#I just deemed those sketches to bad to show haha
moraent-keys · 4 months
The amount of shit I will shove onto one canvas and then try to post the pictures as if they’re separate is ridiculous
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ask-svt-hearteu · 6 years
All The Stars ` Wen Junhui
Anon requested: “ hey! can i request a jun oneshot where the reader is an artist? like how does he deal with reader having a breakdown over some small mistake and their way of thinking? basically just what he thinks about having an artistic partner. oh, if it's not too much can you write it in jun's pov? thanks a lot 💕 “
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1928
to Jun
you were radiant
there had always been something
a feeling
that made him know
you’re the one
he remembered that first day
when he had been wondering the classrooms of the university aimlessly 
ditching English literature was a favorite hobby of his
the class was too easy
the easiest A to get for a general education class he knew 
not to mention as a theater major 
he already ate, breathed, and lived literature 
there was no need for him to show up to such a useless class
and so
English lit 101 was spent wondering the campus of the university
finding the best spots to read for an hour
or discovering the unexplored corners of campus
or going out to town to try all the local restaurants and determine which ox tail soup was the best
and it was on one of these faithful days that he stumbled across room 610
a dark shady classroom rarely ever in use 
he quietly opened the door and slipped inside dropping his bag 
pulling aside some of the curtains from the front of the room
he revealed a few floor-to-ceiling studio mirrors
and gave himself a small smile
as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small CD player
and clicked play
the music gently filled the room
Jun breathed in
letting not just air to enter his system 
but the music itself
let the notes fill his lungs and his head
let the music lead his actions
as he carefully
but surely
danced through his own routine of his own creation for the song 
one he spent hours trying to perfect
until it became second nature
until it was no longer a dance
but merely an extension of his thoughts
and he felt like flying
with the music 
he gently laid down on his back smiling up at the ceiling after it ended
what a high
the best feeling in the world was when he was dancing
he couldn’t imagine doing anything else
he didn’t seem to notice someone standing in the doorway to that very classroom
that Jun wasn’t the only one who took refuge in room 610
but you did too
and as your voice broke through the silence
Jun likes to think it was that moment
the very moment you first spoke to him
that made him fall in love with you
he likes to tell it that way
the look of surprise on his face clear as day when you caught him 
“How long have you been standing there?” He said
“The whole time.”
“I didn’t expect anyone to be in here.”
“Neither did I”
Jun stared at you passively at that moment he knew
the way the slit of sunlight rested right on your face 
illuminating your eyes
and the look of pure amazement
that you gave him
“I’m really sorry to ask if this sounds weird but... Can you stay here for a few minutes?”
Jun raised his eyebrows but didn’t object 
after all you were the one who had caught him having a moment
he stood frozen in his spot as you ran across the room and slid onto the floor uncovering a pile of canvasses he had never noticed before
his breath caught
on the canvasses were some of the most beautiful paintings he had ever seen
he watched quietly as you pulled a sketchbook from the pile of art supplies and sat crisscrossed on the ground
the tip of your pencil gliding easily across the surface of the page never pausing in hesitation once
and he suddenly thought
that perhaps that pencil was dancing too
that you drawing was like him dancing
an extension of a person and their thoughts
an expression of something that no words could ever describe
he was mesmerized as your fingers flew across the page
slowly taking form and matter
he couldn’t look away
this is why he names the moment he fell for you
because from this moment he saw more about your heart 
saw just how meaningful that pencil on the paper was
as the music and dancing was for him
you both had offered up a piece of your hearts right there 
he watched as you sighed
satisfied for once as you lifted the sketchbook for him to see
and he was breathless
on the sketchbook page
was him
but it was more than just Jun himself he thought
the figure in the drawing was him
but it was him freed
a sketch of his figure mid dance 
as the curtains fluttered in the background of the drawing 
his clothes loosely flowing around him before forming wings 
a picture of an angel
lost to the happiness of mid flight 
“I know it’s not very good...” you sighed quietly turning the drawing away from him before ripping the page out and putting away the sketchbook and the pencil
you walked over to him still standing there 
but he couldn’t stop staring at you
as you gently placed the drawing in his hand
“You can throw it away if you want.” You shrugged before turning away
Jun grabbed your arm quickly and turned you back to face him
“What’s your name?”
“Do you... maybe wanna grab a coffee or something?” He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously
“I’d love to.”
it was one of those storybook meetings
one for romance novels or the movies
the two of you sort of just clicked
you were both pretty different in some aspects 
but made up for what the other was lacking
and you both were also similar too
he became something like paradise for you
after a long day of classes and work
you’d plop down on the sofa and he��d make you something to eat
even if he was tired
or you’d both just lay together in bed staring up at the ceiling and talking
about anything
about everything
about how stupid that one chemistry professor was before they fired them
or how that freshman accidentally pulled the fire alarm
or about Jun’s latest show adventures
or about this showcase you entered artwork for
Jun would just hold you in his arms
let you rest your head on his chest
as he played with your hair
and listened to you talk
you were nearly inseparable
he’d hold your hand whenever he got the chance
“Jun, I can’t do any integral calculus if you’re holding the hand I write with.”
“Hmm that’s too bad for calculus then...”
“Yes Y/N my love? Hehe...”
“I need my hand to get my stuff”
“That’s really too bad for your stuff...”
and how the classes without him literally stretched into infinity 
he would stare at the clock thinking
“only half an hour before I get to see Y/N...”
yes you were that couple
and when he finally was free 
he’d literally run up to you 
catching your face in his hands
before his lips brushed yours
“Jun we’re in public-“
“I’m ok with being that couple if you are.”
giggling into his next kiss as he pulled you closer
“Ok ok really we have to go to class.”
“Awwww but whyyyyyy.”
“Because we have to come on.”
there were moments where he’d just stare at you
thinking how incredible it was
how incredible you are
and just staring fondly at your smile
and ruffling your hair playfully every time he passed you in the halls
or tapping your left shoulder only to appear on your right side
and ordering Chinese food takeout to eat on the floor of class 610 when you were both ditching
and running around in the early morning when he dragged you to run through the sprinklers
“AWWW come on it’s fun!!!”
and laughing like crazy at the water droplets across your gray sweatshirt
or how he’d randomly show up with stuffed plushies and flowers on those days where you weren’t feeling your best
almost as if he could read your mind
when stress and sadness washed over you
he seemed to know and would cheer you up somehow
whether it was by his little pranks
or his attention to little details
like your favorite ice cream to get if you failed an important test
Jun saw you through it all
the good and the bad
because he loved you
Jun noticed things
about people and of course about you
those moments when you were working on an important piece for class
or when you were just painting in your free time
he noticed the little frown
the sigh of frustration
the dozens of crumpled sketches you had deemed “not good enough”
and ended up as trash 
the little furrow of your eyebrows when something wasn’t going the way you wanted them to
or when you had spent hours working on something
only to throw the canvas on the ground because of a mistake and sit and cry
he noticed
and he knew
as someone who had attempted to perfect his own skills
he got equally frustrated with himself over the smallest of mistakes
but seeing you tear yourself apart
the snidest self deprecating comments
it broke his heart
“Why can’t I do anything right?”
“What’s wrong with me?”
the words that fell from your lips about yourself
the words Jun hated hearing the most
and the nights where you would lock yourself in the bathroom because the colors and shapes had started to swim around your head
float off the pages
contort and twist in your nightmares
you didn’t understand
couldn’t get why you couldn’t do anything correctly
and it was Jun on the outside of the locked bathroom door
quietly singing your favorite lullaby 
making sure you had something to eat when you stayed up all night in the studio
who held you in his arms when you said you weren’t enough
and told you he loved you over and over again
and that your art was beautiful
that mistakes defined who we were
that mistakes could be beautiful
he knew what it was like to get torn up by yourself in your own thoughts
and so he did his best to tell you that you were worth all the stars
Jun was your stars
he brightened up the darkest nights 
made you laugh
maybe that was naturally what those who create think
he couldn’t think he was enough
until he saw that first sketch of him you ever did
and suddenly he felt whole 
like this was who he was meant to be
and you had helped him too
Jun led you out one night
“Where are we going?”
“Haha you’ll see.”
the two of you walked along together hand in hand 
until you reached the beach
it was cold at night
but the city lights sparkles off the water
and if you squinted
you could sill see the stars
he laid out a blanket for you to sit on before holding you in his arms for warmth
“Are you a camera?” 
“Oh my god Jun no stop.”
“Because I smile every time I see you.”
“Please no more cheesy pick up lines”
“Oh come on you love them.”
“No I really don’t .”
“You do too.”
“Pfft no.”
“Fine But you love me right?”
“Oh my gosh.”
“Yes I love you of course.”
and he would respond 
“I love you.”
he was your angel
and you were all the stars 
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