#I just finished vol 7 and this is how I cope
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lichanicksstuff · 11 months ago
Volume 1 Dream, you will always be famous.
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feekins · 2 years ago
and here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 6, finishing Trigun Maximum vol 7!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
I like the extra layer of separation from humanity with Knives referring to the GHGs as "specimens" in the Overhaul's translation
another interesting difference in wording choice is how, in Dark Horse, Knives says "...if only Tessla...had had this power..." whereas in the Overhaul, it's "...if only Tesla...had gained this kind of power..."
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...didn't consider before now that it could be Vash saying "your body" - I always thought that was Knives talking??? either way makes sense, but I guess with the visuals of Knives just CLONKING DOWN A MASS OF BODY-BLADES...yeah. 🥴
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oh, Elendira 💕 never stop that sass 💕 also, the way she and Wolfwood interact throughout this pre-Arc bit gives off crazy sibling vibes imo and I love it
and then...we have that whole exchange between Vash and Knives that was used almost word-for-word in tristamp. and it's good the way they do it! but I will say...it hits WAY harder here in the manga. like...it's the difference between Spock's death scene in Wrath of Khan when you've followed Star Trek from the very beginning VS Spock's KIRK'S death scene in Star Trek: Into Darkness when you've only seen Star Trek (2009). Vash and Knives' exchange carries a different weight depending on whether it's early in the series or about 3/5 through it. also, there's a crucial difference in wording - "I'll run away"/"I'll carefully approach them again" in tristamp, while in the manga, it's "LET'S run away"/"WE'LL cautiously approach them again." 🥺
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
...oops, untranslated onomatopoeia (understandable, tho)
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interesting differences here. Dark Horse's translation thematically flows well with "can't do anything about"/"my hands still work" - but the Overhaul's more nuanced translation, once again, hits harder. especially with the "escape" bit, knowing how lately he's taken to day drinking to cope 😭
also in the Overhaul...uuuuuuugh gdi Vash with your martyr complex cjgxjgxhfjg do I need to get a spray bottle? to spritz you like a misbehaving puppy?? or something??? like. child. PLS.
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interesting to note in the Overhaul - Knives' wording is much more active than it is in Dark Horse.
also NUANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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this looks like another case of literal VS nuanced translation to me 🤔
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Dark Horse's use of "flow" is...idk. I feel like I've kind of come to understand what they mean over time? so I SUPER-appreciate the Overhaul going with "gate" - I wonder what word was used there in the original Japanese...?
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goldenkamuyhunting · 6 years ago
Golden Kamuy re-reading: Vol 3 cover + extra image + CHAP 18: ‘Rescue operation’
Trasposed in: Episode 5 ‘Race’
Currently the story is at: Chap 195: ‘Ariko’s backyard’ (scanlated)
VOL 3 Cover
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After Sugimoto and Asirpa, the cover for Vol. 3 presents us with Hijitaka pointing his rifle not quite toward the reader but… well close while trying to pull out his sword at the same time.
The colours that rule the image are fundamentally three, black, white and green, not a vibrant green but the greyish green of Hijikata’s clothes. There’s to wonder if he was given green clothes to symbolize how Hijikata moves and act as if he were still young (green usually symbolize youth).
While Asirpa and Sugimoto had animals along with them in the cover, Hijikata has in the background a city, Otaru, I assume. Another difference is that the scene takes place in the darkness of the night, and, while Sugimoto and Asirpa’s covers were filled with light and brightness, here the only shining are the snow, the rifle and the sword.
Hijikata’s pose well underline he’s an action man, even more than Sugimoto’s, which transmitted strength and passion but was more… static. Hijikata’s cover is more cold in colors but filled with movement, from the dynamic pose to the hair and coat fluttering in the wind. Hijikata is clearly an old man but yes, we might forget it when seeing him in such a dynamic scene.
His posture oozes with confidence, Hijikata is smiling and completely at ease while he’s handling two weapons at the same time, clearly hinting at how this man is lethal.
At the same time though… he’s alone, they didn’t even add Nagakura watching him from the background and I can’t help but think at how Nagakura said Hijikata was searching for a way to die fighting. The scene makes me think of a western duel, only instead that taking place at midday this time the duel is taking place at midnight… though the night itself might be a reference to how Hijikata’s life itself is on its finishing line.
He’s an old man, a man from the past but he’s still alive and kicking and about to be involved in a fabulous fight. At least that’s how I see him.
Something else that’s worth to point out is that this picture wasn’t created to be a volume cover but a chapter cover, specifically chapter 34 cover. Noda Sensei later decided to expand it and turn it into a volume cover.
Colour image
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At the beginning of this volume there’s a colour image and for many volumes in the future there will be a colour image at the beginning. It’s not an extra image created for the volume only, this picture was created to be a chapter cover, specifically chapter 25 cover. Noda Sensei later decided to remove all the writing that were on it and place it here. In a way it’s not bad, as like this we can see it in colour, even if a side of me would prefer for it to be where it originally was. But well, it’ might be just me.
This particular colour image shows Sugimoto basically entirely painted in red. As I said when discussing the Sugimoto’s cover, red (and gold) seem to be Sugimoto’s colours. Sugimoto is aggressively moving forward,, teeth clenched and rifle with bayonet mounted in his hand.
His eyes have a yellowish colour and are tracing yellowish lines as Sugimoto moves.
Eyes tracing lines in Golden Kamuy is usually considered representative of fury. Overall Sugimoto comes out as angry and aggressive… but we can notice he’s also holding Asirpa’s hand with his left hand.
The hold would be uncomfortable as it would end up hampering his movements. I wonder if that’s it’s purpose or it’s just a random coincidence as the image is meant to cut Asirpa’s image and show only her hand but, at the same time, to let us see Asirpa’s reflection on Sugimoto’s bayonet.
The colouring is interesting. The hand Sugimoto is holding is also red, as if Sugimoto’s fury basically was transmitted to Asirpa’s herself… but the image reflected on the bayonet is in blue (and white) colours (Asirpa’s colours in her cover image were blue and white). It’s interesting how Asirpa’s reflection causes the blade of the bayonet, that starts as red, to end up being tinged in Asirpa’s colours.
Asirpa is serious, calm. We can see she’s watching Sugimoto without fear, her hair fluttering. We can see the scene as them moving together but also as Asirpa restraining Sugimoto, while Sugimoto tries to pull her forward in a bizarre exchange of fury and calmness. Other image will present Asirpa as holding, possibly restraining Sugimoto.
CHAP 18: ‘Rescue operation’
The chapter starts with the men of the 7th division hearing some noise, the noise being made by Sugimoto, who’s using a piece of the chair to beat Yōhei (and Kōhei) up, while Kōhei, who’s being still strangled, catches his chance to stab Sugimoto’s leg with his bayonet (while Yōhei has stabbed Sugimoto’s arm). The determination of the three fighters is rather impressive, really.
We then get the cover, which shows Asirpa, Retar and Shiraishi and behind them Sugimoto and Yōhei (you can now recognize him by the broken tooth) having their faceoff.
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We continue with Asirpa and Shiraishi, Shiraishi showing Asirpa the 7th division barracks in which, he says, there are about 30 soldiers stationed. The building is an ex-store, hence all the windows are barred and the entrance is guarded by the soldiers all night long.
Shiraishi points out how the 7th division is a dangerous bunch to go against and even if Asirpa were to manage to get in Sugimoto might have been already dead.
It’s worth to point out Shiraishi’s future character growth. Here he tells Asirpa to assume Sugimoto was killed… but even though Sugimoto in Abashiri was shoot in the head, he’ll tell Asirpa he believes Sugimoto might still be alive. Shiraishi will learn to trust in Sugimoto’s strength by spending time with him… and also to care for Asirpa and support her. In short he’ll become rather different from the guy he’s now, someone who wanted to wash his hands clean from them and helps only first because he’s threatened and then because he wants the gold.
Asirpa insists Sugimoto is still alive because he’s the sort that never let his fear of death control him, which makes him strong.
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It’s a very samurai like concept.
Samurai were supposed to be always aware of how they could die and prepared to do so, so they wouldn’t fear death.
Asirpa gives examples of how Sugimoto does this but, long story short the concept is that Sugimoto, despite being afraid to die, doesn’t panic, he doesn’t get paralyzed with fear or tries to escape danger but goes through an extremely risky path in order to survive.
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Asirpa says Sugimoto walks in the shadow of death but never lets it consume him, which makes him Sugimoto the immortal and sees this trait of him as a positive thing. In a way it is, as it allows him to survive… but later on we’ll learn things aren’t so smooth.
Sugimoto is actually paying a heavy price for this.
Walking in the shadow of death isn’t healthy for him, in the long run it’ll tax him too much, it’ll ask him too much effort, it forces him to ignore too often his fear of death, to find ways to cope with it that actually damage him.
For now we’re lulled in the idea of how Sugimoto is cool, a role model, but soon we’ll see that there’s nothing enviable in Sugimoto’s life, that not only he doesn’t perceive himself as cool but that slowly he ends up on losing sight of himself, of his moral beliefs and of his own self control.
Also, in the future, Asirpa will realize it’s not just this what pushes Sugimoto to go on. He isn’t merely guy who doesn’t get paralyzed with fear, he’s a guy with a mission. No matter how worn out he gets, he can’t stop until he has fulfilled it and this is a strong motivator for him and what pushes him to overcome fear.
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Now… episode four of the anime, ‘Race’, actually decided to place all this bit at the beginning, and move the fight between Sugimoto and the Nikaidō brothers after the opening theme so that it wouldn’t get interrupted. It’s not a bad idea for an anime as the flow is much smoother and tension rises appropriately. The anime also gives more space to the fight, making it look more in favour of Sugimoto.
In the anime thoug,h this concept is a bit less clear as it seems Asirpa thinks Sugimoto isn’t afraid to die, when actually Sugimoto is very afraid to die but doesn’t let this stop him.
The manga goes back to Sugimoto.
The other soldiers from the 7th division joins him and stop the fight between him and the Nikaidō brothers since Tsurumi ordered to make sure Sugimoto doesn’t die.
Kōhei yells death threats at him as the other soldiers drag them away while Sugimoto (also being held back) yells back that if the other soldiers hadn’t showed up he would have killed them.
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Yes, Sugimoto likes to brag because when the Nikaidō brothers won’t be there he’ll admit he did a lot of noise so that the other men of the 7th would come running otherwise the two siblings would have chopped out his fingers.
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Sure thing is both parties were very into the fight and didn’t want to stop until they managed to kill their enemy… but this is probably not a good thing for either of them.
Informed, Tsurumi orders not to let the Nikaidō twins near Sugimoto as they apparently can’t control themselves.
In the meantime Shiraishi has found Sugimoto. The men of the 7th are retying him and they’re appropriately impressed of how Sugimoto managed to do all that with his hands and feet tied.
In the anime they merely comment Sugimoto is crazy, which doesn’t exactly deliver well they were left speechless by the stunt Sugimoto managed to pull despite being tied.
Shiraishi reports to Asirpa Sugimoto is still alive and she smiles but her expression also well gives out her relief at the news. She was afraid Sugimoto might have died, she just kept it inside herself.
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Meanwhile Shiraishi figures that if Sugimoto didn’t got killed it means he hid the skins but he has no idea for how long Sugimoto will manage to stay silent about them. He then considers he could get in through the bars. He claims to love gambling so he’ll bet on Sugimoto and Asirpa but, in exchange, he wants part of the gold when they find it.
Asirpa agrees as she remarks she doesn’t care about the gold and that Shiraishi can split it with Sugimoto once its found.
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And again I want to point out at Shiraishi’s character growth as, later, he’ll realize it would be much more advantageous to bet on Tsurumi… yet not only he decides to stick with Asirpa but even reaches her despite knowing it would be dangerous. For Shiraishi it won’t be any longer about money, he’ll just care about Asirpa and Sugimoto.
Anyway Asirpa and Shiraishi shake hands and plan to use a horse to yank away the bars on Sugimoto’s window.
Back to Sugimoto he’s now tied again and lying to the floor as he makes the point of his situation. He explains that although the twins stabbed his chest, the bayonet got blocked by his ribs so the cut isn’t deep but the twins will be back and if he doesn’t come up with a plan they’ll kill him. In short again we’re told that Sugimoto actually didn’t have an advantage on them as he pretended to have.
The anime cut on explaining why the stab didn’t kill Sugimoto… which is not a great idea as it’s sort of relevant…
We see that now there’s a guard at Sugimoto’s door and then Sugimoto hears a noise, turns and see Shiraishi slipping inside though, as he dislocated his joints to get in he looks not really nice and Sugimoto asks him if he’s a monster.
Shiraishi reminds him of his identity and tells him an Ainu girl threatened to shoot him with a poison arrow if he weren’t to help Sugimoto. It’s not the full truth as Shiraishi in the end decided willingly to help Sugimoto to escape but still Sugimoto seems to be touched by what Asirpa did for him.
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She didn’t give up on him nor left him alone. I think it was important for him to have Asirpa come save him despite everything.
One of the main themes of Golden Kamuy is the loneliness. Those men (and Asirpa as well) are alone and not only don’t want to be but desperately need help and companionship. It does them great when they get it.
Meanwhile the horses are making a lot of noise attracting attention. Asirpa was meant to go retrieve one of them but, as the horses had caught Retar’s scent they got scared.
Sadly the guard at Sugimoto’s door decides to go check on the horses which is… silly really. I mean there should be 30 people there. Why does he feel obliged to go check and stop guarding the door when someone else among the 30 could have done the job?
As Shiraishi and Sugimoto realize there could be a problem Sugimoto hurries him to untie him.
Predictably the Nikaidō twins show up.
Yōhei tells Kōhei to wait outside and make sure nobody will get in. We see Sugimoto on the ground, pretending to be tied and Shiraishi hiding himself. Yōhei tells Kōhei he’ll kill Sugimoto and the undo his restrains so he’ll claim the other was trying to escape, forcing him to kill him.
Though Kōhei always wanted to kill Sugimoto it seems it’s Yōhei who’s the most aggressive prone as he’s always the first to attack.
Anyway Kōhei makes a mistake. He tells Yōhei to give him his gun (a type 26 by the way, which I guess, it’s part of the weapons Tsurumi took away without permission from Asahikawa as 1st class privates weren’t supposed to have guns... but we’ll discover about it later) as he shouldn’t use it but his bayonet because, if he were to shoot everyone would come before Yōhei could undo his restrains… and here I wonder.
Kōhei didn’t need to ask Yōhei to give him his gun… unless he feared Yōhei, left unsupervised, would try to use it anyway. Still for Kōhei it should have been terrible when he found out Yōhei died because, I bet, he wondered if, had had Yōhei the gun, would he have managed to survive?
Kōhei will be obsessed with the idea of killing Sugimoto to the point of madness. He harboured it before Yōhei died but, I think, it got so bad not only due to Yōhei’s death but because, probably Kōhei feels he’s responsible for it and therefore, in order to distance himself from his sense of guilt, pushes even more the blame on Sugimoto.
The door gets closed, Yōhei tries to take his bayonet but… it’s not in its place anymore. Sugimoto has it. He grabs Yōhei’s neck so as to silence him and… the scene switches.
In the anime the timing is a little off as it seems the twins opened the door when Shiraishi was untying Sugimoto… and therefore they should have seen him and Sugimoto should still be tied… yet Shiraishi is nowhere to be seen and Sugimoto is untied.
Also in the anime the scene wasn’t as dark as in the manga to hide how Sugimoto was untied… even if, due to Sugimoto’s position, they can still pull it off. Even the timing of the disappearance of the bayonet is a little off as it was just too fast. Kōhei should have seen Sugimoto retrieving it before the door was closed.
The manga presents us with some images without comments.
One is Asirpa hiding with Retar, the other is the members of the 7th trying to persuade Kōhei to let them check Sugimoto. We’ve the Shiraishi’s eyes and, lastly a pool of blood.
In the end Tsurumi joins the men of the 7th while Kōhei is being restrained and crying madly and the men of the 7th comments that, by the time they got inside it was all over.
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Tsurumi opens the door and sees Yōhei lying on the floor, clearly dead as his neck is broken and Sugimoto seated on the ground with, apparently, his guts spilling out.
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The soldiers comment there’s no way Sugimoto can survive which such a wound… and yes, at the time, if your guts were spilling around you wouldn’t survive. It would be a long and painful death but you’ll die.
Tsurumi comments Sugimoto’s candle is about to be blown out and Sugimoto begs Tsurumi to help him, promising him the skins in exchange. Tsurumi grins.
We also get to see Asirpa’s worried expression before the chapter ends.
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In the anime Kōhei’s mad desperation is depicted very well (in the manga I wasn’t really sure if he was desperate or angry)… though they don’t exactly depicts the guts pulling out of Sugimoto’s stomach but a lot of blood around that area. Still it works.
The manga chapter ends here.
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nijiryuu · 6 years ago
@sevi007 This is the video I was talking about. I’ve also skimmed through the comments and copied some of them for you to read, many of them revolve around Dante being depressed though, but some are quite interesting. I’ve put these ones first. 
It turned out to be longer than I had intended though. Sorry about that. But sometimes the comments are more interesting than the video itself.
The interesting ones regarding as to why the change may have happened and theories:
Generic John Doe
Almost feels like an unnecessary change, but guess we'll see if it plays into DMC 5 in any manner.
Tony M.H.
I have a theory that the reason Nero knew Dante had escaped from Hell was because the religion itself. The entire religious cult of Fortuna was dedicated to Sparda. I wouldn't be surprised if they all knew about Dante and Virgil, and with DMC2 involving an entire city being destroyed and Dante being involved, it wouldn't surprise me that the church members with their resources would have known about Dante and his exploits during the incident, and Nero being a sort of "soldier" for the church would have surely heard talks about Dante and all that happened. It's like how in the real life military you'd know some soldiers by reputation without ever meeting them. Or how in other games such as Resident Evil, there were characters in the games story that knew the protagonists at times like Chris Redfield by reputation. In a nut shell, Sanctus knew what happened to Dante cause Sanctus is a Sparda-hoe, then Sanctus told someone and that someone told someone and boom, Nero knows Dante went to Hell to save the world.
blazen710420 blazen710420
maybe Nero knew that Dante came back from hell because of Intel from the order itself which is why Kyrie’s brother confirmed that he did
Victor Hugo Camargo Moraes
In my opinion, they put the DMC 2 before DMC 4 in the Timeline to insert the Novel DMC Vol. 2, because in the moment, this book isn't canon because it was desconsiderated when DMC 3 was released. 
I would like them to Re-make DMC2, to try and make some sense of that timeline, so it can fit in the new chronology. Other than that, i think they should have just kept the timeline the way it was to begin with. But if they have an explanation for why, that would be useful.
I would love a DMC 2 remake. And I think they change the time line to correlate with Dante's age, in DMC2  Dante doesn't look older than DMC4 Dante. That my speculation.
Hal Jordan
I think the real reason why dmc2 was placed before dmc4 is because something must of happened during dmc5 that requires the timeline to be arranged in such an order. We will have to wait until we finish dmc5 to truly judge if this timeline arrangement was a good idea.
Kyle Lambert
Oh yeah, also Dante in DMC4 has a visible 5 ‘o-clock shadow in his design. And in 5, he has a much more visible beard. It wouldn’t make sense if he looked like he did in DMC4, then suddenly younger looking in 2, and then back to being older again in 5 unless if there was a massive time jump
The comments revolving around Dante being depressed:
Also people treat depression differently. And I even know people who always joke around and hang with friends but they're still depressed so I do disagree with your assessment.
I agree with you on that. People can hide their depression. I mean I could see Dante trying not worry Trish and Lady.
some guy
at the end of the day, when there are no demons to kill, people to crack jokes to or pizza to eat, Dante is depressed because its what he lives for, he's crazy about it. there is a scene in the anime where he looks depressed drinking beer, like most people do. after all he "killed"  Vergil, and sees someone who seems like his mother but isn't. its a lot of serious stuff to handle. which i think he likes messing with Nero cause he does have more family
Jin the banana from the left
That's actually what majority of people with depression do. R. Williams for example, an actor that played so many comedic characters and was always so funny and calm (no outbursts) - he killed himself and people were so surprised, they always are. "Depression is the happiest person in the room"
Decorrian Ninjaku
To me in my own opinion that quote Nero said still don't explain how Dante escaped hell. I think a remake of DMC2 would be a perfect example on how Dante embraced his bloodline and how he escaped hell moving forward with DMC 4.
Synthra Officialvor 
TBH I see the depression argument. He was pretty depressed in the anime. Being depressed doesn't mean your sad 24/7. You have good days and bad days. Hell, he actually cries in the end credits of the anime when he's alone. 
(Actually Dante didn’t cry; he only looked sad. I’ve watched the ending multiple times because I loved it so much)
Random Dude777
Sometimes the most light hearted funny people tend to be the most depressed. A good sense of humor is a way to cope
Also Dante was super depressed during DMC TAS, you see the outro where he's just alone and isolated. If that doesn't scream 'early signs of depression' then I don't know what does. 
Vlad Santana
I do feel that Dante was depressed in the anime. The thing is, unless you watch credits when you watch anime you would never figure that out. During the credits of the anime you see Dante drinking alone, a common sign of depression, while soft music plays. I recognize that DMC 2 was made before  Dante’s character was fully developed, but him being depressed during those events do make some sense to me.
Again, I’m sorry that the post turned out to be this long ^^;
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ganglylimbs · 3 years ago
AO3 Tag Game!
I was tagged by @miss-ingno!
1. How many works do you have on A03
I have published 134 works as of right now!
2. What is your total AO3 word count
I have written 783,134 words as of today.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they
1. 67 works in RT/AH RPF, my old fandom. While there won't be any new fics from me in this fandom, I am working on finishing up all the wips I have in there
2. 56 in My Hero Academia, my current fandom
3. 9 in RWBY. There may or may not be more, depending on how I feel
4. 3 in X-Ray & Vav, a cartoon made by RT. Definitely no more
5. 1 in Hetalia. Probably no more, but that could always change
6. 1 in Voltron. Another one I might write more for, I've always regretted that I didn't do more fanfics when I was really involved in the fandom
7. And last is 1 in Lazer Team, a movie produced by RT. Again, no more here.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos
1. Absolutely Did Not
2. Bullet Through My Heart
3. Claiming What's Theirs
4. Deliver Us In These Trying Times
5. I Can't Work Like That
I'm actually really surprised that they're all MHA fics. I kind of thought one of my RT fics would be up there. But I'm also really proud of all of these! They're some of my favorite fics I worked on! (And some I still have to do the sequels for, lol)
5. Do you respond to comments. Why or why not
I do! I really love talking to readers, especially when they give me so much to respond to! I just love talking in general, lol. Although, I've gotten bad recently about letting comments pile up before responding weeks later. It's something I want to get better at, I've just found my social battery really drained the past couple of months.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending
I am so bad at angst :(
I have written quite a few fics where the audience should be left going ehhhhh, I feel bad for the mc. All of those, the mc has been nonconed into loving where they are at though.
Except for my I Huff and I Puff series. That one is clearly very bad for Jack and Ryan.
Um, I Can't Work Like That doesn't end sad but it does end kind of bittersweet. Maybe. It's a happy bittersweet. Things aren't fixed but you're left with the impression that things will be in the future.
Calls Me Home is along the same wavelength.
Coping! I forgot Coping. It's supposed to be the aftermath of vol. 3 with the kids trying to deal with what had happened and all the death.
Suits, Dresses, and Guns is a series that was supposed to have a happy ending. But I've decided to not continue it, so your left with the sad ending of Lindsay and Michael assuming the worst of Meg and Gavin.
7. Do you write crossovers
I don't actually. I really should because I think they would be fun.
8. Have you received hate on a fic before
Nothing that's like, I hate you and should die! (like some comments I've gotten on twitter). But I've gotten...some not great ones. One thing that really soured me to the RWBY fandom was, on one of the first fics I wrote for it, I got a comment trying to debate me on how I wrote one character...who wasn't even an actual character in the main series.
I did get an anonymous comment on I Can't Work Like That where the person accused me of not having watched MHA because how dare I write a fic being sympathetic to Bakugou on his relationship with Midoriya. That was funny.
9. Do you write smut
Ha! Basically all I write is smut! I mean, not really, but I love writing smut, the kinkier the better. There aren't a lot of kinks I say no to. I just think smut is really fun to write!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen
Not that I know of. There have been several in the same fandoms I frequent where I suspected they were inspired by me, but nothing out right plagiarized.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before
No. I've rped a couple of times but I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to fics I write. There were plans in place I think to co-write but life just happens. @miss-ingno definitely dropped a lot of fic ideas I wanted to do before the Scandal broke, practically writing it for me.
12. What's your all-time favorite ship
Just because I am stuck neck deep in mha right now, I'm going to have to go with kiribaku. My one true love
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for
It really depends on how you define it. I actually wrote a few yugioh fics that I never published, all the way back in high school. But my first fic I actually published was Naruto.
14. What's your favorite fic you've written
I think it would have to be a tie between Golden Waste and Absolutely Did Not. Both are fics that I think are my peak so far. I really wish I could write like that all the time.
I'm tagging @all of you! Anyone who wants to do it, please do!
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
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Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Neat way to see whats trending online
Do NOT use cotton buds to clean your ears of wax!
Easier way to tie shoelaces
Start a group text with your mom and girlfriend and then hide alerts. They converse like you’re there and paying attention and you get points doing nothing.
Help for thirsty pups
0 notes
kendrixtermina · 8 years ago
Extra Typology Vol #2 - 8. Bouncing around the Enneagram, or, the Type Energies in daily life
As with all typology first here comes the statement that we’re usually not aware just how much we act “within” our home type (particularly when we’re not making an effort to petrend) & the danger to assume everyone is or should be like that / misunderstand that others may want different things. 
Also, the dangers of “when all you have is a hammer” approach even in well-adjusted individuals - & recommendation to observe type patterns in yourself to be more self-aware, have more compassion for others & vary your reactions more to be situation-appropiate. 
You can access the other “modes” as we all have all “energies”, & might in fact wildly bounce around between them situationally throughout your day, but while your home type feeds/replenishes you with the others you can run out of energy & tire yourself out/frustrate yourself - nonetheless, a lot of people aren’t true to themselves because of society (duh; But I wouldn’t say that started with the modern age, at all, if anything its becoming better) & may prolongedly act “out of type” because of their own insecurities or job requirements. 
Also, it is said that when we do the other “modes” we still do them through the lens & perspective of our “home” type (I wish they’d elaborated)
Another thing they went into is stress reactions, (usually Mars or Lunar) though I didn’t think it makes sense to equate universal regression or defensiveness coping respones with whole other types; Though they probably felt it fit into, and kinda overdid their “situational reactions/energies” construct; I did not buy it especially as the other book didnt have such a thing. 
Integration Lines
As with the 9gram, there is a progression of “integration lines” alongside the enneagram symbol itself, as well as characteristics that they recomend we acquite to be more grounded, this time along the circle, though the lines, aside from the primary triangle, tell us where the types are on the symbol. 
The triangle itself supposedly doesn’t represent types, but instead “karmic forces” that affect us all. For all fans of symbolism: 9 represents the completion of cicles and unity, 3 the conservative force of stasis and preservation and the personal microcosm, and 6 represents the principle of change and movevent as well as the collective/non-personal. 
Either way, it goes like this:
1 (Lunar) ---> 2 (Venus)  (learns self care & emotional responsibility)
2 (Venus) ---> 4 (Mercury) (speeds up thinking, learns to complete tasks by themselves)
4 (Mercury) ---> 5 (Saturn) (gaining depht & comitment)
5 (Saturn) ---> 7 (Mars) (getting out of the headspace & into action)
7 (Mars) ---> 8 (Jupiter) (focus on benevolence)
8 (Jupiter) ---> 1 (Lunar) (playfulness, limits on responsibility, tolerance for solitude )
For the hybrid types, it’s suggested that they ‘finish’ the motion toward the more ‘advanced’ type and also try acessing the next ‘full’ type, ie, a Venus-Mercury should cultivate some Saturn-y skills. 
What you see here is that there’s not much overlap with the 9 type system, 2 and Venus might be sliiiightly comparable but for example 4 and Mercury couldn’t be more different & they seem to be measuring different things altogether. BTW, the systems that add Solar give it the number Zero & place it in the center of the circle, although it can also be treated as exiting the circle sucessfully or a “continuation” on Jupiter. 
The author would also describe this as a continuous progression, that is, every type starts the journey with their “home” type as starting point, acquiring all the life lessons along the way. 
A little aside for Symbolism fans:  
At this point the book has a little explanation for the enneagram symbol itself & what it supposedly represents, arguing that it’s made up of 3 components:
- The circle - represents unity
-The triangle - represents duality/ trinity not just in the christian sense but universally as in “Yes/No/Neither”, “man/woman/child” etc. 
- The remaining six pointed figure - represents transformation
I’ve seen one 9gram publication interpreting the gap at the bottom as being the “void” or darkness, the counterpart to the completion found at 9 & using it to explain why us 5w4 and 4w5s are so damn emo, while others place the supposed gap between intuition or rational though there; I’ve also seen some relate the “bottom” but that’s a lil inconsistent, for if they were sorted by level of energetic-ness, 3 or 7 ought to be at the top, instead 9 is there and 3 is right next to 4 XD
Of course, in the context of the 12gram/ essence types, the gap at the bottom instead represents ‘The Divide’ (and by now you can probably imagine that the author takes it seriously enough to consistently capitalize it) between the personal and non-personal types, that is, the individual & the collective. 
The symbolic  Progression of the types
The types/modes described here are heavily based on basic archetypes, as reflected in the deity-names, as such the author has a lot of fun relatic the basic archetypes to all kinds of everyday ‘progressions’  (I’d argue that this is applicability not objective truth, as with most symbolism things)
The Energies as your Day: 
Lunar - dreaming, waking up
Venus - chosing what to wear, chatting with your family
Mercury - getting ready for the day, preparing to get to work
(a lot of people stop here)
Saturn - thinking about the world while reading the morning newspaper, deciding what to do
Mars - laboring hard to make your goals happen
Jupiter - chilling out with your friends after work, spending your money on yourself & others
As ‘awakening’/maturing/gaining awareness: 
(or the ‘progression of the soul’ if you believe in reincarnation & such, but can also be personal maturation)
Lunar - being inexperienced in your surroundings, existing in your own niche
Venus - becoming comfortable in your surroundings, how to life skills
Mercury - awakening to the larger world, looking to archieve in it
Saturn - stopping to think & understand the reasons & mechanics of the larger world/system, greater awareness
Mars - taking action based on that understanding, making changes within the system
Jupiter - using the results of those actions for good, enjoying the rewards
According to the various additions to the System you could add Earth/Ceres between Mercury & Saturn (not the same as a mercury-saturn hybrid tho), a grounded practical person that knows ho to navigate their personal surroundings, and the Solar after Jupiter (someone who has completed the cycle & doesn’t really fit into this world anymore, being only here to radiate their light, or just reaching the state of believing in one’s new ideals); Some iterations also add about 3 other types “after” Solar representing highly exceptional lifetimes or an understanding from seeing beyond/above the system, kind of more modern archetypes
The types can also be assigned further distinctios:
Child/Younger: Lunar (”dreamer”) and Mercury (”trickster/mischief”)
Adult/Earth: Venus and Mars (best suited for the current world)
Elders/Parental: Saturn (the ‘Lord/Lady’) and Jupiter (the giving, jolly old man/ “mother earth”) 
Makes sense in terms of archetypes or individual differences (some ppl feeling like they are ‘old souls’ or ‘young at heart’), though I’d be wary of making ‘better than’ statements out of it
                              thinking     feeling     doing
personal                Lunar        Venus      Mercury
non-personal        Saturn       Jupiter      Mars
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realdealmy · 5 years ago
Interview with Akmal TIM
Hello Akmal, I hope that you're safe and sound with your family at home in this quarantine time. And hope you enjoy answering this interview as much as we do interviewing you!
Hi Syafiq and thank you for having me here
A little background of Tim, what you do as a musician. Maybe if you got any related project that most people should've known off.
My name is Akmal from the band TIM.
TIM is a Punk Rock band formed in 2002, we infused a lot of the 90s era skatepunk melodic hardcore stuffs like NoFx, Lagwagon, Bad Religion, some Japanese Melodic Punks like Hi Standard, Dustbox, metal influences from Iron Maiden to Meshuggah and also past and current Pop musics.
The band still plays until today and we have several released :
1. Self Titled Ep 2008(self-produced)
2. Senandung Pawercord Compilation 2009(self-produced & Distribute by Nervhous Records)
3. Split Album with Carbon14 2010 (self-produced & Distro by Nervhous Records)
4. Give & Take Vol 1 Comp, 2012(Self Produced & Distro by Nervhous Records)
5. Time is Monkey Compilation 2012 (Self Produce & Distro by various local label)
6. Self Titled EP 2018 (Produced & Distro by Atas By BijanFX)
7. Give & Take Vol 2 Comp, 2019 (Produced by Lifeboat Studios & Distro by Red Ink Ent. & Nervhous Records)
I myself is a full-time musician since 2012 when I got fired by my previous job and started to pursue working as a musician. I play in the streets(busking) as my full-time work and also taking other shows like corporate/private dinners, weddings, birthdays. And I also do cafe and pub gigs. Playing the usual top 40s and radio songs and also classic oldies to name a few. Fame is not something I've ever taught of achieving. (if ada i grab aje hehe) I just wanna play music.
How do you, as a musician being affected in this Movement Control Order period? And how do you cope with it?
Now I'm finishing almost 70% recording for TIM newest release this year. All done in my bedroom. We've planned to tour JAPAN this August but since this Covid19 outbreak is still at large, I guess we have to wait for what comes next. It's really a 50/50 chance. I don't know but I'm praying for the best and may this outbreak resolve Insyallah.
People can still buy our merch and CDs online and also listen to us on Spotify and SKOWT.
We are aware that this quarantine time, forcing most of the artists to find another way to make/publish/sell their art. And for you personally, do you got any alternative way to push your music to the public during Movement Control Order (MCO) time?
The Covid19 pandemic really affected me as a musician. Shows get postponed and cancelled. But that does not stop me as I have other alternatives. I use the internet, doing live or recorded live shows from my bedroom to the audience on Social Media via Youtube, Facebook, Instagram. So far its quite ok actually. I'm taking song requests from friends and people on social media and they pay me via my acc number that I display on the video or live streaming.
How can people reach you in that?
For any inquiries, you can reach me at :
(Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
Staygold Entertainment
akmal TIM hishan
Thought and hope for this hard time?  
Stay positive and remember there is always a way and possibilities we just need to keep marching forward.
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 20 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
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A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
The Truth
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Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Earther It Could Snow Again This Weekend | News It’s been an incredible week for female-oriented bad
The 10 Best Deals of April 5, 2018
Put a Curtain Rod Inside Your Shower to Dry Your Clothes
How to Sneak in Naps as a Parent
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Neat way to see whats trending online
Do NOT use cotton buds to clean your ears of wax!
Easier way to tie shoelaces
Start a group text with your mom and girlfriend and then hide alerts. They converse like you’re there and paying attention and you get points doing nothing.
Help for thirsty pups
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 17 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Earther It Could Snow Again This Weekend | News It’s been an incredible week for female-oriented bad
The 10 Best Deals of April 5, 2018
Put a Curtain Rod Inside Your Shower to Dry Your Clothes
How to Sneak in Naps as a Parent
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Do NOT use cotton buds to clean your ears of wax!
Easier way to tie shoelaces
Start a group text with your mom and girlfriend and then hide alerts. They converse like you’re there and paying attention and you get points doing nothing.
Help for thirsty pups
Want to achieve your goals? Then stop sharing them///
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 14 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Earther It Could Snow Again This Weekend | News It’s been an incredible week for female-oriented bad
The 10 Best Deals of April 5, 2018
Put a Curtain Rod Inside Your Shower to Dry Your Clothes
How to Sneak in Naps as a Parent
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Start a group text with your mom and girlfriend and then hide alerts. They converse like you’re there and paying attention and you get points doing nothing.
Help for thirsty pups
Want to achieve your goals? Then stop sharing them///
Where begin packing my house???
Make a hammer out of spare parts
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 11 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Earther It Could Snow Again This Weekend | News It’s been an incredible week for female-oriented bad
The 10 Best Deals of April 5, 2018
Put a Curtain Rod Inside Your Shower to Dry Your Clothes
How to Sneak in Naps as a Parent
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Help for thirsty pups
Want to achieve your goals? Then stop sharing them///
Where begin packing my house???
Make a hammer out of spare parts
My method to dry my lunchbag's interior lining after washing it out
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 08 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Earther It Could Snow Again This Weekend | News It’s been an incredible week for female-oriented bad
The 10 Best Deals of April 5, 2018
Put a Curtain Rod Inside Your Shower to Dry Your Clothes
How to Sneak in Naps as a Parent
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Want to achieve your goals? Then stop sharing them///
Where begin packing my house???
Make a hammer out of spare parts
My method to dry my lunchbag's interior lining after washing it out
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 05 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Wear Jeans On the First Date
Protect Yourself From Ransomware With Microsoft's New OneDrive Update
How to Find Everything New on Netflix at Any Time (Without Using Netflix)
Foods You Should Brûlée Besides Crème
Pick Up These Multi-Functional Silicone Pot Holders For Only $8
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Where begin packing my house???
Make a hammer out of spare parts
My method to dry my lunchbag's interior lining after washing it out
Convince your kid that you hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner, so when they are mad at you the vacuum.
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-06 02 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
You Don’t Need to Worry About Aluminum in Your Deodorant
Build Credit With This Type of Loan
Use Chicken Feet for The Richest Possible Stock
Stop Yelling at Sinclair's Anchors
Put One Person in Charge of Each Task When Getting Ready to Travel
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Convince your kid that you hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner, so when they are mad at you the vacuum.
A 5 Step Morning Routine for Success & Courage in 2018 - Fear as Fuel
Rabbit houses in the woods.
How to fix liquid water damages at the smartphone motherboard - verified methods
About ducking time.
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-04-05 23 LIFE HACKS now
Dumb Little Man
How to Wear Glasses With Style
Smoking and Productivity: 7 Good Reasons to Quit Smoking
6 Ways to Constantly Improve IT Skills
How to Increase Shopify Sales with The 5 Best Tools for Beginners
15-Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Life Optimizer
The Power of Mental Models and How to Build Them
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Productivity Tools?
A Simple but Powerful Way to Improve Your Life
A Key Difference Between Winners and Losers
How to Make Your Priority a Priority
The Truth
Keep Trying Against All Odds
Sometimes You Expect Great Men to Live Forever
Remember to Take Your Shot
There is no “Finishing”
Chrome/Firefox Extension of the Week: Flash Video Downloader
We Want Your Student Loan Questions
Stream HDTV From Your Antenna To Any Device With This $65 Box
Stock Up On Anker's Energy Monitoring Smart Plugs For Just $19 Each
Earther A Running List of Wild Shit Scott Pruitt Hasn’t Been Fired For (Yet) | News Mayor of Austral
Marc and Angel Hack Life
6 Tiny Daily Rituals that Will Change Your Life (in 6 Months or Less)
19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday
31 Morning Journaling Prompts that Will Change the Way You Think
One Insanely Popular Reason So Many of Us Are Unhappy
10 “Notes to Self” We Need to Read 10 Times a Day Until They Sink In
Parent Hacks
Edit Your Life Ep. 119: Modeling Imperfection [Rebroadcast]
Edit Your Life Ep. 118: Coping With Parenting + Work Overwhelm
Edit Your Life Ep. 117: Media & Entertainment Favorites, Vol. 4
Episode 116: Tackling Challenges + Insecurities
Edit Your Life Episode 114: Gender Identity 101
Positivity Blog
6 Habits That Will Help You on Days When You Just Feel Like Giving Up
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
How to Brighten Your Morning (and Whole Day): 7 Powerful Habits
10 Less Stressful Ways to Get Your Daily Work Done
How to Become a Better Listener: 10 Simple Tips
Possibility Changec
Lessons on Fear and Change from Mark Twain and My 10-Year-Old Twins
Battling Fear at 14,500 Feet
How Could This Happen To Me?
What Changed When I Stopped Consuming and Started Creating
7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself
Productivity 501
Prioritization – More Important Than Any Productivity Technique
The $500,000 Solution to a $12 Problem
College Degree And Income Potential
Photo Sharing Christmas Gift Ideas for Family
Minimal Minimalism
Reddit Lifehacks
Rabbit houses in the woods.
How to fix liquid water damages at the smartphone motherboard - verified methods
About ducking time.
Simple trick for stapling a thick stack of paper
Multipurpose Fork
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