#I just changed the name and info last minute to fit my blog
aghostnamedclamity · 3 months
Hello, here have a flower!
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Have a wonderful day!
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🥹🥹 I love it, thank you!! I genuinely hope you have a really wonderful day as well miva!! ♥️
I’ve wanted to draw your super cool persona for so long AAA 😭 sorry for the clam I haven’t really established a persona yet
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sealofarchives · 3 months
Rise!Dredge AU sketches #1
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I haven't really drawn the others in a long while so, I started small with getting an idea of the hats and some accessories they'll wear before brainstorming the outfits. More additional info in the read more if you want to know more details about it. (Minor spoilers about the game as well)
I had previous thoughts about the idea of cloaking brooches whenever the guys stop by the Marrows. Since its mostly humans in that area. And maybe at Gale Cliffs because of the Retired Whaler and the two other residents still living there.
And the only time where they don't use it is whenever April's around. She works along side the Traveling Merchant in this au. And TM's too busy with other things to care about that sort of thing. (She's mostly chill with them but, has the same annoyance like whenever the turtle's boat is damaged.)
But, the last minute changes while adding some tiny details to April's necklace made me change my mind for three of them. The Hamato cloaking brooches repurposed by Mikey's artistic skill to turn his into a secured accessory pin on his beanie hat. Donnie with a choker necklace and April having hers as a celebratory gift after successfully getting her license to work as a merchant.
So its Splinter, Leo, and Raph that hasn't really changed theirs. Aside from it being the main symbol over the turtle insignia on Leo or Raph's belt.
The youngest siblings get beanie hats and the oldest siblings and Splinter gets different hats. I saw one post with some of the concept art from the game (namely the playable fisherman character) and most referred it from there for the turtles. I tried drawing a rain hat on Raph so its meh compared to the others... I wasn't sure to give April a similar hat like the Shipwright npc has but, for now it might be easier to stick with the sketch I recently did. Since one of the episodes from the show had her in that hairstyle for a few minutes. As for Splinter, the straw beach hat just fits him. And I might draw one for Donnie as well because again he wore one during the Portal Jacked episode lol.
Extra Info towards my rottmnt ocs below so thanks for reading this far > w o
Laverne in the left photo:
She's more friendly compared to the in-game hooded figures. The five eyes used to be regular moles but, ate many aberration fish and eventually mutated into a leatherback sea turtle. And in this au, its Mikey that meets her but, almost got scared seeing her with those eyes hidden in the hood.
I started with this sketch first and lining this in pen was a good decision for future sketches on here and my main blog!
Joyce in the right photo:
She wanted to get revenge at the eldritch creature living near Stellar Basin. After her dad was forced along with dumb family members that believed they can reach fame and fortune by killing the beast with just whaling equipment. She wasn't successfully and later dying with wounds from the aberration jellyfish and its jelly bombs' allies.
I'm still eh about this mutant mermaid design... (except for the seaweed top piece) so it might be a while where I'll finally be satifisied with her design. TT _ TT
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mashep23 · 4 years
Traffic Jam Session
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader
Word Count: +1.5K
Warnings: Nat being ridiculously confident and flirtatious? I think that deserves a warning. This is just pure self-indulgent fluff.
Summary: Stuck in a traffic jam, another commuter requests that you turn your music up
Inspired by this meet-cute prompt:
We are caught in an extreme traffic jam and have been sitting next to each other, parked, for the last five minutes. Your radio is playing my absolute favorite song so I ask you to turn it up. We spend the rest of the slow traffic aggressively singing along to the music at each other.
Prompt list found here
A/N: I tweaked the prompt just a little, hope it's still enjoyable. This was so much fun to write!
Thank you to @river-soul for her incredible beta skills and endless patience 😭❤️ and @whisperlullaby for workshopping with me 💗
Disclaimer: gif not mine
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It's a decently warm day, sunny and clear, and the azure blue sky is dotted sparsely with clouds. A breeze blows through the car windows, playing with the feathers on your dreamcatcher hanging from the rearview mirror while you're stuck in traffic. You had been creeping along for the better part of 20 minutes, but you've been at a standstill now for almost five.
Typically one to drive home in silence to decompress, today the stillness and lack of road noise makes you want to turn on some music instead. Since nothing playing on the local stations feels right, you sync your car Bluetooth with your phone and scroll through your music streaming apps. A playlist you made simply entitled "Happy" seems to fit your mood and the gorgeous weather so you press Shuffle All and settle back in your seat.
The soothing, light-hearted Put Your Records On filters through the speakers and you can't help the smile that curves your lips as you close your eyes. Propping your arm on the window, head on your hand, you bask in the sun's warmth. You periodically crack open an eye to check on the car in front of you but there's no change. Everyone on the road has parked and resigned themselves to the long wait.
Your playlist contains a wide variety of genres, cherry-picked songs that unfailingly lift your mood. They're radio hits, usually well-known songs, and easy to sing along with. You happily bop your way through your playlist, getting a little more energetic, singing along to each song.
Walking on Sunshine just finishes and the next song is cueing when you hear a sweet voice ask lowly, "Do you mind turning it up a little?" You grin and twist the volume knob so I'm Gonna Be (500 miles) plays louder before looking to the eavesdropper that's enjoying your tunes.
Holy shit. How did you not notice the car next to you? There is no way they were there the whole time. They're all beautiful. Two men, two women - blondie is driving, two brunettes are in the back seat, and a redhead is in the passenger seat. She was the one that spoke and she grins gratefully, leaning closer, head tilted out the window. You turn it up a little more as she starts singing along.
You grin widely and start singing with her. Her companions in the car laugh and join in good naturedly, cheering as the two of you belt the call-and-answer part of the song.
When the song ends, you're both breathlessly laughing, smiles wide. You turn your stereo volume down even as the next song starts to play and stretch out for a high five. She gives your hand a satisfying slap as she laughs joyfully.
"That was so fun! Thank you so much, I love that song."
"I do too! You're a great partner! And the back-ups were awesome!" You playfully finger-gun point at the driver and backseat passengers. They cheerfully laugh and thank you. You don't remember the last time you smiled this hard.
"I'm glad you didn't mind - I could barely hear it. I had Steve try to get closer but that didn't really help much, so I just decided to ask you." She gives you a sheepish but pleased smile and you return it.
"Oh no I don't mind! I haven't had this much fun in ages!" You can't seem to stop smiling but maybe it's okay because she's smiling at you, too.
"I'm Nat," she says suddenly, and you don't hesitate to tell her your name. She repeats it quietly, still smiling softly at you.
There's a stretch of silence, you're both just looking at each other and one of her friends clear their throat, causing you both to blink. You think maybe you should be embarrassed but she doesn't appear fazed in the slightest.
"In the spirit of introductions, hello beautiful. I'm Sam." The male brunette sitting behind Nat says smoothly after his light cough. "This is Wanda, up there is Steve." He gestures to the woman beside him and to the driver, respectively.
Your gaze never leaves Nat. You can't tear your eyes from her even as Sam speaks, catching the quick tightness around the edges of her mouth before it relaxes again as you smile and respond to her rather than Sam.
"It's nice to meet you," you say sincerely to Nat. Her answering pleased expression as she returns the sentiment warms you. A pleasant tightness fills your chest as her lips quirk at something Sam mutters under his breath. The woman next to him, Wanda, laughs quietly.
"So, you know, we're gonna be here for a while. Let's see what else you got to listen to." Nat grins expectantly at you with a raised brow and you mirror her expression as you turn the knob.
You're pretty sure you've found your soulmate when her eyes spark in delight and she belts along effortlessly to Sweet Caroline, arms spreading dramatically as she almost nails the driver, Steve, in his face with the back of her hand. Sam and Wanda cackle as he shoves her arm away in mock affront and she sticks her tongue out at him.
You can't help but laugh at their antics, watching her perform, directing her friends' involvement ("bah, bah, bahh") before she turns to you ("so good, so good, so good!"). This is quickly becoming one of the best times you've ever had.
The song continues, both of you sharing the lead, absolutely ridiculous and uncaring of the scene you're making. If anyone in the surrounding cars felt disgruntled at the impromptu concert, you'd never know it. The girl in the car next to you has your undivided attention.
You're not sure how long it's been, how many songs you've played and sang along to, but after a while, traffic slowly creeps to life. Steve taps Nat on the arm during a lull between songs and you lower the volume as she turns to him. He gestures at the line of cars ahead, the ones directly in front still unmoving but in the distance you see brake lights releasing, vehicles rolling forward.
She turns back to you, chewing the inside of her lip as she looks at you thoughtfully. She seems to make a decision and reaches her hand out to you.
"Here, let me see your phone real quick." She makes a single gimme motion, fingers flicking closed then open as you hand the device over. Your lips spread into a wide smile at the triumphant look that crosses her face.
She beams at you before dropping her gaze to the phone, fingers moving quickly across the screen. You hear an unfamiliar notification tone and she pulls a phone from her lap, holding it up to show you.
"I text myself from your phone. Now we have each other's numbers. I wanna be able to call you later." She's unabashedly smug as she hands your phone back and you wonder if your face shows just how pleased you are.
You look down at the message thread she left open for you, the unsaved number displayed at the top.
"Traffic Jam Hottie 😍"
The single line of text and emoji sent from your phone to the number makes you bite your lip and shyly cover your smile with your fingertips. You look at her with raised eyebrows and she correctly interprets your unasked question and shrugs.
"That's your contact name. I'll probably never change it, not even after we get married."
It's sly and nonchalant, how she slips that in there, smooth as you please. Your jaw drops and her friends all seem to choke on air but her gaze, locked on you, is unwavering. The flirtatious expression on her face is simultaneously sincere and mischievous as she watches for your reaction.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach, your chest feels tight and pleasantly warm. Your smile stretches so wide your cheeks hurt as she winks and you're so giddy, you don't care how eager you look in this moment.
You quickly save her contact information and smirk, wiggling your phone at her.
"I'd hope not. I think having matching contact info is pretty cute and kinda romantic. A fun story for the wedding toasts." You grin cheekily.
Her expression shifts, full of mischief, a quirk of her eyebrow that makes your breath hitch and sets your heart racing as her friends whoop with glee at your banter. Her lips spread in a sly smile and you can't help but return it. You're positive you've never smiled this much in your life.
Too soon, the gridlock lets up and you both start moving with traffic. The cars in front of you begin to roll, the lane speeds varying enough to cause you to separate. She's still grinning at you as they get further ahead. You can faintly hear their teasing and you catch a glimpse of her profile, smiling and laughing, before she's no longer visible.
They take an exit as you continue on and you barely have a moment to mourn that they're out of view before your phone vibrates in your lap. Picking it up, you grin madly at the screen, the contact "Traffic Jam Hottie 😍" scrolling across the top.
Accepting the call, you hear it connect through you car speakers, her friends still audible in the background. Your heart stutters when she purrs her greeting.
"Hey hottie."
Tagging some of my amazing discord family: @buckyownsmylife @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
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xoxo-eros · 3 years
The Beginning: Twisted wonderland: Evil Au
I am a big fan of @deceitful-darlings Evil Au so why not throw my main characters in to this world >:}
My Oc’s
I do have my own Evil Au oc but I’ll leave out for now
In this version with my main characters their back stories don’t really matter, in the sense that it won’t be the same as the original Au. I will explain more about their backstories on my other blog, but the only thing that changed is that they were all friends before they got to twisted wonderland. This is the prologue to the whole story;)
All credit for this Au goes to @deceitful-darlings
10 steps to Evil
TW: Everything, implied eating disorder, Implied staking,
To say waking up in some random world is odd.
To say waking up in a random world, being called the “new innocence” as you attempt to walk down the hall, plus the attempted attacks is SO past odd.
That’s Tanya’s current situation.
Tanya can’t say she hates this world. That would be a lie, but she can’t love it, yet.
In all honesty this school is a fucking nightmare, a nightmare that her and her friends where subjected to. Almost everyone they’ve met so far is a fake, those who don’t fake it have a personality the equivalent of burning trash. It’s SO easy to see through everyone’s façade, not that they needy to know that. They all have bad intentions but… that doesn’t stop Tanya from having her own.
On her way back to ramshackle with the slight sounds of plastic from her bags, she couldn’t help but think of the four other people living with her, the ones she considered her closest friends.
As she approached the rundown dorm she could hear frantic footsteps approaching behind her, on her guard she prepared for attack but what came was much more pleasant. Alex had run up behind her and crashed her body into Tanya’s, “Hiiiiii!!!” Tanya had to steady them due to Alex unexpectedly throwing her weight at her. Alex had never weighed a lot, so it wasn’t difficult to hold her but even Tanya couldn’t help but worry about her history with eating. “Hey Al, where are you coming from?” Tanya asks the girl now hanging off her left arm, “Just getting some last minute info for Mc '' the bubbly girl responds, taking some of the bags from Tanya.
They enter Ramshackle with only Bonnie in sight, “Sup” the girl on the couch called without looking up to see who had entered. “Hey” both people at the door say once there shoes are off, “Hello you two” a new voice enters “Hi Mc, I got the info that you wanted” Alex says placing her bags in the kitchen then plopping herself next to Bonnie and proceeding to take out a small stack of files, student files.
Tanya placed her bag next to Alex's, then walked into the living room, taking the files from Alex. She began to read the names on the outside and smile. “Malleus Draconia, Lillia Vanrouge, Silver and Sebek Zigvolt, finally the last of the Diasomnia students” Tanya said as she sat down on a chair across from the couch. “Is Y/N still out collecting notes?”, before anyone could answer-
“Just finished” Y/N called as they entered the room. “All the notes you asked me for, dropping a handful of notebooks on the coffee table, each one labeled with a different student name, “I’ve got the rest in my bag, they said pointing to their backpack. They all found out very quickly that to survive in this world they need to use their strong suits.
As of right now Tanya is the “Magicless” Dormleader of ramshackle, Mc is her vice. They all are pretty odd, not one the same, each one of these people have lived in completely different worlds from this one, but the only similarity seems to be that their brains are hardwired to fit right in. In this world, death is bound to happen no matter what you do and Tanya has full intention to take advantage of that. Whatever the hell happens Tanya will drag anyone she deems worthy. Tanya is willing to go low and far, where that limit will stop no one really knows. She has made it her life's mission to do whatever she pleases with this world.
Oh how the NRC students should have killed her the minute she arrived, then maybe they'd have a chance.
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*turns into pile of dust because of black magic*
Btw your oc looks cool!! what’s their name and backstory? got a reference sheet we could learn more about?
Thank you! But about that…yeaaa the drawing probably made him look a lot cooler than they usually look like, I‘m afraid- sorry about that ^^;
Anyways, I‘ve actually talked a bit about my current oc‘s on here (affectionately and uncreatively called main gang due to them being my current main gang of oc’s) and he‘s the purple one in those posts; you can find a few under the „original character do not steal [tm]“ tag on both blogs. He‘s the first one I made and was originally just one of a few fun (vaguely fantasy) chibi drawing ideas I had…which might also be the reason he‘s the most frequently depicted one (and totally not my fave to draw nope)
And I do have a reference sheet! (though not everything‘s on there and details tend to change a lot over time, even if his design is the only one of the 5 that’s stayed the same so far-)
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(This post accidentally got a bit long, the rest the rest under this cut is mostly just lots of side-info)
The main inspo: The weird amount of merchant characters who‘re very knowledgeable about magic stuff and maybe slightly (read: very) sus (Happy Mask Salesman, Magolor, the shop guy from Link‘s Awakening who obliterates you with a laser if you steal, Volo I guess?) But unlike Mags and Volo, Mage isn’t gonna betray the party and turn into the endboss of course. Probably. …nah. (<- a lie? who knows =) )
in a lot of videogames, no matter where they are or what‘s currently happening in the plot, if the game‘s got merchants to buy from, they will be available- even in the deepest dungeons or during the apocalypse. So I thought- wait a minute, if they’re here in the dungeon, and they’re here before the mc‘s who‘re supposedly the chosen ones and the first to set foot here in 500 years- then they must secretly be super strong actually and are just hiding it in plain sight!
A „what if“ thought- what if you had a cliche rpg party but their respective cliche classes are actually the secondary classes. And the primary ones are jobs, or just being an NPC? (That’s where the other four come in)
This also influenced his personality a bit, but not completely: cunning, a bit laid back, cares a lot about making some bank, needs to know things, practiced smile but only when it’s needed, otherwise it’s side smirks- lots of too much smiling in any case. Usually on the friendly side- (also, but not always in that cliche „oh HELLO dear customer! :D“ voice you’d usually get. Again, he’s a bit more laid back and [whatever the vibe fitting a side smirk is called] than that )- unless you wrong him, that is- or he thinks bickering with you is fun. Usually puts his own safety over that of others, the first one to result to backstabbing in order to get what he wants- but both the people he betrayed in that moment and whoever he betrayed them for. (And even if the second option is less profitable; if it grants even the tiniest chance of getting him welcomed by rest of the gang again, well then they couldn’t possibly not pick that, right?). In any case, Mage has clear morals- he’s just very good at setting them aside for the sake of efficiency.
Regarding his backstory, here’s not much too it, really- he‘s just a merchant selling their wares (or info) to adventurers on the road or in his shop when he isn’t traveling; you might find a curious item or two if you go pay them a visit! But whatever you do- do not try to steal anything. You will regret it. He’s lost someonething once, he will not let it happen again. Do you understand? Yes? Good. :) So, do you need anything else, dear customer? What’s this about dark magic? Yes, that’s what he just used, but that doesn’t make him a mage yet-this is just for protecting their wares from thieves. Mages are rarely traveling, he last saw one years ago- and by now, if some thieves, nature or the Roots didn’t get him, the monsters sure did.
Besides, the missing dark mage had a different eye color than him, didn’t they?
(if this reads weirdly it’s because I’m trying to hide all the parts that are only half-thought out and prone to change a lot. Might add a second version that’s exclusively character information, especially since it’s in the context of a setting that hasn’t been built yet. I kinda just hijacked this ask to finally put all my ideas for this pal into one place lol)
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zhansww · 4 years
Hi. Thank you so much for replying. You gave me so much good information. I respect that you treat XZ and WY like people and not as fictional characters as I see so many people doing. I'm still reluctant to join this side of the fandom because from what I've seen so far, it's a mess. Tell me if I got this right: xfx= solo XZ fans who think WY and his team sabotaged XZ's career so he could be the top actor also hate cp fans because they support both XZ/WY. mtjj= solo WY fans.
Acknowledge that WY could be in love with XZ but think XZ doesn't care about him, hope WY moves on. They don't seem to like cp fans for not ruining XZ/WY's friendship? bjyx=cp fans. Some of them are supporters and, some of them are fetishizers. Want the solo fandoms to combine??? ( I still don't know what V/JK is) But is that the state of things?? Way more complicated than the CQL/MDZS fandom. I am enjoying your blog, your pinned post is the best introduction to the fandom imo. Are there any other analysis type blogs like yours that you could rec? Thank you. ( Sorry for the long ask)
oh my... smh your reluctance to join this part of the fandom makes you so endearing to me. If I wasn't as socially inept as I am, I'd ask you to be friends 🥺 Gonna put this all under a cut~
Let me start with the easiest thing to answer. V and Jk are two members from BTS whose relationship is shockingly real to me. I avoided writing their names or their cp name out cuz I didn't want my pinned post to show up in those searches. Unlike with ggdd, I never got the impression they'd be okay with speculations about them, though. So I don't ever feel the need to analyze or discuss about them. I just quietly believe in and support them.
You got xfx and mtjj right. Xfx is the official fan name for XZ's solo fans. Mtjj is not an official fan name, though, i.e. Yibo or his company never made it official, as far as I know. It stands for motojiejie which means motorcycle sisters, there's also mtgg = motorcycle brothers but you'll mostly see mtjj. Bxg is what ggdd's cp fans are called. It stands for BoXiaoGirls/Guys. It can also stand for baixiangguo which means "passion fruit". And there's a third meaning which I don't know but has something to do with turtles and which is why you're likely to see bxg refer to themselves as turtles. Bjyx is ggdd's main, fanmade cp name. It was coined back in April 2018, after XZ and WYB only just got confirmed as the actors who get to play WWX and LWJ. One of the rules in the bjyx supertopic on weibo is that you can't switch their "roles". And those were solely based on wang/xian but I suppose once fans realized that ggdd is actually real and their dynamic is vastly different from wang/xian, they came up with different cp names for different dynamics. There's also zsww and lsfy. (Sidenote; if I remember correctly, bjyx means “to make your special someone smile”. Zsww means “lord over a district/castle” and lsfy means “chain reaction”) And as far as I know, zsww fans are called little bandits and lsfy fans are called baby lotus. I apologize if me explaining this makes you feel weird in any way (cuz this fandom separation is dumb af) - I just wanna give you any info I have cuz you might come across some of this, at least. Anyway, the most common abbreviations you'll see; bxg = ggdd cp fans and bjyx = ggdd's cp name. There's also bjyxszd 博君一肖是真的 which means "bjyx is real" or bjyxszd 并肩于学山之巅 which means "side by side atop the snowy summit" and is a phrase that bxg use to hide the first phrase in plain sight, so to say.
I don't know what it's called but there's actually also a supertopic on weibo for XZ and WYB solo fans who believe that ggdd is real but are still only solo fans. So truthfully, you can't really generalize that. Some solo fans do believe in ggdd and are supportive but not necessarily openly. I (like to) think most solo fans are just dedicated to their idol and don't care about anything or anyone else and that's it. The rest, though... yeah, those are the obnoxious ones. Who made up ridiculous conspiracy theories about how Yibo and his company are responsible for what happened last February to gg. Or who make up theories about how XZ only got as successful as he is because he copied Yibo. They really want to believe that ggdd aren’t special to each other or that they even hate one another. So they come up with the dumbest bs to e.g. vilify XZ. Like, about a year ago, mtjj got mad at gg cuz they thought he, as dd's boyfriend, must have forced dd to sell one of his motorcycles. When Yibo uses kadian, they think he just does it to bait cp fans. But when XZ uses kadian, he's being the worst, most careless boyfriend and how tf could he put Yibo in danger like that. And yes, I've seen the same hateful mtjj spout such contradictory nonsense. It can be quite hilarious, ngl. I only follow decent solo stans so I truthfully don't know what the newest sh-t is that antis/solos have come up with.
When it comes to bxg... yes, there are a lot of supporters but also way too many who seem to be unable to separate ggdd from novel!wang/xian. They so badly want only bjyx - that dynamic - to be real that they constantly feel the need to "change reality" to make it happen by e.g. misgendering gg, drawing him smaller than dd and/or more feminine, making assumptions about him and his character that are simply untrue but fit their preferred dynamic so they keep spreading those assumptions. They way they view XZ is wrong and beyond disrespectful and yet, they call themselves fans. I genuinely hope you'll never even have to see any thing of the sort. I don't actually know anything about bxg, wanting to combine the solo fandoms xD I guess, ideally that would be desirable but I wonder if that's even possible.
Thank you so much for liking my pinned post... That and a lot of the posts that I linked in it are what I keep hoping may make more people believe in and support ggdd and it makes me so so glad that it could be of use to you! About recs, I could recommend you some twt accounts or on here, gif makers and fanartists that I like and follow but I don't follow any ggdd blogs that make a lot of text posts. And just to be clear, I don't make many text posts myself either. I stay away from rumors (unless they become more than that) and from stalker info and from all the reaching, too. You might find it interesting, I don't know, but me, I see no point, mulling over any and every minute connection between ggdd that may or may not even be real. It gets too invasive or ridiculous imo. I actually also stay away from all that recent behind the scenes footage of ggdd because I highly disapprove of the way it was acquired. I only comment on things about them that I consider reasonable and possibly noteworthy and that preferably come from the men themselves. And occasionally, I gush about how cute and perfect they are together. Sorry I can't be more helpful with this last question >.<
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
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Bloggin’ thru new Homestuck^2 bonus, The Influencers part 2.  Kinda got my gears ground during part 1, but that largely wasn’t this sideplot’s fault, so I should still be able to enjoy it.
Reminder, bonus update blogging is always light on detail because I don’t wanna spoil all the paid content, but I’ll give the gist of my reactions and go into anything plot or character related that helps understand the main story, as well as giving you a real top-down view of “what happens” so you know what it’s about and whether or not to invest in looking yourself.  (And I don’t necessarily have to give you anything that isn’t main-plot-relevant.)
So where are they going to follow the main party?  They shouldn’t need to record the funeral I’d assume, because that already would have been televised (and awful for Jane’s PR)...  *click*
9/28/2020 - The Influencers, Part 2
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TEACHER: Time’s a-ticking. TEACHER: The next plot point is yours to change, if you want it. Don’t you feel it calling to you?
Yeah, just hanging a lampshade on this whole parallel sideplot I guess.
> (==>)
Whatever it is, Imode feels it. A tiny string of relevance spooling out from their belly. They want to follow it.
That’s pretty Lighty and/or Seery.  I’ve used that terminology to describe the pull of Light and its “relevance” connotations even since the only fanfic I’ve ever written, back in 2011 during Homestuck’s run, and it’s obvious enough terminology that I think Rose later mentioned it somewhere like in the Epilogues.  Are these three kids perhaps going to get a fourth, and become their own session by the end of this like Harry, Vrissy, Tavros and Yiffy might?
They can’t stop picturing their friend, Harry Anderson, arrested or tortured or worse. They’re not sure what there is to be done to stop this chain of events, but they’re sure as shit gonna find out.
(”They” is almost certainly referring to Imode here, not all three, since Imode uses they/them.)
Alright, self-aggrandizing used for good.  Show off the sort of thing that Vriska could have accomplished if she actually used her talents for her team for once.  (Besides, like, the similar thing she did just recently by making a scene.)
> (==>)
Imode is the first to choose pursuing this path over bootlicking, and the others are sure to follow.
> (==>)
Yup, Avril and Silas follow.  (Had to be reminded of ALL of their names, it’s been months since their single named appearance.)
> (==>)
Crockercopters overhead but none taking note yet, just ominous setdressing
> (==>)
IMODE: lemme take a ⏱️ to 😮‍💨 before we figure out where to go next. AVRIL: wait don't you know? IMODE: Huh? AVRIL: we were following YOU this whole time.
Oh, that answers the first question I asked.  They have NO clue where they’re going.  Let’s see if they luck out and find the clock tower.
IMODE: You 👂 what he said about the next step 📞 to us, same as i did. Don't you feel it pulling at you?
Literal pull? Powers? Future player?  --All baseless speculation of course.
SILAS: Woah are you seein’ this.
Vriska’s probably putting on her very public display now.  (This is a bonus so I’m skipping lots of banter and arguing.)
> (==>)
Oh, they just saw John flying up to the clock tower in his outfit.  And catching sight of him fly is rare celebrity gossip stuff so of course it’d stand out to them, apparently.  (Only one of them is athletic apparently, the other two are groaning at the prospect of more running.)
> (==>)
Avril always enjoys running, but there’s something else thumping along to the rhythm of the thuds of his feet and beat of his heart. He’d thought Imode was nuts for feeling it just a minute prior, but now he’s realized he isn’t deadweight, that he hasn’t fucked up someone’s life irrevocably, and it pushes him faster and faster as he tears ass toward the belltower.
(Did we know Avril was he/him before this?  Probably but if so I forgot.)
Okay, since we’re getting glimpses into each of their headspaces narratively that BOTH have had some oblique aspect references, I have to at least OPERATE on a guessy assumption that there’s a sort of classpect-for-each-of-them thing going here.
I’ve quoted both those whole paragraphs here... so what do I see?  This is going to be a bit tougher because I don’t care as much to remember these characters...
Imode had some Lighty-or-Seery language, and then could not stop picturing bad things happening to Harry, wanting to avert that chain of events.  So something of a Seer or Mage would make sense.  But given how easily Lighty stuff and the Understanding classes (or at least what we think those are) can be conflated, Mage of Light seems a bit of a premature jump.  Heck, I’m only saying Mage because a Seer of Light already occupies a starring role, and because her first act on that feeling was to jump after it herself and tell the others:
IMODE: Stay here and 👢👅 your way into fame if that's what you really want. IMODE: I’m ✈️. Follow me if you’re not 🐔💩.
--leading by example rather than directing the others into battle.  Only half-caring if they followed, willing to pursue it herself if necessary.  So, potentially more “Active”.
As for Avril... the word “heart” is mentioned there, sure, but the full context is “there’s something else thumping along to the rhythm of the thuds of his feet and beat of his heart”.  I’m inclined to think that the rhythm/beat references, especially the even footsteps and heartbeats hitting like a metronome, might be more tied to Time?  But if so, I don’t see anything class-related.  (Could also be Blood, and him thinking of what he owes in the last sentences could be reinforcing that?  Big question marks for now.)
> (==>)
Door to the belltower’s locked.  The kids figure John’s forgotten that his son can’t fly.
AVRIL: this is it, this is the thing we can help with! #feelinit #vibes IMODE: OK I'm excited that you believe me now, but what are you gonna even do? IMODE: use your big all-star 💪 to break down the 🚪?
--so they think they can “resolve a missing plot point” by getting the way into the clock tower open?  Is this going to be a theme or running joke of the Influencers sideplot, showing plotholes resolved in bonus content like how we finally saw how Gamzee’s body was relocated last time?  When I was explicitly mad about that?  (This seems like a much smaller one though.)
Apparently in HS^2 proper they remarked that the door SHOULD be locked, but Vriska just opened it anyway and wasn’t surprised it was unlocked, which she would’ve ascribed to her luck -- how the universe just makes way for her.  (And we’re literally seeing HOW the “universe” “made way” for her this way, through these Influencer kids.  Even though Vriska could have broken down the door in a second and it’s practically meaningless.)
> (==>)
Tumblr media
Avril just has the key!
AVRIL: so like my photoshoots are like, #modernfashion #myworkout #urbexp IMODE: Yea, your 📸 are why we’re all in this mess. We know. Get to it. AVRIL: fair. ok well this is the urban exploration part. AVRIL: a lot of the public infrastructure buildings in the kingdom have the same weird, shitty deadbolts on them. AVRIL: its like they were mass-produced for ease of access or something. AVRIL: none of the deep crockergov stuff, but a lot of the kingdom maintenance buildings. AVRIL: so once you swipe one key, you got access to it all. AVRIL: that’s how i get a lot of my hard-to-get shots #tradesecrets #tellnoone
Hhhmmmmm.  So what does this tell us about his potential role?  Getting places you’re not supposed to is associated with the Thief, Rogue, Bard, and sometimes Knight classes... as well as the Time/Space aspects, or the Void and Breath aspects.  A Thief or Rogue of Time could do the trick, and fit with the rhythm paragraph earlier... whereas Space doesn’t have the same rhythm associations even if it is “places” he’s getting into for these shots.  And photography, snapshots still in time, is something Dave was also explicitly into.  Plus, this exploit he’s showcasing is specifically for older buildings, playing into history/archaeology from an urban perspective.
So, Time is looking like a safer and safer bet for him.
> (==>)
lock click
> (==>)
long-hair swoop, cheer
SILAS: Yeah, I’m tickled a near-disproportionate amount by the unlockin’ of a door, so I’m inclined to believe you were onto somethin’.
Still no real hints about Silas, yet.
AVRIL: ok so. we did it, right? #missioncomplete AVRIL: feels a little anticlimactic #tbh IMODE: idk, I think so? whatever I was feeling doesn't seem so immediate anymore. IMODE: I wonder if-
Okay, that’s some near-confirmation that Imode was LITERALLY FEELING the plot or some such.  We’ll probably end the Influencers sidestory eventually with at least solid GUESSES blatantly obvious for their potential Hero Roles or the like.
> (==>)
Ah, Vriska and the kids are coming-- and we get the Silas paragraph(s)!  Silas is green-themed with green text, and a session with a Time player has a good chance of having a Space player too, so let’s see if...
Silas doesn’t know what being spotted by the other kids might mean, metaphysically or logistically or legally. She’s not particularly pressed by that sort of thing. But this is a day that’s come with more introspecting than she’s used to having to endure in a year, so she's ready to get moving before it becomes an issue.
As Harry Anderson, Vrissy, Vriska, and Tavros proceed to have this conversation, Silas pushes to catch up with Avril’s pace. She’s not sure where they’re headed, and has no clue what all this means for her. She knows the step she’s taken isn’t one she’ll be able to backtrack from, but she’ll figure that out tomorrow. For now, one foot in front of the other.
I mean there’s a lot of talk of time-FRAMES, from a lazy perspective, but just-pushing-forward-in-the-here-and-now is reasonably Spacey? ...hm.  I was excited for the Silas paragraph(s) but I don’t see any immediately-apparent pattern meant for us to discern classpect info here.  Maybe a female Page example (since we could use one), propelled along by events without knowing what’s going on at first, too early in her journey to have taken more than her first step up the gradual incline of her long-term potential?
I really don’t know I guess.
Anyway, that’s the end of the bonus upd8!  See ya in a while.
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Rating: G
Summary: Kagami and Nino plan a surprise party for Adrien's seventeenth birthday. With help from their friends, nothing can go wrong this time. Nino's even invited an extra special guest who's sure to make Adrien's night. (Nino & Kagami & Adrien friendship, with a side of Ladrien)
Word Count:  3101 | Chapter 1/3
Notes: written for @marinetteplztakeabreak through the @mlbforblm charity drive!  The donations go directly to Color of Change, an online organization for racial justice centered on the Black Lives Matter movement.  I highly recommend checking them out and reblogging/donating the mlbforblm posts if you’re able!  I have one fic slot left as of 7/23/2020, and many other talented writers and artists are offering incentives as well!  There’s even a giveaway going on; see the mlbforblm blog for more info!
“Hmm.”  Kagami’s brow furrowed as she stared at Nino’s Operation: Totally Swank Party binder.  The two of them sat on a bench in the park, where she had agreed to meet him after slipping away from her fencing lesson.  “Bribing the bodyguard is a proven technique.  Get me a list of action figures his collection is missing, and I’ll have them by tomorrow.”
“Way ahead of you, dude.”  Nino tore a piece of notebook paper out.  He’d done his research last night after a long phone call with Adrien.  “Glad I can count on you.”
“Of course.”  She neatly folded the paper and slipped it into her jacket pocket.  “I’ll have them shipped to your apartment.  Do you have a plan to dispose of his babysitter?”
Nino sighed and flipped to the page with a doodle of Nathalie with horns at the top.  It was a much more tentative outline than what he’d prepared to deal with the Gorilla.  Hopefully Kagami would be able to help him with that.
“Nathalie’s whole job is to suck out all the fun in my bro’s life.  We’ll never be able to throw this party with her in the picture.”
He’d tried the past three years.  From Hawkmoth transforming him into the Bubbler, to Nathalie locking him in a closet, to Gabe himself nearly arresting him for trespassing, each had been a total bust.  At this point Adrien probably wasn’t expecting Nino to try.
But Adrien was his best bro.  Nino would never give up on throwing him the most poppin’ party ever.  
Plus, this year, he had a secret weapon.  One that even Kagami didn’t know about.
“You seem quite prepared.”  Kagami squinted at the page.  “You’re sure Max can play his part?  The Agrestes use my mother’s security technology.”
“Positive.  He and Markov can hack anything.”  
Max had already wired into the speaker system last time they threw a party for Adrien.  Of course, on Adrien’s birthday, the mansion would be too obvious a target.  That’s why the plan just required getting his bro out of the house altogether.
“I’ll trust you, then.  What exactly is my role?”
Nino grinned, placing a hand on her shoulder.  “You, my good bro, will be sneaking Adrien away from his fake fencing lessons.  Adrien says you’ve done it a thousand times, and his pops still barely knows who you are.  You’ve got like, some kind of invisibility superpower.”
“I simply have practice.  That’s all.”  She took his pen and began making notes in his binder.  “Nathalie will realize we’re gone approximately forty-five minutes after we leave.  The Gorilla has set patrol routes for finding Adrien when he goes missing, which I can map out for you.”
“If he takes the bribes, that shouldn’t be a problem.”
Kagami was already sketching out a map of the city on a clean sheet of paper.  Geez, how did she remember all that?  He doubted he could even draw the path from his apartment to Alya’s.
“I don’t want to take any chances.  We cannot fail Adrien.  Do you have a venue reserved already?”
“Huh?”  Nino scratched under his hat.  Kagami was pretty rad, but it was hard to follow her train of thought sometimes.  “Oh, right! I was thinking the hotel.  Now that Chloé’s not a total jerk—”
“No.  Too obvious.  Nathalie will find us within the hour.”  Kagami frowned and tapped the pen against the back of her hand.  “The ice rink will be our best option.  It’s out of his bodyguard’s patrol zone, and it can accommodate all of Adrien’s friends.  We hid there all the time when we were dating, and no one ever found us.”
“Sure, sure, there’s just one problem.”  He grinned nervously and tapped his fingers together.  “I, uh, don’t know how to skate.”
Kagami tilted her head and.  “Really?  No matter.  His birthday is twenty-one days away.  You have plenty of time to learn.”
Over her shoulder, he watched her write “Teach Nino to ice skate” in her crisp print.
“Uhh… well, I guess that works.”  Hopefully everyone else knew how to skate already, or they could just enjoy the food and cake from the seats surrounding the rink. Nino could technically do that too, but he didn’t want to miss hanging out on the ice with his best bro.
“I’ve seen you parkour with Alya.  You seem like you’ll learn quickly.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”  Nino chuckled.  “Just get ready to watch me starfish out there.”
Her lips pursed thoughtfully.  “If it proves too difficult for you, I can try to find a backup location.  I doubt one exists that will fit everyone you’ve listed, though.”  She flipped back to the guest list, which included all of their classmates from the last few years, Adrien’s whole fencing team, and a few other friends like Luka and XY.  Pretty much everyone Adrien had ever interacted with was on the list.
Except for one special guest, but Nino had left her out on purpose.
“No, no, it’ll be fine!  I’m just joking, dude.”
“Oh.”  Her face pinked a bit.  “How are we going to deliver the invitations without alerting Nathalie or Adrien’s father?
“I’ve started planning that too.”  Nino flipped forward a few pages.  “The most important guests—ones who aren’t gonna snitch on us—will get their invites a week in advance.  The rest will get theirs by text on the day of.  If they can’t come, they can’t come.”  It was the best solution he’d been able to come up with.  He was sure that even if people did have plans, most would drop them for a chance to party with Adrien Agreste.
“Hmm.  It still feels too obvious.  The fencing team in particular may give us up.”  She frowned before scratching a few names off the list.  Well, she was on the team herself; she would know better than anyone who could be trusted.  “You’re right though.  This does seem like the best plan.”
Nino grinned.  One nice thing about Kagami was that when she gave a compliment, he knew it was sincere.  If she agreed with his birthday plan, then it was as close to foolproof as it could be.
“Sweet.  I think that covers everything for now.”
“A very productive planning session.”  Kagami nodded before holding out her fist.
Nino laughed and bumped knuckles with her.  After a year of hanging out with him and his bro, Kagami was finally getting the hang of fist bumps.
“Meet me at the ice rink at eighteen hundred on Saturday.  We’ll begin your lessons then.”
She closed the binder and handed it back to him, then stood and walked away.
“Skating lessons with Kagami, huh…” 
This was either going to be a legit time, or he was going to make a total idiot of himself.
“Come on, Nino, you’ve got this!”  Alya called encouragement as she and Marinette lapped him again.  He frowned at their backs.  How was it that even Marinette, certified clumsiest girl in Paris, could be a better skater than him?
“Focus, Nino.”  Kagami snapped her fingers.  She stayed near him, slowing her pace even though she could’ve skated rings around him.  “Your girlfriend’s praise will only become reality if you practice proper technique.  Keep your weight centered.”
“Right, right.”  He pushed off from the handrail and tried not to flap his arms.  This time, he made it a solid twenty seconds before he slipped and went skidding across the ice.  His hat slid off in the opposite direction, but Kagami quickly retrieved it.
“Don’t try to go so fast.  Catching up to Marinette and Alya isn’t your goal.”  Kagami’s advice was blunt, but helpful.  Nino didn’t mind her getting to the point.  He knew his skating needed work, and no matter how many times he fell, she didn’t lose patience with him.
It was nice that Alya was so far ahead, honestly.  It meant she didn’t see him look like a total dorkasaurus every time he fell.
I’m doing this for Adrien, he reminded himself each time.  He didn’t need to be a pro skater.  He just needed to be able to stay upright.
“You make it look so easy.”  He frowned as Kagami glided backwards.
“I’ve been skating since I was six.  It makes a relaxing hobby.”
He snorted.  “How is anything about this relaxing?”
“Hmm.  Perhaps you’re thinking too hard.  It makes you hesitate, place your weight incorrectly.  You’re a musician, aren’t you?”
“Huh?  Yeah, you know I’m DJ-ing for the party.” He had no clue why Kagami was asking, though.
“Skating has a rhythm.  Maybe you’ll feel more comfortable timing your strides with music.”
He tapped his chin.  “Y’know… that’s not a half bad idea.”
“Not half bad?  Does that mean only half is good?”
“No, no, the whole idea’s good!  It’s just an expression.”
He slipped his headphones over his ears and picked one of the slowest songs on his playlist.  It was a waltz in ¾ time; hopefully that wouldn’t trip him up.
“Alright, here goes.”
He took a deep breath and pushed off from the wall.
One-two-three, one-two-three.  The music was smooth as the ice under his skates.  Kagami kept pace with him, smiling as he counted the beats under his breath.
Something about it did feel different.  Maybe it was that he stopped overthinking; maybe it was just the magic of music.  Either way, he went the whole six-minute song without falling on his butt.
“Not half bad.”  Kagami smiled.  “...Did I use that right?”
“Heck yeah, dude.”  They fistbumped.
“Way to go Nino!”  Marinette gave him a high five as she and Alya caught up.
“Thanks for teaching my boyfriend, Kagami.  I owe you one.”
“You owe me nothing, Alya.”  Kagami’s cheeks turned red.  “We’re all working together to ensure Adrien’s birthday is perfect.  Teaching Nino is just one step in that plan.”
“Well, I still think it’s really cool of you.  Oh!  And speaking of the party, my mom says she can cater.  I’ve already sworn her to secrecy.”
“Awesome!  What about you, Marinette?” Nino took his headphones off to better hear the conversation, but his legs still knew what to do.  “Are you gonna get Adrien a totally rad birthday cake or what?”
“Yeah, absolutely!”  She nodded.  “I’ll just have to drop it off before the party.”
“You’re still sure you can't come, girl?”  Alya asked her.
“No, sorry.  I promise I would if I could, but I—I’ve already made a commitment.  But I’ll have the cake here on time, I swear!”
“And one of his fifty birthday presents, right?”  She nudged Marinette with her elbow.  Marinette nearly fell, but Nino wasn’t sure if that was from Alya’s bump or her words.
“I—I don’t have those anymore!”  Her shoulders slumped.  “It turns out, planning presents fifty years in advance works a lot better if you can see the future.  They’re all out of style by now.”
Alya laughed at that.  Nino couldn’t help noticing that Kagami had gone silent, though, her gaze locked on the ice in front of them.
“Something wrong, bro?”  He asked her.
She shook her head.  “Adrien’s party won’t be perfect if Marinette isn’t present.  I thought she of all people would understand how much she means to him.”
Marinette gasped.  “I… I’m sorry, Kagami.  Adrien does mean the world to me, and… I promise, I’ll make it up to him.”
Nino was forced to stop as Kagami grabbed the handrail and locked eyes with Marinette.  Some kind of silent conversation seemed to pass between them.  He looked to Alya for help, but she just shrugged.  By now he thought he’d understand the girls, but maybe some things would always be a mystery.
“See that you do.  He deserves that much.”
This wasn’t some kind of love triangle over Adrien again, was it?  Kagami had stayed good friends with all of them after she and Adrien broke up.  Marinette was probably still crazy in love with him, but that was nothing new.
“It’s okay, dudes.  The party’s still going to be perfect.  I’ve got a special surprise planned for our favorite bro.”
He winked at Alya, who grinned back.  She’d been the one to help him pull it off.
“A surprise?”  Marinette clapped her hands together at the same time Kagami raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t factor any surprises into our plans.  Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“It’s not much of a surprise if everyone knows, is it?”  Nino said.  “But you’re right, I should have told you, Kagami.  I just wasn’t sure if it would be awkward for you, knowing who Adrien’s crushing on now and all…”
“It’s not an issue.  Adrien is a wonderful friend.  That is more than enough for me,” Kagami replied.
“Adrien’s... crushing on someone?”  Marinette asked, her eyes wide.  
Oops.  Kagami might have taken it well, but Nino should’ve waited until Marinette was gone.
“What’s the scoop, babe?”  Alya raised her eyebrow, and Nino threw his hands in the air.
“I thought you already knew!  Why do you think we worked so hard to get Ladybug to show up for his party?”
Marinette caught hold of the hand rail before her legs slipped out from under her.
“Adrien has a crush on Ladybug?”
“Oh.  That’s all?”  Kagami asked.  “I’ve known that for months.”
“You have?”  
“Was it supposed to be a secret?  He keeps posters of her in his fencing locker.”
Marinette still looked like she was blue screening.  Alya glared at Nino, and he gave a nervous smile.  What was he supposed to do?  Kagami had a point; the dude wasn’t exactly subtle.  
“Anyway.”  He coughed.  “Our bro likes Ladybug, and she’s coming to his party, so he’s going to have a totally cash money time.”
“Cash money?  You’ve been hanging out with Luka and XY too much, babe.”
Marinette giggled at that.  She got her feet back under her, and they started skating in unison again.  So… she wasn’t that upset?  Whew.
“Oh, speaking of XY, I gotta get him here to help set up the special effects,” Nino said.  “I already got permission from Phillipe.  We’re going all out, courtesy of the actual cash money Kitty Section and XY’s last collab made.”
“How did we end up friends with so many rich people?”  Alya mused under her breath.
“It sounds like the plan is in motion, then,” Kagami said.
“Yeah, it’s going to be perfect!  Adrien will love it.”  Marinette grinned.  “Thank you two for putting all this together.”
“Anything for my best bro.”  Nino shot her finger guns.
“He deserves a party worthy of his friendship,” Kagami added.
And he was going to get one.  This year, of all years, Nino refused to let anything go wrong.
Three weeks later, on the night of September twenty-first, Nino paced the blue chairs surrounding the perimeter of the ice rink.  His friends wove between the chairs, setting up tables of food and games.  His turntables were already in place at the head of the rink, and XY was hooking them up to the speaker system.
“Nathalie’s schedule?”  Nino asked as he passed Max.
“Hacked and adjusted.”  Max flashed a thumbs up.  
“Great job, dude.”  He clapped him on the shoulder before moving on to Rose and Juleka’s station.
“Stacked and organized!”  Rose saluted.
“Sweet.  Make sure to leave some extra space, there’ll be more where those came from.”  He continued his path to where Chloé was lounging in a chair and scrolling through her phone.
“Chloé, status report.”
“No trace of Adrikins on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or YouTube.”  She flipped her ponytail.  “You should check your tone, though.  I’m not some peon you can just order around.”
“Right.”  He rolled his eyes.  Classic Chloé.  At least she was taking her job seriously, though.  “Thanks for all your hard work.”
“You’re welcome.”  She smirked.
Her job was one of the most important.  If the media caught wind of Adrien’s location, the party would have to split before he even got here.  To prevent that, Max had jammed the wifi and cell service so that only his computer, Chloé’s phone, and Nino’s phone had wifi.  If anyone wanted to post about the party on social media, they’d have to wait until after it was over.
Everything was looking perfect.  There wasn’t much else to do but wait for updates from Kagami.
19:00.  Arrived at the court.  No sign of Adrien.
19:04. Adrien has arrived.  Bodyguard bribed and driving away.
19:05. En route to ice rink.  Adrien was suspicious, but believed my excuse of buying him birthday orange juice.
Nino shook his head with a smile.  How did Kagami type all that without Adrien noticing?  At least everything seemed to going smoothly on her end, too.
He started pacing again.  According to Kagami, a casual stroll from the school to the ice rink took twenty minutes.  It was longer than Nino wanted to wait, but the location had to be far enough away to avoid notice.
His phone beeped again.  He unlocked it to see a selfie of Kagami and Adrien smiling wide, though Adrien was practically unrecognizable in the oversized hoodie and bright blue wig Kagami had borrowed from Juleka.
Alya’s chin rested on Nino’s shoulder.  “Aww, look at them.  All grown up and ready to rebel.”
“Psh, Kagami’s been rebelling for ages.  Adrien could still learn a thing or two from her.”
“Oh look, she sent another one!”  Alya clicked his phone.
In this photo, the two of them were pulling funny faces.  Adrien stuck out his tongue, while Kagami puffed out her cheeks and gave him bunny ears.
Nino laughed and put an arm around his girlfriend.  “We did a great job with them, didn’t we?”
“Absolutely.”  She smiled before zooming in on the background.  “Looks like they’re in front of the parking lot.  They’ll be here any time now.”
Sure enough, Kagami texted, 19:25. Two minutes away.
“Right!”  Nino gave her cheek a quick kiss before running to his turntables.  He snatched up the microphone, and his voice blasted through the speakers.  “Alright, dudes!  Adrien’s about to walk through those doors, so everyone hide!”
Their friends dove behind tables and chairs.  All of them except XY, anyway.
“What’s the point, dude?  He’s gonna see all our sick lights.”  XY pointed to the laser lights next to the turntable.
“That’s why we switch them off,” Luka said, pressing the button.  The rink fell into darkness.
Nino pulled the two of them under the table with him just before the double doors opened.
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tobiomlk · 4 years
those tsukki fluff hcs? i am LIVING. could i get general dating hcs for tobio? 👉👈 good luck with your blog - 🐸
— kageyama as your boyfriend
LISTEN kageyama has a condition where brain is filled by (2) things: volleyball and food. relationships? that doesn’t exists. you’re gonna need either a miracle or a saint’s patience to get anywhere with this nerd, whichever works best for you.
i hope you’re well aware that your luck is on a negative count from the get-go, since 1) his knowlodge about romance is next to none and 2) he’s dense as fuck. even if he’s the one to develop feelings first, he wouldn’t act on those any sooner because he doesn’t even gets what’s going on. he just goes ( ??? ) whenever you smile at him and there’s this funny feeling around his ribcage and he’s 100% sure it’s hunger. so, unless you have the guts to fess up first… get ready to simp over this boy for the longest time.
that or until his teammates ( namely, suga ) do a divine intervention ‘cause damn, he’s so grossly in love, and if kageyama was already in the dark we fucking lost him, because what does it means to be in love??? that’s not a position or a game tactic as far as he’s concerned.
he even goes as far as to seek the textbook definition on dictionaries and spiel to himself like a damned mantra in the hopes he’ll get it but guess what? he doesn’t. if anything, he just further confused with the poor intent of describing such abstract concept with big words.
the whole process of realization is so agonizing and infuriatingly slow, it has gotten to the point where all da fucking team is up to date with the tragedy and they’re even making bets as to how it’s going to end ( tanaka and noya are putting all their money to kageyama not ever knowing about his feelings, ennoshita and the third-graders still have a bit of hope for their son. the first-graders are just enjoying the shitshow. )
but when it finally hits him… that there’s no better place than the one by your side and he couldn’t possibly have it otherwise… then it’s over for both of you.
once tobio is set his way, there’s no stopping him. hell, he might as well blurt it out as soon as he sees you, for all he cares. “it seems like i’ve fallen in love with you”.
but now you returning his feelings??? the most unrealistic and unlikiest scenario. his monkey brain definitively didn’t think out this far and now he’s in shambles. you’ve to spent half of an hour explaining to him that, all of it apparently means that you can be “a couple or something” and you can literally see his braincells combusting through his eyes.
are you going to clown him for his confession for the rest of his life? yes. do you hold the moment close to your heart regardless? Yes You Do.
needless to say, kageyama as a partner is awfully awkward. the boy’s barely familiar with platonic relationships, dating it’s like walking blindfolded onto unknown territory. he’s going to need you to teach him the ropes !!! ( not that you’re complaining, of course you’re not complaining )
being as unapproachable and volleyball-crazy as he’s known to be, i think many people depict kageyama as someone who doesn’t fully invests himself onto his social relations, especially the non-platonic field; because yes, to kageyama, volleyball comes first and foremost, but he’s just as devoted and earnest when it comes to his teammates and friends, and more importantly, you. once there’s something that means a lot to kageyama, he’ll give everything he has to offer, and you aren’t the exception to the rule.
while volleyball still takes most of his time and that won’t change under no circumstances, you can tell he does his best to spend the scarce time he has to spare with you. juggling between his passion and his loved one is not an easy task, but kageyama knew what he was applying himself for and there’s no way he’ll be half-assing, no sir!
at the very least, he always makes sure to walk you home. even if that means he’ll have to return afterwards to the gym, because he always trains ‘til very late and there’s no way he’s gonna keep you waiting that long for him ( you keep telling him it’s fine, that you don’t mind waiting, but he doesn’t relents “no. im taking you home first, then practice. and that’s final. now come here, dumbass.” )
he also calls you every single night before heading to sleep! he can’t stay long on the phone because he needs to go to bed early for morning practice, but just being able to hear your voice… to know about you and your day… is more than enough for him.
honestly it never fails to melt your heart when he begins talking in this raspy, low voice and you can tell he’s sleepy by the way he mumbles his words so you tell him that it’s ok for him to go to sleep now but he just shakes his head in spite of the fact you can’t see him and goes like “i still have a couple of minutes left. i want to hear your voice.” like honestly GET FUCKED !!!!!! HE’S SO LOVELY I’M-
kageyama understands if you have different interests and things you’re passionated about ( in fact, he’ll even try it out just so he can something to share with you! ), but, truly, nothing would make this blueberry as happier than you showing the tiniest bit of interest into volleyball. sometimes, the topic creeps onto your talk and unavoidably, tobio switchs to full nerd mode and starts geeking out about the matches and stuff and he’s just so giddy about it but then he freezes, and realizes he might be info-dumping you about something you probably don’t even care about, so he kinda cuts himself before going on… but the look of sheer happiness he offers you when you encourage him to go on? how his big, doe-eyes lit up once you ask him to explain you more carefully? can you possibly fathom how joyous it makes him to know he can get the best of his favorite things together?
to be honest, you’d expect him to be less considerate and act more fit of the self-centered, entitled king role he has been granted— not saying that he doesn’t slips and has his bossy moments of no filter, because he does, but the thing is: he’s surprisingly open to your opinions, too. over time, he’s been taught that communication is of utmost importance and the only way to understand others and have them understand you, and he’s firmly sure that applies to every aspect of his life. he wants you to know that, just as he speaks his mind, you’re free to do the same.
it’s ok if you argue, it’s ok if your points of view don’t match, because that means you’re talking to each other, and that’s way better than letting things sink without actual closure. kageyama learnt that the rough way. his speech might not be the most articulated or refinated, but he tries his best to get his points accross without unecessarily hurting your feelings. communication is so crucial to him, please, keep it in mind.
with that being said, kageyama’s prone to be unromantic and even insensitive at times with how he voices his opinions, because he’s no concept of sugar-coating and won’t hesitate to tell you if you suck at something, or flawlessly ignore your efforts to put on a lovey-dovey mood. but if you talk him about it and express that you’d like him to have some more tact, he’ll take the note! “tact? ok, ok. i’ll.  try to be as tactful as possible from now on and… read the mood? but i make no promises” ( spoiler alert: he keeps telling you that you suck but now he lets you have a sip of his milk and pets your head to soften the blow. )
and speaking of physical affection… god, kageyama is an utter stranger to pda. i mean, the boy is just a prude, unripe blueberry. he doesn’t know how it works, he’s not used to it, and the last thing he wants is to go and do something that’ll put you on a tough spot. your comfort is one of his main priorities, so you have to let him know what’s ok and whatnot, then he’ll start getting the hang of it. once he does, you’ll find out that kageyama is, as a matter of fact, one of the most touch-starved persons you’ll come accross with.
he just can’t seem to get his hands off of you, in the most literal and non-sensual way possible. be it small gestures like your hands brushing together, shoulders bumping, or your heads resting against each others’, kageyama just craves the feeling of your skin against his. despite how bad he denies it, he’s pretty clingy.
you’ve picked on how much he apparently enjoys holding hands, and petting your head, for that matter. you don’t know why, but his hand would always makes its way atop your head. it has even gotten to the point in where he does it out of habit, and when you ask him what’s wrong he just replies “nothing? why do you ask?”
i think kageyama has two stages while he’s on a relationship. the earlier ones, where he cannot lock eyes with you for more than give seconds before going all blushy and stiff, and the advanced ones, in where physical contact has practically become a must and one of his primary functions as a human being to operate naturally.
kageyama’s hugs are so freaking awkward at first… there’s no guides about this. does he just envelops you with his arms ??? and then stay still like that ??? what if he hurts you by holding you too tight ??? oh my god he’s even holding his breath while he’s at it SOMEONE FREE HIM-
and don’t even get me started on the kisses. LISTEN YOU DEFINITIVELY CLASH YOUR TEETH DURING YOU FIRST KISS AND YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS ONE !!!!! knowing him, he needs weeks of mental preparation and advice from his god-send suga-senpai before going for it, and when the moment comes… he goes too hard for literally no reason and right after you’re both on the floor whimpering ‘cause that shit HURTED.
“ow, ow… tobio WHAT the HELL” “oh, PISS OFF”
well, at least he has an excuse for rehearsing!!! don’t worry, he’s a fast-learner ;))))
cuddling is just about the same you guys spend all day squirming in order to find a comfortable position and it’s just a mess™ of limbs and giggles.
“wait… maybe if i put my arm around here…” “wait, tobio, you’re tickling me-” “??? don’t laugh !!! STOP LAUGHING THIS IS NOT FUNNY”
but once you finally manage to settle down, god, it’s so pure… kageyama loves to have you in his beefy, setter arms as much as he loves being hold by you. the crook of your neck? a heavingly place for him to rest his head and which belongs to him and him only !!!
look kageyama is so weak for physical affection i’m not even kidding. all you need to calm him down is to rub his back soothingly and he’ll even forget why he was so mad about to begin with. the amount of power you hold over this boy… it genuinely surprises people to see how tame he’s when it comes to you. everyone can agree that if kageyama has a weakness, that’s you.
tobio is not the one to get particularly cheesy or romantic, everyone knows at least that much. however, he has this thing in where he genuinely voices out how great he considers you to be without batting an eyelash which of course makes you super flustered because “why are you getting so cheeky for?” “??? it’s the truth though” SHUT UP IM SOBBING.
you know how slow and oblivious your boy is, so the last thing you expect is him being able to read you as easily? it takes its sweet time, but within the years, kageyama steadily learns to understand you and how do you operate. your habits, your body language, what makes you happy or upset, he knows all of it. he can tell when something’s off just from a glance, yet he’s so nonchalant about it— like it’s obvious to know what’s on your mind. now, does he know how to act knowing this? not really, but give him props, he tries his best!
with all that has happened to him, it should come as no surprise the fact kageyama can get pretty insecure in the relationship. it’s not like he doesn’t trusts or you ( god, the boy could trust you with his life ), but you can’t blame him for letting his insecurities get the best of him. he’s just so, so afraid… that one day you’ll notice how unlikeable he truly is and you end up leaving him, like most of the people have done to him in his life…
tobio desesperately needs the reasurrance, the words of affirmation, to bask on the feeling of knowing he’s so deeply loved, and that he’s no such thing as an unlovable person. i hope you let him know that, just as he lets you know how grateful he’s for having you in his life.
all in all, kageyama can be a blunt, awkward and more than a bit dense partner, but he’s striving to become a better version of himself day by day, so, he secretely wishes you’ll put up with him a little longer.
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Agrippina at the Met
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, back in the before times, I traveled to New York to see Agrippina. I saw the last production in the show’s run, and one of the last operas performed at the Met this year. I returned from that trip on March 9 and entered social distancing March 13, when the guidance came out that people who had been to New York should self-quarantine. I say the above partially as an excuse for why this review is so late, and partially for some context. Agrippina was supposed to be the highlight of my season this year. Instead it was the end.
My father and I bought our tickets for Agrippina as soon as they went on sale, over a year before the night we intended to attend the show. The plans were made, the train tickets to New York booked, the arrangements to stay with friends made. Dinner reservations made. A week before the appointed hour, we got a text from our friend “are you still planning to come? People here are freaking out about the coronavirus.” We talked it over, and determined that if the opera was on, we would go. The opera was on, so we went.
After a lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant (also my last meal in a restaurant) on the way to Lincoln Center, we made our way to the opera house. Both my father and I had been to the Met before (I had a particularly memorable trip to see La Donna Del Lago), but we had never been together. We took a tour around the various levels, admiring the history and art, before taking our seats. The curtin was bedecked with a giant painting of a wolf with engorged teats, upon which two human infants were suckling. It was clearly a depiction of the twins and the founding of Rome. 
For you see Agrippina is a story of Agrippina the Younger and her attempts to get her son Nero (in this opera called Nerone), on the throne of Rome. I usually try to race through these, but when there's a lot of distance to cover, there's only so fast you can go. The story begins, she has just received word that her husband the emperor Claudius (here Claudio) has been drowned at sea. She plots to seize the opening to have her son named emperor by popular acclaim. The senate consents and Agrippina and Nero begin to ascend the steps to the throne, but this is only like half an hour into this opera, so there’s no way this is going to work. And sure enough, before they reach their (well Agrippina’s, Nerone is a little more conflicted) goal, a messenger arrives saying that Claudio has survived, saved by the general Otho. The two men arrive in the city and everyone except Agrippina rejoices. 
It is announced that Claudio has named Otho his heir. Agrippina is furious. But then Otho lets it slip to Agrippina that he loves Poppea and cares more for her than the throne. Agrippina uses this info to manipulate Poppea into rejecting Otho, by telling Poppea that Otho gave her up in exchange for the throne. You see Claudio also loves Poppea, though unlike Otho, his love is not reciprocated. Agrippina further tells Poppea that she can get revenge by telling Claudio that she can’t see him anymore because Otho said so. Claudio storms off in a huff. I swear I am trying to do this quickly; I’ve cut several subplots already.  Otho’s coronation day arrives. Claudio, angry about the Poppea thing, disavows Otho. One by one, all the other characters turn their backs on him. He despairs. 
Poppea is moved by the despair and wonders if her beloved might be innocent. She sets up a trap, and discovers Otho’s innocence. Agrippina convinces Claudio that Otho is still plotting against him, and implores Claudio to abdicate in favor of Nerone for the Emperor’s own safety. Nerone declares his love for Poppea because why the hell not. In a scene in which three people (Nerone, Claudio, Otho) are hidden in the closets of her bedroom, Poppea rejects Nerone, and convinces Claudio that Otho is not plotting against him. Nerone, in a fit of rage forswears romantic love in favor of political ambition. Claudio calls everyone together and announces that the throne will go to Otho and Poppea will wed Nerone. Everyone freaks out, as this is the opposite of what everyone wants. Claudio changes his mind. The end. (Deep breath).
Agrippina was the first major operatic work that Handel wrote, and it definitely shows. I mean, that plot, am I right? But there is a lot to like, musically, here. The orchestra was excellent, though frequent readers of this blog will not be surprised that I lament the lack of period instruments. But Harry Bicket can do no wrong stylistically and the orchestra acquitted themselves admirably. I found the second act much stronger than the first. I think this is just that the first act is mostly set up (it takes up more than two thirds of the summary above) and the emotional pay off mostly comes in the back half, which is where Handel can truly shine.
I was a little nervous, because the reviews of this production had been mixed. It appeared that the staging was a “strong flavor” and the reactions had been intense, with some loving the somewhat madcap, updated staging, and others finding it distracting. I was somewhere in the middle. Overall, I think the staging was a value add. The director seemed to be on a mission to see how far he could stretch the original libretto to accommodate new situations. There were times when it worked (turning the racing clouds in Nerone’s final aria to cocaine), and times when it did not (setting Poppea and Otho’s reconciliation in a bar). The secondary mission of the director seemed to be to make things as difficult as possible for the singers, who by and large rose to the challenge with aplomb.  Kate Lindsay was given a particularly hard row to hoe, and my lord she triumphed. 
The cast not only surmounted the acting challenges laid before them, they were all quite capable vocally.  As I have mentioned before, when it comes to roles originally written for castrati I am generally in the camp of sisters (mezzos) before misters (countertenors). Sorry guys, it’s not personal, some of you are quite lovely. And with respect to the thumb headed henchmen, I would have rather had mezzos in those roles. But Otho was played quite capably by Iestyn Davies. I had the great fortune of hearing him sing Eustazio at the Lyric Opera almost a decade ago, and he was an exceptionally winning Otho. My heart broke for him when he was rejected by all his friends one by one and was left alone. It was one of the most moving moments of the opera for me.  Matthew Rose was a capable Claudio, neither particularly distinguishing himself, nor giving me any cause for complaint.
The true standouts of this production were the women. As you may remember from my trip to the Lyric opera over a year ago, Brenda Rae is not a new name to me. She was a highlight of Ariodante, so I was very much looking forward to her performance as Poppea. Her voice was lovely, but at times seemed too small for the house. I quite enjoyed her interpretation of Poppea though: a savvy, good hearted woman who is doing her best. Hashtag relatable. (Especially in the scene where she eats a whole box of chocolates in an oversized sweater).
I’ll get to Joyce DiDonato in a minute, but you all already know that I’ll think she was awesome. I want to talk about Kate Lindsay. Who took every curveball the director threw at her and said “Yeah I can do that; I can make that awesome.” Her tatted up, bad boy Nerone channeled Beiber, and did coke, and moonwalked up stairs while singing arias. And after all that, when most of us mortals would be curled in a small ball, she sang an aria WHILE HOLDING A PLANK. Sang the aria beautifully, loudly, as if she were standing in her shower. I don’t know what supernatural creature got bored and decided being an opera singer on earth would be fun, but I’m super glad one did. I had heard of Kate Lindsay, but I had not heard her, and, friends, I was missing out. Her voice had pop. It had feeling, it had control, it had everything. She is doing Sesto next season (god willing and the creek don’t rise), and I am ready to cry my eyes out when she sings Cara Speme.
Joyce DiDonato. I don’t have a lot to say I haven’t already said before. To quote Hamilton “Look around, Look around, How lucky we are to be alive right now.” Right now being the time when we have the privilege of hearing Joyce DiDonato sing Handel. I am so, so, grateful to be able to type the following: this was not the best Handel I’ve heard her sing. The role is just not as good as some of the roles in his other operas. But Joyce DiDonato singing Handel is like pizza. It’s just gonna be good. And this was. As always, she had the highlight of the show for me. It wasn’t one of the big showy arias though. It was the small quiet moment Agrippina has with her husband at the very end of the show. She sings:
“Se vuoi pace, oh volto amato, l'odio reo fuga da te!...
“If you want peace, my love, Banish hate from your mind!...
[My best attempt at a translation aided by three years of Latin and Google Translate]
Yes, as per usual, Agrippina is manipulating him. But Joyce DiDonato is such a master, and she paints such a lovely and peaceful image that it’s hard not to want to live there. May everyone who wants such a place be able to find it in these trying times.
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lillianeroo516-blog · 4 years
A Look Into The Future: What Will The Conversion Optimization Industry Look Like In 10 Years?
See This Report on Multivariate Testing
Table of ContentsAll The Things Forming A Hypothesis Has ChangedWhy How To Increase Website Conversions For Ecom are So PopularHow Improving User Experience Can Save You Time and Money4 things Setting-up And Calculating Your Website Conversions are NotWhat to do with Split Testing Strategies in 2021The Only Guide to Web Design Principles You're Going To NeedThe top 7 things Facebook Website Conversions can help with
A whitepaper download including some valuable information that you're distributing by means of totally free download. A shopping cart and numerous items your visitors can buy from you online. What do all 5 of these things share? They're all examples of. Without conversions a site is just a pamphlet.
Do not let that be your website. To avoid a high bounce rate, you require to take a practical method to your site. Give it a good website conversion audit: Invest some time looking at the style as it can have a significant effect on your conversion rate. Does your site appearance old or less than professional? Are things tough to discover or pages difficult to navigate? Consider hiring a professional web designer to develop you a clean, user-friendly website.
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Are they strong and engaging? Are they constant with your marketing message? Think about utilizing various colors for your buttons. Make sure your site doesn't consist of these 6 conversion killers. When somebody arrive at your site from the search engines or a recommendation link, they are then considered to be a visitor on your website.
As the visitor browses your site, they take in more information about your company and your product or services. They're moving their method down the funnel and this is when more people fall off throughout the process. Either they didn't discover what they need, they've gotten sidetracked, or something else happened.
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Either they have actually checked out one of your important blog site posts short article and decided to register for your newsletter or download your whitepaper. Or possibly they've read an item review and chose to buy one of your products. In any case, you require to make sure you're tracking all of these conversions. Why? Tools like BoostSuite utilize this site conversion data to tell you how to get more of the good visitors (the ones who become subscribers, leads, and clients) and less of the bad visitors (the ones who leave immediately).
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A couple of examples of website conversions include: Filling out a type Registering for emails or information Sharing content to social media Clicking a particular button Making a sale And more Site conversions can be any of the actions noted above. You will determine which action fits your project objectives the very best.
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How On-site Conversions are Changing the World
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Individuals will say how you require to move individuals through the sales funnel to make conversions for your service. So, how does the sales funnel affect your website conversion rate? The sales funnel plays an essential role in turning prospects into conversions for your company. There are 4 phases of the sales funnel: At this phase, people are simply finding your brand name and finding out about you.
When individuals reach this part of the funnel, they start to consider your business as an alternative. They're still researching and discovering your company, however you have actually become a viable choice. At the wanted phase, people are ready to make their decision due to the fact that they know what they need. At this moment, you can make a last-minute pitch that reveals them why you're the finest choice.
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Check Into Cro And Landing Pages to See Why Its Not What You Think
If you desire to have a excellent conversion rate, you must invest in supporting people through each phase of the sales cycle. Now that you have the response to "What is conversion rate?" you might take a look at your company's website conversion rate to see where you stand. After crunching the numbers and examining market averages, you might find that your conversion rate is less than outstanding.
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tobywulo422 · 4 years
15 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Conversion Funnel Creation
The only The https://cli.fm/rwD4qZ Most Effective Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rates Guide You'll Ever Need
Table of ContentsCheck Into What A Website Conversion Is to See Why Its Not What You ThinkWhy Web Design Principles are BoomingWhat to do with Ecommerce Website Conversion Is in 2021Most Unusual Keys To A Better Ui factsHow and Why Forming A Hypothesis Will Change ForeverSome Facts about The Average Website Conversion Rates That Women OverlookWhat to do About Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rates Before it's Too Late
A whitepaper download containing some important info that you're distributing via complimentary download. A shopping cart and several products your visitors can buy from you online. What do all 5 of these things share? They're all examples of. Without conversions a website is just a brochure.
Don't let that be your website. To avoid a high bounce rate, you need to take a pragmatic technique to your site. Offer it an excellent site conversion audit: Spend some time looking at the style as it can have a major effect on your conversion rate. Does your site appearance old or unprofessional? Are things tough to find or pages challenging to navigate? Think about working with a professional web designer to construct you a clean, easy to use site.
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Are they strong and compelling? Are they consistent with your marketing message? Consider utilizing various colors for your buttons. Ensure your site doesn't contain these 6 conversion killers. When somebody lands on your website from the online search engine or a recommendation link, they are then considered to be a visitor on your website.
As the visitor browses your website, they take in more details about your company and your product or services. They're moving their way down the funnel and this is when more individuals fall off during the process. Either they didn't discover what they need, they have actually gotten sidetracked, or something else came about.
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Either they've read among your valuable blog site posts post and chose to register for your newsletter or download your whitepaper. Or maybe they have actually checked out a product evaluation and decided to buy one of your products. Either way, you need to ensure you're tracking all of these conversions. Why? Tools like BoostSuite use this website conversion information to inform you how to get more of the good visitors (the ones who end up being customers, leads, and clients) and less of the bad visitors (the ones who leave right away).
When you're attempting to grow your organization online, you must keep track of important metrics to guarantee your business is growing. One crucial metric is your website's conversions. Conversions assist you determine if you're driving success with your digital marketing campaigns. So, what is website conversion? How can you improve your website conversion rate? Keep checking out to get more information about site conversions and find 5 https://conversionrateoptimizationconsultant.com/ tips to improve your conversion rate! If you wish to remain up to date on the latest digital marketing details, like website conversions, subscribe to Income Weekly!.?.!! A website conversion takes place when someone completes a pre-determined and desired action on your site, like registering for a newsletter, sharing an article to social networks, or purchasing a product.
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A couple of examples of site conversions consist of: Submitting a type Signing up for e-mails or details Sharing content to social networks Clicking a particular button Making a sale And more Site conversions can be any of the actions listed above. You will figure out which action fits your campaign goals the very best.
Ecommerce sites are most likely to concentrate on earning sales as conversions. A service supplier, like a plumbing or electrical contractor, may focus on creating leads as a conversion. No two services are alike, so you might not have the same website conversions as other companies. After asking the question "What is site conversion?", the next concern that follows is, "How do I determine my conversion rate?" Luckily, it's simple and easy to calculate your conversion rate.
Why Women Love On-site Conversions More Than Men
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How to Learn About Conversion Rate Optimization Tips in Your Spare Time
Of those 5000, 500 buy items from your page. If you plug that into the formula, it looks like this: Your website's conversion rate would be 10% in this instance. If you want a fast service to calculating your conversion rate, have a look at our conversion rate calculator!.?.!! Now that you know what a site conversion is and how to compute your conversion rate, the next thing you want to know is what is a great conversion rate.
The fact exists isn't a magic number. Your conversion rate will depend on various elements, including: Your market Your sales cycle Your products/services Your costs And more These aspects affect your conversion rate, so it's difficult to identify the precise amount you require to accomplish. You might require to do some research to discover what a good conversion rate is for a company in your market.
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Individuals will state how you need to move individuals through the sales funnel to earn conversions for your service. So, how does the sales funnel affect your site conversion rate? The https://cli.re/KMzEB3 sales funnel plays a crucial function in turning prospects into conversions for your company. There are four phases of the sales funnel: At this stage, people are simply finding your brand name and finding out about you.
When individuals reach this part of the funnel, they start to consider your business as an option. They're still investigating and learning more about your company, but you have actually become a practical choice. At the desired stage, individuals are ready to make their decision due to the fact that they know what they need. At this point, you can make a last-minute pitch that reveals them why you're the best option.
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Whether you want someone to purchase an item or complete a type, they reach this phase and total that preferred action. As you can see, various parts of the sales funnel result in individuals finishing your supreme action. The steps you take along the way in the earlier part of the sales cycle will influence whether individuals get to the "action" part.
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Why Conversion Rate Optimization Tips are Booming
If you wish to have a excellent conversion rate, you need to buy nurturing individuals through each stage of the sales cycle. Now that you have the answer to "What is conversion rate?" you may check out your organization's site conversion rate to see where you stand. After crunching the numbers and analyzing market averages, you may find that your conversion rate is less than stellar.
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mesmeret · 4 years
Femlux: The Rise and Fall of E-Girl Hux
Inspired by a tweet from starsshine77  Fem!Kylo and Fem!Hux with catfishing, internet trolling, Diva Hux, and crybaby Kylo.
Still thinking of e-girl troll Hux. She has a vid of her wearing novelty vampire teeth and chewing on strawberries. She looks all innocent despite posing in her dark corner set up wearing a blood soaked dress. The caption says "i wuv vegans uwu save the earth!"
She composes these videos wanting to shock and confuse as many people as possible. She loves the high.
Kylo knew her in the K-8 private school they went to. Kylo had been in awe of the snooty older girl. When Kylo got her first laptop, she started following Hux's descent into trolling and performative arts. Hux would talk on her blog about how much she loved going to school wearing a normie flesh suit and then shedding it after school.
When Hux went to college for her MBA, she wasn't very active online. Kylo was dismayed but kept checking her blog. When Kylo is 19, Hux posts that she's starting a makeup and fashion channel. Kylo is startled to see that all of Hux's old internet presence is gone. Kylo was glad she saved all of the photos to a hard drive to prove that those years existed.
Kylo is Hux's first subscriber. She's so embarrassed thinking Hux is going to show up and confront her about it. But nothing happens.
Kylo works at a cafe while going to community college while Hux is making herself look like a living doll. The 24 yo doesn't say much about her life. Just off hand comments like:
"This mascara really stays on when you cry in the toilets at work."
"Sometimes you have to wear a mask around men."
"I hate the New York stench. So I use this perfume."
Kylo's pillows get two spurts of the perfume each week.
It's around this time Kylo realizes she's in love. She feels silly that she hadn't noticed it earlier, but she's always been slow.
Hux posts a video about once every two weeks. Kylo watches and studies each one voraciously. Hux slowly goes back to her cynical, dark self. Kylo missed it dearly while others find it disturbing.
Hux offers livestreams and Kylo rearranges her work schedule to attend with an alternate account. In Kylo's rush, she chose a very fit male torso as her profile pic.
The livestream is a shit show. Chat is accusing Hux of things while Hux slings insults at them. The service ends the stream and bans Hux.
Hux's next yt video does not mention the stream at all. She's chipper and cheeky as she does a clothes haul. Kylo is in awe. If she was in Hux's position, she'd have to be institutionalized for severe depression. Instead Hux is beaming at the camera saying the day's date and how much she loves this day. Kylo wonders why and goes down a rabbit hole to discover Mr. Hux passed away last year due to a heart attack.
Kylo uses her alt account and DMs Hux that she loves her smile. Kylo stares at the screen in shock that she sent the message. But she did.
Two hours later, Hux writes back with 'I give you something to smile about, fuckwad.'
Kylo types lightning fast before fully comprehending Hux's words, 'Oh yes please do.'
A couple minutes later, 'For real?'
Kylo bites her lip, 'Please.'
They fall into a weird pattern of Kylo complementing Hux and Hux replying in insults.
As Kylo turns 21, Hux becomes an overnight sensation on a viral platform. Kylo is wrapping up her accounting bachelors degree and nearly fails her midterms due to watching Hux's daily vids.
Their routine takes another turn when Hux starts sending Kylo photos of outfits. Hux would rarely wear the ones Kylo picked.
After a stressful day, Kylo is thrilled to see Hux wearing the checkered bra peaking out of a tight black body suit. 'Thank you. You made my day.'
Hux responds with a puke emoji and a very suggestive pic of the body suit unzipped. Her pale belly glowed. Kylo wrote back, 'My whole year is made. Beautiful. Thank you.'
Hux doesn't reply until next week.
Hux becomes a global phenomenon. Kylo is worried. She catches herself wanting to type 'are you okay?' But doesn't feel like it's her place.
Then the joke that got out of hand happens the next year.
Kylo's alternate account became a true catfish in order to be a top tier patron of Hux.
Kylo declines the video chat perks but wants the bathwater.
Hux's life sucks. She's never been happy. Never even had the chance to recognize it, really. She liked things but would get bored or hurt sooner than later.
It was weird that some girl from her hometown became her number one fan. Hux had no idea until a year into talking with Kylo in her DMs. She was stupidly catching feelings for this supposed guy who was nothing but supportive and kind to her. She wanted to know who he was, but he was very shy and declined to answer.
She had been partying after big sale with the sales team when she bumped into a guy that recognized her from the internet. He simpered at how amazingly scary she was. Intrigued, she got to know that he worked at a background company. She offered to use him if he gave her the info on this Kylo Ren guy.
It was nice to vent her frustrations of being catfished on the guy. Mitch was his name? She never saw him again since the morning after.
But she couldn't confront the weird goth girl from her hometown. Hux liked the compliments too much. They kept her going.
And as her corporate job found out her internet life along with the rest of the world, she needed Kylo desperately.
The suggestive photo was a shot in the dark. She had no idea if Kylo saw her as a gal pal or a /gal pal/. Hux returned to their hometown to see Kylo from a far after the Beautiful comment. Hux was stunned to see how tall Kylo is.
Kylo's social media only had two photos of herself. One of her at High school graduation and another of her tagged in her mom's second marriage. The former photo was her at a distance walking up to receive her diploma and the other was her sitting uncomfortably.
Hux couldn't enter the cafe. Kylo's snaggle tooth smile as two kids ordered something made Hux feel like the Grinch. She turned around and stomped back to her rental car feeling like an idiot.
It lessened when she got her first brand deal the next day. Money is one hell of an aphrodisiac.
Then the bathwater...
...and Kylo pouring it down her ample cleavage. The water shimmered down the sloping belly with the filter Kylo was using. It joined the rest of the frothy bathwater. Hux was bummed Kylo's mound was hidden below the surface.
'Now that's some bathwater I could drink for days.'
She smirked at Kylo's reply: 'I am so sorry for lying to you all this time. I didn't know it would ever get this far. Please don't hate me!'
'Sweetie, I just told you I'd drink your bathwater. I like you. You're sexy af.'
'Oh. Uh, thanks. You, too.'
'I knew who you were for a while.'
'Oh! Wow. Would you prefer if I was a guy?'
'No. Never.'
Hux frowned as twenty minutes went by, 'You good?'
'Yeah, I was crying. You're so special to me.'
Hux felt flushed instead of her usual reaction of 'Oh, get over it.' Kylo was genuine.
As Hux's businesses crumbled due to a volley of harassment and misconceptions, she knew she had a golden parachute. She cut her hair to a severe pixie cut after finalizing her business arrangements. She packed up her condo the next day and put it on the market the following day.
She rented a car on the fourth day and drove back to her hometown with her favorite clothes. Kylo was unaware of what she was up to and was sending sweet words of encouragement three times a day.
Hux pulls into Kylo's apartment complex feeling dead tired. But she wants this moment to be truly special. So she changes into an outfit that Kylo loved. Her strawberry school girl outfit, her orange tabby cat ears, and her pink faux fur coat. Her feet hurt too much for heels and she wants to enjoy Kylo's extra height. She grabs two of her suitcases and heads up to Kylo's apartment. Taking a deep breath, she knocks.
Kylo answers the door in a sports bra and pj pants. She stares at Hux dumbfounded before squeaking a hello. Hux sighs, "If you don't hug me in the next-"
Kylo pulls her into a hug and Hux hums appreciating their height difference. Kylo's chest feels just right against her own and Kylo's hands are so big!
"Wait a minute... why do you smell like my old perfume?"
Kylo blushes, "I, um... been following you for a while?"
Hux nods slowly before getting her voice back, "Well, now you won't need to follow me. I'm moving in."
Kylo pulls away trying to form words for a moment, "Really?!"
"Deadly," Hux gestures at her suitcases. "I've got four more in the car."
Kylo turns away but can't hide the sobs. Hux feels a wave of discomfort and has no idea what to do.
"I, uh, will get my things?"
Kylo looks over her shoulder, "Y-yeah, I'll go clean things up for you in the guest room."
Hux's stomach drops but Kylo hadn't rejected her completely.
When she has all six suitcases and two boxes of shoes in the living room, Kylo is crying silently while making pasta. "You can put your stuff in the room to the left. I'm making cheesy pasta for dinner. That works for you?"
Hux almost objected but remembered she doesn't have to maintain her skin anymore, "Sounds good."
She moves her clothes and sees the guest bed is a twin with Wonder Woman sheets. The primary colors are bold. Not at all Hux's aesthetic. But she wasn't going to complain. Instead she threw her pink coat over the coverlet. She went back to the kitchen area where Kylo was still crying.
"Allergies?" Hux asked.
"No. You're here and it's so amazing. Wow," Kylo sighs taking Hux in. Her nose and cheeks were exactly what Hux and all the other e-girls were trying to achieve. "You're here."
"For good. Had to liquidate everything. No more internet for me," Hux threw her hands up.
Kylo blinked, "Are you in danger? I, um, saw what those guys tried to do..."
Hux shook her head, "Nah, I'm gonna go by my real mother's surname and get used to people calling me Armie."
Kylo nods and pours pasta into the boiling water. Hux moves closer, "Like my hair?"
Kylo startles but nods, "Can I touch?"
Hux nods back and removes the cat ears. Kylo smiles shyly as she runs her hand through Hux's short hair. Hux mumbles, "Sorry you weren't able to feel it when it was long."
Kylo blushed, "It makes your cheek bones amazing."
Hux wants to blurt out 'Kiss them! Kiss me!' But Kylo is already awkwardly kissing her. Hux has to tilt her head up slightly and takes advantage of her balance slip to hold onto Kylo's broad hips. Kylo kisses her slowly, gently but commanding. Hux has to follow. There's no wiggle room like with everyone else. She started shifting her hips feeling arousal burn deep. Kylo pulls away with a satisfied sigh before stirring the pasta. Hux bit her lip. She wasn't going to scream. Her stomach was perking up after the long day of packing and driving.
Kylo wordlessly guided them to the couch with two heaping bowls of cheesy pasta. Kylo kissed her forehead before whispering, "Water okay?"
Hux nodded and watched Kylo's backside jiggle slightly with each step.
They kissed each other good night two hours later. Kylo tried to give Hux the wi-fi pw but Hux declined. She had gotten rid of her phone, iPad, and laptop. Kylo had squeezed her hand and told her things would get better.
Hux believed her. Especially when they ended up in Kylo's bed the next night. They hadn't done anything more than cuddling and kissing before falling asleep. The next day, Hux's new accounts were open with the money she was able to move from her past. She could've easily lived the rest of her life on the money. But Kylo's CPA study books caught her eye. She had a MBA with a focus on finances. When Kylo came home that day, Hux announced they were going to be accountants together. Her money could be put towards their business rent. Kylo cried for an hour before she could speak in clear sentences. Hux petted her hair while watching TV.
"That would be pretty fucking awesome, Hux," Kylo whispers.
Hux smiles, "I know."
Kylo sits up and wipes her face before kissing Hux, "Does mean you'll have to interact with people and be on the internet."
Hux shrugs, "Numbers are concise aside from human error."
Kylo's smile grows, "Fucking nerd."
Hux giggles, "Yes, fuck this nerd."
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles I came across since the early February report, although some may be older than that. I am a bit behind due to my trip last week and other events, but some things here are a bit time-sensitive so I wanted to release this now. 
I am still looking into setting up a new ecommerce business forum where we can discuss this sort of news, as well as any day-to-day issues we face. I need some good suggestions for a cheap or free forum space that has some editing tools, is fairly intuitive for inexperienced members, and is accessible. If you have any suggestions, please reply to this post, email me on my website, or send me a tweet. (I will put out a survey once we narrow this down to some good candidates, but if you have any other comments on what you want from such a forum, please include those too!)
As always, if you see any stories I might be interested in, please let me know!
Since we are seeing more shops closed due to Etsy’s customer service level standards, my blog post on ODR now has major revisions explaining what we have learned, and includes some tips for staying out of trouble and if necessary, appealing a suspension. Please circulate the info widely, as many sellers still haven’t heard about this, and some were closed without having any clue this was possible. 
Mobile continues to grow while desktop use is slowly shrinking. It should affect how we design web pages. “Mobile visitors also behave differently from their desktop web counterparts, staying on pages for shorter periods of time, for example.” Other interesting takeaways from this SimilarWeb report: “[Facebook] lost 8.6% of [web] traffic over the past year alone” but increased in app sessions. 
The price of domains ending in “.com” will almost certainly be going up soon, and will go up most years after that, unless something changes at the last minute. If you are absolutely certain that you will continue to use the same domain name for your website, blog, ecommerce forwarding etc., then you might consider paying a few years in advance to save a few bucks. 
Another article explaining how people are selling thrift store and vintage clothing on Instagram, without setting up a checkout/cart anywhere. (The article focusses on teenagers, but does reference other examples.)
Two weeks ago, Etsy Support posted on Twitter that they were no longer monitoring the account, and asked everyone to use the help page maze instead when they need support. Forum thread here.  
Another trend report for 2020 from Dayna Isom Johnson [podcast links & transcript] She leads off with tips on how to get featured: “ so it's incredibly important to see a bright representation that really clearly shows your product...Do be original. I'm always trying to find the latest and the greatest that isn’t already on the shelves...Do be inclusive. ... I'm talking about models of all ethnicities, all genders, all body types, all ages.” Etsy chose chartreuse as their colour of the year: “in the last three months, there's been a 12% increase in searches for green already, and a 55% increase in neon green.” The wedding trends part was mostly already covered in a blog post, but she does also answer a few seller questions. 
Website user experience (UX) is a big part of getting people to convert, and an outside group ranks Etsy’s as “acceptable”. Many will be unsurprised that search gets a score of “mediocre” and Accounts & Self-Service get a “poor” grade.  
The migration to Google Cloud services is complete, so now Etsy can run more experiments more often, including those involving AI. (Although the forum thread was laughing at the idea of bad reviews helping shops, there is actually some research supporting that, so it is a logical thing to test.)
Etsy sellers in the US, UK & Canada who use Instagram can apply to win a trip to Etsy HQ here, until March 1.
Etsy is launching an Etsy U program which just seems a bit sketchy. Forum thread here.
Reverb (owned by Etsy) named a new Chief Technology Officer on Feb. 18.
Google does not confirm every large search update, so this one remains a mystery at the moment, since Google refused to give an answer. That means it’s not a core update. 
Another video (with subtitles in several languages) from the SEO for Beginners series from Google, on the basics you need for good website SEO. 
If you are interested in “searcher intent”, this 500 person survey asks about what people are really looking for, and what they think of the search results the end up with. Overwhelmingly, they say they prefer organic results to ads, and the majority see targeted ads that they can’t figure out the reason/s behind. “Sixty-eight percent responded that Google adding more ads to the search results would make them want to use the search engine less.” Also, a slight majority preferred text results to images, video, & audio. “When asked which factor had the most significant impact on their decision to click a result, 62.9% responded it was the description, followed by 24.2% who said the brand name, and 13% who said title.” That means that the first part of your Etsy listing description, or the coded meta description on a page on your website, has the most influence on people clicking on your link once they see it. 
I usually strongly suggest that people setting up their own websites make sure they do some SEO work & keyword research for their category/shop section pages, and it turns out that there is new research showing I am correct. “Specifically, e-commerce category pages – which include parent category, subcategory and product grid pages with faceted navigation – ranked for 19% more keywords on average than product detail pages ranked for. The additional keywords they ranked for drove an estimated 413% more traffic, based on the keywords’ search demand and the pages’ ranking position. With optimization, those ranking category pages also showed the potential to drive 32% more traffic.”
Semi-advanced: explaining the (seemingly endless) debate on whether subdomains or subdirectories are better for SEO. 
SEO study - do you really need to use H1 tags on a page? Maybe not, although some screen readers recognize them as the page title so they help with accessibility. (Etsy & many other marketplaces don’t let you make this coding choice, so don’t worry about it there.)
Confused about how to apply all of these SEO tips I post here to your Shopify site? Good news! Here’s a list of what is most important for Shopify SEO. Note the attention to setting up your category pages, which is something I completely agree with. (it’s by Ahrefs so of course it pushes their tools; you don’t need to pay for that.)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Some businesses say social media doesn’t work, but maybe they aren’t doing it right. See if you are making one or more of these three mistakes. “Understanding who your target audience is - what they want, what they need, where you fit in, etc. - is critical to maximizing your social media marketing performance.”
Email marketing also works better if you do it right, so here are 5 things you might be doing wrong. And if you like a quick read, here’s an infographic on the psychology of email marketing. 
8 ideas for getting more interactions on Facebook (detailed infographic).
More fourth quarter reports continue: Pinterest’s 4th quarter revenue was up 46% but they lost $1.36 billion, and they are introducing a verified merchant program. “Almost all (97%) of the top searches on Pinterest are unbranded, according to the company, giving merchants a chance to stand out.”
Want to tap into that Pinterest traffic? You should because “90% of weekly Pinterest users log in to make buying decisions.”  Here are 10 ways to get more attention, followers, and pins. 
Like almost all social media, Twitter has an algorithm that mediates what users see (although you can turn it off, or use apps such as Tweetdeck to get around it as a reader). Ranking factors include recency, engagement, media and activity. The article includes a few tips on how to make it work for you, but then slides into promoting its app as the solution - you can just skip that part. 
Google search ads get more results than Facebook and Instagram, simply because more people who see them want to buy something. “Less expensive products tend to sell better than more expensive ones on Facebook and Instagram, per the study.”
If you are running ads where you can choose your keywords, don’t forget to examine your organic search results and impressions for new words to advertise. Google Search Console is a great source.
If you found Instagram ads too expensive, check out this post on how the ads are priced, which can help you make decisions on your spend. 
Amazon has nearly 40% of the US ecommerce market, according to a report by eMarketer. Etsy is not in the top 10; eBay is 3rd behind Walmart. 
Sales on Shopify sites during the Black Friday-Cyber Monday long weekend went up 61% to $3 billion in 2019. They claim that the “direct -to-consumer” approach can be successful for both big & small brands. 
Japanese authorities are going after Rakuten for the ecommerce company’s push to make its sellers offer free shipping. 
eCommerceBytes’ annual Sellers Choice survey placed eBay first out of the online marketplaces that were rate. Note that this is not a scientific survey and largely covers the site’s readership only. Bonanza was the most improved & Etsy showed the worst drop (from 1st to 5th place). 
A review of that article last month that says ecommerce sites should have info pages as well as product pages, if only for SEO reasons. The author approves. 
The CBC show Marketplace did a large test buying branded items on AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Wish. It turns out that most were fake. 
Facebook’s cryptocurrency plans (Libra) finally have a partner: Shopify. The potential benefits include no credit card processing fees. 
Younger people (think Gen Z) expect to see gender treated expansively and beyond traditional stereotypes, and they expect this from companies and advertising. “Half of women and four in 10 men in the U.S. now believe that there is a spectrum of gender identities, according to a recent Ipsos poll titled "The Future of Gender is Increasingly Nonbinary." An additional 16% of those surveyed said they know a person who identifies as transgender”
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
Google employees are pushing back against the sea change in the company’s culture and values - and some are being fired. 
Turns out that the “Peleton Wife” ad might not have hurt them as much as you might think. However, their stock dropped 12% after the fourth quarter report showed a 77% increase in revenue that still managed to be below market predictions. Interesting discussion around going viral in a negative fashion.
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acrcsstheuniversee · 5 years
Good Enough For Me
Pairing: Paul McCartney circa 1962 x John Lennon circa 1978 (McLennon)
Rating: Mature, readers 18+
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of porn and sex work
Words in this chapter: 1800+
Author’s Note:
Here it is! Refer to my summary and introduction post if you haven’t done so for more disclaimers, visuals, tag list info, and more.
*Disclaimer: I do not own The Beatles. This is fiction and written for leisure. Aspects of the story will not be historically accurate and should not be taken extremely seriously.
Chapter 1
Already a month into the semester, Paul found himself struggling to keep up with his studies. He tried his best to focus on typing an essay on the history of guitars that’s due the next day by 10 a.m. but just couldn’t get himself to do it. Not like it was hard or anything; he just hated doing what he’s told, especially if it was something he didn’t care about. He just wanted to do music but having a degree is a necessity now.
He pressed the home button on his cracked phone screen to see that it was already midnight. He was only half way done with the assignment that could’ve taken him only 30 minutes if he wasn’t writing songs in between paragraphs.
It was all too much anyways. American universities have much more homework assignments than back in England. Times like these made him question whether or not going out of the country for school was worth it. There almost seemed like there were more cons than pros in his decision. He lacked resources, he didn’t have any friends or family here except his roommate/best friend George, he was poorer than ever, and must work and attend school part-time. If he stayed in Liverpool and just continued school locally, he probably would’ve earned his degree by now; but now he’s what Americans consider a “super senior” because he’s 21 years old with the amount of classes completed equivalent to a third year student. Despite the struggle, all of it was better than his father dictating his every move. 
He shut his laptop, giving up on the assignment and leaned back into his desk chair, rubbing his tired droopy eyes.
He had two classes and work tomorrow. The thought of them made him roll his eyes. Music history from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., a business class he couldn’t remember the name of from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., and work right after at a restaurant nearby as a dishwasher, and occasionally performer if the artist they booked cancelled that night.
He yawned as he got up and slide into his bed. Before shutting his eyes, he turned his head and looked directly across the tiny dorm room to his right to see his childhood best friend and roommate, George Harrison sound asleep.
Paul really needs to take a note out of George’s book and sleep earlier. These late nights are just stressing him out more and more.
“Paul….. PAUL! Get up!”
Paul jolted up right when a sudden raised voice rang in his ear. His eyes met George’s signature judgemental look. One of his thick brows cocked and his lips curved awkwardly. He was already ready to go to class.
“Ah, what time is it?”
“9:30. I woke you up 30 minutes before hand because I just know you aren’t going to get up to the 9:45 alarm unless you expect to make it to your first class in 15 minutes,” George teased.
George is a pain in the ass and a know-it-all, but Paul loved him dearly. He comes off mean sometimes but Paul knows it’s just because he’s younger and feels the need to prove himself. Paul was used to it after all this time but sometimes, that boy needs to know when his criticisms cross the line. Despite being a dick sometimes, they’re both grateful to be going to the same college together. It was one in a million chances for George to land the same US college as Paul just a year after Paul’s acceptance.
“Okay, whatever. You have a point, I guess.” Paul groaned and rolled out of bed. 
“I know I do, ha. I’ll see you later.” George messed up his friend’s darkhair more than it already was, making Paul swat his hand away.
When George left, Paul finally got ready and headed off to class with his incomplete essay.
Everyone was already seated and the professor was setting up today’s powerpoint lecture when he finally arrived. Paul sat down in the back where he’s been since the beginning of the semester. It hasn’t been a problem until a girl started to sit near him everyday since last week. When group or partnered work was assigned, she would often ask him to join her. She was kind, but Paul knew she liked him. She couldn’t make it less obvious. They would make small talk here and there---just about classes and hobbies. She was also very good at piano just as Paul was, but not too good on guitar though she claims to be.
He felt her looking at him, making him turn his head to find out he was right. She just smiled and waved. Paul nodded and gave her a small smile in return, trying not to show too much emotion, afraid she would like that too much. She already had the wrong idea but he didn’t want to be mean about it. Paul was not interested in the slightest and, he was gay. Found that out in high school and hasn’t been too shy about it since then. 
When class ended, Paul left immediately to his second class to avoid conversation with anyone. This next one was business related which is something he also could care less about. He was a bit behind in this one too, but this time, he truly didn’t understand the material. He definitely needed a tutor soon.
Not much happened other than him writing mini poems all over his in-class assignment. He didn’t even bother erasing any of it before turning it in at the end of class.
Paul sighed as he made himself to his busboy job right off campus. Before stepping inside, he felt his phone vibrate. It was his dad. Ugh, he thought but answered.
“I’m about to go into work, Dad. What is it?”
“Well, hello to you too. I was just wondering how the first month in the states have been. I haven’t heard from you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Just fine? Have you got a chance to tour places? You should send me photos.”
“No and no. I don’t want you to be sending the pictures to your friends as if you helped me get here. I know you do that.”
Paul heard his father sigh.
“Just text me when you get home and tell George I said hi.”
“Okay, bye.” Paul said before hanging up and walking into his shift.
It seemed harsh but his dad was a selfish prick. He loves to be in control of everything. He was the reason Paul came to the states to study. All he wanted was to ride the wave of success his two sons have been achieving.
In all truthfulness, Paul stopped believing his dad’s bullshit after mom died about 6 years ago. His dad seemed to have lost his way but Paul couldn’t be around all the time if he had a dream to follow. It’s been rough without his mom around but Paul had to do what he was right for him, even if that meant getting away from his dad which is something even she would’ve supported.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how irritating school and his dad were during his shift. The rude coworkers and customers didn’t help his case at all. This wasn’t new though. Paul was used to working constantly in some shape or form. The only problem this time is that he needed more money now that he’s completely independent from his father.
“Hey, busboy!” his boss called out to the dishroom from the back office. Paul rolled his eyes and went to see what he wanted.
“I have to cut your hours in half. Here is your new schedule. You’re off now, so don’t wash another dish.”
“In half?” Paul took the schedule and saw that his income now would not suffice his monthly tuition payments, let alone some money for necessities. “You’ve got to be shitting me. Why?”
“We can’t afford to pay you. I’m sorry, kid.” he said nonchalantly.
“Will I be able to perform sometimes still?”
“Ehh, sure.” he said as he continued his paperwork, not even looking at Paul.
Paul rolled his eyes again. Could his life get any more annoying? He let out a sigh and clocked out. Now what, he thought making his way home.
When he got home George was playing his computer games with his big headphones to fit on his large ears. The younger man didn’t even notice his friend come in until one side of his headphones was pulled and slapped against his head.
“Hey!” George readjusted himself then paused his game to face Paul with his eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“My hours got slashed.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope, hah.”
George frowned.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Are you going to find another job?” 
“Well, I’m going to have to because I will not be asking my dad for help.” Paul said as changed into his pajamas and hopped onto his bed.
George sighed. Paul just stared at his friend for a moment, not knowing what to say. This was bad news for both of them. George didn’t have the same financial issues as Paul did. He only had enough for himself. If George could help, he would---and Paul knew he would.
“I’ll think of something, George. Don’t worry.” Paul got under the covers and listened to his friend shut off his computer and lights before hopping into bed as well.
He stared at the ceiling and sighed, then began to think about all the ways he can make money quickly but none of it would be fast enough to pay his next tuition bill. He rubbed his eyes. It was beginning to stress him out the more he thought of it and he just wanted it to all stop for a second.
Ah fuck it, he thought before whipping out his phone and started to scroll through his favorite porn blog on Tumblr. What better way to forget about things than looking at some sexy pictures of guys?
Paul scrolled until he ran into a post that was by a male sex worker selling nude photos and thought hard to himself. It was a young guy about his age selling his photos for $25 a piece and a private snapchat story for $5 per friend request and $15 extra for screenshot privileges.
Paul bit his lip nervously. It’s been a couple years since he did sex work. All he did was some cam work, sold some nude photos, and made customized videos for people on the internet. He remembered enjoying it but there was always the parts he hated that made the job extremely draining like any other job.
He laid there staring at the screen. He must admit, it was tempting to dive in again but he was afraid what George would think.
“George… Maybe I should go back into sex work…” Paul said suddenly.
George didn’t reply. He just snored in in response. That bastard.
Paul sighed and continued to scroll through sex work blogs, inspired by the possibilities until he slowly drifted to sleep.
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aiden-png · 5 years
On Starting T
I don’t really do journals or blogs or talk about my personal life much to be honest. I don’t share much online anymore because I don’t know most of the people who follow me, and some who do I don’t feel comfortable being candid with. However, I think it’s important that I document my feelings and experiences through my transition for others so they can have the info I didn’t going in.
Today I started T. I’m on .2 mgs every week, so .4 mgs biweekly when I inject. I’ve been trying to get on T for over a year and have wanted to start since I was 16. Last year I could’ve gotten on with help from my college but I couldn’t afford the $75 blood tests out the gate to do so. I moved to a new school this year and I’m very happy but the things in place here for trans folk are far less.
I got a referral to my clinic early in September via the health center at my college and went to see them right away. They don’t do informed consent so I needed to attain a referral letter from a “mental health professional” saying I was fit to make the decision, had gender dysphoria, and should be placed on hormone therapy.
It took 5 weeks to get this letter.
I tried to go through case management at my school because by the end of September counseling slots had filled entirely until late October. The case manager met with me quickly and promised the letter by the end of that week. Then communication cut off. With persistence I finally got the letter and made an appointment at the clinic for the next business day.
I was able to get on a low dose of testosterone by request and explanation. It’s always been difficult to explain what I’m looking for from my transition, as I’m not a binary trans person. My gender doesn’t exist, hence the Neutrois label, but my experience of having no gender is complex to lay out for cis het folks.
I’ve been out as Neutrois, using the name Aiden and they/them pronouns for 4.5 years now (and the name Aiden has been legal for over 1 year too!) but most are slow to adapt to this change. My name is pretty much respected but my pronouns aren’t “real” and many choose to ignore my preference entirely and just call it like they see it—female. My whole goal of transition is to change this perception, and not just how others see me, but how I see myself. I can’t explain what I want to see in the mirror when I’ve completed my transition. I don’t have terrible dysphoria anymore because I managed it with my depression and anxiety and now it’s simply a dull ache I can ignore 90% of the time. But that other 10% I try very hard to forget about, and so I can’t explain how masculine is too masculine to others. I figure I’ll find out as I slowly crawl into that territory.
I’d be happy to stay on T for years. I might find I never hit the point I think is too far into the male binary, that may not actually exist. It’s how I see myself that matters. I’d be far happier being called Sir 9/10 than being called Ma’am. I’m only certain of a few things, like how I want my voice to pass as male over the phone, and how I want to still look masculine enough when wearing feminine clothing that I’ll hear both Sir and Ma’am.
The terminology and phrases that make up our language are still very binary, with Mx. still rarely used and no inbetween available for third or agender folk. I wouldn’t want to be called a mother or a father, I’m not really a boyfriend and certainly not a girlfriend, I’m not a niece, I’m not an aunt, but I don’t want to be a nephew or uncle really either. I ask my sisters to call me their oldest sibling, but I know it’s hard to change the words society drills into you. Just like my distant relatives I see very rarely still don’t call me Aiden, just like most people don’t use my pronouns or even call me he/him.
I have a hard time being assertive with the people I love. I want my transition to help me love how I look, because I love myself but it’s hard to accept the things I see in the mirror when I’m never satisfied with how I look. Maybe when my voice has dropped and I’ve grown taller and stronger and more masculine I will finally shift in their perception enough to change their thinking. I hope one day I will tick over into neither male nor female enough that people find themselves using they/them simply because they can’t figure out what box to put me in.
As long as there are only 2 boxes I will always aim to fall between. I don’t aim to fit into a binary concept of gender.
When I got my prescription for T I had to try to qualify my transition goals and it made me think, but I still can’t do it. I got the script and the vial and needles are in my room, tucked lovingly into a drawer for my biweekly dose. I used to be scared of testosterone and never thought I’d feel comfortable doing hormone therapy, but a few years ago I researched some more and found a few accounts of nonbinary folk using low dose T to achieve an androgynous appearance. I’d never considered this route, and many providers still haven’t.
When I got my prescription I rushed to the CVS, hopped from foot to foot while waiting for them to finish filling it in my excitement. I was surprised at the $11 I was asked to pay for a 3 month supply of needles and a years supply of T, fully expecting to pay upwards of $50 for a medicine I was assured might not be covered by my insurance. I scheduled my nurse visit for the very next day, same time, and waited.
The first time I felt nervous was about an hour before the appointment. I wasn’t concerned about the effects, but about the injection itself. I’ve never had an Intramuscular injection done before, let alone injected myself. It’s a daunting and scary concept. I’d read up and watched videos in the weeks leading up to getting T, finally allowing myself to research further after years of abstaining out of fear I’d never get there. I’ve heard several conflicting things about injections and had many questions for the nurse, who took my eagerness, nervousness, and shakiness in stride.
I asked to inject myself, something I was terrified of but knew I needed to do. I wouldn’t be coming back every other week to have a nurse do it for me. She walked me through each step, from cleaning the head of the vial, to pushing air into it to force the syrupy medicine out, to preparing the correct area on my upper right thigh, and finally the 90° angle at which to put the needle in. I was terrified, my hands shook so much. I tried my hardest to stretch the skin taught and took a minute calming myself down before I sunk the needle in. It didn’t really hurt, to my relief. I hurt my wrist with the force I needed to press on the plunger, and it was so thick it took a couple minutes to get it all in. When it was all over I didn’t bleed at all, and I smiled because I knew I’d done it right.
There was no bump, which there can be with how thick the medicine is. I rubbed my leg and felt no pain, and as I’m writing this about an hour later I really only feel a dull ache.
Online some people write about how they could feel the T working the same day, or even see it’s effects the first couple weeks on, but for me I’m patient. I feel nothing yet, and I hope I don’t feel anything for a long while. I’m in this for the long haul, I’m prepared to wait a year or more before I see the effects I’m looking for. I’ve waited 4.5 years to transition and now that it’s finally happening I’m prepared to stop whenever I need to. If I experience any adverse side effects I plan to stop right away. And it will never be my intent to stay on T forever.
As much as I want to be more masculine, I love my curves and my feminine aspects (well, at least half of them). I hope to get them back in the future, or to never lose them. I’m looking to achieve something very different from hormone therapy and pave my own path forward. Top surgery looks to be in the near future, and that’s what I’m really waiting on. T is just for myself, and it makes me happy simply to be on it.
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