things sexier than a hot man reversing the car like that and you’re not about to add that image of Ace to your already scrambled brain. You refuse. 
“Are your panties in a twist, princess?” He chuckles.
“Two things, Ace. Three, actually.” You raise your fingers as you go and this time you actually look at him. “Don’t talk about my panties, don’t talk to me the rest of the way, and don’t call me princess!” You emphasise the last sentence and end with a hiss and a huff followed by crossing your arms over your chest and turning back to the window. 
You can almost hear the cogs turning inside his head. You’re pretty sure he’s reliving every interaction with you up until this moment and why you’re acting pissed. But you’re not about to admit to him the real reason. 
It’s a freaking stupid reason!
You’re not entitled to be upset. You’re not even entitled to be jealous or pissed. Yet, here you are. So you might as well just roll with it. But you’ll never admit it. Ever.
The ride is tense and it seems longer than it actually is, so you can’t wait to jump out of the jeep as soon as he parks it outside your house, but he presses the button that locks the doors and you sigh while turning to him with a raised brow and pursed lips, waiting for him to speak.
“What did I do?”
“That’s a good start. Always admit to guilt. Men are always at fault.” You snort and try the door, even though you know it won’t budge. 
“Princess, look at me. I really don’t know what I did wrong.” The uncertainty in his voice almost makes you cave, but there’s that freaking nickname again. And it’s getting under your skin. 
“Don't. Call. Me. Princess.”
“That’s it? Is that why you’re upset? ‘Cause I can stop. I don’t want to, you’re my princess.” He jokes but you’re not in the mood for jokes. 
“You know what I think, Ace?” Your angry stare bores into his eyes as his smile suddenly dissolves. “I think you call all your girls princess, or sweetheart, or gorgeous or another stupid, infantile pet name, because you can’t be bothered to learn their actual names!” Your hand grips the handle and you try to open the door again, this time with more force, yet it still doesn’t budge. “At least that way, you’re safe when you actually forget their name because they’re just another notch in your freaking cowboy belt!”
He just stares at you, jaw slack, while his hand grips the wheel. 
“Open this door, Ace! I want to leave.”
You huff again but it takes him a moment to react. Downcasting his gaze he nods and unlocks the door without another word. 
“Thanks for the help.” You tell him before slamming the door and climbing the steps to the porch. This was not how you had envisioned the end of this afternoon. 
At all.
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ummmlife · 1 year
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Miserable Salaryman!Nanami Boyfriend
part 2
warnings! : nanami x afab reader ; slight nsfw (still mdni) ; angst (?) ; headcanon ; salaryman!nanami ; if none of this makes sense (spelling and grammatically speaking) i'm sorry but my first language isn't english (lol)
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What comes to my mind thinking about Salaryman!Nanami is: misery.
This man lives miserably in a constant depressive state that he isn't even aware of. He lives in a monotone routine that consists of: waking up at 5 a. m., getting ready for work, take the subway when is rush hour, getting at the office at 6:37 and start working at 7 o'clock for 8+ hours, have a casse-croûte for lunch, then leave the office at 1 a. m., get back home for a shower and sleep. Then repeat this over and over again.
The ambience of the city full of other corporative slaves just like him filling every single space of negative energy ends up draining him as well. An endless cycle of stress and tiredness that keeps, slowly but surely, consuming him.
That's how the life of a salaryman is.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will always come back home extremely tired, wanting nothing but a glass of whiskey and a migraine pill.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami would try to pretend that everything is fine when he gets paid every month, just to then feel a knot in his throat after paying every bill.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who feels helpless every time he finds you completely asleep on the couch after a failed attempt to try to stay awake to wait for him to get home.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will do his best to spend more time with you but that only happens twice a month because he craves to sleep on his free days.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who could get sick very often due to overworking himself and, basically, venerates you for taking care of him.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who cries himself to sleep silently every night when he's in bed with you while you're sleeping because he feels that he's losing his life in a job that is taking away his best years.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who hates himself for not having enough time for you as he had before and fears that he's ruining your relationship.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami whose libido is lower than 0 and has no energy to even have sex anymore, but begs you to cockwarm him to sleep, because the warm of your pussy hugging his dick brings him comfort. He doesn't just want to cuddle with you, he doesn't just want to hug you, he wants to feel as close as possible.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who will cum immediately once his dick is deep inside of you because, honestly, he can't last a minute with you anymore. Of course, he won't pull out, so get ready to sleep with his thick cum filling your womb and wake up with his flaccid dick still inside while his little "gift" from last night keeps leaking from your inside.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami will shyly ask you to let him sleep with his head on your chest to squeeze your tits and suck your nipples for stress relief.
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami who ends up collapsing in front of you like a little kid and who you end up convincing to leave his job.
After watching your boyfriend have a mental breakdown, which you never thought possible, you had him lean over you on the couch while he calmed down a bit and stopped crying. —"I really don't know what would be of me without you... you are an angel in my life, thank you."
Miserable Salaryman!Nanami that just quit his job and took part of his savings to go on a trip with you to Malaysia, so he can finally rest in peace next to you on a nice beach with no more worries in his life.
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shitty concept and shitty headcanons, yes, but i really like miserable (big) men craving comfort from their partners :) that's all ‹𝟹
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
"If I have to save you from yourself, I'll do that too.”
(from another list oops)
For Jackson and David maybe??
.“I’ll have you know that this is completely unnecessary,” David mumbles, running his fingers up and down the pillow. 
He’s always doing that. Jackson has noticed it ever since they became friends. 
David’s fingers were always caressing something, as if every part of him was aching to love something – consistently and carefully.
Perhaps Jackson should get him a cat.
Or even an iguana. 
Honestly, anything was better than what David has his eyes set on right now. 
“As your self-appointed guardian and best friend, I firmly disagree,” Jackson informs seriously. 
“You are being rather dramatic about this,” David rolls his eyes a little fondly. 
“I’ve been protecting you from all kinds of dangers, David - Binge watching Doctor Who because I know your gentle heart cannot handle the angst, listening to white rap because we’re better than that, reading One Direction fanfiction, that summer you were adamant about trying out denim shorts!”
“That last one was a joke,” David pouts.
“My point being,” Jackson clears his throat and continues his speech. “I have you saved you from the world, my friend. If I have to save you from yourself, I’ll do that too.”
“For Christ’s sake, it’s a harmless crush!” David groans now.
“Your online behaviour says otherwise,” Jackson scoffs. “You are obsessed with this boy and it must come to an end.”
“I don’t understand why you don’t like him,” David mumbles quietly. 
“I’m glad you asked!” Jackson smiles brightly. “I’ve made a whole argument.”
“Oh God.”
“Argument number 1,” Jackson clears his throat. “He’s American.”
“Jackson, that’s not fair!” David laughs.
“Argument number 2,” Jackson continues. “It’s quite possible that he dislikes you.”
“Which is why we should be strategizing-”
“Strategizing for what exactly?” Jackson asks incredulously. “David, he is the First Son of America. If you think this will work out, you are being delusional.”
“It’s called manifesting,” David points out sullenly. “Why do you dislike him so much anyway?”
“Because I have standards! Did you not see the last video he posted on Instagram?” Jackson groans now. “He said LOL out loud, David. He said it in an actual conversation.”
“I don’t know how anyone paid any attention to any word that came out of his mouth,” his friend sighs wistfully in response. “He wasn’t wearing a shirt.”
“If you could stop thinking with your dick for two minutes-”
“Am I not allowed to have crushes?” David asks him. “God knows everyone else is crushing on him.”
“You’ve been spending too much time on those fan accounts,” Jackson shakes his head. 
“It’s not my fault! They make gifs of his workout videos!” David argues. “And do not get me started on the Taylor Swift edits!!”
“Look, a crush is harmless,” Jackson agrees. “But this is turning into an obsession at this point.”
“Am I not allowed to have obsessions?” David counters in annoyance. 
“I just don’t want you to waste time on another guy who doesn’t deserve you,” Jackson points out, a little gently this time. 
“Max won’t hurt me,” David replies as if he knows this to be a personal truth. “He doesn’t even know I exist.”
“Everyone knows you exist,” Jackson corrects. 
“And I am not his type,” David finishes. 
Jackson wants to disagree. He’s been carefully watching this American asshole too. He has a strong feeling that David is indeed his type. But it’s best not to mention that to his friend.
“I liked it better when you were lusting after Jude Bellingham,” Jackson sighs sadly. “I’d have happily encouraged you.”
“All good things come to an end,” David pinches his cheek and goes back to his phone – where he is happily watching yet another video by Max. 
Jackson sighs at that. 
He wonders if this obsession with Max is a good thing. He wonders if it will come to an end too. 
He tries not to mind. He tries not to care. 
Because Max might be a weirdo who doesn’t use punctuation and spells words like ‘kween’ and ‘aight’. 
But for some inexplicable reason, he seems to make David happy. 
So, Jackson stops fighting. Because he won’t be yet another person who deprives David of happiness.
If that means he has to watch work out videos of an annoying stranger and listen to David’s enthusiastic commentary, then so be it. 
He’ll do much worse for his best friend. 
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irresistiibles · 6 days
plotting/starter call under the cut! they're lightly capped at four per muse but if you have a good idea and it isn't last minute i'm happy to add it. i'll also being doing memes at the start of the event, so don't feel like you have to go crazy. like and i'll come to your dms or reply with some starters and i'll get to queueing! glad to see so much love and hype for the event!
achilles : unaware any change has occurred
achilles is technically a lord but is currently serving as a knight and thinks this has been his life forever. he's fine with it though he does think he deserves a higher up position than what he currently has and isn't thrilled he has to do this service as a knight for image or whatever it is that got him there. he is probably some sort of officer or commander not just one of the guys in the crowd. he spends a little too much time at the tavern starters (1/4): hades
angel dust : aware things have changed
aware something happened but doesn't know how to explain it and is really worried he took something since everyone else is acting normal. he's also worried about how to find drugs here and will be very on edge all the time. starters (3/4): sir pentious, niffty, vaggie
asami sato : unaware any change has occured
working as a blacksmith and having a good time with it honestly. sure, it's less high tech than what she's used to back home but asami loves to learn new crafts and get used to new environments. actively involved in guild life and she's probably poking around with magic and monsters more than she should as well. starters (1/4): ben skywalker
ben hargreeves : unaware any change has occurred
honestly he's got no magic but would sign himself up to be a wizard's apprentice so fast. like that seems cool of course that's what he's doing. he likes adding ingredients to potions and chilling. absolutely will approach magical monsters even if he shouldn't starters (1/4): klaus hargreeves
clara oswald : unaware any change has occurred
she's happier now than she had been in modern washington. this is way more interesting to clara. she's working as a tutor but is absolutely getting too involved in nobility politics, and could get caught up trying to overthrow someone. also very interesting in the magical creatures all over the place starters (0/4):
deena johnson : unaware any change has occurred
a farmer who lives on the outskirts of town. she's really good with animals, and is probably one mistake away from being accused of witchcraft for one reason or another. she's not doing any witchcraft, but it probably way too comfortable talking to people who are. starters (0/4)
emery anden : aware things have changed
he is very concerned with everything going on, especially in the medical field, and it's not making him feel great about the chances he's actually aware of his real life in modern washington also. get this man some help (not leaches please) starters (1/4): kaul hilo
fizzarolli : unaware any change has occurred
truly living up his best life as a jester for charlie. i would say they're a pretty well acclaimed jester in general, so even though he's a court jester they will come and perform in taverns when possible, and he's really just thriving in this sort of environment. starters (2/4): louise belcher, charlie morningstar
glinda upland : unaware any change has occurred
your local witch, but glinda has a very good reputation. she doesn't do any curses, just things like charms, good luck potions, healing spells, love potions, what have you. she's very chill and not worried about any accusations cause she's very good at keeping people happy and on her side starters (1/4): fiyero tiggular
gu zi : unaware any change has occurred
you know what i'm committing. he's living as a rat catcher, and is honestly pretty chill about it. he absolutely also tries to befriend some of the bigger monsters and creatures running around washington even though he's got basically no way of defending himself. starters (0/4):
inej ghafa : unaware any change has occurred
she's actually gone from trying to work a respectable job in the modern day to going back to thievery and criminal activity. it's just easier and she doesn't trust as easily here with magic way more available and difficult to deal with starters (1/4): nimona
irina yang : aware things have changed
knows things changed suddenly, but has realized this is a great way to start scamming people. anything she can remember about the modern world she's selling as information, and they're also just kind of pretending to be a witch because she's got enough magic to get away with it, and when they ask for something she can't do, they're just putting drugs in potions. starters (0/4):
jang man wol : aware things have changed
she's working as an inkeeper but she's very upset to be back in the past. she already lived through this era! been there done that! where's her phone? her dramas? she will absolutely be complaining about this to anyone who will listen even if they think she's mad starters (0/4)
jin ling : unaware any change has occured
nobility. probably a whole king and very stressed and unhappy about it. made a ruler very young and has no idea what he's doing. he can't catch a break even when he's not home okay. starters (1/4): wei wuxian
jonathan sims : aware things have changed
he's going to become fully aware after the event. right now he's still unaware of his real life but he's aware of his life in modern washington and knows this is not right. probably accidentally became a local prophet because of how he's just starting to Know things now, but he's mostly running around trying to figure out what the fuck is going on starters (0/4)
kyoshi : unaware any change has occurred
she's probably gotten herself involved with a local crime group because with her luck she would absolutely catch too much attention and get kicked out from her nice servant job. give her a crime group to join, she's got way too many morals and will be annoying but she's also good muscle. another one of my characters who's one wrong statement away from a witch hunt starters (0/4):
luo qingyang : unaware any change has occurred
living her best farmer life. she's got a bunch of chickens and is truly just chilling. is a good place to go to if anyone needs to hide from monster hunters or a witch hunt starters (0/4):
madoka kaname : unaware any change has occurred
give me a witch for her to apprentice under! she can't do magic but she can get ingredients, and help make potions, and bring a cat and some good energy along and she would love it a lot okay! she will also defend them as much as she can when the inevitable witch hunt comes along. starters (1/4): homura akemi
mei nianqing : aware things have changed
he's aware things are different but honestly he likes this better so he's kind of keeping his mouth shut i'm afraid. he's thriving as an astrologer/tutor/priest for the rich, and kind of hopes things will stay like this. don't mention how things were different he will gaslight you starters (0/4):
nico di angelo : unaware any change has occurred
he's a priest, does exorcisms and everything. obviously he still has his powers and knows who his dad is, but he just uses that to genuinely be able to help with ghosts and gain trust with people. he's living surprisingly comfortably here. starters (0/4): bianca di angelo
nie huaisang : aware things have changed
he knows things have changed but he's not really making that clear to anyone. sure, he'll talk in fantasy about a modern washington, but there's no need to stress everyone out by making them think he's more than just an airhead. he's a lower noble who spends his time chilling and painting. he's very interested in the mythical creatures and will try and adopt a baby dragon starters (0/4):
ning yingying : unaware any change has occurred
apprentice under shen qingqiu and learning about european swords and clothing. the problem with her being more confident and a little bit better at fighting in a world where duels and jousting are possibilities is she keeps considering it. girl is mostly living as a scholar but is ready to brawl do don't encourage her. starters (1/4): sha hualing
pearl: unaware any change has occurred
she's obsessed with the human concept of knights so this is great for her. she is of course serving as a knight, and though i'm sure she's under a specific kingdom but i would love to plot someone who she's specifically guarding. she's very protective and will be willing to throw herself in front of danger without hesitation pls employ. starters (1/4): sella palpetine
roronoa zoro : unaware any change has occurred
working as a bounty hunter/sword for hire again for both humans and mosnters, whatever gets him a paycheck. he'll work for whoever, but he's less inclined to work for people of power, he just doesn't really get along with them that well, and he's mostly looking to fight more than get a massive paycheck. starters (0/4):
shang qinghua : unaware any change has occurred
advisor to some sort of noble! overworked and a schemer, so if anyone's plotting against nobles he is a good person to go to. he's happy to do a lot of underhanded shit to get rid of people. give me a noble for him to work under. starters (0/4):
shi qingxuan : unaware any change has occurred
honestly living a chill life as a barmaid/occasional beggar when funds are low. qingxuan is actually really comfortable and having a fun time with the common people in this form of washington, so it'll be a nice time for them. a good friend to have if you want cheap drinks starters (0/4):
toph beifong : unaware any change has occurred
technically somehow got herself stuck as a noble lady, and i think it would be funny for someone to plot being the poor knight/guard looking after her because i know toph is quite literally always running away from them and trying to get into fights or start trouble starters (2/4): katara, mai
yin yu : unaware any change has occursed
he's a gravedigger lmao, and not obsessed with it for obvious reasons. catch him sulking around in graveyards on the regular. he's staying away from most of the new mythical creatures and is trying to convince the people he knows to stay away from the dragons as well. starters (0/4):
zagreus : unaware any change has occurred
he's a prince but doesn't actually like doing that and is working a small apothecary job on the side and just hopping he doesn't get recognized. loves going to watch jousting and see if he can get included somehow. starters (0/4):
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paperanddice · 1 year
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Xill are strange extraplanar creatures, inhabiting the Ethereal Plane just aside the world, or the edges of the Overworld in the Dragon Empire. The largest faction of xill are vicious raiders, hunting victims to expand their numbers as much as possible. All xill are capable of producing eggs, and can even self fertilize to perform reproduction runs on their own. When encountering prey, xill will attempt to use their paralytic bite to render their victim helpless, then inject its eggs into the creature's body via an ovipositor located behind the xill's mandibles.
Generally, once their eggs have been implanted the xill will retreat from battle, seeking to return home to rest, recover, and prepare for their next raid, leaving their eggs to incubate and hatch. Young xill instinctively know how to planewalk, attempting to hide and make their way to the Ethereal, where they can grow. Young xill are collected by adults wherever they are found and given training and indoctrination into the culture of their rescuers. Those smaller groups that don't believe in reckless and cruel expansion will try to train the young to that view, but they are constantly under assault from the much larger faction of expansionists who see all other creatures as nothing more than incubators, and these kinder xill as weaklings and traitors.
Xill track back all the way to the Fiend Folio from 1981, and appeared in both the 3.5 Monster Manual and Pathfinder Bestiary. They did appear in one 5e supplement, but I wanted to get my hands on them as well to make my own version. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Xill Medium humanoid, usually lawful evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor, shield) Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) Speed 40 ft. Str 17 (+3) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 15 (+2) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 11 (+0) Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5, Wis +4 Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +5, Deception +3, Intimidation +3, Perception +4, Stealth +7 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Common, Infernal Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Actions Multiattack. The xill makes four attacks, only one of which can be with its Bite. If it hits a single target with two or more claw attacks, it grapples that target (escape DC 13). Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is paralyzed for 1d4 hours. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save feels its limbs going numb and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming paralyzed for 1d4 hours on a failure, or ending the effect on a success. A paralyzed creature can repeat the save at the end of each hour, ending the effect on itself on a success. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) slashing damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage. Implant Eggs (1/Day). The xill can lay 2d6 eggs in an incapacitated creature, or a creature it has grappled. The eggs hatch in 24 hours, at which point they begin devouring the host from within. Each hour, the target has its hit point maximum reduced by 5 (2d4) per young. If the target's hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this, the target dies. The young then emerge from the corpse. The young are Tiny fiends with AC 6, 1 hit point, a 2 (-4) in every ability score, a speed of 10 feet, and the Planewalk action. The eggs or active young can be removed with a lesser restoration spell or similar magic. Alternatively, a creature can spend 10 minutes and deal 5 (2d4) damage to the host to make a DC 16 Wisdom (Medicine) check, removing a single egg or active young on a success. Planewalk. The xill enters the Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane. Alternatively, the xill can use its action and bonus action for three rounds in a row to enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane. The xill's attempt to enter the Ethereal Plane is interrupted if it moves or if its concentration is broken (as if concentrating on a spell), in which case it must restart this attempt. After it takes the first round of actions, attacks against the xill have disadvantage.
13th Age
Xill  3rd level spoiler [humanoid]  Initiative: +9 Claws and Blades +8 vs. AC (3 attacks) - 2 damage. Dual Hits: If the xill hits a single target with two or more claws and blades attacks, it can make a paralyzing bite attack as a free action against that target. [Special Trigger] Paralyzing Bite +8 vs. AC - 2 damage and the target is dazed (save ends). Natural 16+: The target is weakened instead of dazed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is stuck as long as it is dazed or weakened. Second Failed Save: The target is stunned (save ends). Implant Eggs +8 vs. PD (one weakened or stunned enemy) - The target must start making last gasp saves. With each failed save, it takes 5 damage as xill young start devouring it from the inside out. On the fourth failed save, the target dies and 2d6 xill young burst out of its corpse. Each xill young has all defenses 10, 1 hit point, and the planewalk action. Even if the battle ends, the target must continue making these saves until it succeeds or it accumulates 4 failures. Limited Use: 1/battle, recharges if the attack misses. Planewalk: The xill can spend a standard action to attempt a hard save (16+). On a success, the xill can teleport to another plane of existence, leaving the battle. If all living xill in the battle have successfully used their implant eggs attack, this becomes an easy save (6+). AC 20 PD 18 MD 14 HP 32
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hitonia · 2 years
Vance Hopper in Harry Potter headcanons
Warnings: Beauxbaton Vance, bad language, brance, obscene words, a little sad(?)
a/n: Please refrain from rude comments. Sorry for my english, I tried my best. Part 2 with other boys?
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In etiquette classes, Vance behaves as diligently as possible, almost perfectly. After that, he will be able to swear at a student who will laugh at him.
Madame Maxime was not completely mentally prepared for Vance to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. She was tense about the possibility of events where Vance, with his defiant behavior, overshadowed the reputation of Beauxbatons. But as one of the best students, she was obliged to give the opportunity to participate in the Triwizard Tournaments. Especially for the sake of participation, he behaved decently for a long time.
Vance is an exemplary student in terms of studies, but always has the status of a rowdy. Because of his speech, actions and character.
Hogwarts students would laugh that Vance is the only guy among the ladies. After which Vance would look at them threateningly and they immediately fell silent.
"This fork should be placed on the left, I will do that. And then I will stick it in your eye."
He will clearly know all the rules of etiquette, gracefully wave his wand, and then scare some jerk with obscenities and threats that he could bring to life, but he won’t because of Madame Maxime.
As soon as the list of students who were flying to Hogwarts became known, absolutely everyone began to tell Vance to behave culturally and not to dishonor the school. This shit really fucked him up.
Vance was sent gifts almost every day with surprises like love potions and curses. Small crowds of girls would follow him, which greatly infuriated Vance because of the inability to be alone with himself.
He would have competed in the Triwizard Tournament
Fleur and Vance have a strained relationship, more like a rivalry. They compete against each other in everything they can do to excel, from grades to participating in the Triwizard Tournament.
Someone: That blonde looks nice and good-natured, especially since there are such wonderful people in Beauxbatons! Fleur passing by: Vance is such a bitch.
Fleur: They sent me 15 gifts with curses and love spells! Vance: Fuck you bitch, I've got 20 of them!
Vance: Who wanted to be the champion of Beauxbatons and ended up losing? Fleur looks at Vance with hatred: Shut the fuck up.
Rita Skeeter wouldn't have liked Vance to begin with. And after she released an article with nonsense about Vance, he would directly and rudely told her everything to her face.
- Beauxbaton Champion… Breath caught for a second, many were sure that Fleur would become the champion, mostly they hoped for her as the most diligent and strong student. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. - …Vance Hopper! To loud applause, Vance walked towards Headmaster Dumbledore, slowly walking past Fleur, he whispered softly so that only Fleur, who was sitting, could hear. - Suck it.
Vance would get the most aggressive dragon
Vance ties her hair into a ponytail at the trials.
When Madame Maxime told Vance that the first task would be dragons, he thought "Fuck." On the task, Vance would be extremely aggressive in trying to pick up the clue to the next task. Would use spells: bombarda, confundus and so on.
He cursed loudly and Madame Maxime was extremely disgruntled with this.
Vance would be good friends with Ravenclaw Bruce Yamada, they would spend almost all their free time together and after the end of the Triwizard Tournament they would correspond.
Vance: Will you come with me to the Yule ball? You seem to be the only adequate person in the entire Hogwarts. The girls with gifts and invitations have already got me.
Bruce in love: ...
Bruce would have stood for a couple of minutes and tried to understand what Vance had just said, after which he could not believe it and, deeply blushing, could not stand on his feet, he would fall. Vance caught him and at that moment Bruce became even more embarrassed. Vance would ruin the moment by saying he looks like a tomato, but then Bruce would finally be able to calm down.
Vance's main reason for entering the Triwizard Tournament is the cash prize, Vance only has his mother and they don't have much money. With this money, he could give his mother what she really deserves.
After Vance opened up to Bruce, he felt much better. And the relationship between the guys was strengthened.
For some reason, many people thought that Vance would come with Fleur, but when he came with Bruce, it caused a stir
Vance would show up to the yule ball wearing a white suit that his mother would send him. He would wear that suit with pride, and if anyone accidentally soiled the suit, Vance would kill him.
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yawn-junn · 1 year
Okkkkk, so this came to my mind:
JJ with a fem s/o, they both watched the anime sk8 the infinity and they loved it.
Soooo, a date between the 2 of them where they paint their skateboards as the ones of Reki and Langa from the anime (they were doing it at the boys dorms and the members teased them when they saw them)
♡︎Cute Couple = Cute Boards - JayJay♡︎
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I can try lmfao I've never seen SK8 The Infinity I wanted to watch it but never had the time but I hope you still enjoy this I hope you don't mind who gets who's design
Definitely gonna watch it after this cuz doing my research I came across where I can watch it so thank you for basically forcing me lmfao hope you enjoy
TW: Teasing : Kissing : anime (?) : 1 pet name (babes) : me spelling JayJays name 700 different ways : and a very very cute JustinJay :
After spending hours at the craft store you and JayJay finally made your way back to his(small ass) dorm, eventually after two hours or so you guys made it back to his dorm luckily no one was home so it was just you and Jay you both grabbed your skateboards from under his bed and put them on the coffee table as JayJay set everything up you unscrewed the wheels off(you already had the boards sanded)
To actually get to the painting took a minute considering how giggly you and JJ were but after 20 minutes you two finally calmed down and started to prep the bottom of your boards with gesso (if you don't know what that is it's basically white acrylic paint but it helps paint stick better)
"Here's the blue" you said has you handed it to JayJay "thank you!" He said a little to excited making you once again burst into giggles after a second you both calmed down for the 300th time in the past 30 minutes "wait babes are you going to paint on mine or-" JayJay asked "well that's what we agreed on, no?" You said in response "Ok just to clarify once again your painting Reki's on mine? And I'm painting Langa's on yours?" He said after confirming his question you got to work once again
This time it was comfortable silence which granted you two enough time to get half way done with both boards the silence was ruined by 6 hyped boys basically ramming the door way with things they bought from there day out "ouu what are you two up too?" James said as he leaned over the two of you Jay started pushing on his leg "Hyung leave us alone we're bonding" JayJay said in a Duh tone of voice
"OmG y/N yOuR hErE!!" Jihoon said in a very poor girl impression "Hayyyy!" You giggled matching his energy "Jihoon leave them alone there BoNdInG" James said mocking Jay, you hear JayJay let out a quiet sigh before he leaned closer to your ear to comment on how annoying the others were being but Jihoon caught it "GUYS LOOK THERE FACES ARE CLOSE" he said, Yorch whipped his head around and pulled out his phone
This made Jay groan in annoyance and you turn redder than the inside of James's vampire cape the others started laughing loudly and JayJay picked all the stuff up and grabbed your arm dragging you to the room they all share as he closed and locked the door you heard Leo yelling "STAY 6 FEET APART AND NO KISSING THATS FOR ADULTS!" Jay's face went bright red and yours went an ever darker red if that was possible
"Well that was somthing" you said trying to process what just happened "I'm sorry about them there annoying" Jay said which made both of you laugh then you heard a bang on the door "we heard that!" Woochan said whichade you two laugh harder after a few minutes the members got bored of trying to listen to what was happening inside the small space and went to do there own thing
You and JayJay continued painting your skateboards of course going against Leo's "rule" of no kissing I mean he's not in the room so he doesn't have to know eventually you and JayJay finished your skateboards and let it dry in the corner while you two layed on his bed cuddling after almost 3 hours you both decided to get up to check on the boards seeing that they were dry you put the top coat on and set it to dry some more
Both of you fell asleep waiting on your boards and forgot about the members who also needed in the room for there things they ended up having to sleep on the couch after they tried everything to unlock the door but no luck the next morning held 6 very angry members of Trainee A and a giggling young couple
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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The sequel nobody asked for... (Also tomorrow’s Research Bin used up all the allotted images remaining this week) 
As Big Spike prepares his trip with the others, Twilight is with Cadance, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart in Canterlot. Cadance has invited her family to ride on a zeppelin again, this time not run by Iron Will. While she told Twilight Velvet and Night Light that this was a random gift like how Mrs. Velvet invited her, the truth was this was a surprise. They are hoping to re-introduce Twilight to her parents, who in the rebuilt universe lost their child. Twilight is nervous. "Twilight, are you okay?" asked Cadance. Twilight insists she is fine but is hyperventilating into a brown bag. "I wouldn't worry about it Twily," Shining Armor said, "they'll embrace you just as well as I did."
"You had the ability to back up my claim," Twilight worried, "Who knows how many ponies came to them trying to say they're their daughter? What if they don't accept the truth? What if they don't like me?" Shining Armor put his hoof on her back. "Believe me, you'll do fine. And we'll be here all the way to help." "As long as you don't get airsick again," Cadance jokes. This gets Twilight to giggle a little bit. "You still get airsick?" "Hey," Shining Armor defended himself, "I'm getting better. I got this new spell I've been working on." As the group laughs, Night Light and Twilight Velvet arrived.
Twilight stopped laughing when she realized her parents were finally here. The others do as well. Twilight was nervous, but Shining Armor stepped forward. "Mom... Dad... I would like you to meet Twilight Sparkle: your daughter." Twilight stepped forward now. "Um... Hi Mom and Dad." Velvet and Night Light had a shocked look on their faces. It took them but a moment for the information to finally get to them. Their eyes became teary as they rushed Twilight to hug her. "We're so sorry we couldn't protect you," Night Light said. Twilight Velvet held Twilight's face in her hooves. "Look at how grown up you are. We missed so much..."
It was a lovely scene seeing the parents reunited with their daughter. Cadance could watch them all day, but then a pony on the Zeppelin made an announcement. "We are departing in five minutes. Please get on board if you have a ticket." Cadance looked at them as the scene ended. "I guess we have to cut this short." "You must tell us what happened to you!" Velvet requested. Twilight replied "it's a long story. And I'm glad that I'll be able to tell you everything on this trip." After the Zeppelin took off, the Sparkle family discussed the activities. "This reminds me of the last time we were on a Zeplin." Velvet remembered, "It's not being runned by Iron Will again, right?" Cadance laughed. "I made sure to double check this one. Everything is in the up and up."
After that, Twilight pulled out a schedule. "I hope you don't mind, but I did made a schedule based on the activities available so I can spend as much time with each of you as possible." "She's definitely your daughter," jokes Velvet. "So I take it that means you'll be enjoying the Bingo game they're scheduled to have?" "You know me so well," Night Light answered his daughter, "wish I could say the same for you." "If everything goes well, you'll know me just as well as you used to." "I'm definitely going to win that boat race this ti..." Shining Armor said before he covered his mouth. Cadance see this and jokes "so much for that spell, huh?" The others laugh as Shining Armor recovers.
On the first day, everything turned out fine. Twilight told her story of how she came to be as they were a little confused. They still accepted it since this wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've heard. On day 2, Twilight joined in on many activities with her family. Bingo with her father, a playdate with Cadance and Flurry Heart, the Boat Races with Shining Armor (or as much as they could considering Shining Armor's condition). And on day 5, they'll be a bungee jumping event where you'll jump into the heart of a never ending tornado. Twilight is nervous about it but Velvet ensures her that everything will be fine. It seems as if everything will be okay. Then on Day 3, the zeppelin caught on fire.
The balloon portion of the Zeppelin has caught on fire. With the Magic infused, it should have been impossible. But that's when they notice a Hippogriff flying above the Zeppelin. Its feathers are red and seem to be moving as if it was made of fire. And to prove it was, the Hippogriff fires another fire blast towards the Zeppelin. The creature attacking the Zeppelin was Astral Blaze. "This world is unnatural. It must be engulfed in the Flames of Rebirth." Astral shouted out loud. Everyone seems to be panicking since nobody seems to know how to deal with this situation. This is when Cadance stepped up.
"Calm down every pony!" Cadance shouted, "I'll deal with that creature! Shining. Twilight. Can you keep this Zeppelin afloat?" The two siblings nodded. Shining Armor is still sick, but with the situation being this dire, he's fighting it off to keep the Zeppelin in the sky. Twilight is also doing her part as well, not having the same problems but still trying her best. Cadance flies up to the Hippogriff. "You match the description of a creature that attacked Sombra and Tempest. I take it you're the same creature?" "Indeed I am. And while the Green Lantern helped that Unicorn, you won't have that luxury." And Astral Blaze began to blast Cadance with fire. The Princess of Love countered with a magical shield.
While her shield did hold, she also noticed that it began to burn. If she kept using it, the flames would likely go through her shields. So Cadance began to avoid the flame blasts as she returned her own magical beams. The two are in a dog fight as Twilight and Shining Armor still held up the Zeppelin. The Pegasi Crew, at least for their part, are doing their best to snuff out the flames. But no matter how much water they use it just doesn't seem to die out. That's when Twilight Velvet got an idea. "Neighagra Falls is just a couple of miles away. We could use that to take out the flames! The Zeppelin crew heard this and decided that was possibly their best option.
Astral Blaze heard this, so he did a Flame Spread towards Cadance. She backed off to stay away from it, trying to find a good way around it, but it was a cover as Astral Blaze flew to the deck of the Zeppelin. He noticed Twilight using her magic and fired at her. Twilight was too focused on holding up the Zeppelin to notice the fireball heading her way. She probably would have been engulfed if it wasn't for an Earth Pony tackling her out of the way. Twilight snapped out of her focus as she noticed the fire where she was once at. "Thank you for saving me..." "Star Tracker. I couldn't just stand there." But as Twilight let go, the Zeppelin began to lower. Shining Armor tried harder, but he couldn't keep it up on his own.
That's when Velvet and Night Light joined in to help. Flurry Heart soon followed. Seeing this, the other Unicorns on the Zeppelin began to help keep the Zeppelin afloat. This gave Twilight a chance to help her Sister in Law. Focusing her energy, she became Midnight Sparkle: her pony self with Astral Alicorn Status. This surprised the others as they never saw anyone willing themselves to be an Alicorn. With her new form, Twilight flies up to join the fight alongside her sister. While two Alicorns are difficult to fight, Astral Blaze still continues. They knew the two aren’t enough on their own.
That’s when the Zeppelin reached Neighagra falls. As predicted, the amount of water plus its magical properties were enough to stop the Zeppelin from burning. Seeing that, Twilight got an idea. She began to maneuver herself to force Astral Blaze closer to the Waterfall. Cadance wondered for a bit until she noticed the direction Twilight was pushing him towards. Knowing the plan, she too joined Twilight to push Astral Blaze towards the Waterfall. The Zeppelin left the waterfall just as the two got Astral Blaze closer and closer. And with one combined blast, the two successfully pushed Astral Blaze into the water.
The overwhelming water was too much for Astral Blaze as he was taken down and seemingly disappeared. The two Alicorns landed as Twilight reverted back to her normal self. Sometime later, the Zeppelin was on the ground as the crew repaired the damages. The Sparkle family were gathered to talk about what they saw. “That’s amazing!” Shining Armor said, “I didn’t know something like that was possible!” “I know we technically didn’t raise you,” Night Light said, “but it makes us proud to know you grew up to be a great pony.” Twilight hugged her parents. “Thank you, for everything.” Miles away, at the river that is connected to Neighagra Falls. It all seemed quiet. Then a claw popped out of the water.
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blow your pretty brains out (part 2)
the rest of the week passes as it had done since the year had begun: quidditch practice, ignored pieces of parchment with the lesson’s assignment scribbled down in sirius’ illegible handwriting tucked away inside textbooks, and detention for hiding snape’s cloak. just the way he likes it. that is, until tuesday morning comes around. sirius had always thought transfiguration to be tolerable, at worst, boring, but now, he dreads the thought of sitting next to someone as interesting as a concrete wall. he could’ve sworn that he’s met more interesting concrete walls, and he probably has. after all, he’s a wizard.
sirius leans against the wall, looking out the arch past james and at the first years lost on the grass, “you know, i could just… not go in. it’s not like i’m going to have nowhere to sit, is it? why should i go in there when i can go back upstairs and get into bed? i can take a nap and pretend like this is all a weird figment of my imagination.” james scoffs, stepping in front of sirius and blocking his view, “you know that’s not how it works. plus, if you miss the lesson, she might stop you playing quidditch and i am not playing against hufflepuff without the best keeper this school has ever seen.” sirius bites the inside of his cheek, standing up straight and crossing his arms. as he does so, mcgonagall steps outside of the classroom, opening the door and signalling for them all to go in for the beginning of the class.
sirius makes his way to the back of the class to his seat but stops halfway down the classroom as he notices lupin is already there. he thinks for a moment. he and james were at the front of the queue, for a change, why is he already in the classroom? then it dawns on him, lupin is incredibly irritating. of course he doesn’t have anyone to spend his time with. he continues down to the back of the room, dropping his things on the desk with a soft thud and sitting in his seat. he turns to glance at the boy, finding that there is a small, almost skin-toned, plaster across a gash in his eyebrow. upon further examination, he can see small plasters on various patches from his hairline to the bottom of his neck where his collar starts. lupin notices him looking and raises his shoulders, obscuring sirius’ view, before looking at mcgonagall, who is signalling for the class to quieten down.
“today, i am going to be explaining and demonstrating how to do the vanishing spell. it is vital that you pay close attention and retain as much information, with notes to revise, as possible. this charm can result in disastrous consequences if performed incorrectly, and you are all to attempt this in the next lesson. now, quills at the ready.” mcgonagall states, before beginning to explain when it was first used. sirius turns to face lupin, noticing as he begins to ritualistically chew the inside of his lip, before nudging him.
“what? i’m trying to-“ lupin begins, before sirius flicks a piece of parchment at him, landing on his tongue. he chokes and splutters, spitting all over a highly amused sirius in the process. he opens his mouth as though to reprimand sirius, but he begins to flick triangles of parchment consecutively at his face, aiming for each of the plasters. lupin quickly realises that he’d better keep his mouth shut to refrain from paper cuts, and looks back down to his book, attempting to ignore the tiny pieces flying from all directions. sirius begins to rip progressively larger pieces of parchment to launch at the boy, before resorting to entire sheets. after he still doesn’t react, he begins to take his own notes on the parchment, as opposed to using it to create pellets.
for a short while, sirius actually participates in the class, noting down relevant information and staring off into space when he gets bored. this quickly turns into him tapping on the desk with his hands and quill, drumming out a rapid beat. this continues for several minutes before lupin turns towards him, “are you done? go and join the band if you want to play the drums. shush.” sirius smirks slightly, proud of himself for forcing a reaction out of him. he begins to bounce both of his legs in rapid succession, nudging the bottom of the desk and making the seat creak slightly. he begins to tap in synchrony with his legs and the creaking, slowly increasing the speed, and slowing again when he notices the teacher staring at him. eventually, he begins to kick lupin, purposefully aiming for his ankles as he bounces his legs. he nudges his things across the floor into his space, continuing to kick and tap as he does so. lupin flicks his head around, a steely gaze penetrating through sirius, “do you fucking mind? i know you’re an idiot , but some of us aren’t. if you could just stop, so i can actually work, it’d be appreciated.”
sirius stops bouncing his legs and tapping. he pulls a funny face, pretending to be shocked and miming picking his jaw up from the table. “oh, so you do talk? impressive. i was beginning to think you’d swallowed your tongue.”
“i tend to save my words for people with an iq above five, so do forgive me. now, if you wouldn’t mind, be a lamb and shut the fuck up.” he glances back down to his book and begins to write again. as though subconsciously, he nudges sirius’ things back to his side of the desk and pulls himself and his belongings into his own corner. sirius glances over to his notes, attempting to copy as many as possible into his own notebook so that he isn’t completely clueless next lesson. he’s successful for a few minutes, but lupin quickly notices and wraps his left arm around the book, obscuring the writing from sirius’ view. “well, that’s not very nice.” sirius remarks, poking at lupin’s nose before returning to his book. “uh… bestie bitch boy? can i please use your notes? pretty please?” he thinks lupin ignores him, but he moves his arm so that his notes can be read and moves his book slightly more to the centre of the table. they continue to work in silence, except for sirius exclaiming when lupin tries to turn the page that he hasn’t finished copying.
soon, the lesson comes to an end and everyone begins to pack up their belongings. lupin, yet again, rushes out of the classroom, as though desperate to get away from sirius and anything else that shows signs of life. sirius meets james and peter at the front as they begin to walk out of the classroom.
“well… that was fun.”
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I feel a little out of sorts. A little frustrated. I am trying not to fall into anger but it's hard. It's mostly about tomorrow. But at least most of today was really nice.
I woke up after an alright sleep. James came and laid with me for a few minutes before we had to get up. They made the bed and I got dressed.
I was excited to wear my valentine's Halloween sweater. But really I should have put another shirt on under it because I was cold!! It was so chilly today!! I ended up wearing socks and leggings and boots. And was still a little chilly. I would be fine but man. It was surprising.
We left here and got me breakfast before heading to the museum. It was drizzling. And would be on and off rain all morning. The wind was pretty strong as well. James and Stanley would come out and put the sides down and that helped a lot. Made the day a lot more pleasant and a lot less blustery.
I was pretty focused on my knitting today. But I would spend a good amount of time talking to Ginny. She apparently loves to travel and we were just talking about that and wedding stuff and she is so nice. I got a pumpkin roll and an apple cider donut. I would jokingly run away and tell her James would come out and pay later. And of course they did come out to get their pastries and we laughed about me running away. And later one Ginny would be one of my 3 sales. She bought my beaded "have a nice day!" totebag. Made me feel good and I gave her a little discount.
I had some nice conversations and got to see cute babies. I did my knitting and had lots of people watch me and compliment me and it is very easy to make me feel all proud of myself and my work when that happens. It's nice to share this type of knitting too.
I would space it out well and would finish my last row right around 12. I had had a nice chat with Helen about possible alternatives to flowers because she is going to be cleared out because of another wedding she's doing. And I talked to Stanley for a bit about my fiber works. And I chatted with Bob the blacksmith for a long time. Got to tell him about my bronze casting background and I think I impressed him with my patina knowledge.
Around 11 Anne decided, based on vender feedback, that we should close early. Didn't have to tell me twice. So at noon we all packed up. My stuff takes like 2 minutes to put away so I waited until I saw someone else putting things away. And then I was off.
I got all my stuff in my box and loaded up the wagon and over to the car. I went in to say goodbye to James and remind them to print our stickers. And then I headed home.
When I got back here I brought my knitting up. Grabbed the mail. And pet Sweetp for a bit. I have a heating pad in the couch for him because I'm worried he will be cold.
And then I changed and got in bed.
I spent a while brushing out my bear. The little windbreaker I got him came and so I wanted him to not look as scrungly. It's not perfect. But using a file card and a cat brush got most of the mats out. And the little windbreaker looks so cute. I did end up ordering a black hoodie off of Etsy since I couldn't find one anywhere else. I will later the two so he can have a hood again. Which I think looks better.
I still stand by the colts being funny because that used to be the football team in Baltimore before they were stolen in the night. James looked at the shirt and said that it was a funny way to spell Baltimore. Which is fair enough.
I worked on some knitting stuff. Experimenting with the yarns I have. A lot of mine are either to thick or to loose. I was able to make a few more tubes I will attempt to make into plushies. It's fun to try stuff.
I would start trying to sleep. I ended up looking at advent calendars and I am excited that this year I actually was able to order the jam Advent calendar!! It is usually sold out by the time I remember it but I used the Amazon gift card the dentist gave me and the Cashback I had on my credit card so it's basically free. I'm really excited.
And then I slept. I slept to long honestly. James was home from work when I woke up and we laid in bed together. Which was very nice. They felt very cold so I hope I warmed them up a little.
Then we had dinner in bed. And watched videos. Eventually I went to work on cutting out the stickers they printed but the ink didn't stick to the paper and just flaked off and I was so upset. At first I thought they just didn't dry and had rub off because of that but if I ran my finger on them it just came right off. Super disappointed. So I ordered a different brand of paper to try out. We'll see what happens I guess.
I was really uspset then. And then got more upset when the street fair tomorrow still hadn't emailed me. The last one I did have me a 72 hour out email and a 24 hour out, and then a day off. This fair started on Friday and they never even confirmed they got my application!! The only reason I know they did is because my name is on the website. But I don't know anything. I had emailed them twice this week but no answer. So I finally set them a Facebook message since they had been posting photos. And whoever runs it did message me back but just said the vender coordinator would take care of it in the morning. What does that mean?? I don't even have an address. Or a spot number. Or anything!! I don't even feel comfortable with going with how the rain is going to be. And I'm going to be alone.
I have basically decided that I will wake up at 8 tomorrow. And if they don't send an email by 9 when load in is supposed to start I won't go. I really don't want to go anyway but I feel bad wasting $60 on the table fee. It basically wipes out my profit from today. But like also. It's a really long market, 9 am load in, goes until 6pm. And it is going to rain literally all day.
So I am just not feeling my best. I feel just this side of angry. It isn't a nice feeling.
I did get to test more yarn tonight. And hang out with James. And I got a shower. But I have a lot of tension in my jaw. And I don't know how to make it stop.
I hope you all feel okay and are taking care of yourself. Stay safe. And be careful. Goodnight everyone.
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paupermodern · 1 year
I leave my house and hop on BART in eager anticipation of my first Pauper Modern tournament. Unfortunately, I miss the bus upon my arrival at the Balboa Park stop and have to briskly walk through campus only to still arrive at the tournament a few minutes late. Upon arrival, I am immediately presented with three options. Jared, the host of this event, has offered to let me borrow a deck. Like a young Pokémon trainer, I would need to choose my companion for this adventure. First up was Mono Black. I do enjoy playing decks with a lot of skulls… but wanted to see what else was available. Mono white caught my eye, but I had to see what the third option was… Kuldotha Boros! A deck I have at least played before in regular Pauper. I enjoy making a lot of decisions, and being assertive with creatures when I am forced to play with them, so this seemed like a good choice for the afternoon. I make sure I present a cohesive 75 with the flex-slots Jared has provided and shuffle up for Round 1!
Round 1: Daniel on Mono Blue Faeries Game 1: My opponent leads on a basic Island and I assume they are playing Faeries. My hand is okay in the matchup. I have a good number of creatures to get under their counter spells. However, I am quickly blown out by a few combat tricks and find myself on the backfoot. Luckily, I am able to string together a Kuldotha Rebirth with a Rally the Peasants and present lethal. Side boarding: This matchup is quite strong. However, one way you can lose is getting tempoed out with tricks, Faeries and Ninjas. For that reason, I prefer to shift into a control deck and bring in as many removal spells as possible. Swiftspear, Kuldotha Rebirth, and Rally the Peasants all do not fit this game plan post-board. Game 2: Seeker of the Way does a lot of work. That in conjunction with removal spells is enough to get the job done. I grab a couple of slices of pizza and chat with the other tournament goers. 1-0
Round 2: Chris on Storm Game 1: I hear Chris talking about Storm, so I figure that is what I am playing against. My favorite archetype across all formats! I know I must keep an assertive hand and am happy with my mulligan into a hand with multiple creatures. Chris casts Grapeshot for 6 to wipe my board, but I am able to rebuild and use Rally the Peasants to present lethal a few turns later. Side boarding: I decide that Lightning Bolt can help against Goblin Electromancer or just go face to help race. I also bring in End the Festivities for the Empty the Warrens tokens. I take out some number of the two-drop cantrip artifacts and the Thraben Inspectors as the matchup seems less about value rather than trying to end the game quickly. Game 2: I have a medium hand. My strategy of boarding out the cantrip artifacts feels awkward with a grip full of Skyfishers and Glint Hawks, but I decide a hand with multiple flying creatures is still worth keeping. I spend much of the game replaying my own lands, before Chris assembles a First Day of Class + Empty the Warrens for 12 2/2 hasty Goblins. I am able to just barely stabilize long with an army of Kor Skyfishers before a pair of End the Festivities in conjunction with Rally the Peasants ends the game. 2-0.
Round 3: Rob on Boros Game 1: I know I am in for a grind with the Boros champ himself! Luckily, I am on the draw and he mulls to 5. The game goes on for a while, but it is hard to overcome starting down 3 cards in the mirror. Game 2: Rob sequences his cantrip artifacts and creatures well before blowing me out with Makeshift Munitions and we are quickly shuffling up for Game 3. Game 3: I keep a sketchy hand on the draw. It has Glint Hawk, Kor Skyfisher and removal. It is powerful, but is also relying on 3 copies of Experimental Synthesizer along with 1 copy of basic Mountain as the only land. Of course my first 2 Synthesizers hit dual-lands and we are off to the races. #NeverLucky. We play a very long game with a lot of back and forth, but I eek out lethal with burn spells just as we are about to go to time. 3-0
Round 4: Isaac on Mono Blue Faeries Game 1: I get the pair down against Isaac and I know he is on Mono Blue. I have played both sides of this matchup extensively in regular Pauper and feel confident. The game follows as such with me playing a lot of removal and creatures while Isaac is unable to surmount attack into my high toughness threats and pile of removal. Isaac does flood out after being forced to cycle Lorien Revealed early to draw cards. Game 2: I board in close to 15 removal spells and settle in for a grind. At one point, my Experimental Synthesizer gets countered, opening the door to spend three consecutive turns resolving Kor Skyfisher (returning a life-gain land). The 2/3s are 2-free and I am able to pull off the second game. 4-0! Overall, 8-1 in games I believe. The deck ran very well. There are a couple of ways to take the deck. Today, I was especially impressed with Rally the Peasants, and could see a second copy being included in the deck. Swiftspear underperformed in the matchups I played. Props: Jared for hosting and lending me a deck. All of my opponents for being great. The Pizza for being delicious and Rally the Peasants for providing wins out of nowhere. Slops: The 43 bus leaving 2 minutes early and messing up my BART transfer. Thanks for having me and I hope to return to defend my belt! CyrusCG
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Vampires Will Never Hurt You (Harry Styles)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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One day since I had the base of the spell, one day until my interview. The first thing that was on my agenda was to create a vampire, and I was determined to do it in one day.
Donna was away that day visiting her family, or what was left of it. Her parents were dead, but he had a sister with kids who had kids who were around her age, and she was spending the whole day with them and coming back tomorrow morning.
That left me alone with the house the entire day to do whatever I wanted, and let's just say it wasn't going well.
I was trying to make pancakes but the beeping smoke alarm told me I was unsuccessful, so I ended up giving up the pancakes and settled for a granola bar.
I walked to the living room and sat down next to my grimoire. I opened it up and skimmed through my latest spell to refresh my mind, and remembered I still needed to find a test subject for the spell to complete it.
I sat back in my cushy chair and daydreamed about vampires. What would I even do with them? Create an army? Create a vampire boyfriend? Or even better, a vampire cat! I hadn't really thought this far into my plans, would vampires be able to create other vampires? Or would it just have to be me with my spell? Can vampires have kids?
I shook my head and got out of my thoughts, looking around the room for something to spark my interest. My eyes stopped at a plump little bird sitting in the windowsill. I smiled kindly at him, feeling like Cinderella already, just more sinister.
I crushed up some of my granola bar, hoping the weird ingredients in it wouldn't kill the little fellow, and held my hand out filled with granola and other various shit they put in it. The bird hopped closer to my hand and bent it's head down to look at it, and eventually pecked at it.
After a minute of this, the bird jumped into my hand. I quickly grabbed the dagger and made a small cut on the bird's leg. It seemed very alarmed and started violently flapping its wings. I traced the sigil into its head and whispered an incantation I had found in the grimoire.
The bird suddenly halted it's actions and stood still and calm. Did it work? How the hell do I test it out? I carefully let the bird out of my hands and trusted it not to move away. I went to the kitchen to get a container, grabbed the dagger, and sliced my hand open. Not the first time I've done a blood pact, just the first time I did it by myself.
I let myself bleed into the bowl then grabbed a paper towel for my hand. I excitedly turned back to the bird only to see the bird was gone.
Shit. I left the window empty, like the dumbass I am.
A wave of panic suddenly rushed over me, it had just occurred to me that a possibly bloodthirsty chunky little bird is on the loose in Los Angeles, and can only be killed one obscure way.
Goddamn it!
I couldn't ask Donna, so I would have to ask Charlie because he's the only one I know who knows about the spell. However, I try to refrain from contacting Charlie two days in a row; he likes his personal time. Screw it. He can give up his free time to help save Los Angeles from a deadly bird.
What kind of horror movie am I living in?
I pulled my phone from my pocket and hastily dialed Charlie's number.
"Didn't we just talk yesterday?" Charlie grumbled.
"Yeah, yeah I know, but this is really fucking important Charlie, so listen," I paused for him to process my words, "so I was responsible and I tested the vampire spell on a bird and everything was going well and stuff and I turned my back to get it some blood and the fucker flew out the window. So, I kinda need help? You down?" I rushed.
"What!? I swear to God, Faye, this is why no one trusts you with big spells. You've been alive for how long now? And you still pull this shit? You're lucky Maude and Jane are at breakfast right now," Charlie fumed.
"500 years or something, and I know, I know. But can you come over and help me look?" I pleaded.
"Yeah, I'll be over in 10."
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"So what does this bird look like?" Charlie asked me as he tightly gripped the steering wheel with both hands.
"Um, fat little fellow, really small and round, long black tail, white head, with some orange and black on the wings," I tried to pull the description from my memory, regretting not taking a picture of it or anything.
"Faye, those birds are everywhere! How do you expect to find one in particular?" Charlie sounded so disappointed in me, and I didn't blame him. I was quite disappointed in myself.
"Well, if you see a trail of dead animals drained of blood, I'd assume we're on the right path," I joked. Charlie didn't enjoy it and just sent me a glare then turned his head back to the suburban neighborhood we were driving through.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, with Charlie constantly sighing, I decided to turn on the radio. It started playing some strange pop song that I'd never heard before, but it was catchy.
I decided to go on my phone to search for what kind of bird we were looking for. After a few seconds, I found the answer thanks to reliable old Google.
"Long-tailed tit, that's what we're looking for," I turned my phone so he could see the picture I had pulled up.
"Right, now does this bird have a name? Or are we just calling him Vampire Bird?" Charlie scanned his eyes around more intensely now that he knew what the bird really looked like.
"I'm thinking Jorge, but it could be a girl," I did the same with my eyes and tried to keep the conversation going.
"Jorge can be a girl name," Charlie reasoned. I swear he took every chance he could to fight with Donna but he just kindly gives his opinion to me when we're at a disagreement.
"If you say so," I said, and then we both heard an ear-splitting scream. I gave Charlie a look and he gave me the exact same look in return and turned the car to head towards the scream.
We ended up in a trashy-looking alleyway, strange for such a cute little neighborhood. At the end of the alleyway, there was a fully grown man being brutally attacked by a little bird.
"Jorge!" I screamed at Charlie and we both got out to run towards the man.
I went forward and grabbed Jorge and held him tightly between my fingers while Charlie grabbed the man and pulled him away from us. I put him in a little plastic container (don't worry, I poked holes) which contained my blood and closed the lid quickly.
I looked up to assess the man, only to find it was none other than Harry Styles. I sort of stopped and stared in shock. As soon as Charlie realized who it was, he had the same reaction.
Eventually, Charlie turned Harry to face him. He snapped his fingers in his face and said, "this didn't happen."
This seemed to make Harry have a faraway look in his eyes as he repeated the enchantment Charlie had cast, "this didn't happen." Charlie took the plastic container holding the monster I created and carried it back to the car.
I ran off as quick as I could, eager to get away from him. I sat down in the passenger seat and Charlie placed Jorge on my lap, who's container was now blood-free. At least the spell worked.
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"So, the world's first vampire bird, huh?" Charlie more said to himself while crouching in front of Jorge's birdcage that I found in the attic. "I know I'm going to regret this, but I honestly think you should keep the little sucker as a pet."
"I was thinking that too. But what if our sisters come over? They can't know that Jorge is anything but a regular old long-tailed tit," Charlie snickered, clearly only concentrating on the last word I said.
"Grow up, I'm serious!" He finally sobered from his laughter and shook his head.
"I know, I am too. Just tell everyone Jorge's aggressive or something and he bites a lot, so it's best if no one pets him,  it's that easy," Charlie suggested without a care in the world, as if we were talking about a minor little inconvenience.
And for the life of me, I couldn't find a fault in his plan. That's why it's dangerous for us to hang out without Donna, she's the voice of reason, we're just the voices of treason.
"Alright, I'm sold. Wanna order food?" Charlie was eager to my suggestion in return and I grabbed my phone to place my order. One of the things I missed most about living with Charlie. He was the best at not caring what we eat. I love Donna but all she ever wants is some fancy expensive shit when I just want boring old pizza.
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Donna got back earlier than expected because she didn't spend the night, so she was back around 10 pm. When she opened the door, all she saw was Charlie and I sitting on the couch watching TV, with Charlie asleep like the old man he was (he's only 27, physically, but that's old to me).
Although I could have sworn he was dead asleep as she lightly placed her purse on the kitchen table, he still managed to speak up, "hey Don." I don't think I'll ever understand how he does that.
"Charles," she greeted formally, "so, uh, what's with the bird?" She referred to Jorge who was casually situated in the bay window.
"That's Jorge, he's our pet," I said without even moving my eyes away from the screen.
"Oh, he's cute!" Donna exclaimed as she got dangerously close to the cage.
"He's a vampire bird, he attacked Harry Styles today," I said just as casually before.
"Oh, geez! Give a girl a warning next time!" She jumped back from the cage. Once she composed herself, she came and sat in the middle of Charlie and me on the couch. "So, I take it the spell worked?"
"On a small bird. I'm going to have to use a lot more power than that to get it to work on a human," I replied, this time taking my attention from the TV to place it on Donna.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't just hear that," Charlie chimed in, causing Donna and me to giggle. He smiled softly with his eyes still closed.
"Oh, Charlie, my interview at IHOP is tomorrow morning, would you mind driving me or letting me borrow your car?" I spoke to him over Donna.
"Why don't you get your own car?" He sat up and opened his eyes now.
"Because do you think I know how the hell insurance works?" I reasoned with him.
"Donna's only," he paused to count on his fingers, "71 years old! She's gotta know, right Donna?" He turned to her to get her on his side.
"No comment," Donna responded nonchalantly while preoccupied with her phone.
"Alright, I'll get one. But in the meantime, what do you say Charlie? Help a sister out?" I whipped out my best puppy eyes, although I knew he didn't care if I did or didn't.
"Fine. But for the record, I do way too much shit for you girls," he shook his head in anguish and turned back to the TV.
"Love you too, Charlie," Donna smiled gratefully at him, and in return, he sent her a playful glare.
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0 notes
Off Limits - Part 1
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part 2
pairing: regulus black x fem!reader 
warning: sexual innuendos here and there, intense sexual tension, 2 year age gap, kinda a slow burn (got carried away with this one), brief mentions of blood, poor grammar and spelling as usual, swearing
summary: sirius asks you to accompany his brother regulus - whom you've never been formally introduced to - to hogsmeade while he spends time with remus. you have no problem with this... until you meet the younger black that is. it’s hard to not feel an attraction towards him, especially knowing that he’s off limits. 
word count: 4k +/-
a/n: i honestly don't know why i thought of this but it's been on my mind for a while so here i suppose🤸 enjoy this train wreck :D 
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you're sitting on the floor with your best mates, trying to catch your breath while laughing at what you've all just accomplished. 
you've known remus, sirius and peter since first year but you've been stuck with james a bit longer than that. you've known him since you were born... probably due to the fact that you came from the same womb just minutes apart. 
you got along with all of them just fine, gaining a spot as an equal next to sirius with the pranks you pull. speaking of, the two of you, with the help of the others, just planted a stink bomb in the slytherin common room. 
you all cracked up at the screams that emerged while you sprinted away. nothing like a harmless prank to start the week off.
so there all of you are, hollering and hooting by the black lake, out of the cross fire of any possible casualties, aka angry, foul smelling snakes. “that was bloody genius!” james manages to get out. you and sirius mock tipping your hats at him, “why thank you good sir.” the two of you say. 
you and sirius are rather close, your bond going beyond pranks. he's come to you multiple times with his woes and for advice. 
his mother said something he didn't like? he came and ranted to you. he didn't quite get something in divination? you were failing transfiguration so you helped each other out. he was concerned about his brother? he opened up to you and you comforted him, letting him know that it was ok to worry.
you've never seen, let alone met, the youngest black but that didn't matter. you had a brother too so you spoke from the love you had for your twin to relate to sirius. 
your relationship is nothing more than platonic, despite all the rumors. he has eyes for a certain brunette werewolf (even if he wouldn't tell him) and you were happy being single. 
“where d'you guys get these pranks?” remus wheezes. this was one of the rare occasions he'd help with your antics. you shake you head and pretend to zip your mouth shut. you all eventually manage to regain your breath and it's nearly time to head in for dinner. “we should probably get going... i don't wanna have to explain to professor mcgonagall why we're late...” peter timidly says. 
james and sirius sigh but have to agree that peter has a point. “fine. let's go then.” james grunts while getting up. all of you follow his actions, stretching as you stand. 
you all enter the hall and go to take your seats. you glance behind you and see that a number of slytherins are glaring daggers at your little group. “moony, d'you think they know?” you whisper. “oh, most definitely.” remus responds. you all look back at them and have to fight to keep your laughter in. 
once professor dumbledore is done with his little speech, he waves his hand and food fills all the space on the tables. everyone starts to dig in and you immediately go for an apple just in front of you. biting into it, you listen to remus and peter discuss potions homework. 
“can the both of you shut up?” james groans. “please. honestly i don't know how you can even talk about work durin' dinner.” you tell the two. 
you're just about to take another bite of your apple when sirius leans over you and takes a chunk of it for himself. “oi! the fuck d'you think you're doin'?” you say in mock outrage. “jus' having a bit of apple darlin'.” he grins while swallowing. “how dare you commit such a vile crime!” you place you hand over your heart, feining shock. you’re speaking a bit too loudly which draws the attention of a few nearby students who quickly look away when you shoot them a glare. 
“the two of you go on like children sometimes, i swear.” remus rolls his eyes at the two of you. “but-” “no, no. no buts young lady. learn to share with others.” james interrupts you, wagging his finger at you mockingly. you shake your head and stick your tongue out at him. “piss off prongs.” the 4 of them laugh in amusement at your overreaction. 
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the common room is always empty around 1 am. that is exactly why you and sirius find it to be the best time to talk. you're both sitting on the floor by the fireplace while you try to keep your laughter to a minimum. 
“you really thought that?” you ask him in disbelief. “i was young and daft!” he says in defence. “i get that but... who looks at a corset and thinks it's a form of torture device? let alone that it was your own mother’s!” “i didn't know what it was!” he says in an attempt to defend himself. you eventually manage to calm yourself down. 
“i need advice... and a favour...” he quickly says after a while. “sure... what is it?” he nervously fiddles with his fingers. “so i asked remus to join me for a walk on saturday... he said yes but...” he trails off. “you're scared he won't want anythin’ more than a friendship...?” he nods at your words.
“listen, padfoot... i can promise you that he returns your feelings completely.” you confidently reassure him. you're not lying either, remus had asked you for advice on how to ask sirius out on a date. looks like he doesn't need to worry about that anymore though. 
“really? how can you be sure?” you rest your hand on his shoulder. “trust me...” a comfortable silence falls over the two of you until you remember something. “ha! i jus' realised that james will have to fork over 10 sickels once your guys' date is over!” “the two of you put a bet on us?” he deadpans. you simply shrug, “a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, mate” sirius shakes his head at your words. 
“now, before i head off to bed... what was that favour you had to ask?” you ask while standing up and stretching, him following. 
“oh yeah... my mother said i was s'posed to go with regulus to hogsmeade but i forgot about it... i would jus' leave it but i don't want her finding out no one was with him. could you maybe fill in for me while i go with moony?” he dramatically bats his lashes at you. 
 you let out an exasperated sigh, “i don't have much of a say 'cause i want those 10 sickels... i guess i'll do it. for the money and for your love life with remmy.” you pinch his cheek affectionately and he scrunches his nose at you. 
“now, tata my darlin' sirius.” you curtsey “a good night and many thanks to you, your highness.” he bows right back at you. laughing, the both of you head upstairs to bed. 
laying in bed, a single concern floats in your mind before sleep overcomes you.
‘i've never even met regulus... how am i s'posed to spend a whole day with him...’ 
---------- x ----------
saturday arrived sooner than you thought and you can't deny that you're a little bit nervous. you meet sirius in the common room and head out the castle. “so where are we goin'?” curiosity is bubbling inside you. “the quidditch grounds. regulus always starts his saturdays off with trainin'.” 
you start to dread the day, thinking you'll be spending a good portion of it watching him practice. “i'm not goin' to be sittin' there for long am i?” you whine. “don't worry, you won't. i'm sure he's done or almost done by now at the least. you'll head over to hogsmeade soon, don’t you worry.” the two of you near the grounds. 
“you gettin' back into quidditch soon?” he asks. you shrug slightly, “dunno... after the last match i'm rethinkin' my position.” you admit. “you're a damn good player y'know. my opinion is that you go for it, if you're ready that is, even if it's as somethin' other than a beater.” 
you've been playing quidditch for as long as you can remember. you and james joining the team as soon as you were allowed. james became a seeker while you stuck with being a beater. the last match you played against slytherin didn't turn out too well for you though. 
their beater hit the bludger straight at you, causing you to break your arm when you fell from your broom. you're all healed now but you're still hesitant to play again. 
not knowing what to say, you ask, “how long d'you think you'll be gone?” he smiles slightly “well remus mentioned star gazin' at this one spot he found... so maybe the whole day... maybe the whole weekend... dunno.” “you two are definitely gettin' more than quality time together that's for sure.” you let out an amused laugh. he blushes at the thought.
you approach a figure in the middle of the ground, sirius hollering out to him, “oi! regulus! c'mere will ya?” regulus turns and spots the two of you, you're too far to make out his features but you're pretty sure his face is a mixture of confusion as well as shock. he turns back and closes a box filled with equipment on the floor. 
as you and sirius stop just a meter from him, he turns to face you both. you can't help the shock that courses through your veins as you take his features in. 
dark, curly hair which frames his strong facial structure. deep, mysterious eyes which seem to hold a thousand emotions at once. his lips which seemingly entrance you, tempting you to have a taste. 
you shiver at the intense gaze which he has on you, wrapping your arms around your torso. thankfully it's a chilly morning otherwise he would've been suspicious of your sudden actions. 
“change of plans brother, i'm not spendin' time with you today, y/n is! i've got things to do and she's your babysitter.” sirius breaks the tension forming in the air. “what the hell do you mean?” regulus asks. 
‘shit... his voice is just as attractive as him...’ 
“i'm busy. i don't want you runnin' to mother saying that i blew you off. so i got a replacement to fill in for me. simple really!.” sirius explains. regulus sighs but nods in understanding. 
regulus stretches slightly but winces. “you alright?” sirius asks. “kind of. my arm got caught on somethin' earlier, think it's still bleedin' but i'll live” he sighs. 
sirius nods, not fully paying attention and glances at his watch. “well i've got to go. you two have fun!” you roll your eyes at his enthusiasm. “oh, good luck with him.” he loudly whispers to you, causing you to flip him off which pulls a quiet chuckle from regulus. you mutter a quiet, “and good luck with him.” referencing to remus, another blush appearing on his face at the mention of him. 
“alright, see ya.” he quickly gets out, not wanting you to say anything more. you briefly smirk at his retreating figure then turn to face the younger black. 
he's watching you and quickly looks you up and down again. “y/n...potter is it?” he asks. “yip.” you shortly reply, popping the ‘p’ at the end. “sirius has spoken about you and your prankin' habits quite a bit... didn't expect you to be so...” he trails off, eyes roaming your figure. 
“so what?” you prompt.
“nevermind... it doesn't matter.” you narrow your eyes at him. “you're potter's little sister, correct? or cousin?” this time your eye roll is directed at him. “sister. older by 4 minutes as a matter of fact.” 
his face is overcome by shock. “you're twins?” “yeah... sirius didn't mention that little detail i take it?” he shakes his head, “no... no he didn't...” he looks slightly into the distance in thought. you cough in an attempt to defuse the silence.
“alright... are we headin' over to hogsmead or not?” you ask him. he simply shrugs, “yeah, jus' need to shower first.” he starts to walk off while trying not to move his arm too much. you're standing still, debating if you should follow him or not. “well come on then!” he calls out, deciding for you. 
you hurriedly walk after him and you can tell this is going to be a long day.
---------- x ----------
you're leaning outside the changing rooms, the sound of the running shower being the only noise around you. you hear him turn it off, followed shortly by a “fuck” which comes from inside. “everything good in there?” you call out to him. “not particularly. the cut appears to be worse than i thought...” 
before you can catch up to your thoughts, you say, “need some help?” immediately regretting it, you shake your head at yourself. surprisingly, you hear him reply with a quiet “yes... please” you hesitate before slowly stepping inside, knowing that it's too late to back out.
‘well fuck me...’
regulus is leaning up against a sink in nothing but a towel, water still dripping from his body. you have to try your hardest not to let your eyes wander or stray from his face or you’ll lose any of the self control that you have. you take a look at his arm and cringe slightly at the injury. 
“where's the first aid?” he points towards the wall where a box is mounted. you go and grab a few things in order to fix him up before instructing him to sit down on a bench. “it's a pretty nasty cut... doesn't look deep enough to need stitches thankfully. try not to move ok?” he nods slowly, eyes roaming your face which appears to be a mixture of concentration and concern. 
you gently hold his arm still and dab a cotton ball on it to disinfect it. he's clenching his jaw, trying to not show how painful the sting is. you rub a small amount of cream on it and apply a plaster. “there you go... be careful with it though. you don't wanna get it infected that's for sure.” you get up and pack the items away. 
when you turn to him again, he's standing up, already looking at you. this time you can't help but admire him. the way his hair looks even more attractive when wet and messy. his jawline which looks sharp enough to cut yourself on, water from his hair running down his face, along the sharp structure. the little droplets then roll down his pale body, drawing your eyes lower and lower towards his- 
you quickly look away, hoping he didn't notice that. “i'll go wait outside again until you're done.” you awkwardly say. “yea... i'll be done soon.” you hear him reply as you're closing the door behind you. 
you take a deep breath to calm yourself down. 
‘he's sirius' brother... get a hold of yourself’ 
the door opens a couple minutes later and regulus steps out, fully clothed thankfully. you smile briefly at him. “ready to leave now?” he nods at you and returns the smile. “yeah, let's go.” the two of you walk towards the gate where you see a carriage waiting. 
you stand there slightly confused. regulus sees this and chuckles lightly .“it's for us. perks of having the last name black.” he winks when he says the last part, walking closer and opening the door for you while holding out his hand. “m'lady” he says when you place your hand in his, climbing into the carriage. he then walks around and climbs in the other side to sit across from you. 
you start moving along the tracks, heading towards hogsmeade. “how long have you known my brother?” regulus breaks the silence. “ever since i got sorted into gryffindor. why?” you question. “the two of you seem rather close... jus' curious is all.” you slowly nod, not fully understanding why he asked. 
“y'know... there's a few rumors floatin' around saying that you and him are together... are you?” he says after a few minutes of silence. 
his question earlier made more sense now and you slightly scoffed at his most recent one. “if i had a galleon for everytime someone asked me that...” you murmur. “is that a no...?” you roll your eyes, “yes” his brows furrow. “yes to it being a no or yes you are with him?” “yes, it's a no” you say slightly agitated. “sorry” he quietly apologises. you sigh, “no need to apologise... jus' annoyin' how so many people think we're more than mates” 
he thinks it’s best to drop the subject. he’s internally relieved that you turned down the rumors, hoping that what you said is true. 
regulus has seen you around hogwarts before. in the corridors, during dinner and breakfast, even on the field playing quidditch. as far as he was aware, you were one of the best beaters he's ever seen. he wasn't playing the match where you went down, but watching from the stands. he couldn't understand the rage he felt when he saw what his housemate did. 
he's admired you from afar - in a non creepy way - for quite some time now. he never thought you were the y/n potter which his brother went on about. if he had known it was you, he would’ve spoken to you sooner. 
the two of you start to make small talk to pass time. conversations about school, friends, your houses and such. he had you hooked. he loosened up after a couple minutes of talking, cracking jokes here and there, pulling laughter from you which he quietly admired and found adorable. all in all, you both thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. 
the carriage stops too soon and regulus gets out to open your door before you can. always the gentleman. 
“what are we here for exactly?” you ask. he glances around and spots his target. “tomes and scrolls. i finished all the books my mother gave me and was hopin' to get some more.” he gently tugs your arm, signaling you to follow him in. 
half an hour later you're walking out the shop with a load of books which regulus has purchased for himself (thank god for magic or you'd have no idea how to transport all of them) and 2 for you which he saw you admiring, he wouldn't let you leave the shop until you let him buy them for you. 
“it's fine, honestly. i can come back another time with my own money” you insisted. “no, they might be gone by then. i'm gettin' them for you and that's final.” he took the books down from the shelf and put them with his own to pay for later. “you’re impossible. anyone ever told you that?” he smiles warmly at you, “yes. yes people have.” you shake your head at his answer and follow him to the front of the shop to pay for all the books. 
“fancy gettin' a butterbeer at the three broomsticks?” regulus asks as you two walk through hogsmeade. “regulus... you can’t jus’ pay for everythin’.” you slightly whine, the both of you knowing damn well that he intends to pay for you. all he does is smile at your complaint. “i'm taking that as a yes y'know.” he hooks his arm with yours and sets off towards the three broomsticks with you in tow. 
---------- x ----------
you're seated at a table across from each other, butterbeers in hand, enjoying the conversation which seems to flow easily with no hassle. 
you take a sip, looking up once you're done and regulus can't help but laugh at the sight before him. you completely oblivious to the foam which is on your upper lip and nose, looking at him with confusion as he lets out the most adorable laugh you've ever heard.
‘merlin he’s cute...’  
“what?” you question. he wipes a tear from his face and shakes his head “nothin', you've jus’ got a little...” he trails off, gesturing to your face where the foam is located. you wipe it with the back of your hand and see the remains on your hand and sleeve. 
you scowl once he lets out yet another burst of laughter at your reaction, you grab a bit of the foam that's in your mug on your finger and smear it on his nose in retaliation, chuckling at his shocked expression. “now we're even.” you smile at him innocently.
“you're a sneaky little bastard y'know that?” you place your hand over your heart at his words and whisper a heartfelt “thank you” which causes you both to crack up again, gaining confused and concerned glances from the people around you.
he wipes the top of his nose clean of the sweet substance with his finger and pops it in his mouth, humming as it dissolves on his tongue. this sight would’ve been bearable if he didn’t maintain eye contact the entire time. you swallow hard and look away, breaking the spell he seemed to have you under. 
‘that little shit knows what he’s doin’ doesn't he’
you decide you need fresh air and say, “should we get goin’? figure a walk would be nice right about now.” he nods and you could’ve sworn that you saw a small smirk on his face, as if he knew the effect his little stunt had on you. 
“what if i want to stay inside?” he counters. you raise your brow at him, “then i’d tell you to suck it up and get your arse off the seat ‘cause at the end of the day, i’m older and s’possed to be babysittin' you. let's go.” you say while standing. his face contorts into one of shock (and something you’re almost positive is lust) at the ‘i'm older’ card you just played, along with the demeaning tone you used towards him. 
he sighs knowing that he has little to no say in the matter. “yes ma’am.” the way he says it while looking up at you is too much and you quickly jerk your head towards the door, impatient to get outside. both him and you shortly exit the three broomsticks and you can finally clear your head. 
“where are we walkin’ to?” he asks. you shrug lightly, “no idea... jus’ around” you vaguely say. he nods and the two of you set off, wandering aimlessly while chatting.
that's how the rest of the day went, the two of you walking through hogsmeade, joking and talking, getting to know eachother better. 
“oh crap... it's gettin' late.” you say as you look at your watch. regulus leans closer to see for himself. “what a pity... the day went by too quickly if you ask me.” he sighs. “we could always continue this tomorrow and call it a ‘two-day-get-away’.” you joke around. he appears to be deep in thought for a few moments before he says, “when did sirius say he's gettin' back from whatever it is he found so important?” you shrug, “he said he wasn't too sure... said it could take either the whole day or the whole weekend... why?” his eyes light up ever so slightly, an idea forming in his mind. 
“i have a suggestion...” he looks into your eyes, his burning with an emotion you can't seem to place. “what is it?” you wearily ask. you expected him to ask you to come back tomorrow or another day but he doesn't say anything of the sort. his words surprise you to the core, igniting a whole bunch of emotions within you. all of them as equally dangerous as the last. 
“care to get a room with me for the night?” 
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