#I just have a lot of feelings about Dadstarion
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I know everyone has their different takes on Astarion’s character, and what they think his story should look like/what he would or wouldn’t do with his life after the events of the game, and I think they’re all valid. And not everyone is going to like your read or what you want him to pursue or be like after all is said and done. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Could you imagine how boring things would be if we all agreed? I personally love seeing the diversity of takes.
That being said, I am very much a fan of the idea of non-Ascended Astarion starting a family after everything, just me personally. Now, I know that’s a whole can of worms for people who don’t like that concept or who don’t like the idea of kids/pregnancy in their fiction. That’s completely fine. Funnily enough, I have no desire to have my own kids, but I love exploring that sort of lifestyle and the dynamic it creates when it comes to my characters in my own writing.
And I do think he wants kids, in my world state (to borrow a Dragon Age term), anyway.
I always go back to Astarion’s confession, when he says he wants “something real.” All those years where sex and love were nothing but a performance to seduce people and lure them to what he thought was their death. And now, with Tav/Durge, he wants the real thing. He wants to love and be loved.
He says he doesn’t know what “real” looks like anymore, which means he’s got to figure it out. And we know he isn’t much for plans, so that means a lot of what he learns is learned as he goes. That must extend to learning what he wants, too.
“I Want to Live” is the song that is consistently played in relation to his character development (despite being the players song.) Want. For all of those years, he was told by Cazador that he and his fellow spawn were a family. If he doesn’t ascend, then what he desires, and discovering what he wants, and taking what was false for so long and learning what the real version of it looks like to him all come together to make it easy for me to see him enjoying fatherhood.
He wouldn’t be Astarion without that prickly personality of his, but as his relationship with Tav/Durge progresses, you get to see the softness and sweetness he has in him, too. And I believe he really does mean it when he says he wants to protect them. He does genuinely care, as sarcastic and standoffish as he can be. That’s part of his personality and his character arc.
Now, do I think he likes all kids? Not at all. I think he likes certain kids, and for certain reasons. He may not encourage taking in Yenna, but he does insist on saving her from Orin. He seems to have a high opinion of Arabella. It depends on the kid. In a strange way, I think his own personhood being taken from him has made him view kids as more individual than most people tend to.
And I think he would adore his own kids because of who they are. They’re proof of how far he’s come, they’re proof that he’s alive and he’s living and that Cazador didn’t win in the end. He’s here. He won. He’s growing past everything.
And, most importantly: they’re his kid(s.)
Do I think he’s ever considered having children prior to having one, even before he was turned? I doubt it, honestly. But especially prior to his vampirism, I don’t think it matters whether he did or not. He can’t remember what color his eyes were, let alone what he wanted or who he was. And it doesn’t matter, he makes that much clear. He isn’t that person anymore, and he won’t ever get to be them again. So whether he had thought about children specifically or not, whether he wanted them or not, I don’t think that matters to him anymore.
He never saw himself as a hero, either, but he’s a Hero of Baldur’s Gate now. He cares. In his own way. And he defines and does things his own way in his life now. He’s still not your stereotypical hero, but he’s also no longer your stereotypical vampire. He wouldn’t be Astarion if he was easy to define. And after everything, he is still Astarion. He’s complex, and he can be quite contradictory and inconsistent. That’s both part of his personality and a result of the 200 years of trauma he survived, I think.
And again, he’s also not one for plans. I don’t think he considers being a father until Tav/Durge is telling him that he’s going to be one. And that kind of life-changing news can rattle even the people who have planned for it and wanted it their whole lives. Sure, I think it takes some getting used to, and I’m sure there are complex feelings that come with it. Rediscovering yourself and building a life are never easy. Living isn’t easy.
But this is another part of the life he’s living—really living. This isn’t the mockery Cazador forced the spawn to play pretend in, it’s a real family, his family. And I think that means everything to the person he chooses to be now.
#I just have a lot of feelings about Dadstarion#I’m so sorry this is such a mess but I just wanted to talk about him#Astarion#Dadstarion#Papastarion#character study#if you squint
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Breakfast in Bed
A/N: just a dadstarion drabble. feeding as a love language. mdni.
word count: ~ 3000
tags/warnings: sfw, shameless fluff, soft spawn astarion, baby fic, mentions of reader being pregnant in past tense, breastfeeding, soft blood-drinking (? lol), tav reader, mom reader, soft vampire romance, hints of angst, just lots of sweetness, playing fast and loose with dnd lore about dhampirs and vampires.
You're enjoying a rare deep sleep when a small yet powerful sound jolts you into a state of semi-consciousness with alarming urgency. You can barely register your own body around you, attempting to roll and shift. Suddenly, you feel a familiar cool hand touch your shoulder. "Shhh, it's alright, love. I've got her."
Astarion. He must have sensed your panic at your daughter's cries before he even had the chance to grab her himself. You sigh in relief as he quickly moves to soothe her.
"Gods below, whatever could be making that absolutely hideous sound? Has a little gremishka gotten into our home?" He says with a heavy dose of sarcasm as he pads over to her cot.
Untangling yourself from the bedding, you open your eyes just in time to see Astarion gently lifting your tiny daughter out of her bassinet.
"Darling, waking up your mother so early?" He tuts. "And here I was hoping to make this a peaceful morning."
Despite his mock scolding, his expression betrays the softness of his eyes, wide with adoration. His lips curl upwards in a carefree way that you've never quite seen from him with anyone else. A secret smile that only she can pull from him. She scruches her little legs, and he places a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his hand covering almost her entire back. He coos to her as her cries taper out into little whines. Nestling her close to his chest, Astarion tucks her tiny head under his chin. Rocks her gently while shushing her until she goes quiet.
You watch as her tiny scrunched body relaxes as she calms in his hold. So enchanted you are by the two of them that it takes a moment for you to notice the aroma of food coming from behind you. You turn around and see a small tray on your nightstand with a bowl of porridge, two hard-boiled eggs, toast, and some blackberries.
Once again, you find yourself struck by how much he's changed in the years since the Nautaloid. He never used to cook for you before, and you never resented him for it. You couldn't expect him to be enthusiastic about cooking when he couldn't even taste what he made for you.
All of that changed after the news of your impending little one broke. He had quietly taken to practicing a few basic meals for you. They often lacked the amount of seasoning you normally preferred, but with your overly tender stomach, the bland meals ended up being a blessing on days you could barely keep things down.
As you eat your breakfast, you watch the two of them. Somehow, he's always had a remarkable talent for calming her. Something else you never imagined. You used to tease him about it frequently: "Oh sure, I go through all the hard work only for you to be the favorite, then?" He had simply smirked, barely able to contain his triumphant aura.
He's talking to her now; always talking with her about anything: one tangent will lead to another story and then another. He carries on conversation with her as he would any adult, despite the fact she can't even babble yet.
Even before she was born, he would speak to her in the womb. He knew your heartbeat would be a source of comfort for her when she was born, just as it was for him. She would recognize you from it, know you. He lacked the ability to provide that same comfort but hoped his voice would make up for his lack of heartbeat.
In truth, you were awed every day by how naturally Astarion had taken to caring for her, and how much she in turned seemed to take such comfort from him. You remembered how he refused to believe it at first. How something so small and innocent and precious could possibly come from him, an undead creature. Him, with his red eyes and fangs and cold skin. He had been so afraid of frightening her with his appearance at first. You had reassured him constantly, and he had seen his own likeness in the form of portraits over the years. But he could never be sure you weren't just placating him. Could never be sure those artists weren't simply flattering him.
The first time she opened her little eyes and peered up at him, Astarion let out a sigh of relief that her irises weren't a vampiric red. As her tiny eyes bore into his, he tried to discern what their true color was. You were half-delirious from exhaustion as you watched the two of them become acquainted. Barely thinking, you sleepily suggested to him that perhaps her eye color took after his original shade from before he was turned.
Astarion grew quiet and still for a long moment, something inside of him seemingly triggered by your words. A memory locked away long ago, lost to time. For the second time that same day, his body was hit with deep racking sobs. As he cried quietly into your shoulder, he clung to the little bundle in his arms, a part of himself thought long lost now given back to him.
He brings her to you now, settling down next to you in bed. You cuddle up next to your husband and baby. He's still too enthralled with her to pass her off to you, as he often is. He kisses her little hands and cheek. He smiles radiantly, far past his fears of scaring her. You're more than content to let him hold her as you eat.
She's calmed down now, her soft delicate features smoothed and her big bright eyes looking up at you both. Those captivating eyes are like faceted gemstones, a rare shade even amongst High Elves. Her skintone is similar to yours in color but with an unsettling washed-out, pale undertone that would be alarming on any other child who wasn't a dhampir. Branches of veins show through her semi-translucent skin. Her soft, silky miniature curls were the color of milkglass.
Your little one is deceptively fragile-looking, sickly even. It's easy to forget sometimes how powerful they could potentially be one day. Even at her tender young age of eight weeks, she's a formidable one. Eating and crying with equal fervor. Small and mighty. Just as opinionated as her father.
She wastes no time in letting you know both know she has needs that must be met. Rolling towards Astarion in his arms, she presses her tiny face into his chest. Her little mouth opens up as her face nudges around his shirt, seeking nourishment. You both giggle at her frustrated attempt.
"I think that's my cue, love." You place the tray back on the nightstand and gently take her from him to nestle her in your arms. Pulling down one strap of your nightgown, you begin feeding your babe in a peaceful ritual you had mastered weeks ago with her. Astarion settles in behind you with his chin resting on your shoulder. For a few minutes, he simply watches the two of you. When he takes note of your unfinished breakfast, he grabs a handful of blackberries from the tray and holds out for you to eat at your leisure as you cradle her.
It isn't lost on him, the way in which you were the first person to ever feed him. Truly feed and nourish his body, with the very blood from your own body nonetheless. Never in a million years did he ever think he would one day witness you feeding his child with that same body. An entirely brand new soul, somehow born of your union. Innocent, beautiful and alive. A part of Astarion was alive again, and he could hardly believe it even as he faced each new challenge head-on.
Since she was born, he would sometimes go without feeding for days at a time. Though the elk, deer and boars that populated the nearby woods provided ample prey for him, you knew he hated leaving you two behind even for a few hours of time that it typically took for him to hunt.
He was trying to hide it, but you could tell he was starving now. His face was a little more hollow than usual, eyes a bit more sunken, skin paler and colder. It was truly a testament to how much he adored your daughter that despite his sickly appearance, he still radiated with joy in her presence.
The blackberries run out. You tilt your head to look at him. "You should feed," eyes fixed on his. He blinks at you, obviously surprised at your suggestion. "Just a bit of my blood before you go hunting."
It takes more than a bit of willpower to stifle your giggle at his reaction. Astarion had never been one to hesitate accepting your blood.
"I- Darling, come now. You're sweet to offer, but we shouldn't. Not when you're already expending yourself," his arms snake around your waist, and his cool fingers knead into the softness of your belly comfortingly.
"Ha, trust me, this is nothing compared to feeding you while traveling and fighting for our lives in the wilderness," you assure him.
"Besides," you gesture at the jewelry around your neck. "That's what this is for."
The Amulet of Silvanus, which had already been more than useful to both of you during your time traveling, had come to have many more beneficial properties than you could have imagined at the time. It restored your blood levels, allowing Astarion to feed on you regularly. And even though he had abstained from feeding on your blood while you were with child, it had been found to also be useful in keeping your milk supply up, giving it a second use once your baby had arrived.
"It's alright," you insisted, eyes and voice soft. "I feel strong enough for this again, my love. Truly. And I trust you," your daughter continues to nurse peacefully, blissfully unaware of the conversation between her parents.
"At least let me take the edge off of your hunger, Astarion. I know you won't go too far. Besides," a smile forms on your face, unable to hold back your enthusiasm any longer. "You know I've missed it, too."
He stared at you for a moment before breaking into a smile that made your heart ache so much you swear it could have killed you.
"My love," he kisses you on the forehead, then on your lips, then both of your cheeks and your lips again. It's soft and reverent, gentle and loving.
"Always so good to me." He strokes your hair and kisses you some more before pulling away gently. His maroon eyes broke from your gaze and locked onto your little one.
"Are you sure about this, though?" There was a hint of hesitancy in his voice despite his previous enthusiasm. "I don't want to do anything that would hurt you around her," he whispered, conflict clear on his face. You considered his words carefully.
"Well..." You start with a hint of playfulness. "I don't know if you remember, dear husband, but this?" You gestured at your nursing infant. "Feeding her? It was painful at first. And we don't even know if she'll need blood one day. But if she does, I'll be providing it for you both." He looks guilty already, so before he could respond, you followed up. "But even so," you cup his cheek, gently forcing him to look you in the eye. "No matter what happens, she can't hurt me." His eyebrows raised, and he smirked at you with obvious skepticism.
"When we first found out about her, we vowed we would love her, no matter what. Even if her hunger drove her one day to drain innocent people dry." You gaze down on your little dhampir, your precious 'baby monster,' as she fed. "At the time, I was scared, but now... my love for her is so deep. I know nothing will ever change it. Nothing could ever possibly change it."
You look to him and see his eyes were round with wonder. "You don't have to if you're not comfortable, my heart. But just know you don't have to worry about hurting me. You could never hurt me, my love."
He sighed, looking at you with a sort of incredulous amusement that would normally be followed up with a statement about how nothing you say ever makes sense. Instead, he takes the hand that had been caressing his cheek and kisses it longingly.
"I'll never understand what I've done to deserve you, my dear," his nose runs along your inner wrist, savoring your scent.
"Hmm, besides helping me save the world? Well, making me laugh and being adorable definitely doesn't hurt."
"Our daughter is adorable. I am enigmatic and alluring, NOT adorable," he rolls his eyes dramatically.
"Hmm. Sorry love, but I'm afraid all evidence points to the contrary. Our daughter gets her looks from somewhere, and you know who she takes after." Astarion can't hold back his grin he looks down at her and strokes her silvery curls. The semblance between father and daughter was no small point of pride for him.
"Alright, my love. I know better than to argue with the mother of my child." He slips in behind both of you easily, pulling you up so your back is flushed to his chest, allowing yourself to lean back into him.
His arms come up under where both of yours are supporting your babe. He cradles the both of you protectively. "I've got you. I've got you both," he reassures. Your little girl continues to nurse peacefully, both parents holding her tight.
Astarion noses at the base of your neck and inhales deeply. Soft kisses pepper up and down your neck before his lips hold still in place, silently asking permission once more.
You tilt your head back against his shoulder in answer, giving him greater access. Taking a deep breath, you feel the familiar sting of his fangs breaking your skin. He was so gentle, sinking his teeth in fast enough so as not to make the sting linger, but also slow enough so as not to bruise the skin. His fangs work back and forth tenderly, taking great care to keep the bite bleeding while not opening the wound further.
You find yourself easily relaxing. "You're still gentler than she is most of the time," you joke.
His lips attach around the bite wound, gently latched just enough to keep them sealed around it. The flow of blood stayed slow and steady this way, trickling gently from you to him. In your arms, your little one is also feeding eagerly. For a moment, you can't help but giggle at how the sound of Astarion's suckling at your neck joins in with her own precious little eating noises. Her tiny ears wiggle adorably with each drink, and while he refuses to acknowledge it, you can feel Astarion's own ears make miniscule twitches when he feeds on you.
Sighing happily, you sink deeper in his embrace. You had truly missed being able to provide this for him. Time seems to slow down to a hazy crawl as you savor this moment. In the warmth of your bed, surrounded by your little family, you feel as though you could spend an eternity here. You wish you could. It wasn't easy to sacrifice so much. Give so much of yourself over to caring for your babe. But it was moments like this that had made your many sacrifices worth it.
Your undead love at your back and your tiny, half-undead infant in your arms. The feeling of his cool chest and her not-quite-warm-enough little form were somehow the most natural thing in the world. The steady beating of your heart sustaining the both of them. They were both supposed to be impossible, wrong, and profane to everything sacred and divine. And somehow, they were perfect. And you were lucky enough to have them both.
Though you're more than prepared to supplement your daughter's diet with blood the moment the need arises, you feel grateful in this moment that she's still satisfied with your milk. Melancholy borders on the edge of your warm and blissful feelings. Astarion has spoken often of how painful the blood hunger can be for him. You try to keep it to yourself, but guilt squeezes your heart when you think of her with those same hunger pains. Astarion has already sworn he will guide her through them, teach her to hunt on animals when she's strong enough. As you look upon your daughter, you can only hope to yourself that she and Astarion keep each other close, even if you one day leave them behind. There had been talks of ways the two of you could extend your lifespan, and you invested every hour you could spare into researching life-extending magic.
Yet if your endeavors failed or you died prematurely, after some time, perhaps decades, perhaps centuries in the future, you will be the one who leaves first. Astarion will remain unliving and physically unchanging, and while dhampirs were said to be more alive than undead, they were exceptionally long-lived creatures. Sources the two of you researched varied greatly, but all accounts agreed that dhampirs could outlive High Elves by centuries, possibly thousands of years if they renewed themselves with blood. Two ancient souls, undead and half-undead, largely unchanging in an ever changing world. Astarion and her would need each other.
Just as you begin to feel lightheaded, he pulls away, licking and kissing your bite to seal the wound and carefully collecting any stray strands of blood. "Easy," his arms are diligently wrapped around your babe, keeping her supported and snug. "Restore yourself, darling," he encouraged.
You nod sleepily and bring your hand up to touch the amulet. "Te Absolvo," with a soft flash of healing magic, your dizziness was instantly gone, the buzz in your head replaced with Astarion's sweet praises in your ear.
"Thank you, my love," he whispers. He presses a deep kiss into your neck, where your fresh bite mark heals. Your daughter has finished her meal now as well, and you pull your gown back up to tuck her closer to you. She snuggles up on your chest, and you stroke her back softly. She's fast asleep again already, her schedule leaning more and more each into the nocturnal with each passing day. Another early manifestion of her dhampirism.
Nocturnal sleep schedules, blood hunger, spider-climbing, shape-shifting. It didn't matter what new challenges the two of you might face with her. You trusted Astarion would be there for her. He would struggle. He would make mistakes, you know. But he has you both.
As you hum sleepily to your baby girl, Astarion nestles into your neck tenderly. He mumbles unto your skin quietly, just barely loud enough to be heard.
"You have given me everything. Thank you."
#how many times can i use the word 'soft' in the tags challenge#bg3#astarion#astarion ancunin#dadstarion#tavstarion#astarion x tav#astarion x reader#reader x astarion#tav x astarion#astarion fanfic#astarion drabble#astarion one shot#soft astarion#baby fic#dhampir#dhampirs#astarion fic
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Domestic Astarion headcanons???
loves to lie on Tav's chest just so he can receive head scratches, genuinely whines if they stops
will royally fuck up whatever he was doing if Tav gives him a back hug with neck kisses
if Tav has a tail or horns, will pull onto them simply out of fun and then give Tav a mischievous smirk when they glare at him
will not indulge in cooking since he only needs to feed on Tav's blood, but does not pass by without giving any advice on how to elevate the flavors
sews Tav's clothes before they can even mention that it's torn, that's kind of his love language
let's Tav lay on him with his chest to their back as he's leaning against the armrest of the couch while reading a book, occasionally pecks the top of their head
cannot contain himself and smiles pretty hard when he finds Tav asleep in his arms, it almost causes his undead heart to beat
loves to nuzzle his face in Tav's neck if he's the little spoon, their warmth always feels toasty on his cold skin
will take some time out of his day to remind Tav how much he loves them, even if it means kissing them till both of their lips and red and swollen
takes pride in his skills while pampering Tav with lots of oils, perfumes and soaps
loves compliments which aren't only about his looks, appreciates occasional gifts
thinking about his new life at his lovely home with his love always makes him tear up a little, how far he had come from being a slave to a terrible master to having the life he didn't think he deserved. Tav always reminds him that he held on long enough to free himself from the miserable life he led.
if him and Tav ever decide to have/adopt children, he would do his best job in being a father even though he didn't think he would ever be one
dadstarion headcanons coming soon?
#pearly venus#astarion#bg3#bg3 astarion#baldur's gate 3#astarion ancunin#fluff#astarion fluff#headcanon#baldurs gate astarion
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Masterlist- Baldur's Gate 3.
Hello my stars, since my brain went from somewhat sane to "How can I live without Astarion" I decided to put everything I've been posting in a masterpost.
Also I'm opening my requests, right now I'll be writing only about Baldur's Gate, but later I might venture in other fandoms. At the bottom of this masterpost, I'll leave the requests rules.
This being said, whether you are here to look for a treat, or to request your fantasies, what can I do for you?
My prompt list. (currently under maintenance)
Kofi, patreon for those who'd like to tip!
dd:dne infos for those who might be interested in finding out how it works.
Requests questions!
Taglist form. for those who wants to get tagged.
Work in progress page.
Other places where you can find me:
@lynnloves-thestars (the one where the follows come from aka my primary blog)
Astarion Acunin:
Scars: Astarion x Reader. Angst. Set in act 3. "When your fears catch up to you"
Blood: Astarion x Reader. Part 2 of scars. Angst, fluff. Set in act 3. "How long does it take to heal those scars?"
One and Only. Astarion x Reader. Smut, fluff, lil of angst. Post act 3. "No one will ever love me like you do"
The sun, the moon and the stars. Astarion x Reader. part 2 of One and Only. Angst, fluff, smut (kinda). Post act 3. "When he thought he couldn't ask for more, you gave him back his freedom."
I wandered lonely as a cloud. Astarion x reader. Hurt, comfort, fluff, eventual smut. Set in act 2. "Let's pretend just for a few hours that we are okay, that we fell in love."/ Golden Daffodils (chp 2)
Why? Astarion x reader. Angst, hurt/ comfort, something similar to fluff. "Why? Why? Why?"
-Tick, tack, ah.- Astarion x OC (Lynn). Hurt no comfort.
Amygdala- Astarion x OC (Lynn). fluff, angst, a bit of confort?. "pain comes in many ways"
Serendipity - Astarion x OC (Lynn) fluff?. "astarion was supposed to have a meal and ended up catching feelings- or something like that."
Golden- Astarion x Tiefling!reader. angsty?, lots of thinking, self-doubt, avoidance. "the huge tear in his shirt caught your eye again, and you decided to give him a reminder that someone cared about him." (somewhat pt 2 of "Why")
Avoid- Astarion x Wyll. Angsty. Prompt 11.
Wisteria- Astarion x OC (Lynn). Fluff, smut, angst. Set post game. "In an universe where they don't end up together while tadpoled, Lynn comes to the conclusion that he loves Astarion."
Sleep tight- Astarion x OC (Lynn) fluff.
Lesson One- Astarion x GN!reader. Fluff.
other beginnings
kiss me slowly
dadstarion crums
stealth check failed
the veil- prologue, 1,
Karlach Cliffgate:
Bedsheets. Karlach x reader. Requested. Fluff. Post act 3. Ticklish adventure.
Wyll Ravengard:
Sleepless. Wyll x Reader. Smut, fluff if you squint. "Everyone is asleep, and all he can think about is not next to him."
Headcanon: anal. Smut.
Something. Wyll x reader x Gale, poly, fluff. They are something.
Avoid Astarion x Wyll. Angsty (check under Astarion)
Seasalt. Wyll x reader, smut
Gale Dekarios:
Arabella - Songfic, fluff. Prompt: 169 “Oh, fuck. Do that again.”
Something. Wyll x reader x Gale. Fluff. (look up!)<3
Tea- Gale x reader. Drabble. A tea to fall in love.
Dinner is served. smut.
other characters:
"Let me show you how this will benefit you"- Gortash x OC (see more on post), smut- check TWs.
HC bg3 men with caring Tav
HC bg3 x durge, refusing bhaal
Request rules:
My requests are currently open, of course there's some rules I'd like to enforce so all of the readers, as well as me, are comfortable.
-no nsfw from anons or ageless accs
-no abuse from the romantic interest with the intent of having them fall in love (I see you Stockholm syndrome lovers, but this is not the place), while the mcs trying to murder each other before kissing it's our fav trope here, abuse it's not.
-no dubcon or noncon
-no b3stiality, no inc3st, or minors characters, even if aged up.
-and yk the usual do not interact warnings.
-can definitely use prompts, one liners, tropes, whatever comes to your mind for the request, and I'll try my best to fulfill them.
Navigation tags:
#lynn: updates ☆ (updates on what im working on, or published content)
#ask: lynn ☆ (answers to the asks I get)
#lynn: i wandered lonely as a cloud (ff related tag)
#vault: lynn ☆ (what I posted)
#asklynn☆: request (requests fulfilled)
#baldurs gate 3#astarion x reader#astarion x tav#baulders gate 3#bg3#wyll x tav#wyll x reader#karlach x tav#karlach x reader#gale x tav#gale x reader#halsin x tav#halsin x reader#shadowheart x tav#shadowheart x reader#lae'zel x tav#lae'zel x reader#astarion x oc#lynn: organization#astarion masterlist#bg3 masterlist#request open#vault: lynn ☆#lynn: updates☆#asklynn☆: request#ask: lynn ☆
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
oooh thank you for this! I think I've done this before but it was a while ago and now I have a few more fics under my belt!
I'm Better Now, I know My Faults - my completed dadstarion long fic, coming in at 206k. I recently reread this, and while it's a fucking mess from my inability to stick with tenses in the first like 14 chapters (I promise I'll fix it one day, I'm so sorry new readers!!), I am super proud of what I created. It's not perfect, it's kinda long, but damn I wrote all of that and I miss my lil characters. I wrote well over 100k of it before I actually started posting online and every word was a labor of love.
Till Lies Break Our Hearts - current WIP. Arranged marriage AU between Astarion and my OC/Tav Hircine. Inspired by a lot of Korean manwhas that involve the same trope, I've been really enjoying writing this one. Manipulative Astarion and secretive women, what's not to like? Lots of Elder scrolls references, drow lore, spooky shit and eldritch happenings in this one so I have a lot of fun just doing whatever I want.
If You Give A Vampire A Polymorph Scroll - probably my favorite short fic of Astarion and his big (little) dragon gf getting up to funny business in Waterdeep. Crimes and lots of biting to be had with these two goobers. I just like silly stories
Crash Landing - a little dad-batstarion. Astarion learns how to fly as a bat and becomes much to confident. A cute little fluffy story. Also one of my faves.
Damn, this is what it feels like to be you? - this one is definitely a labor of love... I've struggled a lot with just keeping the characters properly differentiated and then I could complain all day about writing smut lol but it's been a ton of fun writing something so different, especially for a character that is resistant to this type of stuff.
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Your characters are cool! I love how you pair Mohre with astarion, so cute! Correct me if I'm wrong but ur durge (even though I'm not sure if they resist or not) gave off some motherly/very caring vibes when I saw ur art. What's ur opinion of dadstarion?? <3
ahh thank you so much!! and for the question as well <3
i wouldn't describe mohre's affection for astarion as motherly, but astarion is definitely very precious to them, and that's what i'm always trying to portray. i think caring so much for someone is very new to mohre, because pre-tadpole they barely had a space for their own identity, let alone anyone other than bhaal in their life. and another thing is that they fear themselves and their own emotions a lot, it's something they struggle with in-game most obviously because of the urge, but even after denying bhaal they still remember that any strong feelings they have bring on suffering and disaster directly or not. mohre also worries about not overwhelming astarion with these intense feelings, because they're just beginning to be more in touch with themselves, would they know how much is too much? so they're always torn between the terrified voice in their head begging to hold back and the need to express all the love and adoration they have for astarion. they do trust astarion to tell them if something's wrong, they trust him to keep them from hurting him, and a huge part of why mohre fell so hard for him is that he believed they wouldn't. they're so surprised by being in love and being able to show it, but it's still their journey for post-game, to learn to also trust themselves to do so, if that makes sense.
as for dadstarion, i don't really see mohre or astarion as parents tbh. they both have pretty messed up experiences with "family", their lifestyle (adventuring) doesn't really provide opportunity for raising kids, and getting their own kids would also mean passing their respective curses onto them. the latter would be especially acute for mohre, since it's likely the child would be born with the urge despite mohre's resisting it (if you let sarevok live and resist bhaal, he sends a letter to the withers party, from which it's pretty clear it would happen), and they wouldn't accept the risk of handing a child to bhaal. i also just think astarion and mohre's plan for post-game adventures is to see the world, learn of all the things they were denied, what they might enjoy, parenthood isn't really there.
however, given astarion's immortality and mohre's potential jergal-sponsored one, i can imagine them ending up with some child they rescued on their hands during one of their adventures. i think it would be a temporary situation, but that's as close as it would get to dadstarion. being exposed to the cruelty of the world and being helpless to stop it and having done nothing to deserve is what being a child is about, and that's why mohre and astarion tend to help those kids they meet, why they make an effort to be nice to them, teach them to lie and defend themselves. but for astarion this protectiveness is mixed with guilt over the gur children, he aways knows that even while he's helping at the moment he's been that threat before, the guilt is always there. so he would prefer to avoid the reminder altogether. mohre, on the other hand, is vaguely aware that they didn't discriminate in their kills during their time as the chosen, so the desire to keep themselves away rears its head once in a while, but in this case what's more prominent is that they just don't know what to do with kids. they know their experiences are uncommon, they know these are not something to base your interactions with kids on, so it's just kind of awkward for them most of the time. they're a bard, they know how to seem delightful, but not how to actually mean that. so mohre and astarion would just hand each other the duty of dealing with the child (to their mutual bafflement, "do you think i know how to do this?") and try their best, and the child in question would think them both kind of weird (and mohre more so) but funny and safe.
#oh and yeah the canon for mohre is resist durge/spawn astarion#i can see how it would be unclear from some of my art but i just like to put them in different circumstances sometimes hehe#but i still treat these other endings as aus#thanks for asking once again it makes me very happy!#mohre rezkh the durge
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