#I just like the visual joke of ‘hit him with the chair!!!’ and the chair in question is fucking *huge*
theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
Currently thinking about Spidey volunteering at Xavier’s school and his spar with Wolverine turning into a wrestling match (except the fighting isn’t staged) and then at some point the students are like “hit him with the chair!!!”
And Xavier comes in to see Spidey holding up one of his spare wheelchairs, about to slam it down on Wolverine, until he notices Xavier and slowly puts it back on the ground, apologizing to him
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,200 (Sorry, not sorry) Summary: The reader gets ghost sickness. Trigger Warnings: mentions of anxiety, death, typical supernatural violence and suspense. Requested: No, just an idea I had. A/N: Requests are open! I recently watched the episode where Dean has Ghost Sickness and it made me crack up. Please let me know what you think about this one!
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The hunt was going well, as well as it could. We had just arrived in Minnesota, a small Northern town. It had caught Sam’s attention, because of the amount of people that had been dropping dead from a mysterious illness, that presented as a heart attack. They weren’t sure what it was, but we came to check it out anyways. Sam had gone to the library, Dean had hit up a local diner to ask questions and I made my way to the hospital. Upon arriving, I flashed my FBI badge and was allowed back into the small morgue. The body didn’t appear out of the normal realm of possibility for a dead body. Slightly defeated, I left.
I pulled out my phone and sent Sam and Dean a quick text, letting them know I was heading back to the motel. Dean offered to come pick me up, but I declined. It was a five minute walk on the quiet small town streets, the fresh air would do me good. I took a deep breath, surveying the scene around me. A few other people walked the street, but it was mostly empty. The sun setting on the horizon a reminder of the time of day, most people already home and inside for the night. A feeling of unease crept up my spine, the hair on the back of my neck standing at attention. I glanced around, checking my immediate surroundings for any sign of danger, but nothing. Yet, even with this visual reassurance, the feeling didn’t subside. I tried to shake it off, picking up the pace slightly, intent on getting back to the motel room.
I make it back within a couple of minutes, kicking off my high-heeled boots and shrugging my suit jacket, the FBI get up my least favorite. I hear Dean chuckle from the small table in the corner of the room, his eyes trained on my every movement. “Have something to say, Winchester?” I quip, I set the jacket down on the back of the chair across from Dean, “Nope, it’s just always amusing to watch you kick off those heels you hate so much.” He says, a smile plastered across his face, his hands full between a beer and the sandwich that he is in the middle of consuming. I roll my eyes at him and rest my foot on the seat of the chair, hiking up my pant leg so I can access the gun that I had holstered there. I remove the holster from my ankle and walk over to set it on the nightstand next to my bed. Dean and I had shared this room and Sam had one, right across the hallway from us. Although, during the day we all hung out in here when we weren’t out investigating.
“I’d like to see you spend ten minutes in heels, Dean, let alone a full day.” I huff at him, stealing one of his chips that had fallen out of the bag that he had set down haphazardly on the table. He raised his hands in surrender, offering me another chip to make up for his joke about the high heels. “Did you find anything out at the diner?” I ask him as I unbutton the white shirt that I had on underneath the jacket, revealing the white tank top that I had on as a base layer. The bashfulness of changing in front of either of the Winchesters, long gone. Traveling with them for years tends to have that effect, Dean has seen me naked on multiple occasions. They have both stitched me up after bad hunts, but Dean was the only one to help me shower and change. Dean mumbles something, his mouth half full, a sentence that I simply cannot understand because of the amount of food he was chewing. I shoot him a look, he holds up one finger and finishes chewing before he speaks again.
“Nope, nothing. All everyone could say was that they were surprised to hear of the deaths of those three people. All of them were healthy, definitely not people that were likely to have a heart attack.” I hum in response, lost in thought as I rack my brain for any semblance of a similar case. I walk to my duffle bag and search for the pair of leggings that I always keep in there, only to not find them. Cursing, I realize I had left them hung over the chair in my bedroom back at the bunker. “Dean, can I borrow a pair of your sweats? I forgot my comfy pants.” I ask him, glancing over at him. He nods, gesturing for me to help myself. I unbutton my black dress pants and kick them to the side. I walk over to Deans bed, a mess of sheets and blankets, his clothes strewn across the bed as well. I grab the pair of sweats that I am looking for and pull them on. I snag one of his sweatshirts as well, embracing the comfort as it envelops me. The scent of whiskey, leather and gun cleaner overwhelms my nostrils, Dean. “Sam should be here any minute, he just texted me.” Dean calls out, as I walk into the bathroom, I thank him for letting me know and jump through the shower quickly.
After my shower, I make my way back out to the main room and sit down across from Dean at the table that he is still occupying. The feeling of unease, still unwavering. No matter how hard I try to push it down. “What about you, did you find anything at the morgue?” He asks, pushing a takeout container across the table towards me, one that I didn’t realize he had gotten for me. I give him a smile and open the container revealing my favorite comfort food. His small gesture of kindness, enough to almost make me cry. I don’t but the thought was there.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, no sulfur or strange markings on the body. It all seemed normal.” I shrug, taking a bite of the food he had brought for me. I allow my mind to wander, going back over all of the things that we had discussed, the lore I had read and the things that I had seen today. The unease within me turning to pure anxiety. So much so, that when the door to the motel opens abruptly, I jump to my feet and reach for the gun that had been holstered at my ankle earlier in the day. Only that I had already taken it off and put it by my bed. My eyes land on Sam and I relax, sheepishly offering a small apology to both of the Winchesters who were looking at me questioningly. “I told you he was coming, Y/N. You okay?” Dean asks, his eyes narrowed and carefully studying my face. The jumpiness they had just witnessed very uncharacteristic for me. I was normally incredibly level headed, fear something that I had harnessed into a strength instead of a weakness.
I take a deep breathe, bringing my heart rate back down to the rate it normally was. “Yeah, all good. Sorry again, must just be jumpy today.” I say, sitting back down and returning to the food in front of me. Hunger, was no longer a pressing need. My stomach was churning, anxiety bubbling and that damn feeling of unease creeping back in louder than ever.
Sam didn’t hang out long, exhaustion a mutual feeling between all of us. I had moved to my bed, giving Sam my seat at the table with Dean. A wave of sleep was cresting over me at this very moment, threatening to crash down at any moment. I said goodnight to Sam as he turned to leave, giving him a sleepy wave as I burrowed further under my blankets. Dean closed the door behind his brother, locking it and tucking a chair under the handle for an added measure of protection. Something that I appreciated about him, it wasn’t a precaution he would take unless I was there in the room with him. “G’night Dean, Sweet dreams.” I whisper, rolling to my side and letting the wave of sleep finally crash over all of me, enveloping me in the darkness.
I am startled awake, a gasp leaving my throat as I sit straight up in bed. The dark room around me looming, shapes drifting that were most likely my eyes playing tricks on me. A small Yelp leaves my lips as the light in the room clicks on, revealing all of the shapes that had been worrying me, to be standard furniture. I look to my left and see Dean, his hand still resting on the lamp that he had turned on. His eyes focused on me, concern etched through his sleep dampened features. “You okay?” He asks, a yawn forcing its way past his lips. I rest my hand on my chest, my heart thumping against my ribs. I look over at him, my eyes wide with panic and my heart in my throat. “I-I don’t know.” I stutter, glancing around the room once again, nothing appearing to be out of place. Yet, whatever had awoken me was enough to cause me to startle nearly out of my skin. I swing my legs over the side of the motel bed, padding quietly into the small bathroom. I grip the edge of the sink with both hands, leaning over it and staring at my reflection in the mirror.
The bags under my eyes are growing darker by the minute, pure exhaustion settled firmly across my body. It is only then that I notice the spider crawling across the counter headed straight towards my hand, before I can even blink a splitting scream leaves my throat. I jump away from the sink, pressing my back to the bathroom wall and covering my face, The fear that had travelled through my body in the split second, enough to bring tears to my eyes. I hear a clatter from the room, Dean not wasting anytime to shoulder open the bathroom door. His gun drawn, eyes wide searching the room for any threat. When he can’t identify one, he lowers his gun. His attention fully focused on me and the way I was cowering against the wall. He raises an eyebrow at me, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. “What is wrong, Y/N?” He asks, and I raise one hand, shakily pointing towards the counter.
“S-spider, De, right there.” His eyes follow my finger and land where I was pointing, his gaze growing even more concerned as his focus lands on the spider, no larger than the eraser on a pencil. He silently scoops it into a paper cup, walking it over to the window in the bathroom and allowing it to scurry outside. There is a knock at the door to the motel room, which again draws a startled yelp from me. “It’s Sam, I heard a scream. What’s going on?” Sam’s muffled voice calls from the other side of the door, Dean hurriedly crosses the distance from the bathroom to the door and lets Sam into the cramped room. “She saw a spider.” Dean says, his tone hushed, concern obvious from the way he formed his words. I walk out of the bathroom, both of their eyes locked on my every move. “Since when are you afraid of spiders?” Sam asks, curiosity laced in his tone.
“Spiders are terrifying Sam! What are you talking about?” Taking offense at his tone, the demeaning way that he questioned why I would react like that to the arachnid. Dean lets out a low, ‘uh-huh’ and gives Sam another look. “Y/N, how do you feel about snakes?” Dean asks, crossing his arms and glancing towards me thoughtfully. “Terrifying.” I whisper, a shudder making its way through my body. “Motorcycles?” Sam asks, naming off things that I used to enjoy doing or being around. “Death traps on wheels!” They spend the next ten minutes questioning me on things like this, until I snap. “What’s the point of all of this? It’s just making me scared!” I whine, crossing my arms across my chest and resisting the urge to cover my ears in the most childlike manner. Sam and Dean exchange glances once again. “Y/N, did you happen to touch the body when you were in the morgue? Or get any bodily fluids on you?” Dean asks, his eyebrows pulled together in the middle of his forehead, concern still evident. “Uh,” I hesitate thinking back over todays events, trying to recall just what had happened at the morgue.”Yeah, I touched his face to get a closer look at something, why?”
“Dammit,” Dean mutters, panic now growing ever more present on his features. He pulls out the EMF reader from his bag, turning it on and watching it go crazy the closer to me he placed it. “Ghost sickness.” Sam chimes in, the expression on his face mirroring the one on Deans. I look frantically between the two of them, waiting for them to explain what they mean. “What the hell is ghost sickness?” I ask, my own fear level rising quickly within me. Dean explains the whole thing for me, in detail. Recounting the time that he had ghost sickness in the past, the grip that fear had on him entirely. The steps they had to take to get rid of the spirit and the timeline on the whole thing. Sam had already sequestered my laptop, his fingers flying over the keys before pausing as his eyes scanned the webpage for any piece of information that could help. I did my best to remain calm, but failed miserably. My heart pounding, eyes watering and body shaking.
Petrified of the thought of death that is fast approaching. Dean can see this, its obvious as I have no sense about me to try and appear okay. “Hey,” He whispers, tucking a finger under my chin and raising my head so he can look into my eyes. “Its going to be okay, we’ve got you, I promise.” I bite my lip, my chin quivering as a tear begins to fall from my eyes. Dean notices immediately, his thumb wiping away every tear as it fell. He pulls me to my feet, embracing me in a tight hug. It doesn’t make the fear go away, but it does ease the anxiety the slightest bit.
The next several hours are a blur, a constant search for who the spirit was, where their body might be and how we can get rid of all remnants before my clock runs out. There is a constant stream of occurrences that Sam and Dean take turns handling, little things that normally wouldn’t have been a big deal, but in this moment are absolutely terrifying to me. A moth, the sound of a door slamming. When I looked out the window and saw a thunderstorm approaching, I was convinced that I was going to be struck by lightening from inside the motel. All of which the boys handled with grace. Except for the moth, Dean tried his hardest but couldn’t help his small laugh that escaped when he saw me cowering in the corner terrified that the moth was going to hurt me.
He apologized, when he saw the absolute hurt and betrayal sweep across my face, pulling me in for another hug. Sam is mostly quiet, his eyes glued to the screen on the laptop, I can tell by his concentration that he is slowly growing closer to a possible answer. “Ive got it!” Sam exclaims, causing me to nearly fall out of the nest that I had constructed of blankets and pillows on Deans motel bed. I steady myself and look at him, waiting for his explanation as to what he had found. “Curtis Marshall, he was murdered back in 1973, found shot to death in his kitchen. There was never much of an investigation and it was swept under the rug and labeled a suicide. But from what I can see, everything was definitely pointing towards a homicide.” He says, his face growing lighter as he reads, relief flooding over him. A solution, to a heavy question. “It says here, that he was buried in a cemetery in town. So, simple salt and burn and we should be good to go.” Sam stands, shutting his laptop and grabbing his jacket that he had slung across the back of the chair he had been occupying. “Ill stay here with Y/N, if you want to take care of the salt and burn.” Dean offers, Sam looks at him and they appear to have a silent conversation that ends in agreement.
“I don’t need babysitting, we can all go.” I mutter, a bit of spite coming out in my words. “So you can get scared by a bee and find a way to accidentally get yourself killed?” Dean asks, raising an eyebrow at me skeptically. “I don’t think so.” I resign myself to contempt and slouch back in Deans bed. I watch silently as Sam grabs a few things that he will need, catching the keys to the impala when Dean tosses them to him. He bids us a quick farewell and heads out into the early morning darkness, the sun just starting to approach the horizon. Once the door shuts behind him, Dean focuses his attention on me. I stare back at him, unsure what to talk about or what to do while we wait. My main focus on remaining calm, the thought of dying from a heart attack a thought that drives me to the edge of pure panic and terror.
My chest growing tighter the longer that I focused on it, I couldn’t hear anything around me. The only sound flowing through my ears was the sound of my own blood whooshing, my heart beating roughly against my ribs, bile rising in my throat as I continue to fall deeper into the images being created by my mind. “Y/N?” Dean asks, the look on his face telling me that he had asked me a question and I hadn’t responded to it as it had fallen on deaf ears. “Huh? Sorry I am distracted.” I apologize, focusing in on him as he crosses the room to get closer to me. He sits down on the side of the bed, his hand coming to rest on my knee. “In all our years of friendship, did you ever think that this would be the way you died? Ghost sickness?” His words shock me to my core, completely unexpected coming from the man I thought cared about me deeply. I shrink away from him, pulling myself as far to the other side of the bed as I can without falling to the floor.
“What do you mean, Dean? Sam is on his way to salt and burn the body now, I’m not going to d-“My breath catches in my throat as I focus on his eyes. It wasn’t Dean looking back at me, It was a Demon. I watch in fear as they flash from his usual green to black, a nasty grin spreading across his face. I hurriedly throw the covers off of my lap, struggling to untangle my legs from the lengths of fabric. Just as my feet touch the grungy carpeted motel floor, he lunges for me, managing to lock his hand around my ankle. He yanks me hard, causing me to stumble and fall flat onto the hard floor. All the air is knocked out of my lungs, but I still struggle. Doing my best to crawl away from him, even though his grasp on my body is tight. I let out a scream, his body now shrouding my own as he straddles me. His hands finding their way to my wrists as he pins my legs to the floor with his hips. My heart is pounding so hard, it feels like it is going to burst.
The oxygen necessary to survive coming as gasps, unable to subside the burn within my lungs as I struggle for breath. He lets out a laugh, cold and bitter, enough to chill me to my core. It was Dean’s laugh, but twisted in ways that I never wanted to hear again in my life. “Look at you, so pitiful. So fearful. It’s a glorious sight, I can’t wait to watch you die.” He croons, his face coming down to hover close to my own. I spit at him, bringing my knee up to hit him straight in the groin, giving me the slightest chance to slip away from him. I take it and throw his weight off of me, just enough to scramble to the door of the motel. It’s locked, the chair wedged under the handle and in my panic I can’t get the chair loose. This momentary lapse in ability, gives him just enough time to close the distance between us again.
His body slamming my own into the length of the door, a desperate scream leaves my lips as I struggle to get him off of me. His hands move towards my face, I expect them to close around my throat and I lash out. My eyes are scrunched closed as I scratch, hit and use every muscle in my body to fight back. Instead of wrapping around my throat, his hands come to rest on my shoulders and they shake me, desperately. “Y/N!” He yells, his voice different, desperate but not evil. I hesitantly open my eyes and Dean’s green eyes are searching my face, desperate and horrified. “It’s me, it’s Dean, you’re okay.” I throw his hands off of me, scrambling to get as far away from him as possible. He holds his hands up in mock surrender, allowing me the space that I was crying out for.
“Don’t touch me!” I yell, hugging my arms to my chest, surrounding myself in the smallest amount of comfort I can find. “You’re not Dean, y-youre a demon!” I cry out, searching the room desperately for the demon killing knife that I know Dean keeps close by at all times. Dean takes a cautious step towards me, his hands still up in an attempt to calm me. I keep him at a distance and cross the room in a way that makes it look like we are walking in a big circle. He reaches for a small bottle that he keeps on his nightstand at all times, he holds it up so I can recognize it for what it is, holy water. He unscrews the lid and takes a sip of it, the relaxed expression communicating what he was trying to tell me. Not a demon. Just Dean. I relax slightly, dropping my arms back to my side, relief flooding through me. “but, you were just trying to kill me!” I say, my voice shuddering and fear sweeping over me once again. “It was a hallucination, Y/N. We were sitting on my bed talking and then you were just off, running for the door. I pinned you so you couldn’t leave on your own and it took me awhile to get through to you.” I listen to his words, but they seem impossible. How could that have been a hallucination? I could feel him, smell him, hear the way he laughed at my impending doom, I could see the way his eyes changed from green to pitch black. It just didn’t seem possible. I’m going crazy. My body is a mass of nerves, my muscles shaky and aching for relief. I rest my back against the wall and slide down to the floor, my hands holding my head as my world caves in around me. I am going to die. This was it, hallucinations are the second to last progression of the ghost sickness. My heart is in my throat, regret flooding over me. “Dean, listen to me.” I say, raising my head to look at him. He had crossed the room to sit across from me, his legs crossed in front of him. He looks at me, his gaze holding my own as he gives me a small nod to let me know that he was listening. “I know I am about to die, this is how you told me it ends for people who get ghost sickness. The hallucinations-“ I shudder, my voice faltering for a moment. Dean goes to interrupt me but I stop him, “No, I need to say this. Please.” I plead, tears beginning to fall from my red rimmed eyes once again, my cheeks raw from how much I had been crying. He nods, allowing me to continue my thought. I bite my lip and lower my eyes to the floor, unable to say this directly to his face. “If this is my last day, I have to tell you. I love you. I have always loved you. Every day that you have been in my life on earth, and every day that you were in hell. I have loved you. I have longed for you and I can’t lose you again without telling you.” It’s at this moment, when the last word leaves my lips that a sense of relief floods over me. Fear lifting like darkness in the morning when the sun rises again. I inhale deeply, oxygen filling every space within my lungs for the first time in what feels like forever. I can’t explain it, the sudden lack of terror. But I am going to enjoy every second of it while it lasts.
What I don’t see, is the way that Deans face flashes several emotions in a matter of seconds. Fear, at the thought of my death. Shock, at the revelation of the feelings that I have had for him for so long. Relief, at the fact that he shares the same feelings. Last of all, adoration. Absolute awe, that I love him in the same way that he loves me. He closes the distance between us, sitting with his back to the same wall and wrapping an arm around my waist. 
“First off,” He whispers, his lips brushing against the side of my face, sending shivers down my spine. “You’re not going to die. I promise you that. Sam is going to burn the body before anything happens to you. Second, I would fight though any hell to get you back, I don’t care what I had to do.” He pauses again, his hand finding solace on my hip, his thumb rubbing circles into my skin that is peaking out over the top of his sweatpants that I had stolen to wear. “Third, I love you with all of my being, Y/N. You were the thought that got me through those years in hell, nothing else.” I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I had been holding, utter relief and bliss rushing over me. I sob, every fear and emotion coming out in a rush. He presses a kiss to my forehead, his breath tickling my skin as he encourages me to match his breathing. We are both startled by the loud ring coming from his phone. He is quick to pull it from his pocket, both of us glancing at Sam’s name displayed across the screen. He hurriedly accepts the call and puts it on speaker phone, allowing both of us to hear what he has to say. 
“Sam? Tell me you’ve burned the psycho ghost.” He says, his tone pleading and slightly desperate. “Yep, salted and burned about three minutes ago.” Sam responds and the sense of relief I had felt around that same time, makes complete sense. It wasn’t my confession, it was the relief of the spirit no longer plaguing me. Dean and I both sigh in relief, Dean thanks Sam and tells him to hurry back as he is ready to ditch this “hellish town, in the middle of nowhere.” As Dean ends the call, I let my head fall back onto his arm, staring up at the ceiling. “So,” He starts, breaking the silence that had fallen between us. “Still mean what you said?” He questions, his tone cautious and slightly anxiety ridden. “Yeah. I do. Do you?” I ask. He doesn’t answer, so I turn my head to look at him. He takes this as an opportunity to cup the side of my face and pull me towards him. I let out a sharp exhale through my nose, anticipation building within me. My eyes flutter shut as he closes the distance between us, his lips brushing ever so slightly against my own. He pulls back momentarily, whispering words that I had longed to hear for years. “I love you, all of you.” I close the distance between us once again and press my lips fully against his, desperate and searching. Conveying every fear, hope and want through our shared intimacy.
A short twenty minutes later a knock at the door separates us, Sam had arrived and was waiting outside the entrance to the motel room. The lock and chair keeping him out until Dean moved them out of the way. Sam is quick to enter the room, not noticing the flush to my cheeks and the shit eating grin plastered on Dean’s face. “Everything okay here?” Sam asks, relief washing over him when he sees the two of us in one peace. “Yeah, it got hairy for a moment, but after you burned the bones all was well.” I sigh, giving Sam a tight hug in thanks. A slightly awkward silence fills the room, Sam glancing between the two of us a question forming on his lips, but before he can ask it Dean breaks the silence with a clear of his throat and a question of his own.
“So, spiders Y/N?” He says, a laugh forming in his throat. I roll my eyes and chuck a pillow at him that he catches with ease. 
“Shut up, it’s not my fault that I was being haunted by a stupid spirit.” I mumble and I can feel the blush spreading quickly across my face. He smiles at me, his hand coming up to cup my cheek once again. An action that is very quickly noticed by Sam, his eyes moving back and forth between Dean and myself. “I knew it, you finally admitted that you had feelings for each other, took you long enough.” 
As embarrassing as it was to have our revelations displayed like that in front of Sam, he was right. Dean and I had been tiptoeing around each other for years. Both of us desiring more with the other, but neither of us taking that first step. That was until, I thought I was at deaths door. In that moment, that haunted moment, where I thought I was going to die and lose Dean forever, I took a chance and I will forever be thankful for that moment of bravery in the midst of fear. 
Taglist, message me or comment to be added: @jc-winchester @roseblue373
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heart4gyu · 7 months
just for show || ‪mc!heeseung x mc!reader
note: this is a little angsty ?? idk i’ve been thinking about this for a while and thought i’d just finally do something with it… lmk if i should continue this blah anyways ENJOY ^_^ (not proofread, maybe a little rushed)
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you were nervous, of course, when you were asked to host with heeseung as your partner. i mean, who wouldn’t be? but you also couldn’t reject the opportunity that you had been waiting for for so long.
when you first met him, you just tried your best to keep your distance and still be polite. after all, you didn’t want to upset his fans or even send the wrong message about yourself.
though, you were really good at being an mc, a natural talent if you say so yourself. the jokes always hit, the dialogue was smooth, and people said that both of your visuals just fit each other perfectly.
the more time passed with you two as partners, the more comfortable you became. you were a great duo from the start but the addition of soft smiles and eye contact really added to the effect. not to mention the media reaction was great, the fans loved seeing you together.
“their chemistry is unmatched”
“don’t they look like the perfect pair”
“i need to see them do a dance challenge”
“their vocals are meant to be together”
the compliments from fans went on and on. even managers and producers would point out how great the two of you worked together. you loved all the praise and you could tell heeseung did too.
it wasn’t until he started being extra kind towards you that you started to get all the more excited for filming. he would hold the door open for you, bring you your favorite drink to set, even holding his hand out for you while you came down the stairs.
he was a gentleman. he made your heart… skip a beat… except your heart was not supposed to skip a beat for your coworker. not in this industry. but you couldn’t help it. you couldn’t help but think that if he was doing all this then maybe he felt the same.
you couldn’t ask though. the thought alone was risky enough. you pondered on these thoughts for a while, and felt yourself grow more attached to him as the days went on.
the two of you began to talk more. during hair and makeup, when you were choosing matching stage outfits, even on break, the two of you sat and talked about anything. you didn’t mind getting closer to him even if he wasn’t feeling the same tightness in his chest for you.
then one day, you both sat in your makeup chairs scrolling on your phones. “look at this,” he said, leaning over to show you something on his phone.
the video was taken by a fan. it was heeseung helping you adjust your mic pack. you remembered that day. there was technical issues and everyone had to switch out their mics and since you had already gone back on stage you were trying to fix it yourself when he helped you.
you caught a glimpse of the caption before he was returning back to his chair. ‘always so caring when it comes to her’ or something along those lines. you didn’t know, you didn’t really care either because why was he showing you that random video?
“they really love those kinds of things,” he added before you even had time to ask.
“w-what do you mean?” you stuttered, your mind suddenly starting to piece everything together.
“i mean the fans, they love our interactions,” he said, as if what he was trying to say was obvious.
“so everything you do is only for the fans to see and for you to look good?” you said, rushed and just above a whisper.
“what? y/n i didn’t mean-,” heeseung started but you were already standing up. you excused yourself to your team and quickly found the closest restroom.
you didn’t want to believe it, couldn’t bear thinking about all the sweet things he did when you thought the cameras were off. you had no reason but your heart felt like it was broken.
heeseung searched for you but by the time you came back your team was rushing to finish getting you ready for stage. you went on like nothing was wrong, performed perfectly for everyone to see.
he was worried about you the whole time. he wanted to talk to you but the second the recording finished you rushed back to your wardrobe room to change. then you and your team were gone without letting him get in another word.
you had to get out of there, because of course he would try to talk his way out of this. and you might have just believed him… you weren’t sure how you’d face him again the next day but you knew that things between you and heeseung were no longer going to be the same.
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takeurexam · 3 months
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what are we? choi beomgyu x reader
(part two)
part 1 here
tw: fluff, highschool love, mutual pinning, ew people in love, ALOT of talking, part 2 is shorter
"Psst, pssst!" Who was that? Its so early....
"Pssssstttt..." Okay, now they're getting noisy.
You open your eyes which reveals a young man with brown hair and brown eyes with his sweet smile plastered on his face.
"Beomgyu?" You wipe your eyes in disbelief to see if you were still dreaming or not, which in fact, you were not.
"Morning, lazy." You raise a brow as he giggles and steps away from your face; you sit up on your bed and process everything. It was Saturday, June 1, currently seven o'clock in the morning.
His visuals were even better in the morning, what a sight to see Beomgyu with his eyes puffy in the morning. And this made you realize that he did indeed just wake up.
"Why are you here? Wait. How did you get in? My parents are still asleep! What the hell!" You scream but not loud enough for your parents to hear. (you cant risk beomgyu getting kicked out, you dont wsnt him to go away)
"Shhhh, quiet down." He walks closer to you and sits on your bed beside you. You raise a brow at him and he smirks, "I have my ways- OW!" You hit him on his back.
"Im joking, your mom is awake. I already told her yesterday that I would be comin over early. I almost got hold of your house keys.." He chuckles.
It was scary how your mom trusted him so much. She always mentions him whenever she sees another young boy that is also our neighbor. "Thats the son of Mrs. Ha? Eh... Beomgyu's more handsome." Or a "Look at our new neighbor, but dont get too close with him! Dont leave Beomgyu."
"Of course. My mom loves you too much." You sigh and stand up. "Now, why are you here?"
He dosent reply for a little while and just looks at you as he sits on your chair, then speaks up, "Im here because the two of us are going out."
"What? Is there a problem?" He smirks, "I can just leave.
"Wait, no! You can stay." You pull his wrist towards you, "I would love to! Super! Oh, I mean, I'm happy, but!-" He cuts you off by closing your mouth (gently) and snickers, "Okay, okay, I get you. Dont be nervous, its just me." He chuckles.
You were flustered as hell right now. The way he was so amused seeing you all shy made you flustered. "Why are you so flustered? Were just going out!" He laughs hard.
"Where do we go?" You ask, as you avoid his question which he raises a brow at before thinking, "I wanna take you to the park." He answers with a grin.
"What a friendly outing." You snicker.
"Hey! Dont run off without me!" You laugh as he shouts at you while you both run across the park. "Your mother will kill me!" He laughs while shouting.
You run away a little more before sitting down on the soft grass, which Beomgyu sees before he dives towards you and locks you in his grasp.
"Gotcha." He giggles as he locks you into a hug as you laugh hard until you cant breathe, "Beomgyu!" Both of you share a good laugh.
"Are you going to let go?" You look up at him as your head lays on his shoulder with his arms around you.
"What do you want me to do?" He asks.
"What you want to do." You shrug as you continue laying on his shoulder, which makes him smile. "I think we both know what we want." He chuckles.
Beomgyu looks at you for a moment- you were a sight for him. You laughing with your teeth showing and your eyes shutting because you laughed so hard made him realize how comfortable you were around him.
He isint a clingy person around his girl friends, but it looks like you were the only exception among all.
"Beomgyu." You look at him.
"Yeah?" He looks back at you, the both of you staring into each others face.
"What exactly are we?" You question.
"What do you want us to be?" Beomgyu brushes away your hair covering your face that was something only he would see- well, your close friends, but mostly him.
You look at him like you were observing something at an museum. You were trying to read his mind or whatever, yet also thinking about how you two look corny as hell in the public park.
"Hey, I like you." You smile, "Im sorry, im not good with confessions." He chuckles at your reaction.
"So you've been telling me all those love lessons with Soobin was useless in the end?" He laughs, "I feel the same way." He smiles widely at you which you replicate.
"Ew. Never ask Soobin for love advice, he cant pull." You say as you share a laugh with Beomgyu.
"Uh huh. Stop slandering your pres, be kinder." He ruffles your hair. "Dont snitch me out." You say to Beomgyu, "I'll choke you." He snickered at your remark.
You both looked stupid laying down in the grass, but neither of you cared. Enjoying moments together was one thing you liked with Beomgyu, because he was such a nice person to be around with.
And you hope your happiness lasts long.
a/n: sorry for taking too long to release this from my drafts teehe expect more to come! probably taehyuns gonna be next and gonna be historical (mr queen inspired bc i love mr queen)
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krysta-cross · 1 year
Bihan’s punishment 3
⚠️Warning: This is where the spice, filth and a bit of violence that might trigger some begins, anyone who ain’t comfy or minors please go whoosh ^^
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You thought of begging him to let it slide as you are just joking when you licked his lips but in the back of your mind you knew it’s a lame excuse and he wouldn’t even consider it, he might even laugh at it or take more offense so you just kept your mouth shut as you wait where he will be taking you. “A torture chamber? An electric chair? Burn me like a witch?” “Hit me with a whip?” “Gutting me like a fish?”your mind thought of what he will do to you which scared you more that you want to cry but to save a bit of your dignity and pride you tried your best not to shed a single tear to show him you’re not scared.
He brought you in a room, slightly illuminated by a candle on a wooden bedside table. He placed you down on the bed with blue sheets. While you were busy scanning the place, the fire from the candle which is the only source of light suddenly disappeared so your vision turned pitch black, heightening your already nervous senses.
Unlike you who is blind in the dark, Bihan can see and hear you clear as day using his glowing blue eyes like a hunter eyeing their prey. He blew a cold breath on your face and you let out a little gasp at the sudden change of temperature. You hear him chuckle as he enjoys tormenting you for reactions.
“Just kill me and get this over with you psycho!” you yelled out in the darkness, unsure where the man whom your words are directed to is because the room is so dark it’s already torturing you, making you feel more helpless without a clear visual.
You felt his hands pushed you to lie down, pinning your shoulders with his weight. You can’t see anything so you try your best to focus on your senses especially your sense of touch and hearing which are the most useful while in the dark.
Bihan planned this all along, bringing you into a dark room to make you rely on your senses is his goal. It’s a perfect set up to build the sexual tension between the two of you with him having the upper hand. He also annoys you and threatens you on purpose as he enjoys your various reactions to his taunts which he enjoys the most.
He knew that you are now very sensitive that you can’t see anything and he is willing to exploit that to his advantage to get back on you for bruising his ego in front of others.
Bihan pushed you down and used his weight to make sure you can’t slip away like what you always attempts to every chance you gets.
“You even called me a psycho, Y/N? Your sins against me are piling up every minute and that won’t be good for you…” he whispered on your ear as he bit your earlobe lightly. He heard your gasp and he spared no time to kiss your jaw down to your collar bone. You used your arms to try and push him off but his bear like weight over you rendered your struggles nothing.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you asked but got no verbal response. You felt his hands sliding inside your already lose robe, for a cryomancer, his hands are so warm as it glides around your skin, sending your senses off the grid as his hands reached to tease your most sensitive parts.
“Y/N, I will now deal your punishment.” he told her and you felt him lick your lips the same way you did to him, “He is getting his payback..” you thought and even before you can react you felt his warm tongue making it way inside your mouth, swirling around like it’s looking for something until it touched your tongue and invited it to play with his. For some reasons you found yourself playing the tongue wrestling game and the air around you felt scarce as he conquered your mouth with his on a deep kiss, sharing the warmth through your mouths and this sent a spark of electricity that ran through your body.
Your mind and body are now in a spat. Your mind tells you to stop but your body doesn’t want to as it responds back to his romance. It craved his touches, the kisses he plants around you, his moans which are so clear in your hearing that even of you can’t see him, you can visualize what he looks as he explored your vulnerability.
Still trying to adjust to the darkness, you grabbed hold onto his hard shoulders as he kiss you from your neck down to your perked up nipples, you moaned as he lightly tugged it with his lips to tease you more and as much as you hate to admit, its working as your body responds quickly with every movement.
He ran his fingers on your hair and ran his hand from your sides down until it reached your entrance. You felt your wetness seeping through your thin underwear as he ran his naughty finger above it up and down, he knows how to get a rise off a woman for sure by the way he strokes you down there.
“Uhnnn…” you moaned openly as he played with your clit. The ticklish feeling ruling over you now that you feel that you are nearing your limit and so is he, his heavy breaths and skin that is close to the feeling of a burning fever gave him away.
You knew that this will be unstoppable so you pulled his face close to yours and whispered “I want you inside me, now.” and torridly kissed him.
Bihan pushed the thin fabric covering you on the side and pushed his hard dick inside you, you felt the slight pain as he paved his way inside your warmth, being in the dark added the intensity of the moment for you as you are now fully relying on your sense of touch and hearing more.
You can feel him going in and out of you, gaining phase fast and steady. Every thrust felt like he is shaping you up down there to embrace his manhood. You’re so lost on the overwhelming feeling he sends you that you can only react by moaning and screamed as you both reached the highlight of this moment, you felt his hug tightened as he peaked inside you, the warm liquid he poured covered your walls like a hot lava during a volcano eruption, it made your legs that are wrapped around him tremble they felt like jelly. Bihan kissed your forehead and laid down above you, not yet pulling out and you felt him still throbbing down there. His weight above you is heavy as he catches his breath but you loved his body warmth so you wrapped your arms around him.
As you enjoy the moment, you can feel him move away from you and lit the candle, your eyes who got used to the dark moments ago felt blinded by the sudden lighting so you squinted a bit.
After your eyes adjusted to the light, you stared at Bihan, whose hair is now a mess and drops of sweat trailing down his naked body. He is so majestic to look at that you can’t even believe you have done it with this man. Instinctively, he noticed you staring at him so he flashed a smile at you and touched your face but you were surprised that it’s so cold like an ice block was suddenly sticked into your cheek.
You let out a surprised and annoyed little scream and he laughed loudly after seeing my reaction. He is teasing me again.
“I hate you!” you exclaimed and hit his bare chest with your hands, the cryomancer didn’t even endure the hits and pulls you in for a hug.
“You’re so cute when you’re mad I can’t help but tease you more.” he said as he comfort you in his arms.
This gesture is enough for you to melt, forgetting why you are annoyed at him and wanting to just savor the moment he is holding you in his arms.
“Did you like your punishment, kitten?” he asked with a smirk plastered on his face.
“If you’re going to punish me like this, I will commit more sins against you then…” you responded, smiling.
“Well, just know that I won’t be tired on dealing your punishment every time, you naughty little kitten.” Bihan said and went in for a kiss which you happily welcomed and responded to. The night is still young and it’s gonna be long for both of you.
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Way Down
Geoff's cover of Way Down was released on the 4th of June, 2022, and it is one of my 3 favourite videos (no particular ranking/order) on his channel so far! I might hit image limit for this one, I'm not sure, but I'm not gonna try and be conservative with my screenshot taking, because this video is too much fun! So let's go!
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This was filmed at Pattycake Productions Studios, and I wanna know who was in charge of/helped with set design for this one. Was it Geoff? Was he the one that made the mess? 😝😂
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(And yes, that genuinely is the track image/graphic for the track on Spotify and other music streaming platforms!)
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*looks left, nobody there*
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*looks right, nobody there*
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"Alright down I go!" 😂
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Thumbnail moment! (Also he kinda looks a bit different with his hair like that doesn't he?)
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Geoff says in the description of this: "I had a LOT of fun making this one, and I hope ya'll enjoyed it too, despite the um...terrible dancing." It certainly does look like he had a ton of fun with this one, but I beg to differ on the "terrible dancing" bit! He enjoyed himself, he looked amazing, and I love every second of this video! Terrible my foot!
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He just looks so happy in this video!!!
Honestly I kinda sorta wanna learn this choreography (or at least parts of it) myself, but I don't exactly have enough empty space in my house to be spinning around a broom like he does at one point here 😅
(And of course I have to give a shoutout to Eli "lighting whiz" Jacobson for the lighting design!)
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Speaking of Eli, that's a hella strong eyebrow raise! Eli got competition! 😝
(Also kinda jealous because my eyebrows absolutely refuse to work independently of each other like that, rip)
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Right, so the first glove comes on at about 1:24...
(Also lighting change on the curtains in the background!)
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Hey there, Jeff! Nothing to see here! 😁
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Hi, Jeoph! 😋
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I'm not posting a screenshot of it, but if you've seen the video (of course you have, that's why you're here reading this), you know FULL WELL what Jeoph and Jeff are reacting to here 🤣
Geoff really did that, he really put it in the video and everything! (We have to stan, obviously)
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Geoff did the chair-walk(?) dance move thing! Not easy to do, especially with chairs like that on a smooth, glossy/shiny floor, and it looks like he only just landed that based on the way it cuts away, but still, I'm impressed!
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Jeoph and Jeff are impressed/surprised, too! 😄
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And the whole janitor outfit/uniform gets removed at about 1:58, meaning those gloves were worn for just a little over 30 seconds 🤣
(Also nice shirt 👀)
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Rip Jeff
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Jeoph: Waayyyyy dooowwwnn
Jeff: "wait since when could you sing like that? And when were you going to tell me?" 😂
(Joke stolen from a Youtube comment, just too good)
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No amount of screencaps could do it justice but goddamn Geoff's hips do not lie in this video! He got moves! (Sure, he has people to help him with choreography (shoutout to Chris Dupre for this one!), but knowing a choreography routine is one thing; being able to do it and do it well is another)
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"Oh uh, hey there boss! What a surprise to see you here! Nothing much happening right now, totally!"
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Someone in some Youtube comment, on a reaction video I think, referred to Geoff "flirting with the camera" in this video, and I was like "hey yeah, he's totally flirting with the camera here!" (do it more)
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Man, if I had a nickel for every time there was a brown-haired dude living in Florida who was good at singing and sometimes did songs with "clones" of himself, who had different names/nicknames and interacted with each other, well, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice!
(Even weirder is that the other guy used to be one of my previous hyperfixations, and when I eventually got around to watching this video last year, I kind of got a feeling of "oh no it's happening again!" 😂😅)
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Yes I love him, what about it?
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So apparently the names/nicknames for these three came from the various incorrect ways that Geoff has seen his name spelled. And it's like... okay, "Jeff", yes, I've seen that on a couple or so Voiceplay videos (his name is literally in the description! And there are always comments that talk about him! (but it is still the somewhat more common spelling of the name I guess)), "Goff" is likely just a missed-letter typo, but "Jeoph"? Jeoph??? Who the heck came up with that misspelling? 🤣
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"Way onnnnn d o o o w w w n n n n" (subharmonic C1!!!!)
And yes, I've officially hit picture limit, so no screencaps of the mini bonus scene at the end - you'll just have to go (re)watch that part yourself! 😁
Can you believe that Geoff does not only the singing and performing on screen, but also the arranging, producing, and editing for his covers too? And he directs or co-directs them!
This video is 3 minutes of complete and utter serotonin and I love it. I really hope we get to see more of Geoff dancing in 2024, whether on his channel or with Voiceplay. And honestly with the super-wide variety of music content across the two channels, it's entirely possible!
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babygirlrex0504 · 2 years
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Mando and you have been working together for quite some time. However, when another bounty hunter interferes with one of your guys job, there comes a surprise that both of you don’t know how to handle it.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, blood, PTSD, Surviors Guilt, Childhood Trauma, and angst
A/N: You are a jedi, how ever our silver knight don’t know. This is also before Grogu has became a bounty/son.
Next Chapter
You and Mando were sent by the Creed to go to the planet Coruscant. At first you tried to convince Mando to go to the one that was on Jakuu, of course of many disagreements he won. Both of you left Nevarro quickly after getting the bounty. Which was normal occurrence with the both of you.
Mando let you walk up the ramp of Razor Crest first. He started that just a couple of weeks ago. When you both first met couple years ago he was standoffish, cold, and never truly talked. Now he makes simple conversations, not as standoffish, and more curious. You would want to say he was becoming little softer but it wasn’t even that.
Mando sat in the pilot chair as you sat in the chair next to him. Once slip space hit your visuals, yoh sat back. Coruscant. You could remember the last time you were on that nightmare of a planet, 12 was how old you were but it felt like just yesterday. Carrying force sensitive kids, running, dodging, hearing the screams, or seeing the dead bodies. Of children, masters, even the librarian. The clones you once called friends shot and burned your only known family you had.
You were on the run since and never been on the planet since. It made you nervous, throwing up everywhere nervous. Fuck Mando why didn’t he noticed the way you disagreed constantly to just move on. Stubborn Mandolorians. They are all the damn same. You worked with one before with your master back in the Clone Wars but you didn’t remember them being this stubborn.
“You’re quiet.” His modified voice rang through your ears bringing you back into reality.
At first you wanted to stay quiet and just keep staring at the blurry blue in front of you. “Just preparing is all.” You said noticing a h/c strand of hair falling in front you.
Memories. That’s all you can think of. Preparing to see the same streets different people. You pushed it back up into your bun, you needed to redo it. “Your preparing isn’t a quiet one.” He mumbled still looking forward. His tease. His poke.
You smirked and rolled your eyes. That is another thing you noticed, he was more joking towards you. It’s dry naturally but it’s still a joke. Or tease. “I am going to fix my hair before we land on the god awful city planet.”
“Why do you hate it?” Mando turned his chair right when I reached the door frame.
I froze, thinking of ways to divert it. “Where you from?”
He never told you where he came from, where he truly was from. He eventually slipped that he was a foundling but never told you about his actual home. It was the question you both asked each other but never budge. Noted, you don’t know where you were actually from but you considered Coruscant your home. “Fine.” He said turning back to the slip space movements.
You went down to the bathroom closing the door behind you with a hiss following behind it. You looked in the small mirror, your hair was a mess, baggy eyes, a busted lip finally healing. The last bounty put up a fight, how much you wanted to throw him with the force against a wall. First Mando would have seen and second you have noticed how much aggression was coming through. You have used the force around Mando without him noticing, like he can’t reach something when climbing to give him a boost. He calls you rabbit since you naturally can jump further and higher. So you have tried not to do that anymore.
You sighed and turned the sink on splashing your face. Washing the memory of your what you considered your sister fall over dead after a blaster blot went through her. Or when the child you held was breathing heavily for air. Or tripping over some higher classes padawans. Or hearing the screams and yells from both jedi and clone. Or actually killing a clone, the one you enjoyed having around when he came around.
Tap tap tap
You jumped naturally throwing you hand on your blaster. You had your sabers, they were hidden in your own compartment in the Crest. After rubbing you taught yourself how to use a blaster. Now with the force and the blaster you became pretty damn good.
“We are almost there.” Mando said walking away.
You quickly fixed your hair and stepped out. Fixing your white long sleeve shirt and throwing on your black vest on. You started grabbing your weapons that you brought on bounty runs. “How long does it to fix hair?” Mando asked as he cleaned one of his knives.
All the questions. You thought. “Well I am not bald unlike you.” You teased cleaning you blasted pistol. He just chuckled lightly on that comment. “Why all the questions Mando?” You asked after a minute or two.
It came out cold, irritated. You usually don’t act like that and Mando took note of it. At first you didn’t think he was going to answer until he cleared his throat. “Because of that.”
You snapped your head up. “Of what?”
Mando stood up to put the knife away and headed to the ladder. “Quietness. Short tempered. Short answers. Not like you cyare.”
You glared at him as he went up to help the Crest get out of slip space. “Cyare?” You whispered. You knew of the word but didn’t know what it meant. You felt the Razor Creat descending, you stood up and grabbed a scarf that would cover the lower part of your face and a hood part of the black vest.
Mando climbed down. “Coruscant aircraft officials will be looking over the Razor Crest for any damage.” When he walked up to the exit you grabbed quickly your sabers. If they were going to be looking over you had to bring them.
You stuffed them in the back of your belt compartment, big enough to fit them. You followed right him as you both walked off of the ramp, having eyes follow the both of you. Mandalorians were rare to come by these days, they were basically instinct after the Fall of Mandalore. It wasn’t not normal but right now it made you feel on edge. “Did you hear me?” Mando asked looking down at you.
“Yeah yeah yeah.” You said not knowing what he said.
He sighed loudly. “The bounty is in the lower district. Gambler. He owes money. So he will be easy to grab. Not to kill.”
“They want them alive?” You asked kind of shocked by that.
He slightly tilted his helmet, knowing that was his ‘are you kriffing joking?’ indicator the taxi came flying next to you. “Where to?” It was a Gran that spoke to Mando, as both of you clambered in.
“Moshi Bar.” He dryly responded.
You weren’t listening to the gran’s story of his life until he mentioned the Republic times. You snapped your head. “You were hear during the republic times?”
Mando looked over at you as the gran nodded. “Oh of course! What troubling times, the jedi betraying the people was the hardest thing to hear. I remembered when my ex wife gasped while watching the news broadcast the temple. Oh what a sight that was. I thought that they deserved it, betraying us like that. To overthrow the government we had. For failing us,” He paused as we came to an end of the ride. “Now with the Empire gone I don’t know if the people failed the jedi instead.”
That rang in your head. ‘People failing the jedi.’ You hopped out before hearing the gran telling you how much the pay was. Mando paying for it as he hopped out. The chip beeped slowly, meaning you were close. “He is here alright.” I said looking over at Mando who was already looking at me. “What?”
“What was that back there?” He asked looking around.
“Let’s discuss this later.” you said walking towards the bar.
Mando followed you in as you both scanned the area, people clinging drinks and yelling over the music. “There.” He pointed to the Bith sitting next to a blue tortuga.
You nodded. “How you want to do this?”
“I will go up to him and just give him the run down. Meet me at the door if it goes well and if not we’ll…”
“Come kick ass got it.” You said walking away and blending in with the crowd.
As you did so you felt uneasy, gross, sick to your stomach. You kept pushing it away knowing that it was cause you were on this fucking hell hole of a planet. Until you sensed someone else was watching you. You sighed and looked around avoiding what was supposed to be now the bounty. You finally found who was watching, a hooded figure standing in the corner. You snapped your eyes over to Mando who was still giving a shake run on Bith and the Tortuga walked away.
“Come on.” You whispered watching the hooded figure walking towards you. Fuck.
You waited until the figure came next to you. “You know love, you are worth a lot of credits alive,” You felt the knife on the side of you. “Dead isn’t as much but enough to pay a king.”
You side eyed glared at him. “I would think twice bud.” You warned having my hand on my hip.
He dug the knife into my side, just a small uncomfortable poke. You clenched your jaw, in frustration. “Or what your metal boyfriend will kill me. I am not scared of no Mandalorian.”
“I was talking about me.” You warned as you grabbed his wrist lifting it up, cutting you a bit but enough for you to break his wrist. He screamed and pulled out his blaster, firing it once.
That’s when all hell broke loose. People clamoring over each other, screaming, as they ran to the exit. You slightly used the force to shoot your bounty in the leg so he was unable to run. Mando looked down and grabbing his wrist to put handcuff on one wrist to the bolted stool.
The tholothian tried to kick your stomach but you blocked and pulled your knife out and slashed his arm. He screamed again. You then elbow his face as you threw the knife into his leg. As he knelt you pulled out your blaster pistol and aimed it at his head, he looked up with blood dripping out of his nose.
“You work for the bith?” I asked as the music died.
“Not here,” Mando came next to me. “Let’s take it outside.” He looked over at the bith who was in pain from the bolt.
“Fine.” You put the gun back quickly as you forcefully pulled the tholothian up and pushing him towards the exit.
Mando knocked the Bith out as both of dragged the both of them to a secluded alley avoiding any police. Once you threw the man on the ground you stepped on the knife digging it in more. “Do you work for the bith?” You asked again as Mando leaned against the wall behind him next to the sleeping bounty.
He chuckled. “No, I don’t work for that scum bag.”
“You said I am worth a lot of credits by whom?” I asked instead ignoring that comment.
“What?” Mando said leaning off the wall. “She is being hunted?” He said looking down at the guy.
His smile faded. “I can’t say.” He quickly said.
You rolled my eyes leaning down to pat him down, until I felt a chit. You pulled it out and it was blinking quickly making that high pitch noise. Your heart dropped. You dropped it on the ground and crushed it. Staring blankly at it.
You heard a bug thump and noticed that Mando had the guy pushed against the wall. “Who sent you?” He growled lifting him higher without his feet touching the ground.
“Honestly I don’t know, they sent another hunter to give me the job. They are very secretive about it. They say she is something that they truly needed turned in. Alive.” He explained crying at this point.
“How many credits?” You mumbled.
“What?” The tholothian asked.
“How many fucking credits.” You asked more stern.
At first he didn’t answer but after being shoved against the wall hard he nodded. “4 million credits.” He whispered.
Mando snapped his head towards you. He let him drop to the floor. “Stay,” he ordered looking and pointing down at him. The Tholothian mumbled not going anywhere. Mando walked towards you and stood close to you “Do you know why you are being hunted?” He asked whispering.
You shook your head. Lying. You can’t trust nobody, even when the empire as fallen there were still staggering members. Trying to rebuild. Anything could happen. You gulped. “No I don’t understand why I would be.”
He nodded once before looking behind him. “Whatever it is they want you big time and alive. What if the creed is the one after you?” He asked.
You thought of that already. “I could leave,” He snapped his head back to you. “I don’t want you to be forced to leave the guild if it is them.”
“You are in the creed, it’s a possibility but I would be fine to defend you. We are partners after all.” He explained briefly, his voice wasn’t the same fry to the point sound, it sounded scared? No maybe desperate. “If it was the guild we will know once we land.”
“Okay.” You whispered looking over at the guy. “What about him?”
Mando sighed. “He is a loose end.”
You nodded and pulled out your pistol before firing it. It didn’t take long to get back to the crest. No one asked questions these days about carrying unconscious and or dead people anymore. We planned on dropping the dead weight on a different planet before getting back to Nevarro.
You felt bad for lying to Mando about not telling him about being a jedi. You told him you were gonna shower before landing, making sure he wasn’t paying attention you slipped back your sabers to where they stayed in. You stared a moment at them, running a hand over one. You remembered when you went through the trial to receive the color. How it glowed for you to get it. How it chose you. You sighed having tears brim your eyes. How your master was proud. Happy. You remembered the last time you saw your master was when the alarm about an attack was happening. You never saw her after that, you knew she was dead, you felt it in the force. You knew that.
After the shower you basically were out of slip space. You sat next to Mando who was intensely staring ahead. “You would tell me if you knew right?” He asked slightly looking over.
You leaned back into the chair and nodded. “Yeah I would.”
“I don’t think they did send anyone cyare. I would hope that Greef would let us know.” He quietly said sighing after.
“Yeah,” You thought of the word cyare, he called you that again. “What does cyare mean?”
The room became very tense as you saw him freeze. It’s like you just pulled his helmet off slapped him then slammed it back on. You were about to ask again until he made a simple movement to get out of slip space to see Nevarro ahead. “Just a nickname.”
You wanted to ask more but dropped it since you had to worry about the adventure ahead. Anything can happen. You closed your eyes and saw your master in a memory. “Remember young ones,” Her voice was soft and she was smiling. It was a day to block that damn ball that shot the shock lasers. None of us did well that day. “Always expect the unexpected. The enemy is and can be one step ahead.” You opened your eyes as the Razor Crest landed.
Mando was right the guild didn’t have a problem, even though both of you were scared of that answer. Once you sat down there was a bigger puck, a puck that would change both yours and Mando’s life. The one that would bring that secret to life.
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websterss · 2 years
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A/N: Hope you enjoy it! MASTERLIST | PART 1
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“Would you rather have Lisa pull me in like we talked about? Because it’s not working for me. I don’t know if it looks good on your end, but it just feels off, Kenny.” You said to Kenny who sat behind the monitors and cameras. You walked over to him with your hands on your hips and waited for his directions.
“Well it doesn’t look bad that’s the thing…” He shrugged.
“Right.” You nodded, as he pointed out the shot you just did with the dancers.
“Yeah, I think I’m just gonna have Lisa pull you into the number since you’re already gonna be standing, and that way after you talk with Caleb his magic will kick in and you’ll start to feel the music, it’ll look more natural.” Kenny turned his head to look at you. “See cause you kind of tripped over your feet there when you jumped, and we don’t want that. So yeah we’ll just have Lisa pull you in from the arm and you’ll immediately start dancing to Caleb’s magic.” He smiled as you both came to a visual agreement.
“You’re the man, Kenny.” You laughed walking away to do the scene all over again.
“Got that right!” Kenny laughed along with you.
You started making your way over to Charlie and the guys. Hearing them laugh.
“Ahh here she comes everybody.” Charlie smiled into the camera that was directed at him.
“Come here, come here!” He ushered you over with his hand.
You giggled coming up behind Charlie wrapping your hands around his neck.
“Hiya!” You giggled into the camera.
“It’s my beautiful girlfriend everybody. So much for keeping it a secret…You can thank Paul for that last video.” Charlie teased with a smirk. You leaned down and pecked his check making him close his eyes and smile.
“Tell them what we’re doing today.” Paul said behind the camera.
“Today we are doing the big dance number for The Other Side of Hollywood. Everybody is dancing. Owen is dancing. Jeremy is somewhat dancing.” Charlie laughed. “I’m dancing…” Charlie pointed to himself.
“I think you forgot someone.” You sat down in a chair. You pointed at him directly.
“Oh yeah! Booboo is dancing.” Charlie nodded. You gasped playfully. Hitting him on the shoulder.
“I’m kidding.” He chuckled. “The beautiful, talented, amazing…” He exaggerated each word. Then with a dull expression he said. “Y/n Y/l/n everybody.” You laughed. Charlie smiled as he moved from your slight nudge. “She’s dancing too, and she makes me say wow.” He laughed at his own joke.
“I think Savannah got to you.” You teased. “I mean who can complain…she makes me say wow too.” You threw a wink at the camera.
Charlie moved his head to block you from the camera’s view. “Looks like I have competition.” 
“There’s no competition, Char.” You patted him. You turned to the camera mouthing.
It’s Savannah.
“What?” He looked at you with a half smile and shocked expression.
“Anyway!” You blurted out. “You guys are in for a treat.” You winked and got on your marker ready to just block and run through it. You all weren’t in costumes yet, but Kenny did want to get a feel of it first hand.
“This girl.” Charlie shook his head motioning over his shoulder.
“Okay we’re gonna take it from where Jamie gets up and leaves!” Kenny called out.
“Places everybody!”
“Marker B, Take 4!”
“And action!” Kenny yelled out adjusting the headphones around his ear. “Playback!” The music began playing. Cheyenne and the extra dancers along with Tori began dancing. 
“Jamie can you believe this?” Charlie exclaimed, tapping his hand on the table to the beat that was playing.
“Watch me make a move, watch me make a move, yeah!” 
“Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do?”
“I say watch me make a move, watch me make a move, oohh.”
“Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do?” Cheyenne’s voice rang out.
“I think I’m gonna go.” You said with your arms crossed over your chest. “W-What?” Charlie frantically pretended to swallow his food, then pretended to try and find something to wipe his hands. A server quickly came out of nowhere to hand him a napkin. “Thank you.” He quickly said. “Jamie hold up.” Charlie ran after you catching your arm. He smiled gently as you turned around.
“I’m sorry.” You frowned. Charlie frowned as you removed his grip on your arm.
“What’s wrong.” He tilted his head to catch your eye.
“Why’d you let me come here, Luke?” You grew sad watching as other guests danced around. “I don’t feel right being here.”
“Look I know…I know that you don’t want to be here. I get it okay.” He tilted his head.
“Do you?” You scoffed letting your arms fall to your sides. “You don’t know the half of it, Luke. You don’t know what it’s like to have music be ripped away from you. To not even be able to dance to it anymore…you don’t know. I can’t feel it, I can’t play it anymore…I can’t hear it, Luke!” You sniffled.
“Jamie please.” Luke whispered.
“No!” You exclaimed. “I’m going to Julie’s dance. Don’t be late.” You frowned.
Charlie averted his gaze and clenched his jaw. He watched you walk away to the stare well then slowly went back to his table.
You shook your head. Gazing at everyone having a good time. Then turned back around only to almost run into Cheyenne.
“Leaving so soon?” He smirked. He noticed your somber expression. “Not having fun my dear?” 
“Something like that.” You chuckled nervously rocking on your feet. “Look it was nice of you to invite us Mr. Covington, but I’m not much of a party person so…” You tried walking past him, but he gently caught your hand.
“What seems to be the trouble?” Cheyenne gave you a once over. Noticing that not a single part of your body was moving to the band playing a soft melody. You had almost no reaction to it. 
“You wouldn’t understand.” You shook your head. 
“Indulge me.” He grew curious.
You looked at him then back at Charlie and the guys, then at the other guest sitting and dancing in their chairs. A look of hurt, and longing prominent on your face. You missed it.
“This wouldn’t happen to do with your lack of dancing my little dove?” Cheyenne brought your attention back onto him. “You’ve lost something, haven’t you? Something special to you.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes now.
“How’d you-”
“I can recognize a broken wing from anywhere…” He smiled. “Now what is it my little dove. I’ll have it fixed right away. That is why you all came here today, am I correct.” You nodded.
“Is it a broken heart?” You looked away and caught Charlie in the corner of your eye. “Is it boy problems cause honey any man would be stupid not to notice you are beautiful.” Caleb snapped his fingers making you laugh.
“No uh…” You laughed away your tears. “I can’t hear music…” You muttered. “Hence the lack of dancing.” You shrugged looking down at yourself.
“Oh well say no more my dear, I can fix that.” Cheyenne snapped his fingers and you pretended to be affected by his fake magic. You stumbled back once you heard the smooth drag of a saxophone. Your eyes widened as your ears perked up and focused on the sounds you were missing out on.
“How’d you-I can hear…” You gasped excitedly looking at everyone and understanding why they were moving.
Cheyenne smiled watching you react. “You’ll thank me later. Go on now. Dance it’s a party!” He exclaimed. Then Lisa, an extra dancer, showed up from your left and hooked her arm around yours guiding you to the center of the room where the group number was about to get into the chorus.
You laughed pretending to have your character feel the beat within her body. Charlie widened his eyes watching you suddenly come back and began dancing. He wasn’t sure what he was looking at exactly, but his character Luke knew that you were suddenly dancing. To the music. “I say watch me make a move, watch me make a move, yeahh.” 
“Watcha’ gonna do, watcha’ gonna do?”
“Watch me make a move, best you ever knew!”
“Life is good on the other side of Hollywood.”
You began dancing alongside Lisa. Matching the moves of all those around you. It wasn’t long before Booboo joined in and danced alongside with you. You pretended to have no control over your body. The music taking over and allowing you to dance like you had never been able to before. A beautiful smile taking over your face. You had fun with it. Once you guys were finished. Kenny yelled cut and everyone cheered.
“That was great everybody!” Kenny complimented. “Y/n amazing work.” He threw a thumbs up at you. You thanked him, breathing heaving trying to catch your breath. You had yelped when a pair of hands wrapped themselves around your waist picking you up. 
“Oh my god! You killed that!” Charlie exclaimed spinning you around.
Paul had come around with the camera that was being used for behind the scenes footage, and walked over to you and Charlie.
Charlie turned to the camera as he held you from behind.
“Isn’t she amazing. I told you guys she could dance!”
“So can Charlie!” You teased. You had tried so hard not to laugh at his dance moves with one of the twins. “I was trying so hard not to laugh. That was great babe.” You threw your head back on his shoulder giggling. “But no, it’s gonna look great when we’re all in costumes and finally shoot it for real. The dancing will look great…Charlie is gonna look great-” You started but Charlie cut you off as he turned you to face him.
“You look great.” Charlie bit his lip raking his eyes up and down your sweating figure. You looked off to the camera, but Charlie’s ‘fuck me’ eyes weren’t going away as he kept looking at you. “Annnd that is all for today folks!” You exclaimed. “Stayed tuned for more behind the scenes stuff on Paul’s channel, bye!” You waved him off quickly. Paul then panned the camera around and turned it off. You yelped as Charlie then put you over his shoulder and ran off set. “Charlie!” You protested covering your face. The cast and crew laughed as Charlie ran with you.
“Wear protection kids!” Kenny yelled over his shoulder as soon as Charlie ran past him with you.
“We will!” Charlie smirked as he kept passing more people on his way to your guy’s trailer.
“Charlie!” You complained.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
Do you think Cassandra and/or Rapunzel get their powers back after the show at some point?
In the context of there being a sequel or something... I highly doubt it.
And I wouldn't want it to happen. I like the finality of the sundrop and moonstone returning to the sky from which they came.
In the context of fandom?
I love it.
I'd love Rapunzel to one day wake up with golden hair and just groan before hitting her husband with her pillow to wake him up faster cause this is urgent.
The idea of Cass sending Rapunzel a letter cause she's far away and her hair just turned blue one day and it doesn't really match her current outfit.
Even the idea of one of them having kids with powers and just knowing they're going to understand their parent's worries a lot more than they wanted too soon!
I love the idea of the story not ending and there are always fans with amazing and unique stories to tell!
And now I'm visualizing Cassandra and Rapunzel both with their shiny hair sitting in the new Dark Kingdom while Edmund and the Brotherhood search through ancient texts for any explanation as to what's going on while Eugene leans on the back of a chair probably making jokes about the situation that are partially coping and partially 'Cass left for a while so he's gotta a lot of messing with her to catch up on'.
Hope that answers your question! Thanks for the ask!
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merv606 · 2 years
Love virgin!Daniel losing it to Terry but... what about virgin!Terry with older Daniel? Maybe an AU where Terry is a student, and Daniel his teacher. Terry loses his virginity railing Daniel. Bonus if Daniel had to tell him how he likes it, but Terry surprises him...
“Love virgin!Daniel losing it to Terry” ….. well, pretty sure that’s canon - that was KK3 in a nutshell 😂
Even if one would argue that Terry wasn’t his first time having sex with someone, it def was with a man.
I have to admit though / never have though about a role reversal BUT since we’re on the topic.
So I’m thinking maybe first year of college and Daniel is a prof or a TA IDK- maybe early 30’s because NINY Ralph is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Would Daniel already be Terry’s type or would Terry slowly find himself watching videos of smaller brunette twinks being destroyed by bigger tops 🤔
I’m imagining Terry looking as how TIG looked during his time on Another world as he joined the cast in 1985 and being born in 1962 put him at 21/22 when he started.
According to Another World Memories Twitter, this is what he looked like on his debut episode on February 10, 1984:
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He’s 21 here!!!!! As his bday is March 18! And to think Ralph was roughly the same age in KK1 ….. (principal photography started October 31, 1983) LET THAT SINK IN!!! There was never not a massive size difference - But TIG had already had his first black belt by 18, according to WIKI, so there’s that as well. Takes a deep breathe / okay back on track.
But first:
Fun fact - that’s his Future wife 🥰 I mean we all joke about Ralph and TIG and whatever dynamic they had naturally going on creating the hot beautiful mess that is KK3 but TIG clearly has a thing for small beautiful (bratty) brunettes 😏 and we all know Ralph’s infamous - I’m just a small guy/constantly pointing out larger men energy. I honestly do not know if KK3 could be helped - if it could have been anything but what it was by the sheer fact that these men were involved. In fact, if KK3 wasn’t PG it would have been a porno probably …..
Anyway, I digress. Back to your ask now that we have visuals established.
I could see maybe Daniel being a power bottom, likes to be in control, to climb on to ride but Terry 💯 would be the first one to put him in his place - on his back, hands held above his head as he fucks in.
It’s a good thing Daniel knows how to take a cock because Terry is clumsy, a bit too eager, but Daniel knows how to move his hips and how to encourage Terry when he fucks in just right and Terry very much likes how Daniel tightens when he hits that spot.
And if Terry comes too fast, because he’s inexperienced and Daniel is just so damn tight, well he’s ready to go again in no time.
They both put in the work by the end of the night and of course now that Terry has had a taste, well, he had an addictive personality so it’s far from the last.
And Daniel always knew he was a size queen but now he’s ruined by Terry’s cock - the biggest he’s taken and Daniel does always get what he wants sooo far from the last.
Commence the Pillow princess-ification (affectionate) of one Daniel Larusso who shows Terry how to use that cock.
They both ruin each other for anyone else.
Also, Terry showing up early to class just to bend Daniel over his own desk and fuck him. He comes inside and sits there smug as hell because he knows his cum is leaking out of Daniel’s fucked out hole as he stands there teaching and maybe Daniel grimaces every so often at the feel. Daniel shots half hearted glares at the younger man but all Terry does is discreetly adjust himself and the bulge he’s still sporting.
Daniel, of course, asks Terry to stay after class, and ends up riding Terry as he sits in Daniel’s chair.
Also - just because it makes me INSANE - THE SAME FUCKING AGE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!
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stonedstr8 · 23 days
"Ads are getting so damn invasive." Lucas thought to himself, clicking skip on yet another pointless car commercial interrupting the video essay he was watching. "You think the algorithm would know its audience by now, I'm too gay to drive!"
He laughed a little bit at the joke, running a hand through his soft, bleached blonde hair. He was the epitome of a high-maintenance twink, with his smooth, hairless body and perfect sense of style. He was smart too and liked to boast about it, with a scholarship for his English Lit degree and being made President of his university's LGBT Chapter, which he was hoping to use as a stepping stone to become Student Body President next year.
Leaning back again in his chair he reached for his cellphone, seeing a text from his boyfriend Alex.
Alex: "Hey cutie, still busy with finals this weekend, but have time for a dinner date Sunday night?"
He smiled to himself, giving an eager text back to set it up, and to wish him well on his upcoming exams. "Ugh, I need to start studying too, Monday's going to be one hell of a final... I'll focus on it and head to the library after this video and-"
Just like that, his train of thought was interrupted again by a stupid ad, this time some obnoxious psychedelic visuals and a bad electric guitar riff blared out of his monitor. It startled him so badly that he seized up for a second, accidentally clicking the ad and being brought to their store page. "Broski's Bud's, one stop ship and shop for weed strains to fix your brain..." He rolled his eyes at the cringe marketing, getting ready to close the tab when a pop-up opened trying to tell him all about a deal he 'wouldn't want to miss out on'. "No thanks, stupid site, you can keep your Bro Buds or whatever to yourself." but every time he hit X on the popup another would open, being more and more insistent each time about new deals, until finally a desperate '90% OFF AND SPECIAL STARTER KIT AS A BONUS WITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE' filled his screen. "FINE," he scoffed at his computer, "I'll take a look at the stupid site. My therapist suggested I try out weed to help lessen my anxiety anyways, so might as well get a good deal on it..."
Clicking the pop-up added the 'starter kit' to his cart, it was a pack of pre-rolled blunts and some sort of mystery box, but the description didn't help him understand it much either. "Get ready to step into the zone and open ur mind with this one bros, Broski's Buds bestselling strain, Toke 'n Stroke, is sure to change your life by stimulating a high never felt before! This isn't your sissy uncle's strain, this shit puts hair on your chest like a real man!"
"God this is so cringe, I bet they get all kinds of business marketing to the dumb jocks in town, no wonder their brains are mush. Still, it's just weed and for $20 I might as well give it a try, I probably won't find it cheaper anywhere else..." sitting in thought about it for a few seconds, Lucas finally filled in his payment info and placed his order, getting a free upgrade to same-day delivery since they seem to have a storefront a few miles from his apartment.
"Well, there goes my library plans I guess, I'll have to wait around for delivery since my package will probably get swiped otherwise..." Lucas sighed, turning off his computer and plopping down onto the couch, picking up his Switch to play Animal Crossing and kill time.
A few hours passed and the sky got dark before finally a long buzz came from his intercom. "Took them long enough, it's nearly 9pm!" he complained, putting his jacket on to head downstairs. When he got down there the delivery guy had already gotten into his car again, driving away and leaving Lucas to carry the package back upstairs all on his own. It was bigger than he expected, taking both hands to lift it and keep it stable. "Jesus, this thing must weight like 40 pounds! What did they put in here?"
After a bit of struggling and the occasional break to catch his breath, Lucas pushed his package into the living room, collapsing on the floor next to it for a while. "After that workout I'm surprised I don't look like the douchebags around campus." he laughed to himself, bouncing up to get a box cutter and pry his package open. After taking the carton of pre-rolled blunts out, he started into the box with a bit of confusion and disgust, pulling things out one after the other.
"A sleeveless tank top that says 'Toke 'n Stroke Bro'... A pair of douchey sunglasses... Some red gym shorts, socks and slides... Ew, a snapback saying 'Who ate all the pussy?', why the fuck would anyone wear this!... And 2 dumbbells, no wonder this thing was so heavy! All of this is useless shit that's gonna end up in a donation bin now, I'll have to drop this trashy stuff off tomorrow on my way to the library... But hey, at least the weed seems fine, smells... potent." He said, tossing everything back into the box and taking a whiff of one of the blunts.
Kicking back on the couch again, he played with the blunt in his hand for a while before finally having the courage to light it up, taking a hit. Immediately he started coughing, not used to the sensation, but it did make his brain start to feel... fuzzy. "Damn, okay I need to push past it and get used to it." he said, lighting up for another hit of the blunt, this time barely a cough escaping his throat, feeling suspiciously more used to it. Then another, and another, until finally the whole blunt was gone. Sitting in his daze for a while, he enjoyed the sensation of his mind drifting around experiencing the high, his anxiety melting away as if he didn't have a care in the world. Eventually he decided to try and get up, but his body slumped over off the couch and hitting the floor, the room fading to black...
When Lucas finally came to again, the first thing that hit him was the strong smell of weed floating around in the air. "Damn bro, did I smoke the whole set or what..." he laughed groggily, getting ready to stretch out and get back to laying on the couch before he was startled by the sound of moaning blasting from his TV, eyes shooting open in confusion. On the screen, two busty lesbians were making out, them taking turns groping each others boobs and fingering each other. "What the fuck bro, how long has this been on?" he cursed, nervous that the neighbors nextdoor might have heard it playing as he started desperately looking for the remote.
When he couldn't find it in the cushions, he got up from the couch only to be met with his feet kicking a bunch of empty beer cans. "Dude, there's gotta be 2 dozen thrown all over the floor, did I have a party or something? I don't even know anyone who drinks beer..." he mumbled, going to scratch his head in confusion, but was even more confused when instead of his hair he felt a hat on top of his head. "Huh?" he thought, as he looked down at the floor again, noticing that instead of his skinny jeans and converse he was now wearing the socks and slides from the box, along with the sleeveless tank top and the shorts too. He stumbled his way to the bathroom door still baked out of his mind, mouth dropping open at his reflection in the full-length mirror in front of him.
"Broooo, am I dreaming or what the fuckkkk is going on" he said in disbelief. No more was the cute, pale twink he used to be staring back at him. Instead, a douchey bro he didn't recognize was standing face to face with him. Tanned skin, pillowy muscles, his once blonde hair turned into a brown buzz cut and with that stupid "Who ate all the pussy?" hat slapped over it. He touched his face, feeling along his chin where his once smooth skin now had a rougher texture, and a trashy chinstrap sprouted from his jawline. He slapped his face a few times in his daze, trying to wake up from the dream and growing more confused each time nothing changed.
Turning around and staggering back to his living room to try and make sense of what's going on, it hit him that he barely recognizes the room anymore. His apartment used to be perfectly maintained and well-decorated, now there was beer cans all over the floor, along with dirty socks and cummed-in underwear, greasy pizza boxes and chip bags all over the table and counter, the decorations on his walls had been torn down and replaced with posters of chicks in bikinis and sports teams, his Switch replaced with an X-Box and a stack of COD games next to it, DVD cases of trashy bro-comedies were thrown around near the TV too... Then the smell hit him, it STUNK in here, like a sickening mixture of weed, cheap body spray, and sour BO wafting in a heat around the room. "Bro, it fucking reeks in here... Or wait..." he mumbled as he gave himself a whiff, "I fucking reek!"
After a bit of stunned silence he finally started to process things in his brain again. How the fuck did he get like this, was any of this even real, and how does he get back to normal? He plopped back onto the couch, picking up his phone to see he had a handful of missed texts and calls from his boyfriend before noticing the time... 2:00pm. On Sunday. He had somehow been blacked out for 2 whole nights, with no memory of anything that had happened. While getting ready to call his boyfriend back, Lucas felt his insides rumbling and at first he thought it was from the munchies because of all the weed, but then he realized "Oh bro, all that double-cheese pizza is really gonna fucking..."
His body instinctively lifted its leg as it pushed out the loudest and most obnoxious fart he'd ever ripped in his life, as his body seemed to react on its own, letting out an immature laugh and wafting the air before muttering "Fuck yeah bro, smells like victory!" He leaned back into the couch, remembering he needed to call Alex, but the loud moaning on the TV caught him off guard again. This time he locked eyes with the screen, the cock in his shorts immediately bulging and straining at the sight of the lesbian porn before him. "I really need to turn this shit off and get whatever's going on sorted out..." he thought, but he realized he couldn't move his hand to reach for his phone, instead it reacted on its own, reaching down his waistband to pull out his cock and start stroking for the busty babes on TV.
"All I do is Toke 'n Stroke, bro..." a voice in his head seemed to say, except it didn't come from within, he spoke it directly out of his own mouth.
"Wait, I didn't say that bro, it's-" he tried to talk, realizing that his thoughts echoed around stuck in his own head, not even leaving the lips of his own body. He was just stuck there, watching in a dazed horror as he went on autopilot.
"Toke 'n Stroke bro, I'm such a loyal customer Broski's Buds will HAVE to take me as a hype boy this time haha!" his voice spoke again, continuing to stroke for the porn on TV, Lucas's eyes stuck fixed on the screen. Suddenly though, he was interrupted by his phone vibrating, a text from his boyfriend coming through.
Alex: "Hey cutie, I hope everything is alright? You haven't answered my calls or texts in a couple days, I know it's busy with all your studying but we do still have dinner planned for tonight. Still on for me to pick you up at 5?"
"Oh thank God," Lucas thought, reading the message, "I can tell him what's going on and have him come over to help me fix this shit!" Unlocking his phone, Lucas let out a sigh of relief as he got ready to reply, only for his body to still be taken over by whatever douchey daze it was stuck in.
Lucas: "dont u ever come around me u faggy creep, if me or my bros ever catch u within 100 feet of us we'll give u the beating of a lifetime! fuck around n find out if u dare to show ur face here."
Lucas screamed internally as the message was typed out and sent in front of his very eyes, before his hand moved to block his boyfriend's number and turn his phone off. "Something is seriously fucking wrong with me bro, I need to-"
Another obnoxious and sickening fart blasted out of his ass, filling the room and breaking Lucas's thoughts down into a daze again, as he felt around under the couch for something before pulling a sweaty, well-used fuck toy of a girls ass and pussy up from the mess.
As Lucas once again locked eyes with the TV, he took another hit from his dwindling blunt stash, finishing up the last one. After throwing what was left onto the floor, he prepared the fuck toy and slid it right down onto his cock, starting to bounce the toy up and down as he edged himself closer to finishing.
"If I can't figure out a way to snap out of this, I'm so fucked..." he thought, as his voice spoke again. "Toke 'n Stroke bro, this chick is soooo getting fucked!" He moaned, as he shot his thick load into the toy, feeling some of his braincells permanently shoot out with it, sloppily wiping the mess on the cushion next to him as he laid back, feeling his insides start to bubble again.
Lucas had a lot of Bro Time to catch up on, but luckily his new favorite weed strain was making sure that he was a captive audience until he was fully converted and assimilated into just another Bro.
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beepbeepstop · 2 years
Stop the Tension
Summary: After getting your hair braided for the summer Oscar helps you rub oil on your scalp to relieve some of the tension Pairing: Oscar x Black!Reader Genre: Fluff Visuals
I watched as all the houses we passed by blend into a blur through the window. I wasn't able to truly focus on the environment that we were driving by. All I could focus on was the tight sensation on my scalp. Each part having its own different level of tension, and the braids having a slightly heavier weight that was almost unfamiliar. Whenever I move my head the slightest bit the weight shifts and the sharp pain takes turns on which side it wants to travel to, but at the same time I hear the nostalgic click and clack of the beads as they bounce off of each other. I lean my head against the window of the passenger window of Oscar's car and close my eyes. I feel his warm hand rub circles onto my exposed thigh.
"You okay, Mami" Oscar asks with a hint of concern in his voice.
"My head just hurts"
"I don't understand why you keep going back to that shop, knowing damn well that they be braiding tight as hell" he said slightly annoyed
"I want them to last Oscar. I don't have the time or money to be sitting up in a chair whenever I need my braids refreshed, because that shit was all loosey goosey"
"I have the money and time to take you to someone who isnt gonna braid your thoughts to the point where its gonna give you a headache" he chuckled
"They got the touch Oscar. You know them African Aunties be gripping with the strength of the ancestors whenever they braid"
Oscar and I made eye contact as we pulled up into the driveway of his house, and all we could do is laugh and smile at each other.
"You stupid for saying that" he said flashing his beautiful smile at me as he tries to hold back more of his laughs.
"Nah nigga you stupid. 'Braiding my thoughts' who fucking thinks of that" I say lightly hitting his shoulder as I laugh
"We're both stupid so get your dumbass in the house and I'll rub oil on your scalp to help loosen the braids up a little bit"
The moment the word oil left his lips I was already unbuckling my seatbelt and halfway out the door.
"Damn where you going" Oscar said grabbing my hand
"You said you were gonna rub oil on my scalp"
"Yea but why you rushing" he chuckled
"You dont gotta tell me twice. Hurry up papi"
The way I was rushing to the door you would've thought that Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kreuger, the fucking Candyman or whatever scary shit that haunts your dreams was chasing me. All I know is that I was way too fucking excited for Oscar to put his fingers to good use on my scalp. The feeling of oil being rubbed into your scalp is an already enjoyable experience whether it be done by yourself or by someone else, but it's just something about Oscar that takes the feeling to a whole new level of almost ecstasy.
"Chop chop you got work to do"
"Damn patience is virtue (y/n)" Oscar said walking at the slowest pace I've ever seen. At first glance you wouldn't think he was moving until you see the dumb look on his face.
"Why you playing with me"
"Just be patient I'mma get there" he chuckles
"In like 40 fucking years, by the time you get here i'll be old ass grandma with a bunch of grandkids"
"Do you think our grandkids would be cute"
"Who said they were related to you. Keep this shit up and I might start homie hopping"
In the blink of an eye Oscar was towering over me on his porch
"That shit ain't funny (y/n)"
"Oh now you wanna stop playing when I wanna joke around"
"That didn't sound like a joke it sounded more like a warning" he says as he unlocks the door
"Good then you got my message loud and clear" I say smiling at him
"Hurry up and get your ass on the couch"
I giddily skipped over to the couch and sat down waiting for Oscar to bring over the oil. He walked out with a dropper bottle of the Mielle rosemary and mint hair oil.
"Oh okay I see you Mr. Big Baller bringing out the expensive oil. I feel all special"
"Shut up it was 15 dollars"
"Yea but look at this tiny ass bottle. I could've bought 3 bottles of wild growth with that money"
"Do you want your scalp oiled or no"
"Okay I'll shut up, go ahead and do your job"
I turned around and instantly felt the slick oil travel along the parts on my scalp. As Oscar moves the braids out of the way to get to different sections he rubs his fingers in a circular motions working the oil into my scalp. It felt heavenly the way his fingers glided between my braids. The cooling sensation of the oil easing the tension whilst lifting the pain leaving nothing but the feeling of his strong hands massaging my scalp.
"This is how bitches fall in love you know. You over here massaging you manifestations into my brain"
"So that means I should do this more often if I want you to stay in love with me"
"Yup, do this shit once a week and i'll be putty in your hands" I say closing my eyes
"You're already putty in my hands"
"Nigga shut up"
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luxora · 2 years
BTS -> {University AU} -> Falling for a good girl
Requested: No
Group: BTS
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Smut
Warning: Swearing. Smoking. Drinking. Some blood. Nsfw.
A/N: Bad Boy BTS. And...uh...I apologize for the smut in advance (Hiding)
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Seokjin cocked his head and grinned, his eyes taking in the details of your side profile as you continued to read from your book, not taking notice of his staring.
“I’m not your book Jinnie.” You suddenly aid, turning the page of your book without looking at him. Clearly you had taken notice of his staring, him hardly hiding it as he was doing it so blatantly. He smiled and shrugged, leaning back into the chair while still staring at you.
“Obviously not, you’re way more interesting to me than some stupid book on Shakespeare could ever be.” You immediately turned to glare at him for bashing a classic book, only to be met with a wink from him.
“Romeo and Juliet is not some stupid book, it is a classic tale filled with tragedy and romance, one where two forbidden lovers are-”
“Like you and me?” Seokjin suddenly quipped, only half-joking as he was aware of how different the two of you were and what other people’s opinions were about your and his relationship.
Seokjin hardly had the innocent reputation on campus despite his worldly visuals which he has possessed since birth. He was handsome, he obviously knew that, and he used it to his advantage in scoring all the various girls he has been involved with, and he would say they helped him quite a lot in the ‘dating’ department, though he has never been one for long-term relationships. But his use of his visuals in scoring girls ended up piling up a mountain high reputation which practically put him in the bad books, along with the fact that he was a part of the unsavory crowd on campus which consisted of the rebels of society.
But what other choice did he have? They were practically his family, they were the only ones who mattered to him, especially since his parents hardly were at home and never even knew where Seokjin was half the time, much less cared what he did in his free time. As long as he got top grades, they didn’t care about anything else. And even when he made those drop, they didn’t care about them. So much for being part of the perfect family they wanted to construct.
“We are hardly forbidden lovers Jinnie, nothing is keeping you and I apart.” You said matter-of-fact, looking at him with a scolding look which made him shrug in turn.
“Your dad hates me.” You sighed.
“He doesn’t hate you, he just...” You lingered, unsure on how to explain it to Seokjin but he already interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.
“Hates me. He’s scared I’m going to corrupt his little girl.” Seokjin said, smirking as his eyes suddenly glinted mischievously, which made you wary as he leaned in to your personal space to whisper into your ear. “Not that he is wrong. If he knew just what things you and I have done in private, he will need to have his mind completely desensitized.”
You immediately hit him in the shoulder, cheeks flushed bright red at Seokjin’s clear innuendos about your and his sex life, making him chuckle and coo at their bright colour. While Seokjin had been the first man that you had been intimate with, you have astounded yourself with just how sensual you are, as well as how fantastically imaginative you are. You have even astounded Seokjin with your ideas for the two of you, not that he was complaining. It is always the good girls who turn out to be the best ones to have in bed.
“We are in public!” You hissed, looking around at the library to see if anyone was listening in on your and Seokjin’s conversation, thankfully the other library dwellers being too far away to hear the two of you, not that Seokjin cared.
“So? That didn’t stop you last week when you and I were at-”
Seokjin was interrupted with your hand slamming over his mouth to stop him from speaking, although it hardly helped your case as Seokjin’s eyes glinted before he licked your hand, making you squeak and rip it away just as quickly and wiping off his saliva on your skirt in disgust, giving him a glare.
“That is so disgusting!” Seokjin chuckled.
“Not as disgusting when you and I-”
“Don’t...finish that sentence.” You suddenly warning, pointing at him with a threatening finger which Seokjin just glanced at before grinning. He raised his hands up in mock surrender.
“Consider it unfinished.”
You glared at him for a few moments before sighing, moving to rub your temples with your hand before you suddenly felt Seokjin’s lips on your neck, making you squeak at their sudden kiss and making you jerk away in surprise and to stare at him in astonishment. He looked completely unapologetic as he rested his arm around your chair.
“What was that for?!” You demanded, making him shrug and grin.
“Just wanted to kiss you.” he said simply, as if it was obvious. You sighed in frustration.
“Just what am I going to do with you?” Seokjin’s eyes lit up mischievously.
“Well I have quite a few ideas that we can-”
“No.” You said immediately, making him fake pout.
“Aww come on, there is a nice quite corner over there-”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on babe, let’s just-”
“You have a book to finish, and we are not leaving until you have finished it. So the sooner the do that, the sooner we can leave and do...ah...o-other stuff.”
Your scolding would have been more effective if you didn’t stutter and blush towards the end, but with the implicated promise of doing far more exciting activities was enough to make Seokjin turn back to the table to pick up the book he had to read for class. He has read at least a quarter of it, perhaps in an hour he can finish it and your could reward him like the good girl you are, and the bad boy he is behaving for his good girl. Sounds like a good plan to him.
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Yoongi was the definition of a bad boy. He was a rebel, he did things he wanted to do and did not care what others thought of him. He skipped class, went out into town with his friend, drank, smoked, you name it. He was the textbook of bad news and the first thing you heard when you caught sight of him was to stay away because it would only end up with you in tears and a broken heart. Yoongi didn’t do relationships, so there was no point in hoping that you could change him, especially since he was so much of an alpha wolf who did what he wanted to do and others simply had to accept his decisions.
And yet you still found yourself drawn to him, so much so that you caught his attention and to humor himself, he decided to take you around for a spin, just to see if good girls were as good as his friends told him from their own experiences. But the only problem was that he did not expect to actually fall for you, nor for you to fall for him.
“Yoongi, why are the stars so shiny?” You asked out loud, staring up at the night sky in a haze as the smoke of the joint he he had given you drifted up into the sky. He rolled over and took a drag from his own joint before puffing out the smoke, holding his head up with an arm and gazing at you intensely.
“You tell me, you are the academic between us.” He said before taking another drag from his joint, chuckling when he saw your lips form into a pout.
“You’re an academic too...just not in the same way as me.” You finally said, raising your hand to try pinch a star out from the sky but to no avail. Yoongi chuckled against at your antics.
“If you mean not in the way which matters to people, then yeah, I am an academic too.”
Yoongi did not care about class, him hardly going to any of them as he much preferred hanging out with his friends or staying in his dorm where he kept himself up late at night coming up with his own music mixes. And of course, it was the opposite of what his parents wanted, which consisted of him completing a business degree at university and starting up his own business. But when did he ever agree to doing something like that? He never did. He wasn’t interested in getting some stupid business degree, he just wanted to make music, something which his parents did not support at all due to it ‘not being a real job’ but Yoongi just ignored them. Who were they to tell him what to do with his life? It was his life, so it was his decisions. They must just accept whatever Yoongi plans to do and deal with it.
“You’re smart Yoongi...really smart...just...misunderstood.” You mumbled, making Yoongi glance at you with thin lips.
One thing he has learnt about you is that you have a rather naive view of the world. You saw the best in people, which he would at times scold you about it because he knew that some people were just bad, really bad, and there was no good in them no matter how much you tried to search for it. But each time he scolds you, you just turn to him with an unreadable expression.
‘I saw good in you even though you like to act bad all the time.’
That is what you always tell him and he didn’t know how to respond to that. He didn’t care what people thought of him, it being very blatantly obvious due to his attitude to others. Even when you first approached him, he was uncaring of your opinion as he just viewed you as some prissy good girl who was wanting an experience with a bad boy, to experiment while you could at university. And yet it became so much more and before Yoongi realised it, you crept your way into his life and stayed form like a tick to a warm body.
“Misunderstood...more like fucked up.” Yoongi eventually answered, turning back onto his back and taking another puff from the joint and blowing hoops with the smoke with practiced ease. He suddenly felt an arm thrown across his stomach and he grunted when he suddenly felt weight on him, turning to see your head on his shoulder and staring at him with intense eyes.
“You’re not fucked up. Just misunderstood...I...I love you.” You suddenly confessed, unaware of how internally scattered he became from your words. He was not used to hearing those words being so easily said to him, especially since he could hardly be given any boyfriend rewards as he was probably one of the shittiest ones that a girl could ever get, and yet you thought otherwise. You moved to cup his cheek, your palm warm against it while you traced it with your thumb. “I’m serious...I love you...even though you think you’re fucked up.”
“Another swear word, point to me.” He suddenly quipped, smirking when you just stared at him in a daze.
The joint clearly was affecting your mind process and he figured it was enough for you as you were still relatively new to smoking joints, only practicing a few times with him in the past. He pulled your joint out of your hand and put it out before moving to cup your cheek, his own thumb tracing your cheekbone.
“I don’t get what you see me.” He stated out loud, his thoughts often escaping him whenever he was high. Not that you minded thought as you simply laid your head on his shoulder and smiled serenely.
“I see everything. Isn’t that enough?” You asked, making Yoongi stare at you intensely.
You saw way more in him than he saw in himself, and he did not get how he managed to fall for a girl who was so different from him, or rather how you have managed to stick around with him despite all the shit that he does. But he can’t imagine his life without you, not when you have practically become a permanent presence in his life that actually supports his love of music, who actually imagines him doing something with his music and not raining down on him for not attending class.
“I love you.” He stated, it being the only thing he could say that was aligned with his emotions. You just grinned widely and moved to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you too.”
Why? He did not know, but he liked it. Or rather he loved it. He just loved you, it was that easy. And odd. But whatever, it was what he felt and he was happy to feel it with you.
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You jumped when you suddenly felt a arm wrap itself around your shoulder as you were exiting the building with your friends, having just finished a lecture and deciding one where to go afterwards. Hoseok grinned when you jumped and leaned down to press a kiss to your temple before glancing at your friends who were staring at him shock.
“Ladies.” He said, nodding towards them before turning back to you with a smile. “How was class.”
“It was...good. What are you doing here?” You asked, staring staring at him in surprise as usually Hoseok would meet you up front near the entrance of the university, but apparently he decided to meeting you at the building instead. Hoseok cocked his head and looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“I’m here to pick you up, why else would I be here?” He asked, making you flush slightly in embarrassment as you didn’t mean to make it sound like a bad thing that he came to meet you at the building, only it was out of the usual for Hoseok. But he didn’t let you think much more of it, he pressed another kiss to your forehead before turning to your friends.
“If you don’t mind, I will be taking my girlfriend now. See ya.”
Before you or your friends could say anything, Hoseok tugged you away and began to lead you towards the parking lot of the university closest to your building, Hoseok’s arm languidly draped along your shoulder as he asked you about class. You could feel other students eyes on you and Hoseok as the two of you walked, it being quite the sight since Hoseok was practically dressed in all leather while you were wearing sundress which elegantly showed off your figure. The two of you were quite literally dressed like the opposite of one another.
“Did something happen for you to decide to meet me here instead of at the entrance?” You couldn’t help but ask, still slightly rattled from Hoseok’s appearance. He once again cocked his head at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No, but is it a problem that I’m here to pick you up instead?” He gazed at you for a few moments before glancing around the two of you, suddenly noticing the looks that the two of you were getting from everyone before turning back to you, a slightly guarded look on his face and a frown. “Are you embarrassed about being seen with me?”
Hoseok was aware that he was not the kind of guy that you took home to meet your mother. He was the bad news that your father would warn you about, and he was the heart breaker for you not to fall for as told by your friends. He was not the typical guy that you would usually go for as he was far from the neatly cut guy in a collar shirt and beige pants that would play golf on the weekends and go on coffee runs for study groups.
He was more on the wild side, one of which was surrounded by hip hop music and a dance floor. He loved music and dancing, and that was the only thing he was interested in. People always were surprised when they found out about that side of himself, since he hardly would seem like the dancer type due to the certain air that he gave off.
“No of course not! No! Its just...you usually wait for me at the entrance, I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up here.” You exclaimed, suddenly feeling really bad for making Hoseok feel slightly insecure with all the stares.
Despite his usual confident composure, you knew him beyond his facade and knew that he was actually a tender soul who needed to be taken care of, especially since he has taken care of himself for a long while. He fell for you because with how kind and patient you are, as well as how you love him unconditionally. And in return, he gave you his unconditionally love. He was a good boyfriend to you, always treating you like a princess. Despite his bad boy image, you learnt that Hoseok is actually very kind and has a golden heart, and only those who are willing to get to know him would learn that too.
“I wanted to see you sooner. I missed you. That is the only reason I have.” He said simply, making your heart flutter with his words as you knew he was being sincere with them. You smiled softly and decided to lean up and press a kiss to his cheek.
“I missed you too. I’m glad you came.” He gave you an unsure look.
“Really?” He asked, still feeling slightly insecure. You nodded and wrapped your arm around his waist as the two of you walked, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Of course. I love you.” You said, immediately making a smile appear on his face.
“I love you too.” He responded immediately, making you giggle before leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek again, only for Hoseok to move and catch you lips with his own instead. You squeaked and pulled away with pink cheeks.
“Worth it.” He said with a wink, laughing as you only flushed pinker with immediately.
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Namjoon grunted as your ass slapped against his ground as you bounced on top of him, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he guided you along his length with your back pressed to his front. You were gasping each time he reentered you, and moaned loudly as you felt Namjoon hit you deeply in the spot which was making you see stars. He press his hot lips to your neck, biting at your skin before moving them to your ear.
“You ready to come baby girl?” You moaned as his husky voice, his nickname driving you wild as it was a play on with his good girl nickname that he usually gave you when the two of you were in public. He felt you tighten around him and he groaned as he sped up his thrusts from underneath you, hitting you harder then before while you kept tightening around him. “Come now. Come fucking now.”
You let out a scream when you finally did come, clenching tightly around him which only prompted his own release as he emptied himself, his arms tightly wrapping around you and keeping you in place as the two of you rode out or orgasms together, you trembling in his hold and you quite literally descended from heaven after such a prolonged session. Both of you stayed in place, panting for breath while both of your sweaty bodies simultaneously stuck to each other due to the very physical workout you both had together.
Then Namjoon chuckled.
He pressed a kiss to your neck, to one of the hickies he had left on your delicate skin before pulling you off of him, making you whine from the emptiness he left behind when he pulled himself out of you before placing you on his bed, pulling the covers over your naked body before pressing a kiss to you’re forehead. “Incredible as ever my good girl.”
You couldn’t help but groan at the nickname, making Namjoon chuckle as he stood up from the bed in his naked glory and looked for his underwear before pulling them back on. He then walked over to his dorm desk and ruffled through the drawers before pulling out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out of the box and lighting it with one of hi many lighters, puffing it immediately while leaning on his desk. You frowned at him.
“I thought you said you were going to stop.” You said, causing Namjoon to glance at you with a slightly sheepish smile, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth to exhale the smoke.
“Its a working progress. Besides, its not as bad as when we first met.” You still frowned at him.
“Its still a lot though.” Namjoon sighed, tapping some of the ash on the ashtray of his desk before taking another drag.
“Babe, its not something I can break in a day.”
“Still...I don’t like the smell of smoke.“ Namjoon then glanced at you with a knowing lick, the corner of his lip quirking upwards.
“Hence why I decided to try stop.”
Usually Namjoon did not allow a woman dictate his life choices, especially since they had no business to try control what did not belong to them. His life, his choices, that is the end of it. And it took becoming involved with you for him to think better on his life choices, especially since it consists of the factors which could lead to a longer life spent with you. It was honestly quite pathetic with how whipped he has become with you, especially since he has been in relationships before with girls who were more his speed, or rather, in the same league as him since they were all part of the same social circle.
But you were different. Quite obviously so as you were brought up on the better side of the tracks, unlike Namjoon which was born on the wrong side of the tracks. It was quite ironic that the two of you managed to fall in love, since the two of you were the complete opposites of each other, as well as representing the things that you both didn’t like. You hated things like smoking and drinking, and yet that is all Namjoon did when he was in the company of his friends. And Namjoon hated obnoxiousness and arrogant people, which you were in the beginning of the year when Namjoon had first met you.
The two of you hated each other in the beginning, but it took being stuck doing a project together did the two of you see the better sides of one another. You saw the intelligent side of Namjoon, the side which has always been there but people never believed he was intelligent because of his disinterest in class. And he saw your more down-to-earth side, or rather, your more caring side as he had asked about a photo he saw in your dorm which consisted of you and a few of your high school friends.
Time eventually passed and the two of you feel in love. Entirely cliche, but Namjoon doesn’t regret. Nor do you. Because somehow the two of you just compete each other, no matter with how cheesy that sounds.
Namjoon continued to smoke his cigarette, a comfortable silence hovering between the two of you before you suddenly spoke. “You look sexy when you smoke.
Namjoon grinned and put out the finished cigarette in his ash tray before turning back to you, eyes glinting as he took in your sitting up figure with the sheets covering your knees while you hugged them, hiding your beautiful chest from him.
“Oh really? What happened to it being bad for me?” You smiled at him, eyes glinting similarly as his.
“It is still bad for you. But I’m just saying that you look sexy while saying so.” Namjoon smirked before his hands traveled to his underwear and began to tug it off, freeing himself as he felt himself getting hard again while he didn’t break eye contact with you.
“Hmm, guess I should try the concept of replacing a bad habit with an alternative. Mind me using you for research?”
You obviously did not mind as you suddenly pushed off the sheets and laid down on the bed, parting your legs for him and looking at him with dark hooded eyes and a sultry smile which was positively sinful on a good girl like you.
“Be my guest.”
And he made sure to overstay his welcome with your body for his research.
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Alcohol was not really something that you liked to have, especially since you knew just how rowdy and irresponsible it made people when they drank it in large amounts. You also found it a waste of time and money, as one could always do better things with money than to spend it on a multitude of alcohol and waste it all away at a party where there was no care if the glasses were smashed or the liquid was spilled.
And yet here you were, getting into a drinking match with one of Jimin’s friends while he was cheering for you on the side.
“Come on Y/N, you’ve got this!” He cheered, smiling widely at you before he glanced at his friend who was halfway finished with downing their drinking. “Open your gullet! It will go down faster! Come on, go go go!”
Jimin’s friends were hardly the kind you would associate yet, much less that your family and friends would approve of as they would be labeled as ‘the unsavory types’ by them, mainly due to their love of motorcycles, smoking, and partying. But you were drawn to them, or rather to Jimin who stood out the most to you as he eyed with you the most delightful eye smile which was just too innocent for someone who was a part of the said ‘unsavory’ group.
But you have learned that Jimin and his friends were more than the ‘reputations’ that they had on campus. Yes, most of them were rather rough around the edges and were rebels of note, but they all did have kind heart. Well, most of them. And Jimin had the kindest heart of all. He showed you the gentler side of himself, and he shared his thoughts and feelings with you which he would never share with his friends as he knew that he would not be taken seriously by them or simply get teased for them.
He was different with you, or rather you saw the true side of him which wasn’t labelled due to his leather jacket. And now here you were, sitting in his dorm room with his friends about to win a drinking competition despite being a complete newbie to drinking. You slammed your glass down and covered your mouth to prevent yourself from burping before you patted the table to signify your completion of you drink, making Jimin and the others cheer.
“That’s my girl!” Jimin exclaimed, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your cheek before turning to his friend with a smirk. “She totally kicked your ass!”
“S-She cheated!” His friend slurred, alcohol dribbling from their mouth as they protested, making Jimin scoff and roll his eyes.
“How the hell do you cheat in drinking? Nah, she kicked your ass at drinking, just accept it.” His friend flashed him the middle finger which Jimin returned before he turned back to you and grinned. He moved to grip you by the jaw and turn your head around to face him before pressing his lips to yours, kissing you passionately for a few seconds before pulling away, tasting the alcohol which you had just downed. “Hot damn you’re sexy.”
“I...I think I’m drunk.” You uttered, feeling a hot buzz in your head as you pressed the back of your hand to your head. Jimin laughed and took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Not drunk yet babe. Just tipsy. Believe me, I will tell you when you are drunk.” he assured, making you look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“But...I am drunk.” Jimin shook his head again with a smile.
“Nah babe, just tipsy.”
You opened your mouth to protest again but Jimin interrupted you with another kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips this time to get a real taste of the alcohol you drank, as well as the natural taste of your mouth which was cool and wet. He pulled you closer to him with his arm around your shoulders, your own arms moving to wrap around his waist as the two of you sat on the couch.
“Get a bloody room!” One of his friends jeered, throwing an empty plastic cup at the two of you which hit Jimin on the head. Jimin pulled away to grab the cup and throw it back at them with a glare.
“I’m in one!”
“We are in this room! We don’t want to see the two of you swapping spit in front of us!”
“Then leave! I can kiss my girlfriend whenever I want!” Jimin growled, making you giggle despite the buzz in your head becoming more prominent. Jimin’s friend scoffed before pouring themselves another drink with the plastic cup that Jimin threw back to them.
“You can kiss your girlfriend, but she can’t drink me under the table. She got lucky once, she won’t get lucky twice.”
It was an obvious baiting for you, and Jimin in a way, but since you were already feeling the influences of alcohol, you saw no reason of not adding more to it. Thanks to your new liquid courage, you straightened up in Jimin’s hold and turned to glare at his friends.
“I...can totally...drink you under the table.” You slurred, making Jimin’s friend raise their eyebrow with a smirk.
“Oh really?” They mocked, holding out the plastic cup now filled to the brim with another alcoholic concoction. You nodded confidently before reaching for the cup and bringing it back to you, raised and ready to start drinking.
“Definitely!” You announced, making Jimin chuckle and squeezed your shoulders in support as his friend got their own cup and sat down in the previous seat where your other opponent was setting.
“Your funeral. Jimin count us down.” Jimin grinned before glancing at the two of you before raising his hand for the countdown.
And despite being tipsy/drunk, you still managed to win, earning more cheering from Jimin and more acceptance from his friends as they began to see you more than the goody-goody who previously looked down on them.
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Taehyung was only gone for a few minutes to get you a new drink to only realize that someone was trying to move in on his girl while he was gone, thinking that it would be okay to try their luck with Taehyung out the picture. And while Taehyung may have been fine with it in the past, this time it was different because the girl he was with was you and he was not going to share you with anyone. You weren’t some passing prize cow to be shared among others. You were his and only his and he was going to make sure everyone knew that.
He tossed your intended drink aside, uncaring that its contents ending all covering the entire front of a girl’s dress, and pushed his way through the crowd before he finally was near you and your apparent suitor and roughly grabbed them by the collar of their shirt. “Just who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
“Tae!” You exclaimed, him coming out of nowhere and now pressing his face close to the person who was attempting to get you to dance with them or step away for more privacy, not that you were going to as you were waiting patiently for Taehyung to return. Taehyung growled and began to aggressively shake them by the collar, anger and protectiveness filling him. The person immediately grabbed at Taehyung’s wrist to get him to let go, but to no avail.
“Taehyung chill-”
“Why the fuck would I chill when you’re trying to make a move on my girl? Just what the hell do you take me for?” He growled, shaking them more roughly this time.
“You’ve never bothered before! I was just-”
“Well I bother now. She is fucking mine and if you even try make a move on her again, I will bash your face in.” He then shoved them away from him before turning to you and grabbing you by the arm. “Let’s get out of here.”
Now usually one would think that after being threatened by an angry Taehyung, they would back down, but clearly not in this case as the person scoffed behind the two of you and glared.
“Never thought that the Kim Taehyung would become soft over a girl. Guess you’ve lost your edge.” They mocked, knowing that their words would trigger Taehyung. And they did.
Taehyung whirled around, the idea of him becoming soft just infuriating and he was ready to prove that he has not lost his edge by beating them to a pulp when you suddenly clung to his arm, stopping him in his tracks while looking at him pleadingly.
“Please Tae, don’t do it. Be the bigger man.” You begged, only to have the other person scoff.
“The bigger man? Stay out of this sweetheart, you clearly have no idea just what kind of man Taehyung is.”
“Don’t you dare call her sweetheart.” Taehyung growled, glaring at them with threatening eyes as he was tense on the spot, not moving forward to start a fight, but not moving backward to retreat. His mind was buzzing in indecision and the only thing he was aware of was your hands tightening around his arm to keep in in place.
“Please Tae, lets just go home. I want to get out of here.”
The standoff between Taehyung and the person was getting noticed by the others at the party and a circle was beginning to get formed around them, the other party-goers chanting ‘fight, fight, fight’ to encourage a brawl between the two of them, but that was the last thing that you wanted. Coming to the party was the last thing you should have agreed to, but Taehyung wanted you to loosen up and have fun with him, so you eventually agreed. But now you were regretting it as Taehyung looked two seconds away from committing assault.
“Listen to your woman Taehyung, will just prove to me just how soft you have really become. So disappointing, I thought that you were a real man before but now it seems you are some henpecked mess. Tragic.”
They were clearly goading Taehyung for a fight, and with all his previous ones in the past, Taehyung knew that he would win if he decided to accept the bait and go for it. But he felt your hands tighten around his arm even more and you even began to tug him backwards while speaking begging words to him to please just drop it, to just leave the party and go back to the dorm with you and forget it ever happened.
But his pride was wounded and there was nothing more than he hated than his image getting attacked, especially since he has earned a lot of street cred for himself. His was biting down on his teeth hard, pretty certain that he would eventually crack a tooth, but letting out a scoff and taking a step back towards yous, eyes on his apparent opponent.
“Fuck off.” He cursed before he turned around, ready to follow you out of the house and to take the two of you back to your dorm. He could see that you were relieved by his choice and even flashed him a small smile as the two of you began to walk away, but then it disappeared when his opponent decided to say the last word.
“I knew you were fucking weak.”
This time Taehyung saw red. He whipped around and ripped his arm out of your hands and stormed up to them and gave one hard right hook to the jaw, knocking them off feet and onto the floor where he immediately climbed on top of them and began to deliver hard punches to the face while keeping them upright by the collar.
He could hear the crowd egging him on, and Taehyung did not stop despite his hand killing him as he felt the skin split on his knuckles, but he just kept punching. He knew he had broken their nose and he knew he could do a lot more damage if it wasn’t your voice which snapped him out of it, your cries and pleas for him to stop.
“Taehyung please! Please stop! You’re going to kill them! Please stop!”
He somehow managed to get a hold of himself. He released them and stumbled away from the past out body on the floor before turning to you, his body rising and falling rapidly due to his anger and his hand stinging like hell. He saw that there were tears in yours eyes and it killed him because he knew he was the cause of it because he showed his more volatile side to you tonight. You knew he had a temper but it was the first time you saw him losing it violently with someone.
He regretted it, he shouldn’t have allowed himself to get baited like that. Now he did not know if this changed anything between the two of you, but dare he say he was scared that it would. He had never been scared before, aside from when he was younger and left home alone with his father, but now he honestly felt scared. Scared that you may leave him because of this.
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Jungkook’s frame covered your entire body, pressing you into the couch while your hands pressed themselves along his abdomen, tracing ever single muscle that he had on them, prompting a low husk from his lips as he stared down at you with dark eyes. You gazed up at him so innocently, cheeks bright red as you took him animalistic look, looking like a starved tiger offered some meat on a hook. With you being the hook.
“Jungkook-” You started, but only for Jungkook to lean down at smash his lips to your in a harsh kiss.
He kept himself propped up on his elbows resting beside your head, his lips dominating yours as you tried to keep up with the pace he was setting, which was hot and heavy. He felt himself straining in his jeans, them needing to come off as soon as possible, but he was still trying to prolong for you to make sure he didn’t scare you off. While you could obviously feel how much he wanted you right now, he had to slow down at least a little to get you used to the idea that the two of you were going to become intimate. He didn’t want to rush it with you.
But there was only so long that he could wait, especially since you were pawing at him like a desperate puppy, arching into his body even though he was keeping himself propped up. Despite being the picturesque of innocence on campus, your looked positively sinful on his bed in only your underwear, bra scrapped long ago in his hurry in undressing you . With his restraint hanging on a thread, he couldn’t blame himself as he moved one hand to grab at your right breast, pulling away with a dark chuckle when he heard you groan from his hard groping.
“You like that, don’t you?” He asked, already knowing the answer as he could tell from your dark eyes glancing down at his hand playing with your breast, thumb and index moving to twist the nipple, causing you to yelp in surprise and pleasure. He grinned. “Yeah, I can see that you do.”
“J-Jungkook...” You called out, gasped as he continued to twist your nipple to his desire, making him chuckle before he moved to suddenly suck at your other breast, this time making a loud moan to escape your lips as Jungkook pleasured your whole chest, right hand occupied with your right breast while he sucked and licked at your left one. You were in a cycle of pleasure, but it was only a warmup for Jungkook.
“If you friends saw you right now...they would be shocked.” He pulled away from your breast, licking his lips before locking eyes with you before moving his hand from your breast to cup you, raising his eyebrows and smirking as he felt moisture pressing against his fingers. He glanced down to your core and chuckled.
“You’re soaking.”
“S-Stop.” You covered your entire face with your hands, your blush traveling all the way down to your neck that Jungkook could swear that you were glowing with how red you were.
You clearly were not used to such blunt talk, much less from Jungkook of all people since people warned you not to become involved with him due to his reputation with women and his lifestyle. And yet here you were, on his couch in his dorm, where he was cupping you in your most precious place where only your long-term boyfriend at your hometown had knowledge of its intimacies. And Jungkook was cupping you like it was some kind of prize.
“Stop? Why would I stop when you all all needy for me.” Jungkook teased, chuckling before pulling his hand away, much to disappointment as a whine left your lips which made Jungkook chuckle as he began to tug your panties off, noting how elaborate they actually were. “And clearly you wanted this to happen judging from your panties. Sexy.”
“That’s enough!” You exclaimed, this time his teasing getting the better of you as you pulled your hands away from your face to glare at him, only to be caught staring at Jungkook as he grinned delightfully at you, a smirk on his face as he he spun your panties around his finger with a raised eyebrow.
“Feisty, I like it.” He tossed your panties to the side and lunged down to catch your lips in a hot kiss, stopping himself from crushing you on his elbows once again. You felt his bulge against your bare core this time and you couldn’t yelp but squeak as it only seemed to grow in size. Jungkook pulled away only when oxygen became a need and he panted as he stared deeply into your eyes. “You are so fucking sexy.”
“I’m not-”
“Yes you fucking are.” He growled, glancing down at your naked body before suddenly reaching into his back pocket for his wallet and taking out a silver square package before tossing his wallet aside, which made you blush as you realised what he had taken out of it.
Screw his control. He needed you now.
Jungkook felt your eyes on him as he unbuckles his jeans and pulled them and his underwear down in one pull to free himself, him ripping open the silver wrapping with his teeth before he slipped on the protection before turning his attention back on you. He licked his lips when he saw your glistening core and he tugged you closer by the thighs before moving back down to prop himself on top of you, his one hand moving to cup your head while his other guided himself to your entrance.
“I’m going to take care of you. Okay?” He stated, feeling his tip at his entrance and moving his other hand to grip your shoulder, his eyes locked with yours in permission. Despite being incredibly flustered by Jungkook’s obvious need and desire for you, your moved grip his back, legs unconsciously opening wider for him as you nodded.
“Okay.” You said, your lips meeting with Jungkook’s as he thrusted into you, filling you easily and quickly which caused the both of you to moan at the union, a growl leaving Jungkook’s lips as he felt you around him.
“Fuck, you feel good.” He husked before he slowly began to move, giving you some time to adjust before he began to speed up, his restraint unable to handle his need for you anymore and finally breaking as you began to moan in sync with his grunts as he began to mark you as his. “You’re mine. You got that?”
“Yes...” You breathe, arching your head back as you hips began to meet Jungkook’s as he thrusted, nails digging into his shoulders as he kept moving. Jungkook husked out a laugh before speeding up even more, his entire frame dominating yours.
“My girl...my girl...my girl...”
You were his girl in every single way, and even though there were plenty of others you could go for, he was going to make sure that you wouldn’t, because he knew how much you loved him, just as he loved you. You were his as he was yours and he was not to let you go for anything.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊
eren x fem!reader
suggestive conversations, teacher x student mention, smoking, alcohol, mention of love triangle, reiner doesn't have an easy life, characters are aged up and they correspond to the last season, modern au, eren being a tease, nsfw once they get to the party, dirty talking, reader may have a degradation kink, slapping, finger-sucking cause that's my sign, neck grabbing, rough composure, really long fic and really long warnings, size kink, wall sex, consensual relation, reader is tiny next to eren, kneejob (does that exist?), use of words like fucktoy, doll, slut; dom!eren x sub!reader, goddess i’m getting scared bc of the quantity of warnings, unprotected sex (don’t be like eren), oral (m receiving), consensual filming,, author is horny half of the drabble, please correct me in any errors! sex scenes are really bad written sorry
a/n: yeah... i don't know what i'm doing someone pls tell me to stop. as always, very welcome criticism and minors please do not interact!!
"Jaeger, Eren." The teacher says his name and he gets up, loose clothes and his lazy bun on the back of his head giving him that attractive visual he has. Girls look at him with interest and boys with envy. After all, they all want to be like him, date him, be his friends. Be near him is something to be grateful for half the university students. What a bunch of idiots.
His tall body reaches the professor table, were he leans on, receiving the paper that acredites his graduation. A smirk on his face, directed to your young teacher, makes your friend Pieck sigh on the chair next to you. "He has for sure fucked her." she says. You look to the teacher expression, a smile just for him while he raises just the corners of his lips to her. You look to the paper on your hands. It's your last day. You're finally graduating. University is just another closed door for you. The last people take their diplomas quickly, the teachers giving their typical emotional discourses before releasing you to the campus yard. Reiner gets closer to your group, his arm around your shoulders as he smile for all of you.
"Today. Tonight." he corrects himself. "There's a party and, as the captain of the Waterpolo team, I'm the host." he says, a smile on his lips reaching his kind eyes. "You're all invited, of course. VIP invitations" Winking to all of you and gaining a giggle from Pieck, Reiner moves his head to a whistle. Bertholdt calls him from the door of the swimming pool, and Reiner leaves, smiling at you.
"I'll see you there?" he asks, a huge smile on his face. You can't help but smile back at him while you nod. Reiner leaves running the yard and Porco smiles at you, a joke about to escape his lips. You two have been friends time enough to know every single expression of the other.
"He does like you." he says, instead. Something serious for the first time in your friendship. Someone hits him with a paper when he was about to add something.
"You're finally out." Porco's big brother, Marcel Galliard, who works as the waterpolo trainer, takes his brother by the arm. "And out of the pics if you stay here, come on." He takes Porco with him, both of them leaving in Reiner's direction. Pieck smiles at you, about to comment something about Reiner, and you search your phone. It isn't there. Fuck.
"Pieck, I've lost my phone." you say, her face changing to a concerned expression. You touch every pocket and every place you've could have put it, without gain. Even she searches on the little handbag she's carrying. You remembered to take a pic with Pieck on the terrace and had to fix your shoes. You probably forgot it there. "Shit. Is the Uni still open, right?" Pieck nods quietly. Annie turns around to look at you. "Coming back real quick, wait for me here, please."
You make your way upstairs to the latest floor of the Univeristy, a terrace where teachers liked to go and smoke or drink their coffees between classes. "How can I forget my phone there? Am I dumb?" you think for yourself. There are just a few stairs left. You find Armin on your way. His short blond hair and his big blue eyes are recognizable everywhere.
"Congratulations." he says, that gentle smile on his face. "We finally graduated." You smile at him back, nodding.
"We did, Min." you say. Armin was in the same class as you, and he's really nice to you. Being paired in a couple works has made your friendship grow little by little, and you can consider him a friend now. It's ironical how he's Eren's best friend, even when the two of them have been seen parted for a while. He looks at you, his eyes following your way. "You go to the terrace?" he asks. You nod. He hums and looks upstairs, as if he was making sure something.
"Forgot something there, but it will take a minute." Armin nods and you keep going. Opening the big door, that is casually still open, the wind shakes your hair and your dress. You see your phone on the chair you sat earlier, while taking the pic, and you're fast to take it. Fortunately, it does have battery and it seems as nobody has touched it. You turn around, ready to go down to meet your friends, when you listen femenine giggles and sound of wet kisses. Gross. Is somebody using the rooftop to fuck? In the university? You shake your head. But your legs don't move. Your head searches unconsciously the place where the voices are coming from. You want to know who they are. Another giggle. Another kiss. A quiet sigh, the sound of fabrics. "Come on, move, move." You say to yourself. The woman speaks. "Now that you graduated..." Isn't that your teachers voice? With a student? You remain silent, trying to hear him. You hear a sigh. A manly and long sigh.
"Now that I graduated I have no reason to come here." You know that voice. That deep, raspy tone and that way of talking. Your brain searches quickly who does that voice belong to.
"Come on, Eren." even when you where about to figure who was the mysterious boy, she says his name. You move your hand to cover your mouth, your phone ringing in that moment. Pieck's ID showing on the screen. "Fuck, fuck." you try to silence it in vain. They heard you. Eren sighs, a long sigh that is followed by high heels steps. She's searching you. You're there, on the middle of the rooftop, and she's going around, near the door, no way to escape for you. You search quickly a place to hide. Then, he talks again. "They probably left, hm?" he says. His tone is way deeper now. "But we should as well. Search another student next year. I won't come back here for you." he says. With angry steps, she leaves. You can see her shadow from behind the little maintenance shed. You hear then calm steps, a lighter and the combustion of a cigarette. Eren palms the shed metallic roof, scaring you.
"Having fun spying the others?" he says. The smoke comes out of his mouth when he kneels next to you. "I can bet you're wet with just hearing us making out." you look at him in his green eyes, without avoiding his gaze. He raises a brow, putting the cigarette again between his lips.
"This is a public space. It isn't for you to bring every single girl you want." you say. Eren lets out a little laugh.
"I had the teacher's permission." he says, jokingly. "Who do you think you are to question her permissions?" his lips part, letting the smoke escape quietly. He gets up, his tall body resting against the structure. He's attractive, and he knows it for sure. But, the moment he opens that damn mouth of his... He loses all his attractiveness and charm. You take your phone, ready to go down with your friends.
"I hope you have a good future, Eren Jaeger. See you."
"Later, baby. On Reiner's party." he says, a little smile on his lips. "I guess he had invited the girl he likes." you didn’t like that joking tone. 
"And why the hell would he invite you?" you ask. Eren slides his eyes down your body when you get up, your light dress moving with the wind, your hair getting messy and your challenging eyes looking directly at his. He entertains himself on your legs, how they looked smooth and good under the dress. And, surprisingly, he finds himself thinking of the sweet thing upper, covered by the dress and your underwear. 
"Because I'm on his waterpolo team." he says, his green irises going back to yours. Damn, true. He’s the point of the team. The offensive. The strongest one between them. 
"Then I hope we don't see each other." you say. Eren gets closer to you, smoke leaving his lips while he smiles jokingly at you again. You can smell the tobacco from your position, but you don’t want to move. You want to show him you can also keep his gaze. That you’re not intimidated by him.
"I'll be searching for you." he whispers. "After all, you stayed up here to see who I was making out with. Maybe you're jealous. But don't worry, i'll gladly show you what I did to her" You raise a brow this time, giving a couple steps back to put distance. You cross your arms on your chest. Eren smiles, taking the cigarette away from his lips.
"Search another girl. I'm sure a lot of them want your attention." you say. That makes Eren smirk. He walks a couple steps back, his back resting against the shed again. He throws the cigarette and steps on it. 
"You have a strong personality, not like all the others. I like it." his eyes are on yours, and you're not afraid to keep the visual contact with him. "You're different." he says. You take a couple steps near him, heading to the door. Palming his shoulder, you smile.
"Good job reading all that cliche books where you took that phrase. Now, I have to go." his hand grips your wrist. With a shake, you get free and, false smiling at him, you leave. Your heart is racing while you go downstairs, Eren is still on the terrace, giggling for himself. He found such an interesting one. You keep going downstairs until you reach the yard, Pieck's black hair and Annie's bun can be seen. You walk towards them, your phone ringing on your hand. It's Pieck again. She sees you a hangs up, walking towards you.
"You took forever, y/n" she says, showing you her phone. "I calles you a hundred times. What were you doing?" she asks. You don't want to discover the teacher and Eren and less on the campus. "I'll tell you later." you say. Pieck told you to have dinner and get ready for the party at her home, so the two of you start to walk, waving your hands at Annie, who was waiting for Armin. Eren comes out of the university as well. His gaze finds yours and he smiles at you, but it isn't a sweet smile. It’s a teasing one. You turn around and follow Pieck.
"Eren? I told you those two had something!" she says. You're tying your shoes while she applies rimmel on her lashes. She looks beautiful, with that golden tight dress that shines when she moves. You wanted to go with your graduation dress, but she quickly corrected you. "No, no, that dress is too beautiful for this type of party. You have to show what you have." she said. She lended you a red dress that fits you. It is beautiful, and you look good on it. She turns around. "Were they in the middle of it? What happened!" she asks. You blush.
"They were just kissing, i think. They kinda broke up." you say. Pieck nods quietly and looks again to the mirror, taking blush to her cheeks. You explain her that Eren talked to you after that.
"Oh, so he's going to the party?" she asks. You nod. "Porco told me he wasn't that interested, so he'll probably pass." You really hope Porco is right while you two walk to Reiner's house, a big duplex near the campus. You can hear music and people talking from the corner of the street. Reiner opens the door for you.
"Y/N!" he says, quickly hugging you. Pieck waves her hand at him. "Come on, girls, enter." he lets you in. There isn't a huge amount of people. Jean and Connie from the Waterpolo club are playing beer pong and Bertholdt is serving some drinks. You look around, but you don't know if you want to find him or make sure he isn't there.
It seems like Eren isn't there, for your luck. Bert gives you the drink you asked for and you thank him. There's a couple people talking near a speaker, another ones are playing on Reiner's TV and another ones are dancing. Reiner smiles.
"If you need anything, the rooms and the living room are up. There's a bathroom in that door and another one upstairs." he says. You smile at him. "I'll be around here if you need me." he says. You nod and he disappears, giving your arm a soft squeeze. Pieck tells you that she's going outside and you decide to stay inside. The juice with a little bit of vodka is kinda strong, but it tastes sweet. You hear a hum near you.
"What are you drinking?" you roll your eyes, turning around. Eren's tall body is there, smiling at you. He looks into your cup. "Juice?" he asks. You raise a brow.
"Do you care?" he lets out a melodious laugh. "Don't you have friends?" you can almost feel all the gazes in you. Envy gazes, surprise gazes. You know they're commenting. "How did she get his attention?" "Sure he's playing with some bad toys" You look at Eren.
"I do. But my interest tonight is in you." he tells. "After all, you deserve private representations of what we were doing, since you were that curious."
"Get lost, please."  you ask him. He smirks. Taking your cup, he smells it. He gives it back to you.
"Don't drink that much." he says. You look at him. Is he now giving you orders? Taking the cup to your lips, you drink under his gaze. He raises a brow when you take the cup away from your mouth. You weren’t going to get orders and less form a dork like him. Surprisingly, his thumb takes a drop that slides from your lips. He licks it.
"Tastes sweet." it's all he says, before disappearing. Did he just licked it? You put the cup on a near table and follow him outside. He's lighting a cigarette. He smiles at you when you arrive.
"What was that. What you did inside." you ask. He laughs.
"We can't waste alcohol, can we?" he says. He walks closer to you. His bun is still low and loose, and he's wearing his waterpolo team t-shirt with ripped black jeans. A big 5 in his t-shirt. The number he uses on the water. "Do you smoke?" he asks, offering you the cigarette. You shake your head. He raises a brow. "Wanna try?" he asks. You're not into that type of things but, maybe, the way his green eyes challenged you makes you nod. You want to show him you're capable. He gives you the cigarette. "Want me to teach you?" When he ended the phrase, you're coughing. He laughs. "Such an impatient girl, hm?"
 He takes the cigarette again, taking a puff, his lips right on the spot you stained with gloss. He gets closer. "Let me show you." his lips touch yours quietly and you feel the smoke flowing between your mouths, entering yours. You’re unable to move, even when he’s kissing you. It feels nice, feels warm and soft against your mouth, the smoke entering right from his parted lips. You want more. More of him. He parts. "Breath out quietly." Why are you following his orders now? You do it softly, his gaze on your lips while you do it. "Good girl." 
That was hot. You can't deny it. The way he passed the smoke to you, how he looked at you. Oh, goddess. He smiles, stepping on the cigarette. Your legs feel like jelly and your heart races when he gets closer.
"You liked it?" he asks, a sweet purr on your ear. You nod. You did. Now you get why everyone is always around Eren. He's naturally magnetic, attractive. He’s the type of person that bewitches, that makes you follow his orders even when you don’t want you. He can make you weak for you from just a single peck. "I know more tricks with my mouth than passing smoke" he says. That makes you cringe a little, get down of your bubble.
"You're so dirty minded." You say. Maybe he was starting to attract you, to make you fall for him. You won't. You need to go out. Far from him. Far before you fall.
"I was starting to have fun." he whispers. You start to walk, heading to Reiner's house again. Eren follows you quietly. You've seen enough romantic films to know every single way he has to take you to his bed. You sigh. Inside, a lot of people is dancing. You also want to. Eren follows you quietly while you enter the improvised dance floor, a empty space between two sofas, moving to the song. It's hot inside Reiner's house, a stupid amount of people dancing together, bodies close and teasing movements. Maybe Eren tries to seduce you outside, but it is your time to make him beg for you. Moving your head and your body, you see him from th corner of your eye. He's there, behind you, his hands tingling. He wants to touch your body, that tiny red dress and that velvety skin. He wants to mark that exposed neck with his bites, tangle that hair with his fingers, feel you against him. You take one of his hands, putting it on your hips. He swallows.
"You're not that brave now." you whisper, without letting him hear you. His other hand finds your belly, going up to the low cut of Pieck's dress. His hand touches your skin, making you gasp. He gets close. "You won." he whispers on your ear, his hands sneaking, touching every showing skin he finds. You smirk, turning around. You're not aware of Reiner's sad gaze. "I won?" you ask. He smiles, his face getting closer, as if he wanted to kiss you. "Hmh." he hums. You smile at him, letting your body meet his really close, making you feel every part of Eren’s body. You raise a brow. "There's evidence of my win." you joke, Eren's lips curving on a teasing smile.
"You should take responsibility of your trophy." he feels your hands on his arms, making him sigh. He takes your hand and guides you upstairs. "Wait, Eren, wait!" you ask him. People look at you, going head to the second floor, your hand jailed on his. Almost everybody knows now what you two are going to do. "Eren, everybody will..."
"Let them talk. We can have a good time while they spend their last braincells making rumors." he says. He's kinda right. You shouldn't care of what people say or what people think. "But it is Reiner's house." you tell him. He smiles. 
"He lets me use the guest room to sleep. It's almost my room. My brother doesn't really like my company, I guess." he says. You feel bad for Reiner. He's such a sweetheart with you, and everybody thinks he likes you. And there are you, about to make out with Eren on his house. But you're drunk of him, of his smell and his skin, his deep voice and his green eyes. You can't help. You need him. He opens the room and lets you in. You don't have even time to see the room, feeling his lips on yours as soon as he closes the door, his hand sneaking behind your back to lock it. One of his arms rest above your head, against the wood, and the other pulls you closer to his body from your low back. His hand grabs your ass roughly, making you jump a little. He giggles against your mouth. His lips taste like tobacco and mint bubblegum. He parts.
"Are you drunk?" he asks. You shake your head. You take his hair on your hand, trying to make him cover your mouth again with his. He gives you a peck. "You want this?" he asks. Your hands search his chest, defined muscles under the team t-shirt. 
"I want you, Eren." you don't even know who you are. He has you crazy, begging for him and his kisses, feeling his hotness in your body. You want it. You want him. "Please.". His superiority smirk covers your lips again, your body arching to feel his closer, the grip on you harder, his other hand still on the door. He parts your lips quietly, the softer action of all he has done until now. You feel his tongue caressing yours quietly. It feels nice. His hand takes the border of your red dress, lifting it, asking for your consent. You nod at him, his hand moving it to your waist. He parts to look down, your underwear on his vision camp. He passes his tongue on his lips while his eyes scan that cute black panty you’re wearing. He likes it. Simple, something a cute innocent girl like you would wear. The thought arouses him. He’s going to ruin you, the sweet little girl that seems too tiny for him.
“What a precious panty, doll.” he hums, his knee going up until it meets the black fabric. Then, with a smirk, he makes pressure up, your body feeling his knee hot and hard against your wetness. You gasp and he smiles. “Such a desperate fucktoy.” he whispers, his lips near your open ones, your sighs every time he moves his knee against you. He likes that expression on your face. The way your cute lips are open in silent pleasure signs. He would love to watch them open around another thing, but he takes his free hand to your mouth, his long thumb caressing your lips before entering your mouth, pressing your tongue while you keep making that expression that has become his favorite. “Suck.” he asks. You obey, your mouth gently sucking his thumb, your tongue playing circles around it. He keeps that game on your cunt, making you lose your concentration on sucking his finger. He puts his knee down, you feel the emptiness between your legs. He takes his phone, tobacco pack and a lighter from his pocket, putting them on the near bed. Then, he takes your hands, guiding them to the fabric of his jeans. You understand what he wants and take the button off, then, unzipping his pants. They fall around his ankles, his muscled legs and his underwear is revealed. He sighs when your hand finds the bulge. You look at him again, spreading kisses on his jaw. His hand covers yours while you try to sneak it in his underwear. He sighs when he feels your cold hand against him, fine and elegant fingers taking his shaft softly. His head rests against the arm on the wall, your kisses going down his body. When you were about to kneel, he takes you up again.
“I’ll let you take a taste of it later.” he sighs again, your hand squeezing harder, making him gasp. His hand closes around your neck, not hard enough to choke you, just a grab. A way to make you know who’s in charge. He kisses you. “Now.” he says, out of breath. His fingers take your panty, sliding it down your legs. He looks at your half- naked body, the dress covering just your thorax. “I want to fuck you right”. He takes your body, pinning you against the wall, your legs around his waist and your hands gripped to his t-shirt. He takes his hand down, the other one holding you in place. His hand strokes his shaft a couple times, also making sure you’re ready enough to take him, before starting to put it in. He feels excited. How your body seems so little between his and the wall. How you’ll struggle to take all of him in. His cock twitch in anticipation. He can’t wait to be deep in you, to know how much of him can you take, but he wants to make it right. Make this something you’ll beg for. Make him feel superior. He pushes slowly, feeling every squeeze and every movement your walls make against him. You moan and he lets out the deepest groan. He doesn’t wait that much to move against you, even when he’s not fully inside, your lips parting to the sensation of him caressing your insides. He puts you against the wall, making the hold easier for him. He thrusts into you with such a power and strength that you feel your head dizzy. He keeps moving, lewd sounds and mixed heavy breaths leaving your mouths. He feels how he’s going deeper and deeper. He smirks.
“That’s it. You’re taking it so good, like the cockslut you are. You struggled to take all of me in that little cunt, all stuffed by me. Such a doll, hm?” he says, out of breath. You nod while he keeps moving against you, you hand taking his hair as his mouth bites your neck. “You were a brat this morning, a fucking tease, but now you’re behaving like a good girl.” he whispers, before bitting you again. One of his hands sneak to the part you two are connected, and he caresses you gently, his fingers knowing perfectly were to touch. You gasp. “You like it, don’t you?”. Your back starts to hurt a little, the wood door is too hard to be resting against. Eren doesn’t mind, his muscles flexed while he keeps moving you up and down his length. “You’re about to, hm?” he asks. “You’re squeezing me. Hard.” He groans. It's true, you're feeling it as well, the knot on your belly that announces your end, pleasure maximized by Eren’s fingers. His lips cover yours, a strand of spit connecting your mouth when he parts, your mind unable to make a coherent sentence. You take your hands to his back, helping him with your movements, reaching your end faster. He isn’t going to edge you. He feels merciful today. He’ll let you cum after all you did for him, after how good you’re squeezing him, after the pretty expressions you made. You fall on his arms with a long sigh,  juices dripping down the two of you as you keep shaking on his arms. He smirks. "Oi, you came really hard." He puts you down on the floor again, quietly sliding out of you. He's still as hard as he was. "I'm that good at it?" he asks. Then, he grabs your jaw, making you look at him. "Or maybe you're just a slut for me?" 
You blush. You did. He knew where to bite, where to touch and where to thrust. You couldn't help, he’s good at this. He pats your head softly. "Now, in reward, since you didn't wait for me, you could use that pretty little mouth you used to tease me this morning in something more interesting, hm?" he asks. You know what he's asking for. Before you kneel, he sits on the bed, tying his hair again while a cigarette hangs from his lips. Then, he pushes softly by your shoulders. You hear him inhaling the smoke. Taking his phone, he makes you look at him, pulling your jaw quietly. “Do you mind if i film you?” You shake your head. Filming is quite interesting, and hot, definitely hot. “Promise me that those videos will never leave your phone”. He smiles, a soft and genuine smile, offering you his hand. You shake it. 
The image is quite hot, your face resting in his tight and your hands caressing him, while his parted lips let go moans mixed with smoke. He takes two fingers to your mouth, the other hand taking the phone. He films your hands, your expression, his words.
"You look pretty with your mouth full of my fingers, but I prefer another thing, doll." he says, quietly pushing your head, making an intrusion in your mouth. He sighs. "Fuck. Show the camera, pretty." You try to wipe the tears away and he caresses your jaw, making you look to the phone filming you. “Show it how you suck me.” You think about him, watching this video in the loneliness of his dormitory, no light, his hand sneaking into his pants. "Do it alright and we'll be done in a second." he says, taking a puff again. He smokes too much for your preference. His fingers, still full of your saliva, impact against your ass. "Faster, doll." he asks. Slap again. Again. You feel your skin tingling under his slaps, hot and red. "I would also like to ruin that pretty ass you have." He grabs it this time, the camera pointing at his big hand squeezing your buttock. You keep sucking under his sighs and gasps, helping yourself with your hand. He smiles. "That's it, I'm already." he moves his hips against you, strong enough to make you feel it. Tears come again to the corners of your eyes as he keeps moving, stronger, the camera pointing everywhere while he loses himself. "You want it? Should I let you have it on your mouth? Or maybe on your pretty face?" he gasps at the thought of your face full of his seed, and maybe that's what makes him pull it out and paint you. With a final sigh, Eren pauses the video, putting out the cigarette against an ashtray. You rest again near his legs as he looks at you. His hands grab your neck again, making you sit on his lap. “You should clean that mess. Don’t want everybody to know how much of a slut you are for me.” he says, his fingers outlining your lips. “And I’ll keep this.” he says, taking the panties he throw away earlier. “You know where to find me if you wanna get them back. Or maybe give me new ones.”
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
What did he say? - Daniel Ricciardo one shot
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Update: I just realized it's Carlos' birthday TODAY! I'm so so sorry hahaha I feel like a jerk, but it's just play pretend ok?
Guys, this is based on a dream I had but listen, it’s so weird cause I KNOW this is not like Carlos AT ALL. He’s kind of the vilan in this one... Please don’t be mad if you’re a Carlos fan, it’s just for fun, I swear. I’ll even try to write something with him later to make it up to you guys! Also, I clearly don't know how vacuum works in racing, so again, just humor me and pretend I got it right, ok?
As always, please take the time to let me know what you think, means a lot to me (even if it’s constructive criticism)! And thank you so much to everyone that always does! 💕 Your lovely messages always motivate me to keep writing!
Warnings: angst, jealous Daniel, kind of a dick Carlos (again, sorry! I know he’d never)
I was in the “side stage” at the press room for the Austin GP, the first I ever went and of course, the first with Daniel, as his girlfriend. He was answering questions along with Pierre Gasly on stage. There were a few people besides me, including some of the drivers, waiting for their turn to face the press.
"Coco, ¿quién es?" I heard Carlos Sainz whispering to his cousin, nodding his head in my direction.
"No conozco. ¿Creo que es periodista?" his cousin answered looking at me. I just acted like I wasn't listening, or understanding, not sure why though.
"No, si fuera periodista estaría allá fuera, haciendo preguntas" Carlos continued.
"Sí, pero no me parece estar perdida" his cousin commented, they kept whispering but I could hear them very clearly.
"Qué pena, no me importaría darte direcciones" Carlos said with a smirk and I felt really uncomfortable at that, which only made me stay even more frozen in place and wish Daniel came back sooner.
"Si no te conociera, diría que acabas de romper una relación. Ni siquiera puedes ver a una chica alrededor" his cousin said hitting him playfully in the head.
"¿Y te parece esta una chica cualquier? Siempre debes andar con supermodelos, ¿no?" Carlos joked back.
"Vale, tienes razón" his cousin answered him and I was counting the seconds for Daniel to come back now.
"Pero sin duda es nueva aquí. Me recordaría de algo como eso. Tampoco pienso ser americana, ellas no tienen esta-" Just then someone called him.
"Sainz, you're up next" Daniel walked out, coming by my side. "Hey" he said to me and I smiled. "They just asked to wait 5 minutes, something about changing the batteries of the mics" he said looking back at Carlos, his cousin, and Kimi, who was going to be pairing with Carlos in the press conference and was just hanging in the corner by himself this whole time.
"Alright, thanks mate" Carlos answered.
"Hey, have you guys met (y/n)? Carlos, Carlos, (y/n)... (y/n), Carlos, Carlos" Daniel made the introductions grinning like a teenager, probably finding it super funny that they had the same first name.
"¡Hola! Mucho gusto en conocerlos, soy (y/n). ¿Como están?" I extended my hand to greet them, feeling much more confident now that I had a 5' 9" Australian by my side. They looked startled at me and then at each other.
“¿Hablas español?” Carlos asked me.
“Sí, y compreendo muy bien también” I told him and my tone made it clear I knew exactly what they were talking about earlier and didn’t like it a bit.
"Carlos, Kimi, they're ready for you" an assistant called.
"Good one kid" Kimi said to me when he walked past us, winking at Daniel. Carlos followed him to the stage and since I didn't want to just stand there in the remains of the awkward situation with Dan and Carlos’ cousin, I just walked in the opposite direction, outside the press room. Not too long after, Daniel walked after me.
"Hey, what was that about?" he asked, still smiling. Boy, he wouldn't be smiling for too long after I told him what that was about.
"What?" I asked, trying not to make a big deal. He reached for my hand, taking it in his.
"You know what. Come on, what happened back there? Did you guys know each other?"
"No!" I have to tell him now, or he'll think I have something to hide. I took a deep breath. "They were talking between themselves before you come out, in Spanish. And I don't think they thought I could understand" he looked at me confused but then it hit him and his expression changed from confusion to rage.
"What did they said?"
"Nothing, it's not a big deal ok? I just wanted to let them know I could understand, so I just said 'hello' in Spanish, that's all" I said, walking away from the place where we were standing and pulling his hand. God knows I didn't want to be there when Carlos walked out, or better, for Daniel to be there.
"I figured that much. But what did he said? Just tell me" Daniel looked at me.
"Let's just go? Please? It's not worth it. What are you going to do? Sucker punch him?"
"Do I need to sucker punch him? Is it that bad?"
"No! Dan, please, let's just go. This is not going to lead us anywhere"
"I'll tell you. Promise. Back at the trailer, okay?" I tried to negotiate.
When we stepped back inside his driver's room, Daniel closed the door and looked at me.
"Alright. Spill it"
"Promise me you won't do anything to him"
"Absolutely not. The longer you stall me, the more pissed off I get"
"Okay” I knew I had no choice and honestly, why should I protect him really? I’m just worried about how this might make Daniel feel. “They were wondering who I was, his cousin was teasing him saying he was only interested because he just ended a relationship"
"That's not all" he said and I didn't answer, just looked away, shaking my head. "Alright. I'm sorry you had to hear that. But you can tell me these things ok? I want to protect you baby" He said stepping closer to me and hugging me.
"I don't want you to cause trouble for something stupid"
"Hey!" he said pulling away a bit to look at me. "This is not stupid. Nothing about you is stupid. It's a big deal baby, that’s plain disrespectful. I want you here with me, always. And I want you to feel comfortable here, okay?"
"I feel comfortable now" I said hugging him closer. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"Fuckers" he whispered to himself.
"Promise me you won't confront him. He'll deny, or start a fight. Or both. And besides, it’s not so much what he said, it’s more like how they were eyeing me. And I don't want you to get involved in a scandal" I said pulling away and sitting down in a chair. Daniel leaned against the table, looking at me.
"A scandal?" he laughed.
"You do know gossip is the major product of motorsports, right?" I smirked at him.
"Fair enough" he agreed. "Fuck baby, the things I have to deal with for having a goddess as a girlfriend" he was joking now, so the mood seemed lighter, but knowing Daniel, I knew he hadn't completely let that go yet. I just rolled my eyes at him. Hopefully, the events of the weekend would be enough to get his mind out of it.
Friday and Saturday kept us busy enough so that we didn’t touch the subject anymore, but I could still catch Daniel staring at Carlos here and there. And I could definitely see Carlos staring at me too, which I tried to avoid at all costs, staying out of his visual field. If Daniel saw that, I don’t know if I’d be able to hold him back again.
On Sunday I’d be watching from the garage with Michael and Blake, which was super exciting, to see all the action from the front row. But I didn’t want to disturb Daniel’s routine, so I tried to stay back a little. Yet, he kept coming to steal kisses and joke around. He seemed really relaxed and confident. He was P5 and I took the care to see that Carlos was P8, so I knew they might race each other eventually but I also knew that Dan would be much more preoccupied doing what he does best and overtaking the 4 in front of him to even think about whoever was behind. Everything was going to be fine, no harm done.
“Alright. Time to go” he announced to me. “Kiss for good luck?”
“Good luck. Just go and do what you do best, okay? And try to come back in one piece” I smiled through the kiss and then watched him take his helmet from the table, wink at me, and turn to walk towards his Mclaren. My chest was tight but I could only pray and hope now.
The cars were already outside the garage for some reason, so Dan was walking out when Carlos passed in front of the orange crew. He stopped to greet some of them and that would be fine, except he was not paying any attention to the people he was talking to. He was looking inside the garage like he was looking for something, or rather someone, cause when he saw me he nodded like he was greeting me and checked me out, head to toes. Dan saw it and looked back inside just in time to see me step aside, behind Michael, clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“Hey... man” Carlos greeted Daniel. And his tone made me sure that it wasn’t even about me anymore. Carlos knew how much it must be bothering Daniel and was clearly using it to try and get him pissed off and unfocused. The thing is, very few things were capable of getting Daniel out of his “all good all ways” vibe, but when they did, you definitely don’t want to be on his way. I’m actually a bit worried about the other drivers now, Carlos included, because Dan just turned back to his machine, like he knew exactly what he was going to do and nothing would stop him, getting inside the car a mere formality. He didn’t even bother to take a second look at Carlos.
“Oh boy” I commented.
“Yeah, I saw it” Michael said to me. “What was that about anyway? I thought they got along fine”. I don’t say anything else, and from that moment on my eyes are glued to the screen in front of us, following any micro movement Daniel makes.
They go for the warm-up lap, which feels like it takes forever, and then, finally, Grid formation. That sign must be broken cause the lights also took hours to change.
3, 2, 1... there they go. Thank god we’re wearing masks, otherwise, my nails and fingertips would be long gone.
The first turn is a sharp one and Daniel had an opening to overtake Perez, the first driver in front of him, we could see it clearly from the drone view, but he didn’t take it. What is he doing?
“What is he doing?” Somebody in the garage voiced my thoughts.
“You had an opening Daniel” the engineer said on the radio.
“All under control. I know what I’m doing. How far are the others behind me?” Daniel answered.
I hoped he wasn’t doing what I thought he was doing but I already knew he was. Being the risk-it-all-idiot he was, Dan was waiting for Carlos to catch up to him. Knowing him, I knew he wanted to race and beat him personally, which was crazy stupid, but wouldn’t take long since Carlos had already overtaken Gasly and Alonso, and was now only a few nanoseconds behind Daniel.
“Come on Dan” I said to myself.
“Come on Daniel” Blake practically yelled at the screen.
I feel like throwing up. He’s gonna get hurt and jeopardize all the work the team put into the weekend just to... to what? I don’t even know. If he gets out of this race alive, I’ll personally kill him.
The race’s still going, no major changes after the first turn. Then suddenly Daniel seems to remember he had a gas pedal, finally getting speed in the big straight and leaving Perez behind. Carlos followed him, seeming to use the vacuum in his favor. Everybody in the garage celebrates, but I’m too focused to cheer along. He’s so close to the podium now. Just keep it up, baby. Carlos is still on his tail.
“Good job mate” the engineer says on the radio. “Watch for Sainz on your right. Bottas’ next”
“Keep me posted on Sainz’s time” it’s all Daniel says.
A couple more laps go and he’s really trying to overtake Bottas, not playing games anymore. Carlos doesn’t seem to try to overtake him even once though, he’s too far behind still.
More laps go by and I can’t standstill. When they’re in the 19th lap, with Max and Hamilton battling each other and taking turns in the lead, Daniel’s voice comes on the radio.
“Let’s be the first to box” I’m not sure what he’s playing at, as it’s still too soon to box, but the team seems to agree.
“Copy that. I’ll let you know when. Let’s get a couple more laps in. Keep this up for now” his engineer answers.
“Understood” Daniel’s voice come through the radio. “How’s Sainz time?”
“At least 1.5 seconds behind you” the engineer informs him.
“Understood” Daniel says.
He’s planning something. Not sure what, and I don’t know if I even could, not knowing much about racing strategies, but it definitely has something to do with Carlos and what happened earlier.
“Ouch!” I hear Michael say and nod towards the screen, making me focus on the race again, and not only on Daniel. Max and Hamilton had touched tires. “They're really going at it, definitely using way more tires than necessary"
"If Dan box before them..." I begin to ask.
"He needs a fast box, gaining speed later and for their box to be slower, but yeah, that's his best shot at them" Michael explains to me.
"Come on baby" I whisper to myself.
Daniel seems to finally get close enough to Bottas, but the Finnish guy won't make it easy for him. Turn 11 on sector 2 will be his best shot now and it's getting closer.
The garage and the radio go silent. Feels like the whole world is holding their breaths while Daniel smoothly overtakes Bottas from his left. And then I almost go deaf with all the cheering around me, it's a podium for Daniel, for now.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to last too long, cause once he comes to the box all the other drivers will pass him. It's just so frustrating.
"Good job mate. Spectacular time. Box now" the engineer informs on the radio.
"Box confirmed. We need to ace this, boys" Daniels says.
Not even a full minute later, I hear his car and see it on the screen. I look outside to see the orange machine with the big 3 in front of it, but I don't even have time to try and take a look at him, cause 2.3 seconds later (or at least that's what the TV tells me) there he goes again. The good news is, only Bottas passed him. The bad news is he almost crashes into Carlos when he comes out of the Pit Lane.
Some of the crew were still celebrating the fast pit stop when they realized what happened. I let out a gasp. They touched tires but Carlos seemed to have managed to get away from Daniel, quickly returning to his side a moment later but struggling to keep it up. Dan, on the other side, seems unbothered. He keeps gaining speed, even though the pit exit is right on the first turn.
"Take it easy now mate, even if Sainz passes you, his time is not enough to stay in front" the engineer informs Daniel, clearly worried that the risk doesn't justify the ends.
"Understood" Daniel responds.
We're on lap 30 now and just as the engineer said, Carlos is a full 2 seconds behind Daniel. Bottas still in front of him (which is frustrating for me because he had just overtaken him before the pit stop), then Hamilton, and finally Max.
"Daniel" the engineer calls him. "How're the tires?"
"All good"
"Good. Ready to race, mate? Hamilton's going to box now"
"Before Bottas?"
"Yes, that's confirmed"
I listen to the conversation between Daniel and the engineer closely, but I can't say I know exactly what the implications are.
"Bottas' going to second, Daniel to third again. Let's hope for a slow pitstop for Hamilton, so when he comes out, he comes in third and races Daniel. That's the best-case scenario, so he needs to gain speed now" Blake explains to me.
"Got it" I confirm to him. "What about Bottas? He should box on the next lap right?"
"Yeah. If Daniel overtakes him still on this lap, the difference will be too big for him to recover after his pit stop. Hopefully" He tells me.
There's a lot of 'hopefullys' and 'best-case scenarios' in this conversation, but I'll take it. I start to silently pray right away, eyes glued to the screen to see exactly what Blake predicted unfold: Hamilton pit stops, Bottas and Daniel are the firsts to go up on the positions, then Carlos, Alonso, and Gasly. The first turn comes again and Dan seises the opportunity to overtake Bottas, who, to his credit, is fighting real hard, but Dan isn't letting him take back his position.
Dan is P2 now. Max is almost 3 seconds in front of him. Hamilton comes out of the pit lane behind Gasly, it should take him long to again his positions.
"Bottas to box on this lap mate" the engineer announces.
"Not worried about Bottas. What about Max?" Daniel answers. A few moments of silence follow.
"Box confirmed for Max on this lap as well. Just get closer to him" the engineer instructs.
"Understood" Daniel answers.
"Come on, baby" I cheer silently again.
"Fuck! He's gonna make it" Michael yells. "Come on Daniel!"
Bottas is 2 seconds behind Daniel, and on the big straight Daniel manages to shorten his time difference to Max to 1.8 seconds. The next thing I know, Max is coming down the pit lane, quickly followed by Bottas. Daniel is P1. I can't believe this. Carlos is P2, but he hasn't boxed yet. Surprisingly enough, Alonso is P3 and, not so surprisingly, Hamilton is already P4 and gaining speed.
"Alonso hasn't boxed yet" Blake comments. That's bad news if we were hoping for him to defend his position against Hamilton. I take a look on the TV and they're showing the conditions of his tires, which to me doesn't mean anything.
"Will he be able to hold him?" I ask Blake.
"Not sure, he's tough though and doesn't want Hamilton to win, that's for sure" Blake answers me.
Then we hear Max passing outside, had almost forgotten about him.
"That took him longer than normal" Michael comments and we look at the screen, his pit stop was 3.6 seconds long. An eternity for the Redbull team. But awesome news for us. Bottas had already left the pit lane, his pit stop was 2.4 seconds long.
The grid is now Daniel, Carlos, Alonso, Hamilton, Bottas, and then Max. Alonso is still holding Hamilton back. Normally, I'd guess Carlos would box soon and maybe even Alonso, but since I know Carlos has some personal motivation against Daniel, I feel like he's going to hold on the longer he can and the same goes for Alonso regarding Hamilton.
We're at the final 10 laps now and nothing has changed, except Carlos is dangerously closer to Daniel now. Alonso still hasn't let Hamilton go by him, repeating the Hungaroring events. I hear the signal of the radio, indicating we're about to hear some communication between Daniel and his engineer, and my chest tightens. It's Daniel's voice that comes on then.
"Something wrong. I'm losing power" Fuck. No.
"Sainz is at your tail. Can you hold on?" the engineer asks.
"I don't know. Fuck. It's just not working. How much's the difference?"
"Less than 1 second"
"Fuck. Why hasn't he boxed yet?"
"His tires are in real bad condition. But I don't think he's going to do it now"
"I'll put some pressure on him"
"Negative. Negative. Stay away"
"Not going to touch him. Pinky promise" Bastard. I can hear the smirk in his voice, even though this is extremely dangerous and insane pressure, Daniel's still having the time of his life.
9 laps to go.
8 laps to go.
Carlos almost overtakes Daniel.
"Engine's not good. Can you do something?" Daniel asks.
"Negative. 7 laps to go mate, just hold it"
On the big straight of the 51st lap, Carlos overtakes Daniel, but then on the next turn, Daniel takes back his position. The sequel of turns that follows is the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever seen in my life, they're so close to each other, and at such a high speed that if they simply touch tires they would fly off the track and everything would be lost to both of them, maybe even their lives.
"Hamilton passed Alonso, mate. Watch out" the engineer informs him, and I look at the screen. Fuck.
"Fuuuuck" Daniel says on the radio.
It's the 52nd lap now, only 4 more to go and Carlos doesn't even signal a pit stop. He's going to try to make the whole race without it.
"Ferrari is not happy with him" Michael laughs a dark laugh. I knew he had a history of being stubborn but this is too much.
"His tires are at less than 10% integrity. How is he still going?" I ask.
There's the big straight again and Carlos falls a bit behind Daniel, but I've watched enough to know that that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. Just as I predicted, he tries to use Daniel's vacuum to gain more speed and overtake him, Daniel doesn't let him through and get in front of him, making him almost go off track. That would be a "normal" movement, except Hamilton was using Carlos' vacuum in his favor and, when Carlos is forced to change directions, Hamilton hits his back left tire, which makes it blows off and it's a mess from then on.
Daniel is far from the whole ordeal by now, safe and sound, thankfully. But Carlos spins in the track, taking Hamilton with him. They both go off track and Max flies by, followed by Bottas, Charles (where did he come from?), and then Alonso.
"Are they alright?" It's the first thing that comes up to me to ask.
"Fuck! That was crazy. Is everyone ok?" Daniel asks on the radio.
"Positive. Everyone's ok. Keep going, mate. 3 more laps to go" the engineer informs him.
"Who's behind me now? Bottas?" Daniel asks.
"Max. But he's at least 2 seconds behind, we should be fine" I hear the engineer say and it's like I can almost breathe again. Daniel's going to win this thing. He's so close now.
"It wasn't Daniel's fault, was it? Can they punish him in some way for the accident?" I ask Michael.
"Don't know. He was defending his position, but he's been closing in Carlos ever since the begging of the race. Depends on how Ferrari and Mercedes spin this, they'll try anything that favors them" Michael explains to me in a worried tone.
They're in the final lap and Daniel's been clearly losing speed. Something's wrong with the engine. But it's the final lap, just a few more moments, come on baby, you can do it. Max is so close to him though, I wouldn't be surprised if the winner was declared based on the replay of the finishing line. The big straight comes up and Dan has to stay out of Max's front, so as to not give him any advantages.
I can barely see it, but at the same time, I can't take my eyes off the screen.
"Full force now mate, final sector. You can win this" the engineer says on the radio but Daniel doesn't respond. Max is right by his side, he's going to pass him.
There's smoke coming out of his car, the whole thing is going to blow off any second now. Oh my god, please just a few more seconds.
5 turns to go.
4 turns to go.
3 turns to go. Max overtakes him. Shit.
2 turns to go. Daniel wins his place on the podium back.
Final turn. Daniel's in the front, barely. They cross the finish line and the whole garage explores with cheering. There are people running outside to wave at him. I can only smile and hold my own head like it would fall off otherwise. He did it. He fucking did it.
"Woo-hoo! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!" I can hear Daniel on the radio, screaming his lungs out.
"Good job mate. Spectacular work. First-class, really! Well done!" the engineer cheers on.
The next thing I know, Michael is hugging me and lifting me from the ground just to puck me back down and Blake lift me up again. I can only laugh at their excitement. I'm so happy for Daniel I can barely grasp it!
"Let's go!" Blake puts me down and runs outside the garage. I follow him out, to the place where Daniel is stopping the car, a bunch of smoke coming out and some people with fire extinguishers around it.
He's got his fists up, celebrating. But is still inside the car. Then he takes off the steering wheel and handles it to one of the mechanics waiting outside. He gets out of the car and stands on top of it, smokes still coming out from behind. It's a nice picture. I just hoped he got away from that thing before it explodes, but it's a nice picture, can't deny it.
Then he jumps down and run towards the crew, jumping over them, helmet still on. Everybody is celebrating and cheering, I can only laugh and clap at the scene before me. So much joy and happiness going on, the energy is amazing! Then I can see Daniel looking around, but since his helmet is still on, I have no idea what he's doing. Somebody seems to understand though and they wave at me, calling me to come closer. I approach, but I'm still unsure, don't want to get in the middle of the team's celebration. But Daniel grabs me, pulling me closer and hugging me. I just laugh, can't barely see him with the suit and helmet still on. He's saying something, but I can't understand a thing.
"What?" I laugh at his attempts to communicating with me. He opens his helmet visor and repeats.
"I fucking won baby!" He yells laughing.
"I know! I know! You won Dan! I'm so proud! You're the best baby!"
"I need to get this thing off" he says struggling to get the helmet and the balaclava off, when he finally manages to do it, he jumps over the fence that was separating us and hugs me again, lifting me in the air and kissing me deeply, making everyone around us cheer even louder and I smile against his lips. I wrap my legs around him and he keeps kissing me, only after a few seconds do I pull away to breathe and he touches our foreheads. I laugh again, just enjoying the feeling of pure happiness for him.
"I'm so proud of you. You were so good. This is crazy" I whisper to him.
"Get used to it, cause there's more where it came from" he answers kissing me again.
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jxsatlas · 3 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍 ⇢ keith kogane, ch. 1
keith kogane x gn! reader – next
DISCLAIMER! this story does not originally belong to me, the author is @MaddieWolf37 on Wattpad. i have simply received permission to rewrite and continue her story. go and check out her profile for the original version!
SYNOPSIS! a story in which you are thrown into the middle of an intergalactic space war and have the undesirable weight of being a symbol of peace dropped on your shoulders. but maybe if you look past the constant danger and endless fighting, there's some good to being a paladin of voltron.
MATURE CONTENT! swearing, violence, gore, war, graphic descriptions, mentions of self-harm
"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14," Lance announces, "Begin descent to Kerberos for a rescue mission."
He shoves the yoke forward and the aircraft takes a steep dive. You plant your feet to help fight against the inertia. You give him a sharp glare as the aircraft steadies out.
"Ugh, Lance, can you keep this thing straight?" Hunk whines from the back.
You look over your shoulder and recognise the nauseated expression on his face all too well. Last semester, there was a girl on your team that didn't do too well with excessive motion and often got sick.
Lance brushes him off. "Relax Hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick," he says with a lazy grin, which quickly turns mischievous. "It's not like I did this, or this!" Lance jerks the aircraft side to side, making Hunk feel worse.
"Knock it off, Lance," you warn from your chair next to him. You reach up above you and press a few buttons in hopes of stabilising the aircraft out after Lance's little joke.
"Yeah, listen to [y/n] unless you wanna wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies of this thing," Hunk groans angrily.
"We've picked up a distress signal!" Pidge says from his seat in the back.
"Alright, time to quit our bickering and get serious," you say, doing your own little thing to accommodate for the lower altitude while Lance flies the aircraft.
"Pidge, track the coordinates," Lance says with a roll of his eyes at your comment.
Pidge does so, typing away on the computer. The aircraft gives a large rumble and Hunk groans again.
"Knock it off, Lance! Please!" he whines, his face all scrunched up in discomfort.
"Oh, that's on you buddy," Lance says sharply. "We got a hydraulic stabiliser out."
Hunk nods and goes to fix it, but when the aircraft shakes again he gags. "Oh no."
"Oh no, fix now, puke later," Lance growls.
So much bickering... you think to yourself with a sigh.
"I lost contact!" Pidge says. "The shaking is interfering with our sensors."
Lance looks over his shoulder at Hunk. "Come on, dude!"
"Sorry, it's not responding," Hunk says and unfastens his safety belt. He carefully gets up and makes his way over to the gearbox to see what's up.
"Coordinates are back," you say, seeing the blue dot on the dash.
"Nevermind Hunk," Lance says.
"No, he still needs to fix it," you say. "We can't properly fly this thing if a hydraulic stabiliser is out."
"Whatever," Lance rolls his eyes, "Preparing for approach on visual."
"I don't think that's advisable, given our current mechanical..." Pidge warns, trailing off when he hears Hunk gag again. "...and gastrointestinal issues..."
"Agreed!" Hunk says, not before quickly emptying his stomach into the gearbox with the unsavoury sounds of food chunks and liquid hitting the metal. You cringe, not liking the sound, and hope he's okay.
"Stop worrying," Lance says dismissively.
"No, they're right," you say firmly as you place your attention on Lance now. "We should wait before we do anything."
"Nah, this baby can take it! Can't ya champ?" Lance coos and pats the dash. The aircraft rumbles again and he retracts his hand with a sheepish look. "See? She was nodding!"
"That wasn't nodding Lance," you deadpan. "Now listen to us and wait."
"I'm the one flying this thing, aren't I?" Lance asks. "So I'm in charge, and that means what I say goes!"
"Excuse you, we're both flying this thing," you argue.
Ignoring you, Lance turns to Pidge. "Pidge, hail down on them and let them know their ride is here," he says.
Knowing that you're now doomed, you keep your mouth shut and wait for the inevitable failure of the simulation. You can already see it, the big, bold, red letters appearing on the dash.
And when Lance flies towards an overhang, tilting the plane as much as he can in a sad attempt to thread through the little hole rather than going over or around, you know this is where you fail.
Lance doesn't make it. The wing gets torn off, the alarms blare, and the aircraft pummels to the ground. The dash goes black and those red letters you were anticipating appear without hesitation.
Simulation Failed.
The first failure on your school record.
You toss your head back and sharply exhale, frustration building up in you. "Nice going," you grumble and look at Lance through the corner of your eye.
He catches your gaze and glares at you. "Oh, shut up," he growls.
The four of you sit in silence for a second, you and Lance glaring at each other, before an instructor opens the door and beckons you to come out.
Reluctantly, you all unfasten your safety belts and crawl out of the aircraft. You then mentally prepare yourselves for the lecture about how you are all failures to come.
You, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge line up before the Commander, avoiding his scowling gaze.
"Let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you," Commander Iverson's voice booms angrily. He's not at all impressed with your behaviour. "Can anyone point out the mistakes these so-called cadets made during the simulator?"
"The engineer puked in the main gearbox!" a boy from the back of the group of students shouts out. Iverson nods and turns to Hunk.
"Yes. Everyone knows vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems," Iverson sharply criticises Hunk. He turns back to the students. "What else?"
"The comms-spec removed his safety harness," a girl points out.
"The pilot crashed!" another shouts.
Iverson nods, approving of all the answers given. "And worst of all, the whole jump they're arguing with each other," he growls and turns to the four of you once more.
You keep your gaze on the ground shamefully.
"The Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astro-explorers," Iverson lectures. His hands are on his hips as he looks down at you. "But these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what caused the lives of the men on the Kerberos Mission."
In your peripherals, you notice Pidge clench his fists at his sides and scrunch his nose up in anger. You fully turn your head to him when he takes a bold step towards the Commander.
"That's not true, sir!" he barks.
Iverson looks at him and glares. "What was that, young man?" he growls.
Lance quickly slaps a hand over Pidge's mouth and pulls him back in line. "Sorry, sir! He must've hit his head when he fell!" he says, smiling sheepishly in a sad attempt to cover up his fear. His hand gets tighter over Pidge's mouth, almost as if he's asking the ginger what the hell is wrong with him.
With Lance speaking up, Iverson's attention is now pinpointed on him. He takes a few steps closer to Lance, his intimidating figure making your brother cower back a bit.
"I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here," he growls, his tone of voice menacing and powerful, "is because the best pilot in your class had a disciplinary issue and flunked out."
Lance drops his gaze down to the floor, a look of dejection taking over his face.
"Don't follow in his footsteps," Iverson warns. He stares Lance down a bit before abruptly turning to you. "And you!" he barks.
Your entire body freezes up and your eyes wearily follow him as he stops in front of you now. Your heart sinks down to your gut.
"I expected better of you."
You returned to your dorm at the end of the day with a cloud over your head.
You grumble about the day's events as you aggressively tug your shirt over your head. You really wish you could pinpoint the source of your frustration. Are you mad at my brother? Your team? Or yourself?
You toss your clothes on the floor and pull out some track shorts and a hoodie from your dresser. Getting dressed in your pajamas for the rest of the night, you try to sort out your emotions.
"Stop mumbling to yourself," your roommate says from her bed.
You turn to her. "Ah, sorry," you say. "I didn't realise I was talking out loud..."
"If you're that mad at your brother why don't you just punch him?" she asks. You blink, surprised she actually heard you.
"I'm not violent like you," you say with a sigh. "Besides, I don't even know if I'm mad at him specifically."
"Eh, I would punch him either way," your roommate shrugs. "It's a good way to alleviate your stress."
You roll your eyes. "I alleviate my stress by sleeping."
Your roommate laughs. "Ain't that the truth?" she jests. "How many times have you taken a nap between classes this week?"
You stare at her with a blank expression for a moment before picking your clothes up and off of the ground. "I'm not answering that," you say and toss them into the hamper.
You and your roommate pause when there's a knock on the door. You look at her and she looks at you.
She raises her hands up. "And I'm not answering that," she says.
You roll your eyes and grab one of the dirty articles of clothing you tossed into the hamper and throw at her without any remorse. She yelps in fear and disgust as you walk to the door with a smirk on your face.
"Don't throw your nasty underwear at me!" she barks and she pinches the panties between her thumb and index finger, tossing them as far away from her as possible.
You cackle and open the door. Your laughter cuts short when you're suddenly face to face with your brother. Hunk stands behind him.
"What are you doing in the girls' dorm?" you ask, but then take the opportunity you just created for yourself to tease your dear elder brother. You think of it as a bit of revenge for crashing the simulator. "Visiting someone?"
Lance rolls his eyes. "Heh, I wish," he sighs. "But no. We're thinking about hitting the town tonight! You know, for some team bonding?"
"Who is it?" your roommate calls to you.
"Lance and Hunk," you say over your shoulder at her.
"Punch him!" she shouts back.
"No!" you hiss and turn back to your brother.
"I don't like your roommate," Lance comments under his breath.
"Neither do I," you joke.
"I heard that!" your roommate barks.
"No you didn't!" you ready. But getting the feeling that she's going to keep interrupting, you push Lance out of your way and step into the hall with him and Hunk. You then close the door and give the boys your full attention.
"So, you're gonna come with us?" Lance asks.
"I don't know," you say with uncertainty in your tone. You cross your arms. "It's past curfew and I don't really think you have off-campus privileges..."
"That doesn't matter," Lance waves his hand dismissively. "Iverson wants us to bond as a team, so why don't we listen to him for once?"
"I'm not feeling that adventurous," you say.
"What? Why not? It'll be fun!" Lance cajoles.
"Lance, your idea of fun always ends up with you and me in the principal's office," Hunk reminds. "Don't drag your little sibling into it."
"Hunk has a point," you say. "I don't want to get in trouble again. I had my filling for today."
"Since when were you a goodie-two-shoes?" Lance asks in a somewhat offended tone.
"Since I got a scholarship here?" you quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Who are you and what have you done with my sibling?" Lance says as he gives you a look of utter betrayal, as if you were some alien.
You roll your eyes. "I'm not too keen on losing something like that because I went along with your dumb shenanigans," you sigh.
"Please, the max punishment for something like this is just a weekend detention with old man Brechin," Lance says and a mischievous grin spreads on his face. "That is, if you get caught."
You bite your lip, looking away in thought. Team bonding sounds very appealing after what happened today, but are you willing to risk your scholarship? You don't know if you can lose it because of a simple detention. The Galaxy Garrison is a government program, which means they are pretty strict.
"Do you really need to think about it?" Lance asks with raised eyebrows. "Don't tell me you're scared!"
His words irk you immensely.
You snap your gaze up to him. Is he serious? You aren't scared. Why would you be scared of sneaking out?
You silently walk back into your dorm and quickly throw a bra on, some socks, and your shoes.
"Where are you going?" your roommate asks as she watches you scramble about the room with a sense of purpose all of a sudden.
"Team bonding," you say, now tying the laces of your shoes.
"This late? Are you sure?" she asks.
"All common sense in me left the moment Lance basically called me a scaredy-cat," you say bluntly.
"Well, have fun," your roommate says.
You give her a small salute as you walk out of the dorm. "I'll be back by morning."
"Alright, see ya!"
You close the door and turn to Lance and Hunk expectantly. "Well?"
Lance gives you a cocky grin, proud of his persuasion skills. You suddenly consider your roommate's suggestion for a second.
"We need to go grab Pidge," Lance says. "It won't be team bonding if someone's missing. You gotta have everybody."
You shrug, doubting Pidge will join.
Lance takes the liberty of leading the way to the boys' dorm, you and Hunk following closely behind. You expertly dodge the officers patrolling the halls making sure students are in their dorms like ninjas on a stealth mission.
As Lance rounds a corner, he suddenly stops and back peddles quickly. He peeks around the corner and watches whatever is on the other side. Curious, you and Hunk sneak up close to Lance and peek as well.
Pidge steps out of his room, a backpack swung over his shoulders. He checks his surroundings before closing the door and running off.
You, Lance, and Hunk share a look. You all then telepathically agree to follow the small boy. Once again, Lance takes the lead.
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