#I just do not understand it take a deep breath and become a multi shipper it’s okay
lesbiansanemi · 2 years
Oh god not the ship wars starting in the bleach fandom
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ronniesqueen · 5 years
A Journey To Find True Love
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We start off with Archie as the bachelor, Ronnie is in his season. The story progresses, and she becomes the next bachelorette after he finishes his season. Both of them go on their journey to find true love.
I will be writing this AU in the form of a tv show. Since, we all know that “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” are reality tv shows.
Previously on “The Bachelor”
 Archie sends Ethel and Valerie home at the rose ceremony, knowing he has deeper feelings for the other women. 
Ethel had no hard feelings whatsoever, and she wished Archie the best as they parted ways 
Valerie, on the other hand, called him out on making “easier choices” with the other women.  
She also told him to not get distracted by the “shiny objects” 
Leaving everyone shook. 
Ronnie, Josie, Betty, and Cheryl remain. 
Archie is meeting their families this week!!!!
Archie and Betty went on their hometown date
When Alice gave Archie a hard time
Would you expect her not to? LMAO
 Archie and Veronica went on their hometown date too
 Hiram gave Archie an even worse time 
 But...he came around, after pondering what Archie could bring the table, if he were to be a part of their “family“ ….
 I know these last two episodes have been really light hearted and every ship has had really sweet moments so far, 
Which is what I wanted, because I’m a multi-shipper.
 Are ya’ll ready for some tea?
 Today’s episode will bring some drama and tea ;D
Without further ado, 
Buckle up, buckaroos!!!
Week Four. 
 Archosie’s Hometown Date
(setting: Confessional Booth)
                 Archie sat down, and sighed. “This morning I was at Pops. And, Valerie walked in. She apologized to me for what she said to me, after I sent her home last rose ceremony. So we’re good now. No hard feelings. But....she did tell me something else. And I have no idea what to make of it.”
                 He buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know what to do. And I’m scared. I just... want to be able to enjoy this day with Josie. But I have so much just knawing at my brain. I don’t know what to do. I really don’t.”
(setting: Andrews Household)
            “What should I do?” Archie asked Fred, sitting at the breakfast table.
           “Well,” Fred said, sighing. “There’s no way of knowing who’s telling you the truth. But also keep in mind that next week is fantasy suites. Whoever you decide to believe, whoever you decide to trust, needs to make it through.”
          Mary entered the room. “I would say call up the exes. Every girl you sent home already, and ask them what they think. They have no reason to lie to you. What would they gain from lying? You already dumped them.”
           “Or you can just ask Valerie who she was talking about instead of having those awkward conversations with girls who probably aren’t too thrilled with you,” Jughead smirked, taking a bite from his pancake.
           Archie, Fred, and Mary gave Jughead a look.
         “Just putting that out there,” Jughead chuckled nervously.
        Archie pulled out his phone, and dialed Ethel.
(setting: Pops)
           “Thank you for meeting me,” Archie said. “How’ve you been?”
          “I’ve actually been doing really well,” Ethel said, with a genuine smile.
         “I’m so glad to hear that,” Archie responded.
           “Have you been, reaching out to every girl? Or just me?” Ethel laughed.
          Archie leaned forward. “Just you. Because, when we had our one-on-one, you showed me that you have a really genuine heart. I don’t believe that you’d ever lie, Ethel. I don’t think being malicious or deceitful is part of who you are.”
          She smiled. “Thank you for that.”
        “So, I have something I want to ask you. And, I want you to be as honest as I know you really are,” Archie said, getting choked up.
          “Aww,” Ethel said sympathetically, rubbing his shoulders. “What’s wrong Archie?”
         He took a deep breath. “I was told, by Valerie, that there is someone, or multiple women, who...”
        “Aren’t here for the right reasons,” she finished his sentence.
          “My greatest fear going into this, was falling in love with someone who is just going through the motions and isn’t ready. I don’t want to get down on one knee and propose to someone who...who..” he said, when his voice cracked, and a tear fell from his eye.
         Ethel took his hand. “I’m so sorry.”
        “Do you...?” He began.
        She sighed. “I heard some things. I saw some things. It was a little bit, disheartening. But I never told you because I didn’t think it was my place. I wanted you to figure out on your own whether or not someone is who they say they are.”
            He briefly smiled. “Thank you for respecting me enough to do that. But honestly, I had no idea. If Valerie hadn’t said anything, I never would’ve known.”
(setting: Confessional Booth)
          “I don’t believe in tearing other women down. But Archie’s heart is on the line. As well as his fucking sanity. So yes, I am going to spill the tea...” Ethel said to the camera.
(setting: Pops)
          Ethel shut her eyes. Took a deep breath. Then she met his eyes. 
                    “I don’t think Cheryl and Josie are genuine.”
                               Archie’s eyes grew wide.
             “I overheard them having a conversation during the first group date. They were making fun of Melody, Valerie, and Betty. And when were in the limo on our way to the cocktail party, I overheard them having an even worse conversation....”
                     Archie stared at her, taking everything in.
        “The terms “winning” and “playing the game” were said. But Archie....” she whispered. “They were already talking about being the next bachelorette.”
         Archie’s jaw dropped, and he immediately put his face in hands.
                    “Well, you.... you would have no reason to lie. So, I will, um...” Archie said, still in shock. Unable to meet her eyes. He sighed. “I’m not upset with you. It’s just that....this sucks, you know?”
               “I know. And I’m so sorry. I’m also really sorry that you had to find out like this.”
               He finally looked up at her. He smiled. “Thank you, Ethel. I really appreciate you.”
             She hugged him. “You were there for me. I’m here for you, too. Good luck with everything. I know this sucks but you really just need to trust your heart.”
              “I don’t know how at this point.”
          “Sure you do!” Ethel said cheerfully. “Just talk to them. Hear them out. Maybe they have a logical explanation. Or maybe they don’t. But whether they are genuine or they aren’t, what happens next is really just up to you Archie.”
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(setting: Riverdale Town Hall)
             Archie lead Josie, as she was wearing a blindfold.
        “Okay,” he said, hugging her from behind. “Take off your blindfold.”                                     Josie removed her blindfold to see a large beautiful stage with white flowers all over it, and twinkly blue lights.
            She gasped. “You did this for me?”
     “I’m sorry that it’s at the town hall. I would’ve loved to build you a stage at the park, but I didn’t have much time, and-” 
                     Josie kissed him. “I love it.”
            “I’m glad,” Archie said. Grabbing a microphone. “Called you for the first time yesterday. Finally found the missing part of me,” he sang.
                  Josie playfully took the microphone away from him. “Felt so close but you were far away,” she sang. “Left me without anything to say.”
                 They leaned towards each other, sharing the microphone. “Now I’m speechless, over the edge, I’m just breathless, I never thought I could catch this lovebug again. Hopeless, head over heels in the moment, I never thought I could get hit by this lovebug again.”
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                They kissed briefly when he pulled away. “Josie, I’m sorry. I don’t think it’s fair to you that we’re doing this while I have a lot of stuff on my mind.”
                 She was taken aback. “Did I do something wrong?”
            “No, this isn’t your fault. Believe me, I really want to enjoy this day with you. But...I need to get something off my chest.”
        “I kinda felt like you weren’t saying something,” she commented.
                             They sat down on the stage.
            “I had some conversations with some of the women who I’ve eliminated. And they told me...” he began. “Well, you already know serious I am about wanting an engagement out of this, more than anything.”
           “Right,” she said, nodding.
        “So you understand then, why it would...really feel like I got punched in the gut, if I were to find out someone I’m crazy about, isn’t here for the right reasons.”
          She closed her eyes. “They said it was me. Didn’t they?”
                             Archie just stared at her.
             “Well,” Josie said, standing up. “If you even believe that for a second, then how much do you really trust me, Archie?”
            “Of course I trust you Josie,” Archie said, standing up as well. “But I just want to know why multiple women would say this about you if there wasn’t a reason behind it.”
           She sighed. “What exactly did they say?”
                “They said that you were already talking about being the next bachelorette.”
              “Okay,” she said calmly. “I’ve never in my life actually thought about being the next bachelorette. I did mention it to Cheryl, but only because I was telling her that, if you and I get engaged at the end of this, then I pray that she’s the next bachelorette so that she can have her happy ending too.”
           Archie smiled. “I can...actually picture you saying that.”
               “Cheryl and I got really close. And, she said the same thing back to me. That if you were to choose her at the end of this, then she hopes I become the next bachelorette so that I can find my person too.”
             He grinned. “That sounds more like the Josie I know.”
                 She kissed him. “I don’t know who told you about that conversation but honestly, they took it out of context. I was never saying that I only came to be the next bachelorette. I came here for you. Because I do see something in you.”
             “I wish I would’ve just gone to you directly.”
     “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But honestly, I just thought it was an innocent conversation between girl friends. I never thought it would be used against me.”
           He put his arms around her, kissing her some more. “That’s part of the reason I was so shocked. When Valerie told me she knew someone wasn’t here for the right reasons, I thought to myself, “she can’t be talking about Josie””
           Josie’s eyes narrowed. “Valerie, huh?”
                “Oh shoot,” Archie said, realizing his mistake. “I don’t want any tension between you guys, which was why I didn’t plan on saying any names. But..that was an accident.”
           She smiled. “No, it’s okay. I actually really like that we’re talking about this. Shows how strong our connection is.”
            He kissed her hand. “Tell me about your family. Who am I meeting tonight?”
            “Just my mom. My dad is still on the road. He sent his apologies. But he does know how much I care for you, and how happy we are when we’re together. So...” she giggled. “IF you were to meet him in person someday down the road, he’d give you his blessing.”
         He smiled wide. “That’s amazing!”
      She bit her lip. “It’s my mom you’ll have to convince.”
(setting: McCoy Household)
                 Archie and Josie stood, outside the house. 
             “Are you nervous, lover boy?” she giggled.
            “I am,” he admitted. “I’m meeting the mayor.”
           She laughed. “Just be yourself. And she’ll probably approve.”
                                  He smiled.
                         She opened the door.
               “Josie!” her mother cheered as she ran to her and greeted her with a hug. She smiled at Archie. “You must be the bachelor himself.”
                “Mayor McCoy, it's truly an honor to meet you.”
                She shook his hand. “You can call me Sierra.”
          “Everything’s been going really well so far,” Josie said. “He’s been such a gem.”
         “I would hope so. You deserve nothing but the best.”
        Archie glanced at the piano. “Do you play, Sierra?”
             Sierra laughed. “Of course not, I bought it for Josie.”
         “My mom’s always been really supportive of my singing career. She’s never missed a single show, and always helped me with everything I needed.”
         Archie smiled. “That’s truly heartwarming.”
             “And I always will,” Sierra said. “Archie, can you give us a minute?”
          Josie and Sierra went upstairs to Josie’s bedroom, and sat down on the bed. “What’d you think?” Josie asked, giggling.
           “You two seem really happy,” Sierra said. She sighed. “Can you honestly tell me that this is what you want? To be engaged?”
           Josie sat there for a moment. She felt as if the moment was finally hitting her. “This ends with an engagement..” she whispered.
           “Hasn’t Archie said that to you before?”
       “Of course he has, all the time. And I really thought I was ready for that. When I first came on the show, and I met him, I really felt like this could happen. Like, I saw it. Mom, I really saw it. But now...”
          “What is it?”
      “We still have so much we need to figure out before we can even get there. What if my career takes off and I need to travel on the road? He can’t just put his life on hold to come with me. And, long distance wouldn’t work for months at a time...”
          “Your father and I dealt with that. But it was more-so because we had simply fallen out of love. These feelings you have for Archie, can you see them lasting for a lifetime? Or do you see it possibly fading away with time apart from being on the road?”
          “I....” Josie said. “I don’t know. I’ve been so optimistic about our relationship that I guess I haven’t.....looked at it from every angle. I’m not afraid of commitment, I’m just...thinking that we don’t want the same type of commitment.”
(setting: Downstairs.)
            Sierra came down stairs. She sat down across from Archie. “I’m not rooting against you by any means. I simply want to know...can you see yourself with Josie long term?”
          He grinned. “I absolutely can.”
         “You know how seriously she takes her singing career.”
        “I will support that in every way I possibly can.”
         She leaned forward. “I think you two need to dig deep into what you want. What you really, truly want. And, if everything aligns, then I completely will give you my blessing to marry her.”
          Archie pondered that for a moment.
(setting: Outside the house.)
               Archie and Josie stood, making out by the sidewalk.
              “You know how much I appreciate you,” Josie said.
             “You know I’m crazy about you,” Archie responded.
             “I’m crazy about you too,” she giggled.
          He softly touched her cheek. “I want you to know that I will always support you. Anything you decide with your singing career. And I’m so proud of you for really pursuing your dreams..”
           She kissed him. “Archie..” she paused. Then smiled. “I’m falling in love with you.”
         “I’m falling in love with you, Josie.”
          They kissed for a few more minutes when Archie’s limo arrived. “I’ll see you at the rose ceremony.”
          “Yes you will.”
       He got inside the limo, she watched, smiling, as it drove away.
     -------------------END CREDITS-------------------
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