#I just kinda needed to type this out as a diary.
shootingxstardust · 1 year
Okay need to vent because I need to write my thoughts down a little.
I have a sister. She and I were always close. We're just 16 months apart and we had always been together. We were best friends. She was always the innocent little sister, while I was the responsible older sister. We spent time together, played video games, and even rped together (IRL, not on here). My step mom said we behaved like twins, and yeah we were about as close as twins could be. Besides my paternal grandmother (Sadly not around anymore), she was my best and closest friend. And then just a couple years ago that came crashing down.
Back in high school, my sister became friends with B. Now B was a mormon.. but that was alright. She and my sister got along pretty well, and they were buddies, though because she was a mormon, B was pretty sheltered. Now once out of high school, just a couple years ago, my sister joined a D&D group through B, and that was where the problem started. Despite the mormon bit, I liked B, when she was around, it felt like she was part of the family, but now I wish my sister hadn't met her, especially now that B is giving my sister the cold shoulder for no apparent reason, but ehhh that's neither here nor there.
My sister joined a D&D group with B and a few of B's friends. I didn't see my sister that often at this , but she was happy and I was fine ... however, the problem arose when she developed a crush on J. Now J.. He's mormon, a Trump supporter, racist, and a bigot, and none of that was a red flag to my sister.. All my sister cared about was that he was nice, and liked Power Rangers... I and the rest of my family voiced our disapproval, but she said if we gave him a chance, we'd like him... I hate him...
The moment she confessed about dating him, she stared leaving the house at 8 am, and not returning until midnight.. Neither I, nor the rest of my family saw my sister. It was as if we ceased to exist.. Back in July of 2021, my parents were out of the house for a week, and I had just gotten home after getting in a car accident.. Instead of being there to support me, she went to his place instead.
She also was not honest about anything with this relationship.. After only being with him for 10 months, she has a kid with him.. Meaning she got pregnant one month into the relationship.. When asked why she wanted to have the kid she said "Because babies are cute, and sweet." I am 100% positive this controlling asshole baby-trapped her.. and neither are prepared to raise a kid.. I've said it before, but it'd be one thing of that baby, stayed a baby, but babies become kids, and then kids become teenagers, and then adults..
She had a kid with someone... who is mormon, is all around just a gross person in general, eats his boogers, baby-trapped her, manages her finances, controls her transportation, has plans to move her away to some small mountain town, takes her phone and reads through her text messages, has her listed as MILF in his phone and is all around just a gross person in general... He called my parents evil.. and even made sexual comments about me and shxxtteredfantasy... He also had an awesome job.. one that was making probably at least $18 an hour... and he shat all over it.. Because he was prouder of his job at Taco Bell, making $13 an hour... I don't know what my sister is going to do, and I fear for that kid honestly. He doesn't deserve to have parents that crappy, especially the dad, my sister is unfortunately just dumb...
But god.. I hate it and I fear that my sister is gonna get sucked into that mormon cult, get moved into some closed-minded yeehaw town, and then I never hear from, or barely hear from her again... It's sad.. we were so close, we were best friends, and now it's like I know nothing about her, or her life..
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justanotherfanartist · 7 months
idr who it was but somebody I reblogged a post on a while back in which I dumped a bunch of random personal stuff in the tags if you see this this is for you 🙏🙏 also I’m lying I’m just a yapper
#I love turning tumblr into my personal diary knowing this will probably just get buried in the annels of my blog#I’m sure that’s not how you spell that but wtv#anyways grrrr I love men I love figuring out my type#I’ve dated three guys who all coincidentally happen to be relatively tall skinny athletic types#not an intended pattern btw it just happened like that#but now I am experiencing the true joy of variety#gahhhh I love body fat I love guys with body fat I am sick in the head for men who are squishy and have tummies and ass#it’s not my fault that kinda guy just happens to be the center snare in drumline it’s the curse of band kid I guess#holy shit I need to stop dating people in my band actually Jesus Christ it’s two already. see but like or I could collect the set#and go for all different instruments or categories#I’ve got brass (trombone) and woodwind (tenor sax) down#so like percussion?? mayhaps#our drumline is exclusively made up of three types of people for some reason#a) every girl is legit cool a bit masc and definitely gay (I know two personally and a third that fits the bill) and very skilled#b) very much oddball types who nobody in the band gets along with because they actively make people uncomfortable (hard to describe)#c) most grey-sweatpants straight guy you’ve ever seen who just happens to be reserved n semiattractive. looking at two of them in particula#(section leader and center snare specifically) third category hits hard#not my fault the center snare is stupid pretty and reserved and kinda squishy <- on the floor drooling#and like. a good snare#idk what happened to me but as soon as I became a musician people being able to play well became VERY attractive to me#curse of band kid once again#I’m genetically predisposed to it it’s fine <- raised by two divorced music majors#in particular an alto sax and the center snare are two guys that stick as me having a moment of like oh wow they’re *good*. haha that’s hot#alto sax is a killer jazz player and I’m psyched I get to trio with him and one of the drumline girls (my favorite tgirl fr)#although they’re both way better than I am so I’m really the weak link here#which is a hard asf sell given that they want me on bass <- I am a decent-to-mid rhythm guitarist at best#but wtv. everything I do I do for jazz#the most personal information I will likely ever admit to (I am lying I will vaguely yap about myself all day long)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
early chaggie early morning where vaggie gets a hug
inspired by @sunsetcougar's headcanon idea of vaggie wrapping herself in blankets despite hell's heat for.... reasons :(
Vaggie: "Ugghhgh...." (slouches into kitchen) (wrapped in blankets)
Charlie: "Vaggie!" (singing) "Good moooorning~!"
Vaggie: "Mornin' sweetie... why is it morning..." (bumps into table) (slumps over it) "Fuck. Ow." (oozes into chair)
Charlie: "Aww." (sad pout) "Didn't get much sleep again, huh."
Vaggie: "Nnngh. Didn't."
Charlie: (cringing) "I wasn't, uh, kicking you was I? With the hooves- "
Vaggie: "I'm too short for you to reach."
Charlie: (grinning) "Which means you're just the right size!!!"
Vaggie: "Means I need my weight in additive simulant substances..."
Vaggie: (tries to stand) (BANG)
Vaggie: (slams into table again) "Fuck."
Charlie: "Vaggie!?"
Vaggie: (rubs missing eye) (muttering) "It's fine, 'm fine.... pinche pendejo.. mi ojo... just need coffee."
Charlie: "!! Don't stagger up! I'll make it!"
Vaggie: (slumping face down) (muffled) "m'love you."
Charlie: "Ha!" (laughing too hard) "Oh you- you'd love anyone who made coffee after a bad night's sleep-"
Vaggie: "No. Anyone else I'd just kill for it."
Charlie: (grinning) "Maim them, maybe."
Vaggie: "You have too much faith in morning me."
Charlie: "I love morning you~"
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: (stares around wildly for topic change) "A- anyway, um-" (spies vaggie's blankets) (actually frowns)
Charlie: "Aren't you hot?"
Vaggie: (groggy) (half awake) "Depends if I'm your type, I guess."
Charlie: "My ty- Shit!" (cup she's holding starts boiling) "No I meant-"
Vaggie: (looking up) "Coffee?"
Charlie: "-not that you AREN'T, because I mean really just LOOK at you, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't w- but- What? Oh."
Charlie: (hands over coffee) "Careful. It's um. Hot."
Vaggie: "Thanks." (carefully not looking at Charlie) (muttering) "Hot just like everything else in hell is..."
Charlie: "THAT'S what I meant!"
Vaggie: "Guess that does make me hot since I'm here too now."
Charlie: "Yes right exactly, the hotness- hell's hotness- you're still not used to it! Not that the eternal searing flames of literal hell is something anyone should necessarily be expected to get used to, aside from me and the other hellborn- though not all of them like it here either, even if the other rings are more varied and sometimes have things like plants and weather- but for you, stuck here in the pride ring, in the purely physical sense I'm wondering because-"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "-it just seems like maybe there's kinda an easy way for you to at least FEEL less hot in the mornings and night? Again only in the purely physical sense, since you never do stop looking-"
Vaggie: "Sweetie."
Charlie: "-yes?"
Vaggie: (smiling) "Low caffeine, low word capacity. Cliff notes?"
Charlie: "Oh, right!" (laughs)
Vaggie: (watches) (remining eye soft)
Charlie: "Um- what's with the wrapping yourself in all those blankets? Normally you wear less than me and still complain about the heat. Feels like I'm missing something."
Vaggie: "Can't have your brilliant brain starving for knowledge can we."
Charlie: "No that's fine- I just want you to be comfortable!"
Vaggie: "Well you're right about the missing part."
Charlie: "I am?" (sits) (leans in) "Ooooh, what Vaggie lore am I missing?"
Vaggie: (snorting) "Vaggie what?"
Charlie: "Lore, but I- I'm not writing any of it down!!!"
Charlie: "...much."
Vaggie: (lifts cup) "I'm getting royalties in coffee so it's fine. Write whatever you want in your diary."
Charlie: "I wanna write what I somehow missed out on while observing you!"
Charlie: (scoots chair closer) (chin in hands) (Staring)
Charlie: "I've been observing a normal amount, to be clear. Juuuust in case last part was kinda alarming or worried you."
Vaggie: "I'm not. It didn't."
Charlie: "Okay! So...?"
Vaggie: "It's not you."
Vaggie: (looks away) (sips coffee)
Vaggie: "More of a... 'me missing something' thing."
Charlie: ".....er."
Charlie: "...you've, um." (clears throat)
Charlie: "You do have something on under the blankets. R-right?"
Vaggie: "Yep. Just like you've still got those red cheek spots under your blush."
Charlie: (covering blush with hands) (stubbornly NOT looking away) "So if your clothes aren't missing- what is?"
Vaggie: "My wings."
Vaggie: (gulps hot coffee and winces)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "...do the blankets feel like them?"
Vaggie: "No." (another gulp and wince) "They were heavy."
Charlie: (drooping down onto table) (head on folded arms) "Wings are heavy...?"
Vaggie: "They're alive. They've got, mass and weight to them."
Charlie: "And warmth?"
Vaggie: "And they can hold you. Like when you fold your arms around yourself."
Charlie: "Like a hug."
Vaggie: (awkward) "Sure. Whatever."
Charlie: "So you miss them, and..." (drooping) "Wrapping yourself in blankets is the closest you get to feeling like you have them again."
Vaggie: "It's not even close at all, really." (hollow laugh) "I'll get over it. Don't worry."
Charlie: "Get over it?"
Vaggie: "Like with the heat, it's just another part of hell. It's fine."
Charlie: "Hmm."
Charlie: (gets up)
Charlie: "Can I try?"
Vaggie: (shoulders hunching) "...try what?"
Charlie: "Being a better blanket, since nothing can really be like your wings were."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I'm princess of hell, so I get to decide what's hell's like. A, a little anyway."
Charlie: (walks around behind vaggie) "And this might be a bit cooler? I know I run hot along with not noticing the whole hellish heat stuff, but- at least you'd still get airflow. And. I'd be heavier than a blanket! I think?"
Charlie: (lean forward to look at vaggie upside down)
Charlie: "So. Hug? Can I?"
Vaggie: ".... you don't have to ask before hugging me."
Charlie: "You used to jump when I did. Or slip off afterwards to hide in some high shadowy corner of a bookshelf for the rest of the day."
Vaggie: "Don't remind me."
Charlie: "It was cute! But I should've just asked. And this is different."
Vaggie: "It's not." (lets blankets fall) "Knock yourself out."
Charlie: (kneeling behind her) "I'll let go whenever you want."
Vaggie: "Charlie. I'm not a glass vase. Relax."
Charlie: "No, you're not glass- you're you, and you're tense." (hands on vaggie's hunched shoulders) (plays with ends of vaggie's still short hair) "This is a hug. Hugs need waaaaay more carefulness than glass vases do-"
Charlie: "Also! We still need a breakfast that isn't coffee."
Vaggie: "Slander." (drinks) "No we don't."
Charlie: "Yes we do but it can wait. If- wow, you really are tense." (starts rubbing vaggie's shoulders) "How did you sleep like this!?"
Vaggie: (slumping) "I didn't."
Charlie: "Well if you DON'T want breakfast right now then that leaves time for hugs! Or say the word and I'll switch to breaking out the toast and jam, or doughnuts- if Razzle and Dazzle didn't find them- or something."
Vaggie: "I'll probably just doze off again, honestly." (groaning) "Feel free to step over me when I start snoring on the kitchen floor..."
Charlie: "I would never leave you there."
Vaggie: "That's true. Would be trip hazard."
Charlie: "That's not why."
Vaggie: "You could totally trip over me. Stub your hoof or something. I'm not THAT small."
Charlie: "That's not why either."
Vaggie: (sips coffee)
Charlie: (pats her shoulders) "Hug time?"
Vaggie: "Mm." (tenses up again)
Charlie: "Is that a 'mmmrgh yes' or a 'mmrrgh no thanks'?"
Vaggie: "I've told you, you don't have to ask."
Charlie: "Is THAT a yes?"
Vaggie: (sighs) "Yes Charlie. You can hug."
Charlie: "Thanks~"
Charlie: (leans in) (gently with the hug, arms around vaggie) (extra carefully with the squeeze)
Charlie: "...how's this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (sets down coffee) (touches charlie's arms) "Can I-"
Charlie: "I'll can let go! It's okay-!"
Vaggie: "No, just. You're fine. Let me rearrange you a bit?"
Charlie: "Oh sure!!! Yes! Whatever you want!!"
Vaggie: "Wings are more, they were more like..."
Vaggie: (shifts Charlie's arms around and leans back into her more)
Vaggie: "...it was more like.."
Charlie: (tries another soft squeeze) (whispering) "Like this?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "Yeah." (blinking hard) "It was."
Charlie: "Okay. And that's... okay..?"
Vaggie: "...it's nice."
Charlie: (smiling) "I'm now officially free for wing simulation hugs whenever you want them."
Vaggie: "You gotta sleep sometime, hon."
Charlie: "We share the same giant bed. We can just cuddle!" (butting the back of vaggie's head) "If we can make hell even a little nicer for you, Vaggie, then we should."
Vaggie: "Why both. It's hell for reason."
Charlie: "Because you'll feel better? And that's important?"
Vaggie: "I'm fine with not feel great all the time."
Charlie: "Why though? Vaggie-"
Vaggie: "Builds character."
Charlie: "...Alright." (headbutts again) "Well I'm already quite a character and I like it better when you're feeling better. It makes ME feel better."
Vaggie: “Now that’s definitely important.”
Charlie: “Heh. Just like you.”
Vaggie: (holds charlie's arms as charlie holds her) (doesn't answer)
The Coffee: (slowly cools off while they hug)
-several minutes of hugging later-
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "How did the wing hugging thing WORK exactly?? You had moth wings, right? Insect wings? I always thought those were pretty stiff- very pretty and fluttery!- but not very bendable. Are some bug wings actually bendy? Or was it more a weird demon thing, like random horns or-"
Charlie: "-Vaggie?"
Vaggie: (slumped) (dozed off on Charlie's shoulder) (breathing softly against crook of charlie's neck)
Charlie: (smiles) "...pretty good hug, huh?"
Vaggie: (snores a little)
Charlie: "Heheh." (smile slipping)
Charlie: "...sorry."
Charlie: (hugs tighter)
Charlie: ".... if I'd just found you sooner, I..."
Cupboard Door: (creaks open)
Charlie: (looks up) (weak smile) "Oh, hey guys- Good breakfast?"
Razzle & Dazzle: (guilty shake off doughnut crumbs)
Charlie: "It's okay. You know she's not much of a morning food person anyway."
Razzle: "Rrr." (flutters into table to peer at vaggie)
Dazzle: (leans back into cupboard)
Charlie: "Oh she's just tired- I'm helping her get some sleep." (actually smiling now) (shifts hind legs) "Um. My hooves might also start falling asleep soon. Maybe you wanna fetch me a pillow or something, please?"
Razzle: (points from vaggie to the floor behind charlie)
Charlie: "Maybe? I think I could shift her into my lap and lean on the cabinets... She feels pretty out of it. One-hundred percent will need a pillow for that though."
Razzle: (flutters off) (pats charlie and vaggie's heads along the way)
Dazzle: (wiggles out of cupboard) (places half an eaten doughnut on table in front of vaggie)
Dazzle: "Ree." (points at doughnut sternly)
Charlie: (giggles) "I'll TRY to get her to eat it when she wakes up. But no promises~"
Dazzle: (huffs) (follows razzle out)
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: (long sigh) (slumps against vaggie)
Charlie: "I'm helping. I can help you- I-" (hides face in vaggie's hair)
Charlie: "...hell can be a happy place too, I promise. I won't let it hurt you again."
-somewhere in heaven-
Lute: (sneezes)
Adam: "Go fuck yourself."
Lute: (wiping face with bloodstained sleeve) "Thank you, sir."
Adam: "And take a dunk in the celestial sea or whatever. Extermination was like, months ago- bitch did you even shower?"
Lute: "I did, sir."
Adam: "Went right back into the sinner splattered outfit?"
Lute: "Yes sir."
Adam: "That's gross as fuck." (grinning) "Hardcore. Give me SKIN, bitch!"
Lute: (smirks) (high fives)
Adam: "Even Vagina never went that hard- even when she was fucking you over in kill counts and shit."
Lute: (not smiling anymore) "She was the only one, sir."
Adam: (not listening) "No style! She was boring as FUCK with that lame spear. Stab kill. Stab kill. One hit, no misses, no flying limbs. No fucking CHASES to get the sinner shits really screaming! Just didn't know how to let loose and have FUN with it!"
Lute: "No, sir. And now we know why."
Adam: "Pretty pathetic for one of my girls." (sighs) "Aw whatever. Women, am I right?"
Lute: "She was a filthy traitor."
Adam: "Yeah, pretty much all of you are." (picks at mask teeth) "Lucifer barely counts as a dude either, like, dudes weren't a THING when creation jerked him out. Wanna know why?"
Lute: "You were the f-"
Lute: "The original-"
Adam: "THE ORIGINAL DICK Father of all winners EVER! And of all those lame-ass losers down in hell, not that they fucking show any respect-"
Lute: "And she will be the last Exorcist ever to betray you."
Adam: "Eh. We'll see I guess. Bet she's fucking regretting it either way, huh?" (grinning) "Probably SEEING the error of her ways.."
Lute: "Realizing she made one hell of a choice."
Adam: "Wishing she hadn't fucking WINGED IT that one time, HA!"
Lute: "We clipped those thoughts pretty quick."
Adam: (slaps lute on back) "That was fucking great. I've got her agonized "oh" face from the wing ripping part as a screen saver- but don't fucking tell Sera that, the saintly seraph virtue prude of a bitch."
Lute: "Never." (smiles) (fingers her sword) "...And thank you, sir."
Adam: "Sword still got some of her blood on it?"
Lute: "Maybe."
Adam: "Now THAT'S gross. Love it."
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youraverageaemondsimp · 11 months
Incomprehensible Horror. // Demon!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Halloween Special 🎃
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MDNI, DD:DNE(?): reader discretion is advised.
block the tag #MAE:DARK!CONTENT to prevent seeing dark content from me.
WARNINGS: dubcon, cunnilingus, demon fucking(?), p in v sex, past life, mentions of abuse, plotting, murder, multiple orgasms, oral (f. receiving), size kink, cum eating, slight breeding kink, spooky vibes(?), manhandling, so much canon divergence, GoT S8 spoilers(?) kinda idk, the plot is shifted and extremely altered to fit this story. + not proofread
WC: 3.8k
A/N: the original draft got deleted and i had to rewrite it because I wanted to publish this before Halloween is over, so this is slightly rushed :(
There was something extremely eerie about the red keep that always set you on the edge whenever you would hear stories about it.
The burnt down remnants of it untouched as the city around it prospered, only developing more as the time passed on, with skyscrapers, branded shops, turning into what you would call a 'modern city'.
King's Landing was not the way it was anymore, the destruction of it provided a reason to rebuild the city entirely, it was a lengthy process but definitely worth it.
A seemingly innocent city until you look past the sky scrapers, shops, etc, revealing a sinister and a tragic history of the land, a story that involves a royal family fighting and going mad for the throne, only to succumb to their madness and go extinct.
There have been many attempts in the past to rebuild it, but all in vain as there have been cases of construction accidents, fatal injuries, suicides, making it impossible to rebuild it, so they turned it into a tourist attraction.
What a way to make money.
Yet they close it off the moment the sun begins to set.
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You had visited it a lot, having been living in King's Landing for a while, it was basically harmless, making you wonder why it was rumoured to be haunted, when it's just a disfigured building with half of its structure on the ground.
It was a casual weekday for you, returning to your apartment from work after the sun had long set, you took the elevator up the building, the music abruptly coming to a stop way before you reached your floor, leaving you confused, but you soon broke out of your confusion when you heard the familiar 'ding' indicating that you reached your floor, and as soon as you left the elevator the automatic doors slammed quickly, causing a loud sound, startling you.
It seemed as if the elevator was having technical difficulties.
You make a mental note to take the elevator less often until it is fixed.
You quickly scurry to the side of your apartment, pulling the keys out and pushing it into the lockhole, turning it, which opens the door, but you stumble over something and lose your balance, holding the wall for support to not fall until you finally push yourself back onto your feet and look down.
It was a package.
But you had not ordered anything.
Weirdly enough, there was no address.
You should've left it there.
But you took it inside.
Your curiosity got the best of you, and the package not having any address only further fuelled your justification for opening it.
It was a book.
An occult type of book to be exact.
You opened it and skimmed through the pages, it seemed more like a personal diary than an instruction based book for spells.
And it was convincing enough at first until you read a certain page.
“Go to the ruins of the red keep at 3AM, and chant this, 'Oh rōvēgrie zaldrīzes dārilaros, māzigon naejot se iōragon gō nyke, ivestragī aōha kasta se melkasta laesi jurnegon rȳ nyke, iksan isse jorrāelagon hen aōha dohaeragon, kesan krenyikhé tepagon mirros ao jaelagon' for a miracle!” (Oh great dragon prince, come forward and stand before me, let your blue and purple eyes look at me, I am in need of your help, I will gladly give anything you wish.)
This made you chuckle, what kind of prank was this? This was so badly written to the point of making any paranoia you felt about this book dissipate immediately.
I mean, chanting spells? to summon a dead prince? it made you laugh, and of course the location was the red keep, a place rumoured to be haunted. It couldn't not be more obvious than that, because whatever this was, was clearly a joke.
So you pushed the book aside and settled for bed.
Sleep did not come to you.
Which you found odd.
You would usually be extremely tired, and the moment you lay on the bed, you would be pulled under the depth of slumber.
Yet now you squirmed, not being able to find any sleep.
You don't know how many hours passed, making you frustrated.
And your mind wandered off to what you had read earlier.
You glanced at the time, it read 2AM.
You purse your lips in thought, not knowing what to do.
You got up from your bed.
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You knew this was a bad idea, sneaking into the red keep, with the stupid book in your hand as you navigated through the building, and then you ended up in a room with a bunch of paintings of the past targaryens.
You set the book down and kneeled, looking at the verse you were supposed to chant out loud, you bought out your phone and looked at the time, it read 2:59AM.
One more minute.
You did not know why you were doing this, normally, you were a rational person, you usually don't let your curiosity win in situations like this, having control over it, but in this case, it seems you had lost all your control, and it seemed as your mind is being controlled to do whatever was written on that page.
Besides, it's not like anything would happen.
It seemed fake after all.
Trying doesn't hurt.
You never really believed in ghosts or demons yourself, so what were you scared of?
And so as soon as the time read 3AM, you chanted the saying out loud.
You waited.
And waited.
You looked at the time, 3:10AM.
Nothing happened.
You let out a scoff, what did you expect? A demon to appear?
You collected the book and left the scene, annoyed that nothing happened, but you were also glad nothing happened at the same time.
The air felt colder than before, and lights seemed to flicker constantly whenever you crossed a street light, everything seemed out of place and odd, the buildings looked distorted.
Was your paranoid finally getting to you?
You felt a chill run up your spine.
It felt as if someone whispered in your ear, causing you to jump and look back, only to find nothing.
This was setting you on edge, you quickly walked faster back to your apartment, you frowned when you saw the "out of order" sign on the elevator, knowing that it was not there when you used it to come down prior to your visit to the red keep.
You sighed heavily and took the stairs, climbing to the floor you lived in, but for an odd reason, the stairs seemed to go on for longer, the more you climbed, the more they went on, you did not know if you were seeing things for feeling that way simply cause you were spooked, but you know for a fact that climbing 7 floors should not take more than 10 minutes at a slow pace, and yet here you were still climbing at a fast pace yet the stairs seemed to be never ending, you did not know if you were hallucinating the scribbled out floor numbers assigned to the respective floors or if they were originally like that before.
You looked down the stairwell, and it only seemed as if you climbed 3 floors, which left you baffled. You ran up as fast as you could, and to your relief you saw the '7th floor' on the board, indicating you were on your floor. You sighed in relief, making your way to your apartment, you did your best to ignore the constant flicker of lights, and what seemed like a dark figure standing from the corner of your eyes, the keys fumbled in your hands, it took you a few tries to unlock the door and when you did, you saw the figure move towards you, so you quickly rushed inside and slammed the door shut behind you.
You leaned against the door breathing heavily, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths, to try and calm your mind. You cannot tell if this was just your mind playing tricks because you're so worked up, or something odd is actually happening, but you know for the fact that whatever you were seeing was real.
Your apartment suddenly starts smelling putrid, making you scrunch up your nose. The smell was unbearable, as if thousands of dead rats were in your apartment, decaying away. It made you want to throw up, the foul scent leaving you light headed as you went towards your bedroom, to access the attached bathroom.
Luckily for you, the bedroom smelled like it usually would instead of dead rats, so you took a deep breath of the normal air, the nausea beginning to slowly fade away.
“For what have you summoned me, mortal?” a deep voice says, making you freeze in your spot, you turn around and your eyes widen in horror, as you take in the sight in front of you.
The face of a goat with horns, and scales that belonged to a dragon running down its upper body, stopping at it's elbows, black fluid dripping from its body, covering it's most intimate area, and its legs covered in scales as well, your voice was stuck in your throat, not being able to scream as the sheer panic made it unable to.
It looks confused at your horror filled face before looking down to its body and sighing annoyedly, and then its body distorts, the sound of bones cracking, flesh turning and squeezing, you watch the entire thing happen, the way its body is changing shape until it stops, making your breath hitch in your throat.
It took the form of a human man, face now mimicking a normal human, yet it was also disfigured, with a scar running up his cheek to his eyebrow, and an eye patch on his left eye, before he took it off, revealing the sapphire placed in the eye socket. His gaze was piercing, staring daggers at you, as he grew visibly frustrated at your silence.
“Can't you speak?” his voice booms across the room, causing you to snap out of your fear, and finally answer him, “I-it was an accident, I didn't mean to.” you answer and that displeases him, face now carrying the expression of a scowl.
“You followed as the book had instructed, did you not?” he asks and you nod, “Then it is no accident.”
“I did not think it would actually work, it was my mistake, please its an accident-” your voice cracks, still trying to process what was happening, trying to form words that made sense. He pushed you against the wall, his hand wrapped around your throat, long sharp nails digging into the skin of your neck, restricting the passage of air as you struggled in his grip, “On accident you say? Then you must pay the price for wasting my time.” he said darkly, and released you, causing you to fall to the ground, coughing and taking lungfuls of air.
“Should I kill you and then take your soul? Or take your soul directly and watch as the light fades from your eyes, screaming and writhing in agony in my hold.” he ponders genuinely and you gulp in fear, tears welling up in your eyes, knowing that something stupid is now costing you your life. “Please forgive me- I did not mean for any of this to happen.” you beg, voice hoarse.
“Forgive you? You should not have stifled me to begin with, now you must pay the price for your own stupidity, what shall I do hmm? My time is incredibly precious after all.” he looks down at you and you quiver in fear.
He grabs your hair and pulls you to your feet, making you stand, his hot breath fans against your face as you look up at him, and then he scans your face, taking in your features and then his eye widens as if he realised something.
And then he smiles, the grip in your hair becoming even tighter, causing you to wince in pain, “Please- let go of me- I'm sorry.” you grip his hand, trying to make him let go of the hold he has on you, “Aemond- please.” and that's when he releases you.
“Ah, so you do remember me.” he says, amused and you look at him confused, “Huh? What do you mean?” you ask him genuinely and that's when you realised you called him Aemond, it came out so naturally to the point you did not notice it.
But you still had no idea what just occurred.
Who's Aemond?
He grabs your cheeks, “I had waited so many years.”
What is he talking about?
“I won't lose you this time.” he says and before you can respond, he presses his lips against yours, one hand wrapped around your waist as the other holds the back of your head, pressing your face against him.
Your head felt hazy all of a sudden.
Why does all of this feel familiar?
You don't protest when he pushes you on the bed, climbing on top of you, you just stare at him, blinking in confusion as he tears away at your clothing, “Oh how the fashion has changed overtime, I remember last time you were wearing a black gown, mourning the death of your husband.” he whispers in your year and you feel ringing in your ear.
“What an amazing actress you were, mourning him in such a convincing way, only to get fucked by me after the funeral.” his hands trail down your body, “Such good memories, to have you underneath me, moaning my name constantly like a prayer, you were the first woman I ever desired after my death, the one who broke my curse, letting me become a true demon, it was on accident too back then.” he chuckles, he grips your pants, tearing the fabric as if it were paper.
“Until they found out of course, that you conspired with a demon, and planned the murder of your own husband.” his voice turns dark, and the ringing in your ear gets louder, your mind spins. “I remember not being able to do anything as they burned you alive at the sept, sigils placed around you to prevent me from interfering, to watch your flesh on fire as you screamed in agony, screamed my name in pain and it was then I swore that I would destroy that city.” he growled darkly.
“And so I did, possessing my own descendant and burning the city down, not too long after your passing.” he recalls with a satisfied smirk on his face, “Do you still remember my full name?” he looks at you and the ringing suddenly stops, and everything seemed to be spinning around you, his face becomes blurry and your head begins to hurt, eyes beginning to water as you feel that you were set on fire, letting out a loud scream at the sheer amount of pain coursing through your body as memories you didn't recognize flowed through your mind, you writhing below him in pain, letting out loud cries, “Shh..” he caresses your head and suddenly the pain stops, making you breath heavily, making you close your eyes.
“Aemond Targaryen.” you hear your own voice speak and you open your eyes to look at him, he has a smirk on his face, a small smile grazes your face as well, lifting your hand up to caress his cheek, pulling his face towards you to kiss you, lips engulfing his, you breathe in his scent, and he suddenly doesn't smell putrid anymore, but instead of cloves and ash.
“Fucking cunts, all of them, they remained silent all throughout the time i was abused by him, but the moment I get my own revenge, they burnt me alive.” you say after pulling away from the kiss, gritting your teeth.
You felt so confused with yourself.
Both memories of your past life and current life clashing against each other, fighting for dominance, to decide who you were.
“It's over my love, I burnt them all down.” he kisses down your neck, to your breasts, and down to your cunt, pressing kisses to your inner thighs. You smile at him, spreading your legs wide for him to settle freely and latch his lips onto your clit, making you throw your head back when you feel his tongue move skillfully against the bundle of nerves, you grip his hair, shoving his face further into your cunt.
“Fuck- you taste the same as I remember, I missed this cunt so much, seven hells.” he curses, licking away at your cunt, you moan as his sharp teeth grazes your clit. “Watch your teeth-” you whimper, feeling his fingers prod at your entrance, before gently pushing them in. He pulls away from your cunt and watches his own fingers be engulfed by your cunt as he thrusts them in and out, he groans at the sight, wishing it was his cock plunging inside you. “Goodness gracious, you're so fucking divine.” he murmers before latching on your cunt again, tongue swirling against your bud.
You feel the band in your stomach, “Aemond, I'm cumming- I'm- fuck-!” you reach your peaking on his hands, back arched as the orgasm ripples through your body. You breath heavily and watch aemond climb up, his knees on the mattress of your bed as he bends your legs, your knees pressing to your chest.
You watch as he grabs his cock, your eyes widening at the sheer size of it before flitting over to his own, he smirks, “Aemond it won't fit-” you whine but he shushes you, “You took it with no problem before, tis the same.” he lines in up against your entrance, “But still-”
“Remember when we did it the first time, you said it wouldn't fit? Only to have you crying and cumming all over my cock like a common whore.” he says and you sigh, remembering the memory.
He slowly pushes his cock inside you, taking his own time, throwing his head back in pleasure, “Seven hells, you feel so fucking good, the gods be damned.” he grunts, feeling pleasure at the way your cunt is wrapped around him so perfectly. You grip the sheets below you for support, clenching your eyes shut as you try to adjust to him.
He grabs a hold of your legs, throwing them over his shoulder before he grabs your hips and starts thrusting in and out of you, making your body jolt up and down the bed at the force. Your moans of his name soon fill the room, and he moans too, closing his eye in pleasure as he continuously shoves his cock in and out of you.
He opens his eye to look down, only to smirk when he sees the outline of his cock in your lower abdomen whenever he thrusts fully inside, he presses a hand against it and you squirm, the pleasure amplifying, making your toes curl.
He leans down, causing your legs to fall off his shoulder and be pushed up against your chest one more, his long black tongue enters inside your mouth, extending far back into your throat making you gag before he pulls it back, finally letting both your lips meet. Your hands shoot up to his hair pushing him against you, he hums in satisfaction. His scales are back on his body, along with his horns, partly turning into his demonic form, you feel him grow in size, both height and mass, and eventually down there, which rips an orgasm from you, wetness flowing down your hole and dirtying the sheets and you choke on your own spit at the sudden peak.
He pulls out, and you look at him in confusion, knowing he didn't peak yet, but soon the confusion is replaced with anticipation as he flips you around onto your stomach, your body knows what to do immediately and you support yourself on your arms and knees. Aemond doesn't waste another moment before pushing himself inside you, letting out a loud moan when he feels you clench around him.
His pace is brutal and fast, only seeming to care about his own pleasure, he grabs you by your hair and tugs on it, causing you to curve your head backward but not lean back, he's fucking you like an animal in heat, the size difference making it easy to manhandle you as he wishes.
He soon feels his peak arriving after pounding into you like a madman, and he spills himself deep inside you, cumming so much to the point it makes you feel bloated and so full, you whine when you feel his pull out. He watches as his seed leaks out of you, gathering it with his index finger and tasting it, humming at it.
“I wish my seed takes.” he mutters.
He turns you on your back again, and holds your legs wide and spread apart, and spits on your cunt, before leaning down, holding your thighs apart and once again presses his warm mouth against your cunt, only this time he shoves his long tongue down your hole, you can feel him licking around there, eating up his own spend, and that's when he flicks his tongue upwards inside you, grazing your gspot and your thighs shut around his head, trying to prevent him from making you cum again, too overstimulated and tired.
“Aemond- another time, please- I'm so tired.” you whine, your eyes closing, and he listens to you, pulling away, withdrawing his tongue from inside of you. He climbs next to you in bed, shifting into his full human form again and pulling you close.
“I won't let anyone take you away from me now.” he murmurs in your ear and you nod, turning and snuggling close to him.
There were so many questions left unanswered.
Each and everything was an odd occurrence.
From the encounter of the package to you summoning a demon, who turned out to be the one you loved & fucked in your past life, even conspiring with him to kill your abusive husband, and to fucking him again, and now laying safely wrapped in his arms.
Who was the one that sent you the package then?
Just then you remember an odd event.
You remembered the text and pictures of the book with a bunch of spells and summoning rituals, you hadn't noticed it then but it was the same handwriting as yours.
It was your diary.
And you remember losing it the day right before you were burnt to death.
And you remember writing the words you had heard in your dream, confused back then as what "3AM" meant.
You did not want to dwell on this anymore.
Because you realised that it would drive into madness.
And so, you drifted off into slumber in the arms of your beloved.
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starpunkssgalaxy · 5 months
sbg headcanons pt. 2!!
- aiden steals traffic cones, he has several in his room (tyler got stuck in one of those big round ones, tripped and almost rolled into traffic if it hadnt been for logan who threw himself in front of it. taylor was also in one and wanted a pic for her social media so she convinced tyler to put one on too, thats how it happened 😭)
- ben is the type to trade shirts if the girls are feeling uncomfortable, just imagine taylor in bens baggy ass shirt and ben is wearing some cute little crop top lmaooo hes to sweet
- tyler the type to sit in the weirdest places, perfectly good chair?? nah he’s sitting precariously on an open windowsill (yes he did fall out of it once and it was actually aiden who jumped out after him because he was closest)
- when ash was little she would bring home all kinds of animals, her parents would have to search her pockets everytime she came back in from outside and they’d find all kinds of frogs, harmless snakes, bugs, baby birds (she has raised several birds)
- aiden will not move until he’s chosen music for the drive, he once stepped on a nail but refused to drive to the hospital until his bluetooth connected in the car and everyone was yelling at him
- building onto the bird thing and ashlyn, she’s befriended a murder of crows and has a ton of weird little trinkets theyve brought her because she feeds them in return
- ben has a diary/journal he religiously writes in purely with glitter gel pen. there are horrors beyond comprehension and he’s writing them all down in pink sparkly pen (ex. 🎀 𝒯𝓎𝓁𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝐼 𝓂𝒶𝓎 𝒷𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 🎀) LMAOO
- aiden on the other hand needs to invest in a journal because he has no filter, like much love aiden but unfortunately i dont want to hear in gross detail about what happened to you after you drank windex thinking it was gatorade
- logan’s guilty pleasure is watching minecraft videos before bed (its ldshadowlady)
- logan also owns a cat and im a firm believer in this, it’s a scottish fold and he would do anything for this cat
- girl scout cookie season comes around and Ben is SCOPING these girls out. he wants his damn cookies and hes gonna drag you everywhere w him to find them
- dont let Tyler in the kitchen alone, and its not because he lacks skill in cooking he is just so forgetful. he’s probably exploded several microwaves because he forgot to put water in w his ramen. he has so much on his plate already that he kinda gets lost in thought while in the kitchen and may burn food every once in awhile
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christinarowie332 · 11 months
i win.
part 2 of : “i’d be an idiot if i said no to that”
matt sturniolo x reader
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warnings : vv suggestive ! drugs , swearing .
matt and y/n spend some quality time with his brothers . who would break first ?
(this is kinda slow so hear me out)
green text : imessage
my phone lights up vibrating from underneath my pillow . i peel my eyes away from “the vampire diaries” playing from my tv and notice the time displayed on my phone. 12:36am . jesus christ .
my eyes scan my notifications as my face id opens my phone . instagram, my group chat “whores.” (56). oops . snapchat , pinterest… oh ?
matt🤭: u up ?
my body shoots up from where i was lay . i frantically tuck my hair behind my ears with my free hand not holding my phone . i open the message , thumbs hovering over the keyboard ready to type before i hesitate. realising i have no idea what to say .
me: yeah i’m up ! what’s up ?
i type . then delete it .
me: hiyaaaa , yeah i’m up wanna do something??? x
me: yeah i’m up . whyyy wanna hang??
good enough idc
i press send with shaking fingers , allmost immediately he replies back .
matt 🤭: you know me so well , i’ll come pick u up .
me: no bother , i’ll come over . send me ur loc
matt 🤭: i’m at mine with chris and nick , we can all hang if u want?
*matt 🤭 shared his location with you*
me: oki! shall i bring anything??
matt 🤭: just yourself and whatever u need in the morning
me: i’m staying ??😏😏😏😏
matt 🤭: 😏😏😏😏
me: OMW!!!!!
matt 🤭: LMAO OK
i smile at the message and take a screenshot immediately sending it to my groupchat giggling , throwing to the middle of my bed and getting up .
after a few touch ups to my makeup i’ve left to marinate on my face a little bit too long .i change outfit into a pair of baggy light blue jeans , that fall on my hips , uggs and a tight fitted white baby tee . i throw on a hoodie that matches my uggs before realizing it’s literally boiling and ripping it off .i grab my phone and my bag , filling it with the essentials and start to exit my house .
in what feels like 30 seconds i’m pulling into what should be matt’s house . i turn my car off and look at my self in the mirror , obsessing over every little detail until deciding i look good enough .
me: i’m here !!
me: hello ??
me: matt are u home ??
after five minutes of waiting outside the door i decide to just knock it . my heart literally racing enough to hear it in my ears . after a few seconds of waiting i hear the door unlock and the handle go down .
his face drops at the sight of me and turns his head away but not taking his eyes off me , his blonde hair falling against his eyes before he swipes it away .
he smiles kindly and i return it . awkward .
after a few excruciatingly painful seconds i see a familiar face poke around the corner, his long and messy hair tucked into a backwards hat . it takes him a second to realize it’s me and his face lights up as he walks towards the door .
“y/n ? yo what are u doing here ? nick bro what are u doing??” he furrows his eyebrows at his brother before opening his arms towards me .
“nice to see you too chris” i roll my eyes and meet his hug .
“OH SHIT MB YOUR y/n ?!?! COME IN FUCK SORRY!!” nick rambles out grabbing me around my back and pulling me in the house .
i take the sight on his house in , the shoes shoved thrown into the corner near the stairs. it smells like autumn, a warm candle burning somewhere. i can hear music coming from what must be the room above . smiling at the familiar beat of mac miller .
“where’s matt? SORRY !!nice to meet you nick!!” i say while smiling , and turning to nick realising i haven’t even greeted the first brother
he laughs and goes to speak before we all turn around and the sight of matt speeding around the corner and skidding to a stop .
“SORRY IVE ONLY JUST SAW YOUR TEXTS” he defends himself before i can even mention it . i smile kindly and relax my shoulders at the sight of him . his hair has been cut , brunette falling onto his forehead in loose curls. the phone he had in his hand tucked in his oversized sweats .lifting his top slightly to find the pocket , showing the band of his boxers for a split second .
“you’re fine , don’t worry” i say , before letting out a breath i didn’t even know i was holding .
matt keeps the eye contact smiling slightly before turning his head towards his brothers and looking at them . “do y’all wanna smoke up?”
“allways” chris replies for both of them before leading us all to their small balcony .
it’s 2 am now , we all shared a joint around their table . chris let matt play his playlist (for once apparently) and we’re now all sat talking .
i’m sat on a bench with matt shoulder to shoulder , a blanket covering us both as the temperature dropped and we were all shivering by the time the joint was smoked .
“i don’t get it nick !! women are just confusing man…..” chris whines out , he has been talking about his girlfriend mia all night and and to be honest i stopped listening ten minutes ago . “no offense y/n/n” he says now looking at me .
i peel my eyes away from matt’s hand on my knee and meet his eyes “all good man i get it…” i don’t get it . i was completely zoned into matt’s hands , and how close he was to me that i wasn’t listening to a word chris was saying .
matt notices and puts his hands under the blanket , pulling it up to his shoulders .
“u wanna go inside matt???” i ask in concern , thinking he was cold .
“no i just got a chill , i’m fine” he says looking at me now with a tight lipped smile .
i mirror his smile and look away at chris who was waiting for us to shut up so he could carry on his rambling. he starts speaking and i keep eye contact with him , now fully listening to his words.
“as i was saying …. i just don’t get it ? taylor swift is mid as fuck , i tell mia that and she literally looks at me like i just murdered a litter of puppies , SHE HATES MY MUSIC TASTE??? i literally tried-“
and just like that i am now no longer listening to chris , as i feel matt’s hand on my knee again underneath the blanket . he strokes it slightly with his thumb and runs it up my thigh , covering it with goosebumps following his touch .
my breath hitches as he takes his hand higher , to rest on my upper thigh. leaving it there and warming it with his touch.
i glance up at him in warning but all i see is him looking straight forward at chris , smirking. little shit .
he must see my face flush in the corner of his eye because he moves his hand ever so slightly higher , his index and middle finger hovering over the seam of my jeans .
my hips move forward slightly and the touch and i gulp loudly , nodding my head at nick who’s now started speaking to me .
“what music do you listen to y/n . if u say some goofy shit like the imagine dragons i may have to throw you off this balcony” he asks me while laughing at himself .
matt apparently thinks it would be absolutely hilarious to start teasing me underneath the blanket , moving his fingers up and down the seam .
“i-um” i clear my throat trying to stay collected “i like all music really …. mac miller …” matt stops moving .
i turn my head towards him to see him smiling at me and nodding for me to carry on .
“ugh let me think” i drag my words as i move my hand on his inner thigh now i feel him flinch at the touch and go to move his hand off my thigh to stop me but i flash my head towards him and raise my eyebrow in warning .
my turn .
i mirror his actions before and take my hand higher . “i like anything really ….. mac ..torylanez…” i move my hand . he shifts .
“skies ….travis….hotel ugly….” i move my hand again over his sweats . he shifts and let’s put a huff of air .
“brent faiyaz…..dominic fike”
i move my hand again and he lets out a soft allmost silent noise . a whimper , only i hear it and i smirk .
“i like anything” i look at matt now , giving him an innocent look and shrugging my shoulders.
i remove my hand as i could feel him slowly becoming harder . and place my hand on his lower thigh , griping hard . saying exactly what i needed to.
“that’s fire as fuck…what’s ur fave skies song?” i hear chris say and i turn my head towards him .
i smirk knowing i won before continuing my conversation with chris , feeling matt sink into his seat more and putting his arm around me . manspreading and putting his palm over his crotch.
i win .
i am a vile and wretched woman .
LOVE YA !!!!
@mangosrar @sturnphilia @littlebookworm803 @lividnity @def-livv @daddyslilchickenfingers @sssturniolofart @soursturniolo @deatthmatch @biimpanicking @bluesturniolo333 @urmyslxt
i love u all 🤍🤍🤍
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herozdiary · 8 months
Hellooo 👋 I know you’re busy with other requests but I can’t help with this idea
With hyperpink girly reader (gender neutral Ofc or your choice) though they may seem mean to others but is really nice to Simon, very affectionate to him (covering his face with pink lip gloss marks) , and protective too. Chase Simon’s bullies away with their neon pink platform heels.
I’ve been obsessing with pink x emo dynamic
Take however long you want!! Thanks for reading this and I hope you’ll have a good day/night ✊
Simon x reader
This diary entry contains…established relationship | Talk of poor mental health | mentions of bullying | reader is a icon | Simon is just Simon | just the two of you being cuties | slight obsessive behavior
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Simon was a loser and you were the popular icon of the college you both went to.Your style was so pretty and colorful,Mostly pink but any color would fit you.
You met Simon on your first day when you needed help finding the girls restroom to re-do your lip combo.He instantly fell in love with you.
He soon enough made a big enough of move to get closer to you and you guys ended up getting close to each other to start dating blah blah blah!
Once you guys got close enough he confessed about how he was struggling with poor mental health and was a main target for bullying.
You never liked them.You use to be a target for bullying until you kinda just snapped and told them off.You were left alone after that and ever since then you been helping people who get bullied.
You sat on his bed as he cleaned up his floor.You had came over to listen to him vent and to help him with some English because he needed an idea of what to write.
“People are so shitty sometimes Simon,but you gotta ignore them and show them you don’t care! They’re just a bunch of self projecting losers”You say while fixing your digital camera.
Simon nodded before shrugging.He didn’t have the confidence like you did.You made yourself known while he kinda just stood on the side lines and supported you.”come here”you say gently as you place your camera on Simon’s windowsill.
Simon got up from his spot on the floor and made his way towards you.he sat next to you before staring into your eyes.You grab the sides of his stubble covered face and plant small kisses all over his face.
You had applied some cute pink lipgloss a couple of minutes earlier so you left sticky lipgloss kiss marks.You giggled at your work before grabbing your camera and snapping a quick photo of Simon.
He started down at your lap before smiling.”You’re so so so so soo handsome babe.Im kinda glad some girls don’t you like you because now I can have you all to myself!”You joke as you place a couple more kisses on his face.
Simon feels his face get red as he hides his face in his hands.Girls never were into him as much as your were.He had Sophie yeah but Sophie only saw him as a friend
You were different.unlike Sophie,you didn’t leave him but you stayed with him and comforted him.When Sophie rejected him and made up the excuse she had to go,You stayed with him the whole entire night listening to him vent.
Simon and Sophie are still I guess you could call them friends but he doesn’t talk with her anymore as much.He has you!When Simon does talk to Sophie he mostly talks about his life and how you made it much better.
People still don’t know how Simon was able to get with someone like you.You were a likeable,bubbly and a talkative person unlike Simon who was like the complete opposite,but they do say opposites attract.
You sometimes would even chase them off,it didn’t matter what type of shoes you were wearing you could run in 6 inch heels and still look flawless spewing out curses word at a bunch of losers who were picking on Simon.
Sometimes Simon would help with picking your outfits!he didn’t have much fashion sense when it came to himself but when he came to you,He knew exactly how to dress you.
“Ok Simon!I have this cute baby pink crop top or should I wear the baby blue one?”You ask while showing your boyfriend the two shirts.Simon did a quick scan off both shirts before looking at the skirt you had picked out.It was a black,pleated skirt with small rhinestones on the belt loops.
“I feel like you should wear the blue one.I think it would go good with the skirt your gonna wear”Simon said while going back to messing with his camera,
You nod as you toss the pink shirt back into the closet before smiling at Simon and thanking him for his help.Not only was he such a cutie but a big help when it came to styling you.
He was the only male you would trust picking out your outfits.Sometimes the two of you would match if you were able to convince him.it would take a couple minutes of begging but sooner or later you would make Simon have matching pink themed outfits!
Even if he found it absolutely ridiculous,As long as you were happy he was even more happy.
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thejockout · 8 months
Subject Diaries #0.5 - Jockout the Subject, Part 2
(okay this is the last edging post of this series lol)
Last time I discussed my history/beliefs around masculinisation and erotic TF hypnosis, just to give a foundation of how I think about this stuff.
NOW to get into the slightly juicier details; what am I into, and what have I achieved so far with hypnosis?
WELL. What I'm into is an interesting question; and it's changed a lot in the last 2-3 years. If you'd asked me then what I was into, the answer was a fairly limited range of hypnosis: I was into "dumb jock" style brainwashing... and not much else. I didn't do a lot with either sub/dom-coded files, and had yet to discover several of my major kinks! It's kind of weird looking back at how little I used to be into, tbh. But I feel like that's often the way with kinks, they kinda spread over time.
For hypnosis, my current core interests are the following:
Masculinisation - specifically shit like changes in media consumption, physical mannerisms like manspreading or gait, and attitude adjustments. This blurs the line with the next point, but really just covers the whole gamut of a "bro" or "jock" type personality, and is the primary thing I've been into for years.
Dumbing Down - this was a kink I was very on again/off again with for a while before finding my balls and embracing it wholeheartedly. Like many subs, I used to really fear being "Permanently Dumbed Down" and losing skills and traits I need for work/my ambitions. But that's not a realistic fear and not really how hypnosis works, so now I embrace it pretty wholeheartedly. Nothing hotter than coming out of trance unable to spell or think straight. I love seeing the changes in my communication that come from it, and the actual feeling of hypnosis-induced brain fog. (And, being seen as a dumbass is a big kink too, and a nice ongoing goal.) Also included here is the whole subcategory of like, wanting to be malleable and easily hypnotisable, wanting to be someone who drops like a stone and is super impacted by suggestion. I've got some friends who come to mind when I talk about that, and it's always hot to see how easily they sink.
Corruption - this is sort of a broader, underpinning kink to the rest of the stuff I'm into; but it's a desire I have to want to be changed, to have someone coy and sly and sneaky manipulate me into changing in ways most would consider "for the worse." Making me dumber, more single-minded, more narcissistic, more self-indulgent. Fuck, bro. I get off on the idea of someone making me into their personal monster... especially if it goes a little too far from their POV and they can't walk it back. This underpinning desire for corruption is sort of what fuels my love of Dumbing Down and, in recent years, super Dom-coded Toxic Alpha type hypno generally. It's play I think you need to be careful with, but I've been having a good time so far and don't think I'd have ever started making files like Brute if I hadn't gone in that direction myself.
I listen to files outside these three themes, but generally they need to have at least one for me to be into them, and the best tick all three boxes.
I briefly listed a few files I'd listened to a bunch in my previous Diaries post; those being Jack Drago's Masculine Conditioning series, Avis' Sapiens general catalog, and Rigsby's Absolute Jock. I've probably listened to 100s of hours of both the MC-series and Avis' work. My time on Absolute Jock was a looot lower, but tis the best of the old guard of jock files on WarpMyMind. Overall, it's a lot of time to have dedicated to this kinda hypno! So you'd expect to see some results, right?
...Yeeeahhh, well, I'm still kind of a Work In Progress on that front. I have seen results, but I held myself back with anxiety and overthinking (about hypnosis) for years of this, so I've really only started to show change in the last year or so. That being said, the years of repeated conditioning have done a number on me lol.
Successful Media Brainwashing - I did the unthinkable and successfully made myself a sports fan via hypnosis. It's kinda weird. For years I really struggled to even get through a game; then with hypnosis, I gradually started to just get suuper horny when I watched sports instead, which wasn't really any better because I'd just jerk off and lose interest. But sometime in the last two years, I kinda just got into it gradually and now watch for authentic, general interest. This was a real pipe dream at 17 when I envied how all the jock-types in my class could be totally absorbed and single-minded watching or playing a game, but I ended up getting there in the end! Not American so don't watch American Football/basketball/baseball or whatever, but I like rugby/hurling/F1 ✌️I credit this to Jack Drago's work, specifically Files 2 and 4 of the MC series; Manly Media Bubble and Male Oriented Interests.
General Personality Change - this is a WIP suggestion, but it's been interesting seeing myself change over the last 12 months especially. I've become a lot more dominant, confident, cocky, and even self-centered especially in online kink type contexts. IRL, I've just become more dominant and less willing to take shit; but that's only ever a good thing. It's interesting Because the nature of this kind of change, which happens so slowly over time, is that it can be difficult to look back and see the points where you used to behave differently. But sometimes like... especially since doing Douchebag-type files, sometimes I'll criticise someone or make fun of something and get a surprised reaction from a friend who wasn't expecting me to take it that far. And it always makes me feel a little good to surprise them in that way, to violate their expectations of how Nice I should be. I'm always Nice to them, and to anyone decent, but you've really gotta make me WANT to treat you well to get that now. Some people will read this and feel annoyed, or roll their eyes, but I kinda don't care. It's what I'm into. It's what I've GOTTEN into. (It's all Avis' fault really tbh.)
Libido Increase - this was a slow creeping change overtime, but went from getting off maybe 1x a day/5x a week or so to probably getting off 3x a day currently. Got a lot better at thinking with my dick and am super easy to make horny, which helps feed into the next suggestion on the list;
Dumbing Down - this is the suggestion I've had the MOST recent breakthrough with. For the month of January, I listened daily to @hyphyphurray's Muscle Boy file, interspersed with his Happy Horny Himbo and @avissapiens' Intellect Drain. Dumbing Down was always something I'd struggled to conceptualise hypnotically, but I had a perspective shift this month as to what dumbing FEELS LIKE on an ongoing basis. While under some mild post-trance haze, I wrote this snippet about it in preparation for the post a week ago:
(Don't worry, I'll summarise it.)
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The tl;dr of that message is that I realised "permanent" dumbing would feel less like brain fog/tipsiness, and more like apathy towards intellectual topics. It's a priority shift, or a behavioural change; not a magic finger plucking facts out of your brain so you forget the answers. It's sort of like it just fucks with your desire to know things/answer questions instead. The information might still be there, if you hunt; but why would you? Who cares, bro? Does it even matter?
Since making that perspective shift, it's like a few years of dumbing has crept in all at once, and it's been super interesting. I'm not going to over dramatise it (I'm desperate NOT to become an RP-type blog with this) because in contexts like writing, schoolwork, etc., I think just as clearly and easily. But in leisure contexts, in hypnosis, just in chatting with bros... I feel that intellectual apathy creep in allll the time. Trying to think of an answer to something and just giving up two seconds in, because "it's easier not to think about it." Trying to remember something and quitting because "if it was that important, I'd have remember." Letting my typos and message flubs sit because "they can figure it out lol" and not over analysing whether everything I say is totally coherent or rich.
I understand the irony of me speaking in huge depth about this here, when what I'm saying is that I'm thinking less. But like I said, it's kinda contextual. If anyone was interested, I'd consider writing a hornier post under the influence of trance sometime so the difference can be seen, but right now... I'm just taking this a little more formally, I guess? Idk, I'm torn between wanting it to be pseudo-educational and also just having made myself horny writing so much about dumbing, and when I'm horny I REALLY feel that haze start to creep in and I kinda wanna just stop this an edge or something and go do anything else that's more fun 🥴
So in the spirit of the post, I'm gonna go do that.
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For the month of January, most of what I listened to were Hyphyphurray's files listed above (the number in green = the number of times I listened to them). They are paid files, but they're well worth the price, and I recommend them to anyone into this shit. I also listened to Avis' Intellect Drain 5-6 times as a supplement because I love how that just makes my brain turn off for a while.
Not sure atm what I'm gonna listen to through February, I've bounced between Muscle Boy and Avis' Toxic Douchebag Alpha a few times so far but will likely commit to one track for the month.
This is post #2 of my broader Subject Diaries series, a blog series I plan to maintain on a fortnightly/monthly basis updating people on what I've been listening to, files I've been enjoying, and effects I've been experiencing. When I'm not trancing, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions here on Tumblr/Soundcloud if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can always check my pinned post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi, but you'll have to DM for the first.
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nervocat · 11 months
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★ 📝 — notes: I'm sure this idea has been done plenty times before, but I felt like writing it and because I liked the idea and had I need to write hsr more lol. I actually kinda like how this turned out so yippee!! Also I used the Honkai: Star Rail wiki for info on Mimi and found it here, in Jing Yuans diary ^^
And you'll see (if you read it) Jing Yuan doesn't call Mimi 'Mimi' anymore, but it's more optimal to type than 'Wave-Treading Snow Lion' is 💀
       — word count: 412 , fandom: honkai: star rail , cw: male reader since the term "husband" is used — ✦
                     " Cuddling with Jing Yuan and Mimi "
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     You and Jing Yuan were together in your shared home doing whatever when you were starting to get tired, yawning. Jing Yuan notices this and smiles.
     "My love, are you tired?" The general inquiries. It was pretty late and you know you need sleep, so you just nod, not denying the fact that you were tired.
     "I am, yes," you reply, knowing what your lover was up to. "Do you want to go to bed?" You say, looking over at Jing Yuan. He had a playfully smug look on his face as he nodded.
     "I wouldn't deny being able to sleep with my husband," he says as he takes a hand in yours and you smile, walking to your shared room with Jing Yuan following close behind, though you were also followed by someone else.
     You two made it to your room and changed into comfortable clothes and were getting comfy on the bed when the door was opened. You and Jing Yuan looked over to see Mimi in the doorway. The lion walked in and politely shut the door behind it and sauntered over to the bed, jumping up onto it as gently as the big cat could. The bed creaked under its weight as it sat down to wait for you two to get comfortable.
     You laughed as Jing Yuan moved to pet the mane of his cat and he then lied down, allowing you to get comfortable in whatever position you wanted (though he'd prefer to be held, and has vaguely mentioned it before). When you two are in whatever position you wanted, Mimi makes itself comfortable and put its head down on both of your legs, taking a deep breath as it closes its bright blue eyes.
     "Looks like the Lion wanted to join us," you say as you also pet Mimi's fur, a low purr starting to rumble from its chest.
     "It would seem so," Jing Yuan says as he moves to pet the paw pads of the cat, seemingly his favorite thing to do. You could tell the two were close and smiled, suggesting to your husband you two should probably go to bed. After a few more pets of the paw pad, he obliged and rested his head.
     You two and Mimi sleep well that night and in the morning, Jing Yuan has you in his strong grip with Mimi crushing your legs (but it's not painful). Good luck getting up if you have to. ✧
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🌊 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ 📖
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seriesxwriting · 11 months
I was rewatching season 4 of tvd and I thought of a fic idea 🤭 I’m thinking when Damon is teaching Jeremy to be a hunter at the cabin and Klaus shows up, Jeremy and Elena’s sister (the reader) is also there for like moral support or something 🤷‍♀️ But later that night after everyone’s asleep she decides to go skinny dipping in the lake and Klaus catches her…
Thank you so much for your request, I’m so sorry it took so long for me to write I’ve been immensely busy. I hope it was worth the wait <33
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Just one night <3
W klaus Mikaelson
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Warnings- swearing, kissing, skinny dipping?
Summary- request <3
Series- The vampire diaries (tvd)
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“Y/n, get back in the house” Elena shook her head as I stepped over the doorframe. I scrunched my face up with confusion and looked around for a split second. “Get back in the house” she hissed giving me no time, pushing me by my shoulder and backing me into the house with her body. We ended up in the living room before I hurriedly pushed her hand off me.
“What the hell are you doing!” I protested blinking quickly at her. She nodded to the kitchen hinting for me to follow her there. When we landed she lifted the tap up so it was running. Diverting any vampires hearing. “Klaus is here” she whispered in a low tone. My eyes widened. A million thoughts raced through my head. “What? Surely not- whys he here?” “I don’t know” she tutted getting out her phone.
I saw her swipe onto Damon’s name and start typing too fast for me to read. “Is Damon sorting it out?” I questioned, she let out a deep sigh. “I don’t know” she replied clearly stressed out about the situation but still managing to piss me off. “They were just kinda staring at each other- then Jeremy told me to find you” she added once she saw I was getting annoyed at the little Information I was receiving.
“He has some unhealthy pull towards you- I’ve noticed it- so has Damon” she eyeballed me “of course anything Damon thinks you think” I rolled my eyes taking no notice of what she was saying. Klaus had never hurt me physically, anytime we came to a stand off he’d avoid me or try and sweet talk me into leaving. But it wasn’t anything ‘unhealthy’. “Oh don’t start y/n” she scoffed rolling her eyes at me again. “We are just looking out for you”.
“You always say that” I muttered avoiding her eye contact. “Because I’m trying to stress it” she threw her hands out but kept her voice down nonetheless. At this point I was done with the conversation and slammed my hand on the tap before walking towards the door. “Y/n!” She cried running after me. As soon as I got to the door klaus appeared in front of me having vampires ran to the door. “Hello love, thought you’d be in here” he smiled with that famous look of his.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t melt on the spot. “What are you doing here?” I narrowed my eyes at me but used a questioning tone. “Came to see how Jeremy was getting on with his training- clearly not very well” klaus laughed and looked over his left shoulder. My brother was lying in a pile of logs and Damon was helping to pull them off him. Elena gasped at the sight and I could see fear in her brown eyes. “Klaus you have to leave”.
“Oh come on, it’s just a little bit of practice on a real vampire, Damon’s hardly made it over a century- and you- are a poor excuse for a vampire” he chuckled to Elena before making eye contact with me. “You’d make a good vampire” “you need to go- you’re not making the atmosphere very nice” I folded my arms leaning against the wall. “Well I was hoping you’d invite me in for tea but I can clearly see that isn’t your plan”.
“You knew I wouldn’t!” Elena protested shaking her head frowning at him. “Yes that’s why I wasn’t talking to you sweetheart” he condescendingly answered with a flick of a side eye in her direction. “What because I’m human? You thought you’d prey on the weakest link?” I replied jerking my head back. “If you think you’re the weakest link in this delusional team then you yourself are delusional y/n” he raised an eyebrow at me becoming all serious. I swallowed nervously and felt as the butterflies fluttered about.
“Klaus!” Jeremy yelled at the top of his lungs, he was red in the face but didn’t look at all injured. His hand was clasping a wooden stake. “I’ve made him angry” klaus winked at me and then jokingly put his hands up fakely surrendering. “Okay okay- I’ll leave, see you later my love” he grinned at me before vamp running off into the woods away from the group. Damon vamp ran to the door and stood there as Elena met him half way. “Are you okay?” He asked under his breath looking into her eyes. I rolled mine and walked off into the house.
That had been the most interesting part of this trip, apart from Jeremy the odd few times sitting Damon on his ass. I loved to watch that man lose sometimes. I wondered off to my bedroom and shut myself in most of the night thinking about what happened. What klaus had said. I even thought over and over again about how he said I’d be a ‘good vampire’. I also thought of elena’s words, his ‘pull’ towards me.
It kept me up most of the night. I was a deep over thinker, always had been and I’m sure I always will be. It ate me up sometimes, now was one of them times. When eventually it got to two am I decided it was time to forget about the situation. So I dragged myself out of bed and snuck out of the cabin to go down to the water. This was one of my happy places. It was just beautiful especially at night. I sat down on the grass in my gym shorts and vest top watching the ripples. I had crocs on too but no jacket. It wasn’t cold, there was no wind either.
I decided I wanted to get into the water and couldn’t be asked to walk back and get my swimsuit. No one was around, it’s not like anyone could see me, so I stripped and ran into the water laughing to myself. I swam on my back, did some hair flicks and summersaults underwater. Before just floating on the water looking at the stars.
“I’ve been around for a thousand years but this is by far my favourite sight”. I whipped around seeing klaus standing on land just watching me swim in front of him. “Klaus!” I gasped literally jumping. “You can’t creep up on people in the pitch black” I tutted with an eye roll. “You’re such a feisty one- no one ever talks to me like that not without consequences” he chuckled still watching me though I was just standing in the water at this point covering myself “Consequences? What like how you killed my aunt?” I jerked my head back, I wasn’t usually this narky with him but that comment pissed me off.
He put his hands up and smiled “I didn’t mean to offend love” “you didn’t offend me- you pissed me off klaus”. He looked at my blank face and my arms crossed my chest. “I’m not sorry I killed you aunt- thats selfish, but my power now is mind blowing and I’d never give it up- but I’m sorry it was your aunt and I’m sorry your wrapped up in this because I don’t want to hurt you” he told me truthfully. Klaus took a seat where my clothes were he eyed them before smirking at me.
“I believe that” I nodded swiming slightly closer ignoring his flirtatious smirk. “I don’t know why- you haven’t given me a reason to trust you- all you do is fight with Elenas boys”. “Mm well I think I have- I’ve never directly hurt you, love” “it doesn’t matter klaus- you’ve caused me pain- a lot of it- but for some reason see a difference side of you sometimes- times like now, if we weren’t in the middle of a war and it would complicate anything, you might have been the guy I came up to in the bar” I told him with a smile coming to the side of the land now, he’d shuffled to get closer to me.
“Well if you ask me I’d tell you the war didn’t matter- and if you came over to me at that bar you’d never leave my side y/n, we’d rule the world together” klaus told me with no sign of a joke. His face was completely neutral. “I…” klaus looked at me stuttering, I didn’t know what to say back. “No one would ever hurt you again- no one would leave you out, you’d be under my protection we’d be untouchable together” he whispered down to me. “You said you see a different side of me- well I see a different side to you y/n, I’ve tried to ignore it but it’s so prominent”.
“I can’t be with you klaus” I shook my head, he looked away from me for a second sighing. I pulled his face back towards me and whispered “but that doesn’t mean I can’t see what it would be like to be with you for a night” I smiled softly. He returned it. Before smashing his lips on me. I might have just made the biggest mistake of my life inviting this man into the water with me. Or it could be the best night of my life. But right now I didn’t care about the consequences.
I had him all to myself.
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Klaus mikealson masterlist
Tvd masterlist
All series masterlist
Masterlist of masterlists
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inmoonsblood · 8 months
nepenthe: (n) "that which chases away sorrow".
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pre tlt-tlo. luke castellan x child of a minor god!reader. 700 words, prologue.
synopsis: time keeps slipping away. luke slips along with it. you were never important enough to care, anyway.
warnings: godly parent of the reader isn't mentioned but is specified to be a minor god. mentions of luke and reader making out, reader is said to be the eldest out of their siblings, kind of toxic situationship between luke and reader. minor book spoilers? (I haven't watched the show yet)
note: i'm writing on tumblr after almost a year and a half, this isn't that gooduprwefjod. this is just a brief intro to the possibility of a bigger series under the same reader, kinda? if it does go ahead, it will be based on the books! idk how i feel about it so far, but I'm always open to listening to feedback!
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At Camp Half Blood, there remain a few things you cannot learn, no matter the amount of harsh, gruesome training you’ve gone through. 
For those who look for it, every day is a new lesson. For example, capture the flag: every game tells you more about your opponents and allies when you know how to look for it. With every game you start to notice how the  Area kids undermine the minor gods in cabin eleven, almost forgetting their existence. You notice yourself clubbed with children of another minor god, despite sharing nothing with them, you notice the way Luke’s expression goes blank and tenses up when he notices that. 
So you ask him about it late at night, away from the campfire and chaos, bodies pressed together and hips pressed against each other. He replies by biting on your bottom lip, you retaliate by pulling his hair. The next thing you know, you’re pushed up against the wall and a little over half an hour later you walk into an empty cabin eleven with a purple bruise blossoming on your neck and lips swollen red.
A corner on the room’s floor is dedicated to your siblings and yourself. and you wonder how long Luke will keep it reserved for them—for you. You wonder, will the treatment end the moment this . . . affair between you two ends? How will you explain this to your siblings then? When you finally need to deal with the jealousy that comes with being somewhat special to a counsellor.
So you learn to adapt, to take advantage of those who undermine you, and to make allies with those who understand your strength. It’s not hard getting your siblings to listen to you, after all, you are the eldest with two quests weighing down on your conscious daily, but having that achievement means little to nothing when your godly parent isn’t an Olympian. 
You sit down in the corner of the room, knees tucked in your chest and you look around. You have three siblings on your godly side, a diary hidden under Luke’s (because no one would respect your privacy, yet they wouldn’t dare breathe in Luke’s way like that) pillow containing their names, mortal addresses, mortal family’s numbers and blood types noted down.  You wonder if Camp Half Blood would have a proper funeral if any of you—not just your siblings, any of the children of the minor gods—died. Would there be a grieving period? Would someone look for you? Would they even call the families you’ve left in the mortal world or would those who care wonder what happened to you all? 
No minor god is as important as Olympians and as much as no one says it, you can feel it—you all can feel it. 
A child of Nike can win better than a child of Ares, no one gives them the credit of winning, though, it’s always beginner's luck. Camp survives on the magic and mist of Hecate and yet no one, *not one person* appreciates any of her children. Iris is responsible for most, if not all, of the communication at camp and yet no one includes her children in any conversation. Tyche and Hebe’s children are almost as joyful as the Apollo and Aphrodite campers, yet no one smiles or dances with them. The goddess of luck’s children have none here. Nemesis cradles her children, promising justice and vengeance, and Hypnos lulls his kids to sleep, ensuring no nightmares whilst they sleep, unable to do anything to the bullying when they’re up. 
Your parent is amongst these minor gods, and whilst they do care slightly more than Olympians do for their kids, you cannot help but be angry. Anger that you know will be spent on the Hermes counsellor, pushing him till he pushes you back, till you’re both breathing heavily into each other’s mouths and till your nails scratch red lines down his back, after all, it’s what you two do to each other. 
No conversation, no understanding, no labels. You two are just two teenagers angry at the world for taking their parents away. Nothing else to each other, right?
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Finis vitae sed non amoris-its the end of life but not of love
Chapter two: October
October 1st 1976
Dear diary,
The tutoring sessions with Potter have started and so far it has been hell and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Potter seems to hate Potions too. He's kinda bad at concentrating. He's usually cracking jokes abt the effects of the Potion. Anyways,
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 4th 1976
Dear diary,
Barty has a thing for Evan but he won't admit it. And also I've seen how Dorcas looks at Marlene Mckinnon. These are two chaotic duos. I really wonder how this is going to play out.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 11th 1976
Dear diary,
It's raining today and I have a pile of homework to finish. Ugh. What makes the whole thing worse it's that today is a Saturday. I'm supposed to read and relax. Nothing else but unfortunately I do have a tutoring session with Potter. I have to go.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 16th 1976
Dear diary,
I visited the library and found none other than Remus Lupin, reading the picture of Dorian Grey. We chatted about the book and about the characters and the writing style. It was really pleasant actually. He's the only one of Sirius's friends I can have an intelligent conversation with. Speaking of Sirius I saw him on the hall today.
He was being his usual self, cracking jokes with Potter and Peter. On the 20th, is the first Quidditch match for our team. Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. It's stressful because their team has significantly improved. So you can see my worries.
Goodbye for now,
R. A. B
October 20th 1976
Dear diary.
Well,we won the match!! Everything was so chaotic during that match. Minutes felt like hours and everyone was full of adrenaline. I love everything about it. It was such a fun yet scary match. For a second I thought we were going to lose because the scores were extremely close. It was 180 for us and 160 for them. We're throwing a celebration party on the common room. I'm helping with the decorations, while Barty and Evan are going to sneak in food and drinks.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 23rd 1976
Dear diary,
The party was fun but it was loud. I know it's like saying why is the water too wet. But I can handle loud just not THAT type of loud. To be honest with you I just came for the fire whiskey and the rose lemonade.
I tried setting Ev and Barty up, by me and Pandora leaving but since there both ABSURD levels of oblivious they went to cause havoc instead by traumatising the fat Lady in the Gryffindor tour by screaming as loud as they could. God these two.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 27th 1976
Dear diary,
Today I helped Pandora brew some potions. For what did she need these Potions I don't know. But what I do now is that you don't need to question Pandora. She's always has everything under control. The Potions were Liquid Luck and Verita Serum. But I am curious.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
October 31 1976
Dear diary,
Yesterday was Halloween so we had the class hours shortened. Thank god. I had History and Transfiguration.
I unfortunately received a letter from my parents. Saying that I am invited to spend Christmas at home if I desire. Invited to spend Christmas at my own home? No thank you. I would rather stay at Hogwarts with my friends. And besides it's October. They're 2 moths early.
Tomorrow it's Friday and I have a tutoring session with Potter.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
Y'all the second chapter is finally done!!!! I wanted to make this one eventful and interesting, at least I tried lol.
For next chapter I really want to take athletic rivals to friends to lovers Jegulus but I'm debating it. I really want to feature Quidditch matches more often too.
Btw I'm so sorry this chapter took me so long to write. I had family stuff and irl suff to attend to.
Amazing ppl who wanted to be tagged (tell me if want to be untagged) :
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So anybody feeling rather nosy today?
Well I finished Kickin’s entire diary a few weeks ago, and since Hoppy never really got the chance to read the entire thing, I thought I’d share it here!
Please note, on the following dates
November 4, 1997
March 10, 1998
September 4, 1998
Kickin does write down some s*icidal thoughts, that may be triggering to some people. I’d advise you to skip past those if they are triggering for you. I’ll mark them with bold text so you know.
Diary is under the cut! Have fun snooping!
August 26, 1995
I found this notebook by one of the kids’ beds. He didn’t use it at all so I figured it was alright to take it! Not that he is here to stop me anyways. I decided to start writing stuff in here! Just whatever I’m thinking, whenever I feel like it, I guess. Whenever I feel like it. God, that is a WEIRD sentence to say. Or write. But it’s true! It’s my life now! Whenever I feel like it! No more stupid employees here! Haha, get wrecked! Losers. Oh, Hoppy’s calling me. I’m gonna go! I’ll write in you again later! I promise! Wait, why am I promising a notebook that I’ll do something?
October 2, 1995
Okay so I kinda forgot about this thing. Oops! Anyways, I’m getting bored. The soccer ball is starting to deflate and we can’t find the pump. This SUCKS dude. Like, I get the prototype is busy doing whatever, but if he’s all powerful like he says can’t he give us some entertainment around here? Like sheesh! There’s nothing to do. I’m so bored.
October 16, 1995
I’m thinking of growing my hair out. I mean, Crafty is doing it! And it’s getting annoying constantly cutting it. It grows back really fast. Maybe I’ll go for a mullet type look! Just maybe though.
October 29, 1995
DogDay’s missing. We don’t know where he went. We tried searching for him but CatNap told us not to. It’s always what CatNap says. Stupid. I’m going to keep looking anyways. I’m gonna find him.
October 30, 1995
Never mind.
January 1, 1996
Hey, new year! It kinda sucks though. We did absolutely nothing to celebrate. Also, big problem. Bobby found out about my secret crush. Oh I hope nobody ever reads this thing. Don’t tell anybody, but I think I like-like Hoppy. She’s just so cute and pretty and funny and spunky and cool and I love it when she talks about outer space it’s so interesting!!! She’s so fast too, like crazy fast! I think she’s too fast though. She beats me at literally EVERYTHING. That’s okay though! I’m gonna keep getting better until I can win! But yeah. Bobby found out. I’m terrified for my life.
January 23 1996
So we’re starting to run out of food. Catnap said to trust in the prototype and that he’s gonna save us and stuff. I call bull. We need food, not a savior! But he said the prototype has a plan, so I guess we’ll be fine. Still though, I’m getting tired of eating moldy salami.
February 6, 1996
Crafty’s starting to lose it. She started nagging me nonstop because she keeps running out of red marker. I’m gonna avoid her from now on. Her drawings are getting weird. Really weird. Like borderline creepy stuff. She’s going bonkers man, I’m telling you.
May 16, 1996
We ran out of food. Woke up this morning to Picky scoring through the rest of our god damn supply. I swear I am going to SCREAM DUDE!! So what if she’s always hungry?! She’s not the only one who needs food to survive! Unbelievable. What the hell are we going to do now?
May 17, 1996
So that was CatNap’s back up plan. Oh my god. I don’t want to even think about what I’ve done today. I recognized him. Who I ate. He was there when I first woke up. Taking notes in the corner of the room on his clipboard. I feel sick to my stomach. How long are we going to have to do this for?
June 2, 1996
Today feels special. I don’t know why. It just does. Also I’m sorry I haven’t been writing in you as much. I’m just scared of getting caught writing in this thing. What if someone reads it? What if CatNap reads it? Will he get mad at me for what I wrote a few months ago about the prototype? Maybe I should erase it. No I can’t do that, I wrote it in marker. I’m going to keep this thing hidden inside my zipper pocket for now, until I find a better spot.
July 22, 1996
There was a freaking execution today. I’m so disturbed right now. It was one of the tiny DogDays. I’m not really sure what he did, but CatNap made us all watch as he ripped the poor guy apart. He said that’s what happens if you are a heretic. That’s what happens if you speak out even the slightest against the prototype. Bubba told me that he thought one of the other minis had tattled to CatNap about what that tiny DogDay did. That’s insane. I can’t imagine any of my friends doing that to me. Would they do that to me? No, I’m being an idiot. They’d never do that. Regardless I can’t let him find this thing. I don’t want to end up like that mini.
August 8, 1996
It’s officially been a full year since the Hour of Joy. It’s weird to think about. How many full humans have I eaten by now? Maybe eight? Ten? Twelve? Twenty? I lose count. I don’t feel anything when I eat them anymore. It’s easier to imagine them without faces. I always cut off the head so I don’t have to see it. On the bright side, we finally found the pump for the soccer ball. Hoppy and I can finally start playing again. I don’t really think either of us want to though. At least not right now.
September 12, 1996
Hoppy and I had another fight today. I’m writing in this thing because Bobby made us separate. I don’t like being mad at her. I want to apologize but I’m scared to approach her right now. I miss DogDay. I don’t write about him much but I miss him. His name is kind of forbidden to even speak nowadays. Picky thinks he abandoned us. I don’t think he did. He’d never do that. But if he did I want him to come back. Everything’s falling apart without him.
January 12, 1997
I’m sorry it’s been awhile. I don’t really know what to write about today though so I’m gonna end it off here.
February 7, 1997
Sometimes I wonder if I should name this journal something. But I’m not very creative when it comes to names. Crafty is though. She’s been really different lately though. She’s gotten really cheerful for some reason. But say the wrong thing and suddenly you’re on the ground. I’m scared of her. I don’t know what’s going on with her but if she doesn’t get that fixed soon she’s going to get herself killed. Or kill someone else. Either of the two. Maybe even both.
April 25, 1997
Nothing to write about today. I’m just not going to. I don’t feel like it. My hand hurts. I think I’m gonna go back to sleep.
June 2, 1997
It’s the weird day again. The one that feels like it should be special. I don’t know what that feeling is. I asked Bubba about it. He knows a lot, I thought he’d probably know that too. He didn’t though. He said he got that feeling too, sometimes. But neither of us knew why.
June 19, 1997
We ran out of food. I didn’t even know that was possible. There were so many humans working in this factory, how did we run out of them? The entire Playcare was in panic today. CatNap calmed us all down. He said not to worry, because the prototype always has a plan. Okay. If the prototype always has a plan, what is it? Because I’m tired of this whole stupid mess! I want to know what it is! Why can’t I know what it is? This is so dumb! The prototype is so dumb! It makes me want to tear all my feathers out!!!!
September 19, 1997
September 19, 1997
I did it. I needed to eat. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Picky told us how to find food. There’s plenty of it in the Playhouse. Like livestock, just waiting to be slaughtered. CatNap was so mad. But we have food now. And we all know he’s been eating them too. I feel like a monster. They were like us. But Bubba told me it was necessary. We were all going to die if we didn’t. I’m still sorry though.
November 4, 1997
Bubba got gassed. Badly. I’m so worried about him. We don’t even know why, we just walked in the room and there he was, laying on the ground with scratch marks all over him. How could CatNap have done such a thing? He’s sick. Just sick. I’ve been taking care of him now. I don’t want to leave his side. I’m worried that if I leave for a moment that something will happen to him. Hoppy’s been making me stay active. Sometimes she’s the only reason I keep going on. It’d be so easy just to end it all. She’s there for me though. I love her. God, I love her. I never want anything to happen to her. But I know something’s going to happen to her. That something’s going to happen to all of us eventually. When it happens to her though, it’s gonna happen to me next. I promise it will.
November 14, 1997
I found a boombox today. It’s really cool. I’ve been playing it for Bubba recently. He’s still asleep. I hope he wakes up soon. Did I ever mention in here that I like to dance? It’s really fun. It makes me forget about everything that happened. I lose myself in the movements. I don’t really even know how I know how to dance. I never learned it as a toy. I think I’m gonna go do it now though.
December 3, 1997
January 1, 1998
Yay. New year. Yippee.
March 4, 1998
Something bad happened today. I knew it would happen eventually. I think we all did. Crafty finally lost it on the wrong person. She attacked CatNap and then he ripped off her hands as punishment. I could hear every. Single. Agonizing second of her screams. I thought I was used to screaming by now. I guess I was just telling myself that. I hope she survives. That was a lot of blood.
March 6, 1998
What do I do. What do I do. What do I do. Hoppy’s leaving. She just told me she is. Hoppy, Bobby and Crafty are leaving Playcare in a week. They can’t leave. They can’t. CatNap’s going to kill them. He’s going to kill them brutally. And even if he doesn’t, who knows what’s outside of Playcare? Plenty of toys who would be willing to hurt them for food. Hoppy told me to come with them. I can’t go with them. I don’t want to die. But I don’t want them to die. They can’t leave. I don’t want them to leave. But I can’t change Hoppy’s mind. She’s leaving with or without me. How could she do that to me? Just leave me here, all alone with Picky? Bubba’s still asleep. She’s the only one I’ll have to talk to. I don’t want to talk to her. I’m scared. I need to stop them.
March 8, 1998
what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done
March 9, 1998
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so so sorry. I messed up I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry please forgive me. I keep seeing her. She talks to me in my head now, telling me she won’t ever forgive me, no matter how much I grovel and beg. Sometimes I don’t even think it’s in my head. Am I going insane? You don’t deserve to stay sane. You’re right. I don’t. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.
March 10, 1998
The blood won’t come off. It stained my hands. Maybe I deserve that. You do deserve that. You’re right. You’re always right. I deserve it. I haven’t moved from my bed since it happened. I’m hungry but I don’t want to eat. I don’t deserve to eat. Bubba needs me though. At least if Picky tries eating him again there’s nobody to stop me from making her pay this time. I don’t know why I don’t just give up. I should. I made a promise that I would once Hoppy went. Maybe it’s Bubba. Or maybe I’m just making excuses. Maybe I’m just too scared. I’ve never felt so alone before. I deserve to feel alone.
March 24, 1998
I’ve been seeing her a lot lately in my dreams. Always the screaming and then the ear. And then she tells me it’s my fault. I know it’s my fault. But I still don’t understand. Am I selfish for not understanding? Yeah. Probably. But all I ever wanted to do was protect her. I don’t understand why this happened. I don’t understand. Picky’s been avoiding me. That’s fine. I don’t want to see her either.
April 12, 1998
You know what? No. I’m done. I don’t care if CatNap catches me going into the Playhouse. I need to see what’s inside. Maybe she’s inside, and that’s why we aren’t allowed in. I’m going to find her. I’m going to make things right with her. I refuse to believe she’s gone.
July 16, 1998
July. It’s already July. I took that long to recover? Seriously? That was three whole months. Well, I guess loosing an eye will do that to you. I’m still surprised that Picky took care of me while I was hurt. I tried to ask her why but she didn’t respond, so I guess that was that. That doesn’t matter though. He’s alive. He’s alive. DogDay’s alive! He’s been here this entire time, sitting right below our noses and we had no clue! If I can just figure out a way to get him out then he can save us all from this mess! I know he can! I just need to find a way.
July 20, 1998
Bubba woke up. He finally woke up! Oh my god, he finally woke up! It’s been how long, eight months? I’m so thankful. He’s really scared though. He must’ve been through hell. I know from experience the nightmares that stuff gives you aren’t pleasant. I can’t imagine going through that for a whole year. Poor guy.
July 21, 1998
Bubba’s been having trouble walking lately. His legs give out whenever he tries. I guess that makes sense. He hasn’t used his legs in a while. I wish I knew how to give him the proper treatment he needs. Actually, there’s an idea. I should check inside of the school. I’m sure there is something in there about comas.
July 22, 1998
OKAY SO THAT WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA. Not only did I find absolutely NOTHING, but I almost got my head bashed in with a freaking mace! That biology teacher has gone wack. Completely wack. Then again, she’s not the only one. I still hear Hoppy. She still visits me. I’ll be in the middle of something and then I’ll just see her. I think I’m starting to hallucinate. I know that’s really bad. But I enjoy seeing her. Even if all she does is cuss me out. It gives me hope. Hope that she’s not Never mind. I shouldn’t be thinking about that. Bury that nice and deep along with the other scary thoughts. She’s not dead. She’s not dead she’s not dead she’s not dead she’s not dead.
August 8, 1998
Third year anniversary. Or is it the fourth? I don’t feel like doing the math. Bubba can walk again now, but all he does is sit against a wall. It feels like my effort was wasted, if I’m honest. He doesn’t like eating. Or sleeping. He hates sleeping. I tried to give him some books to read that I stole from the councilors office, but he ignored them. Some days he refuses to sleep so badly to the point where I have to knock him out for him to get a little shut eye. I feel bad for him. He doesn’t deserve this. If I could take his place I would in a heartbeat. Maybe if it was me instead of him I wouldn’t have messed up so horribly.
September 4, 1998
It’s one of those days where the hallucinations are bad again. Sometimes I wonder if it even is a hallucination. Am I actually seeing her? She’s looking over my shoulder right now. Watching me write. She looks so real. And the stuff she says feels so real. I want her to be real. I want to hold her in my arms. She just told me if I ever try to do that she’s going to push me off the cloud I’m on. I think she knows I wouldn’t save myself.
September 18, 1998
Bubba’s been getting better. He’s started talking again. Only sometimes though. And he never says much. It’s a start though.
November 10, 1998
I think I just saw Picky chasing Hoppy away from the councilors office. I must’ve just been hallucinating again. She was carrying something though. It looked like a computer? I’ve never seen that before. Probably just another hallucination.
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b-00-biez · 2 years
💜🌸I SAW THAT YOU WRITE FOR BRAHMS <333 (I'm a sucker for brahmsy)💜🌸
💜🌸I don't ask for these types often (if it makes you uncomfortable I am so very sorry!!) but how would Brahms react if his s/o had a daddy kink? But was kinda shy about it?💜🌸
💜🌸Thank you so much! Again I apologize if I crossed any lines!💜🌸
Fr am a slut for Brahms🫣 but like honestly i still think he half baby so like maybe a switch
Brahms with a S/o who has a Daddy Kink
Warning: A little bit of nsfw
Character: Brahms from The Boy × Reader
He didn't find out because you told him. Oh no he read your personal diary. There were a bunch of filthy smut youve written on there and honestly hes actually surprised.
"Y/n, am i your daddy?"
He does that heavy breathing thing as he approaches you. Literally just read your porn diary.
You're dense I'm sorry but like you haven't figured it out until you checked your drawer and it's gone.
You went in the walls and saw Brahms jerking off while reading your diary
Creepy but arousing nonetheless.
But like since you were quite shy you kinda tip toed back to your room.
So when you're very sleepy you see him standing at the side of your bed naked.
"Youve been eavesdropping daddy. You need to be punished."
But like he is a type of daddy thats playful and a bit of a tease so whenever you are aroused he would hide in the walls until you go to him
He doesnt hit or spank you as much but like , he likes choking and groping you.
"Ride me. Now."
One of the cutest things he does is return your diary and tell you to write more so he can get "inspired" and know what you like in bed
When youre comfortable hes going to be more blunt and a bit forceful
So lets pray for yall cause YOU AINT STANDING UP TOMORROW
Omg let me know if you want to make this like a oneshot smut thing 🫣 and ill be at your service cause for real this is like 💕
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hi, can we have the diaboy's handwriting?
Hi Love,
Totally, this sounds so cool. For more explanation of if cursive is old or not you can refer to the comments.☺️😊
P.S. For fun here is admins hand writing
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
The Diaboys Handwriting hcs
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Fancy and kinda dark academia aesthetic but is definitely not readable to most of us.
It's in cursive of course cause he's archaic.
And he's pretty lazy, he like barely holds his pen.
He mostly writes in Latin that way none of his brothers understand but sometimes he writes in his demon language.
Although with all the tech now he literally does the voice audio type or anything he needs to write down.
It's so rare to see this lazy ass with a pencil in his hand lol.
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Its crazy but in cursive it is beautiful, like great penmanship.
But in print, Reiji shows a completely different side of himself.
He never writes in print because he finds that people may think he's vulnerable.
Reiji only writes his most personal thoughts in print and its because he never shares with anyone and can't be himself except for on paper.
So only sadness and angry are written in print.
It is canon that he once held a diary when he was younger so it wouldn't be surprising if he writes his feelings in print. I mean he's stressed.
If he had a lover he writes in print because he wants her to know this side.
Cursive is what he uses when he's doing chemistry or a grocery list.
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The left is how he writes in his demon language its more secretive and mysterious. He hardly uses it tbh.
The writing on the right is usual, normal print/cursive writing.
It's not super fancy or plain.
It is plain but with a little flare.
His writing is pretty neat and clean.
Although he doesn't write a lot he does like to write about his sexual escapades.
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He alternates between the two.
The left is when he is more focused and maybe upset. But not mad.
If he was mad, he'd write everything in caps.
Although the right is when he is calm since it's cursive.
He uses both interchangeably tho.
What's actually nice about his handwriting is not that it's simple or because it's bold or small. It's what Kanato writes.
I seriously think he writes poems and he is really good at it.
I mean any girl could fall in love with how this man writes, especially if he writes about you.
And he has such a nice voice when he talks about his lover/love interest.
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It's a mess, he prefers to type.
He makes spelling and grammar mistakes all the time but he uses a pen.
He literally cannot read his writing sometimes and asks Reiji if he knows and his brother just gets really mad at him.
He crosses out so much stuff.
And he writes in any spot.
He doesn't stay on the line, the letters are everywhere.
It's super plain and he never writes in cursive because he literally does know what is the top or bottom of the paper after writing it.
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Very messy and always in ink.
There are so many scribbles and ink smudges.
He always writes in print because his cursive is unreadable.
He doesn't stay on the lines, his writing moves up and down.
It's very careless and free.
He writes very big.
And has a hard time reading his handwriting sometimes.
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Different and kinda neat but has a lot of crossed-out parts.
Sometimes capitalizes things for no reason.
He can write in cursive but wouldn't choose to.
Although his writing style is unique considering the font.
He is also part of the ink-only squad.
He also likes to abbreviate a lot of stuff.
Is able to keep his writing in a steady line for the most part.
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If he's presenting it's neat, if its for his own things its sloppier.
But still, no soul has ever been able to read it.
He does it on purpose.
Kou has always wondered what it says but he's never been able to tell if it's even in English or in the demon language. Like he has no clue.
Ruki does this in case something thinks about snooping.
He probably does write in his free time, and honestly, he writes a lot. I bet he has so many journals that are filled over the years about his life as a vampire.
So it's hundreds of years of the world all in these books of his.
It's honestly fascinating but no one can read them.
Though if he had a lover he may open up to them about it and share what is in there.
But he might be a tease and lie about what's in there to get her to laugh and throw a pillow at her.
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Okay now although the content at the end of this letter (left) is yandere that's not the point.
I seriously feel he writes in a bunch of fonts and caps/lowercase just cause he's everywhere.
And this is usually how he writes to his fans because they think it "cute"
The right shows his usual handwriting tbh.
It takes a second or two to understand.
But it's not too bad.
He hardly uses his handwriting for anything tho.
Puts hearts on "I"s
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Messy, always messy.
He is just so sloppy.
You'd think that because he has good hands in a garden he'd have nice handwriting, but you're wrong.
He connects letters with each other, and he has spaces, eraser smudges, and even crossed-out words.
Although his paper is not clean and you can read the writing, well for the most part.
He does have a nice signature though.
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He has really neat handwriting.
Like it's easy to read, it's neat, and it's not super big.
But there's only one problem.
His papers are always ripped or crumbled, torn, worn out, or have watermarks.
Like there isn't one time where the paper is nice.
He seems like he doesn't know how to do cursive or rather he forgets.
He probably writes relatively small.
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Fancy cursive and then regular cursive.
He's never used print in his entire 3,000+ years lol.
If he is writing a very formal letter to someone important he uses the writing on the left.
If he is writing for himself or to his brother he uses the writing on the right.
Either way, no one can deny that he has good penmanship.
His signature is also really elegant.
He has his own signature style in cursive.
Something most cannot do.
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Like his brother it is in cursive and very fancy.
The left is how he writes in a more formal setting because it is easier to read.
He always writes really neatly surprisingly, it's the founder prince in him.
It's always in a steady line too, you'd think he'd measure where he wanted to put the handwriting.
The right is his more loose and less legible writing. He uses this if his letter is informal and it is to someone he is comfortable with or has known for a while.
He doesn't really write in print unless its for school and he wants to blend in.
Because he's supposed to be a British exchange student it doesn't surprise me if most of his notes are in shorthand.
I think once he learned that no one uses cursive he decided to not use it that much and stuck to print.
Which probably looks something like this.
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˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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distractedducky · 3 months
So I was thinking about it… why sterek
I’ve shipped a lot in my time. From the classics like spirk and destiel, to the straight vampire diaries nonsense, from murder husbands to buddy to name a very small few. They all hold weird little places in my heart and mind but they fade and as I flow in and out of fandoms I move on to the next hyperfixation. But sterek just keeps sticking around.
It’s an old ship for me. If you go on my ao3 all the way back to 2013 you’ll see my first ever book mark was a sterek fic. That fic is still a comfort fic for me today and is something I read when my anxiety is uncontrollable.
It was something I read late in 2022 when the reality of the pandemic and the last few years hit me hard and got me back into Teen Wolf so hard it actually pushed me out of the supernatural hole the start of the pandemic put me in.
I’ve always been a shipper and I have my ride or dies, my OTPs and Ot3s, and so on and so forth, but fandom has always been weird for me. I started young and witnessed the birth in Tumblr and ao3, as a tween my taste can only be described as pure trash* Affectionate * but as I got older, like most things in life, my taste changed. And though I still love me some hot garbage, I engage with it differently than that little 12-year-old who thought werewolves and vampires were cool no further explanation necessary.
Now I’m an academic, a librarian, who actually studied critical lit analysis, book studies, and religion. Who spent years learning how to dissect prose and poetry to look beyond text in an professional setting. And though I don’t regret it and it has led to some fun changes in the way I engage with fiction it also kinda ruined the fun engagement I had with things back in the day when baby me bookmarked that first fic.
I need more from my characters now, more from my fandoms and it has led me away from and into the arms of content that I never saw coming. (Looking at you Danny phantom phandom) I needed depth or the potential for depth that some shows just didn’t lend themselves to cleanly enough to satisfy me and yet… sterek persisted.
One of my problems is I didn’t really engage with the fandom when the show was airing and only watched a few season sporadically until recently, so I wasn’t there when things were forming organically. It has left me out of step with the primary directions fan content creators have taken with the ship and the directions they took, though fun and interesting, aren’t really my usual thing.
I hate the infantilization of stiles and other teen wolf characters like Isaac. I generally hate infantilization of adults, hyper feminization of certain types of characters and so on and so forth and it has to do with my own gender stuff, but I usually avoid it in fanfiction. I am also not a huge fan of modern werewolf romance erotica. I have a lot of opinions on real supernatural mythology and legends and I don’t like the anthropomorphism that shows up a lot in werewolf stories. Not that I haven’t read some amazing takes on werewolf lore, especially in the Teen Wolf fandom but I’m speaking generally. I’m also not a fan of pack mom stiles (again my own gender stuff) and though I think Scott’s inconsistent character and writing throughout the show lens him to be whatever your fic needs to be (best friend, hype man, wingman, idiot, genius, villain, so on and so forth) I don’t like a lot of the 'Scott sucks just because' fics. I don’t like the hate in the fandom around that. I also don’t like the hypermasculine depictions of Derek in a lot of fics and on and on. I have read a lot of TW and sterek and by all accounts, it should be a fandom I wouldn't personally engage with this much. Yet for all that, I have found there is an exception to every trope I hate, every hard line i draw for myself, because the fic was just so good. For every dozen or so fics that seem to tell me that this isn’t the fandom for me, there is that one amazing thing that says “No! This is exactly where you wanna be”.
Like I said, I need more from my fandoms now a days and most of what that boils down to is plausible deniability. I need enough gaps in the narrative to fill them in myself, but with enough connective pieces that everything can make sense when put together. The fatal flaw of telling without showing, which allows people to extrapolate out what they want from certain things -all the subtext with none of the text - is exactly where my degree comes in handy.
And sterek well… I think what it is for me as a shipper is the inconsistencies. That is kind of why I still ship it so far and for so long. It's the fact of why was Stiles in Derek's dream at the end of 3b? We can talk about all the things with him being his anchor and the grasping at straws that we as shippers all love to do but the narrative fact is they did not spend that much time on screen together or even saying they were doing things off-screen together. That leads us to a lot of whys. Why were they together at the beginning of season two talking about the alpha pack? Why were they in certain situations in season four that ld them to work so well? What happens in all of this dead time? What happens in season six? We see stiles in episode one be like "Oh my God Derek is a mass murderer wanted by the FBI" and at the end of the season, they've apparently driven and or flown back to California together, apparently spent some time together. They're not on the run from the FBI so that got cleared somehow, stiles isn't limping so his foot healed. There's so much dead time like that throughout the show so when scenes happen like the hand on Derek's shoulder after the death of Boyd you're left thinking that's kind of off, we haven't seen any interactions with them that would show that they have that kind of deep solemn relationship where comforting him would make sense.
The show notoriously has a terrible timeline, but all that does is fuel the fact that we don't know how much time any of these characters are really spending off-screen together. We can only assume that it happened in this weird dead time. This is why somehow Derek's view of Stiles in his head is like a calm stable dependable figure who can help him talk through an issue. This is why they always gravitate towards each other in fights. This is why they work so well together in a crisis. Like we have to assume that happened before which is stupid and I know it's so much reaching, but in my little brain, it's the only way that makes all of this random shit fit together- so I gotta ship it. Obviously, the real-world explanation is inconsistent writing plus putting space between them once the writer stopped wanting people to ship it, but because you get all of these disjointed scenes where they're too intense for what we've been previously seeing there is some type of disconnect here -what is that? and if you're looking at the show, not as a work of fiction, but as a narrative, what else are we gonna do then assume that they have spent way more time emotionally connecting than we have seen on the screen.
And for me that’s everything I want in a ship, that ability to play and extrapolate random events and ask, okay now how would these all fit! And that’s what spawns great ideas and stories and art and why I ship it, dispute the fact that it really shouldn't work for me personally.
I think it’s why a lot of people still stop sterek despite the fact that the attitude towards it and the show has shifted a lot and in many different ways in the last decade.
Sorry for the rant, I’ve been thinking about this for days and had to get it out there. I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I truly love the Teen Wolf fandom and everything it’s done and everything it created and I’m so happy to be able to engage with it.
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