#I just sat talking to for a bit and looking thru his art and complimenting
Went to a con today it was soooooooo cool so much fun holy shit. Big reminder how much I love you cons I love you cosplayers I love you furries I love you vendors I love you artists of all kind who put all their heart into what they make I love you vendors I got to talk to in depth and who were so nice and thoughtful to interact with
This was such a good day
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hu4ngs · 5 years
Ten as a boyfriend pls! Thank you!!
ohhhh boi
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omg this baby
first of all congrats, you’ve got yourself a MAN
so let’s go from a to z
you met him when you attended your friend’s (let’s say guanheng) sports match
you weren’t all close to guanheng, so you have no idea who’s in his friend’s circle
and you were very much surprised that he asked you - of all people - to go to his match
so as a token of gratitude, you attended
you sat on the bleachers
you sat next to ten ;)
your first thought when you saw him was that you think he looks so much alike guanheng
when ten caught you staring, him being a lil shit, he just HAD to call you out, playfully, of course
“take a picture, it lasts longer”
you’re confused and taken aback
“i’m sorry, what?”
he laughed at you, before shaking his head
“i was kidding!” he told you
and then you laughed, but you were still very confused
ten, on the other hand, just brushed it off
although he’s a little embarrassed that his joke didn’t come through
there was an awkward silence between you two now
“so who are you here for?” he asked
“my friend, guanheng. he said this is his first time being a regular, so he wants every one he knows to -”
“to go see his match?” he finished your sentence for you
you’re really confused with this man
you nodded nevertheless, “how’d you know?” 
surprise surprise
guanheng and him are friends!
so you two exchanged instagrams cuz why not
he’s hot, you’re hot, i don’t see a problem here
and then it just continued on since then
you’d reply to his story
he’d reply to your story
it continued on like that for about two months
and then ten finally tells you that he’d like to have your number
you’re more than happy to give them to you
then you two started playing imessage games together
ten: damn you really suck at cup pong, y/n
you: literally leave me alone
ten: saving your number as ‘loser’ now
this goes on for a few more months i tell you
because ten is a prideful person
he’s not just gonna give in and admit to himself (or to anyone, for that matter) that he has fallen in love
plus, if you’re gonna get TEN to have a crush on you, you’re gonna have to wait longer than 3 months, this man isn’t here for puppy love, he’s here for LOVE love
after months, and you two are noticeably comfortable with each other now, you started opening up a little
every now and then you’d talk about your day to him
and ten appreciates that
he feels needed
he feels wanted
and he loves feeling that way
he loves feeling important to someone
even if he doesn’t open up as much as you do, you didn’t mind
you figured when he wants to open up, he will
and he noticed this about you, and totally loved this about you
plus to you, it’s not a big matter anywas
oh, you’re so oblivious with your feelings for him that was increasingly growing that’s why you’re so tolerable for him
one fine day
more like night
you were texting him
and ten asked you out
das right
just you two, out on a date
he was so straightforward about it??? big dick energy right there
n e ways
you’re like holy shit holy fuck oh my god wow
of course you said yes
only an absolute fool wouldn’t say yes to ten
so the next day yall meet up
he looks stunning
you look stunning
oh god i love a power couple
ten’s a little shy than he was the last time you saw him
and when he’s shy, he giggles and smiles a lot its adorable i tell you i’m so in love with you, ten
he took you out to see a movie
and there wasn’t any bomb movie at that time so yall settled with a horror movie
but its shitty though
but it’s okay bc it’s the memories that matters xoxo
ten purposely picked the couple seat btw
he’s a sly fox
like i said it was a crappy horror movie so you weren’t really scared
but ten was surprisingly kept on his toes during some parts
considering all the times ten had teased you thru text
you decided to jumpscare him
you whispered-yelled a ‘boo!’ to him during the suspense part
and he actually S C R E A M
mans screamed LMAO
the few people who came to watch the movie gave you two quick glances
“i’m gonna beat your ass, y/n!” he told you
but you were too busy laughing to react to him
after the movie ended
ten was still a lil mad that you embarrassed him like that
so you decided to take him to an arcade 
ten quickly got over it and was excited to beat you in games like he usually does
“try beating me in real basketball the same way you did in the imessage version, loser!” ten told you
and obviously he won
virtual basketball and actual basketball are two different things
and you sucked at sports, even if its just an arcade game
i hope you know what basketball game im talking about omfg
and then you decided to play that shooting game where you have to kill zombies
it was nerve-wrecking 
you two were literally SO loud with letting out frustrations about how the zombies should just ‘leave you alone’ and how they should ‘go fuck themselves’
but yall actually won the game!!
you losers actually WON!!
you were so happy because you’re so used to losing in games
that you just,,, pulled ten into a hug
as you excitedly laugh, happily telling him that you’ve won because of how good your teamwork was
your ear was pressed exactly to where his heart was
and you’re surprised that his heart was beating so fast and so loudly
maybe it’s just the adrenaline from playing the game
so you brushed it off
then you went out to eat together
and when yall were eating
you talked to each other a bit more
talking about random things and facts about yourselves
you know,,, small talk and shit
ten, at this point, had already acknowledged that he has feelings for you
but after knowing how much you’re well educated about things he’s interested in, he falls harder for you
as you were busy talking
he couldn’t help but hold one of your hand that was on the table
you quickly became quiet as you stared down at his hand
“hey, y/n?”
you nodded as a response, wondering what the hell is he up to now
“do you think i’m a dumbass?”
you laughed at that question, not thinking much of it
you are, in fact, more intrigued with him holding your hand like that
“sure, sometimes you are”
he chuckled at your answer
and then he made eye contact with you
“well am i a dumbass if i told you that i like you? and that i wanna date you?”
you almost choked on your food
“wait! wait, wait. do you mean that?”
“of course”
you didn’t think twice
you’ve never been so sure about an answer your WHOLE life until now
“then yes, you are a dumbass! but, i like dumbasses. especially cute ones like you”
oh boy ten loves his baby confident like that btw ^
and voila! ever since then you two became a couple
NOW i was so into writing this
let’s get to the point
him as your boyfriend?
nothing changed much
except now he takes you out in so much dates
he loves you so much, and he’s constantly reminding you
he’s not one to admit his love as often as it seemed, so he’d show it through his act of kindness
he knows how much you appreciate the little things
so, he’d shower you with little things
he’d tell you to be safe when you’re on your way to somewhere
facetimes/calls you whenever you tell him a good news, just to congratulate you and say ‘i love you and i’m proud of you, baby!’
he has a lot of petnames for you
baby, angel, babe, honey, darling, fatass, loser, the list goes on
he comes over so often you have a hard time trying to sneak him out whenever your family member comes back from work/school
he’d tease you a lot for being scared to introduce him to your parents though
but he doesn’t mind, when you’re ready, you’re ready
he doesn’t really hug a lot
he kisses you a lot though
he lovesssss giving you a peck on your lips
when you two meet up? kiss
when you’re going back home? kiss
when you made a funny joke? kiss
when he finds you adorable? kiss
oh my god your first kiss with him was totally accidental
ten was showing you his new art and you complimented him
it boosted his self confidence
and then he was jokingly saying “your boyfriend is such a genius artist, don’t you think?”
he was walking towards you at the same time
then he accidentally tripped whilst he was rambling on about how amazing he is
but it’s okay he landed straight into your arms so you managed to catch him before he falls and breaks his nose
BUT his lips landed a centimetre away from your lips
when he pulled back he was like O__O
“did i kiss you?”
“aw, that sucks”
you were kinda blushing now
he saw you like this, and took this opportunity
he quickly wrapped his arm around your waist, and leaned in to kiss you
it wasn’t THAT passionate
but it was sweet
he was smiling in the kiss when you kissed back
when he pulled away, your noses were still touching
and he took the time to admire your beautiful face
“i love you, babe”
he compliments you a lot too
he’s constantly reminding you that you’re beautiful
sometimes he invites you when he’s going out with guanheng/taeyong/johnny because he wants everyone he cares about to meet you
he talks about you a lot to his family, too
saying how lovely you are, and how smart you are
and that his family would absolutely adore you when you meet them
god he praises you so much he literally boosts your confidence
oh ALSO!!!
he’d go to every event you joined
you’re doing a performance at your school/college? he’s there to support you
your school’s doing an open carnival and you’re the host for the event? he’ll be there
you’re at a math championship? he’s sitting amongst the crowd praying you’d do your best
you’re volunteering? you’re going together because no way in hell is he gonna let you do all these hard work without his help
you appreciate this so much, it means a lot to you
during your anniversaries/birthday, he’d surprised you a lot
he’d buy you the gift that you didn’t remember telling him that you wanted it
along with 10 other gifts that he bought you 
he’ll take you to that fancy restaurant you’ve been eyeing a lot whenever you two go out
he’ll also remind you how much he loves you because you just mean so much to him
whenever you two argue
he’s usually a dick ngl
he’s got a sassy mouth
it’s not his fault if he roasts you
you two argue quite often too
some more serious than the other
ten builds a big wall around his heart because he’s just a guarded person in general
it takes a long time for him to open up and trust someone
but once he does, he trusts said people very dearly
even so, whenever you argue, it’d take a while for him to cheer up
it takes an even longer time if he was in the wrong, because he’s quite an egotistical person
but once he cools down completely
he’ll go see you
and he’ll cuddle with you for as long as he can
caressing your hair
whispering sweet nothings into your ear
he does feel guilty of course, but its kinda difficult for him to apologise, so he does these act of kindness instead as an apology
he doesn’t mean anything that he said when he argued with you though
he was simply just trying to win the argument
he’s so glad that you’re able to tolerate with him
because not a lot of people can
he appreciates you a lot for that
he makes it clear that he’d do anything for you because you’re simply worth the effort
in conclusion
ten would be an amazing boyfriend for you
he loves you dearly
he will be the best boyfriend ever
his hugs will linger with you for days
his kisses gets sweeter each time he kiss you
although he can be an ass sometimes
it can’t be helped, that’s part of ten’s nature
he’s a lil mischievous, so you need to tolerate with that, the same way he’ll have (and will) tolerate with your bad sides too
please don’t ever let him go
ten as your boyfriend will make you forget about you exes, he’s just THAT amazing
i said it countless times but im gonna say it again
he loves you so much, so so so so so much, you’re his own personal angel to him
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teannamon · 5 years
The Black Cat and the Princess (ML Fic) 3
[ Family Switch AU ]  Marinette’s the only child of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and Adrien is the adopted child of Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng, two of the best bakers in Paris. What happens when their paths meet?
↫ Chapter 2
Chapter 3 : Marinette gets picked on. Alya finally talks to her fashion icon. New friendships. New relationships.
“It’s fine Chloe, it can’t be helped since the rain was so hard yesterday” Marinette assured her friend thru the phone.
“Of course it's not my fault, its this stupid rain and its stupid sickness. Just make sure to have fun without me” the blonde on the other side said between sniffs. "Jean! Is my sushi here yet?"
The car came to a stop as soon as the call ended. Nathalie got out first, handed her her bag as soon as she's out, and reminded her to call her whereabouts for lunch. Especially now that Chloe is not around.
Marinette nodded and left for her classes. She felt vulnerable without someone talking her ear off (i.e. Chloe), despite it just being her 2nd day of Lyceé so its supposed to be normal to feel this way.
What's not normal though are the hushed whispers and not so subtle remarks about her.
"Hey Marinette!" a familiar voice called out behind her. She turned around to see Adrien, the baker boy.
"Hi Adrien" she greeted with a warm smile. The events from yesterday were quickly replaced with good memories between them.
He walked towards her and handed her something. She looked down to see the umbrella she gave him yesterday. Chuckling, she pushed it back to him.
"It's ok, I'm giving it to you. It's just an umbrella"
He stammered for a bit, "B-but it's not just an umbrella. It has your signature on it, its probably expensive to have it customized like that"
Alya was the first to notice when she came over for the details after her club activities. Her signature was subtle but still noticeable when the light hits it at an angle.
At first, the brunette wanted to keep it but Adrien insisted he return it. They opted for a secret photoshoot with the umbrella to share to her blog instead.
"Its no biggie," she waved a hand dismissively "besides, now you can think of me whenever it rains"
Adrien didn't know how to respond to that so he muttered a "Yeah"
When Marinette realized how it sounded she blurted out, "W-what I mean is you'll remember the umbrella when it rains, because the umbrella, me. It belongs to me-I mean its now yours but you get the point"
There was a pause. Then both teens laughed, "Ok, I'll keep it. Thanks, Marinette" he placed the umbrella back to his bag.
"You're welcome. Feel free to call me Mari if you want, I feel like Marinette is a mouthful"
"I'll keep that in mind, but I prefer Marinette. I think it's cute" he gave her a small smile and she felt her cheeks heat up at the compliment.
They arrived at the same room for their Physics class, "Guess you're stuck with me as a classmate again huh, Ms. Fashion Designer" he teased.
"Oh hush, you make it sound like a bad thing"
Adrien sat on the first table in front and looked at her expectantly, she pondered for a bit looking at the back seat then back at the blonde before she sat down on the middle seat next to him.
Just mere seconds later, Alya showed up and gasped. She didn't waste any time sitting on the vacant seat next to Marinette and fished out her phone for an interview.
"So Marinette Agreste, young and cute fashion designer, what's your favorite collection so far? Who are your inspirations besides your father? Can we get a teaser for your next one?"
"Alya!" Adrien scolded her but Marinette looked his way and assured him it's fine.
"Well, the Ladybug collection is definitely my favorite since it's the first one I did without my father's supervision and its one I can say that's 100% me. Audrey Bourgeois. And I don't plan on making a new one this time around because I want to focus on school first" she answered with as much enthusiasm as the brunette.
Alya was about to say something when a voice from behind interrupted her, "Pfft what a load of bull. All your designs are obviously ripped off"
A long-haired brunette with a smug look looked at both females smugly. It even seems like she said it out loud on purpose judging how some students tried to listen in to the conversation.
"Adrien," she turned to look at said blonde "please tell me you don't believe this wannabe fashion disaster?"
Adrien grumbled but stayed quiet. Alya on the other hand stood up, slamming her hands on the table. "Now, you listen here Lila. You can't accuse someone without proof, otherwise you're just lying for attention"
"Am I though? Look at this costume concept art posted 4 years ago" she showed her phone and some students gathered to see, she swiped left "and look at this cardigan from her most recent collection"
Alya and the crowd that formed around them collectively gasped and looked at Marinette. She was surprisingly calm about the situation and took a deep breath, "If you checked my site I stated that the artist is the inspiration for this piece and that I did ask her for her permission which she gladly accepted"
The doubtful murmurs shifted to approving glances and a cough made everyone go back to their seats. Marinette smirked at the girl called Lila, and the latter glared at her as Alya looked more amazed at the designer than ever.
Class ended earlier than expected since it was their first meeting for this class. Adrien and Alya left for their Foreign Languages elective so Marinette stayed behind for a while. She was waiting for Lila to leave first but it looks like she's doing the same thing because the only people left in the room are both of them.
Seeing that none of them are planning to leave, Marinette sighed and prepared to take her leave when Lila stood up to face her.
Marinette was the first to speak, "Ok first of all, I don't take kindly to liars especially those who manipulate people. Secondly, I barely even know you so why are you doing this?"
Lila took a step closer, faces now mere inches apart. "And you listen here bitch, I don't care how famous you are or how many people 'admire' you so much, but stay away from Adrien and I'll stay out of your hair. You don't want to see your reputation go down the drain now do you?"
The young designer scoffed as she walked past the glaring brunette, "I can befriend whoever I like, and whatever lies you conjure up won't be convincing enough to fool everyone when fake information is easy to clear up"
"We'll see about that" she snickered as Marinette walked out the door.
Next Chapter: The weekend is here and Marinette has been invited to a gathering.
↬ Chapter 4
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teannamon · 5 years
Purple Butterfly (ML Fic) 3
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(Cover art done by P00pyPetals)
↫ Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 : A Beginning is Always Trivial, Right?
“Did you see that too Plagg?” Adrien asked the kwami flying out of his pocket as he started driving.
“See what? You mean the blonde stalker who followed Marinette to see if she’s really having lunch with Luka and not ignoring said stalker?” he remarked with a smirk, aiming the statement at his chosen.
Adrien grumbled, not because of Plagg’s teasing but because it was true. Instead of heading straight to the lunch interview, he spotted Marinette and decided to follow her to her “lunch date with Luka”. She didn’t say it was a date, but he assumed it might as well be.
He acted as if he was just passing by the corner when Luka noticed him and nudged Marinette beside him, most likely letting her know that he was there for some reason. She smiled and waved at him, and that’s when he headed back to his car in the parking lot.
“They were sitting so close to each other their faces are practically touching. I mean it’s possible they’re just talking about something serious but the way he looks at her, and laughs with her, talks with her so easily!” he practically yelled, venting at the kwami enjoying his cheese in peace. He remembered how Marinette would have trouble talking to him back then and it took her a year to make her talk comfortably around him (based on the few interactions they had after starting Lycée), he didn’t mind it but thinking about it now he envied Luka.
The car came to a stop as he arrived to the restaurant he was scheduled to have the lunch interview. “Tomorrow,” he muttered and Plagg stopped eating to look at him “I’ll make Marinette see a different side of me”
                                              Adrien arrived to school earlier than usual. He wanted to see Marinette to make sure his lunch ‘date’ offer still stands. He cancelled a charity event for this and he had it all planned out.
“Excuse me, Mr. Model, but do you happen to spare a few minutes to talk to your bro?” a voice came from behind.
“Nino!” Adrien turned around and hi-fived his best friend, “What’s up dude? Sorry I couldn’t hang out as much with y-”
“Hey you don’t need to apologize everytime we see each other in person, talking online still counts as hanging out in today’s modern world” he playfully punched his shoulder, earning a chuckle from the blonde.
“Besides,” Nino continued “I heard from Alya that you’re starting to fancy a certain cute fashion designer”
Adrien felt his heart beat faster and his cheeks heat up.
“Oh, would that cute fashion designer happen to be me?” Marinette teased and Nino looked surprised to see her behind him. She laughed to see him so jumpy.
‘God, she’s so beautiful when she laughs’ Adrien thought as he looked at her.
“’Sup Mari,” Nino greeted, then moved closer to whisper “Alya told me about the date for today and I wanted to make sure it’s true”
She scoffed then whispered back, “It’s probably not a date, maybe he’s gonna ask me a favor. You don’t know”
This time it was Nino who laughed and patted Marinette on the shoulder, “Yeah keep telling yourself that. Well, see you around guys I have to meet someone before class”
“See ya” Marinette waved as their friend walked towards the library. She turned around to face Adrien, “So where should we meet for lunch?”
Hearing her ask about it made Adrien relieved and it gave him an idea. He was supposed to tell her but a better plan popped into his head.
“It’s a surprise, I’ll see you later after your class” he winked and walked past. Leaving a very confused and flustered Marinette by the school gate.
“Please read the required readings by Thursday for our activity” their professor said as he left the room. Students began scrambling out of the room as quickly as they can, obviously ready to leave. Marinette still had her handouts and tablet out so she stayed a bit to fix her things.
“Marinette? She’s over there”
“Ok, thank you”
“Wait is that Adrien Agreste, the model?”
“Omg you’re so lucky!”
“Is that his girlfriend?”
Adrien strolled in the classroom towards Marinette, fixated on her things. She dropped a page of her handout and it landed right on Adrien’s feet, to which he picked up and handed it to her.
“A-adrien? What are you doing here?” she looked up and grabbed the page from him.
“I’m here to pick you up for our lunch of course” he said with a grin like it was the most obvious thing ever.
“Thanks, but you really didn’t have to” Marinette said sheepishly while looking to her side, avoiding his gaze as she stood up.
“No, but I want to” with that he grabbed Marinette’s bag from her chair quickly before she did and he slung it over his shoulder. She gasped and tried to protest but decided to let it be. Its not everyday your crush suddenly asks you out for lunch, fetches you after class, and carries your bag, right?
They made small talk as they walked to the parking lot. They talked about trivial things like their weird professors, how some of their old classmates are doing, and general ‘how’s it going’ stuff.
Adrien opened the door to the front seat and placed her bag there, then gestured for her to get in before getting into the driver’s seat himself.
“So now will you tell me where we’re going?” she asked as he started the car. He looked at her briefly, “If I told you now it wouldn’t be surprise now would it? Besides, this will be a one-of-a-kind lunch date than yesterday”
“Yesterday?” she raised a brow.
‘Shitshitshitshit, I shouldn’t have said that’ he scolded himself and he can hear Plagg snickering from his pocket.
Meanwhile, Marinette is thinking back to what he meant by ‘yesterday’ when she heard Tikki chuckle from her bag something about Luka, then it clicked. ‘Oh he meant the lunch with Luka. It wasn’t a date though, they were sitting pretty close yesterday while eating but that was because they were discussing costume details and-wait how did he know?”
With that thought she snapped her head to face Adrien, who’s trying his hardest to appear casual about his own statement but internally kicking himself in the face for letting that slip out. He must’ve read her mind because he followed it up with, “I mean I was passing by the café as a shortcut and I saw you guys”
She pursed her lips but smiled right after, “Oh well, that makes sense. It wasn’t a date though, we were just discussing some band related stuff”
“I see, that’s nice.” He responded as the car came to a stop. Marinette looked out the window to see that they’re in front of the Agreste Mansion. It’s been a long time since she’s been here so she was easily overwhelmed. ‘Did he forget something at home?’
“Shall we go?”
                                              Adrien lead a confused Marinette around the back of his house. She never would have dreamed of having a private lunch with Adrien Agreste at his house. She’s still wondering why is he showing sudden interests now so suddenly, but she’ll figure that out later.
Right now, she would let loose and enjoy herself like her kwami always told her to do. In between saving Paris, schoolwork, and having commissions at the side she doesn’t have as much time to let loose and she decides that now is the time.
“I hope you don’t mind sitting on the ground” Adrien told her. She smiled and nodded, so he grabbed her hand gently and lead her to a beautiful backyard garden. There’s a picnic blanket placed by the shade and Adrien pulled her to sit down on the blanket.
“Can you wait here? I’ll get our food from inside, I cooked it this morning” he said as he let go of her hand.
“I didn’t know you can cook, Adrien”
He winked, “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me yet, mil-I mean, Marinette”
Second time he almost slipped but thankfully Marinette hadn’t caught wind of his antics yet. She just chuckled and said “I suppose not”
Jogging inside thru the kitchen backdoor he reached for the thermal bag he set aside on the corner. Plagg got out of his jacket and flew to his camembert stash in one of the cupboards and floated next to his chosen as he double checked the contents of the bag.
“So when will you tell her? Or are you going to keep this charade up?”
“Shut up, Plagg. I will tell her when she decides to tell Chat Noir, and this is not a charade. I’m just taking advantage of this moment to establish a closer relationship with the girl behind the mask I have loved for so long” he replied.
“I may not be a fortune teller kid, but I can tell this is going to do worse than good. Trust me, Tikki thinks that you both are mature enough to know each other’s identities but the delay is all on Marinette now”
Adrien closed the bag and slung the strap over his shoulder, “Exactly Plagg, it means that there’s something holding her back and I will make her trust me. Both as Chat Noir and Adrien”
Plagg grumbled while he went back to his pocket, “If things go wrong don’t say I didn’t tell you so”
Tikki peeked out of Marinette’s bag as soon as Adrien left to take a breather and talk. “Hey Marinette”
Marinette turned her back to the door just in case Adrien comes out unexpectedly. “Hi Tikki, are you hungry?”
The kwami shook her head no, “I just want to let you know that I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself on this date”
She blushed at the statement, “I-its not a date” she hesitated “I think”
“Well whatever it is, I feel something good is going to happen from this so make the most of it” Tikki chirped happily.
“Thanks, Tikki” she heard the door clicked and the red kwami ducked back into her bag. She turned around to see Adrien with a thermal bag walking towards her. He sat down next to her and opened the bag. The distinct smell of Bacon and Cheese hit their noses.
“Its Bacon Cheese Fusilli,” he said as he opened the small tupperware and handed it to Marinette “I made it this morning but its still pretty warm”.
“It looks so good, smells good too.” She complimented, “Thank you by the way, this was a nice change of pace from both our busy schedules and considering we didn’t hang out as much back then too”
‘Probably cause I have a hopeless crush on you that made me stutter whenever I see you’ she said to herself. By now though, she has matured past the sighing fangirl crush she has on Adrien and toned down to admiration for his kind demeanor.
He took out the forks and handed one to Marinette as he said, “Well it was nothing, Marinette. I would definitely go out of my way to impress the woman I love and if it means taking extra time out of my busy schedule it would be worth it”
‘Wait what?!’ Marinette nearly choked on her food.
Not realizing what he just said he still continued while opening up his container, “And of course, even though I already know you from the surface level I’d always wanted an opportunity to know you better as the brave, kind, and sweet Marinette Dupain-Cheng ever since I saw you”
He looked at her with a smile and it was only then he saw how flustered she looked. She wanted to say something but her brain can’t comprehend properly what Adrien just said to her, about her.
‘He likes me?! All this time?! This doesn’t make sense, where is Alya when I need her!’
And for the third time today, Adrien realized what he (unconsciously) said and tried to salvage the situation. He set down his food and sighed while scratching the back of his neck “W-well I guess the cat’s out of the bag. I was supposed to tell you after our lunch date but I guess I got carried away” he chuckled nervously.
She’s still in shocked silence.
“Marinette? Are you ok?” he cupped one hand on her cheek. Warm and soft, he mentally noted.
She finally finds the words she wanted to say, “Uhm yeah… but why now?”
His mind went back to his accidental discovery and his weird cryptic dreams, but he figured he couldn’t say those to her. Well, not yet at least.
“Let’s just say,” he rubbed circles in her cheek while moving closer to her “I’ve waited for a long time for the perfect moment and something made me realize it was now”
She parted her lips to say something when Adrien talked again, this time with a request that sounds all too familiar but she just can’t quite remember.
“May I?” he asked as his thumb ghosted over lips. He couldn’t help himself anymore, his lady is right there in front of him just like how she was in his dreams. All what’s missing is him to close the distance between their faces.
And something else, that he just remembered as they both heard a crash from the distance.
A purple butterfly.
An akuma.
↬ Chapter 4 (tba)
↬ AO3
❤ I finally have cover art for this fic *happiness noise* It’s my favorite scene from the vocaloid song that’s inspired by this fic :3
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