#I just love Thomas barrow
kingly-genderfluid · 2 years
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snowfallnight · 4 months
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acewithobsessions · 2 months
Normal people: *actually listening to the characters on screen talk*
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sidneycarter · 5 months
love the idea that post The Situation thomas is just increasingly obtuse when it comes to jimmy's feelings.
so when one day mrs hughes mentions in passing at how much easier it is to handle james now he's settled down, thomas is incredibly confused. and a little bit heartbroken too of course.
it gets even stranger when on valentine's day alfred sulkily asks jimmy how many cards he's sent that year and jimmy merely shrugs and smirks. mrs patmore chastises them for gossiping and announces that surely, jimmy's only got one to be sending.
then one night, most of the staff are enjoying a rare night off in the pub. as usual, a host of pretty girls surround jimmy, and one particularly brave one asks jimmy if he's got any plans on one of his half days. jimmy throws her a cheeky wink and says "sorry, darling, but i'm spoken for."
thomas starts feeling really rather hurt. he's known all along that this would happen eventually - that jimmy would eventually move on and find a nice village lass, but it still stings to hear it. somehow, it hurts even more knowing that clearly jimmy has fallen for someone but he hasn't even told thomas.
thomas puts on a brave face and elbows daisy in the side. "d'ya hear that? jimmy's kept that quiet 'asn't he?"
daisy looks at him with a frown and cocks her head to the side. "well, not really--" but before she can say anything else she's swept up into the rowdy conversation of the table.
a few weeks later, thomas and jimmy are alone in the servants hall, with thomas reading the paper in his rocking chair and jimmy tapping out melodies on the piano. the tune he's playing is sweet and gentle, and thomas finds himself swaying his head along. as the song draws to a close, a gentle round of applause sounds from the doorway.
baxter stands smiling. "let me call you sweetheart is one of my favourites. it was beautiful, jimmy."
jimmy blushes prettily and stands, closing the piano lid. "thank you, mrs baxter. good night."
after he's gone from the room, baxter enters to fill herself a glass of water. she smiles fondly at thomas. "he's so smitten you know. head over heels." she rolls her eyes affectionately.
it takes months until thomas finally figures out the truth of what's going on. well, to say he figures it out is somewhat generous.
he's in the servants hall again, this time feeling a little despondent with a cup of tea. jimmy had gone to the pictures with alfred of all people, their friendship seemingly improved since jimmy's given up on chasing ivy's skirt. thomas is resolutely not waiting up to make sure jimmy gets home safe. anna is the only other person still up, and she sits opposite thomas stitching one of lady mary's hemlines in companionable silence.
thomas dwells on his own thoughts for a while, until anna rests her sewing on the table and fixes him with a worried look. "are you quite alright, mr barrow?"
"hm? oh, yes anna, i'm very well thank you." he takes a sip of his tea to hide his moue.
anna looks unconvinced. "thomas," she says seriously, "is it-- have you and jimmy had a falling out?"
that genuinely surprises thomas. for all his worry and sadness over jimmy's as yet unknown love interest, they'd never fallen out. "no, no, of course not. he's just busy, that's all, which is to be expected now he's, you know," thomas waves his cup vaguely in the air, "courting the mystery lady."
anna chokes on a laugh. "the mystery lady?"
"yes. he's-- he's courting someone, isn't he? everyone keeps saying that he's... or suggesting that he's taken with someone." Thomas adds somewhat bitterly, "seems quite serious if you ask me. not that he's told me anything about it of course."
anna stops giggling and looks at him oddly. "thomas you-- you can't mean--"
"-- do you know who she is, anna?" thomas interrupts a little desperately. he's becoming tired of it all and he just wants to know-- how bad it is, for how long he's going to have to tend to his broken heart.
"thomas. thomas, jimmy's sweetheart is-- well, it's you."
"me?" thomas has a brief, sickening memory of his feelings before, and how miss o'brien toyed with them so badly. but he knows in his gut, that anna would never, and could never do that. he knows she's being honest, as confusing and terrifying as the statement may be.
"yes." anna smiles. "he's like a little puppy when he's with you. surely you've noticed? he gazes at you with stars in his eyes. he wants to do everything you do, and it seems like every other conversation is all about what you've been telling him this week. he only ever plays love songs on the piano when you're in the room. he laughs at all your jokes and he's not even glanced in the direction of a girl since last year." anna shakes her head. "i thought you knew and were just letting him get used to it."
"no i didn't -- i didn't know, i thought," thomas can feel himself blushing, "i don't know what i thought."
anna stands with a stifled yawn. "you make each other very happy. if you really didn't know, i think you ought to talk to him. good night, mr barrow."
"good night anna. and thank you."
thomas is left in the still and quiet of the room, watching the steam spiral up from his cup. a private and hopeful smile spreads across his face. yes, he thinks, nodding his head, perhaps we should talk.
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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kaaaaamii · 4 months
i love thomas. this man is my life.
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excuse me, i couldn't help but overhear because i was eavesdropping
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madebyteenagefury · 10 months
ask anyone who knows me and knows the downton abbey lore (so like, my parents) and they'll tell you i am an absolute thomas barrow apologist, it has been something we've disagreed over plenty of times, idk i just love him. he is one conniving son of a bitch but hes still more than that, he got his mf redemption arc and he deserved it. i usually only rewatch the films, and the last few seasons of the show, due to this however, i often forget just how bitchy he was, like how steve harrington is a fan favorite but because of that i forget the extent of his dick behavior in s1 (also i just never watch that season)
the thing i used to hate most that thomas (and tbf obrien) did was continuously try to sack bates, succeeding at one point, and just overall being a complete ass towards him but i completely didnt remember how he led daisy on just to kick william in the gut FUCK him for that. one of my fav moments is actually when he dances with daisy while william plays piano, because despite how different they all are and the negative feelings between him, obrien and literally everyone else they all laugh and have a good time for a moment and its sweet, but mf knows daisy has this little crush on him and leads her on despite the fact that he just doesnt even like her normally, hes literally gay. disregarding the probability that she will be hurt (i mean not that he cared at the time) just to fuck with william and for what??
one of the reasons i dont completely hate obrien and thomas in the earlier seasons is because i feel like that most of their actions have an explanation besides "just because". mostly they arent being complete jerks just to Be Jerks (not that it makes their actions and behavior any more acceptable, and ofc they say rude things a lot just because but here im talking about their scheming and various ploys) but this, i literally dont see any more reason besides fuck with william and its not just william who faces consequences because of it and when bates shoved him up against the wall to give him a mind to shut the fuck up i was like "yesss tell that bastard"
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queenmelancholy · 4 months
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What if…?
If Jimmy played the piano, Thomas would play the cello.
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
elara watching maven fall in love with two red people he could never have knowing she should stop him but won’t because it’s his canon event
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thepictureofsdr · 2 years
thomas being passed over for carson in the first downton movie was so deserved after he committed the evil crime of [looks down at notes] … not making extra work for the servants… and not solidifying plans that would probably be forcibly changed anyway…
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barris-ftw · 9 months
Little recommendation/spoiler-feee discussion of a fic I had marked for later for months, finally read it - it’s great.
(I had nothing to do with writing it, just wanted to share it)
Summary - Family has never mattered much to Thomas. Even so, when his estranged sister dies in childbirth and a helpful neighbor brings the baby to Downton, he resolves to look after her until she can be placed in a more suitable home - which is all anyone can ask of him, isn't it?
Word count is 36k
No romantic ship - while I enjoy the blessed break from romance fics now and then, I’ve got to say this premise lends itself pretty well to Branrow tbh (There’s a couple scenes which might show you why)
Mostly I love the mixture of viewpoints and how they’ve involved lots of characters, I think. I liked how you could sus out what Thomas is thinking from the conversations/thoughts in points of view other than just his own.
Also Anna’s just great in this, love her. I don’t see mant fics which focus a little more on a budding friendship between Anna and Thomas, and this fic does that perfectly.
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 2 years
Thomas literally bullied most of the other servants for 5 seasons straight and then ppl on here will have the audacity to call Carson a bully for being harsh to him……
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acewithobsessions · 8 months
Ughhhh how is it I write the darkest stories but get triggered by a kids movie
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stephanleyhes · 2 years
I wanna know how thomas ended up telling Richard about the plan! And how did Richard react when he found out about Thomas not being the butler for time being?
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey S06EP04
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